#i don’t mean like THEORETICALLY murder
sscrambledmeggss · 2 months
one of the worst things booktok did was make it so enemies to lovers can only exist in a modern setting if they genuinely want to kill each other
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sparky-is-spiders · 1 month
So by the time they even meet Amaldyne will 1) have preconceived judgements (despises him) and 2) be in so deep with Eityr that neither of them have room for close relationships of any sort in their lives, but I think there’s an alternate universe where Leoshgon and Amaldyne date. It would HAVE to happen after her family dies and while Leo has the sword (aka when Amaldyne is enough of a control freak and Leo is at his most useful). But like. It definitely COULD.
I imagine it would be much like the Overseer’s relationship with Leo in terms of the dynamic, but the internal forces driving it would be different. The Overseer enjoys control and possession for its own sake. He likes that one of the most powerful forces currently at play belongs to him. Leoshgon is a tool and a possession, and a trophy, but the love goes beyond that. He’s a person who isn’t magically bound but chose to stay anyway, and the Overseer loves THAT most of all (I imagine some of that love fades after Leo loses the sword, which I think Leo would interpret as the Overseer seeing him as a tool, but is more the Overseer wanting a partner who chooses him). I think Amaldyne would lean less “posession” and mor “objectification.” Leoshgon would be, to her, an extension of herself and her values. Leo is in her corner. Leo is fighting her battles. For her cause. For HER. She loves that Leo never disagrees with her (or at least that he always sides with her in the end), that he’ll do anything for affection and validation. And even if parts of Leo want to be his own person (want to be a person) he loves having somewhere to belong and someone to love him, even if it means being a doormat for someone who’s love is very much conditional.
And I think that’s why, if Leo was in a relationship with Amaldyne instead of the Overseer when he gave up the godslayer sword, she would kill him for the betrayal when the Overseer would keep him for coming back at all.
#lemme just be pretentious about my lizards#does this make sense?#idk so much Lizard Lore exists only in my brain and nowhere else#and i don’t know how much people know/remember from my posts/can intuit based on context clues etc.#anyway for the record these relationships are both different brands of awful#like leo is fucked either way#honestly the only difference is that amaldyne theoretically gives him a moral high ground#because he isn’t fighting to bring the world under the control of a murderous autocratic necromancers#However much like eityr he does enable amaldyne’s worst impulses and feed her ends justify the means mentality#like fully uncritical of her even as she gets more self-serving and violent and questionable and rigid#idk if he’d return to her after giving up the godslayer sword#i feel like he’s pretty good at reading people he just has very skewed ideas of how relationships should work#so much like with the Overseer he’d probably get to the point where he realizes that his partner wants him Fucking Dead and abandon ship#(for the overseer the murderous impulse is an extension of love. for amaldyne it is Not)#should i tag for some kind of warning or something? i feel like i should#tw abuse#abuse tw#idk if that’s the right tag but i feel like better safe than sorry#because yeah these would both be TERRIBLE for leoshgon#anyway sorting tags#the lizard crew#amaldyne#amaldyne rotwing#leoshgon#leoshgon varmillius#the overseer#leoshgon/the overseer#leoshgon/amaldyne#<- not officially canon but a fun concept i like to rotate#i am but a scientist putting two chemicals into a beaker and seeing how they react <3
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yesiknowimshort · 1 year
this is how i imagine… TIM DRAKE
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the bitch is back…. i mean me not tim, but tim is also a bitch.
thank you so much to my followers (i love each and everyone of you <3) for waiting so patiently for me to get myself together (still shaky, so again, posts might be scattered but i will be posting!!).
i wanna start a series where i do these long form character headcanons for the batboys (and maybe girls one day, i’ve just not thought about it aha) and so i obviously had to start with my favourite character of all tjme; tim drake.
obvisouly i’ve already done a suuuuper long analysis of his actual character which you can read here, but i want to do a more theoretical one that’s not necessarily wholly “canonical” but still in character.
a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon - however, these are still my headcanons.
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- to start off with: fuck the uwu-fication of tim drake. he’s a badass who happens to also appear soft sometimes but that does not equal wimp. you can have anxiety and depression and not be a an uwu baby.
- absolutely obsessed with star wars.
- has forced everyone to individually binge the series with him at least once.
- but also love island (he won’t watch the winter season tho) and the real housewives are definitely his guilty pleasures.
- overworks himself on such little sleep that his body giving up and him fainting is a scarily regular occurrence.
- but it’s not for want of trying. oh no. forgot to eat because he was distracted so his limbs are barley holding him up when he runs? ignores it. keeps going.
- he stands up too quickly, collapses, and gets right up and walks it off like he wasn’t just on the floor (p.e teachers would love him).
- absolutely insane martial artist -which people (like most things he can do/does) completely overlook or just don’t care about. this is also canon btw.
- my boy’s only scraping average height -he’s gotta have something to back him up that’s doesn’t rely on being massive n buff.
- he can easily knock anyone to the ground in a second, yet because of his small build and mmmm relatively unhealthy state, it goes unnoticed and sometimes unused -depending on the situation’s needs.
- people always overlook him because of his public persona (and in real life online it’s usually because of uwu tim), but he would be so cruel sometimes.
- seriously -please remember and use his pettiness!
- like he’d punch jason out cold for picking up his stuff and holding it over his head… put itching powder in dick’s boxers and bed for hiding the cases he was working on… roofy damian’s nightly hot chocolate so he’d miss family movie night because damian was pissing him off… true slytherin.
- but just like a lot of the things he does, it goes unnoticed/un-delt-with most of the time so he gets away with it. middle child tings.
- not to mention he literally stalked batman and would run around solving murders and dropping off the evidence to gordon before even being a robin.
- he was on the CIA’s watch list for crying out loud!
- doesn’t break the unassuming facade often, but if he went off the deep end, he’d be gone, and wouldn’t stop until he’s satisfied -or restrained (but that would be near impossible).
- scarily persuasive -some would say manipulative, i would say ambitious. i mean he did wiggle his way into the position of robin with sheer willpower.
- i think one of the reasons i love tim so much and am so fascinated by him is because of his capacity to be a villain so easily if he wanted.
- the guy has considered murder way too often.
- clint barton’s “i could do it!... no one would know!... but i won’t” quip about quicksilver is literally tim’s relationship with villiany.
- like if he decided one day to turn on everyone… in an instant he has control of a multimillion dollar company, can easily gain control the police, has dirt on every single person, and access to anything he decides he wants: and yet he chooses to do good.
- remember -he chose to be a hero. and he repeats this fact a lot.
- he could easily have the world on their knees, and yet people still decide to fuck with him because of their naivety.
- villain tim would be terrifying.
- his childhood and a openly loving and attentive family setting was stolen from him. he was always made out to be “mature for his age” and “quiet and sensible” when in reality he was just neglected and bored.
- being a gifted child always comes with its downfalls. like being so unstimulated by his schooling and classmates that he acts out a little bit out of boredom and a craving for attention from his parents; not to mention the social rejection because he’s too far past his peer's antics.
- he’d be super socially unaware for his age group as a child (kind of like damian i guess). being an only child surrounded by adults (yet forever alone and isolated) would’ve prevented him from ever connecting with fellow kids and their interests.
- (anyone else relate to not ever finding kiddy humour funny in primary school?)
- so now he likes doing a lot of random “childish” things like skating down the halls in the manor, having a gamer chair as his office chair, playing his nintendo switch in his wayne ent. office with his feet rested on the desk when he’s bored, having bento box lunches filled with sugary cereal and roll-ups, having a mini fridge in his office exclusively filled with yakults, iced coffee cartons and redbull, being fully versed in gen z lingo (which he uses correctly don’t worry) that he uses to talk to people he works with and interacts with at galas etc etc.
- likes to leave little notes in library books for the next person to find; often mildly threatening like “i know what you did”, for no other reason other than to have a little gremlin cackle to himself when he thinks about it.
- definitely has nearsightedness, though he hardly ever wears his glasses “because they’re impractical and contacts are torture devices” (bruce practically has to strap him down to get the camera contacts in for patrol).
- when he’s not drinking coffee, he’s chewing gum or mints to counteract the coffee.
- ambidextrous, but favours his left hand meaning his already inconceivably messy quick notes are also smudged by his hand.
- hands are always cold and numb (leading everyone to believe he probably has rayynaud’s syndrome).
- he gets really nervous and tries to avoid people being able to touch his hands, like when they’re handing something to him, or makes sure handshakes are firm and quick -but still respectful- etc (but he loves hand holding, he just worries no one would want to).
- really good at taking in information and his surroundings quickly.
- often points things out to people that would otherwise go unnoticed like “your eyes look really pretty today” or “your freckles have darkened from the sun” or “they ordered two sugars with their coffee… they always order three” etc.
- he doesn’t constantly say the things he’s thinking, but they come out a lot more when he’s losing his filter from fatigue.
- he’s always apologising offhandedly for pointing out things (more annoyed at himself than anything) bc he thinks they’ll think he’s weird or become uncomfortable.
- tim is allergic to almost all nuts except for almonds (wog runs through my veins, i refuse to believe he can’t eat almonds).
- he’s not like epipen allergic, all he needs is some cetirizine.
- bc of this “relatively low risk” (as he would say), if he accidentally eats a nut he’ll usually just not tell anyone while his throat is closing over and his mouth feels like it’s been attacked by mosquitoes.
- he’ll just silently slip away to buy some cetirizine or get some from his pocket/bag.
- this sweet old lady at a charity bake sale once offered tim to try a free slice of her baklava, which of course, has walnuts in it.
- and he was too anxious to refuse so he took it and finished the whole thing in front of her.
- it took him about 20 minutes and to the point where he was crying and his lips looked like they had fillers that he whispered to bruce he was having a reaction.
- bruce was hysterical.
- like- national news “funny internet clip report” hysterical.
- he always carries cetirizine on him now just in case tim does that again.
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accirax · 10 months
Attempting to Debunk the Arei Dress Up Theory
(CW: death, a mention of blackface, and discussion of the BMI system. Spoilers through Chapter 2 of Trigger Happy Havoc and through Chapter 2 Part 1 of Danganronpa: Despair Time.)
As most of you are likely aware, it’s a popular theory that, for one reason or another, the killer of Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2 dressed up as the victim, Arei, and that you can see them doing so in this conversation.
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Because Veronika brings up Teruko’s prosopagnosia (face blindness) later in the episode, because Arei unusually says nothing throughout this conversation, and because the Dress-Up Room was oh-so-conveniently introduced this chapter, at first glance, it seems very plausible that this could be the twist the Class Trial is heading towards. I, too, liked this theory at first, but then I got to thinking. And the more I thought about all the risk factors, the more I became convinced it was nearly impossible that anybody would have chosen to dress up as Arei.
So, that’s what I’m trying to prove today: no possible killer amongst this cast could have been dressing up as Arei at this exact moment. And, my method is the most fair thing I could think of: bringing up a bunch of points of contention that could trip up anybody, and giving each character either an X or a pass based on their own traits and skills.
Given that there are 14 points that I came up with, I think it’s fair to say that if the character in question receives seven Xs or more (AKA 50%), it would be basically impossible for their disguise to have fooled anyone for this long. I will be giving out double Xs (XX) on some occasions where I think that someone would have a particularly bad problem.
That is based on my discretion, but, uh… so is this entire theory. The good news is that, with this one, it’s particularly easy to play along at home! If you disagree with any of my points, you could run this experiment and change the boundaries or participants to your liking. I’d love to see it if you do!
For this theory, I will be tackling any important character that I think could be dressing up as Arei at this moment. However, that isn’t everybody. Here’s who I eliminated and why:
Because we’re looking at this particular conversation, no one who is present in the Cafeteria could be pretending to be Arei at this point. I mean, I guess if Arei was in on it, then the eventual killer could be dressing up as Arei, and Arei could be dressing up as them. But, if Arei is willing to cooperate… why wouldn’t Arei and the killer just act as themselves? So, Teruko, Hu, Ace, Nico, Veronika, and Levi cannot be dressing up as Arei.
Xander and Min are dead, so I’m excluding them from this conversation.
If Arei is dressing up as Arei, she’s just being Arei. That’s nothing unusual, so we’re not talking about it.
If you genuinely think MonoTV dressed up as Arei and is the Chapter 2 killer, I have many concerns for you.
…Please don’t make me speculate even further about Mai, my heart can’t take it. More seriously, I think that the odds of this huge Mai twist resulting in her being the Chapter 2 killer (and thusly getting executed) are low enough that I can excuse her. I guess it could be that Arei was already dead at this time due to someone else’s hand, and then Mai stepped in from who knows where to impersonate Arei for reasons unknown, but… that’s so speculative that, again, I’m not going to bother. It'd really freak out the killer, too; can you imagine?
Cool! So that leaves us with Arturo, Charles, David, Eden, J, Rose, and Whit as people who could theoretically be dressing up as Arei, likely as her killer.
Before we really get started, I just want to clearly state that, for the most part, I’m not relating this to the actual theories of the timing or method of Arei’s murder. I think it makes the most sense if the person dressing up as Arei then became the blackened, but I’m not actually going to tie anyone’s culprit feasibility into how well they could dress up. There’s no category based on “do they have an alibi for Arei’s time of death” or “could they overpower Arei in a fight.” It’s just an objective look at how good everyone would be at impersonating Arei. I'm going to address the hypothetical person dressing up as Arei as the killer for the remainder of the analysis, though, so keep that in mind.
Let’s get started with issue #1!
Issue #1: Arei’s Hair Color
One factor that even Teruko could notice is if the killer didn’t have the same hair color as Arei. The girl is super blue (Arei even claims so herself in the Chapter 2 Part 1 Q&A), so the killer missing her distinctive hue would be a definite misstep. Out of the characters we have left, I think that David or Arturo would be the best at matching her hair color naturally.
Thankfully, though, they don’t have to.
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A point frequently brought up is that we’ve seen these wigs in the Dress-Up Room already. If the killer simply put this on as part of their Arei disguise, it doesn’t matter what their original hair color is. Now, this wig is a lighter color than Arei’s hair, and it’s a little curly, and you’d have to style it, and the white wig being so similar to Sora from SDRA2’s hair makes me think that this wig is meant to parody an existing fangan character… but I’m willing to ignore all that for the sake of theorizing. Plus on that last point, just because the wig may be referencing somebody else doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been used by the killer.
So, no Xs given out this time! A round of applause for all our contestants.
Issue #2: Arei’s Eyes
Similarly, if you showed up dressed as Arei without her beautiful cerulean orbs, a lot of people would probably notice that something was up. J, Whit, and debatably Arturo pass this one for having blue eyes themselves.
The frequent counterpoint to this is similar to the wigs– the Dress-Up Room could easily contain colored contacts which could allow anybody to make their eyes blue. So, let’s talk about the Dress-Up Room.
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This is what it looks like in full. As you can see, it’s mostly clothes. Teruko calls it “a boutique,” and Whit and Hu only mention getting “new clothes,” implying that there’s mostly only clothes in this room. However, it’s not only clothes, because Teruko has this to say:
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Teruko mentions things besides clothes in this room, but has nothing to say about contacts or makeup. If they do exist, I think it would have to be in this dresser area, either in the drawers or in the pink box.
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Now, I don’t think it’s impossible that there could be contacts in either of these places, which is why I’m giving people who don’t have blue eyes a pass here. I’m also ignoring the specific iris/pupil designs that people have here (such as David’s stars or Whit’s heart-shaped pupils) for the sake of the benefit of the doubt. Nobody has patterns on their irises or heart shaped pupils in real life (even after eye surgery), so that could just be a fun design quirk the creator ignored.
However, I will be giving our first X of the game to Eden, because of her glasses. If Eden was dressing up as Arei, she couldn’t wear her usual glasses, which she presumably needs to see. She could remedy her vision impairment with contacts, except that she would have to be wearing colored contacts to have blue eyes.
I did look it up, and it is possible to make colored contacts with a prescription. However, they would have to be customly made for Eden, which would mean that either A) she had to already have them on her at the start of the game (highly unlikely) or B) whoever created this killing game’s set specifically made colored contacts with Eden’s prescription on the off chance that Eden both decided to kill someone AND decided to dress up as someone to do it. They’d have to do it in several colors, too, because they would have no idea who Eden was planning to kill/dress up as. That seems implausible enough to me to discredit her on this one count.
You could also argue that Eden decided to chance just not wearing her glasses here. However, that would raise the obvious problem that she wouldn’t be able to see either what’s in front of her or who’s far away from her, which are both bad for someone trying to go undercover. It would be really hard for her to get through the day without accidentally scrunching her eyes trying to see something, which would start giving her away. Additionally, if Eden’s vision requires a double prescription (such as needing bifocals), you cannot make contacts for that kind of vision impairment.
So, yeah. TL;DR, it’s still an X for Eden only here.
Issue #3: Arei’s Skin Color
Arei has light skin, which you can see on her face and other various body parts in her typical clothing. Thus, anybody with dark skin would struggle impersonating Arei, because they would need to put paint/makeup on their face, neck, arms, hands, and thighs to avoid suspicion.
My point about the Dress-Up Room also comes back here. We haven’t seen any evidence that there is makeup in the Dress-Up Room, and other than potentially in Storage, I don’t think there’s a great alternate place to get it. I would believe that both Whit and Hu might wear makeup, so it would have been easy for one of them to comment about the cosmetics present in this room if they existed, and particularly if they would later be murder relevant.
However again, for the sake of theorizing, I’ll say that there is light skin paint/makeup in one of the drawers that a darker skinned person could use to cover themselves up. It would still be a time consuming plan with a high chance of failure, though, so I’m giving Charles, Eden, and Rose an X for impracticality here.
Issue #4: Arei’s Ethnicity
(This section has been edited since its original posting. Thank you to @another-danganronpa-fan and @xmicrophonyx for drawing my attention to the August 6th Q&A and more importantly the March 6th Q&A!)
Although Google says that the last name “Nageishi” is most common in Brazil (???), given that it’s Japanese in origin (as are Arei, Fuyuko, and Natusko’s names), I’m pretty sure that Arei is Japanese. And many of the other students… are not.
Look, I don’t want to bring real world politics into silly anime murder theory, but I really, really doubt that the creator would want to have a person of one race dress up as someone of another race, especially for characters who would have to change their skin tone. It’s not as obviously bad as a character straight up doing blackface, but it’s close enough that I think the creator would know to avoid putting that beat into their story. I’m tempted to give characters that fail here a double X, but since it’s technically only my opinion, I’ll leave it at one.
Now, I am assuming characters’ ethnicities here based on last names, which isn’t a foolproof plan. It doesn’t account for characters who are adopted, or who have a mixed race lineage. Still, I think that, combined with their designs, it’s the best we have to go off of.
Therefore, I’m giving an X to Arturo (likely caucasian), Charles (confirmed Hispanic), J (confirmed Hispanic), and Rose (French last name, but given that she is obviously black I would say likely Afro-French/potentially Creole?). Because David (likely Vietnamese) is still East Asian, I’m letting him slide; same with Whit (confirmed caucasian/asian). Although Eden's skin tone still troubles me, I try not to penalize or benefit characters multiple times for the same trait. Thus, because Eden is canonically half black and half Japanese, she will also not get an X.
I truly hope that I did not offend anybody with this section. If I said something incorrect, please let me know so that I can apologize and either correct it or remove this section as quickly as possible.
Issue #5: Arei’s Height
Arei is 5’7” (170 cm), so for the killer to impersonate her, they’d have to be somewhere around her height. I know that the Arei we saw was probably sitting down, but like… the killer would still have to walk to and away from the table to get there, which means people could have seen them standing. Not to mention, your height still shows when you’re sitting down if it’s off enough.
I think that being one inch (2.5 cm) off in either direction would be enough to bypass most people (we’ll get to that), so anyone in the 5’6”-5’8” (167-173 cm) range could pull it off. Therefore, J passes at a perfect 5’7” (170 cm), and so does Whit (5’6”/167 cm). Arturo (6’3”/190 cm) gets our first XX here for being literally over half a foot (15 cm) off. Eden just barely avoids being half a foot off at 5’2” (157 cm), so she gets an X. So do Charles (5’9”/175 cm), David (5’9”/175 cm), and Rose (5’4”/162 cm).
Issue #6: Arei’s Weight
I bring in this point mostly to communicate how likely it is that the killer could properly fit into Arei’s clothes. If the killer weighed too much more than Arei, then the clothes would be too tight, and if they weighed too much less than Arei, the clothes would be super baggy.
The best way I figured I could analyze this is to use a Body Mass Index (BMI) chart, which, if you didn’t know, is a ratio doctors use to compare people’s heights to their weights to determine whether or not they may be over- or underweight. Now, there have been several critiques of the BMI system, particularly regarding athletes– muscle is more dense than fat, so some of the fittest people in the world classify as morbidly obese under the system. It also wasn’t designed for anime characters with unrealistic weight expectations (seriously how tf was Mukuro 5’7”/169 cm and 97 lbs/44 kg she should've been DEAD long before the Spears of Gungir).
Because of how unreliable this method is, I won’t be giving any characters XX on this one no matter how far off they are. However, I will be giving one X to anybody who is more than two points off of Arei’s BMI. Because Arei clocks in at 19.5, that means anyone in the range of 17.5-21.5 would be safe.
Weirdly enough, with that range, the only two people who get an X in the weight category are the same people who passed the height category, J (22) and Whit (22). Arturo (21.5), Charles (21), David (21), Eden (20), and Rose (20) all have fairly similar proportions to Arei.
Issue #7: Arei’s Build
Speaking of muscles, Arei’s the Ultimate Bowler, dammit! She’s a professional athlete, and Rose even points out her strength during the arm wrestling contest.
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Although I don’t think that the killer would need to expect to demonstrate Arei’s strength (or especially her bowling skills) when in disguise, you can still gauge how muscular someone is just from looking at them. For example, were Levi an option, he would be way too muscular to pass off as Arei.
This point becomes a lot easier to score with the official strength chart that the creator released in the Chapter 2 Part 1 Q&A!
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I know that the creator warned us to not take this diagram too seriously, but for the sake of fun speculation, I think that this semi-canon material is the best we have to go off of. Not to mention, each section is only one point out of fourteen overall. If we're a little off here, it'll be okay.
Besides, I suspect that they put in that warning more so for people who do intense math about crime theories (like people who calculate that anyone who lifted Arei’s body using a single pulley system would have to be able to lift approximately 64 lbs/29 kg what who said that). It's understandable if they didn’t complete a physics thesis paper on exactly how a drop of blood would fall on a cashmere sweater when it’s a humid July day and the victim ate sauerkraut ice cream earlier.
Jokes aside, I’ll say that anyone in the fit to average range would be able to pass as Arei at a glance. That means that David and J are a-okay. Arturo, Charles, Rose, and Whit all get one X for being out of shape. Eden gets XX for being even more out of shape than the out of shape people.
Issue #8: Arei’s Voice
Out of all the voices in the cast, I think that Arei has one of the highest pitches. Thus, if the killer was suddenly called upon to speak as Arei, they would need to possess the ability to speak in a high pitched voice to even have a chance of mimicking Arei.
You could argue that the killer would go in with the intention of not ever speaking as Arei, but you have to remember that this killer was intentionally going out and being around people so that their disguise could be seen. A simple “how are you this morning?” or “did you get enough to eat?” could ruin your plans. You could choose to not respond, but part of the reason why people suspect that the Arei in this conversation isn’t Arei is because she doesn’t speak. AKA, Arei being quiet is out of character for her, and not speaking would immediately raise suspicion!
I’m giving David a XX because his voice is deep enough that I think he would seriously struggle to reach Arei’s pitch. Arturo, Charles, and Whit have deep enough voices that I think that they could easily be caught, but it wouldn't be so unreasonable that they couldn't give it a try. So, they get a regular X. Eden and Rose pass this test with flying colors. J has a lower voice among the girls, but I think she could speak in a higher pitch if she wasn’t so concerned with sounding girly, and her experience with actors might give her an edge.
Issue #9: Arei’s Wit
If “Arei” is forced to talk, then “she” also needs to sound like Arei when she does. Therefore, the killer needs to be someone who could mimic Arei’s personality to a certain degree– AKA, they need to bring the savage energy that Arei brings to her bullying roasts. After all, responding rudely is probably the best way to make sure that your interrogator shuts up and leaves you alone.
I’m just gonna run through this one in alphabetical order. Arturo insults people on the reg, so other than the fact that “Arei’s” insults might be a little more appearance-based than normal, he’d be fine. Charles has been seen trading verbal blows with Teruko, so I believe he could pull it off. David radiates so much theater kid energy that I’m sure he could pull Arei off as if it were the role of his life. Eden… is the first character here that I think might get an X. Her general personality is super nice, and even when she does oppose someone, it’s either out of sad desperation (like when she defends Arei in the second Class Trial) or in a silly way (like when she blackmails Teruko). Even if she decided to be mean for the sake of her murder scheme, I just don’t know if she has the killer instinct to come up with ruthless burns as quickly Arei does. While not as much as Arei, J is pretty blunt and rude, plus she’s had plenty of target practice with Arturo. Although Rose is very good at replicating paintings, I don’t think she’d have the energy or present-mindedness to replicate Arei’s personality, so she gets an X too. Whit has made jokes that come off as rude to others in the past (like Xander in the prologue, or Charles in the laundry scene), and he’s hung out with Arei a couple of times, so I think he could do it.
Issue #10: Arei’s Relationships
We’ve discussed somebody talking to Arei in the abstract, but now I want to get more specific. Right before the Class Trial occurred, Arei made some very notable relationships with people that were not made public knowledge– namely, her emotional reliance on David, her unwavering loyalty to Eden, and her defensive feud with Arturo.
The Arturo one isn’t really a problem, as just being normally mean to Arturo would probably suffice. But what if David came up to her at lunch, put a hand on her shoulder, and asked her how she was doing? If “Arei” started insulting him or manipulating him, he would immediately suspect something was up.
Considering that, as the evidence stands, I’m pretty sure no one character (other than Arei) definitely knew about all three of these relationships prior to the Class Trial, I could give everyone an X. However, there is a way you can bypass this– if the killer was confident that they knew about the way Arei felt about everyone, even if they were actually wrong.
I was already going to give Eden, David, and Arturo a pass for knowing about at least some of the relationships, but under this lens, it’s even more believable. Eden is in the best position, given that she knows about herself and Arturo, and at least saw David there when she ran away. Given that Arei thought of her as a friend, it’s also possible that Arei would have mentioned to Eden that David was the one who motivated her to defend Eden. David knew about Arei’s relationship with himself, and knew that she planned to patch things up with Eden. He didn’t have any reason to suspect anything weird with Arturo, but again, the relationship didn’t change all that much. Arturo would have struggled with David, but he at least knew about himself and Eden. I believe he could have been overly confident in assuming that Arei hated everyone other than Eden, so I’ll let him slide.
However, I think Charles, Whit, Rose, and J would all get an X. Charles is a smart guy who I can’t remember ever talking to Arei one on one, so I find it hard to believe that he believed he knew everything there was to know about Arei’s relationships. Whit spent more time with Arei, but he’s also more emotionally aware– he knows how complex people are, and therefore probably wouldn’t bank on nailing how Arei feels when he’s spent so much time off with Charles. Rose is often asleep and therefore misses out on a lot of the daily life. She sometimes can’t even remember who people are period, so I doubt she’d have the confidence to believe she understood Arei’s relationships. J is definitely the closest on this point, given that she’s interacted with Arei a decent amount and is pretty confident in herself. However, she’s pretty practical (just like her effects), so it’s still enough of a stretch that I’d give her the X.
Issue #11: The Killer’s Skill
This category asks, “how much does this plan rely on the talents included in the killer’s own Ultimate ability?” Don’t get me wrong– not every case, canon or fanon, needs to utilize part of the killer’s Ultimate talent. For instance, Mondo didn’t use any skills involved in being the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader when he killed Chihiro, unless you count his overall strength and attitude.
I’m actually asking this because I think that the disguise plan makes a lot of sense with J’s talent, the Ultimate Effects Artist. As I’ve explained before, J specializes in practical theater effects, which would make her far and away the best at pulling off the visual magic needed to make herself look like Arei. So, what of everyone else?
Think about it this way: imagine if you were playing the first case of Trigger Happy Havoc, and you learn that the blackened threw Hiro’s crystal ball at the buttons to make the Trash Room open. Then, you deduce, aha! Taka must be the culprit! In this universe, you’re right, and Taka is executed. But, wouldn’t it be weird if Taka committed the crime doing something that lined up exactly with Leon’s skill, and there was no focus given to it at all?
If someone was killing Arei and using J’s talent to do it, I would expect that they would be doing it with the intention of framing J. And I don’t think that anything else in this case purposefully makes it look like J did it, even if J actually did do it. Thus, I feel justified in giving Arturo, Charles, David, Eden, Rose, and Whit Xs for this category.
Issue #12: The Killer’s Absence
In my mind, the theoretical point of dressing up as Arei is so that, if you killed or otherwise incapacitated Arei earlier in the murder process, nobody would find it suspicious that she was gone. That, of course, raises another question– what if people find it suspicious that you are gone? Because of that, I think that the killer is someone who would have to be able to slip away from the group relatively unnoticed.
Charles and Whit are giving each other Xs here. Since the beginning of Chapter 2, it seems like these two hang out with each other pretty much 24/7. If one of them was gone, the other would certainly notice. (I’m excluding the possibility of one of them being an accomplice for the other because I find it incredibly implausible for actual murder- and character-related reasons.) Not to mention the incredibly gay funny sequence of events in the second Class Trial where David questions if anybody could really have a solid alibi for the entire day, then Charles says that he was with Whit for the entire day, and David doesn’t even bat an eye. In theory, this also means that Charles and Whit were actually together for the entire day, which means that it probably should be impossible for either of them to have been Arei during the scene at lunch. ...Oops?. Speaking of spending the day together, though…
J and Arturo are also exchanging Xs. If J was busy dressing up as Arei all day, Arturo would have been roaming the halls calling her name. And even if J would enjoy Arturo being gone for a day, she would certainly remember it. She even says as much in the Class Trial:
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Given that the “that time period” J is talking about is around 7:30 PM, it’s not fully impossible that either of them could have been Arei at lunch. However, they would still both generally notice the absence of the other, so they get an X.
I think Eden, David, and Rose all get passes, though. Eden is a generally sociable person who likes to talk to others, but she doesn’t have one particular person she’s attached to as much as Charles and Whit/J and Arturo are. The person who would probably be most likely to notice would either be Arei, but she would be dead/incapacitated, or Hu, who was dealing with Nico and Ace at the time. Plus, if she was absent from one conversation, people would probably just assume she was talking to someone else somewhere else. David also generally seemed to get along with people, but also seemed to spend a lot of time alone. Rose… really doesn’t have a lot of close friends, and also isn’t much of a talker. If she was gone, people would probably just assume she was off sleeping somewhere.
Issue #13: The Arturo Pass
Arturo is a plastic surgeon, a profession which looks at the smallest details of a person’s face and tweaks them, even in slight ways, to make them look their conventional best. Or, essentially, if something is even the slightest bit off about Arei’s face, Arturo could probably pick it up from a mile away.
Now, I know that Arturo did not appear in the specific conversation in which Teruko saw “Arei” being quiet. However, there’s no reason that the killer would have to believe that they couldn’t run into Arturo unless they were Arturo, right? Anybody could come into the Cafeteria, so unless the killer did something to stop him, Arturo could have come, too. Since we can’t prove that Arturo and the killer meeting did or didn’t happen, I think we have to assume it was a possibility.
Therefore, I think that all candidates except Arturo fail here because it’s unlikely that they could stand up to Arturo’s scrutiny. Additionally, I would say that J doubly fails because Arturo has spent so much time staring at her face specifically. It’s possible that he could have forgotten what the rest of the casts’ ugly mugs look like, throwing them all into the pile of disgusting rejection. But there’s no way that he wouldn’t be able to recognize Julia’s glowing beauty under the makeup and clothing that makes her look horrifying.
To summarize, Arturo passes his own check because he would have no reason to call himself out, J gets a XX because of how tuned in Arturo is to how she looks, and everybody else (Charles, David, Eden, Rose, Whit) gets a regular X for being ugly in their own unique ways.
Issue #14: The Rose Pass
Same as before, except even worse. Remember when I said we were coming back to the “one inch in either direction could fool most people” thing? We know that Rose can canonically notice 1/16th in (0.16 cm) growths in people, so having literally anything off here could spell death.
I am aware that Rose is sleepy, forgets what people look like sometimes, and is somewhat absent minded. So, let me address those concerns as best I can.
For the first, recall that this is the day where Teruko wakes up four hours late. Therefore, when she enters the Cafeteria, it’s actually closer to noon than it is to morning. Even if the killer was only dressed up as Arei around the time of that meal, we already know that she was awake at that time– Teruko leaves the Cafeteria and runs into Rose around the Gym directly afterward.
For the second and third, we only know that she only forgot about who J was before the first Class Trial. I would expect that after a murder actually occurred, she would be much more aware of her surroundings, and more likely to remember what people look like. She has nightmares about the trial and execution, which every student (except Xander) attended. With her photographic memory, I would expect that she would remember exactly what they looked like at that time. Not to mention that, under my system, everybody has at least one unrelated X. Those are all things that would stick out, which Rose is much more likely to notice than something that’s normal.
That’s my longwinded way to explain that pretty much everyone (Arturo, Charles, David, Eden, J, Whit) is getting an X here. Rose doesn’t because she, again, would not have to worry about running into herself.
The Grand Summary!
So, in the end, we see that (drumroll please…)
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Ahem. Well, with my analysis today, we have proven that nobody in the cast could have been dressing up as Arei at the time of that lunch conversation… other than David fucking Chiem, apparently. Now, keep in mind that he is just barely hitting under fifty percent here, and that he double failed on the voice.
But, uh, there you go, swap theorists. If anybody was going to swap with Arei, it would have been David. I look forward to seeing everybody’s theories about how David is the true killer of Chapter 2 via crossdressing.
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Tip: I am so fucking mad. See ya, everybody– thanks for reading!
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sunlightandsuffering · 2 months
Feminist and The Fratboy AU
THEORETICALLY, I COULD WRITE MORE BUT AS OF RN I KIND OF LIKE HOW IT'S ENDED AND STUFF?? it's not as smutty as i wanted but y'all i really think this is the essence of them, feminist mikasa and fratboy eren WE DO LOVE
She’s sitting in his room, lazily turning herself in loops on his desk chair, spinning around over and over again. And isn’t that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 
And yet here she fucking is, in the bedroom of one Eren Yeager, expecting it to play out differently than it has the hundred or so other times she’s been in this exact position. 
Her socked foot taps against the edge of his desk once more, giving her the momentum she needs for one more spin– but she’s stopped. 
Eren is glaring at her, his own foot wedged harshly between her and the desk, “No more.” She winces, definition of fucking insanity. 
“I should go,” Mikasa tells him, sitting up from the comfort of her swivel chair, she should at least pretend she wants to leave, that she has some dignity. “No, we have to work on our gender women’s studies assignment, I need a good mark if I don’t want to worry about the final.” Mikasa glares at him miserably, slumping back into the comfort of the plush high-backed swivel chair, the one she is sure is used for all too much video gaming, “You could, you know apply yourself, that might help.” Eren shoots her an unimpressed look, “Why would I do that when I have an angry little feminist at my beck and call.”
This time she stands up, fully intending to leave, but Eren shoves her back, his foot on her thigh, dumping her right back into her chair, “Relax, Miki, I didn’t mean it.” Debatable. 
She quirks an eyebrow at him, irritated, and a smirk tugs at Eren’s lips, those smug, full lips that she loves to kiss way too much, he’s so fucking irritating.
“Don’t be so sensitive.” She could murder him right now, in cold blood, and ruin his mother’s perfectly beige carpet.
For a moment she considers it, her eyes flickering toward the butter knife, lying innocently on the dirty plate on his desk. It’s probably from before she got here, when Mama’s boy eating his dinner at his desk, like a fucking king. 
Her face twists into a scowl and Eren’s smirk blooms into a full-on grin, but he must sense her rage because he puts his hands up in surrender, just before she can make a grab for the dull silver of the blade. 
“Fine, I’m sorry,” he kicks her affectionately, and she comes back to herself, stops contemplating murder, just three words from him and it’s over, her brain a puddle of mush, “You know I love my angry little feminist.” “Fuck off.” He’s practically beaming now, man spreading wide from his seat on the bed and Mikasa turns to glance over at her notebook, the list of prompts for an essay they need to write. 
“What do you think chivalry is?” Mikasa reads aloud, picking up her pen to tap against the desk, she looks up at Eren curiously, awaiting an answer from the very antithesis of feminism himself. 
“Get on your knees.”
He says it with such authority, such confidence that she’s already moving to obey before she stops herself, hands clutching the armrests of her chair. 
“What?” He doesn’t elaborate, simply jerks with his chin, repeating himself, “Get on your knees.” Mikasa hates herself for following his directions, feels like a fever dream as she drops to her knees, only to find herself looking up at him now from between his legs, that dark feral smile on his lips. 
For a moment, it’s quiet, and she simply sits there, her breathing quick as she tries to figure out his angle, and looks up at him through long dark lashes, coated in the most carefully applied mascara, a layer so thin it doesn’t look like she’s wearing it at all. 
Because despite her rabid dislike of him, she’d wanted to be pretty, to affect him in the same way he does her, for his heart to skip a beat, his breath to come a little faster. Her heart is galloping in her chest as she looks up at him, the tense set of his shoulders, the complete and total fucking power he has over her, on her knees between his legs, looking up at him, awaiting her fate, her pretty face inches from his cock. 
His hand moves and she flinches, expecting what, she doesn’t know, but his touch is soft, his smile still dark, eyes glazed over with something she can’t name, lust, desire, power? 
Carefully, he traces a hand over her face, his thumb brushing over the hollow of her cheek, before slipping up to catch her bangs. He gathers her hair back, tucking it from her face with soft reverence, his other coming up to catch any stray strands. 
He tangles his right hand through the silky strands of her, knotting it at the base of her skull so he has a firm hold, his other hand tipping her chin up roughly. His voice is gravelly as he speaks, evergreen eyes hooded, “Chivalry is holding your hair back while you suck my cock, Miki.”
Her mouth parts, from shock, or an unconscious desire, she doesn’t know, and the wicked smirk on his lips grows. He drops her chin to tug his sweatpants down, his dick jerking up as he’s released from his confines, no boxers because of course he’s not wearing any. He slaps against her cheek lewdly, a drop of pre brushing against her mouth as he lines himself up, resting comfortably against her cheek. 
She’s entranced, watching as he gives himself an experimental stroke, even his own hands not enough to grip his cock completely, an inch or so left out, the thick length of him daunting against the delicate lines of her face.
He’s an imposing figure as he jerks himself off, and Mikasa is caught, silver eyes enraptured. She takes her lower lip between her teeth, tasting the saltiness of his pre, her breath coming faster now, her head foggy with desire. 
“To me Miki,” Eren continues, his voice a low rumble that has her staving off a moan as it settles over her, “Chivalry is keeping your hair out of your eyes so you don’t have to worry.” Eren yanks at her long raven locks, a slow almost painful pull, reminding her of the hold he has on her, the literal and metaphorical grasp he has, how she couldn’t shake him off even if she wanted to. 
“So you can be a good girl and focus on sucking me off.”  
He gives her hair another experimental tug, pulling her just a touch closer, just enough so that plump lips kiss against the hard length of his cock, saliva coating the obscene length of him, a sweet massage that she has no doubt he doesn’t deserve. 
“That’s what I think chivalry is,” He looks down at her, smiling dark with mirth, almost gleeful as her lips part, the weeping head of his cock slipping into her mouth, unbidden, a movement all her own, “Wouldn’t you agree, Miki?” Definition of insanity, huh? Call her insane, then. 
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mustbemosstaken · 9 months
I know this has been said before but the people bringing it up in the art stream has put it back in my brain (Also please keep in mind this is very /lh and just my opinion based on how I interpret the story of Fable SMP as a viewer):
Y’all don’t want a Rae villain arc, you want an arc where Heyhay can play a villain. A villain arc for Rae would go against literally all of the character development that has been established for Rae.
And you can’t even have the argument of like “oh well the angst of if he’s corrupted and then comes back later to see how he hurt people” because WE HAD THAT. WE HAD LIKE A WHOLE ARC OF THAT WITH THE WARDEN.
Even outside of the Warden, you’ve got that whole Among Us AU where we get to see Rae being evil?? We have villain Rae guys what more do you want?!? Villain!Rae is a fun idea for an AU, but narrative wise it does not work in canon at all-
I agree that Heyhay would play a great villain, and would probably find a way to make Villain!Rae really compelling. But Rae has been built up in such a way that to have him suddenly “go on a villain arc” would just like,,, wreck any of his previously established arcs?? At least from my interpretation of Fable so far, the overall arc with Rae as a character, regardless of gods or anything like that, has always been about a man coming to love himself through learning to love other people, and through that, a lonely man finding a family. S1 Rae at the very beginning is a lonely, broken man with no regard for himself or those around him, driven purely by research, who is forced to take a mentoring, and then pseudo-leadership position, and forced to care for and eventually come to love the people around him, who he now views as his family. A family he never got to have beforehand.
That’s why the relationship with c!Jamie is so important to Rae in canon. Jamie is the first person where Rae really had to step up and be there for someone else. Thats why he cares so much about c!Athena, because Rae really had to find it within himself to save them and be there for them. That’s why Banner Fam, or the Breakfast Squad, or even eventually Broters means so much to Rae because he didn’t have that family when we started the story. To have him go on a villain arc and hurt the people around him would narratively break all of that. It would pull apart all of those relationships at the very foundations, and it would be really hard to repair them from a storytelling perspective.
The only way I could see it being done is if Rae was to go “evil” to protect the people he cares about, but as long as those characters are still in the picture they’re the kind of people who wouldn’t let Rae do that to himself. Hell, the man had a full breakdown because he punched his best friend one time, you think he’s gonna murder someone or something?
And like,,, it’s not even like we don’t get to see snippets of these things in canon. We get to see elements of Rae losing himself to anger and desperation in order protect others. We get it when he replaces his eye in S2 and he goes all mad scientists, or when he yells at Ulysses in S3 because he genuinely believes he needs to step up because this man is a threat to his family. Hell, we even see the angst of “his family thinks Rae is evil and is scared of him” because THATS LIKE MOST OF C!JAMIES ARC IN EARLY S2???
Season 2 really is a treasure trove of theoretically “villainous Rae” content. His betrayal of Aax’s trust with the eye surgery, the Jamie memory arc where they do view Rae as evil, delving into more and more dangerous and morally questionable Telchin medicine to help c!Athena, and then the entirety of the Warden arc where he’s actively hurting those around him and taken over by an evil goddess, like it’s all there. We have that guys!?!
This ended up way longer than I thought it would lol, but I don’t know, I just constantly see people in the fandom and in HeyHay13’s twitch chat being like “oooh villain Rae we desperately need villain Rae in canon” and I just personally don’t get the appeal from a storytelling perspective. Maybe I’m just too caught up in wanting characters to be happy lol. Let my poor little meow meow have peace and love his boyfriends and not have to be evil again.
Anyway, uh… TLDR Mosstaken doesn’t like villain!Rae except for when he does I guess lmao /j
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Hiiii how about a prompt for Further Down Road One, political marriage!Shikasuke, maybe something from an Uchiha's POV on the Shikabane-hime's meteoric rise in power, international acclaim, and political capital? And how it ripples out onto the clan as a whole?
I mean, the point of Road One is that the arranged marriage itself already does SO MUCH to change the trajectory of the Uchiha clan’s fate for the better that, basically, everything else after that is kind of a bonus. The fact that Shikako’s smart and powerful and a good person is NICE, yes, but just being engaged to Sasuke already earned so much approval from the clan as a whole that it’s just kinda… ehhhh…
Although… and this somewhat of a tangent to the prompt… it would be funny if… okay, let me set this up by saying: I don’t necessarily like Itachi as a character. When he was kind of a psychopath and apparently just murdered his entire family to test his power, that was at least a… strength of will or conviction that kind of resonated thematically. Like, what if Will of Fire goes bad kind of thing. Or the pressures of being clan heir, of being pushed too hard and too fast, would lead to a genius of violence snapping and using said violence. Then when it turns out he was given orders to murder his entire family and his one condition was that Sasuke would get to live is like… what the fuck dude. It’s both backtracking to make Itachi weaker as a character and also, somehow, even more of a psychopath in my opinion. And, like, sure, Danzo maybe used Shisui’s Sharingan to unbreakable genjutsu him into it, but I don’t think that really absolves Itachi.
All that being said, theoretically in this kinder world of Road One, we never get to that point. Additionally, there’s less pressure on Itachi to continue to excel SO OVERTLY since the clan isn’t getting isolated and also because Shisui is still there and alive to share the burden.
BUT, I do still… the idea that the Uchiha elders have been wanting one of the clan to become Hokage is something that I hold to be true unless proven otherwise. I do think the clan elders would push more for Itachi to be Hokage—because he is clan heir and so has the pedigree, while Shisui (just as powerful, literally Flee On Sight in the bingo books at such a young age) I think we’ve fandom agreed is an orphan or at least a lesser branch of the Uchiha clan.
Anyway, all of the above leads me to: Shisui and Itachi trying to PR campaign for their sister-in-law Shikako (who WILL be an Uchiha once the marriage actually) to be the new “best candidate” for an Uchiha Hokage. Like, really just them listing off all of her accomplishments to not only the Uchiha elders but the rest of the clan (who, again, already quite like her).
I also think, in this universe, that Shikako would DO SOMETHING about Sora-ku once she feels a little more comfortable making decisions—or, at least, making proposals with attached logistics—for the Uchiha clan. Like. It’s a huge chunk of territory that seems to be an abandoned city. But it’s apparently functional enough to have a community of sorts of black marketeers and a support system. Like, it’s not so out of the way of things that nobody bothers with it, which implies that it could be rejuvenated with the time and resources. I think I read a theory once that it’s because Senju used their skills to desertify the area so there just wasn’t enough food to support a city of that size. BUT, now they’ve got Shikako. And Shikako’s connections. Whether that is the ANY clan alliance or Tenzo/Yamato or upper echelons of Hidden Mist’s administration (Haku is an ice user, yes, but like he and Zabuza wouldn’t throw a squad of Mist nin with water nature to help with irrigation at Shikako’s request for free) or even the literal oasis creating ancient god Gelel.
So, you know, she’s more than proven herself to the world. And with the Sora-ku rejuvenation, already brought a level of prosperity to the Uchiha clan than they could ever imagine. “Shikako for Hokage” is not a hard sell for Shisui and Itachi whatsoever (and also, they do think Sasuke would be so happy as her First Gentleman/trophy husband)
Yeah, that’s kind of all I can think of for this prompt in terms of it being different than how the Nara clan or DoS canon clans for that matter would view her meteoric rise. Hope you enjoyed, anon.
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aemiron-main · 5 months
Henry Creel is Presumed Dead- Right? The TFS Creel Murders Are So Damn Weird, And Henry Broke The Fourth Wall AGAIN
So, in TFS, after the Creel murders happen, Henry shows up for the play, and ends up bumping into Joyce in the basement:
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But then when we look at the Creel murders in the show, Henry (who is also 12, not 14), is passed out on the floor & as far as we can tell, doesn’t leave the house.
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Which, begs the question: why the hell are the events of the show SO different from the play, and how did Henry’s fake death end up happening when it comes to TFS?
Like, it’s SO different.
Henry ends up monologuing to Joyce in the basement of the school BEFORE the play- but while this happens, Henry is also shown pulling the cloth off of Virginia’s body:
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And Victor gets arrested during this scene:
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And then Henry later continues talking with Joyce & goes up to the catwalk with Patty.
But this means that Alice and Virginia were already dead when Henry got to the school (which tracks with Patty saying he has blood on his shirt + Brenner saying Henry killed his family):
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But if the Creel murders happened before Henry went to the school, then how does THAT work??? After all, all of the papers list Henry/Edward as one of the victims. But Hopper Sr (AND Hopper Jr, who also shows up to the scene) would’ve noticed that Henry’s corpse wasn’t in the Creel house when arresting Victor, and Patty and Joyce both saw Henry at the school after the murders.
So, that means that Joyce, Hopper Sr, Hopper Jr, and Patty all know that Henry wasn’t killed at the Creel house.
So, what do they think happened to him? After all, Patty likely knows that Brenner took him/suspects it but doesn’t know for sure, but we have no idea if she ever told Jim or Hopper Sr or Joyce about that.
It’s weird as hell. And it also makes me wonder about the fact that in the Indianapolis Gazette, it talks about how Victor was found by local Hawkins Police wandering along the side of the road on the early morning after the Creel murders and dropped off at the Creel house again in the morning to find the bodies.
Becayse like I talked about in this post, what we see in TFS re: Victor’s arrest & being arrested by the local police seems to align with him being arrested in the morning. But in the play, it almost seems like this takes place at night, as Henry is down with Joyce on the night of the play while Virginia and Alice’s bodies are shown:
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However, the only time that Virginia and Alice’s bodies get shown is when they’re weirdly overlaid with Henry while he’s ranting to Joyce- Henry isnt ACTUALLY at the Creel house, which is what makes the whole sequence so damn weird.
So, theoretically, considering Henry’s weird future powers AND the fact that it’s only the audience (not Joyce) who sees/acknowledges Henry with Alice and Virginia’s bodies, there’s a chance that he was actually interacting with the future versions of the corpses from the morning after the murders/he was witnessing Victor get arrested in the morning after the murders (just like he does in the Edward timeline).
But there’s also the fact that the local cops who arrest Victor in TFS (one of which is Hop Sr) might not be the same cop who’s named as having picked Victor up in the Indianapolis Gazette, as Deputy John Snow is listed but not Hop Sr:
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So maybe that wasn’t the Edward timeline after all. Or, maybe it was the Edward timeline, and it was different cops/those two coos that are with Hop Sr picked Victor up & then Hop Sr was called in & arrested Victor. It’s hard to tell, because we don’t know the names of those cops that are with Hop Sr.
My point is: there’s something super mega fucking weird with the TFS version of the Creel murders & specifically the TFS version of Victor’s arrest & the circumstances surrounding Henry’s supposed death.
It’s really hard to pull apart because of that super weird scene of Henry walking around Alice and Virginia’s bodies, and pulling a cloth off of Virginia’s body but seemingly not actually physically being in the Creel house because he’s in the basement with Joyce (which, the thing about him pulling on the cloth also ties into what I talked about in this post re: Henry pulling off Virginia’s dress and how, as a result of doing that, he’s breaking the fourth wall wall & acknowledging that he’s in a play- the scene with the cloth is the same sort of phenomena.)
Which, re: that fourth wall break, what’s EXTRA EXTRA weird here is that while neither Hop Sr or Hop Jr acknowledge Henry’s presence at the Creel house (seemingly because he isn’t actually there & is instead in the school basement with Joyce), Hop Sr DOES look over at Virginia’s corpse right after Henry pulls the cloth off of it:
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It’s so damn weird. And the whole “Henry being in the school but also weirdly being in the Creel house” thing likely ties into what I talked about in this post with how basically every location in TFS seems to be Hawkins High (which is EVEN MORE WEIRDER because prior, the Creel house is one of the only locations that was NEVER Hawkins High, but now it is- the following screenshot is during Victor arrest/Hop Sr finding the bodies & the set is clearly Hawkins High)
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There’s also the fact that right before Henry does his weird Creel house visit, he talks to Joyce about how he was only hearing voices before, but now he can see them, he can see all of them:
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So, while his Creel house visit does seem to be some sort of weird void/astral projection thing, he’s a.) not shown in the void and not using his blindfold and b.) he’s physically interacting with things like the cloth on Virginia and c.) we don’t know when that Creel murders scene is happening, if it’s the night of the murders or the morning after & if Henry’s time travelling and d.) there’s still the whole issue of how Henry’s corpse wasn’t there & how Hop Sr and Hop Jr would’ve known that.
Anyway! I would love to know what the hell is going on!!!
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thelibrarian1895 · 1 year
The Bats Are Trolls
I toy with the idea but haven’t figured how I want this as a full fic so tossing it into the ether, do with it what you will
Concept: Stupid magic user erases knowledge of Bat family from world as part of very dumb plan, Gotham only knows them as rumors and that’s because they’re Gotham’s heroes and Bruce has TONS of magic neutralizing things scattered around Gotham just in case, Justice League knows something is off but can’t quite figure out what’s going on and Batman’s annoyed with everyone questioning him while he’s trying to clean up the mess and the Robins (Robins will be a term that includes Cass even though she’s possibly the only one that never wore the R which is sad and needs to be fixed) decide now is a good time to troll the league (possible dash of angst because Tim’s friends don’t know who he is and the poor boy needs his friends or Tim takes this time to troll them more than he’s been able to for years and Tim is my favorite Robin)
Featuring Batman on Watchtower and for some reason the majority of his kids decided to follow, because they’re all chaotic trolls, and that includes Batman
When JL asks where Batman got all these heroes to follow him
Dick: I’m his love child with Vengeance (Bc one of the driving things that got Dick to be a vigilante was wanting vengeance for his parents’ murder)
Jason: I was told there’d be candy
Tim: Batman and Gotham had an accident and I’m the result, they’re being much more careful now
Stephanie: I was told there’d be candy
JL: Do kids in Gotham not understand that taking candy from strangers is a bad thing? Red Hood said that too
Steph: Have you ever been to Gotham? If you want candy you can actually eat instead candy that’s absolutely drugged and probably full of razor blades or ground glass, Batman’s basically the only source.
Damian: I am the son and heir of Batman
JL possibly a Flash: So Batman had another kid with Vengeance? Or Gotham? How? Are there other heroes named Vengeance and Gotham?
Tim: No, Nightwing’s parent was the concept of Vengeance, mine was the personification of Gotham. *Gestures to Damian* His is the Night, her parent *gestures towards Cassandra* is Justice
JL probably a Lantern: Didn’t Batman ever learn to wrap it up?
Stephanie: Dude, gross, do you ask your dad that kind of thing?
Tim sweet stalker boy who has weird sense of boundaries: He had a vasectomy ages ago, it’s in his medical files, but that wouldn’t really stop someone like the brat’s mother, or certain others
JL possibly Diana: Others?
Tim: Did you really think we’re Batman’s only children? *ignoring implication JL wanted to know about Batman’s theoretical baby mamas*
JL possibly a very worried Clark: How many others? How many other children does he have I mean?
Dick: Good question
Jason: Depends on the day
Tim: I have the current list with me *pulls out book the size of a dictionary*
JL: Why does it say “Hit List” on the front?
Dick: Robin started it and we haven’t had the time to think of a better name that we can all agree on
 This is true on several levels, Tim started to put together the book after the nth new kid from a different multiverse to try to help keep things straight for everyone since some of the kids were great like Terry or Father Todd while others were Joker Jr. or a Talon, none of the Robins will admit who named the list and all of them have a terrible sense of humor
 Dumb mage’s mistake is eventually undone, JL realizes they’ve met more of Batman’s kids during that point than they have…ever, they really only interact with Nightwing on a regular basis and Red Robin sometimes
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literary-illuminati · 8 months
Book Review 54 - Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
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I’ve been meaning to read some of Kingfisher’s work for a long while now, but I can’t say I knew a thing about this book when I started it. Or, well, I know it had been nominated for a Hugo, which is the entire reason I grabbed it, but otherwise! Extremely charming book overall, even if let down a bit by some tonal inconsistency at the beginning. But then, I’m kind of a sucker fr the whole faerie tale fantasy aesthetic when it’s done well, and this delivered it in spades.
The story follows Marra, third-born princess of a small coastal kingdom, in her quest to kill the evil prince who married and murdered one of her sisters and is waiting to do the same for her other only until she gives her a son. This involves recruiting the aid of a clever and powerful Dust Wife, a necromancer living among the dead of a necropolis, and walking with her across the land to the prince’s city, recruiting the requisite band of quirky friends and allies along the way. There is a fairy godmother’s blessing/curse, and a dramatic christening, and a visit to a goblin market, and ann adorable skeleton dog named Bonedog. Intercut with the present timeline is Marra’s backstory, dolled out in small chunks through the first half or so of the book.
Tone-wise I’d probably call this, I don’t know, whimsical? Fairy Tale fantasy is probably the best way to put it – Marra’s home is literally named the Coastal Kingdom, and the prince’s is the Northern Kingdom. Humour abounds, though in general it’s more endearing than, like, actually funny. Fairy godmothers and their blessings play a loadbearing role in the plot. Despite the subject matter, it’s all a fun and fairly light read – magic is (despite all the corpses) more wondrous than terrible, the heroine’s fortunes basically follow a straight upward curve from page one onwards, aside from the prince himself there’s not too much of the way of actual evil around, the action scenes are more fun adventure setpieces that traumatic bloodbaths, and in the end cleverness and making friends carries the day and gets the princess her happy ending (which, to be fair, does include ceasing to be a princess).
All that said, my absolute favourite two scenes in the book both suffer from the fact that, as wonderfully evocative as they are, they both seem like they were lifted out of a different and rather stranger book and into this one. One, a detour to a Goblin Market, only slightly, and I adore well done and properly fae and alien goblin market settings so much that reading it made me want to go find a Changeling campaign I could join. The other though, is the opening scene of the whole book – starting in media res as Marra quite literally tears her hands apart picking through a pit of bones to find what she needs to assemble a complete skeleton of a dog with enchanted wire, open wounds growing more infected by the minute as she tries to complete an impossible task before the cannibal spirits who haunt the blistered land she hides within find and feast upon her.
Then she leaves, and never suffers another actually dangerous injury again, and the witch who gave her these impossible tasks tasks is in open mouthed shock she actually did it and just agrees to help her and it’s time for a roadtrip. The whole narrative takes a sharp turn towards whimsy, is what I mean. Not a bad thing, but took some real adjustment.
Otherwise – look, I know that most people enjoy romance subplots in their books. Consider it a value ad. I do not understand that at all. The romance in this book was just a total nothing, felt like it existed entirely out of obligation. Like, inoffensive? But it was tangential and minor enough not to really matter, but still took up enough wordcount hitting all the mandatory beats that I started to resent it.
Also, the protagonist is theoretically thirty, but also carefully written to be sheltered and unworldly/inexperienced enough that if you made her the standard issue 20 y/o fantasy protagonist basically nothing about her would change. Which just, like, why?
Anyway, fun read! Nothing to set the world on fire, but I did enjoy it, and will make a point of digging up some of Kingfisher’s other stuff in the future probably.
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wanderingthinks · 2 months
Lilith, first wife of Adam. Right? Eve was made to replace her once she fell in love with Lucifer. Lucifer fell from Heaven because he gave the apple to Eve. That is, Roo; Root of All Evil. He gave the apple to Adam first. He refused so he turned to Eve. 
I personally don’t think that he bagged ‘both of Adam’s wives’. He already loved Lilith, so why bother? He only GAVE her the fruit of knowledge because she was essentially going to carry on humankind as living beings. Lilith did not take it because she was already a demon when she loved Lucifer. She was cast out of Heaven already.
Eve and Lilith are both pretty similar in appearance. So, what if, Eve was sent in her place to check on Hell as a form of spy for heaven? I like to think of it after Charlie was born. Eve ended up enjoying her reign.
Lilith on the other hand, was kept in heaven in solitude while Eve was away. She too, got distracted from her motives in the end, as we see in the last episode. But when she was still newly brought there, she made a deal with Adam that Eve will not stay in her place any longer. Adam agreed, as long as all the conditions and motivations of heaven are kept safe.
Hence, her ‘disappearance’ of 7 years. BUT! While she was still…ahem, childless, she made that deal with Alastor. Possibly when he was still alive, hence the amount of power he holds. Someone cannot just commit hundreds of murders and not be caught even once, you know? That’s what I gathered from online and my own logic.
In the pilot episode, we see Alastor summoning Niffty with a flick of the wrist. That means he owns her soul as an Overlord (obviously). So, he can willingly summon those he owns as we see in the series after Sir Pentious’s fight with him. Theoretically, every Overlord should be able to do that. Even Lilith, who owns HIS soul. So, she possibly kept him around as her personal butler (lmao) for those 7 years. And then, once she finds out about Charlie’s ambitious project, she sends him down to keep her daughter safe. 
Alastor ends up breaking down by the end of season 1. Who wouldn’t? He’s forced to be out of character for so long by someone with greater power than him. And once he begins to do it on his own, he begins questioning his own ideals and morals. This, someone who would sacrifice themselves for the greater good? THAT’S NOT HIM! 
But now that Adam, the deal holder is dead, Lilith is free. But she’s grown fond of her place at the most beautiful place humanity has seen. Hence her reaction to Lute announcing that she must get her child back in line.
Where’s Eve in all this? Possibly as a higher being, remaining only in the shadows to witness all this. But she’ll come around later, as far as I can tell. 
Lilith would come down to Hell. Lucifer would instantly just fall in love all over again. So will she. But she won’t be able to tell him much about what she saw up there. Not to anyone. 
But later on she decides to tell Lucifer since he’s already a Fallen Angel. And Adam’s dead…so….
She’ll stand by Hell’s side.
Let's say that Eve is sort of like a middle ground between the two realms. Like a neutral ground, a messenger perhaps.
That's all. Had an intense brainrot session there.
Feel free to add to this I guess :v
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Why the Name Belos?
So this isn’t entirely criticism with some research and more of a showers thought sort of thing but it started with me realizing that Belos could have foreshadowed something... And didn’t. I’ll reveal it after getting into what his name actually means.
So Philip genuinely is just a basic bitch, English name. It means Friend of Horses which we never see anything of. Wittebane is actually obvious if you think about it as yes, it does in fact translate either to ‘White Tormentor” or to “Witch tormentor” if the Wiki is right at least. That’s pretty standard and the like so *shrug*.
But then there’s Belos. The name he gave himself. Now there are three ways to interpret it. One that theoretically takes into account his background, one that fits the same way Wittebane does and one that I think fits both and is a lot more sly. First: Belos is from the New Testament to mean “Javelin, Dart, Arrow, a missile”. This is why it’s more just “This does fit for his background as a religious extremist but not really for deeper meaning.” He isn’t very direct or targeted in his methods after all. This meaning would be a lot better if he were a specter, assassin, or just did a lot more of his dirty work himself to reflect the single purpose and single target drive of the items it correlates to. One could claim he has the singular purpose but even that isn’t just about murdering witches as he does reveal his goal is as much about titles and fame that it will gain him back home or else he wouldn’t care when Luz gets the title wrong. Also he’s just really bad at his goal so that also hurts the case.
The one the wiki states and that a name definer relates it to is an Ancient Greek term for Lord or Ruler. It’s like when Toriyama named the god of his world Kami. It does work, even if bluntly (though I’ve used the same sort of trick to inspire names I’ve used before) and it is imposing and it fits his egotism. Kind of my only real issue is that while he does become the emperor... His goal isn’t conquest. It’s murder. Worse yet, it’s not like the people of the Isles would know what it meant so it means nothing to them and doesn’t have a double meaning except for making title “Lord Lord” and Belos doesn’t seem like the one to want his name to be a literal joke. Why not make it a sly warning then? Have the people call him what would eventually doom them all?
So here’s the third way: Phonetically what it sounds like. Belos is pronounced effectively the same way as Bellows. You know, those things you use to strengthen and stoke a fire in a furnace. Or a pyre perhaps? And this was the shower thought: Why wasn’t Belos’ big final move fire? It is his backstory that he is a WITCH HUNTER. Witches weren’t just shot or the like on the spot. They were burned. Or stoned admittedly I believe but famously they were mostly burned.
Why not burn away the Isles, with his power, influence, etc. like that as the bellows that helped stoke the fire that saw it all burn away? If you want to go more metaphorically, why not fuel the flames of rebellion? He clearly didn’t have the most amount of control over his lands despite being a tyrant, or told to us to be one since his actions don’t actually correlate with one, so he could have been trying to make a rebellion happen. Killing Eda, the most famous wild witch, and petrifying her could do both. Solidify the terror in believer’s hearts while also enraging those who believed this was too far.
Of course that would have required everyone rallying to Eda to actually make... sense at the end of S1? Like this isn’t a desire that’s unfounded due to S1′s finale very much so feeling like it’s setting up for the entirety of the Isles to rebel against Belos when that never happens. Of course, the claims even in the show are pretty fucking weak. Like for this crime to be unjust, Eda would have to not be a know, actual criminal who did do more, at least supposedly, than just being a wild witch. She would have actually had to have had allies and friends and not been a complete bitch to literally everyone she met, including Luz and King for the first half of the season, for the entirety of S1.
Again, as far as the name goes, it’s fine. Belos works as just being a cheeky reference to him being the Lord of the Isles and it fits the general naming scheme of TOH. King is literally a King of sorts. Luz was at the beginning the light of the show and looked like she was meant to bring light to a dark place which... Yeah, that’s a different blog. Amity is amicable (as well as maybe Amityville?) very quickly and that closeness feeds into her being the love interest. Even Willow is named after a tree that is known to look sad and pathetic while being actually really strong.
It’s just interesting to me that a witch hunter’s name coincidentally also sounds like something that helps fuel fires. You’d think that’d be on purpose or someone might have noticed, though admittedly I didn’t until today so *shrug*. Again, not the biggest deal in the world, just kind of started making my brain buzz a bit.
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Surprising nobody, NoodleKittyRambles blocked me and ACP after we injected some inconvenient reality into her(?) stupid post.
>Yeah young kids can’t legally own firearms, but all these cases came from guns they got from their PARENTS.
You assume.
The Columbine shooters literally convinced adults to buy them guns. The straw purchasers went to jail. There’s also times when kids just straight up stole the guns from their parents’ insufficient security.
Theoretically, they could also steal it from someone else, or get it on the street.
Also, you didn’t specify. The entire point of your original post was that any shooting that fit the description would be damning. 
If you were vague, that’s on you.
I looked up the most recent shooting when I queued the post, and nobody said anything about where the kid got the gun.
And that's information OP didn't even have in the story. That's literally her whole point. 
So claiming her point was actually about kids getting access to guns is...odd. And it wouldn’t rebut my point about negligence being illegal.
I’m not sure if she’s lying, stupid, or if she mentally retconned her own point.
>And don’t even get me started on all the cases of TEENAGERS getting their hands on firearms COMPLETELY LEGALLY to shoot up their own schools.
You mean "teenagers who are legal adults bought firearms, as they are legally entitled to"?
>Making murder illegal doesn’t stop people from murdering. But restricting access to tool specifically made to kill others is better than whatever we currently have.
Except most guns are never used to shoot another person. And most of the ones that do are illegally owned already. 
And many guns are made specifically for hunting, varmint control, and range purposes. 
And they can kill people just as well as guns “specifically made to kill others”.
You’re also equating “made for self-defense” with “made for murder”. (Drink a sip.) And trying to punish a hundred million innocent gun owners for a few thousand criminals.
You can’t pretend your idea is the ongoing shooting issue, but also “guns scary, make them go away!”.
>Did you know that there are 120 guns for every 100 Americans? 
Yes, and? How often are guns used to commit violent crimes, compared to the amount of guns there are? Last time I checked, it was south of 1 in 10,000 or so, IIRC.
Have you ever tried actually persuading someone that doesn’t already agree with you?
Unless, of course, you were saying this to appeal to your followers and look like you’re winning.
>Did you know that our rate of gun related homicide is 4 times higher than every other country? If you combined all the mass shootings in the world, they still would not be able to beat the amount of shootings that have happened in America.
Speaking as someone from a country with a higher murder rate than America, who personally knew at least three murder victims, you are wrong. There are loads of countries like mine. 
That’s they the “correct” line only compares America to other “developed” countries. And ignores the overall homicide rate, of course.
I don’t have the mass shooting stat to hand, but I’d bet that’s wrong too. *
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This article says otherwise, but it also says the US only had about 101 mass shootings over 20 years.
Five shootings a year.
In a country with hundreds of millions of guns.
Doesn’t seem like much of a problem. 
Especially since we have no idea how many of those shootings were with illegal guns.
Besides Columbine, of course.
I also notice that you’ve stopped talking about school shootings. Or even your original argument. Almost like you’re just spouting whatever comes to mind that’ll score points.
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> #tw gun#gun control#tw shooting#I’m not gonna respond to anyone else on this post#I don’t wanna have to deal with gun loving people on this site
“I’m making posts about gun control, but I don’t want to actually talk to the people I disagree with or address their criticisms.”
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Class, notice how Kitty doesn’t actually refer to a single specific incident, or provide any actual evidence. 
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*EDIT: Since I drafted this post, I did get the stat. The top for per capita mass shooting deaths was actually Norway. 
When I told the guy I was arguing with, he tried to pretend his point wasn’t (explicitly) “more gun ownership = more mass shootings”, but  “a lot of guns = a lot of mass shootings”. 
Then I pointed to Switzerland, which has only slightly less guns than Norway, and much less mass shootings. Or Germany and France, which have about 1/6th the ownership of America, but much less mass shooting deaths.
He still refused to throw in the towel. He suddenly started talking about the specific gun storage laws both countries had - even though he had only talked about the ownership rate earlier - and refused to explain how those laws were “preventing” mass shootings. 
And he didn’t discuss Norway or Switzerland at all.
EDIT 2: Since I queued this post, I checked the stats for my home country. We have strict gun control, and a much higher gun murder rate than Freedomland. So Noodles is blatantly wrong about that too.
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findafight · 11 months
Oh I’m going to say something controversial here: I don’t know if the Munson doctrine mattered that much? Like, Eddie grew up in a shit show situation, because of that he can’t graduate properly, Hawkins has only one school so kids like Steve, Nancy and Jason can’t go to the private one, so obviously Eddie was getting like… like everything I think? In terms of bullying? Like the most significant proof is that Jason went straight for murder, and nobody escalates like that from nothing. Jason knew that he theoretically could kill Eddie, that means that they at the very least had conflicts, likely just physically fought each other. I’d like to believe that when Steve was the King Bee it was kind of chill (hence Eddie not knowing for sure if Steve is a jerk but suspecting), but when Billie came, shit must have hit the fan, because Eddie is the second most delicious target for him after Steve. Especially since Eddie even had his very own posse etc. like I’m sure that Eddie didn’t get beaten up like Steve (he is the drug dealer, Billie is not that stupid), but they had conflicts for sure.
But as soon as Eddie is in contact with the jocks that are not here to beat him up, Eddie is very cordial, nice and helpful and invested? Like with Chrissy, immediately he becomes kind and funny and lovely altogether? And with Steve, Eddie is immediately more cordial than Robin was at first, and more cordial than Jonathan ever was. Robin and Jonathan are also the characters who very much buy into the high school drama, with Jonathan being not like other boys and Robin hating Steve because she was jealous. So idk if Eddie actually buys into the doctrine or if it’s there to protect him from making friends with the wrong people.
Re rockstar Eddie: he clearly is a great guitarist and I think he is already well-known in a way, but he is not known for his music. Eddie becoming a teacher in high school or a semi-famous voice actor, maybe a famous fantasy author suits him so much more? Corroded coffin is clearly escapism, but what he is doing and what he is known for is Hellfire. I’m so sad that there are almost zero fics that explore Eddie not magically getting famous, but like. Working. Like and also he would have gone to college, the guy didn’t drop out of high school, come on. He’d be very dramatic about it but he is going. I bet he was supposed to be the first in his family to go to college and that’s half of the “I’m becoming my father” pain that he is clearly experiencing.
I think the Munson Doctrine is definitely sort of just. self defence mechanism. and also completely arbitrary. I think Eddie has a bunch of preconceived notions about "jocks" in general, and absolutely does what he can to protect himself, and is not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt right away, but he also definitely is willing to change his mind? (if they're pretty)(also the Duffers love perpetuating the false jock v nerd dichotomy)Because Lucas is one of "his sheep", yet he isn't actually protective of him specifically because Lucas plays sports, s i think Eddie does hold some resentment in general towards people who play sports. (also yeah Steve was definitely not a tyrant, he just barely registered people who weren't in his orbit, coasted through) He's a bit of a hypocrite tbh, and that's interesting! room for self reflection for him!
I think Robin was at least colder to Steve at the start was her petty personal vendetta against hi, while Eddie just has what he thinks Steve is like. Jon just doesn't like people and then Steve was dating Nancy so obviously he wasn't going to be buddy-buddy with him. And then Nancy left Steve for Jon and that's another reason to avoid him for Jonathan. Eddie's just out here operating on hearsay and Dustin's stevaganda (Steve propaganda)
Jason's mob for Eddie is influenced by Eddie's reputation, but we must remember Jason was already very religious, and his town had gone through a devastating and inexplicable mass casualty event less than a year before, and, of course. His girlfriend's body was found in Eddie's house. (I just made a post about this lol)Given what we see from him, idk if he would have been physically violent towards Eddie before spring break. He certainly may have though Eddie was a freak and a satan worshipper, but that would have been reason, to me, for a good christian bot to steer clear of. Maaaybe he would verbally taunt/insult Eddie. I could absolutely see that. You're right! Eddie had his own posse, so I just don't see Jason trying to beat Eddie up?
Eddie is definitely more of a Dewy School of Rock kind of guy! He would have a lot of odd-jobs i think. love it when he's just doing what I could absolutely see him being a YA fantasy author! idk about college for eddie. Definitely not right after he graduates highschool, but maybe a number of years later? if he did go he would absolutely be over-dramatic about it.
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orb-the-watchman · 2 years
Some more insight onto/ my random thoughts about the grumpus blood head cannon thing
So I think most of you know about the head cannon of grumpus blood matching the colors of their nose, sense I’ve talked about it and that’s how blood works in my bugsnax comic. I don’t believe I was the first to come up with this head cannon nor did I popularize it, but I’ve been thinking…
So, this is assuming blood type isn’t affected by the color of your blood (which I think would be true, cause it’d probably be impossible to find another grumpus with the same blood type otherwise) but what is blood transfusion like? What is it like to be given blood that isn’t the color of your blood? what would your blood look like after?
Hear me out, what if the color mixes? And if grumpus noses and paw pads match their blood, they change color?
Like this
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Does this mean the skin on the nose and paw pads is transparent? I hope not. Would grumpuses use this for aesthetic reasons rather than because they need blood? Possibly, you definitely wouldn’t be able to get it from a hospital. I’m pretty sure grumpuses who donated blood to save someone else’s life would be pretty pissed if they’re blood was given to someone who didn’t need it. Maybe there would be clinics specifically for that instead, where people could donate their blood for the purpose of aesthetics. That seems like an extreme luxury or something. Maybe you’d be given more money depending on your blood color? Like those with primary color blood or black or white would get a pretty penny for donating blood because they’d be the easiest to mix, idk. That’s more theoretical stuff rather than apart of the head cannon…
Anyway then THAT got me thinking…
What about vampires? (Or grumpires, I think that’s the fandom consensus on what grumpus vampires are called.) would vampires be different if blood worked like that? is the grumpus vampire folklore different?
This is what I came up with. The more modern and commercialized version of a grumpire is very similar to stereotypical vampire (grumpire on the left), however the nose color is almost always depicted like a muddy brown or gray color, it’s like the color you get when you mix a shit ton of colors all at once. It’s to give an impression that they’ve consumed a lot of blood from multiple victims. On the other hand, there are more traditional Grumpires (grumpire on the right), the oldest records of a grumpire portray them almost like zombies, they’re reanimated corpses with an unquenchable thirst for blood. The discovery of grumpus blood color mixing was long after this version of a grumpire, so instead all of colors are present all at once.
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Consuming blood wouldn’t change your blood color, because you’re not actually adding that blood to your bloodstream, but that’s apart of the fictional aspect of grumpires I guess.
Is multiple colors of liquids like, scary?? Like if you were a grumpus and saw another grumpus covered and ambiguous stains varying in color would you think “Jesus grumping Christ did you just murder a bunch of people?? Are you going to murder me????”? What if instead of buying buckets of dark red liquid for fake blood you buy buckets of rainbow liquid for Halloween
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Would grumpus Halloween be super colorful? I know dark red isn’t like the only Halloween color but like if that’s like spooky to a grumpus, then why wouldn’t Halloween look like pride month? Do grumpus corporations change their social media profile pictures to rainbows not in June to virtue signal, but rather in October to celebrate spooky month??
Anyway this is just a weird barf of my thoughts, this probably isn’t the most coherent nor does everything make the most sense but this is me just throwing my other ideas out into the aether. Do with these what you will
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starryevermore · 1 year
sweet memories ✧ benoit blanc
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Either 3 separate ideas or all together into one: (for Knives out/Glass onion. Any character but probs best for detective Blanc)
● Getting drunk/tipsy and reminiscing their time in their training 
● Blanc (?) and reader on a case and one of them gets severely hurt and it’s a choice of whether they continue to chase suspect or help the other 
● one of them trying to re-enact what theoretically could have happened on a case, person b paying no attention to this, and suddenly person A is in front of them trying different death methods. Someone walking in and being horrified. Person B saying sorry, person A saying it’s normal. - anon
pairing: benoit blanc x male!reader
summary: you and benoit reminisce on your relationship. 
word count: 1,613
warnings?: minor spoilers for glass onion, maybe slightly out of character benoit, established relationship, fluff, gunshot wound, mention of murder, not proofread
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Benoit Blanc had not changed much since you had last seen him, you mused. Still had his beautiful, piercing blue eyes. Still had a brain that run a million miles a minute. Still managed to impress you with every single thing he does. It was almost unfair, how perfect the man sitting across from you was. At least he had one fault that you knew of. At least you could still pull out the fact that you’ve beat him at every single game of Clue you played against him. He always hated when you did that, arguing that he wasn’t good at dumb games so it wasn’t fair to keep holding that over his head. But with that sparkling twinkle in his eyes, you knew he didn’t really mean it. Benoit was a teasing man—around you, at least. To the rest of the world, he was the world’s greatest detective. But to you, he was ole Benny, an awkward fella who was a far shout from the greatest at anything. 
“Ain’t seen you in a while,” he said, looking at you over the rim of his glass as he took a long sip of his drink. He set the glass down, smacking his lips. “You solve any good mysteries lately?”
“Nothing as great as you,” you said. “I mean, showing the world that Miles Brown is a complete nitwit? You’re really taking that whole eat-the-rich thing to heart.”
Benoit waved you off, shaking his head. “It was dumber than a game of Clue. Man didn’t even have the ability to come up with an original murder. Stole all his ideas from everyone.”
“Well, look on the bright side. At least you finally won a game of Clue,” you teased, leaning forward, resting your elbows on the table. “Never thought I’d see the day. Someone should put that in the history books, you know. Benoit Blanc: World’s Greatest Detective, Bested by Clue Except for that One Time.”
“That’s a terrible title for a book. Nobody’d pick it up.”
“I would.”
“Probably ‘cause you’d be the one writin’ it.”
You hummed, taking a sip of your drink. “Someone’s gotta expose you as the dork you truly are. Everyone acts like you’re some James Bond type o’ figure. They deserve to know you’re more of…I don’t know. Who’s the silliest character you can think of?”
Benoit hummed. “Clark Kent?”
“I said silliest character, not the character you’ve got the hots for!” you laughed. 
“Oh, come on! The whole glasses disguise? Seriously? No one ever thought, hey this guy looks kinda sorta similar to Superman? I refuse to believe that!”
“Not everyone is as brilliant as you, Benny boy,” you said. You took another sip of your drink. “God, I hate Superman. Remember that one time, when we were working a case together? The jewelry heist case?”
Benoit’s face turned red. He probably didn’t like thinking of that case very much. You couldn’t blame him, if you were being honest. You didn’t like to think of it, either. “You know I could never forget that case.”
“All I really remember of it is bein’ in the hospital. They had stupid Superman movie playing all the time. Man of Steel, or somethin’? I used to like it before, but god, a guy can only watch that shit so many times before it gets annoyin’. I swear, if I see Henry Cavill put on that super suit again, it’d be too soon.”
“I’d prefer to remember it as the day I realized I love you,” Benoit said. 
You let out a laugh. “What, it took me being on my death bed to realize you loved me?”
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It had been a complete and utter disaster. It wasn’t often that you and Benoit worked together on a case. But this was a tough nut to crack, so Benoit invited you along, telling the client that if she wanted the case to be solved, it was imperative you be there, too. The client hadn’t really been willing, but recognized she had no real choice in the matter so she bit her tongue. After all, she wanted to make sure she was not the victim in the jewelry heist. 
Things had gone well enough, if you were being honest. After a few false starts and some misleading clues, you and Benoit were close to triumphant. But neither of you could have expected the suspect to have a gun, much less use it. 
He’d been aiming at Benoit. You panicked, your blood running cold. Before you could even think about what you were doing, you jumped and positioned yourself between Benoit and the bullet. It struck you, lodging itself in your side. You screamed as you fell, hitting the floor, hard. 
Pain practically blinded you as you reached up, touching your wound. When you pulled your hand away, it was sticky with blood. You lifted your head, seeing Benoit falling to his knees, his hand covering your wound, applying pressure. You twisted your head the best you could, watching as the suspect ran.
“Go,” you whispered. You couldn’t manage to make your voice any louder. Took too much energy. “You’re gonna lose him. We won’t get another chance like this.”
“I can’t lose you,” Benoit said. 
“I’ll be fine, go get him.”
“Don’t make me leave you,” Benoit whispered, leaning over you, his lips ghosting over your forehead. “I love you. I can’t lose you. I love you.”
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“It was an emotional moment!” Benoit argued. “It ain’t strange for things to be revealed in times of high stress, you know.”
“I know,” you said. You reached over, grabbing his hand, giving it a squeeze. “I just hate that it took you so long. To think we might have gotten together a lot sooner if I told you I loved you when I realized.”
Benoit let out a laugh so loud it practically shook the walls of the kitchen. “Oh, come on. At least when I realized, it had a sort of morbid romantic edge. Yours was just me being an idiot!”
“Well, I love when you’re an idiot.”
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It was the early days in your friendship. You and Benoit had often worked together back then, honing your detective skills, bouncing ideas off each other. It felt less like a job that way. It felt more like playing a game of Clue (despite Benny’s aversion to the game). In any case, it was more fun that way. Plus, it gave you and Benoit a chance to develop some more unconventional methods of solving cases. Which is exactly what you were doing. 
You and Benoit were working out how the victim may have died. You had narrowed down to a few different murder weapons that might have been it, but you and Benoit couldn’t quite figure out how it had happened. So, it was only natural that the two of you ran through some different scenarios in an effort to narrow some the possibilities. 
That was how you ended up straddling Benoit, who laid on his back on the floor, his hands above his head as if he were surrendering. Your breath caught in your throat at the position. You liked it—you like it a lot. But you forced yourself to ignore the thought about what it may be like if you were in this same position with a little less clothes. You had to remain professional. You had to. 
You raised your hand holding the prop knife, acting like you were going to drive it through Benoit’s chest. As you brought it down, the fake blade pushing itself into the handle, you frowned. This didn’t make sense. The victim had been fighting back, and this position didn’t give much opportunity to do it. “No, I don’t think it was like this. Here, trade places with me.”
You lifted yourself off of Benoit and laid on the floor. Benoit straddled you now. Your breath hitched as he reached down, his hands closing around your throat. 
“The victim had injuries on her hands, like someone’d been tryin’ to pry her hands off of ‘em,” Benoit said. 
“When the killer couldn’t do that, they kneed her in the stomach,” you continued, bring your leg up, pressing your knee into Benoit’s stomach. 
“And then—”
The door opened. There was a shout. Benoit lifted his head, his face tinted red as he looked at the person who walked inside. 
“Oh, god!” the person said. It was your client. Fuck. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean t-to see anything!”
“Oh, it’s not like that!” Benoit said. “We’re just tryin’ to act out the murder!”
You cleared your throat, trying to twist your head to look at her. “Totally normal. All the professionals do it.”
“I-I’ll leave you it then…”
She left as quick as she came, shutting the door behind you. As you and Benoit looked at each other again, you felt like your face was burning. 
“Um, so that seems like it was the way it happened…” you mumbled. 
“Right, right,” Benoit said, getting off of you. “Uh, with that done, we should start narrowing down the suspects, then.”
You nodded. “Yeah. Just give me a moment and I’ll be ready.”
Because, holy fuck, how could you be in a position like this and just expect to continue on as normal? 
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“If you love your idiot so much then, how ‘bout you join me in the bath, then?” Benoit asked. “Gets a bit lonely in there, you know.”
Your snorted. “Fine. But we’re not staying there for a week, alright?”
“I’m sure I could convince you otherwise.”
“We’ll see.”
Oh, how you loved your silly little detective. 
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