#i cannot wrap my head around how the actual fucking problem continues to be danced around like this
ragingtwilight · 5 months
So fucking mad
Zionists should go to hell and never come back
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robinofgothamcity · 2 years
♡ prompt: "you failing on the last mission is your fault and yours alone."
♡ character: garfield logan / beast boy
♡ pronouns used: she / her / afab
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes /
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it was hard for Jason to see you wrapped in Garfield's arms. he hated it if he had to say exactly how he felt but he knew he couldn't say much about it. he was the one who drove you exactly into Gar's arms. it was pretty easy to tell how quickly your mood changed once you got closer for Gar. you were a lot more vibrant, way more happy, and hell of a lot healthier if Jason had any say in it.
you and Gar walked inside of the tower, sharing a headphone as you were dancing while going into the kitchen. you noticed Raven sitting down, reading and drinking on what you assumed was tea. you waved at her excitedly as Garfield soon joined you. you were taking out a few things from the pantry, ready to make food for everyone but mostly for you and Gar.
"didn't you guys just get back from lunch?" Raven asked, putting her book down. you nodded, "yeah but this is dinner! we're making pulled pork and since my version will take a few hours, I'll have to put it in now! Gar's won't take that long!" you explained. she nodded, not believing that you were thinking of food even though you both had just gotten back from eating.
you had taken the other headphone from Gar as you pulled out all of the ingredients for your food. you knew Connor would be quick to eat off of you and you figured maybe Jason would have some of yours too. you were far too immersed into your own little cooking world that you hadn't noticed Jason walk into the kitchen. you were singing into the wooden spoon, not really caring who was watching.
you were pouring the beef stock into the crock pot, trying to remember what the next step was. Gar was watching you, a small smile on his face until he noticed Jason was also in the kitchen. he saw the way Jason was looking at you, an unpleasing eye twitch hitting Gar as he tried to brush off the small bit of insecurity he was building up.
Gar knew the history between the two of you. more than anyone actually. he was the one that you always came too when you and Jason were upset at each other and Jason ran off for the night to release some anger. he usually found you crying and talking to yourself about how you could've avoided the entire argument if you would have just stopped arguing or walked away.
he had tried to help you through those times but it usually ended with you telling Gar that you were okay and that it was your fault. from an outsiders perspective, the entire relationship was toxic and everyone knew it. it was like the worst hidden secret and even Dick had to intervene into the arguments if they got too heated. it really was until the last argument you had with Jason when you realized you were tired.
you couldn't continue fighting with him anymore. your voice was hoarse. you were beyond tears. you were to the point where you were hiccuping from how much you were crying and you knew that no one was around, things would have gotten physical on your end. it was all too much for the team to handle.
Garfield and Connor stared at each other, shocked that you were talking that way to him. you were the calmer of the two every time you got into a fight but this time, Jason was the quiet one while you were practically screaming your head off.
Kory and Dick had now walked in. they were shocked to be hearing your screams from down the hall so they knew something must've happened if you were this loud.
"I truly cannot believe you think I almost cheated on you! Dick, you were there that night! was I going to kiss that guy that I ended up arresting?" Dick shook his head no. "thank you! Jason here thinks I was going to fuck him and honestly, I should've left with him because you're no stranger to abandon-,"
Garfield grabbed your shoulder, not ready to believe that you were about to say something that could've broken Jason if you would've finished that sentence. Dick knew exactly where you were going with what you were saying and was happy that Gar interrupted you.
"you know what?" you said looking at Jason, eyes now puffy and red, "we're done and this is the last time I deal with your shit. unless it's for the team, don't bother with even looking at me."
this was the first time you had sounded so serious about this and Jason knew this was the end for you. you were sick of him. his attitude. his anger issues. you were sick of caring for him like you were his parent, "lets go," Garfield whispered in your ear, taking you away as you cried into his shoulder.
from that day on, you stopped being around Jason. unless you were on a mission with the rest of the titans, you distanced yourself from him. Jason could tell you were hurting. he was too except he refused to admit it or show it but Dick noticed it. the way he fought was a lot more aggressive. his anger was even worse. it looked like Jason had it even harder than you did.
"hey, where is Gar and ( your name )?" Kory asked, noticing the two of you were gone. Dick tried to remain silent, pretending he didn't hear what she said but as she repeated herself, he knew he had to say it as much as he didn't want too considering Jason was within ear shot, "they went out. there was a carnival in town and ( your name ) asked Garfield out," he whispered.
Jason's eyes widened in shock. he couldn't believe what Dick had just said. there was no way you were out with Gar right? he didn't even seem like your type. he figured that if you were going to date someone after him, he assumed that maybe it was going to be Connor but not Garfield.
Jason stood up in a hurry, making Dick sigh in realization. he wanted to go after him but by the time he was downstairs, Jason was already gone. Kory looked at him, slightly nervous, "think he'll ruin it?" she asked. Dick shook his head, "I don't think he will. he'll be angry but I don't think he'd intentionally ruin it for her. he's not that stupid."
he parked his bike on a random side street, not really caring if he could park there or not. Jason snuck inside of the carnival as he noticed that it wasn't as packed as he assumed it would've been. he followed where the music was coming from. there was one thing Jason would never forget from the time that he was with you. you loved to dance. it didn't matter if you were good or not. once you felt the music, there wasn't much stopping you.
the music was blaring from the middle of carnival grounds (okay so if you an english speaker, this is the song I'd recommend; however, if you're a spanish speaker, it's 100% this song i was listening too when i wrote this LMAOOO). it took Jason a while to find you but as soon as he stopped Garfield's bright green hair, he saw you.
you were smiling, holding Garfield's hands as he tried to dance without being so stiff. every so often, you kept laughing at how awkward Garfield was being but as you pulled him closer, Jason knew he had to leave before he went over to the two of you and caused a scene.
he knew that it wouldn't be long before he saw you and Garfield together. Jason didn't want to admit to it but a part of him thought that maybe Garfield took advantage of the situation. maybe he had a crush on you and was waiting for the day the two of you broke up so he could slip himself next to you.
Jason walked out of the carnival grounds, kicking stray cans in anger as he yelled. the alley where he parked his bike echoing his screams. "you hear that?" you asked Garfield, stopping from dancing for a second. Garfield nodded before shaking his head, "maybe it was someone doing something weird," he replied as you shrugged before agreeing with him.
Garfield stared at Jason purposely. trying to make it noticeable that he knew that he was staring at you. Raven could feel the tension rising in her green haired friend.
"relax," she told him. Jason turned around to see what she was talking about but he immediately understood what she meant, "I'd appreciate if you stopped staring at my girlfriend," Garfield stated, pushing Jason into the empty living space so you wouldn't have to see it.
Jason pushed him back, making him stumble a bit.
"or what? you already stole her from me. not much you can do now except rub it in my face!" he yelled back. Raven stared at the two of them knowing it was beyond her place to stop them so she screamed for Connor, "enough!" she stated as Garfield went back to shove Jason even harder than before.
Connor walked into the room, putting himself between the two of them as you had finally heard the commotion from the room. you put your spoon down and took your headphones off before walking in. your eyebrows fluttered in confusion as you went to Garfield's side.
"hey, let's go. we forgot something at the store for your food and we need it before it closes," you whispered in his ear. you grabbed his hand, rubbing your thumb softly across it as you looked to Jason for a few seconds and turning your attention to Connor, "wanna come? we can get your favorite snack. Rach, we can get your favorite too!" they both nodded as they went to their rooms to get their things before all of you headed out.
you stared at Jason once more before walking out of the room and towards the exit. Jason watched from the top floor, seeing the way Garfield was holding your face with his hands and kissing you. a part of him wanted to march down there but he knew it would cause more of an issue than what just happened.
he noticed Raven and Connor join the two of you as all of you walked out. a sense of loneliness hit him as he saw how close the four of you were. he felt like an outsider. all of you were joking and laughing together and a part of him yearned to be with the four of you but he knew it was better to keep it this way. Jason knew if he continued, the fight with Gar could have gotten nasty and he didn't want you to see it.
you deserved to be as happy as you currently were and if that meant practically distancing himself from you and the rest of the team than so be it. if it made you happier, as much as it hurt him, he would rather be alone than to see you as hurt as you were the day the both of you broke up.
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ushidoux · 3 years
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat ft. Sza, Ushijima x Reader
Warnings: alcohol and tobacco use, creepy dudes in the club, car sex, nsfw
A/N: I cannot stop thinking about this song smh
It’s several minutes past midnight… your mind is hazy, it swims in the scent of the strawberry-flavored shisha that bubbles on the table before you, in the second mixed drink that’s doing a little more damage to your consciousness than it should. You are a well known lightweight, but maybe you willed yourself to be a little more drunk than you should be tonight.
Your hands drape lazily around your friend, and you laugh a little too hard, burying your face in her bare shoulder courtesy of her strapless dress, as you hold onto her for support. Her scent is comforting, not in the same way that Ushijima’s is, of course, but it’s what you need right now. Her hands play with your hair as you move in tune with the music; she wants to beat your situationship into the ground because she knows where your mind is is very precarious right now.
But for now you’re having fun.
Your dress is short and both form-fitting and flattering, and your heels are high. You look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, and to the dismay of many, you’ve rebuffed every man who’s approached you for a dance thus far. 
In this crowded club, with bodies pressed together, heat, sweat and lust abundant in the air, you’ve stayed close to your friends, as though you were trying to stay ‘faithful’... to what exactly?
He was just so… dense. You’d never been so needy before until you’d met him. The feeling of powerlessness to decide the course of things was overwhelming; you always seemed to be waiting for him. Waiting for him to text you, touch you, acknowledge your presence.
Maybe the game you were playing was immature, but it didn’t matter how many times your phone vibrated in your bra, you were not picking up. Not tonight.
Your friend pulled back from your embrace to check a text message and glanced at you for a moment, but you were already off in a spin to the bar just paces away for drinks. 
“I’ll be right back~” you murmured, an inebriated grin on your face.
You stumbled shakily past a moving mass of bodies before reaching your destination. Leaning over the bar trying to catch the bartender’s attention, it wasn’t long before you felt a stranger’s arm snaking around your waist.
“What the-”
A quick turn had you facing a sleazy grinned man.
“What are you drinking, princess?”
He was still disgustingly close, enough that you could smell the alcohol on his tongue, but regardless, you smiled sickeningly sweetly, shaking your head before breaking free of his hold.
“I don’t drink actually,” you lied unconvincingly as if you weren’t wobbling on your feet, but you needed something to reply before you marched back over to your friends, sobering up ever so slightly. 
Once you’d rejoined your friends, you glanced over your shoulder to see him still watching you, and a shudder ran down your spine.
But you weren’t going to let yet another man ruin your fun.
“Did you call him?” Your friend asked once you’d replaced your arms around her shoulders.
Your eyebrows furrowed angrily.
“No, why would I?” 
She sighed, tired of being on her feet, and pulled you down with her to sit before taking a long draw of shisha. Your eyes focused on your other friend who’d come with her boyfriend and might as well have been dry-humping in public, she was that close to him physically.
Lack of ambiguity in a relationship was nice.
Your phone vibrated again, and you pulled it out of your bra in annoyance, setting it on the table face down without checking. 
Alcohol was waning in your system and you were starting to feel sad again, but you had been spooked enough by the creepy dude at the bar that you wouldn’t venture for a drink for a while.
Except when you looked up, you realized that that same stranger had now made his way over to you, his smile now replaced with a twisted snarl from rejection.
“Don’t be a bitch, I can see you’re just slightly off from piss drunk,” he hissed, before yanking at your arm roughly, forcing you to let out a yelp.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Your friend shrieked, her hand raised for a firm slap only for her hand to be blocked by the man who was getting more belligerent by the second.
The pain of the grip he had on your arm was barely dulled by alcohol as you tried to wrench it away from him, wondering how the fuck someone ends up so bold as to harass women in a full club. Your friend and her boyfriend disentangled themselves quickly enough to make their way over to help you, but were beaten to it by the sound of your not-exactly boyfriend’s deep voice.
“If you’d like to keep that arm, I suggest you fuck off immediately.”
Ushijima’s large hand wrapped around the arm that was restricting yours and he wasn’t looking at you, but at the man who was harassing you, his eagle-like eyes narrowed further. Your eyes widened - he hated places like these, when did he get here? How long had he been here? Who was he with?
There was a brief moment where the two stared each other down, but your creep wasn’t able to hide the wince forming on his features as Ushijima’s hand tightened, and his fingers unfurled around yours quickly.
He stormed off, tail between his legs, through the small crowd that had now gathered to observe the scene. Now that the spotlight seemed to be on you, Ushijima interrupted his own glare at the fleeing man to give you a once over to see if you were okay, fists unclenching.
“This is certainly one way to get my attention,” he mused, and your blood boiling immediately, you considered punching him in the face, but your friend hushed you, rubbing the tender part of your forearm.
But you were still angry.
“Don’t you have practice in a couple hours? Why would you waste your time here?”
He pursed his lips somewhat, but giving a clear glance to your friend who shook her head and backed off, he reached for your hand gently.
“Next time, pick up your phone. Let’s talk somewhere privately.”
“I wish you would just,” your tirade was interrupted by a single hiccup, “be clear about,” you paused as though winded, but continued, “... whatever the fuck this is!”
You stopped and your words hung in the small space between you. Seated in the passenger seat of his car, you felt like the space was closing in. You hadn’t had tons of dating experience, but you’d had enough to know that it was never a good sign when someone seemed to care less than you did. You’d been dumped before and once was enough. 
The way Ushijima had you orbiting around him was embarrassing. Even when you were trying not to need him, you still ended up needing him. Sure, things would have turned out fine most likely even if he hadn’t been there, but still.
Ushijima was quiet, but his eyes remained on you. You hated how comfortable he could feel just staring, relaxed and unmoving like some kind of unnecessarily detailed sculpture.
“What do you think this is?” You finally asked. Your voice was smaller than it needed to be and again, you were embarrassed, but if he meant to break your heart, it would be better to do this when your friends were still around, waiting, and could support you.
Maybe then you could cry for real rather than grieve aimlessly while still locked in some kind of formless relationship.
“I think we’re dating, and I like you and you like me,” he finally replied. “Of course, I can’t speak for you. I hope that you feel the same way I do.”
Your heart stirred ever so slightly, and your fingers found a job adjusting the hem of your dress. Your eyes focused on the curve of your knees. He says the right things, but does he mean them?
“You’re distant. Like you can’t be bothered that I’m around.”
His hand reached out for you, his fingers resting on the nape of your neck.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?” He whispered, leaning in. His other hand closed around your chin, turning you so that you could look at him. 
In the moonlight, the hazel of his eyes was especially bright, making your heart pound. His gaze focused on the lower lip that was starting to quiver.
“I want to kiss you, but you’re still upset,” he said suddenly, directly, as though it were the most simple yet frustrating dilemma. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m not paying attention to your concerns.”
“Toshi…,” you were at a loss for words, especially with his lips so close. Your hand rested on his chest.
“Can I show you how I feel?”
You nodded, and his lips found their way onto yours.
His tongue slipped into your mouth like it was home and you accepted him in similar fashion. Your hands made their way around his neck and he hastily pulled you over the car console onto his lap, deepening the kiss as he leaned you against the steering wheel of the car. 
It wasn’t long before your body-conforming dress now covered nothing, your breasts exposed for kisses between and around them, for the gentle massage of his large hands. Your back arched as kisses littered your neck, collarbones, arms and the soft part of your belly. 
You moaned as he lowered you onto his cock that always craved the pressure of your walls around him, leaning forward and biting the flesh of his shoulder as you endured the stretch. He lay the car seat down flat, engulfing your lips with his before rolling his cock into you slowly, sensually, taking every moment for you to mewl into his open mouth. His fingers dug into the flesh of your hips, keeping you steady as he slammed you down against him, leaving marks that he would kiss away later.
He’d kiss you so many ways for so many days, months, years to come.
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hold me tight or don’t
Pairings - Charles Blackwood x Female Reader Lee Bodecker x Female Reader
Warnings - Exhibitionism, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Voyeurism, Fingering (F receiving), Spanking, Breeding Kink, Vaginal Sex
A/N - Thats the most amount of warnings yet I think! This fic was written for @iraot​ wheels of debauchery challenge which you can see here I got Charles Blackwood, Possessiveness, Breeding and Exhibitionist, best friends brother. I was super excited and started writing it straight away so here we are now! I have also come to the conclusion that I cannot write Charles without Lee so you are all welcome for that 😏. Huge huge thanks to @thicccsimp​ as always for making this sound like a human wrote it. Lastly, this is for 18+ only so please shoo if you aren’t grown yet.
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The sun was beating down against your bare shoulders, you were speaking to the town's Sheriff about the upcoming festival, smiling as he gave you his full attention. He tilted his head to the side whenever you smiled and giggled at his words,  acutely aware of the scowl on the face of the man on the other side of the garden.  He was sure to keep a close watch on him as he pretended to converse with your brother.
Charles Blackwood watched you intently as you flirted with the Sheriff, touching his arm and leaning into him to ‘hear him better’. He knew exactly what you were doing and it was all his own fault. You wanted more from him, wanted to be able to shout from the rooftops that you were in love with him and that the two of you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together.
He couldn’t though, your brother was his best friend and he had sworn to not touch you, it was the first rule of being a best friend and Charles had agreed; he understood the protective nature of brothers. You were away at college when he moved to town and met your brother, it wasn’t a problem until you came home later that year after finishing college and getting a job locally.
You’d been together in secret for almost a full year now, sneaking off to his home or fucking in the back of his car on road trips you disguised as ‘girls days out’. You’d both fell in love quickly but he knew he had to break your heart to keep his promise to your brother, he was supposed to be a man of his word.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t furious watching you now, he knew you’d always had a soft spot for the Sheriff, watched as you both flirted so effortlessly with each other while you were on shift in the diner. You would sneak him pieces of pie, telling him not to complain about his belly, you liked him just the way he was. He saw the red cheeks of the Sheriff and how he tried to bite his lip to not smile too wide whenever you complimented him. He even watched as Lee scared people into tipping you properly with a single menacing glance while you weren’t looking.
Now he has to watch as the pair of you dance around each other, subtle looks here and there or smiles across the party at each other. Your brother told him he was going up to his room, the girl on his arm giggling and kissing his neck. Charles looks around the space, everyone is either occupied or has already left.
He looks down at the bottle in his hands, peeling the label off in an effort to distract himself, he’s only stayed this long because he wants to keep an eye on you, make sure you’re safe. The label comes off in nearly one full go when he hears it, you and Lee giggling. He looks up to see him playfully tickling you, you’re in his arms with your head thrown back, eyes closed and giggles spilling out of your open mouth. Gripping the bottle tightly in his hand and scowling at you both he slams the beer down on the table, marching over to the two of you and grabbing you out of his arms. Placing himself between you and the handsy sheriff,  “Get your hands off my fucking girlfriend” he spits, furious that Lee thinks he can touch you like that.
He suddenly feels a sharp pain on the back of his head and turns to you, rubbing your hand from the slap you just gave him. He looks at you incredulous that you would actually strike him, “I’m not your girlfriend, you made that abundantly clear last week when you were the one who didn’t want me. It was your decision Charles, not mine.” You move around him and grab Lee’s hand, taking him to the other side of the garden where the ice bucket filled with cold beers and the buffet table now stood abandoned. The commotion had scared the remaining party goers away, just the three of you remained and the tension was palpable.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to come between whatever is going on with you and Blackwood” Lee says, watching as the upset look on your face gives way to a  mischievous one instead. He grins as you look for Charles, nodding at him in challenge before pulling Lee in for a kiss. You hold his head pulling back for just a moment, giving him the chance to stop you. He smirks and leans down, kissing you deeply while snaking his arm around your waist to keep you close. He walks you backwards towards the nearby bench but you both stop and look when your back hits something solid.
Charles stands seething, unwrapping Lee’s arm from around your waist, spinning you around, and pulling you into his chest “What the fuck are doing with my girl, Bodecker?”. You go to protest but he crashes his lips down against your own, pushing his tongue into your mouth, and holding you close as you melt into him.
He sits down on the bench and pats his thighs “Come take a seat baby”. You look at him conflicted, turning back to Lee who has a look on his face that you can’t quite make out. He nods towards Charles and pushes you towards him, crowding you until you sit down. Taking the seat next to you both he watches as Charles places soft kisses over your neck, running his hands up your legs.
“Think you can have another man little dove? You’re mine, aren’t you?”. You try to fight it, biting down harshly on your bottom lip and balling your hands into fists next to him, “You look so pretty here, don’t you want to show the Sheriff what a good girl you are for me?”.
You scrunch your eyes shut and nod your head, he always knows exactly how to wreck you without having to do much and today was no exception. You opened your legs wide enough to go around his thighs, exposing your soaked panties to the Sheriff who couldn’t take his eyes away from the space between your legs. He took a deep breath in when you moaned as Charles began to lightly rub his fingers over the scrap of cotton covering your mound.
Thinking he should leave the two of you to have some privacy, he stands and gasps when you grab his hand “Please stay Lee,” you say in a pleading tone, looking up at him through your eyelashes. You could have asked him to do just about anything in that moment and he would have said yes without hesitation.
Charles continued to tease you, waiting for you to beg him for more the way he liked. His other hand moved up your writhing body, grazing over your nipples one at a time before he wrapped his long fingers around your throat. Smiling at Lee, you hold his gaze as Charles pulls your underwear to one side, running his fingers through the juices already leaking out of you “Fuck my little dove, is this all for me?” he asks teasingly. You smirk at Lee and slowly shake your head at the question. His hand tightens around your throat in warning and you moan, gripping his wrist, and encouraging him to keep touching you.
“Take a good look at her Sheriff, she’s all mine. You’ll never be able to have her,” he says, pulling your breasts out and watching the man in front of you look you up and down; his eyes darkening as he watches the two fingers dip in and out of you, opening you up. You grind your hips with him as he works you over, your moans getting louder as he rubs over the spongy spot inside of you. Lee pushes two fingers into your mouth to quiet you down and you look up at him with a devilish smirk before sucking on them, running your tongue over the digits as he watches, his jaw slack and pupils blown.
“Oh no no no, that's not ok. Keep your hands to yourself,” Lee pulls them away and you pout, looking over your shoulder at Charles, pleading with him to do something. He looks at you and waits, he likes it when you beg, you both know this. Today though, you have another man who wants to entertain you, you don’t need Charles.
Moving out from his grip, you get on your knees and face Lee, smiling. You lean in to kiss him but squeal when Charles spanks you hard, before gripping your hips and holding you in place. “You’re mine, little dove. No one else gets to touch you”. He pulls out his cock and pushes deep inside you, gripping you by the hair and forcing you to look up at the Sheriff as he pounds into you.
You moan and whine as he thrusts, everytime you try to kiss Lee you get pulled back, pleading with him as he fucks you; you aren’t sure what you’re even pleading for but you need it and you need it now. Matching his thrusts, you push back, moaning over and over, “Fill me up, you want to see me all round and swollen, don’t you Charles?” The groan you hear from both men makes you clench.
Lee lifts your chin up to look at him, “Is that what you want? Want a baby fucked into you?” you nod desperately and stare into his eyes as your orgasm rushes over you, gripping the thighs of the man sitting and watching.
You feel Charles coating your walls as he cums hard inside you and you smirk to yourself, “Does this mean you’re finally going to tell everyone I’m yours now?” you ask him as he leans over you and kisses your neck softly humming and nodding.
“I’m going to go,” Lee says, adjusting himself and standing up, you grab his hand and pout as he tries to walk away. Pulling him back to sit down, you turn to Charles and smile as he nods, knowing what you want.
“Stay, please.” you say, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Charles hums while he watches you, using his fingers to push his cum back inside you, his thumb rubbing over your swollen clit. Moaning into Lee’s mouth and clenching when you hear Charles say, “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together”.
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
A Quick Fling. 🥵
2k word!
18 & up only!
Short story!
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Tonight, a group of you and your coworkers are going out to a bar. A group of about eight for a fun night out.
It was a local bar in Boston called “Drink”. You put on a cute black dress and some   Gold YSL Opyum pumps. You arrived at the bar around 9:30PM, and the crew was already there. Devin booked a corner in the VIP sections so you all could hang out and chat with no problem. You walked to the section and everyone seemed to be staring at you. Probably because you rarely wear a dress and heels.
“Hi everyone”, you said walking up.
The crew consisted of Devin, Jordan, Michael, Jesi, Matt, Jake, Christina, and Chris. You all have been working as detectives for many years together. You all are practically family.
“Ok Y/N. I see you!”, Matt hollers out.
“Matt cut it out please!”, you blushed so hard, but you were seriously wearing that dress. It was hugging every curve on your body.
Your section came with its own waitress, so you ordered a vodka and cranberry. You found a spot between Jesi and Chris. You chatted up with both until your drink came. It was strong just like you wanted.
“Y/N I don’t think I have ever seen you in a dress since working with you for five years.”, Chris says.
“I know. I am honestly not a dress girl, but I figured I would throw one on.”
“It looks nice.”
“Thank you, Chris.”. You smiled at him.
The conversation turned into work and included everyone. Cases, unsolved murders, the whole nine. The waitress brought over a round of shots for everyone. Everyone then decided to go to the dance floor. The music is good, and everyone is gathered around dancing. You noticed how good Chris is looking in his flannel shirt. You make your way a little closer to dance next to him.
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You finished your drink mid dance and decided to go to the bar to get another.
“Can I have Cosmo please?” The bar tender nodded.
“Hi beautiful.”
You looked over and saw a strange man next to you. Way older and not your type. You smile and give a dry hello. He continues to talk to you and you really are trying to ignore him. Come on bartender!
“Are you single beautiful?”
“No, I’m not. I actually have a boyfriend.”
“Well, where is he then? Leaving you here all alone.”
“I’m right here.”
You turn around and see Chris.
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“Yep. Here is my man.” You fake smile again. Chris sits on the seat next to you. The man gives you and Chris the side eye. He isn’t buying it. You turn to face Chris and wrap your arms around his shoulders. Chris gives you a smile. He is trying to keep from laughing.
“Baby did you order another drink yet?” You ask.
“No, I didn’t. I can’t stop admiring you in this dress.”
Chris grabs you by the waist and brings you closer in between his legs. What the fuck is he doing?
“Not in front of everyone Chris.” You give him and look and pull away a little.
The man next to you is still staring. Chris laughs. Chris turns quickly and orders him another drink and he turns back around facing you. The eye contact you both are making is nothing like you two have ever done before.
You have to play the role. You step back between Chris’ legs and lean in. He grabs you again and takes you in his arms. You both sing the song that is playing to each other and catching a vibe. You lean in and give Chris a kiss on the lips and you feel him grab your right ass cheek and squeeze.
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Now you’re doing too much sir! You like it….not going to lie.
The kiss wasn’t long but enough to make the man walk away. Chris didn’t let go either.
“You can let go now Chris.”
“What if I don’t want to.”
You paused…
“People will talk, and you know that.”
He giggled.
“I will let go this time.”
He releases you. You didn’t want him to. You both take your drinks back to the VIP section and sit. The rest came over shortly behind.
The group continued to drink and dance in the VIP section until the bar closed. Everyone was drunk off their ass and Uber’s were called. You went to the ladies’ room while everyone walked out. A few minutes later you walked out and saw Chris standing close to the exit.
“Chris did you call an Uber?”
“Oh yes, but I wanted to wait on you. I didn’t want you to be by yourself. You know?”
Damn. What a great man!
“Oh, thank you!”
“Feel free to join my Uber ride. We stay pretty close to either other.”
You both walk outside and notice everyone else was already gone. Your Uber finally arrived. Chris opened the door for you, and you climbed in. He followed suit. The Uber pulled off. You wasted no time.
You leaned over.
“Why don’t I just go home with you instead?”
You rubbed your hand from Chris’ left knee up to his thigh, and then softly across his dick. It had been a while and some pipe is exactly what you needed.
Chris gave you THE LOOK. He took his middle finger into his mouth and licked it and turned and slid his finger up your vagina. You sighed softly. Oh…you are going to give Chris all of you tonight. He penetrated your folds and took everything for you not to moan.  He then took his fingers from your vagina and leaned in a little closer. Chris then stuck the same finger in his mouth to taste your waterfalls never once breaking eye contact from you.
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The Uber arrived at Chris’ place and you both hope out. He has a nice ass farmhouse on some acres. He grabs you by the hand and you both walk to his front door. You could hear a dog barking from behind the door. Chris unlocks the door and uses his leg to block his dog from running out.
“Dodger back.”, he says gently.
He pushes the door open and allows you to walk in first and then closes and locks the door behind him.
“Hi Dodger.”, you give him a gentle rub.
“Come on Bubba..bedtime.”
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Dodger follows Chris down the hallway. Your guess is to another bedroom.  You take off your heels in the hallway…fuck it. You could barely walk in them anymore. You see Chris coming back down the hallway.
“Do you want some water or- “
You instantly grab him and kiss those pink lips. He kisses you back so passionately and pushes you into the nearest wall. You grab his dick outside of his pants and you can feel it getting longer. Chris begins kissing you on your neck and lifts up your dress and grabs your ass and squeeze.
“That ass is perfect.” He says to you. He takes you by the hand and leads you into his bedroom.  You push him down on his bed, and then unzip your dress as he watches you. He sticks his hands down his pants and begins to rub his dick.  Your dress drops to the floor revealing your perfect breast and laced thong.
“Spin around for me sweetheart.”
You slowly turned so Chris could see every inch of your body. His are fixated on you, all of his attention is yours. You grab one ass cheek and squeeze it just for fun.
“Holy shit.”, you hear him whisper.
You walk over to him and softly kiss his lips. You move over to his cheek, down to his neck, and a quick lick on his right ear. You could hear his quiet moans. You unbutton his red and blue flannel revealing the muscle shirt underneath. His tattoos peeking out and is necklace hanging. A complete turn on. Chris takes off his flannel and muscle shirt revealing his body that is literally a canvas. Tattoos everywhere! Time to kiss them all. You push Chris back on the bed and climb on top.
You move slowly down kissing and licking each tattoo along the way. You unzip is pants and pulling out his long hard dick. He was ready for you, but first things first. You licked Chris’ dick from the bottom up to the tip. You can feel his hands in your hair and hear him take a deep breath. You take his entire dick in your mouth. Up and down, you got giving Chris that super sloppy 6000! You are giving him the two-hand action in the process.  
Your puss is throbbing. You wanted penetration immediately. You slid off your thong and climb on top. You slowly sat down on that thick dick and threw your head back. It was everything you needed. Up and down, you went while Chris had one hand on your ass and the other holding your breast. You let out moans.
After some time, Chris grabs you by the waist and flips you over. Now he is on top. He completely comes out of his pants and underwear. He pulls you to the edge of the bed and enters your walls again. As he strokes, he leans over you and gently grabs you around your neck and slightly chokes you. THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE! You’re are literally nose to nose with each other. You stick out your tongue and gently lick the outside of his lips. He giggled.
He then takes his dick out of you and begins to devour you like no one else had. His cooch eating game CANNOT be touched. While he’s eating your soul, he then sticks two fingers inside of you. Your back arches.
“Y/N you taste so fucking good.”
He then flips you over and pulls you up on all fours. He teases you with just the tip in and out, in and out.
“Chris give me your dick now.”
“Say no more baby.”
He rams his dick in your puss from behind and lets out a few moans. Faster and faster, he goes and harder and harder. Your mouth is stuck open and your eyes roll back. Chris continues to fuck you in different positions: on your back, from the side, on your stomach. Who knew he would be able to go so long!
You finally heard him say. “I’m fucking about to nut.”
He groans but not too loud, and you orgasm at the same time. He lays next to you and kisses your shoulder. Chris’ dick was so fucking good. You get up and go to his bathroom to clean up. You walk out and start putting your dress on.
“Wait, where are you going?”, Chris asked.
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“Home.”, you say while grabbing your phone to order an Uber.
“Why don’t you just stay for the night?”
“That’s how people catch feelings. This is a business transaction.”
Chris busts out laughing.
“If you say so Y/N.”
He walks up to you and kisses your neck.
“Come to the kitchen with me, so I can get you a bottle of water. We drank a lot tonight.”
You all did. You didn’t even both putting on your heels because you could barely walk without them. You follow him to the kitchen, and he hands you a bottle of Fiji. You phone dings letting you know your Uber has arrived. Chris walked you outside and opened the car door.
“Text me when you make it home…please.”
“Of course. Goodnight Chris.”
“Goodnight Y/N”
He closes the door, and the Uber takes off. You left your panties behind.
Maybe he will call you up soon to come back and pick them up….
I hope you enjoyed! Follow for more! 💛
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Warning : 18 plus AU, adult themes, collage au
Part one Part two
"Mina, I really don't see why I have to wear this Bikini, I prefer a cutout  one piece." You say sipping your iced coffee as Mina packs her beach bag with sponges, rags, and tons of bottled water. You wait impatiently by the door of your shared, temporary dorm. 
"Becauuuusssse, I already told you! That Instagram post I made of all of us blew up, even with my large following. Remember how many people we brought in last time?"
"Yes, we made 45% more profit…" You bite at the inside of your lip as you think, adjusting your white t-shirt so it sat nicely above the black bikini bottoms. You weren't one to argue with numbers.
"Well now with the combined efforts with the shirtless boys we can actually use that allowance you got us for unlimited kegs." 
"No, Mina new windows and installation. They said the house was hot, which means winter will be brutal." You roll your eyes, "Unless you want to freeze this winter, personally I have no problem with freezing." 
She giggles at your joke, pulling you along as if you were the reason for being late instead of her. Mina spies Uraraka and Jiro waving them towards the two of you before she whispers softly to you.  
"Just, try to have fun today no matter what." 
You wondered if that was an omen, a jinx or if she already knew what lied ahead. Either way you would not being having too much fun. 
The four of you arrive just before the first customer's begin to line up and already you want to organize. Counting the heads until you see a certain ash blonde causing your normally cold blood to run hot. Too hot. 
"Mina?" Your voice dips low, as ice dances in the air around you, "What is he doing here?" 
"Who?" She plays dumb as the other two women greet the group of men. Harsh garnet cut to you as you steel your glare. 
"Oi, Icy Brat. What are you fucking doing here?" His voice grates your nerves and for a moment you see red. Thinking of freezing him and going about your day. Instead you choose to give him the cold shoulder, averting your gaze. 
"We're doing pairs for washing today. I'm glad you could make it" Kirishima beams, coming in for a hug, you take a step back offering him a polite smile. His smile doesn't lose an ounce of shine, it makes you respect him a bit more. 
"I'll handle the cash and direct cars then." You say pointing to the box, ready to grab the fanny pack and head to the street. Denki grabs onto you gently, releasing you as if you were hot to the touch.  
"No it has to be a boy girl ratio. I promise the outcome will be worth it, please!" This won't be the first or last time both Denki and Mina beg for your help. You look around at what must be their subconscious pairings. Jiro calls Denki over as the first car pulls up, Kirishima seems to wait patiently, his eyes lingering on bubble gum pink skin, while Sero is already guiding cars with Uraraka in tow. 
That leaves you and Bakugou who has his arms crossed, sneering at the customers. 
Your hope dwindles that today would be a good day.
Sero points to a blue car indicating that this was going to be yours to share with the hot head. Sighing you waltz over in your black wedge heels and begin your work. Bakugou looms over the wet car, sponge in hand. The two of you work in silence until the third car, a red coupe with a couple inside about to receive the show of their bi lives. 
They comment on the tension they feel between the two of you right away, they notice the glares and lack of communication. Even making small jokes about how funny it would be to see one of those cliche water fights between the two of you. 
"Icebrat, you're doing it fuckin wrong." Bakuogu barks, you ignore him, continuing to wash the car. Anger burns in his chest, never understanding why you acted so high and mighty. 
"Gonna give me the cold shoulder are ya?" He growls, eyeing the dirty water before a thought crosses his mind, "Love to see you ignore this."
His voice is sadistic before he throws the dirty water across the car onto your frame, suds and water cling to your white t, showcasing the black bikini top underneath. Your temper spikes enough that your shirt collects frost at the seams before you slowly remove it. Glaring at the hot head when you're done.  
"Fuck." The couple say aloud grabbing onto each other as they watch the scene unfold. Your powerful frame guiding you with a deadly clack of your heels. Your hands find the bucket of water Mina and Kirishima were using, your fingers tap the bucket and the water forms a film of ice at the top. Meanwhile Bakugou goes to "correct" whatever mistake you were making. The couple's eyes watch the unsuspecting Bakugou reach up their hood to clean a particular spot before water is dumped over his spiky blonde hair. 
You tap the back of his shirt making it stiff with frost, when he moves to face you it shatters away from his body. Revealing the sculpted plans of his abs and the scars of untold stories. 
If it weren't for all of that ice water Bakugou would have blown you sky high, he comes close to you. Huffing as his eyes become wild and wide. All you offer him is a deadly polite smile as you stare him in the face, unbothered and unphased by his towering presence. 
"What? I was only getting the spot you missed." When he says nothing you allow yourself to relish the silence, placing your hand on his shoulder capping it in obvious ice. 
"Are you giving me the cold shoulder now?" The question is nonchalant before you signal to Sero for another car as you walk to get more supplies. Sero whistles at a bristling Bakugou before leaning into the driver's side window to give directions. Before he can ask for a tip the driver is offering a twenty dollar bill while his eyes are flickering between yourself and Bakugou. 
"Mark us down as a regular." He sighs as his girlfriend does too.  Sero happily tucks the money into the fanny pack.
"Will do." 
Somehow the two of you manage quips and water pranks back and forth without killing each other. Making it through the long day but earning a high amount of tips. Mina clings to you as you count cash, sweat on her brow as the sun settles into an unbearable afternoon heat. 
"Uuugghhh how much longer mom?" She asks, sighing at your icy touch. You roll your eyes as you count the last stack. 
"Not too much hush." You place the money into the lock box, wondering how the hell the eight of you made so much money in just seven hours. 
"But I'm starving! Plus we still have to pick our rooms!" 
"You're that excited to move all of our items into what was a male dominated space?" You ask coolly as Jiro and Uraraka lean against the collapsible table. 
"I'm stoked." Jiro comments, her earjacks twirling themself as her eyes wander.
"It will be nice to be settled before the fall term." Uraraka sighs looking down at her phone, idly scrolling through her socials. The two women nod as the guys approach. You purposely ignore the hot head and allow your eyes to meet Denki's, although it takes him a few long seconds to meet your gaze. He was a little preoccupied with a black and white checkered bikini with matching Van's. 
"Earth to space cadet." Sero nudges his ribs subtly pointing to you as you gaze at him as a teacher would a student caught daydreaming. He clears his throat. 
"Well it seems your theory has paid off. We've made quite a bit of cash today." You lock the box before standing, reluctantly adding, "The pairing of female and male will be standard from here on out. Although we should only need a few more fundraising events depending on what the house needs. Which I trust won't be too much."
Three of the four boys shared a concerned look while the fourth knows how bitter your words were going to taste.
"We'll meet you at the house." 
The four of you cannot deny the excitement you feel as yall walk up to the historical home. The upper balcony seems to wrap around the back but only partially in the front while the porch below stretches across the front of the home. The siding had been repainted and the banisters above and below are wrapped in what will be sparkling lights at night. A stately set of double doors catch your eye before they yawn open by the hands of Denki Kaminari who is trying not to visibly sweat. 
"Home sweet home!" Denki steps aside to let the four of you in with your belongings. Your eyes dissect the place as you press your tongue into your bottom lip, trying your best to keep your cool. This place needed a lot of what you deemed necessities. You notice the familiar dining room table as the foldable card table they had at the carwash surrounded by the cheap camping chairs you thought you had replaced. 
The only decent looking room was the living room and even then it was only thanks to you. The leather arm chairs were placed haphazardly around the new sectional you had delivered as it circled around the TV you demanded from the dean.
Denki watches your manicured nails rap against your skin as you think.  
"The window installation and insulation went smoothly?" 
"Yes." Sero answers as your eyes wander around the room landing on your mattress and platform bed frame resting against the wall in the nook by the study turned bedroom. 
"We didn't know where to put it since the bedrooms aren't sorted out for you lovely ladies just yet." Kirishima smiles but your mind isn't on why it is there. No, your mind is wondering why there is only one.
"Was I the only one to order my mattress?" You look towards your sorority who holds a guilty look before you glance at the three men who mirror the women. 
"Well I guess that is for the better. We can spend extra on them now anyway." 
"Are you sure? I thought the budget was tight." Denki asks, earning a rare boasting smile from you. You make your way into the kitchen and six ducklings follow. Your nail taps the stainless steel of a high end commercial fridge. 
"It was tight before but not after I got this." Smile remaining on your lips as you speak, "It was 3,000 off due to some cosmetic dents but I got it as a donation. An alumni donation." 
"Wow for free?!" Denki and Sero ask in unison, amazed by your skill. 
"For free boys." 
"Wow, Bakugou might love that fridge even more now. Every time he cooks he mentions how great it is." Kirishama laughs but a certain name causes you to freeze to the tiled floor. 
"Bakugou…" You turn to Mina with a deadly glare as ice crystals form in your hair, "As in Bakugou lives here?!" 
The silence echoes throughout the kitchen and all that can be heard is the hum of the fancy fridge. Just as you're about to snap, Denki intervenes. 
"Uh. Did you want to talk bedrooms?" 
"YES!" The girls yell pulling the boys back into the safety of the living room as you collect yourself for a moment. 
God you hated the effect his name had on you but even more so how stupid you felt. As if this was some half baked plan to leave out the important detail that the man you loathed most would be under the same roof. Finally after a few deep breaths the ice in your hair melts and you step into the living room with a level head. Reminding yourself that this house was going to be rent free. You would have a full sized kitchen and your own bedroom, this was a much better option than the dorms even if it meant Bakugou came with it. 
"There is one bedroom upstairs not claimed, the rest of us guys are up there too. Then that door next to the nook is the study, it's not huge but it has a lot of shelves and big enough to fit a queen. Um there are two bedrooms in the basement but it's not totally dark down there. Plus the second living room with the pong table is down there. What else?" Denki taps his finger to his lips, "Oh half bath is here. Full bathroom is upstairs and there is technically another full bath in the basement, it's just more 'open concept'." 
"Open concept?" Jiro asks, earjacks perking with curiosity. 
"He means no walls. Just a toilet and a shower head chilling next to the laundry sink and washer, dryer." Sero explains, again you tongue the inside of your bottom lip. 
"Girl huddle!" Mina shouts, pulling the three of you into a small circle, "I personally really would like one of the bedrooms in the basement. I'm loud and I wouldn't mind the late hours that come with the pong table. I am the QUEEN after all." 
"I want a bedroom in the basement too. You know my music gets super loud!" Jiro pipes in. Uraraka wants to say something but politely waits for you, instead you gesture for her to speak first. 
"I...I would be much more comfortable in the study. I don't mind it being small." Her brown eyes bore holes into the floorboards as you read between the lines. 
"I would be much more comfortable on a different level than all four men." Is what she means, you sigh internally, swearing this will be the last compromise you make for these women. 
"Then I'll take the room upstairs." You state before telling the boys the arrangements. You look at your watch to check the time. 
"If we leave now in the college van and trailer I borrowed we could get everyone else's mattresses tonight." You look around the room before asking, "So where is Bakugou anyway?" 
The three boys glance at one another, Kirishima speaks up. 
"He had a….previous obligation." He laughs, rubbing the back of his head. You narrow your eyes. 
"Let me call him. This is more important than whatever he is doing. It clearly isn't school related." You hold out your hand for the red head's phone, he pulls it from his pocket reluctantly. 
It rings before going to voicemail but that's never stopped you before. You call until he picks up screaming into the receiver. 
"Enough with the dramatics, what could be more important than your other roommates deciding bedrooms in the house?" 
"Is that?!" A female voice screeches your name once she figured out who you are, "Listen here slut, I'm in the middle of getting my back broken and…" 
"Bakugou we are leaving in fifteen minutes. I advise that you get here on time. Otherwise we will leave without you." You interrupt the angry booty call. 
"And if I fucking don't, Icebrat?" You roll your eyes at the nickname as you sigh. 
"Then I'll spend your portion of the allowance on something else. Fifteen minutes." 
"OI!" Bakugou shouts before a woman's voice comes across the speaker.
"Stop ignoring me bitch and stop talking to my man!"
"Oh sweetheart your 'man' is only going to your place cause he sleeps on a crusty ass futon not because he actually likes you." Your voice is honeyed in venom before dipping low, "Bakugou be home or you forfeit the fucking funding for your bed."  
With that you hang up, passing Kirishima's phone back to him. Everyone shares a glance as they remember just how icy you can be, there was no threat in your voice. Only a promise to Bakugou. 
"Sero be a dear and help me take my mattress up." You ask lifting the box with the unbuilt frame with ease. Suddenly skittish Sero takes a moment to grab your mattress as Denki helps him bring it up the stairs but abandons Sero by the bathroom at the top of the stairs, forcing the tape hero to face this challenge alone. Sero only hopes the room neighboring yours is shut and he sighs with relief when it is. 
He helps you set the items into your room that is located in the front of the house.  You take in the view of the perfectly sized yet small bedroom. Two large sets of sliding doors that meet in the corner force you to place your bed against what you assume is the shared wall of one of your roommates. Sero swallows thickly as he realizes just why Denki abandoned him. He can see it in your eyes, the curiosity sparkling as you turn to face him, you're going to inquire about the room next door. 
Please Gods do not ask him. 
Don't fucking asking him please. 
"Who do I owe the pleasure?" You smile sweetly, praying it is Kirishima or Sero at the very least. Hell you'd even take Denki who sings loudly off key, as long as it wasn't Bakugou. You watch the raven hair man's face fall, his dark eyes avoiding yours as he answers and yet somehow you already knew. 
"Ba-Bakugou's" The room drops twenty degrees as the floor freezes beneath your feet, snow floating gently to the floor as Sero's breath puffs in the new found tundra. 
"SERO I NEED YOUR HELP MAN! JIRO'S DRUM SET AND AMPS ARE HEAVY!" Denki calls from downstairs, saving Sero's hide. The man rushes and catches himself from slipping before he practically jumps down the entire set of stairs. 
"How did she take it?" Mina whispers before following Sero's eyes to where your bedroom should be. Urakaka comes from the study with snowflakes dusting her hair and a shiver. 
"Well at least I'll never be hot in the summer." 
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blackkwidowed · 4 years
the declaration of ownership
How about a Natasha x reader smut? Maybe something with a dom!reader?
Jealous reader that ends in smut?
Summary: Natasha’s got a plan. Reader’s got a newly-found jealousy problem. 
Rating: E. Public shenanigans, a lot of filth. 
Word Count: 1,621
So, this baby was born from two asks that I combined into one. This is filth. 18+. 
Expect more content very soon.
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Clubbing with the Avengers is absolutely not something you ever thought you’d experience. 
You didn’t have any expectations of how clubbing with a group of superheroes would go down, but you certainly didn’t expect it to pan out the way it did. 
Tony, a regular on alcohol intake, was absolutely trashed within an hour or two. While his stumbling and chattering didn’t really bother you, it was still worth sitting through purely for the joy and humour on Natasha’s face. Steve, to everyone’s surprise, was dancing. Bucky had ‘forced’ him to let loose for the evening, which in reality meant forget about the company, let's grind up on one another when the sexy songs come on and maintain that we’re just friends. Poor boys, they’re really not that subtle. 
The verdict though? You were having a good night together, you were all having fun. Until Natasha went to get the drinks. 
You can’t even believe yourself because you do not get jealous. You’re not a jealous person. You’re really, really not. But the longer you stare the harder it becomes to convince yourself that you’re not jealous right now. And not just a cute kind of jealous. The kind where if Natasha knows it’s bothering you, she’ll milk it just so you’ll teach her a lesson. She keens under that kind of behaviour from you, where you just shove her around and do whatever you like to her, whimpers for that rougher attention. 
So maybe, with that in mind, Natasha is trying to make you jealous by flirting back with the guy behind the bar. 
You know it’s harmless, deep down. You know Natasha doesn’t actually like men romantically or sexually so it means nothing. But what you also know, is just how far Natasha is willing to go to get a rise out of you. 
When Natasha returns, you know by the look on her face that she’s waiting for a reaction. She sits even closer to you than before, so close you can smell a hint of the vodka she’s been drinking. She isn’t drunk, no, she’s just trying to test you to see how far you’ll go. 
You lay a hand on her thigh and squeeze, turning to press a kiss to her cheek. You say nothing. You give no hint that you’d just witnessed the little show she was trying to put on. For all Natasha is concerned, you saw nothing. That’s how you like it, and you barely suppress a hint of a smirk. 
The night continues. You drink, you dance, you enjoy your free time. Natasha is particularly dirty in her dancing tonight, but you let it slide. Watching her on the verge of a whimper because you won’t play ball is almost as fun as when you do tease her back. Almost.
You’ll admit though, keeping your cool is proving more and more difficult. The way she’s moving her hips against you shouldn’t really be seen anywhere other than when you’re alone together. Her body is slick, her dress tight and her hands don’t leave you.
What angers you is the staring from that damn bartender. You’re sure this is the moment you snapped. You’re a little hazy, overwhelmed by everything, but you remember very, very clearly the moment you mutter in Nat’s ear.
“Give me your panties.” You don’t really care that people might hear you. You know everyone’s too engrossed in their own antics to probably even notice Natasha grinding on you in the middle of a club, but Natasha hears it and immediately knows that you’re not as oblivious as she thought. 
“Why?” Nat bats her lashes at you. She does a good job at acting innocent, admittedly. Just not quite good enough to get past you. 
You shrug, your hands sliding around her waist and pulling her against you with a little force. “Just want to make a statement.” 
She raises an eyebrow, but you can see she’s already choosing to follow your orders. Her eyes are a deeper shade of green, pupils blown and cheeks flushed. She throws you a wink, and pushes your hands from her waist, manoeuvring skillful hands over her dress to pull her panties down her legs. God, it’s so public that Natasha is more than likely ready to burst. 
You don’t care if people are staring, you just grin as she holds them out to you. They’re black, lacy, and you know she’s wearing a matching bra that you can’t wait to rid her of later. Before you take them from her, you glance around until you find that bartender. With your eyes locked on his, you give him the back off look, before smirking. You take the item in Nat’s hand, without breaking eye contact with the bartender, and you wink at him, shoving Natasha’s panties in your shirt pocket. 
His dumbfounded look is almost enough to satisfy your anger.
“That’s quite the statement.” Nat manages. Christ, your hand is still in your pocket and you can feel that she’s soaked through her panties before she even took them off. 
“Let’s go.” You wrap an arm around her waist and lead her out, ignoring Tony drunkenly yelling for you to get him another drink. You had things to do.
Which brought you to now. You hadn’t even made it past the front door. Instead, you had Natasha pushed against it, her legs snug around your hips, your tongue in her mouth and your fingers teasing lightly between her thighs. 
“Touch me. Please.” She whimpers, tugging at your hair that’s wrapped around her fingers. 
“Not yet, pretty girl.” You suck a mark into her neck, and you don’t let up until you know it’ll be visible for the rest of the week. “Tell me, who do you belong to?”
She groans, her head falling back against the door. She gasps as your teeth nip her shoulder, travel back up her neck and to her ear where you continue talking to her.
“I haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already falling apart. Look at you.” 
“Y/N,” she breathes. 
“What, baby?” You brush your nose along the side of hers, running the hand between her thighs closer and closer to where she’s absolutely fucking aching for your touch. She’s so warm, you haven’t even touched her yet but you can feel it on her thighs, the heat intoxicating. You’re drunk on her heat alone, the scent, the desperation in the way she breathes your name. “What do you need?”
She bites her lip, closing her eyes as your other hand, the one holding her up, squeezes her ass. 
“Want me to touch you?” Your mouth hovers over hers, her breath warm. You can still smell the vodka, but you know she isn’t drunk. You’re not either, to tell the truth. You’d been so occupied with driving Natasha nuts that you didn’t even think to drink to the point of drunk. “Want me to touch you right here?”
She groans out, your fingers finally meeting that heat from the source this time. You run a single finger through her folds, just once, avoiding her clit, and you bring your hand to Natasha’s lips. 
“Suck,” you whisper, eyes dark. She whimpers quietly, taking your finger into her hot mouth and relishing in the taste of herself. “That’s it.”
You give in, slipping your fingers back down and running your thumb lightly over her clit. Her hips jolt against your hand, and she gets a bit more pressure than you wanted her to have, but you can’t stomach being mad at her. Not when she releases that utterly filthy, bordering whorish moan. 
She’s wet enough to take more than one finger straight away, but she’s still expecting you to tease her. She sighs beautifully in delight when she feels you push two fingers against her heat. She accepts you eagerly, hungrily, tightening around your fingers and moaning so damn loud when your palm brushes her clit. The pressure is so delicious, she cannot keep quiet and boy if you needed to make her see stars before, she’s about to enter a damn galaxy by now. 
She clenches around your fingers, her hips rocking into your palm while you fuck her. The position is absolutely perfect, and she looks so gorgeous like this you can’t even fathom the thought of ever stopping. 
You pull your fingers out and she whines. You wink at her, kissing the corner of her mouth gently and then connecting your lips. “All in good time, sweetheart.”
She almost screams when you push inside her again, this time with a third finger added in the mix and you’re shocked because you can feel how close she is already. You can’t believe she’s this turned on, you can’t believe you’re lucky enough to have this woman at your mercy, trusting you entirely.
“God, you’re so beautiful like this, did you know that?” You murmur. You’re not even sure how much she hears. Natasha is being loud tonight and you love it. “You’re close.”
“Mmhmm,” she groans, bucking into you harder, tugging you forward and slamming her lips to yours, slipping her tongue into your mouth in an attempt to stop being so damn loud. “I don’t know if I’ve ever come this quickly.”
Natasha continues to breathe heavily against your lips and you smirk. “I think you’ll find you have definitely come this quickly before.”
Natasha comes with a whimper, nails digging into your shoulders to hold herself up as her hips move uncontrollably. 
“Take me to bed.” She breathes. “Now, take me to bed and fuck my brains out.”
You chuckle, darker than intended. “Patience. I’m not even finished with you here, yet.” 
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boyfriend behaviors based on their zodiac signs: monsta x (ot7)
shownu | gemini ☀️ capricorn 🌙
• at first, very difficult to read
• hell you didn’t know he liked you back until he kissed you for the first time
• you had been trying to get closer to him, being kinder, softer, more caring but nothing seemed to work
• jooheon gave you tips and encouraged you since he knew they way to warm shownu up the best
• eventually you gave up and pouted and unbeknownst to you, he noticed
• when he kissed you, you gasped and then wrapped your arms around him, since his neck was too high up for you to reach
• his strong arms held you tight
• and that’s one of the things you love about your relationship
• shownu opened up to you and you can read him more easily
• and when he hugs you, you feel safe and protected
• he’s the best hugger in the entire world and you take FULL advantage of that
• he’s also jarringly straightforward about other things, so much so you get whiplash from his confessions
• “i need you, right now, can you meet me in my studio in ten?” you gulp and nod like a lost puppy
• the members treat you like momma bear and you have no problem with that although shownu does get jealous when you dote on jooheon
• it’s a win-win for you though because jealous shownu is also a dominating shownu
wonho | pisces ☀️ gemini 🌙
• from the first time you met till the moment you confessed you both were obviously enamored with one another
• wonho was obvious and you were too
• his jaw literally dropped and you weren’t any better
• but because of time conflicts and insecurity on both ends you took your time to get together
• when you finally did it was an explosion of skinship and sickly sweet couple cliches
• wonho insisted on matching outfits and although you tried to argue you couldn’t deny his excited expression
• so there you were wearing matching pajamas being teased by the members
• as fiercely as he loved he was also fiercely protective
• he knew you could take care of yourself but anyone that even THOUGHT of flirting would get stared down and scurry away because well have you seen wonho?
• kisses you and worships your body like it’s the first time and the last time he ever will
• overall a soft and loving boy who would give you the stars in the sky if he could
minhyuk | scorpio ☀️ gemini 🌙
• minhyuk didn’t waste time in confessing to you, he quite literally swept you off your feet and asked you to date him and you were so shocked from the question and being held like bride you only responded with “what the fuck?”
• it pretty much set the tone for your relationship
• he spends as much time as he can making your dates fun and well thought out and you love that about him
• no matter how busy he is he manages to make time for you
• your favorite date was a customized escape room that had clues about your relationship, each other, and random facts about the members
• it’s one of your favorite days
• as much fun as you have on intricate dates you also love lazing around with minhyuk
• usually the members find you with your head on his chest playing with his fingers
• you love how big his hands are and how one can wrap around both of yours
• most of the time when you’re fidgeting with him it leads to play wrestling or a different kind of wrestling....
• changkyun always ends up sleeping in kihyun’s room when you’re over
kihyun | scorpio ☀️ pisces 🌙
• your first impression of kihyun was that he cared about his members like family
• that’s what drew you to him, of course his strikingly good looks didn’t hurt
• kihyun was careful about his emotions, not showing that he felt the way he did about you until he couldn’t hold back any longer
• it happened at the dance studio
• the boys had been practicing and you were waiting for them to get done so you could get dinner with minhyuk and kihyun, one of their dancers came up to you and introduced himself and started flirting
• he was handsome and kind but you only had eyes for kihyun, and kihyun clearly hadn’t taken his eyes off you throughout the exchange
• just as you were about to reject his advances, kihyun walked up to you both and nodded to the dancer, “they’re actually here for me.” the statement could’ve meant a number of things maybe even innocent but kihyun’s tone suggested otherwise
• you didn’t even notice what the guy said as he walked off all you could do was stare in shock at kihyun who was watching the dancer walk away as if staring (read: glaring) down prey
• only when he looked to you did he realize the weight of his words
• the other members had filed out, you hadn’t noticed but it was perfect because you couldn’t wait any longer
• you kissed him and kihyun didn’t hold back in kissing you with fervor
• since then you realized just how passionate kihyun was
• passion and care in everything
• his love was intense in the best way and it washed over you
• he treats you like you’re the most important person in the world and you take care of him because you know he’s too busy taking care of others
hyungwon | capricorn ☀️ pisces 🌙
• hyungwon didn’t just jump into relationships, the members warned you on multiple occasions
• but you couldn’t just stop how you felt
• every day you spent with hyungwon you fell deeper and deeper in love
• one night you were playing truth or dare with the boys and minhyuk asked a pointed question, “what’s something you want most in this world but can’t get?”
• “love” the members clowned you for the deep answer but hyungwon was only forcefully smiling, you became afraid that you had been too obvious
• it was 3 am by the time you were done playing and the members insisted you stay the night instead of taking a taxi home
• hyungwon, like the gentleman he is, offered his bed
• you declined and he insisted and you went back and forth
• the members escaped the room as you continued to argue about who deserves the bed more
• “hyungwon i care about you too much to make you sleep on a sofa” you were almost yelling at this point
• “y/n there’s no way i’m letting the person i love sleep anywhere but my bed.” hyungwon fired back and you gasped
• you almost cried because it felt too good to be true, “are you just saying that to make fun of me?” and hyungwon’s heart broke right then and there, as he saw tears form in your eyes
• he pulled you to his chest and kissed the top of your head, “i mean it.”
• since then you’ve been the soft cuddly couple the members gag at
• cuddles and naps are your love language
• hyungwon treats you like a princess and reminds you every day that you’re his one and only true love
• “nothing comes before you my love.”
jooheon | libra ☀️ libra 🌙
• jooheon made you feel at home when you met him, he made you laugh and ease up
• you can never forget the way he welcomed you into the group
• the first time you realized you liked him was when minhyuk poked his dimples and you had an overwhelming urge to do the same
• since then you’ve been an emotional mess
• jooheon makes you soft but also inexplicably frustrated and you can’t contain it when he’s rapping in the studio one day
• you and changkyun are tracking his lyrics and he records it in one go, perfect on the first try and you think he can’t hear you from inside the recording booth but you’re wrong
• “how can he be so hot and cute at the same time? why are doing this to me lee jooheon??” you groan and changkyun laughs at your despair
• you’re both shocked when you hear, “i’m sorry i can’t help it,” from the speakers and you yelp as jooheon winks at you from inside the booth
• and then after you elbow changkyun as jooheon takes his headphones off to come out of the booth, he leaves the studio so you can talk to jooheon
• suffice to say, you got to kiss his lips until they were swollen and kiss his dimples until you were satisfied
• jooheon is as affectionate as they come
• you know he’ll be grumpy if he doesn’t get his daily cuddles and kisses and you don’t mind
• jooheon loves kisses but he also loves kissing and you lose track of time in his embrace
i.m | aquarius ☀️ aries 🌙
• he’s quiet and mysterious when you first meet, but over time you break him out of his shell and he becomes your best friend
• but changkyun is impatient especially when you’re sitting laughing with the other members and his heart aches at the sight
• he pulls you into his studio, demanding you help him with a new single hes working on and you love it immediately
• you’re completely biased because it’s changkyun but you really do love his rapping
• you close your eyes and listen and when his voice gets impossibly deeper as he raps you just whisper, “holy shit.”
• changkyun hears and pauses the song, “was that in a good way or bad way?”
• “good.... very good.” your mouth has dried up completely because he’s so hot and you’re THIRSTY
• changkyun makes a pained sound and giggles before playing it again
• after it’s finished you compliment him profusely and he’s shying away from you and rolling away in his chair and asking you to stop because he cannot take it
• instead of listening you grab his wrist and pull him closer and continue and his mouth just drops open
• you don’t let go as you finish complimenting him and changkyun kisses the smug expression off your lips
• from then on you’re making out and sneaking away to the studio as often as possible
• yeah you’re young and in love and it shows
• he always wants to try new things and will do anything to please you
• he doesn’t voice his emotions but the way he treats you tells you everything you need to know
• possessive in a cute way
• but also it can be annoying when you’re running out of concealer to hide his hickies and love bites
• he just smirks and admires his work as you complain about not being able to cover it up
• “people are gonna think i got attacked by a literal wolf.”
• “hmm why don’t we match then?” he leans down to whisper into your ear and then stretches his neck for you
• you end up late to work that day
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Wont you let me take you to the other side?- A dark sides au intrulogical story
okaaaaaay I got hit with alot of inspiration for this one! I was listening to the song The Other Side from The Greatest Showman ( and had @softmushie ‘s animatic of the song on repeat for like an hour its so good) and as I was listening I started thinking and suddenly this song fit these two perfectly for this au.
A bit of context: Remus is pretty damn tired of the light sides and his brother always taking things from him and virgil and the other dark sides and decides that they need a taste of their own medicine, and he knows EXACTLY what to do to do it~
I hope you guys enjoy, I had alot of fun doing this and there will be a corresponding picture being drawn( since I dont have the tools to make animatics- theres an animatic in this that im just writing out at this point) So if this comes off as a song fic thats part of the plan
Anyway enjoy!!
Warnings: Crude language, cursing, remus being remus, unsympathetic sides(all sides not just one, depends on whose side youre viewing the conflict from) Sympathetic dark sides, Sexual implications and innuendos somewhere
Logan would pride himself on being many things, such as prepared for almost any situation. He was rational, logic, level-headedness, problem solver, calm. He was prepared for many things thrown at the sides and at Thomas. 
He knew how to calmly ease Deceit’s insecurities about his new role. He knew how to reel back Roman from going overboard and exhausting himself before he can expand on any one idea. He knew how to calm Patton down when and urge him to talk before he bottled up too much negativity. He would even risk saying he could keep the dark sides from causing too much mayhem, as difficult as they could make themselves. Logan was efficient and orderly, and he tried to keep most of the mindscape, and Thomas, the same way despite any roadblocks or shenanigans.
Despite this he was not prepared for everything that could happen, which is what landed him in his current predicament. 
Logan’s head throbbed lightly as he pried his eyes open, as if he had a headache or had been hit hard over the head with something heavy. When he had gathered his bearings he looked up to find himself in a dark space shrouded in black, sitting at the end up a sleek dark table. A glance down showed him he was not restrained in any visible way, and he could get up and leave if he so wanted. But where he would be leaving was unclear, and he stayed seated as he thought back to what happened and how he would’ve gotten here. ‘ Lets see....we were brainstorming another video idea...I was with Roman...we were bickering over an idea of his and the actuality of Thomas being able to pull it off in a timely matter or if we should go with something else...it was a bit of a stalemate so to speak...and then Roman yelled something about behind me...and then I saw a glimpse of green...and then...The last thing I can remember seeing was--’
“ Remus.” He said firmly. Thats when he heard a familiar laugh at the other end of the table.
“ You called Logan darling~?” Logan sighed and briefly pinched the bridge of his nose to maintain his composure before reopening his eyes and locking them with the wild, glowing green eyes of the side across from him. 
Remus was sitting at the other side of the table with his chair tilted back in a precarious balancing act and a wide grin on his face that reeked of bad intentions...or maybe that was just Remus in general. Logan sat himself up straighter in his chair and sighed.
“ Remus would you please explain where we are, and why you felt the need to knock me out to bring me here.” Remus only shrugged at first, tapping freshly painted black nails on the desk where he could reach. Despite the casual feel to his movements his eyes were unusually sharp and focused, trapping Logan in their grip. He couldnt help the irritated huff he gave, and he tapped his foot a little.
“ Remus please, I’m not in the mood for these games of yours right now. Wheres the exit.” All he got back was an amused hum and the thud of his chair remeeting the floor and the creak as the other leaned towards him.
“ oh ho ho~ No games today Lo-lo not this time...This time I’d like to put an offer for you out on the table.” He gave a grand sweep gesture over the table and grinned, eyes glittering with something Logan recognized somewhere else. Stubborn-ness, determination.
He saw it in Roman’s eyes far too often to mistake it. 
“ An...offer? Remus...what are you talking about?” Remus seemed to wave off his clear suspicion and continued his pitch, voice enthusiastic and honest.
“ Cmon lo! I dont want to have to keep chasing you down for it...but I know you see it too. Drop the stuffy ties with those light side pricks and try running with me.” Logan was stunned, too stunned to reply at first. And Remus took that opportunity to keep going.
“ You can run with me, and I can cut you free from them and all the burdens they keep piling on. Out of all that drudgery and the walls that are keeping you in!” He leaned forward more, palms flat on the table as he stood from his chair.
“ Lets trade that boring typical for something different, something colorful! And if its bad or crazy? Fuck it lets live a little crazy!” Logan only had time to blink before Remus was standing beside him, leaning close.
“ You can play it sensible, their king of the conventional. Or you can risk it all and see...dont you just wanna get away from this same old boooooooring part they make you play?” He felt Remus’s hand glid over his chest and shoulder as he circled around the chair, another grand gesture made with his other hand.
“ Because frankly specs, I got more of what you need! So just come with me and take the ride~ and I’ll take you to the other side! Because dont get me wrong...” Another blink and the other was seated directly in front of him on top of the table, one leg crossed over the other and his heeled boot lightly pressing on his thigh above his knee.
“ you can keep doing like you do...or you can do like me! You can stay in you boring little cage, or you can finally take the key...” A golden key dangled in his right hand tauntingly, as his other hand wrapped around Logan’s tie and pulled him up so their faces were close. He lowered his voice to a soften, smooth tone as his smiled curled into a small smirk.
“ Well damn, then suddenly youre free to fly....Just let me take you to the other side.” 
Logan blinked, once then twice as he processed what was happening as quickly as he could. And once it had he almost let out a bit of a laugh. Remus was persuasive when he was passionate about something, Logan wouldnt deny him that. His words were urging and hypnotic, but that alone wouldnt make the logical side swoon. So he sighed through his nose and put his hand on the wrist holding his tie and met his eyes confidently. 
“ Ok Remus, you want to...” cut me in” so to speak. You want me to join the dark sides with you correct? As...gilded and lovely as you make the offer to be...” He gently pushed his hand off and leaned back in his chair, straightening his tie with a calm, composed expression.
“ Well I hate to tell youm but it simply just wont happen. So I give you my thanks, but no. I think im good to go.” He gave a small smirk and stood from the chair and took a step away, casually dusting his shoulders off as he did.
“ Because despite what you say I quite enjoy the life you claim to say im trapped in. Not to completely disregard you now,” He glanced back, dark blue cutting into bright green as the table disappeared and left the two standing face to face in the darkness 
“ Now, I’ll admit I do admire you, and this whole show you can do. Youre onto something Remus, really youre onto something I can say I’ll be proud of you for. But I have to stay among the light sides and rationality, and cannot afford to give in to recklessness. That, I’ll have to leave that up to you.” He chuckled softly with his words and stood up straighter, his smiling faded as he took a more serious approach, turning on his heels to walk away.
“ Dont you know that im ok with this “ uptown” part I get to play. Because there I got what I need and I dont wish to take your ride. So I dont need to see the other side.” He turned and began to walk, waving his hand to dismiss the idea away.
“ So you go back and do like you do, I’m well and good to do like me. I am not in some so called cage...so I dont need to take your key Remus. I believe you can see I’m doing just fine. I dont need you to take me to the other side.” Remus narrowed his eyes and let out his own sigh, watching his back with more seriousness.
“ Is that really how you like to spend your days? Wasted and in misery, locked in their rules and pretty plays?” Logan glanced back with a stern look.
“ If I were to be mixed up with you, I’d be the talk of the mindscape. I’d likely be disgraced and disowned, discarded as unfit for my role as logic.” 
Logan had blinked once and suddenly he was swept off his feet and in a twirl. He let out a startled noise as Remus led him in a extravagant waltz, arms around him and keeping him close as the world around them melted and swirled into a  luxurious and gothic ballroom hall, green candlelight flickering and glowing as they danced round and round. Here in his arms Logan realized for the first time that Remus was actually taller than him, and that the other could dance beautifully and elegantly while Logan stumbled along with him. Remus didnt seem to mind as he chuckled and led Logan round and round to music he couldve sworn floated at the edges of his hearing, something somber and sweet on the violin or piano maybe. 
“ Cmon Logan dont you enjoy this? The freedom, the thrill?” Logan looked up again and opened his mouth to repeat his stance when Remus leaned close
“ You would finally get to live a little, finally laugh a little....just let me give you the freedom to dream and to breathe a little...” Another twirl and he spun Logan once like a princess before continuing their dance.
“ It’ll wake you up and cure all your aching, I’ll take all your walls and we’ll start ‘em breaking! Now to me that seems like a deal...a risk well worth taking~” He then spun Logan away from him, and the logical side found himself a little speechless as the scene morphed once more. Remus himself fell into a deep sweeping bow as he smiled, a bow worthy of a King’s presence. And for the one moment Logan realized he could feel the weight of a crown on his head, could see parts of the elegant and simple royal robes he was donning and the throne room he now stood at the head of, moonlight pouring in and giving it all an almost heavenly glow. His eyes met Remus’s once more, and he saw they were glittering in the moonlight, like green jewels. And all at once the moonlight faded and Remus pulled himself up. Logan briefly felt a hand slide sensually, longingly across his cheek as it grew darker, and as Remus’s voice grew softer.
“ But I guess I’ll leave that decision up to you Logan...” 
He blinked and found himself standing in the hallway, right in front of his room, normal attire and Remus nowhere in sight. It was dark, most likely night now and he could feel Thomas sleeping. 
He was back home...right?  
Logan took a deep breath as quietly as he could and shook his head, trying to dismiss the whole ordeal as perhaps nothing but a vivid dream of sorts...He let his shoulders slump a little as he headed into his room to go work on some things before bed. But he stopped as his door clicked shut, eyes locked on the single thorny blue rose sitting in the center of his desk. He felt warmth flood his cheeks as his fingers brushed one of the silk soft petals. He caught a glimpse of a single lined note attached to the stem, the paper spotted with a couple suspicious red dots and curvy, messy handwriting.
‘ I’ll be waiting on your answer, you know where to find me once you do~ Until then darling’
aaaaaaaaaand tadaaaa! Its done!! I hope you guys like it!!
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thebestestboyo · 4 years
How Remus Started Working For Patton: Part 5
Tw: Remus being Remus/Swearing/Drug Mention/Drinking Coffee
While it took some getting used to, Remus was immensely pleased at his newfound membership to the Anacondas.
Not ONLY did he have another person to annoy the shit out of daily (this position was held by Dee and Virgil exclusively, as well as his brother), but he also was able to pop by and bring Pat on his adventures so he could feel that fuzzy sensation in his chest.
Ree still couldn't determine why he felt that way, but he supposed it was because Pat would listen to him ramble without telling him that it was stupid.
Or maybe it was because he was pretty? He was remarkably attractive, whether in a skirt or in a pair of jeans, and his hair seemed softer than even that dead rabbit Virgil dared him to touch once. Whether that was because the rabbit was dead or because Patton was Patton, it didn't matter. But even then, Remus had met plenty of attractive people! And he didn't usually have this reaction, at least, not one this soft.
Maybe it was the danger? Pat was part of a crime organization. Remus always did like the danger of doing things most people saw as dangerous or scandalous, but it didn't feel particularly high stakes yet. The most risky encounter they had was that damned seagull chasing after them. (Remus was going to kill that bird one of these days...)
He supposed he'd have to ask his brother. Grosssssss. Remus hated asking his brother for advice, it always was some fairytale crap or something similar. But, as Virgil wasn't home, and he was NOT going to ask Patton (that would be embarrassing), Dee (they're brothers) or Logan (he's not too good at emotions), he had no other choice.
So that's why he was standing on the balcony of Roman's apartment, hair full of leaves, sighing for what seemed like the twentieth time as Roman continued to not notice him.
"Oh brother dorkest!~ It is me, your evil twin! Get your gay ass out here!"
That seemed to do the trick, well, to some degree. It at least made Roman jump, turning his head to look through the window at him.
Not too long after, it also caused him to finally open the window! Spectacular.
"Remus you know I have a front door."
"Oh but it's just so much more fun to see your reaction when I use unconventional means! Remember when I used your vent system?"
"Yeah, and you nearly fell through it. To what do I owe the displeasure of a meeting with you?" Despite his words, Roman was clearly biting back a smile.
Hopping through the open frame, Remus began to pace around the apartment, leaving a trail of leaves in his wake. It had been windy outside, he couldn't help it!
"I am facing an emotional dilemma!"
"Dilemma? Who taught you these fancy words? Where is my real brother???" Roman crossed his arms where he stood, leaning up against the wall in amusement.
"Oh shut your butt. Seriously though, I am facing problems and all my other friends are unable to help at this time."
"That's a first."
Remus ran a hand through his hair, wishing he had put a braid in it or something. Normally he'd be fine with it full of leaves, he'd had worse, but right now he was on edge and he'd prefer if there wasn't the crinkly sound every time he moved. "Its with this guy dipshit! This guy that for whatever reason I cannot understand why he enjoys my presence."
With that statement, Roman's demeanor changed drastically. Making his way over to his brother, he sat him down on the couch. "This seems like a problem in which we'll need some coffee. You still like yours the same?"
Ree simply nodded, still stewing over his emotions.
His brother came back holding two mugs, one that was coffee only in name, and the other that was some amalgamation of cream cheese, sriracha sauce, and hot fudge.
He handed the abomination to Remus, sipping his own. "Ok spill."
"So a few weeks back, I met this guy. And I thought it would be like all my other flings ya know? Chill, not much expectations, and ending after about a week. But this guy is just, pure sunshine. He and I flirt a bit, and he's pretty cuddly but as far as I can tell he sees me as a friend. But I don't know how I see him, because whenever I'm around him I get this dizzy feeling and it's like being drunk and taking hallucinogenics at the same time??"
"Ah so you're in love with him!!!"
Remus nearly spit out his drink at how sudden it was. "Excuse me??"
"You're in love!!!"
"That's ridiculous! I don't do that! The most I have is a one night stand! A fling if I'm particularly bored! I don't do 'in love' my dearest bother." Making air quotes with his free hand, he continued sipping his drink, if you could call it that.
Seriously. What was even in it??? It looked disgusting! But for some reason Remus kept drinking it??? What a madman.
"Well, tell me about this guy then."
"For curiosity's sake! It's been so long since I've had a relationship so I'm projecting to yours."
"Haven't gotten laid recently?" Remus wiggled his eyebrows, knocking elbows with him to see if he'd spill his drink.
"Ugh!! Vulgar, he'd at least have to buy me dinner first." Ro swiped his mug away before the mountain of whipped cream was disturbed, frowning. "But seriously! What's this guy like?"
"If you want the basic description, he's cute as fuck. If you want the less basic description, he's quite possibly the only guy who I would want to slow dance with since...collage at least."
"Wow, slow dancing??"
"I KNOW right??? He's got these pretty-ass eyes and whenever I look into them I just melt and he's so soft that when he hugs me I'm just a puddle of blood and guts on the floor and I'd let him tear the heart from my chest if he asked."
"Wow. That's...that is a crush. That my dear brother, is a crush!"
"Ugh shut up. So what's up with your life right now? Make any new musicals?"
Roman's face lit up, and then dimmed almost immediately after. He didn't meet Ree's eyes as he spoke, slowly stirring his drink. "Well..."
"Well what?"
"I did, but it was rejected again."
"That's bullshit! Your scripts are amazing! Even if they lack the blood and gore, they're some of the best pieces I've ever read! That cock of a publishing company should be begging for your works!"
"It's really not that big of a deal...they were unpolished anyways."
"I'm going to commit arson soon enough."
"Remus no! I'll just try some of the other publishers. I'll have to work twice as hard, but maybe one of them will like it..."
As Remus looked at his brother, he noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how his body curled into itself, as if it was barely staying together.
"Dipshit...you haven't been sleeping well huh?"
A shake of his head was all Remus needed to set both of their mugs down on the coffee table, lifting up his brother. "You need a break. I don't trust you not to work yourself to death."
"Remus no, I have to get working on the next-"
"Nope! I'm taking you to my pal's place. He'll watch after you. I'm going to work soon, so I'd do it myself, but he's second best."
"Please tell me you aren't leaving me at a bar."
"Nope! Logan doesn't drink. Says it messes with his brain's 'structural integrity' or something."
Roman, used to his antics, simply wrapped his arms around Remus, leaning into him as he grumbled something he couldn't hear.
"Don't worry, I'll grab your keys so you can get back in. He's nice I swear!"
"If I end up dead in an alley I'm haunting you."
"Virgil would hate that. He already thinks we have ghosts in our apartment, you'd be the final straw before he buys an ouija board."
They talked quietly as Remus grabbed some of Roman's important stuff, then heading out. Thankfully, no one bothered them on the walk over, and Remus didn't have much problem knocking on the stained door of Logan's place, which, in his words, 'serves as my workplace as well as my domicile so Remus kindly stop bothering my cat.'
"Hey Locoooooooooo!"
There was banging from inside as his only answer unfortunately, so Remus assumed that he was in his lab.
Time to let himself in! Roman had fallen asleep on his shoulder by now, so he couldn't set him down to crawl through a window. Crap. Might as well use the keys then.
Maneuvering his grip, he managed to grab them from his pocket, stepping in. Entropy, who was sitting on her cat tower, merely blinked at him before hopping off, most likely to go find Logan.
"Remus I swear if your roommate threw you out again because you messed with a skunk-"
Ah! There he was. He must have been working with one of his machines again, when he came out to greet him, he was wearing his metal-working mask. "Hi Logie!~"
"Hello Remus. Why does it appear as if you're carrying a dead body?"
"This is my brother! I told you about him before. He needs someone to watch after him so he actually rests for once in his goddamned life."
Roman, who had awoken by now from all the noise, struggled to get out of Remus's arms. "I'm not a child-"
"I can't watch him right now since I have to go work at Hell Incorporated-" He made a face, disgusted at even the mention of his office job, "-so I thought you could?"
Logan turned up his mask, looking closer at Roman, his face...red? Wait what? It was probably because the machine tended to get hot. Or...
"Remus, you want me to nanny your twin brother?"
"Yep! He's an incorrigible little menace that won't sleep unless you force him to or he passes out from exhaustion."
"This is a grown man we are discussing?"
Piping up from his struggle to get down, Roman turned to look at Logan. "Exactl-"
His intended speech cut off as he locked eyes, exhaling a little bit at the sight. "oh."
Glancing between the two of them, Remus noticed the redness on both of their cheeks, and wanting to see none of whatever stirred up his brother, simply pushed him into Logan's twig arms. "I'll be back soon!"
Both turned to look at him, startled looks on both their faces.
He was already out the door, snickering.
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cupofteaguk · 5 years
the maze to you
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summary: turns out you won’t be getting the storybook soulmate journey you were promised when you have a dream of a boy named Kim Taehyung at a frat party. 
pairing: taehyung x fem!reader
genre: soulmate au (the one where you dream about your soulmate) | angst
warnings: mentions of college parties, descriptions of an erection, i know it just says angst but it’s a happy ending :-) i would never hurt u guys :-)
word count: 9k
Ever since you were young, you dreamt about the promise of sharing your life with the person the universe deemed as the best fit for you: your soulmate. Given the type of world you grew up in, the type of world your parents and grandparents and every other generation inhabited before you, this isn’t a difficult notion to comprehend—the universe created soulmates and a pretty foolproof way of showcasing when the connection between aforementioned soulmates was established as well as a way of helping the individuals figure out how to gather clues needed to find each other.
It used the minds. Or, more specifically, dreams. The dreams didn’t allow soulmates to speak to each other through means of communication, however, and instead used dreams as a way to allow soulmates more in-dept glances into the lives of their other half. The dreams simply showed the experiences underwent during the day, allowing the soulmates to disclose information on themselves or do anything to share who they were in a way that could bring them together. Soulmates could do anything from sharing their city or pieces from their past or a house, drawing pictures or sharing names across sheets of paper—when trying to share one’s life story within the time frame of a few REM cycles, the sky was the limit on what people would do.
You know all about the extent to which people would go for their soulmate. After all, you like to think of yourself as the byproduct of many happy and determined people who would do anything to reach their partner. Things like sharing cities or writing names across the skin of their arm? Yeah, your parents use to pull shit like that all the time when they first started getting the dreams. They were so set on finding each other, so determined to meet as soon as they realized what was happening that they wasted no time. They found one another with ease, just like your grandparents and every other story you’ve been told since you were capable of understanding the idea of soulmates and love and the desire to have that in your life as well.
Ever since then, you would spend an endless amount of hours hoping and praying and wondering when your time was coming, when you were going to get your dreams and your signs from the universe that your soulmate was actually out there. Waiting for you. Just as you were waiting for them.
“The dreams will appear seemingly at the most random time,” Your mother says one afternoon as you’re resting your chin on the edge of the table, gazing up at her with wide eyes that only a curious and naive eleven-year-old version of yourself could possess. “My dreams appeared when I was fifteen—and the first glimpse I ever got into your dad’s life were the NASA and Apollo mission posters that lined the walls of his bedroom. I hadn’t even seen his face, but I knew he was the one for me.”
You’re not even sure if eleven-years-old is the appropriate age to start fantasizing, but that’s when you start wondering about what your first dreams would look like. During the younger years of your life, you hoped your future soulmate would have a palace, a field of horses in the backyard, look like a Disney prince—you know, the normal desires for a normal child estranged by the concept of Disney movies and happily ever afters.
However, as you grew up, so did your desires and ambitions and expectations for your soulmate. You grew up realizing that you didn’t want to realize anything for your soulmate—you didn’t need someone perfect. You, too, also wanted to see posters of your partner’s interests and passions lining the walls. You want to see someone writing their name across the skin of their own arm for you to see from the depths of your subconscious, you want to feel their desperation to meet you plagued within their body until they got to meet you.
You relay this to a friend on the afternoon of your seventeenth birthday, and Karly laughs.
“Seems a little over-the-top, don’t you think?”
“Easy for you to say,” You grunt back, placing your chin in the palm of your hand and scratching the back of your head. “You got your first dream last year, and you have nothing to worry about.”
That is true. Jung Hoseok was practicing dance in his high school practice room, twisting and turning and moving his body to a beat no one can remember—and that had been Karly’s first memory of his. And she has been in love with him ever since, even if they haven’t officially met yet.
“Oh relax,” Karly says, smiling soothingly, yet only wears the expression of someone whose heart isn’t entirely into the idea of consoling given that they can no longer relate to the current problem at hand. “You’ll get your dreams when you least expect it. And they’ll be perfect.”
Yes. Perfect in its own sense. Perfect like all the other storybook tales you’ve heard. Given that those sort of tales seem to follow all those around you, it should make the most logical sense for your own experience to mirror your friends, peers, and family, right? Right?
You get your answer at nineteen-years-old. In the day proceeding, nothing of significance had happened to you in the sense that you didn’t feel different. You had just gone to school, gone to work, finished your assignments, and moved on. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing to give away that perhaps you would feel different or better the following morning.
Karly had been right in saying that it would hit you when you least expect it.
It seems to hit you as soon as you close your eyes and you are immediately hit with a sense that feels like the world around you is no longer what you thought it was.
When you open your eyes, you’re at a party. The lights overheard are blaring, flashing all sorts of different colors that dance across the ceiling. There’s music, at least, from what you can tell. The music is loud, if the vibrations that thrum through your body is anything to go by.
Suddenly, your body moves of its own accord without any nerves or commands from the brain. It shifts on weight. You see hands that don’t belong to you, holding a questionably-colored drink you would never hold on your own. In the dream, you feel taller and bolder and dizzy and drowsy all at once, a feeling you are familiar enough with to know that it’s being drunk. But unlike you, who usually gets sleepy or nauseous if caught with too much alcohol in your system, this body is holding it well. Very well. So well that it can actually hold a conversation with a (dare you say) relatively attractive girl standing in front of you, all wide eyes and curving smile. Even though you’re pretty sure that you aren’t sexually drawn toward girls in that sense, there is still a suspicious loud pounding in your chest and a stirring in your lower stomach that makes you confused. The voices around you sound like background noise, low murmurs that you cannot make out. You don’t know what the girl in front of you is saying. You don’t even know what you’re saying.
But then, she takes you by the hand. You follow along, despite your consciousness standing alert at the change of pace. You don’t know where she’s taking you as she leads you down a hallway, into a room, before pushing you against the wall and pressing her pillowy lips against yours.
The sensation in your stomach increases in pressure, increases in desire, and you have no idea where it’s coming from and why you’re acting like this. You don’t do parties, you don’t make out with strangers—is your subconscious showcasing this to you to display that you’ve always secretly wanted to make out with girls the entire time? What the hell?
Your body continues acting on its own accord with its own mind, as if the actions have already been decided and you are simply mirroring the movements. Even though you have no control, you can still feel everything. From the way your hands dance over her skin, the blood pounding in your ears, the blood pooling down to—!
Holy shit. What the actual fuck?
Before your mind can ponder too much, you feel yourself getting pushed from the wall, onto the bed and falling onto your back. The girl returns, her hands caressing down your skin, tugging off the clothing of your lower half (it feels like jeans and underwear)—!
Your head lifts up slightly to watch her, immediately feeling like a deer caught in the headlights when your eyes land upon a dick. Like, an actual dick. From in between your legs.
Did… did you eat something before you went to bed last night? A mushroom? A brownie, perhaps?
You don’t have time to ponder that, because the girl tucks some hair behind her ear and leans over the junction between your legs, wrapping her lips around the tip and—!
The next time you blink, you’re staring right into Karly’s eyes. The latter is wearing a worried, panicked expression, with the crease between her eyebrows becoming more and more prominent the longer she stares at you. For some reason, your throat feels a little sore.
Karly must sense something from the way your hand automatically find your neck, because her grip on your shoulder tightens just a little. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” You croak out, voice surprisingly hoarse. You cough. “What the fuck, did I catch a cold or something?”
Karly’s eyes are still searching your face. After a moment, she takes a step back, allowing you to straighten up on your bed and take in your surroundings. You look around, making a mental checklist of your current environment. Yes, same room. You look down at your hands. You’re relieved to find the same small, slender fingers, the way they bend to your will. You recognize the bruise on your arm from when you accidentally slammed a cabinet on it at work.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Karly inquires back, not entirely answering the question. “You were sort of screaming in your sleep.”
“Huh?” You turn to look at her. You flicker your gaze to the digital clock next to your bed. Seven in the morning.
“You were screaming in your sleep,” She repeats. “Had a bad dream or something? You look really out of it. Do you remember what you were dreaming of?”
“Um…” You trail off, closing your eyes and pressing your thumb against the bridge of your nose. Come to think of it, you do remember something. Bits and pieces. “There was a party of some kind and a girl—!” You cut yourself off, choking on your words because yes. You remember now. A little too clearly, if you’re being honest. “Oh my god!” You exclaim, turning on Karly wildly. “There was a dick!”
“What?” Karly inquires, furrowing her eyebrows and looking lost. “Like an idiot, you mean?”
“No, like an actual dick—oh my god, I had a dick.” You press your hands against your cheeks. “Oh my god, I remember now. I had a dream that I was a dude at a party, and I think I was about to hook up with some girl because she took my pants off and was about to—!”
“Okay, no, that’s fine,” Karly interrupts. “No need to go into detail.”
“Oh my god.” You repeat, moving to press the palm of your hands into your eyes. “Oh my god, what does this mean? I made out with a girl and had a dick—is my subconscious trying to tell me that they want me to be a dude? How does that work? I mean, the dick looked kind of weird, maybe that’s why I was screaming…”
“Y/N,” Karly cuts in again, reaching out to lightly grip at your forearm. This is probably both to calm you down but also stop you from going on another spiral from the confusion you’ve already experienced. And it’s not even eight o’clock in the morning yet. “I don’t think your mind is trying to tell you that specifically. I think that maybe…” She trails off, looking lost at her own words for a moment. “But that doesn’t make any sense…”
“What doesn’t make any sense?” You ask, tearing your mind away from your current frenzy of thoughts to hear Karly’s perspective of it.
Karly shakes her head. “The only explanation I can think of is that…” She presses her lips together. She angles her head to look up at you but she doesn’t look too confident or too comforting by what she’s about to say. “That guy… I think he’s your soulmate.”
“What?” You ask immediately, breaking out into a disbelieving smile. “N-No, that’s impossible. My soulmate wouldn’t… do that… to me…” You trail off, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. Yet, you have a feeling it has nothing to do the adrenaline from the dream anymore. Although you don’t want to admit it to yourself, the likelihood of that boy being your soulmate held a much higher probability than some hidden desire to actually be a boy yourself. It just makes more sense. It adds up. You have nineteen years worth of dreams under your belt, some abnormal sure but none of them ever came close to the one experienced the previous night.
And thinking about it, you remember the dream too vividly for it to be considered an actual dream. There are too many details you remember, too many sensations you can recall with the snap of a finger. It had felt more like a memory rather than a dream and you think that’s the biggest clue in giving away the fact that the universe had finally opened up the connection between you and your soulmate.
It takes you a second to realize that this was it. You’ve wondered about what kind of soulmate the world would gift you with, as you’ve wondered for the past eight years of your life. Despite the fact that you outgrew a large majority of your original expectations, you know that there is still a part of you deep down had hoped for a soulmate to meet some of the things you had been hoping for.
However, instead of posters of passion or the soft moments of a person’s life or anything really to give you that lightning strike instance of confidence in knowing that your soulmate existed and was living and was (to a certain extent) waiting for you—you get a boy who lets his dick get sucked by another girl, even though he should know about you. He must know. Maybe not about you specifically, but even just the world the pair of you lived in. He should know his soulmate is out there, waiting for him—that you’re waiting for him.
You are filled with a wide variety of different emotions in a short period of time. From anger to frustration to sadness to hopelessness. You close your eyes and clench your jaw, willing yourself to get over the brief pass of questions that wash over you.
You open your eyes, taking in Karly’s own concerned look. “You gonna be okay?” She inquires.
You sigh. “Not sure yet. I’ll just… give it time.” A weak argument, but you don’t know what else to do and you don’t know what else to say. And Karly knows that.
As it turns out, it’s hard to “give it time” when aforementioned it starts to make its presence more and more known in your life. You assumed that having to watch your soulmate (first-hand, literally) get his dick sucked by another girl had been a terrible enough sign from the universe that okay, maybe you weren’t going to be getting that fairy-tail happily-ever-after experience that everyone around you seemed to be getting. You try to be fine with that, you really do.
But when you have another dream of your soulmate hooking up with a completely different girl in a bathroom, it’s like salt rubbing in the wound. To make matters worse, it’s like your mind and body have already become accustomed to the nature of your dreams because you can now recall the voices and the whimpers and screams that echoed off that bathroom and if your brain wants to replay that girl’s moans or how she looked in the mirror one more time you might consider driving a fork through your head.
You consider this more and more as you sit in class, drumming your fingers impatiently on your desk, wanting nothing more than to pay attention to the lecture but knowing that the feat would be useless given the other much more pressing issue that take up much more of your attention.
You flicker your gaze up to the professor who is currently going on and on about supply and demand. The topic might be interesting, sure, and you probably need to know the minor details on the subject for the upcoming exam. But when you pull forward your floral covered notebook, it is done with the intention of documenting something other than Economics.
You flip open to a page in which only one line is covered with your script: soulmate.
Picking up your pencil, you start to write with only the occasional flickering your gaze up to the board to give off the illusion that you were paying attention. Instead, you write: hooks up at parties followed with two subpoints, first: ??? second: Irene, definitely Irene holy FUCKING shit, if his disgusting groans are anything to go by.
You continue on: likes drinking, cheap tequila is his favorite i think but also likes vodka.
You ponder for a moment, trying to recall the second dream. Definitely not to remember the name or face or moans of that girl, but to remember him. Him, being your soulmate. You write, long-ish kind of hair, maybe a mullet… has good eyebrows… a low sort of voice. You pause for a second, could be cute if he wasn’t a dick literally AND figuratively.
You think about it for one more second, name: tbd.
You sigh, unable to think about how it could get much worse than this.
But of course, the universe just loves to prove you wrong—and they do by making it worse. Much worse.
Your fourth dream starts just the same way. Lights, music, partying, drinking, bursting into a room with yet another unnamed girl who you know immediately will have moans that will ring through your mind for the next twenty-four hours.
You recognize the signs, you recognize falling right into the action of breathy groans and hushed gasps as your soulmate pushes his hookup against the door of yet another unmarked bedroom. “You’re so fucking hot,” He groans, hot and heavy, the sensation of her soft skin against the fingertips.
“W-Wait,” The girl protests, more like a high-pitched whine as teeth nip into the skin of her neck. “What about your soulmate? Don’t you have one? I-I haven’t had my dream yet but…”
You hear his laughter both in the open air and as a rumble through his chest. “Haven’t had the dreams princess. Even if I did, I wouldn’t care—guys like me don’t get a soulmate anyways so I don’t worry about it.”
You wake up with the air completely stolen from your lungs, your heart pounding loudly in your chest that you feel it thumping underneath your fingertips and underneath your skin. The words ring loudly in your ears, completely unlike a dream and more like a memory that plays over and over again behind your eyes like a movie. Even if he had a soulmate, he wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t care about you. He wouldn’t, and he doesn’t. He doesn’t care about you.
You swallow thickly, biting your lip and letting out a sigh. First you get a soulmate who carelessly sleeps around at a party, but then you also get a soulmate who doesn’t care about the system and doesn’t care you. It’s a comforting thought.
Karly walks into your room, hair in a ponytail, sports bra to show she’s just gotten back from her morning run. “You okay?” She inquires.
You throw your arms atop the covers and glare at your roommate as if she is the reason for your unfortunate position. “My soulmate is an asshole.” And you mean it.
It takes you five dreams of parties, of hooking up, of seeing five different girls, and reporting to Karly that you would jump out of the window of your apartment five times, when you actually get something different. When you actually get something real.
You wake up in your soulmate’s body to find him, surprisingly, in a college classroom setting. This realization is a total relief, given that you were beginning to worry that your soulmate was a college dropout or something monumentally worst. Yet, here he is. In class. Scribbling down notes with the occasional glance at his phone to show that he isn’t doing a complete 180 transformation between straight-A-student-with-a-pencil-up-his-ass and hooking-up-with-four-girls-over-the-span-of-five-days.
Class lets out a few minutes later, where a boy with bright orange hair and eyes that curve into half crescent moons is waiting. “Tae!” The boy exclaims, pushing himself off the wall as the two exchange a handshake. “How was class?”
“Long,” Your soulmate replies. The pair of them eat fast food from a corner restaurant on the edge of the college campus, a location that you’ve never seen before with its fancy architecture mixed with modern technology. It’s a nice school, you conclude to yourself, filling you with a little more confidence that perhaps this Tae isn’t as big of an idiot as you had previously assumed.
It’s the first time you catch a longer glimpse of his life, one filled with a relatively long list of classes that seem to go by like a blur. The breaks in between those aforementioned classes are filled with company such as friends and food and everything almost seems normal. You notice that he seems to love french fries with a special passion. He loves meat and vegetables and doesn’t pick any food out of his meals, always seeming capable of trying new things. You also get your first glimpse at his reflection. A real glimpse, allowing you to take in the twinkle of his eyes and the softness of his hair—you hate to admit that he’s extremely cute and extremely attractive. His hookups make sense. You’re sure that there’s a line of girls constantly waiting to flirt with him, to be with him. If you didn’t know better, you might be one of those people.
But you know too much, and this shows in the way you begrudgingly wake up the following morning. Although his face is pretty much permanently plastered in your mind at this point, you refuse to let yourself think too deeply about him. He’s still an asshole.
This thought is further emphasized in the sixth dream, where the first thing you notice after waking up in Tae’s body is the fact that he is hunched over a toilet. You can feel the ear-splitting headache, but you don’t process the pain. Taehyung, however, is a different story. You know he can feel the pain of this hangover, if the way he throws up into the toilet is anything to go by. Normal soulmates would probably feel worried or sympathetic, but you watch the scene barely batting an eye to the problem at hand.
If he wasn’t going to care about you, why should you give him the same respect? If he wasn’t even going to consider your life, your presence, your thoughts, regardless of if he has been getting dreams about you or not—then it wasn’t fair to keep everything entirely one-sided.
You absolutely hate your soulmate. You hate his mind, his arrogance and selfish nature, his cocky attitude, but you hate the connection you are forced to have with him the most. You hate that the universe has paired you with someone of this nature. It feels like a terrible punishment for something you hadn’t even done, taking away the dream you’ve had since you were young and delivering a silver platter of disappointment and a bright red ribbon with the statement I’M SORRY to your doorstep. The frustration is so palpable you can feel it on the tip of your tongue, in the bile of your stomach that fills you up instead of actual food.
“My soulmate is an asshole,” You grumble for what seems like the tenth time that hour and Karly gives you another sympathetic smile. “These dreams are seriously bordering on annoying. I can barely get a good night sleep nowdays because I’m always getting dreams about his hookups which feel like nightmares at this point.”
Karly slides you a cup of coffee, which you so desperately need in order to survive your upcoming shift. “I hope he gets his dreams soon so he can realize what a dick he’s being to you.”
You appreciate Karly’s sentiment although you aren’t too confident.
You slide your floral notebook towards yourself, grabbing the pencil that rests in the spiral and flipping open to the appropriate page, staring down at the statement that seems to glare right back at you, name: tbh.
You cross it out, name: Tae, but I think that’s his nickname… not sure about the full name.
When you crawl into bed that night, you wonder what kind of dreams will follow you, you wonder what Tae will have in store for you today. Would it be another drinking episode? Another hooking-up episode that will make you actually want to scratch the eyes out of your sockets? Or would you spend the evening in front of the toilet as Tae had done, emptying out his guts while you watched him do so?
Instead, you open your eyes and find yourself in a bedroom. But unlike the previous dreams, there are no pounding lights or loud music or questionably-colored drinks in hand. Instead, you’re sitting upon a twin-sized bed with bright blue wallpaper all around you. Only a few posters line the walls, pictures of musicians and groups flashing their instruments. Action figures lay on the desks and nightstand, one or two shirts flung off onto the floor. It doesn’t look like a bedroom you are particularly familiar with, one that you’ve spent the past few dreams becoming extremely comfortable with the scape of Tae’s bedroom. Rather, this looks like the bedroom of a little boy.
On the other side of the wooden door, there is a knock. “Taehyung, wake up! Come have some breakfast before I take you to school.” It’s a woman’s voice, slightly older and filled with kindness.
Taehyung. You have a feeling that this is his full, given, complete name. Taehyung.
Taehyung groans, crawling out of bed anyways and making his way into the bathroom—staring at himself in the reflection as you catch your first glimpse at Taehyung at the tender age of eleven. The youth is ever-present in his face, in his messy bed-hair and baby fat that still clings lightly to his cheeks. His rubs at his eyes, brushing his teeth, looking so endearing and like a neighborhood crush you could have had in elementary school.
It only takes a few minutes for the boy to get ready before he is bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen, where a man is seated at the table and a woman is just setting down a plate of breakfast food. “Good morning sweetie,” The woman says with a smile.
“Morning mom,” Taehyung greets back, sliding into the vacant seat and forking down the meal. You watch the way he watches his parents exchange their early morning banter, the way they look at each other and it hits you.
Soulmates. Taehyung’s parents are soulmates. Of course, this should have been obvious given that most parents and couples in general are soulmates from the dreams. But you had thought that Taehyung’s heartless nature about this notion would have sprouted from not having parents who were soulmates. Or just not having parents at all. Or a heart.
As you watch what Taehyung watches, you feel what he feels. He watches his parents and feels excitement. And hope.
You wonder what happened.
Time seems to move forward after that, because the next time Taehyung looks into the mirror, you notice that he is taller, more defined, just a little closer to the Taehyung you currently know yet still with a touch of youth to let you know that perhaps he’s still in high school. Even though you don’t have context of experiencing what he has gone through in the days or weeks or months, you can hear the thoughts that run through his mind.
The high school version of Taehyung is a dreamer. He’s a believer. He is so deeply enamored by the concept of soulmates that he wants to get his dreams as soon as possible. Through his desperation to figure out his soulmate, his search takes him to blindly date with anyone and everyone he sees, hoping and hoping that this more-or-less random girl is his soulmate. And every single time, either she got her dreams and left or he just didn’t feel the spark of a connection with her. And so he would break it off. But the mess he would leave behind has created a reputation that he never would have wanted beforehand. A reputation that Taehyung has a terrible, reckless, single behavior. A reputation that Taehyung doesn’t have a soulmate to begin with.
You watch as Taehyung goes to school, the way he steps onto campus and how whispers seem to circulate around him quickly like people are constantly monitoring his movements. You feel the weight of stares like hot irons on your back as Taehyung walks into the building.
“See you’re still alone there, huh Kim?” A voice sounds from off the side as Taehyung turns his head to see a group of boys near the lockers. You’ve never seen them before, but Taehyung’s thoughts start fluttering in and lets you know that these are the boys that bully him, as they have done for months now. Bullying and isolation is a pretty common feat in Taehyung’s day-to-day life but popular jocks, as cliche as it sounds, make it worse.
Taehyung doesn’t say anything, and you watch as one of the boys detach himself from the locker and approach him.
“Or did you find more company to fill the void in your life? Who was it this time? A slut, maybe? A neighborhood chick? You think they’re your soulmate either way, so maybe the title won’t matter—!”
Taehyung shoves at the boy, cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and humiliation dusting every part of his skin and you feel it deep in his bones. You feel the hopelessness he feels, the frustration at the world for not giving him an inkling of the soulmate he was looking for. You understand the sensation completely, which is why you are not too surprised to find that you start to feel bad for him.
The boy steps back, but the smirk doesn’t leave his expression. “I’ll take that as a no then, Kim.”
A pause, before another boy shows up. “Listen, Kim, don’t you get it? Boys like you don’t get a soulmate, because you don’t deserve it.”
With a shove that drives Taehyung into the lockers on the other side, the boys depart with one last laughter that seems to ring through the air.
Taehyung falls onto his bottom, bringing his knees to his chest and clenching his jaw tightly. You hear the thoughts echoing in his mind. If the universe wouldn’t give him a soulmate, then fuck. The boys were probably right. Taehyung would never get a soulmate, because he didn’t deserve one.
He would become exactly what they expected him to be, everything they scorned him against. It’s not like he had anyone waiting for him anyways. You feel the despair that he feels, the longing he feels.
You wake up with tears in your eyes.
“Kim Taehyung…” You whisper softly, blinking once, twice, letting the tears fall down the side of our face. “Why am I crying? My soulmate is a jerk…”
Taehyung has been getting really weird dreams lately about a girl with flower patterns on her notebook, her head in the clouds, and a twinkle in her eyes. He doesn’t quite remember how long the dreams have been occurring, but it feels like months. He doesn’t remember the first dream he ever had of you, but he figures out that when he was able to process the fact that he was dreaming about someone other than himself, something in his heart tells you it’s the same person he’s been dreaming about for those long aforementioned months.
At first, however, he doesn’t believe it—in neither the dreams nor the tiny possibility of purpose that your appearance in his mind is meant to serve. He doesn’t believe it. No fucking way.
After years of torment for remaining convinced over and over again that his soulmate was really out there, it’s hard to go back to that previous mindset. It should be only natural that his first instinct to the dreams would be complete deniability.
And he does a good job of dissociating himself. The dreams about you, for all he knows, could just be figments created by his consciousness. He barely lets himself ponder too long or too hard about the dreams, meaning he has a tendency to forget what happens or just pushes it to the back of his mind.
Then, the dreams seem to be projected onto him in fuller detail.
He starts to hear things.
“I don’t know Karly, he was hooking up with another girl though. Probably different from the first one—her name was Irene.”
Irene was the name of the girl from that house party a few weeks ago.
“My soulmate is an asshole.”
He sees the floral notebook in your classroom, the way your fingers flip through the pages until coming across one with the words SOULMATE scribbled across the top, followed by a bullet point list of items that seem specifically catered to an individual person. It starts with: hooks up at parties, first: ??? second: Irene, definitely Irene holy FUCKING shit, if his disgusting groans are anything to go by, likes drinking… cheap tequila is his favorite i think but also likes vodka, long-ish kind of hair… maybe a mullet, has good eyebrows, a low sort of voice, could be cute if he wasn’t a dick literally AND figuratively.
And then finally, at the bottom of the page, name: Kim Taehyung.
Following that dream, it forces Taehyung into the conclusion that you are indeed a real person who is undergoing a life that he gets to witness, and that perhaps he had been wrong to assume that the universe would never present him with a soulmate. And that if he’s dreaming of your life, then it’s likely to assume that you’ve been dreaming of his life.
Seeing the visual depiction, seeing someone spell out the fact that he really does have a soulmate is one thing. But hearing the next words in your voice changes everything.
“Kim Taehyung… Why am I crying? My soulmate is a jerk.”
The realization hits him before he even opens his eyes the next morning.
His soulmate, you, were crying because he was a jerk. And he has no idea how to reach you. And he certainly has no idea how to make it better.
“C’mon Y/N, it’ll be fun.”
“I doubt it’ll be fun,” You retort back, rolling your eyes anyways as you continue to move about your bedroom. Laundry day has just fallen upon you and you’re currently trying to put away all your clothes into their proper place. This wouldn’t be as difficult if Jeon Jungkook wasn’t in your room and trying to do everything in his willpower to convince you about this upcoming party in an university not far from your own. “It’s just gonna be more drinking in a different place. What is over there that you can’t get over here?”
“Uh, a break from our peers?” Jungkook speaks as if the answer should be obvious. “I’m tired of seeing the same people at a party.”
“Fuck off,” You argue with a snort. “You just want to hook-up with a girl who doesn’t know your name.” After all, there are thousands of people enrolled at this particular university. But word travels as does reputation, which is why it has become increasingly more and more difficult for Jungkook to quote “have a good time” with someone who knew about him.
You suppose Jungkook should be thankful to have a soulmate who proposed the agreement to allow both parties to have sex with other people—at least, until they found each other.
“Suppose I do,” He agrees with a grin. “Are you gonna come with me or not?”
You glare at him. “No!” You exclaim, deciding to remain firm about your decision. You’ve been to parties and although you enjoyed yourself to a certain extent, it wasn’t enough where you felt the need to drive off to a different college to experience a different kind of fun. It was all the same to you—you drank, you got drunk, you potentially threw up off the side of the road with your poor friend watching you. It was the same no matter where you were deciding to get drunk, even if it was honestly only once in a blue moon.
Jungkook’s grin turns into a pout. “Please, Y/N? I need someone to go with! I don’t want to go alone!”
You whirl around to look at him just as you finish tucking a shirt away into your closet. “Then ask another friend to go with you! I’m sure your usual crowd of partying friends would love to get drunk with you at a different university.”
Jungkook starts off the bed and approaches you. “Please? You know I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate. Besides, it’s been so long since we went out together. All those times you turned me down—you owe me one!”
His last words make you stop slightly because it’s true in a way. You had been meaning to go out to various house parties with Jungkook, but your schedule and own personal discomfort about too many parties have kept you away from the scene Jungkook enjoys too much. And because he’s one of your best friends, it’s definitely time that you follow through on the promise made many months ago.
You sigh, closing your eyes in defeat as Jungkook’s smile widens. “Fine, fine!”
And with that, you are promptly taken into a car as Jungkook drives out of the lot and down the street for the hour-long drive into the next city over towards the university holding this famous party Jungkook cannot seem to stop talking about. And he doesn’t stop talking about it during the drive over; however the conversation is also filled with other playful banter that you and the boy have developed over the years that you have been friends.
At the red light, Jungkook pulls his phone out from the cupholder and starts to scroll, answering some messages here and there and you pull down the mirror overhead to check your lipstick. You look over at Jungkook who is still in the middle of answering another text. “Anyone important?” You inquire.
He turns his head towards you but keeps his eyes on the phone for a few more seconds. “O-Oh no, it’s just one of my friends from the university. He’s asking when we’re showing up so we can meet up at the party.”
Your eyes narrow into a glare. “Yah, I thought you didn’t have other friends to go with!”
“Well,” He stammers, giving you a side-eye and shrinking slightly when you have a warning flicker in your gaze. “No other friends at our school—ow!”
“Jeon Jungkook!” You crow. “Please don’t tell me I’m gonna have to third wheel you and your boyfriend. I didn’t force myself into this dress only to be ditched as soon as we arrive!”
“Not my boyfriend,” He grits back. “And I won’t ditch you, okay? Tae is super chill, I’m sure the two of you will get along super well.”
You freeze slightly, your heart leaping out of your chest at the mention of the name that feels so foggy, it’s only as if you’ve heard the name in a dream. Or something out of your childhood.
Immediately, you find your mind points you to a direction that makes your blood run cold. But, that shouldn’t be possible right? Surely the name should be extremely common—what are the odds of Jungkook’s friend being your soulmate, the boy from your dreams who you determined to have hated with your entire heart and soul? There’s no way it’s him. The likelihood of that is rare. Besides, Jungkook just addressed the boy as ‘Tae’. Nothing more, nothing less.
The reasonable accusation of your overthinking nature gets you to relax a little. Yes of course. Tae is just a nickname that could stand for many different things and there’s no way for you to know what the other half of his name is or what his last name was. You’re overthinking it just because of a few bad dreams and a terrible taste in the back of your mouth.
That gets you to relax a little as Jungkook keeps driving and you keep talking until the pair of you arrive in the parking lot of the university. Jungkook parks right in the visitor’s parking area before the both of you step out and immediately start making your way across campus towards the appropriate area. For a boy who claims to have only been here once or twice, he seems to know exactly where he’s going, and doesn’t take long to find his goal.  
His end goal is one of the houses on the fraternity road, one that is already blaring with the explosion of music that rocks the property. People are scattered both inside and around the house, balancing cups in their hands while conversing with their peers. Despite the unfamiliar atmosphere that plagues you—obviously, because you have never been to this campus before and hence have never been to this house before—there’s something different in this. You get a terrible sense of deja vu, like you’ve seen this place before either in real life or from a dream.
The uncomfortable sensation doesn’t go away, even as you and Jungkook step closer and closer to the house before emerging through the opened door. The music is even longer here as you see people left and right and at every turn. No one seems attracted to your presence, which is good. Jungkook had promised you the kind of evening where you could just let loose and have fun and that’s what you planned to do.
“Hey Jungkook, you made it!” A boy with a terribly, terribly familiar voice says from a few feet away. The voice makes your stomach drop suddenly as you turn your address from the view of the party to look around Jungkook and see who is now standing before him.
Your eyes widen, your heartbeat quickens, the time around you seems to slow down—all things that point to the conclusion that this evening would not turn out the way you had originally wanted.
That point is further emphasized when the boy catches a glimpse of you too and it’s like you’re seeing Kim Taehyung in the flesh. Actually, no, it’s not like you’re seeing him in the flesh. You are seeing him in the flesh. He stands before you, just as tall as you would have imagined, just as pretty and charming and reeking of sexual intentions. He’s continuing to act carelessly, pretending as if you don’t even exist.
It would be one thing to understand that perhaps he hadn’t gotten the dreams and was acting off his own accord—but the look he gives you as soon as the eye contact between the two of you is established and maintained leaves you little doubt that he thinks of you as nothing more than a mere stranger.
Surprisingly, he is the first one to find his voice. “I-It’s you,” He stammers, completely looking past Jungkook in order to further observe you.
You swallow thickly, unable to notice the way Jungkook flickers his gaze between his friend and you. “K-Kim Taehyung,” You return.
Jungkook shifts his gaze between the two of you, his index finger out and pointing from one to the other. “You guys know each other?”
Taehyung opens his mouth to say something, but you gather your wits back well enough so that the only thing you can muster is one last lingering glance on the boy in front of you, your soulmate, before you rip your gaze from his and walk in the opposite direction.
“H-Hey, Y/N!” Taehyung calls, ignoring poor and oblivious Jungkook, opting to brush past the latter in his attempt to reach you. “Y/N, please—would you just…” He trails off as soon as he reaches you, his fingers curled around your wrist. “This isn’t really how I pictured us meeting…”
“I’m surprised you even thought about us meeting at all,” You retort back gently, but harsh enough so the statement has some bite to it. “You know what you’ve been doing the past few months—I know what you’ve been doing the past few months. Why would you try to deny it?”
“I-I wasn’t,” Taehyung starts slowly, looking down to see the meeting point where his hand is wrapped around your wrist and a realization he has not felt with any other person seems to sink in. He tightens his hold around you, a gesture that forces you to lock eyes with him. “Look, I can’t control what I did in the past—up until a few days ago I didn’t even know you existed. Can you just, I don’t know, forget about it or something?”
Your eyes hardened as you pulled yourself from Taehyung. “That’s not fair of you to ask that from me. I’ll never be able to look at you the way you’ll want me to. I just… I can’t. Everytime I see you I’ll be thinking about those girls you were hooking up with, and it doesn’t matter if it was in the past and you can’t control it and you didn’t know about me or whatever—but it matters to me.”
He bites the corner of his mouth, knowing that perhaps simply asking you to disregard the dreams as if they were slips of paper one could merely throw away had not been the smartest thing for him as a soulmate to ask of.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Maybe that wasn’t the best way to phrase it,” He replies quietly. “But can’t you give me a chance instead of walking away from this?”
You only continue to stare at Taehyung, but something shifts in your expression. It’s such a gentle and subtle change that Taehyung almost doesn’t believe that it’s happening. But when he realizes that the glimmer in your eyes are from unshed tears and not a trick of the light, it feels like years of history crumpling down all around him. The feeling is weird, given that this is the first time the pair of you are meeting and conversing together. Although, he supposes, this is the touch of soulmates.
“You just… you aren’t the person I was expecting,” You whisper and Taehyung doesn’t try to stop you this time as you turn around and walk away towards the exit of the house.
Jungkook rushes next to Taehyung even though his presence has been more or less forgotten. “Wait, Y/N, are you leaving already? You just got here!” When you don’t say anything, Jungkook paces over to grab you by the wrist. “What the fuck are you doing? What’s going on?”
“Nothing!” You retort, pulling yourself from Jungkook’s grip. “I just can’t stay here.”
Jungkook gives you a hard look. “So you’re just gonna go back? How are you getting back?”
“I don’t know Jungkook,” You protest. “I’ll call an Uber or something. I just can’t stay here.”
Jungkook whips around to face Taehyung. “What did you say to her?”
You spare one last glance at Taehyung over your shoulder before you scoff at his lack of response, even though you don’t know what you want him to say, before you make your way out of the house.
Even though the last thing you want to think about, wonder about, or worry about is Kim Taehyung—the universe still grants you with him, as if to further prove that no matter how much you wish to reject him it would be impossible.
You never got to wonder what it would be to see you through the eyes of Kim Taehyung, but when you close your eyes you are immediately greeted with a sight that you only see through the reflection of a mirror. You see yourself, or as Taehyung had seen you. You see big doe eyes and a glimmer that you don’t normally see, you see a flush in your cheeks and a shock etched in your expression. You also feel the way Taehyung had felt when he realized who you were—you feel the quickening of his heartbeat and the increasing clamminess of his palms as you feel what he felt, that you were without a doubt his soulmate.
You feel the way his mind scrambles to come up with a reason to make you stay, anything to stop the look of disgust from creeping into your eyes. You feel the hopelessness and desperation he felt when you turned your back on him; but even more than that, you see what happens when you leave.
“What the fuck was that?” Jungkook inquires, whipping around to give Taehyung a suspicious look. “Oh god, please don’t tell me that you hooked up with Y/N and ditched her afterwards.”
“N-No, it’s not like that,” Taehyung returns back, even though Jungkook still looks doubtful. “We know each other though, and got into this huge fight—!”
“I can see that.”
Taehyung glares. “I need to make it up to her somehow.”
You see the way Jungkook is finally convinced to hand over the address to your apartment complex, the way Taehyung finds his own ride into the outer perimeter of your university with a bundle of something tucked under his arm. You recognize your complex, you recognize the stairs he takes and the floor he steps off of, the way he reads every single number on every single door and wait a minute—!
A knock startles you from your thoughts, your dreams, as you bolt up on the bed. Everything about your dream and the memories Taehyung had experienced felt so real it was hard to tell if the knock had been a figment of your imagination or something real…
The knock comes again from your front door. Despite the questionable hours (four in the morning to be exact), you have a feeling in your heart about who is standing behind the wooden frame.
Even though your mind is telling you not to do it, not to look through those doors and open a can of worms that could potentially complicate things even further, your heart is telling you something different entirely.
It is all your hearts fault, really, that you open the door and see Kim Taehyung standing on the other side of the door. He looks nervous, more nervous than you have ever seen him look or appear before—and you’ve been in his head as well as feeling his feelings for months now. You flicker your gaze down. He’s carrying a bundle of daisies, very pretty ones at that, and your own heart does the betrayal thrum of nerves in your chest.
You look back up at Taehyung.
“Um…” He starts when you don’t say anything. Yet you also don’t slam the door back on his face, so he assumes that you’re at least willing to hear what he has to say. “You’re probably surprised to see me here.”
“A little,” You admit. “But I also saw you coming in my dreams.”
“Oh—well, if you’ve seen my day, you must have also felt what I was feeling when I saw you for the first time.”
You avert your gaze. “Perhaps I did.”
“Then did you feel all the despair I felt when you turned your back on me? When you wouldn’t stay to give me a chance?”
You did, and your silence is all the confirmation Taehyung needs.
The corner of his lips quirk up into a shy smile, and he doesn’t look like the player or the fuckboy you had witnessed countless times in your dreams. He looks like Taehyung—the boy with soulmate parents, the boy who so desperately longed for his own half where he would give up anything and everything for the chance. He looks like the sixteen-year-old boy who was shoved into a locker because he believed too much. The universe has been hard on him.
Taehyung takes a tiny step forward. He offers forth the daisies, a flower you have briefly mentioned loving in his dreams. “Can you give me a chance to not be an asshole?”
You stare from the flowers to Taehyung’s pleading expression.
Why am I crying? My soulmate is a jerk…
“Y/N,” Taehyung speaks softly. “Give me the chance to not make you cry.”
Pretty big words coming from someone who has been making you cry since the beginning, even in the most subtle of ways.
Yet, this is what you’ve wanted since you were born. You and Taehyung would definitely not be like your peers or family or friends, but yet perhaps this would be different and better.
“Don’t be a jerk,” You whisper, taking the flowers from him.
Taehyung’s grin widens, breathless, and even though you are awake, it is almost like you can feel his heartbeat in your own chest. “And miss out on something I’ve wanted since I was ten? No way.”
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sunsetscurving · 5 years
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honey, you should see me in a crown [modern royalty AU]
CHAPTER 6 || ao3 link
Lucas Lallemant, crown prince and heir to the throne, never needed someone to protect him. He never needed someone to protect him until the day he nearly got stabbed by an assassin.
Now he has to deal with an annoying bodyguard named Eliott Demaury who is, to the chagrin of Lucas, fucking handsome too.
As if his life hasn‘t been difficult enough already.
Insomnia has been a bitch since the attack on Lucas’ life.
He had some problems with sleeping before all of that happened but from then on, Lucas didn’t got any sleep at all some nights.
Today was a night like this.
Lucas was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling while his mind wouldn’t stop working. The fighting practise had been hours ago and he still thought about the way Eliott’s fingertips danced over his wrist and how much the expression of the other boy had changed in these tiny seconds. Lucas turned his head, facing the door to Eliott’s room now and he asked himself for the thousandth time if he should just knock on that door and walk into Eliott’s room, talking with him, asking him if he also felt more and more confused about his feelings with every passing day. Before the fighting practise, Lucas actually thought that he could handle his feelings, that he won some good distance between him and Eliott and that nothing of the emotions he felt before whenever he looked at Eliott had faded away to nothing.
And now there they were again.
Maybe they never disappeared in the first place.
Lucas groaned and sat up in the same moment as he heard a knock on the door. Lucas flinched, his head whipping around to the door. It was past midnight and he was not sure who would want to talk with him at this late hour. There were guards at his door and they would never let someone pass who would be a threat to him.
There was another knock and Lucas slowly lifted himself off the bed, walking towards the door. His paranoia, which got ten times worse after the attack, kicked in and he considered if it would be wise to just take the big, old candlestick from his window and use it as some kind of weapon in case someone wanted to hurt him.
Another knock.
“Lulu?”, asked a tiny and quiet voice and Lucas let out a deep breath.
Of course.
He was at the door with some big strides and opened it, revealing his little sister in her long nightgown, holding a teddy close to her chest.
“Hey…”, said Lucas quietly and crouched down in front her, “Why are you not asleep, little princess?”
“I could ask you the same”, said Cece with a little smile and just moved in for a hug, wrapping her tiny arms around Lucas’ neck. Lucas smirked a bit, marvelling at the sassy answer he got from his sister and pride flooded his insides. Lucas picked Cece up, sitting her down on his hip and carrying her inside. He let her down on his bed where she curled into a little ball immediately while shifting close to her brother.
“You cannot sleep?”, asked Lucas quietly while looking down on his little sister.
Cece shook her head. “I don’t know… sleeping is difficult since… since that day”, said Cece quietly and looked up to Lucas. He smiled fondly at her, stroking her head full of golden curls. She was already beautiful now, she would turn heads and hearts when she was grown-up.
“I’m afraid, Lulu”, continued Cece quietly and pressed the teddy bear against her chest. Lucas laid down too, taking Cece in his arms.
“Why are you afraid?”, he asked although he probably knew the answer.
“I don’t want to lose you too”, said Cece in a hush and Lucas swallowed. He wanted to be a safe space for his sister but all he did now was causing her fears.
“But I’m having a bodyguard now. Nothing can happen to me”, said Lucas quietly and tried to fight the fear he felt himself off his voice. And although he didn’t like the idea of having a bodyguard in the first place, he knew that it was only for his safety. And he had to arrange himself with the feelings he felt for Eliott and try to fight them since they were only one-sided.
Cece nodded like the little warrior she was and snuggled into Lucas’ arms while looking up to him with her big ocean-blue eyes which resembled Lucas’ own so much.
“That’s true. But you don’t like Eliott.”
I like him too much, little one.
“That’s not true”, said Lucas and poked her nose. Cece chuckled quietly but returned to a serious face immediately. It made Lucas smirk how much she tried to be professional and serious in this conversation.
“But you’re not treating him well although he would give his life for you.”
When did his little seven-year old sister turn so wise?
And the problem was: She was right. If Eliott wouldn’t be his bodyguard, maybe things would look completely different now. Maybe they would see each other every night when Lucas tried to sneak out, having a dangerous and passionate affair. But this was not the case and Lucas had to accept that.
“You’re right, Cece”, said Lucas now, sitting up again because Cece was already yawning, maybe ready to go to bed now, “I will try my best to come along with him, okay?”
“You promise?”
“I do.”
Lucas stood up and picked Cece up bridal style, holding her little body against his own while walking out of his room to bring his half-asleep sister to bed.
“Good”, answered Cece while her eyes fell shut. She snuggled against Lucas and Lucas thought that this was the end of their conversation. But just as he was about to lay her down on her own bed, Cece opened her eyes sleepily and looked at Lucas with a little smile.
“You know, I like Eliott. And I hope he won’t leave so soon again.”
Lucas smiled softly at this. He knew that Cece was already in love with Eliott and maybe she was not the only one.
Lucas kissed Cece’s forehead while tugging her in.
“Sleep well, little princess”, he whispered before slowly and quietly retreating into the empty hallway.
Lucas looked around and an idea formed in his mind.
No guards.
No Eliott.
This was maybe the only possibility he would have in months to sneak out and get some fresh night air, to clean his mind and sort through his thoughts.
“Only some moments”, he whispered to himself before he took off and nearly ran outside, using the hidden passages he always used to escape his life for just a little moment, for some minutes.
Lucas’ lips formed into a smile as the fresh night air hit his face. It had been a long, long time since he snuck out of the castle to take a walk in his city where everyone was already asleep. He would love to meet up with his friends now, to see them again and maybe go on one of their nightly adventures. But he knew that this was not possible and he also knew that he didn’t had a lot of time till Eliott or the guards would realize that Lucas was not in his room as he should be.
Lucas was still in the shadows of the castle but with a deep breath, he took some steps and was bathed in the bright moonlight, the city and its twinkling lights ahead of him. He just had to—
“Going for a walk?”
Lucas whirled around, his heart beating painfully fast against his ribs. And suddenly, a shadow loosened itself from the darkness surrounding the castle and Eliott stepped into the bright moonlight. Lucas jaw dropped as he saw him.
“Did you really think I’m such a loser bodyguard?”
The little smirk on Eliott’s lips made Lucas’ heart jump and drop to the same time. Of course he didn’t think of Eliott as some kind of bad bodyguard but not even his guards, who had been here for years, knew about the hidden passageways Lucas used to sneak out. And Eliott, who had been here for merely two weeks, already could tell when Lucas wanted to escape.
Lucas looked down, grateful, that Eliott couldn’t see his flushed cheeks in the darkness. He heard the steps of the other one coming towards him and as he lifted his head, he took Eliott in for the first time this night. He was only wearing a plain white shirt and black sweatpants and although he always looked fucking good in his daily suits, Lucas maybe liked this look on him even more – it made Eliott more real, more… normal.
It made Eliott more accessible to Lucas.
“I’m not dumb, your highness”, said Eliott with the little smirk as he was standing in front of Lucas now, looking down at him. And Lucas couldn’t resist to return the smile.
Because secretly, he admired the cleverness of this boy.
And he also admired the way the atmosphere between them was way more light in the darkness of the night. He promised Cece to get along with him and maybe he could start with that now. He would have been pissed with every bodyguard he would get and yeah, he was even more pissed that it was Eliott who acted like nothing happened between them that night. But this meant that Lucas could act like an idiot and be angry with him for the rest of their lives because Eliott did his job.
And he felt that something was different about Eliott in the dark of the night now. And he wanted to know what it was.
“Care to take a walk with me?”, asked Lucas now and he was literally surprised by himself that he even asked such a thing. He could’ve darted away from Eliott and although he was clever, he wouldn’t find Lucas immediately in the tight maze of their city. But Lucas didn’t want to run away from Eliott.
He wanted to run away with him.
He wanted to explore the other Eliott, the Eliott he glimpsed in the little alleyway that night.
Eliott puts his hands lazily in the pockets from his trousers and nodded.
“Where you go, I go too.”
This could have been cheesy romantic under different circumstances.
Lucas led the way, Eliott next to him. They were walking in silence for some minutes, Lucas enjoying the night and how the knot in his chest seemed to loosen because of the small freedom he was experiencing and the fresh air he was filling his lungs with.
“You couldn’t sleep?”
Lucas nearly jumped as Eliott broke the silence between them so suddenly and he looked up to Eliott. He was taking in the city lights around them, walking close to Lucas as if every passing human being could be a threat to Lucas.
Which was the case.
Lucas looked down again, putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers now too.
“I cannot sleep really well after the attack. Paranoia and insomnia will be the death of me someday.”
“I know what you’re talking about”, said Eliott now quietly and leaned his head back, looking up at the thousands of stars twinkling above them.
Lucas frowned and turned his head to look at Lucas, waiting for an explanation.
“I cannot sleep well myself either”, continued Eliott after some seconds passed in silence, “But I got used to it. Nights were I can sleep are rare but I cherish them even more.”
Lucas didn’t feel in the position to ask him why he wasn’t sleeping well so he just let the subject slide.
“I—” Lucas started and Eliott turned his head, waiting for him to continue. This was maybe Lucas’ only chance to talk with Eliott about the night where Eliott already saved Lucas’ ass before he was even his assigned bodyguard. And Lucas had no idea how to start a conversation about this sensible topic.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Again. For rescuing me from the police back then.”
Lucas looked over to Eliott and saw some light dance behind his eyes as he mentioned that night.
He is not fully apathetic about it. That’s good.
“No problem”, said Eliott honestly and looked down to Lucas now, a smirk playing on his lips, “I really enjoyed it.”
Lucas’ heart was dancing around at these words. The business Eliott was gone, fully gone now. And he saw the Eliott he met at the club and the alley again. The Eliott which wouldn’t leave his mind after all the hours which had gone by after their first encounter.
“I enjoyed it, too.”
Please don’t let this night ever end.
But they were already back on their way to the castle.
Lucas felt something like hope spark inside of him. He was not sure what this feeling was about but he was sure that he wanted to see more of the Eliott he just glimpsed again.
“And… And I’m sorry. For being such an idiot to you”, continued Lucas, “You’re only making your job, I know. It’s just—”
“I know.”
Eliott interrupted Lucas and they stopped in front of the castle, in the shadows of his home. The time outside had been way too short but Lucas understood that Eliott was responsible for him and his safety and that long walks were kind of forbidden.
“You know?”
“Yeah.” Eliott was running a hand through his messy hair. “It must be… hard for you. Hard to be a royal and hard to be someone who has to be afraid that he’ll get killed any moment. You’re young, we all want our freedom and I’m sorry that I’m limiting yours.”
“You’re not—”
“I am and don’t try to deny it.”
Eliott suddenly took a steep towards Lucas and something like resistance was falling away from Eliott’s face. As if he tried to fight something inside him and decided to surrender now.
Lucas was not sure what all of this meant but he was sure that Eliott and the whole world could hear his heartbeat.
“I also wished for a different… start between us”, whispered Eliott now and Lucas held his breathe unknowingly, “I also wished that things were different between us. But I cannot change it and you cannot change it, too.”
Lucas would have never guessed that this night would take such a turn. Eliott admitted that he didn’t forgot about the night and the feelings between them. And he also admitted that all of this was bullshit and unfair.
It made Lucas’ heart sing.
All the intentions of rejecting the feelings he had for Eliott where forgotten now, hope was sparking his insides like a flame and he wanted to explore these feelings more, take more steps in the wrong and, to the same time, right direction.
Lucas only nodded and found himself reaching for Eliott’s hand. But he was already turning away, leading the way now while both of them were going back up to Lucas’ room, using the hidden passageways so the guards wouldn’t see or hear them.
Lucas was in thoughts and Eliott was too.
But this didn’t stop Lucas from asking one last question as they stopped in front of Lucas’ hidden door.
“Eliott”, said Lucas and reached for his arm just as the other one was about to turn around and return to his own room. Eliott looked down on Lucas’ hand, not moving an inch away from Lucas and his grip.
“There… there is this masquerade soon. For my mum’s birthday”, said Lucas quietly into the silence between them, “Will you come, too?” His parents told Eliott that he didn’t had to come for the masquerade, a lot of guards would be there to protect them all and Eliott was allowed to have some free days. But Lucas wanted him to come. And not to secure his safety.
Eliott turned around now, looking so deeply into Lucas’ eyes that Lucas had the feeling, Eliott could look straight into his soul.
“I will surely be around”, said Eliott quietly, a smile breaking out onto his lips. They both looked at each other for several more moments before Eliott turned around and disappeared into the darkness of the hidden passageway.
Lucas opened the door to his room quietly, falling down on his bed with a deep sigh while his gaze was returning to the door which connected his and Eliott’s room.
Lucas’ lips turned into a smile.
Something changed between them tonight.
And Lucas would not back down and go back to the business style between them, no matter how wrong or forbidden it was.
He would listen to his heart for once.
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thismightbewynn · 5 years
Wahoo, saw some of @deniigi‘s lightening prompts and the little impulse gremlin in my head yanked my chain and here we are, let’s go wahoo!!!  I did go a little hamwild with it though so big oopsies there but also I regret nothing and so I will not apologize!  Very long though, so I’mma slam dunk some of this under a read more.
“Foggy,” he nudged lightly.  “Foggy.  Foggy, Foggy.”
The accused raised his brow.
“Take it back, Foggy.”
And back down the brow goes.  Up went the corners of his lip.
This guy.  Ugh.
“You’re disgracing me, Foggy,” he said, without even a little bit of pouting.  Not even draping himself over a door frame or anything.  Certainly no theatrics.  “Slandering my name.”
“Denial is just the beginning, Mattias Murdock,” Foggy said into his cup, as if covering his smile would work on a blind man’s perception.
“My name is not Mattias.”  A pause.  “And I’m not old.  Take it back.”
“Okay, Matteo.  I believe you.”
That wasn’t taking it back.  That was active disbelief and dismissal.  These were things he could not have; not on his dignity, and certainly not on what little was left of his life.
He had little life left to live, not because he was old, but because he was going to die young, burning out fast and dancing forever.  Probably in the river somewhere, actually, but his poor life choices weren’t the issue here.  The issue here was Foggy’s refusal to withdraw his poor opinions, despite the stellar counterpoints Matt had beautifully presented just now.
It’s whatever, though.  It’s fine.  If his word wasn’t enough for this argument, then he’ll just find someone else to support him.  It can’t be any harder than finding a witness for court.
Spidey was doing a wonderful job.  Great work, really.  He didn’t know what was going on, since he came with zero context and bags of ulterior motive, but it sounded like general crime fighting with a hint of reptile.  It also sounded like he was just wrapping up.
He did something that was probably a salute.  He couldn’t keep track, nowadays.  Spidey was constantly trying out different salutes from a list he’d compiled from all four corners of the world wide web.  He was on a quest to find the ones best suited to make him look cool and respectable, he explained when Daredevil asked what all the hand waving was about.  He tried out a different one every week because he was weighing the public’s reactions to them.
The public was confused but charmed by it.  Matt, being part of the public by day, was not immune to this effect.  Apparently nobody was.
“I love you, officer.”
He pumped his chest twice and did the salute of the week again.
“I… sure, you too.”
The officer awkwardly imitated him.  Spidey’s heart beamed with joy.
“Well, I gotta go now.  Take care, ¡adios!”  He saluted again before he left.  The officer’s responding heartbeat indicated surprise.  Spidey had likely literally disappeared again.
“Why are you here?” he whispered, without really whispering at all.  He was awful at it, despite attempts to teach him otherwise.  He’d get the hang of it sooner or later, regardless.
“Just conducting a private survey,” he said, turning around, cane rhythmically tapping against the sidewalk.
“If this is about your costume, you look like if Shadow was designed to imitate Knuckles instead of Sonic.”
Matt had no idea what any of those words meant in that order.  He made no plans to understand or pretend to understand.  There were more important things at hand.
“Spider-Man,” he started.  “What was your first impression of me?”
“Honestly?  Cool but scary.  I thought you were gonna accuse me of murder and I’d be, like, yessir that sounds about right.”
“And now?”
“Uh, can I say something first?”
“Go ahead.”
He paused in thought, carefully chewing on the offered silence that was to fuel his thought process.  That was good.  Thoughtfulness and honesty was important for testimonies.  They were also important in general, but right now, he was looking for a testimony, so whatever.
Spidey’s heart beat steadily.
“I know it’s easier said than done, but you shouldn’t care too much about what other people think.  I mean, obviously it’s important, but I think being able to back yourself up is just as important.  Like, it’s great if other people believe in you, but you gotta do it too.  Self esteem, you know?”
Useless for what he came for, but.
“That’s great,” he said.  “But not what I’m looking for.”
Spidey sighed something tired.
“Well?” Matt pushed.
“Honestly, you’re a grumpy old man.”
That was worse than useless.  That was actively detrimental to his case.
“Wish you weren’t grumpy, though, but maybe old people are just like that.”
Said the kid who put way too much research into salutes.  And also, he’s not old.  Goodbye.
“The fuck are you asking me for?”
The younger the individual, the more valuable their opinion to how old he wasn’t.  If he asked someone older than him, of course they wouldn’t call him old out of bias.  If he asked someone of the same age, he would sacrifice what little was left of his dignity between them.  It had to be one of the wee ones.
“I’m conducting a private survey.”
Wade squinted.  Matt pretended not to notice.
“I’m not asking you.  I’m asking Eleanor.”
“You know everyone’s old to her, right?”
How did he--
Whatever, it’s not important.  His opinion doesn’t matter right now, he’s not a wee one.
“Knock yourself out, dude.”
Eleanor Camacho had too much brutal honesty in her.  It was borderline rude.  His heart was bruised and she didn’t even give a shit.  She had an elaborate, extravagant torture system thinly disguised as a training regimen for her small brigand of action figures.  Little did they know, they were not saviors, but puppets meant to wreak havoc for their small, merciless god.  Anything or anyone who interrupted her was the scum of the earth, and was treated as such.
Of course her opinion was skewed.  She was upset.  People generally don’t say the nicest of truths when they’re upset.
This wasn’t working.  He needed to find someone in a good mood.
MILES: hey, did i say something wrong??
MILES: whatever it is i’m sorry
MILES: nevermind, foggy just told me you’re having an aging crisis
MILES: good to know you’re okay though!!
MATT: I am not having an aging crisis and Foggy is a liar. And yes I am perfectly okay thank you for noticing.
MILES: don’t worry dude, you’ll get over it!
MATT: Miles I just said I’m okay.
MILES: i freak out every birthday because growing means more responsibilities, but that’s a crisis that just runs out after i have some cake
MILES: and like, you’re done growing, so that’s it! these are all the responsibilities you have and you already know how to handle them. so i guess my advice is to get some cake
MILES: or something that is not cake, i don’t know what your tastebuds like. maybe you like to eat raw fish i don’t know
MATT: Miles, I appreciate what you are saying, but that is not the problem and you are not helping.
MILES: what’s the problem then?
MILES: is it because foggy said you’re old? because i’m sorry but he’s right
MILES: actually i’m not apologizing for telling the truth. you’re old, man
MATT: I’m going to block you.
MILES: you always say that but you never do it and honestly i don’t think you know how
MILES: you know why that is? it’s because you’re old and that means you’re technologyphobic
MILES: don’t worry, peter is old too but he’s not technologyphobic because he’s a nerd. you can ask him how to block me, i won’t mind! i just hope you can figure out how to unblock me on your own lol
MILES: i won’t judge if you have to ask peter how to unblock me too, you old people gotta stick together
MILES: no response? gone to ask peter how to use the youth gadgets your old man brain cannot comprehend i see
MATT: Miles is becoming too bold for his own good.
PETER: did he call you old? That’s okay he calls me old too, it’s like the opposite of making fun of how young he is.
PETER: also i heard about your aging crisis from him and honestly? Good luck dude
That was a private survey.  It was supposed to be private.  He remembered saying it was a private survey. 
PETER: may says that you can defeat feeling old by acknowledging that time passes and figuring out why being old feels like a personal attack to your emotional security
This was the worst.  This was exactly why that survey was private.  He made a silent pact to himself not to ask Miles anything ever again.
MATT: I see where Miles gets his bad influence from.
PETER: don’t blame me when miles gets all his advice from may
PETER: he says mine is faulty and full of holes which i guess is fair but like ouch you know?
MATT: No, I don’t.
MATT: Also, while I have you here, what was your first impression of me?
PETER: i’m not participating in this bye feel better soon
MATT: Peter answer the question
MATT: Peter hey
He was mourning the ongoing death of his youth and vitality.
“Are…  Are you okay?”
He immediately abandoned his mourning activities.
“Sam,” he said, with much urgency, leaning his weight against his palms on the desk.  Sam’s spine straightened to attention.
“What was your first impression of me?”
“Uh.  I don’t know, mostly just scared shitless?  But also really, really excited.”  A pause.  “And then mostly respect after that.”
Good, good.  No mention of old age.
“And now?” he continued eagerly.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhh.”  Sam creeped backwards.  “Uhhhhhhh.  You know what?  I’m just gonna.  Go.  Think about my answer.  And then come back later when I have it.”
Matt sunk in his chair again, stuffing his face into his desk to hide his misery from the world.
Foggy came in.  Sam did a little dance with his head bouncing around behind Foggy’s back, trying to discreetly figure out what was going on.  He was failing at both.
The root of the problem leaned on the doorframe.  The man who watered that root was covering his smile with a mug, like it actually hid anything.
“You okay, buddy?”
“Fuck,” Matt bemoaned to the wood.  “I’m old.”
"That's what this is about?" Sam muttered to himself in the background.
“If it makes you feel any better, so am I.”
It didn’t, but it would if Foggy knew how to block people.
Thanks for reading <333 
Also, clarification: old age is mattphobic on account of the fact that having crunchy bones makes it hard to break other people’s not-crunchy bones.  Dementia?  Ain’t ever heard of her, that a new baddie or something?
Also also, I think Matty here has communication skills but like, he’s not good at using them when he’s being fueled by spite and selfish deeds or whatever lmao.
Anyways, have a good one !!  (This is also on the ao3 btw, if you wanna go check that out for whatever reason)  
lol (lots of love)!!!!
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admiralty-xfd · 5 years
the things we do for love
Middle school again.
That’s what this feels like. Balloons bobbing on the ceiling. A disco ball spattering greenish lights around the room. Awkward innocence permeating the air. It doesn’t matter that the room is filled with adults; I’ve been transported back to my youth in an instant.
There’s an enormous rainbow made of plaster proclaiming its reverence for Kroner, Kansas, and the ridiculous amount of lights adorning it is worthy of its own X file. Not that I'd want to impugn this perfectly charming little town. It’s been a pleasant diversion. It seems like the kind of place in which Mulder really enjoys being.
I’m just not exactly sure why we’re still here. In fact, I’ve been wondering that for days.  
Mulder always does this; he has some power over me I can’t explain. Maybe it’s magic, or maybe it’s something else. But he just says the word and I’m off on whatever ridiculous adventure he has up his sleeve. Whether it’s Groom Lake or a haunted house or even a man controlling the weather, I’ll always find myself in the midst of it. Wherever he is, I have to be. I have nothing to justify or account for it; only the perpetual suspicion that he must be some kind of dark wizard.
I don’t generally believe in those sorts of things, but with Mulder around, I can never be quite sure.
The case has been wrapped and the thunderstorm has abated. None of this really matters at the moment, however, because now he’s taking my hand and pulling me towards him and before I can process what’s happening we are in a close embrace, dancing like a couple teenagers.
Mulder and I don’t dance. He doesn’t even know how, and neither do I, really. We’ve done this before exactly once. It was over a year ago which sounds insane when I say it to myself but really, the nature of our work makes time fly by so quickly it doesn’t feel that long ago.
It’s an excuse, an excuse to hold each other, like so many other excuses we make time and time again.
My mind flashes to the song the DJ was playing earlier: 10cc. The Things We Do For Love. It’s a song I know, a song I’m very familiar with. It’s one of those songs that brings forth a vivid memory that’s burnt into my brain the way any transformative experience would be.
Patrick Hansen, seventh grade. I saw him dancing across the school gym with Stephanie Ericson. It was the first time I felt my heart break, before I even knew the potential of such an ache.
Ooh you made me love you
Ooh you've got a way
Ooh you had me crawling up the wall
I can feel Mulder’s heart beating in sync with mine, pounding like crazy as he holds me close. I’ve been crawling up the walls ever since my lips were a breath away from his, from the moment he said all those things to me that turned my entire world upside down.
It isn’t often someone tells you you made them a whole person. It certainly isn’t often when it’s Mulder.
Communication is the problem to the answer
You've got her number and your hand is on the phone
The weather's turned and all the lines are down
The things we do for love, the things we do for love
We’ve been here before, him and me, on countless occasions. We never let anything happen, ever. Words have never been our strong suit when it comes to personal feelings. The affection is there, the care, dare I say it… the love. I know it is.
But there’s also something physical between us, an attraction that might actually kill us dead if we don’t just… put it out there at some point. Maybe that’s what Mulder was trying to do with that kiss. Six years of the kinds of glances we share has definitely taken its toll. It came as no surprise to me that we’d been mistaken as a couple on three separate occasions over the past 48 hours.
Not to mention the fact that I’m in love with him. I know it. I’m more certain about that than I’ve ever been about anything. And it’s getting harder and harder to keep that particular truth inside. I wouldn’t dare let Mulder in on this secret. When I confronted Sheila in the bathroom earlier I’d let out more honesty than I’d intended, but not in front of Mulder. I’m not ready for that.
I’m convinced we cannot take this leap. Not now, anyway. There’s too much work to be done. First we have to get the X files back. Our X files. Because they’re ours, his and mine. We need them and they need us and a physical relationship would get in the way of that. The Bureau would use just about any excuse in the book against us at this point.
Change is in the air for us, however, and we can both feel it. Now that we both know we wanted to kiss each other, this thing between us… it’s out there. The truth, oddly enough. I laugh to myself.
“What is it?” Mulder asks, startling me. I’d laughed out loud, apparently.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” We’re in a weird state where we’ve revealed enough to each other already in his hallway, so he doesn’t press.
But then he takes my hands in his and drapes them behind him, around his neck, and puts his on my waist gently. I shouldn’t feel like my twelve-year old self again but I do. While this new position feels utterly appropriate in this setting I can feel myself trembling and hope to god he can’t tell how nervous I am. Our faces are so close together and my entire body is hot. It feels like it might spontaneously combust, in spite of my reservations on the likelihood of such a possibility. I want to believe he’s nervous too but his smile is just so damn disarming and he seems so cool and collected. His fingers are rubbing soft circles much too close to my ass to be merely friendly and its distracting as hell. He looks directly into my eyes and I can physically feel myself falling into them even more.
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow” is echoing around the gym but all I can think about is that fucking 10cc song and no amount of Judy Garland is going to chase it away at the moment.
Ooh you made me love you
Ooh you've got a way
Ooh you had me crawling up the wall
This isn’t fair. He shouldn’t be doing this to me; to us. This is hard enough already. Putting us in this position makes me feel exposed. I feel as if I should say something before these thoughts have the effect upon me they’re threatening to and I actually physically melt into his arms.
“What was that Holman said? Try what sometime?” I’m just making small talk. I don’t really care what Holman Hardt has to say about anything while Mulder is touching me like this.
“Oh..” he shrugs dismissively. “Just something we were talking about earlier. About me and… some girl.”
“Some girl, Mulder?”
“I thought you didn’t know what girls were?” I tease him. This is what we do. We can’t help ourselves. He chuckles and hesitates. I know he’s just being playful but it feels like he’s being careful as well.
“Well, I don’t, not usually,” he says. “But this one… this one is special.”
“Ah,” I say. Because I know he’s talking about me and I don’t have a reply. I never do in moments like this. It’s probably why we’re stuck in this mind numbingly infuriating limbo from which there is seemingly no escape.
I know what he’s trying to say. I’m not an idiot. It’s the same thing we try to tell each other every single day without telling each other anything. We’ve become experts at hiding our feelings, and the feelings we can’t hide, well… those are the ones we just sense when we look into each other’s eyes.
All I know is there’s a line we can’t cross, like crime scene tape stretched out between us. There are a million reasons we shouldn’t cross it so we don’t.
But, I mean… we’re FBI agents, after all. We’re allowed to cross crime scene tape, right?
Jesus Christ. I’m even trying to reason my way out of my own faulty metaphors. For fuck’s sake, Dana, get a grip.
“Anyways, I’m happy… for them,” he smiles, looking over my shoulder at Holman and Sheila. I crane my neck to look, trying to be discreet but there’s really no need; they only have eyes for each other. It gives me a nice feeling and I smile too. ”Must be freeing to acknowledge that kind of truth,” he continues.
“I imagine it is.”
I’m sure it is. I wonder how many more years it will take us to acknowledge a similar truth.
Without warning, my head relaxes into his chest. I don’t mean to do it, I swear. It just kind of happens. But I can’t move because… well, it just feels so damn good here in his arms. It feels like I don’t have a right to be here, but he’s allowing it. His fingers move into my hair, the heel of his hand just barely grazing the back of my neck and I shiver.
This is so stupid, so stupid. I shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be doing this. We have reasons, good reasons not to give in to this. My mind is racing a mile a minute and my insides are churning and if I had a power like Holman Hardt’s there’d be a hurricane sweeping into the gymnasium right about now.
Suddenly I’m aware my body is fully pressed against his in a way it hasn’t been before. How did this happen? I pull away a bit in surprise and my eyes betray what I definitely just felt.
“Sorry, it has a mind of its own,” he grins, those goddamn hazel eyes sparkling. I hadn’t said anything. Just swaying with him and feeling his erection against my hip. No big deal.
“And your two minds don’t align?”
Shit. Why did I say that? Why am I actively flirting with him while his hands are in my hair and his dick is pressed up against me like this? Our playful banter has always come so naturally I can only imagine, now knowing what we know, how it’s going to evolve.
Like walking in the rain and the snow
When there's nowhere to go
And you're feelin' like a part of you is dying
He chuckles at my retort and every sound he makes sends bolts of electricity right where it always does. I clench my thighs together in an attempt to disprove the very provable evidence of what he can do to me gathering there at this very moment. I’ve never wanted him to touch me so badly in our entire partnership and I’ve certainly wanted him to. A lot.
“Well, sometimes they do align,” he responds, that deep voice raising goosebumps all over me. “My brain just has more self control.”
Well, that’s great. I’m fucking thrilled his does.
Every ounce of my own energy is being directed into controlling myself. Into not throwing him down right here on this wooden gym floor and having my way with him, doing things to him that middle-school-aged me would never have been privy to.
I angle my head a bit so it’s right up next to his, as close as I can get with our height difference, and now we are positioned almost cheek to cheek, his mouth at my temple. I can’t see his face anymore and it’s unnerving, almost uncomfortable. Almost. His breath is hot. I can feel every single tiny hair on my skin at attention, just waiting for what’s next. I hold my breath, feeling as if we must be doomed to an eternity of waiting for what’s next.
His next words would take my breath away if I had any left in my body.
“I wish I’d kissed you, Scully… I wish I’d just done it years ago.”
He says it so quietly I can barely hear him. His thumbs are circling around and around at my neck now, every tiny motion feels so huge. Knowing what’s happening and not feeling able to act upon it is absolutely maddening. If he had… if he had kissed me long ago what would be different? We would be different. The weight of this moment wouldn’t exist.
And yet...
“I wish you had, too.”
It’s the truth. There isn’t a day that’s gone by since our near-kiss happened I haven’t had murderous thoughts about bees. Insects in general, really. Fuck them all.
His hands grab my face and he pulls back to look at me and it suddenly feels like we are back in that hallway again. This time, nothing would stop us. We both know it. But still, we hesitate. Before, such a moment was thrust upon us without warning. Now, we’re well aware of what’s at stake. We both don’t want things to change just as desperately as we do.
He pulls our foreheads together, which is typically a task considering our height difference, but the heels I’ve been standing on all day offer some assistance. I know my feet are killing me but I cannot feel them. All I can feel is this heat between us, this energy, this unfathomable, indescribable, unsolvable mystery that isn’t really a mystery at all. This kiss that’s hanging in the air, begging to happen, feels even more weighty now than it did back in that hallway.
But if we did… our worlds would change. We would change.
I’m overcome with longing and trepidation and my body is shaking again, and I know he can feel it.
“I’m not gonna try anything, Scully,” he says, his voice a low monotone. It sends a chill down my spine directly to the place I wish it wouldn’t. “I think it’s important… that we don’t. Right now.”
For a brief moment, I wonder if he’s misinterpreting my trembling body to mean I don’t want him to kiss me. But then I wonder if that’s true… do I want him to, now?
I’m terrified.
My eyes close and I picture his lips approaching mine, those lips I’ve become accustomed to staring at when I think he’s not looking. His tongue would move over mine, and I’d finally, finally get to taste him. What then?
I know what then. My mind wanders uncontrollably. It goes to a place I try not to let it unless I’m at home, in my own bed, my fingers desperately searching for relief. At home it feels safe and indulgent. Here and now these thoughts are downright dangerous.
But I could do it. I could just move my face an inch, just tilt it a tiny bit and he’d take the hint, I know he would. He’d make that journey.
Do I want him to?
Too many broken hearts have fallen in the river
Too many lonely souls have drifted out to sea
Broken hearts. Lonely souls. It could happen to us. Nothing would be stopping us if the risk wasn’t real.
You lay your bets and then you pay the price
The things we do for love, the things we do for love
“I think you’re right, Mulder…” I whisper, moving my face against his scratchy cheek. He leans into me, and the shift is subtle but I feel it. His arms move from my neck down to my shoulders and he pulls me into him, sighing. He’s as disappointed as I am, but we both are still on the same page. We both know it’s the right decision.
For now.
We’re dancing again, really dancing. This dance has gone on for so long. But I’ll never tire of it.
A compromise would surely help the situation
Agree to disagree but disagree to part
When after all it's just a compromise of
The things we do for love, the things we do for love
This isn’t the time for us. This isn’t the place. I love him too much to do this. I love us too much. I love everything about our partnership.
We’re doing this, or rather not doing this, for love.
Thanks for reading! For more of my work, go here. 
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Athazagoraphobia (Part 10)
With a loud clang, the gates come down again. All it takes these days is a furious storm. If the wind gusts powerfully enough, the barricades are useless. And if the barricades can’t hold their own against the wind, Azula can’t see them withstanding an army of the claimed. She watches Bujing and Shinu work to erect the gates once more, a futile effort if she must say so. 
Mostly she watches from the doorway or from her bedroom window. She tries to avoid excursions to the outside world, which is easy enough with her leg still in a state of healing. When she does find herself outdoors, that feeling of wrongness takes on a deeper intensity. 
Today is different though. 
Today she wants to be outside. 
She feels remotely useless. 
On top of useless, she feels faint and in turn her feeling of uselessness doubles. She catches sight of some of the claimed shambling up the palace staircase. Their faces and torsos weep gore where skin has rotted away. She hadn’t noticed before, but there is something else; the faintest outline of something. If she looks close enough she can see silvery-blue wisps writhing like worms or candle smoke around the rims of empty eye sockets and along the craters in decaying skin. On some of the possessed, the spectral fingers are longer, more apparent. On a very select few, the silver blue seems to halo their entire bodies like an aura.
“Those weren’t there before.” She says as Ruon takes a seat next to her. 
“Huh?” He asks. 
“Mother fuck!” She hears from below; Bujing has finally made note of the intruders. It crosses her mind that she should be out there helping. “Why aren’t you working on the barricade? You have four well-functioning limbs. What about Xuia, why isn’t she…” 
“Because the gates won’t last no matter what we do. Those two just like to feel like they’re making a difference.” Ruon shrugs. 
Azula turns her attention back to those strange spectral glows. “What are those?”
“Those would be the infected.” He laughs. 
She gives him a little swat. “No, not them. Those wisps in their eyes.” She points at the figure wrapped in it, “It’s all around that one.” 
Ruon cocks his head. “What are you talking about?” 
Azula’s heart sinks. She really should be medicated. “Nevermind.” 
A few incoherent shouts from below draws her attention and she watches the pair scramble up the steps and into the palace. 
“We need to secure the palace.” Ruon notes. “And we need to do it quickly.”
Azula shakes her head. “We need to leave the palace.” She allows no room for protest. “It’s too big to secure. There are too many entryways and not enough personal to keep them from being breeched.”
“There are only two of them.” Ruon notes. 
“For now.” She replies. “What do you think we’ll be able to do if a heard of them find us?” She watches Bujing trip over a large crack in the stairwell, the angle at which his ankle twists is not lost on her. She must be truly and irreparably mad of mind because a smirk tugs at the corner of her lips. The possessed shamble closer. Bujing cries out and Shinu turns around, at last realizing that his partner has fallen. 
Azula takes a breath, she supposes that now is as good a time as any to do a little experimenting. She makes her way to the window and opens it.Leaning against the nearest wall with as little weight on her bad leg as she can manage, she arcs her arms with the grace she hasn’t had in a long while, sparks dance at her fingertips. When lightning is generation to her satisfaction, she releases the energy. 
The trajectory is fatal, she lands her mark. The force of it takes the thing’s head off. Bujing looks up with a mixture of relief and horror. The corpse of the possessed drops and Bujing’s face pales completely. He scrambles back  and away from some unseen horror. Unseen to him anyhow. 
Even from here, she can hear the whispers. At first she almost doesn’t notice it, a bubbling in the blood that pools around the corpse’s neck. A bubbling that she soon realizes is more like a pulsing. Swimming within the crimson is a wormlike tangle of those spectral wisps. 
One of them springs from the mass and misses Bujing by only a few inches. 
Shinu grabs the man and drags him up the stairs and into the palace. With a slam of the heavy double doors, the world is hauntingly quiet again save for the gurgles of the still twitching corpse and the occasional slosh.
She wonders how long these creatures can survive outside of their host. 
Azula isn’t sure why she had expected gratitude from the man. Still it comes as a slap in the face when the man jabs a finger at her and shouts, “that girl is a demon!” 
She crosses her arms and listens to him prattle on. 
“She’s one of them, I’m telling you.” 
“One of them?” Shinu asks. “She saved you!” 
“Takes one to kill one.” He insists. 
“I didn’t kill it. I killed the host body.” Azula clearifies. Though she isn’t entirely sure that the body has died at all. It was still spasming when she’d last looked at it some several hours later. She is almost sure that it is still an incubator for those phantom creatures--some type of nest or temporary home until they can find a new and functioning host. 
“You can’t prove…” Ruon starts.
“I say we send her out there and see how they react to…” 
“That is out of the question, Bujing.” Azula knows that tone. It is the very same finalizing one that Li used to placate her when she was just beginning to learn to firebend. “If you cannot see her as a friend then I suggest that you at least recognize her as a valuable asset.” 
“Or the undoing of us all.” He argues. 
“We are well past the incubation period. She can speak and she move like she used to Her temperment is as it always has been.”  Li counters. “I have closely watched over her since she was a baby, I would be able to tell you if we were speaking with something else.” 
Azula sits back and takes the argument in.Truth be told she does feel strange and out of sorts. But they don’t need to know it, especially if it can be chalked up to simply recovering from such a close call. 
She hears Bujing continue on with his ranting and raving but she isn’t really listening anymore. She waits for him to finish before flatly stating, “keep me or don’t, I don’t really care. I can make it to the Tribes on my own.” Her leg will continue to be a hinder but it is much easier to hide and stay out of trouble without the weight of a group to hold her back. “Just make up your minds so I can begin planning my next move.” 
“You’re staying with us.” Shinu replies as Bujing refutes. 
“The majority wants you to stay.” Xuia smiles. 
Azula nods. “Then you best find a way to keep him quiet.” She folds her hands in her lap. “I like to think myself patient, but I won’t put up with his outbursts much longer.” 
All in all it has been a productive day. Probably the most pleasant she has had since descending deep into madness. In some sense she is beginning to feel more or less like herself again. Her head has been much clearer, the hallucinations quieter. 
She is getting used to getting around on with the crutches. It isn’t ideal and her strides are significantly slower, but she is beginning to feel confident in her ability to retreat from unsavory situations with haste. 
Perhaps they can begin to move out soon. She would like to vacate the palace before the two lurking infected grow into a vicious pack of them. The opening of her door interrupts her solitude. 
“In this palace, we knock before we enter a room.” She chides. “The world might have gone savage but we can at least retain some scraps of civility.”
Ruon Jian rolls his eyes. “Sorry, princess.” She doesn’t like his tone but elects not to comment on it. “I was just thinking that we should change your bandages again. This time I snuck some real ones from the infirmary. We haven’t had to use many yet so it couldn’t hurt.”
Azula pats the mattress, he doesn’t take her invitation right away. Instead he begins tending to her leg. “It doesn’t look as bruised or swollen.” He notes. 
A good sign. 
“We were hoping that you’ll join us downstairs again.” He says as he begins binding her leg up once more. “They want to know the plan.” 
“The plan?” 
“Yeah. You said that you’d start making plans. They want to hear it. The group is getting kind of restless.” 
Luckily for them, they aren’t the only ones. Azula has been jittery enough to make good on her word. “I was actually hoping to leave tomorrow or the day after…”
“But your…”
She holds up a hand. “I can get around just fine.” She pauses. “We need to comb through the palace and pick out supplies. Forget clothing and blankets, we can scavenge clothes when we need them and make bedding out of what’s available. Comfort is second to survival.” She cringes as she admits as much. “My leg won’t be a problem right away. I know a decent passage system that runs beneath the palace.” 
Ruon laughs. “How about you save all of that for when we’re with the rest of the group.”
Azula coughs awkwardly. “Right, yes.” 
“Done.” He declares. 
Azula nods. “Meet me down there, I will be there in a moment.” 
He gives her a thumbs up and she watches him exit the room. She takes a deep breath, it has been so long since she has had any sort of authority. She coughs again, this time it is wholly involuntary.  A nervous dizziness washes over her. She swallows before looking at her sleeve. 
Nothing at all. 
Just to be sure, she picks up her crutches and  wanders into the adjoining bathroom. She spits into the sink. It is free of blood and black sludge. She tilts her head back in relief and exhales. It would seem that she isn’t rotting away. 
She still feels faintly dizzy, but she more confidently writes it off as the product of nerves.
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Broken Mirrors
Author: Evil_Kingdom
Year: 2010
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vince/Richmond
Another Night, Another Bar...
Richmond takes a sip from his drink, some fruity dark red coloured drink, hell if he can remember what the name is. He takes a long gulp, shuttering at the after taste of alcohol. He thinks to himself what a weak man he is, far from what others he works with are like. Even Moss is stronger then him, and to everyone that says a lot.
But I thought you liked Moss?....
I do.
But you know he doesnt like you right?....
I know. No one likes me.
Oh dont be so hard on yourself Richie...
Shut up inner thought. Im tired of you being the only one to talk to.
He shakes his head, believing that maybe going out for a bit of air will be the solution to his problem. He gulped down the rest of his drink, places it carefully on the table, looks a round the room to see people giving him odd and funny looks
See? Maybe if you only dressed like them... maybe the would actually like you...
Not you too inner evil thought. Shut up
Richmond gives his head a big shake, then flattens out his long dark hair back into place. He then takes the steps through the crowd of people dancing irratically to the DJ with the toys up in the booth. He thinks to himself that maybe it was a bad day to come to the bar, a day when there is just too many people around. Not that he really minds that there are people around, it just isnt his type of people, so it makes for more awkward moments.
He instantly feels the cold air wrap around him as he pushes open the door. He cracks a small smile, feeling the comfort of a familiar friend
Hello Wind, nice to feel you again
He leans against the cold wall, closing his eyes for a brief moment, trying to collect all his thoughts and feelings.
Maybe I should just go home... Its not like im going to find anyone tonight.
Maybe you will never find anyone....
He lets out an exasperated cry, slamming his fits beside him into the wall. Tears start to gather in his eyes as he opens them, looking up into the shine of the moon,
It will be ok Richie, it will all work out soon....
Thanks moon, I can always count on you.
Im the Mooonnn....
Looking out onto the darkness of the streets, he sees gaggles of people, all sorts of people, dancing and being happy, drunk and laughing.
Why cant I be like them? Why cant I have some friends?
Richmond sighs again, standing up a bit straighter, rubbing the scratches on his hands.
No need to be sad anymore. Im better then this, I can get through this.
Being depressed just makes you a stereotypical goth Richie...
Thats right inner thought. And I'm not one to be stereotypical.
Pushing off from the wall, brushing his hands softly over his dark red velvet jacket, he gives himself a smile. Tomorrow will be a better night, tomorrow he will find someone to talk to.
Tomorrow tomorrow...
Richmond stares at himself in the mirror, checking every pore on his skin.
Perfect whiteness. Though I could lay off the sun a bit more, then it would be more perfect.
You know its fashionable to have a tan now a days Richie...
I know. But thats not who I am, I am a confident attractive young man.
Just keep telling yourself that....
Shut up inner evil thought. You cannot ruin my mood today. I am going to go out a meet someone. Just you watch me.
Giving himself a big smile, flashing his clean and white teeth, he applies the final stages of his eye makeup, adding a touch of black glitter to the corners of his eyes making his blue eyes sparkle.
Moving to the closet double doors he looks into rows of reds, deep purples and blues, hints of green, and rows upon rows of black. But at the very end, far back in the walk in closet, you can see a hint of his past, 3 normal suits still hang from bar, still unable to give away the last of the past.
He holds onto them thinking one day, one day, he may actually have the want to try them on, try on what he used to be, what it was like to be the cool guy, the guy with talent, friends, and a job that doesn't include staring at flashing buttons in the basement.
As he grabs his favourite creepers, a pair of black spiderweb socks, and a deep purple button up jacket, he sits on his bed and begins to hum a Cure song, one that he cant seem to get out of his head...
Oh please don't ask me who i am
Or when and where my life began
Or why i ended up like this or how
Standing up he brushes himself off and walks out into his hallway, out the front door, and on to the streets. Walking at a slow pace he watches the moon that sits high up into the night sky, surrounded by little stars, faint to see in the brightness of the cities lights. Continuing down the street, turning left, then making a right, he finds himself smack dab in the middle of bar and nightclub alley.
Now which one shall I pray upon tonight... hmmm decisions, decisions.
You make it sound as if you will have people just throwing themselves at you when you enter the doorway, you do know you will probably drink yourself stupid and wander home, just like every weekend.
Shut up inner evil thought. I told you. Tonight is my night. Tonight I will come home victorious. Gotta be confident, show them that Im a great person.
Richmond smiles to himself, confidence beaming through him like a flaming dagger sword from his heart.
And then he sees him.
The perfect figure of a man.
Gleaming black hair, shiny with product, perfect shape and placement
But not a goth.
Richmond gives a questionable look, heart beating faster in his chest.
Well he is a he...right?
That doesn't change anything, Im quite happy with any sexual preference. Not to say i'm not picky, but love is love you know, it doesn't have a gender.
For the first time in his life, his heart beats fast, quickens his pace, and jogs up to the club, slipping through the door, staring at the slight in front of him
Lights gleam from the ceiling, flooding the crowd with different colours, music loudly playing, but not loud enough to destroy eardrums. Not a bad selection of music, thankfully, Richmond hoping that there wouldnt be an idiot DJ tonight. He searches the club trying to find the man with the perfect hair... Bingo. Right next to the bar, sitting alone.
Here's my chance. Don't fuck it up.
He takes a deep breath, straightens out his clothes, fixes his hair, and makes a casual walk towards the bar.
“One cherry vodka sour please.”
He leans on the bar, trying to be casual and confident, thinking to himself that it probably doesn't look the case, but as long as he doesn't look ridiculous, its all that matters.
Well there he is Richie... go for it..
I will I will. Don't pressure me. You know what happens when I get pressured.
You get all clammy and your voice goes all squeaky and then people stare and laugh at you....
Thanks for the reminder asshole.
Richmond turns and glances towards the man. He makes eye contact, seeing full well the man beside him is staring. His face goes pink, but he can't look away...
“Can I help you? Are you starin' at me for a reason?” The dark haired man tilts his head
“Uhh... ummm... no, I was just looking over, sorry to bother you. I don't mean to make any trouble..”
Youre pathetic Richie. What happened to your confidence?...
“I don't mean to be mean, you don't have to get all defensive.” The man gives a small laugh,
“My name is Vince, Vince Noir, you probably heard about me, I am the king of Camden Town”
The man, Vince, flashes one of the most gorgeous smiles he's ever seen, his confidence clears.
“Umm no, sorry, I haven't heard about you...”
But I would love to..
Richie go for it. Give him something else to smile about....
“My name is Richmond, and I would love to find out why everyone knows you”
Richmond tries to give himself a confidence boost, giving a small cheeky smile, turning back to pay the bartender and grab his drink.
“Would you like a drink? My treat?” Richmond glances over Vince, seeing that he chooses the glam rock style, not something he is used to, but man does he make it look hot. He slowly gives him a once over, looking at his tight shiny shirt, trailing down to his black tight pants...
His eyes linger on his bulge, his perfectly pressed bulge against his pants, perfect...
“Oi mate, eyes up here, k love?” Vince flashes a coy smile, giving a small chuckle
He snaps out of his daze, face going red
“Im sorry, I didnt mean to, I mean I wasnt..”
if your face could get any redder, you would be a tomato.
“I'll take you up on your drink offer, a flirtini please, extra sour” Vince motions for him to take a seat beside him, giving him a cheeky grin.
He returns with drinks, placing his preferred drink in front of him, sliding into the booth beside him.
Now what are you going to do Richie? You cant just get him wasted you know
I know that... Im working on it.
“You alright mate? You arent the drug type are you?” Vince tilts his head towards Richmond, catching his eye, “You look a bit spaced out. I hope im not boring you or nothin”
“Oh no, no... no problem. Im just not used to someone being nice to me, usually I get brushed off quick and that is that” Richmond tries to smile it off, like its nothing.
Vince grins, his hand slowly creeping up Richmond's leg, stopping to grab his thigh. “Good. A pretty boy like you wanted to know about me, so heres how it starts”
Popping the cherry from his drink into his mouth he leans over, hand trailing down Richmond's thigh. His mouth getting ever so close, Richmond feeling his alcoholic breath push against his face, heart racing a mile a minute.
This is it. He is actually into me
Richmond leans forward, opening his mouth, tongue flicking forward hitting the cherry stem, before closing the gap with his lips..
Tonight be all i dream
There isn't any yesterday
Tomorrow starts a day away
This here and now with you is how
Always should always be
Here and now
With you
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