#support Palestinians. if you disagree get the fuck off my blog
ragingtwilight · 5 months
So fucking mad
Zionists should go to hell and never come back
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spacelazarwolf · 8 months
hmmmmmmm i’m real fucking tired of jew haters lying abt me!
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let's break this down, shall we?
white trans mascs like spacelazarwolf have no issue calling indigenous people "bone chillingly disturbing" for disagreeing with them.
actually i called what you said antisemitic, because it was. i called what i've witnessed from gentiles in general bone-chillingly disturbing and cruel, and that i've witnessed so much ignorance, hostility, and bloodlust from gentiles. because i keep seeing posts celebrating the massacre that happened on the 7th, and i keep getting anons that tell me "hitler missed one", "the world would be better off without your ilk", "we should have gotten rid of you all ages ago", "die zionists rats *nose emoji*", and a lot of very graphic descriptions of how they would like to rape and kill me. one user, blatantly on their blog, openly said that someone should kill me, and someone said they knew where i lived and could make that happen. that's not disagreeing with me. that is bloodlust.
they pretend to care about racism when trans women engage in it, but have zero issue jumping right to demonic stereotypes about indigenous people who dare to point out that their support of israel is supporting genocide.
literally just blatantly lying about a jew's opinion on israel so you can harass and demonize them is, i hate to tell you, antisemitic.
these so called "anti-semitic rants" were me saying jewish people can survive without israel and do not need to colonize or genocide another group of people to survive.
let's give some of the highlights of your posts:
"while you're here hand-wringing about the safety of israelis and spreading the white supremacist lie that they must be in israel to be safe, israel secured its continued existence by just now murdering 500+ parients and doctors under the excuse of 'well hamas is violent and is hiding in there"
'handwringing' do you mean mourning the deaths of peace activists and children? also if you've read literally any of my other posts on the matter, you know i literally talk about how zionists institutions and leadership use jewish safety and antisemitism in the diaspora to bolster support for a jewish state. pointing this out isn't agreeing with it when you do it, why is it when i do it? what could the difference possibly be??
also, there has been no confirmation on who caused the hospital bombing. there are many reports that it was a misfire by one of the groups in gaza, and those are still being investigated. regardless of who fired it, it's still a tragedy. it's still hundreds of innocent lives lost. and it does not change the fact that the lives lost on the 7th were also a tragedy. using this devastating loss of palestinian life as a bludgeon against a diaspora jew for having the audacity to mourn dead jews is disgusting.
"[you] only bring up jewish people of color to argue that israel is actually not a racist project because israel is the only thing stopping jewish people from being exterminated."
literally just lying.
"jewish people in israel are behaving as and acting as white supremacist colonizers of color"
thanks for literally just outright saying that you think the problem is jews, not the state of israel.
"colonizers globally are constantly killing kids"
and therefore the israeli children who died don't matter? are you expecting jewish people to choose between their nieces and nephews and innocent palestinian children who are killed in gaza?
"[spacelazarwolf has] ranted and raved that without israel existing, the jewish people would be genocided. he's appropriated the struggle of indigenous and black people abroad to cry that jewish people aren't welcome in countries like the us, despite living in the us and benefiting from his whiteness and the oppression of indigenous and black people as many other white jewish people do"
i think you've made it pretty clear you're totally fine lying about what i've actually said regarding israel, but the idea that jews are "appropriating the struggle of indigenous and black people abroad" when we talk about experiencing antisemitism in the countries we live in is so???????????? also you make it really clear in this snippet that your issue isn't with israel but with jews in general.
"white jewish people...have been able to exist in relative safety for decades in european countries"
are you actually fucking insane.
"israel's existence has made things more dangerous for jewish people in the middle east and north africa because these are areas that HISTORICALLY had co-existence between religious groups"
nice historical revisionism! swana was safer than christian countries for sure, but it's SO clear to me that you know absolutely nothing about the history of the jews of swana.
"he and israel supporters like him are constantly distracting from the war crimes and terrorism ISRAEL IS COMMITTING by handwringing perpetually about 'but violence is bad and hamas is bad for being violent, the only good palestinians are the ones that are quiet and don't fight back against us when we kill their kids"
sorry, who's "we"? are diaspora jews killing kids? or do you just equate every single jew in the diaspora to israel? also, yet more blatantly lying and claiming i support israel when i repeatedly have stated i haven't! but it's much more convenient to claim i have, because then you can say that i kill kids!
there's a bunch of other times you repeat the lie that i support israel and "advocate for the continued existence of a settler colonizer state and lying and claiming it's the only way for jewish people to be safe" but i won't include all of those bc this post would be VERY long.
"israel supporters are really out here arguing that palestinians need to hold hands with their genociders and forgive them and find peace - completely ignoring that for centuries there was peace between religious groups in the region and israel destroyed it"
goyim being embarrassingly ignorant of jewish history outside of a warped view of the holocaust? i am shocked!
"the supposed civilians attacked turned out to be iof soldiers so yeah actually it's fucked for you to say. they shouldn't attack people who colonize and massacre palestinian people for their day job"
blatantly supporting the massacre of 1,300 israelis, including children.
"all they can do is fight back or die, while israelis grab their passport and fly back to the us or some other european country and wait for israel to finish their genocide so they can go back"
feel like i don't need to explain why. this is conspiracy theory levels of antisemitic.
"the crying and bellyaching that if the jewish people don't have israel, they'll have to go back to countries that are hostile to them is not one i have sympathy for"
yeah we know you don't have sympathy for jews, that's very clear.
"jewish people, black people, and indigenous people all still live there and survive and fight back and thrive in solidarity together. and they DON'T participate in genocide against other groups of people"
yet again making the blatant assertion that it is JEWS who are committing genocide, and not the israeli government. also let's not pretend that. there's always been perfect solidarity between our communities. jews have not always been the best allies to indigenous people and black people, and vice versa.
"there are other places to turn to if you had any interest in NOT participating in western hegemonic white supremacy. but instead of staying and fighting and existing and thriving with other marginalized people who are at HIGHER risk than you in these countries, you argue that somehow jewish people should be exempt from this work that every other marginalized community does"
shouldn't have to point out that i don't argue that, but also this is, again, conspiracy theory levels of fucked up.
"bonkers to watch israel-supporters screaming and crying that if they don't colonize and genocide palestinians then jewish people can't safely exist"
"if it were remotely true, israelis wouldn't have pulled out their dual citizenship passports and gone back to europe and the us to wait at a distance for their government to finish the genocide they started in 1948"
again, yikes.
there is a choice outside colonization - you can just fucking leave and go back to your home countries that are welcoming you with open arms cuz you still have dual citizenship. you don't have to commit genocide colonize people to exist."
more yikes.
"spacelazarwolf really wants to try and argue that they can't stop colonizing palestine cuz if they do, they have to go back to - checks notes - countries where a ton of people still live"
who is "they"?
"for some reason [spacelazarwolf] thinks that to avoid going through [genocide], jewish people need to be allowed to commit genocide themselves and eradicate palestinians"
once again lying abt me, and also openly saying that they believe it is jews who are committing genocide.
"fucking bonkers that he thinks he somehow has the right to commit genocide and colonize to avoid the situation other jewish people, indigenous people, and black people worldwide find themselves in. cowardly bitch baby behavior actually. like i'm sorry lots of other groups of colonized people, who have been subject to genocide and violence, and racism and are still undergoing it, has managed to NOT colonize other groups of people for their own gain."
bc jews are just inherently more evil than other marginalized ppl, right? we're just more prone to being selfish and hurting people? we're just sniveling whiny bitch babies who will turn around and stab you in the back, right?
"screaming and crying that 'we need to be allowed to genocide palestinians or otherwise we have to go back to the us, where we as white jewish people never have to actually deal with the things indigenous and black people there do' is disgusting genocidal behavior. the thought of actually being in solidarity with colonized people is repulsive to people like spacelazarwolf - that's why they all seek to justify colonial projects instead."
again, conspiracy theory levels of fucked.
at no point do i engage in anti-semitism. all i ever criticize is israel.
don't feel like i need to point out that this is not true.
he has repeatedly stated that israel has to exist, otherwise jewish people have to go back to the us, where indigenous people are being genocided.
cool lie! also fucked up thing to say!
i've said nothing about jewish pain and trauma. in fact, i have said on numerous occasions that jewish pain and trauma are very real and that they DO NOT justify. colonization.
mmmmmmmmmm nah. "whiny little bitch babies" is not saying that "jewish pain and trauma are very real." also oops you accidentally did dual loyalty again.
but spacelazarwolf is so rabidly racist he immediately began fearmongering about the bloodlust savage knocking at his door trying to kill him.
i'm on desktop or i would include that mike wazowski standing meme bc genuinely what the fuck.
anyway, i have no doubt that their support palestinians is genuine. that's great. but it is also incredibly clear that they hate jews, and that is going to be a huge detriment to their activism for palestinians, and they're not the only one this is happening with. people need to figure that shit out on their own instead of harassing and lying about jews online and perpetuating this kind of violently antisemitic rhetoric. bc this is like beyond fucked. i am tired of gentiles blatantly lying abt me so they can get away with saying horrendously antisemitic things to and about me. get your fucking shit together.
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femmefataletters · 7 months
Tw- Mention of genocide, dead bodies etc
This is a difficult post to make, an important one for sure, but one that I'm hesitant to post. I'm grateful for every little interaction i get with my posts and fics, but it's time I set some rules considering everything that's been happening.
First, If you're pro-Israeli miliary/government, a Zionist or literally anyone hiding behind the excuse of 'antisemitism' to excuse, justify and even celebrate the genocide of Palestinian people, I want you to get the fuck off my blog.
Seriously, stop following me and stop interacting with me. I can't believe more fic authors aren't doing this, but I have to be true to my values and put this out there because I fucking cannot take the amount of horrifying shit takes I've seen on the Palestine genocide. I have no interest in followers who support the murder and ethnic cleansing of any nation/people/race. So many fic authors that I've admired have disappointed me so much with either their silence or with their support of the terrorist government of Israel.
The past few months have been shocking, horrifying and hard to swallow and I can only imagine it's far far more difficult for Palestinians who are being bombed one after another. I've come across videos of babies being blown apart, of Israeli soldiers beating and shooting fucking kids, of men and women being stuck under rubble knowing help is not on the way because Israel is not only bombing but cutting off water, food and electricity. All violations of human rights. But in these difficult times, there have also been writers who're showing their support despite the death threats they're getting and to all of them I just wanna say please don't stop showing support, don't stop spreading awareness and don't stop boycotting. So many creators that I didn't know of, I know of now because they alone stood out with their support for Palestinians.
All I want to put out there right now is to please support your fellow writers who are loud and proud about Palestine. And, to stop interacting with creators who have no problem excusing and celebrating the genocide of Palestine. Stop following me if you disagree with me, if you're a Zionist pls. Block me go ahead, I don't want your bloody conscience. I'm shaking with anger, with fear but I'm also hopeful because never has our future looked so bright and full of support. My blog will always, always be a safe space, especially for people of color. Thankyou.
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darlin-djarin · 8 months
btw i'm palestinian. i've said it before but i'll say it again. anyone who expresses support towards israel in any way can fuck right off my blog. there is no "both sides"-ing this shit. my people have been suffering for almost 80 years, getting ethnically cleansed and oppressed. there is NO "both sides". israelis do not get an ounce of sympathy from me. and anyone who disagrees with what i just said can leave. i will not respect you if you actively support the ongoing genocide of my people.
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yautjalover · 7 months
First off, if you’re not in the right mental state right now and are unable to handle talk of dark, triggering topics then please come back later or keep scrolling. Please take care of yourselves. The world is a dark and scary place at times and I care about the well-being of other people to warn you ahead of time. This is also for the folks who just want the comfy escape of fandom. You don’t have to engage with politics if you don’t want to, so here is this warning. ☺️
I get it. Enjoy Yautja ya’ll. ❤️
The TDLR of this post is Free Palestine and just me ranting about the media lying and my anger at injustice.
Love you guys. ❤️
I’ve been relatively forgetful of Tumblr lately, and for good reason. My focus has been shifted on my writing and current events that are unfolding on a massive scale. I have followed the events occurring in Palestine for about ten years, rallying for their freedom from the Zionist colonial settler state.
I will in no shape ever support apartheid and genocide, nor ethnic cleansing. It’s monstrous and there’s no excuse whatsoever to justify it. There is no whataboutism, period. You can’t justify the murder and targeted attacks of civilians. I’m also thoroughly disgusted in the government, good ole USA, and the media for continuing to peddle the outright proven lies the IDF and Israel say. They’re not even being quiet about wanting to commit genocide!
If you disagree with reality, then this ain’t the blog for you!
Supporting people who have been oppressed for 75 fucking years isn’t anti-semitism—that’s the propaganda speaking and isn’t factual. Talk with real anti-Zionist Jewish people and they will agree that what’s happening is monstrous and they don’t support it. I stand in solidarity with the oppressed. I do not represent my country’s backing of this fuckshit. I have, and will continue, to defend people’s right to peace and freedom over this heinous bullshit.
I’ve cried more than I ever have seeing LITTLE KIDS digging in the rubble of their home to find their family without a tear in their eyes because what Israel is doing is NORMAL FOR THEM.
I HATE to bring real world events and politics to fandom, but it intersects with our daily lives and the world around us. I disagree with connecting the real world with fandom being a bad thing. I have LONG been an activist for justice in my personal life, and I will continue to do so. It’s who I am and I will always fight for the world to be a better place.
No, I am not “Anti-Semitic”. There is decades of research backing the evil that is being perpetrated by Israeli occupying forces.
Please take the time to do independent research and listen to Palestinian voices and Jewish people who say that this doesn’t represent Judaism. Please do not send hate to Jewish friends or people you don’t know. Please do not send hate to Palestinian or Arab friends or people you don’t know.
I grew up in Post-9/11 America and it’s all happening again. I remember it clearly. The media is doing what it does best. Pitting good well-meaning people against each other with their lies. :/ Please, please, take the time to talk and meet with people and find the humanity in one another. I beg you.
We all want the same things.
Peace and safety.
I’m horrified that my hard earned tax dollars are funding this genocide and they’re saying “we can afford it” when they can’t bother to pass Affordable Healthcare for All, actually fix this corporate greed of artificially inflating prices, they can’t bother to help our veterans who are ending their lives daily because our government turns their backs on them, they continue to harm and demonize black and indigenous people, ignore entirely the missing and murdered indigenous women and children, put literal children in fucking cages instead of stopping the destabilization of the global South (South America+), do nothing to defend our most vulnerable citizens such as LGBTQ+ kids and adults, refused to codify the right to reproductive healthcare, and expect US to pay for ANOTHER WAR that has nothing to do with our own perceived “freedom”.
I wish I could hug every person who’s suffering and solve all their problems. I, too, am struggling, more these days, we ALL are, but I sincerely hope that GOOD WILL PREVAIL.
It has to, right?
I love you guys, all you faceless folks behind your screens and stuff. We don’t personally know each other, but I see you and I hear you.
I pray for the people who are being killed in the darkness, the Congolese who are being murdered for metal that’s used in our tech, and every other person fighting for their basic right to PEACE and a fulfilled life where they are safe! Everyone deserves that! One day the world will be a better place and I hope our actions and fight for it will come true. I wish for our distant future folks to look back and see that we tried, as best as we could, and gave a shit.
If you have made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. I wish you a cold pillow, your shower to always be the perfect temperature, the commute to be easy and traffic free, and that every good boy and girl cat and dog gives you the snuggles that you need.
Peace be upon you guys. ❤️
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it-is-only-a-novel · 2 months
Do you support the Columbia stuff and everything going on in so many us unis? I’m sorry I don’t want this to come off as accusatory but I’m really scared because you felt like a safe space and I’m having such a hard time and I just saw this and my hands are shaking I’m sorry I just can’t deal with it if you actually support the things happen there. The head organiser of those protests in Columbia has openly put out that he thinks Zionists should die. They’re forming human chains to keep Jewish students from getting to their dorms. A student at Yale was jabbed in the eye with a flagpole. They’re chanting ‘burn tel aviv to the ground’ and ‘Hamas Hamas we love you, we support your rockets too’— I fucking heard it. I’m so scared please don’t support these things please please please
I wrote a long post getting really angry. But I don't like to post things like that so I erased it. I'm now going to rewrite it, calmly.
Look, I'm assuming you live in the US, which is why what's going on in Columbia is very present to you.
I barley know what's going on there. I'm guessing the post you are referring to had something to do with it. But I saw it after I read the Israeli news about a group of Rabbis trying to get food to starving people in Gaza and getting arrested. This on top of the many times they have arrested protesters here.
I took it as an ACAB post.
Since I don't actually understand the context I erased the post I made. I stand by what I wrote by itself. But I can't be sure what the original poster meant and I'd prefer things not be taken the wrong way on such a nuanced subject.
The people protesting here are protesting the needless deaths of Palestinians and Israelis. They are protesting the Israeli government abandoning 133 hostages to their fait, because the government cares more about winning a war than bringing them back alive.
Hamas did an awful thing on October 7th. That is a day no one around me will ever forget. I see the trauma of that day in myself and in ever single person around me.
But it's been half a year. And the Israeli government has lied to us day after day that this will end soon and the hostages will be back. Instead every day that this goes on they are in more and more danger. And more and more innocent people are dying.
The protesters I'm reffing to are being arrested for being critical of the government. That is wrong.
My blog is a safe place for anyone who can grasp the concept that Jewish people and Palestinian people can live on this land and share it in peace.
My blog is a safe place for anyone who can understand that what Hamas did is unforgivable, and unexcusable. And at the same time understand that a prolonged injustice has been done to the Palestinian people.
This is a safe place for people who can understand that regardless of the past we need to think about the future. And the best possible future is to stop the fighting and find a way to share this land.
Like I said I really don't know what's going on in the Universities in the US. All I know is that this is a nuanced thing going on here and my impression is a lot of people have trouble dealing with that.
There's a place to protest what's going on here in Israel. It is wrong.
That being said, there's never an excuse to wish death on people no matter how much you disagree.
There's no excuse to hurt individual Jewish people. Period. There is never an excuse to hurt any individual. Period.
You have to find a safe place for yourself. I hope I made my opinions clear. I live in Israel. I feel like I have every right to. I also feel like Palestinians have every right to live here too. Israel has done a great injustice to Palestinians and that has to be made up for.
Most of all I'm a pacifist and I want to live in peace.
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nathanielsewells · 4 years
salima let me start off by saying that i did use the f slur. i should have held myself accountable a long time ago and apologised for it. it doesn't matter what my reasoning for it was, i used a deeply offensive slur that's used to hurt mlm. it was in extremely poor taste and not my place to use it since i can't reclaim it. salima you claim that you never used the f slur when you used it in a conversation with me before. after all of you started making vagues about me using the f slur i went to look into our old conversations to find out that you deleted your use of it. you can deny it all you want but it's the truth and you're equally as complicit as me.
about me making jokes about the idf, muslim oppression and palestine. my blog was always a space for resources to support palestine against their systemic oppression by israel. i was never fake woke in my support for palestine whether it was through donation links, petitions or simple posts opposing zionists. i never made jokes about the wrongful murder of innocent palestinians. all the posts where i talk about "posting about palestine" are in relation to this message from joc who condemned me for posting about palestine after i reblogged a PHOTO. i'd understand if i reblogged something offensive or added a personal addition but i reblogged a simple photo. it's ridiculous how i shouldn't talk about palestine as if your group hasn't freely posted about palestine on several occasions.
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addressing the comment that i left on greedsgf post, it had nothing to do with the israeli palestinian conflict. although i mentioned the idf it was about a different matter. i allowed myself to make that idf joke to greedsgf at that time because i thought it was harmless and we made similar jokes to each other. i realise now that it doesn't matter what my relationship with the person was, the joke was in poor taste and i deeply regret using it.
i don't know if the accusations that i'm racist and islamophobic stem from the palestine thing or is it a separate matter? i strongly disagree with those accusations because i was never racist or islamophobic on this blog, in private or in any groupchat. when serafinedupont started getting all the racist and islamophobic anons a few months back i learned about it through a friend who showed me that messofakind believes that i called serafinedupont a racial slur on anon.
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i never sent anon hate in my life and to think that i would go through all this effort to call serafinedupont a racist slur is sickening. in the past when i used to follow serafinedupont i always stood with her in solidarity when she was wrongly attacked by racists who mocked her religion and heritage. i don't care how much you dislike me i would never send those asks, maybe it's a joke to all of you that you laughed at it private but it's sick to make such accusations. you all seem to know my ip address so well that you could have tracked the anons to determine if it was me.
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"hey oliwia if you're reading this stop being a racist and an islamophobe and stop stalking our blogs thank you very much x also please don't vote for duda"
i think the fact that all of you are calling me a racist is questionable too when you, tori and malak made whitewashed edits in the past. you can say that you apologised but that doesn't erase your racism in the past, same as my apology right now doesn't erase my mistakes.
as for the conversation from the tumblr groupchat, i don't have a screenshot for what i said because of its low quality but i can make jokes about hating jews because i'm jewish just like every single person can make self deprecating jokes about groups that they belong in.
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although this wasn't mentioned in your post, mine, ashley's or kiara's involvement in the rocket scientist situation was never about antagonizing your group or solarbridge. we didn't milk or "dramatize" this entire discourse to come out as superior. all three of us stated at the beginning that it was wrong and sickening for rocket scientist to doxx solarbridge and we made it clear that rocket scientists triggering posts don't absolve her from the blame. ashley literally reached out to solarbridge to ensure that she's okay and not once did we paint solarbridge in a negative light, we just wanted to bring tori's and joc's insensitive jokes to light about rocket scientists' possible overdose. we brought attention to it solely because it was heartless to make fun of someone's mental health issues. as for "dramatizing" we made like two posts and answered five asks in total.
lastly, your group stated that they want us to acknowledge our mistakes and apologise. i regret my past actions a lot and i'm sorry for my usage of the f slur and the idf joke. however you keep thinking that you and your group did nothing wrong in all of this and have nothing to apologise for as if you haven't used the f slur and mentally ill desi hasn't used a slur and made jokes about neo nazi's which both of you haven't acknowledged and apologised for. if my behaviour was so disgusting and fucked up salima then why didn't you speak up on it? you used the f slur in my presence and allowed me to make jokes that made you uncomfortable which you never addressed with me. if you found mine and ashley's behaviour so disgusting why did you wait 3 months to bring this to light when all of this happened? you were just sitting on it until we did something to anger you.
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