#i am repeatedly bashing my head against a wall
calmyourstorms · 2 years
Wished You Were Dead rant ahead:
Oh my GOSH I am going to LOSE IT. Tell me readers, how is Karloi supposed to know that his wife is the girl he met YEARS AGO??? You guys are telling me that you as an adult would recognize someone you met and interacted with for only a short period of time when you were like 12??? Heck NAH, I'm calling BS on that. And on top of that, according to all Karloi's informants, Rue is dead, she has been verified as dead, and they say there's NO WAY she could be alive. How the heck then is Karloi supposed to be like "oh my gosh Evonne is totally Rue even tho there's absolutely no reason i should guess that"?? He literally does not know half of what us readers know about Rue's situation.
I do love Rue. But you have to understand that tho it's not her fault (to a degree), she lies and follows the Duke's orders (tho not always). She hardly gives Karloi a reason to trust her besides saying "just trust me". Like we readers only know Karloi should trust Evonne BECAUSE WE KNOW SHE IS RUE. IT WOULD BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IF WE DID NOT HAVE HER SIDE OF THE STORY.
I am not saying you have to like Karloi, nor am I saying he doesn't have flaws, but I am BEGGING YOU to take a second to consider the delicacy and complexity of his situation, because HE'S ABOUT AS REALISTIC AS YOU COULD BE FOR ANYONE PUT IN HIS SITUATION!!! Appreciate the work that the author has done in creating such a nuanced character!!! Reducing the story down to "Evonne is perfect, Karloi is bad and stupid" really does the story and it's characters a disservice (not to mention weirdly absolves the Duke of his role as the main orchestrator and perpetrator of all this trauma, bloodshed, and backstabbing).
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artzychic27 · 8 months
More Nathaniel as Giganta! 🙏🏽
His villain outfit is similar to Giganta’s golden age look complete with the wrist and ankle cuffs
Like Giganta, Nathaniel becomes more aggressive as he grows. The other villain kids often use this to their advantage, goading him into using his strength and size to cause mayhem around the city
Just have Marc around to calm him down
Arguably the strongest in the class (Kim refuses to admit defeat, but that’s kind of hard when Nathaniel can easily lift an eighteen-wheeler while only grown to ten feet)
His max height is about 100 feet, but it’s rumored that he could exceed past Giganta’s max height
Surprisingly, he’s one of the villain kids who causes the least amount of destruction at school
During the Hero vs Villain fights, he immediately goes after Denise
His clothes are made to grow with him, but that doesn’t stop Kim and DJ from switching out his shirts
During Guys Nights, Adrien, Nino, Kim, Ivan, and Max place bets to see how far he can throw a bus
After Simon, he’s got the fastest metabolism
*Now for some incorrect quotes*
Nathaniel: COLOSSUS SMASH! *Denise ties him up with the Lasso of Truth* Colossus smash because Colossus is overcompensating for deep insecurities rooted in a quest for perfectionism and an overpowering fear of not being good enough, and- *Denise unties him*
Bystander 1: Aw. Poor thing, he’s not evil, he’s just misunderstood
Nathaniel: NO! I am evil!
Bystander 2: He’s just lashing out because of the pain he feels.
Nathaniel: I AM evil! I- *sighs*
Ismael: Hey, meatbrain! Over here! *Repeatedly punches Nathaniel*
Nathaniel: *Spits out a tooth, then grabs Ismael and bashes him against a wall*
Ismael: *Dizzily* That all ya got? *Nathaniel grabs his face* Guess not.
Anais: *Held in Nathaniel’s fist* Nath, you’re out of jail. How’s your head?
Nathaniel: Pretty good, considering you tried to fry my brain. *Tightens his grip*
Nathaniel: You wouldn’t hit a redhead, would you?
Ismael: *Hesitates for a moment*
Denise: I would! *Punches Nathaniel, knocking him out*
Nathaniel: *With his hand tied by Denise’s Lasso of Truth* I told you! I don’t know anything about a dark opal, or a dark topaz, or even a dark cubic zirconium!
Ismael: He’s telling the truth.
Nathaniel: *Unties his hand* Now I gotta get back to my community service. *Picks up a car*
Random Guy: Hey! That’s my car!
Nathaniel: Shouldn’t have parked in front of the fire hydrant! Pick it up at impound! *Chucks the car all the way to the impound center*
Victoria: Dude, you need to get yourself some anger management.
Nathaniel: I don’t have an anger problem! *Throws a car at Victoria*
Victoria: Whoa! *Quickly dodges*
Now for some sketches
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teachmetokill · 2 years
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i am bashing my head repeatedly against the wall i am chewing bulletproof glass i need to be put down
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forcebookish · 10 months
hiiii so you don't have to reply to this if you don't want but i'm so glad i found you. reading some of the comments about only friends has made me wanna bash my head against a wall and also made me question if i'm even watching the same series as everyone else?? i think the thing that gets me most is when people say that topmew's connection is "shallow" and top only wants him for sex which just baffles me cuz everything we have seen is quite literally the opposite. nevermind the fact that top has REPEATEDLY said he finds mew interesting and wants to date him...we also have him opening up to him about his past trauma and allowing mew to be there for him. and we also have him respecting mew's boundaries and if he does happen to misunderstand something he immediately backs off and apologizes. the contrast between the topmew and topboston scenes were literally staring us right in the face and some still don't get it??? it's exhausting and i feel like a lot of people didn't wanna give this couple a chance to begin with so now they are just saying anything to try and undermine them.
DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!! (also hi omg thank u i'm glad you found me too💕💕💕💕💕💕 OF COURSE i had to reply to this you are spitting TRUTH, my anonymous friend!!!)
i kind of get it, they're trying to protect themselves from connecting with a couple they think are doomed by the "narrative" - of course, though, it's the narrative of the trailer that they're relying on, not the actual drama.
even so? even taking into account the trailer (which are often purposefully misleading!!!), shouldn't watching them be cute and hot be part of the fun? isn't their being sweet from the start what makes the "betrayal" more interesting? isn't not wanting to see them fall apart a more satisfying experience when they do? aren't we all looking forward to the angst?
i certainly am! i love angst! but angst needs some kind of foundation first. and the foundation that the drama is actually laying down is way more interesting than one or both of them being shitty from the start. it sounds so... joyless to watch them and assume that either of them are always lying or calculating or whatever.
there's definitely stuff that's hinky ngl we're going to get a twist, but i don't think it's anything like what we've seen from the fandom. what strikes me about all the wild fanon/headcanons/predictions is how insanely contrived they would be, even by BL standards lmao. or boring!!! omg top just being a bad guy from the beginning would be so boring!!!!!!!!
anyway, i'm rooting for them. no matter what, they're going to fall in love and no one can take that away from us *hair flip*
thank you for stopping by and giving me an excuse to rant about this again!!!! i love not shutting up about shit!!
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I'm going to give you a couple and let you give me your favorite headcanon
Alejandro and Leticia?
Dearest Potato, apologies for the late response but I fell asleep even though it was disturbed by coughing. Oh, I'll give you my six favourite headcanons about them.
On a regularly dose, Leticia steals Alejandro's hoodies or T-Shirts. ("Is that my shirt, mi vida?" "No.")
Whenever they fall asleep, Leticia is in Alejandro's arms. If he finds her sleeping somewhere he carries her to bed.
Gentle whispers in Spanish, soft glances and proud smiles.
Lots of forehead kisses. Due to their height differences Alejandro needs to lean down.
When one of them gets injured their partner might go either insane with rage or worry. (In Leticia's case I am talking about bashing someone's head repeatedly against a wall or counter.)
Alejandro is the one who cooks most in their relationship. Leticia once tried to surprise him with a dinner but ended up burning the tortillas. Alejandro only trusts her with cornflakes but otherwise does not like to leave her unsupervised in the kitchen because once Leticia accidentally broke a plate and cut herself at it. They often cook together to unwind.
[asked by @writingpotato07 ]
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Michael After Midnight: Saki Sanobashi
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[Here is the next entry in my journey across the multiverse (backstory here). This entry is from what I’ve dubbed Earth-4444. In this universe, it seems like I’ve actually spent a lot more time talking about anime than I have in this universe, and I seem to have some level of respect if the jealousy-inducing note count on the posts are any indication. Maybe I chose the wrong field. Anyway, here’s Weeb Michael’s review of something that’s probably not real in our world, but is definitely real in his. The above image was not originally attached to his review, but as it turns out I can’t save photos across dimensions. Very inconvenient.]
Last week I talked about the codifier of animated tentacle porn, The Legend of the Overfiend, a film that actually managed to subvert its own reputation in a lot of ways. It is a film that actually showed the horror of being fucked by tentacles as opposed to using it for mere eroticism. Now, tonight, I’m going to talk about yet another piece of Japanese animation with a rather edgy reputation that precedes it, and yet might be one of the most unique, bizarre, and even startlingly philosophical works to come out of 80s anime.
I am, of course, talking about Saki Sanobashi, or Go for a Punch as it was known when it originally was localized. There’s an interesting story here: This did not come to America through legal means at first, being distributed as a bootleg at conventions for years due to the graphic content making it seemingly unfeasible to get out normally. It wouldn’t be until 2015 when the OVA saw any sort of physical demand, mainly due to fan demand as well as the spreading knowledge that the OVA had influenced many big names in the industry, most notably Hideaki Anno. Because of this, the OVA has been dubbed by many “The Evangelion of Guro,” and in some regards this is not an unfair comparison.
It’s actually fascinating how philosophical this work manages to be. The plot is rather simple, featuring five girls trapped in a bathroom with no obvious means of escape, and from there the five women contemplate their situations, delving into intricate discussions of their place in the universe, the concept of destiny, the cruelty of the world, and even Gnosticism. You can definitely see how this helped inspire Evangelion in certain regards, especially with the use of religious imagery in cryptic ways that may or may not mean anything at all. You can also see how it influenced Silent Hill in some regards, though obviously Jacob’s Ladder still deserves the credit far more.
The animation is horrifyingly well done. It very much resembles the sort of things that Miyazaki was making at the time, so of course this makes it all the more unsettling when you see the girl’s mental states deteriorate to the point where they gruesomely and graphically commit suicide. The level of detail put into the gore is just nauseatingly incredible, and the deaths themselves truly live up to their infamous reputation. Of particular note is one of the girls bashing her head repeatedly against the wall, slamming harder and harder until her head cracks. Even worse, though, is the one girl who tears her own throat out with her bare hands--and yes, we get a lovely closeup. It’s rather telling the tamest death is an assisted drowning.
Not everything is perfect, though. The original dub, the one that landed this work into infamy, is rather low quality, and lends a rather narmy quality to the proceedings. The 2015 redub, which was done with professionals, is much better, and it’s understandable given the circumstances of the original release, but it certainly can be jarring to see such flat line reads punctuated by shit you’d see in Higurashi. It’s also a little bit too short for my liking; at only a little over thirty minutes, it just seems to go by too quickly. While it certainly doesn’t misuse what little it gets, and manages to make you really care for these poor girls in record time, I think this definitely could have benefitted from a little extra runtime. The 2015 release does include an extended cut that’s an hour long that feels so much more fleshed out and even features an unsettling ending that seems to hint at the cyclical nature of time (something discussed at length in one of the more poignant added scenes), but if we’re talking about the original, infamous iteration of the anime, it’s a victim of its own runtime.
Overall, I’d say this is one of the more interesting pieces of animation to come out of the 1980s. I certainly wouldn’t call it one of the greatest of all time, but it certainly managed to leave an incredible mark on the anime industry. It’s honestly hard to imagine what it would look like without this OVA, honestly; it’s a niche, underground production that managed to rise to lofty heights due to fan demand and the influence of bigger artists, so it certainly did something right. Definitely check it out if you’re big into anime history like me, or if you’re really into gory stuff. You definitely won’t be disappointed in that case. Frankly, even if it’s not my favorite work by any means, I find it really hard to imagine an anime landscape that looks as good as it does without this work’s shockingly wide influence. 
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endeavoredtoserve · 13 days
alicent's singular act of defiance in telling rhaenyra that she will be a fine queen, the small bits of them mending while otto looks on in the background raging i am bashing my head against the wall repeatedly btw
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When I think of dying, guilt washes over me like no other. I love my parents, my family & my friends, the people I know. Yet, I feel so fucking guilty for feeling this way. I feel so numb. I want to bash my head against a wall repeatedly, what fucks with me more is the fact that this life is inevitable. I was brought into this trap, now there is no way out. Death is inevitable, I am living in a fucking trap. I am terrified they will all die and that I will experience it, I feel so sick just thinking about it. I have lost so much, so many people, they’re all gone. I can’t fathom losing anyone else. The sad part is that not everyone is mourned or even remembered, people mourn for a few months & then live their own life, they move on and life goes on. When you die, your world stops but their worlds will continue to spin. Why care about being remembered if we are all going to die someday? Why should we fucking care? There is no impact I have on people’s lives, I am nothing. I am not a celebrity, rich or even famous. I will not be remembered. God, I just want to go before I see anyone else go. I would rather die than lose anyone else. I was never meant for this life or this world, and I wish people could just understand this. No one will understand. I don’t want to even be thought of, I wish I could fade forever. Ever since S left & even way before he did, I have felt this world was never meant for me, I have felt I was here just to love & to show others what love is and what it feels like. I do all of this and yet I suffer? Why? Is love not enough?
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irulancorrino · 3 years
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Overprotective Suits You Dr. Lecter
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x F!Reader
Universe: Hannibal (NBC)
Words: 755 (Sorry this one is a little short I didn't want to stray too far from your request)
Summary/Prompt: From a lovely Anon: May I also request another Hannibal x reader This time I want reader to be terribly injured from some other serial killer and Hannibal goes batshit and kills the other killer but reader dies. I want him to panic while trying to revive reader and once reader is back he becomes overprotective?
TW: Language | Angst | Death | Murder | Blood | Panicked Hannibal | Overprotective Hannibal
Image Credit: Google
My Masterlist | Taglist | REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN
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No answer.
"Hello?" Hannibal calls again. "Y/N, are you okay? Who is there with you?"
He was the first one on speed dial, the first one who would respond, and in your gut, you knew that. Panicking, your mind begins to race; you're feeling cold and honestly alone. Coughing some blood sprays against the face of the killer, your heart pounds, only causing your wounds to bleed faster. He threw you to the ground.
Wasting no time, he hangs up and makes his way to your apartment. As he sped around the corner and jolted out of his car, and made his way up to your apartment, skipping steps trying to be as hasty as he can.
"You're fucked." You manage to get out. The killer grabs you by the hair and slowly drags you to the dining room, and drops you there when he hears your door being kicked in.
"Leave her alone!" He growls.
"Mind your own business." the killer snaps.
"I will not repeat myself." Hannibal snaps back.
Laying there, you look over at him; beaten to a pulp, your once bright eyes start to fade. He looks at you and growls at the killer, and looks back at you again. "Hold on, Y/N, I need you to hold on." He panics a small bit.
Looking around quickly, he is charged by the killer and thrown against the wall. With a jab to the killer's ribs, Hannibal grabs the man's head and slams it against the wall, managing to get away from him for a moment. He makes his way to the kitchen and grabs one of your knives. Something Hannibal is quite familiar with. Gripping it in his hand, he looks at the man and looks at you, seeing if you're still breathing, but it's very faint. With a growl, he charges after the man, and the man swings, cathing Hannibal's jaw. With a kick to his gut, the killer falls back onto your dining room table.
With a grunt, the killer gets up and charges after Hannibal again, but with a quick act, Hannibal was able to counter grabbing the back of his head, slitting his throat, and repeatedly bashing his face against the door frame. His face was unrecognizable, and blood and bits of brain matter were all over the wall and floor as the killer slid down the wall.
Hannibal makes his way to you crawling, throwing the knife into the kitchen as he's crawling to you, he checks for your breathing, but it's stopped. His mind panics; heavily. He starts to become frantic as he's performing CPR, plugging your wounds the best he can.
"Come on, Y/N!" he yells as he is applying pressure to your wound, covering it with a piece of his shirt so he can properly perform CPR. "COME ON!" He yells, sweat coming from him as he begins to count.
"One, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight." He tilts your head back and performs two counts of mouth to mouth, and starts all over again.
"God damn it come on!" He growls as he continues. His heart already pounding, near frantic.
"FUCK! COME ON Y/N! COME ON! COME BACK!" Hannibal yells. Wiping his brow, he starts his counts again and his mouth-to-mouth.
After ten rounds of eight counts, you gasp for breath and look at Hannibal. "You came." you whisper.
"Of course I did, Y/N. You called." He whispers. "Did you let him in?" He asks.
You shake your head.
"Did you know him?" He asked.
You shake your head again, coughing.
"You're okay, I have you. I will protect you. I will fix you. Can you stand?" He asks, holding you close.
You shake your head, and without any question, he lifts you and carries you to his car. When he places you in the car, he looks at you. "Don't leave me like that again."
You chuckle. "You care?"
"Of course I do. Why do you think I don't care?" He asks.
"I'm just your patient..." you say softly. "I'm nothing special."
"That's not true. You will stay with me, you can have the spare bedroom. I will see to it you have everything you need. You will not leave my sites again, am I understood." He asks.
You chuckle, coughing again. "Overprotective is kind of nice on you Dr. Lecter."
"Hush, stop talking." He states, placing you in the passenger seat as he takes off from your apartment, never looking back.
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snappleapple · 3 years
the bunny vs. the fox
dream x reader
hogwarts au
fluff and angst i suppose
warning - cursing, reader being a small b, simpy dream, underage drinking
word count - 6.8k
a/n: hi again! please enjoy this long boi while i go on another 8 month hiatus lol. also i legit had a heart attack cause i accidentally deleted this but i got it back so phew
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the vibrant colors of your uniform stands out amongst the repelling amount of green present within the slytherin common room. you had been invited to the party on behalf of wilbur for their recent quidditch cup win against gryffindor, a game lost because of the carelessness and arrogance of your teammates. along with students from other houses, you stand next to the tall boy you had met when you got onto the train in your first year.
“wilbur, why am i here?” the question lingers in his ear as you point to your current attire of your uniform skirt, an oversized gryffindor sweater you borrowed from sapnap, your thick glasses and messy bed hair from taking a nap after the long game. “y/n? what are you doing here?” you turn your head to glance over at the younger boy, “that’s what i wanna know, tommy.” as you turn around to look at wilbur, another person bumps into you, “hey! watch where you’re going- y/n! what a surprise!” with the roll of your eyes, you dismiss him and reply sarcastically, “glad to see you’re not so shaken up from the recent failure of gryffindor, fundy.” he gives you a shit-eating grin before bouncing away to continue his search for pure alcohol.
as more students enter the already crowded room, a loud cheer begins to form as a boy is lifted into the air. “dream! dream! dream!” the crowd yells at the top of their lungs, which would probably attract a teacher soon, so you begin to sneak out of the room until a loud voice interrupts the cheers, “y/n! leaving the party so soon?” dream taunts with a smirk on his face, everyone’s attention turning towards you. “mind your own business, dream.” you spit out with venom, still bitter about your quidditch loss, as he scoffs and strides towards you, “i guess if you search up sore loser in the dictionary, you’d find a picture of y/n.” he mocks once again while you begin to get riled up from the obnoxious laughter erupting from the crowd. you turn around and begin heading for the door once more before hearing, “come on y/n. no one likes a sore loser.” turning around, you glare at the annoying boy, “come on dream. the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner.” the both of you stare each other down while the whole room stays quiet. dream stands with an unsatisfied smirk on his face as he reaches into his pocket, possibly reaching for his wand. with the slight slip of your fingers and extra progression , you grasp your wand. but before you could fully pull out your wand, you get lifted into the air, over the shoulder of a ravenclaw. “we’ll be seeing you guys later.” he nonchalantly says while walking out of the room, giving you perfect view of dream, with a now satisfied shit-eating grin as he waves at you. you end your interaction with the slytherin with the show of your middle finger.
“techno! why? i could’ve totally won that battle.” the older boy shakes his head as he listens to your whines. “nope. i promised phil that i would keep you out of trouble.” you groan some more before stomping away back to the gryffindor common room, barely sparing a glance at the pink haired boy.
a week passes by and when you’re at breakfast, you lay your head against phil’s shoulder while he munches away on a buttered piece of toast, keeping conversation with fundy. dream hadn’t been bothering as bad as normal but he was still around you. you were a bit confused about his change in behavior but brushed it off, ignoring him and treating him as if he’s on his own menopause situation. twiddling your fingers, boredom begins to strike you in the great breakfast hall. well, once quiet hall, in which the silence is interrupted by the entrance of dream, sapnap and george. you would assume that since they are all from different houses, there would be a tolerance for peace, yet that never seemed like an option with dream. “hello y/n.” he smirks as you turn around to look at him with a stone cold expression. “what do you want?” you say with a scathing tone. ‘“nothing, just came to see how the most competitive person on gryffindor was doing after their recent loss.” with the use of your middle finger, you raise your glasses before giving dream an innocent grin, “i’m feeling good.” the hall goes quieter than it was before as dream sits next to you on the bench. as you leans closer to you, you put your hand under your head and turn your head towards him coyly. “and what do i owe the honor of being able to sit next to the dream? he rolls his eyes as sapnap and george laugh at your shenanigans. “i was just wondering if you would do me the honor of going out to hogsmeade with me?” shaking your head, you barely even glance over at the boy. “no.” dream’s expression remains stoic as he continues to look at you, “come on y/n.” you turn to stand up and leave. raising a stiff hand into the air, you wave to phil and fundy.
but before you could fully exit the great hall, a hand pulls you into the crevice of the walls. he puts his hand over your mouth to prevent you from saying a word. “y/n. please. please go out with me.” shaking your head once again, you give him a cheeky grin. “what will you do for me if i do?” dream pinches his nose bridge, “i’ll do your charms homework for a month.” he persuades with much hesitance. you fully extend your hand out to him and he wraps his large, warm hand around yours. the large grin on your face replicates the one on his face. “next week on saturday, meet me at the bridge to hogsmeade at nine am, sharp! but if you are even a minute late, i’m leaving and you’re still doing my charms homework.” dream closes his eyes and basks in the natural light from the bewitched sky, nodding his head.
the rest of the day, you go throughout your usual classes, occasionally listening to the gossip that spread like wildfire throughout the school. “oh my god, did you hear that l/n is going out with dream tomorrow?” or “i thought they hated each other?” in all honesty, you were beginning to get annoyed from all of the side conversations happening in all classes. luckily, you were in your last class of the day, unluckily, it was with slytherin, specifically dream’s class. a yawn erupts from your mouth as pull out a set of notes to get ready for your class. as the second yawn begins, a hand makes its way to your mouth. you glare at the boy who had already caused way too much mischief for your liking. he gives you a fake grin as he sits next to you. before you can retort to his stupid action, your professor struts into the room, quickly starting his lesson.
throughout most of the class, dream remains quiet, jotting down his notes or dragging his hand through his hair. but towards the end of the class, he leans his head on your shoulder. your body stiffens up as his hand makes its way to your thigh. “you better take your hand off my thigh if you want to keep it.” quiet chuckles erupt from his lips, “can i do this on our date?” you reciprocate soft chuckles, “do you want to die?” the grin on his face get replaced by a pout and puppy dog eyes. “why are you so mean to me?” you continue to scribble down notes, not sparing one glance at the boy, until he grabs your face with both of his hands, “look at me pout, y/n.” and when he turns you face towards him, your professor calls the both of you out. “miss l/n, please take your lovey dovey business outside of class.” your mouth hangs open but before you could protest, dream interrupts you, “will do professor.” his chuckles echo through the room as you slam your head into the table repeatedly until dream puts his hand on the desk, preventing you from bruising your forehead even more. “just let me bash my skull open and die.” dream pats your head, “i can’t have you die before our date.” cringing at his words, you frantically try to remove his hand so you could smash your head into the desk.
later that night at dinner, your face remains a disgusted pout as you imagine your date with dream. while you shudder in disgust, phil taps you out of your daze. “y/n, you really should snap out of it today.” he laughs jokingly along with fundy. your eyes roll as you turn back to your dinner plate full of random things phil stacked on so that you would actually eat dinner. after being forcefully fed one chicken leg and some mashed potatoes, you check the time which read eight twenty five, giving you five minutes to go to the black lake. “oh shit.” you exclaim as you grab all of your items while phil tries to stuff another chicken leg into your mouth. “phi-“ you shut up when the chicken successfully makes it into your mouth. as you sprint out of the hall carrying your school books, robe, wand and other unnecessary items fundy handed to you, your robe decides to slip out unbeknown to you.
when you arrive to the lake, you see him waiting for you already. you toss your items down next to him and sit down next to him. “you’re late. again.” heavy huffs of air erupt from your body as try to catch your breath, still holding the chicken leg phil stuffed into your mouth. “sorr-“ a cough leaves your lips, “sorry. phil was trying to get me to eat dinner.” the boy lets out deep chuckles as he ruffles your hair, “classic phil.” you lean back and balance your weight on the both of your hands as you stare out at the frozen lake. “techno, i don’t get why we have to meet outside in the freezing cold when there is a warm library open to us. i’m cold and i lost my robe on the way here. in a silent flash, a blue accented robe makes its way over into your sight, along with a bare arm. when you turn your head towards the boy, he says away and turns back to the lake, expressionlessly. a small smile erupts on your face as you turn back to the lake, wrapping the robe around your shoulders. before you could mutter a quick thank you, you get cut off, “don’t. lets not talk about this.”
after finishing whatever school work you needed to with techno, you walk back with him into the hallways, coincidentally just as dinner was ending. though you never found out where your robe was, you bump into a tall figure as you make your way through the hall with techno counting the tiles on the floor. a small oomf leaves your lips as the person puts his hands on your shoulders. “who’s robe is that? last time i checked you were in gryffindor, not ravenclaw.” you don’t need to look up to know who you were currently speaking with, “hello dream.” you could hear the smirk in his voice when he speaks again, “hello y/n. take this off.” dream retorts with a hint of teasing, “no. i’m cold and i lost my robe. so techno let me borrow his.” the other tall boy next to you nods in agreement. “uh no. i don’t like the sight of this.” dream complains with an unsatisfied look on his face before tugging the robe off of your body, throwing it at technoblade and then proceeding to wrap his robe around your body, slinging his arm over your shoulder. “that’s better.” he doesn’t even spare a glance at the older boy as he leads you away while you try to at least say goodbye to technoblade. “bye- dream i swear to god, bye techno!”
while the both of you continue to the gryffindor tower, he doesn’t let his arm on your shoulders falter. “what’s the deal with you and that guy.” you stop in place, turn to look at dream and mime yourself zipping your lips as if you were saying, ‘you get nothing out of me.’ dream rolls his eyes before throwing you over his shoulder and continuing his way over to the common room. “okay this is unnecessary. put me down, i’m wearing a skirt.” lightly hitting his back with your fist. “don’t worry about it, my robe is covering it up.”
at the door of the entrance, the fat lady stares at you in confusion. “can you put me down?” dream lets out a grunt of disagreement, “no. just tell her the password so i can come in and snuggle you.” you take a breath in of anger, “no. i need to finish homework, plus i’m going to see you again tomorrow.” another grunt comes out of the boy before he says the password to your common room, the fat lady begrudgingly letting the both of you in. “what?! you know the password?” he chuckles before setting you down, “of course, sapnap told me. and i come in here all the time to hook up with different gryffindor girls.” your face of disgust makes a wheeze leave his lips, “i’m joking. i finish homework with sapnap in his room, not hook up with girls. i’ll have you know, i haven’t even had my first kiss yet.” you scoff before turning towards your room, “goodnight dream.” but before you can progress any further, he grabs your wrist, “no.” your face scrunches up. staring the boy up and down, another scoff leaves your lips, “what do you mean ‘no’. i’m not giving you an option.” he pouts and opens his arms, “i jus wanna cuddle.” your face scrunches up in disgust once more before you take a step back, “wasn’t it last week when you were being a bitch about my quidditch team.” his arms fall down in realization but the pout remains visible. slightly annoyed but empathetic, you walk over to him, awkwardly wrapping your arms around his waist, patting him on his back gently. while he embraces you back, he leans down to whisper into your ear, “can we cuddle?” you let out groans before letting out a deep sigh, “fine. but you have to promise not to be too grabby, like right now. i did not tell you to grab my butt.” dream sheepishly shys away from you and grabs the hem of shirt while he follows you up the stairs while you try to maneuver him so he can actually make it up the enchanted stairs that only the girl’s dorm.
when you enter your dorm, you’re met by the friendly faces of your roommates. “h-hey guys.” with the motion of their hands, they tell you scoot over to see dream standing behind you with a smirk on his face. before he could walk into the room, you shut the door in his face, wanting to speak in private with your roommates. “don’t tell anyone about this. he was begging to cuddle and would not leave until i agreed. he’ll be gone by midnight tonight and i promise i’ll make sure he’s quiet.” your roommates stare at you before bursting out in laughter, “you’re going soft y/n!” a look of shock rushes over your face before hushing them, “i am not.” they shake their heads in disagreement, making you roll your eyes. when you open the door to let dream back into your room, your roommates pack their homework and walk towards the door. one roommate holds the door open while the other still collects her things, “we’ll be seeing you later y/n. so have fun with dream.” you hide your face in your pillow, embarrassed from their current attitudes about your situation. when they leave, dream sits on your bed while you stand up and walk over to your closet and grab a change of clothes. “just lay on the bed and i’ll be out soon.” dream nods, boredly flipping through a random book he found on your bed.
in the bathroom, you tie your hair in a messy bun, change into some sweatpants and a random oversized t-shirt, you think its either sapnap’s or wilbur’s, take your contacts out and put your glasses on, before proceeding to brush your teeth and exiting the bathroom.
sitting on the edge of your bed, you stare down at dream, hugging your pillow. “y/n, can you replace the pillow?” your expression quickly shifts from a neutral face to a cringing face. you ignore his words, “scoot over.” you say while grabbing the book dream was reading before you came out, opening it and tucking your legs underneath your comforter. another sigh leaves your lips as you tap the top of your thighs twice, letting dream know that he can lay his head onto your legs, in which he gladly does. about thirty minutes pass and your hand drags itself through his hair, occasionally leaving to flip the page of your book. you stay super into your book until dream speaks up, “y/n.” you let out a mhm of acknowledgement, letting him know you’re listening. “i don’t want to cuddle your legs, i want to cuddle you.” a small okay is heard from you as you put the book on your dresser, tucking yourself into your bed. your back faces away from dream. a shiver rolls down your spine as he wraps his arms around your waist, resulting in him breathing down your neck. goosebumps arise on your body. in the awkward silence of the room, the only things you can hear are the loud thumps of your heart and the even breaths from dream.
when you wake up the next morning, you move your arms to stretch them, but fail to do so in the embrace of dream. staring at his peaceful face, free of any frowns he had shown last night, you brush his bangs out of his eyes. with a glance at the seeping sunlight, you slowly slip out of his embrace, walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. before you exit the room, you glance over at the sleeping boy on your bed. you roll your eyes before walking over to his side and sitting down on the edge of the bed, gently caressing his messy hair. he stirs in his sleep for a few seconds and as he opens his eyes. the first things he sees is you before pulling you towards his chest with you going down with a yelp. “dream!” he nuzzles his head into your neck, mumbling something incoherent. “say that again?” he mumbles some more, “i don’t know what you’re saying.” you chuckle in-between each word, he moves his head away from your neck, “i said you smell good.” dream stretches as you pull away from him, walking over to the door leading to the common room. “go clean yourself up and come to breakfast.” dream sluggishly drags himself out of your bed before grabbing his robe and your wrist, proceeding to drag you towards the door, the stairs turning into a slide underneath him while you wait for the stairs to turn back, laughing loudly at him. at the bottom of the stairs, you meet the friendly faces of phil, fundy and sapnap.
“y/n, why was dream in your room last night?” phil asks just a bit sarcastic but with a joyful smile on his face. sapnap’s face morphs into a smirk as his eyes move from your figure to dream’s and then back to yours. “you,” he says while staring at you before turning to dream on the floor, “and you.” sapnap then proceeds to make kissy faces earning a smack from you and a chuckle from dream, earning dream a smack from you as well. “dream is leaving anyways.” you say while pushing him out of your common room. phil, fundy, sapnap, you and dream make your way down the hall, “dream. go to your room and change.” he pouts once again before wrapping his hand around yours. once phil notices, he walks between the both of you, separating you and dream, making you stand on either side of him. when you glance up at phil, he just gives you his signature kind smile before turning back to his conversation with fundy. before you notice, dream had disappeared to god knows where, you get pulled behind a pillar, not being noticed from the three of your friends. “shh, y/n.” his hand covers your mouth until he lets go, “dream! what was the point of this, we were with each other like five minutes ago.” he ignores your words and drags you towards the slytherin common room, finishing what he started earlier by holding your hand.
while you wait for dream to finish getting ready in his room, you sit in the common room, greeted by the not so friendly faces of other slytherins, disregarding wilbur sitting at your side, telling you about the dragon he was raising in the dark forest. when dream comes back out, the color of your uniform stands out so brightly in the dark green room. wilbur sits next to you with his beanie on. “wilbur, aren’t you tired? you have black circles under your eyes.” he shakes his head with optimism, “it’s for the aesthetic. don’t worry about them. oh hello dream!” your eyes shift from wilbur to dream. dream leads you out of the common room as the both of you walk down the quiet and empty halls towards breakfast. dream wraps his robe around your shoulders, “i know you get cold easily.” you look up at him with a small smile engulfed by sadness, “thanks.”
as you walk down the long hallway, you finally feel the courage to speak up. “dream,” you pause waiting for a response from the tall boy. he lets out a hum to let you know he’s listening, “why are you doing this?” the question slips from your lips with doubt and concern. “doing what?” dream answers back with his own question. “well for one,” you pause once again with uncertainty, “pretending to like me. just a week ago, you were being a jerk to me and all of a sudden, you just begin to pursue me. and i want to know why.” dream stops in place while you continue by yourself, “what do you mean pretend to like you? i do like you.” now it was your turn to stop, “no you don’t. you can’t just begin to like someone all of a sudden. nothing works like that. so, i’m going to ask you something and i want you to answer sincerely, okay?” dream’s face falls into a guilty expression as he stares at the floor, “how much?” you maintain the soft expression on your face while continuing to gaze at the tall boy, “fifteen galleons.” a tiny huff of air leaves your lips as you a soft small appears on your face in slight disbelief, eyes slightly tearing up. you walk away for a while before speaking once again, “i hope it was worth it.” you take off his robe and drop it on the floor as you walk away from him.
as you enter the great hall for breakfast, you sit next to phil quietly. with a small eye smile, you tell phil that you’re not that hungry and just take a sip out of your tea. “so , y/n. you and dream huh?” sapnap teases, “there’s nothing between us.” your cold tone resonates throughout the gryffindor table, “woah, no need to get your panties in a bunch.” he teases as the other boys around you laugh. angered, you stand up and grab his collar, pulling him towards you over the table, “i said there’s nothing. so fuck off and mind your own business.” your empty hand crunches up, turning your fist white. phil abruptly stands up and gently puts his hand on your shoulder as a signal to tell you to calm down. you could feel all eyes on you but could honestly care less. releasing his collar, the boy looks at you after being scolded by phil for butting into a girl’s business. “i’m sorry y/n. i didn’t mean to that insensitive.” you snap out of your rage induced glare and decide to mutter a small apology as well before walking out of the hall.
“y/n!” another glare arises on your face at you look at the culprit that made you angry. “i’m sorry for the bet, but i was just using that as an excuse because i kept denying the fact that i like you.” dream attempts to grab your hand like he did earlier that day but you snatch your hand away. “don’t bother lying now because i didn’t even believe you earlier.” your reply marked with extreme sarcasm. you turn around to stomp towards your common room once again. “y/n, please. what will it take for you to realize that i actually like you.” with a glance over your shoulder, you look at dream one last time, “leave me the fuck alone.”
as the week passed, it was the day of your date with dream. you stayed in your dorm for most of the day, eventually going out to eat at meal times. dream waited for you at the bridge that leads to hogsmeade for hours until finally leaving when sapnap came to tell him that you weren’t coming.
on the day of your quidditch game with ravenclaw, you lay in bed, staring at the spot dream had once been in with you. you’ve seen dream around but never even glanced towards him, isolating yourself quietly with your small group of friends. dream, for the most part, left you alone besides the points where he hangs out with sapnap in the gryffindor common room. you rarely spoke and only did when it was necessary. before you realize, you’re in the shower room, getting dressed in your uniform. sapnap leads you towards the field and your team flies onto the field. technoblade flies up towards you in attempt to speak to you for the first time that week. “hey munchkin. how’s it going.” you drag your hands through your hair, messing it up after phil had worked so hard to keep it neat. “dream told me he liked me. but his antics started after i confronted him about his bet.” techno’s eyes soften as he ruffles your hair, “i don’t want to sour your mood even more, but he’s sitting in gryffindor stands right now. just for your own information.” you roll your eyes and fly over to your side, bat in hand. the huffs of your breaths could be seen in the snowy weather of winter.
for most of the game, you played extremely aggressive. you nearly hit sapnap once and actually hit fundy while ravenclaw scored over and over again. “y/n! get down here!” you hear the rough voice of your quidditch captain call, “what’s wrong with you l/n? you never play this recklessly. sit out this game, we can have someone else sub for you.” dream watches you from the stands. you stare at your captain in disbelief before nodding and walking off the field.
walking down the hallways, dream follows you with silent steps in order to not attract any unwanted attention. “what do you want dream?” you ask without turning around to look at the boy. “y/n,” before he can finishes, he pauses, allowing time for you to interrupt, “i asked for what you wanted, not my name.” you let out the sarcastic and sappy reply. “y/n, i’m sorry i put you in such a shitty situation and because of that, inevitably hurt our relationship. the stupid relationship that makes me smile every time i think about you or when someone mentions your name.” dream walks towards you with caution while also watching your reaction. once he realizes that you’re okay with his presence, he pulls you into his embrace. your face gets buried into his chest. “i hate you. i hate that you made me believe you loved me. i hate that i like you despite you being an ass. i hate that we have an unspoken rivalry. i hate how you make butterflies appear with any spoken word and how you’re a touchy person that needs to hold my hand wherever we go.” dream’s chuckles echo in the hall along with his body. “i didn’t know you hated me so much.” you push away from him with a small smirk on your face, “i do. you just have a punchable face.” dream lets out an exaggerated gasp as he holds his hand over his heart, “i’m offended.” he pouts once again, a smile expanding on his face.
“but will you officially do me the honor of going out on a date with me on tomorrow? no bets, no money, nothing. just a boy in love.” you cringe at first then pretend to think about it for a while before finally making eye contact with him, “no.” his smile doesn’t falter, “okay then, i’ll see you at the bridge at nine thirty.” you raise your eyebrows in confusion as the boy walks three steps ahead of you, “come on y/n.” he taunts as if you are a dog. with the roll of your eyes, you skip up towards him and he wraps one of his arms around your shoulder. “you’re not busy right now, are you?” a small laugh leaves your lips as you stare at the tall boy, “well, i just kicked out of my quidditch game, so no? but then again, i’m sort of sweaty so i might need to take a shower.” he ignores you once again and continues walking towards your dorm. as he begins to sound out the password, you cut him off. “look dream, i like you okay?” dream nods with a sly smirk, “but not enough for you to come in.” patting him on his back, you tell the lady the password and walk into the common room. his smirk falters as you leave him standing outside the common room door. dream’s eyes stay on you until he fat lady closes the portrait door. “rejected!” she sings before dream walks away with the roll of his eyes.
the next day at around nine twenty, you walk up from your bed. “oh my god!” you yell checking the time. running to your bathroom, you turn the your sink on quickly, brushing your teeth and your hair before running out to go change. at nine twenty five, you run down the busy halls, occasionally bumping shoulders with some random people. “y/n? where are you going?” fundy asks while watching you run. you stop briefly, “date. dream. waiting. late.” breathing out each word slowly due to your lack of breath. as you begin to start running again, phil and fundy watch you receding figure. by nine thirty two, you make it to the entrance of the bridge, seeing dream standing there with a small smile on his face. “you’re late.” you let out coughs and heave out heavy breaths before speaking again. “sorry. i woke up later than expected.” while you try to catch your breath, dream stares at you lovingly before getting a mischievous glint in his eyes, “am i that breathtaking y/n?” a frown appears on your face before you begin to walk back towards the castle, “no, y/n. i was kidding.”he chuckles as he grabs your hand, the warmth from his hand immediately seeping into your cold hand.
after walking around for a while hearing the crisp crunch of the snow, dream’s hand remains in yours. to be honest, he hasn’t even let your hand go since the beginning of your date. while you were at honeydukes, he held your hand, at dervish and banges, he held your hand, scrivencraft’s, dream. hand. your. hand. he would constantly whine whenever you tried to let go and if you did, he would opt to putting an arm over your shoulder. you walk around with dream until finally reaching the three broomsticks.
you tell dream to get the two of you a table while you go to order drinks. while you wait to pick up the drinks at the counter, you turn around to see dream with a posse full of girls around the tiny table. with the role of your eyes, you dismiss his cocky attitude and turn back towards the lady making your drinks. “is that the boy you came in with?” you life your head off of your palm and look up at the older lady, “yes ma’am.” loud giggles could be heard from behind you as you continue to ignore them, your clenched fist turning slightly whiter by the minute. the older lady looks down at you with sympathy, “you’re jealous.” taken aback from her absurd comment, you look at her with disbelief and large eyes. “jealous? jealous of that?” you say while turning around to point at dream and the girls basically hanging off of his body. “there’s a certain amount of pride a lady can hold herself to and there is no way i’m stooping down that low. sure, call me jealous if you want, but don’t compare me to that mess over there.” you slam down one galleon and walk away from the counter and out the door. dream watches your whole interaction happen and abrubtly stands up after watching you exit the pub. “sorry ladies, but my girl needs some tending to.” he walks out, ignoring the symphony of pleads.
“stupid. stupid. how could i have gotten so mad. she was just making an observation.” you murmur to yourself, feeling apologetic to the older lady who was just as surprised as you after you went off on your tangent. you sit on a bench, which overlooking the mountains near the school. you hit your head with the palm of your hand continuously until a warm hand stop you. “why’d you run away bunny?” you slip your wrist out of his grasp, “not run. walked. and it was because of something that happened to me and the waitress. she may or may not have said something i disagreed with and i may or may not have gone off about it at her.” dream sits down next to you, leaving no space in-between the both of you despite the bench being able to seat four people. “oh bunny-“ once again annoyed, you interrupt him, “why are you calling me bunny?” he chuckles as he watches you stand up to walk off, “because,” dream reciprocates your action and stands up as well, wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you into his chest. “despite you being in gryffindor, you’re like a cute bunny to me. you’re the smartest person i know and love being around people. despite those traits, you are also bratty, willful and vengeful. it takes a certain person to deal with me and you work with me. we’re like the modern life lady and the tramp.” hesitantly, you wrap your arms around his waist.
“now bunny, what did the lady say to you?” you let out a small murmur of no before pulling away from him. “you don’t need to know.” a mischievous smile erupts on his face, “but i want to know.” you shake your head in response, “but you don’t need to.” with a slight side step, you stare up at the boy. “bunny.” he replies sternly, “if you don’t reply in five seconds, something bad is going to happen to you.” he uses his fingers count down to zero, “five, four, three,” in the meantime, you begin to run away from the boy, “get away from me!” you yell as you try to the reach the sanctuary of the presence of other students. before you could, you get tackled to the ground, “i asked you nicely y/n.” a second before you could repent, he begins to tickle you. “no. i’m sorry. i’ll tell you.” you wheeze out, “its too late bunny.” he continues to tickle you for what feels like hours, on the cold snow on the ground, until he gets tackled off of you, “get off of her!” you sit up to see fundy on top of dream, pinning his hands down while sapnap grabs dreams legs. their interrogation of dream gets interrupted by your laughs. their attention gets turned towards you, “you dunces. he wasn’t attacking me, he was tickling me.” fundy and sapnap’s faces turns into a surprised look as they turn to look at each other before looking back at you and getting off of dream. “my bad bro. we didn’t know.” sapnap replies as he and fundy scurry off to the safety of philza.
you stare at dream with an amused smirk as he continues to lay on the ground, pouting at the sudden interaction. you reach your hand down to help him up, “why couldn’t you make friends with hot girls that would tackle me.” before he could grab your hand, you pull it back and walk away, teasing him. “wait y/n, are you actually offended from what i said?” dream stands up and jogs over towards you, “cause i love that you have friends in general.” your face scrunches up as you stare him, “okay, fox.” now it was time for his face to scrunch up, “what did you just call me.” he says, not stating it as a question but rather a statement. “i called you fox.” his eyesbrows raise in confusion, “i’m bunny and you’re fox.” dream stares at you before grabbing your hand and walking towards the castle, “okay, i’ll be fox if you’re bunny.” smiles erupt on both of your faces as you continue to joke around on your trip towards the castle.
the first time you say i love you back to dream is from the day he pouted the entire night and while also hiding from you in the safety of his room. “beau, what’s wrong with you today?” when he finally looks up at you, he tries to keep a stern expression, but it falls into a smile as he pulls you close to him. “why don’t you ever say i love you back?” small chuckles erupt from your body as you play with his dirty blonde hair, “because i thought you knew how much i loved you. but if you need confirmation, you could’ve just told me.” he groans in slight embarrassment, “i love you so much to the point that i would do anything you ask me to. i would even kill sapnap for you.” now it was dream’s turn to chuckle, “thank you y/n. i love you too.” for the rest of the night, he didn’t let you go, meaning, you had to sneak back into your common room at four in the morning, hiding from the watchful gaze of philza.
about five months pass, and your relationship with dream prospers. at any quidditch game, you or him would be spotted in the crowd, or actually versing each other. in that case, he would stay so close to you, occasionally throwing around flirty comments at you or basically handing you the bludger. other times, when you study in the library with techno or phil, he always sits in the corner of the library with george, never being secretive. “what george? say that again.” leaving you to ignore him. whenever parties occur, you always try to walk around and mingle while he attaches himself to your side, greeting everyone you talk to. when he gets deadbeat drunk, he becomes clingy times one million, “y/n, don’t leave me.” and you reply, ‘this is my room.” cries and loves to snuggles into your neck when you come back a minute later. you’re not gonna lie but man is in lsg, little spoon gang. he loves being little spoon when he’s drunk but sober dream is another story. always has to be big spoon to keep his reputation up and has absolutely no recollection of being little spoon, so its your little secret with drunk dream. when you do your homework, he lays on your bed, usually taking a nap despite his eight page essay being due the next day. weekly hogsmeade dates, will literally buy you anything you set your eyes on, not even caring about the price. sometimes you wonder where that money even comes from. in total, will chase you down nonstop while you run away from his antics.
your relationship is well known around the school as the complex bunny and the sly fox.
philza still doesn’t approve though.
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decennia · 3 years
i will say, if you want to, i am READY for your gilmore girls rant because i've only ever heard people say they love it and your contradictory take intrigues me (as someone who has never watched it)
I had no real problems with Lorelei. She was witty, quick (in the way only scripted characters could be, because no one actually talks like that). Quirky in the "I have an addiction to coffee, and that's apparently my entire personality trait, UWU" kind of way. She was fine, probably the only character I liked other than Luke (but he had an entirety of like... five words and ten grunts as his dialogue.)
The Worst™
An interaction between her and her mother:
Lorelei, is happy. Rory: what happened, did you do something slutty?
Lorelei, offers to hem Rory's hideously long skirt (I have had to wear a school uniform for my entire schooling career and besties although they can't be too short, they also literally are not allowed to be too long either?). Rory: not too short, [insert something degrading about sluts].
And then what does she go and do? Attempts to derail her entire life for a boy. And Jared Padalecki no less?
The acting is pretty bad, too, but I tried not to focus on it too much, especially since she's so young and this was likely her first big gig
But Rory is just so fucking pretentious and annoying and it boils my fucking blood
Like, she is the girl to call every other girl a slut for just wearing something distinctly feminine, but then turn around and do the same, but she's different, because she's not like other girls
As if being like other girls is a bad fucking thing
I'm actually sick of talking about her now. All I can say is that for the first thirty seconds she was on screen, I liked her ("are you my new daddy?" is iconic, I will give her that) but then the more I was exposed to the fucking tumor she is, the more I wanted to just repeatedly bash my head against a wall until I achieved true bliss: amnesia
Uh, hey, what the actual fuck
What the fuck
No, genuinely, what the motherfucking fuck
I know Gilmore Girls came out in the early 2000s. But what the fuck.
I think I'm just tired of the Asian stereotypes that have been portrayed over and over in American media, but if one other thing was to overtake my fury towards Rory, it would be how the show treated the Asian representation
First off, Keiko Agena is Japanese? Her playing a Korean wasn't problematic back then, I'm just happy they didn't get a white person and try and pull yellow-face by taping their eyes taut, etc. But casting Eastern Asians in cultures not of their own has never sat well with me
Because the cultures are so fucking different?
And it perpetuates the stereotype that "all Asians look the same" when we really fucking don't
They can all tell I'm mixed race, and I can immediately tell the difference between a Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, etc. Because we do look different?
I genuinely thought Lane was Japanese until she said something about her strict Korean mother and I was like... "Bestie, your mother is a Japanese actress too?"
I know it's not a HUGE problem, but it does make me a little uncomfortable. Like Jamie Chung playing Mulan in Once Upon A Time. She's Korean. Mulan is a very big character in an ancient Chinese epic?
I usually try my best and cast my OCs accordingly. Jessie Mei Li is half-Chinese and white, hence my casting of Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Katya Starkov, who shares the same mixed ancestry; Adeline Rudolph and Alex Landi are both half-Korean and white, hence casting Jamie Chung as Serafine and Tom Hiddleston as Robert McGonagall; Cho Chang is Chinese, and so should any of her relatives be, hence Zhu Zhu as Guinevere, etc.
Idk I guess all I'm trying to say is that we don't all look the same and it's just kinda frustrating when you're Asian and the stereotype is being force-fed to you
Especially the whole mother-forcing-doctor match
That's a whole other story
I guess I'm also just tired of there being an Asian character but their entire fucking story revolves around their parents setting them up with doctors to one day marry or whatever the fuck
And they're secretly "edgy" but their parents can never find out oooh no
Also? "Men don't like funny girls?" (Line from Lane's Mother)
Bestie, my very old and traditional grandparents are the funniest people I know?
I don't like it. I just don't. The stereotype of Strict Asian Mom Who Is Very Serious And Doesn't Laugh is so overdone, thank you, next
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actress4him · 3 years
The Barn 4 - The Pole
(Prompt #1 for Summer of Whump)
Yes, I’m coming in at the last minute with one more Summer of Whump prompt, and yes, it’s prompt #1. Also, if you read more than one of my series I’m sorry that this one is kinda like that one chapter of In Irons...? But I actually thought of this one first, and yes, it was inspired by Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.
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Warnings: captivity, restraints, dehumanization, references to beating, mild blood, starvation, dehydration, nausea, emeto, fainting, heat exhaustion/stroke, probably medically inaccurate
Stetson dropped Jacob’s foot, and another puff of red dust went up into the air, joining the cloud that his body had created as it was dragged. It would have been the perfect time for him to leap up and try to run again, but he couldn’t move. His everything ached.
A second later a leather-clad hand gripped his arm and yanked him upright. Jacob’s head swam with the swift change in elevation and his nose throbbed. While he was busy trying to get the world to stop spinning around him, Stetson roughly pulled his arms behind his back and started winding rope around his wrists.
Fantastic. He hadn’t even gotten to enjoy them being free.
Once they were thoroughly wrapped and the rope pulled tight, Stetson stood, taking the tail end with him and jerking Jacob’s arms backwards in the process. He cried out in surprise, and tried to get up. His legs only cooperated enough to scoot him back a few inches, but it was enough to let his arms rest against his back again.
Whatever Stetson was doing, he finished up and came back around to squat in front of his captive, arms propped across his knees and brown eyes studying him just as emotionlessly as ever.
“Maybe a few days of this’ll teach you some manners.”
“Doubt it,” Jacob immediately shot back without thinking. “My mom’s been trying to teach me manners for twenty-six years. I wouldn’t count on a few days making much of a difference.”
Stetson huffed very lightly, something that almost could have been taken for a laugh if Jacob wasn’t positive the guy didn’t know how. “We’ll see.”
Straightening with a quiet popping of joints, he turned and strolled away.
There was no way he was just leaving Jacob alone and able to run off. Craning his neck painfully around, he finally took a look at what was behind him. A post. A wooden post, probably coming up to around his shoulders. And the rope that was tying his wrists was looped through a metal hook in the top and knotted.
Okay, no problem. Jacob was good with his hands, he had nimble fingers from spending all day typing code. Struggling to his feet, he bent over forward so that he could reach and felt his way up the rope until he reached the knot, fingers fumbling around it, trying to get a sense of where it started.
Instead, he found a padlock.
Jacob let out a frustrated scream, the first time he’d actually had a chance to vent his feelings since this whole nightmare began. It felt good enough that he did it again. Then he ran forward, as hard as he could, as if he was somehow going to break the rope or pull the post out of the ground instead of nearly ripping his shoulders out of socket when he abruptly reached the end of his lead.
Tied to a stupid pole like...like a horse, or a dog. He was a human, dang it! Who did these people think they were, treating another person like this? The last…forty-eight? seventy-two? He didn’t even know how many hours anymore...had been completely flabbergasting, just seeing the sheer number of people who thought this was perfectly okay. And now he was stuck, in the middle of nowhere, with some psychopath who thought he was gonna what, train him? To do what, he didn’t even want to know.
Night was falling by then. Jacob was beyond exhausted, and resigned himself to sinking back down to the dirt, resting his back against the pole and getting as comfortable as possible.
The next day dawned with little sleep having been found. The sharp pains of yesterday had given way to stiffness and aches that made it hard to pry himself off the ground. His face was coated with dried blood and who knows what else, making him sticky and disgusted in addition to everything else.
He’d really never liked the outdoors that much. He was much more at home inside, in front of a computer. The outside had far too many things that could get you dirty, like, you know, dirt, for instance, like the kind of dirt he was currently sitting on and covered in. Most of his friends growing up had been your typical rough-and-tumble boys who lived for mud puddles and rolling down grassy hills, but Jacob had never been able to stand the feeling of being dirty.
Sweat was a thing encountered more often outdoors, too, and was just as bad as dirt. He could feel it, collecting underneath his shirt as the sun rose higher in the wide, blue sky. There was nothing in the way of shade in this field. Just dirt, dust, and more dirt, all surrounded by a wooden fence. A corral, probably. Meant for horses, not people.
The heat only grew more intense as the day wore on. There was no sign of Stetson, no indication that he would be bringing food or water or coming to untie him. Jacob hadn’t had anything to eat since this whole thing had begun, and no water since before the auction. His tongue was beginning to stick to the roof of his mouth.
He tried pacing around the pole, circling until the rope was tightly wound one way before turning and going the other way. His brain wasn’t used to boredom. There was always something to think about, always something to do. But now the only thing to think about was how absolutely screwed he was, and that wasn’t helping anything.
He tried pulling some more, too, not running this time, but turning until he could grip the rope in his hands and tugging backwards with all his might. Which, to be honest, wasn’t a lot. He was a computer geek, okay, working out wasn’t high on his list of priorities. The moral of the story was, pulling on the rope did nothing but make his back and arms ache even more.
The heat and the lack of stimulation made the day drag on and on forever. Jacob’s stomach moved from groaning to aching to roiling. If there had been anything in it, he was sure it would have been expelled. His head pounded something awful, and he wasn’t sure whether it was from heat or light or lack of water or having it repeatedly bashed in the day before.
By the time the sun finally started to sink beneath the horizon, his clothes were soaked with sweat, which was not only gross but also turned cold once night fell. He never thought that he’d actually miss the sun once it was gone. But now he was shivering, and the headache hadn’t gone away, and his stomach felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out, and he was pretty sure there was dirt in his mouth, and he was completely, totally, miserable.
Day two was somehow even worse than the first. Jacob tried standing up and stretching his legs, walking around the pole again, but he was so dizzy that he collapsed right back to the ground. Groaning, he dropped his forehead against the pole, grinding particles of dust further into his skin.
His...dry...skin. He didn’t know much about health and science, like, at all, but he was pretty sure not sweating in this heat was not a good thing. He almost felt cold still, like the chill of the night was clinging to his skin.
Hours dragged by. Every time he swallowed, it felt like nails going down his throat. Moving his head in any direction made the world swim around him, the blinding rays of the sun making spots dance across his vision. His stomach kept feeling worse and worse until he finally ended up folding over, retching uselessly again and again until every muscle in his torso was on fire and his head felt like it was exploding.
His only vague thought was, am I gonna die? before he fell face-first into the dirt and passed out.
A blast of cold woke him. He tried to gasp for air, but instead inhaled a mouthful of freezing water, sending him into a coughing fit that racked his sore stomach muscles. But the water just kept coming. It was harsh enough that he couldn’t even sit up against the onslaught, not that he was sure he had the energy to, anyway. The spray scoured every inch of his bare skin, leaving it stinging from both the pressure and the cold.
But it was water. Sweet, beautiful water. As soon as he stopped coughing he tried his best to gulp it in, letting the cold coat his scratchy throat.
He wasn’t sure whether to be disappointed or relieved when the spray finally stopped. Bringing up weary, unbound hands, he wiped the drips from his eyes, blinking blearily up at Stetson, who dropped the hose and stared him down.
“You didn’t last as long as I had planned.”
“M-maybe…” His voice came out as a croak, and he attempted to clear it. “Maybe you should try some...food ‘nd water. Haven’t...had any of that in a while.”
Stetson continued to stare with crossed arms for another moment before walking over and grabbing onto his ankle again. “You just had your water. Maybe you can have food tomorrow. We’ll see how well you behave.”
Ignoring Jacob’s weak protests and attempts to fight, he dragged him away from the doorway of the barn and into a nearby stall. Iron bars reached from the half wall up to the ceiling, giving it even more of a prison cell feel. The only good news was that he didn’t bother to tie him up this time, just threw him inside and left, shutting the door with a deafening creak and an ominous click.
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hutchhitched · 3 years
What You Deserve, What You Need, What You Want
Written by: @hutchhitched​
Prompt 109: Dialogue prompt: “I deserve better than this!” [submitted by @xerxia31]
Ratings/Warnings: E
A/N: I’m continuing to post the nine @everlarkficexchange prompts I took and then sat on throughout the early months of the pandemic. This is the seventh of the nine. Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy. Huge thanks to @javistg for understanding the delays. Better get myself in gear to finish the last two before the next round starts!
  “I deserve better than this!”
 Katniss nods and pats her sister on the back. “You do, and you should say it.”
 “I just did. You clearly weren’t listening.”
 Prim grins at her sister, and they continue scrubbing the walls of the house Prim and her husband just purchased. Katniss really can’t believe her little sister is married, especially at the young age of 22, but Prim has always been the one who’s gotten what she wants while Katniss…
 Well, if anyone deserves better than this, Katniss thinks it might be her.
 “When’s your husband getting here? I thought he wasn’t going to make us do all the work. That’s clearly not the case as evidenced by my arm that’s about to fall off.”
 Letting her limb drop, Katniss sits down heavily on the hardwood floor. It’s stripped and rough, ready for a good sanding and polish to make it glow like new. Right now, though, it’s rather anemic looking with blonde wood that seems old and faded. Or maybe that’s just how Katniss feels about herself. Old and faded, always in the shadow of her baby sister who everyone’s continuously adored and coddled.
 It’s not that Prim’s ever taken advantage of it either. She’s as sweet and kind and generous as they come. It’s just the phenomenon that things have a tendency of working out for the younger Everdeen sibling that Katniss would envy if she didn’t love her sister so much. Still, she’s tired—drained from working hard and scraping by, exhausted from the mental toll of keeping everything together for so long when she shouldn’t have had to, and weary from hoping and wishing and being disappointed repeatedly. It sucks, and it’s not fair, but that’s reality for Katniss and Prim Everdeen.
 Except Prim isn’t an Everdeen anymore. She’s married now with her husband’s name, and Katniss is the lonely older sister who hasn’t dated anyone for the past six years. If she sees one more person look at her with pity, she might have to scream.
 “Ah, there’s my gorgeous husband now,” Prim says, her face beaming at the sight of her man. “Hey, honey. Missed you.”
 “Missed you, too,” comes the reply, and Katniss cringes as she climbs to her feet. It’s not her ex-boyfriend, but it’s close enough. Rory Hawthorne is the spitting image of his handsome older brother who happens to be the last man Katniss let get her naked. It’s been an embarrassingly long time since she’s gone to bed with someone. She’s hurtling headlong into her sexual prime, and nothing. Not a potential to be found.
 “Well, if it isn’t Catnip Everdeen! As I live and breathe.”
 Katniss turns slowly to see Gale Hawthorne standing in the door, framed by sunlight and looking like a moody Greek god. Her body betrays her, and she can feel her reaction course through her veins. She forces herself to play nice and nods in his direction.
 “Oh, come on,” he teases. “I can’t get a hug and a kiss from an old flame and my current sister-in-law? We’re family now. Where’s the love?”
 Katniss stands woodenly as Gale embraces her and kisses her on the cheek. It’s awkward as hell, but Gale’s never been able to read the room well when he’s already made up his mind. She tenses as a ruckus sounds outside, and it’s not long before a handful of men pour into the house. They’re all tall and varying stages of broad, and every one of them is dressed as some version of a cool-kid-construction-worker.
 “What are you? Part of a new boy band? Performing covers for the Village People?”
 Rory steps between them. “Hey! Truce. This is my house, and you’re upsetting my wife. Knock it off.”
 All the men hoot and holler, catcalling Gale and, by extension, her except for one who slinks along the outside of the room. He seems embarrassed by the toxic masculinity, and he brushes his hair off his forehead in a riot of ashy blonde curls. Katniss likes him immediately.
 “And I deserve that,” Katniss says in a stage whisper to her sister as she nods her head. “Who’s he, and why haven’t I been introduced?”
 Prim calls to the room. “Calm yourselves, boys. Meet my sister, Katniss. Katniss, these are the guys. You know Gale, and these three are Thom and Darius and Rye. The one over there is Rye’s brother Peeta. He’s the well-behaved one. Maybe you can help him today. You don’t deserve any of these other guys. They’ll only make you question your life choices and swear off men for good.”
 Katniss waves at them all, showing her annoyance at their behavior in her tight smile. Giving each of them a wide berth, she crosses the room and approaches Peeta. “Nice to meet you,” she says, and he flashes her a smile that, in tandem with his cerulean blue eyes, makes her knees weak. Oh yes, she definitely deserves better, and he just might be it.
 “Nice to meet you, too, Katniss,” he answers in a voice that makes her want to strip down and let him have his way with her. His voice isn’t just sexy; it’s absolutely scandalous.
 She swallows her arousal and asks as casually as she can, “You need any help? I hear you’re the only one here who won’t sexualize me.”
 He chuckles, and she contemplates selling her soul to the devil for a shot with him. She’s never been attracted to someone this intensely in such a short amount of time. It’s actually quite unnerving for someone like her who’s fairly shy and quiet and aloof.
 “Well, I can’t promise I won’t fall for you by the end of the day, but I’ll do my best.” When he winks at her, she vows to make it happen. She has no idea how, but she’s got a few hours to figure it out.
 They spend the afternoon together sanding and painting. If she brushes against him multiple times, he doesn’t seem to mind. When he brackets her in his arms as she holds a section of drywall, she leans back against him. His chest is hard behind her, and she breathes in his scent. He’s a glorious combination of clean sweat and cinnamon from what must be his aftershave. He laughs at her jokes and entertains her with stories of his own. She’s never been great at making friends, but it’s so easy with him. At one point, she catches Prim’s eye as the afternoon slides into evening, and her sister winks at her.
 As the sun sets, things wind down. One by one, Rory and Prim’s friends say goodbye and make their respective exits. Gale seems to want to linger, but Rory and Prim remind him they’re spending the night at his place and insist they need showers before they treat him to dinner. He’s not very happy about it, but her ex-boyfriend leaves after giving her a suspicious look that makes her want to stick out her tongue at him. Katniss promises to lock the door behind her when she leaves, and then she and Peeta are alone with the house quiet around them. There’s a sudden strain between them that makes her squirm. After the ease of the day, the isolation is a little awkward, so she figures she might as well ease the tension with a lame joke.
 “Well, now that we’re alone…” Peeta chuckles and gives her a lopsided grin. She worries her knees will give out as the power of it hits her, so she leans heavily against the newly spackled section of the wall.
 “I had a really nice time working with you. When Rory asked me to help today, I didn’t think—” He breaks off and ducks his head as his face and neck redden.
 Laughing at his bashfulness, she asks, “You didn’t think what? You’re awfully cute with pink cheeks, by the way, so you might as well go ahead and tell me.”
 “I didn’t think I’d be matched up with someone so pretty.” She ducks her head, not used to flattery. “I just had a really, really good day. I was due for one or two of those. Really needed it.”
 “Well, I’m glad I could give you what you needed.”
 The air’s charged with electricity, and she raises her eyes to look at him. His are hooded, pupils dilated, as he stares at her. She has the sudden realization that she’s alone with someone she barely knows, and he’s looking at her like she’s a snack for him to devour.
 “I wonder,” he says, his voice dropping an octave. “I wonder if you could.”
 “If I could what?”
 This isn’t supposed to happen to her. She’s never been this lucky in anything and definitely not this fortunate in relationships. Yet, somehow, he’s here with her and seems to want what she’s just realizing might be possible. He walks toward her slowly, licking his lips as he does, and stops so close that she can feel his body heat.
 “If you could give me what I really need.”
 Her throat’s dry, and she gives a tiny squeak when she tries to speak. He lifts his hand to brush away the stray tendrils of hair that escaped from her braid as they worked. His fingertips sweep lightly across her cheek, and his thumb strokes along her bottom lip. She wants to suck on it.
 “I thought you promised not to fall for me.”
 “Oh, no,” he argued. “In fact, I think I promised exactly the opposite—that I couldn’t promise not to. Now, the question remains. Can you?”
 “Give you what you really need?”
 “And will you?”
 “I’d like to try,” she whispers. “I really would.”
 “I think you’re the type that really tries.” His voice is husky and deep, and she shivers when his breath ghosts across her neck. “In fact, I think you’re the kind of woman who believes in trying multiple times until she’s sure everyone is perfectly satisfied. Am I right?”
 Katniss squeaks again, unable to answer right away. He strokes her arm slowly, brushing up and down and grazing the side of her breast. She’s positive he knows exactly what he’s doing to her.
 “Satisfaction’s the goal,” she finally croaks.
 He crushes into her then, his body full and tight against hers as he pushes her into the wall and kisses her like a man possessed. His mouth is hot and wet and perfect. His tongue sweeps along hers, massages and plundering so deeply she can only gasp and respond in kind. He’s everywhere—his scent, his arms and hands and chest, his soft moans catching in the back of his throat, heat leaching from his skin. It’s too much and not nearly enough. It’s overwhelming, but she wants every speck of it.
 There’s an old couch in the back room, and Peeta lifts her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and carries her to it. He lays her out on it without breaking the kiss and settles in between her legs. Bucking upward, she whimpers at the friction. He’s solid and heavy, and she basks in the weight. Anxiety bleeds from her, and she sighs into the kiss.
 “Katniss,” he whispers, her word a sermon of longing and awe.
 “I don’t ever do this,” she answers, her eyes closed and breath uneven. When he makes a move to pull back, she threads her fingers through his hair. “No, don’t stop.”
 Peeta grunts in response and sucks the spot at the hinge of her jaw. His hands are all over her. Long fingers, massive palms, and blunt fingernails that knead, warming her skin and pushing her closer to the edge. He rucks up her shirt, and she shivers as he slides down her body and laves at the skin there. When his hand runs up the bare skin of her inner thigh, she moans lustily and considers begging him for more.
 “Take this off,” he requests, his tone polite and gentle, but there’s an underlying authority that makes her want to obey. He helps her to upright and watches as she tugs her tank top over her head. When’s she free, he caresses her torso before reaching behind her to unlatch her bra. Squirming under his scrutiny, she’s vulnerable, but he takes care as he fiddles with her waistband and then shoves her shorts down her legs. She’s left with nothing but a scrap of peach silk between her legs. “You have no idea the effect you have, do you? No clue how crazy you drove me all day today in your little bitty clothes. Are you a tease, Katniss, or are you that unaware how beautiful you are?”
 “I’m not—”
 “You are, and tonight you get what you deserve. What you need. What you want so much you don’t even know how to say it, but I know because I want it, too.”
 His hand is between her legs, his fingers brushing aside the fabric, his thumb pressing on her clit, his palm cupping her heat. She can’t think, and that’s exactly what she wants. She deserves to feel good; she needs someone to help with that, and she wants it to be him.
 “Please.” The word echoes in the air between them, shimmering with longing.
 His face is between her legs, buried in her pussy, licking and sucking at her swollen lips. She twists under him, desperate to get away at the same time she wants to grind into his mouth and let him make her break. She cries out, overwhelmed at how quickly she’s wet. Her shins are on his shoulders, her legs bent so he can lick deeper into her, and she can’t do anything but enjoy it. She’s helpless to resist him, not that she’d want to try.
 She doesn’t. He’s too good at it. His mouth is fire, devouring her like it’s his only job—to be put on earth and eat her out. Not only doesn’t she last, it’s shockingly fast. When he curls his tongue into her and then sucks her clit so hard she sees stars, she arches and allows warm honey to ooze through her. Thrashing under him, she doesn’t try to stay quiet or still. There’s no way when he’s so good at this anyway. When she melts into the cushions, he sits up and grins at her with a wet chin and a dangerous glint in his eyes.
 “These panties are completely ruined,” he murmurs and tears them in two. When she groans, he pulls them free and trails them over her heated skin. “You feel that? Sopping wet. That’s all you, sweetheart. All of that wetness is you telling me how good I make you feel. I bet we can both keep going, though. Don’t you think?”
 She doesn’t trust herself to speak, so she merely nods and then watches in appreciation as he unbuttons his shirt and shrugs it over his shoulders. Miles of smooth, honeyed pink skin is bared for her, and she licks her lips eagerly. He stands and unbuckles his belt, putting on a show for her. Cheeky and a tiny bit cocky, he shifts his hips until he springs free. He’s hard and long and thick and ready, and she wants it.
 “Flip over,” he says. “Get up on your hands and knees.”
 She does, quivering in anticipation and hisses when he spreads her cheeks and rubs his cock against her. It’s torture not being able to see him, but she can hear the tear of a foil packet before he’s pressing against her, his blunt head probing her entrance. Impatient, she rears back, but he holds her hips firmly, easing into her and stretching her around him.
 “Such a tight little pussy,” he grunts. “Perfect, and so fucking wet. Tell me what you want, sweetheart. Tell me everything. Let me give it to you. Take what you deserve.”
 She wails his name. She needs him inside, and he has to move. He has to. She’s going to die if he doesn’t. She’s never been good at dirty talk, but he pushes a button that lets it pour forth. Her requests are filthy, lewd, and debased, but he fulfills every single request.
 She can’t remember the last time someone fucked her quite like this, but that’s what this is. He’s in charge, and she’s merely along for the ride. He thrusts upward and lifts her knees off the couch with every stroke. Scrambling for purchase, she clings to the back of the couch. It’s rough and dirty and quick, and she screams when he reaches around and rubs her clit furiously. Her arms give, and he holds her aloft as he slams into her repeatedly.
 She crests another wave when he finally comes, pouring into the condom while her walls grip and flutter around him. They fall into a tangled heap with him slumped over her. Sweaty and panting for breath, she can’t move. He’s still inside her, hot and spent but not quite soft. She never wants him to move again.
 “You never do this, huh?” he finally groans. “You sure seem to know what you’re doing.”
 Katniss giggles, the action so unfamiliar that it startles her for a minute. But then she’s laughing, filled with mirth and relief and something that seems a little bit like hope. He joins her, his baritone melding with her treble tone to form a glorious harmony. Finally, she regains control and shifts her head so she can kiss his forehead gently.
 “You’re right, and you should say it.”
 “Can I get your number? I’d kinda like to see if you know how to date. I bet you’d be really good at that, too.”
 Katniss grins and sighs with happiness. “I can give you my number, but you don’t need it to ask me on a date. Just do it. I’ll say yes.”
 Peeta grins lazily and strokes her back. He trails his lips across her cheek to her mouth and kisses her softly. “Will you go out with me?”
 “Yes,” she answers firmly. “Is tonight too soon?”
 “Tonight can’t get here soon enough.”
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bucketofcowboys · 3 years
One of them is hurt and the other falls asleep in their hospital room for kuzumaji?
Sorry this took so long! I got a little carried away... I hope you enjoy!
Kiryu's lashes fluttered and he squinted as abrasive fluorescent light filled his senses. As he slowly came back to the world of the living, a pounding made itself loud and clear in the back of his head. Kiryu had headaches before, but never ones that hurt enough to make his eyes water in agony. It felt like someone was repeatedly smashing his head against a brick wall. 
It took him a few moments and few pained groans before his eyes finally managed to open, albeit half-lidded. When he was finally able to process what was happening, he had to blink a few times before he understood where he was.
He was in a hospital bed.
He moved his head to the side and tried to assess the situation, flinching when the movement caused pain to shoot down the base of his neck. He didn't seem to have an IV, but a pulse reader was clamped around his index finger. He could hear the beeping of it nearby, and he decided he'd rather not waste his energy to confirm it. 
He turned his head and was surprised when he saw that Majima was sitting in a chair on his left side. His brows furrowed with both confusion and concern. The man was leaned forwards and had his elbows on his knees, his head hung low and his hair obscured his features. The image was quite alarming. He couldn't remember a damn thing that happened before now, and having Majima sitting at his bedside was a bit concerning given his track record. 
It took him a few seconds to realize, but Majima's hand was reached forward and loosely clasped on his own. He hadn't even noticed until he saw it. A flush pulled to his cheeks and he glanced back up at Majima's hidden face.
"Majima no-nii san?" His voice was raspy with misuse. How long had he been there?
No response came from the man and he just stayed in his slouched state. He tried again. 
"No-nii san?" No response, again. He pulled his hand away from his grip, instead reaching forwards to gently push his hand through his hair. He pushed the streams of black away and realized that his eye was closed. 
Oh... he was sleeping.
"Goro." He pressed his thumb to his forehead and gently shoved him back. Majima quickly woke up when he realized he was falling backwards, and he scrambled back into an upright position. Kiryu pulled his hand away and chuckled at Majima's expense. Then he realized that laughing made his head ache worse and he had to stifle it for his own good.
"Eh!? The hell are ya doin'!" Majima pouted when he regained his position in his chair.
"Majima-san." Kiryu said, deadpan.
"Why am I in a hospital bed?" Majima leaned back in his chair and brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. He almost looked bashful.
"Oh uh..." he stared up at the ceiling and blew breath through his teeth, "Might've surprise attacked ya and hit ya a lil' too hard for your skull to handle..." 
Kiryu's brows furrowed. Of course it was his fault.
"But don't worry 'bout it Kiryu-Chan! I brought ya straight to the hospital right away! Doc said you'd be fine, ya just have a concussion." He added excitedly, as if it made up for his first offense. Kiryu never would have expected Majima to actually care about his well-being though. 
"If it's just a concussion, why am I still here?" Kiryu had had concussions before, and usually as soon as they figured out what the problem was they sent him home with a few instructions and a demand to rest.
"Doc wanted to do more tests on ya so he wanted to keep ya here for the night." Kiryu hummed at his answer.
"Then why are you still here, Majima-San?" Majima paused at that question. He glanced up at Kiryu and sighed at the deadpan look he was receiving. He looked hesitant to answer. 
"I couldn't just leave ya here... I put ya in here I might as well stay with ya." He gestured with his hand. Kiryu distantly noticed that the glove was taken off of the hand he was once holding. Did he take his glove off to hold his hand? For some reason that brought butterflies to his stomach. 
Majima took Kiryu's silence as abhorrence, and before Kiryu could speak again, he was already halfway towards the door.
"I'll uh... I'll leave. I'm sure you'll be outta here in no time Kiryu-Chan! Ain't nothin' to worry about!" Majima gave a weary half-cracked smile as he tried to make his sneaky escape.
"Stop." And he did as he was told. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at Kiryu with an almost pained expression. How dare he ruin his escape. "You can stay."
"You can stay." Majima blinked a few times in disbelief, then he laughed.
"I musta' really hit ya hard! I tell ya I rearranged your brains in your skull and you're askin' me to stick around?" His laugh turned bitter.
"I told you to stay so you're staying Majima-San. Don't you owe me?" Kiryu shot back. 
Majima stared at him for a few moments before scoffing. He said nothing else, though, taking his seat back beside Kiryu. He scooted the chair a few inches away so he wasn't right on him. He used to be so close to his bed. How had he not noticed? With the newfound distance, he now missed the proximity. Reaching forward, he would no longer be able to touch him. 
Majima leaned forwards and slouched grumpily. His sight stayed fixated on the door and he refused to look Kiryu in the eye. He sat there sulking like a delinquent in detention. Kiryu found peace in his discomfort. 
"So... do ya remember anything?" Majima finally spoke. He still didn't look at him.
"You asked what happened, so did ya forget?"
"I guess?" The last thing Kiryu remembered was walking down Pink Street, and then all of a sudden he was here. It almost felt like some sort of surreal dream. "What happened?" He slowly added afterwards. Majima finally looked at him and his expression looked apologetic. 
"Ah... y'know... I was huntin' ya down and I caught sight of ya and got a bit too excited... charged at ya with my bat and knocked ya straight out." His voice grew quiet and he looked down at his shoes. He almost looked like a puppy being shamed. 
"Got so scared. Thought I killed ya for a second." He admitted.
"Isn't that you thing? That you want to be the one to kill me?" Kiryu cracked a joke and Majima shot him a side glare sharp enough it probably could finish the job Majima already started.
"Not that way... no." Majima didn't speak after that. He blankly stared off in the distance in silence. 
Kiryu let a long pause pass as he waited for any more modes of conversation to pass, but none came. He stared out towards the edge of his bed as he tried to regain his memory but, try as he might, nothing happened. He finally looked back at Majima and noticed that his glove was still off.
"Majima." Majima's head shot up at the informal greeting. Kiryu held out his hand. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Majima switched between eyeing his face, and then his offered hand. He looked partway confused and partway offended, but after a few moments it turned into relief. 
"I-- yeah. Of course." He hesitated, but eventually he scooted back forwards and took his hand. Kiryu smirked at his victory and leaned his head back against his pillows. Majima had a firm grip on him, and he rubbed his thumb over the back of his knuckles with a special fondness. 
"Couldn't just leave ya there, could I?" He added. 
"No. I guess not." Kiryu mumbled, looking up at Majima with a sincere look. Majima's one eye searched his for a moment before he let out a soft chuckle. He leaned forwards and pressed a delicate kiss to Kiryu's forehead.
"Go to sleep. Ya need some rest, ya big lug." Kiryu grunted in half distaste and half agreement, but he knew Majima wouldn't accept any arguing. He sighed and settled himself in for some rest. He found his comfort in Majima's hand on his, and he slept peacefully.
Sorry it's a bit long ( about 1,415 words )
Hope you like!
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wishesmemery · 3 years
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"who else has thought about attaching a chainsaw to a roomba."
"it's fun to see natural selection in action."
"im gonna make ya pop your teeth like a pez dispenser little man."
"they are a bit naive to assume their friends aren't sugar daddies/mommies."
"Suck a nail, gnome."
"hey ma'am I respect you but uuuh GOT MILK??"
"HA! The most romantic thing I have ever done was read them their arrest warrant."
"I personally love our gothic horror police station that stands in the most remote part of the island."
"if you find someone bashing their head against the shower wall, it's me. Sorry for the mess."
"Awh don't worry, it just takes a while to wedge the stick out of their ass, but eventually they give up trying to make you go away."
"its like giving a chainsaw to a coffee high rattata."
"it's like, twenty disillusion's stacked on top of each other to make their best attempt at a human."
"i'd sooner sleep with my sleep paralysis demon."
"yea being a menace is my thing thanks for asking and (NAME) I WILL UNSCREW UR COCK FUCK OFF."
"oh to be a tiny speck in the endless blue and to be at the mercy of the old gods I guess."
"I too like my eggs not fertilized and in a pan."
"Why do we bother to teach anyone here anything." - "Masochism."
"i got 23478934 wurples all over the place pls help-."
"look im not gonna say im suuuper feral like i know how to use a spoon but-."
"that's how you know their coming, you just hear the slow, Methodical approach of the circus music getting closer."
"formal dress......... my mortal enemy................... we meet again.........................................."
"take their teeth."
"aggressively t-pose outside of (NAME'S) house event scheduled."
"(NAME), you are so very lucky i am used to your nonsense.
"im gonna waterboard u in a public toilet i swear to arceus."
"You are a creampuff. Probably tasty but bad."
"It's like a super villain origin story except the villain pays rent and mostly goes hee hoo on online chats."
"shit man maybe i should just smoke some weet and fuck off lmao."
"Try not to flick the bean!"
"out of the blue there's this voice, repeatedly saying 'anus' trying to sound convinced like, motivational speaker practicing in front of a mirror."
"Welcome back to life after your anus encounter."
"dont heehoo anus me."
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