#i am also in the process of getting my place ready to host friends next week. have some people flying in so i'll be on and off for a bit
osoreruna · 22 days
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north-blue-hearts · 8 months
Family Practice
CisFem Reader x Trafalgar Law
CW: sex, language, violence
Summary: Modern Mafia-coded AU starts in last semester of College
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Chapter 2: Graded
A few weeks later you’re in the library again and Law comes to sit with you. He sets a cup of coffee down in front of you and one for himself. Before he sits down across from you, he pulls out his wallet and hands over the agreed upon money.
Your face lights up as you take it. “New high score?”
There’s a hint of a smile. “Yeah. I suppose I owe you an apology.”
“Bah,” you wave it off, tucking the money away. “You’ve paid the price for doubting my genius.” You grin. “So, your grades were already high, did you ace it?”
He shook his head. “99.3%. Highest score on the midterms that professor has seen in thirty years.”
“Hells, you missed…” You did the math in your head. “A fraction of a question?”
“Yeah, most of the test was multiple parts per question.” He explains.
“Wow, that’s impressive Pre-Med.” You admit, teasing him with the old nickname. “It feels weird, as a lazy linguistics major to say so, but I’m proud of you.”
“Am I going to be Pre-Med until I have my PhD in my hands, or?”
You grin. “Maybe. Ah, so anyway, I won, and you’ve only paid the processing fee. Where’s the rest?”
Law sighs. “Your place. Sachi and Penguin are hosting a study group tonight.”
“Fair enough. Are you going to bring dinner with you, or am I handling it?”
“Are you going to order abominations again?”
“Abomin… I’m not the emo reject that dislikes bread. Bread! Of all things!” Your face reflects your continued disbelief. “I could get it if you were allergic, but to just dislike it as a matter of opinion is,” you could feel Law’s eye twitching. “Unique. Touchy subject?”
“A little.”
You put your hands up. “My apologies then.”
“Back to the question.”
You smile, “Pad Thai? Oh, ready to brave my cooking?” You ask excitedly.
It took a couple days for you and Law to adjust to one another, but it’s been going smooth since. He’s a man of few words until he’s really interested in something, or passionate about it. A little stunted in the emotional development department, but not so much that you couldn’t work out what was going on in his head. Reading people was something of a survival skill for you, so you were good at it.
His roommates, Sachi and Penguin are studying marine biology, and a fourth friend of theirs Bepo is double majoring in Zoology and wildlife conservation. Because of his schedule, you’ve only met Bepo once so far, but he was the biggest, cuddliest, most polite pile of walking warmth you’d ever met. He had an unforgivably cute collection of polar bear hats and scarves too.
In making one accidental friend you ended up making four friends, and it was nice to know you actually could. Making friends in middle school and high school had been easy - being stuck in classes with the same people over and over would help anyone make friends. College was a different beast.
“Pad Thai is fine.” Law states, trying to hide the look of horror that slipped across his features.
You sigh, but you can’t argue. You’d have to beg some cooking lessons from Sanji the next time you were back home. You weren’t a terrible cook, but you weren’t a good cook, and unfortunately you had been so nervous about cooking for your new friend that you had managed to set pasta on fire. The night had ended in Law administering first aid to some burns on your arm, and the two of you eating chicken wings.
The rest of the day goes easily and the two of you head over to your apartment. You had considered staying in the dorms, but the apartment you found was one of Shanks’ properties, and he was good friends with Luffy. You got offered a deal that would’ve been financially irresponsible to turn down. Shanks, like Big Mom and Pops, was head of his own organization. He was a kind of a spiritual successor to a long-passed rival of Pops’, and Shanks was also one of the biggest reasons Luffy became who he was.
Out of everyone, Shanks actually scared you the most. He was too jovial and easy going, and you couldn’t read him like you could most people. His success coupled with his general attitude had you convinced there was a demon behind those eyes. Really good-looking, wildly disarming eyes, if you were being honest, but that just made him scarier in your opinion. Not that you feared him, but you had zero interest in becoming friends or associates with him.
Let someone else wrangle that beast.
“Welcome to my swanky bachelor pad.” You said jokingly, opening the door and letting Law step in first.
He got his foot just past the threshold and his hands grabbed onto the doorframe. “(Y/N)-ya… did you do this yourself?”
“Gods no,” you said, trying not to laugh. “I lost a bet with my brother, and I think he brought the whole family down to redecorate for me over the weekend.”
Inside your usually spartan space, there were velvet sheets and blankets hanging from the walls and ceiling. Various colors of light bulbs created a slightly rainbow effect, but they weren’t so bright in hue as to clash. A beaded curtain was hung just inside the entrance, and you were glad that you had turned off the “ambiance enhancing music” this morning before you had left.
Thankfully your kitchen and bathroom had been spared, but your bedroom looked like a red-light special and you were absolutely not letting anyone in there right now.
“Please get in there before someone passes by and thinks I’ve converted my room to a hookah bar.” You urged, and Law stepped inside reluctantly.
“How long is it staying like this?” Law’s distaste for the new look was obvious.
“…until finals.” You admit with a defeated sigh.
“What was the bet?”
You made a very displeased noise. There was silence from Law as the two of you made your way to the living room.
“… (Y/N)-ya?”
“What was your midterm grade?”
You made the same displeased noise and Law wheeled around practically glaring at you.
“Don’t tell me you failed?” The disbelief in his voice was comforting. In the last few weeks you had at least proven your capacity to be on par with him in terms of book-smarts.
“Hardly!” You scoffed, but you were having a hard time looking at him. “Look, I passed. I passed with a respectable grade and everything.”
“Then what was the bet?” Law had his hand up to his temple, trying to stave off a headache.
“If I got anything less than an A, Marco - my, er, brother, was allowed to decorate my place as he saw fit.” You explained.
“What did you get?”
“Eighty-seven point nine percent.” You said in a devastated tone.
“That is respectable.” Law agreed. “What happened?”
“I refuse to answer.” You said, setting down your stuff and grabbing the menu off the fridge. “Tell me what you want.”
“Refuse to answer on what grounds?” Law pressed. You had both agreed to be at least mostly open about things, with a few caveats. Grades weren’t one of those caveats.
“There’s no way for me to answer that without giving it away, so I’ll just admit that I was completely flawless on the Latin portion of the test and maybe a little lacking in a couple other areas.” You say, leveling him with an aggravated glare.
Law put it together quickly and returned your grumpy expression. You weren’t surprised, you’d been helping him with his Latin-rooted medical terms a lot. “Don’t do that for the finals.”
“I won’t, I won’t, now dammit, I’m hungry - what do you want?”
After you got the food order in and made some tea you turned to Law and raised an eyebrow expectantly.
“Alright, what do you want to know?” Law sighed. Lost bets came in two parts - monetary loss and the right to ask questions about the other.
“You mentioned an adoptive dad.” You say. “You can tell me about him or tell me why you were adopted. I’ll even toss in something about myself to help, since either option is pretty personal. I, technically, am adopted. My, uh, ‘Father’ is alive, but I’ve been raised by Pops since I was six.”
“I don’t mind answering both,” Law says. “Especially since you seem to have sacrificed your precious apartment in order to win our bet.”
Law looks more at his teacup than you, but his tone is even as he speaks, and there’s no sign of distress. “My parents got sick when I was middle school, and neither of them made it through my time in high school,” He explains softly. “They were both doctors, and I had always wanted to be one as well, but the whole… thing… really nailed my resolve into place. A friend of my father’s adopted me when it became clear that they weren’t going to survive, and so, Rosinante’s my adopted dad.”
You were quiet for a long time, not really sure what to say. Law took a couple sips of tea before speaking again.
“Too much?” He asks. There’s a tone of resignation in his voice, as though he feels like he messed up.
You shake your head. “Nah, I just don’t know what to say. It doesn’t matter how long ago it was, that sucks. It’s complicated too.”
“How so?” He asks, looking visibly confused. “I mean, it’s heavy, but it’s cut and dry.”
“Ah, er… it creates complicated thoughts in me.” You clarify.
“Your dad’s alive, but your mom’s not.” Law says. You hadn’t laid it out for him, but given what you’ve said before it makes sense he could sort it out. “I don’t want to make assumptions, but the fact that he’s alive and you’re living with a different dad means your situation is complicated. But, complicated or straightforward, it all does, uh, ‘suck’.”
“Yeah, loss is hard no matter the circumstances.” You agree. “I’m sorry about your folks.”
“Thanks.” Law smiles a little sadly. “You would’ve liked my mom. She was weird about words too.”
You were getting ready to be indignant about his joke when there was a knock at the door. Food had arrived and the conversation was on hold until the two of you sorted everything out. With some food to distract you, and ease some encroaching hangry-ness, you let the jab from earlier go and decided to switch gears.
“So, you said your dad was going to be away on business during winter break,” you said after a few bites of food. “Why don’t you come to Grandline with me?”
“It sounds exhausting just listening to you suggest it.” He admitted flatly.
“All the Charlotte kids are staying on campus.”
“How would you even know that?” Law looks more annoyed by the mention of the Charlotte family than he does impressed by your knowledge.
“Nutmeg and her friends aren’t exactly subtle.” You point out. “And they get on my nerves, so it’s hard to block them out.”
“How’s come?” There’s a tone of actual curiosity, and not just polite conversation in his voice.
You learned quickly that Trafalgar and the wall he had built up around himself were both rock solid. You weren’t surprised an aspiring doctor was practiced at keeping in shape, but you smacked him on the back once when you were kidding around. He’d turn an impressive red when you’d lifted his shirt up without thinking – you weren’t entirely convinced he was made of flesh at that point.
It had taken a lot of apologizing, and a couple rounds of free food to smooth things over. You’d admitted to having grown up around a lot of boys, half of which barely wore shirts unless the occasion demanded it. That had also been when you’d made the agreement about bets and getting to know one another.
“I can forgive the ‘Mrs. Degree’ thing, to an extent, but ‘Meg’s a smart girl. I haven’t asked her what her grades are or anything, but her answers in class, and even her questions, are genius. I’m talking ‘This will help the class understand better if I ask’ kinds of genius.” You explain, your shoulders dropping. “To think that her mind is preoccupied with trying to find love in a few short years, just so her mom doesn’t match her up with some troglodyte. Instead, she could be focusing on becoming whatever she wanted to be.”
“… They get on your nerves because you feel bad for them.” It wasn’t really a question, but it was barely a statement.
“Mm.” You admit, feeling your ears and face start to go pink. “S’weird, isn’t it?”
“Compared to the rest of you, hardly.” Law answers, his usual resting scowl softening a little.
You pause in eating for a moment and start laughing. “I can’t tell if you complimented me or devastated me.”
He eats quietly for a moment, and then lets out a small sigh. “If I don’t agree to go to Grandline City with you over break you’re going to hound me for the next week about it.”
“Next two weeks.” You correct him.
“Two weeks would put us a week into break.” He points out.
You can almost see his eye twitch.
“I’m being blackmailed.”
“By definition, yes.” You agree with a smile.
You watched the internal conflict tear through him. Trafalgar Law was a mostly subtle person. All his emotions hit the wall around him and barely made a crack on his face. You didn’t think he was truly an emotionless person – trauma and loss just made him wary about connecting with more people. After a couple weeks, though, you were learning what some of the small facial changes meant.
“… I don’t want to meet your family.” He said finally.
“I had no plans to subject you to that.” You promise him, taking out your phone and sending some texts while you’re thinking about it. “I’ll get Robin to reserve a couple rooms, and I’ll let my brothers know that I’ll be busy. Er, oh, I guess there is one thing…”
“What is it?” He was doing his best not to growl the words.
“Pop’s is going to have a big Christmas party a few days before the actual holiday. I’m not asking you to attend, I’m just saying you’ll be on your own for a few hours.” You admit a bit sheepishly.
Law sighs. “You’re dragging me to your hometown, but you don’t have to make sure I’m entertained the entire time, (y/n)-ya. I’ll survive.”
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elainsshadows · 3 years
I want to talk about Elain today and her role in future books. I will also be talking about other ships at the end of this including: Lucien x Vassa, Lucien x Elain, and Azriel x Gwyn. These are merely my opinions and thoughts, this is not me trying to bash anyone else's opinions. I am open to having discussions as long as you are kind and respectful.
This is going to be long as a warning. Let's begin.
Quiet Strength
My friend recently start reading ACOTAR and she came to me one day and said that she had found a quote that she really liked. That quote was:
"She had looked at that cottage with hope; I had looked at it with nothing but hatred. And I knew which one of us had been stronger" ~ ACOTAR, pg. 259
I know that a lot of antis like to bring up the fact that Elain didn't do anything but plant flowers and such while Feyre was out risking her life to put food on the table. Why hadn't Elain planted food instead? As someone who tried to garden vegetables with her dad one year I can tell you it's not as easy as flowers.
Maybe Elain was trying to bring some color into their drab little existence like Feyre had done with the paints. Maybe she wanted one thing to make her happy.
When Feyre comes to see them in ACOMAF, to ask for their help, it was Elain who said that they should help.
"If... if we do not help Feyre, there won't be a wedding." ~ ACOMAF pg. 247
"Feyre gave and gave - for years. Let us help her. Help... others." ~ ACOMAF pg. 248
Elain was risking a lot by saying they should now help their Fae sister. She was going to be married to someone who's family hated the Fae. If they found out what Elain and Nesta were doing it would probably be the end of her engagement to Graysen. They would become Fae sympathizers and like the Children of the Blessed we see mentioned throughout the books.
Would a coward risk all of this? Not to me they wouldn't.
When Rhys, Az, and Cassian arrive once Elain had cleared out the servants. Elain, while scared, still tries to be a good host to the four of them. I want to come back to this scene when I discuss Elriel because this was the moment that I first started thinking that they would make a good pair.
But while Nesta and Feyre are more bold with their actions like wielding swords, bow and arrows, knives, etc., Elain doesn't necessarily back down from a challenge. When given Truth-Teller she simply states that she doesn't know how to use it. She does not shove it back at Azriel and refuse it, she simply informs him she doesn't know how to use it.
Also when they had been captured by Hybern and all that mess was going down. Tamlin had been gunning for Feyre and it was Elain who did this:
"But Elain's cry - a warning. A warning to- To my right, now exposed, Tamlin ran for me. To grab me at last." ACOMAF pg. 602
Elain, despite being scared in this highly stressful situation, saw her sister in danger and tried her hardest to warn her. If it had not been for Elain, Tamlin might have been able to grab Feyre at that moment in all the confusion and chaos. Despite being in her nightgown and terrified she still tried to protect her younger sister.
Once again when people are in danger once the Wall had been taken down it was Elain who spoke up. She knew that Graysen's family's estate could help protect those closest to the Wall and from any Fae that may come to do them harm.
"Glamour me," Elain said - to Rhys. "Make me look human. Just long enough to convince him to open his gates to those seeking sanctuary." ~ ACOWAR pg. 471
"It's already ended badly. Now it's just a matter of deciding how we meet the consequences." ~ ACOWAR pg. 471
She's Fae now. If Graysen or any of his family or those working for them knew this (which we see that they did) then they might kill her on sight. She risked her life to make sure defenseless humans remained as safe as they could with the oncoming war.
When Azriel and Feyre go to Hybern's camp to save Elain they also save another human. They are being pursued and clearly, the human girl is terrified of them, but it is Elain that says this:
"Grab onto him!" Elain ordered to the wide-eyed human girl as Azriel thundered toward her. *skipped ahead* "Elain screamed at her, "If you want to live, do it now!" ~ ACOWAR pg. 577
She also does this when the King of Hybern's beasts are upon them:
"Elain moved. As Azriel battled to keep them airborne, keep his grip on them, my sister sent a fierce kick into the beast's face. Its eye. *Skipped ahead* "Elain slammed her bare, muddy foot into its face again. The blow struck home." ACOWAR pg. 577
Knowing that their lives are in danger and that if this beast does anything to Azriel's wings they are all going to die. She does not hesitate and does not back down as she goes after the beast with her barefoot.
She slays the King of Hybern as well:
"Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the King's neck as she snarled in his ear, "Don't you touch my sister." ~ ACOWAR pg. 652
She has a protective streak in her and she will go down swinging if she has to.
And this I just found interesting. Everyone seems to shy away from Amren, but in ACOFAS this happens when they're all eating together:
"Elain, to my surprise, held Amren's gaze." ~ ACOFAS pg. 108
I just like that she held Amren's gaze.
Being Feminine Isn't Boring
I see a lot of people saying that Elain being feminine is boring, that she isn't an exciting heroine. Yes, Elain isn't one of SJM's typical heroines, but I think that makes her all the more interesting. We've never seen someone who isn't like Aelin, Bryce, Feyre, and Nesta from SJM.
"Elain stood between Nuala and Cerridwen at the long worktable. All three of them covered in flour." ~ ACOWAR pg. 386
"Elain was in the kitchen, helping Nuala and Cerridwen prepare the evening meal." ~ ACOFAS pg. 101
"She'd been toiling in the estate gardens since dawn." ~ ACOSF pg. 28
"Elain had already departed with Feyre, claiming she had to be up with the dawn to tend to an elderly faerie's garden." ~ ACOSF pg. 311
Do I think Elain's entire book will be based on her baking and taking care of gardens? No, I don't. I think she is capable of more than that and that is going to lead into my next point.
Elain Archeron, 007
This is not a new theory and it isn't even one that I came up with. Many lovely Elriels have pointed out comparisons to Azriel and Elain and how he may even teach her how to be a spy. I think it is a perfectly lovely idea. Let me show you some quotes from the book that make me think that this could be a possibility.
"Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, "Using me." ~ ACOSF pg. 230
They were talking about looking for the Dread Trove here and scrying. They were debating who should do it when Elain stepped up. She has done this before and with her seer abilities she is a perfect choice for the job. Obviously several characters aren't thrilled with the idea (Nesta and Azriel being two of the ones that don't like the idea).
"Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, "There is an innate darkness to the Drea Trove that Elain should not be exposed to." ~ ACOSF pg. 311
"Elain saw every single thing Nesta had done, and understood why." ~ ACOSF pg. 470
"You came," Elain said behind her, and Nesta started, not having heard her sister approach. *skipped ahead* "Wondering if she'd been taking lessons in stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends." ~ ACOSF pg. 595
We see that even Nesta is questioning whether or not Elain has been having lessons. She very well could have or this could be a hidden talent that Nesta has never gotten to see or never cared to see because she viewed Elain as someone who is innocent and needing protection.
Nesta mothers Elain throughout the series, we constantly see her coming to Elain's defense, stepping in front of her, talking for her. And while Elain used to let that slide we can see now that she is coming into her own and not letting Nesta walk all over her.
"Elain said, "You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater." ~ ACOSF pg. 232
I think Elain has been denied many things in her life because she has been seen as the most beautiful. Her own mother seeing her as nothing more than a pretty face that would be easy to marry off once she was of age. What will she do now that she has more freedom than she did before? Now that she will not become some lord's wife?
I do not see Elain as a warrior who is ready for battle, but I see her being ready for a different kind of battle.
"It took hours for Elain to work her charm on the staff to swiftly pack their bags and leave, each with a purse of money to hasten the process." ~ ACOMAF pg. 250
You know who else is charming? James Bond.
Being another pretty face has something going for Elain. No one would look at her and think "Yeah she's totally a spy." She can charm people, make them feel more at ease, and get them to open up. Maybe even enough that they think nothing of divulging things in front of her that otherwise shouldn't be overheard.
Maybe she can learn to glamour herself so that she is not recognizable to others. Who knows but I'm sure we'll find out when her book happens.
Welcome To Spring
One of my least favorite theories I've seen is that Elain will leave the Night Court and her family to go to Spring. Even going as far as saying that she will wind up with Tamlin. I don't think Feyre would let her sister wind up with her abuser plain and simple. Nor do I think Elain would fall for her sister's abuser just because he lives in a land of eternal spring and has flowers.
In ACOSF Nesta has this thought:
"Elain would love this place. So many flowers, all in bloom, so much green, *skipped ahead* But Elain... The Spring Court had been made for someone like her." ~ ACOSF pg. 454
While I do believe that Elain would love the Spring Court I do not think she would ever leave her family or friends behind.
"Two half-wraiths she called friends." ~ ACOSF pg. 595
"Cassian kissing Elain's cheek in greeting. *skipped ahead* Amren came next, giving my sister a nod. *skipped ahead* The Mor, with a smacking kiss for either cheek." ~ ACOFAS pg. 105
We also know that the sisters tend to consider one of the brothers friends. Feyre with Cassian, Nesta with Azriel, and I believe Rhys and Elain will also be friends. He seems to like Elain (certainly more than he likes Nesta).
Plus now there is Nyx in the mixture and why would she leave and miss out on her nephew growing up? What about if Nesta becomes pregnant and has a child? So no I do not believe that Elain will leave the Night Court.
Shipping Time
Here is where opinions and feelings may vary and people might not like what I have to say. Just know that these are merely my feelings on a ship. Ship what you want to ship, I am not here to gatekeep. These are merely my feelings on the matter. I'm going to start with the two ships I like: Elain x Azriel and Lucien x Vassa.
Elain Archeron x Azriel
I mentioned this earlier but I've been shipping them since ACOMAF. I saw the potential for them from the moment they began to interact.
"Elain rasped, "Nice to meet you," before hustling after her, the silk skirts of her cobalt dress whispering over the parquet floor." ~ ACOMAF pg. 253
I like the symbolism in this line. Cobalt = Azriel's siphons. Whispering = Azriel's shadows. While it might not be that deep as a writer I like the small things like this in my works. Things that later when you come back to them after something important happens that is a callback to something like this you can go "ooooh that makes sense now, yeah." We also do see other mentions of Elain wearing blue, but this post is long enough and it's only a few more times so I don't think it's worth noting. This part just sticks out to me because it's the first time they're meeting and like I said I love symbolism.
"Elain said to Azriel, perhaps the only two civilized ones here, "Can you truly fly?" ~ ACOMAF pg. 256
Elain who has been taught to fear the Fae is talking to him, also probably leaning around Cassian - who she is seated next to and also has wings - and asking if he can fly.
Azriel responds on the same page saying, "We're born hearing the song of the wind." And her response of, "That's very beautiful." This is the same male who famously said he wouldn't need poetry to woo a woman. Maybe he's not trying to woo her here, but he's trying to impress her.
"Elain, noticing Azriel's ease as proof that things weren't indeed about to go badly offered one (a smile) of her own as well." ~ ACOMAF pg. 258
She seems mighty comfortable with a Fae she just met. Which leads my into my two mate theory that I've had for some time now.
We know the tweet where SJM says that someone can have two mates. This was during a time when one of the TOG novels was about to come out and was probably referencing something in there, but I think it would be interesting to see play out in this situation as well.
We've seen several times people questioning Elain and Lucien's mating bond. Feyre and Azriel both do it. Feyre during ACOWAR and Azriel in his bonus chapter from ACOSF.
We also know that not all mates are happy pairings ie. Rhysand's parents and Tamlin's parents. We also know that sometimes it's based on who would have the strongest offspring. We can see this reflected in both Rhysand and Feyre's mating (he's considered the most powerful High Lord and she has abilities from all seven HLs).
But what if Elain and Lucien aren't true mates? True mates to me is a happily mated pair like Feyre and Rhys as well as Nesta and Cassian. Azriel questions why his brothers were mated to two sisters while the third was mated to another. (Pardon me for not using quotes here, I do not have the bonus chapter so I am going from memory.)
Why indeed? And I think it was because he was on the floor dying at the time. We know that the Cauldron loves Elain, so if her true mate was on the floor dying and there was no guarantee for survival it would make sense for the Cauldron to gift Elain another mating bond.
I will talk more about this in the section where I discuss them as a ship, but I wanted to briefly mention it here.
We also know the scene where Azriel hands over Truth-Teller to her, something that shocks all of them. I think of Truth-Teller like Azriel's security blanket. Something that brings him comfort and he never ever wants to part with it. But he gives it to Elain.
After she was taken by the Cauldron and held captive at Hybern's camp. After she says this:
"She shook her head, devouring the sight of him as if not quite believing it. "You came for me." The shadowsinger only inclined his head." ~ ACOWAR pg. 573
Why did she look only to Azriel? Why did she seem so surprised that he would come for her? Kind of like how a princess might not believe that her prince has come for her. (Love me some Disney princess movies)
To me these two just fit together. And to me they are more like Hades and Persephone than Feyre and Rhysand are. And hear me out: Elain as Persephone, goddess of spring. Azriel as Hades, god of death. (Feyre once calls him Death when thinking of a painting of him and Elain. Death and the lovely fawn she called it). Some might see Azriel and Elain falling in love as stealing her away from her mother (or mate in this case).
Also if you want another mythology reference. Paris (Azriel), Helen (Elain), Menelaus (Lucien). Helen was considered the most beautiful and was stolen away from her husband Menelaus (though I think she went with Paris willingly so there's that.)
I see so many parallels and signs that point toward an Elriel endgame. We know Elain's book is in the works and I'm pretty sure it's next since Sarah has talked about doing research for her book. We also know that Sarah is excited to work with Azriel as well.
Moving on.
Lucien Vanserra x Vassa
I've been shipping them since ACOWAR. So not as long as Elriel, but since a bit. I think this was the line that did it for me:
"Indeed, Vassa still remained inside, chatting with Lucien animatedly. *skipped ahead* Lucien, surprisingly, was chuckling, his shoulders loose and his head angled while he listened." ~ ACOWAR pg. 690
Unlike with Elain, he seems comfortable around Vassa.
"Even with Elain here, he's become close with Jurian and Vassa. He's voluntarily living with them these days, and not just as an emissary. As their friend." ~ ACOSF pg. 57
I'm a sucker for the friends to lovers trope (it only falls after the enemies to lovers trope). And while we do not have a lot on them I can see the two of them being happy. I can see Lucien trying to find a way to make her immortal if that's what she wants. And I just want the two of them finding their HEA together in the final book.
My theory is that Vassa will be the MC of the last book and will deliver the killing blow to Koschei (as she should). I would love to see their journey together and their time together in the mortal lands especially since the mating bond would be severed at this point if Elriel is the book before this one. I want Lucien to be happy and I think that he could be happy with Vassa.
Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra
We know that Elain and Lucien are mates. He announced this on page 608 a little bit after Elain had come out of the Cauldron. But these two do not seem to fit together in my opinion. Now please note I have nothing against Elucien, I even like some of the fanart and the theories I have read are wonderful. I'm just personally not a fan of these two because of how they were thrust together.
When comparing Jesiminda and Elain, Lucien says this:
"Elain had been... thrown at him." ACOWAR pg. 249
I know Lucien wants to be happy and I know mates are special, but I don't necessarily think that Elain will be his happiness. I think that the way they met ruined that for them.
"But Elain blinked slowly, "You were in Hybern." *Skipped ahead* "You betrayed us." ACOWAR pg. 250 - 251
Lucien, however willing or unwillingly, did play some part in Elain being turned Fae. He was one of the reasons she could no longer go home or marry Graysen. I don't know if that's something that could be overcome especially since Elain is still dealing with the events of that day.
We also know that Elain tends to avoid him, shrinking in on herself when he's around. Another reason why I can't ship this is because I've been in a similar situation where people were pressuring me to be with someone I had no interest in. I know what it's like to hear "you two are perfect for each other", "you should give him a chance", "just try".
Their relationship is not evolving naturally like Feyre and Rhys's did or Cassian and Nesta's. I don't think Lucien would ever push the mating bond onto Elain, but I do think since it's something special to Fae he may cling to it more than she will.
Another thing about their bond that doesn't sit with me is how it is described.
"It felt... strange," Elain breathed. "Like you pulled on a thread tied to a rib." ACOWAR pg. 301
"There's a bond - it's a real thread," he said, more to himself than us." ACOWAR pg. 301
Other bonds have been described as "so much golden thread" or an "unbreakable chain". But Elain and Lucien's is described as a singular thread that feels as though it were attached to a rib. To me mating bonds are like soulmates, why would that bond be attached to a rib and not the heart or her being?
I believe that once again either the Cauldron created this bond between them or maybe they are not what's considered a "perfect match" like Elain's sisters with their mates are.
I will say this: If Elain and Lucien do wind up together I won't be mad. Sure they are not my preferred ship, but they both deserve happiness and can find it together then good for them. We will just have to wait and see where SJM takes them.
Azriel x Gwyn Berdara
I've lowkey been dreading talking about them because of how toxic this fanwar between Elriels and Gwynriels gets. Once again this is just my opinion and my theories. No hate or shade to any of the shippers. I will not be bashing theories. If you don't want to read my thoughts then please just leave now and pretend you never saw this.
I do not like Azriel and Gwyn as a ship for one very big reason: power imbalance. Azriel saved Gwyn from a highly traumatic experience. Now before I go any further let me say that I brought this up to my mom who also reads the series but isn't a shipper, she just reads them to enjoy them. I asked her what she thought of Az x Gwyn as a pairing and if she would like to see that and she said no that she also felt there would be a power imbalance.
Gwyn is a strong character, but I do not think I could get behind her and Az as a couple because of how they met.
I also do not believe that Gwyn will be the MC of any of the last books there are. We still have Elain's book, possibly a Mor book, or even Vassa. There are too many people from the original trilogy that we need to see books for. While I will not rule out a book in the future I don't see her getting one now.
I know the necklace is a hot button issue, but I also don't believe that Clotho gave it to her. We never hear it mentioned in the main portion of the book and I think Clotho knew how troubled Azriel was and thought that she should hold onto it just in case.
"You're the new ribbon, Az," ~ ACOSF pg. 623
Gwyn is a competitive person, to me this line that Nesta says is here merely telling Az that Gwyn's next challenge would be to prove him wrong about the training course. Nesta knows of Azriel's feelings for her sister by this point, so I don't see this line as her teasing Az about Gwyn possibly having a crush on him.
But again these are just how I interpret things between them.
These are all my thoughts at the moment that I'm going to share. If you would like to have a discussion my ask box is open. Hate will not be tolerated though.
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marvelatthetwilight · 3 years
No longer lost in Forks
The follow up piece to my first imagine “Lost in Forks”.
I feel so much pressure putting out a part 2, I hope you aren’t disappointed! Clearly on a roll though with my second post this weekend!
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Paul’s POV
I’m not ready. I’m not ready. I’m not ready. I get my phone out of my pocket and open up a message to Jared.
- I can’t do this. I can’t have her hating me. I can hold out. Tell her another time.
- Bro. STOP IT. She’s going to keep going off into the woods looking for whatever it is she’s looking for unless you tell her. This isn’t for you, it’s for her! Also Kim says stop being an idiot, she wants a new friend so hurry up.
I roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. I’m ready, I’m ready. I can do this. Just then, the door to the restaurant opened, and Y/N’s beautiful scent filled my entire being. I CAN do this. I wave to her and smile, she smiles her beautiful smile, face radiating beauty and happiness, and she starts making her way towards me.
“Hi Y/N”. I say awkwardly, reaching my hand out to shake. What the hell am I doing? She stares at my hand, before batting it away and reaching forward for a hug, then kisses me on the cheek.
“Hi Paul. Oh you smell good! What you been up to today?”
I blush. What is this girl doing to me?
“Just hanging out with Jared and the guys at the beach...we are having a bonfire later, if you want to come? We can head over after we’ve eaten?” Her eyes widen, and she smiles that beautiful smile again.
“I would LOVE to!”
3rd person POV
As each hour passes, Y/N and Paul move closer together. They talk about school, and friends, and life. Y/N feels Paul’s warmth from his arm draped behind her. She scoots closer, and rests her head on his shoulder. She looks up and laughs. Her breath tickles his neck as she whispers, “I think they want us to leave”.
Paul looks at her dreamily, oblivious to the time they had spent together and just happy to be in the company of his imprint. Ignoring the news he needed to share with her, ignoring that she was unaware of what she truly meant to him, ignoring the fact that he was the beast she had been searching for, the eyes in the shadows.
He looks around, seeing the three wait staff standing to the side, whispering and looking at their booth. He looks at his watch.
“Woah, is that the time? We better get going or we will miss the bonfire, we CAN’T miss the bonfire” Paul calls over their server and asks for the bill.
“Quick, grab your coat, I’ll drive us”. Y/N looks confused glancing up at Paul as he grabs his jacket and quickly puts it on, he suddenly seems really on edge. Why is he suddenly so stressed? I thought this was going well. She thought to herself.
Paul holds out his hand, Y/N doesn’t hesitate in taking it, as she says thank you to the host as they leave the restaurant. Paul immediately feels calmer at her touch as she follows him to his truck, jumping in as he holds open her door, closing it carefully behind her.
Paul doesn’t say anything as we drive into La Push, but I can see him glance at me when he thinks I’m not looking.
“Are you ok?” I ask, noticing his hands tighten on the steering wheel.
“Erm yes, just...this bonfire is really important, it’s...well...it explains a lot about my tribe, and...I think you are important to me....and well, it’s...important that you know this, erm....know this about me.” He glances at me, then looks back to the road.
I blush at his words, you are important to me. I don’t know what it is about Paul, but I feel drawn to him, in the short amount of time we’ve known each other, and he was important to me too. We text all the time, he phones me every day to chat, and if I look at my phone and don’t see a message from him I feel disappointed. He’s important to me too, I realise.
We pull up alongside another truck as he turns to face me.
“I’m important to you?” I ask, blushing slightly.
“Of course!” He looks shocked that I even need to ask, and he glances at my lips, then back up to me eyes. “You are the most important person in the world to me” his voice drops to a whisper, the feeling of his breath sends shivers up my spine.
He leans in closer, waiting for me to close the gap.
When our lips meet, it’s like one of those cheesy moments from movies. Adrenaline pumping through my body, sparks, shivers down my spine and my heart thumping loudly in my chest. It was brief, but the soft feeling of his lips lingered on mine as he pulled away, hand still cupping my face as he stared into my eyes.
“Wow” I breathed.
Paul smirks, the cocky Paul I’ve been told so much about appears briefly, before he remembers what he is meant to be doing and suddenly looks stressed again. He briefly kisses my lips again before opening his car door and walking around to mine.
“So at this bonfire...I just need you to listen. You’ll probably have lots of questions. But just listen. I promise I will answer them all afterwards.” He holds out his hand and I take it, walking with him towards the bonfire on the beach ahead of us.
3rd person POV
Billy Black had just finished the story he had told many times before, as everyone began sneaking looks to where Y/N was sat next to Paul.
Her face was scrunched in confusion, processing the story she had just heard. Processing the information she had just learnt.
Paul stands up and offers her his hand. He gestures towards an empty patch of the beach, that borders the tree line of the forest. “Let’s go for a walk” he suggests as Y/N takes his hand and stands up, offering a smile to Paul’s friends as they walk away.
“So he’s finally doing it?” Embry asks Jared as they watch the pair walk away.
“She hasn’t known him that long remember” Sam states as he warily looks at his fiancée Emily.
Embry and Jared share a look before laughing. “It just feels like it because he’s been following her for so long!” Jared snorts before Embry adds “you mean stalking!” Before they both fall to the sand, rolling around with laughter.
“He was protecting her you idiot! You know it hasn’t been safe for her to be involved until now, stop being mean about your pack brother” Kim flicks Jared’s head before turning to Sam and Emily.
“It’ll be fine Sam, don’t worry”
Sam hums in response before turning his attention back to the bonfire in front of him.
“So...wolves? That’s a pretty cool legend to have. The most interesting story I have in my family is a random great great uncle who got attacked by a bear. They never found his body, so they think the bear ate him.” Y/N laughs as she looks up at Paul, her expression changing quickly as she sees how serious he looks.
“What if I were to tell you that it wasn’t just a legend. That...it was true?” He looked at her hopefully. The imprints the pack had met so far had all taken the news differently, and he wasn’t sure what Y/N’s reaction would be.
“True?” She furrows her brows as she glances between Paul and the ground. “What do you mean true? Like there are people in your tribe who turn into wolves?” She laughs briefly before looking up at Paul. His eyes are fixed on hers. She can see his hopeful look again, a look willing her to think again. “True...? As in...you turn into a wolf?”
Paul nods briefly, pulling her into the tree line so they can’t be seen. “I need you to know that I would never do anything to harm you, no matter my...form.” With that last word he walks away from her towards a collection of trees huddled closely together, giving him some coverage. Y/N stands where he left her, looking towards the trees where she last saw Paul when a small growl reaches her ears, along with breaking and ripping noises she can’t quite place.
Suddenly an enormous grey wolf walks out slowly from behind the trees, and Y/N is frozen to the spot in fear.
I willed myself to move. Desperately pleaded with my legs to run. But I couldn’t.
The wolf walked slowly towards me, eyes fixed on mine when I was suddenly hit with a familiar feeling.
Walking home from a friend’s house at night and glancing towards the tree line, feeling a set of eyes watching.
Walking on one of many, many ‘guided’ hikes in search of that same feeling, then suddenly recognising that those eyes had been watching the whole time.
Looking out a window at night, knowing that those same eyes were out there again.
It was him. Realisation dawns over me. I always felt such familiarity with Paul, now it was becoming to become clear why. It was him.
“It was you” I finally said out loud. The wolf in front of me whined slightly, before nodding his head. He slowly moved towards me again until he was standing just inches away. I reached out my hand to stroke his soft fur, then leaned my head against him and sighed a contented sigh. A sigh that was the recognition that I no longer needed to go searching for those eyes that made me feel safe, they were right there, I knew who they were, what they meant.
“It was you.”
A/N: I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I still feel like there’s potentially more to say, but please let me know what you think.
@volturidoll13 @clearwater-hoe @like-rain-or-confetti @teampaul @fatiguing-thoughts @wallwriterstuff @moviequeen51 @awesomebooklover17 @cncogirl18
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vanillann · 3 years
unsolved (spencer reid x reader)
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a/n: i was watching buzzfeed unsolved when i came up with this idea so enjoy. also i know it’s not exactly right but i didn’t feel like going back and watching the ep so.
warning: swearing, talk of cases, and sexual innuendos
word count: 3.3k
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“Hi, Welcome to Buzzfeed Unsolved! We’re your host Ryan and Shane.”
I sat in a spin by chair between the two, my legs crisscrossed as I spun as fast as I could with Shane picking at arm.
“This is (Y/N)-“ when I heard my name I dramatically grabbed Ryan’s arm chair, smiling at the camera “a good friend of ours.”
“I had never spoken to either of them before today,” I spoke directly into the camera, the widest smile on my face when Shane gasped.
“She exposed us!” He pointed an accusing finger at me, Ryan slowly reaching out and grabbing his hand.
“We need her for this case,” Ryan spoke mysteriously, as if he was in a mob of some sort.
“Yeah why is that?” I rested my elbow on the chair, placing my chin in my open hand as I looked between the two.
I would normally be shoved in the corner of my desk trying to avoid another weird product video. I didn’t want to wear another weight blanket that made me almost fall to the floor.
“We are doing a case today and from the gossip around the office, you’d be pretty familiar with it,” Ryan said nothing more as he held a picture up to the camera.
I looked to the viewfinder, my eyes going wide as I recognized the mugshot immediately.
“That’s the Reaper!” I pointed at the picture, grabbing Ryan’s wrist so I could get a better look.
“Is that your boyfriend or something?” Shane added, looking over my shoulder at the picture in my hand.
“No, the BAU worked in this case!”
I didn’t know my intense knowledge of BAU cases would make it around the office, but I suppose when you have a printed article of you standing with Agent Gideon and Hotchner word moves fast.
“You actually know a lot about BAU cases from what I hear,” Ryan almost smirked at me and I was close to attacking him.
“Yeah-“ I turned to the camera, thinking I should explain myself before people thought I was crazy “so when I was young my mother had a stalker.”
The room suddenly went from light and breezy to scary and stuffy, something I hated.
“Anyways, when my mother died he disappeared into thin air. I then got an internship here at Buzzfeed and suddenly I was being mailed pictures of myself.”
I felt Shane give a knee a quick squeeze, which made me smile but I said nothing about it.
“It is really bad, I’m not going into detail, that the FBI got involved. Gideon was my savior that day, Hotchner too. Since then I’ve kept up with their cases and Gideon still sends me letters even after he left,” I finished my story, smiling down at the case file Ryan held between his fingers.
“Enough sad story, let’s talk about murder!” I clapped my hand, Shane laughing at my excitement.
“Okay, before we get started with this video I would like to clarify this isn’t a normal unsolved case. While the case was pinned to a murderer, the real unsolved piece is what happened to him,” Ryan got into character, slowly opening the folder and reading off the first words.
“On June 5th, 1996, Tom Shaunessy was called to investigate a murder in Boston. It was a couple, laided into their chair with multiple gun shots to their head and torso-“
“Wait, in the car in Boston?” Shane asked.
“That’s what I just read,” Ryan replied.
I smiled to myself, already knowing the editing that would take place with the black screen and the blue and yellow words floating across.
“Isn't Boston super busy?”
“It has like 700 thousand people,” I spoke up, wondering what color my words would be in.
“How do you just know that?” Ryan looked over his shoulder at me, his eyebrows raised.
“If you saw the article I was currently writing you would understand,” I shrugged, moving in the chair so I could get a better look at the case file.
Ryan coughed, looking back down at the file to continue.
“When another set of murders came in, this time an older couple, Shaunessy, panicked as he found the first victim, Harry Goodwill, watching at the scene.”
“That was his signature,” I held a hand up like a child in class, smiling as I already knew what came next.
“Bingo!” Ryan pointed to me, smiling at my excitement.
“When this happened again, this time alone woman, Shaunessy called in the BAU-“
“You mean the love of (Y/N) life,” Shane cut in, smiling when I hit his shoulder.
“If you saw a picture of them you’d be in love too,” I shrugged, not thinking much about my words.
“Agent Aaron Hotchner joined the team and worked closely on this case with Shaunessy.”
“So this man just texted the FBI,” Shane started laughing before he could get his words out.
“I’m pretty sure there are rules,” Ryan looked over at Shane, looking at me when we tried to understand why he was laughing.
“I’m sorry, death shouldn’t be this funny,” Shane took a breath, making a hand motion for Ryan to continue. I started laughing at that, keeping it low so Ryan could continue.
“After 18 murders, there were no leads. The only consistent thing was he mostly killed couples and he left an item from his last victim at the crime scene. The BAU conducted that he was most likely killing the couple because of his own failed marriage or possibly one close to him.”
“So he started killing because he hated to love? I bet he hates Valentine’s Day,” Shane shrugged, his smile breaking across his face when I spoke up.
“Nah, he seems more like a Halloween type guy,” I shrugged, laughing when Ryan hit his elbow on the table.
“Okay okay, back to the good stuff,” I pointed at the file, laughing when Ryan rolled his eyes.
“Now victims 19 and 20 is where the story starts to twist. Amanda Bertram and George Foyet-“ I shivered at the name “we attacked by the Reaper.”
“Did you say attacked?”
“Yes, while Amanda Bertram was killed in the struggle Foyet manages to survive with serious injuries.”
“So this dude just accidentally forgets to kill him?” Shane almost yelled, reaching for the file to read himself but Ryan moved it back.
“He saw the ghost of Valentine and just ran,” I played on the joke earlier, which made the two laugh.
“The heart-shaped boxes of chocolate really made him shit himself,” Ryan barely got the words out, his laugh slowly turning into a cough.
“We shouldn’t joke about a murderer when we don’t know his whereabouts,” I laughed along.
“Wait, you’re telling me they lost him!”
“Yep,” I popped the “p”, smiling when Shane looked to Ryan who only shrugged,
“You’ll have to wait and see.” Was all he said before he continued the case.
“After this no new leads were found, it was later discovered that The Boston Reaper sent Shaunessy a note that if the investigation was shut now he would stop killing,” Ryan read the words off.
“I bet he ended the letter with “xoxo from your worst nightmare” with a lipstick stain,” I spoke without thinking, covering my mouth when I realized what I said.
“Oh he’d definitely come at you now,” Shane pointed at me, wiggling his eyebrows in the process.
“No way! The BAU will save me,” I shrugged, smiling as I imagined the team busting in the door at the last minute like they always did.
“Oh yeah the one dude, what’s his name,” Ryan started snapping his fingers as he thought over his words “Sp-“
“Spencer Reid!” I practically yelled the name, my smile only growing large at the mention of the handsome Doctor from the BAU team. While he didn’t work my case, I heard a little about him and he called my house phone trying to reach Hotch.
To say I was infatuated would be a small understatement.
“Him?” Ryan pointed at him, smiling wider at me.
“Who is this Reid boy and what are his intentions?” Shane folded his arms on the table like a father, looking between Ryan and I.
“I hope it's dirty,” I blurted out, covering my mouth again as I looked at the camera.
“Cut that out,” I started laughing when I heard Shane wheezing beside me.
“No we’re keeping that, that was quality content,” Ryan was laughing, pushing my chair slightly as I slowly joined in.
“I’m so grateful he works a busy job and will never see this,” I started coughing, which made Shane pat my back.
“Please take the obsession back to murder, please and thank you,” I nodded to the case file once everyone has calmed down.
“Okay okay, the cast went cold after that. No new murders ever appeared and the BAU left the case.”
“Spencer went to (Y/N)’s house,” Shane commented quickly.
“Until 2009 when a murder took place right outside of Boston, a couple killed on a hill. While this seemed like nothing at first, an eye was painted on the side of the door and glasses were found on the victim’s face. The glasses belong to Foyet,” Ryan read in his special voice.
“So the dude got bored and was like “Fuck my promise”?” Shane looked between both of us.
“Let him finish,” I patted Shane shoulder, looking at the file again.
“It was later announced to the public that Shaunessy was dead,” Ryan read, looking at Shane with raised eyebrows.
“Ohh, you should have led with that!”
Ryan rolled his eyes, going back to the file in front of him.
“Hotchner took up the case with his BAU team-”
“Spencer had to leave (Y/N)’s house early to get there in time,' ' Shane pushed my shoulder, my finger slowly starting to play with the little ring on my finger.
“I wish,” I spoke up, smiling at Shane when he shook his head.
“The team quickly gathered all the information possible, slowly putting the eye signature on the car with the sign off on the letter.”
“He didn’t sign it xoxo?” Shane asked, I shook my head sadly.
“Sorry to get your hopes up,” I spoke gravely, my mask cracking when Shane started smiling.
“I was readying for him to sign A like that show!”
I started laughing, my hand covering my mouth as Ryan tried to explain the show he was talking about.
“Why do they have to be pretty liars, am I pretty when I lie?”
“No,” I said the words so seriously I was shocked with myself. We all three started laughing suddenly.
I hadn’t been at Buzzfeed long, I had only made a few friends and I pretty much got dragged into the video when they needed a test dummy. This was my first video that didn’t make me want to rip my eyes out, I actually was having a great time with Ryan and Shane with the jokes and all.
“Okay,” Ryan coughed, finally reading the file again,” Many tried to brush it off as a copycat but Agent Hotchner refused to drop the case.”
“That’s my bestie,” I smiled, remembering the photo I had with him when the local news decided to take pictures of us standing outside the station. The photo was awkward and I doubt he even remembered my case but I didn’t really care.
“Then a few hours later an older couple, Arthur and Diane Lanessa, were found stabbed and shot. When the earlier victim, Nina Hale, was found on Diane's wrist, people started to worry.”
“Wait I thought he left the one dude glasses, who is still weird to me,” Shane spoke up again.
“That’s what I’m saying! He had his glasses yet he’s a copycat? Cops can be so stupid,” I rambled, still pissed about that to this day.
“The BAU split up to find Foyet, who went into hiding after his attack, to get more details. Agent Hotchner and Agent David Rossi found him staying in a house in Boston.”
“Why would you stay in Boston?” Ryan was the one to speak this time, his nose scrunched up as he thought it over.
“Right, like yes I almost died here let me stay,” Shane mocked Foyet, which made me laugh.
“Later that night The Reaper boarded a busy bus and killed the occupants of it. Many had theories on why he changed his MO but nobody will confirm or deny.”
“I think he was made at Hotch,” I spoke up. I had thought about this alot.
“Why do you think that?”
“He didn’t quite like Shaunessy, I don’t blame Shaunessy, but still. He stuck around even when he could have walked away,” I crossed my arms, slightly proud of my theory.
“You think he gave the same deal?”
“You don’t?” I looked at Ryan, his arms shrugging before he went back to the case.
“There was a cryptic message left on the side the bus along with the Reaper eye,”
“Cryptic message? Is this real?”
“Unfortunately,” I nodded, looking back to Ryan as he spoke.
“The BAU managed to decipher the code into a line of Foyet addresses-”
“Spender did it!”
“And how would you know?” Shane looked to me, raising his eyebrow at me with a little smirk.
“Because he had an eidetic memory and has an IQ of 187,” I spoke proudly, as if I actually knew the person I was talking about. Okay maybe I searched them on the internet one too many times.
“How do you know that?” Ryan asked, laughing at me now.
“Google,” I shrugged, laughing when Shane looked up from his hands.
“What does he even look like?” I held up my finger, fishing my phone out of my back pocket. I quickly unlocked it, placing my thumb print and moving on, and tapped the searched bar. I quickly typed in his name, thankful it didn’t pop up in purple because I couldn’t handle that much teasing.
“Here,” I placed the phone on the table, laughing when Shane moved closer.
“He has a Wikipedia,” Shane looked over his shoulder at Ryan and I, speaking like a kid on Christmas.
“You both have Wikipedia,” I shrugged, not seeing the appeal of the whole life on display.
“You don’t,” Shane pointed out. I jokily pouted, acting all sad as I looked up to the ceiling.
“We can make you one,” Ryan patted my shoulder laughing when I smiled.
“Can we say I’m married to Doctor Spencer Reid?”
Both nodded at the same time, my hand going over my hand and I laugh at their telekinesis response.
“Okay finished this case so (Y/N) and I can stalk Mr. Reid,” Shane patted Ryan shoulder and I lightly smiled to myself.
He seemed like nothing but I finally made some friends, I mean friends I could talk to outside of work.
“Once they arrived at Foyet house they found gallons of blood pulled from the back of the house.”
“So they killed him?”
“Just wait,” I held my finger up, smiling when Shane deflated slightly.
“Multiple police were attacked, even Derek Morgan with the BAU. The specific are not out to the public but a nurse claimed that The Reaper stole Morgan credentials,” Ryan read off the paper, smiling when Shane gasped.
“That’s insane, this case is insane!”
I laughed along with Ryan, all of ours eye scanning over the paper now and we waited for the next bit of information.
“After looking over past cases filed, the BAU were confused on why The Reaper would kill Foyet. Their tech analysis did research to induce that Foyet had multiple aliases, claimed he had them to feel safe from The Reaper, actually had multiple assault charges, and his parents were killed when he was six.”
“Oh my, he killed them didn’t he!” Ryan and I both nodded, Shane’s hands flying up to his hair as he looked between us.
“It was him the whole time! No way!”
“That’s what I said,'' I looked into the camera for the first time in awhile, it felt nice and easy with them. The video was coming easy unlike trying to do awkward yoga poses with strangers.
“They managed to trace everything back to Foyet, concluding he was The Reaper. After more research, Foyet’s phone was tracked to Roy Colson's house. A journalist would recently wrote an article on The Reaper.``
“This feels like a Scooby-Doo mission at this point,” Shane sounded out of breath, looking to the camera with wide eyes.
“We got some work to do now!” I jokily sang the theme song, making the two laugh lightly before moving on to the end of the case.
“The local police arrest Foyet at the house, Colson thankful survived. Foyet was taken to prison immediately after arrest.”
“I thought they lost him?”
“If you don’t let him finish,” I joked, Shane laughed as we finally let Ryan finish.
“Foyet was found in his cell later throwing up blood and convulsions. As being rushed to the hospital, the ambulance was ambushed and Foyet escaped. No more information has been released on the whereabouts of Foyet.”
“They really lost him!”
Shane was in shock at the discovery, my hand covering my mouth quickly before I answered.
“I bet he’s working for the FBI, they hire people when they’re too dangerous.” I tried my best to be serious about the theory but I knew my smile was peaking thought.
“He’s probably the BAU’s personal hitman!”
I laughed with Ryan, my chair had slowly moved closer to his as I kept leaning to see the case file.
“Where do you think Foyet it?”Ryan spoke into the camera, talking to the people that would watch this in a few weeks.
“I think (Y/N) should call her smarty-pants husband and ask,” Shane spit out his last joke before the video ended.
“Yeah, Doctor Spencer Reid please call me with information about the case.” I pointed into the camera like Uncle Sam and winked dramatically.
“He doesn’t have your number,” Ryan reminded me. I let my finger fall, thinking over my words before I pointed back at the camera.
“Email my business email,” I nodded. Shane and Ryan both hit my shoulder. both hands going to my arm to cover them.
“Say bye to our favorite guest ever,” Ryan waved in my face.
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I laughed as the video played on my laptop, laughing when my voice was replaced with light green words floating on the screen. I scrolled down lightly, reading a bunch of comments. I smiled when most were asking if I would ever be on another Unsolved.
My phone went off beside me, my hand reaching for it as I paused the video and moved to my email. I was waiting for an email about an article I was writing and I couldn’t stop hitting refresh.
Shane: i’ve seen two ship edits of (y/n) and spencer reid on my instagram already
Ryan: i saw an edit of shane fall out a chair
I laughed at the messages, the group chat the three of us had formed titled “The Reapers Bitches” never stopped as we had grown a close bond.
I heard the little ding from my laptop, also most screaming when I slammed the refresh button and screamed when I saw an email with a little unread dot beside it.
I didn’t think twice, pushing the email and reading over it quickly.
Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I recently saw a video of you mentioning me and my team about a case we worked on a few years back. While I legally can’t share any details with you in this case, I would be open to speaking with others. Please email me back!
I was going to scream, maybe cry, maybe both at this point. I read the email two or three more times, trying to comprehend what I just read.
He did see, shit he did see it. I heard my phone going off beside me, my hand picking it up and typing without reading what they were saying before.
Me: Spencer Fucking Reid just emailed me
I let my phone fall to my lap, reading the email one more time.
“Thank you Buzzfeed Unsolved,” I whispered under my breath.
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permanent taglist:
@kittykylax​ @itstaylorcale​ @head-over-heart @marvel-rhapsody​ @accioxtina​ @always-spaced-out​ @carnations-red​ @onetoomanyfilms​ @suranne-doesstuff
criminal minds taglist:
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Feels Like The First Time Part 2 of 2
Spencer x fem reader
18+ ONLY Smut, Fluff, and a little humor
Content/Trigger Warnings: teasing, oral both receiving, penetrative sex w/o condom, creampie
This was for a fic swap hosted by @imagining-in-the-margins written for my dear friend @andiebeaword ! Here is the smut you’ve been waiting for, go forth and be horny.
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It’s been two whole weeks since Spencer ran out of my apartment, no explanation. I was worried I had made him uncomfortable, pushed him too far. I had started to see him in a new light and just wanted to test out if he might feel the same. A back scratch turned sensual massage had seemed a good idea at the time. He even seemed to enjoy it, right until he jumped up and ran out. I had even heard him let out a small moan, causing the damp spot in my panties to soak through more.
Just as I was about to call him and apologize, I received a message explaining that he had been away on a case and was looking forward to coming over again this weekend, as usual. I let out a sigh of relief. I would test out the waters, and if he didn’t seem upset or nervous, I would proceed with my plan to bring him out of his shell. I hope to nudge him towards making some kind of move, anything. I have to know where he stands.
When Friday night arrives, Spencer knocks at my door, on time as usual. He enters, hands full of burgers, fries, and shakes.
“How about we watch a movie tonight instead?” I ask as we sort through who gets which food.
“Sure” he flashes me a warm smile, as he takes his food into the living room.
He doesn’t seem nervous. There’s no signs of discomfort. Maybe he was okay with what happened last time. Maybe we could take it further? I move forward with my plan, knowing I will stand down at any signs of discomfort. I never want to push him into anything he doesn’t want.
“I’m gonna get comfortable first, okay?” I say as I set my food down on the coffee table.
Spencer nods, looking up at me as he downs his fries and shake. I can’t help but giggle at the sight.
So freaking adorable I think to myself.
After slipping off my bra, I quickly change into one of my largest pajama t shirts, hanging so low that it would easily cover any pair of shorts. However, I take my shorts off, opting for a silky pair of soft green panties, with edges of lace. I look myself over in the mirror once more, satisfied with my end result.
I put on my most innocent look as I strut my way back into the living room. Spencer has finished his food, leaving him to sip on the remains of his shake. I take in a breath and with all the confidence I can muster, I set myself down right in his lap. I feel his body stiffen as he decides what his next move will be. I sink my body back towards him, relaxing as I pretend to focus on the movie instead. After a minute, I feel his hands settle on my hips. I also can’t help but take notice of the ever growing bulge that has made itself at home against my thigh.
He likes this. He definitely likes this. If he was uncomfortable he may not have had the guts to say so, but there would have been stuttering, fidgeting, anything but this. I decide to make things a little more interesting as I lean forward to stretch my arms out during a yawn, making sure to wiggle my hips in the process.
Just as I suspected, I hear a small whimper leave his lips. Once I settle back into his torso, I slide my hand down to cover his, still at home on my hips. My thumb begins to rub small circles on the back of his hand, desperate for any kind of movement and intimate touch. It’s only a moment before I feel his hands move down to my thighs before he slowly drags his fingers back up towards my hips. His breath hitches in his throat as his fingers discover the delicate silk and lace instead of a pair of shorts.
I decide to swivel myself in his lap, daring to meet his hungry gaze. I take a moment to study his features, brushing my fingers through his curls, trailing along his jawline, and finally brushing my thumb over his plump bottom lip. Much to my surprise, he opens his mouth, looking up at me with a look I instantly recognize, submission. I give into his silent request, laying my thumb over his tongue before his lips wrap around it. He closes his eyes and sucks hungrily.
I can’t help but coo at him “mmm so needy for me aren’t you baby boy?”
Just as I expect, his eyes shoot open, pupils blown with lust at the new nickname as he moans around my finger. I feel Spencer’s hips jolt up involuntarily, giving me some much appreciated friction. I remove my thumb from his mouth, causing him to whine at the loss. I take hold of his chin, pulling up until he’s looking directly in my eyes.
“I have to ask you, Spencer, is this what you want? Are you okay with us having sex?”
“Yes!” He blurts out, shrinking back from embarrassment at his own enthusiasm, following it with a small whisper “Please.”
“Okay. You can change your mind at any time. You have to tell me if you don’t like something or want to stop anything. You can also ask for things okay? Just promise to keep communicating with me.”
“I promise.”
I go back to running my fingers through his curls, Spencer immediately leaning into the contact.
“You told me awhile back you were still a virgin. Is that still true?”
His eyes fall to his lap, and I see all excitement and confidence fade away as he nods in response.
I lean in to kiss his forehead before settling mine against it, raising my eyes to meet his once more.
“Listen to me, Spence. I don’t care about that one bit. I just wanted to know how to proceed, okay? I actually like the idea of teaching you a few things, if you’ll let me. I think we could have a lot of fun.”
The sparkle is back in his eyes as he gives me a shy smile. “I’m ready”.
“Okay so we’re gonna use the color system since it’s easy to remember. Green means keep going. Yellow means stop what we are doing and try something else. Red means we stop completely, okay?”
“Red. Yellow. Green. Got it.”
I lean back to properly look at him once more, savoring every moment, the feeling of the air between us as anticipation builds. Before I have a chance to lean back in, Spencer wraps my face in his hands, pulling me into a passion-fueled kiss. I decide to let him lead this part, hoping his confidence will build before we enter new territory. It isn’t long before his tongue is slipping into each kiss, inviting mine to join in. As tensions rise, the kisses grow more eager until we are grinding against one another moans escaping both our lips.
He grabs at the hem of my shirt before timidly asking for permission. I smile and nod, lifting my hands as he pulls it over my head. He’s surprised to find me lacking yet another clothing item as he takes in the sight of my bare breasts, only inches from his face.
“Do you want to touch them?”
He nods with excitement, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. How could I possibly do anything but give into his every desire?
“Go ahead” I say, smiling down at him. It’s like watching a child open their presents on Christmas. It is all so new to him, and he doesn't even try to hide his excitement. His hands move from my hips to slide up my back until they’re resting behind my shoulders. He gently pulls me forward as he leans in to nibble, suck, and kiss every inch of skin he can get his mouth on. It doesn’t take long before he takes my nipple into his mouth, sucking passionately at the sensitive skin as he uses his hand to knead the skin on my other breast. He looks up at me with need as he moans around my breast, tongue flicking back and forth.
I let my head fall back as I moan through the pleasure. Something about Spencer, his innocence, his neediness, is making every touch shoot straight through me like a bolt of lighting, sparks electrifying each and every nerve. Once I feel his teeth bite down, I can’t help but hiss from the pain and pleasure as my fingers find a grip in his hair.
“Fuck baby” I barely find the breath to say.
A smug grin tugs at the corners of his mouth as I push him back into the couch.
I lean in to whisper into his ear “my turn”, sending a shiver through his body.
I’m biting and sucking on his neck in the places I know will drive him wild. It’s moments before I have his shirt off, dragging my nails down his chest to mark him as my own. It’s important to me that Spencer feels he has some control over his first experience, so I take a moment to look deep in his eyes before asking, “what would you like to try first?”
“Can you um- well do you think I could get-you know?”
His eyes dart nervously between my eyes and his lap as he tries his best to ask for what he wants.
“Are you asking me to give you a blowjob baby?”
Spencer gives a quick nod, his curls falling in his face.
“How about I start and if you’re a real good boy and do what I say, I’ll let you fuck my face? How does that sound?”
All I can hear is a series of moans and what sounds like the word “amazing” mixed in with a few curses.
I grab his hand, leading him to the bedroom as he follows along, willingly and wide-eyed. I waste no time sinking to my knees as I undo his belt and pants, never once breaking eye contact. The need in his eyes, the desperation to feel my mouth on him, he couldn’t hide it if he wanted to.
I’m on my knees in seconds and the first thing to draw my eyes away from his is inches away from my face. I start by pressing a few gentle kisses to the top before letting my spit dribble down the sides and spreading it with a few strokes of my hand. One lick from base to tip with my eyes locked back in on his and he’s already quivering at the knees.
Spencer savors the first few minutes as I do all the work, moving my tongue and lips in new and interesting ways just to keep him on his toes. I finally pull his hands up and into my hair, giving him a look to signal I am handing him the reigns. He starts off gentle, slow. How very Spencer of him. I make sure to give him a show, moaning to show him just how much I am enjoying the feeling of him thrusting his hips into my face. My moans eventually emboldened him to pick up his pace as he begins to hit the back of my throat. Tears are streaming down my cheeks but the look in my eyes screams fuck me harder.
Suddenly my skin grows cold as Spencer pulls away, and I miss the feeling of having him touch me in any way. My first concern is Spencer as I quickly stand to check on him.
“What’s wrong Spence? Are you okay? You need to stop or take a break?”
He shakes his floppy curls, giggling a bit through a smile he can’t hide. He reaches over to hold my hands in his before gaining the confidence to look my in the eyes while asking his question.
“That’s not where I want to finish. Plus, all the literature leads me to believe we need to help you cum, first.” The light blush dusting his cheeks deepens at his admission. I almost moan out loud simply from hearing those words from his mouth. Just when I think I can’t get any more turned on, he continues.
“Can I- I mean is it alright if I try to- it’s just I’ve never-“
My eyes follow his line of sight, all the way down to the hem of my panties. I can’t help but blush knowing I’m not only Spencer’s first time, but he also wants to take things on to his own hands and pleasure me as well. Whoever gets to sleep with him from now on will be one lucky woman.
“Only if you really want to. Tonight is all about you okay, anything you want or don’t want, it’s your call.”
“Oh! Well I really want to- with you, I mean! Unless of course you’re uncomfortable in which case-“
I sweetly cut him off from digging himself into a deeper hole of anxiety with a gentle finger over his mouth. My lips brush against his ear as I whisper, “Spencer, there is nothing I want more than to have those plump lips of yours between my legs.”
The whimper he lets out really seals the deal. I am dripping and ready to go. Shimmying my way back on to the bed, I spread my legs, beckoning him closer with a single finger. Spencer swallows the lump in his throat before approaching, but once he gets a good look, he’s practically salivating. He takes his time on each leg, treating every inch of skin as though it deserves to be cherished. I close my eyes in order to take in every feeling, every kiss of his lips, every swipe of his tongue, every nibble of his teeth.
Once his arms wrap around my thighs, I feel his hot breath on my core, dripping more for him than I ever thought possible. He goes in with sweet, gentle licks, taking his time and savoring every moment. His eyes lock in on mine and I feel my pleasure increase ten fold. When he pulls away, I worry once again we have gone too far for his comfort. But his next words truly melted my heart.
“Am I uh- am I doing- okay?” He panted through heavy breaths.
“You’re doing so good for me sweet boy. It feels incredible! If you want to try something different you can try sucking on my clit, or fingering me while you keep going with your mouth.”
Spencer’s eyes light up with excitement. He’s so eager to learn. I can certainly get used to that. It’s seconds before I can tell he’s following my instructions perfectly.
“Mmhhhm just like that baby. And if you curl your fingers up just like- oh fuck! You listen so well. You’re gonna make me come so fast.”
My back arches as my impending orgasm barrels towards me. Anything I say at this point is broken up by pants and moans and the occasional expletive. I lock eyes with Spencer once more, and I can tell he’s a man on a mission. The moans leaving him are even filthier than my own. He’s enjoying himself so much, and he wants me to know it. That is the last thought to cross my mind before I feel myself pushed off the edge. Due to Spencer’s persistence to keep going, my orgasm is dragged out for much longer than usual, waves of pleasure hitting me over and over again as I tug on his beautiful curls.
Once he’s finished his work, he crawls up the bed to lay next to me, looking over as though I am his favorite person in the world. At least I know he’s my favorite, and that will never change.
We take a moment to revel in the bliss, before I remember he hasn’t even cum yet. I roll over to look him in the eyes as I trail my fingers up and down his chest.
“Do you want to keep going or do you want to stop? It’s completely up to you.”
“Can we keep going?” He asks with a look of pure innocence on his face.
“Of course, baby,” I whisper, running my fingers through his hair and nibbling at his neck. “You can have me any way you want me.”
Spencer’s eyes grow big with excitement, and I can see the wheels turning in his head as he decides which way he wants to ravish me in most.
“Can you get on y-your hands and knees for me, p-p-please?”
Shooting him a devilish grin, I slowly push myself up into position, making sure to wriggle my hips in his face. His hands rub up my arms, fingers trailing down my back, and I can only imagine the way he is probably drooling as he takes in the view that’s so new to him. Finally his fingers sink into my hips as he lines himself up with my entrance.
“Are you sure it’s ok?”
I glance back over my shoulder to give him a reassuring smile.
“Yes Spencer, I promise.”
“Wait! Are you still on that um- do you still have that IUD?”
“Mmhm. I’m okay just like this if you are.”
He’s tentative at first, whining and groaning every time he moves deeper into me.
“Y/N, you feel so g-good!”
After we both adjust to the feeling, he finds himself craving more, burying himself deeper and faster. The slapping of wet skin mingled with our moans is music to my ears. He surprises me by wrapping his fingers through my hair, giving a sharp tug, and I can’t even help the filthy moan that escapes me.
“Spence yes, fuck me harder! You’re doing so, so good for me!”
I feel the soft skin of his chest against my back, his hot breath on my neck, as he moves to be even closer to me, buried in me. I revel in the way he paws at my breasts and kisses my neck with such desperation, desperate to feel every inch of me, desperate for his release, desperate to cause mine.
Spencer says it so quietly I almost miss it.
“You’re so perfect.”
He’s got one last surprise in store for me as his fingers trail down to the one place that will send me toppling over the edge.
“Fuck Spence! Fuck fuck fuck-“
“Come for me Y/N,” Is the last thing I hear, whispered in my ear with such surprising confidence that my knees give out as my body trembles, his hands holding my hips tight against him. His name is the only word I can bring myself to say, over and over- and over.
I feel him pull out before he softly asks me to lay on my back. I’m confused, until I glance up to see the way he’s looking down at me so lovingly as he puts himself back where he belongs, inside of me. He begins again with more confidence than the first time, but he’s less hurried, less animalistic. I feel only love coming from him, whether it’s from the slow but steady thrust of his hips, the way he’s looking into my eyes, or the deep passionate kisses that just keep coming.
“So beautiful.” Spencer says it as though it’s fact, looking at me like I’m the only person he ever wants to be with.
I close my eyes to revel in the amazing feeling of our bodies intertwined. I know he’s close as high-pitched whines begin to leave his lips once more. I have to give him props- he’s lasted longer than I expected. Deciding to give him the same courtesy of helping him along, I bring my fingers up into his hair, pulling him down for one last kiss before I speak up.
“Spence, fuck- Be a good boy and come inside me!”
That’s all it takes. He’s holding himself against my hips, buried deep inside me, filling me up in the best possible way. It’s never felt quite like this before. It’s enough to bring me right along with him. I’m in a daze over the way it feels pulsating around him. Next thing I know, we’re sharing needy, sweet, wet kisses between desperate attempts to catch our breath.
Once I’ve gone to the bathroom and helped him clean up, we are able to take in the weight of what we have just done, knowing our relationship will never be the same. I find myself suddenly shy outside of the situation that gave me so much bravery. I’m worried that the new discovery of what we could be together will be the first and the last.
“So, how was your first time? Was it worth it?”
A small giggle leaves his lips before he leans in, gracing my cheeks with the touch of his hands to pull me in for a completely overwhelming kiss.
“Even more perfect than I could have hoped for. And Y/N, I think every time with you will feel like the first time.”
Tag list: @cielo1984
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Damage, Pt. 2
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x OFC Holly Woods
Word Count: 3.8 K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF  Read at your own risk. Pining, angst, FWB, graphic sex, protected sex, talk of getting tested for STD’s, Krispy Kreme, and all the feels.
A/N: It’s my birthday and I missed Rafa and Holly, so I wrote my own deliverance. At this point, these two are so oblivious, it isn’t funny. This happens just after Last Christmas.
This December adventure began early that morning, as Daveed and Rafa taught your writing classes and then hosted a Holiday showcase for your kids. 
They donated their time and talents as a favor for you. It was so damn cute and thoughtful that you’d thanked Rafael and then kissed him under the mistletoe. Almost as if you were in a relationship.
You weren’t in a relationship, however. You’d only shared two nights together, as friends who fucked, and you had an understanding that it wouldn’t be any more than that. Rafael and you had an agreement to service each other for the time being, no commitment, no feels. 
And who were you to him? He was a creative, a star who could jet off around the world in a moment’s notice for a glamorous affair.  You were just a school teacher who worked every day in LA. Rafael would never want you for his girl. So this situationship served a utilitarian purpose, not a romantic one. 
After the kiss, Rafael’s mind was whirring. He slowly backed away and checked the time, noticing that it was just after 9 pm. The night was young. He didn’t want the night with you to end. 
Rafael felt the urge to be with you again, but he didn’t want to push his luck. You were so dope and the fact that you didn’t know it made you even more so.  You were refreshing with your intelligence, adding to the facts that you did not give a fuck who he was, did not play to his ego, and did not want him to wife you.  
That last part was refreshing, but also troubling as he evaluated his feelings for you. But there were no feelings to be involved; you’d made that clear.  If he fell for you, you’d probably end it. You clearly didn’t want to be bothered with his lifestyle, and frankly, he didn’t deserve you. 
But he could possibly have tonight. It would be the last chance to be with you before you went to Houston to visit your family for Christmas, and the thoughts of you he’d had since Tuesday couldn’t wait another week.
You gathered yourself together and got your emotions in check.  You told yourself that you were just fond of him as a friend, but that’s where the sentiment ended.  You only had to repeat that to yourself about three times before your heart started to slow down.
Rafael smiled at you, crossing his legs and leaning on your desk while watching you work, finally getting your things together so that you could leave.  It had been a long day.
You were wearing your work clothes, white button down shirt, black pencil skirt and heels. Your Christmas cardigan had been discarded when you started cleaning up. That skirt was fit. ting.  Damn, that ass.  You were all covered up, but the clothes got him a little hard. 
You watched him watching you and gave him a smile that made his blue-greens light up.
“Did you have fun with my badass kids today?” 
Rafa laughed at your joke. He saw how much you loved your students. 
“They’re not bad. Some kids just need different ways to learn and show that they’ve learned. But you know that already.”
He shook his head at you. He could read you like a book.
“You try to pretend that you’re mean Ms. Woods but I know better. They wouldn’t love you so much if you were mean to them. Like young Timothy. He sure does love you a lot. You’re… what is it he called you?  His Cutie Pie?” Rafa looked at you with a cocked eyebrow. Timmy was his nemesis.
There was something in his voice that made you stop and look.  Could Rafa be jealous of a kindergartner?  Nah. But he was certainly worked up.
You smiled mischievously, walking towards him with some workbooks in your hand.
“I am ‘Mean Ms. Woods.’” 
You came close to him and leaned beside him to put the workbooks on your desk. Standing in front of him, your legs on either side of his, Rafael got caught up. He kept his hands clasped in front of him and eyes on you as you got close. But he couldn’t help but lean in, try to look down your shirt and kiss you on your neck.  
You stepped back before his lips made contact, teasing him.  The way he huffed and clenched his jaw got you going. That smoldering look and flashing green eyes always did.
You  definitely wanted to give him some, if he wanted, after what he had pulled off today for your kids.  You were happy that he seemed to want you too. But you were chilling. You wondered about other women in his rotation. 
You laughed a little and smiled, shaking your head at yourself.
Rafa smiled, seeing that you were flustered about something and hoping that something was him. He knew the cat and mouse game was just beginning.
It had been just three days but he was feening for you. Especially after seeing you with your kids this morning. You were something special. Someone he couldn’t let… He stopped his train of thought as you started talking.
“Timothy is a handful.  Mischievous, hella smart, quick witted. And a little charmer. He’s always trying to get a kiss. He has a ton of potential. Reminds me of someone else…” 
Rafael’s quick wit turned you the fuck on. Not to mention his face. And... Whew. Your thoughts were getting out of control. 
The way you were smiling at him made Rafa‘s heart leap. He tried to push the emotions down and just feel the physical.  But he did care about you. A lot. 
“Ok, enough about Timenstien.  Let’s talk about adult things…”  He just wanted to pick you up and carry you outta here the way you cocked your head at him.
“...Like the arrangement for benefits without borders. The tests, the shot… “ You just continued to stare at him.  When you licked your lips, Rafa put his hands in front of him to cover up his hard on.
You laughed again. “‘Benefits Without Borders,’ you should copyright that.”  
“Yeah, or call it, ‘FWB Raw’” Rafael had jokes.
You cracked up.  “I can’t with you, Rafa.”
Rafael’s face fell. “I mean your jokes, I can’t with your jokes. Sheesh.” 
You turned around to gather more books. Rafa fixed his face, but his eyes couldn’t leave your ass.
“Anyway, I already started the process. I went and was able to get an appointment Wednesday after school, so the shot should take effect next week.”
After the night you’d had Tuesday, you definitely wanted to experience that again. It was fortunate that your doctor had an opening on such short notice.
Rafa’s heart leapt when he heard that, but his face showed no emotion, just a cocked eyebrow when you turned back around.
“Word. Yeah, I’m actually leaving Sunday morning, Christmas Eve, and won’t be back until the 30th...So.”
“So…” Rafa’s eyes, they were changing colors on you. It put you off balance.
“So, if we go get the tests tonight, next week might be available for no barrier method benefits between friends  That is if you still want to….” You bit your lip. Rafa cleared his throat and you saw a smile playing around his mouth.
“Let’s think about the last time when that almost happened.” And he paused so you could go there. You had to lean on one of the children’s tables to think of the shower. You were most definitely wet right now.  
Rafa watched you as you had to open your mouth to breathe.Yes, he was definitely about to get some tonight. He wanted more than just sex, but right now he would take what he could get. Then your face changed to uncertainty.
“By the time I get back, you’ll probably have other plans for New Year’s weekend…”
Rafa was confused. “Nah, I’m going next door for Utkarsh and Naomi’s party… aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but you-- we-- might have dates or something.”
Ohhhhh. That’s what was up. Rafa nodded.  Shit.  You might have someone else in the rotation.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. True that.  There’s a couple of people, I mean. A few.”
Rafa was lying through his teeth, no one in his phone could hold a candle to you. Sure, they were ready, willing and able. But they were not you. And you didn’t have to know that.
“See, so…”
Rafa mourned the lost vibe.  He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, not caring how it looked anymore. You watched him and longed to have your fingers in his mane, but you were chilling.
“Look. The other night we said that this was a special deal between us. I don’t wanna tie you down.  We’ll just see how things go, I mean, you might hook up in Houston…” He watched you, waiting for you to deny it.
You didn’t deny it simply because you did not know how to say that the only one you wanted to take advantage of the situation was him. You just stared at him. When you didn’t say anything, he went on.
“...old flames, new boos, whatever.  The tests will be good information to have in any circumstance.  I say we go for it.”
"Let's get it!"
An hour later you were at the Krispy Kreme donuts on Crenshaw on the way to your place. You had already dropped your car off and were now chilling with the homie after getting tested for STDs. 
You were staring in the window of the bakery, watching the donuts getting that hot glaze now and licking your lips.  They were so tempting. You were thinking donuts and Rafa was thinking the same about your lips.
"I don't think these will help with my anemia."  Your little laugh was so cute to Rafa.
The only bad news you’d got from the blood tests was that you needed more iron. You were both clean and ready to go.
"Let's get some. That glaze does something to me. I just want to lick some of that creamy stuff from around that hole..." Rafa was staring at you while he spoke, the “Hot Donuts Now” sign casting an eerie red light on half of his face.
"You’re so nasty...." you giggled.
Rafael screwed up his face. 
"What? I'm talking ‘bout some donuts.  I don't know what you're talking about." Rafa felt irrationally happy being here with you. Because you were a great friend. Yeah, that was it.
You got a dozen and left on the way to your house.  You stole a donut while riding. You looked at him while licking your fingers.
You’d decided that you wanted to have him before you left, even if you had to use protection. After you ate the donut, you put your thumb in your mouth, sucked for a second, and removed it with a loud pop, still staring at Rafa.
He almost pulled over to the side of the road.  But he was determined. "Hmmmm." Was all he replied as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
You put your hand on Rafael’s knee and moved it up a few inches to his dick. It was appropriately swollen. You smiled and started stroking it through his pants.  You felt it get harder. 
"I’ve been thinking about you a lot tonight. What you did for the kids was so… It was nice. On the other hand, I can’t wait for you to fuck my throat."
Rafa almost choked on nothing. You always surprised him and made him feel like an insecure, horny teenage boy.  But he wasn't going out like that. You were just a few minutes from your place.
"You know what. I'd love to see those tits right now."
“Right now? While you are driving?”
“I’m grown. Been driving since I was 15. I got this.”
You giggled, but reached up and unbuttoned your shirt. Your breasts were bathed in the moonlight, sitting perky and upright in your sheer black bra. Holy fuck. Your nipples were calling to him.
He'd distracted you from his dick, but his mouth was watering.  All he wanted was to fulfill your dirty fantasies. He reached your apartment and turned off the car.  You leaned back against the window. Rafael turned towards you, appraising you impassively. He had to use his acting skills to seem calm. Damn, you had him twisted.
"Touch them for me."
You licked your lips at his command.
"But I think I still have some glaze on my..."
Rafa just stared at you.
You did as you were told and pulled your bra cups down, freeing your breasts.  You started feeling and pulling on your nipples.  Your eyes were half closed in ecstasy as you started moaning and fogging the windows of Rafa’s car. He was right there with you as he palmed himself through his pants and feasted his eyes on you for a few minutes.
He leaned over and took over your breasts with his mouth. He licked and sucked each of them, making you wet all over again.
“Mmmmm. So sweet.” He looked up at you, his breath fanning your face from below.
You giggled. “It’s the icing from the donut.”
“Nah girl, it’s just how you taste. Like the sweetest ambrosia.”
Damn, his words. Rafael Casal and his damn words. You just stared at him, speechless.
Rafael drew in a ragged breath and reached over to pull your bra up and button your shirt just enough to be decent going into your apartment. It was so tender. But in a no feels kind of way.
“Let’s go on up.”
Rafa peered into your soul. Sure, you wanted him. But was it really just for friendship and occasional dick?
“Eager, are we?”
His voice did something to you. The soft tenor and the earnestness of his requests of you made you melt. How did he do things to you without touching you? You didn’t want to analyze it too much, so you threw the question back on him.
“You’e not?”  Your challenge threw him off. He chuckled to hide his nerves.
“Yes, I’m eager Holly.  I’ve been thinking about the last time since the last time. I want you.”
You closed your eyes and licked your lips, trying to center yourself. “That’s cool.”
You reached for your bag and moved to get out of the car.
“Hold on,” Rafa moved quickly to get out and go around to open the door for you, his chivalry not unnoticed by you. Again, the little things made you want him even more.  This was not going to be good for your heart when he decided to move on.
You led the way to your place and started up the stairs to your apartment before him.
It seemed as if that ass was going left to right in slow motion as Rafael watched it intently. He shook his head to see if he was bugging. When you glanced at him over her shoulder, he knew.
He grinned at you and looked back at it when you turned back around, catching a glimpse of a garter belt on your thighs through the slit in your skirt as you climbed the stairs.
Holy fuck! He had to have you. He rubbed his fingers right before reaching out to verify, then drew them back, because it wouldn’t do to fuck you outside on the stairs of your apartment building.
Rafa gave you some space as you opened the door, but as soon as you were inside, he pushed you up against the wall, hands everywhere.  It seemed as if he’d waited forever and not just three days. You had him addicted. 
You moaned as Rafael started kissing down your neck to your cleavage, dropping your bags on the floor by your feet. He saw a peek of your black bra through your shirt. He remembered the garter set and had to see the entire affect. He backed up, taking you in from head to toe.
"You wanna take those clothes off, or do you want me to rip them off?"
You smiled. "I guess I'll choose the first option."
You slowly unbuttoned your blouse, and peeled the skirt from your hips. It was so seductive that by the time you were done, Rafa had undressed as well, his thick dick in his hands, getting it ready for you.
You stood before him, in a sheer black lace bra and garter set, with no panties. The fact that you had been like that all day under your clothes made him get even harder. And you were looking at what he was holding and licking your lips.
"You hungry?"
"Yes. Please."
Rafael laid you down on the couch. He turned your head and filled your mouth as he stood at one end of the sofa. He used his free hand to twist and flick your rock hard nipples through your bra. Damn, he loved it when you moaned with his dick in your mouth.
“You like that Holly? This what you wanted?”
You were ravenous, stroking off what you couldn’t fit in your mouth naturally. And you were busy, so you just nodded. Rafa continued to torture your nipples with one hand, but moved his other hand down to your clit, swirling insistent and concentrated circles around it.
You were so worked up that it did not take too long for him to manipulate an orgasm from you. “Damn, girl.” 
He was in heaven as you came with your mouth around his dick. Good thing, it muffled the sound. He was concentrating on not shooting off down your throat as he watched you, writhing in your garter set and licking his fingers, and then moving down to eat some of your delicious cream. 
Rafa held your hips down mercilessly as you fought your next orgasm.  He tongued you through it, taking all that you had to give him and successfully keeping you from running from it.
When he rose from between your legs, and wiped his face with the back of his hand, you looked as if you were going to sleep, your eyes vacant and rolling back in your head.  You were in shock from all the pleasure.
"Get that ass up."
You languidly obeyed and stood before him, eyes glowing and sexy ass lips smiling. Something in Rafael’s heart lurched and he couldn’t explain to anyone why. He was mad for some reason. 
Conflicted with different emotions, he just grabbed your waist and roughly turned you around, grabbing your arm and twisting it behind your back as he bent you over the arm of the couch.
You looked amazing in what you were wearing. He rubbed your ass before he smacked it, hard. Rafa was rewarded with a moan and an arched back. 
“Are you ready for this dick?” He smiled as he put the tip alllllmost in.
Then he remembered.  “Shit.” 
He went into your bedroom, seeing your suitcase set up and mostly packed for the trip.  He brushed away the feeling that he had at what that meant and quickly went to your bedside table for a condom. He didn’t want to lose the vibe.
He came back into the living room to the sight of you still bent over, head resting on the couch cushion.  He stroked himself to full staff again, put the condom on, and lined up with your cunt.
“Still ready?” 
He didn’t have to ask as he heard your moan and felt you try to push back to take him.  He stilled your movement with this hand on your hip, wanting to prolong the anticipation.  His heart skipped a beat as you asked him for it.
“Please, Rafa, please give it to me…”
He sank into you, none too easily. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight. And so wet. I love to see you cream for me, Holly. Can’t wait to feel it again.” He couldn’t wait until you returned, so that he wouldn’t have to worry about condoms. That is if you hadn’t…
He brushed the thought of you with another man out of his mind and slapped your ass, angry again.  You whimpering beneath him had him almost out of control.  You, it seemed, were on the same page.
“Oh, Rafa.  I’m so close already. I’m going to….” Rafa just kept hitting that spot, making your knees buckle. You were grateful for the support of the couch arm.
“Fuck, Rafa… I’m gonna c-c-cummmmmm.” You started pounding around him, and he grabbed the back of your neck.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK, fuck, fuck.” Rafa had no other words at the moment.
You were screaming into the couch cushion as he emptied his cum into the condom, his hips stuttering and erratic in their rhythm. 
He leaned over you and onto your back after he was spent, for just a few moments. Then, he straightened up and made his way to your bathroom to get rid of the condom. 
Rafael washed up a little and looked at himself in the mirror. It was hopeless.  He brought out a washcloth for you and found you curled up on the couch.
“Let me..” Rafa approached you to clean you up, and you let him, trying not to register the intimacy and tenderness of the act.  He was just being a good friend.
When he was done, you thanked him and went to the bathroom, shaking your head at yourself in the mirror. You felt helpless and a slave to the feelings that weren’t supposed to be there.
You made your way back into your bedroom, took off the garter and hose, and pulled on some sweats and a tee.
In the living room, Rafa was dressed as well. And standing by the door. Your heart sank a little. But you smiled and went toward him.
“Thank you, that was just what I needed after a long week. You headed out?”
Why didn’t you just invite him to stay over?
“Yeah, I better go. You probably have a ton to do before you leave.”
Rafael didn’t know how to say that he wanted to stay, but if he did, he would wind up saying too much. “Can I have a hug?” He needed you in his arms, just one more time.
You smiled at him. “Is it even a question, after what we just did?”
You were sad that he didn’t want really to hug, he just wanted to fuck. He was just being nice, but that didn’t keep you from burying your head in his chest and squeezing tight as you went into his embrace. 
Rafael inhaled the scent of your hair and closed his eyes as he cradled you, holding you close to his heart. “You have a safe trip, and a good time with your people. Merry Christmas again, Holly.”
Your eyes welled up as you kept your head in his chest. “I will, Rafa. Thank you so much again for today. It was everything. Merry Christmas, Rafa. Have a good one.”
You lowkey wiped your eyes on his shirt before you looked up at him and smiled. You gazed at each other for a minute before he let you go.
“See you in a few days. You know, maybe.” He fumbled for the doorknob behind him.
You laughed and smiled, catching his heart. “Yeah, see you next week. Possibly.”
“Bye Holly.” He’d finally found the doorknob and was backing out of it.
“See ya, Rafael.” You were shaking your head at him as you closed the door.
You leaned against it for a long time as Rafa made his way to the car, and banged his head on the steering wheel.
You both were idiots in love. And you didn’t even realize it.
Let me know if you liked it! Like, comment, reblog, please. 😁
Taglist: @braidedchallah @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @delaber @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @janthonystan @anh1020 @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders  @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin  @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs  @einfachniemand 
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lucys-key · 3 years
Unexpected Encounters (Eren Yeager x Reader)
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Part 2: We Meet Again
Rating: Mature (18+ only)
Warnings: Some light alcohol use in this chapter, language, and ~passionate~ making out
A/N: Thank you for the positive response on this story! I had to include some of my fave frat party songs in this chapter LOL. Future chapters will contain smut, so I am changing the rating to NSFW/18+ :)
It had been two weeks since you began classes at Shiganshina University, and you were still just starting to get your bearings.
Overall, you had to say that things were going fairly well. Move-in was easy enough, and you were proud of how cute your dorm looked. Your roommate was a petite blonde girl named Historia who you immediately became friends with. Her girlfriend, Ymir, was also often in your room, so they became the people you spent the most of your time with.
There had also been a freshman orientation during the week before classes started, but you didn’t really end up making any other solid friendships from it, with the exception of Annie. She lived down the hall from you and was the one other person besides Historia and Ymir who you spent time with. Annie was in your orientation group, and the two of you had bonded over how exhausting the orientation was and had remained friends ever since.
It was a Friday evening, and you were walking to your dorm with Annie and her roommate, Hitch. You thought that they made an extremely funny pair, as Annie was not very expressive or energetic, and Hitch was the complete opposite. Their personalities complemented each other, however, and no matter how much Annie complained about Hitch’s attitude, you could tell that she liked her.
“I can’t believe it’s Friday again!” Hitch exclaimed as the three of you walked. “We’ve made it a total of three whole weeks here!”
Annie sighed and said, “I can’t believe it’s only been three weeks. I feel like I’ve been here forever.”
You laughed and Hitch poked Annie’s shoulder. “Aww, cheer up!” she said.
As you continued to walk across campus, you passed one of the many frat houses. When Hitch saw it, she made a sound indicating that she had remembered something important.
“Oh yeah!” Hitch exclaimed. “The frats are open tonight!”
To be honest, the idea of attending a frat party kind of terrified you. For the last two weekends, the frats had not been open for their general parties because they were going through the recruitment process for new members.
You, as well as your friends, had chosen not to join Greek life. You figured that your first year of college was going to be stressful enough, and you didn’t need to add sorority obligations on top of everything else. Besides, you could always join next year or the year after.
“How exciting,” Annie said, making it clear that she was not, in fact, excited.
“Oh come on, Annie! It will be fun!” Hitch encouraged, but Annie didn’t give in.
Hitch frowned, but then her expression brightened as she said your name and asked, “Are you going out tonight?”
You honestly weren’t sure. Although the idea made you nervous, you weren’t completely against it.
“I guess I’ll have to see what Historia and Ymir are doing,” you replied, which was the truth. If they were planning on going, then you could definitely be convinced to go with them.
Hitch smiled and nodded at your response.
“Sounds good!” she said, and then began to talk about something else as the three of you continued to walk to your dorm hall.
Once you got back, you stopped at your door and waved to Annie and Hitch as they walked down the hall to theirs. You took your key out of your bag and unlocked the door.
“Hey!” Historia greeted you as you stepped into the room. You saw that she was lying clothes out on her bed while Ymir sat on the chair by her desk.
“What are you doing?” you asked after setting your bag on the floor by your own bed.
Historia continued to move her clothes around while she spoke.
“I’m trying to find an outfit to wear tonight,” she informed you. From the types of clothes Historia had laid out, you assumed that she was most likely planning on going to a party later.
“I keep telling her just to wear anything. It doesn’t even matter,” Ymir said from her place on the chair.
Historia frowned cutely at her girlfriend. “But I want to look good! It’s my first college party.”
Ymir mumbled something under her breath but then stood up to help Historia pick out an outfit.
You smiled as you watched the two of them, but then your phone buzzed from your pocket. You took it out and saw that Sasha had texted you with an update about how her day was going. She seemed to be adjusting really well at her school. You two still talked every day.
You typed out a reply to her message and began to scroll through your social media, but then Historia’s voice shifted your attention.
“Are you coming with us tonight?” she asked, looking hopeful.
You sighed, realizing that you really did want to go. Besides, if Historia and Ymir were with you, everything should be fine.
“Sure. I’ll come,” you confirmed. Historia let out a noise of celebration and Ymir smiled.
After a few seconds, you realized that there was a lot you needed to do before it was time to leave in a few hours.
It was about 7pm, and you wanted to get some last-minute work done before the weekend officially started. You also needed to shower and pick out an outfit for later.
You took a deep breath, suddenly feeling excited about what the night might have in store.
Three and a half hours later, you looked at your phone to check the time. It was 10:30pm and you figured it was almost time to leave. You looked at yourself in the large mirror that hung over the back of the door of your room. Since the weather was still very warm, you chose to wear a pair of shorts and one of your favorite tank tops.
After showering earlier, you did your makeup the way that made you feel beautiful, needing the extra confidence boost. The makeup still looked good and you decided that you were ready.
Historia was by her bed adding the finishing touches to her look, and Ymir was tying her shoes. When the three of you were ready, you all complimented each other on how you looked, and then left the room for the night.
When you stepped into the hallway, you saw Hitch coming out of her room, and to your surprise, Annie was beside her. You guessed she had been convinced to go after all.
Hitch waved at you guys and then walked over.
“You all look great!” she said. You saw Ymir put a subtle protective arm around Historia.
“Thanks, Hitch! You and Annie, too!” Historia replied, and then you all made your way out of your dorm building.
Your group ended up following Hitch, as she assured you all that she knew just the place to go. As you walked, you couldn’t help but feel the excitement in the atmosphere. There were people everywhere, and you could hear happy, drunken laughter and music as people spilled out of dorms and houses.
You walked for a few more minutes and eventually ended up in front of a large house. There were a lot of people hanging out outside, and you looked up to see the Greek letters above the porch.
“Come on!” Hitch said. You took a deep breath before following her up the steps.
When you got to the door, there was a muscular blonde guy standing by it talking to someone who you assumed to be one of his friends. You heard Ymir snort from behind you as she walked up to the two boys.
“Sup, Reiner?” she said, and the guy called Reiner scowled.
“They’ve got you newbies working the door?” Ymir continued to tease him. Reiner’s scowl only deepened.
“Nice to see you, too,” Reiner said, and then opened the door. “Just go in already.”
Ymir smiled in triumph, and then you all walked into the house.
“How does she know him?” you asked Historia, and she laughed.
“I know him, too. The three of us went to high school together. He and Ymir have never really gotten along,” Historia informed you. You laughed and nodded in understanding.
You walked through the large house and saw people everywhere. There was a large living room where people were sitting, drinking, and talking, but it seemed like the majority of the action was happening in the basement. You heard music and saw tons of people walking through the living room to go downstairs, so you and your friends followed them.
When you got to the bottom of the stairs, you were surprised by how big the basement was. It was like the house had been designed to host huge parties, which, you think, it probably was. The overhead lights had been dimmed significantly and colorful LEDs were the primary source of light. The main part of the basement didn’t have carpeting, and that’s where people were packed together and dancing, holding red plastic cups in their hands.
“Do you want to get something to drink?” Historia asked, but she almost had to shout because the music was so loud.
Thankfully you heard her and nodded in response instead of trying to speak over the music. Historia said something to Ymir, and then she began to walk towards the dance floor. Historia gestured for you to follow and you grabbed her hand as she led you through the mass of people.
She veered off to the right where there was a small room that had been converted into a makeshift bar.
You looked around and saw a bunch of frat guys standing behind the counter handing people drinks. You couldn’t see their faces because the people in front of you were too tall, so you and Historia waited for them to move. You felt your phone buzz and took it out of your pocket to check it, but then Historia pulled you forward as space became available in front of the counter.
You were still looking at your phone, but then your attention immediately snapped up when you heard Historia speak.
“Hey, Jean!” she exclaimed.
Jean? Did you hear that right?
Sure enough, a familiar face was standing behind the counter. You had to keep your mouth from opening in shock. Somehow you had absolutely no idea that Jean went to your school, or that he had even been planning to go there in the first place. You hadn’t seen him on campus since you got there three weeks ago.
“What’s up?!” Jean enthusiastically greeted Historia, and then he turned to look at you. He was clearly just as shocked as you were.
His initial surprise didn’t last long, however, as he grinned and said, “Oh shit! Hey!”
Historia looked between you and Jean, putting together that the two of you knew each other from somewhere. When Jean took two cups from the counter and began to fill them, Historia turned to you and asked, “You know Jean?”
You nodded and leaned in closer so she could hear you. “Yup. Went to high school with him.”
Historia giggled and then looked back at Jean as he finished filling the cups with what you assumed was a mixture of all different types of alcohol.
“Here you go!” Jean said and handed the cups to you and Historia.
Before you turned around to leave, Jean gave you a knowing look. You weren’t sure what it meant, so you decided to ignore him and walk with Historia back out to the party.
It took you guys a while to find the rest of your friends, but you eventually found Ymir and Annie standing off to the side, looking like they were chatting about something. As you approached them, Hitch suddenly appeared and ran up to Annie to grab her hand.
“Come on!” she urged, and before Annie could object, she was being dragged to the dance floor. You laughed as you watched, but then Historia took Ymir’s hand and gestured for you to follow.
“Let’s go dance!” Historia exclaimed. You followed them, trying your best not to spill your drink as you maneuvered through all of the dancing people.
Eventually, the three of you found a spot that wasn’t so crowded, and you laughed as Historia tried to get Ymir to dance to the beat of “Hotel Room Service.”
Ymir took a drink from Historia’s cup and then relented, letting herself relax as she began to dance with her girlfriend. You took a sip from your cup, too, and felt yourself loosen up. You looked to your left and saw Hitch and Annie moving toward you. You laughed at Annie’s expression, but you could tell she was having a good time.
You danced with them until the song ended, not caring about how you looked and just letting yourself have fun.
After the song was over, your ears got a brief reprieve as there was a pause before the next one started playing. You took another drink, and from where you were standing, you could see the stairs that led to the basement. You saw a group of guys walking down them, and you recognized Reiner and the boy he was talking to at the door of the house. There were two more people behind them, but Reiner and his friend were blocking your view of their faces.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, it was clear that they were all pretty popular as a bunch of guys, who you assumed were in the frat, walked over to greet them and clap them on the back. You snorted at the obnoxious display.
You turned your gaze away from them as your phone buzzed from your pocket. You decided that you should probably check it since you remembered it had also buzzed earlier. But when you looked, it was just Sasha informing you that they had chips at the party she was at. You laughed and sent some celebratory emojis back.
“How was door duty?!” you heard Ymir yell over the music. You looked up to see that Reiner and his friend had made their way onto the dance floor and were standing near you and your friends.
“None of your business,” Reiner asserted, and then said something to his friend that you couldn’t quite make out, but sounded something like, “What’s taking him so long?”
You didn’t know what that meant, and you didn’t have much time to think about it as Historia grabbed your arm started dancing with you. Her movements were dramatic, and you laughed as you danced with her. You had both discarded your empty cups onto the floor with everyone else’s.
You heard Reiner say, “Oh, there you are,” and almost at the same time, felt your back hit something.
You immediately turned around to apologize to whoever it was you had bumped into, and when you did, the other person also turned around to face you. When you saw who it was, you froze.
Because standing in front of you was Eren Yeager.
You kind of stared at him for a second, not knowing what to say or do. You hadn’t seen him since the night you two happened to meet over the summer.
What was he doing in a frat house at your college?
But then you looked down at Eren’s white shirt, and sure enough, the name of your school was written on the front. It appeared that your college was also his college.
Not knowing what else to say, the thing that came out of your mouth was, “You go here?!”
Eren had been staring at you, too, but he laughed after your question.
“Yeah, and I assume you do also?” he asked.
You nodded, still in shock that you had run into him unexpectedly for a second time. Eren looked similar to how he did when you saw him over the summer. His hair was tied back in his usual style, but he had on loose-fitting basketball shorts instead of sweatpants. You also noticed that he had tiny black studs in his ears, which he hadn’t been wearing the last time you saw him.
Eren smiled and then leaned down until his mouth was next to your ear so he didn’t have to talk over the music.
“Funny we keep running into each other like this,” he said.
The air was warm, but you shivered as you felt him so close. Although you hadn’t seen Eren since the summer, he had never really left your mind. You met him when you were so young, and you weren’t sure what you had expected his more mature, adult-self to be like, but you certainly hadn’t been prepared for the Eren that stood in your room at home and in front of you now at this party.
As you looked at Eren’s handsome face, which was illuminated by the colorful flashing lights, you decided to forget about everything else and just enjoy the fact that you were able to see him again.
“Club Can’t Handle Me” was playing over the speakers, and you lightly touched Eren’s arm and looked into his green eyes, grinning mischievously.
“Want to dance?” you asked.
Eren seemed surprised at first, but then he returned your grin as he took your hand and pulled you closer.
You giggled as you put your arms around Eren’s neck, and his hands found your waist. He definitely wasn’t the most coordinated person ever, but it didn’t matter. His movements were enthusiastic and fun, and you were having such a good time. You felt the heat from Eren’s body wherever it made contact with yours.
When the chorus of the song came around, Eren began to mouth the words dramatically, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
He leaned down and asked, “Having fun?”
You nodded at him enthusiastically, and he smiled brightly in return. You saw that a piece of his hair had come loose from where it had been tucked behind his ear, so you brushed it back into place.
“I like your long hair,” you told him before you could stop yourself.
Eren’s eyes widened slightly at the compliment, but then he smirked.
“Really?” he asked playfully.
You regretted telling him for a second, but then you decided to just go with it.
“Yeah. It suits you,” you confessed.
Eren smiled and then brought his lips next to your ear to make sure you could hear him.
“You know,” he said, “I didn’t recognize you at first when we met over the summer.”
You laughed as you remembered that night.
“Yeah, I bet I looked pretty different,” you said. “Six years is a long time.”
“Mhmm,” Eren breathed, and you could hear his words right next to your ear. “You looked good, though. Still do tonight.”
You felt your entire body become hot as your heart rate sped up significantly, the words ringing loud in your ears despite the music. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol that was making you feel so affected by the compliment, or if it was just the fact that it was Eren who had said it.
After a few seconds, Eren moved his head so were looking into his eyes again. You decided that it was most definitely Eren himself who had you all nervous and flustered. Everything about him was suddenly intoxicating, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from his face.
You both stared at each other until your gaze flickered down to his mouth. Your heart rate sped up even more as you realized that you really wanted to kiss him.
It seemed like Eren was thinking the same thing. He watched as your eyes lowered to look at his mouth and he inhaled sharply. He moved his hand from your waist to place it gently on your cheek.
You looked back into Eren’s eyes, seeing your same desire in them. You unwrapped your arms from around his neck and moved them to rest your hands on Eren’s chest. You didn’t care about the music or all of the lights and people around you—the only thing you could focus on was the boy in front of you.
Eren slowly moved his face down until it was mere centimeters from yours. Your entire body felt like it was on fire as Eren looked into your eyes one last time.
“Is this what you want?” he asked, his voice just loud enough so you could hear it over the music.
It wasn’t even a question what you wanted.
“Yes,” you breathed, and Eren smiled.
“Me too,” he whispered, almost to himself, and then brought both of his hands to your face and closed the final gap between you.
It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. As Eren’s lips met yours, you immediately responded to his touch, moving your lips against his eagerly. You could still feel Eren’s hands on your face as he continued to kiss you passionately, making you melt into him completely.
You moved your hands across Eren’s broad chest, feeling the solid muscle through his shirt. He made a noise of approval low in his throat as he expertly parted your lips to explore your mouth with his tongue. You could taste whatever alcohol he had drank earlier that night, and you moved one of your hands from his chest to gently trace the line of his jaw before running it through his hair. Eren moved his hands to your waist and pulled you even closer so there was not even an inch of space where the front of your bodies weren’t touching.
You didn’t know how long you and Eren stayed like that, but eventually, you pulled away from each other, both of you breathing heavy. You stared at him, sort of in a state of disbelief that that had just happened. You’d often mentally roll your eyes at people who shamelessly made out with each other at parties, but you decided that you were beginning to understand the appeal.
Eren appeared to be just as discomposed as you. You had no idea what to say to him after that. You didn’t have to think about it for long, however, as Eren broke the tension.
“Uh…” he said, not able to find any real words to use.
“Yeah…” you replied after a moment, and then you both started to laugh.
Although you hadn’t expected the night to go this way, you had absolutely no complaints. You weren’t sure what this meant for you and Eren’s relationship moving forward, but you decided to worry about that later.
Eren looked like he was about to say something, but then someone came up and threw an arm around his shoulder.
“Yo, Eren, the Pres needs us.”
It appeared that Jean had been released from his job as bartender. You assumed that the “Pres” he was referring to was the president of the fraternity.
“Okay, can you give me a fucking minute?” Eren asked. Jean turned his head to get a better look at who Eren was with.
When he saw you, his eyebrows raised comically, and he smiled knowingly.
“Ahhh, I see,” Jean said, and then he moved his arm off of Eren’s shoulder. “Don’t be too long, though!” Jean called as he walked away.
Eren let out an exasperated breath once Jean was gone.
“Sorry about that,” he said. “New member duties and all.”
You smiled and nodded in understanding. “I get it. You better go, then.”
Eren smiled, albeit regretfully, and then leaned down once more so his face was next to your ear.
“I guess I’ll see you around,” he said, your name leaving his lips at the end of the sentence. You didn’t think you’d ever get used to hearing Eren’s voice so close like that. You didn’t get a chance to respond, however, as Eren had already turned to walk away.
You watched him as he walked until the mass of dancing people blocked your view. You smiled to yourself, so glad that you had chosen to go to this party after all.
You looked around and saw that Reiner and his friend had also gone somewhere else, presumably to the same place as Eren. Before you could look for your friends, you felt someone run up to you and start hitting your back repeatedly.
You turned around and saw that it was Hitch. She had the funniest smile on her face as she exclaimed, “Oh my god! Oh my god!” repeatedly.
“You saw that?” you asked, now feeling shy.
“Yes ma’am,” she said, and then playfully hit your shoulder again. “How could I not?! That was you and EREN FREAKING YEAGER! How do you know him?!”
You laughed at her excitement and said, “It’s a long story.”
Hitch raised her eyebrows suggestively and you shoved her lightly in return.
“It’s not like that,” you tried to convince her.
Hitch just continued to smirk. “Whatever,” she said. “I told you this party would be fun.”
You couldn’t agree with her more.
Read part 3 here
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Can you speak more to your Kirin and Kagura theory? Was Kagura sent to the future by Kirinmaru to protect her? If so, how does Riku know jack shit and think Rin is the mom? Or, if he’s purposefully lying to Towa about Rin being her mom, why would he do that? All I know is Riku looks hella sus whenever he’s with Towa, and especially when he mentions Rin.
Sorry for the late answer, anon, I was gathering information for your question. Surely I will share with you what I've thought so far, knowing that this is only an incomplete theory and not a certainty about what may happen in the future of Hanyo no Yashahime.
Since this post will be long and may contain spoilers I will add a cut, so keep reading if you don't mind it.
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Recently I came across a theory that Osamu Kirin is one of Kirinmaru's offsprings, being this the reason why Kirinmaru could see the future through Osamu's eyes. Actually this kind of power was introduced to InuYasha OG show through Kanna's mirror and Byakuya's flying eyeball, allowing Naraku to see what they were seeing. We get to know about Osamu and Kirinmaru's connected view in episode 23 of Hanyo no Yashahime, where Osamu is looking at the sky at an airport rooftop(?) and saw the comet that comes to Earth every 470/500 years (conflicted translations in the videos I've watched). Shortly after this scene is over, we can see Kirinmaru also watching the same comet, even if it is only shown in the Reiwa period at that moment.
When I've first watched episode 22 and 23 of Hanyo no Yashahime I didn't give a second thought about those events, however now I recognize that they are VERY important to the storytelling. That is why episode 22 ended with the airport scene and episode 23 began with the continuation of this same scene.
There are three important things to notice with the airport event: The first is the connection between Osamu Kirin and Kirinmaru that I've mentioned above (and I am not the best choice to talk further about it, since it is a theory that belongs to another person); Second, Osamu Kirin thought that the comet could be seen by humans at the Reiwa Era, since as pointed out by Sota, the notice of the comet approaching the Earth's atmosphere is being spread through humans; and, the third one is that Osamu Kirin was actually waiting for somebody at the airport, since in the end of episode 22 he shows surprise to see the Higurashi family over there and chooses to make a comunication with Sota in order to catch information about Towa’s wellbeing and to do remarks about the comet instead of following his way.
Now, rewatching episode 15 that is when we first knew about the comet, Riku tells Kagome that every 500 years the comet approaches the Earth atmosphere and drops some fragments. Those fragments if not stopped by a powerful demon and by Meido Zangetsuha technic which is the only attack that can be used to definitively stop it (this note was stated by Jaken in episode 15 and is very important and the reason why InuYasha was kept alive, since he is the only one who can hold Tetsusaiga and summon it), will bring the age of destruction to Earth, the exact same thing that the Spirit of the Tree of Ages (also known as Treekyo) says that is going to happen in episode 4, planned by Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru. The first because he abdicated his title as Lord of the West and the second because he saw an opportunity in it to do as he wanted. We can see it through Sesshomaru's choice in InuYasha OG show and in the reaction of Kirinmaru when the comet appears in the Feudal Era soon after Sesshomaru's daughters were born.
Sesshomaru as the first born of Inu no Taisho was supposed to have heinreted the role of his late father as the ruler of the youkais of the West, that is why Toga left Tenseiga with the hidden power of Meidou Zangetsuha to Sesshomaru, which was the most powerful attack that Inu no Taisho had (perhaps because he believed that InuYasha wouldn’t survive many years with Kirinmaru hunting half-demons). However, Sesshomaru only released this power when Kagura died. In the episode 3 of InuYasha - The Final Act, Totosai says to Sesshomaru that something grew where Sesshomaru's heart was lacking, that is why Tenseiga reacted to his change of heart and was now ready to recieve the Meidou Zangetsuha. However, later on The Final Act, Sesshomaru gave this power to the Tetsusaiga, InuYasha's heinreted sword that the first born couldn't held, meaning that he couldn’t summon this power anymore even if he wanted. Even if Bakusaiga is a powerful weapon, only the Meidou Zangetsuha is able to fully erase the comet’s fragments, like we saw in episode 15 of Hanyo no Yashahime when InuYasha and Sesshomaru fought against it and in episode 22 where Toga and Kirinmaru destroyed it themselves in the past.
If we pay attention to Kirinmaru's reaction after the comet was destroyed in episode 15 we can see that he wasn't worried about the fragment being destroyed, even if it was his role alongside to Sesshomaru to make sure that the peace on the Earth should prevail. Yet, his place in that fight was taken by Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru's place was taken by InuYasha. Yet, in episode 23 the reaction of Kirinmaru about the comet fragment in Reiwa Era is quite the opposite, whatsoever. Kirinmaru seemed to be worried and angry to have to face the comet and he imediately went to InuKimi's place to know if the wheel of time moved and he even tried to gossip about the intentions of Sesshomaru with Akuru's pinwheel.
Knowing that Kirinmaru's intentions seems to face the comet himself, he needs Meidou Zangetsuha to destroy it in Reiwa Era. This seems to be the reason why he was kind of frustrated to know that Zero had broken Tenseiga. Since Tenseiga was the previous host of that technic, his intentions could be to return Meidou Zangetsuha to Sesshomaru's “useless weapon”, which means that he could get rid of InuYasha at least. However, with Tenseiga being broken and the comet approaching even more the Earth’s surface, he will have no choice but to spare InuYasha once more, and fight alonside with him.
By his actions, even if he put aside his plans of getting rid of half-demons, Kirinmaru is afraid of the prophecy of the Shikon no Tama about his death being true. That is why even if he thought that the Yashahimes were weak he still fought against them for a second time and killed Setsuna in the process. His problem with those girls is that they have Inu no Taisho's blood. The two Lords used to be pretty amiable with each other before Toga took a human as the mother of his second child, after being aware of the prophecy that a being that is neither human nor demon would kill Kirinmaru. Taking this action as a sign of treason in their alliance, Kirinmaru made Toga his enemy and would've fought against him if Inu no Taisho wasn't severely wounded as we saw in episode 21. Also, the events of this episode related to Toga's death would explain why Kirinmaru doesn't trust too much on Riku anymore, since his offspring couldn't arrive on time to save his enemy/friend's life. Riku must have sensed it too, because he went to Zero's side and openly betrayed his master in episode 24.
This lack of trust was the reason why Osamu Kirin was created. Kirinmaru needed a trustful subject. He didn’t trust too much in the Four Perils or in his sister. That is why he used Riku to deliver the medicinal herbs to Toga. It could be seen as a meanless job, yet the inefficiency of doing it had consequences. Riku now is no longer the first choice of Kirinmaru to do errands, meaning that he is indeed a pirate washed ashore like it was written in his introduction chart in episode 7.
We actually don’t know the reason or how longer Kirinmaru was sleeping before being waken up by Zero. What we know is that he lost his will to return to sleep when he knew that Sesshomaru had half-demons daughters and that InuYasha was alive and fathered a shi-hanyo. Soon after he knew this, Sesshomaru was introduced in his presence and offered help to kill InuYasha (thanks to him his brother’s life was spared).
If I may speculate over here, then my guess would be that Kirinmaru fell asleep after he heard that Sesshomaru was hunting InuYasha in order to obtain Tetsusaiga or when he learned that InuYasha was sealed by Kikyo’s sacred arrow. Kirinmaru doesn’t seem to be concerned about all the half-demons around, only with those who carries Inu no Taisho’s blood. We actually know that Zero was hunting half-demons, that is why Kirinmaru went to sleep and left the hard work for her to do. Even if Zero has no longer her powers, she could still get rid of half-demons, since Riku stated in episode 15 that Kirinmaru and Toga were the most powerful demons around 500 years ago, meaning that their bloodline is pretty exquisite.
Returning to the theory, after InuYasha and Kagome were sealed in the black pearl, Sesshomaru became the guardian of Izayoi’s tear. As said in episode 15 by Hosenki II, the black pearl is the only (actually easiest) way to go to Inu no Taisho’s resting place. Without it, Kirinmaru wouldn’t be able to reach InuYasha any longer and curiously Kirinmaru allowed Sesshomaru to become the pearl’s guardian.
Temporarily it should be a solved problem, but 4 years after Sesshomaru’s twins were born something may have happened that led Kirinmaru to doubt about his decision, being Yotsume a crucial proof of it.
When we first see Yotsume disguised as Sokyu in episode 1 of Hanyo no Yashahime, he tells Towa about a story that he heard ten years ago about a priestess called Kagome that time-travelled across the bone-eating-well located in Tokyo and alongside a half-demon called InuYasha she hunted demons. It could be a meanless information, if in the next scene we didn’t see a flashback of him in his original form watching Kagome, which seems to be at least 5 years earlier than the backstory he got to know, since that scene happened in the day that Root-Head attacked Kaede’s village, way before Moroha were born. Here then we have a mismatched speach. This means that even if Yotsume was watching Kagome that day, he didn’t know about her ability of time-travelling. So when Kagome were sealed with InuYasha in the black pearl, Kirinmaru didn’t know about her, since they were sealed soon after Moroha was born, meaning it must be more than 14 years ago.
The main question at this moment should be what happened in the four years after Kagome and InuYasha were sealed that led Yotsume to gather information about the origin of InuYasha’s wife. We can speculate as much as we want about it, but the main fact is that probably Osamu Kirin only time-travelled to the future ten years ago. But why? And how?
Whatever the reason for it, it is related to the forest fire that threw appart the twins and Rin becoming Zero’s shield. For four years Kirinmaru held back Zero, stopping her desire to kill Sesshomaru’s daughter. This action could be a proof of faith that Kirinmaru gave to Sesshomaru. Yet, this faith was broken and he decided to not give anymore protection to the twins’ life.
In episode 24 Zero tells Kirinmaru that the rainbow pearls are her tears and she is able to find it wherever and whenever she wants. It is a controversial saying, because in episode 15 she knew that the white and yellow pearls were with Sesshomaru’s daughters, yet she lost track of them inside the barrier that Jaken had casted soon as they were born. So at that time she wasn’t looking for the girls. And even if she could sense the presence of her tears, she was only able to see the girls when she learned how to use the spell of watching people’s dream/sleep, and this happened four years later, that is why when Homura set fire to the forest the twins weren’t inside a protective barrier as we see in episode 14, that was because Sesshomaru became Kirinmaru’s trusted subject and planned against his fellow. But how?
My guess is that this treason is connected to the black pearl. Something that we cannot see in naked eyes changed in the relationship of Kirinmaru and Sesshomaru. The first glimpse of doubt that Kirinmaru had about Sesshomaru was when Sesshomaru sealed InuYasha inside the black pearl. He didn’t doubt about Sesshomaru’s loyalty when he knew that he had half-demons daughters because they weren’t allies back then. They forged this alliance after Kirinmaru woke up and Sesshomaru offered help to kill InuYasha. And as it seems, it took four years for the trust to be broken.
At this time I’ll insert my Kagura theory.
After Sesshomaru sealed InuYasha and Kagome inside the black pearl, I believe he gave Kagura the pearl and told her to keep it safe. Izayoi’s tear was the assurance that his family would be safe. Yet, when he sensed that his family was in danger (probably after the fire in the woods) he sent Kagura to the future (probably to look after Towa and keep her safe over there, since he wasn’t surprised to know that Towa was alive) and decided to hide Setsuna among half-demons.
It is a fact that Sesshomaru’s daughters are half-demons (strong ones, to be honest), so Riku and Zero presumed that their mother is human even if she was underage, taking the close relationship Sesshomaru had with Rin. But if we recall episode 99 from InuYasha OG, Koga, that is a wolf demon and lives in a demon’s tribe, didn’t find it strange that Sesshomaru was travelling with the child Rin (that was 7/8 years old back then), and even took her as a love interest of Sesshomaru, showing that he knew little about humans and human x yokai interaction, quite different from those who knew about human life, like we see in episode 41 of InuYasha OG when Kagome, Sango and InuYasha showed horror about Koharu, a 13 years old girl that wanted to marry an 18 years old Miroku. Also, Kagura just like Riku and Osamu is only a puppet, an offspring created by the essence of a demon and the power of the Shikon no Tama. Even if she is said to be a demon, no one knows what kind of creature would be the children she had, specially with her creator being a half-demon himself.
Also, in episode 4 of Hanyo no Yashahime, after the Yashahimes met the Spirit of the Tree of Ages and killed Root-Head, Treekyo confronted Sesshomaru and said that his daughters denied her request and if he leaves Rin behind, the girl would never wake up again. Then he walks away from her and she says that it is also a way and perhaps the best choice. If we take Treekyo’s request to the Yashahimes we will know that the best choice she speaks of is related to stopping Kirinmaru from doing what he is aiming for. This means that after Sesshomaru knew that Towa, Setsuna and Moroha were fine, he dropped Rin in the backstage of his plan. For ten years (or even more) he worried about Rin in her sleeping state, however just when he found out that the girls were fine he changed his mind, meaning that something that was supposed to happen did not. Indeed Sesshomaru is still being protective over Rin, he even stopped his search for Akuru’s pinwheel in the moment he found it, to save Zero and Rin’s life as a consequence of the first rescue. However when she broke Tenseiga he didn’t think twice to kill her again, but still keeping a cold face that was hard to read.
I personally believe that when Sesshomaru gave his back to Rin and Treekyo at the end of episode 4, his plan changed and he then began his search for Akuru’s pinwheel that until then wasn’t a thing he was doing. We know that the pinwheel is connected to the wheel of time, so Sesshomaru’s intention is to change time or, perhaps, travel across time.
As we’ve seen in InuYasha OG show, only Kagome and InuYasha were able to time travel using the bone-eating-well. Back then Kagome had the Shikon no Tama (jewel and later fragments) and InuYasha had the black pearl. Then, in Hanyo no Yashahime only Towa, Setsuna and Moroha were able to time travel through the Tree of Ages and each one had a rainbow pearl. Taking those facts as an example, it wouldn’t be too impossible if only those possessing some kind of jewel/tear would be able to use this ability. The other possibility would be the pinwheel of Akuru and perhaps this is the way used by Osamu Kirin to arrive in the Reiwa Era.
Considering the concern that Kirinmaru had about the Wheel of Times moving and Sesshomaru’s search, probably Kirinmaru is hiding something related to the past/future from everyone else, except Osamu Kirin. And he is afraid of this hidden secret being revealed.
Taking Naraku’s arc as an example and how Sunrise is repeating some backstories of InuYasha OG into Hanyo no Yashahime, it wouldn’t be weird if later on Osamu Kirin is revealed as the incarnation of Kirinmaru’s heart, just like Akago was Naraku’s heart. This would explain why Kirinmaru isn’t afraid to face the Yashahime as he was when he heard about their existence. Definitively he is afraid of the prophecy, but he isn’t being cautelous while facing the girls. He showed more concern about the Wheel of Time changing than fighting the Yashahimes after being backstabbed by Riku in the place where the Inu no Taisho’s blood would be stronger. If we go back to InuYasha OG show, we will see the same kind of reaction in Naraku. He would confidently fight against InuGroup whenever his heart was far away and avoyd as much as he could a confrontation when Akago and/or Onigumo were near.
Using the information of Yotsume and the timeline drawn so far, the travel of Osamu Kirin would match with the information gathered about Kagome’s backstory, giving Kirinmaru the false hope that the future is a safe place for his heart to be, meaning that Osamu left him when Kirinmaru had a confirmation of Sesshomaru’s betrayal, almost 10 years ago.
Now, if we return to the airport scene where we see Osamu Kirin looking at the sky in episode 22, we notice that he watches an airplane land and then he glances at the comet for a short time. Then he gives his back to the sky and starts walking away, imitating five people close to him that too started to move away from the rooftop, when he notices Sota with his daughter, Mei, a few steps far from him. He shows surprise and go to Sota, starting a conversation about Towa’s absense from school (and showing no concern about it) and ending with the comet out loud observation.
For me it is a proof that he was waiting for someone to arrive over there. My guess would be Kagura. Also, when we see Osamu Kirin in the classroom in episode 4, he tells Towa to pay attention to the lesson, otherwise she will miss the context, and then he tells her to read the sentence in page 23 that says: “I am going to visit Kyoto”.
It could’ve been an Easter Egg, because in episode 23 he is actually waiting someone at the airport that probably is coming from Kyoto, because Kyoto is a prefecture located in the Kansai region, and Kansai according to the research I did is located in the West region of Japan, that in the Hanyo no Yashahime is a land that belongs to Sesshomaru (Lord of the West), meaning that the person/creature that is arriving in that airport is somehow connected to Sesshomaru and seeing that Jaken, Rin, Towa and Setsuna are in the Feudal Era and A-Un wouldn’t fit into a plane, it can only be Kagura.
To finish this theory that is already long enough and explain how Kagura and Osamu Kirin are connected, I must speculate even more and say that this connection happened because neither Kagura nor Osamu knew the backstory of each other and they might have taken interest for each other as an equal (two incarnations/demons). Also, probably the forest that Towa said that she grew up in episode 21 is located in the West, that is why Kagura was in that place and visits Tokyo, because Tokyo is where Kaede’s Village is located in the Feudal Era. My guess would be that using Towa’s age as a guide, she is looking for her daughter in high schools. Osamu Kirin being Towa’s teacher could’ve contacted her and is waiting her at the airport since he was the one that summoned Kagura over there. However, I believe that he is using Towa as a bait.
With Kirinmaru watching everything that Osamu is doing/seeing, he is quite aware of the fact that the comet is arriving in the Reiwa Era and also knew how Towa looked like before meeting her in person. Now, knowing that someone in the Reiwa Era that is not her family (the Higurashi) is looking for her, Kirinmaru is curious enough to see who this person could be since she is probably connected to Sesshomaru and if he can’t use her as a bait to hold Sesshomaru back, then he imagines that she is hiding something that would be useful to him.
As I said before, this is only a theory/speculation that I did using the anime info (and my imagination) to elaborate. All the real events I have tagged the place it came from (the episodes number) and gave them my interpretation. Those events without the official reference tagged should not be taken as a reliable source.
I thank you so much anon for this ask, it made me really happy to be able to share my thoughts with you! Again, sorry for my late answer and be free to say whatever you want, it would be a pleasure to answer you back!
P.S.: Sorry for the typos, I don't use Google Translator and my English ain't that good.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 1-12: 命运的拐点 Destiny’s Turning Point Translation
“Destiny is like a gust of wind… Red leaves flutter, flying away in the face of it.  And it is when the winds pick up ― That you meet once more…”
“I think fashion has no bounds, so you do you, anything goes.”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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The night of the Warson Prize Finals arrived in a blink of an eye.
All contestants were in a race against time to complete their final adjustments. It was the epitome of the peak of nervousness and high morale.
The sound that denoted the start of the contest sounded. Everyone placed everything they were doing back down, watching with relief as the fashion choreographer took away the works before them. The competition of art and fashion was about to start shortly.
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Dun dun dun~
Upbeat music played as lights flashed extravagantly all-around before converging in one spot.
Host: Welcome! To the finals night of the 3rd Warson Prize!
Host: Next, let us give a grand round of applause to our dear esteemed guests tonight!
Host: First, we have Mr. Lu Ting, the Director of the Warson Group!
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A middle-aged man decked in a grey-coloured suit walked up to the stage. He stood tall and upright, with defined features and looked terrifyingly imposing.
Lu Ting briefly exchanged a few words with the host. The next guests to take the stage were celebrities from all walks of life who have collaborated with Warson.
The popular youthful and beautiful Actor, Lin Yao, the Pop Star Martin… Familiar names flashed across the screen one by one. It could be said that the line-up was akin to a vast starry sky of shining stars, at this point.
Host: Next, we have Warson’s new friend!
Host: He’s one of the champion racers of the Glitter Bullet Team― Osborn!
MC: !
The familiar name made me freeze.
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Osborn’s silhouette appeared at the end of the stage.
He was wearing a specially tailored three-dimensional cut suit, with several shades of black as the main tone. The three-piece suit layered on well, and there was a smattering of gold on its intricate designs.
Paired with Osborn’s stern features, the full image of him decked out in a suit presented itself nicely; a hint of danger, and a tinge of mystery.
MC: Black… really does suit him well.
The Host held his mic and made some simple small talk with him.
Host: This is the first time we’ve ever invited a star of the Sports World for the Warson Prize.
Host: I wonder if you have any unique views about fashion, Mr. Osborn?
Facing the cameras, the sides of Osborn’s lips slightly quirk upwards.
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Osborn: It’s not really unique or anything. I think fashion has no bounds, so you do you, anything goes.
Host: Oh, okay. Well then… Have you seen any of our previous contests?
Osborn: But of course. Some of the contestants are also pretty interesting.
I recalled the huge misunderstanding that had transpired back when I met him up on the roof that day. Contestants? …Is it… me, by any chance?
The contest only officially begins after all the judges and guests have been introduced. The background music for the catwalk plays as ten models walk down the lane, one by one, each dressed in clothes designed by a contestant.
I stood behind the side curtains of the stage, mentally reciting my speech regarding the thought process that went into my design over and over again.
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MC: No feeling nervous. Just keep calm and be steady.
Staff: Next person, please get ready.
I took a deep breath before turning and heading out to stage.
The scorchingly blinding lights surround me. I saw the model standing in front of me, dressed in the dress of my design, looking as beautiful as a painting.
I took big strides, coming up to the model’s side and bowing deeply at the sea of applause. I started to calmly explain my creative ideas and thought processes that brought this design to life.
MC: Hello, everyone. I am (Y/n). The design I present to everyone today is called “Starry Key”.
I only felt the slight sheen of sweat at the back of my neck only after I’d finished my explanatory speech.
Soon, all 10 dresses had been displayed. All contestants stood in a row, side-by-side, as they awaited the results from the judges.
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Host: I now have in my hands, the scores of each participant as decided by the judges!
I silently clenched my fist, my heart raced, thumping loudly as if it housed a snare drum within.
Host: The top 3 scorers of this round will be qualified to enter the next round, where only one will win the championship. Now, let’s see who they are!
Ba-thump, ba-thump.
The sound of my heartbeat rings in my ears.
Host: They are: Wu Yue, the designer of “Memory Tunnel”, Gao Cheng, the designer of “The Last Orange Blossom”, and lastly—
Host: (Y/n), the designer of “Starry Key”!
My name…
A wave of applause engulfs the stage. For a moment, I couldn’t quite register it in my brain, only looking up at the big screen. My name. It’s really being displayed up there.
MC: It’s real! I’ve gotten into the Top 3!
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Gao Cheng: We got in!
Host: Let us congratulate the three contestants and welcome them up to the centre of the stage.
Although we’ve gotten into the Top 3, this also means to say that we’re only going to face much fiercer competition within our midst from now on.
Host: As we all know, the Warson Prize is one of the top-tiered competitions in the industry.
Host: To reflect Watson’s spirit of innovation and enterprise, improvisation is always the main theme for the championships.
Host: And now, just what theme awaits these 3 finalists in this round’s championship?
Making an impromptu design. That was the biggest challenge all fashion designers could ever face. With no chance to prepare or seek help, a challenge of this calibre is like a reflective mirror that tests the designer’s understanding and experience.
I put the joy of being promoted to the next round away, listening intently to the Host.
Host: The theme for the improvisation round will be announced soon. Now, let us reveal the judges, Watson’s very own in-house Designers!
Host: They are, respectively: The famous Designer, Yan Xiao, and the Deputy Director of Warson Design Hub, Mya!
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However, the centre seat was left empty.
Drumrolls sound, stage lights flashed, and the spotlights converged, the beam of light illuminating the end of the runway.
Host: Lastly, let us welcome the new Design Director of the Warson Brand: The internationally famous and renowned, we have— Mr. Sariel!
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-9) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-14)
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skswriting · 4 years
the lottery offering
Rating: M Pairing: Jeongguk/You Words: 22,334 Summary:  “I volunteer,” you say softly, gasps rising up from the crowd behind you.  You can hear some of your tribe members burst into tears, some mutterings of thank the gods.  Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Elder Choi smiling smugly.  “Are you sure, child?” Alpha Kim asks gravely, “Are you ready to leave all this behind?  You will not be able to come home.”  You internally scoff.  Home.  This place hasn’t been home in years.“I am sure, Alpha Kim.  I volunteer to be the offering this year,” you confirm, voice unwavering. AN: i’ve been working on this for too long and it ITSELF is too long i literally just wanted to write about big dick jeongguk why am i like this Warnings: jeongguk is an alpha, there’s like a hint of beastiality? you don’t actually get fucked by a wolf though you just want to be lol, lots of gratuitous sex and overall cheesiness because jk is still a goofball, pussy eating, finger, edging, overstim? maybe? or at least a poor attempt at it, blowjobs, vaginal sex and knotting, i’m not sure if i have to warn about anything else, also major warning i read through this SO quick i was tired of looking at it i’m sorry
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When one of the Elders asks for you to meet in their cabin after dinner, your heart sinks to your feet.  The Elders, and most of your tribe for that matter, don’t go out of their way to speak to you, so for one of them to call upon you can’t be good news.
You don’t eat much, stomach twisting violently as you sit in a secluded corner, immune to the chattering around you.  Maybe today is the day they kick you out.  It’s no secret your tribe doesn’t like you, your orphanism a major hurdle they’re unable to overcome, considering the scarce resources your tribe are reluctant to share with someone who’s unable to provide.
“Elder Choi,” you knock politely, bowing your head as you pop your head in, “You wished to see me?”
“Ah, yes, Y/N, come in child,” his voice is soft, giving no hint as to what’s to come, “Please, sit.”
You kneel on a pillow at his tea table, accepting the cup from him.  It’s silent as you both drink, your mind whirling as you try to think what’s about to happen.
“It will be your first Lottery tomorrow, yes?” he asks.
“Yes, Elder Choi,” you answer.
He nods and falls silent again.  He stares out the window and you watch him carefully, the flames of his fire casting shadows over his face.  He gives you a small smile when he faces you again, setting his cup down with a decisive clank.
“We have not had to host a Lottery for a few years.  The Lottery, though of mutual benefit to us, is a sad affair.  To lose a member of our tribe, a son or a daughter, to have them ripped away from their family and friends.  The tears and the good byes.  Heart wrenching, isn’t it?”
It’s a rhetorical question, but you answer anyway, “Yes Elder, very heart wrenching.”
“It is a blessing, however, when someone is selfless enough to volunteer, someone prepared to give themselves over instead of letting someone be ripped from us.”
It hits you, what he’s asking.  There’s no love lost between you and your tribe, but to have an Elder hint that you should just give yourself over cuts in a way you weren’t expecting.
“Little Mina will be in the Lottery this year, won’t she?” Elder Choi asks, and it’s a low blow.  She’s been sick for a few years and it’s been hard to obtain medicine for her, but she’s been so optimistic about everything and is the joy of the tribe, “It would kill her mother if she was chosen.”
“It would…” you whisper.
“I’m sorry, I did not mean to bring the mood down.  I merely wanted to make sure you were ready for tomorrow.  Do you have your dress ready?” it’s a ruse and you know it.  He’s laid the seed and now he’s waiting for it to take root.
“Yes Elder, I’ve been working on it for weeks,” you tell him and he nods.
“Good.  Please, finish your tea, I don’t wish to keep you too late and have you tired for tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Elder.”
He says nothing more as you sip slowly at your tea, mulling it over.
You don’t like his manipulation; it’s abhorrent, really, to use your outcast status and the personal attack of Mina against you.  But really, what is there to keep you here?  There’s no happy ending for you, just a life of solitude, always on the outskirts.  What could the other side hold that would be worse than what you’re already facing?
You’ve made up your mind as you push your empty cup away.
“Good night, Y/N, I’m glad we had this talk,” he tells you earnestly, leaning forward as he stares into your eyes.
“Good night Elder, I will see you at the Lottery tomorrow,” you bow to him, before you take your leave.
It’s a somber atmosphere, you and the other participants standing in front of the stage, Elder Lee standing beside Alpha Kim behind the bowl with all the offerings’ names.  All of the participants are dressed in white, as symbolism of consenting to being an offering, blank and ready to leave everything behind.
You’re standing at the front, Seyoung on one side and Bongsoo on the other.  They both have their hands clasped in front of them, the tension evident in the rigidity of their muscles, but you’re standing loose.  You’ve already made your peace, you just have to wait for the right moment.
“Everyone,” Alpha Kim booms, “Thank you for gathering here today.  It has come time for need of another offering.  We have plenty of goods to provide for trade, to be delivered next week before the cold sets in.”
There’s no call back, as the crowd waits for the end.
“Let us not stall any longer.  Jeongguk, please, step forward and draw the name.”
The recipient this year is tall and toned, muscles shifting under his tunic as he steps up beside the alpha.  Judging by his aura, he too is an alpha, dark eyes sweeping across the crowd.  It must be your imagination, but you feel as if his gaze lingers on you for a moment longer.  There’s no mistaking the red bleeding into his eyes, overtaking the gold specks of his status.  He’s the closest you’ve ever seen turning feral and you’re surprised they’ve let him get this far.
Your heart kickstarts when you see him raise his arm and prepare to reach into the depths of the bowl and seal someone’s fate.  Before his fingers get the chance to grasp onto a slip of paper, you step forward.
“I volunteer,” you say softly, gasps rising up from the crowd behind you.
You can hear some of your tribe members burst into tears, some mutterings of thank the gods.  Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Elder Choi smiling smugly.
“Are you sure, child?” Alpha Kim asks gravely, “Are you ready to leave all this behind?  You will not be able to come home.”
You internally scoff.  Home.  This place hasn’t been home in years.
“I am sure, Alpha Kim.  I volunteer to be the offering this year,” you confirm, voice unwavering.
He examines you for a moment, before turning to Jeongguk.  Jeongguk takes a moment to take in your figure, head tilting as his eyes roam over you.  You stand tall and proud, looking him head on.  His mouth quirks when your eyes meet and he nods.
“What is your name?”
“Y/N, Alpha Kim.  My name is Y/N.”
“Y/N, we have accepted your volunteer as this Lottery’s offering.  Gather your things, we leave within the hour.”
You bow to them, surprised to receive a bow back, before you turn to the side and bow to the Elders.  You don’t say anything to anyone as you head back to your small hut to gather your meager things.
The Lottery started when a shifter pack approached tribes like yours, desperate beyond belief.  Their numbers were small and members of their pack were on the verge of turning feral, unable to sustain mates to keep them from turning.  They proposed a trading system: tribes would provide bodies for mates and in turn they would provide resources.  This would keep either of you from dying, letting the pack slowly grow their numbers and letting your tribe stockpile food.  The Lottery was considered the easiest and fairest way to pick who would be traded. The Lottery has been around for as long as you can remember.
The redness of Jeongguk’s eyes means the process has started; his canines are elongated even in human form and his nails are too long.  His hair is shaggier than others and his communication skills are lacking.
The other problem is that he apparently tends to stay in his shifted form, a big, black wolf that’s almost as tall as you and definitely bigger.  The first day of your return trip, Jeongguk walks ahead of you, tail swishing as he leads with Alpha Kim.  Alpha Kim had explained quietly that you might have a harder time mating with Jeongguk with how far along he already is, the feral part of him fighting to reject the bond in order to move forward with the transformation.
It’s not a comforting thought, because if you mate with Jeongguk and the bond is rejected, you’ll both die.
“Please be patient with him,” Alpha Kim asked of you, which seemed uncharacteristic for his alpha status, “I watched Jeongguk grow up, I can’t let him go feral.”
“Yes, Alpha Kim, I’ll do my best,” you had told him.
Now, you’re on your way to your new pack, your new home.  You’re still wearing your Lottery dress and you’re starting to sweat, unused to walking for so long, but you don’t say anything.  It’ll take a few days to reach their pack and you don’t want to already be a burden to them.
There’s only a few of you.  You, Jeongguk, Alpha Kim, and one guard introduced as Yoongi.  You can keep up for the most part, because Jeongguk and Yoongi are the only two that are shifted, so they keep it slow for Alpha Kim.
Eventually though, the fatigue catches up to you.  Your calf muscles are screaming, urging you to take a break and rest, and you think you can feel a blister on the back of your foot.  You don’t mean to lag behind, but it’s getting harder to breathe, your chest tight, as you focus on each next step and not just dropping to your knees.
A rumble breaks you out of your headspace and you glance to see Jeongguk standing in front of you.  His eyes scare you, blank as they stare at you, and you’re almost unable to see the gold amidst the red.  There’s a brief stare down between you, before he turns his back to you and hunches down slightly.
You’re surprised that he’s offering to carry you, but your screaming feet don’t let you look a gift horse in the mouth, so you tiredly straddle his back, anchoring your hands in his midnight black fur.  He doesn’t even seem to register your added weight, trotting to catch back up to the others.  Alpha Kim doesn’t say anything as you rejoin them, but he does give you a slight smile.
“Thank you,” you whisper quietly to Jeongguk, for his ears only.  They twitch in recognition, but that’s all you get.
Bedding down for the night is slightly awkward, the shifters trying to give you privacy as you roll out a sleeping pad and lay a thin blanket on it.  There’s a little of the fire left from dinner that they’re maintaining to keep you warm and you’re thankful, huddling down beside it.
The blister on the back of your foot needs tended to, the skin peeling and the blood dripping.  You hiss as you touch it, digging into your rucksack to see if you have any salve.  You keep your groan to yourself, frustratedly running your fingers through your hair before you go to stand.
“Where are you going?” a soft voice asks and when you turn, you’re surprised to see that it’s Jeongguk who asked you.
He had shifted back earlier, but this is the first time you think you’ve heard him speak, and the airiness of his voice doesn’t match the sharpness of his face.  It’s pleasant though, a soothing, melodic timber.
“I’m going to see if there’s some salve materials nearby, burdock root or chamomile or something,” you shrug, limping a little as you turn away, “I’m not running away, I’ll be right back.”
“I’m not worried about you running away, I’m worried about how dark it is and the wild animals around here,” his voice takes on a gruff quality as he snaps the words out, gaze heated, “I’m coming with you.”
Your bite your lower lip, feeling properly chastised.  You didn’t mean to cause offense and you duck your head as he nears.  Neither of the other shifters say anything, watching you two leave.
It’s quiet as the two of you walk, you using the waning light to search.  You want to apologize, but you don’t want to add insult to injury, and he doesn’t seem keen on saying anything either.
“Burdock?” he gestures to a flowering purple bush.
“Oh, yes!” you grin, hobbling over to it.  You hum as you gently dig into the ground, unearthing a few roots of the plant and tearing them apart gently.
“Chamomile doesn’t grow this far north, but there should be some symphytum around we can add,” Jeongguk tells you, standing behind you, seemingly on watch as he surveys the surrounding area.
You’ve never heard of that plant, but he seems to know what he’s talking about so you nod as you stand.  He reaches a hand out to steady you, your skin tingling under his fingers.
“Your dress,” he says suddenly and you just look at him, “You should have let me dig up the root, you got it dirty.”
You look down at yourself, seeing the dirt patches on your bare knees and the smudges on your dress.
“Eh, it’s just a dress, I can wash it.  I’ll let you pick the symp… symphytum when we find it though,” you grin at him and you’re rewarded with a half chuckle, “We should get back to it before we lose the light.”
Jeongguk raises an eyebrow as he taps underneath his eye, “I can see in the dark, remember?”
You bark out a sarcastic laugh, “Sorry, my puny human eyes are only so useful.”
“It’s okay, we’ll get through this together,” he grins as you and you give him a real laugh, before you nudge him along.
Jeongguk points out some other plants you never heard of before as you search for the symphytum and you take in all he has to offer.  You dabbled in medicine and gardening in your tribe and so you listen to everything Jeongguk tells you, especially considering the area you’re heading to is so much different than the area you grew up in.
“Ah, here we go, symphytum,” Jeongguk points it out and you nod, taking in the features of the plant, “we need the flowers and leaves.”
“Wow, how do you know so much about all this?” you ask, admiration clearly present, and you swear you see him blush a little.
“My grandma was our pack’s medic,” he tells you, gathering what you need to add to your burdock root.
“Was…?” you ask softly.
“She died last year,” he says, quite gruffly.  He doesn’t elaborate more than that and you don’t expect him to.
Your parents passed when you were young, and you don’t remember specific details of them, but you know the feeling of loss well, an emptiness inside that you can’t seem to alleviate.  There are memories you have that you know you’ll never get to recreate or commiserate, and you can empathize with Jeongguk on that, who must have been close to his grandmother if his knowledge is anything to judge it off of.
You don’t say anything, but you lay a hand gently on his arm, hoping you can convey your emotions to him.  Jeongguk looks at your hand on his arm before he looks up at you, eyes still guarded, but you don’t look away.  He studies you, able to see you much better in the dark than you’re able to see him despite your eyes adjusting, before he touches his hand to yours in return.
You smile softly at him as he shifts from touching your hand to holding it.  Neither of you say anything as you stay there for a moment, just existing together, before he softly clears his throat to break the moment.
“We need water to turn this into a paste, let’s head back to camp,” he says and you agree.
You let Jeongguk carry you back to get to camp quicker and you see Alpha Kim and Yoongi curled up in their shifted form, the fire still lit but small.  Alpha Kim raises his head as you two approach, giving you both a quick once over to check that neither of you are hurt.  Once satisfied, he turns his head the other way, and the two of you are left to your own devices.
“Here, mash them like this,” Jeongguk tells you softly, sitting beside you on your sleeping pad as he crushes the materials together between two rocks, “We’ll add just a bit of water at a time until we get something thick and not too watery.  It’ll stick best to your blister that way.”
You nod, watching him carefully as he makes the paste.
“Give me your foot,” he instructs and you scoot back to place it in his lap, “this shouldn’t hurt, but let me know if I press too hard.”
He’s careful as he spreads the paste lightly over your blister, face entirely concentrated as he takes care of you.
“It doesn’t look like we have to wrap it, but we’ll put some more on in the morning.  You should lay down now, though, it’s getting late, and we have to get up early in the morning.”
Before he moves, you grab his wrist to make him look at you, “Wait.  I… I wanted to apologize.”
He tilts his head in question, waiting for you to continue, and you frown as you let go of his wrist.
“I didn’t mean anything when I made that comment about not running away earlier,” you tell him, “That wasn’t a dig at you, or your pack.”
Jeongguk sighs as he removes your hand only to hold it, staring down at the way his hand engulfs yours, “It’s okay.  I can’t imagine how hard it must be for your tribe to give up someone every Lottery.  I know it’ll be difficult for us, having such a small time frame to prepare to be mated for the rest of our lives, but please know that I’m thankful for you.  I don’t know your reasons for volunteering, but I like to think that your willingness gives us more of a chance, with no prejudice and no fear.”
Jeongguk softly places your foot back on the ground, before he pushes himself up and away before you can say anything.  You can tell by the movement of his body that he’s about to shift.  It looks like such a weird and painful process, the bones shifting into place as he hunches over, fur sprouting from his skin as his face elongates and ears pop up.
You notice that Jeongguk always shakes his legs out when he shifts, and just him; neither Alpha Kim or Yoongi do it.  It must just be some quirk of Jeongguk’s and it makes you giggle around a throat still tight with emotion as he does it, making him turn towards you.
He growls lowly in his chest, something that sounds almost playful, before trotting over to you as you settle on your sleeping pad.  He nudges his face against you, still growling a little, and you giggle as you realize he’s trying to push you down to lay on your sleeping pad, snuffling over you as you settle down, pulling the thin blanket over you.
He sniffs at the ground near you, turning in a few circles before he decides to curl up behind you, close enough that you can feel the heat of his body but not enough that it’s suffocating.  Combined with the heat of the fire, your body relaxes onto your pad despite the hardness of the ground and you fall asleep easily.
You wake up pleasantly warm, head pillowed on something soft.  You hum as you snuggle deeper into it, body rising and falling rhythmically, a soft rumbling in your ear thrumming through you pleasantly.  It’s almost enough to lull you back to sleep, before you realize you didn’t fall asleep with a pillow and what you’re laying on feels eerily alive.
When you crack your eyes open you see Jeongguk in his shifted form curled around you, your body wrapped up in his with your head resting on the side of his torso.  He’s awake, lazily watching you, and you notice that some of the red in his eyes is diminished.  They’re brown and gold this morning, shining brilliantly in the early morning light.  You realize he’d purposely been rumbling for you as it slows down, the sound dying out beneath your ear.  You can feel his tail twitching by your legs, as you’re completely swaddled in him, and you realize this is one of most comfortable moments of your life.
“Good morning,” you whisper to him, and he sighs as a response, curling around you tighter, “We should eat before we set out.”
You pick your head up to see Yoongi gone, probably to hunt for breakfast, and Alpha Kim in his human form rummaging around through their belongings to prepare for whatever he brings back.
You slowly extract yourself from Jeongguk, stretching sore muscles from walking, but you’re surprised to find that your back isn’t sore from sleeping on the ground.  You wonder how long you’d been laying on Jeongguk, knowing he’d chosen to curl up behind you when you went to sleep.  Judging by the way Jeongguk whines and huffs as you untangle yourself from him, you can tell he was as comfortable as you had been, trying to use his body weight to keep you pinned down.
After a light breakfast, the four of you set out.  Jeongguk makes you ride on his back for the rest of the day, despite your protest that your feet and blisters were fine.  He had growled at you, circling your form and rubbing up against you until Alpha Kim had approached you.
“We won’t reach the pack until tomorrow afternoon, it’ll be easier if the three of us can shift and Jeongguk carries you,” Alpha Kim had told you and you had acquiesced, mounting Jeongguk.
The second day passed much the same as the first had, and ends with the four of you bedding down for the night around a small camp.  Jeongguk is less shy about curling around you in his shifted form this time around, nudging your shoulder with his snout before unceremoniously plopping his head down in your lap.  You want to protest his closeness because you feel gross, still wearing your dirty Lottery dress, but you had been unwilling to hold them up for even a moment just for you to change, so you let him lay on you.
It had been worrying to you that Jeongguk had stayed shifted all day, but you can’t deny how comfortable he is when you’re trying to go to sleep, forgoing your blanket as you bury yourself in him.  You brush your hands through his fur, marveling at how soft it is and he starts to rumble under you.  You realize that he doesn’t do it for you but that its his way of letting you know that he’s comfortable.  His nose digs under your hand until it’s resting under your palm, urging you to move it.  You fall asleep petting him, thinking that volunteering no longer feels like a death sentence but more like… a new beginning.
You wake up to sunlight and rough jostling, with a gruff snuffling in your ear.  You’re disoriented for a few moments, head rolling against the ground as you try to gain your bearings.  You’re laying on your side facing away from the camp and there’s sweat dripping down your back because Jeongguk in his shifted form has you pressed right up against his underside, nose tight against the back of your ear as he growls deep in his chest.
It takes you a moment, but when you register the wetness and the growling, you realize what’s happening.  His lower half is thrusting up against you and his cock is between your legs, rubbing against your skin.  Your pulse quickens as you realize that Jeongguk must be having a wet dream or something similar as he growls in his sleep and licks at your skin, sending a jolt through your entire body.
You’re almost mortified to realize that the wetness you first thought was coming from him is actually from you, that you like what’s happening.  Even though he’s in his shifted form it’s still Jeongguk and there’s no denying that you find him attractive.  The fact that he’s rutting against you is doing things to you, his cock hot and heavy against you making your head spin.
You’re afraid to look down, to sear the image into your mind.  You know it’s not going to look like his human cock, but when you glance down, you can’t help the way you keen in the back of your throat.  He’s big, precum smearing against your stomach as he works his cock under your dress, pressing against your clit from the way he’s got you pinned.  With one of his legs over both of yours, and one of his front legs extended over your torso to press into the ground to give himself leverage, you would have to fight to get out of his hold.
But you don’t want to.  You can feel the heat between your legs, the arousal swirling in your stomach as his growling gets deeper and his tongue gets more insistent.  You can feel the press of his teeth against the sensitive skin of your neck and when his thrusts speed up, hitting your clit just a bit faster, you can’t help but moan lowly.  You hope Alpha Kim and Yoongi are out hunting so you don’t have to deal with the embarrassment of knowing they know.
You give a tentative thrust down and moan a little higher when Jeongguk’s cock rubs against your clit harder.  You clench around nothing, whimpering as you thrust down again, and again, until you’re working in tandem with him.  You can feel Jeongguk’s body shaking behind you, his low growling shifting to a higher pitched whine, nosing roughly at your ear before his nips turn purposeful.
You startle when it dawns on you that he’s finally woken up, the nip more than a dream instinct, but his thrusting doesn’t stop.  You gasp when he starts shifting behind you, helping you onto your knees and elbows as he stays crouched over you, body dwarfing yours as you rest your forehead against your sleeping pad.
You can’t believe this is happening but Jeongguk doesn’t give you time to think, his shifted cock giving your clit delicious friction as he stays mounted this way, thrusting with conscious purpose now.  He noses along the entire back of your neck, licking the shell of your ear and nipping at your shoulders.  Your back is so slick with sweat you can feel every press of Jeongguk’s belly against you, clenching with each thrust, wishing he’d stuff you with his cock.  It’d tear you in half but it’d be worth it to be so full, to be forced to take it, to test the limit.
You moan as you think about it, letting Jeongguk phantom fuck you and reaching a hand under your dress to touch the tip of his cock as he thrusts against your stomach.  Jeongguk lets out a half howl, thrusting up against the palm of your hand as the press against your clit becomes constant.
“Jeong-Jeongguk,” you hiccup, “S’too much, please, gonna cum.”
Jeongguk is shaking above you and you sob as the pleasure peaks, Jeongguk continuing to fuck up against you as you cum, clenching hard around nothing and whining in displeasure over it.  He noses eagerly at your neck, licking furiously at your skin as his thrusts grow erratic, close to his own orgasm.
You reach further down so you can brush feather light fingertips over the body of his cock.  His shifted cock is much different than a human cock, no mushroom head but thick at the base where his knot would be.  You groan as you think about it, the dirty mechanics of being knotted like this, out in the open in camp with your knees pressed to the ground and your dress pushed up to your breasts.  Your panties are useless at this point, sopping wet and glued to the ridges of your cunt.
You feel Jeongguk throw his head back and howl loudly as the first spurts of his cum shoot up to your tits, smearing against the skin of your stomach before it drips down onto the inside of your dress.  It’s disgusting, and filthy, and you’re horrified to learn that you love it, the feeling of being utterly dominated like this.
Jeongguk pants against your skin as he expends all that he has, his body sagging against yours but not forcing you down to the ground.  Your body is shaking as he steps back from you, his snout trailing down your back and to your crack, nosing at the thin fabric of your panties.  You can feel the puffs of his breath against your soaked skin and you slowly push yourself up, arms and legs shaking.
You’re breathing hard as Jeongguk walks around you, eyes brilliant as he stares at you.  His tongue flicks out to lick at your cheek and you breathlessly giggle, Jeongguk pressing his face against your chest to slowly guide you back, laying you against your sleeping pad.
You’re tired, the exhaustion settling in your bones as you glance up at the slightly blue tinted sky.  It has to still be early, but when you glance over, Alpha Kim and Yoongi are gone, which you are immensely thankful for.
However, Jeongguk doesn’t give you time to rest.  He sniffs earnestly at your neck, rubbing his face and tongue against you as he works his way down.  Your dress feels disgusting from where the cum covered front is pressed to your skin, but Jeongguk just brushes it up over your breasts, licking at one nipple and then the next before he continues down.  He cleans your stomach of himself, nose warm and tongue warmer, and you’re not ashamed at the way arousal has started to pool in your stomach again.
Jeongguk must be able to smell it, tongue pressing more eagerly the closer he gets to your cunt.  He nudges your thighs apart with his snout, growling appreciatively when they spread and your smell hits him full force.  He bites at your panties, pulling the thin fabric away and down your legs, tossing them in a random direction over his shoulder before the point of his tongue flicks against your clit.
You don’t bother to stifle your moan, the feeling of his tongue rough in texture as it presses harder with every lick, cleaning you of your dripping arousal with valiant effort.  You cry out when his tongue presses inside you, licking at your walls deeper than most cocks have ever reached. You can’t stop the little sounds you make, the humping of your hips against Jeongguk’s face as the pleasure builds.
If he tongues this good you can’t imagine the damage he can do with his cock, spearing you open effortlessly and making you cum multiple times.  You clamp down around his tongue as you think about it, wishing he would just fuck you, shifted or not, cumming to the thought of it.
Jeongguk snuffles happily against you, licking your cunt clean of your cum and your thighs free of sweat.  When you gain the energy to lift your head, Jeongguk is hunched over you, licking his jowls with his tail wagging.  His tail wagging.  It’s so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh, letting your head thunk back against the ground as you hear the telltale sound of his bones shifting.
After a few moments of silence, gentle hands lead your legs closed, running up your sides to grab your dress and pull it up and off, hitting the ground with a wet smack.
“C’mon, there’s a little stream near here, let’s get you cleaned up,” his voice is laced with sex and you shiver, letting him pull you up and onto shaky legs, opting to just carry you when you end up swaying.
It’s not awkward to be naked in front of him, rubbing cold, clean water against your skin.  Jeongguk watches you for a few minutes, appreciating the dip of your fingers between your thighs as you clean yourself of spit and arousal and your cum.  He finally strips himself and you can’t help but stare.  Even in human form he’s big, cock hanging half hard and heavy between his legs, thigh and abdominal muscles toned and flexing as he perches himself on a jutting rock to wash himself.
Your mouth is watering and you don’t even care; you can feel the weight of cock on your tongue and you specifically want his in your mouth right now, dragging your tongue down the protruding vein and around the bulbous head.
“We’ll never get back to the camp if you keep staring,” Jeongguk smirks over at you, brushing his hands down his thighs in an obviously teasing manner.
“I want to suck you off,” you confess easily, squeezing your thighs together when you see Jeongguk’s gaze darken and his cock jump.
“Later,” he promises, and you’re practically drooling when he fists his cock, hand tightening on an upward stroke, “we really do need to be going.”
“Then quick jerking off,” you whine petulantly, and Jeongguk has the audacity to laugh at you.
Jeongguk gives you his tunic to wear back to camp as a makeshift dress, keeping a small bit of distance from you, which is much too far considering he had almost fucked you into the ground earlier.  This must be his way of attempting to be respectful, or at least you hope so; just the thought of Jeongguk regretting any of it or being ashamed makes your stomach clench painfully.
Alpha Kim and Yoongi are packing up camp when you arrive.  They give the both of you a knowing look and you blush as you duck your head, realizing they must be able to smell what you two had done.
“Come,” Yoongi smirks, the word intentional, “if we leave now we’ll get home before lunch.”
Home.  It sounds pleasant and right coming from Yoongi.  You’re going home, not just to their pack, but your pack now.
There’s a small welcoming ceremony when the four of you finally arrive and you’re overwhelmed by the positivity of the pack.  Their numbers have grown, but it’s not the size of some other shifter packs you’ve seen.
Jeongguk keeps close to you as elder pack members pull you into a hug, welcoming you to your new home and encouraging you to ask for help when you need it.  Shifted pups sniff at you, particularly your stomach which makes you blanch, before yipping and wagging their tails happily at you.
“This is Y/N,” Alpha Kim booms to the crowd, “Y/N selflessly volunteered herself to be Jeongguk’s mate to prevent us from losing him to his feral side.”
The little pack cheers and you blush at their enthusiasm.
“Let us let these future mates have time for themselves,” Alpha Kim turns to you and smiles, “Please, rest.  The journey was long and I’m sure you’re… tired.”
You try not to react, knowing that he’s not talking about the walking.
“I’ll show you to our cabin,” Jeongguk tells you softly, placing a hand on your lower back to lead you away, “Thank you everyone.  We’re happy to be home.”
You smile and wave at everyone as you walk away, Jeongguk leading you towards the center of their pack territory.  It’s a foreign feeling to you, so used to staying out of your tribe that you don’t know what to do knowing you’re going to be living in the thick of it.
“These cabins look so nice,” you comment, looking at the smattering of cabins around you.
“Alphas build cabins before they take a mate,” Jeongguk explains, “Outside of me, none of our alphas are of age yet, so no one is preparing to build.”
“Woah, you built this?  That’s impressive,” you exclaim, as he reaches for the door.
He stops with his hand on the handle, seemingly frozen, before he turns hurriedly to you, “Um… actually, could you stay out here for a moment?”
You furrow your eyebrows, confused, but nod.  Jeongguk gives you a quick, thankful smile, slipping in through the slightest crack so you can’t see inside.
You feel a little foolish standing outside Jeongguk’s cabin - well, your cabin now, as well.  You can hear frantic clattering inside and Jeongguk’s light footsteps as he runs around.  You hear the terrible screech of a window opening, and when you bend around the corner of the cabin you can see what looks like trash being thrown out of it.  It startles a laugh out of you, realizing Jeongguk is cleaning for you, and it’s so endearing.
You wait patiently, knowing Jeongguk wants to make a good impression on you.  Finally, the door creaks open, before Jeongguk pushes it open wide and steps aside.
“Please, come in,” he says, slightly out of breath, and you giggle at him.
“I could have helped you clean,” you tell him, stepping past him and he ducks his head after being caught.
It’s modest, and homey.  There’s a little kitchenette to use when you don’t want to go to the main dining hall, a small sitting area, and a hallway that leads to a small bathroom and bedroom.  There’s a pack bathhouse that they utilize, so the bathroom has a toilet and small wash tub for a quick rub down, and the bedroom is just a pile of furs.
“I know it’s not much but-” Jeongguk seems embarrassed, scratching behind his ear as he avoids your gaze.
“I love it,” you tell him honestly, “it’s very comfortable, very… you.  And I like you.”
The blush that spreads across Jeongguk’s face is satisfying and you grin at him.  You were worried you and Jeongguk were going to have an awkward period of forcing yourselves to get to know each other, but it’s been pretty natural.  There might have been some truth to Jeongguk’s words that you volunteering made it easier for you two to connect, as there’s no expectations for either of you.
“I know Alpha Kim said we have time for ourselves, but there are pack duties I need to get caught up on,” Jeongguk tells you, almost sounding regretful that he has to leave.
“That’s okay, I understand,” you tell him, and you truthfully do, but there’s a small pit of nervousness at the thought of being by yourself as you’re still unsure of the inner workings of the pack, “but um, am I… allowed to be out by myself?”
Jeongguk gives you a strange look, placing his hands on your shoulders and smoothing them down your arms, “You’re part of the pack now and my future mate.  You don’t have to walk on eggshells around us, gods know no one out there will.  Please familiarize yourself with the pack, it’s home now.”
You nod, feeling ashamed about your question, but unable to articulate to Jeongguk how out of place you felt when you were in the midst of your tribe.  Jeongguk hesitates for a moment, swaying back and forth, before apparently coming to his decision and leaning down to press his lips to your forehead.
With a horrifying sense of clarity, you realize you let Jeongguk go down on you before you’ve even properly kissed.  But then again, you two don’t have an exactly conventional relationship.
“I shouldn’t take too long,” he whispers against your skin, seemingly unwilling to go.
“Okay,” you whisper back, smiling when he kisses your forehead again.
As they say, parting is such sweet sorrow.
You take the time to introduce yourself to the surrounding cabins, receiving delighted responses.  You feel bad, because there are so many names thrown at you in a short time frame that you don’t remember most of them.  You met Alpha Kim’s son, Namjoon, and two people claiming to be Jeongguk’s best friends, Jimin and Taehyung.  There’s the old lady just a cabin down from yours, who winks rather lasciviously at you when she tells you that the wood the cabins are made with are thick and block sound.  There’s a human girl around your age named Jihyo on the other side of your cabin who is super sweet and invites you in for tea, which you postpone to another afternoon.
You meet another girl on the way back to your cabin, because you are actually really tired, who introduces herself icily as Ina.  Despite her attitude, you bow politely at her.
“So, you’re Jeongguk’s mate,” she says kind of tersely, after having sniffed at the air around you with a look of disdain.
You’re familiar with this kind of attitude, which is very reminiscent of your tribe, so you continue to be polite to her.
“I am!  I’m Y/N,” you introduce yourself, “It’s nice to meet you Ina.”
“I heard Alpha Kim say you volunteered.  I’ve never heard of someone volunteering,” she continues.
“I remember it happening once when I was a kid, but back then-”
“Did you only volunteer because you think he’s hot?” she interjects over you.
Your mouth clicks shut, unsure of how to answer her.  You’re afraid if you say no, she’ll wheedle her way into the depths of your soul and pull your tragic reasoning out.  But you can’t say yes, because not only is it not true, but you’re afraid that she’ll spread an ugly rumor around that you’re shallow.
It’s a conundrum you’re not sure how to approach, but thankfully your saving grace is a smiling older woman placing her hand on your shoulder and deflecting Ina’s question.
“Ina, what’s with the inquisition?  Y/N dear has had a long journey, we have plenty of time to get to know her as a person, and as a mate for Jeongguk.”
Ina looks embarrassed at her interruption and bows to the older woman, with a small sorry before she scurries off.
“I’m sorry, you didn’t have to get involved-” you start but she waves your apology off.
“Don’t worry about it.  And don’t worry about Ina, she’s just feeling slighted right now.  Is it okay if I take up some of your time?  I’d love to have a cup of tea and get to know you,” she smiles so prettily at you, eerily familiar, and you find yourself nodding before you remember you were going to take a nap.  Too late now.
“Would you like to come back to Jeongguk’s cabin?  Well, mine too I guess.  Um, our cabin-” you stumble over yourself, out of your depth as she laughs.  Not at you, but at the obvious confusion you’re having trying to fit yourself into the pack.
“Sure deary, let’s go,” she links her arm with yours, turning you to your cabin.
You spend a pleasant hour with her, apologizing at first for not knowing where Jeongguk keeps his stuff but easily locating a kettle and some tea.  She introduces herself as Minseo and gives you a brief history of the pack, and some of the members, before she conspiratorially asks if you want to hear stories of Jeongguk from when he was a child and you quickly agree.
That’s how Jeongguk finds you, kneeling at the little table with Minseo, tears in your eyes as she recounts a story of a buck naked teenage Jeongguk jumping into a lake on a dare and not evening completing it.  He looks shocked to see you and Minseo giggling against each other, tea refilled and steaming, before it transforms into a serene look.
“Hi mom,” he greets Minseo and you abruptly stop giggling, turning to the woman beside you with wide eyes and a hanging mouth.
She grins sneakily around the rim of her mug, “Ah, baby, you ruined my fun, I hadn’t told her I was your mother yet.”
He rolls his eyes but is still smiling as he leans down to kiss the top of her head, snickering to himself when he sees how shocked you still are as he kisses your cheek.
“Are you staying for dinner?  We’ll be eating here tonight, Omega Kim is bringing us bear as a treat.”
“Omega Kim has always been so sweet on you, you’d think she was your mother and not me,” Minseo pouts and Jeongguk coos.
“Maybe if you were nicer to me,” he singsongs, not even trying to avoid the slap she aims at his shoulder.
“Yah, do you know how long I was in labor with you?” Minseo complains but she’s smiling, looking so incredibly happy as she gazes at him.
“I’m sure you’ll remind me.”
“A whole day, Guk, an entire day of pain and agony and spreading my legs so your grandmother could check just to tell me you were being stubborn and weren’t coming out despite being stretched by a watermelon.”
Jeongguk groans, “Do you have to be so graphic about it?”
“It’s not like it’s something you won’t go through,” she teases and the implication brings a blush to your cheeks.
You and Jeongguk?  Kids?  You’ve barely though past your mating ceremony, but you suspect it’s a normal thing for mother-in-laws to be worried about.
“Besides, with the way our little Y/N smells, it doesn’t seem like you’re all that shy about it,” she says knowingly and you choke on your tea.
“Mom!” Jeongguk groans, avoiding looking at you as he scratches behind his ear, “Please.”
Minseo grins to herself, downing the last of her tea as she stands on creaky knees.  Jeongguk helps her to her feet, you pushing yourself up to follow them to the door.
“I’ll let you two have your time.  Please dear, don’t be a stranger, I love visitors,” she tells you sincerely and despite your mortification that she can somehow smell what you and Jeongguk had been up to, you wholeheartedly agree, “And Jeongguk, eat some more, your cheeks are getting thin.”
“Yes mom,” he tells her dutifully, kissing her cheek before she hugs you goodbye.
You wave at her, watching her bustle down the path, before Jeongguk shuts the door.
“Can everyone smell your cum on me or something?” you ask and Jeongguk bursts out laughing, though you can see a bit of embarrassment lingering on his face.
“Well, kind of, but it’s mainly just me.  You probably can’t smell it because you don’t have the sense for it but each of us have our own, uh, scent.  So earlier when we… ahem,” Jeongguk clears his throat, seemingly unwilling to explicitly mention it and you grin at that, “a lot of my scent would have transferred over to you.  That’s what everyone is referring to.  They’re probably surprised because scenting is kind of an intimate thing and we’ve only just met.”
“Oh,” you hum, “so I smell like you.  That means everyone knows whose mate I am, that I belong to you.”
Jeongguk makes a strangled sound and clears his throat again, “Yes, that you- yes.”
The two of you stand by the door, just staring at each other, before Jeongguk moves away to head to the kitchen.   There aren’t many dishes to do, but Jeongguk does them anyway, and you think he’s doing them just to have something to do.  You decide to help him, sliding silently up beside him and taking a dripping dish from him quietly.
It’s quiet between you two as you work together, Jeongguk washing and you drying them before putting them away.  Finally you ask a question, addressing the difference between you.
“Does it bother you?  That I’m not shifter, so I have no way of scenting you back?” you ask softly.
Jeongguk takes a moment to answer, scrubbing at a spot in the sink that looks stained and unable to come out.
“No,” he finally says, “my mate doesn’t have to be similar to me in order to be a good match for me.  I don’t need someone who has good eyes or good sense of smell,” here’s teasing you here, judging by the tongue he sticks out at you, “or a certain status for me to want to spend my life with them.  I just want someone I’m comfortable with and who makes me happy.”
The answer settles something pleasant in your stomach and you smile shyly at him.
“But…” he hesitates for a moment, “I do want to apologize.”
“For what?” you ask, putting the towel you were drying with back on a rack.
“This morning,” he says softly, “I hope I didn’t… force myself on you or make you feel uncomfortable.  I mean, I enjoyed it, and judging by the sounds you were making you did too, but I never verbally checked with you and that was wrong of me.”
You bump your shoulder against his, before leaning against him, “Jeongguk, it’s okay.  You didn’t force me.  Caught me by surprise, sure, but… it was good.  You were good,” you’re blushing, hiding your face against his tunic sleeve, but you don’t care, “I liked it and I wasn’t exactly quiet about wanting to do more after, was I?  We have a week before our mating ceremony, so maybe we can just… explore until then?”
Alpha Kim had explained that it’s a big tradition within the pack, a little ceremony held in front of the pack, with food and dancing.  Then, you head off to the outskirts of the pack clearing where there’s a mating clearing, an area blessed by the Moon Goddess.  You and Jeongguk aren’t allowed to have penetrative sex until then, a tradition long held in their pack that the first “real” copulation has to be blessed by Her for a good life together.  At least Jeongguk’s already semi fucked you outside, so it won’t feel so foreign actually getting mounted in the open like that.  Besides, it’s not like you can’t do other things.
“You can’t say things like that with a straight face,” Jeongguk groans, “You have no idea how hard it was for me to tell you not to suck me off this morning.”
You laugh, Jeongguk turning you to gently pull you into his arms, “You have no idea how hard it was for me to not just drop to my knees and do it anyway.”
Jeongguk growls and you shiver, Jeongguk holding you close to his chest as he presses a loud kiss behind your ear.  He moves to pepper kisses down your neck, nipping at your pulse point while you scrabble to hold onto his back.
“Jeongguk,” you breathe, “kiss me, please.”
He wastes no time pulling back to press his mouth to yours, swallowing the whine you let out as he pushes you tightly against the counter.  You’re ignoring his semi for the moment, pressed deliciously right up against you, to enjoy the feeling of his mouth practically devouring you.  His tongue feels as good in your mouth as it did in your cunt, brushing against your own and against the back of your teeth hotly.
Jeongguk’s hands can’t decide if they want to grab at your ass, your waist, or your thighs, kneading whatever skin they come in contact with.  At some point they’re in your hair, tugging you away from his mouth with force so he can kiss down the front of your throat to your collarbones, biting and sucking bruises into your tender skin.  All you can do is take it as he forces his hips upward, groaning as he nestles his covered cock right between your pussy lips.  You’re still wearing his tunic as a dress, so you can feel him in his entirety and god is he big.
“You’re gonna drive me crazy,” he growls, your skin stinging from the bite he just left that he soothes with his tongue, “I can smell how wet you are already.  Just wanna go down on you until you cry, finger you until you’ve came so many times you lose count.”
“Jeongguk,” you sob, overwhelmed with how bad you want him, “touch me, please.”
“Come on,” he lets go of your hair to pull you up on his hips by your thighs, “so many things I want to do to you.  You stepped up to that stage with no fear and clear determination, looked me right in the eyes like I can’t bring you to your knees.  Wanted to bend you over and fuck you right then, show your whole tribe the sweet pussy they’d be missing. Fuck, Y/N.”
There are actual tears in your eyes as Jeongguk stomps his way to the bedroom, softly laying you in your pile of furs.  He towers over you on his knees, eyes roving over you as he takes in your flushed face and heaving chest, smirking at the way your thighs rub together.
“Pull your tunic up,” he instructs and your hands quickly fall to grip the hem, “slowly.”
You swallow thickly, taking a few deep breaths as Jeongguk places his hands just below your knees, eyes falling to watch the way your fingers shake.  You pull it up slowly, eyelashes fluttering as you savor the drag of the fabric against your sensitive skin.  Jeongguk hums, fingers creeping up your legs the farther you pull the tunic up, licking his lips when he sees your panties and the wet spot they’re sporting.
You pause when you reach your navel, letting your fingertips trail against your skin as the goosebumps erupt.
“So pretty, baby,” Jeongguk breathes, the furs shifting under his knees as he leans over you more, abs quivering from exertion, “What a show, keep going.”
You whimper a little, placing your hands flat against your stomach as you continue to push the tunic up, feeling yourself up.  Your hands slide up your sides causing you to shy away from the ticklish touch and your fingers brush just under your breasts.  You jolt at the feeling of Jeongguk’s tongue against your stomach, hands flying down to grip at his hair.
“Did I say you could stop?” he growls, biting softly at your skin, tongue hot and wet, “Show me those tits, baby.”
“Jeongguk,” you moan, arching your back as you push the tunic up higher, your exposed nipples immediately hardening in the cold air, “feels good.”
“Take it off,” he commands and you listen, struggling to pull the tunic over your head while laying down since he won’t move back to let you sit up.
“Touch them,” he orders and you pinch your nipples softly, moaning louder, “Mmm, harder.”
You listen to him, pinching harder as he travels up your torso, leaving little lovebites in his wake.
“‘M gonna fuck these pretty tits one day,” he tells you, licking the valley between your breasts, before he bites rather harshly at your right breast, his hand swamping your own on your left breast.
He massages the left as he wraps his mouth around the right, sucking harshly and biting at your sensitive skin.
“Guk,” you sob, one hand trapped under his and the other gripping onto his bicep, “your mouth, I- fuck!”
Jeongguk grins, nipple tight between his teeth as he tugs, letting it go with a wet smack, “Touch your pussy baby, just a little.  Show me how wet you are for me.”
You’re soaked.  Without even touching yourself you can feel the way your panties cling to your skin.  Is it always going to be like this with Jeongguk?  You sure fucking hope so.
Jeongguk lets go of your breast to plant his hand into the furs beside your head, giving himself leverage as he switches from kissing your chest to marking your neck.  You squirm as his body heat settles over you, so close to touching you but so far away.  His chest brushes against yours, your nipples rubbing against his sweaty skin as his hair brushes against your cheek.  You whine into his ear as you massage the junction of your thighs, canting your hips up to try and brush against the front of him.
“Just a little,” he reminds, voice raspy against the shell of your ear, biting gently on your earlobe, “Touch yourself through your panties first, tell me how wet you are.”
You breathlessly follow his instructions, letting your fingers wander from the apex of your thighs to the top of your mound.  Your heart is beating erratically as you massage it slowly, so close to your wetness but teasing yourself just a little more.  Jeongguk has the perfect vantage part from your neck to watch your hands work, chest rumbling with the first touch of your fingertips against your clit, acting like he feels it just as acutely as you do.
“Oh,” you breathe out, Jeongguk’s teeth sinking in behind your ear.
“Tell me,” he growls, “Tell me how you feel.”
“So wet,” you immediately concede, brushing your fingers down to rub against your entrance where your wettest, “I want you so bad Jeongguk, I’m aching for you.”
Your pussy makes an audible sound as you rub your fingers against the fabric of your panties.
“Pull them down, just a bit,” his voice is rough as he pants, eyes trained on your fingers as he loses sight of them exploring between your lips, “Wanna smell you.”
You shimmy them down slowly, body wiggling under Jeongguk’s as you get them down just far enough for you to work with.  Jeongguk’s groan is low as your smell hits him and he licks a stripe up your neck.
“Put a finger in.”
You don’t disobey him, breaching your walls with just one like you’ve been told.  You’re so wet you can barely feel it and you whine in dissatisfaction.
“One not enough for your greedy pussy?” he sneers, raising himself onto his haunches to get a better look at what you’ve put on display, “Two, then, but only two.”
You work a second one in and the stretch is nice, but nowhere near filling.  Jeongguk watches the push and pull of your fingers, crossing his arms over his chest as he casually observes you.  It’s so apathetic you cry out, willing him to do something, but he doesn’t.  He lets you finger yourself for a few minutes, watching your drip onto the pile of furs beneath you as he breathes steadily.  The only real way you can tell he’s affected is by the way his nostrils are flaring and how dilated his pupils are.
“Feel good?” he finally asks.
“You’d feel better,” is your instant answer and he seems pleased, giving you a smug smirk as he shrugs his top off, “Could touch me so much better, your fingers are-are thicker and longer and-”
Jeongguk leans down to press a kiss to the center of your sternum, hands raising to grip your hips tight.
“Fuck, baby, you smell fantastic,” he groans, tongue slithering out as he trails down, biting and sucking as he goes, “Tasted so good on my tongue, can’t wait to eat you out again.”
“Please,” you beg, you whimper, you plead, “please touch me, Guk.”
“Okay, baby, since you’ve asked so nicely,” his hands slide down your hips and around your thighs, settling his shoulders between your legs.  You keen at the stretch, cool air brushing against your wet pussy as Jeongguk takes a moment to watch your fingers at eye level.
“Show me how wet you are,” his voice has dropped, tone low and rough and you exhale hard through your nose as you do as he asks, scissoring your fingers as you pull them out so he can see how thoroughly coated they are, “Fuck yeah…”
Despite the gruffness of his voice, his hands are gentle as he takes your wrist in his hands and presses them into the bed.  Jeongguk is so utterly focused on your pussy, using his thumbs to spread your lips apart as he takes in a deep breath.  It’s a little embarrassing for you, but the unrestrained moan he lets out overpowers anything your feeling as you squirm in his hold.
“I can’t wait any longer,” he mutters to himself you think, before he all but attacks your pussy with his tongue.
He’s vicious, tongue laving from top to bottom as he eats you out, basically swallowing you whole.  You’ve stretched yourself enough from your two fingers that his slip in easily, and he’s quick to push it to three, working them in tandem with his tongue.
You’re practically vibrating beneath Jeongguk, physically unable to keep your mouth closed as you let him know just how good it feels.  You’re so worked up you can feel your orgasm approaching fast, your thighs beginning to shake the closer it gets.
“Oh, cumming, I’m-” you try to speak but you feel like you’re about to swallow your tongue.
Just as you feel like you’re about to tumble over the precipice, just when you can taste it in your mouth, Jeongguk rips himself away from you and your orgasm comes to a screeching halt.
“No, nonono,” you cry, frustration tears budding in the corner of your eyes as you reach out to a panting Jeongguk, “Why did you-!”
“Shh, it’s okay baby, just relax,” he coos, leaning down to press kisses into your thighs as he brushes his hands lovingly up your sides, “calm down for me, yeah?”
You pout down at him, wiping at your eyes as you huff.
“Just trust me, okay?” he smiles cutely at you, like that makes it feel better, as he softly buries his tongue back into you.
You want to be mad because you were so close, but his tongue calms you down and you sink back into the feeling.  Jeongguk seems eager to get back at it and you sigh as the feeling builds back up.  He alternates between sticking his tongue in you and thumbing your clit and dredging his fingers against your walls as he sucks on your clit like a man starved.
It doesn’t take long for you to feel the beginnings of your orgasm approaching and you decide to keep it to yourself.  But Jeongguk must pick up on the tells of your breath quickening and your hands becoming restless because just as you’re about to tip over the edge again Jeongguk pulls away with a wet smack.
“No!” your hands fly up to cover your face because you’re actually crying this time, tears of frustration slipping down your temples into your hairline.
“Pretty girl,” Jeongguk kisses his way up your body, nosing at your ear as he smooths a hand through your hair, “Take a deep breath for me.”
You sniffle into his shoulder, smacking his bicep weakly as you cling onto him, “Why are you being such a dick?  I just wanna cum.”
“I know you do,” he kisses the tip of your nose, before pressing a smothering kiss to your mouth, “And you will, it’ll feel good, I promise.”
“How am I supposed to know if you keep stopping!” you complain and he laughs into your skin as he settles between your legs again.
Jeongguk presses apologetic kisses to your pussy, humming as he slips his tongue up and around your clit as he eases his fingers back in.
“Sorry baby, forgive me?” he grins devilishly at you and you can’t answer, eyes already starting to roll from how deprived you feel.
“Please no more teasing,” you whimper, threading shaky fingers through Jeongguk’s hair, “I don’t think I can take any more.”
“Okay pretty,” he acquices, and you can see the physical change in him, the way his tongue turns pointed and the way his fingers stiffen inside you, “I’ll let you cum.”
You almost wish you had let him do as he pleased, because he works you up to a quick orgasm and tongues you through it, wrapping a hand around your waist to hold you to the bed as you squirm and twitch and gasp your way through it until you’re finished but he… doesn’t stop.
“G-Guk, that’s-” too much, but the words die in your throat as he merely buries his face farther in your pussy, fingers taken to stroking the upper bounds of your walls to keep them lodged up to his knuckles.
“You wanted to cum,” he tells you darkly, mouthful of pussy, “So cum.”
“I did,” you squawk, futilely trying to close your legs around his head, but he easily holds them open, “I c-can’t!  Not again!”
“You will,” he tells you simply before he dives back in.
And you do.  Two more times, the feeling not as all encompassing but just as intense, leaving you slack jawed and with an aching back from how you arch and shy away from his touch.  Your body melts into the furs when his fingers finally retract from inside you, tongue leaving your clit numb and sore.
“Such a good girl, make so many pretty sounds for me,” Jeongguk murmurs, massaging your hips as he lays beside you, “Did so well for me, baby.  Gimme a kiss.”
Your mouth barely works but you kiss him, Jeongguk leaning his torso over yours to make it easier on you.
“You’re still hard,” you note, glancing down to see the bulge in his pants, hidden away from you for too long.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” he tells you but you whine.
“Wanna suck you off, been thinking about it all day,” you admit and he makes a low sound in the back of his throat.
“Yeah?  Wanna suck your alpha off?  Wanna make me feel good?” he asks, voice low and soothing as you push yourself down his body, bringing his pants with you.
You groan at the feel of him, cock sticky with your arousal.  You don’t care about that, and don’t hesitate to suck on his head, hand moving down to play with his balls and twist at the base where you know a knot is waiting for you.  You want it in you so bad you whine around his cock, pushing down so you can suck on more of him, tucking your teeth behind your lips so you didn’t nick him.
Jeongguk groans above you, hands carding through your hair to hold it back, watching your mouth work him over enthusiastically, spit dribbling from the corner of your mouth.
“Ah, baby, just like that,” he moans, giving a tentative thrust of his hips that you gag around, “So eager.”
Jeongguk is big, and most of his cock doesn’t fit in your mouth, so you happily suck what you can and fist the rest of him.  He feels as good in your mouth as you expected him to, heavy against your tongue and the taste heady.  You pull off to breathe, jaw aching from the girth of Jeongguk’s cock, and he coos as you gasp for air.
“So good baby, so close, just a little more, yeah?  Gonna cum down that throat of yours, gonna feel so good, mmm,” he moans as you swallow him back down, fighting through your need to gag to hold your mouth around him and just suck, twisting your hands around the rest of him, “Y/N.”
You whine as Jeongguk reaches down to hold your head steady, before catching on that he wants to fuck your mouth.  You moan around him, making sure to keep your teeth hidden as you tongue at the head each time he thrusts in.
“Ah, yes, yes, gonna cum,” Jeongguk growls, leaning up on an elbow to watch your face intently as you glance up at him, “Hnng!”
There’s so much cum and you try to swallow as much as you can, but you have to pull off to breathe and a few splatters land on your cheek and jaw.  You continue to jerk him through it and Jeongguk hisses through his teeth at the sensitivity, baring his neck as he lets you work his cock roughly before he unceremoniously pulls you up to him to shove his tongue in your mouth.
You laugh breathlessly as you fall against him, trying to keep up.
“You’re insatiable,” you condemn and he grins against the column of your throat.
“You just make me feel so good, sound so pretty for me,” he tells you, “Want to fuck you so bad.”
You can’t help the way you clench your legs together and Jeongguk can feel the muscle movement from where you’re settled on his lap, calming down together.
“Soon,” he promises, running his hands up your back as you relax against him, heart beat slowly returning to normal, “Let’s just enjoy yourselves, like you said.” 
You’re humming to yourself as you help prepare meat in the dining hall.  Some of the pack members had gone on a hunt the day before and the second run had gone out this morning.  They were trying to stock up on their own food, as well as add to the supplies they were going to trade to your tribe for the Lottery.  Well, your old tribe.
Jeongguk had gone out on the second run and he had been excited this morning.  Jeongguk told you he liked hunting more for the physical aspect than the actual hunting part, though he did disclose that one of his favorite memories was taking down an elk all by himself.  He promised to find a rabbit, which was meat you really liked, so you two could have dinner in your cabin and you found the gesture incredibly sweet.
However, when Minseo rushes into the preparation room, eyes wide and chest heaving, your heart drops into your stomach.  The chatter from the other pack members dies down quickly, as you all zero in on the absolute panic on Minseo’s face.
“Minseo what’s-”
“It’s Jeongguk,” she whispers, reaching a shaky hand to you, “Jeongguk’s hurt, we have to go.”
You hear the words, can see Jeongguk bleeding in your mind’s eye, but you can’t make your feet move.  Jeongguk’s hurt.  Your future mate is hurt and all you can think is the worst, hand tightening around the knife in your hand.
“Y/N, dear, it’s okay,” Minseo gently takes the knife from you, laying it on the table as your breathing shortens, “C’mon, he’s in the healing hut, let’s go see him.”
Minseo holds you close to her as the two of you sprint over to the healing hut.  The closer you get the louder it becomes and you two see the rest of the second run standing around outside, debriefing Alpha Kim.  Some of them are already bandaged up, favoring legs and holding limp arms to their chests.  You can only hope Jeongguk made it out with as minor injuries.
Alpha Kim notices you and Minseo drawing closer and beckons you into the hut, “He’s okay, he’s inside.  He’s asked for you, go see him.”
You quickly nod at him, bounding up the stairs and holding your breath as you push the door open.
The first thing you notice is how disheveled Jeongguk’s hair is, face dirty and gaunt and a small frown marring his face.  The second thing you notice is the bandage wrapped around the entirety of his left arm, stained red in some spots.  The third and last thing you notice is Ina curled up in Jeongguk’s lap, sobbing.
They haven’t noticed you and Minseo yet, the door opening too soft to be heard over the sound of Ina’s crying.  You go to take a step forward and announce your presence, but Minseo places a firm hand on your shoulder and shakes her head, motioning for you to be quiet.  You want to protest, to let them know you’re here, but realize Ina is talking as she cries.
“Why did you have to choose her?” she asks, hands clutching at Jeongguk’s pants, face hidden, “Why did you have to step out of the pack?”
Jeongguk sighs softly, a light hand placed on the back of her head as he tries to console her, “Ina, we talked about this…”
“No, you talked about it,” she vehemently denies, “You decided we weren’t a match and you decided to end it.  I wanted to work through it and stay together.”
Together?  You should have known from the way Ina had approached you and the way she talked to you that there had been something between them.
“I could have made you so happy,” she whispers, pulling away to look up at him.  Your heart breaks for her.
“Ina, I wouldn’t have been happy if I had stayed,” he breaks it to her in a gentle voice.
“You never even gave us a chance!” she rips herself away from him, standing up and turning so quickly that you barely have a chance to prepare for when your eyes meet
Ina’s nostrils flare dangerously but you meet her stare head on.  Jeongguk stands up behind her, ready to step in, but you shake your head at him.  You and her were going to have to talk it out one day, better now when everyone can bare witness.
“You’ll never take away the fact that I was his first,” she declares and you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at her childish attack.  You wanted to be civil, seeing as how you’re in the same pack now, but she’s made it clear she has no intentions of ever treating you as an equal.
“Well, we all make mistakes,” you shrug.  You can’t deny the little trill of fear that runs down your spine when her eyes narrow and her hands clench.
“You bitch-”
“Ina,” Jeongguk growls behind her, voice low and authoritative, “Don’t talk to her like that.  I didn’t “choose” Y/N; if she hadn’t volunteered it would have been whoever was drawn from the Lottery.  I’m sorry but that’s the truth.”
Ina’s face twists and she turns her head away for a moment before she charges forward.  Your eyes widen, bracing yourself for impact, but Minseo guides you away from the door to let her barrel out of it.
It’s quiet for a few moments, before Jeongguk sighs heavily and sits back on his medical cot.   His movement snaps you back into the moment and you take a small step towards him, causing him to raise his head to look at you.
Jeongguk looks exhausted as he simply stares at you for a moment, before he raises his arms in welcoming and you fall into him.  You wrap your arms around his shoulders, cradling his head to your chest as the tension in your body floods out of you.  You’re not surprised to find that a few tears fall, utterly relieved to see and feel that Jeongguk is only minorly injured.
“Y/N,” Jeongguk says tiredly, breath washing across your skin, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
You shake your head, kissing his crown as you rub your fingers against the back of his neck, “I don’t care about Ina right now, are you okay?”
Jeongguk lets out a deep sigh again, the arms he had tightly wrapped around you growing limp, “So tired.”
“What happened?” you asked softly, “How did you get hurt?”
“Bear,” he says gruffly, “Took us by surprise.  Snagged m’arm with its claws.  Had’ta flee.”
His words are starting to slur and you squeeze him to you for a long moment before you slowly ease him back down onto the cot.  Jeongguk doesn’t fight against you, nuzzling against the hand you lay on his cheek as he gets comfortable.
“Rest now,” you kiss his cheek and his eyelashes flutter closed, “You’re okay.”
You watch his face even out as he falls asleep, the furrow between his eyebrows slowly smoothing.  When you turn around, you see Minseo watching the two of you with soft eyes and a softer smile.
She simply says, “Let’s let him rest.  We’ll prepare him dinner and you can deliver it later.”
“That sounds good.”
There’s quiet between the two of you as you head back to the dining hall before Minseo breaks it, “He was wrong, you know.”
“Jeongguk?” you question and she nods, “About what?”
“He says he didn’t choose you, but he’s wrong.”
“How so?” you ask, because you very plainly volunteered, there was no choosing on his end.
Minseo smiles serenely up at the clear blue sky, closing her eyes against the sunlight, “He chose you the moment you stepped forward.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Jeongguk frowns at you, watching you change into heavier clothes.
You roll your eyes, completely exasperated with him, “I don’t care what you think, I want to do this.”
You pull a thick cloak around you, cinching it around your neck as you face him.  He’s tonguing his cheek, staring intensely at the wall as he thinks.  The two of you have been arguing about this for the past half hour, the both of you adamant on opposite stances.
“You don’t know the area well enough,” he finally settles on, “There are other pack members who would be more useful on this supply run.”
You pause in lacing your boots up, slowly and carefully facing Jeongguk as he seems to realize the implications behind his words.
“You think I’m useless?” you ask in an even tone and he takes a step towards you before you even finish.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” he snaps, as you glare at him and shove past him.  He snags your arm to turn you to him before you can leave the bedroom, “I just meant-”
“I know what you just meant,” you rip your arm from his grasp, continuing down the hallway, “I can’t just be your bitch forever Jeongguk, I have to be of some use to the pack.”
“No one thinks-!” Jeongguk is hurrying after you as you head towards the front door, but you’re done listening.
“I’m going whether you like it or not,” you tell him fiercely, and he stands kind of dumbly in place, eyes wide and chest heaving, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Y/N!” he calls out, but the only answer he gets is the slamming of your front door in his face.
When Alpha Kim had approached you about accompanying some pack members on a supply run, you had immediately said yes.  You’d only been with the pack for a few days but you felt like a burden, so you tried to pitch in wherever you could: clothes mending, laundry, food prep, farming.
This supply run would give you a chance to get to know some of the pack members a little better and the surrounding area as well.  You were excited about it, and it hurt your feelings a little when you had told Jeongguk and his response had been a shake of his head.
“No, I don’t think you should go,” he had said, casually, turning away from you like the conversation was over.
He seemed to think that because he was an alpha, what he said went, but you were your own person and you had already decided you were going on the supply run; you had told Jeongguk out of courtesy, not permission.  So you had simply left Jeongguk to his lunch and went to pack some of your belongings before you really began arguing, before he called you useless.
Now, you’re approaching the group gathered outside Yoongi’s cabin, the alpha the leader of this particular run.
“Ah, Y/N, good, you’re here.  That should be everyone, are we ready to set out?” his voice is quiet but commanding, and your little group quiets down as they nod their agreement.
You don’t look back as you follow the group out to the edge of your pack boundary line and across it, chatting with the human girl Jihyo.  You two have spent some time together since you’ve arrived and you feel better about not being the only human on the run.
Yoongi leads your group in his shifted form, nose to the ground as other shifted members flank the sides.  You dislike the idea of the shifters circling around you humans like you need protection, but considering you still don’t know the area, you don’t fight against it.  You’re sure they’re just being extra careful with you as well, considering how new you are.
You and Jihyo collect some simple and easy herbs as you walk.  There’s a deer den the group is headed to and there’s a black berry patch Jihyo had mentioned that was near it.  You’re expected to reach a camping spot by sun down, head into the deer den to catch them by surprise in the early morning, swing by the berry patch, and reach home just before dinner.  You hope that it’ll give you and Jeongguk enough time to calm down after your little spat to talk it through.
Yoongi stops suddenly in front of you, one of the pack members stumbling into him as he raises his nose to sniff quickly at the air, tail stiff with alert.  The others seem to realize something’s amiss as they crowd you and Jihyo in between them, watching the tree line for whatever it is Yoongi’s smelling.
Except Yoongi lets out an amused huff before he shifts back, turning to face the way your group had just come from.
“You might as well come out of hiding, I can smell you,” he calls out and you look where he’s looking, but with your diminished senses you can’t see anything.
Until a black body shifts its way between some bushes, head held high as he walks to you.  You roll your eyes and turn away from Jeongguk as he joins your group, padding his way up to Yoongi, ears and tail lowered in respect.
“Weren’t you attacked by a bear a two days ago?  Should you really be following us?” Yoongi asks rhetorically, before he shifts back.
Yoongi barely gives any of you time to adjust to the new addition to your group, sticking his nose back to the ground as he continues to follow the trail.
Jeongguk turns his head to look back at you but you push forward with Yoongi, refusing to spare him a glance.  You can feel your blood boiling. How dare he follow you like you’re some little girl who needs her father to watch over her.
Jeongguk doesn’t approach you as you and Jihyo continue to collect easy supplies as you walk.  You’re going a little slower than you expected, but the way the pack does things is different than you’re used to.
It becomes evident what’s given Yoongi some concern when he pauses over a dark splatter against a tree trunk, growling lowly in his throat as he sniffs at it.
“That’s… blood,” Jihyo whispers nervously by your side, subconsciously reaching down for your hand in search of comfort.
Jeongguk nears Yoongi and they seem to have a quick conversation if the look they share is anything to go by.  You’re surprised to see them motion for your group to head into the trees, off the established path.  One of the unshifted members behind you explains what’s happening when they sense your hesitation.
“It must be another shifter’s blood if Yoongi’s taking us into cover.  He must not be sure what’s hurt it,” he says, a shifter named Minho, “It looks like old blood though, so it’s probably more a precaution than anything.”
You nod and when you face forward, you can see Jeongguk is looking at you over his shoulder.  You give him a quick, reassuring smile and he accepts it, turning back to help beat down the grass for your group to walk through easier.
Yoongi seems satisfied with your cover after a few hours, shifting back to put a halt to the group.
“We’ll bed down here for the night,” Yoongi announces, the treetops hiding the waning sunlight, “We’re a little farther from the deer den than I would have preferred, but we’re capable and can make do.  I know there’s a little lake nearby where we can get some fish for extra food and wash up really quick, which we’ll do in shifts.  Minho, help me gather some wood.  Seulgi, Jeongguk, you head to the lake-”
“Wait, that’ll leave Y/N and Jihyo by themselves,” Jeongguk quickly interjects, meeting the withering glare Yoongi sends him head on.
“Your point?”
“W-Well, someone should stay with them, shouldn’t they?  Seulgi can handle fishing by herself, I’ll-”
“The two of you will catch more fish faster than just Seulgi by herself,” Yoongi counteracts, before his voice turns teasing, borderline mocking, “What’s the matter, Jeongguk?  Don’t trust your mate by herself?”
“That’s not-!” Jeongguk splutters and you snort, crossing your arms.
“Then Seulgi and you will gather the fish.  You should remember where the lake is, I won’t insult you by holding your hand and walking you to it.”
Jeongguk’s face turns red and he glowers, Seulgi nudging his shoulder good naturedly as they turn away.  Jeongguk does shoot you one last glance but you ignore him again, upset with his response to this whole situation.
“C’mon, let’s start setting up camp,” Jihyo says and you snap back to it, nodding as the two of you get to work.
Quickly, the two of you pat the ground down enough that you’ll be able to easily contain and control your small bonfire.  Jihyo shyly asks if she can set her sleeping pad near yours and you feel your heart constrict in a pleasant manner, pulling yours closer to hers in answer.  You like Jihyo and you hope that your friendship with her only grows.
“Jeongguk’s been acting kind of weird today,” she observes, almost hesitantly, like she’s afraid to cross any boundaries.
You sigh as the two of you settle in to wait for everyone to get back.
“Yeah, we had a fight this morning about this supply run.  We’ll be okay, I’m just upset with how much it seems like he doesn’t trust me.  I know we’ve known each other for less than a week, but all this seems completely uncalled for.  He followed me out here for god’s sake.”
Jihyo nods, taking it what you’re saying and thinking it over, before she says, “I have no advice, sorry.”
You laugh, patting her hand as you smile, “It’s okay.  It’s something Jeongguk and I have to figure out for ourselves.”
“For what it’s worth, it seems to me like he’s just worried about you; I’ve only known Jeongguk a few years and he’s always been kind of reserved and off on his own, but whenever you’re around he always seems to be a little more present and engaged.”
You sigh, running a hand through your hair, and she smiles reassuringly at you, as she says, “Maybe try and talk to him tonight, before bed.  You’re not supposed to go to bed angry, right?”
You stand as Minho and Yoongi breach your little clearing, arms loaded with more firewood than is probably necessary for a night, but it’ll be good to have as a precaution.  You’re the most adept at starting a fire, having had to use one everyday to heat your little hut in your old tribe and whenever you wanted to eat, so you have it going in no time at all.
The four of you sit and talk as you wait for Jeongguk and Seulgi to get back, and it takes longer than you were expecting.  You’re not sure how far this lake is but it can’t be that far and Jeongguk’s not enough of an idiot to have gotten lost.  You briefly think about the dried shifter blood and start to worry that whatever got it had got them.  Yoongi must detect the change in your heart rate because he shoots you a comforting smile.
The relief you feel when they finally come back, sacks loaded with fish, is overtaken by surprise when Jeongguk unceremoniously dumps a large and slimy catfish in your lap with a wet plop.
“I caught this for you,” he simply says, turning away immediately to hand his sack to Yoongi so they can start gutting the contents.
You stare at the fish in your lap for a moment, it’s dead beady eye staring back at you as you start to smile.  Even in the midst of a fight he’d been thinking of you and you shake your head, pulling a knife out of your belt to gut and debone it.
You wonder if, as you bed down for the night, Jeongguk is going to sleep beside you.  You’ve gotten used to sharing space with him the past few days and your sleeping pad feels empty without him.  He and Yoongi are talking on the other side of the smoldering fire, probably a plan for the sneak attack on the deer in the morning, and he looks handsome in the firelight.  His jaw is drawn tight, chewing on his lip as the two of them strategize, arms crossed over his chest with his biceps flexing as he shifts his weight from foot to foot.  He’s handsome, you’ll never deny that, and what makes him even more attractive is the way he cares, especially about others.  Especially about you.
You’re less mad at him now then you were earlier, but you know it’s something the two of you still have to discuss; he needs to realize that you are an individual and you get to make your own decisions, whether he agrees with them or not.  But you realize he was right in being worried about you going on the run in the first place, unfamiliar with the pack and the area. You’ll let him know that you’ll listen to him more next time if he’s willing to do the same.
Jeongguk suddenly glances over at you and you don’t shy away from his gaze, even if your heart does jump with surprise.  You scoot back on your pad a little to pat the space in front of you and he smiles, a small genuine one, before he motions you to wait a few more minutes.  You’re content with that, letting yourself relax as you watch him finish up his conversation, before he eagerly pads his way over to you.
“Gukkie,” you smile at him as he settles right beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist to haul you into him.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he greets, leaning in to kiss you softly, at odds with the way he tightly holds you close to him.
“The fish was good,” you tell him and he grins happily at you.
“Seulgi was getting mad at how long I was taking, but when I saw it I knew I wanted to get it for you,” he admits and you laugh at him.
“There were plenty of other catfish you could have caught,” Seulgi grumpily snaps at him, still awake and sitting by the fire even though her eyes are starting to droop, “It didn’t have to be that particular one.”
He ignores her and you poke his side for it, Jeongguk just burying his face in your shoulder.  You smooth a hand down his back, bunching his tunic top in your hands as you keep him close, breathing in his comforting scent as your body melts into him.  He shifts so the two of you are a little more comfortable, one of his arms sliding under your head as a makeshift pillow while one of your legs slides between his.
“Are we okay?” he whispers to you, the chatter of the last few pack members serving as quiet background noise.  You think you can hear Jihyo snoring, enhanced by the few crickets you guys haven’t scared away.
“I still want to calmly discuss it and not just accept your bribe of fish-”
“-it wasn’t a bribe-” he sulks.
“-but I get it,” you tell him gently, laying your free hand on his cheek.  He kisses your palm as you continue, “we should’ve talked it out more before I stormed off and you decided it was necessary to crash the party.”
Jeongguk has the decency to look sheepish, “Sorry I just- sorry.  Yoongi’s right, I should trust you more.  I just worry about you, being new to the pack and the area.  I trust the members with my life but if something happened to you on this run and I wasn’t here to protect you, I’d never forgive myself.”
“You won’t always be able to protect me,” you gently admonish him.
Jeongguk heaves out a heavy sigh, like it pains him to admit, “I know.  I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” you tell him, “I should have listened to your concerns seriously before I got mad.  It’s just… hard for me to listen to others. It’s been just me for so long, I’m not used to other people caring for me.”
“Sounds like we both have some things we need to work on,” Jeongguk notes and you smile into his neck.
“Together?” you whisper, glancing up at him.
“Together,” he smiles before he kisses you.
“Ugh, get a room,” Yoongi gags from the other side of the bonfire, and you and Jeongguk giggle into each other.
You and Jeongguk are incredibly sexually compatible, that much is obvious, but more than that, you find that you genuinely enjoy being around him.  Time and time again, you find the two simply together and enjoying each other’s presence, not just each other’s bodies.
It’s nice.  A comfortable life with someone you genuinely enjoy being around and someone you didn’t just settle for is not something you’d ever have.  Jeongguk makes you laugh until your stomach hurts, tears clinging to the corner of your eyes.  He makes you cry with soft stories of his childhood, recounting precious memories with his parents and grandparents, about friends that have come and gone.
It’s amazing.  He’s amazing.  You keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, for something to pop this bubble that you’ve been living in for the past few days, but it doesn’t come.  You don’t expect your life with Jeongguk to always be this easy, but you know that if you two continue to work together like you’ve been, you’ll be able to overcome anything.
“Our ceremony is in a few days,” Jeongguk tells you two mornings before your ceremony, curled around you with your head resting on his bicep.
He’s scratching at your scalp, and you’ve noticed these last couple of days that he’s lost most of his feral features.  His nails are short and blunt, and his fangs have retracted to match the rest of his teeth. You’ve learned that it wasn’t so much that Jeongguk’s feral transformation that made him lose his communication skills, but that he’s fairly reserved most of the time naturally.  It doesn’t bother you; you like watching Jeongguk just exist in the space around him, filling it entirely with his very being.
“I know,” you whisper, brushing the lightest touch against the newly started ink on his chest.  It’s part of the ceremony, Jeongguk having earned the right to bear the pack’s insignia, and it’ll be completed by the time you say your mating vows.
“Are you nervous?” he asks, using the leverage he has in your hair to tilt your head back, staring intensely down at you, “Are you regretting your decision?”
“No,” you tell him immediately, because you don’t, “there are some things I regret in life, but you’ll never be one of them.  But yes… I am nervous.  I don’t know why though.”
He smiles sweetly at you, kissing you even sweeter.
“I can’t wait,” he says honestly, smattering kisses across your face as he tries to pull you closer, though there’s miniscule space between you two already, “getting to do this with you for the rest of my life… it sounds almost too good to be true.”
You bury your face in his chest and he lets you, wrapping his arms tightly around you as he pins you to the furs.
“You’re sappy,” you mumble into his chest and he hums, not denying it, “but the rest of our lives has a nice ring to it.”
The only thing that could potentially put a damper on your mood is Ina, who has been nothing but rude and condescending to you.  You ignore her, for the most part, and don’t mention anything to Jeongguk because it’s not worth a second thought.  Jeongguk is your mate now and it’s something she’ll just have to accept.
Jeongguk’s friends, Jimin and Taehyung, are really sweet to you, and help you prepare for your ceremony considering your lack of friends.  But you think you can begin calling them friends of your own as they help rub oil into your skin, specifically around your neck, to help loosen and slightly numb it to prepare it for your mating bite.  They also help you make a necklace for Jeongguk, your own symbol of possession considering you can’t return his bite.
The night before your ceremony, you’re whisked away from Jeongguk, Minseo giggling at the outrage on his face.
“It’s bad luck to see your mate before the ceremony, Y/N’s gonna have to stay with me tonight,” she lies and you cackle as Jeongguk whines at her, uncaring of the fact that he’s amidst his pack in the dining hall.
Some of the older women coo at him as he stands, stalking towards the two of you as Minseo drags you around.  The rest of the pack joins in on the fun, pulling you around the hall as they block Jeongguk’s attempts from getting to you.  The both of you laugh as you play along, you hiding behind people as Jeongguk wrestles pups to the ground, acting like they’re his biggest obstacle.
“I’ll never get to her this way!” Jeongguk proclaims, letting one of the pups gain the upper hand and put him in a rather strong headlock for someone his size, “You’ll never take her from me!”
You giggle as Minseo comes around to collect you, pulling you out from behind a sweet omega named Taeyeon, tucking some hair behind your ear as she slides a clip into your hand.
You grip it tightly as she leans into you, whispering, “This was my mother’s.  It would… mean a lot to me if you wore it during your ceremony tomorrow.  Mother always wanted to see Jeongguk’s mating ceremony and I think she would have loved you.”
It brings tears into your eyes and you hug her tightly, as the crowd around you continues to laugh and play loudly.
“Thank you,” you cry.
Minseo kisses your cheek, keeping you close to her as she says, “Out of any daughter I could have received, I thank the gods it’s someone like you.  I know you and Jeongguk will be happy together.”
Minseo is going to have you flat out sobbing in a few moments as she pulls away to smooth your hair down before she steps back.  You wipe hastily at your eyes, pocketing the clip safe and secure in your pants.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” she tells you.
You go to answer, but familiar arms wrap around your waist and lift you up.  You squeal loudly, the crowd bursting into cheers as Jeongguk spins you, grin becoming visible as he shifts you until he has an arm around your back and under your knees, both your arms around his neck.
“Gotcha,” he’s smug, like it was actually a challenge to get to you.
“Oh no, whatever shall I do?” you sarcastically intone, pressing the back of your hand dramatically to your forehead, “It looks like the big bad wolf has caught me.”
“I’d be careful, little lamb; this big bad wolf has quite the appetite and it seems he’s caught something particularly tasty,” he licks his lips, winking at you, and there are whistles from the crowd.
You snicker but quickly school your features, fluttering your eyelashes at him as you say, “I wonder what I could possibly offer in exchange for my life?”
Jeongguk purses his lips, pretending to think, before he says, “I suppose I could spare you.  In exchange, you have to promise yourself to me.”
“Oh?  That’s a steep price,” you tease, biting your lip as Jeongguk growls a little at you, “Is it worth it, do you think?”
You hear a few people in the crowd shout out yes! and you grin at Jeongguk as he says, “You promise yourself to me, and I in turn promise to devote myself to you until I die.”
“I get to keep my life and receive a promise of my own?  Seems grossly unfair to me.  How about I tack on my own promise of devotion?”
Jeongguk doesn’t respond, just hoists you up a little farther so his aim is more on point when he kisses you hotly.  The crowd around you cheers the two of you on and you can’t quite hide the smile you’re sporting in the kiss, no matter how hard Jeongguk tries to eat it up.
The day of your ceremony, Minseo does steal you away from Jeongguk, practically shaking with excitement that she gets to help you dress.
Your dress is made of light cotton, something easy to slip in and out of, both for the ease of the party and the copulation.  Minseo rubs a sparkly powder made from fern flowers, flowers thought to have been blessed by the Moon Goddess, into your hair.  She gives you a watery grin when you slide Jeongguk’s grandmother’s clip into place, securing some hair out of your face.
You’re barefoot, to appreciate the earth beneath your feet, one of the blessings of the gods that allows your pack to survive and prosper.  It’s a beautiful day and at noon the pack members howl, signaling the start of the ceremony.
As Minseo guides you out of her cabin you feel your heart jump up into your throat from nerves.  You have the most absurd thoughts as you approach the center of the pack grounds, things like: will Jeongguk be there to meet you?; has all of this just been a sick joke, a taunt of the gods to show you what you’ll never have?; will you wake up back in your tribe, all alone again?
Minseo squeezes your shoulders as you suddenly stop, eyes wide and breath shortening.
“It’s okay sweetheart, just take your time,” she tells you, “you take this at your own pace, okay?  Today is about you and the start of your life with Jeongguk, this isn’t about anybody else.”
“Will he be there?” you ask her fearfully, afraid that when you reach the center he’ll laugh at you from the sidelines, as if you were ever good enough for him.
“Being Jeongguk’s mother, I know him inside and out.  Y/N, I’ve never seen Jeongguk look at someone the way he’s looked at you.”
You nod, taking a deep breath as Minseo smooths some of your hair down, waiting for your signal.  Finally, you nod with a bit more finality and step forward.
Various pack members throw seeds at your feet as you pass them.  The congregation grows thicker the closer you get to Jeongguk, but they’re purposefully blocking him from view, Alpha and Omega Kim standing at the very end.
“Y/N,” Alpha Kim greets you and you bow to him, “Please, rise.  Accept this gift of our pack, as we formally acknowledge that you are to be mated to one of our alphas, Jeon Jeongguk, and that better yet, you are officially one of our own.  Today and going forward, you are a part of our family.”
You wipe a tear from your eye as Omega Kim steps forward to place a rather simple but beautiful flower crown on your head, you bowing a little lower to show respect and thankfulness for the gift.
“Allow me to be the one to say this: out of any offering we could have chosen, I’m thankful you had the courage to volunteer.  Please, step forward and meet your mate.  If I can be blunt, he’s been rather anxious all morning.”
An indignant hey sounds from behind him and you laugh, the Kims parting to give you your first glance of Jeongguk and it steals your breath away.
He’s standing in the middle of the pack circle, wearing just as simple of a tunic as your dress, just as barefoot, and just as handsome as you’ve seen him everyday this week.  But his hands are clasped tightly in front of him, eyes glassy as he gazes so fondly at you it causes more tears to spring to your eyes.
Jeongguk holds his hands out as your step to him and you willingly follow the way he pulls you to him, dropping his forehead against yours.  The pack is quiet and respectful as you share the moment together, before you feel Jeongguk release a shaky breath.
“Hi,” he says, voice hoarse and you want to laugh but you can feel your lower lip wobbling.
“Hi,” you parrot, throat tight with emotions you’re currently unable to process.
“You look… more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined,” he tells you, raw honesty shining through each word he speaks, “The clip- thank you.  I know grandmother is smiling down on us today.”
You can’t respond, choking on all the words you want so desperately to say to him, but he seems to understand you anyway if the spring light kiss he gives you is anything to go by.
There’s light applauding from the pack as you two straighten, Alpha and Omega Kim stepping up to the two of you.
“Everybody,” Alpha Kim intones, raising his hands high, “Please join me in blessing the joyous joining of these two bodies.  Though they are separate in physical form, they are one in soul.  May the Moon Goddess bless their lives together as we help watch over them, so is our promise as a pack.”
The shifters throw their heads back to howl as you and Jeongguk cross your arms to join hands, Omega Kim wrapping a twine rope that has been steeped in the same fern flower powder in your hair.  It sparkles against your skin, catching the sunlight as she wraps and wraps and wraps, up and down your arms until she knots it in place, knot hanging between your hands.
“In front of the pack, recite your promises.”
“As an alpha,” Jeongguk starts, staring directly at you, voice steady and resolute, “I promise to protect you with my life.  I promise to give you my all, so that we may have a good life together, here, within this pack, until fate intervenes or decides otherwise.  I promise to love you more today than I did yesterday, and love you even more tomorrow.  As my word is my bond, do you accept?”
You don’t think as you nod, already knowing what your answer is, “I accept.”
“Y/N, in front of our pack, please recite your promises.”
You take a moment to gather yourself, rubbing your cheeks against your shoulders to rid yourself of your tears since your hands are bound.  Jeongguk coos softly at you, pure elation etched in his face as he watches you.
“As a human,” you begin, voice shaky with emotion but ringing true with clarity, “I recognize that there is not much I can do to provide for you.  But I promise to be the best mate I can be, to support you in your endeavors and to lift your spirits when you are down.  I promise to love you with my entire heart, until fate decides to bless us with children, and I promise to love and protect them as any mother would do.  As my word is my bond, do you accept?”
“I accept,” Jeongguk whispers, arms straining against the rope in an effort to not just pull you to him and ravage you in front of everyone.
“We as a pack wish you all the happiness in the world,” Omega Kim finishes, reaching forward to undo the knot, letting the twine fall away from your arms as Jeongguk finally pulls you into him.
He’s crying into your hair, holding you close to him as the pack surges forward to give you their congratulations before they set off to get the party started.
“Why are you crying?” you blubber into his shoulder, holding onto him, “Stop it, you’re making it worse!”
He hiccup laughs into your ear, running his hands down your back as he finally pulls away.  Your heart swells as you wipe the tear tracks off his cheeks, leaning up to kiss him softly.  He nuzzles his nose against yours as you pull away, tucking you into his side as you follow the crowd to the party.
“I do really like this dress.  Looks like your Lottery dress,” Jeongguk says, clearing his throat of any remaining tears, tugging playfully at the hem.
“It is!” you say, stepping away as he keeps a grasp on your hand, Jeongguk letting out a laugh as you use it to your advantage to do a little spin, “Well, parts of it.  Figured I’d never wear it again but could still get some use out of it.”
“You look pretty,” he says simply, “and not to be a pervert so early in the afternoon, but you’ll look even better out of it.”
“Shut up,” you blush and he grins.
You and Jeongguk aren’t allowed to drink any wine, to keep yourselves clear headed for your impending copulation.  You two don’t need to drink to have any fun, though, as the two of you twirl around with your pack members, dancing and laughing and eating to your heart’s content.
You’re flushed and sweaty as the sun starts to set, the pack lighting up a bonfire as the party starts to wind down.  You’ve been stopped by individuals of the pack who want to personally congratulate you and wish you well.
“I’ve watched Jeongguk grow up and he’s always been such a sweet boy,” an older beta woman tells you, spindly fingers clutched around yours, “He’ll take such good care of you.  And I can tell you’ll take equally as good care of him.”
Jeongguk is on the other side of the clearing, nodding along as he intently listens to an older alpha tell him a story.  He seems to feel your gaze on him because he pauses in his conversation to glance up at you.  He gives you a small smile, tilting his head in question, but you just smile back as you shake yours.
“You know the old wives tale about the copulation ceremony, don’t you?” the beta asks.
“Oh, no, I don’t believe I have.  What is it?”
“They say that if your fern flowers glow during your copulation, the Moon Goddess is revealing that you’ve found your true mate.”
You’ve actually never heard that wives tale before and the surprise on your face makes the beta laugh.
“Don’t overthink it; it’s just a fairytale we tell the pups.  My advice to you during your copulation is just to relax, you’ll only make things worse for yourself if you’re tense.”
You nod, having already heard this from other mated pairs.  But if you’re being honest with yourself, your not worried about having sex with Jeongguk.  Sure, there’s a little pit in your stomach, but it’s completely overshadowed by the excitement thrumming through your veins at crossing this last intimate barrier with him.
The crowd gets quieter as the moon rises and the party dies down.  There are lots of tired pups being gathered up by their parents as Minseo lovingly embraces you, and then Jeongguk.
“You birthed me, shouldn’t I be hugged first?” Jeongguk exclaims, pulling his mother tightly into his arms as you snort quietly beside him.
“I like Y/N better,” she says simply, but she holds him just as close to her, “I’m happy for you both.”
Jeongguk lets out a shaky exhale, letting her go before he takes your hand, “Thank you.  We’re going to make our rounds before we head to the clearing.”
She nods and gives you a radiant smile, waving you both off.  The rounds involve wishing everyone thanks and bidding them goodnight, older shifters try to give you last minute advice and others your age merely patting you on the back and giving you sly smirks.  Yoongi is probably the worst and you try to ignore the lascivious grin he gets you; he’s already experienced the carnal desires between you and Jeongguk, this isn’t anything new for him.
“Alpha Kim, Omega Kim,” Jeongguk greets and you bow to them and they smile at the both of you, packing up the remaining food to be delivered to your cabin, “thank you for this celebration.  We’re going to go pay our respects to the Moon Goddess now.”
Which is code for: we’re going to fuck like animals.  You try to keep your face neutral, but like with Yoongi, you try not to look Alpha Kim directly in the eyes.
“We wish you all the happiness,” Omega Kim reinterates and you do return this sweet little lady’s genuine kindness, “Oh and Jeongguk?”
“Yes ma’am?”
“Go easy on her,” she teases and you immediately cover your face as you hide behind Jeongguk.  Why are shifters so shameless?
Jeongguk seems just as embarrassed, holding onto you as he whines, “Alpha Kim please control your mate.”
Alpha Kim raises his hands and shakes his head, “Keep me out of this, son.”
The two of them laugh as you wallow in your embarrassment, before Jeongguk forces you beside him to bow one last time and walk away.
“He told her,” you state, glancing up at Jeongguk to see his ears are red, eyes focused on the treeline in front of you.
“He totally told her,” he soullessly intones and you can’t help but crack a smile.
Jeongguk tries not to laugh with you, but he can’t fight the way his lips curl as you giggle into his side.  The walk to the clearing doesn’t take very long and your heart rate picks up when you enter it.
“Jeongguk,” you whisper, eyeing the candles spread around, most of them adorning the base of the Moon Goddess statue.
When you turn to look at him he’s smiling softly at you, leading you further in.
“This could have been a fire hazard,” you scold, for lack of anything better to say.
“Shut up,” Jeongguk rolls his eyes, pulling you to the blanket he has laid out in the center of the candles.
You quiet down as you kneel on the blanket, running your hands over the fur.  It feels new, almost untouched, and you spread out on it on your stomach, sighing as some of the tension eases out of your body.  The clearing is quiet and you close your eyes, almost feeling like you could fall asleep.  The thrumming under your skin for what’s to follow can’t be ignored, though.
You don’t jump when a hand grasps your ankle, thumb rubbing against the skin there as another hand travels up the back of your leg, gripping at your thigh.  A kiss is pressed to the crease of your knee and you laugh at the ticklish feeling of it, before the hand on your thigh grips your hip and nudges you to roll over.
You do so, gasp getting caught in your throat when you see Jeongguk kneeling over you, eyes dark and half-lidded as he gazes down at you, his stare intense.  His hand on your hip moves up until it’s clutching at the dip of your waist, his fingers firm and intent, and your eyelashes flutter at the contact.  The want to close your legs is intense, but Jeongguk is slotted between them.  Jeongguk inhales sharply when he feels them tighten around his thighs instead, which is of very little reprieve for you, and if anything it makes the feeling worse.
“Let’s say our prayers to Her,” he tells you, voice already starting to deepen.
You don’t trust yourself to speak so you just nod, letting Jeongguk help pull you up and over to the statue.  You smile up at Her as you kneel at Her feet, clasping your hands in your lap.
Jeongguk bows his head as he says his prayers to Her, but you keep your head raised.  It almost seems as if She is looking back at you, her gaze stony and resolute but still so benevolent.
“I don’t have anything else to ask of You, You’ve already given me Jeongguk.”
The euphoric feeling that spreads through you suddenly is almost too much to comprehend and you sink into it, letting the feeling travel through your body until you can feel it even in your toes.
Jeongguk’s voice sends a shiver down your spine and you spin on your knees to see that Jeongguk has already moved to the blanket, leaning back on his hands with his legs extended in front of him.
You can already feel yourself start to get wet as you crawl towards him, Jeongguk sitting up to meet you in a messy kiss.  Your hands fly to his hair, angling his head up to give your neck a little slack, his own landing on your ass.  The feeling in your body gets hotter and more intense the longer you touch Jeongguk, one hand slipping from his hand to trail down his neck and rest on his pec, right over his heart.  The resounding and steady rhythm beneath your palm is comforting, despite the hungry way Jeongguk is trying to devour you.
“Want you.  Need you,” he groans, his hands on your ass drawing you closer, settling you more firmly in his lap so you can feel him compressed hot and hard in his trousers.
“Get naked,” you breathe out, pulling back to rid yourself of your dress.
Jeongguk’s eyes open, mouth forming a half smirk as he no doubt opens his mouth to say something stupid, before his mouth drops open when you unceremoniously pull your dress over your head.  His mouth shuts with an audible click and he acts like every time he sees you naked it’s the first time.  You knock the fern crown off in your haste and Jeongguk replaces it with shaky fingers, hands smoothing down your flyaway hairs.
“I’ll never get over how pretty you are,” he whispers, hands reverently running over your skin, from your shoulders to your fingers and back, down and around your sides to your ass and thighs, “Feel so good in my hands.  Can’t believe I’m the one who gets to touch you like this.”
You whine as you wriggle in his lap, his fingers light and ticklish, “Love your hands, Gukkie, they’re so big.  Touch me more.”
He hums as he leans forward to attach his lips to the top of your tit, sucking at the skin as his hands tweak your nipples.  You don’t really get much out of having your breasts fondled, but Jeongguk seems to like playing with them and the caress of his hands does feel nice, even if it’s not the most arousing.  You still let yourself get lost in the feeling as you run your hands through his hair, letting Jeongguk leave as many love bites as he wants as he works your nipples to hard peaks.
“Taste good,” he mumbles, his breath causing goosebumps to erupt when it hits your wet skin.
“I have something that tastes even better,” you promise, trailing your own hand down your stomach to lightly trace your lips, feeling how wet you already are yourself.
“You think?” he grins, teeth encasing your nipple for a second, “Think I should find out for myself?”
“I think I’d let you do whatever you wanted to me,” you tell him honestly, squeaking as he shifts under you to take you in his arms, slowly lowering you until your back meets the blanket.
His eyes are black and molten as he pulls back from you, lips furiously red from where they’d worked your skin over, “Don’t tempt me, lamb, or I might take you up on that offer.”
You spread your legs wide in response, fingers drumming against your skin from his lack of touch, pussy aching in need.  Jeongguk lets out a slow breath as he finally sheds himself of his clothes, your mating necklace getting caught in his shirt before he pulls it free and lets it fall back against his skin, complimenting his completed tattoo.
“So good for me,” he praises, kissing his way down your body.
Jeongguk appears to have no patience, immediately diving into your pussy like he’ll die without another minute of it on his tongue.
“Fuck!” you cry out, thighs clamping around his head at the sudden feeling, and his strong hands pry them apart and hold them to the blanket, keeping you open for him.
Your eyes roll back as he delves his tongue into you, eagerly licking and sucking any part of your pussy his mouth can reach.  He’s neglecting your clit with his tongue, but his nose brushes against it continuously and its enough to have you fucking your hips up into his face to get more pressure on it.
“Be a good girl and stay still,” he growls, one hand letting go of your thigh to throw his arm across your hips and hold you down, “Gonna get you nice and wet for my cock but… it looks like you did a good enough job of that for me.”
You groan and nod your head, “Want you so bad, Guk, been thinking about your cock all day.”
You can feel him grin into your pussy, which shouldn’t be as hot as it is, before he says, “Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you.”
He’s been fucking you with his fingers all week, so when presses one slowly into you to test the stretch, you’re quick to ask for another.  And then immediately another.
“So greedy,” he tuts, but doesn’t argue as he presses three fingers into you, watching with rapt attention as your back arches at the sensation.
It’s addictive, the way Jeongguk moves and crooks his fingers inside of you, tongue finally lapping against your clit in order to relax you more.  With his arm still holding your hips down, you take to clutching at his hair to move his tongue in a way you like and he lets you guide him, humming against your skin as you clench around his fingers.
When he finally pulls away you whine your dissatisfaction, eyelashes fluttering open as Jeongguk crawls up your body, his chin wet and glistening in the candle light.  You huff as you wipe it off, arm linking around his neck after.
“I was gonna cum,” you pout, accepting his light kiss.
“Oops,” he shrugs, smirking, and you smack his shoulder, pulling him back into you.
You could kiss Jeongguk for hours, tongues stroking together as your hands explored.  You especially like touching his back, the muscles taunt and defined under your hands as he presses his body against yours.  You both moan as his cock nudges into the wet mess that is your pussy, Jeongguk pulling away with a wet smack and a nip at your lower lip.
“I want to have sex like this,” he tells you, laying his palm against your cheek, “I want to watch your face.”
It’s almost embarrassing to think about, but you can’t help but echo his sentiment and the two of you shuffle for a few seconds, Jeongguk planting his knees more steadily into the ground as your thighs bracket his hips.  That nervous flutter starts up in your stomach as Jeongguk presses the head of his cock against your slit, rubbing it slowly against you as he himself seems to gather his nerves.
Jeongguk holds onto cock as he leans back down over you, pressing his mouth reassuringly against yours as he slowly pushes in, your mouth dropping open as he fills you.
You’ve taken cock before, but it had always been quick trysts with men who didn’t care about you, usually with you half clothed and pushed up against a wall, your own fingers rubbing your clit to give you something as they chased their own orgasms.  There had been some girls you had fucked, pussies wet as you rubbed them together, and there had even been a sweet, traveling woman who had buried her face in your cunt for a few hours and worked your pussy raw.  She had pulled the best orgasms out of you until you cried, but then she had disappeared like a ghost and left you aching for days.  Most people didn’t acknowledge you after, unless they wanted to get their rocks off again, and you had gone with it because you had your own needs to fill too.
Jeongguk is not most people and you can feel the tears gathering in your eyes as he pushes his cock in until his pelvis meets yours.  He’s dropped his head to place his forehead against your collarbone, breath ragged as he finally comes to a halt, body quivering as you clutch onto his shoulders.
“Okay?” he asks, voice deep but quiet, “Hurt?”
“I need a sec,” you whimper, trying to relax around the intrusion and he grants you it, keeping you close as he peppers kisses across your skin.
The throbbing in your pussy changes from uncomfortable to needy as he cock pulses in you and you finally rub your nose against his neck and whisper for him to start moving.
Jeongguk takes a shuddering breath as he slowly pulls his cock out and inches it back in, fingers creating indents on your hip as you clench around him, trying to adjust to the feeling.  His thrusts help, loosening your body up as the pain ache transforms into spikes of pleasure.
“Feels good,” you whine, loosening your hold on his shoulders and letting him pull out of your neck, “Gukkie, feels good.”
You smile up at him as his eyes open, before they widen considerably.  His minuscule thrusts stop and you fear the worst, raising a hand to his face.
“What?  What is it?” you worry, trying to turn your head to see if maybe something’s happening and you see-
You see your hair spread around you with the strands glowing against the blanket.  You gasp, raising a hand to pinch some of the powder off your hair to see it coat your fingers, glowing a translucent blue against your skin.
“Y/N,” Jeongguk whispers shakily, reaching a hand up to touch the crown that had fallen onto the blanket when he laid you down, “the flowers… they’re glowing.”
Jeongguk’s right, your hair is glowing and the rest of your body is starting to glow too, where fern powder has fallen onto your skin all day.
“You’re-you’re glowing and that means your- that means we-” Jeongguk’s lower lip is starting to wobble and he can’t finish his sentence, dipping his head to let it rest in your neck again, “Y/N.”
You cry with him, clutching tightly onto Jeongguk as the message the Moon Goddess sent you sets in; Jeongguk and you are true mates.  It doesn’t sound real, as you sob into Jeongguk’s shoulder, and you don’t feel any different than you did ten minutes ago.  But fern flowers don’t randomly glow, especially not after they’ve been plucked, and not coincidentally on your mating day after giving the Moon Goddess your thanks.
Jeongguk kisses you, a messy thing of tears and spit as he undulates his hips, framing your face as he sets the pace.  You can make out faint murmurings of it’s you as Jeongguk tongues you, pelvis pressed against yours as he grinds against you.  The pressure is almost too much, the hard plains of his lower stomach pressing tantalizingly against your clit as you open around his cock.
His pace turns more frantic, pulling his hips back farther and farther, spearing you on his cock more and more as his hands roam your torso.
“Pretty girl, my pretty girl,” he groans, licking a thick stripe up your neck as your legs tighten around him, overcome with the feeling, “So wet, feel so good around my cock.”
You nod in quick agreement, hands slipping down his back as he starts to sweat, “Guk, touch me, please.”
You cry out as his fingers toy with your clit, tears gathering in your eyes, carding your fingers through his hair.  Your orgasm is fast approaching and Jeongguk seems hellbent on sending you over the edge fast.
“Yes, yes, Gukkie, so close,” you pant, having trouble keeping your eyes open.
“Gonna look so good around my knot,” he grunts, the pressure of his fingers turning deadly and you cry at the feeling, “Gonna knot you so good you’ll feel it for days.  This is the only knot you’ll ever need, the only knot you’ll ever want, got that?” his voice turns into a growl and you openly sob.
“Only ever want you, Guk- gonna- gonna-!”
You throw your head back as all sounds get caught in you throat, back taunt as you arch it, Jeongguk fucking you through your orgasm as his fingers don’t slow.  It’s so good, consuming your entire body as it locks up until all you can feel is it and Jeongguk.
“Baby, look so good like this.  God, I’m so lucky.  Gonna bust- gonna knot-”
Jeongguk stops talking, leaning down to clamp his teeth around your neck.  You don’t even flinch at the feeling, your body thrumming from your orgasm.  There is a sort of warmth in your heart at knowing that once Jeongguk leaves his bite claim it’s official by shifter standards, that you and Jeongguk are mated for life.
You gasp as you feel the initial swelling, Jeongguk biting harder in tandem as his knot grows.  You’ve never slept with a shifter before and the swelling, despite being aware of it, is not something you’re quite prepared to take.  You whine as it continues to swell, Jeongguk growling around his mouthful of your skin as his thrusts slow down as it locks you two in place.
You squeeze your eyes shut as Jeongguk begins to cum and bites through your skin, pain erupting along with it.
“Oh fuck, fuck,” Jeongguk grunts, licking at your neck before he throws his head back and howls, body twitching in your hold.
There’s… a lot.  It feels like Jeongguk cums for a minute straight, panting heavily into the air before he lets his full body weight fall on top of you.  You wheeze but don’t fight it, pressing your nose into his temple as you breathe together.  Jeongguk licks periodically at your bite wound as your breathing evens out and your heartbeats return to normal.
“I can’t believe it,” Jeongguk finally whispers, “How would I get so lucky?  To meet my true mate through a voluntary offering.”
His words bring tears to your eyes again.  It does seem too good to be true, to have been ostracized from your community only to have that ostracism lead to your volunteering at Jeongguk’s Lottery.
Jeongguk raises his head to meet your eyes and he’s wearing a dopey smile, brushing his fingers over the crown of flowers.
“You’re still glowing,” he whispers, eyes bright and shiny in the candlelight.
“Cut it out, I’m gonna cry,” you hiccup, trying to pull Jeongguk down to kiss you, but he resists, testing the pull of his hips.
His knot has gone down enough that he’s able to pull out, but he quickly plunges his fingers into you.  You go to protest, but the words die in your throat as he gazes very seriously up at you.
“Y/N,” he sounds just as serious, “I just- I love you.”
You reach out and punch his shoulder and he rears back, more out of shock than actual pain, “Ow!  What the hell!”
“You can’t say that to me when you’ve got your fingers in me like that!” you protest, though his words have sent your heart spiraling.
“I didn’t want to let the cum out yet,” he says, pouting like the ridiculous idiot he is.
You open your mouth to say something, but he leans in and softly kisses you, finally removing his fingers so he can hold you by your waist.
“I just wanted you to know,” he says, shameless and honest, “I don’t expect you to say it if you don’t feel it.”
You feel a lot for Jeongguk, but you’re not sure if that feeling is love or not, so you keep it to yourself for now.  Jeongguk doesn’t seem offended, if the sweet kisses he continues to give you mean anything.  He places a hand on your cheek to tilt your head and you hiss as it pulls the stiff skin of your neck.
Jeongguk grins as he pulls from kissing your mouth to kissing your neck, the attention alleviating some of the pain.
“We have the clearing all to ourselves,” Jeongguk murmurs against your skin and you hum in acknowledgement, letting him slowly guide you back down on the blanket, “Let’s lay here for a bit, yeah?  I wanna take my time with you.”
“Guk…” you start off and he looks up at you, raising a quizzacle eyebrow, “... thank you.”
He doesn’t ask for what.  You both already know, can both feel it when he raises up to kiss you again, with the intention of taking advantage of all the time you guys have left.  Which is forever.
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7soulstars · 3 years
Hello :) I hope it's okay to send a request (if not, then I'm sorry about it ) So maybe where Bucky lives on Clint's farm to get away from everything but then there comes this woman, Clints best friend besides Nat and he immediately wants to know her better.. after a while they get really close and develope feelings for each other but dont talk about it. So one night, she stays over and needs to share a room with Buck, things get heated and passionate between them ? :) then it's all cuddly? ❤️
Hey darling! Thank you so much for requesting! I am so sorry it took me so long! I blame it on my lazy ass and also on the many pending requests. Thank you so much for being this patient with me! I really hope you like this one!
Мой целитель
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Broken Bonky Babie, Avengers are teasing little shits, Steve leaves like in the movies and doesn’t come back (I want to kill him for that), Fluff, Shy Bonky and Y/N, Liddle angst, Both idiots doubt themselves, Y/N likes beating the fuck out of bullies a.k.a Violence, steamy stuff but not smut ( cuz I don’t write smut”
Summary: Someone managed to make Bucky accept the fact that everyone can heal. 
Мой целитель ; (pronounced: Moy tselitel') Russian for My Healer
War never ends. It just rests. One day someone will come to ask your help that is when the rest of war is over again.
That is what Bucky has always been of the belief ever since before and after endgame. Ever since Steve left, most of Bucky did too. Yes, he had Sam and the others but Steve was the only part of his original past left and he couldn’t even stop him.
He decided that the rest period for his war conflicted heart had started when Clint had offered him a place to live at his farmhouse to ‘heal and stay away from the space bullshit’. 
Not to brag but he had fit right into the little family. The kids loved Uncle Bucky and Laura appreciated the extra help she got with the house. Sam and Natasha would come by every two days and the rest every once a week. They would go visit a bar and hang out. That was Bucky’s life now. That was his routine.
Clint had sudddenly announced one fine weekly team hangout day that his long time best friend would be joining them. Bucky couldn’t care less. He had seen people come in and out of the Barton house all the time. Most sending him glares due to his past. He couldn’t blame them. Not when he knew he would do the same in different set of circumstances.
But he was proved wrong. Y/N was an angel. More so to him. Not a single glare was directed at him by her the entire time. She just smiled sweetly. Maybe he did care a little bit.
Y/N turned out to be Lila and Cooper, Clint’s first two children’s godmother. She had finally come home after 15 years of being in and out of the country for her job. Clint had mentioned that every time she came back she would first visit the kids not forgetting to bring them gifts from everywhere and how the snap had worried her. So Bucky was not surprised when he had to get three kids off of her as she entered the house. His heart swelled when she said ‘Thank You’, although everyone said that. 
He was unusually getting attached to her and that scared him.
After Steve attatchment was difficult. Trust was difficult. But Y/N made it seem like child's play. She somehow completely saw through him. Almost as if she knew everything about him and he was confused by that.
Especially at those little moments when he felt hesitant.
Bucky was a handsome man no doubt and that meant some women were confident enough to ask hit on him everytime he was out at a restaurant or a bar with the others. Y/N would join them quite often and on one such day she saved Bucky from his anxiety issues.
"Hey.....you come here quite often.....can I buy you a drink ?", a very confident girl had managed to come up to the table and asked Bucky who looked at her with eyes as blown out as big as saucers and immediately looked down stuttering as he tried to politely reject the lady. A hand carefully wrapped around his metal arm as he realized Y/N had said "I'm sorry he's taken", before sending the girl as kind smile which had lead to Bucky's hair-hidden neck to go red.
Bucky had excused himself to the washroomas the rest relentlessly teased his popularity but he had not noticed Y/N following suit.
"I'm sorry", she had apologised leaving the other puzzled again. "W-why?" "I should have asked before touching you....I know-I know you don't like being touched....I'm sorry". There was pure sincerity in her voice "NO!",his own voice startled him and her as she looked at him in confusion. "I-I mean I'm glad....You helped me out there......Also.....",there was hesitation in Bucky's heart, "Also....I don't mind if you touch me Y/N".
That day onwards something changed. Significantly so, Bucky found himself calling and hanging out with Y/N more. She filled his thoughts would be one way of saying that and the Avengers noticed. So the next time Bucky tried to sneak out of the farm when the others were there Sam noticed, “Hey Hey Hey ! Where are you sneakin to ?”. The other stood frozen like a deer in the headlights staring down at his best friend like he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t be. Nat smirked as she bit on her grilled cheese sandwich sing songing, “He’s going to meet Y/N~~”Bucky grumbled a little ‘Shut up Nat’ before taking the car out towards the bar.
“Buck !”, she had yelled waving as he smiled and pulled her into his arms for a hug and staying like that for a few minutes both eventually hesitantly letting go. Joe the bartender already having set up their regular drinks showed how often they frequented the place, even having seats that were almost always empty for just the two of them. 
After meeting Y/N, Bucky realised new things about himself. He liked sweet stuff more than savoury. He liked playing games at the arcade. He was definately much more open to technology than Steve ever was. He liked being spoiled and babied. And he was extremely serious about board games. He knew all this because Y/N made him realize that.
That day he found out another thing. He likes staring at Y/N looking at the sunset. In other words he likes Y/N. But he had promised himself to not act on it. He didn’t want to loose her. Not now, not ever.
Walking through a dark alley way was not something Bucky liked but with Y/N it was something he was starting to hate. Y/N is beautiful. Obliviously so. He could sense sleazy men staring at her but chose to stay put. But we all know that rouse wasn’t going to stay put for long considering a group of 3 men surrounding the two of them all eyeing Y/N. “Hey sweetheart why don’t you come with us ? We counld have a darn sweet night”, exclaimed the one that looked like the leader as the other two laughed behind him. “Back off”, Bucky had warned. He didn’t want to fight. He felt like he’d embarrass himself before Y/N. “Ohhh look who it is The Winter Soldier”, the other said mockingly. “What are you going to do? Kill me? You don’t have Captain America now to back you up do you ?”. Before Bucky could even reply the third guy let out a scream at which everyone turned to look at him to see him cradling what seemed like a freshly broken wrist and before he could even react the second one went flying into a pile of trash (where he belongs) and the main commentator’s head was being bashed strait onto the road by Y/N’s hand. “No, but he does does have an ex-black ops now turned into a CIA Agent to back him up”, she quipped seethingly through her teeth.
Bucky said nothing. His brain was still processing the information he was bombarded with. He walked Y/N to her car and drove back to Clint’s all while still processing.
So when Sam (who was just about to leave) asks “How was it ?” Bucky looks him in the eye and goes.
“I’m in love with Y/N.”
Tony had decided to prank Clint one fine day and told everyone that Clint was hosting a sleepover. So that meant Clint had to accomodated several idiots into his farmhouse. Within this chaos he also had a very great idea.
So when Y/N was pushed into Bucky’s room both stopped functioning.
Y/N spotted him angrily whispering into is phone as she got out of the shower. Throwing his phone into oblivion ,startled, when she called name out suddenly. “Y-You’re done ? Uhhhh you can take the bed doll, I’ll take the floor”,Bucky hates the floor but if it meant Y/N would be comfortable, he’d be ready to sleep on a block of ice. “Nope definately not ! We can share the damn bed Buck the floor uncomfortable !”, she argued. “ No Y/N you don’t understand I can’t !” “WHY! IS IT BECAUSE I MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE AFTER THAT DAY ?”, there was a grave silence between the two. He knew exactly what she was talking about. Bucky’s eyes soften and for the first time he realizes that he had never thaken the effort to know more about Y/N. He was focused on her helping him find himself. “Why would you say that ?” ,he said softly as he moved towards her and she moved backwards. “Because it is what it is isn’t it?”, she retorted. “NO IT IS NOT !”, Bucky sighed as he sat on the bed and watched the woman of importance as she paced around the room. “Why then Bucky ? You’ve been distant from me since that day....” “You won’t understand.....” “Try me” “I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU OKAY !” 
12 minutes. It had been 12 minutes since Y/N had froze and stared at Bucky. 
“Shut up. You’re lying” , she finally said.
“What ? No ! Why would I lie about that”,Bucky argued
“Because ! You are James Buchanan Barnes ! One of the most attractive men I have seen in my life period.”
“And here I’m the one firmly believing someone like me doesn’t even stand a change with someone as pretty as you.”
“See, you’re lying again”
“Doll, shut up before I will have to make you”, he warned
“Don’t make empty threats that you won’t fulfill James”, she challenged.
And with that Bucky has Y/N slammed into the bed , his mouth moving roughly along her’s as she puts her arms around his. There was something different about this Bucky. Y/N felt every single pent up frustration that the man kissing her had felt supressing his feelings had felt.
Soon enough they seperated, finally gasping for air. Bucky plopped beside Y/N as she placed her palm on his cheek rubbing a thumb over it while smiling at him blissfully. 
“Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you”
“I love you...”, she said and somehow Bucky knew he had tears running down his cheeks. He curled into her arms. Clint’s loud speakers playing Elvis as the two dozed off to sleep. But Bucky waited for her to doze off, kissing her forehead as he ran his metal arm through her hair.
“Мой целитель, I love you too”, he said. 
He wasn’t alone anymore. He was healed. His internal war had ended forever. That’s all he ever wanted. That’s all he was thankful for.
---The End---
Guess who almost cried writing this fic? That’s right! ME. Now I need myself a Bucky to hug. I really hope you liked this fic and I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH ON HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME! Please like, share, comment and reblog if you like my work to support me ! Please do not plagarise my hard work and thank you so much for reading! 
~Love, Hri
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luvelyhs · 4 years
if i could go back
i’ve been telling you guys i am incapable of writing anything without angst so... enjoy 
Pairing: Y/N and Harry 
Warnings: angst lol, happy ending tho
Summary: Y/N caught feelings for Harry, who was already in love with someone else.
Y/N groaned at the blaring sound of an alarm, reaching over towards her nightstand to grab her phone. In the process, a body shifted beside her and she realized she wasn’t alone. Sitting up, she looked at the person next to her and the memories from last night seemed to drown her. 
“Mm, hello?” Harry’s deep morning voice grumbled to the caller who dared wake him up on a Saturday morning. Y/N grabbed the covers and wrapped it around her to cover her nakedness, and she felt a little embarrassed.
Y/N couldn’t wrap her head around the fact she actually slept with one of her good friends. She was always adamant of never crossing that line with him, but somehow it happened and she basked in the memories of last night. He was so sweet and good to her, like how she imagined he would be, and honestly her imagination didn’t do him justice. 
“You okay?” Harry’s voice turned concerned and Y/N tilted her head slightly in curiosity of who was calling Harry at--she tapped her phone screen and it lit up bright in front of her--nine in the morning. 
“Don’t cry, baby, don’t cry. I’ll come over now, yeah? You’ll be okay.” The words rushed out of Harry and before you had a chance to process it, Harry was turning to you.
“Hey, Y/N, there’s an emergency.. I think you should go.” Y/N blinked in confusion, this was not how she was expecting things to go when she woke up.
“Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah, it’s just Daisy. Her boyfriend just broke up with her and she needs me right now.” Of course it was Daisy, and as long as she was in the picture, Y/N would never mean anything more than a friend to him. That’s been how it was for as long as she knew him. He was wrapped tightly around Daisy’s finger. She couldn’t help but feel jealous of her, Harry was so in love with her but she just wouldn’t see it. If only Harry felt like that around her, Y/N thought.
“But.. last night?” He looked down at her beside him, pity gracing his features.
“It meant nothing.” Y/N sighed, embarrassed and full of shame. She shouldn’t have done this. 
“I’m sorry..” Harry reached out to grab her hand as she gathered her dignity and got of his bed, grabbing her items and stepping into her clothes. 
“Save it, Harry. I can’t believe after everything she’s put you through you’d still walk through hell for her. You’re only hurting yourself, I hope one day you’ll see that. But I won’t stand by you through it.” 
She raced out of Harry’s bedroom, Harry following behind her trying to explain himself, but Y/N wasn’t having any of it, not when Daisy still had his heart.
“Call me when you get your shit together.” She turned towards him one last time, regarding him with a look that was full of anger and heartbreak.
“Don’t do this, Y/N. Please..” Harry was torn between saving his friendship with Y/N and going to see the girl he was in love with, but he didn’t need to decide because Y/N decided for him.
Y/N exited his front door, and in that moment they didn’t know it would hurt them more than they expected it to.
A few months passed, Harry tried every possible way to get Y/N to talk to him, but she wouldn’t have it, not when he was still under Daisy’s influence and being stupid. She cut off most contact with Harry’s friends, only because she didn’t want to break and ask how he was doing. She already got enough of it through social media. 
Y/N was a stylist, and she worked herself up, booking celebrity clients left and right and eventually became good friends with a few of them. She liked her new life without Harry in it, but that’s the thing. She didn’t love it, she missed him deeply, but she wouldn’t succumb to his charms. She still had that one night burned into the back of her mind.
“Are you going to Max’s party tonight?” Y/N turned to her assistant, Emily.
“I’m not sure, I’ll probably just leave after I get him ready.” Max Graham was a good friend and client, he was a big producer and would occasionally host big parties. She rarely attends, even though he always begs her to stay and mingle. She just doesn’t want to risk seeing him again.
“Why don’t you stay? I heard some big celebs are gonna be there. Maybe you can book Rihanna or Ariana Grande.” 
“You already know Grande’s stylist is my friend, I’m not stealing her away. Although, the thought is tempting..” Emily giggled at her boss and continued putting together some outfits on her iPad.
“Just stay this time please! If you get bored I’ll leave with you and order you some take out.” Y/N thought about it, he most likely won’t be there, he never used to attend these parties. She thought one night wouldn’t hurt. Also, why was she letting him still have control over her life? She could go to a party that she wants to go to, whether he was going to be there or not. It was her life, her choice.
“Fine, but you’re treating for lunch on Monday.” Emily rolls her eyes but nods anyway, excited her boss was finally going to enjoy herself at a party.
“Y/N, my darling angel!” Y/N giggled at her friend and client and bowed down exaggeratedly. 
“Hello, good sir. I come bearing gifts.” Y/N stepped aside and the clothing racks full of designer clothes held in plastic coverings was pushed in.
“What look are you going for today, Max?” She came up behind him and rested her hands on his shoulders, holding his stare in the opulent mirror in front of them.
“Surprise me.” He boldly said, a sly smile on his lips. 
Y/N was excited. She loved dressing people up, she’s always had a knack for fashion and it was great that she enjoyed it as well. 
“Emily!” Y/N called, needing the help of her assistant. 
“Could you grab that new belt, I think it’s in the trunk.” She asked her while unzipping the bags she knew would look super well on Max. 
“Yup, be right back.” Emily walked away and Y/N held the two articles of clothing together, trying to picture it on her client and she shook her head, discarding the top she picked and plucked another from the rack. 
“Aha..” She whispered, grinning in excitement. 
“I have found the perfect outfit for you. You will love it!” 
Max turned around to grin at her, he loved the outfits Y/N dressed him up in. He was truly fond of his stylist, she was so caring and he knew she had been hurt in the past. He could tell from the way her eyes dimmed sometimes, looking to be in another world with a frown on her face.
He wanted her to have fun, and if there was one thing about Max’s grand parties, it was that you had fun. He prided himself on ordering the best hor’dourves for his guests and the best djs.
“I hope you’re coming tonight?” He basically pleaded with her, giving her his puppy dog eyes. She always said no, though. She didn’t like going to big parties, but he didn’t know why. 
He was prepared for her to decline his invitation, but Emily approached and answered for her.
“I got her to come tonight, you can thank me now, by the way.” She grinned at both Max and Y/N, and all Y/N did was roll her eyes at her perky assistant.
Max gasped over dramatically, turning his head to face Y/N.
“I’ve got a ton of people to introduce to you, my dear. Prepare yourself.”
Y/N laughed at her friend’s dramatic antics and switched the topic to the matter at hand.
“Alright.. I was thinking some stripes.”
Y/N decided to head back to her apartment really quick to change and get dolled up. She wanted to look good, not for anybody but herself. It’s been a while since she went to a party... the last time was definitely pre-Harry.
She swung by Emily’s apartment to pick her up, before heading to Max’s. His mansion was lit up with pretty colorful lights and multiple cars parked in his long round driveway. She and Emily greeted the valet and prepped herself mentally before heading inside.
She’s gotta give it to Max, this looked like a great party. Everyone was mingling and the atmosphere was nice, she decided she would have a good time, even if she had to force herself.
She caught the eye of the host and he quickly went up to her and greeted her with two cheek kisses and she praised his outfit.
“You look amazing, your outfit is to die for, who’s your stylist?” Max rolled his eyes at Y/N’s teasing and pulled Y/N and Emily along with him. He was giddy she finally made it and he wanted to show her off to a few major celebrities he had invited.
“Darlings, you both look absolutely stunning.” Max complimented them both and Y/N blushed, looking down at the short dress she wore. The little black dress with glitter sparkled under the twinkling lights above her. She hadn’t dressed like this in a few months and she missed it.
Max guided them to a few celebs, even getting to meet the Jonas Brothers who she was a big fan of when she was younger. She mingled with them and got into a deep conversation with Zendaya. She laughed and drank and danced, it was overall a fun time.
Until Max led her to a familiar figure. His back was turned to her in an all cream suit. She spotted Jeff first in front of him, who had a full view of the incoming people. She watched as his eyes saw her and they widened, pausing mid speech which made Harry confused.
Y/N wanted to run, she wanted to leave and forget she had ever saw him here. What the hell was he doing here in the first place?! The one time she had decided to have a good night and have fun he had to be there to ruin it.
Max held her hand and pulled her along as her feet reluctantly took the steps to their destination. Her mind was blank but then he turned around, and it was like everything she tried to repress came out again.
The feelings- the hurt, the pain, and the love? He was surprised to see her, that she could tell. His hand reached out to her and she watched as he pulled it back.
“Gentlemen! I’d like you to meet my beautiful and amazing stylist, Y/N Y/L/N!”
Silence. Jeff was the first to break it.
“Hi, Y/N. You look great! How are you?” He leaned forward to hug her and she reluctantly hugged him back.
“Jeff, hi. Yeah, I’ve been good, how are you? How’s Glenne?” They pulled back and Max clapped.
“You already know each other? Perfect! Y/N, do you know Harry?” She blanched, she hadn’t meant to, she just wasn’t ready to confront her feelings with Harry. She thought she could get away with never seeing him again but she should’ve known that in this industry, probably not.
“Yeah, uh, we met a year ago. Hi, love.” Then Harry had to give her that smile, that damn pantydropping smile. That damn handsome smile that made his eyes sparkle.
“Harry.” It was a whispered breath, taking him in. She missed him. They were friends, very good friends, before she caught feelings. And she missed him and their times together. But then the thought bulldozed into her mind. The reason she left him and everything about him behind- Daisy.
She assumed she was still in his life. And as long she was there, Y/N wouldn’t be.
The thought made her turn cold and rigid.
“Nice to see you again.” She smiled politely, turning her head to Max and seeing Emily wave to her to come in the background.
“Emily’s calling me over, bye guys.” She did a little wave and hurriedly walked over to Emily. She passed by Jay-Z and Travis Scott and she couldn’t believe she was in the presence of some big names.
“Girl, I just met Beyoncé. I died inside!” Y/N laughed at her assistant and they walked together to the bar.
“Should I introduce myself to Shawn Mendes?” Emily was a fan of him, and they were the same age so Y/N told her to go for it. But in all honesty she didn’t want to be left alone. Not while he was in the vicinity.
They grabbed their drinks and Y/N played with her straw while she watched Emily strut over to Shawn. Emily flipped her hair and turned her head back to look at Y/N, where she just gave her a thumbs up and a wink.
She took a deep breath in and let it out, shrieking and jumping a little in shock when the man she was hoping to avoid appeared beside her.
“Shit! You scared the shit out of me.” She clutched her chest and tried to calm herself from the fright.
“What are you doing here?” She mumbled, when she was around him now her confidence dropped and she became a nervous mess. She hated that. She hated he had so much control over her still.
“I miss you.” It was a simple statement, but her heart fluttered when he uttered those words.
Y/N looked away.
When enough seconds passed and Harry knew he wouldn’t be getting any response to what he said, he took a different approach.
“Dance with me.” Y/N laughed, startled by his request.
“Huh?” She was confused, they hadn’t talked in months and the first thing he wants to do was tell her he misses her and to dance with him.
“I’m not doing that.” She was being cold and callous but that’s how she did things. This was how she hid and masked the hurt. It was better that way, she thought.
“Y/N..” He uttered her name, she missed it. She missed him so much. But it also made her angry. If he wasn’t so far up Daisy’s ass, maybe they could’ve still been friends. Maybe they could’ve been something more. But Y/N was naive to think that they could’ve been. He wasn’t obligated to love her just because she loved him, no, it was her own fault for falling in love with her friend who was already in love with someone else.
“You can’t just do this, Harry! I cut off contact with you for a fucking reason. Can’t you take a hint?” He seemed hurt by her words, and she wanted to apologize but the words died in her throat.
“Just a conversation, lovie. Just tell me how you are.” She scoffed before thinking about it. He could tell she was weighing her options and the pros and cons so he decided to help a little.
“After, you can decide if you never wanna talk to me again. I’ll never bother you again, never contact you. You’ll be free of me.” That caught Y/N’s attention. That’s what she wanted, right?
“Alright..” He softly smiled at her before guiding her away from the loudness of the party.
“I’m so, so proud of you, lovie. You’ve made a name for yourself. I’ve heard people rave about you. Made me jealous how they got to see you and spend time with you and I didn’t.”
Y/N sighed. “Distancing myself from you was the only way I could cope. Truth be told, Harry, I really liked you. I mean.. it must’ve been obvious that morning. Seeing you hooked on Daisy just hurt me a little. It’s okay now, though.”
He stopped walking, turning to fully face Y/N. There was a light glow from the tennis court lights but otherwise they were wrapped in darkness.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t see it sooner. I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize your feelings, and I’m so sorry for making you feel like shit that morning. If I could redo that morning, I would’ve ignored the call, no, no. I would’ve answered and told her to fuck off, I would’ve woken you up with so many kisses all over your face and body. We would’ve made love that morning and I would’ve confessed my feelings, and all this pain and hurt could’ve been avoided. But that didn’t happen, and all I could say now is that I love you. And if you’ll give me another chance, I swear I’d never hurt you again.”
Y/N inhaled deeply at his confession. It was full of conviction and truth. Her eyes welled up and she couldn’t stop yourself from full on sobbing.
“Oh baby, no, don’t cry!” He wrapped his arms around her, which made her cry just a little harder.
Harry thought he was too late, thought he made her so sad with his words that she would never want anything to do with him anymore, and that broke his heart into pieces.
“God, I just- I just never thought I’d ever hear those words.” She giggled while crying.
When Y/N had left that morning, he was hurt, but he had to see Daisy. He had went to her house, and he had convinced himself that he loved her. When she opened the door, her boyfriend was wrapped around her, and she dismissed Harry rudely. And then Harry thought long and hard. He had Y/N, the sweetest most caring girl, and he had chose Daisy over her? The one who had always used Harry as her backup when her boyfriend would grow tired of her. Y/N had always been there for Harry, had been there to hold his hand when the going got tough. He went home to wallow in his thoughts and really only fully came to his senses when Gemma whacked some sense into his brain. He realized he didn’t deserve Y/N, but it didn’t stop Harry from trying to contact her. She ignored every call, every text, and then eventually blocked his number. He’s ask his friends how she was and they’d say she was doing good, gave some vague details about her life but that was it. He missed her so fucking much and now that she was in front of him, he would never let her go.
“These are happy tears. Do you, do you mean it?” Harry was carefully wiping the tears streaming down her face, leaning forward to press his lips to her cute nose.
“Of course, I meant every word. I love you so much and I hate that it took me so long to see it.” He wrapped his arms around Y/N and she hesitantly hugged him back and instantly sighed in relief. How she missed this.
“I love you too.” She smiled and initiated the kiss between them, the first kiss since that night. It was passionate, they kissed deeply and smiled happily into the kiss. Y/N pulled back a bit but Harry followed, pressing multiple kisses to her lips. She laughed and swatted him away.
“Wait.. that was the cutest thing ever!” She heard her friend’s voice and the sound of someone being hit, followed by a groan and a whine. Harry and Y/N both looked at the two people hiding behind a rose bush.
“Really?” Y/N groaned, embarrassed of her friends spying on their intimate and personal conversation.
They popped out, both appearing drunk as hell. Harry laughed at their appearances and wrapped his arm around Y/N’s waist, while Y/N tucked her head into his chest.
“Can y’all make some babies? They would look so adorable!!”
“Max!” Y/N scolded, cheeks heating up at his words.
“I’m down if you are?” Harry suggested, winking down at her. She rolled her eyes at her man, pulling him down for a deep kiss, her friends cheering her on in the background.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
How an EP “Plans”
I thought I’d write something up to illustrate what it’s like being an EFP, since some of you aren’t aware of how the functional dynamics / overall behavior aspect of an individual type works. This is highly ENFP but also characteristic of an extroverted perceiving dominant.
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I host “high teas” in my home at least four times a year for my intimate friends. Thing is, while I love hosting teas… there’s also a certain amount of anxiety involved in having a ‘settled plan.’ The notion of planning things extensively in advance causes me stress, because there are so many decisions to be made. There are choices between types of mini sandwiches, on what kind of quiche to serve, which scones will best suit the rest of the options, on finalizing the desert options (and making sure not everything is the same color or all has dairy in it). Those things are fun, but also something you have to plan to ‘test run’ in advance, which means scheduling them in ahead of time with enough room to spare so if you hate one option, you can try another.
Whenever I am in the process of doing this, my lower Te feels “pressed for time.” I get it done in advance, but feel anxiety about an encroaching deadline looming ahead of me with “so many things to do to get ready!” I make a loose menu and look for options at the store a couple of days before the event. If I see something that would work better, I buy it. I wait until the last minute to do housework, to prepare the food, and to decide how to set the table, because… it just… works at the last minute. I’m a perceiving dominant. Adaptability, changing my mind, and ‘flying by the seat of my pants’ is how I roll. But the idea of setting a firm commitment, a date, and having it loom toward me gives me angst. And yet, it makes all my SJ guests feel safe, and gives them something to look forward to. I provide the necessities as my inferior Si dictates – pretty table, pretty food and plenty of it.
When I went to a Regency tea hosted by an ISFJ, she had planned it all down to the smallest detail with a spreadsheet where she crossed things off. She had chosen appropriate music and flowers for the occasion. She had specific ideas about how it should look, taste, feel, and be. And she was pretty chill about it, except at the last minute, because that’s when things can go wrong and J types can get more anxious, whereas an EP just goes “eh, it’s fine, we can use this other tablecloth. I didn’t want to iron the white one anyway. :P”
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I’ve seen this extend into how I handle my days, as well. I like to have a loose plan that I came up with myself (“I want to get these things done”) and then wing it as I prefer, prioritizing the “most important thing” (which is often my writing / editing). I can be flexible and adapt to unexpected circumstances, but I do like to feel some measure of control over my schedule. And it needs to be loose. I will  power through things at an incredible speed to get them done and crossed off my list. My ISTJ mother forced me to make a commitment yesterday in painting two walls in my room that I had been procrastinating about for months, because she wanted to help and only had a few hours to spare. So I had to make a commitment if I wanted assistance. Most people would dither around and take the weekend to paint a room. I got it done in 8 hours, all my furniture put back, and went to sleep in a normal, put-together space that kept me and my cats happy (my sinuses, not so much). I just decide on a whim to do something and power through it in little time. It’s a tert-Te super-power, like the time I decided at the last minute to make a friend a friendship album and got it done in 2 days.
I can frustrate other people, because I’m noncommittal, especially if it involves a long-term engagement. Always in the back of my mind is, “What if I get bored doing this for months on end?” If I join a Bible Study or a book club, I want to know when it’s going to end (6 weeks?) so I know where the escape hatch is. I can be “meh” if someone asks me to do something at the last minute, because I haven’t had time to mentally prepare for it, but I’m quite flexible in adapting when things go wrong. I just shrug and adjust my approach, the same as I would if I wrote myself into a corner in a novel and had to change everything two chapters back to make it work. I decided last week that chapter ten in my book was “dull.” I had one character with nothing to do, and not much of a preclimax, so I rewrote it. The character now accompanies another character on an ‘adventure’ that ties into the plot, but it rendered all that characters’ scenes in the next two chapters obsolete. It doesn’t bother me, though, because I can easily rewrite those two chapters to accommodate his absence, without hurting the overall structure of the story – it will be better as a result.
This is the strength of high Ne. Making it up as you go along, with confidence it will work, because it always does. It may not turn out how I planned it in the first place, but that’s fine because the plan was never fixed. I get things done in short energy bursts, but working on something too long bores me. Deadlines serve as catalysts for the final energy push needed to get me to finish something.
Being who I am also makes work easier. I have a job where it’s mostly doing just a few things here and there for days on end, and then a big ‘push’ right before an editorial deadline to get everything done. I do in 2 days what used to take an ISJ a week, because I work fast, I can rearrange an entire magazine as needed at the last minute, and work well right up against the deadline.
Hope that sheds a little insight into what it’s like to be an EP type.
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Unwanted Advances - My Princess Pt. 8
*Zendaya x Reader
*Summary: Prince Thomas makes a move on the Reader. Zendaya and Reader aren’t happy about it.
*Warnings: Minimal threat of violence (not against main characters or Reader), let me know if I missed anything.
*A/N: Next week is finals week and then I’m officially a college senior ;-;
Tip Jar
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven || Part Eight || Part Nine || Part Ten
Surprisingly, the meeting with your parents wasn’t as bad as you expected. Sure, you were being informed of more details concerning your engagement as negotiations continued, but there were small highlights of the meeting. Perhaps the brightest point was learning that your engagement was being prolonged; instead of being married before the year was over, ongoing negotiations and the upcoming ball made it appear that the wedding would probably occur sometime in the next year. The difficult part of the meeting came when your parents were discussing what would happen following your wedding. As it stood, it was likely you would be sent to Xerin to rule alongside Prince Thomas. The throne in your own kingdom would remain with your parents until they were too old to rule, then would go to your cousin (you assumed that was the relation, even though you didn’t exactly know how they were related to you).
For once, the issue wasn’t with your parents. No, the issue came in the form of one overzealous Prince Thomas. Dinner itself went by without real issue - he asked about your day, gushed about how excited he was to have his friend coming to the kingdom for the ball, talked to you about anything that came to mind - but the issue came during the walk back to your chambers after dinner. Prince Thomas insisted on escorting you back, and you agreed, not thinking anything ill of it. Then he had the audacity, right in front of your door, where your beloved sat on the other side waiting for you, to attempt to kiss you. He’d held your hands, talking about how nice it was to spend time alone with you, and then leaned in. If you hadn’t been quicker with your hand on his chest, pushing him away, he would’ve kissed you.
“Prince Thomas,” you chastised him, voice harsh to show this wasn’t a coy attempt at flirting.
“I’m sorry, you’re just so… I can’t even put it into words,” he said, eyes looking at your lips once again. You took a step back.
“It’s not proper. I’m afraid I’ll have to have a chaperone on any further outings with you. Goodnight.” With that, you let yourself into your room, closing the door before Prince Thomas even had a chance to respond. You waited for a few seconds, listening for his retreating footsteps. You hear a soft curse as he walked away, and you weren’t sure if that was at your rejection or at himself. As soon as you heard the footsteps far enough away, you finally turned to find Zendaya sitting at your desk.
“My Princess, what troubles you?” Zendaya asked, watching you with concern. “Did the meeting with your parents not go well?”
You huffed out a small laugh. Of course Zendaya would think your parents were the cause of your troubles as they normally were, but for once she was wrong. “I wish that were the case. My meeting with my parents actually went fantastic, my wedding has been pushed back due to the ball.”
“That’s great news,” Zendaya interrupted, though you knew she was still waiting for you to tell her what else happened.
“It’s the Prince,” you finally said, still trying to figure out how to tell Zendaya exactly what happened. Sure, he hadn’t actually kissed you, but the fact that he’d been that close just made you feel off.
“What did he do?” There were few times when Zendaya got as serious as she was now, you couldn’t even remember the last time she was like this. “(Y/n), I can’t do anything to help you if you don’t tell me. If the Prince was inappropriate wit-”
“He tried to kiss me.” Zendaya clenched her jaw as she took in the new information. “I stopped him, but he tried.”
“When.” It wasn’t a question, Zendaya was demanding to know. With the way her fingers now fiddled with the dagger on the table, you had a feeling you knew where this was going.
“Love, he-”
“Just tell me when he tried to disrespect you like that.”
“Just now, when he walked me back here,” you explained, looking down at your feet. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let my guard down like that. I didn’t think he’d try something like that, especially right at my door.”
“Wait, love, are you crying?” The harsh tone Zendaya had taken was now long gone, replaced by a low one, like she was worried about scaring you. You reached a hand up to your eye, feeling the tears gathering there. You didn’t know why you were crying, or even when you’d started crying.
“I guess I am…” you trailed off, not sure what else to say. 
“Love, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I’m so sorry,” Zendaya got up, going to your side and taking you in her arms before you could really process it. “I didn’t mean to push you, I realize now how uncomfortable that must’ve been for you. I can have one of the other guards give him a talk, make it seem as if one of the maids came upon the scene.”
“I told him I’ll need to have a chaperone with me on any further outings. I didn’t know how to just tell him I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to marry him. Hell, I’m not even sure I’d consider being friends with him anymore,” you lightly swore even as you choked a bit through your crying. “I wish I could just end this whole engagement and run off with you.”
“(Y/n), you did what you were trained to do. I don’t blame you for any of this. Requiring a chaperone was the safest option you had. I’ll be sure to be by your side every time you see the Prince now, and if not then I’ll have some of the other guards I’m close with on standby. We’ll make sure you’re safe and you feel safe, that’s the most important thing to me,” she told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re not upset with me?” You asked, the little nagging voice in the back of your head still insisting that you were to blame.
“No, my Princess. I could never be upset with you. He was the one that tried it, but you stopped him and immediately put distance between the two of you. Even if he had kissed you, you aren’t to blame,” Zendaya told you. You nodded. “Come now, Princess, let’s get you ready for bed. I want you to rest, you’ve had a stressful day.”
“Can you sing to me? It will help me sleep,” you decided to try. It was rare that she’d sing for you, but you loved her voice. Zendaya gave a heavy sigh, but nodded.
“I’ll do anything to help you, my love.”
For the next few days, Prince Thomas made himself scarce. You’d heard some of the chambermaids talking about how he’d received a visit from someone you knew trained under Zendaya, but you didn’t know exactly what he was told. You didn’t know if it was the (unproven) threat or if he genuinely felt bad about your reaction to the almost kiss, but you were glad for the newfound space. It allowed you time to actually breathe and process everything that was going on around you.
Rihanna provided you with a list of the potential candidates to take your place as Prince Thomas’s fiancee, with most of them vaguely knowing the Prince or having previous relations with him. You vaguely knew many of them, having encountered them in your years of hosting and visiting other kingdoms, but you couldn’t say you knew them well enough to picture Prince Thomas with any of them. You tried doing your research on the other Princesses, having some trusted aides go off to find information and report back to you. You needed to be more involved with this, this was your future you were talking about. You weren’t going to sit idly and let this just happen to you.
Since many of your lessons had been reduced due to the other nobles needing to prepare for the ball, you finally decided to use your free time for good. The library had records of alliances between the kingdoms, tensions, and the histories overall, so you spent your time pouring over these volumes, trying to find kingdoms that would make sense to pair with the young Prince of Xerin. Of course you had to worry about the Prince getting along with whatever Princess it was, but you also had to worry about their Kingdoms coming to an agreement. If the newfound engagement didn’t work out, Xerin may attempt to reign your kingdom back in with a renewed proposal.
You recording any findings and speculations you had in a leatherbound journal that Sir Chadwick had gifted to you years ago, but you always found too pretty to actually use. You were sure Sir Chadwick would approve of your use for it. You didn’t notice the guard switches as you worked, letting your mind become filled with only the politics of your neighboring kingdoms. You couldn’t help but wonder if this was what it was like for the great academics of your kingdom, occasionally called in to help advise where even the advisers did not have the historical knowledge to help.
Sometime after the sun had already set, leaving you sitting in the candlelight as the moon and stars shone through the sunroof, you heard the door to the library open. You glanced up, blood running cold as you saw the young Prince standing there, looking like he didn’t know if he should leave or not. You knew there was a guard stationed outside while the shift changed, waiting for Zendaya to come back to her post. You also knew the guard knew Prince Thomas wasn’t supposed to be allowed near you without someone else present, so why did he let the Prince in alone?
“Princess (y/n)-”
“Prince Thomas, you should go. I don’t know why my guard let you in, but-”
“I need to talk to you.”
“And that can be done with a chaperone present. I’m sure you’d rather have this talk later rather than have me call for my guards now,” you insisted, standing your ground even as you looked back down at the book in front of you. Surely he wouldn’t be dumb enough to continue even after you’d threatened to call the guards.
“I just wanted to apologize.” Apparently he was dumb enough, but if you could get this over with as soon as possible, maybe he’d just leave you alone.
“You have two minutes and you need to remain over there,” you ordered, using your firmest voice. It wasn’t one you used often, but it demanded respect. He nodded, and you sat up straight, clasping your hands in front of you.
“Right, thank you. I wanted to apologize. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you, perhaps I- no, I did grossly misinterpret the situation. I didn’t intend to disrespect you, but I know I did, so I’m willing to do whatever it takes to gain your trust. I promise I won’t try anything like that again, but I do truly enjoy spending time with you. You don’t have to forgive me now, but I just wanted to let you know I deeply regret making you uncomfortable,” he rushed out, still slow enough for you to understand. You stared blankly at him, not sure how to take this. You’d never had another royal apologize to you, especially not so… sincerely. 
“I shall think about it, but you should leave now. Lady Zendaya is the next shift and it wouldn’t do you well to run into her,” you told him.
“Thank you for hearing me out, Princess.” He gave a slight bow before turning to leave the room. You nodded, waiting for the door to close before finally allowing yourself to relax some. You tried to get back into your research, but you just couldn’t get yourself back into the right frame of mind. What was the Prince’s game here? Surely there was something he hoped to gain from apologizing to you. Was it just access to you? There was no way he could’ve genuinely fallen for you in the short time you’d known each other. You stared at the book in front of you, tapping your pen against the desk, but you started getting lost to your musings. Before you could spiral further, there was a soft knock at the library door.
“Come in,” you called out, rubbing your eyes. Maybe you just needed to reset a bit before you got back to work.
“My Princess, I brought your dinner from the kitchens. You’re lucky the cooks realized you weren’t at dinner so they made something for you. Sorry for being late,” Zendaya apologized, trying to balance the tray they’d sent your dinner on. She placed the tray on the table, finally taking a good look at you. “How’s the research going, my love? I heard you’ve been in here all day.”
“I just can’t focus anymore,” you huffed, putting down your pen. Zendaya walked to your side of the desk, petting your hair as she dragged your meal in front of you.
“Eat, darling. It’ll help you feel better and you need to take a break anyways,” she insisted. You nodded, figuring she was right. “Have you learned much?”
“The political landscapes of the kingdoms truly is insane, I don’t know how the nobles navigate it,” you admitted. Zendaya could tell you didn’t feel like talking, so she gave you a recap of her day. For the days she had night and morning watches, she was supposed to spend her afternoons sleeping, but she rarely spent the entire afternoon asleep. She talked about the archery training she was undergoing, wanting to strengthen her skills with the bow since she rarely used it. After she was done talking, you finally decided how you wanted to broach the topic. “Love, the guard before you was Sanders, right?”
“Yes, why?”
“I believe he needs to be demoted for a while. Before shift change, he allowed Prince Thomas to enter unaccompanied even though the guards were told of the new requirements,” you explained, going to grab Zendaya’s hand. You could tell she was about to get a bit heated. “Nothing happened. Prince Thomas stayed by the door, apologized, and then exited in under five minutes, but he should not have been allowed in the first place.”
“I will let my superior know, love. Well, after I get done with Sanders,” she muttered the last part as though you wouldn’t be able to hear it muffled by your hair.
“Love, don’t hurt him too bad.”
“So I can hurt him just a little.”
“Try to make it look like an accident. I wouldn’t want you to get punished over something petty like this,” you explained. “Though I’m sure I could get you out of it, I don’t want people to think I’m playing favorites.”
“Please, everyone already knows I’m your favorite. It’s not hard for people to see your heart eyes when you look at me,” she teased, as though what she said wasn’t truly accurate.
“It’s not my fault when you’re genuinely gorgeous,” you pouted, looking up at her. She laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Finish eating, then we can clean up here and I’ll tell one of the handmaidens to draw you a bath. You’ve been working for too long, love, you need to rest. I don’t want you to get burnt out.”
“Fine, but I need to figure more things out if I want this plan to work.”
“We can’t force him to fall in love with one person in particular. We just need to present him with the options and encourage whichever one he wants,” Zendaya said. “The plan won’t fall apart if you rest for the night. Please, my Princess? For me?”
She had you there and she knew it. Whenever she directly asked you for something, you could never say no to her. She smiled at your little pout, leaning down to kiss you soundly until you stopped pouting. Before you could truly give in to her methods and smile into the kiss that you only wanted more of, the sound of the door fully closing interrupted the silence in the library. Zendaya pulled back,  the both of you immediately looking at the door. “Did you close it when you came in?”
“I did. Stay here,” she ordered you, drawing her sword as she went to go investigate. You stayed in your seat, biting at your thumbnail as you watched her leave the library, pulling the door completely shut behind her.
Tag List: @uncookspaget, @ddesert-rosee, @gangganggg
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness, @laic2299, @delaber
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12yeahiminluvwu · 4 years
pairing - Rudy Pankow x Little Sister!Reader
summary- Requested by @deathcompass :) “hi! your writing is amazing :) i was wondering if you could write something with drew/rudy where his younger sister has a panic attack and he helps her calm down because she gets them a lot?”
word count- 1.9+ 
warning(s)- panic attack tw, anxiety tw, swearing (maybe? idk), kinda cliche… gives me 2016 wattpad vibes ngl, the ending sucks i’m so sorry! very loosely edited
series masterlist 
Disclaimer: I’ve only ever had very mild panic attacks so I’m going to use my own experiences to write this, but I do understand that they can be very severe and I’m not in any way trying to romanticize anything at all. I love you, stay safe <3 
“Hey bug, you ready to come home?” You sighed, realizing that summer was ending and you would be having to go back to Alaska for school. It hadn’t snuck up on you, but some part of you had hoped that you’d get to stay with your brother forever. 
“I guess…” You mumbled back, not wanting to hurt your parents but also not wanting to go back. 
“You’re all set to fly out in a few days, we can’t wait to see you!” Your mom exclaimed. You could hear the excitement in her voice which only broke your heart even more. The familiar feeling began to bubble up in your chest, making it seem like you couldn’t breathe in all the way, like something was taking up space in your lungs preventing you from getting enough oxygen. This hadn’t happened all summer, not since you came to live with Rudy. It had been so long since you felt it, you almost forgot the feeling altogether. 
“Sweetie? You still there?” Your mom’s voice brought you out of your own head and back into the real world, where a few minutes of silence had passed. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m here. I’ll see you soon. Love you guys.” You quickly ended the conversation, wanting to get as far away from your phone as possible, as your mind assimilated it with the panic you were feeling. 
This time, you were able to keep yourself calm.
“Baby, do you really have to leave?” Your boyfriend asked, his arms sliding around your waist, leaving goosebumps in their wake. The feeling of his skin on yours always ignited a fire within you, one you didn’t want to put out. You leaving in a few days felt like a storm threatening to wash away the wildfire the two of you had created together. 
“Yeah… I have to go back to school, my brother is gonna be filming season two of his show in Charleston, I’d have no one to stay with…” You mumbled into his chest, soaking in his scent, aching to remember every piece of him. Part of you wanted to believe that a long-distance relationship with him would work but the rest of you knew that it wasn’t fair to either of you. 
“Go to school here, with us! You could stay with me!” One of your best friends chimed in. A spark of hope lit up in your stomach, maybe you could stay. But then, like clockwork, that same feeling from earlier began to slither its way through your body. Your mind raced to all the things you’d be leaving behind, all the friends you had back home that you hadn’t seen in months. 
But as your mind raced and you sat with your new friends, and boyfriend (something you never thought you’d get back home), you realized the people in this room meant more to you than the people back home, who were only still friends with you because they didn’t have anyone else to be friends with. That still didn’t keep the panic at bay, but once again, you were able to keep yourself calm. 
“Roo, I wanna talk to you about something…” You said, coming into his room that night. 
“What’s up kid?” He asked, watching you sit down next to him on his bed. The way you twiddled your thumbs and chewed on your lips told him you were nervous about something, his mind racing to find out what it could be. The energy in the room shifted, and it was like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Taking a big gulp, you started trying to verbalize your thoughts, even though it felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“So… I was thinking- maybe- I… I could stay here with my friends and go to school here. She said she’d- she’d talk to her mom and ask if it was ok. But like, I would- I would need your help talking to mom and dad because I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but I really- really don;t want to go back home…” You stumbled out, hoping that he would understand what you had just word vomited at him. Slowly, you began to feel the burn of tears coming to your eyes, and desperately you tried to hold them back. 
“You want to stay here? How come?” He asked. He sat up, coaxing you into his arms cause he knows it calms you down. You laid your head on his chest and kept trying to take deep breaths as he stroked your hair. 
“I feel more understood by the people I’ve met here than I do by anyone in that stupid little town…” You whispered, “I’ve gotten closer to them in 3 months than I did to anyone back home in 16 years, Rudy. I have no one... no one real anyway.” 
“So you want to stay here in LA?” He asked again and you nodded. The sound of his voice was distant, sounding miles away. You did your best to focus on your breathing but that focus was quickly slipping away as your breathing became more sporadic and uneven. It was as if something was sitting on your chest, preventing you from getting enough air. 
“I’ll talk to mom and dad and see what they say. Kiddo, I need you to focus on your breathing ok? Focus on taking a deep breath all the way in and breathing all the way out.” He continued to run his fingers through your hair as you gasped in deep breaths and let the tears fall down your face. Slowly, the room started opening back up and even though the tears still ran down your face and your hands shook like an earthquake, it got a little easier to breathe. 
“That’s it, just like that,” He cooed. You sighed at the sound of his voice, remembering when you used to get these all the times before Rudy left home. After he was gone, they picked up even more and your mom and dad just didn’t quite know how to ground you like Rudy did. He was always there to protect you, it was a kick in the gut when he left you. But here he was, calming you down.
Rudy sat up in the living room, the next morning. You were still asleep, somewhat exhausted from last night's events. The phone rang and he took a deep breath, hoping for nothing more than to be able to get you what you want. 
“Hey Rudy! How have you been?” Your guys’ mom answered and he smiled, hearing the happiness in her voice. 
“Hey mom, is dad around?” He asked and heard shuffling on the other end. Suddenly his dad's voice sounded from the line and they got a little lost in simple conversation. Rudy then remembered exactly why he called them and got down to business. 
“So I wanna talk to you about Y/n…” He trailed off and your parents went a little quiet. He started to feel the sweat gather on his palms and gulped down the nervous lump in his throat, noticing the shift of energy in the call. 
“Is she ok? Did something happen to her?” Your dad spewed out, worried that something might have happened to his little girl, but he shook his head before remembering they couldn’t see him. 
“No no no she’s fine, but I know you guys are gonna be a little skeptical about what I’m going to tell you,” He sighed before continuing on, “ She wants to stay here for the school year…” 
The line went quiet. He could tell his parents were shocked, the fact that their daughter didn’t want to come home was a lot to process and they had no idea what the reasoning behind it was. 
“What do you mean? She doesn’t want to come home?” The woman gasped, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
“She’s ade some really awesome friends, people she’s closer to than anyone she is with at home. She’s already lined up a place to stay while I’m shooting. I think you’d really like them actually. It’s one of her best friends and her mom, they’re really nice! I think you guys should change Y/n’s ticket so that you guys can come down here…” He rushed out, hoping they understood him, but he was met with silence once again. 
“Uhm… We’re not making any promises, but we’ll come down there so we can talk about this as a family…” His dad said and he nodded with a smile, agreeing. 
You woke up feeling the events from last night lingering in your shoulders and neck. 
It was a familiar ache that only ever happened after an attack, a muscle tightness that made it feel as though you’d been sleeping on concrete for the past week. Doing your best to roll out the soreness, you walked into the kitchen to see Rudy with a look on his face that you couldn’t read. 
“So… I talked to mom and dad, and they’re gonna come here so we can talk about you staying!” He smiled and you felt like a little bit of the weight you’d been feeling lifted. 
“When are they coming?” 
“They’ll be here tomorrow,” He said, coming over and hugging me tightly, “We’ll get you where you need to be kid, promise!” 
The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Your parents sat across from you and your brother, silently. You could tell they were deep in thought, but it didn’t help the shaking that began to take over your hands. 
All you wanted was for them to understand. They weren’t always great at that… 
“Mom, are you gonna say anything?” You finally asked, wincing when she let out a sign.
“Y/n, I just don’t like the idea of you living with someone you just met three months ago....” She said finally and your dad nodded along with her. 
“You don’t understand though. I’m closer to them than I am to anybody back home! I know her and I know that she cares about me, her mom cares about me! When I wasn’t here, I was there. I’m practically already a part of the family! She’s had me and Rudy over for dinner so many times I lost count. She’s hosted dinner parties for the cast because she wants to get to know the people close to Rudy and I because she cares! She’s like a second mom to me. And I love you guys, I really do. But I’m just not happy at home! It doesn’t feel like home anymore. This… This feels like home.” You stood up, pacing back and forth, your voice gradually raising to try and hold in the tears that threatened to fall. 
“Momma…” You whispered pleadingly, looking her in the eyes for the first time since she’d arrived and finally letting the tears fall. Rudy was next to you in seconds, pulling you into his arms, doing his best to keep you grounded so you didn’t fall off the edge.
The silence was filled by your sniffles and Rudy’s whispers into your ear. Your parents looked at each other with a knowing look in their eyes. It was obvious that they were not your home anymore, and no matter how much it broke their hearts they knew they had to let you go.
“Y/n, honey, we want to meet the family first, but we think you should stay. We want you to be happy bug, and if this is where you’re happy, then this is where you should be!” Your mom finally said, coming over and wrapping you and your brother in a tight hug. Your dad followed in suit and soon enough you started to feel yourself calm down.
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