#i am CONVINCED I TELL YA that they are Henry's kids
is-the-milk-fresh · 7 months
Ngl i actually fucking loved the FNAF movie. Like maybe its because a month before it came out i watched markiplier and activated a hyper fixation of it, but it was LIT
So many bits felt directly out of the Silver Eyes book trilogy. Like the scene in the arcade with foxy or honestly the whole ending was v similar to fourth closet's ending. Fuckin loved it.
Also the fact that it was all super faithful EXCEPT for the big differences which felt very intentional. Like i think its implied Mike is Henry's son here? And tbh if they do sequels that'll be far less complicated plot than actual fnaf lore.
Vanessa being ole Willie's daughter make so much sense!! Like obviously its completely different from the games. But in terms of characterisation / place in the story she was already Willie's 'protégé'. Here she's just literally his daughter. I also liked how she was essentially what people assumed Mike in the games was? Someone who was abused but complicit in hiding the 5 kids death.
If they do get a sequel i hope we get some explanation on the Schmit and Afton family backstories. Like Aunt Jan?? Such a similar name to Aunt Jen. Also whether a CC character exists? Or whether Elizabeth exists.
Because if Mike is Henry's son then that would put Garret as Charlie's counterpart rather than CC's. Especially since willie wasn't wearing the suit when he killed him and Garret isn't possessing any of the current animatronics (unless ofc 'Its Me' on the glass was Garret and they are a CC counterpart but idk ive only just seen the movie)
My favourite bit was Cassidy tho. Idk if this has lore implications for their gender in the actual games but god they were spot on. The kid playing them was great, you could tell they were having fun it, unsettling little angry ghost boy my beloved
So yeah the movie was super camp but so fun and the puppet design was FANTASTIC
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nocreativityfornames · 10 months
teen mc and the brothers (possibly with the side chars too?? idk u can just do the brothers if u wanr!!) going to a carnival and mc goes
"WOAHHHH THATS A BIG STUFFED TOY!!!!" and they look at it with sparkles and turns to them with a smile like :DDDDDDDDD
so i wondered how they would do to win the prize? it could be any carnival booth activity thingy
Thank you for the request! This was very fun to write! 🐢
The brothers ( + Diavolo & Barbatos ) when Teen!MC wants the big stuffed animal prize at the carnival
• He actually wanted to refuse the idea but after seeing MC's little expression he finds himself not having the heart to do it.
• You know that part of the Lantern Festival Event where Levi is struggling to win a shooting game and then we turn to see Lucifer there with the prizes already, having won the thing without no one even noticing? Same shit happens here. He wins the game so effortlessly that the stall guy is just left standing there in shock till Lucifer calls out to him and asks for the stuffed dinosaur.
• Mr.Pride here can't help but snort softly when sees MC hug the dinosaur like it's a long-lost friend, a sweet smile making an appearance on his face. "Now, would you care to tell me how exactly you're planning on carrying this thing home? Because it's almost your whole size and before you ask, no, I'm not doing it. It's yours and therefore your responsibility."
• Little MC tries to convince him otherwise but after seeing he wouldn't give in, their only option is to accept defeat and carry the big plushie themselves.
• The jerk ( affectionate ), he actually laughs seeing MC struggle to carry the dinosaur. Fine, he'll do it, but only because he doesn't wants the kid tripping on their feet for not being able to see where they're going.
• Confident as fuck, he's wearing a big grin as he brags about how he's going to win first round! It's just a little game, it'll be easy-peasy! Child's play for the Great Mammon!
• He's at his 11th attempt and still nothing… 🥲
• Man is struggling, he wants to get the damn thing for MC but he'll lose all his precious money at this rate. He can't disappoint the brat though, not when they look so excited to get the stupid duck plushie prize and he's already promised he'd get it for them!
• Finally wins but his wallet ends up dead empty. He's crying on the inside but also happy at the same time after seeing how excited MC is to hold their new duck plushie.
• If they let him name the stuffed animal to make up for all the trouble he went through to get it, his heart will melt on the spot, what a sweet kid! 😭
• "Of course the little human wants the Great Mammon's help to carry it, give it here! I'll show ya how capable I am!" He's very proud as he carries the duck the whole way home, not caring about the looks he's getting from other demons.
• Just stares blankly at the big octopus plushie and MC for a second. Really? They want HIM to play it??
• Not very enthused at first but will do it for Henry! 
• Hypes himself up beforehand: That's right, he's gotta show the kid the power of a true otaku! He'll get that thing in no time, don't worry MC!
• He fails miserably first try but is still confident, on the second try he'll get it! It's alright!
• It's his 5th attempt and he's getting anxious and losing all his energy, but MC hypes him up again and he's ready for more.
• Oof, he finally gets it! The octopus is MC's now! ( if they name it Levi or Lord of Shadow he'll be moved, much like Mammon )
• "Y-You want me to carry it??" He's embarrassed to be seen with this thing, honestly, but he will give in eventually since he can never say no to MC's adorable puppy look.
• The moment his eyes lay on the cat plush he's in, not that he wouldn't do it if it wasn't a cat, but it definitely made him agree ( much ) faster.
• Gets it first try because he's read about how the game works and knows the most effective strategies to win ( If MC says he looked cool while playing he'll get them an ice cream on the way home ).
• "Can't you carry it yourself? You're the one who wanted it, after all." He stares down at MC with a curious look.
• "You sound like Lou."
• Immediately grabs the thing and starts walking away upon hearing this outrageous offense to his name. MC better pick up the pace if they want to keep up!
• Of course he'll do it, MC doesn't even need to say a word, their expression on its own is already enough.
• He's many rounds in, but still hasn't managed to win the prize. It's making him tired and the teen can see it, so they try to convince him to give up, telling him they didn't want the bunny that badly.
• Asmo sees right through their lies and decides it's time to pull out the big guns. "Don't worry, sweetie, I still have one card up my sleeve! ♡" MC watches as Asmo shamelessly goes up to the demon at the stall, greeting the guy in an overly flirtatious tone.
• In the end MC ends up with their beloved plushie, and Asmo with a date scheduled for the weekend. It's a win-win situation, really. 🤭
• Sure, he'll play it for MC.
• Wins without much trouble on the second try, having understood what he needed to do to win the game after failing his first attempt.
• Very happy to see MC's reaction to getting the stuffed bear. "It's pretty big, do you want me to carry it for you?" He asks after the teen thanks him excitedly.
• Will keep the sweetest of smiles on his face the whole way back to the house as he hears MC rambling about all names they could give the bear.
• Happily accepts whichever one they choose. "That's a very good name, MC." He ruffles their head like any kind older brother.
• Will probably say something snarky about how childish they're being and try to dismiss MC's request at first. But! After seeing how much they want it, he'll agree to it, though he still groans while going up to the stall. He's just too lazy for this, y'know…?
• Doesn't even play the game and instead just approaches the demon there, saying something to him that MC couldn't hear since Belphie had told them to stay behind. Soon enough the avatar is coming back, yawning with boredom as he carries the big stuffed bear under his arm.
• He also dodges MC's question when they ask what he said to the guy to get handed the penguin plushie so easily without even playing the game at all. "This thing is really fluffy, I could use it as a pillow." The brother chuckles as they leave together. "Oh, maybe you could let me borrow it from time to time?"
• Yeah, he definitely threatened that guy… 😶
Bonus: Diavolo ( and Barbatos )
• Diavolo immediately accepted. Man was actually even more thrilled than MC to get this thing, he loves these types of games!
• He's very very excited while playing the round and in the moment of truth, he turns to the demon at the stall with a big grin asking if he won.
• He in fact did not win, but the poor lower demon had no choice but to say otherwise as Barbatos stood behind Diavolo and MC giving him the most ominous aura while somehow still managing to keep a smile on his face.
• Ahaha, of course Lord Diavolo won!! Here's your plushie kid!!
• *insert here Dia's loud ass laugh* "I won! MC, I won!" The prince celebrated excitedly, it was hard to tell who was the real kid, him or MC.
• Meanwhile Barbatos just stands there with a content smile as if he's suddenly standing in a field of flowers and hadn't been this close 🤏 from committing murder a second ago.
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echotrinityme · 2 years
Distrust Chapter 20: Chaos and Disruption
A couple days later, Rupert and Henry were sitting near a cliffslide. Henry was leaning against Rupert as he slept, Rupert was looking at the news on his phone. He was reading the article about his dad's death, no one knows Rupert murder him but Henry knows. When the General told him the grim news about his dad's death, Rupert faked his sadness to convince the General he was actually sad. Galeforce offered his condolences and told Rupert if he would like to take some time off, he can.
Rupert said no and he will be fine, the General dismissed Rupert. What the General didn't know that Rupert committed patricide, after Rupert left the General's tent, he was smiling that same creepy smile as his head bowed to hide his eyes. Rupert was reading over the article when he felt Henry stirred next to him, he glanced at Henry whom opened his eyes as he rubbed them. "Morning, Diamond." Rupert said, as he smiled gently. "Did ya have a good nap?"
"It's not morning, Thorn." Henry replied, as he stretched. "It's afternoon."
"Hehehe, I know. I'm just messin' with ya."
"So how was your visit to the museum?" Rupert asked, nonchalantly as he already knows the answer.
"It went well, except for a few minor inconveniences." Henry replied, as he grinned. "But I took care of them."
Rupert perked an eyebrow, "Oh did ya now?" he said, softly as he leaned closer to Henry.
"Yes." Henry replied, as he felt Rupert's hot breath against him.
"Did they scream?"
"Louder than I am during sex."
Rupert then crawled on top of Henry whom face went red as he knew what Rupert is gonna do him, Rupert started nipping at Henry's neck. Henry moaned as he wrapped his arms around Rupert's neck then yelped when Rupert pushed him onto the grass. Rupert smirked against Henry's neck as he started to remove his choker to put bite marks on him, Henry made squeaky noises when he felt Rupert's mouth on his neck.
Calvin was looking for Rupert and Henry, he needed to gather them to the General. The General called an another emergency, he searched their tents, Henry's apartment, the training room, and the cafeteria but no sign of them. He then decided to check the forest. After a few minutes later, he finally finds them and he saw they were in a middle of a makeout session.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Calvin muttered, under his breath. He went up to them as he saw Rupert was about unbutton Henry's pants, Calvin's face immediately went scarlet as he knew what Rupert was about to do.
"Hey, lovebirds!" Calvin squeaked. "The General needs us!"
Rupert growled in frustration as he pulled his hand away while Henry whined in protest, they both glanced at Calvin whom face was still scarlet. Rupert stood up as he held out a hand for Henry, Henry took his hand as he also stood up. They stared at Calvin as their eyes became listless, Calvin suddenly felt uneasy when he saw their stares. "So what does the General wants us for?"Rupert asked, as he and Henry's eyes became normal again.
Calvin shook his head as he glanced at them, "Oh! He called an emergency meeting, let's go!" he exclaimed, urgently. He led them to the auditorium where everyone was waiting for them, the General was standing in front of the podium.
Standing next to him was Victoria and Dr. V, they didn't look very happy for some reason. "Ahem, everyone." Galeforce said, firmly. "There's something I would like to discuss with you."
Everyone glanced at the General in anticipation and he continued, "But...I have to let two people tell you what's happening."
Everyone thought he was about to call Victoria and Dr. V but Galeforce beckoned two people to come out of the projector, two very familiar men came to stand next to Galeforce. They were wearing very fancy suits but one, of the men was wearing a fancy cape and two top hats. Everyone recognize them as leaders of the Toppat Clan; Reginald Copperbottom and Right Hand Man.
What the hell are they doing here!?
Everyone started to protest on why Reginald and Right Hand Man were here in the Government. Especially Charles, Johnny, Ellie, and Rupert. Henry was quiet as he bowed his head down to make sure Reginald and Right Hand don't see his face. After he murdered those worthless Toppats, he got rid of the evidence that he was there at the museum and he killed. He got rid of the cameras and for the guards...he didn't kill them instead he just let them face the consequences for his actions.
Galeforce was starting to get a migraine from all the commotion everyone was making, he rubbed his temples as Victoria glanced at him in worry. Then Victoria had enough of everyone complaining, "QUIET!" she shouted, in anger to get everyone's attention.
Everyone stopped protesting and went silent, Galeforce thanked Victoria for quieting everyone down. "Now I know many of you are asking why are the Toppat Clan's leaders are here?" Galeforce said, firmly. "But apparently some of their members were slaughtered by the members of the Cult of Desperationis."
Everyone gasped in horror as Reginald went up to the podium as his darken, "Yes, we discovered some of our members were...brutality murder and we knew it wasn't the guards or the Government." he said, in sadness.
"So when we contacted the General about our members, he told us about the Cult of Desperationis." he continued. "So we decided to do a truce."
Everyone whispered among themselves and there were murmurs. The General then went to the podium, "In order to stop the Cult of Desperationis, we need some help. Now I know the Toppat Clan are our enemies but we both need to stop the Cult of Desperationis or else it will be too late." Galeforce finished.
"So we will be working with the Toppat Clan until we defeat the Cult of Desperationis, do I make myself clear?"
Everyone nodded grimly, no was very happy about this but if they were gonna defeat the Cult of Desperationis then they are gonna need some help. Over the next few weeks went by slow and painful for both the Government and Toppat Clan.
Seeing two enemies working together to stop a common enemy was not easy cause one is a criminal organization and two, the Government stops people like them. But there were times were the members of the Clan got along with the Government soldiers. For an example, Charles and Sven Svensson got along cause they both talk a lot.
Earrings and June got along cause of the girl talk and doing hair styles, Burt got along with Howard Lipton cause of their preferences of drinks they need to start their day with. However, there's still some tensions between some of the soldiers and Toppats. Rupert and Carol Cross did not get along cause of their hot-tempered personalities, Victoria had to pushed them apart before they killed each other. It kinda reminded everyone when Rupert and Henry used to be like that before they became a couple.
Then things became more tense when the Warden from the infamous prison called The Wall called Galeforce to talk about something important. Apparently he has heard of the leader of the Cult of Desperationis and wants the leader in his prison. "If you capture the Cult of Desperationis, we will get the leader." said Dmitri Petrov, the Warden of the Wall. "Understand?"
Galeforce, Reginald, and Right Hand Man nodded in approval.
Suddenly one day, the Cult of Desperationis put bombs all over the town next to the Government. The Government and Toppats immediately went over to the chaos, there were civilians panicking as some of the buildings were burning. The Government and Toppats went deep into town and saw the Cult of Desperationis standing in front of them.
They all had an unsettling smiles on their faces as their red eyes glowed with malice, one of the members took a step forward with his pike. He then charged at the group, he was about to attack Henry but before he can able to stab him, Rupert blocked the weapon with his rifle. They were fighting for a while until Rupert's eyes flashed red, the cult member noticed this and he smirked.
The battle raged on as the Government and The Toppat Clan manged to catch all of the members but the damage was already done. Citizens were dead from the explosions, buildings were burning, children were now orphans, and everything was in chaos.
But things will get worse for everyone cause Briar has already won...
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fear-and-delight-l · 3 years
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-Jill is very avid about getting her sister, Georgia back. Well, at least the killer anyways. 
-Jill has never finished any of her writing, until she is an adult. 
-Jill gives hugs hugs hugs!!!
-everyone wants her hugs. 
-ok, Jill is very sexually confused. Bradley Marsh is good looking...but so is McKenna Hanlon with her pink lipstick and her always good looking pigtails....then there is Sarah Uris, who is so cute with her blonde/brown curls and her little cheerleading outfit. 
-suffers from stuttering simp disorder 
-simp simp simp
-simp? Yes. 
-ok but I think she would like Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus lmao
-FLANNEL GODDESS!!! Has flannels in so many colors. 
-”R-R-Riley, stop m-making fun of m-my j-j-jorts.” 
-oh yeah. She is rocking the jean shorts. They either go to around her knees or near the middle of her thighs. 
-shoulder length brown hair. Screams bisexual. 
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-just gonna put this out there, take it as you will, but her glasses make her look like a fish. Her eyes are HUGE 
-goddess or (what is a non-binary god? Godthem?) of dad jokes. But not the corny kind. The kind of dad jokes that include sleeping with him and “riding him like a horse.” 
-”so not fucking funny.” -Edith Kaspbrak, who’s dad isn’t even present in her life.  -yeah, bisexual.  -sexual for Edith Kaspbrak.  -And Sarah Uris
-And Bradley Marsh
-and Jill Denbrough 
-and Brenna Hanscom
-and Patrick Hockstetter (she regrets this. But when Patrick isn’t chasing her with Bowers and Criss and Huggins, she likes to notice that Patrick is definitely good looking)
-crazy wavy hair. Seriously, she wears it in a pixie cut, and it is CRAZY. But she help Bradley cut away his mullet. 
-the friendship dynamic between Riley Tozier and Bradley Marsh is UNSTOPPABLE!
-plays softball with Jill. She is pitcher, and damn is she good. (Jill plays third base, for reference)
-the girls on the softball team sort of like her, sort of not. She’s a loser, and they don’t like her because everyone thinks she’s queer.  -still a trash mouth 
-still a smartass 
-Rildeth? Edithley? Redith?
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-all right, here we go. 
-He came out to Riley, and Riley came out to him. 
-daddy issues  
-daddy issues
-daddy issues
-anyways, Bradley had a mullet that his dad made him wear, and when Riley helped him cut it....freedom!
-when he and the other losers are going to the quarry, he likes to help McKenna pick flowers so Sarah will have some to turn into flower crowns  
-is totally charmed by Jill  Denbrough. He is a simp for how charming she is. Bravery, art...
-Bradley also likes to draw. 
-Brenna may be totally smitten with him....
-Bradley is the same age as all the other losers, but the losers all see him as older. 
-hates his father, feels weak around him. 
-he and Riley often share cigarettes. (I love the friendship dynamic here.)
-Bradley has little freckles, and when he and Brenna get together as adults, Brenna likes to kiss all of them. 
-Bradley loves to hang with Sarah, and she is such a sweetie. She gets annoyed, but when she is around Bradley, she is calm. 
-Bradley likes to put his arm around Sarah, ALWAYS
-I’m in love
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-yes, Sarah Uris is cheer captain. The other cheerleaders are skeptical of her, but treat her ok nonetheless. 
-Sarah Uris is a softie who will tell you to fuck off. 
-bridwatcher. Sarah loves her birds. She likes to sit with Jill. Jill draws birds while Sarah quietly talk about the birds. 
-Brenna loves to play with her curls, braiding them and doing fun styles with them with the help from McKenna. 
-sundresses one day, shorts and a shirt the next. 
-her hair is so nice! Think...classic curls. Google for reference. 
-the cheerleaders don’t go to track meets or softball games. So, since Brenna and Edith are both in track and Jill and Riley are softball players, she goes in her own cheerleading outfit, and even snags one for McKenna, (who isn’t a cheerleader.) and they both cheer at track and softball. 
-must I remind you that Jill is a simp for BOTH OF THEM. AND BRADLEY?? HE CHEERS THEM ON TOO.
-one time Bradley actually got into a cheerleading skirt??!!
-anyways, back to Sarah.  -she loves to give everyone kisses before leaving. Here’s how she gives them:
Jill: cheek kiss, runs a hand through her hair.  Edith: takes Edith’s face in her hands and kisses her nose. Edith sometimes backs up a little when she feels a little panicky about germs, but always accepts Sarah’s kiss.  Bradley: forehead. She ruffles his hair, and sometimes, Bradley kisses her chin as she is kissing his forehead.  McKenna: near her lips. Like, the corner of her mouth. 🥺 Brenna: cheek kiss. She holds brenna’s chin while kissing her.  Riley: straight on the lips. Or the forehead if you song ship stozier. -ok, I am a huge fan of Sarah+Riley....but then there is Edith. Poly??? Possibly 
-anyways, Sarah loves to make flower crowns and put them in bradley’s hair. 
-she and Brenna are very close. If Sarah isn’t next to Bradley, or has Riley’s arm around her shoulders, she is with Brenna, either holding her hand or showing her stuff about plants or birds. She gives Brenna constant praise about the barrens 
-very grumpy a lot.
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ok, Brenna is straight. I didn’t change that.  -Brenna thinks constructively, and is a visual learner. Constantly thinks about the future. 
-ok, she is so so so sweet. Likes to wear this cute pink skirt, but only around the losers. 
-She loves to read and wrote poetry. It’s so cute I just can’t aaaah-
-ok, so she’s on the track team. Edith convinces her in 10th grade. 
-HAIR CLIPS! she has them in her hair, and tons extra in her backpack. 
-Bradley loves it when Brenna plays with his hair and puts clips in it. 
-she and Bradley are very good friends. 
-she may be straight, but isn’t uncomfortable when Sarah holds her hand or Riley talks about her gay situation or when Jill tells her she’s pretty. She just isn’t gay but she loves and supports her gay friends. She even kissed McKenna in a game of spin the bottle
-poor baby has body insecurities...
-ugh, she hates Henry Bowers. But she loves ice cream! She likes vanilla because it’s sweet and plain. 
-when they have sleepovers, everyone always has a disc of New Kids on the Block to play for her (AAA!)
-Riley literally swore to protect her. Even though Riley’s sarcasm can be demeaning, she trusts her. 
-Brenna Hanscom, a sweetie that will fight for you.
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McKenna Hanlon, the badass vegan who definitely has WAP. 
-ok, I didn’t change her race, she is still black. 
-McKenna is a sign of hope. Everyone feels so uplifted around her. 
-she has this signature pink lipstick she wears everyday the Greta Bowie makes fun of, but she still wears it. 
-she loves bubblegum. McKenna has it ALL THE TIME. 
-inspiration? Yes. She is a goddess. 
-ok, she is so nice, but that gun she has? Pennywise doesn’t stand a chance. McKenna is a fighter. 
-McKenna has these cute little pig tails that she wears with purple ribbons. Jill loves to listen to her talk. 
-definitely the least insane of all the losers, but girl knows how to have fun!
-not a huge smoker, but occasionally will share one with Bradley. 
-the friendship between McKenna and Bradley is impeccable. They are a badass duo. 
-I don’t know what her sexuality is. She definitely doesn’t. Although she and Jill got caught making out in a closet. They said it was no strings attached....suspicious.
-she is indeed vegan. She just has a special love for animals and can’t bring herself to eat them. She isn’t protesting everyone to go vegan, she just eats how she wants. She occasionally slips and goes for ice cream though😉
-at the rock war, after she recovered a little from Bowers, SHE BEAT HIS ASS!
-my queen, gosh I love her!
-she is so much fun to be around. One time, in the barrens, she installed a swing so she could sit in somethin because Riley and Edith and Sarah are always in the hammock together. (It’s bound to break). 
-need a therapist? She’s ya girl. 
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-ok, so this looks very soft girl, but Edith is fiery!  -her mom makes her worry a lot about disease and what not, but her anxiety about what her mom may do is worse. 
-seriously, she is scared of her mother. She doesn’t even know if her sickness are real. 
-anyways, don’t fuck with her. She will bite you. 
-no seriously, she will bite you. One time in a fight with Hockstetter, she bit him. She was worried she might have gotten something in her mouth, but Sarah calmed her down.  -she may bicker with Riley, but really, she loves her. Her and her stupid glasses, 
-anyways, she is a sweetie. She runs track, but as long as Riley is waiting on the sidelines with her inhaler at the end, she is alright. 
-someone give this girl a hug. 
-internalized homophobia towards herself. 
-she and Bradley are good, they just aren’t as close. Edith is closest with Jill. 
-Edith looks up to Jill, big time. 
-Edith hates her mom very very much. 
-she wears cute little tops with shorts or skirts. Occasionally she will wear overalls. 
-fuck greta Bowie campaign? Yeah, Edith started it.
-Fanny pack! She has an extra pair of glasses for Riley, Bobby pins for Sarah, an extra pen or pencil for Jill, a mini stick of Bradley’ favorite deodorant, hair clips for Brenna, and McKenna’s favorite bubblegum. 
-Riley calls her Eds. She hates it because it sounds like a boy name. She hates it even more when Riley calls her Eddie. 
-kisses tears away. Crying? She will kiss your cheeks and wipe those tears away. She did that when Brenna got cut by Bowers. 
-inhaler? Yes. It’s her little beacon of safety. 
-ice cream and comic books with Riley, bird watching and flower crowns with Sarah are her favorites! 
-doesn’t know her sexual preference, she’s just not straight. 
-butterflies always land on her when she’s outside. One landed on her nose once and Riley and Sarah started rock-paper-scissoring for who got her. (That was long forgotten since Riley is a sore loser.)
-my baby has long hair is very slight waves. It goes down to her breasts. 
-likes to wear Jill’s Flannels. 
-Edith is cold? Never. She always has someone’s something, whether it’s McKenna’s iconic leather jacket or Jill’s flannels
Ok! Those are my headcanons. Feel free to repost, I don’t give a damn. If you want drawings or more headcanons of them, I am always open. I had this posted on my old account but that got taken down....I was previously coffeeandweasleys
@im-a-rocketman​, @nate-isnt-great​ @imreddieimreddieimreddie​ @ur-not-reddie​
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝atsumu, kuroo, tsukishima and bokuto playing acnh ❞
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miya atsumu
→ first he called the game dumb but he eventually gave in because everyone and their aunts were playing it and he didn’t wanna be left out
→ mf tries so hard for raymond at first
→ he insists it’s just because he can sell him for a lot
→ he really just wants raymond because he lowkey reminds him of osamu
→ anyways this fool doesn’t get raymond but ya know who he does get?
→ pedro
→ atsumu was ✨disgusted✨
→ “a clown?! a fukn clown?! yer jokin me!”
→ “aw don’t cry he fits in so well on your island 😹”
→ “sHUT YER TRAP 😠😠😠”
→ he hated pedro at first and for what?
→ eventually he starts vibing with him though
→ he decides that perhaps... pedro isn’t a bad guy after all
→ so atsumu develops a soft spot for him and begins to favour him over the rest of his mediocre villagers whose names he can’t be bothered to remember
→ ya know whose name he can remeber though?
→ BELLA 😡😠😡😠😡😡😠
→ the name that sparks rage in him
→ atsumu hits his villagers with his net shouting “nice cut g!” as a joke
→ with bella he’s not joking 😐
→ he hits her repeatedly and grins maliciously when she gets angry eventually
→ LOVES shoving her into pitfalls for absolutely no reason
→ cusses her out under his breath
→ writes hate mail to her only to get fustrated when she sends a nice reply about the flowers she saw the other day that reminded her of him
→ honestly bella girl it ain’t worth it, pack your bags and get outta there sis 😔
→ he wants her to get tf off his island because he doesn’t like her but he also kinda wants her to stay because he loves annoying her and making her angry
→ literally goes out of his way to buy the ugliest clothes for her to wear
→ he also has all his villagers address him as “big dick man”
→ pedro is special though 😳
→ pedro is the chosen one who gets to call him “tsumu”
→ literally thinks it’s the funniest thing when his villagers say “hey big dick man! the weather sure is great today isn’t it!”
→ you can hear his cackling from down the hall
→ thinks it’s the peak of comedy
→ oh and you’re not allowed to visit his island on a saturday
→ saturdays are “for the boys”
→ and by that he means he’s just going to buy a ton of matching clothes for him and pedro and talk to him all day until he eventually annoys pedro by accident to which he genuinely gets upset about
→ he doesn’t really bother with the fishing tourneys or bug offs
→ does catch a few though just to make sure he beats bella earns nook miles
→ pretty average island, not too much effort put into it yet
→ atsumu prefers channeling his energy and game time into bullying bella interacting with his villagers
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kuroo tetsurō
→ bangs. it. tf. out.
→ literally acts like he doesn’t care about the game but has 395+ hours game time
→ uses the excuse it’s to play with kenma but kuroo actually got into it before kenma had the chance to look at it properly
→ fishing tourney KING
→ has multiple gold trophy’s and built a whole extension just to show them off
→ also treats all his villagers equally
→ he was a bit picky and only wanted cats and dogs on his island though
→ if you’re anything but a cat or a dog, i’m sorry but kuroo will timeskip you tf off of his island
→ has a soft spot for lucky but doesn’t admit it
→ he likes to come across as a “fair dictator of the island”
→ just admit luckys your fav and go oh my god
→ his house is really nice too
→ pretty much paid off all his debt and is financially responsible 😼
→ he will send you money over a few times a week because he claims he’s a good boyfie virtually and realistically
→ LOVES opening the letters from ‘mom’
→ it’s a small detail in the game but it brings kuroo comfort when he opens the letters and sometimes receives gifts from his virtual ‘mom’ 🥺
→ keeps all the letters from her because that’s what he would do if his real mom ever wrote to him
→ he’s a shameless timeskipper
→ “tetsu?? where tf did you get all this the games only been out a week??”
→ “👁👁 idk what you’re talking about baby”
→ the thing that annoys him the most are the fossils
→ HATES the stupid little marks in the ground that appear every day
→ also HATES talking to blathers
→ “spit it out already! i have places to be and villagers to see!”
→ completely ignores blathers’ real name and refers to him as ‘bokuto’
→ because he’s an owl duh
→ and bokuto also talks a lot
→ you thought it was a cute friendship thing at first but took it back when you heard him muttering under his breath
→ “oh my god just analyse the fossils already you himbo bird!”
→ “did you just call blathers a himbo? 😳”
→ “...no? 😳👀”
→ all in all, kuroo’s pretty good at the game
→ you like visiting his island because he has a ton of extra stuff he just gives you
→ “i never want to hear you call me a bad boyfriend again 😐”
→ “okay fine...but oNLY if you give me an ironwood dresser 😏”
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tsukishima kei
→ another one who bangs it out
→ doesn’t really care when you point it out though
→ “you’re just jealous your islands a dumping ground compared to mine 🥱”
→ “k-kei 😔”
→ also sprints near where you’re fishing to scare the fish off and be spiteful 💀
→ little shit KNOWS you only need oranges to complete all the fruits on your island
→ he also knows you’re out of nook miles tickets
→ “aw that’s a shame, maybe if you were a bit better at the game you’d find them quicker but good luck! 😀”
→ oranges are his native fruit 😐😑😐
→ eventually he gives you them because you’re relentless and his patience runs thin after a while
→ good at the bug offs
→ pretty good at scorpion/tarantula hunting too
→ convinced spike is in love with him after the amount of scorpions and tarantulas he’s donated to him
→ his fossil exhibition in the museum is completed already
→ when blathers tells him the facts about the dinosaurs he just rolls his eyes
→ “i knew that already you stupid bird 🙄”
→ why’s everyone bullying blathers damn 😿
→ now, he likes henry
→ one of the few villagers he doesn’t bully
→ tsukki doesnt particularly care for majority of his villagers
→ henry has a special place in his heart though
→ maybe it’s because henry isn’t overly perky or he isn’t rude like the cranky villagers which tsukishima doesn’t like
→ henry is just??? so??? nice????
→ he can’t hate him
→ all his villagers have catchphrases that are dumb af
→ tsukki thought he was being clever when he made them but he just looks mean when other people talk to his villagers
→ “good morning i am useless! i love your outfit!”
→ henry gets to call him tsukki though
→ only because he figured out that henry reminds him of yamaguchi
→ that’s the only reason henry’s the exception to his bullying
→ i feel like tsukki has a pretty nice house too
→ he makes a lot of bells from selling scorpions and tarantulas and spare fossils he’s dug up
→ doesn’t really care about the size but has very detailed rooms
→ like all the furniture in his rooms follow a scheme
→ mf never opens his mailbox
→ doesn’t care for what the other “peasants have to say for themselves”
→ terraforming isn’t really his thing tbh
→ doesn’t like how slow the process and be and kinda likes the natural flat land
→ he likes laying down paths though
→ cusses villagers out when they get in the way though
→ full on shoves them and will keep shoving them until they get annoyed just because they’ve annoyed him
→ tsukki doesnt put as much time into the game as kuroo but his island is still pretty good and aesthetically pleasing
→ he just won’t help you make yours look like that 💀
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bokuto koutarō
→ weeds. everywhere.
→ get so confused when he’s told he has to pick them all
→ “really? why can’t i just let them grow though i kinda like them 🤩”
→ mf ✨struggles✨ at the first stages
→ “y/n, you know i love you, please give me 30 iron nuggets 🥺💖💞💗”
→ ofc you give them to him because you’re well ahead in the game and don’t need them as much as he does
→ praises you like royalty but then he’s back to begging for materials from you 💀
→ doesn’t pay his debts
→ you’re gonna have to help him out here
→ doesn’t like the idea of having to constantly pay them off
→ like?? he doesn’t want a bigger house so why is this damn raccoon always bothering him to upgrade like leave him and his 2 room house alone 😠
→ has a the same camp bed and lamp from when he first moved out the tent 💀
→ insists he doesn’t need another one because the furniture all functions the same
→ he has a point tbf but his house just isn’t aesthetically pleasing
→ he also hoards stuff
→ common butterfly? yeah bokuto has 37 sitting in his storage
→ doesn’t like letting the bugs go because he “caught them fair and square”
→ you show him how to pay his debts back and then he dedicates a whole room to his stupid bugs 💀
→ loves blathers and celeste just because they’re owls
→ doesn’t care about what they’re wittering on about he loves interacting with them just because they’re the only owls in the game 😐
→ his favourite villager is kid cat
→ literally follows him around and sprints circles around him
→ l o v e s the chaos outside the town hall
→ 2 of his villagers are singing, 3 are running around and 1 is just watching like 🧍🏻‍♀️
→ HYPES his singing villagers tf up
→ “yeah get it bianca! turn it up!!! 🥳🥳”
→ has to match his villagers clothes at least once a week
→ also makes them all refer to him as “the best ace”
→ it boosts his ego a little more each time they say it
→ bokuto actually got raymond out of luck but had no idea who tf he was and just how popular he was
→ lets that mf go without advertising that raymond’s in boxes
→ atsumu screeches when he finds this out eventually
→ bokuto doesn’t care what his villagers look like everyone’s welcome
→ bella should move to bokuto’s island and move from atsumu’s because bokuto will accept her with open arms rather than a net to the head everytime he sees her 😿
→ ALWAYS remembers birthdays for his villagers
→ and always shows up to their birthday parties insisting he’s the life of the party and they’d be bored without him 😹
→ which is true to a certain degree cause the party only really starts when the player arrives
→ bokuto is actually okay at terraforming
→ quickly changes his mind after an hour of building and digging and restarts it all over again
→ he can make his island look pretty good
→ theres just weeds and buried fossils everywhere though 👁👁
→ also forgets his turnips go bad
→ literally the least financially responsible out of them all
→ it’s okay though because you help him and he eventually gets the hang of it
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Do you think you could do the Brothers reacting to a video surfacing of Male!MC in a disguised child fighting ring? And I’m not talking like “Oh no! look the kids are fighting down in the playground!” but like “Oh my god MC is brutally bashing this kids head into the ground in the middle of a classroom”
I totally get that this is a super dark request but..recently a video of my “Elementary teachers“ cheering me on to hurt my classmates and for them to do the same to me was sent to me and and I just... need the comfort, I guess. (It’s never as obvious as people think it is, and everyone underestimated what sick bastards will do when they want “entertainment”)
Again, totally get it if this is to dark, I could just really use the comfort, and I don’t have the time to get it anywhere else because I’m always working and quarantined so 🤷
That's really deep, this almost feels too personal to share as a prompt but I'll do what I can my best. I can't imagine the disgust and overwhelmed emotions you're experiencing right now
I was a fairly aggressive kid to my peers growing up and that shit eats at me but this kind of level? That's just heart breaking and the fact teacher did that is just sickening
I'm so sorry and hope this can give some comfort even if it's just a fraction. Thank you for coming to me with something so personal and I always feel touched you you guys come to my page for comfort asks and or prompts - it's a privilege to feel this trusted even if you are anons
Also I won't be using canon usernames because bad memory and uuuhhh I'm lazy
Warning: violence, children involved violence, swearing, angst, neglectful adults, hurt/comfort
Yoooo!!!! I just found this video of (Y/N) pop around a few servers
I'm a mod in most of them so I've been able to delete them after watching it and have been getting people to delete it but it's not working
What do you mean? What video? 😮😳 Did nudes get leaked??!!
HUH??! someone's sharing videos of (Y/N)??!! who are they?! I'll go right to 'em If they wanna be like that!
A video? I'm guessing it's quite serious if you're trying to get people to delete it, what is it? we need to tell (Y/N) if a private video has been released to the public without consent
Cat boy (=`ェ´=):
What are you doing just telling us
Cat boy (=`ェ´=):
FORGIVE ME!!!! I've been debating as this is pretty serious stuff
[sent an video]
5 of the brothers opened the video, Levi already watched it and Beel was offline, they all stared in shock. The Devildom can be am agressive and rough place when it can be but this?
They felt sick to their stomach. Seeing such innocent children being tainted and encouraged to be violent by the adults around them. To see such a little sweet looking you grab and beat on another child.
There was blood on the classroom carpet, screams and cheers. Threats ringing out the room by the teacher's whilst you screeched and threw down your small fists. Cries for their mother was the kid beneath you could muster.
The brother's heart broke at this.
Asmo sat there with hand over his mouth, tears lining the corners of his eyes. Mammon threw the phone down and just sat there, hearing everything that was happening. Lucifer could only watch so much of it before he turned off his screen; face to face with his tear eyes in the black screen. Satan felt apart of him shake, he was like this when he was younger but to hear the teachers cheers it just broke him. Belphegor was all for violence and people getting hurt but seeing you in that state at such a young age - he couldn't stand it.
This wasn't the you they knew. You never brought this up and the bigger question was; how did this get online?
Build a bitch:
Whoa just woke up to that
Build a bitch:
Who's been sharing this? How did people get this kind of film?? This had to be done in the human world
Build a bitch:
I'm getting Beel to check his phone
This is just disgusting behaviour....poor (Y/N)..to be filmed like this, I cannot stand for this kind of thing, I trust you've already hacking their accounts of the sharers
I'm working on it! I only learned hacking back in 1990 and procrastinated on learning everything 😬
BBQ foot lettuce:
I just got online, belphie told me there was an issue
BBQ foot lettuce:
Lucifer we need to stop this from spreading and tell Diavolo
build a bitch:
He's useless! I could do more than him in this minute!
Poor (Y/N) 😭😭 I need to go hug my poor darling! That must of been awful! We can't let it spread and have (Y/N) find out
You did find out. You got it sent to you through direct message. This memory felt like such a blur, a nightmare they scratched the back of your mind that you could never tell if it was real or not. It was real.
You looked down at your hands; unstained and non damaged. They were trembling and you couldn't stop. You tried to stop the way your body trembled, your hand flying to your mouth as you let out a pain gag. Stars shimmering in your gaze as tears poured down your face, you couldn't focus on anything other than the pain in your throat. Your throat clamped and hugged itself as if it needed comfort from what you just watched. Your voice unable to escape.
You poured your agonized heart out into your pillow. You couldn't believe it. How did someone get this? How did they know it was you? Why did they send you this? Who else has seen this?!
So many questions filled your heard, you couldn't even focus on your own internal voice. Your vision growing more blurry as a fresh fountain of tears flooded out.
When you finally calmed down you reasurred yourself that no one else knew. You convinced yourself that nobody had to know or would even see it. You stumbled out of your bedroom with phone in hand, your cheeks blemished and stinging. Your throat finally released itself as you made your way to the kitchen.
Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal. Just act normal-
"(Y/N)?" come to the living room, we need to talk."
Your throat immediately closed back up. You thought you couldn't cry Anymore. You thought you were okay and able to push on but fresh tears came. You followed Lucifer to the living room only to be greeted by distraught expressions.
They knew.
Mammon was quick to stand up, charging towards you and hugged you as tightly as he could. You shriveled in his touch; internally demanding him to not do this but you just sobbed, hugging him back.
"It ain't ya fault and you were just a kid, you didn't need to go through that and your teachers were awful."
You cried harder and hugged him tighter. Asmo was the second to come over, hugging you tight.
"I'm so sorry, I know that can mean nothing but I truly am, you don't deserve this or anything bad that happened to you."
Beel and belphie came towards you third, joining in on the hug.
"You're not that kind of person and they're not real teachers, you're okay with us."
"You were just a child, you're not that experience and they shouldn't of sent that to you or anyone - we're fixing it, I promise."
Levi showed you his phone, hesitantly joining the hug.
"I've been hacking the accounts to see who's doing this to you, we'll make sure they can't do this, you're my Henry and i know he would never turn away from Someone in need."
Satan joined, rubbing your arm as he held you tight.
"We'll make them regret making you relive that memory and those teachers, they were no real ones if they treat you like that, we have you, you're safe and they were cruel."
Lucifer was the last to join, patting your head
"I promise we'll fix this, just let it all out."
And you did. Until you were barely awake, you laid on the sofa whilst Diavolo gently asked you do many questions. As soon as he could he came to see you, comfort you and see how you're feeling.
They didn't Leave your side until it was night-time, you were fast asleep and the brothers sighed. They will find out who did this and fulfil their promises. They'll stay with you but they also wanted to make those Teachers pay. They'll be here with you until you're able to feel peaceful within yourself and they fixed everything
"thank you..."
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
Not My Sister | David Nolan x Male Reader
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: David Nolan x Male!Reader
Summary: (Y/N) is the brother of the evil queen, and everyone knows it. What everyone doesn’t know is that he has a big crush on prince charming himself. However it feels like they could only be together in another world.
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Being the brother to the “evil” queen wasn’t easy.
First of all you were nothing like your sister and everyone didn’t seem to get the memo. You were painted as being pretty much the exact same as her. You weren’t.
People might have said you were evil because you had magic just like your sister. However you only ever used it for self defense or to protect others.
The first time you met Prince Charming you were looking for Snow White hoping to try and warn her about your sister.
You were on your horse as the forest rushed past you, suddenly you were hit in the stomach with a branch.
You came to and saw a man standing above you with a sword pointed at your throat.
“Well if it isn’t the brother of the evil queen. Maybe I should take your prisoner here and now.”
“Ugh this again? I don’t think you people understand I am nothing like her.”
You waved your arms and watched as the prince flew back and hit a tree.
“I really don’t want to fight you, but I’m not about to be anybody’s prisoner.”
Now did you two fight? Yes. Was it really a fight though? No.
It was more or less you dodging his sword and pushing him back with magic.
“I really don’t have time for this. I have to warn Snow White.”
“Wait warn-”
Before he could finish talking you had once again pushed him into a tree and knocked him out.
You quickly found your horse and continued on. Your mind continued to go back to the prince, he was pretty good looking.
The next time you saw him, he was being chased by your sister’s guards.
You watched as the guards pushed him into a corner trapping him. He was outnumbered.
Before any of the guards could capture or finish him off you waved your hands and where the guards had been were just rats. You teleported in front of the prince and only then did you notice he had been injured.
“You’re hurt. Let me help.”
He didn’t look convinced.
“Why? What do you want with me?”
“Nothing. I just want to help.”
He didn’t try and leave when you slowly approached him. You started to heal his wounds with your magic.
“The last time I saw you, you said something about warning Snow White. Why? Isn’t your sister actively hunting her?”
“I’m not my sister you know?”
“That’s obvious. I’m David.”
That’s how the two of you really started your friendship.
After that you had met a couple of other times and even found Snow White. Things were looking up. They were going to take back David’s kingdom.
“You should come with us. I want you by my side through this.”
“I wish I could. But I need to go back and make sure my sister doesn’t interfere. I know you can do this without me. You’ll be a great king.”
You watched as David and Snow left before returning to the castle.
Sadly your sister found out about your little adventures.
“So when was I supposed to find out my own brother is a traitor?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean-” 
She pulled held up her mirror which shimmered and showed you with David. You instantly felt cold.
“Why is my brother travelling around with the prince? Especially looking for Snow White? I see the way you look at him, it’s the same way I looked at-.”
You knew who she was talking about.
“And what about it? You can’t stop me.”
“I can and I will.”
Before you knew it you were locked up in a prison cell, away from the sun.
You heard news of the outside world from the guards.
David had retaken his kingdom and married Snow. That was strange to you, it didn’t seem like they were that close.
Then you heard about their wedding and how your sister showed up and warned of a curse. You weren’t about to let that happen.
You focused on your magic, it was difficult as the prison you had been placed it suppressed it.
Finally you were able to teleport yourself out of the castle and in front of David’s castle.
It wasn’t a surprise that you found yourself in chains again. You were the evil queen’s brother after all.
You were locked in another cell for hours before the man himself stood before you.
“Your majesty.” You gave an exaggerated bow.
“What are you doing here?”
“I heard about the curse. I came to see if I could help.”
That’s how you found yourself at a council meeting. It was easy to tell no one else minus David and Snow wanted you there.
David had told you about how he and Snow had married for political reasons. That made sense. Then he told you about how Snow was pregnant with his baby. That made less sense.
“When did that happen?”
“Remember when we first met? It wasn’t long after that.”
“I thought you hated each other then?”
“It's- a complicated story.”
“That just leaves me with more questions.”
Before any questions could be answered the bells went off. The curse had arrived. If that wasn’t enough Regina and her soldiers attacked and Snow went into labor.
“Well shit.”
You were with David as he took Emma to the wardrobe, if anyone could save you it was the saviour.
You heard soldiers following close behind. You stopped and prepared to face them.
“David go! I’ll hold them off.”
“No we can-”
“Go. I love you.”
You could see there were tears building up in his eyes. “I-”
The voices of the soldiers cut him off. They were getting closer.
You watched as he left and turned back to the soldiers. If this was where you were gonna die so be it.
Then darkness.
The alarm went off prompting you to wake up.
You slowly got out of bed not really ready for the day.
You did lot’s of volunteer work and today you were helping out at the local hospital.
You stopped over at granny’s first, you couldn’t focus on anything until you had something to eat.
As you entered Ruby gave you a bright smile. She always knew how to light up a room.
“Morning (Y/N), the usual?”
“Yes please.”
“So where you off to today? The homeless shelter, The animal shelter?”
“The hospital. I’m going to help pass out lunches to them and bring some flowers. If they’re going to be there, they might as well get some sort of happiness.”
“Of course you are. You always do like to make sure people are happy.”
When your food came you ate and talked with Ruby some more. Of course you talked with Granny too, they always treated you right.
When you made it to the hospital you started your rounds. You went around to each room and dropped off lunches to those that needed them while dropping off flowers to the ones that didn’t get lunches.
When you made it to one of the final rooms you were surprised to see Mary Margret leave.
“Oh hey Mary Margaret. Are you visiting someone?”
She smiled at you. “Oh no. I was just dropping off some flowers to make the stay a little more bearable. What about you?”
You held up the flowers in your hand. “The same. I like to volunteer here when I can.”
“That’s very chivalrous of you. I better go, schools starting soon and I need to make sure I’m there. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye Miss M.”
“How many times have I said not to call me that.”
“Well if the kids get to call you it why can’t I?”
Entering the room you weren’t surprised to see the man still in a coma. He had been like this ever since you started volunteering here.
Unlike anyone else in the hospital, you felt connected with this man. Like he was familiar somehow. It was difficult to know, he had no name and didn’t have any sort of family.
You place your flowers next to Mary Margarets. Before pulling out a book.
“So, Where were we?’
The book you read him was one about a knight saving a prince from a witch. The story also felt strangely familiar to you.
After your trip to the hospital you were walking home when Ruby ran up to you.
“Did you hear?”
“Hear what?”
“Your nephew ran away to New York last night. He came back with some woman. Look.”
You looked to where she was pointing. You saw Henry walking with some blonde haired woman. It was strange. She was a stranger, yet she also felt familiar.
“Huh. I better go talk to him. His mom must have been pissed.”
“That’s putting it lightly. See ya (Y/N).”
You walked towards Henry. Once he saw you he lit up and hugged you.
“Uncle (Y/N)! I want you to meet someone.”
He pulled you towards the woman.
“Hi I’m Emma.” She extended her hand.
You took it, giving a smile. “Hi I’m (Y/N), Henry’s uncle.”
“She’s my mom.”
That was a surprise. To both you and Emma.
“What? I mean I know Regina adopted you but-”
“Yeah It surprised me too. He just showed up last night.”
“Speaking of. You shouldn’t have left without telling anyone and having someone go with you. You could have gotten seriously hurt or worse!”
Henry looked down. It was rare if you ever got mad at him.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. Just next time take me with you.”
With that he was back to his cheery self. Then his phone went off in his pocket. “Uh oh it’s mom.”
“You better go. If you don’t she’ll come after me and I don’t want to deal with it.”
“Fine. I’ll see you later at Granny’s.” He said the last part to Emma.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
You watched as Henry ran off towards Regina’s.
“It was nice to meet you Emma, but I’m afraid I have to run home. I’ll see you around?”
“I guess so.”
The two of you parted ways. It was strange. Why did she feel familiar? Why did the man in the hospital feel familiar? Why did Henry look at you a bit differently? Something was going on and you didn’t know what. You just knew Storybrooke was about to get a lot of drama.
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Swipe Right (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: Garcia convinces Spencer to download Tinder.
Warnings: None, i think. Takes place in season 10, mentions Maeve a few times but doesn’t explicitly spoil anything so if you haven’t gotten that far in the series read at your own risk
Notes: wow can y’all imagine if tinder actually worked? yeah me neither, but it’s fun to pretend
Word Count: 1.3k
“You’re telling me you don’t have a single picture of yourself on your phone?” Garcia questioned, snatching Spencer’s phone from his hand and checking herself.
“Garcia, I only use that phone to talk to you guys and my mother. Of course I don’t have any pictures of myself.” Spencer explained. He tried to reach for his phone, but Garcia held it out of reach.
It’s team bonding night, so everyone had gone out to a local pub to have dinner. Rossi and Hotch had called it a night pretty early, so now it was just Spencer, Penelope, Derek, Kate, JJ, and Will, who had gotten a babysitter for Henry. Somehow, they had gotten on the topic of dating apps, and Garcia was determined to get Spencer back into the field.
“Ok everyone, search your photos, send anything with Spencer to me. There has to be a few decent pictures of you, 187, and I will find them for this profile, mark my words.” The rest of the team pulled out their phones, despite Spencer’s immediate complaints, and began looking through their pictures.
“Oh, guys, look at Spence and baby Henry!!” JJ whipped her phone around, showing off the picture of Spencer and his godson.
“I’ve got a picture of Reid that time Rossi and I got him drunk so we had a chance to beat him at poker.” Morgan said, laughing at the picture of Spencer stumbling around Rossi’s place. 
“Oh! Spencer and Sergio!” Garcia said a little too loudly, causing other people to turn towards the table. The picture she showed off was Spencer reading a book during a team hangout a few years back at Prentiss’ place. Sergio was happily sitting in Spencer’s lap, as he pet him carefully.
The team found a few more decent pictures, and within 10 minutes, Garcia had downloaded Tinder on Spencer’s phone - “How do you know my password?” “Please, genius, use your big brain.” - and had made him an account using the pictures (minus the drunk one). She filled in his bio with all the best details about Spencer; FBI agent, 3 PHDs, certifiable badass. (Spencer made her delete the last part.) After the account was made, JJ, Will, and Kate all decided to head out as well, considering they all had children at home. That left just Derek and Penelope to help Spencer get the hang of the app.
“Ok pretty boy, it’s simple. Swipe right if you like them, left if you don’t. If they like you too, you can start chatting with them, get to know ‘em a little better before you meet in person.” Morgan demonstrated, swiping right or left on the first few people that popped up on Spencer’s phone.
“Oh! And if you want to know more about them, you click here,” Garcia tapped on the button of the screen, “And you can read their bio, plus look through more pictures!”
“Guys, I don’t know about this. Girls barely talk to me in person, why would it be any different online?” Spencer didn’t say it, but he had another concern as well. After what happened with Maeve, the idea of falling for someone he didn’t know in person gave him a lot of anxiety.
“You’re a cute doctor! Girls should be worried that you won’t like them, not the other way around!” Garcia said, as she began swiping for Spencer.
“Don’t I get any choice-”
“Nope.” Garcia swiped right on someone, and the picture disappeared to reveal the words ‘Match!’ on the screen. “See! You’ve been on the market for all of 15 minutes and girls already want you!”
And so that’s how the trio spent the rest of the evening; Derek and Penelope making decisions on Spencer’s love life, while Spencer tried and failed to have a say in anything. Spencer hadn’t expected much, but by the time they’d left the pub, Spencer had 23 matches - and on the way home, his phone buzzed an additional 7 times, bringing his total to 30. 30 women that wanted to get to know Spencer. That’s more women in one night than Spencer had dated in his entire life. Of course, besides the beginnings of small talk Derek had started on his behalf with a few of them, he didn’t actually have any dates. Derek had said to give it time, not take it too seriously, and at least one of them would be willing to meet him in person. But without the guidance of his friends, Spencer had a harder time building the confidence to actually talk to these women.
In the safety of his apartment, Spencer spent another half hour on the app, swiping left on nearly everyone he came across. Derek and Penelope had warned him to not be picky, but Spencer was a romantic at heart. When he looked at the pictures, he just didn’t feel anything. He wanted his heart to race, his cheeks to heat up - something to indicate a connection. Knowing that he would probably never get that through a screen, he got ready to close the app and head to bed. One last profile caught his attention, though.
Y/N. Her profile picture showed her posing in front of the Capitol building, smiling widely. He clicked on her profile, and scrolled through her other pictures; Y/N posing with a group of friends, Y/N eating frozen yogurt, a candid picture of her looking through a bookstore. Her bio was short: “Hey, I’m Y/N. My friends talked me into this, but I doubt it’ll work. Feel free to prove me wrong.” 
His heart wasn’t racing, and his cheeks weren’t warm, but he did have a feeling. Spencer couldn’t put it into words, but he knew there was something about this girl, so he swiped right. Spencer tried not to be too disappointed that he didn’t immediately match with her, but he knew there was a chance she hadn’t seen his profile yet. So, he locked his phone and promptly went to bed.
The next morning, Spencer had forgotten about the girl until he got a notification on the way to work. The Tinder logo popped up on his screen, followed by the words, “You have a new match!” Spencer quickly unlocked the phone, and surely enough, it was Y/N. Spencer began to type out a message, but couldn’t decide what to say
Hello. (delete)
Hi, How are you? (delete)
Did you know online dating has a success rate of 44%? (delete)
Before Spencer could figure it out, a message from you appeared.
Hey, I’m Y/N.
Do you really have 3 PHDs?
And just like that, the conversation took off. Throughout Spencer’s day at work - luckily, no new case today - You two held a steady conversation. By the time 5 o’clock rolled around and Spencer was ready to head home for the day, he knew your job, your favorite bookstore, and your strong opinions on Doctor Who - Spencer had claimed that the 4th Doctor is the best, and you spend the next half hour trying to convince him that the 10th Doctor is actually the best. The only thing you guys hadn’t talked about was meeting in person; Spencer wanted to see you in person, watch you excitedly talk about things you’re passionate about, hold your hand...he just needed to ask. Surely, if you weren’t interested, you wouldn’t have talked to him all day, right?
Do you think we could get coffee sometime? 
He sent it before he could regret it. He watched anxiously as the three dots appeared on his screen, then disappeared. His anxiety skyrocketed, and he nervously began to type out another message.
We can keep talking about your incorrect views on Doctor Who.
After a second, a response popped up.
I think you mean your incorrect views, Spencer.
Does Saturday work for you? 10 am at Duke’s?
Spencer thanked every god he could think of before he sent you his response.
I’ll see you then!
In Garcia’s batcave, Penelope had hacked Spencer’s Tinder account, and she and Derek watched as Spencer got his first date since Maeve. 
“Ha! Told ya Spencer could get a date without your help!” Penelope exclaimed, turning away from the screen to look at Derek. She held out her hand, and Derek reluctantly pulled out his wallet, and placed a ten dollar bill in her hand.
“Yeah, whatever. I’d be more upset, but I’m happy for the kid.”
tags: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @la-vie-en-amour1
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frizzle-tales · 3 years
Haeun didn’t hear the frantic ringing of the door bell nor the panicked banging against the door. She wrapped up her shower, drying herself off and then tying the rope of her bath robe tight before she left the bath room. She didn’t hear any noises from the living room so she figured Jimin must be resting up.
“That 13 hour flight was criminal, right? I swear I broke my back!” She called out loud from the bedroom. There was no response. Did he fall asleep? He must’ve been exhausted.
But as Haeun slipped on a bralette and her panties, she heard a loud crash from outside.
And not only that, she heard a familiar voice mouthing words that horrified her. Haeun quickly threw on a night gown, barely looping a few buttons before storming down the stairs and flinging the door open.
“Henry!” Haeun gasped out in shock, watching as his fist collided with Jimin’s face once again. “Stop! Stop! What are you doing?” She pushed him away. “Are you out of your mind?!” She stood in between them.
“Haeun. Enough! I can’t watch this happen to you anymore. I’m not letting this sick kid get in between us anymore, this shit went too far.” He leaned in and grabbed Haeun’s wrist. “You are coming with me.”
“No! Let me go!” She tried to pry his fingers off her.
“Excuse me?” A neighbor approached them. “Miss? Is this man disturbing you?”
“No, I’m her husband!”
“Yes, yes, he is! Please, call the police!” Haeun begged, and when Henry was distracted, she pulled away and hurried over to Jimin - who looked really bad. “You‘re okay, sweetheart, really, you’re okay!” She assured him, helping him get up and leading him back inside, waiting for the cops to show up.
“Here,” She pulled the dining chair out, and while he went to sit down, she got a towel, soaked it in water and then went back to Jimin. “You’re okay..” She assured him, leaning forward as she dabbed the cloth against his face, cleaning the blood off him.”Tell me if it hurts, okay?”
In the meanwhile, Henry raged against the bystanders, trying to convince them that it was Jimin they had to call the cops on for, not him. Nonetheless they held him back, preventing the assaulter from running off.
Fuck. Those punches hurt a lot more than he was anticipating.
As soon as Haeun stormed out onto the porch, the smile wiped off Jimin’s face. His eyes were void of any past sparkles of amusement - and instead shifted into fearful, pain filled, puppy eyes.
“Haeun ..” he groaned out, clutching onto his bloody, maybe even broken nose. If it wasn’t for the sudden dizzy spell that was cast over his head from Henry’s punches, he would’ve shot up to push the filthy man away from his dove. Hearing her shout for him to let her go had rage building up in his chest - almost pure, homicidal rage.
But he slowly began to calm down when he felt Haeun’s soft touch wrap around him, helping him off the cement ground and back into the warmth of their home.
“I’m sorry,” Jimin feigned an apology, slumping into one of the dining room chairs. He noticed shirt and hands were covered in the blood that poured from his nose and mouth. “I wonder if he broke anything .. It felt like he was wearing a few rings,” he absentmindedly commented, leaning his head back on the chair.
The sudden warmth of a cloth helped ease his muscles into finally relaxing. Jimin pulled his hand away from his face, letting Haeun wipe away the disgusting crimson substance.
“I really am sorry .. I accidentally told him that we ..” Jimin began to explain, twisting his side of the story to perfectly manipulate the situation, “Ya know .. Slept together. I-I thought he already knew! But he only mentioned us going to Paris together, and after I let it slip .. That’s when he started wailing down on me.”
Jimin turned his head to the side, looking at his teacher with the same innocent expression he’s become so good at faking, “You’re not mad at me .. right? I swear it was an accident.”
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Soak Up The Sun - Fun Things/Facts
My favorite thing about writing my fic so far is exploring the relationships between my OC and the team. For example, I LOVE writing Emily and Derek the most, because they definitely have brother/sister vibes, and they remind me of my relationship with my own brother. I also want that for Kassidy: to have them there as her older “siblings” in a way. I especially love how close Kassidy and Emily are becoming. 
(I’m going to be writing a lot about Kassidy’s relationships with the team so I’m gonna put a read more thing here now.)
Emily and Kassidy stay up too late talking on the phone, talking about boys (and girls) they used to like when they were younger, telling stories of embarrassing things they’ve done. They go on breakfast dates all the time, sometimes inviting the other BAU girls along, but sometimes it’s just the two of them. Emily convinces Kass to adopt a cat so her apartment won’t feel so lonely. The two of them like to go to pet stores and buy matching sweaters for their cats. They also constantly text each other dumb things that are on their minds. “I saw a fat squirrel today” “!!!no way!” Kassidy helps set up a private facebook for Emily so they can share pictures to each other (this is placed in 2010/2011 so they don’t get instagrams just yet). They love taking selfies with their cats, as well as taking pictures of the sunsets they see when on the jet. They start collecting postcards from the towns they visit and write them to each other, so when they get home they have fun mail to look at. Emily’s ringtone is the Kim Possible theme song.
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And then there’s Rossi, who’s one of the team Dads(TM). I like to think Rossi sees Kassidy as the child he never had (SPOILER ALERT before Joy gets introduced to the story LMAO), so he’s extra sweet on her- and spoils her rotten. She never asks him for anything but eventually he starts buying stuff for her and paying for groceries to be delivered to her apartment and she’s like “???? what are you doing?” And he’s like “you’re my daughter now I am taking care of you.” LOL. Of course later on when Joy joins the BAU fam Rossi introduces her to Kassidy like “Joy this is my other daughter” and Joy is like “Cool I have a sister!” And Kass is like “I’m not actually his daughter tho-” “shush Kass you’re my kid, now smile for the camera.” She puts up with it and accidentally calls him “dad” once in front of everyone and it’s that whole scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and she’s like “no i didn’t why would I do that” lol. Rossi puts her in his phone as “Sunshine” since he’s the first one to ever call her that. She has him in as “Team Dad.” His ringtone is That’s Amore by Dean Martin. “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore~”
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And then Hotch is like the other Dad(TM) who just wants to watch Kassidy and Spencer succeed at life and must protect them at all costs. Kassidy babysits for him a lot and freaking LOVES Jack. She becomes his unofficial “big sister” and lives for it. She loves taking Jack and Henry to the movies and park and is the best babysitter JJ and Hotch can find. Hotch has found her sleeping on his couch one to many times and just puts a blanket over her and lets her stay the night. He gets her coffee in the morning as a thank you for watching his son. At first she was embarrassed but eventually she gets a key to Hotch’s apartment, since he has a key to hers, and she just shows up sometimes just cause she can. She’s bad at buying groceries for herself but you bet your last dime she’s buying healthy foods for Hotch and Jack. She stocks their pantry FULL with foods, often showing Aunt Jessica where she hid the snacks so Jack (and Hotch) don’t try to get to them. She ends up with her own drawer in Hotch’s room that has some of her clothes and shower stuff in it cause of how often she’s over there. Her ringtone for Hotch is the COPS theme song LMAO.
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Morgan is Kassidy’s certified Big Brother(TM) and he will hurt anyone who hurts his baby sister. He takes on the role so naturally around her and loves her for making him feel life can be normal sometimes. He has to tease her a lot about her crush on Reid, but that’s what big brothers do, ya know? The two of them like to go out for drinks and dancing when they get home from cases. Gotta remind themselves that life is beautiful and fun too. She buys Morgan a bunch of books and DVDs that she thinks he’ll like, and he always promises that he definitely read/watched them, but she knows he didn’t. Except when she buys him Tangled on DVD, telling him that it’s her FAVORITE Disney movie of ALL TIME. She knows he watched that one because she hears him humming some of the songs that got stuck in his head. They also hav the complete opposite taste in music, often fighting over what station to listen to when in the car. Usually Hotch or Emily has to tell them to knock it off or they’ll end up hitting each other (nicely). Kassidy HATES running, but she gets up at 6am on Saturdays to run with Morgan. She’s getting more stamina because of it, but she won’t admit it. Her ringtone for him is her favorite song, “Soak Up The Sun” by Sheryl Crow. 
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Penelope and Kassidy are besties for sure. They have girls night once a week when they can, binging on ice cream and watching lame rom-coms (Kass can’t handle secondhand embarrassment movies but she’ll watch them if Penny asks- hiding her face in her hands when those scenes are on). They like to go shopping together, hyping each other up in dressing rooms and picking out cute/colorful clothes. They always do brunch when they go shopping. They spend a LOT of money when they’re together, and have no filter whatsoever. Kassidy tends to get drunk by the end of the night if she was with Penny, which is always odd considering at the beginning of the day she swore she wouldn’t drink anything. She ends up taking a whole small chest for herself at Penny’s apartment, keeping clothes and toiletries in there. Penelope joked once that Kassidy had her stuff scattered all around the state of Virginia. She wasn’t wrong. Kassidy’s ringtone for her is “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina & The Waves. They also text cute pictures of baby animals to each other a lot. 
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JJ and Kassidy love getting mani-pedi’s together. And when they’re together it’s either a whole spa day, or they’re at the firing range- there is no in between. No matter what they do, a lot of money will be missing from their accounts at the end of the day, much to Will (and Rossi’s) dismay. Kassidy see’s JJ as a sister too, but more like a twin/super close best friend type of sister, not an older sister like she see’s Emily. She’s totally a Jemily shipper (as a joke, but like <w<). They like to lay in the grass in JJ’s backyard and stare at the clouds, talking about all the places they’ll visit someday. One time they planned a whole trip to Greece, pulling out their phones and looking up ticket prices for the plane ride, hotel, sight-seeing and more. They haven’t fulfilled that trip yet, but they sometimes mention it to one another, reminding themselves that they will go. Someday. JJ’s ringtone is the opening Disney theme to every movie ever.
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And then there’s Spencer <3 From the beginning she felt kind of drawn to him, his mannerisms, his love of knowledge- all of it. They like to get coffee together on their days off and trade books (Kassidy had to buy a bunch of new books recently so she had more to trade with him). She’s been to his apartment quite a few times, watching French movies and Earth Documentaries. They just like being in each others company (uwu). Kassidy probably texts Spencer the most, even though he detests texting- but that doesn’t stop him from replying. Her text tone for him is R2-D2 beeping (even though he says he’s not really a fan of Star Wars). During cases they’re almost always paired up together to work on geo-profiling and victimology, sitting close at the table with their legs just barely touching, their feet lightly pushing into each other every once in a while to remind the other that they’re still there. They’re totally NOT playing footsie (they totally are). Her ringtone for Spencer is the Star Trek opening theme. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship, Enterprise.”
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Kassidy hasn’t met some of the other fun characters of the show yet, but eventually she’ll love all of them too <3 This fic takes place in season 6, after Hayley dies and right before Emily “dies,” ;) ANYWAYS I wanted to rant about this a little so um, thanks if you read it? LOL. Let me know what you guys think? <3
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
hi! do you have any headcanons abt henry jr. particularly as the only nonmagical member of the fam?
i most definitely do!! okay, so for starters, both kat & tam were raised “without magic”; they still went to magic school and paige definitely used magic around the house but they had no active powers, just like henry. and they were all raised on these grand stories their mom would tell of these amazing adventures of the charmed ones and how they were all going to have these great adventures of their own what i’m getting at was for like the first six or seven years of his life henry thought he was magical. it wasn’t until all three of the mitchell kids were with piper and piper was explaining certain elements of her power to the twins and telling them how to use it once their powers get unbound and all that and henry was like what about me what will my power do? and piper’s like you have the most special power of all because you’re really smart & good at learning : ) and then like immediately texted paige like honey you need to explain to henry he isn’t magical bc the longer you wait the harder it’s gonna get. 
it’s actually henry sr. who sits his son down and explains to him that he’s not like his sister or his mother, but how that’s not necessarily a bad thing. he’s mortal, but that doesn’t mean he can’t help people and do great things without magic. and henry sr. really tries to sell him on this whole idea of being a mortal, especially one that knows about magic, gives you a completely new viewpoint on the world, and allows you to see and understanding things in ways no one else will. (and uhh between you & me it doesn’t really convince baby henry that much but the fact that his dad takes him on fun little “mortals only” adventures helps)
uhh that being said henry still really Really wishes he was magical. uhh enter the reading phase. so, for starters, henry was already like smart and really good at / enjoyed reading. but in this sorta late elementary school thru middle school period he develops sorta two obsessions: 1) ya (specifically fantasy) novels. because all of these novels sorta follow the same basic rules of the plain protagonist becoming something great, being whisked away to this great world where they find out they have magic, where they find out they have this amazing destiny to fulfill, the nobody to somebody progression. and uhh henry really craves that. he really wishes that he is somehow magic, in some overlooked way, in some way that will manifest and prove him to be great enough to be a significant part of the charmed line, not some mortal afterthought. and then 2) magical texts/histories. and this is sorta the more shameful/secretive ones, the books he reads under the covers with a flashlight bc he just doesn’t want anyone to know that he spends hours scouring texts and stories of the charmed ones and various magical creatures desperately trying to find something he could be. no one knew who his biological parents were, it could be possible that somehow magical blood runs through his veins. he studies telekinesis and then and midnight hops out of his bed and spends an hour trying to knock a book off his shelf. he reads about orbing and it’s mechanics and tries to move himself across the room. his studies different creatures, and tests how high he can jump, how fast he can run, how long he can hold his breath underwater, trying to find some trait of him that could somehow be significant. (and of course, he keeps all of these trials secret to the best of his ability bc he would be embarrassed as all hell if it ever came out)
eventually, his studies of magical texts become less of a desperate search for something in his bloodline to more a flex on other witches. bc yeah, they might have magic, but he can still hold his head high knowing he will know more than they ever will. when tam & kat get their powers unbound and their practice moves from the hypothetical to the practical, henry still goes with his sisters to magic school, but instead of spending time in the classroom, he chooses to spend his time in the library.
he also loves studying the book of shadows. yeah, the library has loads more information on its walls then the book could ever contain, but the book has heart. it has this undeniable spirit and energy that ties to countless generations of the warren line, and he really likes to run his hands over the pages and pretend he’s really a part of the warren line (which his family is always ready to fight him on this and say he is a part of the line and blood doesn’t matter, but he’s just like come on guys. you’re my family and i love you but the warren line is a line of witches and i am undeniably not a part of that. but he still likes to imagine).
and y’know like henry’s like twelve or thirteen or something but he really has a lot of information and an insanely through knowledge of book and he’s just like flipping through it or minding his own business in the attic when wyatt (who at this point would be seventeen or eighteen) orbs in looking to id the demon he’s currently after and henry’s like oh you know like what’s it like and he really you know doesn’t want to be an asshole about it or imply he knows more than wyatt (though if you’re outside the family and questioned this kids intelligence he’s demolish you) henry really tries to pass it off as a casual curiosity/polite conversation. and wyatt’s like well im looking for this one demon with like x, y, & z and henry’s like have you thought about this demon? and he’s definitely right and wyatt can tell how much this w means for henry and really starts this sorta tradition of trying to incorporate henry into the research phase of demon fighting (which henry absolutely loves)
and it’s sorta like this self-feeding cycle he gets this role bc he knows a lot but he feels like because he has this role he has to know even more so if you feel like he was a voracious reader before,,,, whew boy are you not ready for now ( in my canon henry Can read latin). and i feel like he’s really close with wyatt bc wyatt is Also A Nerd and genuinely loves to hear henry ramble about this cool new thing that he learned and i feel like wyatt’s totally game to go get boba with henry and hear about all these things the kids been learning i feel like these two have a really close bond. 
and while i’m on the subject of relationships, i feel like henry was definitely one of those kids who had more girl friends than he did guy friends bc a lot of his formative years were spent with his sisters who in turn spent a lot of time with melinda and pj as all four of of those girls were born in 07. so like you know henry would do movie nights with mellie, tam, kat, pj, & parker (and then peyton when she was old enough to watch movies without getting nightmares)
and you know right now he’s like seventeen and a senior in high school and i feel like he’s pretty settled into who he is. he and his dad definitely still to their little “mortals only” adventures, and like a part of him will always sorta be bummed that he isn’t magical, but he’s come to terms with who he is. and he’s not gonna let the fact that he is a mortal you know like hold him back or diminish him, because he is a part of the charmed legacy and the warren line, and he is carving out his own role for himself. and everyone else in the family definitely recognizes him as capable and yeah sometimes he does get left behind bc it’s objectively too dangerous to bring a mortal along and he’s gotten pretty good at being okay with that (or telling himself he’s okay with that). he knows who he is and who he is is undeniably self made. he didn’t coast by on some unearned, hand-me-down skill, and he wears that fact with pride. he may be mortal, but he doesn’t let anyone look down on him for it.
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metalchick19-blog · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #12 - Patrick Hockstetter
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Request: Heyy hows your day been I hope it’s been great🖤Can I ask for a ship? Im 5”6 I’m shy around new people i like reading I like chilling and just watching movies Like horror movies I’m a nice person I have social anxiety so it’s harder for me to interact with people at social events. I’m pretty quite unless I really know the person if it was my bestfriend I wouldn’t shut up I like wearing chains,rings bracelets and black shirts and just some jeans. Thank you so much your the sweetest💕
We all know why Patrick came for you 
Legit smelled your social anxiety from a mile away (all 5,280 feet of it), and followed the scent like a bloodhound from day one
Day one being your literal first day in 4th-period English together 
Watched you stutter and sweat your way through some introductory name-games, and that was it 
Hockstetter was locked and loaded
Wasn’t seated next to you the first day, but somehow sat next to you every day after that from then on
Where’s the kid who sat next to you originally?
No one knows 
Primarily just stared at the side of your face and grinned like a mental patient for the first few days of knowing you (’cause he knew you could feel those piercing green eyes), but eventually started making off-handed comments about the class material to make you laugh
Which was totally just a ploy to get you comfortable (and you straight-up fell for it), but still
It worked like a charm, and Hockstetter went from being your freaky friend in the classroom to your high-key demented boyfriend in everyday life 
Takes you to every horror movie that hits the Derry main-street theater - no question
Never pays for it (because Hockstetter), but can usually find a way to sneak you guys in the back during previews 
... Even if it means creating a distraction to get you both in
Which he has done (once set fire to one of the wooden benches outside the theater just so you could see “Cujo”) and will continue to do as often as he sees fit
...The bench thing honestly wasn’t even necessary though
Just insisted it was the only way to see the movie (which it absolutely was not)
The legit master of convincing people you belong there even though he knows good and well you stole your seats from paying customers (”I’m tellin’ ya’ guy, ticket or no ticket, these are my fuckin’ seats... but my lap’s always open if you’re really that heated about it.” *Cringe-inducing Hockstetter smirk*) 
Cash isn’t necessary when you have Hockstetter-brand persuasion on your side; enjoy the free flick 
Always insists on coming to your house afterwards so he can “protect you” (”Oh, come on princess, at least let me walk you home - I’m thinkin’ of your best interests, here.” *Equally as cringe-inducing Hockstetter smirk)
We all know what that’s about; have fun being “defended” 
In general, loves fucking you 
Loves it
Gets insanely kinked-up over your shyness alone, and dominates you in every way possible; both pain and pleasure-wise 
Especially loves making you look up at him with your big, nervous eyes mid-fuck, and hearing you call him Daddy in your little uncertain voice (or sir, or master, etc... the list is extensive)
... But often brings your private kink into the real world, and expects you to call him names like that all day long in public - especially in front of the guys
Purely because he knows it’s nearly impossible for your soft-spoken mouth to say it in front of them, and he likes to see your internal struggle until it comes out (*Starts to hand you something, then stops* ”What do we say, princess?” *Lust-filled Hockstetter grin*)
“... Thank you...”
*Holds object just outside your reach; lust-filled Hockstetter grin continues*
Always leaves the guys visibly uncomfortable (both when he’s trying to make you say it, and when you finally do), but instant Hockstetter hard-on has begun because “good girl”
Either leaves you to fend for yourself at house parties, or calls all the attention over to you at once. No middle ground
Literally tipped over an entire keg of beer once and yelled, “Nice move there, baby doll” before sauntering off and leaving you to deal with the many (undeserved) teen-aged death-stares
... But Belch and Victor walked over to help you clean it up (not all heroes wear capes), so people cut the shit pretty fast when they noticed your Bowers Gang association
The embarrassment doesn’t stop there, though
Oh, no
Tries to get you to do “risque” things around the guys often, because 1.) he knows they all low-key want you, and 2.) he lives to see you tremble
Once dared you to do a strip-tease in front of all the guys while you were playing truth or dare
... And you kind of had to, because The Bowers Gang does not fuck around with that game
They way they play, if you don’t do a dare, the person that dared you gets to pick a punishment for you
... Which meant Patrick would be picking your punishment
So you stripped down in the most fearful, disjointed way possible and just went somewhere else in your head the whole time
The guys were both attracted to you, and sorry for you
Honestly left them all feeling kind of pissy with Hockstetter because it shook you up so intensely - even Henry wasn’t having his shit for the rest of the night
But straight-up led to the best sex of your life (because obedience deserves a reward) so yay (?)
Victor is hands-down your best friend in the group
Talk to each other often about the books you read, and tend to spend a lot of time together when Patrick isn’t hogging you (partly because you have history and lunch together at school)
Prepare yourself - cutest side-note ever coming up
Sometimes expresses genuine concern for you when it comes to your relationship with Patrick
Has just seen you put into a lot of uncomfortable situations at Hockstetter’s hands, and wants you to know you can count on him if you ever want out of that arrangement 
”If you ever feel like you need help one day,” *Dead-serious Victor gaze* “I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to tell me.”
“Just saying - the asshole doesn’t scare me.” *Icy stare into the distance*
Mostly just because you’re his friend, and he really likes you a lot - has always thought you deserved better 
*Cutest side-note ever ended*
Things aren’t all torment between you and Patrick, though
Definitely became more well-suited to one another as you started to open up within the relationship, and basically became the two most potent shit-talkers in Derry High School
Literally always muttering something to one another that sends you both into uncontrollable laughter, and everyone around you kind of hates you for it
...That’s just because they know you’re probably laughing at them, though
Hey - if they didn’t want to be laughed at, they shouldn’t have dressed the way they did, am I right?
Patrick jacked one of your rings the first time he ever came over to your house (it’s the one he wears on his pinkie)
Joked about how it was a promise ring, with a twist 
“It means you promise to let me bury myself in that pussy, princess.” *Totally unjustified lip-lick*
... Yeah. Your relationship is... something
Fuck it though - have a great time with your dysfunction
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intothewickedwood · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 2x09 Queen of Hearts
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I love this episode!
I love wonderland. I’m so glad we got to explore it in ouatiw. I would have loved to have explored Tilly’s Wonderland too! It looked like it consisted of loads of mazes, which is what I’ve always associated Wonderland with.
I love team princess’ little adventure together. I’m gonna miss it!  
Woah, Hook took those guards out with his bare hook.
Wait. How does Hook know so much about Belle? He knows about her father and that Rumple took her but how? Maybe I’m forgetting something.
That Hook must be made of strong metal to break through those manacles.  
Ouch! Hook! It’s not nice to hit a woman! I’ve seen that this scene upsets a lot of people and I understand why. While heart ripping and stabbing with swords is much more violent getting hit round the face by someone stronger than you seems all too real.
Hooked Queen happened y’all, you can’t convince me otherwise.
Wow, Gold is just okey dokey with killing Emma & MM. And Regina is hesitant, which is reassuring!
Gold is so good at the manipulating game. And I love him for it xD.
Aww, Henry reading the Snowing Story to David like MM did for him and David.
Cool wand! I forget, is that the Black Fairy’s wand? If so, why did Rumple say she was dead?
Cora got what she wanted. She became Queen!
Didn’t see that coming, did ya Hook?
Damn, Captain of hearts’ chemistry is everything.
Man, I can see how genuinely hurt Cora is by the notion of Regina wanting her dead.
Aurora what the hell!
Oh yeah, Cora’s got her heart!
Don’t hurt Aurora!
Hook: “Perhaps you should have thought of that before you abandoned me on that beanstalk.” Emma: “You would have done the same.” Hook: “Actually, no.” That’s interesting. I wonder what would have happened if Emma didn’t abandon him. Would he have worked with them? Or would Cora have killed him for his betrayal? Or would he have played both sides or would he have gone back to Cora’s side?
Woah, did Gold and Regina take all the fairy diamonds?  
Oh snap, they did.
“And yes, she was beyond hope, beyond saving.” Season one feels!
Henry gets his hope from his Grandma! They are actually quite alike in that way when I think about it but he could have got it from Charming’s side to, though Charming has more of a tendency to go about things with blind faith. I guess that’s what makes Snow and Charming perfect for one another!
Oh my God, where was Cora with her lake restoring powers when Ruth needed it’s waters!
I wonder how Cora knows so much about the curse.
I don’t think Cora would ever kill Regina. Her legacy means to much to her. When she said, “And then I’ll rip her heart out,” I think she meant to control Regina. I could be wrong but she just seems so obsessed with her daughter.
If I lived in the EF and had the choice, despite there being evil sorcerers about who could rip out my heart and control or kill me, I’d still choose to keep my heart in my chest. I’d want to feel everything. I’d want to be able to love.
I forget how much Regina loves her mother, and honestly I get it. Sometimes mother’s can be awful and violent to you and yet you can still love them. It’s so unhealthy I know, but sometimes you just can’t stop yourself, especially when they have a loving side. It’s weird how that happens. And it explains why she took everything out on Snow. She couldn’t bring herself to truly hate her mother.
Cora be powerful as heck, protecting that whole section of the EF from the dark curse.  
Wait, squid ink could get them out of Rumple’s cell? I thought it just immobilised magic users.
Mulan’s, “No. I’m not leaving without you” to Aurora will be the death of me. Her face! She looks like she might cry at the idea! And then her promise to get Aurora’s heart back for her! Seriously, they are so cute!
Aww and MM and Aurora wishing each other good luck is the best! I love how motherly MM was to Aurora.
I don’t understand how Cora can be so obsessed with one daughter and not even spare a thought for the other just because of who their fathers were? Actually, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she had another kid with Rumple at some point who she discarded. Yes, I am still mad about it but I still love Cora!
So is Storybrooke like an altered copy of the EF? I’ve always thought of it as the same place brought from the EF but that can’t be true as both exist at the same time. Storybrooke has the T®oll bridge, the forest and the well that seems to contain the waters of Lake Nostos.
Mulan’s sword is so useful! They definitely need to make more swords that deflect magic! I wonder how she got it.
Lol. Emma trying to tackle Hook xD. So we got a CS sword fight, but now I need a Snowing one!
Aww. Snows insistence that Mulan goes to give Aurora’s heart back to her! She really grew to care for her!
Emma’s sword looks like Charming’s sword, but it can’t be, can it?
Cora and Hook are having way to much fun!
I can’t deny Emma and Hook’s sword fight is pretty cute.
Hook I don’t know about your innuendos but I’m gone come in ya window if you carry on like this, mr. flirty!
Punching Hook sure is is one way to get the compass!
Hey! Don’t hurt Ruby!
Listen to Henry!
I wonder what Regina’s reaction would have been if Cora did bring MM’s heart to her.  
Emma putting herself in the way of Cora and her mama!
Emma’s got magic!
Henry’s so wise. Y’all should listen to Henry.
The Charming family reunited!
Snowing true love’s kiss! My heart <3!! I love them so much!
Ah yes, Rumple was exactly where he needed to be when he was in that cell. Very clever Rumple. That’s where seeing the future comes in handy!
But Rumple didn’t create the curse, Emma.
You can’t tell me that the Sleeping Warrior scene where Mulan’s putting Aurora’s heart back in her chest wasn’t supposed to be romantic because it’s as romantic as hell! I’m gonna miss them so much!
Now kiss!  
And they ran off in the sunset together to find their other love Phillip and all three of them lived happily ever after together.
Oh yeah, Hook and Cora can’t go through because the wardrobe only allowed for two to go through. MM must have been curious about the fact that it allowed the two of them to go through.  
So can you direct a magic bean to open up a portal wherever you want?
Captain of Hearts be coming for your soul.
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baconsoupforthesoul · 5 years
The Ink Demonth- Day 9- Fave Ship
Work Hard, Sleep Happy
A/N: I know there’s gonna be a lot of Henry X Linda today but I had a ton of fun writing this so I regret nothing. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~
Linda idly swirled the tea in her mug as she stared out her window at the night sky. It was almost midnight and her husband wasn’t home yet. She wishes she could say that this was an unusual occurrence but that would be a lie. Heck, some days Henry would call her to tell her that he had to spend the night at the studio because he had too many deadlines to meet. He told her over and over again not to wait up for him on the nights he was working late. But Linda was becoming increasingly worried about her husband the more he worked. She was so proud of him for doing what he loved and putting his all into it, but she couldn’t stop herself from thinking that this job was going to be the death of her husband. He was barely eating and hardly getting any sleep and she knew all that drawing could not be good on his wrist. She had half a mind to storm into that studio and tell Joey Drew off for working Henry so hard but he always convinced her not to. He’d always tell her he wouldn’t work this hard forever, that it was just until they had enough money to hire some more artists. But that day never seemed to come and Linda hardly ever got to see the man she loved anymore.
Suddenly, Linda saw a car pull into her driveway, it’s headlights shining into the kitchen window. Linda shot out of her chair and rushed to the door. She swung it open and saw Norman Polk walking up the driveway with an arm around Henry’s shoulders, helping the animator walk unsteadily towards the front door.
“Oh my gosh, Norman is he alright?” Linda dashed down her front steps toward the pair of them.
“Don’t you worry Mrs. Stein, he’s just exhausted,” Norman reassured her. “I drove him home since I didn’t want him falling asleep behind the wheel. I’ll drive him in tomorrow.” Norman leaned closer to Linda, and quietly whispered to her, “Although I wouldn’t be opposed ta ya convin’ him to call in sick. He’d never admit but he needs some shut-eye.”
“I heard that,” Henry mumbled, sounding heavily sleep-deprived. “I’m tired, not sick. I just need a little rest and then I’ll be good to-” Henry didn't even get to finish his sentence before he stumbled forward, needing to be balanced by both Norman and his wife.
“I don’t want to hear another word out of you until you can walk without tripping over your own feet.” Linda scolded him and she and Norman walked him into the house. “Thank you so much for getting him home safely Norman.”
“Don’t you even mention it, Mrs. Stein.” Norman smiled warmly at her. “You just take care of him now, cause goodness knows, someone has to.”
“I heard that too,” Henry grumbled.
“Good. Now, I got a wife and kids to go home to. You two have a good night now.” Norman gave them a wave before heading out the door and back to his car.
“Thanks again Norman!” Linda called out to him before helping her husband walk unsteadily to their bedroom. “What am I going to do with you?” Linda sighed as Henry stumbled to the bed and finally sat down.
“Sorry Linda,” Henry mumbled, looking up sheepishly at his wife.
“And none of that either,” Linda scolded, pulling off Henry’s suspenders and unbuttoning his shirt. “I just… dear, you need to take better care of yourself.”
“I know, I know,” Henry sighed as he slid off his shoes. “It’s just, there’s so much to do and I don’t want to fall behind. I’d hate to be the reason we-”
“Henry, you do enough work for ten people. If the animations fall behind it won’t be because of you, it’ll be because that boss of yours is too cheap to hire other animators to help you,” Linda scowled as she went over to their dresser and fished around for their sleepwear. “Does that man have any idea how much work you put into this damn studio? Cause I have half a mind to remind him with a little whack upside the head.”
“Heh, as much as I would love to see that, that probably isn’t the best idea sweetheart,” Henry gave his wife a goofy smile. Linda just huffed and threw the man’s pajamas so they hit him square in the face.
“Good idea or not, it’s what that jerk deserves,” Linda muttered as she changed into her nightgown.
“You got a point there,” Henry yawned as he changed. “God, I feel like I could sleep for a week.”
“That’s probably because you’ve basically missed a whole week of sleep,” Linda commented as the two of them got settled in bed. “Henry, dear, I really meant what I said before. You need to start taking better care of yourself. You’re doing nobody any favors running yourself into the ground like this. You can’t draw cartoons if you pass out from exhaustion.”
“I know dear. I just… I just..” Henry looked over at Linda, his voice dripping with helplessness. “I just… I don’t know how to fix this.” He told her honestly. “I feel like I’m selling my soul to this damn studio. Don’t get me wrong, I love drawing and animating but, these hours I’m working, hardly ever getting to see you,” Henry cupped Linda’s check as a solitary tear ran down his face. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this…” Henry’s voice hitched at the end, the stress from weeks and weeks of work starting to reach the tipping point.
“Oh Henry,” Linda leaned over and gently kissed Henry’s forehead. “Then let me help you.” Linda cupped Henry’s face, rubbing the tears off his checks. “I’m gonna go have a talk with Joey Drew-don’t give me that look Henry,” Linda gave him a stern look. “I’m not gonna come in guns blazing. I’m just gonna put it to him nicely how much you’ve been working and gently emphasize how he can’t make cartoons if he puts his only animator in the hospital. I won’t even hit him once, how does that sound?”
Henry chuckled at the mention of hitting Joey again. “How did I get this lucky, to marry a woman as wonderful as you?” Henry asked, looking at his wife with starstruck eyes.
“Oh hush now,” Linda smiled, pulling her husband in for a kiss. “I’m the lucky one here, havin’ such a hard-working husband.”
“Please, I’m the lucky one for having the prettiest wife on earth.” Henry countered as he gathered his wife up in his arms and buried his face into her hair.
“Love, we could go back and forth on this all night, but you really need your sleep.” Linda pointed out as she held her husband close.
“Way ahead of you,” Henry mumbled as he shut his eyes, finally letting himself drift off to sleep with the love of his life nestled in his arms.
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hvandenbrg-archive · 4 years
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Have you seen HARRY VANDENBERG? This THIRTY-SIX year old is a NYPD OFFICER who resides in MANHATTAN. HE has been living in NYC for A YEAR, and is known to be RESILIENT and PROTECTIVE but can also be ARROGANT and VOLATILE, if you cross them.  People tend to associate them with EXTREME SPORTS and 3AM SNACK RUNS.
hi everyone!! i’m gabs and i am awful at introducing myself?? but some basic things: baby yoda saved my life and spider-man is the loml. what else is there to know!! nothing as important as those two things! anyway, let me introduce you to harry, cecelia’s former bodyguard and current fiancé! 
also feel free to like this and i’ll message you for some plots!! xoxo
about —
full name: harry bram vandenberg age: 36 birthday: august 9, 1983 (leo) sexual orientation: heterosexual gender: cis male pronouns: he/his
bio — tw: cheating
harry has a younger brother and a half sister. his parents divorced when he was ten, his father re-married and had one more kid, a girl. there was no drama between his parents, though... at least as far as the children could tell. they were civil in front of them, which is what mattered. harry and his siblings have always been friendly, even if the youngest wasn’t around as much, living with her mother and such.
he was born in brighton, england (his parents were on a ‘last vacation before the baby comes’, and he just happened to be born during said vacation) but was raised in birmingham, he did not move out of his mother’s home until he was 16. he decided to skip sixth form, and join the british army. after a lot of testing and training (and a handsome payment for said training), harry made it into the infantry as a guardsman.
harry was deployed to bermuda for his very first peacekeeping and training mission days before his 18th birthday. 
after returning home from bermuda, harry started a relationship with an old neighbor, and good friend, that led to their marriage 3 years later, when harry was 21. 
while they had a good relationship for a decent amount of time, things began to get complicated after harry was deployed to afghanistan for 8 months, and a year after that, he was deployed to libya for 5 months, both peacekeeping missions. his wife did not like this at all, understandably so, but it went to the extreme where she would accuse him of cheating on her over the months when he was away. this took a toll on their relationship, as nothing harry said or did would convince her that her allegations were false. because they were.
after 12 years of service, harry decided to move from active duty to reserve, easing his way out of the military despite his love for the role he served — because he wanted to show his partner how loyal he really was. this, however, did not work, and their relationship crumbled even more. 
harry landed a security job in london with the royal family, of all people, and this was the turn he thought his married life needed, as his wife seemed elated to move to the big capital. this glee, however, didn’t last very long; a year into his new job the accusations of cheating began again. now, according to her, he was cheating with diplomats and princesses and so on, so forth. he couldn’t stand it anymore.
sooner than later, something in harry broke and he decided to give his wife what she so desperately wanted. she wanted him to be a cheater, so he became one. it started with one of the maids in the palace, then a nanny, then a personal assistant. and when he finally confronted his wife about it, he knew it was the end. she filed for divorce immediately, citing “irreconcilable differences” as the cause.
some unrelated logistic issues at the palace had made harry’s job somewhat difficult, but things stabilized once he was assigned to be princess cecelia’s husband’s bodyguard. harry had never liked cecelia. she seemed spoiled, air-headed. and the things her husband said about her only fueled these thoughts. however, said thoughts went away as he spent more time with the couple, and some, erm, tension built between them — which ended up exploding into a full-fledged affair. an affair that went way further than harry expected it to; he wasn’t expecting falling in love with her, with her children, and just... anything that involved cecelia. 
so when she came to him with the news — she was pregnant. with his child. his divorce wasn’t even finalized, but he did not care. it was just a matter of time, right? 
when cecelia decided to move to new york following the divorce, harry knew he had to go with her. he requested to be assigned as her bodyguard, which was granted. their secret was safe, and he would be able to move with her.
when it came to revealing their relationship and his paternity to the public, harry was the one with most loose ends to fix. he had to get his divorce settled and secure a new job before the baby was born. the divorce part was the hardest of both, but it was resolved in the end. job-wise, harry needed to find a new job before the truth came out, as he wouldn’t last long in the United States without one, as a holder of a work visa. Thankfully, the NYPD took him in almost immediately after his application went through, and he’s been in the force ever since.
headcanons —
harry loves extreme sports and combat sports. rock-climbing is a big passion of his, boxing a close second. 
he loves portraying himself as a MANLY MAN but ya boy cried at the end of toy story 3. he also cried when his son, theo, was born.
speaking of theo, henry was terrified of becoming a father. but he got some practice with jack and penny, so he thought he was out of the woods. tiny humans? easy! however, he was not expecting just how difficult caring for a miniature human would be. he still loves it, though. theo is his pride and joy.
he owns a collection of little trinkets he got from his different deployments, all in a shoebox. get a scrapbook, ya fool. 
HOLY FISH CRACKERS. that was long af!! if you read any of this, please accept my undying love right here right now xoxo and hmu for plots! 
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noreasonjustbored · 5 years
Undercover With Danger
“Why do I have to take Charlotte?”
“Yeah why can’t Henry take Jasper?” I wondered.
“Because Jasper is an idiot!” Ray exclaimed.
“Really Ray?” I deadpanned.
“Okay he isn’t dumb he just isn’t smart either.”
“Huh?” Henry asked chuckling.
“Oh you know what I mean! Charlotte is the smart one, we all know this.”
“Facts.” I pipe up from next to Henry.
Ray turned to address me “Charlotte you are clever and know how to think on your feet. Henry will need you in order not to completely screw up this case.”
I sigh resigned, “True. No offense Hen.”
“Uh, full offense Char!” Henry exclaimed.
I simply shrug in response. “So when do we do this thing?”
“Tonight. Schowz is working on hacking in the system right now and putting your aliases on the list.”
“Okay so what do we do in the meantime?” I inquired towards Ray.
“You and Henry come up with your backstory and a general game plan for the evening. I’m going to go check on Schowz’s progress.”
“Can do.” Henry said as Ray starting walking away.
“Alright Char what are you thinking?”
“Well this mission is reconnaissance only. We need to find out as much information as possible without detection.”
“I think our best bet is to be a couple.”
“What? Why?” I wondered nervously.
“Because folks don’t pay much attention to people that only have eyes for each other. It’s too much work to try and vie for their attention.”
“Okay you make a good point. Since we are posing as a couple, what’s our story in case anyone asks? I was thinking that we keep it simple. We were friends first who realized that we liked each other and now we’re dating.”
“Boring. What about the romance, the drama? How about we tell people that I met you while you were on a date with another guy. Then I poached you by being my handsome and charming self.”
“Number one, that would never happen.”
“Number two, it’s easier to stick as close to the truth as possible when lying. Only change details when absolutely necessary.”
“Fine. So what’s the plan?”
“Alright, since we are just trying to get information this go round I say we follow the lead of the other guests. This is a charity gala so we’ll just blend in with the crowd while scoping the place out for any suspicious activity.”
“Ok, perfect. You don’t think we’ll have to dance do you?”
“Yeah definitely, why?”
“Wellll” Henry stated in that high pitched tone that let me know he was about to throw a wrench in our plans.
I sighed despondly, “What’s the problem?”
Clearing his throat Henry stated, “I can’t dance.”
“Didn’t you take ballroom classes a few years ago for your Aunt Sarah’s wedding?
“Yeah when I was like twelve Char, I don’t remember any of that!”
“Okay, okay calm your muffins dude.”
“All you really have to do is put your hand on my back and hold the other one while we step side to side. We don’t need to get fancy.”
“I can do that. No problem.”
“Cool. I have to go home and get dressed. This event starts in a few hours.”
“Oh yeah that’s right, I need to go pick up my suit from the cleaners. I’ll meet you back here and then we’ll leave together alright?”
���Got it. Later Hen” I said while walking towards the elevators.”
“See ya.”
Stepping inside the metal box nonchalantly I waited until the doors closed before having an internal freak out.
Oh my gosh I can’t believe we have to act like we’re in a relationship. I don’t know if I can do this. We will probably have to touch a lot in order to be convincing. I’m not sure if I can handle that. And look like we’re in love? I can barely look Henry in the eyes these days. His mere presence beside me makes me nervous. What am I going to do?
Similarly, in the Man Cave, Henry was pacing back and forth going faster and faster with each turn he made.
Ok Henry, You can do this do this. It’s just Charlotte we’re talking about here. But isn’t that the problem? The fact that it is Charlotte. It’s not that I can’t pretend to be attracted to her. I AM attracted to her. That’s my real issue. What if she figures out that I’m not really pretending? I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Ugh. Is it too late to take Jasper?
After getting dressed and doing her makeup Charlotte was looking impeccable. She wore a slinky gold dress that had a slit up to her thigh on the left side paired with sky high strappy black heels. Her hair was styled in loose waves and she had shimmering gold eyeshadow and highlight to complement her outfit. She made her way down via the tubes because she figured the elevator had a good chance at ruining her hairstyle. She had taken almost a whole hour straightening her hair and curling it to perfection. She couldn’t have all her efforts be futile.
At the same time she came down Henry was walking from the back while adjusting his tie. When he looked up, the tube lifted to reveal Charlotte in all her glory. Henry paused what he was doing completely. He stopped walking and his hand stayed wrapped around the fabric at his neck but he ceased all action. He just Froze.
Charlotte looked at him questionably while walking in his direction.
“Um are you good?” she asked while moving his hand away and fixing his tie herself.
Taking a large gulp of air Henry nodded.
“Ok are you ready to go?”
Henry just nodded again while staring at her in awe. Charlotte continues to look at him skeptically and then Ray came out of the sprocket door.
“Hey guys, wow you clean up nicely. You should blend in perfectly. Do you have a strategy set?”
Henry just nodded in response while still glancing at Charlotte every few seconds.
“Then off you go. You don’t want to be late. Here are your tickets.” Ray said while handing them to Charlotte who had a clutch that she placed them in.
“Don’t forget that these guys are dangerous, try not to engage with them if possible. Just observe.”
“We got it Ray” Charlotte responded.
“You look breathtaking” Henry blurted out accidentally while staring at Charlotte.
“Why thanks Kid, you don’t look too bad yourself.” Ray jokes.
Henry looks around awkwardly as he rubs his hand over the back of his neck.
Moving past that weird moment swiftly, “Good luck guys.” Ray says encouragingly.
After making it through security without incident we walk on the outskirts of the party. Observing the area, I saw that there are lots of rich people here dressed in expensive gowns and tuxedos. The upper echelon of Swellview are definitely all in attendance.
“What should we do first” I ask Char while guiding her though the crowd with my hand on the small of her back.
“Let’s mingle a little and then hit the dance floor so that we can talk with less chance of being overheard.”
“Good idea. Stay here. I’ll go get us some drinks” I stated and walked towards the refreshments.
Charlotte nodded in understanding while discreetly glancing around.
After grabbing us both a glass of punch I turn around to see Charlotte is exactly where I left her. I smile softly but then the expression drops from my face. It’s quickly replaced with a frown when I realized that she is laughing at something a handsome brunette is saying to her. Well more like whispering to her because the party is pretty loud.
I hasten my pace and step over to Char.
“Here’s your drink babe.” I say while wrapping my now free hand around her waist and pulling her closer to my side.
“Who’s this?” I question.
“Hey Harry, this is Jordan. He’s a reporter here covering the event for the local paper.”
“Oh nice to meet you man” I say while giving him a menacing glare and squeezing his hand a touch too hard during our handshake.
“You too” Jordan states while flexing his hand.
I smirk in trimph.
“Anyway, it was great taking to you Charlene. You guys enjoy yourself.” He says and promptly makes his exit, still shaking out his hand.
Char hits me lightly with her clutch. “What was that Harry?” she asks through clenched teeth.
“Nothing. You guys seemed a little cozy and I didn’t want to blow our cover. You do remember that you’re supposed to be MY date right?”
“Of course I do but Jordan actually gave me some helpful information.”
“Let dance and you can tell me all about it” I say while taking her punch and placing both our glasses on a table nearest us.
Taking her hand in mine gently I lead her to the dance floor. Tingles radiate through my whole arm from the simple contact.
As I place my hand on her hip, Char places one hand on my shoulder while our hands stay connected.
As we sway back and forth I Iean down to her and inquire, “So what did Jordan tell you?”
Charlotte started to explain something but I couldn’t really hear her over the music. It seemed as if it had gotten louder over the last couple of minutes.
“What?” I asked while leaning down again trying to hear her.
Charlotte drops my hand and joins hers with the other one around my shoulder in order to lean up and whisper in my ear while we continue to dance.
“He was telling me about the history of this fundraiser basically. He said that these fundraisers hosted by the Santini family are used to raise money for schools in Haiti. But isn’t it funny how we don’t see any proof that the schools are actually being built? Based on the numbers that are reported as raised, they should have built AT LEAST three schools over the past five years.”
“How do you know they haven’t built them?” I questioned her theory.
“I don’t. But isn’t it weird that they don’t show any pictures of the completed schools on their program flyers? Or that they don’t have any videos showing the facilities? Or even pictures showing Haitian children outside any of these buildings in their school uniforms?”
“It is kind of strange that all that’s shown are building blueprints and not an actual finished product. So where is all that money going? You have a point there.” I acquiesced.
“Of course I do. I’m rarely wrong. Anyway, how are we gonna prove this is even happening? Or better yet, NOT happening.”
“Well we are gonna need evidence. Maybe Captain Man and I can sneak-“ I stopped talking as I saw the head of the Santini crime family leave a back hallway that I hadn’t noticed when first scoping the place.
“Sneak where?” Charlotte asked while breaking my concentration.
“Hm?” I wondered while looking down at her.
“Oh. It doesn’t matter. Look over by that hallway” I say while dancing us 180 degrees so that she is facing the direction I just was.
“That’s Damien Santini, I haven’t seen him all night. Did he just arrive?” Char wondered.
“No he just left that back passage” I say as Damien walks towards the front of the room, occasionally stopping to mingle and schmooze.
“I have an idea.” I tell Charlotte. “Just follow my lead.”
“Uh okay” she says while looking at me curiously.
We dance for a few more minutes, all the while making our way closer to that hallway.
Once we are right next to the entrance of the hallway I scan the room for any stray eyes in our direction.
Fortunately everyone’s attention is on the stage where Damien is walking up the stairs about to make his keynote address. While everyone is distracted I step into the corridor, pulling Char along with me. Walking down for awhile we turn a corner and keep going until we see a door.
Figuring that it could be Damien’s office Char pulls a lock picking kit from her purse.
“Who are you?” I ask her in an excited tone as she kneels down to deal with the door.
I continue to keep a look out when I hear a click and glance down.
Charlotte is standing back up with a self satisfied smirk on her pretty face. “You don’t know everything about me Hen.” She replies smartly while yanking me into the room after her.
I stay near the door but close it until there is only a crack that I can see out of.
“Char I’ll keep an eye out, you’re the one who knows what we are looking for.”
“Got it.” She mumbles while looking through the desks drawers.
After searching for a second I hear Charlotte exclaim, “Ah ha!”
“Did you find something?” I ask her.
“Yeah, exactly what we need to take the Santinis down” she replied while snapping pictures of various documents on her phone.
“Well hurry up, I’m not trying to have my kneecaps broken if we get caught down here.”
“You’re so dramatic Hen. But there shouldn’t be any need for that because I am...done.” She says while snapping the last photograph.
“Okay then, just clean up and we’ll get back to the party” I reply.
I peek out of the gap in the door and see that the coast is still clear.
“Come on, come on while luck is still on our side.” I address her urgently.
“Get your panties out of a bunch, I’m coming” Charlotte quipped.
I check the hallway once more before we both step out the office. Char softly closes the door behind us and then we start back towards the gala.
Letting out a surprised gasp Char quickly spins around and heads back towards the office.
“What are you doing?” I whisper-scream.
“I forgot to lock the door” she whispers back while reopening it and turning the lock from the inside.
I nod in understanding while walking towards the end of the hallway and taking a glance around the corner. There are two security guards making their way in our direction.
I jog back to Charlotte who is now walking towards me again after reclosing the door.
“I just need you to trust me right now and don’t ask any questions” I whisper furiously before I smash my lips against hers and back her up against the wall.
Her small sound of protest was muffled against my mouth and I feel her freeze for about three seconds. Then she must register the approaching voices because she starts to respond in earnest.
She pulls me closer by my shirt collar before wrapping her arms around my neck and running her fingers through my hair.
I groan low in my throat in response to her lightly scratching my scalp. She then starts tugging on the strands of hair at the nape of my neck.
I step closer and continue to passionately kiss her when Charlotte lifts her left leg and wraps it around my hip, pulling me impossibly closer.
I groan again and nip her lower lip before licking the seam of her mouth. Before she can grant me entrance we both hear a booming voice yell, “Hey what are you two doing?!” causing us to break apart in surprise.
Somehow we had gotten so lost in each other that we forgot the whole reason we were kissing in the first place.
“Uh sorry man we were just uhhh...” I stammered confusedly, my mind still in a haze from that kiss.
The other security guard glances at the office door a few feet away and then looks back at Char and I suspiciously.
“We were just trying to get away from the crowd and have a moment to ourselves. We’re sorry.” Charlotte address the first guard.
The second guard briskly walks towards the office door and turns the knob. When the door doesn’t open, a look of relief crosses his face.
“Well this is a restricted area. You can’t be back here, no matter how sexually frustrated you are”, Guard Number One sneers at us.
I step in front of Char protectively in response to his tone, hoping that I wasn’t going to have to fight these guys.
“Cut them some slack Nico” Guard Two says while walking back to us and clapping his hand on the shoulder of Goon One.
“Weren’t you young and in love once?” Guard Two inquires.
“Okay then.” he addresses his friend.
Turning to us he says, “You guys are free to go. Just don’t wander into places you don’t belong again.”
“You got it chief” I say while grabbing Charlotte’s hand and lacing our fingers together. I start pulling her around the corner when I hear the two security guys start bickering behind us.
“Tony! You really just gonna let them go scot-free like that?”
“What was I supposed to do Nico? Chain them to a radiator in the basement?”
“No but we probably could have asked more questions.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. They were harmless. Harmless and horny.”
They both started laughing at that and the sound fades into the background as we reenter the party.
No one noticed our return because they were still engrossed in Damien’s speech which seemed as if it was just wrapping up.
Leaning down to her because even in heels she was still short, I whispered to Char, “That was close wasn’t it?” my lips brushing her ear with every word.
I feel through our connected hands a small shiver run through Charlotte before she turns to me.
“Yeah. Too close.”
I was about to respond when the room erupted into applause as Mr. Santini exited the stage.
The crowd started to slowly disperse and we followed a few people who were trickling out of the building.
Once outside I handed the valet our confirmation.
As we waited for the car I tugged Char to me and then gently cupped her face with my hand. Bending down, I stop a few inches from her face and wait for her to make the next move. She stretches up and pecks my lip softly. She applies gentle pressure and I respond eagerly. Thinking about the fact that Char is now kissing me because she wants to and not because we were about to be busted, causes me to smile against her lips.
Disconnecting our mouths I look into her eyes and grin goofily. “I’d say that this was a successful mission. In more ways than one” I tease.
She rolls her eyes.
“Oh I know you aren’t talking Mr. You Look Breathtaking” Char mocks in a deep tone.
A red flush creeps up my cheeks.
“Wasn’t sure you caught that.” I reply flustered.
“And I don’t sound like that” I mumble under my breath.”
“It’s okay Hen, I find it cute when you drool all over me.”
“Good, because it’s going to be happening often. Very often.”
“I know” she states matter-of-factly.
The car pulls up and the valet tries to hand me the keys but Charlotte snatched them before I could even lift my hand.
“Thank you” she tells the worker as she struts over to the driver side and confidently enters the car.
Handing over a tip to the valet, I recount the events of the night to myself. I pull open the passenger side door and get in.
I’m definitely glad that Jasper wasn’t my date.
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