#hush hopps
hopps-rambling · 4 days
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morganski-19 · 4 months
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 5: Trying
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 4
October 1986
“Ok, Julie,” Sarah Piercing, Julie’s case worker, sits across a small table from Julie, flipping through a file. “I know that this is hard for you, and I’m not asking for much. But we have to find you a temporary placement until I can locate some family members for you to stay with.”
Julie stays silent, staring at the corner of the table with her arms crossed. She’s wearing her mom’s sweatshirt, the same as she has for the past few days. It’s the only thing that’s making her feel comfortable at all, and she won’t take it off no matter how hard anyone else tries to.
“I’ve looked into your mother’s side of the family.” Sarah continues, sticking to the business. Not even a second’s hesitation in saying the word mother, as if the mere mention of her doesn’t make Julie want to burst out sobbing. “And the only family member I could find was her sister, but she is in another state, and after a short talk on the phone and a background check, deemed not suitable to take in a child.”
Suitable. As if anyone this person sticks her with would be more suitable that her mom. No one could ever live up to the person Rebecca Lawson was. No one could ever make Julie feel as safe as she did. As loved as she did.
“So, I’ve started looking into your father’s side. He has signed the birth certificate, but otherwise has not given up his parental rights, so he is still a placement to consider. Is it true that he has not been present in your life?”
Julie takes a deep breath, not wanting to talk about this anymore than she has to. “Yes.”
“This might all be a dead end. He does have an adult son, though. Have you ever met him?”
She stays silent again.
“Julie, I’m trying to find you a placement that is family, people that you are related to. I want to help you.”
Because the people she’s never met are family. Julie had family, and that’s gone. “I’ve never met anyone on my dad’s side. I’ve never even met him.”
“Alright. Maybe that isn’t the best outlet then. There is an open bed at the Radburn family’s house. They have two children there already, a brother and sister, ages twelve and eight. They’ve been there for a few months now and are currently being considered for adoption from a few couples. Does that sound like the best fit for you?”
“Whatever,” she responds coldly.
Sarah slides a folder in front of Julie. It holds all of the information Julie would need about this family before it becomes official, Sarah explains. As well as the address and phone number of her father if she ever wanted to initiate contact. If she ever wanted to find closure.
As if she needed anything else to make this week even worse. She’s already lost the only parent, the only family she’s ever known. She didn’t need to be rejected by the same man twice.
But there’s another name on the paper, the name of her father’s son. Steve Harrington. If she were to contact anyone from that family, it would be him. He deserved to know who his father was just as much as she did. That family deserved to know what Richard Harrington kept from them.
. . .
Present Day, November 1986
Steve knocks on the now Hopper-Byers house, hoping that Hopper is home. He needed to talk to someone who could actually help him with this, and he’s the closest he could think of. Maybe Joyce could help too since she took in El after Hopper was presumed dead, but he’s not entirely sure how that worked. He’s not entirely sure how Hopper gained custody of El anyway, he’s just hoping that it will help.
“Hello,” El says when she opens the door.
“Are you supposed to answer the door?”
She shrugs. “I have before.”
“Is your dad home, I’d like to talk to him.”
“Yes, he is in the kitchen.” El steps aside and lets him pass.
She walks with him to the kitchen, leading him as if he already doesn’t know the way. The Byers were lucky that the house hadn’t sold when they moved back to Hawkins, and with the payout from the government hush money and Hopper being reinstated as chief, they were able to add an extension so each of the kids could have their own room.
“Dad, Steve is here to see you,” she says as they enter the kitchen.
Hopper looks up from the file he’s reading with a nod. “Thanks, kid.” El walks away with a nod. “What can I do for you, Steve?”
He motions for Steve to take the seat across from him. “I was hoping I could talk to you about something. It’s about Julie.”
Hopper huffs out a laugh, closing the file in front of him and leaning back in the seat. “I was wondering how long it would take you to come talk to me. Go on.”
“I want to get custody for her, at least for a little while. I’m not sure I’m the best fit for her long term, but I want to get her out of that house, and she seems to like it back at mine.”
“Figured you would. I’m not sure how much help I’ll be, but I can definitely be a good character reference for you. So would Joyce.”
Steve nods. “Thank you. That means a lot.” He pauses. “How would I even go about doing this? Like what’s the first step? How’d you get custody of El?”
Hopper laughs. “Well, that wasn’t the most traditional way of doing things so that might not be the best help for your case. But I’d say probably talking to her case worker and seeing what you’d need to do to be granted temporary guardianship.”
“Ok, that doesn’t seem too bad. Anything you’d think I’d have to change to be granted that?”
“Getting a full-time job wouldn’t hurt. There’s probably going to be a house inspection so getting rid of anything, suspicious, is a good idea. But with how her case worker reacted to that house and the fact that she keeps running away, I think the odds are pretty good if she likes you. Of course, you’ll have to talk to Julie about all this first, see if she wants it.”
Steve doesn’t even know how to bring it up to Julie. He’s been scared that she might not even want this, that all of this effort might go toward nothing. But when he remembers the hopeless look on her face every time she has to go back to that house, and the breath of relief she took when he told her she could, illegally, stay at his house. All of it just tells him that there might be some hope in this.
The only hitch was how he didn’t feel like he was enough. Julie needed structure, a home. Somewhere that could provide for her better than he could. He’s barely an adult himself and can’t even legally drink yet, there’s no way he’s the best fit for her. And with the trauma that he’s just now starting to deal with, the nightmares he won’t be able to explain and the injuries he can’t either, it’s just not possible.
But temporary, he can work with temporarily. Steve only hopes that Julie can too.
“I’m planning to, soon.”
“Good. Hope it works out for you, let me know if I can help with anything else.”
Steve goes to stand, “Thank you again for your help. It really means a lot that you have my back for this.”
“Anytime, kid,” Hopper stands and sees Steve out. “And Steve, come to me again when you realize how long temporary means for you.”
Steve stares at Hopper as he closes the door, leaving him with the question he’s already debated more times than he can count.
. . .
“Hi,” Jane greets Julie at her empty lunch table, holding a lunch tray. “Can Max and I eat with you?”
“The people we normally eat are getting on my nerves,” Max complains, nodding her head at the table full of boys they just came from.
Julie looks in that direction. Two of the boys, one with curly hair and the other with a trying mullet are in a heated argument. One is just sitting there resigned of what is happening while the other looks over with a sorry gaze. “Sure,” Julie replies, “looks intense.”
“It was,” Jane states, sitting across from Julie after helping Max roll up to the end of the table.
“Something about the dumb game they play,” Max says while rolling her eyes.
“Dungeons and Dragons,” Jane mumbles over a bite of her sandwich. “They are trying to pick a date to play, but it is not working.”
Julie looks back at the table and sees all the boys now engaged in the argument and winces. “Doesn’t look like it.”
“Are you in Mrs. Wilson’s English class,” Jane asks, making small talk.
She shakes her head. “No, I’m a year ahead of you guys. Had her last year.”
“So, you already had to go through the torture of the Odyssey, be honest does it get any better.” Max reaches her hand across her tray and feels for her sandwich, carefully running her fingers along the edges before picking it up.
“If you’re into Greek Mythology, then yes. But if not, then no. Especially if you can’t get past the old language.” Julie picks at her lunch, not hungry.
Max sighs. “Great. It’s already enough that the story wants to make me fall asleep, but the guy who does the audiobook has the most sleep-inducing voice I’ve ever heard.”
“Lucas offered to read it to you,” Jane interrupts, sounding condescending.
“But he’s so busy with basketball, I don’t want to bother him with another thing.”
“You are not bothering him. Just ask him?”
“Who’s Lucas,” Julie asks, immediately regrets asking as this conversation seems to not involve her.
Jane looks at her with a smile. “Max’s boyfriend.”
“Sort of boyfriend,” Max corrects. “I haven’t decided if I’m ready for the full title yet.”
“He is her boyfriend,” Jane insists before returning to her lunch.
The three of them finish their lunch over small conversation, mainly just Jane and Max with Julie listening quietly. It’s weird to have people eat lunch with her. Ever since her best friend moved away a few years ago, there’s never been anyone else to eat with. And now the school is desolate compared to last year from the moves after spring break. It was easier to eat alone then to try and find friends.
But even though she doesn’t know Jane and Max that much, it doesn’t feel foreign. It feels friendly. Julie forgot how nice friendly felt.
. . .
“You will never guess what Keith just pulled me into his office for,” Robin excitedly runs up to Steve as he’s doing returns.
“We got a raise,” Steve guesses.
Robin shakes her head, pressing her lips together to keep in her excitement. “He’s quitting,” she loudly whispers as a customer came in the store.
Steve does a quick greeting to the customer before turning back to Robin. “You can’t be serious.”
“I indeed am, dingus. Keith is moving away and therefore, quitting. And he offered me his position as manager, but I declined it because I am going to start taking some classes at the community college in a few months, leaving you the opening to take it.”
“That would solve the job thing.” He winces, “But do I really want to manage a video store.”
Robin rolls her eyes. “Versus what, dingus. Just abandoning me to this shop alone as you go off and find a stuffy office job that I know you’ll hate and aren’t even qualified for. Take the job that’s been thrown into your lap. Because Keith may not like you but other than the week of spring break that they’ve since forgiven us for, your attendance has been spotless, with the exception of a few necessary call outs, the customers love you and you have great people skills. And while Keith seems to not think it, after working here for a while, you do have a good understanding of most of the movies in here and how to suggest them.”
“When you put it that way,” Steve sighs, yielding.
She smiles. “So, you’re going to go talk to Keith.”
“Yes. I will go talk to Keith.”
Steve walks over to the office and knocks gently. When Keith opens it, he rolls his eyes and leaves the door open when going back to his chair and his Cheetos.
“You’ll have to reapply,” Keith grumbles, upset that he’s even telling Steve this at all. “And you’ll have to interview with the owner.”
“When do I need it by?”
Keith sighs. “Have it by next week.”
“Great, thanks Keith.”
Steve returns to Robin with a grin. They work the rest of their shift before switching out with the afternoon workers, heading over to the school to pick up Dustin. He didn’t usually pick up Dustin from school, but with the state of the roads and heightened worry from the parents since the earthquake, he isn’t allowed to bike. So, he offered to do the days that Claudia needed to work. And he was happy to do it after all, gave him something to do.
He pulls up into his usual spot, Eddie’s van pulling up next to his not long after. Steve and Robin get out to talk to Eddie while they wait, and to make sure the back had enough for Max’s wheelchair.
It’s not awkward when he talks to Eddie. For some reason he thought it would be since they decided to put a pause on what was happening between them. But Eddie hops out and hugs Steve like he normally does, and then hugs Robin after. Like routine.
Steve should be grateful that it’s normal, should be grateful that Eddie doesn’t hold it against him. But it still stings knowing he was this close to getting something before he let his dad take it away from him again. Like he always did.
The last school bell rings and students start to flood out of the doors and into the parking lot and bus lane. Much less of a group of kids than last year, half of the town moving out after the quake, but still enough.
He spots Julie and catches her eye, waving at her. She waves back and he waves her over, thinking he can just offer her a ride. She’ll probably end up at his house anyway. But then Dustin will want to know who she is, but that he can deal with.
“Hey,” Julie greets him. “What are you doing here?”
“I pick up one of the kids I used to babysit after school sometimes,” Eddie and Robin snort when he says babysit, “Help his mom out. You want a ride, got an extra seat.”
“Oh. Uh, sure. Let me just go grab my bike.” Julie walks away, heading towards the bike racks.
Eddie leans closer to him. “You really think that’s a good idea.”
“Yeah,” Steve shrugs. “She’s coming over to my house anyway.”
“But have you told Dustin about this new thing?” Robin adds, widen her eyes and waving her hands around.
Steve sighs. “No, but I’ll handle it. I can just say I actually started babysitting or something.”
“Yeah, cause sixteen-year-olds are in desperate need of babysitting,” Eddie mumbles.
“I said or something,” he mutters back.
Dustin finally makes his way out of the school, barreling his way over with Lucas and Max. Lucas is pushing Max up the slight hill, making sure that she doesn’t run into the moving cars. Eddie goes over to the passenger side to open the side door for Max, which Lucas helps her to step into, making sure she doesn’t put too much body weight on her legs.
“I got it, I got it,” she scolds when Lucas helps a little too much, but with the relief visible on her face when she gets in the car, it was needed.
“Call me when you get home, ok,” Lucas asks. Max nods, clicking her seatbelt into place carefully and looking forward.
Eddie collapses her wheelchair and gets it in the back of his van, saying his goodbye to Steve before driving off. Lucas heads towards the bike racks, waving to the rest of them as he does.
“Steve,” Dustin repeats, stopping his long rant to Robin about his science class. “Come on. I have a project I have due tomorrow.”
“The one you had assigned two weeks ago and are just now starting?” He asks, leaning against his car.
Dustin rolls his eyes. “I was assigned last week and took me a while to think of an idea but now I have one and would like to get working on it. So can we go before the exit gets clogged with seniors.”
Steve sees Julie almost to his car, rolling her bike beside her. “In a second, I’m taking someone else home today.”
“Who,” Dustin asks with a shocked face. “Did you make another friend that’s a high schooler? You need more friends your age, man.”
“You know you say that and then get offended when I can’t drive you places because I’m hanging out with other people. And I have sort of made a friend, it’s more complicated than that.” Steve walks to his trunk and pops the hood.
“How is it complicated?” Dustin gets cut off when Julie walks up to the car, Steve taking her bike from her and loading it into his trunk. “Who are you?”
Robin smacks his arm. “Be nice, doofus.”
“Dustin, this is Julie,” Steve introduces, turning to Julie. “Ignore anything he’s about to say, he can be a bit overwhelming.”
Julie looks at him with both a concerned and confused look, almost looking like she’s debating getting her bike and refusing the ride. But Steve ushers Dustin to the other side of the car.
“I am not overwhelming, Steve, just a curious mind,” Dustin continues but Steve tunes him out.
Robin gets in her designated seat, with Julie sitting in the seat behind her. Steve shoots Robin a glare which she returns with one that says, “I told you so”, before he pulls out of the parking lot.
. . .
Dustin keeps looking at her. Which is both unsettling and uncomfortable with how obvious he is. Julie’s seen him around school a few times, he was the curly haired kid that Max was sitting with at lunch before moving to her table. She assumes they’re friends, and since he knows Steve, does Max too?
If only Julie could ask, but he keeps staring at her with squinted eyes like he’s trying to figure out her deal. She wonders if Steve has told him about their relationship. It’s not like she would care, they never talked about who they wanted to tell. But she trusts Steve’s judgement enough that if he decided to share it, she would have let him.
“I know you from somewhere,” Dustin finally says, apparently done assessing her face.
“Jesus, Dustin, give it a rest,” Steve chastises from the front seat.
Dustin rolls his eyes but continues anyway. “I saw you eating lunch with Max and Jane earlier.”
“I did,” she replies, shifting in her seat a bit, scratching at the same spot on her thumb. She always gets a bit uncomfortable around new people, but this is intense.
“How do you know Max?” he asks, almost defensive.
Steve sends an apologetic look through the rearview mirror. “Dustin,” he warns again.
“I’m just asking. You two obviously know each other and I don’t know her, so I’m asking.”
“More like interrogating,” Robin mutters under her breath with an agreeing nod from Steve.
“I used to live down the street from her in the trailer park,” Julie answers.
Dustin nods. “So do you know Eddie then too, they lived across the street from each other.”
“I do.” There is an air of uncomfortable energy clouding Julie’s space. She moves on from scratching to picking, almost enough to make her thumb bleed.
Robin groans. “Jesus, Steve pulls over.” He does. “Julie switch seats from me, you can ignore Dustin better than way.”
She gets out of the car and switches places with Robin, now in the front seat with Steve.
“Wait, what,” Dustin starts to protest. “You gave up your seat.”
Robin shrugs. “So.”
Dustin is obviously very upset and confused, almost betrayed. He looks at Steve for anything but gets nothing. “You never give up the front seat, for your motion sickness.”
“Yeah well,” she says with a sly grin, “that might be fake so I always get the front seat.”
“What,” Dustin exclaims. “And you give it up for some girl that I’ve only met today. You’ve known me for two years.”
“Julie’s special.”
“How is she special?”
Robin rolls her eyes. “She doesn’t annoy me twenty-four-seven like someone else does.”
“So, you know her too. How do the both of you know her?” Dustin takes a deep breath, staring up at the roof before looking straight ahead again. “I’m seriously just curious, I’ve never once seen her hang out with you guys.”
Steve gives her a questioning look at the red light. Asking silently if it was ok for him to tell Dustin. Julie just shrugs, leaving the decision up to him.
Steve lets out a long sigh. “Julie is my sister, Dustin.”
It’s the first time since Dustin’s started talking that he’s been quiet. She might have just met him, but it seems like that doesn’t happen a lot. He just sits back in his seat, stunned with this information.
“She’s your sister,” he finally says.
“Yep,” Julie responds, biting on her cheek.
“Holy shit. How long have you known?”
Steve rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know, what three weeks now?”
“Yeah, around that” Julie confirms.
Dustin takes another second to think before his face hits with realization. “That’s why you look so familiar. I saw the resemblance.”
Julie looks at Steve. They have a few similarities, but not a lot. “I don’t think we look that alike-.”
“You totally do,” Dustin insists as they pull up to what Julie can assume is his house.
“Alright, we’re here, out,” Steve commands.
Dustin gaps. “What no, I have so many more questions. Like how did you meet, did she always know, does your mom know, did you ever suspect anything, is this going to throw off our group dynamics?”
“All questions that will be there tomorrow,” Robin adds. “Now out.”
“Fine,” he groans, opening the car door. “See you later, Steve. Nice meeting you, Julie.”
The car rids back to Steve’s is silent, making one more stop to drop Robin off at her house. Julie would start up a conversation, but it felt nice to sit in silence after what just happened. She expected that she would meet the other people in Steve’s life, just not like this. A little less thrown into it all, but then he did warn her that he was picking someone else up. She just thought they would have been a little more amicable.
Not to say that Dustin wasn’t, but he came off so defensive. Like he had to protect Steve from something. Julie remembers that Steve mentioned he met Eddie during the spring break craziness, and now that she thinks about it, he did see him wandering around the trailer park that week. With Dustin, and with Max. With Eddie, and Robin, and some other kids too.
That week was a plague in her community, one that no one really had an explanation for. The same lack of explanations for what happened for the last three years in this town. Just the last fourth of July, there were people going in hoards to the new mall, only to die in a supposed fire. Julie ran into a girl she knew from school heading there, there was nothing normal in the way they were walking to the mall.
Something has been going on in Hawkins, and Julie had a weird feeling that told her Steve somehow knew about it. But she had no other proof to tell her why.
“I’m sorry about him,” Steve finally says. “I should have guessed that it would go like that, but I was hoping he wouldn’t go straight into interrogation mode.”
“It’s fine,” Julie responds quietly, stopping herself from picking at her skin again. “You two seem close.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “Yeah well, he was the closest thing I had to a sibling for well, before you.”
He pulls up his driveway and parks the car. As they get out of the car, the words he said sticks in Julie’s mind. Obviously, they were siblings, that was a biological fact. But biology means nothing when it comes to family, not for her at least. And they were estranged. Even though she’s spent almost every afternoon at his house for the past week, that doesn’t mean they were at the sibling level yet.
Unless they were. Julie was at the point where she could see Steve being a part of her life for a long time, maybe even forever. But she wasn’t sure if he was there yet. She had nothing left, no family, barely any friends. This new relationship with him was the last thing she could grasp that meant a family. It was easier for her to hope for the best when she already was holding the worst.
But him, he had a family. One already made from friends, his parents never really sticking around too much. It was something he talked about a lot, his friends. The kids he “babysat”, Robin, Eddie, he even mentioned one of his exes was now a close friend. He had people to rely on, he didn’t need another person in his life.
And yet he still smiled every time Julie came over and welcomed him into his home. Tried to get to know her and support her in the ways he could. Making sure she had a safe place to run away too when the other house got too much.
He understood her, or at least tried to. If anyone asked, she would not hesitate to say that they were siblings, let them assume that they were a real family. It was a reflex, a need. She needed people to know that she wasn’t alone. That there was someone to look after her.
Julie spent the last month looking after herself and everyone around her. Making sure she got the brunt of the yelling when Molly and Oliver were still in the house, did what she was told to avoid a fight. Ran away for nights on end and stealing extra food from the school lunches just to make sure she didn’t starve. It was her reality.
So, it was normal to want someone to take the load off again. And a small part of her wanted it to be Steve, hoped that he would do it. But she would never ask for it directly. He didn’t need her, and she hated the fact that she needed him.
“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” Steve starts when the walk into the kitchen, sitting down across from her usual seat at the table. “It’s kind of important.”
Anxiety shoots through Julie as she sits down. This was it. “Ok,” she says warily.
Steve clears his throat, visibly debating how to say whatever it was. Only making it worse for Julie. “I’ve been thinking about a few things but mainly about how much you come over. I’ve seen you use the back shed a few times when things get bad, and sometimes I’ll come down for a glass of water and you’ll be sleeping on the couch.”
It’s too much, he doesn’t want her there. He’s taking back his offer because she used it too much. He doesn’t want her here anymore.
“The point I am trying to make is that you seem to like it here, more than there. And as far as us trying to get to know each other, I think it’s going well. I’ve liked getting to know you and starting to have that sibling relationship that I’ve wanted since I was a kid. Having Dustin and the kids is nice, and as much as I see them as siblings, it’s different. They have their own families while I don’t. But I want to. So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to see if I could get temporary custody of you, so you could come live here.”
“Oh,” Julie says in shock, her anxiety lessens and her defenses lower. He said the opposite of what he thought he would.
“And it doesn’t need to be permanent, just temporary. I’m not completely sure if I would even qualify for permanent custody or anything, or if I’m the best for that. But what I’m trying to say is that your welcome here, and I’d like to see you sleep on a real bed instead of my couch.”
Temporary rings around in her head, sticking more than everything else. The possibility of leaving still ever present, of not having a permanent home. She gets what he’s saying that he might not get approved, that she would be forced to move somewhere else. But she would want him to at least try. To at least admit that maybe he too wanted this for more than a short time.
Julie was never one to keep friendships, to let anyone in other than family. It was her and her mom against everyone else, always. She’s missed having that permanence, and she wanted Steve to fill that place.
Even though he would never be her mom, he never could be. And maybe she’s already putting too much pressure on him to be that.
But with the way he’s looking at her, she can’t help but think that they’re one in the same. Two people hurt by circumstance, trying desperately to create something to fix the brokenness of the past.
Maybe he needed her just as much as she needed him.
“I’d like that,” she finally says. “I want that.”
He visibly deflates back into his chair. “Ok. There’re a few things we’ll need to talk about, but I’d like to get this started. Could I have the name and contact information from your case worker, so I can talk to her and see what needs to happen?”
“Yeah, sure.” Julie rummages in her bag for the business card her case worker left her. She’s gotten used to carrying everything on her back that’s important, just in case. Pulling it out, she hands it to him.
“Thanks. It’s probably too late to call now, but I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Julie looks at him with hope that still feels a little misplaced, but she can’t snuff it out this time. “Ok.”
. . .
“I think that is a great idea, Steve,” Sarah, Julie’s case worker, says across the line. “I’ve been looking to get her out of that house for a while now but no one else in the school district has an open bed. But if she’s comfortable with it, I have no problem helping you get approved.”
“That’s great,” Steve responds. “Just let me know what I need to do, and I’ll get working on it.”
“Are you doing anything tomorrow around noon? We can have a formal, in person chat about everything.”
“I have a day off from work tomorrow, so that works.”
“Great, my office address is on the business card Julie gave you. Looking forward to meeting you in person. See you tomorrow.”
Steve places the phone back on the receiver just for it to start ringing again.
“Hello, Harrington residence,” he answers.
“I still can’t get over how formal you answer the phone,” Eddie says.
“Yeah, well it’s a habit.”
Eddie laughs and it makes Steve’s heart pull. He misses that laugh. “I was just calling to check in on you. We haven’t talked in a few days.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Steve didn’t mean to, it just happened. It was better for him if he didn’t see Eddie as much, that way he could stop himself from doing something stupid. “I’ve been busy dealing with some stuff, but I’m fine.”
“What stuff?”
“I’m working on getting custody of Julie. Or temporary guardianship. Custody is a much longer battle.”
“Holy shit, really? That’s great. As long as if it’s what you want.”
It is what Steve wants, but not all of it. His mind has been all over the place that he’s been neglecting himself. Neglecting his feelings for Eddie. It was his choice to put a pause on this, his choice to only deal with one thing at once. But as he’s working through everything again, he wants to feel like he can have things of his own again.
Robin has been there for him while he works through all of these feelings about his dad. The feelings of neglect and unworthiness. That nothing he can do could make him worthy in his parents’ eyes. And how those transfers to everything else.
Other feelings have bubbled up to the surface along with it. The one-sided breakup with Nancy, how unwanted he felt after that. How it felt that no matter how much he changed, how much he grew, he would never feel worthy of anyone.
Even now with Julie. He’s only been in her life for such a short time. And ever though it wasn’t his fault, he still felt like this wasn’t going to be a permanent thing. No one he was related to ever stuck around for longer than a few months. Why would she do the same thing.
Sometime in the future, she would find a family that could provide for her in the way that she needed. He was disjointed with a multitude of unprocessed trauma in a house that he didn’t own. He was unstable, Julie deserved stability.
“It’s what I want.”
“Good. We should have movie night again tomorrow with Birdie, get your mind off of it. I can bring some stuff too if you want.”
“Yeah, sure. I have a meeting with her case worker tomorrow to talk about how to do this, so I’ll probably need it.”
“See you tomorrow, then. Bye, Stevie. I’ve missed you.” Eddie hangs up the phone before Steve can respond.
There’s an ache in his chest when he hangs up the phone again, regretting everything. All he wants is to call Eddie back and invite him over now. Take everything for himself again. But he knows tomorrow he’s just going to wake up and feel undeserving of it all over again, so he won’t.
He won’t string Eddie along with his pile of insecurities, not now. When everything is settled, maybe then it will all start to fade away, and he can let himself be happy again.
But he needs to work things out with Julie first, then he can focus on himself again.
Chapter 6
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet, @steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy, @connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso, @crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @cheddartreets, @theupsidedownrealestateagent, @acidbubblegummie, @sirsnacksalot, @l0st-strawberry, @helpimstuckposting, @strawberry-starss, @freddykicksasses, @italianwhore1, @i-threw-my-name-out-the-window, @rageagainsttheapathy, @nuggies4life, @ape31, @whimsicalwitchm, @chrissycunninghamfanblog, @michellegilligan, @hippielittlemetalhead, @bridget-malfoy-stilinski-hale, @jaytriesstuff, @confused-stripes, @faeb1tch42069, @marklee-blackmore, @hel-spawn, @genderless-spoon, @mamafaithful, @estrellami-1, @starryeyedpoet17 @i-amthepizzaman, @lilpomelito @melonmochi
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the-delta-42 · 1 year
My Multi-chaptered Fics/Series
War Circle AU - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette has an older brother who has the Wolf Miraculous, the head of the War Circle.
The Pirate Prince - Legend of Zelda - Link was orphaned at 3 months old and taken in by the King of the Gerudo, Ganondorf. Fast-forward seventeen years later, a disagreement results in Link leaving and start sailing the seas as the captain of The Fierce Deity, a Pirate ship that is known for hunting down various Criminals and pirates alike, But the winds of destiny throw Link back to his family. Zelink.
To Find Hyrule -  Legend of Zelda - Link never expected to find a home on the waves. Tetra never expected to find a home in a person. A Series of non-chronological One-Shots that'll vary in length that'll follow Link and Tetra, and their growing relationship, as they look for New Hyrule. Set after Phantom Hourglass. I decided there wasn't enough of Tetra and Link, so here's a series of one shots around them. Telink.
To Find Hyrule Reblogged - The To Find Hyrule series in Chronological Order
Agents Like Us -  Zootopia - Before Nick was hustling with Finnick, he was a secret agent with Mammal Military Intelligence 5 and FBI. Now, ten years after Nick left, his old partner has come to call. After all, Nick can't run from Jack, not again. This story will contain Ships. Featuring Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Jack Savage and Others.
Rewrite History - Miraculous Ladybug - Bunnyx changing history of Ladybug’s orders, in an attempt to advert a disastrous event.
To the Final Frontier - Miraculous/Star Trek -
Valentine’s Prompts - Miraculous Ladybug - The Prompts from DeviantArt’s Valentine’s day
Bridges AU - Miraculous Ladybug - Adrien and Marinette have a falling out and Marinette is forced through the pain of losing her family. Started out as salt, future parts will retcon things
Marivenger - Miraculous Ladybug/Marvel - Marinette teaming up with the Avengers
Critical - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette is injured in an Akuma attack and is left fighting for her life
Armed AU - Miraculous Ladybug - While fighting an Akuma, Ladybug is disarmed and exposed to the city of Paris
Hush AU - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette’s parents discover her secret
Rules of Precinct One - Zootopia - The rules that all Officers in Precinct One have to follow. Zootopia.
Revealed - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette has a terrible secret revealed after Rose is Akumatized
New Car AU -  Miraculous Ladybug/Transformers Prime - Marinette thought she had a normal car, after her last one was stolen and torched, but it opened her world up for a whole lot of insanity.
Maribat -  Miraculous Ladybug/DC - Genetics are a wonderful thing, unless the substitute Science teacher is an arsehole. Bio Dad Bruce Wayne.
Miraculous Transformers - All MLB-TF cross over fics
In Plain Sight -  Miraculous Ladybug/Transformers - LB-14 and CN-15 were dispatched to Paris under orders from Optimus Prime. Nowhere in those orders was the recommendation for them to crash into a building and reveal themselves to a group of locals.
Autobot City - Transformers: Prime, Rescue Bots & Robots in Disguise 2015 AU
Grief -  Miraculous Ladybug - WARNING! THIS STORY HAS MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, VIOLENCE AND SOMEONE TAKING THEIR OWN LIFE! IF THIS IS LIKELY TO SET YOU OFF IN ANY WAY DO NOT READ! A moment is all it took. A moment is the cost of a battle. A moment that starts a whole domino effect that leads to the end for so many.
Too Far AU - Miraculous Ladybug - This series has implied and referenced rape/non-con elements. If this is likely to trigger, offend or otherwise make you react in a negative way DO NOT READ! A group from another class believe Lila's lies too well and believe Marinette is working with Hawkmoth. The group decide to take the law into their own hands, only for them to go too far in their 'interrogation' techniques.
Winged Mirabel AU - Encanto - An Encanto AU where Mirabel has wings
Know Better AU -  My parts for Tumblr's Fake Apology AU, but I'm going to remove as much of the salt from it as possible. - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette hears Nino and Adrien talking and gets the wrong end of the stick, which creates a domino effect that causes a dark secret to be revealed. TW: contains mentions of abuse, past non-con and Gabriel Agreste being a shit person
Family - The Walking Dead -Alvin and Rebecca reluctantly agree to foster Clementine, a troubled child they've fostered before, after her latest foster family send her back into care.
TWDG Wing AU - The Walking Dead - If you were fortunate enough, you were born with wings. If you weren’t, you’d hope a child in your family would born with wings. Lee and his younger brother fell into the former camp, their parents were in the camp with them. Centuries ago, people with wings were once treated as deities, then were hunted, and then treated with the utmost respect. After an apocalypse interrupts Lee's journey to prison, he suddenly finds himself acting as a guardian for a little girl called Clementine. While doing his best to care for, and protect, her, he finds himself on the long road to redemption.
TWDG Reunions AU - After Clementine and AJ are exiled from the school, they make their way to New Richmond and the New Frontier. After reuniting with some old friends and a couple of accidents, the pair forge a new life in the community. Ten years later, they experience a tragedy and an unexpected reunion.
The Black Order - Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix wasn't the only secret group that stood against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. But no one wants to talk about the Black Order.
Why? - Miraculous Ladybug/Incredibles/Marvel/DC - In a misguided attempt to help his friend, Adrien takes her sketchbook and shows it to his father. The actions Gabriel takes draw world wide condemnation and causes two families to band together to bring him down.
Hindsight - Miraculous Ladybug - Lila doesn't agree to Adrien's deal, so Damocles never goes back on his decision to expel Marinette. Soon, Mdm. Bustier is in an interview at another school and finds that there are more differences between her previous and current workplace than she expected. A few days later, Marinette is offered a place at another school, while her previous class realise the truth about Lila. After an incident during an Akuma attack, everyone starts to understand that hindsight is 20/20.
Your Royal Highness - Miraculous Ladybug/Assassin's Creed AU - For over 2000 years, three kingdoms, known as Eden, Elysium and Babylon, appeared. For 2000 years, the Assassin's have protected those kingdoms, as well as the vaults that are hidden within them. With the Prince of Elysium in Paris, two Novices are placed as his body guards in a bid to expediate their training. Unfortunately, Hawkmoth appears, leading to one of the Novices to being given a Miraculous. Soon Hawkmoth will understand the meaning of Nothing in True, Everything in Permitted.
Full Moon - Miraculous Ladybug/Harry Potter - At three years old a werewolf, by the name of Fenrir Greyback, bit Marinette during a full moon. Being a werewolf is Marinette's biggest and greatly guarded secret, even more than her identity as Ladybug. And Lila, in an attempt to turn everyone against Marinette, accidentally tells the truth.
The Truth - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette trying to tell Adrien the truth leads to a series of unexpected events.
Fall of Order - Miraculous Ladybug/Star Wars - On the cusp of starting her Jedi Trials, Padawan Marinette Dupain-Cheng was on her last mission with her Master Wang Fu attempting to gain Mandalorian support in the final days of the Clone War, when Order 66 was broadcast and the Republic became the Empire.
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shadowbunnydragon · 6 months
Question for Stu & Bonnie Hopps:
What do you guys do when you spend time with Eli?
Stu: "I like to take him around with the other kits in his age group and do little projects with them, like wood-working! Also, Eli loves pitching in at the farm, wanting to help out."
Bonnie: "I love baking with him. He's always just so excited to help me make cookies. I think many of our kits and grandkits could learn something from him."
Stu, wringing his paws: "N-now, to be fair, Bon-Bon, you are much more... soft with your instructions for Eli. Whereas with Melvin, you are a bit more... strict."
Bonnie, rolling her eyes: "Oh hush. We both know that Melvin will take whatever chance he can to slack off work whenever and wherever he can."
Stu: "True... but when you caught him swiping some cookies, you made him drop and do twenty pushups..."
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just-kit-ink · 6 months
To my followers who love her, on the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney Studios, Kitty, (now in her 50s) and her family are invited as the guests of honour to a party for animators and their cartoon characters. Every character ever created by the studio is there. She's hesitant to turn up, she was an animator a long time ago after all but with some encouragement from her family she decides to go. She dresses smartly and to her surprise there is a fancy car waiting for her outside their house. The chauffeur explains that the escort is courtesy of Mickey and Minnie themselves. Maisie excitedly clutches her mother's arm and they arrive to a bustling reception.
She shakes hands with old friends, makes some new connections and embraces the toons she's known and helped since she was young.
•Prince Charming and Cinderella greet her at the staircase and Kitty asks how they and their mice are doing. In response, Jacque-Jacque and Gus run through riding Lucifer the cat like a horse.
•Dumbo swoops overhead and gives her a wave with his trunk.
• Baloo sings on stage with Thomas O'Malley and Scat Cat, dedicating a song to the guests of honour.
•Ariel and Moana are chatting in the foyer and smile brightly as she returns from touching up her make-up.
•She runs into Ursula in there who was reapplying her mousse and gossiping about which Prince and Villain look the most dashing tonight.
•She gets a similar gracious nod from Maleficent and the Wicked Queen.
•Hades pulls on the old "You look familiar kid, do I know you? Ah! Amazon chick, right?"
•She is given a warm reception from the animals: Scar, Shere Khan, Shenzi Banzai and Ed, Kaa, Bagheera, Robin Hood and Little John, Kenai, Iago, Sebastain, Louis, Ray, Bambi, Thumper, Big Bad Wolf, the Three Little Pigs, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps are just a few of the animal toons she chats with that night.
•Anastasia and Drizella do fangirling over her outfit. They also praise how well she's aged.
•The Genie appears out of a nearby ink well to surprise everyone and when he sees her he gives the biggest smile. "Kitty Hawkins!" *transforms into a cat and a hawk in the space of a second* "I knew it was you Sweetheart, I never forget a face except my own!" *takes off his face* "I'd forget my own head if it wasn't attached!" He lifts it off his shoulders and Ichabod Crane faints.
•Elsa and Anna come up to speak to her when they sense her nerves. Elsa's a bit overwhelmed by the crowds too.
•Bruno Madrigal apologises profusely when one of his rats jump onto her shoulder and is pleasantly surprised when she doesn't mind and even asks how he got on with family group therapy.
•She gets a hug from John Silver.
•Milo Thatch is there with his wife Princess Kidagakash and they talk about languages. In Dutch.
•Mr Smee brings Captain Hook a drink. He's a surprisingly giggly drunk.
•Belle and her have a terrific catch up. She also thanks her very much for helping the Beast become comfortable with his drawn form.
•Lumier helps to watch Maisie and calls her "la petite madamoiselle."
•Merlin knows how to make everyone a good cup of tea and mix cocktails. The Mad Hatter is behaving more erratically than usual.
•Kitty's husband is shaking hands with a lot of anti-heros and even a villain or two. They are incredibly grateful to him for helping them clear their names and turn their lives around.
•Snow White recieves a standing ovation for singing. She invites Asha, the newest Disney character up on stage and gives her a hug to quell her fears about not being welcomed.
•Kitty and Meg roast the executives behind their back.
•At some point in the evening, a cake is wheeled out and Tigger jumps out of it holding a "Happy 100 Years!" sign.
Kitty is sipping her drink and enjoying the armosphere when a hush falls as Mickey and the organisers give a special toast to all who turned up tonight. He thanks Scrooge McDuck for the funding, Tiana's Place for the catering, Daisy Duck for the decorations...suddenly Kitty hears her name. And a round of applause. She's being honoured and thanked by all the cartoons she ever helped mentally and emotionally. Her family are cheering.
"Hooray Honey! Congratulations!"
"Yay Mom!"
She smiles. It's all worth it. It was always worth it.
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tailhitch · 7 months
what does tailhitch thinks of @herebecritters 's OCs?
His thoughts on the trio are a little more complicated than the rest of the critters in the isles.
Nergal: his opinion…honestly changes a lot when it comes to nergal. One minute the god is chill and not doing much of anything, the next he’s throwing lightning or rockslides at Tailhitch, not that it does much. Generally it’s leaning towards dislike though. Tailhitch knows that nergal is responsible for the incidents around the isles in some form or another, and he’s not too keen on seeing what happens if he tries to stop the insane adalatherium. If icky is in the area nergal probably is too.
Geshtu: most of the time they’re chill, and they share a few hobbies like fishing and dnd. But anyone who takes someone like nergal into dark alleyways to have hushed conversations makes it a lot harder to trust them. He’ll watch geshtu out of the corner of his eye but in all honesty he’s way down the threat list. Tailhitch is glad that geshtu has gotten attached to hopps though, makes him a little easier to track.
Dumuzi: Tailhitch knows next to nothing about her, he’s seen her one time. And that was when he was watching screwy from a few miles away and screwy got dumuzi to come outside and look at the stars again. He knows nothing about what she’s like, what her role in all of this is or what she can do. And that scares him. SHE scares him. More than something like cro marmot being able to move and interact with the world from his ice cube scares him. Funny how the only two critters that genuinely scare the autobot happen to be siblings huh? Even if he doesn’t know that.
Tailhitch is glad there’s people around that are older than him in some way.
As for John, the colonists and the first civilization?
He doesn’t know about the colony or the first civilization. So no opinions there. And even though he’s fairly confident he could leave the isles if he tried to he’s not risking it. So John is out the question as well.
Tailhitch belongs to me, nergal, geshtu, dumuzi and john belong to @herebecritters, give ‘em your love and support and thanks for the ask.
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pursuingharmony · 2 years
My primary and active muses are Chief Bogo, Benjamin Clawhauser, and Judy Hopps. If you’d like to interact with any of them, feel free to send me an ask and specify a muse or if you’d like to plot something out, feel free to shoot me a Tumblr IM.
I do have a Nick Wilde blog but in order to interact with my Nick Wilde blog, please like this post that I have linked. I’m keeping my Nick Wilde blog on the hush-hush for my own mental health.
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cullxtheherd · 3 years
Dammit, I'm too soft and need my comfort boys now! 😭
Can I get “No one’s kissed me like that in a long time.” for Sharky, my dear pyromaniac boy? ❤
hell yeah you friggin can!!! thank, thank, thank you for sending me this ask!! i haven't proofread SHIT!! i took my medicaiton and i need a nap!!! asakdjskdsk this is uh? what most would call NSFW, enjoy!
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“Woah, woah Chica-” Charlemagne grips the condensation laden bottle by its end and its past peeling sticker. The texture lies somewhere between off putting and comforting and he runs the pad of his thumb over one of the wrinkled corners, “Hold on now I-hCc!” Despite being a well seasoned drinker something must not have sat right with him this evening and he hiccups twice before he can continue.
“What was I sayin’?'' It comes out as one word on one hopps laden breath and he refocuses on his drinking partner for the time being, “Oh, yeah!” He hikes a finger into the air vaguely in her direction with one eye half closed, leaning on the rounded edge of the bartop, “We hardly even know each other, Little Miss!” With the bottle halfway to his lips he abruptly stops, one finger uncurling to point at her as well, “And I do declare-hmnn-hmm-hmm!”
Sharky can’t hardly help himself on a good day and he starts laughing. First he does try to subdue it, face pinching with the effort but he does release a painful snort, “I’m sorry,” He tries between a hoot, “I can’t even take my own damn self seriously- did you hear what I was even trying to say? I mean, woo-hoo!” He laughs again at the thought, cheeks and neck reddening with rising hilarity, “Me. Charlemagne Victor Boshaw the FOURTH!! Tellin’ an interested woman what’s for.”
“Well, I mean!” He realizes himself too late and he sputters trying to backtrack, bottle at his lips for a swish before he continues, “That is not to say that I am assumin’ nothin’ when it comes to that or you and me- and hey!” Feeling like he’s really only caught his first good, decent look at his comrade for the night, he tries to concentrate around the blurred, starry edges of his vision. “Hang on now, you remind me of somebody.” His face screws up in a look of near constipation, gears grinding and turning - trying desperately to form a single, cognitive thought, “I know you…”
“Aww,” Her voice is low and pitying, sickeningly sweet, “Sharky.” Tinged with a hint of hopeful disappointment, “You should just stop thinking.” She swivels in her seat, one leg folded neatly over the other and a halo of blonde shining under the overhead lights, “Just,” She inches closer, just slightly, forever luring him in but never setting the hook, “Hush that pretty head of yours and have another drink. It is,” The lines around her eyes set when she giggles far more youthful than her appearance, “On the house, after all.”
“Yeah,” He agrees though he isn’t particularly thirsty and when a bottle is pressed to his lips he takes a lengthy swig, fully trusting the woman he’s been speaking to. “I should,” So entranced is he that he hardly realizes the switch off. New bottle, different shape, “You’re right.” Directly from her hands to his mouth this time. “That’s an excellent idea-” He wants to elaborate but the thoughts leave him and he watches, happily, as someone he is sure he should know briefly interrupts their little two-person soirée.
“Yes,” He catches her saying, “Yes Father.”
The way she looks up at him with an unmatched, heady desire sparks a tight, hateful twinge somewhere deep within him and suddenly, without thought or warning, he’s getting up out of his seat- nearly jumping backwards off of his bar stool. He doesn’t say anything but he holds himself on edge, breath heavy and chest tight. Ready for what, he isn’t sure.
His new friend gets up as well. Slowly and placatingly she approaches him. Tiptoeing barefoot around the toppled stool she rests on her heels in front of him, pads of her pointers tracing the raised, bubble lettering of his sweatshirt. “Shame,” She sounds sad and heartbroken as she looks up at him through her lashes, “Things were going so well, wouldn’t you say?”
Though he is struggling through the haze, trying to break free from the control she has on him he finds himself nodding along, mouth opening, “Yes, I would.”
“Tonight was going to be the night, Charlemagne,” There is an almost supernatural, haunting tone to her voice that coats him to his very soul- viscous and charming is she, “The. Night.” She pouts feigning a sob into his chest and, despite the dread creeping in he embraces her, palms smoothing over the lines of her gauzy, lace dress. “Do you understand what that means?”
Sharky doesn’t respond verbally but his fingers tighten, digging into the curve of her shoulders underneath a layer of fabric that reminds him of the floral doilies his grandmother kept on surfaces around her home.
“You and me, together,” Though he is gaining his wits his heart aches for that statement, “Forever.” She spins once, heavenly, between his arms and humming, “It could be Bliss, you know.”
She looks up at him and though he knows he should make a move to run- leave this place and never look back, he dips his head instead. When their lips meet it is other-worldly. Charlemagne feels like blasting off into space with Larry and whatever that damn computer's name is he’s always talking about.
Though they are by no means alone, anything rooted in reality ceases to exist for him. They could be in the middle of a field, tornado overhead- bottom of a mountain with an avalanche barrelling down and he would be none the wiser. Sharky had never been one to buy into the whole ‘time stops’ theory when it came to being with another person and sharing intimacy, but? He is becoming a believer as the seconds tick by.
When they pull apart, each of their chests heaving for breath he takes a long, wisened look at her. This is? The enemy. Without a doubt- make no mistakes about it. This is wrong.
She opens her mouth to say something but unthinking and working solely on drive Charlemagne pushes forward, rearing her into the wall of, what he is now aware is, not a licensed retail establishment. The bus turned Peggie jungle gym decorating the center of Moonflower Trailer Park creaks and groans with the voracity in which he attaches himself to her.
In the many times he’d dared to imagine a similar scenario he at least envisioned some kind of refusal or rebuttal from the female Herald but she leans into him, eager to respond. Sharky pulls away, flustered lips biting a line down the side of her mouth to her chin. At her neck he particularly digs in, hands tying into her hair tightly.
“No one’s kissed me like that in a long time,” She’s a mixture of cross and ashamed, hands wrung tightly in the curled hairs at the nape of his neck, “Bastard.”
“Should leave you with a little somethin’ for Padre Joe, in that case.” He moves in as her mouth opens to object, teeth rough on the tender bend of her neck. A hand travels the curve of her ass, bringing her in closely as she responds.
“Sharky . . .”
He’s never heard a creature as ethereal as her breathless before and it takes battling an excellent sense of self preservation to make a line of mottled, swollen hickeys in every tender, erogenous zone he can manage to get to. “You like that?” As the Bliss really begins to leave him he does have the sense to start getting angry with her and her tricks despite their current entanglement.
She nods her agreement, little huffs of air tickling the short hairs on the side of his neck but it isn’t quite the type of affirmation he’s looking for.
“Let’s see, then.” With nearly any other woman he would likely not be this assertive but this is the second time she’s tried to drug him and take advantage of him to get him to join their stupid wacky cult and? He’s not concerned about pleasantries or anything resembling normalcy. The hand at her rear ruchs up the back of her dress just enough so that he can trace the outline of her panties freely before snaking a finger inside, “Oh, yeah?”
She has the decency to look embarrassed and he smiles wide, pleased, “You get all hot and bothered thinkin’ of ways to get me to say Yes, don’t you?”
“I-” He shifts, moving to bring his hand to a more advantageous position and she makes a noise of protest, “No!”
Sharky raises a brow at her and the way her barefoot slaps the ground in rebuttal, “You sure about that?” Reaching between them he adjusts himself, purposefully slow to return his hand to the apex of her thighs. Alight with joy at the look of frustration it causes he relents, “Now,” The decommissioned school bus creaks when she tries to vy for leverage against his slow, lapping movements, “Think real hard before you answer me-”
“Yes! I do- I,” Rachel cuts herself off sucking in a large, shaking breath, “Ohh! I love thinking of ways to bring you down, Sinner! I- mmm!”
Charlemagne laughs silently, eyes creasing up in the direction of the moonlight. Toeing the line of stern and gentle he leans in, lips and tongue and careful teeth against her. Two small, hot hands grip the width of his wrist, keeping him there, when he tries to adjust his stance and he grins against her, sickeningly glad to know he is doing well for her.
Nose against the shell of her ear and mouth working on and off in time with his digits he speaks gently this time, starkly aware of what her reality must be, “How long has it been since a man treated you right?” Apparently unable to speak, she shakes her head in the negative, teeth pinching her lower lip, “Never?”
“Shut up,” She barely manages.
“I said shut up and fuck me, Charlemagne!”
His entire face screws up at that, her hazy spell broken. “No,” Sharky removes himself from her, head shaking in the negative, “Don’t think I will. Go home, Faith.”
“You can’t just stick your fingers in a woman and then tell her to get out, Sharky!”
“I can and I have and I will, Ma’am.” Taking a breath he releases what he’s debating on, “Not every guy wants it like that, Shorty.” Out of view within the bus behind her he reaches into the darkness, “Sooner you learn that,” He shrugs, looking stern though he is sporting quite the rock-hard erection, “Sooner we can do more than just talk.”
The shotgun blast dissipates the vision of her and he looks down at the barrel, nearly disappointed he hadn’t submitted and agreed to be turned into one of her newest pets, “Well. Least I got my twenty bucks worth.”
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writingsoftheghost · 3 years
Matrimonial Misunderstandings
Chapter 9: Goodnight Kiss
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Deceit is woken up by a harsh alarm, he hears Logan swear and fumble with it for a moment before managing to shut it off.
He turns to the snake and gives a slight laugh, “My apologies, I should have turned it off last night.” He places a warm hand to the snake’s arm, “Do you wanna go back to sleep?”
Deceit likes the idea of it, of staying here with Logan for another hour or two. But he doesn’t want to seem too enthusiastic, he wants to give Logan the option to leave.
But Logan is already curling back into his side. And that’s really all Deceit needs to fall right back to sleep.
Virgil awakes to soft hands on his face, in his hair, on his arms.
It feels good, warm, comforting. He finds himself trying to lean into every touch, before realizing that’s not how he normally wakes up. He jolts up in surprise.
“Woah, woah, sweetheart, it’s okay, it’s just us,” Patton murmurs to him, gently trying to tug him back into his spot between Roman and him on the bed.
“Oh, sor-Sorry,” Virgil feels his cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“It’s alright, Virge,” Roman says in a hushed voice, “But I’m cold, so,” he makes grabby hands for Virgil.
The emo smiles and allows himself to be pulled back down into the cuddle pile.
Patton’s hands go right back to Virgil’s hair and face, Roman resumes his gentle caressing of the anxious side’s arms. Virgil hums, feeling more content than he can ever remember feeling this early in the morning.
Deceit was definitely bad at making eggs. Logan isn’t, though, which is a huge relief. The logical trait asks him gently if he wouldn’t mind making the coffee.
The snake appreciated Logan not our right telling him to get the hell away from the stove.
“I’m very skilled in the kitchen,” the snake chuckles as he starts the coffee maker and hops up to sit on the counter.
Logan chuckles, not looking away from the eggs, “I see that.”
“Hey, you’re up,” Patton mumbles from the doorway, causing both logan and Deceit to blush, both feeling as if they’ve been caught.
“Morning,” Roman slips in beside Patton, Virgil following behind them quietly.
Virgil and Roman both give Dee a small smile, the snake hops down from the counter to pour everyone a cup of coffee.
“Thanks,” Virgil says softly.
Deceit smiles, “No problem.”
They spend the day together again.
Working this time, but still.
Deceit and Virgil sit on one side of the couch, Logan and Roman on the other, Patton stretches out in the middle.
“Video ideas are hard!” He groans a couple hours in.
“Tell me about it,” Roman grumbles. The last few ideas getting shit down is starting to wear on him.
Logan frowns at the prince, “Remember that everything doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, and you certainly don’t need to have it all figured out now. We’re merely brainstorming, it’s alright.” He places a comforting hand on Roman’s knee.
“Thanks, teach,” Roman says softly.
Logan turns to the rest of the room, “perhaps, a break is in order.”
Everyone agrees and they all decide to watch tv for awhile.
Deceit gets a little too excited when the Gravity Falls theme plays.
“Calm down Fibber on the roof, before you combust,” Roman chuckles as they all scoot closer together. Roman now presses against the liar.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen this show!” Deceit says with the same level of enthusiasm.
Roman smiles, “We could rewatch it all if you like? Not all now of course, but a little at a time?”
Deceit grins at him excitedly, “Really?!”
Patton giggles at them both, Logan’s head on his shoulder and Virgil draped over both of their laps. “Aww, of course we can, sweetie.”
Deceit flushes slightly at the nickname.
They watch a few episodes, stopping briefly to make dinner together. Then resuming until they all started to get tired.
As everyone stands to go to bed, Patton stops Logan with a hand on his arm.
“Can I have a kiss?”
Logan stops and stares at Patton, “I-I’m afraid I must have misheard you, Patton. Could you repeat that?”
“Can I have a kiss?” Patton asks again, sweet smile on his lips.
“I-Uhm, well, I...”
Patton giggles, “You’re so silly, Lo. We’re married for Thomas’s sake.”
Everyone else is staring at the pair now, Logan’s eyes look like they’re about to fall out of his head, “Pardon me? We’re what?”
“Married, silly. You don’t have to be embarrassed to kiss me.”
“Patton, I-”
“If you won’t kiss me, I’ll just have someone else do it,” Patton says teasingly, “Virgil?”
Virgil nearly falls over, “I-What?!”
“Oh come on, not you too,” Patton giggles, still oblivious to the fact that their confusion was genuine.
“Ro? Dee?” When he gets a similar reaction he sighs in fake exasperation, “Four husbands and not one goodnight kiss. Oh well,” he giggles and starts skipping up the stairs. “Goodnight, I love you all,” he blows them each a kiss before disappearing to his room.
Virgil is the first to break the silence. “Was that real?” Everyone else just stares up the steps in stunned silence.
I know it’s no content November but I really wanted to post this so...
Taglist: @more-fandon-than-friends @what-up-dudesss @idont-freaking-know @emo--nightmaree @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @trainwreckwithlimbs @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @i-read-by-lamp @hoppe-ideas @wooboio @darnwaffles @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me @sleepyssnail @loveyatothemoonandback @then-why-the-cat-onesie @sunshineluve @aceawkwardunicorn @kawaiikat54 @stubbornness-and-spite @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @pricklyfish777 @tranquil-space-ninja @romano-hottopic @sophiexteresa @twoalpacas @deceits-left-glove @mycatweighs20 @quietmob @averykedavra @gwen-delaney @chronophobica @levy-the-b00kw0rm @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @brilewblue @shootin-straight-even-tho-im-gay @katlikethesword @astraheart04 @notsosecretlyadragon @lonelyanxiousbean @antiredhuman @emo-sunshine42 @self-taught-mess @not-a-morally-sufficient-reason @madamedraconis @why-do-you-care @the-melody-of-eliza @hi-im-callum @rainingstaples @classroom-assassin
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zootopiathingz · 3 years
Between the Odds
Part One: Happy Birthday
After another six hours of mostly peaceful sleep, Judy got dressed and arrived at the Zootopia Police Department, pretty early as usual. She didn't like being late to anything, nor did she want to cut it close. She always had to be at work at least ten minutes before she was supposed to be there. Surprisingly she was able to get her partner to adjust to that schedule as well. So the second she walked through the main doors, so did Nick.
Judy didn't notice at first, up until she felt someone nudging her from behind. She didn't need to turn around to know it was Nick, since that was usually how he tried to get her attention. It was either that or "sneaking" up behind her. "Sup, slick?" She greeted with a smile, noticing he was holding two cups from a coffee shop.
"Sup." He chuckled, handing her one of the cups. "Here, it's the first of many surprises today."
"But I don't drink coffee." She said, but took the cup from him regardless.
"Exactly why I got you hot chocolate." He winked.
Judy was surprised, but was admittedly glad that he knew what she would've wanted from a coffee place so she wouldn't have to pretend to enjoy the drink for his sake. "Oh, well thank you." She grinned, taking a small sip since the beverage was still warm. "So, first of many surprises, hm? What else do you have in store today?"
"You'll see." Nick said, putting his paw in his pocket. "Just trust me, Carrots. You'll love it."
The two began walking toward the front desk as they continued their conversation. "You seem pretty confident." Judy raised a brow at him, "Let's hope you're right about this."
Nick chuckled at her 'suspicion', since he knew she would be eating her words later. "Of course I'm right. I know you better than anyone. Sometimes more than you know yourself."
"Oh really?" She scoffed, "Okay what's my favorite seafood dish?"
He pointed at her, "Trick question. You don't eat seafood, you're vegan."
"Damn. Okay, I'll give you that one." She said, "But only because everyone knows that."
Nick sneered at her as they walked up to the front desk, to be greeted by Benjamin Clawhauser, their co-worker and close acquaintance. He dawned a bright, sprinkle-filled smile upon seeing them. It had basically became routine for the three of them to have a quick chat before work, and it was one of the best parts of his day. "Hey guys!" He said, finishing off the last of his donut. "Oh Hopps, isn't it your birthday today?"
"Yeah, it is." She nodded, surprised that he brought it up. "Thanks for remembering."
"Oh, I remember everyone's birthday. Although ironically no one remembers mine..." He said, staring off to the side. But he quickly shook the thought away and changed the subject before the conversation could go downhill. "Anyway uh, how old are you turning? If it's okay that I ask."
"25." She answered.
Nick wrapped his arm around her, "Yep, she's gettin' pretty old."
Judy scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. "Big talk from someone in his 30's." She retorted.
"Hush." He rubbed her head playfully, "You're on your way there."
Judy laughed and lightly pushed him away from her. While the two had their moment of banter, Clawhauser observed their playful behavior curiously. This was usually what they did when joking around with each other, but something about it seemed different today, almost flirtatious...
But they were just friends, Clawhauser knew this. They were partners, it would be unprofessional to fraternize in the workplace. And they took their jobs very seriously, especially Judy, so the chances of them actually becoming a couple were unlikely. Besides, she was a bunny and Nick was a fox. It just wouldn't be right.
"Alright, we better get to roll call." Judy said once they calmed down.
"Okay. Oh, wait!" Clawhauser said, briefly stopping them from leaving just yet. He reached over to the donut box on the other side of his desk, picking out a chocolate sprinkled one and handing it down to the rabbit officer. "Here! Happy birthday!"
"Aw, thanks!" She said, taking the donut from him before joining Nick at his side as they walked down the hall. Clawhauser watched them leave with a softer smile, admiring how close the two were. Sometimes he envied their friendship and wished he had a partner. Or at least he wished someone would remember his damn birthday.
The day went by relatively slow, possibly because Judy was eager to know what her birthday surprise was and she grew more impatient as the hours passed. She loved work, but she enjoyed quality time with Nick even more (even though everyday at work was also considered quality time with him).
After their shift was over, it was nearing the evening, but they knew her birthday was just getting started now. They made a quick stop at Judy's apartment to change out of their uniforms and into more casual clothes. Nick had a few spare shirts and pants kept at her place, and vise versa. It was easier for them to have sleepovers and carpool to work now that she moved into a building that was close to Nick's (and it was ten times nicer than her previous junky apartment).
Once they were changed, Nick led her downtown and eventually made her cover her eyes to add to the effect of the "surprise". Judy found it kinda cliche but she obliged nonetheless, letting him guide her to wherever he intended to take her. He held her arm to prevent her from falling or bumping into anything and led her inside somewhere. Judy tried to guess based on the sounds she heard upon entering, which was mostly kids and teens laughing.
"Okay, you can look now." He said, pushing her paws away from her face.
Judy opened her eyes and immediately smiled, spotting several arcade machines such as pinball, Pac-Man, air hockey, motor racing games, etc. And Judy's personal favorite, Dance Dance Revolution. Out of all the places she expected to be taken to, she didn't think it would be an arcade. But she wasn't complaining at all. She was turning 25, so it would be refreshing to spend time doing "childish" activities. 
"Wow! Nick, this is awesome!" She smiled up at her friend, clenching her paws excitedly. "How'd you know this is what I wanted?"
"Well, I remember you saying how you used to play at the arcade in Bunnyburrow all the time when you were a kid." He said, "Now I know this is no Bunnyburrow, but I think it's pretty decent."
"It's perfect! And I know exactly what game we're playing first." She grabbed his paw, leading him in a certain direction.
Of course she chose Dance Dance Revolution, but Nick couldn't complain. Even though he wasn't much of a dancer, he enjoyed seeing her so happy and energetic. And when she played, she played to win, so she was really into it and followed every move carefully. Meanwhile Nick somewhat half-assed it, but he knew she would've won regardless since she told him tales of her glorious winnings in the past. Apparently in Bunnyburrow, she was the DDR queen.
They decided to take turns choosing what games to play, but the entire time they mostly played air hockey since that was Judy's second favorite, and Nick could actually beat her at it. But he let her win sometimes since it was her birthday, and his ego was too big to admit that she was actually capable of winning on her own.
After a couple hours, they had played mostly every game in the arcade and won quite a lot of tickets. But Nick didn't really want a prize, so he let her use his to get whatever she wanted, 'cause once again he reminded her it was her special day. Judy had to admit she enjoyed being spoiled by him, but she couldn't explain why exactly. She got a few cute little accessories and a stuffed animal from the prize counter, then decided they could leave so they could move onto Nick's next surprise.
He didn't make her cover her eyes this time, since he wanted her to recognize this place from the outside specially. Thankfully it was just a short walk away from the arcade. Once it was in view, Nick stopped them in their tracks so he could ask her, "Look familiar, Carrots?"
Judy gave him a small look of confusion, taking a glance around the area to try to remember anything specific. But then she saw him give a subtle gesture forward, and once her eyes landed on the ice cream shop ahead of them, she was instantly struck with realization.
"Ohh, it's where we first met." She chuckled, "Look at you being a sentimental softie."
"I'm only doing this for you, ya know." He nudged her shoulder as they continued walking. "I do still owe you for the jumbo pop."
"Damn right you do." She scoffed, skipping ahead of him to cross the street. "Come along now, slick."
Nick rolled his eyes and quickly caught up to her. They entered the shop and quickly scanned the menu while waiting in line, though it was a little hard to read since they were the smallest ones in there and they had to step aside to be able to see their options.
Once they ordered an ice cream to share, they carried it to sit at a table close to the window. Even the smallest size they could get was still too big for them to eat, but they were willing to try.
"So what made you decide to do all of this for me?" She asked curiously, taking much smaller spoonfuls than him.
Nick shrugged nonchalantly, "It's your birthday. Why wouldn't we do something special?"
"I dunno. This is just the first time we've done something like this." She glanced out the window. "This is actually the first time I've celebrated my birthday in a while."
"Really?" He asked, genuinely shocked by this bit of information. "Why's that?"
Judy sighed, taking another spoonful of the sprinkly ice cream. "Eh, in my family after you turn 18, birthdays sorta just become another day. A little cupcake with a candle is all ya get."
Nick frowned sympathetically, since he could understand what it felt like spending birthdays alone with not even a real cake to enjoy. But he didn't expect that from Judy, since she came from a loving and caring family. But they were also a huge family, so it made sense that they couldn't always celebrate every single birthday.
But now that made him feel even better that he went all out to make this day special for her. She deserved nothing but the best, especially after all she did for him. "Well Carrots, when you're with me," He playfully tapped her nose with his spoon, "you won't ever have anything less than this."
Judy giggled and wiped away the small bit of ice cream from her nose. "Thanks, Nick."
After they eventually (halfway) finished their frozen dessert, they decided they were full and made their way to Nick's apartment to finish off the night with movies and snacks of her choice. She decided to take full advantage of this opportunity and selected her two favorite cheesy romance movies, Love Actually and Mamma Mia.
But before starting their little movie night, Nick had one more surprise left for her. As she put the popcorn bag in the microwave, he walked up to her holding his paw behind his back. "Alright Carrots, close your eyes and hold out your paw."
Judy realized what he was up to, and though she wasn't shocked, she was still reluctant. "Another surprise?" She giggled, "I can't take much more of these."
"It's the last one, I swear." He told her. "Now close your eyes."
She gave him a look before closing her eyes as instructed, hesitantly holding her paw out for him. He waited a moment for dramatic affect, then placed the small velvet box in her palm, having it already opened for her. "Okay, you can open them."
Judy felt a small blush appear on her cheeks as she saw the beautiful little carrot-shaped pendant in the box. If she had anticipated jewelry from him, she hoped it would be something this meaningful. "Aww Nick! It's beautiful!" She chirped, taking it out of the box. "Put it on me!"
Nick smiled at her excitement and undid the chain, bringing it up to her neck while she move her ears up and out of the way. Once it was clipped and secure, she turned around to face him again, playing with the charm. "How much did this cost?" She asked, hoping that it wasn't much. She would never want Nick to spend more than he could afford on her, even if she did appreciate it.
"Not too much." He said, "Besides, any price is worth seeing your smile."
Judy once again blushed, a bit surprised by his compliment. Well, sure he's complimented her before, but usually it was for jokes or was thrown in between playful insults. "You're such a kiss-up." She laughed, still admiring the pendant and how it shimmered in the light.
And while she was in awe at the gift, Nick was more focused on the bunny wearing it. Seeing her so happy today made him feel quite warm inside, and not just because it was him that made her feel the way (although that was a huge bonus). She was just so beautiful when she was happy like this. The way her amethyst eyes twinkled like jewels, how her bright smile occupied her adorable face, when her feet would bounce and her tail would twitch. Oh, Nick would give anything to see her like that all the time.
Even when Judy looked up to see him staring at her, his small smile of admiration didn't fade. If anything it added to the warmth in his stomach, for reasons he didn't want to admit. "What?" She asked, a little confused as to what he was doing. But she didn't really mind.
"Nothing." He shook his head, "Just lookin' at you."
"Softie." She smirked knowingly.
Nick scoffed and extended his arms, "Just get in here."
Judy laughed quietly and immediately made her way into his embrace, holding him snug and tight. "This is definitely the best birthday I've ever had." She said, nuzzling her head against his chest. "I love you."
He smiled and gently rubbed the back of her head, trying to keep her close to him. "I love you, too, Carrot cake."
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hopps-rambling · 29 days
Tumblr media
I like this guy
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reignbow · 3 years
I’m in the process of starting an account on Ao3, but I thought I’d post this story here until then.
Fandom: Zootopia
---------------       “Carrots? Carrots! Wake up!” Nick shouted as he held the rabbit officer in his paws. “Carrots! It’s okay! I’m here!”
      “Officers come quick! A savage fox had been spotted at the natural history museum!” The sheep above squealed into the walkie talkie with perfect drama. “Officer Judy is down! Please hurry!”
      No! No! Nick’s mind screamed. This hadn’t been the plan, they had it all thought through! Why hadn’t it gone to plan?
      “N-Ni?” The bunny wheezed as the carrot pen fell from her hand, hitting the faux grass that had been washed red seconds ago.
      The lights above the exhibit glared down on Nick, burning into his flesh as his heart thudded against his ribs, filling his ears with the untamed rush of adrenaline filled blood. No! This can’t be happening! His mind screamed.
      The blueberry stain on his fur dripped down as the scarlet fluid stayed wet on his lips. What had he done? What had they made him do?
      The tapping of feet was heard as the silver light burned into him, perfectly highlighting the orchestrated scene. The cotton of the plush deer between his teeth soaked with the dark red of the body in his hands.
      The tapping of feet as they surrounded him. An audience as he sat in the soul scorching lights that put him on display in perfect irony; as the blood was quite literally on his paws, but it did not belong there.
      The gasps and shrieks of the spectacle, the shuffling of uneasy feet. He heard it all. The rustle of a hidden taser that shocked nerves and forced muscles to jolt, jaws to close, teeth to rend.
      But was he shocked in another way as the body of the officer lay at his hands, as blood pooled around the two. And he watched with horror as her eyes became empty and dark.
      Sour was the blood that bathed his tongue, but not by comparison to the injustice that defined the spectacle. The one only he knew about.
      And even as he was muzzled and torn away, was he still picturing her determined face. And still while the straight jacket held him fast in his padded room was he dreaming of the past.
      “Chief Bogo, officer Judy Hopps has been killed in action.”
Three years later...
      Anchovies. Nick thought. They put anchovies on my pizza.
      The yellow lights flared down on him in his ironically matchy jumpsuit as he sat in the cafeteria. The tray in front of him had a sad looking flop of cheese and bread next to a couple of other things that Nick had learned not to ask what they were. The only problem to Nick right now was the little silver fish that the lunch servers had thrown on there. I asked them not to do that.
      The air around Nick was filled with the heavy clattering of silverware as the other inmates ate around him, each trying not to taste what they were putting in their mouth. But Nick casually sat there with his paws in his lap, trying not to look at his food. I hate anchovies.
      This may have been a little dramatic, but at the time it felt right. So many of the other prisoners had given up themselves, lost to the cycle. But not Nick. He refused.
      For three years now Nick Wilde had been in this building. Never aloud to see the open streets, never allowed to venture beyond the barbed electric gate. Treated like any other murderer. And for three years now, Bellwether has been president of Zootopia and the surrounding cities. And the little wooly serpent had made sure to enforce the rules.
      It had been so long since Nick had met anybody other than a predator, apart from the stone-faced officers. Not since the courtroom had ruled him guilty. Bellwether had declared that predators and prey be kept apart in the prisons at all costs, not that the prey prisons were filling up or anything. It was almost a relief that Nick had been locked away for all this time. He didn’t have to see what a mess he had made of the world.
      As the bell above rang and the announcer’s voice on the speakers crackled, Nick halfheartedly grabbed his tray and filed along with the rest of the inmates. As they walked past the trash cans, he dumped his untouched food down into the third smallest one with the rest of the medium predator’s filth before following the line out. He had already eaten twice today, and if he didn’t want his dinner, then he didn’t need to eat it! Nobody was going to make him, at least Bellwether hadn’t done that yet.
      The line led back to the containment room. A large open room with an all around balcony looking down from the upper level cells. The cells varied in sizes, each ready to accommodate their own size of predator. From a tiny otter, to a towering lion. All were held here.
      Nick knew the motions clearly, as they had been drummed into his head over the course of the time he spent here. For thirty minutes the prisoners were allowed to roam the common area between all of the containment rooms. A group of bears and a group of lions, which had been rival gangs in the past, would get into an argument, and maybe even a fight. The wolves would sit together and talk trash about prey animals. And everybody else would sit in their own little space and dream of their past lives or create small talk with the other prisoners.
      But Nick decided to be different. He decided that everyday we would do something different, and today, he decided to do one he had been dreading for a long time. He had talked to the wolves before and engaged in their heated conversations, but he had been able to turn their slanderous tongues away from prey in general and over to Bellwether, which was something they could all agree on.
      But today he was doing something dangerous, because he was going to join one of the rival gangs in their arguments, which could very likely get him killed due to his inadequate size. 
      Breathing deep to calm his slight nervousness, he watched as the two gangs gathered back by the larger cells. “Try everything,” he whispered to himself, before laughing quietly. It was a painful laugh.
      As he began to walk over, he thought about which group he was going to support. It didn’t matter, since the arguments were often stupid anyway, and this wasn’t going to be a permanent alliance or anything. He eventually chose to go with the bears.
      As he crept quietly over behind the gathering bears, he heard one of the lions start. “Just because you can shoulder most animals out of the way doesn’t mean you get to walk on our side of the halls,” he said coldly.
      A large grizzly bear then stepped forward to challenge the lion. “We will walk wherever we want Darion.” She growled, and Nick sighed. This had to be the pettiest gang battle known to mammalkind. But if you lived your life for conflict, you had to find it somewhere.
      Another bear stepped forward, but her voice was loud and untamed. “If you have such a problem, maybe you cats should find a new side of the hall!” She roared, and Nick could already tell that this was going to be a fight. Why had he even gotten himself into this?
      The lion was about to say something when Nick spoke up. “Yes, get your own side!” He said, feeling suddenly awkward as the large heads of the bears turned away from their maned rivals to stare down at the small orange fox amongst them. Nick gulped slightly.
      “What do we have here?” The female grizzly bear, that Nick now understood as the leader of the gang, stood as she slowly came closer. She craned her neck further to look down at him. Nick understood this tactic, it was to make him feel even smaller than he already was. But that didn’t work on him.
      “Willy Bushtail at your service,” he said with a bow. It was his fake name he used, he had used it in countless hustles before. And he used it now because the cops had given him the mercy of not telling the other inmates that he was the convicted murderer of Judy Hopps.
      A couple of the bears laughed, and why shouldn’t they? He was a little orange fox wearing orange and trying to blend in with the ranks of bears. Nick knew this would happen, and brushed it off.
      “Seriously? You got a new member without letting us know?” Darion, the leader of the other gang, said with mock pain in his voice, before starting to laugh. “Aww, and he’s a little bitty fox too! How adorable.”
      Nick rolled his eyes, but one of the other bears, a polar bear, spun around and smacked Darion. “Put a sock in it, kitty cat!” He growled as Darion reeled slightly from the blow. And then the lion struck one himself, raking his claws through the polar bear’s orange jumpsuit. 
      And that’s when the fight that Nick was expecting broke out. Nick slowly backed away as the larger predators beat and clawed at each other. Doing something different was his goal, but it would take him a little longer to actually rush into one of their fights. Maybe he could do that next time.
      Then at the other end of the room where the door was, cops started coming in. They were used to dealing with the fights. And pretty soon all of the members of the fight were detained.
      Nick was silently creeping back to his cell as Darion turned his head to avoid the muzzle that the hippo cop had in her hands.
      “Darion, if you do not cooperate, I will have to tase you,” she said matter-of-factly.
      “Wait!” He shouted. “Willy Bushtail was with the bears! The fox was part of it too!”
      Nick flinched when he heard this. He hadn’t considered that he might wind up in a higher security cell for a couple of days too.
      The hippo suddenly stopped trying to put the muzzle on him and held it in her left hand. “Nick Wilde?” She asked.
      Suddenly a hush fell upon the room, and Nick cringed. He hadn’t heard anybody use his real name for a long time, and knew that his name carried bad connotations. And now people that he had previously fooled with his fake name knew who he really was.
      “Nick Wilde?” Shouted a deep male voice, and he turned to see a large wolverine stand up from next to a badger. He was one of the small talkers, Nick had noticed.
      The wolverine looked down on him with an unreadable expression. “The killer of Judy Hopps.” He laughed a little bit, before turning to face around the room. “Look guys! It’s the killer of the only cop who cared about us!” The wolverine laughed some more, before his face turned hard. “You know, I really do hate foxes.”
      Nick’s heart pounded as the massive predator loomed toward him. He whipped around and bolted as he heard the charging of the angry wolverine.
      “Tase him!” Somebody shouted, and the sound of taser guns firing popped through the air, but did nothing to cease the pounding of paws behind Nick.
      Nick scrambled up the metal stairs, heat jolting as he heard a heavier crashing join seconds after. The metal turned to tile as he leapt over the top of the stairs and dashed desperately.
      The entrance to his cell was just up ahead! Nick hoped he could hold the door shut for long enough for the cops to detain his pursuer. But what if I can’t...
      He could hear the cops running up the stairs… and the wolverine’s heavy footsteps right behind him. I’m not gonna make it. He knew he needed another option, quick. And with years of thinking on his feet, he saw one.
     Desperate, he shot to the side, leaping over the rails and off of the balcony. This is going to hurt. He spread out his limbs to land as the ground raced up at him. Hit the table. Hit the table.
      Suddenly, his body jolted as his vision whirled up, and he let out a yelp. He heard fabric tear as long claws tore through his jumpsuit and suspended him above the gawking inmates below.
      He had been caught. He had never been caught before. Not since...
      “Time to join your victim, fox!” The wolverine snarled, and Nick looked behind to see him lifting his massive claws to swing.
      “Fire!” The voice of the hippo rang out from hind as the razors sped towards Nick’s throat. The large predator jolted as electricity pulsed through his muscles. His long claws swung up suddenly as pain exploded on the right side of Nick’s head.
      The predator dropped him and fell back, stunned, and Nick fell fully this time, body slamming into a table below.
      The fall hurt, but not nearly as much as the paralyzing agony Nick felt as he clutched his face. Over his closed right eye he felt the oozing of water and warm blood. And then he remembered. His mind dug up something he had long since buried deep into the back of his head.
      The day he had bitten Judy, it wasn’t for real. It was only to trick the sheep into thinking that he had really gone savage. But the plan had gone wrong, and Bellwether tased him. His jaw had moved uncontrollably, and he had bitten her for real. He remembered the shock as his fangs pierced her throat, her neck crushing under the power of his teeth. He remembered the straight jacket and the muzzles, and how he was eventually found to not be affected with the nighthowler venom. But that didn’t help him now. Because if he wasn’t insane, he was a murderer. And then it all went black.
                  “No!” Nick shouted as he strained against his chains. “It’s not true! Don’t trust her!”
      The ear splitting sound of the gavel rang out three times, each one killing the words in Nick’s throat. “Silence! Silence!” the kangaroo judge ordered. “You are lucky you even get a trial Nick Wilde. And while you are here you will speak in your turn and only in your turn!”
      Nick’s pelt burned with anger. He and Judy had worked so hard to find the missing mammals, but all of it had been for nothing. Sure, the animals had been found, but Judy had been killed before they could catch the true culprit. No, Judy had been murdered. Murdered by the very accuser that sat on the other side of the judge as an eyewitness.
      “Thank you, Your Honor” Bellwether said politely, before twisting her face in a strange fabricated emotion that only Nick could see through. That sheep was a sociopath. “When I first heard Judy scream, me and the upstanding citizens around me ran that way as fast as we could to make sure she was okay!”
      Psssh, upstanding citizens, Nick scorned inside of his mind. Indeed the other sheep, along with Bellwether, had been the culprits. But only two people had witnessed the actual experiments, and one of them was dead.
      “But when we arrived, it was too late!” The sheep said as crocodile tears pooled in the bottom of her eyes. “And Judy was dead!”
      The kangaroo judge once more tapped her gavel, before turning to Nick. “What do you say in your defense, fox!”
      Nick was ready to let the fire out, and burn this entire courtroom to the ground. “It is true that it was my teeth that dealt the fatal blow to Judy, but it wasn’t by my will!” He shouted.
      There were several murmurs throughout the jury, but the judge looked bored. “Well if it was not your will, who made you do it,” she said dryly.
      Nick swallowed hard as he thought of how to explain the situation. Through all his time in law bending activities, he had never been in a courtroom before. There was so much at stake here, the entire future of Zootopia rested on him, but he didn’t know where to start. At last when he had a truth to tell, his tongue failed to speak a single word.
      With the silence, the judge tapped her gavel once more. “Bellwether, the report says that there were electric burns discovered on Nick Wilde, do you have any idea where those came from?”
      At last Nick knew what to say, but the turn was not his. And one more word spoken at the wrong time could end the trial here and now. He had to trust that Bellwether would mess up, and make his story more credible by doing so.
      But if she was caught off guard, she didn’t show it, until she spoke. “I had to tase him,” her voice warbled strangely.
      Hope came up inside of Nick. Maybe others would hear that slight imperfection in her voice, and they would pick and chip at it until the truth came rolling out. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who saw through the psychotic creature’s lies. How foolish he was to think that though.
      Tears suddenly began to spill from Bellwether’s eyes. “Because I thought… I thought that maybe I could still save-” the sheep suddenly dropped to the ground, weeping.
      Nick flinched at this display, before he realized immediately what she was doing. Nonono… his mind pleaded. By perfectly mimicking the emotions that he had been forced to bury within himself, she manipulated the minds of everybody in the room. Molding their brains like clay.
      After sighing, the judge spoke. “I am sorry for your loss, Bellwether.”
      Nick’s heart nearly stopped. The pity in everybody’s eyes when they looked at Bellwether; instantly shifting into hatred when their gaze turned to him. His fate was sealed, and he had failed.
      Suddenly bringing down her gavel three times, the judge stood up. “Order. Jury, all in belief that the accused is guilty, raise your paw.”
      Nick turned away, refusing to gaze upon as every corrupted hand in the room rose against him.
      The judge then continued in the same tone. “All in belief that the accused is non-guilty, raise your paw.”
      Nick once more decided to not look, but when he heard the shocked gasps of the crowd, he forced himself to turn. And right there in the very center of all of the animals, was a little fennec fox. It was his partner, the very one he was working with the time he met Judy. And he was right there in the center of all of the still mammals, raising his tiny little paw in spite of all of the disgusted looks people were throwing at him.
      Even though the entire world seemed to want to string Nick up, he stared gratefully at that one person who still believed him, that saw past his outside and knew the real him. And Nick mouthed a silent ‘thank you.’
      But it would not be enough. The judge nodded before standing up. “The jury has spoken,” she said before turning to Nick. “I hereby sentence you to,” her eyes threatened to bore holes into Nick’s flesh. “Life in prison! For the life that you have stolen from us!”
      Nick froze, as he realized what that meant exactly. His life would be over. No more traveling, no more hiding his life in the shadows and minding his own business, no more scheming another hustle. His future was gone, and every other predator’s future was broken.
      He fought to hold in the tears that, after all this time of binding his emotions, threatened to escape.
      As the police came up behind him to take him away, Bellwether cried out. “Wait! May I say something?” She pleaded.
      After a second, the kangaroo judge nodded. “Of course Mayor Bellwether. You may get anything off of your chest that you must.”
      The sheep nodded before turning to Nick. “You know Nick, when I first saw you down there, tearing Judy to pieces, I wanted to believe that you were just affected by the same madness of so many other mammals. I wanted to believe that the Nick Wilde that was Judy’s best friend was still buried deep down in there somewhere. But I was heartbroken to find out that you murdered her in cold blood,” the sheep raised her hand as she cleared a sob out of her throat. “But it is even worse to know that you are truly unsavable. Nick, this hurts me more than it hurts you.” Then, after a sniffle, the sheep turned to face the judge. “I am done, Your Honor.”
      Nick was disgusted at how sick the sheep was. The way she could lie without guilt, even about something as fragile as a mammal’s life, made him want to vomit. But still, she wasn’t the only one to blame. He had failed to speak up before she sank her neurotoxic lies into the heads of the people around. He had failed to bring light onto what had really happened. He had failed Judy. As Bellwether walked down the hall to the exit and the officers cuffed and muzzled Nick and dragged him away, he knew one thing. It was her word against his, and his word had failed.
      The single small noise pierced into the darkness of Nick’s mind, as he faded back to consciousness.
      He remembered before, he had been scared of something. Not just afraid, but in mortal terror.
      He knew that his face hurt, and that what had happened before was likely the cause.
      But it didn’t matter. Because he was safe now. Nothing was chasing him. The pain was bearable. Everything was okay.
      He was safe now.
      He was safe now.
      He wasn’t safe now…
      Nick’s eyes opened as he shot upright in the bed, throwing off thin covers. The bright lights stung his eye a little as he looked around the room.
      A machine beeped steadily beside him, eerily consistent with it’s timing. A dark blue curtain hung beside him. The walls were a bland white. Numerous unfamiliar instruments lay around him.
      He suddenly realized that he was in a hospital room. And then it all came rushing back to him.
      First, he tested all of his limbs. Nothing broken. Nothing on his body seemed to even be bandaged. But as he looked around, he realized that the room was weird. It was like he couldn’t quite measure the distances.
      His heart jumped . Maybe he had a concussion! His head didn’t really hurt, but maybe that was even worse.
      He blinked a few times, before looking around to see if there was anything in the room that could give him a hint on his current situation. But despite his keenness for putting things together, his lack of knowledge in the medical field meant he had no idea what the objects around him meant for him personally, except for that he needed to brush up on medical science. If he ever got the chance.
      Then another thought occurred to him. In the five years that he had been confined to the prison building, this may have been the first time that he had ever been outside of it.
      He looked to his left, but was just met with the same dark blue curtain. Then he looked to his right, but oddly found that he hadn’t turned his head far enough the first time.
      Slightly off-put, he strained his neck to look at the wall to his right, turning his body to get a better look.
      But he was met only with drawers, cabinets, a sink, and a door. No windows. He assumed that if this place had any windows, that mister-lucky-side-of-the-curtain had gotten them.
    Nick’s thoughts were broken into by the sound of a door creaking. He whirled back in forth in the bed a bit to see where it was coming from, before he realized that it was coming from the other side of the curtain.
      Small, clopping steps echoed through the sectioned room as somebody entered the room. Nick hoped that whoever it was could explain what was going on.
      A figure, tall in stature, pressed into the curtain slightly, before swiping it out of the way. Through the second the curtain was pulled back, Nick strained to see if there were any windows on the other side of the room, but the sliver of unblocked space wasn’t enough to tell him.
      Nick’s gaze fell upon the zebra who entered. She was tall, just like he thought, and wore a seafoam-colored uniform that bore her name; Adamma Equus.
      She wore a melancholy expression as she stepped over beside him with gloves over her hands. “Sit still,” she said, “I am just going to change out your bandages.”
      Nick was confused. “Bandages?” He said, questioning.
      “Yes, bandages. The ones on your face? Or were you not aware of the giant patch over your eye.”
      Nick realized that he did feel something tight on his head, and his paws immediately shot up to his face. He inhaled sharply as he felt the fabric and other materials wrapped around the right side.
      Paws shaking, he looked at Adamma, who was pulling supplies from the cabinets. “Wh-What happened?” He asked.
      She left the question hanging for a moment as she grabbed some bandages into a bundle, before she finally responded. “Your eye was torn out. You don’t remember?” She said in the most matter-of-fact tone possible.
      Panic struck Nick like cold water, as he grasped at the bandages around his head. “Tell me you’re joking,” he said, searching the area around for something slightly reflective.
      Adamma’s braided black-and-white mane fell around her neck as she approached him. “Why don’t you look for yourself?”
      She handed him a small spoon from within the drawers. Nick froze when he saw himself.
      The entire right-side of his face had been obscured in layers of gauze and bandages. He knew that Adamma was telling the truth.
      Suddenly, he remembered. The wolverine, the running, and the claws that had sliced across his face.
      He dropped the spoon and felt a bit queasy.
      Adamma picked it up off of the covers.
      “Will you be able to fix it…” Nick said quietly, holding back his panic. In all his years of close-calls and stressful situations, he had almost always been able to squirm out of harm’s way. He had never lost a body part before. He didn’t even know if that had ever been a thought that crossed his mind! He had never really thought, could I lose a body part?
      Adamma snorted, something Nick would have never expected as a response to his question, let alone from a professional.
      “Maybe in a higher-class hospital we could do something. Likely not fix it entirely. But here? The best thing we can do is hope your face doesn’t look horribly maimed in the future!”
      Nick froze. “Higher… class…” he spoke low and dark. Don’t tell me that means what I think it means.
      “What did you expect?” Adamma said. “You’re a convicted murderer, for one. And for two, your a predator. Bellwether won’t risk you going bonkers and tearing up the patients in the prey hospitals.”
      Nick had a bitter taste in his mouth from what she just said. He stared hard at his paws in his lap.
      “I have seen what you creatures can do,” Adamma said, quietly and laced with spite.
      Nick looked at her and saw something behind her expression. This wasn’t just a hateful person. There was something in those eyes that told him she had lost something, something to a predator.
      “Is she still-“ Nick held his tongue, knowing if he finished, he could get himself into trouble. “Are… predators still going savage..?”
      Adamma was selecting tools for the bandage change when he asked, and she didn’t look up from her task. “Sometimes. But the new safety measures that President Bellwether has ensured have been causing the rate to decline. Since taming collars have been released, less predators have been going savage.”
      “What is a taming collar?” Nick asked.
      “I’m surprised that they haven’t already been issued in the prisons,” Adamma replied. “It’s a device around a predator’s neck that administers a small electric shock when a predator gets too emotional for their own good,” Adamma replied as she began to unwrap a few layers of bandages. “It’s to prevent you from snapping. Now hold still.”
      Nick felt around his neck, but only felt the soft fur of his throat. He hadn’t been collared, yet.
      “I said hold still,” Adamma scolded.
      Suddenly, there was a thump against the wall to his right, something had been thrown against it. Nick’s ears shot up to listen.
      Nick couldn’t see whether or not Adamma reacted, but he felt her hands stop.
      Adamma murmured something under her breath before continuing.
      Then there was another one, except this one was much louder, and shook the entire room.
      Nick’s head automatically turned to see what the cause was, but not far enough, so he turned it more.
      “What the…” Adamma said as she instinctively braced herself against the side of Nick’s hospital bed.
      “Could that be somebody in another room? Or…”
      “No. That wall has nothing but outside on the other side,” Adamma replied, obviously thinking.
      “Oh,” Nick said. Guess this place just doesn’t do windows.
      They both stared at the wall in silence for about thirty seconds. Then, Adamma was satisfied. “I don’t think-“
      Nick never heard the end of that sentence. There was a giant crack, and next thing he knew the world was rolling around him.
      He felt himself hit against something rough, that then enveloped his vision as he whirled into  darkness. He clanged against something hard.    
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 58 - The Magical book of Death
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Warning !: Crossover with another existence !! Long chapter (Over 3 000 words) ! Enjoy !
You and Loki rode for a few hours through villages and a bit of forests. The forests were little and not really big and amazing, but they still looked beautiful. Soon you led Loki into a huge, deep, never - ending forest. You two rode for another 30 minutes, reaching a very deep place in the never - ending forest.
You halted and Loki did the same. You dismounted your horse first, Loki was doing the same a second later.
"Alright...what now ?", Loki asked you.
You pointed at a huge rock. It was so big, that it could make a cave of some sort.
"We need to find the entrance into this rock. Then we can continue our journey.", you answered him.
Loki nodded in understanding and began to search with you. 12 minutes later you found the entrance.
"Loki !! I found it !!", you yelled.
Loki came rushing to you. You pointed at the entrance.
"It is here and I know how to get access.", you told him smugly.
"Well then, how do we get in ?"
"Easy. Give me your hand."
Loki gave you his hand. Not a second later he hissed in pain. You sliced his palm open and then dragged him to a part of the rock, sliding Loki's hand on it and smearing his blood on it. The entrance opened after that. Loki tore his hand back.
"You could have warned me !", Loki hissed.
"I could have, but would you have agreed ?", you asked him bored.
"....No...", Loki admitted.
"See ? Then were was the point in telling or warning you ?", you huffed out.
You snapped your hands and created a flame in your hand. Then you turned to Loki.
"Let's go."
Loki nodded and followed you, creating himself a flame with a snap of his fingers.
"Any traps ?", Loki asked her cautiously.
"Nope !", you said popping the 'p'.
Loki looked confused.
"Why not ? Any tasks ?"
You huffed out in annoyance.
"No Loki. I don't know, Loki. Shut up Loki. We will see, Loki."
Loki fell silent after that. _________________________________________
You came to a dead end. Loki made a frustrated sound and threw his arms up in anger.
"All this walking around for hours, for nothing !! Great !!", he yelled.
You looked around, rolling your eyes at the Diva called Loki Laufeyson.
"You should have been more careful and put traps here ! Or impossible tasks ! Just SOMETHING !!!", he rambled on.
You felt magic in the air and concentrated. After a few seconds you stepped back in utter shock and awe.
"Now we have to search in whole Asgard to find that damn boo-!!"
"A Portal...", you interrupted Loki's rambling, with awe.
Loki stopped and stared at you.
"What ?", he asked in confusion.
You turned to Loki.
"Loki, the helmet and the book aren't here ! They are through that Portal !"
"What Portal ?"
"It is right in front of us ! We just can't see it !"
Loki looked at you in awe. You swallowed and then went into the Portal. As you stepped out of it, you weren't in the cave anymore, or anywhere near Asgard ! You were in another Dimension. And as you looked around and at yourself, you knew where the heck you were at. Let us just say, you were NOT amused.
"Oh, you've gotta be shittin' me...", you mumbled.
"What is this place ? I have never seen something like this before...", Loki's voice appeared.
You jumped up in the air and looked then at Loki.
"Damn Loki ! Don't sneak up on me !!", you huffed out.
Loki smiled at you mischievously. But it quickly turned into a look of utter shock.
"D-Destiny ?", he asked in utter shock.
You looked at yourself again and huffed out an annoyed noise.
"Yes, it is I, Loki.", you answered him.
"Where are we ?", he asked again.
"In another Dimension. Another existence. No Avengers, no Gods, no Nine Realms."
"Does this 'Dimension' have a name ?", Loki asked a bit skeptical.
"It has many names, but its actual name is 'Skulduggery Pleasant'. We are in another magical Dimension...And I am a male in here. Name is Erskin Hollow."
(Character doesn't really exist in the books, owner of them is Derek Landy ! I just lend it for the story.)
"That is why you look and sound like a male !"
"Yeah, well, I left that Dimension just like that. I play with the true Erskin Hollow a game with my Father. Bruh."
You looked around again and then groaned.
"No ! Why the fuck me ?!", you cursed.
"What is it ?"
"We got spotted by Skulduggery and Valkyrie. Fuck...", you cursed.
"Valkyrie ?", Loki asked in shock.
"Not that kind of Valkyrie ! It is just her name, she gave herself. Her full self - given name is Valkyrie Cain."
"Given name ?"
"You have a lot to learn... Just don't tell them your name."
"Why ?"
"I will explain later.", you whispered into his ear.
"Erskin ! I was starting to think that you didn't want to help us.", Skulduggery said.
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(For people who don't know about the books and characters, that is Skulduggery Pleasant. Pics don't belong to me ! Just lending them !)
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(That is Valkyrie Cain)
You laughed and stretched out your arms.
"Why would you think that, Skul, old friend ? You know me."
He crocked his head to the right lightly.
"I do not.", he said.
You played the hurt person.
"Ouch. Now you hurt me.", you joked.
Loki looked totally pale and looked at you in utter shock.
"I-is that really a living skeleton ?", he asked in horror.
"Yep ! He is Skulduggery Pleasant. Is a skeleton now for a few hundrets of years. He died in a war and came back as they were about to lose the war. Long story said in short.", you explained.
"A new Magician ?", Valkyrie asked.
You nodded and shook your head.
"Kinda and then again kinda not. He is gifted with Magic since childhood and trained with it, but he is...not from around our world, so to say.", you tried to explain.
"Alright, what is going on ?", Skulduggery asked you.
You scratched your neck in discomfort.
"Let us talk in a safe place, please ?", you asked them.
Skulduggery and Valkyrie looked around and then nodded. Skul pointed at a black car.
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(Bentley of Skulduggery)
"Let us hopp into the Bentley then. We will go to Ghastly's place.", he said.
"Okay.", you responded.
"Do we have to go ?", Loki whispered into your ear in fear.
"We have to. Do not worry. They are all nice as long as you are not a threat.", you told him.
He hushed you.
"They will hear us. Don't be so loud.", he whisper - hissed at you.
"I can still hear you.", Skulduggery said.
You chuckled as Loki looked at him in utter horror.
"What did you think of a dead man ? He is a skeleton that can talk, move, think, hear and act like a living person. He can hear every little rustle of paper.", you told him chuckling.
Loki was as white as a corpse at that. You laughed at his shocked face, it looked like he will black out any moment. Reminds you on Valkyrie's and Skulduggery's second meeting as she fell into a black out in utter shock. A skeleton was in her house, saving her life from another dangerous man of his world that then soon became her world too. Madness of the finest kind.
You and Loki hopped into the Bentley at the backseats and Valkyrie was in the passenger seat. Skulduggery was the driver.
"How can he see ?", Loki asked you hushed.
"Magic, boy.", Skulguggery answered him.
Loki looked at him weirdly.
"Magic can't do that. Not from where I am from.", Loki told them.
"Well here it can. Thanks to Magic I can do all of this.", Skulduggery answered back simply.
"What are you by the way ? Are you an Elemental Magician, Teleporter, Vampire, Monster, Banshee, Necromancer, Wizard, Warlock or an Alchemist ?", Valkyrie asked Loki.
Loki stared at her in utter shock and then at you.
"I...I don't know...", he mumbled.
"You trained with your Magic since you were a child and you don't know what kind of Magician you are ? That is something new.", Skulduggery mumbled impressed.
"Ever heard of Seidr, Skul ?", you asked him.
"Se...what ?", he asked you confused.
"Seidr. That is his Magic."
He was silent for a while.
"No I do not, Erskin. Interesting...A new kind of Magic..."
"From where I come from Seidr is not easy to have and to use. It took me hundreds of years to be what I am now. Seidr is also choosing the one who is worthy of it. I was worthy of it and my Mother chose to share her knowledge with me about it, because she also owned it. Just me and my Mother own Seidr in my home."
Skulduggery nodded and hummed at that.
"Interesting...", he mumbled.
"Wait ! Seidr ?! That sounds like Norse Mythology ! Wait I will search it up !", Valkyrie said.
A few seconds later she cheered.
"I found it !"
"Then start, Valkyrie.", you and Skulduggery said.
"Seidr is a rare kind of very powerful Magic. The only people who own it are the Gods named: Sigyn, Frigga/Frigg and Loki. Frigga is the Goddess of Wedding and Family, Loki is the God of Mischief and Lies and Sigyn is the Goddess of Victory."
"Interesting...", mumbled Skulduggery.
"Don't tell me that his name is Loki.", Valkyrie said.
You chuckled.
"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he will call himself like that."
"That would be cool."
'Don't call yourself that. That is already your given name and would do no help in keeping you safe', you thought to Loki.
'I do not understand what is going on here...'
'You will find out in a few minutes. Trust me.'
Loki nodded and then was quiet. _________________________________________
They stopped and Loki looked around in disgust. This place looked filthy.
"Where are we ?", Loki asked.
"At our destination.", you answered him.
"And WHERE is that ?", Loki asked clearer.
"Bespoke Tailors."
"This place looks awful.", Loki commented.
"It is planned like that, so Mortal's don't plan to explore this little village.", you explained.
"Don't stare, by the way. Ghastly Bespoke is...not really pretty. To put it nicely."
"He is plain ugly. He looks like an absolute horror character.", Skulduggery said.
Loki looked at you scared.
"He is not that bad. Skulduggery is joking. His whole head is covered in scars tho. It doesn't look pretty. It was a curse and nothing helped to get it away from him. His Mother was cursed and it went over to Ghastly."
"Nothing helped ?", he repeated in a question.
"Nothing helped.", you nodded.
"Oh dear..."
They then walked into the shop and you smiled. Ghastly was a good friend of yours.
A man came from the backroom and smiled.
"Erskin, Skulduggery, Valkyrie ! Nice to see you again !", a man, covered in scars, greeted them.
"Heya Ghastly !", you greeted.
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(I guess you can read the most important informatons on this picture.)
"What do you need ?", he asked you and the rest.
"We need to talk.", you told him and the rest.
"Alright. Then take a seat."
You and the others went to the couch and sat down.
"Alright. What is going on ?", Valkyrie asked you and Loki again.
"Well...He is from another Dimension. I once told you about the job I have. So you can imagine.", you explained awkwardly.
"He is from another Dimension, another existence ?", Ghastly asked to clarify.
"Yep. Pretty much."
"Why is he here with you then ?", Skulduggery asked.
"We search a certain book and a helmet that belonged to Destiny Andrea Dust."
Skulduggery and Ghastly stiffened.
"She was also doing that thing ?", they asked.
"She did. Now it is me."
'Why are you lying to them ?'
'Because I died here a long time ago and it is not their time to know the truth.'
Loki was quiet again.
"Who is Destiny ?", Valkyrie asked.
"Skulduggery's dead daughter.", you answered.
"What ?! But you told me that you just had a son !"
"I did. Destiny was Genderfluid. She had her days of being she/her and the next day it was just he/him and the name was Heiko. Because she mostly was a he, I decided to stay with the term son.", Skulduggery explained.
'That is...'
'Deep ?', you asked Loki.
'In every Dimension I am different with the others. Here I am Genderfluid and in your Dimension I am gifted with more than one personality. Easy.'
"So she was kind of a Transgender ?", Valkyrie asked.
"No. A Transgender complains about being born in the wrong body. A Genderfluid has kind of two gender personalities. There are many other words to call such people. But some days they want to have the pronounces of she/her and on other day it is he/him. And sometimes it is none and just they/them. Because both gender personalities are in control.", you explained.
"Yep. Sometimes they are either gay, straight or lesbian. Sounds weird, but it is like that."
"Oh my god..."
"Anyway ! We drift off of the topic at hand ! The reason I am searching these things !"
"Go on...", Ghastly said.
"Well, in his Dimension we have a lot of troubles and the book, we search, would help us to avoid a terrible fate."
"You need help ?", Valkyrie offered.
"Well, I know where it is already. I just need a lot of skill, to get on it.", you laughed nervously.
"Well then good luck, Erskin.", Skulduggery said.
"Thanks. You too on your case. As soon as I have the book and saved some ass I will return and help. I promise. Bye !"
With that you teleported yourself and Loki away into a forest. You huffed.
"Okay...That was close.", you said.
"Close ?"
"Skulduggery and Valkyrie love mysteries. Finding and destroying artifacts are one of their other hobbies and they are friends with someone called China Sorrows. She is a collector and she would be after that book and even worse, she would try and use its powers. Nope. Not happening. Now come and follow me."
Loki nodded and followed you. The deeper you went into the forest, the more Loki felt watched and in danger.
"Where are we going ?", he asked.
"To a cursed part of this forest. There we will find, what we came for."
Loki's eyes widened like dinner plates on Asgard.
"What ?!", Loki whisper - yelled.
"Just a few angered skeleton ghosts, Zombies and other scary things. You will be fine.", you cheered him up.
Loki laughed darkly.
"Yeah, because I fought such things once before and totally know them !", he said sarcastically.
"Good. Then one more reason to not be surprised and worried.", you said happily.
Loki looked at you in disbelief.
"You know that I wasn't serious, right ?", Loki growled out.
You stopped and turned around, looking at him in shock.
"You joked ? Why would you joke about such a thing ?", you said in mock - shock.
Loki didn't hear the mocking and joking tho.
"No ! I have no idea !"
"Loki, I know. Just stay near me and do the same as I do. You will be fine."
Then you and Loki continued. Loki grumbling behind you. _________________________________________
You were on the run.
(belongs to SMG4 sound Library)
"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT !!!", you yelled the curse and ran with Loki for your lives.
Everything was chasing you two. Why ? Because Loki had to be an idiot.
"YOU IDIOT !!!" _________________________________________
You closed the entrance you finally found of the hidden place of your helmet and the book. You turned around and glared at the panting Loki.
"The next time you listen to me !! I know more of this Dimension than you ! I had to face everything here ! You don't know anything about this place !", you scolded him angered.
Loki looked away from you and down at the floor in shame.
"I am sorry... I was too curious..."
"Curiosity here is death. Now let's move. I want to go back home, before you get us both killed by accident.", you told him softer and helped him up.
"Okay...I am sorry still...", he mumbled softly.
You sighed.
"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we are still alive.", you tried to cheer him up.
Then you grabbed his hand and led him behind you, pulling him along to the helmet and book. _________________________________________
Soon you were in another chamber. A HUGE chamber. A silver light shone onto something shiny. You and Loki went closer and you smiled softly at what you saw.
"My helmet !", you said relieved.
"And there is the book !", Loki cheered.
You looked to his right and then saw it too.
"Yes ! We made it. As soon as we have them, I can teleport us back."
Loki wanted to run to grab the book.
"WAIT !!"
Loki stopped dead in his tracks.
"We have to pull them off of their places at the same time and quickly teleport. Here are traps everywhere. Ready to murder us if needed !"
Loki nodded and ran to the book. Having a hold of it. You grabbed your old helmet and then counted to three.
"1 !"
Loki got more ready, like you did.
"2 !"
You both broke a sweat already.
"3 !"
And you both pulled the item you held to yourselves fastly. The ground began to shake violently.
"LOKI !!! GET HERE NOW !!", you yelled in utter panic.
You both had to leave and that fast ! Loki ran to you, the ground giving in behind him. He pulled you into a tight hug, having a firm grip on the book and you quickly opened a portal below yourselves and you both fell through it. Loki let go of you, without even wanting it.
"AAAAAAHHHH !!!", Loki screamed first.
"AAAAAAAHHHH !!!", you screamed too.
Suddenly there was ground and you turned yourself around and Loki did the same, so you will land on your backs.
You firstly collided with the floor.
"OOF !!", it knocked the wind out of your lungs.
Loki collided next.
"ARGH !!", he yelled in pain as he landed.
You both tried to catch your breath after that and stayed on the floor. Loki hugged the book tightly and you the helmet.
Soon you both got up and you looked at the book. Loki just then realized that you looked again like the person, he was friends with. He and you were back in his Dimension.
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"We did it...We got the second book, Loki !", you cheered.
Loki smiled in triumph. Then the smile disappeared.
"Where are we ?", he asked in confusion.
You also looked around. Your eyes soon widened.
"Oh no...", you whispered.
Part 59
Masterlist with all Chapters of this Story click here !  
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the-delta-42 · 4 years
Fic list
Fics that I’ve been inspired to write due to posts made by @lenoreofraven, @galahadwilder, @nerdasaurus1200, @gale-gentlepenguin
My other Accounts:
FF.net  DA.com  AO3 YouTube
Multi-chaptered Fics
War Circle AU - Miraculous Ladybug AU, Marinette has an older brother who has the Wolf Miraculous, the head of the War Circle.
The Pirate Prince - Post BOTW.  Severe AU. Link was orphaned at 3 months old and taken in by the King of the Gerudo, Ganondorf. Fast-forward seventeen years later, a disagreement results in Link leaving and start sailing the seas as the captain of The Fierce Deity, a Pirate ship that is known for hunting down various Criminals and pirates alike, But the winds of destiny throw Link back to his family. Zelink.
To Find Hyrule -  Link never expected to find a home on the waves. Tetra never expected to find a home in a person. A Series of non-chronological One-Shots that'll vary in length that'll follow Link and Tetra, and their growing relationship, as they look for New Hyrule. Set after Phantom Hourglass. I decided there wasn't enough of Tetra and Link, so here's a series of one shots around them. Telink.
To Find Hyrule Reblogged - The To Find Hyrule series in Chronological Order
Agents Like Us -  A.U: Before Nick was hustling with Finnick, he was a secret agent with Mammal Military Intelligence 5 and FBI. Now, ten years after Nick left, his old partner has come to call. After all, Nick can't run from Jack, not again. This story will contain Ships. Featuring Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Jack Savage and Others.
Rewrite History - Bunnyx changing history of Ladybug’s orders, in an attempt to avert a disastrous event.
To the Final Frontier - Miraculous Star Trek AU.
Valentine’s Prompts - The Prompts from DeviantArt’s Valentine’s day
Bridges AU - Adrien and Marinette have a falling out and Marinette is forced through the pain of losing her family. Started out as salt, future parts will retcon things
Marivenger - Marinette teaming up with the Avengers
Critical - Marinette is injured in an Akuma attack and is left fighting for her life
Armed AU - While fighting an Akuma, Ladybug is disarmed and exposed to the city of Paris
Hush AU - Marinette’s parents discovery her secret
Rules of Precinct One -  The rules that all Officers in Precinct One have to follow. Zootopia.
Revealed - Marinette has a terrible secret revealed after Rose is Akumatized
New Car AU -  Marinette thought she had a normal car, after her last one was stolen and torched, but it opened her world up for a whole lot of insanity.
Maribat -  Genetics are a wonderful thing, unless the substitute Science teacher is an arsehole. Bio Dad Bruce Wayne.
Miraculous Transformers - All MLB-TF cross over fics
In Plain Sight -  Transformers AU: LB-14 and CN-15 were dispatched to Paris under orders from Optimus Prime. Nowhere in those orders was the recommendation for them to crash into a building and reveal themselves to a group of locals.
Autobot City - Transformers: Prime, Rescue Bots & Robots in Disguise 2015 AU
Grief -  WARNING! THIS STORY HAS MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, VIOLENCE AND SOMEONE TAKING THEIR OWN LIFE! IF THIS IS LIKELY TO SET YOU OFF IN ANY WAY DO NOT READ! A moment is all it took. A moment is the cost of a battle. A moment that starts a whole domino effect that leads to the end for so many.
Too Far AU - This series has implied and referenced rape/non-con elements. If this is likely to trigger, offend or otherwise make you react in a negative way DO NOT READ! A group from another class believe Lila's lies too well and believe Marinette is working with Hawkmoth. The group decide to take the law into their own hands, only for them to go too far in their 'interrogation' techniques.
Winged Mirabel AU - An Encanto AU where Mirabel has wings
Know Better AU -  My parts for Tumblr's Fake Apology AU, but I'm going to remove as much of the salt from it as possible.
Marinette hears Nino and Adrien talking and gets the wrong end of the stick, which creates a domino effect that causes a dark secret to be revealed. TW: contains mentions of abuse, past non-con and Gabriel Agreste being a shit person
Family - Alvin and Rebecca reluctantly agree to foster Clementine, a troubled child they've fostered before, after her latest foster family send her back into care.
TWDG Wing AU - If you were fortunate enough, you were born with wings. If you weren’t, you’d hope a child in your family would born with wings. Lee and his younger brother fell into the former camp, their parents were in the camp with them. Centuries ago, people with wings were once treated as deities, then were hunted, and then treated with the utmost respect. After an apocalypse interrupts Lee's journey to prison, he suddenly finds himself acting as a guardian for a little girl called Clementine. While doing his best to care for, and protect, her, he finds himself on the long road to redemption.
TWDG Reunions AU - After Clementine and AJ are exiled from the school, they make their way to New Richmond and the New Frontier. After reuniting with some old friends and a couple of accidents, the pair forge a new life in the community. Ten years later, they experience a tragedy and an unexpected reunion.
Shit be True - Chloe chose the wrong time to screw everyone over.
Marinette and Cataclysm - Ever wondered what happens when Cataclysm is used on the human body?
Wing span - The Classes first flying lesson
Three and Down - An Akuma regresses the ages of the class, literally.
Stressed - *Updated 19/07/2022*  Marinette suffers a stoke at school that seems to be normal at first, but is later found to be anything but natural
The Reveal that Wasn’t - After discovering Chat Noir’s identity, Marinette has doubts that he would truly love her.
All your little tricks - The Downfall of Hawkmoth and his protégé 
Jerks - Adrien does something stupid and gets little sympathy
Secrets - The Class knows one of Marinette’s deepest secrets, and guard it with their lives.
Fallen - An accident occurs when Marinette is relishing in her newest hobby
Betrayal - Chat Noir is forced to betray Ladybug, but can only turn to Marinette to help save himself.
Nap Time - Marinette is sleep deprived and will not get up
Swimmingly - Ladybug can do anything, as long as it isn’t in the water.
An Unexpected turn - Hawkmoth wins, but also loses.
Cry of a Wolf - An Akuma turns people in animals
King Chilli - Kim plays the wrong kind of prank on Ladybug and suffers from the fallout.
Champion - Hawkmoth has Akuma’s, Ladybug has Champions
Cure - Marinette will do anything to save her father’s life, even if it meant selling her soul down the river to do it.
The Shield - Wild accidentally mentions how Time was able to beat the Gerudo warriors of his Hyrule, Buliara want to see him put his money where his mouth is
Fears -  Link finds out about Tetra's most embarrassing secrets. Telink oneshot based on a headcanon I have. Rated T for hinted/mentioned past child abuse
Pockets - A Pseudo Collab between me and @lenoreofraven, I say pseudo because she started and I just jumped on the wagon
Ghosts from the Past - Beckett Mariner has been in Starfleet roughly ten years as of 2380. The Dominion War was 2373 to 2375.
Survivors - A Continuation of Ghosts from the Past
Traitor - Currently in progress
Therapy - Beckett finally gets help
Too Much Salt - Two beans accidentally over season their food
Meet me inside -  Chloe pushes Marinette too far and shit hits the fan
Broken -  The Butterfly Miraculous was damaged when Gabriel started abusing it, leaving invisible scars on his victims. Some scars are more dangerous than others.
@gale-of-the-nomads said I could run with it, so I did.
Off Sick -  Marinette and her family are forced to self-isolate after one of their regulars tests positive
Redemption -  Alya is forced on a spending spree, after finding a pile of gift cards that are almost out of date.
Leap of Faith -  Link's thoughts on his task to save Hyrule. Set right after getting the paraglider.
Ladybug Fainted -  Chat finds out Ladybug's identity because she unified too many miraculous and she collapses leaving Chat in a panic. Alya thought Chat was making a Pokémon joke
Infected -  Ladybug in injured during an Akuma attack that occurred during her patrol while Chat was resting.
A Second Chance -  An Akuma forces Ladybug to call in a disgraced former member of her team, allowing them to have a chance at forgiveness.
Not a Soul -  While Chat is on a work trip, Ladybug comes up against an Akuma that has a taste for souls and Ladybug is left feeling strangely empty.
OoT Headcanon - Not really a fic, but it’s close enough
Crack - Marinette has a habit that leads to a reveal
A Glitch in the Matrix - Max has a hobby that no one can know about
Facsimilie -  Gabriel was right about there being a Sentimonster, he just wasn't right on who it was.
Since You’ve Been Gone -  At the first chance they get, Adrien and Kagami leave Paris to escape their controlling parents. When they return eight years later, they find that life has moved on and not in the way they were expecting.
Breaking the Wall -  Based off of Doctor Who S9E11: Heaven Sent.
Marinette is trapped by an Akuma with only two options; Give up or chisel away at a crystal wall until she is free. The catch? Don't let the Shadow get you.
Princess Justice - After a robbery 'gone wrong', Marinette finds herself attending her mothers funeral. Just one incident away from breaking the camels back. Shadowmoth suddenly finds himself realising that he can't control every Akuma he sends out.
Hamilton -  College Francais Dupont does Hamilton. Goes a well as you'd expect. Something nice and light hearted after my previous fic.
Clingy -  An ungodly early start has Marinette falling asleep on the bus with her classmates and other students. This leads to an incident that Kagami would deny ever happened. She has a reputation to up hold after all.
Creep -  After winning a competition, Marinette finds herself with an unwanted admirer and her friends enter detective mode to track them down.
Innocent Angels -  Marinette is innocent in many areas, she just didn't realise the meaning of her words until too late.
Fetch -  Ladybug has a plan to get the Miraculous back. Unfortunately, it requires an appendage from Monarch.
Disbelief -  Gabriel hits rock bottom, but instead of going up, he decides to cut out the one this he is certain on. He just didn't expect to be wrong.
My Gift to You -  Marinette's mother's birthday is coming up and Marinette doesn't know what to get her. It's only when she finds a forgotten object, that she has an idea. Also part of the War Circle AU.
Nightmares -  Nightmares aren't uncommon, but when five people who all know each other have too similar nightmares, that can't be a coincidence.
Limp -  Lila discovers that Marinette is an amputee. She also discovers that everyone else already knows and that she's the last one to find out.
*This was going to be longer but I felt it was finished*
Ashes to Ashes -  An Akuma goes after Marinette's parents and only stops after the Bakery is in flames, leaving Marinette without her parents and her identity known.
Upper Decks - 25 years after meeting Tendi aboard the USS Cerritos, Mariner has risen through the ranks, whether she wanted to or not. USS Shran, her fifth command, is scheduled with the Cerritos in order to collect some transferring officers. Set dur the Star Trek Online Klingon War Arc.
Road to Recovery - Almost three years after the war with Delta, Clementine suddenly vanishes while fishing, leaving a void in Louis's life. Six months later, she is returned to them. Broken and afraid, leaving Louis and the other survivors of their group to pick up the pieces.
A Sight to Behold - Marinette unintentionally reveals a secret to the class, and no it's not her identity.
Delay - Dolores starts panicking on her wedding day and Mirabel in elected to prevent Mariano from seeing Dolores's dress, at any cost.
Works that aren’t mine, but I’ve reblogged because they weren’t tagged on the home blog:
Know Better, Do Better - A Salt AU that I find interesting. This one is weird because the Author has four of the works listed. This one is by @nobodyfamousposts
Moral dues - This is another one I like, although I’ve been thinking on separating the parts into individual posts, since the length of the full think can make scrolling through it a nightmare. I’m also thinking on adding to it. This one has many different authors contributing to it, however the source inspiration for this post, and story, is @a-ratt who was previously know as Apex Primus
Betrayal au - This is the one post that was sitting in my drafts for so long that there are further parts that aren’t reblogs. This one shows a darker side to Adrien towards the end of it. The original poster for this is @lenoreofraven 
Warm - Gerudo!Link AU. Zelink
Mother Urbosa - Urbosa raising Link
Ganondad - Ganondorf adopting Link
Gerudo Link - Link but he’s a Gerudo Male
Mama Impa - Impa adopts Link
Shiekah Link - Link but he’s a Sheikah
Not mine - Fics that are usually one shots but sometimes are just chapters from a greater story that I haven’t gotten around to looking at.
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askdawnandvern · 4 years
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Mrs. Wilde: It is true! And not just Cotton, but a few other little Hopp's kits as well.
Nick: i think they just wanted an excuse to visit the city.
Mrs. Wilde: Oh Hush Nicky! They were delighted when I invited them along!
Nick: Well I wasn't. Who goes out and Yule carols anymore!?
Mrs. Wilde: Well Judy loved it, and so did Cotton! And oh Cotton has the lovilest little singing voice! I think somebunny is going to grow up to be a big star with a voice like that!
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officcrhopps · 2 years
Judy Hopps // 25 // Police Officer // Non-Magical
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Born as Judith Laverne Hopps but Judy is just fine, thank you very much. It’s not that she doesn’t like her full name she just associates her full name being used when being reprimanded as a child, which wasn’t very often. Growing up she was a very pleasant child. She was bright, inquisitive, and creative. She was always trying her best to overachieve and got the best grades in her grade. (A grade only full of 67 kids but it’s still an accomplishment!) 
She was born and raised in Bunnyburrow. A town only a few hours drive north of Walt Grove. Though the winters were a bit harsh farming season and summers were bright and warm. She was raised on a farm with her parents and many younger siblings. Her parents crop of choice was carrots and they had the juiciest and sweetest carrots around! They were a huge hit and were always selling out at the local grocery store and farmer’s markets. 
Carrots weren’t their only specialty though! Turnips, beets, lettuce, and broccoli are a few others to name. 
Aside from crops on the farm there were plenty of animals. Chickens, cows, goats, a few horses, and even a llama named Greg. Judy never went a day without fresh milk from the cows or eggs from the chicken coop. 
Growing up Judy had a lot of aspirations. She wanted to be anything and everything. An astronaut, doctor, scientist, and finally when she was in fourth grade she decided on police officer and never looked back. There was one thing for certain and that was she didn’t want to end up being a farmer for the rest of her family like her parents and grandparents before them. She didn’t hate farm life and she loved her family and land, but she aspired to be more. She wanted to make a difference in the world and selling carrots at the market wasn’t going to do that.
Walt Grove a lot more logical to move to than a bigger city like NYC. It was closer to home and was big enough for Judy to just be able to dip her toes into the real world for her to see if she liked it. (She did.) Besides, she was always shooting to do more so maybe one day she will move to a bigger city!
The move was easier than she thought it would be. Sure, she was sad to leave her family but the facetimed almost daily and she was always sending them pictures of the ‘big city.’ It was big to them at least. 
The scariest thing about Walt Grove, to Judy, wasn’t the crime or living alone but the citizens! Everyone was so different and unique and back in Bunnyburrow everyone knew everyone and people were very bland. The scary she felt in Walt Grove was a good kind though. The kind where you’re nervous and excited at the same time. Kind of like a haunted house.
Enrolling in the police academy was the most difficult thing she ever did. From day one it was evident that the odds were stacked against her. She was the smallest and youngest in her class and knew it would be a trial. That didn’t stop her though! She was determined to graduate top of her class. And she did. There were plenty of times she felt down on her luck or wanted to quit but the voice in the back of her head told her to keep going and try harder so she did.
After graduating she knew she wouldn’t be thrown into investigating a crime ring or something similar right away but she didn’t expect to be on parking duty. That was baby stuff and she had gotten top marks! Still, she went in with a smile on her face and a good head on her shoulders. 
 Meeting Nick Wilde was not something that she ever thought would change her life but he did. For the better? Most likely. Judy did not like Nick at all when she first met him. She thought he was cocky and rude and she didn’t appreciate his attitude, nor did she appreciate his tax evasion and scams. Still, despite everything the two stuck together and worked together on their on going investigation.
The disappearance of Emmett Otterton was something that’s been kept very hush hush in the town and Judy needs to know why. She knows about the experiments and the magic but she doesn’t understand it all. There is a missing piece to it all and she just can’t figure out what, or who, that piece might be. She’s so close to figuring it out though. She knows it. 
The longer she spends with Nick the closer she grows to him. She does care about him and he has helped her so much in her investigation in Walt Grove and she just hopes he knows that she appreciates him and his company.
There have been plenty of nights where Judy has just broken down and cried because she feels so overwhelmed and stressed. She misses her family a lot too so that doesn’t help, but she feels like she can’t confide in them because they will just guilt her into going home.
When she was a teenager Judy dressed pretty casual aside from special events, but now that she’s in her adult years she’s trying to be more fashionable and has even branched out to using makeup almost daily. The makeup she does is fairly simple unless going to a special event, and she hasn’t quite mastered the winged eyeliner look yet, but she’s getting there!
Her fashion sense is still fairly simple. She likes pastels and cute blouses, not a huge dress/skirt person but wears them on occasion and heels are still a struggle.
Really wants to get a pet since she’s so lonely in her apartment.
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