odinsblog · 1 year
🗣️This is important!
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America’s puritanical, homophobic, anti-vaccination, anti-sex education, “morality” mentality is killing people.
This information could literally save someone’s life. Please share.
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👉🏿 https://www.businessinsider.com/oral-sex-is-the-leading-risk-factor-throat-cancer-expert-2023-4
👉🏿 https://www.nbcnews.com/health/cancer/hpv-can-cause-cancer-many-people-dont-realize-rcna79597
👉🏿 https://www.gardasil9.com/adults/hpv-faq/
👉🏿 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hpv-infection/in-depth/hpv-vaccine/art-20047292
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ayeforscotland · 3 months
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An absolutely phenomenal stat.
Public Health Scotland: No cervical cancer cases have been detected in women who have been fully vaccinated against HPV. The HPV jag was rolled out to girls aged 12-13 in Scotland in 2008.
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frameacloud · 2 months
Harriet Williamson (April 29, 2023). "Trans-inclusive cervical cancer campaign defies anti-LGBTQ+ hate: ‘We deserve to be screened.’" PinkNews. https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/04/29/cervical-cancer-screening-smear-test-lgbtq-inclusive-remove-the-doubt/
Update: This news article is about a campaign for cervical cancer screening, called Remove The Doubt. The UK charity running the campaign was called Live Through This. Later, the charity changed its name to OUTpatients, so the campaign moved to their new site. Since then, you can visit the Remove The Doubt site here, which explains to anyone who has a cervix what they need to know about cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccines.
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heardatmedschool · 4 months
Student 1: What do codyloma acuminatum smell like?
Student 2: I have no idea, thank goodness.
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Nur weil bei den Krankenkassen eine Altersgrenze für die HPV-Impfung gilt, heißt das nicht, dass ihr sie nicht mehr bekommen könnt
Die AOK weist sogar darauf hin, dass die HPV-Impfung auch für Erwachsene sinnvoll sein kann - auch wenn sie nicht zahlt.
Manche Kassen zahlen bis zum 25. Lebensjahr, aber auch wenn ihr älter als 25 seid - so wie ich - ist die Impfung immer noch möglich und durchaus sinnvoll.
Wenn ihr als Kinder bzw. Jugendliche nicht geimpft wurdet und euch schon mal gedacht habt, dass es schon schick wär, euer Krebsrisiko zu senken (in Bezug auf Gebärmutterhalskrebs sowie Karzinome im Rachen- und Genitalbereich), könnt ihr beim nächsten Arztbesuch einfach mal fragen. Das ist legal. Das darf man.
Ich hab bei der letzten Kotrolluntersuchung meine Gynäkologin einfach ganz doof gefragt - und ich konnte gar nicht so schnell kucken, wie sie Proben ins Labor geschickt hat, um zu schauen, ob und wenn ja welche HPV-Varianten ich denn schon mit mir rumtrage.
Davon hängt das Ganze letztendlich nämlich ab. Nicht vom Alter. Nur davon, ob ihr euch schon mit den Viren infiziert habt, gegen die die Impfung schützt.
Der einzige Haken: Ich muss die Impfung definitiv selber zahlen und billig ist sie nicht - aber auch nicht teurer als die letzte Reparatur an meinem Auto. Und ich mag mein Auto, aber ich selber bin dann doch ein bisschen wichtiger.
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sexiestsex · 7 months
Literally obsessed with vaccines. Best form of health care. You get stabbed with needle (good thing always) you can plan ahead if the vaccine is one to likely make you sick it, you get treated like a human person, you don't have to explain why you need/want it and are seen as responsible for getting it, it pisses off the worst people, you don't get fucking dangerous illnesses, you protect the people around you, it's quick, sometimes you don't even have to make a phone call. It's literally the shit there's no downsides.
Anyways get vaccinated against HPV if you can. It's recommended for everyone regardless of sex btw. But if you have questions ask your doctor they have info materials about it and all that.
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sleep-safe · 2 years
shout-out to anyone with a preventable disability. shout-out to the frustration and the pain and the grief and the rage. if your disability was caused by ignorance or negligence or malice or chance i see you. if someone else had made a difference choice or if you could have made different choices i see you. i see your pain. you are no less entitled to feel that grief even if you could have done something. you shouldn’t be in pain even if you caused it. i forgive you, i see you. if someone else caused your disability i see you. you’re entitled to rage and grief and confusion. to everyone who sees people ignoring the same advice that could have prevented your own suffering, i see you. i see your sorrow, your indignation, your desperation. It’s frustrating when people don’t take your advice because they can’t see the looming outcome. Even when you’re right there.
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I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you
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angsty-aliens · 11 months
Question: for those of you who’ve gotten the HPV vaccine, did it hurt?
I missed the cutoff age when it first came out but since insurances changed the maximum age to be vaccinated, I’ve been doing the HPV vaccine series. I’ve done 2 of the 3 so far. The nurse who inoculated me both times has warned me of how much it hurts and was SHOCKED when I said “mildly uncomfortable for a few seconds but totally fine.”
She insists that everyone else she gives it to acts like it’s TERRIBLE.
I mentioned that the majority of people she gives it to are 12 and aren’t used to subjecting themselves to minor discomfort NOW, to prevent major medical issues LATER. Because they can’t conceptualize the benefit they’re probably more reactive to the discomfort.
She insists I’m a medical anomaly. So if you got the vaccine as an adult, was it painful? Or just a few seconds of discomfort and then fine?
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thirddeadlysin · 3 months
hey friends! have you heard? public health scotland announced that they've found no cases of cervical cancer in women who were fully vaccinated against HPV
great news for those scottish women, but it's great news for people of all genders! because all genders can be vaccinated against HPV, which causes head, neck, mouth, throat, cervical, anal, and penile cancers, and this specific vaccination prevents something like 45-100% of HPV-positive cancers
in the US, all genders are eligible for vaccination to age 45 (and you may be able to be vaccinated beyond that by a well-educated and understanding pharmacist or doctor). you can be vaccinated even if you've had HPV because the latest shot protects against 9 different strains!
most insurance in the US will pay for the vaccine (it's 3 jabs over 6 months or so) because it's preventative and preventative treatment coverage is mandated by the ACA/Obamacare
this verywell health post is a good resource if you have questions!
unfortunately i don't know much about eligibility or availability in other countries but would absolutely welcome more info from people who do!!
cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of death in young people with cervixes worldwide, but HPV also causes debilitating and fatal cancers of the mouth, throat, ass, and penis. since nearly three out of every four people will contract HPV by age 40, with this one vaccine we have the ability to basically wipe out almost all of the cancers it causes
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cantotallyeven · 1 month
Got the full adult course of the HPV vaccine. Now I just gotta find that special someone to take advantage of it with
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bugswarm · 9 months
My only criticism of the rwrb movie is that they have the mother say that if he's bottoming he should get the hpv vaccine. My criticism is that he should have already had the hpv vaccine regardless of what gender he was sleeping with or what kind of sex he was having. We don't need men spreading cancer-causing hpv to women and other men just as much as we don't need women and gay men who bottom getting cancer-causing strains of hpv. Stop letting men be vectors for hpv and acting like that isn't a problem. The main use for vaccines is herd immunity!
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frameacloud · 1 month
Kattari, S. K., Gross, E. B., Harner, V., Andrus, E., Stroumsa, D., Moravek, M. B., & Brouwer, A. (2023). "'Doing it on my own terms': Transgender and nonbinary adults' experiences with HPV self-swabbing home testing kits." Women's reproductive health (Philadelphia, Pa.), 10(4), 496–512. https://doi.org/10.1080/23293691.2022.2094737 Free full text: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10720596/
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realkaijuhavecurves · 11 months
Got my pap smear test back today and I've got HPV, so I would like to take this opportunity to say:
Wear a fucking condom.
Don't be stupid like I was. Never take for granted that someone is clean.
Always wear a condom.
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senorablack · 11 months
First time my pap came back negative in a few years 🔥🎉 HPV freeeeee baby
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1dphanlarrie · 1 year
I remember when I was in high school, probably about 13 or 14 years old, all the girls my age got an invitation to get a vaccination against cervical cancer. It was a very new vaccin then, and I remember deciding together with my parents not to get it. It would only protect against one type of cancer and they said it was an STD so I figured I’d just have safe sex?? I’ll admit, I did not do my research back then, I was very young and fully listened to my parents. They were scared of long-term effects and so was I. It didn’t seem worth it.  
I am now 23 years old and got an invitation to get the HPV vaccination. This time, I did do my research. They’ve obviously gotten a lot farther in developing the vaccin. Girls and boys can both get vaccinated now, and it protects against several types of cancer caused by the HPV virus. I also read that it can be transmitted when having safe sex too. 
I’m aromantic asexual and have never had a relationship or any kind of sex. I’m not sure if I ever will because of my sexuality. This has made this whole situation complicated for me. It almost feels like I am denying my asexuality if I would get the vaccination? Does anyone else understand this feeling? It feels a bit silly. On top of that, I don’t do well with needles at all. I’ve already had to get 4(?) covid vaccinations in the last years. The idea of getting at least two more vaccinations this year makes me feel sick. HOWEVER, there is no way of knowing 100% for sure that I’ll never get a partner and have sex with them. I’m not sex-repulsed. If I end up getting HPV-caused cancer I will beat myself up so much for not getting the vaccination when I could. 
So, I have just made an appointment to get it on friday. Hopefully this post will give others that are in doubt the courage to make an appointment too! I realised that I should be grateful that I have the privilege to get it for free. Any way, if I got both vaccinations at least I’ll know I’ve done everything I could to be safe. 
(Also just want to say that I hate how it’s impossible to find online if you can get hpv without having sex. Thanks society! Some people don’t want sex. I know it’s hard to imagine.) 
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