#howard's terrible parenting
issuedsideways · 11 months
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baby tony + busy parents
here take some sketches because i can't stop thinking about them ever
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infiniteeight8 · 26 days
Something with age difference and meeting again when the other is older or it could be magical.
(An additional Ask was sent to clarify that this is IronStrange.)
This is going to be very exposition-y. I got the idea and really liked it and there isn’t space to write it properly in a prompt response, but I like it enough that I don’t want to come up with a different response, either. 
Looking up timelines for this got frustrating fast, so please just take any timeline weirdness as part of the AU. 😀
Tony has never told anyone—not Pepper, not Rhodey, not anyone—but he’s pretty sure he met the love of his life when he was 18.
It was a weird, liminal period of his life. His parents had just died, he’d graduated college but hadn’t been inducted into the company yet, and he was in that limbo between teenager and adult. Obadiah, for better or for worse, had been too tied up in stabilizing the company after Howard’s death to worry about Tony.
Tony had been very much at sea, and he probably would have gone unrecoverably off the rails if it hadn’t been for Stephen.
Stephen should have been the first of those unrecoverable decisions, really. He was twice Tony’s age, male, and apparently free of any responsibilities or ties of any kind. To any normal person, Stephen was a panoply of red flags.
To Tony, he’d been a safe harbor. Someone who would never turn him away and never judge him. Stephen was the one person Tony could say anything to without fear. Which wasn’t to say Stephen was a simpering yes-man. God, no. He could be acerbic as hell, and he didn’t hesitate to tell Tony when he was being an idiot. He also never left, no matter how much of an idiot Tony had been.
The end, when it came, hadn’t had anything to do with Tony. There are people looking for me, Stephen had said, and if they find me here, there will be terrible consequences. I can’t let that happen. My life would be… meaningless.
Tony had argued, of course. Had sworn up and down that he could protect Stephen. But he wasn’t twenty-one yet and didn’t have the resources or the clout he had now, especially not to protect a male lover back then. He doesn’t blame Stephen for not believing him. They had two years before Stephen was forced to vanish. Tony had always assumed he was running from the mob, or something like it. 
Now, the words Keeper of the Time Stone ring in his ears as Tony stares at Stephen Strange. He’s younger than Tony, the gray at his temples less pronounced than it was before, his crow’s feet almost absent. It’s only a few years, but it’s a few years in the wrong direction; Stephen should have been almost twenty years older than Tony.
Somehow, Tony manages to shake his hand. “The Time Stone, huh?” he says. “I guess time travel must be just another Tuesday for you.”
Stephen chuckles. “Not at all. Time travel can have terrible consequences; it’s always a last resort.”
Terrible consequences. 
A giddy feeling wells up inside Tony. He met the love of his life at 18, but the love of his life hasn’t met him yet. 
The relationship never ended, it just hadn’t started yet.
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gffa · 7 months
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There's an interesting quote from an interview with Tini Howard (one of the two architects of this storyline) that just collided in my head with everything I've been trying to articulate about the bigger arc of this storyline: “It's not really an event about whether or not [Bruce and Selina] can get together. Once you agree that you like someone, you get down to ideology. You can't just love someone because they're beautiful and they stun you. What if you're different people? What if you believe different things? [In] comics, it is like [they] kiss, and they're together.” Howard also emphasized the importance of agreeing to disagree when it comes to interacting with loved ones, both romantic and platonic. “As someone that's been married to my best friend for 15 years, that's not the truth. A big part of being with someone you love is learning to disagree. When you're a superhero and a powerful stakeholder in Gotham, those personal things can have major effects on the world around you.” But what's interesting is that I think it applies to his kids just as much as it does to Selina, because I think this storyline's heart is all about Bruce Wayne's mental state. That's the framework, that's the beginning, and I'm assuming it's going to be the end, too. The story has been set up very clearly about how he's been running through too hard a gauntlet with no rest in between for too long, the opening pages of this event make a very heavy point about how Bruce is already running thin, the establishing storylines before this are ones like Failsafe, Red Mask, Insomnia, etc. I would even argue (and have) that there's a lot of connections going on with other storylines that were about Bruce's relationships with his family that are informing this one--like, the breakup between Bruce and Selina is right there when Selina says, well, if Gotham being saved is all that stands between us, now it's peaceful, let's head to the church then, in pointing out that Bruce doesn't want Gotham saved as much as he needs to be the one saving it. There's so much deeply personal stuff Bruce has been facing and he's always struggled with caring about others and letting them in, not just afraid that he'll lose them again, but that he'll be hurt by them again, that he'll fight with them again. And it's not that he's never clashed with viewpoints, like he and Dick alone have gotten into a whole bunch of knock-down-drag-out fights about how they clash with each other.
But I keep coming back to Bruce's mental state and the ultimate purpose of this storyline, because it's not really about Selina's plan at all, it's always been about Bruce's mind and mental health falling apart in a deeply horrific way and how even his loved ones are being stripped away from him, because he cannot compromise. That one of the core problems with Bruce as a person is that I'm not sure he really learned how to get along with someone that he fundamentally disagrees with--because, when he lost his parents at such a young age, there wasn't time to see them as people he could disagree with, they're forever idealized in his head. With Alfred, they had disagreements, but fundamentally, Alfred saw how much Bruce needed this and Alfred was so often water bending around Bruce's immoveable rock. Dick was one of the biggest challenges, because they did have fundamental disagreements that led to massive fights. Jason and Tim and Damian all have their disagreements with him as well. Which is why I think Jason plays the role in this that he does--why Bruce is suddenly bringing up Jason's murders again, because it's the narrative bringing up that Bruce has been struggling to reconcile fundamentally disagreeing with someone on such an important thing, a core thing about himself, and when this much stress is piled onto him, he breaks and does something truly terrible.
It's why Selina had to be the one to come up with this plan (no matter how silly it might seem, no matter how much it's not really that much sillier than costumed vigilantes fighting crime as a reasonable solution to how to help society), because Bruce doesn't really know how to disagree with her on this fundamental a level and still have a relationship with her. It's why Dick has to be the one that fights him as one of the most central pieces of the story that really makes shit hit the fan, because Bruce has come to depend on Dick (as an adult) to be the one to save him, to pull him back from the darkness, and when it's Dick that "betrays" him, it's a foundational block being taken away from Bruce's stability. It's why Tim and Damian occupy the roles they do in the story, that they both desperately want to help Bruce, but don't know how when Bruce won't let them, that while this story is central to Bruce as a character, these characters also need to struggle with disagreeing with someone and still interact with them--and how to deal with a Bruce who struggles with that.
Watching Bruce struggle with Zur-En-Arrh taking over his mind, watching him struggle with defining himself through his war on crime because it feels like the only thing holding him together, watching him struggle with how much he loves and wants these people, but it's running right up against the thing that's holding him together--it's pretty painful because most of the time, even when he disagrees with someone, he can look the other way (after some asshole behavior) or someone will pull him out of the dark, but here everything just piled up in a major freight train of about seven different things colliding at once and Bruce just does not have enough experience in dealing with disagreeing with people and just learning to live around those disagreements, to be able to handle it when his mind is fracturing and the "pure Batman" part of him is all that's holding him together.
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marvel-ousmondays · 4 months
Iron Man (2008)
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As mentioned in last post, when I went to Iron Man I literally had no idea that such a superhero existed. (I thought Sherlock Holmes with RDJ came out first but apparently not so I had essentially no knowledge of the actor either.) My friends and I decided to spend the day out at the nearest town big enough to have a book store, craft stores, and a Target, as well as a Drive-In movie theater. I was now a college student and enjoying the freedom of no curfew, rebel that I was. I'm pretty sure the movie prior to Iron Man was the Narnia: Prince Caspian movie. I mention this because I hated that movie. It bastardized the book something awful and after the first movie was so faithful an adaptation, this was incredibly disappointing. However, this meant I was doubly primed to appreciate the awesomeness that Iron Man ended up being. I've watched it a few times since then, but usually as background to something else. I decided for this challenge I did REALLY want to watch the movies/shows. No other distractions- just it. I can take breaks (it took me 3 days to finish Iron Man due to various constraints last week) but when I'm watching, I'm JUST watching.
Here were my takeaways this time
The differences in Terrence Howard's Rhodey and Cheadle's Rhodey are always a bit mind boggling and part of what makes Iron Man feel really different from the later films. We're also just starting MCU so while they aren't LACKING budget, it's not the level it would be later. This doesn't hurt the movie at all for the record, if anything I think it meant the story had to be more well-developed and the actors better.
But this first film has a seriousness and a somberness that most of the other films only flirt with (notable exception being Infinity War of course).
The scene where Tony goes back to help Gulmira, Yinsen's home, and we see the 13 year old boy screaming and crying as his father is pried away from their family, the soldiers clearly planning to execute him and all the other grown men. The young boy tears himself away from his mother to his father, determined to keep him, to save him. His father, begging his son to go, so that he will live even though he knows- he KNOWS he will not. This moment of utter terror made personal just before Tony shows up is incredible and all the more so when put into historical context. The U.S. was still in Afghanistan and Iraq at this time and it was easy for citizens here to paint everyone in those areas with the same brush. But in this moment you CAN'T. You HAVE to see the family ripped apart right alongside the terrorists and be forced to realize that race, ethnicity, language don't make terrible people- actions do.
A common criticism of Marvel movies is they don't let a moment sit- that they always break a serious moment with a joke. But this one doesn't do that. There are multiple heavy moments- after Yinsen's death for one and when Pepper nearly quits (because she can't watch Tony self-sabotage and possibly die) and he tells her:
"I shouldn't be alive... unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right."
This moment sits between them so clearly, so starkly and it is not ended with a joke, but with Pepper grabbing the flashdrive and asking what to do. (Thinking back, I'm wondering how many of those MCU "broken" moments are by Tony. He's the one uncomfortable with emotion. Him breaking those moments with humor is actually 100% in character. Something to pay attention to as I watch.)
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, some of the key themes of this movie just strike to the heart.
Death from a distance is easy to ignore or even be complicit in, but death up close rips us apart. Tony sold weapons that he knew took lives for years but it wasn't until he watched Yinsen die that I think he really understands what that means. Yes, his parents had died before but he wasn't THERE, he didn't SEE it. This death, this is the one that makes him really know what it means.
You don't have to change everything to be a better person. Tony is still self-centered. He still likes attention. He's still arrogant and as we will see next movie, open to playing the field as Pepper and him haven't committed. But not only has he stopped being complicit in the deaths of the innocent, he's taken on the mantle of protecting them.
Lastly, who the good guys are is largely a matter of perspective. This obviously gets hit harder again in Ultron (oh that glorious train wreck- I'm looking forward to writing about you), but it matters here. Tony was fine manufacturing weapons because he assumed he was supporting the "good guys", the 'Muricans. But not only was Obadiah dirty dealing, he is forced to learn the good guys aren't always as discriminatory with their weapon use as they purport to be. That it's easy to start painting with broad brushstrokes in areas where precision is actually called for.
Overall I'm really glad I PAID attention to this one this round. The grittiness and the depth really hit the way they did the first time or even more so. Onward to The Incredible Hulk, even though it's only semi-canon now.
Note for me:
Directed by: Jon Favreau
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pinkvenomsstuff · 2 years
Fezco and Ashtray.
fem x reader!
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Not my gif
When the boys' girlfriends are on their period together, driving them crazy.
You and Ashtray started dating a little before Fezco and Howard. Their relationship was so cute, so cute it was irritating at times. Since you and your boyfriend almost always had to witness Fezco and Lexi cuddling and saying really corny things, but that was their love, they were lovers of old-fashioned romance; as Ashtray once said, making you all laugh at his speech, you didn't even know he knew those words.
You guys were always together, and sometimes you even did couple shows where Ashtray would always go around muttering something about being too corny, but you knew deep down he loved those moments. You literally lived in their house, your parents were absent and didn't care where you slept - or whether you lay in bed to fall asleep, you just couldn't show up pregnant, or they'd kick you out of the house.
On the same day, you packed your bags, determined to leave that house that you felt never belonged to you, that was never your home. You never really felt at home like most kids with their family. You almost didn't see each other, because their work was extremely busy, but when you were together at home, you didn't talk or do anything as a family, just each one in your room.
Like real strangers. You lived together but had no interaction at all. You weren't surprised when you showed up with suitcases in the room and they said, "Okay, do what you feel you have to do. We'll send money every month while you don't have a job." You smile as you walk through the door, feeling free to be officially leaving a place that never welcomed you. When you arrived at the boys' house, you were greeted with lots of kisses, hugs and pizza. You were sure for the first time that you were without your true home, with loved ones.
With Lexi it was almost like that. She hadn't moved into their house, but spent most of her time there. Since she shared a room with Cassie and didn't like it, she didn't respect her privacy. Like Faye, Custer didn't show up to pick her up or text her anymore, he just disappeared. The three of you didn't have a good relationship before, Lexi didn't like her because she thought she had an interest in Fezco, and you for your extremely short robes in a house full of boys.
But as the weeks went by, you started talking to each other when the boys went out for your sales. And you realized that Faye was definitely not what you thought, she was sweet, polite and kind. But she had a good part of her innocence and life stolen from her by her boyfriend. She might have her drug problems, but she never brought that shit to you guys.
Since those days, the three of you started treating each other like sisters. You did everything together, bought clothes together, watched movies together, read together, you even studied basic math things with the blonde so she could help out in the store. You also cooked together with Lexi reading a cookbook with you and Faye horribly going on trying to make a delicious dish for your boys, she wanted to thank you for staying, you just wanted to please them. Resulting in raw rice, undercooked meats and a terribly salty salad full of dressing.
Your coexistence made you interconnected in some way, so your menstrual cycles did not escape that. You were the first to bleedwere, and then Lexi and then Faye on heroin. But one day, the three of you woke up with pains in your stomach and blood running down your legs, on the exact same day.
For you, it was nice in a way, but not for your boyfriend and Fezco, who had to go to the candy store and buy a bunch of goodies when Lexi started harassing him, and Ashtray who had to literally run minutes before local pharmacy close because you needed colic meds and pads. And it was even more terrible for him to hear the three of you saying your preferences, with tabs, without tabs, o.b, night... And to top it off, he had an even greater embarrassment when he arrived at the cashier with all the tampon options that were in the shelf, earning a judgmental look from the attendant.
He comes home slamming the door shut and flinging the bags walking towards you who have been lying on the couch moaning in pain for more hours than he could count. "Done, damn it. Don't ever make me go to a goddamn drugstore again for this shit! The clerk looked at me like I was a fucking pussy." he grumbles, running his hands impatiently through his hair, catching his breath from a four-court run. "Oh baby. Thanks." you smile blowing him kisses "But did you buy all kinds?" you say, he looks at you "Yeah shit I couldn't remember which ones you guys talked about so I thought I'd bring them all." he explains, your heart melts when you see him tired, he was before, but he didn't stop doing it for you.
You want to cry and hug him, but hold back the crying until it disappears, you don't want to sound like a crying baby over something so simple. You get up from the couch, walking towards him in long steps because the pain was indeed too much, Ashtray is in the kitchen having a glass of water. You go to him and take his face in your hands, kissing his lips. "Thank you, really." "They're just absorbents." he says, you shrug. "I know, but I appreciate the gesture."
You walk out of the kitchen with him exclaiming "You're welcome!" You smile as you head to the bathroom with a packet of sanitary napkins in your hand. You take a quick shower and change them by discarding the used one in the trash, replacing it with a new one. You walk out of the bathroom feeling much better, a hot, relaxing shower was what you certainly needed.
You walk back to the living room where you see Fezco arriving and handing two bags to Lexi, who smiles brightly, not even knowing what's inside. "What do you have there?" Faye asks about you two. "Yes, love, what did you buy?" Lexi reinforces the question, the redhead smiles slightly at her. "The chocolates and candy you ordered, baby. It was so fucking hard to find your favorite. My knees fucking hurt from waiting ten minutes in a giant line to buy them, but there you have it." he strokes her dark red hair, Lexi opens her smile even wider, hugging him. "Thanks, Fezzy."
Her eyes fill with tears at that cute scene, Lexi hugging Fez's waist as he strokes her back. He leans in to whisper probably cute and romantic things in her ear, they start a kind of love vow. You don't know exactly when you started crying, but you could feel the hot tears coming down without your control. You were sensitive and fragile, as you always were in that period, you certainly wouldn't cry if it weren't for that.
"Hey Y/N. Why are you crying?" Faye asks, you blink when you come back to reality. "It's just cute, Faye…" you mutter, running your fist over your eyes, pushing back some tears. "Hey, what happened?" You hear Ashtray behind you, he looks at her belly and then at her face. "Are you in pain? Do you want another pill or jelly beans?" he asks coming up to you and pulling you into a hug, you instantly go back to crying like a little baby on his shoulders, which you try to stop when you realize you're worrying him.
"Oh, they're so cute." Faye groans smiling "Yeah, they're like strawberry and chocolate." Lexi completes, they laugh and Ashtray breaks the hug casting hateful looks at them. "There's nothing fucking cute here, she's crying and in pain." he says rudely and rolls his eyes, you wipe your wet face on his sweatshirt. "I'm not in pain, I'm fine, Ash. Just emotional about stupidly cute assholes like Fez and Lexi." you speak, confused looks go to you.
The couple laughs when they understand what you mean, the redhead walks over and stops beside Ashtray, patting him on the shoulder. "That's fucking neediness bro, you need to spoil your girl. Or she'll spend the afternoon crying." he whispers, smiling playfully, but enough for you all to hear. "Oh, damn! What's wrong with you women, you were perfectly fine and happy before." he sighs in frustration, playing on the unoccupied couch, everyone laughs.
"It's the hormones I think. My gynecologist says I get as sensitive as a pregnant woman." Ashtray snorts "You're only fifteen Y/N. You can't be feeling pregnant." he sighs, you don't even understand exactly what he said but it made you upset, thinking he thinks you're a fool for silly moments when you cry like this. "Yes I know." you grit your teeth feeling more tears form. "It's almost uncontrollable, I'm sorry." You say hoarsely in between crying, your boyfriend quickly gets up from the couch and comes to you
"Oh ok, bear, sorry." he says hugging you passionately, encircling your waist in his piebald arms, you returned the hug, but still slapping your chest for the nickname. "Hey, that shit hurts!" he grumbles, you squeeze him more fearing he wants to separate with you. Ashtray chuckles with your amused laugh as you bite his chest "oh fuck-" he doesn't try to say anything else when he understands that you totally want to have him right now. Ashtray squeezes you tighter against his body, ensuring you get all the affection and love you want and deserve.
The others in the room exchange amused and warming glances with each other at how surprisingly cute Ash is now. They smile at you before leaving the room, Fezco goes upstairs with Lexi to your room, probably to sleep. And Faye goes out on the porch to smoke some joint. "Hey baby come on here. Do you want to go to my room?" he asks taking your hand and taking you with him to the three-person seat.
"No, love, it's great here." you smile gratefully as you sit there, Ashtray nods giving you a kiss on the forehead and saying he's going to get some things. He returns a few minutes later with blankets, pillows, and some candy that Fez bought. He sets everything neatly lined up on the couch, he feels himself pulling you to sit on his legs. Ashtray covers her body with the warm blanket, turning on the television and leaving it on a show you both like to watch.
You feel his fingers touching your hair, then back and forth movements through your strands, like a shampoo application, a caress from him that you loved to receive. He opens a chocolate and puts it in your hand, you thank him with a piece in your mouth. You spent a few hours there, watching TV with Ashtray playing with your strands, twirling them around your fingers.
You feel your body relax completely, you don't even feel the cramping pain anymore. You incredibly ate four bars of chocolates, jelly beans and a few gummy candies, I couldn't be happier. "I'm going to brush my teeth." you say getting up, groaning in frustration at having to get out of there. "Ok." You walk to the bathroom where you find Faye and a syringe of heroin in her hands, you feel a pang of sadness in your chest.
"I thought you were just into weed." you speak, she looks at you with visible disappointment in her eyes. "Yeah, I tried. But I don't think I can stop." she shrugs her shoulders slightly, you go to her. "Yes, you can. Have a chocolate instead." you smile sympathetically handing over a leftover bar that you haven't finished eating, she takes it from your hand with a comforting smile. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. Now get out of here bitch, I'm going to use the bathroom." you say, obviously joking with her who leaves the room smiling. You brush your teeth quickly, walking back into the room as fast as a rabbit. "I was with Faye, where did we stop?" you ask lying down on the couch and covering yourself with the velvety blanket. "The woman finds out that the guy is cheating on her, it was pretty crazy for her to break the whole house." he responds by laughing, you laugh too.
You stop for a few minutes to watch it, but you really can't help but fall asleep. "Uh…I think I'm going to sleep." you almost whisper so low your voice comes out. "Uh, ok baby. Do you want me to turn off the tv?" he asks caressing your face, you deny smiling slightly. "No, you can watch. Just turn the volume down." you ask, he nods pulling you closer to him. You turn to Ashtray as he hugs your body making you lay your head under his chest.
"Thanks for today. Especially for the meds and pads. It must have been weird showing up in line with a basket full of pads." you laugh, he nods several times. "Yeah, it was annoying. The guy looked at me like I was a workhorse." he says grimacing, you laugh. "Other than that, it was nice spending the day with you too. Minus your crying, I hate to see you cry. You look prettier without tears on your face, honestly." he kisses your cheek, you smile brighter than the rainbow, snuggling closer to his chest. "Okay, good night, love. Love you." "Night, bear. I love you."
sorry if this sucks, english is not my official :/ 😘
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shiipty · 16 days
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The Howard Household
Darrius Howard, Dad, 31, Barber
Darrius is happily married to his wonderful wife Tori, who he has two beautiful daughters with. Darrius still holds out for the chance that he and Tori can have a little boy together. But Tori feels like their hands are already full with the girls! 😆 Darrius currently works as a barber but feels like he wants a career change. With Kamyah about to enter terrible twos, Tori debating on her work location, and Ariah having trouble with sharing her parents’ attention. Darrius feels as though this wouldn’t be a good time to change careers anyway. But maybe once things have calmed down he’ll bring the idea up to Tori.
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cunningweiner · 1 month
Regarding your petition for hcs.. bc I can't sleep, my personal hcs
Randy: After defeating the sorcerer the Nomicon calling him the "Last Ninja" He is the last one in the chain (making reference to the symbol in his shirt)
(A little non sense considering the 9 chapter thingy but ok)
He constantly forgets to covers up bruises and no one thinks anything weird because he has the fame of being kind-of adventurous (and stupid)
He makes up stories when someone asks him about them and recycles them. Sometimes when someone points out they already heard that, he convinces them into thinking they did not (art of manipulation nomicon lesson when)
His notebooks are full of doodles and drawings of lessons the nomicons gives him, and they're messy af
Has scars from fights that didn't end to well
He knows Japanese thanks to the Nomicon
He settled for having only one friend so his social skills are terrible.
Messy guy overall
Howard: Knows facts about everything, but not to the point of being an expert.
Knows how to read people (body language and expressions) ESPECIALLY Randy, he knows every habit of his, he knows him pretty well.
Has lots of "proyects" started none of them finished.
Has a scar on his back from the thengu incident (representing the wings)
He is never alone, let it be with his family or with Randy but he always has someone beside him, that's one of the reasons why he's has issues with being alone (it's weird for him) he feels bad when Randy tells him it's not a big deal (Randy's absent parents hc sorry for this)
Theresa: lots of friend groups but she doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere
Baby bat (interested in goth)
YES TYTYTY sorry for the slow response but okok here we go
I also kind of thought of him as the last ninja (lowkey disregarding secrets of the nine💀) but I got a different ask with some really interesting points so I’m kinda torn lol
Scars-having Randy is soso real to me. Also YES about him forgetting what he said and gaslighting people. That boy has so much brain damage I know it KNFHD
Him keeping a notebook full of the doodle lessons from the nomicon is sooooo good. Also him learning Japanese from it????? 10/10. I hc him as part Japanese but I don’t think he was taught any growing up (true wasian experience tbh) and I think he was really happy to learn
Howard is suchhhh a socialite but nobody ever talks about it??? He makes friends so easily (even if he doesn’t like them) and is super well received in crowd situations. I’ll write up a seperate post about that soon I think lmao. Anyway I love that Randy is the socially awkward one of the two. I think he would never make any other friends if Howard didn’t introduce him lmao
Smart Howard is so dear to me and I think he’s definitely the type of guy to know at least surface level about literally everything. Like that one Dan Vs clip about knowing who carved Mt Rushmore but not what state it’s in
I have a Whole Thing about Tengu Howard that I’ll write up/draw soon and the wing scars are going in immediately. I think I’m just a sucker for those scars specifically I’ll never turn them down on anyone
Yes you’re so correct about his isolation issues being purely from circumstance. I think he has a huuuuge family so he’s never really by himself but Randy is an only child with only child parents so he’s Always alone when he’s not with Howard. Absent Cunningham parent are real to me - would love for them not to be but he gets away with so much shit there’s no way they pay that much attention
I’m not really a big Theresa fan in general (she’s just a little boring imo but I know they would have developed her more if they had the time to :,( )but her being a baby bat is so good. I think Julian shows her his music and they share cassettes (they’re edgy like that). I think also I just want to see the members of the Klub interact more
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kandisheek · 1 month
I love all of Cluegirl's voices for the Avengers – they're so funny, and the team family vibes just warm my heart. Cluegirl's writing is fantastic, and if you haven't already, you should go and read their entire AO3 catalogue, because everything in it is great!
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Pairing: Gen Rating: G Words: 1,260 Tags: Injury, Team Feelings, Action
Summary: Steve Rogers has work to get done, and staying down is not on the schedule. The rest of the Avengers are not on board with that plan.
Reasons why I love it: Tony the Italian Grandma is hilarious, oh my god. I love how the team immediately swoops in to save Steve after he makes his blunder, the way they care for each other is so sweet. And Steve toughing shit out is as frustrating as it is admirable, which feels like it should be a tag line for his character. I love this fic, and I bet you will too!
Tea and No Sympathy
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 1,286 Tags: PWP, Masochist Tony, Misuse of Yoga
Summary: Tony needs to pass Gym class. Steve needs not to wring his neck while coaching his strength training. This is their compromise.
Reasons why I love it: I wouldn't wish having to work out with Steve on anyone, holy shit. Then again, the view might make the pain worth it. I love this one, it's sassy and fun and a perfect little pick-me-up. Give it a read if you haven't already!
Operation Extraction
Pairing: Gen Rating: G Words: 2,117 Tags: Humor, Team Loyalty, Morphine
Summary: Far be it from Tony Stark to educate SHIELD Medical on any particular details, but it just so happened that it was totally possible to make a stable boot cast out of common office supplies.
Reasons why I love it: Tony is so funny in this, holy shit. I could read the way Cluegirl writes him all day. And the rest of the Avengers nonchalantly foiling his plans is hilarious. I adore this fic, and I bet you will too, so I hope you give it a shot!
Stony Going
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 6,070 Tags: Sassy Steve, Clint's A Troll, Smut
Summary: Steve Rogers makes an awkward discovery on the internet. This does not work out at all the way Tony Stark expects it will.
Reasons why I love it: Three cheers for breaking the fourth wall with some good ol' fanfic-ception. I love Steve being more experienced than anyone thinks, and that bit about critiquing someone's fanworks made me nod along. Preach, girl, preach! This fic is amazing, and you should definitely read it!
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,447 Tags: Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: A weak man knows the value of strength. A guilty man knows the value of forgiveness. Steve finds Bucky dredging the shadows of his past late one night, and rattling the bones of long-dead ghosts while Tony sleeps, unawares. But this time the terrible confession Bucky has to make isn't the one he's been braced to hear -- it's actually worse.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, I love this so much. Those last few sentences really tear at my heartstrings – one quote specifically, you'll know it when you see it. Because you SHOULD see it, please go and do that right now if you haven't. I bet you'll love this story just as much as I do.
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pleasetakethis · 5 months
What If S2 spoilers ahead!
The second episode hit me in the chest with all the feels. A few random thoughts:
-MIDDLE AGED PEGGY???? YESSSSSSSS. MY GAL. I love all forms of Peggy, including BAMF, non-super Peggy. Peggy doesn't need powers to kick ass. <3
-Kurt Russell does a great job with Ego. I love it when the actor's work plays into why I hate a particular character. Ego is the WORST and Kurt Russell as Ego is super hate-able. A++, love me a villain that I can dislike without any need or want for redemption.
-LITTLE PETER AND HOPE! OMG! Bonding over music! Bonding over shared life experiences! Hope understanding Peter because Hope is also a kid who has dealt with terrible shit thanks to powerful parents! I love them as BFFs. Yes, please.
-BUCKY! Peggy and Howard's reactions to Bucky! Bucky's reaction to Howard pulling the Steve card! DLASKJFLAF
-Peggy/Wendy now exists in my mind as a ship, thanks!
-Wendy <3 Bill Foster <3 T'Chaka <3 80's Avengers <3
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somethin-stupid-67 · 1 year
BCS HC's because I've been up all night and the brain rot is unreal
(More Saul?) Loves himself a cocktail, the sweeter the better. Fruity cocktails for a fruity little man. Only thing he can’t stand about them is how overpriced they are, no matter where he orders them.
Very strongly considered buying rings when he married Kim. Something about the symbolism stuck with him and really wanted their marriage, business arrangement or not, to present as more “socially official.” Would’ve definitely had them engraved with Wexler-McGill on the inside of the bands, too.
Eventually became pretty good at the guitar. Still struggles with tuning it and has, on more than one occasion, had a meltdown while attempting to replace broken strings.
Loves his white Cadillac, but definitely misses his Esteem.
Smokes whatever cigarettes are on hand but is a ride-or-die menthol enjoyer.
The only person allowed to call her “Kimmy” is her mother. Jimmy tried once and wound up in a long,  long conversation about her distaste of the nickname.
Similarly, she doesn’t go by her full first name (at least professionally) because she feels it’s too preppy/thinks Kimberly Wexler sounds too much like the name of a ditzy blonde side character in a John Hughes movie.
Talkative drunk. Will have a conversation with anyone about nearly anything. Out for drinks and there’s a game on TV? She’s chatting up the nearest patron about every. single. play. Song she recognizes comes on the radio? She’s breaking down the lyrics, symbolism, and the artist’s motivation for writing it. Will apologize profusely the next morning for “talking too much.” Jimmy, naturally, finds it absolutely adorable and insists she shouldn’t feel bad.
Extremely shy as a child!
Grew up listening to/singing along with classic Mexican love songs and sings them softly to himself when completing any sort of task that doesn’t require a lot of focus. Very few people have actually heard him sing, but those who have all tell him he has a lovely voice.
He’d be lying if he said he disliked Lalo calling him “Nachito.”
Huge fan of an ice-cold Coke Zero.
Easily cries at tv shows and movies, most notably if there’s a trope pertaining to a father and son. Less than five seconds into a commercial for the ASPCA/Humane Society and he has tears in his eyes.
In the rare instances he’s able to sleep more than an hour or two at a time, he snores. LOUD. Like, keeping the house up half the night loud.
If it wasn’t for his responsibilities to the “family business,” he would have pursued work as either a professional chef or professional hitman. Yes, the two couldn’t be farther from each other. Yes, they somehow both make total sense.
Would’ve 1000% slept with Nacho or Jimmy if the situation presented itself.
Opposite to Nacho, he was an extremely outgoing child. He was the type of kid to wander off with other children or walk up to total strangers and introduce himself.
Initially bothered by how quickly his hair went grey, but once he found out women (and men) thought it made him more attractive he never gave it a second thought.
Strong aversion to water. He’ll get into a swimming pool and that’s about it, but even then he won’t go out farther than he can stand. His fear of drowning is the only thing preventing him from becoming a triathlete.
Keeps a photo of his parents in his wallet.
Definitely has anxiety. His tells used to be much more obvious when he first became an attorney (leg bouncing, shakiness in voice) but he has since been able to control it, most of the time. It’s a part of what keeps him up at night, why he’ll always opt for tea, and why he picked up boxing and cycling. It almost never interferes with his work the way it once did, but every now and again he can be seen swiftly pacing around his office or picking the skin around his fingers.
Despite his agility/flexibility, he’s an absolutely terrible dancer. Even in a bout of romance, an after-dinner slow dance in his own home proves he has two left feet.
Mailroom Era Jimmy definitely called him “Pretty Boy” to piss him off. It made him blush and/or stutter every time without fail and it took both Chuck and his father to convince him that Jimmy was insulting him and didn’t mean it as a compliment.
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
FotD 1:
@joshgoodman: Thinking of some ideas currently; I've had this one circling my head. Somehow kim and Jim find themselves camping out like the kettlemans did (without the stolen money) to avoid being found by (insert threat here). Iris and fille are around 8 and 6 respectively
Me: That'd be cute! Fighting with trying to set up the tent, Kim would probably do most of it; Jimmy's threatening to slip a disk. Fille keeps asking what the hell we're actually doing out here. Iris tells her not to ask stupid questions.
"Iris, don't call your sister stupid"
"I'm not! I said her question was! There's a difference!"
Did they bring any food?
Me: In my timeline, one of the main tragic things is how this life weighs on Kim's sanity. She never really got over the trauma of the cartel following her back in '04, that's when the sheepdog dreams started; that's when she started believing in God, simply because she felt like someone or something was watching her and plotting against her at all times. Especially after Jimmy dies, paranoia really starts to consume her. She becomes a powerful mob boss nearing the end of her life, but no amount of security measures bring her peace of mind. Once Jimmy's out of the picture, things start to get a little Howard Hughes.
But yeah, even while he's around, he is sometimes worried she's getting neurotic, but it's not like he can't empathize; he never stopped looking over his shoulder either. Out here in the woods, every rustle in the grass could be a mountain lion or worse.
Him: They brought enough food for a week, but then they'd have to catch and cook their own. Which Jimmy might have an issue with. I think a mountain lion would be the least of their worries, it can be scared away; a cartel member with a gun/intent to hurt kim/her family isn't as easily scared away.
Me: Why do you think Jimmy would have a problem? Just not very good at hunting/fishing?
Kim considered taking a gun, but they both decided it would create more problems than it would solve. Even if Fille or Iris don't play with it, firing off a wild shot into the bushes could be a really bad idea; they're hiding from the law on fraud/extortion/other non violent charges. If she accidentally shot a cop who was coming to arrest them, now they're both back to looking at life. Not losing custody is always the top priority.
Even killing a "Made" man/woman would just incite retaliation. If the mafia kills them, best to just pray they'll spare the kids. Starting a shoot out would just be loud and dangerous.
I guess if they really believed the kids were in danger, they would have to give them up and leave them with someone, but thankfully it's never come to that.
Him: Based off of Jimmy's character, I'd think he'd have a terrible time hunting and fishing, yea. Also, he might have an issue with killing the animal he's able to retrieve.
I think kim would settle for a bow? Not sure if she has an archery background; iris would LOVE that. Fille could care less. But who would they leave them with, is the question? Mike is dead, so is dawson. The church is questionable
Me: I don't think Jimmy would have a problem killing an animal. He might be squeamish, but he was never a pacifist or vegetarian.
Highly doubt they would have thought to bring archery supplies. If they run out of food, they should just head back into town.
And when all else fails, they always have the option to call a social worker themselves. They REALLY don't want to do that, they've been trying to keep the kids safe off the grid. But nothing is worth endangering their lives. Even Fille would be unhappy in that arrangement.
Pretty sure "My parents only abandoned me because they're traveling con artists. But they promised they were coming back once the mob boss is dead" is foster home for "please beat me up for telling such outrageous lies".
Iris would look out for Fille, but who's looking out for poor Iris?  In the eyes of any conformist parent or teacher, Iris would be labeled a troubled child with behavioral issues. Even if their foster parents accepted their queerness, and that's a big if, nobody's going to listen to their indoctrination about the reasons shoplifting is a public good. Probably end up getting put on Ritalin or some shit.
Still, as long as Iris knew where they came from, why they feel this way all the time,they could at least try to fit in. In the timeline where Iris was born in 2005 and Kim gave them up out of guilt for what happened to Howard, Iris's life was terrible; just grew up confused and angry. Tarzan might not know what a human is, but he would still know he wasn't an ape. Kim saw these futures; even aborting them would be less cruel than leaving them to be raised by someone else. Iris needed their parents; they were the only ones who understood, the only ones who could shape this overgrown hedge of wild energy into a countercultural topiary. No matter what other childhood trauma they absorbed, the worst thing you could ever do is leave them without direction or purpose.
Him: Squeamish, that's the word I was looking for. But if it comes to survival, what wouldn't he do for his family?
Him: I wonder if the social worker would be an option? Kim wouldn't want to put the kids through that, they would find the best option one way or another.
Ah yes, Ritalin. Or as I like to call it, the zombie drug. That shit doesn't work and fuck any doctor who puts kids on it
Me: No matter what happens, at least Iris and Fille have eachother. It's not that Fille can't feel that Wexler-McGill blood in their veins; Fille is different from Iris by choice, not nature. But as the youngest in the family, as the last one always in pool when it comes to mischief, she can see how recklessness never leads to anything good.
Fille is better at pretending to be a "good kid" but she'd still feel deeply alone without her big sibling.
If she was left alone, Fille would probably be a troublemaker too. She's only such a square and a goody-goody because that's the only way she could have rebelled in a family of rebels.
Him: Ah, so fille chooses to be a goody two shoes because that's not what people expect when they see that family.
I don't think they would be apart for long, even separated by the foster care system if it came to that. Those two would always find a way back to each other
Me: Main problem is Jimmy and Kim don't want to admit failure a first time, because CPS is going to be breathing down their neck from then onward. For some reason, as long as the kids are biologically yours, most bizarre parenting choices are accepted as long as the government hasn't already labeled you a bad mother.
When Love Quinn was brought back by Dolores, the thing she wanted most was to see Henry again. But Dante and Lansing are good dads, and showing up in Henry's life now would just upset and confuse him. Admitting that she deserved to lose custody of her son was the hardest thing she's had to do, but it's for the best to just move on, try to be better moving forward.
Him: Do Love and Henry ever reunite? Or are those days behind them?
Me: Probably when Henry is older.
Iris probably would ask for archery lessons after reading the Hunger Games. Iris was always outdoorsy, but this probably is just a phase.
Him: What kind of phase would fille go through, if you had to guess?
Me: Well both siblings do have an interest in music. Iris learned to play the guitar from Jimmy; Fille would probably go ahead and find herself a piano teacher.
Him: I feel like iris would also take an interest in drums, maybe?
Me: Sounds about right.
I mean Jimmy and Kim want to encourage their hobbies. This is what the money is for.
Him: Iris would take an interest in archery, drums, and guitar while fille does piano, and maybe...swimming?
Me: Yes Fille loves the ocean. Probably cus of that goldfish soul.
Him: Ooh! Kayaking!
Me: I think Iris would be more into motor boats
Him: Boats are fun. Maybe they could take a vacation to the great lakes/some type of beach.
FotD 2:
Me: I guess yesterday I was also thinking about them making a big score, and then taking the kids shopping for new clothes. The kids complain, but it's still fun dressing them up like little dolls.
Him: I didn't think iris would go for that? Maybe fille
Me: Well Iris has always loved dress up, but plain clothes shopping is always a little boring for kids.
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Me: Kim saying "Try this one on. It's a little bit big but you'll grow into it... hmm no; that's actually too big, you'll be tripping and face planting all over"
Me: But yes, those two love shopping for the family. I mean Jimmy and Kim have been eachothers gay best friend stereotypes since all the way back to law school, but the last time they actually spent a substantial amount of money like this was a few years ago at Babies-R-Us. Since leaving the church, it's mostly been consignment shops. Nothing fancy that wasn't secondhand.
Which is why they want to get each of the four of them a new outfit that will last for next few years
Him: I don't think jim + kim would contribute to chains if they didn't have to. Always choosing places like goodwill over walmart
Me: Nah they'd still go somewhere nice. Kim's love for shiny things outweighs her communist sympathies.
She wants to pretend she's not materialistic, but low-maintenance bitches don't drink thousand dollar tequila or wear real gold.
I mean Goodwill is fine and all, but this is Prada man! She's only human!
Honestly Kim's hypocrisy with how she identifies with class I think is a really interesting facet of her personality.
This is why wealth redistribution campaigns always fail: first of all, in order to adequately navigate the upper class, the revolutionary already typically needs a middle class education or better. And second, even if an army does manage to steal from the rich, the leader finds it hard to actually give those winnings to the poor instead of just pocketing it. Kim hates rich people... except for herself; that person is a lucid and benevolent matriarch who DESERVES to be managing the money!
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tragedyface · 1 year
*Suze Howard at the market*
"Suze! How are you?"
"Marjorie! Hi! I'm ok"
"How are the girls?"
"A mixed bag. One's great, she's with this guy and he's just the best. The other...her boyfriend is just...well he's every parents worst nightmare. Just from this terrible background, just one of those kids where the state should have got involved"
"Yeah, I did hear about Lexi being seen with the local *whispers* drug dealer"
"I was talking about Cassie's boyfriend Nate. He's a cunt. The Jacobs? One of their kids mysteriously vanished and noone ever mentions it. That is a true crime podcast waiting to happen....should I do the podcast? Ash? Ash where are you?"
*Ashtray in the next aisle*: Yo I'm gettin' them Teddy Grahams!
Suze *shouts over the aisle*: Do you wanna do a True Crime podcast about the Jacobs family?
Ashtray: hell yes!
*friend looks confused*
Suze: Thats my granson-in-law
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gffa · 7 months
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One thing I did like about the ending of Gotham War is that I feel like there's some potentially interesting analysis of Bruce's character to be had here, because I find this whole thing 1000% more interesting viewed through the lens of Bruce backsliding on his core classic issue: He's terrified out of his mind at how much he loves these people around him and he struggles with having relationships with people who have fundamental differences to him. I keep thinking of that Tini Howard quote about this arc and about how it's not about whether or not Bruce and Selina can get together, but that he doesn't really know how to agree to disagree with someone he loves when it comes to something deeply foundational to him. And I think that's the entire point of including everything with Jason--that it's Bruce at a low point, after too much stress coming too quickly, too many major psychological pummelings over the last several arcs, and hitting a point where he can't deal with shoving aside his fundamental disagreements with Jason anymore. But he can't just write Jason off either, because Jason is his son, so his ten simultaneous mental breakdowns all get together and decide that the only option he can live with, is to try to force Jason out of this life. That's why he tries to talk himself into forcing Dick and Tim and Damian to be caught by the police, so they'd be forced out of this life. That's why he crumbles in an alley and tries to talk himself out of loving these people. Because he doesn't know how to agree to disagree with them and still keep loving them, keep having a relationship with them.
Because everything that happened with Selina, that he really let himself believe that he could be with her, marry her, and still be Batman, that really fucked him up and I think Gotham War is more of the aftermath of that. That's how I'm (admittedly doggedly) interpreting the bit about Selina and him being the "parents" of this group, despite that Selina was never in that role--I think Bruce wanted them to be the "parents" of the group and let himself believe in it and, when it went pear-shaped, something in him backslid terribly and now we're all here. "I'm okay with me not having happiness." is a direct call-back to Bruce in the car with Alfred on the way to the wedding, asking with surprising vulnerability, "Am I allowed to be happy?" He opened his heart and got hurt again and it's been stewing for awhile and so much has happened since then--Zur-En-Arrh, Tim getting his throat cut, Dick coming to cheer him up after Selina and getting shot in the head and Bruce almost losing him, Failsafe, Insomnia, everything that's going on over in Gotham Nocturne, etc.--that it fractured something in him and the cracks have finally grown deep enough that it fell apart in this story. So now all of this is just mounting tragedies to him. Which means he can't stay connected to it because he's too afraid of losing them and he's unwilling to try after what his fracturing led him to do. He can't stop them from living this life, despite everything he tried. He can't stop loving them, despite how hard he tried. So, all he can do is walk away before he gets hurt again, trying to leave everything in Dick's hands. Dick who is "better than Batman", who is better than Bruce. That he wants Dick and Barbara to be the "parents", because that's what he was trying to be and felt he failed at it, like to me this ending isn't really resolution, this is a low point for Bruce as a character in his bigger arc, because I think Batman's character arc always has to come back to his trauma of losing his family when he was young, working to let a new family in, coming to love them, and struggling against how much it terrifies him that he might lose them, too, because he doesn't think he can survive that kind of pain again. He'll still be in Damian's life, still be Batman and Robin there, but I think he's making an exception there because so much of it comes back to being able to live with fundamentally disagreeing with someone--Dick and Jason and Tim are adults, he can't tell them what to do anymore. Damian is young enough that, even if they clash, he's still directly in charge of raising him.
Zur-En-Arrh does hang over this entire storyline, he's part of what's taking up too much space to allow Bruce any mental breathing room, but fundamentally I see this storyline as part of Bruce's issues: That he's terrified of losing those he loves, but he can't control them, he desperately tries to and it doesn't work, and he can't live with them taking different paths from his ideals, so he walks away, rather than get hurt further. Bruce is probably going to dig himself further down into this hole and he's being incredibly dumb about it, but I can see how this fits all things that he has always struggled with--and sometimes he loses that fight against himself. This event wasn't really about fighting with Selina or Vandal Savage or even his kids--this was Bruce's love versus his fears, and today his fears won.
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axbxlx · 11 months
Do you take Howard’s age and upbringing into consideration when you criticise him? I feel like most people are missing the point. He wasnt an involved father but neither was my dad and many fathers. It’s unfortunate but it’s the truth. A Father’s role consisted of providing and protecting their families and Howard did just that. His abuse was negligence and most fathers are guilty of that especially older generations. Howard is conservative in a traditional sense as we saw him call out for Maria to pick Tony. Does that mean he hates Tony or wanted to inflict pain? No. Just different times, I bet all of the superheroes had terrible fathers. Tony should understand/know how patriarchal society is.
ah so we should excuse Howard of child neglect and abuse bec he's from a different time and apparently fathers don't provide emotional support, either?
a father is supposed to do more than provide monetary support or protection. clearly he didn't protect him TOO much considering he was BFFs with Obiadiah Stane lol
howard doesnt get to clap himself on the back for the bare minimum he provided OR for anything Tony does with his life. he did the absolute bare minimum of keeping him fed, clothed and sheltered
babe idc if Howard wasn't intentionally harming Tony. Trauma was the impact of his shitty parenting, sorry. Tony seems perfectly capable of providing the emotional care and support and love with Morgan from the little screen time we see of them. I'm not going to give Howard a pass bec "patriarchy"
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multifandom-lesbian09 · 5 months
Hey so I watched all of “My Life With the Walter Boys” today and wrote down my commentary.
“What a way to tell someone her parents are dead.”
“Ginger woman! Ginger woman!”
“You guys have nine boys, at least one of them’s gotta be gay.”
“Oh I’m so sorry, continue being upset about your… situation.”
“I would actually kill myself before I had to stay in a house with nine boys.”
“That one’s gay. I’m calling it; he has a gay haircut. If it’s not the 90’s and you have a Shawn Hunter Haircut, there is no way you’re not fruity.”
“Y’all just ran outta good names, didn’t you? Benny.”
“I’m afraid of actually liking this show. Like, that is the most Wattpad name. My Life With the Walter Boys, like… no.”
“A stable family life? You keep an emo Farkle upstairs, what about that is stable?”
“What is that shirt? Oh my god, how many of you are gay?”
“That title makes me want to do things to myself that I don’t normally want to do. Bad things.”
“You, I don’t like you, you can go die.”
“Kill yourself, that’s what I think.”
“I don’t know who she is, but she’s very pretty. I hope she ends up being gay.”
After she introduces herself and says she’s from New York. “And I’m very pretty and my parents are dead.”
“She just did the Hannah Montoya Main Character smile. I bet she wants to go lay in the road while it rains.”
“Her name is Jackie Howard, and she is froM NEW YORK BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU GET TO CALL HER NEW YORK. COLE.”
“Don’t sit her next to your girlfriend. That’s dumb. You’re dumb.”
“Oh, so you're an emo and a nerd.”
“Oh no he bought her lunch, it’s the end of my life! You’ve literally known her for a day.”
“He looks like if Sam Winchester was a Chad. And a cat.”
“You can’t look that much like Jared Padalecki and be such a DICK.”
“Yeah. Me too. But also I think that I deserve ice cream after watching that performance because it was kinda cringy.”
“What are you gonna do? Stand there and watch her eat? Go away.”
“I was gonna say that this better not be a Marcus and Ginny thing, but Marcus is superior and you can go kill yourself.”
“Why are the mediocre looking ones the ones we’re worried about? Let’s look at the Shawn Hunter looking ones.”
“Oh, so he does have a tragic backstory. Because… he can’t play football. What a terrible life he has. With his… multiple girlfriends.”
“Why did you just say oh my word? You’re a teenage girl, say fuck.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works. This has the logic of a Wattpad story, too.”
“Preppy Longstocking? Is this a Disney show?”
“You’re becoming friends! And that’s really good because I love your face.”
“Bro said he peaked his sophomore year…”
“Your brother… and your friend… is in the HOSPITAL. So why don’t we go SEE HIM? Stop MAKING OUT.”
“Yes, she’s holding her banana up to you. Because she’s choosing you.”
About how it shouldn’t have taken Will and Haley breaking up for him to realize she’s more important than any job… “No, it shouldn’t have.” *starts singing Just Give Me a Reason*
“Yes! Jesus Christ, I’ve been telling you people to go to the courthouse since the first episode and you didn’t LISTEN TO ME.”
After Skylar and Nathan kiss “Literally I’m so happy that they’re together. I knew he was the gay one.”
“Screw all of you guys for getting me invested in this show.”
“Who’s Morgan, and why are we ignoring her?”
Reading the note that Cole wrote Jackie “nothing is broken that can’t be fixed…” *starts singing Just Give Me a Reason: the sequel*
“No, because she’s in the wherever with Cole. Because it happened again, because Cole’s a dick. A DICK, I SAY.”
When Jackie is on the plane back to NY “Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? REALLY? You dicks.”
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queen-of-the-avengers · 5 months
Captain Marvel: Part Ten
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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Maria knows she has to do this with her best friend, so she calls her parents over to take care of her daughter. Maria tries to come up with an excuse as to why she's asking this, and you and Carol are off to the side with Monica.
"Your Mom's lucky. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. Lieutenant Trouble," Carol smiles.
"You remembered!"
Carol had a whole life here without you, and seeing her with her other family gives you joy, but it also brings you pain when you think of how she was taken and the fact that she was taken in the first place.
"Is that mine?" Carol asks, noticing the jacket sitting on Monica's lap. The little girl starts to hand it over, but your girlfriend protests. "Oh, no. You hang onto it until I come back. There is something that I need your help with. I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style, why don't you give me a makeover?"
Carol stands and presses a few buttons on her wrist device that changes the colors of her outfit. Monica reaches over to try and goes through possible combinations such as bright red and grey stripes, orange, blue and yellow, black with neon stripes, and white with green stripes. None of them are the one until Carol sees the outfit Monica is wearing.
Red, blue, and gold.
"Well, since we're on the same team, why not those colors?" 
Monica messes with the device once more, and Carol's suit changes to red and blue with a gold star on the front. This is it. This is the suit and colors that best suit her. She kind of reminds you of Steve when he got his suit, but you push back those painful memories of your best friend.
"How do I look?"
"Fresh," Monica smiles.
"We need to get going. Yon-Rogg will be here soon," you say.
Carol and Monica say their final goodbyes before everyone boards the big aircraft. Talos' science guy stays behind to pretend to be Carol to stall Yon-Rogg for however long. He knows he's going to die when he figures it out, but he's willing to risk his life if it means Talos gets home safe.
Since you're such a terrible pilot, Maria and Carol are at the front while you, Fury, Talos, and Goose are in the back. Fury is petting and comforting the animal while Talos stares at him with horror in his eyes.
"You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap."
"Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. As long as she continues to freak you out," Fury picks up the cat and shoves her in Talos' face, and the Skrull jerks back in fear, "like that, I'm gonna keep giving her all the love and hugs she needs, right?"
"Can I ask you two something?" Maria asks the two shapeshifters on board. "Do you just turn into anything you want?"
"I have to see it first."
"Those are my rules as well."
"Can you all do it?"
"Physiologically, yeah, but it takes practice and dare I say it, talent to do it well."
"Maria, I wasn't born like this. I was given a serum that gave me these powers, so there is only one of me."
"Can you turn into a cat?" Fury asks Talos.
"What's a cat?"
"That's a cat," you point to Goose. 
"That's not a cat."
"What about a filing cabinet?" Maria asks. 
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
"I don't know about the Skrulls, but I can only turn into living creatures no matter how small or the kind of species. If it's alive, I can turn into them."
"What else can you do?"
"Well, apart from shapeshifting, I am able to control the four main elements. Whatever you want to call it, I can do a lot of pretty awesome stuff."
"A venus fly trap!" Fury exclaims, still on the topic of shifting into things. "I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a Venus fly trap."
"Switching engines from Scramjet to fusion. Buckle up, folks," Carol advises.
Everyone buckles up in case something goes wrong, and Carol lurches forward at high speeds. Due to the severe altitude, everyone is pushed back into their seats. The plane jerks like how a commercial airplane would.
"Is this normal? Like space turbulence?" Fury asks.
"Pretty much," Carol answers.
Talos grabs Fury's attention and shakes his head to say that this isn't normal. The plane continues to fly upward, and as soon as the plane reaches just outside Earth's atmosphere, the plane stops producing the flames needed in order to fly. Everything inside the plane starts floating due to the lack of gravity. Yours, Carol's, and Maria's hair float along with a few pens that weren't locked down. If you hadn't buckled in when you did, you too, would be floating in mid-air. Similarly, Goose is floating upside down until Fury extends his arm, which Goose eagerly grabs onto. Then, Maria flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane.
"Locking in the coordinate grid," Carol announces.
However, the only thing in front of you is an empty pad of space. Maybe the coordinates are wrong or maybe the lab moved because it's not here anymore. 
"Where is it?"
"It's here. It's gotta be here," Talos panics. 
"Is it in front of all that nothing or behind it?" Fury asks sarcastically.
There has to be some reason why the coordinates led you to this empty space. Carol presses some buttons on her wrist device, and the process of decloaking begins. If this is where the coordinates are, and there is nothing here, then it must be invisible.
"Decloaking activated," the computer chirps.
Suddenly, a bright light appears from the empty space, and a massive laboratory becomes visible. The title "Mar-Vell's Laboratory, Kree Imperial Cruiser" appears on the screen inside the spaceship. Carol flies closer to the laboratory only to realize there's a loading dock for incoming ships. Once secured inside, you five leave the ship in curiosity.
"Are we alone?" you ask when you walk into the main room. Across the room is the Tesseract connected to a big machine, and you walk closer to it with tears in your eyes. This is what you've been waiting for for almost one hundred centuries. "I can't believe after all this time, it's been here. I thought this was in the ocean."
"Is that it? The core?" Maria asks. 
"In her notes, she called it the Tesseract."
"This thing made me who I am today. This thing gave me my powers. This thing has been a pain in my ass this whole time!" you yell.
"It's okay," Carol whisper and puts her hand on your shoulder for comfort. 
"No, it's not okay, Carol. This thing needs to be destroyed. All this thing is going to cause is pain."
Carol understands where you were coming from, but in order to understand its power, it needed to be saved. She grabs the cube and throws it in the air only to catch it like it was a fucking baseball and not a killing machine. This thing killed your best friend and boyfriend. 
"Whoa. What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff?" Maria asks and picks up a metal lunchbox.
Carol takes it from her, places the Tesseract inside, and locks it. You look around and take in your surroundings. There is something about this place, something off. On the glass table near the corner of the room is a mug with steaming hot tea in it.
You aren't alone.
"We're not alone."
Talos begins to sing loudly in his native tongue, and a swarm of scared Skrulls appears from their hiding places. An older one into the arms of Talos. If you had to assume, you'd guess that she is his wife, girlfriend, or sibling. 
"Soren," he sighs and hugs her tightly. 
"He didn't come for the Tesseract." Soren calls forth a child, probably her own, and the child makes herself known willingly. Talos leans down to get a better look at the child with a huge smile on his face. "This is his family."
"We didn't know what to do. Mar-Vell warned us not to send a signal for any reason or the Kree would find us," Soren explains painfully.
"You did the right thing," Talos whispers.
When the excitement of the family reunion wears off, Soren notices the group Talos came in with. She grabs her child and holds her protectively, even when Talos calms her down.
"It's okay, it's okay. She's alright. She's a friend. They all are."
"I'm not gonna hurt you. We're not going to hurt you," Carol says.
"They led me to you."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"If only I had known," you sniffle.
"Carol, Y/N, this is war. My hands are filthy from it, too, but we're here now. You two found my family. This is just the beginning. There are thousands of us separated from each other. Scattered throughout the galaxy."
Another Skrull child approaches Carol once she knows it's safe and took her hand. She directs her over to a pinball machine in the corner. The child points to the high score in glowing lights and points to herself to say she won that many points.
"If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too," Fury comments.
Suddenly, the doors to the lab open and Yon-Rogg and his team march through with determination. Upon seeing the Kree, Fury draws his gun but Minn-Erva already had hers directed at him. She gestures to him to drop it and he has no choice but to listen. Talos put his family behind him but Yon-Rogg couldn't care less about them right now. No, he's only interested in you and Carol. Seeing his bitch-ass face makes you see red, and your eyes shine red like fire as your hands glow the same color.
"Fraternizing with the enemy? Don't be stupid, Y/N, you'll kill everyone here," he points out. It's true. If you used your powers, you'll blow this entire ship to pieces. "What did you do to your uniform?"
"They got in her head. Just like we thought," Minn-Erica says. 
"Oh, shut it, bitch," you growl.
"The Supreme Intelligence will set her straight," Korath says. 
"You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. You can have me," Talos tries negotiating.
"And the core?"
"You lied to me," Carol glares. 
"I made you a better version of yourself. What's given can be taken away," Yon-Rogg grins.
Carol tries as hard as she can to light up her fists, but they shortened out as if someone is controlling her powers from a distance. You notice something on her neck, something like a small device that is suppressing her powers. She doesn't know it's there or else she'd have taken it off a long time ago.
You turn to the other Kree and give them a malicious grin.
"I may not be able to use my fire power, but I have other ones."
The air around all of the Kree's heads begins to thin out while the air in the room stays the same. If they can't breathe, they can't fight. All of them gasp for air and fall to the ground, and you have to hold back your laughter. You're too busy focusing on them that you don't see Yon-Rogg sneak up behind you. He stabs something in the back of your neck, eliminating your powers for the moment.
"I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw you," he whispers.
He turns the device on and sends shockwaves down your body. With both you and Carol out of commission, the Kree can finally get what they came here to get.
When you wake up, you're not in Mar-Vell's ship anymore. No, you're in an all too familiar room with endless glossy floors and lights that descend from above. The man with jet-black hair stands in the middle of the room. Why does he look so familiar? When you think back to where you might know him, your head gets fuzzy and you get the worst headache ever.
Someone or something removed those memories from your head.
"There she is. I've got to say, I'm quite disappointed in you," the Supreme Intelligence says.
"There is no honor. The promise you made to me about honor and responsibilities is all a lie."
"Despite that, you performed well. You got us to the enemy. Thanks to you and jazz hands, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more."
"I can't believe I ever thought the Kree would have the ability to change their ways. You're just as bad as Ronan. The Skrulls are just fighting for a home. You want to destroy them for what? Not submitting to your rules? Well, Carol and I won't do it."
You run at the man to attack him, but you go flying into the wall behind you with a flick of his wrist. You stick to the wall like glue so you're not going anywhere.
"It's cute how hard you try," he chuckles. "We needed you on this mission so you could lead us to the Tesseract. The power inside your veins wouldn't allow you to stay away. Plus, it is what you were looking for, yeah? You want to learn more about who you are and what Markus put into your body."
"How do you know about Markus?"
You slide through the sticky wall and come out on the other side where you can watch your memories play back in front of you.
"We know more than you think."
Each memory is of when Markus put you through each element trial. Through it all, the evil look on Markus' face never went away.
"You're no better than him," you turn to face the Supreme Intelligence.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Okay, you're done with this shit. You need to escape or else he will keep you here for as long as he wants. You need to escape if you want to help the Skrulls win this war.
"Do you know what the difference between me and Carol is?" The fire within you heats up slowly, and your skin glows with the embers of a thousand fires. "You've been able to control her through the device you slapped on her neck, am I right? Well, news flash, bitch, you can't control me."
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