#how some may invision things slightly differently
candyunicornsateme · 3 months
I feel like art or writing wise for me Kenny is either pretty expressive or not very expressive at all. In heavy moments, he's not very expressive, like if you wanted to picture things the same as in my brain, that's how it'd be. With Kyle it's expressive either way, bright when happy, very visibly upset and pissed when... upset and pissed lol.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Aggressive mimicry
Synopsis: A power blackout hits your base, plunging you into darkness. As fear grips you, Ghost tries to calm you down. Little did he know you had other things in mind.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,085
Aggressive mimicry: a tactic in which a predator acts harmless to lure its prey.
Fluff. A little suggestive, but SFW.
No, there’s no part 2.
Want more?
Looks like you’ll both be working until late this evening. New recruits are constantly arriving, and the base is rapidly filling up.
The two of you take comfort in the silence of your office, a small space with two desks next to each other and a bookshelf full of records lining the opposite wall. It’s a little tight, especially with the new chairs you brought for the interviews. However, you cannot conduct them anywhere else since they’re confidential and private. Your job is to assess the recruits’ mental health, look into any past traumas that may have affected them, and determine their trustworthiness with firearms. Ghost, on the other hand, interviews them about their battlefield abilities and skills.
Under normal circumstances, he does not wear his mask when in the room with you. But these aren’t normal circumstances; People are constantly coming in and out of the office, and he feels uneasy without it.
“He was good, that last one,” he says, his attention still fixed on the paperwork. “Don’t mark him.”
“He suffered three concussions in his last deployment and reeks of alcohol,” you explain, baffled. “How can you trust him?”
“These are the best,” he shrugs, “they’ve got nothing to lose.”
You shake your head, stunned, as you look at him. You two come from different worlds.
“Have you considered therapy, Lt. Riley?” you ask sarcastically.
“Have you considered minding your own business, Dr Y/N?” he snaps back. You knew what he was going to say even before you asked. But you enjoyed teasing him every now and then.
“It’s ‘Professor Y/N,’ please.”
Instead of responding, he mockingly repeats your statement, imitating you and pushing invisible glasses up his nose bridge.
You chuckle, and he turns to look at you, slightly proud that he made you laugh. Your opposing personalities complement each other well, with your order and his chaos balancing each other out. It was like mixing black and white to get some form of grey. And that’s the state you’ve been in for years—in a grey area. You two have never been romantic. Still, the flirting was definitely there, even if it came in the form of playful jabs and teasing.
Ghost shuffles through his papers before turning to face you. “Where are the next ones’ files?” he wonders.
You look over your desk and move your gaze to the bookshelf. “I must have left them on the shelf,” you say as you stand up. “Let me go get them.”
But as you approach the bookshelf, everything goes dark—pitch black.
“What just happened?” you yell in a high-pitched voice.
“The lights went off,” he says calmly. “The base has too many people to handle all that power cons-”
“Shut the fuck up, Lieutenant!”
“You just asked me-”
You freeze in place, with your back against the bookshelf like a trapped animal. You try to see through the impenetrable darkness, but nothing is visible. Fear grips you and paralyses you.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” Ghost says through the darkness, and you feel a hand on your shoulder.
Despite his words, the panic rises. As your fight-or-flight instincts kick in, you get ready to defend yourself. You lash out, grabbing the first thing you can get your hands on and swing right at the source of the touch.
“What the hell, woman!” Ghost curses in pain.
“G-Ghost?” you stammer, “is that you, Lieutenant?”
“How could it be anyone else?” He says and rubs his forehead. “Christ, professor, no wonder you know so much about concussions.”
“Did I get you good?” you ask, worried, “I-I’m so sorry.”
“I’ve had worse,” he assures you, taking your hand and placing it on his chest while muttering soothing words.
As you touch the coarse texture of his uniform, you apply a bit of pressure to get a better feel of him. And just like that, the fear fades gradually, giving way to a more... playful mood. You slide your hand up to his shoulder, then back to his chest. You can feel his heart rate increasing as it desperately pumps the blood it requires for him to stay sane. But he doesn’t need sanity right now; he must lose it completely. So you do it again. He lets out a sigh.
“These are dangerous games you’re playing, Professor,” he warns, trying to sound like his usual self and failing miserably.
“I like taking risks, Lieutenant,” you smirk, tracing circles on his chest with your finger.
He takes your hand off him and steps closer, bridging your gap. Seems like the blood is pumping elsewhere now.
“Fuck, professor,” he murmurs, “I need to go check if they need my help.”
“No,” you command, “what you need to do is stay right here.”
“Like this?” he asks huskily, his breath warm on your forehead.
“Yes, exactly like this.”
But, as he tilts your head towards him and begins to remove his balaclava, the door bursts open, and a blinding light shines in, threatening to expose you.
Your reflexes kick back again. You instinctively push him away and begin screaming, grabbing files from the bookshelf and hurling them at the light source.
“Damn it, Professor!” Ghost yells at you, “You’re hitting the engineers with box files!”
You pause midair and focus on your target; two figures squatted on the ground, their hands protecting their heads.
“Motherf—can’t you knock first?” You yell at them while holding the box file in front of your face. “Should we include basic etiquette in the manual, too?”
They all look at you, puzzled. Unable to comprehend your absurd request, they turn to Ghost.
“Sir, we need help with the generator.” One of them explains, and Ghost nods.
They hand him a flashlight and return to the power junction box, leaving you alone again.
He turns to look at you one last time.
“I’m curious,” he says, leaning in close, “did you plan this all along?”
You raise an eyebrow, acting innocent. “What, the power outage?”
“Are you acting all daft now?” he asks, his eyes forming two thin lines. “The whole screaming and acting vulnerable thing so I could come to your rescue and fall into your trap.”
“Oh, come on, Lieutenant,” you playfully roll your eyes, “don’t pretend like you didn’t want it.”
He scoffs and shakes his head. “So you’re okay with staying alone then?”
“Of course I am,” you say seductively, “as long as you come back and let me finish what I started.”
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hi!!! i just started tgcf recently and i LOVE IT😭(don’t worry about spoilers, i already researched all that happens LOL)
can i request headcanons on san lang/hua cheng x xie lian x male reader (poly) who’s really bubbly, funny, and is always kind, and is overall just a sunshine! but in bed readers just a subby, babbling, crying mess, and praise really gets them going?
thank you!!! take care of yourself :)
Sunshine headcanons
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Of course you can and tyy🖤 bear with me as I may not be very good with smut yet but Imma try for you🫵😚🖤 headcanons also terrify me. I don't want to mischaracterize them. It keeps me up at night 😭 so if it's slightly out of character. That's my bad. Like especially if the smut is out of character bro😭
Sunshine headcanons part two
You've always been bubbly, it's in your nature. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian love you for it. They love to see their lover smiling and happy and they wouldn't dare let someone be a threat to your happiness.
Xie Lian also has a very sunshine personality so the both of you in one room may make Hua Cheng blind in his other eye by how bright it is
Hua Cheng is mischievous so of course he has plenty of silly jokes up his sleeves and it's his favorite past time to make you laugh. He'd do anything for the both of you if he could see you guys smile everyday.
He wishes you were more careful though. With that sunshine personality of yours, you go out of your way to be kind. Your kindness of course is why he loves you, but your kindness exceeds the normal amount someone should have.
It causes him and Xie Lian to worry about you.
What do you mean you almost got hit because you were in the road helping a turtle to the other side???
What do you mean you let someone lead you away to a secluded area because they needed help carrying something???(They did actually need help).
So that's why the three of you are always seen together. The two of them having to put you on some invisible leash so you don't wander off
More often than not though you end up dragging Xie Lian with you.
With the both of you being so kind and Xie Lian not having the ability to say no to you, you're able to get him to come with you during your little adventures of kindness.
Which leaves you and Xie Lian using Hua Cheng as "scary dog privileges".
Your welcoming presence is overshadowed by Hua cheng's scary aura. In fact people are quick to run the other way. Not that you've ever figured out why.
While Hua Cheng is very outwardly protective of the both of you and is a looking presence, Xie Lian is kinder but still protective.
On the off chance that Hua Cheng isn't with the two of you leaves Xie Lian to look after you. At first impression he's very kind and even let people run over him like he's a rug. Him and you are a different story.
Xie Lian would never stand by and let someone step on you like a rug. While he does prefer to talk things out, he knows how to fight if he needs to. You don't.
So you have two boyfriends that are also built in body guards good for you.
With you around you've taken over cooking. While Hua Cheng loves Xie Lian's cooking, you think he's blinded by love to actually see what he's eating.
You love Xie Lian you just don't want food poisoning, but you know Xie Lian enjoys cooking
So it's a very domestic image when the two of you are in the kitchen working together. Hua Cheng stands at the side watching the two of you bustle around.
There's three of you but it's never crowded. If Hua Cheng is supposed to be the moon and Xie Lian is supposed to be the sun, then you're their star and they love you to pieces.
Inside the bedroom is a different story though.
Hua Cheng is great in bed and often takes a dominant role, Xie Lian has no problem being obedient.
However with your addition they both team up on you. They can't help it really it's your own fault.
On the outside you're so sweet and kind. In bed you're just so fragile and obedient.
Hua Cheng likes to bully and tease you. Just a little bit. Which often leaves you a crying, babbling mess.
Xie Lian ever so kind, is your savior. Giving you little kisses, reassuring you, and getting Hua Cheng to behave himself. He knows damn well his attempts at stopping Hua Cheng are half-assed though.
You're just so submissive, willing to do anything you're told so they love to spoil you. Sometimes too much.
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yurislotusgarden · 7 months
Hi there! Can I please request (separate) Fyodor, Nikolai, and Sigma with a reader who has a teleportation ability and loves to use it to tickle/tease them? There's no way you're sneaking up on Fyodor or Nikolai unless you have a teleportation ability, let's be honest XD. The kicker is that reader can just teleport away before the characters can get revenge and that makes for some very funny scenarios. Feel free to decline, I know my request is a tad strange XD
ʚїɞ Separately! Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ I literally struggled on 2 out of 6 scenarios sm for some reason help, and dw this was fun to write anon!
ʚїɞ word count: 2 136
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way
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ཐིཋྀ Anon you’re so right, you can’t sneak up on this man unless you have a teleportation ability. Like even invisibility or similar wouldn’t probably work, but teleportation? Hell yeah.
ཐིཋྀ I think there would be a little bet on your side, how many times can you actually surprise him? You succeed far more than you first thought.
Computer light falling onto a silhouette could be seen upon looking into the room, Fyodor Dostoevsky was sitting in front of the many screens, planning his ever-so-successful plan to get rid of ability users. Not moving much for some time, one could mistake him for a statue instead, that's until he slightly jumped from feeling fingers moving along his sides.
Quiet giggling was all he heard when turning around, trying to catch the figure behind him, but unsuccessful upon the person disappearing before the dark-haired man could even touch them.
Fyodor’s ever so lovely s/o, you, have always loved doing little tricks to see just how much can you be unpredictable, even to this man ever since you noticed he doesn’t mind them… that much, at least.
ཐིཋྀ This man, let me tell you, this man, is not safe ANYWHERE. 
ཐིཋྀ Office? “Oh? You’re ticklish Fedya? Nice to know”
ཐིཋྀ Hallways? Something as little as even a touch on the shoulder and getting out of there before he even manages to turn around.
ཐིཋྀ The house? U n l i m i t e d   p o s s i b i l i t i e s.
ཐིཋྀ No matter what he does, our dear Fedya is never safe from little pranks and tricks for your entertainment, shits and giggles.
Listen, Fyodor really doesn’t mind you having fun with your ability here and there, but is it really too much to ask to organize things in peace? In your book, it seems it is.
Fyodor has some things written down on paper, and only one copy, as he believes it’s better to not keep some things on his computer. As much as it is un-hackable, his words he wants to be safe just in case. Better be safe than sorry, but it would be so much faster and easier to organize if papers didn’t change their place the moment his eyes were even slightly averted from them, if folders didn’t change their places, or more, if you didn’t mess with his stuff.
The rat placed the paper on the table and turned away to get a folder? A little quiet sound could be heard behind him. Turning around, the paper is gone as if it wasn’t there in the first place and is on the other side of the room. He turns back around to get the folder, but now that is gone too and is under a table.
Whether it’s papers that are moved around. From changing tables to even being moved to different folders, to folders that were perfectly organized in alphabetical order being all messed up. Every time he turns away, you would teleport in, take a folder out of the shelf, and teleport away. After a moment you would teleport back into a random ass place and place it there. The worst is that you do it not only when he organizes stuff, but also randomly on days he doesn't. 
Really, the organizing would be so much faster if he had peace… sad that he doesn’t.
“You gotta stop doing all that Myshka.”
“Stop what?”
“All those little jokes of yours. It’s irritating.”
“It’s irritating but you still smile at them?”
“What? You think I don’t know that you smile after I’m out of the room?”
“Why are you not saying anything? It’s scary-”
“About that thing you mentioned you wanted to try in be-”
“ALRIGHT! How about I make your favorite tonight? I didn’t make it for so long!”
“We had it last week, dorogaya*”
“Yeah… so long”
You didn’t stop your antics at all in the end, and no matter how much Fyodor complains, he hopes you will never stop <3
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ཐིཋྀ Yall have a literal competition
ཐིཋྀ Who's gonna surprise who more? Good question-
ཐིཋྀ You can be in the city buying things for yourself, feel a tug on your hair, and turning around you just see a glimpse of Nikolai’s portal.
ཐིཋྀ In turn, he may be doing his braid in the morning and feel a tug on the back of HIS hair, and only then noticing your already disappearing figure in the mirror behind him, not giving him a chance to even turn around😭
Morning sun rays fell upon the figure sitting in front of the mirror in the room. Nikolai was sitting quietly, still half asleep as it was around 7 am and he woke up not too long ago. The white-haired man was making his braid with closed eyes, the hand manner practically natural by now, in the quiet room. 
That was before he felt a slight tug on the back of his head, He opened his eyes in a fast movement, managing to catch only one thing in the mirror reflection behind him, the gentle light that comes with his s/o, you, using their ability.
A quiet sigh from the man could be heard in the room, a gentle smile on his face that he couldn’t stop from appearing.
“You just couldn’t stop yourself from doing that, huh, Dove?” Nikolai spoke knowing you were still in the room,  as well as he noticed that he had to redo most of the braid he had done till now.
“It’s revenge for what you did last week, Kolya”
“I don’t know what you are talking about”
“Hmm… I also don’t know what I’m talking about when I say I won’t be baking the cookies you wanted”
That certainly woke him up.
ཐིཋྀ Others are so done with yall I swear
ཐིཋྀ There’s no shame, you guys do it to each other in public all the time, not only in private. You once decided it was a good idea to scare him on a meeting with Sigma… it ended with you scaring them both
ཐིཋྀ You apologized, only to Sigma though
ཐིཋྀ He, in turn, scared you while you were out with a friend people stared at you two like you had 2 heads after screaming in the middle of the sidewalk for seemingly no reason
ཐིཋྀ He did not apologize to either of you
ཐིཋྀ So yeah, you both are not safe from the other absolutely anywhere or with anyone even in the bathroom
You and Nikolai were visiting Sigma at the Sky Casino, although you disappeared around half an hour after the two of you got there. To where? A good question that the white head doesn't have an answer to. 
"I'm telling you no is my answer." 
"But are you sure it's your final answer?" 
"Yes.. or wait-" 
Good ol' doubt in an answer for Nikolai's quiz. He just needs to wait till Sigma says the wrong answer and he will be able to- 
Whirling around or looking ahead, depending on the male, both noticed a book on the ground, a piece of literature the bi-colored-haired Man could swear he didn't have in his office.
Sigma stood up and slowly walked over to the book on the ground, he bent down to pick it up. Just as he straightened up, a sound of something hitting the floor sounded throughout the office. Looking back at the desk behind the males, a folder the younger of the two was working on beforehand, was lying on the floor.
“Is all the stuff in my office gonna be falling down or appearing out of thin air now?”
Just as Sigma spoke, the sound of something heavier, like the book from earlier, flew across the office, and then a sigh was heard right after.
“I think so, dear friend!”
Nikolai was acting cocky for the next few minutes as things would fall or appear out of nowhere, thinking that you are playing with only Sigma for fun. He realized it was you when the folder fell off the desk, but what he didn’t realize, was that he wasn’t safe at all.
He should’ve remembered that you absolutely love to play around with him by doing something to his hair, so he should’ve expected the tug on his hair from the back or the feeling of his hat gone from his head that came next.
And he couldn’t do anything even if he whirled around immediately, as your figure disappeared in gentle light just as he did so.
“Told you to look around.”
“But Sigma!!! I thought-”
If he could change one thing about your guys' games, it would be that damn hair part. Never understood why you love it so much, but at the same time, he didn’t protest against it on a serious note before.
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ཐིཋྀ The poor guy-
ཐིཋྀ He’s just trying to work but you mess up his paperwork😭
ཐིཋྀ Like, he goes out of the office for a little to take a look around the casino but then comes back to the chaos that is his desk after
The bi-hair-colored man entered his office quietly. It was quite dark, as the sun already started to set some time ago. He wondered what you, his lovely s/o, were doing at the moment as you insisted on staying in the main room earlier during your small talk with Sigma after spotting him walking around.
Upon laying his eyes on his desk once he got close enough, Sigma noticed that some things were moved around. The paper that he was writing on before got moved up by 8 centimeters, exactly 2 papers from the right got moved to the far left of the desk, in exchange, 3 papers from the left got moved to the place the 2 papers from the right were in before, he also had 3 files on his desk before, but now there was  5, and none of them being the 2 that were there before.
The reason behind that wasn’t hard to guess.
“You still here, dear?”
But it also wasn’t hard to guess that you stayed close by.
“Of course!” The response came with you appearing behind him, and together with a light tickling feeling on his neck.
…He had to start his work all over again.
…At least you brought cookies though.
ཐིཋྀ You don’t surprise him TOO much, due to you wanting to let him work, however, that doesn't mean that you scaring him isn't a regular occurrence.
ཐིཋྀ Just got done talking with someone and had plans to go back to the office? You’re standing right behind him, causing him to jump.
ཐིཋྀ That one file he thought he lost? You coincidentally know where it is completely not where it’s supposed to be
ཐིཋྀ He woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom? What the fuck is that shadow in the corner on the way back? it’s you who woke up
ཐིཋྀ You scare the workers of the casino as well by accident most of the time😭
He was just trying to comb his hair, but no, of course, his comb was not where it was meant to be, and of course, the spare one was missing as well.
His stuff had been going missing before being found in the most random places possible. Sigma didn’t want to assume his beloved was at fault, but at the same time, this was happening way too much lately.
His heels? Moved from the hallway to the kitchen.
The glass of water he left on the counter? Found in his office, once he got there.
Once, all of his hairbands went missing, and he found every single one of them placed around in books, folders, cabinets, and even under papers he left on his desk.
The bi-colored-haired man decided to speak up with a slightly louder tone, in case you were somewhere in a farther corner of the apartment.
“Yes, cotton?”
He decided to ignore that he jumped a little at your surprise entrance behind him. Should’ve expected you wouldn’t use the door.
“Do you know where my comb is?”
A hum came from you. “No. Why do you ask?”
“Can’t find it. Thought you would know.”
“Going into assuming right away, aren’t we?”
It’s not that the man doesn’t trust you, but you’ve done little tricks like this so many times that no one could blame him if they tried. The teasing tone in your voice didn't help the situation.
“Can you blame me?”
“...You have it, don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sigma doesn’t mind, it’s a part of your personality, but he would really appreciate if you stopped moving his stuff around. That would certainly help.
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Notes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated
* 'Dorogaya' means love/sweetheart in Russian if the translator I used didn't fail me ;-;
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tezzbot · 3 months
Okay.. so... fairly long post under the cut with the sort of background to my Sonic Underground AU!! If anyone's interested fjdgv I have thought about it a Lot lol
So basically, The background is that Eggman has definitely been up to shit since before Sonic was born lol and one of his sort of things when he I guess started out in villainy ? was he started trying to claim land and take over so that he could build his cities and theme parks and factories and what have you and rule over everything. So, after claiming some untouched land he started attacking “Mobian'' settlements, (not sure whether to stick with Mobian or what but the word gets my point across so I’m using it now sfgdh) and I guess started working his way up until he found Christmas Island, which is the small Kingdom Aleena ruled over at the time. This caused the Kingdom to fight back and started a war with Robotnik. However. Obviously the warzone was no place to be raising the Very recently born heirs to the throne (the three who would grow up to be Sonia Sonic and Manic, they might’ve had different names back then lol) and so Aleena with a Very heavy heart sent the three Far away, they had them sent to a dinky little orphanage in a fairly distant zone, intending to pick them back up when the war was over.
Unfortunately, Very early on in the triplet’s stay at the orphanage, when they were still practically babies, an unfortunate cot placement led to Manic being kidnapped sometime in the dead of night (don’t ask why they did it I just think it’s funny love and light). He was taken to a nearby city, and somehow managed to endear himself to Ferral, the leader of one of the larger sort of crime rings active there. This is where he learned to get by and live and thrive, little crime family they love each other and rag on each other so much smile smile smile.
Sonic stayed in the orphanage a lot longer than Manic, but doesn’t really remember his time there all that much. As soon as Sonic figured out how to, he ran. Ran as fast and as far as he was able. Ran until he had no idea how to get back. But he'd not a guilt on his conscience. He was free, for the first time felt truly free. He learned how to survive on his own and met a little two tailed fox cub and his life played out pretty much exactly the same as it does in the main line continuity :)
Sonia is the only one of the three who has any memory of staying in the orphanage and was the only one to leave there by regular means dgfhfg. At about five years old, she was one of a few girls from across the continent to be chosen to attend and live at an all girls school where they would grow into proper ladies™, being taught etiquette and manners and so on. She managed a fairly cushy lifestyle here but was never truly happy there. She obviously has her besties like Mindy, but it always felt far too restrictive and (figuratively) cold. So while she does do well there, she is slightly prone to getting in trouble and feels kind of belittled and invisible among her peers at times
So in the triplet’s maybe 3rd year? The war on Christmas Island ended and the Mobians were unfortunately forced to go into hiding. Aleena made it out and went into her own hiding in the form of laying low in a residential area in a nearby city, and attempted to blend in there for a few years before making the trip to finally reunite with her children. Unfortunately by the time she gets there, all three are gone :( Even though the orphanage may know where Sonia is, she feels as though she has failed all three as their mother and wouldn't be able to face any of them (despite the fact they're like. 6 year olds lol), and so retreats back to her city home.
Until, over a decade later, Aleena sees the world renowned hero Sonic the Hedgehog that she hears so much about, (maybe he’s just saved that part of the city from a badnik attack or something like that) and there is just… something about him that is so uncannily like her Bernie… His heroism and humility right down to his mannerisms, the being blue also adds to the effect. And… Aleena is not one to get her hopes up, but the chance of this being one of her missing children after all these years…
Then I’m thinking maybe, she is wearing the equivalent of the three medallions and, maybe as she gets closer to Sonic one of them has some sort of magical reaction ? or something I’m not actually sure. But something DOES confirm to Aleena that This is one of her kids oh my god!! And he’s just like his (other) mother… Aleena gets overwhelmed and ends up not talking to him. Sonic maybe notices someone in a long flowy jacket running away from the crowd, but gets distracted by the many other thankful citizens around him to really take note of it lol
This is when Aleena writes her letter to Sonic. She looks him up, tries very hard to find out where he lives. Ultimately coming up with nothing she’s like IS MY BOY HOMELESS?? But then what comes up eventually is a plethora of small garages and laboratories under the name Dr. Miles Prower and is like Oh! An apprentice maybe :) lol and so she rolls the dice and chooses one of those locations at random and hopes her message gets to him soon.
This is just the leadup to what would be the "main plot" of the AU and I do have more for it!! So if this like. Text based way of explaining my ideas is alright I can share more from the google doc if ppl are interested!! And maybe I'll doodle some stuff for it here n there who know (seems likely tho lol)
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hotheadedheroprimary · 7 months
I had the craziest angst dream last night
It was based on an RP my bestie and I had been working on but, man, my brain knows how to toy with my feelings. Words cannot express how I felt after having this dream, my heart was racing. (Will do this in the form of x reader coz damn)
That day was a tragedy, a devastation to yourself and everyone who knew you. No one could have foreseen such a thing and, yet, a heavy blame was taken upon the two men who had cared for you most. You were all fresh into beginning your careers as heroes, barely a year out of graduation, and it didn't last long for you. Somehow, a group of especially dangerous villains had managed to get the jump on you. They beat you to a pulp and took you into capture, falling out of the radar and becoming completely invisible to anyone who may have had a chance to save you.
You were held in captivity for almost two years. Two years. They tormented and verbally degraded you to no end. To say it was torture was an understatement. You may as well have been crucified and left to hang amongst the vultures awaiting the sweet, bitter end to life. Unfortunately, these monsters were not merciful creatures. At first, they attempted to coax information out of you, seeing if they could unlock all of the inner workings of the pro heroes and utilise this for their nefarious deeds. When it became clear that you weren't so easily broken, they decided that you would make a decent venting dolly. You sought to escape once.
"That was a big mistake... hero."
Due to your weakened state, they quite easily recaptured you and they were not happy. They could have just killed you. Part of you wishes they did. No. Instead, they opted for a more fitting punishment: they took away your quirk. More ridicule and abuse is all that followed, is all you had to keep your wavering sanity occupied.
You felt close to your end.
An eventual rescue tore you away from your imprisonment but at what cost? You couldn't even discern the reality from a nightmare at that point. Your saviours, some heroes on the other side of the country, made sure that you were immediately admitted to a hospital. The physical wounds were in need of major attention but the mental scars ran so much deeper.
It probably would have been easy enough to call all of your friends, to ask for help from a familiar face, but a chain would heavy your hand any time you'd reach for the phone. You couldn't even bring yourself to call your two favourite boys.
With months of gruelling therapy out of the way, you now have a home - a new home - that you can call yours and a typical civilian job to keep the money coming in. You may be somewhat established back into society but you are merely a shell of what once was, a sauntering after image of the person you used to be. It had taken countless sessions just to counter your agoraphobia but a slithery vine is quick to entangle your spine any time you choose to leave your home. The darned thing clenches and digs its thorns in, threatening to jolt your head into a spasm but you always fight the urge.
That day wasn't much different. To begin with, at least.
After your usual mental prepping and throwing your cap on, you take the leap of faith from your doorstep and trudge along for your weekly grocery run. All in all, it seemed it was going to be fairly standard; weave in and out of people, make no eye contact, get the goods, and go home. It wasn't like it was late on your way back either but, with the winter season, that night was soon rolling in. You notice another set of footsteps trailing behind you, which certainly isn't helping. It could just be that pesky paranoia settling in but this person has been hot on your tail for a few minutes now. Still having some streets to go, you curse your blunder in not choosing a location more in-city. In an attempt to get home faster without displaying your fear, you ever so slightly pick up the pace. The individual appears to do the same and you are ready to run. The muscles in your calves tighten in anticipation of a quick escape.
That's when it happened: a chance encounter that reduced you to tears.
"Hey!" an all-too-familiar voice beckons from behind you.
Anxiety prickles your skin for different reasons than before. There's no way it's him. Surely not.
Oh, but it is.
The great hero Dynamight had been making his rounds in the city, keeping an astute eye out for anything amiss but also for you. It may seem outlandish for him to still be looking for you after almost three years but this is Bakugo. He's not one to give up. That's probably why he's grown more calloused in this time. He hasn’t been able to heal. To move on. The night still haunts him though he never lets that show. His cold heart had grown even heavier and colder since that day. He barely says a word - more so than usual. The man eats at himself over the whole situation. What could he have done differently? Is there actually anything he could have actually done? If he can’t even save a comrade, a person he cares so deeply about, is he even worthy of the title of hero? Perhaps that is another driving force to keep searching for you. It may seem crazy but at least he hasn't lost his hope. Not like they did. How could they all just assume you dead like that? How could they give up on a friend? A fellow pro hero? Not him. Not ever and nor Kirishima. That redhead, as much of an idiot as he may be, is the only one who stuck by Bakugo's headstrong tenacity over the years. He shakes the thoughts from his head for about the umpteenth time just that day alone.
It seemed as though it would be another afternoon of quiet. One might say that's a nice change of pace but some individuals like to be kept busy. Bakugo stopped for one of his annoying fans when he caught a flash from the corner of his eye. It almost looked like... no. It couldn't be. Wait... is it? His gaze has never once failed him before. The calls of the young boy were lost to him, his feet moved without his consent. He'd recognise that stupid hat anywhere. It wasn't even a matter of questioning the legitimacy before he was practically tailgating the unsuspecting individual. It didn't take long until it was just the two of them walking along the darkening street. His heart hasn’t beat this hard since that terrible day. He shakes his head, almost grows angry. What if it is you? What will he do? A deep breath. Just keep focusing on the task at hand - one that seems to be slipping from him the longer this cat-and-mouse chase drags out. His tracks aren't exactly subtle given how the freshly falling snow crunches and groans beneath his weight. The speed picks up and he knows he has to say something before his "prey" runs off. He has opened and closed his mouth several times to speak up to her but he backs out every time. Goddamnit Bakugo just say something. He growls to himself and closes his eyes. His fists clench beneath his gauntlets. He can’t believe he is about to do this. He must be crazy.
Finally, somehow managing to find his own voice, he calls out. "Hey!"
He didn't know what else to say. He didn't want to call out that name in case his assumption was wrong. The figure stops and slowly turns around to face him. Bakugo stares a moment longer before slowly walking over to get a closer look. His heart punches against his ribcage when he's no more than a meter in front of that familiar face. There have been some changes, of course, but he would recognise those eyes anywhere - your eyes. He looks back and forth between them before letting out a deep sigh and shaking his head. He closes his eyes and rests a hand on her shoulder, an action that is hesitant but proves the reality of your existence at this moment. All he can do is keep his eyes closed as everything tries to catch up to him. Eventually, he takes in a deep sigh and slowly looks up at you. His expression holds a mixture of sad and relived and some exhaustion like he just got done with a war.
"How long, (Y/n)?"
At first, you haven't a clue what he's talking about until it hits you like a steel pipe to the cheek. You had gotten so caught up in the situation, Katsuki Bakugo slowly trailing towards you with an unease you had never witnessed in him before. Not like this. A million and one thoughts spurry around your head but, at the same time, you are also completely blank. Crimson eyes pierce right into your soul, attempting to coerce your tongue for the words but still nothing. You can't help the nausea in your stomach when it dawns on you just how mad he may get. You already envision the blade of his teeth slicing through you.
"They... I was discharged from a hospital in Hachinohe almost... almost four months ago."
It all comes down on him like a sack of bricks. Understandably, he is pissed - unequivocally burning in damnation of the truth that you are alive and have been roaming the streets for so many months and against his knowledge no less. It doesn't matter if he had been in the middle of a battle; he would have been there for you in a heartbeat. Growing more painful, he rubs at the migraine pounding against his temples. He wipes his forehead as if making up for the fact that there are no tears to dry. He doesn't know how to cry right now. The pressure and strain amidst his palms shake his nerves to no end.
"And you didn't call?!" he screams over his crackling throat. "I would have come for you! We would have come for you!"
How could you call? You were so sure that everyone was better off without you, that you weren't needed in their lives. By the time you had been freed, everyone had become more well-established heroes in society. They don't need you. They moved on. That's how you thought of it, at least. Your attempted explanation of this only angers him further but he breathes past the frustration when he realises how worked up you're getting. What happened to you for you to think such awful things?
"I'm not sure where you got this narrative of not being needed," he sighs and looks away. "Do you have any idea what it has been like without you, dumbass?"
The old nickname slips off his tongue so naturally. He'd always call everyone an idiot, stupid, nerd ironically enough, but dumbass? That was reserved for you and for you only, so for it to be said - to be heard - after two years breaks you.
It had been quite a sight, watching you crumble down to the snow-covered floor. He had knelt down, waiting for you to calm down enough to form coherent sentences again. As cohesive as you could against the waves of rainfall spilling from your face, anyway. When things had eventually calmed, he took you back to your apartment and gave you the chance to speak. You managed to tell him little about what you had been through. Each sentence dwindled beneath the weighing sickness that bubbled in your throat any time you tried to get into detail. One thing really stood out to Bakugo, however. He envisioned the mass murder of those bastards for having done this to you, for rendering you quirkless and making you believe such self-deprecating lies.
That was two days ago. Bakugo insisted on you staying around his just to keep an eye on you. You know better than to refuse his help and it's for his own piece of mind as well as yours. He even took the liberty of calling off work for the rest of the week just to make sure you're okay. He never does that, which is probably why a certain redhead is standing at his door, wide-eyed, gawking at you. Once he had caught wind of Bakugo's absence at the agency, he raced over to make sure everything was okay. He could have never anticipated seeing you. The two of you stare at one another, unable to say anything. You take a stand and open your mouth to say something, anything, but the wind is pushed from your lungs when Kirishima gulps you up into his arms. He cries. God, this man cries and sobs with no yield as he just holds you. Restraints don't appear to exist anymore and you spill again, clutching onto him with unceremonious content. He doesn't ask any questions and just weeps into your shoulder, fearing the worst if he were to let go.
Everyone else had assumed you were dead. Why wouldn't they? After two, almost three, years, why would you believe a person to still be alive? Not them. They kept looking, searching, and scouring every last mineral in this damn country to try and find you. Now they have you back in their lives? They swear by All-Might that you will be waited on, pampered, loved, and cared for until they see the remnants of your old self again. It will take time but they waited this long for you, right?
No time in the world is more worth it.
It's probably worth mentioning that I could very clearly hear the chorus to Childish Gambino's song 'Heartbeat' when Kirishima went in for the hug and now it's stuck in my head.
I should also probably work more on WSA but I think I need to do a few one-shots just to get me back in the groove. I hope you enjoyed and sorry if it feels a bit rushed in some areas :')
Did I proof read it? Unfortunately not.
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loove-persevering · 2 years
Happier (Steve Harrington x reader!)
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Description: Steve Harrington can't figure out why he's jealous you're going on a date. (Fem reader!)
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: None fluff!
Sometimes you could swear you were invisible to Steve Harrington. 
 You had known him for a few years and gone to school with him even graduated the same year but you were sure that he had no idea you existed until last year when you got the job at Scoops Ahoy with Robin. You and Robin were in a band together. She played the trumpet and you were usually in the chair next to her and you became fast friends despite the year age difference. 
 So when she convinced you to get the job at Scoops with her you were thrilled, you needed the money for a car and working with your best friend sounded pretty nice. Robin and you got the job first and then two weeks later you were training Steve Harrington. He wasn’t as bad as you remembered him in highschool, much less of an asshole and more of a babysitter like with all the kids constantly using him to sneak into the theater. 
 ‘’When did you graduate?’’ He asks you one day after a customer from school started talking to you. 
 ‘’Last May,’’ You told him, you felt slightly embarrassed reminding him. Hawkins wasn’t a big school so you figured he would at least recognize your first name, or that you had been in the same English class with him since you were freshman. 
 ‘’How did we not know each other?’’ He asks you obviously not to remember you. 
 You smile at him deciding against telling him, ‘’We must’ve just missed each other,’’ You laugh. 
   It was only a few weeks later that you had confessed to him in a secret Russian base that you had known him since Freshman year, that you had a crush on him since Freshman year too. And when he asked you the question, ‘’Do you still have that crush?’’ He was sitting in the stall just next to you, you could see the bottom of his shoes and you debated actually telling him the truth that you did still have it, that working with him the past month had made it worse. 
 Instead you lied, ‘’That’s long gone Harrington,’’ You say. He didn’t say anything for a while and then Robin broke the silence asking him bizarre questions no doubt the serum or whatever they gave you running through all of your systems still. It took you by surprise when Robin confessed to Steve the secret you had been keeping for her for four years now, but Steve was different now and you would say he could be trusted. After everything you all had been through the past few days and almost dying with him you felt like you had a newfound relationship with him as well. And some days you wonder if you did confess to him that you did still have that crush how things would be today. 
 ‘’So who is he out with today?’’ You ask Robin stacking the DVD’s that were returned on the counter. 
 ‘’I’m not telling you,’’ She says, not even glancing at you. 
You pause what you were doing putting your hand on your hip turning to her, ‘’Why not?’’ She turns around in the chair looking at you as if you were really asking her. 
 ‘’Because I know you,’’ She says laughing, ‘’And does it really matter?’’ 
 You shrug your shoulders, ‘’I just wanna know,’’ You tell her, turning back to your stack of DVDs.
 ‘’Well why don’t you ask him?’’ She says, you look up seeing his car pull right in front of the doors. He opens the door, running a hand through his hair before getting out, ‘’You’re drooling,’’ She says to you and you glare at her. 
 The bell rings letting you know he had come in, ‘’Hey Y/N,’’ He says entering. Steve was always really polite to you greeting you, helping you stay late to do things for work so you wouldn’t have to leave alone. He’d wait until you’d leave the parking lot before he would take off every time, sometimes you wondered if it was for more than a reason other than him just being a good friend. 
‘’Hey Robin!’’ She says teasing Steve. ‘’So how was it?’’ Robin asks, coming over leaning on the edge of the counter. Steve sighs his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose at her question, ‘’That bad huh?’’ You couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief. 
 ‘’It wasn’t bad,’’ He says, ‘’I don’t know, she brought up that I graduated last year and I hate that,’’ He says. ‘’It just hits me the wrong way.’’ 
 ‘’But you did graduate?’’ You point out. ‘’Sorry,’’
‘’Steve,’’ Robin says, earning his attention. ‘’If you don’t want them to talk about you graduating last year and still hanging around here then you need to find someone older, maybe someone your age?’’ She offers the idea. You felt yourself stop short on the task at hand realizing what Robin was doing.  
 ‘’Yeah like who?’’ He asks her. 
 ‘’Well-’’ Robin begins to say. At that exact moment the bell rings saving you from whatever she was going to say. 
 It was a younger boy who walked in, ‘’Welcome to Family Video!’’ You practically yell out earning a look from Robin. You push away from the counter making your way around the counter toward the boy, ‘’Can I help you find anything?’’ You ask eagerly. 
 He looked a little frightened but still answered,’’I’m looking for the shining,’’ He says. 
 ‘’Oh, awesome, that’s right over here.’’ You say walking over to the Thriller section of the store. You walk over picking it off the shelf, you turn and hold it out to him. ‘’There ya go.’’ You say offering him a smile. 
 He didn't say much after that he grabbed the movie from your hand with a smirk on his face, ‘’Thanks,’’ He held it close for a moment and you both just stood there as it got more awkward by the second.  
 You give him a smile walking past him back to the counter where Steve and Robin looked to be deep in a discussion. Their conversation ceased when you got within a few feet, you wondered why they were so secretive. ‘’What are you two talking about?’’ You ask glancing from one to another. 
 ‘’Oh nothing,’’ Robin says with a sly smile on her face as she tilts her head up proudly. You look to Steve who didn’t seem to have a comment on what their conversation was about. ‘’Right Steve-O?’’ She says slapping him lightly with her hand leaning over the counter. 
 ‘’Right,’’ He says, looking up at you. 
 You had definitely broken a law when it came to how fast you got to Family Video today. Robin was standing at the front desk looking bored out of her mind, ‘’You’re by yourself?’’ 
 ‘’Keith’s in the back,’’ She tells you, rolling her eyes. ‘’You’d think with how hard it was to get hired here and how picky he was, he would be managing more.’’ She points out and you shrug, she made a good point. 
‘’I thought you were with me tonight?’’ You ask her. 
‘’Steve switched me and said he had something to do this morning and needed to work tonight,’’ She says. ‘’He should be here soon,’’ She tells you and you glance at the clock, noticing it was pretty close to your shift. 
 ‘’I have news,’’ You say walking behind the counter over toward where Robin was standing and leaning against the counter. 
She leans forward resting her forearms on the desk, ‘’Do tell,’’ She says, sounding excited. 
 ‘’I have a date!’’ You tell her bursting into a smile, ‘’Saturday, at nine. We are going to the drive in.’’ You tell her. 
 ‘’With Steve?’’ She asks you and you furrow your eyebrows. 
‘’What? No?’’ You say confused. ‘’Why would I be going with Steve?’’ You ask her and she shifts in her seat. 
‘’Who is it with?’’ She ignores your question. 
 ‘’Troy Concklin,’’ You tell her and her eyes widen. 
 ‘’Troy? Are you kidding me? Troy!’’ She yells at you, ‘’He literally shredded up your homework freshman year that you hand wrote and you cried for three periods terrified Ms. Lowe was going to fail you?’’
 ‘’Well that was four years ago,’’ You point out. ‘’Plus he apologized when he asked me, he said he had a crush on me and that’s why he did it.’’ 
 She rolls her eyes, ‘’Because causing your crush to fail an assignment that took you hours to write is flirting.’’ 
 ‘’Come on people change, I mean look at Steve. Would you have been friends with him two years ago?’’ She stays silent after you say that. ‘’Exactly, people change.’’ 
 ‘’Alright, you have a point,’’ She says. Steve walks in just after that, his vest thrown over his shoulder. ‘’I am out of here,’’ Robin says as he walks behind the counter stamping his timesheet. 
 ‘’Thanks for switching,’’ Steve tells her and he glances over to you just for a moment, you swear you saw Robin wink at him. ‘’When did you get here?’’ He asks you. 
 ‘’Few minutes ago,’’ You tell him, ‘’I think we're supposed to rewind all of these tonight,’’ You tell him, looking at the pile of returned movies. Most of the time nobody rewinded them so you all had to do it and it takes forever.
‘’Guess we’re staying late,’’ He says. 
 A few hours later it was getting close to closing time, you were rewinding DVDs and Steve was helping a girl out of the front desk. ‘’Have a good night!’’ He tells her. 
 When she walks out the front door, ‘’What’s wrong with you?’’ You ask him. 
 He walks out from behind the counter coming to sit next to you taking out the next DVD out of the sleeve handing it to you, ‘’What do you mean?’’ 
 ‘’Normally you're a casanova with pretty girls, you taking off for the night or something?’’ You say turning to the TV not looking acknowledging the look he was giving you. 
 ‘’I don’t know, just not in the mood I guess,’’ He shrugs. ‘’Tired of things not working out.’’ 
‘’Are they really that bad?’’ You aks and he gives you a confused look, ‘’The dates are they that bad?’’ 
 ‘’They’re not terrible, I guess I just don’t know what I want.’’ He explains to you. 
‘’So you're hoping going on all these dates will tell you?’’ Sometimes boys really didn’t make sense, ‘’No girl is going to just walk in and be perfect, you need to have some checkpoints,’’ You tell him. 
 ‘’And you’re an expert on this?’’ He asks and you glare at him taking your hand pushing him
‘’No but I know what I want,’’ You say shifting around slightly, for the longest time it had been Steve so saying that in front of him made you feel like you were under a microscope. ‘’I just think it helps to know what you want but I could be totally wrong,’’ You say laughing at yourself giving Steve Harrington dating advice, if someone would’ve told you five years ago that you almost died with Steve, worked with him, and were now sitting on the floor trying to give him love advice you would have laughed in their face.
 ‘’What are you doing this tomorrow?’’ He asks you, and you look at him shocked why he was even asking you. 
 ‘’I have a date,’’ You say, trying not to look at him. 
 ‘’A date?’’ He asks. ‘’With who?’’ 
 ‘’Troy Concklin,’’ You say, when you look up at him you swear you saw a look of disappointment. ‘’He asked me yesterday.’’ 
 ‘’Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?’’ He asks you. 
‘’Why would he ask me out if he had a girlfriend?’’ You ask him and he shrugs. 
You and Steve don’t really talk the rest of the night, it was like his mood shifted when you told him you had a date. In a way it made you happy to see that maybe he was jealous? Or maybe he was just in a bad mood, who knows. He stuck to his stuff and you stuck to yours, and at the end of the night he just offered you a quick goodbye not even glancing your way. 
Steve couldn’t pinpoint why it bothered him so much that you were going on a date but it was all he could think about. The other day Robin seemed to be hinting that you still had that crush you had mentioned when you were stuck underground at the mall, and he had thought about it since. 
 It was two days later and two days since he had seen you last, you worked together tonight and while he was excited to work with you he didn’t want to hear about your date. Robin was working when he came in for the day, ‘’Keith?’’ He asks her, noticing she was the only one up front. 
 ‘’Yup,’’ She says, leaning against the counter. 
 Steve walks behind the counter putting on his work vest, ‘’Y/N still coming in?’’ He asks, Robin gives him a look. ‘’What? She’s normally here by now.’’ He points out normally you were always early. 
 ‘’Listen she didn’t go on her date last night but don’t bring it up okay?’’ She says to him. 
 ‘’Why didn’t she go?’’ He asks, feeling slightly concerned from what he could tell you seemed excited to go so he was confused as to why the date didn’t happen. 
 ‘’He didn’t show up,’’ She told him. 
 The door chimed, making them both glance at who came in. When they both break from their conversation they see you rushing in the door, your hair slightly disheveled, your vest slung over one shoulder and one strap to a backpack over the other. ‘’You bike?’’ Robin asks, completely forgetting the conversation that was happening just a moment ago. 
 ‘’Yeah, and it’s so freaking hot and my stupid car wouldn’t start.’’ You answer her by pulling the vest over your shirt buttoning the front. ‘’Harrington,’’ You nod to him once you glance up seeing him already looking at you. 
 ‘’Y/N,’’ He said, leaning back against the counter, his hands crossed over his chest. 
 ‘’Alright I’m out of here,’’ Robin says walking out from behind the counter. 
You glance at Steve who was looking at you still, you wondered if Robin had told him about your date last night and how you got stood up. She had come over when you called her keeping you company for the night and had stayed over and left sometime early this morning before you were awake. 
  ‘’Later!’’ You call out as she walks out the door. 
Keith came out a few minutes later instructing you and Steve to do the rewinds on tapes again and go through the shelves and straighten them up. Steve took over the job of rewinding the tapes behind the counter and doing check outs. You were sorting through the movies, putting them back on the shelves and organizing the ones that were a mess. 
 ‘’Welcome in!’’ You call out not even glancing at the door. You were in the middle of the horror section reorganizing at the time when you heard the feet behind you. When you turned around assuming it was the customer that just came in you had a smile on your face, but when you saw who it actually was your smile immediately disappeared. ‘’Troy hey,’’ You say sitting the movie in your hand down on the cart. 
 ‘’Hey,’’ He says, shoving his hand in his pockets. You caught a glimpse of Steve speaking from behind the counter. ‘’I just wanted to come and apologize about last night,’’ He tells you. ‘’My ex and I were on a break but we got back together and I just kind of forgot-’’ He begins to explain. 
 ‘’No, you’re fine.’’ You tell him. ‘’Thanks for uh coming to apologize.’’ You tell him. 
He nods his head, ‘’I’m gonna go grab a movie,’’ He gestures with his hand. 
 ‘’Yeah, Steve will get you up front.’’ You tell him, offering a forced smile. You went back to stacking the shelves replaying the conversation in your head. Why did he even ask you if they were on a break? Were you just a way to make his ex jealous? Whatever it was it had seemingly worked in the opposite direction of your favor. 
 He was pretty quick picking out his movie and he went up front you could hear Steve talking to him while he was checking him out. When he finished the store was quiet for a while and it was just the sound of the movie on the screen playing. When you finished organizing your bring the empty cart back up to the front, it was close to closing time so Steve was wiping the desk down and you rested your back against the counter. 
 ‘’He’s an idiot.’’ Steve says, breaking the silence.  You look at him a little surprised he said anything, you shrug your shoulders in response trying to play it off that you were a little upset. ‘’You didn’t deserve that,’’ He tells you. 
 ‘’I know,’’ You respond. You glance at the clock on the wall noticing the time had gone by quickly and it was already closing time, you walked out from behind the counter going to turn off the open sign. ‘’I think we're good for the night,’’ You say glancing around not noticing anything that needed immediate attention for whoever was working in the morning. 
  Steve pulled his keys out of his pocket flipping them in the air, he then began to swing the key ring around his finger while you grabbed your bag from behind the counter. When you slung the bag over your shoulder Steve was staring at you he had a look on his face like he was debating something, ‘’You good?’’ You ask him waving your hand in front of his face. 
 He seems to snap out of the daze he was in, ‘’Yeah, yeah I’m good.’’ He says coming out from behind the counter. You both walk to the front door exiting the store. Steve waits while you lock the door and you turn around facing him when you're done. 
 ‘’See you tomorrow?’’ You ask and he nods. You give him a smile and walk over toward the bike rack. Before you reached your bike you felt a hand pull on your bicep, you looked at Steve wide eyed. 
 ‘’What are you doing right now?’’ He asks you, he looked like he was nervous. 
‘’Uhh,’’ You pause, you have nothing to do but go home and read or watch TV. ‘’Nothing, why?’’ 
 ‘’Do you wanna come over and watch a movie?’’ He asks you, taking you by surprise. ‘’I’ll take you home after.’’ 
  You felt a smile creep up on your face, ‘’Sure, but an important question first.’’ He looked a little scared, ‘’Do you have snacks? I’m starving.’’ You laugh. 
 ‘’I think we can make some arrangements,’’ Steve says before walking you over to his car, opening the door for you to get in. 
 Steve Harrington had not seen Star Wars. 
 That was what you found out when you got to his house, he had no movie in mind and said it was kind of a last minute thing he thought of and that he didn’t want to make you bike home in the dark. 
 So you sat downstairs in his basement on the couch not even a foot away from each other watching the movie, you sat in silence but it wasn’t awkward he seemed like he was really into the movie. ‘’Do you like it?’’ You ask him. 
 He looks over at you and takes a deep breath laughing, ‘’Yeah, I do actually.’’ He says looking over at you. ‘’I can see why you like it so much.’’ 
 ‘’I do, I’ve seen everyone the day it came out.’’ You tell him. ‘’Me and my friend went on opening night and when the second movie came out people dressed up in costume,’’ You ramble on and Steve watched you, his gaze never leaving you a slight smile on his face as he listened to you ramble on. ‘’Sorry geeking out a bit,’’ You laugh. ‘’I tend to over explain everything so if I annoy-’’ You began to say but Steve cut you off. 
 ‘’You don’t at all, I like it.’’ He tells you and you couldn't help but feel a smile creep up. ‘’I mean like I don’t mind it’s not too much and I like hearing the story.’’ He says justifying his answer a little rushed. 
‘’Or you just like to hear me talk,’’ You tease. 
He rolls his eyes at you making you laugh, ‘’This was fun,’’ You tell him. ‘’Thanks for asking me over, it helped me get my mind of things,’’ You say, taking a deep breath. 
 ‘’No problem,’’ He tells you. ‘’Maybe we could do it more?’’ He asks. 
 ‘’I’d like that,’’ You tell him.  ‘’I feel like I haven’t sat down and watched a movie in forever.’’ You admit to him. ‘’I think the last time I did was when we were still at scoops.’’ 
 ‘’Really?’’ He sounded surprised. 
 ‘’Felt like we were in a movie for a while,’’ You tell him. ‘’So the whole dystopian world thing kinda got a little unappealing.’’ 
 Steve let out a huff of air that let you know he agreed, ‘’It really was like a movie huh?’’ He says. ‘’Can I ask you something?’’ 
 ‘’Hit me,’’ You tell him, crossing your legs on the couch, turning your body toward him. 
 ‘’After the Russians, when we were in the bathroom..’’ He starts off and you try to hide the oh shit look on your face. ‘’Did you really mean it when you said that crush you had was gone?’’ He asks and you felt your heart pounding against your chest. 
 You glanced away from him and then glanced back, ‘’Steve,’’ You say sincerely. 
 ‘’You did?’’ He asks as if he was disappointed. 
 ‘’No, no,’’ You hurry and get the words out. ‘’I did,’’ You usher out. ‘’I mean I lied, but yaes I did still have that crush,’ ‘You closed your eyes when you were talking. ‘’But you barely knew me last year I didn’t wanna be weird and confess on a crush I’d had for four years when you didn’t even know my name a month before.’’ You tell him. 
 He was quiet for a moment just looking at you, ‘’I wish I knew you sooner, maybe things would be different.’’ He says. 
 ‘’Different how?’’ You ask him. 
 ‘’I don’t know,’’ He pauses, ‘’I just like how I am around you.’’ 
 ‘’Is it different from how your normally are?’’ 
 ‘’Yes, happier.’’ He says, your faces were only inches apart and both of you were facing each other now. It would be so easy to just lean forward and kiss- ‘’Can I ask you something else?’’ He says his eyes glancing down to your lips and then back up. 
You nod your head knowing words would fail you right now if you spoke. ‘’Can I kiss you?’’ His voice sounded different, nervous if you had to guess. 
  You don’t reply to him all you do is move yourself closer and you are holding back the same sort of smile Steve was. Your faces kept inching closer and then you felt his hand slide up cupping one cheek as he pulled you the rest of the way in. Your heart was beating out of your chest, you were kissing Steve. 
  He pulled you in closer, you had to physically move your body closer to him. ‘’Steve,’’ You say in between a kiss. He didn’t seem to respond to you, ‘’Steve,’’ You say finally pulling away from him, he looked concerned. 
 ‘’I’m sorry,’’ He pauses, ‘’I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-This wasn’t totally what I invited you over for and-’’ He begins but you cut him off by leaning forward pulling him in for a long kiss that he seemed to savor, when you pulled away from it he kept leaning closer as if he didn’t want you to leave his lips. 
 You smile at him, ‘’I’m glad you did,’’ You tell him, lifting your hand up to rest on one of his shoulders. ‘’I was just in an uncomfortable position,’’ You laugh at him. 
 Steve shifted and you moved to be more comfortable and immediately his hands found their way back to you, ‘’Now come here,’’ He says, pulling you back to his lips. 
Let me know how you liked this story! I REALLY LOVE FEEDBACK!
Request are open as well!
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
summary. baizhu knows the struggle of maintaining a job while being chronically ill; as such, he is willing to offer an accommodating work environment for others who struggle like he does.
trigger & content warnings. angst (at first... it gets better i swear /lh), ableism, etc.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. hurt/comfort. baizhu & chronically ill!teen!reader, qiqi & reader. 1.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. he's out of nonplayable prison ygs!!!!! can't wait to see his character stories for..... personal reasons..... anyways i want to specify that i am chronically ill. i am constantly fighting with my genetics to be healthy, its ridiculous LMAO
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imagine baizhu employing a chronically ill, visionless teenager.
baizhu can easily say he's known their family for a long time, so he of course knows that they have trouble keeping a job. they often mention little things like that about their life during their visits with him. never once has he found anything wrong with them; they're always in virtually perfect health.
that doesn't change the fact that they're very clearly struggling. he's observed just how much they overexert themselves in a desperate attempt to actually keep a stable job, simply to help support their family, but all the exertion only seems to make their invisible issues worse.
also... they've been in his care for heat stroke more than once in liyue's warmer seasons. the heat is just far too much for their body to handle if they aren't careful.
"What the hell is wrong with me?"
Their voice was so quiet and whispery that if Baizhu hadn't been attuned closely to them at that moment, he might have missed it. They half wished that he would have. Based on the brief glance he spared in their direction, they knew he was listening. Oh well.
"I mean... really. This is ridiculous," they murmured, knees drawn up against their chest. "Everyone thinks I'm just dramatic. I'm not. I do fine for the most part, but then it just... gets bad for no reason at all... how am I in perfect health?"
By that point in their rant, his undivided attention was on them. Though his gaze was thoughtful, musing, they interpreted it differently and winced slightly.
"...Sorry. I really shouldn't be complaining like this in front of someone who's chronically ill."
"No, it's quite alright. You shouldn't minimize your pain. Your struggles are as valid as mine. I find your trust, your ability to confide in me, quite endearing, even," he reassured, unbothered, to which their shoulders seemed to lose some of the tension they harbored. "In fact... I've been thinking about this for quite some time now. Chronic illness may show itself in a variety of forms. Sometimes it may show itself in the form of your symptoms. Would you like to learn how to manage your energy better?"
the liyuean doctor basically hired them right then and there, but they don't really realize that for the first few weeks.
in the beginning, they're just... spending time at bubu pharmacy, learning how baizhu manages his own limited energy and applying those techniques to their own life (it works shockingly well). that's all!
it slowly turns into them helping out where they can—packaging herbs, learning what exactly each one of them does, delivering prescriptions to those who cannot physically get the medicines themselves... even when people start to question if they've found a new job, they remain oblivious.
it's one day while helping mince herbs that they realize they're basically a junior herbalist.
A soft hiss left their lips when the knife nicked the pad of their finger. They were quick to put pressure on the little cut, pulling their hand away from the countertop to prevent any blood from dripping onto it.
"It's best to get rid of those herbs," Baizhu reminded, stepping away from his own work to gently bandage their wound.
A small pout graced their lips. "I didn't get any blood on them, though..."
Amusement and the vaguest hint of fondness twinkled in his gaze. "We don't know that for certain, do we, now?"
"...Wait a minute." Their eyes narrowed suspicously at him, drawing their freshly-dressed hand back once he was done. "This isn't about energy management anymore, is it? Have I been... I've been working here this entire time. These tasks are very employee-like."
"Come, now. Don't look at me like that. You were looking for a stable job, and I am more than willing to accomodate your needs."
"You could've at least said something to me. I've been doing free labor all this time, and as a child, no less! Hmm... now, I do believe that is illegal in this part of Teyvat~ It'd be shame to get Ms. Yanfei involved~"
in the spirit teaching them to manage their energy, he often takes them on house calls with him, starting off to just homes in liyue harbor and later to homes all the way in qingce village. it's a good way for them to gain stamina and get a better understanding of their job.
baizhu has a tendency to smile through his own pain for the sake of his patients.
this habit slipped by unchecked until [name] came around.
whenever they feel like he isn't doing very well, they'll take over for him regardless of what he has to say about it.
herbalist gui is very thankful for them—baizhu hardly ever listened to him, but he does take better care of himself for [name]'s sake.
(he swears that baizhu is oddly parental when it comes to them, but he wouldn't dare mention the doctor's blatant affections to his face.)
"welcome to bubu pharmacy," they'd greet with a kind smile after unceremoniously shoving baizhu towards the back of the pharmacy where he could rest undisturbed, "unfortunately, dr. baizhu is currently out of commission, but herbalist gui and i would be glad to take care of anything you may need."
sometimes changsheng can be seen wrapped around their arm! usually it's their dominant arm, which is terribly inconveniencing. still, it would be an honor to be Chosen™ by their loved one's pet... if only she wasn't so mean to them.
"Hmph. You're terrible at cutting herbs. It pains me just to watch."
"Okay? Go back to Dr. Baizhu then? I'm not holding you hostage, Changsheng. You came to me," they huffed. "Also... maybe I'd be able to cut better if you weren't strangling my dominant arm. Just saying."
It's a few moments later that they're sulking, murmuring curses as Baizhu disinfected their fresh snake bite. Changsheng completely neglected to apologize until Baizhu had prompted her to.
(They would complain that he found that incident a little too funny if anyone were to ask them. It really hurt, you know!)
changsheng bullies them lovingly <3 she bites them affectionately <33
(not that she'd ever say that, though. baizhu knows. he just chooses to let her believe he doesn't know.)
qiqi becomes very attached to them very quickly, i think. she'd like having a nice older sibling around and would address them as such without even thinking about it. "jiějiě," "gēgē"... she can't really tell what gender they identify closer with and doesn't remember to ask, so she tends to bounce between the two terms of address.
she has an entire page in her journal dedicated to little things about [name] that she deems to be important. she notes down things they seem to like, things they seem to dislike, their birthday, other important dates, defining features...
she also keeps important warning signs related to health episodes of their's jotted down, like how when [name] stands still a little too long, qiqi should urge them to sit for a moment because they're probably either dizzy or having vision issues, or how when their hands begin to tremble, qiqi should share a sunsettia with them.
she does miss these signs sometimes... she does her best, though! qiqi only wants to help the sweet junior herbalist that braids her hair and accompanies her on her herb-picking trips and hugs her and says "i love you, please stop this task, you might get hurt" with so much genuine affection that it often overwhelms her :(
it's rare, but sometimes, there will be a customer or patient that has little tolerance for their disability-induced weakness or slowness.
because their illness(es) is(/are) invisible, very few people take their struggles seriously.
some people take this as an excuse to verbally and even physically abuse them.
baizhu does not take kindly to people abusing his employees, especially not his chronically ill teenage employee. especially not them.
"Is there an issue I can help with?"
They didn't mind being the only one at reception during the days Herbalist Gui was out, Qiqi was herb-picking, and Baizhu was otherwise occupied. It wasn't a big deal, really.
At least... not until someone particularly impatient decided to make their job difficult.
Baizhu never took kindly to such incidents; this one was no different. Based on his tone of voice alone, it wasn't hard to guess that he was livid, golden irises alight with rage. Even Changsheng had hissed in their defense at the sight in front of her eyes.
He'd come back just in time to see them flinch away from the raised hand of some foreign adventurer.
"This one—"
"And who said I was asking you?" he scoffed, sliding behind the counter and checking them for wounds. They were shaking, he noted, gingerly supporting a fraction of their weight in case they were to collapse. "I was asking my herbalist, [Name]."
Baizhu was a man of patience and, really...
He wasn't all that confrontational. Despite that, any semblance of the supposed cowardice he harbored was gone in an instant.
His scarred fingers drew soothing shapes on their upper arm as he led them into the back of the clinic, guiding them to sit on one of the beds before their legs could give out.
"Are you alright?"
baizhu takes very good care of them after stressful encounters because he knows very well that such high-stress emotional experiences will take a toll on their body.
whenever a wealthier patient comes in, they've learned to overcharge them on purpose even if it's for the most ridiculous of ailments; oh? you say you have been sneezing quite a lot and are having a hard time breathing? no, no, it's not springtime allergies, who told you that? it's quite dire, in fact, and the treatment price will be awfully expensive... oh? you'll pay it? wonderful!
^ herbalist gui says that baizhu is a terrible influence on them sometimes.
in their defense, they get hefty bonuses every time wealthy people pay ridiculous prices for typically rather inexpensive herbs (like a certain ginger harbinger did one time! they still giggle at the memory of him paying so much for so little). the more wealthy people pay, the bigger their bonuses (fatui harbingers are very wealthy...).
simply put, they make more mora than the majority of their family put together because of this morally dubious behavior.
baizhu, gui, qiqi, and [name] are a chaotic found family but yk what? they all make it work <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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anamizuiro · 6 months
When They Are Self Aware [IkeVamp Edition]
(After reading many tumblr posts about sagau and sahsrau, I pondered...)
Warnings: Long, somewhat ooc (some of these are based of my own impression towards them after looking through posts related to them), 4th-wall destroyed, grammars
What happens when the suitors of Ikemen Vampire become self aware that they are game characters?
That question can lead to two possible answers: it's either chaos or wonder.
For now, it's wonder.
Think about it. They are characters based off of existing historical figures from different eras, right? Obviously, this kind of "technology" will baffle them slightly. Because this kind of thing wasn't even really a thing in their prime. The Protagonist serves as your eyes to see everyone. The residents also take notice of this. You can't really share your message across through MC's mouth. But your words did come across through the wind.
Jean may be wary about this, pondering "is this some sort of witchcraft? Or have God decided to come and punish me by filling my mind with madness and uncertainty?". Because, there's someone out there?? Outside this world observing him?? Some being he didn't know?? And they care for him too (judging from how he sometimes heard your quiet sobbing and desperate pleas, telling him to be aware that despite everything, there are people who care for him) ???? But why? He wondered, why? He don't know who or what is this being that is watching him. Certainly, it wasn't God.
But soon, everyone followed. Jean is no longer the only one who become aware of the presence of this being. One by one, the residents of the mansion followed suit.
Sometimes, whenever Vincent paint sunflowers, everything feels much brighter. He felt some sort of giddiness whenever he draw beautiful scenes. He felt like someone is watching him painting. But this feeling... it didn't frighten him. Rather, he was content. It almost felt like he's a child drawing something while a relative or a parent watching with fond eyes. Sometimes, he swore he heard "I wonder what kind of painting he's making" or "I'm sure his painting is beautiful like the real deal. Too bad they don't show a picture of his paintings".
It's nice that whoever or whatever says this compliments his painting. But real deal? Does this mean someone has painted what he painted before? If so, who? Vincent cannot help but wanting to meet whoever this person is and told them that he wanted to give them credit for the original (poor guy doesn't even know the person you're talking about is the real life counter part of himself).
Theo often hears soothing whispers in his dreams. Though he sometimes had a nightmare about how his brother died in his arms, these days they are followed by someone (or something) comforting him. Telling him that he's already good enough of a brother. And Vincent will still and always love him. But of course he prefer not to tell anyone about this, including Vincent. He didn't think it was necessary.
But, Theo often felt the same presence around Vincent. Whenever he accompanied him to buy art supplies or helping him with the next exhibition, he felt someone or something watching both of them with benevolence. Like a guardian angel, perhaps. Pair of eyes looking at them with fondness whenever they are together in any occasion. Perhaps there is indeed someone out there that care for them both.
Let's face it, Arthur may or may not put up some theories on the wall of his room at first.
He began to note down these weird feeling of being watched. He will be intrigued. No matter where he looked at, this presence were nowhere near him. Or at least, not physically. But how come their presence lingers despite having no physical appearance? Did they use some sort of invisibility cloak? Or maybe this being is like a fairy, like the ones he believes in?
He may or may not use this as an inspiration for his next story
Though whenever he writes his next manuscript, the presence comes off even stronger. A pair of eyes ogling on him. Arthur felt like he was back in those days where he's working on his assignment as a student while being supervised by one of his professors. But it's different. There's a bit of pity in these invisible pair of eyes. But why did this being pity him for writing? What part of him is pitiable?
Comte knew.
Nobody need to tell him about it. He already sensed this presence–your presence–that watches him and the residents. He have seen many unusual things, especially for someone who have lived for centuries.
Those nights he spent by looking at the sky, his golden lances glances specifically at the moon. Thinking that perhaps the celestial object in the sky could serve as your other pair of eyes aside from the woman who came through the door that was supposed to serve as your "vessel".
He longed for this presence. He longed for you. He felt all of your emotions whenever and wherever he is. Sometimes he felt happiness, bashfulness and sorrow. Like Arthur, he wondered what part of him that you pity. But he's content nonetheless. After all, he knows that there is someone out there who think of him.
Isaac will be curious.
He never stops being curious, despite being awkward and socially shy. He's a scientist, a physician. Scientists ought to be curious of their surroundings.
While your (invisible) presence slightly scares him at first, he wondered where you are. If you're not here, then how are you watching him? From where are you watching him? Could it be that there's another world out there beyond his reach? Beyond the boundaries of this world he currently settles in? Was the theory of the existence of parallel universe gain its fame from now on?
He'll never know unless he finally got to meet you. Science has no boundaries, right?
When Sebastian realized this for the first time, he is... unsure how to feel. Considering that he came from the year where advanced technology is still in research and work in progress overall. Could this be the so called simulated world? Like the ones in those fictional stories? But that's too advanced! No way a human can replicate this kind of experience on such a device! Even if they did, what kind of device is it?
Sometimes he heard your adoring whispers of how he is such a big history geek. It kind of caught him off guard. Getting praised by the residents is more than enough to give him a heart attack but when you did it? He might as well lay down on a sofa for a while to process this newfound sense of content.
Like Comte, Vlad is also aware of this.
To think that there is a world out there, and you living on it. Vlad would definitely be content whenever you log in to the game. To the point he will frequently appear in your check-in screen. Saying things of how he is so happy to see you and your presence always made his day.
He also felt your eyes looking at him whenever he goes on to his usual routine. And you wouldn't believe how giddy it made him feel. He felt like a kid again.
Vlad will also look at the moon whenever he think of you. Once again, like Comte, he believed that the moon in the world he lives in serves as your other pair of eyes to see what's going on in this world. If you were out there watching him, the world you lived in must be a peaceful one. Since he sometimes heard your soft giggles in his dream.
This time, he will find a way to see you. Maybe he could borrow Comte's door for a while.
Or maybe he can... find a way to tinker with the game's mechanics to communicate with you.
Napoleon doesn't really think much about the existence of other worlds. Until now.
He once said that he didn't really care of what people think of him. Or how the books described him. He's just a man right in front of you. In front of your screen, that is. Because that's what he told you. But when he came to realized that the world he's living in is a game, a dimension among the binaries simply with a purpose to satisfy those who seek the thrill and adventures of romance, he is shocked.
What do you mean that there are other people out there who played his route? The only presence he felt was yours. He didn't feel anyone else. Is this some sort of fate? Another destiny given to him?
Sometimes, Napoleon heard your whispers in the wind. One time, when he was teaching the children, he heard your faint whisper of praise. Telling him that he's a good teacher. It made him blanked out for a moment until a child have to tug his hand to get him back on track. Despite contemplating whether to tell Isaac about this or not, he did it anyways. And surprisingly, Isaac told him that sometimes he experiences the same thing.
The former Emperor may look calm on the outside. Meanwhile, he began to bury his face on the pillow as he recalled that day.
When Dazai blanked out in the rain, he swore he heard an echo of you calling his name. His eyes blinked as more raindrops falling to his skin. Soaking every inch of his clothing wet. His eyes looked around, wondering where your voice came from before looking back to the cloudy sky once again.
When the sound of rain masked any other noises in his surroundings, your voice went through to him. Your voice sound so sad. He thought, Why do you sound so sad? Who are you feeling sad for?
Yet he yearned for your voice. He sometimes wished it will be raining the next day. Or the next month. All because he felt like your voice is much clearer when it's raining. Sometimes he sits so close to the window when it's raining, eyes looking into the distance, and face looking solemn.
The thought of lovers limited by otherworldly boundaries is such an interesting concept for Shakespeare. It's like Romeo and Juliet but... much better? And with a bit of magic?? No one is dying except that they are now pining for eternity without resolution??
Better be prepared of extra letters you will receive. Sometimes it came from your in-game mailbox. You might want to read it, because it's mostly collection of poem dedicated for you, his so-called otherworldly muse. So many metaphors and shakespearean terms, you might need an expert to help you translate them. Unless you have an experience in arts of theatrics.
Shakespeare will not hesitate to write this down as his new play. About a man who fell in love with a woman who lives far away. And the only thing that could keep them connected was the whispers in the wind. As for how the tale will end, he might need to think about it later. He knew that many of his fans will be a little surprised in this sudden turn of his style. But, hey, he's eager to see you beyond the screen as you watch him directing his play.
Giddy is an understatement. Charles is truly ecstatic. It doesn't matter if he's just a game character. There's someone out there who care for him and loves him? Well, mark him down as happy. He's ready to smother all of his love for you. All he needs to do left is to find a way to get the message across.
What should he send you? An extra diamond? extra drop rate for his card gacha? A bonus secret letter that only you can access? And where should he send his presents? The mailbox? Or just outright on the check-in screen? Charles have so many options yet so indecisive. Because he wants do all of it.
Charles would do anything for you. ANYTHING. He will go through the seven seas and seven land even if it meant that he could finally see you. He's ready to break the game as long as he can talk to you. He's quite lonely, you know?
Faust chuckled in amusement. The scientist have become the observed guinea pig, huh? What an interesting turn of events.
He wondered if you enjoyed watching him. Now that you see him through the eyes of the female protagonist that became your eyes. He wondered if he looked deeper into her eyes, he will saw you. Right there, beyond the screen. Perhaps giggling or just smiling. Or just having neutral expression.
Overall, once they have realized that they are just game characters and they can "see" you, expect for sudden extra diamonds sitting in your mailbox or their greeting become much much livelier than usual.
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jhutchbiggestfan · 16 days
obey me fnaf au cuz I'm still figuring out ST au mc out
implied lower case btw
you groaned as you hit the marble floor hard.
this was not how the experiment was supposed to go.
you were trying to achieve something greater, much like your father, William Afton. he had managed to unlock the secret to immortality, to living forever, hence why youre still alive and look 24 when in reality, you're 103.
before you died, merely even just hours, you thought of your father as a monster, a terrible man no one should strive to be like. oh how you laugh looking back at yourself. I guess being ripped apart limb by limb while inspecting your favorite animatronic for damage changed you. but hey on the bright side, he's your companion now! along with bonbon too!
but anyways, the great thing you were trying to achieve was interdimensional travel. the ability to travel through differing universes.
this was not how your first trial was supposed to go.
you were trying to at least go to a dimension to see yourself! how life is like here!
but noooooo, you get teleported to fucking hell of all places! maybe it's a sign.
now 11 weirdos are looking at you like your a goddamn demon! well, actually, you're in hell, so their looking at your like your an angel.
"uh hi..?" you speak breaking the extremely uncomfortable silence. I mean if they ain't gonna talk, you will!
immediately after you manage to get your greeting out, you are instantly held by an invisible force. not being able to move, you voice your concerns.
"ok what the fuck, I literally just said hello." you manage to say while struggling to get out.
"who are you, why are you here?" a tall, raven haired man questions, clearly having authority over this meeting.
you don't speak. what should you say? what if the Aftons exist here? they could know you and use you for some batshit crazy experiments down here!
"I'm mc...miller." you claim hoping they don't see through your (hopefully) not obvious lie.
murmuring is heard across the room, and you catch a purpleish-blue haired boy with headphones on staring at you with wide-eyes. he seems to know you, probably a damm game theory watcher, if that even exists in hell. you scowl at him.
"what should we do with them?" "should we keep them here?" "they look human!"
"what are you?" the man asks, clearly not giving fraction of a shit about the mutters behind him.
well, technically you are human, but you are also a demon, a glitch, an entity, a ghost, and an animatronic! they don't seem to like humans very much though, from the menacing stares sent your way from the mention of a possibility of you being human.
or maybe they do? you don't wanna find out to be honest.
you decide to go with the best option.
"I'm a demon, a universe travelling one." you decide on demon. they are demons too anyways. saying human would just get you killed.
"why are you here? and what sin do you possess?" he presses you for information.
you fucking hated it.
also what the fuck does he mean by sin?
"my travelling attempt went wrong and well.." you trail off, deciding to show them your horns and tail.
you close your eyes and they suddenly pop into reality. they are long, and they glitch and flash colors of green, purple, black, and white.
audible gasps are heard.
next to come is your tail. different from yours horns but similar in a way. they glitch more, but only in purple and green.
"I'm a...wrath demon...?" you say, attempting to choose your words wisely.
you look around the room and a blonde-haired boy with green eyes is now staring at you. it's pretty damn clear he can see through your lie. you can't say the same for everyone else in the room.
the man infront of you goes to speak with a redheaded man. he seems to be the boss, even though he seems... nice somehow?
that same nice-looking man comes up to you.
"you may stay with Lucifer and his brothers until you find your way home." he gestures slightly towards the man you spoke with earlier as he says the name.
"thank you kind sir. your act is greatly appreciated." you bow in front of the man, earning a small smile from a certain butler.
"but," he starts again "you will have to go to school at my academy." he finishes with a smile, as if happy with your presence.
"anything to get home." you say, taking his offer.
ch. 1 done! I have this au all figured out mwuahahahahahahah!
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alessiathepirate · 7 months
No Time To Die
FOXGLOVE: Lyutsifer Safin x fem!reader
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Summary: Saying I love you wasn't anything new to them - they said it daily to the other. Saying it in another language on the other hand...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: the Russian I attempt to use, plus some very slight references to murder
"Ya tebya lyublyu..." the words were quiet in the garden, no more than a whisper, even if the world around them was completely silent.
But still, Lyutsifer heard it.
The pronunciation of the words, the slowness and uncertainity in each syllable was so obvious - even strangers to the language itself would've noticed it. Safin did too.
He noticed it. He appreciated it much more because of it, and that was the reason why he stopped working with the plants.
He turned towards the voice, towards his lover, who stood there with a stiff posture. Her cheeks were a light shade of pink as he read the embarrassment and shyness off her face.
They seemed so different, the kind of people who would never in a million years could be imagined as a couple. But they were one, a very loyal and loving one. Even if his posture was serious and confident next to hers, even if she seemed too simple next to his complexity.
"Say that again-- please."
Her shoulders slightly fell forward as she hugged herself with her arms, her whole being screaming from anxiety.
"I'm sorry if I didn't say it right, I just wanted to-"
"No." his voice was soft as always, but with her it lost the kind of monotone seriousness he was known for - with her he didn't have to impress anybody, she was already his. "Please, say that again darling. I'd like to hear it again."
"Ya tebya lyublyu." the 'ly' sounded too dry and the 'u' too soft, but to Safin it was perfect. It sounded like perfection and she looked like it too, the most honest and alive thing in the garden and possibly on the island.
"Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu." he said as he examined her face, wanting to know if she understands it or not.
She did. He saw it on her face as it lit up.
"Did I say it right?" she asked as he looked up at him, her eyes meeting his as she quietly appreciated the beauty of his whole being.
"Yes, you did." Safin answered. "It was perfect."
She nodded, shyly understanding, because Lyutsifer never lies. He always tells the truth, no matter how he dresses it to make it sound prettier or how he uses a monotone undertone so it sounds like a fact.
He never once lied to her.
She can't lie to him either.
"I learned something else." she started, a slight confidence showing in her voice. "Ty krasivyy."
She waited patiently for his features to change, so she'll know he had time to take in and understand the meaning of her words.
Safin is, however, very hard to read. He is an open book most of the time, he doesn't hide anything at all, but still - that's the reason why he's so hard to read. The most honest man on Earth, yet he's the hardest to understand and solve.
A smile slowly formed on his face, a small one, the kind Safin's capable to do. It was simple, but it still made her heart beat faster than ever.
"I have seen many beautiful flowers on this island, yet you are the prettiest of them all." he complimented too and she felt her cheeks darken.
"I still like to listen to you talk about them." she explained.
"I can, anytime you want me to." Safin stepped closer, his arms still having a slow and serious movement as he gently touched her face, his thumbs drawing invisible circles into her skin.
He looked at her like she's the best thing on Earth.
He was still himself, he was always himself, yet he was much more honest around her. He showed her his emotional side - even if it wasn't the strongest part of him.
"Can you please tell me about the Foxglove again?"
"Of course, zolotse." the Russian came so easily from him, yet it was so sudden that she felt her heart flutter.
It must've been a nickname, she thought.
Nicknames from him were special, always special even if it was an everyday occurance. But hearing something like that in another language, in his, from a part of him, felt much sweeter, like an unexpected gift on a regular day.
As they slightly leaned over the purple flower, so beautiful yet so deadly, she examined his features, the way the light met his scarred skin. For a moment she thought about how no way on Earth could she imagine someone more perfect or lovely. Safin would say something to that, if she said that out loud. Something about how she feels about a killer that way, how she always sleep next to one with complete blind trust. She'd answer, to try to get her point through - Safin is one handsome killer. A very clever one too.
"I'd like to learn more." she spoke up suddenly. "In your language, about the flowers too."
A new kind of softness ran through his eyes for a second, but it disappeared just as quickly. He stretched his arm out towards her, letting her grab onto it gently as he slowly lead her out of the garden.
"If you'd like that, than it can be arranged..."
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beanieman · 11 months
Assigning You A Liminal Space Based On Your Favorite YTTD Character
Sara Chidouin - A classroom where words appear on the chalkboard every half hour. Sometimes they tell of false hints and other times they ask why you came here. There's a knife in the middle desk.
Joe Tazuna - An endless metal tunnel where you can see light at the end. It always glows a different color and you feel like you're getting farther away the longer you walk. You can hear a dog barking beyond the "exit."
Gin Ibushi - An animal shelter that smells like wet dog. In the upper left corner there's a pile of stuffed animal that you can use as a bed. Sometimes they come to life.
Keiji Shinogi - An airport that feels just slightly too humid. Out of the corner of your eye you can see visions of the dead. It's always 3AM.
Alice Yabusame - The hallway of your childhood that's filled with family photos and the smell of something you can't quite place but fills you with nostalgia. No matter how far you walk the path things stay the same.
More Undercut
Reko Yabusame - A mall where a new store opens every hour. It's never similar to one that you've seen before. It looks like light is streaming from somewhere, but you can't see any windows or doors. The bitter smell lingers in the air.
Nao Egokoro - A train where little snacks and drinks are sat upon the table. You aren't sure where you're going, but it seems like you have a destination. It's a little too cold but there's a blanket under one of the seats.
Kazumi Mishima - The room is totally empty expect for chalk on the floor. The walls are chalkboards so you can draw or write your thoughts. Too bad you can't do anything else.
Q-taro Burgerberg - An empty stadium that's closed off from overhead. You hear cheers and boos from an audience you not see as if you're the only one invisible. There's a popcorn and slushy maker at the top bleacher.
Kai Satou - A grocery store that smells oddly like plastic and seems to restock itself. You haven't seen any employees, but you feel like they're in the vicinity.
Kanna Kizuchi - An endless hallway where flowers grow up to your knees. Sometimes it feels like they're wrapping around your ankles and trying to drag you down, but you can pull them off with enough might. Some flowers smell like pudding, and the others smell like metal.
Shin Tsukimi - A convivence store filled with neon lights where the air is thick and it feels hard to breath. Exits sometimes appear only to disappear right before you reach them.
Ranmaru Kageyama - A doorway with a black void at both sides. No matter which way you go or how far you run you'll always end up back in the same place.
Naomichi Kurumada - An indoor pool where the smell of chlorine hits your nose and makes you dizzy. There's floats for you to lounge on if you get tired, along with dive rings if you're up for a challenge. Just don't go too far down or you might think you've found an exit and won your escape...
Anzu Kinashi - A circus tent that's one big circle. Music played by horns and trumpets ring in your ears and you can vaguely taste the flavor of cotton candy. A clown is watching you but you'll never know as he always disappears before you turn around.
Mai Tsurugi - A bakery that only has one small lamp by the counter. There's a tip jar that shows you an exit if you put in enough coins, but it vanishes just as fast as it appeared. This is a metaphor for capitalism.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - A library that makes you forget your name and where you came from. You aren't sure which books you've read and which you've forgotten. There's a papercut on your finger. You aren't sure how you got it.
Hinako Mishuku - The place is indistinguishable. You don't know where you are or how you got here. It's dark and none of your scents work properly. All you can wonder is if you're actually dead. You know it's some kind of room because every once in awhile you run into a wall. You didn't know you were in a room.
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muckmage · 11 months
so i'd wanted to write a short story about mucks origin so to speak but it's been ages and i haven't gotten around to it so a series of bullet points is good enough for now
muck wizard lore
yeah it's below the cut it was kind of a lot
just to preface, there's no way anyone actually knows most of this stuff in character, not even muck themself knows a lot of it, that's why i've been hesitant to explain any of it before since technically no one should know this stuff, but that's a boring and lame way of doing things i think so here we are, i'll highlight the stuff it's possible to actually know about in green
half human, half eldritch god
to their knowledge they're a couple decades old, but they don't really keep track
technically they've been alive for around 400-500 years, just not conscious, like a child in the womb or a chicken still in the egg, this is mucks true form as an eldritch being which hasn't grown up and awoken yet
being half human/half eldritch, a piece of mucks subconscious reached out to create a body for the human aspects of their mind to flourish, this body is the character muck that everyone knows
muck is an average built if a little skinny person around 5'9" with skin made of muck/dirt/mud and what have you, with various flowers, vines, moss and fungi growing on them. internally muck's physiology is very similar looking to that of a regular human, the differences being that their blood is a dark greenish red that has a slightly acidic quality to it, and their flesh and all their organs are blackened. they don't need to eat or breath to survive but otherwise they're as fragile as a regular human too
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artwork done by the fantastic @hummingbird-hunter, the wonderful @d1nosaurpower, and me ^^
any time muck dies a new body grows out of the bog, the only things lost are the old body itself and the couple of days it takes for muck to regenerate, when muck dies he isn't actually dying, the body is destroyed but the true self remains separate, what's actually happening is that muck's body is more akin to a puppet that they control psychically, however muck doesn't realise this
naturally talented with magic, they've never had to formally study to learn, normally picking things up right away, through trial and error, or after periods of focused contemplation, and to be honest muck has definitely destroyed themselves a few times trying things they don't exactly know how to do, but they're afforded this recklessness and they know it
along with magic, muck has psychic abilities as part of their eldritch heritage, it's part of the reason why muck is naturally good with magic and if you ask me it's just a different type of magic anyway, but it's worth mentioning that telekinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, etc. are things muck can just do and they think it's the same as their regular magic, in fact they may just say the words "mould earth" and then use telekinesis without realising it's a totally different thing
if muck is put under enough emotional pressure (scared, sad, pissed off, etc.) they won't go down even if their body is destroyed, like i explained their mind is separate from their body and with enough going on they won't pass out until the next body is ready, instead they'll instinctually use those psychic powers to cobble together some semblance of a body to continue to fight until they relax, but they likely won't remember the experience after waking up again
muck's mother is an antimemetic eldritch being, it isn't invisible however it is impossible to remember, you can see it but you'll forget you ever did before you even realise you saw something at all, 400-500 years ago it would roam the land feeding off the memories of anyone it came into contact with
muck's father was a lighthouse keeper living in a small harbour town 400-500 years ago, frankly he was lonely and forgettable, living separate to the rest of the town and never quite fitting in with them. now as we all know, a lighthouse is a type of wizard tower, and unbeknownst to him muck's fathers obscure lifestyle afforded him some magical affinity, particularly toward the magics inherent in finding and forgetting things
as you might've guessed by now, muck's parents crossed paths 400-500 years ago and by pure chance the antimemetic effect shrouding muck's mother had a diminishing effect on muck's father allowing him to catch glimpses of it out the corner of his eye. this was the first time muck's mother had ever been seen, acknowledged at all even, and it terrified it as much as it stoked intrigue only causing it to stick around more. muck's father had more instances of seeing it and the stress of beginning to doubt his own sanity only empowered his magic further. now i'll be honest this is the story i wanted to write, perhaps a narrative poem of some kind, these two of whom are unknown and unknowable to anyone else, tethered by their shared sense of terror and curiosity in the face of something new, like if you lived as a ghost your whole life stumbling upon an ant that could see and talk with you, it's only natural love blossomed here
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i did that drawing but i gotta be clear that's not what muck's mother looks like, it's an eldritch being, it's not something you can depict on paper, i had to put something though so it's like a spider ball energy thing, just remember the point is it doesn't actually have a visible image to anyone but muck's father
muck's tower is upside down in the middle of a self-regenerating bog, muck's mother is in the bog and they're the one responsible for its creation and maintained existence, it's in a sense "nested" here to protect muck as they grow until their true form is ready, the tower may look like it's upside down but the base of it is actually built out of where muck's mother hovers in the sky, mucks true form also exists inside the tower and getting too close to either of them will cause you to seemingly black out and wake up again as you find yourself exiting the area, what's actually happening though is that you stay completely conscious but you can't take your memories with you when you do leave the area, this even effects muck themself, essentially you can't climb past the 3rd floor of the tower without blacking out
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now a bit of an explanation for this drawing, mucks tower isn't actually that small, i've just decided to represent the whole of humanity as an anthill separate to the bog, and mucks mother is supposed to be a pangolin! cause they eat ants! or in this case they eat ant memories, it's clever shut up, and again they're not actually a pangolin it's just an artistic representation, you get it
the bog isn't typically a dangerous place however if someone isn't welcome it can quickly become deadly, its victims get lost in a fog both physically and mentally as they begin to sink deep beneath the peat and are swiftly forgotten (terfs and associated bigots get the fuck out)
so that's about it at the moment, i'll probably edit this post later with anything new/that i forgot/whatever idk, it's my lore masterpost now yippie!!🎉
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lavnderwonu · 5 months
seventeen as taylor swift songs! ₊˚⊹♡
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author’s note!: okay umm so one thing about me is i am a slightly closeted swiftie. LOL. i’ve loved taylor since like ‘06 what can i say?? and so many of our boys are ts coded so i had to <3 i also have something im working on posting soon but I’m sharing this in the meantime since it was fun to make haha so enjoy! 💌 fair warning: some songs may be a bit angsty-ish maybe breakup vibes??? it’s taylor swift c’mon
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choi seungcheol ❀
i can see you (taylor’s version)
don’t blame me
yoon jeonghan ❀
style (taylor’s version)
teardrops on my guitar
dear john (taylor’s version)
hong joshua ❀
hey stephen (taylor’s version)
enchanted (taylor’s version)
midnight rain
wen junhi ❀
sparks fly (taylor's version)
all too well (taylor's version)
kwon soonyoung ❀
invisible string
how you get the girl (taylor's version)
the very first night (taylor's version)
jeon wonwoo ❀
paper rings
you belong with me (taylor's version)
lee jihoon ❀
sweet nothing
is it over now? (taylor's version)
lee seokmin ❀
i don’t wanna live forever (with zayn)
speak now (taylor’s version)
kim mingyu ❀
i'm only me when i'm with you
the way i loved you (taylor’s version)
xu minghao ❀
you are in love (taylor's version)
slut! (taylor's version)
boo seungkwan ❀
cruel summer
out of the woods (taylor's version)
chwe hansol ❀
come back…be here (taylor’s version)
all of the girls you loved before
lee chan ❀
hits different
fearless (taylor’s version)
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qianqiancandyjar · 8 months
Ghost Hunter Family Summary
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Danny Phantom_The Secret Saturdays AU
Title: Ghost Hunter Family
Status: It depends :P
Introduction/Story summary:
The Fentons are supernatural investigators, ghost hunters as well as ecto-energy scientists. Danny and Jazz have been traveling all over the world with their parents to study all kinds of ghosts since they were born. Their goal was to keep the existence of ghosts in secret and protect humans from supernatural forces.
At the year Danny was born, Jack, Maddie and Vlad found an asteroid on the countryside of Amity Park, with a message about how the Ghost King would come back. To prevent the balance being broken, the Fentons decided to start looking for clues about the Ghost King. Of course, someone else was thinking about the same thing...
Danny was born with a special power. He can see ghosts or sense their existence without other medium, turn invisible, fly and phase through soild like a ghost. His parents believe his power will turn the table of a potential fight.
List of comics:
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Crossover shorts:
#1 Christmas Reunion
#2 Another Family
Something about this AU:
If Danny and Jazz's life was like Zak's, if Jack and Maddie were better and more rational parents like Doc and Drew, what will happen? Yep, that's what I thought when I made this AU.
If you have watched both shows, you can probably see the settings are basically the same, but slightly different.
Of course the family had encountered almost every typical ghosts in the canon, such as Technus, Ember or Desiree, so the real specialty I want about this AU is to let the family travel around the world to see other types of ghosts.
I am definitely bad at this kind of story. Because unlike my other two AUs, I most likely will make each chapter a single story and slightly related to the main plot. Each chapter may not have direct connection to the last one. I had read many supernatural fictions for this yet still have no faith in my own original stories. This is why I kinda started a weird way to make this comic: based on some creepy dreams I had.
More settings or how the story will go in my head:
I think it's quite obvious, Danny is the reincarnation of the Ghost King, just like Zak and Kur. However, he only has the crown part, the ring part...guess who?
Originally Jazz will be a half-ghost as well, with the ability of shape-shifting, but now I am not sure whether I should keep this.(Recently I thought about making her "the King Guardian", like the Kur Guardian, but literally bearing the destiny of protecting the king.)
Jack and Maddie are less obsessed with their work and they focus on their kids more than in the show. They accept the fact that Danny has ghost power, and train him to use it properly.
Vlad was more professional on ghost language and culture than the Fentons, so he didn't tell them all what he had read on the asteroid...
Danny in this AU will be more skilled in martial arts, while less in ghost power.(It's because he was taught to rely less on special abilities, and use his human strength more)
I'm not sure whether I should add controlling power like Kur's to Danny's already-too-much ghost abilities. Sensing ghosts is enough, I guess.(Maybe I will make this ability happen in another way...like a commanding power?)
Sam and Tucker will probably show up later, but only a couple times since I want to focus on family relationship.
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sweetestpieces · 1 year
Pairing: Giantess!Rhaenyra x Fem!Reader
Tags/Warnings: Giantess, Size Difference, brewing romance, fluff(?), idk, first time writing fic, major changes to canon, slow
Length: 1.1k
Summary: You struggle for the princess's attention with little success. (Part 2 of ???)
GIF credit: 1: Unknown. 2: zen-coleman
You can find Part 1 here.
While highborn men often vexed you whenever they attempted to woo the princess, none of them irked you nearly as much as Lady Alicent Hightower. Alicent had been at court far longer than you’d been maid to Rhaenyra and her father Otto being lord hand to the king meant Alicent was practically a princess in her own right. Her dresses were elegant, her manners ladylike and proper, and she had the one thing that bothered you the most, a true friendship with the princess.
Even on your first day of service, it was clear the two girls were close. From sunrise to sundown if Rhaenyra had no obligations during the day, it was safe to assume she was somewhere with Alicent roaming the castle. Most often you’d find them in the godswood chatting and giggling together or reading from the great books kept in the keep’s library.
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One morning Rhaenyra requested you to bring tea to the godswood. You found both highborn girls beneath the white tree, Alicent sitting with her back to the trunk, a large book in her lap. Rhaenyra rested on the ground, her head also in Alicent’s lap looking up at her as they spoke about some lord or other. You felt your skin go slightly hotter and paused in the archway to appear unbothered as you approached them. “You’re so kind,” Rhaenyra said as she sat up. You stood there as both girls took the cups from the tray. Not sure if you should stay or go, you politely stood off to the side silently hoping the princess might ask you to stay. “Thank you, Y/N. You may go.” Your heart sunk. Surely the princess didn’t mean anything by it. You knew you were finding a bad habit of thinking that you were anything more to the princess than a servant. Sure she might have occasionally sought you out for advice or told you something in confidence, but is that not a responsibility of handmaids? To listen?
Your thoughts kept returning to that day she cried to you and really opened up. The way she held you close and spoke about her father and his stubbornness. She spoke about how she wasn’t ready to marry and how she was feeling immense pressure to do so quickly. Strangely you recall the feeling and sweet lavender smell of her hair as she tucked her head under your chin. You remember how it felt to be held, warm, safe. It was something you wanted to feel again. So, you knew you needed to get her attention.
You started bringing her snacks and drinks unasked. She seemed surprised whenever you’d enter her chambers carrying a dish full of grapes or figs. “Oh, you’re so kind, Y/N.” You’d wait beside her hoping for more interaction, for her to speak to you unprompted. But she’d always resume whatever she was doing when you came in, and you’d leave disappointed once again.
It felt like her opening up to you was an accident, an abnormality in either of your lives. Maybe it was only because you were there and not who you were to the princess. If Alicent had been there instead of you, Rhaenyra likely would have acted the same, maybe even more emotionally. You weren’t a safe space for her, just a convenient one.
She made you feel even more invisible when you passed her in the hallways. The corridors of the Red Keep were of decent size, wide enough for three soldiers to walk abreast with little issue. Walking with the princess down them was another situation, however. You were taking silverware from the king’s quarters back to the kitchen when you heard the princess’s voice echoing down the hall. Her Grace and Ser Criston Cole walked together, the princess towering over the gallant knight, laughing at something he’d said. The two of them walking together left no room for anyone to pass by. She must not have seen you approaching and just as you were about to curtsy to her, the bottom half of her dress practically swallowed you whole. You were pushed against the stone wall trying to keep hold of all the plates and knives while silk pushed against your face, blinding you, practically suffocating you.
Soon it was over without even a glance from the princess. You hoped she simply hadn’t noticed you and that she wasn’t intentionally ignoring you, but you didn’t have the bravery to ask and returned to the task at hand.
On the morning of Lady Alicent’s name day, the king proposed a small gathering of the court for dinner and festivities. It was an extravagant yet modest affair with no reservations about the finest dishes and entertainment but to a crowd of no more than twenty. You, among other servants of the royal house, were on duty throughout the day by tending to any needs of the party guests.
The princess and Lady Alicent were practically attached at the hip, as was usual. Only once did the princess break away from the event, after Alicent announced her engagement to a highborn lord from the west. You watched her excuse herself from the dais and go out one of the servants' doors. You don’t know what compelled you but you took your tray with you and followed the way she went. You watched her pass through the kitchen keeping her head low as she made her way through the smaller corridors.
An idea came to you. You stopped to clear your tray in the kitchen and found one of the princess’s large goblets, nearly twice the size of a regular one, organized on a shelf. You filled it with Arbor red, set it on the tray, and went looking for her.
She was where you expected her to be, standing beneath the godswood and gazing past one of the arches towards the city. She didn’t hear you approach so you carefully said, “My lady.”
She turned to you. “Oh, Y/N. What are you doing here?”
Your heart was already racing in your chest just speaking to her. You opened your mouth to speak, once again stricken into near-paralysis from being so close to someone of her size. “I-I thought you might be thirsty.” It was the best excuse you could come up with on the spot.
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The princess considered you carefully and took the cup. It looked normal-sized in her hand. She briefly peered into it and said, “I like you, Y/N.” She drank from the cup and turned her attention back to the city. “Thank you for the wine.”
You hesitated to leave, lingering just a little longer in hopes she might continue speaking to you, but she didn’t. You clutched the tray tight and walked back into the keep somehow feeling happier and sadder than when you arrived.
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