#honestly the sex positivity movement was a mistake
broannalmao · 1 year
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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you wasn’t sure what to expect from your toxic ex boyfriend rafe when you finally caved and let him fuck you again. you told yourself it was a selfish act, that he was only getting what he wanted because you let him — but after sex was when you were the most vulnerable.
he’d been alluding to it for weeks, practically stalking you wherever you went to just stare you down and shove away any guy that spoke to you. you’re talking parties, the country club, even making an appearance at the restaurant bar alone when you were out to dinner with your family. rafe cameron had eyes everywhere, and those eyes were all set on making it impossible for you to move on.
you’d given in when he’d cornered you at the country club when you were a glass of wine down, surely knowing it was the best time to convince you. wine made you horny, too easy, and whilst you could deny all you wanted — the thing you needed the most was for your psycho ex boyfriend to have you on your back, cumming around his cock.
so you’d let him drive you back to tannyhill, let him lean over at the red stop light to put his tongue in your mouth, ringed fingers cupping and fondling your soaked cunt beneath your sundress until the light went green and cars were honking. let him walk you to his front door with a hand on your ass and his mouth at your ear telling you that you knew where home was, and that you knew no one could make you moan as pretty as he could. you let him bounce you on his dick until you were overstimulated and crying, teardrops splashing on his tanned abdomen as he threatens to cum inside you and trap you with him forever. it’s only the after math you didn’t feel too in control anymore, curled on your side as you catch your breath in fetal position.
he hadn’t made a move to scoop you up and cuddle you. honestly, he didn’t know if that was allowed. instead, stupidly he wakes you out of your sleepy haze with his voice.
“alright, up. c’mon kid.” he shuffles, sitting up against the headboard and your heart sinks. you don’t dare question, or argue and humiliate yourself — simply forcing yourself to sit up, disorientated and reaching for your dress.
“‘kay. sorry.” you whisper, and you despise the way your voice cracks, tears fat in your eyes as you work your arms through your dress to pull it on over your body. you shouldn’t have come here, all that work to move on destroyed within the space of a few hours just for him to kick you out when he got what he wanted.
“wh— hey, ‘fuck are you talkin’ about huh?” he scooches towards you, grabbing your hands to stop your movements. you gaze at him in upset confusion and he realises his mistake and softens just a tad. “i mean get up and go pee… okay? always make you pee after i fuck you i — i don’t know why you’re…” he shakes his head, trailing off as he watches you melt in relief, still equally embarrassed. “look at me.” he commands quietly and solemnly and you do so, a shameful gaze through your lashes.
he sighs out his nose, shuffling to a better spot to be able to cup your cheek with that same boyish but charming roughness he so often carried. “i’m not going to just kick you out, okay — i… i am proactively trying to show you that i’m not the bad guy here. shit, if it was up to me i’d never let you leave this house but uh… know you’re gonna come to your senses soon enough.” there’s a tinge of sadness in his tone that makes your heart twitch with sympathy, your brows knitting harder as you stare up at him, waiting for him to continue. “but… for now… m’tryna look after you… right? so… so go pee and then you get your ass back in here. wanna hold you n’shit.”
he gives your ass a little pat as you stand, busying himself with finding a pair of sweatpants to pull on, glancing over at you as you hobble shyly to the bathroom like you’d never been to his place before. he hated to admit it, but he was just as emotional and sensitive as you were at times.
when you’re out the room, he sniffs— talking to himself manically in a self deprecating whisper. “god — i suck. man up. she’s yours, alright — just - just gotta remind her.” he tells himself quietly through grit teeth as he pulls the grey material up his legs.
rafe was going to make you his again, and this time he would go to any length to keep you.
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
this is a thought i had and i have to share, so we know JJ is clingy and loves to shower with reader. i can't help but picture the two love birds showering very sweetly, washing eachother and cuddling and hugging and such, until JJ somehow needs more physical contact as if they aren't already almost fused together, tries to maneuver the two of them in a weird way, unsuccessfully, he slips because the shower is slippery and just, flings both him and reader to the ground in a mess of limbs and soap😭😭😭💀💀💀 no one gets actually hurt but i just picture him trying to keep them both from falling and then completely landing atop reader as she goes just "oof" because JJ is BUILT. and then them both laughing because let's be real it would be too funny. this mental image gave me joy so i wanted to give you joy too💃🫶🫶🫶
okok i love this anon, i smiled stupidly when reading it :,) so let me just tell give a little insight as to how i’d picture it, based off of this ! (i adore when y’all send me stuff like this)
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JJ perfers sentimental, affectionate showers over sexual ones.
To just know and continue discovering your skin.
The shower didn’t have to require sex to do that.
Every crevice, every nook and cranny, every indention in skin, any freckle, any mole, or any scar.
Doesn’t matter where, he’s going to treat it with gentleness as if it were he first time touching another’s skin.
It was so intimate, so devotion-like and freeing to know someone so.
And to feel comfortable was a necessity.
JJ isn’t even ranked as clingy at this point, he’s in his own category of wanting to take a permanent glue stick and sticking you him so that he’s physically there to witness your every body movement.
He’s that lovesick and manic over you.
He just can’t get enough, and vice versa of course.
You were flush against the front of JJ, arms snaking around your waist whilst he washed your chest, the couple nearly being in the position for the past thirty minutes.
Just stuck and relishing in everything that is.
Your eyes were closed, leaning back into him like it was the last moments of your life— and even still, even it were you couldn’t be more pleased
Nakedness being surreal, the skin to skin contact emphatically felt like a dream.
He hummed in your ear, cooing sweet everything’s.
Blonde locks soaked and pointing every which way, but he was just existing right now with you. Praying that he’d never have to leave this shower, that you’d be willing to stay in it long enough that the both of your bodies would turn wrinkly.
“You gonna wash the rest of me yet?”
You stammered, if anymore relaxation have begun to take over you might slumber here and now.
He couldn’t lie, he’d just been gawking at you the entire time.
In awe that you were his woman.
His kind of woman.
“Fuck washing honestly, just wanna’be closer to you, baby.”
Of course the two of you would bathe, but it’s JJ he always has to find a way to get unearthly close to you.
With one swift motion he throws the soapy sponge to the other end of the shower, whilst the both of you share laughter.
Up until, JJ decides to make about the most idiotic move he could’ve made. Trying to spin you around to face him, would typically flatter you— as he had it all planned out to lift you up and beam at you with glee and pure lovingly stares, and allowing his hands to roam more freely.
JJ’s long muscular arm, elongates itself in hopes of scooping you upward and back into him. But that was still a mistake as you are gliding in place trying to keep your balance, ultimately to stumble directly on your ass.
Running water blinding you so much that you don’t see the much more built figure falling down directly on top of you. In an act to help you up, he didnt notice his feet in the same pile of soap suds that you’d just fallen in.
Slipping, falling, and in love.
“Ow,” you proclaim, not necessarily hurt but mainly suprised at the figure ontop of you squashing you in such a way.
You may as well have been a bug.
But, you didn’t mind it. No, not at all.
“Fuck me, you good baby?”
Veins intricately bursting from his toned arms, leaning upward as you forcefully pull him down.
“Just stay like this.”
“Want me to just lay on top of you?”
“Just like this.”
You charm him with a toothy grin, surprised that you managed the fall that well. The two of you sharing more laughter, replaying the slip over again in your minds.
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cobrabobra · 1 year
Established relationship, mentions of sex and making out, drug usage(smoking weed), it's set around Alexandria era, don't ask where weed came from in a zombie apocalypse, reader is somehow experienced, english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes
Getting high with:
When you asked if he wanted to smoke weed he just shrugged and said "sure"
He was completely chill about it, of course he asked some questions, but he wasn't stressed at all, he was just excited to do normal teenager stuff
When you were rolling the joint, he observed you carefully, almost mesmerized by the movement of your fingers
"You're pretty skilled with your hands" he said, oblivious to how it sounded.
"Carl... " you only sighed.
He struggled a bit at first but he got a hang of it pretty quickly and before you knew, you were giggling at something
He relaxed completely, which was a delightful sight, you don't normally see him in this state, because he's always alert, ready for a walker to attack, it's nice to see him forget and have fun, even for a little
You've never laughed so much in your lives, you normally crack each other up all the time, but this was different and Carl's reactions as a first timer were hilarious
He watch him doze off for a bit with a big smile, you could tell that he was enjoying this
You just hang out, talk, laugh at pages from comic books, try to throw darts, which wasn't a good idea and Rick was not happy about a broken window.
But most important part of your little smoking session was Carl looking in the mirror
"I look sick!" he exclaimed happily and the both of you started to laugh
It might've been a small thing but Carl remembered it and this helped him accept himself a bit more
When you started to calm down a little you both practically attacked each other, hungry lips meeting in a sloppy, wet kiss, you tried different making out positions but before you could find the best one...
"I'm hungry"
Daryl wasn't keen on the idea, he's done drugs before, more than just weed, but it was before he changed, before he realized how bad his previous lifestyle was and he know doesn't like the thought of being high again
When you asked him he refused, so you asked if he'd be okay with keeping you company and honestly he wasn't exactly comfortable around someone high but he figured that he'd be okay with you
So you got stoned and he got drunk and it was much better than he thought, he was afraid that it'd end up badly, but he had really good time with you
After a while and a lot of thinking he asked you if you wanted to do it again, but this time he was smoking too, he just loved seeing you comfortable and laughing, he knew it'd be fine
And it was mighty fine, Daryl was sitting next to you and he told you every story he could think of
"And he turned out to be a cop"
"No way!" you laughed, you couldn't believe that Daryl could've done something like this, it was almost like he was talking about someone else
"Yeah he did and then..."
You ended up drifting off while cuddling and it was the best nap of your lives
It didn't happen again but if it did, Daryl would be happy to join, you've changed his way of looking at drugs, showed him that good company was all he needed to not have a bad experience
Negan had handful of experience with drugs, not anything crazy but he was a teenager once
When you asked him if he wanted to get fucked up he just raised his eyebrow. Who did you take him for? Of course he wanted to!
"Oh, we're smoking weed? That's kinda gay don't you think?" he'd said but he was glad, if it'd been anything else he could be in trouble if something urgent came up in the Sanctuary
You regretted it a bit though, that man smoked almost all of your stash, which was much to begin with
Regardless of that you had a great time, well a great as it can be when it comes to a guy that will tease the living shit out of you
You sat on a couch in his room and talked, well mostly Negan talked, but listening to him in that state, fumbling in words, laughing every two seconds, swearing even more, it wasn't like any conversation you've had before.
You quickly found out that he was full of ideas. Were they good ideas? No, God no. Did you still do it? Of course you did.
"How 'bout we play some golf, hm?" he said swinging Lucille around.
"Do we have a golf ball?"
"We have rocks"
Then Negan had a great idea of cooking something, you would've thought that the man you lead an entire community would be responsible, but no. The kitchen was an ungodly mess, pasta was undercooked, sauce way too salty, not mentioning almost burning the entire place down, because Mr. Smarty pants insisted on making garlic bread saying that he's an excellent cook and it'll be fine.
When you were looking at the inedible horror you've made, Negan had another great idea. Standing behind you to grab your ass and start to pepper your neck with kisses. He didn't care that there were innocent people around that didn't want to look at what the both of you were doing.
You wanted to say the sex was good, but you didn't really remember it, but you were sure that there was sex. There had to be, Negan wasn't a person who was easy to say 'no' to.
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faces-ofvenus · 2 years
only you can paint my skin purple and red.
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All this was poorly translated, I'm sorry, and I got carried away, as I said before, I'm not fluent in English, so forgive any mistakes
warnings: contains pornographic content, and minor explicit sex scenes do not read.
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She with some other servants were preparing the bath for the young prince, Aegon Targaryen according to his name, he hadn't yet entered the huge space, probably drinking or hitting on some slut out there, she didn't even know why she cared in reality, she shouldn't call, she was just his servant.
— and is distracted you know how the prince gets if we get the temperature of his bath wrong.
Oh she knew all too well, anger never came on her but it was no surprise to anyone, Aegon blew up on everyone, he was known to get angry easily and punish everyone who took that side of him away, she couldn't think about it anymore, think about it. in him, not now, she quickly apologized to the superior maid, she was there to make sure no "accident" happens again, that's when the doors opened with a loud thud, which startled everyone, her eyes and Aegon's looked which it should be, but upon noticing the small smudge of lipstick and the faint smell of alcohol, your anger just bubbled up and you quickly dodged it.
"What are you still doing here, get out soon."
Usually he wouldn't do that, the maids were there to clean a job that the prince shouldn't have, but no one would have the courage to contradict him, she dropped everything that was in her hand and got up, she didn't want to look at him anymore, because she did you feel so betrayed? Before she could walk through the door like all the others, he stopped her by the arm.
— No, no, you are my little lamb, today only you will bathe your prince.
He took off his clothes slowly and y/n had to hold his breath, and sat down in the bathtub resting his hands on the round edges and eyes, waiting for his actions, she quickly followed him sitting on a stool and starting to wash him starting with his hands, and going straight to his chest, he then took her hand.
He looked to the side, and tilted her a little forward, if the tub wasn't high she would surely fall over, he looked to the side making contact with her.
— Why don't you look at me lamb, it's been so long that I don't see your eyes, I don't smell you.
“Maybe because it smells like some whore you and your brother picked up in some brothel.
She didn't want to sound so jealous, but maybe it wasn't as easy to hide as she thought, she couldn't control her breathing, it was so close to Aegon's neck, the one she always filled him with bites and hickeys, and now he it was right there, with one imprint of another. In a sudden movement Aegon pulled her into the tub, making her almost scream in surprise, he left them in one position, her dress turned out to be totally wet, she was sitting on his lap, his arms freely snaked around her waist, he was up to his ear and spoke, in that damn voice.
— What a beautiful mouth of yours, my love.
He leaned up to her face to give her a simple kiss on the lips and then bit down on them with a fervor that made her moan softly. You honestly didn't care anymore, you were so aroused under all the garments, which Aegon made sure to slowly take off until she was completely naked like him, he kissed her collarbone, kissed very close to her breasts, teasingly. , she knew that she couldn't move was a game to him.
— Do you really think I'd fuck any whore when I have you waiting for me like this, in my bathtub!?"
He kept nibbling at her neck, leaving some marks showing, he didn't want to hide it from anyone tonight, he never does, he marks his skin, as if he's marking his territory, a wolf with his rabbit, a dragon with his sheep.
One thing she hates and loves about the platinum prince is perhaps his unpredictability, he could do something she just couldn't have foreseen, even now when he lifted her up without any problem, she wrapped her feet around his waist and held him by the neck, an attempt not to fall, or maybe it's the fear that Aegon trips somewhere, as it is already night, and the darkness in King's Landing is capable of swallowing even the largest of the candles, the two of them wet he laid it down. in bed, without any care, soaking the bed with the water of their bodies, the prince climbed on top of her and attacked her lips and body, every part of her was filled with hickey kisses. He walked all over slowly until he got right in the middle of her pussy, she was aroused he could see it, could feel it, her fingers passed over her clit gently, making her shudder and beg for him in small pleas.
— No, not my sweet lamb, you underestimated the affection I have for you, and apparently I'll have to show you that again.
He stuck three fingers inside her, which made her let the air out of her lungs, he released her hand and she clutched the damp white sheets tightly beneath her, groaning and writhing Aegon, making not very gentle thrusts, while he trained this with a mother, his fur made small circles on her clit, his other hand travels to her neck squeezing it lightly while his mouth starts sucking and mistreating her breasts de y/n's arms clung to her hair white, preventing him from leaving, she was so close, her eyes were half closed, her mouth came out the worst fallacies, may the seven forgive her, but at that moment the only god she worshiped was the one who simply gives her pleasure like no other .
— A…ah me, I'm so fucking close.
He quickly took out the three fingers inside her, which only caused her regrets, she looked at him with a little frown, he gave her a white, playful smile, she knew the rules they set. She could hear his voice in her mind. "You can only come in one place remember?"
— Aegon, don't be so cruel hmm.
Trying to persuade him is a silly attitude coming from her, because she knows that begging him just makes you want not to do it, just to hear more of his pleas. He dropped everything and pulled her closer to him, her pussy almost touching his cock, but honestly their gazes never left each other her free hand went to the left side of his head, he crouched down almost touching her lips. She nodded softly, that was rare, but as the nights passed, Aegon began to worry about the pleasure of the woman lying in his bed, as he never cared about another.
He sank into her at an almost delirious speed now it was his turn to moan softly, his voice was so husky, so pleasurable, he wanted to taste everything she could offer him, and she was willing to give it all to him, just like that time he was also willing to do anything, just for the screen, deeper, of himself, slowly but not wanting to lose contact between them, they turned her between his knees, he pressed his fingers firmly on her waist but marks were his last concern at the moment, as he began the movements that drew moans from both him and her, y/n leaned over and marked him in every possible place, she would let all those women see, who the crown prince really belonged to, she would just stop simple when everything on his chest and neck was marked with red and purple, like a beautiful painting his work of art, which should be seen by everyone, his brothers, his nephews, his parents, his grandfather, everyone.
They were climaxing, she could feel it, from the way they both moved, in sync, their hair was plastered to their faces, their bodies were glued to each other, lewd sounds came out of their mouths without fear of being heard, the noise of their bodies wasn't silent either, they didn't need words to know what they wanted. And that's when she arched her body, seeing in her vision a wonderful starry sky, letting out a loud and uncontrollable moan, Aegon pushed her a little more, letting out throaty, her legs moving involuntarily, not wanting anything that was hers to come out of her. her, after all this was where she belonged.
When tired she lay down or rather, fell beside him on the bed, speechless, only with the sounds of their hearts beating, and their rapid breathing trying their best to get air, he pulled her to his chest, made light caresses on her shoulder, she didn't want to talk maybe wanting to assimilate everything that happened about 2 minutes ago, so he decided to take the reins, giving an explanation of everything earlier.
“Nothing had happened between me and her.
He might be talking about the woman who left a mark before her on his neck, y/n didn't know why he wanted to give her such satisfactions, he was a future king after all, a prince if we're going to be together.
— the only one I would let have this post, the only one who really has my body to mark the colors that I prefer, is you, so I made a point of punishing her by trying to have the audacity to do so.
He lifted her chin, making her eyes glued to his, and kissed her fervently, a kiss that she made a point of returning, clinging tightly to him, just as she did to her, and there they fell asleep, without even turning to sleep. worry, with the weight of explanations in the morning.
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Any request for Aegon, Aemond, Jacarys and Lucerys can be easily fulfilled, ok.
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brett-is-afraid · 1 year
jake doolittle and/x (you decide) ethanisonline anything
Sure thing!
Rating: Explicit
Intercrural sex, porn without plot, he/they pronouns for Ethan
Jake couldn't breathe as he watched his cock disappear between Ethan's thighs. It seemed like a weight pressed down in his chest, but he'd be damned if that was going to be a deterrent for him.
He was resting on the bed behind Ethan, on his knees as he fucked into his thighs. Lube laid in a thin layer on the inside of Ethan's plush thighs, slicking the way and making it easier for Jake to run against their soft skin. They had been talking about their sex lives before all of this happened.
Jake had brought up his lack of one. He wasn't a virgin, he had insisted honestly, not wanting to be seen as sad and desperate. Even if he was a little -a lot- desperate for intimacy. But he had been candid about how illness and his own social issues had severely limited his opportunities to sleep with people.
It had very quickly spiraled as things often do. Talking had led to offers and offers led to clothes being lost which naturally led to Jake finding himself pressing his cock between Ethan's thighs. This was meaningless, Jake knew that, but it didn't stop his heart from racing. The only boundary set was that Ethan didn't want to be fucked.
Part of him wished he had been able to actually fuck Ethan, though he'd take what he could get. He definitely wasn't going to complain or pressure Ethan into anything. His thighs felt surprisingly good around Jake's cock. Everytime Ethan would tighten his thighs, it would draw another noise from Jake.
"You feel so good," Jake breathed out and continued to rock himself into the other. The words felt stupid as soon as he said them, but they were already out. Ethan deserved to hear his appreciation anyway. Another time, he could use all the pretty words and eloquent sentences he wanted to describe Ethan. But while he was fucking into his thighs certainly wasn't the right time to do so.
"You feel good," Ethan repeated, making Jake smile. One hand carefully moved the blonde hair away from Ethan's neck to press a small kiss to the side of it. It made them both have to pause, taking in how soft of a gesture it was and what the implications of it were for them. Once soft actions were brought into the mix, it stopped feeling like just two people having sex. "You don't have to be so gentle with me," Ethan broke the silence quietly.
"Just stop me if it's too much," Jake told him after considering it for a moment. He'd be lying if he said the idea of letting go didn't appeal to him, but he didn't want to overstep or hurt Ethan. But he trusted them to tell him if anything was wrong. He pressed one final kiss to the back of Ethan's throat before adjusting his grip on the blonde's hips to hold onto him a bit tighter.
"Fuck," Ethan swore as Jake thrust harder against him. It almost made Jake check to make sure he was okay, but there was no mistaking the quiet moan that followed. Jake grinned and kept his movements steady. The position wasn't ideal. The strain put on Jake's joints ached and he knew he'd feel it even more in the morning. But driven by list and the desire to be close, he couldn't bring himself to care about that.
"You're perfect," Jake muttered and Ethan brushed it off, assuming it was just spurred by arousal. Though, they couldn't deny the way it made their chest tighten at the sweet words. Ethan hid his smile against the blankets, pressing his face into them as Jake kept rocking into him. Dark eyes fell closed and fingers grasped at the blankets, enjoying the feeling of being fucked.
One of Jake's own hands found Ethan's, holding it against the bed as his movements sped up. There was no way he was going to hold out for much longer. He'd resigned himself to the fact he'd finish fast the second Ethan had wrapped his warm hand around his cock. Honestly, he was just proud of himself for lasting this long.
"I'm getting really close," Jake choked out, voice shaky as he tried to keep up with the pace he'd set. He'd never been so hard before in his life, thighs beginning to tremble as he chased his own pleasure. He cuddled himself closer, involuntarily tightening his hand on Ethan's hip. It would bruise by the next day and he almost felt guilty, but Ethan didn't protest being treated so roughly.
"Come on. Finish for me," Ethan urged gently. The words were almost enough to push Jake over the edge, so airy and genuine. But when Ethan crossed their ankles, causing his thighs to tighten around Jake's cock, that was what really did it. Jake cursed low in his throat and gave a handful of shaky thrusts before he was spilling against the bed. His movements didn't stop, working his way through his orgasm and inadvertently smearing his cum into the skin of Ethan's thighs.
"I needed this," Jake breathed out as he recovered for a bit. The hand still on Ethan's hip rubbed at his skin softly, fingertips circling there. "I…Jesus. My knees feel really weak," He laughed out airily. His whole body was thrumming from the intensity and how much he'd exerted himself.
"Hey, you're okay. Just lay down for a second," Ethan moved to flip himself over. It pushed Jake off of him in the process and he let himself be moved away from Ethan. He rolled onto his back and prepared for Ethan to disappear. For Ethan to get out of bed, wandering off to shower. Instead, Ethan cuddled closer to Jake's side. Jake's arm wrapped around him and for a moment, they just smiled at each other.
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Hii! Just found your blog thanks to your Hyunjin oneshot and let me just say that the ending was *chef's kiss* so I was thinking if you could probably do a part 2? I don't really have specific plot but maybe Jeongin and Felix get caught spying Hyunjin and y/n?
I was hoping someone would ask for a part two. Kinda why I made that ending lol. I was also just wanting an opportunity to include Jeongin in, considering him and Hyunjin are my biases from Stray Kids. I hope you enjoy this and I'm glad you liked the Hyunjin one-shot! You can find it here, for those who have not read it yet. I would recommend reading it before this one.
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●◇ I Spy ◇●
Pairings: Hwang Hyunjin x Yang Jeongin x Lee Felix x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamics; sub!Felix, sub!Jeongin, sort of switch!Hyunjin?, dom!reader, swearing, impact play, spanking with paddle, voice kink, use of vibrator, pet names, degrading, praise, pain kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, nipple play, leg humping, Noona kink?, mummy kink, hair pulling, anal sex, unprotected sex (put the rubber on the duckie irl), finger sucking, choking, I guess dacryphilia?, Hyunjin with no pull-out game at all, probably more idk.
English is not my first language; this is not proofread so beware grammar mistakes and spelling errors.
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It had been a month since that night with Hyunjin, and things have become a bit. . . awkward with some of the other members. Specifically, Jeongin and Felix.
The rest of the members just couldn't bring themselves to care.
All of them did agree to keep quiet about it outside of the dorm. They knew the trouble you two would get in if you were found out, and they didn't want that. But they still had fun teasing the both of you. Especially Hyunjin.
A lot of the time, whenever Hyunjin was by himself, one of the boys would tease him by mocking the noises he made or the way he said your name. It never failed to make Hyunjin embarrassed. But that was fine. Because Hyunjin knew that he could always go to you, and you would comfort him.
And that is what Hyunjin had did, a bit ago—which ended up with him in the position he was in now; whimpering and whining quietly as he ruts against your leg.
"You have to keep quiet, jagiya. The boys will hear. Again." You whisper, reaching down to push the hair from his face. He looks up at you, dark eyes pleading.
"It feels so good, though, Noona." He breaths out, moving to rest his forehead on your knee.
Meanwhile, a certain pair of boys happen to walk by your bedroom door at the exact moment Hyunjin lets out a bit of a loud moan. Their eyes widen and their faces heat up as they exchange a glance.
"You'd probably want that, wouldn't you? I bet you want someone to walk in here and see you in this position. You want that, kitten?" They hear your muffled voice say. Felix bites his lip while Jeongin gulps. They'd give anything to be in Hyunjin's position right now. And they don't even know which one that is.
The two boys get the same idea, exchanging another glance before shuffling quietly towards the door. You had purposefully left it open a crack, knowing that it excited Hyunjin for him to know that anyone could peer in and spot him.
Once the two spotted what the scene was inside, they had to stop themselves from groaning. Felix felt his cock begin to strain against his jeans, while Jeongin felt his begin to throb—both of them ashamed of how quickly they got aroused. But, then again, who wouldn't get turned on after seeing what they are?
Felix couldn't help but reach down and begin palming himself through his tight jeans. Jeongin felt too ashamed and embarrassed to do anything. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty and perverted as he continued to watch the scene in front of him. But he couldn't bring himself to look away or leave.
"Noonaaaa. . ." Hyunjin whines softly, tightly gripping at your calf as his movements speed up. You smirk down at him.
"Look at you. You're honestly truly pathetic. Getting off on my leg, knowing anyone could easily walk in right about now," you quickly look to the door, spotting the two boys almost immediately. They freeze. You, however, allow for a smirk to rise to your lips. "Or someone could be watching you hump my leg like a bitch in heat."
You place your hand on Hyunjin's chest, causing him to halt his movement and look up at you with confusion. You gently push him off and help him stand again before making your way to the door.
"Well, well. . . look here, Hyunjin." You say after pushing your bedroom door open the rest of the way. "A pair of perverted boys, spying in on our fun."
Felix and Jeongin can't help but feel small under your intense gaze—and, considering you were much taller than them, they felt even smaller. They didn't know what to do. Your gaze held them in place.
"What do you think we should do with them, jagiya?" You ask, turning to look at, the slightly flustered, Hyunjin behind you. You already knew the answer.
Hyunjin had brought up the idea of inviting Felix or Jeongin with you sometime (he had listened in on one of their conversations where they mentioned how jealous they were of Hyunjin). You, being the open-minded person you were, of course said yes. And now, your opportunity was here.
"I think we need to teach them a bit of a lesson. What do you think, Jinnie?" You ask as you turn towards the two boys in front of you. You watch as their faces light up.
"Maybe," Hyunjin starts, moving to stand next you, "they need a bit of a spanking?"
Felix lets a meek little whine slip, one that causes his cheeks to flush. You and Hyunjin however, your smirks widen.
"Did you hear that, kitten?" You ask, glancing at Hyunjin. "I think Felix wants a spanking."
Felix gulps, wide eyes staring up at the two of you.
"I think so too." Hyunjin responds, seemingly just as excited as you. Jeongin, meanwhile, begins to fidget with his hands.
"Oh, but what does Jeongin want, I wonder?" You say, moving your hands to grab onto the two boys' upper arms. You gently pull them into the room, shutting the door behind you. You stand behind the two, now, while Hyunjin stands in front of them. You place your hands on their shoulders, causing them to tense a bit before relaxing.
"I have a feeling these two would enjoy anything we choose to do to them." Hyunjin says, looking up at you for a moment before looking down at the two short boys. "Am I correct?"
You couldn't lie, it turned you on—the way Hyunjin went from this whimpering and whining mess to the way he is now so easily. Of course, you could easily switch him back to the way he was just before in no time flat. And that, in your opinion, was an even bigger turn on.
The two younger boys in front of you seemed to have grown embarrassed—with how flushed their faces had become, and how silent they became. Cute.
"How funny." You chuckle, walking around the two so you stood in front of them. "Both of them are all embarrassed now, but just a few minutes ago, Felix was shamelessly touching himself while watching us, and little Jeongin here was watching it all happen and didn't even try to hide that he was."
Their faces heated up even more, but their cocks both continued to throb profusely. Neither of them dared to look up from the spot they stared at on the floor.
"Maybe, we should just leave them to take care of their problems on their own: seeing as though they clearly don't want to have fun with us." You suggest, finally getting a response from the both of them. Both of their heads shoot up with wide eyes.
"No! W-We want to join!" Felix exclaims, Jeongin quickly nodding along with him. You smirk, sharing the same amused glance with Hyunjin before you lean down so you're on their eye level.
"Then maybe, you should start answering us when we ask you something, and we might just give you what you want." The two boys nod quickly, now eager to do as you say.
"Well, they can be good. Who would've thought?" You say in a bitter-sweet voice. You then move to stand up straight again, not being able to help being amused by the very noticeable height difference between you and the boys. You then move to stand behind Hyunjin, placing your hands on his shoulders gently. He lifts his hand to lay on top of yours, a motion you can't help but find adorable.
"We have two new play-things for us to use, Hyunjin. What do you think we should do with them first?" You ask, smirking at the way both Jeongin and Felix gulp at your words. "Perhaps. . . we could introduce them to the many toys we have and allow for them to choose what they want us to do to them. What do you think of that, Jin?"
Hyunjin hums, seeming to be thinking about it. You could tell by Jeongin and Felix's reactions that your idea was something of interest to them.
"I think it sounds like a good idea. But do they like it as well?" The boys in front of you quickly nod their head, not wanting to disobey anymore.
"Perfect. Hyunjin, show them where we keep them for me, jagi." You say, giving his shoulders a few light taps. He quickly obeys, walking forward towards your dresser and opening the bottom drawer, where all you toys lay. Felix and Jeongin make their way over to the drawer, shaking with anticipation.
You walk over to stand on the opposite side of Hyunjin—the right side of the dresser. You watch as the two boys peer at the many toys inside the drawer; enjoying the way they gulped at some of them. You notice Felix's gaze seems to linger on your few whips and paddles. You and Hyunjin both can sense his hesitation and shame, and after sharing a glance, you begin to speak.
"There is no need to be ashamed. We're not going to judge either of you for anything," you place your hand on Felix's shoulder, "I promise."
You look up to Hyunjin, who nodded at your statement. "We both do."
You let your hand fall, much to Felix's dismay, but he listens to your words. He bends down and grabs a paddle. He looks up at you, seeming to be asking if it was acceptable.
"That's what you want?" Felix nods. "Perfect. Go wait on the bed, for me, yeah?"
He nods again before walking over to your bed and sitting down, waiting patiently and trying to ignore the straining in his pants.
You then move to stand next to Jeongin. He seemed to be having a difficult time making his decision.
"There's so many choices." He mumbles quietly. You chuckle.
"Take your time. We have plenty of it, anyways." You respond, moving to stand behind him once again and placing your hands on his shoulder. You lean down, placing a soft kiss on the side of his neck. He responds by closing his eyes and tilting his head to the side. "We don't have to use one if you don't want to. It's your choice."
You place another kiss on the other side of his neck before standing up straight again- much to his dismay. Jeongin looks around the drawer once more before his eyes land on something. He reaches down and grabs it before turning around with it in his hand. A vibrator.
You give him a small but kind smile. "That what you want?" He nods. "Alright, after I give Felix what he wants, I'll take care of you."
He nods again. You lean down and give him a short peck on the lips, too quick for his liking. You stand up straight again and look over to Hyunjin, noticing from the corner of your eye the jealous look on Felix's face. You motion for Hyunjin to come over to where you stand, which he quickly does.
You then pull him away from Jeongin, far enough away from the two so you can whisper in his ear without the others hearing. After you give him a command to follow, you pat his arm twice, signaling for him to do what you have told him.
You then walk over to Jeongin, leaning down and whispering in his ear. You explain what you want him to do. "Are you okay with doing that for me, little one?"
Jeongin felt his heart skip a beat at the nickname. He wasn't sure why, but the name made him feel a warmth spread throughout his chest. He quickly nods, excited to please you.
Felix couldn't stop the frown that made its way to his lips. He wanted his own nickname, as well as a kiss from you. And as you begin to walk towards him, he also can't help but stare up at you with pleading eyes, the pout still on his lips. Poor baby.
When you arrive in front of him, you hook your pointer finger under his chin and lean down to press a soft kiss onto his lips. Felix quickly melts at the feel of your lips on his; but before he can get too carried away, you pull away. He lets out a whine and tries to chase after you- causing you to chuckle- but to no avail.
"You'll get more soon, don't worry." You reassure him as you stand up straight again. "Stand up for me, would you?"
Felix then stands, setting the paddle aside on the bed.
"Good boy." Felix perks up at that, his lips twitching upwards as he looks back up at you. How adorable.
Meanwhile, while all this is happening, Jeongin is sitting on Hyunjin's lap with Hyunjin's arms wrapped around his waist. Jeongin has to stop himself from grinding on Hyunjin's hard-on (which was poking his right ass cheek). You had instructed Jeongin to sit on Hyunjin's lap while they watch what you're going to do to Felix.
You lean down again, connecting your lips with Felix's again. He is quick to kiss back, moving his hands to grip tightly at your hips. You turn your head to deepen the kiss as your hands move down to begin to fiddle with his belt. His grip tightens as he feels you pull his belt off and toss it aside— so, you pull away a small bit, close enough for your noses to be touching. He opens his eyes to look up at you.
"Do you want to stop?" You ask, him shaking his head in response. "Let me know if you ever want to stop, okay?"
He nods, and with his consent, you attach your lips again. You then unbutton his jeans, pushing them off his waist so they pool around his ankles. He steps out of them, kicking them to the side right after.
Felix almost bites your lip when he feels your right hand reach behind him and grab his rear rather harshly. He let's out a small gasp and a small little whimper at the action. Right after, he feels your tongue press on his lips. He's quick to part them, allowing for your tongue to explore his mouth.
It was easy to tell that you had a lot more experience then Felix did with that category. He had little to no idea of what to do while you were confident with your tongues actions. He couldn't help but feel a bit insecure about that. Would that make you like him less? Little did he know, that only excited you more.
Whenever you had a partner who wasn't very skilled or experienced, oh you enjoyed it very much. It was one of your favorite things— teaching the innocent ones how to please someone, or giving them the pleasure they rarely (if ever) got to experience.
Felix's hands tugged at the hem of your shirt, shyly asking for you to remove it. You move your hands to grab his, gently pushing them off before pulling away from his lips. "Later."
He's disappointed at your answer, but doesn't press any more. He tries to reconnect your lips, but you place a hand on his chest, preventing him from moving. He opens his mouth to speak, but you're quicker. You spin him around and push him so he's bent over your bed. Felix lets out a gasp that ends with a quiet whimper at your action.
You then bend over right behind him, pressing your pelvis against his ass and your chest against his back as you whisper in his ear. "I can already tell you're someone who likes it rough. You're just a little painslut aren't you? Am I wrong?"
Felix was breathing heavily by now, your sudden action not helping his arousal. Nor does your breath on his neck or your voice help either. Oh, God. . . your voice. . .
He wasn't sure what it was about your voice, but the way your words were spoken so smoothly and how your voice was just that right tone- slightly deep but not too deep- it was so fucking addicting to him. He would happily listen to you whisper in his ear for hours on end if he could. It didn't matter what you would say, he would enjoy every second of it. He may or may not have touched himself while listening to your songs. He always felt ashamed after, but he couldn't help it. Your voice just turned him on so much, he couldn't stop himself.
Felix was brought back to reality when he felt your hand tug his hair so his head was off the mattress, facing towards the two boys that sat in front of you two. "I asked you a question, Felix. I need your answer."
"No! You're-you're not wrong! Oh, Mummy, please!" Oops, he didn't mean to let that one slip, but it did. No taking it back now. However, you only smirk at this while his cheeks turn to a light shade of red.
"Please what, sarang? You need to tell Mummy what you want, I won't know unless you do." You could feel Felix relax a bit at your words. However, his cheeks grow redder and he closes his eyes. He drops his head onto your bed again, trying to not focus on the two people staring at him in front of him.
"Use the paddle. Please." He whispers almost inaudibly. He knew he didn't need to be ashamed or embarrassed, none of you were going to judge him for what he liked; but he couldn't help it.
"There you go. All you have to do is ask." Felix nods as best as he can, immediately hating the feeling of you leaving your spot. You were so warm compared to the cool room, and now he had to feel the cold again.
Fortunately, he was quickly distracted by the feeling of his briefs being pulled down off his waist; just enough to expose his little bum to you. It was cute how small it was, but you loved it. How could you not? It was just so adorable.
You couldn't stop yourself, you just had to touch it. So, you reach both your hands out, placing them onto his naked rear before squeezing roughly. You had to stop yourself from laughing at how your hands looked big compared to his tiny little cheeks. "You have such a cute ass, sarang." You whisper. "It's a shame you have to hide it."
Felix blushes at your words, moving his arms to cover his face. His way of responding to your words is him pushing his hips back against your hands. You chuckle. "Alright, I won't keep you any longer."
You then reach over and grab the paddle as he uncovers his face and turns his head so the side of his face is pressed against the mattress again. His eyes squeeze shut as he awaits the first hit.
You raise up the paddle, swinging it downwards until it makes contact with Felix's ass. Felix lets out a deep moan-which was then muffled by your hand-at the sudden burst of pain. His hips involuntarily jolt forward, causing accidental friction on his cock.
"Again! Please do it again, Mummy." Felix exclaims (it being muffled by your hand), loving the pain and lingering sting the paddle left behind.
"Gladly, but as much as I'd love to hear all your beautiful noises, you have to keep quiet. We don't want the others to hear, do we?" Felix shakes his head, so you pull your hand away, only for him to grab it and stick two of your fingers in his mouth. He opens his eyes and looks back at you, the look on his face seemingly innocent and turning you on even more.
You raise the paddle again, Felix moving his gaze to watch it closely. As you bring it down and make contact with his rear again, he can't help but let out another moan. He knew he would, that's why he stuffed your fingers in his mouth.
Before he knows it, you strike him once again. And again. With each hit, Felix's hips jolt forward against the bed and broken moans fall from his lips. His usual deep voice turns high pitched as each whine falls from his lips, them being muffled by your fingers.
With each jolt of his hips, his cock continues to gain more and more friction, causing his orgasm to approach faster. The friction mixed with the pain of the spanks is so fucking amazing to him. He couldn't explain just how amazing it was. But that's okay. He didn't have to.
A small pool of drool begins to form in the corner of his mouth as he continues to suck desperately on your fingers. Felix begins to whimper as the knot begins to form in his stomach. It was too fast. It couldn't be over that quickly. You barely did anything with him. He needed more. He needed to be touched. And in all honesty, he didn't know if he needed it to be by you, Hyunjin, or even Jeongin. All he knew was that he wanted at least one of you to touch him-preferably you or Hyunjin (or both).
"No more. Please." Felix says after removing your fingers from his mouth. You look over at him, checking to be sure that that's what he wanted. "Please."
You give him a nod, tossing the paddle aside after that. That's when you get another idea. A smirk rises to your face as you look over at the two boys waiting patiently for their turns. You then lean down so you can whisper in Felix's ear.
His eyes widen as he listens to your idea. He visibly gulps as you pull away slightly, just enough for him to be able to look back at you. "How do you feel about doing that?"
Felix glances away for a second, thinking about your proposal. He hesitates for a moment, and you sense this. "We don't have to do that if you're not comfortable. You don't need to feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to."
He nods, understanding right away. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before looking at you again. "I want to do it."
You give him a small smile, then leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Alright then."
You stand up straight again, looking over to Hyunjin. You raise a finger, motioning for him to come over to you. Jeongin gets off his lap and sits on the cushion beside him while Hyunjin stands and begins to walk over to you.
Meanwhile, Felix was removing his briefs before getting on his hands and knees on the bed while you were putting away the paddle and grabbing out a bottle of lube. After you closed the drawer again, you turn around and find that Hyunjin was now standing right next to the end of the bed.
You walk over to him, and when you arrive next to him, you grab his hips and move him so he's standing behind Felix. You move over to stand beside him, opening the bottle of lube and squirting some onto your hand. "Get undressed for me, will you?" Hyunjin nods, quickly removing his shirt and discarding his pants and briefs soon after. You smile at him. "Good boy."
The smell of berries fills your nostrils as you begin to spread the lube on Hyunjin's cock, slowly jerking him off as you lean down and connect your lips with his.
Hyunjin let's out a few small whimpers in your mouth as your hand continues its slow movements. It felt so good. However, he couldn't let himself get too lost in the pleasure because soon after, you pulled your hand away while disconnecting your lips. "You know what to do now, kitten."
Hyunjin looks down at the awaiting Felix as you grab a kleenex to wipe off your hand. Felix's ass was still slowly turning redder with each passing minute and visible marks from where the paddle hit began to form as well.
Hyunjin takes a step forward, placing his one hand on Felix's waist, revealing on how his hand was also rather large compared to Felix's tiny waist. He then grabs the base of his lubed up cock, rubbing it against Felix's puckered hole and spreading some lube onto that before pushing in.
". . .OhmyGod. . ." Felix whispers out at the feeling of Hyunjin's dick stretching him out. His arms are quick to go out, the top half of his body falling down onto the mattres. Hyunjin slowly eases himself in, so it does take him a bit to bottom out, and when he does, he halts his movements so he can give Felix some time to adjust.
While that was happening, you had arrived in front of Jeongin. "Stand up."
He quickly does, so you step forward and lean down to connect your lips. And just like you did with Felix, your hands swiftly begin to work on removing his pants.
Once his pants are around his ankles, you push off his briefs and he kicks both off to the side. You then pull away from him and move around him and sat down on the little loveseat you had in your room. "Come sit on my lap, little one."
Jeongin blushes, the nickname causing more butterflies in his stomach as he sits down on your lap. Both of you face Felix and Hyunjin as you reach over and grab the vibrator he had picked out. That's when you took the time to appreciate the sight Jeongin had gifted you.
His thighs were beautiful, like a blank canvas. Oh, how you wanted to cover them in bruises. "Such gorgeous thighs you have, Innie."
Your free hand begins to rub up and down his inner thigh. You feel him tense up a bit when your nails lightly scratch his thigh on accident. Oh, so he was a sensitive one. Even better. "And sensitive, too. How did I get so lucky to have a perfect little toy like you?"
Jeongin blushes heavily at your words. He was perfect to you? That alone boosted his confidence. However, his thoughts were cut short when you gently drag your nails on the underside of his cock. He let's out an involuntary whimper at your action, arching his back a small bit. "Noona, please don't tease."
You chuckle. He was so fucking cute. "Sorry, little one. You're just so adorable when I do, I can't help it. I won't tease you anymore."
You turn on the vibrator, the lowest setting to start off, with before pressing it against the base of his cock. And when you do, Felix pushes his hips back against Hyunjin, telling him that he wants him to begin moving. So he does.
Felix has to bite your bedsheets to stay quiet, the feeling of his hyungs cock inside of him just so amazing. Felix has fingered himself before, but the poor boys fingers were just too small to hit his sweet spot, and he always felt too embarrassed to buy himself a toy to use. So really, the only way he could get himself off was jerking off and that was great, of course, but it got a little boring after awhile.
But now, here he was: getting the pleasure he really hasn't had very well before. And getting it from one of the two people he's had a liking for for years. And oh, lord did it feel fucking amazing.
The way Hyunjin's cock was big enough to brush all the right places in Felix with no struggle at all. And the way it stretches him out so good and wide so easily. All of it caused the tip of his dick to be dripping onto your bed sheets with each thrust.
Meanwhile, Jeongin had his head turned to the side so his face was buried in the crook of his neck so his whimpers and moans could be muffled. You had turned the vibrator up a notch and was now running it over the tip of his cock—where he was most sensitive. His hips kept bucking upwards and his legs constantly trying to close as the vibrations send pleasurable shocks throughout his dick.
His noises were beautiful, nothing like those obnoxious moans you find in porn that are obviously fake. He let out the most beautiful little high pitched whimpers, moans, and little sobs of pleasure. The only unfortunate part: he had to keep them muffled in order to keep from the boys downstairs from hearing.
You grab the hem of his shirt and bring it up next to his face. "Bite down on this and don't let go."
He obeys, turning his head and biting down on his shirt. You give him a kiss on his cheek, whispering a quick: "Good boy."
You then turn the vibrator up a notch, causing Jeongin to let out a muffled sob as his eyebrows furrow and he bites down on the fabric as hard as he can. Your free hand moves down so you can begin to lightly drag your nails from the v-line of his pelvis up his torso. His muscles tense as your nails gently rake over the valley in between his abs before reaching his pecs. Jeongin's breath gets caught in his throat when your fingers begin to play with his left nipple. His back arches when you give a little pinch, followed by a rather loud whine. This causes you to chuckle. "You're so sensitive, little one."
"F-Feels so g-good, Noona!" He stutters out, arching his back when you roll his nipple between your fingers. You chuckle again.
"I know it does." You then turn the vibrator up to the final level, causing Jeongin to throw his head back against your shoulder and let out a few more sobs as a few stray tears fall from the corners of his eyes.
The two boys in front of you had been going at it for a while now, Hyunjin letting out small grunts and groans while Felix couldn't help but let a few deep moans pass his lips.
Hyunjin reaches down and wraps his hand around the front of Felix's throat before pulling him up so his back is against Hyunjin's chest. Felix responds by reaching up grabbing onto Hyunjin's wrist tightly with one hand while the other reaches back and gripping onto his shirt. Hyunjin's other hand reaches down and wraps around Felix's cock; quickly jerking him off in sinc with every thrust.
"Does it feel good?" Hyunjin whispers into Felix's ear before nibbling on his earlobe. Felix's nods as best as he can.
"S-so fucking good, Hyung. Oh, my God." Felix responds, throwing his head back. The knot in his stomach continued to grow with each hit on his prostate and each jerk of Hyunjin's hand. "I need to cum. Can I cum, Hyung?"
Hyunjin shakes his head a bit. "It's not up to me." He then looks over to you, taking a moment to appreciate the view of Jeongin before speaking. "Noona, can we cum?"
You look over to the two boys in front of you, smirking as you look at the beautiful state the two of them were in. Both of them wore a thin layer of sweat on their bodies and both had flushed faces. But Felix looked it be in more of a messy state then Hyunjin. "Go ahead. Let go when you need to."
With your permission, and a few more thrusts on Hyunjin's end, Felix's orgasm quickly washed over him and he found himself arching his back and biting his lip to keep from making any noise. His release spilled all over Hyunjin's hand and your bed.
Hyunjin didn't stop his thrusts, still trying to chase after his orgasm as well. But it didn't take long for his climax to wash over him, the feeling of Felix clenching around him pushing him over the edge.
Felix groans quietly at the feeling of Hyunjin filling up his hole even more, loving it. Felix fell forward on the bed, seeming to have gone limp. His breathing was heavy as he feels Hyunjin pull out of him before falling and laying down right next to him. Felix bites his lip at the feeling of Hyunjin's release flowing out of his hole. He wasn't sure why he enjoyed it so much, but he did.
During that whole shenanigan, Jeongin's whining started to become a bit more frequent along with the bucks of his hips and arches on his back. "Are you close, little one?"
He nods desperately, still not letting go of the shirt in his mouth. "Can I cum? Please, Noona, it feels so good."
You chuckle, pinching his nipple once again and causing him to arch his back. "Of course, love. Whenever you need to."
A mantra of muffled 'Thank you's fall from his lips as his orgasm washes over him. He can't stop himself from dropping the shirt from his mouth as he let's out small whimpers and whines. "Noonaaa." He drags out as his hips continue to buck up. "Feels so good."
When the last drops of his release is out, you turn off the vibrator and set it aside, reminding yourself to clean it later.
As Jeongin and the other two continue to breath heavily as they calm down, you can't help but smile as you look over at them all. You had three eager little play toys now, all of them so pretty. And they're all yours, all willing to do anything to please you. And all three of them loved you, and you loved them back.
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
The Kiss
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◐ Series Masterlist ◐
◐ Part I ◐ Part II ◐ Part III ◐ Part IV ◐ Part V ◐ Part VI ◐ Part VII ◐
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Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Jimin x Omega Reader
Rating: Hard Mature 18+ (for this installment)
Warnings: this one is a little darker, descriptions of violence, ABO sexual dynamics including discussion of scenting, marking, mating, and claiming, strong sexual innuendo, discussion of violence relating to ritual combat, possessive behavior, injuries and discussion of injuries, lots of people have, use and are threatened by knives, kidnapping and drugging, its not as bad as it sounds, but it is definitely a bit darker…
Word Count: 4250
Author’s Note: I said it before but it bears repeating...You have no idea what your support has meant to me. Truly your asks and your messages and comments…they made me so happy. You made me believe that people wouldn’t forget about this story. I am so grateful you were able to wait. As many of you know I faced a medical emergency recently and you were all so lovely. The best followers on this site and I MEAN that. As always, my angels @ppersonna @xjoonchildx and  @untaemedqueen​  were (and continue to be) the best betas and the best friends anyone could ask for. My thanks to ALL of you for helping me bring this story to life! I don’t know what I would do without your daily encouragement and your daily support. You guys are the heartbeat of this story. It wouldn’t be here without you.
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Two Years Ago 
Centuries ago the moon goddess stumbled across her human soulmate while he was sleeping. Struck by his beauty, but reluctant to reveal her identity, the goddess began to visit him in his dreams where she could hide her true form and appear before him as a mortal woman. 
In the world of dreams their love flourished and from that blessed union the packs were born…
The wolf nations celebrated this sacred romance every ten years during the Festival of the Lover’s Moon…
The day of the festival was spent eating and drinking and dancing at large parties, but when the sun went down… well—
That’s when things got really interesting. 
On the night of Lover’s Moon the young unmated wolves of the pack were permitted to commemorate this legendary love story in a decidedly scandalous manner. 
The unmated men assumed the role of the goddess’s sleeping lover—they were blindfolded (to represent slumber) and led into a large sectioned off area of the dark forest to ‘wait and dream.’
Unmated she-wolves over the age of maturity (eighteen) took herbal scent suppressors and ventured out into that very same forest in order to anonymously ‘visit’ the young men ‘in their dreams’...
The rules for what exactly that meant were pretty fast and loose which was why Min Yoongi was thanking the goddess and every other deity he could think of that Yunli was still seventeen. 
“But I will be eighteen in two days! Please can’t I just—“
“No. Absolutely not under any circumstances ever.”
“But Yoonji is going!”
“Ji-ah is nearly nineteen and has never been interested in any of the snotty little man-pups of our pack.” He snorted. “She’s probably going out just so she can shove a bunch of them in the lake.”
“I wouldn’t count on it,” Yunli mumbled irritably. 
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Kim Taehyung yawned idly and snuggled into the cozy little pallet he prepared at the base of his favorite tree. The blindfold he and all the other unmated ‘lovers’  wore was made from witchcloth and could not be removed while the sun was down—so he had snuck into the forest earlier to set everything up. 
Now all he had to do was wait until—
“H-Hi Taehyung.”
Oh sh—
“Uh. Hello...Miss.”
Taehyung didn’t recognize the owner of that voice, but he knew for sure who it wasn’t. 
“I was hoping to find you tonight.”
This is not good. 
“Well I’m—I’m flattered… naturally but—”
She touched his hand and he squeaked. 
“I was thinking you and I might get to know each other a little bet—eep!”
The sharp point of a custom blade pressed directly into the unfortunate young beta girl’s pulse point. 
“Are you lost, puppy?”
A heavy cloak obscured the newcomer’s features, but there was no mistaking her meaning. 
Taehyung bit his lip to keep from snorting as the poor she-wolf scrambled away. 
“Ji-ah,” he tsked with feigned disapproval, “that wasn’t very nice.”
Min Yoonji grinned as she sheathed her wicked looking dagger and slid languidly into his arms. 
“You don’t like nice girls, Kim Taehyung.”
“I like you,” he whispered breathlessly against her lips. “Nice or not—it doesn't matter to me…” His hands slid greedily over her soft curves—pulling her closer till he felt the beat of her heart against his own. “I’ll like anything as long as it’s you.” 
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This was the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas. 
Jimin huffed as he struggled to find a comfortable position against the giant boulder he’d chosen as his perch.
Why did I let Taehyung talk me into this?
He could be at home—in bed—comfortably sleeping off the all-day feast he’d indulged in. 
Instead he was out in the middle of the forest sitting blindfolded on a rock in the off chance that one of the she-wolves was out looking for him. 
Not bloody likely. 
Not when prime targets like Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook—and countless others—were scattered throughout the woods. 
“Park Jimin?”
Every hair on Jimin’s body stood on end. 
It was a soft whisper—the speaker clearly didn’t want her voice to be recognized, yet something about the sound sent a curious frisson of interest down his spine. 
He gulped. 
“Yes… that’s me. But if you’re looking for Hoseok he’s just a little deeper in. You probably caught his scent downwind so—”
“I’m not looking for Hoseok.”
Jimin licked his lips and the sight of it sparked a odd curl of heat in the pit of your belly. 
“I don’t know where anyone else is…”
“That’s quite alright.” A muted shuffle of movement reached his ears as you settled down beside him. “I was looking for you.” 
“Oh…” He rubbed the back of his neck idly. “Are you sure?”
Laughter like fairy bells whispered through the air and Jimin felt his heart clench.
Don’t get your hopes up. 
“Who are you?”
You were silent for a long time and then—
“I am someone who owes you a debt. One I have never been able to repay.”
Jimin’s head tilted curiously as he considered your words. 
“I’m sorry, miss… you must be mistaken. There isn’t—“
“You don’t remember.” 
It was a statement—not a question. Your voice was nearer now. He could feel the warmth of your body close to his—though not quite touching. “It was your wolf that saved me. But you had not gone through the Change yet.”
Familiar shame spiked sharply in his chest.
“I’m seven years past the Change...Why have you never mentioned this before?”
“Circumstances prevented me from doing so.” 
There was a cold finality to your pronouncement—which of course did nothing but further inflame his curiosity. 
“Then why come to me now?”
“I’ve come to repay you.”
Jimin’s mouth dropped open. 
Were you trying to—?!
“Oh—no please that-that’s not necessary—I could never take advantage of—”
You giggled again.  
“I am not offering my body, Park Jimin.”
Jimin breathed a heavy sigh of relief then shook his head with a wry chuckle. 
“Well considering the circumstances I can hardly be blamed for assuming you might be. And honestly most men would jump at the chance to—”
“You...are not most men.” 
Jimin’s eyes narrowed beneath his blindfold. 
“Little she-wolf—I may not be wrestling bears for fun or bare knuckle boxing in the town square, but I am still an alpha.”
The weight of his command poured over your body as he spoke the last word. There was no order or intent—he had simply given you a taste of his power. 
Aside from your direct blood relatives, no alpha had ever dared unleash their compel in your presence—therefore you were utterly unprepared for the effect it had on you—
Utterly unprepared for the strange surge of want so potent and profound that it stole the breath from your body. 
It was primal—invigorating—
You and your wolf may not have been entirely connected yet, but she was suddenly quite vocal about her desire to fully bask in Park Jimin’s attention.
A wicked grin played over his lips as he leaned in closer and you could almost feel the soft brush of his lips against your cheek. 
“Did you think I would not desire the touch of a beautiful woman in the moonlight?” he whispered. 
Please touch me, Alpha. 
Your eyes widened. 
Dear goddess. Your inner wolf was turning out to be a shameless hussy. 
“You might desire it, but you are far too  honorable to accept it as payment for a debt.”
Jimin drew back warily. 
You were correct of course. After all he had refused you when he believed that was your intent but—
“How could you know that?”
Evade. Evade now. 
“Well... how could you know I was beautiful? You’re blindfolded.”
He shrugged and your wolf took careful note of the way it made all the pretty muscles in his back and shoulders ripple. 
He will give us such strong—
Oh boy. 
He will do no such thing. Please calm down. 
“Not everything must be seen with your eyes.”
Is that how you found me? All those years ago...
Questions churned chaotically beneath your consciousness but you dared not give voice to them. 
“I must repay this debt. Ask for what you want and—if it is in my power—I swear it will be yours.”
Jimin smiled again, but this time it was somehow softer. For a moment he looked almost…
“I’m afraid that the only thing I have ever wanted is not within your power to give...and I dare not ask you or anyone else for it.”
For her. 
He sighed and drew even farther away from you—in fact it seemed like he was preparing to leave. 
Your hand reached out almost of it's its own accord and wrapped tightly around his wrist. The contact sent a shock of searing heat through his veins and he froze. 
“Please alpha. It is not acceptable for someone like me—” a leader, a Luna, “—to owe another my life and offer nothing in return. You must let me pay my debt.”
Omega, his wolf growled, sweet perfect omega. 
Suppressors may have hidden your scent, but the siren song of an omega pleading prettily in his ear was unmistakable—irresistible…
“What if all I want is your name?”
You sighed deeply. 
“I cannot give you that. My name is… not mine to offer.”
Jimin laughed. 
“A woman I cannot remember with a name I cannot know and whose face I cannot see.” He shook his head. “Perhaps you are just a figment of my imagination.”
It was hard to explain what happened next...For whatever reason his words cut you deeply and you were overcome with the desire—no need—to refute them somehow. 
“I’m real enough,” you whispered, bringing his hand to your cheek. 
Jimin was genuinely beginning to wonder if you were a witch as well as a she-wolf. Being close to you was intoxicating and the urge to draw you in was steadily overpowering every other thought.
“Could I ask you for a kiss, then?”
“You—...You saved my life and all you want... is a kiss?”
The air grew heavier as the strange magnetic pull between you swelled to a silent inescapable crescendo. 
“In Seoul I often searched for someone who could ease my loneliness, yet each time I walked away emptier than before.” His thumb brushed gently over your lips and your eyes fluttered shut. “I have never had a kiss that meant anything to me.”
But yours might. 
It was unclear who moved first, whether he pulled you to him or you surged forward but when your bodies aligned and your lips met his for the first time it was as if you had never been separate from one another. 
As if you had always been deeply—intimately —together. 
The indescribable feel of him lit over your senses like a struck match. It was an ignition in the purest sense of the word— a fiery visceral awakening fueled by a consuming flood of desire. 
Yes, Alpha. 
He might never see your face or hear your name, but Jimin knew he would remember the taste of you for the rest of his life. It was hot and bright like liquid sunshine— a pure relentless light flowing through him where there was once only darkness. 
A soft needy moan rose up from your chest and he growled in primal satisfaction as you melted against him. 
Your fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt of their own accord, desperately trying to bring him closer until he wrapped his arms around you in a heated embrace. 
“Please,” he begged breathlessly against your mouth. “Please tell me who you are.”
The words crashed over you like a bucket of ice —dousing the hazy pleasure of his kiss with a cold bite of reality. Suddenly you were wrenching yourself away from him and your wolf whimpered in misery at the loss of his touch. 
“I can’t,” you whispered. 
And then you were gone. 
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“Did someone hurt you?”
You looked up to find Jin taking in your tears with cold fury. 
Twin knives were already gleaming dangerously in his hands and he appeared ready to filet whichever bastard was foolish enough to make you cry. 
“No,” you sniffed—well aware of how pitiful you were at the moment—crying in the corner of your cousin’s kitchen. “I got myself into this mess without any help—as usual.”
Jin sighed and slid down next to you. 
“Tell me.”
“Something happened that I…I didn’t intend.”
“Oh I knew that already. The Luna isn’t supposed to be running around on the night of Lover’s Moon in a forest full of blind horny wolves—“
You snorted and shook your head. 
“You’re absolutely right. I should have stayed away.”
Jin’s eyes narrowed and he wondered if perhaps you had caught Kim Namjoon with another omega. Nothing would be official until after the Change of course, but your bond with him was basically a foregone conclusion at this point. 
“You went looking for someone...didn’t you.”
You nodded miserably—all but confirming his fears. He made a mental note to push Namjoon in the swamp at the next available opportunity. 
“You know... the stories say that a Luna is powerfully drawn to her mate under the Lover’s Moon—that her wolf can sense him even before the Change.”  He reached over and gently began to brush the tears from your eyes. “So it’s not surprising that you sought him out, but it’s not really fair to hold whatever it is you saw against him. There is no relationship between you yet and…” he chuckled, “kisses beneath festival moonlight don’t really mean anything anyways.”
It was clear that Jin had somehow gotten the entirely wrong impression, but perhaps that was for the best. 
No one knew of your connection to Jimin and no one had seen what passed between you. 
Something about his assessment stung you. 
“You really believe that? ...That a kiss exchanged tonight means nothing?”
“I do.” Jin spoke with conviction. “There’s ancient magic at play in those woods. You can’t always trust what you see—or what you feel.”
“Oh I...I didn’t know…”
After a moment you laid your head against his shoulder and let the last of your tears run silently down your cheek. 
“Jin-ah have you ever wanted something you knew you couldn’t have?”
“Yes.” He sighed heavily and pulled you in to snuggle a bit closer. “When I was younger I dreamed of having a mate just like everyone else…”
The words were so softly spoken—almost wistful. Your heart splintered just hearing them. 
“But… she could be out there—your mate.”
Jin shook his head. 
“When is the last time you heard of a female alpha?”
Fresh tears welled up in your eyes. 
“Hey,” he whispered, “don’t waste your crying on me. I’ve long since come to terms with who and what I am.”
“You’re not sad anymore?”
“Well… maybe sometimes I am… but I had to accept that people like us are not like everyone else. Our destinies were written long before we were born.”
“And you believe you’re destined to be alone?”
“Wolves in a pack are never really alone.”
“Yes...but they can be lonely,” you whispered thinking back to Jimin’s words. 
For a moment Jin’s eyes were the saddest you had ever seen them. 
“Well...I suppose they can.”  Then he chuckled and gave your nose an affectionate little tap. “But you don’t need to worry about that. When the time comes Namjoon will take his place at your side and the two of you will build a wonderful life together... Isn’t that what you want?”
Isn’t it?
Your treacherous thoughts drifted back to the boy in the moonlight—to the way your body sang when he touched you and the strange insatiable desire to know him and be known by him in return.
“Please...Tell me who you are.”
A heavy ache settled in your heart. 
You were the Luna of the mountain nations. A true born moon princess. 
You could never be the woman who kissed Park Jimin underneath the stars. 
You were not like everybody else. 
“...Yes. That is what I want.”
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Jimin’s heart pounded as he tore through the dark paths of the wood with Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook close behind. 
He had never led an attack—had never been trained to command wolves in battle. 
It was his first true test of leadership and he hadn’t even been a leader for twenty-four hours. 
Yet the fears and anxieties that might have normally clouded his mind were notably absent. 
There was only you.
Ironically Jimin owed Namjoon yet another debt—this time for explaining what exactly someone like him was capable of. 
The alpha Jin captured had given up their plan and position after being exposed to Jimin’s unique gifting, so he had a concrete target in his mind… He suspected however, that your captors had taken precautions after leaving some of their men behind. They had shifted their camp. 
But it wouldn’t be enough to save them. 
Jimin didn’t need your location to find you. 
He spent years refusing to look at you, and even then he always knew exactly where you were. He could sense you in any crowd—hear your voice in a thousand.
Once it had tormented him cruelly to be so aware of you. 
Now it was the only thing keeping him sane. 
He followed the connection between his heart and yours like a lifeline and it guided him as surely as the stars. 
The alphas followed him without question. 
If any of them harbored lingering doubts before, they were firmly laid to rest after what they saw at the cottage. No ordinary wolf could do what he had done. 
The Alpha would bring back their Luna and retribution would be swift indeed. 
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The drugs in your system kept swinging you in and out of lucidity like a nightmarish pendulum. You tried to shift after the initial nausea faded, but whatever they gave you kept your wolf caged beneath your skin. 
The longing you felt for your mate was the only thing tethering you to reality. You could almost hear him echoing in the far corners of your mind—  
I’m coming Omega—hold on. 
I’ll find you. 
Part of you recognized that his voice was likely nothing more than the wistful creation of your drug-addled mind, still you clung to it like the last shred of hope while the minutes (or hours) flew past.
Chaos clouded your thoughts even in clearer moments as many unavoidable concerns forced their way through the haze. 
Jin was at the house with you when they broke in. You had no way of knowing if he survived. 
The men who took you were crass and irreverent. Their eyes followed your form with too much interest and too little respect. 
It was starting to get cold and (due to you nearly dismembering a high council member and needing to be compelled unconscious) you were still wearing a thin white ceremonial dress which offered very little protection from the elements. 
You wondered idly if your idiot captors would let you freeze to death before they accomplished whatever it was they took you for. They clearly needed you for something or you would have been long dead by now. 
None of them struck you as particularly brilliant planners so the mastermind must be somewhere else... 
Frankly the entire situation was as puzzling as it was troubling. Iron Claw had always gotten along well with your pack. 
Technically they were (almost) what the human governments called a vassal state. The presence of a Luna determined the dominant pack in a region and the Luna of the mountain nations had been born into Silver Fang—your pack—for the last thousand years or so. 
Why would they challenge us now? 
The birth of a Luna indicated that the goddess had chosen that pack to lead. Their willingness—not only to kidnap you—but to go against the dominant pack by doing so was alarming to say the least. 
A sudden explosion of movement and sound interrupted your contemplation. Motion erupted all around you—boots pounding on the ground, men falling into their wolf forms, knives being drawn… 
You lifted your head—straining forward to see the source of the commotion—and nearly collapsed in relief when you finally did. 
Your mate stood at the edge of the camp flanked by two enormous black wolves. 
A deadly looking jingum sword gleamed dangerously in his right hand. You recognized it immediately as your great-grandfather’s combat blade—the thousand year-old weapon of the Silver Fang Alphas. 
Relief flooded your chest all over again at the sight of it. Only Jin could have given him that sword—which meant he was still alive. 
The black wolves—Yoongi and Jungkook—snarled viciously but made no move to attack. 
Your captors were still scrambling into some sort of combat formation when Jimin finally spoke. 
“You have violated our sacred laws, trespassed in sovereign pack lands, kidnapped a Luna under the protection of our goddess, abducted the mate of the Silver Fang Alpha, and risked open war between our peoples.” He took a single step forward. “Surrender now and I will be merciful.”
The biggest of your captors—a man you recognized as the de facto leader—spat viciously on the ground. 
“You are not my Alpha,” he growled.
A cold—almost cruel—smile twisted over Jimin’s lips.
“Very well.”
Then he dropped to one knee and a massive grey wolf—Taehyung—leapt over his head and tore out the defiant leader’s throat before he even hit the ground. 
Your mouth dropped open. 
Bangtan formation.
Yoongi and Jungkook lunged forward in opposite directions, tackling their targets to the forest floor in a bloody clash of teeth and claws. 
One of the larger Iron Claw alphas half-shifted and charged Jimin but his arm shot out lightning fast, catching his attacker by the throat to send him flying through the air into a tree. 
The next several minutes could only be described as terrifyingly beautiful.
It was immediately clear that Jimin had been holding back when he fought Namjoon. 
He dispatched his opponents with such elegant savagery it was almost art.
You were so mesmerized watching Jimin sensually sword dance his way through a dozen alphas nearly twice his size that you almost missed Taehyung’s wolf rushing over with a dagger clenched between his teeth. 
Luna are you okay? 
You grinned and held up your rope-bound wrists. 
“I’ll be better once you pass me that knife.”
Taehyung nodded once and dropped the blade at your feet before tackling another wolf that was tearing towards the two of you. 
You sawed through the ties around your ankle first then twisted your arms to try and slice through the restraints on your wrist. 
The Iron Claw wolves were clearly no match for Jimin and his alphas. 
Jungkook and Yoongi chased after the few who were trying to run while Taehyung half-shifted to subdue the handful of wolves left alive as prisoners. Only Jimin continued to fight as the last three of your captors still standing took turns being slammed into the dirt by his strikes. 
He was clearly capable of dispatching them, but you were fairly convinced that you would die if you had to stay away from him for another second. The ropes, however, were surprisingly thick and the angle you were cutting them at wasn’t the best. If only—
You were almost free when you saw it. 
One of your captors had pulled a hunting javelin from their supply wagon. He must have hid himself at the onset of the fight, but now he was comfortably concealed by the shadows—and taking aim at Jimin. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. 
The attacker appeared to handle the weapon with familiarity. He was too far back—too well hidden—Jimin would never see him in time—
The last cord around your wrist snapped and you were on your feet, pushing through the combined haze of fury and sedatives to charge the wolf who dared attack your mate. 
By the time he saw you it was far too late. 
Under the effects of the drug your aim was a little skewed but you weren’t Kim Seokjin’s cousin for nothing. 
One clean flick of your wrist and the dagger shot through the air, burying itself between the brute’s shoulder blades—all the way to the hilt. 
His body fell to the ground just as Jimin sent the last of your captors careening into a pile of previously defeated foes. 
For a moment all was quiet. 
Then your eyes locked across the distance and everything around you sharpened to a single whispered word. 
He had run non-stop for miles and torn apart a dozen wolves to get to your side—no amount of space between you now was tolerable. 
The sword clattered to the forest floor as he moved toward you—desperate to feel you—to wrap himself around you and know that you were safe. 
What happened next was as natural as breathing.
You opened to him and he lifted you into his arms, taking your lips in a hot unrepentant kiss. 
Fire exploded across your senses, burning away everything but the touch and taste of him. Every part of you was at once fiercely and gloriously alive. Desperate moans passed between you as he licked into your mouth—a dark primal promise of the pleasure he would take between your thighs. 
“Alpha,” you whimpered, too delirious with want to manage anything else. 
Suddenly Jimin’s eyes shot open. His hands flew to cup your face, searching it with a mixture of realization and disbelief.
“You… It was you.”
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s-brant · 3 years
Baby Names
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(gif: @mishellejones) (SERIES MASTERLIST)
Summary: Y/N gets frustrated while putting the crib for her and JJ’s baby together and finds herself missing her dead brother more than ever.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Fluff and minor angst.
A/N: Asks and ye shall receive, here’s a little blurb about what happens after Tokens! You don’t really have to read the other parts to enjoy this fic if you don’t want to, but I do recommend it for some backstory. This was slightly inspired by this fic by @cognacdelights, so go give her stuff a read! Let me know if you liked this. Have fun!
Y/N Routledge thought she got over her brother's death long ago.
Though you never truly "get over" losing a loved one, though there will always be a small part of you, however small, that aches for their presence again, she thought she moved past the tragedy to the best of her ability...until last week.
To say that the pregnancy was a surprise would be the understatement of the century. She and JJ were both on the same page about children when their relationship began, and that page was that neither of them wanted them yet. Sure, the idea of it in the future stirred their hearts with fond emotion, but considering that they had yet to graduate high school and barely scraped by on their own, they weren't jumping headfirst into that aspect of adulthood.
They were meticulous about safe sex. They couldn't afford another mouth to feed, she wasn't sure she could handle the emotional trauma of having an abortion, and, underneath it all, he had some reservations about being a father. It wasn't that he didn't envision a future with kids in their relationship, he did, but the topic of fatherhood always took him down a dark path within his mind.
So, she went on birth control once they started dating and they went along with no scares for the next six years as they graduated and started figuring out what the next step for their lives was going to be.
Y/N could get lost thinking about it, honestly, but she tries not to get too swept up in the minor mistake that led to this.
"You, my friend, need to stop moving around in there," she whispers down at her protruding belly with a hand cradling the heavy weight of it, "I'm trying to get your crib set up without JJ yelling at me for not asking for help, and if you don't stop kicking me, I'm not gonna get anything done."
She's sprawled out on the floor in the living room of the Chateau with her legs stretched comfortably in each direction while she hunches over to read the directions of the Ikea furniture. The sugarcoated description makes her want to hunt down the company CEO for sport, because for how "simple and easy!" the construction of it claims to be, she is at her wits end.
The last thing she needed after having her grief over John B's death reignited by their decision to name their kid after him last week was to stress herself out over something as stupid as this, but she won't quit. With how much JJ has been coddling her the further into the pregnancy she gets, she wanted to prove that she could do something for herself.
Whenever she brings in the groceries from the car and goes to lift the bag of dog kibble out of the trunk, he rushes up behind her back and scoops it out of the trunk before she dares to touch it. It always ends with her hollering after him that it's under twenty pounds, the upwards limit of the weight she's allowed to carry according to her doctor, but he refuses to hear any of it.
Inside of her, she feels a sharp sensation of something hitting her right in the ribs in response to her comment, and she groans in frustration. It's as if he did it because he knows she wants it to stop, the feisty little fucker.
"You're definitely your daddy's son, aren't you? It's already enough having one of him, the last thing I need is a JJ clone."
Their three-year-old Rottweiler rescue huffs a sigh from where he lays, frog-legging it, on the floor next to the unboxed crib pieces she can't put together to save her life. His drooping jowls produce a puddle of slobber on the her favorite carpet that is past the point of saving from his constant wear and tear. After a year of having him, she decided to stop trying to prevent him from ruining it. There’s no point.
She smiles at him as she leans forward to read through the directions for the billionth time, saying, "I actually think he'll be a lot like his uncle, but that's just me. If he isn't, I'll feel a little stupid over the name situation."
John Booker Routledge-Maybank.
Hell of a name if you ask her yourself, but for every internal struggle it reopened inside of her, she couldn't help but love it as soon as JJ casually proposed the idea on his way out of the door for work one morning.
Going on without John B has been a learning experience in every aspect. Any time she wanted to turn to him for advice or tell him something about the recent events in her life, she had to walk out back to their dying magnolia tree and sit under the shade to talk to the wind. Then, once the tree finally died and they were forced to cut it down, she took to sitting on its stump and doing it there.
It got easier as time went on, but she can't keep herself from wondering what it'd be like if he didn't die ever since she saw the results on the pregnancy test six months ago. Whenever she does something like going to her OBGYN appointments or, case in point, setting up the crib, she pictures him there.
She can see him here now, petting Bowie's shiny coat until he falls asleep with his head propped onto John B's outstretched legs. He'd be twenty-three years old by now with his life barely starting to blossom to its full potential, yet here they are. Correction, here she is, and he's off somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, already decomposed to the extent that not even his bones can be salvaged anymore.
Her chest sinks in another sigh, and she flips through page after page of the instructions with increasing aggression.
"This crib is so fucking—"
"What are you doing?"
The sound of her yelping in surprise at JJ's voice coming from the door is enough to make him laugh to himself, though his amusement is buried partway by what he's walking in on. He specifically asked her to wait for him to put the crib together, knowing damn well it wouldn't be the easy task she thought it was, but he should've known she'd do it anyway.
She looks over her shoulder with a mixture of guilt and frustration painting her features as she throws her hands up in the air and gestures vaguely to the unassembled crib. Her eyes are shining with the rapid onset of hormone-induced tears.
"I can't put this crib together 'cause the instructions aren't right, all the pieces are labeled wrong, your son won't stop kicking me, and I miss my brother so much right now," she spews the words with no pauses to breathe until the very end, when she stops short to suck down a breath as soon as she gets the last part out.
It leaves JJ standing at the entrance to the house with this stunned expression.
There's no amusement to be found anymore. Once she turned and flashed those wide, teary eyes that never fail to spark an ache in his heart at him, his tired smile vanished and his feet started moving before he could say anything to her.
The floorboards creak beneath his half-laced boots on his way across the room to her. It prompts Bowie to pop his head up from around the side of the coffee table to catch a peek of whoever it is that's approaching his emotionally distraught owner. Upon seeing JJ's familiar face, the dog relaxes back into his lounging position atop the carpet and tracks JJ’s movements until he's seated next to her.
"This is about John B?" he asks.
Her cheeks are flushed in embarrassment at her sudden outburst, and she can't bear to meet his gaze right now. Despite him being her closest friend and husband, she feels as small and vulnerable as she did six years ago when she first learned of her brother's death from Shoupe. Time might as well be shaped in the form of a never-ending circle for them, directing them back to their seventeen-year-old state of mind every time things turn sour.
Y/N finally lifts her hanging head to look over at him after another few seconds and thinks she might crumble at the look on his face. He hates watching her cry.
"I guess," she says through a sniffle, "It's about the crib too, but I've been thinking about it a lot more since we picked the name. Our baby’s gonna grow up never knowing who his uncle was..."
With that, JJ takes it as his cue to pull her closer.
He scoots up behind her and lets his chin rest on the curve bridging her neck and shoulder together as he twines his arms around her body. It's a closeness that's as natural as breathing for him, so natural that he can hardly remember the years before it became normal for them to take part in little moments of intimacy like this. The warmth of their bodies cohabitates in the blurred line distinguishing where she ends and he begins, and he feels her relax, sagging in his embrace in appreciation of his miraculous ability to make her feel better no matter how worked up she is.
One of his hands rests on the swell of her bump in an absentminded effort to calm him too. Even though he isn't consciously thinking of it, he knows that her distress must upset the baby too. The contact steadies her, keeps her grounded to the moment rather than allowing her to slip away into the current of her negative thoughts, and she clings to every word he has to say.
He says, "You and I both know that isn’t true. He's gonna grow up seeing all the pictures you have of John B and ask about him all the time. And we'll tell him all the stories"—there's a pause of contemplation as he recalls a few particularly non-PG memories of his best friend—"Well, maybe not all of them, but you know what I mean."
This draws a soft bout of laughter from deep within her chest that he feels with how her body shakes ever so slightly with it. It seems so wrong to laugh with tears in her eyes but she can't help it. Her emotions have been scattered in every direction since the pregnancy began, and it has only gotten worse the further along she gets.
"If you ever tell him about the kief incident, I'm never giving you a bl—"
His free hand smushes over her mouth before she can say the rest.
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence.”
It's said so frantically, it makes her erupt in laughter hard enough to tickle her abdomen muscles with the aching sensation of it. The vibration of it under his palm makes him drop his hand a second later with the need to hear the beautiful sound. After seeing her cry, it's a welcome shift in mood, even if it's at his expense.
Her head is thrown back on his shoulder, mouth parted into a smile with the gleeful giggling filling the room. His stomach churns with butterflies at the sight of her. Even after all these years, he has the same reaction to her laughter every time. It makes him smile to himself and watch her in quiet reverence. It makes him ache with the same inklings of longing he felt for the first time when he was much younger.
Her laughter begins to die down by the time she can draw enough breath in to murmur a soft, "Sorry, angel," to him and reach down to hold the hand he rests on her belly as consolation for her joke.
They remain this way for another few minutes, tangled up in each other's arms on the floor of the living room with Bowie snoring a few feet away, before he manages to convince her to let him be the one to set up the crib instead. It takes a good five minutes of playful back and forth before she concedes under the condition that he'll let her paint the nursery by herself when the time comes, and that's all it takes for her to abandon the task in favor of finding something to snack on in the fridge.
In her defense, the crib is actually quite difficult to put together.
JJ doesn't consider himself an expert handyman by any means, at least not with anything outside of his area of expertise as an electrician, but he likes to think he knows enough to put together a "no assembly required" Ikea crib without wanting to bang his face against the wall.
In the end, it gets finished by the two of them in the middle of the night over a box of cold leftover pizza from the previous day. It takes them two hours of struggling before they get it fully assembled and placed where they want it in the room that'll soon belong to their son.
He pretends not to notice her sneaking back in to tie John B's old bandana around the wooden railing before they go to bed.
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Tag List: @gabiatthedisco, @fangirlvoice, @black-syren, @apparrio, @particularcth, @planetdemon, @idk-ijustworkhere, @krisphann, @astrydis, @k-k0129, @zarahsloves, and @stilesflannels.
236 notes · View notes
firefly-in-darkness · 3 years
Separation, Connection - 2/2
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Pairing →Bucky Barnes x Reader
Characters → Marvel Characters
Summary → Your friendship with Bucky deterioates when you catch him in a compromising position with a fellow agent. 
Word Count → 3.5k
SSB2021 Square Fill → Table Sex - @star-spangled-bingo
BBB2021 Square Fill  → “You’re such a tease” - @buckybarnesbingo
Warnings → 18+. Angst, jealousy, smut. sexual activities, swearing.
Betas → @fandomfic-galore // all mistakes are my own.
A/N →  I cannot believe how much everybody has loved part one, honestly, I am over the moon with all your comments and disdain for Bucky’s behaviour! I hope you like this part and I cannot wait to read your comments about how things turn out...
Firefly’s Masterlist
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Previously: You paused in the doorway, but you had to be strong, to carry on walking away, you couldn’t let him hurt you again. It was time to move on.
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The suite was filled with an assortment of flowers, sweet treats, and gift boxes, all unopened. From bright coloured ribbon to delicate lace detailing, the space was overwhelming and the sentiment behind each one wasn’t even close to what you wanted, needed from Bucky.
You laid on your couch, looking up to the ceiling, balloons filled with confetti swaying into view. Surely Bucky knows that he can’t buy your friendship. But maybe he is sorry. You looked over to your best friend sitting on the floor beside you, supposedly deeply invested in their book until a smirk formed on their face.
Wanda turned to you, “You already know what I think you should do - go and talk to him.”
She was right, you probably should talk to him. You knew Bucky hadn’t just tried to buy your friendship. It was in the way he’d hold the door open for you, drop off a coffee when you were doing paperwork, and how he’d always check in with you before, during and after training and missions. It was sweet, and not too dissimilar to the Bucky from before. However, this time, he made you even more nervous; the boyish charm that he didn’t use with you often was more noticeable, and the mischievous sparkle in his eye made you squirm.
“Okay.” You sat up, twisting to plant your feet on the ground, “I’m going to tell him. FRIDAY, where is Sergeant Barnes?”
The AI addressed you, “He’s currently sparring in the gym.”
You skipped down the corridor, leg bouncing in the elevator and wishing you’d taken the stairs as it would have been quicker at this rate, with excitement bubbling in your chest at how you would greet Bucky, accept his apology and forgive him. Then you’d tell him how you feel about him and deal with the rejection when it came to it but right now, all you wanted was your friend back.
Gliding through the automatic sliding doors, the spring in your step propelling forward into the gym and greeting the other gym users with a beaming smile or nod. The approach to the sparring ring had the nerves tickle under your skin and you bit your lip in hopes to ground yourself.
It’s only Bucky, your best friend. He wants you in your life. You reminded yourself and weaved between the agents to look at the spectacle that had gathered such a crowd. Bucky had an agent pinned to the ground, those thick muscular thighs straddled across them and the ones in his bulging bicep rippling as he applied pressure on his forearm against their windpipe.
“Bet they’ve been in that position more than once before,” an agent laughed, joined in by a couple of other peers.
Your stomach twisted at the comment and the sudden movement in the sparring ring had you pausing the step forward. It was her; they’d twisted in the tussle and she was now facing you and straddling Bucky’s hips. She panted above him and attempted to wrap her hand around his neck.
“Oh yeah, they’ve done this before, with a lot fewer clothes.” The agent beside you commented to another chorus of sniggers and laughs.
Nails dug into the palm of your hands as you steeled your nerves, jaw clenched and tongue pressing hard against the roof of your mouth. She glanced up at the murmurs and spotted you, a smirk on her painted lips. You couldn’t stand the sight and spun on your heel, wanting nothing more than to escape, again.
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Bucky rolled his head back and saw your retreating figure between the legs of the crowd. Without a second thought, he shoved the agent off him and got to his feet and shoving the people aside in a bid to catch up to you. This couldn’t happen, not again.
You smashed through the doors, almost swinging it off the hinge. You hadn’t even looked back at him and he wasn’t sure if you even knew he was there until he heard a frustrated growl, one he’d never heard from you before. Bucky turned the corner to find you slumped against the wall by the elevator, head hanging low. 
He stepped forward but was stopped by your raised hand, “Please just leave me alone.” 
Bucky’s heart cracked at the defeat in your voice, the way you caved into yourself. Not letting him help with whatever it was you were dealing with. He knew what had happened, saw the agent above him grinning like the cat that got the cream.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Bucky leant his side against the wall, giving you enough space but still able to watch your every move in case you tried to run away again, “Please talk to me.”.
“I was ready to forgive you.” You glared at him, he could see the tears threatening to spill, clinging to your eyelashes and ready to fall.
“Oh sweetheart,” Bucky reached to cup your cheek, but you batted him away and stood up straight as the elevator made its presence known. He went to follow you into the lift but once again, you stopped him with an outstretched arm.
“Don’t call me that! You don’t get to call me that.” You gritted your teeth and took a step back, “Please just leave, James. Go back to your mating ritual or whatever that was out there.”
Bucky was at a loss for words, he knew he’d betrayed your trust when it came to not talking about his sexual rendezvous but now, he was stumped. You were jealous and he finally realised why you hadn’t accepted his gifts. You didn’t want his attention or just his friendship; you wanted his affection, his love and he wanted to give that to you.
You meant the world to him, and yes, he’d broken the number one rule when it comes to friendship, he needed to explain why he did what he did. But first, he needed to get you to listen which was the more difficult part. You were stubborn and closed yourself off whenever someone tried to pry inside that pretty head of yours.
Bucky was willing to get inside, whatever it took, whatever you needed.
“No doll, I’m not leaving you. We need to talk about this.” Bucky stepped past you and pulled you into the elevator.
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You knew you wouldn’t be able to shake Bucky, and he’d follow you into your suite. You wanted him to but also didn’t at the same time. Your head and heart were in a conflict that left you frustrated and ready to snap.
The flowers mocked you, the balloons swaying with a smirk and the unopened packages sparkled in knowing. Ignoring the gifts, you strode through the suite and into the dining room with Bucky hot on your heels.
“Please can you give me some space?” You sighed, a hand dragging down your face.
“Okay,” Bucky held his hands up in submission, “look, I know what I did, I betrayed your trust, I know what I said hurt your feelings.”
You scoffed, that was an understatement, turning to look at him and leaning against the kitchen cabinets, hands braced on the counter, knuckles whitening as you tried to maintain your composure.
“I can only hope that one day you’ll forgive me and let me back in, to be on your side again. I should have told you about-”
“Don’t you dare say her name.” You pointed at him. Bucky smirked, making you even angrier than before. “Are you getting a kick out of this?”
“No, of course not, what is wrong with you?” Bucky’s smile faded instantly, and he shook his head, “I’m trying to talk to you and you’re jumping down my throat the second I speak.”
You reared your head back, mouth agape, you knew he was right but considering he dared to say it out loud was enough for your blood to boil over. You went to shove past Bucky, to escape to your bedroom or bathroom but he twisted you both around and pushed you against the wall.
“Will you just stop for one second.” Bucky held your squirming body, “I’m trying to tell you how I feel.”
“You don’t owe me anything,” The tears finally fell as you thought of him loving her, the words stuttering out, “We’re- just- friends.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and leant forward, you pushed his chest in a panic but unable to escape his hold and then raised your hand to punch him. Bucky’s hand closed around your fist before it could hit his cheek and he held your arms above your head. 
“For fuck’s sake Y/N, I’m trying to kiss you.” He growled, his legs pinning your leg in place.
“Still want to kiss me after I tried to punch you?” You were angry and confused. Wasn’t he telling you about his feelings for that woman that was straddling him earlier? “You’re only interested because I met someone else. That I don’t let you get under my skin anymore.”
Bucky growled again and surged forward, this time you didn’t stop his mouth from descending on yours. The bruising kiss relaxed your body into his hold, yet it was fully alert to his flesh hand kneading at your waist and the cool metal cupping your cheek. 
Your mind floated away, all coherence and why you were angry disappeared until Bucky pulled back, leaving you both panting and eyes closed. You suddenly realised that you should stop; your heart was telling you to run but your body demanded more. You wanted him.
You yanked Bucky back to you at the nape of his neck and crashing your lips to his again. Tongues swiped along each of your mouths, teeth nipped at one another. He knew exactly what to do, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip again and he began rocking your hips down against the thick muscle. Warmth bloomed in your tummy from the friction of Bucky’s sweatpants against your clothed core. 
His locks found their way around your fingers and the slight tug elicited a moan from his plump lips, parting you both momentarily. Eyes locked, pupils dilated in lust, and warm heavy breaths filled the space. You were momentarily lost in the feelings, overwhelmed but unsatiated. The anger still simmered in your veins; the venom was heavy on your tongue for what he put you through, but you couldn’t stop yourself anymore. You had to have him, at least once, and it would be on your terms.
You somehow managed to spin the hunk of a super soldier around, pressing his back against the wall. The smell of Bucky; that woodsy musk and sweat overwhelmed your senses, you’d been close to him but not this close. Without thinking you, began peppering wet kisses down the column of his neck, nipping at his collarbone. He tried to explore your body, hands dipping under the hem of your shirt and you almost caved into their search before you pulled away.
Being this close to Bucky, to finally getting somewhat of what you had dreamed of was putting your head in a spin, but you needed to get him out of your system. What better way than to fuck it out? To fall over the precipice of ecstasy and let it wash away your desire and need for him. To move on from one, James Buchanan Barnes.
Bucky’s brows furrowed at the uncertainty that was clearly painting your features, “are you-”
You didn’t want his reassurances right now, you just wanted him to kiss you again, “want you Bucky.”
“I know, but we need to get rid of this first,” Bucky was biting his lip as he pointed at your top.
You nodded and he slowly tugged it over your head, you were too impatient and pushed him back to the wall. Letting him drink in your body while removing your sports bra. The cool air against your skin was welcoming but didn't dampen the fire pooling in your belly. 
You leant in to kiss him again, bringing both of his hands up to your breasts. It was messy, all teeth and tongues as you both fought for dominance. His fingers twisting and teasing at your nipples sent goosebumps across your skin. Bucky’s mouth began to explore your jaw and neck. It felt like he was everywhere, turning you into putty.
Is this what it felt like to be with him? To have him worshiping your body. Your mind flashed back to the moment you saw him pinning that agent against the wall, the way he’d fucked her. It soured the moment and you pulled away.
“Is this what you fucking do? Charm your way into women’s pants?” You were pacing back and forth, “I’m such a fool.”
Bucky hadn’t said a word, he was leaning against the wall and a forlorn look on his face, his hair spiking up every which way. It made your heart flutter and the noticeable erection under his pants was making your mouth water. He didn’t show an ounce of regret, he actually looked enamoured with you. No, it can’t be. You shook the thought from your head, letting the anger morph into passion again.
You strode over, he was ready to catch you the moment you leapt into his arms. Mouths crashing down on one another again in a heated battle. His hands held your back tight to his chest, your core almost, almost, getting what it needed through the material. You were lowered down, your back meeting the coolness of your kitchen table and Bucky kissed between your breasts, your eyes fluttering closed at the pleasure. 
Bucky’s weight disappeared and his body moved away, leaving you cold and alone. You peeked open one eye, a slight fear that he’d have a face of regret but then you saw the look of desire and lopsided smile as he shimmied his pants and boxers to the floor.
He returned to the spot between your legs and, you almost had him where you wanted him as he reached out to pull at your leggings, but his hands paused, resting at your hips. Your brow furrowed, unsure of what he was thinking so you sat up, and he looked anywhere but your face.
You tucked a finger under his chin to bring his attention to you and whispered, “What is it?”
“Are you sure about this?” Bucky quietly asked.
“Of course, I am, I would have kicked you out the moment you got here otherwise.” You smiled and pulled him closer to press your lips to his cheek.
You slowly edged down his jaw line with small light kisses, spurred on by feeling him relax under your touch. Teeth grazed along his pulse, Bucky moaning into the now electrified kitchen. He pulled you to the edge of the table and lifted slightly to remove your leggings, placing you back down gently. 
You fell back against the table while his fingers rubbed over your soaked panties, swirling in rough motions. He swiped the material to the side, his fingers glided through your dripping folds. You were completely consumed by him and the way his fingers pumped and stretched your cunt open while his thumb caressed your clit.
“You’re such a tease.” A mumble of whimpers, profanities, and Bucky, left your lips as you tried to convey your need for him to fuck you, “Please.”
The words were silenced as his cock skimmed over your folds, nudging at your bundle of nerves, teasing you higher and higher into pleasure. It felt like it had been minutes, in reality it was mere seconds, when Bucky finally pushed the tip of his cock into your cunt, walls fluttering and stretching around him.
Gasps fell from both of your lips as Bucky adjusted his weight, shifting deeper inside you slowly with your walls clenching around him. Another thrust forward and he was burying himself to the hilt, filling you up completely. Your cunt was pulsing around him, dripping around his cock with want the moment Bucky grabbed your knee and pulled it up to his shoulder. 
This new angle got him deeper and deeper with every thrust, the table creaking under the movement, you no longer cared, all you could think about was him and the pleasure he was giving you.
Your back arching and head spinning as Bucky kept the pace, unfaltering as you suddenly climbed to the peak of your orgasm. His grunts and skin slapping against skin was pushing you higher and higher. The wood cut into your palm as you held tightly to the edge with each wave of pleasure until you were unreservedly consumed by ecstasy. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” Bucky spluttered, his movements matching his speech, “You’re gonna make me cum too quickly if you keep clenching like that.”
Your grip loosened and traded the wooden table to skim through your folds in search of more and to keep teasing your nipples, and Bucky. You bit your lip, watching him watch you touch yourself whilst he fucked you was turning you on.
Bucky regained his composure with a grunt, pushing your fingers away with his vibranium ones and began circling your clit. The cold metal sent a rush of pleasure across your skin, heating your desire.
“Cum again, I know you got another one in you, Doll.” Bucky smirked above you as he continued to ram into your cunt and flick at your clit in perfect unison.
Your vision blurred and your body keened, letting out a silent scream, you came undone around him. Body shaking as you felt Bucky grip your hips with both hands as he hit you harder and harder until he stilled, unloading inside of you.
“Fuck,” you rasped.
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“Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything or?” Bucky asked, as he collected the scattered clothes around the kitchen.
“I’m fine Bucky, thanks.” You replied, facing away from him, and clipping your bra back in place.
You could feel the tension in the room, and you hoped Bucky hadn’t noticed. You knew he would, he’s not stupid, but you secretly wished that it would be ignored. There were no regrets on your part and you’re sure Bucky enjoyed himself, it just seemed like you’d have to do a lot more talking than before. Maybe you should have started with that instead of letting him kiss you or letting yourself kiss him back.
“Do you want me to stay or go?” Bucky quietly asked as he put on his shirt.
You weren’t surprised at his care before but now you were for the uncertainty that laced his words, once you’d put on your shirt, you turned to him, “Come on Buck, I’m just another one of them, you just happen to know me a little better. It was just sex.”
If it wasn’t for his close proximity, you wouldn’t have heard the words that Bucky whispered; it wasn’t to me.
“What did you just say?” You looked at him in shock, heart racing at the blush forming on his cheeks.
“It wasn’t just sex to me.” He coughed into his hand and rubbed at the back of his neck, “I’ve always loved you Y/N and I’ve told you that a thousand times. Is there any chance we can be something more?”
You chewed on your lip, butterflies erupting in your belly at the prospect of what Bucky was asking, of the potential heart break you might endure. It was clouded by the way she had smirked at you in the gym, the gossip shared by Natasha and the advice Wanda had given you about self-care. It was all blurring into one and you didn’t know what to say or do. You were torn between your head and heart.
“I think it’s going to take more than gifts and sex. We had a frienship, and I trust you with my life but not with my heart.” You paused and tipped his face so you could really look at him, to see him, “I don’t think we can be something right now, but in time, I think we can get there.”
“Can we start over?” Bucky asked, eyes wide in hope as he leant into your palm.
You took a step away and stretched out your hand, “Nice to meet you Sergeant Barnes, I’m Agent Y/L/N. Do you know any decent places around here to get a bite to eat?”
Bucky’s large hand enveloped yours, a soft smile on his lips, “I know just the place.”
The End…
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Separation, Connection Tag List: @coffeebooksandfandom / @ababysupernova / @learisa / @joseyrw / @bubblyz / @nadinesabre / @osterfieldshollandgirl / @clarinette07 / @amaltheametalweld / @iloveangstposts / @gogolucky13​ / @ohjammers​ / @justiceiswater​ / @countonthesun​ / @propertyofpoeandbucky​ / @deaan​ / @iloveangstposts​ / @silverarmedassassin​ / 
Everything Tag List: @kitkatd7 / @fandomfic-galore / @writerwrites / @thefridgeismybestie / @wedonttalkaboutitenough / @courtneychicken / @persephonesinfernos / @miraclesoflove / @lizzarooni 
Marvel Tag List: @natasha-danvers / @little-baby-vixen / @stuckonjbbarnes / @starlightcrystalline / @nekoannie-chan / @hailhydra920 / @vollzeitliebe / @fitzsimmons-is-forever / @ladyacrasia / @emmabarnes / @selfsun
742 notes · View notes
fightxxmexxshiggy · 3 years
Can you do a bakugou smut where bakugou liked to do the do in the shower bc his quirk doesn't go off on his S/O? If it makes you uncomfortable then it's fine, please and thank you! ❤
Power outage and the grenade.
The power goes out and cause you and BAKUGOU to think outside the box.
TW: shower sex, domination, degradation, breeding kink.
Word count 1400
Today was just not your day. Some ridiculous villain had caused a city wide power outage during an attack in the middle of summer. If that weren't bad enough this week had just been forecast as a record breaking heatwave. You had opened all the windows to get a breeze going in the house but it really wasn't doing you any good at this point seeing as you were sweating more than your live grenade of a boyfriend. You had stripped down to lay on your bed so you could at least melt in comfort when you heard your apartment door open and shut. The sound of heavy boots being tossed at the wall and close dropping to the floor was all the announcement you received to your mans arrival home.
" princess you look like a damn corpse! What the hell are you doing?"
You mumbled that you were trying to melt in comfort before his loud ass interrupted you. He started to shout again only to release a small explosion as he stepped towards the bed. You jumped up much to your tired bodies protest ready to kick his ass out of the house. Only when you looked at him you could see the frustration written on his face. This wasn't his usual expression when he was frustrated this was something more. When you reached out for him he jumped back and held his hands up like a criminal.
"Don't look at me like that baby I wanna touch you but this heat is fucking with my quirk and I keep letting off random explosions without knowing the force that will come out. That bastard fucked my whole day up! I got sent home early and I can't touch my fucking princess!"
While Katsuki growled and ranted you got more and more upset. The one time he gets to come home early and he couldn't even touch you without potential maiming you?! You sat back on the barely listening to him. After a few moments without a response from you he stopped and looked at your heartbroken expression. Standing completely still, he radiated worry and anger before walking out of the room. You heard the shower turn on and guessed he was trying to relax himself. Before you could lay back in your original position you heard Katsuki calling for you.
"Princess get your ass in here!"
You shuffled down the hall slowly to hot and tired to walk normally. Once in the bathroom you were shocked to see Katsuki grining at you. You were also shocked at just how good that man looked wet. The water was running down his skin tracing all the lines and dips that your tongue had traced a thousand times before. Standing halfway in the doorway you give a little whimper, annoyed that he would tease you like this when you weren't able to touch each other. He let's out a cruel chuckle and beckons you forward, croaking two fingers in your direction. You take a few steps forward only to stop an arms length away from the shower.
"Don't look so dumb, princess. The waters canceling out my quirk. So long as we stay under the spray I can fuck that needy little cunt all night."
You thought for a moment about the high water bill you would have next month. But you could honestly give a fuck less at this point. Climbing into a shower with Katsuki had never felt so good. The water was cooling you down even as the feel of his body was warming you up. Katsuki wasted no time reaching between your thighs, arm curving over your ass as he did so. He rubbed the rim of your pussy hole making it clench and twitch at the stimulation. Katsuki was being so gentle and teasing that you jumped and squealed when he shoved two thick fingers inside. Your cry echoed off the walls of the bathroom.
Keeping his movements deep and hard Katsuki pressed his fingers against your gspot while swirling his thumb on your clit. The pleasure was immediately intense, making your knees do weak. You slumped against him, nails digging into his shoulders as you struggled to hold some of your own weight. His fingers began to curl against that hidden nerve with determination that only Katsuki would show. He was working your pussy like he owned it and damn it the man truly did. Just then his thumb sped up overwhelming you. You couldn't take it anymore and bit into his pec, right over his heart, with a scream. Katsuki groaned as he enjoyed the feel of your bullied little pussy squirting all over his hand.
"What's the matter princess? Your wettingly me more than this shower is."
You sobbed at his words, finally pulling away from his chest. As you were about to complain at him he spun you around, lining your ass up perfectly with his crotch. Katsuki, never one to waste time, grasped his cock and ran it up and down the length of your sensitive folds. The hard flesh bumped against your clit making you jerk forward. The growl behind you told you that that movement had been an epic mistake. The hand on your stomach slid up catching your throat in a firm grip. At the same moment the large head of his cock lined up with your hole. In one quick snap of his hips you were impaled on 10 and a half inches of thick cock. A strangled screaming left your throat, matching the shocking orgasm that tore threw you in the same moment.
"Put your fucking hands on the wall baby. Can't have you thinking you can get away from this cock any time soon."
The harsh slap on your ass following those words made your pussy clench and flutter. Following his demand you braced your hands on the wall, legs spread to take the hard fucking you were about to be gifted with. Katsuki's free hand cupped your breast, fingers tugging and rolling your nipple. His thrusts were brutal in the best way. His thick cock spread you open while ramming against your cervix. The force of them had you leaning further into the wall until your elbows rested there. You sobbed every time he held himself deep and ground against your clit.
The pleasure was consuming you, the sound of your wet skin slapping together echoed through the bathroom amplify every sensation. A constant stream of whining left your throat as you begged to be filled. Katsuki tightened the hand on your throat and hammered his cock inside you, fighting to release all of his frustration into your willing pussy. Changing the angle of his hips Katsuki relinquished his hold on your breast only to begin spanking your clit with every thrust.
"You like that don't you princess. Having your clit slapped while I fuck this needy little cunt of yours. Can't getting deep enough inside you. Damn it baby I'm gonna fuck that womb of yours one day, gonna make sure theres no way your not bred by the time I'm done with you."
His words crashed over you like a title wave, forcing you to cum harder than you ever had before. Your eyes rolled back in your head as your pussy locked down on the fat cock splitting you in two. The grip of your walls dragged a deep groan from Katsuki's chest as well as a hot load of cum. The shots of cum bathed your cervix dragging out your orgasm till you were limp and barely conscious. Slowly Katsuki lowered you both to the floor of the shower were you stayed as your breathing returned to normal. Cuddling on the shower floor had not been on your list of things to do today but it definitely wasn't something you would complain about.
"Princess I think we're gonna be here a while why don't you grab some snacks so I down murder our fridge and then I'll see about eating that pussy clean."
You didn't have to be told twice. You untangled yourself from your calm, wet boyfriend and proceeded to crawl out of the bathroom to the kitchen. Using your legs still wasn't on the the table after that fuck but snacks and being snacked on were worth looking silly for.
451 notes · View notes
etherealeeknow · 3 years
vocal lesson
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• rated m for mature, slight angst
• pairing: vocal coach!seungmin x fem!reader
• wc: 2.3k (confession: writing long fics isn’t my forte)
• tw: underlying toxic relationship, masturbation (m), grinding, groping, unprotected vaginal sex, explicit language, creampie- i think that’s all, please do tell me if you find more c:
• note: i have a love hate relationship with this fic. i have a few goals i’d like to achieve from this fic and whether or not i’ll succeed is based on your feedbacks 🥺 so please don’t hesitate to drop them! also, enjoy!
• tag list: @es-kay-zee @formidxble @bobateastay @vogueinnie @sailorhyunjinz // leave a comment, dm, or an ask to be tagged! thank you ♡
seungmin despises the way his heart dropped when he sees your name flashing on his phone screen instead of you flashing upon his eyes. by this time, he’s fully aware that a chatty girl like you isn’t the type to text. in fact, you only do it on one occasion, which is when you’d like to cancel the class. just like what he has expected, the text says you won’t be able to make it that day and that you’re sorry; but he knows you’re not sorry. he knows you’re doing this on purpose—to torture him—and it’s working perfectly.
honestly, the suffocating pain in his chest isn’t because he has been losing sleep, tossing and turning in his king size bed for hours over the thought of you being all dolled up in the baby blue dress he has gifted you; neither is it because he missed his favorite orchestra playback this morning just so he could find the most perfect white shirt out of his collection of other white shirts just so he can appear pleasant for you, but because you’ve been cancelling the lesson for three times in a row. if your mother ever finds out about this, she would definitely fire him. to prevent that from happening, seungmin has been silencing your maids with credits, but he knows too well they’d soon go for more if you keep this up. 
fiddling with the handkerchief that you had purposely left for him a few weeks back, seungmin gloomily shoves it into his pocket before dragging himself to the grand piano to warm his throat up. the first few notes started off slow and stable according to the piano keys, but with constant fear running on his mind, his fingers slipped and pressed the wrong one. the awry sound makes him cringe and shuts his eyes in annoyance. he hates it, mistakes, he hates it to the fullest, yet he has managed to keep up with it all this time just because he adores you more than anything, even when your cracked voice sometimes haunts him at night. see, seungmin’s giving his all to you,
but why are you doing this to me? where are you? i miss you.
“heh, pathetic,” he mutters to himself as he slowly lies down onto the piano bench, facing the chandelier which lights would usually illuminate you when sitting on the same bench while waiting for him to get to the music room, running your delicate fingers along the black and white wood. your side profile’s exactly like a goddess—breathtaking.
sighing over the imagery of you, he begins unbuckling his belt; eyes closing momentarily when he slips a hand into his unbuttoned pants and starts palming his clothed member. three weeks. it’s been three weeks since he last got off, since he last felt your touch, and he’s been trying his best to hold back because he believes you’ll eventually come around. he believes you won’t leave him just like that, yet you aren’t here again today, and he’s dying to release his pent-out frustration.
a heavy sigh escapes his lips when he takes out his dick, the tip leaking from precum and it makes him let out another sigh when he begins pumping it; another one follows, then another one, and it carries on as seungmin’s hand goes faster by each second. even in the peak of his pleasure, all he can think of is you. oh, how heavenly it would’ve been to have both your soft hand and pretty lips around him instead. his free hand is quick to slip into his pocket, snatching your handkerchief. despite only briefly smothering himself with it, your lingering scent alone is enough to make his head spin. with the sateen now wrapping around his throbbing cock, it feels as if you’re there, skin to skin with him.
“fuck!” he hisses, but eyes widening right away over his own volume as he quickly raises his head to check on the slightly opened door.
he’s so close and pausing in the middle just to lock the damned door would ruin everything. should he just bet on his luck today? it’s not like any of his well trained maids would rudely barge into his music room, right? but who knows?
screw it.
his back automatically arches when he feels the increasing tension in his pelvis, and it pushes him to fasten his hand move—pumping his dick rapidly to release. with eyes rolling to the back of his head, seungmin begins chanting your name desperately and that’s your last straw. the moment seungmin ejaculates is the moment you slam the door open and run towards him. the poor guy who’s barely riding out his high jumps on the bench as he sits up.
“shut up,” you cut him off and crash both of your lips and body together, causing him to fall back down onto the bench, and creating a somewhat deafening screech on the floor, but it’s nothing compared to his loud moan in between the kiss.
the feeling of you straddling his lap instantly makes him hard again; the feeling of his warm hands running wild all over you and the stickiness on your inner thigh coming from your ruined handkerchief has you wetting your already damped panties—the effect of rubbing yourself when peeping on his little show. as the kiss deepens, so does your hunger for each other. of course, there’s no way you’ve gotten over what he did, and he’s surely still upset for being ghosted too, but for now, lust is winning. one squeeze on your thigh is all it needs for you to throw your baby blue dress across the room.
“you’re always so hot when you do that,” says the now naked seungmin who gets back onto the same position, looking at you with his half lidded eyes as his arms stretch out to fondle your breasts, his favorite part.
“the only time you’d compliment me is when we have sex,” you scoff before going back down on him, slowly yet easily pushing his cock inside of you, and both of you grunt in unison.
“y/n, ah— shit! i told you it’s because i know you can do better.”
snorting, you call him a liar before grinding mindlessly, movement starting off slow just like how your breathy moans starting off low. as much as seungmin enjoys being taken care of, patience doesn’t exist in his dictionary today. his hands leave your chest for your hips, guiding you to slip in and out of him at a faster pace. but that’s still not enough—he needs more. in a blink of an eye, you go from being on top of him to under him. seungmin bangs you down loudly on the grand piano, your buttcheeks and hands hitting the keys and filling the entire room with jumbled notes while you yourself are filled by him to the fullest, right at your g-spot.
“seung— fuck!” 
“louder,” he commands while thrusting into you, hips moving in a rhythm, and strong hands bringing your legs up to rest on his shoulders before holding onto your ass, supporting you from slipping down—multitasking is indeed his second best talent besides singing.
“what’s the p— point?” you breathe out, trying your best to sound coherent while maintaining eye contact, “so you’ll compliment karina instead again? pat her on the head and caress her cheek again?”
“you know i only did that to motivate you.”
if seungmin has to name anything you can do best, it’ll definitely be your ability to drive him crazy—disobeying him. again, he believes he has been going all in, keeping up with your lack of talent and bullshit for the past half a year; the way you’d fight, then fuck him, and fight again only to fuck him again, and the cycle continues. whenever he tries to talk things out, be it about your vocal lesson or your tangled relationship, you wouldn’t give a damn. today, that has to change.
“and i’m the one to blame? karina always listens to me,” he replies, slowing his thrust as he can feel your walls clenching around him even more and more.
“i said louder, y/n. tear your mouth wide open,” he grunts, thrusting into you so strongly that you jump and land back on the piano, creating such messy harmonies.
“seungmin, faster!” you yelp, voice raspy yet a little louder this time with your hands finding their way on his shoulders, and it makes him sneer as he leans in to kiss you, biting your lower lip before he lets go, and stop dead on track.
“hoarse voice, dry lips. don’t i always tell you to stay hydrated?”
you find it unfair. seungmin’s energy doesn’t make sense. the fact that he still has the power to put up with fucking while carrying you even after his solo session is unfair. and the way he has the audacity to give you a vocal lesson in the middle of everything, then stopping just because you aren’t complying is way too cruel, but perhaps, this is what you deserve.
“i’ll never cancel our lessons again. i’ll— i’m sorry. i will really listen to you,” you beg desperately, almost sobbing as you grind on him, refusing to let the tingling sensation on your core die down.
seungmin shakes his head. he knows you too well. normally, seeing you surrender like this softens him and makes him think that perhaps, he’s being way too demanding, or maybe, he should be even more understanding.
“that’s not what i asked for, love.” is what he says before resuming, putting all the remaining pressure he has left to snap his dick deeper into you.
that’s when his name falls out of your lips ever so gracefully, followed by endless ah’s, jaw hanging open. this is the loudest and clearest you’ve ever been—no holding back, no hitching breaths, no cracking—pure perfection. 
seungmin doesn’t even need to ask for more because you’re already repeating it on your own.
“fuck yes. just like that. such a good girl,” he grunts right beside your ear, picking up his pace.
it only takes a few moments till you feel the familiar knot in your abdomen coming back along with him twitching inside of you, and this time, you make sure to hold onto him so tight, afraid he’d pull the same stunt again.
“shit— please let me cum. please cum with me, come inside me, please, please, please,” you blabber, voice turns husky once more, but seungmin couldn’t care less, there’s always another chance for another vocal lesson. right now, all he wants is to,
the two of you reach together. name chanting, legs shaking, fingers digging, and body fluids mixing into each other—drenching not only your lower bodies, but also the extravagant bösendorfer piano seungmin shipped all the way from austria. but that’s another thing to worry about. right now, he can barely keep his eyes open while you can barely feel your stiff spread legs across his shoulders. once he’s made sure you’re over your high, seungmin gently pulls out and lets you down. he sits himself first on the bench before pulling you by the waist to seat you on his lap, and the two of you let silence take over for a little while.
“i know you’ve been bribing my maids,” you start off, “they have a big pay, but it’s impossible for their designer bags to double up in just a week, you know,” you continue while pushing his damp hair aside, revealing the remaining half of his sweaty forehead.
“they were gonna snitch on you to your mom,” he replies, pausing in the middle to mirror your action, pushing strands of hair to the back of your ear before averting his gaze back on your eyes.
even with your smudged eye makeup and cracked lipstick, you’re still as shining, dilating his pupil.
“and she’s gonna fire me.”
“isn’t that what i should worry about? you’re a world winning award soprano. there are hundreds of talented people waiting in line to be your students. money isn’t the problem. plus, i know you hate my voice. i also never listen to you, never call you sir, and am ninety nine percent horny throughout our lessons. in short, i’m a bratty and disrespectful pain in the ass.”
your punchline makes him snort and he can’t help but to pull you into a hug, closing the already small space in between so he can indulge in your body heat and feel your chest beating calmly alongside his.
but what happened to changing things? don’t you wanna be in charge? you can’t just let her have everything she wants. 
despite hearing the faint voices in his head, mocking him for having the weakest heart for you, seungmin doesn’t care. for all he knows, he was a train wreck earlier this day; he surely didn’t expect he would go from reminiscing the memory of you under the chandelier to it actually coming true. 
“this is real, you’re here.”
“it is. i am.”
“and you’re gonna—“ pausing, he breaks the hug to cup your cheeks, “you have to stay.”
“what for? for you? for the vocal lessons? for… what?” you question, unconsciously tilting your head as you place a hand over his, slightly squeezing it, hoping he wouldn’t let go.
“i might be a bitch, but i’m not dumb. it isn’t about money and it isn’t about sex either. so what is it, seungmin?” you ask, eyes searching for an answer before adding, “i bring no good to you.”
you’re right. his best friends have said the same thing. they can’t seem to wrap their heads around how a collected person like him can break so easily over a random, spoiled, daddy’s little princess. it doesn’t make sense, he knows—i know. he’s been trying to figure it out, only to meet the same dead end.
“i’m a mistake.”
yes—yes you are, and seungmin hates it, mistakes, he hates it to the fullest, yet he has managed to keep up with it all this time just because,
“you’re the only mistake in my life that i can take, y/n.”
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ikariwrites · 3 years
Damien Darkblood x Reader (f)
Summary : Something quick based on a dream I had last night. Only proof read through once so there may be some mistakes.
Damien claims he can fuck for hours without getting tired. You make a bet to outlast him.
Contains : riding, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, slight voyeurism, porn with no plot, domesticity and comfort
You’d been at this for hours.
Or, maybe it was days. You weren’t sure. Time was melting away the longer you stayed here.
All you knew anymore was the feeling of Damien’s cock filling you. You’d cum so many times by now that your mind was in some kind of drug addled, hazy state. There was a constant pleasure swimming through your veins that bordered on unpleasant with every orgasm.
It was too much and simultaneously everything you ever wanted. You never wanted to leave this room.
If you thought hard enough you could recall the bet you’d made that started all of this. Damien had claimed he could fuck and not get tired more than any human - for days sometimes if he wanted to, he all but boasted. You took that as a challenge. Your stupid naive pride thought you could wear him out. You honestly thought you could outlast a demon when it came to sex.
Clearly, he hadn’t been exaggerating.
You’re panting cloud after cloud of breath into the cold air around you as you ride his cock. Damien is flat on his back while yours faces the headboard. The solid cherry wood frame knocks against the wall with every bounce. Between that and your moans, everyone in the apartment complex probably knows what you’re doing.
The room is dim, with no windows and only a small lamp on the bedside table. A soft yellow light throws your shadows against the wall, mirroring every sinful movement you make. Even the cold air that constantly clings to him like an aura can’t keep the flush or sweat from your skin.
You knew he let you push him down and top him, that he could wrestle you into any position he wanted and claim you. You wouldn’t be in his lap right now if it wasn’t what he wanted.
He wanted to watch you, to look at you as you spent yourself over and over again on his cock, chest bouncing, your thighs squeezing his. He was getting off on watching you try, a smug smile on his lips every time you came. The bastard.
You lean down and kiss that smirk off his face. His pointed tongue darts past your lips and presses against your tongue. His mouth is so hot and wet. It feels good to your parched mouth. You’ve been breathing in so much cold air that your throat feels raw.
You whimper against his mouth as your cunt squeezes his cock and spills out around him. Lips part with a wet pop. Like a bottle of Champaign shaken on New Years, heavy moans laced with obscenities burst from your mouth.
Fuck, you can’t even feel it building up anymore.
Damien chuckles, the sweet rumbling sound adding to that knot of pleasure deep inside you.
Your whole body is shaking, trembling from the fresh wave of ecstasy. It’s duller now than it was however long ago but it still makes you collapse onto his chest and mewl like a kitten.
Damien takes your hips and works them up and down, using you like a sex toy until he’s once more filling you up with a grunt. The warm milky fluid spills out around his cock. You’re so full of him that it’s a surprise your stomach doesn’t show it.
You puff tired breaths against his cool, damp skin. A clawed hand cards through your hair tenderly, lovingly. “Ready to give up?” He asks in a voice as smooth as crushed velvet. There’s a clear smile in his voice that only spurs that petty human urge in you to win.
“Hell. No.” You say with a steadier breath. The utter confidence in your voice betrays the weak trembling in your thighs and back. “Let’s go again.”
“Won’t be able to work tomorrow.”
Instead of answering him, you stubbornly start bouncing your hips, sliding up and down his length with a wet sound. With your cheek flushed against his chest, you start moaning again, that sickly sweet pleasure making your eyes roll back.
Damien just smirks and grabs your hips, guiding them along with claws that pleasantly scratch your skin.
When all is said and done and you finally surrender to his endless well of sexual stamina, Damien takes you to the bath and cleans you up. He dresses you in thick pajamas and lays with you, petting your hair and telling you how beautiful you are until you fall asleep.
The next day, you feel like you couldn’t walk even if the apartment was on fire. Damien brings you food in bed and takes care of you.
You end up calling out of work after all.
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vanderlindemorgans · 3 years
Cross My Heart (Chapter 8)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Rating: Explicit/18+
Summary: A traitorous Agent Whiskey returns to the United States on the run. Being cast out by Statesman, he soon finds that you’re the only person he can turn to - the embittered former flame from years long passed
Word count: 5.4k
Chapter-specific Warnings: Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you all have been waiting for - it’s time for some smut. Descriptions of sex acts (oral, fingering, PIV sex, ya know all the regular stuff), sub/dom themes, biting, a bit of brat-taming, mild attempts at sexy banter. 
Authors Note: My apologies for the sudden hiatus - start of June was a bit rough for me then I lost inspiration for how to write out the scenes in this chapter. Smut is admittedly a bit of a weakness for me so I hope I’ve managed to provide something at least a little entertaining to read. Enjoy the bliss while it lasts y’all. 
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Jack couldn’t believe it - it wasn’t possible, it simply wasn’t possible. There had to be some sort of mistake on his part. Maybe he’d misheard what you said. Barging into his room and pulling him out of bed was one thing, looking at him with eyes that he couldn’t deny where striked with pure lust while you trailed your delicate hands all over him, an action that in of itself was already causing his cock to twitch in his pants, but with what you had asked, no, demanded of him left him utterly stunned. 
He hadn’t wanted to say anything, not wanting to break you from your trance and stop you from doing...whatever you were doing, to him, and now after those words had tumbled from your mouth, he found himself stunned at the position he’d been thrusted into. The one thing he’d been fantasising about and yearning for, everything he’d ever derided himself for daring to think about was being presented to him at that very moment. For you to come to him of your own accord, behaving in such a way that gave an indication that your thoughts were one and the same, that he wasn’t alone in wanting some form of a second chance at this, that you’d most likely thought of him in the exact same way he had of you, then it was only fair that he finally let himself give in to what he’d always wanted. Despite the last shred of rationality in him screaming for him not to do this, he paid it no mind, focusing on your intoxicating eyes staring straight into his own, pleading for him once more in a way that he had never expected to see from you ever again. 
And in all fairness, well, how could he say no to such a pressing request?
Warm lips met yours in an instant, his movements soft yet charged with such desire, his touch stealing the air from your lungs and making you melt further into him, allowing yourself to be caught up by the bliss of having him so close. You could feel your cheeks burning furiously but you honestly could not give a damn in that moment, becoming consumed by the way he nipped at your bottom lip, his tongue slipping into your mouth as you let go of it all. No more rules, no more denial, no more running. Just him, and only him, for now, for tomorrow.
And maybe…forever, too. 
Pulling away from you, Jack stared down into your half-lidded eyes, his own expression being far from the sly smirk you remembered seeing when you’d kissed for the first time years before. Instead, there was uncertainty, an element of caution that was threatened by an overtaking desire for you, and only you. You couldn’t turn away from him, and you didn’t want to either. The invisible line between you two that you’d been desperate to cross for weeks now was now non-existent, as well as any notion of reason or feelings of the contrary. 
Jack was the first to break the silence between the two of you, his hand coming to rest at the nape of your neck drew lazy circles over your skin, every movement fanning a flame of desperation for him. Taking a final deep breath, he finally mustered up the courage to force his confession from the tip of his tongue, one that had been teetering on the precipice for what felt like forever now. “Darlin’, I...I don’t know what to say for myself. I’m sorry. Believe me when I say that I wasn’t meanin’ to break your heart. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do, honeybee” he admitted. “I was scared. I was fucking terrified. The truth is I’ve been running from a lot more than a secret agency for a long time now - losing Lily was one of the worst things to ever happen to me, and after what happened to her I...I just couldn’t bear lettin’ myself get close to another woman again. I wanted to keep my heart guarded, only allowin’ myself the luxury of a long line of one night stands and short term relationships”.
He cut himself off momentarily, his voice trailing off into nothing. You couldn’t turn away from him, becoming transfixed as he pulled you closer still, your head brushing against his chest and hearing how his heart beat furiously, matching your own in rhythm. Something that should’ve felt wrong felt only so right in that moment, and for once you could let go of your fears and your ghosts. Without him saying another single word you knew what he felt, hearing it in the silence around you, a silence that wasn’t empty but instead filled with the rush of intense emotion, the feelings threatening to give way for the longest time finally breaking down into what you two felt now. 
Forcing the words from his throat, he cupped your cheeks in his hands and pulled you up to face him once more. “When you came into my life, I didn’t know what to do. I became scared. As time went on it became harder and harder to convince myself I didn’t love you, so I started to push you away, hopin’ you’d leave me on your own. When you mentioned marriage that night...I panicked. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to marry you, or that I didn’t love you, or any of that. I just couldn’t bear losing you the way I lost her. Cross my heart and hope to die, I promise, sugar, I never wanted to leave you. And if you’ll let me...from this day forward, I’ll never let you go ever again”. 
You were practically speechless at his confession, the revelation of the realities in your joint past sending you dizzy. There it was, the words you had secretly yearned to hear for years upon years - an apology, an explanation for what happened, an acknowledgement of how deeply he cut you open, and now that you had it you weren’t entirely sure how to feel about it. There was an element of relief in there, like it was the end of an era, and that chapter of pain in your life could finally be closed for good. You never thought you’d get a sincere apology out of him but on the miraculous chance you did get one you expected that to be the end. You two would go your separate ways and let bygones be bygones. Except here you were now, wrapped up in his arms, feeling his fingers thread themselves into your hair when you realised you didn’t want that, not anywhere in the slightest. Actually, you weren’t even sure what you did want. Your mind wasn’t focused on anything further than the present that you’d found yourself in, immersed in a flustering mist of longing for him and nothing more. 
“Jack, I…” you started, fighting to push through any remaining sentiment of uncertainty to reveal what your heart had really been begging to say for all this time. “I don’t know what to say honestly…”.
He silenced you by placing a single finger over your lips, his gorgeous brown eyes filled with adoration meant for you. “You don’t have to say anything, sugarpie. You don’t have to do or say anything you don’t want to, alright? I’ve spent too long hurting you, the last thing I wanna do is cause you more heartache”. 
“I...alright. All I do wanna say is that...well, I will. I will let you. I’ve tried so hard to ignore it but I have to face the truth. And the truth is that…” you stuttered, finally swallowing the last of your pride. “The truth is that I never stopped loving you. No matter how badly you hurt me or how much I thought I moved on I hadn’t. Every guy I was with after you never felt the same, and I thought that it was just a sign that I wasn’t meant for love or any of that white-picket fence crap, that I was maybe defective in some way”.
“Sweetheart, don’t you ever say such bullshit again. You’re not defective, far from it, you’re one of the closest things to perfect I’ve ever had the grace of seein’ in my life. I don’t deserve someone like you” he scolded you, his honeyed dulcet tone carrying through your ears and threading his words into your heart and soul. You couldn’t get yourself to speak, every time you went to say something the words dying a painful death in your mouth. There were so many feelings, a cacophony of emotions that had exploded and you couldn’t begin to start deciphering them all.
So you didn’t. There would be a time for analysing later. Instead of puzzling out what this or that meant, you threw the reins over to your emotions entirely and let yourself be guided by them in their wild chaotic rampage, logic and sense be damned. 
“Yes, sugar?”. 
“Just...fuck, shut up and kiss me again”
He didn’t have to be told twice - in a matter of seconds he’d pulled you closer in, catching your lips in his and kissing you breathless. Somehow he made it feel even more magical than the first time, the memories his touch bringing forth for once not being salted with pain and misery. For the first time in a long while, you could well and truly remember what it was like to be loved by him, to be held in such a way and to feel the whole entire world slow to a standstill. He was slow with you at first, gentle in a way that showed one final hint of hesitancy in him, a hint you sought to quash at all costs. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned into him, feeling him slip his tongue into your mouth, his movements becoming all the more desperate until he was caught up in you. He was a fire, consuming everything in his path, and you were more than willing to be engulfed in his blaze. 
You could feel him stir in his pants, the sensation fueling the flame of lust that had been sparked earlier by his mere visage, and you couldn’t stop yourself from grinding against him softly, eliciting a low growl from his lips. When he removed his mouth from yours his eyes had turned dark, glimmering with a predatory and unadulterated lust. “Strip, sweet girl” he commanded, the timbre of his voice being barely above a whisper and yet still able to make your knees weak. Oh dear god, that voice. You’d forgotten how seductive he could be, his domineering command of tone sending you insane, pushing you to bend to his every want and whim. It went without saying that you had a thing for submission, a position that Jack was always more than willing to play along with when you two had been together - all these years later, he could still remember the exact ways to make you ache. 
Not leaving another second wasted, you obeyed his demands, stepping back from his hold and reaching for the waist of your pajama pants, blushing furiously as he watched you step out of them slowly, his eyes attuned to every move your body made. Every layer removed only did more to further his yearn for you, his lips curling into an observing smirk, a smirk entirely different from his signature cocky cowboy charm, lending into something darker, feral, and a tad bit dangerous too if you were to be honest.
Once every last scrap of clothing had been thrown to the floor, Jack snatched you forward into his embrace once more, lips bruising against yours, his hands tracing your form and settling onto your thigh, lines of soft moans drawing themselves forth from your mouth while he pushed you back down into the mattress of his bed. You let your hands roam his back, tangling into his hair and allowing him to consume every part of you, no part of you left unsure about the semantics of whether or not you should dare to this, leaving only that burning bright spark of lust that you were jumping headfirst, fearless, into. 
“Fucking christ, darlin’. You’re a dream, you know that?” Jack groaned into you, moving his lips from your mouth to your neck, sucking down at your skin so intensely that you were sure it would leave marks. “Trying to mark me up, are you?” you sniggered, heaving your focus away from the blissful feelings his mouth was conjuring in you to make your playful remark. If it were anyone else you might have been genuinely peeved about the potential of developing a hickey - they always seemed so juvenile to you. But with him? Your opinion on them switched sides like a record changer. You couldn’t even begin to care if anyone caught a glimpse of them come the next day either: let them know, let ‘em all know. 
“Just wanna make sure everyone knows who you belong to” he murmured back, towering over you and gazing deeply into your eyes.
“Oh, so I belong to you now, is that how this is all goin’?” you retorted, a faint blush dusting your cheeks as he moved back down to your sternum, lightly teasing your left nipple with his mouth, grazing his teeth against the small sensitive bud and causing you to moan delicately underneath him. Each of his movements made it harder for you to focus on tossing him another jokingly snide comment. When he bit down on you, the sharp mix of pain and pleasure that the sensation of his teeth brought on made you cry out in a burst of short-lived ecstasy. You could hear him chuckle at you, seemingly entertained by the reactions his touch was causing in you. “Trust me, sugar, you’ll be changin’ your tune by the time I’m through with ya”. 
You faux-scoffed at his boldness, enjoying your own game of riling him up. You wanted to get a rise out of him, goad him into going further with you, just the way he’d always liked it, the way you’d always liked it. “Sure, sure, talk all you want. How’s about showing me exactly how you plan on doing that?” you quipped back.
Hearing a low growl emit from him, you felt yourself be shoved further into the mattress, the weight of Jack’s body above you pinning you down and preventing your movement. His eyes were threatening, shadowed with a commanding and domineering essence, his tongue clicking in disapproval at your insolence. “That mouth on you, little girl” he snarled, his fingers tracing your folds and gliding themselves up towards your clit, grinning wolfishly at you seeing how you gasped when he pressed down on it gently. “What do you want me to do, sugarbelle? You’re gonna have to tell ol’ Jack what it is you want, darlin’” he provoked you, rubbing the pad of his finger against your sensitive button, alternating between teasing and touching and making you all the more desperate for him. 
“Inside me...please” you moaned out, echoing off the walls and allowing you to feel grateful for a minute that nobody else resided in the house with you, knowing that if he kept this up you wouldn’t be able to silence yourself. 
“What inside you? Use your words sweetheart” he teased, still circling your clit at a frustratingly slow pace, enough to coax you into moaning for him but also restrained enough that you wanted more. Letting out a small whimper, you mustered up as much force as you could to make yourself beg for him, fighting through the torture he was putting you through by toying with you in such a way. “Fuck, Jack, your fingers. Please…” you mewled breathlessly.
“You want my fingers inside of ya? But you were bein’ so contrary before. Bad girls don’t get to cum, or didn’t you know that?” he responded, his southern drawl set in a taunting tone, the blissful yet tormenting warmth of his fingers disappearing suddenly, leaving you feeling empty and frantic for his return. You glared back over at him in disapproval, causing him to grin malevolently back at you. “Missin’ me already are ya?”. 
“I didn’t tell you you could stop”. 
“And I didn’t tell you you could talk back” he snapped. In one fell swoop his fingers were back on your clit, the sudden pressure taking you by such shock that you bucked your hips into him, arching your back off the bed, moaning out his name with an urgent whine. “You ready to behave and be a good girl for me, sugarcube?” he asked authoritatively, trailing his fingers down towards your entrance in preparation, coating them in your slick and awaiting your final answer. 
“Yes, Jack, I’ll...I’ll be good, I promise” you pleaded. 
“That’s more like it” he murmured in approval. Plunging a single finger inside of you, you arched your back off the bed once more, letting out a sound one could only call whorish feeling him stretch you, cheeks burning a stark rosey red. “Look at you, sweet girl, so wet and ready for me when I’ve only been barely teasin’ you” he spoke with an element of condescension, scissoring his fingers slowly and creeping up towards that one euphoric spot, feeling like everything else around you had fallen away the instant he brushed his fingers against it. Observing you with smugful arrogance, he pumped his fingers into you, savouring every whine and whimper that came from your mouth. He wasn’t holding back in the slightest, his pace fast and rough, playing you in a way that made you see stars every time you closed your eyes in ecstasy. 
Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore you could feel the soft brush of his mustache gliding over your folds, the heat of his breath alerting you to the presence of his tongue, crying out with a shuddering moan feeling the pressure against your clit. “Fuck, fuck...Jack don’t stop” you begged, absolutely lost in the daze of his minstrations, the way his fingers were angling into you at just the right spot that made you crave for more, his tongue refusing to let up as he lapped at your clit like a man starved. Pulling out every last moan and cry you could muster, it wasn’t long before you’d reached your limit entirely, the orgasmic high hitting you with such a force that you felt like you were on cloud nine, as if you were outside of yourself for a moment. Jack was still down between your thighs, looking like the cat who got the cream with the amount of smug satisfaction that was spread across his ridiculously handsome face,  removing his fingers from your cunt and making a show of licking them clean straight to your face. “Look at you, sweet thing, already so worked up and I hadn’t even got to the best part yet” he commented, taking in your flushed appearance and intently watching the rapid rise and fall of your chest. 
Leaning down, he seized your lips once more and pushed his tongue into your mouth, grinning into you once he realised where your hands had wandered - down to the waistband of those bothersome pants that were concealing the cure to your deepened lust, using as much force as you could to tear them off yourself. “Here, let me help ya with that, honeybee” he said with a hint of snark to his voice, bringing his own hands up to where yours were and forcing down his trousers, freeing his cock from its confines. You couldn’t help marvelling a little at the sight of him - sure, it was nothing you hadn’t seen before but it had been so many years, and while you remembered him as being well endowed you found your memory hadn’t served you entirely well, swearing that he was bigger than you remembered. He caught your glance down at him, one you fervently tried to hide once it became apparent that he was well aware of you gawking. “Oh sugar, please don’t be shy, I’m more than aware of the..how should I say...dashing figure I cut”. 
“You should talk less” you rolled your eyes at him, resisting the temptation to smack him over the arm at his own arrogance. Your jive at him caused his cocky grin to disappear, replaced by the devious and dominant glare he had on before. “Isn’t that what I should be sayin’ to you, missy? I thought we were done with all this talkin’ back crap” he reprimanded in a stern tone. “Or would you rather me not fuck you? Rather I’d just leave you there on edge and unsatisfied for the rest of the night?” he continued, leaving feather-light touches against your skin, moving down to nip at your neck softly. 
Feeling the heat in your cheeks rise at that, you let out a low groan as he proceeded to taunt you, the tip of his cock brushing against you and driving you mad with how little he was giving in to you. “No, I...don’t want that” you finished lamely, shaking your head and hoping that would be enough for him to stop playing at you and get on with it, even though you knew somewhat that he was going to prolong his teasing for as long as he could, at least, until he could get exactly what he wanted out of you. 
“Then what do you want, sugarcube?” he asked, faking cluelessness as if he wasn’t actively aware of what he was doing to you. His tone remained as sweet as honey syrup but his eyes told a different story. “I wanna hear you say it, sweet girl. Say it in that lovely little voice of yours” he whispered into your ear, sending a jolt of fire through you and making your thighs clench. 
“I want...I want you to fuck me” you stammered, composing yourself enough to blurt the words you wanted to say out at him. “God, fucking fill me, fuck me til I can’t walk, Jack, please!”. 
“Patience, darlin’, patience” Jack clicked his tongue at you, seeing you glare from underneath him and chuckling lowly under his breath.“But then again, how could I say no to such a request?” he quipped before thrusting his hips forward, pushing his cock into you with one single movement.
Unable to stop yourself, you choked out a moan at the sudden pressure, feeling the length of his thick cock stretch and bury itself in you, the sensation feeling so right and magnificent in that exact moment, the thrill of the rush of feeling him once more doing more to confirm what you’d known but somehow forgotten in all that time - Jack Daniels, the arrogant bastard he may be, was a fucking dream in the sheets. Not needing to say anything, you felt him grind his hips against you, testing the waters before slowly sliding his cock back out of you, only to thrust back into your cunt with such a roughness that your eyes lolled back for just a split second, moaning out his name loudly as he set a hard and rough pace.
“Fuckin’ Christ, sweetheart, you’re so tight” he groaned, resting his head against the crook of your neck and grasping your head in his hand. “You feel so good around me, baby girl. I’ve missed this pretty little pussy so much”. 
You could feel yourself clench around him as he spoke, his sweet southern drawl intoxicating you. His lips were nipping at your jawline again, moving slowly into bites the harder he thrust into you, and his hands had wandered back down to press against your clit, sending shockwaves through your body and elevating you to a higher level of heaven with every subsequent touch. 
Hands knotted back up in his hair, you gazed at him with a lustful expression, eyes dazed and pupils blown out in such a way that you were certain looked pornographic. You couldn’t help it, and you didn’t want to - at the rate he was pounding into you it was only a matter of time before he sent you over the edge entirely “Look at you, dirty little thing. You look so sweet and innocent to everyone else but I know what you’re really like” Jack mused, puncturing his last words with a violent snap of his hips, driving his cock deeper inside you, hitting places you weren’t ever able to reach with your own dainty little fingers. 
“Jack, I’m close” you whined. 
“I can tell. You still on the pill, honey?” he panted out, taking immediate note of the nod you gave in return and letting his lips split into a wide grin at your answer. “Good. So...fuckin’ close, I’m gonna make you cum for me, sugar, make you scream so loud that you’ll be grateful not to have any neighbors listenin’ in”.
His movements became more erratic and rapid as he continued on, signalling that he wasn’t too far off from his own release. The pressure that had been building up inside you was becoming almost too much for you, piling on and on until eventually you snapped. Throwing your head back into the pillows, you shrieked out his name as you came, your walls clamping down and milking his cock for everything he had. You could barely hear Jack cursing loudly over the sound of your own screams, his orgasm hitting him with a full force and spilling his seed into you, the sharp sting of his teeth in the crook of your neck becoming known to you as he keeled over, nestling himself into your neck and giving a last few shallow thrusts for good measure. 
You came to rest with your gaze turned upwards, staring into the ceiling above while you attempted to process what exactly had just happened. There was a line of sweat dripping down your forehead and onto the pillow below - wait, was it sweat or tears? You could have sworn your eyes felt a bit watery afterwards. Whichever one it was, it didn’t matter. The slowing thud of your heartbeat in your chest told you all you needed to know about how you felt. If you had to pick one thing wrong with what went on, it was your surprise that this had come to happen at all. Weren’t you the one who was so staunch in keeping Jack away?
But now, you could see everything so much clearer, and you felt like you were seeing daylight after a seven year long dark night. Being vulnerable to him, feeling some type of way and giving in to the alluring pull of a man such as Jack Daniels didn’t make you weak. Never had, and never will. The fear of coming out hurt on the other side was all but tossed to the wind at that point in time: he wasn’t here to make your heart bleed, and he wouldn’t ever want to see you pained in such a way ever again. Jack had made many mistakes, and he never fought to deny that he hadn’t, but you had made so many too. Fate throwing him back into your life may have turned out to be what one might call a blessing in disguise, since neither of you had ever stopped feeling and hurting for each other, giving you the luck of a second chance at happiness with someone you felt could well and truly understand you. This time round, it was the right time for it, you were both prepared for it. Well, you knew for sure you were but something told you about the desperateness of Jack’s apology to you that he was ready for the future as well.
A future, with Jack, is something you hadn’t thought about in forever. When you saw the look in Jack’s eyes as he ascended from his resting place on your chest, the sweet cedar brown of his irises conveying everything about his heart to you without him saying a single word. His hair was all mussed up now, and there were a litany of marks and scratches decorating his back, which you scarcely noticed until he moved forward to kiss the crown of your head. The scene you two found yourselves in was nothing like the ones from the past - the afterglow felt warmer, safer, and more well-earnt strangely enough.
“Any regrets, sugar plum?” he asked you, searching your features for a sign of discomfort, as if he were almost scared that you weren’t on the same page as him and that you were seconds away from flipping the script on him, though once he saw the gentle smile you gave back to him in turn, you could see plainly that his anxieties were eased. “Nope. None whatsoever”. 
“Good. You’re on top next round, got it?”. 
The first thing that you took note of the next morning was the faint scent of sugar in the air, permeating every space of the room you were in and assaulting you with the tempting pull of such a sweet smell. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know that there was something heavenly cooking nearby, your mouth watering upon being delivered an array of tantalizing visions of various desserts. Letting out a deep yawn, you rolled over to the other side of the bed, attempting to pull yourself from your slumber to go investigate what it was when you realised the space beside you was empty. Opening your eyes fully, you searched the room confusedly for a few seconds before you put two and two together to realise what happened. He hasn’t left, he’s downstairs. You breathed a small sigh of relief, deriding yourself for thinking for a second that he would just vanish on you like that - it showed you that despite the events of the night before, some subconscious part of you was still worried that Jack wasn’t yours to keep, and that if you got too close to him again he’d turn to ash right in front of you.
One night of rough sex and pillow talk wasn’t the definitive answer to the emotions that bloomed between you and him. It was more than a start though, it was the potential for something new, and something better. Denying what you felt for him wasn’t doing you any favours, and from the way you were feeling right then told you that it hadn’t been a mistake to cross the line drawn in the sand. The only way to go now was forward.
Reaching out for Jack’s discarded blue shirt, you pulled it over your head and breathed in his own distinct musk - vaguely cinnamon, with a hint of whiskey too. After spending less than a minute searching the pile of clothes on the floor, you snatched your panties up and slid them on, hearing your stomach growl at the continued scent of sugar and eggs wafting up the stairs, a scent that you followed down into the kitchen where you saw Jack at the stove, wearing only his grey sweatpants and showing off every scratch you gave him on his back, flipping blueberry pancakes and looking thoroughly debauched in your eyes. 
You hadn’t needed to announce your presence at all, as the moment you entered the room he’d turned around to greet you, charming smile and all. “Damn it, I was hopin’ to bring this up to you”. 
“How thoughtful. You don’t have to, though, I don’t want you to feel you owe me anything”. 
Setting the spatula off to the side, he handed you a fully stacked plate of pancakes and laughed. “I know I don’t have to, but I wanted to. Besides, what kinda man would I be if I didn’t take care of my girl after such a night?”. 
Your heart skipped a beat at him calling you his girl, though you didn’t reply with any formal answer other than a small hum from your throat. “Well, you are an amazing cook, so I’ll accept it” you joked, taking in the sight of the enticingly delicious breakfast set in front of you and allowing yourself to smile at him in turn. He’d cooked for you many times before, and yet it never occurred to you just how domestic the whole scene you’d found yourself in was, and how much you discovered you craved it. 
 “So…have I convinced you to stay?”.
The grin on his face at your question made it more than worth the leap of faith in asking. “Oh, darlin’, you have no idea”. 
Permanent taglist: @greeneyedblondie44
Cross My Heart taglist: @giselatropicana @absurdthirst @bonktime @over300books @riddikulus-obsessions​ 
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sebbybooks · 3 years
Wreck My Daydream
Part Two
Sebastian Stan x Fanfiction
(n.) kissing with tongue
I’m already wet and Sebastian barely even touched me.
I hardly gave myself a moment to be ashamed or even stir in the crass words I was using even if I had only thought them. Like a diary I suppose there was no need to lie to myself considering it was one hundred percent true. I, Nellie Lennox, was unabashedly met with unending desires that washed away my trepidations that led up to this moment.
In its place I felt this newfound sense of possibilities that I wasn’t actually making an ass out of myself with my sudden confession of feelings for Sebastian. In my defense I didn’t just wake up one morning after having some epiphany as to why I wanted to be with him. The thought of us together made itself at home in the back of my mind.
Almost like a what if. . .
However, I couldn’t help but be terrified of all the ways it could go wrong. What if I had made things weird between us forcing us apart? Life would be a bitter existence if Sebastian wasn’t around in some capacity. For the longest time I tried to find him in different relationships. It is a messed up philosophy, but it almost worked. Whenever things would get too serious it nearly terrified me. I was their someday and they were my maybe. I owed this last relationship that is still so freshly cut more than that.
I owed myself that.
On the unique and rare chance I somehow got lost in a very realistic maladaptive daydream, I’m pretty certain Sebastian wants this too. Just thinking about what he had told me seconds ago made my heartbeat drum to a dizzy rhythm. Imagining myself getting fucked to the beat of it was a completely different type of sensation.
Retraining my focus on the now I could see it in Sebastian’s face all the wheels going around in his head. Confusion? Uncertainty? Regret?
“You don’t get to do that.” I tell him. I felt like I was going to climb out of my own skin if he left me suspended in the silence for a second longer. Sebastian tipped his face closer to mine, our lips gingerly brushing against each other. Perhaps he was feeling ambivalent in regards of his feelings for me? After all this was sprung on him in the middle of the night.
Sebastian shook his head as if he was at war with himself. “I want to.” His voice was strained and dangerously low, like something was causing him utter misery being this close, yet not knowing exactly when to pull away.
“Then why don’t you.” I dared him.
I was growing impatient with this slow burn we had somehow started. I wanted to play with this fire. If I got burned in the end by his touch then so be it. At least I would forever be marked with a reminder of knowing that I at least went after something I wanted with no apology. I wanted to see how far he was willingly to go.
Sebastian removed his hand from the security of being wrapped around me. I feigned a disappointed sigh at the lack of contact. My entire body must have been on autopilot , because I didn’t recognize the position I was in. I practically sat in his lap with one leg wrapped around him and the other one mindlessly dangling over the bed. Of course the mind reader that Sebastian was naturally grabbed ahold of the side of my thigh and wrapped it around his back.
It wasn’t like I was naive to sex or never had my fair share of romantic conquest. Regardless of my experiences I still felt like a gigantic ball of nerves. The way he stared down at me with a heated look in his eyes as if he wanted to posses every inch of me. Hell, I felt like I could come undone from that alone.
The hand that was planted on my back slowly drifted downward trailing the curve of my backside gripping my ass through my thinly silk hunter green shorts that matched the top. Earlier I had berated myself for wearing scantly clad pajamas to bed. Now I am thanking my lucky stars I opted out of the option of wearing a red Christmas onesie that had polar bears wearing scarfs around their necks. They were ones my mother insisted the whole family wear.
If I had I probably would not have been able to feel his erection that was restrained in his sweatpants. Trying to situate myself closer I rocked into him slightly, massaging myself on him. My ears didn’t miss the subtle groan Sebastian let out from the feel of my weight pressing further into him.
His silence wasn’t lost on me and he still hadn’t answered my question so I did it again. I wanted him to say something. My nervousness abated at this point. I twined my arms around his neck, grinding myself against him again and again. All the while Sebastian watched my every movement with a hint of a star struck look in his eyes. The feeling was certainly mutual I was even shocking myself at my behavior.
“Nellie,” Sebastian finally says, voice husky. He usually only ever calls me by my nickname so I was more than sure that he was not fully himself.
“I’m a big girl Sebastian I can handle whatever you need to say.” I tell him, holding in my breath.
“Alright,” he said with uncertainty. “You and me, this, it’s not a good idea.” His tone was barely audible and even more so he sounded hurt. Everything in me froze.
“And why is that?” I asked him more confused than ever. Suddenly feeling absolutely self conscious as I over analyzed every intimate word I just shared with him. I was even more horrified by the fact that I was dry humping my best friend.
He let out a darkly laugh. “It’s pretty damn obvious Nells.” Sebastian says rather ominously.
“...It’s not actually.” For someone that wants nothing out of this, Sebastian was holding on to me like an anchor and I on the other hand just wanted to get away and sink.
Admittedly, I was losing this game of tug a war. There was only so much I was willing to endure even I had my limits. “You’re giving me whiplash Sebastian .” I tell him honestly, “ I’m not like those other girls you go for that are satisfied with you just dangling yourself in front of them like a piece of cake that I can’t have. I meant what I said when I told you I didn’t say it just to hear you say the same.” My voice could only rise so high in pitch.
I definitely didn’t want to wake up the upstairs guest that would love nothing more than to recap this conversation over breakfast. Then like an unexpected bolt of lighting startling you from a distance, Sebastian kissed me.
I am a selfish bastard.
My mind fell quiet when I looked at her. I wanted to swim in the serenity and peacefulness that was this smart, vibrant, sexy, and uniqueness this woman possessed. I only wondered even in the darkness could Nellie see my eyes as plainly as I can see hers. If so could she see the shame reflecting in them? I could feel the nagging weight of my conscience siting on both of my shoulders, arguing back and forth over what I should and shouldn’t do. It was kind of ironic that the devil in my ear insisted that I give in to the angel in my lap.
God knows I waited for her and that I would keep waiting if I had to in this lifetime or the next. It was always going to be Nellie for me. I wanted to tell her all of this, but the longer I held on to this slice of heaven I was given during this random hour. I also knew that this moment was fleeting. I basked in the way she looked at me, the way she held on to me like I was an object of virtue. I also got a sample of what it would be like to lose her the second she began to slip away on her own accord. So, I did what any poor fool would do in my position. I kissed her.
It wasn’t exactly suave or how I imagined it would go. My mouth sort of crushed against her unmoving lips in a rushed and unskilled manner. Frankly, I wasn’t sure what I was doing, I certainly could do a hell of a lot better than this. An yet, it was still like I predicted it would be, filled with pure unadulterated pleasure. Nellie’s lips were sweet and warm, exactly how I imagined forbidden fruit to taste like.
A perfect mixture of firm and softness that drove me wild. She flattened her hands on my bare chest as if to brace herself. Nellie pushed herself away, but her face was still so close to me. She didn’t speak and neither could I. I forced myself to look up at her and hoped that she could see I would do everything in my power to earn her forgiveness. That it was a mistake I will make right somehow.
“Nell,” I let out an exasperated breath. “ I have a need for you that goes deeper than just lust and I know that it will never truly be sated. The killer thing is I’m already at risk of losing you before I even had you.”
Nellie stared hazily up at me.“You already have me.” She whispered, our lips still grazing. Those four simple words set off a firework in me. This time when I kissed her our mouths came together like we needed to feed off of each other’s oxygen in order to survive. I’d suffer if I didn’t have it.
My mouth was greedy for hers, and I could imagine she felt the same. The moment I felt her lips slightly part open to let me in, less than a second our tongues slid together in a torrid and sensually slow pace. We kissed like a couple of eager teenagers. My heart threatened to leap from my chest when the tip of Nell’s tongue moved across my bottom lip. She tastes like gingerbread , mixed with some other divine flavor that I can only assume is Nellie. She arched herself closer into my chest and I could feel the points of her hardened nipples through her top. I seized the opportunity to press her body close because I needed more.
I wanted to feel the heat of her soft skin on mine. She returned her arms back around my neck tightly holding me in place as she angled her head kissing me back with the same ferocity. Deeply, and oh so thoroughly by the way she sucked on my tongue. I had a rough grip on her ass keeping Nellie steady as she straddled me. I was so damn hard for her. If my dick could get even harder it was bound to. Nellie did that thing again where she grinds down on my erection and I cursed at myself to not combust. I grabbed ahold of her hips guiding her to move faster, harder.
I kept telling myself to savor her, fucking take my time with this moment. I couldn’t just rip those tiny little shorts off and sink myself into her over and over until we’ve both had enough. But even then I would always need more of her. I wasn't a sentimental man, with Nellie I at least wanted to try. I wanted my first night with Nell to be a little less spontaneous than this. It wasn’t like I came prepared for festivities filled with endless fucks. Plus the added fact I couldn’t let things get too carried away especially since she still didn’t know what I have done.
Yeah, I am a very selfish bastard.
I didn’t want this to end. I wanted my mouth to explore every single part of Nellie. I wanted the taste of her to live on my tongue. I wanted to go as far as she and my consciousness would allow me.
“I need to touch you.” I panted, between every nip and kiss I left on the delicate area of skin under her jaw.
“You’re already touching me.” She says with a soft laugh, which was a melody to my ears. I was but at the same time I wasn’t. I needed to rid Nellie of any barrier that prevented me from branding her skin with my touch.
“This…off.” I tug gently on the bottom of her tank top before returning my hands to rest on her thighs, caressing them as I sucked on her neck for dear life. Going back and forth between grazing her neck with my teeth then licking over the area to soothe any imprint I’ve left.
Nellie crisscrossed her arms reaching for the hem of her top gracefully pulling it over her head. She purposely fell backwards onto the mattress aiming her shirt at my face. For as long as I’ve known Nell she was never one to be shy in her own skin.
“Imagine how unsexy that would have been if I hit my head on the headboard.”
“As long as you didn’t hurt yourself I would have just pretended that I didn’t see a thing.” I teased.
“Ah, to think they wonder where all of the good men have gone.” Nell scrunched up her nose pretending to be lost in critical thought.
I cock my head to the side. “Mm-hmm. Are you mocking me?”
“What if I am?”Her plump wet lips spread into a smile.
It was miracle I caught a word of what she said to me. I swallowed a groan as my eyes drift over the area of her body that was naked from the waist up. Nellie was clearly a stolen painting from the Louvre that I had no intention of returning. All I could do was stare.
With her legs still draped around me, my hands slide up the curve of her torso passing her ribs. I sensed that she was watching me, but I didn’t dare take my eyes off of her just yet. The pads of my fingers traced over to her breast and my mouth practically watered at the sight of them. She was ethereal.
“Don’t suddenly go mute on me Sebastian.” She let out a shaky breath.
I’ve heard her say my name a thousand times. Hearing her say it in this state created a feeling of warmth that filled my chest. I could only begin to imagine the different ways I wanted to hear her call out my name. My gift, my best friend, my Nellie. Those last words had a sting to them even as I thought them. Deep down I knew that was never going to be true.
I eased all the way down my tongue traveling around the dip of her navel. Creating a path up the center of her abdomen. I knew that Nell was extremely ticklish. The slightest form of contact would automatically turn her into a ninja. From the way she was pressing herself back into the mattress I knew she was trying her hardest not to flee. Of course I found it rather enticing so I made sure to spend extra time over the areas of her exposed skin I knew to be the most sensitive. Brushing the tip of my nose between her breast my mouth finally latched on to what I’ve been waiting for.
“So fucking beautiful.” I say as I graze my mouth over the stiff peak of her nipple. I was in awe over the ability that they simultaneously could feel hard yet felt extremely soft. I dragged the tip of my tongue around the bud of it in a languid movement before sucking it in deep. I loved listening to the sounds she made while I sucked and devoured as much as I could fit into my mouth. I wanted to hear a symphony of the noises that escaped from Nellie.
Going for one after the other not wanting to miss out on either. Nellie kept a limp hand pressed into my hair keeping me close as if I dared to stop.
Writhing underneath me Nellie gasped,“Touch me.”
Now she understood what I meant. My own body felt betrayed by my decision. I literally ached from pain and pleasure. Truthfully I wouldn’t opt for a better scenario than this. I would be more than gratified with giving Nellie an orgasm or two.
Still leaving featherlight kisses across her chest. With one hand I reach down and brushed along the dip of Nellie’s hip, then began to tug away at her shorts. To my surprise she was bare underneath. This was a new and uncharted territory we were crossing.
Tell me to stop, say that this is just the wrong time, tell me we would never work. Those words never escaped me, the sound of the goddamn doorbell intervened for her. My movements hesitated then shortly I picked up on inaudible chattering out in the hall. Nellie turned her head in the direction towards the door which I hoped like hell was locked. “Maybe we should go see what’s going on.” Her eyes widened.
“Or we could stay here and not shame the fact that I was two seconds away from wrapping your legs around my face while I tasted the slickness between your thighs. ” Nellie released a ragged breath and I meant every word.
To my dissatisfaction we were composed in under three minutes. I felt a strange sense of comfort and pride seeing that ever so often I’d catch Nellie looking in my direction smiling like she had some big secret she was bursting to tell. Which only made me feel like an even bigger asshole. The walk downstairs was surprisingly noisy. Someone had plugged the Christmas tree back up and there was a chilly wind breaking in as the front door came to an immediate shut.
Nellie’s parents were both moving around in a fast pace trying to find new spots to put a couple of suitcases. I had to swallow down a chuckle at the sight of their bold choice of pajamas. Nellie had already beaten me to the bottom of the staircase just as I rounded the corner of the spiral stairs.
“Cousin!” Vanessa squealed rushing over towards Nellie, who excitedly embraced her the same. They exchanged a few excitable words to each other that I tuned out. I was busy focusing on the six foot son of a bitch with a puppy dog expression on his face standing awkwardly behind them.
“Now you know Nells Bells you can’t have Christmas without good ole St. Nicholas can you?” She winked at a stone faced Nellie who just looked straight ahead at her ex boyfriend Nick. “I hope it’s okay I brought him over with me. I saw him at the airport dozed off in a chair.” Vanessa whispered as she leaned into Nell, like she just earned a gold star. Soon as Vanessa’s wild dark brown eyes caught ahold me I knew my bubble was about to pop.
“Something told me I was off the naughty list this year.” Vanessa bit at her glossed up lips and made a beeline towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She smelled like an overtly sweet perfume that tortured my sinuses. “Did you forget how to work a phone or what? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days. I miss you.” She cooed.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nellie watching the two of us. This was my punishment.
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inseongsfoxybae · 3 years
Pairing: Boyfriend Hwiyoung + Female Reader; established relationship
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Semi-public sex, rough sex, blowjob/face fucking, oral, fingering, unproteced sex (reader’s on birth control), creampie
Words: +1,9k
Requested by anon: Hi bby, I hope I am not asking for much, but can you please do a smut scenario with Hwiyoung where the reader teases him while they are around their family or the boys and he goes home to teach her a lesson, in short I am asking for a rough sex with Hwiyoung hehe. xoxo
Author’s message: Hey, bb! I had a great time writing this, so I hope you like and enjoy it a lot ❤❤ Foxy kisses 😘
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Also, sorry for any other mistakes :)
Synopsis: Who says you can’t make someone else’s special night yours as well?
help 🥵
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After dating Hwiyoung for the past two years, you were part of his family already and his parents and older sister simply treated you as one of them. They loved having you around in their house, whether for a quick dinner or a family trip on weekend.
And today all of you were together on a special night. Your sister-in-law’s boyfriend would finally propose to her, so he and her parents prepared a garden party with all their best friends and closest relatives to create a cozy and romantic mood.
You and Hwiyoung were the first one to arrive, so you could help them to finish the final details. The garden was so beautiful, all lit up and decorated with flowers, their sweet fragrance filling the warm air of that sunset as the guests were everywhere. 
You glanced at Hwiyoung and caught him staring fondly at you, a soft gummy smile showing off his lips when your eyes met. You slowly got closer to him and snake your hands around his waist, pecking his neck. 
“Like what you see?”, you asked teasingly at him, fingers tracing soft patterns over his clothed chest. 
“I love it”, Hwiyoung answered, brushing his nose on your cheek. “And I can’t wait to get home and have you all for me”, he whispered very close to your ear, making you shiver in places you couldn’t deal with at that moment. 
Honestly, you’ve been a little needy all day, but you shrugged it off and focused only on your event, trying not to spoil such a special day for your boyfriend’s family. But now you knew Hwiyoung felt the same way and you were willing to tease him the best you can, so maybe you could earn a reward when you got home later.
During dinner, taking advantage of the long towel covering the table and falling on her legs, one of your hands slowly slid up over Hwiyoung’s thighs, rubbing softly his covered muscles, feeling him tensing when your fingers got too close to his crotch. 
“What do you think you are doing, babe?”, he murmured against your ear, faking a smile to the people around you. 
“Just what you want, love”, you whispered back, smiling genuinely while enjoying his nervous expression. 
Your hand kept traveling up and down his thigh, hovering over his hardening cock, but never touching it for real. You deliciously watched his clenched jaw and tension face, knowing he was using all his strength to not fuck you right there and then. And, at the same time, you felt your arousal soaking your pussy, begging to be touched, to be filled. 
The fiance-to-be called all the guests to the center of the garden, claiming that he had an important announcement to tell you. Of course all of you knew what was about to come already, but you still have to fake surprised faces because of your confused sister-in-law. 
You and Hwiyoung stayed behind in that crowd of curious eyes and your eager boyfriend took that chance to wrap his arms around you and pulled you close to him, hands roaming all over your waist and hips, tracing the curves of your body in that tight dress. 
“Oh? What is this?”, Hwiyoung wondered, feeling nothing under your clothes. “No panties?”, he silently exclaimed into your ear, hips traveling down your neck and shoulders. 
“I’ve wanted you all day”, you breathed quickly, wiggling your hips against his hard dick that was poking your butt, eliciting a groan from his throat. 
Hwiyoung’s hands gripped your hips and still them against his crotch, slowly rubbing your ass on him, low moans escaping from both of your mouths as the crowd cheered for the couple in the center of the garden. 
“Youngkyun”, you gasped, trying to muffle your pants to a minimum.
“I want you too, babe. And I can’t wait any longer”, he breathed behind your ear and pulled into the house, immediately locking his lips with yours when you entered the room. Hwiyoung messily led you to his bedroom, breathless at the feeling of you unbuttoning his shirt on the way. 
You plopped into the bed with him hovering over you, faces just inches away from each other while his hand traced the curves of your clothed breasts and stomach, eyes attentively watching your teeth biting your bottom lip. His slenders fingers slid under your dress and found your dripping pussy, your juices were going down your inner thighs at this point.
“I’m gonna wreck you tonight, babe”, Hwiyoung growled with a devilish smirk on his lips before grounding his face into yours, hungrily kissing you as your head was spinning in anticipation. 
“Kyun”, you managed to breath when he parted for air, “the guests might hear us”. 
“So you better keep quiet”, he groaned, “or they’ll know what a little dirty girl you are”. 
His hoarse low tone made you shiver, the thought of being heard or caught turned you on even more, as you pulled Hwiyoung closer to your body. 
“So fuck me already”, you teased, hand reaching to palm his throbbing dick against his trousers. 
Hwiyoung got up and wasted no more time to take off his clothes as you did the same with your dress. He pushed you on the bed again and crawled up on you until his hard cock was the same level to your face. You gave him a long lick and pecked his leaking tip before swallowing all of him you could into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, his breathy moans a sweet melody for you ears. 
One of your hands reached to stroke what you couldn’t take, as the other one massaged his balls. All the pleasure made Hwiyoung started to fuck downwards into your mouth, making tears roll down your cheeks and mix with the drool that scaped from the corners of your mouth. 
Your blows met his thrusts in a faster pace now, his deep moas and heavy hisses filling the dimly lit room. His movements were getting sloppy and you could feel his dick twitching inside your front.
“M’gonna cum”, he growled and with one last unforgiving thrust against your throat, his hot seeds filled your mouth, making you choke and cough with the thick liquid, but you swallowed all of him anyway. 
Hwiyoung pulled his member out of your mouth, a long strip of drool and cum connecting them as you stared at him with a proud smile on your face. He smirked and moved to the space between your parted legs, ready to return the favor. 
“That’s my good girl”, he mumbled very close to your heat. “I think you need a reward now”, he said, giving a generous lick to your soaked pussy and kissing your swollen clit, your juices covering his lips and making him even prettier and hotter.
You wanted to moan loud, having your throat screaming his name shamelessly, but you didn’t want the guests to ruin your private party, so you tried your best to control your moans. Poor your bottom lip, being mercilessly abused by your teeth. And poor sheets, being grabbed with all the strength of your wrists. 
Hwiyoung’s tongue licked, sucked and circled your clit harshly, making you see stars under your shut eyelids. His long fingers teased your entrance, two of them slowly thrusting into your dripping hole, your juices making his movements easier. 
He wanted to hear your moan loud, screaming his name, cursing freely into the cool air of the room. However, he didn’t want to be caught fucking you so good on his sister’s party. 
Fucking you… His favorite activity during steamy nights, when he could let himself get lost in you, when he could feel you closer to him, in every way possible, when he could forget all his worries and exhaustion. 
His head got lost in those thoughts, causing the ministrations of both his tongue and fingers to increase against your pussy. You could barely hold out your moans at this point, struggling hard to keep them stuck on your throat. You felt the knot into you tighten and your body squirmed as your orgasm was near. 
A sequel of heavy breaths and a long mewl broke free from your mouth as you came undone over Hwiyoung’s fingers, legs shaking hard as your head was cloudy. Hwiyoung crawled up over your body to kiss you, your juices covering his lips and mixing with your saliva as he made you taste yourself into his mouth. You could feel his dick hard again against your stomach and pulled him closer, making him landing on top of your sweaty body. 
“Fuck me for real now, Kyun”, you moaned into his lips, hips slowly bucking up to grind against his cock. “I want you in”. 
“You will regret this, babygirl”, he groaned against your skin, his mouth now attacking your sensitive neck. 
“Wreck me”, you breathed a last time before squealing at him harshly penetrating you, not giving you any chance to adjust to his size. 
His thrusts were fast, deep, rough while his teeth abused the soft skin of your neck and shoulders, leaving purple love marks on the way. Both of your heavy breaths and low moans echoed into the room. Your mouth took a good bite of his shoulders to muffle your uncontrollable cries, nails digging into his muscled back, breasts bouncing with the violence of his thrusts.  
Occasionally, Hwiyoung slowed down his movements and you could feel his prominent veins pulsing into your pussy. In one of these breaks, he changed your positions, so now you were on top of him, legs straddling him, chest against chest, as he picked up a pace of merciless upwards thrusts. 
You felt his dick twitching into your hole. He felt your walls clenching around his member. At this point, neither of you could hold back your moans and cries anymore - all the pleasure and the cacophonous sound of his body slamming against yours were driving you both crazy. 
A few rough deep thrusts later and you clenched helplessly against him, your waters washed over him. The feeling of your orgasm pushed him over the edge too and he came into you, his hot cum filling you up to the brim. 
Hwiyoung pulled out to make it easier for you to recover your breath, both of your fluids slipping down from your pussy to inner thighs. You laid down beside him and he put an arm over your waist, softly rubbing your back as you snuggled closer to his sweaty chest. 
“How do you feel?”, he broke the silence when you came back to your senses. 
“So good”, you sighed, finally feeling satisfied for the day. Both of you giggled, tired and relieved, cuddling for a little longer before you made out the party happening out there. 
“Maybe we should take a shower and get back to the party”, Hwiyoung talked as if he was reading your mind and you nodded.
“Nobody heard us, right?”, you suddenly wondered before getting up off the bed. 
“Of course not. All of them are too busy enjoying the lovebirds out there”, he chuckled. 
You took his hand and walked into the bathroom to wash yourselves and get ready to face the world out there again. As soon as you left the house and reached the garden, your sister-in-law came closer and smirked at you.
“Enjoyed the night, lovebirds?”, she teasingly whispered to you and both of your hearts jumped into your rib cages, watching some awkwards smiles in your direction.
And the two of you knew at this point: you fucked up. 
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