#homeless wheelchair user
chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
I can’t live in over 99% of housing.
This is not an exaggeration.
“Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently.” HUD.gov
My experiences of homelessness are inherently tied to this.
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wheeliecoolpigeon · 9 months
An extended introduction for those interested! (And also a fundraising post, because damn my life isn't going great)
Hello everyone, I'm Phoenix Rose! I'm AuDHD, physically disabled, nonbinary and use They/it/She pronouns.
I'm a big fan of Homestuck, the Arc Of A Scythe book series, and most types of music, currently jamming out to a lot of hyperpop!
I absolutely adore pigeons, crows, ravens, and chickens, as well as snakes, spiders, and cats.
I'm a practicing Hellenistic pagan, an artist, and tend to dabble in writing short stories and poetry
I have limited use of my legs, partial seizures, and a slew of other problems, and recently got thrown out of my previous home, leading to me having to pretty much pack up what I could carry and move states, causing me to leave all my mobility aids behind.
Now for the part I hate the most! Asking for help!
As of right now, I'm currently homeless, in need of a new wheelchair as the one I'm currently using is being loaned to me and has a severe veering problem, and struggling to stay fed and hydrated enough.
If you'd be so kind as to send donations, I have CashApp and PayPal.
Any donations sent will go towards keeping me fed, any hospital bills I may end up having before I can switch over my insurance to the state I'm now in, my wheelchair fund, and other necessities!
If direct monetary donations aren't your thing and you'd prefer to send a specific item I might need, I also currently have an Amazon wishlist and a place I can receive packages!
Any and all help is appreciated! Have a wonderful day/night!
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neechees · 4 months
Raisedeyebrowemojii Scamming information post
So as some of you know, it's been revealed that @raisedeyebrowemojii was a scammer, and for those of you that don't know, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. This is going to be an information post on raisedeyebrowemojii's scamming, lies, the evidence, and where they stole from, and the debunking of all their claims as comprehensively as possible to help the people they scammed and manipulated get some closure, and hopefully to provide insight on how you might spot them again.
I carried out an investigation on the now confirmed scammer, and now deactivated user @blktransdyke, who deleted within hours of my callout post. On that post I connected blktransdyke as being the same person behind raisedeyebrowemojii due to the information both of them had posted for alleged fundraisers, which you can see in the post here. For a short recap, both blktransdyke and raisedeyebrowemojii "Jay" both had the exact same story of allegedly being trans/homeless/disabled and posted photos of the exact same brown tabby cat named "Trouble", both claiming that it was their "best friend's cat" and raisedeyebrowemojii created a patreon for Trouble the cat, only for me to find that Trouble the cat is a hyperpopular cat vlogging/fanpage with 42K followers on facebook, and both of these blogs stole from this page and neither of them were affiliated with this famous facebook.
Moving on, with some help, ive also found more evidence that raisedeyebrowemojii was a scammer. I know many people were already convinced by the callout post I already did, but I think it's important to debunk a lot of raisedeyebrowemojii's claims due to the fact that so many people thought they were genuine, that they had died, and due to the fact that they stole pretty much every detail of their alleged life from somewhere else, and I can prove it, so I want to clear things up, and maybe allow some people to gain peace in the knowledge that "Jay" did not die, and was never in danger of dying to begin with.
The rest of this post will be under the cut because again, this is going to get long. I encourage everyone who was approached by or donated to raisedeyebrowemojii to reblog to help get the word out, thank you. Image descriptions will be available in alt text.
For starters, raisedeyebrowemojii went by the name "Jay", and on the donation posts of theirs (scams), they used the paypal name "Jay Baldwin", and Jay claimed to be disabled (allegedly they had tourettes, autism, cerebral palsey, were deaf, in a wheelchair, had a terminal kidney disease, and allegedly other undisclosed disabilities), Canadian, that they lived in the city of Toronto (in Ontario, Canada), and a trans lesbian. Screenshots for that below
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Misuse of terminology & racefaking
Let's talk about their bio first. I suspect that the scammer behind this blog is neither Black nor Canadian, due to the fact that, as I mentioned in this post, 1. Black Canadians don't really refer to themselves as "African American" as much here in Canada, partly due to the fact that a lot of Black Canadians actually have roots from the Caribbean & not directly from Africa or America, 2. "Jay" claimed to be Canadian but also said they had an uncle & grandparents still living in South Africa, which means they're implying they're either a first or second generation African Canadian immigrant, so why would they call themselves "African American" if they have no national/ethnic ties to America, and they are Canadian? So, like the blktransdyke blog, who i proved is most likely the same person as raisedeyebrowemojii, both of these blogs are using incorrect/strange terminology for the ethnicities they claim to be, thus indicating racefaking and a falsified Nationality.
Falsified Nationality
Here I also have reason to believe this person is not Canadian, or in the very least, did not live in the city of Toronto, or likely the province of Ontario. Partly due to the evidence ive just given above, but also due to the reasons I'm about to give & the connected next point I'll get to soon. For one example, "Jay" made the donation post in the first screenshot i gave where they claimed they were scared they were going to freeze to death, and that they could hardly even type on their phone due to the absolute insane cold temperatures of Toronto.
However, I took a look at the Toronto weather forecast for the day that raisedeyebrowemojii posted that update (February 12th, 2023) and found that the temperature had gotten up to 6°C (or 42.8°F), with very little wind, and it didn't even get below freezing temperatures that day, and only got two degrees below freezing the night before (which is when they claim they were staying in a shelter). Canadians will know that this type of temperature in FEBRUARY is actually very very warm and pleasant. Like, unseasonably, weirdly warm. Screenshot for that below.
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Now, for an actual homeless person, being outside in the cold, even if it's warmer than usual, this is still difficult and harsh conditions to live under. However, this is still a large exaggeration from what Raisedeyebrowemojii claimed it was, and youre not very likely to freeze to death in this kind of weather compared to the usual Canadian temperatures. The way "Jay" described it makes me think that it is not a Canadian who made this post, and is someone who was not in Toronto to actually know what temperature it was that day, but just assumed it would be very cold.
Impersonation of the real Jay Baldwin
Thanks to some help (of people whom I will keep anonymous for their safety & as a precaution of the scammer harassing them), i managed to locate the identity of the REAL Jay Baldwin, and was able to concretely find out that this person is who raisedeyebrowemojii was impersonating. So, who is the real Jay Baldwin you ask?
Jay Baldwin is a Black, disabled (who uses a wheelchair and has Cerebral Palsey) nonbinary Canadian and the founder of the private Facebook support group "Disabled, Queer, and Fabulous" with over 1.1K members, and is a student at Carleton university in Ontario, Canada, and this Jay Baldwin has actually been doing really well for themselves, and has gotten pretty famous in the Ottawa area. And, as you can see, the raisedeyebrowemojii "Jay" apparently has a lot in common with THIS Jay Baldwin, including their names, being Black, a disabled wheelchair user with Cerebral palsey, nonbinary, Canadian living in Ontario, and both use they/them pronouns. But let me show you how I know they've been stealing from this person.
One way I can tell that raisedeyebrowemojii definitely was not THIS Jay Baldwin is their faces. On the screenshot to the left is the icon that raisedeyebrowemojii (of allegedly "themselves") used for their blog, taken from the webarchive screenshot of their blog, and to the right is a cropped portrait photo of the real Jay Baldwin, taken from this information page on the official Carleton University website, which also lists most of the information I just listed about the REAL Jay.
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Obviously these two people look absolutely nothing alike. And we can tell that raisedeyebrowemojii meant for their scamsona to look like the person on the left, because they also used a photo of another dark-skinned Black person in ANOTHER donation post. So they stole these selfies from a different person altogether, although I haven't yet been able to locate where they'd stolen them.
One of the reasons that raisedeyebrowemojii's lies were so convincing though is that they were stealing or misconstruing some of Jay Baldwin's life experiences almost in real time, and I believe that raisedeyebrowemojii was keeping tabs on Jay in order to harvest their life details. For example, on a Facebook post, Jay Baldwin mentioned the death of their father a few times, but also on June 26th 2022, made the memorial post below about the death of their uncle
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and meanwhile, on August 25th 2022, raisedeyebrowemojii ALSO suddenly started saying that their dad died, which you can see on the screenshot of their tumblr profile, which as webarchive screenshot shows, was not there before. While they changed the dates, raisedeyebrowemojii was clearly pulling from the real Jay's life, so it looks like we can see around the time that the dcammer decided to randomly incorporate this into their scamsona. As far as I can find, raisedeyebrowemojii never made a donation post regarding their "Father" and said that he was abusive, so adding this detail from the real Jay's life shows that it was unnecessary except to look more real and to manipulate people into believing them.
In the ways that raisedeyebrowemojii misconstrued things, they also of course constantly used the story that they were either homeless or on the verge of being homeless. Where Jay would post facebook updates of doing very well and being happy in life and even doing & hosting events for disability rights, raisedeyebrowemojii around the same time would post about needing money due to either allegedly starving, of dying, needing medical attention, or being homeless.
Below are screenshots of, in the order that they appear (so we're going chronologically in time that these were posted by both raisedeyebrowemojii and Jay Baldwin respectively) from left to right, raisedeyebrowemojii asking for money on February 16th 2023 talking about being in allegedly horrific conditions, then Jay Baldwin posting a peppy update on facebook, looking very happy and having a drink with the caption "Cheers to life!" on February 22nd, and then another donation scam post by raisedeyebrowemojii begging for money saying they're "on the streets" and "will die", posted on February 26th 2023.
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You'll be happy to know that the real Jay Baldwin is not homeless or food insecure, and seems to have had a good relationship with both of their parents and is in an accepting home, unlike what raisedeyebrowemojii claimed THEY had, and claimed they were being abused. Raisedeyebrowemojii likely falsified all that while still impersonating Jay and keeping tabs on them in order to create a false sense of urgency whenever they wanted money at random.
Normally I wouldn't go into this much detail about the people who were stolen from in scams, but I feel like this case in particular it was important to point out where the scammer was pulling from to debunk their lies, but also because the real Jay Baldwin has become quite an iconic figure in their area, and all this information was taken from multiple publicly available sources, and so I can only assume that Jay is comfortable with this personal information being known.
Little to no life details, interests, or personality outside of the impersonating Jay Baldwin, and manipulation
As I'm sure many of you know by now (as ive mentioned it in previous posts, and that some of you currently reading this were victims of the scammer), but raisedeyebrowemojii contacted multiple, predominantly Black users to attempt to befriend them, and they did this in order to appear more legitimate, and most likely so that they had "friends" to call upon should any of their scams have been questioned. We've also seen this with multiple other scammers where a new blog will appear and suddenly start tagging mostly Black users to ask them to (unknowingly) reblog their scam posts.
And as a more famous example, we've seen this with the famed scammer Laura Deramas where she befriended multiple users to get them to stick up for her.
But to get down to the title's point, outside of the life details they were stealing or misconstruing from the real Jay, Raisedeyebrowemojii didn't have much of their own personality or traits, which is common in scams. Say, for example, a scammer will create a scamsona who is a lesbian and loves cats and is making a fake donation post for a sick cat, and so in order to make their blog look more convincing, they will randomly reblog popular posts from tags about cats or lesbianism.
In Raisedeyebrowemojii's case, we had one user mention that while Raisedeyebrowemojii was trying to "befriend" them, Raisedeyebrowemojii would only answer very generic questions asked of them despite the fact that they sent the messages first appearing to try to get to know that user, like answering "I like reading!" Instead of answering what their favorite books are if asked about their interests. Below is a screenshot of that conversation. This user emphasizes that they never got an answer to the last question they asked.
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"Kidney disease" and alleged "death"
I stated on my blog that I believe raisedeyebrowemojii randomly said that they were diagnosed with a "terminal kidney disease" (allegedly chronic kidney disease) specifically with the view that they could leave, deactivate, or abandon their blog and then move onto ANOTHER scam blog (and likely this was the blktransdyke blog) without looking suspicious or weird, because then people would just assume they had died, which is exactly what happened.
Raisedeyebrowemojii stopped posting around June 2023, and the blktransdyke blog appeared in early April 2023, which makes me think this is when they started to move to that blog or potentially even another blog we don't yet know about. Funeral scams, or scams where the scammer pretends their persona has "died" in general is not new and is actually pretty common. It's possible that raisedeyebrowemojii was going to (or may still attempt) to return on another blog and pretend to be a family member or "friend" of the raisedeyebrowemojii in order to ask for alleged "funeral money", which we've seen with blogs like the now deleted blog @destrawberry.
But the main reason I think why they stopped posting in specifically June is because that is around the time the real Jay Baldwin was gaining popularity again, doing multiple public events, and was doing very very well, so I think the scammer became aware there was now more of a chance of people discovering their scam. In June, Jay won an award at an LGBT film festival for a documentary they had made ("Supporting Out Selves") and an Academic Hospital wrote a piece on their success, and in August they announced that they teamed up with ASE Community Foundation for Black Canadians with Disabities to host their 3rd student summit in September. You can find evidence of this by googling or by looking at Jay Baldwin's facebook, but of course, please give respect to the real Jay Baldwin & do not pester them.
All in all I hope that this clarifies a lot of things for those of you that were confused by all this, and again, I extend my dearest sympathies to those who donated to raisedeyebrowemojii and were manipulated by them, I know the feeling and I'm so terribly sorry that it's happened to you too. I advise any Black users especially to be very cautious about any new blogs with a donation post up that is new, and this new blog is trying to ask you to reblog their donation post: it's common for scammers to retarget anybody who may have donated to them, talked to them, or even just barely interacted with them before.
I'll put some of raisedeyebrowemojii's old paypals, gfm accounts, etc in either the replies or another reblog, because for now I'm running out of space. If you donated to them at any point, i suggest you report their accounts where you did the donating. And in the mean time, my colleague @kyra45 is taking testimonies on raisedeyebrowemojii, so if you have an experience with this scammer and would like to share that experience with us so we can document this scammer's behavior, please send Kyra an ask.
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batwynn · 9 months
In 2019 I made a complaint to an office that handles complaints about accessibility about a ramp and door at a local post office that was not accessible at all for people who use wheelchairs or walkers. I am not a walker or wheelchair user, but I noticed that there was a large gap in the ramp that wheels could get trapped in, the ramp itself was short, and provided no space for someone to turn to enter, and the door had no button AND could not even open completely to let someone through.
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It’s hard to see from the Google Maps, but it was BAD. And it pissed me off. So I made a report. I got passed around from office to office for a few months, then nothing. 2020 comes around and the pandemic is hitting a high. I’ve moved towns and I’m dealing with a kind of shitty living situation that’s driven the ramp out of mind. I got a call one day from a man in one of the many offices the complaint was forwarded to. He is adamant that this ramp and door will be fixed. I mean, he assures me with passion that this will be fixed. At the time, I was really impressed and happy to hear something like that because I didn’t think anyone would still care while so much bad stuff was going on in the world.
And then I get mistreated and harassed by people based on my disabilities and gender. I become homeless because of it. I made an official complaint about discrimination, and the offenders lie through their teeth. The office handling my complaint says it didn’t happen, and closes the case. So I don’t exactly believe in these protections and offices that promise you’ll be helped so much anymore. I checked Google Maps one last time to see no changes sometime in 2021. It’s been a bitter, shitty feeling to hold on to for years now.
And then I checked my email just now.
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Ideally, they’d have added a door with an automatic opener, but they actually fixed everything else! They fixed it!
They fucking fixed it!
So, make those complaints. If a business or building is breaking the law by being inaccessible, fuck them up. Get your friend to report it, too. Maybe it will take four years, but maybe not. Maybe someone will genuinely care and actually fix it.
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flowercrowncrip · 5 months
Why am I against assisted suicide for disabled people who aren’t at end of life?
Here are some things that I’ve personally experienced when I’ve been in various treatable mental health crises as a severely disabled wheelchair user:
Being told by a mental health professional that there’s no hope for me and I’ll always be suicidal because my physical disabilities mean my life is objectively not worth living – and isn’t it such a shame they can’t help me end my life in this country (luckily I wasn’t thinking of my disability when I was wanting to die and this pissed me off enough to stay alive to spite them)
Being told by the talking therapy team at uni that I can’t do talking therapy because I have a (at the time severe) speech impairment and getting sent home with no alternative.
Being told that normally they’d hospitalise someone with my symptoms, but the mental health wards aren’t able to accommodate someone with my physical disabilities so they’re just going to send me home with extra meds and check up on me in a few days to make sure I’m still alive.
So accessing mental health support is harder for physically disabled people despite the huge impact of ableism on our mental health. Like constantly being told you’re not worth saving during the ongoing pandemic. The financial stress of fighting to get benefits that aren’t enough to comfortably live on. Homelessness or being trapped in inappropriate housing due to lack of physically and financially accessible housing. Fighting for appropriate pain management, diagnosis and treatment. Not having access to appropriate funding for carers, mobility aids or other basic daily living aids let alone adaptive equipment for hobbies like video games or painting. The avoidable impact of ableism on physically disabled people is endless but solvable
Until we believe as a society that severely disabled people can and usually do have a good quality of life especially if our needs are met, and until we are willing to actually meet those need, I don’t want to hear about how anyone should be helping certain disabled people to end our lives while preventing everyone else from acting on those same thoughts.
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trans-axolotl · 10 days
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(Described in alt text)
okay I don’t always share photos of me on here but I graduated!!!! despite everything that happened in college (a year of online school, getting institutionalized for four months, almost getting kicked out of my university, becoming homeless, becoming a wheelchair user in the middle of writing my thesis, getting arrested halfway through my senior finals, etc etc etc) I still did it and I actually cannot fucking believe it. graduated magna cum laude with honors for my thesis, got inducted into two academic honor societies, and won the Dean’s award for commitment to social Justice.
I am so fucking grateful for everyone who helped this happen, especially to my comrades and fellow seniors who disrupted grad events with me.
when I was 18 one of the reasons I got diagnosed with psychosis was because I told the psychiatrist that I had just got accepted to university and he didn’t believe me. he told me I was severely mentally ill (true lmao) that I would never be able to live outside of an institution (less true) and that there was no way someone like me had been accepted to college, so the only explanation was that I was delusional. I wish I still had his contact info so that I could send him my diploma as a fuck you. a large part of why I graduated was BECAUSE of my schizoaffective and how that’s shaped me, the community I’ve found, the topics I chose to study, the way my mind works and builds connections. it feels deeply surreal to have actually graduated university as one of only two wheelchair users at my university and as part of the 1% of college students who have psychosis. most of the people in my family did not have the opportunity to attend college and it still does not feel real to me.
fuck my university and fuck admin for not divesting and fuck the discrimination I’ve experienced here over the years. I finished and I’m so fucking happy that I don’t have to come back!!!
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theconcealedweapon · 2 months
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No one "calls" someone cis. No one approaches someone and says "hello, cisgender ma'am". You're making up something to be mad about.
Cisgender just means not transgender. If you're really that offended by it, you could just ask for a different word to be used. It happens all the time. Those who are offended by "wheelchair bound person" prefer "wheelchair user". Those who are offended by "illegal immigrant" prefer "undocumented immigrant". Those who are offended by "homeless person" prefer "unhoused person".
So if the word "cis" bothers you that much, you could instead ask for "non-trans" to be used. But that never happens. Those who are offended by "cis" never seem to have an alternative for what they'd prefer to be called. And that's because what they're offended by is transgender people existing.
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cripple-punk-dad · 2 months
Being a physically, visibly disabled, full-time wheelchair user in technical theater is absolutely hellish, btw. I have yet to see a backstage, tech booth, fly rail, seating area, bathroom, or catwalk that would actually meet ADA standards 100%.
I have been told by MULTIPLE professors, all of which have had a long career in the professional industry that I am the first wheelchair user they know who is interested in theater tech. Some of these people are in their 50's-60's. These are the same professors that come to me, A FRESHMAN (1st year!) to ask about casting choices/potentially offensive dialogue/sensitivity reading. I'm not offended by that, just exceptionally concerned about the apparent lack of resources.
All of the literature I have found about disabled people in theater focuses heavily on physically disabled actors (it is excellent that those books exist, obviously. Don't misconstrue that).
Best/standard practice for intimacy and fight choreography completely ignores mobility aid users. In fact, most of the people I regularly interact with have absolutely no idea how to talk about physical disability in any capacity. I had an upperclassman ask me if "invalid" was more offensive than "cripple", for Christ's sake.
Don't even get me STARTED on the disabled exceptionalism that is rampant in this industry. I feel this pressure to be the best at literally everything because if I don't, then no one will hire me because if I'm not overqualified, they aren't going to want to accommodate me (even if they're required to by law). If they think you're a defective cog before they put you in the machine, they're going to buy another fucking cog.
And of course, because it's fucking theater and it's all usually just one big network of circle-jerking, I have to be as polite and understanding and accommodating as I can be. Because these people could potentially be my ticket to a job one day. So I have to keep up the charming, wacky goofy funny guy routine all the fucking time because someone not liking my vibes could literally mean homelessness at some point.
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urbancripple · 11 months
Originally wrote this for disability awareness month but since this is apparently disability pride month, I feel like applies:
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It’s Disability Awareness Month. The time of year where corporations post about all the ways they support the disabled community while fighting legal action against their inaccessible website. Where people talk about how much they support their disabled relatives while actively voting against their interests and well‐being.
All of that shit aside, I can’t deny how much laws like the ADA have had a positive impact on my life and how much disability representation and media has improved since I was a kid. But, as a wheelchair user, there’s one question I just can’t seem to answer: if we’ve made so much progress, where the fuck is everybody?
Everywhere I go, every store I enter, every bus I ride, every job I’ve had—why am I the only person (below retirement age and that isn’t homeless) in a wheelchair in the whole fucking place? Where the fuck is everybody?
I mean, can you imagine how weird that feels? Imagine if everywhere you went, you were the only man in the place. Seriously, think about it. Go to the gym? No guys. Grocery store? Ladies as far as the eye can see. Job interviews? Bus rides? Swimming pools? Every once and a while you’ll be at a bar and someone will come up to you and say something like “Hey! My cousin’s a man! Do you guys know each other? Yeah, they got in an accident when he was 20. Drunk driver dude‐ed them from the waste down. Crazy stuff.”
It gets so bad that you can put “look for the man” in the delivery instructions when you order pizza at the bar and they always find you. And when you do actually see another man in public, it’s so shocking that you can’t help but stare. What impact would that have on how you perceive yourself? How would you feel whenever you went out in public? Would you feel welcome? Accepted? Safe?
999 out of a 1000 times I go out, I am literally the only person in a wheelchair that doesn’t have a “spare any change?” sign in front of them. It’s boggles my mind how people can talk about “disability awareness” when no one seems to notice that a huge group of disabled people seem to have gone missing from daily public life!
Here’s what I think happened: laws like the ADA made things accessible but they never really made things equitable. It’s like how you can call a chicken “cage free” if you let it walk around, but still keep it indoors. Grab bars, IEPs, and elevators don’t change the job market in a small town. No amount of accessibility is going to cut the price of getting a car modified. If the cheapest apartments in town are too small or too old for a wheelchair user to live in, they might as well not exist.
Ramps and wide doors won’t fix an economic system designed to exclude anyone who doesn’t have access to 5 senses and four limbs. Until we start focusing on economic accessibility instead of just physical accessibility, a large portion of disabled folk are going to remain missing.
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chronicallycouchbound · 4 months
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I can’t live in over 99% of housing.
This is not an exaggeration.
“Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently.” (HUD.gov)
My experiences of homelessness are inherently tied to this.
[ ID: Red capitalized text on a cream colored background reads: “I can’t live in 99% of housing” the “99%” is much larger than the other text. Below that in pink small font reads: “Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently. HUD.gov” End ID. ]
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starzoomies · 4 months
also hi I'm not doing well so maybe donate to my rent gofundme
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
severely disabled trans person recovering from homelessness needs help with bills
hello, my name is equinox, i am a schizophrenic trans person with hypermobile EDS, arthritis, fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease. i am a cane and wheelchair user. i was just homeless for 6 months, 2 of which were spent in a hotel paying $40/night. i have finally moved into my new apartment after months of back and forth. moving in was costly, as i had to spend hundreds on a storage unit, transportation to get my possessions into my home, and buying necessary things like a bed and desk to work at
i currently need to pay my internet bill, which is necessary for my job, as i run a jewelry & art business online. i was not aware my internet bill was already due as there was some confusion when i was getting my internet set up and my apartment complex delayed my move in date by several weeks. i cannot conduct business without wifi as my phone has limited data per month. i am currently saving up for rent or i would be able to pay this fairy easily:
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if you're interested in helping, you can do so these ways:
cash app: $glitterGraphix
pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail .com
chime: $Equinoxian
venmo: $Equinoxian
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accessibleaesthetics · 10 months
Accessibility nightmare, my city (Paulinia, in Brazil) is changing the bus stops to be more accessible including 5 seats with an anti-homeless rails because fuck the homeless I guess and a wheelchair area that I'm not so sure if a wheelchair could indeed fit but I don't have one so I can't check
While yes those changes are mostly good and very helpful as every stop has seats now....except they didn't change anything beyond those
One of the bus stops was right between two highly movimented streets that I(a cane user) had to depend on the drivers feeling like stopping for me because there was no stop signs
The busses are supposed to be wheelchair accessible but they require THE DRIVER to leave the bus open to adjust the ramp and back, do that again when the wheelchair user leaves as they can't do that alone
Wow. There is...a lot to unpack here.
First of all, adding anti-homeless rails to any structure inherently makes it less accessible. In fact, that's very much the point of them. They don't get a gold star for making something more accessible to one group while simultaneously making it less accessible to another. And to be honest, they make the structure inaccessible to more than just people trying to lie down.
As for the location, they should defintely put in a stop sign. Or a crosswalk. Or something, because yikes.
Now, I'm not sure about the last part. I know busses in the U.S that I've come across usually have an extendable ramp in the main entrance the driver can deploy, but that would leave you with the same issue. Is it possible to make a wheelchair accessible entrance to a bus that does not require the driver to do something?
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orphee-aux-enfers · 6 months
Did u know a lot of wheelchair users in fact go through a lot of other mobility aids first as their health declines and either have to pay out of pocket or jump through hoops to manage to get a wheelchair and then still have to keep jumping through hoops for the rest of their lives, get hit in the face with bags when travelling, left behind on planes trains etc., end up homeless or have to be dragged up stairs by their loved ones because no ground floor housing exists and you can't afford to adapt things, are blocked from jobs they're perfectly qualified for because the employer added a minimum weight limit with no associated tasks, and overall struggle just as much being disabled as any other disabled person?
Like. C'mon.
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psychologeek · 10 months
So, on my last fic I added somethings from my personal experience, as both disabled (though I don't use a wheelchair) and past youth at risk. And just, it got important to me, and I wanted to share it.
It's Barbara Gordon focused, and even though it's not JUST about her recovery, it's still part of it.
And it's just - it's really important to me. You CAN grieve what you'll never be, and what might have been taken from you. And you CAN be happy and proud as a disabled person. And both CAN co-exist at the same time.
I'm proud to be who I am (mostly). I think I'm going to a good place in life. But it doesn't change the fact that sometimes I hate the fact I need help in things, or the way my brain works, or how people don't seem to understand when I say-this is HARD for me.
And it's something that we can't usually show out. Bc when the world keep pushing you down, telling you you're wrong, unworthy, unable - you can only FIGHT or surrender. So we go out there, saying "no, I'm strong! No, I can do this! I'm great! I wouldn't change a thing!" And sometimes it's true. And sometimes it's less true, but we can't tell this to "outsiders" bc THEY DON'T GET IT.
Anyway, this is my take on Barbara Gordon. I hope you like this.
There are things (walking, running, grappling through the city at night, wind in her hair- ) she'll never do again. Other skills (dressing, washing, moving from one place to another-) she had to re-learn, finding new ways to do what was so easy before. It's been years, and she graduated college, even with the injury. (Study on painkillers, reading while doing the PT exercise). She got a job as a librarian. She learned new skills (rolling, coding, how to be the eye-in-the-sky, and coordinating big and small teams-). She's not the same person as she was. ("You evolved", grins the fifteen years old little shit who still lives, rent-free, in her head. "You're like a fucking Pokemon!")
I'm not a wheelchair user, but I had to use one for a few days last month. I use forearm crutches sometimes, for injuries or chronic pain. And I just thought it would be nice to add how much accessibility aids are AMAZING. Like, being disabled is hard - but it's not bc of the aids we need. On the contrary. Mobility (and other) aids HELP US. I love using crutches, bc it means less pain on bad days. It means I CAN leave my house, even during bad days. noise-blocking Headphones mean I can be around people even when things are harder.
I also tried to respect the grief and sadness about things that she can't do, or had to relearn how to do (differently) while showing it's not the end. It's hard, but things are possible.
[I hope it makes sense. Thinking is a little hard now]
The Back Room and Shelter are inspired by places I used to go as a teen. The BR, especially, is based on a specific YaR center that was my safe place, my shelter, during difficult times as a teen. When I didn't, couldn't trust anyone they were there. When I ran away, when I was homeless, they helped with food and getting housing.
They'll never read it, but thank you for being there.
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
Is your public transit accessible to the physically disabled: some things to consider!
Note that I'm most familiar with wheelchair accessibility as I have personal experience with that, and I'll mainly be discussing buses, but many of these points can also be applied to vans or other vehicles that may be part of your public transit system. Additionally, some of these points may not be applicable to different places (i.e. a bus driver walking a disabled person to the front door of their destination works fine in a small town like mine, but isn't an option for a busy city).
Do your bus stops have even sidewalks, and a nearby incline so wheelchair users can get over the curb?
Do your bus stops have a place to sit, preferably in the shade?
Are the seats at your bus stop able to accomodate fat people?
Do the seats at your bus stop have hostile architecture meant to dissuade the homeless from getting comfortable on them? Get rid of that.
Are your bus drivers trained and willing to respect their passengers? (Are they willing to not stare or make inappropriate comments/ask personal questions?)
Does your bus have a lift and adequate space within it for a wheelchair?
Does your bus have a railing to aid people in climbing the steps?
Are your bus drivers trained and willing to aid people in climbing the steps if asked?
Are your bus drivers trained and willing to wait until a passenger is seated before they drive?
Does your bus have a way to anchor a wheelchair in place, ALONG WITH a seatbelt for the wheelchair user? Some wheelchairs- most notably the cheaper ones- aren't equipped with a seatbelt.
If a wheelchair user would prefer to sit in one of the bus' seats, are your bus drivers trained and willing to offer assistance if needed?
Is there a spot for a wheelchair user to safely store their chair if they choose to sit in one of the bus' seats?
Does your bus allow food and drink? This point is a tricky one, as some people may need to eat or drink while on the bus, such as a diabetic who urgently needs sugar, while others cannot safely be around strangers' snacks, due to an allergy or otherwise.
If food and drink are allowed, is your bus kept clean?
Does your bus have a place to dispose of trash?
Are your bus drivers trained and willing to help people into their destination if asked?
Tied to the previous point- do your bus drivers know how to safely open a door for a wheelchair user? (For example, not leaning over them to open it [???], making sure it doesn't shut on them, ect.)
Are your bus drivers trained and willing to offer aid in medical emergencies?
If there's anything I've missed, feel free to either reply to the post, or reblog with your suggestions!
Now, my final point is this: You don't have to be disabled to call out accessibility issues. Hear our voices and advocate for us. Speak up when you see issues we've mentioned! Tell store managers that their aisles are too thin, or their benches too few in number! Things don't have to be this way. Public transit is wonderful, but it's even better when it's available to everyone.
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