#hocus pocus novelization
ghostflowerdreams · 3 years
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
The book Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel by A. W. Jantha was released in 2018, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 1993 film, Hocus Pocus. The first part is based on the screenplay of the original movie by Mick Garris, Neil Cuthbert and story by David Kirschner and again, Mick Garris. The second half is the sequel that takes place twenty-five years after the original.
I’m only going to be focusing on the first half of the story to see what’s different in the novelization and the original film and what new information was added to it or if there was any other changes.
Why was Emily Binx picked out of all the other Salem kids?
In the film we only know that Emily was lured away by Sarah’s singing. But in the novel it was revealed that she and the other children in Salem were getting dreams for months, tempting them to go into the forest to find the Sanderson sisters’ cottage.
It wasn’t until the next day, in the early morning of October 31 of 1693, that Emily was lured away by the song. But before that it seems that Sanderson sister’s had specifically targeted Emily. She wasn’t afraid of them because whenever she ran into them in town and they were always nice to her and constantly complimenting her.
It’s not show in the film, but in the novel Emily was reading a book the day before she was lured away...
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, which is a Puritan story in the form of an allegory about the struggles of a pilgrim trying to stay true to his beliefs, avoid temptations, and remain on the narrow path to heaven.
How old was Emily when she died?
She was eight years old.
Where did the Sanderson sisters get the dead man’s toe for the potion?
When Thackery was watching them to find the right time to rescue his sister, he realized that the big toes came from...
George Flamsteed, the kind old fisherman whose boat had capsized in late September. He’d washed ashore untouched—except that he’d been missing both his big toes.
How old was Thackery Binx when he was turned into a immortal black cat?
He was 13 years old.
What happened to the spell book when the Sanderson sisters were hanged?
It was dropped to the ground by a frighten boy named Elijah Morris, who was the judge’s apprentice and Thackery’s best friend. While everyone was distracted and began to shuffle off, the spell book was closed and lifted.
“As the book rose, the eyelid on its cover blinked open and the watery green iris searched out its rescuer. Through a film of cataracts and rain, the spell book’s eye saw thick dark curls obscuring a face, and then it was tucked beneath an arm and secreted away.”
Before being hanged what did Winifred noticed?
There was someone in the back of the crowd. Winifred looked amused to see them and later on it was revealed by Allison that...
“According to town records, this went missing after the Sanderson sisters were hanged. They found it in another woman’s house just a few days later. I guess she wanted to try it out for herself.”
What new sneakers did Max get and why did he get them?
They’re black Nikes which he got from his parents as a pity gift for the abrupt move to Massachusetts. But in the film the sneakers were specifically Nike Air Trainer Platinum.
Why did Max’s family move to Salem and when?
Max’s dad accepted the transfer to a new management position in Salem. It happened in October, only two weeks from Halloween.
How old is Dani?
She’s eight years old.
What’s the name of the high school that Max and Alison go to?
Jacob Bailey High School
When Dani embarrassed Max in front of Alison about how, “Max likes your yabos,” Dani said. “In fact, he loves them.” We also learned that they have a aunt in Seattle.
“Max, meanwhile, wondered how he could possibly redeem himself, or at least explain himself. He also wondered whether his parents would mind if Dani mysteriously went missing and ended up living with their aunt in Seattle.”
Dani didn’t want to go the the Sanderson’s house with Max and Alison, but he promised to do anything she wanted if she did this for him.
Dani patted his shoulder to quiet him. “Okay. Next year we go trick-or-treating as Wendy and Peter Pan”—she leaned in close, her nose almost touching his—“with tights, or it’s no deal.”
We learned that Max went to a baseball camp.
Dani sighed and looked at Allison. “Max failed out of baseball camp,” she said, sounding resigned.
Max tricked the Sanderson sisters with the sprinklers, but before they left...
“Winifred rescued the Black Flame Candle and stuck it in a tall kitchen cupboard, safely away from the strange metal clouds in the ceiling that spilled rain all over her mother’s furniture and carpet.”
In Winifred’s memory it is revealed that there’s a fourth Sanderson sister...
“She’d stood there and clutched the gate and watched a graveyard wedding take place more than three hundred years before—had watched another Sanderson say her vows in the only place where Winifred and her sisters didn’t dare intervene.”
Why did they want more children souls?
Because, you great buffoon,” Winifred said, wondering why the Devil had cursed her mother with so many senseless offspring, we want to live forever, not just until tomorrow. The more children we snatch, the longer we live.”
Why did Winifred go after Dani when Sarah’s song had lured plenty of other children to the house?
“Besides, I want to get that little rat-faced kid that called me—”
“Oh,” Mary said, rushing over, “don’t say it.”
“Ugly?” asked Sarah.
Winifred and Mary both cringed.
“She really hurt my feelings,” whimpered Winifred. “She doesn’t even know me.”
What were those two big cages previously used for?
“Once there, she summoned two of her favorite cages from the closet. They’d once housed Winifred’s prized phoenix twins—the ones Mary set free out of pity at the age of twelve.”
When Alison suggested to use the spell book to find a way to helped Binx, she discovered that Winifred wasn’t the last one to use it. It was someone named...
Elizabeth Sanderson
The film ends with the exhausted parents leaving the Town Hall after being freed from the curse. Then it switches to Jay and Ernie still dangling in their cages, singing ‘Row, Row, Row, Your Boat’, then the camera pans over to the spell book as the eye opens once more. However, in the novel...
Meanwhile, on its podium Winifred’s spell book slowly opened its eye and looked around, feeling the loss of its master. But then it rose into the air. Jay and Ernie screamed and shook the bars of their cages at the strange sight. The book soared out of the window and into the early morning light. It floated above the cemetery and through the town square, passing the crowd of adults who filed, stumbling, out of Town Hall after a night of endless dancing.
It continued flying, higher and higher, seeking its master...
It wouldn’t stop until it found her.
From that we learned that Elizabeth Sanderson, the fourth Sanderson sister is hinted to be still alive. Because who else would the spell book be referring to when it knows Winifred is back in Hell? All it has to do is just wait for her there where she can easily find it.
Even though I focused on the first half of the book, there’s a few things from the the All-New Sequel that I wanted to make a note of on here. Such as...
To prevent another virgin from lighting the remaining stub of the Black Flame Candle...
[Max] Dad bought a safe to lock up the stub of the Black Flame Candle.
...is locked in a safe in our attic. My mom checks on it twice a year, just to make sure no one has gotten their hands on it.
To convince Dani to visit the Sanderson sisters’ cottage, Max made a deal with her that for next Halloween he’ll wear the Peter Pan costume, with the tights while she goes as Wendy. Max kept his promised because...
When Poppy was looking for the key to the Sanderson sisters’ house, she saw a framed photo of her dad and aunt Dani when they were younger, dressed as Peter Pan and Wendy.
We discover that it wasn’t just a random woman that spotted Emily being lured away by the song from her window. 
It was actually Elizabeth Sanderson who tried to stop her, but when she looked away to answer her husband Emily had left.
The reason Elizabeth took the spell book was because...
Once my sisters were hanged, I took up the book to try to bring Emily back from the grave, but it only led a hateful mob right to my doorstep.
At the very end it’s revealed that William "Billy" Butcherson has a brother who might be a witch too, and had his eye taken to be used in the creation of the spell book.
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I do a very thorough job of complaining about art that disappoints or engages me, and not enough time on praising art I think is well done. I went to a half great concert last night (pictures later) and I am currently engrossed in historical fiction where the main character is a conversa/crypto-jew who can work minor miracles and is, for honestly very good plot reasons, not laying low about it. I'm not willing to write an essay on it until I finish it--even dog books have betrayed me at the very end before--but, honestly? Can't remember the last time a recent "serious" novel enthralled me at all.
Naturally, you may wonder how I chose it. Did I read a glowing review? Did I see it on some industry insider list? Did I encounter an enchanting quote?
Nah. It's The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo and the cover is pretty and has a scorpion on it. I assumed it was gonna be a novel about a magical talking pet scorpion.
spoiler: it is not
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azazel-dreams · 5 months
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Justice League Unlimited: Hocus Pocus (graphic novel)
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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mxbutchtwink · 2 years
I'm not seeing a lot of hype for Halloween this year so I want to start of the festivities by listing every monster I would have sex with. Number on-
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ahalal-uralma · 11 months
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I…need…to get this. 😳
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grimmgrinningghouls · 2 years
Hocus pocus 2 comes out tomorrow and I am VIBRATING
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Who’s ready for Halloween tomorrow?
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cambion-companion · 8 months
BG3 Companions on a Halloween Date
YES I was itching to do something for the BG3 gang for the season. You could say it's been bugging me. Hah. Ok sorry it's the influence of my pfp.
Let's start with
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You want a cozy night in under the covers, watching scary movies (or puppet shows or whatever the heck is the equivalent in Faerun) but he's not sold on the idea. "I've seen enough horror to last me several lifetimes, darling."
Instead Astarion would take you out in the crisp Autumn air, under the distant sun, for a walk crunching through the dried leaves of brown and red.
He'd want to go to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect gourd for a Jack-o-Lantern.
When the sun set so very early in the afternoon, you'd retire back to your cozy abode and set to carving faces into your pumpkins.
Astarion of course would make short work of his, dexterous as ever with those knives, and he would do his best to shape the face into what he hopes he looks like.
Either that or, depending on where you're at in his character arc, he'd remake Cazador BEFORE gutting it and making a whole show of utterly eviscerating the poor Halloween decoration. "Astarion, this is supposed to be relaxing." "This IS my ideal downtime."
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You want someone who will snuggle under the covers and watch Hocus Pocus with you? Wyll is your man. But sorry I'm trying to keep to a less modern AU.
Wyll seems like the kind of guy who would put on some fitting music as you two cooked together, dancing in the kitchen intermittently and almost forgetting to check on the cookies before they burned.
He's such a sweetheart, checking to make sure you're happy with just spending an evening indoors with him. "We can go out on the town if you desire, sweetheart." "No, Wyll, I've told you this is absolutely perfect."
Depending on the choices you've made with him thus far, Mizora might pop in to dip her finger in the batter and bamf out again, giving ya'll a cheeky wink. "Ta ta, love imps. You make me physically ill."
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Sigh, you're back for more bones hm?
Alright I'll entertain you.
You ask Withers to dance to Spooky Scary Skeletons. He looks at you, unimpressed. "Get thee hence." "Wilt thou harass someone else?"
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Ideally I would propose and she'd say "yes". Oh what? Sorry, I was miles away.
For a Halloween date. Hm. A corn maze. Definitely.
She'd be all about her tutelage under Shar's freaks followers and want to show off her sneaking skills.
It would turn into a game of hide-and-go-seek and then it'd get a little creepy before she'd inevitably pounce on you and you'd end of in a fit of laughter together.
"I wasn't going to hurt you!" "Well, Shaddy, sometimes I wonder." "Good to keep you on your toes, then." "Careful, I saw a pond on the way in."
Then you two would go and get some candied apples and chat about memories and flowers that bloom in the gloaming.
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Oh Gale.
He'd love to read to you out of a classic gothic novel (cough cough Dracula cough cough) while you two cozy up under some blankets.
He'd probably get fresh with you and run a hand up your leg or something, OH SORRY this is post the patch that fixed that? OK. He'd wait an extra hour.
Tara would curl up next to you and listen as he read from the book, the firelight crackling and warming your bodies as the night grows dark outside.
Afterward he would ask if you'd like to be guided into the Astral plane where you can look down on the All Hallow's Eve festivities below.
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yeah, gotta give Tiefling daddy some love. Especially since I still feel bad for massacring them all my last playthru.
Zevlor is another who has seen his fair share of horror, and he would opt to do something more lighthearted with you for a Halloween date.
He seems like a family kind of man, so I expect he would invite the whole gang over for a delicious dinner. Mol and her friends, Arabella and her parents. Rolan and Zorru and maybe even Auntie Ethel will sneak in there. Then it really WOULD be a Halloween experience.
After the dinner and the guests are snoozing or already left he'd wrap an arm around you and pull you close. "Would you accompany me outside? I would like to show you the stars and tell their tales. It's been so long since I've gotten to properly admire them. Or you."
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Of course I have to include the daddy devil, who do you think I am?
Raphael would take you to a haunted house, of course. OF COURSE.
Hell, what better house that is haunted than the House of Hope?
It would be horrifying for you, since the no touching rules don't apply there, and most amusing for him.
You'd practically climb the cambion in your efforts to avoid the ghosties, especially that one who constantly says "huuuurt meeee, pleeeaaase."
Raphael would enjoy watching you squirm, and remind you such a fate would not be yours only IF you followed his rules.
Oh yeah, and maybe if you're lucky, or perhaps very unlucky, he'll invite you to his Boudoir.
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Oak Father frowns on dissecting pumpkins for the sake of creating superfluous lanterns (or something...I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, ok)
Instead, Halsin would druid craft you vines and harvest fruits in whatever shapes, sizes, and colors you desired.
He'd also want to go trick or treating so BADLY. "But Halsin, you're eight feet tall and built like a linebacker. No one is going to mistake you for a kid." Then he'd cast Disguise Self and you'd be forced to take him out on the town in hunt of candy.
Poor guy didn't have much of a childhood and wants to experience the finer things in life. Get those king sized candy bars...just once.
You are a bit huffy, having expected a more...romantic evening than this. But he'll make it up to you later winkwonk , till you can bearly stand it.
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You guys would get all CUTE and gussied up together.
Go out on the town.
Pick the best looking victim to be a sacrifice to Lolth.
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todorokies · 9 months
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megumi reminds me so much of autumn . . . the leaves turning frail and crunchy, the outdoor air carrying a cold breeze that shakes wind chimes, the days fall short whereas the nights stills longer, warm maroon coloured sweaters, vanilla and apple scents follows in bakeries and candle shops . . .
this time of year cast a lovely veil over megumi’s life which temporarily reliefs him of his duties as a sorcerer. he chooses his spare time wisely and doesn’t take it for granted, since you occupy most of his thoughts its only warranted he spends his lazy saturdays with you by his side.
the first saturday of october, you both visit a secondhand book store after grabbing tea at a cozy cafe. megumi buys a agatha christie novel, the murder at the vicarage, you on the other hand buy a r.l stine goosebumps book. he sighs with a soft smile of his face, “typical…” he mutters to himself.
the second saturday of october, you, yuji, and nobara somehow grouped megumi into playing with an ouija board. after countless attempts of asking questions to the actual thin air, the planchette moves to the ‘yes’ side of the board after you and nobara jokingly asked: ‘does someone haunt the dorm room in the male east wing?’ the room was soon filled with screams of terror . . . needless to say you spent the night in your boyfriend’s dorm cuddled up in his arms.
the third saturday of october consists of going into tokyo for a street festival. traditional snacks, candy apples, cinnamon rolls and the smell of caramel wafts throughout the street. going hand in hand manoeuvring through the large crowd while looking at the cool vendors and displays and occasionally saying, “look 'gumi let's check this one out!”
with the fourth and final saturday of october, you currently reside in the commoner kitchen sitting on top of the counter watching megumi use halloween-themed cookie cutters on pre-made dough. the plan for tonight was to stay in and watch hocus pocus, after some time you break the comfortable silence, "so... since when do you like halloween?" a small smirk plays on his lips "who said i didn't?"
“you don’t seem like the type, you know?” you take a neatly rolled up piece of cookie dough off the baking sheet to prop it in your mouth, “if i didn’t know you well enough i’d probably think your favourite holiday was something boring like new year’s.” he snickers at your claim but covers it up with a fake dry cough not wanting to give you that full satisfaction.
he ends up choosing to ignore your comment, “there’s a lot of things to do around the fall time that entertains me. that’s all.” you teasingly wiggle your eyebrows clearly fascinated by this new discovery. “did you ever dress up for halloween?”
“gojo used to dress me and tsumiki up all the time when we were little. one year we went as oompa loompas and he dressed as willy wonka.” his eyebrow slightly twitches in annoyance by the faint memory.
you hold in your laughter mainly to protect megumi’s ego and make a mental note to ask gojo for proof with pictures later. “i’m glad you wanna spend this month with me it seems like it means a lot to you.” you blurt out suddenly while fondly smiling at him as you softly trace over his chuckles with your finger.
his breath gets stuck in his throat and he can practically feel the blush climbing from his neck up to his face. you always seem to do this to him; make him awestruck and flustered like an idiot with a freshly new crush. but in hindsight, he doesn’t think the puppy love phase will ever end, at least not for him, you still make his stomach flip and tumble after many months together.
contrary to popular belief, megumi believes that the month of love doesn’t take place in february, but in the month of october. where the orange, yellow, and red is a far more appealing set of colours than pink and white.
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3 a/n: in honor of it being september
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ghostflowerdreams · 3 years
Book Review: Hocus Pocus & The All-New Sequel by A. W. Jantha
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Hocus Pocus is beloved by Halloween enthusiasts all over the world. Diving once more into the world of witches, this electrifying two-part young adult novel, released on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 1993 film, marks a new era of Hocus Pocus. Fans will be spellbound by a fresh retelling of the original film, followed by the all-new sequel that continues the story with the next generation of Salem teens.
Shortly after moving from California to Salem, Massachusetts, Max Dennison finds himself in hot water when he accidentally releases a coven of witches, the Sanderson sisters, from the afterlife. Max, his sister, and his new friends (human and otherwise) must find a way to stop the witches from carrying out their evil plan and remaining on Earth to torment Salem for all eternity.
Twenty-five years later, Max and Allison’s seventeen-year-old daughter, Poppy, finds herself face-to-face with the Sanderson sisters in all their sinister glory. When Halloween celebrations don’t quite go as planned, it’s a race against time as Poppy and her friends fight to save her family and all of Salem from the witches’ latest vile scheme.
I suspect the reason you get two stories in one book is because they knew the sequel wouldn’t be enough to sell on its own and would need the help of the cult classic. I wish I was proven wrong, but this is exactly the case. The sequel is the weakest part of this book, because the first part is the movie just in a novel form with some extra details added to it.
For example, we learned that Max and Dani have a aunt in Settle, that they moved to Salem because their dad accepted the transfer to a new management position, that Emily Binx wasn’t afraid of the sisters despite being warned about them because they were always nice to her in town, and so on. You also get a bit of insight of what was going on in Max’s and Winifred’s heads. As well as, more depth to the relationship between Max and Allison. The only new major piece of information hinted in the novel that wasn’t in the original film was that there was a fourth Sanderson sister named Elizabeth. This sister was only really added to the first part so that her existence in the sequel wouldn’t be so unexpected or random.
I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but I find it a very annoying trope because it happens so often, especially in television. There’s always some secret sibling popping up at some point as a mere plot device thrown in to stir up drama. But at least the way this was done was subtle and doesn’t come out of left field.
However, the sequel is a bit of a different story. It isn’t terrible but I think it could’ve been better. It felt a bit like author was writing someone’s request for a Hocus Pocus story and checking boxes off. Such as have the focus be on the main characters kids/the next generation, let there be a talking animal, something undead, a secret sibling/s, cameo appearance of a fan favorite character/s, pop culture references and/or modern technology, etc.
The sequel focuses on Poppy Dennison, who’s the daughter of Max and Allison Dennison. She’s a believable teen character, but I did find myself getting annoyed with her whenever she thought negatively about her parents and aunt Dani’s story of the Sanderson sisters. She was the only one making it more of an issue than it is, instead of going with the flow.
I was rolling my eyes, when a bully character named Katie was introduced because there always has to be one in high school apparently. She also happens to be the spawn of Jay Taylor, one of the bullies from the original. But thankfully, she didn’t turn out to be one dimensional and had more of role to play.
I am disappointed that Max and Allison didn’t have bigger roles, especially Dani. I do understand for plot reason the need to get the parents out the way (or any responsible adult). But it would've actually been neat if Dani was there. It wouldn’t have been difficult to arrange either. Dani could’ve been the one turned into an animal. For example, why not have her be turned into a mouse or rat which is typically what cats’ prey upon. Winifred would’ve definitely done that, thinking it’s the most appropriate revenge since she’s the one that got attached to Thackery Binx when he was a cat.
Dani could’ve been in someone’s pocket, holding onto someone’s head or shoulder and giving out suggestions or advice, which may or may not work. Maybe she got into the occult as she got older so that she’ll have the knowledge to better protect herself and her family if the Sanderson sisters ever came back? After all, it was established in the original that a ring of salt “can protect thy victims from thy power”. Now that I think of it, why didn’t Poppy remember that part of the story? She certainly remember that they can fly, even when they couldn’t step foot on hallowed ground.
Anyway, I was surprise to see Thackery and Emily back, but also confused. Like why? They should’ve moved on and be in peace. Only restless spirits and those with unfinished business still linger in the living world. It’s rude to bring them back just to make a cameo. It feels like an unnecessary fan service. The siblings have no need to concern themselves with earthly matters anymore. Their contribution to the plot could’ve also all been done by Elizabeth too.
Though, there are times when I’m like...you have phones. The sisters had figured out how to work Isabella's iPhone and are using it to cast a spell on everyone. And yet, why are you all wasting your time discussing how to break the blood moonstone when you could’ve looked it up. Or used that time to randomly try stuff, like getting another rock to smash it. I even thought Travis’ science knowledge in class would’ve played a part in helping to destroy the blood moonstone (even if it didn’t work in the end, like the school’s ceramics kiln).
The sequel is slow, and takes a while to get to the action. The worst part is that there’s plot holes, because what was the entire point of the Sanderson sisters’ goal of using children (because all they needed was one child’s lifeforce to be use in a potion that would’ve granted them life and make them younger), when they had a family heirloom called the blood moonstone that grants the user immortality? Why didn’t their Mother use it back then if that was always her plan? Or why didn’t they go after it when they first came back from the dead?
I thought it being the night of the blood moon would play into as it being the only time the blood moonstone could be used, but nope. It doesn’t factor in at all. Oh, and the ending...it was established that all spells done by the Sanderson sisters would break or be undone when the blood moonstone breaks before sunrise. So how could that one-eyed witch dude still be there? That felt like it was just throw in at the last minute.
In the end, the adults that loved Hocus Pocus when they were children are definitely not the targeted audience for this sequel. I may not have liked this as much, but do I hate it? Absolutely not. It’s decent and I know it could’ve been so much worst. Though I’ve heard there’s a Hocus Pocus 2 in the works and I wonder if they’re basing it on this. If they are, hopefully they fixed the holes and smooth down the edges to make it a more polished story.
I forgot to mention that it’s also LGBTQ+ friendly, which is awesome, and has a good mix of POC as well. I like that there’s a greater degree of diversity and representation this time around.
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femmeanonymelives · 8 months
Headcanon: Steven Grant and Halloween
Happy October!! I wanted to write something fanfic related for one of my favorite holidays. This is my first fanfic in a few years. I want to explore more of my favorite characters. Enjoy!
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Steven Grant is an unusual person when it comes to Halloween. 
He doesn’t hate Halloween, but he does not enjoy it as much as you do.
When you two started dating, you briefly mentioned that you were a horror fan, but didn’t mention how big of a fan you were of horror and Halloween.
He does not like to get scared but likes when you suggest to watch horror films with him considering it is that time of year. 
Note: He is that person that will watch half of The Exorcist before he gets scared and wants to watch Hocus Pocus.
Jake laughs that he couldn’t get through it.
Marc reminds them both that they couldn’t get through Poltergeist when they were much younger.
Jake reminds both of them that they couldn���t even do the Saw franchise this year.
 He watches you look through potential costume ideas with him for Halloween costumes at Spirit Halloween or those related Halloween stores.
He wants to do a Poe Dameron or Han Solo costume but he decides to dress up as the Eleventh Doctor instead.
Jake likes the Fez; Marc hates it.
You dress up as Amy or Clara (depending on your mood).
He likes reading Stephen King novels just to get him in the mood of Halloween.
You laugh at his positioning on the couch as he reads more intense scenes.
His favorite is Carrie and The Shining.
He thinks that Marc would like the movie. Jake likes the violence of horror. Marc does not really care.
He drinks some earl gray tea while reading as he puts a vinyl record playing some mood music in the background.
Steven gets scared when you put on a prop skeleton in the coat closet.
“Babe, I love you. Stop scaring Greg. He is not going to hurt you.”
After Halloween, Steven will dress it up in different outfits and put it around the house.
Marc laughs. Jake rolls his eyes, questioning why Steven is a big scaredy cat. 
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spideyhexx · 4 months
on the topic of movies, what do you think their favorites would be? 👀
anon, as a very deep lover of film, I love you for this
I could see them both being very open about genre/etc. with film but here’s some that I think just fit their vibes (for modern!sej and coryo)
For Sejanus, my mind immediately jumped to Dead Poets Society, I think he loves a good tear jerker but also one that he can even somewhat connect to? I think he undoubtedly loves films akin to Hocus Pocus, where it’s just a good time, like he will watch silly little wholesome comedies/family movies and get the same out of it if he were to watch something more prestigious. So with that, I think he also likes animation, specifically Coco or Spirited Away. For no reason at all, I think he’d also love the Ghostbusters films. AND CHRISTOPHER ROBIN (that’s the one he gets Coryo to watch and fall in love with)
For Coryo, I think he has a rather disdainful view on ‘fun’ movies but there are some that slip through the cracks. There’s this adaption of a Charles dickens novel, the personal history of David Copperfield (with dev Patel) that I think he’d like? Idk why, just smth about period pieces he’d gravitate to. and also Charles Dickens. He’d enjoy suspense I think too, like Alfred Hitchcock films, specifically Rear Window and Strangers on a Train. I think one of his guilty pleasures would be that he love Pride and Prejudice.
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goldkirk · 8 months
Autumn fun to-dos
Okay, I'm not going to get all of this done, but here's my current list to play/read/watch my way through.
Night in the Woods (replay)
Oxenfree (replay)
Oxenfree II (first time)
Beacon Pines (replay)
Animal Crossing (play more)
Wytchwood (first time)
Coffee Talk (first time)
What Happened to Edith Finch? (replay)
Brothers (first time)
Mutazione (first time)
Pumpkin Jack (first time)
Cozy Grove (play more)
Dracula (reread)
Twilight (first time)
Harry Potter 1-7 (reread)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond (first time)
Other witchy books I find
The Night Circus (first time)
Weyward (first time)
The Flavia de Luce mystery novels (reread)
The Graveyard Book (reread)
The Secret History (first time)
The Secret Life of Bats (first time)
Watcher/Buzzfeed Unsolved
Old Gods of Appalachia (a podcast, but I'm tossing it in here anyways)
Nightmare Before Christmas
Hocus Pocus
Hocus Pocus 2
Midnight Mass
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Harry Potter series
The Exorcist
Gilmore Girls (maybe?)
ADDED: Over the Garden Wall (thanks for recommending it!)
I'm also open to suggestions!
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asktheghosthost · 8 months
Finally saw the new Mansion movie and it felt very… 6.5/10, not enough ghosts. Like you could change the title and it would be a good movie on its own but it’s almost not a Haunted Mansion TM movie? Severe lack of proper Host and Constance and everyone else really. Anyhow, what did you think?
That's a very fair assessment. I wonder if I would have liked it more if it wasn't called The Haunted Mansion and didn't have the brand connection. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it; I did. I liked the characters, (but potentially controversial opinion: I do think some of them could have been combined or cut out), and I liked the story. Set design was fantastic. The obvious, over the top product placement was cringe- inducing, though.
But... what I want is a plot about the ghosts. I want them to take center stage. In this movie, they were practically background characters, except for Leota and Hattie. I get the idea of wanting a mortal protagonist as a proxy for the audience, but I don't think it's necessary. I really think you can have a story about the ghosts and audiences would connect with them.
What would I do none of you asked? It starts with a handful of recognizable ghosts all coming to terms with the fact they're now haunting this house together. (Maybe Ghost Host, Master Gracey, Madame Leota, Constance, and Hattie as the starters.) They discover other ghosts haunting the mansion, and realize it's a beacon for wandering souls. With all of these spirits coming in, it's proposed the mansion is made into a safe home for haunts. (Despite some tantrums from Constance and Gracey.) The Ghost Relations Department is created, and we get a fun montage of haunted objects being placed, beloved ghosts showing up, people finding/ falling into hidden passageways, etc. The various ghosts start to really bond and we get a nice found family set up.
Enter: Our threat. One of two things.
A. Mortal antagonist. Someone that wants to destroy/ misuse the Mansion, thereby displacing all of these ghosts who've finally found a home. Maybe they want to make it into an amusement park for extra meta commentary or something.
B. And what I prefer. One of the ghosts welcomed in isn't a ghost at all, but the demonic One Eyed Black Cat. The ghosts band together to save their home and exorcize the monster.
C. Combo of the two. Could be doable.
Or that animated series about the little girl befriending the ghosts gets reconsidered. That looked adorable.
At the end of the day, it was a cute movie. There were some scenes I loved, like Ben talking about his dead wife, and the discussions about grief. It's going into my Halloween rotation with the Muppets Haunted Mansion, HM 2003, and Hocus Pocus. Better than I expected, but still not the story I would have told. But still better than The Haunted Mansion: Storm and Shade novel that came out recently. I haven't even bothered discussing that one here yet.
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stardust-swan · 8 months
Chic Cottagecore Plans for Autumn 🍂🍄🥀
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🍄 Make: apple pie, fancy hot chocolates, different types of soup, homemade pumpkin spice mix, cinnamon rolls, mushroom risotto, root vegetable tarte tatin, pumpkin tagine, homemade tea blends, and preserves and syrups for winter
🍄 Crochet or knit
🍄 Embroider some mushrooms
🍄 Watch the Harry Potter series, Kiki's Delivery Service, Frankenweenie, Hocus Pocus, Coraline, the Addams Family, the Corpse Bride, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Twilight, Dead Poets Society, Labrynth, A Series of Unfortunate Events, the Love Witch, Jennifer's Body, Carrie, Rocky Horror Show Picture, the Witches, Maleficent, Monster House, and Paranorman.
🍄 Read Gothic novels, Jane Austen, The Little Book of Hygge, and Autumnal poetry
🍄 Go to Starbucks and Costa and try out some of the new drinks they have for Autumn
🍄 Take walks in nature and admire the trees changing colour
🍄 Play games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley
🍄 Curl up with a good book, blanket, fluffy socks, and cup of cinnamon tea when the weather is bad
🍄 Take Polaroids of the fall foliage
🍄 Light cinnamon scented candles
🍄 Put a pouch of whole cloves in the sweater drawer
🍄 Listen to the Taylor Swift Folklore and Evermore albums
🍄 Make an Autumn floral arrangement
🍄 Make pinecone bird seed feeder
🍄 Make Autumn terrarium
🍄 Visit the Farmers Market to find seasonal foods for Autumn like pumpkins, apple cider, and gourds
🍄 Plant bulbs for spring
🍄 Go to a candlelight concert
🍄 Look up art galleries and concert halls to see if there are any exhibitions or events on with Autumn themes
🍄 Wardrobe: soft sweaters, turtlenecks, high-waisted jeans, cardigans, flannels, plaid skirts, woollen dresses, opaque tights, trench coats, crocheted scarves, Doc Martins, chunky Mary Janes. Colour scheme: burgundy, forest green, tan, black, plum, mustard yellow, olive, terracotta, and burnt orange.
🍄 Makeup: copper eyeshadow, terracotta or berry lipstick, brown eyeliner, subtle gold highlight
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
For the Disney day of the event, to kind of take a beloved topic and use it for the various fandoms, I decided to do a little post about the Mystic Messengers and their favourite Disney characters! I hope you lovelies will enjoy!
Jihyun’s mother liked to show him Disney movies in various languages on the rare occasions she got to spend overnights with him. She would always end their evenings with one before bedtime, so V became knowledgeable about at least the classic Disney movies. He always particularly loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She loved the Beast for everything he was, even the worst of him, was truly kind while being intelligent and he loved everything about that movie, from the love story to the songs to the art and the villains.
Jumin has watched almost all the Disney films as they came out and has been to the majority of the Disney parks. His father definitely thought that Disney was something of a cultural touchstone, especially among children, and that it would give Jumin something to talk about with other children, such as those born to the Chairman’s business contacts. Because Jumin grew up with them, he finds he has a nostalgic connection with Disney and does keep up with the newer movies. His favourite is a more recent one, but he really enjoys Coco. The music, the colours and art, the storyline, he felt it was all really beautiful. However, as much as he loves the movie and feels for the main character, his favourite character is still from the classic movies, Quasimodo. It was actually the animated Hunchback of Notre Dame that made Jumin want to go and read the classic novel.
Zen loves Disney movies because they’re the perfect mix of music and story. He prefers the movies that have more music in them and can do perfect renditions of all of his favourite Disney songs, especially ‘Go The Distance’ from Hercules. Speaking of Hercules, it’s his second favourite Disney movie. Aladdin just barely tops it out for his most favourite and it’s Aladdin himself who is Zen’s favourite Disney character.
Jaehee has actually gone her whole life without seeing any of the animated Disney films. Any Disney film she has seen is only because it was a film made by someone else that Disney acquired the rights to. Because of this, she does technically have a favourite Disney character, with it being Maria from The Sound of Music.
Yoosung actually is another one who really does enjoy Disney films, even as an adult. He’s watched the majority of the classics, with The Lion King being his favourite. He loves Simba and kind of wished he could be like Simba when he was a kid, but as an adult, his favourite character would have to be Marlin from Finding Nemo. That movie always makes Yoosung tear up every time he watches it.
Saeyoung gets into moods where he’ll want to binge Disney films, just because they’re usually light watches, with happy endings and catchy music, and they don’t take a lot of mental power to watch. He really, really connected to Stitch from Lilo & Stitch for reasons he can’t even rightly explain and it’s his favourite Disney character by far.
Saeran, for the aesthetics and for the story, really does enjoy The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus both. They’re the only Disney movies he really watches with any regularity, as Disney movies aren’t normally really his thing. His favourite character is actually Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, with Binx from Hocus Pocus being a really close second.
Vanderwood has actually never watched a Disney movie in his life up until he met Saeyoung. It’s Seven who makes Vanderwood sit through them whenever Saeyoung gets in a Disney mood, so his choice of characters is based off the maybe four Disney movies he’s ever seen. I do think Vanderwood really enjoys the more live action Disney movies, and his favourite is Tron Legacy, with Sam Flynn being his favourite Disney hero.
Rika always connected more with the villains in Disney films than the heroes. It’s really hard for her to pick an absolute favourite among them but she’s really fond of both Maleficent and Ursula. She especially loves Ursula’s voice, which she finds really soothing for some reason and she knows all the words to ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’.
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