#history of reproductive rights
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Term Given Abortionist," Windsor Star. January 12, 1943. Page 10. --- Mrs. Cambridge Is Third Sent to Reformatory in Month --- For the third time within a month, Windsor court handed down a sentence of two years less a day against a person guilty of procuring an abortion, when Mrs. Jessie "Jerry" Cambridge, of Chilver road, was sentenced yesterday afternoon in Windsor police court.
Mrs. Cambridge elected summary trial by Magistrate D. M. Brodie and pleaded guilty. She will serve her sentence in the Ontario Mercer reformatory.
ARRESTED AUGUST 27 Mrs. Cambridge was arrested on August 27 after months of investigation by Detectives J. Mahoney and S. Royan. The offence for which she was tried was said to have occurred an May 9, 1942.
Until yesterday, Mrs. Cambridge had not been asked to make either an election as to how she would be tried er a pies. Although no court was scheduled for yesterday afternoon, she informed her counsel of her decision and was brought to court. She had been free on $7,500 bail.
Evidence was taken in yesterday's court in spite of Mrs. Cambridge's plea of guilty. This was just as a precaution in case she should decide to appeal the case, providing she thought the sentence she received in the lower court was too severe.
STATEMENT READ Crown Attorney James 8. Allan, K.C., read into the record a statement signed by the complainant who testified yesterday that it was true.
The statement told of not one abortion but two, one in 1941 and another in 1942. After becoming sick following a miscarriage, the complainant said she was advised by Mrs. Cambridge to see a doctor. She testified that she had paid Mrs. Cambridge $35 for the illegal operation.
Crown Attorney Allan pointed out to the court that Cecil Hallett and Fred Schelka, both of whom had been found guilty of the similar charges in Windsor courts in recent weeks, were given sentences of two years leas one day in the reformatory. Magistrate Brodie then passed the same sentence en Mrs. Cambridge.
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liberaljane · 3 months
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Feminist victories– from legal reform to workplace rights to control over our own bodies– have not been the result of solitary efforts but legacies of collective action. Right now, our world is at a crossroads. Climate catastrophes. Violence. Inequality and threats to roll back our rights. The stakes keep rising.
Digital illustration of three people, from left to right: a blonde woman with green shorts and a green tank, a afro Latina fem wearing an oversized yellow shirt with text that reads, 'a feminist movement win is a win for everybody.' On the right is a Black man wearing a blue shirt and a young deaf girl of color wearing a shirt with a graphic of the earth that reads, 'vote for her.'
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odinsblog · 25 days
Funny how SCOTUS “originalists” ignore this history
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Benjamin Franklin is revered in history for his fixation on inventing practical ways to make everyday life easier. He was a prolific inventor and author, and spent his life tinkering and writing to share his knowledge with the masses.
One of the more surprising areas Franklin wanted to demystify for the average American? At-home abortions.
Molly Farrell is an associate professor of English at the Ohio State University and studies early American literature. She authored a recent Slate article that suggests Franklin’s role in facilitating at-home abortions all started with a popular British math textbook.
Titled The Instructor and written by George Fisher, which Farrell said was a pseudonym, the textbook was a catch-all manual that included plenty of useful information for the average person. It had the alphabet, basic arithmetic, recipes, and farriery (which is hoof care for horses). At the time, books were very expensive, and a general manual like this one was a practical choice for many families.
Franklin saw the value of this book, and decided to create an updated version for residents of the U.S, telling readers his goal was to make the text “more immediately useful to Americans.” This included updating city names, adding Colonial history, and other minor tweaks.
But as Farrell describes, the most significant change in the book was swapping out a section that included a medical textbook from London, with a Virginia medical handbook from 1734 called Every Man His Own Doctor: The Poor Planter’s Physician.
This medical handbook provided home remedies for a variety of ailments, allowing people to handle their more minor illnesses at home, like a fever or gout. One entry, however, was “for the suppression of the courses”, which Farrell discovered meant a missed menstrual period.
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“The book starts to prescribe basically all of the best-known herbal abortifacients and contraceptives that were circulating at the time,” Farrell said. “It's just sort of a greatest hits of what 18th-century herbalists would have given a woman who wanted to end a pregnancy early.”
“It's very explicit, very detailed, also very accurate for the time in terms of what was known ... for how to end a pregnancy pretty early on.”
Including this information in a widely circulated guide for everyday life bears a significance to today’s heated debate over access to abortion and contraception in the United States. In particular, the leaked Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade and states that “a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation's histories and traditions.”
Farrell said the book was immensely popular, and she did not find any evidence of objections to the inclusion of the section.
“It didn't really bother anybody that a typical instructional manual could include material like this,”she said. “It just wasn't something to be remarked upon. It was just a part of everyday life.”
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padawan-historian · 9 months
Even in this lovecraft country of ours, we still dance (and decolonize) 🔥🍂🌾✨️
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soberscientistlife · 4 months
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Why are we going backwards?
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This is about the 7 mountains mandate and dominion theology. One of the biggest reason why what is happening now is happening, child labor laws being loosened, no reproductive rights, no gun control, increased violence on BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. On top of that the government is actively funding climate change at this point. List of some of the extremist groups with known affiliation to the government: Proud boys, The Heritage Foundation, ALEC, ADF, Council for National Policy, Patriot Mobile, Florida Citizens Alliance, Moms for Liberty, Americans for Prosperity
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commiepinkofag · 3 days
Take Action Against KOSA
EFF Comparison of House & Senate KOSA bills:
The House version of KOSA could still: 
Suppress search results for young people seeking sexual health and reproductive rights information; 
Block content relevant to the history of oppressed groups, such as the history of slavery in the U.S; 
Stifle youth activists across the political spectrum by preventing them from connecting and advocating on their platforms; and 
Block young people seeking help for mental health or addiction problems from accessing resources and support. 
Lawmakers know this bill is controversial. Some of its proponents have recently taken steps to attach KOSA as an amendment to the five-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, the last "must-pass" legislation until the fall. This would effectively bypass public discussion of the House version. Just last month Congress attached another contentious, potentially unconstitutional bill to unrelated legislation, by including a bill banning TikTok inside of a foreign aid package. Legislation of this magnitude deserves to pass—or fail—on its own merits. 
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isawthismeme · 10 days
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lulughoul · 10 months
The Barbie movie is amazing but the ignorance of certain people who just wanna hop on the trend and don't care about learning/researching the doll's history it brought all over the internet really shows (long unasked for rant in the tags/rb)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"CAUSED GIRL'S DEATH PRISON FOR 4 YEARS," Toronto Star. January 22, 1943. Page 2. ---- Penitentiary Term Imposed Woman Who Admitted Her Guilt ---- Mrs. Helen Gorton (alias Rose), who on Monday last pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter of Anne Bolton, was sentenced by Mr. Justice Hope to four years in the penitentiary.
Anne Bolton died on Oct, 27, 1942, while at the home of accused and during the illegal operation which Mrs. Gorton admitted.
In passing sentence. Mr. Justice Hope recalled that it was not accused's first offence.
"You had the opportunity of contemplating the error of your ways when some six or seven years ago you were given consideration just as you were entering upon engaging in the same practices, which you have admitted in this case. It is not an easy matter for a judge in such a case, to render justice to the public and at the same time consider all the representations made in your behalf and to the circumstances of the case and the seriousness of the crime."
According to evidence, accused, in a panic. fled from the room in which Anne Bolton's death occurred, but gave herself up and made complete confession the following day, Oct. 28, 1942.
[AL: Gorton does not seem to have gone to the penitentiary. She appealed her sentence and had it reduced to a two year term.]
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gaylienz · 1 year
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thoughtportal · 1 year
restrictions on freedom of movement of pregnant people
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Elise Ottesen-Jensen
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Elise Ottesen-Jensen was born in 1886 in Høyland, Norway. Ottesen-Jensen championed women's reproductive rights in Sweden, and campaigned against the ban on contraception. She was a founding member and the first chair of the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, which advocated for policies such as the introduction of sex education in schools and the decriminalization of homosexuality. In 1959, Ottesen-Jensen succeeded Margaret Sanger as president of the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
Elise Ottesen-Jensen died in 1973 at the age of 87.
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
I'm asking because it's something I've been trying to figure out myself. Do you have any theories as to why there is such an overlap of TERFs and people convinced corsets are Evil? Why do these beliefs go toghter?
My guess would be that it’s because they define womanhood so much by suffering, that questioning anything they’ve been told was a mechanism of women’s suffering in the past feels like a threat to them. Even though obviously nobody who says “corsets were not universal torture devices“ is saying “women weren’t oppressed during these specific eras.” It’s a threat to their idea of what the past looks like, especially womanhood in the past, and that puts them on the defensive.
They also often hate femininity at large, and the corset tends to be seen as a symbol thereof. Even though, you know… A lot of masc presenting women in the past also wore them, simply as support garments. and even some men, for back support and/or body-shaping.
And most historical costumers and dress historians who get a wide platform nowadays tends to be feminine-presenting. So TERFs see this as feminine women (traitors!) “defending” their favorite imagined symbol of patriarchal control over women’s bodies and gender presentation, and therefore go ballistic. Even though that’s not what’s happening
(Note: not everyone who expresses these views is a terf, of course. Pop culture in general still tends to believe that corsets are inherently evil, and thus it’s a very common mindset. And not even everyone who buys into the whole “historical costumers/fem dress historians are tradwives serving the patriarchy“ concept is a terf. But as you say, there is a pretty broad overlap in that latter category.)
It’s also interesting to me what their definition of defense is. A lot of them blow a gasket if you even say “the corset is a neutral garment that served practical functions for many women, and most women seem to have felt neutrally about it, though obviously some strongly liked or disliked it” or “ I and some people I know personally find corsets comfortable to wear,”and react like you just built an altar to sacrifice goats to a corset
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hussyknee · 1 year
Regular reminder that if you don't live in the Global North, nothing they have to say applies to the rest of us. Actually most things they say have little value anyway since the Global South and Eastern folks are afterthoughts to them, much less center us in their social justice.
- The USAmerican cultural hegemony has fuck all to do with us. Be aware of what they're trying to peddle you, but they have more power to harm and radicalise you than you have ever could to harm them. This applies to both the Western left and right wing. They are both equally racist, colonial and imperialist.
- Global North issues around capitalism, exploitation and piracy have nothing to do with us. Consumer activism might work to some extent over there idk, but if anyone brings it up over in the lands of the Black and brown people, you can laugh them out of the country.
- Their queer history is not ours. Congrats to Stonewall and all but that's just some shit that happened in the US. We need to dig past 18 different strata of cultural genocide and colonial garbage to mine our queer histories back into the light, and designing microlabel flags and fighting over colonizer language acronyms have fuck all to do with that either.
- Always pirate everything within reach. Save up and buy from authors and creators you really like (that's what I do – esp when it's a BIPOC creator), but people who can't afford to buy shit in the first place ain't stealing food out of anybody's mouths. Pirating is praxis and always has been since the days of the East India Company.
- Don't buy into the USAmerican theories of race. They aren't universal. "BIPOC" especially is a USAmerican specific term, it is not used in the UK or other settler colonies. Constructs of race and the tribal Other far predated European colonization; race as a colour system that exists today is simply one variation of it. The global apartheid against the mellanated takes many forms, histories and terminology. There are especially no "people of colour" in Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Polynesia. There are only people who live there, and "people of white".
Race is a fake, made-up conceptualization imposed by whoever has power within each region. It's ethnic, cultural and casteist, with no biological basis whatsoever. There is no uniformity, no universalism, no rhyme nor reason to any of it; the only people who know exactly who doesn't belong are the oppressors. I'm seeing concepts like "unambiguously black" floating around the terminally online Western left; any dark-skinned person of the Global South should split their sides laughing at it. Whites have no ambiguity on who the darkies are.
- Read, watch, listen to, play whatever the hell you want, just have the sense to pirate it, and to be very conscious about the narratives they try to smuggle.
- When the US and UK speak, listen with compassionate interest, offer what solidarity you can spare for their downtrodden, and then go back to reading and following your own fucking news. Focus on our own women's and reproductive rights, trans rights, queer histories, rise of fascism, militarisation, anti-blackness, class warfare, nationalist violence, imperialism etc. That is decolonization, that is emancipation from the Western cultural hegemony. Everything else is the bread and circuses of empire, in which both the left and right wing of the West are complicit.
We owe the Global North nothing more than we can each individually afford to extend to them on grounds of common human decency and compassion. Which is a lot more than they will ever reciprocate.
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fulltimecatwitch · 3 months
sorry to get personal again today, but i got sick yesterday and since i'm unable to go the the women's march i today i will be screaming here
I know today is International Women's Day and for a lot of people it's a day of celebration and conmemoration and that's okay, it is important to remember and honor those who fought before us
But in you live in Latin America, then you know that today is not really a celebration. It is almost a day of collective grief for all us. Especially everyone who has lost a a sister, wife, aunt, friend, etc to murder or disappearance
10 to 11 women dissapear in my country ( Mexico) everyday
10 to 11 every fucking day
remember those fucking numbers because i sure do every day i wake up
10 TO 11
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And in Mexico the goverment cares so little that it has provided basically zero help to stop this violence.
It's the very same people who grieve their loved ones who have had to organize themselves so they are able to get answers about what happened to their lost ones.
The Madres Buscadoras are a collective who searches mass graves all throughout the country in hopes that they can find the remians of their loved ones.
Imagine having to dig the bones and remains of your wife, your sister or your friend with your own hands because the police refused to do anything to help you
and the worse thing is that even the madres buscadoras have disappeared while searching their loved ones because they want to keep them quiet, they don't want them and us to know what happened
where is the justice in that ?!?!?!?
I'm so fucking tired of feeling this horrible pressure in chest everytime my mom or sister go out alone and the only thing i can do is pray and pray they get home safely
i'm tired of having to turn on my location and take a picture of my outfit every time i go out because if i dissapear those will be the only references my family will have of me
i'm tired of listening to how many of us have been killed or assaulted everyday on the news because everyday you hear of a new case
i'm tired of the violence and injustice against little girls
i'm tired of the violence and injustice against my trans sisters ( unsurprisingly Mexico is only the second most dangerous country to be transgender)
im tired of people who think marching, burning and vandalising monuments is not an appropriate way to protest because they rather defend a monument than our bodies
i don't know what else to say, except that i really hope one day the international community talks about this more, especially all the gringos who have come to gentrify our country here and never show you this side of mexico
i will leave you the links for a movie and documentary you can see on netflix about the raw reality of women who dissapear on Mexico
Las Tres Muertes de Marisela Escobedo
documentary about Marisela Escobedo, a mother who searched for her missing daughter and was killed for it
Ruido by Natalia Beristain
movie about a grieving mother searching for her missing daughter who finds a network of support as she connects with other women whose lives have also been disrupted by violence
finally i leave you cancion sin miedo 💚💜
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