#history fanfic
otherperson12 · 3 months
Masters of the Air: The Angels of Death
Major John Egan x WASP! Oc
This is a little something I wanted to share with the fandom. I know I been a ghost for a few moths, but 2023 was an awful and horrendous year for me. I got depression and my grandma died and I had to take care of my family, and during my summer (I’m from the South) I was very depressed too lol. So know I’m back at university and this helps me to distract a little.
This comes from the idea I have for the BoB I’ve been working for years (yes, years, and no publications yet). I don’t plan it to be very complicated, like I just wrote it down and put it here.
I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. This is based in the series and only the series.
Special thanks to my beta reader: @vrygoodbadthing Who came to de hbo war fandom thanks to me (watch the goddam series).
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Bucky was having a really good time in England. Without counting the combat and missions of course. The rest of the 100th would be with him soon, and then, about a two weeks from that day, the war would get more interesting than the little man with a mustache.
The moment he saw his friend entering the officer’s mess hall with a cocky smile and doing a little dance, Major Gale Cleven got worried for whatever was about to happen. Or whatever that was going around Bucky's mind. He knew Bucky was a, well, interesting and care free man, out going and always wanting to experience life at most. When John saw his friend at the table, looking at him, Bucky did a little more of a show and sat in front of his fellow aviator.
“Isn’t this a beautiful day to be alive?” Bucky asked Buck. The last one didn't answer at first, then he smiled at him.
“Every day is a gift to live at war.”
Bucky laughed a little, “You’re starting to sound like Curt,” He pointed out. “But in this day in particular, my friend, angels would be coming to us like the very gift of God.” He informed (even if the big boss told him not to).
John laughed at his friend’s face, because obviously he didn’t understand a word of what he was talking about (again, Colonel Harold had ordered him to stay quiet).
“You are a prude, Buck.”, he liked to point those little facts about his friend, “Maybe we can get you a little of fun now.”
Yup, Buck had zero idea of what he was talking about.
Bucky leaned forward to the table, he did not wanted anyone hearing of it and spoil his fun. Buck did the same.
“After Pearl Harbor the Air Force pilots number reduced in a 30 percent, the man who got in to combat didn’t live very long. Most of the resources went to fight japs, a little more came like us to fight nazis. Then there wasn’t enough man to fight the war so they geniuses started training women.”
Gale had heard a little about it, in his training when the war started. Woman started piloting in no combat positions, but it looked like Bucky was meaning about other kind of duties.
“And, they started training them to have combat positions. Fight pilots. They made them their own brand new plane model. I don’t know the details but I heard that it flight like a hawk.” Bucky explained while eating his friend toast. “They are coming today to be our escorts in missions.”
Buck was surprised. Astonished.
“Our own guardian angels.”
Later that day, before supper, Bucky did the same thing than that morning, instead of entering at mess hall, he entered at the officers barracks, howling about a how beautiful day it was to be alive.
“Buck! Time to go, the angels are coming!”, he said way too loud. The mentioned put down his book and reluctantly followed Bucky outside to the jeep.
John spent the whole ride to the base singing. Gale was not very sure of why he (Bucky) was so happy. Maybe, and probably, was the chances of getting laid right at the base, having fun closer enough to sleep at the barracks after drinking instead of doing it outside (Bucky’s experience).
Already at the tower, they waited for the girls to arrive.
Colonel Huglin was there too, and so other officers. Some questioned why Gale was there, “The full welcome from the 100th, sir.” Were John’s words.
Major Browman greeted them with a funny face. “Who would have say it, huh? We fighting along side woman. Equals.”
“There’s something bad about that?”, Buck asked.
“Of course no! For Pete’s sake. I’m just worried.” Red explained quickly. “I’ve heard they are good, like beating records kind of good. They are a special unit from the W.A.S.P, they are called the ‘Angels of death’, girls who where carefully chosen for it. And spent months training. The best of the best.” He informed, “But the boys are not going to be very happy about it.”
That one was true.
“What about their plane?”, Buck asked curiously.
“A special secret model.”, Colonel Huglin said. “Small, cheap, fast. The Supermarine Spitfire can fly to 606 miles per hour maximum burning a lot of fuel, the P-WN I can go to the speed of one of our fortress burning less than a third part of the tank.” He explained, looking back at the sky.
“So they can go to Germany, slap Hitler and come back like nothing.”, Bucky said.
Buck laughed, “Yeah, something like that.”
In that exact moment, the sound of the plane engines began to be heard in the distance. With binoculars, everyone who got them watched what was coming.
“They are here.”
Punctual, 12.00 hours.
Bucky and Buck saw how a bunch of sparkling dots flew towards them from the east, approaching quickly until they were able to see the planes. It were just like Huglin had said, small and fast.
Movement started at the tower, communication between them and the newcomers. They gave permission to land.
“Roger that.”
Every one watched how quickly those planes got in formation to land, in a fast and clean maneuver. They knew their thing.
When the planes where close enough, they could finally see how they looked like: it was like a mini Spitfire, pocket size. It was just the metal, glowing in the sun, the wings were long as thing as the nose, which was painted blue, white ad red. It was quite beautiful. It almost bordered on delicate.
One by one they landed and parked one beside the other, they looked like silver glowing statues.
The ones who were at the tower started heading to the newcomers while every pilot began to emerge from their planes, one by one from their cabin like butterflies and greet each other, happy for a easy flight and a safe landing.
John and Gale hop off the jeep like the rest of the men. They saw every girl with their flying uniforms and their bags in hand, obediently getting in the trucks that would take them to interrogation (it was just a formality).
Buck saw Colonel Huglin were talking with whom he supposed was the CO of the girls. Bucky had that funny smile of him, he looked around him until he saw a girl standing in the wing of the plane with a smile, eyes closed and feeling the British air. The only thing he could pick out of her, was her red hair. Another girl approached her and the first one jumped to the floor, they went to the trucks and Bucky was able to hear their conversation.
“Did you satisfied your hunger for flying?”, the girl who accompanied the redhead asked sarcastically.
The redhead laughed, “As if I ever could, Priya.”
Another woman, a blonde captain standing next to Huglin, heard this and said, "Don't worry, Ross, you'll have fun soon!" She exclaimed as the girls finally climbed into the trucks.
"Yes, ma'am."
All the girls laughed, the redhead blushed, obviously knowing what a mystery to Bucky was.
Soon she would know.
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cadmusfly · 10 months
Night At The Marshalate (1/?)
Summary: In a private collection of Napoleonic memorabilia, strange magic has started to bring the exhibits to life. Marshal Lannes is very frustrated with his inability to swear or even speak. Marshal Murat is having the time of his unlife running from his regrets. Marshal Ney is furious that he is smaller than a wine bottle. Nobody knows where Napoleon is, and also, everything is on fire. Inspired by the movie Night at the Museum.
Fandom: Napoleonic RPF
Chapters: 1/?
Genre: Urban fantasy
Characters: Jean Lannes, Joachim Murat, Michel Ney, Pierre Augereau, Louis Davout, Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Nicolas Oudinot
Note: Comedic surreal body horror warning. Accuracy of history figure interpretation not guaranteed. This is incredibly silly.
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felisglacialis · 8 months
The Empress
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•Emperor Franz Joseph Of Austria
•Empress Alexandra Of Austria
•GrandDuchess Elisabeth of Austria
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Elisabeth Ladies In Waiting
•Countess Sophie Esterházy •Countess Amalia von Salm-Reifferscheidt
•Countess Amalia von Salm-Reifferscheidt
•Leontine von Apafi
•Countess Charlotte von Stubenberg
•Countess Louise Gundemann
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Archduchess Sophie
•Controlling GrandMother Of Elisabeth
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charlotlie · 10 months
bitches be like “this is the best piece of literature i have ever read” and it’s either a book that took them six weeks to finish or a fanfic they read at 3 AM
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prokopetz · 2 years
Fact: The earliest reliably dated use of the phrase “fucked up” appears in the court records of a US Navy court-martial case from 1863; the way the phrase is used suggests that its meaning was already well known at the time, but this is the first known printed record of it that we can confidently put a date to.
Additional fact: Bram Stoker’s Dracula is set in 1897.
Conclusion: It would not anachronistic for your Dracula fanfic to have a character describe the Count as a fucked up old man.
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ao3-crack · 6 months
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Enemies to lovers? Blue Eye Samurai is just for you!
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"You can't die before me!" and "Only I can kill you!" are the words Taigen (in green) repeats to our protagonist Mizu (in blue). They were childhood enemies and now they are rivals.
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But both of them feel sexual tension and Mizu's feelings for Taigen are not platonic kind. After all, Mizu is into strong men who can hold their ground when fighting with him.
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They fight alongside each other and make painful sacrifices for each other. They deny their feelings and desires.
One can't help but root for them.
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fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
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ao3 my beloved
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frownyalfred · 1 year
hello. this is a PSA. ao3 is NOT releasing your browsing history, despite what you may have heard on tiktok.
if you’re signed into ao3, your history is viewable in the dashboard tab. it always has been, nothing is changing. please don’t believe everything you hear on tiktok.
no one is able to view your browsing history unless they are signed into your account.
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sopuu · 2 years
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spirk-trek · 3 months
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Sharing the Sunlight Fanzine & Novel | Drawings by Chris Soto, 1992
Entire work available to read here!
Editorial note from author Jenna Sinclair:
"I have been in love with the Star Trek universe and its characters for twenty-five years now. I wrote my first 'novella' in the seventh grade. Over the years I wrote sporadically, mostly in my head, never, ever satisfied, knowing that there was an elusive 'something' I was unable to grasp. But then I discovered K/S! Unbelievably, it took me a good twenty-three and a half years to do it! I felt as if I had been working on a puzzle all that time, and finally the pieces flew naturally into place. Like just about everybody else, I became obsessed. In six months, I read about 200 zines (yes, I was broke and suffering from eyestrain), and then I sat down to write an established relationship short story, as a way of saying 'thank you' to all the K/S authors, artists, and editors who had given me so much pleasure. That story refused to be written, and this first time novel came flowing from my pen instead. The first 120 pages were composed on a 25 year old typewriter which lacked a 'k,' a '/', and a '-'. You try writing a novel with Kirk, Spock, and other fairly essential words without a 'k'!"
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science-lings · 1 month
God, I love it when people who clearly have personal experience or expert knowledge on certain things write obscure AUs that incorporate those things so hyperspecifically that I feel like I'm learning something.
I love nurses who write hospital AUs that have accurate medical knowledge just thrown in there because they went to medical school and when people who clearly had a phase where they obsessed over a certain time period write an AU set in that time period or location it's just so fun.
Tell me about the 1950s Chicago culture and history and how the characters are interracial and how that affects their life, I love when the money is accurately converted and the personal histories of the characters are thoughtfully woven to incorporate the new setting they're put in, I love it when people care so much about making something and use their own expertise to aide them.
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kozukenbsf · 1 year
I can read a 500 page book or 100k word fanfiction in one sitting, but the moment I have to do a required reading for uni I suddenly don't know how to read
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the-colourful-witch · 5 months
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🐉 A Brief History of Dragons by Eyra🐉
I read this fic last summer and it was so pretty. It’s super short and sweet and it was just what I needed at the time. It’s Wolfstar meets Arthurian legend, in a modern AU.
I wanted to do some more book covers for my portfolio, so I made this one.
I want to thank @eyra for the beautiful story, I loved it. This one is for you✨💛
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Here’s a little work in progress for this cover.
Ps: I’m working on Andromeda right now, I’ve had a busy week. Hang in there💛
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doodlewizardry · 11 months
Have you ever wanted to find your old Ao3 comments? Easily keep track of which (and how many) fics you've commented on? Rediscover a fic that you left a time capsule of a gushing essay on?
Well, you can! And it's simple! (* Note: it only works for comments written after you turn this on.)
Go to your Preferences:
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There's a checkbox labelled "Turn off copies of your own comments". This is selected by default. If you deselect it (and save your preferences) then you receive an email for every comment you leave.
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But I don't want to get my inbox flooded by Ao3!
Understandable! Luckily, most email clients allow you to set up rules for incoming mail depending on their sender and contents. For instance (using Gmail), I've made it so that these emails skip the inbox, are marked as read, and moved to a label I call my "Comment Collection".
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The result? A complete, organised and fully-searchable repository of any comments you leave from this point onwards! Search by fic name, author, date, that one sentence you vividly remember leaving!
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I've set up other rules, too, like starring emails that are replies to my comments - I'm always excited to receive them!
I love this system, and I think it's motivated me to leave more comments. I hope that others find it useful too. Happy commenting!
Original preferences trick from this Reddit thread. Tagging @justleaveacommentfest, which motivated me to write this post!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Sharing is Caring!
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#jiang cheng#While listening to the Lotus Seed extra I was like 'aw this art is so cute.'#Post The Fanfic Fiasco (re: last comic's tags) I am haunted by the green orbs. WWX has a bag of edible green orbs and I am in hell.#First draft of this comic's script has JC saying 'dude you wouldn't even share with me!' and I love his little sibling indignation.#Middle child power is knowing that you don't have to share with your siblings. The little wet eyes and weak hand slaps do NOTHING.#JC probably already ate all of his lotus seeds. That's on you dude!#Part of me wants to get deeper with the metaphor of the lotus seeds here. It is a gesture of a certain kind of affection.#JYL gives something to WWX she does not quite share with JC. And WWX in turn gives something to LWJ he does not share with JC.#Really puts JC's line 'You're always eating...eating eating' into a very different light.#There are other kinds of starving besides hunger. There are other ways to be a glutton than just food and drink.#WWX's character pre-burial mounds is heavily focused on 'Indulgence'. Be it wine or flirting or hunting or eating-#-or receiving admiration; He is always indulging in ways we never see JC do.#I think the intentional contrast was with the Lan's 'Live simple and without indulgence' lifestyle. LWJ is the abstainer to wwx's gluttony.#But it does expand to JC as well! Both are locked into the role model position to have friction against WWX's apparent freedom.#I think LWJ and JC (at this point) see WWX as something they both want (in different capacities) and someone they want to be.#Yet despite the history between them it is not JC who WWX reaches out to. It's LWJ.#The boy already has an inferiority complex! Stop making it accidently worse!
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