#here it goes one XDD
violecov · 24 days
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Feanor is love, Feanor is life
(Original from "have you seen my younger brother" under cut🫡 )
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I love that Tord looks like he hasn’t slept in 30 years.
Close enough, he didn’t get a good sleep for at least 10 years. Poor guy ahaha
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k0juki · 5 days
heyyyy!! trying my luck here😅
imagine a smoker!joost x non smoker!reader hanging out or smth, and joost just had a cigarette and tries to kiss the reader but since they don’t like the smell or taste of it they don’t give him a kiss😭😭😭 and then he gets all sad and starts pouting and the reader just giggles and stuff😭 just a lot of cuteness and fluff💗
also ps! you’re literally my favorite author who writes for joost!!!
A/n: someone is lucky🤞🍀 and that's you anon🫵
Kisses and cigarettes
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine. Credit goes to owner!
Wc: 452
Joost leaned against the railing, a cigarette held loosely between his fingers as he took a drag, letting the smoke curl up into the evening sky. It was a long day for him, but you were here to help him with anything, and he was glad.
The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over everything, and he couldn't help but think how perfect the moment was. His eyes flicked over to you, sitting on the porch swing, a soft smile playing on your lips as you watched him.
With a final drag, Joost stubbed out the cigarette on the railing and made his way over to you. He could see the way your nose wrinkled slightly, a sure sign you weren't a fan of the lingering smell. But he hoped maybe this time you'd let it slide.
"Hey." he murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. You turned your head the last second, and his kiss landed on your cheek instead. "Joost, you know I don't like the smell." you said, trying to keep the teasing out of your voice. Just messing with him a bit.
He pulled back, eyes wide and a pout already forming on his lips. "But... I missed you." he said, his voice taking on a whiny edge that made your heart melt a little. He looked so crestfallen, like a puppy who'd just been told no.
You couldn't help but giggle at his expression, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. "Oh, Joost, you're adorable when you pout." you teased, pressing a kiss to his forehead instead.
He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away, though the corners of his mouth twitched upwards. "It's not fair." he muttered. "I just wanted one little kiss."
You laughed outright then, the sound bright and musical in the evening air. "Well, you can have as many kisses as you want." you stated, "as long as you don't smell like an ashtray."
Joost's pout deepened for a moment before he finally cracked a smile, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "Fine, fine," he said, leaning down to nuzzle his nose against yours. "I guess I'll just have to brush my teeth and freshen up for you."
You giggled again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down onto the swing beside you. "Now that sounds like a plan." you said, resting your head on his shoulder. "Besides, I love you more when you smell like you and not smoke."
He sighed contentedly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I love you too," he murmured. "Even if you are a bit of a kiss tease.”
A/n: sorry I wasn't here xdd I had finals, but now I'm free and ready to start writing again! Also my last post "Wolf in sheep's clothing" I spent so much time on it and I would love to if you give it try...:))🩷🩷
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dustykneed · 2 months
not a SINGLE day goes by where i don't think about that post with the photo of andrew's death grip on alex's waist. you know the one
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(i have, regrettably, once again, lost the damn post. if anyone has any clue as to its whereabouts i would be much obliged if you could drop the link lol. but at the very least i had the presence of mind to download the photo so here yall go xDD:
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
I also want to know more about your Minecraft boyos
You do? :0 Well sure! :DD Here I have a pretty old sketch of the whole Minecraft gang together. And a more recent sketch of just Melvin and a few others.
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These OCS were based on a Minecraft world I had with a friend. Everything that happened in that world I translated into these characters in some way. As for what that story is, I wont dig into the nitty gritty to keep it short, just the basics.
Our story starts with Melvin the Donkey. He came from a village of other anthropomorphic animals.. but at some point when he was a teen(?) the village was raided by pillagers and burnt down.. He was the only survivor.. He grew up out in the wilderness by himself. Eventually he found a pillager outpost..
Fueled by anger and a need for revenge, he stormed into the outpost and managed to burn it down and kill all the pillagers. In that outpost though there were 6 trapped Allays. In his blind rage the cages were destroyed. 1 Allay escaped out into the woods. 2 died in the fire Melvin created. 1 was greatly wounded and the last 2 stayed behind to help the injured one. After Melvin snapped out of his rage he saw the 3 remaining Allays and brought them to safety.
He made a campfire and tried to help the wounded Allay.. but alas.. its injuries were too severe. The allay died. The other 2 allays ended up staying with Melvin and traveled with him. In their travels they found the Allay that escaped into the woods, and they became a group of four.
Also during his travels he met Butters. A yellow Axolotl that left his village underground seeking adventure. He ended up becoming Melvin's best friend. Melvin had no say in the matter-
Sometime after that when the group was running through a thunderstorm, a skeleton they were about to run past was struck by lightning. Turning into 4 skeletons riding 4 skeleton horses. The skeletons attacked Melvin so he fought back. Knocking one skeleton off, the horse ran away. Battling the others he killed all 4 skeletons and had to take down the 3 horses.
After the battle was over, Melvin heard struggling nearby. He goes to investigate and finds the 4th horse stuck in a mud pit. He calms the horse down and helps it climb out. New friend aquired!
Now the Librarian, 2 fletchers and the golem came from a village that had been destroyed by pillagers. The golem had grabbed them and ran, knowing it couldn't win against the pillagers. The villagers though had no idea how to survive out in the wilderness. How to find food, how to hunt and kill.. That's when they met Melvin and they struck a deal. Melvin: "You tell your Golem to protect me and my friends, and I will teach you how to hunt, find food and cook said food." "Deal." New friends aquired!
Then lastly the wolves. They were 2 bothers that got separated somehow. Thinking that one of them injured his leg and was swept down a river..? Melvin's group found him and nursed him back to health. later on he was reunited with his brother but they decided to stick with Melvin's group. New friends acquired! XD
Aaaaaaand that's about the gist of it XDD Thank you for reading all of this if you made it that far! :}}
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loose-angel · 1 year
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 & 𝐋𝐨'𝐚𝐤
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notes: i had a dream that neteyam and loak were my older brothers so i just decided to run with it and make a bunch of headcanons, i may make more of these just cuz theyre so fun xDD hope u all enjoy ! :3c Neteyam & Lo'ak headcanons
Neteyam and Lo'ak were extremely protective over their sisters
and that includes you!
they just feel an overwhelming amnt of responsibility and love for their sisters hence the protectiveness
you were younger than Kiri by 2 years (meaning that they deemed you a mere toddler)
But it also means that you get an unnecessary amnt of attention from the both of them
tho u dont hate it. . . it can get overwhelming sometimes
the pair always insist that atleast one of them goes along with wherever ur going or whatever ur doing
you tried sneaking off once to hang out with a boy and it didnt end well
"Baby bro where is Y/N?"
"I thought she was with you bro"
". . ."
they go around the hometree and the forest that surrounds it looking for you
once they do spot you they dont approach you immediately
youre in the clearing with a boy, talking about something
and no way in hell is their little sister gonna get a boyfriend already
so as you speak to the boy, they very quietly stalk up behind you
they catch the attention of the boy youre with who looks behind you nervously
"Hey baby girl!" Lo'ak wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close
"Hey baby sis" Neteyam grunts, crossing his arms over his chest
you greet them happily, unaware that your brothers were glaring daggers at the smaller boy you were with
it was an intimidating sight, no lies, so soon enough the boy scurries off, "I think my mom is calling me!"
you sigh, "man I thought we had a thing going on"
the pair hum dismissively, pulling you away from the clearing
"he doesnt matter, how about you let your big bros show you how a real man is supposed to treat you huh?" Lo'ak flexes his arms obnoxiously, earning a snort out of you
the three of you end up flying on ikrans for fun, landing in a random clearing
"Here baby girl, best fruit ever in this area" Neteyam tosses you a fruit, and you take a bite gratefully
as you eat, Lo'ak braids a flower crown for you, picking random flowers from the bushes
at the end of the day you come home happier than you thought you'd be
and your brothers do indeed prove that any man would need the effort of two for you
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midnight-in-town · 10 months
Frances Midford : The Mentor, a summary
To follow with my post about fighting against misinformation, here’s a first topic. 
Ciel’s remaining aunt is often viewed by the fandom as a mean lady who doesn’t care, because of a) all the mysteries around the family that Ciel doesn’t know about and b) the use of comic relief in Kuroshitsuji often used to hide some relevant clues, as previously demonstrated in this post. This is actually far from what her character really is about and I intend to demonstrate it now with a (long) recap post. 
I have talked about Frances a lot in the past, about her caring about our!Ciel and about her possibly knowing, like Tanaka, that he was lying about his identity. While the former is undeniably true, the latter is still up for debate. [X][X][X][X] However, with the upcoming adaptation of the Weston arc (probably) in 2024, I don’t want the old discourse to come back, so without further ado...
What Yana has said about Frances’ character
Besides our!Ciel, Frances is the last remaining Phantomhive (not counting real!Ciel as a BD). She’s Vincent’s younger sister, they both have the same parents (that is to say Claudia P and Cedric K. Ros) and she married out of the family (implying that maybe the Phantomhives have distant relatives still alive), becoming Lady Midford. 
According to Yana, Frances takes after their dad while Vincent takes after their mom and the same is true for her kids, meaning Ed takes after her (thus takes after his maternal grandfather) while Liz takes after Alexis. 
As far as her relationship with our!Ciel is concerned, here’s what Yana said in the guidebook : “Frances' strength of character is why Sebastian chose her as a role model Ciel should follow”. Since her relationship with Lizzie is sometimes also viewed negatively, I’d like to add that both in the guidebook and on twitter, Yana said that “Liz thinks her mom is kind and strong so she looks up to her mom as a role model she aspires to become”, hence the similar hair style.
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TL;DR Yana’s overall description of Frances is that a) she’s kind and strong which is why b) she’s Lizzie’s role model, as well as the role model Sebastian thinks our!Ciel should follow.
Now that this is established, here’s what the canon story gives us, to illustrate Yana’s words. Spoilers for the entire manga series and long read below the cut.
Frances’ introduction
Frances is introduced in ch14 and, boy, what a generally misunderstood chapter by some parts of the fandom. xDD
Contextually, ch14 is Ciel’s birthday, meaning it is also the anniversary of the massacre of the previous household and Madam Red just died, after trying to kill him. For those who might wonder, the guidebook confirmed that our!Ciel was quite saddened by Ann’s death (obviously), so really, what a fun 13th birthday in perspective. Cue Liz and Frances. 
The comments on her strength aside, Frances’ introduction is otherwise often misread as her nagging being inappropriate but I beg to differ. As mentioned by @akumadeenglish​ and @chibimyumi​, Yana is Japanese author who likes to explore writing tropes in depth. Though it’s also important to remember that, before the curry arc, Yana didn’t know how long the series would run so everything had less intent, because the story was initially supposed to end quickly.
In other words, Frances’ introduction really is initially to be read as the severe mother-in-law (based on Japanese comical stereotypes) coming to check on how he handles his household, which is why Seb is so stressed out when everything goes bonkers. But that’s only the surface. 
Most importantly though, Frances showed up because it is Ciel’s birthday and, as said above, there’s a lot of negative and dreadful memories associated with this day. So...
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...let’s change his mind, shall we? 
Phantomhives love games and Frances is a Phantomhive too, the last one besides our!Ciel, so she knows her nephew and chooses an activity she knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. 
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Ch14 also introduces two important facts that are still relevant as plot points, especially as far as the Blue Revenge arc is concerned. The first one is that our!Ciel protected Lizzie from that bear, so Frances said she owes him. 
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Secondly, as stated by Frances herself, she knows the ropes of the “game” (aka acting as the Watchdog) better than our!Ciel (”you’ve still got a decade to go before you can even think of winning against me”). 
In fact, like our!Ciel with real!Ciel, Frances was probably raised as Vincent’s spare [X][X], but compared to our!Ciel who knew next to nothing about his father’s real job until 3 years ago (at the time of ch14), Frances is an experienced veteran...
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And that’s why Seb chose her as a role model for our!Ciel.
Therefore it is my opinion that ch14, despite being written back when Sensei didn’t know how long the series would be published, is still relevant as heck when it comes to Frances’ role in the series, aka acting as a mentor for our!Ciel (and for Lizzie, as Yana also stated). Kuroshitsuji is a slow story though, with a lot of build up and it’s why some fans still fail to see how significant Frances is to the plot and to our!Ciel’s development. 
Campania arc
Liz is the one who comes to ask our!Ciel to come with her whole family (thus introducing Alexis and Edward) on a cruise, but it’s also very important to note that she conveyed that Frances thought that our!Ciel should take time off of work:
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This led some of us fans to theorize that maybe Tanaka used to send updates to Frances about our!Ciel’s wellbeing and how he fared as the Watchdog: the timing of the cruise works well with Frances’ remark, considering that the Queen just sent Charles Grey as a merry punishment for Ciel’s deeds during the Circus arc. 
This arc mostly highlights Frances’ bravery and strength : she didn’t hesitate to fight for countless of passengers unrelated to her (something that UT said isn’t very typical of Phantomhives, during Weston)...
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More importantly, we finally get into Lizzie’s personal motivations and we indeed have the confirmation that...
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...Frances is a big key to Lizzie’s strength, confirming the role model/mentor position that she holds in Lizzie’s eyes. I’d like to also point out that Frances completely trusts in her daughter’s abilities, which highlights a very positive mother/daughter dynamic.
Lizzie’s flashback gives us this very important bit...
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...a part that’s unfortunately often overlooked by the fans complaining that Frances is too severe with our!Ciel and Lizzie. This scene however makes way more sense once we find out, after the Weston arc, that Frances lost her mother Claudia (the Watchdog before Vincent) when she was probably about 12 or 13 years old (Vincent being 15 years old then). 
To me, this is a big explanation as to why Frances is as serious about training as she is:
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Indeed, she lost at least her mom (and later her brother) so, since her daughter is betrothed to the future Watchdog, she wants Liz to be strong enough to survive. All I see in the former panel is a mother saddened by the burden on her child’s shoulder and desperate to imagine that she will be exposed to a lot of danger as an adult. 
Side point there, but it’s likely there’s a very relevant reason Frances’ only daughter was betrothed to Vincent’s heir when they were young kids. We’ll dive into it later, but I believe the answer is tied to the Phantomhive lineage introduced in ch103. 
Lastly, our!Ciel’s flashback also gave us another important bit to explore...
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...which is that our!Ciel directly applies what Frances once told him to his current path for revenge: 
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Also note the allusion again to Vincent “losing the game”, creating a parallel with Frances telling our!Ciel in ch14 that “he still has a decade to go before he can even think of winning against her”, because he has a lot to learn from her, especially since even he admits that he knows next to nothing about his own family.
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The previous spare teaching the spare. How fitting. :D
Weston arc
Even if Frances only appears in this arc during the cricket game, I think there is a lot to be deduced from it. First, I’ve said it long ago and I’ll say it again: I strongly believe Frances played a part into Vincent’s victory during the first blue miracle.
Mind you, Tanaka basically confirmed that Vincent cheated to win (since he knew what Seb and Ciel were up to) and I could totally see Vincent asking his strong little sister to crossdress in order to destroy the Green team. xDD Besides, she certainly seems uneasy whenever the topic is brought up and she also wasn’t fooled by Ciel’s act when he won, haha!
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This is silly, but this shows (imo) that Frances and Vincent had a good sibling dynamic, with Frances supporting her brother as the Watchdog as much as she could, which is heartwarming because this means Frances would have no reason not to support her brother’s sons after his death. 
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Tanaka (who, according to Yana, was already in the household taking care of Vincent and Frances as children) and Frances happily dancing together at the end of the tournament also confirms this. Vincent and Frances having a strong sibling bond would also explain why, despite Claudia’s death, Frances would agree to the betrothal between Lizzie and Vincent’s heir (and would keep it that way, even after Vincent’s death).
All that to say, I’m sure the cricket game confirmed to Frances how similar our!Ciel is to Vincent on some aspects (the second blue miracle attests to that), which probably makes him somewhat predictable (and reassuring?) to her.
One thing that I also believe is important is Ed’s mini flashback during the game. On this topic, Yana has said that she couldn’t draw his backstory in detail, so she’ll probably expand on that in the future, which makes me think that there is some foreshadowing in there. 
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TBH I think it’s ironic that Ed would consider himself as “ordinary”, considering the whole lineage thing introduced one arc later. xDD But also, if we consider that the tale of Vincent’s first blue miracle is supposed to hint that Vincent and Frances were close as siblings, it’s nice that Ed, who takes after his mom the most, would also have his own flashback about loving and looking up to his sister a lot, despite his small inferiority complex. Considering that Liz sees their mom as her role model though, I guess that means Ed also sees his mom as a role model (though the Campania arc already made that pretty clear). 
During the Weston arc, Frances also managed to surprise Sebastian, both by recognizing him (lol) and by stopping him despite his intent to leave, which is, according to the demon himself, no small feat: 
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Like the usual nagging she does towards Seb though, it’s played for laugh, but as introduced in this post, I believe overused comic relief is a way to foreshadow some hints and we’ll dive into it with the next arc. 
Last but not least, during this arc UT commented that our!Ciel was different from his ancestors when he willingly put himself in danger to save Joanne...
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...but as presented during the Campania arc, it seems it’s a trait he shares at least with his aunt, furthering the parallels between them and the fact that she would definitely make a good mentor for our!Ciel, because they’re quite alike and can probably understand each other. 
Green Witch arc
The only relevant part of this arc with Frances’ character is the introduction of a special lineage in the Phantomhive family by German Shinigamis...
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...something that might explain why our!Ciel was able to notice them, when even Seb didn’t. So this begs the question: who else in his family shares this lineage? And obviously, Frances and her kids might !
My personal opinion is that the lineage thing is old and is probably why the Phantomhive family became the Watchdogs, many generations ago. But also, if our!Ciel can notice Shinigamis thanks to it, could it explain why Frances was able to detect and catch Seb during opening ceremony before the cricket game at Weston? And why she always nags him about his appearance (both hair and face)? That remains to be confirmed, but...
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...at the very least Bravat in the recent arc confirmed that some gifted people like himself can “sense” that demons are different. Just like animals [x][x], apparently. Bravat is irrelevant besides being a small scale villain though, so I take it as a hint for a more plot significant character, such as Frances, whose nagging behavior towards Seb is way too overused as comic relief anyway. 
The lineage thing is yet one more family topic on which Frances probably has answers to give to our!Ciel (the only other people who might know about it being Tanaka and UT). 
Bonus : if what Vincent said below about strong-willed women in the family line (from a side story “With Father”) is a hint towards the lineage thing...
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...then it’s probably why Vincent wanted Lizzie to be betrothed to his heir in the first place and why Frances agreed. 
Blue sect & blue revenge arcs
I already mentioned that Bravat’s innate ability to recognize Seb as a demon was a hint that other characters, like Frances, might be able to guess that Seb is a demon as well, so moving on to ch151 :
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This chapter confirms that UT has known Frances since she was very young (which is a hint to the UT = Cedric theory of course), which also explains why, knowing about her strength, UT went on with the whole BD massacre on the Campania despite the presence of our!Ciel and the Midfords on board. 
Also, while this chapter neither confirms nor denies if Frances knew about our!Ciel lying about his identity (like Tanaka and UT did), she didn’t show anger nor disbelief about the situation, just her incomprehension.  
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More than anything, this chapter strongly hints that our!Ciel will at some point seek his aunt for a talk before the final confrontation with UT and real!Ciel, because both are seeking answers to their different questions (our!Ciel needs to find out about UT & his grandmother and the lineage thing, while Frances will want to know what’s the deal between the twins). Speaking of which, a talk between Lizzie and Frances is probably also in order, before Lizzie can choose our!Ciel’s side again.
Lastly, ch151 hinted that Frances doesn’t fully believe that real!Ciel’s return is “natural”...
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...and, i mean, why would she? She faced the Bizarre Dolls on the Campania and, for all we know, Edward told her how the Weston arc ended so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ considering that UT has been involved every time, the Midfords probably aren’t far from connecting the dots about real!Ciel being already dead. 
To sum up !
Outside of the narrative, Yana said that Frances was Lizzie’s role model and that Seb also wanted her to be the model our!Ciel should follow. And, in my opinion, the entire series so far (as I tried to present in this post) is slowly building up to that because :
our!Ciel and Frances are very similar: both the spares & both survived their parents’ and brothers’ death 
both saved folks unrelated to them despite being Phantomhives, meaning that they are a bit alike and can understand each other
our!Ciel literally built his path of revenge following the advice Frances told him about how to counterattack an opponent
Again, to understand who targeted his family, our!Ciel needs to find out about his grandmother, about the lineage and about why his dad had to be killed amongst other things. The only people who can answer him are UT, Tanaka and Frances. 
I believe UT and Tanaka are more connected to Claudia, but also both are by real!Ciel’s side for now, making them less accessible for a talk. This leaves Frances for the time being and, as Vincent’s sister and Claudia’s daughter, it seems appropriate that answers would be coming from her. 
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Also, in shonen series, usually the hero(es) have a mentor figure who will help them “unlock their potential” through training. Kuroshitsuji is not your usual shonen and I doubt our!Ciel can become better at fighting lmao, but Frances can certainly help him better appreciate the massive scale he’s bound to face when seeking his revenge. Especially if it all goes back to events from 3 generations ago and a worldbuilding full of supernatural elements, as well as a world war he doesn’t entirely comprehend yet. 
Frances acting as a mentor/role model for her own kids also foreshadows that they’ll follow our!Ciel on his journey and, like him, they’ll definitely need her wisdom/knowledge to be able to reach the necessary level for survival by his side.
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As to when all that is going to happen, well, I’d say Frances will probably take on a more active role in the plot when, to quote Seb in ch14, "[our!Ciel] will overconfidently believe that he cannot lose and that it will be necessary for him to carry himself with humility while striving for his goal". Because by then, "an adult who will be firm with him is what he'll need". 
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If that doesn’t foreshadow the current conflict between the twins, I don’t know what does. xD
Thanks for reading!! As always, let me know if I’ve forgotten anything !
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thehobbem · 1 year
Jane Eyre
(Um. SPOILERS for Jane Eyre, I guess.)
So. I put off reading Jane Eyre for many years, bc
1) I read a chapter at college and didn't like the style (so I chose to read Great Expectations for that class, instead), and
2) pop culture spoiled the story for me long, long ago, so it killed any sense of urgency. Like, Rochester having his wife in the attic (technically, "secluded room in the abandoned 3rd floor") is the "Darth Vader is Luke's father" of English literature -- it should come as a shock, but at this point, everyone who cares already knows.
But I finally picked it up last week, and reader, I'm having a blast. And I realize now that no one had told me the actual two main attractions of this particular show: that Jane is absolutely hilarious, and that Rochester is WILD. I expected him to be wild, bc, well, he's got his wife locked in the attic, but he's entirely RIDICULOUS?????
So far, these exchanges have happened:
Mr. Brocklehurst: "What should you do to avoid hell?" Jane: "Not die" (GIRL XDD)
Rochester: goes on and on about temptation and redemption and regret, in the most abstract of manners Jane, getting up: "I'm not following anymore, so I'm gonna go. (This man??? Met this 18-year-old girl who has seen nothing of the outside world and???? decided to just???? tell her his entire life story???? including his sob story about a French mistress???? Didn't tell her about the wife in the attic, ofc.)
Rochester, who's way too cool about having been almost roasted alive in his own bed like a suckling pig: "Thank you, Jane, now go." Jane: starts to leave Rochester: pikachu_face.jpg "Are you leaving???" Jane: "You told me to??" Rochester: holds her hand, thanks her profusely for saving his life, calls her his 'cherished preserver', Jane: "No problem! Night." Rochester: "Are you really going?!" Jane: "I'm cold, sir." LSAJFLASKDF
Servants: talk in code about the wife in the attic Me: EVERYONE KNOWS, EXCEPT JANE???? HE'S NOT EVEN KEEPING IT A SECRET????
Rochester DRESSED UP AS A FORTUNE TELLER???? TO TEST JANE???? I GUESS???? He implies she's about to be super happy in life, but also that he's gonna marry Miss Ingram, and then???? Jane realizes it's him??? Jane: "Take this costume off, sir" Rochester: "...I can't, the string is knotted" SKJDJLDAKVK
Rochester keeps telling her he's gonna marry Miss Ingram, and that he'll send Jane away???? And then proposes to Jane???? Saying he TESTED MISS INGRAM, AND SHE FAILED???? So... So what, had Miss Ingram proved to be a nice person who cares about him and not his money, would he then... have married her instead???? WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE
And all the while I'm like "Sir, stop playing dress up and stop proposing to other women, YOU HAVE A WIFE LOCKED IN YOUR ATTIC" (same intonation of "a horse loose in a hospital"). Can't wait for the next fire, is all I'm gonna say.
Rochester is preposterous. He makes Fitzwilliam "You're beneath me, your family is ridiculous, I don't know why I like you but I do, you have fine eyes. Marry me?" Darcy seem like the MOST sensible man in the world. Hell, he makes Frank Churchill seem sensible.
Meanwhile, she has an uncle in Madeira (me, reading it: "oh she has an uncle in my country, how exciting!" XD) who has money and wants to adopt her???? GIRL, RUN TO YOUR UNCLE, BE ADOPTED, ENJOY THE COMFORTS YOU'VE NEVER HAD ACCESS TO
I'm loving every second of this. Reading this knowing about the wife in the attic is great.
Part II, because why not
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trutrustories · 7 months
One thing I didn´t see anyone discuss here, and I would realy like to know is: What exactly Mobius remember from that day? If I understood this whole time loop thing correctly, everytime Loki come back, he rewrites, what happened before.
We don´t know, how many times he went back, but we do know, he definitely rewrote Sylvie screaming at Mobius and then his conversation with her at the Automat. He wouldn´t do it twice, concidering how hard he fought for every minute of time.
Loki could have potentially save some time, if he´d considered staying in their period clothes... but seems like changing with Mobius was something he was NOT willing to rewrite xD
Anyway... my guess is that Mobius remembers suddenly too inteligent Loki taking charge of everything, then it continues with what we saw last (version, where they they succeed) but it starts changing right after Timley put his head into that scan. In that moment, Loki just look at everyone and then he goes himself instead. OR Loki actually never goes back behind that conversation, where he asks, how long it would took for him to know everything OB knows. Maybe, they all remember him saying that and suddenly in an second, Loki just knows it all. And they have no idea it was centuries for him, before he got back in to that specific moment and said: right, I´m done. Now lets get to work... (I´m sorry but that would be actually hilarious xDD)
In any case, it must have been so confusing for poor mobius. But at least that part with angry Sylvie didn´t happen.
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laufire · 1 month
I don’t know if you’re still doing the AU ask game but what are your thoughts on the “Jason and Damian meet each other via LOA” au? I know you’re writing a young justice au and that’s basically canon in that universe right? I don’t headcanon them knowing each other early in mainline canon but as a separate au/elseworld sort of thing it does intrigue me
if my inbox is open, consider it fair game for any asks (from a game or otherwise) you might send :P
when it comes to mainline canon, no, I don't headcanon them knowing each other during the lost days era, and that goes into my own headcanons on the al ghuls and damian's upbringing.
my view in that respect takes some things from what morrison built with damian into account, but ignores anything that's in contradiction with batman: son of the demon. the result is, among other things, that I 100% believe talia tried to put damian up for adoption, but ra's caught up to it. the years later, in part as a punishment, in part because of his need to be the most (maybe the only) important person in talia's life, as well as a desire to control, and to mold damian specifically, ra's limited how much damian and talia were in each other's lives. am I the only one who sees some parallels with bruce's parenting here btw.
in my head this means that, at most (and this is something I do use in some WIPs), damian got to see jason from afar when he was catatonic, maybe a few times. later... well, after jason almost kills bruce before stopping himself, talia definitely doesn't want them to meet. if she ever contemplated the option of introducing them (probably never that seriously, just as a distant possibility if at all) after jason started to kill on behalf of victims, particularly children, she weighted the options (jason's protectiveness over children vs. his bruce issues) and decided not to.
now, for the young justice cartoon fic! it is true that jason and damian know each other day, since damian was born specifically. but this doesn't happen in the league of assassins (league of shadows in the show) because by the time damian is born, the al ghuls have left the league LOL.
I actually headcanon that the al ghul's left the league BECAUSE damian was going to be born. I think talia put her foot down and ra's actually listened, and decided he'd accomplish his goals in a way that would compromise for his daughter's desires (young justice makes room for both bruce AND ra's to be better parents. ain't that something lol).
as for some headcanons about jason and damian in this 'verse! (which will be canon. in my fic. xDD)
the (canon) birthdates for them are 1999 for jason, and 2018 for damian. that's an almost 20 years gap and imo it significally affects how they relate to one another. in many ways, jason is a quasi-parental figure more than a brotherly one (he wouldn't call damian his son, but he's... his brother, his kid... his, you know?). at the beginning of the fic, when they're hiding from the new league of shadows, their cover is actually father and son lol.
related to the above: I headcanon that yes, this one time jason and talia do have a biiiiiiiit of a surrogate mother-son relationship (talia was born in 1984 btw). BUT. only because it comes with heavy doses of spousification/parentification lol. this contributed to that kind of dynamic with damian, because in this world talia's pregnancy was complicated, damian's health was at risk when he was born, talia had one hell of a post-partum depression... basically, despite the fact that jason himself wasn't at his peak then (canonically he just started regaining some memories after this), talia relied a lot on him at this time. if bruce can do it with HIS robins... xD
re: jason's health. he dies in 2013, and yet in 2018, when he has his first appearance on the show, he's not recovered (he doesn't say much, he struggles when he does, and we're told he has memory issues). my personal headcanon is that this jason doesn't go into the pit and recovers the long, hard way. I love giving characters chronic issues so I've decided he has aphasia. mostly expressed with difficulties talking, but sometimes reading as well. this was all to say that by the time my fic starts damian is six and he's gotten in the habit of reading to jason (has been learning to read by doing this, actually lol). this includes political/philosophical books that are definitely not aimed at kids his age (but damian's upbringing, albeit not as terrible as in the mainline, has been sui generis), but also "the demon headmaster", because jason think he's really funny.
I've decided to take one of the few things I liked about how they wrote dcau!jason (but with my own spin) and given him an older bio sister. the age different wasn't AS big as with him and damian, but circumstances conspired so that dani had to take care of jason on the streets (in this canon, I have her as barely 17 when she died, with jason as 10 when he meets bruce). jason picked up on quite a few things from her.
due to several reasons (including the fact that the joker's been dead for a while, at harley's hands), jason is less interested in a utrh-type crusade here. he's instead put it all on damian. he's who he'd die for and kill for and fight the entire world for.
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inkly-heart · 1 year
I'm sorry that you have to see me like this but this is the moment I have been waiting for.
It's time to SIMP for my BOI RICHIE
I have so many questions about him that I'm sure that it goes on from simple ones to scenarios! I prolly got more than 2 batches of questions for him!
So I need to get out the BIG GUNS for this one! I'm sure you met her before! I hope you don't mind!
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Forgive me if I went too feral starting from here, Please let me know if you got too uncomfortable, I'll tone it down! BUT IN MY DEFENSE-- /lh
Here we go!
What kind of kid was Richie in school? Does he get bullied?
I heard that he has a bad temper. Once he started to snap, would he be violent? Has his bad temper episode ever got him killing someone?
Can we still be reasonable and persuasive to him when he's mad? Is he easy to calm down?
Does he remember that he killed his father? Or was he experiencing dissociative amnesia?
What happened and where did he go after he burned down his house?
How abusive was his father?
He works on Accounting, but what kind of company does he actually work for? Is it a bank, a business company, an insurance company, etc.?
Is there a possibility that we could teach him how to say no without feeling bad for himself or someone else? As in, teaching him how to stand up for himself?
Has he gone to any therapy or anger management programs?
How does he feel about a clingy lover? Clingy as in very, very, affectionate--
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--is he okay?
It's ok^^ I'm happy you like himxDD and sorry again that it takes me so long to reply back ;; w ;; ) I also really like these drawings🙈
1. Richie was one of those quiet ones who focused a lot on studying. He did get bullied but that also kind of stopped at some point when he lost his temper and fought back.
2. When he loses his temper he rarely gets violent.(this only happens if other person is violent/abusive towards him but even then he tries to keep his cool) he haven't killed anybody except his father (that was also more like a self-defense.)
3. He can since deep down he doesn't want to hurt anybody and calming him down is mostly easy.
4. He does remember what happened and that is also the reason why he tries his best not to lose his temper. He doesn't want to be like his father.
5. He left the area and moved to new place where the area is more calmer to get a new start.
6. If Richie didn't do what he told him to do or did something wrong his father punished him.
7. I admit this part I haven't thought much but maybe a bank?🤔
8. It is possible. It will take time when he learns to say no and not feel bad about.
9. He has needed but since he focuses too much on his work he hasn't managed to do it yet.
10. He doesn't see anything wrong about it. He's happy that someone likes him this much.
(I feel I was struggling with words again so I hope these makes some sense..xDD)
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kurogane2512 · 2 months
Hello Kuro! Have you ever thought of something absurd like, WHAT IF! One of the Mommies suddenly appeared in our house and has to adjust in our world, especially when it comes to PTN characters.
Reverse isekais are always so fun to imagine pls
Hmm but wouldn't our world be rather familiar for Ptn characters? I think the only major difference is absence of Mania and superpowers, which I understand is a major point of their world setting but otherwise the setting is similar like its modern world with hi-fi tech and all? And also do they retain their powers in our world or become normal humans with their existing occupations?
Technically they wouldn't retain their powers as there's no Mania so if I imagine say, Chameleon, in our world. She'd adapt pretty well, tbh I'm in dire need of a psychologist in my house she'd be so helpful for me xDD
Cabernet won't like living here I know 💀 Unfortunately, I can't keep up with her palette needs, unless she's willing to pay for everything but in that case, she can find a better house and cooking staff on her own😔
I know I'm not attractive enough to win any of their hearts so there goes my dream of having a sexy elegant mommy gf/wife even if they literally stay under the same roof as me 😭😭
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dunf13 · 1 month
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Finally drew Rage's first team and organized information for them xdd (It took ages)
More info below~
How they met: On the first day of work, the entire crew was left to themselfs, there were no explanations of what need to do, how to do it. No one even decided to introduce themselves, only a guy in orange was thoughtfully typing something on the terminal. It seems that thanks to him, the autopilot switched to the "Experimentation". As soon as the ship's doors revealed a view of the sandy planet, the crew members silently separated in different ways. Rage climbed the stairs and, thanks to the scanner, found the main entrance to the facility. She was greeted by an oppressive room and the straining sound of the fan above. Gathered her thoughts, she went into the first corridor leading to a dark, damp labyrinth. Various sounds emanating from the pipes and ventilation echoed through the passages and forced her to turn back every second, Rage felt as if something was silently following her, and her concerns were not in vain. Turning back once again, she saw a huge creature in the shadows with glowing eyes right behind her. Rage screamed and turned around, but it seemed that the creature was scared itself and retreated into the nearest passage. It became impossible to be here. The employee rushed to the exit, but the passages were so confusing that it took her time to find her way back.
Outside ship was visible in a straight line. Rage decided not to tempt fate and return as quickly as possible and suddenly noticed a crewmate in orange running towards the ship. He was shouting something, the others were already on the ship. As soon as Rage arrived, she heard this guy emotionally talking something about electric bees, about how he had been chased for half of day and then the whole story turned into just screams and swearing. Without be able to end this story, he was interrupted by his partner in yellow, it seems he had a woman’s voice? The employee in yellow also began enthusiastically talking about some tall mannequin with a spring instead of a neck, which moved if you didn’t look at it, and the crewmate in red said something about turrets.
What nonsense? Where have we all ended up? The new information created more questions than it answered. A question from the guy in orange pulled her out of her thoughts:
-Hey, did you find anything? Why are you silent?
Rage hesitated and said uncertainly:
-I didn’t find anything, but some creature was following me in the dark. I had to leave.
There was an awkward silence on the ship.
-Well... Maybe we can introduce ourselves then? My name is Dmitry — said the employee in red.
-Dafna — the worker in yellow supported.
-My name is Charles. But call me Cheese.
-Cheese? Why?
-Because I asked.
-Fair. And you? - Dmitry turned to the crewmate in blue.
-Rage. Call me Rage.
Dafna folded her hands:
-Hehe, Cheese and Rage, how cute! And some short information about their role at the work~
Dmitry, Russian, over 30 years old, rank: employee Quiet, calm, friendly, always makes concessions and avoids conflicts. If a conflict happens anyway, he tries to reconcile everyone and makes harmless jokes. He is the best at navigating inside of facility, he almost always knows the exact path to the main or fire exit and is very good at finding loot! Lucky :] Dima and Rage somehow understand each other without words
Dafna, French, over 30 years old, rank: employee Capricious, but kind and caring, and also a little cowardly. Despite her physique, Dafna is very afraid of the dark and prefers not to go inside facility, but to carry loot from the exit to the ship. She loves when people take care of her and save her from troubles. She is well versed in outside monsters and the landscape and sometimes goes inside to warn Dima and Rage about the time.
Cheese, American, over 20 years old, rank: part-timer The most energetic and emotional crew member. Very stubborn. He loves technology and monitors his team with the terminal and also counts the amount of loot collected. Directs the ship's autopilot and purchases equipment for the entire crew. Wears a watches on his left arm. (In fact, he is also afraid to go outside, but he doesn't admit even it to himself) Cheese and Dafna conflict a lot because he likes to provoke his teammates for the sake of attention, but only Dafna falls by his provocations. They are actually good friends :3
At first, Dafna argued with Cheese and also wanted to stay on the ship, but Dmitry and Rage persuaded her to give in to him, arguing that he was a stubborn boy, and she was an adult and should be smarter
Rage, Chinese, over 35 years old, rank: employee (at the time of being in the crew) The most silent and cold one in the whole team. She may make concessions, but won't hesitate to use force to maintain discipline on the ship. She gets lost very easily in the corridors, because her goal inside the facility is to kill all the monsters so that the rest of the employees are safe. However, she loves her team very much and is ready to do anything for any of them, although she doesn’t know how to show it
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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They are not related by blood, no. (Blood? Frosting..? Filling?? Anyways-)
Red is actually Seafoam's great Nephew. And he joined the crew because of a tradgedy involving his mother,, Seafoam's niece..
When Red joined the crew he was very shy and scared of everything. Coco at this point was a rough and tough pirate gal.. but man, something about that kid.. she just adored him. She took it upon herself to take care of the little guy and be his guardian.
She loves him to bits and has definitely taken the role of "mother" in his world. When ever the ship is under attack, she is the first to swoop in and take Red to safety. She is the one Red goes to when he cant sleep or is scared. She takes care of him when he is sick, she cleans his clothes and feeds him too.
Seafoam has made it very clear that she does not have to do any of this. And that Red is 100% his responsibility. But she just ain't havin' it. She chooses to be involved in Red's care and wouldn't have it any other way. 💖
Its a good thing too, Seafoam has no idea how to raise little kids <XD
(Also thank you so much!! :DD )
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Sorry uh- I don't know that character. I made some OCs for Cookie run but I haven't played any of the games, I don't know the lore and I don't know/remember any of the characters- sorry!
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Ah,, I don't know? <XDD I don't know how the games work- are there other types of cookies?? I don't know--
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Judging by what I've heard/seen of that game? They'd run for the hills! They're not safe there <XD
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<:D Ah sorry- I don't know who that cookie is- remember I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore!
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Also thank you so much!! You are beary nice :}}}
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Thank you for the no spoilers!! :DD I have not seen it but I have heard of it :0 perhaps sometime I'll give it a go! :}
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Man, cookie run lore is WILD XDDD
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Thank you! My day today was better than yesterday at least! XD
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I've drawn them twice actually that I can remember! Once in my FNAF Recap/Repair part 2, and once in a doodle dump post thing! :00
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:0 eh? Huh? Til what?
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I actually haven't thought much about that :0 I worried that the group wouldn't feel very diverse if I had duplicate characters.. but the opposite personalities but same person is genius! But whompst would be duplicated... 🤔
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Hello! I believe I do write scripts, but if I'm being honest I don't think I can scrape together even one sentence of sound advice for you- 💔😭💔
I am known to be very bad at explaining how to do things. A lot of what I do is just taking random things and stapling them together and ripping off some parts and gluing this here and put that over there and tada! Comic! "How'd you do that" "...Honestly I cant really remember-"
The only think I can think to say is figure out what you want to come from the scene and.. do what ever it takes to make it happen..? Uhhh- for example, "I want these two characters to fight and character A to leave in a huff." Well then give them something to fight about, and make character B say something that would make character A mad enough to leave without saying anything..?? But that doesn't explain how I would figure out what the argument would be about- I
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I'm afraid I am of no use to you here-
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm glad you like my minecraft guys and my cookie run critters! :DD And not to worry- He'll catch on XD right now the main thing keeping them some what apart is Seafoam's thoughts of "She's a beautiful mermaid, why would she be with an old Captain like me..? :( " And Blue's thoughts of "He's a well respected Pirate Captain! What would he see in a big whale like me..😔" But they get past that eventually-- XDD
And yes! I have drawn them before <XD although those drawings weren't made with my Mario AU in mind.. When they grow up they will definitely be more stylized. :0 Not sure how they'll interact with Bowser as they age, but they are intended to all be his biological children :)
As for the birth order, I haven't thought it through fully,, but I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest and next in line for the throne. And JR is the very youngest with Lemmy being second to youngest. And Larry being 3rd to youngest :00
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Thank you! And to be honest if the D.A was split and gender swapped, I would just slap on some eye lashes and make them both generally appear more feminine.
Glitchy sun tho.. man, how would Fazbear Entertainment deal with that? <XD
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Thank you!! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
XD Well? Did it work?
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haljathefangirlcat · 13 days
A silly ask this time, but based on early medieval etiquette guides, which included such gems as look at the ceiling when belching, don't search yourself for fleas when being a guest at someone's house, don't say "no u" when a servant brings a drink over and asks you to partake, and don't "openly evacuate your nostrils by twisting your fingers" in front of important personages, which of the Nibelung boys do you think had the best etiquette?
And also did Gunnar/Gunther ever catch any flack from not getting a proper royal bathhouse built, as it seems everyone just goes to bathe in the local river?
ASDFGHJKSDFGHJKL. This is just. A lot of amazing mental images.
Anyway, I think I'd pick Gunnar/Gunther, here, as the heir to the crown. I can imagine Grimhild/Ute sort of breathing down his neck to make sure he knows how to behave appropriately in front of any guests, and then his own "oh, god, I need to make sure I don't dishonor my family or set a bad example for my younger siblings" anxiety would do the rest.
While when it comes to the worst etiquette/the one who just doesn't give much of a damn, I kinda wanna say Hogni/Hagen, as in the Nibelungenlied Hagen's the one who convinces Etzel that it's totally normal and not weird or rude at all for any Burgundians to show up at feasts and festivals in armor... and Etzel, who's absolutely known him for years, doesn't even blink, just instantly takes it as face value. Which makes me think he internally went "oh, thank the gods, it's the Burgundians in general who are ridiculous then, not just him." XD
I'd never consider the bathhouse thing. But now that you mention it, that would have quite literally saved lives.
... or maybe Brynhild would have simply insulted Gudrun by telling her "no, I don't want to go in with you, I don't care if there's enough space for both of us, just wait outside for you turn!" and nothing would have changed. XDD
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
Can I ask how would the weasels show their interest in someone they like or want to be with?
You can! ^^
Greasy Weasel: Heavy, shameless flirting. Like, he is laying it on t h i c k. And he gets in very close to you- like, imagine you're just looking at soaps at the grocery store, and you suddenly feel hot breath on your neck and hear his vOICE IN DIRECTLY IN YOUR EAR OUT OF NOWHERE, LIKE 'hola my lover~ i'll admit, it gives me a pleasant mental image to think about, seeing you here in this section~ ' !!?? He will get more dramatic the longer he knows you and you deny him, switching from clearly wanting your ass to acting like he has this long unrequited love for you (Because well... he is developing deeper feelings for you. It comes from being denied and just wanting that thing you cant have more rather then from actually getting to know you better, but still.). He'll get on his knees in public to serenade you, bring roses to your front door, dip you out of nowhere, etc. He just gets more unrestrained (and desperate) the longer he hyperfixates 😅
Psycho Weasel: Psy is pretty instinctual so if he's interested in you then he wants you, and he'll go for it. Following you around and staring with that creepy cute little smile of his (might even waive), bringing you 'gifts' (things he finds in daily travels he thinks you might like such as pretty rocks, little stolen objects from peoples houses, pictures of you he might've taken when you weren't looking, etc), rubbing his head into parts of you with affection, growling when other people get too close to you, etc.
Smartass Weasel: He wouldn't show his interest, that is top secret information and besides, he aint got time for this shit XDD (but if he did show it, I think he'd just basically... treat that person better then everyone else he encounters. Which from Smartass, that just means that he'll treat you decently and respectfully; almost being a gentleman. Savour it because he doesn't treat just anyone with respect and basic decency 😅)
Stupid Weasel: Stu just straight-up tells you he thinks you're pretty, and that Greasy told him he should ask you out on a date. Stupid also does other cute/sweet things (Which could rapidly lose their cute and sweet factors if you said no- because he will keep doing them, making you uncomfortable. Remember, he gets his romantic advice from Greasy), like bringing you seats when he thinks you're tired ^^
Wheezy Weasel: Wheezy is so cool 😅 He'd basically just treats you good (Actually good- not like Smartass, who just treats you with the basic decency). He asks you how you're doing and listens intently, gets you one of whatever he's getting (For example if he goes to get a coffee, he'll grab you one too and maybe a cookie if he thinks you'll like it), helps you up if you were sitting down, holds doors open for you, etc. Just e charming as fuck in that chill, 'not really trying', cool-guy way. Then when he figures you're comfortable with him, he'll ask you out.
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