#hello im back from finishing the storm beings
pippuns · 1 year
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xuanwu's dumb paper mask is so funny. i want to shove him into a locker
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redheadspark · 5 months
Hello! I am a creeper who LOVES your work! I have had this idea for an Az fic, but as I am not a writer, I cannot do it justic!
So its an Azriel x Reader. They both have a thing for each other but obvi neither know about it, but the whole Inner circle know . So the inner circle are having fun and some shenanigans happen, and somebody asks the reader about the person that she likes. Reader gets flustered, Az gets ✨jealous✨ and says screw it and kisses the reader. Im talking the kind of kiss that makes you forget everything and your brain melt. Lots of fluff, some angst because they are silly and maybe some smut at the end? 😎😎😎
Youre incredible!
Happy New Year!
A/N - HOORAY! I am so sorry for writing this BEYOND late, I'm battling a sinus infection and was in no mood to write when I was hurting, but I finally finished it and I hope you like it!
Warnings - Fluff with a some smut towards the end, so 18+ for this one!
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“Okay, now that we have the presents out of the way, I think we should move onto a hot topic,”
“And what would that be?”
“A certain person’s love life,” 
You saw several pairs of eyes looking over at you as you were mid-sip with your glass of wine.  It suddenly felt like you were the topic of conversation, much to your dismay as you slowly lowered your wine glass down and stared at the others that were gazing at you.  As if you weren’t in on the joke.  Perhaps you weren’t, and clutching your wine glass a bit too tightly you looked to your right to see Nesta grinning at you.
“Nesta…..what’s going on?” You asked her tentatively as she linked arms with you.
“Nothing at all,” She replied smoothly as she gave you her signature smirk, “We are just inquiring about your personal life since you never tell us, your friends and found family, anything about your love life,”  
Of course, this was not how the night was going to go.  It was the Annual Winter Solstice Party amongst the Inner Circle in Velaris, the second one you have been a part of since you were the newest member of the Inner Circle.  Nesta became fast friends with you when she walked into your little bookstore, striking up a conversation with you about new books that caught her attention.  
You showed her a few titles, and you two have been friends ever since. 
After Nesta came her mate Cassian, the suave and yet kind Commander of the Illyrian Army.  He was dragged in by his mate, amused at the sight of Nesta almost sprinting to the New Arrivals section and he hung back and started a conversation with you.  You liked his attitude, the calm to Nesta’s storm, the sun to her moodiness, and he almost seemed like a lovable younger brother to you.  
Not too long after that, you were surprised to see Nesta again, but she was not alone.  She brought along both the High Lord and the High Lady of Night Court.  It never occurred to you that she was sisters with High Lady Feyre, to which you were beyond entranced to meet her.  Feyre was beyond kind, wishing to find art books and some other novels for her.  High Lord Rhsyand was more curious about the historical novels you had, along with adventurous fiction pieces to help him pass the time.  
You gave him a great recommendation, and your life was forever changed.
Rhysand hired you to help fill his personal library with books from the bookstore, paying you handsomely for your assistance and recommendations.  You were shocked to see the mass sum he placed in your hands, to which you were able to not only get more books for the store but to get a bigger apartment for yourself since you were living in a cramped hole in the hall.  After stocking his library with novels and volumes in every genre that he could ever want, Rhysand kept you in the Inner Circle.  Being alone for some time and having to survive with no one to lean on, it felt surreal to have a new family.  
A support system, and lifelong friends, it overwhelmed your heart tenfold. 
Nesta brought you around the first Winter Solstice party with the Inner Circle, you were wearing a modest yet captivating dress.  You were beyond nervous to meet the rest of her friends, but Nesta reassured you that you were going to mesh well with the group.  So when you and Nesta walked in together and you saw the rest of the guests, you felt so small compared to the rest of the beings there.
Especially with Azriel, the Illyrian Spymaster.
He took your breath away from the moment you saw him perched by the fireplace.  He cool demeanor contrasted with the roaring fire, the brooding stare he had on his face, and even the small licks of shadows that were hovering against his body and his wings that were tucked tight against his backside.  Nesta spoke plenty about him and his duties for Night Court, Being the Spymaster of Rhysand and seeking out information from other courts.  To anyone else, he would be intimidating and almost frightening to gaze at.
But not to you, you weren’t frightened at all.
Nesta introduced you two, walking you over to him and saying your name to him.  He simply stared at you, you seeing the bright hazel eyes he had brightening from the cracking fire as he held out his hand for you to shake.  You took it instantly, feeling the warmth of his hand and the scars that were etched along his skin as well.  
“Pleasure to see you,” He said to you, his voice deep and soothing like a balm against a fresh wound.  It felt it along your own skin, the tremor of his tone and how he was gazing at you with both intrigue and interest.  You couldn’t help but smile, something inside of you told you not to be afraid of him.  No matter that he could be a killer or someone who brings torture.  That’s not what you felt in that moment shaking his hand, and you always relied on your intuition in the past. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” You said to him, and you saw him smile.  It was the most beautiful smile you have ever seen from another being in your life.
Since then, you have been taken by him.  The way he walked into a room and was cool and collected, how he would conduct himself in conversation and with the others in the Inner Circle.  Although you never saw with your own eyes how he would conduct himself in meetings or during his missions, you knew he was someone not to be trifled with.  But then again, anytime you two were in the same room, he showed none of those. 
He was introverted at best, willing to watch from a distance as the rest of the group would joke and chit-chat.  But he was also consistent in his opinions and banter with Rhysand and Cassian, showing the long relationship he has had with them.  You admired it all the more, seeing the love they shared for one another, not to mention the kindness that was laced with his stubbornness and determination.  
Something drew you to him, like a moth to a flame, wishing to discover him more and more as you two became friends over time. He never minded talking with you, wishing to know more about your knowledge of books and history and even coming to your shop every once in awhile to purchase something for himself.  He looked over very book that intrigued him, taking his time with the purchase that he wanted to do.  It showed that he was not going to waste his time in anything he did, he took precision and never jumped to chance.
Another trait that drew you in more with Azriel was his attention to detail.  He could analyze a person for a certain amount of time and get more information about them than anyone else can do.  It was a true gift, one you wish you had since his ability was more advanced.  He knew the precise information to give to Rhysand, the right paints to gift Feyre for her birthday, even the exact number of soldiers to tell Cassian in one of their Illryain training sessions.  It was his way in showing that he cared for the other person, listening to them and picking up and what they would say in passing.
He did that with you one time in the summer, hearing you talk with Mor about a broken window pane at the shop and some creaking floorboards that were on the verge of snapping.  You were mostly venting to her, knowing that you were going to have to fix it yourself since you weren’t going to overpay someone to fix it.  But the next morning, you heard Azriel knocking on your door with some tools in hand.  
“You don’t have to fix it for me, Azriel.  Honestly, I can—“
“It’s not trouble for me.  Better for you to be safe than an injury happening,”
He fixed the floorboards and the window pane within a few hours, you paying him with a homemade lunch and you two perched on the front porch of the bookstore gossiping about Cassian and Nesta’s upcoming wedding.  You hear him laugh from a comment you made, a whole-hearted laugh with his eyes crinkling and his teeth glistening in the sun, making you fall for him harder.
As the months passed, your friendship deepened and your crush on Azriel was still present, but it was placed on the back burner.  It felt like a fever dream for you to be on the same platform as him, only seeing yourself as a bookkeeper and nothing more important than that.  Azriel had power, he had a past of using that power on others to gain knowledge and intelligence.  His cool demeanor and uneasy stature would make others flee and run away, but you felt closer to him than anyone else in the Inner Circle.  Even with Nesta, who would tease you about how you two would be perfect together.  But of course, you would push those possibilities and dreams away with a wave of your hand.
“I don’t think he would be interested in someone like me,”
“Like who?!  Someone kind, intelligent, and beautiful from the inside out?  I think he would, and he would be a fool to think otherwise,”
Leave it to Nesta to build you up when you feel low.
This led you to this night, a snowstorm roaring outside the Townhouse while you were all sitting together in one of the casual sitting rooms.  With all eyes on you, you were still looking at the wine glass in hand as you were now the center of conversation.
“My love life is…..complicated to say the least,” you said aloud to the group, all of whom were simply smiling as you spoke again, “I am interested in someone, but nothing past that,”
“Oh, do tell!” Elaine said in glee as she was perched on a loveseat with her Mate, Lucien.  Feyre and Rhsyand too seemed interested, wrapped in each other’s arms while Cassian was grinning widely from his perch in an armchair.  You didn’t see Azriel, who was over on the other side of the room leaning against the wall, clutching his whiskey glass in a death grip as his hazel eyes were drilling into your own orbs.
“I doubt she wants to talk about it in a room filled with gossipers,” Cassian joked as Nesta glared at her mate.
“As if any of this will leave the Townhouse,” Feyre countered with him, though she gave you a knowing look, “You don’t need to tell us if you don’t want to.  I know how secretive you are,”
“Yes, she does!” Nesta said with a smirk as she clinked her wine glass with yours, “I know you far too well, and you are in need of some love in your life.  So tell us, what is he like?”
“Or she,” Rhysand hummed, though you rolled your eyes, “I’m only leaving it open, who are we to judge?”
“It is a male,” you corrected, seeing some smiles all around as you blushed.  Once again, without you knowing it, Azriel was standing so still as he was drinking in this information of you being smitten by someone else.  It was making his cool demeanor almost snap.  You had no idea that he was fuming inside, the thought of another capturing your heart and making you feel loved and adored, the notion that another could take you away from him and leave him high and cry.  
He was using all of his willpower to not stalk across the room to claim you as his, having months of practice in him pining over you and wishing you to be his.  
He found you infectious to his soul, whether it was your laugh or your smile that made your freckles pop and your face light up in joy.  He would find reasons to visit you at your little shop, just to talk to you for minutes at a time because it would fill up his soul with hope and love he missed out on for years.  Azriel thought of you as beautiful in both image and in heart, a shining ray of light in his dark world.  Yet he knew deep down he had to be careful, letting in people who were close to him would automatically link them to his dangerous life and his dangerous job.  The last thing he would ever want is to bring potential danger to someone he loved.  
It would kill him to bring you harm, the one person he would face danger for.
“All I will say is that this male is someone I feel will not wish to be with someone like me,” You said to the group with a shrug, Nesta rolling her eyes as Elaine looked at you almost in remorse.
“You speak so low of yourself!  You are far too beautiful and intelligent for any male to pass on,” Feyre reasoned with you as she smiled sweetly at you, “That male is a fool to pass you by,”
“You are a catch,” Cassian agreed, then throwing up his hands in defense, “And I say that as a friend!”
“And I agree with my mate,” Nesta said to you, “I find males who cannot make up their minds on what they want to be fools,”
“Babe,” Cassian sighed as she gave him a knowing look.
“You are no longer a fool, sweetheart,” She said to him as she winked at him before looking back at you, “Your heart is far too sweet and far too kind for any male, no matter how they are, to simply cast by.”
Perhaps it was the one thing that Azriel needed to hear, the one phrase that made him throw out the rational side that he was trying to hold onto.  The thought of some other male casting her side, or using her as a pawn in their game, it made his blood boil.  The affection he felt for you over the year grew day after day, and it got to the point of it coming to a head at any moment.  No matter the scenarios he played in his head in how he would ask you to dinner or to an outing in the park, nor the talks he confided in with Cassian in how he wished to talk to you about his affections for you.  All of that was out of the window.
He had to act, and he did just that.  
He moved before he could stop his feet, walking across the room with his eyes on you like you were a target for his mission.  Everyone was floored by how fast he was moving, you were almost spooked by the way he walked swiftly and his shadows were attempting to catch up to him.  He took your hand in his own, making you stand up from your spot on the loveseat and look at him with shock and worry.
“Azriel? What is—“ you were about to ask him.  But he instantly silenced you, reaching up to frame your jaw in his hand as he kissed you.
Nothing else mattered, everything ceased to exist, and you felt your heart bursting.
His lips, soft and yet firm in how he was kissing you, ingested a fire in you as you were still frozen in your spot and in his embrace.  The thoughts and daydreams of kissing Azriel were all out the window since this was real, breathing in his cologne and the scent that was etched on his skin and feeling his body temperature mingle with yours.  The way he kissed you was both gentle and possessive, maybe he was claiming you as his and at the same time wishing to show his affection to you.  Either way, you were filled with love with that simple kiss, filled to the point of almost overflowing, and then some.  
Before he could pull away, thinking he made a huge mistake in kissing you in front of all of your closest friends in such a brave declaration, you kissed him back.  He heard the others intake a short breath from the gesture, your fingers reaching up to touch the front of his shirt to feel his rapid heartbeat that was threatening to burst out of his body. His mind was on overdrive, not believing what was occurring.  You kissed him, and the gentle kiss against his lips unleashed a new sensation deep within him that he never felt for another.  Affection, protection, possession, and most importantly love.
He loved you.  Cauldron he loved you. 
It didn’t occur to either you or Azriel that the rest of the room was watching on bated breath, both in shock and in pure happiness as you two finally pulled away from one another and gazed at each other.  The realization of what happened sunk in, but in the best way possible.  There was a glow about the two of you, almost like a new shade of emotion over the pair of you like a blanket to shield you from the rest of the world.  Azriel smiled, in which you grinned in return as he laced your fingers together and gulped.
“Come with me,” he said, you nodding without you realizing it.  He then moved, having you follow him like a puppy as he led the two of you out towards the hallway.  Yet he looked over his shoulder at the rest of the group, all of whom were still looking in shock at what happened.
“Thank you for the party,” he said abruptly, and then you two walked into the darkness of the hallway before the faint sound of him winnowing was heard.  You both were gone in a second.
Silence was heard in the room, everyone looking at each other.  The only sound heard was the fireplace, but it only took a few solid seconds before Cassian gulped down the last of his whiskey and placed the glass on the mantelpiece.
“Fucking finally!” He said in a sigh of relief, the others grinning as Nesta shot up and glided over to her mate, “I swear to the Cauldron, It took too damn long for them to get together!”
“Aren’t they simply lovely together?” Elaine asked with a sweet grin to Lucien, who nodded at his mate in agreement, “They both deserve to be happy together!”
“It was getting them both to realize it that took too long,” Rhsyand snorted as Feyre slapped his arm, “What?  It’s true!  Cass and I had a running bet on how long it would take for them to get together.  Which reminds me, you owe me some money, Cassian!”
“Damnit,” Cassian groaned with a rub of his eyes with his fingers as Nesta grinned in victory.
“Well I am glad they finally realize they are meant to be together,” Nesta said with her smile, “Those two are meant to be.  I know they are.”
“To the lovebirds!” Rhsyand announced, raising his glass in the air as the others did as well, “And a life filled with happiness and love for the two souls who deserve it the most out of all of us!”
The group raised their glasses, knowing deep down, that your future together was bright and full.
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“Here, for you,”
“Thank you,”  
You sat up in the bed, your bare body covered by the bedsheets as Azriel fell back into bed with you with no care of covering himself up while he handed you a plate filled with some fruits and crackers.  You were blushing like mad as he played kisses along your skin and shoulders, you giggled as he wrapped you in his arms.
“Are you going to let me eat?” You asked in a teasing tone, though he passed and stared lovingly at you.  Just being there, bare and glowing in both bliss and happiness after spending a few hours in pure pleasure and euphoria, it was all life-changing for him.  Even with his hair askew and a thin sheet of sweat on him, there was no sign of fatigue on him.  He was far too happy, too energetic even, to have another moment without you.  After a year of pinning over you and seeing you from an arms’ reach, he would never let you go from now on.  
“Are you willing to share?” He teased back, you rolling your eyes as he fed him a few grapes.  You loved seeing this side of Azriel, the playful and gentle side that you knew was buried deep down under his tough exterior.  But Hours before when he winnowed you both to the House of Wind, pressing you against the wall and kissing you deeply, you were unraveling with no sign of resistance.  If the kiss in front of the Inner Circle erased your mind, the kisses he gave you when you two alone erased your sanity.  He was possessive with his arms around you, his kisses along your neck, and your pulse racing.  
No longer were you two just friends, you both knew it.
He flipped your world upside down, it was no simple fuck.  No, with Azriel, he was precise in how he brought you pleasure and made you moan his name like a prayer.  From the way he undressed your and perched you on the edge of an ottoman at the foot of the bed, to the way he licked your folds with his wicked tongue and made you watch his lips and tongue get your beyond wet just for him.  You were on fire, chanting his name and tugging at his locks as his hands were bracing your hips to keep you still, even with your thighs perched on his shoulders and shaking in pleasure and madness.  
There was no daydream that you ever had that would compare to the real thing, even when you came in a shout and Azriel grinned against your now sensitive pussy before he ascended to stare at your blissed-out face. He kissed you softly, you trembling against his lips while your orgasm was slowly coming down, but you moaned once again as his fingers sunk into you.  It made you realize he was simply warming up, and the night was just getting started.
That night was the best night of your life.
“How long have you liked me?” You asked as he placed the now empty plate away and had you snuggle in his arms, you half on top of him as his fingers were tracing your bare back and along your spine.  He grinned at you, scanning your eyes and your messy hair.
“Since the moment Nesta introduced you to me,” He answered, you blushing like mad as he kissed the tip of your nose, “I knew then, even in that smile on yours, that there would be no one else for me in this life.”
“From a smile?” You asked.
“You can tell a lot from a person in how they smile,” Azriel explained, “Those who force a smile are not to be trusted.  But those who have a real smile, a kind smile, are those who can depend on in hard times.  Your smile entranced me, and I never wished to see another smile since it would never compare to yours,”
“Well, for me, it was when we shook hands,” You explained, reaching over to take his spare hand and lace your fingers together gently and look at the scars along his skin, “Your hands were warm, and you were gentle in shaking my hand.  I knew then, because of the warmth I sensed in you and the goodness you had in you.”
Even bathed in the moonlight, bare with no abandon, Azriel’s smile he gave to you was beyond beautiful.  Your love for him was shining bright no sign of darkness or blemish, it was making everything else in your life seem dull in comparison.  He made you feel loved, not just with the physical pleasure he gave you but the emotional too.  You knew he adored you, loved you beyond reason, and you were feeling just the same.  He would walk through fire for you, experience pain so you wouldn’t, and there would be no hesitance when It came to bringing you love.  All because you loved him for who he was and brought him pure joy.    
And as he sat up with you in his lap, guiding his cock into you to make you cling onto him and moan in bliss, you both knew there was no going back as your lives were forever intertwined.  
The End
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hello gorgeous! if you doesn't mind, i have an idea. yk this cliche where 1 person makes another jealous just to fire them up and to make them confess their feelings/make out/have sex. i'm always conflicted bc yes i'm a flirty person myself but if someone does it to me? cty instantly. so can you imagine daemon making reader (who's the one he knows he will marry or they're just betrothed) jealous a lot bc he's a big shit and wants her to pay all her attention to him. but he didn't thought about oh. she's cold and strong-willed. so instead of some love making she ignores him for weeks if not months not even saying go back to your whores (sorry). just want him to beg for her love and attention bc that's what he deserves. idk about smut but angst. love angst and having power over powerful men. thank u in advance! take care!
It Takes Two
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Just because you knew Daemon flirted as though it was a sport his life depended on, didn't mean he would not meet the flames of your wrath.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: daemon being a man 🤢, fem!reader, wife!reader, gaslight gatekeep girlboss, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HI NONNIE im blushing over here with you calling me gorgeous. I love me some good old fashioned 'oh no the consequences of my actions' and a good femme fatale i hope you like it lovie HELP IT ACCIDENTALLY TURNED INTO FLUFF IM SO SORRY I DONT HAVE THE BRAIN POWER TO FIX IT sigh i guess its what God intended because my last daemon fic was dark af Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @targeryenmoony @ly--canthrope Part 2 "Since You Asked So Nicely"
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He sees me from atop his horse. He is already smirking because of the ladies circled around him. He only cares to dismount after I walk away. "Slow down!" Daemon calls chuckling, removing his stupid headpiece, discarding it without a care. When he manages to grab me, I turn and crush my heel onto his foot. He lurches back in pain, snorting angrily as he watches me walk away for the second time. He manages to grab me again, only this time, he is seething and has his hands locked on both my shoulders, "what has inspired your anger this time, wife?" My nostrils in anger. I shove his iron clad chest away from me, but he does not budge, "ask your admirers, prince." Daemon's lips quirk. He releases me. I storm away. He laughs as he calls a servant, instructing him to retrieve his helmet before he follows after his enraged dragon lover.
Daemon could no longer mask that he had been annoyed, no, worried, that up till now, the doors have not opened, and the person he had been waiting for all night has not arrived.
"Is something wrong, my prince?" the woman states in a ditzy manner.
She had been a pastime, a pawn in his game. She had grown honest with the alcohol, now unable to mask the fact she was, in fact, flirting with him. He liked her better when she talked about her dress, not that he could care any less about it. But at least she sounded like she knew what she was talking about, and not like she was measuring each word she would speak before it was spoken.
Daemon does not offer her a word in regard before walking away.
He walks up to the guard that should not be in the banquet this evening, not alone, and surely not enjoying it, as though he should not be on duty.
"Elias!" the prince calls, making the man chatting with someone, turn and straighten at the sight of him walking over.
"My prince," Elias nods in regard, lowering the cup he hand in hand slightly.
"Where is the princess?" he quips, "why are you here when she is not?"
The princess' guard shakes his head and shrugs, "she is in your chambers. Rowan is keeping guard."
Daemon's brows tighten in annoyance, "she's not finished changing still?"
The guard tilts his head, "my prince, she will not be in attendance of the banquet this eve."
"Did she not tell you?" he mutters, "she said that she felt faint and did not want to go."
Daemon's face hardens.
Without another word, he storms out of the banquet hall.
I turn to the door from the page of the book my eyes were on when I hear it burst open.
Daemon is heaving when he stills just outside the door.
"Has something happened?" I ask, with no real interest.
The prince marches over to me. I watch him up until he sits by my side and places a hand on my forehead, "are you ill?"
I push his hand away, "no."
"Are you with child?"
I roll my eyes, closing the book in my hand, "wouldn't you like that."
"Then why are you not at the banquet, by my side?"
"Hmp," I shift, turning my body to him, "I did not know you were expecting me."
"You are my wife," Daemon grabs my hand, "everyone is expecting you to be at my side."
I hum, puling my hand away. I inch past him to place my book on the bedside table, "and tell me, husband, where you waiting in earnest or with some woman by your side?"
He does not speak a word.
I scoff at him, shaking my head as I pull back and scooch down under the covers, "that is what I thought."
I snap at him when gets to his feet and rips my blanket off me.
"I've had enough of your games," he points at me, "you have been maddening as of late."
His words make me chuckle dryly. I knit my brows. "Is it I that has been playing games, Daemon?!" I quip, sitting back up, "you have been doing nothing but egg me on ever since your damned tourney and I've about had enough of you!"
I pull the blankets back up, only to have him pull it back down again.
"You know I only do this to get your attention," he says, kicking his shoes off.
I growl, swatting at him as I move to grab the blanket, "you are truly inept if you believe throwing yourself at another woman's feet will merit my attention or good graces."
He grabs the blanket from me and pulls at it, "I only meant to recreate the moment we had after the recent tourney, my love."
I practically steam in anger, releasing the blanket, making him topple back.
"If you are so desperate to recreate it that you resort to speaking with other women, then I do not want you anywhere near me!"
Daemon sighs as he crawls towards me on the bed.
I kick him off, "begone, cretin!"
Daemon, much like him, begins to find excitement in this, and even allows a smirk to play on his lips, "I love it when you call me names."
He manages to grab my leg. When he does so, he pulls me close and pins me down underneath him with his bodyweight.
"Get off!" I shove him off.
"My love," he sighs, grabbing my wrists, pressing them down beside my head, "quit the act-"
"Daemon, I swear to you, if you do not get off me this instant, I will not speak to you for an entire moon cycle."
He stills, looking down at me as he measures my words.
I raise my brows at him in challenge, "do you think I could not do it?"
It take a moments before he releases me. I could not help but gasp when he crumbles above me, sequentially nuzzling his head beside mine.
I clench my jaw at his unwanted affections, repeating more sternly, "get. off."
"You can't make me," he snips like a spiteful child.
I begin to struggle underneath him.
He whines out a desperate, "no!" He pushes down on me, nuzzling further into my shoulder. His breath is hot on my skin when he mutters something in High Valyrian that I do not understand.
I snip, "what was that?"
"I said I did not mean to actually upset you," he quickly admits.
I snort, "didn't you?"
I relax beneath him.
"... not like this."
"Then I demand an apology with tears."
"Enough, I'm going to sleep."
"You are not sleeping in that," I push him off, catching him off guard. He begrudgingly rolls on his back and releases a dramatic sigh. I look at him and raise a brow, "get up right now, or I will make you get up."
He does not listen to a word I say.
The next moment, I have him off the bed. He falls with a yelp and a thud after I kick him.
Daemon rises on his knees eyeing me darkly as I pull the blankets over my me once more, "I told you so."
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inf3ct3dd · 9 months
002. HELLO?
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warnings: none!!!!
authors note: oooo it’s getting cray cray guys…insane even….also r just means reader 😓
previous chapter. next chapter. masterlist.
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you hear your gym teacher yell from across the track, a disappointed look on his face.
you finally disconnected your lips from abbys, looking back at her absolutely mortified.
abby looked…unnervingly casual. her eyebrows were slightly raised, eyes open wide and mouth slightly agape.
“that was-um”
not letting her finish her sentence, you immediately started running away from her, back into the gymnasium.
her words are cut off by the door slamming behind you, quick footsteps moving you towards the bathroom.
mina followed behind you, mouthing a small apology to abby before going after you.
abby just stood there, in the middle of the track, lips slightly shiny from your lipgloss.
she wiped her chin off, and tried to process what the fuck just happened.
and before she could, ellie was storming towards her.
“anderson, what the fuck is your problem? we’re broken up for not even two weeks and you make a move on my girl?” ellie angrily huffed, crossing her arms in front of her.
“hey, she kissed me first.”
abby replied, slightly confused by ellies words.
“oh fuck off abby, you’re just doing this to be a bitch. you don’t need to drag her into our stupid shit.”
“doing what?”
ellie scoffed before rolling her eyes and walking away, leaving abby in even more confusion.
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mina had finally caught up to you, stopping to catch her breath and putting her hands on her knees and crouching over.
you had made it to the bathroom, standing inside a stall freaking-the-fuck out.
you stay silent, body stiffening at the sound of her voice.
“i know its you, i can see your shoes.”
you sigh in defeat and walk out of the stall, walking over to mina and leaning on the sink.
“mina im literally gonna die. right now. in this nasty-ass bathroom. i’m never showing my face in public again.”
you run your hands down your face before resting them on top of your head
“okay, i don’t think thats gonna happe-”
“how do you know? i feel like im having an actual heart attack right now. WHY DID I DO THAT???”
“you can’t ask me, im not the one who did it!!”
she’s sitting on the bathroom counter, slightly swinging her feet and resting her weight on her hands, planted on her sides.
you turn and look at her with a pathetic frown on your face,arms crossed in front of you.
“now i have to move countries and change my name and hide from abby forever and mina im DYING.”
“okay……i was gonna say you’re being dramatic but maybe you arent.”
“not helping.” :(
she thinks for a second before talking again.
“well, she didn’t seem mad.”
she honestly didn’t. and it was WEIRD!!!!
“but ellie did.”
which wasn’t as weird.
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you spent the rest of the day hiding in your hoodie, shrinking your presence even more than before. abby wasn’t lying when she said you had similar schedules. she didn’t confront you or anything, and she didn’t really say anything to you, she just looked at you a few times in class. and every time she did, you hid your face in your arms on your desk.
god, she probably thinks im insane.
i really hope she didn’t say anything to any-
“can we go home? i don’t wanna live in this car.”
you’re snapped out of your daze by your sister, kitty, still wearing a helmet,making you tighten your grip on the steering wheel.
“sorry.” you dryly reply, moving the gear stick to reverse.
“are you good? you’re being way quiet today….it’s weird. you’re usually like constantly annoying me-“
“im fine, don’t worry about it.”
she simply shrugs and goes back on her phone.
you start reversing the car, and nearly have a heart attack when you almost run someone over.
you hear a voice thats all too familiar , turning around to see abby behind your car.
she wastes no time walking to your window, and you unwillingly roll down your window.
“im really sorry i didn’t mean to-“
“you messing with me or something today baker?”
she chuckles, resting her arms on your open window. too close for comfort.
you nervously laugh in response, an awkward smile plastered on your face.
“whos this?” abby motions to your sister in the passenger seat.
“oh uhm..my sister-“
“kitty. who are you?”
she interrupts you, giving abby a questioning look.
“abby. nice helmet, i should’ve had one.”
kitty and abby both laugh, and you want to sink into your seat right then and there.
“im really sorry abby, i didn’t mean to.”
“well, maybe check your rear mirrors more. i gotta go. maybe don’t hit me this time?”
abby moves herself off the window, hand resting on her bag strap. you offer another laugh.
“bye abby.”
abby gives the both of you a small wave before walking away. you wait until she’s completely gone to finally back out of your parking spot and start driving, nerves still a wreck.
“oooooo you have a girlfriend!!!”
kitty giggles, staring at you.
“shes not my- we’re friends.”
yeah, your friend who you just kissed in the middle of the track field.
“isn’t that what ellie said to y-“
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♩♪♩♬. hello?
you felt the wind on your face, pedaling your bike down the street. despite it still being august, it was cold and foggy outside, painting the streets in various shades of grey and dark green. thats seattle for you.
you finally reach your destination, popping out the kickstand and setting down your bike on the pavement.
the door of the diner chimes when you push it open, the bells hung on the corner ringing. you sit down at the long table by the window, setting down your backpack on the table. you come there a lot. to get away from your house, to calm down, to do homework, and you used to come here with ellie.
“long time no see.”
your favorite waitress, joyce, walks up behind you.
you turn around and smile at her, feeling at ease with her presence.
“yeah, i’ve been kinda busy.” you lie.
“where’s your friend?”
‘friend’. she was talking about ellie. the slight mention of her makes your stomach churn.
“oh uh…we’re not really friends anymore.”
you say, smile falling.
“oh, thats a shame. you just want your shirley? or something different?”
she replies, smiling back at you.
“the shirleys fine, thanks.”
she nodded and walked away. you felt like you were going back into your dramatic-phase, feeling your chest tighten at the mention of ellie.
the two of you went here almost every day after school. it started because you didn’t want kitty bothering you while the both of you studied, but you two just liked the atmosphere. it was a pretty old diner, having been there since wayyy before you both were born. all of the decor was red white and blue, and it looked straight out of a 50’s movie. you usually just got drinks (your shirley temple, and ellies cherry coke), but you’d occasionally get some fries or a burger if you were hungry. they have the best burgers. you both just sat and talked to each other for hours. time had always seemed to slow when you were with her, she’s just so easy to talk to. about school, family stuff, shows you both liked, and of course ellie loved talking about random space facts and stuff about dinosaurs, casually slipping them into conversations. you always listened tho, cuz it was her.
you feel that same weight in your stomach you always did when you thought about you and ellie, face slightly falling into a pout. your daydreaming is interrupted by joyce bringing you over your drink, setting it down with a smile. you thank her and finally stop thinking about ellie, instead pulling out your folder and starting on your calculus homework. mr renee had a reputation for assigning homework on the first day. asshole.
you put on your headphones and started working, stopping to take a sip of your drink every once in a while. you’re almost finished when you feel someone standing behind you.
your headphones hide her voice, but you turn around to face her, pulling them onto your shoulders.
and low and behold, its abby.
why? she’s never been here before. did she find me or something?
“hey.” she spoke, a small grin on her face.
“how did you know i was here?” you question , a confused look on your face.
“i have my sources.” she replies, sitting down on the stool next to you.
you slightly raise your brow at her, but try to brush it off.
maybe she just…saw me in the window.
theres an awkward silence between the two of you for a moment, abby tapping her fingers on the table, and you pretending to look at your homework.
“i think you already know what im gonna ask about.”
your face suddenly goes hot, and you start fidgeting with your hands. shit.
“i’m really sorry abby, i just…..”
you hesitated, not wanting to continue your sentence.
“just what? wanted a kiss? yknow, you could’ve asked me.”
you slightly chuckle at her reply, becoming a liiiittle more at ease. she’s joking!!
“…i was trying to make someone jealous. its kinda stupid, i know. my brain just….didn’t work as fast as my body.”
“who were you trying to make jealous?”
“….ellie.” you replied, finally looking at her.
she laughed, almost too loud, and a proud smile appeared on her face.
“that’s where i remember you from, you’re ellies girl.”
“was.” you utter.
she doesn’t remember me from being in the same school for 6 years? ouch.
“well, good. shes a piece of shit anyways, i don’t know why you even got with her in the first place.”
she replies, smug as ever.
“yeah, guess it was a stupid decision.”
you chuckle, staring down at your hands.
“i’ve made a lot of stupid decisions too.”
abby says, noticing how your face slightly fell with your response.
“like what?” you ask, looking back up at her.
“yknow nora?”
you nod, waiting for her elaboration.
“we dated for a while, then i caught her with owen at a party. owen. like, are you serious???”
“dude, that’s brutal. same thing happened to me with ellie. but like….it thankfully was not owen.” you reply, slightly laughing. you feel a sense of relief washing over you now that the awkward atmosphere is gone.
abby stops for a second, looking like she’s thinking about something.
“okay, i have an idea, but its like….kinda crazy.”
“what is it?”
“what if we like…pretended we were dating?”
“why not? you can make ellie jealous, and i can make nora jealous. kill two birds with one stone.”
you hesitate for a second. ellies already mad, why not make her even more upset?
“yknow what? yeah, we should.”
abby smiles at you, and you return it with a grin.
“you hungry?”
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“a contract? really?”
abby laughed, grabbing a fry and dipping before taking a bite.
“hey, we’re being professional!”
you joke, pulling out your notebook and a pen. the two of you had been talking for almost an hour, and eating the burgers abby ordered for you. the conversation went by so easily, the two of you plotting your amazing plan and joking the whole time. the table was filled with laughs and smiles, and you felt the same warmth you always did in this diner.
“alright then ms. businesswoman, what’re you gonna put on it?”
abby questioned you, taking the last sip of her shirley temple. what a copycat!!!
“hm…..okay, number one, no kissing.”
abby put on a fake pout and looked back at you.
“aw man, i wanted another one!”
you both giggled, and you wrote down the words on the paper.
“only if absolutely necessary.”
“when is kissing someone necessary?”
“sometimes you just gotta.”
abby lets out a small chuckle, and eats another fry.
“you can put your hand in my back pocket. ‘s more romantic.”
“why that?”
“like in sixteen candles!”
“…what is that?”
“oh my gosh, you’ve never seen sixteen candles?”
“nuh uh.” her words are muffled as she eats another fry.
“im putting that in the contract.”
abby rolls her eyes jokingly.
“okay…number two, no snitching.”
“rule one of fight club, don’t talk about fight club.”
you slightly raise your brow at her, not understanding the reference.
“seriously? you’ve never seen fight club?”
you shake your head no.
“put that on there too.”
you write down ‘sixteen candles/fight club double feature’ on the paper, with a smiley face next to it.
“i could write you notes? i said i’d do that for nora, but i forgot.”
“you gonna forget again?” you question, raising an eyebrow.
“i won’t. i promise.”
you write down the rule, taking a sip of your drink.
“andddd you have to go my games.” abby added.
of course ms. star lacrosse player needed you at her games. did you understand lacrosse at all? absolutely not. but she didn’t need to know that!
you scribbled it down on the paper, nodding to abby.
“and parties.”
“am i your trophy wife or something?”
“hey, we aren’t fake-married yet.”
you both erupt into laughter, the sound echoing through the almost empty diner.
“fine, you have to drive me and kitty to school.”
“oh? you’re an amazing driver, why don’t you wanna drive yourself?”
you roll your eyes at her sarcasm, writing down the rule underneath the one before.
“anddd one last thing. ski trip.”
every year , your school brought the seniors on a ski trip. its an overnight trip in the mountains, and it was notorious for students sneaking out and partying. (and hooking up.) it was later in the year, during winter.
“you think we’re still gonna be doing this by then?”
“hey, you never know.”
abby shrugs, and you write down ‘SKI TRIP’ in big letters on the paper. you write both of your names on the paper, and a line next to them to sign it.
“here.” you pass the paper and pen over to abby.
she signs her name before passing the paper back to you, letting you sign yours.
“you promise you wont break the contact?” you say, holding out a pinky towards abby.
abby lets out a light chuckle.
“promise.” she replies, before interlocking your pinkies.
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year
🧸CHAPTER TWO} I like you more than a roommate
Previous chapter
Paring: roommate!Hyuniin X fem reader
Rating: mature (eventually explicit)
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, eventual smut
Chapter Warnings/things: none
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Your roommate Hyunjin is slowly catching feelings for you. You get more clingy to him as he helps you through your needs and issues, he loves you but doesn't know how to show it.
A/n: this one’s kinda boring but it’s relevant. Its also quickly written so
It’s been 3 days since the storm, Hyunjin’s been trying to get my attention for the past few days, I’ve been shoving him off though.. I overreacted more than usual that night. Yes, im afraid of storms and he knows that, I feel like an idiot, crying into his arms and being all cuddley like. I appreciate his comfort but the problem is I like him more than a roommate, more than a friend; I have feelings for him.
But now i don’t even know how to start up a normal conversation with him, I’ve been ignoring him for days! Getting over him would be helpful but i can’t when I practicality live with this guy!
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’ve been avoiding you since-“ I sigh opening the door to find him sketching away some flowers, the scribbling noises stop as I finish my words, I can’t say anything else it’s like my vocal chords froze and I couldn’t talk anymore, like something was squeezing them tight from the inside of my throat.
“Oh Hey! It’s fine don’t worry about it, we all need our own time sometimes. I totally get it.” He chuckles, my eyes stare at his perfect pink lips watching them part as he slips words out of his mouth, they’re so plump! I catch myself not paying attention.
“Uh- y-yeah, thanks..” I tilt my head down in embarrassment
I end up deciding to sit down next to him I open up my phone, beginning to do my own thing and check if anyones texted me or called me about something.
Which no one has, so I just stare at my screen and try to hide my embarrassment of what the fuck was going through my head. It’s just lips, everyone has lips, why are his so intriguing to me? I hate this so much.
“Whatchu looking at?” He leans toward me, causing me to jump slightly as he rests his chin on my shoulder.
What the hell do I say? I’m literally just straight up STARING at my Lock Screen like an idiot would.
“Uh, I just changed my Lock Screen and I’m deciding if I like it or not.”
Perfect, hopefully that’ll cover up whatever the fuck I’m doing. I’m pretty sure he’s only seen my Home Screen which is outstandingly lucky for a situation for this.
“Well I think it’s awesome, Hello Kitty right?”
He grabs my phone and points at it, smiling since he knows he’s right and loves being correct with whatever the heck he’s doing.
“Yeah! Hang on, got an email from our art professor, bloody hell.” I sigh, opening my phone holding it close to my chest scanning the email with my eyes.
“What is it?” Hyunjin questions, being the curious guy he is. “Art assignment, it’s due tomorrow. Must have missed it when I was checking my emails, it was sent last week..” I lie my head back against the wall groaning in disappointment.
“Well we should start now.. it’s tomorrow after all.”
He snatches my phone reading the assignment out loud. “team up with someone in your class on a collaborative acrylic painting, the canvas can be any size it’s your choice.” Hyunjin gives my phone back, his face scrunching up as he thinks of ideas.
“Oh I know! We could do a painting of a fairy resting in a flower, I could do most of the fairy and you do most of the flower!” I smile, hopping onto his lap in excitement, pushing down on his shoulders and looking into his eyes with a twinkle in my own.
“Oohhhh.. that’s a great idea, we should start now though, we don’t have much time.”
“Yeah. Good idea”
© 2023 skulla_rxcks
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dear-departed · 2 years
hello been reading some of your stuff and will probably continue to read it after i get this out of my mind but i was playing obey me and thinking:
i could not deal with living in the HOL. i have plenty of patience, but the constant fighting of the brothers, lucifers pride stopping him from admitting he is wrong, mammon selling things that dont belong to him for grimm, levi holing himself up and being lowkey manipulative with his self degradation causing you to spend time with him, satans short temper and occasional threats that terrify me, beel constantly eating everything in the house (i have a high metabolism and am very protective of my food for reasons unknown), and belphie sleeping constantly (plus the fact im still kinda salty about being killed in chapter 16 and then him just, acting like it necer happened) and them taking up all my time
basically id go insane, and want to know if you could write a story (long or short) about me sneaking over to purgatory hall, leaving a note saying ill see them at RAD. what id do with the residents (baking with luke, potions and magic with solomon, reading and maybe writing with simeon) and the brothers reactions to me leaving without telling them in advance and being gone so long (a night to a whole weekend)
thank you!!
Hello, Love!
I like this idea, and I totally get what you mean, I don't think I could handle not getting my proper alone time.
I tried my best with this, it got kinda rushed near the end because it was 4 in the morning and I just wanted this baby finished and over with. I loved writing it!
Some of this stuff is very much based off my childhood memories (wet, damp, grass smell is a big thing) and my interests (writing and baking with Simeon and Luke, but MC already knows a little about each) but I hope you enjoy regardless!
MC is gender neutral, and as a prefix, Mx. is used
Warnings: Mild angst, some deep conversations with Solomon, but not much, also Solomon just being a little shit for funsies, mild angst, crying Mammon
Word count: 7k
‘Please, dammit, just let me get through this chapter without another distraction.’ 
The ruckus downstairs was enough to let you know that this peace and quiet you’ve been enjoying for the past 10 minutes wouldn’t last long. 
The noise, that damned noise downstairs. You’d only gotten through a few pages of the book you were reading. Each sentence needed to be read a few times to actually soak into your mind, every grueling detail difficult to take in. 
Upon hearing a hasty knock, then the door being burst open, you knew it was over. With a defeated sigh, you slowly shut the book, not bothering to save the page. It’s not like you’d gotten that far anyway, so what was the point? 
Mammon and Levi were both quick to storm into the room, Mammon holding up a Ruri-Chan figurine, which was about the size of a beer bottle.  
“You greedy ass, give it here!” Levi desperately held out his hand, looking wound up and about ready to headbutt his older brother. 
“No way in hell would I give this to you! Do you know how much it’s worth! And besides, I found it, it’s mine! Unless you can cough up 8 thousand grimm, I’m gonna sell it online!” The second born sat himself next to you, far too close than you were comfortable with at the moment.  
“I would say until pigs fly, but you’ve got wings, jackass!” Levi directed his eyes toward you, then back to Mammon. “And plus, it’s not fair to barge into MC’s room and push this onto them! I seriously doubt they want to deal with one of my weird hermit problems!”  
You let out a deep sigh, a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in ever since you heard that knock. “Mammon... just, give him his action figure back.”  
“No! Do you get how much this is worth?!” 
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed, I command you to give Leviathan, Avatar of Envy, his figurine back!” 
It wasn’t worth it to try and reason with him, especially not today, you reasoned. You watched as Mammon’s breath hitched, his mouth falling agape as protest as he groaned, his arms shooting out to hand Levi the action figure back.  
Leviathan’s eyes damn near sparkled when you said that. He hands hastily snatching the figurine to his chest, grinning as he blushed, “oh, MC! I really didn’t expect you to actually stick up for me, you’re the best!” 
Mammon’s arms dropped back down to his sides, his chest heaving as he sucked in a few quick breaths. “Are you serious, MC?!” 
“Don’t look at me like that, you shouldn’t have taken it in the first place.” You hummed. After a while at The House of Lamentation, you learned that Mammon being angry wasn’t really anger. You learned that he almost didn’t have the capacity to truly be mad at you, especially when he knew you were in the right.  
He stayed seated, trying to formulate his next smart comeback. He ignored the yelling that erupted from the kitchen. You, however, couldn’t seem to get it out of your head. His next words were a blur to you. Between your rare alone time being interrupted, you just being overall tired, and the dull, aching, pain in your head, everything just came back a little fuzzy.  
“MC? Hello? Earth to MC?” Leviathan asked as Mammon waved a hand in front of your face. “Ya okay? Ya seem kinda... out of it.”  
“Yes! Yes, I’m fine, I’m perfectly fine, just need a second, so just...” You set your book aside, scooting back on the bed, away from Mammon. The muted warmth radiating off the demon was beginning to get rather uncomfortable, on top of everything. “I’m just... I need a second.” You repeated, hoping, praying, to something out there that they would get the memo and just leave. 
“Okay, okay!” Mammon stood up, taking a few steps back. But alas, he didn’t make his way toward the door.  
“I mean I need a moment alone. And by a moment, I don’t mean just go out of the room and come back in a minute, I mean please leave me alone unless there’s an issue that you can’t just solve yourselves.” You rubbed your temples, your headache increasing until it felt like the veins in your neck would pop.  
“I knew they didn’t want us around, who would?” Leviathan grabbed Mammon, dragging him by the back of the shirt out of the room. Thankfully, Levi is an introvert, and knows the importance of completely shutting someone’s door before leaving. At least that’s one thing. 
The yelling from the kitchen was obviously Satan, nobody could mistake it. That strained screaming, where his voice cracked and his voice got deeper, less refined than normal. You could almost see him now, threatening Lucifer, who wouldn’t dare take any part in admitting that he did something to piss Satan off.  
When this whole shitshow started, you might’ve gone down to check on it, but it always ended up the same. Someone would get to you first, complaining about someone or something. Christ, it was like you were their only relief in this household.  
A thought suddenly crossed your mind, one not too unfamiliar to you. What would happen if you just packed up and went to purgatory hall for a day? Or a few nights? Maybe it would give the brothers some time to get themselves in line, and it would give you time to cool down before you snapped, got your neck snapped. Again. 
No, no, you couldn’t. Leaving them would be cruel, especially without any warning? What if Lucifer got pissed off and told Lord Diavolo? And what if Lord Diavolo got upset in turn? 
Or what if you just asked Lord Diavolo? He always seemed to be decently understanding. After all, he’s been near the demon brothers for hundreds of years now, he knows how tiring they can get. 
So without any further considerations, before you decided to chicken out, you pulled out your D.D.D, opening up Diavolo’s contact.  
MC: Lord Diavolo? Can I have your opinion, or blessing on something? 
Diavolo: Of course, what is it, MC? 
You hesitated for a moment, typing and retyping the words you were about to say next. Should you ask to call him instead? No, someone might hear, and lord knows they’d go feral. 
MC: How would you feel about me staying at Purgatory Hall for a few days? Just to cool off? All of the brothers are getting to be a bit much. I hope you understand, and it’s alright if you refuse. 
Diavolo: Haha! Of course, you may, those brothers are always so rowdy, I understand! I’ll send over someone to escort you tonight. 
Diavolo: And don’t worry, I won’t tell Lucifer, it’ll be our little secret for now 
MC: Thank you, Lord Diavolo 
He sent an emoji, that one of the Red Devil winking, with its hip jutted out to the side. At least he’s understanding. 
The title of a ‘Demon Prince’ was always super intimidating, every portrayal of one like Diavolo was always tyrannical, sadistic, and an overall ass, and there was always this part of you that expected him to respond to you like that. 
Great. So now all you had to do is pack a bag without any of them knowing. Which is, arguably, the hardest part of this whole thing.  
Just as you thought, packing your bag was hell, all puns intended. 
You pretended to take a shower, or in other words, you grabbed a bunch of clothes and a duffle bag and shoved everything you’d need for the weekend into it. A few different outfits, a comb, toothpaste, toothbrush, a stick of deodorant, that sort of stuff.  
It felt alien to you. You’d only ever packed to leave the house after the exchange program had first ended, or whenever you went on trips with the brothers.  
But as you got a text from Barbatos after some of the brothers had gone to bed, the remaining ones too busy to be out of their rooms at this time of the night, you felt kind of bad. Frustrated, yes, but something in your heart tugged you toward this chaotic bunch. It’s not like you were leaving forever, but still. 
Alas, you neatly placed your note on your bed, doing a double-take around the room before hauling your bag up onto your shoulder, your shoes hanging by their laces on the strap of the bag, and stepped out of the door, swinging it shut, then carefully turning the knob and shutting it, making as little noise as possible. You were fully aware Lucifer knew you were out of your room, but that didn’t matter. 
As you passed the kitchen, the distant noise of soft grumbling radiated from the dim glow that radiated from the fridge. Satan was going to be pissed about that in the morning, you noted.  
You crept further down the hall on soft footfalls, the silver moon bouncing off the walls, the pictures on the walls basking in the familiar sunless Devildom sky.  
You felt eyes upon you, but something kept you from turning around. If they were going to stop you, or say something, they would have by now. Your hand lurched for the doorknob, slowly starting to turn the cool metal beneath your warm fingertips. It moved no further. Of course, it would be locked. 
You carefully set down your bag, holding the handle with one hand and carefully turning the lock with your other. A soft click sounded from the inner mechanisms of the old lock, proving you successful. You pulled the door open, picking up your bag again and shutting it behind you. You locked it, then took a moment to slide on your shoes finally. 
The headlights of the chauffer's car shone in the dull, cold, night. All according to plan.  
As that thought passed your mind, you felt the stare burning into the back of your skull dissipate, like a shadow sliding back into its corner, as if it’d been washed away by a cool bucket of water. Yet it left no release. 
You walked toward the car, watching as the driver got out and walked to the back of the car. They stood strong, with their hands folded neatly in front of themselves. “Mx. (Last name), welcome.” They greeted, their gloved hand delicately opening the back door, nodding their head toward the seat. Lord Diavolo certainly hadn’t left any room for error, had he? Despite Purgatory Hall being a short walk away. To be fair, though, the Devildom isn’t the safest place for a human to roam at night.  
You scooted in the seat, setting your bag to the side. “Thank you, really.”  
“No worries, Mx. (Last name), it’s nothing short of my duty.” They offered a polite smile as they shut the door, moving back into the driver’s seat. They glanced at you through the mirror, “Purgatory Hall, correct?” 
“Yes.” You traced your finger over the perfect stitching on the leather seats of the car, which smelled faintly of Lucifer’s unmistakable cologne.  
As the car pulled away from the House of Lamentation, you slumped further into the seat, letting out a quiet sigh as your muscles relaxed, the anxiety that burned deep in your marrow slowly letting itself loose.  
The gentle humming of the car was like a lullaby to your racing thoughts, the way it buzzed as it cruised down the road, it brought you back to different memories in your life. Long car rides at night, riding the bus, the way you used to squint when you were at stoplights to see how blurry you could get the lights to seem, the dank and musty smell of freshly mowed grass after a long day.  
It didn’t take long before the car eased to a stop outside Purgatory Hall, the chauffer locking eyes with you through the mirror, that same, sterile, smile catching your attention as they looked at you. “We’ve arrived, I will stay here until you get inside.” 
“Alright.” You unlocked and opened the door, slithering out of the seat and tugging the bag along with you. “Thank you, again, I know it really can’t be convenient picking random people up, especially at this hour.” 
“Again, it’s no worries. And after all, Mx. (last name), you are no stranger. You’re a friend of both Lucifer and Lord Diavolo.” The driver assured. 
You shut the door, walking around the back of the car and making your way up the short path to the front door. You knocked four times before stopping and listening closely for anyone inside the house. After a minute or two of crashing, groaning, and somebody from inside very obviously falling straight on their ass, a light turned on. 
A tired-looking Simeon opened the door. “I... what are you...” He squinted, then blinked, seeming quite dazed. You could see the gears turning in his head, before his mouth went slightly agape, his crackly voice going “ohh... I remember now! Come in, come in.” He stepped aside, a loving grin tugging at the edge of his lips, which had a little bit of wet drool leaking off one side of his mouth. 
You stepped into the house, the scent of vanilla hitting you square in the face.  
Luke veered the corner, Solomon sluggishly following behind him, rubbing one side of his butt, a pained look wrinkling his features. Luke looked tired, but undoubtedly gleeful to see you. “You’re actually staying with us for a few days?!” He grabbed at your wrist, grinning a bit.  
The small angel quickly caught himself, “it’s not that I’m happy about that or anything, I mean, I see you all the time! But... I’m happy you’re here!” He put a hand on his hip.  
“I’m glad I’m here too, Luke.” You gave the top of his head a gentle pat, returning his tired smile. “I’m sorry to wake you all, and to kind of like, invade your home, even if I did let you know beforehand. I’m just...”  
“We get it.” Solomon attempted to tame his hair, only paying attention to you half way. “Those brothers can get really tiring. It’s like, I love them, but even things you love can make you upset sometimes. It’s like listening to the same song on repeat for three hours, but it’s a song you love. You need to take a break from that song for a while before you can enjoy listening to it again.” 
“That’s a good analogy, Solomon.” Simeon nodded, giving you a comforting smile. “Do you want a hug? I know times like these can be stressful, and sometimes it can feel like everything around you is just all happening at once, and you want some space from them, I suppose?”  
“Yes, please.” You shuffled closer to Simeon, Luke’s soft hand falling from your wrist as you wrapped your arms around the older angel, burying your head into his chest. Jasmin, chamomile, flowers... ugh. You allowed yourself to slip further into his embrace, noting the sudden warmth now connected to your side, Luke. They were warmer than the demon brothers, who were slightly cool to the touch. 
Solomon watched from a couple feet away, his eyes filled with want as he stared into the empty spot at your other side. Eventually, he gave in, sinking into your familiar warmth. 
Despite not spending nearly as much time here as you did the House of Lamentation, this place felt just as much like home as the other.  
After a moment of comfortable, admittedly warm silence, Simeon pulled away, his delicate hands resting upon your shoulders, a smile gracing his angelic features. “I have no doubts you’re exhausted. We already have a place for you to sleep, how about we get you set up so you can get some good, undisturbed, rest?” 
“That sounds heavenly.” You sighed, finally realizing how heavy your eyelids were. 
He let out a soft laugh, brushing his hand against your cheek. “Well, we try. Solomon, if you don’t mind, can you take them over to their bed area? Luke and I will get them a cup of tea ready.” He and Luke pulled away from you, as did Solomon, who slowly nodded. “Sorry, almost fell asleep on you there.” he giggled, squinting at you. “I can’t stay up as late as I did before, being immortal takes its toll. Come on.” He nodded toward down the hall, making his way through the house with you hot on his tail.  
“Luke and Simeon were overjoyed when they heard you were coming.” He said, his slippers making soft patting noises on the hard flooring. “So am I. I feel like we never hang out outside of studying. Maybe I can steal you away for a while, who knows?” He trailed his index finger along the wall, eventually stopping at a series of doors. “They decided to set up your sleeping arrangement in my room. Feel free to freshen up in the bathroom, you can sleep on the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch, unless you’re open to the idea of sharing a bed.” He paused, appraising your reaction.  
You felt your face heat up, the tips of your ears becoming hot as you laughed, shaking your head as you stared at the floor. “You’ve been spending too much time with Asmo, I swear.” You set your bag by the sofa. 
“Well, I’ve only known him for a few centuries, I wouldn’t say too long. So... was that a yes?”  
“Solomon, I’m not taking your bed, I’m the guest, I’m sleeping on the sofa.” You shook your head, sitting down on the sofa, taking one of the throw pillows and placing it beneath your head. 
“Well then, I guess we’re sharing the couch. I’m not sleeping on the bed either. As you said, you’re the guest, and you came here to feel comfortable.” He clambered onto the couch as well, humming triumphantly at you as Luke and Simeon both entered the room, a few cups of warm “sleepy time” tea in hand.  
“This should get you nice and sleepy if you weren’t already, or at least calm you down.” Simeon placed two of the steaming cups onto the coffee table, placing coasters beneath them. “Be careful, it’s really hot.”  
You made a mental note of now Luke’s cup wasn’t steaming, and he in fact had his other hand wrapped around the cup. Simeon definitely cooled it down for him, how sweet. 
“Thank you, again. I know it’s a pain, but like you said, they get overwhelming sometimes.” You stared into your cup, the honey-colored liquid reflecting back yourself, someone who had gone through many big events and changes since you arrived in the Devildom. Someone who had died, come back to life, went through many death threats from various demons, including those closest to you.  
And yet, a lot of the time, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Despite how unforgiving it is for humans, it’s oddly comforting.  
“Really, MC, it’s no problem. Even in the celestial realm they were a bit much at times.” Simeon leaned down, planting a goodnight kiss on your forehead. “Now, you should get some rest. Don’t let Solomon be too mean to you.” he teased, giving your cheek a gentle pat before both he and Luke left the room, shutting the door behind them.  
Solomon dipped his finger into his tea, muttering a quiet spell into the liquid, in a tongue you didn’t recognize. It must have been a spell he hadn’t taught you yet. “What’d you do to it?” You quirked a brow, watching as he chugged the cup down.  
“I turned it into gin.” He smirked, looking up at you through his frosted lashes. 
“Just kidding, I cooled it down. Want me to do the same for you.?” he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, clearing his throat a little.  
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” You scooted your cup of tea out to him. He dipped the very tip of his finger into the piping hot contents of the cup, muttering the same, soft, incantation before pulling his hand away. “Alright, should be fine, test it.”  
You carefully picked up the cup, tipping it up just enough to touch the liquid to your lips. “It’s perfect.” Somehow, he’d gotten it to the perfect temperature. You took a long sip, savoring the lightly sweet, floral, drink. It slid down your throat smoothly, warming your body just enough to be oh so satisfying.  
“I’m glad.” He idly watched you drink your tea, playing with a piece of loose thread in one of the cushions of the sofa, thinking of his next words. “I’m not supposed to say this, but Simeon’s making pancakes tomorrow morning because you decided to stay over. Don’t say anything to like, though. He’ll go feral; you know how much he loves Simeon’s pancakes.” He let his eyes stray, slowly beginning to stare straight through you.  
He was knocked out from his daze when you set your cup down. He shook it off, grabbing both of the cups. “I’ll take these to the kitchen; you get comfy on the bed.” He smiled, the little dark circles underneath his blueish brown eyes, which showed up very prominently on his pale skin. 
‘nice try, old man.’ 
He made a graceful exit from the room, but you couldn’t help but notice how he hobbled slightly. Damn, how had had he fallen on his ass? 
You pulled your D.D.D from your pocket, half-expecting a flurry of texts and calls from the brothers. All you were met with, however, was a few stray texts from Diavolo and Barbatos, briefly letting you know that the driver was there, or asking if you’d gotten there safely. You assured them you had, setting your phone in your bag. 
Solomon returned a minute later, quirking an icy brow.  
“...Damn you, Solomon.” You feigned annoyance as you climbed onto the bed, slipping beneath the covers. “I’m not having you sleeping on the couch, either. Come here.” 
You awoke to the sweet scent of pancakes wafting through the air, and the weight of Solomon sliding off the bed. You let out a soft groan, rolling over onto your back and staring at the ceiling. It was so relaxing to not be woken up by Mammon bursting through your door, so nice to not hear someone screaming downstairs.  
“Good morning, sleepy head. You slept like a rock last night.” The sorcerer chuckled, turning his back to you as he took off his shirt, swapping it out for a fresh one. Right, today was a weekend, nobody had school.  
“H... wha?...” You moaned, the feeling of sleep slipping through your fingers as you slowly sat up, still not entirely able to tell if this was a dream or not.  
“I got up a few times, and let me tell you, you didn’t move at all. You must’ve been really tired.” He grabbed a pair of pants and some boxers and whisked himself off to the bathroom, leaving you in a blurry daze. 
You rubbed your eyes, trying to shake off the fog clouding your mind. Oh right, you snuck out without telling the brothers anything.  
You groggily got out of bed, feeling both the most well-rested yet the most tired you’d ever been in your life. You quickly changed, trying to finish up before Solomon came out of the bathroom.  
Hesitantly, you picked up your phone. Surprisingly, though, you only had 13 texts. Which may seem like a lot, but... all of the brothers texted once or twice, Lucifer told them to give you some space in the group chat, messaged you that he was sorry for any discomfort they may have caused, and that seemed to be that. Sure, they moped, but you didn’t get any calls, no texts, after that.  
With that off your chest there wasn’t a lot to worry about anymore. No upset brothers, just mildly tickled demon men, which you could live with.  
“I’m back, let’s get to the dining room.” Solomon stood by the doorway, bowing his head lightly, motioning you into the hallway. You followed along, with all the lights on, you were fully able to take in the vivid and rich paintings lining the walls. 
Upon entering the dining room, you see Simeon being the perfect malewife, I mean being very helpful. 
He’s setting the table, a large plate of pancakes in the center, with plates for everyone in their respective places, your plate was placed between him and Luke.  
Luke was also being helpful, bringing out a carton of milk and juice, setting cups and silverware next to everyone’s plates. It was obvious he was trying to contain his excitement, his lips were pursed, barely suppressing the grin that lay beneath his attempt at a calm façade.  
“Breakfast is served!” Simeon said in his melodic voice, his tone wafting through the air the same as the smell of the pancakes. A gentle smile graced his features as he eyed you up and down, tilting his head. “I heard you slept well?” 
“I slept great, I hope you did, too... even though I did wake you up to stay over.” You smiled in return, earning a blush from the angel. 
“MC! You have to come over more often! I mean, please come over more often!” Luke took his place at the table, looking absolutely thrilled. 
His favorite people all in the same room, with his favorite food, all in a good mood. Nothing could beat this moment, right here.  
You, Solomon, and Simeon all sat in your respective places, chatting while peacefully chowing down on the awesome breakfast that Simeon had made. You let them all know about the texts you’d seen, and they were happy to hear that the brothers at least agreed to give you some space for the time being.  
“It’s really peaceful here” you remarked, shoveling a forkful of pancake into your mouth. 
“Yes, I do think it’s peaceful here, for the most part. After all, including you, the house does have eight people. That’s a lot of people all at once, and including you, we only have four, so really, we’re just less crowded. And I do admit, some of the brothers are crazy in the mornings.” Simeon laughed, covering his mouth.  
“This is really good, Simeon.” Solomon leaned an elbow on the table, sending you all a little grin. “I think I should make breakfast tomorrow morning. It’s only fair, you and Luke already cooked, so I think I should take over tomorrow. After all, I’ve been looking at this new recipe for w-” 
“NO! NO CHANCE IN... I mean...” Simeon cleared his throat, nearly choking on his bite of pancake. “Luke and I are more than happy to cook, it's our hobby, after all” He smiled. “There’s really no need to overwork yourself, Solomon.” 
“Oh no, I insist. You really should look at this recipe, Simeon. I think adding my own twist would make it taste better, though.” Solomon took a swig of juice. 
“Your food is really, really... special. I just don’t think our stomachs are used to how good it is, so-” Simeon started, only to be cut off by Luke. 
“You suck at cooking-” 
“Sorry! It just slipped out! Not even Beel can eat It, though!” 
You couldn’t help but put your head in your hands and laugh, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. And the worst part? You knew Solomon was aware how awful his cooking was. He just didn’t care. 
“I’m sorry, Solomon, but he’s right. I think there’s a 50/50 chance that you either die or become immortal when someone eats your cooking” You gave the sorcerer a playful glance, who winked in return.  
Apparently Simeon gets the most motivation in the mornings. 
He invited you to shoot some ideas back and forth for one of his up-and-coming books. This mostly consisted of you attempting to teach him how the hell to run the “word” program on his computer, which he so kindly got from one of Leviathan’s suggestions. 
He’s still amazed that it turns on. 
But imagine his fucking shock when you boot up Microsoft word. His eyes go wide and he started exploring all of the options. 
Every single one of them. 
He knew what a lot of them were, the font options, alignment, things like that, but what the hell are ‘wingdings? 
“Simeon, those are pretty much colorless emojis but for a Microsoft word document, you don’t need those to write. Those are for like, flyers, and pamphlets, y’know?” You pointed back to the ‘home’ tab, but he stayed on the ‘insert’ tab. 
“How do I get these on my D.D.D? I haven’t seen these emojis on my phone.” He began to browse through them, littering his document with hearts, cartoon spider webs, smiley faces, everything under the sun. 
“You can’t, Simeon, I’ll show you those later, let’s just start with the ideas.” You put your hand over his, directing him back to the ‘home’ tab. His shoulders slumped a little, yet he nodded. “You’re right, I need to actually start.”  
For a while, the two of you just snacked and had drinks while he bounced different novel ideas off you, listening to your opinions on different plot ideas. 
Eventually, he pulled out a notebook and laid his head in your lap, tapping a pen against his lips. “Now, what are some good side character names? I’m running low on names I haven’t used before.” He clicked the pen against his temple, scribbling on the corner of the page to make sure it worked.  
“How about... Elyssa?” 
“Oh, that’s a good one! Like... a high elven princess, I can see her being this regal figure, morally grey.” He kicked one leg onto the other, humming softly as he jotted the name down.  
“I’ve used that one before.” 
“Uh... Astrophel!” 
“That one, too.” 
“Okay, okay, that’s good, I don’t have any ideas for her, but I’m sure some will come eventually.” 
“I like that!” 
This went on for who knows how long. Sometimes he would just set his notebook down while you idly raked your hands through his hair, trying to think of more names after you ran out. 
Next was baking with Luke, apparently, Barbatos had “assigned” him lemon meringue cookies, and Luke would be damned if he failed an assignment from one of his mentors.  
He pulled out four eggs, turning to glance at you. “Do you know how to separate the whites from the yolks?” 
“Do NOT separate them with your fingers! Because if you do, the oils from your fingers-” he wiggled his fingers in the air “-will keep the proteins from whipping up in the egg whites! Because fat keeps things from whipping up unless it is fat based. That’s why we wiped the mixing bowl with lemon, because it’s acidic, and cuts away any remaining fat in the bowl!” 
You were vaguely aware of this, but hey, why not let the kid have his fun being smarter than you? 
“Yes, Sir Luke!” You saluted, taking the eggs delicately in your hands. “And I’ll make sure to crack them in a separate bowl so I don’t get any shells in them, either.” You assured, pulling out another, smaller, bowl. You cracked them over the sink, saving the yolk for later and putting the egg white into the other bowl.  
“I’ll get started on the syrup.” You heard Luke working on the stove behind you, humming a soft little tune to himself as he focused. You appraised the egg whites, carefully placing them into the mixing bowl after you picked out any shells remaining. “What now?” 
“Start the mixer on medium, and add in this when it gets foamy, catch!” he tossed you a small plastic container of a white, powdery, substance. ‘Cream of tartar’, the label read.  
“How much do I put in?”  
“Only a teeny tiny bit, ¼th of a teaspoon, there should be a spoon for it inside the 1/2th.” 
“Roger that.” You did as told, deciding to muse the kid “so, what’s this for?” 
“Oh, cream of tartar is to stabilize the egg whites! After a certain point, egg whites can get too whipped and deflate! So, when you add...” you tuned him out as you eyed the egg whites, watching them get foamy, then as they grew in volume. 
“It’s awesome you know all of this, Luke, it’s really impressive.” You turned back to glance at him, to see his face bright red.  
“You think so, MC?... I don’t know what to say...” He stared at his shows. “Thank you, it means a lot that you think I’m smart, and not just some dumb little kid.” 
“Of course, I don’t think you’re just some dumb kid, Luke. You’re in direct contact with Michael, after all. I know he’d only ever choose the best angels to help him.” You ruffled his hair. “I like how you appreciate the little things, like how you really like Simeon’s pancakes, and how you won’t say it, but you actually don’t mind demons. They’re nicer than you thought, huh?”  
“...Yeah. They are. I like Beel. He's scary sometimes, but I know he cares about his family, kind of like how I care about you and Simeon. I think of you all as family.” He sniveled, looking up at you and wiping a tear from the corner of his eye, quivering smile tugging at his lips. “You’re the best family I could ask for.” 
Who knew an angel with such a sweet tooth could be sweeter than what he bakes? 
After calming Luke back down, which apparently, he’s a happy crier sometimes, the two of you got back to work. 
He picked up the boiling pot of sugar syrup and you helped slowly pour it in while the egg whites were still mixing. “It won’t scramble, don’t worry!” he stated proudly as he drizzled in more of the syrup. 
Slowly, the egg whites in the bowl became stiffer and glossier until the entirety of the syrup was in the mixer. Then, you both added yellow food coloring and lemon extract.  
The oven, preheated to 225 degrees Fahrenheit, or 80 degrees Celsius, was then ready for the freshly piped meringue, in perfect, crimped peaks.  
They turned out amazing after a few hours, the lemon flavor bursting through the foamy sugar like a delightfully sour surprise. 
Lastly, you decided to join Solomon in his room to study, which was fun, to say the least.  
He knows how to have fun while also keeping you engaged, playfully casting harmless spells on you, having you taste-test potions with short-term effects. 
“Now, add the chopped bits of the poison fire coral to the cauldron. That’s right, good.” He guided your hand with the scoop toward the cauldron, directing you carefully.  
“Is it supposed to do that?” The liquid inside the pot began to spurt and sparkle, sending little bits of flame flying toward you both. He didn’t flinch as they landed on his bare skin, dissipating instantly.  
“Perfectly normal, just stay calm.” he checked his watch, seemingly counting the seconds. 
“and... twelve! See, it stopped!” He gestured to the cauldron, which did indeed, cease with the whole ‘spewing fire’ thing.  
“Now, try it.” He dipped a glass spoon into the shiny, bright red, liquid, holding it close to your lips. It burned your nose lightly when you sniffed it, not really having a smell, just kind of burning. 
“Isn’t poison fire coral deadly?” 
“Oh, very, but this potion neutralizes it. Trust me, I use it all the time.”  
Hesitantly, you sipped the smooth, slightly thick, potion from the spoon. It sent shooting pain down your throat, as if a million fire and were crawling up and down your innards. “Oh, my gods, that hurts!” 
“Just wait a second.” 
Sure enough, the pain went away as soon as it came. “What did that even do besides hurt me?” 
“Blow me.”  
“No, I mean like, blow air at me!”  
You let out a puff of air through your lips. A bright reddish orange flame spewed from your delicate lips, reaching out to lick his cheek, like the hand of a deadly yet seductive mistress. The fire caressed his skin lightly, not daring to light his hair aflame. In fact, he seemed unphased by it, as if it wasn’t warm whatsoever.  
“I can breathe fire?!” 
“Kind of. Try to blow on your hand.” He instructed. 
You did as he said, noticing that the flame felt slightly cool, an exact parallel of what you’d felt in your throat moments earlier.  
“It only lasts for a little bit, only about 30 minutes. I have an antidote, if you’d like one.”  
“As long as it can’t catch anything on fire, I’m fine with having this for 30 minutes, count me in!” As you excitedly talk, little bursts of flame expelled from your lips, wisping past your hair.  
He chuckled, leaning on his arm. “You know...” he shook his head “I quit befriending mortals because so many of them die whenever you’re super close to them. Yet oddly enough, I can’t stop myself from being close to you. You’re like trying to resist... gee, I’ll say, you’re like trying to resist sin itself. But I’d say you’re the best sin out there.” He stared into your eyes. “Damn you for being a human. I might just have to turn you immortal with me.” 
Back at the house, before you’d woken up, Mammon ran to Lucifer, freaking the hell out, waving your note in his hand like a madman. “MC!... Lucifer, bro, it’s MC, th-they ran away, a-and... they said they ran away but I don’t believe it because why the hell do they need to run away they just said that needed to go to Purgatory Hall for a break but why wouldn’t they just tell us?! And Lucifer we’ve gotta go lookin’ for them becasue only dad knows where the hell they are now! What if someone just wrote like them? There are a lotta people in the Devildom who would kill to hurt or take them and I’m worried and...” He sucked in a breath of air, choking on his sobs. 
Lucifer furrowed his brows, snatching the note from Mammon, going over the note a few times. “I’m calling a family meeting to see if anybody knows about this. We will contact Lord Diavolo if there is reason, but we don’t have suspicion to believe that they were captured. Here, seem like you need it.” Lucifer offered Mammon a sip of his water, who just shook his head. 
Dammit, why was he so bothered by this? Why did it rub him the wrong way? Was he sick in the head or something for assuming that was where you’d gone? Or was it a normal reaction? Either way, he just... he had to know you were safe. Regardless of if you probably were, as your first man, it’s his duty to know you’re safe. 
Everyone gathered in the living room, half worried sick, the other half of the brothers not really surprised at all.  
“First order of business.” Lucifer folded his hands neatly on his lap. “I did hear MC awake last night, they walked out of their room, I know that. I heard them. But I need to know if any of you saw them leave, and if they were alone.” 
All of the brothers stayed silent and still, all but Belphie, who quietly raised his hand. “I saw them leave.” 
“And you didn’t stop them?! What if they get hurt?!” Mammon exclaimed, “are ya crazy?!” 
Belphie shook his head “no, I didn’t stop them. They were checking their phone when I saw them. I was trying to get Beel back to our room. I saw one of Lord Diavolo’s cars out the window. I think they’re fine. They had a bag and everything. I really do think they just got overwhelmed.” He curled up on the sofa like a cat, laying his head on his arms. 
“Oh.” Mammon stopped having what appeared to be a heart attack, shiveling as he wiped up his tears. “Well... so... they’re fine? I was worryin’ over nothin’?” 
Nobody responded to him as Lucifer drew his phone from his pocket. “I’ll call Lord Diavolo just to double check, but thank you, Belphie.”  
Lucifer dialed up Diavolo, who answered right away. “Hello, Lord Diavolo? You’re on speaker. My brothers and I would like to know if you had a car pick up MC last night.” 
The demon prince’s giggle came clear through the phone, a failed attempt at stifling his glee “I won’t tell, Lucifer. I’ve been sworn to secrecy~” 
“So, I’m guessing that’s a yes?” Lucifer rubbed his temples with a quiet yet exasperated sigh. 
“...You see right through me, Lucifer! Yes, you’ve caught me.” He pouted. 
“Understood, I will inform my brothers to not contact MC until further notice, thank you for the explanation, have a nice day. Goodbye.”  
“...So, they’re fine.” Mammon put a hand on his chest, taking a deep breath. “Okay then. I don’t, how will I keep myself entertained?” 
“Figure it out yourself, I’m taking a nice long nap with a body pillow.” 
“I think I’m gonna go to Hell’s kitchen. 
“I’m taking a self care day!” 
“I’ll update MC on the book I’m reading when they return.” 
“I’ll get some good manga for MC to read when they get back!” 
“...I might go to the casino.” 
“Mammon, I will string you up if you dare go within 500 feet of a facility that inhibits gambling.” 
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go-river-flows · 1 year
Aonung is a skxawng (Sister of a Skxawng miniseries)
Summary: Aonung is a skxawng. That is a fact. He is a bully and picks on his older sister's friends for little things they can't control. The thing is, he doesn't learn from his mistakes.
A/N: Im making this a mini-series after having a lot more idea's for it.
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My little brother was an asshole and a bully. Him and his friends were all dumbasses. Just because our father was the Olo’eyktan and a mighty warrior doesn't mean you can push other people around. He picks on my friend who had a few too many stripes on their face, another for having a large scar on his back from an akula attack, and another friend who had a slightly larger left ear. All of these things had something in common, it was from something they couldn't control. And what does Aonung do? Pick on them, even though my friends are older than him. He has some massive balls for doing what he does, especially when he knows my friends could definitely beat him up in a fight. 
  Tavë – the one with more stripes on her face – stormed into my mauri (I had my own mauri as I was an adult) slumping onto the floor as a whine left her mouth. 
“Tavë, what's wrong?”
“Your stupid brother is what's wrong,” she mumbled into the soft woven flooring. Not that much longer, Sansu – the one with a slightly bigger left ear – stormed in grumbling under his breath.
“Thank Eywa you're here, go deal with your brother,” Sansu kicked an empty basket across my mauri.
“Hey! Don't kick my things!” I scolded him.
“Yeah, just like that – at your brother,” Sansu gestures wildly. Next came To’Roi – large scar on his back from an akula attack. He didn't say anything, opting to just sit down next to me as I'm weaving a new top. He planted his head on my shoulder like he always does when he’s upset. I lightly pat his head to calm him, Sansu was pacing around and Tavë was still laying on the floor, face down.
Finally Sansu sat down after fuming and I had finished up my top. A head popped into my mauri.
“Hi Tsumuke! Hi guys!” Tsireya exclaimed, the three grumbled a ‘hi’ as I smiled back at her.
“Hello little sister,” she shuffled her way into my mauri observing the scene.
“Let me guess. Aonung is being a skxawng, again,” Tsireya rolled her eyes playfully, I chuckled as I started to stand, only for To’Roi to wrap his arm around my middle keeping me in place.
“To’Roi, please,” I tapped his arm, to which he just kept me in place.
“Don't move…just…stay still” he mumbled into the crook of my neck, heat crept up my neck to my face as Tsireya laughed at his behaviour.
“Should I tell father what's going on?” Tsireya questioned.
“Nah, we’ll deal with Aonung ourself,” I assured her. And when I mean ‘deal with him’ I mean he’s in for a scolding, possibly ending with him getting his ass beat.
Sansu’s expression lit up, Tavë finally looked up and To’Roi loosened his grip. I put down my newly woven chest covering and the three– no four of us including Tsireya stood, exiting my mauri heading for the sandy beach as tonight was the night of communal dinner. Knowing that Aonung would be nearby with his band of bullies, we read each other's minds choosing a space surrounded by the clan in the corner of the communal mauri. The more people who saw the better.
Tsireya went back to our parents to sit with them but we sat and ate, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. It was close to the end of our meals when Aonung and his friends finally showed up.
“Look, the freaks are sitting together,” Aonung laughed condescendingly. We were already used to being called freaks.
“Come on Aonung, We’ve heard that a million times already. I know you can do better than that?” I say, egging him on.
“Oh tsumuke, of course I can. Tavë looks like a pincer fish with all those stripes, any more and she’ll look like she's a wrinkly old woman,” of course he would target the Tavë first, “To’Roi was lucky to get just a scratch. If i was akula, I would've eaten him whole,” he continued, “And Sansu looks like a flat skate fish, his one ear catches more water than his right,” he laughed out loud thinking he's funny, his friends laughing along with him. I couldn't hold back my smirk as my father cast a shadow behind them, his horrified expression from hearing his son talk so rudely to my friends. Tavë, Sansu and To’Roi looked at each other with knowing looks.
“Just leave us alone,” Sansu said in monotone, hiding his amusement and creeping smile, knowing that Aonung was already caught.
“Just leave us alone,” Aonung mocked, “listen to these freaks.” I laughed darkly internally, maintaining a poker face as my father’s expression turned to anger. How did Aonung not notice him? Our father’s large figure and presence was hard to miss. But Aonung’s friend finally looked behind him and noticed the Olo’eyktan grabbing Roxto and pulling him away. 
“Aonung!” our father raised his voice, startling Aonung who instantly looked like he was about to shit himself, turning around to face our father scared out of his mind shrinking slightly. “So this is how you talk to your sister and her friends?” his calm voice scared Aonung even more. Our father just pointed out of the communal mauri and Aonung left with his tail between his legs, quite literally. Everyone within earshot was staring in our direction. “I will have Aonung apologise before you return to your mauri’s,” with that my father turned to leave the communal mauri.
When he left the group of us finally cracked up. The group of us gave each other high four’s.
“Oh great mother! That was hilarious! Did you see his face?! He almost shit himself, that skxawng!” Sansu chortled.
“He’s already a skxawng for trying it in front of everyone!” Tavë pointed out, laughing at the stupidity. To’Roi just laughed slapping his leg, his other clutching his stomach whilst hunching over. 
“Ow…my stomach….ow” To’Roi coughed out whilst still laughing. I laughed silently, my body shaking from the whole ordeal, the clan’s people around us chuckled at the sight of us shaking their heads at the uproar.
We tried finishing up our meals, occasionally chuckling and as promised by my father Aonung returned to apologise to my friends.
“And your sister?” our father raised his brow.
“Sorry tsumuke.”
“No. Properly,” our father demanded.
“I'm sorry tsumuke, I won't pick on your friends again. I'm sorry,” he repeated with a bit more sympathy. 
“Good,” our father nodded with crossed arms, proud that his son could properly apologise. Pulling Aonung to his mother. 
Returning to my mauri, Tsireya followed me as she wanted to stay with me for the night. Laying in the hammock, she snuggled in next to me like what we used to do when I was younger. The next morning we went for an early swim. I was doing my usual herb hunting for my mother, the clan’s Tsahik when Tsireya waved to get my attention.
‘Look. I found a pearl. It's so pretty and blue,’ she signed. I returned with a smile swimming to meet her, looking at the beautiful blue pearl.
‘It's beautiful! Where did you find it?’ Tsireya pointed to the sandy shallow swimming closer to it and brushed some sand away to find more. I looked in the area too, finding a similar looking one. 
‘Got one! Let's head back!’ I signed to her.
Tsireya called for our ilu and as soon as we breached the surface the blow of a horn surprised us.
Taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @cumikering
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sandcobangevent · 1 month
Misery (No Company)
by @clonksterclonk and @pepperpepperz Read the fic and view the art on AO3!
“Sherlock! I’m going to the big shop, you want anything?”
Sherlock yells a no as an answer.
John is leaving the flat again. Thats the third time this week, which would be more then normal if there was an open case, but as of now, the Sherlock & Co. crew has just finished one. Therefore- no reason for John to be leaving again. He always comes back with massive bags and every time Sherlock questions him it goes nowhere.
He has, of course, tried investigating this himself, but found nothing but a few pillows (new? possibly second hand from either a shop or Carol - light remnants of a perfume resembling hers). When that proved fruitless he decided to let it go for now. His ant colony is growing steadily and it requires his attention.
Unfortunately the detectives thoughts keep coming back to Johns strange behaviour no matter how hard he tries to distract himself. He wanted to believe that his suspicions sprung from nothing, that his brain hasn’t yet registered that the case is over, that there’s nothing more to figure out… but small things just kept. coming. up.
On tuesday night, after they solved the last mystery, Sherlock expected to settle into their post case routine. He was going to take a shower, change into his pjs and lock himself into his room to let his body and brain go offline for an hour or two before joining John downstairs to take part in mandatory dinner (which usually ended up being sandwiches they bought on the way home or chinese food john ordered while he way out of it) and afterwards plop down on the couch with his companion to watch trashy tv until they fell asleep on the couch.
John disrupted the routine when he made dinner himself. After the case, he made Sherlock penne pasta. Not a monumental task by any means, but a small change from their usual, one that stuck with Sherlock. Instead of watching love is blind, they watched a documentary on corvids. Sherlock would love the evening if he wasn’t on edge the whole time.
It felt like the calm before the storm. He felt something coming and he didn’t like it.
He ended up caring for his ants, begrudgingly naming them after the strange people from the blue app in his phone when the front door opened. Sherlock felt himself tense and took a deep breath, trying to look nonchalant as John made his way up the stairs. When his blond head finally made it thru, he was holding another big bag.
“Oh hello! Ants again? For the love of god if they escape again ill use the spray-“
“Weren’t you just going to the big store? Why the duffel bag?”
Silence fell over the room before John started stuttering, trying his best to explain himself (hiding something).
“Oh you know, trying to be more environmentally friendly and all that haha, we should uh, all try that, right? Besides don’t even try to steer the conversation away from the ants, im still pissed off about that,” is what John settles on, crossing his arms and when Sherlock didn’t respond, he just huffed under his breath and headed upstairs.
Environmentally friendly my arse, thought Sherlock to himself later that night, sneaking his way around the flat to get to Johns room and investigate. Unfortunately he didn’t get far, the locked room to Johns room greeted him with a sticky note saying ‘buzz off, nosy prick :P’
Normally, picking the lock wouldn’t be an issue but Sherlock felt weirdly discouraged. Did John… actually think he was a prick? God, what a stupid thought, of course not. He felt silly as the thought came and went. John was his best friend. That’s what he kept telling himself as he tried fall asleep, the slightest notes of uncertainty and sadness overtaking him as he drifted to the land of dreams.
When he wakes up, the flat is empty, which doesn’t surprise him anymore, but the sting in his chest make’s itself known again regardless. The weather outside is typical for England, a loud inconsistent tap tap taping noise of the raindrops against the windows filling the entire building. Sherlock rubs at his eyes and digs in his nightstand for his noise cancelling headphones before begrudgingly heading downstairs.
What greets him is the absence of that familiar tea smell. He even finds himself missing the crunching of biscuits as his best friend stuffs his face every morning, insisting that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
He heads over to his violin, hoping its gentle tones will help dull the rain better then the headphones did. He doesn’t have a piece in mind when he starts playing, but as the notes start flying thru the air he feels weirdly… sad.
The absence of John in the flat is palpable. Without a case to work on his mind is constantly reminding him of just how alone he is. How lucky he was, to make a friend like John. People have good reasons to find him off putting - he’s objectively terrible at being a person. He doesn’t think that he’ll ever make a friend like John again.
There’s a sinking feeling the longer he plays. John isnt coming back, the voice in his head says. He’s had enough of you. This adventure was fun, but he’s done. It’s done. Nothing lasts forever.
His stupid, stupid brain keeps bringing things up, no matter how loud or aggressively he plays, ignoring the tears stinging in his eyes.
When did he start crying?
All the boxes, John buying and borrowing stuff. He’s ready to move out, ready to move on. From this life, from this dumpster fire of a flat. From sherlock.
The music reaches a crescendo and a sob wrecks Sherlocks body when he hears an almost silent ping, and then everything stops. He almost feels like he made the noise up, so he takes off his ear defenders when he hears it again, it’s clearer without the distractions. He carefully sets his violin and headphones down and makes him way towards the source of the mysterious noise.
Sherlock comes into the kitchen, where Johns phone lays, the screen just now turning dark after the second message came thru. This is it. In front of him is the confirmation that he needs.
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Johns password is all to predictable, and even tho he knows he shouldn’t, Sherlock picks the phone up and starts reading.
mariana: i think i lost you lol, hope you caught that cab
mariana: im almost home, sherlock will be so happy im telling you :33
Sherlock doesn’t even have time to process what that means when the front door opens and he freezes, caught in the act. There’s two sets of footsteps coming from downstairs.
“I mean it John, how do you lose a phone in a Coop? It’s not like it’s-“
“Yeah, shut it,” John laughs, “I think I’ve left the phone at home, let’s just hope that- Oh mate you okay? Your eyes are all red!” John waltzes thru the door with Mariana right on his tail, dropping the bag he was holding and rushing over to Sherlock, raising his arm tentatively before stopping himself. “Touching alright?”
Sherlock nods, still in shock as John wipes his tears away gently, handing him a napkin that Mari took out of her purse.
“Can whatever happened be fixed with some peanuts and a hot coco?” Mariana quips, smiling up at Sherlock as John bends down to show of the bag. It’s full of snacks. John and Mariana brought snacks.
Snacks. Blankets. Pillows. Sherlock is an idiot.
That evening was spent watching Fantastic Mr. Fox, the trio cuddled up on the couch. Sherlocks nails were purple now, which was new, but not unpleasant. His hair had a little braid (?) in it and he has eaten enough salted peanuts to kill a healthy pony and for once in forever, everything was okay.
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l0rd-0f-c0ws · 11 months
I traced the strings back to YOU, the missfire creator, and now I have two things to say.
1) THIS SHIP IS SO WONDERFUL EUGHHGFDHGFGFG OH MYGOD 3RD EYE OPENED. Thank you so much for throwing this rarepair in my radar.
2) Do you have any missfire/cesium headcanons?? I'd LOVE to hear some :3c
I FINALLY HAVE GOTTEN MY BRAIN TO WORK ENOUGH TO ANSWER THIS HI HI HI HELLO :) I am in fact no the creator tho that would be @soupsy-daisy who wrote This fic!! I just got VERY autistic about the pairing and was the first person to suggest a name for them (I am the cesium person idr who came up with missfire rn but its also v cute :) )
as for headcanons here are some !!! (Under the cut for those who don't want to see my rambles :) )
Miss Pauling has (somewhat) learned all the languages the Mercs know! this was a job requirement as she had to make sure they weren't keeping secrets, but she does enjoy it. Pyro CAN speak they just don't like taking off their mask nor do they like shouting for people to be able to hear them (legit i have a friend who tried playing dnd in one of those and half the time he had to yell so i could hear him right next to me), so they use sign and writing stuff down to communicate a lot. She was the first person to be able to understand pyro using ASL and she was the one to encourage the team to learn.
Pyro has cronic pain (mecore) and often has flare ups after battles pretty often, and it makes it hard for them to move and shit because Their Legs are being Taken by the Demons. They tend to just try and power through despite feeling like their muscles are attacking them and refuse to tell medic because they feel like they'll just be dismissed as dramatic. While the other mercs have noticed something is up with Pyro when they get back to base most days, no one pushes them to hard on it since theyre always quick to deny any oddities in their behavior, but Ms. P knows because well... its her job to know. She did get them to go to medic and get pain meds to help, as well as laying down with them when its gets to be too much. she also got them a cane not long after to help them out as well as some cute stickers and stuff to decorate it with :)
Pauling hates loud noises if she doesn't feel she has any control over them (Mecore again). like a gunshot? eh half the time shes the one firing the gun, and if she isn't then soon she will be. But things like people suddenly shouting when she didn't expect it, thunder and fireworks, stuff like that will just really mess her up. Pyro is pretty neutral on loud noises like that (tho they LOVE thunder and storms in general) so typically they'll go find her and just sit down and enjoy the silence together away from that
its actually pyros love of storms that helps her enjoy them herself. I have to draw out my idea for this since its a very spesific gay little moment but she basically over their time together begins to associate rain with them and without realizing it starts to get just as excited about rain too :)
I can post some more hcs later but a lot of the ones I had to stop myself from posting are gonna be kinda mentioned in some fics im working on rn >:) Gonna finish chapter 2 of safe with me tonight hopefully so stay tuned for that!!
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glorious-poetato · 2 years
[Song making]
Wilbur x reader
Warnings: a few curse words and lyrics from sex with a goast
Summary: y/n writes a song on tommys singing stream and there singing makes will flustered but lovejoy needs I song so he askes them if they can use it.
Me, Tommy, and jack were doing a singing stream partially serious but mainly joking. I hadn't been taking it seriously the whole time. So I was not really singing in my actual voice but I then decided I want to try and improvise a song. I turn to tommy and say "play me something bouncy in a minor mode."
I let the music consume me an just start singing.
"I'm gettin' hickeys from my bed bugs
I'm gettin' busy with a bad perfume
I'm stickin' kisses to a pen drug
I'm making friction with a sad vacuum"
I was shocked jack hadn't interrupted me yet so I continue
I'm gettin' jiggy with a rifle
I'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed
Hopin' to hit you somewhere vital
And when I miss, you come and kiss me with a smile.
I take a breath and continue singing
"I'm havin' sex with a ghost
'Cause she knows I'm alone
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
I'm sleepin' with a
Sex with a ghost
'Cause she knows I'm alone
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
I'm sleepin' with a ghoul"
I then loose my momentum and stop. I look over to tommy a jack. They don't speak for a moment so I say. "It was that bad huh." I was half joking but a little worried that I just humiliated myself on stream. "No that was so fucking amazing I'm just shocked." Tommy said to me. After another moment of silence we go back to are normal selfs joking and laughing.
Wilbur's pov:
I was at band practice right now. We were of break because we need a new song but we're struggling to write one. That's when I saw tommy was streaming so I decided to see how it was going. When the screen popped I saw y/n singing and instantly got mesmerized. I can't believe how good of a singer they are. The fact they could improvise an amazing song is mind blowing.
One of my band mates looked over my shoulder and said to me. "Man they've got you flustered." I hadn't realized how hot my face felt till now and it got hotter by the second.
I then got a thought and looked at my band mates and said. "I think I found us a song to sing." They were confused but I explained my plan to ask y/n if we could sing her song.
A few hours later........
They had ended stream a bit ago so I call y/n. It rings for a bit but then they pick up.I hear a sweet hello come from my phone. I say a hello back and tell them how lovely their singing was on stream. I then began to ask if they mind if lovejoy was to sing their song. They told me that it would be fine but that it still needs a third verse. I then say if they need help writing we could meet up sometime. They tell me that would be nice and ask if next week would work. I tell them that would be great.
Y/n's pov:
It had been a week since will called me. I'm still amazed that he likes my song. Im supposed to go over his place to write the third verse if the sing today. I go into my closet and pick out my clothes then hop in the shower. I finish showering then dry my hair and grab my keys.
I arrive at Will's door and knock a second later wilbur opens the door. He smiles at me and says "I'm glad you could make it" he then steps aside to let me threw the door. "Thanks for offering to help write the third verse" I tell him. We kind of just stand there for a moment until will says "we'll we should probably start writing."
We start brain storming until we agree upon the third verse being
The only time I ever see her
is when she's behind me in the mirror
Even from a distance. I can hear her
I try to listen, but her whispers make my ears hurt
And on are dates, it's never daytime
When she gets playful with a steak knife
I need a break, maybe I'll take five
Shake it up and medicate, maybe I'll take five
After we agree on the third verse we decide we should sing the whole song threw. We end up singing the song together and during the song we've locked eyes. Once the last cord plays we both lean in and we I feel his soft lips on mine. We pull apart and will just says "wow" this makes both of us break out laughing. But that's the day I knew I fell in love with wilbur soot.
The end
(Sorry for any Grammer or spelling mistakes)
-poe <3
(@jovielove sorry It's a day late)
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monin1ca · 1 year
Hello! This is my first ever request so sorry if its a little wonky.
I really liked the fics about Valorant agent being your older sibling, especially the Chamber one, would it be possible to do fic about older brother Chamber with younger ftm brother? Their parents don't really support them and would be pretty dysphoric all the time.
Thank you so much in advance :D
Word count: 610 Warnings: Angst, Unsupportive Parents, Abuse, Reader is Trans (FTM), Cursing, Hints of Dead Naming (Instead of D/N (dead/name), I chose to use [Redacted])
Synopsis: “She’s covering all her mirrors! What a disgrace; just what is she hiding from?!”
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You felt uncomfortable under your own skin, Vincent could tell.
Your parents hated you after that faithful day you came out. Saying you didn’t want to be a girl anymore and be something more “you.” They brushed you off, laughing loudly. Claiming it’s just a “phase,” but they snapped when they saw your dead-serious face. Shouting profanities, followed by your mom slapping you to the ground. “I knew it. You’ve been hanging out too much with those disgusting gays! No wonder you’ve acted so differently! To your room now!”
“Mama?... Papa?...”
Vincent’s shaking voice rang through the room; he saw your trembling figure on the ground. A red handprint freshly imprinted on your cheek, combined with tears running down your face. Your brother came home; he finished the compulsory Military training that your parents signed him up for. His face contorted to a disgusted one, piecing together what had happened. You had been sending him letters, telling him about how you felt. “Get up, go to your room and wait for me.” Vincent’s expressionless face and trembling body ushered you up, giving you a soft push to go upstairs. You run for your room, accidentally knocking over your family portraits. Though, at this point, you didn’t care. You curled into a ball and hugged your pillow as tight as you could. Hoping this would end quickly, but it didn’t. The thin walls of this house couldn’t silence the raging voices arguing downstairs.
“She’s covering all her mirrors! What a disgrace; just what is she hiding from?!”
You hear your mother screech at Vincent.
“For your information, it’s ‘he.’”
The latter's voice was calm, but you could tell it was holding back boiling venom.
“Ayiah, Vin! Not you too! She needs to learn to be who she is! Not some freak that wants to dress up as a boy.”
You could feel something snap in your brother.
“He’s not playing pretend, mama! He feels this way! Et si vous ne l'acceptez pas ? Eh bien, nous allons partir. (And if you dont accept him? Well, we're going to leave.)”
The house stills. Then you hear sobs from your mother, you hear a chair grind against the floor. Signaling someone stood up, presumably your father. 
“Aller! Partez alors. N'embêtez plus ma famille, je ne vous vois plus comme faisant partie des "Fabrons". (Go! Leave then. Trouble my family no more, I don't see you as a part of the "Fabrons.”)”
Your mother gasps, 
“Mon amour, qu'en est-il de [Redacted] et Vincent ? Que sommes-nous censés dire à la famille à leur sujet ? (My love, what about [Redacted] and Vincent? What are we supposed to tell the family about them?)”
You hear heavy footsteps storm off, thumping toward your room. You rub your eyes, praying to the heavens above it was Vincent. Thankfully, it was him. He had a sweet smile on his face, “Mon ange, prépare tes affaires, yes? On va quelque part et on ne revient jamais. (Angel, pack your things, yeah? We're going somewhere and never coming back.)”
You were more than ok with that, relieved to leave this shit hole of a home.
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gadgetcheat · 30 days
i haven't been using tumplr as much so i haven't seen which ones u may have already answered but 3 5 10 12 and 21 for the rejuv asks >:^)
answered 5 and 12 in a previous post, they're under my posts tag!
renegade spoilers under the cut and this is gonna be a long one
3. favorite moment?
the karma beast battle in renegade OHHH MY GOD. holy fucking raw. all that spoiler dodging paid off because ohhhh my god guys. axiom waltz and the music transition like HELLO? they knocked this moment out of the damn parkkkk when i tell you how hard my heart sank into my ass. like i was staring at my computer mortified for a good four minutes at the battle start screen. that's what makes it so memorable to me because it's such a good staple moment of renegade i feel. for me it was easy to not take renegade too seriously when it was just pressing an evil button and dealing with m2's antics at first but seeing a guy get rifted into a horrible dying and melting poison bird monstrosity by karma just to try and stop you was such an "Oh this game isn't fucking around" moment for me. and this is in CHAPTER 0 of renegade. like that was just the beginning this oblivion shit gets SERIOUS. if the devs keep this up im probably going to be an alcoholic by the time the game is finished. im so excited
10. favorite villain/antagonist(s)?
dont even joke lad
clear + kieran (+ eden) its not even a competition. my favorite characters in the entire game unfortunately. in fact they were even my favorites before i actually played the game just from what i heard of them from my friends💀. i heard badass evil androids from another universe and i was TUNED the fuck IN. i think its because i like sci-fi too much. i love love love all three of them but clear is ever so slightly my #1 ONLY because she uses a bunch of my favorite pokemon. orbeetle, klinklang, porygon-z, and you tell beheeyemlover56 that a character's ace pokemon is a beheeyem and i will be there No Matter What
theyre just SOOO SO INTERESTING and cool and everything about them is awesome. even all of the atrocities because they looked awesome while doing it. i love the character dynamic between clear and kieran and i love their stupid ass catchphrases that they cling onto like their lives depend on it and i love the insane lore deal they have going on they occupy my brain 24/7. im sooo excited to see how much more fucked up they'll get in the future. i will support them !
on account of eden being scrap metal and having about 3 dollars and a nickel of revealed lore i can't say much about them but from what we do know oooohhhhh i am SO HYPED to find out more. doubt they'll bring eden back from the grave but i am very intrigued to see just what impact they had on crescent/A-gang/storm 9. they sound particularly terrifying and freaky. i cant wait. oblivion forever🔥
21. favorite chapter?
probably to no one's surprise its chapter 15 lmfao. all three of the routes are SO MUCH FUN and i really enjoy the focus on characters other than just Le Interceptor for a change. i kind of love lore-heavy chapters and all of the reveals in chapter 15 are so crazy and exciting. and no other chapter has platinum route in it. luv u platinum route <3
additionally the v13.5 overhaul to chapter 10 was AMAZING and now thats definitely my second favorite chapter. my jaw dropped when i saw all the new pretty updated areas and sprites
thank you for the ask!
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a-complex-joke · 3 months
The Toymaker Chapter 4
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A day after the somewhat weird visit from Thee Rumpelstiltskin, another surprising visit Arrived at the Toy shop.
"Welcome, Si-" The girl was stunned, and in her shop stood the king.
"Your Majesty, to what do I owe the pleasure of you being in my shop? '' she said, bowing to the monarch.
"I've come to inform you, you're out. You have but a fortnight to vacate the premises" The King said, already turning to leave.
"What? But why? Im-" she started to protest.
Hush, it has already been decided. This town has no use for a loly Toy Maker such as yourself"
"But your Majesty, I have nothing else, no family, no place to go off to, I'd be forced into prostitution to feed myself, " He said pleading for some kind of pity.
"I care not of what happens to you, your shop will be replaced with something that will actually help the town" the King stormed off with his court in tow.
The Toymaker fell to her knees, tears starting to form.
"Don't worry you'll figure it out" A cloth doll said, patting the girl's back.
"Just seduce a prince then you'll never need to worry again." a jester doll said snickering.
"Wasn't the king throwing a ball so his son could find a wife?" the cloth doll said, jumping and clapping her hands together.
"But I don't even know him" the Toymaker argued.
"So what," the dolls said towering over the girl in her variable position.
Later that night, the ball was held. Everyone wore their finest clothes, Including the Toymaker, A beautiful dress, yet still modest that cost way too much but it would be worth it, she thought.
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The people danced, talked, and drank, but if there was another common theme it was young women crowding around the prince.
"Your highness" She Curtseyed towards the prince, though he seemed distracted by a different young lady.
"Uh Pardon me," He said walking away from the Toymaker.
Almost instantly the plan to course the prince had failed.
Though he wasn't the only man here with money, surely another man would ask for her next dance.
Song after song the girl waited to be approached by someone, other than the Servants carrying drinks on their trays.
All while the Prince danced with some blonde the whole time.
"You seem rather appalled by being here," a voice said startling her.
"Ah, Mr.Stiltskin you started me. What are you doing here?" She asked, starting with his sudden appearance.
"While I'm in town I might as well show up to a ball, not every day those are thrown. Why are you standing here"
"Asking myself the same thing. I thought at least one person would ask me to dance. I'm just gonna head back to the shop at this point" she began to walk away but was pulled back.
"The night is still young, one dance won't kill you," Rumpelstiltskin said, leading her to the other dancing people.
At first, the dance was off wrong timing and clumsy but as the song progressed and the Toymaker relaxed the movements were more fluid.
With a final kiss on the hand, the two split their ways until the following day.
The Toymaker had gotten no sleep, due to worry about what she would do, she tried making things to ease her mind but in the end, it was pointless.
"Hello welcome to my shop how may I help you" she muttered
"Down in the dumps, I see" It was Rumpelstiltskin
"Oh, hello Mr.Stiltskin, she's all finished up I'll go grab her" she Sighed heading to the back before emerging once again, with a gorgeous doll.
"Are you moving shop ?" he asked looking around the now depressing shop.
"Not by my own choice, The king I kicking me out. It's just terrible I have nothing, I'll have to sell myself on the street, and he could care less" She hissed out.
"Sorry I have a lot on my mind" her glare softened as she handed him the doll.
"Here she is, funny how my prettiest doll will be my last"
"You're just giving up ?" he sounded disappointed.
"Well I did attempt to seduce the prince last night, but As you can see I'm no doll" she gestured to herself.
"I think ill head off to the next kingdom over," she said unsure of her answer.
"Work you me" he blurted out
A silence formed between the two.
"Ok, yeah I work for you. Oh and you can call me Emily, Emily O,hare.
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
Nowhere Else to Go | JJ Maybank x Reader
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Pairing: jj maybank x f!reader
Word Count: 7.4k
Summary: during a storm, y/n discovers jj’s dealing with a lot more than he led on. in a mix of thunder and lighting, a whole lot of secrets and feelings are revealed
Warnings: swearing, mentions and depictions of abuse (things shown and talked about on obx)
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: hello everyone! i had the idea for this in october and i only just finished it. i kept thinking of extra ideas to add in and it just kept going, making this post much longer than i originally intended lmao. in the end im still proud of it and like how it turned out. i really wanted to finish this and upload today as well considering s3 of obx is officially confirmed! so excited for next season and i can’t wait to see what they do with the show. also incase anyone was wondering about any fics i have coming up, i have a few shawn mendes x reader ideas in mind and also a few others so hopefully if you’re following you’ll see something you’ll like. anyways i hope you enjoy the fic and lmk what you think! :)
"Ugh, c'mon!" You grunt as you try to close the window that's currently allowing a ton of rain into your house. It’s stuck and won't budge for anything. The rain isn't making it any easier either, the water causing your fingers to slip on the smooth wood.
You were expecting the storm, but not this soon. You were doing everything you could to make sure you were safe inside the house, but it's as if the storm came out of nowhere. Definitely started a lot earlier than anyone predicted.
Suddenly, the window slides down into place, startling you enough to almost land you on your butt. You grumble before regaining your stance and sliding the latch into lock position.
Taking a look around your house, you nod your head in satisfaction. Everything looks to be in order from what you can tell. The only thing left to do is get through the storm. You remember on the news earlier that the weather man said it was to be one of Outer Banks' worst. Not the greatest time for a storm considering you were all alone, your family having business on the mainland.
There isn't really anyone you could go to either, the majority of your friends having their own family protocols about these things. Besides, there was no way in hell you were going out in that storm just to try and make it to someone else's house.
If the storm had started later like it was supposed to, you might have been able to head over to Kiara's house, but alas, you have to suffer on your own. To be fair, you and the pogues have suffered much worse over these past few months, so you're sure a little storm is no match for you, or so you hope.
A flash of light followed by a loud crack floods the house, and you nearly jump at the sight and sound of it. Okay maybe this will be a bit terrifying to deal with, just a bit.
You make your way over to the couch and grab your phone that you had left there earlier. The screen lights up as you lift it and you see you have a couple messages, some from Kiara and some from the groupchat you and the other pogues have.
Opening the messages from Kiara first, you see she's just checking up on you. She was one of the only people you told about being home alone for the weekend, knowing if you told the boys they'd want you to throw a party at your house, which was a definite no after what happened last time.
You send her a quick text letting her know you're okay, and not to worry. You can tell she feels bad about leaving you alone, and that if her parents let her she'd be over in a heartbeat, through the storm and all.
Moving on to the groupchat you see almost everyone has replied. Pope called for a headcount to check in on everyone which ended up in Kiara replying first, then Sarah, and then John B. You send your reply and notice one person is missing, JJ.
This is nothing new, JJ is prone to not responding for hours, or at all. You'd think with the severity of the storm though that he would text back as soon as possible. You shrug it off and close your messages.
Wherever JJ was, you’re sure he’d turn up or respond sooner or later. Even though he’s your friend, you couldn’t care less at the moment. JJ had been a complete ass over this past week, and frankly you’re still pissed at him.
Every time you tried talking to him or tried making plans with him, he’d shrug you off, give you some short and rude reply, or tell you he had to go to work. The work part you could understand, it’s the fact it was a lie that got to you. You’d ask the others if JJ had work when he told you he did, and they told you he didn’t.
You were done trying at that point, not understanding at all what his problem was. He didn’t appear to be treating the other pogues the way he was treating you. He seemed more reserved with them than usual, but at least he wasn’t avoiding them completely like he was with you.
So when Friday came around and JJ had tried starting a conversation with you, as if nothing had happened, you kind of lost it. You called him out on his behavior and may have called him a few names, but you couldn’t help it, you were done being nice when all he did was treat you badly that week.
The look in his eyes as you yelled at him broke your heart. But the way he had treated you had done the same. JJ had always been kind to you, sure he’d tease you here and there, but he was never rude to you like he was this past week. He was someone you hadn’t recognized, someone completely different from the guy you fell for.
It had taken you a while to accept the fact the feelings you have for JJ were much stronger and much different than those you have for the other pogues. When you were around him there was a fluttering in both your heart and stomach, a light feeling you hadn’t ever really felt with anyone else. He was kind and gentle but could also be a complete badass when needed. His insane ideas and impulsiveness gave you incredible amounts of anxiety at times, but also showed you he was so much more than people made him out to be. He’d do anything for the ones he cares for, and it’s clear to you in the way he’s always treated his friends.
There were moments when you wanted to tell JJ about your newfound feelings, but something always got in the way. And by something, you really mean someone. Kiara. You love her with your whole heart but when it comes to JJ, there’s the tiniest inkling of jealousy. It’s so easy to see the feelings JJ and the rest of the boys have for her. You thought it would be fine considering Kiara told you she might have a thing for John B, but that quickly changed when she discovered her feelings were nothing more than those of a best friend, especially after John B got with Sarah. That left JJ and Pope, both incredible boys, but you couldn’t sit by and hope Kiara picked Pope over JJ, or that you had misread JJ’s feelings for Kiara. That’s not how it works, or at least it shouldn’t be.
You understand completely how people can fall for Kie, she’s incredible. She’s gorgeous, smart, and passionate. She’s a kook who chose the pogues. Why wouldn’t JJ like her? It just sucks you happened to fall for a guy who’s so obviously fallen for another girl, one of your best friends at that.
Talking to Kiara about everything always felt so out of the question. You didn’t want her to feel bad if you discovered she did in fact have feelings for JJ, or if JJ came forward and admitted his feelings to her. It wouldn’t be anyone’s fault, it’s just how it goes. So instead, you kept it to yourself, and you continue to do so to this day.
Shaking any further thoughts about the situation out of your head, you reach out towards the coffee table and grab the remote to the tv. Since you can’t spend time with your friends right now, you might as well try and find something to occupy your time with.
You flip through the channels and see nothing but the news broadcasting the storm. It's as if every channel was blocked by a weather watch. Although it's probably good to be updated constantly about what's happening outside, it does nothing to help your nerves and you would rather be watching anything else but a broadcast of a horrible storm you’re stuck in alone.
Groaning, you shut off the tv and throw the remote aside. Seeing the lightening on tv that you can very much see out your window is definitely not easing the tension.
You lean your head back on the couch and close your eyes. Maybe the deafening sound of the rain can somehow lull you to sleep and you can nap through this whole thing.
Mother Nature is certainly not having any of that.
A loud crack rings out through your house, somehow even louder than the last one, and you leap off the couch. Not even a second later and you're now in complete darkness, the clicks of circuits surrounding you before nothing at all is heard besides the storm outside.
"Great," you sigh, defeated. Just one more thing to deal with. There's no telling when the power will be back on, especially when you live on an island.
Careful not to trip over anything, and with the use of the lightening flashes to guide you, you make your way over to the kitchen to try and find a flashlight. You scavenge through the drawers and cupboards before finally finding a decent one. You turn it on and have to hit the side of it a couple times, but it finally turns on and the bright light is an absolute gift in this darkness.
Making your way back into the living room, you sit back on the couch and bring your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them while holding on to the flashlight.
Now that the power is out, it's not so much the storm you're scared of, but the people who might be out in the storm. You'd like to think you live in a pretty nice area, but you aren't ignorant to the talk that travels through the town. You know about the drug dealers and the people who would do anything to make a quick buck. Thinking about the idea someone may have been just waiting for an opportunity like this to attack someone while in this vulnerable state makes you sick.
Anxiety seeps deeper into your mind as you wonder if there's any chance someone you don't know could have found out you'd be home alone this weekend. You want to believe you could defend yourself properly, but depending on what or who's involved, it could end very badly.
As if the night couldn't get any worse or more fear inducing, you hear several loud knocks on your front door.
You shoot up from the couch, not knowing exactly what you should do. Standing still for a second, hoping maybe it was just a branch banging up against the house, you listen intently for another knock.
Slowly moving across the living room, you almost drop the flashlight as more rapid knocks are made against the front door. You flatten yourself against the door, trying not to be spotted through the windows even though it's pitch black and pouring.
You tilt your head and peak through the peep-hole. Of course, you can't see anything but a dark figure, the glass being covered with rain water. You huff before stepping back a bit from the door, raising the flashlight above your head, ready to swing.
"I swear to god this is a horror movie waiting to happen," you mumble before reaching for the doorknob and yanking the front door open.
Looking up at the figure in front of you, you gasp and bring the flashlight down to your side as you take in the sight before you.
It's JJ, and he looks absolutely broken.
"Y/N! I know you like hate me right now and I'm sorry to bother you, really I am, but I-I can’t go to Pope’s because he’s helping his dad, I can’t go to the chateau because John B and Sarah are there and I just can’t third wheel right now, and Kiara’s parents are on complete lockdown and hate me anyways and-“ JJ continues to ramble on as you stand there and stare at him, feeling like the air is being ripped from your lungs as you take in the sight of him.
Besides the fact he’s soaking wet, no coat in sight, there are wounds on him you wouldn’t wish to be inflicted on anyone. There’s a gash on his left cheekbone, right under a very large and very red circle surrounding his eye, a mark you know probably hurts like hell. He has bruises up and down the left and right sides of his jaw, and a smaller cut on his right cheek. All of this is just from what you can see from the light of your flashlight.
“JJ,” You whisper, barely audible above the storm, but it seems to have been enough as it halts JJ’s speech and has him looking straight in your eyes now.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” his voice breaks and you can see the pain and emotion within his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes that are surrounded by ugly marks.
Before allowing pneumonia to be added on to JJ’s injuries, you quickly move back and make room for him to enter the house. You hear JJ let out a low wince as he moves inside. How many more wounds does he have?
You feel tears start to prickle in your eyes, you don’t even want to imagine how many more injuries JJ currently has or how he came to obtain them. Who would do something like this? It couldn’t have been a normal fight, you know JJ can get in quite a bit of those, but he’s never come back from one looking like this, ever. At least not as long as you’ve known him.
Blinking your eyes a few times to try and rid the tears, you clear your throat and move towards JJ. There are lots of things that need to be discussed, but most importantly you need to take care of your friend. No matter what happened this week, you still care deeply for him and you understand he needs you right now.
“Let’s go to the kitchen, we’ve got a first aid kit in there.” You make the mistake of looking at JJ’s face and with the closer proximity you can see just how bad his wounds are. “I’ll get you a towel first so you can dry off a bit,” you whisper before hurrying along. It’s going to be so difficult to help patch up his wounds when all you want to do is cry when you look at him and see the violence that’s been inflicted on him.
“Alright, thank you,” JJ says. He follows closely behind you after you’ve made your way back from down the hall. You nod your head and hand him the towel in response before you make you way over to the cupboard, but forgot it’s so dark in here he probably couldn’t see it.
“How did you get here?” You ask suddenly. Based off the small clips of the broadcasts you watched earlier, you know majority of the roads were closed or flooded. You’re already scared of JJ’s answer as he begins to talk.
“I rode my bike here,” he replies, lifting himself up and taking a seat on the countertop. He begins to rub the towel in his hair, wanting to soak up as much of the rainwater as possible.
You quickly spin around with the first aid kit in one hand, and the flashlight in the other. The light passes over JJ’s face and he squints his eyes at the sudden brightness.
“You rode your bike here!?” You ask, thinking of all the ways that could’ve gotten him more hurt. “In the storm!?”
“Well, yeah. How else was I supposed to get here? Or anywhere for that matter.” He says. “The roads are complete crap, I had to go on the sidewalks a couple times, at least I think it was the sidewalk. Hey, if the storm passes and your neighbors see track marks in their yard do you think they’ll know it was me?”
You roll your eyes and let out a small, airy laugh as you make your way over to JJ.
“You’re not making me feel any better,” you say as you stop in front of him, setting the first aid kit down next to him on the counter. You tap one of his knees with your finger, signaling for him to spread his legs a little so you can get closer. He obliges and you scoot towards him, not allowing your mind to wander away from the task at hand and think about how close you are to JJ right now.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. You look up into his eyes and see the sincerity in them. You can tell he didn’t want to worry you, but you know there’s something deeper here, something he’s not telling you.
Shining the flashlight in a way that won’t irritate JJ, you let your eyes travel across his face. You take in each mark, and each one you hadn’t noticed before. JJ is tough, he’ll get through it, but you can’t even begin to imagine the pain he must be feeling.
“What happened?” JJ’s mouth turns up in a small smirk and you know instantly he’s going to try and brush this off, try to make jokes.
“I got my ass handed to me,” he replies, letting out a chuckle before groaning, moving his hand to grasp at his stomach. You frown and reach your hand out, placing it lightly on his arm and grabbing JJ’s attention.
“JJ, please,” you say. The next part coming out as almost a whisper. “Who did this to you?”
JJ’s head hangs as he gives up on trying to hide from you any longer. He knows you won’t let him joke his way out of this one, and he knows he owes you an explanation, especially after how he treated you this week.
“I’m sorry for being such a dick this past week. You don’t deserve to be treated like that,” he admits. You shake your head, no longer caring about that. His wellbeing is all that matters right now.
“Don’t worry about it, I just want to make sure you’re okay. I want to know what happened. Why-“ JJ holds up his hand and cuts you off mid-sentence.
“No, I have to say this. It goes along with what happened to me.” You nod your head, signaling for him to continue. You have no idea what he’s getting at.
“I was an ass to you because, well because,” JJ seems to struggle with his explanation. He doesn’t know how to just come out and say it, doesn’t know why he can’t just admit it to you. He sighs and gives up on using his words for a moment.
Before you can process what’s happening, you watch as JJ reaches down and grabs at the bottom of his shirt and begins to lift it up. Even given the circumstances you can’t help the nerves that surge through you. Sure you’ve seen JJ without a shirt plenty of times, it’s just the fact he’s taking it off in front of you while you’re standing between his legs that’s making those butterflies return to your stomach, mixing with the anxiety and fear you have for your friend right now.
He doesn’t say anything for a few moments after you know he’s already removed the shirt. You don’t understand what the point of it was until you move the flashlight across his chest and abdomen.
Your blood runs cold and the feeling you had when you first opened the front door and saw him returns, but feels doubled now.
All across JJ’s abdomen are yellow and green bruises mixed with others that are red and blue. Some look a few days old while others seem to be more recent. The majority of them are large, around his ribs, but others are smaller and more scattered. The sight breaks your heart.
“Oh my god, JJ,” you say as you bring your free hand up to cover your mouth.
“It was my dad,” JJ sighs before meeting your gaze. “He’s the one that did this to me.”
Your hand drops from your mouth, only a puff of air coming out as you struggle to fathom the idea a father could do this to his son. You knew JJ’s dad wasn’t father of the year, that he pushed JJ around sometimes, but you never believed he was capable of something like this. When you became friends with the pogues you thought you had a pretty good idea of where everyone came from, who their family was. Apparently JJ kept his dad’s true abilities from you all this time.
“Your dad did this to you?” JJ nods his head in reply and all you can do is shake yours in confusion. “I knew your dad could be a jerk but I didn’t think he would do something like this to you. I thought you said the most he’s done was shove you around a bit? It doesn’t make it any better but Jesus, JJ.”
“Yeah that’s the most he’s done to me since I learned to fight back,” he scoffs. “It used to be worse, when I was younger and too scared to stand up for myself. Once I started working out and learning his habits I was able to prevent it from happening, avoid it, and if needed I was able to fight back.”
You reach out and grab his hand gently, wanting him to recognize he’s safe now. You want him to know you’re here for him, here to listen to what he has to say.
“He was angry about something Sunday night. I think they laid him off at work, I don’t know it was hard to tell with all his yelling and slurred speech. I made the dumbass mistake of getting in his way and I fell and he just let me have it. Thankfully it was just my stomach he came after. Bastard couldn’t bother throwing any punches at my face while I was down. He could barely stand so he gave up with his kicking, but it was long enough to leave me gasping for air and feeling like shit.”
JJ closes his eyes and readjusts himself a bit. You squeeze his hand softly, letting him know it’s okay, to take his time.
“I thought I could hide it, ice it and move on like every other time, but I could barely move Monday morning. You think the bruises are bad now but it’s nothing compared to what they looked like then. I tried to hide it from you all week, thought of dumb excuses so you wouldn’t see me like that. I didn’t want you to know or find out. I figured i’d heal up during the week and talk to you on Friday, make up another dumb excuse as to why I was an ass and it’d be fine. Understandably you didn’t want to talk to me, then this happened.”
Using his free hand, JJ reaches up and motions to his face.
“Guess I really pissed him off this time,” he says, chuckling a bit. “As you know the storm came early. I hadn’t finished closing everything up at the house and you know my old man wasn’t helping at all so I was on my own. All of a sudden I heard yelling and stuff being smashed and here comes good ol’ dad to show me who’s boss. He started complaining about water coming in and there being puddles or something. I smarted off and he wanted to make sure I regretted it. I tried to fight back but it was like he just kept coming from every side. I was able to push him out of the way after a while so I grabbed my keys and bolted. I didn’t even get a chance to grab my phone or anything so I couldn’t call anyone or reply to the groupchat. I just knew what everyone’s situation was so i didn’t know where else to go besides here. I really didn’t wanna go anywhere else but here, I just didn’t want you to see me like this.”
JJ takes his hand out of yours and turns his head away, he can’t believe he’s doing this to you. Letting you hear these awful stories and seeing him like this. It’s what he wanted the least. He thought he could hide this from you, hide how his dad really is, but it didn’t last as long as he hoped.
“That’s why you blew me off all week? You didn’t want me to know you were hurt? You let me stand there and yell at you and call you rude names while you were hurting? I feel like such a jerk, JJ. I am so sorry,” you choke out. You feel like crying, from the wetness on your cheeks you know you probably already are. This whole time you thought he was just being an ass for no reason, meanwhile he was getting beat at home and trying to shield you from his pain.
“Don’t be it’s not your fault, I should’ve handled avoiding you better than treating you like that. I just figured if you were mad at me it’d make it easier to hide everything from you. The others know how it used to be and how I handle it, but I didn’t want you to know. I didn’t want you to worry about me or see me be…weak,” JJ looks over at you and you can see the wetness in his eyes, misting over that blue color you’ve come to cherish so much.
“JJ Maybank there is nothing you could do or share with me that would make me believe you are weak. You are the strongest person I know and I want to be here for you when things like this happen. You have nothing to be ashamed of, especially not with me. If anyone is to feel shame or weakness it should be your father. That man is horrible and you are nothing like him,” You say before putting the flashlight down and reaching out to carefully cup JJ’s jaw within your hands. “You are kind, smart, funny, brave, and a million other good things that I can list all day if you wanted me to. You deserve so much better than you get and I am so sorry you have to deal with it. I wish you would have told me sooner that things like this happen to you. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want me to see you like this when the other pogues have?”
JJ gives you a soft smile before bringing his hands up to grasp yours on his face.
“You really don’t know? I thought I made it so obvious every time we were together.” You tilt your head at JJ’s reply and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N, I like you a lot. More than just as a best friend. I have for a while now. I thought you’d be able to pick up on my flirting and glances, I guess I was wrong.” Your eyes widen in response and you can feel your cheeks heating up instantly.
“W-What? Are you being serious right now?” You question, finding this to be a complete surprise and definitely unexpected.
“Y/N, we’re sitting in the dark, in the middle of one of the worst storms we could have, and I just got my ass beat. I don’t know a better time to be more serious,” JJ replies. You can’t help the giggle that escapes you, causing JJ to chuckle as well.
“I’m sorry it’s just, I thought you liked Kiara? The way you look at her, I figured you were into her. I mean who wouldn’t be,” you say, removing your hands from JJ’s face and wrapping them around yourself. “You guys have just always seemed so close for as long as i’ve known you. When things didn’t work out with her and John B I thought it would be you two who ended up together, considering your bond.”
“Me and Kie? Absolutely not. I love her, but I see her as nothing more than a friend, a sister even. She and I talked about it before, she feels the same. Pope’s the one that’s into her. I promise you for as long as we’ve been friends it’s always been you I’ve been interested in. I can’t believe I gave off the impression I was interested in another girl when you’re the one that runs through my mind all the time.” Within the dim lighting coming from the flashlight and the lightening still shining through the windows, JJ reaches out his right hand and places it on your cheek. He rubs his thumb back and forth a few times across it and smiles at the warmth he feels there.
“Really?” is all you manage to get out, too stunned and feeling on cloud nine. JJ simply nods his head and smiles in response. “You don’t know how happy that makes me. I wish we would’ve figured out we had feelings for each other sooner, i can’t believe neither of us realized.”
“Wait, so you feel the same?” JJ questions. “If I knew that I would’ve made my move sooner. I didn’t want to come onto you and you didn’t see me like that and I ruined everything. That’s why I hoped you’d catch on to my feelings and you’d be able to figure it out”
“Of course I feel the same!” You lean forward into JJ and feel butterflies erupt in your stomach over the added closeness. “How could I not fall for a great guy like you. I just wish I would’ve caught on instead of being so stuck in my own head about it.”
“Hey, at least we figured it out now. That’s all that matters to me,” JJ says as he reaches up and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. You lean into his touch and feel so much content.
As you stand there and take in everything JJ has told you, you continue to scan over his wounds, understanding there is still an important task to be done, and a just as important conversation to be had.
“Promise me you wont hide stuff like this from me anymore. I can’t stand the thought of you going through something let this, let alone going through it alone and without any help. If you feel like something bad is gonna happen with your dad I want you to come over immediately, I don’t care what day or time it is. Im here for you JJ, I always have been and I always will be.”
JJ looks up into your eyes and you can see him struggling with his defenses, struggling to continue to break down the walls he’d already cracked open when he decided to show up at your door. JJ has always struggled with letting even the people he cared about most in, but he’s willing to try with you. He can tell you mean every word you’re saying to him, and he knows he can trust and rely on you.
“I promise. I really am sorry I kept everything from you, it would’ve been better just to tell you. I promise I won’t hide anymore,” he says. You feel relief after he’s said it, but part of you knows there’s no telling if he’ll keep the promise. He’s hid it from you for so long and you know how hard it is for him to open up, especially about his dad. All you can do is hold onto the hope he’ll tell you next time, that he won’t hide.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to be sorry, I understand,” you reach up and use both your hands to push JJ’s hair back, out of his face. The dampness from the rain keeps the hair in place and you’re now able to see every part of his face clearly, ready to finally patch him up. “Now, let’s fix you up, shall we?”
You reach over to grab the first aid kit next to JJ, but you suddenly feel him wrap his hand around your wrist.
“Wait,” JJ says as you turn to him. “Can I kiss you?”
A flash of lightening engulfs the kitchen and you notice the small spark of light that glistens in JJ’s eyes, followed by that smirk you’ve become all too familiar with.
“Absolutely,” you squeak out in response, a blush blossoming across your cheeks.
Through the flashes of lightening and the dim glow from the discarded flashlight, JJ reaches out and places his right hand on your cheek. His thumb moves down across your jaw and traces over your lips, finding the spot he’s yearned for for so long, the girl he’s fallen so deeply for.
JJ leans forward and you do the same. His nose brushes up against yours and you smile at the feeling.
Reaching out, you place your hand at the back of JJ’s neck, tangling your fingers in hair at the nape of his neck. It’s still damp from the storm he traveled through, the storm he traveled through to get to you.
You want to cry and laugh and scream all at the same time over what’s happened and what you’ve learned, but you can’t and you won’t. So instead, you close the minuscule gap between the two of you and kiss the boy who you thought would only exist in your dreams.
It’s soft and light because you don’t want to hurt JJ any more than he already has been, but it’s perfect and so special. The situation that it’s occurring during could be much better of course, with the storm and revelation that JJ has a horrible father, but it’s special nonetheless.
After a moment, JJ pulls back slightly. He squints his eyes and let’s out a small sigh.
“I wish the power would turn back on, I’ve wanted this to happen for so long and of course when it finally does I can barely see you.”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. Of course that’s what he would be thinking about during this.
JJ looks around for a second before his eyes land on the flashlight laying next to him. He grabs it and brings it between the two of you. He holds it upwards and suddenly your and JJ’s faces are illuminated.
It reminds you of little kids telling each other ghost stories at sleepovers, but fear is far from what you feel as you stare into JJ’s eyes and notice his boyish grin.
“There’s my girl,” he whispers while brushing his nose lightly against yours, causing your heart to flutter. JJ really is so sweet, no matter what he goes through he’ll always have a pure heart.
“And there’s my boy,” you whisper in return.
JJ closes the gap between you once more, letting his free hand travel to the back of your neck, holding you perfectly in place.
After a while you pull back, needing a small breath and deciding it really is time to patch up JJ. He protests, saying he’s fine and that he’ll heal on his own, only wanting to continue as you were, but of course you decline. He needs medicine and to have his wounds cleaned, no matter how many times he says he doesn’t.
You notice the majority of JJ’s wounds are bruises with only a few cuts here and there. Part of you wants to be relieved that the majority of them are bruises and that it appears he won’t need stitches, but the other part knows that shouldn’t be anything to feel relieved about. JJ shouldn’t have any of these injuries to begin with, especially not from his dad.
Every time you pat the cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide onto JJ’s cuts you can’t help but feel bad, noticing the smalls flinches and winces that follow. You give him tiny smiles and short unspoken breaks between each treatment, not wanting to overwhelm him with everything, knowing he’d rather just walk it off.
Once you’ve finished cleaning JJ’s cuts, you do your best to lightly apply antibiotic and place tiny bandaids where they’re needed. They don’t cover each cut completely, but it’s enough to keep the medicine on and provide protection from them getting infected.
Sorting through the first aid kit, you find some ibuprofen and hand JJ two tablets. You don’t know how much help it’ll do, but hopefully it’s enough to ease at least some of the pain.
You get JJ a glass of water and tell him you’ll be right back and to not move. Taking the flashlight, you rush to your room to find extra clothes for JJ to put on, his still soaked from his trip in the rain. You do your best to find some that’ll decently fit him and then head back over to him in the kitchen.
As JJ puts on the hoodie you gave him, you frown at the sight of his bruises on his chest as they become covered once more. The way he moves slowly and scrunches his face as he puts on the hoodie, you can tell JJ is still in a lot of pain.
“I wish I could give you some ice to help with the bruises, but with the power out I can’t get any,” you say to him, wishing there was more you could do.
“Don’t worry about it, you’ve done so much already,” JJ replies, reaching out and squeezing your hand in reassurance.
“Please, I just helped clean up your cuts. I wasn’t able to take all the pain away,” you say. “I can’t even begin to imagine how you must feel right now.”
“If you’re really so worried about it, I know a way you can help me,” JJ retorts, giving you a small smirk as he gets down from the countertop.
You tilt your head in confusion, not understanding what he’s referring to. You watch as JJ grabs the flashlight before leading you into the living room, and motioning for you to take a seat on the couch.
“We may not have any ice, but you know what else helps with pain?” JJ questions. Shrugging your shoulders, you look up at him in anticipation. “Heat.”
Before you know what’s fully happening, JJ lays down on the couch and pulls you towards him. He positions you nearly on top of him, and you’re worried the added weight is going to make him hurt more, but the content look on his face eases your nerves.
“So what? Your plan is to use me as a human heating pad,” You smile as you feel JJ’s chuckle rumble across his chest.
“That’s exactly my plan, Y/N,” he replies.
You smile and lightly squeeze JJ with your arms. Laying here next to him, providing him any kind of comfort after what he’s just been through, is really all you could ask for right now.
“That’s fine by me,” you whisper.
The both of you lay wrapped in each other’s arms for a while, the only sounds heard coming from the raging storm outside and your light breathing.
There’s no telling when the rain will stop, when the roads will clear, when JJ will have to go back and face his father, but right now all he needs is this time with you.
Suddenly, you hear your phone start to vibrate against the table. You reach your arm out and grab it, not wanting to completely leave JJ’s arms. You squint at the sudden bright light and after your eyes start to adjust, your heart drops at the sight.
“Shit!” You exclaim, jolting out of JJ’s arms. JJ mumbles an ‘ouch’ at the sudden movement against his aching body, and you ramble out a quick apology as you stand up.
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks as he sits up a little on the couch, watching as you type frantically on your phone.
“I got a million missed messages and calls from the pogues, they’re all worried because you never checked in and then I wasn’t answering either,” You reply, making sure you explain the best you can to your other friends, not wanting them to worry. “I’m just gonna let them know we’re okay and that you’re with me.”
“Dammit that’s right I wasn’t able to grab my phone,” JJ sighs. “Is everyone okay?”
“Yeah they are. Kiara’s with her parents, Pope’s still helping his dad, and John B and Sarah are still together at the chateau,” You assure him. “Nothing to worry about.”
JJ nods his head and seems to relax again, he felt bad for not checking in when Pope first messaged everyone, but he was trying to hurry up with securing the house so he wouldn’t piss off his dad. Didn’t matter in the end, he guesses.
When the pogues start replying to your messages you can’t help the small gasps at their replies. Witty remarks from John B and Pope and then cute messages from Kiara and Sarah. You didn’t tell them that much about what happened between you and JJ, but apparently it was enough for the others to catch on.
“What are they saying?” JJ questions, intrigued with your little chuckles and shakes of your head.
“Oh nothing,” you reply. “I just apparently spilled too much on where you were and what happened between us and now of course the guys are being the guys and the girls are making a fuss.”
“Of course they are,” JJ smiles. “They wouldn’t be them if they didn’t.”
You laugh and set your phone back down, confident everyone is now at ease and all that’s left to do is get through this nightmare of a storm.
Slipping back into JJ’s embrace, you revel in the fact you now get to hold the boy you’ve fallen for, close. The feelings you both have for each other might not have been revealed in a situation you’d hoped for, but it happened nonetheless. It allowed you into a part of JJ’s life you wish he didn’t have to deal with, but could now help him with.
“As long as they know I finally got the girl of my dreams, that’s all that matters,” JJ teases, kissing the top of your head as he snuggles in closer to you.
“And that I got the boy of mine,” you add on.
JJ rubs your back slowly as you two fall into a comfortable silence. The warmth of your body genuinely helping JJ feel more comfortable and at ease, and his presence helping your anxiety from the storm to subside.
As the time passes by, you take it to reflect on everything that occurred within the past hour, within the past week even. Romantic feelings for JJ or not, what he’s going through is horrible and something no child, no matter their age, should have to endure from their parents. You think of how he wanted to hide it, not involve anyone if he didn’t have to, and that thought alone makes your heart ache.
No matter if things work out between yourself and JJ, he’s still going to be one of your best friends, someone you care deeply about. You hope he’ll let you in more, that if this happens again he’ll know he can count on you and the others.
Lifting your head and looking up at JJ, you notice he’s falling asleep, exhausted from the day he’s had. Leaning over, you plant a small kiss on his cheek before laying back down and deciding to drift off as well.
Even when JJ thinks he has nowhere else to go, you’ll be here for him, always.
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delqcate · 2 years
A normal stormy night.
summary- you cant sleep cause of a storm but draco comforts you
warnings- very bad writing like really bad
paring- d.m. x fem y.n.
a/n: hello there lovelies! this is my first time writing ever so i hope i did all my fellow draco lovers proud! also if i've accidentally copied someones work please tell me, and if some other writers see this i would love some feedback, thank you!
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(credits to the gif owner)
crash! crash! crash!
y/n has been up all night due to a storm that hit hogwarts and unlike her boyfriend, draco, she cant sleep which brings us to her tossing and turning. she's tried everything from reading to covering her ears with the pillow. "y/n? why are you up?" the sleepy blonde muttered.
she looks over to her side to see the slytherin prince has awoken. "oh hello there my love, I couldn't sleep, the storm real-" before she could finish her sentence a loud crash! cuts her off, she covers her ears, being scared of the noise.
draco sees this and sits up on the head board with y/n, picking her up and putting her down onto his lap, letting her lie on his chest as he holding her close.
"shhh its ok my darling, im here.." draco whispers into her ear, y/n melts into his touch, hugging him as he places a blanket over them.
"i love you so much, draco" she mutters as she drifts of to sleep in her boyfriends grasp. draco kisses her forehead and before he drifts back to sleep he mutters,
"i love you more, darling".
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goldengoddess · 3 years
hi june, im giving you a lot of creative freedom here cos ur stuff is amazing so i just trust you to make something amazing all i ask for is that it's with nikolai and has a lot like a fuck ton of angst in it (preferably no reader/nikolai death and with a happy ending)
tell me - nikolai lantsov ♡
pairing: nikolai lantsov x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, angst but ends in fluff!
authors note: hello i’m bad at angst so uh idk be nice to me lol :’) i hope u all like this i love my baby nikolai wow
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“you do not get to leave” you whisper screamed in his direction, chasing after him as he attempted to walk into his room.
“don’t tell me what to do” he hissed in your direction. you opened your mouth to respond but realized quickly the two of you were out in the hall, out in the open, so you shut your mouth promptly. you took a couple of steps away from nikolai, as much as you wanted to grab his hand, have him hold you and whisper in your ear that everything would be okay.
as he stormed into his private room, you followed and closed the door behind him so that the two of you could have the proper screaming match that was bubbling at the surface and about to blow over.
“nikolai look at me” you growled, “look at me right now. you don’t get to ignore this right now.” he stayed silent, only showing you his back. “you don’t get to ignore me” you whispered furiously, wiping away at the tears that had begun to fall down your face.
he turned suddenly and you hoped to see some type of emotion present in his face, some clue that he regretted the way he’d treated to you. instead, his face was as controlled as ever. the way you’d seen it before in war meetings, not giving away anything he didn’t want you to know.
“nikolai,” you tried again, pausing when your voice cracked. “you should have told me” you said pathetically, throwing your hands up on frustration.
“i don’t owe you an explanation for every little thing” he says, his voice raising with each word.
“little thing?” you gasped in disbelief. “potentially getting married isn’t a little thing you fucking ass hole.” you ran a hand through your hair. he flinched at your words, stepping away from you.
“i didn’t want to” he started, before shutting his mouth. he rolled he neck and shoulders as if trying to remove any of the stress from his body.
you let out a exasperated laugh and started pacing around the room. “you didn’t want to what nikolai? tell me that you were half way to being engaged? that you were meeting with women from all over to try and find a wife.” you scoffed and turned to face him, finding him sitting on his head with his head in his hands.
“tell me, when was i going to find out? where you gonna tell me as she was walking down the aisle? huh? or maybe not even then, maybe you would tell me right before they made her queen.” you sucked in a deep breath, “were you ever going to tell your best friend that you were planning on getting married moi tsar?” you let the anger, the annoyance, the betrayal you were feeling at his secrecy, drip onto your words.
he clenched his jaw and met your eyes. “don’t call me that” he said lowly. you watched him get up and stand before the mirror to start fixing his hair. you walked up behind him, meeting his eyes through the mirror.
“that’s what you are isn’t it? you’re the king. you’re the ruler of an entire nation.” your lips dropped into a menacing scowl and you noticed the way nikolai had to look away from your face in the mirror as you did so. “why do i deserve your time? your explanations. i’m not royalty right? it’s fine nikolai. you’re right i don’t get to tell you what to do or what to tell me. i suppose our friendship was all in my head. it meant more to me than to you. that everything i was feeling was one-sided. you’re right. you didn’t have to tell me anything.”
by the time you finished speaking, you were looking at your shoes, your voice hardly above a whisper. the gravity of what you were saying, and the truth you realized lord behind them, finally hitting you in the chest.
you stepped away from the mirror and resumed your pacing around the room. everything smelled like him. smelled like the moments the two of you shared in here, sitting on the floor, passing take out back and forth, laughing so loudly and so late that zoya would have to come in here and tell you both of be quiet. it was overwhelming and impossible. to be surrounded by all things him when things felt like they were on the brink of falling apart.
“i’m going to go.” you sighed and took off your shoes, feeling the blisters on the back of your feet aching, slipping them into a hand. you walked towards the door but before you could even place your hand on the door knob you felt a familiar hand wrap around your wrist.
you took a deep breath and turned to face the man you’d grown to love so deeply. this close, you could see the dark circles under his eyes. the redness rimming his eyes. he looked wrecked. then it occurred to you that you probably didn’t look any different.
“don’t leave” he said, voice cracking at the end.
“give me a reason not to,” you replied with the same tone. “explain it to me. explain why you didn’t tell me” you pleaded.
“because i was angry” he cried, his grip on your wrist tightening. you gasped at his fierce hold and words. at this, he loosened his fingers and brought your wrist up to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss on the inside of your wrist. your body physically relaxed at the contact. the kiss his silent apology.
“angry?” you prompted him to go on, breathless.
“angry,” he began, “at the situation. at myself for allowing myself to get talked into courting women that i don’t want in the slightest. angry that i couldn’t tell you and that you couldn’t be the one i told everyone i wanted to be engaged to.” he left another kiss on the inside of your wrist.
with your free hand you grabbed on this his tshirt, gripping the fabric like your life depended on it. “what are you saying?” you whispered.
“i’m saying,” another kiss, “your feeling aren’t one-sided. anything but. everyone has been putting pressure on me to find a suitable wife. and i didn’t tell you because i knew the moment i told you, it would be real. and i would have to admit to myself that there was a possibility someone other than you would be my wife. because i couldn’t admit i love you.”
a tear rolled down your cheek, but this time you could tell it was one of happiness. “nikolai lantsov if you’re messing with me right now i swear to god i’ll-”
he paused your threat with a tiny laugh and another gentle kiss, this time on the palm of your hand. “no jokes sweetheart,” he promised. he met your eyes and you’d never before seen his hazel eyes hold so much intensity. “you’re important to me. in fact, you’re everything to me. i’m not your king, you’re my equal. and i want you to hold the position that shows everyone else that. i want you to be my wife.”
another kiss, now on your cheek.
you grinned up at him, eyes shining with tears, and you nodded your head. you couldn’t find the words to describe your feelings.
“maybe,” you giggled, pulling him closer to you, “maybe i wouldn’t mind that so much.”
“maybe?” he questioned, his brows shooting up in amusement as he placed your hand, which he was still holding, on his own cheek.
“yes maybe. i’ll say yes on the condition that my husband,” you bit your lip to hide a grin, “promises to tell me everything there is to tell.”
he chuckled and gently grabbed the sides of your face, caressing your cheek bone with his thumb. “i can definitely promise that my darling.”
and with that, another kiss. this time right where he lips were always meant to me.
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if your name is in bold it means i couldn’t tag you <3
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