#heartwarming speech
venacoeurva · 7 months
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I have been stuck with the words “wife city” sang like an 80s rock jingle type thing in my head for some reason
I don’t have a wife to say it to so we improvise
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killeroos · 4 months
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 8 months
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I like how this is their whole campfire chat
Like ma'am are you okay
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mail-me-a-snail · 1 year
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mafiaposting and i will not take criticism at this time (it is six in the morning)
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lynxalon · 3 months
i'm watching exu: calamity for the third fucking time and i am once again absolutely insane about these fucking characters. laerryn coramar-seelie and loquatius seelie. their whole fucking divorced-in-love mess. zerxus ilerez and his damn prophetic visions. babe what horrors do u dream of now? patia motherfucking por'co. her memory loss payroll. her list of .. "friends with bad memory" . that was fucking crazy to hear the first time and on the third i'm still reeling. nydas okiro, i cant even begin with him . he was a pirate. he lived what could only be a pirate's dream, the guildmaster of a dragon's hoard, a dragon whom he can summon and command at will. his friend's son lives with his brother and family. he puts people on patia's payroll, both conjoined in secrets, but that's not only it. he was described as holding spinning plates at all times. he was laerryn's partner and confidant on her life's work. cerrit agrupnin. the father who got his children out of an apocalyptic catastrophe. the father who kept his promise to be with them. by sheer luck or by fate's design, by the strength of his virtue and love and a father's promise. of all that he could not and did not keep, the one most important. he was an investigator so adept at his job that invisibility could not keep a person hidden from his sight. he had a ring to detect lies. he had a ring. to detect lies. loquatius . the fey who fell in love with a mortal. the reporter who spoke to the people at the end of their lives and his own and called for them to stay. to do their duty, keep their promise. no officials get to leave the people they're supposed to protect and speak for behind. and no one shall forget the most beautiful woman in the world, laerryn coramar-seelie. the woman who, in secret, strived to give her husband and her friends and her heart, her avalir, an option. the choice, to rise above and beyond. to seek the knowledge of realms and stars and all that they could ever achieve. a future so bright it was blinding. a goal so lofty, a dream so wistful. a path tread almost completely alone. and in that, history and mistrust. the gau drashari who expected the wizards to not keep their word, and thus created the circumstance in which the wizards did not know the importance of the tree of names and saw it only as a limitation. because that's all it appeared to be. and zerxus. the godless. champion of a deity-less divinity. oracle who saw visions of the lord of the hells. he saw the lord of the hells, hurting and injured. and in that being he saw redemption and a path to healing. he faced asmodeus and straight up said "oh you poor thing" afsgsjdkfkflflflgl he looked at a god and held nothing but pity for him upon seeing that he could not be redeemed. that there was such deep hatred. he was killed and revived over and over by this god. the god that he brought through into the world. . . the por'co legacy. patia, who in the end gifted her knowledge of everything truly Everything to a young maya agrupnin. and what of young kir and maya? celebrations and festivities, the anticipation of seeing their father. maya snuck out to a party to meet a girl and drink alcohol she doesn't even like, tailed by her brother who mirrored their father. kir, junior investigator, because of him, cerrit thankfully did not have to track down maya in panic. kir who received a message from his father to gather at their home. and then their father sent them away, to safety. 2/3rds of the world met calamity. how must it have felt to be a young child, everything you knew ending and dying. fuck man. that's not even everything i could fucking say about all of this i havent even broached the lord of the hells and the plot and the depth of patia's complexity with memory and knowledge and laerryn and loquatius and their open jabs and silent acts of devotion and love, zerxus and cerrit and their opposing and paralleled paths of fatherhood, nydas' and zerxus and cerrit. protectors. laerryn and patia. visionaries. loquatius. truth and hope and home.
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foxboyclit · 8 months
currently going through the legal process of a name change and i have to list the reasons of why i want this and like. why cant i just write "cause i want to, cause i like this name better?"
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heniareth · 2 years
I wish the marketing industry a very please die
#reviewing a document on how to market to kids and i just want to burn the whole thing to the ground#it talks about community and the need for companionship and mental health and everything. EVERYTHING goes back to how can we use that#*to promote our brand#leave the kids alone for fuck's sake#what are you gonna prey on kids' loneliness to have them buy more product? you gonna foment the already present addiction to social#media for a few clicks and some cash? fuck you. fuck you fuck you fuck you to the sun and back#advertising to kids should be forbidden#let's tell a heartwarming story about friendship and cameraderie to advertise pur products IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE#they talk about the fucking dopamine loop that happens on social media and i don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing in their eyes#''being where they escape'' written over a photo of a skateboard park with a huge ad hanging over the ramps IT'S NOT AN ESCAPE ANYMORE NOW#image of 3D avatars with speech bubbles over them with stuff like ''let's play'' or ''what's up?'' and the figures are all just. looking#*into the distance. is there a more poignant depiction of loneliness in an online hyperconected world?? and i think it's unironically meant#to be a positive depiction of people having fun in a virtual world and yet ALL OF THEM ARE STANDING AROUND AND SYARING INTO NOTHING#antithesis of fun. they talk about overload of information in the context of how to cut through the noise and basically scream louder than#*anyone else. for God's sake if kids are overloaded don't expose them to more????? wtf??? if ''constant exposure to global issues and#*social media are resulting in their need for mental health support'' maybe don't try to build places for them on FUCKING social media??#like are we dumb? do we build playgrounds on highways now?? you talk about the fine line between escapism and avoidance and then about the#dopamine loop?? this industry is predatory to the most extreme degree and i hate it to death. if i ever have kids i'll buy myself a brick#*nokia and relinquish all social media. fuck all of this. the worst part is i WORK here and i should be able to do something to make it#*better but fuck if i know how. can the ship bee saved or do we have to burn it to the ground. i am so angry#swearing#vent post
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usuallydeepcoffee · 1 year
ohhh i loooove public opinion/outsider pov etc fic!! i think so much about how the avengers are perceived by the real mcu world!! if you have any recs I'd looove them! or if you have any other thoughts about that as well 💜
Oh, one of my favorite panels ever is this one here, so you bet I would've loved to see something similar in the movies!
For recs, I can think of a few:
one is United States v. Barnes, where Bucky's trial (it's canon until catws, goes AU from there) is told through a collection of fake articles, transcripts, tweets and texts. It's really well done! (it also gets points for the blink-and-you'll-miss-it SamNat)
the other one is Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film, which is a funny and brilliant look at how Cap could've shaped the film industry in the mcu.
(They're both stucky, even if the ship is not the main focus of either of those two fics).
And then there's Steve Rogers vs the Media, a series that I remember liking, where Steve has a PR Manager. You can guess how well that goes for the poor sucker.
I do have some thoughts, mostly about Steve (duh), which I will elaborate in the next post;
One, non-Steve related thing I will say is that I think that Nat's need to be perceived as a good person (see her convo with Yelena in BW, at the convenience store) has probably gotten in the way of her good sense, at least once. Like I can totally see her, post-aou, agreeing to shoot one of those Vogue "24hours with" videos that needs to be heavily edited because of the rest of the Avengers are involuntarily making things worse lmao.
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i need to. write masdai but first i have to actually finish 7 (or maybe not im just being picky) and also finish a minedai wip thats 1 sentence long rn and ALSO finish a ryudai wip that i keep telling myself to end b4 it hits 6k and then adding more to it so its at almost 5k now and Nowhere Near Done. daigo be on that thang i guess.
daigo dick game CRAZY it made a man kill himself
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kogglyuffs · 2 years
warning: mucho texto ahead
i rlly dont have an oc ive shown here so take this lil mascot ive shown yrs ago
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ppl usually do art raffles or giveaways as "thank you" gifts, i still dont rlly know what to do as a thank you gift, bc nothing theres nothing i can do to express how thankful i am for all these years sharing my art in different fandoms and getting people's support
1,000 may not sound much for some people, but as a smol artist like me, it actually means a lot??? i never thought an artist like me would reach this level.. wow..... wOOOOOw.........
ive actually enjoyed sharing shitposts and actual art in every fandom i went, either it be for a long time or a very short time, a dead or alive fandom, ive met very cool people around here and liked their art a lot, as they liked mine too, and shared some interests n funny doodles (mostly in dr fandom).. it started as an account to like art, until it went to share original art, until this day..
what will i do in the future? thats pr much incertain, and possibly ill commit inactivity as most people ive met around here, but dw, ill stick around as much as possible, bringing art back to yall, both for my enjoyment and for yours...
these 3, almost 4 years, theyve been long yet short, and i thank you all for being around.. :)
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pory-z · 15 days
there's something incredibly refreshing in talking to a cousin i haven't contacted in a long time and seeing them write in our home accent
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yourgalgremlin · 1 month
Fleamont Potter who makes a plan the day he takes in Sirius Black as his own son in 1975.
Fleamont Potter who waits until James makes Regulus his son-in-law to make a heartwarming “father-of-both-grooms” speech at their wedding reception.
Fleamont Potter who leaves said wedding reception to go find Orion Black in his swanky members-only billiards hall—saying:
“Hello, my name is Fleamont Potter. You abused my kids, Sirius & Regulus. They’re fine now, but the same can’t be said for you.”
& then breaks Orion’s kneecap in with his own pool cue.
[The vision]
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stressforu · 15 days
♯ itoshi rin — 'you know how to ball, i know aristotle'
a trend perfectly describing you and rin .
note : proplayer!rin x fem!reader
home page . . .
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' ITOSHI RIN , a renowned soccer player from Japan have been rumored to attend a graduation ceremony just recently.''
The headline in big bold fonts are highlighted in an article, with a stolen shot (blurry if not with his recognizable dark green hair) of rin holding a bouquet of flowers in his left hand while holding his phone in the right, looking like he's texting someone.
Comments flooded the article, almost everyone is reluctant to know what is the famous striker doing at a university?
anon1028: guys, maybe he has a gf?
➜ anon5027: that's impossible, if he did have, it would've been rumored.
However, there was one thing the world already knew, Rin Itoshi was careful with the media. He's meticulous when he goes out, the paparazzi can't even get a single piece of information out of his private life. (The world turned upside down when a stolen shot of him was sent to the media.)
Though Rin Itoshi was meticulous with hiding, he didn't want to miss your graduation ceremony. Seeing you bask in the joy of graduation with friends and batchmates.
He was proud of you, even though he always scolded you when you didn't have enough sleep, forcing you to eat real food because you've been on noodles since last month.
He was willing to give up his private life in order to watch you give your speech as a valedictorian. (wow ...)
And as you ascended into the stage, the speech you wrote you held in your left hand, and the dainty 'clack' of your heels echoed the silent crowd.
You thanked the dean, the professors, and the staff welcomed the graduating students like you, and wished them a happy graduation.
As you near the end of the speech you want to give acknowledgment to a special someone.
"As the speech comes to an end, I want to thank someone very special who has been there for me throughout this journey. Their constant support, encouragement, and belief in me have always given me strength and inspiration. Whether it was studying late at night, feeling unsure, or celebrating achievements, their presence made a big difference."
Rin felt his eyes becoming teary, his face in a blushing mess, and that tight-lipped smile he'd always wear when he's happy.
You continued,
"To my partner, thank you for your endless patience, love, and for always believing in me, even when I struggled to believe in myself. This achievement is as much yours as it is mine."
You bowed, and the crown erupted into claps, awed by the heartwarming speech you had given on this day. You went down the stage to thank your professors and celebrate with your friends. However, you failed to notice Rin, your lover, walking into the crowd with a bouquet in his hand.
The crowd gasped, and someone pointed out shouting, "LOOK IT'S THE ATHLETE !" getting your attention. You gasped, it was Rin.
He walks towards you and hands out his bouquet with your favorite flowers. Congratulating you, and wishing you a happy graduation.
"y-you came..."
"how could I miss my girlfriend's graduation? congrats, baby ..."
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@/itoshi_rin has a new post .ᐟ
@/itoshi_rin : love you.
➜ tagged @/yn_tiredofstudying
—> @/sae_toshi : am i dreaming?
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notes : UHHH i dunno what to feel about this
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nectardaddy · 19 days
getting to know inumaki toge
absolutely breathless when he sees you at school in his first year
smiles within his scarf like a little boy again when you give him a curious look because he tried to say hello
seeing your eyes light up with understanding when gojo explains he's a cursed speech user makes him weak at the knees
finds it within himself to actually talk to you after weeks of hyping himself up
he's so socially awkward Yuta had to hype him up too
has notes app ready!! he knows you don't understand a lick of what he's saying still
has Maki ask for your number because he's too scared to ask himself especially through notes app he'd never recover if you said no to a fucking notes app question
learned he should never ask Maki to do such things ever again - he was so humbled
"give inumaki your number." "what?" "just give him your number he won't stop asking me for it" "uh- ok?"
he's definitely kicking his little feet and blushing in his room when he texts you
flat out stares as you're training but gets all flustered when he's caught but you're so strong holy shit he thinks it's pretty hot
studying together!
finds it so heartwarming you caught on to his code speech quickly to have spoken conversations with him
"tuna!" "yes! thank you! that's what I'm saying!!"
your conversations slowly devolved to just texting each other in the same room and giggling and laughing at what the other sends
gojo refers to this poor soul as "your little boy toy" whenever he pairs you up together
he realized he's a love doomed man when he found out you carried cough syrup for him
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Can I request Astarion x reader and he drinks from u when your standing and your legs buckle and you start to collapse from the blood loss but he catches you and Carries you to your bedroll and takes care of you?
Forgive me if it's rough, still trying to figure out the speech patterns!
Recommended Song: Ivy - SALES
It usually wasn’t often that Astarion asked to feed on you. Sadly, resources have been scarce, wild animals included. Anytime Lae’zel is out scouting she tries to bring something back for him, but to no avail. Recently, he had been asking quite often, and there is always an air of guilt in his question. 
“I’m sorry to ask my love, I just worry the others will see me differently, if I were to feed on one of them.”
It’s not as if your other companions aren’t aware of his situation, or the fact that you have to satiate him every once in a while. You think he simply feels like a burden, having to ask people for the very thing that sustains him. He just feels a little less like a burden when he asks you.
“Of course dear, no need to be sorry.”
You’ve gotten used to how this goes, as you’ve been travelling together for quite some time, and you and Astarion got smitten rather quickly. He’s always quite gentle, even if it does hurt at first. Instead of sitting down however, you continue working on stitching up a piece of your sleep-wear. With powerful magic from the likes of Gale and Shadowheart, you think such minute things could be fixed easily, but alas, they still require a realistic solution.
While you’re busy putting to work the simple stitch he taught you, Astarion moves to drink, wrapping you in a warm embrace. Many would think that the act of being drained of your own blood would be, well, terrifying, but something about it is quite intimate, heartwarming even. You don’t even really think about how your veins start running cold, how you start to feel much worse than normal. Then, you’re on the ground, needle and thread along with you. 
“Darling! I apologize, I should’ve had you lie down first, I should’ve-” 
He cuts off his own words as he scrambles to think. You’re still not fully there, but you want to tell him you’re fine. Sadly, eyes can’t always tell all. Even your parasite seems too drained to connect with him. When you regain some of your senses, you see that Astarion has brought you back to your bedroll, muttering something to himself, pacing the tent.
“I could’ve waited, I would’ve been fine. I-”
He pauses, realizing you’ve started to stir.
“Tav, darling, are you alright?”
You try sitting up, and he quickly moves to support your back, wrapping his arm around you waist.
“Yeah… yeah I’m okay.”
“I apologize, I knew it was a risk to feed on you again so soon. I put you in a terrible position, asking you like that.”
You reach to put your hand over his.
“No, it’s alright. I’ve become so nonchalant about it, I should’ve been much more considerate of the circumstances.”
He’s silent, trying to find another way to blame himself. The truth is, both of you were quite tired from the recent adventuring, and weren’t thinking straight. 
“I’ll tell them all we should stay at camp for another day. Or perhaps they can journey back to the Grove and we can stay for another evening.”
You tighten your grasp on his hand until he finally make eye contact with you.
“Astarion, it’s fine, truly. I’ll be fine tomorrow, come morning.”
You smile at him, despite the nausea caught in your throat. He feels bad enough, no use in making it worse. 
“Here, come lie with me.”
You meet the ground once again, and he joins you shortly after. He still has that look, that dreary mist across his eyes. Instead of trying to tell him in words, you nestle into his side, wrapping yourself around him, a way of saying ‘I still love you, no matter what.’ He leaves a kiss on your forehead, and finally lets the tension go. You close your eyes soon after, exhausted. Astarion never tells you, but he stayed awake and by your side the entire night, unmoving, just in case.
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mirohlayo · 3 months
hi could you please write how all the f1 boys would handle fans comments about their gf not being conventionally attractive or being plus size? esp george or logan 🩵
Hii ! I didn't write how all of the f1 drivers cuz it would be too much but I did write George and Logan. Also sorry for taking a little time, I was swamped with classes this week 🫶
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( include piastri, norris, leclerc, sainz, hamilton, george, verstappen, ricciardo, sargeant & gasly )
warning : insecurities ??, things related to physical appearance, body ect...
note : i don't know if my warnings are accurate lol
to him, you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. so of course, seeing those awful comments about your appearance, face and even body makes him so damn furious. in front of people, especially in front of cameras, he would defends you in an implicit way, more like voice up about body positivity and respect every type of body. but in private, when there's only you two, he'll never stop bringing about how perfect and gorgeous you look, and that he'll cherish you for the rest of his life.
boy would be mad mad. ain't no way for him to let anyone talk about you in such a disrespectful and bad way. he'll make sure you're always comfortable and secure with your own body and appearance, by praising your beauty literally every single hour. and he doesn't think twice before rejecting every single one person who talks badly about you. he always posts some stories about you, where he basically overwhelms you by compliments and obviously to fuck off your haters in his sassy way.
he was actually shocked by the fact people hate on your body and appearance because he literally loves these parts of you. first he'll reassure you, comforts you because after all you being a goddess is just the truth. and then he would reply to every hate comments about you, defending you like it was the end of his life. he reminds you everyday to not feel bad and guilty about yourself, to not listen to those bullshit because not a single one from them are real. just listen to him and his devoted compliments.
it's simple, if someone talks bad about you then he'll talk bad about them. his girl is the definition of beauty and perfection. he genuinely doesn't care about your attractiveness or your body weight, cause he'll love these things anyway. he's always so enamored by how beautiful you look, and he needs people to know that. so whenever someone is insulting you, he just reminds them that there is nothing more shameful than attacking a marvel like you. a gem of beauty like you.
i know for sure he'll immediately defends you. and the cause in general, doing an inspired speech about bodies. he doesn't really insults or disrespect people too, cause after all he prefers keeping that energy to compliment you. but still, he makes sure haters won't never ever again talk about you in a horrible way. then he'll suggest you to stop social medias and just give up on your phone for a bit, to only focus on his words and your natural beauty.
first, his priority is you. by the second he saw those comments, he immediately look out for you. even if you haven't seen the comments, he's already there to reassure you. to shower you of heartwarming compliments and just genuinely appreciate your beauty, praising your curves and your body. then he'll try to ensure that you are not aware of these messages, that at no time you'll be confronted with bad comments about you. he makes it a promise, because you deserve it.
the man is out of control when it comes to you. and especially when there are negative comments about your physique. it’s something he loves about you, something he adores deeply. he can literally admire you for hours without getting bored. there is so much perfection in your body. and no need to talk about your attractiveness. so as long as you know that, you're fine. but if those comments get out of hand, then he's not afraid to speak up and talk shit about whoever is insulting you.
if there's one thing he can't tolerate, it's seeing you depressed because of hateful comments. he doesn't understand at all why people would hate on such a beautiful and amazing person like you ? but other than that, he'll be the best comfort boyfriend. he makes you laugh, your cheeks ache because of smiling too hard. he'll try to improve your mood by telling you funny jokes, stories, everything that makes you feel better. and on the other hand, secretly defending you on social medias by using some fake account.
boy is so protective towards you. maybe even overprotective. but that's his way to keep you away from bad things, such as awful comments about your physical appearance. he defends you for sure. more than anything else, day and night, he puts all of his anger into his replies to shut their mouths. and that both in public and on platforms. he doesn't understand why people don't recognize the beauty of your face, body, or even personality. just everything about yourself actually. cause you can be sure he's so fucking in love with these aspects of you.
oh man is mad. super mad even. you're literally the most precious person to his eyes, and by that logic the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. you're a piece of art, and people should know this. he won't hesitate twice before calling names the ones who disrespect you. maybe he's a bit too harsh but they just deserve it, nobody can talk bad about you, it's impossible for him. and then you can be sure he'll shower you in lot of compliments the next few weeks. telling you how gorgeous you are.
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