#he's such a menance
paddysol · 11 months
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i think my favourite thing is waking up this morning only to scroll through tiktok and watch someone call tim a weird judgy little punk or something along the lines of that
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zhoushuyis · 7 months
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There's one scene from the movie I wanna do with someone I like.
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lil-inky · 1 year
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Girliepop that ain’t yo homie that’s a madman its time to RUN—
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scintillyyy · 1 month
anyways, the thing is that joker as a villain was important post-jason's death, but pre-jason's resurrection he was used sparingly & he was honestly. in jail or arkham for most of that time? let's see:
immediately post jason's death, he's presumed dead for about 6 months
when he comes back, bruce has him put in arhkam
he breaks out once while bruce is out of town, tim & alfred put him back
he stays in arkham until bane breaks out all of the villains in order to break batman. he hires a motion picture studio to film him killing batman, but alas this is azbats & azbats sends to him blackgate. he does get away on the way here, and then goes into hiding and doesn't do anything for a bit bc he doesn't want to do anything bc he doesn't care about fake batman.
at some point he's caught and put back in arhkam. as far as i remember he doesn't really play a role in contangion or legacy?
he's firmly locked up during the entirety of cataclysm. he and the other villains torture a guard & he does manipulate another resident to commit a crime to torment batman but during this time he is firmly locked up.
he is *let out* with all the other arkham villains by jeremiah arkham immediately prior to no man's land and is trapped in gotham for the duration of the year, during which he's a pretty minor role because they save him for the last villain captured.
he is captured at the end of no man's land, and sent to the slab.
he is imprisoned in the slab until joker's last laugh in which case he instigates a break out and jokerizes everyone due to being told he's dying of a brain tumor
following joker's last laugh he's left in the slab in solitary confinement for a good deal of time.
at some point he breaks out for batman: hush, following which is war games and then utrh
so in that period, he got out of imprisonment a grand total of 4 times (maybe 5. there might be a random break out involving etrigan in there that i missed). 2 of those times he was *broken out* by someone not him/extenuating circumstances out of his control vs him breaking out. this was a real-time period of *15 years*. so while it seems like he's "in and out of arkham constantly" he's really. not. the system of keeping him in prison *works* for the most part (at least during that period). the times he does get out and attempt to cause harm, he is usually stopped and his victims saved. he doesn't really escape any more frequently than any other villain, or cause more harm than them when they escape at the time his body count wasn't more *excessive* than say, poison ivy or killer croc or two face or the order of st dumas (who infected gotham with a super virus and killed hundreds of thousands of people with ebola) or even ra's al ghul (who also attempted to use ebola to wipe out all of gotham, but was thwarted. the important part is he was going to do it.). so yea, the fact is. while they've jumped the shark with the joker in recent years he wasn't this huge constant menance. he was, for the large majority of it, actually doing his time. idk.
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fcb-mv33 · 8 months
“Max, he came into the team as almost a boy and he’s grown into a young man. I think the relationship we share, the trust we share in each other, is worth more than any piece of paper”
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theghooligan · 8 months
the sheer audacity that the haitani’s have combined together is truly astronomical. mitsuya was literally on the brink of unconsciousness and still acknowledged that they were those bitches. 😏
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thegoatsongs · 11 months
Alexandre Dumas wrote the stage play Le Vampire aka The Return of Lord Ruthven the Vampire, a sequel to Polidori's The Vampyre.
In it, Lord Ruthven returns and confronts a female Ghoul called Zizika who raises the dead, and they become deadly rivals over human prey. Female vampires and a fairy are added into the fray.
So in 1851 Dumas wrote fanfic for The Vampyre and created several OCs for it.
Go create too!
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chvoswxtch · 5 months
every time I rewatch season three of daredevil i’m reminded what a bitchy little gremlin matty is
and why I relate to him so hard
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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This datapad is very very interesting
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sparrow-in-the-field · 3 months
I absolutely should be working but instead I have thought of a new head canon for my upcoming modern au where Bobby is very much out as gay, but since he's charming and likes making the boys' lives difficult, he will flirt with girls just for fun.
Probably will flesh this out for a whole scene in the fic but for now this is what I jotted down
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It's also kind of a Grand Budapest Hotel reference so that's fun for me personally
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spidergrotto · 7 months
throw out the field trip trope and introduce the peter parker doesn’t like the idea of zoo’s gets really emotional at the concept of keeping animals contained starts wondering if he’s betraying his animal kind by letting them sit in zoo’s and subsequently steals multiple … helicopters and trucks and cargo container ( a shopping cart somehow got involved )
he releases all of the animals carefully moving them into the cargo bins before hiring people who drive them out to their respective habitats.
tony isn’t sure what to do with this situation considering all of it happened in the span of two days and peter hasn’t mentioned it once.
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feelingtheaster99 · 4 months
Percy: I’m done running from monsters.
Me: HELL yes, roast Zeus’s to DUST, the man SUCKS
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zhoushuyis · 7 months
ray woke up in sand's apartment, saw him naked and did not rest till he had him.. man on a mission
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orangesnail · 7 months
Actually another tiny nitpick of mine is that Adam and Lawrence aren’t bitchy enough for me in a lot of fanfics. I love reading about them being emotionally sensitive and raw after their experiences, they are very empathetic and caring people under their shells. But they are also both stubborn and assholes in their different ways and I just don’t feel like a lot of fanfics really cover it well
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greybackpack · 9 months
Art prompts I am saving up to commission (feel free to promote any artists/yourself):
Elisabet, beating off Aloy’s admirers with a stick. Aloy, beating off Elisabet’s admirers with her spear.
Elisabet and Aloy, sitting at a campfire under the moon. Elisabet is admiring the plants. Aloy is chewing on turkey.
Aloy, flouncing off to throw hands at a giant bird machine that could destroy a chunk of a city by its mass alone
Elisabet and Varl: stressed moms TM
Elisabet, flipping Ted off. Aloy, roughly a thousand years later in the same (but much more worn down) room, also flipping Ted off.
Elisabet, teaching Aloy how to build and synthesize the capsules for GAIA. Aloy, teaching Elisabet how to stab someone effectively in return.
Aloy and Elisabet, in this meme:
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Aloy, in this meme: ✅
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Aloy, Beta, And Elisabet, in this meme: ✅
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hungharrington · 10 months
Steve is the type of guy to try push his feet over your shoulders when you’re bathing together 😔 just to be annoying
wait the way that you’re so fuckin right… i don’t know which way you’re picturing it but i’m imagining sitting between his legs and the moment you lean forward to like idk scrub your leg, he’s like wiggling to see if he can get them up there, over your shoulders, doesn’t matter if he’s slipping and sliding and taking in a whole mouthful of bubbles as he does. what a fucking goober i adore him
nonnie, may i RAISE you… if you sit too close to the edge of the bed while steve is on it, he will without fail, nudge you with his foot and try to kick you off- softly ofc!!! but you always forget about it until his foot is pushing against your lower back and u whip over to look at him and are like steve dooooon’t and he just grins and shoves u, til your sliding down onto the ground with a ☹️ face. he shows no remorse. how is his leg that strong idk man things. does the same thing when u tie your shoelace, just nudges you enough to knock you off balance — but half the time, he’s the one tying your show so it’s fair
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