#he's gotta be paranoid as fuck
oops: local fanfic author tried to write a funny fic while staying in character, now it turns out this character has major trust issues
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x-i-l-verify · 2 years
c!Clingy, after stalking a sick, injured torture victim for weeks, breaking into his house, hunting him down like an animal as he desperately tried to defend himself/flee, and murdering him in cold blood in the very room where he was abused, starved, and tortured for nearly an entire year:
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clits-and-clips · 2 months
The one person I wanna talk to is clearly not interested in replying and its killing my moooooodddd
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how have i never written the doctor getting stoned. that seems. not very cash money of me
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monsterbisexual · 1 year
wish i was smashing my coworker(s) w comically large cartoony mallets rn
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sur1muk1 · 2 years
Yk its good when ur ex boyfriend takes u to the psyche ward
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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plumbrosia · 1 year
im so fucking stupid life is so hard in the us of a. if i DONT open the door theyll come back with more people thinking it's empty. if i answer and they see me then they can just straight up kill me immediately. what the fuck.
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its-your-mind · 3 months
jon, trapped and frustrated and DESPERATELY trying to stop anyone else from ending up like him: look look look! you gotta avoid the magnus institute, this shit is real, look at all of these people falling prey to it or giving themselves over to it! Keep your fucking guard up!
jon, finally getting colin to notice his hints and then watching him descend into the same kind of paranoid he did when he found out there was Something wrong, but not exactly What: …
jon: *just sends sam a fucking email*
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honestlyhiswife · 4 months
TF141 and their styles of annoying you:
Soap: He’s definitely the type to take away your clothes (NOT IN THAT WAY). He’s going out of his way to steal all of your left socks. If you have long hair, he’s taken all your hairties. To piss you off even more, he’ll tie his hair up with those hairties in front of you.
Gaz: You swear you’re going insane but what he’s done is placed little speakers all over your room. He’s not playing spooky sounds in the middle of the night, he’s playing a ringing sound that’s basically convinced you that you have tinnitus. He’ll do it at random moments throughout the night too just to fuck with you.
Price: His ass is eating all the food you’ve stored away. He does not give a fuck if you’ve had a tiring day, that tupperware with your name labeled on the top will be empty. His excuse? “I’m a big man, gotta be fueled somehow.” Even if the food is spicy, best believe he’s devouring it. Plus points if it’s homemade food.
Ghost: It’s in his nature to be silent. So he’s making you paranoid 24/7. You swear somebody was staring at you from down the hallway, but you know nobody’s there (except for that sneaky bastard). He’s turning off the lights, unplugging your appliances, hiding your cables. Worst part is you know it’s him but you’ve never caught him in the act of doing it.
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gotta respect how in the beginning neil was so paranoid he went coocoo over nicky speaking german and slept with his face to the wall so he can put his lenses on first thing when he wakes up in case of emergency but then we he actually started receiving a fucking COUNTDOWN to (the most certainly) the day of his untimely demise he was like pheeew don’t care i just wanna do my exy thing and be kissing boys one (1) boy 🥰
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nazumichi · 2 years
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privitivium · 2 months
I saw your pervy ghost fic and i was wondering if you could do one with the roles reversed (bottom male reader)
yandere, mean ghost x male reader......
yess... mmfgh. sorry if you meant subtop ghost, but im going w domtop ghost. perversion.. cw;; somnophilia, perverted ghost, dubcon, masturbation - all that... bro treating you cruelly. degredation.
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ㅡdomtop ghost..... ekekekfjugh,,,, yandere ghost who,,, touches on you in the middle of the night when ur snoozing all peacefully - nothing sexual just yet. wondering why hes just so fucking mean to you, but then realizing how much he likes seeing your pouting, teary expressions,,, removing all ur blankets just to see ur body,,, touch on your legs and ur abdomen in admiration. your sleep paralysis demon; who you awake to jerking off ssitting on ur tummy. unable to move or do anything to stop him...
ㅡcannot imagine ever jerking off in the peace n quiet with the ghost around. growning all paranoid when you see a hulking shadow in the corner of your eye right when you cum bro,,, and even if it wasn't quiet; listening to some porno or even reading porn while touching yourself in bed or anywhere else in ur room,,, omg. live-in ghost making fun of you if you read while jerking off. LMFAOO bro manifesting in-between ur legs and scaring the shit out of you,,,
-"look at this-!" he marvels sarcastically, ignoring your soft little whines of nooo-!! huge hand gripping over yours and fluidly mimicking your jerking movements, with you struggling to stop your hand,,, but he only speeds up - your lotion + pre making it easier for him to bully you with his phantom hand; "what a fucking nerd, reading smut to get yourself off? christ, you damn dork..."
ㅡalso,,, him attaching himself to you. shit dont question how it works, ur his object of affection so now you gotta deal with him forever until he gets you to die so you can really be fucking stuck with him... bro following you everywhere and teasing the shit out of you,,, hands fazing through your pants and circling his thumb over your cockhead or even your rim out in public... purposefully getting you all hard so that you'd have to hide your groin with your huge jacket that he continuously oozed his ectoplasm cum onto - not that you know !!! purposefully getting you all hard just so you can run home all embarrassed!!! fucking jackass teasing the shit out of you,,, making fun of you for crying when you got hard,,,,
ㅡbro is relentless. cruel and persistent. "shiiit there we go... so glad you moved into my space, now i get to play with you as long as i want,,, not like ur going anywhere, huh?? no where to go. what a loser." making fun of you for not leaving him - not like he'd let you anyway..
-sabotaging your plans to hangout with ur friends, with family, with literally anyone.... fucking up your other plans to rent elsewhere........ like ur not going anywhere, silly. ghost whos the type to cum all over ur shampoo/conditioner - soap bottles in the shower just to relish in ur embarrassment when you go to pick it up n touch smth slimy. yeah.
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shit-talker · 2 months
The only way I can rationalise people accepting literal children going out and fighting crime as Robin is if they don't think Robin is a real child.
I think it would be fun to see how Bruce would use that to his advantage in protecting his kids. Like, if people think Robin isn't human, if they instead think he's a spirit or a ghost, they are less likely to shoot at him, less likely to try and physically attack Robin because they think it would be no use.
The fun part would be deciding HOW they would do this. I like to think that Robin's domino mask doesn't have a hole for his eyes but instead is glazed over so that he can see out of it, but you can't see in. Maybe they install small lights in it so it looks like his eyes glow in the dark, because can you image how fucking scary it would be to just see these two sentient light-like eyes and just know the Batman must be lurking somewhere close by?
Maybe Bruce installs super strong magnets in their gloves because on the chance that someone does pull a gun on his kid close range, it would be a lot easier for them to grab the gun away if they had the force of magnetism on their side. Also, grabbing onto poles and other metal materials would make all the scaling on tall buildings a little safer. Obviously, they'd need a way to turn it on and off, but still. Can you imagine, you're in a warehouse and there are steel frames fucking everywhere and you look up and suddenly there's a child gripping onto one effortlessly? Horrifying.
Maybe they have a voice box. Want to scare people? Play this really ominous recording of a child's laughter that echoes just a bit too loud to be normal. Play this ominous screaming that seems too silent to be real. Play this ticking that seems to never end that induces stress and increases the chance of them messing up.
What would be even funnier is keeping this act up with the Justice League and other teams.
Batman doesn't bring Robin to these meetings at the beginning because he sees no need to involve a preteen in such matters, but at some point the subject does come up and it's sort of like; So, Bats, what exactly is the kid? Like...is he yours?
And Bruce (paranoid as fuck) doesn't want to admit to these people that yes, Robin is my son because hello? That's gotta be his biggest weakness, he would do anything to keep that kid safe and fuck them if they ever tried to hurt him to get to Bruce.
So, he tells them that he's a spirit sent to haunt him and remind the city of it'd failures and the Justice League just... believe him?? Because this is Batman, and why would Batman ever lie about something so, frankly, strange? And it's not a huge deal, like they're a team comprised of metas and aliens and literal godesses, so what if the one normal human guy has a weird little ghost child? Who cares if he cares about it like it's a real boy? Maybe the baby spirit has rights, too!! They don't know!
So, when the JLA gets more popular and becomes an actual, legal part of the American government, they're required to list all of their members. And they class Batman as a human, because that's obvious but next to Robin, they don't really know what to say or how to ask Batman about it, ao they just put "Unknown Child Spirit - TBD"
And then just... never change it?
So, they don't question why a few years later Robin seems to look entirely different, or why after that he changes again, or why Robin is suddenly a girl for a while before going back to a little boy. That's obviously just some weird spirit thing they don't understand, and it's not like Batman is going to explain it!
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Soft, romantic and drunk bf Yoongi waking you up by going down on you when he gets in late after a night of drink (with OT7/ after suchwita/ whatever) in which he could not stop thinking about you and your pussy.
I can even give inspo: tu mbl r.co m/poutyniall/714256286018142208/tongue-technology
yeah hey hi hello thanks for sending this. after only receiving PG requests this really sent me into a spiral.
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pairing: yoongi x reader (no pronouns used, but gendered terms are used for genitalia) genre: established relationship au; smut, fluff warnings: alcohol, swearing, yoongi is tipsy and just a horny pining disaster, previously discussed and consenting somnophilia, oral sex, unedited. rating: explicit. minors do not interact. wordcount: 1k listen to: middle of the night by elley duhé
Amongst his group of friends, Yoongi is the only one who gets like this when he’s drunk.
Some people regress and act half their age (Seokjn). Some people are overly-affectionate and stumble over compliments (Jimin). Some people try to pick philosophical debates over the point at which bread ceases to be bread and becomes toast (Namjoon). Some people bypass the philosophical entirely and go straight to the conspiratorial (Taehyung). Some people take one sip and slump over in the booth, moaning that they’re half-dead (Hoseok). Finally, some people don’t even bother to show up, because they’re too busy staying home and playing Overwatch to check their texts (Jungkook).
Yoongi, though—Yoongi gets horny.
The kind of horny that has him looking away each time someone’s tongue darts out to catch a stray drop of alcohol. The kind of horny that has him doing complex mathematical equations in his head to determine if he could conceivably lock himself in a bathroom stall and get it out of his system before anyone becomes suspicious. The kind of horny that has him sending you half-legible text messages under the table, detailing every dirty thing he wants to do to you, despite the fact you told him hours ago you were going to shower and go to sleep.
Fuck. He needs to get out of here.
“Aw, look at Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin teases, and everyone except Hoseok creates a chorus of laughter. Yoongi’s cheeks burn, made worse by the garish yellow-red lights of this bar. “I can’t decide if I should be jealous or concerned.”
Namjoon scoffs. “Why would you be concerned, Jimin-ah? Sex is a normal, beautiful thing, and it’s absolute bullshit that people use it as a point of shame—”
“Yeah, okay, that’s my cue,” Seokjin says around a fake gag. “Who had the tab tonight? Just send me a request—”
“You had the tab, you fucker—”
Seokjin hears none of it. Just says, “Mm, bye,” and then he’s gone. Which is Yoongi’s cue too, because he’s the second-oldest and therefore second in command, and the rest of them won’t even hesitate to stick him with the bill because it happens every single time it’s Seokjin’s turn to pay.
So he lies. Says, “Hyung will pay it in a minute. Gotta piss first,” and stumbles out the back.
He’ll hear about it later, if not from his four dongsaengs then certainly his ancestors, but he needs to be home. Needs to feel you spread out beneath him—your sleep-warmed skin, still soft from your shower, the scent of your body wash stubbornly clinging on. Needs to press his lips to every inch of it. Needs the smell and taste of you overwhelming him. Needs to hear all those little sounds you make.
The longer this taxi ride drags on, the more paranoid he becomes. Can the driver tell how fucked up he is in his backseat? Can he see the way Yoongi’s fingers are gripping the worn leather? How desperately he’s trying to keep quiet every time something explicit plays in his memory? He’d understand, Yoongi thinks; he’d understand if he knew you, saw you. He wouldn’t be able to blame Yoongi at all.
Seoul passes by in a blur, all neon reds and blues and whites. Everything is still so alive, even at this god-forsaken hour, and it makes him dizzy. Has his head spinning. He’s drunk and he’s horny and he just wants to be next to you.
Somehow, he manages to dig his phone out of his pocket despite how tight they’ve grown over the last hour. Goes straight to his texts, pointedly ignores all the ones in the groupchat yelling at him and Seokjin, and presses on your name. He’s less drunk now than he was before, but the messages still don’t make sense. Yoongi groans, throws his head back against the seat. Next time he’s just going to skip the bullshit and send you pictures. No use speaking in tongues when hieroglyphics could work much better.
The next five minutes play out like this: the taxi stops outside your building, Yoongi hands over a stack of money that’s undoubtedly too thick, he stumbles up the steps two at a time, so close yet still too far away.
And then there’s the door.
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“This okay, baby?”
A nip of teeth at the junction of your thigh. Hands gripping at your waist, fingers dimpling your skin. Warm breath ghosting over your wet cunt. Yoongi’s head between your thighs as he kneels on the bed. You’re unsure if you’re conscious or not, but as you tangle your hands in Yoongi’s soft hair, you decide it doesn’t matter.
So you nod, angle your hips closer to Yoongi’s face. A whisper-soft gasp when he presses a kiss to your thigh, one to your clit; a strangled moan when you feel him smile against you before flattening his tongue and licking a stripe up your slit.
“Fuck,” he groans, doing it again, pulling away only long enough to say, “thought about this pussy all fucking night. You taste so good.”
Yoongi indulges in your body the way other people indulge in vices: incessantly, obsessively. But you aren’t a vice, are you? You’re not something to be ashamed of; not something wicked. As Yoongi continues working you over with his mouth, so sloppy and overeager you can feel it dampening the sheets beneath you, it feels like reverence.
It isn’t long before the heat starts simmering in your belly. Not long before everything starts feeling overwhelming; before your visions starts blurring at the edges. “Yoong, I’m—”
He hums against your core. Sucks hard once at your clit, and then you’re tumbling over the edge. “Goddamn, I love you,” Yoongi says into your skin. “That’s it, give it to me, baby, I love you.”
It feels predestined.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
okay but just imagine being popes sister and you’re sneaking around with jj and one day hes like talking to you through your bedroom door while jjs balls deep in you
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a.n: this can def apply to regular siblings or just step-siblings with pope. some smut but nothin crazy !!
Closed doors at the Heyward house was allowed.
You were allowed privacy, your room was your space and there was a decent amount of trust between all of the house residents. However, locked doors was a no-no, especially now you and Pope were older and were spending an increasingly large amount of time with the opposite gender.
In your defence, you didn’t even know Pope was home. He was meant to be off with John B that day, looking into some old transcripts that could lead them to a map for some treasure you’d all been after for a while now. This was you and JJ’s day off, one might say — and you spent it straddling his lap on your bed, his cock bullying your insides as you grind down on it, his hips lifting beneath you to meet your bounces. One of his ringed hands clasped your waist, helping you with your movements whilst the other took a moment to run through his sun-bleached hair, slightly matted from the sweaty, balmy atmosphere in your room. “Fuck, that’s good huh?” He groans.
Your jaw dropped, a moan just about to rip from your throat as you drew closer to your orgasm— when the moment was interrupted by a swift, but unmistakable knock at your door, followed by the calling of your name. Pope.
JJ sat up so fast from his laid back position you nearly knocked heads, the blonde wincing and holding your lower back as you clenched hard in surprise. You looked at eachother, eyes wide — before Pope called your name once more.
“I gotta get in there, I hid the key to the safe in your room ‘cos I was paranoid and now—” The handle to your door turns.
“Don’t come in!” You yelp, JJ about 3 seconds from throwing you off him so he could swan dive naked out the window. “I’m naked!” Technically, not a lie.
“So put some clothes on, look I’ve got John B waiting outside and I don’t have time to—”
“I cant, I just got out the shower and I’m air drying. Just— just tell me where the key is and I’ll bring it to you.” You call out, hearing him sigh. JJ shifts a little inside your wet heat, and you both wince this time— both sensitive.
“I don’t really remember. I just know it’s in your dresser— Look if you just let me look it’ll be quicker I really gotta go!” He begs and you bite your lip. Pope wasnt dumb, if you tried to sneak JJ out the window or even off the bed he’d hear the extra set of feet and come bursting in like the protective big brother he was. You stare into JJ’s wide eyes, his expression reading ‘What the hell are you about to do?’ and speak again.
“If you come in you gotta keep your eyes closed, okay?” Your voice wavers unsurely, now if having JJ round during the day wasn’t a big enough risk, this sure was. JJ’s eyes widen, jaw gaping slightly as if you’d lost your mind.
“Obviously, I don’t wanna see you naked, dude.” Pope mutters before swinging the door open, eyes screwed shut as promised, even holding a hand over them for extra precaution.
“Just— take a few steps, and then a few to the left and then face the wall where the dresser is.” You direct him as he stumbles over, following your directions until his back his to you, the dresser now infront of him. The two of you watch Pope rummage through the drawers, searching for where he left the key— JJ practically holding his breath, putting statues to shame.
“You should really be coming to this. It could be pretty big.” He converses, digging around.
“Uh— yeah, maybe I’ll meet you there in a little.” You try and regulate your voice, trying to ignore how you can feel JJ throbbing inside of you, begging for release. You furrowed your brows at him briefly, in disbelief that he was still this hard with his close friend in the room. Must have been all the nerves, JJ was always the adrenaline junkie.
“JJ too. Lemme text him—” He mumbles, and you watch the back of him as he digs into his back pocket. The blonde boy beneath you comes to life, wilding shaking his head and waving at his phone sat proudly on your bedside table like a bomb ready to detonate, sure to make a loud and obnoxious noise if Pope was to text him, giving the game away.
“No!” You yell, a little too urgently, and you watch Popes back straighten a little suspiciously, like he wanted to turn around. “Let—” You clear your throat, attempting at a casual tone. “Let me text him. I’ve been looking for an excuse to text him anyway.”
“Gross, you can’t be crushing on my friends. They’re… dudes. They think with their dicks and it’ll just fuck everything up.” He scolds you, sticking his arm deep in the drawer until he jolted with recognition, finally finding the key amongst a wad of socks. “Ah, got it.”
‘Gross?’ JJ mouths to you, face screwed in offence and you lightly smack his arm, distracted by the conversation.
“Whatever, Pope. We’ll talk about this some other time. Now uh— see yourself out.” He stumbles blindly to the door and shuts it behind him again, the two of you staying rooted to your spot until you heard his feet descend away and out the front door.
JJ collapses onto his back once more, breathing out a loud sigh of relief and from the momentum you fall straight on top of him with an ‘Oof!’
“Jesu— my legs crampin’ up. You really just— invited him in here? Just like that?” He explodes, brows raised as you shuffle into a more comfortable spot, his cock still nestled inside of you.
“I had no choice!” You pout, hoping to win some cute points. “And we got away with it, didn’t we?” You add with a cheeky grin, rolling your hips as you grind him in and out of you once more. He lets out a jagged breath and then a chuckle, shaking his head.
“Oh you’re crazy. You know that right? That you’re crazy?”
“You like it.”
“I do but uh— don’t you have something you should be doing? Like texting me for example?” His smile grows as he speaks and you burst into giggles from his stupid joke and fingers digging into your waist. Not giving you a chance to retaliate, he flips you on your back and gets back to work.
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