#someone in at 1 has already called in (i only know cuz i had to call abt the missing 6am ppl)
monsterbisexual · 1 year
wish i was smashing my coworker(s) w comically large cartoony mallets rn
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leocchisart · 1 month
OKAY; We need to talk about this TyZula scene:
this scene has been talked about a LOT. specifically by anti-tyzula/azula fans. but for this "rant" im looking at it through the lens of just azulas character.
it is DETRIMENTAL to azula as a character. this will be a slightly indepth review i guess. im sure someone already talked about this and what im going to say, but i just want to bring it to light considering some of the anti-azula/tyzula stuff i've been seeing recently
Part 1: Azulas reaction to the way Ty Lee approaches her
the way ty lee approached azula is really important here. you might just think, "oh leo it's just Azula being jealous!" but when ty lee walks up to azula saying, "thank goodness you're here!" (i didn't get this part in the clip cuz im a fool and didn't record it on time but whatever go watch the clip on youtube) this qoute is really impactful. it possibly made azula feel less than ty lee. here is the qoute again, "Thank goodness you're here", i feel like azula would take this very personally.
even just the single first sentence. "Thank goodness" is obviously ty lee thanking azula, but for what? you might say, "well yeah for being there" but i genuinely believe azula would interpret this along the lines of, "she only wants me when she needs me" or something like that.
Part 2: Azula's jealously towards Ty Lee
i think a lot of people solely think she's jealous over the boys liking ty lee more than her. but it's not just that. i genuinely find that azula is not only jealous of the boys, but also social interaction in general. specifically with ty lee having that skill and her not.
we don't have much information as to mai, ty lee, and azulas experience in the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, but im assuming azula didn't need much social skills to succeed there. she had two close friends to deal with people speaking to her, and was literally a crown princess of the FIRE NATION. if she couldn't get what she wanted whether mai or ty lee were there- she could always use her royalty as her advantage. i also can see her threatening those in school who opposed her (without using her royalty as a reason). there is a key moment we see during a flashback where azula and ty lee are playing. azula did her best to preform a cartwheel and failed while ty lee succeeded. because of this azula actually pushes ty lee down!
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keep in mind that this is one of azulas closest friends other than mai. we can only IMAGINE what azula would do to a student who got in the way of something she wanted.
so yes; azula is jealous of ty lee getting attention from boys, but it's not solely that. it's her social skills that she's also jealous of.
Part 3: The Conflict
azula gets defensive after her reaction to the previous plot point. she verbally attacks ty lee because of it. azula says to ty lee, "those boys only like you because you make it so easy for them! you're not a challenge, you're a tease."
yes azula is "critiquing" the "way" ty lee attracts men. azula is saying she'd do the exact opposite. but the opposite is all she knows. she grew up learning the power of being the best, being perfect, and fear mongering. she genuinely sees that as the way to handle ANY social situation.
as far as, "it's not like they actually care who you are." qoute goes; azula sees this as another flaw in her interactions with men.
example is when she tries to convince chan to to maybe (?) have a relationship or farther; she uses (not exactly royality) but her skills as a skilled bender for a reason to stay with her. considering she has no social skills, her only option (in her mind) is to use her higher power. ty lee doesn't use her high rank in nobility (along with her chi blocking abilities) to what azula would call an advantage.
im not defending azulas verbal assault on ty lee. im solely explaining (imo) the feelings behind it.
Part 4: Ty Lee's reaction
This one is simple. ty lee is hurt by azulas words. obviously.
Part 5: Azula's redemption for this scene
it already baffles me when people say azula is (pure evil) just based on her actions between others. but this scene shows a side of azula we haven't been able to see so far through the series. an apology. not only did she apologize to ty lee but admitted her mistake and explained why she said what she did. i think it's insane that people solely walk past this scene and only see it as azula bullying ty lee. if anything it's the opposite. yes she makes a rude remark, but after seeing ty lee's reaction she IMMEDIATELY takes her comment back an apologizes.
this is so human and shows a side we hardly ever got to see. especially when it's specifically between her and ty lee. their relationship is so important as far as azulas character goes. (not to get too deep into it but,) even in "Azula and the Spirit Temple" ty lee is one of the illusions that the spirit attempts to make her happy with. azula obviously has a strong connection to ty lee in a loving and caring way that most people look past. whether it's from these scene or that specific comic. obviously their relationship has unhealthy flaws but what relationship doesn't?
Part 6: A quick resolution
so there you go. basically an essay on a single 36 second clip i just wanted to give azula some light because people ALWAYS paint her as "crazy" or "evil" but that's simply not true. same goes for TyZula. yes there is a power imbalance, but azula does admit her mistakes and apologizes for hurting ty lee's feelings.
Anyway thanks for reading!!
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pilfappreciator · 5 months
This is very important. Mostly to me but maybe you guys have been wondering this too idk but anyways:
How does troll reproduction work exactly?
Cuz I'm genuinely curious. I dont think anyone on the series production team has said anything and so far I've seen absolutely no one touch on this subject but as someone who's always had an interest in the habits of creatures (both fictional or otherwise), I kinda sorta maybe NEED to know this otherwise I'll never be able to sleep peacefully again
Full disclaimer that I'm specifically talking about the whole egg situation, I am NOT ASKING HOW THEY GET IT ON IF I WANTED THAT ANSWER I'D GO TO DEVIANT ART OR TWITTER OR WHATEVER LAWLESS PLATFORM GOD STEERS CLEAR OF. This discussion shall remain STRICTLY educational, thank you very much
But anywho. Let's dive in
So trolls come from eggs. This is basic knowledge. First instance of this phenomenon (as far as I know, I've only seen the movies) is from World Tour.
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Egg pops out of Guy Diamond's hair, egg hatches and BOOM, (literal) baby. Now I understand that this whole sequence was probably just a gag and a way for DreamWorks to implement another (merchandisable) addition to the cast HOWEVER this sequence also raises a few questions
First off, as far as I know Guy Diamond has no partner (again: I haven't watched any of the spinoff shows). Either that or maybe the other troll was a sorta one-night-stand/no-longer-in-his-life kinda situation? Which is great either way cuz its shown he obviously cares for his son and we at Tumblr appreciate a loving single father no matter the circumstances, but if my former theory is correct than that would imply that trolls are capable of reproducing asexually. Like onions.
Now if that hypothesis is, as they call it, "cap" then that would mean that some sorta hanky panky has to go down before an egg comes into question. And if that's the case, does this mean that male trolls are traditionally the ones who carry the eggs?
But that can't be right, can it? Afterall, World Tour gave us yet ANOTHER egg scene later on in the movie
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In Cooper's flashback, we clearly see Queen Essence being the one carrying the eggs meanwhile King Quincy is eggless. Now, as far as i see it, this could be explained either one of four ways:
1) Quincy was the one who actually produced the eggs and Essence is merely holding them for her husband (since her hair seems more fitting to be a makeshift nest compared to Quincy's)
2) Female trolls are the ones who produce the eggs. Guy Diamond is just a trans icon
3) Troll reproduction differs from genre to genre
4) There is a... *sighs* a/b/o type of dynamic among troll kind where certain trolls are capable of giving birth/siring children depending on a secondary gender
In regards to theory #3, this could also explain why Guy Diamond seems to reproduce and hatch an egg in such a short amount of time (like 5 seconds I'm pretty sure) as opposed to Queen Essence/King Quincy who's eggs presumably went a while longer before actually hatching.
Actually, speaking off eggs, are trolls the only species in their world that reproduce that way?
Because now that Band Together has officially been released, we now know for certain that it's possible for different species to crossbreed. Biggest example? Resident DILF Bruce and his giant muppet wife
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(Credit to @captainunderkrupp )
When I saw these two... I swear...
And these two already have a shit ton of kids okay so like... either Brandi was the one giving birth or trollsona Daveed Digs was over here pumpin out eggs, which I mean-
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DO YOU SEE HOW BIG THESE THINGS ARE COMPARED TO BRANCH AND POPPY?? Believe me I am PRAYING that Bruce gave himself some serious maternity/paternity leave because my guy is honestly a trooper
But yeah any thoughts? :))
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Well for a part two I was thinking it could happen a few years later or something like that. Daemon and reader are married, she is pregnant but she doesn't know that yet. I was thinking it would be sweet for Daemon to figure that out. Maybe Caraxes gets extremely overprotective of reader. They could have a small argument wholr caring for Caraxes and it would turn in the dragon growling at Daemon when he would rise his voice at the reader. It all becomes real when she faints one morning after getting out of bed so Daemon calls the maesters and they confirm that she's pregnant. and maybe the moment of the birth, Daemon holding his first child and getting to place a dragon egg inside the crib. Just general sweetness. I would be very pleased if you'd like to write this ! If not it's perfectly fine ! Thank you !
I love your brain! It’s filled with fascinating ideas. Also I love protective Caraxes. It’s just perfect.
Newsflash: I’m shit at writing birth scenes cuz I’ve never done it by I tried my best despite some possible inaccuracies.
Reader is female per request. Just letting ppl know beforehand before I forget.
Here’s part 1 for those who haven’t read it.
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Your love for your Daemon has often left you blindsided to his darker impulses that you had soon became repulsed by your sudden faux ignorance to his crimes you’ve long kept silent about. Yet you found yourself still in love with him as the day you understood the word and shown said love in a multitude of ways that you probably shouldn’t have; so when news of Rhea Royce -Daemon’s bronze bitch of a Lady wife before you- having passed away on a hunting trip, the cause having that been of her horse being frightened by some means, crushing and as an result paralysing the poor woman. Those minor details didn’t catch your eye but what was added onto it oh most definitely did; apparently it was said that her head had been caved in and along with the apt timing of Daemon’s visitation at the Vale almost corresponded perfectly to the time of Rhea Royce’s death also too perfectly to be ignored by the public.
It fell together so seamlessly that it was no longer thought to be an outlandish accusation to assume that Daemon Targaryen, your husband, had killed Rhea Royce out of cold blood. You found yourself at a loss for words, torn between creating a false narrative to save face and protect Daemon’s ‘innocence’ and going mad within your denial of the truth presented before you as clear as day. It was obvious that to live someone was one thing but to defend their unjust cruelty towards others was another. Maegor was called ‘the cruel’ for good reason, given the how history written him to be; as it seemed history held an eternal grudge against house Targaryen and was willing to bury those who bore the name as repercussions for the wars they’ve waged and the homes, families and kingdoms that now laid to ruins because of them. It was only a matter of time before Daemon received similar treatment long after his passing, have his history written through venomous words and accounts from those who only ever spoke ill of him in life and death. It was also a matter of time before history treated you just as equally horrid as it would Daemon, Rhaenyra and Viserys.
Unfortunately you knew that many of the cousin members and even the king would already be privy to whom the most likely culprit was, given how eagerly Daemon was of disgracing Rhea’s name and insulting her beauty by claiming that the sheep of the Vale were prettier then her in front of an audience. You also knew that you’d sooner be caught in the crossfire unwillingly as a means of tarnishing your name along with his for keeping dark secrets concerning the kings brother for as long as you have in hopes of toppling you both and be done with it once and for all. No matter how much you wished to fight by Daemon’s side you have found yourself unable in your current state as of late; you know naught of how or when it came about but it is believed that it had started the first morning after you and Daemon consummated the marriage. Only then did it seem to linger longer then you had hoped days prior and have yet to speak a word of it to Daemon never less the Maesters but that could wait as there were more pressing matters to confront your beloved on firstly.
“Is it true?” Daemon’s ear picked up at your voice as he lowered himself from Caraxes back, “my spouse, you look as radiant as ev-“ “silence your silver tongue husband and answer me, is it true?” You cut him off venomously, not particularly in the mood for his honeyed words. “Why don’t you cease speaking in riddles and tell me what ales you so much to bare the vipers venom on your words.” Daemon began to hate the fact that slowly and surely enough your eyes were beginning to open and see him for whom the seven kingdoms truly saw him as. No longer were you carefree kids anymore and sooner or later uncomfortable realisations would have inevitably been made. Yet Daemon didn’t think that they’d poisoned your mind so quickly as they have and for which he would have their tongues for so they would never speak a word within your presence to doubt his character ever again; because to Daemon you were merely voicing the accusations that the kingdom have made against him, that it was the Seven kingdoms and his own brother that were forcing you into thinking him, your beloved, a villain in means of causing a rift between you too.
Daemon has fought tooth and nail to have you and he wasn’t planning on letting you slip over to their side so easily. Yet when the words flew from your lips and into his skin, Daemon could feel the prickling feeling of ice flooding his once fiery veins. “That you killed Rhea Royce as a means of selfishly securing yourself of the royalties of Runestone.” The air between you felt as though at a boiling pit and a subzero zone simultaneously as it only became increasingly difficult to breath in either conditions. Caraxes seemed to physically stiffen at your words as his eyes shifted from you to the back of Daemon’s head who’s silence didn’t help his case nor hinder; feeling as though you were in danger the Blood Wrym moved to shield you until he practically eclipsed the entrance to the cavern like stable of his. No matter how good natured his actions may have been they didn’t simmer the unease within your chest when Daemon looked at you like a stranger.
“Your believing them too now?“ he says eerily, lingering in the air to further build upon the unsettling feeling within your stomach as everything within you screamed, urged you to run from the one person who sworn to keep you safe since a young age. So when you didn’t and his hand laid upon your cheek felt as cold as ice as your breath hitched at the contact and instinctively pulled yourself away from his grasp and in the the broad front of Caraxes who towered over you silently in thought. “They’re poisoning your mind my beloved, they’ll say anything to cause conflict between use because they are jealous that what we have is real in comparison to them. We made our own choice whilst they did not in they wanted to spend their putrid lives with; they want to see us fight, the want to see us collapse so they may move in and claim whatever they want as their own. What evidence do they even hold over me to stake their claim?” Daemon’s eyes searched your tearful ones only to find that deep down you were at war with your heart. “Your visitation to the Vale is enough evidence, you snide comments is enough evidence, your eagerness to bed another whilst still in relations with her is enough evidence to be made against you Daemon. They have everything you have ever said against Rhea Royce and had it engraved in their memory for moments like this. Your carelessness has brought about your own end my beloved and in due time everyone will know. If they don’t already.”
You felt yourself fighting hard to remain able to withhold your ground during your squabble as your consciousness wavered in and out of focus as Daemon’s words only sounded muffled in your ears as though you’ve been held underwater; yet it didn’t take a fool to not notice the enraged look upon his face as he closed the distance between you two, gripping your wrist a tad too tightly for your liking and along with the anger in his eyes made you all the more fearful that in your moment of weakness, Daemon would take the life of his second victim, his sweet childhood friend, out of fear that you’d betray him like everyone else did. It scared you to think that the one person you’ve loved more then anything held the ability to kill you right then and there without any witness nearby to oversee the curfuffle nor come to your defence. Instead you closed your eyes and awaited the worst when Caraxes leaned his long next over you to shove Daemon away, causing his hand to loose grip of your wrist as he fell on his backside harshly. “Caraxes! What is your issue! You’ve been like this for awhile now!” Daemon yelled up at his dragon who merely roared in his face, silencing the Targaryen quickly.
Neither you nor Daemon were quite certain what had caused Caraxes sudden change in personality because in recent memory the dragon had always been seen more so by your side then Daemon which raised some rumours that have long since been forgotten by mostly everyone. In reality however Caraxes was merely protecting you and the unborn babe within your womb and in turn had be growing protective of you ever since he could sense the additional life next to yours. So when Daemon exuded a threatening presence towards you and in extension his kin, was Caraxes final straw. Daemon had ruined everything in his life thus far and the dragon didn’t want the only consistent in his life since he was a babe himself to face because of his human’s impulsiveness; To Caraxes you were just as much apart of him as Daemon was and to be apart from you was akin to loosing a limb, all though it maybe gone, you can still feel it’s presence episodically.
Whenever moments like the one between you and Daemon were to ever arise, Caraxes felt the need to protect you, his mother, and going against his Targaryen counter part to ensure your safety even if it means harming another to achieve it. “Caraxes.” You whispered faintly before allowing the dragon to encouragingly nudge you out of the stables, allowing you to rest your full weight against him as he escorted you back to the castle, where he’d await to see you from the windows of your chambers before clambering back to the stables to whack Daemon upside the head with his tail for good measure before forcefully shoving him out also. Still angry at him for threatening yours and your child’s safety.
The next morning became a struggle for you in particular. The mere act of getting out of bed had become a difficult task as you heaved with all your strength to push yourself in to a sitting position before trying your luck once more to push yourself to you feet when all suddenly became black and your body slumped to the floor; causing a great thud that alerted Daemon, who had long since calmed down from your argument, to quickly take to his sword and rush up to your chambers in perpetration to fight off whoever sneaked into your room whilst you were in your most vulnerable state. Only to find your body pressed uncomfortably against the cold chamber floor, unmoving, fearing the worst; Daemon threw away his sword to one side as he rushed to your aid, cradling you in his arms, his face a mere contrition of all the emotions he was feeling in that moment. Guilt over never apologising to you for his heinous actions against you, anger over his own need to protect his pride when he swore to protect and defend you just as much, sadness for how your dream life seemed to have taken for the worse then he promised you and an overwhelming feeling of being lost without you guiding him like the light he knew you were.
Daemon wasn’t the only one who heard your fall as several servants rushed not too long after the prince to check upon you but not out of your safety but only out of fear of what Daemon would do to them if they had left you in such a state. However as much as they prayed to be spared of any punishment, it seemed to have gone unheard as when they opened the door to witness Daemon hold you in his arms so crushingly tight; they were met with fierce violet eyes that pierced through them and into their souls in hopes of sparking a fire that would kill them from the inside out. “What are you idiots standing there gawking like seagulls?! Fetch the Maesters!” Daemon roared in anger, watching as they scrambled, shoved, pulled one another behind the other as they raced to get out of the room to evade Daemon’s wrath. The prince scoffed in disgust but his features quickly soften as he looked down at you with all the regret one man could ever bare upon his face; the day of your argument haunts him so but nothing haunted him more then the look of fright within your eyes at his sudden outburst, almost as though you were anticipating a repeat of his actions at the Vale.
He didn’t care what anybody thought about him, he couldn’t care less if in their eyes they see a monster but he couldn’t stand to be viewed the same in yours. As children he swore to protect you from all those who’d dare chase you harm but he didn’t know that there would come a day where he’d be the one bringing harm to your front doorstep. Now he wasn’t certain he was going to be given the time to repent for his actions as he held you close against his chest, refusing to let go even as the maesters came through the doors, tried their might to pry you from his arms only for him to tighten his hold before giving in to their pleas to check you over under the circumstances that he were to stay by your side. “My prince,” the Maester began after checking you over thoroughly before coming to a resolution, “it seems that your spouse is with child and has fainted but luckily has not sustained any injury that would cause her highness nor your child any prolonging issues.” Daemon’s eyes never left you face as the news struck him. All this time you’ve been with child and he has the nerve to place you in a stressful situation where your emotions would be tested to their limitations; He grasped your hand tightly in his, “thank you, you may leave us.” He dismissed the Maesters who bowed and left your chambers so the prince could shed his tears in peace. “We’re going to have a child.” Daemon muttered to himself, resting his head gently against your stomach, “we’re going to have a child. Oh gods bless this day and the many more to come until their arrival. I promise to better myself not only for you my love but for myself, Caraxes and our unborn child.” He promised.
The day of your child birth came swift and soon though not without excruciating pain. Though it was all the more rewarding when you got to hold your child within your arms with Daemon by your side. “Healthy as a horse your highness.” The midwife claimed before handing you the child that clutched to your fingers, cooing. You looked to Daemon who only stared down at the child with love, reaching a finger out to stroke his cheek and smiling when the child’s smaller fingers grasped onto his longer nimble one like a life line. “Have any thoughts on what we should name them my love.” You asked softly as to not disrupt the baby form their slumber. “I believe it is in your right to name the child as only one of us had bled to give them life my beloved.” Daemon said, kissing your slightly sweaty forehead gingerly, never breaking his gaze from the babe bundled in the blooded cloth. “Rhaenar.” You concluded post haste, smiling when the child cooed at the chosen name, giving their incoherent approval. “Rhaenar it shall be.” Daemon replied, holding you tightly against him as you both looked at your child, taking in the features they inherited from the both of you from Daemon’s facial features to your eyes and so forth. The silence lingered for as long as you allowed until Daemon removed himself from your side to elsewhere in the room, leaving you albeit confused until you saw him return with a pitch black dragon egg within his hands. You were aware of the Targaryen customs for when a new child under their house is born, they are gifted an dragon egg that will hatch into their bonded dragon; So to bare witness to it for your own child left a warmth within your chest knowing that for good or for bad, you were a Targaryen as much as your child was.
“I handpicked this myself,” Daemon explained as he placed the dragon egg into the crib with care, “may I?” He asked, gesturing to the child. “Of course they are your child as well Daemon.” You chuckled as you handed Rhaenar over to him, watching with love and adoration in your eyes as he cradled the child to his chest, smiling brightly when the child reached for his face to which he leaned down for the child to poke and pull lightly at his platinum locks. “I shall protect you and your mother from all harm but that also means that when you get older you must uphold that same promise also.” Dameon spoke softly to the child before angling them so they were facing you on the bed, “your mother is the most beautiful in all the seven kingdoms, even if she does bite my head off from time to time.” You scoffed playfully, “I do no such thing Rhaenar, don’t listen to your fool of a father. He tripped over his one feet when I said yes to being his.” Daemon covered the child’s ears as he glared at you playfully, “don’t want you ruining my reputation in front of our child now or else he’ll think I’m soft.” “You are soft though Daemon, hate to break it to you.” He chuckled in response as he placed the baby down in the crib though not before pressing a kiss to their forehead and a quick ‘I love you’ to join you in bed. “Such a tragic fate to befall a man to unconditionally love his child and lady.” He joked, stealing a kiss from your lips. “Yes how unfortunate indeed.” You joined in, snuggling against his side as you both watched over your child protectively.
Caraxes strained his long neck to the window of your chambers to get a look at the child, cooing softly as he watched the two newly made parents snuggle up in bed whilst watching over their child. The babe would grow into someone extraordinary under you and Daemon’s parentage the dragon concluded. Though he’d soon smack Daemon once more for claiming that he chose the dragon egg when in actual fact it was Caraxes who had chosen the egg. Daemon was going to gift an ugly mishmash of a brownish-red egg before his dragon pointed him to a more suitable egg. If one squinted however not only would you be able to see that while it was an entirely pitch black egg there was hints of fiery red here and there. Caraxes was happy to see his family grow slightly larger, though more so he was happy that his Targaryen decided to grow up for the sake of you and the family. He couldn’t be more prouder…now how was he going to explain that he practically demolished some architectural structures just to bare witness to the childbirth…
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chunksworld · 2 years
Loosemble Hyeju x Male Reader | Tags: (Fluff, Smut) | girlfriend!Hyeju
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A/N 1: A sequel to Sober. Big thanks as always to @kaedespicelatte for beta reading this piece.
A/N 2: Happy birthday to my lovely wife. Hopefully her 21st birthday celebration is much more festive than mine.
“How long do you think it would’ve taken us to start dating if it wasn’t for that party?” 
The cool breeze of the night time wind brings an unparalleled comforting feeling; the same can’t be said for your racing heart as she leans her head on your shoulder. The question floats in the air; a moment of silence and your eyes wander up to the night sky—far from the rest of Seoul; far from the bustling metropolis affixed with skyscrapers and the dreaded sense of urgency they bring. Another midnight drive out to a quaint part of the city; a scenic view providing an opportunity to take a wondrous glance at the skyline. The city remains the same. Your relationship with Hyeju, however, has taken on a new label twenty one years in the making.
She’s now your girlfriend—not just in your recurring dreams in which you envision her in your arms with the brightest smile on her face. It’s not just a wish anymore, when you would spend sleepless nights wondering whether you will ever get the opportunity to date her; whether you even deserved to get such an opportunity in the first place. Every single doubt and worry is buried with each passing day that you can call her yours. 
Hands intertwined not only to provide warmth on this cold November night but also to show just how much your relationship with her has grown. “I don’t know.” Rub her hands with yours to provide warmth though the running engine underneath the hood of your car you two are currently sitting on does the same. 
“A couple months, maybe? I mean you were making it so obvious that you liked me.” A smirk, then the stinging pain left as she lightly punches you in the arm—cheeks reddening which makes her look even cuter than she already is. 
“Jerk. If you knew then why didn’t you say anything, huh?” A playful glare from the wolf as she looks up at you but even the briefest of eye contact at such close proximities makes her extremely shy—which is ironic since she’s always the one that initiates your makeout sessions. Something about the fact that you’re not just her childhood best friend anymore but also her boyfriend is enough to spark the butterflies in her stomach. Years upon years of unrequited love and wondering about the what-ifs has finally paid off. But nothing much has changed between the two of you.
She’s still that same Hyeju you’ve known for the better part of your life. That same Hyeju that you grew up with. That same Hyeju that never fails to grab the opportunity to tease you; that same Hyeju that would always hold hands with you around campus; that same competitive Hyeju you only see during game nights; that same tsundere Hyeju who is so deeply in love with you that she was willing to harbor her feelings for twenty years until she had no choice but to finally reveal her feelings. The only difference is that she’s yours now.
But never beyond your wildest dreams would you have thought that you would be experiencing such a moment with her. You thought you would forever be stuck on the sidelines; perhaps evolve into fuck buddies and never progress any further than that. Or worse, she would find someone better—someone perhaps more deserving of her love and everything it brings to your relationship. But above everything else, you were afraid that you would burn the bridge with your best friend.
“Cuz I didn’t know if you were just playing around. Not trying to get my hopes up, you know?” 
A moment of silence fills the atmosphere once again, then you feel her lips make contact with your cheeks. “I’m sorry.” Feel the subtle squeeze of her hands; her features illuminated by the full moon as she moves closer to you. “I didn’t want to lose what we had.” A deep exhale creating a trail of vapor in the thin air; her captivating eyes staring deep into your soul; a manifesto of feelings that leaves you scrambling in its wake.
“I don’t want to imagine my life without you.”
Only Hyeju can rip your heart to shreds and build it back up to complete functionality with one statement. Only she can leave you in a whirlwind of emotions with ease. A rare moment of vulnerability from your girlfriend; a side of hers that she only shows to you and no one else. More than the euphoria it provides, it makes you want to protect her with everything you have and to ensure that you will have more moments like these with her.
But the feeling is mutual. One month without her was already hell; and just the thought of living the rest of your life without the only person you care about in the entire universe is a punishment you wouldn’t wish even on your worst enemies. She’s just as important to your existence as it is to breathe. And without her, you are only a shell of yourself.
Rough, calloused hands make their way onto her face. “Fucking hell, Hye….” They shiver as they make contact with her porcelain skin; the gravity of her words and the wintry weather of Seoul makes it an uphill battle to maintain such composure. She’s never one to openly express her feelings, and it’s clear how affected she is by her words just as much as you are. 
Likewise you’re equally as capable of taking her breath away just as much as she does with yours. Mere inches separate the two of you as you lean your face dangerously close–you take this opportunity to appreciate just how beautiful she truly is. Not even the seven wonders of the world can compare to the sight in front of you, and you want to cherish every single moment with her as if it’s your last. That’s how much you love Son Hyeju, and she deserves to hear it from you every single day.
“God, I love you so fucking much.” 
A supernova of emotions, enough to spark fireworks in her heart. The trembling of her lips; the shakiness of her eyes; the light tint of red on her cheeks; the synchronization of heartbeats signifying a connection spanning two decades. It’s only natural when your lips finally meet hers, arms wrapping carefully around her waist while she does the same to your neck. Unlike your other makeout sessions, this kiss is devoid of lust but rather full of your love and passion for each other. 
The way Hyeju whimpers as you gently nibble on her lower lip–tasting her strawberry lip balm; the way you can feel her clutch her fingers around your neck as you slip your cold fingers underneath her hoodie to feel more of her; such actions make her even more resistible and you want to make sure that she knows just how much you cherish her, just how much she means to you. Even more so as you gently lay her on the steel surface, hovering above her as you deepen the kiss.
Whenever you’re with her, nothing else in the world matters. Not the fact that her parents don't necessarily approve of your relationship—they initially thought you two were joking around when you finally made it official. Nor the fact that your own parents don't approve either–they think Hyeju is too much of a “rebel” for their liking. But that’s what makes her more attractive in your eyes; the fact that she’s not like the others; she’s an enigma, your enigma. And considering that you two didn’t even think you would be dating, you could care less about their opinions.
Much more so when she’s squirming and blushing under your touch. Her addictive scent drives you crazier and crazier as you move lower to leave kisses on her neck, placing soft and gentle kisses followed by intense and needy ones—enough to form deep purple marks; enough to show everyone that Hyeju is yours and nothing can take her away from you. More whimpers and soft moans as you finish marking her, leaving her breathless as unfocused eyes try their absolute best to latch on to you. Then another tender kiss on her lips for good measure. 
Minus the sound of crickets chirping in the vicinity and your bated breaths, it’s completely silent. Silent enough for you to sense her heart that only beats for you. Brush loose strands of her hair aside; then she flashes that bright, gummy smile of hers–sending shockwaves to your fragile heart like it usually does. Lay down right beside her; feel her soft hand reach out for yours as you return to your original position fifteen minutes ago. 
Midnight drives have always been your favorite thing to do with her–even when you two were just childhood best friends that had painfully obvious attraction towards one another; and more so now that you two are dating. There’s something about the tranquility and calmness; the calm despite the storm; the added intimacy of being able to open up to each other without being judged by everyone else. But above all, you can throw everything else away and focus all of your attention on her.  
Just like right now as you both look up at the stars. Without the artificial light created by the skyscrapers, they’re much more luminous as they take sole possession of the night sky. Just like how Hyeju has taken sole possession of your entire being. She is irreplaceable, always will be. And even though she does not explicitly state it, she feels the same way about you. Like the laws of physics, such an axiom proved to be true time and time again.
First proof: senior year of high school when she got ditched by her prom date; you’ve never seen her so distraught yet look so stunning at the same time, especially when she spent the entire week talking about how excited she was. She’s never one to cry and to see her on the brink of tears as you comforted her on the passenger seat of your car still haunts you to this day. Needless to say, you spent the rest of the night eating a tub of ice cream with her in your apartment, trying your best to cheer her up even though it isn’t necessarily your forte—while secretly wanting to beat up the idiot that stood her up. It was at that point that she realized how lucky she is to have you by her side.
Second proof: finals week of your freshman year in college when she helped you with a statistics project that you procrastinated on for three months. Did she tell you to work on it early? Yes. Did you receive plenty of scolding from her? Yes, there’s nothing more terrifying—and adorable—than an angry Hyeju. Did you insist heavily that she didn’t have to help you? Yes, but her willpower is way stronger than yours. And with her assistance, you were able to finish it by pulling consecutive all nighters and passed the class with a respectable grade. In return, you took her on a road trip that summer where you made so many memories—a gesture that made her fall in life with you even harder.
A poke on your cheeks as she gives you another kiss on the lips. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been spacing out for like five minutes.”
“Sorry. Just thinking about stuff.”
“Like what?” She sits up and you do the same, feet dangling off the vehicle. 
“Like how lucky I am to have you.”
You don’t miss the way she bites her lips to try and hide her smile, turning away from you. “Tch. You and your cheesy words….” This is the fifth time you’ve made her blush in the span of thirty minutes, and it can’t be good for her heart. Flashbacks to your first date arises, when it felt like you two were just meeting each other for the very first time.
There was something familiar about her, yet so different. From the moment you two sat down at that diner you’ve always wanted to bring her to, up until the point when it was time to get the bill and she refused to make you pay for the entire meal. Everything remained the same; the way she laughed, the way she smiled that beautiful smile, the way she complained about how much her unnies teased her, the way she would carefully brush her hair to the side whenever she eats. 
Except everything else felt different. She would laugh a little harder at your jokes; she was more confident when it came to holding your hands; she blushed heavily when the waitress asked if you two were a couple—as opposed to her usual disgusted reaction. The atmosphere was different, much more so when she gave you a kiss on the cheeks as you dropped her off at her apartment. You might as well have scored a buzzer-beater with the way you were screaming in joy as soon as she got out of your car. 
“Well, clearly you like it.” That she can’t deny, though she will never admit it to you—despite her facial expressions failing to hide anything. 
Or perhaps not. “What if I say I do, huh? What are you gonna do?” Despite the hundreds of billions of stars that make up the universe, they can never compare to how much she shines. She may not be as bright and bubbly like Jiwoo and Yerim, or as energetic as Yeojin—but when she’s with you, she’s more confident and comfortable. 
“I’m gonna keep on being your cheesy boyfriend then.” A nudge of her shoulders; then she rolls her eyes. 
“Hmph, it’s not like I asked for it…” But nothing can beat tsundere Hyeju; when she’s at her cutest and most attractive. Even though the smile on her face negates any chance of you actually believing what she’s saying. If she could, she would tell you to keep saying sweet things to her; though such a request could cause her heart to explode every time you do it. She was never one to be receptive to compliments—but when it’s from you, Hyeju melts into putty.  
Two can play that game; and being around each other for such a long time allows you to perfectly counter her bantering. “Weren’t you the one that seduced me that night?” It takes no less than a second for you to receive another punch on the arm, this one much stronger than the previous. And now, her face might as well turn red—only you can cause her to be in such a state of disarray.
“It’s because you were taking too long to make a move, you idiot!” A rare pout from the wolf; burying her face on your shoulders as she tries to hide again. But you weren’t going to let her get away this time. Place a hand on her shoulders as a timid Hyeju confronts you.
“Well I’m sorry too. I was worried about our friendship. Didn’t wanna take such a huge risk.”
“I know, I understand.” Snow begins to fall, gradually turning the surroundings to a bright hue of white. “I’ve never been so nervous in my entire life up until that night. If I screwed everything up, I might never be able to talk to you again. Or do this.” Then she leans over to give you another kiss on the cheeks.
By this point, your own cheeks have turned red as well—thankfully you can use the blistering cold temperature as an excuse. “But you didn’t screw up. And look at us now.”
“Right? I can’t believe it’s been seven months already.” You bring her hand inside the pocket of your hoodie to keep it warm while she snuggles closer to you.
“Yeah, it only felt like yesterday when we finally decided to move in together.” A decision that should have been made a long time ago—except you were worried about what the implication of living with your childhood best friend would be when you were not dating her yet at that time. It turned out to be a wise financial decision as you two expected; she finally had enough money to pay off her car, and you could finally start paying off your bills.
“Oh yeah, speaking of which. You still haven’t told anyone where our new apartment is?”
“No, because the unnies are gonna be there every single damn week and I know you’re gonna hate it.”
“I mean I’m cool with them. I think you’re the one that’s gonna hate it.”
“Well I just don’t have the energy to deal with them at times.”
“I’m glad you have the energy to deal with me then.”
“Well I love you, that’s why. Even though you can be annoying as fuck sometimes.”
A chuckle; even as your girlfriend she still never fails to amaze you. “I love you too, Hye.”
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“Yah! Stop cheating!”
Crushed cans of beer, empty bottles of soju and vodka, empty boxes of pizza and chicken wings, pillows scattered in every direction, a sole blanket covering the two of you, the flashing of the flat-screen TV you two impulsively bought just for the purpose of gaming, sounds of buttons mashing on the Nintendo Switch and her occasional screams, Hyeju looking absolutely adorable in her pajamas—all tell-tale signs of another typical game night on a weekend.
That would be the case except for the half-eaten birthday cake resting on the dinner table, a chocolate mousse cake from her favorite bakery—the way her face lit up as soon as you surprised her is priceless. There’s also chunks of gift wrapper scattered all over the living room; if there’s any proof that Hyeju is loved by her friends, it would be the amount of gifts she received tonight.  Oh, and there’s also golden balloons spelling out “Happy birthday, Hyeju” hanging precariously on the wall. Maybe it was a bad idea to ask Yerim and her boyfriend to do it since they just ended up flirting the entire time. 
But the surprise party ended up being a success and it’s a twenty-first birthday celebration in the most Hyeju way possible. She refused to let you take her to an expensive restaurant, or buy her any gifts even though you heavily insisted, or make you treat her any differently than you usually would. All she asked for was something simple: to spend more time with you. Maybe it’s because you two are finally adults now; with more responsibilities and problems to deal with; with less time for the simple things in life. And for her birthday, your gift for her is your presence alone.
“It’s not cheating. Just admit I’m finally better than you, Hye.”
A sigh of defeat as she loses another close race in Mario Kart, thanks to a well-timed use of the infamous blue shell. “How did you get a blue shell two laps in a row? That’s not fair!” 
“I believe it’s called luck.”
A determined look paints her face, and the competitive side of Hyeju begins to show itself once again. No more cuddling for now, it’s time for her to kick your butt and show who’s the better gamer in this relationship. And for the next thirty minutes, that’s exactly what she does. Out of the next six races, you won exactly none—you were about to win the third one but you decided to let her have it by falling out of bounds on purpose.
A victory dance in her pajamas as she stands up and celebrates like a kid—overflowing joy painting her face. And you can’t help but smile like an idiot—if Hyeju is happy, you’re happy. And if this is the reaction you get everytime she wins, you’ll gladly lose in every single game night from now on. “See? I told you I’m still better than you.” 
“So what do you wanna do now?” You pull her back down towards the couch to resume your cuddle and she thankfully reciprocates your hug as she leans her head on your shoulder.
“I wanna play another game, but I’m kinda tired.”
A gentle kiss on her lips, the taste of grape-flavored soju lingering in her mouth. It’s time for you to reveal your gift to her; save the best for last. “Let me take care of you tonight, then.”
“What are you tal–”
In one swift motion you have managed to carry her in your arms bridal style and to your surprise, she’s not hitting you with a barrage of complaints—perhaps it’s the alcohol, maybe she was expecting this tonight. A few quick steps and you are able to open the door to your shared bedroom with ease. Her eyes look at you with a mixture of lust and confusion, much more so when you place her on the bed and immediately move yourself on top of her. Her alluring eyes invites you, along with a bite of her lip as she carefully studies your face.
“I want to give you my gift.”
Then with unbridled hunger, you smash your lips into hers; an immediate response is what you get as she wraps her legs around your waist to pull you closer to her. You can feel your cock hardening and you know Hyeju can as well with the way her moans and whimpers are increasing in volume as you grind your clothed length on her. You know she’s wet and just the image of her drenched thighs is enough to send your lust into overdrive. Sex with Hyeju never gets old and it never will.
Pull away briefly to take off your shirt and you do the same for her, grabbing the hem of the soft fabric of her pajamas and inching it upwards to reveal her tight and immaculate body only for you to see; her top eventually joins the discarded pile on the floor and underneath the warm lights of your shared bedroom she looks absolutely ethereal. Her signature triangular shaped lips are agape, chest heaving slightly as she tries to catch her breath, fingers clutching the sheets as she anticipates your next move.  A hand reaches out to cup her clothed breasts while you engage in another round of kissing with her, feeling her moan as your hands begin to roam her body.
Even more so as you make your way down to her jawline and her neck, faint marks of the hickey you left a week ago still apparent. She’s squirming even as your lips are barely grazing her sweat-glazed skin, sensitivity reaching near meteoric levels. Her addictive scent infiltrates your senses as you begin to mark her once again, replacing the old hickeys with much more intense and darker ones. You change it up once in a while; a lick, a bite, a kiss—all serving to make her squirm and whimper under your touch even more, every reaction from her just urges you to pleasure her even more.
“Fuck, I can’t get enough of you Hye.” Shivers sent down her spine as you breathe heavily, each exhale making contact with her skin. But hearing such words from you is what makes her heart swoon, causing her lust to drive up much higher than usual compared to your other intimate nights together. Thank goodness you can’t see just how red her cheeks are at this moment. You are never one to explicitly tell her such things and to hear it from you tonight is going to cause her fragile heart to explode—and she needs to do something, anything to maintain her composure.
“You talk too much, you idiot.” Thank goodness you’re wearing sweatpants because she is able to pull it down with ease along with your boxers, revealing your hardened member that’s twitching and yearning for her. It always dumbfounded her as to how erect you can get, but she’s not going to wait any longer with a feast in front of her eyes. With newfound strength, she switches position with you so that she’s now on top. 
“If you’re gonna offer me your dick as your gift, then I can decide what I can do with it, right?” You gulp, it’s rare to see Hyeju take control in bed. If there was any place where she isn’t keen to assert her will, it’s the bedroom. She would just let you have your way with her and pleasure her however you can. And seeing this side of her just causes more precum to drip out of you. 
Excited, you nod as if it’s your birthday and not hers. “Sur—“ Lean your head back as she slowly wraps her dainty fingers around your length, beginning to pump you at an excruciatingly slow pace. You can’t control the needy groans coming out of your mouth—not when she’s giving you a seductive look. But it’s hard to maintain control once she pauses briefly to take off her pants, revealing those delicious thighs that you just want to dive in on and as you expected, her panties are already drenched.
“H-Hyeju, shit…”
Then she goes back to pumping your length, this time increasing the pace while fondling your balls. The pleasure multiplies tenfold and you don’t know where Hyeju got this sudden burst of confidence from but underneath the warm lights, she’s going to cause you to explode much faster than you would prefer. But you don’t have the energy to tell her, with each stroke of your length only causing the familiar tension to build in your stomach. It’s hard to focus on anything and you miss the smirk on her face as she continues to give you pleasure. Your breath gets shorter and shorter, more precum dripping all over your sheets. Just one more…
“Wait.” Just as the tension is about to break, Hyeju comes to an abrupt stop. Dazed and confused, you look up at her with your cock twitching rapidly, aching to explode in her hands and possibly paint her beautiful face with your semen. And it really might as well be your birthday because she pushes you further up the bed until you reach the headboard and begins to make her way back down to your length again.
“I wanna taste you.” Before you can even process the words that just came out of her mouth, she’s already moving down south as her face comes dangerously close to your cock. Then a curious tongue licks across the slit of your length, sending waves of electricity down your spine, enough for you to curl your toes as she carefully takes you into her mouth. It takes her numerous times to get adjusted to you, using her hands to stroke you and lubricate you using her saliva to make it easier for her.
In the back of your head, you’re still wondering just where she learned such skills. But all coherent thoughts disappear into the cosmos when you can feel your tip hit the back of her throat, signaling that she’s finally able to take you all the way in. The warmth and suction that her mouth provides is comparable to that of her pussy, and you might have just found your new favorite sex act after tonight. Especially when she proceeds to bob her head up and down leaving you once again breathless and groaning. Lewd sounds of her mouth taking you in so well is enough to send you the brink of the edge and the sight of her absolutely loving it is ethereal.
It doesn’t take too long before you can feel the tension beginning to grow again. “Hye, I’m gonna cum!”
You try to remove Hyeju off of you, signaling her of your impending orgasm but it only makes her bob her head up and down that much faster and you can hear her try to say something but it’s difficult given her mouth is full of your cock. And having been blue-balled already, it only takes a few more pumps for you to explode in her mouth. A loud groan escaping your lips as you empty shot after shot of thick, white semen. Her mouth is too warm and for someone that’s giving a blowjob for the first time, she is too good. The result is an orgasm that’s as strong as when you first had sex with her.
Hyeju removes her mouth and coughs immediately as she tries to swallow all of your cum, with some dripping down the side of her mouth due to your heavy load. Guilt immediately strikes you and you grab a box of tissues from the bedside table and hand it to her. She takes it and begins to wipe herself with it. “S-Shit Hye, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I was the one that wanted it.” Her gummy smile appears once again, as if she didn’t just give you an extremely intense orgasm. “Plus, you tasted delicious like I expected.” You’ve already cum once and you’re embarrassed by the way your length quickly shoots back to full-mast with her words. And it doesn’t help when she gets off the bed and proceeds to take off her bra and panties, revealing her plentiful breasts and thighs already dripping with desire. 
But it’s unfair that it’s only you on the receiving end of the mind-blowing pleasure, especially since it’s her birthday. And despite wanting to just pound her already and feel those luscious thighs wrapped around you, you want to service her. That’s why you grab her arms and pull her towards you, flipping positions once again so that you’re back on top. Give her a quick kiss on the lips before making your way down to her neck, making sure to leave more deep, purple marks for her to have a hard time trying to hide. You do the same with her shoulders and collarbones; but your hands aren’t idle as they make their way towards her pussy, already drenching your sheets.
Slowly but carefully, you stick one finger in. You can feel her throat vibrate as you continue to leave kisses. As always, she’s so wonderfully tight despite being so wet. It’s a miracle that she’s able to take in your length so well when she clenches so tightly with just one, measly finger. Having made sure that not even makeup would be able to hide the hickeys, you move further down south to her breasts. You use a free hand to gently knead her right breast while you immediately dive in on her left breast, sucking harshly on the stiff nipple due to arousal.
You are easily able to find her g-spot and hit it with each thrust of your finger inside her. You make sure to give both breasts equal attention as you switch your target to her right breast, sucking on the flesh. With two points of pleasure, Hyeju is melting into putty as she wraps her arms tightly around your necks. Beautiful and lustful moans of your name reverberate throughout the bedroom and you just want to drink it all in. Being more daring, you decide to add another finger to the mix.
“F-Fuck, so good!”
“Cum for me, Hye. Please.” You stare at her beautiful eyes, pleading and begging for such a sweet release. And as her boyfriend, you are more than delighted to make such a request happen. It only takes a few more thrusts for the dam to finally break and with one final moan of your name, she leaks all over your fingers and the bed sheets. Regretfully, you take your face off of her breasts to give her a deep and passionate kiss as she comes down from her own orgasm. Brush loose strands of disheveled hair aside as she tries to regain her breath and focus. 
It takes her a few minutes to get her bearings but just like a wolf in heat, she’s ready to pounce on you again as she gets on top of you. She’s completely drenched in sweat just like you are and that just makes her even more attractive in your eyes. This might be the most passionate night of lovemaking you two have had so far and the fact that it’s on her birthday nonetheless makes it even more special. Take a break to appreciate this moment, to appreciate her. Sit up to meet her face-to-face, leaning in slowly to give her a passionate kiss on the lips. You two let the kiss run its course until the biological need to breathe forces an end to the lip lock.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A wide smile that you reciprocate; then she nods—she knows you too well and is aware that you won’t proceed any further until she’s ready. There were no more words needed to be said as she carefully aligned herself with your length. You wrap your arms around her waist as she does the same to your neck. Muffle her moans by engaging in another kiss, feeling her whimper as you swirl your tongue around hers. As she bottoms out, a guttural groan escapes her mouth as the kiss ends. 
It’s incredible how she’s still so tight despite one orgasm already down the drain. And the suffocating warmth of her walls envelopes your cock in a delightful sensation that leaves you very much in the same state as her. Once she’s gotten used to your length, she begins to bounce up and down—matching your thrusts as you are able to find her g-spot once again with ease. This action causes a high-pitched moan to escape her mouth as she wraps her arms around you much tighter. 
“P-Please, you’re fucking me so well…”
A hand creeps up to her breast while the other roams around her body. From her butt to her thighs to her hips—anything to relieve the overwhelming pleasure you’re feeling. Meanwhile she’s already left plenty of scratch marks on your back that will surely sting by tomorrow morning—moans traveling directly to your ears as she rests her chin on your shoulder. Hyeju riding you is your favorite position; not only do you get to see her breasts bouncing hypnotizingly but you also get a full view of her in pleasure using your cock as the tool.
But tonight has been a night full of firsts and you truly want to make this memorable. With the very minimal amount of energy you have left you stand up from the bed with Hyeju wrapping her limbs tightly around you. You rest your hands on the back of her thighs to support her as more high-pitched moans leave her mouth at the new angle, your cock driving deeper into her pussy with the aid of gravity. Your years of working out in the gym with her has paid off for this very moment as you easily lift her into your arms and continue to thrust upwards into her. 
It’s absolutely hot, the way she’s clinging on to you for dear life as she comes crashing back down onto you after every pump. More sweat drips down your bodies along with the juices that are constantly leaking out of her. Take her in for another kiss as her nails continue to leave dark, red marks on your shoulders and back. Carefully, you lean her onto the wall as you try to maintain the unrelenting pace. She’s clenching tightly around your length which could only mean that she’s close to another orgasm.
But with how turned on you have been for the entire night, you’re close to your own orgasm as well. Despite that, her pleasure comes first above everything else so you angle your thrusts to aim for Hyeju’s g-spot once again and she’s on the brink of tears as the pleasure meter reaches full-throttle. Dive down for her breasts again and as you take a nipple into your mouth, she screams your name as she reaches her peak for the second time and with how much tighter she’s become, this is much stronger than the first one. Her juices begin to drip down both of your thighs and onto the floor.
And you weren’t that far off. Thanks to the added lubrication of her orgasm, it becomes that much simpler to pound her and thrust into her. With a few more thrusts, you groan into her neck as you fill her with ribbons upon ribbons of semen. The excess drips out of her pussy and joins the fluids resulting from your lovemaking on the floor. 
On wobbly legs, you manage to safely bring her back to the bed—not caring about the fluids you two just left on the floor. You two were a mess, but a good mess. Everything feels sticky and hot but Hyeju doesn’t care and neither do you. Shower can wait until tomorrow—and maybe you’ll have to help her clean herself again just like after that fateful night. Maybe her friends will tease you again because of the hickeys you’ve made. Maybe you’ll go on another date, perhaps a thousand more. Everything can wait, because you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with her.
Take this moment to appreciate her once again, as she slowly drifts to sleep with her head resting on your chest. You would gladly spend more birthdays with her, more game nights with her, more days with her. So as long as you can keep seeing that beautiful smile of hers and everything else that makes you deeply in love with her. Place a kiss on her lips softly as you utter the words you didn’t get the chance to directly say to her today:
“Happy birthday, Hye.”
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hi. alot is happening. bumming off wifi rn. i'm copy/pasting someone from a doc i started in libra office with no internet.
The landlady has made excuses to not give us back the security deposit. She keeps having Dave’s boss call him in a foul mood will all kind of threats and accusations of things we supposedly broke/ruined.
1.) On our first night out of there she has already threatened to call the cops on us by claiming that we filled the house with perfume before we left so it’ll hurt her. What happened was we cleaned it because she demanded that it was clean like it supposedly was when we moved in(it wasn’t clean when we moved in). We used that Meyers shit, which has a pretty muted scent and is supposed to be safe for the environment. And it was just basic sweeping, dusting, and then doing up the ktichen and bathroom just to be safe.
2.) Today she has claimed that we filled the washing machine with motor oil to ruin it as punishment before we left. She swears the whole house smells of oil, after screaming about it smelling like too much perfume that was supposedly used to hurt her breathing. Mind you, mom is an asthmatic so we can’t use things with strong scents because it will fuck her up. If we bought oil, it would be for the van cuz that shit is expensive and we wouldn’t be wasting it on HER of all people.
By now, Dave’s boss is aware that she cannot legally withold the deposit and that she’s trying to use the fact that Dave is a dumbass, against him. Mom however, knows the laws, and the lease said nothing about not using scented cleaners OR perfumes, and she does not have a legit reason to not give us the $1600 back. If she took it to court it would not hold. She has to make an itemized list of her claims, Dave has to acknowledge whether or not they are true, and then it goes to court.
fyi I took videos of everything in the house. Bethy’s Room, Mom’s Room, Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen. All items that were hers, such as the Oven, Fridge, Washer, Dryer, Toilet, Sinks,Tub/Shower, random Recycle Bin, and Wall Hangings. Inside and Out. All details were recorded before we left. I even recorded us leaving at exactly 11:23 PM Feb 15th 2024, and recorded turning the light off.
Let’s see if she comes up with something else tomorrow. ~5:22 PM Feb, 17th 2024
Feb, 21st 2024:
I’ve just been informed by Bethy that Dave has gone on to further embarrass us. He insists that he’s got all these racing friends(and tbf they promised to help fund a big event to raise money for us 2 years ago, and then ghosted him AND Bethy when they asked what they had to do to help) who will help and has been harassing them for money.
One of them, an active dirt racer, posted a screenshot with Dave’s full name in a text convo begging for cash. And then half a dozen other dirt racers, active and retired, shared that he’s been hitting them up for money too. How he was in people’s posts about random shit beggn for money and then how he got swindled under his own comment by someone mocking him and posting the same thing he did with a small wording change about leaving an abusive house and Dave not only fell for it but then said he’d try to help them.
And now the greater dirt racing community is aware of this and are mocking him and us and some are making inquiries about Bethy’s well-being in connection to Dave. And their wives are having things to say about how he’s a bad parent and she should be taken away from him.
And I need to remind everyone that this is to pay off a blackmailer who is demanding $300 a week now. Bethy got a bit more info out of him on that and it apparently involves a photo. And there are only 2 types of photos that can get him in legal trouble(since he believes he CAN go to jail over this). So either he sent an unsolicited dick pic, which won’t receive much punishment cuz he’s a man who LOOKS white enough. OR it’s child p0rn, and he’s never given that vibe out of everything fucked up with him so I’m not exactly sure.
But he walks around demanding to know ‘did anyone give us money yet’ and people have donated to the GFM and Mealtrain, and I’ve earned about $100 on Ko-Fi recently, and we haven’t told him cuz he won’t use it for anything good.
He’s been bumming extra money off his boss despite knowing that the van need fixing, we need hot water and heat, and several other problems that need fixing ASAP. And his boss is asking questions and is getting nastier and nastier cuz he doesn’t trust Dave’s intentions and shitty lying.
There is no lease. The owner of this house knows Dave's boss and they supposedly came to an agreement that so long as Dave fixes up this house, we can stay here in the mean time for free. They supposedly made an agreement that Dave's boss will buy everything we need to fix the house up and then send all the receipts to the friend who will then pay him back.
And now Dave's boss is getting so fed up with Dave and his wishy-washy behavior and begging for all this money all the time that he does not earn, that he is now saying he never made any such promises. And he refuses to contact the owner of this house at all. There is no recording. No contract. No signatures. No proof that such a discussion went down at all. It is Dave’s word(unreliable) against the boss’(the one with money and power here) word.
Dave has no way to contact the owner either. Cuz he didn’t think that was necessary apparently. He was perfectly fine making his boss the go-between until his boss got angry.
So our ability to even stay here is hanging in the balance.
Can’t wait to see what other bad news I’m gonna find out.
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evilphrog · 9 months
Watching Wheel of Time without reading the books: Season 2, episode 1
I'm at it again! I know I never posted the season 1 finale review, and maybe I will go back and do that later. But for now, I just finished the season premiere, and I have to say, Perrin is 100% correct. The five of them are much more impressive together than apart. Which isn't to say I disliked it. They are all on the struggle bus, but that is where character development is at its peak, and where we get to see their true inner strength. Which is to say, I LOVED it. Bring on the angst!
The season opener with the round table of evil plotters was a fun and clever way to deliver some exposition without boring us. Having a little girl crawling under the table, disturbing the Very Important Shadowy Cloak Meeting really humanized every single one of them, and seeing the Fake Dark One be so gentle and patient with her gives some insight into how people can become dark friends. They are just concerned parents. I am now calling him Nancy Reagan, since he is their leader. I also definitely want to pet a trolloc. They look much cuter when they aren’t being ordered to kill everyone in sight. Are they tamable? Or...redeemable? I am still not sure of their level of free will/sentience, so I am not sure which word applies.
The first scene post-credits is Moiraine working hard to take her Very Sad Alone Time Depression Bath. Just one woman, chilling in a hot tub, cuz the water gets cold without magic. It was a very good idea to show the first hot tub scene in the recaps, so I could get the full emotional subtext here. Bathing is a communal activity in this culture, but she can’t handle having someone else see her in such a vulnerable position when she already feels so vulnerable all the time. But the longer she spends isolated, the more alone and vulnerable she will continue to feel.
She and Lan are hiding out with their friends, Sassy Twin, Serious Twin, and Tom. Tom is married to one of them, but I forget which one. Without the warder bond, Lan must have lost the rapid healing that allows him to withstand his severe clothing allergy. Good thing the Sassy Twin is there to helpfully point out additional clothes that might be hurting him, and to reassure him it would be fine to remove them in her home. She truly speaks for all of us. I’m glad Lan has these three friends around to support him as he supports Moiraine. This poor man is having to learn, at the tender age of forty-something, to use his words to describe how he feels. He is afraid for his best friend, he is hurt about being pushed away at a time when he would expect to be leaned on even harder, I am pretty sure he blames her for blocked bond because she had put the block up prior to being shielded, and he feels like he is losing his only purpose in life.
And in the face of all that, he has to exhibit so much patience as Moiraine acts like every insecure teenager ever and tries to push him away. His previous experience with teenagers taught him what this behavior is like, but not how to handle it. Her “I am so aloof and do not care at all about the feelings of others” routine was incredibly transparent to everyone except Lan. He really needed his friends to lovingly slap him in the ego and remind him that the only way to truly help her is to let himself be the vulnerable one, so she can see how it' it's done, and realize it's something she can live with.
But now he has to do it the old fashioned way, by walking upstairs to check on her. Good timing, too. Slightly worse timing for Serious Twin, but at least she could handle all the Eyeless. Hopefully one of the twins does healing.
Meanwhile, at Aes Sedai High, Nynaeve and Egwene are in novice training. Egwene is dealing with a bit of culture shock. She accidentally witnesses an actual, honest to Light, bisexual orgy on screen. She is going from being a big fish in a small pond to being a big fish in an ocean surrounded by other big fish, but she is handling it better than I expected. Nynaeve is handling the entire thing exactly as I hoped she would. While Egwene focuses on adding extra challenges by learning to weave with both hands tied behind her back, Nynaeve is semi-consciously stopping herself from doing any magic at all. Polly tries playing on her pride, by saying she is just scared, and Nynaeve responds by drinking dirty dishwater while making direct eye contact. Such a power move, there. Unfortunately, it leads directly to an unwanted face-to-face discussion with JK Rowling, which quickly turns into a surprise duel. I thought JK was torturing Nynaeve by hurting her, but my husband said she was only making the air too thick for Nynaeve to move through. And really, nothing could possibly torture Nynaeve more than placing an unwanted restriction on her. She did end up shielding her, temporarily, and that was described as one of the most brutal forms of assault. Pretty sick, but also pretty consistent with boarding school hazing rituals.
Later, Nynaeve and Egwene read the letter from Perrin, where he hopes they will all stick together. And JK Rowling goes down to her secret Man Dungeon For Men to read a heavily edited version of the letter to her prisoner, New Mat. And, to this I have to say, come on JK Rowling! Why do you go and pull a stunt that the actual JK Rowling also used in her own book? Your name is getting more and more accurate as time goes on, and that is not a compliment. Anyways, Mat responds in pretty much the same way Harry Potter did, by trying to break out of jail. I’m not sure how I feel about New Mat so far. He seems a bit like a soggy bed sheet, but he is also in the exact circumstances that would lead to soggy bed sheet behavior. His puckish attitude was mostly a mask he put on to lift the spirits of those around him, and his private moments were entirely spent dwelling on his own misery. Presumably the only person he has interacted with for months now is someone who actively feeds on that misery. JK Rowling is a cursed dagger unto herself.
We get a brief glimpse of Rand, with his new haircut. He is sad and has no lines. I assume he will be more present in future episodes. He lights a lantern, presumably for his mother, but maybe for the innocent version of himself that will never exist again. Maybe for his friends he thinks he can never see again. They light the lanterns for those they lost, which might not necessarily mean the ones who died.
Perrin, meanwhile, is on a quest to find Padan Fain and steal back the magic horn. He has found another Wolf guy, who seems to be teaching him how his wolf powers work. Apparently he can see the past? Maybe he is smelling the places where things used to be, like Angua does in Discworld? So then, is he a werewolf? This is a very confusing power that has still not been explained at all. I would have liked to see Perrin get a training sequence similar to Egwene and Nynaeve, but the defining trait of wolf guys is that they aren’t a chatty bunch. They find a bunch of bodies of the traitors from the final battle, presumably disposed of once they were no longer useful. The group holds a proper funeral for them, which confuses Perrin. He doesn’t understand how they can go to such effort for the people responsible for the deaths of hundreds. The prince guy responds that if his people spent their time seeking revenge on those who betray them, they wouldn't have time for anything else. It is more helpful to the ones left behind to let it go and focus on the mission. Sort of the way of the leaf, but with a more productive twist. Perrin is really on a quest for a moral philosophy that he can live with, and this one seems slightly more compatible with him.
At Bel Tine, he lights a lantern for his wife. The first time he has to do so. He places his wedding ring on the lantern, but takes it back at the last second. He isn’t ready to let go of his own guilt just yet, but at least he can move forward while carrying it now. Loial seems good for him. And Perrin is good for Loial. He’s way more likeable now that he has gotten used to the wonder of living in the human world, and stopped condescendingly and incorrectly explaining how it all works. They are both figuring that out together. I am not sure how he survived being stabbed with the cursed dagger. By all rights it makes no sense. So I guess… Loial returned somehow. And we are also moving on from it and focusing on the mission, even if we carry our confusion with us.
Other episode reviews
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missingmark · 1 year
― who you gonna call? pt.1
the boys know they'll always have someone to call when they need them. that someone in question being you, luckily that feeling is more than mutual.
‧₊˚ matt x gn!reader
‧₊˚ warnings: light swearing, otherwise very very wholesome :)
‧₊˚ word count: 840
‧₊˚ pt.2 ( nick ) | pt.3 ( chris ) | masterlist
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( 𝖒. ) ; you call him when it all feels like way too much
You had almost fallen asleep in Matt's car if it weren't for the enthusiastic rambling of your best friend next to you. One of his hands would sometimes leave the steering wheel to comb through his hair or emphasize his words with some sort of gesture. Your eyes, even half lidded, would follow his movement, your head against the window in the passenger seat
He had offered to pick you up from college after hearing how awful your day was.
"-and, I don't know what happened but Nick suddenly developed a weird obsession with Po from Kung Fu Panda, it's like all he talks about. Can you believe it? Chris has to leave the room any time it starts."
If you weren't so tired you would have giggled at his story, but any movement seemed to drain your energy even more and you were saving it up for having to peel yourself from the seat and walking into their home.
Matt insisted on assisting you, carrying you on his back into the house as he continued to talk.
"Yesterday I walked in on him reading an article called "25 inspirational Kung Fu Panda Quotes that will change your life forever" and when I tried to address it he just hissed at me. He hissed."
Chris looked up from his place on the couch, a smile forming on his face at the sight of the two of you. He, too, was forced to listen to your whining in the group chat about your hard day.
"Move," Matt muttered once he stood in front of his brother, turning around and letting you plop onto the couch with a small thud, your head landing in Chris' lap.
"Ouch! Dude, your head is heavy as fuck."
You opened one eye to glare up at him.
"Cuz it's full of knowledge, stupid."
"I highly doubt that, considering you literally sat through the wrong class today and didn't notice for the whole 50 minutes."
"How do you know that?!" You yelled, covering your face in embarrassment.
"Cuz you literally spammed us all about it in the group chat today, you goof."
"Oh god." You mumbled into your hands, not noticing the third brother also entering the room, leaning over the couch to offer you some of his sympathy.
"Why did I even want to become a film major, who put this insane stupid dummy-dumb idea into my head?!" You groaned, kicking your legs in frustration.
"Because you made a compilation of Nick falling down when we were in middle school and you called it your magnum opus," Chris recalled, stroking your head in sympathy.
"That was a pretty funny video," Matt mumbled under his breath.
"I should quit," You murmured only to be met with disagreement from your friends.
"Sure you're having a bit of a tough day, but you'll get through it," Nick tried to cheer you up, "You'll be done with college soon anyway."
"But if you want to take a bit of a break, we'll understand, maybe skip some classes tomorrow to get a good rest and-"
"That's a terrible idea, Chris! They already missed one of their classes today. If you skip you'll just be farther behind with the material."
Nick walked over to you, taking your hands in his as he looked deep into your eyes.
"A real warrior never quits," he smiled.
You almost smiled back.
"Po said that in the first Kung Fu Panda, but to be honest the second one is like-"
"Ok. I have to leave," Chris mumbled, lifting your head as gentle as he could despite the sudden spike in rage that was building up in him at his brothers words.
He walked towards the kitchen only for Nick to follow after him.
"What?! What's your problem with the panda? You hater!" Their voices grew faint. Only you and Matt being left at this point.
He walked over towards you, lying down on the couch too and pulling you into his chest.
"I believe in you. Never ever tell him I said this but Nick is right; don't quit, okay? Rest a bit now and I'll help you with your assignments once you wake up."
You grinned into his sweatshirt and let the tiredness finally take over your body.
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i wrote this while watching schaffrillas production review kung fu panda 2.
i hope you enjoyed, luv u <3
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skymoral · 5 months
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Bi-Han x B!F Wife Reader W/ Children (Ep 1)
Summary: This episode of Mortal Kombat is called Teachers
Tags: Family & Fun
A/N: I will make a series out of this, and comic it into the OC! It helps with ideas and Bluey inspired, but I hope you ladies still like it 💅🏾
“Daddy are you sure you’re alright watching the girls by yourself. While I take the boys to see there cousins match.” You already had your coat and everything on, along with the boys.
Bi-Han and the girls were seeing them off at the entrance. “The fact you question my ability to watch my own children, offends me.” He said with a bit of agitation.
The Girls Giggled at him, “Aww my ice king, you know that’s not what I mean. It’s because my cousin was hoping you could watch your favorite little person. When my cuz come pick us up.”
“Who is the favorite person, you speak of?” As soon as those words left his mouth, a little girl came storming in. Arms wide and glasses almost falling off.
“BIHANNNNNNNNNNN!” She yelled jumping in his arms.
“HOORAY! The girls cheered.
He put her down, she took a step back bowing to him formal. “It’s nice to see you again Grandmaster! COUSINS!”
The girls ran and hugged each other. Bi Han went his attention to you and your cousin quickly leaving before he can complain.
“Thank you babe, love u!”
“Thanks Bi-Han!”
You and your cousin yelled out to him before she drove off with her and the boys.
Bi-Han only sighed looking down at the girls, “So what is it my little princesses and student like to do.”
They smirked at each other, “TEACHERS!” They yelled in unison.
Bi-Han was trying to fight off so many demons, because denying them of any fun would cause havoc. Although he will not suffer alone.
*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
Angelica tapping the board with a ruler, “Attention students! I will be your teacher for today. My name is Ms. Um… uh… Ms. POPSICLE!” She said in an old lady voice, The girls laughed.
Angelica was dressed in oversized clothes and glasses with strings on it and hanging at her nose. Someone raised there hand.
“Yes um…” she looked and squinted at her clip board. “Mr. Vrbada”
“Do we have to call you that? May we just call you Ms. Angel-OW!” Angelica smacked his hand with a ruler.
“No! It’s Ms. Popsicle and you will refer me as such or you’ll be put in a timeout young man with your head down like your siblings, understand?”
“Yes Ms… popsicle.” He said quietly at the end. Kuai and Bi-Han snickering, trying hold in a laugh with there head down on the desks
“Good! Now who’s ready for gym class!?” Angelica shouted. The girls cheered, but the brothers and Lin Kuei had their resentment for it. Although they didn’t say anything.
The girls were really happy with there family was playing with them. It’s always fun when there father joins it. They were playing jump rope for gym, one of the Lin Kuei were reluctant.
Till they felt a coldness run down there spine, “You heard Miss Popsicle J U M P.” Bi-Han order him, giving him the tone of do it or else.
They did many school type activities, as it was getting close to there mother and brothers returning home.
There last activity was arts & crafts, which some of the Lin Kuei was enjoying. Along with the two brothers. “Are you enjoying yourself brother?” Kuai Liang asked sitting next Bi-Han.
“Define F U N Kuai Liang.” Bi-Han responded unhappily. Kuai Liang just smiled at his brother. Because despite his denial, he definitely is taking it seriously.
He didn’t know his brother had a skill in arts in crafts, as he made art folds of different animals.
“Attention students! As we conclude today’s class. I would like to announce that, EVERYONE HAS PASSED!” Angelica put her hands up happy, then Lin Kuei cheered. Mainly due to the fact it’ll be over.
“As a special graduation, these four girls made all of you a special piece.”
It was Bi-Han’s daughters that made cute little cards for the Lin Kuei attending the class. As well as her uncles and father.
They made a very special one together for there father. It was skillfully decorated and written, with a picture of the family, “Do you like it?” One of his daughters asked nervously.
“Of course I love it, thank you my daughters.” He hugged all four of them tightly.
“I actually have something for you four and your cousin. From what I learned in art and crafts.” Bi-Han showed them the little animal folds he’s made for them.
Which they really loved, and when the game finally ended he gave Angelica hers. She bounced from Joy and thought it was so cool and amazing.
“I’m sure my girls are hungry?” He asked them.
He had the Lin Kuei prepare a meal, which they obeyed happily. They were a bit emotional from the cards they gave them. Each one was special.
“Bi-Han we’re back!” You shouted, you noticed it was very silent.
Making the boys go on full alert scouting the premise. Before giving their mother and cousin the okay.
“You hey cuz you hear that?” Your cousin asked, you stopped to listen. Then heard a tv on in the girls room.
All of you went towards the sound and peaked in the room. Your heart melt so hard, Bi-Han was sleep with all the girls cuddled around on the bed. Including Angelica in the pile, a lil snore coming from her mouth. They fell asleep watching a movie.
“You don’t mind if Angelica spent the night do you?”
“Girl please, call me when she’s ready to go home. Bye boo, by boys.” Your cousin whispered her farewells.
“I guess you boys are sleeping with mommy tonight. I may need protecting.” You smirked at them. As you all left them be and asleep, you guessed they must of had a very eventful day.
A/N: I really like doing the softer stories :>
Side Note: So an extra tidbit I still try to keep some of the characteristics and personality of the characters from MK1 or how I believe they are. Bi-Han is still a bit mean and attitude issues. With a superiority complex.
For me instead of making him evil he’s really like an anti-hero he’ll do what he sees fit, but he does care for his family and is gentle when it comes to them. If anyone questions how I write them :>
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punsmaster69 · 8 months
it's officially october now, so me and paps are putting out the halloween decor.
feels hard to believe it's even autumn at all already, but maybe that's 'cuz the leaves haven't changed yet. guess they missed the memo.
after the events of last wednesday, it's been kinda hard to message tori myself. she's a stronger monster than me though, 'cuz now she's casually texting me, talking about these little paper ghosts frisk made.
"Perhaps they would be willing to show you and Papyrus how to make some. ]:)"
"don't know how much they'd wanna see me again right now"
"Then.. they do not have to see 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
"If Frisk is not here, I may need an extra set of hands to help finish decorating."
somehow, i agreed to come over before having the chance to even give it a second thought.
she must've asked frisk pretty quickly about the ghosts thing, 'cuz the kid was long gone by the time i got to tori's house.
tori was carrying these giant boxes labelled "halloween" out onto the yard.
"heya tori."
"Ah! Sans, hello! There are a few boxes left that I think you can manage, they are in the living room."
"got it."
i got the boxes from the living room and set them by the front door.
trying to detangle a black and orange garland, tori called me over.
"Sans, could you help me with these?"
nearly tripped on a vine going down the porch steps, but when i went to go see where the vine was, it was gone.
i grabbed one end, and tori untwisted the other. she wrapped the detangled garland into the branches of the biggest tree in her front yard.
we repeated the process a few more times until most of the smaller nearby trees were also thoroughly halloween-ified.
"Now we have just got to do the house!..But, it is a bit taller than either of us, is it not?"
"you got a ladder?"
she pointed at a folded step-ladder resting against the house.
"but it is a human one, so I'm afraid it doesn't quite hold my weight."
she unfolded it, and set the step-ladder in front of me.
"You are about human sized, will it work for you?"
standing on the ladder, i was only as tall as toriel is while standing on the ground.
at this fact, she had to try and (unsuccessfully) stifle a laugh.
"Hehe! Is the weather much better up here?"
i poked her in the forehead.
"nope, but i can do that now."
tori leaned towards me until she was about two inches from my face.
"You know what else you can do now?"
so i leaned forward....
lightly bonking my forehead off of hers.
"headbutt you at equal height."
"Ah! You-"
flowey suddenly shouted from behind a closed window.
tori opened the window and scolded him.
"You should not use insults! If you wanted the window opened, a simple 'please' will do."
he just rolled his eyes.
"Please apologize to Sans."
flowey glared at me, then looked at tori, then mumbled out a small 'sorry'.
"Thank you."
she stepped back onto the yard.
"Now, what of this roof situation?"
"someone around here probably has a ladder-"
"I know! I could lift you up, and you can string the garland!"
from the window, vines suddenly shot across the yard.
they grabbed the decorations, hastily hanging them from the roof.
"Ah... thank you, Flowey."
he just glared at me.
tori opened a box containing many yard standees. me, tori, and flowey stuck 'em all across the yard.
a zombie by the tree, werewolf prowling the treeline, ghosts haunting the stairs, and... a skeleton buried head-down in the dirt.
toriel put all the empty boxes on the porch, doing one more sweep of the area to make sure she didn't miss any.
i sat myself on the porch railing near the window flowey was in.
"that everything?"
"It would appear to be! Thank you for the help, Sans."
flowey loudly fake-coughed.
"...And thank you too, Flowey. Would you two like some hot chocolate?"
"yeah, but... can flowers even drink hot chocolate?"
she paused in the front door frame.
"If you can't get along, nobody is getting any."
"hey, it was a genuine question."
flowey did something that resembled crossing his arms with his vines, but stayed quiet.
"Thank you."
she went inside, leaving me and flowey alone on the porch.
he watched as she went inside, making sure she was out of earshot before speaking.
"What's your deal, anyway?"
"bout five bucks."
"I- ...What?"
"take it or leave it."
"No, like what do you want with Toriel?"
"i don't have some secret ulterior motive, if that's what you're trying to imply."
"Well you can't just be 'friends'!"
"why not?"
"FRIENDS don't start taking off their clothes as soon as they're alone!"
"guess frisk has started spreading rumors, then."
i sighed and turned to face flowey on the windowsill.
"my shirt got caught and tore. 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡."
"Yeah, right."
"you can ask her yourself."
"Fine! I will! ...Later!"
he went surprisingly quiet for a bit.
".....What do you see in that old lady, anyway?"
"a friend."
"well, she's someone i can depend on."
"Can't Papyrus be that?"
"sure. and he is."
"Then what makes her any different from him?"
"papyrus is.. very high energy."
"he's got a lotta big ideas. 'head in the stars,' and all. 'course, i love him for it, but sometimes...."
"you need someone a little more down to earth. balance it out, y'know?"
flowey was silent.
"..... she's a good lady. treat her well, alright?"
"You're making it sound like you're leaving."
"guess it did come across that way."
"...nah. i'm plannin' on hanging around a while longer."
"Yeah, you're too in love with Toriel to leave anywhere even a mile away!"
"nuh uh."
"Wh- 'nuh uh'?? Are you four?"
"turned five last april."
"THIRTY-five, maybe! You look ancient."
"hey, for a thirty five year old, i'd say i'm aging pretty well. i still don't have a single wrinkle."
"You're ACTUALLY thirty five?? Jeez, you really 𝘈𝘙𝘌 ancient!!"
"right within tori's age range, though."
he socked me in the chest with a heavy vine, knocking me into the bush just below the railing.
"haven't anything of the sort."
"..You consider me to be your mother?"
i heard tori's voice approach.
"Y-You must've. Misheard me."
"ok mama's boy."
"..If you wanted to refer to me as your mother, I would certainly not mind."
she leaned over the railing, spotting me in her bush.
"Is that more comfortable?"
"i fell."
i got up from the bush and went back up the stairs onto the porch. tori handed me a warm cup of hot chocolate.
"Yeah, fell 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦! He totally has a giant-"
i shut the window, drowning out the sound of his voice.
"...a giant love for cocoa."
"I-I see.. I did not know you had such a fondness for hot chocolate."
flowey banged on the window, and tori opened it again.
"You 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗲!"
"yeah, you better watch your damn language."
"Sans! Both of you need to watch your language. Do not make me rinse your mouths with soap!"
"i mean. you can try."
"Then.. a grounding?"
"flowey's already pretty 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥. kinda 𝘴𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥 that idea."
flowey grimaced, and tori laughed.
"I suppose I will let you two off the hook, just this once. I hope this will not become the 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘵 of a swearing problem!"
"Eugh. Nevermind. Close the window back."
he used two vines to lift himself off the windowsill back into the house, taking his mug with him.
me and tori chatted until it started getting dark.
"...I suppose you have to get home soon, do you not?"
"i'd stay longer, but i'm pretty sure frisk'll probably be here soon."
"Thank you again for your help today."
"bug me anytime, ok?"
"..Have a safe walk home, Sans."
she brushed my hand with hers.
i suddenly became aware of how close together we were sitting; aware of the strange fluttering in my chest.
".....seeya, tori."
i got up and rushed home before i could say something stupid.
flowey's words about crushes 'n love and whatnot..
he probably just hit my ribs too hard.
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movedtolilmouzee · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could write a fic where reader is bontens driver, like she takes them from point A to B and back. Soooo she has been working that job for about 8 months and she was assigned to go collect rin and when he gets in the car straight up starts to check out reader and when they arrive at rins place he offers her to come inside but she refuses multiple times before she actually agrees and when they reach in the house they drink and then fuck and reader ends up staying the night. And in the morning reader feels sore all over and can't walk so rin has to help her with morning tasks and when its about 8:00 and time to leave for work reader can't go cuz she can't walk or drive so has to stay at rins house for the day while he goes to work but when he opens the door Sandy is outside and sees reader and put 2 & 2 together and end it however.(I'm literally solo sorry that it's this long so if u ignore it I understand)
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𝔗𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔇𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔢...
𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘈𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘭, 𝘙𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺, 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘗𝘦𝘵 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘢𝘮𝘣, 𝘛𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘹 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨.
(𝘡𝘦𝘦'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯. 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨, 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘳𝘦-𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨. <3)
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Being bontens driver or "taxi" in a way was a weird first job right? It was more concerning, driving around Tokyo's #1 criminals who were high and drunk most times, but they paid you well and were surprisingly respectful, well some. The only real issue with the job you chose was the late night calls, having to quickly wake yourself up and rush out to door to pick up whoever called you, tonight was exactly the same.
Getting awoken to your phone ringing on the nightstand, already knowing what was happening just telling Rindou to text you the details while you got ready. Thankfully it only takes you around 5 minutes to get dressed, hair brushed and something to drink before your heading out and picking up rindou from his current mission. Taking notice of the blood on his suit and face once he got in the car "Thanks for picking me up, bunny." It was like rindou knew exactly how to tease you, he did it so confidently too, no shame as he said it. "Just doing my job" was all you could muster, while noticing how rindous eyes looked over your body, a hint of hunger and lust.
The car ride felt like it lasted years even though it was only a 20 minute drive, getting rindou home and helping him make sure he had everything was a simple task, now all you wanted was to go home and gain back to sleep youd lost, even rindou noticed how tired you had become. "Why don't you just stay with me tonight? I'll let you have my bed" Rin offered, leaning against the car door, his head laying against his arms, liliac eyes watching you decline his offer, "Scared the big bad wolf will get you, little lamb?". Rindou teased pushing you over the edge to accept his offer and just go with him.
Surprisingly for someone who lived alone in a penthouse, rins home was extremely clean and smelled strangely like cinnamon. "Make yourself at home, love." As strange as it felt to find yourself in rindous home, it felt comforting. Rindou returned with two glasses of whiskey, setting one down on the glass table in front of you, taking a spot on the couch next to you sipping on his whiskey. "I don't think we've talked much outside of work, strange isn't it? You're a cute little thing."
After only a few drinks, you and rindou went from small conversation that was a bit awkward to flirting back with each other like it was nothing. Blame it on the alcohol but the ache between your legs had only gotten worse with each passing minute, Rindous hand rubbing up against your thigh didnt help either, it was like rin knew you wanted him but he just wanted to tease you. It was awful but you couldn't go for your co-worker, right? Maybe breaking the rules just once could be nice. You're not even sure how you two suddenly went from the livingroom to rindous bedroom but you couldn't conplain when rindou started undressing, leaving just his boxers on, Rin throwing a pair of boxers and a shirt. Rindou knew what he was doing, having you change in front of him without having a room to hide in, now having to share a bed with him the world was on rindous side today.
The moment you laid by rindou, his arms already found their way around your waist, pulling you closer to him his bulge pressing up against your ass, cologne filling your nose while rindou ever so slightly pushed himself closer to you, his lips quickly attacking your neck Rindous hands lingering from your stomach, inching down towards your panties, making quick work to slide them down your thighs, rin freezing his cock from his boxers, hand sliding down into your panties, rins index finger rubbing small circles on your clit. Your moans immediately went straight to rindous cock, making his lust for you worse.
"Think you can handle the tip, bunny?" Rin teased nibbling on your ear, chuckling at your little whimpers. "I promise to be gentle with you, little lamb." Rindou whispered in your ear sliding the tip of his cock inside, groaning in your ear, his hand gripping onto your thigh pushing it further up as his pace quickened, pushing his cock deeper inside your gummy walls. The tip of his cock kissing up against your cervix with every thrust. Your body felt like it was on fire, every thrust felt like rindou was going to break you in half but it felt too good to even begin to beg rin to stop, Every thrust rindou kept stretching you out.
"Fuck bunny, keep squeezing me like that and you're gonna make me cum. You'd like that wouldn't you? The thought of me breeding you, making you mine only, turning you on, dove?" His words went straight to your core, your mind going blank as your orgasm was all your body cared about. Rindou smirking as you creamed around his cock, feeling his own orgasm washing over him, rin buring his face near your neck, biting down near your neck giving you a hickey while his cum spills inside you. "Hopefully this can satisfy you for tonight. We don't want anything spilling out now do we?"Rindou hummed, pulling your panties off your legs throwing them across his floor before cuddling up with you.
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felikatze · 9 months
yall know i take heroes for a grain of salt unless it suits my agenda,,, but man brave robin's forging bonds is all over the place
namely in how the whole grima thing is handled
it swings HEAVILY in favor of the "grima is possessing robin" angle yet it ALSO ties grima's awakening explicitly to robin's emotions, which, why would that matter if he's possessed?
the phrase "blood of the fell dragon" comes up a lot. also iirc first time a grima calls robin a vessel? grima sure doesn't in awakening itself (fp notwithstanding), and also only female grima does it??? either by intent or happenstance it seems that f grima is gunning for the possession angle where as m grima is more on the emotions angle
like there's dissonance going on about the plain text of the conversation ("grima will take control of robin") and the themes of the conversation ("this can be averted if robin maintains hope, and even the grimas could become robin again if they find it")
ok let me just. compile.
obligatory disclaimer: i am in HUGE favor of the reincarnation angle and vocal disliker of the vessel angle but only my fellow grima stans know that and i cant expect everyone to have in depth knowledge of my grima takes. i am gonna Try to be a lil objective here
tldr intsys needs to stop being apolitical and just PICK A SIDE within the grima trenches already. add to this the timeline confusion of depths of despair, yeah, Grima in heroes is very muddy.
ok so i took a whole BUNCH of screenshots and they're all in german because (points at map of where i live) but that tends to follow english closely. expect minor translation differences ofc
C Support
This one is pretty plain in just the grimas waltzing up to robin going "hey grima is gonna possess you one day lmao. get scared"
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Choice quotes from this one:
1. Robin: W-who are you? No, oh no... Could you be what becomes of me under the fell dragon's influence?
2. F Grima: Know your place, mortal. You are nothing more than Grima's vessel.
Yah. I can argue abt the validity of heroes lore all I like but within the convo itself this is just plain text.
B Support
So this is where the first doubts creep in. F Grima continues her spiel about Robin saying that "Grima's blood flows in those veins without a doubt." I wont reiterate every single time someone does this bcuz Image Limit, but it is primarily F Grima and Brave Robin.
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1. M Grima: The knowledge of what you really are will haunt you forever.
2. F Grima: That is all we had to say to you. Take our words to heart... other Robin.
Here we get into my preferred angle. Not only is M Grima saying that being Grima is Robin's true nature, but F Grima directly acknowledges that she and M Grima are both also Robin, which is an odd choice if it's just Grima possessing Robin speaking. Cuz then the person speaking would not, in fact, be Robin.
Then, when the two Grimas are alone and giggling at their rehearsed performance, F Grima says this:
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1. F Grima: Maybe the created discomfort will be enough to awaken the Fell Dragon.
2. F Grima: Maybe soon, monstrous flowers of ruin will bloom from the sown doubt.
So this is getting into the logistics of how Grima will awaken (inevitably, of course /s). In Awakening itself, a read of Robin as the vessel would have you believe only the rite at the Dragon's Table is necessary to do so. Here, however, F Grima says it's Robin's despair that will cause Grima's return, which she has already sown the seeds for.
In fact, causing Robin to doubt himself to sooner awaken Grima is explicitly what the two Grimas approached him for. This is their goal! But why would that even be necessary if all that was needed was for Validar to brainwash Robin and drag them to the Table? No despair needed! Robin's emotional state is irrelevant in that scenario.
You can argue of course that emotional weakness would make it easier for Grima to take control of Robin,,, but that never comes up. It's always Robin loses hope = Grima awakens.
A Support
Here, Brave Robin mentions being of Grima's blood a whopping three times in a row before Chrom can cut in. The Grimas words weigh on his mind and he's looking for reassurance from his boyfriend.
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Brave Robin: The blood of the Fell Dragon could awaken within me one day... Doesn't that scare you?
Chrom's response here is notable. (Images cut for the damn 10 image limit on mobile)
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Chrom: The day could come, where I, too, fall prey to my own despair. But even then I'm sure that I wouldn't stray from the right path with you by my side.
Again, Grima is not framed as a possessive force, but as Robin's own despair and hopelessness. Chrom would have no ground to compare the two if the former was the case. How would you even compare your own depression with your friend being taken over by a hostile spirit?
This is the dissonance I was talking about.
S Support
Robin, emboldened by Chrom's support, confronts the two Grimas.
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F Grima: As long as you live, the Fell Dragon can take possession of you at any moment.
Robin says he has the blood of the demon dragon with the weird as hell "those veins" line. Who says that??? Did yall forget possessive pronouns exist. Just say "my veins" dear boy
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Robin: It's true that the blood of the Fell Dragon runs through these veins. But that circumstance only calls for more discipline on my part.
Robin: The knowledge of my nature only makes me more determined to never betray my allies' trust.
Here we have both in the same speech! Here, whether he succumbs to Grima is entirely put on Robin and Robin's determination. As well, he says that it's "his nature." Like yeah, this could mean "his nature as Grima's vessel", but that would be a weird use of the word nature (in the meaning of personality and disposition).
Like, again, the focus is on Grima as a result of Robin's emotional state. The two are directly tied and correlating.
To end of, shrortly beforr the Grimas leave, Robin says to them
"Maybe you can escape the Fell Dragon's fangs and walk your own path one day."
Like yeah the literal meaning is again "maybe the robins can be saved from grima" but it can also be taken in a metaphorical sense of "maybe the robins can free themselves from the role of grima."
i'm just generally befuddled. i do like the thematic thread of "robin will never become grima if he keeps hope." but the possession stuff is so entirely literal. but then why - god i already said this.
Grima loving hours incoming! Feel free to skip i just love them.
The one upside for this, for my terminal Grima brainrot - Grima's motivations in this are so tasty to chew on. I mentioned before, the Grimas approach Robin with the intent of making him despair in the face of his inevitable destiny. But Robin doesn't, refutes them - he says that if he changed, so could they.
This is fascinating, cuz I think brave Robin terrifies them for this exact reason. He's just oblivious, he's the one who'll change, just see - yet he doesn't. He is the living proof destiny can change. Here we see again, Grima as hopelessness. They need destiny to be inevitable. Because then it's not a choice to be hopeless anymore. Things couldn't have gone better. What if Robin's bonds weren't meaningless trifles, though? It's a challenge to everything the Grimas had to accept.
But look around. This is Askr. People meet other versions of themselves by the dozen - with different fates and circumstances.
Grimas' reason to speak to Robin really just seems scared of change. The final take away from the S support for Robin is that maybe they can change too, after all. Grima is terrified of change! Of hope! Of becoming Robin again! Because then what was it all for? Why did they have to suffer so much? Isn't it unfair? Isn't the thought that you could've gotten luckier unbearable? Grima is my sopping wet meow meow, if you couldn't tell.
Grima fan hours over, back to complaining.
another layer of confusion for the setting of this is is... when is this robin from, exactly?
so brave robin is said to be the tactician of the "newly crowned" exalt, matching legendary chrom's time period. This gives us precisely two options, each with their own issues:
This Robin is from the two year timeskip after chapter 12, where Chrom assumes the throne after Emmeryn's death.
This Robin is from a post canon ending wherein Chrom becomes exalt for realsies (likely only viable for a Chrom ending).
The issue with the first one is: Robin wouldn't know that he's fellblood at this point? He starts suspecting it in chapter 13, obviously because the grimleal hierophant has his exact name and face, as well as Validar's attempt at telepathy. He'd have to be from after the timeskip if that is the case.
Of course, he could be hearing this for the first time from the Grimas. In that case, his reaction is extraordinarily mild. And his first words to them are "Could you be what becomes of me under the fell dragon's influence?" If he's hearing this for the first time, what a wild conclusion that is to make. Again, he'd have no clue he's fellblood, that this is even a scenario that could happen at all.
The issue with the second option is that Robin... would have nothing to be afraid of? He would have already confronted the self that became Grima and defeated it. At which point this whole forging bonds becomes an entirely redundant character arc that really would just be inferior to the equivalent moment in Awakening itself. Robin cites himself as proof that the Grimas could change, indicating a post-canon mindset, but then, why do their words initially get to him so much?
I don't think he'd just be second act Robin either - Chrom would've already been Exalt for two years at that point, which makes the "newly-crowned" comment odd.
All around I'm.. mildy disappointed with this one. As stated just now, it's a redundant arc that doesn't show us anything new about Robin.
Looking at Soren's - that one really took advantage of the Heroes setting to display Soren's growth as a character. The interactions between him and Ranulf were great and funny, and the way he opens up to his younger self shows that Ike's kindness affected him.
Corrin also got great moments with Gullveig. It was amazing to see a post-revelations Corrin who succeeded in ending a war through communication, and how she carries it forward into solving conflicts now, no matter how dire, by extending compassion to the summoned Gullveig. I haven't finished her own storyline yet, but I already liked seeing her interact with Azura and Lilith.
By comparison, this is a scenario that literally already happens in the game itself. It elaborates more on Grima as a metaphor for hopelessness, yet muddles the logistics of it by not committing to either option to what Grima is in relation to Robin.
All around. Love Brave Robin! Great outfit! He's very cute! Another win for gay marriage! His forging bonds? Mehhhh.
Despite the ongoing discussion of "What timeline even IS this??", at least Depths of Despair gave us something new in a bad timeline chrobin dynamic. this is heroes goddammit. get crazy with it.
i would literally kill for robin-idunn interaction you would not believe. could you imagine brave robin and spring idunn interacting,,,, i am crying just thinking about it.
FEH has done a great deal to really uplift Grima as a character and add more depth to what the game gave us, both in backstory crumbs and the motivation department, so seeing them fumble the bag here is just disappointing. Can they get their own lore together already?
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sleepless-rants · 1 month
hi sleepless, I hope you’re having (or, already had) a great day!!!!!!!! 💜💜
I was wondering if you had any ideas (or, headcanons for what it’s worth) on the curse the immortal khaneriahns were given? Since it seems to be somewhat different between the three we know (dain, rhine & chlothar) what do you think is. just them being them. or byproduct of curse? :’)
*starts rubbing my hands together like a fly*
OK. another brain dump
Firstly, funny how you mention the diffrences, because one thing that's been bugging me since the harbinger teaser and then again when we saw chlothar, was the way khaenri'ahns wear their eyepatch diffrently.
Having the right eye covered is obviously a theme, but dainsleif covers the corrupted area around his eye and not the eye itself (which seems to be a normal eye?? Intrestingly???), kaeya and pierro (both alberich and from the same family line I assume) have the eye itself covered as well, chlothar, despite being a few hundred years into his curse when we see him, does not have any abnormalities with his eye and nothing to cover. Irmin, from what we can tell from the statuette (and the fact that he's called the one eyed king obv), does have an abnormal eye but isnt covering it.
I theorised a while back that (to summarize) since we got confirmation from the melusine quest that abyssal creatures see the world diffrently, maybe khaenri'ahns who had their hand in abyssal power had one eye infected or smth and now cover it to avoid the abyss vision (cuz we know how the abyss vision worked out for durin and elynas :'D) BUT it could also have something to do with how the curse functions in terms of necrosis and whatnot.
Nevertheless the question of why are khaenri'ahns affected so diffrently by the same curse and same energy and same situation has been bothering me for a very long time. Other than the eyes theres so many examples of this. Think about dain and chlothar for a second. Chlothar's hands were so out of function after like 200 years that he couldnt pluck his own mushrooms, yet after 500 years dain is jumping around fighting five abyss mages at once.
And we already KNOW that other factors affect the functioning of the curse and its not just about blood. Black serpant knights and shwaneritter turn into shadowy husks, some of the people who accepted the abyss turned into abyss mages while others turned into abyss lectors / heralds. Then we have people like the baptist who turned into giga lectors.
Maybe its the rank you had in your khaenri'ah days that determines what the curse does to you? Maybe its your exposure to abyssal power? The main function of the curse is similar for everyone. It becomes a part of you, it eats away at your mind and body until theres nothing but a husk left. But how did some people delay this process? Does it have something to do with the eyes?
Also lets talk about the "thing" dain talked about in the chasm quest. Yknow the one thats supposed to slow down the symptoms of the curse.
"How have they managed to hold on to their consciousness for so long without 'it'?" Or something like that. What is that? And is it the same for every currently "still consious" khaenri'ahn? Are we then safe to assume its not some niche alchemical substance or something that only certain people can access?
I saw someone say it could be an irminsul branch which makes sense cuz
1- pierro rhine dain chlothar could all easily have access to it
2- we know that abyss mages and heralds (who also have their consiousness intact) carry them
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ateez-himari · 7 months
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ATEEZ(에이티즈) @ATEEZofficial
[#히마리] Five years ago we made our debut with hearts full of anxiety, wondering if anyone would even bother showing up, and now we've just ended a world tour. At first they were strangers to me, people I was too shy to approach but now whenever someone asks about them I simply say 'my second family'. They've scolded me, cared for me, held my hand, showered me with love, dried my tears, created my smiles and played a part in raising me. We're much more than friends, we're soulmates...because in every life I would choose them, no matter where or who we are. I know Chuseok has passed but I want to make a wish. I wish for the nine of us to keep standing by each other for a very long time...so that we can get old together. Let's continue our journey okay? ATEEZ HWAITING! ㅋㅋㅋ Happy 5 years to us, to my home.❤️9 MAKES 1 TEAM! (I can't ever get them in a picture together sorry ㅠㅠ...) #ATEEZ #애이티즈
Translated from Korean by Google
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10:45am. · 23 Oct 23 · 2.5M Views 41K Reposts 1,267 Quotes 1.3M Likes
mikah @himaswife Replying to @ATEEZofficial We always joke about Joong and Hwa being the parents of the group but think about it...Hima was around 14 when she came to KQ and hadn't been with her family much for about a year cuz she was at JYPE. So they basically finished raising her🥹
koala koala @koalazia Replying to @himaswife omg yes she even has similar habits to each of the members😭idk who else knows this but in an interview Yeo said he saw her copy her older brothers' actions a lot and he noticed she was doing the same with them
cheongdam pepper @33khj Replying to @ATEEZofficial new pre-debut photos yes omg! i've been an atiny since the beginning and i can't believe they've already grown so much- hima went from hiding behind the members bc of all the hate and social anxiety to being a global ambassador for versace and 4th gen's little social butterfly
nabi @jigeumfly Replying to @ATEEZofficial happy 5 years our ateez 🥂we're so proud of you! you went from performing in small theaters to your first ever stadium, becoming the most successful 4th generation group not from a big company. you truly deserve all the happiness that comes your way (also the way she talks about them...my heart can't take this i'm crying)
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🐯: I didn't think they'd remember either but my brothers all sent me congratulation messages this morning ㅋㅋㅋ My parents called me instead and my mom was really emotional so it made me cry a little bit but it's okay because it was tears of love. I'll go see my birth parents soon! I haven't brought them flowers in a while so they must miss me a lot. It's okay though I'm sure they've been watching over our shows and ATINY as well so they'll understand!
🐯: I guess it's true that sometimes I act like the members ㅋㅋㅋ I've always had a habit of copying people who taught me so since they raised me for a while I copy them a lot. Hongjoong oppa says I started biting people only after meeting Wooyoung oppa...so I guess some of them are bad influences ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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'As we're filming this it's ATEEZ's 4th debut anniversary already which means we've pushed through a lot of bad times, a lot of physical and mental struggles. My hope for you is that when thinking of the past you're able to see the happy memories more than the negativity, that you can see everything you accomplished over the years. I also hope you've gotten strong enough to let go of the members' hands sometimes and that you can help them as much as they've cared for us. Learn to take a break sometimes so we can go back to painting okay? Hwaiting!'
Q: Do you feel you've become stronger since last year and that you've learned to rest?
When looking back it simply feels as though I've become more free in the past year, not putting as many harsh restrictions on myself which makes me a lot happier...and I guess it's a form of strength so yes. It's still a bit hard to get into the mindset of taking a moment to rest so the process is slow but I'm getting there at my own pace. I think past me would be proud to know that I've started to paint again...actually my room is filled with messy tools a lot nowadays.
Q: How would you describe your relationship with ATEEZ?
In very short terms...a group of eight chaotic big brothers who would be willing to steal the moon if I asked. They've shown me so much love that it feels as though I can't refer to them simply as friends anymore so...family.
Q: What modifier do you want ATEEZ to have in 2024?
Growth has always been very important to us so even if there's nothing I would wish to change within our team, I want us to keep growing. Whether it be as people, musicians, dancers, performers or even our career, I want us to have come a farther way next year than where we are now. Not only for us but also for ATINY to be able to grow with us without thinking that it is something much too intimidating or unachievable.
Q: A word for ATINY who's been with ATEEZ for 5th anniversary in 2023.
It might seem like something we say very often...but thank you. ATINY have been our biggest motivators from the moment we made our debut and they've always laughed with us, cheered us on, given us words of motivation and during hard times they continued to support us no matter what. They make ATEEZ whole. So ATINY make sure to stay healthy and know that we're behind you too no matter what. We'll make sure to work hard so you can always be proud of us. I love you!
Q: A letter to myself a year from now.
I'm sure that there are still a few mental struggles you need to face but remember that with the members behind you, you won't ever fall far so please don't be afraid of anything. Continue to give as much love as you can to our parents, our brothers, our members, our friends and ATINY so that they can also find the same hope we have. I know you'll be a lot stronger by the time you see this and I promise that I'll keep working hard okay? I can't wait to meet you next year!
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dreamingofaizawa · 2 years
Caught Between a Blonde and a Hard Place
Eijiro Kirishima x Neito Monoma x AFAB! Reader
***This is an 18+ fic. Minors DNI***
Warnings: Dom/sub/sub dynamics, Kiri is a soft dom w/ you, brat tamer w/ Monoma. One(1) mention of bondage/cucking, orgasm denial if you squint, penetrative sex (p in v, p in a), anal, fingering, petnames (babygirl, babyboy, brat, boytoy, etc), threesome, hints at future poly relationship, aftercare, sub drop.
Word Count: 4k
Author's Note: AHAHA yeah I've been WAITING for this one ok? I'm so proud of this, even tho it's not ended the best but I still love it ok? The rarepair is FEEDING my soul. ANYWHO have fun reading this cuz I put my whole coochie into this one.
You’re not entirely sure how this happened, but you’re not at all upset about it. 
You’d come home to your gorgeous boyfriend Eijiro Kirishima sitting on the couch with a devious look in his eyes. He’d told you he had a surprise waiting for you in your shared bedroom, something you’d been dying to bring to the more intimate side of your relationship. You hadn’t realized what exactly he was talking about until you opened the door.
Perched on the edge of your bed was none other than pro-hero Phantom Thief, or as you and Eijiro know him, Neito Monoma. To say you were shocked would be a bit of an understatement; the relationship between Monoma and Kirishima was a bit infamous back in high school. While the blonde was known for attracting the ire of most, Kirishima was widely known to be the only person able to tame Katsuki Bakugo, another blonde with an unsavory disposition. Still, without fail, whenever Neito entered the room Eijiro’s expression would drop into something less than cheerful. 
Some would even say the redhead hated the cocky blonde from 1-B.
And yet here he is, nervously bouncing his leg with his arms crossed over his chest, his thumb nail stuck between his teeth. You clear your throat softly to get his attention, and when his powder blue eyes snap up to meet yours you swear you can see hearts in them. He stands abruptly, swiftly taking the few strides over to you and gently grasping your hand to pull it to his mouth, leaving a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“It’s good to see your beautiful face again.” Heat blooms from your chest up to your cheeks from the blatant and unexpected flattery, and from someone so…pretty. You’d be lying to say he isn’t attractive. He’d grown into quite the handsome hero, high cheekbones and sharp jaw framing his features. There’s no doubt in your mind he’s probably built his body into something admirable as well.
“It’s good to see you too, Monoma. A bit unexpected, but pleasant all the same.” His smile is soft as he speaks, softer than you remember him to be. 
“Please, call me Neito.” When you echo his name back to him he visibly relaxes, a sigh escaping him as he squeezes your hand and loops his arm around your waist. Your chest is flush with his and your noses are side by side, his forehead dropping to lean on yours.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” You’re about to nod when Eijiro speaks up from the doorway.
“No, it’s not. Or did you forget I already told you that?” Eijiro’s voice has a hardened edge you’re not used to hearing, and it makes you shiver. The blonde releases you and takes a step away, allowing your boyfriend to sweep you into a very passionate kiss full of teeth and tongue. When you’re finally allowed a breath you gently hit Eijiro's shoulder.
“Now how is that fair, Eiji? Did you just bring him here to taunt him?” The crush Neito has harbored for you is well known. Ever since Eijiro had managed to snag you in your second year at UA, the blonde had constantly hinted that he had wanted to steal you, always showing off in front of you. Everyone could tell he liked you, and it wasn’t long before Eijiro got sick of his antics and chased him off. You aren’t entirely sure what transpired between the two, but Neito’s incessant posturing stopped overnight.
“Oh baby, of course not. You see, blondie and I already had a little discussion before you got home. He’ll be joining in on the fun, don’t you worry, but of course we’ve both set boundaries and talked through some…dynamics.” Eijirou lets you go and walks over to Neito, who’s looking up at the towering redhead with something between fear, irritation, and lust. Eijiro’s massive hand comes up to cup the other’s face, his calloused thumb gently swiping at his cheek.
“We’ve decided to go with the color system, haven’t we Neito?” The blonde seems to melt into Eijiro’s palm, nodding softly. 
“Yes. Red for stop, yellow for slow down and check in, green for keep going.” Eijiro’s chuckle rumbles in his chest at Neito’s calm state. It’s as if he’d been hypnotized, completely unlike his normal boisterous self. It’s odd seeing him so at peace. And Eijiro is reveling in the power he now holds over him.
“Huh, I expected more of a fight from you, Neito. You said you’re a brat but you’re being such a good boy for me already.” You watch their interaction, watch as Eijiro leans in and his lips brush against Neito’s, watch the tension between them turn palpable. The whine Neito lets out is so sweet as he grips Eijiro’s wrist, wordlessly begging for a kiss. If you didn’t know better, the blonde is as much attracted to the bulky redhead as he is to you.
Eijiro grips the smaller man’s face harshly, leaning away from him with a cruel chuckle. His voice sounds so mean when he talks to Monoma.
“What, you wanted a kiss? Well you’re gonna have to earn it.” Neito’s whine is loud when Eijiro walks him to the plush armchair in the corner and shoves him into it. He leans down into his face, his hands trapping Neito’s arms on the chair.
“Color, Neito.” He gasps out a ‘green’, leaning his head back onto the chair and settling into his seat. With the blonde situated, big beefy pro-hero Red Riot turns on you.
“See? We’ve got everything under control. Now, if you��re ready, let’s give him a show.” You nod up at him, rendered speechless. Watching Eijiro and Neito push and pull so well has sent your stomach into a fit of butterflies. Monoma brings out a side of your boyfriend you’d never really seen before, and you’d be a filthy liar if you said you didn’t like it. Now Neito’s baby blue eyes are settled on you as Eijiro tugs your clothes off, slowly peeling away layers of fabric to reveal your skin to prying eyes.
When you’re fully naked Eijiro sits on the bed, placing you in his lap with your back to his chest, facing Neito directly. He’s already visibly flustered, cheeks and chest flushed a pretty pink as he pants out his breaths, a bulge already visible in his slacks. Eijiro stays silent as he sucks marks into your neck, his teeth digging into your skin as his hands wander over your body. Thick fingers tug at your nipples and make you mewl, make you push your chest out to chase the feeling.
“Like what you see, pretty boy? She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Neito bites his lip and stifles a moan as he nods, eyes fixated on your breasts as they bounce when Eijiro tugs and releases your nipples.
“Cat got your tongue? Answer me Neito, use your words.” The threat in Eijiro’s voice doesn’t go unnoticed, but rather ignored. The blonde bites his lip harder in a poor attempt to hide his smirk as he remains silent, his eyes narrowing to challenge the man behind you. Eijiro chuckles, nearly laughing at his act of defiance.
“So the brat comes out. I wonder how easily I can break that attitude of yours.” With that, his hands continue their path on your body, palming their way down your stomach, then hips, then taking the time to massage your thighs. The noises spilling from your lips are Eijiro’s favorite sounds, all your pretty whines and moans only fueling his lust. The mixture of Eijiro toying with your body and Neito’s piercing eyes watching your every movement is making you dizzy, sending searing heat between your legs. You can feel the slick dripping down to your ass already, feel yourself dripping for both men in the room.
Eijiro’s hands hook under your knees and pull your legs apart, draping them over his own spread legs before his fingers dip down to spread your folds for Neito’s gaze. The man moans out loud at the sight of you, splayed out over Eijiro’s lap, his cock bulging in his sweats beneath you. Neito’s hips buck up off his chair, his hands clawing at the armrests to resist touching himself. Eijiro groans into your shoulder at the sight.
“You remembered that rule huh? Good, if you hadn’t I’d tie you down and cuck you for being a disobedient little brat.” He moans again at that, this time louder and more guttural, his chest heaving and hips jerking in an attempt to get more friction. You whine in response, feeding off of Neito’s sounds and desperately wanting to see what’s hidden beneath those pesky clothes of his.
“Oh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Tied up and at my mercy, stuck being my little boy toy.” Eijiro plays with your clit as he speaks to Neito and the filth pouring from his mouth is edging you closer to your end. Neito himself looks about ready to burst, face and chest flushed red, moans endlessly spilling from his lips, legs trembling as he humps the air. It’s so hot, seeing the normally proud man so needy, so lost in his own lust. You wonder briefly if you look as hot and bothered as the blonde does right now.
Eijiro only chuckles into your neck, his thick fingers still rolling around your clit and dipping down into your dripping pussy. It’s almost torturous the way he’s toying with your sex, building the tension in your tummy so agonizingly slow as you both watch Neito fall apart so easily. And of course Eijiro is laying it on thick for you both.
“Isn’t she beautiful, Neito? Look at how her pussy sucks in my fingers.” Neito’s eyes are watering, no doubt because of how painfully hard he must be beneath those tight slacks of his. A tear falls down his cheek and Eijiro’s coo is so condescending you’d think he was a bully in high school.
“Aw crying already, pretty boy? Wanna cum?” Neito nods, tears falling down his face and neck, his voice shaky as he begins to beg.
“P-please I want to cum, need to cum so bad.” Just hearing him so broken is making you shake in your boyfriend’s lap.
“Well that’s too fuckin’ bad. I’ve got other plans for you.” You almost feel bad for Neito, being edged like that, but it’s hard to think once Eijiro’s fingers pick up their pace on your clit and he spouts filth into your neck loud enough for the blonde to hear.
“Look at him, babygirl. Doesn’t he look pretty? And pathetic, needing to cum already, completely untouched,” you nod, of course Neito is pretty, but now Eijiro’s voice sounding so cruel is sending you for a loop, “Come on baby, cum for us. Give him a show, won’t you? He’s dying to see.” Neito’s eyes snap up to you and when you lock gazes you can almost hear him pleading, begging to see you come undone. That sharp gaze mixed with Eijiro’s nasty words are more than enough to have a knot tightening in your belly, but it’s so hard to cum when you’re so empty.
“Oh baby, are you having trouble cumming? I bet you are, I’ve only been playing with your little clit. Why don’t you come over here and help her cum Neito? Since you’re not using that loud fucking mouth of yours you should put it to good use.” Eijiro’s words alone sent a wave of heat through you, the cruel way he almost taunts Neito to misbehave. But the man is too eager to get to you, wouldn’t dare break a rule if it means he’ll get to eat you out. He nearly leaps out of his chair to bury his face between your thighs. His pornographic moan is muffled and drowned by your own as he sucks your clit into his mouth, his fingers gathering your slick and pushing past your walls.
Fuck it feels good. His fingers are long, slender, not nearly as thick and rough as Eijiro’s, but it’s clear he has experience. Within seconds he’s pinpointed that place deep inside you that makes your toes curl and your back bow off Eiji’s chest. Your chest heaves as he batters that spot, curling those lithe fingers so hard it makes your legs tremble.
“C’mon Neito, make her cum and I’ll consider fucking you brainless like I do her.” Just the thought of getting to see that transpire is enough to send you over the edge, and Neito’s sucked your clit hard, tearing a moan from your throat as you cum all over the blonde’s face. He doesn’t waste any of it, slurping up every drop and licking you clean, and you tremble from the slight overstimulation. Looking down at him, he looks like he’s gazing up at a deity from where he kneels beneath you.
“Thank you, Neito,” you breathe out, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair. He leans into your touch, grabbing your hand and turning to leave a kiss on the inside of your wrist.
“Thank you, sweet girl, for letting me help you.” You share a tender smile with him before Eiji butts in.
“Aww, how sweet. Looks like you did it, blondie,” Eijiro plants a soft kiss on your temple before gently depositing you on the bed, turning and roughly grabbing Neito’s face, “I’m gonna fuck you within an inch of your life tonight, babyboy.” Only then does the redhead kiss the other, a hand wrapping around Neito’s neck and dragging him up into the larger man’s lap without breaking their passionate makeout. Watching it is another experience entirely. Neito’s hands are clawing at Eijiro’s shoulders in an attempt to get him somehow closer, and Eiji’s hands are on the smaller man’s hips and ass, squeezing and groping whatever he can reach. 
You can’t help the heat pooling in your belly again, squeezing your legs together and rubbing your thighs to get some friction. Softly, you echo each of Neito’s moans and whimpers, watching him lose himself to pleasure as he grinds against Eijiro. When they finally separate, your boyfriend dips his head down to Neito’s shoulder and sucks a mark into his neck, leaving a noticeable blooming red bite on his otherwise pure skin. 
“I’m going to ruin you, Neito. That’s a fuckin’ promise. Now strip and get on the bed.” It’s a mess of limbs and fabric as you get positioned, you on your back with Neito leaning over you. You only get a few seconds to admire his position above you before your boyfriend shoves the blonde’s face into your chest, yanking his hips up to grind his dick against Neito’s ass. He takes the opportunity to suck a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the bud and nibbling it lightly. 
“Look at you two. My beautiful princess, and my pretty little toy.” You watch as Eijiro purses his lips and spits down on Neito’s ass, a thumb rubbing over his puckered hole before slipping inside. Both of them groan at the slide, Neito wrapping his arms around you and sucking your tits harder to distract himself. Whether from the pain or pleasure, you aren’t sure. It isn’t long before Ei has three fingers stretching his ass open, and he pulls them out to line up the tip of his cock.
“Color, Neito. Gimme a color baby.” The blonde looks about ready to sob, his voice high-pitched and whiny.
“Green! Please, please green!” The grin on your boyfriend’s face is pure sin, a dark chuckle pouring from his chest. He sinks in all at once, immediately setting a rough pace as Neito screams out moans and his eyes roll back into his skull. You reach a hand down to play with your clit while you watch Eijiro completely ruin the blonde that used to torment the two of you. He notices quickly.
“Are you feeling lonely sweetheart? Feeling left out? Don’t worry, he can help you with that, can’t you babyboy?” Eijiro slams in one last time before halting balls-deep in Neito’s ass, and the blonde is shaking as tears fall down his cheeks. And by god does he look pretty like this. He nods from his place between your breasts, whining as he positions his hips so his cock slips into your pussy. Eijiro follows him, not letting himself slip out even an inch. 
“Are you ready sweetpea?” Neither of you know who he’s talking to, but you both nod anyway, and when he pulls back and pushes back in, he takes Neito with him. Every thrust pushes the blonde deeper into you, and soon you’re all moving in tandem. Eijiro is fucking his weight into the both of you like an animal, his eyes feral as he pounds the both of you into the bed. 
It’s heavenly, feeling how your boyfriend is using the both of you like ragdolls. Neito’s cock is long and hits some spot deep inside you, and with Eiji’s power behind it your head is spinning, your vision spotting with black the closer your orgasm approaches. It takes a moment for you to register his voice through the water in your ears.
“C’mon, cum for me. I know you can do it. Be a good boy for me and cum inside her.” Oh fuck. You can feel his whine in your ribcage, feel the rhythm of his thrusts change. He’s pushing and pulling all his own, chasing you with every push and burying Eijiro further inside himself with every pull. He’s chasing that high and you’re right there with him, his hips grinding against your clit sending sparks up your spine. The blonde is sobbing as he fucks himself onto Eijiro and into you, a final shout crawling up his throat as you feel ropes of hot cum fill you up and you fall over the edge from the feeling.
There’s so much of it you can feel it spilling down your ass and onto the bedsheets. You’re still cumming while Eijiro keeps pounding away, Neito limp and only being held up by Ei’s hands on his hips. It isn’t long before he cums with a feral growl, burying himself as far as possible in Neito’s ass and hunching over the both of you to catch himself. He falls over and you all curl into a heap on the bed, two of you shaking from remnants of your orgasm. Eijiro’s voice seeps through the haze in your brain, his hands and lips smoothing over your skin.
“Come back to me baby. I’ve got you, sweet thing.” He’s talking to both of you, you realize after you come down from that high. He’s got one large palm on either of you, stroking your hair and shoulders, rubbing soothing circles into your backs. It takes Neito longer to come back, but once he does he’s clinging to you like a koala. And you cling to him, and Eijiro manages to wrap his arms around the both of you.
He coaxes you both into a bath, comforting you both and disappearing only for a few minutes to clean the bed. When everything is said and done you’re all cuddling on the bed again, you and Neito on either side of Eijiro, holding each other’s hand over his stomach.
“How are you doing?” You and Neito lock eyes over his chest, then peek up at the redhead. There’s a weird tension in the room, too many things gone unspoken. Neito ends up speaking first.
“I liked it…a lot. A lot more than I care to admit.” His cheeks burn as he averts his eyes away from the larger man, his hand gripping yours ever so slightly tighter. Eijiro reaches over and tilts his head up to look him in the eyes.
“It’s okay to admit it. But that’s not what I’m talking about baby,” Neito’s face burns red at the pet name, “I mean are you okay right now? After everything’s said and done, are you okay? Do you need anything? Anything at all?” The blonde looks conflicted for a second, glancing over at you then back at Eijiro, seemingly bashful.
“Can I… have a kiss, maybe? If that’s okay?” He complies easily, leaning into a sweet, tender kiss. Tears begin to fall down Monoma’s face, his hands trembling as they move to grip Ei’s shoulders. He’s quick to bundle him up, holding him tight.
“Shhh you’re okay. What do you need?” Between hiccups, he manages to get a question out.
“I’m not j-just a t-toy *hic* right?” Ei coos down at him, holding him even tighter as you curl up next to them, wrapping an arm over the smaller man’s back in your own attempt to comfort him. You know what’s happening, he’s dropped after a high, the rush of happy chemicals fading.
“No! No, of course not. You’re not just a toy baby, I promise. You were so so good for us, good for me. You’re perfect, Neito, I promise.” He sniffles and cries into Kiri’s neck, clinging to him until he calms and is able to breathe normally. His voice is hoarse and croaky from crying when he squeaks out a ‘thank you’. You all stay snuggled up in bed for a long while afterward, before Neito is suddenly squirming out of your grasp. Both you and Kiri assume he’s getting up to use the bathroom, but when he starts picking up and putting on his clothes you both sit up in bed. You whine as he tugs on his boxer-briefs and slips his feet into his pants.
“Neito where are you going?” He can’t seem to turn around and look at you as he replies.
“Thank you for allowing me to join you tonight. It truly was fun.” You scrunch your nose up, it sounds like he’s attempting to say goodbye. Eijiro is up out of bed, in all his naked glory, before you can think to do so yourself. Neito yelps as he’s suddenly thrown over the beefy hero’s shoulder, then tossed onto the bed before both of you dogpile on top of him. You whine again, this time into his neck.
“Nei, please stay tonight. It’s already super late. And I need you.”
“We need you,” Eiji corrects, “we both need you to stay tonight. Please.” He looks conflicted for a moment, before playfully rolling his eyes and submitting. It isn’t long before you’ve all settled into bed and fall right asleep.
The next morning you wake up snuggled into Neito’s side, his arms tight around you even in his sleep. Eijiro is nowhere to be found, but there’s a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. As quietly as you can, you squirm out of Neito’s arms and slip out of the room, putting on one of Kiri’s shirts on the way out. Kiri is hunched over the stove, a massive plate of food already sat on the side while he finishes up. You wrap your arms around him from behind and leave little kisses up his bare back, breathing in his scent.
“Good morning baby. Sleep well?” You nod against his back, sleep still tugging at your mind.
“Good. Breakfast is almost ready. Why don’t you go get Neito up so we can eat?” You hum, then grip Kiri’s hips and turn him around to look at you.
“Actually, can we talk real quick?” He turns off the stove before turning his full attention to you, a small ‘of course babe’ leaving his lips.
“I thought you hated Monoma in high school. How did you even manage to organize last night?” His smile is soft, and he grabs your hips to hold you close.
“That was high school, sweetheart. Neito may have been an asshole back then, but he’s clearly not the same now. He reached out to me a few weeks ago asking about you, and we got to talking. And here we are.” Okay. So, that answers one question.
“Alright. So then…what next? We eat breakfast and just…let him walk out the door?” A knowing smile creeps onto Kirishima’s face.
“Are you suggesting we keep him?” Your jaw drops at his wording.
“That is not what I said you big oaf. I’m just saying….”
“You’re saying you like him. I know. If I’m being honest, I like him too. So how about this: you go wake him up, we eat breakfast, and then we invite him to dinner. That is, if you’re alright with that?” You beam up at your boyfriend, giving him one last kiss before bouncing your way back to the bedroom to wake up Neito. This is hopefully the beginning of something amazing.
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awkward-clone · 1 year
Ok think I’ve finally got my thoughts together on the bright situation and im just gonna say it.
Its not gonna work.
It basically is just slapping on a new name on dr bright and calling it a day. Like. No matter what u do its the same character, it does nothing. Djkaktus said it himself that he was “always writing elias shaw.” That “any similarities are just a coincidence.”
So its funny seeing some of the ppl thats on board with this claim that “u cant separate the art from the artist” and yet that’s exactly what they're trying to achieve. Except, u know, the community had already done that a long time ago, ripping bright out of the hands of admin bright. So really, no change is actually being made.
Anyway with that out of the way I do want to address some concerns about djkaktus.
I’ve been looking around and have seen people mentioning that the dude:
1. Was quiet about the admin bright thing when it was happening along with actually being one of the people trying to cover it up
2. Had been banning people simply cuz they didn’t like his works
3. he’s an alleged predator
Now I havent personally found much relating to this other than people's words on it on tumblr. Tho someone on insta has told me that djkaktus was extremely quiet during the bright situation. Which yea it took an entire year after admin bright was banned to only now bring up this elias shaw bs.
Now if anyone has sources on any of this, links, screenshots, anything, it’d be a great help if ya can send it to me via replying to this post or dm-ing me. It would better help spread this awareness around.
Also regarding articles that had brights name replaced w/ SA jokes that haven’t been edited out which is something else that also has been mentioned to me, would appreciate it to get more scps/tales listed regarding that. Only got 4498 so far which has a really bad um…”butt stabbing” joke...I mostly did skim read it so I’ll have a proper read at some point.
- Elias Shaw is pointless and does nothing.
- People who are saying u can't separate art from artists are tryna separate bright from author.
- Djkaktus was quiet during the admin bright situation and potentially was tryna cover it up, has been banning ppl for not liking his stuff, is an alleged predator and hasnt edited out sa jokes in articles where he changed bright’s name.
Correct me if I’m wrong on anything or anything like that.
Edit: reminder to take the djkaktus stuff as a grain of salt (especially the predator allegations) as it did come from pixelated harmony who did in fact doxxed someone
Still I stand by that he was quiet about admin bright though and of course I still don’t believe the elias shaw thing is gonna work
edit edit edit: things are messy. u can look in the comments for more info I don't rlly know what to say beyond this point.
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