#he'll fight to portray him the best he can cause he just. gets. him.
justsimplypanic · 1 month
nobody understands jaskier like joey batey does
we are so fucking lucky
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
How about vash n reader are in a relationship and vashs insecurity and fear gets the best of him so he tries to break it off to protect reader but reader aint fucking having it and is all like “if you truly mean it then look at me in the eyes and tell me you dont love me” and OBVIOUSLY he cant cause hes so in love and shit then they makeout makeup
I absolutely love the possibility of angst here, the hurt/comfort is calling my name right now. Thanks for the req anon. I know the Gif is from Trigun Stampede but this one will take place in the original, I just think it better fits the story.
YOU'RE A BAD LIAR --- Vash the Stampede
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SUMMARY: A very short story about Vash finally admitting his insecurities. But how could he be so foolish, it's written all over him and you're not a fool.
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You stare at Vash, leaned up against the side of your house while he gazes off into the distance. He's wearing his shades again just to hide the look in his eyes, just so he doesn't have to look at you. He's so bad at hiding his emotions, even with the shades covering his eyes you can read the pain all over his face. His voice really gives it away.
"Why haven't you left yet?" Vash's voice rings out into the night, stirring the distilled silence floating around you. Even further he looks away from you.
"Because I love you." A simple answer for a simple question, but vash's instability isn't moved. He digs his hands deeper into his pockets and lowers his gaze to the wooden boards below his feet. "You shouldn't."
You frown, stepping forward to rest a hand on his arm. He shrugs you off. "Vash, don't be like this." From the moment you met him, he warned you time and time again about the dangers of crossing his path. You know well and good just what dangers he poses to you and yet you fight back against his word. "You know I won't leave you, it doesn't matter if it kills me-"
"it matters to me!" You jolt at his sudden shout. Surely it must have woke the neighbors. "I can't have you dead because of me. I won't let it happen. I'm done, I'm breaking this off now." He points to the ground and lightly stomps his foot.
Behind the shades, tears build in his eyes and threaten to spill. He can't stop his bottom lips from trembling with the urge to cry. He looked at you, damnit. He knows if he looked he would breakdown on the spot. How could he ever think of leaving you? He doesn't want too, but he's torn between keeping you close and cutting ties. Both burn the edges of his heart, daring to light his whole body ablaze.
"If you truly mean it, I want you to look at me in my eyes and tell me that you don't love me." You grasp his arm with a vice grip. His eyes meet you and the glint off his shades moves away. Eyes now fully in view, you can see right through his facade. He trembles in your touch.
"I can't." He sobs. "I can't say it. I won't." Every hard emotion he tried to portray crumbles in an instant. Longing for your comfort he pulls you close and wraps you tightly in his arms. His head is tucked away in the nape of your neck where you can feel his tears wet your skin and his breath tickle you. Smoothing your hands over his back you rub his through his coat while you shush his quiet crying.
He's given you his soul, the very gentle and kind soul that might break if you hold it the wrong way. Such a soft man melting right into your arms while he shudders and shakes. You're his world, he can't take the chance of getting you involved with him yet you're already in so deep. People will come after you soon enough, and the law will come for you too. Not a single person leaves his hold unharmed and it's sad.
Vash lifts his head. "Come with me. You can't stay here by yourself anymore." Despite the dangers he knows will find you out there with him, Vash knows he'll at least be there to keep you safe. As long as you're by his side nothing bad will happen. "I can't let you be here alone. If someone comes and I'm not here-"
You cup his face in your hands. "I'll be right by your side as long as you'll allow it." Your words are so kind and welcoming, it makes Vash's heart swell. Even knowing what fate might await you with him you always stick by his side, never daring to stray far from his grasp and keeping his insecurities away.
"I love you. I'm so sorry I even thought of breaking up with you." He presses a kiss to your forehead. "It'll never happen again, I swear."
With a kind smile you rub his cheek with your thumb. "It's ok. Just shut up and kiss me. That'll be your apology."
He nods and without question and presses his lips to yours. They meld perfectly together like pieces of a puzzle while you move in tandem. He is gentle and firm, not wanting to pull away in fear of it never happening again. Instead he nibbles at your bottom lip, his sharp canines poking a hole in your skin. Gasping for but a bright moment, you're stopped by his tongue intruding your mouth. You don't resist and close your eyes to let the feeling wash over you. The feeling of comfort and safety in his grasp. The one he offers to you anytime he's nearby. This is home.
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mommasunshines · 4 months
Do you have any headcanons for the zoo boys? I find the dynamic between that group kind of interesting
Oh do I ever! Thank you so much for asking.
I haven't thought about it much so bear with me, this isn't gonna be structured. Like, at all. This will lose coherence quickly.
Ward is gay. He was actually the first character while reading these books wehere I was actively looking at him and decided that he was gay, or at least could be if the author would write queer characters. I don't even quite remember what it was that sparked that believe in me, but something about the way we saw him portrayed made me think that he was. He was the first zoo kid next to Aubrey, and he was very much the awkward kid, and he was very protective of all his siblings. The way he kept fighting with Justin also could've been the start of a funny enemies to lovers dynamic, but that was only for like, a book or two. Him so desperately not wanting to be like his womanizing dad was also a thing where I was like: "Valid, but also, maybe you are so uncomfortable with that idea because you might not be into women? Who knows.
Vinny gives me the vibe of randomly dropping lore about himself. Like he'll be making burgers and talking and suddenly go "Oh yeah, I slept with some guys, it was fun, but you know, nothing too special. Except one, but that one moved across the country and he's got a girlfriend now so..." and never mention it again. It's just the vibe he's giving. Also in the bad boy era to infiltrate the gang? He could've been pullingggggg.
Lance is kind of a wild card. He is kind of the cute a little awkward guy, but at the same time very outgoing. He's described as pretty feminine or "pretty" at times which is something that is coded as something queer a lot of the times, guys being more feminine or pretty. Might have had something with a guy, might not have, I am leaning towards definitely a little bicurious, but I can't quite tell.
After a lot of thinking I decided Freddy either discovered he liked men during his time in Juvie, or he is somewhere on the ace spectrum. This man probably would make the dirtiest jokes known to man but when someone actually approaches him he's like: "No thanks, but hey, I wouldn't mind some food, wanna get some garlic bread?" He was kind of one of the hardest to pin down, but I think that's where I am at now.
Brandon I'm not sure about. Brandon we haven't seen much off, and he might just be straight. But you best bet that that man makes the whole world look rainbow in pride month the way Jesper can make it black and white. He is an Ally to the max.
Kayden is a kinda tricky one. Because like, if he does like men, he was probably always at least somewhat aware of it considering where he's from. He grew up on an island witht he warriors of Maui, and of course there would've been nothing sexual happening cause they consider each other family, but he's definitely discovered pretty early that he likes men if he does like men.
Now if it comes to dynamics within the group, not entirely sure. They all consider each other siblings to some degree, so it would be absolutely awkward. But I can see either Kayden of Vinny being the queer awakening for a lot of them, especially ward. But that's honestly most of what I got rn
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rawmeknockout · 2 years
Lost Light crew reacting to a mech (reader) having a flashback, assuming said mech did not previously disclose that they’ve been abused by their conjunx in the past? I know it’s a bit angst-y but my traumatized ass would love it if you wrote on this
//im not usually comfortable with like,,, abuse-centered stuff bc i think it is a pretty far reaching thing that doesnt even primarily take the form of violence and just feels like a 'mundanity' that seeps into all aspects of life (which is hard to portray in little snippets tbh) but this idea was just calling to me for some reason; btw only did a few bc these are long and id rather explore this in a reader-central fic than in headcanons//
when your ex captain’s ship crosses paths with the lost light, he really doesn’t think anything of it. his crew sees horrible old acquaintances all the time in their journey. it’s only until later that rodimus thinks this time is different. youre not filling him in on what's wrong and continue to brush aside his worry, but your old captain is already making their way on board to greet him and rodimus has to play polite. your old captain seems like a decent guy, and he's clearly admired by his crew. sometimes personal issues turn sour, so, although he doesnt like that tense, twisted look on your face and the way your optics focus on the boarding dock with an intensity he's never seen, rodimus believes it should be fine for now.
he pesters you later to know what's wrong, cause he's a nosy sort of friend, and when he finds out(whether from you or someone in the know), Rodimus insists that the crew has to slaughter this guy. Magnus has to step in to stop rodimus from starting a fight.
even afterwards, you continue to insist that what happened was in the past and not that big enough of a deal to do anything. he feels a nagging in his processor. that he should have done something, although he draws a blank when its not about punching someone or yelling them down.
as someone more perceptive than he lets on, tailgate gets a feel that something is wrong when he asks you what it was like to be part of that other crew. you give some vague response and leave it at that, clearly very distracted by something, but he figures maybe you just don't like your old captain as a person. it seems a lot of higher up autobots tend to say one thing and do another, making them not all theyre cracked up to be.
he's not good with words so he just gets furious when he finds out your past. he’s ready to fight and also torment and also eviscerate. yeah maybe sometimes he bullies you or pranks you but that’s a privilege reserved for tailgate and tailgate specifically! an absolute bastard of maximum proportions. i’m not just talking about fist fighting he’s cooking up plans for murder.
in the end, tailgate doesn't exactly have the best way of comforting you. he's never dealt with this sort of thing and telling you that he'll keep you safe seems to fall flat when he actually voices it.
you two aren't particularly close before this, so chromedome is much too focused on his day-to-day tasks to bother with a visiting crew they can exchange supplies/maps with. that is until rewind gives him the scoop about what seems to have gone down on the bridge today regarding rodimus and the other captain. chromedome is really only half listening, rodimus is known to get pretty violently jealous, until rewind gets to the part about your old captain potentially being 'rough' with his crewmates.
he knows a thing or two about shitty exes. he figures your situation is much different from his own until you confirm that you did, in fact, date your old captain. you two are more alike than he realized. it's hard to be around someone you trusted after they took advantage of you, using their proximity to hurt you, but it seems unlike him you can't shake your ex. whereas chromedome can just leave cybertron to escape, your ex is in a position where he can keep tabs on you and it's not exactly weird. he finds himself much more protective of you, especially if magnus and megatron don't let the lost light beat up your ex.
he'll just have to make up for that on his own time.
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twstandsh0ut · 2 years
Octavinelle Kink Headcannons
Soooo I'm finally posting this after leaving it perpetually in drafts. No idea when I'll get around to posting Scarabia, but I *should* have some new character analysis posts coming in the near future that are about how different characters would be in a relationship. I love reading twst fics, buuuuuut I do feel certain characters are a bit mischaracterized by the fandom (not that there's anything wrong with headcannons, I mean that's literally what this blog is filled with) so I wanted to post my personal take on them. Anyways, on to what you're here for~
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Azul Ashengrotto
A bit of an exhibitionist. I know he's often portrayed as being shy, buuuuuuut I believe he would be the opposite (see post on Azul and shyness). He wants to show off his partner and make others jealous that he has what they do not. Expect him to suddenly pull you into a kiss, doing his best to make you moan or blush in public, all while having that one smirk on his face.
Azul gets off on control, so expect him to be telling you what to do a lot (though not as much as a certain Scarabia student...). I can definitely see this getting out of hand, so brace yourself and be ready to knock him down a few pegs if needed.
100% into degradation. He can't help it, when he sees you desperately begging for him it just starts to come out. But you like that, don't you, you poor unfortunate soul?
I can definitely see him using toys and rope, but for him he can take or leave it/it depends on his mood.
Sadist. I mean, look at literally any interaction with the students under contract with him.
Dom, but could switch with the right person. He's spent a lot of time fighting to get to the top, I don't think he'll give up control so easily. The right person could persuade him to though, but I imagine it wouldn't be 100% of the time since sometimes he just needs to feel on top of the world.
Rather than preferring a sub/switch/Dom, he'd prefer someone that he could show off/would bring him higher social status or an advantage in the world of some sort. He wants someone that others will be jealous of. Bonus points if that person wields a lot of power but is completely submissive to him... although that kind of person would likely straight up get taken advantage of. Sorry, but Azul is not as nice as he claims to be.
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Jade Leech
Well everyone, meet the #1 kinkiest person on campus. While there are a few others who come close, Jade is easily one of the kinkiest on campus. If you're with him, you'd better brace himself, cause there's very few limits here and he's always interested in trying something "for science."
He really enjoys observing you. He will know all your weaknesses, and will try things out on you to see how you react. He'll of course remember his favorite reactions and do his best to get them out of you all the time. Also on the same lines, I see him as wanting to do things to you more than you do things to him. He's definitely into shibari as well.
Overstimulation. He is 100% into it. Honestly, he'd probably tie you up, add a vibrator, then just.... hang out and do homework or tend to his terrariums. While observing you from the corner of his eye. Or, you know. Straight up sitting in front of you with that shit eating grin of his asking if you're enjoying yourself, maybe you need his help while full well knowing you can't take much more, but you'll try for him right?
Honestly, if you're with Jade chances are Floyd is joining in too. They may take turns with you, but they're definitely going to share you at some point. They have a lot more in common than meets the eye, so chances are if you've attracted the attention of one you've attracted the attention of both. Not to mention male moray eels apparently share a female mate
Sadist... I feel this needs no explanation. Like.... all of his interactions, no matter how polite he seems, he's just exuding sadist.
Dom. Is this even a question? He'd be specifically looking for an interesting partner who reacts a lot. The more you react and the more interesting your reactions the better. Doesn't matter to him if you're a Dom/switch/sub... you'll be a sub for him.
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Floyd Leech
I hope you're into being covered in bruises and bite marks! While Jade and Floyd have similar tendencies, Jade is more deliberate and Floyd will start off being deliberate before going with the flow. Any partner of his had better have a high pain tolerance and either be really good at concealer/have a ton of turtlenecks and long sleeve outfits.... or just straight up not care about the whispers and comments. Bright side... Floyd will probably chase off anyone that harasses you about the marks. You know, after smirking and bragging.
He's not opposed to toys, but he may decide he's done using them partway through cause he got bored. The least likely of the Octatrio to tie up a partner due to it taking so long. Well... he'll do the basic ones. You could convince him to do more complex bondage if you make it interesting however. Honestly, make it interesting for him and he'll have the same kind of patience as Jade.
Like stated with Jade, Floyd will most likely share you with his twin. Just be ready if you're in the middle of something with Jade for Floyd to snag you over to him saying it's his turn. Still, he won't be entirely selfish. After all, Jade always makes things more fun and comes up with the best ideas... and he can't wait to see you starring in Jade's latest one.
Sadist. Like with Jade I feel this needs no explanation.
Dom. In terms of a partner I feel he'd be similar to Jade in that you'd have to catch and keep his attention. I do feel playing hard to get will go a long with with him as well... but be careful not to take it too far with him. Unless you enjoy being chased down by a pair of eels, then carry on~
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archive-of-the-guild · 10 months
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@rubbcrhose asked: MEME; For Roako (Aptitude) 1, 4 (External Personality) 1, 5
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ABCs of your OCs
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A1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Roako has been, and always will be, a natural-born warrior. In his D&D Verse he and his mother were exiled because of the experiments she was doing. When he finally ran away from her and found his former home destroyed, Roako crossed through some of the most dangerous areas trying to get to some semblance of decent civilization. The experience and hardship was essentially a trial-by-fire and turning him into a capable fighter.
For his HH/HB Verse, his parents raised him to be a warrior from the time he could talk! At first it was just training but soon enough he was on the battlefield right along with them and loving every minute of it!
A4. what things are they bad at?
Honestly? Social interaction. Roako understands three things above all others. Fighting, eating, and sex. Oftentimes when he meets someone new, his personality takes a bit to get used to. Mostly because he either goes straight to flirting or is partially antagonistic. If you can get past that, he's an ok guy but for most it's a bit much and can break quite a few friendships before they even start.
E1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality? E5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
These two i'm combining for the HH/HB Verse and the answer is.... It's situational? For the most part, yes. Roako is a very heart-on-his-sleave type of person and doesn't hide anything. HOWEVER while he doesn't hide his personality, if he considers you to be weaker or lesser, there will be times he will not treat you with the same respect that he would treat someone else. Especially if you are in a relationship with him. If you submit to him romantically, or more likely sexually, he will consider you to be more of a pet (in both the bedroom roleplay sense and as a being lesser than him). When he does this, it's not really all that noticeable at first because of how he treats those in that position. He cares for you, adores you, listens to you, lets you do as you please, and does everything in his power to make you WANT to stay with him. But if it's something that's in direct opposition to what he wants or how he acts, he will completely disregard anything you say.
The best example i could think of is with @the-blackened-dove with Roako's relationship with Roxxy. Roxxy loves him and he treats her with respect. Until Roxxy's mother comes into play. For Roako, this is simply another beautiful woman that he wants to spend some quality time with. For Roxxy, it's rude and disrespectful to her because it's her mother. Because Roako considers Roxxy to be in a lower position of respect to him, he's going to push back on it and cause her disrespect.
The best way to get him to see you as his equal or even as his superior, would be to kick his ass and put him in his new place in the relationship. This can be a double-edged sword though. If you put up a good fight and fight him to a standstill, he will treat you as an equal and you will be partners. Beating him means he will be more subservient, as in an almost 180 in terms of how he treats you. He'll be more quiet, more respectful, it would definitely be noticeable and he wouldn't seem the same as before.
His D&D and Modern Verses are just as transparent but treat others as equals so it's definitely verse-dependent. Still be his pet but with more actual respect lmao.
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elia-de-silentio · 3 years
Recap on the Order of the Clocktower, suppositions on the real plan, and predictions on the future of the arc
Well! After months of fights that led to very little and an almost nonstop series of cliffhangers, it seems like finally we're entering the final stage of this arc. And in the last two numbers I noticed ... something doesn't quite add up.
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Let's make a brief recap on the Decay of Angels and the newly revealed last part of their plan. So, unlike what initially thought, the last part of their plan wasn't 'mostly terrorist activity', it was a goddamn vampire apocalypse that brought several nations to their knees in a handful of days.
This led the world leaders to decide that Fukuchi's speech of several chapters ago was right on the money, the only thing that can face such a catastrophe is an international army of which he will be given complete control. Moreover, to drive the point home ...
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They deem fit to give him this. Another extra powerful weapon in the hands of exactly one person? Who can multiply the strenght of every weapon he's given? With no countermeasure if he gets out of control? What is these people's problem?!
By the way, take a moment to appreciate how Fukuchi got something that allows him to destroy the individual soldier's free will and control all of their actions, something he felt already happened to him and the trauma of which gives him motivation. He doesn't spare a thought on the fact that they will suffer just as much as he did, he can only think of his own pain.
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So, Ranpo makes an observation that really shouldn't need a superior intelligence to be made: that with this trick, the Decay of Angels will have its goal served on a silver platter. World domination. Again, take a moment to appreciate how Fukuchi, who expressed anarchist beliefs and just the chapter before gave a neat speech on how politicians who order others around without any risk to themselves suck, coughed up a solution that was even more authocratic. Maybe all the 'you're the hero everyone depends on' talk got a little to his head.
But ... for what I've understood ... this is not the Decay of Angels's plan, this is Fukuchi's plan. If the inconsistences for him can be attributed to hypocrisy, for all the other four people in his group it makes even less sense.
Let's take a look at his four comrades, from the one less likely to subscribe to such a plan to the most likely:
• Bram Stoker: he's literally being threatened with death if he doesn't comply. One of the first things he says is protesting that he swore not to add any more people to his kin, but Fukuchi forces him. Once he complies, he express little interest for whatever is going on around him, everything he wants is a radio to pass the time in his coffin. World domination? Seems like an hard pass for him.
• Sigma. While fanon commonly portrays him as the 'good and cute not-really-a-villain', because he has a sympathetic backstory and shows kindness to the clients and staff of the casino, I'd like to point out that he's actually fairly amoral. He's in there because the Decay offered him a home; it makes sense that he's like that after being abused and aware of his being different from the rest of the world for all of his short life, but he still took part in a terrorist plan. Moreover, he was the one to send the casino's clients against the Hunting Dogs to hinder them - regular civilians against the very best of the army. It was actually Teruko who took upon herself and Tachihara not to harm civilians no matter what; what guarantee did Sigma have that she would have done that? What if she had listened to Tachi instead, who wanted to retaliate? Caring to clients and staff, but only up to a certain point. Even when he gave Atsushi that information, it was because of the latter's kindness towards him, not for some moral reason. Sigma is ultimately out only for himself. But this also means that he isn't really involved in the Decay's grand plan: he wants a home and that's it, tutto il resto fottesega.
• Gogol. Now we're getting a little closer. But not without incurring in another contradiction: Gogol hates restraints and orders, anything that gives a boundary to a human's actions. He detests even internal restraints, given by morality and his own sense of guilt. Why would someone like that partecipate in a plan that strips human beings of their own free will, and traps the world under the control of a lone person? Well, it's just speculation because we haven't seen him in ages, but I think it's part of his tendency to destroy himself in the name of freedom. He kills people to defy his own sense of guilt; he wants to kill Fyodor to destroy his desire to be understood and accepted; he collaborates in Fukuchi's plan to destroy his own beliefs in freedom, the thing that more than anything keeps him chained to a certain course of action. In his debut, he described the Decay of Angels's plan as pure evil and thus worth supporting; it's possible that he wasn't saying that under the common definition of evil, but in his own book, the anathema to Gogol's beliefs.
• Fyodor. Who has already stated a personal, very different goal: to acquire the reality-altering Book and make a world devoid of Ability users. All he needs for thar is wiping out the Ability-based organizations in Yokohama so he'll have a free pass, which is not exactly a small thing, but he doesn't need world domination for what he wants. So, why was he involved in such a plan? Well, this is a point I'll expand more on below.
I've already made another post on how the Decay of Angels are an extremely unlikely group and it's almost surprising they managed to work along enough to make this much damage. It's becoming even more evident now: Fukuchi is the only one really interested in the organization's goal.
The other one who gets closest is Fyodor, who, as we have seen, doesn't really care for that; but he gained what he wanted as an accessory. He wanted to get rid of Ability-users organizations in the city, and now the ADA members can't show themselves without getting attacked by the police, the Port Mafia has most of his top members turned into mindless vampires, and the Special Ability Department is about to be overruled by Fukuchi. Moreover, a Fukuchi with absolute power would be able to hand him the Book. Mission accomplished!
But there is this little detail: the Order of the Clocktower, those with the authority to hand Fukuchi the 'One Order'. There is very little known about them (I'm going from the wikia here): appearently, their purpose is to protect the British royal family, their members are Ability users of a terrific level, and they were responsible for chasing Mimic out of Europe after they gave the order for the attack who labelled them as war criminals in the first place.
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Come se questo non li rendesse già infinitamente più cani di quelli che danno il titolo all'opera, in Dead Apple they contact Ango to inform him that, to prevent the spread of Shibusawa's fog, they sent an incineration-Ability user to destroy Yokohama (quickly, native readers of British/European literature! Any suggestion for who this person could be! I could come up with Cecco Angiolieri, Aldo Palazzeschi and Gabriele D'Annunzio, but I really doubt it could be any of them, nobody ever cares about Italian literature besides Dante. Your loss).
So, this can mean two things: either they are in contact with the Japanese government and acted with their agreement, or they have enough power to overrule it. Personally, I think the former is more probable.
Anyways, they aren't irrationally genocidal. Once Atsushi &Co. fix the situation, the attack is called off, even if their leader, Agatha Christie, complains about not having the scent of a burning nation to go with her tea. So, their leader: it's not the first time she shows up in the story.
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She appeared all the way back in chapter 12, the same that also introduced Fitzgerald and Fyodor, in a meeting to discuss the failure of the bounty on Atsushi. Which tells us two very important things: first, as the other two were out for the Book, it's highly probable that she's after it as well; secondly, that she works with Fyodor, the very same person who orchestrated the plan that should get the One Order, a weapon under the control of Agatha's organization, in the hands of Fukuchi.
Now, Fukuchi is an interesting one under this point of view, because he wasn't even implied in the Chapter 12 Conference. We have seen that Fyodor likes to keep his fingers in multiple pies when it comes to razing the poor Yokohama to the ground: first he hacked the Moby Dick to make sure it fell; then he helped Shibusawa with the aforementioned fog incident; then he acted with his own organization with the Cannibalism plot; lastly for now, the Decay of Angels. As long as he gets to eliminate the Ability users, he doesn't care who he's working with.
Insomma, è 'na zoccola di nome e di fatto.
But we have also seen that Fyodor isn't above backstabbing his 'colleagues': he ignored the fate of Fitzgerald after he fell and took the opportunity to take the Guild's assets for himself, and he directly killed Shibusawa to turn him in the Singularity and send him to get killed by Atsushi. Note how Shibu got off even worse than Fitz: he wasn't in the Chapter 12 Conference, and it's likely he didn't know about the plan to incinerate Yokohama while Fyodor did, being acquainted with Agatha. It's even possible that was the whole point of his involvement in the operation: give her an excuse to attack, while he got an opportunity to cause the deaths of Ability users on the side.
My point is: you know how Fukuchi was not in the Chapter 12 Conference? And he just put himself in a position where if he is found out, things will have consequences on an international level, now that the Order got involved? And do you also remember how Fyodor mused to himself that he didn't make the perfect plan required by the Decay of Angels, because that would have been boring?
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Le mie previsioni per quest'arco sono: Fukuchi è una tigre di cartapesta, e si ritroverà la sua super spada ficcata di prepotenza su per il culo.
A very faithful translation of the above: it is very possible that Fukuchi was set up to fail from the very beginning; or at the very least, Fyodor was keeping his plans with Agatha as backup in the case the Decay of Angels didn't work out .
When the ADA will defeat Fukuchi (because no one of his colleagues will lift a finger to help), they will once again play straight into their enemies's hands. Maybe they will 'officially' remain as dangerous terrorists, and then the Order of the Clocktower will have to intervene against them. Or they will actually rehabilitate themselves, and they will be once again celebrated as heroes while the Hunting Dogs will fall in disgrace - what with their leader being secretly a terrorist leaders, suddenly these very powerful people will become unreliable - and the goverment will make an horrible figure, what with persecuting innocent people while being played like fiddles by the real criminals; surely, this situation will call for someone more reliable to establish order in Japan, such as, perhaps, an intervention from an highly esteemed European Ability organization.
How things will proceed from then on, it's anyone's guess. It is possible that Agatha will use her power to have Dazai and Fedka the Convict released from jail, though why would she do that is up in air. Maybe it would be more convenient for her to leave such an unreliable ally where she can see him, and she has never met Dazai as far as we know, so she probably isn't much interested in him. This is as far as my prediction abilities come.
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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inomana · 4 years
Damian Wayne and Pets
I think Damian's love for animals is more important than more important than what we make it out to be
Like I get that it's cute and it helps portray him as a kid but
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Its what humanized him...
Damian's entire life it was 'kill or be killed' but Goliath showed him mercy. It probably broke him to see someone forgive him.
It's also pretty obvious he projected himself onto Gotiath, calling it the runt, saying he had it had to honor the family cause, fight for family...
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Damian ends up sparing em and In turn Goliath protects him.
Goals amiright?
Damian gets a lot of shit from fans for having a crap personality completely forgetting his situation.
This boy was raised as a weapon, he was not given any real childhood experiences.
From the moment of being born he was given tasks endlessly to commit wrongdoings which he'd later normalize until the point in his life where he had to meet his father.
Even then the very first thing Bruce did was completely view this child as a problem. He thought it could have been the Trap or something set up by Talia so he completely just told this kid to change in the blink of the eye.
Bruce basically told Damien everything he's ever he's ever known as a child was a lie and he had to change if he wanted to stay.
Then all hell breaks loose he changes and the time comes where he has to choose between his mother the person raised him and his father the person gave morals and he's put in a very tight situation.
People think just because he chose the right side, the heroic side with his father that he didn't lose anything. He abandon his mother the person who he's been with for 10 years.
Like yeah she's horrible but she's kept him alive considerably well for that time. Damian even said that he would hope that his parents would just stay together instead of choosing between them. She all he has for years.
Then you have his brothers which I love dearly but, Dick who kind of gave him the cold shoulder until he realized he didn't want to have a Timothy and Jason situation repeat again.
Or Tim, Damian's Grandfather himself called the equivalent to Batman and is known as the real detective of the four it's one of his biggest competitions.
And Jason who is a constant reminder of his mother's teaching, and the aftermath of the pit
So even after escaping such a horrible situation that was the League of Assassins he was still in a very tight place where everything had to do was supposed to be by the book or else he would just be compared to someone else or something and dude
Growing up he's constantly dealing with all these horrible situations and then one day while he's fighting and fighting for real something just doesn't it just shows him kindness shows in the form of love licks his nose.
It's probably something you didn't experience as a child because he'll nose Talia never showed him in a love
And it just keeps happening where animals are treating him better than people around him. He finds a loving dog that sticks by him, a cow he saves to a slaughterhouse, he finds a cat that listens to him. He finds these stable like relationships and it helps him become a better person it's practically therapeutic.
I personally don't think Damian is my favorite character Jason for Life man, but there's a struggle with his character that I can never understand and I sympathize with that because I'm not an douchebag.
He's 13 and he's already had to make the world's craziest Life Choices, killing people, abandoning his parents, change his lifestyle, he's leading a group of crazy super-powered teenagers in a t-shaped building, he's even died and come back to life.
Damian is a very complex character and people are throwing him to the curb because of the person his mother designed to be , and yeah he makes little snide comment every once in awhile, dose wrong and messes up, but he's still always helping people to the best of his ability. Sometimes it's just not the right way to do it. It's not fine but it's not terrible.
So here's my point
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Give this kid a chance,
And also fuck DC
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air-in-words · 4 years
My Sorting Hat Chats System Debutante (Scooby-Doo Housing)
I found a new favorite toy.
The @sortinghatchats personality system is so incredible. It does exactly the thing that frustrated so many that MBTI couldn't do: actually describe your personality. MBTI is wonderful for understanding a person's thought process and mind, but, as anyone who really knows MBTI knows, it can only tell you so much about how a person will actually behave in life. And while still plenty useful, most people go into personality typing to try and discover the different ways we actually behave in life, not just the way our minds thrum along.
I highly recommend looking up how the system works if you don't know, but essentially everyone gets a PRIMARY and a SECONDARY house. The primary house speaks to the WHY we do things and the secondary speaks to the HOW, referring to problem solving. This system is also unique as it accounts for the elasticity of the human mind by introducing things like MODELS, PERFORMANCES, BURNT HOUSES, and even the recently suggested EXPLODED HOUSES (I first heard of this through @wisteria-lodge . If they didn't think of it first, please let me know who did!) I'm not going to take the time to explain those in full here, though I may reference some of them below, and would direct you to both of the aforementioned blogs to learn more.
So, I'm doing my first housing venture using the system, and I've become recently re-obsessed with Scooby-Doo, so I thought they'd be perfect to practice/demonstrate. I'd love any criticisms or suggestions! Thanks!
Scooby-Doo Housing!
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Fred Jones: Gryffinpuff (Gryffindor Primary, Hufflepuff Secondary)
Fred is a great example of a Hufflepuff Secondary. He is a hardworker and, most importantly, is heavily invested in the gang. He's always at their side and expects them to be at his. He balks at the idea of taking shortcuts on mysteries and would rather work all night than besmirch the good name of Mystery Inc with shoddy work. But, the gang is his life more than any other member, because as a Puff Secondary, he sees them as extensions of his own hands and ability to hell others. He has a great balance between the "acts of kindness" Puff Secondary and the "hardwork and toil" Puff Secondary. In fact, his Hufflepuff Secondary is so strong, I almost thought he was a True Hufflepuff. But, a great indicator of difference between Gryffindor Primaries and another primary whose motives they align with is whether they would allow other people to live the way they want. Fred is a big time believer in justice, fairness, and helping other people, but he would not be comfortable knowing someone else disagrees and no one could argue him out of those beliefs. An actual Hufflepuff Primary may quietly disagree, but Puff Primaries, by nature, believe in allowing other people to live how they want, and they would never cause a ruckus over a hypothetical. Unless you're actively hurting someone emotionally or physically, a Puff will leave you alone. But, not Fred. Fred has that Gryffindor Primary fire that he needs to share with the world and he cannot be wavered.
Daphne Blake: Ravenpuff (Ravenclaw Primary, Hufflepuff Secondary)
Daphne and Fred get along best through their secondaries, though Daphne is a better example of the "acts of kindness" Puff Secondary. She is always looking for an opportunity to help someone or make someone happier or more comfortable, like carrying around Scooby Snacks for the boys, and she is almost as invested in the gang as Fred. But, compared to Fred, Daphne gives off a less passionate and fiery vibe; in fact, she is far more even-keeled and level-headed than any other member of the gang, in my opinion. She is difficult to ruffle and has a natural curiosity, leading to her Danger-Prone Daphne moniker. There's a reason one of Daphne's original limited poses was her with her hand under her chin like the Thinker; she is a thinker and highly logical, making decisions based on evidence and rarely through initial emotional responses. This would make her a Ravenclaw Primary, the voice of reason and calm amongst the gang. I would say her current adopted reality system comes primarily from Fred (whether you ship Fraphne or not. Lol.) As he's the "leader" of Mystery Inc, she has taken on his love of fairness and justice, but with a healthy dash of friendly Claw skepticism.
Velma Dinkley: Gryffinclaw (Gryffindor Primary, Ravenclaw Secondary)
This one may cause some contention. Lol. No one would argue that Velma is a Ravenclaw Secondary. She's definitely a collector and user of tools, her primary tool being research and knowledge. She is a planner and always does her research before taking on a mystery and has saved the gang's skin more than once by coming prepared. So, as for the Gryffindor Primary, I used the same method I used to pick out Fred. Is Velma passionate or dispassionate? Well, compare her to Daphne, an actual Ravenclaw. Daphne is slow to blame or create an opinion, feeling she needs all the information first before she makes a judgement. Meanwhile, Velma is usually one of the first to begin naming names and claimjng she has the answer, whether or not she does. She is also far more active compared to Daphne, looking closer to Fred's level of passion to solve the mystery quickly rather than Daphne's desire to sit back and take her time. So, Gryffindor is the only one that felt right. She is out here to catch bad guys and kick ass, just like Fred, compared to Daphne who is here to observe and discover the truth.
Shaggy Rogers: Hufflerin (Hufflepuff Primary w/ Slytherin Primary Model, Slytherin Secondary)
Okay. Here we go. Believe it or not, Shaggy Rogers has the most complex housing out of all of Mystery Inc. I know, I didn't expect it either. First off, his Slytherin Secondary is fairly obvious. He is a shortcut finder, a skillful liar, and a lover of mischief. He's always looking for the next opportunity to get what he wants, and fares best against the villains when thinking on his feet and improvising. But, his primary was less obvious. I went into this assuming he would be a True Slytherin, with the gang and, primarily Scooby, as his chosen people, where he truly doesn't care about anyone else. But, as we've learned through extended characterization throughout the years, Shaggy grew up very lonely, without many friends, until he met Scooby. When Scooby entered his life, he wasn't lonely anymore, but meeting the gang was even better. Now, he had MORE friends! Meanwhile, in most media, Scooby is portrayed as taking longer to warm up to new people than Scooby. He doesn't particularly like sharing and doesn't seem to feel a need to make many friends. But, not Shaggy. Shaggy really does enjoy meeting new people and building a wider friend group. But, that alone does not a Hufflepuff Primary make. Some Slytherins enjoy larger groups of chosen people, some don't. Instead, I thought of the multiple circumstances where Shaggy has had to fight against his desire to help everyone and his need to keep Scooby happy. Scooby is certainly his favorite friend, and for Scooby's sake he lives in a Slytherin Model fairly often, acting as though Scooby is really all that matters to him. But, without fail, Shaggy ends up having to get on Scooby's level and explain that he has this need to help and not run away that he can't ignore. Shaggy's love for people and inner need to reach out and help speaks to the Hufflepuff Primary under the Slytherin Model he's created to make Scooby feel more secure.
Scooby-Doo: True Slytherin (Slytherin Primary, Slytherin Secondary)
Scooby's representing the green and silver from top to bottom! His Slytherin Secondary is equally as obvious as Shaggy's. They're both the kings of avoidance and dodging confrontation. Although he may be afraid, put him in a situation armed with nothing but his ability to improvise, and he'll come out on top. But, he is truly a Slytherin Primary, compared to Shaggy's model. Shaggy is truly the center of his world. The rest of the gang is certainly part of his inner circle, but the moon hangs on Shaggy for Scooby. If he's doing something, it's in some way for Shaggy or related to Shaggy. He goes back into the fray not out of an overarching desire to help people, like Shaggy, but because it's that person. He helps Shaggy because he's Shaggy. He helps Fred because he's Fred. And so on and so forth.
So, those are my thoughts! I'm not totally happy with my ability to explain my thought process, yet, but I wanted to get something out there with simple, recognizable characters. Let me know your thoughts!
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monochrome-monarch · 5 years
Tthis took longer than expected buuut
Guess who finally gave in to making fankids again?
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Am I being original yet, ma? Also, Idk how to draw babies so here have hem at their adult forms with little bad doodles of them as babbies
I know, The names aren't the best but they're stand ins until I find better names. Except Alphard. Alphard sounds cool and has meaningful name all over it, dude.
Anyway, here are some notes regarding these kids:
- Name is from the name Lepidoptra, the order where Moths belong to
- She's a bit bigger and bulkier than Mothra and sadly my art doesn't portray it well but still significantly smaller than Godzilla.
- Probably has gills but wings are definitely water resistant. Larva stage likely has gills, tho I guess
- Dorsals, Eyes and Wings light up when charging up and firing
- Might get a fankid sibling if I'm feeling productive or creative. However, regarding her parents' canon children, Lep is sorta like the Megan to Minya and Mothra Leo's Drake and Josh. Still cares about them, tho
- Rather peaceful and keeps to herself. Almost borders distant as she ignores humans and has no interest of starting a cult (however she is kinda interested in continuing her mother's cult) but doesn't mind them as long as they don't provoke her in anyway. Has a pretty long fuse so it's hard to piss her off, though.
- Isn't much to interfere with human affairs and mostly ignores them, unless A) One or Both parents are involved and/or B) Her mother's followers are being threatened or attacked.
- Plays peacekeeper/tired mom friend with her mom but will fight when desperate times call for desperate measures. Prefers intimidating the enemy into standing down but, again, will fight if necessary.
- Mommy and Daddy's Little Princess but they will call her out when she steps out of line
- Loves lamps and other bright lights
- Either fires atom blasts or light blasts, whichever works but will stick with atomic blasts for now
- Can reincarnate like her mom
- Has an unexpected friendship with the Three-Headed Heir with a lot of expected reactions and controversy buuuut Lep doesn't care much. Also is more or less the trio's impulse control. Will still kick their ass if they do anything destructive
All Three
- Name is from the name Alphard, the brightest star in the Hydra constellation. Also, the word Alpha is there so
- Is small compared to Rodan and Ghidorah but they're still growing. Derecha is impatiently waiting lol
- They're gonna be three-headed because I wanted to be unique but I added a two-headed option because I was feeling a bit curious
- Strangely, the heads look different from each other. Then again, could be because they're a hybrid
- They either breath fire or gravity beams, might change but will kinda stick to fire for now
- Can regenerate but strangely, Izquierda's horn is regenerating in a slower pace than usual
- Speaking of Iz's broken horn, the three of them refuse to spill on how it got broken
- Can so far only start up hurricanes when they fly but there are hints of lightning there so there's a chance that they can start up storms
- Heads spend more time bickering than doing anything serious or destructive but when they agree on something, they would put their heads together haha and make for a scary team until something goes wrong in an also sitcom like fashion
- Can survive intense heat and is seen lazing around in lava more than once
- Has an unexpected friendship with the Little Princess with a lot of expected reactions and controversy buuuut the trio doesn't care much. Also is more or less her bodyguards(???).
- Name is the Spanish word for Right
- The one head that takes after Ghidorah more
- Angry and aggressive, jokingly referred to as his parents' combined rage in titan form. Will fight anyone, even his parents and other heads but he never wins, especially against his parents since his other heads don't have a death wish. Also the only head who would gladly fight Godzilla at the Area 51 parking lot. Respects fighters, even if they lose, though.
- Despite his firey nature, he cares about his loved ones and would fight tooth and claw for them even if he does fight them a lot. Reacts even more erratic and angrier when anyone the heads gets beheaded. Loyal af, however, will follow you no matter who the Alpha is or what the Alpha says. He's never much for obeying authority, anyway
- While he's wild, he does, reluctantly, follow Centro's orders but will gleefully participate when Centro and Izquierda are in a mood for destruction
- Distrustful towards anything that doesn't remotely look like his parents or siblings. Hates humans and has breath fire at any humans or human vehicles that come too close or was at the wrong place at the wrong time
- Not the smartest head but he is by no means stupid and is actually quite a quick-thinker and makes decent, pragmatic decisions
- Doesn't care much about ruling the monsters or destroying/terraforming the Earth, he just wants to fight. Becoming king of the monsters or destroying the Earth is merely a bonus
- Is pretty annoyed that he isn't center head/leader and makes it known. Dislikes Centro's 'passiveness' and 'laidback' nature and wants him to show his true colors and act on his destructive tendencies more. Encourages Iz's trigger happy tendencies but does feel bad if he goes too far. Has no idea how to calm him but tries
- Name is the Spanish word for Center
- The head that's a nice balance of both parents or well, I hope he does
- Is seemingly the 'nicer' head. He seems pretty easygoing and laidback, uninterested in wrecking havoc. Doesn't pick fights with any of the other titans or attacks any human settlements, hell, he's even friends with the Princess. Doesn't even mind humans approaching him. Seems to be rather indifferent and content with minding his own business.
- However, He doesn't mind wrecking havoc, either, especially if he and his heads would get some benefits from this, even if it's something as petty as relieving boredom. He doesn't care how much destruction they cause, if they get something out of it, then who cares? He does, however have some standards but its mostly just "We won't get anything out of this."
- Openly cares about his loved ones, especially his brothers, even if they fight a lot and he wants to dunk their heads in lava
- Is rather laidback in how he reigns in Der and Iz. He mostly lets them do their own thing but he does pull them by the horn when they're getting too wild/stupid, mostly Der. He's usually the one that calms Iz down, especially when their parents aren't around
- Interested in becoming King of the Monsters and maybe terraforming the Earth, having no interest in destroying their only home, but is waiting for the perfect time to strike. Is also lowkey kinda scared of Godzilla but hahaha, as if he'll ever admit it
- Name is Spanish for Left
- Head that takes after Rodan more
- Curious if cautious, wants to explore but is paranoid, knows very well that in any moment, they might die because of their parentage. Thinks everything and everyone is out to get them. Is rather trigger happy because of it but luckily, he only fires really, really close warning shots
- The incident where his horn got broken made it worse, especially as his horn is growing back slower than normal. Really adamantly refuses to say how his horn got busted
- Feels safer and calmer when around family and friend. Lepittra is the only outsider he trusts. He's calm around his brothers but if they're both beheaded or if he's the only conscious head, he'd start becoming erratic and get closer to a breakdown.
- Is more cheerful and calm when not being scared. Chatty too, only shuts up when he gets scared and paranoid again. Also shown to be focused and a quick-learner when not panicking.
- The mediator between Der and Cen's arguments, as Der only encourages fights between Cen and Iz and Cen doesn't intervene immediately. . . But that is if Iz isn't arguing with them too. Then Leppitra is called in. And butts their heads together
- Distrustful towards humans. Has seen what they can do and speculated on what they are capable of but isn't stupid enough to kill. Only warning shots. Not destructive but will still participate if Cen is on board
- Kinda interested in becoming King of the Monsters? He knows it's their birthright or whatever but he's definitely scared of Godzilla. More interested in terraforming the planet, though but well, he can't if he's not king of the monsters so "Ugh, fine!"
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aethelar · 7 years
Hey! Firstly, I absolutely love the way you write Graves, but I'm curious why you don't seem that bothered about whether he'll be in any of the sequels? Sorry if you are and I'm misreading things, it's just something a lot of other people seem to be talking about and I wondered why you weren't joining in, given that you're one of the big players for the Graves things.
Howdy! Firstly, oh my god, one of the big players for the Graves things?? That’s amazing. Thank you so much!
Secondly, it’s not that I’m not bothered - I am, particularly about the way Colin Farrell’s being dismissed. I’ve heard people say that it’s because of his past; I don’t know if that’s true, I can’t find any source to confirm - I do know that unlike the other cast members, JK did not work with him directly or discuss Graves’ character with him.  If it is due to his past or any personal dislike it strikes me as very two faced of people, especially given the way that both JK and Yates have leapt to the defence of Johnny Depp, asking fans to think of his skill as an actor and what he does for the character in the film rather than any facets of his personal history.
Well, he’s a skilled actor. I’ll give him that. And it’s possible that the way he portrayed Grindelwald was entirely orchestrated by the director, but if I’m honest then “what he does for the character” is to bring revulsion, parody and a stereotypical evil is ugly and weird tone that clashes with the “merry faced” master manipulator JK originally presented to us. Grindelwald is supposed to be a morally complicated bad guy, one with ideals that tempt Dumbledore and a charm that tempts many others - he is shown in Deathly Hallows to be capable of grief, remorse and even some form of redemption, and he’s supposed to be fighting for a cause he genuinely believes is a good one. He can go about that in as dark and twisted a way as you like, but to make him pasty faced, red eyed, hissing like a drunk pantomime villain? Please. At least Voldemort had the excuse of shredding his soul to pieces, Depp’s Grindelwald is just badly acted. Or directed. Whichever.
Contrast this to Colin’s skill and what he brings to the character and we see a fabulously different picture. The Graves that Colin portrayed was never soft, never kind - but charming all the same. When he challenged MACUSA, I was ready to stand with him; when he asked “Who does this law protect?” the glaring absence of any answer was deafening. Because Graves is a leader that people could follow. Because Colin made Graves into someone that could convert people to his army, because Colin’s skill was flawless and what he brought to the character was everything the character needed.
So the double standards here in the way the two actors are treated are blatantly unfair. Add on top of that the usual care JK takes to weave together parts of her story, and it’s doubly unfair that she’s leaving such an obvious loose thread and refusing to follow up on it. Percival Graves was a real person, I’m sure of that - sure, Grindelwald used a spell to transfigure himself into Graves, but not only would it be impractical for him to create the persona from scratch (if not impossible to do so and get promoted in such a short time), all the extra literature speaks of Percival Graves as a real person that was replaced and not an invented cover for Grindelwald.
The sequels aren’t set in New York: fine. If that’s what’s stopping Graves, how are the Goldsteins showing up as cameos? The sequels are more concerned with Grindelwald and Dumbledore, fine - but Credence too, he’s slated to be a big player, and his story was very closely woven with Graves’. Graves is irrelevant to the sequels; that one’s questionable at best, because Grindelwald’s war is the second world war and America was involved in that. Not in a minor way, either, and you really expect me to believe that the head of magical security at MACUSA wouldn’t be in some way part of the fight against Grindelwald? Particularly if he had a personal vendetta? Please.
So, the only logical conclusion: Graves was a real character. If he were alive, the sequels would have to include him (or blatantly avoid him which would make for an inelegant story at best). The sequels do not appear to include him due to unfair double standards or clumsy writing or even both, and therefore it’s most likely that Graves has died off screen.
And that I’m bitter about, because why the fuck would you hire the guy if you dislike him enough that you’d kill his character off screen? Also why the fuck would you leave the story open about whether or not he died if you knew he wasn’t coming back - was it just to deal him the double injustice of not acknowledging his death, or worse, giving another character a throwaway line of “Oh yeah, turned out the guy was pushing up the daisies for months, talk about awkward” and just shrugging him off as unimportant? 
Maybe I’ve got this wrong. Maybe there’s another reason for it. Maybe JK’s playing the long game and Graves really is going to pop up as a surprise role in a future film, but the evidence really doesn’t point to it so far. Heyman, the producer, has even confirmed that there’ll be no more Colin - but then again, he also confirmed that Grindelwald used polyjuice and that conflicts with JK’s account that Grindelwald used a spell. Sorry Heyman, I don’t think you’re a reliable source. Your ability to get things wrong is the only thing I have left so do me a solid and be mistaken on this, yeah?
So, in answer to your question: I’m bothered. I’m not joining in because I don’t like being bitter and because I don’t see much hope, and instead I’m focussing my efforts on building up a Graves who drinks and swears and runs away from emotional problems but cares so much it hurts and always pulls through when it counts, a Graves who screams a giant fuck you to the world and clings to life and existence with every shred of his broken, flawed, real self. My Graves can’t be dismissed in a throwaway line of a sequel he’s not allowed to be in. My Graves will laugh at anyone who tries, even if it’s a gargling, hacking laugh that scrapes at his throat and he’ll drag himself to his battered feet and march on Grindelwald with nothing but a broken bottle if he has to. I think a Glaswegian smile would only add to our caricature villain, don’t you? So please, JK, Yates, Heyman, try and kill my Graves, try and dismiss him as unimportant.
Just try.
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