#he traces some of them absent-mindedly
lil-vibes · 11 months
hc that dazai loves to sneak his arms under chuuya's shirt and soak up all the warmth his skin provides and that chuuya loves, loves, loves to feel dazai's bare arms, scars and all, wrapped around him while they sleep or cuddle in bed
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quintinh43 · 2 months
Washing their back/hair in the shower.
oooo i could see luke loving his girlfriend washing his hair and she always does he curl routine for him
Toast my love 🥹 Thank you for requesting
The buzzer blared through the speakers of the TV, and you winced. The devils lost 5-4 in a shootout. Luke looked absolutely exhausted in his post game interview. It ticked you off a little that they made him do them so often. It's like they forgot he was a rookie sometimes.
Lukey The Loml: Be at urs in 20
You: Ok, drive safe love. See you in 20 ❤️
You paced around your apartment anxiously while you waited. You heard his footsteps in the hall, and before he even had a chance to stick his key in the lock, you were flinging the door open and holding your arms out to him.
Luke stepped over the threshold of the door, dropped his bag, and collapsed into your arms with a sigh. The height difference has him hunching over awkwardly for him to bury his face against your neck. His arms lock around your waist, and he sighs, melting further into the warmth of your body.
You card your fingers through his curls, fingers catching on all the knots from wearing his helmet for so long. You tug him further into your apartment, kicking the door shut as you go. He doesn't protest when you lead him to the bathroom and detangle him from your embrace to turn on the shower.
"You played so well, my darling boy," you say softly, helping him strip.
He gives you a tired smile, "Thanks, baby."
You make quick work of your own clothing and pull him into the shower. He groans, rolling his shoukders as the hot water hits his back. "Fuck I'm tired," he mutters attempting to run a hand through his hair. His fingers catch on the tangles, and he grunts frustratedly, yanking at his hair.
"Sit down, darling, I got you," you say, tugging his hand from his hair gently, and guiding him to sit on the shower seat, he does so without complaint, closing his eyes and ducking his head under the hot stream of water. He rests his hands on your hips, rubbing gentle circles with the pads of his thumbs.
You pop open the shampoo bottle, squirting some in your palms and lathering it up. The scent of coconut and vanilla melds with the steam, and your fingers delve into his curls once again, massaging at his scalp expertly. He melts against you with a happy sigh, his forehead resting against your torso.
Luke will never get tired of having you wash his hair, and honestly, you'll never get tired of washing it for him. Your fingers move in gentle cirlcles from the top of his head to his temples to the back of his neck. You detach the shower head and rinse the shampoo out of his hair before reaching for the conditioner.
You spread it all over your palms and drag your hands through the ends of his hair, working out all the knots with practiced ease. Luke had never been a post game ritual guy. As long as he had a shower, snack, and got to sleep, he was good. Until you came along, with your whirlwind of hair products and showed him the wonders of having his hair washed by another person.
Now, whenever he had the opportunity, he pulled you into the shower with him and made you wash and style his hair. You scrub him down gently and rinse out the conditioner. If he notices the floral scent of the body wash, rather than whatever the fuck Night panther smells like, he doesn't comment. Although you know he likes your bodywash better.
You hand Luke a towel and wrap one around yourself before padding to the bedroom and grabbing a change of clothes for the pair of you. Sweats and a hoodie for Luke, and one of his sweat shirts and shorts for yourself.
Luke takes the change of clothes from you and plants a kiss on your temples, "Thank you, baby."
As soon as the two of you are clothed, Luke is hoisting you onto the bathroom counter and standing between your legs patiently, his hands rest on your thighs, tracing shapes absent-mindedly. You lock your legs around his hips, ensuring he's as close as possible while you run product through his still wet hair.
Leave in conditioner, scrunch, then gel and scrunch again.
You twirl a couple of wonky looking curls around your finger to make them coil neatly. You twist around to wash the product off your hands and then pull him in for a sweet kiss. Luke kisses you back softly, cupping your face with so much care that it makes your heart gooey in your chest.
You pull away, panting softly as you rest your forehead against his. "Come on, i'll make you a snack and we'll cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Ok?"
Luke can't resist pressing another kiss to your lips, hoping he can pour all the love he feels into it. "Thanks for making me feel better."
"It's nothing darling, that's what I'm here for," you shrug.
"I love you so much," he murmurs, pressing fluttering kisses to your cheeks, "more than I have words for,"
Your cheeks warm, and you smile shyly.
"I love you too, my darling, with my whole heart."
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c-nstantine · 4 months
Oooh I have an idea about Bruce and Batmom. So Batmom has a big tattoo that travels from the top of her thigh to her back. it’s like pretty flowers and the details are beautiful it’s stunning and it’s very eye catching. Bruce loves the tattoo especially when she flexes it gets him going. When it’s time to go to a fancy party or date night he always suggests Batmom to wear a high slit backless dress just so he can catch a glimpse of her ink
This reminds me that I was supposed to write a fic based on Beyonce's partition but just never got around to it.
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Y/N was honestly surprised that she and her husband made it out of the house. Bruce had been begging her to wear this custom dress to one of their events and tonight she finally gave in. However, she didn't know that the reason Bruce loved this dress so much was because it showed off her tattoos. The high slit and low back left little to be imagined but Bruce loved the way the ink peaked from the motion of the dress. He also had it made in his favorite color on her so that the color complimented her skin tone perfectly.
"Bruce?" Her husband had been absent-mindedly tracing her tattoo as they were being chauffeured to some rich person's charity event.
"Hm?" He hummed as his hand trailed further up her thigh. His fingers traced the delicate intricacies as some mediocre pop song played on the radio.
"Focus, see this is why I never wear this stuff out of the house," She snapped her fingers in front of his face and he flinched back looking at her with his crystal blue eyes.
"I, for one, think you look stunning. Downright delectable," He placed her hand in his and pressed it to his lips for a gentle kiss. She rolled her eyes at his attempts to woo her but soon his hand was back on her thigh and he reached over to place a kiss on her neck.
"Sometimes I wonder why I married you," She remarked tilting her head to allow him better access.
"My money and dashing good looks. What if we took a little detour?" He was so close to signaling the driver to find some alleyway to park in and telling him to take a hike for an hour.
"No, no. Do you remember the last time we showed up to an event and you had lipstick on your collar?" She gently pushed his head away as she reminded him of the last time they took a little 'detour'. It ended with them being an hour late to the event, a very embarrassed driver, her lipstick gone, her baby hairs were no longer swooped, and Bruce's cheek and collar were stained. She was just happy no one noticed the lipstick smudge near his pant zipper.
"No, but I do remember the dress you wearing that night," He grumbled and decided to keep his hands to himself for right now.
"You're insatiable," She pulled out a small contact mirror to make sure everything about her makeup was still in place.
"Only for you," He kissed her cheek right before exiting the car for the event. Y/N sighed at the thought of this being a long night.
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Taglist: @flyestvenustrap @megamindsecretlair @blxckdesire @prettyvintageafternoon @lilbanas @certifiedloverwoman @melissa-ashe @hoyoooo
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taegimood · 6 months
tw: nsfw thought
already sent this first paragraph in lia’s inbox a while ago (go follow her she’s the best : @nightlyawnzz) but i keep thinking abt it and wanted to expand on my thought..
thinking abt lazy high sex with jun.. you’re in his lap, rolling your hips with your head thrown back and eyes closed, softly whimpering as he leans back with both arms resting on the top of the couch, a lazy smirk on his face as he takes slow draws from his joint every now and then, legs spread and eyes trailing leisurely between your face and his cock that’s sliding in and out of you so nicely.. “look at you, baby.. don’t even have to touch you, huh?” he murmurs. he gives an appreciate hum as you moan and quicken your pace a bit at his words. “that’s it, fuck yourself nice and good.”
it starts out as a chill afternoon, y’all just hanging out in his living room with some takeout and his weed stash for later … later turning into you sprawled out on his couch with your head in his lap, both of you casually sharing a joint while talking about random stuff, his free hand absent-mindedly twirling your hair around his fingers~
at one point you go to take the joint from him for a pass but he holds his hand up just out of your reach and you’re looking up at him, confused, while he just smirks down at you with this amused look on his face. you’re rolling your eyes which obviously has him feeling even cockier, so the more you try to reach for it the more he obnoxiously keeps it away — “jjunie, come on!” — until finally he just murmurs “c’mere” in that low voice of his and right away you’re moving to sit up from his lap, like an eager puppy waiting for a treat <3
he’s got his eyes locked on yours as he puts the joint to his lips and inhales slow and deep, lifting his fingers under your chin to guide your face to his— you, already knowing what he’s doing, obediently part your lips as he shotguns you ; exhaling so steadily into your waiting mouth 😩 his lips are nearly touching yours as you inhale what he gives you and you’re melting as his thumb moves up to trace your bottom lip when you exhale it back out. he murmurs a “good girl” against your lips before bringing them to meet his own with a hand at the back of your neck and just like that, you’re gone.
it goes from a “get in my lap, baby” to where we are now, cue the beginning paragraph at the top.. his desperate little baby getting herself off on him and he lets her, eyes roaming over her every move as she does so well on his cock <3 so lazy n slow n feels so good.. he’s in no rush, and you know it by the way he’s so relaxed as he makes you do all the work 😌
(until he decides it’s time, of course, and then he’s got your face pressed into the couch cushion as he’s giving you delicious back shots n rutting into you through the high as he murmurs filthy praises <3)
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Genshin characters and you putting lotion on their scars
Hiiii. So I have many many scars and this morning while I was putting lotion on I thought, huh wouldn't it be nice to have someone do this for me? To give such a mundane act of care... so romantic! 
Anyways, not everyone has scars like me but all our favorite genshin boys and girls are fighters and that means they have to have some sort of scar! 
Feel free to request more characters for a part two to this! I'll be doing a part two regardless, but if you have a great idea for a character I'll definitely incorporate it! 
Characters: Diluc, Tartaglia, Kazuha, and Beidou. 
part. 2
We all know that Diluc is commonly head cannoned to have a fuck ton of scars. Bro probably doesn't do shit with them either. You'd probably catch him with the incessant itch. Dear god, that is horrible, for you non-scar havers, the itch is nonstop, and when you scratch it's painful like a rash except all burny and dry. Please help him moisturize his scars. He's gotta be in so much pain. 
You've caught him with his hand under his shirt again, the rapid scratching looking frantic as he itches. 
"Diluc," you murmur a hand catching his arm and stilling his movements. "Did you put on your lotion this morning?" 
You watch him sigh, his scratching hand reluctantly making its way to yours instead. 
"No love, I didn't have time." 
"You can't not have time for your health Diluc!" You chastise him gently, though your tone holds some frustration. You're already moving to the bedroom, dragging him along and pushing him onto the bed. 
"Stay." You say with a pointed finger and you move to the connected bathroom, fetching the lotion out of the cabinet. 
Diluc has already taken his shirt off by the time you get back to the bedroom, resigned to his fate. You smile at him in approval and his gaze softens just a bit. 
"You have to be doing this every day," you remind him and you can practically hear him rolling his eyes. 
"I know." He retorts but it lacks the sarcasm and retains the hint of affection he tries to suppress. 
"Are you sure? Cause you can't seem to do it properly anyways." You mumble and he huffs the slightest laugh. You can't help your heart melt every time he does it, even if it's small. You can't help your smile either, as you gather lotion on your fingertips and start to spread it onto his skin. 
Diluc seems to enjoy your ministrations because he lets out a hum in contentment, eyes falling closed as you massage the lotion into his skin. 
You let your hands glide along his chest, spreading across his scars as you admire and recall each one. 
"Thank you, my love." 
I personally head cannon Ajax to have self-harm scars but I won't mention anything about it here. I think he probably has really erratic and odd scars. The abyss probably had all kinds of horrors with different ways of causing harm. But since Ajax is the type to purposely get himself into a fight he'll most certainly lose, I also think he's the type to purposely let himself get injured for the thrill of it. He would wear his scars as a sort of armor, he acts cocky about them but is actually quite shameful. 
You catch his eyes lingering in the mirror just before you bathe together. He can't help but feel conflicted over the scars he's accumulated. On one hand, he feels proud that he could have survived such horrible atrocities. Gone through hell and come out the other side with battle scars and his life. On the other hand, he now has to live with permanent markings on his body, an equally permanent reminder of the past that haunts him. 
“Ajax?” You murmur, a hand finding its way to his bicep, absent-mindedly tracing the scars that reside there. “Are you alright?” 
Your voice snaps him out of his trance-like state and he once again puts on his cheerful facade. 
“Just admiring my amazing body!” He quips and winks at you in the mirror but you frown at his masked emotions. 
“Don't bullshit me, Ajax.” He all but flinches at your harsh reply. “I know you better than that, love.” 
His mask falls and the man you know returns, a frown adorning his boyish features. You follow his gaze to your hand on his arm and suddenly you know. He must see the realization on your face because he speaks up before you can say anything. 
“You know me better than anyone.” He sighs and his hand comes up to cover yours. “I just don't like them is all.” He doesn't need to state it outright, he knows you know what he means. 
“If it means anything, I like them.” Your words are hushed and he can feel your hand leave his body as you shift away from him. 
“Why’s that?” He asks as you busy yourself looking through the cabinets. 
“Reminds me that you're not perfect. That you have weaknesses just like anyone else. That you're more human than you like to believe.” You say this nonchalantly like it's not the most genuine thing anyone's ever said about him. He watches you emerge from the cabinet with a bottle of lotion and a smile. You let the words sink in as you gather lotion in your hand. 
“I like them because they’re a part of you. They tell the story of how you became strong and how you weren't always that way.” You can't help but hum fondly as his eyes follow your movements. How your gentle hands caress him in a way not even his mother has since he was fourteen. Your hands glide up his shoulder blades, curve around to reach his front, and touch every part he hates. 
“I love them because I love you. All of you.” 
His bandaged hand is scarred from when he grabbed his friend's vision. That shit’s gotta hurt so bad, burn scars are a pain in the ass to take care of too. Especially since they’re so sensitive to sunlight. It makes sense why he would keep his hand bandaged even after his wound has healed. Though it's gotta be so itchy under there. Please be careful when handling his hand, scars like that are painful for years after they’ve healed. (I feel like he would be hesitant to show you it, so the scenario is your first time seeing/taking care of it.)
“Please, can I help you?” You’ve asked him this more times than you can count, always pleading gently to see his scar and getting the same rejection every time. So you don't expect it when his red eyes go dark and he just barely nods.  
“Okay.” He says quietly and you can only blink in shock before gathering yourself and leading him to the bathroom. 
He sits on the edge of the tub and patiently waits for you to find the salve he puts on his hand. Your heart beats faster than you like at the sight of his eyes so far gone. Maybe he's disassociating? You don't bother asking as you settle down in front of him. 
Your gentle hands take his bandaged one, and you look up at him to make sure it's still okay. He nods again and you continue wordlessly, deft fingers unraveling white gauze with ease. It doesn't take long for his skin to be exposed and you take in the sight of his scar. 
It takes a lot to not wince or grimace, the burn has left more scar than skin. The tissue is still red and angry, the texture severely affected in odd pattern-like ways. But you manage to smile sadly at the sight, how much willpower must it take to willingly catch a burning object and hold onto it? To ignore every instinct and cling to something so painful. To say Kazuha is resolute and tenacious would be a massive understatement. 
“Tell me if it hurts.” You mumble, wholly engrossed in caring for him. Your hands gather the salve in your fingers and start to gently spread it across his palm. His arm tenses up but he says nothing. 
The process is short, simply letting the salve sit on top of his skin, not daring to massage it in. He seems grateful for this. It's not long before you're wrapping new gauze around his palm threading it between his fingers. 
“Thank you,” he whispers when you're done, slipping down to the floor with you and hugging your waist. He buries his head in your chest and you hold him there. 
“Anytime, love.” 
The scar under her eye patch, I know a lot of people think she doesn't have one but for the sake of this, imagine she does. I think she's probably less forthcoming about the eyepatch because of the scar. Do you guys remember in her hangout how she was talking about her childhood and how she chased a dog to get its food and had to fight it? I feel like the dog probably scratched her eye and left her partially blind and scarred. And that part of the hangout is one of the only times we see Beidou feeling solemn, it’s gotta be a tough memory for her. 
She tells you the story the first time she lets you see it. For once, her demeanor is less than confident, no longer renowned captain of the crux, uncrowned queen of the sea, only Beidou. 
It's very obviously an old scar, not very big or intense. When you see it you focus more on her actual eye, her iris is a faded pinkish-red color, the pupil distorted and uneven. 
“I can still see a little bit on that side but it's all messed up and blurry, so I wear the eye patch.” She explains and you frown at the thought. 
“Did it hurt?” You ask, voice quiet and tentative. 
“I… don't really remember, to be honest.” Her eyes seem far away at the thought. “I just remember being so hungry. It was the only thing I could think about.” 
Your eyes study her expression, one you've never seen on her before. Its sorrow, longing, and pure pain all wrapped up in one. You let your finger trail the length of the scar on her eyelid. The lotion spreads with the motion, smearing white against her pale skin. The eyepatch has left a tan line that would've been comical if not for the sad story behind it. 
“Thank you for telling me,” you whisper, “and for letting me see it.” 
“Of course.” She says. “I trust you.”
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codisgay · 5 months
MORE Body & Cuddling HC's
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Kinda sugestive tho (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Holy shit, I didn't mean to make these this long but I love my boys so, eat my children, feast away.
-I mean he's a brat, we know this. He has a very feminine waist and is clean shaved all over, he buys the most expensive shit.
-He has a tattoo, right above his ass. Yes. It's a tramp stamp.
-Always has to be the little spoon, but if he's really stressed he'll lay on your side and knead your pecs. Maybe take a chomp if he notices you're starting to nod off or if you even suggest you're bored and just want to get a book to read.
-He really is just a brat.
-Im thinkin... Otter.
-Definitely has chest hair and some on his back too, happy trial starts right under his belly button.
-He's such a pretty boy and he knows it. Will absolutely use it against you. I'm talking making his way into your office when you're having to pull an all nighter because of paperwork. He'll slowly roll your blinds up, make his way to the couch in your office to lay in the moon beams as they shine ever so beautifully off his skin and highlighting his hair perfectly.
-Still ignore him? He's making noises now, clicking his prosthetic leg against the floor to piss you off, maybe saying nasty things to you in morse code while he's at it.
-When you eventually give in, just pick him up like a cat and plop him in your lap. Occasionally kiss his forehead while you're rubbing his back and he's passed out in record time, head tucked in the crook of your neck, his breath and stache occasionally tickling your skin.
-Ok, I'm aware people hc him as big and hairy but I'm in love with @bluegiragi design of him. Just wet cat. So I'm gonna say twunk, a tall hunky twink.
-Minimal amount of hair on his chest and a nice sprinkle disappearing into his pants. Very, very pronounced v-line. Small waist big hips.
-Under his hood is a mop of stringy dark burgundy hair kept in a lazy low bun. Has a scar starting from his chin across his nose and up to his left eyebrow. Other minimal scarring across his body. His left nipple and tounge are pierced, on his back is a tattoo of a malnourished ork upside down hanging from a tree with tears streaming down it's cheeks.
-If he's on the verge of a panic attack and has completely shut you out, pinch the scruff of his neck that way you have his attention before taking his hands and setting them on your chest. The rhythmic thumping of your heart calms him down. Basically just cuddle and talk with him and he'll fall asleep in your arms.
-He's kinda lanky so he'll koala around you without even realizing, and God forbid your arm or leg falls asleep. He's comfortable with you so he'll blink his long lashes at you while jutting his bottom lip out, and you'd have to be an ass if you still tried to shift after he looks at you like that.
-If you're both in a meeting, and y'know he's a colonel so he's acting all serious and it can occupy his mind for a while. Not being affectionate because he drills into that head space heavily, just give him a minute or ask if he's up for a spar. Do not get all lovey dovey while he's like this, he tends to get angry and won't mean any of it but he can be quite scary and will just glare down at you until left alone.
-Eventually he'll come back and climb into your shared room. If you're awake and reading or something he'll wiggle between your legs, using your stomach as a pillow as he absent-mindedly traces hearts on your thigh in apology.
-But if you're asleep he'll dig that octopus plush out of the drawer and flip it on it's happy side, setting it next to your pillow so you see it the next morning before crawling under the covers and spooning you with his arms over yours and fingers intertwined.
-Def an otter.
-He'll trim his pubes but that's it, but only if you complain directly to him about them scratching you.
-Has both ears and his nose pierced.
-He reeks of musk constantly, at this point you're worried he doesn't shower at all. Sweat and testosterone oozing out of every pore.
-On a less grossly sexy note he has freckles, little ones dotted along his shoulders and this tiny beauty mark under his lip. Goes feral when you leave a hickey directly on the mark, he's feral in general but like... extra feral.
-He's Mr.Hotshot but like every human he has a weakness.
-Keegan P. Russ is extremely ticklish and hates it, you on the other hand love it, obviously. Because he tends to get huffy like a toddler and starts going off on you, just wiggle a finger under his chin and watch as this squeamish little giggle escapes his lips. His face will go tomato red as he points as accusing finger at you as he lets out a gasp of betrayal.
-Sooth him over by scooping him up and crushing him under your weight, he lives for the feeling of you going deadweight on him. Eventually calms down and traces the muscle lines on your back while you both begin to doze off.
-But don't celebrate now because he sleeps like a rock and snores like a pig.
-You still love him though.
-Twink twink twink. Tiny bug man has stolen my heart.
-Has like no body hair except for his surprisingly hairy legs.
-He has antenna, just like actual antenna and know one knows why. Ask him and he'll chitter at you and scurry away. You've checked his entire body by the way, trying to figure out if he was hiding any thing else bug like while he has a smug smirk.
-Imagine getting up in the middle of the night and uh oh. Your pest of a boyfriend has mysteriously disappeared. Or... you thought until you swung your legs over the bed to find him and hear a startled squeak from under your bed.
-I mean, how dare you step on his hand like that?? What do you mean it's his fault for hiding under the bed? Nuh uh, all your fault.
-And like I said before he just has functioning antenna because they just move around, because you'll be sitting on the bed or maybe in your office and all of a sudden these little buggers pop up.
-He used to do it to scare you but as soon as you got used to it you figured out how sensitive the little antenna are. He'll be standing in the locker room, fresh out of his gear, antenna drooping with exhaustion.
-Just sneak up behind him and flick his antenna and watch as he trills, body shuddeirng and goosebumps all over his freckled skin as he looks back at you expectingly. Can't just leave your boyfriend all high and dry like that, especially not after such a brutal(in his words.. er, hands) attack to him.
-Let him scramble up you like a tree before you walk back to the bedroom with him on your shoulders, a freckled thigh on each side of your head with his swinging feet bouncing off your chest.
-If you're both in the mood, usually just him. He'll give you sloppy kisses, until you've got a throbbing vein on your forehead because he won't just fucking kiss you properly so you manhandle him under you, sitting on his pelvis as a whispy noise leaves him. Immediately craning back up to litter hickies wherever he can reach, he bites, not nibbles. Mostly on your nipples.
-Tugging those darned piercing until your nipples are raw and you have to shamefully wear tape over them since your uniform tends to scratch at them either way and it's even worse now. And the tiny fucker giggles about it too. If you aren't on mission and you stretch your arms out, your shirt pressing tight to your chest and the indent if the tape being visible once again he's break out into loud giggles if you're alone or with the squad but if with people that aren't the tight group of 141 boys his shoulders will just shake with silent, mocking laughter.
Pt.3 is also in the works ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
I never expected these to be getting so many notes.
I might be missing a few tags, so oopsie.
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whimsical-roasting · 10 months
Jamie Tartt and the Five Love Language
THERES SO MUCH I COULD SAYYY and special thanks to @caapsiizzereads for helping me brainstorm some of these!! ugh just wanna love on the babyboy so much yknow??
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Words of Affirmations:
Babyboy is so precious…… he knows how it feels not to get kind words, and so he just can’t help but give them out to you
“Woah, babe…your mind..” in a stunned manner when you go off about something you’re passionate about
“You’re everything to me,” he whispers at night as you fall asleep
Has a shared spotify playlist that you both can collab on, and it’s just songs (lyrics) that remind you of each other!! Jamie plays it when he’s heading to away games in the coach, and it makes him feel a bit calmer 
Giving you ALL the praise and dirty talk during sexy time “you’re so fucking beautiful”, “you make me feel so so good” “holy fuck angel” 
Sometimes just stares at you randomly with a goofy look and you’re like ??? what ??? what is it ?? did he realise i’m ugly or my nose is weird or wHAT !!!???!! and he’s just like, “you look like sunshine”, all smitten and shit
Kisses each feature on your body and says “my favourite” to every. single. one.
“I believe in ya!”
Desperately wants to make sure you guys have a couple’s song - something meaningful that describes how he feels about you that he can play for you both… like Sweet Nothings by Taylor Swift/Hearts Don’t Break Around You by Ed Sheeran/Simple Things by Miguel 
Plays that song after fights when the silences are still tender; when you’re drunk and slow dancing in the kitchen at 3am; when you’re getting dressed for a gala, and he’s fixing his hair, and you’re putting on your earrings
“I adore you, sweetheart”, “you look like a pretty flower”, “me heart fuckin sings seeing ya”
Physical Touch:
Absent-mindedly plays with your hair
Nuzzles face into your neck and then peppers kisses on your shoulder
Massages/scratches your scalp cause he knows how good it feels when you do it for him
Traces patterns on your knee and thighs if you sit next to him
Gotta be holding hands at all times
Pinky promises are sacred… probs locks pinkies and then kisses his thumb to “stamp it” 
Slapping his ass as he walks past you, and so he’s always covering his butt, complaining “babeeee you can’t do thattttt”, but then he’ll be all pouty if one day you don’t slap his ass when he walks past… “do you not love me anymore?”
He will randomly come up to you, wrap your arms around you, getting as close as possible and tuck his face between your shoulder and neck, saying that he’s recharging
Always gotta be touching some part of you.. it’s the only way to live tbh
Gift Giving:
Remember when Jamie was like, “can’t I just buy them all PS5s as a sorry??” “what better thing to spend money on than love?“ LMFAOOOO babyboy :”) he means well
The amount of effort he put into Roy’s gift for Uncle’s Day <3 
Jamie would fucking love getting you fancy, expensive gifts around big occasions (birthdays, holidays etc.) 
BUT I think he’d also love getting you smaller gifts like… Sunday morning flowers, or stocking up on different kinds of herbal tea in his kitchen cause he knows sometimes you’re in the mood for a random cuppa on quiet evenings
Personally, someone like me loves cute tea cups/mugs, so I think buying two mugs to keep in his house cause “they’re so cute, and I wanted them for us” would make him so happy!! He doesn’t even use them all that much, but just seeing them in the cupboard makes him smiley
The kind to want matching outfits or colour-coordinated outfits - most def would buy you both matching sneakers (so would Isaac/most of the team with his S/O)
Gets you a ‘J’ gold chain and wears a gold one with your initial 
If he sees some targeted ad on your insta or something for what you’ve searched up he’s like hmmm,,,,,,i might just,,,*add to cart*
Quality Time:
Wants to spend all his time with you!! Ofc he does!!! 
Is happy to just sit in silence, stroking your calves he watches tiktok with your legs on his lap!! Esp if you’re like reading/doing work on your laptop
He just wants to be there yknow? And he tries not to be annoying but the little puppy can’t help but wanna talk and touch and, ultimately, annoy you
Tries to invite you to all his events? “Can me girlfriend come?” 
Even the ones that aren’t for guests, “babeeee, what do ya mean you won’t come to Colin’s guys' night? I swear they’ll be fine with it…probably!!” “can I come to girl’s night with ya? I’ll let you paint me nails…come on.. Pleaseeee?”
Texts you periodically during the night regardless ahahaha
I like the idea of, “hey I gotta drive somewhere, and it’s gonna take me 30 minutes..can you talk?” whilst one of you is in the car and the other’s at home or, I dunno, has some time during their day 
Date nightssssss every two weeks… OR if the season gets busy and he’s also exhausted from Roy’s trainings then SPECIFIC carved out time to be affectionate and date-y
“I’m so sorry, love, I know we had that reservation tonight, but I came home knackered and just crashed…” “Jaim, it’s okay-” “No, no, it’s not! I’m so fucking dead from training I don’t even get to take ya out anymore! What if- what if you wanted a picnic, huh!” “Baby, it’s okay, really.. How about we set up a picnic on the living room floor and order takeout? Something that Roy’ll let you eat, yea?” “I’m so fucking grateful for ya, angel, I swear” 
He always wants you to watch him score a goal on FIFA cause he’s a child ahahaha… probably teaches you how to play and then pouts when you score as Obisanya 
Wants to try out random hobbies with you - sip and paint cause “I’ll have an excuse to draw outta the lines”; knitting cause “Bumbercatch said it’s soothin, babe”; quick dry clay but he makes a big circular lump at first and grins at you “look babe!! I made a football!” 
Acts of Service:
Makes you coffee once he’s back from his 4am training 
Always offers you his jacket/coat
“I know this was stressing ya, babe, so I took care of it”
“Don’t worry, love, I’ve been practising this dish just for you.. I won’t burn it this time, promise”
Late night cravings???? McDonald’s fries and an Oreo Mcflurry?? He’s already slipping on his jacket and finding his keys (imagine how attentive he’d be with your weird ass pregnancy cravings omg)
ALWAYS opens doors for you... Probably yells “WAIT” when in the car with you just so he can jog out and open your door with a grin 
Always down to carry your purse, puts it on his shoulder like it’s HIS despite having his lil bum bag across his chest
Nightime or morning routine, he probs has to get ready before you so he lays out your skincare for you. Probs adds toothpaste on your brush if he hears you getting ready to enter the bathroom
Probably the main one driving everywhere, but if you drive and need to fill up your tank, he’ll be the one to get out and fill it then pay,,, he’s almost offended that you say you’re capable of doing so yourself, “babe, what am I here for?!”
Tries to eat in accordance with your dietary requirements (e.g. I’m vegetarian) if you guys have date night - or he’ll always have like mouthwash and gum so he can kiss ya later without making you feel uncomfortable!!
“Ooh babe, they have the ravioli ya like and the vodka gnocchi!! Okay, you order the ravioli, and I’ll get the gnocchi and we’ll split, yea?” “Hey Jaim, can we order fries too?” “Fuck yea!”
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muzansfangs · 25 days
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Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader; mention to past Shuhei Hisagi x f!reader; Shunsui Kyoraku;
Format: multi-chapters story;
Warnings for this chapter: nsfw, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, spitting kink, possessive behavior, slight degradation kink, hair pulling, scratching, touch-starved Sosuke, manhandling, creampie, both the reader and Sosuke are bad at feelings;
Plot: The ache between your thighs and in your head were all that was left about the previous night. A quick shower and more than a mere goodbye kiss were the proofs everything was over. Leaving Sosuke’s quarters, you accidentally bumped into the Captain Commander. Fooling Shunsui was impossible and this gave the man the idea of burdening you with a particularly hard task.
𝐀 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.
The warm rays of the sun seeping through the window lunged over the bed, making you stir. The headache greeting you as you came back to your senses was the unequivocal sign you were experiencing a terrible hangover. Lazily lifting your eyelids, you rubbed your eyes and tried to roll over your side, hoping to indulge into the bed for some more minutes. Something weighing on your waist, however, prevented you from moving. Furrowing your eyebrows, you opened your eyes wider, letting your gaze drift downwards, only to spot a muscular arm draped over your body.
Connecting the dots, you felt your cheeks heat up, flashbacks of the lustful night you had spent with him resurfacing in the back of your mind. You truly had no idea how to deal with this. The ache between your thighs made you let out a stifled moan, as you gently grasped his wrist and tried to lift up his arm from your waist. Bad move, undoubtedly.
The disapproving guttural sound coming from the man beside you made you flinch and you turned your head to the side to peer at him curiously. Handsome as a fallen angel, Sosuke was resting closer to you than you remembered yesterday night. His soft, longer brown locks were delicately dangling over his visible eye, still closed. In moments like this, it was hard to believe he was a criminal, homicidal mastermind. On top of that, it was kind of unsettling you had let him ravage your body the night before. Physically, you surely did not regret it. Mentally, you had felt free, good, after so many months spent in crying your eyes out for the horror of the war, fearing of not making it out alive. What was now troubling you was thinking of what would have happened if someone found out about this.
“I’ve heard showing empathy to a partner the morning after is commonly appreciated. — Sosuke’s hoarsely said, causing your stomach to somersault, as you were absent-mindedly goggling at him — I was not expecting you to shove me off of you so cold-heartedly” he reasoned, his hand tracing the outline of your hipbone as you rolled your eyes at him and hid your face behind your hands to get a grip of yourself.
Having a soft spot for him was not an option you were willing to contemplate, but he was doing his best to make it hard for you to detach yourself from your feelings.
“I needed to go to the bathroom” you blatantly lied, hoping his brain was still not functioning correctly, considering it was early in the morning. Then again, Sosuke Aizen was not a mere human like you, nor a mere Soul Reaper.
“Ah, now you turned to the childish tactic of lying. That’s intriguing”.
“That’s simply trying to mark the line between us”.
Sosuke grinned, sitting up and hovering over you faster than you had anticipated. His hands latched around your wrists, pinning them together above your head. The warmth provided by his body, the way his abs grazed over your bare stomach and his cock was poking at your inner thigh was enough to set your body on fire and send your morals flying out of the window.
Dipping his head down towards your ear, Sosuke hummed and nosed the curve of your neck “Oh really? You know, this attitude of yours has got me thinking I should have probably fucked you harder yesterday night. — he cooed, inhaling deeply, as he now buried his face into the crook of your neck — Maybe, unable to walk straight, you would have had no troubles in admitting the already blurry line between us is no longer existing”.
You had almost forgotten how good he was at getting under the skin of his interlocutors. You had never been an exception. His charm, his way of making you question yourself and your own decisions, even bending your morals for him, were all signs you had never found the strength to build a wall between you two.
Therefore, staring up at him now, helpless as the bruising grip on your wrists did not loosen up, you snorted “Let me guess, you won’t let me go until I confess I enjoyed what happened last night?” you asked him, eyes narrowing as he ghosted his lips over your jawline, earning a sigh from you.
“Maybe I just want to fuck you again. — Sosuke replied, leisurely letting one of his hand glide down your body, tracing your belly, until it cupped your sex — Stuffing you so full of my seed it will dribble down your thighs, while you talk to your brother. What do you say?”.
Your lips parted, eyes widening even so slightly as you instictively tried to close your legs, unable to control the effect his lecherous words had had on your body. This time, you had no excuses, you were sober, you would have been convicted murderer of decency, if you let him in again. Still, as your legs were squeezed together, his hand did not move. His fingers, instead, spread your labia, his thumb searching for your clitoris and flicking it to watch the way your foreteeth sank onto your bottom lip not to moan. The signs of your arousal were crystal clear, though. From your labored breath, to your half-lidded eyes. Not to mention your juices seeping onto the pads of his fingers stroking your folds.
“I say you should let me go. — you breathed out, glancing at the sun raising outside — I need to make it back to the Inn, before my brother finds out I have not spent the night there” you reasoned, but the moment his finger eased into your core, curling, you gasped and a low moan fell from your lips.
Sosuke was staring at you intently, his free hand cupping your cheek “Look at me and tell me that you want me to stop” he stated calmly, your brows knitting whilst you struggled to steady your breath. The truth was you wanted more and you would have been damned, if you said you did not wish to experience the same overwhelming bliss you had gone through last night. Now that you were fully yourself, now that the sun was still not wholly up, nobody would have known about it. No one. No one, but you two.
“I should reject you” you murmured, nuzzling your cheek into the palm of his hand. You wondered why it always felt tender, why he was not imposing himself arrogantly as he always did.
“But your body can’t refuse, can it? Or, perhaps, you don’t want to at all” he whispered, easing a second finger into your sappy cunt. Thighs quivering, you gave up. Spreading them wider for him, you cupped his cheeks, cradling his face into your hands, and you knitted your eyebrows together.
“Promise me you won’t tell a soul” you blurted out through gritted teeth, cheeks heating up, as he bit onto your lower lip, tugging at it to assert his dominance.
You did not really need him to speak and assure you this défaillance was going to be your secret. Somehow, you knew he had no reason to spread the rumors around. Aizen Sosuke loved to watch people covet what was his, but he lurked in the shadows, keeping a low profile unless it was strictly necessary to make a scene, showing his cards.
Involving you into a passionate kiss, Sosuke groaned scissoring his fingers into you, as his tongue slipped into your mouth. There was something enthralling about his sinful hands on you, about the way he was so hungry for your flesh he almost trembled. You could not let it slide this time, not as you kissed down his jaw and brought your mouth to his ear.
“Why are you shuddering?” you whispered, hooded eyes fluttering close as he curled his fingers into you once again, stimulating that spongy spot that made your body shake in violent waves of pleasure.
He glared at you, teeth sinking onto the crook of your neck to leave the umpteenth mark since the previous night “Years go by, but you still run your mouth like a impudent toddler” he deadpanned, lapping at your now bruised skin before leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your cleavage, between the valley of your breasts.
You writhed beneath him, your hand gliding behind his neck, gripping his neck as he flicked his tongue over your right nipple. You could not take it anymore and he knew it, he could feel your inner walls tightening around his fingers, before he denied you your orgasm once again. He seemed to draw immense pleasure from torturing you. It was only now, as you opened your eyes again, watching how he grabbed his cock, giving it a few languid strokes to line it to your opening, that you connected the dots. He was, without the shadow of a doubt, touch-starved.
Caramel eye glimmering in wanton, his tip rubbed down your slit, collecting your juices meticulously.
“You’re touch-starved” you breathed out, softly, a pang of pity in your voice that visibly irked him.
“Shut up” he growled, before pushing himself deep into your core, pulling a loud moan from you, as your back arched in sheer pleasure. Your legs, hooked around his hips, tightened around him and squashed him even closer to you.
While the sting of pain caused by the sudden intrusion was already fading away, you instinctively let your nails dig onto his shoulderblades, crescent moon marks appearing on his flesh like a tattoo. Smoothly, he witherdrew slowly from you warm channel, only to thrust back inside vigorously. A breathy moan was ripped from your throat, while you lolled your head back and exposed your neck to his vicious mouth. The snaps of his hips were something out of this world. Never in your life you had ever felt such a pleasure, such a passion and mastery among the bedsheets. Sosuke was greedy, grunting softly next to your ear, making sure you could feel him wholly.
Toes curling, you let your thoughts run free “Is that what Muken has done to you?” you asked him, only for Sosuke to wrap one of his hand around your throat, firmly, but not enough to hurt you.
“That’s what you did to me”.
The meaning behind his words was unknown to you. Did he mean he had longed for you for so long he had eventually lost his mind? However, you knew Sosuke enough to confidently say he did not care about anyone, or anything in this world except for himself. Maybe you were a whim he had finally satisfied, or maybe he was in denial upon ascertaining himself he was indeed touch-starved. He was smart, you were one-hundred percent sure he perfectly was aware of his own feelings and emotions. Admitting them out loud, though, was out of discussion.
When he felt your inner walls spasming around his cock, he gritted his teeth and sat back on his heels, hands sliding up your thighs and taking a hold of your ankles. Pushing your legs up, he buried himself into you until the hilt. The action stole the air from your lungs, as you just lied there, hips uncontrollably bucking up, while he pinned you down with a lustful glare.
“You should have not told me a fellow shinigami had fucked you before me” he rasped out, pausing only to give you a few rough thrusts that made you go in a frenzy.
This feeling, the way the tip of his cock bumped against your cervix, causing winces of pain to erupt from your throat should have been illegal. The pleasure, mingled to that numb pain, was too go to exist. All you could do was staring up at him, watching how his hips smoothly snapped upwards towards yours. His body was perfect, resembling one of those marble statues carved by a greek sculptor.
“I want him to see you struggling to walk, after you leave my quarters. I want him to smell me on your body, to taste my seed when he goes down on you and realizes you will not be satisfied ever again after me” he affirmed, nostrils flaring as he ravaged you at a breathtaking tempo.
His words ominously echoed in your head, as the face of Shuhei appeared before your eyes. You were not his girlfriend, you had never been, but you had promised him to talk about what you two might have had in the near future. If only he knew how you had spent the night and the early morning, he would have never looked at you the same way. Your fists clutched the white blankets at your sides tightly, a shameless moan leaving your lips as you felt him twitch into you. He was close and so were you. Stopping was pointless, by now. You had already made up your mind. You would have done what you did best, the very thing you had done with Shuhei: disappearing for a while. But could you really play your same old game with Sosuke? The way he now spread your legs wider, settling them onto his shoulders as he fucked you stupid, were suggesting you a different ending.
Sweat beaded his forehead as you tightened around him, earning a grunt from the man above you. The way he held you, the way he fucked you, it was possessive. The way he had expressed how much he would have liked to see Shuhei’s world crumble upon tasting his sperm into you spoke volumes. Then again, you refused to believe Sosuke was obsessed with you. No matter the deep conversations you two had had in the past, or the fact that he had saved your life more than once in Hueco Mundo.
You two were not meant to be.
You shuddered, you could feel his balls slapping against your ass, as he lunged over you and folded your body in half “Look at me. Look at me, while I make you come” he ordered, breath ragged as you stared deeply into his eye.
“It’s so fucking weird, Sosuke. — you stated, as his thrusts got sloppier — You… You craving my attention is not something I had forseen happening in my whole life”.
“Then it means you never paid attention to our interactions. That’s disappointing” he huskily replied, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Whatever. It’s not like I’ve ever cared about failing your expectations” you breathed out, before he reached his hand up and pushed his fingers into your mouth, forcing it open while he gave you a brutal thrust. And just like that, he spat into your mouth.
Your eyes grew round as his saliva slided over your tongue, his hand closing your mouth forcefully as he chased his orgasm with more urgency now. Degraded by the very man you had once hoped to destroy, you swallowed, too proud to belittle yourself with a row. Huffing, you just tugged at his hair harsher than you ever did, your eyes locked with his as you tightened around him and reached your climax with a strained moan.
Sosuke glared at you, before finally giving you a last thrust and finishing deep into your core. His warmth flooded in your gummy walls, your thighs quivering at the feeling, as he stayed still to make sure not a single drop was wasted. You were panting and he was too, when he slowly pulled out and proceeded to spread your labia to contemplate his work.
Still oversensitive, you flinched and tried to swat his hands away, but eventually you gave up, as he shot a cold glance at you.
“What’s your deal?” you queried, whilst he watched his cum ooze out of your core with sheer interest.
He smirked “Just wanted to carve in my mind the sight of my seed in your pussy, before you leave” he cooed, as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. It was time to clean up and leave that room and the hellish man inhabiting it behind. As soon as possible.
Sitting up, you found the strength to push his hands off of you. Sosuke did not put up a fight this time, eyes merely following your movements as you attempted to stand up on your wobbly legs. Bending down, you collected your clothes from the floor and scowled at the thought of wearing them again, at least, until you could finally sneak back into your room at the Inn.
“Aren’t you going to gift me your underwear?” Sosuke spoke out from behind you, causing you to stop in your tracks.
“Excuse me?” you quipped, whipping your head back towards him.
“I thought it was a ‘human thing’ women did. — he casually replied, albeit you could tell he was clearly feigning ignorance to mess around with you — I saw it in a couple of movies”.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him on your way to the bathroom “Don’t be ridiculous. Still, I didn’t think you were the type to sniff them in the dead of the night”.
You had not anticipated his comeback, though. The smug grin on your face dropped as quickly as it had stretched your lips, upon hearing his words.
“I don’t need to sniff your thong to smell your pussy. — he declared calmly, cocking his head to the side as he eyed your body — If I want to eat you out, all I have to do is ask you to spread your legs and I know for sure you’d do it without hesitating” he bantered, causing you to mentally curse yourself and dash into the bathroom.
Sliding the door shut, you rested your forehead against the smooth wooden surface and closed your eyes. You had a talent. An incredible talent at screwing up your already chaotic and messed up life. Sosuke was right. Even though your rationality suggested you not to let him touch you ever again, you perfectly knew that, after what had happened between you two, you would have not been capable to push him away if he touched you. But this toxic attraction was not healthy. Sosuke had been poisoning you for years, gradually, drop after drop. You knew that too. Nevertheless, you had let him do that, feeding you that insatiable thirst for his venom until you had let him own every inch of your body in the most visceral way imaginable.
You hated yourself for having played with Shuhei, for having let your relationship sink. Not even the war was an excuse for what you had done. If you want someone, you fight for him, you ignore the adversities life throws at your face. Through pain and blood, you do anything you can to get them. But the real question was: did you want him as much as he wanted you?
Now, letting the warm water cascade over your naked body, fingers rubbing your scalp gently, you felt like a bubble in the wind, waiting for an angular rock to pop you and let you explode in your misery. You needed to leave this place, to leave Sosuke’s barracks, go back to your room in the Inn to collect your belongings and find Shuhei. After that, you could finally go back to your ordinary life in the World of the livings. Or so you thought. Washing away quickly any trace of your misconducts, you lost no time in hopping out of the cubicle and wrapping a towel around your body. Drying your hair at the best you could, you did the same with your body and put back your uniform, before taking a deep breath and going back to the bedroom. Upon entering, you were not shocked to spot a still very naked Sosuke sitting on the edge of the bed. A silky black dressing gown was draped over his shoulder, his lips grazing the rim of a cup of a tea as his right leg was crossed over the other.
He reminded you of a bohémien artist, at first. But he was anything but that. Passing by him, you grasped your zanpakuto and secured it on your hip. Then, you halted and clenched your fists down your sides nervously.
“That’s the end of the road for us, I guess” he spoke out, saving you from babbling out idiotic phrases you would have regretted on your way out of there.
“Yes, it is” you shortly mumbled, nodding your head imperceptibly.
“I see. — he replied, pausing just to settle the now empty cup on top of the nightstand — Let me say my goodbyes properly, then” he chimed again, standing up and approaching you.
You were frozen in place, unable to move as he grasped your chin delicately between his thumb and forefinger. His hot breath fanned your cheek, as his lips ghosted over the skin leisurely, sending waves of electricity through your veins “I keenly look forward to seeing you again” he whispered, before capturing your lips with his in a demanding kiss you could not refuse.
One last kiss, one last taste of his sinful lips as you reciprocated it, as you let his tongue invade your mouth and strip you of your last shred of dignity left in you.
When it ended, you flicked your gaze up to meet his. Your breath was labored, your heart thrumming against your ribcage so violently you thought it was going to break the bones and jump out of your chest. Breathless, you shook your head and slided the door behind you open rather clumsily.
The still cool air of the early morning nipped your skin, as you glanced at him from the porch one last time “See you” you mumbled, before sprinting down the same path you had drunkely taken yesterday night.
You could have used the flash-step to get to your destination faster, but your legs were still kind of numb. The dull, steady thump of your feet hitting the floorboards was the only audible sound accompanying you, as you tried to concentrate on your task: getting to the Inn as soon as possible. Cussing under your breath, you turned to the left to get to the staircase, but your head was so in the clouds you had not even been capable of detecting the strong and familiar reiatsu coming from the that direction.
Your nose colliding with a broad, hairy chest and your ass landing onto the floor were enough to halt your run. Groaning softly in pain, your gazed up to see who was the man you had bumped into, only to gawk at the sight of the Captain Commander himself. You blinked, ascertaining you were far from being still drunk. He was there, grinning down at you amusedly as he immediately offered his hand to you to get back on your feet. Shunsui Kyoraku, the kindest shinigami you had ever had the pleasure to meet.
“Isn’t it too early for you to be up?” you nervously chortled, taking a hold of his hand and getting back on your feet.
The man in front of you sighed, head turning to the side as he clicked his tongue “At least someone remembers I am not an early bird. Being the Captain Commander is harder than you could ever imagine” he stated, rubbing his chin listlessly.
Fixing your uniform, you smiled at him and glanced up at the sky. It was still early, definitely too early for your brother to be roaming down the streets. But you needed to make enough time to take care of the various issues caused by your tendency to gum up your efforts of living a peaceful life.
“And what about you? All alone, disheveled, black circles under your eyes, hickeys on your neck… — Shunsui noted casually, your eyes darting on him as your hand instictively gripped the collar of your uniform to tug it up to cover the bitemarks — I can only think about a thing, miss Kurosaki” he stated, blessing you with one of his characteristic smiles.
Fooling Shunsui Kyoraku, a man who lived the life of a laidback lothario, drunk most of the times, someone who had no qualms in showing the world how much of an hedonist he was, was the equivalent of dressing up as a clown and pretending not to work in circus. You were toasted, as a matter of fact, but you still tried to push your luck. There was nothing wrong with having sex with someone, right? And you probably did not even expect him, out of everyone you knew, to give you the speach. You were a grown up woman, living up to the idea you could make your own decisions, when it came down to your body.
“And you’d be right. I drank a little too much yesterday night and I loosened up” you stated casually, already trying to turn your back at him, vainly hoping you had washed away Sosuke’s reiatsu and that his chamber was not the only one located in that direction. But Shunsui was not naive.
As his hand latched around your wrist, stopping you, it was clear he had got the hint of what had happened “How was it? Did he hurt you?” he asked, a concerned undertone echoing in his words as you twirled around to face him again.
Cold sweat collected behind your neck, your breath hitching as you gaped and stammered a simple “Who?”.
“I’m not here to judge you. I’m the last person who could do that anyway. I just wanted to check on you” Shunsui explained, this time sounding serious. His single grey eye was looking straight into yours, showing empathy as his grip on your wrist loosened and you dropped your arm back down your side.
Why lying now?
“Shunsui, promise—” you started, warning him with a glacial glare in your eyes as you took a step closer to him, checking the area as if you were looking for a possible passer-by.
The Captain Commander smiled, lowering his hat over his head to shield himself from the sunlight “Your secret is safe with me” he said and, in that very moment, you trusted him. How could you not, after all?
Straightening your back, you huffed and leaned against the wall at your back. Your eyes downcast, as you eventually decided to confirm his suspicions “It was consensual, if that’s your concern and… He has been actually exceptionally kind to me. I fainted in front of his room and he brought me in. I don’t think I need to explain what happened next” you replied, cheeks heating up, as you reminisced the actions that had led you to moan Sosuke’s name, as if your life depended on it.
If you closed your eyes, you could still feel his touch lingering on your skin, smell his cologne as he held you close to his body. But it was wrong and, now that the thrill had expired, you had no reason to think about it ever again.
Shunsui nodded, folding his arms against his chest “You know, it’s actually funny how the first person he talked about when I unsealed him was you. He was awfully concerned about your whereabouts”.
His words piqued your interest this time, your brows furrowing as you tilted your head to the side, inviting him to go on with his narration. After being unsealed, the first person that came to his mind was yours. Why? What did he want from you? Except for your body, obviously.
“What?” you quizzically asked him.
“That’s right. He wanted to know if you were alright. He told me he had sensed your reiatsu getting feeble. He wondered what had happened to you, but he obviously did not give away to me too much of his mind. I think I know why he was so invested into you now… — Shunsui said, scratching his stubble, as he eyed you up and down with a thoughtful gaze that did not promsie anything good — Which is giving me ideas”.
You blinked a few times, mostly puzzled by the informations you had just received by the former Captain of the Eight Division. Sosuke had sensed you had gotten badly injured and he had gone to the extent of asking Shunsui about your well-being. What was going on inside his mind was a mystery you were not capable of figuring out. Not yet, not even in the vulnerable state you had seemingly seen him at that morning. His solitude and his yearn for human touch were getting the best of him, even if he strived to carefully hide the truth.
“Ideas? I know that face and I really have no time to put up with your shit” you jabbed your finger at the man, arching an eyebrow up expectantly.
Shunsui, however, had already made up his mind. While he smiled at you, he did not reconsider even for a second his decision “Well, you can go to pack your stuff and say your goodbyes for now. But, unfortunately, I need your help with our special threat” he stated, earning a resentful look from your behalf.
He needed what now? Your help with who? With the very person you were avoiding to meet ever again? You thought he was jesting, at first, but when he did not join your soft chuckle, you realized he was serious and your smile dropped from your face instantly.
“Whatever you are thinking about, erase me from the list of people involved in your plan” you flatly said, but Shunsui shook his head.
“Ah, my dear Y/N, I am afraid I can’t. Not when you are the only person in the whole world he does not completely despise. Also… Come on, you guys are pretty close now” he started, subtly smirking as you stared at him horrified.
“I need someone to watch over him and…”.
“Awesome, ask someone—”.
“…You are going to let him live rent free in your house”.
“What?!” you snapped, colors draining from your face as you clasped your hand over your mouth in shock. You could not believe what you had just heard him saying. He was out of his mind, clearly.
But the moment you both sensed a powerful and tremendously strong reiatsu raining down on you, Shunsui chuckled and you had no other choice but to come to terms with the fact that you could not abandon your friend like that. Gritting your teeth, you stood back up and your eyes met with Sosuke’s ones. Fully dressed, he was standing a few feet away from Shunsui and you, his appearence radiating a sense of superiority that almost nauseated you.
“It’s rude to talk about people behind their backs. — Sosuke chided you both, as Shunsui huffed at his remark — Care to tell me what’s the deal with you two?” he asked you, his gaze lingering on you for way longer than you expected.
Shunsui raised his hands apologetically, taking a single step closer to Sosuke, his tone of voice uncharacteristically serious “How does it sound sharing a roof with this beautiful girl, Aizen-san?”.
And, God, the way Sosuke’s eye gleamed in mischief upon hearing those words was enough to make you realize how bad your situation was.
Here we are with the third part. The things I have planned for this one are scrumptious, I promise!❤️ Hit me with a feedback, if you want! Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated!
Until next,
TAGS: @onyxino @seireiteihellbutterfly @pseudowho @areyouflying @bakugosgirl01
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betweenlands · 8 months
It takes exactly two seconds between Impulse looking up at the top of the Secret Keeper and him realizing what he's actually seeing up there to decide he is officially sick and tired of seeing ghosts.
There are seven entire ghosts around the thing today -- a couple appear to be tinkering with the secret delivery mechanisms. Impulse squints at them.
"What are you doing?" he says.
"Trying to figure out how to load more tasks into this thing," one of them replies, kicking one of the blocks with buttons on them. He's got a full beard and some weird green glowing mushrooms poking out of cracks in his face. It's definitely... a look, Impulse will give him that. Very Mycelium Resistance. "But whoever designed it used freakin' command blocks, and you can't even see the randomizer run."
"How many times did your randomizer break again?" one of the other ghosts calls from up on top of the Secret Keeper.
"Never!" the mushroom ghost protests, causing at least two other ghosts to crack up laughing. "It worked completely flawlessly except for user error."
One of the ghosts, someone who appears to have a floating cactus block for a head, snorts. "And programmer error."
"You shut it," the mushroom ghost responds.
"He's not wrong," the more normal-looking brown-haired ghost over by the command blocks says absently, purple eyes clearly focused on trying to trace the wiring back to the actual command blocks.
Impulse just stands there, bewildered -- both because the ghosts are actually talking to him, and also because these are extremely weird ghosts to be talking to who look nothing like anyone he's even vaguely heard of.
"Fine," he says, "you know what, I'll bite. Why are you guys here?"
"Checking in," a ghost sitting on one of the lower rocks says. He's wearing blue and yellow, looks to be a little more transparent than the others. "Y'know, new season and all that?"
Impulse squints at him. "No, I meant, why are you following me?"
"Ohhhh!" The ghost laughs. "Hadn't looked into what you were doing yet, and these guys wanted to see if they could get some of their tasks into the machine, so I just brought everyone along."
"That's not really a good answer," a ghost leaning inside the alcove under the Secret Keeper says. He's got a mask pulled up over his face, though his voice doesn't really sound muffled at all.
"What," the blue and yellow ghost says, "am I supposed to say something like it's because you're one of the people with no hard-and-fast thematic associations to stick to and therefore easier to facilitate a meeting with and freak him out more?"
Impulse squints harder. "Are you guys Watchers?"
The blue-and-yellow ghost snorts. "Hah! That's Martyn's lore, bud, not yours. Nope, nothing to do with the Watchers."
"Aren't you technically--" the ghost in the alcove starts.
"Tsssssshhhhhh," the other ghost replies by way of shushing him aggressively, "spoilers!"
"Alright," the alcove ghost says, spreading his hands in mock defeat, "fine, have it your way. He's right though. Not Watchers."
"Lowercase-w maybe," the brown-haired ghost still inspecting the redstone with the mushroom ghost says, "but otherwise, no."
Impulse is starting to feel like he's wandered into something way above his pay grade.
The alcove ghost snaps his fingers. Impulse notes somewhat absent-mindedly that he has, like, a lot of piercings on one ear. "Hey," he says, "come to think of it, we might be able to help you out with some stuff."
"I swear to God," another ghost says from on top of the Secret Keeper, "if you try to sell another person on your weird coffee god thing again-"
"I wasn't going to!" he responds. "Honest! I was just gonna say, it looks like there's a plains biome here, that means oxeye daisies, that means suspicious stew with regen if you can get a good source of mushrooms."
"Unfortunately," the mushroom ghost says, looking up from where he and the other ghost appear to now be trying to cram books into the ground, "the space for the hearts seems like it just kinda vanishes when people get hit. At least, if I'm not misunderstanding the programming."
"If you're misunderstanding the programming then we're both reading this code wrong," the brown-haired ghost says. "And I'm pretty sure I used something similar here for Dark Path stuff, so probably not?"
"Dang," the alcove ghost says, then tilts his head back towards Impulse. "Maybe make splash poison potions, then? That'll take out a good chunk of someone's health if they can't regen."
"He is green," the cactus-headed ghost says. "Why's he gotta make poison potions right now?"
A shrug in response. "Never hurts to prep early."
The blue-and-yellow ghost leans forward, squinting at him. "Alright," he says, "one of my wisps give you that idea or what?"
Another shrug. "I mean, what if they did?"
"Last time you started listening to his wisps," the brown-haired ghost says, "they told you to try and kill everyone just because I beefed it before the dragon fight."
"It would've worked if you hadn't warned them," the ghost in the alcove replies. "I can't believe you tried to sabotage my attempt at avenging you."
"I can't believe you listened to them in the first place," the blue-and-yellow ghost says. "They're bloodthirsty, they don't really give good advice."
"And I," Impulse says, having inched his way over towards the new task button, "am going to take my task and leave, because you guys are weird."
He hits the button and flips through the taskbook.
"End every sentence said to another player in a question?" he says, squinting down at it.
"You're already doing better than some of us were!" one of the ghosts on top of the Secret Keeper yells down.
"Oh my god, shut up!" the mushroom ghost yells back, and then turns to Impulse. "Hey, by the way, have you considered getting a pet parrot?"
"That's still a bad loophole and you know it," the blue-and-yellow ghost cuts in.
"I heard him just fine," the brown-haired ghost says. "Hey, hang on -- that's one of ours! It worked!"
Impulse decides he's not even going to bother trying to be polite about leaving. He has had entirely enough of these ghosts in particular.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
skz reaction to there s/o have lots of tattoos (fluff pls) 🫶💕
stray kids reaction to their s/o having tattoos
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genre: fluff
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy <33
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he would LOVE your tattoos. will spend forever and ever tracing his fingers of tattooed skin with a sparkle of admiration glimmering in his eye, a fond smile on his face. it's as if each day he's seeing them for the very first time, finding something new to appreciate about the way they look. in short, he lives them very much <3
if you haven't gotten a cat tattoo he will express his deep and earnest disappointment. because... he just be like that. but seriously, he loves your tattoos. likes it when you show them off too instead of covering them up. he wants them to be ✨free✨, yk? finds himself staring at them and then denying it if you catch him out on it. he just thinks they're hella pretty!
it's the times when you're working out with him and your tattoos are on full display that he just melts inside. usually it wouldn't phase him but damn seeing you like this makes his mind wander to other things... thinks your tattoos are really sexy and will tell you every day without fail. with love a consistent king 🙌
he likes tattoos. admires them like pieces of artwork. because that's what they are to him. on your skin, they are art. he loves the freedom of expression and the different mediums of expressing oneself. the fact you found that through your tattoos makes him love and admire you even more. he likes knowing why you got them. the stories behind them. the deep meanings. everything.
thinks your look cool and badass and hot and loves your tattoos so much EEEEEEEEEE. you make him wanna get a tattoo so badly (he's kind of a wimp tho so it will take a lot of persuading and reassurance). just loves the way your tattoos look and tends to stare at them when he phases out and goes into a little daze. you let him look because, ay, what's the harm?
before yall started dating, he was super intimidated and super attracted to you all at once. you're definitely the type he would want to get to know. and now that he had you? he can't help but tell you how awesome and cool he thinks your tattoos are. he wants to know why you get them and if you were going to get any more. may even give you some ideas for your next one!
loves to absent-mindedly traces his fingertips along the designs of your tattoos when you guys are cuddled up to each other, staring at them, looking deep in thought. if you question him he will reply with a 'huh?', not even raising his head as he continues to stroke your designs. just loves how they look against your skin.
definitely the type to get matching tattoos. like, that's just his thing. he has to. you like tattoos. and he likes you. it's a win-win situation! he thinks your tattoos are cool and pretty and wants to join in on the fun himself. he appreciates them as being a sort of... fashion statement, in a way. a definite way to express yourselves.
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reverieblondie · 26 days
I'm losing my mind thinking about zevlor finally believing that this gorgeous person has eyes for him, truly just for him. Because he's gotten a little injury. Just a silly little scratch, and here they are, fussing to clean it up and get him all bandaged. Once they've gone, all he can do is look down at the little kerchief they'd left for him to keep over his 'wound'.
Oh my god yes!!!
Zevlor would be completely dumbfounded that a beautiful high elf would ever fall for a man like him. But he can no longer ignore the signs! He looks down at the soft kerchief embroidery with flowers and just has the faintest lingering sent of them.
Next time he sees them he gives it back freshly cleaned. But wrapped within it they noticed a small gift? With a bright smile that always sends Zevlors heat racing they eagerly rip it open and see a new Kerchief, with what looks like some bad embroidery of roses and a text they can’t recognize either from the embroidery job or just that the language is foreign to them. They look at Zevlor confused and that’s when they see that his face is just the slightest bit redder and his tail is coiled around his leg…he’s nervous?
“Did you…embroider this for me?” They ask hopeful and Zevlor nods.
“You gave me your only one and well…I didn’t want you to go without in case you need it again so I got you one…it’s simple so I tried to fancy it up some, but I’m afraid I never learned really learned the craft…”
They grab his warm hand and hold it tightly, “thank you Zevlor. I love it! And if you want we can try embroidering together, I could show you how…”
Zevlors eyes go soft like they do everytime they speak to him, his tail starting to sway unashamedly at them liking his gift and the possibility to see them more often.
“I would love that…” he whispers just enough for them to hear in turn making their heart now thump in their chest. Stepping slightly closer they look back at the kerchief, tracing the text and roses with their thumb. “So what does the text mean?”
Zevlor never breaking his eyes from their face smiles as he absent mindedly starts to rub his thumb on their soft hand the other coming to lift their chin to meet his warm eyes. “It’s infernal…but it basically translates to, Angel heart, may flowers always bloom for you…”
They never let anyone else use that kerchief and the always carried it with them from that day on… later they found out Zevlors favorite flower is in fact roses.
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rindough · 1 month
that first anon again: oh my god losing my religion by r.e.m. for boothill. this man is SO full of teenage angst, sitting in the corner of one of those old timey country bars all veiled in shadow looking at the person he has feelings for laughing and dancing in the crowd, completely mesmerised as he rests his chin on a hand with a focused expression, mouth slightly open, and absent-mindedly traces the rim of his glass with a finger from the other, almost without realising. You ain't slick, dude. Go talk to them.
God, I am so fucking normal about him.
OH YA i forgot to reply to a question from ur prev ask, sure! u can give me indie songs as well heheeee, and ngl i wasnt expecting this song but its one of my fav songs to vibe to!!!!
OKOK I GOT THE IDEA AND I FIND IT CUTE buttt i kinda put a twist to it if thats okay!
so lets say you're a regular at this diner in town, you had your fair amount of visits here with your friends, your family, even alone. boothill has seen it all, but god at each time he tries to strike up a conversation with you, it either comes off awkward or him just flying off his seat from trying to 'smoothly' whoosh onto the stool.
he doesn't know what made him this... intrigued by your presence, why is it that everytime the door bell chimes, he glances by the door to see if it was you, the way your voice echo in the quiet diner, the way you spun around after you got your order and straight out the door you walked. he wants to know why and how has he suddenly had the balls to walk up to you, and just start some small talk.
unfortunately on his side, it got to the point where it only ends in 'hi's or 'i see's. he thought he could do it, he thought he could whoosh his way in n perhaps whoosh his way out out this diner with u tagging along. but look at where he is now, it's not that you don't get along, but with the way he looks into your eyes and stutter whatever he wants to say, fumbling over words and fall into silence while you wait, while you search his eyes, his body languages. Waiting for something more, as the man himself got you to become a nervous mess too.
but overtime, he gradually became standoffish, he no longer sits beside you at most of your visits, he doesn't look high up above the diner booth to check if its you (he observes from the window instead 🙄), he just waves, he just stands up to go at your presence, he just-
he no longer visits the diner.
in fear and perhaps shame, he and his cyborg body, you would prefer someone much more... human, right? what does it take for a cyborg like him to woo someone he fancies?
it's impossible, he thought. at this point, he'll just give up and not think about the thing people call, the thing he once dreamt of having, love. he'll just give up the act and focus on some... commission he has or whatever...
but does he really though?
"dude, since day 1, are you still gonna mess this right up?"
the voice behind him pulls him out of his trance, the spunk haired man stays put in his seat, the fold of his index rubbing his bottom lips while a thumb rests on his his sharp jawline. choosing to ignore the blond waiter by his side. the waiter throws his tablecloth aside.
"hello?" he snaps his fingers at him, earning a 'tsk' from the man.
"whaddaya want? can't ya see i'm busy?"
"busy doing what? staring at them from this corner of the bar? i know that look of yours, i saw what happened last time-"
"and what? what makes you think i stand a chance with them, best believe 'm gonna look after them from far away. they don't needa see me here, they don't gotta see me at all."
the waiter groans, as if the man in front of him is being blind or feigning ignorance to escape falling in love, to just... dwell in his insecurities. "bro, look at the way they look at you!"
boothill stays put, eyes blinking at your swaying form, your head shaking side to side at the music. the way you jump, throw your hands up, his mouth falls slightly ajar at the way you move. his throat runs a little dry at the way beauty could exist in many forms and at anytime, and this was one of the many times he had found beauty in you. he had found himself longing for you.
it's agonizing honestly.
both on your end and on his.
you're here swaying to the music from the speakers, mingling with other youngsters in your town, hoping that when you turn around to start talking, it'd be the one you've been looking for this whole time, the one whose clumsy way of flirting leaves you wanting more and more. the night was young and there's ample time for him to visit the diner, but... would he?
for him, he wishes he was the only one under your spotlight, the one making you laugh, oh how he loves the way your lips curl into a smile, the way your eyes twinkle.
if he was out there in the crowd with you, best believe he'll twirl and dip you down on the dancefloor and make you have the best night and dance of your whole life.
he turns his head sideways, looking at the blond. "what's with the way they look at me?"
then he turns back to observe you. maybe, just maybe, you would turn around at a certain degree and meet his yearning gaze. wondering if he can make you feel his presences by drilling holes into your skull.
"..." at this point he's defeated, he can't be bothered to explain all these lovey-dovey pre-dating crush nonsense to this sulking cowboy.
"y'kno mister, they've been looking for you every time when you're not around the diner. do i gotta explain more? do i gotta explain the 'where's boothill? have you seen him? has he visited today?'" he mocks, "ya wanna know what happened when i told them no every single time? they just left the diner- not ordering anything!"
the spunk haired man hums, now no longer focused on you, but instead, his back facing the crowd as he stares into the prepared drink before him, finger circling the rim of the glass as the complaints of the waiter goes unheard.
if what the man was saying is true, then... but... why? what made him special enough for you to promptly ask for him at every visit. and he bet it was every visit, since he's not even in the diner every day for months. so, why did he have to leave?
was it the fear of judgement?
was it fear of rejection?
or was it the fear of losing you?
"so?" the waiter quirks an eyebrow, "what do you plan to do with that information-"
he can't back down now, the aftertaste of soulglad lingers the back of his mouth, he's walking, walking towards the crowd, thank god your back was facing him... otherwise he wouldn't be doing what he was doing now, otherwise he'd instantly run away again. and he does not plan to let you search for him again.
"hey." he whispers, smiling gently at the way you suck in your breath at the sight of him.
he never thought he'd feel his heart melt much more than before the moment your soft lips mellow into a smile, the twinkle of your eyes refreshing his past, yet brief memories with you.
©  2024 rindough, do not repost or plagiarize.
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Hey, hope you're doing fine!
How do you think the kings would react to a MC who has a womb tattoo (yk, the ones succubi are usually depicted with) ?
Hi hi anon, thank you for your patience ^^ I have been trying to like not die my body acting up because it's cold out. But it's all good. I love thinking about MC with a womb tattoo because I already know which devil would go c r a z y y over it. Satan: He saw it because he's the one that's always grabbing and pulling up their shirt because he loves his arms around their waist. When he spots it, he likes to ask MC did it hurt and if it means anything. MC doesn't know how to answer but it's fine, Satan is out here poking it every chance he gets and thinks it's sexy. Mammon: He saw it, wanted it, and got one. MC is surprised to see that it's nearly identical to theirs but he says it's because he wanted to be exactly like his Master's to feel closer to them and ngl it looks pretty hot against his golden skin.
Beelzebub: The moment he saw it, he immediately pulled MC aside to look at it closely. He gave critiques on the craftsmanship, and says that he wanted to add more to it so it would have his personal flair. MC trusts him and he does some minor additions which actually make it look amazing. After it's healed tho, Beel snickers when it glows, letting MC know that it will do that every time they're horny and it calls him to them. Lovely.
Leviathan: "It's tacky get rid of it." Is his first words upon seeing it. But it's not because he hates it, it's because someone was that close to MC's waist putting their hands on them in the first place while making the tattoo. But after some time, he's fine with it, though still under his breath saying he'll find out who the artist is...so he can have a little 'chat'. Lucifer: He's very neutral about it, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like it. He has a more oft approach, absent-mindedly tracing it while they're in bed together cuddling, or kissing it softly when MC is asleep.
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 months
IntiMarch 2024 Day 9 - Listen closely
The prompt for this was "Touch me"
Suguru smiles into his book when Satoru walks past the couch and absent-mindedly trails his fingers over Suguru’s shoulders. He’s on the phone, talking to someone and he’s pacing the room. His pacing leads him past Suguru again and again, and every time Satoru reaches out for him to touch him in some way; trailing his fingers over Suguru’s hand, his arm, his shoulder and one time even to pat his head, which made Suguru chuckle and Satoru frown at him.
He still hasn’t noticed what he’s doing and Suguru is not going to tell him.
Satoru gets weirdly self-conscious about these things when they are pointed out to him, even when Suguru reiterates again and again that he doesn’t mind, that he loves it actually, so Suguru bites his tongue.
He enjoys these casual touches way too much to say anything and risk making Satoru stop.
Satoru walks close again, but this time he stops behind the couch, his fingers carding through Suguru’s hair as he listens to something the other person says. Suguru can make out a male voice, but that’s about it and he’s not straining to listen in.
Satoru will tell him who that was or he won’t and Suguru is fine with both.
They have more trust in their relationship than that, so Suguru doesn’t feel the need to pry, even after Satoru hangs up.
What does worry Suguru though is how Satoru stays quiet.
“Everything okay?” he asks after five minutes where Satoru did nothing but play with Suguru’s hair and he knows that something is definitely not right when Satoru jumps as if he has forgotten all about Suguru.
“Everything’s fine,” Satoru still tells him and Suguru makes a face at him to let him know just how unbelievable that sounds. “I have to go out for a while, that okay?” Satoru asks him and Suguru rolls his eyes.
“What am I, your keeper? We have no plans for today, so do whatever you like,” he gives back because it’s not as if they have to be glued to each other all the time.
They both have their own set of friends the other don’t like much, so it’s not unusual for either of them to do anything without the other and the fact that Satoru even has to ask that makes Suguru frown.
“You know you don’t have to ask my permission, right?” he adds on, because something about Satoru has been strange since the phone call.
Satoru is quick to nod his head though he doesn’t seem much happier.
“I just thought–” he trails off. “Never mind.”
“Satoru, if you want to stay, stay,” Suguru says, finally lowering his book completely. “If you want to go, then go. I’ll be here. I intend to finish this book today, so you know where to find me.”
“You don’t even want to know where I’m going?” Satoru asks and Suguru reaches up to untangle Satoru’s fingers from his hair so he can hold his hand.
“Do I have to ask? Do you want to tell me?” Suguru wants to know and Satoru lets out a deep sigh.
“I guess not,” he whispers, but he intertwines their fingers before he leans down to press his cheek to Suguru’s. “You don’t mind that I’m going?” 
“I’m starting to think that you might want me to mind,” Suguru sighs out and turns his head to press a kiss to the corner of Satoru’s mouth. 
“But you don’t.” There’s no trace of emotion in Satoru’s voice, nothing that lets Suguru know what the right answer to this is, what Satoru wants from him right now and so he simply decides to be honest.
“I don’t,” he agrees and nuzzles Satoru’s cheek. 
“Okay,” Satoru gives back and moves away, though not without demanding a real kiss, which Suguru is more than happy to give him. “I’ll be back before dinner.”
“Okay. If not, call me. I don’t want your food to go cold.”
“Fine, fine. You’ve got plans today?”
They just talked about the fact that they both had absolutely no plans until like five minutes ago, but still, Suguru only raises his book in answer.
He does intend to get through it today.
“Alright then, nerd,” Satoru fondly says and tugs on Suguru’s hair playfully. “It’ll be much easier for you to concentrate on that if I’m not here anyway,” he then adds with a crooked smirk and Suguru immediately shakes his head.
“Not true, everything's better when you’re there,” he gives back because it’s the truth and it makes Satoru blush slightly, which is a win in Suguru’s book.
“Shut up,” Satoru half-heartedly mutters but he moves away from Suguru to put on his shoes. “I’ll make dinner, no worries,” he calls back and Suguru looks over to him.
“You’re going to leave, just like that?” he demands to know and stubbornly tilts his head, waiting for a kiss when Satoru only stares at him.
“How demanding,” Satoru chuckles out but he does move back in for that kiss Suguru wants.
“Have fun and be safe,” Suguru says when they part, because he always does when Satoru leaves the house without him even though Satoru only carelessly waves his hand at him. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he calls back. “Love you!”
“Love you, too,” Suguru quickly says, but the door closes before the words fully leave his mouth and Suguru sighs.
He’ll have to make sure to tell Satoru again when he comes back, he decides and then busies himself with his book again. The quiet of their apartment is a little bit jarring at first and even though Suguru adjusts to it relatively quickly, he never forgets that Satoru is currently not home.
Suguru always misses him when he’s not there.
Satoru behaved strangely even before he went out, but now that he’s back, something is definitely off. 
Suguru had moved his reading to his reading chair eventually, but when Satoru texted him that he’s on his way back–way before dinner–Suguru moved back to the couch, to be in perfect touching proximity for Satoru.
Now Satoru has been home for almost half an hour, and he’s passed the couch and Suguru’s spot on there several times already and not once has he reached out for Suguru.
No trailing fingertips, no hair playing, not even any head pats.
Something is bothering Satoru, Suguru is sure of it.
He gives him one more chance to go back to his usual behaviour before he says something, but when Satoru walks past him yet again without reaching out Suguru puts his book down.
“Satoru,” he calls out and waits for him to turn around to look at him. “What is wrong?”
“Huh?” Satoru mutters, clearly distracted by something but his gaze sharpens when Suguru continues to look at him. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Bullshit,” Suguru gives back, because he knows Satoru better than that. “Something is bothering you. What did I do?”
“Why do you assume it’s something you did?” Satoru wants to know, slowly coming closer to the couch and Suguru waits for him to sit down, but Satoru never does.
“If some random thing is bothering you, you’d still be touchy with me. But it’s been half an hour since you came home and despite a quick kiss you haven’t reached out for me at all, which means that something is wrong with me. Did I upset you?”
It’s an honest question; Satoru sometimes gets so lost in his head, twisting things around that he ends up accusing Suguru for something he never even did and Suguru knows from experience that it’s best to simply ask about it.
Satoru will tell him and then they can figure it out; either Suguru apologises or Satoru realises he was a little bit dumb and way too insecure for Suguru’s liking and then they can go back to their relaxing evening.
“Nothing is wrong,” Satoru says again, probably only to be contrary, and Suguru briefly presses his lips together.
“Fine. Touch me,” he demands, but Satoru stays frozen way too far away from him.
“If nothing is wrong, then you can touch me. Come on, you like to do it all the time, shouldn’t be hard now, should it?”
It’s a little bit mean Suguru is aware of that, but he can’t help it. It’s not always that easy to get Satoru out of his own head, but this usually does the trick.
Suguru knows that he’s won, too, when Satoru’s fingers twitch and Satoru’s face falls briefly.
“It’s just–my dumb thoughts,” Satoru still tries to shrug him off and immediately Suguru worries.
This must be something serious then, if Satoru doesn’t take the offered chance to talk about it.
“Most of your thoughts are dumb,” Suguru agrees because even when Satoru is not worrying over nothing his thoughts don’t tend to be too mature most of the time and Suguru loves him for it.
To soften his words he stretches himself over the back of the couch, reaching for Satoru’s hand, reaching out for him first.
“Tell me about them anyway.”
Satoru hesitates for a second before he heaves out a sigh and comes around the couch. Suguru readily stretches his legs out on the length of the couch, so Satoru can lay down between them, his head on Suguru’s chest and it’s only when Satoru relaxes that Suguru prods him again.
“What is it, Satoru?” he wants to know, carding his fingers through Satoru’s hair, slipping one hand under his shirt, seeking the warmth of his skin and then he simply waits Satoru out until he’s ready to talk.
Sometimes it takes him a while to gather his thoughts into something coherent and Suguru doesn’t mind giving him that time.
“You’re going to be mad,” Satoru mutters eventually and Suguru bites back a sigh.
“I’m not going to be mad,” he patiently explains to Satoru, “because as long as you talk to me, we can figure it out.”
Satoru falls silent again, though it doesn’t last very long.
“I met with Naoya.”
“Okay,” Suguru simply gives back, though now he can guess where this is going to go. 
Naoya is head over heels in love with Satoru and he’s being an absolute douchebag about it, at least to Suguru. 
“What did he say?” Suguru still wants to know, because clearly this time Naoya hit a nerve.
“You don’t mind that I meet him?” Satoru wants to know instead of answering Suguru’s question and Suguru cranes his head to press a kiss to the top of Satoru’s head.
“I know he’s in love with you and you know it, too. If you meet with him, I trust that you’re aware enough to not fall for any of his flirting tricks. I can’t say I like the guy, but I know that you’ve known him for a very long time, so why would I mind? I trust you.”
“Or it’s just a convenient excuse for you, because you don’t really care,” Satoru bitterly mutters and now that makes Suguru frown.
“I don’t care? About what?”
“Me. Us. This relationship.”
“Now hold on a minute,” Suguru says and pushes Satoru up so he can look him in the face. “You think I don’t care about you?”
The thought makes his stomach drop out, because how can he have failed so much? How can he have failed to make Satoru understand just how much he loves him?
“Well,” Satoru awkwardly says with a shrug. “I mean–”
Suguru takes a deep breath instead of answering immediately because he’s so mad right now, but at least half of it is directed at himself for failing Satoru in such a way. 
“Please explain how you came to that conclusion,” Suguru says, trying to keep his voice even and calm but with the way Satoru’s shoulders almost raise to his ears he knows he’s failing at least somewhat.
“Naoya said it’s obvious,” Satoru mutters out and now that makes Suguru see red, though he still tries to reign it in. 
“What did the fucker say?” Suguru bites out and immediately chastises himself even though it makes Satoru smile, if only briefly.
“He said it’s obvious that I care much more about this relationship than you do.”
“And he wants to know that how? It’s not as if he’s living with us and he barely sees us together. I’m curious to know how he came to that conclusion.”
“It’s just–he’s not entirely wrong, I think,” Satoru mumbles though he does reach for Suguru’s hand to soften his words. “I am much more tactile and more vocal about how much I love you, too.”
Suguru already has a thousand things to say to that, but he bites his tongue for now. He can tell that Satoru is not yet done.
“And–he said that you might be in it for the money. I mean, I’m paying for everything, that much is true. It’s not as if you have to worry about rent or anything.”
Suguru takes a deep breath before he speaks. 
“Alright, is that it? Or are there any other concerns?” he wants to know and despite everything Satoru flashes him a quick smile.
“He also said that I’m clearly the prettier one, but for that I told him to shut the fuck up.”
“You shouldn’t have,” Suguru immediately says, “because while he spouts a lot of bullshit, he’s definitely right in that regard.”
“Suguru!” Satoru protests but Suguru only rolls his eyes.
“Shut up and get your phone,” he instructs him because the money thing is at least easily disproved.
“What for?” Satoru mutters but does as he was told to do.
“Go into your banking app, check your income. I know you never ever look at it, so do it now.”
Satoru frowns but starts tapping away at his screen and Suguru knows he’s done when his eyes go big.
“You’re sending me money?” he whispers out and Suguru sighs.
“Of course I am. Half of the rent, utilities and groceries. Until we’re married and have a shared account it will stay that way.”
“‘Until we’re married’?” Satoru breathes out and Suguru hates how much disbelief he can detect in his voice. “Not if?”
“Never if,” Suguru decidedly says and leans forward to capture Satoru’s face in his hands. “You’re it for me. Of course I’m going to marry you eventually. That’s not even a question for me.”
Satoru seems honestly shocked by that and Suguru really wonders just where he went wrong to make Satoru doubt them like that.
“Satoru, I love you. I love you so much, you have to know that. And I’m definitely not in it for the money, as you can see,” Suguru says with a nod towards the phone. 
“Okay,” Satoru says, as if it’s as easy as that and Suguru knows that he would let it go now, but Suguru goes on. If they let it be at this then these thoughts will rear their ugly heads every once in a while and Suguru is not going to take that chance. Still, comfort over explanation, Suguru thinks.
“Come back here, please,” he quietly says and makes grabby hands at Satoru, who easily lays down on top of Suguru again.
“I’m sorry for being stupid,” Satoru mutters as he goes heavy on top of Satoru again.
“It’s okay to have concerns and to wonder about things,” Suguru tells him as he goes back to carding his fingers through Satoru’s hair. “But I need you to know that I care very much about you and this relationship. We just express it differently.”
“How so?” Satoru wonders, though he doesn’t tense up, stays soft and malleable on Suguru and Suguru loves him so much it sometimes feels as if he’s going to burst apart with it.
He wishes he could let Satoru feel that.
“You are very tactile,” Suguru starts with, “that much is clear. But I don’t think you’re more tactile than me. You just initiate it first, you’re more forward with it. But have I ever pushed you away? Moved out of the way, or otherwise let you feel as if your touch isn’t welcome?”
Satoru thinks about his question for a moment.
“You have a reading chair,” is what Satoru finally says and it’s so out of left field that Suguru frowns.
“Yeah?” He’s not quite sure what Satoru is on about.
“You have a chair completely, wholly dedicated to reading in it and yet you always end up here, on the couch, and then you complain about how much your back hurts and yet you’re back in that spot the next day.”
Well, when Satoru says it like that it almost sounds embarrassing.
“And what conclusion do you draw from that?” Suguru wants to know, though he can tell that Satoru has figured it out already.
“You sit there, because I reach out for you every time I walk past when I go somewhere in the apartment. And it wouldn’t be possible if you sat in the chair.”
“Exactly,” Suguru breathes out and buries his face in Satoru’s hair. “It’s the reason I knew something was wrong, too, because you passed me several times without touching me and I can’t say I like that very much.”
“I never realised,” Satoru mutters, sounding far away and Suguru bets his life on the fact that he’s running through as many of their moments together as he can. It doesn’t worry Suguru, because he knows that Satoru will only see just how much Suguru craves this contact, too.
He gives Satoru another few minutes before he speaks up again.
“I express my love for you just as often as you do, as well. I just don’t always use the same words. I mean ‘I love you’ whenever I tell you to be safe when you leave. I mean ‘I love you’ when I ask you to text me so your dinner won’t get cold. I mean ‘I love you’ when I ask you to rest, when I banter with you, when I egg you on, when I join you in your shenanigans. I might not always use those exact three words, but I always, always mean it.”
“I see,” Satoru breathes out and rubs his face against Suguru’s chest. “I’m sorry for being stupid,” he says again and Suguru sighs.
“You’re not stupid, so don’t apologise. Just know that I love you, that I care about you, us, this relationship just as much as you do. And then prepare to say yes when I’m going to ask you to marry me.”
“You really will?” Satoru asks, turning his head so he’s able to look at Suguru and it takes Suguru’s breath away, how beautiful he is.
“I really, really will. I have the ring already.”
It was supposed to be a surprise but Suguru guesses it can’t hurt to say this now.
“Ask me now, then,” Satoru demands, his eyes sparkling with excitement but Suguru shakes his head.
“Not a chance. I’m going to catch you off guard,” Suguru promises him and Satoru laughs.
“I won’t be able to think about anything else from now on.”
“And I will wait until you finally do and then I’ll hit you with it,” he softly gives back and pushes Satoru’s bangs out of his face. 
“Okay, deal,” Satoru agrees and nuzzles into Suguru’s hand. “I can’t wait.”
“I love you,” Suguru says, dropping a kiss to the tip of Satoru’s nose. 
He vows to say it more often now, just so that Satoru can be sure that he really means it.
“I love you, too. And I promise I’m not going to listen to Naoya anymore from now on.”
That makes Suguru laugh and Satoru shakes with it.
“Please,” he agrees, because listening to Naoya is such a bad idea in the first place. “And if any other doubts come up, you talk to me instead of keeping it all bottled up.”
“Fair enough,” Satoru hums out and stretches himself to bring their lips together. “Dinner still on?”
“We’re ordering in, there’s no way I’m getting up now to prepare it,” Suguru decides, because he’s perfectly happy and content right where they are and he’s not going to make Satoru get up.
“Sounds good,” Satoru easily gives back and places his head on Suguru’s chest again.
They order dinner late, too caught up in the comfort of being like this with each other and Suguru knows that neither of them mind. And despite everything, Suguru counts this evening as a win because when he drops food into Satoru’s bowl he knows he loves but never gets for himself Satoru mouths ‘I love you, too’ at him.
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levmada · 1 year
sucking kishibe's cock after a long, hard day...<3
//multiple uses of “sweet girl”, oral (m!receiving), praise | wc: 1.6k
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"Hard day?"
A man of few words, Kishibe grunts, and absent-mindedly draws more shapeless patterns around your knuckles. Your joined hands rest on his leg, but his all but engulfs yours.
The softer material—much comfier than the slacks he wears to work—is satisfying to stroke, and right out of the shower, he smells delectable. He isn’t usually anxious to shower right when he walks in the door, but he was today.
More than that, even though nothing seems to be wrong on the surface… you know better. You sit up on your knees to be taller, smushing the couch cushions underneath, and lean against him some more so your cheek is buried his broad shoulder. You show your support in silence.
He notices. “It wasn’t the best,” he acquiesces, and his arm strays around your waist. In a flash with only a minor show of his strength, he reclines back on the sofa and brings you down with him.
A squeak escapes as you end up flat on top of him, where he holds you like an oversized stuffed animal. He seems calm, but there sits a sheen of vulnerability behind his dark eyes.
You lean close. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
Kishibe eyes you flatly.
“Okay, okay,” you chuckle. You gift his lips a short peck. “It was worth asking. But I still wanna make you feel better.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” He sounds a little curious.
Instead of responding with words, you take more time kissing him, a little more tenderly. Your lips trace the long line of his scar (you can never resist) then wander down his jaw. His light stubble tickles your lips, then your cheek as you find a good place to suckle.
He chuckles huskily, nothing more than a shift in breath, and turns his head to give you more room. Fondly, his hands rake through your hair. “Ah, I see now.”
You smooth your tongue over his adam’s apple with a smile, and then his earlobe, pecking his two silver piercings playfully.
Kishibe swallows as he feels his lower half stir. “What’s your fascination with those?”
You grin cheekily where he can see. “What do you mean? They’re cute. Just like you.”
Kishibe chuckles through his nose and rubs the back of your neck. He swears: You’re the opposite to him in just about every way, and yet there’s no one that makes his heart warm more.
With that same care, you slide his shirt up, smiling softly as your hands slide downwards.
"Cute, huh?" He reclines a little more, and lifts his hips as your fingers skirt along his stretchy waistband.
His chest lifts as you lay your palm between your thighs, pressure that's hardly there.
“That’s nothing compared to how cute you are…” As you palm the hardening outline on the front of his pants, his own falls on it, encouraging you. “…with your pretty hand on my cock.”
“Oh, yeah? I’m about to look much cuter in a second.”
How do you manage to amuse and turn him on at the same time?—And when he's this tired? He cards his blond bangs back as you hook your thumbs in his waistband, freeing his heavy cock. Sweetly pink at the tip, made all the more pretty glistening wet.
His hips squirm the slightest bit as his hands gravitate towards his waistband to get the rest of his clothes out the way for you.
But he doesn’t need to do a thing. You stop his hands, simply by laying yours over them. He lets you.
“Relax, dear,” you soothe quietly, mouth hovering so that your warm breath washes over his tip. It twitches before your eyes.
He sighs. It wavers. “You’ll have to remind me how.”
Over his hip, your fingers link with his more severe ones. Hands that have wielded steel, slain countless devils. You squeeze them tenderly, and then guide his other to your mouth; holding eye contact, you lathe his warm palm with the flat of your tongue.
Kishibe inhales. Being mystified by you, and only you, leaves him putty in your hands. You guide his wet fist around his shaft, pumping slow and tight.
His rising breaths culminate in a gasp as your tongue dips into his slit.
Your tongue coils and flicks around his tip as you stroke him together. He’s huge—it's always a challenge to relax your throat and fit him inside, so this is a perfect place to start.
“Want it fast?” You lick the fresh pearl that’s welled up in his slit. “Or slow?”
His eyes pinch into slits, but never completely close. He wouldn't miss his pretty girl like this, pink tongue on his cock as if licking nothing more than a lollipop. He’s taken with your eyes.
And truthfully, on his way there already.
“That depends on what you want later. You want me in your little cunt?—Mm…” The tension grows as your lips close on his tip, suckling steadily. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. I know you’re already soaking wet.”
Mewling, you sink down with more fervor—because he’s right. He’s always right.
He spreads his thighs a little wider nonetheless. “I know it, sweet girl.”
Warm, heavy weight slides over your tongue. You’re still not near your linked fists when you force yourself to pull off and say, “Enough about me. For one night. Lemme pamper you just this once.”
You hardly finish talking before sinking right back down again, massaging with your mouth now, sucking firmer so your cheeks hollow.
He hates that idea, but he can barely raise his head, he's so tired. If he's not careful, scenes from today will creep back to the front of his mind again. He never wants to give you the idea that he prioritizes his job over you after leaving you to yourself on the days he works—in fact, he wants to treat you like you're his only priority.
But, if this is what you want, then.
“…Just this once,” he whispers, almost slurring his husky voice. He takes your words to heart, and relaxes his muscles. Focusing on your silky soft mouth, unbearably warm, coming down deeper, and tighter. It’s like a light, deeply satisfying, captivating dream he just doesn’t want to wake from.
You lap your tongue and trace that thick vein along the side, causing him to groan along with the rising slurping sounds. You’re taking it slow. Patiently dragging his climax out of him almost, which says too much when, if you took this another way, it’d already be close to over. He didn’t realize how much he needed this special attention—especially after a day like today—until you, you, insisted on giving it to him.
Not so much because of a moment of weakness—you are his weakness. If you asked him for anything, he knows he’d bend. He's getting too fond in his older age.
His cheeks feel warm, and there’s a tremble to his thighs as your mouth threatens to overtake your slow-moving fists. You make a placating noise as you let his hand free, only to moan as his big palm slides along your cheek, stuffed full of him. And you’ve only taken him the better part of halfway.
“That’s a good girl, you can take it,” he purrs. His thumb works on the knotted bone at the base of your loosened jaw, relaxing it enough for you to take more. You mewl, sucking wetly.
His teeth grit. He has the self-control—as he always does—not to stuff your throat like he craves. He knows, besides, that the slower the climb, the better the fall.
He feels your nose bury into the field of blond curls at the base, and moans tightly. Delightful shivers wrack his spine. “That’s it. So damn good to me, sweetheart."
You hum in agreement as he caresses your plump cheeks with both hands now, occasionally teasing the side of your throat where he feels it moving, you taking it. By the speed you’re going, sucking lovingly, or, dare he even think in worship, by the time you tighten your pressure, swallow and bob your head in deeper strokes, he finds himself gasping and gripping your hair. Close, quick.
You easily sense his twitchy hips and his thighs tightening up near your head, and moan, long and slow. Hot tears have long-since stuck to your lashes. Your jaw aches brightly too, but thats the best pain in the world as far as you’re concerned.
“Mm,” Kishibe groans. “Just like that. Suck it like that. You’re—You're gonna make me come.”
You both feel it throbbing on your tongue, and he knows you can take it, so he tips his hips in blunt, steady motions, joining your eager sucking. He can’t stop watching his cock, slathered in spit, burying inside, over and over again. Your lips look like cherries compared to his cock.
He squirms, just lightly as he approaches his end, moaning under his breath. Your mouth just gets sweeter and tighter. “Ah.” His head tips back. “Ah, I’m close. You gonna swallow it for me, sweetheart? Gonna take my cum down that perfect fucking throat?”
You moan, dripping need, in encouragement.
That’s all he needs. The vibrations hug his cock, so it punches a moan out of him when his pleasure reaches a delicious peak. His head falls back, pumping steadily as a heavy load of his cum shoots down your throat, one after another. For head, he comes hard. He groans and shakes, a near-soundless whimper falling from his lips at the end.
Breathing hard, dizzied, he relaxes to the couch, and cards your bangs back while you pull off. The stress melts off his bones, leaving a comforting warm in its wake.
You’re a pretty sight like this, wet eyes glazed and cherry lips parted. A bead of sweat is even visible on your temple.
He sighs, completely relaxed, and says, “Just this once.”
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kishibe masterlist | main masterlist
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captainpulisic · 1 year
turned my bed into a sacred oasis - c. pulisic
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credit and thank you to my beloved miss belize for helping me with the plot & dialogue. I owe you many orange slices. not technically a sequel to this but I see this being in the same universe word count: 2.6 k gif credits to myself
they’re delicate touches as your fingers trace mindless shapes over his chest. you’re quite content in your current position, head laid on christians shoulder and a leg thrown over his. your bodies were still slightly sweaty, the sheets pooling around both your waists. you get lost tracing the lines of his tattoos, leaving an occasional kiss on his shoulder. he answers by letting out soft hums of approval.
you trace a few hearts and both your initials across his collarbones until you dip a little lower, landing where his actual heart is. feeling the low drum of his heartbeat brings a smile to your face. you flatten your palm and apply light pressure, “your hearts going kinda crazy right now.”
“yeah well in case you forgot, we literally just had sex.” he lets out a breathless laugh. there's a pinch to your bare hip and light kiss to the top of your head. there’s only sincerity when he adds, “and i’m positive my heart is always like that when i’m around you.”
you’re torn between rolling your eyes at his clicheness and kissing him silly for his romanticism. you settle with a soft whisper, “i’ve missed you.”
“missed you more.” he begins to mirror your tender touches, pressing you closer to him. soon enough, you feel one of his hands trail along your lower back while the other catches your moving hand- the sneaky one that had caused his heart to thump faster than usual. automatically, your fingers intertwine and he gives them three gentle squeezes. “and i’m so happy I get to sleep next to you, again.”
“really?” satisfied with your current predicament, you’re too comfortable in christians arms to try to look up at him. you settle with opening one eye and leaving another kiss on his shoulder.
“are you kidding me?” his hand travels to your waist, leaving another squeeze. this earns him another kiss from you. his voice has gotten softer, more timid. “I don’t think i’d be a very good boyfriend if I wasn't happy about that, y/n.” 
you feel yourself drifting to sleep, content to have christian back in your bed- both sexually and literally. snuggling deeper into his side, you don’t notice how stiff he’s gotten. 
you feel him take a deep breath, “I am a good one, right?”
your brain and body are exhausted, so you’re not really processing the conversation. you stifle a yawn and absent-mindedly ask, “a good what?”
there’s a pause before he says- well whispers, “boyfriend.”
you freeze for a moment. that’s all it takes for your mind to wake up and your eyes to fully open. 
“what?” you’re offended on his behalf, immediately sitting up. the cold air nips at you, yet you’re too startled to care. christian whines at the sudden loss of your body warmth, instantly missing your touch. he tries to coax you back into laying down, avoiding your hard stare as his arms try to ease you back into position. much to his dislike, you’re swatting these attempts away and are searching his face for some sort of explanation. you’re baffled, “why would you even ask me that? what?”
he’s looking everywhere in the room but you. 
you scoff, “of course you’re a good boyfriend, you’re an amazing one.” 
“alright, then.” he bites his lip, somberly nodding. he leans back onto the pillow, giving no further explanation.
as confused as ever, you shake his arm. he looks like he clearly doesn’t want to talk about it but you can’t let it go. minutes ago you both were happy and on some sort of love high, and the idea of him going to sleep sad makes you want to die. you won’t allow it, christian deserves to always be happy. you probe, “why did you ask?”
“forget it, it was just me being stupid.” he sighs, self-pityingly shaking his head. he takes another moment before adding, “it’s just stupid.”
“hey, it is not stupid.” you reach over and hold his hands in yours. you start to kiss his knuckles and work your way down to his palms. his shell begins to crack, and he finally meets your eye. another kiss to his wrist, “just help me understand, i’m a little lost.”
he pauses, trying to choose the right words. you leave another kiss on his palm, encouraging him to speak. another sigh, “I just don’t know if i’m doing any of this right, or if i’m doing a good job at it.”
another pause.
he says it all very slowly, carefully choosing his words. “i’ve just never really had anything like this before. i’m not sure i’m being enough for all of the shit included.”
“hmm?” you encourage him to elaborate.
“you know, i’ve never had anything become so serious, with anyone.” it’s a sad smile, yet it doesn’t fail to absolutely shatter your heart. his eyes can’t seem to look directly at you, averting their gaze to the ceiling. the way he’s biting down hard on his lip makes you sure he’ll draw up blood. “i’ve had relationships but nothing official, really. it’s never been able to get as far as we have.”
the atmosphere had gotten very sullen and you’re sure you’re as close to tearing up as he is. hearing these deep, tucked away concerns tugs at your heartstrings and makes you feel horrible that he’d ever even felt any sadness. plus, the way his voice was beginning to shake was not helping. you leave a few more kisses on his wrists, your fingers begin to rub small circles on his palms.
christian continues, “no one thinks it’s worth it, having to put up with this life. i mean, you’ve seen how it is. the scrutiny and rumors and lack of privacy and everyone having an opinion on my life. no one will put up with that, no one will want to.”
“hey,” your frown grows more prominent. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. you let go of his hands to cup the sides of his face, forcing him to finally look at you. “now who got those stupid thoughts stuck in your head, I have to go beat them up.”
he lets out a soft laugh at this, barely letting the side of his mouth quirk up. it gratifies you, but it’s not enough. you need to see him utterly and completely happy before either of you are allowed to go to sleep. 
neither you nor christian had to answer your question, though. you both knew the answer as soon as you asked it. all he could do was cast his eyes down at the space between the both of you, his lips turning downward, again. he was thinking of her. you didn’t like using her name, it humanized the enemy. yes, anyone who caused christian a fraction of sadness was your enemy for life. and you didn’t know much about her, only that she had been here before you and hurt christian beyond words. she’d used him and left him and left you with the task of picking up the pieces of his heart.
“I thought that what I had with,” you see him hesitate, like a whole new bubble of sadness might be getting caught up in his throat. you offer him a small smile and a tiny nod, pushing him to continue. “what we had was real, that I was finally going to be in a serious, adult relationship but she just left. she told me how it was all too much shit and that no other girl would put up with this life- that none of it was worth it. I guess I took it as me, maybe, not being worth it.” 
“she never deserved you or your big heart, really. she was an idiot because none of what she said is true.” you answer within a heartbeat, moving your hands from his face to his hair. running your fingers through it and lightly scratching at his scalp, you hope it brings him a sort of comfort and dispels those horrible thoughts from his head. reassuring him, “and she doesn't deserve to still make you so sad.”
“I don't get sad over her anymore. being with you makes it clear to me that what I felt with her is nothing compared to what I feel when i’m with you.” he shakes his head, confused at your implications. the last thing he wanted was for you to think it was her he was hung up on. it was her words and dissatisfaction with his lifestyle that had put insecurities in his heart. “I think I just get sad over how she might be right. what if, maybe, she and you deserve something easier, something better?”
“christian, no.” you try to shut down his negative thoughts. “she was wrong and she shouldn’t be so inside your head.”
“but it hasn’t just been her,” he whines, finally letting civility out the window and huffing like a petulant child. mumbling on, “i’ve also had flings- or whatever you want to call them- before, but nothing too serious. none of them have stayed, or even tried to. what if it’s because they all know my life is hectic and complicated, what if they don’t want to deal with it?”
“no,” you repeat, trying to get a word in edgewise.
“it’s true!” he’s on a roll now, spilling out all the fears and self-doubt that he’d tried to bury deep inside himself. “and I get it, I do. i’ve never wanted to put anyone in the position of getting harassed simply for being with me.”
“and I know it’s not just that stuff, I know it’s my fault, too.” cue the self-deprecating eye roll and shaky breath. his sad smile has been ever so present tonight and it’s gut wrenching. he babbles on, “I have to train and travel all the time, I have to be focused on my career. it’s like, i’d never have time to be a good enough boyfriend. I get so scared because what if it’s not enough?”
you try once more, “chris-”
he lets out another frustrated groan, “i’ve never wanted to throw caution to wind this badly, i’ve never wanted something to last as much as I do this. i’m helpless and I can only hope that I am being a good boyfriend because it’s what you deserve.”
me? when had we started talking about me?
all you can do is point to yourself, “what I deserve?” 
“yeah, you!” he scoffs. “you’re the best person I know and you deserve someone who can give you something more normal, something more easy. I know that’ll be hard to get with me.”
you’re able to squeeze in a ‘screw easy’ amongst his ranting.
“i’ve been pretty good at not going too far with anyone, because I know it’ll never work. there’s no point in any of it. with you, I can’t seem to do that. I selfishly want you, and I keep praying that might be enough.” there’s another shaky breath, “but what if she was right? what if it all becomes too much for you? I don’t think i’d ever get over you leaving.”
god, just tear your heart into two. you’re sure it’d hurt less.
“don’t think about her, or of the untrue, idiotic things she said. you’re the one who deserves someone good.” you manage to level your voice, speaking with only love and admiration towards him. yet, all you really want to do is scream and curse her out for all the damage she’d done to this beautiful boy. he deserved everything good in the world and you intended to prove that to him. “loving you and being here, in this bed, with you is the greatest privilege of my life. I must’ve been a holy saint in my past life, who did a lot of charity, for me to deserve you in this life.”
“y/n,” he tries to cut you off this time. you raise your finger to his lips, silencing him. in return, he playfully bites the tip of your finger but nonetheless remains quiet. 
you continue, “I would endure all that ‘shit’ ten times over if it meant I got to come home to you every night. I would go through worse, horrible things if it meant we’d be lying in this bed as you told me about your day. I don’t think there’s anything in this world that would stop me from wanting to be with you. hey, don't give me that look- i’m serious. the only way you’re getting rid of me is if you go into witness protection or something.”
he averts his stare to the ceiling as he becomes a blushing mess. this is too much, he wants to blurt out. your love is so much and I don’t think I deserve it. I don’t want to taint it.
“i’m pretty sure i’m going to love you forever. so, all I ask is you let me and keep letting me until then.” it’s a mere whisper when you add, “please?”
you see him internally struggle for a moment. you worry that your words didn’t get through to him and he’ll continue to stay in his puddle of self doubt. his eyes shift between your own, as if pondering over everything you’d just laid out on him. he cracks a smile before it’s gone all too soon. yet, there's a mischievous spark in his eye, only you could see. 
“y/n, I need you to be honest with me,” he feigns a serious look. raising an eyebrow, those big brown eyes search your face for a moment. after a moment, he squints, “are you just saying these things to get into my pants?”
you snort before you could even try to stop it.
“hey, im serious.” he pouts, still committed to his solemn expression. “you should know that I don’t put out so easily.”
“well I don't think you’re going to like what i’m going to say next,” you trail off. one quick glance and it’s obvious his hair is more disheveled than ever- and that bit of smudged lipstick on the corner of his mouth isn't helping his case. you look down to where the sheets are still pooled around you both. from the corner of your eye, you can easily identify where both of your clothes had been discarded without a second thought. your fingers reach out to tap the various hickeys left on his collarbone, “but I think you do.”
this made him laugh. it was one of those happy, boyish laughs- the contagious kind. therefore, you were quick to join in, ignoring the strong urge to leave a kiss in the crease by his eyes. in the midst of the laughter, christian has gotten the upper hand and managed to ease you back into his arms. as he positions you to lay on top of him, you rest your chin on his chest, eyes shining bright as you peer up at him. 
he smiles at you, his eyes warm and soft as they travel over your face. “being here in this bed, with you, it’s the only place I wanna be, too. just being with you makes everything seem worth it, you make it seem worth it.”
“let’s not dwell, yeah?” your laughter calms and you sigh, letting your fingers trace softly over the ink on his chest. you leave a kiss there, giving him your brightest smile. “we’re together, the last thing we should be is sad.”
rather than responding, he leans down to leave a quick kiss on your lips and nods in agreement. it’s soft and sweet and shy, and as lovely as every kiss he gives you. that night (like every other night), there’s no other place that he'd rather be, than in that bed wrapped up in you.
feedback is greatly appreciated. feeling very iffy abt this one so please be gentle with it.
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