#i love soft skk i really really do
lil-vibes · 11 months
hc that dazai loves to sneak his arms under chuuya's shirt and soak up all the warmth his skin provides and that chuuya loves, loves, loves to feel dazai's bare arms, scars and all, wrapped around him while they sleep or cuddle in bed
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caelanglang · 16 days
Who are your fav skk fanfic writers and why? Do you have their works that you love the most that you don't mind sharing here? 💘
this... this is such a hard question, *brings out a whole safe of records* /j (no srsly it's gonna be a long read--)
Here are a list of authors i really like :3 Their ao3 links/handles are:
the_most_happy: love how emotional their work can be! they have smut and fluff works, and most of all—which i think the the most delicious one, is the way they write angst <3 I actually made a bunch of fanart for their fics/aus when I was just getting into the fandom :3 They're writing is like going into a spicy sexy emotinal adventure... idk how else to describe it xD my fav fic of theirs... augh so hard to choose... In Loving Memory caught me so off guard (cuz i forgot to read the tags and immediately dived into it the moment i saw their post about it hhhh)
forest_racoon: The fluff and softness and magic in their writing is so good! I love the energy and comedy and seriousness and everything in their writing! it's always so fun to pick up any of their works~ Don't be tricked tho,, the angst they deliver have the same gravity ToT it's just so... augh... I first found them through Plate :( and have reread it several times (please check out their other works too it's all so amazing!!)
devilrin: love how she writes. period. the emotions and the poetic energy of it?? the angst?? so. good. the skk energy in their writing is more mellow(?) it feels more realistic—it's like watching people instead of characters ;w; (very cool how she world builds an entire life outside of her fic for her characters actually, got to witness the behind the scenes first hand myself its pretty insane to me) The fic that ruined me tho is Down to a Sunless Sea (which is so angsty im so--)
themadtree: The energy in their writing is just so amazing. it's very hard to stop mid-way! The dialogue feels very fun and engaging and you really get very attached to the characters because of how energetic and full of life they are. Whimsical is the best word I can think of to describe the reading experience of their work :3 They made a bunch of fun aus; their brain is just so amazing (pirate au and avatar au like broooooo) My favorite is Mors Vincit Omnia (yummy pirate au!)
StarshipDancer: one of the first ao3 writers whose name i decided to remember by heart (which means a lot considering how bad i am with names) because they are my most searched user in ao3 xD The fluff is just so addicting. The sillies and shenanegans are so on point for me, idk it just scratch this itch so perfectly in my brain. I draw a of inspiration from my skk sketches from their works actually :3!! READ EVERYTHING THEY HAVE PLS ITS ALL SO GOOD (you should check the fluff week collection augh) Without Words is one of my most reread ones... I think... I reread a lot of their works tho...
setosdarkness: let's be honest. i think everyone whose dived into ao3 skk just knows her alreayd xD she's such a kween for that, making sure we are so well fed with so much fun skk writing. Her works are so fun to read! Very comedic and has such similar energy to the gag moments and bickering and shenanigans of the anime skk for me idk why. I love how fun and unique each fic scenarios are :3 (no srsly you'll never run out of food made with so much love by athina-san)
xLillyle: I am working with Lilly for a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood skk au!! (its Royai skk BUT it's also beast!skk) it's been so exciting to work with her :3!! You can check some of the teasers here. She made an iwaoi!skk fic recently so if that's you're type hehe *starts bawling*
there are lots of other amazing authors there but these are the ones that came to mind and i am most familiar with for now :3 Here are some other fics ~~
When I Awake: Ghost(?) Writer Dazai and Musician Chuuya. yummy angst. silly skk
castle out of couches: My favorite domestic fluff skk. it's my must read. Halfbloom is such a master of the fluff in comedic tone and capturing that skk domestic softness idk how they do it. it's just so good.
In One of the Stars I shall be Living: A sweetheart wrote a fic about my little prince skk au TT it's so well written and I am so in love with all the references and angst ueueue
Five Steps: My favorite skk knight x prince au TT
The Best Worst Thing: Another sweetheart wrote a fic based on my silly sketches ;w; it's so cute waaaaaa
okay. i am. so sorry for the long answer. I just love a lot of stuffs from these incredible writers. feel free to drop by again :3 these are the ones that comes to my mind first so i may have missed out on a bunch oop
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sensitiveheartless · 20 days
Every once in a while I am compelled to read your anon fic from beginning to end, and I love it as much as the first time! For what could have just been a smutty crack fic, you’ve put in so much angst and feels and I love that the most about it. Even though the smut is really fun, I read it solely for the hurt/comfort sometimes. It feels like a slightly divergent AU of the skyline pigeon fic, if you get what i’m saying. Dazai trying to stop Chuuya from destroying himself at the PM… will you update it soon? Im really looking forward to the thrilling conclusion!
(For anyone unsure of what this is referring to, I mentioned the anon fic in the middle of this ask from a while back)
Awwh!! Thank you, that's so nice! Yeah that fic really got away from me and turned into a way more sincere and emotion-heavy plot than I initially intended — I guess that's kind of inevitable with all Chuuya-leaves-the-PM fics, because it canonically takes a LOT to pry Chuuya away from protecting people he cares about (see the "he never stopped trying to protect the Sheep even after they literally stabbed him in the back" part of canon). Also you're right on with it being a divergent version of the Skyline Pigeon fic — I tend to think of the pigeon fic as the "what if Dazai didn't get Chuuya out before he fully broke" version of the anon fic :0
But yeah the anon fic initially started as a thought of "I want to write skk being domestic and goofy but I kind of want it to be in Dazai's dorm room because the idea of Chuuya settling in there is very fun and soft to me" which led to "Okay but why would Chuuya be living with Dazai and not in his own apartment?" which led to "What if Chuuya left the Port Mafia" which led to "but how the heck would he be convinced to do that" which led to "what if Dazai tried to seduce Chuuya into leaving" and then that thought was so funny to me that I had to write it
And then it grew ✨a lot of emotions✨
Anyway! All that said, I do plan on updating it soon! Along with the Skyline Pigeon fic — I've been able to work on both fics a lot more recently, after having a massive mental block on them for a while aksfjksdjf (And after that I may actually write the intended domestic fluff of skk living together lol)
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
So I read a skk and sskk swap fic a while back, and while I wasn’t really fond of Atsushi’s characterization (Felt a bit too extreme for Atsushi, even in the PM), I can’t get my own version of it out of my head
An 11 year old Atsushi getting found in a cage by Mori, thinking he’s finally free, only to be collared like a dog. Yet he still maintains his kindness, his heart
A 13 year old Akutagawa who ends up partnered with Atsushi, who sees his soft, kind smiles and gentle empathy and falls a little bit in love
A 13 year old Atsushi finally snapping under the weight of being Mori’s favorite, of Mori’s experiments (because Mori is a doctor and Atsushi is a medical miracle, it’s only common sense that he’d see how far the boy could be pushed) and threatening to kill him
(A 13 year old Atsushi who has spent enough time around Mori to know he can no longer care, because if Mori saw even a second of weakness, a way to exploit Atsushi in any way, he’d end up back on the table)
A 12 Chuuya who get taken in by the mafia and put under Atsushi’s tutelage, as one God Vessel to another (you can pry God Vessel Atsushi from my cold dead hands), and hopes and prays from the love and affection and understanding he so desires only to get hard, hard not cruel, Chuuya’s only hope for something more, training and cold shoulders
A 14 year old Atsushi who sees this small red head, so obviously desperate for affection in a way Atsushi can’t help but relate to, and shuts down a little more, because he knows what Mori is trying to do and he won’t have it. So he helps in the only way he feels he can, by training the boy to survive and keeping him at arms length, because no matter how strong he may be, Mori would not hesitate to put him on the chopping block to get Atsushi back under his thumb
An 18 year old Akutagawa cursing Atsushi’s name once the news that Atsushi defected reached him. And Akutagawa who is bitter and heartbroken and angry, and has been since those soft smiles and kind sympathy were traded for blank faces and an icy demeanor because how dare Atsushi make him fall in love only to tear it away
A 14 year old Chuuya who spent two years working desperately to be strong enough, in hopes to finally get what he do desperately desired from his mentor only to be left behind
(A 16 year old Atsushi who leaves the mafia for good, because he was foolish enough to get attached and had his heart ripped out for it)
An 18 year old Atsushi walking into the ADA, still working on learning how to care again, how to stop being afraid of love and scalpels, finding a home in Ranpo’s knowing eyes and shared sweets, Yosano’s understanding that goes so mush beyond normal empathy, Kunikida’ good, kind heart and strict schedule, and most importantly, under the President’s ability where he no longer has to be collared anymore
A 20 year old Atsushi fishing a kid out of a river on his off day, and being able to tell immediately he has an ability and listening to his story and offering him a home
An 18 year old Dazai, who fails another suicide attempt only to be saved by Atsushi, in more ways than one. Who gets given a purpose in the agency and Atsushi’s soft smile and finally feels like giving life a chance
A 22 year old Akutagawa who gets handed the case for Atsushi’s bounty because’you we’re the one who knew his capabilities best.’ (Because Mori did not trust he cared more about the mafia than Atsushi) and sees his old partner for the first time in 4 years only to see that smile, the one he fell for o so many years ago, directed at someone else
An 18 year old Chuuya who sees Atsushi and Dazai, who sees some random kid get all the affection and attention he’s ever wanted, and rages
A 20 year old Atsushi who gets confronted by his past, whoch whole never a secret, was so far removed from his current life, and feels his heart break. Because he knows that Akutagawa and Chuuya’s anger are no one’s fault but his own. Who cares so deeply then, however buried, and still does now and wants so desperately to fix it but feels it is far too late
A 18 year old Dazai who ends up in this weird rivalry with this short red head slug from the mafia who wants to take away what finally gave Dazai’s life meaning, but gets pushed to the side when he saves a snap assassin who doesn’t want to kil anymore
I could go on about this forever but I’ll leave it here for now with some small notes
The whole collared thing with Atsushi is based on a fic I read which might have been based on the Beast light novel (I haven’t read it) where the collar is used as a way to control Atsushi’s ability to a lesser extent then All Men are Created Equal by basically being a torture device and constantly making Atsushi heal himself, which he only allows himself to take off when he becomes a manner of the agency and is granted a greater control
For ages, in my mind, Akutagawa is two years older than Atsushi who is two years older than Dazai and Chuuya because it adds to the angst at factor but it also messes up the timeline a bit
I am debating whether to switch Kyouka and Odasaku bc Dazai and Atsushi already have their No kill assassins but that means killing Kyouka so I left it vague
I also left everyone but Akutagawa’s feelings vague. Whether Dazai and Chuuya’s feelings for Atsushi are romantic in nature is ambiguous and this story, told by Atsushi in my mind, leads to Atsushi being so emotionally stunted when it comes to love he cannot differentiate between the types for himself
(I wanted to leave Akutagawa’s feelings vague too but the main thing that tied sskk together in cannon was Dazai and that wasn’t happening here so I decided they needed a little something)
((I also feel there is definitely a possibility for Atsushi to end up with Kunikida or maybe even Ranpo for funsies and all))
Anyway, I’ve rambled enough, I hope you enjoyed and I send you all my well wishes!
Hey hey hey, get your ass back here and give us more of this
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leeahqueen · 6 months
Solitary Lantern By The Seaside (2\2)
Fireflies reflect each other.
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The moon completely sank below the horizon, coating the distant horizon with an extremely dim silver color.
Noan twisted the clockwork firefly in his hand, put it in his hand, and let the soft light dispel the darkness before dawn.
He lowered his head and remained silent for a moment before speaking slowly in a voice as light as a whisper.
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Noan: When I was a child, I lived in a very crowded place.
Noan: People's beds are closely adjacent to each other, and only those with good conditions have a rag curtain as a blanket, while many more people don't even have rags or beds.
Noan: When everyone is crowded in the same place, people want to show off their pride and hide it...
Noan: Or love and sex, hate and quarrels, theft, robbery, accidents, murder... Whether you want to see it or not, these things will happen before your eyes.
Noan: Mother will cry and give birth to their babies in the midst of everyone's noise, and patients will moan and die in the midst of everyone's indifference.
Noan sighed.
Noan: ...Have you ever heard of the Hedgehog's Dilemma?
Noan: Hedgehogs want to rely on each other to keep warm in winter, but they have thorns on their bodies. If they get too close, they will sting each other, and if they are far too away, they will feel cold.
Noan: The same goes for people, they need to keep a moderate distance from other people, not too far, not too close.
Noan: However, everyone living here is crowded together, with no privacy and no way to keep distance.
Noan: In this case, how can the "hedgehogs" avoid stabbing each other?
Noan: Therefore, my seniors always told me to seek common ground while reserving differences and to hide our own attitudes and goals.
Noan: In this environment, I learned not to mention things that others don't want to mention, and to ignore things that I don't want to see.
Noan: If a person is only willing to talk about a certain topic, then I will only talk about this topic with them.
Noan: If this person hid his wounds well, even if I noticed it, I should pretend I didn't see it.
He stared at me seriously as usual. By the light of fireflies, Noan's amber pupils seemed to reveal some dark emotions.
Noan: I have never been a saint who tolerates everything and has no desires. I also care about people and things that I don't want to give in to.
Noan: I just try not to show these emotions on my face-- after all, I suffered a lot because of this when I was a child.
Noan: Now, I can say these words because you also said a lot to me...
Noan: ......Exchanging and sharing can be regarding as the habits of traveling merchant.
Skk: When you first saw me during that day, you obviously wanted to say something, right?
Noan: Hm.
Skk: Can you tell me now?
Noan: It wasn't anything important, I just wanted to say...
Noan: Your hair... seems to be a little longer that the last time I saw you
[Is that so?]
Noan: How are you doing lately? Is everything going well?
>[I'm okay]
[I also have a lot to say to you...]
Noan nodded and stared at me quietly, waiting for the next conversation--- as always.
So, just like in the past, I slowly talked about what happened recently.
Whether it is a trivial pleasure, a report document that I don't want to face, a heavy social engagement, or an investigation task that I have no clue about yet.
In addition to worries, there are also many small joyful things. I got a small gift that I had reserved for a long time, and the restaurant I frequented added new dishes that were unexpectedly delicious.
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When all that can be said, the sky has turned slightly bright white.
He also listened to everything carefully and bowed his head when he feeling both happy or sad about my recent experience.
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Noan: ......It's really hard to be able to take care of so many things.
Skk: ...
Although me and Noan were not very close, he happened to have witnessed my most exhausted state and accepted my negative side.
He kept these secrets silently, neither laughing at other people nor making fun of them.
When asked about him, he always said--
Noan: As long as you alive, you cannot be indifferent to everything. Of course there will be times when you feel sad and want to escape.
However, I occasionally think about it - what would he think when he hears others call me "hero"?
Skk: Noan, what do you think of me?
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Noan: Huh? Why do you ask this suddenly?
Skk: (Explain roughly)
Noan: As others call you - the hero of mankind, the hope that shines like a gem, the invincible Gray Raven Commandant... something like that?
>[Then what?]
[I should not be just "someone else"]
Noan: Found me at the point of disagreement...... someone who was always willing to believe that I was on your side.
>[You've said this before.]
[You should know I'm not just asking this...]
Noan: So...... before answering this question, let me tell you a story.
Skk: Sure.
Noan: This is a comic adapted from the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Unlike traditional fairy tales, the princess in this story is not blessed by a fairy.
Noan: The fairies surrounding her were all disguised by humans, but others around the princess believed she was truly blessed.
Noan: They expected her to grow into a woman who could do anything. In the eyes of others, the princess was blessed with a lot of luck and was a lucky woman.
Noan: However, how can a princess who has not been blessed by a fairy meet these excessive expectations?
Noan: She could only work hard and study day and night, abandoning all the fun that life should have.
Noan: However, what people admired was her talent and luck, and those achievements were taken for granted... No one thought that she also worked hard.
Skk: ......
Noan: Maybe this is what I see of you - so, my answer is "more than that".
Noan: More that the hero, the hope, the invincible Commandant of mankind, and more than the person who is willing to believe in me and stand by my side.
Noan: In my eyes, you are closer to... a human being. Someone who will be hurt, tired, and sad.
Noan: A someone who, even if they are bruised over and over again, is struggling for the people and things they cares about.
Noan: I like someone like this very much... In my opinion, people with weaknesses are more real, which also means that I am trusted by you, right?
Noan: Whether it is a structure or a human being, there will be times when they are overwhelmed by pain, want to cry, and want to give up.
>[But tears can't save anyone.]
[Yes, who can be so strong that they become numb?]
Noan: Well, my mother once said this to me, and I didn't know how to answer it at that time.
Noan: If I could go back, I would definitely say to her, "But tears can't save me".
Noan: The heroes in the story will also have their own regrets, not to mention we are just mortals, don't push yourself too hard, Commandant.
[But tears can't save anyone.]
>[Yes, but who can be so strong that they become numb?]
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Noan: Well, sunflowers will bend their heads in the sunless night. This is not weakness, but proof that the heart is not numb and dry.
Noan: When you are sad, you can come to me at any time.
Noan: Then we ran away together... to a place where we could rest and cry.
Noan: I'll stay with you until you get better.
>[What is the ending of that Sleeping Beauty story?]
Noan: The "Prince" in the story finally awakens the princess in the castle, allowing time to flow again after sleeping for hundreds of years.
Noan: ...The princess' time quickly returned to the "present", and just like that, she died in the arms of the other party.
Skk: .... Is this the ending?
Noan: Their time is not equal, but people outside the story can still cherish the present.
Skk: But, I still think about it...
Skk: There are many people who find it difficult to survive.
Skk: My troubles are nothing to them.
Skk: I should at least try my best to do something with my troubled time.
Noan: If you are injured, do you need to take a qualification certificate based on the depth of the wound before you are allowed to feel anything?
Noan: Even those people in the story who live in daily life and peace have a lot of troubles.
Noan: People you can't like, interpersonal relationships that are difficult to take care of, parents who can't understand each other, tedious work and houseworks...
Noan: These things are slowly wearing down the spirit and causing fatigue... If nothing happy happens, just ordinary daily life can make a person collapse.
Noan: At this time, it would be too harsh to check whether you have the qualification to be sad.
Noan: However, I also know... you still have a lot of things you care about, so you don't want to rest at ease.
Skk: Yes, I want to take care one more step forward.
>[There is no respite from this business.]
[How can I cheer up?]
Noan: Do you have something you like? Like food, or flowers, stories, or people you like?
Noan: When people work hard for this and cannot rest assuredly, they also give the other party that right to treat themselves, so...
Noan: When you are tired and in pain, you seek help from the people and things you love.
Skk: ......
>[Well, don't worry, I'll go find those people.]
[Can I come to you?]
Noan: ....Yeah.
He showed a somewhat lonely smile in the dawn sunshine, and then nodded slightly.
There were still many things he wanted to talk about, but before he could even open his mouth, he took back these emotions carefully and took a step away from me.
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Noan: ......it's daybreak, let's go back, Commandant.
[Well, don't worry, I'll go find those people.]
>[Can I come to you?]
Noan: ......Of course.
Noan stood up, took a step across the distance between the two of us and leaned down again.
After waiting for an excruciatingly long 3 seconds and confirming that the person is from him would not push him away, he hugged the person in front of him tightly.
At this moment, it was as if I could hear him breathing a sigh of relief in my ears.
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Noan: I'm very happy... Really, very happy.
The dawn sun pierced the clouds and cast a soft golden edge on our bodies.
>[It's dawn]
Skk: Is it time to go back?
Noan: Stay a little longer? When you go back, you can find an excuse and think of a way to fool them.
>[That's too much]
Noan: After some of the troubles with the machine are resolved, do you want to go somewhere farther away together?
Skk: Where to go?
Noan: Many... place I've been to before as a refugee or as a transport captain.
Noan: Ruins covered by nature, seas of flowers, strongholds with burning bonfires, rivers that have not been polluted... There are many nostalgic scenery in this devastated worlds.
Skk: Then we made an agreement.
Noan: Of course, it's a done deal.
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neonganymede · 4 months
if you're still accepting prompts for the kiss meme... 19 for skk?? (ps you are my favorite skk fic writer & im always so inspired by your writing. TYSM <3)
if i could request another it would be 4 for skk but i don't want to be greedy
Aaaahhhh thank you!!! I'm honored you think so highly of my work <3333 I did end up finding a way to make both prompts work, so I hope you enjoy~
4. A Kiss Given to the Wrong Person
19. A Kiss on the Nose
At the sound of his own voice, Dazai winced. He’d been quiet for so long that he’d forgotten just how amplified the world was. Even the familiar taunt bounced against his skull the same way it did the halls of the apartment, a useless echo that only made his head throb, and part of him wished he hadn’t opened his mouth at all.
The other part of him wanted to be spoiled, even at the risk of worsening his headache. Shouldn’t Chuuya be here to take care of him when he needed it most? How could the cruel chibi leave him alone in this moment of sheer agony?
“The hell do you want?” came the soft grumble from somewhere near the doorway. Dazai didn’t open his mind to look, but he was sure the sound had come from somewhere near the floor. He angled his head to adjust for Chuuya’s height and pouted.
“I’ve been abandoned,” he proclaimed to the ground, and he swore he could feel Chuuya seething from the other side of the room. How delightful. Dazai wished his head didn’t feel like it might explode so that he could enjoy Chuuya’s unusually quiet fury.
“I didn’t abandon you, dumbass,” Chuuya pointed out as he stalked closer, silent as a predator but still so loud. Everything about Chuuya was loud, and Dazai usually found comfort in that. Today, such noise made his vision swim behind his eyelids, and he wondered how angry Chuuya would be if he threw up on his golden retriever slippers.
Dazai bought the ugly things; surely that meant he could ruin them as he saw fit.
A hand found his, the smooth leather of his gloves a little cold against Dazai’s skin. He almost wished that Chuuya would’ve put that hand on his forehead instead, if only to offer a tiny bit of relief in this trying time, but he would settle for what he could get. If Chuuya had come close, then Dazai could only assume that his silly slug of a partner had realized that his plan to leave Dazai alone had failed spectacularly.
Chuuya’s own fault, really. He should’ve known better.
“You’re supposed to be taking a nap.”
“I was lonely. It’s too quiet.” Dazai tugged at Chuuya’s hand, a silent plea to join him in bed.
A plea that Chuuya blatantly ignored. “You have a headache, shitty Osamu. It’s supposed to be quiet so the damn thing will go away.”
Dazai hummed, unable to argue with such dazzling logic. “True. Everything’s so loud now that Chuuya’s here. I might throw up.”
“If you throw up on my slippers, you’re dead.”
Dazai smiled. He gave another halfhearted tug, but Chuuya still refused to move for him. “How cruel. Does Chuuya love his stupid doggy slippers more than he loves me?”
“’Course I do. My slippers are cute.”
Dazai sighed, dismayed, and finally let their hands drop to the bed. “I married the most awful slug. Doesn’t even love me more than his ugly slippers.”
“I don’t remember marrying such a whiny bitch.”
Dazai cracked an eye open to regard his husband. The curtains had been drawn to block out as much light as possible, but Dazai could still make out Chuuya’s furrowed brow and worried frown before his vision swam too much to keep looking. With a heavy sigh, he closed his eye again and nestled his cheek against the pillow.
“What a shame that Chuuya’s memory is already failing him. Such is the fate of a slug’s brain, I suppose.”
“Don’t make me kick your ass when you’re like this. You’re already pathetic enough.” With a huff, Chuuya sat down on the bed. Finally, a tiny victory! Dazai only needed to get the chibi to join him for a nap, and then he could sleep in peace. “There a reason why you don’t want to sleep? It’ll help with the headache, dumbass.”
Dazai wanted to hum again, but that seemed like a bad idea this time. He made a tiny noise instead. “It’s too quiet.”
“That’s the point.”
“I can’t sleep without Chuuya’s noise.” The confession fell from his lips easily, drawn out of him by this temporary weakness. Usually, he loathed such displays of vulnerability, even in the comfort of his husband’s company, but he knew when the situation called for it.
And the tactic worked like a charm. Dazai could hear the sharp breath that Chuuya took, feel the way his fingers tightened around Dazai’s. He imagined that Chuuya’s striking gaze had widened at first, their caramel shade brilliant even in such darkness, but now they softened in time with the quiet sigh of defeat he breathed into the room.
“... You’re a fucking idiot,” Chuuya muttered as he stood up, slipping away from Dazai so that he could take off his slippers and discard his gloves. The bed dipped, and then Chuuya’s arms appeared around him, drawing him close so carefully that Dazai feared he might break from Chuuya’s awful gentleness.
This migraine hadn’t changed him, hadn’t turned him into glass, and yet Chuuya hadn’t gotten the memo. Dazai’s temple throbbed, either from so much movement or from the terrible reminder that his husband cared so much for him, and he almost wished he would break. He wished that Chuuya would gather him up so gently that it would simply shatter him.
… At least that would take care of this persistent headache.
“This okay?” Chuuya asked once he’d settled.
“Hmm. Chuuya could give me a kiss now.”
“Greedy bastard.” But he still felt Chuuya move forward to fulfill his wish of a kiss—
—on the nose.
He kissed Dazai’s nose instead of his mouth. What a wretch.
“Chuuya missed.”
“Nope.” Dazai could just hear that ridiculous smirk in Chuuya’s voice. “I told you, didn’t I? I’ll give my husband a kiss once he stops being such a whiny bitch and takes a nap like he’s supposed to.”
Dazai was sure he could come up with an easy way to get Chuuya to still kiss him, but his head still hurt too much to consider such grand schemes. So he blurted out the only thing he could think of and hoped that it would work.
“I’ll give it to him.”
“... Hah?”
“Your husband. Kiss me, and I’ll give it to him.” Yeah. Yeah, that made sense. There was no way that Chuuya would be able to argue with such remarkable logic. Even with such a vicious headache, Dazai’s superior intellect would not be silenced. He would outsmart his chibi husband, and he would get his kiss!
A quiet chuckle blanketed the space between them, one that weaved its way into Dazai’s lungs and eased the tension from his veins. When Chuuya spoke again, he sounded so in love that it made Dazai feel even more nauseated than before.
“You’re such an annoying piece of shit. All right, you can have your damn kiss before you give me a headache.”
Dazai lifted his head, searching blindly for Chuuya’s mouth to keep him from saying something else that might make Dazai’s migraine worse. Chuuya met him halfway, his lips unbearably soft as they pressed against Dazai’s. The kiss was simple, sweet. Horribly domestic. A kiss to break him, to shatter him, and to put him back together again shard by wretched shard.
Only once he felt whole again did Dazai let the kiss end. He couldn’t tell how long had passed, if they’d kissed for a lifetime or just a couple of seconds, but he did know that his headache still persisted.
Hm… perhaps a nap wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Eyes still shut, Dazai burrowed close to his husband and let himself fall asleep to the comforting melody of Chuuya’s noise.
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pleucas · 5 months
I just reblogged all your art (sorry if that was weird) but your drawings are AMAZING the composition the expressions and the way you draw backgrounds is amazing!!! you are crazy talented, I wanted to ask, have you read any soukoku fics that you would rec? if not that’s okay, I’m just curious about that.
ALSO. wanted to ask if I could use your art for a soukoku playlist I have on spotify (of course giving you credit in the description), if not it’s okay too:)
hehe hi!
i think i saw the spam happen in real time lmfao. it was truly an honor, made my day lolol <3 i'm glad you like my art, and thank you for taking your time to send in an ask.
you can totally use my art for spotify playlists! it's insane to me that someone would want to, so thank you so much <3 <3 totally send it over if you're open to sharing >;D
as for fic recs, i do indeed have a few...
idk if my taste in fics is similar to yours, but i generally like more introspective works with really good writing. the bsd fandom has a surprisingly (or unsurprisingly, given that the animanga is inspired by literary masters) incredible selection of works, unmatched by any other fanbase i've investigated.
my go-to rec is Three-fold Fate by devilrin (multi-chap, 60k, complete). the writing in this one KILLED ME. you know it's gotta be good when the author literally cites Ocean Vuong as inspiration lmfao. it explores the intricacies of canon-verse and dabbles into other aspects of bsd that aren't even explored (yet) in canon. brilliant writing and good skk shit, also with an interesting premise that really hit hard — i always go back to read parts of it when i want to spiral in my thoughts
the art of growing attached by hydref (one-shot, 6k, complete) is also really nice. soft & intimate, also in character in a very funny way
the choir's gonna sing by intimatopia (one-shot, 8k, complete) was really interesting, and i think abt it a lot. it explores dazai's ability in a super cool way that i haven't thought abt before, and now it's one of my fav interpretations. it also adds a depth to the skk relationship that i kinda adore. the writing is also brilliant, and the other works in the series hold a similarly high standard
StarshipDancer's skk series is also a goldmine of skk fics lol. the writing is solid and often very entertaining, i also love how they're both characterized
all the holes we had to breathe by airiena (one-shot, 18k, complete) is gorjus. it explores the dev of their relationship, and has some wonderfully handled motifs that made me writhe lol. very cathartic.
Always/Never by KhaoticEnby (multi-chap, 27k, complete) is one of my favs to return to. it's the peak of reconciliatory intimacy, and i enjoy how it gently explores skk's relationship. also very very cathartic and healing hehe
those are just 6 that immediately come to mind from my mountain of bookmarks aha. hope you enjoy at least some of em ;0 someday i do want to write for skk as well, they're just so captivating and wonderful... <3
thank you again for sending in an ask. wishing you a wonderful day!!
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skk and the ask game
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*whisper* ...no... they covered leopika...
Ah, skk. I'll be perfectly honest, while I was always intrigued by their dynamic, I was kind of indifferent about them as a ship... until Stormbringer. Then I saw Dead Apple. And I just. So much of it is obvious ship bait... but there is also so much of it. Asagiri, what do you mean Dazai is the only one who can bring Chuuya back from Corruption. What do you mean he catches him in fallen angel form as he falls from the sky, and watches him fight while breathless. Why are they roleplaying Snow White. What are we supposed to do with this.
Again, much like everything else I ship though, I'm very... particular about characterization. To me, the core of the skk dynamic is trust, but also the mirroring of each other and their supposed "lack of humanity". Despite what should be a very angsty dynamic though, they're actually just ridiculous and silly a lot of the time. There's something so so wrong with them. My personal preference for them is actually more of a qpr than romantic - they are their own self-defined situationship, you know? hahaha
I'll always be kind of grateful to this ship though because I have met so many cool artists and writers for this fandom who genuinely love the two as characters first and foremost, and I'm honestly really open to a range of possible interpretations of their dynamic so long as Dazai and Chuuya themselves are in character. I love Nawy's goofy shenanigans, and Carrot's angst, and Caelang's softness, and Senhart's displays of trust, and so so many others who bring their own interpretations of this duo - they're all different dynamics, and I enjoy them all. It's been really fun to be a part of. :)
They're also both highly intelligent people who regress to complete childish idiots if allowed to breathe the same air for too long, which is peak hilarity honestly.
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play-rough · 15 days
so glad to see the age regression and de-aging tags split. I love both, but when i'm searching for fics they are very different vibes and it gets a bit old having to scroll past a bunch of fics im not interested in reading
ALSO the idea of chuuya having made the room for dazai before he left hurts so much. Like if they were to the point that chuuya felt like he'd be able to spoil his baby that much without him being too overwhelmed and THEN they get separated hurts my heart too much to think about.
We're just throwing around thoughts here, so do you think it's more likely for PM skk or 22 skk to get to that point? I personally think dazai needs the ADA to settle in to regressing no matter chuuya's efforts because the PM is no place for a baby and I don't think dazai would ever get comfortable while close to mori. I think it would make 22 skk's reunion so much more bitter sweet because chuuya DID do everything right and dazai DID do his best to let chuuya help him and they loved each other (however you want to view that love) but there was no way that arrangement could have gone on long term healthily in that environment. I would absolutely adore the idea of chuuya playing with the idea of building a room for dazai in his head before he left and then once they reunite him dropping everything to get it done because that's His Baby and now that he's in a safe place he deserves everything chuuya can give him <3
Purely just for organizing reasons, agere and deaging gotta be separated. While both lovely, they’re sisters not twins and shouldn’t be grouped together 🩷 I’m glad to see them separated as well
I definitely think 22 skk will reach the point of Dazai having a regression room in Chuuya’s house. They’ll get a few furniture pieces before Dazai leaves like a rocking chair, but I think post 22 reunion after they’ve kinda fallen back into a routine again is when the room happens.
Shortly after they discuss Chuuya being Dazai’s caregiver again, they also set up the weekly regression sessions. Chuuya picks Dazai up from work for maybe the third time since their reunion, and while sitting on Chuuya’s bed Dazai notices the rocking chair is gone and his desk is shoved awkwardly into the corner of the bedroom.
Chuuya then takes Dazai into the old office room and it’s been completely transformed, the boring white walls are a soft pastel blue, and there’s a big circular rug that looks like the ocean. The familiar rocking chair is in the corner, next to a shelf with picture books. There’s a set of drawers where Chuuya has moved all Dazai’s baby clothes, and there’s a starfish night light. In the corner is a crib with matching ocean sheets, and a mobile with different fish.
Dazai would definitely probably feel overwhelmed at first and like he doesn’t deserve any of this, but Chuuya just wants to show Dazai his feelings haven’t changed and he really means it when he says he loves him 🥺 Chuuya’s serious and committed and Dazai doesn’t have to move in but he always has a place here with Chuuya, and after a good cry session Chuuya puts Dazai down for a nap in his new crib and maybe sits on the floor and stays with the baby while he sleeps to make sure he’s okay and not too scared in the crib 🥺
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daz4i · 3 months
running into your ask box to bite you and send much love<3
giving you the idea that skk sometimes makes a blanket fort so that they can play video games while drinking sangria and the fighting/bickering usually turns into sloppy kisses and cuddles
i am bringing you the soft idea of holding hands and the gentleness in which we can hold others
idk here are some nice things: flowers and sunshine and the laughter of your favorite person
thank you ness!!! 🥺🥺🥺 sending an uno reverse card your way, should arrive within 4-5 business days 🧐
love this skk concept tbh 🥺 canon to me really. sorry to bring in another show and expand in a different direcfion but, i imagine during their mafia days they sometimes went ham through the mafia building (where chuuya lives i mean, through his apartment into. everywhere else) and turned it all into one big blanket fort, the way troy and abed do in community. you got mafia grunts worried abt getting in and possibly seeming unprofessional until they pass mori chilling there in a stereotypical grandma pajama and nightcap calling them into a mission briefing in a particularly pillow covered area
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the-bloody-sadist · 7 months
Love your fics and arts (especially with Dazai in them). What do you think about these ships : dazai x fyodor , dazai × chuuya, dazai × odasaku? Which dynamics do you love the most? Why do you think soukoku is the most popular ships from BSD? Thanks if you want to answer.
Hello, thank you!! Especially with Dazai, they say, as if all of my work isn't basically about Dazai LMAO 😭
Here's what I think about the ships!!
Fyodor x Dazai: My favorite, which is probably clear to most who know my work. They have my favorite dynamic in general which is power imbalance/power play, in the fact that they're both trying to outwit one another at any given moment (badly ofc since it's stupid BSD logic), plus they've got that Hannibal vibe potential when I get my grubby hands on them. They are, of course, what I make them as a ship, so I personally value them as elitists fighting each other psychologically, which leads to violence and sometimes sex. Or violent sex. Probably only that.
Chuuya x Dazai: I'm really not interested in SKK past the fact that they get more engagement on my socials and Chuuya--as walking anger bomb--is an easy way to create angst and conflict when I write a fic for them. Because of this, they're fun, but only because of the increased potential to hurt Dazai with someone that I can portray as clumsy with feelings and constantly ready to fight.
Dazai x Odasaku: The ultimate soft-spoken hurt/comfort couple. I don't get to do a lot with them, but I'd like to do more. I love the age difference, the mellow personality of Oda vs. self-destructive Dazai, and the friendship that already exists between them in canon.
As far as why SKK is so popular, THAT'S EASY. PEOPLE ARE BASIC. No just kidding, it's just that the show literally ships them....soooooo.....it's very typical BL bait. (Bait is not bad) But having Chuuya literally BLOWJOB TEASE in Dead Apple sealed that deal with a kiss. Also they're old partners-now enemies WHICH ALWAYS GETS THE SHIPPERS' TWISTING THEIR PANTIES (the boys are also wearing panties in this scenario). It was inevitable from the beginning that people would become blind to all other men nearly making out with Dazai except Chuuya. But if you ask me, the real canon ship was always Fyozai, Chuuya's just the scorned ex.
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
Ok so after reblogging your stuff for actually 2 hours ive decided to tell you something i thought while in the shower.
Dazai waking up before Chuuya but being really delicate and frail in the mornings to the point where he will stumble around and fall so he just lays there and waits for Chuuya so he doesn't hurt himself bc he promised Chuu he wouldn't (hurt himself) anymore.
Also Chuu having to help Dazai remember to take any meds/do his morning routine because all Dazai really wants is to sleep all day and snuggle his husband
Bonus points for Chuuya because he's softer than normal when he's just woke up and doesn't mind Dazai's bullshit because he knows now Daz just wants his attention even he just had it all night.
Another thing, Chuuya is very much a snuggler in my mind (mostly because i love him so much the brainrot never ends and because im a pda type person) so he give Dazai all the affection he ever wanted and then some. Dazai eats that shit up though and takes as much as he can get even if he feels he doesn't deserve it.
Sorry for the long ask omg. Its too early for brainrot (8am here, so early for me i guess lol) anyways, skk my beloved, am i right?
Oh my gosh ;; this is all so soft and good anon, domestic skk is forever my weakness alsksjjfjf just!!! Them being gentle with each other!! And tbh both of them seem like they never got enough hugs before, so I am all for them getting to snuggle as much as physically possible :D
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zaerxa · 9 months
i’m literally so obsessed w your art hello your artstyle and composition and colors and lighting and AOAUGH EVERYTHING IS SO !!!! i love every skk (n a few sskk) post you have i hate skk so much (lying) you do them so adorable i had to share my love for your artwork
alsoalsoalso i would 100000% buy a skk art book featuring their history (as long as it isn’t really expensive i do not have that much money tbf 😭) i love the way you draw them sm you do their dynamic n stuff so well so i’d definetly buy an art book especially w your beutiful n soft artwork yess (i have no idea if this ask will go through properly because my phone is struggling oml)
LDBKSBDD TYYYY THEY NEVER LEAVE MY BRAIN IM CRAZY ABT THEM TOO 😭 and aaaa thanks for the kind words op !!! 🤧
about the artbook, I’m still working on the details and finding enough ideas to actually make it (I’m still a bit busy with school and c0mms kdjdksns)
😭 but dw I don’t plan on making it crazy costly, I just want fellow skk likers to enjoy it!!!
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🐟 anon back again!! and yes, i love easter because i always get spoiled with big chocolate eggs and warm, colorful easter bread <3333 i’ve never done the egg hunting because i guess in my country is not that big?? maybe just once when i was in kindergarten?? but i remember cooking the easter bread with my mother :,,,) lol i think this is the main giveaway that i’m from southern/mediterranean europe 🫂
to answer your question yes i do love skk!! but my favorites are kouyou, ranpo and lucy!! ofc chuuya too! also yosano but i like everyone from the ada because they’re just so silly together :((((((
ooooo suguru TT…………….. i believe cult!leader suguru is so soft in his ways to show affection??? maybe even more so than student!geto because he would consider you as family and he would be so tender…….. he also raised the twins (and i’ve read in the fanbook that he also took in another kid?? the same way as the twins, but i don’t know if it is canon atp) so he would make this small gestures of affection like preparing a soup or changing the wet towel on your forehead to make the fever go away 😭😭😭😭😭 i really love the idea of soft cult leader geto suguru sm…….…
aaaaaa sending you lots of hugs!!!!! have a nice day! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 sending you lots of water and a goofy bouquet of corals!! <333333
aaaa 🐟 anon!!! welcome back!!!! i’m cradling the pretty coral bouquet in my arms :33 here’s a normal one for you hehe 💐
oooooh that makes sense!!! i’m from northern europe so the customs are probably different, i’d never heard of easter bread before !! :0 that sounds so good…. BUT i’m glad we at least share a custom of devouring chocolate eggs 🙏🙏 do you also eat chocolate rabbits….. bc i love those sm /drools
AND ANDDD your favs!!! i knewww i could trust you to have great taste…. i love ranpo and lucy so much (and kouyou is sooo pretty 🥺)!!! overall my favorites r kuni and oda, but. there are a lot of silly guys from bsd that i like…. they rlly are so charming <33333
AND !!!!! WE’RE HOLDING HANDS SO HARD RN i completely agree……. i’m a soft!sugu believer until the day i DIE and that goes especially for cult leader geto!!! our family man 🥺🥺 but no you’re so right, he absolutely does see his s/o as family….. and yep, he did take in another guy, not just nanamimi!! i don’t think he exactly fathered him the same way, but it’s implied that he saved toshihisa from a similarly terrible situation as the twins…. hhh i love geto’s family so much. it’s so telling that he loves them the way he does… that he cares for them and misses them and doesn’t force his beliefs onto them :cc sniffle… he’s the papa Ever .
but yeah when it comes to geto his devotion is just so. abundant. there’s so much of it. and i think the main difference is that teen suguru is good at hiding that devotion, making sure it doesn’t spill out too suddenly…. maybe even a little ashamed of it? of how much he feels? but geto doesn’t hide it at all. his love for you is almost overwhelming because he’s just so intense about it. promises you the world and is willing to give it to you….. that’s the kinda guy he is. at his core he’s always always always fought on the side of those he loves, so sincerely that he breaks completely when he realizes that being a sorcerer means watching those loved ones die for the sake of people he doesn’t even know. geto would devour the world for you.
but !!! i do also think that he’s suchhh a softie :c which might seem a bit out of place after i just said his devotion is overwhelming LMAO but. he just has that contrast!! it’s easy to think that romances w him would be angsty, but imo that’s only true if his s/o isn’t on his side... if you are then he turns into the softest man on the planet. he wants so badly to be a good partner. even if he doesn’t think he could ever be a good man… and even though his devotion is overwhelming i think the fact that he’s open w it kinda makes him… mellow out? that depends on how much you feed into it though….
but yeah i truly do think cult leader geto takes on the caretaker role more than any other sugu :3 he’s the Mother ever. absolutely feeds you soup and tends to you!!! he wants you to depend on him so bad :((( he wants to be yours… wants you to be his… wants to be the most important person in your life. but it comes from a place of love that’s so dangerously soft it would give most people whiplash lmao (cue his followers watching him lull you to sleep on his lap during an important meeting only to be met with a warning glance when they stare at you for a little too long <33 yeah…)
………. i got carried away PSHFKDJJD 😭😭😭 as you can see i’m Normal abt cult leader geto he’s my mommy meowmeow ever. in conclusion!!! i agree w you wholeheartedly 🐟 anon !!!!
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linalilia · 1 year
I'm kinda late but yeah :D
For fandoms: Soukoku, Jade x Trey, and Leona x Ruggie
For your ocs: Akio x Ichiro, Aimi x Akane, Kei x Daisuke (Now that we know more about them, I'd like to see what you think of these skips, hehe. :DD)
it's okay it's okay! i'm surprised to see no bllk ships here /lh
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LISTEN. AGAIN. i'm just not really a fan of this dynamic in general? like, i really like the concept of 😠😆 characters being a couple, but ehh, for some reason soukoku is just.. not it for me. it's like, i can see the "hating each other" part, but i can't see the "secretly in love with each other" part?? also i just got too tired of seeing it everywhere and the "this ship killed my grandma, okay" part is like. i've told this story to my other friends before, but long story short, back when i was like 13-14 years old and i just got into bsd, i was a part of this gc and all members liked skk, but i didn't, so they came up with this great plan: THEY JUST KICKED ME OUT OF THE GC EVERY TIME THEY MENTIONED SKK AND THEN ADDED ME AGAIN WHEN THEY CHANGED THE TOPIC. like. i get it, they were even younger than me and they said that "they did that for my own comfort", but also.. yeah, i kinda get ptsd every time i see them now /j
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i just.. don't really get it?? like yes, i know about their interactions and i know about the whole "oh, trey thought jade is just like him fr but it turned out that jade likes working for azul" (??) thing, but also.. idk, i just don't really care about this ship :'D maybe it's bc i'm kinda neutral when it comes to these characters too (i'm like a magnet for trey and jade simps though. i have too many mutuals/friends who like them JDJSKSALSL) so that's why i don't really care about shipping them too?
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tbh the age gap makes me feel a bit uncomfy? like, listen, i'm not the type of person who goes "IF THESE TWO CHARACTERS ARE NOT THE EXACT SAME AGE, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SHIP THEM", but ehhh, idk, i think leona is a bit too old for ruggie. i think i like the concept in theory, since i enjoy dynamics where character a has more power and character b is their servant/follower/etc, but ruggie is like.. basically, i think he deserves better jdkdslsdls
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WELL. UH. NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT I ACTUALLY LIKE. okay, i love both platonic and romantic versions of akio x ichiro. they're just so cute, but so toxic at the same time <333 like, hear me out. they have a very cute dynamic bc akio just wants someone to listen to him and admire him and just do what he says, but also recognize that he's more than just his intelligence and he has other good qualities too and if ichiro needs attention and someone to guide him and answer his questions, well, akio would be glad to do that! but also, there's a lot of angst potential since akio still misses arata to a very bad and obsessive degree as it will be shown in season 2 and he may also see ichiro only as a "second option" because he would like to reconcile with arata if he's able to go back home and also, unlike riku, ichiro probably doesn't really share any traits with arata? but hey, maybe akio should just stop searching for guys who look and act exactly the same way and try something new? also i can definitely see them as, like, that type of ship where someone talks a lot and the other one just listens and nods. but yeah, i think they should go to therapy together once they're out. if they're able to leave milgram that is (also hi i'm typing this while thinking about t2 akio and I'M THIS CLOSE TO CRYING)
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AIMI X AKANE IS SUCH A CUTE SHIP (both platonically and romantically) IT LITERALLY MAKES ME MELT. like, their t1 version is so heartwarming, aimi finally gets a friend (maybe something more?) and akane finally gets someone who won't look away and give her all the attention and love she needs! also matching bandaids!! brushing each other's hair!! aimi saying that she can hug akane if she's too cold!! (and aimi is very soft and warm and her prison uniform is just like that as well) but also man. i'm thinking about the fact that i've actually never revealed much about aimi's backstory and what kind of person she was before milgram and like, why she was bullied by everyone.. and again, her undercover lyrics, if someone is not her friend, they don't deserve to even breathe. would love to see akane's reaction to t2 aimi, hehe <3 (don't worry, aimi is still cute, but now we get to know how messed up her morals can be) (also the fact that their love languages go together so well makes me go insane)
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AGAIN. i love them both platonically and romantically. two angsty boys who have some love-related problems, how cute <3 but also, i think daisuke deserves someone better than kei jdkslsls. kei's morals are literally non-existent and he genuinely enjoys hurting people though one of the reasons why he likes it is because he thinks it's a normal way to show how much you love them. their love languages go together surprisingly well too (the masochist bit made me laugh so hard like if kei found out HE WOULDN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE AND WOULD TEASE HIM NON-STOP). this is also that kind of ship that really makes me wonder how your ocs would react to the t2 versions of my ocs, though in this case it's more about, well, kei's t2 mv and more info about his crime because IT'S GONNA BE SAD.
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leeahqueen · 10 months
Love Light Symphony (Wanshi)
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Wanshi: (Yawn)…It’s a rare vacation, I shouldn’t be allowed to lie down for a while in the rest cabin...
Wanshi: Gray Raven Commandant? You look like this… I really didn’t recognize you for a while.
Wanshi reluctantly cheered up and squinted his eyes to look over.
Skk: (Briefly tell about the maze)
Wanshi: Hmm…maze?
Wanshi: If you definitely want to go… let’s go and have a look together.
[Shortly after finishing the maze]
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Wanshi: Hmm? Is it really just a simple stage?
Wanshi: If nothing else…
Wanshi dragged a gift from the side and looked like he was about to lie down on the spot…
Skk: Isn’t the floor hard?
Wanshi: Hmm…it’s actually not bad.
Wanshi: Although I didn’t carry the pillow you gave me, compared to the ruins where I just fought or the other venues…
Wanshi: It’s already feels good.
Wanshi was already lying comfortably on the floor, with his hands folded in front of his chest, looking very peaceful.
Skk: Are you ready for bed?
Wanshi: Well, is there anything else left?
Wanshi opened the blindfold and looked overly sleepy.
Skk: Why don’t we go to the beach?
You always feel that this way of spending the “Qixi Day Theme Maze” was not right.
Wanshi: On the beach…that’s fine too.
Wanshi got up neatly, followed your footsteps, and set foot on the soft sandy beach on one side.
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Wanshi: It seems…really not bad.
Before you could say anything, Wanshi lay down on the beach again, leisurely looking up at the virtual sky above his head.
Wanshi: Commandant, do you want to try it too? Sand is much more comfortable.
The voice of Wanshi seems to have some kind of magical power that can make people sleepy. Before you had time to think about it, you had already followed his words and lay down on the beach.
Wanshi: Seems to be…not too bad.
A completely different touch from the rest cabin caresses you, and the waves beat against the beach, making regular soft sounds…
Wanshi: (Yawn) … it really makes me sleep more comfortably when I’m next to you…
In a daze, it seemed that you heard Wanshi mumbling something, but you didn’t hear it clearly, and he was embraced by the sweet dream.
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