#he likes to keep morale up by bringing in some nice treats
p1nkshield · 1 year
I like to think that when Jason is baking everyone immediately turncoats and become the bestest sibling™️ ever in the world so he’ll share.
Like Damian is about to do one of his look alive sneak attacks on Jason but everyone tackles him like NO NO NO NO! he’s baking
Dick immediately goes to the book store and buys one of those hardback, gilt in gold classic books as an “impromptu gift for my favorite Jaylad! Oh, what are you baking! Looks great!”
Cass shows him cat videos/pictures as he measures out the ingredients.
Damian goes up to him and watches pretty much everything he does in quiet curiosity before offering a terse compliment and leaving.
Tim orders high quality Dutch process cocoa gives it to him without a word
Duke doesn’t really have to do anything he’s on the premium list with Alfred.
For Bruce seeing his kids genuinely enjoy a hobby is enough.
Steph just openly begs.
Jason is aware of all of these bribes and attempts to get in his good graces but that’s not gonna change the fact that this croquembouche is for his crew.
Good thing he made two.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
Zutara, romance novels, and the female gaze
Okay so I’ve been thinking about the female gaze a LOT so I checked out a subreddit about romance novels, despite never having read one. I came across this meme (which was initially a Tumblr post and then got posted to Instagram and then to Reddit and I’m now bringing back to Tumblr — Internet telephone, pls never change):
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And…what is The Southern Raiders, if not a platonic grovel? Katara’s pain is central to the episode. It’s central to Zuko. Zuko asks Katara what he can do to make up for his betrayal; she demands the impossible. He reads between the lines, cockblocks her brother to get the necessary information, and then waits outside her door overnight (which he also did for Iroh, the one person we know for sure he loves). He basically makes himself a receptacle for her rage, and he holds space for her by coming with her on her revenge quest and carrying their bags and not saying a damn thing about what she should and should not do beyond like…asking her to rest. And obviously the grovel works! She forgives him and then they’re thick as thieves, bantering and fighting and saving each other’s lives, etc.
On a different note, I’ve been told that enemies to lovers is one of the biggest tropes in romance novels, similar to YA lit and fanfic. Here’s something else I found in the romance novel discourse:
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And…yeah. In TSR, Katara really does show Zuko her worst self, because she doesn’t feel the need to perform for him. She doesn’t feel the need to perform moral perfection OR cold blooded vengeance. She bloodbends in front of him and he just goes with it. She doesn’t kill Yon Rha and he just goes with it. He doesn’t treat her any differently afterwards. Maybe they talk about it off screen, but I kind of like the idea that they don’t, because Katara doesn’t need to explain anything. And it’s so interesting, because some people in the ATLA fandom have a totally different read on TSR. They think Zuko was encouraging Katara to get revenge (by what, keeping his mouth shut?), and that Aang is the one who acts as her moral compass. I believe that either Bryan or Mike said in the DVD commentary that Aang is the angel on her shoulder the entire time. And this interpretation does make sense if you see it from the male gaze, where Katara as an object of affection is acting in an angry, irrational, threatening way. But if you see it from the female gaze, you recognize that actually it’s probably the most emotionally taxing experience Katara has to go through, and she doesn’t owe it to be nice or perfect to anybody. Katara’s formative trauma literally comes to a head, and she has to make a decision — no, a discovery — about who she is in relation to the tragedy that defines her life and even her identity (as a waterbender, as a parentified child who becomes the mom friend, as a genocide victim), and she’s accompanied by someone who trusts her judgement and validates her feelings.
I’m not saying TSR is explicitly romantically coded, but when it conforms so well to romance novel tropes…is it any wonder that so many people thought “yes this is her man?” And then he takes lightning in the heart for her and reaches for her when he’s literally dying, I will never be normal about that either
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chuuya x reader
afab! reader
you and chuuya share a private moment in a crowded room.
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your high heels tapped against the marbled floor as you moved to prop yourself up against a wall, glass of wine you desperately needed in your gloved hand. every now and then, mori would throw elaborate parties specifically for the port mafia. in his words, he wanted to raise the moral of his workers. yeah right, you thought. it seemed awfully convenient that he’d throw one of these event’s right when he was about to pull some pompous bullshit like an alliance with the agency, and he wanted his people on his good side.
but how could you resist an open bar? how could chuuya?
the satin fabric of your dress clung to your curves like the stars cling to the night sky. it was the last nice thing you had that wasn’t tarnished in blood or tears from your life as an executive. you made wearing a simple black dress look like the moon rising over the night- chuuya thought so, at least.
chuuya stood across from you, downing at least his third glass of liquid courage. he knew he was a lightweight and would dump out his regrets in the washroom tomorrow morning. but right now, chuuya wasn’t planning on promising tomorrow, he wanted to promise tonight- with you.
he walked towards you in a sway of confidence you had never seen someone wear before. it wasn’t overconfidence or boastful, he seemed to walk towards you like he had always belonged there. that he was simply returning to his rightful place- right next to you.
“you look beautiful.” he leaned in to your ear, as if he were afraid someone would hear his words. perhaps because his words were only for your ears. his warm breath lingered on your neck for a moment before pulling away, gazing into your eyes with love and hunger. the bluest eyes you have ever seen lingered on your lips. he wanted to move on, more than he had ever wanted anything in his life.
“you’re a dangerous man, chuuya nakahara.” you tempt him, fingers caressing his tie and tugging him closer to you. he chuckles at your statement, his voice singing a sweet harmony that only you could compose.
“what makes me dangerous?” chuuya plays dumb, because he wants to prolong this interaction. he’d speak only one word at a time if it meant being in your presence for just a second longer. he’d stop time, if he could. let you two float up into the sky under the gaze of the moon, because thats exactly how you made him feel.
“because you make me weak.”
“oh? i feel special..”
you had never seen eyes so blue. like the sky had opened its gates to a celestial realm, just for you. chuuya’s gloved hand found its way to your waist, fitting himself onto you like his hands were especially crafted just for holding you. in a sea of people, in a crowded room of dazzling faces and glamorous stories, chuuya only chose to look at you.
how could he not fall for you? chuuya was a man of taste, and he knew not to treat you like you were his woman- simply because you weren’t. you’re you. and thats what he believed to be the most beautiful thing about you. you weren’t something he could, something he could take out his selfish, misled desires on- no. you were beautiful, and smart, and incredible, and it was no ones business. chuuya was enamoured with you right from the start.
its funny how even in a crowded room full of everyone you know, you and chuuya still managed to capture moments only for your eyes. staring into his eyes made it seem like no one else was there with you, just you and him. no one was watching- and even if they were you couldn’t bring yourself to give a fuck. not when chuuya nakahara stood in front of you.
and before you could open your lips to ask, chuuya dragged you in for a kiss. his lips pressed against yours with a patient yet passionate fervour. he had taken his hat off and held it behind your head, keeping you as close to him as possible. he could have had every inch of your body pressed up against his and he would still pull you in even closer. your love was not a want, it was a need.
your heart was so full of him you could barely call it your own. because of you, chuuya knew heaven without death. you were like all of his favourite songs trapped in a vessel, his love for you like a cup overfilled. you were all he ever wanted love to be. he made kissing feel like stats danced across your lips. if he wanted to taste the universe, all he had to do was kiss you.
for as long as he existed, you would always be loved.
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coraniaid · 1 month
🔥 on fuffy's dynamic? or anything fuffy related
I think most Fuffy shippers – me included for sure – have a habit of making Faith seem a bit too … well, nice.
Don’t get me wrong: I like Faith a lot.  Not just as a character – and she is one of my favorite characters on the show, even if she only appears in less than two dozen episodes – but on a personal level too I have a lot of empathy for her.  I think she has a pretty rough deal in life.  I think she’s very badly let down by a lot of people, both before and after becoming a Slayer.  I think the narrative itself is often far less sympathetic to her than it is to other characters. I think she’s pretty miserably unhappy most of the time, and I think her redemption arc is genuinely very good, even with the little we see of her post-Sanctuary.
That said, it feels to me that a lot of Fuffy fanfiction is written by people who have decided, whether consciously or not, that the “real” Faith is the Faith we see awkwardly asking Buffy if she wants to go the dance with her in Homecoming since she already has the tickets, or showing up on Buffy's doorstep in Amends with some crappy Christmas presents, still not quite able to admit there was never any “big party” she could have gone to instead, however obvious it is at this point, and somehow managing to make a million different heartbreaking microexpressions when Buffy says she’s glad to see her. 
Yes, I like those moments too – I like them a lot – and I think that they are definitely indicative of a real aspect of Faith, one she tries hard to keep hidden most of the time.  But I think it’s an injustice to her character to make that the sum total of her personality.  If this were all there was to Faith’s character, she wouldn’t be half as compelling.
What about the Faith who, however troubled she looked at first, manages to shrug off the fact her new boss is planning to have Willow murdered when he tells her he’s also bought her a Playstation?  What about the Faith who attacks Joyce, ties her up and threatens to kill her?  What about the Faith who fantasies about stabbing Willow and taunts Tara by telling her how much Willow used to love Oz?  What about the Faith who, right from her first appearance, is perhaps a little bit too into beating up vampires and killing demons?  What about the Faith who threatens to torture Buffy, who tries to kill Angel, who definitely does torture Wesley and who kills Professor Worth while he begs for his life?  What about the Faith who probably was going to kill Xander? What about what Faith does to Buffy in Who Are You?
I’m not saying all Fuffy authors should exclusively write angst-ridden enemies-to-lovers in which for the first 100,000 words Faith really does seem to revel in being able to kill things without consequences even as she lets her obsession with Buffy Summers lead her into actively and deliberately trying to hurt her or bring her down to her level. (Though it would perhaps be nice if some of it was like this!)  I don’t have any moral objection if people would rather write fluff in which Faith and Buffy have an awkward first kiss at the Homecoming Dance, or AUs in which Faith never sides with the Mayor, or post-canon fic which takes for granted the fact that Faith is now redeemed and happily devoted to Buffy (it would make me a bit of a hypocrite if I did, since I’ve written all of these things).
But the sort of Fuffy writing and meta that I most enjoy, even if it doesn’t dwell on Faith’s worst moments or if it takes place in a continuity where they conveniently haven’t happened, always treats Faith as somebody who could do those things, if the circumstances were just a little bit different.  Always recognizes her as somebody who does have a lot of barely-suppressed anger in her, who is more likely to listen to an authority figure who tells her what she wants to hear than one who doesn’t, who is more than a little bit jealous of Buffy’s life, who does think, deep down, that being a Slayer makes her better than other people.
To me, that’s the appeal of Faith as a character and also of her relationship with Buffy. The two things are kind of inseparable.  Faith is a reflection of a lot of Buffy’s own worst impulses; she’s somebody that Buffy could have been if things had turned out differently (and if Buffy hadn’t had a certain inner strength and self-belief that Faith, for all her posturing, doesn’t quite ever have herself).  She’s the Buffy we’ll see hints of throughout Season 6, the Buffy we saw in Season 2’s When She Was Bad, the Buffy we see in Season 3’s The Wish. And, as a reflection of Buffy, she has some of Buffy’s strengths as well as exaggerated versions of some of Buffy’s flaws.  She’s not uncomplicatedly Evil, even at her worst, but she does a lot of things that are very hard to forgive, and she enjoys doing some of them more than some people like to admit.
I think if somebody’s going to try to write Fuffy, and get both Buffy and Faith right, that’s something they need to remember.  Let Faith have some jagged edges.  Let her be a little bit dangerous.  Let her be a little bit cruel. Let her be a little bit self-destructive.  Put simply: let her be Faith.
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clementianos-blog · 3 months
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From the beginning, Tim and Steph had a kind of chemistry in their lack of chemistry. They were very different - backgrounds, perspectives, family influences, etc. About all they had in common was that they were only children with family troubles, but even those similarities were abundantly different once you scratched the surface even a tad.
But what I find interesting, and seriously questionable, is how their actual relationship comes about. Steph repeatedly makes choices that aren't the best while "trying to help" and Tim repeatedly has to correct her. He's more-or-less acting like a conscience to her. I guess you could look at this as being that strong part of Tim's personality that drives him to help others. It's why he's Robin. Unlike his predecessors (and successors), the main reason he became Robin was to help Batman; helping everyone else was a secondary (and Batman's primary). To Batman, Tim's Robin is the "I'll help you so you can help everyone else." It's ingrained into him to see the shortcomings of others and he intrinsically wants to help.
There are multiple moments in which Steph is ready to walk away from a lowlife thug who is vulnerably facing certain death - and Tim explains why they need to help. But that's a major theme in the Batman comics in general, so it doesn't really fit the bill of what we're talking about here in a way that is unique to Steph and Tim.
But this does:
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Steph is willing to steal two Zesti sodas from a convenience store after she and Tim cleared out the bad guys. He sees no problem in taking the Zestis as long as they will be compensating the store for them rather than stealing. He probably thinks "we COULD go to another, open store, but I'd rather help this one out" or even "best to be seen as little as possible" etc. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that he anticipates that she's thinking about stealing them. He asks "this your treat?" to put the burden on her since she was the one who offered to pick them up.
This could also be his subtle and not-enough way of pushing the "this is not a date" vibes he's been lazily humming out at her lately. Which brings us to the scene that follows this directly:
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Tim has been emotionally cheating on Ariana for quite some time, relying on Steph for the emotional pick-me-ups and help-me-outs as well as leading her on. He's reflected on this a few times and even tried to do something about it several times before this point. But here, he is pretty open about his resignation.
This is the kind of thing teens do a lot - really, everyone does it at some point or another. We redefine our understanding of the world, of our morals, of our personal resolve to suit what feels nice. Exactly this is why it's a very good piece of advice to write down your goals in distinct, objective terms and keep them visible to you when you make them. If you say you aren't eating sweets for a month, be specific about what that means. If sugar in your coffee is an allowance, then say so. If desserts, pastries, jams and jellies, and candy are not allowed, then say so. Without being specific... we start to think things like "Well, a blueberry muffin isn't really a sweet (even though this one is covered in sugar crystals and tastes sweeter than the candybar I had last month)."
I'm not really cheating on Ariana. I haven't held Steph's hand. I haven't kissed - er, I haven't intentionally kissed Steph.
The problem is often that we don't see the danger of this stage. Just like Steph saw no danger in stealing two Zestis from the convenience store, Tim sees no danger in letting Steph treat their outings as dates. It's just a buck. It's just a game. It's not serious. No one's getting hurt by it.
And this is a problem for the exact reason Tim gives Steph.
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What Steph did was so small, so simple, and seemingly so harmless. The shopkeeper probably would have handed them a case of Zestis each for what they did. But the shopkeeper isn't there.
Steph has Tim here to help her understand why it's wrong to compromise even an inch of her integrity.
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What Tim is doing is so much worse. SO much worse. There is no justification, no excuse, and no good reason other than "this makes me happy right now."
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But unlike Steph, Tim doesn't have a... well... Tim to put it in perspective. To help him see why it's wrong. Why it starts like this, and soon he'll be bending all the rules.
Instead, Tim has a Steph who is the one dragging him into this quagmire where he's blatantly cheating on his girlfriend and cannot see it for what it is.
And yes, it's clear he can see that it's wrong - just like Steph knew that taking the sodas wasn't really right. But just like with the sodas, neither of them recognized the action for what it truly was: stealing/cheating. Once put into that context, Steph immediately pays. If it were simplified like that to Tim, he would cut it off. The end. No more. I'll either say goodbye to Ariana, or I'll say goodbye to Steph.
But he sees something else: he feels happiness, he sees two happy girls, and he thinks, "No one's getting hurt here. It's not really right but it's not like I'm, you know..."
It starts like that. And soon you're bending all the rules.
TimSteph has a lot of positive qualities to it, but the fact that Steph's a project of Tim's - to build into an upstanding citizen from the rough place she's been raised - means that he needs to stay in the role of her pillar of morality. If he doesn't, as we see, then he falls himself.
Tim managed to say no to the Zesti, but the apple was just too tempting.
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mirpuzzle · 1 month
I've been really curious about this, who are your top ten Yu-Gi-Oh characters?
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Hello! 🌷 Usually, I only have a few favorites. So, aside from the first three, the rest is constantly changing. I'll try to put them in order (all under the cut).
♡. 10 ── Carly Nagisa (5Ds)
What's not to love about her? She's funny, pretty, and a complete mess of a person. She gets in all sorts of trouble, all because she's trying to make a living. I like it when she gets screen time.
♡. 9 ── Noa Kaiba (DM)
He was my favorite as a kid, so I still have a special place in my heart for him. His story made me cry. He did not deserve that. He only wanted others to understand him. You're valid, Noa.
♡. 8 ── Yusei Fudo (5Ds)
It's rare for me to favor a protagonist. That's how you know he's good. This man is a blessing to Yugioh. He has a natural charisma that's impossible to ignore. He's perfect.
♡. 7 ── Bandit Keith (DM)
...I think. I have mixed feelings toward him. I don't even know why he's on this list. I keep going to him in games where Kotsuzuka is not there. So, that must mean I like him, right? I'm confused.
Cross Duel showed me he can be really nice to you if you help him win. I appreciate how he helps other duelists fortify their decks, using the themes they originally had instead of giving them a completely new deck. He cares.
While there's no excuse for what he did to Kotsuzuka and the boys, the fact that, behind that 'bad guy' front, there's a sad, broken man makes me feel bad for him. He deserves to heal.
♡. 6 ── Ryou Bakura (DM)
The anime doesn't do him justice. The more I learn about him through other fans and Duel Links, the more I like him. He's a precious cream puff who likes spooky stuff and is treated terribly by almost everyone. He deserves better (friends).
♡. 5 ── Divine (5Ds)
This man is terrible in every way, and that's the point. I hate that his character was designed to be hated. He gets no backstory, no redemption arc, no nothing. He's just there to be blamed for every bad thing that's ever happened. I pity him. He's the worst. I love this guy.
♡. 4 ── Thief King Bakura (DM)
PLEASE give this guy a break. He has gone through enough. The way he pulled himself back up after all that tragedy is impressive. Imagine how one skillful Thief became a Pharaoh's major threat. A Thief who brings up important moral questions that society seems to ignore (deliberately). He deserves to be heard.
♡. 3 ── Kiyoshi Takaido & Satake (DM)
They share third place because I can't have one without the other. I automatically started loving them because they're close friends with Kotsuzuka. I like that they care about him. These guys have so much potential to explore, and it's a shame we see so little of them.
They're not 'Keith's lackeys'. They're duelists in their own right. They have ambitions and aspirations. They just didn't get to be in the spotlight.
♡. 2 ── Yami Bakura (DM)
Sometimes switches places with Takaido and Satake but usually stays in second place. He's wickedly perfect. From his gorgeous design to how he pretends everything is part of his plan, even though he's literally dissipating into nothingness. He has the nerve to make empty threats that he never carries out. And I love him for that. No one can deny that he looks cool when he shows how evil™️ he is.
There's something beautiful about this ancient evil spirit dedicating his existence to fulfill his objective - all while showing us that he can enjoy normal human activities, like playing games. The complexity of his character captivates me. You can study him for hours, and it will still take you a while to figure him out due to his confusing lore. I like reading what other fans have to say about him.
The way he makes others suffer causes me to have mixed feelings. Sure, I love angst. I just wish there were some feelings involved.
Seeing him make enemies with almost everyone he crosses paths with makes me think he wants to keep everyone away, and that's sad. I want him to care about someone other than himself. I want someone to care about him.
♡. 1 ── Ghost Kotsuzuka (DM)
Yes, that one guy who's known for using Zombie-Type monsters. That short, spooky 15-year-old who walks around hunched over pretending to be a ghost, not realizing he's too cute to be scary. That naive boy who trusted the wrong person and then was unlucky enough to cross paths with the main antagonist. He's my favorite.
I love him. The way his eyes light up when he talks about the things he likes is adorable. I could listen to him gush about ghosts for hours.
His character tends to be frustratingly misinterpreted and overlooked. It's sad that some people think of him as nothing more than collateral damage to Yami Bakura's 'mischief'. He deserves better than that.
When you see past his 'side antagonist' role, you realize he's a precious little guy who's trying his best. Behind that ghostly, mischievous smile, there's a lost youth looking for guidance from a 'big bro' figure he can look up to, whether he realizes this or not.
Despite the differences in his characterization between the manga, anime, and games, one thing remains consistent. He grows into someone who wants to prove he can duel by himself.
But what does he get? Nothing but pain. Betrayed, deceived, ending up dead or lost in the darkness, condemned in almost every canon, with only his sentient Duel Links data to remember him by.
He only wanted to duel.
I'll stop here. Otherwise, I'll be talking about Kotsuzuka for hours. Thank you so much for the ask! ♡ Sorry that it took a while. I was struggling to organize what I wanted to say for some of the characters, and I wanted to add some art :3
Keep in mind that I've only seen Duel Monsters and the first half of 5Ds, so there are many characters I don't know yet.
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vivianquill · 6 months
Okay. so. basic breakdown of the dragonfrost au goes as such.
You have Tango, a young adult dragon (young in dragon years, not mortal years) who lives in the deepfrost citadel-- or more specifically, below it. his hoard is below the burning dark, in a room that takes puzzles to get to. (think the control room puzzle).
He likes people, but has that dragon lifespan and semi-alien morals due to being. well. a heckkin dragon. He's lawful good, and while he doesn't seek out 'bad' people to do vengeance, he will test and judge and 'play' with anyone he comes across. He believes that adventurers are primarily greedy and selfish and will do anything for their own gain. proven time and time again by people trying to steal his hoard. No one has succeeded. ever.
The he visits the village at the bottom of the mountain a lot, and sees it as part of his 'domain' and under his protection. Mostly cause the people there are nice to him and just people trying to live and be good people, yah know? They have the Tango stamp of approval. The people there know 'Tango' as a odd wanderer who is the only one to survive going up to the Citadel, for some reason. They know there's something up there, and while some people suspect it's a dragon, but other people think it's other things, and what do they gain by angering whatever it is? Tango knows more than he lets on, surely. He's gotta be like, a spokesperson for the dragon or something.
Anyway. Jimmy is a canary Avian, and the little scraplet i wrote is more of a prologue-ish bit. Jimmy has a slight magic that lets him sense immediate danger, but the troupe he adventures with always underestimated him and never trusted his danger-sense. He was traveling with them because his family ended up in debt to some powerful people. He was the one who took it upon himself to work off as much of the family debt as he could manage, and as such-- adventurer. He sorta acts like 'the party npc' a lil bit. Jimmy isn't really a fighter, and is instead more useful for his connections and survival knowledge.
Jimmy caught Tango's eye because of his golden feathers and his danger sense magic and his high perception and insight. he also, after getting to know Jimmy more, despite his mistrust, and ends up convinced that the rest of the troupe is standard adventurer fair-- not worth much more than food for his dungeon. But he let them get all the way to the hoard as a test for Jimmy, and Jimmy passed. Tango murdered all the rest of the troupe, and took Jimmy as part of his hoard.
Because of this, Jimmy is now 'warlock', and Tango is his patron. It took a long while for Jimmy to sorta-- get over the murder thing. but that's fine! Tango's dragon magic, when forged through a warlock-patron connection, lets him slow Jimmy's aging, as well as give him other magic powers too. It wouldn't do to lose the only good adventurer he's ever met, after all.
After Jimmy finally comes around to being Tango's-- something. Friend? Ward? Treasure? Something. Whatever it is. Jimmy takes on a similar role to Tango. They take care of the town, and the citadel, and if any adventurers come by, Jimmy takes on the guise of being their guide. He whistles to Tango each night, telling songs of how he's being treated. If they don't treat Jimmy right, they get to be dungeon food. If they keep Jimmy safe and listen to his instructions all the way through the dungeon to the hoard, and only take what they truly need of the treasure, for good reasons, they get the chance to leave alive. But they have to get out on their own. Most people never do. But some do.
It brings stories of glory and treasure, attracting more adventurers, more players for the game. More business for the village. Tango changes the games and puzzles, keeping it forever new and challenging, but he never collects any more warlocks. he offers it, to a select few he's deemed as good as Jimmy, but none of them take it. Yet. Most of them have family to get back to, people they need to save. (like Jimmy did, once.) (They're surely all dead by now.) (He's lived for so, so long. Tango is the only one who knows him anymore. (The least he can do is soften Tango's edges for everyone else.) (Jimmy might be a canary in a cage but he can sing to protect the miners, right?)
It's fine. The village is thriving, and the adventurers get a chance, at least.
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How are the ros when in a romance with mc?
Hi angel!
I'm going to describe kind of overarching "themes" or motifs for each of the romance options and their routes. There won't be many spoilers, but lil fun hints (fun is a loose term cuz im kinda evil).
Also, you'll get to experience romances with the RO when you read the story hehehe, trust me it's coming! The demo is only up to chapter 1...gotta give MC some time to heal from that sweet spicy trauma (or not).
Chapter 2 Part 1 is coming along quite nicely, I'm anticipating it to be about 30K without code.
Without further ado, here are the romance vibes for the RO in Memento Mori!
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Delphine: "i never knew love until I met you", breakfast in bed and massages after a long day, she wants to spoil you, "i wish i could stop time, I wish I could keep this forever." You make her feel worthy, you make her feel seen. She remembers all of your favorite things, her love language is words of affirmation and gift giving. She's protective over you; she lets you see the parts of herself she keeps hidden. all her favorite love songs are about you.
"I wanna love me, the way that you love me. for all of my pretty, and all of my ugly too. I'd love to see me from your point of view. I wanna trust me, the way that you trust me. Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do. I'd love to see me from your point of view" POV by Ariana Grande
Honorable Mention: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Zero Chevalier: "MC over morals", it's soft smiles and softer touches, like you're the most precious thing he's ever held. it's wide eyed surprise at your reciprocation, love that is dark and consuming, you're in his sweetest dreams, and you're the light in his darkest nightmares, "remind me that this is real." has a hundred drawings of you in his sketchbook "You're my home."
"There's a lover in the story, but the story's still the same. There's a lullaby for suffering, and a paradox to blame. But it's written in the scriptures. And it's not some idol claim. You want it darker. We kill the flame." You Want it Darker by Leonard Cohen
Honorable Mention: Peace by Taylor Swift
Xa'eks/Xa'veed: war between head and heart, not sure who is falling first and who is falling harder, not only bends the rules, but breaks them for you. overwhelmed by the severity of their emotions, wants to make up for all the years they spent without knowing you, has told the stars about you, knows they will lose you but loves you like they won't, you could live inside them and it wouldn't be close enough, love language is physical touch
"I can't help but love you, Even though I try not to. I can't help but want you. I know that I'd die without you. I can't help but be wrong in the dark. 'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts. I can't help but want oceans to part. 'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts" War of Hearts by Ruelle
Honorable Mention: Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift
Ayana Tsosie: let me be your peace (when the world is going to shit), there's nothing wrong with loving again, we have more on the line than love, you can't fight your heart without hurting yourself in the long run. she keeps an eye on you across rooms and battlefields, she treats you as her equal, you've become one of the best parts of her life (new and old), you borrowed her heart and refused to give it back, but she gave it willingly. your hand in hers is what love poems are written about.
"Have you ever wished for an endless night? Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight. Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself. Will it ever get better than tonight?" Glitter in the Air by P!nk
Honorable Mention: Love Me Like You Do by Elle Goulding
Cecelia/Chase: friends to lovers but I love my friends just as deeply, they don't know they love you until they almost lose you, there's butterflies in my bloodstream (it must be because of you), partners in crime, communication without words. they know what you need before you do, they bring you flowers and will choose to stare at you over the most beautiful sunsets (because nothing compares in their eyes)
"I'm dancing in the dark. With you between my arms, barefoot on the grass. Listening to our favorite song, I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person" Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Honorable Mention: Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur
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writing-and-rebloging · 3 months
Macbeth, Jellal and parallels.
Quick preface, I'm taking the Anime add ons in the Oracion Seis arc and the Starry Sky filler as canon, because they give a lot more substance and treat the Seis nicely enough (and much better than the manga), respectively.
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In a way. It's what all of this hinges upon. In a turn of events, Macbeth recognizes the darkness and cruelty simmering in Jellal's head, compares them to his own, and says that due to that, Jellal would fit perfectly in Oracion Seis. Morally corrupt, cruel and powerful... Jellal is just like them, isn't he? In the anime, the vibes of condescendingly saying "can't you see you're just like me? No matter how much you deny it. No matter how much you say you're disgusted by my actions, you're just as bad." are simply immaculate.
While they share this with other characters, they were both enslaved children in the tower of Heaven. A past neither of them like to talk about. They were weak, helpless, and it fucked them up (Jellal was tortured to insanity, Macbeth has night terrors and several dealer's choice sleep issues thanks to the tower) majorly. Jellal barely talks about the tower in general unless it's to make a point of his atonement, and Macbeth only mentions it three time, two while throwing what he did to Jellal's face and one while lashing out at Erza for not going back to save anyone from her boyfriend's cruelty.
The fact that they couldn't do anything to defend themselves while other people kicked them around eats at them, and while we know they were kids, it's not something they consider in the equation at all. They're ashamed of it, unlike Erza or Milliana, and it leads to the second and third points.
After being tortured for hours, "Zeref" (who was just Ultear. Who interestingly enough also gets tortured within an inch of her life by Brain, but that's for another post) reaches out to Jellal and gives him the power to take over the Tower of Heaven, while weeks or months later Brain "adopts" Macbeth and the other four members of Oracion Seis, and teaches them how to use a wide variety of magic.
They both end up on positions of power. Jellal as the ruler of the Tower of Heaven. Macbeth as the favorite son, with all that implies. And while they gain something (safety, for starters) out of it, they're also at someone else's mercy. Jellal is being manipulated by "Zeref" into completing the Tower to bring him back, while Macbeth is in turn groomed by Brain into being the perfect soldier to maintain the magic link keeping Zero at bay, and carry out his plans so that he can hide away.
Drunk on power.
They embody this more than any of the other Tower kids that became villains. They're given power, both raw in the form of incredible magical abilities and over other people (albeit in different ways). And they get drunk on it.
Jellal runs the tower like a tyrant, ordering and bullying people around. He threatens his friends, murders one of them, and even almost sacrifices Erza, who he held dear above anyone else.
Macbeth on the other hand, we can assume is encouraged to hurt people as much as he pleases, as long as he gets the job done. We see that when he tortures Eve, and when he says he wants to see Erza and Jellal in pain. 
Both of them use that power to inflict pain, and that pain to soothe the wound of having been taken advantage of when they were vulnerable. It makes them feel safe, being above other people.
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While this is anime only, as we never see him use it again, Macbeth ends up using the same dark magic as Brain, and, if we look at some spells that Jellal uses back in the tower... The resemblance is enough to assume it's the same kind of magic. And while not immensely relevant, it sure is fun that they would use the same magic, all things considered.
Extending a hand to each other in the worst way possible (while mocking Jellal's worst insecurity vs after beating the crap out of Macbeth) should also be listed, tbh. But this is long enough.
These similarities, however, would make them want to throw up if pointed out rather than bring them closer.
Anyways. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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pastel-omegas-blog · 1 year
The Beginning. Chapter Two
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING!!! THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES AND VIOLENCE PLEASE LEAVE IF IT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. I DO NOT NEED THIS BOOK TO BE REPORTED . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.( Mentions of suicide, bullying, blood/torture ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️( This book is going to have more matured themes  compared to my others, from smut scenes to non-con, lactation, drugging, hypnosis, abuse of power and over obsessiveness.  
Servants ran around the huge room trying to make it look tidier than it already was while some divided themselves to attending to the petite man cuddle softly in the middle of the huge Emperor sized bed, bringing him hot freshly brewed tea, a very appetizing breakfast and small desserts by the side.
They cooed out small comments praising his beauty as they picked out simple yet elegant clothes for him to wear, all gushing as he buried his blushing face deeper into the soft duvets, his sweet scent making them fawn over him even more.
He was such a humble person despite being born in an influential noble house.
He was so kind and loving and gentle and never once yelled at them when they made a mistake. He was patient with all of them and always had a gentle sweet smile on his lips.
Lord M\N L/N was an angel.
The servants couldn't believe how anyone would call such a caring man with a warm welcoming aura a Devil.
He treated everyone around him like family and had even given out gifts to them, even though he had only known them for five months.
He really lived up to the image their former master had painted of him.
" He is a kind and loving person who always sees the good in others "
 Was what the elderly man had said.
And his words couldn't have been more true.
In his short stay in their territory, despite his ' sickly ' state he had helped the neighbouring villages very much by donating money to help them during the water shortage and even had food and warm clothing sent out make the cold winter far more bearable.
But the places that he helped the most were the orphanages.
As an omega it was expected to have a soft spot for pups. It was part of their natural instincts, but the way the h/c man had taken all the children living there as his own spoke volumes about his love for them. It was such a heart warning sight to see and made the common people of the northern territory cherish him even more
How the eastern part of the empire managed to soil the name of such a morally upright and genuinely nice person made them angry.
Of course those prim and proper trash didn't know how to cherish miracles in human skin.
" I.. isn't this too m..much ? Is a..all this n.. necessary? I..I told you all I can g..get ready o..on my own. I...I don't w.. want to be a b.. bother " the s/c man stammered out twiddling with his fingers softly as he buried his face in the  duvets surrounding him. An attempt to hide his burning cheeks
" Of course we have to do this. It's only natural. Your a noble. You are meant to let others take care of you. " A maid reassured as she took away the empty plates and M/N raised his head to stare at the woman.
Elena Fern. A woman with ash coloured hair and dark brown eyes. She had an air of authority surrounding her despite the faint saint of books that told everyone she was a beta.
As expected of someone of her position.
The head maid that had been assigned to him for his stay in the Duke's manor.
" Yeah. Elena is right. We don't mind at all. Your so kind to us so it's only natural to help you anyway we can " a young girl with curly ginger locks added, her brown eyes shining with adoration as she stared at the man.
Sarah Fern.
Both recessive omega women we're sisters from a fallen baron family and had been working in the manor for a since they were very young and that showed in how refined their house keeping skills were.
Elena being the eldest was more strict and uptight and followed the rules, while Sarah been the youngest was more prone to causing mischief, yet both women had become loyal to him in the past few months of his stay at the manor and attended to most of his needs.
The other servants in the room voiced out their agreements with the two women and M)N felt his cheeks flush at all their nice comments.
" B.. but still I can change my clothes and b..bathe on m..my own! M..my body is strong enough s.. so I won't need help with that " the h/c man argued back and Elena let out a sigh of defeat knowing she wouldn't be able to win the argument.
" Alright my lord, we'll leave you for now. But remember if you need anything just tell for us ".
And with that they all walked out leaving the h/c man on his own.
M/N let out a sigh as he walked into the hidden bathroom inside his already massive room, his shoulders relaxing as the steam from the hot water in the room calmed his nerves. With practiced moves he stripped off his silk nightwear and sunk his body into the large pool sized bathtub that had rose petals floating on the still water and the soft sweet scent of vanilla (  it had taken a while for him to get used to the scent again with gagging at it or getting angry), a small sound left his lips as he lowered himself into the water.
And he stayed in the silence, not moving an inch from where he sat lost in his own thoughts.
" There always a lively bunch aren't they" Demi's voice broke the silence and a soft hum was all  he received as an answer.
A lively bunch they were indeed.
He could remember the first time he arrived, with his carriage stained with blood and rotten fruits, his companions shaken to the bone with what they had 'experienced' ( he had changed their memories sure, but he didn't take away the morbid scenes. He needed them to know what the imperial family were capable of so next time they ever met they would have their guards up. )
A shaken knight, a pale servant, a sobbing woman and lastly a ' passed out ' omega who seemed to have fainted from the shock of an attempt on his life once again.
He was so sure that the pathetic sight of their group would make the people sneer and mock at them.
He was expecting the harsh whispers and taunts of the crowd, just like how the people had mocked him back at the capital he was expecting the same treatment from the people of the north as well. 
They had surely heard the rumors about how he had tormented their lovely saint and precious Emperor. They should have heard about how him surviving his assassination attempt caused the gods to be angry and curse their land, they should have heard about how the saint had detected dark månå flowing through his cursed veins and how he was cursing innocent civilians for the fun of it.
He had seen people getting high off his misery so he was expecting the same thing here. For everyone to turn their backs in him before they even met him.
Instead there were heavily guarded knights running over to check on them, panicked screams of the servants who saw the blood stained carriage rang in the air and the family members of the Duke present shouted out orders for their guests to be taken inside and checked for any wounds.
Everyone had been running around in a panic to make sure they were safe and they had been rushed into the mansion and had doctors check on them. 
It was all so strange.
They hadn't once stopped to mock them as they worried about their wellbeing, the h/c omega had thought maybe the way they had arrived had caused them to go in a state of shock and once they snapped out of it they would go back to keeping their distance from him and start to spread more rumors about as they watched his every move.
He could feel their piercing eyes on his form so he was sure it would only be a matter of time before they showed themselves. Before they bared their fangs at him and cursed him out for things he never did.
Except it never came.
Instead of gazes filled with disgust and contempt they stared at him with loving eyes, filled with adoration and happiness, instead of vile words thrown his way it was compliments about how radiant he looked every single day. Instead of being left alone to do things on his own they were always offering to do even the smallest things for him so that he wouldn't ' push his sick body anymore than he was suppose to '.
And they went on to continue to treat him like the for the first month he stayed, never once throwing any degrading insult his way. He didn't know what to do at first. Sure it made acting like a saint towards the people easier, because then whenever he donated money or offered to help anyway he could he wouldn't be faced with any backlash and nobody said anything to him that would upset him and make it harder for him to hide his emotions.
But he just couldn't shake how his stomach seemed to churn over any small compliment or kind gesture he received and it seemed he was the only one who was suddenly affected by the change of attitude towards him.
Aria hadn't once complained about how weird it felt to be suddenly praised for the smallest thing she did, infact she seemed to be eating the attention up, he couldn't blame her though. She was used to being the center of attention and compliments when she still ran her business, if she hadn't decided to take care of him she might have still had it by now........
 " Useless thoughts "  Demi spoke up interrupting their host's train of thoughts and M/N thanked them as he stared to get out of the bath wrapping himself in one of the many fluffy towels that had been laid out for him as he made his way back to his room.
Though they were now dedicated people to make sure the h/c man was always alright it hadn't stopped his cousin from stopping by every day to check on his wellbeing, only and only left when she was sure he was in perfect condition before she left him alone. 
Felix and Basil though still hadn't budge an inch.
Basil it was obvious, his infatuation for his master had grown to dangerous levels and he didn't want anyone else in his laugh, though he responded positively to others it was clear he was keeping up a wall and he didn't want anyone passing the limit he had set for them. If he wasn't rigorously training with the Duke's knights he was seeking attention from his h/c master and listening to the new teachings of a god/goddess he had just discovered.
Felix matter though. He was jealous.
Despite working diligently by the h/c omega's side for the past five months his master still hadn't said a single word to him. He was happily chatting with the maids and manservants yet he hadn't so much as said a greeting to the violet eyes butler. It was infuriating no doubt, M/N had seen the jealousy and rage bubbling in his eyes despite the calm facade the beta always had.
He needed the man to snap first, if he still wanted to be an obedient dog to the Vermillion family then he didn't deserve the s/c man's attention.
The former emperor was the only who seemed to be affected by how genuinely everyone was treating him, he had even sent out butterflies at one point to sneak around and report anything the people said about him. Despite not being in his presence anymore the people still sang his praises. When he had received the news he couldn't stop his cheeks from heating up and  he so desperately tried to deny how fast his heart was beating and he refused to acknowledge Demi as they teased him for getting so flustered.
After that discovery it took a while, but he started to slowly warm up to them as well, his actions becoming more genuine as he returned their smiles and laughter.
Running a hand through his neatly combed shiny h/c locks, the pretty man stared at his reflection liking how despite his clothes hugged his body it still have off an innocent and pure vibe. It's soft colours making his vibrant e/c hues stand out even more.
" Damn I'm beautiful " the omega said as he winked at his reflection letting out a small cat call as he turned around
" Your becoming too full of yourself " Demi spoke up making the h/c omega roll his eyes as he stopped his antics and  walked towards the the door, stopping a bit when he noticed a pair of black boots peeping from under his door.
" Says the person who has been singing their own praises since the blood ceremony " the omega retorted back softly scanning his surroundings briefly with månå before he deemed it was safe. Demi rolled their 'eyes' in return mocking the omegas voice as they repeated his words in a childish manner, done with their charade  the deity scoffed  " of course I'll sing my own praises since you won't do it for me " They said and M/N chose to ignore them as he stepped out of the room into the marble tiled hallway eyes widening a bit in ' surprise as he stared at the person waiting for him.
" L..lady Evelyn ? Ah! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you " the omega stuttered out in 'shock' as he quickly bowed his head to the woman who in return chuckled as she watched the petite man's cute antics.
" Aww come on M/N I told you not to be so formal and stiff around me, it hurts my heart that someone as cute as you always has their guard up around me " the woman teased smirking to herself as she noticed the small blush decorating the petite man's cheeks.
' of course I have to keep my guard up around you '
The h/c omega thought as he continued his shy demeanor his vibrant e/c eyes staring up to look into the woman's unique hues.
A very light silver colour that somehow looked almost pure white. Anyone who saw her or any other member of her family and didn't know their last name would have made the mistake of lumping her as one of the children belonging to the  pope's Ducal family, though they wouldn't be to far from their guess.
The woman standing in front of him was
    Evelyn Devon Vermillion
The oldest of the Duke's children and a person who shouldn't be underestimated.
Long platinum blonde hair that almost looked silver, was tied up in a donut bun, small strands escaping the bun and framing her face giving her a soft look. Despite the cold weathershe wore a tight black off shoulder gown that hugged her tall figure , a slit on the dress starting from her thigh exposed her long slender legs.
A diamond necklace rested on her collarbone the expensive jewelry reflecting the sun light that lit up the hallway, more diamond based jewelry decorated her form, from the dangling earrings to the bracelets on her wrists.
She wore white satin gloves and held a wyvern leather purse embed with diamonds, her already taller frame seemed to tower over him more thanks to the black needle high heels she  had on.
She looked like she was going to out to a party. Well with her position it wouldn't be a surprise.
" U...ummm are you going out ? " The h/c man asked getting the answer to his question as the woman's red painted lips pulled up into a small smirk.
" Yes, I've been invited to a small gala one of my friends is hosting. It isn't too important, but I wouldn't mind you coming along with me. You look perfect as always and I would absolutely love to introduce you to my friends " the recessive alpha cooed out in a teasing tone as she placed a stray lock of h/c behind the omega's ears her smirk widening at how he became fidgety because of her touch.
He was just so cute.
She would have taken him all for herself if she didn't have her eye on his cousin.
Shaking his head M/N turned his gaze away from the woman. " I.. I'm sorry, b..but I...i don't think I c..can. I don't like being the center of attention " the petite man mumbled out as he twiddle his fingers.
He wasn't about to expose himself to the northern nobility. He had purposely refused all invitation from noble families who had tried to form connections with him.
Apart from he didn't want to be mocked by the nobility here he wanted to peek their curiosity. He wanted the curiosity to eat them out from the inside before he dropped the shockwave on them.
Besides unlike the servants and common people who looked up to him, The woman had no reason to be kind towards him. She had absolutely nothing to gain from it yet she was still was been so nice to him.
Every single member of the family had been so nice to him as well, but the three members who had gone out of their way to make sure that he was always comfortable in his stay where Evelyn, her father The former Duke and her younger brother the current duke.
M/N was sure that if the man hadn't gone for his morning patrol he would have been the one disturbing him instead of his older sister.
Evelyn pursed her lips before she forced on a strained smile. She had been expecting him to refuse as usual but it didn't make it any less frustrating, she had been hoping to show off the h/c man at least once, having such a pretty man by her side would solidify her position as queen and would keep those pesky omegas away.  And it was such a heavy blow after being rejected by Aria as well.
" Ah. Not a problem hun. " The blonde woman said as she stood up to her full height patting the omega's head softly as she turned to walk away only for yells coming from outside to grab their attention as they both walked over to the open window looking outside.
A pure white carriage decorated in gold , white and silver was being escorted to the front of the manor, heavily guarded knights riding horse dressed in light armor rode close to the carriage, one of the knights held a flag bearing the seal of the imperial family. A silver dragon that had red and golden flames surrounding it's form.
The sight of the carriage drew two different reactions from the two people watching from afar. Evelyn let out a small growl at the sight of them while an unreadable expression was placed on the s/c man's face before a small smile spread on his plump lips.
Well wasn't this interesting~.
 Hi everyone look at who I brought back.
Our two feisty maids from the previous book. You didn't think I forgot about them now did you?
I Know Sarah has pink hair just imagine it's red.
 Now time to reveal some stuff.
 Evelyn is the princess who I briefly mentioned in my last book, guess which one. If you can guess it then you already know who the Duke is.
 The imperial family has two names.
​​​​​​ The one that the public generally call them by is Vermillion.
 While the second is a more intimate name that the members refer to themselves as which is Valyron. Leon uses the name in his letter to Alvar.
 It is the name of the white dragon the imperial family are descendents off.
That is all I can say for now.
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
drive - part i
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summary: "Despite your intensely professional appearance, you didn’t seem out of place in the slightest. And by god, you were breathtaking.”  rating: explicit for sexual content (18+ mdni) pairing: eventual frankie morales x f!reader  word count: 3.2k warnings: pseudo enemies-to-lovers, light sexism, author pretends they understand car terminology, potentially ooc!, no use of y/n, male masturbation.  notes: i love love frankie <3 thank you to @tremendum for beta'ing :') this is my first attempt at nsfw content – please feel free to tell me what you think!!!! tagging: @sebsxphia @magpie-to-the-morning - pls let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!
She was beautiful. ‘84? ‘85? Frankie couldn’t remember what the sheet Pope passed him had said when he’d looked over it briefly—just to make sure he was opening the hood of the right car. Besides, whatever was written there probably didn’t matter. In Frankie’s experience, the customers never really knew what was wrong or needed fixing. Sure, the type to waltz in with a vintage, manual BMW at least knew something beyond imitating the sound the engine would make when they’d try and go over 75 (“Look man, I just need her sounding right before I drive down to the Vineyard next weekend with the wife.”) but Frankie liked inspecting the cars himself. Pope had once told him he knew cars, helicopters—machinery better than people. 
Maybe he was right. Machinery always had a response, you could always figure out what was making it tick, what was making the wheel stick when you turned too hard to the right, why the brakes made that sound when it was about to rain. People were often the same, but that’s why Frankie liked cars more than people. They talked to him.
Honestly, he almost felt bad for the car in front of him–whichever asshole suit had picked her up clearly wasn’t treating her right. She desperately needed a new paint job and a really good work over with a clay bar. There was a ding in the front bumper that seemed like it had come from a bit of overzealous joyriding, and he had that feeling in his gut that shining a blacklight around the interior would reveal a shitty Jackson Pollock imitation. 
“Well, we’ll see what we can do. Frankie’s our best guy, he’ll take good care of her.” Pope’s voice rang throughout the shop, drifting into the back. 
“I appreciate it. One of the partners recommended you, so I have high hopes.” 
A woman’s voice. Frankie wondered whose wife or assistant that would be, they had regulars but none with that voice.  He turned around slightly, attempting to keep his gaze hidden behind the hood. And there you were. 
Pope was taller than you, but he could tell that what you lacked in height you made up for in aura. You were looking Pope directly in the eye, arms crossed loosely, one hip cocked. Despite your intensely professional appearance, you didn’t seem out of place in the slightest. And by god, you were breathtaking. 
Frankie never felt terribly insecure about his looks–he knew he was attractive; maybe not as suave as Pope, but women found him charming. Frankie had had a string of girlfriends and lovers since high school, some serious, some not. More than one had found cause to argue with him about the amount of women who pursued him even while he was in a relationship, but even still, that part never really made sense to him. But when he looked at you, he knew he was looking at someone who men would fall over themselves to hold your attention for even a moment. 
He felt his feet moving before he registered that it was happening, and realized he was making his way to the shop front. Frankie didn’t enjoy talking to customers, he told himself, but he wanted to know what your boss had done to bring him such a beautiful car in such condition. That was why he found himself pushing open the door that connected the shop to the workshop. 
“The man of the hour!” Pope exclaimed, clapping him on the back, “This is Frankie.”
“Nice to meet you, Frankie. I hope you’ll take good care of her, she’s treasured dearly.” Your voice was rich and velvety, and the brief smile that graced your lips made him feel like he was staring at the sun.
But he had to go and open his mouth. “I’ll certainly do my best. But I have to ask, what on earth did the owner do to put that ding in the bumper? I’m sure he was having fun but it’s gnarly.”
It was like a bucket of ice water being thrown over a campfire–you raised an eyebrow and pressed your lips into a flat line. Pope inhaled (or exhaled– Frankie couldn’t tell), all he could hear was the sound of him holding his breath. Fuck.
“Well, I don’t know exactly what the previous owner was up to, but I don’t plan on joyriding. I bought her secondhand.” 
“Oh right, of course. My apologies.” Frankie could feel the flush spread from the base of his neck to the tops of his ears and onto his face– leave it to him to stick his foot in his mouth in front of the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life. Universe: 1, Frankie: 0. 
Pope coughed lightly, clearly attempting to draw your attention away from Frankie and towards a stack of forms sitting on the counter. The moment had been broken, and Frankie at least had enough sense to quietly excuse himself back into the shop where he probably belonged. 
Okay, scratch everything he had ever said about having any sort of charm with women. Ever. At all. Every piece of attention he had ever received must’ve been a fluke because only someone without any sense at all would ever manage to put their foot in their mouth as hard as he just had. And it wasn’t the best thing to admit, but it was made all the worse by the fact that you were incredibly stunning. 
Maybe he’d just never speak again.
“¿Qué pasó, hermano? What the hell were you thinking?” Pope’s voice echoed throughout the shop, reaching Frankie even though he’d attempted to tuck himself away under the Ferrari that he had to service every six months. “Best looking woman I’ve seen in months and you manage to say the stupidest shit within 30 seconds of seeing her face.”
Frankie tried to keep himself hidden without responding, but failed to remember that Pope could find him any place he attempted to hide in the shop. 
Never a moment of peace, even in mortification, Frankie thought bitterly to himself. 
“Hey.” There was Pope’s face, inches away from his own, his eyes alight with mirth, clearly taking plenty of joy from Frankie’s embarrassment. 
He prickled at the close scrutiny–under a car was supposed to be a safe space for Frankie, and yet. He ignored Pope for the moment, unwilling to face exactly what he’d done. It wasn’t like he had burnt down the shop or permanently ruined its reputation but there was a particularly bad sting about embarrassing himself in front of a beautiful woman. 
Pope stood, clearly not looking to spend as long as it took to get Frankie’s attention hunched to one side. He rapped his knuckles on the side of the car twice, indicating he was deep in thought despite Frankie’s determined silence. Frankie maintained a straight face and tried to bring himself back to the headspace where rubbing the dirt from the nooks and crannies of a stupidly expensive car was the most interesting thing in the world. Perfection, til it shined, til he could eat off of–
“I honestly don’t think it was that bad. I think there’s hope for you yet, Fish.” Pope’s face was back. 
“I basically told her to get back into the kitchen.”
“Oh, come on! Don’t be so dramatic.” Pope had rounded the Ferrari and was tugging on the leg of Frankie’s overalls, slowly pulling him into the light, “Besides, you’re the one who knows what he’s doing. Regardless, she’ll have to play nice when she picks it up, and you can make your move then.”
Frankie felt his eyebrows touch his hairline, “Make my move? Pope, be serious.”
“I am serious.” The smile that was threatening to split his face in half said otherwise. Asshole. 
A beat passed as Frankie held eye contact, hoping the incredibly unimpressed look on his face would convey exactly what he thought of the situation. Pope broke first, bursting into laughter, the kind that shook his whole body and would make him complain of a sore stomach later. 
“Oh god, Fish, I think the last time I’ve seen a woman look at you like that was when that one girl at the bar thought you were cat-calling her instead of Benny.” Pope finally finished laughing, sucking in a shaky breath and wiping the tears from his eyes. “Look, I apologized to her once and explained the whole wives-slash-assistants situation, and she just rolled her eyes and said she ‘got it’. Just call her yourself and apologize, offer to walk her through the inspection when you’re done.”
In all honesty, that wasn’t the worst plan he had ever come up with (no, really, Frankie had PTSD from not just one of the others).  At the very least Frankie could do a little groveling, and hope you didn’t think he was the type to tell you you belonged in a kitchen. Plus, it would mean that if you said yes, talking about cars was one of the things in life Frankie really knew, so you could see he wasn’t a complete bumbling fool. Wishful thinking made his mind wander to the thought of you actually impressed. Hey, if you loved cars you clearly cared.
By the time he got home, Frankie felt like he’d been through the wringer emotionally and physically. He hated to admit it, but spending all those years in the military, and then all those years afterwards contorting himself so he could work on cars was really taking a toll on his body. Sure, it was rewarding and he thought he understood a bit what doctors felt like with their diagnoses and treatments and whatnot, but at the same time there were so many days where he thought he might just give up and ask Pope for a spot behind the desk. Maybe a title like Manager. He knew the second he asked, he would get it, without all the usual ribbing. They all needed a goddamn break, and despite his jovial demeanor Pope really cared about their little group. The door was always open to Benny when he decided fighting wasn’t for him anymore, and they made good enough money that Frankie could afford to relax a little bit. But he was just Type A enough that the thought of a desk job made him want to scream. So he kept at it. 
Going through the motions of his evening routine, Frankie thanked him from Sunday for having the foresight to pack away leftovers, and himself from that morning for making the bed so he would be able to slide into neatly tucked covers. Some habits from the military died hard, others much easier. 
After a quiet dinner and a much needed shower, Frankie decided there was no point staying up with a beer or trying to exercise his mind by reading and called it a night. But despite the exhaustion from the day, his mind was racing. He kept replaying the mere thirty-second interaction he’d had with you, changing what he said each time to try and imagine a different reaction, a different outcome. What if he’d been smooth and made a joke about your car, would you have laughed? What did your laugh sound like?
It was at that moment that he realized he knew very little about you. He’d gone back and read the file that accompanied your keys– referred by someone from the law firm that constantly sent them new customers. It was then that it had hit him, likely exactly who he’d suggested was a mere assistant. Frankie didn’t know a lot about the law, but he suspected that having enough money to throw around to purchase a vintage BMW (even if not for joyriding) meant that you were senior enough for it to matter.
Frankie always knew he had a thing for women with power. When a high school girlfriend bossed him around a little in bed a few months into their young relationship after a bad fight about some nonsense, he’d felt his head get a little floaty. It was really hammered home during Basic when a female sergeant had laid into him and a group of his buddies at the time. He didn’t remember much about the incident, just that he wasn’t really involved. In his ever quiet, ever observant demeanor he’d just managed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. But that doesn’t really matter when you’re in the military. You’re part of the group. Your individualism is systematically taken away from you– the haircuts, the uniforms, the orders. 
So when he stood in a line with these eight other knuckleheads, arms clasped tightly behind his back, feet shoulder width apart, the bead of sweat that had run down his back wasn’t really about the temperature in the room. The way he felt the need to swallow repeatedly from how dry his mouth was wasn’t about his lack of hydration in the twenty-four hours prior. 
Almost embarrassingly, he couldn’t even remember the woman’s face. She’d had her hair slicked back in a tight bun, military issue. She had a powerful voice but wasn’t yelling. The talking-to was stern, filled with exasperated threats and warnings of what would happen to them if there was a “next time”. 
But he remembered how she had made him feel. The way her voice commanded his presence–he’d felt the urge to drop to his knees and make the situation right however he could, however she might let him. He’d wanted to obey and continue obeying. 
And then there was you; the way you had commanded the space around you, looked Pope right in the eyes, not shying away. The images that floated to the front of his mind were unwitting, he definitely hadn’t invited himself to linger on what you looked like. The way you held yourself, the flow of your hair, the straight set of your shoulders as if you were trying to take up more space than you physically could. Your suit was perfectly ironed, crisp front folds in the slacks, the sleeves breaking just right over your slender wrists. Your eyes were piercing. 
They had women come into the shop all the time, but again, they were usually assistants or wives. It seemed like you knew that. And when Frankie had opened his stupid mouth, insinuating that your boss or your husband was the one who had hit the front bumper, the stare you had leveled him with felt like it had flayed him open. There again was that feeling bubbling to the surface, of wanting to be good, to obey, to make it right. The moment you opened your mouth it was over for him–the smooth lilt of your voice could read the morning news and he’d absorb every word, hang on every syllable. 
Frankie kicked his feet in the sheets a bit, willing himself to focus on falling asleep. But like most things in life, the more you tell yourself not to think about the forbidden fruit, the more it’ll be all that’s on your mind. And true to that, Frankie could see nothing in his mind’s eye but you. 
Something tugged in his gut, and he tried to ignore it. It wasn’t right, but he couldn’t help himself. He could feel just how hard he was, and he knew that it didn’t matter if he ignored it, he wouldn’t be able to will this one away. Besides, it would just be one time, just to get these thoughts of you out of his system and then it would be fine. 
Slipping a hand into his sweatpants he grasped himself tightly. Fuck. If there was one benefit from working with your hands, Frankie had to admit the edge of roughness from his calluses while touching himself was definitely it. It was just on the right side of painful, and Frankie let his mind wander. 
Just this once.
He would apologize–he would be heartfelt and sincere, let you know how sorry he was. He’d call you and beg for forgiveness and you’d offer him a “we’ll see”, before hanging up. You’d arrive and watch him, unimpressed as he gave you the rundown. And inevitably, he’d mess up. 
“First making me out to be just someone’s wife, someone’s assistant, now you can’t even explain this to me? I wonder what Santiago keeps you around for.” You’d raise an eyebrow at him, expectant. 
And Frankie would show you, he’d show you exactly why people keep him around (maybe not Santiago, but)–because if there was one thing that Frankie loved, aside from cars and an ice cold beer, it was eating pussy. Never mind all the jokes during Basic about how big his dick was, what Frankie really took pleasure from was going down on women. The first time a girlfriend had let him, he thought he’d gone to heaven. 
Something tightened in his chest as Frankie thought about what it would be like to go down on you. He couldn’t help but imagine you in the backseat of that expensive car of yours, work slacks tossed somewhere in a haste to remove them, eyes wild and lips swollen from kissing. 
Stopping the movements of his hand momentarily, he reached into the drawer of his nightstand to pull out a well-loved bottle of lube. In his rush, he squeezed out a far-too-generous amount, and all of a sudden instead of the deliciously dry slide of his hand around his cock, everything was soaking wet. Sheets be damned, he tightened his grip and twisted his wrist just in that way he really liked.
Fuck, he would love to get his mouth on you, to hear the sounds you’d make as he ate you out for his own pleasure.  
He had to admit that beyond the part of him that wanted to submit to a powerful woman like you, there was also the part of him that knew he would revel in seeing you on your knees for him, cockdrunk and begging for more. You’d have that lipstick on, but it would be just on the right side of smudged from kissing him and licking your lips. Your mascara would have run just a bit, enough to make you look messy and fucked out, that if you looked in the mirror you’d flush from how unkempt, how unruly you looked. 
Before he could stop himself, an image flashed in his minds’ eye: you, bent over the back seat of your flashy car, legs on the ground on your tippy toes in a pair of high heels, skirt rucked up over your ass. He had one hand on the back of your neck, pressing your cheek into the worn leather seats as your head turned to the side to give your room to breathe, and more importantly, beg. Your panties were wet and sticking to you, and the inner parts of your thighs were shining with your arousal.
It was the thought of tucking your panties to the side and gently pushing into your tight, wet, heat that sent Frankie over the edge. He grunted as his cum shot up his chest and his mind filled with static. 
He lay there for just a moment, just letting the orgasm wash over him like a tidal wave. In the aftermath, there was the tipped over bottle of lube on the nightstand, a soiled t-shirt, and just enough guilt to make him want to call in sick.
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charkyzombicorn · 1 month
Howdy, it’s me again.
So I came up with a idea for the god au. what if some devil fruits were made ether in spite of other gods or in liking of the other gods. like let’s say Zoro made a rude remark to him, so he then went on to make the rust rust fruit. Franky was really nice to him, he made stuff like the magnet magic fruit. Feel free to mention any other devil fruits that could have been because of how a god treated him.
Nika fruit - Usopp made it while distracted, accidentally made it similar to Luffy's god form because he was thinking abt him, asked Chopper to make the soul imbued into it picky about its users so it wouldn't be too easy to get power that could easily rival a demigod. The soul matches human perceptions of Luffy more than godly ones, Nika cannot speak, can only laugh, and is terrifying with how powerful he is and how nonchalant he is about it. It's currently with Coby.
Hito fruit - made for Franky, actually. Chopper and him were talking about engineering and Chopper got to explaining musculature and how he figured out how to make bodies run. Franky said it was Super, but also there was the downside of choosing limits - it's hard for a heavyweight to run fast, its hard for a runner to lift heavy objects, you kind of have to pick one or the other if you want to get near the limits of human capability, and that's not bringing in natural advantage- and then Chopper thought he wanted to see a human that could do both. Usopp helped by making the human fruit which could transform the body from heavyset to lean to tall to short to medium, even to different kinds of people (namely giants). Usopp made it for Chopper, Chopper gave it a reserved but fiercely protective and loyal soul and put it in the world so he could show Franky the first person that ate it. It's currently being hidden by a mortal
Hana fruit - Luffy made it from how he saw Robin - eyes and ears wherever they were needed and a hand in everything, and with flower petals because Luffy and Robin shared a great many things but their shared love of flowers is what started their friendship. Currently its user is Nico Olivia
Yomi fruit - Sanji had a daughter, 800 years ago. She was maybe 14, but she caught something, got exiled so she couldn't spread it. Sanji fed her, and for a few weeks it seemed like she was getting better. But then she got worse again, and Sanji asked for Chopper for help. Chopper said he could cure the illness, but not the damage it had done to her kidneys. Her body couldn't maintain itself, no chicken broth or plant paste could help it. So Sanji dropped his morals against Luffy and Usopp's latest devilfruit project and went to them begging for help - for some way to let her grow up. They made the fruit originally to grant immortality, but the little girl refused to eat it, saying she would rather die then than live to see everyone she knew grow old and die without her. Sanji went back and Luffy and Usopp revised it, made it one more chance, only one. Sanji didn't like it, but he was running out of time. He gave her the fruit on the promise she would get to live and die with a puny mortal's lifespan. She took that second chance, and died two days after, before being revived by her fruit the one and only time. And she lived, grew up, made a family for herself, grew old, and died only 60 years after the first time, just like she wanted. Sanji keeps the fruit with him.
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A big reason why I never have solar in an antagonistic role for scenarios of the tf universe is because there’s no way to twist the original universes character traits to make it make sense. The same reason earth is oblivious to the treatment.
While they’re still out of character somewhat, tf moon, tf Monty and tf sun all play off of their traits. Moons overprotective and values family but lacks in the moral department. Even though it’s fucked up he feels what’s being done to lunar is for his family and that’s all that matters. Before Monty got more development he was pretty greedy, and tf Monty plays off of that as well as the fact he isn’t against doing some fucked up things if he doesn’t view someone as real enough. Sun especially earlier on doesn’t like fighting with his brother. The channel was made to bring them closer, he just wants everything to go well. Tf sun plays off both his love of his brother and his insecurity in trusting his own decisions with leads to him enabling the treatment of lunar.
But there’s no way to twist Solar like that. Because while he’s protective like moon he’s also more levelheaded and has stopped moon in the past from rushing off in a rage to do something he’ll regret. Unlike sun he isn’t scared to voice his own opinion or argue with his moon. He wasn’t even scared of Monty when he was on his violence spiral and came to get ruin and directly got between them. Sure he’s rude and also wanted sun to help with an experiment like old moon but it was silly and harmless and when it came to a potentially dangerous one he refused to even ask sun. He’s even nice to the weird other characters that appear sometimes like that strange goku guy.
His main character flaws don’t involve how he treats others, it involves how he treats himself. His overworking habit and general unwillingness to communicate about personal topics. Sure he’s keeping eclipse being back a secret from lunar but that’s for his own safety and ties back to the protectiveness they both share. Even then he was definitely hesitant about that idea.
There isn’t a flaw to twist that would make Solar advocating for the treatment of lunar to make any sense. It wouldn’t be twisting currently existing flaws, it would be adding a new one.
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ikamigami · 3 months
The last conversations that I had got me thinking and I came to this conclusion:
I'd only agree to Sun working with Ruin if Ruin manipulated him.
Because let's be real. Why Sun would agree to bring Eclipse back so they could get rid of him? That doesn't make any sense. Sun isn't like that. He isn't petty, he isn't cold and manipulative. He doesn't want revenge and he most definitely wouldn't do anything (in a sense that it's something morally questionable) to achieve something he wants.
I can see Ruin manipulating Sun into helping him. But before I'll explain this let me tell you I think that there's still a good Eclipse (or whoever Sun and Moon are) in Ruin. But Ruin we saw was a bad one and he was definitely lying. There are many hints that he was faking being cured. Also Sun and Moon weren't sure if the thing they got from Ruin's dimension was indeed a cure.
With that said let me explain how Ruin manipulated Sun into helping him. I think that Ruin offered Sun something no one else did - understanding. Both Moon and Solar were unable to understand why Sun wanted to give BM a chance. Both of them thought that it was stupid thing to do.
We saw that Ruin told Sun that Sun is different then others - despite being afraid, he still tried to be nice to Ruin unlike others. And I think that during the time both Sun and Ruin were pushed to the side, they started hanging out together. After all Ruin was somewhat helping in the Daycare by playing games with kids.
What if Ruin gave Sun offer to make things right? I think that he offered that he'll bring Eclipse back. I believe that Sun after some time spent with Ruin started to trust him enough to tell him that he wishes he could give another chance to Eclipse as well. But the problem was that Eclipse was dead. Nothing could've been done about that. Or really?
And that's when Ruin came with the offer. I think that Sun agreed to that after Ruin assured him that this time Sun won't screw up everything and he'll be able to help and things will get better this time. But I think that Ruin asked for something in return. Sun probably thought that it would be fair to help Ruin after such generous offer.
I think that keeping this a secret from others is what is wearing Sun down on top of his other issues and mental disorder he has. That's why Sun seemed very uncomfortable whenever Moon wanted to torture Eclipse etc. Because Sun wants for them to help Eclipse, not kill him. But the issue was that if Sun immediately jumped to idea of giving Eclipse another chance, Moon would become suspicious and it could spoil Sun and Ruin's plan.
That's why Sun was saying that he wants Eclipse dead etc. so Moon wouldn't become suspicious. I think that that would explain why Sun was silent whenever Moon told him that he trusts Sun because Sun was lying to Moon.
It turned out though that Moon is different compared to Old Moon and now he considers helping Eclipse. And Earth doesn't see a point in killing Eclipse as well. And in both cases Sun didn't oppose them and didn't try to argue that they should kill Eclipse. Because that's what he wanted. For others to also see that Eclipse could be helped. And there's also the fact that Moon took Eclipse to therapy with Earth which is the best sign that they truly want to help Eclipse.
I think that Ruin installed in Eclipse those directives and he built him. He probably told Sun "don't worry, I'll take care of it" and he did.
That's why Sun was always defending Ruin and saying that Moon is going way overboard with this whole memory extraction thing and with how poorly he treated Ruin. And that's why I think that Sun tried to say that he has some different idea to solve Ruin's issue when they found out that Ruin brought Eclipse back.
Sun helping Ruin with Eclipse would explain why he's so stressed out because he was unsure if it'll turn out good and because they had to keep it secret. And this is also a good reason to why Sun started drinking alcohol.
But things got complicated a little bit with Moon's stupid idea to inject the virus to himself. But I think that either Sun will try to contact with Ruin before Moon does that or Ruin already knows because he's watching the channel. Either way they'll definitely try to stop Moon from doing this.. or at least Sun will try to stop Moon.
Because we still don't know what's Ruin plan. I think that he either asked Sun to teach him to absorb and use star's power or it has something to do with creator. Anyway, Ruin definitely doesn't have good intentions.
Things don't look good and I think that they'll only get worse.
I think that if Sun will learn the truth that he was manipulated, he'll feel even worse than now especially if everything will end up bad QwQ
I think that Ruin manipulating Sun by exploiting Sun's kindness at the time that all Sun needed was for someone to understand him that he just wants to help, that he doesn't want for them to kill even villains, doesn't take away from Sun's kindness and his mental issues. This way Sun still is depressed, he still is suicidal. He still has mental disorder.
It just doesn't sit well with me when people say that just because Sun is traumatised and has mental issues it means that he's broken to the point that he became uncaring, cold, manipulative and morally questionable. Not everyone who went through shit ends up like that. And I think that Sun being still kind and forgiving after everything he went through is admirable and I think that showrunners shouldn't change that in Sun only for the sake of "drama".
I want for Sun to be important in lore but not by any cost. I don't want them to change Sun into numb and uncaring vengeful individual who would do any morally questionable things in order to protect his family. Sun isn't like that and let it stay this way.
Yes, Sun is capable of doing horrible things. After all, he killed Bloodmoon and tried to kill Eclipse. Even if it was during psychotic episode, it still shows us that Sun can do such things. But Sun doesn't want to cause anymore harm. He learned his lesson and I think that he wouldn't agree to bring Eclipse back only to kill the guy. That would be nonsensical.
Also that would explain why Sun told Earth that he doesn't understand Lunar. Because (unlike many people think) Sun doesn't hate Old Moon. Despite all the abuse, he still loves Old Moon and he felt very guilty when he died. So I think that Sun seeing that Lunar hates Eclipse so much to the point that he killed him was so shocking to him. And that would also explain why Sun seemed almost angry at Lunar and that's why I think he told Earth that she needs to be more demanding from Lunar. Sun loves Lunar and that's why I think he was disappointed that he did unthinkable. He killed their own brother.
For Sun it was totally different with Bloodmoon because BM was a serial killer and the threat to his family and Sun didn't view them as a part of his family. But Eclipse. Eclipse is Lunar's brother. Sun loves Old Moon and he forgave him everything so he doesn't understand how Lunar is so full of hatered towards Eclipse. Especially if this Eclipse isn't the one that did all those awful things to Lunar.
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lipglossanon · 8 months
heyo hiooo 💅 back again with the bullshit. I hope you're feelin better soon, friendo.
i had an idea and thought the leon hivemind might appreciate it:
serial killer (or slasher. whatever. crazy guy) and trophy husband leon. to everyone else, he's a homebody and your house husband, keeping the place clean and cooking some good fuckin dinner because he's good with knives n shit. dark sense of humor but is capable of getting along with *some* ppl in the neighborhood. jogs around and gets oogled. maybe he decorates the house for halloween and sum other shit bc he's bored.
you bring in the big bucks doing something morally grey, like scamming rich ppl out of their money idfk. doesn't matter, you're the breadwinner, gaslight gatekeep girlboss.
when you're alone, though, he's this lingering, hungry presence that begs for your attention. he's still obsessed with you, and his appetite is close to insatiable - only handled by an agreement where he wears a chastity cage for most of the year, only to be let out once or twice as a treat.
so, most of the time he's keeping you happy, acts of service and sweet words. looking for attention and good boy points. he's too brain broken in this state to kill anyone, so you feel like you're doing the world a service by keeping him busy.
he's gorgeous, the neighbors are jealous, he wears nice clothes you dress him up in, but he always seems to get them messy when he's pinning you to the wall and trying to get off just by rubbing against you. shaking and trying not to make you mad by being too rough, but let's be real - it's nice to feel him squeeze you so hard it leaves bruises while he sobs and begs.
the longer he goes without letting The Beast out (I'm sure there's a less still way to put it but. fuck it we ball) the more he acts up. blatantly trying to take what he wants from you in front of others, more willing to threaten guests, I'm sure he's a sadomasochist so he'll be happy to get tied up and punished.
as much fun as it is to toy with him, it's really nice when you decide to let him free for the night. it's dangerous because he *might* forget the reasons why he behaves most of the time, why he should go back into the cage after. but you're on the receiving end of some rough handling, some mean words. might be fun to, at least once a year, let him chase you though the forest and hold you down. let it allllllllll out, so when he's tired and vulnerable, you can cage him and start it all again.
❤️ yeeeeah....... yeah. that's nice. hope you liked it too.
Yello!!! 👋 👋
Color me.. intrigued 👀
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This is 🥵
I love it 👏 👏
He’s so unhinged around you it’s not even funny but it’s exactly how you like him 🤭
He’s always so desperate to be around you, constantly begging you to stay home that he’ll take care of you. But you firmly put your foot down (in more ways that one 😜) and he’s just a whiny mess
But then when it’s that time where he gets free reign he’s so rough
He pins you down constantly and fucks you stupid; ignoring anything you say (unless safe wording but that goes without saying), he’s just insanely horny 🥴
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valkyrieofsmut · 11 months
We saw a little of how the boys reacted to MC's periods in the bone brigade fic but could you go into more detail?
Or rather... Fluffy detail? I'm on mine and all I want is naps, cuddles, and to watch Bones or Criminal Minds while curled up in my a U shaped pregnancy pillow (pregnant women get all the best stuff I swear lol) and under some nice fluffy blankets (now that I think about it... It basically IS a nest isn't it? lol)
Sadly I'm single so no cuddles... but the other stuff? So can do lol
Well, hey.... about the next cycle, huh...? 😅 😓
It is, indeed, a nest!!
And all of them would treat it as such!
Creampuff understands nests, but still doesn't really have the patience for it...
Edge would drop off supplies, but couldn't stick around...
Stretch would just lay around with you...
Mutt would also just lay around with you- but while making things to rub into your sore parts, and then massage them there for you, while cuddling, and being comfy.
Bun would nest with you, doting on you like the best boi he is.
Classic would lay around, and he'd probably rub where it hurts.... but it probably wouldn't be super affective. He is there for you, though! Especially if you just want to lay around watching stuff and munching on things. Moral support, he says... lol
Blue would sit with you and try to comfort you and things that he knows are supposed to help- but... he's too fidgety to sit still for long, so he'll make food and 'cures' for you (hot tea, things that are supposed to soothe cramps...) He'd get a bit annoying after a bit... but he does have the best intentions at heart.
Axe.... um.... yeah... he's a victim of his fucked up mind here... he's so horny... g-spot stimulation is supposed to help- and you'll be super clean at least...?
Red would lay around and cuddle you, keep you relaxed and make sure your needs are met. whatever ya need, he'll get. just let 'em know what it is.
Black... he must stay and take care of his pet! .... he will protect you and bring everything you could possibly want- before you even ask for it. Somehow he can tell when you need the cramp meds, when it's time to change position to stretch out the other side, when to pause the show and take you to go change and clean up your flow product, he has all of your favorite snacks, flavors that make the excess of water you'll need easier to drink, just the right meds, and the cream his brother made for period part massages, and will patiently and skillfully spend as long as he needs to knead and rub over your aching ovaries until they feel a bit better. From the outside or inside, he's fine with either you need.
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