#he is called this bc like every characters name calls back to some sort of thing i can attribute to a color
renegaedz · 2 years
men will forget they changed their oc's name again and feel so bad about it
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i-suc-at-art · 1 month
DpxDc prompt #2
Full prompt from this idea
Tim and Danny are apart of an online RPG which is basically DND but anonymous and online. (it’s mainly for secret nerds who don’t have anyone irl to play with)
Danny plays as a changeling rogue who will often swipe things from players they don’t like
Tim plays a Variant Human, monk who wields a pole staff (my guy is not subtle) and will often give back the things danny (who’s known as wraith) (Tim goes by Scarlet Redpoll (mainly just Scarlet though)) stole
Rules of the RPG:
Everyone remains under their game handle (so there’s no doxing) NO REAL NAMES
You can interact with other parties who are using the same campaign as you, however when interacting with main story plot your party will go into its own private server
You can have a party of any size however it’s recommended to have a party over 4.. However you can make it with two or three or solo (but that’s just kinda sad..)
There is a chat feature and call feature in the game, however no hate speech, or bigotry
You can’t join a call unless your apart of the party
ofc this doesn’t stop it from happening but that’s not really relevant to the story
There are Dms (dungeon masters) but your team can also just use the computer for your Dm
Your character can be completely customized, and you’ll move around on a map
Ok now to the fun stuff
Danny and Tim (Wraith and Scarlet) have been playing together for about 3 months, and have made a commitment to play every 2 weeks on sunday (ghosts tend to take a break every 2 weeks on sundays (and B forced Tim to take a break from everything including cases every 2 weeks on sunday) Although sometimes each will get pulled away from the game and they’ll have to end early.
Anyways their campaign doesn’t super matter, only that they are online friends. Ok so one day Tim texts Wraith (they use online name bc y'know tim’s like uber famous) that he can’t make it to their session today bc his dad is forcing him to “bond” Aka he’s going to a gala with Bruce and Dick to stop a heist team that has been rampant across socialite and high society events. Wraith tells him it’s alright, and that coincidentally he’s busy too and was just about to cancel.
As Tim surveils everyone he curses Bruce for making him come. Tim had gotten into the habit of getting a night off from everything. He’d also not gotten a chance to do ample research on the guests beforehand because he’d been working on researching the thieves. He’d heard some chatter about the group looking into a possible haunted vahz, that was on display for the night. Tim had been surveying the party staying near the vahz making sure everyone checked out. Dick had texted saying that he’d cornered a possible thieving candidate and that he needed Tim to run an face ID check, on the picture he’d taken. The photo was of a young woman, her red hair caused Tim to think of Babs, but the woman’s simple teal evening dress couldn’t be further from her style. He’d done a quick search of the woman, she seemed to be some sort of rich young socialite, definitely Dicks type.. Her name was Kelly Jankins, no criminal history, or past arrests, she had a couple of parking tickets that were waved from her late teens. But nothing out of the ordinary. Tim texted Dick the information (save for the part about her being Dicks type) before stuffing his phone back into his pocket and moving from his post to go and get a drink. About 20 feet from his post he bumped into a nicely dressed guy, his hair black and suit tailored.. He also wore a Vladco pin on his left breast pocket.
He’d apologized and Tim told him it was no big deal, his eyes were blue.. But he could have sworn they were green when he first looked up. And his voice.. It sounded so familiar. Why did it sound familiar..?
As Tim walked away it hit him like a truck.. Wraith.
Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz had been stealing for some time now, after Danny had been outed as Phantom to the whole town by his parents. Him, Sam, and Tucker had decided to all leave Amity since all of their parents were unaccepting.. Sam’s parents had gone so far as to write her out of their will.. Danny had told her and Tuck to stay in Amity and fix their relationships with their family, but they’d both said ‘that if Danny wasn’t in Amity Park then they didn’t have their family.’ So they left. The three stayed with Jazz for a bit but she was a broke college student that barely had enough money for food and rent. So the three started stealing food.. It was out of necessity at first, and only from big companies, but when Sam got an online invitation to a big gala that was showing off some old artifacts from a rich guy’s private collection, Danny felt a pull toward a particular item from his core. The item belonged to someone in the ghost zone.. and he needed to have it. He needed to return it.
So they stole it. Danny was to be Sam’s plus one as he’s basically a haunted item metal detector. Sam would steal the item and Tuck would turn out the lights and secretly system. Then Danny would get him and Sam out of there. Most of their plans would be similar to this format. Sam would also grift from the other patrons, only stealing from the ones who seemed to have a shit ton of money. Eventually even teaching Danny how to do it too, she’d told him that ‘using his ghost powers were a cop out’ when he brought that up.. and that ‘anyone would be able to feel the chill of it.’ Which Danny was sure that that was untrue.. But he learned how to steal a wallet, or a phone Sam’s way.
Jazz had been against the thefts at first saying that all of these items belonged to the original owner. But soon she was persuaded when Danny told her that they were stealing stolen items. Stolen ghost items. Some of the items even had a ghost core attached to it. So Jazz became their planner, she’d make sure they’d have all the info they needed and that no one got caught.
Danny ends up in jail after being caught trying to lift someone’s wallet.. Jazz was there to legally get him out and pay the bail. Tucker got caught in a backroom of a place they were stealing from. ‘Oh yeah that’s her brother who would often get himself trapped in closets looking for the bathroom.. She apologizes profusely..’
So when Tucker had found their newest item, a haunted vase that had a shit ton of death and destruction attached to it, Jazz had thought up the plan. She’d heard whisperings that Vlad had gotten invited to the party but Danny was going to go in his place since Vlad would never go. Then they had a plan. A plan they were meant to stick to, until someone ran her face and Danny started being followed. So they abandoned the vase opting to get out of there instead of getting caught.
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chocochipsushi · 9 months
𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒔𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚, 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊’𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
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NSFW! minors do not interact! 18+ only!
🌸Word count: 5.3K
🌸AU: Toji as your father’s best friend, consoling you with his cock after a fight with your dad
🌸CW: cockwarming, toji calling reader all sorts of pretty names, fucking while reader's dad is around, unprotected sex, fluff
🌸A/N: Hello... I am here to clarify some things. I found out recently that I got a pretty established and amazing fanartist on Twitter into a situation where they received backlash for recreating one of my Uncle Toji scenes. I felt so bad because antis were giving the artist shit for something I wrote. So I am here to let all of you know that:
1) reader's age was never specifically spelled out bc I wanted everyone to be able to relate to the reader's age and not be restrained by a number in the story. If I knew that there was a rule where we had to indicate ages of every character in stories, I would have done so... Anyway, if I were to be asked what the OC's age was, I would say she is within the age range of 26-28yo.
2) It will be clear in the last chapter as I tried to give a short back story (before I even saw those mean tweets) but I will let you all know now - Toji was out of the reader's life from age 9 to 24, reader's dad had her at 21, and Toji is a few years younger than the dad. So the math is that the age gap between Toji and the reader is ~18 years.
3) Reader hardly calls Toji by his name because she feels awkward doing that since she's always known him as Uncle Toji. but if you notice, she has been getting braver through the chapters. And she calls him 'Uncle Toji' during sex most of the time coz they like to roleplay??
Anyway, I am only explaining bc I really do not wish to hurt anyone, and I hope the fanartist know that the hate should be directed at me, not at them.
Next chapter will be the last. thank you all for supporting my Uncle Toji series.
<< Part 1 🔞, Part 2 🔞, Part 3 🔞 || Epilogue 🔞 >>
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I am surprised when Toji’s hand on the small of my back gently guides me to the side, away from guests trying to lure us into their conversations. I look up at him in confusion and worry, only to be met with a concerned look on his face. 
He dips his head so that I can hear him when he murmurs, “You alright, baby? Wanna go home?”
I’d had a fight with my dad before coming to the gala dinner. Toji was caught in the crossfire when he came to pick me up. I was initially supposed to meet him at the dinner with my parents, where I would be handed over to Toji since each guest could only bring a Plus One. However, once my dad and I started raising our voices at each other, my mother called Toji right away and got him to come over to take me.
I was glad for it, and I’m sure my parents were, too. I haven’t been in the best of moods since then and Toji knows me way too well to have me engage in any conversation. I am still a good guest in the way I politely respond to questions asked, yet at the same time cutting the conversation short. But Toji understands that I am being civil only for the sake of it. 
I give Toji a small smile and shake my head. “No, I’m fine.”
He observes me for a few seconds. Finally, he rubs his thumb on my back and nods. “Okay. But I’ll bring you home early. Let me just talk to Dr. Hung.”
I have no objection to that, so Toji slides his engulfing hand down to take hold of mine and starts walking towards Dr. Hung. I try to listen politely and take mental notes of their conversation, since I am also here to make connections that might benefit my father’s company when I eventually take over. Toji, being my father’s best friend and longest business partner, knows of this and even tries to bring up our company’s name. 
By the time they were done talking business, I had Dr. Hung’s name card and a promise to have a business lunch, all thanks to Toji. And finally, when it is just us again, Toji rests a comforting hand on my back and leans down so that his lips are by my ear. 
“Let’s bring you home now, shall we?”
I look up and nod my head, to which he returns a nod at. Before we leave, however, Toji looks around to locate my parents, who are engaged in a conversation with a few other notable people in the industry. Not wanting to interrupt them, Toji guides me straight out of the ballroom and walks me to his car where his driver is already waiting. 
“Careful,” he murmurs with his big palm resting on top of my head as I get into the car. 
He gets his driver to bring me back and only when he has walked me back to my room, I face him and hold onto his calloused hand with both of mine. 
“Stay for a bit, Toji?” 
He stares at me for a long moment, not saying anything. I know that he is debating whether he should, since my parents might come home and see him here. But I give him a small pout that I know he can never resist, and he eventually squeezes my fingers — his non-verbal way of saying yes. 
When I let go of his hand, Toji undoes the knot on his tie, ready to get comfortable. By the time I am out of the shower, I find Toji already laying on my bed, tie off and blazer-less. He has the top few buttons of his shirt undone, his arm resting behind his head widening the plackets of his top and allowing me to see more skin. He is on his phone, probably going through some soccer news. 
Cuddling up to him seems so inviting that I rush through my nightly routine just to jump into bed with him. Toji fully expects it, having experienced this too many times for him not to be ready for it. He spreads his arm out just in time for me to burrow into his side. 
“Ugh, what a terrible day,” I groan into his armpit. 
Toji pats my crown and rests his palm on the swell of my hips. “Your dad only means well, you know that, baby.”
I lift myself up on my elbow, my hand on his chest to keep me steady, as I glare at him. Toji returns a levelled gaze. “He thinks that I’m not focused and that I am not trying hard enough to learn about taking over the company!”
Toji locks his phone and puts it aside just so he can give me more attention. But when I hear his response, I suddenly wish he didn’t give me any at all, or that I even asked him to stay. 
“Well, do you think you really have been giving your all in the handover?” I simply gape at him, in disbelief that he would say something like that. Toji taps my hip. “Look at it this way, Princess, from your father’s point of view. You complain when you have business meetings, when they are actually good for your business. You hate the small talk and show an attitude, which I can’t say gives off a good impression. You hang back and passively stand there and look pretty at the networking events your father brings you to, that are really for you to broaden your connections.” 
Toji could probably see the look of incredulity and betrayal on my face, because he sighs and strokes my chin with his free hand. Being the petty me that I am, I turn my head away with a pout. 
“You know that I am always fair and logical, Princess. I’m not just taking your dad’s side because he is my best friend,” Toji murmurs.
I stay quiet, trying to rationalise his explanation. But the longer I do, the more heated I get. So, instead of answering him, I get up, tear the sheets off my bed to get under it, and reach out to turn the lights off, plunging us into darkness. I lie on my side, facing away from Toji even though he can’t see me in the darkness anyway. He doesn’t move or say anything for a while but a few seconds later, I hear movement and in the next few seconds, the nightlight next to my bed turns on. I feel Toji getting under the blanket behind me where he rests his heavy hand on my hip. He comes closer until his lips are hovering over my ear. 
“Although…” he murmurs huskily, quietly. “Of course I will be there to help you. How can Uncle Toji leave his baby girl to be eaten by the wolves?” While my heart flutters at his words, I make sure not to react. Toji rubs his rough palm up and down the side of thigh now. “Together, we’ll dominate the playing field. I’ll guide and bring success to you.”
I know that he always keeps his promises and he never promises anything he can’t do. But I still won’t respond, so Toji nudges my earlobe with his lips. I can feel the scruff on his chin that is already growing. 
“It’s all for your own good, Princess. Your dad just doesn’t want you to fail. Neither do I.”
I turn my head slightly and grumble, “I thought you said you’d help me succeed.”
The tip of Toji’s nose now brushes my cheek. He rubs my side gently, at the same time causing my night dress to ride up. “Oh, that’s not negotiable, baby. Of course I will. But you’ve got to try and make it out on your own too.” 
“But I am trying,” I whine, now twisting my body a little more so that I am facing him. 
He is staring down at me with the softest gaze — one that he only reserves for me. “Of course you are,” Toji almost coos. This only makes me pout instinctively. He leans down to press his scarred lips to mine. “But try harder.”
Immediately, I pull away with a loud whine and slap his broad shoulder. Toji’s chuckle is low and husky, so warm and familiar that I am already melting before he kisses me again. This time, he nips on my bottom lip, his palm on my hip now moving in sensual strokes. Little moans and mewls escape me as some sort of resistance, not wanting to be played into his hands like that. But we both know that I am enjoying this, especially when I clench my fist on the material of his shirt, pulling him closer. Toji hooks his fingers under the hem of my night dress and drags them up along my thigh, pulling my dress up. 
He is toying with the band of my panties when he breaks the kiss and murmurs against my lips, “Still mad at Uncle Toji?” My teeth pull on my bottom lip as I nod my head. The corners of Toji’s lips turn down. “Can’t have that now, can we?” he hums before burying his face into my nape. He trails the faintest of kisses along my neck, his fingers now tugging and flicking at the thin elastic of my underwear. “You’re not tired, are you, baby? I don’t think you’ll be getting any sleep yet.”
And with that, Toji lifts himself up on his elbow as he pulls my g-string down as far as he can. He kisses me on the shoulder just as he hovers his hand over my crotch, the tip of his finger drawing shapes on my sensitive skin, making my hair stand on ends. I hold my breath as he gets closer to my clit, dipping his finger between my thighs so that the length of his digit rubs on my pussy lips. 
I can feel his erection growing hard against my ass, especially when he starts thrusting his hips slowly in tandem with the rhythm of his finger sliding between my labia. The tip of his finger teases my entrance. Pushing just an inch of his digit into my hole, he slides out and spreads my slick along my lips. I swallow and turn my head so that I could at least see him a little. Almost at once, Toji leans in to kiss the corner of my lips. 
His lips are still on me when he mumbles, “You’re so cute when you act like you’re mad at me.”
I let out a whine and reach out to thump my fist on his shoulder. Toji merely chuckles against my lips. He gives me one last kiss and pulls away, now moving to lay on his back. I turn my head to take a look at what he’s doing and see that he is undoing his pants. Knowing that he is actually going to finish what he started, I return to face the front. 
His strong arm snakes around my waist again and this time, I can feel his member poking my ass, excited and hard. The expensive material of his pants brush against the back of my thigh, adjusting my position so that my legs are scissored. Scooching closer to me, Toji holds his cock in his hand just for him to rub it against my flaps. I bite my bottom lip in an effort to try not to stick my ass out. But it is useless because my hips start to move and grind against his cockhead, allowing him to spread his precum and my wetness along my slit. 
Toji wraps his arm across my chest and brings me inevitably closer so that his lips are pressing against my ear. As he continues to thrust his hips, letting the length of his cock slide along my pussy lips, he lets out the sexiest grunts and the lowest of moans. At this point, I just want him to put it in me already. And he knows, because I arch my back to the point I am pressing my ass against his hips. 
Reaching his hand down, Toji tactically spreads my cheeks apart and positions his cockhead at the entrance of my wet pussy. Thrusting his hips forward, he stretches out my hole, making me whine and moan in pain and pleasure. Once he has his tip in, he returns to hugging me tight against his body. Toji’s nose is at the back of my ear, his lips on my earlobe. I can hear his shaky breathing as he enters me deeper. 
“Fuck…” he groans quietly. “You feel so good, baby.” 
Toji is slow as he sheathes himself inside of me, trying to savour the moment he first slides into me. Only when he is balls deep inside of me, he pauses and groans into my ear while he enjoys the pulsing, warm cocksleeve around his meat. My jaw goes slack when he finally pulls out several seconds later, only to thrust back into me again. His strokes start out slow before building up to a passionate rhythm of fucking. 
Toji growls into my ear and I just know that he isn’t going to last very long tonight. Especially when he brings his hand to wrap around my throat, his thick fingers lightly gripping the sides of my neck. My pussy is getting wetter. The sounds of Toji’s hips slamming against my ass and the squelching of my sopping pussy are almost too loud in my quiet room. It doesn’t help that Toji releases the chokehold around my neck, only to bring his hand down to my clit, his fingers already rubbing the nub in circles. 
“Ah, Daddy…” I mewl breathily, my body already trembling at his ministrations. 
Toji grunts. “God. You’re so tight and warm around me, Princess.” He lets out a long groan. “Daddy’s going to cum.”
By the sound of his irregular breathing, I just know that he is so close. Just a few more thrusts and he is going to explode inside of me. 
Which is why I have to be the one to stop him with my hand against his hips, giving him a squeeze in warning, when I hear the door creaking open. My heart is racing with fear and anxiety. Toji curses under his breath but immediately ceases his movements. He tries very hard to regulate his breathing quietly. He taps my thigh and I just know what he wants me to do. I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep. 
Someone takes a few steps into the room. Toji twists his body so that he appears to be lying on his back. I hear him groan, like how a tired person would. 
“Oh, you’re with her.” 
I really hope the thumping of my heart against my chest is not as loud as it sounds like to me. Because my father is here, speaking quietly to Toji.
“We had a little talk before she fell asleep,” Toji mumbles. I am impressed that he doesn’t sound at all out of breath.
My father lets out a loud sigh. Instinctively, my entire body clenches with anxiety, even down to my pussy walls squeezing Toji’s swollen cock. Toji chokes on a grunt and reactively moves his hand that is under the blanket to squeeze my arm lightly in warning. 
“Yeah, I might have been too harsh on her,” my father reflects. He sounds a little regretful. 
Toji clears his throat. He knows that I am listening and will very well treat him according to his reply. He pauses for a second before saying, “Good you know that. She really is trying, you know. She’s a good girl.”
As a reward for Toji sticking up for me, I pretend to shift in my sleep so that I press my ass against his hips, fully taking in his cock. Toji lets out a short hiss, which he covers up by clearing his throat. 
“She can be a brat,” he comments, making sure that I hear the edge in his tone. The corner of my lip lifts slightly. “But she is a good kid.”
“I know.” My father sighs. “I feel terrible. We never have fights.”
Toji scoffs. “Obviously. You’re a sucker for your daughter.” 
I could almost hear my father rolling his eyes. “You’re not one to talk. I’ve never seen you fuss over anyone like you do with her. She can’t even meet boys with the way you’re always hovering around her.”
Toji shifts his leg, at the same time angling his cock and driving his meat deeper inside of me. I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from moaning. He is almost growling when he answers, “Boys can’t take care of her.”
“You know, I agree with you. But then who will?” 
I wish I had my eyes open to watch the non-verbal interaction between my father and Toji. Because the tension in the air intensifies and my dad almost sounds interrogative now. 
“You? You want to take care of my daughter?” 
“Just ‘cause she’s a brat and a princess, you think I can’t handle her?” Toji may sound like he is joking but I just know that he is being defensive. 
The tension breaks when my father laughs. “Oh, I know for sure you can handle her, Toji. I’m just not confident she can take care of you, ya grumpy old geezer.”
Toji’s body relaxes behind me. He scoffs and says, “Like I need anyone taking care of me.”
“Hmm. True.” A moment of silence passes, putting an end to the short distraction from their original conversation. My father sighs and asks, “Are you staying?” Without waiting for Toji to answer though, he quickly changes his question to an instruction, “Stay the night and talk to her in the morning before breakfast. She listens to you better. Then we’ll go for brunch at Fordeux.”
Toji chuckles under his breath. “Bribing me with a meal at my favourite place, huh?” My father doesn’t answer but I know he must be grinning. Toji flips to the side and pats my hip over the blanket. “Alright. I’ll make sure she’s talking to you again tomorrow.”
“Good ni—”
“But,” Toji stops him in his tracks. My father pauses. “You need to cut her some slack too. Let her do things at her pace.”
It takes a while for my father to respond but when he does, my heart lightens so much that I feel like I might float. “Fine.” I can almost hear him roll his eyes. “Can’t say shit about me when you’re as big of a sucker for her.” 
“Shut up, dickhead.”
My father’s laughter is getting further and further until I hear the door open again. The moment it closes behind him and we are back in the silence of my room, I open my eyes. I wait a couple more seconds before turning my head around to face Toji. He turns to look at me. I keep staring at him, not saying anything, probably scaring him because he opens his mouth to say something. Before he could even get a word out though, I reach my arm behind me and grab his neck, pulling him close. Toji’s fingers tighten around my hip when my lips touch his, so possessive and full of yearning that I can only respond in a sensual swirl of my hips. 
Hearing him moan into my mouth, I am motivated to give him more. Arching my back to press my ass against his groin, I rock my hips at a steady pace, sliding his cock in and out of my tight hole. Toji kisses me back sloppily, his jaw slack at the pleasure my wet pussy is giving him. 
I pull away from his lips, which only makes Toji’s eyes flutter open as he stares at me in a lovestruck daze. It makes me grin. I am usually the one with that expression. Circling my fingers around his wrist, I pull his hand away from my hip and move away from him. His brows draw together for a moment before he realises what I am about to do as I push him back and climb on top of him, straddling his hips. 
Toji licks his lips and bites down on the bottom one as he watches me steady myself with a hand on his chest and my hand wrapped around his dick. I lift myself up so that I am hovering over his thick cock. Sliding his cockhead up and down my wet lips, I glance up at him, finding him already in position with his arms behind his head, ready to watch me ride him. 
Lowering myself as I rub his mushroom head along my slit, the wet smacking of my pussy lips becomes louder and almost more elaborate. Toji’s teeth are tugging on his bottom lip and I can just tell that his restraint is almost breaking at my teasing. He is probably just two seconds away from flipping us around and completely obliterating me when I finally sink down on his dick, slowly letting his wide girth stretch me out. 
Toji’s hip spasms at the immense pleasure my sopping cunt is giving him and his face contorts into one of agony and bliss, all at the same time. Placing both hands on his chest now, I hold myself stable as I continue taking in his cock, all the way down until he is balls deep inside of me. I let out the breath I had been holding in and lift my head to find Toji with his eyes barely open. He always enjoys the first time his cock slides into my pussy. 
As I slide my palm up his smooth chest, I tease, “You alright there, Uncle Toji?” 
It takes him a few seconds but Toji finally blinks the haze away. He is already glaring at me. Taking a hand away from the back of his head, his palm meets my ass with a resounding smack. “What’s gotten into you, huh? Thought you were mad at Uncle Toji?”
As I lean forward with a grin, I lift my ass so that his cock slides out of my tight snatch. “How could I stay mad at you?” Toji flickers his eyes down to my lips, looking so mesmerised by the way my bottom lip is caught between my teeth. “You stood up for me.”
Toji’s hand cups my chin and pulls me closer. “If I don’t, who will?” 
My heart flutters at his words, sending a ripple down south that massages his meat. Toji’s warm breath hits my lips in a soft moan before taking my mouth in his. He kisses me deep and slow. Readjusting my hands to hold myself up on the bed beside him, I slowly start to move again, sliding my wet cunt up and down his hard dick. He could still kiss me until I started going faster, slapping my ass down to meet the base of his cock each time. Letting out a low, deep moan, Toji breaks the kiss and tilts his head up slightly, trying to get more air into his lungs. 
I stop for a moment, only to change my position so that I have my palms flat on my headboard, completely hovering above him now. I move my hips again, fast and powerful that I have the bed rocking slightly, my tits swinging in Toji’s face, my perked nipples just grazing his stubble and his sharp nose. The man below me lets rip a growl and grabs a handful of my breast, latching his mouth on my tit. I throw my head back at the sensation of his tongue flicking over my stiff bud. My pussy is only getting wetter, making me glide up and down his thick cock easily. 
Toji’s other hand slides down to my body, finding my ass. I mewl when he slaps my mound before giving it a squeeze, his grunts only letting me know that he enjoys my reaction. I know that Toji is enjoying this, but he always wants to finish with him on top. And I am slowly losing my strength as I start to slow down. He gives me one last slap and squeeze to my ass before unlatching from my breast. With his hands on my hips, he stops me from moving, holding me up with his hands now cupping my ass. 
“Oh, fuck, Daddy…” I whine when he starts rutting his hips, impaling me over and over with his thick meat. 
“Mm…” he groans. “Baby.” He cannot stop himself from giving my flesh another squeeze. “Princess.” At that petname, I fall forward and melt into his chest completely, letting him hold me up with pure brute strength. Toji’s grunt in my ear is low and guttural. “My pretty girl,” he moans. My cunt grips tighter around his cock. He knows what this does to me. 
Sliding a hand up to my head, he pushes my hair away from my face so that I can feel his warm murmur on my cheek when he says, “My darling little kitten.” I shut my eyes and let out a mewl. “Daddy made you so wet, pretty baby.” Toji squeezes a handful of my ass. “Gonna cum for Daddy, sweetheart?” I can only whine and nod my head dumbly. stops with his cock entirely sheathed inside of me and circles his hips, enjoying the sticky sound of our juices mixing together. He groans at my pussy pulsing around him. 
He tilts his head so that his cheek is resting on my temple and murmurs, “Daddy’s going to cum, baby doll. And I’m going to ruin your pretty little body when I do.” I can only mewl in response, my walls fluttering around his sheathed cock. My head is buzzing from my unexpected orgasm, my body already reacting involuntarily at his words. Toji nudges my temple as he moves to whisper in my ear, still gyrating his hips with his cock inside of me, “My cum all over your stomach and your tits, baby. Gonna look so pretty, all covered in Uncle Toji’s love.”
I gasp when he flips us around suddenly, his dick slipping out of me at the movement. I am lying on the bed staring up at him now. He cages me under his big, strong build, his eyes dark and lustful as he watches me. Licking his fingers, he reaches between us and gives my sopping wet  pussy a slap, causing me to jerk in surprise. A corner of his lip pulls up. He does this again, and this time I whine. 
Toji takes hold of his cock now, positioning it at the entrance of my parted pussy. He lets out a deep exhale as he slides into me again. I like being in this position where I am able to watch Toji’s expression as he fucks me. His eyebrows would be furrowed, his dark, green eyes would be piercing mine, the ends of his hair just slightly wet from the physical exertion. I smile and reach up to give him a peck on his lips. 
It is meant to be a sweet gesture, but Toji lets out a low growl. He drops his head to kiss me hard while he speeds up his pace. I move in tandem with his fucking, meeting the base of his cock with every hip thrust. I make a conscious effort to squeeze my walls, my pussy gripping so tightly onto his cock that Toji quickly pulls out like he has been burnt, just to keep stroking his meat furiously. He cums on me like he said he would, the white liquid painting my stomach with some droplets staining my night dress. 
He takes a while to recover from his heaving but when he does, he gets up slowly and starts unbuttoning his shirt. He keeps his eyes entirely on me the whole time he strips from his clothes. The moment he is done, he scoops me up carefully and walks me to the bathroom where he brings me to the shower stall with him once he takes the dress off me. 
“I’m going to do something stupid tomorrow,” Toji suddenly announces in the middle of our clean-up. 
My heart stops for a second. I look up at him shampooing his hair. “What?” When he only stares at me, not saying anything, I laugh and joke, “Gonna have another cheat day and eat all the carbs you want?”
Toji rolls his eyes. “Everyday is a cheat day when your girlfriend always leaves you with her unfinished food.”
I click my tongue and reach out to land a wet slap on his bicep. He grins at me and closes his eyes to wash out the shampoo on his hair. Finishing up my rinse, I get out of the shower before him and dry myself. I have to change into a new set of nightwear and when I am dressed, I snuggle back into bed, waiting for Toji. 
He takes a while so I try to stay up. But when I hear the hairdryer going off, I decide that I can always spend time with him in the morning before the brunch, since he is staying over. 
I am already half-asleep when Toji finally crawls into bed and cuddles me, bringing me closer to him. I wonder if I had been dreaming when he murmured in my ear, “I’m going to talk to your dad about us, baby.”
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At brunch the next day, I am sat next to Toji, both of us across the table from my parents. He takes care of me the entire time like he always does, even going to the extent of cutting up my waffles for me while he talks to my father. 
“You’re spoiling her, Toji,” my dad finally comments as he watches his best friend cutting up my food for me. “She’s not a baby, you know.”
My father glances at me but I merely shrug at him and grin up at Toji. “I like being spoiled.”
“Of course you do,” my father quips. 
Toji makes one last cut of my waffle and sets the cutlery down. I thank him and start eating. As he reaches out to have a sip of his wine, he leans back in his chair comfortably to address my father. 
“Do you think it’s weird that I spoil her?”
My dad laughs as he reaches for his wine glass too. “Not weird. But definitely bad.”
But Toji is serious as he continues, “Then do you think it’s weird if I say I want to take care of her?” 
My father pauses for a moment. He looks at me looking lost and uncomfortable at where this conversation is headed, then glances at his similarly confused wife, and finally back at Toji. 
“No… You’ve always been taking care of her even when she was younger.”
“I mean as a man.” 
The man across him frowns and leans forward to put his wine down. “You mean… like…” My father is at a loss for words. 
Even I am, too. All of us are just gaping stupidly at Toji now, waiting for some sort of explanation, or even him laughing to tell us he is joking. But he only clears his throat and sits with his elbows on his arm rests, his hands resting on his torso with his fingers interlocked. 
“Like I want to commit my life to her.” 
<< Part 1 🔞, Part 2 🔞, Part 3 🔞 || Epilogue 🔞 >>
© chocochipsushi 2023 all works are mine, please do not rewrite/plagiarise
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doobea · 10 months
Hi, I saw your requests were open! If it hasn’t been asked already, could I please request hcs for how Rin, Shidou, and Sae (and any other characters you want to add!) flirt/get someone to like them? Thank you!
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synopsis: how they would go about flirting with you
content: sfw, fluff, gn!reader, assuming reader has medium/long hair characters: rin, shidou, sae, oliver a/n: omg yes of course hehe i love coming up with these types of headcanons, i added oliver bc i love him sm...
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You have to be great at picking up subtle cues just because he won't be verbally saying anything to indicate his true feelings towards you. Some small signs that he'll give away might be his prolonged stares or soft smiles whenever you walk into the room.
A tender gesture that he finds himself doing is tucking your hair back if it obstructs your face when you're focusing on something. In crowded areas, he'll walk behind you with a firm hand on your back as he guides you through.
He'll start paying super close attention to small details you like. If he happens to pick you up from somewhere, he'll make sure to put on music that you like (maybe already has a curated playlist on hand). He'll offer to buy you food from time to time, remembering the order details and adjustments by heart.
Anything regarding verbal flirting from him comes off as super awkward? Rin will think compliments will suffice as flirting so if you're really good at a hobby he'll just be like "nice" followed by his best attempt to smile. Occasionally, when he's feeling bold, he'll say something along the lines of "that looks good on you" or "you look nice today". Bonus but he probably practices saying those lines in the mirror and then cringing hard right after.
If you were to flirt with him back, honestly he wouldn't really know what to do because in his mind he didn't imagine it would get this far. Probably would try and keep his responses curt and stoic but his red ears will give it away.
Like his brother, he won't be too vocal about it but will definitely be a lot more physical in a teasing manner. In public, he'll purposefully brush his hands against yours when walking or reaching for the same object. If you're standing in front of him, he'll lean over and will make sure that he's up against your ear if he needs to ask you a simple question.
His socials are pretty much filled with professional photos from recent games or sponsorships, but he keeps it personal on his stories. As sort of a "soft launch" of his crush, he'll make sure to take photos with him in the center but you're always in the background. His followers will bombard him with questions but Sae responds back with "?" every time.
He'll start calling you by a nickname one day and just stick with it. It'll be super casual too, you could be working on something and Sae will walk by with the usual "morning" but then say a shortened version of your name.
Drops off souvenirs or small trinkets from his international matches. In the beginning, he'll lie and say that management gave him two of the same magnet but, eventually, he'll go out of his way to grab a cute keychain or two for you.
He doesn't really consider himself to be a subtle person, especially when it comes to flirting, he likes to indulge himself with little nuances and enjoys seeing your reactions out of it. If you were to ask him straight up about his intentions, Sae would probably come clean.
Very direct and super playful in a chaotic way. It'll probably pop up mid-conversation where he'll drop the bomb and then talk about the next upcoming games. If you ask him to repeat himself, he'll say it louder for people to hear.
Shidou will do out-of-pocket things to try and elicit a reaction out of you. His signature move is playfully cornering you against the wall with his hand up, inching his face closer to yours only to pull back last minute. Another thing he'll do is undo his laces on his cleats and ask you to tie them up. He finds it absolutely hilarious to see you fumbling over your words and actions, and he will let you know.
He would never flirt without any meaning or intention behind it and he will definitely not just throw out any generic banter for the fun of it. So if he tells you that he finds you funny or attractive, he means every word he says.
Makes sure to follow you back home every single time and not in a weird creepy way. He likes to offer to walk you back home whenever you guys are out, especially when it's late out at night. He claims that if you have him around it's the same as having "scary dog privilege". Definitely boosts his ego when you take up on his offer multiple times.
Goes out of his way to say something to you every morning. Whether it be a generic question or saying hi, he'll always make sure that he talks to you first before anyone else.
If he really likes someone, he'll try and show them that he's genuinely interested in them. That would mean him doing more acts of service rather than solely relying on playful banter. But that doesn't mean he'll give up on teasing you relentlessly. He won't have any issues calling you "cute" every time he sees you.
Extremely touchy to a fault but will only use it when necessary. If you're walking slower than he is, he'll have no problem hoisting you over his shoulders or carrying you bridal style, saying that he's not planning to wait on you. If you guys are riding on a subway or in the backseat of a car, he'll make sure to lean his body against yours and say "whoops too crowded in here".
Loves to show off on the field, especially when he was captain of the U-20 team. Makes sure that you can hear his voice from the stands and will put extra effort into his trick shots and goals. His fangirls will be crowding him after the matches but he'll ignore them to meet up with you.
Will be visibly pouty if he sees anyone else flirting with you. After eavesdropping on the conversation, he'll walk over to you and complain about how cheesy and lame the other person was. "Stay away from perverts" is something he'll always warn.
Some smaller things that Oliver will find himself doing is wholeheartedly giving away his hoodies or shirts to you if you're cold or need something quick to wear. If you're ever sore from working hard or coming back from the gym, he'll offer to give a massage (it's actually pretty good and not sexual surprisingly). This one is a shocker, but he'll soon find himself in the kitchen cooking things that you like.
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⭐ Gay wrongs tournament, finals of the major bracket ⭐
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For the Leverage trio:
No murder (except occasionally by Elliot) but the theifsom as they are sometimes called rob from every kind of evil rich asshole they can find. Three of the best criminals in the world. Be poly do crime
A canonical (Word of God) triad who run cons with the ultimate goal of helping people. Hardison is a hacker, Eliot is a hitter, and Parker is a thief
For Hanningram:
Ive previously only heard the term "murder husbands" refer to hannigram so it feels flitting. The whole series culminated with a murder they did together bathing in blood. 
The show and ship that coined murder husbands. It’s in the text in s3 from a journalist side character. They do Many murders either together or as a message to each other. Usually this involves turning the dead body into an art piece. The show ends with them killing a guy together in a slo mo scene backed by porno music.
They're both batshit and manipulative.
ALRIGHT so they're not canonically together but it is HEAVILY implied and they have some sort of fucked up psychosexual obsession with each other. in the later parts of the show they start committing murder and cannibalism together and they're soooo unhinged but it's awesome
kill people for each other. maim each other. kill people together. most batshit insane metaphors. send each other to jail. ruin everyone’s lives. someone can probably say this better than me but these gay people are insane
Literally THE murder husbands. They kill for each other. They've tried to kill each other. They're canon in all but name, like the homoeroticism between these two is the driving force of the show.
one time hannibal folded a guy into an origami human heart
They are in love and they kill and eat people. They are called Murder Husbands in canon.
The original murder husbands (literally, that's not just their ship name, they get called that in canon)
The show begins with Will working for the FBI and trying to catch Hannibal, but because Hannibal is so intrigued by the way Will is able to see the world and the motives behind the killings so easily, it becomes a game of Hannibal isolating Will even more from the people around and seducing him to try and kill. By the time Will starts embracing the side of him that Hannibal sees, he starts oulling back and trying to distance himself so that when the time comes for Will to fully embrace himself and Hannibal, no one really suspects what they have planned. 
hannibal literally does murder as courtship and it works bc will is also a fucked up little guy
I'm actually quite offended they aren't included by default (joke). They are THE murder husbands!!!!!! (mod note: they should have been, but I wanted to see how many submissions they'd get. They got 19, making them a little more than 6% of total submission count).
do i have to say it. they literally get called murder husbands IN THE SHOW
There are 3201 works for Hannibal on ao3 tagged Murder Husbands. They are the ogs, they are the pioneers we owe it all to them.
THEE murder couple. You know it. I know it. They commit crimes at each other as courting and then commit crimes together and then fall off a cliff to wash up somewhere and live on to serve cunt. Get referred to as 'murder husbands' in canon. What more do you need
Hannigram were literally called Murder Husbands in canon, they are the og, they are THE blueprint. They were gay as hell and comitted so much murder so many crimes. THEY RAN OFF TO EUROPE TOGETHER.
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ratcate · 3 months
I'm here to admit that I may have developed a hyper fixation on your OCs (especially on Zerion and Sir. Valentine) so can you perhaps tell us more about them? (And other OCS)
oh hey!! great selection of characters. Makes me really happy you wanting to know more about them! I love them a lot, but Sir Valentine more, as Zerion's personality and setting is pretty nebulous still. info about them both under read more!
Zerion is some sort of cartoony super villain, heavily inspired in the night of the bald mountain monster interpretation from Fantasia(disney)
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(art from 2020)
I think he's a very strong dark mage or something. Right now I have him reduced to a joke. A cartoony villain living his slice of life, but always awaiting action, the smallest spark chaos, to join in, in a world where nothing ever happens. He has his sidekick, Vampina (I think that was her name). A vampire chick who lives in the moment and is Zerion's servant, as long as he provides him with some blood every now and then
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she almost never pulls off that relaxed smile from her face, her brain usually has no thoughts more than "can i eath this?" "I can eat this" Both of them are pretty evil. I remember once i tried to sketch out a first chapter, where they had a visit of income tax department agents, coming to remind Zerion he hadn't paid his taxes, and both Zerion and Vampina made a whole intricate plan on how to get rid of them and torture them, to show the government they're not to be fucked with. Though, all their scare tactics were just confusing, failed magic tricks for the men, now tied to apparent non functioning electric chairs, looking at each other through their sunglasses, stoic faces, while confused to what Zerion is yapping about in his villain monologue, while Vampina eats a stale bread in the BG. ---------------------------------------------------------
I don't have much about Sir Valentine either, but I certainly have drawn him more. For now, His name is Sir Cannon Valentine, but we'll get to that in a bit.
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(both from 2020)
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This is the first art ever I made of him, and that's a lot of his vibe. (2019)
This MAN, is some warrior who died in his armor but is back by some whack magic, and he's impatient, easily irritated, screams instead of talking, and I've always imagined having him a strong accent. He's here to fight and go headfirst into everything bc he really cannot die.
As of 2024, Sir Valentine is Sir Cannon Valentine (you can still call him the first version), BECAUSE, besides him being reborn and inmortal, angry and ready to fucking obliterate anything in his way, now his body works as a canonball
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He went through my manic episode of redesigning many of my characters, after getting a taste of Pizza tower's cartoony characters, and became this. Much more functional, easily drawn, flowy. he just works, i can animate him in a snap of fingers. Still consistenly working to improve his design even more.
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I will probs change the story, but this guy is resucitated as a last resort for a war between kingdoms, as a mistake, bc they wanted to revive some other guy, but got mistaken and went to his thomb. This guy revived him, after a ritualistic dance and some lightning
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and then he is like "oh wait I fucked up", and Valentine is like "TOO LATE BITCH I'M FREE!!" and blasts away from him, as a cannonball, fueled by his own fire and methane gas from the catacombs he is in lol. This story is very not much constructed, but I love Sir Valentine a lot, and the characters I can surround him with. I see him falling for a bourgeoisie woman, or a princess even, bc all my stories need the romance, I'm nothing without the romance. I am also thinking of including another character of mine, Sayen, as the daughter of this death guy
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Sayen previously appeared as a participant in a nsfw comic in my twt alt account lol. I love her and her design very much.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
why does it seem so impossible for theory people .. or any people really to even consider that rauru isnt the firstest of the first kings of hyrule, its been remade so many times already and the 'forgotten era of myth' might as well have included hyrule being forgotten; instead its always messing with the old titles and timeline and im so TIRED
is it rly some sort of complex to HAVE to connect the new stuff to the old titles somehow?? again i get that theorizing and all that can mean anythign but i havent seen anyone even bring up the fact that maybe, this is just a new hyrule and rauru was just the first guy on this one to call himself king, maybe the name hyrule survived but it didnt connect back to a kingdom so hey jsut thought thats a neat old name lets call it that, hell, maybe it was a surname of sonia even so he literally just called the kingdom after her not knowing its been called that since the beginning of time, wouldnt that be a cool coinsidence!! and also rly sweet of him!! like him being called rauru!! like a guy loooong long before him that no one knows of bc its been so long its long been forgotten he ever existed! isnt that cool and somber connection!
id also love if someone could just kinda ... consider botw/totk(uhg) as their own thing, like, i love the old titles, but i also love them as being done, their era has ended, this is a new era, what if we could just ... view this new era as their own thing without having to chain every little bit of dialog to the old titles
i really wish rauru/sonia never said they just founded hyrule, and zelda(i think) never called him the 'first' king bc apparently some people are unable to think oh this is a new hyrule and he was the first king of this one like i did but instead go into a rampage trying to make everyone believe totks past is somehow canonically right after fucking SKYWARD SWORD; like ... some people take every line of dialog like wayyy to literally, rauru probably THOUGHT he was the one who founded this kingdom bc he literally couldnt know any better with everything of the old stuff being so loong forgotten already, hes just some dude and not literal god who knows it all, characters can be wrong even when they believe they are right!!
(yes i am annoying about this bc i hate this on a personal level)
like .. i cant be the only one who thinks botw to be of a new era so long after all the old titles its basically a new world entirely, with no direct links to anything in the past, with references and callbacks from all old legends, but still a new world, without chains to the old, reoccuring names and happenings haunting it just the same as it did all the ones before them yet not being aware this has been happening over and over .... .. and, after it was said that oh rauru was the name of the 'first' king of hyrule, immediately thought oh shit he founded this new hyrule coolio (lets ignore how much i grew to dislike totk in general, i was hopeful still at that point) (lets also ignore how many problems totk alone has with its own damn lore for this ok, its its own mess that dragged botw into its mess but that doesnt mean it ALSO has to drag literally every single other game into its mess too)
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mi-rae07 · 1 year
this was just a random idea for a fic where like pirate seonghwa’s s/o got kidnapped because she ran away after their argument so the s/o was expecting for seonghwa to woo her after being rescued but instead accidentally called her a burden or smth until she finally asks to break up bcs she was sick of it which brought back seonghwa’s consciousness abt the situation 😩🧎🏻‍♀️
Park Seonghwa : Shatter Me
Pairing : Park Seonghwa (Ateez) and named character (Yoon Serena)
A/n : This request was so much fun, really.
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Seonghwa : do you have fun causing trouble for me every fucking day of the week, princess?
Serena sat against the chair with a nonchalant look, not bothering to even look at seonghwa who was fuming in anger at what she had done.
Seonghwa : serena. I've told you, a million fucking times, that I need you to go our way. You cannot keep doing things as you like, this isn't your palace!
Serena : so what, you want me to turn into some sort of a pirate with you guys? Looting innocent people-
Seonghwa : they're rich people.
Serena : fine! Rich, innocent people.
Seonghwa : you think any rich merchant here is innocent? Money comes at a price, and that money these "innocent people" of yours have, they've looted poor peasants for it. Taxes, rents, feudal charges, you name it.
Serena : seonghwa-
Seonghwa : but of course! You wouldn't know any of what the normal people go through, would you? You were born into a royal family, lived in that palace for years surrounded by everything that you wanted and needed. Your entire life's been bubble-wrapped for you.
Serena stood up from her chair, walking closer to seonghwa as she said
Serena : yeah, because that's totally why I left all of those for you, my title, my riches, my entire life! I left everything for you, park seonghwa.
Seonghwa : and? Are you saying you're not having a comfortable life here in this ship, then? While my entire crew goes out and fights battles, looting money for so much as being able to afford simple food, you sit here idle, trying on your new dresses and playing princess with it. And even worse, you steal the money left on this ship to go buy your new dresses in order to feed that same dumb, stupid fantasy of yours!
Serena : is that your problem? Money?
Seonghwa : oh darling, I have so much more problems, but this is one of the many other problems that you cause me to worry about.
Serena stared at seonghwa before stepping away from him, leaning down and taking her shoes off of her feet, the one she usually never took off. She threw them at seonghwa, making it hit his chest before falling on the wooden floor with a thud.
Serena : sell these and you'll get half of your money back. And as for the other half, I'll manage.
Serena was about to move past seonghwa when he held her arm, looking straight into her eyes as he asked
Seonghwa : manage how?
Serena : you do not need to know. You said money was the problem, and I said I'll get it for you.
Serena pulled her arm away from his grip, looking away from seonghwa as she whispered
Serena : you're a pirate, aren't you. Isn't this how you do a proper trade?
Serena had decided to sleep in a room separate from seonghwa today. The reason partly being her argument with seonghwa, and partly because she needed to do what she said she would. Find money.
And so when serena was sure everyone on the ship had slept, she got out from her bed and walked to the cupboard in her room, pulling out a cloak with a hoodie on it. She soon slipped out of her room, walking up to the end of the ship while looking around to make sure no one was around. And she was right, no one really was around. Serena put her hoodie on before jumping out of the ship and onto land, her bare feet coming in contact with the watery sand of the beach seonghwa's ship had been anchored on. It was a beach that had been abandoned because of how dangerous the tides were, hence it was the perfect spot for seonghwa and his crew to rest and reload their ship before beginning a new voyage.
Serena knew this place, because it was her place, her kingdom. It was why she had gone out in the morning while seonghwa and his crew had gone out to loot a house, because she had wanted to see her kingdom one last time before leaving. And then she had seen a good pair of shoes that reminded her of the ones her mother had once bought for her when she was a child, and so serena bought it. Which was what led to the fight with seonghwa in the first place. But he was right, she was in the wrong. And she knew just how to fix it.
Serena finally reached the night market, keeping her head down while walking to a stall she knew very well. It gave money for selling jewellery, which was exactly what serena had needed right now.
And once she was finally there, she pulled out the bracelet from her pocket, banging it on the table. The shopkeeper looked at her, his eyes widening at the sight of the bracelet
??? : you wish to sell, this?
Serena : yes. And I expect a 20,000 for it.
??? : you want it right now, then?
Serena : yes.
The shopkeeper nodded and walked further inside the shop, making serena sigh as she looked back at the bracelet on the table next to her. This was one of the only things serena had taken with her when she left the palace, her royal bracelet. But now she had to sell it, and she blamed herself for it.
Serena yelped as she felt someone cover her mouth from behind, making her eyes widen. Oh no, seonghwa was going to kill her for this. Serena tried biting onto the hand, but realized that it was gloved. There was no way out for her now.
And soon enough serena felt herself start to lose consciousness from the medicine that was most definitely poured into the gloves, the world growing dark behind her eyes as she finally shut them.
San : captain! Seonghwa, wake up!
Seonghwa groaned, opening his eyes as it landed on a panting san who seemed to be covered in sweat. Seonghwa sat up, looking at san with confused sleepy eyes.
Seonghwa : what is it, san-ah?
San : serena! She's gone.
That was all it had taken for seonghwa to rush out of his room, running into serena's room that seemed to be filled with his other crew members. Seonghwa looked around as he asked
Seonghwa : when did you find her gone?
Yeosang : when I woke up, which was 15 minutes ago.
Hongjoong : do you have any idea where she went, hwa?
"As for the other half of the money, I'll manage"
Seonghwa quickly walked up to serena's cupboard, throwing it open as he scanned inside. He let out a scoff as he realized that her bracelet was gone.
Seonghwa : I think I do.
Wooyoung : are you worried about her?
Seonghwa : no, she's always been a brat.
Yes, because she was the love of his life. He didn't know how to live without her, and he couldn't even imagine losing her. Seonghwa was scared to the core, because if serena had actually sold that bracelet of hers and got the money, she would've returned to the ship by now. But she hadn't. which only meant one thing, she was kidnapped. And that worried seonghwa. But he was also furious, both towards serena and to the people who had kidnapped her. He was going to kill the latter half, actually murder.
Mingi : well I am.
Seonghwa's eyes landed on a store that read "Exchange stall", knowing this was it. Serena had told seonghwa about this place before, about how this was the one store where she would do all the illegal things, even when she was a princess. This would definitely be where serena had gone.
Seonghwa walked up to the store, wooyoung and mingi by his side.
Seonghwa : are you the shopkeeper?
??? : as you can see. What do you have for exchange?
Seonghwa eyed around the store, knowing there was something uncanny about this place straight away. He needed to push further.
Seonghwa : I do have something, but I would rather we discussed this inside the store. It's quite personal.
The shopkeeper nodded. Wooyoung leaned towards mingi with a smile as he whispered
Wooyoung : how stupid can one be?
Mingi : tell me about it.
Soon seonghwa, wooyoung and mingi were all inside the store with the shopkeeper, who was motioning them to sit on a sofa that was laid out. Seonghwa looked around the room with careful eyes, looking out for the bracelet. It was nowhere to be found, of course.
And so seonghwa sat down on the sofa, looking straight at the shopkeeper as he pulled out a stash of gold coins from his pocket, putting it right on the table in front of him. The shopkeeper looked at it with large eyes, shocked.
Seonghwa : we wish to do something different. Money, for the royal bracelet.
The shopkeeper quickly looked up at seonghwa at the mention of the bracelet before saying
Shopkeeper : who said I have the princess' royal bracelet.
He had just dug his own grave.
Seonghwa : I hear no denial.
Wooyoung stepped forward and caught the shopkeeper by his hand, mingi holding onto the other as the shopkeeper screamed. But seonghwa quickly kept his hand against the shopkeeper's mouth, leaning down before putting his hand into the shopkeeper's pocket. The shopkeeper squirmed, trying to get out of there. But wooyoung's and mingi's grip were strong on him, there was no way out anymore.
Seonghwa pulled out the bracelet from the pocket as he stared at it, fury rising in him as seonghwa glared at the man in front of him.
Seonghwa : where is she?
Shopkeeper : I do not know.
Seonghwa punched the man right in the face, making him cough up blood as he groaned in pain.
Seonghwa : I will not ask again, you bastard. Where, is my princess?
Serena : are you seriously going to hold me ransom?
??? : you're crown princess, I'm sure your parents will pay quite the big price for you.
Serena : are you stupid? I left my parents, and the court. My brother, is crown prince now. No one's going to give anything for me after I disgraced my entire family.
??? : really. Wanna test that out, my lady?
Serena sighed and sat back against the chair, the ropes around her already starting to cut through her skin. She had no idea where she was, she's been in this room since forever and the only person she's seen is this man in front of her, who was also the one who kidnapped her that night in the market.
At least she was fed regularly.
Serena : please. If it's money you want-
??? : you can give it to me?
Serena : just let me go.
??? : or what? You'll kill me.
Serena : no. but someone else will and that is not going to be pretty at all.
??? : who, park seonghwa?
Serena paused, confusion filling her as she asked
??? : you know him?
The man chuckled, leaning back against his chair as he said
??? : you think I kidnapped you only because you're a princess, then? I know you're his, and I know the things he could do to save you.
Serena : really. So if my parents disagree to give you the ransom, you're just going to blackmail seonghwa instead?
??? : you're quite smart for a lady.
Serena : don't sputter bullshit, sir. I've met many ladies who have much more thinking capabilities than you do and ever will.
The man stood up, walking up to serena before grabbing her by the hair as he said
??? : one more word, and they'll have to pay ransom for your dead body.
Serena : try me.
??? : are you threatening me?
Serena : aren't you going to kill me anyway?
??? : such a mouth for some princess. If anything, I expected you to already have started crying by now.
Except serena knew seonghwa would find her, it was only a matter of time. And she needed to stall this man, crying wasn't going to help her in there.
??? : well-
The man cut himself off as a scream was heard from outside, followed by footsteps. Serena smiled, looking up at the man as she whispered
Serena : oops.
The door to the room was kicked open, the door breaking apart as it fell on the ground with a thud. Seonghwa entered the room, the severed head of the shopkeeper held by his hair in seonghwa's hand. Seonghwa lifted the head up to his face with raised eyebrows, looking at the man next to serena as he said
Seonghwa : guess whose head is also going to be added to my treasury.
Serena : is this how you treat your wounded lady, hwa?
Seonghwa didn’t seem to be playing along with serena's jokes. He was just dragging her further into his ship, a cold look on his face. The fight had been quite brutal, serena had seen it for herself. She had a few wounds herself, but seonghwa's and his crew's were worse. And it was all because of her. The man was right, seonghwa could do anything for her.
Serena : has it been more than a day since I…left?
Seonghwa : it's been four.
Serena's eyes widened at that, not having realized it. She had been asleep for a long time, she supposed.
Serena : were you worried for me?
Seonghwa pushed her into their room in the ship, shutting the door behind him as he said
Seonghwa : no. I was not.
Serena's lips turned into a small pout, trying to come closer to seonghwa as she said
Serena : but you came to save me.
Serena was about to touch seonghwa's hair when he pushed her away, confusing serena. Why wasn't he happy to see her?
Seonghwa : are you kidding me, serena? If you wanted to make money by selling yourself, you should've just told me. I could've sold you to someone myself.
Serena : seonghwa.
Seonghwa : what? What is it? What more do you want from me, serena!
Serena looked away, muttering under her breath
Serena : you're angry with me.
Seonghwa : do you know what you've done? Do you have any idea, the troubles you've caused?
Serena opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by seonghwa tearing his shirt apart, his wounds coming to her sight. Serena gasped, her eyes running along the bandages that were wrapped around a few day-old wounds and fresh ones left open all over his upper body.
Serena : no. you're hurt.
Serena was about to come closer to seonghwa when he said
Serena flinched at that, stepping back in part fear. Seonghwa let out a breath, looking away as he said
Seonghwa : do you know the amount of wounds that you have caused to my other crew, serena? Within the span of 4 fucking days, we have had to run around this entire kingdom of yours, threatening and begging people to tell us where you might have been.
Serena : I'm sorry.
Seonghwa : NO YOUR SORRY DOESN'T FUCKING CUT IT! Because if it weren't for you, if I hadn't fucking taken you in, none of this would've been required.
Serena stared at seonghwa with teary eyes as he scoffed and said
Seonghwa : I've wasted so much on you. So much time, money, love. You've just become a burden to my crew and I now, serena.
Serena looked away from seonghwa, tears falling down her eyes as she whispered
Serena : a burden.
Seonghwa looked up at that, his eyes softening at the sight of her tears.
Serena : then let me go.
Seonghwa : what?
Seonghwa blinked his eyes as serena walked past him towards the door, throwing it open as she stepped out of the room. Seonghwa quickly followed her as he asked
Seonghwa : what the hell are you doing?
Serena : leaving. Letting you go of your burdens.
Seonghwa stepped forward, holding serena's arm as he said
Seonghwa : serena what the fuck? You can't just step out like that.
Serena : why! If I want to leave then just let me go!
Seonghwa : and? Where the hell are you going to go, huh?
Serena : to…to the palace.
Seonghwa : so you can get yourself executed? Serena, you aren't crown princess anymore. You ran away from that palace, you think they will accept you back with open arms now?
Serena shook seonghwa's hand off her, moving past him in order to step towards the exit. But seonghwa stepped in front of her again, shaking his head.
Seonghwa : after all that I had to do to get you back? You're just going to put yourself in danger again?
Serena : well you don’t have to save me this time, seonghwa. This isn't on you, it's on me.
Serena froze, staring at seonghwa as he let out an exasperated breath, cupping serena's cheek in his hand.
Seonghwa : what is wrong with you! Do you not understand? Yes, you are a burden. Yes, you bring me and my crew trouble but you also…you also give us happiness. You give us all a meaning, you give me a life, serena.
Serena : I-
Seonghwa : no! you cannot leave now. It will shatter me, princess. Please, don't leave me.
Serena stared at seonghwa who was now breathing heavily, tears in his eyes. Seonghwa connected his forehead with hers, closing his eyes as he whispered
Seonghwa : I'm yours, my life, my money, my everything…it's all yours. If you die, I die with you.
Serena sniffled, holding seonghwa's arm as she whispered
Serena : I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, hwa.
Seonghwa shook his head.
Seonghwa : I don't care anymore, please just don't leave me. You can have all the money that you want-
Serena : no, no no. I don't…I don't care about any of that, seonghwa. I just, I want to be able to make you happy. And I've been taught that if…if I wear pretty dresses and shoes, and make myself beautiful, that would be the only way to make a man happy. So I thought-
Seonghwa : no. no princess, you're beautiful even if you're wearing a farmer's dress. I don't care if you're covered in mud, or drenched in water, or…or whatever. You're beautiful however you are, I love you. You do not have to be doing anything else except being healthy and happy for me.
Serena smiled, opening her eyes as she looked at the wounds on seonghwa's chest
Serena : can I touch you?
Seonghwa : god, you don't even have to ask, princess. You can do whatever you want to me.
Serena chuckled, running her hand along his wounds lightly as she whispered
Serena : does it hurt a lot?
Seonghwa : I've had worse.
Serena : and…the rest of the crew?
Seonghwa : they'll be fine too, as long as you stay.
Serena : I'll stay. I'll stay as long as you like because you mean the world to me too, hwa. I love you more than you could imagine.
Seonghwa pulled back, taking the bracelet out of his pocket as serena gasped
Serena : you took it back.
Seonghwa : it's yours, as it always will be.
Seonghwa took serena's hand and put the bracelet around it before kissing her hand.
Serena : thank you.
Seonghwa smiled, leaning forward and capturing her lips in his. Serena's arms wrapped itself around his neck, pulling him closer to her as she smiled into the kiss.
Seonghwa : my princess.
Serena : all yours.
Serena pulled back with a laugh, making seonghwa smile. Serena looked up at the floor just above them, the entire crew watching seonghwa and serena with a smile.
Serena : have you been watching us the entire time?
Yunho : we need our drama too.
Serena smiled, motioning them to come down. And they all did, a smile on their faces as they crushed seonghwa and serena into a hug.
Seonghwa : oh god, ya'all need to bath sometime.
Hongjoong : shut the fuck up, captain, we're having a moment.
Seonghwa smiled as he patted their heads, feeling complete. This was all he had ever wanted, and now he had it. His family.
Serena : thank you, for having rescued me with all that trouble.
Wooyoung : what thank you. We would've done that any day, any time.
San : you're our captain's entire world, and a part of our family, we can't let that fall away. And! You make nice apple pies.
Yeosang : aish! What's wrong with this kid.
San : kid?! I'm 23 years old!
Serena smiled at all of them, feeling much happier than she ever did in any palace of hers.
Serena : I'll make all the apple pies in the world for all of you.
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kamiko1234 · 5 days
ok done with chapter 16, and tbh at this point I may just name this "My traitor theories log" because, well, I have more thoughts.
So first off, I really liked the Annabth characterisation. And seems like I was wrong a bit, she doesn't seem THAT connected to Athena. And certainly doesn't seem to have that much distain for Percy bc of their parents. It's not enough for me to rule her out YET, but enough to plant atleast a few doubts. The more important character here is Grover tho. And ofcourse, that dream Percy had. So ngl, that dream perplexed me a bit. I assume that the "servant" is the traitor (who else could it be from a meta perspective?) and "The lord" being Hades. I mean, Ares was called a lord too. I assume it's a title every male god has, hence why Hades was adressed like that. The traitor..... didn't really seem familiar. They spoke like no one from the book so far, and that dream space thingy was weird. I can't remember anyone named rly having that power (besides Percy it seems) But I am detirmined and trying to figure out who the traitor is is like, the BEST part of the book for me so far. Which brings me to, as annoucned, Grover. SO Hades called "The Servant" weak. And that very clearly. He also said that he'd "get a reward". Who do we know that might be percieved as weak, and has a intrest in something Hades could give ? GROVER, more specifically. Grover in my theory where Pan's in the underworld ! Is this a strech, considering that it was stated that someone had to "turn invisible" to get the Master Bolt ? Maybe. Could it just be a third character introduced later on ? Sure. Am I overfocusing on the traitor a bit too much ? Deffinitly. HOWEVER; this chapter had something what migh have been foreshadowing. Because when Percy and Annabeth got to that Lotus Hotel Grover was playing a game where he litteraly hunted and killed humans. He had fun killing humans. He turned his gun of Percy and Annabeth in the game, and had fun attempting to shoot them. A while back while ranting about how humanity destroyed nature, he already lumped Percy (and imo with that all demigods) into the same pot as humanity which he very clearly seems to have atleast some sort of hate for. Now don't get me wrong, Grover very obviously cares for Annabeth and Percy. He is obviously HURT by his failure, maybe even depressed and deffo loathes himself. And I think that maybe also play a part in him possibly betraying them. Perhabs he thinks that, since he failed once already he HAS to find Pan ? HAS to atleast do one thing right ! The traitor said something about bringing Hades the Master Bolt directly, perhabs it was Gorver getting second thoughts ? About having Percy given that quest and all. The again, the speech manner rly gave me "not Grover OR Annabeth" vibes. Stuff's still unclear to me.
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slut4daviii · 1 year
character(s): m.namikaze
pt: 01/01
cw: cheating, student-teacher | 20 - 25, praise, belly bulge, size difference, office sex, blowjob, handjob, (bttm male reader),
summary: they were jokes until they weren’t.
a/n: you already know, minors and fem-aligned DO NOT INTERACT. | also, i have no excuse for writing this beside i want minato to absolutely [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] the fuck outta me, DISRESPECTFULLY | also pls request something | also, some parts might not make sense bc i couldn’t decide on one plot over the other, also i couldn’t decide if it was lime lemon or smut until literally the handjob scene
title: admiration, beyond anything else
wc: 2200+
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“I bet you’re fucking sensei!” Sakura randomly blurted one day, distracting you and Naruto from your game.
you and your friends had joked about it in the past. joked about your longing stares at him, or even his tendency to pick on you for questions, or how you were top of class— a perfect 110, day in and day out.
“ha?!” the two of you yelled, but for differing reasons. for you, it was utter disgust and an insult, but for Naruto, it was fear. he didn’t think you would stoop that low, but… there was still the chance.
“well, I mean, you’ve got the highest score in class.” Sakura followed, flipping her phone to show you the latest test the collective had taken. “everyone failed— except you.”
you rolled your eyes, bored with the conversation already. “so I’m smarter than all you and that means I’m fucking Naruto’s dad?”
Naruto flinched at the implication, your harsh tone and blunt way of saying it made him shiver. “you really don’t have to say it like—“
“then there’s the way you look at him! you stare at him like he’s the most perfect thing in the word!” Sakura continued, cutting Naruto’s sentence short. “and he always calls on you to answer questions!”
“so I’m sensei’s favorite” you shrugged, “if you and Sasuke stopped fucking each other on every surface available to you then maybe you’d be at least passing.”
Sakura blushed, retracting her phone and smacking you in the back of your head. “s—shut up! id—idiot!”
now looking back, the answer you gave was straightforward, a blunt no. just like your perception on the world. it’s either yes or no. nothing in between.
then why were you standing in front of him?
“it started as a inquisition.” you’d say, “a burning question you wanted answered” you’d considered saying— but scrapping it for something simple “and who better to answer it than my favorite teacher?”
“a nomadic mind.” that’s what he said about you, rubbing your head in the process. “[name], you have such a nomadic mind, always wanting to know more. I wish I was like you when I was younger, —he let out a small chuckle, the sound reverberating within you, a blush slowly creeping itself onto your features— “you’re doing a great job, prince.”
you and your friends had joked about it in the past. joked about your longing stares at him, or even his tendency to pick on you for questions, or how you were top of class— a perfect 110, day in and day out.
but now your speculative mind had developed beyond your controls. why did he refer to you as prince? he said he was taking a monarchial view on things, and if the teacher was the ‘ruler’ of the classroom, then the top student was the ‘prince/princess.’
but why did he only call on you? you’re the only one that answered his questions. but why not dub his son as the prince and you the knight or something of the sort? that was impractical, something Minato-sensei wouldn’t want to do.
for every question you had, another voice would snuff it out, making you feel like this wasn’t a good idea. ‘I need to leave.’ you told yourself, turning to leave.
but he stopped you. his voice— not too deep, but not overly high-pitched like Naruto’s. it was rich— like a endless sea of red paint, something consistent and unbroken.
you felt weak, a pit growing within your stomach. “[name]?” oh god. even when he was concerned he was hot.
“is there something you need? something you want to talk about?” he was standing beside you, the height difference between the two of you even more apparent now. he dwarfed you by at least 4-5 inches.
you turned, raising your chin to look at him. “would— would you?”
he tilted his head, trying to hear you. “hm? would I what?”
you sighed, your heartbeat increasing tenfold. it was so loud that, even if the classroom was full— buzzing chatter and laughter, you were sure he would still hear it.
“[name]?” he brought his hand to your face, coercing you to talk. “are you okay? do you need me to—“
‘fuck it’ that was your last thought. your last sting of sanity. and it broke when you reached up to his neck, your fingers finding way into his golden locks.
you brought him towards you, your lips colliding together in a manner that only lovers got to experience. but you weren’t his lover— no, you were his student. and this indecent act wouldn’t go unpunished. but, for right now, you didn’t care. all you wanted was him.
your hand found its way to his jeans— the denim outline protruding in a manner that only aided in showcasing the twitching bulge within.
Minato brought his hand to your waist, the other on your chest. he pushed you away, catching his breath in the process. “[n—name]! hah, ngha! what— what was that?! I—I’m married!”
you bit your tongue, wanting to explain yourself but the apprehensive look in his eyes set off a fire in you, a fire so hot that it dared to burn the both of you if not maintained correctly.
Minato was sitting on his desk, looking between you and his fluctuating arousal. “[n—name], what happened? why are you so shameless all of a sudden?”
you didn’t know if it was the fact that he degraded you, or if it was just the overwhelming urge to have him call you ‘prince.’ again, but you couldn’t stop yourself from walking to him.
you placed your hands on either sides of his thighs, trapping him within your bodyframe, knowing he could very easily move you if he wanted. “sensei, I— I… can’t help myself.” you stated honestly, “you’re incredible! the way you rub my head, or call me prince, I—I like it… more than I should.” you looked away from him, a blush overtaking your entire upper-body. “an—and it’s not like I want to be with you or anything. I don’t love you, I just want to…” you eyes flickered back to his still semi-hard cock, the sight doubling your heartbeat.
“I just want to return your kindness.” you almost pleaded, lowering to your knees. Minato watched at you fiddled with his belt, his thoughts running more laps than his heartbeat could count. he looked into your eyes, seeing a burning question within. his own pupils dilated, focusing solely on you. I mean, how could he deny his favorite student?
you hastily tried to pull the belt from its configuration, struggling more than you would like to admit. Minato chuckled softly, some of his arousal turning into admiration. “hold on, let me help.”
he grabbed both your hands, holding them within his palm. you blushed, feeling your body flush completely. he sat down within his chair with you between his legs, half your body under his desk. he undid his belt and pants, unzipping his fly in a torturous manner. “sensei…” you whined, wanting to feel every inch of him in your throat.
he put on a closed-eye smile and chuckled “s—sorry, [name].”
you turned away again, grumbling softly. “its f—fine, sensei.”
Minato grinned, pulling his hands away from his boxers, letting you do whatever you wanted.
jumping at the opportunity, you attached your hands to the waistband of undergarments, wanting to pull them down but feeling a harsh shove— strong enough to move you completely under his desk. his lower body followed suit not even a second later, his bulge almost connecting with your face.
you were going to ask him what happened when you heard Naruto’s voice. “dad, have you seen [name]?”
“N—Naruto! what—what’re you doing here? and did I tell you to use your honorifics while I’m at work?”
“what’s the big deal, y’know? nobody’s in here.” Naruto combated, a whine present in his voice.
“you’d be surprised”
you would’ve laughed if the situation wasn’t as asinine. however, your attention was on something else, something a lot more… entertaining.
you shifted your body towards Minato’s, the warmth from his resonating against yours. you brought your hands to his waistband, tugging it low enough for his cock to spring out.
he was much bigger than you thought, almost double what you had in mind. and he wasn’t even fully hard. you inhaled, feeling your own cock swell painfully.
“anyways, have you?” Naruto replied
“have I— ghk! fuhck…”
Naruto jumped back at the sudden outburst, his head tilting to the side at his father’s uncharacteristic swearing. “did you just… curse?”
Minato tried to steady his breathing— his hand traveling to your hair, wrapping his fingers into the [strands/coils/curls], tugging softly, his silent attempt at telling you to stop.
you pulled off, a line of spit connecting your lips to his reddened tip. you breathed deeply, soft pants breaking the looming silence between father and son.
you, after coating your fingers in spit, brought them to your clenching hole, easing one in— slowly at first. you heaved, laying your head against Minato’s thigh, connecting your lips to his tip, cleaning any and all pre-cum from him.
“uhm… n—no Naruto, I haven’t seen [name] since,” he paused to think, giving you time to reattach yourself to his shaft, sucking every inch that he let you. you deep-throated him skillfully, his pubes covered in a concoction of your spit and his pre-cum.
“uh—umh not since— fuck… your class period.” he finished breathlessly. each one of his words were followed by heavy pants, the rigidness to his sentence growing by the second.
Naruto seemed to take this, turning to walk out. Minato relaxed, his head dropping onto his desk. “oh dad?”
he tensed up, a unconvincing smile crossing his features. “yeah?”
“mom said she’s making udon, and needs you to pick up a few ingredients.” Minato nodded frantically, sweat trickling from his forehead.
“alright, see you at home.”
“see ya!”
still under your sensei’s desk, all you could go off was sounds. the sound of a door clicking, then footsteps retreating from said door.
Minato again twisted his fingers into your hair, this time rolling his chair back to put some distance between the two of you. “hah… [name], yo—you can’t do that. what if we were caught?”
you rubbed your thighs together, the friction sending harsh stimuli to your pulsating cock. “I’m sorry.”
Minato sighed deeply, pulling his hand from you. “its ok, just— c’mere.” he patted his thighs.
you stood up, finding a comfortable position on your sensei’s body. you placed your hands on his shoulders and you face into his neck, inhaling the faint coconut scent from his cologne. the smell only hardened your cock, wanting to get closer to the man.
“[name]?” Minato called, his voice soft and comforting. “have you prepared?”
you nodded, not exactly telling the whole truth. you could only use one finger because Naruto kept talking, making Minato retract from you.
“alright, how do you want it?” he asked. and you almost stopped functioning, not knowing how to respond to something you should’ve been thinking about the whole time.
“I—I was—wasn’t thinking about th—that.”
all you got was another chuckle, “that’s ok.” he pulled you from his chest, locking eyes with you— blue clashing against [e.color]— before continuing “what do you want me to do, prince?”
you writhed at the nickname, it was so commonly used when you got a question right, or did something praisable— but now, in this context, it was something else.
Minato brought his hand to your pants, maintaining eye contact with you, “do you want me to touch you here?”
the in your gut returned, this time hotter, burning itself into every blood vessel— searing pleasure into your bloodstream. you couldn’t answer, the fire taking all the oxygen from you lungs, leaving you speechless.
you opted to nod, feeling his hand slither against your trembling cock. he freed it from its confines, slowly moving his hand up and down, the even pace making your skin crawl with pleasure.
“is this good?” he asked, hoarsely, the blue in his eyes frosting over with lust.
fire requires oxygen— a basic chemical procedure, and yours was steadily taking more and more, burning as hot as the sun.
you again nodded, your head falling against Minato’s neck, trying to catch even a small breath.
“I need you to use your words, pretty boy.” he coerced.
a raging inferno— the only thing that could remotely describe the feeling slowly overwhelming your body.
“y—yes.” your voice was soft, faltering through any cracks presented.
his hand tightened, also gaining pace each time his thumb pressed against your tip. “ngh! sen—sensei! I’m g—g’na cum!” you called, thrusting your hips into his palm.
“go ahead, be a good boy and cum for me.”
your eyes rolled, tears welling within the corners. “mhgn! cumming!” the fire once in your gut traveled to your shaft, pushing out countless stings of cloudy white semen.
Minato continued to stroke your cock, milking your through your poweful orgasm. he kissed along your neck, leaving light hickeye’s “that’s it. come on, you got it.” he praised, his kisses pampering you endlessly. “good job, prince! you did so well!”
he stopped, looking at your washed form, wiping your hair from your forehead and kissing softly. “good job.”
you swelled at the words, also smiling against his chest.
he brought his other hand to your ass, his index and middle fingers finding a way inside of you. “do you want to keep going? or are you satisfied?”
his cock pulsed against you, making you shiver at the thought of having something that big inside of you. “I—I can… keep g—going.”
he smiled softly, pulling his fingers from your body, replacing them with his tip. “are you sure? you don’t have to force yourself, babyboy.”
you nodded, determined to have you sensei cum inside of you. “yes, sensei. just put it in, please.”
Minato flashed a closed-eye smile, his features warm. ‘reminds me of Kushina, so eager for me.’ he thought before sheathing himself within you.
“nghk! s—so fuckin’ de—deep!” you moaned, eyes rolling backwards. Minato blushed at the exclamation, rolling his hips to find your prostate.
you felt every movement, every inch pulsing inside of you— and every vein that lined his cock. “ple—please sensei, move already…!” you whined, grinding against him.
he nodded, pulling you into a hug. he readjusted himself in the chair, finding a comfortable position before sending shallow thrust into you, his tip easily crushing what would be you womb—if you were a woman—
“ngh! mngh! sensei! right—right there sensei!” you called, feeling him hit a spot that had you seeing stars.
he hook his arms under yours, picking you up effortlessly. you shifted at the sudden stop in his movements, whining about being close.
you felt a hard connection against your back, followed by the warmth of Minato’s toned chest. “now just relax, I’ve got you.”
butterflies filled your stomach, undoubtedly running into Minato’s cock. he pulled out until only his tip remained before slamming back into you. your back arched against his chest, his pace rising slowly.
the repeated abuse to your insides had you on cloud nine, seeing stars so bright your vision went white— climaxing immediately.
you tighten around Minato, making him grunt against your ear. “fuck… you take so well baby.” his thrust were sharp, aimed precisely at the spot that kept you clenching around him— he’d memorized everything about you in such a short amount of time, his lips hungrily attacking your neck with kisses.
one of his hands were against your stomach, pressing in on the bulge his cock formed against your organs, the other holding your waist to keep you firmly against him.
“mnh… you’re so tight.” he breathed out, licking along your adam’s apple to only bite softly against your clavicle. the sudden sensation had you cumming all over again, spraying your chest and his abdomen in a white sticky mess.
“just a few more, I’m getting close, prince.”
despite being close, his pace never changed, the same sharp, aimed, deeply mind-numbing thust still fucking you out of existence. “do you want me to pull out? or keep—“
“in! keep it in sen— sensei! keep it in! please.” he groaned at your desperation, pulling you from the wall and setting you onto his desk— a missionary position that left you completely exposed under his watchful eye. the hand that he had on your waist moved to your thigh, his grip tightening to accommodate the change in pace.
his other hand stayed on you stomach, the bulge showing more clearly through you. “you’re so pretty, [name].” he leaned down and kissed you, his lips shuffled knowingly against yours, making way for his tongue to dominate every part of your mouth.
but as quickly as the kiss was initiated, he broke it— panting heavily “fuck, prince I’m gonna cum!” he tried to move backwards but your legs came up, locking him in place.
through heavy, lidded eyes— a sweat riffled body, and a weak, mumbling smile, you spoke: “I s—said in me, sensei.”
he groaned, finally moving his hand from your stomach and to your other thigh. he thrusted harsher, his balls slapping against your backside from the force he put into his movements.
“fuck! [name], take it!” his cock throbbed, shooting cum so deep inside of you that it stained your body in a lewdly crude way. he continued to move inside of you, his cock sliding and pushing his cum deeper into your being. “ngk! you’re so, oh god… so fucking good for me!”
you shot a final cumshot, weak and thin, pulled forth by the feeling of carrying your sensei’s cum— so deep and warm within you.
you both basked in the heat of your orgasm, the twinkling lights of fulfillment binding the two of your together.
Minato panted, closing his eyes, and pulling out. he pulled you off his desk and cradled you bridal style, walking to the classroom door. he peeked his head out before carrying you the teachers lounge.
for some reason I thought of this after writing that horrendouss vivid smut.
“hey naruto?” you called
“what’s up [name]?”
“is your mom ever in a bad mood?”
naruto took a few second to think before smiling and shaking his head. “nope, i dont think ive ever seen her frustrated or angry without a reason.”
[name] chuckled softly
“no reason, but I know why.”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean I know why your mom is always happy.”
“you do? how?”
“because I do the same things she does”
“really?! like what? tell me!”
“well, gardening, cooking,” ‘your dad’ “sleeping, and be around you of course.”
you ruffled his hair at the end of your sentence, smiling at your friend.
“aw, thanks [name]!”
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bar-of-dish-soap · 5 months
im not sure if this is like super obvious or anything but. methinks the. organization? company? whatchamacalit? that kentaro, bill and hiroshi formed feels very similar to one certain anti-monarch organization that releases the Big Baddies in king of the monsters. god its so annoying that they don’t have a name (that I know of!) but i guess ill just call them the Guys for now, and this new organization Bill and the Randas (new band name just dropped)
keep in mind its been a minute since I’ve watched KOTM sooooo
1. my first evidence that the Guys = bill and the randas: vibes. like yeah idk i just think theyd do that, i think they’d do some sort of connection like that
2. close ties to monarch!!!! bill and Hiroshi are both ex-monarch, and they all got fucked over by them
3. funding from apex. in the KOTM post credits scene, the Guys get the decapitated head of king gidorah, which I believe apex uses to help development of mechagodzilla??? i think??? i havent watched GvK bear with me here
4. this show ends 2 years before KOTM (bc of the 2 year time jump) which I feel like is enough time for “bill and the randa boys“ to get fucked up into the Guys with that weird old bitch in charge
5. the randa girls (may included. they’re married i don’t make the rules) being tied up in shit woth the Guys would explain why they’re not working with monarch by KOTM (yes yes, KOTM was made before these characters existed but. shh.)
some other interesting things I noticed:
that man is not fuckign dead. that fall probably didn’t kill him. every day in hollow earth is a roughly a year on the surface (keiko estimated she was there for 57 days, she was gone for 56 years, pretty simple math) so he could definitely show up in Godzilla x Kong, which I think takes place in 2024? so like he would just be there for a few days. then also monarch finds a better way to travel to hollow earth in that time, so they could find a way to bring him back
absolutely no fucking clue what to make of a big monkey being there. was that kong? it must be right? cuz hes the last of his kind and whatnot i think. anyway yeah they’re in skull island so cool
i am so normal about this show
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
hi! question!! ok so like. I've been in hbowar fandom for awhile but I must admit I haven't followed MOTA news quite as religiously so I'm sorry if this has been answered before but like...... can I ask why there was such an emphasis on austin butler and callum turner's characters? is it because they're the "leaders" of a sort? (and if so, in like a dick winters way? in that they're the leaders of their unit? or is it in a sledge, basilone, leckie way? in that the narratives of the shows are based on their memoirs of the war?) or is it because they're the actors you're bound to recognize at first glance and therefore are pandering to the audience?
piggy back riding on that question..... do you think mota would follow a band of brothers kinda story telling where the povs sorta change almost every episode? and there's an emphasis on the group as a whole? or is it gonna be like the pacific? where it centers on 3 pov characters, as i said before, based off the irl guys' memoirs of the war?
thank you for running this blog, btw. it's good to have all the news in one place instead of having to go hunting for it!! have you tried to appeal to tumblr staff about getting the blog unshadowbanned? maybe they could help?
i think this website gives a very helpful overview of who the "main players" are (it's a bit dated tho, last updated in 2019!) lots could've changed by then, and even the author admits that it's all speculation. but by 2019, there were 5 confirmed "main characters": john "bucky" egan, gale "bucky" cleven, rosie rosenthal, harry crosby, and ken lemmons. they're palyed by austin butler, callum turner, nate mann, anthony boyle, and raff law, in that order.
the focus is on the 100th bombardment group ("the blood hundredth"), with likely a narrower focus on the 418th and 350th squadrons, with probably some focus on the 349th. cleven's part of the 350th, egan and cruikshank (also important) are part of the 418th, and major william veal's part of the 349th (which is likely less important, but i'm adding it bc i saw his name among egan and cleven's name in this behind the scenes photo almost 2 years ago, but not much on veal otherwise).
so, this is one group and (more or less) two different squadrons. the narrowed focus is meant to lean more "band of brothers" and less "the pacific".
to answer your first question, the focus on butler and turner is probably 1) better for promo (they're more well known to the public) and 2) cleven and egan were both the commanding officers of their respective units. the leaders, for sure. also known as "the two buckys", as they both had the same nickname and were very close friends (as the above article puts it, they "were roommates throughout flight school…[they were] roommates during training, but they would eventually become roommates in a POW camp as well.")
i like that you brought up leckie and sledge tho, bc while the bulk of the show is based around donald miller's book, it seems like they'll also be leaning on harry crosby's memoir- a wing and a prayer. he was a group navigator in the 418th. also, the smithsonian has a little scrapbook that you can read here.
i'm thinking that, yeah, the povs may change depending on the episode (given how it seems they want to follow the "band of brothers" playbook, to a point). there's definitely gonna be time devoted to the ground crew (lemmons was a mechanic in the ground crew and stayed in england for the duration of the war) and rosie rosenthal, especially (his crew was called "rosie's riveters"). then, there's the inclusion of black soldiers in the 332d fighter group, part of the tuskegee airmen (hence the casting of ncuti gatwa, branden cross, josiah cross, among others).
keep in mind that these are all just my guesstimations! i don't want to predict what's gonna happen, given that i still want to be surprised lol
and i'm happy you enjoy the blog! it's fun keeping it regularly updated (despite tumblr hiccups, like thinking i'm a spam bot apparently?? but i think it's been sorted out for now *fingers crossed*)
(also, i recommend everyone to go play around in this website, bc it's stuffed with all the 100th bg information you could ever want!)
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lovecore-fics · 2 years
The Frenemy
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C!sapnap x AFAB!reader
warnings: pet names, degrading, breeding
a/n: this doesn’t go with lore characters but had the nations/kingdoms in it! (mentions of las Nevadas) 
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You and dream had been “enemies” ONLY because dream is a sore loser.
For context: you and dream were gambling at las nevadas after hours because quackity let you guys occasionally. Dream ran out of diamonds so instead of diamonds he offered his sword. Nightmare. Obviously like every other round won and took his sword home. 
Ever since then he wouldn't let sapnap or george talk to you and he himself wouldn't talk to you.
Which is why you're sitting here looking at the text from sapnap.
Sapnap: y/n please come over. I need a favor
Why was this man texting YOU behind his bestfriends back for one little favor- 
You were thinking of so many things he would ask you to do for him you zoned out.
Apparently you're not allowed to think for a moment because a couple seconds later you got another notification.
Sapnap: y/n hurry tf up- its important!
While you were walking to the best friend's shared house you started wondering if it was a trap.
your mind was racing with the possibilities of what's gonna happen when you arrive, some possibilities were even dirty…
When you got to the house you noticed only sapnaps horse was there which made you less terrified.
You walked in the house since it was just sapnap but when you looked up nobody was there.
“Sapnap?” you called out. 
The minute you yelled his name you heard a thud come from his room. 
Sapnap suddenly appeared in front of you; he seemed to be in some sort of pain.
“y/n i really trust you please promise me you wont judge what i'm about to say.” the texan said it surprised you that he let his guard down for a favor- he's usually “tough” and “masculine” but he's here right now asking, no. begging you not to judge him for a favor. 
“I won't sapnap what was so urgent?” you said hoping it was important enough to interrupt your time off from being security at quackity’s casino. 
 “I can't…undo something” he said looking down which made you look down but you didn't make it to the floor, you found something more interesting in sapnaps shorts.
“Sapnap-” you didn't mean to come off as scared but the look on sapnaps face made you realize that you looked scared- 
Sapnap looked like he had just seen a ghost. He looked more scared than i could possibly look-
“Im sorry” he kept repeating after the 3rd one i cut him off.
“It's ok sap- Calm down-” you said, getting closer to the man freaking out in front of you. 
He looked at you, also taking a step closer, looking down at you. you guys were now close enough you could feel his breath against your cheeks. 
“y/n can i-” he was cut off by you pressing your lips against his.
He put his hands on your hips pulling you closer to the point you could feel his boner through his pants and your skirt. 
“You look like such a whore” he said after pulling away from the kiss
“Says the one who texted me bc he didnt wanna jerk himself off” you said rolling your eyes and looking up at the taller man. 
The man caught you by surprise when he went after your neck. You could feel the heat from the blaze hybrids lips. 
Getting lost in the feeling of his lips on your neck made you let out a moan immediately covering your mouth right after. 
“No sweetheart i wanna hear you scream my name” he said dragging you over to the kitchen and bending you over the counter pulling up your skirt.
You heard the hybrid's pants drop to the floor and you arched your back to tease the man behind  you.
Your lighthearted teasing was interrupted when you felt a sting on your ass. He just SPANKED you. You didn't mind tho it felt good. Too good, you accidentally let out another moan. 
“Yeah i bet you like that you fucking slut.” his dick entered your pussy without any prep or warning. 
“Fuck! Sapnap-” you moaned and continued making lewd sounds while the male fucked you. 
“That's right scream my name baby” his thrusts got faster and deeper making more lewd sounds come out of you. 
“f-f-f-!” you couldn't ask him to go faster you could only moan, you were unable to talk. 
“Words darling” he slowed down his pace letting you speak.
“Faster please sir.” you finally were able to say.
“Anything for my pretty little slut” the man sped up his pace again going faster than before. 
You were lost in pleasure until you felt the male pull your hair making your back hit his chest. 
“Open your mouth darling” he looked into your eyes with nothing but lust. 
You did as you were told in fear of being denied an orgasm later on. So you opened your mouth and he spit in your mouth. 
“Swallow.” he told you and you did so smiling after. 
“breed me please” you mumbled not meaning to. 
“What was that sweetheart?” he cooed knowing exactly what you said. 
“Breed me!” you screamed out, the entire smp could probably hear. 
Sapnap went feral after those 2 words left your mouth. 
He fucked you faster and deeper than you could’ve imagined then you felt it. A knot in yout stomach ready to come undone. 
“C-cum” you moaned, closing your eyes. 
“Do it princess” he whispered in your ear
You came undone on his cock babbling random things even you didn't understand.
Quickly after sapnap came inside of you with one last thrust he pulled out. 
All of you and sapnaps thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened and there dream stood. 
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desafinado · 1 year
ahh congrats on 200!! once you’re less busy with work (rip) could i please request a school/uni au where reader is a secret admirer for any characters of your choice? maybe they’re part of the same friend group, or they share similar classes? oh or maybe they consult/ask the reader for advice about the letters or smt? i don’t mind the format btw! thank you so so so much:D
(ps. idk if you keep anons but if you do, could i be 🍁 anon~?)
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°。⋆ thoma, ayato x reader (wc: 2,129) °。⋆ thoma relationship w/ reader a bit interdependent, swearing, fluff, banter note: omg yes i love this idea!! also yes you could be 🍁 anon!! and you'd be my vv first anon so omg yay welcome!!! and hope you enjoy ^^ (also chose thoma and ayato bc of those school uniform collab thing, it was what first came to mind)
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ayato ♡
you could not ignore his presence the moment he entered the room. it was as if the mere presence of him warranted trumpets.
you were either enamored by him or scared to make even the slightest eye contact with him; his reputation as a wealthy heir and supposed poised nature preceded him.
you were in a rare minority though, that minority being almost infuriatingly annoyed with how everyone treated him like a prince. you didn’t care about him for the most part, but it was annoying to hear his name in every conversation right before class started.
that was, of course, he was randomly assigned to be your partner for a term long project.
“hmm, i don’t believe we’ve been acquainted. kamisato ayato, and you?”
oh brother, this guy stinks (/j) but all those inner thoughts you’ve had making fun of him were quickly meeting its end.
he was polite enough; teased you a bit, but nothing you couldn’t handle. it was actually fun to see his reaction to you teasing him back.
“you know, i believe you’re the first person to call me a piece of shit… well to my face at least.”
he was more self-aware than you thought, good company too. he seemed to be a bit more of himself around you too, and you appreciated that.
your friendship went way beyond just study sessions and meetings, opting to hangout just because you liked each other’s presence, isn’t that neat?
eventually, he’d also open up more emotionally. telling you his woes, the pressure of being the heir to the kamisato business, caring for his younger sisters, and of course, general university/college student stress.
you heard him out every time, and always knew how to help him get out of his head.
“wanna come over and cry it out over som–” “yes.”
you had realized it when he slept over one night, he had fallen asleep on your lap, snoring quietly. you were gently stroking his cheek, admiring his soft skin, how kissable his lips were.
kissable lips? now, wanting to kiss them could imply a multitude of things, but that coupled with how much you cared for him, and the way your heart fluttered around his small acts of appreciation… you had fallen in love with him, hard.
after that “small” epiphany, you tried to bury it down, down deep in the recesses of your mind.
everyone must’ve had at least a moment in which they thought they were in love with a dear friend, right?
that was what you told yourself everyday for the past two months.
you tried to keep it buried, but the pounding of your heart only got stronger each time you were left alone with him. at nights, your thoughts would linger on what it would be like to take him out to dinner, send cute couple texts, and all of those domestic activities.
but for now, you could only stay where you were, a friend and a partner (in class).
it was valentine’s day, and you both were stuck in the library trying to make some progress on your term project. it’s not like you had any better plans anyways, you’re just hoping ayato didn’t mind. 
“what about this journal? it correlates with our topic.”
he sends you a link of the article in question and you skim through it; ayato is watching intently for any sort of response. you hum in approval, looking up at him from your laptop.
“i think we can use it, yeah. honestly, i just want this done with… and anyways, we can just do improvements on the final stretch.” you sigh a little, thinking of all the work left to do after this particular stage of the project. he raises an eyebrow with an all-knowing smirk.
“hmm? why in a rush? you have a valentine’s date perhaps?” you shut your laptop, sighing even more dramatically. “okay, one, you know i’m a loser, and two, maybe i'm just tired, dumbass.” ayato giggles at your misery, cleaning up his own things.
“you’re not a complete loser, despite what you might think.” he mumbles almost inaudibly, but you certainly heard it. it takes you aback and sets your heart ablaze, sure, but you shrug it off and try changing the topic. 
“what about you? you surely must have some event at the very least. aren’t you part of like three different organizations?”
he shakes his head, picking up his bag. “ok yes, but i actually don’t really care for the holiday that much. it's just an excuse for couples to show off, is it not?” now, that elicits a chuckle from you. “aw, really? maybe you’re just bitter you don’t have anyone to spend it with.”
he stops dead in his tracks, looking up at you; he’s rolling his eyes, and you’re laughing at your successful attempt in throwing him off.
“oh, whatever. it’s not like you have anyone either.”
“yeah, but at least i’m not the valentine’s equivalent of the grinch”
“hey! i never said–”
you both earn a shush from another nearby table, stopping your little squabble. you both decide to leave the area before continuing your conversation any further. once you’re both out, ayato takes the chance to continue what he was saying.
“as i was saying, i don’t detest the idea of love itself. i just see no point in celebrating such a holiday when you could be showing your lover how much you love them everyday.”
he had a point, and it was actually pretty poetic and romantic.
“okay, well that’s besides the point, valentine’s day is still a pretty cute excuse to go all out.” you swoon, thinking up the most romantic scenarios. a subtle smile rests on ayato’s face before he playfully shakes his head. “to each their own, i guess. just know that if it were me, i’d never let a day go by in which you aren’t aware of how much i love you.”
freudian slip, he was distracted by your cute face and the way it lit up at the thought of romance. you smirked at the turn of events though.
“i mean… yes. i-i do wish to treat you as s-such… but i didn’t mean for it to–”
“i like you too, ayato. i... i've been waiting to say that for a while now.”
“oh… really?”
“yes, now take me out! you said you would treat me as such did you not?"
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thoma ♡
it was your first few days on campus, and you were overwhelmed by everything. so many people, new places, and you all by your lonesome.
you weren’t a sociable person and it was tiring, you felt your head pounding at the thought of all the ways every little thing could go wrong.
you sat alone at lunch, trying to handle your oncoming headache, when someone approached you from behind.
“hey, uh are you alright?”
you were stunned to say the least, and turning around to see him only intensified that surprise.
“oh, h-hi.”
he introduced himself as thoma, he had the sweetest, kindest, most sunshine filled smile you had ever laid eyes on; you felt comfortable in his friendly aura, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious talking to someone as gorgeous as him.
his eyes shined every time he chuckled, and you swooned in response, letting him steer the conversation away from your worrisome thoughts.
eventually, he was able to talk you into going to the uni’s clinic, and he made sure to stick by your side until he was sure you were in safe hands.
“now, i’ve got a class, but this isn’t goodbye, right? next time we meet, i hope to see you in a much better state.”
he was so… gr. you’d rather him the one taking care of you, cuddles, handholding, and all, but yes, you definitely wanted to see him again.
over time, you’d run into him more often, text him every now and then, even eat lunch together with his friends.
he was such a delight to be around, you had any question about events, rules, recommendations, literally whatever and he’d have the best advice.
you’d spend hours sharing stories and random opinions, you even found yourself skipping a class or two just to spend an extra hour with him.
he took care of you so well, but it was also a somewhat somber reminder that you were just a friend to him, someone he took care of. you definitely didn’t want him to see you as some sort of younger sibling.
that was when you took it upon yourself to really lean more into the uni life. you tried going to parties, joining clubs, even going on a few dates. 
at this point, you weren’t so sure anymore if you were doing this for the experience or to run away from your feelings.
you found yourself blowing off hangouts with thoma in favor of some random frat party or blind date. even for lunch, you’d excuse yourself, saying you had to study or get some rest before your next class.
you couldn’t hold him off forever though, a simple text was all it took.
“we need to talk. meet you at that dog cafe by the flower shop in 30?”
you looked like a corpse fresh out of the grave; your skin looked like it desperately needed some sun, and dark spots were evident under your tired eyes. thoma took your hand and guided you to a booth with some drinks and food. it was definitely tempting.
“we haven’t hung out in a while, i’m worried about you, you know?”
his frown hurt you like never before, but you knew it was only because of his concern. you took a seat across from him, slowly nodding.
“i know, i’m sorry. i’ve just been trying to expand my horizons? i don’t actually know anymore.” you sigh knowing you can’t even lie to him, he always sees things through. you took a sip of the drink he had ordered for you. he looked deep in thought before speaking up.
“then, why not talk to me about it? was it something i said? did you…” his voice is strained as he voices out the next words. “have you been making new friends?” there's an encouraging smile on his face, but you know it's only for show, for you.
“i tried, but no, not really. nobody compares to you, thoma.” your eyes meet his as you say his name. you didn’t mean to, but you wanted to be sincere. thoma, in return, blushed profusely, not expecting you to express such sentiments.
“ah, really?” the poor boy is trying to calm his racing heart and focus on you. “i– that’s nice to know that you think of me that way– n-not to say making new friends is bad! i just thought you had forgotten about me.”
“how could i? when all i could think about was coming back to you.”
“wait, what do you–”
“i like you, thoma. i love the way the light hits your face, i love how thoughtful you are about everyone, i love all the nonsensical conversations we’ve had. the only thing i hate about you is how much of an effect you have on me; how being away from you makes me sad, and being with you fills me with an uncontrollable rush of adrenaline… and, and even then, it's only my fault.”
your eyes closed shut the whole way, you can’t bear to see the pity on his face. you knew it was bad, you knew doom was imminent, but the only thing that hurt more than avoiding him was lying to him.
“i like you too… in that very same way, and i apologize if i ever made you feel like i didn't.” his hand slowly rested on top of yours from across the table. your eyes squinted slightly to see his face; there was a soft blush dusting his cheeks, and emerald eyes gazing back at you.
you slowly shake your head before replying. “you never did, you made me feel at home. i thought you’d only see me as some bothersome thing you had to care for, so i wanted to prove to you, and i guess myself, otherwise.”
his smile only widens, as he leans over the table to give you a kiss on the cheek. your eyes are fully open now, letting go of his hand to feel the warmth he left on your cheek.
“you were never a burden, if anything, my love for you sorta just overflowed that it manifested in those ways, me being a mother hen basically.” he chuckled, taking your hand in his. you nodded, focusing your gaze back on him.
“but now, i want you to trust me, let me love you, is that okay?”
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divider: henri le sidaner | requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites
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topazpearl · 10 months
in celebration of sbg returning in a little over 2 weeks (!!!!!) have my HUGE master doc of all my possible theories, ideas, wants/needs, etc.
(spoilers abound of course)
[Hamilton chorus voice] NUMBER ONE: The giant freakin phantompede and how to escape it
-Logan shoots it in the eyes, probably won't kill it tho, just make it mad and blind, which doesn't help
-they pull a Tremors and use the jeep as bait to make it jump off the cliff to its death, and they all jump out at the last second. a big gamble, assuming its stupid enough to do this. (tho making it blind first as mentioned could work) Sucks that they lose the jeep but they can get another car
-Or (this goes into my Phantom Ashlyn theory which I'll talk later) ashlyn can talk to it and tells it to go away and it….does! idk lol it's stupid but maybe ash has enough girl boss energy to convince it. or it's so shocked by a human talking to it it's like "dang ok" 
-last idea: they're near the school so they lure it there and into the sports area, assuming they have a baseball field, and kill it with all the big lights there (the poetic justice of it all... get 'em tyler)
NUMBER TWO: Schrödinger's Tyler
-I'm hoping that once phantompede is taken care of they'll go back to find him. Taylor will force them probably. Cue angst. 
-my top theory rn is that if you die in the phantom dimension (PD) you enter a coma in the real dimension (RD) b/c I think it'd be very lame and low stakes for a horror thriller for ty to just wake up fine but in pain. 
–unless there's some really NASTY RD consequences like, he starts getting narcolepsy, starts hearing Phantom noises too, constantly sick, slowly wasting away with each day, maybe relives his death every night like some horrid nightmare??? etc 
-then of course there's the popular idea that if u die in the PD your body becomes a phantom. who knows how long that takes. could be fun and angsty if it happens rlly fast like while the kids are there and see his body turn into a phantom and they freak the frick out. yeah 
and if the phantoms have no retained memories, Tay is just calling to him but it's for naught 
-anyway if ty's in a coma that'll be fun to explain to the parents 
-If a phantom is killed, their connected person in the RD who was in a coma dies fr
NUMBER THREE: Ashlyn and the Phantoms (cool new band name) 
-we know the kids are getting influenced by the PD, making phantom noises (further supports phantoms were people theory) but with Ashlyn's "really strong" connection to the PD, she's in special danger. If one can turn into a phantom without dying, it's gonna be her. Ryan the spy said that "the girl" – assumingly ashlyn– should be "especially" at risk of danger. This could be bc she was the one who interacted with the rift, or bc she already has a higher level of phantom influence on her. 
-when ashlyn told the phantom to let go, and her friends to calm down, both times she spoke with a black speech bubble WITH PHANTOM NOISE LINES NEAR IT.
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this is different than characters who have also spoken with black bubbles. obviously these have been with threats/malice, but the boys' didn't have the red lines.
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These times ashlyn has spoken, the phantom acknowledged her voice, and her friends' spell-like violence trance was broken. Therefore, Theory: ashlyn not only can hear phantoms, but she can speak their language sort of
-depending how the Tyler situation goes down, I think Ashlyn will have lots of guilt and anger towards herself, and if she can't reign it in, I could see her going into a violence trance like her friends did. maybe even worse (a semi phantom transformation??) Cue a fun angsty 'talking her down' moment with the others at best, or full on fighting Phantom!ashlyn at worst
-when ashlyn was born, a phantom like touched her in a blessing/cursing sense which is part of the reason why she can hear phantoms and her strong PD connection 
possibly even possession???? seems a bit farther fetched tho 
-tldr; i want ashlyn to enter her monster girl era 
-The evil gang seems confused why the kids have lasted so long. maybe Ashlyn's PD connection goes both ways. she provides a strong anchor to the RD. Maybe the PD is USUALLY all desolate with the pillars that we saw in the finale (maybe it's even an afterlife of sorts?), but Ashlyn makes a huge radius (~30 miles! (assuming kids were driving at least 60mph for 30 minutes)) of the PD around where she wakes up mirror the real world, creating a safer space for her and the kids. meanwhile a normal person that gets sucked into the PD gets thrown into a desolate hell world different from the RD (also maybe stuck there permanently), causing them to die much quicker. 
-Ashlyn's influence extends to jamming the recording devices like some kind of weird phantom static.
-Broke: Ashlyn's parents wanted her to learn self defense and have a knife bc they're in the military. Woke: they want her to be able to protect herself after the phantom scare when she was a baby
NUMBER FOUR: Origami gang and Co INC. 
-My Current idea on what the evil gang is doing: The gangs symbol is an origami crane (orizuru). the crane in East Asia has longevity as one of its symbolisms, with some myths saying it flies souls up to paradise. there's the popular myth that if you fold 1000 cranes you get a wish.
Heres where the evil twist comes in. The gang boss believes that if he traps 1000 people in the PD as like, a sacrifice, then he'll get a wish and he'll ask for eternal life or whatever. this gang is a cult and he's tricked everyone saying that they'll also get a long life but really it's probably only gonna be him 🤫 So they go around to different haunted places in America and pick ppl they sense can open these shadow rifts and get sucked in. the phantoms may be ppl they trapped in the past and they've turned into phantoms
-Ryan, the guy who's spying on the kids, maybe is ALSO "Mr. thomas"? he just puts on a wig and is a good actor lol. this is the reason why he asks about "Mr. Thomas's" fate. What goes against this is that Ryan seems to know all about the PD mechanisms, which doesn't fit Mr. Thomas being confused abt ashlyns hair. Unless he wasn't expecting it
– or "Mr thomas" could just be Ryan's friend or brother or smn. A low ranked guy in the gang that got stuck with roping Ashlyn into Savannah, but doesn't know the truth/details about the PD. 
-the gang mentions that "both sides" are trying to track them. either the government and a supernatural hunting group, or even some force in the PD like some Alpha Phantom like the devil who's like "Where's my dead people quota hello?" or better yet "you're messing with MY domain and I'm gonna Get You". 
-This is based solely on the Boss' appearance and smiling countenance: what if the gang Boss is Aiden's uncle, his dad's brother. his weird, estranged brother who's also evil probably. I'm really hung on this idea don't mind me. Maybe it's b/c we don't know his name yet, b/c he's secretly related and it'll be a big reveal
-you have to be able to make a paper origami crane from memory to be an official gang member /hj 
(S2 spoilers) NUMBER FIVE: Aiden's dyed hair and why it's A Big Deal
none of these have any solid evidence I'm just wildin 
-He hates his natural hair color/thinks it's ugly
-doing it to hide his real identity (IF the Clark family being involved with the Origami gang is real it would probably fall under this, BUT I have strong reason to believe Aiden is not involved with the gang tho. (See my ~EXCEL SHEET~ for my reasoning)
–falls under my random "gang boss is aidens uncle" theory. his uncle is the weird black sheep of the family, that Aiden has a spitting resemblance to, so he dyes his hair to make him look less like him
further developing my silly Boss Uncle idea but I'm imagining that Daniel (Adiens dad) married into the family bc he looks sm different than his wife or Ben's parents. But when he married Jessica (Aidens mom) at the start they used his surname, had Aiden, etc. Then Daniel's weird (evil) brother starts committing Crimes tm, possibly even convicted, jail time, all over the news (maybe he got out early cuz of parole, good behavior idk). Aidens family suffers for it by proxy; Aiden is bullied, his parents are stigmatized at work. it actually gets so bad that they decide to switch to Jessica's maiden name Clark. Currently wondering if Ben's dad, William, and Jessica are the siblings here. anyway they do that and with their constant moving and traveling, it's easy to embrace the new identity. But Aiden was still pretty affected by it being a kid and all so that's why he dyes his hair, and plays it off as doing it for funsies
-based on claims (if someone has proof of this beyond his skin tone HMU) I've seen that he's part Asian, so maybe has suffered really nasty racism in the past but when he's blond he's white passing, so he does it so he's not bullied anymore
-blondes have more fun to help with this "constantly happy" persona he has
– semi related, he's heavily masking depression and loneliness, and the bright yellow hair makes him happier.
-he dyes his hair for attention bc he didn't get enough of it as a child with his parents traveling and working 
NUMBER FIVE ½: Aiden's backstory
after seeing the Easter egg, wondering if his mom divorced or died idk cause the lady in the picture doesn't look like his mom, her hair is darker?? now ofc she could just be dying her hair too idk!!!
Absolutely Wildin' here but maybe aidens parents died when he was a kid so he was adopted but surprise! his dad is still alive and is a criminal and running a shadow cult. or maybe the boss is still his uncle. or maybe the boss is his parent(s) killer!!! 
Or Maybe The Boss is aidens dad. Aidens biological mom died and the Boss went crazy and probably committed crimes and went to jail, and then Daniel (aidens uncle, Boss' brother) and Jessica took custody of him. and then the Boss escaped jail and started his cult, maybe to bring back his wife
kinda off topic but I'm wondering if Aiden's red eyes are fake too. colored contacts. like neither of his parents have it, no one does. does he just have Protagonist syndrome or is it related to one of the ideas above?
I'm just throwing darts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
NUMBER SIX: Character arcs and futures
-either no other of the kids will "die", just Aiden and Ashlyn will "survive", or everyone except Ashlyn will "die"
-but i hope if they can sever their connection with the PD, anyone who dies in the PD and gets in a coma will wake up
-So they're gonna get kidnapped. that's definitely gonna be a thing. either mid S2 or S2 ending. up in the air whether the kidnapping is successful or not. 
actually I'm placing my bets now S2 finale will be them getting kidnapped and it just cuts off there for another awful cliffhanger.
since it seems Mr thomas will be involved, maybe he'll ask the kids to stay after school to talk abt their failing grades or smn, and then maybe they're hit with knockout gas??
OR the gang has been spying on them so they pick a time when the kids are all separated and jump them. 
maybe this is when aiden knowing where ashlyns dance studio is is actually plot relevant!!??(please) like he (and Ben probably cuz they're always together) are able to escape their attackers and Aiden goes to help ashlyn cuz he wants to make sure she's OK. and she's either fine cuz she's a girl boss and can kick butt, or he saves her oo la la 
–lol imagine kidnapping is successful, gang tells kids why they were kidnapped, if Evil Boss Uncle theory is true this helps facilitate this but Ashlyn "goes off" on Aiden yelling and "attacking" him and stuff saying he's part of the gang etc but it's all a ruse to have the gang think she'll cause another energy spike and Aiden gets this and plays along, so assuming the kids are locked up, the gang opens their cell to stop ashlyn, and that's when they escape
–also assuming the gang would be smart enough to get rid of the kids phones when they're snagged. 
-also SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen Reds ig stories but since they just had midterms it's probably October (bc the story started at the beginning of the school year (August) and there was a month skip (September) where they were learning self defense) Which Means that it could be Aidens bday which is why ashlyn is at his house and they're having a pizza party or whatever yippee! (i want this) And maybe Mr and Mrs Clark talk about seeing phantoms (the panel of them looking stressed the heck out lol) bc I'm assuming all the guardians have been seeing them I'm assuming!!!! And maybe Ashlyn overhears, and the kids Finally can tell the parents what's going on but I doubt it. b/c that'd be too easy y'know?
-regardless, the either failed or successful kidnapping will probably set the parents over the edge, Especially if Ty is in a medically unexplainable coma, and Mike Banner will be like "tell me what's going on Right Now" and the parents believe them and they help the kids get to Savannah yippee!! a cool Big family squad force they all hop on a working school bus or smn and drive there. (I wish i knew how many seasons there's gonna be so I could predict pacing but since it's a thriller I'm assuming pretty fast, so maybe 3 seasons? cuz while we got a fast plot we seemingly have a slow ashlyn & aiden relationship so 🤷‍♀️)
Sorry back to character arcs:
Ashlyn: Learn to trust and connect with people, make friends, lean on others. Could be nice if she accepts and admits the kids are her friends by the end of S2, leaving the next season for Aiden/Ashlyn dev specifically. More development about her connection with the PD, which could put friendship to the test. 
Taylor: will either shut down with grief like her mom, or maybe snap and have an Edgy arc (seems… unlikely to me tho she seems too emotionally intelligent for that). NEVERMIND with all the stuff im seeing, it seems likely!!!) Willing to bet money the twins are unhealthily codependent on each other. Maybe she'll start latching onto Ben instead (whether anything romantic develops on top of it is debatable, but I can see it. theyve already got a cute little closeness going on). Would not be surprised if, after losing her dad (which im predicting was a suicide) and Ty, she can't stand the thought of losing someone else, and will save someone in danger at her own expense, leading to her death. Sure I'll predict she'll die 2nd if there are more deaths.
Tyler: he frikkin ded so… (would've been nice to see him become even more caring but yknow)
Logan: Seems to be overcoming his fragility well if the arcade scene is any indication. Still has self-worth issues to overcome due to his parents' abandonment. Maybe we'll learn more about that in S2. That could be a rumor and the real reason he lives with his grandparents is that his parents died but idk why that'd be hidden unless their death was suspicious (phantom related???). He'll die 3rd; survives longer than expected but is the halfway point. 
Ben: Still needs to find a new passion for life, i suspect playing musical instruments like the guitar will be the answer (thank you tyler). Tho maybe learning to love his altered voice could happen? (tons of dudes have a rough/husky singing voice that ppl love) But this is probably unlikely. 
– Taylor and Logan's deaths will hit him really hard, maybe feels like his strength is worthless if he failed to keep the others safe, and starts spiraling real bad. Possible phantom transformation or attempted suicide. 4th to die. 
Aiden: (get medicated) Learning self-control, improving interpersonal relationships, accepting serious/negative emotions, along with God knows what else will be revealed. 
– Kinda wondering if he grew up in a "toxic positivity" mentality home, where his parents are like "we're so privileged we shouldn't complain" 
– IF he does die, he'll be the last one, leaving Ashlyn alone (when it hurts the most!!! muhahhaha!!! 😭), and it won't happen in S2.
NUMBER SEVEN: Miscellaneous predictions, wants, musings & hypotheticals
-hey uh what about the photo Logan took of the phantom back at the sorrel-weed house?? surely he still has it? can he show the parents?? will they be able to see it?
-Logan saw the whole Aidlyn hug from the roof from his snipper position, change my mind.
-Another death will happen in S2, possibly even two deaths.
-Mr thomas switches sides and helps the kids, gives them info
-Ryan (the spy) switches sides and helps the kids
-the tour lady Jasmine and the Boss are a hot evil couple 
also kinda want them to have a Rourke & Helga dynamic where he throws her under the bus at the last moment and she's Bissed 
-I want the boss to die by his own evil plan. i doubt a redemption arc will happen but I'd be down for it if done well.
-*grabs your shoulders until they bleed* listen. Aiden saved ashlyn, now I need her to save him. I need this. 
-Taylor and Ashlyn girl time please!!!
-Logan and Aiden becoming closer would also give me joy. big Freckle and Rocky energy. 
-Consider: Ashlyn says that she thinks Aiden looks better with dark hair, not meaning it as a compliment but as an objective statement, but he decides to grow out his dark hair again (will take a bit). 
-this doesn't have to happen but I think it'd be really funny if Aiden somehow gets the IDEA that Logan has a crush on Ashlyn when Logan doesn't, causing a stupid silly short jealousy arc.
-actually I really need a "can skydive from 10,000 ft but can't confess to the girl he likes" Aiden Clark
which like would make sense bc at this point he knows she thinks he's annoying, pushy, etc., so that's just asking for a rejection 
-I've got a bad feeling smn will happen to Ashlyn's parents, specifically her dad
-you know what's better than Ashlyn having to be a girlboss and face the villains alone? Aiden and Ashlyn going together and Aiden being used as collateral by the villains :) What if he dies permanently irl, while the rest of the kids, if they died in the PD, reawaken, leaving him the only one permanently gone in the end? :) 
-bruh what if everyone died like fr fr. yes I'm imagining Ashlyn looking at all her friends' graves. 
-the Origami gang fails to kidnap the kids b/c all that self-defense paid off, and they accidentally create a huge "energy spike", making phantoms appear everywhere in town.
-if the kids DO get kidnapped successfully, I want Ashlyn to be an awesome girlboss and use her knife shoes to help them escape.
-if my puppy fic became Canon that'd be swaggie actually.
-let Ashlyn have a dog 2023
-pov you're in Georgia in the fall and a hurricane hits, knocking out solar power for a few days. what then? :)
-when all this garbage is over and they hopefully all live in the end, I want them to have a fun stargazing party lead by Logan cause they can finally enjoy the night (And maybe aidlyn have their first Kiss?? 🙈)
-If there ISNT a "group goes to see Ashlyn in a ballet performance" scene then I'm WRITING IT MYSELF 
-the kids are like, juniors right? Prom. 
-Aiden works hard to get his permit and his parents buy him a car but it's a crappy one cause they know he'll wreck it but hey it's Savannah or Bust.
-At the end of all things, Aiden and Ashlyn will become a couple, or at least have reciprocal romantic feelings. This is not just my shipper heart talking. I feel it in my brain, in my soul. (b/c Red rlly seems to ship it so 😏)
-maybe aidens parents work for a religious missionary aid group like Samaritans purse
-a kid going into an angry protective phantom mode to protect another(s) 😳 (aidlyn on the brain but it could be anyone)
-if I had a nickel for every time I've imagined Aiden dying in Ashlyn's arms, I'd have many nickels 
-what if having a good singing voice ran in Ben's family? haha jkjk…unless??? but they don't sing like ever cuz they don't want Ben to feel bad 
-man what if a kid died by a phantom pushing them down a set of stairs.. 
-Rlly hope that Aiden's parents don't get scared seeing phantoms in their house and hearing other families having phantoms in THEIR houses and thinking the whole town is haunted, and they consider moving which they don't wanna do bc Aiden finally has friends but what else can they do!? angst. 
-John 15:13 for Ashlyn with the others except it's not permanent (I'm not saying ash is a Jesus figure tho WHWKEJEJDJ)
-I rlly wanna see ashlyn laugh like REALLY LAUGHING
That's it for the moment (●'◡'●) thanks for coming
will any of these be canon? who knows! it's the fun of it all
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iwoszareba · 1 year
Knight Commander as Companion
for the longest time I thought I can't do this template for Knave because he doesn't properly exist outside of the context of being the knight commander but then I had the obvious realisation that he is a walking joke and full trickster
template by @dragonologist-phd​ and you can find blank version here
Name: Knave
Race: Kitsune (is what his character sheet says, he is actually fey)
Class: Crossblooded Sorcerer (Arcane/Abyssal)
Background: none
his full trickster appearance but the ringmaster getup was too out of place and had too much of a "the man in charge" energy for his role as a companion so I designed a jester outfit for him so you know you are getting yourself into some clownery the moment you see him
Favored Weapon/Equipment:
he starts with a fairly standard equipment for a sorcerer but with some goofy item descriptions like "I left my best stuff in the other save file to not destroy the party balance." or " My favourite colour is red. If you put a blue robe on me I will be upset."
Top Skills: knowledge arcana, mobility, stealth, perception
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
General Personality:
He has two modes which I call: cartoon character and horror monster. As a companion you mostly get his cartoon side bc he doesn't want to be kicked out of the party (and because he is well fed so he is feeling pretty chill). He is fairly friendly if a bit weird. Some other words I could describe him with: nonchalant, playful, capricious. He turns into a little pissbaby when he is bored. If you play an evil commander you get to see more of his monster side
What traits/values do they admire?
What traits/values do they disapprove of?
Are they affiliated with any deities?
Nope! Atheist. Will always decline if you offer him ascension. Gods fascinate him sometimes but he treats it like watching a puppet show.
What do they think of their role in the Crusades, and of sharing the Commander’s Mythic powers? What are their reasons for joining the commander’s party?
He doesn't think he has any particular role, he is just here for the ride, baby! He is an observer and maybe even a fan. He doesn't care all that much about receiving mythic powers but he is thrilled for the commander and is curious to see how their powers develop.
Who are their friends among the other party members?
Ember - weirdly enough. he would wear a flower crown if Ember made it
Woljif - kinda sad he doesn't get to mentor him here, but still very thumbs up about whatever Woljif is up to
Nenio - she is extra funny because she doesn't realise how funny she is
What about rivals?
Regill - Knave thinks he is exceptionally boring and stuck up which makes him fun to annoy. Regill despises him big time 
Ulbrig - Sarkoris and its practices are a bit of a sour subject for Knave so he sometimes boils when Ulbrig start to talk about it
Seelah - she can smell the evil on him and she is not a fan. Knave thinks she is thiiiis close to being entertaining but she is still a goody two shoes paladin, shame
Are they on any councils? If so, what sort of advice do they give?
He is on every council and it is said openly that he was not invited there but he refuses to leave. He gives nonsensical joke advice that somehow still works because that's what the game mechanics demand.
Where do they hang out in Drezen? In the Abyss?
He just randomly appears in different places. Sometimes he doesn't appear at all. One time you got jumpscared when he popped up in your commander's bedroom.
What are their idle animations?
He can juggle!! He can do a little dance!!
If you stay in one spot for too long he will lie down on the ground.
He is so bored he is ready to die.
(ofc he gets up with that roll back a bit and do a little jump move bc he is extra)
If they’re taken to Areelu’s lab, what is their dream?
You find him sitting at a table with two people: one is a teenage boy and the other is a young Osirian man. All three of them are chatting excitedly about magic. As you are about to speak to shake him out of the illusion Knave looks directly at you and puts a finger to his mouth to shush you. He lets the whole thing play out for a while longer but eventually gets up from the table.
"It was a real pleasure but regrettably I am needed elsewhere."
As he moves towards you the illusion disappears.
"We going?"
KC: So you knew it was an illusion?
"Sure. Why wouldn't I?"
KC: Who were these people?
"Mmmm. Just some guys I got to know quite well but can never meet or speak to. And before you ask - yes they are dead. I killed them. There is nothing more to explain, let's go."
Do they advise the commander to abandon or keep their mythic powers?
He is very pro mythic powers. Why would you want to be a regular, snotty mortal? The only exception is aeon and his reasoning is that he would like to see the story finale.
If you confirm aeon he will peace out: "Hey, soooo I guess you will grow even more powerful and I don't want my powers and your powers to clash and go on the fritz. We could get me erased by accident! What a shame that would be. So this is my cue to leave."
How/when do they join the Commander’s party?
You can stumble upon him in a couple different places in act 1. Always surrounded by disarray and in contrast he acts like a jolly tourist having a great time.
When he notices your group approaching he points at you with a big smile "You! I've been looking for you!" you can ask what he means by that "Do you know that feeling when you finish a really good story and you instantly want to re-experience it? But then you realise it's kinda pointless, you already know exactly what happens. Why would you do the same thing again? That's me. And you are my key to some variety." ask him what he wants "Nothing in particular. Just want to see how all of this will go for you. I could do it from the sidelines but things are always more exciting first hand. I will assist you of course! I'm great in combat and I'm helpful in general. Helpful is my middle name actually. Knave Helpful Commander."
Describe their companion quest:
He doesn't have a companion quest proper bc it's not his story, he doesn't really have any specific wants or problems. But you get a special scene with him in act 5 after the whole situation with Areelu's child's soul is in the open.
You can encounter Knave looking more sullen than you've ever seen him before.
"You really want to get rid of that kid's soul, huh? I guess there is something to just wanting to be yourself. What a luxury that must be."
He produces two glasses filled with suspect looking liquid that shimmers with many colours. He offers you one of them.
"I never toast to the dead, I'm more of a spit on their graves kind of guy, but today is a weird day."
If you drink the strange brew, you receive a permanent +2 to strength, constitution and dexterity plus some minor fey themed power.
Knave comes to you and seems more frantic than normally.
"I have a proposal for you. There is a… ritual that I could do to nourish that extra piece of soul stuff in you. 'Why the fuck would I agree to that?' I can hear you think. Trust me, it will be good for you. Something, something strength and weakest links. You know how that goes. And I promise no negative consequences."
If you agree to go through with the ritual, you receive a permanent +2 to intelligence, wisdom and charisma plus some minor demon themed power.
Are they romanceable? Describe their romance quest/scenes if you want!
Yea! Works both as a little friendship/romance path, you don't have to escalate it to physical and he is looking for a playmate regardless if you are into him sexually/romantically.
Available to commanders of any gender but not of any alignment. He needs to find you entertaining and I don't think that would be sufficiently conveyed with just picking the romance opener lines. So I imagine he has a counter that sums up all your chaotic and/or evil choices. You need to have enough of them in each act: 2, 3 and 4 to unlock his special scenes.
Act 2: a little spot of iconoclasm
He approaches you when you are camping out and about and says that he has something he would like to show you.
He leads you to a secluded place surrounded by big, jagged rocks, the only thing of interest you notice is a box that Knave goes to and sits on.
"So here's the deal, you had all these new responsibilities dumped on you and I know how that goes: they want you to do the most boring shit day in and day out and then expect you to thank them for the opportunity. The fucking audacity. There must be some pent up frustration there and I thought I could help you relieve it."
KC: That's suspiciously caring of you.
"Hey, I've told you I'm a helpful fellow."
KC: I actually enjoy my new duties.
"A bit of a weirdo, huh? But even things you enjoy can be frustrating at times."
KC: This already sounds like a great idea.
"Ha! It seems I was right and you really need this."
KC: Are you offering yourself?
"Mmmm, no. Or maybe I should say 'not yet'.
He jumps off the box and opens it, you look inside and see a whole batch of figurines shaped both as Iomedae's sword and visage of the goddess herself.
"There is nothing more relaxing than smashing something breakable. And we can have our symbolic 'fuck you' directed at Iomedae for making you toil to keep her crusade afloat."
KC: Did you steal these?
"Yeah, but all this stuff looks real cheap. You can say we are saving people from getting scammed."
KC: We can't just destroy the symbol of the goddess!
"Why not? What she gonna do, smite us? I don't see her doing that to all the fuck ups within her own ranks. Besides, she needs you and I'm not afraid of her."
KC: Can I also curse while I smash this stuff?
"Absolutely. Be my guest."
KC: Do you do things like this often?
"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on the mood."
If you still don't agree he will roll his eyes but he pats the box a couple times and the figurines inside transform into unholy symbols of Deskari and Baphomet.
"Hopefully this is more palatable for you. These guys deserve a personalised 'fuck you' as well."
Either way the two of you spend some time smashing fragile objects against the rocks. After you are done he pats your arm with a smile.
"Hope that helped. We could wreck something bigger next time around. A statue? Maybe even a whole temple! Something to think about."
Act 3: tavern brawl
He invites you for a drink in Half-Measure. The place is crowded tonight but when they see the knight commander they make sure there is a free table. The two of you chat for a while, you get to ask him some questions but at some point he starts to look around and a mischievous glint lights up his eyes.
"What if we started a tavern brawl?"
KC: (lawful) But I'm in charge of these people.
"What I'm hearing is that it's in your right to dispense a bit of misery to them. To build character, of course."
KC: (good) Someone could get hurt!
"What is life if not the constant possibility of getting hurt? They'll be fine."
KC: (chaotic) I like the way you think.
"I knew you would understand."
KC: (evil) I wouldn't mind getting some hits in myself.
"Mmmm. And I would never deny such a wish."
KC: You're just going to start shit no matter what I say.
"Well, yeah. But I like hearing your thoughts!"
With a clever use of mage hand, illusion magic and one raw fish turned into a projectile weapon the place soon erupts in all-out war. Knave seems to be having a great time, dodging hits left and right, but when he sees a whole ass table being thrown in your direction he grabs you, picks you up and you disappear.
You are teleported outside of the tavern, Knave looks at it with a satisfied grin as the sounds of scuffle are now muffled by the distance but still very much present. He eventually turns around and starts walking in the direction of your quarters, still carrying you in his arms.
KC: You can put me down now.
"But what if I want to carry you? Fine, have it your way."
KC: You don't look like you should be able to carry me.
"Really? But I invested everything in muscles. And by muscles I mean magic."
KC: Are you looking for an excuse to touch me?
"I don't need excuses for anything. I just do what feels right at the moment."
He carries you or walks you all the way to your bedroom doors.
KC: I had a fun evening.
"So did I. Made even better by the company."
KC: Maybe we shouldn't have done that.
"Don't overthink it. And in our defence: it was funny."
"You try to get some sleep. I'll go see the aftermath. Some of those punches looked real solid!"
optionally you can start a sexual relationship with him
KC: And what if I invited you in?
"Mmmm. Nothing like a brawl to get your blood pumping, right? Yeah, okay. I'll make this feel good."
Act 4: like the demons do
He comes to you with a little proposal and you can pick one of three options (l will not be writing out each possible scene bc please have mercy on me).
"Hey, so I know everyone expects you to be all 'boohoo, my crusade' and 'boohoo, being in the Abyss sucks' but what I think is that you should get to do something fun while you are here. And I have a few ideas!"
"I know where Socothbenoth's place is. We could sneak in there to throw eggs, break some vases, paint crude things on the walls… No, scrap that last thing. He could actually find that endearing. Anyway, we will think on our feet and cause some mischief!"
"This one may be a little controversial but what if we bought some slaves to see how hope lights up their eyes, the confusion of possible future, then turned into pained, fearful confusion as we kill them afterwards. I'm salivating just thinking about it."
"Have you sampled what Ten Thousand Delights has to offer? I don't advise rubbing elbows with demons too much, but if you would like we could find ourselves a cozy corner there. Do a little play pretend. I could be your demon whore for the evening."
Act 5: know where we stand
If you managed to go through all of his scenes, in act 5 you can have a little friendship confession and then optionally try asking for more but the latter is tricky since he doesn't show up for the jealousy scene and having any other romance active locks you out.
KC: I have to admit I had a lot of fun with you.
"So did I! Out of all the commanders I could have encountered, I'm happy it was you."
KC: Do you consider us friends?
"Mmmm, everyone seems to understand that word differently. But if 'someone who would drop everything to support your stupid ideas' is a definition that works for you, then yeah, I think we are friends."
KC: Do you think we could be more?
"We can't. You are so nauseously mortal now, it's sad seeing you like this. Really breaks my heart."
Another romance active
"Mmmm. Tempting, but it seems things are getting serious between you and your main squeeze. Not that I particularly care about their feelings but I'm not really looking for that kind of drama."
"You have me burning with curiosity: why would you want that?"
KC: You are my kind of weird.
"I see, it's a highly curated kind of weird so no wonder you can't find it elsewhere."
KC: I always wanted a pet monster.
"Ha! You know the thing about leashes: they can be pulled from both sides."
KC: I think I love you.
"A horrible decision, really. But I get it, we don't always choose these things."
KC: I don't know, it just feels right.
"Ah, this I understand very well, following your instincts where they lead you, even when you don't fully comprehend them."
"You may be the most fun person I've ever met. You make me feel… things. I wouldn't be opposed to spending more time with you, even after all of this is over. Take that as you will."
(Shout out to Mother Mother 'Wrecking Ball' for finally putting me on the right track for writing this section.)
What would their ending slides be like?
He stays for the post game celebrations and you get news about him causing mischief for a while longer but after that he is never heard from again and you are unsure what happened to him.
You agreed to drink the fey brew:
You haven't noticed it at first but some time after the crusade was over and everything calmed down it became apparent that every time you are about to have a drink you feel a subtle pang of sadness. Melancholy of missing something that is no longer there.
You agreed to the ritual:
When the crusade is long over and you begin to feel like that part of your life is behind you, you start to recall memories of Areelu's child as vivid as if they were your own. There doesn't seem to be any other effect. At least for now.
One day he shows up out of the blue to tell you he recently remembered how much fun the two of you had and asks if you would be interested in another adventure.
He sometimes teases that he can't be truly tamed and one day he will have his freedom back but he is still here. With you. And it's been a good while already.
Any other fun facts?
he has a white rabbit familiar from arcane bloodline
if you use his kitsune change shape ability he turns into a literal fox and becomes useless in a fight but he gains a big boost to stealth
from act 3 you can make an observation that he seems to be really enjoying all the chaos and violence of the crusade (if you want you can be disapproving about it)
"Why wouldn't I enjoy it? Not only is it plenty fun, I also get a real good meal out of it."
KC: A… meal?
"Mmmmm… I may have said too much. Now you will think I am another cannibal. Would that even phase you at this point? Hah. But what I consume is not of the flesh and blood. It's fear that sustains me and we are in the middle of a war with demons. It's like the finest buffet here."
"I could do without that colourful sprinkle of hope you keep adding to the mix but I doubt my opinion is going to stop you."
"My only concern is that most undead don't feel fear, so maybe don't turn all our troops into zombies? I would appreciate that."
"And to have a leader who can be as frightening as the demons we fight? That is a doozy, let me tell you."
"And you commander, you may not be as aggressive as demons but you still make quite an impression on people."
"And when you have your chow time I get my fair share too. We have a good thing going here."
"And you are an interesting puzzle. Your light can soothe but your zeal unnerves. Personally I would love to see more of the latter."
"And you. I don't know which is better: fear of your judgement or fear of what you are becoming... The mix of both probably."
"And it's said people fear what they don't understand, so from one trickster to another: people don't understand you."
"Do you think people are never afraid of you because you preach forgiveness? You are still a massive beast and some feelings are stronger than reason."
"They fear you will not be enough without your powers. You will prove them wrong, I'm sure, but I will savour this moment anyway."
KC: That's… not very normal.
"Well, it's normal for me! And as you know I'm a perfectly regular person."
KC: How does eating fear even work?
*shrugs* "It just does. It's kinda like when clerics channel positive energy and people get healed or rejuvenated simply by being in proximity. But fear is better, believe it or not it has flavours. So many nuanced flavours."
KC: Can you tell what people are afraid of?
"You worried I will use that against you? Don't be. Your secrets are safe with me. Your tasty, tasty secrets."
KC: (good) You can't feed off of people's fears like that!
"What do you want me to do? Starve myself? Tsk, tsk. Didn't expect you to be this cruel. Mmmm. Actually that's a good look on you."
KC: (chaotic) Oh, I hope to never see you when you get the munchies.
"Ha! Would you say… you are afraid of that possibility?" *winks*
KC: (evil) That seems like it could be useful.
"Sure thing! Use some fear spells during combat and I promise I will fight extra hard for you."
"And as I said I am fed and happy simply being here so this is a non issue for you."
Provide some dialogue/bark examples!
On select: 
“Imagine I'm saluting.”
(clicked too many times):
“Oh I see, you want me to tell a joke? Be your little jester? Sorry, I don't perform on demand.”
Perception Check Passed:
“Something interesting?”
Succeeding a skill check:
“The dice are in my favour.”
Failing a skill check:
“Aw beans.”
“I am very powerful, I swear.”
Low Health:
“A solid hit hahahah- ouch.”
“Heal me, maybe?”
“Strike fear into their hearts!”
“Yes! Let's have some fun!”
On critical hit:
*maniacal laughter*
“This is what it's all about!”
Provide some examples of companion banters!
I know I previously would make these for all the companions but this time around I was not feeling it so there are just a couple
there exists a set of banters from his own early game if you are interested in that
Knave: Hey, psst. If you ever want to like… *cough*Killyourdad.*cough* I could be a better company than the commander.
Camellia: I will… consider your words.
Ember: Will you show me that trick again, the one with hat and the rabbit!
Knave: For a real magic aficionado like you, I will do it as many times as you want.
Woljif: I don't understand how you move all stealth like with those bells attached to you. There is some magic to it, I just know it.
Knave: My bells know what I need! They would never betray me.
Knave: I never tire of watching you think up more and more insane things to do.
Nenio: Don't just sit and watch, strange boy! Come over here and help me set up this experiment.
Knave: Hey, want one honest advice? Stay away from Camellia. Make her work for her meal.
Trever: I- don't understand what you mean.
Regill: You have been staring. If you have something to say, spit it out and be done with it. 
Knave: I was just wondering if it's more reassuring or infuriating that every time I meet you, you are still a sourpuss.
Lann: So let me get this straight, you chose to look like this?
Knave: I know how to take pride in being a freak show! You should try it sometime.
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