renegaedz · 2 years
men will forget they changed their oc's name again and feel so bad about it
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neriyon · 2 days
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Got samurai to 60 on Yulan and finally got to use this top in a glam~
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Bonus charm point: cute little back window 🥺
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softeststarlight · 6 months
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northern-passage · 2 years
What are the naming conventions for the Chens? Or why did you pick the names you did for them? Fang is the only one I recognize as Chinese, so I was just curious if you had a reason for naming them that way.
at the start i didn't really think about it, to be honest. Lea was the first, then Hadrien, then their parents.... and Lea and Hadrien were both loosely based on characters i had created previously, and Hadrien kept the same name.
i do have a lot of ideas about the Chens, and their impact in northern Adrania - i think i've mentioned it a few times off-handedly that i imagine Blackwater has a large Chinese community. i think it would make sense for a lot of the immigrant Chinese population in Adrania to move up north, to a place where there are popular and well-liked people that came from the same place as them and have a name they recognize - and also resulted in a lot of them joining the Order, too.
this is something i have in mind that i may potentially edit into ch1, if it doesn't come up later down the line - but Blackwater is an important location and will come up a lot throughout the game, so i'm waiting to see if i can slip it in somewhere else first.
so a lot of Lea's family comes from this community in Blackwater, and Lea's mother, Fang, is from there, too. she's the first generation of her family born in Adrania, whereas Lanfear, Lea's father, is the Chen side of the family. the Chens have been living in Adrania for generations, and i imagine they will have adopted the naming conventions over time, like [FirstName LastName] instead of [FamilyName GivenName], and with some of them marrying Adranians and Gaels, their kids would have blended names due to the mixing of cultures.
while Lea and Hadrien were names i didn't really think much about, i did purposefully choose their parents' names more carefully in an attempt to bridge that gap. and i do have plans to actually talk about Lea's family and their culture later in game, once we actually get to meet them.
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xuanelle · 2 years
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[id: three panels of a scene between Lady Yulan and Mr Knight. 1) a closeup of the cup she was holding falling. 2) an almost full page panel of Lady Yulan slamming Mr Knight against a wall by his throat, almost choking him. She says, 'is that a fact?" 3) closeup panel of the cup shattering. /end id]
I'm in love with her [moon knight 2021 #16]
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hakiarleon · 1 month
the zeno stuff in the latest chapters is making my oc's onesided beef with him a lot funnier (derogatory) tbh
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whiteirisif · 5 months
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"Living with yourself is hard. Living without yourself is even harder."
Demo (release date: when the time is right)
Part One: Memories of the Phoenix
Intro: In this world, magic is split in two, no longer something one individual could wield all on their own. Instead, the art is now divided and shared between those who write spells on enchanted talismans and those who unleash the power. From this discovery, the roles of Casters and Enchanters were born. This brings us to Nanta, the ever-bustling port city near the shores of Fen – known as the sea of stars – that is home to many who seek knowledge rather than fish. Some claim that it's the epicentre not only of trade but also magic across the continent of Yulan, and they're right. Stationed on its hills is the proud Academy of Dives, which houses thousands of children and young adults of all upbringings and social standing, teaching them the art of either enchanting or casting.
You are one of those lucky students - a caster with the highest magical strength across the entire Academy paired with an equally impressive enchanter to write talismans for you. Life handed you the easiest path to glory on a silver platter.
So, what was preventing you from dominating the world at the tender age of fourteen?
Merely the fact that you want none of it.
Play as a depressed kid in a fantasy world filled with magic. It's not the best place to have mental issues. Either you or the world will have to adapt.
Try to change your bad habits - wake up on time and attend classes like everyone else. You could even show up to write the midterm exam! Or succumb to the endless cycle of running away from your problems. There's no shame in that, only consequences.
Meddle with the life of another student and help them decide their fate. You could even stop an ancient ritual from happening if you're lucky.
Mend or worsen the relationship between you and the enchanter assigned to you. Just how deep does his patience run?
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Nadir - Enchanter
Nadir is your enchanter and the first-ever friend you made after arriving in the Academy, though you doubt he shares your opinion. He is everything a student should be and everything you are not. Even though you both share a rare gift, only one of you appreciates it, which often leads to arguments between you.
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Shuli - Enchanter
Shuli is your beloved roommate. She agreed to stay behind with you in the abandoned dorms, which has made your life easier. Her kindness and patience towards you knows no bounds, and when you squint, you can almost see a shining halo on top of her head. If you hadn't seen her beat up a bunch of thieves with her bare hands, you, too, would be fooled into thinking of her as someone on the weaker side.
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Eris - Caster
Eris is called ‘The Darling of the Academy’ due to being everyone's favorite despite being quite the troublemaker. You even heard that so far they never lost in a single popularity contest due to their beautiful doll-like face, but that is pretty much all you know about them. That is, until - all of a sudden - they start randomly approaching you all the time.
Other Characters:
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Sol & Leto
Leto and Sol - the inseparable duo with completely opposing personalities. Sol glares at people like she never had a peaceful day in her life - while Leto is a walking cloud full of smiles. People wonder how these two get along so well. You may find the answer to that soon enough.
Kara is the spirit you bonded with when you were seven. He is the closest thing you have to a family.
A carefree soul that also happens to be a teacher. Gias is a mysterious person, and you suspect they know more than they let on.
Not recommended for people that don't like:
Slice of life, age progression - or who want to play a touch-averse or a completely blank mc
Help with the intro post @unsanctioned-if
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ninjakk · 1 year
I'm always surprised when I see people outright condemn WWX for "being an asshole" when he is actually being so incredibly sweet and thoughtful. WWX is never an "asshole" anyway, he's one of the kindest, most empathetic characters in the novel! But I find it so odd how people could read his actions so negatively and come to such a conclusion when there is so much evidence to the contrary.
According to some, WWX bringing the rabbits to LWJ was just him trying to annoy the other. Now people can argue with me all they want, but I will never be discouraged that WWX gifted LWJ the two rabbits because he thought he was a little lonely.
On this day, he was once again swarmed by seven or eight youths to go out. As they passed by the Lan Library Pavilion, he took a glance up. Through the light-concealing yulan magnolia branches, he could see Lan Wangji sitting there alone by the window.
Chapter 7S translation
WWX looks for LWJ, hoping to spot him. It's obvious because he instinctively looks up at the very window of the room he sat with him in during his punishment. He was hoping to spot him! And luckily for him, LWJ was actually sat there looking back at him.
One thing I think is very apparent in the above scene, is the comparison between WWX being surrounded by others and LWJ sat alone. I don't think this goes unnoticed by WWX either, who is always very emotionally aware and certainly likes to make a fuss over LWJ - even in his first life!
So I think it's extra sweet when he brings him the bunnies a few hours later 🐇💕🐇
“This place of yours is weird too. No pheasants, but lots of wild bunnies, and they’re not afraid of people. What do you think? They’re chubby, right? Want them?”
It's just so cute how excited WWX is to present these two bunnies to him. He's so eager for LWJ to want them! Yes, he mentions cooking them, but I'm pretty sure this is a joke and a way to provoke LWJ into accepting the bunnies. After all it's totally within his character to "trick" people into doing something or accepting something they need or want. *Disclaimer! I'm not going to lie though, I think WWX would have barbecued the fluff balls if he truly thought LWJ didn't want them! That boy is hungry 😂
Wei Wuxian started snickering, sitting on the windowsill. “Now you want them? Look at you, always acting like this.”
Contrary to what WWX sometimes believes, he can read LWJ extremely well at times. He can tell, just like LXC did when he said he didn't want the loquat WWX was trying to give him, that he is saying 'no', but he really wants to say yes!
To me, the whole bunny scene is just adorable and shows how kind WWX is. How much he thinks about LWJ and just how desperately wants his attention! How anyone can think he's being horrible, is beyond me!
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brazilian-whalien52 · 5 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
I was tagged by @kennyomegasweave ❤️
Honestly thou, what is attraction? What is wanting carnally? Almost no idea but a slight one
1. Porsche from Kinnporsche. Come on, it's impossible to not drool enough to fill a river to Apo
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2. Zhao Yulan from guardian. Him and this smile made to fuck me over, plus the stupid lollipop. Shen, I know why you waited for centuries
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3. Babe from pit babe. Okay, but this choice is not exactly babe but pavel? I had the biggest crush on 2moons and honestly that is my fav but I am too old for that pavel now! Although I loved those fucking tattoos
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4. Kim from Kinnporsche. You know maybe here is my love for Jeff showing because damn he hits hard but also when I look for Kim pictures he is mostly adorable? I am just attract to his cynic baby girls rockstar vibe
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5. Rain from love in the air. He is just so mesmerizing?
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6. Xia Yao from advance bravely. But honestly both leads here are such a big cast... The rain scene was spectacular but I was so obsessed over baby girl Xia Yao that is not even funny. I had a picture I was obsessed that i cant find anymore
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7. Gavreel from Gameboys. Just the way he says baby is my weak spot. My weakest spot is always a pretty smile (see apo above too and others). Nothing can destroy me as much as one and his smile is just...
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8. Pat from Bad Buddy. Funny enough normally not me type but honestly pat is just so charming that he is impossible not to love. If he looks at me like that I feel weak on my knees (anyway why am i lying about type when he also has the prettiest smile)
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9. My personal weatherman. Which one? Well you see i do not know how to explain this. Yoh is just so fluffy and just out of this world and I just want to trace Mizuki moles. Together they are just... Ah
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10. Tharn from tharntype. I know controversial, he fucked up a lot but you don't have all the facts! Facts 👇
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you guys cant believe how face blind i am and the revelation I had doing this. Fucking lord.
Anyway, I had to control myself to not add to many gifs? I want to add more by them become too much. It is all pavel fault!
Is there anybody that hasn't done this challenge yet? It seems like most people had done, if you weren't tag before please feel free to do it. I am tagging @theelast-straw @hyperfocusmadness @jackpoompkin @troubled-mind @telomeke @lookingforshangrila @chocomilkshakeblog @twig-tea because I do not seem to remember they doing it?
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liseyalice · 8 months
Formula 1 drivers X flowers
Charles Leclerc x Carnation (nation flower of Monaco)
Daniel Ricciardo x Sunflower
Oscar Piastri x Golden Wattle (nation flower of Australia)
Zhou Guanyu x Yulan (or Magnolia -city flower of Guanyu’s hometown,Shanghai)
I’m just a beginner at drawing so just lining sorry ;) maybe more drivers in the future
Wish all the boys good luck today
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
For the daemons AU, the two daemons' shenanigans during the library punishment where Wei Wuxian aids and abets them while Lan Wangji gamely tries to pretend he doesn't see anything?
Lan Wangji has a shameless daemon.
He knows of no remedy for this plight, for his daemon Yuchen (Wangji’s very soul in the shape of a beast, the essence of his own inner self) no longer obeys his commands. According to her, no Lan daemon can keep itself in check in the presence of a beloved one; and since Wei Ying is evidently Wangji’s fated person, made and matched for him in every way, Yuchen sees no need to maintain proper courtesy when Wangji and Wei Ying are alone.
She refuses to ignore Wei Ying’s Qingwan, even after Lan Wangji kneels by her side and begs her to leave the impossible creature alone. Qingwan is friendly with most of the daemons—and people—that Wei Ying knows, so he has noticed nothing strange about Yuchen’s queer behavior towards him; but Wangji is afraid that Yuchen will behave familiarly with Qingwan in public if she continues thus, and then his desperate efforts to conceal his feelings will be over.
“That is my goal.” Yuchen tells him one day, not unkindly. “He likes you, does he not? Why leave the poor boy in fear that his intended hates him?”
“Wei Ying is not a Lan, so he cannot possibly think of me as his intended so early. And if you would not pounce on his daemon every time we meet in private, then perhaps he and I could begin a proper friendship!” Lan Wangji snaps. “I do not deny that I care for him—how could I deny it? It is only that your impropriety is making everything worse.”
“And yet you will say nothing of your heart to him!” sighs Yuchen. “You have forced me to this trespass, Wangji. Do you think Elder Sister would have behaved any differently if Huan-ge had tried to deny Nie Mingjue?”
“Sister Yulan has never acted against Xiongzhang’s will. And anyway, Brother was four when he and Nie Mingjue met. It is acceptable for a child’s daemon to behave inappropriately, since the child is young and knows no better. But you—”
“I am you,” Yuchen says incorrigibly. “I have done nothing to Wei Ying’s Qingwan that you have not wished to do to Wei Ying yourself a hundred times over.”
Lan Wangji chokes and bites back a scream of frustration. He has not had a screaming fit in years—not since he was three years old, when the elders discovered that he had found a way to remain with his mother by sneaking Yuchen into the Jingshi—but quarreling with one’s own spirit is the most galling thing Lan Wangji has ever endured, and Yuchen does not seem remotely likely to give up.
Nevertheless, Lan Wangji endures, avoiding Wei Ying’s company when the other boy is alone and rejoicing in it when Brother or Jiang Wanyin are at hand to keep Yuchen from disgracing herself. 
But then Wei Ying is punished with lines for suggesting a new cultivation path (a dark path he called the guidao, having thought about it in sufficient detail to give it a name), and Lan Wangji is charged with the duty of supervising him.
“I cannot fulfill this responsibility,” he pleads, when Xiongzhang informs him of his new task. “Xiongzhang, please. Wangji begs to be excused.”
“Is Wei-gongzi so bothersome that you cannot even bear to be near him?” his brother asks, perplexed. “If he has been troubling you, then...”
“No! He has not been troubling me. The issue is nothing of his making, but I cannot go. It is impossible.”
At this, a light, sibilant voice speaks up from his brother’s collar.
“It is not,” Yulan rebukes him gently, lifting her scaled head from the warmth of Lan Xichen’s neck. “My meimei does not share your opinion, and since Yuchen is the heart of you, I will trust in her. Xichen, comfort our didi; but Uncle has given him a task, and the task must be fulfilled.”
Lan Xichen comforts him accordingly, fussing over Wangji until he escapes from the Hanshi with a pocketful of almond biscuits and Yuchen purring with mirth at his side.
After that, he goes straight to the library, hoping against hope that Yuchen will manage to control herself for the next shichen and a half. 
But ten minutes later, Qingwan is showing Yuchen how to leap along the tops of the bookshelves without toppling them, and Wei Wuxian is laughing at the two daemons’ antics from below.
“Don’t be so angry with Yuchen,” he teases, as Lan Wangji fumes over the precepts he was copying—for since his misbehaving daemon and all her faults were an inseparable part of him, he had decided to address her lack of discipline by punishing himself for his own. “Lan Zhan, aren’t we still young? We haven’t come of age yet, and your soul is still a youth’s soul. Why shouldn’t Yuchen play?”
“If Yuchen wishes to play, there is a full mountain outdoors where she may make free as she likes,” Lan Wangji says stiffly. “She has been rebellious of late, but your daemon still obeys you. Get Qingwan to stop provoking her.”
“My daemon is obeying me! I want to play, even if you don’t, so Qingwan’s just fulfilling my desires on my behalf.”
Suddenly, Wei Ying frowns and glances over at Lan Wangji’s sheet of parchment. “Ah? Why are you copying rules, Er-gege?”
“Shameless!” Lan Wangji cries, despite himself; but on the high shelf over Wei Ying’s head, he hears Yuchen purring with glee like a cat that had been fed with the best cream. “I—I am not. I was merely practicing calligraphy. I could not think of anything else to write.”
“Aiyah, how unfortunate! You have such beautiful calligraphy, so why waste it on something so dull? Aren’t we in the library? There must be plenty of poems you can copy, Lan Zhan. Look—” and here he turns around and draws a slim volume of poetry from the shelf at his back, thumping it down onto Lan Wangji’s writing table. “This one’s by your clan founder! He must have written most of your sect precepts, right? So, copying his poetry would be just as good.”
Helpless, Lan Wangji takes the book of poetry and opens it. He cannot insist on copying the sect laws without Wei Ying growing suspicious—for his beloved is sharp-witted, sharp-witted and wise, and it is nothing short of a miracle that Lan Wangji has contrived to hide his affection for him—so he picks a verse at random and settles down to copy it out.
But as luck would have it, Wei Ying happened to pick up the book of poems dedicated to Lan An’s wife; and since Lan An had loved his wife dearly, and built a clan on the strength of that love, every verse is so sincerely sentimental that Lan Wangji feels his ears burn.
Qingtian carves me a new heart with the birth of each new dawn, Lan An had written, about twenty years after his marriage and the founding of the Lan sect. And every heart, once willed into life, is wholly devoted to her.
Lan Wangji gulps. Was this how Lan An felt, then? Had he been transformed after his wife first met him, and altered so completely that it seemed as if she had given him a new-born heart to love with?
His hand trembles as he copies the last word of the poem; and yet he cannot stop himself from turning to the next page, torn between fear and frantic joy as he imagines himself two decades hence, composing poems for Wei Ying.
Only, perhaps it would not be a poem. More likely it would be a score on the qin, for Lan Wangji has long been mediocre at all things concerning the spoken word.
As he sits there wondering what kind of melody would fit Wei Ying, he lets his zhiyin and their two daemons drift from his line of sight. It will be a sweet song, he thinks, for Wei Ying is so beautifully kind despite his brashness; and yet it would have to be bold to match his beloved’s strength.
Suddenly, a piece of paper flutters onto his lap; and when he looks down, he sees that Wei Ying had drawn a flawless portrait of him, seated with Lan An’s book of poems in his hands and a peony tucked into his hair.
It is perfect.
“What do you think he’ll say about it?” Wei Ying says to Qingwan and Yuchen, who had jumped down from the bookshelves to see what was going on. “Dull, maybe? Or boring?”
“Very dull,” Lan Wangji replies, through the hard lump in his throat.
He lays the portrait down tenderly, flat on the table to keep it from being smudged or creased, and then he returns to his book.
Vaguely, he notices that the page he was reading seems to have changed. Lan Wangji didn’t think this volume was an illustrated copy, since an injury to his right hand kept Lan An from drawing for his later compositions—but then he looks closer at the faint lines of ink, and nearly combusts on the spot. 
For while Lan Wangji was busy marveling at the painting, Wei Ying had slipped a page of longyang into his book.
Lan Wangji throws the book to the ground and bolts upright, incensed. “Wei Ying!”
“I’m here! I’m here, Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying laughs, waving his lovely hands in the air—lovely despite all the mischief they bring, and how foolish Lan Wangji must be that he cannot help but think so at a time like this!
“What kind of a lawless creature are you?” he wheezes. “How dare you—?”
“What do you mean, what kind of creature? I’m a man! Don’t tell me you’ve never seen such things before.”
Lan Wangji draws Bichen from its sheath, determined to slash the offending page to shreds; but before he can bring himself to touch the thing, Yuchen bounds off the desk she was perched on and knocks Wei Ying flying.
“Help!” Wei Ying wheezes, crumpling to the ground as the leopard climbs onto his chest. “Lan Zhan, I didn’t mean it! There’s no need to turn to violence. I’ll go right now and leave you in peace! Yuchen, please—”
Yuchen opens her great white jaws and places her teeth near his neck, looking as if she were contemplating whether to bite down; but behind her, Lan Wangji can hardly stand, because his daemon is touching Wei Ying.
Wei Ying is touching his very soul, and the feeling is so raw and right that Lan Wangji falls to his knees.
“Do not do things that you do not mean,” Yuchen growls, her hot breath puffing over Wei Ying’s throat—and it is as if her breath is Wangji’s breath, warmed further by his beloved’s soft skin, drifting back to his own lips after touching Wei Ying’s. “You ought not to tease, either. And if you mean to do something, admit it. Elsewise, you will leave others in turmoil.”
Elsewise! Lan Wangji is already in turmoil, for though he is kneeling two yards away, it feels as though he has Wei Ying in his arms.
Somehow, he manages to pick up the leaf of longyang and burn it to ash with spark of his spiritual energy. Somehow, he manages to straighten his forehead ribbon and turn his writing desk the right way up again, all while his heart beats a battle-march in his bosom; for Wei Ying’s heartbeat is soft against his chest like the wings of a trapped bird, and this proof of Wei Ying’s dear life is so humbling that Lan Wangji wishes he could chase Yuchen away and kiss him.
But it is not to be, for Yuchen does not move; and before Lan Wangji can drag her back, Lan Qiren storms into the pavilion and descends upon them both with a bellow.
“Wangji!” his uncle roars, enraged. “Explain yourself! And you, Yuchen—cease touching Wei Wuxian at once!”
To Lan Wangji’s relief, Yuchen obeys, allowing Wei Ying to scramble to his feet and reach out to Shufu in supplication. 
“Lan-laoshi, isn’t not what you think,” he pleads. “I was bothering Lan Zhan, and Yuchen couldn’t bear it. Don’t be angry with them.”
“Silence! My nephew knows what he has done.”
Shufu glares at him, daring Wei Ying to make another sound; and when he falls quiet, Shufu turns to Lan Wangji looking almost purple with anger.
“If things had already come to this pass, you should have spoken,” he says furiously. “If you could not control your daemon in his presence, you should have let me know! Now that such a trespass has happened once, it will surely happen again, and then where will that leave our clan? What will happen if Yuchen touches him when the two of you are not alone?”
“Laoshi, it’s not Lan Zhan’s fault—”
Lan Qiren uses the silencing spell this time instead of reprimanding Wei Ying, and his gaze does not move away from Lan Wangji. “Well?”
Lan Wangji kneels.
“The fault was mine,” he says; and even then, with his uncle’s displeasure bent upon him like a scorching ray of sunlight, he cannot help but melt at Wei Ying’s clear worry for him, and resolve to protect this mingding zhiren of his until the end of his days. “Wangji only wished to make sure that Yuchen would not disobey in public, and did not think something like this would happen so soon. If Wei Ying is willing, I will take full responsibility.”
Wei Ying is more bewildered than willing when Wangji tows him up to the Hanshi; but when he learns that Yuchen had leapt upon him in a frustrated passion, and not anger, he flushes so deeply that Lan Wangji grips his waist and pulls him close for fear that he might faint.
The two of them are married late the next spring, and being wed to his love is everything Lan Wangji could have wished for and more.
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renegaedz · 2 years
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ID in alt text and under the cut
HANDS YOU my funny little fashion guy (Yulan uses he/him pronouns)
[ID: A bust drawing of my character Yulan. Yulan is a young, Chinese man, with a short mullet, olive toned skin, and a squareish face. His eyes are white, and he's wearing oval sunglasses, resting on the bridge of his nose, a jacket with lace trim around the collar, and a transparent blouse overtop. He's looking off to the right of the viewer, and smiling slightly. End ID]
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neriyon · 2 months
How about... Claudien and Yulan for the shipping ask!
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Ooooh, did not see that one coming!
Biggest hurdle for them is that Yulan is not the WoL so they didn't really meet during MSQ events. But Yulan is a goldsmith with an intense fascination towards mammets, and Claudien is a scholar, so they could theoretically meet due to their jobs. Either with Yulan being contracted to work on mammets in Labyrinthos, or with Yulan being asked about the crystal from pandae questline 🤔
Other than that, I don't really see too many problems for them~ Claudien is a good looking lad, and Yulan would be attracted to both his forward way of speaking his thoughts out loud and his dedication to his work. I can imagine Claudien blurting out his budding crush on Yulan, and the viera lad just going beet red and running off all angry looking, haha. I feel like he'd be forward enough to work it through Yulan's little bursts, and manage to calm the skittish goldsmith down enough to get him to open up about his own feelings.
Or, failing that, they'd be good buddies I think. Just like, chatting about their work, cool rocks found in Aitiascape or something.
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lwjzale · 2 years
Loving how one of the first parts of the novel that are not from Wei Wuxian's POV is Lan Wangji, after literally pushing Wei Wuxian out the window (which will never stop being funny to me), closing his eyes and covering his ears, in a desperate but futile attempt to stop hearing Wei Wuxian's laughter.
Lan Wangji finally bodily threw him out of the Library Pavilion.
Wei Wuxian laughed while plummeting through the air. “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!”
Lan Wangji slammed the window shut with a loud bang, then collapsed next to his desk. He scanned the room, strewn with a mess of papers, inked pawprints, and two white rabbits rolling around with lettuce leaves. He closed his eyes, covering his ears.
The rustling yulan magnolia branches veiled the window and shut out the outside. But no matter how hard Lan Wangji fought it, Wei Wuxian’s spirited and boisterous laughter could not be so easily shut out.
It is the first glimpse we have of how Lan Wangji's feelings are changing, as well as the intensity with which Lan Wangji feels things, even if his face shows nothing.
And the fact that he tries to stop his feelings by shutting down his senses in that innocent way is so endearing. The poor boy was so overwhelmed already by Wei Wuxian's teasing that he didn't know what to do anymore. He even stopped going to class the next day!
I just wish Wei Wuxian could have seen that, I bet he would have been absolutely delighted to see Lan Wangji react in such a way.
Teenage wangxian makes me feel so many things I swear, I adore them 💞
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lizhly-writes · 9 months
for villain fiance - a thousand words and/or fusion dance with classic fantasy setting isekai 👀
classic fantasy isekai…  not otome isekai, hmm?  actual isekai? okay!  i have aged everyone down accordingly (everyone's like, 16 in these kinds of stories, right?)
In fantasy land, they called Chen Lihua Lady Saintess, or Lady Hero, or just Hero.  Never her name, but then again, no one used her name back at home either.  “Hero” was, frankly, a lot more flattering than “Ungrateful Waste of Space” or “Dead-faced Little Bitch” or “What, It’s Her Again?”  
Truly an unimaginable improvement. Truthfully, everything was an improvement.  Anythiing and everything she could eat, instead of her family’s leftovers; anything and everything she could wear, instead of bargain-bin rejects.  No insults, no sneers, no whispers.  Everyone treated her with more kindness and respect than she had had in the last five years combined.
This was the best kidnapping that Chen Lihua had ever been involved in.
The only person who hadn’t been 100% friendly towards to her was Knight Jovis, who was her designated guard by virtue of, as far as Chen Lihua could tell, being the most talented knight that happened to be around Chen Lihua’s age.  This seemed to be more important than the fact that Knight Jovis hated Chen Lihua with every fiber of her body.
There really didn’t seem to be anything Chen Lihua could do without provoking her, which is the reason why Chen Lihua had decided to deliberately provoke her, just to see what would happen.  The results were entirely uninspiring. Some gritted teeth, sure, but no violence.  Maybe a comment, about how Chen Lihua could be making better use of her time, but no snide remarks at her appearance or parentage or anything.  
People really were very nice to her here, even if Chen Lihua wasn’t particularly nice back.
“She’ll warm up to you!” Prince Yulan said, who had vastly higher standards for niceness than Chen Lihua did.  “Eventually!”
“You really think so,” Chen Lihua said.  Chen Lihua was not the kind of person that people warmed up to.  Chen Lihua was not the kind of person that people liked, in general.
Prince Yulan nodded enthusiastically.  “Of course!  You have plenty of good qualities!”  He even really seemed to mean it too. Chen Lihua wondered if he had something wrong with his eyes.
Prince Yulan, the third-born prince of House Zether, was quite possibly the most optimistic person Chen Lihua had ever met.  This was most likely why he was her tour guide.  He was sunshine-y and cheerful and perfectly willing to account anything and everything in the best light possible, which was probably a bonus, if people were trying to get her to like the place enough to truly protect it.  He never got frustrated or annoyed; he didn’t seem capable of getting frustrated or annoyed. 
It was disturbing.  Chen Lihua almost preferred dealing with Knight Jovis, because at least Knight Jovis openly hated her.
“It’s not really you,” Prince Yulan said.  “Truthfully, Micaiah doesn’t much like anyone, ahaha. She’s not really a people person.  The only person she really does like is Haakon – aaah, don’t look at me like that, Micaiah!  It’s the truth!”
“Haakon?” Chen Lihua said.
“My fiance,” Knight Jovis said, deigning to speak for the first time today.  There was a warning growl to her voice.  It reminded Chen Lihua of girls warning her to stay away from their boyfriends.
What fun memories.
“What, you have a fiance?” Chen Lihua said, more to irritate Knight Jovis than out of an actual disbelief.  “You?”
Knight Jovis bared her teeth.
Prince Yulan blithely ignored their interaction.  “Haakon’s nice!  He’ll actually be accompanying you next week, by the way, instead of me.  I’m going to be called away on business…”
“So Knight Jovis’s fiance will be around me all week?”
“....That’s an odd way to say it, but yes?”
Chen Lihua smiled brightly at Knight Jovis.  Knight Jovis gave her a look that said she would like to set Chen Lihua on fire.
Chen Lihua would love to see her try.
unusual fic-specific asks for authors
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northern-passage · 1 year
Merry Christmas! Hope you've had a good day and hope the rest of the year goes well for you as well. And Merry Christmas to the Hunter who deserves to be in a better state than they currently are. Is Christmas an event that is celebrated within this universe, or is there something else that's somewhat similar?
merry christmas, and happy holidays :-)
there is no christmas in the tnp world, but there are a few holidays that are during the same time of year as all of ours. specifically for gael and adrania (which is what i focus on since that's where our characters are from) the society is built on seafaring, lumber, animal husbandry, and farther down south there is a lot of agriculture and farming in the warmer weather.
so there is an autumn harvest festival, which i did write a set of little snippets about last year over on patreon. this is exactly what it sounds like, and is typically referred to as "homecoming" because along with the harvest this would also be when a lot of sailors would return home for a few months before going back out to sea for the winter. this is mainly just a huge celebratory festival, lots of food and just spending time with your friends and family; bonfires on the beaches, dancing, feasting, singing, that kind of thing.
they do celebrate the solstices as well, so homecoming falls around the autumn solstice, and the winter solstice is a more solemn holiday because it's just bracing for the harder months as well as saying goodbye to those that have to return to work at sea. again, the focus is still food and spending time with each other, as well as doing various little prayers and practices that are meant to bring good luck and blessings through the hard months. depending on person to person they may pray to different gods - Lea's family is devout to the wolfmother, whereas Merry would make offerings to the stormbringer.
then there's new year: there is the adranian new year and then the yulan new year, and the adranian new year is more focused on the job/farming cycle and is called wayland, while the yulan new year is basically what we would call the Lunar New Year (this is what Lea's family celebrates, i talked about it briefly before here) the new year is also when it is thought that humanity "began", though this is most likely not an accurate timeline, and it's more just that over the centuries people started to incorporate the celebrations together since it's the start of a new "cycle," a new beginning, and is such a significant holiday.
the spring solstice is a celebration of the wolfmother and her children as the days grow longer and the sun returns. her children are responsible for the day and night cycles (similar to skoll and hati) and they are returning from their winter "hunt" to resume the cycle and bring in the warmer weather. the yulan new year overlaps with this event slightly - different timelines between different cultures.
midsummer is another large festival that is a bit of a mix of both homecoming and the winter solstice. the focus is on celebrating the gods and asking for luck and goodwill through the harvest, while also just celebrating the warm weather and competing in various athletic games like horseback riding, swimming, racing, archery, swordfighting and wrestling, etc. down south the competitions are huge, while in the north they are more inclined to focus on the blessings and celebratory aspect of it all.
these are just the main, major holidays recognized in adrania, and there are various little cultural differences between adrania and gael as well (and yulan, which is noticeable around blackwater due to the large migrant population) my plan is that we will see the winter solstice and the new year in game (hopefully...) and we will learn more about the gods and how people worship them as well, as the story progresses.
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