#he also is in the same boat as me where like. we have add even though we both acknowledge that we don't. we still know we do lmao
📚inch resting bits from the march twst manga updates📚 (octa, savana, & 4koma!)
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***Manga spoilers below the cut (with an emphasis on the Episode of Octavinelle, since that's my favorite dorm!)***
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The 4koma manga has dropped! Again, it centers around the daily lives of the NRC boys and is shown in a 4 panel gag comic format.
In the illustration above, we see the main cast with Grim's beloved tuna cans~
This month has comics about Ace going to a supplementary lesson (to learn how to manipulate brooms to do his chores) and Leona attending his art class. The comic depicts Leona, Idia, and Rook in the same art class though we're not sure if this is true in-game yet. However, the comics do carry over the continuity of Ace and Deuce being in Trein's class so maybe the art class thing is also true of Leona?
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I'm also really fixated on how this mangaka draws her lashes and hair, they're always bangers every time 💗
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Ruggie "bleh" face... Also???? That full page of him using his UM... and the visualization of the wildebeests racing with him like the people in the crowd, very Lion King.
I like that the manga really shows us more emotional and intense moments the game cannot depict due to its limited assets. Here, we see the aftermath of Ruggie using his UM on the crowd. Even with Azul's magic-enhancement potion, Ruggie has taken a great physical toll from spellcasting. Falling to his knees, panting... This will make it hurt more when Leona almost poofs him to sand later 😭
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These panels remind me of like. Scar looking on from up high while the hyenas do his bidding. Ruggie's expression... it's so full of a desperate kind of hope has he gazes up at his "king".
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From the Episode of Octavinelle, we get to see Leona post-OB and recovering in the infirmary. Side note, I really love how the mangaka adds these cute little faces to let us know who is speaking in certain text bubbles. The little faces make some of the cutest expressions; just look at that cheeky chibi Leona head!
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Here, Ruggie is telling everyone about rumors that Azul and the twins purposefully prevent their clients from fulfilling their end of the contract so they can reap the benefits. I like how the scene shown is a boat tipping over (with the twins implied to have flipped it). Nice callback to the boat scene in The Little Mermaid!
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We have another The Little Mermaid reference here, where Floyd shares his UM with the gang?? The hypothetical man here reminds me of Prince Eric, especially in that white shirt and appearing as though he is drowning.
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Guys... Azul's been taking modeling lessons from Vil-- I really like these more quiet and contemplative moments of Azul; plenty of those are featured this month.
asdbhlfdbaifyoaiygoeia I WILL NOW ALWAYS ASSOCIATE AZUL THINKING HARD WITH SITTING IN THAT CHAIR... There's so many shots of him seated here...
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Yuuta continues to be my favorite manga!Yuu so far by diligently tidying up Leona's messy ass room for him... asfvkyadvfialf Grim looks so goofy helping out, that tower of clothes is half his size...
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FLOYD'S FACE IS SO siLLy HERE TOO (this is the scene when Ruggie recalls seeing his eel form during a P.E. class where they swam). The mangaka really decided to summon his gremlin energy here...
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Aaaaah, I love this shot; it sort of parallels Azul and Leona... It also makes me realize the difference between how Leona's hair is in Octavinelle vs Savanaclaw (due to the different mangaka). In Octavinelle, his hair is usually a solid black with white highlights but in Savanaclaw there tends to be a subtle gradient/screen tone on Leona's hair.
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Anyway, twins Twins TWINS
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potatomountain · 3 months
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Chapter Nine
📍pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader
📍word count: 3.3k
📍network: @pirateeznet
📍Warnings: mentions of mxm relationships and death. depictions of violence
📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer, @yessa-vie and edited by the amazing: @daesukiii
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It wasn’t until the click on the lock resounded in your skull that you realized you were now in Hongjoong’s office, standing awkwardly before his desk still trying to wrap your head around what you just saw. He was quiet, only the sound of his breathing indicating that he was behind you: deep inhales and shaky exhales. 
Swallowing hard and licking your dry lips, you managed to call out. “Captain…?” It was all you could manage because where exactly did you start with the questions? Hell, what even were your questions?
“I know. Fuck I know.” Grumbling he moved around you and leaned back against his desk, head slumped forward. “I would ask you to ignore the things he said, but we both know that’s not going to happen. You’re too stubborn.”
Hongjoong had been neither welcoming nor unwelcoming until this point, seemingly giving you orders just to keep you busy or because that was his job, but really you couldn’t figure out the enigmatic Captain. You knew he valued the opinion of his team, the Vice the most, and that he would do things without an explanation and they all just trusted him enough not to ask. But you were also well aware some things that had been said just didn’t add up to what you expected a unit like this to run: maybe it was more so that it was things your unit would never say or do.
The sudden thought was jarring, a frown pulling at your lips. You shouldn’t be thinking about them when they weren’t your unit anymore- and they proved the way they did things was just not for you either.
Was it any better here?
Before you could dwell on that question, Hongjoong continued. “To answer one of the questions I know is in your head: yes we do have sexual relations with each other in the unit. Did you think I, or San for that matter, flirted just to do so?”
“To be honest, I refused to give it much thought.” You replied dryly, still reeling a bit. To think they would be open about sex with each other? Not only coworkers, but other men. How were they so open minded to such concepts but were so adamant about not needing you or welcoming you? Hell, Jongho continued on a daily basis to remind you that he didn’t like you. Did they think you were going to judge them?
Did they think you were going to be such a priss about it?
One glance at Hongjoong and you relaxed: of course, they thought you were. These men were a tightly knit group, and you were an outsider forced upon them. They trusted each other, now realizing on a much deeper level than you suspected, and they didn’t want you a part of that.
That shouldn’t hurt.
“But it’s not really my business is it? It’s not like you’re making me watch, nor forcing me into the same boat. Who you all fuck is really not my concern.” You clarified, attempting to ease the frown on his brow. 
It just deepened, your name tumbling from his lips. “We know it’s against regulations and policy-”
“And? You think I’m going to tell anyone? Would make me a fucking hypocrite, probably.” You scoffed.
He tilted his head in confusion. “Thought you didn’t do anything with your last unit?”
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to.” You fixed him with a hardened stare. “Not that they would’ve done anything, they are so adamant about following the rules. And I’d rather you not press. That is what you want to tell me, isn’t it? Keep my nose out of it as much as I can?”
His eyes widened a bit at your attitude, shaking his head as he stood up. “That’s not- fuck. You seem upset about that.”
“Why would I be upset?” Okay, the way you snapped it out definitely said you were. Trying to take a deep breath, you shut your eyes for a moment. “With all due respect Captain, I’m not here to get close or be nice; I just want to do my job and help where I can. One unit has already kicked me to the curb, I would rather that not be repeated, so you can rest assured I won’t do anything to draw the board’s attention. It would be the word of a troublemaker against yours anyways, and that is a battle not worth my time. So if you want me to keep my nose out of your personal life, so be it. Is there anything else you wanted to say?”
Opening your eyes to his mouth hanging open wasn’t what you expected, but the lack of immediate response was enough of an answer for you. “Very well, I’ll take my leave.” You turned on your heel with a hardened expression, reaching the door quickly and stumbling with the lock.
The door was slammed shut before you got to open it far, Captain’s hand holding it shut while the other caged you in. Again he muttered your name, breath fanning against the back of your head telling you just how close he was. You attempted to ignore the way your heartbeat skyrocketed, and the heat that tinged your ears.
“Yes, Captain?” You breathed out in response, hand still on the handle and not moving.
“I didn’t bring you here to warn you to stay out of it… I’m offering to give you an explanation to any questions you have.”
His tone was sweet, soft, almost pleading… and it disarmed you in a way you didn’t like. “I don’t have any questions right now, Captain. I’m still trying to process all that happened.” The questions that did come to mind weren’t ones you believed he could answer- no he wasn’t the one you wanted to ask. “When should I expect field work?” You asked instead, turning your head slightly and breath catching in your throat.
Hard to ignore how gorgeous he was when his face was right there.
“I’ll talk with Seonghwa, we’ll figure out how to implement you into the field and then Wooyoung and San will brief you before you go. Give us a few days to put it together, alright firecracker?” His thumb was on your chin, turning you a bit more so you were more face to face.
You felt almost hypnotized by how soft he was, the touch solidifying that even more for you. “A-alright Captain. What should I do for now?”
“How about you head home for the day and just relax? Go over your notes or go to the shooting range downtown? One of the others can go with you?” He ran his thumb just under your lip, gaze dipping before a second before locking onto yours. “Would you like that?”
“Maybe. I’ll take the day off then.” You weren’t sure you wanted to be here anyways. Not without looking at all of them and trying to figure out who fucked who. Wooyoung’s earlier comment about the Captain and his office got to you- maybe that’s why you were so easily swayed by him right now?
He hummed lowly, dropping his hand and stepping back. “Good girl. Don’t worry about the rest. Go on.” He stepped away and leaned back against his desk, giving you ample space to leave.
You were too flustered to do anything but nod and leave. Didn’t even glance at the others, just headed for your desk.
San, the ever knight-in-shining-armor rushed after you though, calling your name.
“Yes?” Still feeling a bit dazed, you glanced up at him, chest tight as you were reminded of his injuries. “You didn’t have to run after me.”
“You don’t look okay, I was worried.” He looked you over, bringing his good hand up to your forehead and frowning. “You look like you have a fever but you're not that warm.” 
“San- I’m just overwhelmed, please.” With much more calm than you were feeling, you reached up and grabbed his hand off your head. “I need to know though… about Wooyoung-”
“It’s just physical, I promise.” He interrupted, almost panicking. “He shouldn’t have- that wasn’t how- fuck I’m sorry you-”
You cupped his face, stopping his ramblings. “It’s okay, I’m not judging you or anything Sannie. Just… surprised. It’s… it’s just a lot to process. I knew you guys did things differently, I just didn’t expect this I guess? Don’t think this changes anything.”
He softened into a pout, bringing his hand to cover yours. “You fit in so well here sweetcheeks, I wish you knew that.”
You smiled wryly, pulling your hands away. “I don’t think I do. I’ll see you tomorrow, get some rest, okay?” You patted his uninjured shoulder as you passed him, not giving him a chance to prove you wrong as you rushed out the door.
You didn’t even grab your coffee.
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San returned to the back to see that chaos was one thin string away from exploding everywhere. Hongjoong stepped out of his office and fixed Wooyoung with a glare as he advanced.
“W-W-Wait a second Captain! We can talk about this- ngh!” Wooyoung scrambled back against his desk, just to be yanked forward by the collar. 
“What the fuck was that? Huh Detective? Did you forget you are part of this fucking unit, that you are technically working as a policeman?” Hongjoong gritted his teeth, nearly throwing the man to the floor. “You nearly fucked up a little too much!”
Wooyoung tumbled to the floor, grabbing his glasses that had fallen in the process. “None of you told me about her!? What the fuck did you want me to do?”
“Keep your mouth shut!” San was the one to belt the words out, stepping over to his partner and planting his foot into his side. “Instead you just rambled and ranted in Wooyoung fashion. How the fuck does she know you as Mito? She wasn’t supposed to know!”
Yunho pulled San back, taking note of how pissed he was. “She should’ve been gone before you got back.” He winced when San shrugged him off, putting distance between him and the others.
“Then why isn’t she? Will someone explain to me what the fuck I missed and why you’re getting all huffy over a broad that ‘should’ve been gone’? Huh?” Wooyoung looked around, spotting Yeosang and relaxing a bit. “Sangie?”
Yeosang fixed him with a slightly colder stare than usual, tension in his jaw. “You should’ve asked instead of questioning how none of us fucked her yet. She’s a detective, not one of the women your mother- you’re used to being around.”
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes as he pushed himself up onto his knees. “Were you about to bring my mother’s work into this?” His voice was dangerously low, the already heavy tension growing in the room.
Yeosang seemed just as taken back by his own words, shaking his head and glancing down at the drink in his hand. Wooyoung took notice, then glanced at San who was still watching him with a fixed glare. With a look of understanding, he stood up. “Got it, fine. Anyone willing to fill me in? Or do you want me to continue trying to fuck her?”
The way San straightened just confirmed Wooyoung’s suspicions. But it was Hongjoong that answered, arms crossed over his chest. “She was forced to transfer from her old unit. Higher-ups approved her transfer here-”
“Let’s be honest, they were hoping she would throw us off.” Jongho spoke up, reminding them he was there as he put his gun back together. “And at this rate, she will. Some of you are getting too fucking buddy buddy and that’s going to blow everything we worked for if she digs too much.”
“Well if she is going to blow it, Wooyoung just gave her plenty of ammunition. Should we move up our plans?” Yunho chided in, standing up and stretching. “Mingi and I already set up the bait like you asked. It’s only a matter of time before it’s taken.”
Seonghwa shook his head. “If she was going to be a whistleblower, I feel like she would have been given an offer by the higher-ups: give them information to tear us apart and all her bad rep goes away. With how much she misses her old unit, I assume they still might give her the ultimatum. What do you think, Joong? You pulled her aside to gauge what she would do with this information.”
Hongjoong shrugged, shaking his head. “Hard to tell. She said she wouldn’t, that she doesn't care what we do. I think she was being honest. You would know better though, wouldn’t you San?” He glanced over at him. “You’ve been with her the most.”
“She won’t. It’s not harming anyone so she won’t feel the need to do anything about it. And if she is offered redemption for information on us, she won’t do that either. She feels pretty betrayed by her last unit for kicking her this way, so she wouldn’t do anything that would cause us harm, despite some of us deserving it.” San snarled at Wooyoung and then glanced at Jongho. “She’s loyal to her own moral code, probably loyal to some of her old unit but she doesn’t feel as if she has to work with them to be loyal. Higher-ups won’t do anything to jeopardize that unit.”
“But the other enemies might. They catch wind of her-”
“Don’t even entertain that idea, Jongho.” San stepped forward.
Seonghwa sighed, sharing a look with Hongjoong. “I think we have to make a decision, as a group. Either way is going to be a risk. We either fight for her to transfer out, or we decide to integrate her.”
A chorus of protests rang through the office, some louder than others. 
“Then we fight for the transfer?”
Wooyoung scoffed. “Yeah no, let me get this straight first. That beautiful woman gets forced to transfer out of her last unit and ends up here because the higher-ups insist?”
“Apparently she requested it because they made her choose- and we are the farthest from her last precinct.” Seonghwa mumbled, indulging the information she had said in their office. “The board and commissioner just pushed it instead of trying for elsewhere.”
“Okay okay- so she is forced to transfer by the unit, the very people she trusted, and was hurt enough by that to go as far as she could from them? Yeah?” He looked around, some of them unable to look them in his eyes. “And it sounded like you all gave her piss poor treatment since she got here.”
“Sounds about right.” Even Jongho looked away, a little guilty.
Wooyoung scoffed, rolling his eyes. “And yet some of you are getting so fucking offended over my talk of having her on my cock- that right fucking there Choi San, you’re obvious.” He pointed at his friend who had stepped forward ready to punch him. “So we are just gonna- what- push her away and break her even more because none of us want to give her a chance?”
The atmosphere felt even more grim as his words weighed on their shoulders.
“It’s not as simple as that- we worked too hard to take that chance!” Jongho stood up, fire blazing in his eyes. “I'm not going to let her problems get in the way of what we already accomplished! So what if she gets hurt? If she can’t trust us or blames us for turning her away? You want her to sacrifice the things we have? Want this to be her life?”
“Jongho has a point- we accepted this, all of us made this our responsibility because of our own reasons, our own choice. We can’t expect her to do the same. Does she even have any ties, Yeosang?” Yunho glanced over at the quiet man, who just shook his head. “She made it personal over a dead kid she arrested a few times? Big whoop.”
San narrowed his eyes on Yunho. “When did you find out about that? It was just Hwa and I-”
“Heard you talking it over with her.” Mingi grumbled next to him, apparently in a sour mood.
Hongjoong cleared his throat. “Then I think you two would find that the most relatable, wouldn’t you? With your own experiences?”
Mingi scoffed, shifting into the chair but Hongjoong continued. “You could’ve been that dead kid Mingi, you know that. We all know that. But officer Jeong-”
“Captain, I know where you are going with this and please don’t. We don’t need you comparing her to my dead fucking father.” Yunho fixed the smaller man with an intense glare.
“Sure we do. If we keep her on, it’s likely she’ll meet the same fate.” Hongjoong was unphased as Yunho slammed his hands on the desk, pivoting on his foot to step away and run his now shaking hand through his hair. “So you agree?”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. “Back to what I was saying! Our options are to force her onto another team, which sounds like she is the type to get in way over her head wherever she is anyways, or take her on fully and let her help. And it seems like you already gave her plenty of ammunition on the green vipers, which, I’m assuming is where her personal vendetta you so graciously mentioned came from? If we’re talking about that newest kid that got killed- who is to say she won’t do what some of us have thought of?”
Several men in the room stiffened, guilty of the assumption. 
San was the first to speak after a drawn-out silence. “She would too. You don’t have to spend much time with her to know she would. Fuck! I don’t like what you’re implying, Wooyoung!”
“I’m not the only one. Right Captain?” Wooyoung smirked at him. “You’re so pissy with me because I forced your hand too soon, but this was your plan? She fits in here, I noticed that and I just met the chick.”
All attention switched to Hongjoong, his own expression impassive. It was a gentle nudge from Seonghwa that had him speaking up. “She’s made incredible progress, even suggesting something we hadn’t thought of. Mentally she is a great detective, and strategist, and would make a valuable asset to the team-”
“You have to be fucking kidding me? You can’t be serious, Captain!” Jongho was the one to slap his hands on the desk now, sneering at him. “Absolutely not!”
“This isn’t just your decision Jongho!” San stepped over to him. “Test her if you want, but she does fit.”
“Maybe on your cock.” Mingi threw out, in an even more sour mood. 
San rolled his eyes. “Fuck you Mingi.”
“Come do it then.”
“QUIET!” Seonghwa yelled out, silencing the room and halting the movements of everyone; even Yunho turned back around to take it all in. “Your Leader was speaking, and you will listen.” 
Hongjoong waited until all attention was back on him. “I’m not saying she knows everything, or be completely involved right away, but she would be a valuable asset. So we bring her in, find a place in this all where she could be helpful but won’t infringe on our other works. A few months, maybe a year, and then we can decide. Either she trusts us, works with us, or we handle things properly. After all… wouldn’t be the first time a cop dies on the job, right?”
With solemn expressions, each one of them nods, calling out in unison “Yes, sir.”
Wooyoung took note of a few things that had him believe it wasn’t going to be so black and white… and he was excited to see how this unfolds.
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse | @philijack | @lelaleleb | @idfkeddieishot | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames | @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630 | @hongjoongswifefr | @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @bts-army380 | @iwishiwasrichasfuck | @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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thcfountain · 4 months
Dating Nick Folio would include:
mdni. nsfw & fluff.
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Fishing dates! sitting in a boat together in comfortable silence, occasionally talking about the weather or other small talk as you wait for the fish to bite.
Matching outfits for riding his motorcycle. He's very big on "dress for the slide, not the ride," but that doesn't mean you won't match.
He tries to teach you to ride a motorcycle too. Riding your own is safer than clinging to him from behind, even if he likes the feeling of you pressed up against him.
"I'd rather straddle and ride you," you say, halfway into the lesson and Nick immediately stops what he's doing.
Strong arms wrap around you, picking you up to carry you inside immediately. "I hope you mean that," he says as you giggle at the way he rushes you both into the house.
There's lots of laughter and fun in your relationship to the point where you two have had gigglefits together mid sex.
You pause, mid riding him, to laugh. "Did you just say my nipples were jigs?"
He laughs underneath you, hands on your hips, encouraging you to keep moving. "If I was a fish, your nipples would be the best lures to get me." It makes sense but at the same time, it doesn't.
You roll your hips under his encouraging hands but you can't help laughing and he laughs with you, realising that maybe he shouldn't have said that.
"Bang me like a drum," you moan as Nick thrusts into, hard and fast.
As your words register, his pace falters. "like a drum?" he can't help but laugh. "I'll smack your ass like a symbol later, baby, I promise," and you laugh too.
sometimes when you're ovulating, you get heavy baby fever and if you even mention it to Nick, he joins you in having it.
"I could build a crib," he tells you one day. You're snuggled up together on the couch, as close as can be, watching a movie. "And we can buy lots of cute little baby clothes," he adds.
Your heart skips a beat at the thought. "You're too busy," you remind him, even though it pains you to say it.
"You'd be so beautiful pregnant with my baby. I could kiss your tummy and talk to baby about music and fishing. I can't wait to buy them their first fishing pole!"
You guys drive the rest of the band crazy together. You prank band members or make weird noises at each other. If Nick starts singing, you always join in. If one of you makes a weird noise, the other will make a weirder one. You two can communicate solely in odd noises.
Getting matching tattoos. Ruffilo tries to keep you guys from doing it but he ends up giving in and agreeing to tattoo you both because he knows if he doesn't, you're just gonna go get each other's names tattooed and he hates that.
Doing silly couple trends with each other even if you never post them to social media.
Nick likes watching you masturbate and he will bring home toys that he wants to watch you try.
You close your eyes, moving your hips in time with the motorbunny you're currently riding. He'd been so excited when he brought it home for you to try and you had to admit how good it felt to ride.
Nick sits not far from you, eyes glued to your form as he slowly strokes his cock. "Louder, baby," he pleads, begging you to make more noise.
The grinder is strapped to his thigh, his hands are on your waist, helping you ride it. Every time you thrust against it, the ridges and bumbs that were specifically designed, rub against your clit, drawing out cries from you.
"Cum for me," he softly pleads, helping you pick up your pace and it doesn't take long for you to cum all over the toy, your hands grasp his shoulders, steadying yourself as you cry out.
Once you've regained your senses, you drop to your knees, taking his hard cock into your mouth in order to repay the favor.
He also likes it when you order him around.
You're the first person that he lets collar him too.
"You ready?" You ask, holding the lock and collar you two picked out together. It's a beautiful collar, made of a loose chain, and to the untrained eye it might look like some e-boy esq accessory.
"I'm ready, I'm yours and only yours," he promises and you put the collar on his neck, locking it into place. You'll wear the key on a necklace around your own neck.
Sometimes date night means dinosaur nuggets and beer, sometimes its fancy dinner at a nice restaurant, and sometimes date night means sitting in a boat together as you wait for the fish to bite.
Texting with him all the time when the band is on tour. Facetiming him whenever he can get a moment or two away.
"What did you have for dinner?" you ask, watching him move the phone so he can readjust to a more comfortable position in his bunk. "Don't say sleep."
He laughs but there's love in his gaze at the fact that you take his wellbeing so seriously. "We found a pizza place," he tells you. "Noah ate his weight in pizza and now Jolly is tutting about how he warned Noah he'd get a tummy ache." You both laugh a little and then there's a quiet pause. "I miss you," he says quietly.
"I miss you too. I love you."
being treated like a younger sibling by the band. You and Noah are practically bffs with the most brother/sister relationship ever.
You run and leap onto Noah, clinging to his back from behind. "I'm gonna take you down," you threaten, while Nick cheers you on. "You can't beat me in a wrestling match."
But Noah is all muscle now so he just laughs. "This isn't even wrestling, you're just koala clinging to me."
You look back at Nick and he immediately gets the point, rushing over and helping you get Noah onto the floor. The two of you pin Noah down together.
"That's fucking cheating!" He declares as you and Nick laugh.
"Why are you guys recreating the scene where Merry and Pip tackle Boromir?" Asks Matt as he walks into the room.
You and Nick look at each other for a second and then rush Matt, knocking him down next.
"We're the undefeated wrestling champs!"
Going on cross-country road trips together on motorcycles. Which means staying in shoddy motels, eating at random diners, and making memories you'll never forget.
He pulls over to the side of the road and you follow, wondering if something is wrong. It's night time and the road is practically deserted in this in the middle of nowhere town that you're passing through.
It turns out nothing is wrong, he just wants a moment to stand at look at the stars together. Brightly splattered across the blue-black sky, the moon shining down on you both. You take your helmets off and kiss under the stars.
Lots of kisses! Nick loves kisses from you and he loves giving them. Sometimes you guys just sit and makeout. His kisses are the best.
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
Nikola Tesla on Human Energy
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In an article written in 1900 titled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” Nikola Tesla shares his ideas aimed at revolutionizing the way energy is generated, transmitted, and utilized, with the ultimate goal of enhancing human well-being and progress.
Tesla starts with his philosophical perspective on human life–what is it, and where is it going? He implies that human life is a movement, and since the existence of movement naturally implies a body which is being moved and a force which is moving it, then wherever there is life, there is a mass moved by a force. Since action and reaction are coexistent (Newton’s third law of motion), then human movement, along with all movement in the universe, is rhythmical. He explains how we are witness to this rhythm in the motion of the stars, the surging and ebbing of the oceans, the changing of seasons, and the infinitely varied phenomena of organic life. Tesla then identifies humanity as a unitary whole, and comes to the conclusion that the same general laws of movement that govern the whole physical universe must be applicable to all living things, including humankind, and we may understand this movement by using mechanical principles. Consequently, Tesla implies we may measure human energy using the formula for kinetic energy, E=MV²/2, which is one of the fundamental physics equations that describes a moving object's energy. E represents energy, M being human mass, and V a hypothetical velocity. Tesla goes on to consider humans analogous to machines and asks how do we increase the energy of this machine positively and decrease the negative forces decelerating it? In answering this question, Tesla suggests:
Promoting marriage
Having more children and raising them to a higher velocity, or enlightenment, than their parents
Attention to health
Improving quality of drinking water
Providing healthful food to those in need
Encouraging a vegetarian diet rather than a carnivorous one
Discouraging artificial food
Moderation of exercise between both mind and body
Discouraging bad habits with alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, and other stimulants
Discouraging gambling
Improving hygiene, education, and morals
Reducing ignorance, stupidity, imbecility, religious fanaticism, etc.
Improving the productivity of soil by electrical means
Increasing the workforce
Ending warfare by developing machines (remote controlled robots, drones, etc.) to fight battles leading to fewer human casualties
Encouraging peace by bringing humans in closer contact
Improving methods of manufacturing (i.e., coal, gas, iron, aluminum)
Withdrawing from traditional energy sources and tapping into renewable energy
Tesla shares his invention of a radio controlled boat and its possible use. He also shares his experiments involving burning of nitrogen in the atmosphere, wireless transmission of power, and more. He discusses his vision for harnessing natural forces to help increase the energy needs of humanity. He proposes a global system of wireless power transmission, using the earth as a conductor and waterfalls as a power source. He also explores the possibilities of interplanetary communication and ideas related to tapping into cosmic energy sources and utilizing them for the betterment of humankind.
Tesla finishes his article saying:
"I anticipate that many, unprepared for these results, which, through long familiarity, appear to me simple and obvious, will consider them still far from practical application. Such reserve, and even opposition, of some is as useful a quality and as necessary an element in human progress as the quick receptivity and enthusiasm of others. Thus, a mass which resists the force at first, once set in movement, adds to the energy. The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter — for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and labors and hopes with the poet who says:
"Schaff’, das Tagwerk meiner Hände, Hohes Glück, dass ich’s vollende! Lass, o lass mich nicht ermatten! Nein, es sind nicht leere Träume: Jetzt nur Stangen, diese Bäume Geben einst noch Frucht und Schatten."
(Daily work — my hands’ employment, To complete is pure enjoyment! Let, oh, let me never falter! No! there is no empty dreaming: Lo! these trees, but bare poles seeming, Yet will yield both food and shelter!)
*Goethe’s “Hope." Translated by William Gibson, Com. U. S. N.*
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ALRIGHT I HAVE SOME TIME SO LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS (also shut up i only noticed the typo when i was taking this screenshot-)
Okay, so I noticed a common theme in all the videos that orange (or Orange) is in: right after you see the color orange, you can see some form of shame or embarrassment in one of the characters.
Let me explain.
Let's take the flash card scene from Learning New Things About Ourselves.
As many people know, right when you see Logan crumple up the flashcard in his hand (like the upwards POV shot), you can see orange light coming from up the stairs. Many people (as I've pointed out, like, three times now) believe this to be the first time we see Orange show up.
Now, logically, many people take seeing the color orange show up when someone is visibly angry to mean that Orange is the representation of anger, but I think I disagree.
Look at Logan's face immediately after the flashcard hits Roman.
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That's not anger. That face says a lot of things, but it doesn't say rage. It says, most notably, "I wish I hadn't done that".
AND! I can't believe I forgot about this but Logan literally says "I do regret throwing that paper at puppet Roman" in the Five Years Later episode! He says the words "I regret throwing the paper"!!
I'm going to get back to the Five Years Later video later but keep that in your mind.
I wouldn't put much thought into this if it was just a one off thing, but it's not - Logan's not even the only who exhibits this sort of behavior!
In Putting Others First, what is the first live action scene we see (that isn't the recap of course)?
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That's orange. That is Thomas bathed in orange.
And again, Thomas may be angry here but this anger is mainly directed at himself for letting himself go to the wedding and not the callback!
Patton I feel is in the same boat, where he regrets or else is embarrassed by not being able to answer "Logan's" questions (for context here, Lilypadton's eyes are orange).
And then there's Working Through Intrusive Thoughts.
Logan was mad of course, but I think, once again, this is more so the regret of not putting his foot down earlier and making Thomas listen to him (hence the lashing out not thirty seconds before Thomas decides to abandon their plan).
Alright, on to a more solid bit of proof: the Five Years Later video.
There is a whole segment in this episode about C!Thomas and the other characters talking about their regrets.
Aside from the aforementioned Logan's regret of throwing the paper at Roman, there were some other notable reactions to this question:
Roman's regret of making Thomas go to the wedding in the first place (cementing my earlier point that that wasn't fully anger on Thomas's face but rather regret about the situation entirely) is a major one, but then there's Virgil's entire CVS receipt of a list (ranging from "boiled carrots" to "achieving consciousness" - mans is full of regret), to Roman's mirrored regret from Logan's about wishing he'd thrown something at Logan before Logan got the chance to throw the flashcard at him, to Janus's regret of "lack of attention to detail" (which, while unrelated to this discussion, I thought was an interesting point to make before the release of the season finale - hopefully we get to see more disguised Janus content in the finale? 👀👀 )
It's also interesting to note that in the Five Years Later video Remus is the only one who doesn't have any regrets about, you know, anything. That makes sense obviously in the context of who Remus is as a character but it also tracks that the one of the only characters who doesn't seem threatened or scared of the Orange Side has no regrets.
This is all I have for now, but if anyone would like to add on to this please do.
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writebackatya · 7 months
Darkwing Duck’s* Biggest Fans Haters
*As in the old tv show from the world of DuckTales (2017), not the superhero Drake Mallard assumes the identity of to fight evil
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To fans like Drake Mallard and Launchpad McQuack, Darkwing Duck is the greatest piece of television history that helped shape their lives to become the ducks they are today thanks to its titular hero who never gave up despite the odds against him
To the rest of the world, Darkwing Duck was just another superhero show from the 90s that starred a problematic diva d-list actor that may or may not have died
Opinions are subjective of course, neither are 100% correct nor incorrect but I feel like when the fandom talks about Darkwing Duck it’s always about the characters that would also like the show. So why not flip the script a little? We’ll start small and work our way up to its biggest hater
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer:
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“GOSALYN!?” You might be screaming at your monitor/phone to which I have to say:
Again we are not talking about the Drake Mallard or his super identity here, but the tv show he and Launchpad are obsessed with. Because frankly, I bet Gosalyn loves doing all that superhero stuff with her adoptive dads. It’s a cool life to live!
Other than the fact that Drake is a huge nerd who INSISTS that Gosalyn do her “homework” and watch every episode of Darkwing Duck, read all the sacred texts (comic books), and playing the original Darkwing Duck video game on the original hardware so she won’t use the rewind or save features that modern games or ROMs have
Like all kids who have had an adult push their interests onto them, she has a little disdain for the show. But not a whole lot since she’s first on this list. I like to think she’s in the same boat as Dewey where she finds the show cheesy and doesn’t really hate it per say and sees why Drake and LP love the show. She even has a few guilty pleasure episodes
But one thing she doesn’t understand is why Drake and Launchpad insist on watching the Darkwing Duck Christmas Special every year when they’re both practicing Jews
Scrooge McDuck:
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Yeah the old man can barely remember Drake, let alone the Darkguy Drake played in that movie he cancelled so I don’t really see Scrooge being a fan of the Masked Mallard. (No, not that Masked Mallard OG DuckTales fans)
If Scrooge did sit down and watch the show, he’d find it to be rather ridiculous if anything. Some vigilante running around dressed like The Spirit or The Shadow or whatever superhero kids are into these days getting slapped around and fighting back just doesn’t seem like his cup of tea
I like to think when Donald and Della were kids they watched Darkwing Duck at the mansion and Scrooge just walked by the room, looked at the TV for a few seconds, scoffed, and moved on with his life forgetting all about that nonsense his niece and nephew were watching
Louie Duck:
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Honestly I always had this headcanon that Louie just isn’t a fan of superheroes. Like at all. He finds the stories all copy and paste, using all the cliches he hates from other genres and putting them in tights.
And don’t even get him started on superhero related adventures! If he sees a sky beam, Louie is running in the opposite direction of it. He’s not dealing with the many different diva supervillains out there trying to take over the world with cartoony extreme measures, he doesn’t wanna be around all that property damage
He does have a favorite superhero tho. Waddle Duck because he gave him a Pep once
Lena Sabrewing:
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She thinks it’s lame.
Gandra Dee:
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This is a no brainer for me. Gandra Dee made herself Darkwing Duck’s biggest hater the moment she heard the duck talk shit about Gizmoduck around Fenton who insisted she does not reveal his secret identity to Drake, because Drake is all he has left
Wanting to respect her boyfriend’s wishes, Gandra decides not to spill the beans but instead add more fuel to the fire by talking shit about Darkwing Duck
And she does not hold back
She’s not ashamed to talk shit on the show. It’s predictablity, it’s cheesiness, the plot holes, how lame it was for its own time, etc
It ain’t her childhood, she ain’t afraid to fight dirty either. She will bring up problematic episodes that depicted races in a not so good and stereotypical light (“It was the nineties! They were different times!” -Drake probably) such as the fact that in one episode Darkwing Duck called a group of Native Americans “primitive savages” or that a non-Asian actor played an Asian character in a sterotypcial manner and that how one of the characters names was “Duck Ling”(Okay but for real, all that shit did happen in the OG show.)
This of course frustrates Drake who is extra suspicious of Gandra ever since he saw her with Gizmoduck and writes her off as a blind fan girl who doesn’t know what she’s talking about
She’s pretty chill about not being into the show with Launchpad tho. He respects her opinions because he’s Launchpad and at the end of the day Gandra is still his friend
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fictarian · 11 months
Could i request Hobie w/ reader who struggles with expressing their emotions?🫶
𝐇𝐢𝐦 <𝟑 . ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝐏𝐭. 𝟖
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ღ I’m not gonna lie, I had such a hard time thinking of how I would portray the reader since there are multiple reasons as to why someone would struggle with expressing themselves, but I ultimately decided on making the reader reclusive, quiet, and VERY awkward. Shout out to my introverted and socially awkward followers, we’re in the same sinking boat 🔥
ღ This kind of strayed from the original request so that’s MY BAD (me when ADHD)
ღ Also, here’s the update on the votes for the next series— It’s currently tied between Miles (both 1610 and 42) and Pavitr Prabhakar, BUT, Spider Noir is currently in the lead. The voting ends when I post part 10 of ‘Him’, and that’s when I’ll choose the winner. So if you haven’t already, go ahead and vote here
ღ Good lord i’m running out of banners, maybe this is my sign to do another profile theme change
ღ Pervious part can be found here !
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• It’s a mystery to everyone as to how you and Hobie started dating, given that you both are polar opposites. And to be honest, you have no idea how you managed to bag him either LMFAO.
• You probably met him at the local record store while you were browsing through some of your favorite albums when Hobie suddenly came up to you, asking if you knew where a certain artist was. You didn’t respond to his question for a good couple of minutes, since you were still trying to comprehend the fact that a fine ass, 6’3, punk lover was actually talking to you and you weren’t dreaming.
• When you did respond, your answer came out in a jumble of loud incoherent words (y/n ahh 😭). Of course he didn’t understand what you were saying, so you repeated yourself MUCH quieter, and that didn’t help at all.
• In the end, you just pointed to where the albums Hobie wanted were located before hastily turning around while cursing yourself for fumbling so badly.
• I like to think that Hobie often hangs out with loud and extroverted people, so seeing someone that was the complete opposite of that was refreshing for him (no matter how awkward the situation was). And honestly, Hobie found it cute that he made you react like that from just him talking to you.
• So when you were at the counter paying for your albums, best believe that Hobie came up and payed for your shit as a way to engage in conversation. You did NOT know how to react to that, especially when Hobie only winked and slid you the receipt. He turned it over, which revealed a collection of numbers in messy hand writing.
• “Go head and add my number f’me, love” Your jaw dropped, causing Hobie to chuckle before he pushed himself off the counter waving goodbye to you before exiting the store.
• It took you awhile to actually message him, since you had no clue what to say. But talking to him on phone was much easier in your book, since you didn’t have to rely on your voice much and the thoughts that usually ran through your head in public were slowed.
• You started out with a simple hey and a thank you, and the conversation started from there. Since it was over text, you became a lot more at ease and relaxed while talking with Hobie. However, some (if not all) of the texts he sent made you giggle and kick your feet like a school girl 💀.
• At one point Hobie began flirting and soon, you became daring enough to flirt back.
• ‘Daring now, aren’t we? I bet you wouldn’t say all of this face to face ;)’ ‘Watch me’
• You eat those words when you two set up a place to meet up, and Hobie starts teasing you about the texts you sent NONSTOP. His teasing only makes you act worse and public, and somehow increases your stuttering x10.
• And even when he isn’t teasing you, every single thing Hobie says still makes you trip. For example, when you’re talking, and then he asks you in his deep and gritty voice ‘Speak up f’me, love. I can barley ‘ere a word that comes outta yer pretty mouth’
• 🧍
• Despite your differences and how easily it was for Hobie to make your brain rot, you two grew quite close over a short period of time.
• He’d always push you to do more things and meet more people, and even if it doesn’t work out, Hobie would always praise you for trying and getting out of your comfort zone.
• Hobie would he very supportive and patient with you, since he knows how difficult it is for you to properly get your words out. But even then, he still LOVES teasing you and seeing just how easily he effects you.
• Overall, Hobie would be your #1 hypeman and biggest supporter while also managing to be the reason of your demise
tag list ! @zalayni @luvstarrstruck @jrrantss @pixqlsin @kairiscorner @k4tsu3 @asmobeuses @maxoloqy @miirene
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onskepa · 6 months
Hello! I saw ur post about requesting a part 2 for one shot so that's why I'm here. This is not a need, it's a MUST!! Can we get a part 2 for Tsyeytsyip?? The little girl who's smaller than Neteyam's hand. Maybe one day where he has to carry her in his pocket or something else, the choice is yours
Of course! I hope this is everyones liking! This might be a short one, idk. I type as I go. Enjoy!
Tsyeytsyip: Little pouch
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“In the pouch? Again?” Tey ask, groaning a bit in displeasure. Standing on the right shoulder of neteyam as he opens his pouch made just for her. It was big enough to move around, she can put her things inside and still have space. 
“I am going hunting, you know you have to be in the pouch if you want to join me” Neteyam patiently replies. Tey groan a bit but gives in. Twirling a bit she jumps down to the pouch. Landing safely, she makes herself comfortable. 
“See? Not so bad, I added fresh soft cloth. Even placed some of your favorite berries too” Neteyam adds. Tey gasp happily seeing her precious berries. Chomping on them happily, she gives neteyam a tiny thumbs up. Good, little bite is satisfied. 
And feeling satisfied himself, he goes to begin his hunt for tonight. 
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The pouch is something neteyam had since he was a child. A small bag to hold his little things, to hold his small medicines in case he got hurt, seeds, beads, or a rock he thought was pretty. It was useful for a time. 
It is made out of the skin of a thanator, strong and sturdy. Despite so many years passing by, the pouch is still in good condition. But now the only use he has for it is to carry his little friend around. Not always does tey get in. Usually she just sits on his hand, shoulders, or his hair. But like now, when he hunts. The pouch is very much needed. 
To keep her safe, away from any harm should neteyam have to run or fight an animal. And of course, make sure she is with him at all times. Having her in one place and that she is secured brings calm to neteyam. 
“What are you going to hunt today?” Tey asks as she peaks her little head out from the pouch, still eating her berry. Getting comfy on her spot, enjoy the view that neteyam sees. 
“Anything I can find, but hopefully some sturmbeest or hexepede. Not just for the meat, but for many things they can provide for us” He answers easily. Of course he was whispering now, but his voice was loud enough for tey to hear. Humming at his answer, she ponders. Tey can save the conversation for later. She will let her big mighty warrior do his work. 
Going back inside the pouch, she snuggles into the smooth cloth. Finishing her berry she lays and starts to mess around with the threats to make something. Not really having an idea in mind, rather letting her hands do the thinking and craft whatever it can make. 
Perhaps the pouch has its benefits. Gives her space but at the same time being with neteyam. Waterproof so it can also work like a little boat sailing in the river. 
But would tey admit to it? Absolutely not. The little pouch is merely a convenience for her. That is all.
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Aaaaaaand that is it for this one! It was a short but sweet chapter! Hope you all liked it! Until next time! See ya!
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yujo-nishimura · 7 months
The Escape - Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This is the part I wanted to write so badly - rescuing little Buggy from the sea. This is a long read! :)
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Later all the three of you are standing down by the beach, a little raft is laying ashore, probably crafted by these two small human-like creatures. Buggy, brimming with enthusiasm, has packed a small bag containing provisions to sustain him during the upcoming days. His trusty knives, gleaming in the sunlight, are carefully secured within the bag. 
As you stand beside Buggy, a spectator to his departure, a mix of emotions swirl within you. Your gaze sweeps across the island, taking in its beauty and the endless expanse of the sea that stretches out before you. Last night and this morning, you experienced a profound sense of freedom in this place, not solely because of the solitude, but because of the unexpected companionship of these two outsider pirates who embraced you as one of their own. As you reflect upon the kindness shown to you by the clown pirate over the past 24 hours, a flicker of curiosity and adventure ignites within you. You recognize the allure of following in his footsteps, of embarking on a journey alongside someone who has extended their hand in friendship.
The decision weighs heavy on your mind, torn between the desire to stay and the pull to venture into the unknown.  “Buggy, may I come with you?”
His eyes widened as you say these words, he seemed to misunderstand you for a moment, stuttering “Coming with me…? Joining my crew?” You shake your head. “No, I need to be independent for a while. But I want to move on and get to the next island. And I lack the skills and power to make my own boat to get away from here..”
Buggy shows you a sly grin - “Of course you can come with me for a while. I think this can be a win-win. Until I have my body parts back anybody taller than 1,20 is welcome on board.” 
You chuckle and show him an appreciating smile. Gaimon just nods in agreement. He seems to be used to people coming and leaving his island so he feels no remorse or sadness for the two of you leaving at the same time. “I wish you both the best of luck, hopefully we will meet again someday and have some more wine!”
He hands you a little bag with food as well and you realize that after the storm and the hardships faced, you have been left with nothing but your own determination. Gratefully, you accept the offered bag, knowing that these rations will sustain you until you reach the next town, where you can stock up your supplies and acquire the necessary weapons for your continued travel.
Buggy unties the raft and jumps on it, you follow him carefully, holding on to your little bag. As you both slowly leave the shore you wave goodbye to the friendly moss-headed creature at the beach. You can't help but feel a sense of reassurance, knowing that Gaimon will be in good hands until the day you all cross paths once more.
Buggy has made the raft quite sturdy and it even has a small sail. You both do not need to row, since the wind is going into the right direction, pushing you both slowly away from the island. You feel that Buggys eyes are resting on you, he probably is pleased that he does not need to do this journey alone. You might have guessed his thoughts right because he is asking now “How well can you fight?” “I can defend myself.”, you say and you remember your martial arts education as a child and the sword lessons you had as a teenager. You are not the strongest fighter, but when push comes to shove, you always know how to defend yourself. “I am also good at running away!” you add and laugh. "Good. Until I am my full self again I depend on your help, Y/n. But I will reward you handsomely if you stay by my side.” 
“Letting me join you on this raft is reward enough. As I said, it would have taken me ages to make my own. And I just need to get to the next town. I am sure we will find your crew and your body parts before that.”
Buggy nods, seemingly pleased with your answer. He feels like a captain again, after losing his crew he at least has one subordinate now. 
As you decide to catch up on some sleep from last night and make yourself more comfortable on the little raft you suddenly realize a motion in the water, a rumbling like an earthquake. Abruptly, you jolt awake, a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins, and your gaze fixates upon the agitated expanse of water before you.
“What is that?”, the clown pirate next to you asks, but before you can answer a huge sea king in the form of a lobster is exploding out of the water, reaching towards you two. “Buggy, hand me one of your knives!”, you shout panically, knowing you feel a bit helpless without a weapon. Buggy reaches for his coat, handing you the knife in a second, you await the lobster to come towards you and as he tries to reach for you with its crusher claw, you jump from the raft, knowing that you would need to protect this little flatboat at all cost. In a moment of confusion, the sea king hesitates, unsure of its next target. Seizing the opportunity, you unleash a punishing blow upon its hard shell from the side, asserting your presence with a display of strength. The sea king, enraged by the assault, redirects its attention towards you.
You start an underwater fight where you are definitely inferior, but with the help of the knives you still manage to make some critical hits. The lobster is big, but not strong so you are lucky this time. As you swim up to get some air, followed by the monster you manage to hit him with what you think is a final blow. A strong kick into his shelled face and another brutal attack with the knife, stabbing him between his tiny legs; and the sea king is unconscious swimming on the surface.  Emerging from the depths, you forcefully expel water from your mouth, gasping for air as you break through the surface. With a deep breath, you orient yourself, swiftly scanning the surroundings to locate Buggy and the raft nearby. 
He waves at you, seemingly pleased with your hard battle. 
“Good job, Y/n. That thing had no chance against us!” 
“You mean me..” you mumble to yourself as you swim towards Buggy. As you try to pull yourself out of the water you suddenly hear the familiar splashing noises of the lobster behind you, he wasn't unconscious as you had thought. “Buggy, watch out!” you shout, but the monster has already reached for the raft and in an attempt to rescue the boat the clown pirate jumps into the water, making the sea king follow him this time. You remember that Buggy had the powers of the devil fruit and couldn't swim, so you knew you had to be quick. 
You gather all your strength and go after the two, underwater you can see that the sea king is trying to squish Buggy in his claws. Furious you start another knife attack, blood mixes with water and your sight is blurred, but you can see it is enough that the monster is letting go of the clown pirate to aim its attack towards you again. You give the beast another blow and kick and you ram the knife with all your might into his left eye, there it gets stuck but seems to be finally fatal - the limbs of the monster go numb and he is slowly drifting up, finally unable to go after your or Buggy. 
You can see how Buggy is slowly sinking, unable to move. You immediately go after him, seeing his face in distress, the devil fruit hindering his ability to swim. With a few quick swim moves you are close to him, you grab his whole tiny body and you press it to your chest as you quickly swim up to the water surface. 
You both come up taking a deep breath, coughing and spitting water. You are holding his face over water, giving him air to breathe. Buggy's clown makeup looks just like before as if his face has never touched water and you realize for a moment what a handful he will be until he gets his body parts back. You can see his sly grin as you still have him pressed close to your chest, his hands resting on your cleavage. “What a wonderful way to be rescued!”, he declares and you, exhausted and frustrated already with this perverted captain, take him by the neck and throw him on the raft which has been fortunately not damaged at all. Exhausted you heave yourself up on the raft, rolling on your back, gasping for air. 
“Do you need mouth-to-mouth?” Buggy asks and you cannot tell if he is joking or serious. 
“I need a break you clown. I was so worried the raft would be gone. And this was just a small sea king. Who knows what else will await us…” 
“Don't worry, Y/N. I will soon get my full body back and then I will be the one protecting you.” 
You sit up looking at him startled. There is a softness in his voice right now as he says “Thank you for rescuing me.” 
You feel a sudden warmth in your belly, a feeling of deep connection and affection for this little clown. “No worries. Ima need to protect my captain!” you mumble and smile before you lay down again, resting from this furious battle. 
Hours pass by and you are able to continue your journey without any further interruptions. The weather is perfect - sunny and a light wind, it feels like a reward for the fierce battle from earlier when you set sail. Buggy says he can feel that his body parts are nearby, you wonder how this is even possible, but you decide that he might know best. “We might reach the island where I suspect my body parts this evening. Rest a bit more, Y/n, because I do not know what dangers will await us next…” 
You nod, taking your little bag and placing it under your head to sleep a bit more. You are trying to imagine what Buggy looks like as a “normal” human being with all his body parts, being tall and maybe even taller than you. With this handsome face and his charming eyes and his sly grin and his tendency to get you into trouble… You smile over this thought, slowly drifting into an afternoon nap.
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
My honest yet unbiased review of Psycho Pass Providence 🤗
«Note: Don't take this post personally as it doesn't intend to ship-wreck the thoughts of most fans»
As the snippets of Psycho Pass Providence are recently become available in almost everywhere, I suppose the long wait is over and I can finally post my own review of the PPP movie. I've been posting my own comments here and there because of the "imbalanced" & very biased review of most Japanese fans on Twitter. 😥
But am so glad the snippets aswell as the PPP movie itself are now made available so every one can learn the facts of the movie.
But before I begin let's discuss PPP in general.
The movie is great 👍🏻 No doubt. The animation scenes are jam-packed. The theme and the overall plot is a HUGE PLUS. Because they tried to showcase the metaphorical, allegorical and philosophical aspect of the Psycho Pass anime season 1 had always been known for. So this film is a total of 90%.
Why? Coz although it connects the plot between Season 3 and First Inspector; and it provides an official background for our beloved Arata and Kei, it only adds to the many struggles of our characters against the Sybil System. They introduced the Divider and Mentalist abilities, the dirty works of MoFA that conceived the formation of the Peacbreakers. It seems like they're trying to expand the story of Psycho pass to provide a foothold for any possible seasons to come. But it fails to show us any glimpse of Sybil's eventual defeat. 😶
When I said the Japanese-natives are imbalanced and unreasonably biased with their Tweets, I mean it. And I am of Japanese descent thru my grandma, so I have the audacity 🤭.
When some tweet says, "Akane took the cigarette from Kou's lips and Kou leans forward as if trying to kiss Akane" I cringed. Because girl, that is partially true. But where's the "almost kissing"part?
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It's obvious that Kou only adjusted his position to sit down and speak to Akane. So where's the "he's trying to kiss her"? 😆
I love Shinkane, in their most subtle yet caring nature towards one another. But I don't want to make believe. It's better to tell the facts than to 誰かを笑顔にするために嘘をつくこと. 😮‍💨
Honestly, 皆さん, どうして?
The only Shinkane moment for me is when he jumps to Akane covering her from the explosion 💥
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Here we see, Kogami is simply checking her up if she's fine. Nothing fancy, but that's enough to make me giggle. 🙂
When Kou unlocked the cuff from Akane's left hand, as if motioning her to attach that on his left hand, is a chef-kiss moment to me👌🏻 that also includes the bridal carry 😉.
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But some fans make noise in Twitter saying "Kogami hugs Akane and rests her closely to his chest near his heart".
I mean, girl, everyone who saw that scene knows exactly that it is not that romantic but hey it's enough to make our hearts pound. But don't over-hype the scene will yah?
The beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interaction. Not in an overly done romantic PDA.
There's an obvious theme the writers are portraying in this movie. Most fans have pointed it out but they try to deny it themselves. 😶
° Kogami calling Frederica on her first name without honorifics (i.e -san, -sama, -chan).
° Kogami and Frederica's same Sherpa coat as some could point out.
° Kogami and Frederica standing side by side in most of the scenes they're in.
° Kogami when he talks to Akane on the phone when he gives her the word "...Even if you tell me not to, I'll go".
Frederica is looking sideways.
Kogami when talking to Gino in a boat, when the latter asked him why he comes back, to which he replied there are things he must protect.
Frederica is looking sideways.
When a guy friend is talking to us and his girlfriend is around, I noticed his girlfriend does the same too. So idk. 😅
° Kogami defending Frederica in front of Akane. We all know that. It's pretty much straightforward, he's not only defending his new boss.
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° Kogami receives the call from Akane when he's at a dark room with Frederica. When he says I will go. Then, the next scene we saw them standing side by side with the same jacket on when Akane deploys the dominator to them.
I think Akane noticed that too 😮‍💨
° Kogami never leaves his gun (the one he used to kill Makishima given to him by Masaoka). But it was with Frederica. And when Gino shouts at Kou, "Protect Tsunemori!" She gave the pistol to him.
° Lastly, the room where Saiga-sensei and Kogami shared a drink implied that it is the MoFA assigned quarters to Kogami. And the holographic painting where Kogami is standing is a painting of Tower of London. And we all know Frederica is half-british. 😉
° There was a publication which implies that Kogami and Frederica share the same quarters. (I didn't say bedroom. So please don't give me a violent reaction 🥲).
Again, this is not to ship-wreck. But many Japanese fans literally skipped this information because those are quite suggestive as to how close Kogami and Frederica is in this movie.
If you saw the film, it's up to you to decide.
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As I said, the beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interactions not by overly-defined public display of affection.
But in this film, the writers are clearly making a statement. To impose their original idea that Kogami and Akane are not meant to be together. Even the Seiyuus say they can ship Ginoza and Akane but they can't with Kogami. And they even tried to be extra careful when delivering the script to avoid any misconception of them having a romantic scene together.
At first I was deeply hurt. Because I've been shipping them like forever. But now I saw Shinkane in a new perspective. I won't try to force them together just because I feel like it.
But I will enjoy any significant scene of them being simply together and the whole Psycho Pass anime franchise as it is the way the writers portray them. Yet in my heart, Shinkane will always be an item. ❤️
Our ship may not sail the way we expect it to be (for 10 straight years) but the bond we have as a Shinkane Community will remain. The fanarts, the fanfics, the forum discussions and sweet exchanges etc...
There's no fandom as dedicated as Shinkane/KoAka fans. #thePowerOfFandom❣️
Everyone at this point is screaming when is the Season 4 coming? We need a closure! 😱
Same here, I wish the Season 4 will come out soon. If the original Division 1 will take on the backseat to give way to new generation of characters (i.e Arata and Kei), why not atleast give them a good closure? They all deserve to be happy!
Yayoi x Shion have their "proper" ending at the First Inspector. But what about the others? 🤔
Also Shizuka Homura. I am very much intrigued by this man. He knows Akane long before she joins the PSB. They have the same alma-mater though years apart ofcourse. And what will he put to the table? Is he a friend or a foe?
Will there be a new Makishima to Kogami? Or a Makishima to Akane?
Most importantly, when will the Sybil System end? It's been the series' primary antagonist but after all these 10 (thousand) years, when will it come to an end? To provide another good plot to Psycho Pass verse and to create more narrative in the future.
⟨I've been writing this review while walking and didn't realize how hard was it 🤣⟩
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sisterspooky1013 · 7 months
Gaslight, Chapter 33/48
Rated X | Read it here on AO3
She remembers slow mornings. They were few and far between, but they were one of her favorite things. Nothing to do, nowhere to be, no reason to leave the warmth of the bed for anything other than a quick trip to the bathroom to brush away their morning breath. It felt so painfully normal, like they were any other couple sleeping in on a Saturday.
She remembers slow mornings when she wakes up with Mulder’s arm slung heavy across her waist, and feels the press of his erection against her ass. Morning sex. She remembers that, too.
Yesterday already feels like a dream, and yet here he is beside her. He’s not quite himself, but there will be time to find the rest of him. To pull it out slowly from wherever it was secreted away, to help him remember how dogged he is, how determined, how insufferable at times. She doesn’t hope for any aspect of his personality to remain forgotten, even the parts that drove her crazy. She wants him back in full, right down to the sunflower seed hulls in her cupholders and the socks he always seemed to leave lying on the floor. The pain of missing Cal and the kids, of worrying about what will happen to them and her mother, is tolerable with his arms around her. She hopes this feeling never fades.
Mulder’s chest presses against her back as he pulls in a deep breath and stirs. She runs her hand over his forearm to let him know that she’s awake, and he wriggles down a little so he can hook his chin over her shoulder.
“Morning,” he says in a gravelly, sleep-worn voice.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Really well. You?”
“Good,” he says, then drops a kiss to her cheek. “I dreamt that we were on a boat and you were wearing a red dress. Is that a memory?”
Scully tries to remember being on a boat together. She gets strange little flashes that don’t quite add up. A snow globe. Sitting on a rock surrounded by water.
“I’m not sure,” she answers.
“You punched me, if that helps,” he adds, and she rolls to her back so she can see his face.
“I punched you?” she repeats, and he nods.
He looks adorable, rumpled and boyish with his hair standing on end. She smiles at him and tries to smooth it down.
“Doesn’t sound familiar.”
“What time is it?” He asks, craning his neck to see the bedside clock. “The guys said Langly would be here to pick us up at 10:00.”
“Only 8:15,” she answers. “We have plenty of time, and not much to pack.” He looks at her for a long time, and an intense expression that makes her nervous slowly crosses his face. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” he says quickly. “I just…there are things I want to say to you, but I feel like I hardly know you. At the same time, I feel like you know me better than I know myself.”
The knot in her stomach tightens.
“What do you want to say?” she asks.
Mulder hesitates.
“How I feel…” he begins, then averts his eyes to where his hand is resting on her belly. “I want to tell you how I feel about you, but I don’t know if that’s already happened or if it would be the first time. And it seems like it’s too soon, but it also…doesn’t.” He shakes his head and cringes. “I’m afraid I’m not explaining myself very well.”
Her heart begins to pound and her throat tightens.
Fuck, Scully. I love you.
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” she whispers, and he looks at her face.
She shakes her head.
“Maybe that’s why…” he moves his hand to her face, running his fingers lightly across her cheek. “Maybe that’s why I feel such a strong urge to say it.” She waits, and she has to remind herself to keep breathing. Mulder sighs, then leans forward and brushes his lips across hers. “I love you,” he says, just a ghost of a sound. If she’d not been waiting with bated breath, she might have missed it.
She barks a sudden sob, tears springing to her eyes with alarming speed, and Mulder pulls away, horrified.
“No, no, no,” she says emphatically, reaching for him. “Happy tears.”
She wraps her arms tightly around his neck, and he holds her while she cries with relief. Her dreams have come to life, finally. No more waiting.
Once she’s gotten her bearings, she loosens her grip on him and he pulls away so he can see her. He frowns, and she’s sure she looks a mess, but she feels better than she’s felt in months.
“I love you too,” she says, and his frown quickly morphs into a goofy smile.
All of Scully’s possessions fit into her small duffel bag, and Mulder has no possessions at all aside from the clothes he borrowed from Byers. When the phone rings at 10:01, they take a look around the apartment to be sure they haven’t forgotten anything, then lock the door for the last time. They trail down to the ground floor hand-in-hand, excited and afraid, and most of all hopeful. They both slide into the back seat, and Langly twists around to address them.
“Morning, lovebirds,” he says with some measure of surprise, and they smile like a couple of lovestruck teenagers. “Did you bring the burner cell?” he asks. “We’ll need to wipe it and pop in a new sim card before we send you on to the next leg.”
“Shit. No,” Mulder says, unbuckling his seatbelt. “I’ll go grab it, be right back.”
Before he exits the bus, he drops a quick kiss to Scully’s cheek and whispers, “love you,” in her ear.
She watches him disappear into the building, already anxious for him to return.
“Seems like you two worked things out,” Langly says with a suggestive pop of his eyebrows.
“I guess so,” Scully answers, feeling embarrassed that their affection is so obvious.
Langly chuckles and sits back in his seat, fiddling with the radio.
“Frohike drove up north this morning to pick up Mulder’s dog,” he tells her as he scans through rock, hip-hop, and pop music stations. “Our identity guy is leaning towards Canada for your location. It’ll be easier to get the dog across the border if you don’t have to fly.”
“That’s great,” Scully says. “Mulder will be happy to hear that.”
She looks at the door to the apartment building, tapping her toe against the floorboard impatiently. He should be coming back through any moment.
“Did you know that 90% of Canadians live within 150 miles of—”
Scully jumps at a sudden shattering boom against her ears, and her hands instinctively fly to the sides of her face. Her ears are ringing and her heart is in her throat as she slowly looks up to see that the bus’ windshield is mostly gone, and green-blue pebbles of tempered glass are littering the dashboard.
“What the hell was that?” she asks.
Langly doesn’t respond. She only hears a wet gurgle from the driver’s seat. She starts to sit forward so she can see him, but the door beside her flies open and strong hands are encircling her arms before she has even a split-second to react. The world goes dark as something slips over her head, pressing painfully against the front of her throat. She can’t speak. She can’t think. It’s too familiar. Is it happening again, or has time gone on a loop? Is she back there, at the warehouse?
“Mulder!” she manages to scream, just once.
Her hands are forced behind her back and she hears the zip of a cable tie, then her knees hit a hard surface. She hears a door slam and then the roar of an engine. She’s knocked against a wall as the vehicle she’s been placed in begins to move.
It’s happening again. They’re taking her back. They’re taking him from her.
Mulder is just swiping the burner cell off the coffee table when he hears a muted boom from below. He steps out onto the balcony and looks down to the parking lot where Scully and Langly are waiting in the bus. At first, he can’t make sense of what he sees. There are bits of something spilled all over the hood of the bus, and the steering wheel looks too in-focus considering how far away he is. Then he spots a van, black and mostly windowless, parked across the lot. He watches a broad-shouldered man walk briskly away from the van and towards the bus. He doesn’t wait a second longer.
He flies down the stairwell, his feet moving so quickly it’s a miracle that he doesn’t fall. His heart is pounding in his legs and in the palms of his hands, and he feels like he might vomit. The only thought in his mind is “no.” No, this can’t be happening. No, they can’t take her again. No, not when he only just got her back. No, no, no, no, no.
When he flings the entryway door open, the van is peeling out of the parking lot, taking a right towards the freeway onramp. Mulder chases after it, his feet pounding against the pavement somehow propelled by pure will as his lungs burn and his mind goes blank. The van turns and disappears from view, and he stands there, breathless and bereft.
They took her.
They took her.
They took her.
He doesn’t know what to do. He should know what to do. He runs back to the bus, where the back door is hanging open and Scully is conspicuously absent. He pulls the driver’s side door open to find Langly blood-soaked and sputtering, a deep red patch wetting the chest of his T-shirt.
“What happened?” Mulder asks desperately, pressing the palm of his hand against the wound.
Langly lurches and blood runs from the corners of his mouth. He tries to speak, but his throat is flooded. Keeping his hand in place, Mulder pulls the burner phone from his pocket and dials 911. They keep him on the line, instructing him to do what he’s already doing by keeping pressure on the wound. Langly is still breathing, but his eyes have fallen closed.
Mulder needs to call Byers and tell him what’s happened. He needs to figure out how to get Scully back. He should know what to do, but he doesn’t. He can’t remember ever feeling so hopeless.
When Frohike walks through the front door with Frenchie in tow, Mulder is sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees, his hands steepled in front of his mouth. Frenchie barks at him once, but when he lifts his head and looks at her she begins to wiggle excitedly and pulls at her leash until Frohike cuts her loose. She charges him, jumping up onto the couch and licking his face, and he actually smiles, forgetting for just a split second that Scully is gone and Langly is in critical condition.
“What the hell happened to you?” Frohike says, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter. “Where’s Scully?”
Reality comes slamming back down like a two-ton weight.
“She’s gone,” he says tightly, fresh tears springing to his eyes. He pushes Frenchie off the couch and encourages her to lie down at his feet. “They took her.”
Frohike turns and looks at him, gobsmacked.
Mulder shrugs helplessly.
“Whoever took us before, I assume. And Langly—” Frohike’s face blanches, and Mulder chooses his words carefully. “He’s alive, but he’s in bad shape. Byers is with him.”
Frohike slumps into a chair.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mumbles, and Mulder gives him a minute to let it soak in.
He pets Frenchie aggressively, running his hand from the top of her head down to her tail over and over.
“I don’t know what to do,” he admits, glancing up at Frohike. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“Jesus,” Frohike says again, his hand held loosely over his mouth. “In all the files, it never once referenced a location. We’d have to find someone who was involved in the project.”
Somebody who’s involved in the project. Mulder knows of a couple somebodies who are.
It only takes him a split second to make up his mind. He takes out the burner phone, which is streaked with Langly’s blood, and dials Diana’s phone number from memory.
“Who you callin’, man?” Frohike asks, looking worried.
It rings and rings. He waits to hear the clipped sound of her voice, followed by her angry demands. He’s prepared to do whatever is necessary to get Scully back. To keep her safe. If that means returning to Diana, so be it. If he is the collateral that will allow Scully to go free, it’s a sacrifice he is willing to make.
You’ve reached Diana Spender, I’m unavailable right now—
He snaps the phone closed as a strange mix of relief and frustration washes over him. He tries the house phone and hears his own voice on the answering machine. As a last ditch effort, he tries his parents’ house, hoping that she’ll be there.
Teena answers almost immediately, as though she’d been waiting by the phone.
“Jeff?” she says fearfully, her voice lowered. “Are you all right, son?”
“No, Mom, can’t say that I am,” he tells her, running one hand over his eyes. “And you can stop calling me Jeff; I know that’s not my name.”
There is a long, heavy silence.
“I’m so sorry,” she says softly.
“You should be,” he says flatly. “Is Diana there?”
“No,” Teena answers. “She and your father have been…busy.”
“I recently learned that my father was murdered in 1995,” Mulder tells her bitingly. She doesn’t respond. “Do you know Scully, Mom?” he asks her, sitting back.
“Yes, Fox. I’ve met Dana many times,” she says. The sound of his given name on his mother’s tongue pricks at something in his chest. “She’s a lovely woman.”
He feels the tears welling up again, tightening his throat.
“They took her away,” he whispers harshly, closing his eyes. “They took her from me, Mom.”
“I know,” she whispers back, sounding equally pained. “I’m sorry. I know now that it wasn’t the right thing to do. I regret ever agreeing to any of it.”
Mulder sits up suddenly. Frenchie scrambles to her feet and watches him raptly.
“Do you know where they took her?” he asks. It feels as though his entire life is riding on the answer.
Teena doesn’t respond right away. He hears her even breathing, and seconds tick by in agonizing purgatory.
“Have you ever visited the Patapsco River, Fox?” she asks, and he blinks, stupefied.
“Of course you have, it runs right through Baltimore, but it’s much more enjoyable in a country setting.”
“Mom, what the hell does this have to do with anything?” he barks at her, frustrated. “Do you know where Scully is?”
“There’s a nice little area called Henryton, right on the banks of the south branch of the Patapsco. I think you’d like it there, Fox. Just do be careful of the tunnel, the railroad is still active.”
His anger fades as a chill creeps up his spine. He stands, and Frenchie follows him as he paces towards the kitchen. Frohike follows as well, only with his eyes.
“Is that where she is, Mom? In Henryton?” So much adrenaline is coursing through his veins that he feels sick.
“Be careful of the tunnel, Fox. Trains do pass through,” is all she says in response.
Mulder closes his eyes and heaves a shuddering sigh.
“Thank you,” he says, and he hears Teena heave a sigh of her own.
“It’s the least I can do,” she whispers. “Please, take care.”
She hangs up before he can say goodbye. He turns to Frohike, who is waiting with raised eyebrows and upturned palms.
“Well?” Frohike asks expectantly.
“Find out everything you can about an area on the Patapsco called Henryton,” Mulder tells him. “We’re going to need a car.”
Tagging @today-in-fic
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firespirited · 6 months
thought I might add a little to a question unanswered by the video essay: the why?
not as an excuse, not a full explanation either because there's still the matter of the Telos money.
but why does a man live, breath and eat for his channel/career without the passion for researching and learning?
I can tell you that he truly *did* devote his entire time and energy to producing videos and engaging with the commentariat as a full time job, though if the video scripts were copy paste. He probably feels like he's devoted his entire soul for years into this project and the copy paste was "just" to keep up with the youtube once a week upload demands.
IMHO, what we have is a bloke with crippling anxiety, loneliness and body dysmorphia with a pathological fear of rejection who attempted to build an online queer community that wouldn't ever let him down. As far i can can tell he barely left the house, didn't date and i started to wonder if he really had moved when he wasn't visiting any of Toronto's very gay friendly places or even some of the museums and libraries, wasn't making any local connexions even when people reached out. Instead, he spent his weekends chatting online (often on livestream) about gay media, business, youtube and film making.
I think he could have built that safe haven if he'd kept the day job, produced a fully credited video once a month which was in the format of let's watch this documentary, let's read this book, let's dive into a topic and read the various articles followed by his livestream chats. There is clearly an audience eager for it.
and that's where it gets uncomfortable, right? the lines blur between shyness + not wanting to be hurt vs not collaborating and not being part of other established groups. Canada not only has multiple gay filmmaking scenes, advocacy groups and even a whole bunch of Canadian queer youtubers. They don't have to all get along, because there's more than just the Canada based breadtube, there are a lot of smaller channels that'd love the opportunity to network.
Anyway, it was during a live that i bought up some local Canadian networking opportunity, he backed off quite hard in a way that felt like a little bit more than anxiety about the fierce competition that goes on for such stuff. It felt vaguely like Little Britain's "The Only Gay in the Village" but mostly I was reminded of folks in my life who decided to forge their own paths in charity work and activism, specifically the very dodgy intersection between missionary work and charity and charities that are about the joy of bringing fish to the hungry instead of helping the locals who know how to fish get the new motor for their boat. It's actually a really complex and nuanced conversation where sometimes the least colonialist choice is to hold your nose and work with the local catholic church - yeah I know, that level of complicated, here's some reading before I start on the importance of translating books to creoles being a better investment than teaching english to match an english curriculum and how relief work is often predatory business opportunities and how secularism is a tightrope balancing act and don't get me started.
It is possible to walk and chew gum and listen to music at the same time. We can talk about how plagiarism is bad, how the algorithm rewards it, how this guy is probably getting more ire than the right wing grifters also brought up, why left tube maybe feels a lil intimidating, why people build their own little digital or offline communes, how being an educator and being a thought leader get smooshed together in an attention economy that wants to create influencers with a parasocial engagement with folks that want personal guidance, sometimes stolen valour/plagiarism/fake cancer is for power and clout and sometimes it's a maladaptive response to a desperate loneliness I hope I never fully comprehend.
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raayllum · 10 months
I remember starting the show because my friend told me about Callum and Rayla and how cute they were together. But after binge watching all 5 seasons, I just feel like the writers don’t really give a damn about them, in many ways, compared to other couples. But, to be fair, I have lots of issue with the writing. But, to me, the primary idea was to make Callum and Claudia a couple (no, I don’t ship them together), because they actually have a background, development, even chemistry too. So, I don’t understand why the writers changed their minds on this (please, tell me if they ever addressed this issue). I just think that him moving on from a childhood love, like that, out of nowhere to Raylla was again a bit odd and out of nowhere. Because nothing indicated that in the first 2 seasons. Same goes to Rayla too. And, in S5 they have acted more as friends than anything else. It’s just weird. What’s your opinion about this? And again, I don’t ship Callum with Claudia, it’s just my opinion after watching all seasons.
Thank you for sharing your feelings, I definitely have been in fandoms where the Big Ship (canon or fanon, in show or in fandom) have just not been things I could click or with or understand, so you have my sympathies. The crew has gone on record saying that Callum and Rayla being a couple was not originally the plan (we don't know if there were any endgames being considered for either of them as alternatives, but I lean toward no) with Janaya and Ruthari presumably being the main couples. This changed in 2x04 with the lightning flash and moment the two share on the boat, "everyone in the room saw it" (legit quote from showrunner) and they began to write and develop it. It is unknown if they went back to add or shift anything in S1 (we know the crew works on seasons simultaneously) but it wouldn't surprise me given the vibes
I definitely can't promise to change your mind (I'm obviously a big Rayllum shipper and I have been since S1, so I'm clearly coming at it from a different perspective) but I do have some metas that do address what you've brought up, I'm gonna link them below and then do a quick summary in case you understandably don't wanna read all that!
Rayllum and Loneliness (Post S3): a meta about how it is likely (now confirmed in supplementary material) that Rayla grew up pretty friendless and a deeper dive into how Rayla is/was the first person Callum had who was unequivocally his peer and his friend (as Soren bullied and Callum's crush - as well as other things - made him and Claudia have a fair amount of distance.)
Callum and Claudia: You Already Did (Post S3): On what appeal the ship has, why it may not appeal to others, and why I don't think Callum and Claudia were actually that close pre-S1, the various factors why, and why they were doomed to fall apart since 1x02.
How/Why Callum's feelings for Claudia and Rayla Were Overlapping (Post-S3): Exactly what it says on the tin, mostly because he is obsessed with Rayla lowkey in S1 (trying to get her to laugh three times in 1x05, taking a flirty tone with her when they aren't arguing in 1x06, etc) and then outright devoted in S2, trusting her over Claudia in 2x03.
Rebuttals to Rayllum Reservations (Claudia, Pacing, Etc) Post-S3: Pacing, emotional intimacy, platonic development and romantic feelings, etc. Probably the simplest meta and the most on brand for what you're (presumably) looking for, but the other metas I think uh do contribute nicely to explaining why Rayllum is what it is and som of the reasons it appeals to people.
It's also honestly not surprising to me that in S5 they just feel like Friends (hopefully best friends) given that a decent chunk of the Rayllum fandom, myself included, are on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrums, and don't really care if they're Romantic as long as they're Life Partners. (Aspec Rayllum tag here) Callum and Ezran are two of the, if not the, most important people in Rayla's life, and Rayla and Ezran are two of the most important people in Callum's life. To me, romance / devotion / whatever you want to call it intermingling makes sense. One of the things I've loved most about S4-S5 is the fact that whatever they are, they have each other's backs, and they care for and protect each other, no romance required, which hits different since they do both also have romantic feelings for each other. It's just not a pre-requisite for them and a lack of it is never something they'd hold against one another. In other words:
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Chemistry is also something that's hard to pin down sometimes - like all shipping preferences are subjective, but evaluations of chemistry tend to be in particular (for example, I don't really think Callum and Claudia have chemistry in that way, but that doesn't mean that they can't or they don't).
That said: platonic Rayllum tag here and foils Rayllum tag here, and I hope whatever parts of the show you do enjoy, well, give you joy.
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parachutingkitten · 7 months
I have two sins that somwhat cohenside:
As a Cole stan for life I despise the Cole is gay HC and have had to abandon the tag because of its prevalence. Lavashipping is a NOTP and of all the art and edits I've seen polluting my Cole tag I still cant see any chemistry or dynamic between them besides they are both attractive. All the ninja ships are incest vibes (not just the gay ones. Looking at you Braincellshipping) to me as they treat eachother and call eachother brothers but at least there was tension and chemistry between the old days of Bruiseshipping. Lava's prevalence online had me quit for a long time as I couldnt understand why it randomly gained such traction and then showrunners made the dumb idea to try and bait fan perceptions in crystalized. I see cole as somewhat aromantic (although the term is mostly meaningless and used to describe anyone who is uncmfortable or disinterested with romance without analysing the deeper psychological reasons that might be the case) but he obviously wants to be a father and I don't see how any of his defined traits attribute to being the fans gay stand in besides the fact that fandom always has the urge to pick one to be the LGBT mascot and create content that isnt there simply for their own self indulgence. I like Coliel (if anyone remembers Seliel) as it leans into Coles obliviousness to advances while it shows off his honorable and protective personality. I don't find Cole particularly coded LGBT in any of the seasons up until Dragons rising, which the episode focussing it was badly written and OOC.
My other "sin" I suppose is I disown ALL of DR for being a horrible soft reboot that does everything a soft reboot shouldn't: messing with preestablished lore in an attempt to prop up these random new characters as just, if not more, powerful than our protagonists. The new writer has a horrible track record with character ensemble shows like TMNT 2012 and its a worthless slap in the face continuation of an ended series. The diologue is horrendously tacky and most jokes dont land. The push by the writers to add in fan characterizations and expand the lore beyond whats established is lazy and uninspired. There is so much left to explore in Ninjago the way it was. We never went to most of the continent but why try to write compelling stories and dramas with an already defined map when you could throw everything out the window and make your own sandbox, shoehorning it into Ninjago regardless on how ridiculous it looks and feels.
*exhale* alright. I lot to get through here.
there is nothing wrong with not HCing cole gay, especially if you seem him on the aro/ace spectrum. I'm in the exact same boat. And just because there are very prevalent gay interpretations of the text does not mean you have to adopt them, or watch them with that subtext in mind. The true potential episode can obviously really easily be read as a coming out allegory, and a lot of people have latched onto that. And good for them!
But it's just as easily read as a story about defying your parent's expectations for a career path- especially if that's something you can relate to. I think the episode works even better in that respect (cuz that's kinda more directly what it's about, but also) because it adds in this layer of also respecting the place where your parents came from and make their living with. Honestly, I didn't see any gay coding on my first watch through of that one dragons rising episode. I saw Cole's relationship with Geo as much more of a mentor/mentee thing, probably because he's typically taken on a father role. I thought Geo and Sora had more chemistry honestly, with that one scene where their bonding over rejection. That's the beauty of media, multiple interpretations! It sounds like you're letting the fandom color your viewing experience, and that's your problem. The crystalized kai/cole stuff can just as easily be read as brother shenanigans. Don't let fanon make things canon for you if you don't want them to.
I'm on the same page of not shipping the core 4 together. The early seasons were directly focused on their brotherhood in my view, so I get it. But, let's not begrudge people their imaginary LGBTQ rep. As far as I understand lavashipping took off cuz it's the only gay pairing of the main characters who could still potentially be canonically shipped together. Jaya and pixane are pretty set in stone, and lloyd is pretty much off limits. But kailor is very iffy in canon, and cole has never had a love interest. And even if I don't ship it, I can see the value of people having some level of hope that the show might give them some rep. But again, none of this means you have to ship it or feel bad for not shipping it.
Second, you've got some unique opinions on dragons rising. Cool. I don't think you're completely invalid or anything, but I do think some of these opinions might be a little biased?
You're mad it brought back the... finished tv show? The show that finished with crystalized? The worst possible ending of the show? Honestly, it wasn't that much more conclusive than other seasons. Ninjago has always struck me as an evergreen property- a world with endless adventures in it. To begrudge future stories for existing seems a little selfish to me. Ninjago should be a property that new kids can get into for years to come. I've got some problems with what dragons rising has done. I don't think the merge was the best way to go. I hate how needlessly small it makes everything feel. I think sora is a little too chosen-one-y. There are things to criticize here. But it's pulling a lot off. I think it's balanced screen time between old characters and new characters pretty well. It's established a fairly unique identity for itself, which can be a real struggle for sequel content. Again, I think you're coming into it with a distorted fandom lens which is making you hate it more. Not to say that you're wrong, but you're feelings associated with your opinions may be a little exaggerated.
if you have a sin you would like to confess, please direct it to @ninjago-sins
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wildissylupus · 9 months
So, I don't exactly know if you've discussed this, but I think it's clear about what this current season is going to lead up to, and why I think it's so important to be adamant and weary about Null Sector's plans.
The evidence is there, and the claim?
Null Sector is trying to start another Omnic Crisis.
However, this one is less 'a glitch in the system'
And more, 'hitting the factory reset button and installing a virus intentionally right after.'
As we know from story missions, Omnics are being subjugated and indoctrinated across the globe, all at once, in almost every part of the world by Null Sector and those helmets that quite literally place them under a catatonic state and wipe the Omnic's memories.
Torbjörn's analysis on the helmet is very clear when he brings up a very important piece of information:
"I don't know...this device is a nasty piece of work. I think I can get it off, but the bigger problem is, I'm not reading anything in the Omnic's memory banks."
"He's still alive, but it's like the essence of who he is,...is gone."
Now, when we say essence, I'm pretty sure we're saying the Iris, or Aurora's essence that was implemented during the awakening. Now I get what you're thinking. 'Ok Anon #324, but if the Iris gets removed, then why is Ramattra talking about Iris? During the Toronto mission?'
And to you- I say- oh ho ho, my dear, that's exactly what we should be fearing. Let it tie into the fact that there's also one of these Voicelines from Ram when talking about his favorite animal:
"Ants. They build marvelous structures and cooperate when threatened. I find them... Inspirational."
Toronto mission, hell, even the humans are terrified. Everyone is swarming in groups. It's not just gameplay either, when Sojourn is directing the groups of scared Omnics onto the ferry boat, it only proves Ram's point more. People are scared, people are grouping together to fight back, hide, run, and that's exactly what NS wants.
Not only is Null Sector wiping the Iris and awakening out of the Omnics altogether, they're creating a brand new version of the 'Iris'...let's call it 'Pink Eye' cause from what I've seen it's highly contagious. Not only from wiping memories, but also using the memories of strong fighters as well. Human's memories. (*Cough Cough* Ana.)
Have you heard Ram talking during the Toronto mission? He specifically states:
"Together, our one minded purpose. We will make this world, our paradise."
"We welcome you into the Iris."
You let me know what you think about this. I wanna hear some raw thoughts. Big brain mode, no idea is a bad idea. I'm hungry for knowledge.
All I know is that, a couple of things could happen.
If those helmets are taken off, someone is going to have to sacrifice their memories either to bring back the original Aurora awakening and reinstall essence to the Omnics. Wonder who.
If NS ends up indoctrinating a major part of the Omnic population, many will die when and if those helmets do something else. If they can send out a location signal, who knows what else they'll do.
If sentience is reestablished into Omnics and possibly other software coding, this'll be one hell of a trip for all those Null Sector bots.
Man you had a brain blast and I. AM. LOVING IT!
Honestly I love your theory and I don't think there is much to add! It also is a good way to bring in the Junkers cause apparently he found the secret to Omnic life in the Australian omnium-
That could be a way to bring all the omnics back, the Australian Omnium was the place where Aroura was built after all. They could end up brining a second awakening, some residual of Aroura left in the Omnium. It could also lead to the sentience of the Null Sector drones, specifically the bots that are based off of actual people.
Like the C-455 Sharpshooter, P-900 Warhead, S-900 Sentry, A-7000 Wargod and K-2000 Blademaster. If they all have the same glitch that A-7000 has them that is one hell of an identity crisis they're going to have.
All that aside, I want to present my own theory. A counter theory if you will.
And that is Ramattra doesn't know that those helmets are erasing Omnics, he just thinks they are in a catatonic state. There is no indication that Ramattra knows what the subjection helmets are actully doing to Omnics.
If you look back at Ramattra's short story there is no implication of Ramattra wanting to create a new Omnic society through hitting a reset button;
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There is an indication of imprisonment, of taking away other Omnics choices in order to make them listen, but that is very different from hitting a reset button. Essentially killing the soul of Omnics. It's something I don't see Ramattra doing knowingly. However, there is a group of people who would not only do this, but has tried to do this before.
Something I remember from the Story Missions is Torbjourn saying that the helmets put an Omnics mind in a loop. It's something I didn't think much about. Until I read "The Hero of Numbani".
In that book Sombra hack and installs a virus several Omnics around Numbani. A virus that locks Omnics in a constant loop, and gradually corrupts the Omnics memories.
Sound familiar? There is also the fact that a part of Doomfist's beliefs that are presented in that novel are anti-omnic.
Not only that but I always found it strange that Dommfist, someone who wants conflict, would help someone who has the motivation of "Peace at any cost". Ramattra goal has and still is, for freedom and peace. Something that if he were to gain, would go against Doomfist's want for conflict.
Unless Doomfist is just using Ramattra and Null Sector as a tool to create conflict, adding either an updated version of Sombra's virus (or what he thinks is an updated version), to remove Omnics souls and create a true Second Omnic Crisis.
Not only that but that could also lead into an explanation on what "The Conspiracy" is, maybe it's another God AI who wants to do what Anubis did but has learned from the mistakes of the first Crisis and is trying to make it so they are guaranteed to win.
Either way I am excited for both of these theories, with the first one it's going to be interesting to just explore that aspect of Null Sector, if they get Omnics back are they going to still have their memories, their souls? Are they going to resort back to their basic programming, are they going to go back to being under Anubis's control?
In the case of the second theory, how will Ramattra react if he truly doesn't know what the helmets are doing? Will he stop the invasion? Will he double down? Will he go after Talon?
It's all so interesting!
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sparklyeevee · 9 months
I may have missed it but when do we see Lan’s eating disorder in the books?
Okay, this is a little sting and corkboards, so bear with me. Also, like I said, it was subtle, so don't feel bad for missing it.
Quite a few people, most of them Borderlanders, talk about how Lan was attractive when he was younger, but no longer is.
Lan was sexually abused as a teenager and, at minimum, subject to substantial unwanted sexual or romantic attention as a young adult. "Over one particularly memorable ten days in the south of Cairhienen he had almost been killed six times, and nearly married twice." (New Spring). "Women have been chasing Lan since he was a beardless boy." (Crown of Swords).
It's a Thing that survivors of sexual violence will deliberately change their weight in order to be less attractive so that it's less likely to happen again. In our world, it's more often women, and more often gaining weight than losing it, but it's a Thing. There seems to be less fatphobia in Wheel of Time - "slim" and "slender" are both used as positive adjectives, but so is "plump", and in the Borderlands, where it's Cold and most people lead difficult, active lives, I would not expect beauty standards to favor thinness.
Lan has very little body fat, like, way too little. The thing that comes up repeatedly is that his face is all "hard angles", and this is often cited as an aspect of his not, or no longer, being attractive, but sitting on his lap is also characterized as "softer than the unpadded wooden benches on this boat...Well, no harder than the benches, anyway." That's not normal or healthy, even for someone as active as he is.
Lan canonically over-exercises as a coping mechanism. We see this in New Spring when Edeyn is keeping him, obviously, and in Crown of Swords when Myrelle is doing essentially the same thing, but see also "If you had not made me so angry I had to go work forms with Jaem..." in The Great Hunt.
We know Myrelle had difficulty getting him to eat in ACoS because she tried to get coin peppers brought in from the Borderlands. On its own, that could reasonably be attributed to the effects of a broken bond, but it stacks with the other evidence.
There are a number of instances where a group of characters are nominally eating dinner or something, and Lan does not appear to eat. This isn't super certain on its own either, especially since the books don't usually provide comprehensive lists of who's actually eating, but it adds up.
What this amounts to is that there's solid, if somewhat diffuse, evidence that Lan is consistently undereating and over-exercising, at least partly in an effort to decrease the amount of unwanted sexual attention he gets, but at this point it's probably also become a Thing unto itself. So I was very pleased to see that Alanna is apparently trying to make sure he eats at least every couple of hours, which is a common thing in eating disorder recovery.
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