#he actually was never romantically in love with you?
sanaexus · 2 days
social's as sae's girlfriend
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-liked by shiidoryu, isaichii and 125.2k others
yourusername: don't be fooled he actually enjoys being with me (the last image is him when he sees me)
tagged: itoshi_sae
itoshi_sae: fuck off ↳yourusername: don't fuck off, fuck me instead ↳itoshi_sae: oh god i hate you ↳yourusername: no you don't ↳itoshi_sae: i don't
shiidoryu: wow sae you've never looked at me like that?? 💔💔😔😔 ↳itoshi_sae: you're an eyesore ↳shiidoryu: and she's not?? ↳yourusername: RUDE ASF?? YOU LOOK LIKE A TOMATO TFYM ↳itoshi_sae: as much as i hate saying it out loud she's pretty i guess ↳yourusername: was the "i guess" necessary? ↳mikka.kaiser: did you use the tomato as tomato or tomato? ↳yourusername: i used it as tomato ↳mikkar.kaiser: ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? ITS TOMATO ↳yourusername: BOY STAFU ITS TOMATO ↳mikka.kaiser: NO??? ↳yourusername: SQAURE UP BITCH I'LL FUCKING FIGHT YOU ↳mikka.kaiser: BET
nikkoki: who got bro smiling like that? ↳yourusername: the waitress ↳nikkoki: elaborate ↳yourusername: she was approaching us multiple times, we thought she liked sae nah turns out she's gay thought i was cute thought sae was my brother and asked for my number lol ↳eita.otoya: ohhhh that's why he looks like he's ab to fight someone ↳yourusername: he don't bite 🥰😋 ↳itoshi_ sae: yes i do tf? ↳yourusername: no you don't
isaichii: he's secretly a hopeless romantic (it's canon you won't change my mind) ↳yourusername: frfr (it is i caught him watching shoujo) ↳isaichi: (NAH WAIT FR?) ↳yourusername: (DEAD SERIOUS) ↳itoshi_sae: for context she put it on, forced me to watch it with her and then left the room ↳yourusername: BOO HOO PARTY POOPER
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-liked by kuniisuke, chigi.who and 139.7k others
itoshi_sae: cute (the cat)
tagged: yourusername
karasu_tabito: OH EMM GEE SAE POSTING SOMETHING THAT ISN'T SOCCER?!?!?! ↳mikka.kaiser: for FUCKS SAKE MATE IT'S FOOTBALL ARE YOU AMERICAN OR SOMETHING? ↳megubachi: RAHHH WHAT'S A KILOMETER🔥🔥💯💯🦅🦅💣💣🔫 🔫🔛🔝🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ↳isaichii: FREEDOM RAHHH 🔥🔥💯💯🦅🦅💣💣🔫 🔫🔛🔝🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ↳itoshi_sae: sigh
yourusername: OMGOMGOMGOMG IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING SAE'S POSTING ME?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! ↳shiidoryu: you might have won the war but i'll win the battle ↳yourusername: that's the wrong fucking qoute dumbass ↳reo.miikage: quote* and it isn't even a quote it's idiom ↳rin.itoshi: fucking dumbasses it's a phrase ↳yourusername: kys 🤬🤬
user1: she's🎀so🎀coquette🎀 ↳yourusername: ikr sae called that bow stupid :( ↳itoshi_sae: and i apologized and watched inside out with you ↳yourusername: i know i just like making you feel bad
julian.loki: sae apologizing wasn't on 2024 bingo card but love to see it ↳user2: fr now all that man needs to do is apologize to the better sibling ↳itoshi_sae: fuck off ↳yourusername: what he meant to say is "yes of course" his autocorrect must be acting up ↳itoshi_sae: no, i said what i said
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-liked by itoshi_sae, rin.itoshi and 144.3k others
yourusername: did you know i like the beach? i like the beach also sae in his photographer era 😝
tagged: itoshi_sae
itoshi_sae: i was taking picture of the food and you had to ruin it ↳yourusername: you're not gonna say allat when you legit forced me to pose for like 15 minutes ↳itoshi_sae: shut up
user2: her eyelashes are so pretty ☹☹ ↳yourusername: stop im gonna kiss u 👉👈 ↳itoshi_sae: not on my watch ↳user2: boo hoo your js jealous i got a chance ↳itoshi_sae: fuck off ↳yourusername: that's not nice
reo.miikage: damn that looks fine ↳hiyori: what the fuck . ↳kuniisuke: what. ↳reo.miikage: THE FOOD I MEAN YALL ARE SO PERVERTED?? ↳kenyu.yukimiya: MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPECIFY??
nagi.seishiro: who took this pictures though ↳yourusername: idk it was in sae's gallery so i took it lol ↳rin.itoshi: y/n wtf what if some creepy old bald oily man took it? ↳yourusername: that's my type 🥰 ↳itoshi_ sae: wtf? ↳yourusername: shh look away
itoshi_sae: you're pretty ↳yourusername: OMGG IT'S HAPPENING OMGOMGOMG CODE RED ↳isaichii: WOOO HOOOOO ↳nikkoki: ITS HAPPENING !! ↳nikkoki: WAIT WHAT'S CODE RED AGAIN ↳chigi.who: js cheer her on ↳itoshi_sae: y/n why are your friends like this ↳yourusername: THEY'RE YOUR FRIENDS TOO? ↳itoshi_sae: nah
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wooo we're finally done?? idk how i feel ab this but i hope you enjoyed it <3
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tiredfox64 · 3 days
I have a request, I don't know if you already written one or similar but can you write about how Bihan and reader have been friends since they were kids and the reader is one of the few that Bihan would actually listen to, over time as they get older both of them start to see each other in a different way but couldn't admit it to each other until one night the reader has a dream involving being romantic with Bihan (NSFW if you want to) wakes up in shock and avoids Bihan out of fear that her feelings would be discovered and get rejected. Bihan notices this and tries to find out why and follows the reader who went on a mission for Liu Kang to gather champions and to understand why the reader has been distant.
Soo sorry if this is long, it was an idea popped into my head and I enjoy your writings on the Lin Kuei brothers.
Ruin Our Friendship
Yip Notes: No need to apologize! Dreams are crazy tbh. I had a dream a few days ago where I constantly told Shang Tsung I hate him but I love him and that he was my pookie. It was wack.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader
Warnings: None I promise
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Since you were born, you and Bi-Han have been side by side. His family and yours have been close for many years. It was no shock that you and Bi-Han would become friends by default.
You saw the best out of Bi-Han. You watched him better his cyromancy abilities. You were there when he became an older brother to Kuai Liang and Tomas. Though you did have to scold him multiple times to be nicer Tomas.
You were with him all throughout his life, watching every success and failure. In return, he was there for you. Even as his personality changed he was still the same boy you grew up with. A little bit colder and a little bit stronger but he was still a sweetheart in your eyes. He just doesn’t want you saying that in front of his clan since he is the grandmaster now. He has a reputation to keep up, ya know. He has to stay tough and fierce. But for you, he can loosen up a little.
Yes, your relationship with Bi-Han is strong. But it could be stronger. Much, much stronger. You could have a bond that not even the elder gods could break. A bond that Bi-Han would never allow anyone to disrupt it. You feel it and Bi-Han feels it. There is something there that you’ve noticed for a long time.
You thought this feeling was stupid, teenage hormones. As the years went on and on those teenage hormones became young adult hormones. Wait, those aren’t real. Admit it, you have feelings for your best friend. You’ve had feelings for a long time. For as long as you stay near Bi-Han those feelings will be nibbling at your insides like hookworms. Ignoring them or passing them off as something silly won’t get rid of them. You have to face the music one way or another.
The music will be a blast to the face.
You toss and turn in your bed. Your mind was like a blaring horn. It wouldn’t shut up about Bi-Han.
Recently you’ve been noticing much more about Bi-Han. Mainly his physique. He sure turned into a fine, strong, and powerful man. Compared to everyone else in the Lin Kuei he was well-built. He had a body that could only be described as a masterpiece. He looked like he was carved by the hands of the greatest sculptors in history. His body type could only be found in grand museums. And oh that face, good heavens that face. An art piece right there. A well-sculptured face, well-trimmed eyebrows, dark chocolate eyes, and a perfect nose.
Woah alright! Your mind is winning too much. You have to sleep now or else you’ll be up all night thinking about Bi-Han.
You tried with all your might to fall asleep and luckily you did. Your body started to relax and your mind quieted down. You thought you would be free from the grasp of your feelings but you were wrong. Your emotions always find their way into your dreams.
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In a haze all you could see was Bi-Han. Everything you felt was because of Bi-Han. His arms wrapped around you in a cold embrace. Your head rested on his chest and listened to his calming heartbeat. His head rested on top of your head. In that moment you felt safe. There was no reason for you to hold back. You embraced him. Your breathing picked up as your heart began to feel many things. It felt warm, it felt tingly, it felt like it was fluttering, it felt right. It felt like…love. You were in love, your dreams were your confirmation.
The dream progressed with Bi-Han bringing his hands up to your face. He made you stare into his dark eyes before closing them. He leaned in close, very close. His lips lightly touched your lips and you felt his cold breath hit them. You leaned in with your lips slightly parted. The kiss felt so real. The idea that this was all a dream was unrealistic now. The kiss grew more desperate and somewhat rough. It was passionate, it was loving. Your hands went up to hold his perfect face. He felt so real.
And then…
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“Bi-Han!” You shot up from your bed.
Your heart was beating fast. You strained your muscles from moving so quickly from laying down to sitting up. You were even slightly dizzy.
This can’t be happening to you. You’re so madly in love with Bi-Han. You don’t want to be in love. You’re afraid. It’s reasonable to be afraid.
You’ve never seen Bi-Han with another girl. Never once went on a date or accepted his father’s suggestions on finding a bride. It got to the point that he vented to you about his frustrations on his father’s request. That was the moment you suspected he may never want to date someone. Which was fine at the time but now it’s different. Now you’re a desperate fool who’s in love.
Bi-Han can’t know about this. This could ruin a friendship that has lasted a lifetime. The idea of that crushes you. Going on without your best friend is the same as going on without the other half of your body. As much as you fear that he will find out and leave you, you fear that he will stay but reject you.
Rejection hurts like a rose thorn except you are unsure if you can remove the thorn. The thorn could stay for a few months or the rest of your adult life. Do you really want to take that risk and find out how long you could endure the pain? No, you don’t.
You’re only a girl, well, woman actually. But the point still stands about how you are afraid of getting hurt. So what will you do to prevent things from getting awkward or you getting hurt? You will stay clear of Bi-Han. That’s a bold move but if it’s what you wish to do then you must keep it on the downlow. You know how suspicious Bi-Han can get. When it comes to you he will spot it from a mile away.
Well fuck my advice. You didn’t keep it on the downlow you kept it on the high ground.
Bi-Han noticed from the start that you were steering clear of him. You weren’t visiting even when he suggested that you come to practice for a little. He never heard back from you which made him think something fishy was going on. When he visited you he saw that you had your head down like you were ashamed about something. He didn’t say anything to your family members he made a beeline toward you.
“Is something the matter? You have not responded to any of my letters.”
He was walking close to you. You never realize how close he would get to you. That isn’t helping you right now. You couldn’t respond about his letters because you never looked at them. Every time a family member came around to pass you a letter from Bi-Han you would take it before storing it away.
“Oh, sorry. I don’t really…” You didn’t finish your sentence. The moment you saw a room you slipped inside to create distance from Bi-Han. You even locked the door for extra measures.
Bi-Han rarely gets mad at you but right now he is feeling a little ticked off. You are purposefully avoiding him and he can tell. You wish you didn’t have to but the moment you think about being honest with him your heart aches thinking about the possible consequences. It’s better if he doesn’t know. Once you get your emotions situated you will go back to him. For now, you are unable to.
Bi-Han was standing by the door, constantly knocking to the point your father had to go up to him and have him leave. He respects your dad but he wanted to tell him to back off. He hesitated and walked away. There had to be another way to get close to you and make you talk. He’ll have to figure that out for himself. If he asked for help many would get suspicious of him and his intentions.
Some days passed and an opportunity fell into his hands. Liu Kang told Bi-Han that he would need assistance when collecting his champions for the upcoming tournament. Bi-Han was unsure about providing help since he didn’t like being commanded by the fire god. That was until Liu Kang informed him that you would be helping. Immediately he switched up and said he would do it. You wouldn’t dare disobey Liu Kang so you won’t try to back out. Just for good measure, Bi-Han won’t let you know he is there until it’s too late.
The day came when you were supposed to see if Raiden and Kung Lao were ready. Liu Kang informed you to wait till they were done eating to begin the test. You noticed he was looking around like he was expecting someone else to come.
“Ah, Bi-Han, are you and your brothers ready?” Liu Kang shouted past your shoulder.
You froze up at the mention of Bi-Han. You swiftly turned around and saw him and his brothers standing there. You didn’t know they would be part of the test. Kuai Liang and Tomas were ready but Bi-Han seemed determined for something else. He was determined to call you out on your behavior.
You kept your cool and tried to slow your heartbeat. You all made your way to the tea house and you could feel Bi-Han’s eyes burning holes in the back of your head. Once you got there Liu Kang took his seat and you were all expected to hide till the Raiden and Kung Lao finished eating. Bi-Han had his brothers go their own way while he stayed with you. The moment his brothers walked away he grabbed your hand and forced you to come with him. You did your best to slow him down, even digging your heels into the ground but that did nothing. All it did was make grooves in the dirt.
Once you came to a spot to stay until the test started, he had you sit next to him. You expected him to say something but he didn’t. He was so silent that you couldn’t hear his breathing. His face was stone cold. He’s waiting for you to say something. You’re the one acting strange, not him. You’ll break eventually because he knows you can’t stand when it’s too quiet or he seems mad. But he’s always mad so the silence will be the thing that kills you.
The wind may have blown but no leaves rustled. Bugs were out but none buzzed, chirped, or hissed. Not even a squirrel came around to munch on an acorn. Seconds passed but to you it felt like centuries. This felt horrible.
“You’re upset with me, aren’t you?” You asked.
“I would not be mad if you would tell me what is going on with you.” Yeah, it’s you, not him.
“It’s nothing. I’ve been feeling off is all.”
“You are giving me an excuse. I want the answer.”
“Why do you need to know?” You ask as if he isn’t your best friend.
He didn’t respond. He was giving you the silent treatment to make you break. Yeah, it’s cruel but there isn’t any other choice. He could keep asking the same question over and over and you would keep giving him excuses. So the only tactic he could trust is silence. A long uncomfortable silence that will go on for seconds, minutes, possibly hours. You could keep talking but he will not respond in any way. No facial cues or words. You’re on your own.
Make a choice: Will you speak the truth or keep the silence going?
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you and I might have been in love with you for a long time.” And speak the truth you did.
You didn’t see Bi-Han’s face change from cold to slightly surprised. His eyebrows raised a little. You had your eyes shut tight like something bad would appear in front of you if you told the truth. You went on and on about when it started and everything you felt. You spoke about the dream in great detail which wasn’t necessary but it did amuse him. Now you wouldn’t shut up. You’re fine, he got the point. Have you gotten the point? No! Let Bi-Han help you.
You felt something grab at the front of your shirt before yanking you. Before you knew it you felt Bi-Han’s lips against yours. That dream of yours seemed to know how it would feel. You felt the cold breath against your lips and you felt how rough he was. Your eyes were wide open but his were closed. He pulled away after about thirty seconds and looked at you. He had a blank expression like he didn’t just kiss you.
“You never were truly direct in anything. You always gave excuses but never the answer. Was it truly that hard?” He asked but you were frozen.
Your brain was loading in the fact that Bi-Han, your best friend of many years, just kissed you. You pinched yourself just in case and yup, this was no dream. This is real life.
“I—You’re not mad? You’re fine with me having a crush on you?” You asked though this may not be a crush anymore.
“Is it really a crush if I make you my girlfriend right now?” He replied back.
“Well…no I guess.” You answered your question but now you have a million questions.
Let me help you out.
The reason Bi-Han was never interested in dating or taking his father’s suggestions was because he was only interested in you. When you started noticing how handsome Bi-Han was he started to notice how wonderful of a lady you have grown into. Your body matured and your beauty radiated like never before. Your personality didn’t change but evolved as you grew. You never became insufferable to him and you still were your old self. Even as you two were teens he knew he wanted you to be his lady for life. There was no competition, you were always the winner.
The reason he never approached you was because he’s not too good at that stuff. His brothers tried to help him and warned him that if he didn’t confess soon he would lose you to another man. He’s glad his brothers weren’t right because he would hate to admit that. Seems like he never needed to do all that fancy stuff and make an attempt to flirt. You two were made for each other. You both might have been soulmates from the start. Sounds pretty good to him. What about you?
Ah, you’re still in shock. Well at least the part where Bi-Han made you his girlfriend has set in. You just need to take in everything else that happened. Keep your mind sharp though you still have to do the test for Raiden and Kung Lao.
Bi-Han wouldn’t want his new girlfriend to be distracted and get hurt. That wouldn’t end well for anyone involved.
Yap notes: I did two fics today because I felt bad for not doing a request. I felt guilty and I don't like that feeling. But i felt okay once i put on summer playlists. I DON'T PRACTICE SANTERIA. I AIN'T GOT NO CRYSTAL BALL. Adiós!
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boyfhee · 2 days
﹙𝓲ssue﹚ㅤ:ㅤmemoirs of the windㅤ...ㅤ( 제이 )
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ㅤㅤ﹙2072﹚ ㅤ장르 angst, bittersweetㅤㅤwarnings drinking, light implications of substance abuse, smoking, break-up, sort of non closure on his partㅤㅤᐢᗜᐢ for @okwonyo's celestial ballet event ! i had sm fun writing this, thank u for hosting the event iNDEX
ib only by lee hi ⋆ there are references to the lyrics in this work
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the clock strikes eight, a click of the lighter follows— the flame settles on the wick of the candle, fluttering before resting still like everything else in the apartment. the wind plays its melancholic howls as if music orchestrated for the day. outside, it’s a dance of leaves waving on trees. inside, it’s your birthday, and it’s quiet. 
he sits at the kitchen counter, eyes fixed on the cake. it’s your favourite, cherry vanilla, with little flowers made of red buttercream adding to its appeal. the candle lights up a little over and across the sweet delicacy, albeit nothing compared to the dim lights of his kitchen. he sighs, and wonders, and wonders, and then whispers above the weighing silence. 
“happy birthday,” he says to the ghost of you. perhaps you’re on the couch watching him, or maybe on the stool across from him. in his mind, you’re here. in his heart, on his lips, and when the alcohol wears off for a brief minute— you’re back to sweden. 
“happiest birthday,” he mutters again, eyes never leaving your name on the cake. it’s your first birthday without him. you said you’d spend your birthdays with him but here you are nonetheless. here he is, wondering, waiting, wasting himself over memories from six months ago. over words you probably have never meant, maybe they never weighed enough for you. 
there’s alcohol on the side. you detest it— gosh— shuddering away from the whiff alone. jay thought he would have to give up on drinking if he wanted to keep you. there has never been an ‘if’ actually, for he stopped buying beer and wine, stayed away from drinking even though his friends made fun of him, sometimes. and yet there you were on his instagram feed, smiling, partying with a bottle of Kopparberg in your hand.
‘times change,’ you had said once when he saw you munching on your mint-chocolate ice cream. you had claimed to hate it, and then you were on the couch, saying you had changed your mind and it definitely doesn’t taste like toothpaste. ‘people change, jay,’
that day, he didn’t think much over your words and laughed it off, deciding to have a taste as well. today, however, it’s all hitting him like a wave at the sea during a storm. he wonders what else has changed. do you still like macaroons? do you still wear that bracelet he gifted on your hundred days anniversary? is lee hi still your favourite artist?
he remembers the song— only, it’s also from your favourite album of hers. you played it on repeat sometimes, while cleaning your room or baking. soft hums of its familiar melodies danced off your lips while you did laundry. jay could only ask himself why you like it so much, until he actually asked you one day, arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the doorframe. 
‘it’s cute and romantic,’ you had responded while folding your clothes, the slight fragrance of your detergent spinning in the air. ‘it sounds like love,’ 
that was like you, to associate and define things as love. his kisses tasted like love, touch felt like love, voice resonated with love— sometimes, he’d stop and shake his head at your words with a silly smile. how could you see love in everything around, in things as ugly as shame, and pretty as stars? he remembers meeting you and you described the feeling as love. 
you came in like a spring wind. first day, first interaction, and he was floored. 
jay doesn’t know much about love. he isn’t the one to ponder about it and put it in words. love, to him, is the feeling, happy or sad. to him, it’s in longing and yearning, yet also in letting go. you were his first girlfriend, and his hands were shaking when he felt like he had the entire world on his palms. he would stutter and stumble and you would lend him a hand. that’s love to him. when his patience ran thin and he ended up saying words he didn’t mean, when arguments left you with silence weaving itself in between, you would hold him and promise to stay together, and he says he’ll do better. that’s love to him. 
love, to jay, was when he came home in a hurry to your long texts— your bags laid out with clothes inside, and he let your hand slip out of his fingers. 
‘can you explain yourself?’ he had asked, anxious and frantic, going crazy behind his eyes. his heart threatening to beat out of his chest as he pulled you aside, holding your hands ever so dearly and in fear. 
‘there’s nothing to explain. i told you everything over text,’ and that’s all you had said before going back to packing your stuff. jay saw your flight tickets on the bedside table and realised there was a lot you didn’t tell him about— and you’re still a mystery to him.
‘did i do something wrong?’ 
‘did i push you away?’
‘am i not good enough?’
all these questions spun in the room, and you had taken his hand ever so tenderly, planting a soft, gentle kiss, looking at him in the eyes with pain— love. you had told him so inexplicably how happy you were and how much the time you two spent meant to you. you had told him how lovely he was and how all your rainy nights and lonely days felt like you were being coloured in his shiny light because he was with you. 
you told him, he believed, and you let go of his hands with a bittersweet smile before walking back to your closet. 
‘did you fall out of love?’ silence. 
‘are you tired of me?’ and silence. 
he still thinks about those questions he asked, even now as he’s sitting in front of your supposed birthday cake. you never responded, but your silence told more than words could ever recite. he wishes you had answered him, though. it would’ve been easier for him to move on, even though he has always known what your answer would be. sometimes, he wishes for you to come back running, half because he wants to close the door on you and hurt you the same way you hurt him, and half because he wants to hold you in his arms and pour out all the love he has for you. his fingers hover above the like button of your posts. he wonders if he should comment or maybe send you a direct message. he wants to pull you back, but you look so happy without him— and who was he ever to take away your happiness? so he just scrolls past, liking other posts and reels, and hangs in there drowning in thoughts of you until you post again— and the ugly cycle continues. 
jay notices the candle melting and puts it away on the kitchen counter, not wanting the wax to poison the cake if it ever could. he grabs a can of beer from the fridge, downs it, and then grabs another, then another, and another, to the point his vision is blurring. he tries to light a cigarette but the lighter doesn’t work. he takes off his cardigan and throws it around in attempt to make a mess. he wants you to see him— pitiful and in pain, and he wants you to stop him like you always had.
he tunes in the recorder, listening to a few of the songs that you enjoyed. he never bothered changing it. and he drinks yet another can of beer, looking around and out of the window, looking at the unattended cake and the melted wax on the table. oh how you would scrape it out with your nails. 
“do you think about me?” he asks into the empty. the question gnaws at him from the inside, along with a thousand others. he waits, and waits, hoping for a response, knowing it’s useless, hopeless. “sometimes, i think about you every minute,”
he tries to think of how you’d respond to those words— with a laugh, maybe. maybe, you’d tell him you think of him too, he can only guess, he can only imagine. he imagines you walking up to him and leaning down for a kiss. you’d whisper something sweet in your enchanting voice and then kiss him again, this time getting onto his lap, your lips pulling him in a way he can’t help but wrap his arms around you. and just when it would be getting better— you’d pull away. 
‘i don’t like dancing,’ you had mentioned once, as he suddenly remembers via the alcohol taking him down the memory lane, when he asked you for a dance at the freshers party. he didn’t even know you then, not more than the fact that you were the most beautiful person he had seen that night.
and then a year later, you were in his apartment, arms over his shoulders, his hands on your waist. you gave him this sweet smile and made him inch closer for a kiss, all while waltzing to your favourite song. you said you didn’t mind dancing if it was him, only him. because he was the only one. 
and jay huffs at the memory, a bit frustrated. it was a lie, a pure white lie. you didn’t mind sharing dance with a few of your friends. he knew it was childish of him to be upset at this, but he’s annoyed nonetheless. you’ve told him lies, about love, about him, about yourself; to the point he believed they were the truth. like when you said he didn’t have a talent for music so he should take engineering instead so that you two could stay together. and when you said everything would be fine now that he was in love with you— a whole lot of lies. he grips the can tightly at the memory, pressing his fingers into the metal. and then your song comes on. 
jay just stares at the recorder for a few seconds. he pictures you walking up to him from the living room with a smile on your face, asking him for a dance and he’d agree— as he does, standing up from the stool except this time, he’s holding a beer can instead of your hand. every step he takes reminds him of the little dance you two performed together. he closes his eyes occasionally, taking in the lyrics, the chorus that you like so much. he let his mind trace over every single memory of yours he has preserved in his mind. how quickly you made him fall for you and how swiftly you left. 
like a wind blowing past the curtains into his living room, you came into his life, and entranced him in your presence. you had asked him to make room for you in his heart and he gave you your entire self and soul. being with you was an adventure, like walking into a storm. he had to share his love and you’ll never let go. now, he starts picturing you in his arms while waltzing down the kitchen all alone, reliving the feeling of your body pressed close to him.
he lets his feet guide him around his apartment, down to the living room, bumping into the couch slightly but he doesn’t stop. it’s like the first dance he shared with you, magical, as you had him lost in yourself completely. all the walks together with you, hands intertwined together, it all plays in his head like a movie. and jay never understood the song like you did, but he can walk on the world stage and thump his chest to claim you’re the only one— but it wouldn’t mean a damn thing since he’s not yours in return. 
he takes a sip of beer, humming to the melody of the song as he waltzes on his own, walking down to the balcony. you were his muse, and his notepad is full of songs he wrote about you, and he— jay lets out a chuckle— a passerby. you came in like a wind, calling him your only one amongst the other people you had pulled in your whirl all along, and he leans against the railing, taking last sips of beer from his can.
a wind flows by— and you’re gone. 
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If we are talking about popular ships we dislike I gotta say my biggest is Elias/Peter. It irks me because it's basically treated as canon, probably because their VAs have talked about it, but there's absolutely nothing in canon to suggest they were romantically or sexually involved.
The thing is their relationship is interesting to me. They have a sort of one sided rivalry where Peter is trying to thwart Elias's plans and Elias is pretty easily playing him. Actually as I'm writing this I'm realizing I could get behind one-sided Peter/Elias, with Elias being the only person Peter cares about at all but to Elias Peter is just another pawn in his plan.
But I don't like the fanon version of their relationship because it's so out of character for both of them.
ohh yeah, i absolutely get that. lonelyeyes is a fun ship overall, but it's also the source of some of the more obvious mischaracterizations of both characters.
i hate that so much fanon content just. completely mischaracterizes peter in order to make him this stoic, quiet, easily annoyed figure, when in canon, he's pretty much the opposite. he's overly cheerful in an empty way, he's extremely talkative but never says what you want to hear, he's such an excellent portrayal of what the lonely really is and i hate that people just ignore that in favor of a trope. he's not shy, he just genuinely loves being excluded socially and thrives on others' discomfort. he's not lonely, he's of the lonely. he's the guy at the party that makes you feel like you're not supposed to be there. he's the guy that reminds you, with a wide grin and genuine joy, that you'll always be alone.
peter lukas is an excellent character. the fanon portrayal of peter lukas is a different guy entirely.
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monzamash · 8 hours
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lando norrisrating – mature (language, angst) requested by anon ✨
monaco was a magical place that you thought only existed in a fairy tale. picturesque mountains, crystal clear water, extravagance emanating in every street corner – it was otherworldly to you, somewhere all the special people go to shed their inhibitions and you hoped it would be a place you could call home someday.
but it wasn’t home, at least not to you. every part of you wanted it to be the place to settle down and find a job, live life alongside the man of your dreams but the transition had been hard – harder than you thought it would be and much harder than lando knew. he worried about the move and how you would adjust, the small town girl with big dreams and humble beginnings. hell, even with all the luxury he had been privileged to grow up with was nothing compared to the indulgent monacan lifestyle.
but he saw the way the city lights sparkled in your wide eyes when you strolled hand-in-hand along the bay and how your sweet face glowed in the candlelight when he'd treated you to a romantic dinner. he thought you loved it here with him, never once suspecting otherwise. and you did love it, when you were with him.
lately though, it felt like he was never there.
“baby you look very cozy but i don’t think sweats and ugg boots are the vibe for jimmy’z…”
“i really don’t feel like going out – was thinking it might be nice to stay in for once,” you coaxed open one of the few remaining buttons on his white shirt and teased his neck with a kiss before lando gently caught your wandering hands.
“i promised martin we would be there.”
his words felt dismissive, a stark reminder that his social life took priority over everything and you couldn’t conceal the huff of frustration when you stepped away and plonked down on the couch with a pout, “then say hi to martin for me.”
“are you serious?” lando’s question and tone surprised you but you kept your expression neutral in an attempt to supress the tears that were already threatening to spill.
“you never come out anymore and then you make me feel guilty for leaving… it’s fucking annoying and i’m sick of making excuses to our friends for you.”
"our friends? lando, they’re your friends, with your people, at your favourite clubs, playing your favourite songs, in the place you call home… i dropped everything to be with you! everything! and all you want to do is hang out with other people."
“what? I’m literally standing here waiting for you to get ready to go out because I do want to hang out with you! Why do you have to be so difficult all the time?” his question knocked the breath from your lungs, the shock rattled your composure as the tears began to silently fall.
“i’m not trying to be difficult – i just want you to understand how hard it’s been to leave everything i know behind for you. and i’m sick of going out because it’s the same every time – you find someone you know, leave me to fend myself amongst complete strangers who for the most part speak a different language and you expect me to subject myself to that every weekend?”
lando shrugged his shoulders with an incredulous laugh as he angrily snatched a jacket from the coat rack and scooped up his wallet and keys.
“i don’t expect you to do anything anymore because you always say no anyway! it’s pretty hard to make friends from the couch, you know… and to fix all the things you hate about this city, you actually have to try but you don’t.”
you were speechless, teary-eyed and vulnerable – all of the things you hated being in front of people you loved. there was a part of you that did want to change, to really change and embrace the new life you were being promised. it was a dream that any girl would die for, a life that any sane person would be grateful for but it wasn’t home.
the air was different, the people weren’t friendly like they were back home where everyone knew everyone and nobody judged someone based on the car they were driving or the shoes they were wearing. it was superficial and nasty and you didn't know who to trust because too much was on the line. lando's reputation, your reputation.
your life had been modest, carefree and peaceful – all things lando was when you first met him way back when. but the principality had changed him, skewed his perspective and resolve for the simpler things in life. he’d lost sight of what was important; who was important and you couldn’t hide your feelings anymore. life was too short to feel like an outsider.
“you used to be the life of the party, someone who loved an adventure… what happened to that girl?”
it hurt you to see lando's handsome face riddled with confusion but his inability to understand you hurt even more. so you shrugged and slouched further into the couch, the walls you had worked so hard to bring down retracting back into place.
“i’m not that girl anymore and if you have to ask me why then you haven't been listening to a word i've said for months."
"what am i missing?" lando sighed, desperate for an answer.
"that all i want is to go home."
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just between you and me, i hate this lol the emo hours are over for now and i'll be going back to our regularly scheduled programme (inconsistently posting filth) so stay tuned x more writing...
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idiswhadidis · 2 days
୨ৎ 🇼​​🇭​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇪​​🇦​​🇸​​🇪​​🇸​, ​🇱​​🇴​​🇻​​🇪​​🇸​ ​🇪​​🇦​​🇨​​🇭​ ​🇴​​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​​🇷​ ୨ৎ
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having to sit with your enemy at the engagement dinner of your brother couldn't be that bad right? besides you should give your mother credits.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ୭˚. ᵎᵎ prince Jungwon x female.reader princess ​ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ୭˚. ᵎᵎ sim jake and jungwons sister i choose to name her Jia
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ ୭˚. ᵎᵎ historical: prince, princess, queen, king etc. fluff, jungwon is in readers opinion the enemy, actually pretty romantic?, jungwon is full on a gentleman (get me a man like him), friends/enemies to?, i would say jungwon is a bit possessive ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ୭˚. ᵎᵎ 1,8K
ɴᴏᴛᴇ ୭˚. ᵎᵎ i didn't know that i would update a fiction this quickly but after the long ass pause i had, this is overdue lol, i actually wanted to include some angst but i couldn't bring myself to (my heart is too soft)
“I just know this day will suck the energy out of me, who even decided that I have to come along just to see my brother getting engaged, like happy for him but not really my business” you say irritated sitting in the carriage that drives in the direction of the Yangs, your mother listening to your little tantrum,
“Honey, the only reason you don’t want to go is because of Prince Jung-”, widening your eyes at her, cupping your ears preventing from hearing the name of the boy “don’t say his name, it literally brings bad luck” making your mother laugh,
“Prince Jungwon is literally the sweetest soul I’ve ever met, he presents perfectly his mother the Queen, so please get along with him just for today” pouting at her, making her eyebrows raise a bit so you sigh and nod slumping down, the dress you’re wearing making it a bit difficult tho. “But you know…” your mother starts, “what teases, loves each other.” “Mother!” 
As the carriage comes to a halt, and the chauffeur opens the door making you aware that you’re in the Yang’s residence. Breathing in and out switching from your goofy personality to your “Princess of Sim” personality, though life.
Setting foot on the ground straightening the wrinkles on your dress amazed by how the dress compliments your curves.
“Welcome Queen and Princess of Sim” the Queen herself aka Jungwons mother, greets you both smiling widely, your mother and the Queen have been friends for decades plus your father and his father so it’s literally perfect having a son (your brother) and a daughter (Jungwons sister) marrying each other, perfect match as they call it.
“Dear, how long was it? you have grown to a gorgeous lady Y/n”, blushing at her words, even tho you’ve seen her 3 months ago on the masquerade ball, you don’t think your appearance has changed that much since then, but like you will never shut down a compliment so you thank her slightly bowing down and complimenting her as well. 
“I have to agree, Mother,” making your eyes roll “indeed absolutely gorgeous,” says the boy next to the Queen, her son Yang Jungwon, the boy who makes your (love) life hard.
Making your mom stab your ribs with her elbow intending for you to say something nice, side-eyeing her, you muster a smile turning to him- “Thanks Jungwon, you look handsome as well” having him laugh at your response making you want to punch him.
“Lets get inside, everything is already prepared.”
As the Queens go their own way catching up to each other's life leaving you alone on the stairs with Jungwon, “Missed me Princess?” making you scoff as if,  “I was taught not to lie” walking past him, making him smile a bit, following you to the venue where the engagement dinner will be held.
Stepping foot in to the venue having your mouth wide open, the servants did a great job everything is perfectly decorated in beige and brown, flowers are literally hanging down the ceiling like wow, every dinner table is completely full you didn’t thought that everyone in this fucking country would be invited.
“Let's go” Jungwon says, having his hand hovering on your back guiding you to the main table where your families sit, seeing your brother and his fiance,
and also noticing that the only two seats left are next to each other, sighing in disbelief, you wouldn’t be surprised that your mothers planned this. 
Having Jungwon bring out the chair as a sign to help you sit down makes you look at him “what is your agenda today, why so nice?” him laughing out a breath “I’m always nice to you, you just refuse to see it.” having his hand on your waist bringing you to sit down, looking at him stunned as he sits down himself.
Looking around the table, seeing some familiar faces, like your favorite cousin who is already waving excitedly at you, sticking the tip of your tongue playfully out and giving him the peace sign.
Hearing the sound of something clanking against glass has your head turn to the left to see your mothers trying to get the attention from everyone.
“Welcome everyone, I’m happy that everyone could make it, today we will celebrate the engagement of Prince Sim Jake and Princess Yang Jia.” Jungwon’s mother turns to your mother letting her know to continue “Let’s have fun and cherish our both childrens luck.” Having everybody clap in happiness, looking at your brother and Jia feeling happy for them knowing your brother had a crush since childhood for her. 
“Now, dinner is about to be served. Eat as much as you want, our chefs would be disappointed if there are any leftovers.” Making your stomach grumble ready to devour food.
“Did you know that Jia always had a crush on your brother?” Jungwon breaks you out of your thoughts, looking at him with wide eyes. Those are actually news to you “Wait really? I knew that Jake had a crush on her but this makes it even more cute that both had a crush.” your lips pouting- “that reminds me of someone” he says, having direct eye contact, looking at him confused “who?”, “you will know” blinking at him, question marks dancing around your head.
After you have eaten your dress has gotten much tighter, once again a reminder that you hate dresses, standing up wanting to go to the restroom to re-tighten it so that you are not on the brink of death. Problem is, it takes two persons to tie a dress so who? Looking at the persons who you would trust are completely busy with eating or conversations. The only one who’s free is the boy next to you, shaking your head not in hell, you can do this by yourself.
“If someone asks, I’m in the restroom real quick” you say quickly to him making him nod, standing up and dashing to the restroom trying to untie the dress at the back. God damn it who thought a dress that tight would be okay for an occasion which includes food. Looking into the mirror to see your back, seeing that the strings of the bow are literally tucked into the nest of other strings, great what now.
Hearing the door crack makes you look at it praying it would be a polite girl who could help you, instead you got a man to be specific, Jungwon.
“The fuck are you doing here? in the girl washroom to be specific”, “Figured you would need help retightening that dress”, “what? how did you know-”, 
“I knew by your expression that you were uncomfortable, then I saw how your hand was sitting on your belly probably trying to breathe properly and then you tried to open the strings while dashing away.” 
Blinking at him feeling suddenly butterflies in your stomach, “wow sherlock, didn’t know you know me that well'', “don't act so surprised princess'' he says walking to your standing figure, making you gulp a bit harder than you intended. 
Him standing behind you looking at you through the mirror “May I?”, making you nod mumbling out a tiny “yes”, propping your hands on the counter of the sink for better support. 
It was silent as he reached for the strings untightening the bow and step by step he untightened all strings, making you finally breathe out in a satisfied sigh “you know when I agreed with my mother I truly meant it.”
making your brows furrow what does he mean-
Looking up to the mirror seeing him already looking at you makes you flustered, wtf? Where does this come from now? you’re supposed to dislike him. He is the reason why your love life does not exist, having him always ruin your dates just because he doesn’t want to see you happy, the masquerade ball for example your date literally ditched you after he talked to Jungwon.
looking back down hiding the blush on your face, fuck are you supposed to say something back? I mean you weren't lying either he is really handsome especially in the tuxedo he wears complimanting his body perfectly-
feeling the strings of your dress being put back in a bow letting you know he’s done, suddenly feeling both of his hands on each side of your waist turning your around still looking down avoiding his eyes, since when are you shy around him? this didn’t suit you trying to move, his grip tightens. still looking not at him, has him lifting your chin with his thumb and index finger making you look at him unwillingly.
him moving closer to your face “what are you doing?” you whisper as you glance at his lips “something i should have done way earlier” he said barely closing the gap between your lips “is this okay?” he asks so politely, fuck why is he so perfect? you don't answer so you crash your lips against his, making him squeeze your waist trying to push you more onto him cradling your neck into his hand deepening the kiss having you bring your hand as well onto his neck going through his fluffy hair pulling slightly on it making him moan.
he slips away from your lips kissing down your chin to your throat finding your sweet spot making you moan out gripping a bit harder onto his hair “fuck j-jung-” making him nibble on it more leaving a tiny mark, kissing back up to your lips making you sigh in comfort.
“God I wish I could do this everyday” he says between kisses breaking you out of your trance making you break the kiss, you look at him catching your breath your eyes blown out, “what just happened” you say whispering touching your lips noticing that they are a bit swollen. Him holding one of your cheek “I don't know if this was prove enough but I’ve been wanting to tell you that I'm madly in love with you Y/n”
You think for a second, connecting dots looking at him suspiciously “Is that why you tried to ruin every date I’ve ever had?” him smiling sheepishly at you “I’m sorry I had to, I was terrified that someone would steal my girls heart” making your heart melt my god what's happening to you,
"Your girl?”
“I called you my girl since forever nothing will change that-”
“-so will you let me take you out on a date, which I will not sabotage?” 
“When you ask me so nicely then I don’t have a choice besides to say yes” making him smile catching your lips again.
As you both head out of the restroom, hands intertwined, both of your lips still a bit swollen, the first person to catch you both is of course.. who else.. your mother. Wiggling her eyebrows playfully, she knew this day would come like she said “what teases, loves each other.” 
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papirouge · 3 days
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This exchange made me realize that many of you tend to forget that Carmy is a late bloomer who never had any girlfriend before Claire which actually explains his awkward behavior. I know it because I too am an awkward late bloomer (around the same age as Carmy and sharing a lot of common with him) and his behavior totally made sense to me lol
I want you all to keep in mind that when you've been closed off romantic elationships for your entire life, you're not handling them the same way people who started dating in their teens or young adult years (Carmy is most likely in his early 30s and never got into any relationships before).
Carmy, like any late bloomer, was used to never being considered romantically, which explains why he freaked out when Claire started flirting with him and stopped thinking rationally (which is very unfamiliar for emotionally avoidant type like Carmy or I - we'll come back to this later). I understand Carmy's move of giving a false number to Claire yet still accepting to go out with her later may be confusing to many people, but as a fellow late bloomer I immediately clocked it : we are not comfortable with the attention people give to us, but we *know* this behavior is not normal/unhealthy so Carmy eventually giving in may be a way of eventually getting into the mold and abide to the "if you don't open up to others and give them chances, how can you expect building actual relationships?" mantra. Because deep down we want to be like others (because being so closed off all the time can become emotionally draining) and seek to find a way to fit in.
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Another thing about people like Carmy/emotional avoidant type is that by being so closed off to the world, we are also extremely deceptive about who we truly are. It makes sense to me that Carmy hides his feelings for Syd and would rather project them onto Claire. That's definitely manipulative, but we'd rather do that than get "uncovered". We tend to think very rationally and our sense of self perseveration is incredibly strong. I just know that howing his bare feelings has to be one of the most terrifying and embarrassing thing for Carmy.
We also don't mind getting confused as someone we are not in which we feel some sort of relief because it keeps our real self away from others perception (if that make sense???). Carmy passing himself as "Logan" in that party -while being quite extreme- is totally on brand actually lol. I regularly get mistaken as a male (I'm lowkey gnc) but I never bother correcting people lol I'm fine being whatever they see me as, as long it's not the real me.
Talking about self preservation: we don't ask and don't tell. Carmy sister being mad at him for never asking her whether she was okay was extremely relatable because I tend to get the same reproach from my own sisters. Very typical of us. Fleeing to the other side of the globe to cope with a family member death is something I *get* because we are avoidant in nature. We can also be insane hustlers and tend to cope with grief or unhealed emotions through work.
On the positive side, we are extremely independent and self reliant. The scene in the fridge (last episode of season 2) where Carmy loses his shit and says he was mad at himself for indulging in all "this bullshit" (= love and relationships) I FELT THAT. Countless times I prayed to God to remove from my heart my "shameful" longing for love & intimacy that I always felt hindered me in my quest for excellence & satisfaction in any other aspect of my life. Because we are very rational & practical people and lowkey despise "useless" stuff like relationships and feelings. And that's where the messed up part comes up.
I wouldn't be surprised Carmy lowkey despises Claire for being so clingy and courting him so openly. As I just said, we tend to look down on (bold) displayal of love and emotion which lowkey repulse us. I think that's why Carmy dislikes his sister's husband when he's an all around good guy. He may have a resentment (and even jealousy?) against this man that has no issue showing affection - not only to his sister, but also the rest of the family. Which Carmy still struggles to do so far.
This may also explain why Carmy is suddenly so cold with Claire when he's serving her at the table (beside him allegedly previously making up his mind to break up with her). That's why the moment he hears that voicemail of Claire saying she "loves him" he THROWS AWAY his phone. Because that's disgusting.
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I think the CarmyxSyd dynamic is unique because there's a dimension of respect between both. They share the same passion for cuisine, and Sydney constantly pushes Carmy out of his comfort zone. As an avoidant emotional attachment type myself, when I think of the type of people I potentially could be attracted to, I can only think of people I have deeply respect for, and bring objective value into my life AND skills. I've seen people criticize the fact that Sydney was pretty much a "warrior worker" for Carmy (and pretty much the whole Bear crew) and that's true. But regardless it's a good or bad thing, that's pretty much the type of profile that may attract avoidant emotional type of people. Bonding through work & shared passion is our safest field to build romantic connection through. That's why Carmy made Syd sign a partnership agreement instead of a marriage contract 💅🏾 that's the safest way for him to convey his feelings.
Again, we are very rational people and in every type of relationship, we instinctively jauge whether & how this person might be useful for us. It doesn't mean we built relationship with people depending on whether they can be useful for us or not, but that's definitely in a part of our head somewhere. Yes, that's fucked up (1/because we are 2/that's why emotionally distant people can become pretty unlikable - i.e Carmy carmying), but you have to keep that in mind to understand how Carmy moves. Which tracks back to Claire's actual purpose I've elaborated just before. He definitely uses her, but most likely unknowingly.
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moipale · 1 day
aro siffrin is so important to me specifically because of their response to isa's confession in act 5... that dialogue, isa saying "i know you love me, but is it the same as i love you?" and sif responding "give me some time to figure it out" and that being OKAY. isabeau accepting that siffrin needs time, recognizing that they love him platonically first and the rest may or may not come after... it's rendered so simply and easily!! when every, every other piece of media would stop at siffrin's first "i love you too" as proof of romance. ta-da you're in love! nothing else matters!
siffrin feeling so deeply for every single member of the party, caring about them with his whole soul, is the center of isat. a platonic and significant and real center. and it means so much to me that isabeau's romantic feelings for siffrin frankly come second. because platonic love never comes first, ever. but here it does!
id5 may have word-of-god-ed isafrin as canon, if i remember right, but textually in stars and time does not actually couple them at the end of the game. and i really really appreciate that. siffrin's musings throughout the game on romance can be read in multiple directions: either aromantically, or as repressed due to their other issues, and both i would argue are very well founded with textual evidence. i simply favor the aromantic reading more. i love mirabelle deeply, but siffrin's potential for being aromantic/his textual musings on the matter echo my own experiences more directly, and so he means a lot to me
1 day i'll actually write that essay on my aromantic reading of siffrin. but for now happy pride month. come frolick with me in the aromantic siffrin fields
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fireflyinks · 2 days
I have an idea for a request :) 💗 sorry if this is long but what if hamzah did one of the solo out of character podcasts and then he invited y/n but then the sexual/romantic tension between them so they stop filming to do other stuff (can be the deed if you want to take a smut route or just making out or being cuddly for a fluffy route!) or maybe 🫣 they forget about the camera and accidentally capture stuff on camera
special guest
hamzah x afab reader smut
contains : smut, oral sex (both giving and receiving), no p in v, use of y/n, cursing, sort of exhibition (they record themselves but don’t post it), munch!hamzah
a/n : I LOVE THIS SM, munch!hamzah is my new favorite thing to write, i’m obsessed. anon you’re literally a genius. thank you so much for the support on all of my hamzah posts, i love you alllll
∗ ࣪ ˖༺ ♡ ༻˖ ࣪ ∗
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Hamzah and I had been friends for a couple of years. Both of us had YouTube channels and lived near one another so we would hang often. There was an obvious connection between us, but Hamzah nor I were bold enough to point it out. The two of us simply enjoyed dancing around the face that we obviously had mutual feelings for one another.
I sat on my couch, editing my latest video when I felt my phone buzz beside me. I picked it up, reading “hamzah” spread across my screen and a .5 picture I’d taken of him. I swiped right to answer the call.
“Hey Y/n. Are you busy?”
I shook my head as if he could see me, “No, what’s up?”
“Well, Martin is busy today and can’t record for our podcast, so I was wondering if you’d want to come record with me. Like a ‘special guest’ type thing?”
I thought for a moment. I hadn’t seen him in a while just because the two of us had busy, and viewers loved it when we made content together. We actually got shipped a lot, but Hamzah always ignored it, and I never brought it up. Part of me was glad that even the fans noticed that there was something between us.
“Yeah, why not? That sounds fun, when do you want me to come over?”
Hamzah took a beat before answering. “You could come over now, and afterwards we could order dinner or something, yeah? You’ll have to come to Martin’s apartment because that’s where we film, it’s not too far from mine. I’ll send you the address.”
“I’m on my way, see ya in a second.”
“Thanks, y/n, drive safe.” He hung up.
My heart fluttered at his last comment.
I went to my room and quickly put on something sort of presentable. The star of my outfit was none other then a small denim miniskirt.
The drive to Martin’s house was only about ten minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I was way more excited about spending time was Hamzah than I should’ve been.
Once I arrived at the apartment, I knocked on the door. I was greeted immediately by Hamzah. I couldn’t help but noticed as he looked me up and down once he’d opened the door, a small grin on his lips.
“Hey!” He said, pulling me into a hug. It surprised me a bit but Hamzah was always very affectionate with me, even as a friend. He’d play with strands of my hair on late nights after filming when we’d sit and talk about pretty much anything, and would always grab my hand when leading me places.
“Hi” I smiled into his shoulder right before he let go.
“I have everything get up in here.” Like clockwork, he took my hand and led me through Martin’s apartment. I looked around, seeing the scenes that had made appearances in many of Hamzah and Martin’s videos.
“So…” He sat down on the couch, motioning for me to sit to his right, “it’s going to real causal, just like it is with Martin. I might ask you a couple questions about your channel, if you want me to.”
I shrugged, “I’m fine with anything, just happy I could help you out.”
Hamzah smiled, handing me Martin’s microphone and looking at the camera. “Well, are you ready?”
I nodded, and he got up and began recording.
“You gotta just sit here for a second awkwardly while the intro music plays.”
A few seconds went by as we tried not to laugh at the silence. I couldn’t help but notice how his eyes flicked down to my thighs, exposed by my mini skirt, every few seconds.
“Hey guys, today I’m here with someone who is not Martin.”
Hamzah motioned to me. I lifted my hand and gave the camera small wave.
“Hi there, I’m y/n.”
“Martin decided to skip recording today to go roller skating with Mandy.”
I giggled, “Well, I think they sort of trapped you into recording without them so you wouldn’t third wheel them for once.”
Hamzah rolled his eyes. We went on and on, talking about how much better I am at rolling skating than Hamzah is, how ice skating isn’t real and it’s all just an illusion because neither of us can even stand up on the ice, and after about 40 minutes, somehow the topic of none other than Ice Spice.
“Munch is an absolute banger, but I’ve never met a dude that actually enjoyed eating it.”
Hamzah furrowed his eyebrows, “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” I went on, “like most of them do it but they don’t like it, which makes it awkward. Like I’m yet to meet a dude that actually gets pleasure out of it too.”
There was a slight pause in the conversation, and I was scared I had made him uncomfortable.
“You’re talking to one right now.”
My cheeks flushed as his comment sunk it. I couldn’t respond, no words would come out of my mouth.
“Sorry,” he looked at me worried, “I totally just made it awkward.”
“Nah,” I shook my head, desperately. My heart thumped as I looked back at him. Maybe I wasn’t delusional about our obvious connection. Why in the world would he make a comment like that if he didn’t mean it in a flirty manner? “it’s okay, really.”
I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. Hamzah’s mouth on my heat, suckling on it like it was his last meal, rubbing my clit with his thumb. I bit my lip. The way he was looking at me showed that he was possibly imagining it too.
He shifted on the couch, looking at me desperately.
“I could show you, if you want.”
I nodded dumbly.
Hamzah leaned in, slowly pressing his lips onto mine. He slowly worked his mouth on mine, growing more and more passionate.
His mouth moved down my body, trailing down my neck. He paused, slipping my shirt and skirt off my body and taking a moment to stare at my breasts.
“God, you’re so beautiful, you know that?” Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. “I was so distracted, I couldn’t stop staring at you.”
He rubbed my thighs, looking down at them. It’s like he was mesmerized. “These thighs are so pretty. I couldn’t stop imagining them spread for me.”
Hamzah’s boldness surprised me, but I couldn’t say that I didn’t enjoy his praises. No matter how lewd they were.
“Can I take these off?” He curled his index finger into the band of my panties.
“Yes” I breathed out, shyly.
Hamzah chuckled to himself, “You’re so cute.”
He pulled my panties off of me, spreading my legs and looking down at my aching heat. Leaning down, he slowly kissed my core. I whimpered at the feeling.
“Tell me you want it.”
I bit my lip, looking down at him with pleading eyes. “I want it. I want it so fucking bad, Hamzah.”
Without further discussion, he dove down into my aching heat, swirling his tounge through the folds. I took his hat of his head with shaky hands and ran my fingers through his curls.
He looked up at me for a moment.
“Do you feel good?” He said quickly, wasting no time to get back to his meal.
“Yes! Yes! So good.” I moaned, my legs involuntarily closing in on his head. His hands held them back in place, spread wide for him to have the fullest access.
“You taste so damn good.” He groaned out. It was entertaining, watching how much he genuinely enjoyed this. He moved his mouth like it was his last meal. I’d never felt this much pleasure just from being eaten out, and it was so sweet.
My brain felt all fuzzy from the way his tounge worked through the folds of my heat perfectly, finding all of the sensitive places and causing my legs to shake under his hold.
“Fuck- I’m gonna cum.” I threw my head back, pure pleasure filling my head as I let out breathy moans.
“Go ahead, cum for me. Cum in my mouth, baby.”
I let myself release on his tounge, my body writhing against his working mouth.
After a few seconds, he pulled away, looking up at me with hopeful eyes, almost like he’d expected me to have had a bad experience.
I didn’t. I had the complete opposite; I couldn’t stop thinking about Hamzah’s tounge.
“Fucking wow.” Is all I could manage to get out.
“Was it good?” He asked.
“More than good. That was… can I please return the favor?”
Hamzah was quick to shake his head, “You really don’t have to. I know most girls don’t like to, and I don’t expect anything in return.”
I genuinely couldn’t let myself live knowing that I didn’t repay Hamzah back after he had me seeing stars.
“No, please, I really want to.”
I couldn’t lie, I’d imagined Hamzah’s cock plenty of times. I’d wondered how big it was, what it looked like, how it would feel in my mouth, what he was like in bed, pretty much everything. But now that I might finally get it, I felt more giddy than ever.
Hamzah slowly nodded, “Alright, go ahead.”
I reached down to his jeans, unbuttoning them as he helped me pull them off his legs, followed by his boxers. His member slapped his stomach, and it surprised me just how hard he was solely from eating out.
It was… big to say the least.
I slowly bottomed him out in my mouth, gagging slightly. He groaned, keeping his eyes on me. I bobbed my head, feeling him hit the back of my throat over and over again.
“Fuck, y/n, just like that.”
I continued these motions, occasionally pulling him out of my mouth and leaving small kitten licks on the tip. He was fighting the urge to throw his head back into the sofa, continuing to keep his eyes glued to me. He breathed out shaky praises to me.
“You’re so good at this, fuck. I- I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum in my mouth… please.” I begged, sucking his faster.
He moaned before filling my mouth with his loud. I swallowed it all before taking him out of my mouth, looking up at him shyly.
“Fuck… that was amazing.”
I giggled as we looked at each other for a few moments. It was crazy, the very things I’d been fantasizing about coming true, all because of a podcast episode.
Fuck. A podcast episode.
My eyes darted over to the recording camera, my cheeks flushing. Hamzah was still looking at me, almost in a hypnotic state.
“Hamzah…” I tried to grab his attention, he hummed in response. “The camera…”
His eyes widened as he looked over, coming to the same realization that I had.
“Fuck- sorry.” He got up, pulling his boxers on and walking over to the camera. “I’m deleting all the footage. You can check afterwards if you want. Recording us really wasn’t my intention.”
He was panicking, his fingers fumbling with the cameras buttons.
“Hamzah… relax. It’s okay. You- nevermind.”
Hamzah looks over to me, his eyebrows raised in amusement. “I what?”
“You can keep the recording if you want.” It felt so lewd to say, but I meant it. It was sort of hot, knowing he had that footage of us and could watch it anytime.
He smirked, looking down at the camera and nodding. “Alright… I will.”
I blushed, “Now can we get that food that you promised me?”
Hamzah chuckled, grabbing his phone.
It was strange, a couple of seconds ago we were performing such lewd acts for a camera we’d forgot was recording, and now we were arguing about whether we should get chinese or mexican take out.
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Pls More general sfw headcanons of cooper and reader? Ghoul or pre war whichever you prefer honestly.
General SFW Prewar!Cooper Howard Headcanons 2
(I'll do some Ghoul SFW in a follow-up; this got away from me a little.)
Clearly he enjoys film and theatre, but he has a fairly secret soft spot for musicals. Pretty much any musical will pique his interest, and you'll spend a fair few date nights out seeing shows. You find it very endearing that he wants to share his interests with you. He's got an especially soft spot for some of the older, cheesier musicals though; hope you're ready to see "Brigadoon" like a half dozen times! He's got that one on tape.
"Old Yeller" is banned media in the Howard household (as are most things about dogs who die), as well as books like "The Velveteen Rabbit", which he read to Janey when she was four and never truly recovered from. Coop cries like a baby every time and gets so embarrassed. You once asked Janey if she'd ever seen it, and she tells you, rather conspiratorially, that she once watched it at a friend's house.
The old man actually cries quite easily when he's moved by something. He'll try to hide it away, but every once in a while he fully loses it (tbh it's the 'child death' type stuff that really upsets him; to this day, he's still a little mad at Barb for showing him "Bridge to Terabithia" on family movie night and thinking he would like it). You think it's the sweetest thing and you always reassure him that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I imagine that, like a good, engaged father, he takes a particular interest in Janey's likes and hobbies; if you ask him what she likes, he can give you an entire list of things you can engage with her on, every single one of them accurate and up-to-date. If Janey really likes a book series, he'll read it (or maybe listen to it if he's short on time). If she really likes a band, y'all have fun at the concert! Every group comes through LA so you may be going to several concerts a year eventually. He even knows who her favorite member is! He only falls in love with you more when you do the same with her.
He's a true romantic at heart; despite being really torn up about the divorce and thinking he'll never fall in love again, he does, and hard. It's not long before he (unbelievably, to him especially) finds himself wanting to propose. He waits a while, though, wanting to feel out the dynamic between you and Janey, worrying about how Barb will feel when she ultimately finds out. He doesn't want to be married to her anymore, but he still cares for her, and he doesn't want to hurt her.
I'd like to think that he and Barb had a pretty nice, large wedding (as I've said before, likely at an older age than many of their peers, even if, canonically, it seems they were already dating during Cooper's military service; they both strike me as the type to want to wait until they were better established to actually marry). Not anything too crazy, but since Cooper's career was really starting to take off, she did want to use the wedding as an opportunity to rub elbows, so there were quite a few people in attendance that he flat-out didn't know. It didn't bother him much at the time; Barb always loved an opportunity to network and Coop could never deny her anything. But, given a chance to do it over, I think he'd do things differently.
With you, he'd wanna go to the courthouse. He'd be happy to have a nice, private ceremony eventually, maybe a little vow renewal for your one-year down on the beach in Mexico or something. But when you get legally married it'll be at the courthouse, just the two of you and Janey. You wouldn't have it any other way.
You try your best to keep it under wraps, but, well...marriage licenses are a matter of public record, and there are people whose whole job is to unearth things like that. The fallout (ha) from it may be stronger than you anticipated, but, at the end of the day, you have one another, and you're happy with that.
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sqwdkllr · 2 days
The way I write my interpretation of c!phil’s “one-sided crush” on q!missa in the mirror husbands au is more aligned with the obsession of being desired and not truly romantic or sexual. Every person before meeting q!missa has wanted something out of him and found use of him to serve their own purpose either out of malice or out of understanding of c!phil's "safety system". If c!phil can figure out what he can provide for the person keeping him around then he can assure some sort of safety in STAYING alive. So now throw q!missa in the mix who does not desire c!phil in the slightest and despite it, is caring for him in hopes of having the version of his husband he actually loves back and proving to himself that he can be worth loving with no help of anyone else. c!phil is trying to play 4d chess and figure out the strategy of his opponent while q!missa isn't even playing the game. 
They are awful and terrible and c!phil yearns to be wanted by this man in such a way he has never felt before for anyone that he mistakes for falling in love for him. ( oh no mistaking genuine care by someone towards you for romantic feelings bc the bar is so low !! whatever shall i do !! ) q!missa is not only under the pressure of taking care of his children, pay attention to the island's threats, find a way to rescue his husband, but also this imposter is trying to push his patience thin intentionally and not understanding what he is doing wrong !! and in fact worsening his self esteem because he is under the impression that he is the one messing everything up despite trying his absolute best
I dunno I think about them a lot sorry the worms are getting to me ahhh
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starhvney · 3 days
can you do an angsty laurance mcd (romantically) where reader has been waiting for his return and they reunite after he was stuck in the neither?
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mcd laurance x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: he can’t stay with you as long as the war underground calls to him. to stay with you he has to leave, not returning until three years later. 
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: angst, lots of resent and crying, but then hurt/comfort, malachi is reader’s adopted son with laurance cause i said so
𝐂𝐖: none?
𝐀/𝐍: omg the past two weeks have been so busy i actually thought i might have gone insane if i didn’t have this day off to write this. but i'm back from the dead(work) anyways this prompt has actually been in my mind a lot so thank you for the request! hope it hurts
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“please come back with me. you don’t have to do this.”
your chest hurt. whether it was from the man in front of you or the unbearable heat, you weren’t sure, but you found yourself choking on the air, lungs constricting and heart rushing cold blood uncomfortably fast through your veins. 
you could tell he was angry that you came here. not at you. no, never at you. but the fact you came alone and risked your safety for him again had him nearly spiraling, his jaw clenched and hands gripping uncomfortably tight against your arms.
it was still him, you reminded yourself, as you pleadingly looked up to the pools of blood red that pierced through you. it was an unsettling shade, the color startling against his face yet somehow dull and dark at the same time. it was so different from the steel blue before it, and the beautiful green before that. 
yes, you’d seen him in many different ways, and though he was naturally taller, and the air around him sent an anxious wave down your spine, it was still him.
the same olive skin and caramel hair, though a duller shade.
the same shape of his face.
the same determination in his eyes. 
the same urge to protect you, no matter how much this new form of his ached to do the opposite. 
“i told you not to follow me. you shouldn’t be here—”
“i couldn’t just let you leave!”
he sucks in a breath, your name leaving his lips with a sense of urgency and irritation.
“…i can’t go with you. you know i can’t.” his voice is tight, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of your eyes glossing over. “it would be selfish. i put you at risk just by being next to you.”
you start to shake your head, but swallow down your next words at the way he says your name again, desperate for you to understand. 
“he’s in my head when you’re near me. i can’t keep you safe when it’s just us, because it isn’t just us. that calling clouds my mind and—he almost got to me, and you know it. i almost killed you.”
you’re silenced by this, knowing he was right. the horror on his face when he realized his blade was raised against you had set forward the timeline that got him here. he’d forever feel chained to this place unless he broke the chains himself.
“if i ever want to have a future with you, i have to do this. don’t you understand? until this war is over you have to stay away.”
“no…” you shake your head, tears beginning to spill from your lashes.
it was out of your control. the salty crystalline that slipped down your face. it was the same as the man in front of you, each second left with him like trying to hold water in your hands, continuing to slip through your fingers no matter how tightly you tried to grasp it. 
his eyes close, face pained, looking like someone was about to end his second life right there where he stood. 
“i love you. i always will. you have to know i’m doing this for you.”
he dips down, lips crashing into yours with a desperation that you couldn’t put into words. it’s not enough, too short-lived as his hands suddenly grip your waist, manhandling you up as he carries you to the portal.
“no, no! laurance, put me down! you have to come with me!” tears have turned into hysteria, your fists pushing and beating against him to no avail.
“i’m doing this for you.” his voice wavers shakily, contradicting his firm hold and long strides. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry. i’m hurting you again and i’m so sorry.”
“stop! i won’t go through that portal unless i know you’re coming with me.”
your name leaves his lips once more, pleading and desperate for you to understand. “i’ll return to you. i swear i will.”
his arms tighten around you, face shifting to rest in the crook of your neck and lips pressing against the skin for just a moment. you think he could’ve changed his mind, but the next second your feet are back on the ground, and his hands are gently pushing you through the portal in your disorientation.
you stumble through, cool air meeting your back as the nether fades from your vision and is replaced by the overworld. your feet trip over the other as you try to catch your step, falling back and turning to look back at the portal through your hazy vision. before you can scramble back the purple mist solidifies, shattering and collapsing to the floor into crystallized pieces.
you started in shock for who knows how long, curled on the stone beneath you as sobs wracked your whole body.
you don’t remember the trip back to phoenix drop after that. you only recall the horrid feeling that your heart had just been torn from your body, left behind in the fiery hell it’s owner had condemned himself to. 
that emptiness never evaded you either. you went through day-to-day life completing your duties as normal. but at night when you were left with your thoughts, your mind wandered to him. the space in your bed felt bitterly cold, almost as if the emptiness was taunting you of the lack of his presence.
the boy the two of you had taken in as your own all that time ago was extra sweet on you, despite all the time you had missed with him. when you returned that night he had looked at you expectantly, only for his green eyes to fade in hope as he saw your puffy eyes and grieved expression.
soon a whole year had passed. then another. then another. it was what you had presumed to be another ordinary day, as you prepared a lunch for you and malachi to share on his break. you recognize his footsteps, but when you turn to greet him you’re met with a concerned expression and heavy pants from the boy.
“he’s back.”
you hate how you immediately knew what he meant, even after all this time. how your heart swelled tightly in your chest and rushed the adrenaline into your veins. 
you can only stare blankly at the boy in the doorway, mouth open in shock and mind scrambling for some sort of reaction to give. he turns to look at something approaching him from out of sight, a protective frown forming on his face.
“mom, do you want to see him? you have to tell me now.”
a small part of you wants to say no, to resentfully send that man away for the loneliness he left you with. your head is nodding before your thoughts can resist, following the desperate tug in your chest rather than your brain screaming for the opposite.
your breath hitches when the taller man who had been haunting your mind for so long steps into view. you wonder if maybe you had fallen ill and this is all just a fever dream, but you know it’s not a hallucination or a memory as you take in his appearance. 
he looks like a man returning from war, circles under his eyes darker than they had been all those years ago. new scars are littered across the skin that you could see, and his posture was that of extreme exhaustion.
him and your son stare at each other for a moment in the doorway, a silent and sort of awkward moment that you couldn’t decipher being exchanged. malachi gives you one last wary glance, before disappearing from your sight and leaving the two of you alone.
you want to scream at him, hit him, something. but you can only focus on the lump building in your throat, choking your airways as a painful sob threatens to break out from your chest.
he takes a step forward, then another. then another. soon he’s right in front of you, not in the haze of your dreams but tangible and real. 
his hand, rough and scarred, lifts up to cup your soft cheek, fingers trembling as if you had sent a shock through them just by the contact. your name shakily leaves his lips, and you finally look up to his face.
you’re greeted with steel blue, glazed over with pain and guilt. something about them is much more hardened than when you saw him last, yet he still manages to look at you tenderly, full of a deep devotion he could never get rid of even through his years spent in hell.
his thumb brushes away the damp streaks from under your eyes, and you finally realize you had begun to cry. you had thought about this moment many times. how you’d call him a bastard for leaving you alone and kick him out to get a taste of his own medicine. or maybe you’d tell him all about the loneliness he’d put you through, watching his face drop with guilt.
instead of using any of the dialogue you had prepared in your moments of spite, you can only utter a few words, voice choked on your tears. 
“is it over?”
he nods, eyebrows furrowing together and lip curling as if your voice had caused him physical pain after years of deprivation from the sound.
you collapse forward into his arms, years of raw emotion crashing down on you all at once as you begin to sob.
“it’s over. if you let me in i’ll never leave again.” his hushed voice speaks into your hair, the deep and roughened tone vibrating through his chest. “but if you want nothing to do with me anymore you only have to say the word and i will obey.”
you can only shake your head, chest heaving as you grip the linen shirt he wore and attempt to steady yourself on your feet. there’s not much need for your efforts though, when he picks you up into a tight embrace, holding you to him as he trembles at the feeling of your body once again pressing into his. 
“i’ll never leave you again. i’m so sorry. my light in the darkness. please forgive me.”
he carries you to the nearest chair, fingers running through your hair like they were delicate strands of gold and continuing to hold you to him like you were the only thing worth any value in this life. as you continued to cry you felt tears that were not your own drip onto your skin, the shaky breaths and hitches in his chest proving you weren’t just imagining things as he too wept into the crook of your neck.
you two stay there for a long time, until the afternoon sun faded to a dim evening light, casting a warm haze into the room. it’s not until then that you feel composed, lifting yourself from where you had limply collapsed into his arms.
his hands gently hold your face, rubbing away the leftover tears and puffiness from your eyes. his own eyelids were red, eyes glossy. now that you’re looking at him you can see just how much his time away had changed him. 
his once lovely olive skin had sallowed into a paler shade, leaving him sickly looking. his cheeks were thinner, and the lack of body fat wasn’t just on his face. he remained muscular, yet he somehow looked malnourished at the same time, his scarred skin stretching over his bones and muscles in a way that didn’t look healthy.
your fingers trail along healed over cuts that hadn’t been there before, gulping down the urge to cry again. how many times did he have to patch himself up, suffering in pain while fighting to get back to you?
“hey.” he gently pinches your cheek in his hand, noticing your eyes unfocus as your mind wanders. 
you look up to him, taking in a shaky breath as you reach up to cup his jaw in your hand. immediately he leans into it, a deep sigh leaving his nose as he practically deflates at your touch.
“when did you get back…?”
he sighs, looking up at you through his lashes.
“i came here as soon as i came back through the portal… malachi was on patrol and spotted me at the gates.” his eyes grow distant. “he was… pretty angry with me. looked like he wanted to kill me as soon as i walked in the village.”
he chuckles dryly, looking at the wall behind you. “he cussed me out pretty good before leading me here. he had some good reasons for doing so, too…" he takes in a shaky breath. "i’m proud of him. i’m relieved to know he was watching over you when i wasn’t. that kid’s grown up to be a good man.”
“he is.” you agree, voice quiet in the moment, unable to come up with any words.
his hand drifts to brush your hair behind your ear, fingers trailing to brush along your jaw. “you have plenty of reasons to hate me, too.”
“he doesn’t hate you.” you quickly say. “and i don’t either.”
“i was scared you would. sure you would.”
your eyes drift from the guilty pull of his brow and the pain in his eyes, down to the slope of his nose and the curve of his mouth.
“i couldn’t.” you whisper, before leaning down and connecting your lips with his.
he wraps his arms tighter around you, breath stuttering as he returns the affection. very quickly it evolves to you being left breathless as he practically devours you, kissing you like a man who had been starved of his lover's touch for three years.
reluctantly he pulls away, gritting his teeth as he once again finds himself reigning his self control in with you. he doesn’t go too far though, his huffs of air meeting your lips as he whispers.
“it’s late. i should go.”
“go where?”
“just the inn down the road—”
“no. stay here tonight.”
he stares at you before closing his eyes, a low groan leaving his throat. “are you sure?”
“yes.” you quickly respond, hands cupping his face.
he gulps, before pulling you tightly to himself and lifting you in his arms, carrying you to your bedroom.
“okay. i’ll stay.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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It's pride month so.... have my gay Bad Batch thoughts I suppose (based on vibes and vibes alone.)
Popular opinion that I agree with? Dude is FTM trans, and has the worst time with it bcus all his T-Shots were externally bought so the Empire cut his ass OFF. also. hes a little gay. A mini bisexual, if you would. prefers women by a long shot. (He/him all the way- he wont correct, but Wrecker will.)
gay. gay. dude is a MAN kisser. hes scared of women. never seen a boob in his life and he intends to stay that way. he's The Homo of the group. yes, they do make fun of him for being a boy kisser. yes, they also make fun of him for pulling NO BITCHES EVER. (He/him too and he CARES. he will correct you meanly.)
pansexual icon who will love anyone. He's also pulled more than Hunter, so, take THAT. He's a hopeless romantic who falls in love with at least ONE natborn per mission. He confesses this each and every time and has maybe kissed two people. He's always encouraged. (He/him mostly but he won't mind he/they, he'll just gently correct sometimes)
oh. He's a true bisexual. A real man and woman kisser. Perchance at once if he's drunk enough. Phee and him look at hot people and go "Oh, wow, woa". He's the bi-wife. However, his acknowledgement of attraction only works for him. He'll acknowledge you're attractive, but good look with convincing him YOU find him attractive. As far as he knows, no one looks twice at him. (Also, his gender isn't real. Sometimes he's a man, sometimes she's a woman. Sometimes they're neither. It's easier to just say that Tech is Tech. Because how come Tech gets boobs AND a dick? Unfair. They/he/her)
originally it was assumed that he was the token straight. Until they discovered actually there's no romantic attraction there at all so, Echo's our resident aro. He's dabbled in 18+ acts of course, but the attraction never went beyond that, so he vibes. He's down for platonic and brotherly affections, but don't you dare make a romantic gesture, gross. (He/him but... he did enjoy when people thought he a she when he was undercover once, so she?)
We found our token straight, lads. He's never seen a boob either, though. He'll get there, eventually. Very dense, very silly. He's too tired and busy for such things. (He/him only because he doesn't know of any other option)
Now. I know what you're gonna think. Gay. But might I throw out a suggestion? Dude is just a mean bisexual. Heavy preference for men, but he CAN pick up a woman or two. (He/him, regs are borning/j)
This guy. This guy gets uncomfortable when anyone who isn't his brothers holds his hand. THIS MAN is the true aroace of the GAR. he watches his brothers and he shudders. (though he Wonders. sometimes) he'll huff and puff his way through a romcom for the Wolfpack on movie night, I guess. (He/they only because he likes being an extension of the Wolfpack)
Pan-romantic asexual. Dude is down to date anyone, but the armour Stays On. He finds himself much more fulfilled with simple park dates and cooking at 2am, you know?? (ALSO they/he as per his identity crisis. He's a CLONE??? HUH???? wild)
Another "token straight" but he'll never escape the bisexual allegations 😔 (because its true and him and his wife have so had a third party member before) but he's also rather curious. So. Bi-curious. (He/him)
Oh lord. This man. Gay. He's gay but no one knows because he passes well. Also, ace. He's done his fair share of people, he doesn't understand the appeal. Down to make out messy in a closet though, he understands THAT. but nothing more. (He/him called "it" by the Senate and he doesn't care. But his brothers do.)
That's all you get. Happy gay month. If I missed someone you can ask and I'll give you their Vibes. ✨️
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thelaundrybitch · 3 days
Chopsticks - Part 2
Part 1
Sorry, Blurple lovers... Leonardo weaseled his way back to being the one and only 💙
So, please enjoy some quality time with Leo 😘
TW: Sushi and a thirsty bitch. Proceed forward at your own risk.
And as always, my ninja turts are aged up to 30+ years. Don't be weird.
Please don't steal my work. Reblogging for others to enjoy is highly encouraged, though🤩
18+ content - for mature audiences only
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Chopsticks - Part 2
Thankfully, living in the lair wasn't terrible since it was like living in a 5-star hotel. You'd been there for a little over a year now since "The incident."
Things had been good between you and the turtles since all the drama had finally calmed down. Donnie still hadn't backed down from his sudden onset of flirting since the kitchen debacle, but it was more tolerable.
As always, Mike was full of fun-loving energy. Always finding ways to make you smile and laugh. Quick to share a video game with you, quicker to share a tasty snack. He was your friend. Your brother, even. 
Raph was Raph. Serious about his fitness regimen, while also entirely too busy playing Splinter's caretaker to even attempt to entertain any kind of drama or other BS… regarding anyone. Poor guy seriously needed a vacation. And a woman.
Leo was still Prince Charming. And honestly, you could never get a good read on him. Your heart had and always would belong to him, but you were sure he wasn't interested in a romantic relationship with you… especially after all the Donnie drama. 
But you kept hoping. Hoping that his casual flirting actually meant more than he let on. Or that, maybe, all those light touches and soft whispers might lead to more feelings on his end.
Because good God… He was killing you.
You were currently sitting at the table enjoying a cup of herbal tea Leo had made for you.
About 45 minutes ago. 
You were stalling. 
Secretly hoping he would come back in and join you, but that looked to be a bust. 
Sighing disappointedly as you got up to bring your cup to the sink, Leo walked in with a bag.
"Oh! There you are! I was looking for you!" He exclaimed, his whole face brightening with a smile, his eyes sparkling as the lighting hit them just right.
God, he was beautiful.
"Oh, sorry. I was just finishing my tea," you answered, smiling back at him and lifting the small cup, attempting to swallow the nervous energy that the swarm of butterflies in your stomach had managed to swirl up.
"Oh.” It was a concerned statement as that beautiful smile you loved so much disappeared from his face. “Was it alright? It took you a long time to finish it…" he inferred, brow ridge furrowed in dismay as he stepped toward you with his hand out like he was going to take the cup and test it for quality.
"It was delicious!" You responded quicker than intended, brows hitting the ceiling, one hand up placatingly while the other moved the cup from his reach. "I was just really enjoying it. It was almost meditative for me."
It wasn't a lie. You just happened to be "meditating" about him. But he didn't need to know that.
"Did you need me for something? You said you were looking for me?" You asked before he could inquire about the meditation comment.
"Yes!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch, actually!" He remarked, holding out the brown paper bag towards you. "You know, if you're hungry…"
"I'd love to! What did you get?" You inquired, walking to the sink to wash out your dirty cup, still looking at him as your smile threatened to split your face in two.
"It's a surprise," he told you with that cute boyish smile of his. "I'm gonna set it up in the Tatami room. Would you mind getting us some drinks?"
"Absolutely! Water with ice and some lemon?" You recalled, knowing his preferences well at this point.
He smiled at you kindly, "Yes, thank you. Oh, and do you mind waiting here for me until I come back to get you? Please?"
"Sure," you agreed, brows furrowed as you looked at him skeptically, pausing before you reached into the cabinet to grab two glasses.
With a curt nod, he hurried out of the kitchen and across the hall to the Tatami room, closing the doors behind him gently. And you couldn't help but wonder what he was up to, acting all nervous and un-Leo-like.
Just as you finished slicing the lemon and adding it to the edges of your water glasses, Leo stepped back into the kitchen.
"Ready?" He asked, clenching and unclenching his fisted hands repeatedly as he stepped back and forth nervously.
You smiled kindly and nodded, still pondering over his odd behavior while also trying to put him at ease.
Outstretching his arm in an invitation to go ahead of him, you stepped forward to take the lead. Before you passed by him, however, he took one of the glasses of water that you were carrying and followed closely behind. 
As you reached your destination, he hurriedly reached around you and opened the Tatami room door. Looking back at him, he smiled and signaled for you to enter the room.  
You stepped inside a dim, candlelit room, where a variety of sushi was spread out on the table. 
"It's beautiful, Leo," you whispered, looking up at him where he stood behind you, his plastron barely a breath from your body.
He looked down at you and chuckled, "Well, I was hoping it looked delicious, but I'll take beautiful," he teased you as his free hand made contact with your lower back.
Heat crept up your neck toward your face, and butterflies tickled your belly as his hand slid from your back to your hand so he could help you to the table to sit. You steadied your breathing the best you could, hoping he wouldn't notice the fast, trembling breaths.
Instead of sitting across from you as you had expected him to do, he sat down directly next to you. Surprised at how close he was, you couldn’t help but watch as he grabbed a plate and filled it up for himself.
Eyes locked on yours as he looked over at you, he asked, "May I?" As he picked up your plate.
Blinking a few times before what he had said actually registered, you nodded as your stomach did a half dozen somersaults, one right after the other, and you thought to yourself that this very much felt like a date—a romantic one.
Giving you a sexy smirk, he paused, making deliberate selections as he filled your plate before putting it in front of you with a set of chopsticks.
Oh, no.
He grabbed his own chopsticks and started eating, as you sat and looked at your set like they were laced with the plague.
After about four bites, he stopped and looked at you, brow ridge furrowed and head slightly cocked to one side. "Everything alright?" He asked, studying your features.
You let out a defeated sigh. "I don't know how to use those," you confessed, slightly embarrassed as you pointed to your foreign utensils.
"Here, like this," he instructed, showing you how to hold and use them, demonstrating with his own set in his hands.
After five minutes of hell and some stifled giggles from him, he suggested, "I have an idea."
Standing up from where he sat beside you, he walked out of your view. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, you felt him sit behind you, his thighs straddling your hips as he laid his long legs out straight beside yours under the table.
Eyes wide, your breath hitched as you felt his plastron touch your back. 
Please don't pass out.
You tried to steady your breathing as you felt his arms come around you on either side to pick up your chopsticks.
"Like this," he whispered, his warm breath caressing your ear as he fixed the sticks in your dominant hand.
You swallowed hard. "K." It was the only thing you could make out, and just as you feared, it came out in a trembling breath.
He kept his hand around yours as he brought the chopsticks to your plate to pick up a piece of sushi, then brought it to your mouth. You opened your mouth, and he placed the food inside gently.
"Good, right?" He breathed, voice low and smooth as his lips touched the outer edge of your ear.
"Mmm," you hummed quietly, barely tasting the food as he picked up another piece.
Your gaze followed his motions as you watched him use your hand, still encased by his, slowly bringing the chopsticks to his mouth and feeding himself.
When your innocent observing turned into full-on gawking as you looked up at him, a sly smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You gonna finish that?" He teased with raised eyebrow ridges as he nodded his head at you and looked at your mouth, licking his lips.
You cleared your throat and continued to chew, your face growing as hot as the summer sun.
He chuckled, and you felt his lips on your ear again, "Did you know that sushi is considered an aphrodisiac?"
You shook your head in response as you attempted to swallow your mouthful of food.
Spinning the chopsticks so they were being held by the grace of only one of his fingers, he leaned forward to grab your glass, handing it to you as he saw your struggle to swallow, "Relax," he said softly, his other hand resting on your bicep, giving it a small squeeze.
You chugged a couple of mouthfuls of water, forcing the lump of food down your esophagus to hopefully squash the butterflies that had seemingly multiplied. Tenfold.
However, the moment you set the glass back down on the table, Leo took the opportunity, deciding to continue in his onslaught of lusty torture.
As you placed your water glass back down, you felt his hand move to your hip. The intimacy of the action caused you to sit up straight.
"Easy," he whispered. "I'm not gonna bite you," he practically purred, lightly trailing his snout down the side of your neck, then back up to your ear. "Do you want more?"
Holy shit, yes.
You nodded, letting out a hard breath of air.
"What would you like more of, love?" his voice husky, his lips ghosting over your pulse in a restrained kiss.  
Unable to breathe, nevermind speak, you pushed your hips back between the apex of his thighs, where the unmistakable outline of his growing erection against your backside ignited the fire between your own.
You hoped the action was enough of an explanation because you were positive that you wouldn't be able to form a coherent sentence at this point.
He dropped the chopsticks and used both hands to pull your hips flush to his so your back was now completely flat against his plastron. His hand found its way under the front of your shirt and made its way quickly to a hardened nipple. 
A small gasp left your lips as he trailed kisses down your neck. "I lied," he breathed out. "I need to taste you," he growled, his tongue making contact with your collarbone and his lips closing on the skin as he sucked.
"Lied?" Your question came out as a moan, pulling a guttural groan from him.
"Yes, I am going to bite you,” He growled in your ear, both hands now tight on your hips. “But only if you want me to, love," he added, a bit of uncertainty laced in his voice as his grip loosened to give you an out if you wished.
Without a thought, you nodded frantically, a trembling “Yes” being whispered to the empty portion of the room. One of his arms moved around your middle while one of his legs pushed the pair of you away from the table.
Big hands moving over your body, he spun you around, manhandling you until he had you exactly where he wanted you.
Straddling him.
Placing your hands on his chest in feverish shock, you felt his heart hammering under his plastron. And the intimate position allowed you to get a good look at him in the low lighting. His eyes were completely blown black, his lips slightly swollen from loving you.
His hands came up, pulling your face to his. One of his thumbs moved to your chin, pulling your mouth open just as his tongue found its way through your lips. Devouring kisses, as if it were you he had planned on having for lunch instead, his tongue exploring every inch. With a bit of suction, he pulled away, catching your bottom lip between his teeth. 
You were unable to silence the whimper his sensuous affection had drawn out, and honestly, you couldn't care less. Your need for him had you grinding your hips down against his rock-hard member reflexively, a lascivious groan ripping from his throat in response.
"Jebus, what did they put in that sushi, and where can I get some?" Exclaimed Mike right before slamming the tatami room door, cackling loudly as he took off before his eldest brother could maim him.
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I don’t like how the Sokeefe confession went down, because it felt so abrupt compared to the build up of the series.
I think this because the whole series it’s Keefe who’s loved Sophie since the beginning, Keefe who hinted his feelings and flirted with her, and Keefe who couldn’t confess. And it was Sophie who couldn’t figure out her feelings and was oblivious to his. So it felt strange that though Keefe technically confessed first in the letter he left, it was Sophie who initiated the actual confession.
I understand that all the build up for Sophie confessing was in Stellarlune, but it just didn’t fit with the rest of the series, and honestly, felt unfair to Keefe (from a readers stand point, I’m sure he’s very happy in cannon). He should have been the one to confess.
I’ve heard people complaining that Chapter 42 was written like a fan fiction, and I disagree with this statement for two reasons, one that I think this is supposed to be insulting the actual writing of the scene, and I would never insult Shannon Messangers writing, and two because I don’t like to spread that fanfic writing is bad because fan fiction can have some amazing writing.
However I can see the similarities to Chapter 42 and fanfiction. As an avid reader of fanfiction, a reader can tell when the fanfic author is just writing a confession as a way to get the characters to kiss, the confession may be abrupt without a lot of build up, but also may just be very easy and quick. And that’s sort of how I felt reading the Sokeefe confession. It felt too easy for all the build up and angst and unrequited but eventually requited love that is Sokeefe.
Keefe should have been the one to confess, and Sophie should of had a harder time accepting feelings instead of pining for Keefe the entirety (?) or Stellarlune, and it should have been more difficult. Also Ro shouldn’t have been peer pressuring Sophie….
….And that’s the real controversial take here. Because, I do genuinely believe Sophie likes Keefe in cannon. I’m not a big Sokeefe shipper but I saw where this was going throughout the series. However in cannon, to the reader, it looks like Ro had to convince Sophie that she liked Keefe, and even if I think she does, it still feels like peer pressure when reading it. And I think Keefe would also be disappointed if he heard that it was Ro who convinced Sophie that she like him, because it should have been Sophie battling with her own feelings, not Ro telling her how she feels (regardless of if she was correct).
If I were to rewrite the Sokeefe part of Stellarlune, I would’ve have Sophie understanding that part of the letter, but pushing down her feelings and choosing to be oblivious in order to avoid facing her feelings when she already has so much going on. Have her think about Keefe while he’s gone, and be jealous of Biana (or suspicious whatever you’d call it) in that one scene but have her obviously be falsely justifying it in order to push down those romantic feelings.
Then when she does find Keefe, make her avoid mentioning the letter at all costs. Have it hang over their heads at every moment their alone together, have it be awkward. Then, on accident have her mention the letter. Let there be a pause.
Let Keefe be a bit bitter about Sophie refusing to acknowledge anything. Have him be all like “oh so you did see the letter.”
Have Sophie still refuse to talk about it. “yeah, I guess I was so distracted with trying to find you I didn’t really think about it (lying). was there anything important in there?”
Have Keefe’s eyes turn dark “no, I guess not. (lying)” and have him rudely stalk of.
Then later have them doing something for the black swan with their friends, looking over scrolls, idk research or something.
Have Sophie be frustrated after the scrolls don’t tell them anything important. “why can’t the author of these just tell us what this means?” She should grumble
And Keefe should say “well maybe you should read between the lines to figure out what they mean.”
Sophie throws down the scroll in her hands “well maybe people should just say what they mean instead of writing it down in a way that can mean anything!!” Keefe sets down his scroll, walking off outside. No one else knows what’s going on but Sophie sighs and follows him out.
“Keefe! Wait!” She shouts. Keefe would whirl around, tears in his eyes.
“Don’t you think I’ve waited long enough?”
Sophie stares at him, surprised that he’s crying.
“I’ve waited this whole time to because I didn’t want to pressure you. But you can’t even acknowledge it.”
“Because I don’t know what “it” is! You left, and you leave me this note, and I’m just supposed to understand what it means?”
“You know what it means! Why else would I write it?”
“You wrote it because you were leaving-“
Suddenly there are tears in Sophie’s eyes too. “You’re accusing me of avoiding all this but you were just as willing to! You didn’t want to confront me with your feelings so you wrote down your confession, but now you’re back and all you can do is shout it at me.”
Keefe takes a step closer, his eyes wide.
“How am I supposed to know you mean it if you don’t say it?” Sophie looks down, tugging at an eyelash.
Keefe takes another step closer, taking her hand in his. His voice is croaky and wet but each word is clear.
“Sophie Foster…I love you.”
And that’s when it all hits Sophie, because that’s everything she needed to hear and all the things she’s been stuffing down comes up and hits her all at once, and she physically stumbles into Keefe.
“Foster?” Keefe asks, catching her. Sophie looks up and makes eye contact with him.
“I think I’ve just fallen for you.” (The joke is that she actually fell over. In case it wasn’t clear.)
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I genuinely think any ship within the og Team 7 students would make sense. There're 0 reasons to fight about it, they're all just as justified.
Naruto was obsessed for yeeeeeaaaars with his teammates. He looked at them like they hung the moon and the stars in the sky for him. Sasuke and Sakura were the only boy and girl on Earth, lol.
Sasuke and Sakura were used to being cruel to put some distance between them and the world. Defense mechanism or not, Naruto was maybe the only person in the entire world that would never eat that up. He knew feeling lonely, he knew being hurt, he knew to feel useless... Fuck that, for him, there would never be as someone as awesome as his teammates.
His most important promise in life was to save Sasuke, for both his, Sakura's and his own sake.
In return, Sasuke and Sakura would never shut up about him either. His their saviour, their hero, their sun and the boy fills their lives with joy.
That's why any ship with him works!
For Sakura, it's that there was textual romantic tension with both of them for the entire series. Their chemistry and backstory were intentionally written. That Kishimoto decided on the canon ships in the end, okay, but any of them could have worked. If you can't feel the love between them, blame the writing and not the characters, 'cause it was clear that Kishimoto wanted people to think of them as a love triangle for some time.
Since the genin days, she was their it girl. No one touches Sakura, no one hurts Sakura, blah blah blah. In exchange, even when she wasn't strong enough, she'd use herself as a shield for them. It makes no sense, but she'd jump between any attack and them at any moment. She would run to them when they have lost their mind, not even scared of them as much as she was scared for them.
She defended both of them when other people criticized them. She also lost faith and tried to manipulate them or kill them at some point out of pure desperation of keeping one of them alive. She was the one left behind time and time again, they are her whole reason to be who she is and to be a medic nin. All she ever wanted was to walk alongside them, not behind them.
Again, it works.
With Sasuke is so easy.
Naruto and Sakura were obsessed with him to the point of following him to the literal almost end of the world. The definition of hatred being actually love, because they'd be at each other's throats about it. Their goal in life? Sasuke. The person they cried about at night? Sasuke. What would they wish upon a star? For Sasuke to come back.
And Sasuke couldn't stop thinking about them. In his mind, they were always there. They'd follow him, almost haunt him. They were annoying and rude and ignorant, they were stupid, weak even, he loved them so much that he convinced himself he needed to kill them, cut their bonds.
They harbor endless love for him and with time, he came to understand that's just how they were and accept it.
The loyal 12 years old that would rather take the attacks himself than let his teammates be in any type of danger, did a full cycle and came to be the devoted man that vowed to atone for his mistakes and return to them one day.
If they gave themselves freely to him and almost without a reason, Sasuke gave himself back with all the reasons in the world.
Do I even have to explain why narusasusaku works too or—????
I could never fight over what's the better ship when I know they are all insane about each other.
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