#hag is retiring soon anyway
cryptiduni · 11 months
oc idea: an intern working under Nix Gottlieb.
—and he is a pathetic lil man. sad little kitten. crushed under huge student loans. will crumple up and cry on the floor if you ask him what medicine to take for a sore throat. always tailing the doctor, taking notes constantly.
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starlight-artbby · 2 months
Watched another Great X-Men episode and let me tell you one thing before I go any further, Hagneto must be stopped. Rogue didn't even look happy at all when he made that snarky ass comment to Remy and I am really going to need him to fight back. Put that Hag in a retirement home where he can daydream about Charles Xavier.
ANYWAYS.... I was happy to see that it was Jubilee's Birthday and her Magneto expression was WAY to spot on that I cackled however, Magneto made a good point and I happy Jubilee was able to get that lesson pushed into her head early.
I also enjoyed Jubilee's power display by older Jubilee (love that they got the OG voice actress too) so that was great to see. I also love how Logan gave off some dad vibes for me when he offered Jubilee the cupcakes. It reminded me of Evo Logan (HE WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS TO ME) so I was very happy.
I squealed when Jubilee and Roberto kissed. I felt like they had some great chemistry and the scene was just animated to beautifully that I was really in awe. I absolutely adored what I was seeing and they make such a cut couple in my opinion.
Now onto Storm. I can't be the only one who was deeply satisfied when she slapped Forge. To think that man could've had it all. He made one good point though, Ororo Munroe is a goddess with or without her powers. Now let me tell you something, that nightmare bird we really sent me cause it had no reason to be so terrifying for me lol.
I will say that I did thoroughly enjoy the scene though and someone needs to study how effortlessly Glamorous Storm is cause she makes every look work and I just adored seeing her.
I hope we see Storm get her powers back soon and Can I just say I loved Mojo or at least his sass. He was still VERY disturbing to see but his commentary is funny AF.
I also hope we get night crawler in the next episode.
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yorumiraki · 3 years
“that’s just how it is”
jjk teachers x retired! reader
warning: jujutsu kaisen manga spoilers
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13 years ago
‘god, and to think he couldn’t get anymore worse’
y/n l/n. 19 years old. employed as a starting teacher at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, going on 2 years... and is currently watching one of her fellow students, gojo satoru, having... she doesn’t even know what to call it, an awakening? or maybe he’s just that much crazier after he was thought to be killed with a blow to the head. she was a bit surprised to see him standing behind her when she had went to confront toji fushiguro, his alleged killer, as well as the man who killed amanai, the star plasma vessel. he was clearly having what she could call one of his angsty episodes, spouting about how he’s the strongest and throwing in a little comment about how stupid it is protecting the weak here and there throughout his little rampage. gojo happily pranced around waving his arms around with a wide smile and wild look in his azure eyes“throughout the heavens and earth, i alone am the honored one.”
‘a-ah yes, there he goes again.... a bit of a god complex at the moment. i suppose i should stay out of the way. after all...
gojo continued to laugh and spout nonsense, drowning out her thoughts, making her frown in concern,
‘i would probably be the first to die here.’
she winced watching as blows were received and given from both him and the infamous sorcerer killer. in the midst of all this, she had somehow managed to doze off. ‘the star plasma vessel was killed... now what, wait another hundred or so years for another to be born? tengens spell will be even weaker then and-‘ she looked back up after another blast rang out and there was toji fushiguro standing in the smoke, a gaping hole on the side of his body. y/n watched the pain and regret flash through his eyes. he had clearly overestimated himself. him, against the six eyes? he had no chance.
she walked over slowly, her arms raised cautiously. only catching a quiet “...in 2 or 3 years my kid will get sold to the zenin clan. do whatever you want.” he craned his head towards her as he heard her footsteps, before his head slumped over. she put her arms down slowly as she moved closer, nodding over to gojo who stood there staring aimlessly at the man in front of him. his body was still standing. placing a finger on his neck, she felt no pulse. even in death, he didn’t wanna bow down to anyone.
her attention went from the cold feeling on tojis neck to the shuffling of gojo’s feet walking in the opposite direction. “wait, gojo-kun we need to....” he continued to walk away, and she sighed in defeat before making a phone call. ‘he never wants to listen to me anyway.... but what was that earlier?’ speaking to the caller on the other end, she orders for the confirmation of a clean up crew for damages and the body, hanging up after the request was approved. she looked at the body once more, before turning away to catch up with her student.
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gojo rubbed his forehead after receiving a flick of your finger. you stood in front of your students, geto suguru, ieri shoko , and gojo satoru, nagging to gojo about not listening to you once more. it had been a year since the incident, and everything was continuing its slow pace back to normalcy.
“and that’s for walking away when i’m talking to you. i get that i’m not that much older than you kid, but at least learn to have some manners or at least like, i don’t know, some kind of restraint or respect when being talked to, especially by me. and no i don’t care that you are stronger than me because at the end of the day i’m your sensei, but please don’t-“
“yeah yeah don’t be like you we get it already, you lazy hag.”
“not WE. IM SPEAKING TO YOU GOJO... and just YOU.”
geto and shoko watched the reoccurring scene in front of them as they sat on cement stairs, stifling laughter from coming out as they watched y/n flick him again, an ‘ack’ slipping out of gojos mouth before he looked away with a pout.
“ now you three, get back to it... i’ll be laying over... i don’t know, i’ll be laying around somewhere but i’ll be watching you.” she said indecisively before glancing over to see shoko and suguru smile and nod, gojo still pouting before looking back towards you. his glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose, giving you a clear view of his eyes. you point to your own (e/c) eyes with your fingers, squinting before turning them and thrusting in the direction of a gojos, making it clear that you were watching them closely. in return, she earned an eye roll. the three blinked and once their eyes were open again, she was already gone.
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y/n watched from the top of a tall building on the school grounds, her binoculars in her right hand as she laid her head in the palm of her left, laying flush against the roofing tiles. she had done as she said she would and laid, as she said before, “somewhere”, watching her students lazily through her binoculars. she smiled as she watched an eraser and pen being thrown at gojo, before freezing and being bounced away. ‘working on his technique i see, good.... soon he will be the strongest, no, he already is...’ she yawned before placing the binoculars down next to her. for a while now, more precisely a year, she has been watching gojo, her wariness and worry for him growing after the failed mission. amanai had clearly grown on the boys at the time, and it was a bit of a process to deal with them after she had gotten killed. she had remembered gojos words when they had returned, with amanai laying dead in his arms.
“should we kill these guys? if we do it.... i probably won’t feel a single-“
“stop gojo. there’s no meaning in doing that.”
“meaning... is that really necessary?”
y/n looked at him, not knowing what to say next before walking off in the direction they were going, suguru cutting in.
“it’s very important, especially for shamans...”
she noted that he had been very uneasy then and although he hasn’t fully recovered from it now, he was doing much better than before. but her new problem now, was geto suguru. he had been acting a bit strange as of lately, looking almost as if he was thinking over the same thing everyday in his head, being a little too absorbed in his thoughts. an attribute that was very unlike him. she sighed out loud before turning from her side and laying on her back and closing her eyes.
‘hope no one bothers-‘
y/n opened her eyes, letting out a loud groan before snapping her head in front of her. there stood kana, her house attendant, staring down at her with dull eyes, hand over the other lightly in the front of her skirt.
“your family wishes to have you back now”
“....can’t you see i’m busy now. i’m working, now go...and stop calling me that already.”
“... i’m afraid i can’t don’t that hime-sama. well then, i will wait until the end of your shift, then i will bring you back-“
(y/n) stared at her blankly, not listening to anything she was saying before sitting up while shuffling away from her, bringing her binoculars up to her eyes to continue watching her students
‘....those two....goddamn hags.’
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“....and what did we say about having sluggish posture (y/n). you’re not gonna be able to find a suitor if you’re gonna act... like some man or something, have some elegance for once. don’t think we are just gonna watch you do whatever you want while....”
(y/n) was currently sat down with her parents, them going on a rant again about her “unwomanly” way of doing things. anything.
she sighed in relief once her mother finished, her father giving her an unreadable look.
this is the (l/n) clan. full of hot headed men who only cared about themselves and power, while the women only cared about submitting to them and having children in order to keep the line going. stiff, strict and bland. that’s how it was. if you weren’t strong, you were useless. if you couldn’t bear children, you were disposed of. the second option being something she didn’t plan on doing in the future. she became a jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher soon after she graduated. she had expected her parents to be furious but surprisingly, they were quite satisfied,
“at least you’ll be useful to the clan.”
she clenched her teeth at the memory as she walked through the halls of the large manor, the moon shining down through the shoji windows. she had planned to go to sleep right after that nice little “meeting” with her parents. she couldn’t stand it, how goddamn stupid the clan was, thinking that they were advancing and getting better throughout time but in truth, they were holding themselves back, committing to the old ways, rules rules rules and more rules. the ground had rumbled quietly but (y/n) ignored it, brows furrowing in annoyance before turning the corner, approaching the door to her room. she notices kana standing beside her door, almost as if she was on guard. she scoffed before ignoring her and putting her hand on the door, beginning to slide it open when she suddenly heard strange noises echoing through the hallway. she stopped and listened, her eyes looking up to kana in question. she only blinked back with wide eyes, giving clear signs of bewilderment.
she grabbed kana’s wrist before making her way back towards her parents room where the sounds came from. they both moved together slowly as soon as they were outside of the door. (y/n)‘s eyes widened, hearing the distressed noises of her mother and naturally on instinct, opened the door immediately… only to be met with the sight of her mother’s shaking erratically on the bed, her father laying face down on the ground.
“(l/n) sama!”
kana had immediately sprinted towards your mother only to be stopped and smashed through the wall to the hallway by an invisible hand. (y/n) stood still, looking back at kana in shock before putting her hands at the ready as she looked around in the room, making her way around the bed before shaking her mother’s arm. no response, but she’s still shaking. “stay calm shit, what the fu-”
“there you are”
she turned around in surprise, only to be grabbed by the neck by a hand with long black nails, threatening to pierce into her neck.
“ahh it’s definitely you. you look JUST like them.”
she choked a grunt while staring at them, panic slowly taking over. it was a curse clearly, but it seemed to be intelligent, a mass of energy emitting from their cloak. ‘a special grade….’ they had a cape on, the sleeves long and loose, a hood covering their face. she couldn’t identify them. she grit her teeth at the hold on her throat. ‘s-strong’
“now as revenge to that pathetic old man on the ground there, you’re going —————. and i will ————, with nobody knowing hehehe. i ————- will be taking over now.”
(y/n) looks at the hooded figure with a confused look, unable to hear what they had been saying.“what- what did you say… get off me, who are you?!?! why are you here, let go!”
she breathed heavily as she wringles in his hold, punching and kicking at them, but they were quick to act, placing two fingers upon her forehead. her movement paused, and eyes widened as she felt energy surging through her, so much she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. she fought to resist the feeling of sleep, using her curse energy to attempt to overpower them but to no avail, as her captor pressed his fingers into her forehead even harder. unable to resist the strong feeling, her consciousness slowly slipped away and anything after that, a blank space.
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“so you don’t remember anything…”
“nothing... nothing at all? come on.”
it had been like this for the last two weeks. staff of the school questioning her over and over again, only to get “no”s and “i don’t remember”s from her. she had been informed that the clan was dead. she really couldn’t remember anything. she could tell there was something different about her body, she just didn’t know what. and what happened before she was found passed out on the ground? was it actually her that did that? sure she hated her family and wanted to cut ties with them as soon as she could, but did she actually kill them? she hated this, not knowing things, especially about herself. is there something she doesn’t know? she shook her head, looking back up at the principal. kana was still alive, only managing to get away with a broken shoulder and was standing behind (y/n), a stoic look on her face.
“i already told you, i don’t remember anything…”
he looked at her before rubbing his head, contemplating what to do. kana had looked over at (y/n) to see her staring at her shaking hands. she reached over to tend to her before stopping herself and shook her head before straightening back up. ‘hime-sama...’
“(l/n), i need you to listen to me carefully. you have to....”
she looked up at him with her tired eyes, taking in everything he was saying. what had happened to her body. what was inside her. he was giving her a deal. with a certain condition. after listening to the suggestion in its entirety, her head slowly turned back up, a solemn look on her face. she reluctantly made a choice.
“...alright, fine then.”
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prologue ... part i
i feel like this is bad i don’t know. a bit vague at the end i know, but i’m not gonna give everything away in the prologue hehe. i didn’t lie about the 2 chapters but i figured i should make a prologue so that’s what i did tonight. i also forgot to say i did end up changing some things.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
The Lord of Fools and the Stubborn Commoner ch.15
Taglist: @flare-love @ithinkimdekubutreallyimdenki @ice-icebaby @hobin-gnoblin
As the Lords rejoined the trio in the throne room, Cyrus was telling Asmo and Arella all about what he’d learned in his lessons today. It wasn’t anything either of them didn’t know but they still pretended like it was the first time either of them were hearing about these things.
“And then…. And then…” Cyrus starts before the movement of his father and uncles draws his attention to them. “You’re back!” He ran over to them. “What did you guys talk about.”
“Private matters,” Lucifer replies giving the little prince a pat on the head.
“On an unrelated note, Cy how would ya like ta go stay with yer uncles for a few weeks?”
“How long is a few?” The boy blinks.
“Well,” Satan starts, “we’d each like to spend two weeks with you before you go to one of your other uncles.”
Cyrus starts counting on his fingers, “Twelve weeks? But that’s a long time. Are you sure it’s okay, Daddy?”
“Of course,” the white-haired man smiled, “but only if you want to. I know ya haven’t gone far from home before without me so it’s okay if ya wanna say no.” Mammon already knows the answer is going to be yes anyway just based on how much Cyrus loves to spend time with his uncles but he still wanted to give his son the choice regardless.
“Okay. I wanna go then.”
“Ooh ooh,” Amso waves their hand around and Arella has to move back a bit so they don’t accidentally smack her in the face, “I want to have him first!”
“I can’t see why that would be a problem.” Levi says, “I mean my castle is no where near ready to have guests.”
“What, yer staff slackin’, Levi?” Mammon teases.
“N-No! It’s just that some of my long time servants have retired lately and I don’t like most of the replacements that come through.”
“Replace them as soon as possible, Levi. You don’t have to like them at first glance. They’re your servants not your friends.” Lucifer sighs as a servant comes to get them all for dinner.
Once dinner had wrapped up for the night, both Beel and Satan went out for a bit to look around town while Levi and Belphegor retired for the night. Cyrus drug Asmo and Arella off to his room to help him pick out clothes for his trip leaving Mammon and Lucifer alone.
“Y’know I never did write ya ta thank ya.” Mammon says as they’re sat in his office, the eldest choosing to keep Mammon busy while he worked.
“For what?” Lucifer doesn’t look up from the book in his hands.
“For sending Arella to me. I… I wasn’t even this happy with Essi…”
“I know you weren’t and as much as I know it hurt when she left, I’m glad she abandoned you both. With the type of person you are, Mammon, I can’t imagine you ever being happy with a partner born from nobility.”
“Yeah I guess not… must be the dirty commoner blood in me…”
“If I ever hear that sequence of words come out of your mouth again, I’m going to string you up from the rafters. Are you actually internalizing what Mother said to you?” Lucifer finally looks up from his book.
“What? Me? Internalizin’ things? No way. Why would I believe anythin’ that hag said?”
“Because you were a child and you heard it every time you crossed her path and that type of thing sticks with children.”
“Naaaahhh, I’m fine, Luce. Don’t worry about me. None of it was true anyway.”
Lucifer gives him a suspicious look but elects to drop the subject.
“What did you offer her mother though? When Arella first got here she said that her family ‘couldn’t afford’ for he ta make a fuss about the whole marriage situation…”
“I offered her 5 million grimm plus the ongoing endorsement of her fabrics shop.” The black-haired man says smoothly. “My seamstress actually bought fabric there a few years ago, you see, and I was so taken with the quality I had her keep buying from them. However, two years ago a shop selling the same fabric at lower prices opened and after that, her mother’s shop started to decline in popularity.”
“Makes sense…” Mammon hums, “why spend more money on a product you can get cheaper?”
“Because they don’t actually take care of their fabrics at that newer shop. The one Arella’s mother owns does- not only that but it’s disrespectful to the individuals who crafted such fine fabrics to sell their creations at such low cost.”
Mammon nods. “Still, selling off her own daughter into marriage is a little… off don’t you think? To me, there’s no price you could put on anyone’s head that would be enough. My wife especially, is invaluable to me.”
“We’ll you’ve certainly come along way- in fact when I first arrived with our brothers this afternoon I fully expected to see you two at each other’s throats.” Lucifer chuckles. “What’s more the two of you looked like you were completely and hopelessly in love.”
“I guess ya could say that about us now….” Mammon laughs softly, “but back then we were- we never fought in front of Cyrus but we definitely didn’t get along either…we didn’t even sleep in the same room during our honeymoon- but as we got to know each other ‘n we realized we both went through some pretty messed up shit as kids, a bond formed. And then after that…” a slight blush darkened his cheeks, “after that came love ‘n now we’re expecting.”
“Well I suppose congratulations are in order then.” The black-haired man laughs softly. “Does Cyrus know yet? Or were you planning on waiting until she’s further along to do so?”
“We’re waitin’ given my past luck with trying for kids and Arella’s past were a lot of the time she was just skin and bone, we think it would be best ta wait until the risk of miscarriage ain’t so high…”
“Well, whatever the outcome I hope she has a safe and healthy pregnancy. Do write me about it though. I’d like to come and visit as I’m sure are brothers would as well.”
Mammon only nods in response. “I think I’m done for the night, now.” He pushes away from the desk before stretching. “What time exactly are y’all leavin’ tomorrow?”
“At Dawn.” The Lord of Corruption replies as he places the book back in the bookcase. “You should get to bed if you’d like to see us all off.”
“And you too, Luce.” Mammon replies. “Ya ain’t a mornin’ person and I don’t want ya grumpy cuz ya didn’t get much sleep.”
“I will. Enjoy your night, Mammon.”
“You too.”
Making his way into the bedroom, Mammon finds his wife already sleeping.
Cyrus must be in his new room tonight… he thinks as he elects to just strip off his clothes and crawl into bed. It was late, he was tired, and clothes were the last thing on this man’s mind.
The bed dipping on his side is enough to stir Arella and she turns over to him.
“Hey, how’s your headache from earlier? Does it feel any better or is it still there?” She places a hand on his cheek.
“It’s still there kinda but I’m feelin’ way better than I was before.” He replies with a slight smile on his face. He drapes an arm over her waist and pulls her closer. “Thanks for not sayin’ anything ta Belphie or Asmo earlier. I know ya wanted to.”
“I can see now why you didn’t want them to come visit… you know I’m not going to walk out on you or Cyrus right?” She asks as she looks up at him. “I love you too much to do that to you.”
“Y-yeah of course I do.” The tanned man averts his eyes.
“Okay,” she smiles softly, “because for a second there it looked like you believed that I would and I don’t want you to ever think that for a moment. You are the most stunning, gorgeous, wonderful, kind, attentive man I have ever met. You spoil both me and our son rotten at every chance you get. And I’m so unbelievably lucky that you’re the man I get to wake up next to in the morning.”
As she speaks, Mammon can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks in a deep blush and somewhere further south too. He has to stop her before he can get too out of hand.
“B-babe, I appreciate what yer sayin’ ‘n all, but can ya please stop? If ya don’t I’m gonna have a problem that I’ll ned help dealin’ with.”
“Oh?” She quirks a brow before storing The information away for future use. “I didn’t realize you had a thing for praise, Dear.”
“Don’t laugh at it, ‘kay? J-just forget about it.” He looks away, embarrassed.
“Hmm no I don’t think I’ll forget about it. But I’ll drop it for now so I don’t make you uncomfortable. And I’d never laugh at you for that, Darling.” She brushes her fingers through his hair to ease him. “You’re not the only one who likes to hear praise in bed either. Let’s get to sleep then so we’re not too tired to see Cyrus off on his grand adventure.”
Mammon only hums at that, as he sinks down into the plush pillows with a smile, falling asleep quickly to the feeling of having his hair played with.
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amazonworrier · 3 years
What do you think Santana’s parental situation is? Do you think her parents are still married? And what do you think of her non-existent father?
I think based on a few throwaway lines in s3 we can assume her Dad is still around, and married to her Mom until at least the end of season 3. I like to believe they were still together in s6, and he attended the wedding off-screen somewhere because Glee didn't bother to cast someone to play him lol (maybe he and Quinn were drinking in the back together somewhere idk). My personal headcanon is that he's a workaholic doctor and maybe a little emotionally detached, so he wasn't around for Santana much growing up in any sense of the word. But there's love there. He probably overheard her and Brittany hooking up during sophomore year while coming home late from work one night and was just too awkward to say anything. Not even to Maribel. When Santana came out to him, he was just like... and?
Her Mom is clearly more present in her life, but I'd say she probably also worked full time so Santana would've spent a lot of her childhood crashing at her Abuela's house or hanging out with friends instead of at home. That caused her to be able to hide a lot of herself from her parents through her early teens, and being raised by her Abuela gave her a mean kick which her Mom didn't love because I reminded her of her own childhood, and habits she's still trying to break free of. I'd say her Mom in particular would've picked up on a lot of Santana's secrets anyway and maybe waited for the right time to bring it up on each occasion. Her sexuality was the elephant in the room for years. They grew closer after Santana came out, because losing her Abuela hit hard and her Mom absolutely lost it at the old hag on her behalf. Plates. Were. Thrown.
As for post s6, Santana is 100% one of those young adults who calls her Mom at random now, whenever she wants to chat. It drives Maribel crazy because Santana has the worst timing, but she secretly loves the fact she's managed to grow closer to her daughter as she grew up, despite not being there as much as she wanted to while Santana was a kid. Santana sees her Abuela from time to time, but she's more wary around her than before for obvious reasons. Her Dad is planning on retiring soon, so maybe they can get to know each other one day too.
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missskzbiased · 3 years
The Three Lessons (2)
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff (Hm…), Witch! Au, Love Triangle
Pairing: Chan X Fem! Reader X Seungmin
Word Count: ~7,8K   [I’m sorry]
(The First) (The Second) (The Third)
Warnings: (Mild) Mentions of (Hunting and deboning [Literally just the word, I didn’t describe anything], burning witches)
Notes:  Well, I won’t lie... I’m quite sad because I really liked to plot this and I don’t think many people liked it but as I liked to write it, so I just shrugged it off USHAHUSAUHSHUAUHS That’s my ninja way. 
I really hope those who read and enjoyed it like this one too though LOL and I’ll warn you that I may have thrown some things around but it’s because I intend to write some spin-off for this au with the other boys. It’s not random! USHAHUSAUHUASH It just looks like it is
Tagging: Please, send me an ask/DM me if you wish to be tagged
  CHAPTER 2: The Second Lesson
    Yerkir ─ The Earthy Elder ─ scoffed as soon as you stepped in the haven.
    You glanced at her, watching as she shifted to a new position on the stump ─ left leg bending to rest her foot on the woody surface while her right foot twisted to plant itself firmly on the ground ─, letting her arms resting sloppily on her knees; eyes directed to the woods. You averted your eyes to look straight ahead, ignoring her, and the reassuring squeeze you felt on your shoulder made you fix your gaze on your Grandma.
    “So… How was the hunt?” Yerkir asked in a knowing tone, clearly aware that you didn’t have anything in your hands but still choosing to mock you. She tapped her foot on the stump while groping her dress, searching for something through her pockets. She finally found it ─ some kind of dried root that looked like a stick ─, chewing mindlessly with her eyes still fixed on the horizon.
     “Why don’t you go look for something better to do, Yerkir?” Grandma muttered, rolling her eyes as she let go of your shoulder. She stopped, fixing the staff on the ground before leaning on it, eyes fixed on her old friend ─ which was promptly returned. The Earthy Elder fixed her gaze at your grandma for a few seconds, a blank expression almost flattening her wrinkles, her blinking showing her astonishment.
     “Maybe because I’m blind” The Elder pointed out, grimacing obnoxiously. She turned her eyes to you ─ as if she knew you were about to giggle ─, studying you for a moment before clicking her tongue and pursing her lips, sending a shiver down your spine under the intensity of her gaze.
    Yerkir's milky eyes always had the power to terrify you; her icy-bluish eyes seemed to be capable of diving into your soul and exposing all your deepest secrets to the world. You didn’t have anything to hide but it still scared you. Her gaze was stern, unwavering, and it had the power to freak you out; studying you slowly as if she just knew whatever was going inside your body and mind.
     “We had some… Issues” Your Grandma waved her hand dismissively “The animals preferred to retire themselves” She added, getting a snort as an answer. Yerkir leaned back on her palms, throwing you both an amused look before tilting her head, lips quivering in a silent mockery.
     “Yeah, I could tell this much” She nodded, her amusement morphing into a serious frown “I guess Nature wasn’t so satisfied with you for helping out a… Man” She spat the last word with disgust as if just the mention of it twisted her stomach “You should have let him die” She muttered darkly, averting her eyes to the cottages on her left expectantly, prompting you to do the same.
     “What was it?” The Airy Elder came out from her cottage, voice sounding like a soft breeze, a gentle huff that tinkled in the air “Has someone called me?” She inquired, eyes attentive as she swiveled her head to look around the place.
    The open space ─ a simple circular terrain with a bunch of stumps and rocks randomly arranged around a campfire ─ was surrounded by The Four Elders' cottages and The Tent in a placement that resembled slightly a pentagram but not really. The other’s cabins could be easily seen from there, scattered around the clearing, which made the small place just perfect for all the sixteen of you to hang out. The few of you who stood there at the moment, though, had to shake your head, getting a confused frown from the elder.
    “The voices are getting more chaotic each day…” She complained under her breath, fixing her gaze on her friends “Are you two fighting again?” She scolded, hand to her hip as they looked at her with arched brows.
    “Go talk to the wind, airhead!” Yerkir sneered, fighting back a smirk “Let me fight wet-pants in peace!” She rolled her eyes, waving her hand dismissively. Your Grandma rubbed her temples, sighing before looking at you, holding your gaze for just a little bit before averting her eyes to the sarcastic elder.
    “Look, it wasn’t his time” She stated, speaking slowly so Yerkir would pay attention to her words “I can’t ignore what Nature wants because you hate mankind” She rolled her eyes, fed-up with the woman “Caeli, please blow some sense into her mind” She pleaded, averting her gaze to The Airy Elder.
    “Some people don’t have anything inside their brains” She shrugged, giving a judging look to Yerkir “The earth magic is solid enough to block her ears… Have been like this for years now” She sighed, shaking her head in disappointment “She just can’t listen to us”
    “Next time try saying something smart” She spat angrily “I have a lot of things inside my brain! One of those is a fucking head trauma! Thank you very much for asking” She sat straight, getting up from her stump and glaring at the other two “Should I remind you that this solid magic was what kept your child safe?” her eyes buried imaginary holes into Caeli’s brain.
     If you tried hard enough, you could cut the tension with a knife.
     “That’s enough!” The Fiery Elder interjected, voice spreading like fire on dry grass before vanishing suddenly, getting everyone’s attention. The Tent entrance’s fabric rustled, giving way to the old lady to come out; stern eyes darting between the other three elders, a frown wrinkling her face, casting shadows over her eyes “We should be handling The Coven issues, not fighting over silly things” She added, crossing her arms.
     “Issues?” Grandma asked surprised, looking to the other ones “Something happened while I was out?” She added, furrowing her brows with a serious expression, dropping the taunting. Yerkir mumbled something incomprehensible, casually sitting cross-legged on the ground in a rapid motion, fingers gripping her chin in a pensive way.
    “Something has been messing up my vision” She began, resting her elbow on her knee and curving her back forward “There is too much magic permeating the woods, I can no longer see clearly…” She admitted, letting go of her chin and straightening up again, gaze fixing on you “What did you do in the woods? I suddenly lost track of you before you got to the… Boy” She scrunched her nose to the last word.
    “Nothing?” You answered unsurely “I mean… Something strange happened…” You glanced nervously to your Grandma, biting your lip before continuing, “I think the wind talked to me” You admitted before looking at Caeli “Maybe my powers are awakening?” You suggested, uncertain, and she pursed her lips, nodding in wonder.
    “Well, you’re seventeen… Months away from your eighteenth birthday” She mused “It’s quite possible… It’s about time for your powers to show up anyway” She shrugged, looking at Yerkir “It could be magic enough to mess your senses… The Winds were quite agitated earlier” The Earthy Elder hummed, tapping her chin before tilting her head in deep thought.
    “And you, Wiha?” She asked, staring at your Grandma “What was that? A memory spell? You know far too well it’s not your specialty” She pointed out, arching her brow “Last time I checked, your earth magic was bullshit” She scorned, and your Grandma grimaced at her in discontent.
    “Well, last time I checked your lazy ass didn’t want to help me out so I had to do it all by myself” She sneered, glaring at the old woman. They held each other’s gaze for a while, a silent battle for dominance; pursed lips and fierce eyes determined to win their competition.
     “Not the point here” Isati reminded, sighing tiredly “There is no doubt other witches are alive and enchanting the woods along with us… The mixed signals we’re receiving must be from this” She mused, averting her gaze to Caeli “The voices sound familiar? Do you think they are trying to locate us as well?”
    “I can’t discern the voices that well anymore… The enchantments are getting in the way somehow” She sighed, lowering her head “I have been sending messages around, though… None of my whispers were answered until now… I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful” Isati hummed, waving at her to dismiss any concerns.
    “It’s the same for me” Yerkir agreed “The ground is too embued with magic… It seems like they have been planning something… Maybe an attack? There is just so much I can see now, so I can’t locate them for us… The other Covens were well hidden before but never like this” She sighed, averting her eyes “It’s like they took my vision all over again”
    “The boy had other enchantments beside mine” Your Grandma added “They know we are close to them… It would be impossible not to sense my magic in the river” She pinned her chin, thinking deeply about something “Did they choose to ignore us, or are they challenging us?” She raised her eyes to Isati, a serious frown taking over her features.
    “There is no reason for witches attack each other” Isati stated firmly but Yerkir scoffed, nodding sarcastically.
    “Are you kidding me? We don’t know what they have been through… There are twenty years behind us! This is enough time to change someone” She pointed out, skeptical “It will be safer if we make sure they don’t want any trouble… Imagine fighting some old hags with a bunch of useless kids” She gestured to the witches and warlocks around “Most of them didn’t even get their powers yet! They will die on spot”
    “What if they attack us when we find them?” Isati arched her brows and Yerkir scoffed.
    “Well, what if they attack us when they find us?” She retorted “It’s better to be attacked out there than giving away our location to them… What if they track us without magic? We don’t know anything about them! It’s better to show ourselves and actively try to reach for them and talk this out” Everyone nodded in agreement, a heavy silence falling upon all of you.
    The Elders exchanged a look, concerned about the worried expressions all of you held at once, the tension building to a point that it was impossible not to feel uncomfortable. The Earthy Elder cleared her throat, tapping her feet on the ground in a calming rhythm while The Airy Elder whistled, both of them trying to ease your mind and soul. One by one, each one of you seemed to finally calm down, releasing the withhold breath in your chest and relaxing your bodies.    
     “We’ll need a plan” Isati announced, eyes roaming around “We can have a private meeting later… For now, we should keep our activities” She decided, throwing you a look “We should increase your sessions if your powers are beginning to show up” She suggested “Meet me at the tent when you’re ready” And that being said, she turned around, arms crossed on her back before she walked out.
    You stared at her hands.
    To be more precise, to the lack of them.
    “Didn’t your Grandma teach you that staring is impolite?” Chan whispered in your ears, his warmth suddenly registering in your mind. You let out a yelp, turning around to meet his playful eyes, a thin smirk adorning his lips. How could he be so beautiful? “I see you’re keeping my coat to yourself… You didn’t need to hide it, you could just ask me for it” He joked, and you widened your eyes.
     Oh, Mother Nature! His coat…
     “Oh, yeah! Haha…” You forced a smile, your fake laughter being way too obvious to him. He raised his eyebrow, curious “Well, about that… I may have given it away to the boy Grandma saved” You looked away, ashamed to admit it.
     “Oh” He said in realization, brows arching up in surprise “That’s okay… It wasn’t really special or anything” He shrugged “It was just an old coat, I can live without it… Maybe you can help me buy a new one when you turn eighteen” He said shyly, looking away “We can buy it at the village or something” He concluded flustered.
      Was it just you or Bang Chan was asking you out on a date?
      “Wow… This must be the most awkward flirting I have ever witnessed” Minho spoke up, carrying a bunch of sticks to the campfire “It amazes me how you guys managed to spend seventeen years of your life being gross” He decided to add, dropping the sticks to the ground and dusting off his hands, eyes averting to you.
      It would be impossible to ignore his resemblance with The Earthy Elder.
      “It amazes me how you managed to spend eighteen years of your life by giving opinions no one ever asked” You retorted, grimacing at him. Chan chuckled beside you, looking at his friend in amusement, while Minho feigned a laugh, hands going to his hips.
      “Sixteen to be more precise” He corrected “I’ve only learned to speak at the age of two”
      You just rolled your eyes at his antics.
     The sessions with The Fiery Elder wasn’t helping at all.
     The blurry scene flipped over and you could feel the hard pang on your stomach ─ as if someone carried you like a sack of potatoes ─, pain increasing as said someone trotted, jerking your body up and down and making the trip too uncomfortable. The next thing you distinguished was some kind of fabric falling over your head, muffling all the sounds around and rustling on your ears, prompting you to shake your head eagerly to drop it.
      The first thing you noticed when the fabric fell to the ground was the casting glows on everyone’s blurred faces ─ a stunning dance that distracted you for a brief moment, drawing you to roam your eyes around to discover its source. The second thing that got to your senses was the increasing heat that emanated at your back, enticing you to turn around, and the burning feeling that hit your cheeks disturbed you.
     But not as much as what you saw.
     The nameless figure was consumed by the flames right before your eyes, and you could swear she looked right into them before shouting her lungs out ─ the most vivid sound you ever heard. The screech seemed to engrave itself on the back of your mind; the contradictory effect that it had with the stunning flames overwhelming you to the point you felt your soul getting out of your body before it struck back to you.
       The screech that slipped from your lips morphed into hers.
     You shoot your torso up ─ gasping for air as if your life depended on it, chest going up and down with the heavy breathing ─, eyes roaming around the place bewildered, trying to make sense out of the wall right before your eyes instead of the burning flames. You blinked rapidly, taking a few seconds to realize that the intense noise that filled your ears right now had nothing to do with the crowd but with the constant slamming of the windows and the door caused by the boisterous wind.      
      Chan stormed in, eyes darting around the place and hands raised to protect himself from the random objects that flew in every direction, crashing on the walls with loud thuds that startled you even more. You met his eyes for a second, and he must have noticed the horror in them because he rushed in your way, hunching his shoulders to avoid being hit, while you returned your gaze to the gale forming inside your house.
      “What happened?! Are you okay?” He yelled for you to listen, hands wandering around your arms, groping them to look for bruises “I heard you scream… What happened?” He shouted when you didn’t answer him, eyes too focused on the ruckus caused by the wind. You felt the mattress sinking, his body beside yours as he cupped your face, guiding your gaze to meet his; eyes diving deep into yours “Y/N? Answer me, Sweetheart… What happened? Are you okay?” He asked softly.
     This time you actually focused on him and the twirling wind dissolved into a calm breeze just like magic; the silence that followed it quickly broken by all the clattering and thudding from the objects falling to the ground. You ignored it all, focusing on his eyes and your uneven breathing, letting yourself get lost in his gaze for a moment before your eyes darted to his lips ─ his pink and plump lips that broke apart to gasp ─, returning to dive into his eyes once more.
      He tried to focus his eyes on yours but you noticed how he darted them to your lips twice before he bit his own, blushing profusely and adjusting his hold on your face with trembling fingers; head tilting slightly to the side as if he would lean for a kiss. You felt your heart race into your chest, ramming into your ears as you withheld your breath, spreading some kind of warmth all over your body as you felt yourself blush, all flustered and expectant.
    The moment was broken by a sudden burst that made you yelp, hundreds of sparks crackling from the ground to form a shaky translucent figure in the middle of your room: The Fiery Elder’s concerned spiritual projection, looking around the place with a frown before finally fixing her gaze on you. The way that Chan jerked away from you ─ stumbling backward, trying to straighten himself before bowing respectfully ─was nothing but comical, and you had to fight back a chuckle as you got out the bed, bowing to the elder.
    She raised her hands to dismiss the formalities.
    “W-We didn’t do anything!” He stuttered, floundering his hands in the air anxiously “I heard her scream and rushed to see what happened! That was it! I wasn’t going to ki—“ The Elder snorted, interrupting his rambling, shaking her head in amusement.
    “Calm down, son” She arched her brow, eyes glinting playfully “I sensed something wrong… I was just checking on her” She looked around the place, studying the untidy floor for a bit, humming “Was it your powers?” She asked, and you nodded when her eyes laid on you again “This kind of manifestation is not a good sign… We’ll need to fix it” She sighed, glancing at him.
    “Yes, Ma’am?” He asked promptly, crossing his arms behind his back and fixing his gaze on her, pursing his lips.
    “Bring her to me, Mr.Bang” She requested, looking at the ceiling “Vivi, can you please tidy this up? We don’t need Wiha whining when she returns from the village” She added, getting the vines to slowly untangle from the beam “Also…” She smirked, figure beginning to flicker “Try to keep your hands to yourself, son… It’s just a few months” the mocking grin was followed by the crackling sparks consuming her projection before bursting in the air, letting both of you alone once again.
    The spear crossed the air like an arrow, sticking in the trunk behind you.
    You widened your eyes ─ body pressed against the tree as if you tried hard enough you could pass through it ─, knees giving away as soon as the beast hissed, as startled as you, running away instead of attacking as it intended to do just a few seconds earlier. You slid down, trembling and groping the trunk as you sat down on the grass, raising your glossy eyes to meet an upset Chan striding in your way.
     He gripped the spear filled with anger, yanking it out and throwing you a look.
     “What the hell?” He fumed, clenching his jaw before scoffing “Do you think it’s a game or something?! You could have died, Y/N!” He yelled, sticking the shaft to the ground “What were you thinking?!” He asked in a demanding tone, eyes burying into yours.
      You shrunk under his tone, gripping the grass and lowering your head, ashamed.
     “I heard someone…” You muttered, risking a glance at him “They called my name” You added, bringing your knees closer to you “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” You felt the tears coming to your eyes, the sudden faltering on your tone getting his attention immediately.
    “Don’t cry” He sighed, letting his shoulders relax and squatting next to you, hand trailing to your jaw, inviting you to look at him “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that” He brushed your cheek, letting go of your face and supporting himself on the shaft “You can’t get distracted like this on a hunt, Y/N… It could have costed your life” He took a deep breath, exhaling heavily.
    “I know… You’re right, I should be more careful” You agreed, sighing and adjusting yourself to get up. He was faster than you, standing up and extending his hand for you to take, helping you out “My Grandma would kill you if I died on your watch” You chuckled, and he snorted nodding.
    “My mother would have killed me on spot” He joked “The first lesson to the new witch would be murdering young handsome warlocks out there” He added, smirking when you shot your head to look at him, arching your brows in amusement.
    “Murdering a young handsome warlock?” You scoffed, playfully shocked “You’re flattering yourself again…” You shook your head in feigned disappointment, mocking him.
    “I’m just saying what is inside your mind” He teased, and you brought your hands to your hips, letting out an offended gasp “What? Your head is filled with me” He sang, poking your forehead fondly.
   “Well, I wasn’t the one trying to kiss you earlier” You reminded him, grimacing.
   “You weren’t stopping me either” He retorted, smirking smugly at you, making you roll your eyes and pull your hand away from his grip.
   “Stop flirting with me, Channie” You poked his cheek “I’ll be eighteen soon enough” You teased, and this time he blushed, looking away “Oh? I see… Is Channie’s head all filled with me?” You mocked, poking his cheek again, laughing when he didn’t retort you “Looks like the young handsome warlock is whipped” You hummed, smirking.
    “You’re the one to talk” He chuckled, tilting his head and taking your chin between his fingers, leaning closer to your face. You felt your face burning, looking everywhere but his eyes before he scoffed, prompting you to look at him “Just a few more months before I can finally—“ He couldn’t finish his sentence, knocked to the ground suddenly by someone crashing into him. The violent impact startled you but the yelling followed right after it and the grip on your wrist, yanking your body, was even more baffling.
    “Run!” The stranger demanded, sprinting with you.
    You followed his call, too surprised to think straight, sprinting with him for a few seconds before the realization hit you. You looked back, glancing over your shoulder to see an enraged Chan tugging his spear from the ground and preparing to shoot it your way, cold-steel eyes focused on the guy that dragged you with him. You returned your gaze to the stranger, his warm brown hair flew in the wind, whipping his cheeks, and you caught a glimpse of his widened dark eyes and red lips, a frown on his face suggesting that he was as scared as you.
    Kim Seungmin.
    “Wait!” You yelled, trying to dig your feet on the ground but his fear was enough to give him the strength to haul you “Stop!” You tried again, struggling to overpower him before the sudden sharp noise got to your ears. You didn’t even have the time to register what it meant, eyes snapping to the spear crossing the air as fast as an arrow, curving just enough to miss you and impale Seungmin’s head “Watch out!” You shouted, jolting your body to take away his balance, throwing both of you to the ground.
     The next few moments were a blurry mess.
     You could tell you were rolling down a knoll; body jerking on the ground as the bunch of confusing and spinning images unraveled right in front of your eyes, making you dizzy and nauseous. A mix of muffled sounds reached your ears ─ partly from the leaves you crunched and partly from the rustling fabrics of your clothes ─ along with your hissing as the roots and shrubs in the way hit you both mercilessly, bruising your skin. The bewildering moment fogged your senses but you could still feel Seungmin’s arms wrapping around you, trying to protect you from further bruising.
     “Ouch!” You whined as you hit something particularly hard in the way, feeling that, finally, the speed seemed to decrease by the second. You raised your eyes, catching a glimpse of a focused Chan running your way, spear on hand, and prepared to throw it once more, studying the best opportunity.
     The opportunity he was looking for came sooner than you wanted, the rolling ceasing with Seungmin’s body hovering over yours, not giving you enough time to think of a plan. The mysterious boy tried to lift his body, bracing himself on the ground, unaware of the danger that he got himself into, checking to see if you were okay. You sensed the spear getting closer ─ enchanted to go straight to Seungmin ─, and before you could even think of what you were doing, your hand shot to the air while you embraced the boy, trying to protect him mindlessly.
     “No!” You shouted, a blast of air coming out of your hands, formed right from the thin air that surrounded you, projecting the spear away. You felt the boy tensing up, glancing at him with wide eyes as his head snapped to the side to verify if he wasn’t seeing things. He let his mouth fall agape, eyes landing on the spear before slowly trailing to you, terrified.
    “A-A witch?!” He stuttered, jerking away “Holy –“ He rolled to the side, getting away from you, trying to get up but stumbling over himself. You stood up, hands rose so he could see that you were harmless, cautiously stepping ahead to get closer to him “Don’t come near me!” He shouted, grabbing a random stick on the ground to threaten you, wobbling it in the air.
    “This is ridiculous…” Chan sighed, utterly done with the situation, flickering his hand to jolt the stick out of Seungmin’s hands, letting the boy flabbergasted, blinking repeatedly as he tried to understand what had just happened.
   “H-Holy cow…” He paled, one hand shooting to his mouth as the other rested on his stomach “H-He… He’s a witch… Holy mother of God” He gagged like he was about to vomit, a nauseous expression taking over his features “I didn’t mean to upset you guys! I-I thought he was harassing you... I-I mean! I didn’t mean to interrupt your… Mating?” He floundered, eyes darting between you as he tried to explain himself.
     “We’re not mating!” You interjected, offended “Look, Seungmin –“
     “How do you know my name?!” He asked high pitched, voice wavering like a string, hand trailing to his heart as his lips quivered in utter shock, and eyes as big as saucers fixed on you filled with horror. The way he wobbled ─ as if he was about to pass out ─ amused you, and you had to fight back a smile as you watched him shaking in fear, pinching the bridge of your nose and closing your eyes for a moment to concentrate.
    “Magic” Chan mocked, flourishing his fingers in the air as a joke, and you burst out laughing, pushing him lightly to scold him “Are all of you dumb like this?” He asked in contempt, and Seungmin didn’t find the courage to answer him right now, so he just stood frozen there “Just like I thought…” He sighed, rolling his eyes.
      “Seungmin, you can’t tell anyone about this” You warned, getting closer to him “Do you understand it?” You asked to make sure, looking deep into his eyes and squeezing his shoulder, tugging him out of his thoughts.
     “Wait! What?!” Chan blurted out, surprised “He won’t say anything because we will kill him, Y/N” Chan declared, confused by your phrasing, getting a questioning look from you; arched brows challenging him silently “He knows” He pointed out, raising his hand to evoke the spear from the ground, not disturbed by your outrage.
     “No, please!” The boy begged, tearing up “Please, spare me! I won’t tell it! I swear!” He kneeled on the ground, hands clasping together in a desperate plead as tears streamed down his face.
    “You can bet I’ll spear you” He spat, raising his weapon.
    “Wait, you can’t just kill him like this!” You protested, rushing to be in front of the boy, arms wide open “Grandma saved him yesterday! He’s not supposed to die yet!” You defended, and this information seemed to perk up the boy, who shot his head up, staring at you dumbfounded before getting up, grabbing your arms excitedly.
    “I knew it wasn’t a dream!” He chirped, hands sliding to your hands to hold them “You sang to me, didn’t you?” He asked flustered, squeezing your hands “The River is flowing… Flowing and growing…” he chanted in a hurried tone, eyes shining as he looked at you “I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to offend you!” He widened his eyes, realizing his mistakes, and you shrugged him off, chuckling.
     “That’s okay” You reassured him, squeezing his hands back “Now you know we won’t hurt you—“
     “We?” Chan asked riled up “There is no way I will let him out alive” He said, grabbing your hands and tugging them away, a frown on his face as he glared at the boy “I don’t trust you” He hissed, pointing the sharp metal to Seungmin’s throat, prompting him to gulp down; the boy’s eyes darting to you before focusing on Chan again, cold sweat running down his face.
     “He won’t betray us! He owes us his life” You assured him, gripping his wrist “I know he won’t say it! I just know it! I can feel it in my guts!” You continued eagerly, and for a split of a second Chan glanced at you, wondering.
      “You’re being naive… We can’t trust him” He decided, returning his gaze to the boy.
      “The Wind itself guided me to him!” You insisted “He is the reason why my powers woke up! Nature wants him alive! Please, listen to me” You pleaded, and he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.
     “This is ridiculous, you can’t know that for sure” He grumbled, frowning but loosening his grip on the spear “He’s just a human… Nature doesn’t have anything to do with him” He concluded, tightening his grip again, pressing the weapon against the tender skin.
     As if on cue, the wind blew through the trees.
     “It’s just a coincidence” He muttered, averting his eyes to the twirling breeze that swept the leaves around “Also, if we were letting him go alive, we would have to take away his memories again and neither of us knows how to do this…” He pointed out “The bare minimum would be taking him to Yerkir” He stated matter-of-factly.
     “You know far too well that she would kill him!” You accused, pointing your finger at him.
     “If we let him go alive with his memories, she’ll kill us” He reminded you, and you rolled your eyes at him.
     “Listen to me just this once, Chan” You pleaded, cupping his cheek to guide his eyes to meet yours “You are connected to Nature… You have wind running through your veins… Please, make an effort! I know you can listen to it too” You continued, and he sighed under your touch, looking at you in defeat.
      “I can’t believe you’re making me consider it” He complained, retracting his spear from his throat and inhaling deeply before closing his eyes, exhaling slowly. The silence fell upon you three as he took deep breathes ─ a blank expression on his face, as if he was meditating ─ before he extended his hand to touch Seungmin’s face “What the—“ He shot his eyes open, gasping as he looked flabbergasted at the boy, hand jolting away.
     “What? What is it?” You asked curiously, and he threw you a quick look before clearing his throat and fixing himself, hand combing his hair nervously.
     “He’s fine… You can go, mate” He mumbled, nodding to the wood’s entrance. The boy frowned, confused, glancing at you before returning his gaze to him questioningly “What are you waiting for? Just go” Chan growled, and the boy’s curiosity seemed to fade away immediately, prompting him to walk in your way.
     “Thank you so much” He said as he grabbed your hands again, looking too deeply into your eyes for Chan’s taste “I owe you my life” He kissed the back of your hand, making you giggle “Again” He added, chuckling before kissing your knuckles.
     “Stop flirting and go away” Chan rolled his eyes, throwing him a disgusted look.
     The boy trotted away, turning back a few times to wave at you ─ which made the warlock scoff each time, obviously filled with jealousy ─, to what you gestured back, smiling to him. You chuckled and arched your brows, studying how Chan seemed to relax when Seungmin couldn’t be seen anymore, letting out a puff of air that he didn’t realize he was holding in. You nudged him before grinning teasingly, watching as he pursed his lips, averting his eyes from you and resuming his hunting, ignoring the way you looked at him.
     “Jealous, aren’t we?” You asked playfully but he didn’t answer “Hey, why are you acting like this? He’s fine! You saw it yourself! He won’t tell anyone and hopefully, he won’t come back to the woods” You whined, and he sighed, stopping in his tracks.
     “What if I am?” He muttered under his breath, and you tilted your head in confusion “What if I’m jealous?” He clarified, looking directly at you “Why didn’t you tell me that you guys were synchronized?” He asked displeased, averting his eyes ashamed “I’ve heard of it before but… I never met one myself” He sighed, hurt painting his face.
     “What are you talking about?” You asked, bewildered, looking at him as if he had grown a third head.
     “You’re synchronized…” He repeated himself, looking away “There is no way that he would betray you. Ever. Simply meant to be into each other’s life” He mumbled unwillingly.
     “Like a soulmate?!” You blurted out, eyes widened in shock.
     “Yeah…” He bit his lip, uncomfortable “Something like this”
      The wind brought more voices.
      You stopped your motions for a moment, the knife buried into the meat as you deboned your hunt, wiping your sweat away with your hand and looking around to make sure that no one was talking near you. The indecipherable whisper seemed to increase ─ thousands of voices sounded in your mind at the same time, blabbering in your ears, echoing like leaves rustling in the woods ─ until they morphed into clearer patterns, the voices sounding incredibly clean inside your head.
    She met the boy again, The first understandable sentence echoed like sand falling in an hourglass. Don’t blame me when everything goes down the drain!
    The Earthy Elder.
    It will all be fine… The second voice sounded like a flowing river, calm and determined. Neither of them knows anything.
    Your Grandma.
    I had to tone down her energy again, Wiha… The crackling voice was warm and worried, a warning hanging in the air. I can’t push it away forever and you know it… Her powers got out of control today.
   The Fiery Elder.
    The way her power is manifesting is a bad sign, The soft twinkling voice agreed. If we keep her memories away like this, her powers will keep unstable… At least with a spell of that level.
    The Airy Elder.
     You frowned, pursing your lips as you tried to make sense of their conversation. The Elders were gathering on the tent right now, supposedly discussing the failed attempt to bring back a witch they sensed earlier in the village… The talking didn’t seem to be about it, though. Was it too much of a coincidence that the missing witch met some boy again and had lost control of her powers on the same day as you? The Fiery Elder herself had just said she helped to control this witch’s energy and she wasn’t even in the mission….
   There was no way they weren’t talking about you.
    If Yerkir wasn’t an asshole, she would fix my spell! Your Grandma hissed. You’re egoistic! You know far too well that it is dangerous for her to remind things! Especially since we’ve been lying to her all her life!
  They’ve been lying to you?
    We?! I didn’t want to lie to her! It’s all on you! It’s not my fault you were a coward! Yerkir barked. The girl should know her mother was murdered! You shouldn’t have taken this memory away from her!
   You let your shoulders drop, widening your eyes as you snapped your head to the Tent; mouth falling agape as you registered what they just said. The memory spell… She had used it on you! She had taken away your memories… She has been lying to you all this time… Your mother didn’t die giving birth to you.
   She was murdered.
   She wasn’t prepared! Your Grandmother yelled, and you could even hear the scorn on Yerkir’s voice when she scoffed. And she’s not prepared yet! We can’t have her wanting revenge! She’ll expose us!
   Really? Because I think you are too scared she can hate you now! Yerkir retorted. Her mother was a human, Wiha! They shouldn’t have killed her! She has the right to hate them all! You should hate them too!
   Your mother was a what now?
   You didn’t even know how you got so fast to the tent ─ gale following you closely as Yerkir’s voice hissed a “She’s coming! Everybody quiet!” ─, arms fluttering the entrance’s fabric before you shoot all of them a betrayed look, eyes filled with rage. The wind turmoiled into the place, sending chairs and blankets in a twirl in the air, startling The Elders for a second before Caeli forced everything down with her powers.
   The Elders stood up, attentive to your outburst but clueless, watching as you stormed in to point accusingly to Wiha. You heard some members mumbling behind you, close enough for you to feel them with your energy but not loud enough for you to understand what they were saying, though it was clear they were curious and puzzled.
  The Watery Elder held your wrist, confused by why you were acting like this, looking into your eyes in search of answers that she couldn’t find. You looked back straight at her, eyes watering as you felt your face twisting in a pained expression that baffled her for a moment before you finally decided to speak up.
   “You lied to me!” You growled, tears streaming down your face.
  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sweetheart” She said calmly, fueling your rage. You yanked your hand away from hers, shooting her a glare before looking to the other elders, lips twisted down in a displeased frown “You should calm down” She suggested, glancing at the others so they could try to soothe you with their magic.  
  “I heard all of it! All of you! You’ve been lying to me my whole life!” You bawled, pressing your eyes for a moment to try and stop the tears “When would you tell me?! When would you say to me that my mother wasn’t a witch?!” You inquired, demanded her to answer you, and she let her mouth fall agape, taken aback by your question.
  “It’s not what it sounds like” She guaranteed, and you scoffed, grimacing at her “You’re a witch, it’s just that—“
   “I don’t want to hear it!” You growled, “I don’t want to hear your lies anymore!” You wailed, turning away “What about the second lesson?!” You asked, stopping in your tracks, face twisted in hurt as she tried to mumble something “What is the second lesson, Wiha?!” You yelled, turning to look at her, catching a glimpse of her disappointment as her name came out of your lips.
   “You’re home here… You don’t know the whole story” She said in a pleading tone, trying to get closer to you “Let me show you… I will give it all back to you” She promised, “You don’t understand…” She continued in a small voice, and you let out a humorlessly chuckle.
   “There is no way I can understand you… I don’t belong here, right?” You smiled bitterly “     Stick to your kind… There is where you will be welcomed and truly loved” You recited, lowering your head for a second “What is it? Something you made up after her death? Something you made up because you were afraid that someone like me would expose you all?” You snarled, resuming your striding.
   “You’re not a human! She wasn’t a witch but—“ She reached for you, grabbing your shoulder and forcefully turning you around to meet her, eager eyes looking to explain everything to you.
   You yanked your arms away from her, the sudden whipping motion blasting air out of nowhere and projecting her body back, knocking her down. The following scenes seemed to run in slow motion, and you stood there dumbfounded as you watched her head hit violently against the stump before thirteen heads snapped at you. The weight of twenty-six eyes filled with fear and perplexity crashed you as you noticed how her limbs went limp, neck wobbling before letting her head fall to the side, unconscious.
   “What is going on?” The Earthy Elder gave some lost steps forward, looking around in confusion, rubbing her feet in the ground and digging them a little, a frown on her face indicating that she couldn’t see anything; probably blinded by the magic running free out of you, “What happened?! Who was it?” She asked again when she met no answers, voice trembling as if she was about to cry.
    The shock gave away to shame.
    The shame gave away to disgus
     The disgust prompted you to run.
      And run you did.  
     You ran for dear life, hoping that somehow you could run away from yourself too as you left the haven behind you to go into the woods. The gale followed you closely, almost morphing into a storm as the sky seemed to darken above you, throwing shadows ahead that suddenly confused you to the core. The so well-known path felt like a maze right now ─ trees seemed to jumble together and the soil seemed too soft for your feet, dragging you as you tried to make your way through it ─, and you were quite sure it didn’t have anything to do with your teary eyes.
    The woods were being enchanted.
    I can’t see anything! I can’t track her! Yekir yelled to the four winds, clearly frustrated, and you could almost hear the way she punched the ground out of frustration, letting go of her pain on each blow.
   Yerkir! Caeli! Enchant it all! Boys! Track her down and bring her back! Isati ordered around like a general, burning in despair. Everyone else into the tent! Now! I need help with Wiha… She finished with a whisper, and you gulped down, filled with guilt, returning your focus to the woods ahead of you.
   The wind suddenly shifted to the left, as if it was calling you there, guiding you through all the magic that fogged your senses, and you followed it gladly, grateful though disoriented. You ignored how everything seemed to drag you down, to bind you and force you to stay. You ignored how you could listen to the boys ─ Chan, Minho, and Changbin ─ screaming your name from somewhere behind you, close enough for you to be sure that it wasn’t the wind anymore. You ignored how your heart faltered when you finally reached the entrance, the village right before your eyes.
     It was beautiful.
      “Y/N!” You closed your eyes, pursing your lips down as you breathed deeply “Y/N, please… Come with me” You turned back to see Chan getting closer to you, eyes so desperate that you almost agreed with him without thinking “They’re waiting for you… I am waiting for you… Please” He pleaded, tearing up.
     “I don’t belong there” You smiled sadly, getting closer to him to cup his cheek, making him lean for your touch “We don’t belong together, Chan” You muttered, fighting back your tears.
     “I love you” He blurted, holding your face with his hands, almost too afraid to touch you, as if he could just shatter you to pieces “I love you… I know we can’t be together yet but it will be just a few months… You will be eighteen and it will be alright… We can be together…” He mumbled, tears rolling down his face as he tried to convince you.
     You were sure that his powers showed he couldn’t.
     “We can run away!” He offered, voice trembling with despair, thin and fragile in the air “I’ll run away with you… We’ll be fine… I—“ He choked on his tears, and you caressed his cheek slowly, lovingly.
     “Stick to your kind, Chan…” You rested your forehead on his, sighing “I can’t truly love you… You said for yourself, didn’t you? I have a soulmate… You were right… We’re not meant to be after all” You grazed your thumb over his bottom lip, diving into his eyes “I’m sorry” You brushed your lips on his, blowing into his mouth before he fell to the ground, asleep.
     Not a real spell but it would have to do for now.
      You turned your back to him, looking up to the dark sky above you; the night already casting your shadows around, prompting people to get inside their houses. You inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, trying to get all your feelings out of your chest. You resumed your running, following the wind and sliding through the houses, being as stealthy as you could even if you didn’t really think that people were still awake by this time.
      The wind suddenly stopped ─ right in front of a small house where a boy held a lamp right before his face, the flames dancing around and casting some lights on him, revealing a blurry figure that you knew to be Seungmin ─, so you just knocked on the door, expectant, waiting for a few moments before the confused boy opened his door to meet you with startled eyes.
      “What are you doing here?” He asked perplexed, studying you from head to toe.
       “I need a favor” You confessed.
       It was time for him to pay his debts.            
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abyss-in-machines · 4 years
The First Move
AO3 link
Disclaimer: I do not own Gintama.
Chapter 1
She’s been appearing in his dreams far more frequently than he’d imagine she would. He doesn’t know how this came to be, and doesn’t know why it’s her, out of all the crazy women that he knows. And the craziest part of it all? He doesn’t seem to mind it one bit.
The dreams keep changing form and meaning every night, with the one common denominator being her. One dream would indulge his lust, showing how he’d have her all to himself, how he’d throw himself to her lips, and capture her beauty all for his own. Another dream would show an endless friendly spar between the two, exchanging smiles and blows. Yet among the multitude of dreams he’s had, the one he’d treasure the most was where he has a family of his own, kids that he fathered with her. A time lapse where he watches the kids grow up as his dream self and her hold each other’s hand and proudly watch them succeed. A dream where he watches himself grow old and happy with her. He remembers that one vividly, unlike the others, and he knows he won’t let that go.
Gintoki never cared much for flings or dates, let alone a long term relationship. A longstanding crush on Ketsuno Ana still remains, but he knows how far that’ll go. Celebrity crushes rarely come true, if at all. The stalker ninja would still keep popping up here and there, her appearances were more of an irritation that he’d not hesitate to squash away instantly. The glasses’ sister was more of a younger sibling he’d look out for, although with her brute strength matching that of a gorilla, he was pretty sure she’d rather pummel him to death. In short, he never considered any sort of relationship with any of them. But in comes Tsukuyo, messing it all up.
Gintoki racks his brains, trying formulate an answer to this new confounding issue. What triggered this? Any residual effects from the love incense? Granted, he inhaled a full blast of the damned scent, but the side effects couldn’t possibly have lasted this long... or could it? He doesn’t know. Or he does, but he simply doesn’t want to acknowledge it. It’s just an infatuation, couldn’t possibly be more than that, right? Right?
“Whatever”, he murmurs, slowly getting up from the futon and heading to the washroom. He thinks of going for a walk to clear his head once he’s done eating whatever Shinpachi made for breakfast. Perhaps a trip to Yoshiwara later in the afternoon to hit the pachinko would be nice...
“I’ve been seeing you a lot around here lately,” she says, taking a drag on her pipe. Her run-ins with the fish-eyed samurai had increased significantly since the end of the battle, and this one was no different. Of course, he’d be outside the pachinko place.
“Nothing much happening with Odd Jobs,” he replies, looking bored. “At least not for me. Shinpachi and Kagura have been handling most of the requests that we’ve been getting. I help out here and there whenever needed, but they insist on doing the work on their own. Something about being a grown up and handling more on their plate, I guess.”
“So you’re mooching off of them now.”
“It’s not mooching when I own the business, Tsukki. Plus, with our combined earnings, I’ve been able to pay the rent on time. Keeps the old hag off of my back.”
“You mean theirs.”
“Fuck off.”
“So what you’re saying is that the kids are not as lazy and incompetent as you? I wonder how that turned out to be.”
He shrugs. “Beats me.”
She takes another puff of the tobacco, slowly exhaling the smoke. “The kids have grown up so fast. You’ve really raised them well, Gintoki.” She smiles.
He notices her smile, and his heart tugs. He looks to the sky, and smiles as well. “I didn’t really do much at all, Tsukki. They did it all by themselves.”
“You underestimate your worth,” she states immediately, looking at him intently. “I don’t know how you’ve not realized by now, but you are important to us all, Gintoki. The kids have been looking up to you ever since you took them under your wing. Anyone with an eye could see how they’d look at you.”
Gintoki looks back at her, and notices her gaze. He knows she means what she said, and yet, after all this time, he can only shrug at the notion of his importance. To him, he had simply wanted to help out. But still, hearing it from her felt different.
Why did it feel different...
How would you look at me...
“Guess you’re still keeping busy with the Hyakka,” he muses.
“Yes. Work, as usual,” she replied. “Recruitment has never been better, and I’ve been spending more time training than patrols these days.”
“You’re a war hero, Tsukki. Of course they’d flock to you.”
“Says the one who did the heavy lifting at the battle.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he chuckles, winking at her. She immediately blushes and look the other way, making him grin. Even after all these years she was still too easy to tease.
They both notice the dark settling in. The streetlights and shop signs light up, and the narrow streets get busier slowly but surely.
“I should get going,” Tsukuyo spoke, breaking the brief silence.
“Where to?”
“Home. Help Hinowa with closing the shop, then I’ll retire for the night. Didn’t have much work today anyway.”
“Let me help out,” he blurts out.
She shakes her head. “You’re better off heading home and resting.”
“Don’t you be worrying about that. I’ve been useless the entire day. At least let me help out.”
“With that burnt forest on top of your scalp, you’d be useless regardless,” she shrugs, as she starts walking towards the shop.
“Can you not bring my hair into this...” he groans, itching his nose as they walk through the crowd. “I swear, this hair’s the reason why I’ve not been getting anywhere in the dating life.”
Tsukuyo looks back at him, and grins. “If that’s what you think, sure.”
“Maybe I should straighten it out. That’d make the ladies drool.”
“Still won’t change the fact that you’re a dumbass.”
“Keep hating, Tsukki.”
He smiles, thinking he could get used to this.
Despite those fish eyes and bored stares feigning indifference and laziness, Gintoki is a good listener and a hard worker, given the right motivation. She knows this about him, and a whole lot more than she’d care to admit. His unique way of displaying kindness and help was not lost on those who crossed paths with him. Case in point: he followed all the directions in packing up the right stuff for the shop, whilst talking with Seita about his school work and life. After they wrap up, Hinowa gets him have dinner with them, to which he gladly obliges. At dinner, he keeps on conversing with Seita, using every chance to tease the kid. Seita would always be elated whenever Gintoki would show up, and tonight’s surprise appearance was no difference. Tsukuyo feels at peace watching it all, and yet her mind wanders.
In recent weeks, her feelings for the silver-permed samurai had been reaching feverish peaks. Her thoughts seem to stray towards him ever since he reappeared, infecting her mind with all the new possibilities of a relationship with the permhead that she knows she’ll never let herself proceed with. She could only dream of how those possible choices would play out, replaying the consequences of each choice like it was a part of a different ending in a non-linear game. Entertaining herself with such delusions weren’t doing her any wonders, and talking to Hinowa about them only made Hinowa double down on trying to get her to face her feelings head on. Yet, she keeps telling Hinowa that the silver haired samurai would never reciprocate, something she’d been telling herself in the mirror for months. Trying to convince herself that it wasn’t worth the embarrassment, that it was too much of a risk.
What if he says “no”?
And yet, she couldn’t help it. She watches his eyes, how they show his happiness at watching Seita’s growth, despite the incessant teasing. The selflessness in offering help, the gratitude for a good day’s meal. He never did change since the first day she saw him, and she was glad for that. Their own conversations have evolved from full scale arguments, which involved a lot of kunais and blood, to light hearted banters. She’d still blush at one of his cheeky lines, but she understood that it was all in jest. She understood it all better now. Gintoki would never stop his teasing, just as much as he cares for everyone, to the point where he’d trade his life for such a cause. That’s what you’d expect out of a samurai anyway, even one as radical as Gintoki. He’d found a family to watch over, to love, to protect. Tsukuyo’s heart flutters as she pores over it all, not knowing just what to do anymore.
“...you alright there?”
She startles, noticing his hand waving in front of her face.
“I’m ok. Was just busy in thought.”
“Good to know,” he exclaims. “Thought you were falling for me.”
“Do tell me how you come to that conclusion,” she snorted, suddenly finding the food on the table very interesting.
“You were staring daggers at me,” no sooner had he finished the sentence than he found himself lying flat on his back, with a kunai planted at the middle of his forehead.
“There’s the dagger you were waiting for.” Dumbass.
He sits close to the porch, tying up the shoelaces, while she stands behind him, waiting. He finishes, and gets up slowly. “‘Twas a good way to end the day.”
“Yes, it was.” She admits sheepishly, her face showing the slightest hint of red.
“Would’ve been even better if I didn’t have a piece of metal stuck on my forehead.”
“Keep talking like that, and there’s gonna be more of those in places you’re gonna regret,” she growls. He never does fail to get under her skin.
“Oooh, kinky,” he remarks slyly, grinning. “What a S.”
“Don’t you have to be home?” she sighs, exasperated.
“Man, you want me gone that bad?” he smirks. “Whatever, Tsukki. You free anytime soon? Would be nice to hang out like today.”
She shrugs. “Maybe. My schedule is very erratic, so can’t predict when I’ll be free next time around. You’re free to drop by, though, seeing as you’ve got nothing much.”
He reaches for the door and slides it open. Halfway through going out, he turns back and looks at her, a gentle smile on his face.
“Maybe I will.”
She blushes, turning the other way and walking back to her room as fast as possible.
The next couple of weeks pass by, and she finds herself hanging out more with him with each of those weeks passing by. Somedays she finds him waiting outside the pachinko shop, and they talk for a while in one of the tea shops on the street sides, him munching on endless amounts of dango that he makes her pay for, while she smokes with her kiseru. Other times, he comes by late at Hinowa’s shop, having memorized the closing time of the shop, and helps out with the clean up, after which Hinowa gladly treats him to free dinner. He even joins her at work, helping her out with street patrols and rounding out rowdy drunk customers and two bit criminals. Slowly, but surely, she has gotten used to his presence, his wisecracks and his dead fish stares serving to brighten up her usual rigorous monotonous schedule. She’s grateful for it, even if she shows it by throwing kunais at him after every one of his jokes.
“You seriously gotta look for more opportunities to have fun, you know” he yawns, stretching out, as he reaches for one of the dango sticks on the plate.
“Any more fun than this, and the possibility of becoming a NEET like you increases dangerously,” she smirks, taking another puff.
“Would it really be that bad?”
“So you’re not even denying it anymore.”
He shrugs. “Tsukki, it’s not even worth trying to change your mind. I’m still doing my work and getting pay, I just end up with a lot more free time, unlike you. And you really gotta take a break. When’s the last time you did something that was genuinely fun?”
“I was teaching Seita history two days ago. It was alright.”
Gintoki shudders. “Wonder how that was fun for both you and Seita.”
She snaps. “Look, it was just one time, alright? I’ve definitely improved on it since the last time you saw us.”
Gintoki just smiles, and finishes the dango, reaching out for another stick. He finishes the rest of the sticks on the plate, while Tsukuyo enjoys her smoke, quietly observing the busy crowd in the street.
“Say Tsukki, you’re free tomorrow noon, right? Wanna go out with me?”
Tsukuyo drops kiseru and turns her head to Gintoki, her mouth open, shocked. “Huh?”
Gintoki nods. “There’s the new Aliens Vs Yakuza reboot that they say is actually good. I thought we could go see that movie and get ramen later on. I know a great place for ramen, you’ll love it. It’d be a fun way to enjoy the day.”
Tsukuyo processes it all whilst staring at his eyes, taking it all in word by word, too dizzy. She couldn’t believe it. All these years of harbouring a crush on him, unable to let him know how she felt, only for him to ask her out. This is actually happening?
“…you alright? Earth to Tsukuyo?” He waves his hand in front of her eyes, wondering where she was staring off to. She jolts, her eyes focused back on him. Her head immediately drops down, her blush intensifies, and she murmurs something that he can’t hear. He brings himself closer to her face.
“Couldn’t hear you, what’d you say?”
He smiles, a big wide grin stretching from ear to ear. He gets up, puts the money for the dango on the table.
“I’ll pick you up at Hinowa’s place tomorrow at 2 then.”
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roseate7 · 5 years
Any words of consolation about what’s probably going to happen tonight? It hurts so much and it hasn’t even happened yet. You seem to have good perspective and I could use some.
I’ll answer this one because it’s very sweet and must’ve come in right before I switched anon off.
I can very easily and confidently say to you that this indeed shall pass, because unlike many a swift rout in which a team and fanbase must cast about in bewilderment for what went wrong, the enemy has shown himself and it is within. For all that the superstars were gassed with overwork by the time the playoffs arrived, and for all that the eventual lineup were too bewildered to pull out a cohesive performance by the end, the man responsible for all of this - and I mean all - is Jim Rutherford.
A lot of folks understandably held out on my level of bolshiness toward him this year, but from day one of this playoffs series the truth of the entire season’s mess and muddle and hasty plastering-over had shown itself in rapidly coming undone beneath playoffs pressure. And he’d done the same botched jobs before in Carolina.
I know most folks don’t agree with me on this point especially but the Hags trade set the tone of Rutherford losing the team’s confidence in him entirely. The bulk of the work was done then. His “point was made” but the point was both a misfire and an eventual backfire. But whatever difficulties the Pens had at the start of the season, we only ever got to see them just beginning to repair the longer the team got to bond and gel… only for trigger-happy-trader Jim to come and throw it all into disarray again.
There’s no way of ever knowing which of the trades were truly any better because there was no time the crucial identity to be formed with any of them. He lucked the fuck out with the Florida trade, but what good are two solid players in isolation on a disjointed team they barely know and may not even stay with past the summer? Where is the hunger and fight for them? To lift a Cup with men they’ve known a matter of months? They’re not Black Aces, they’re key players who felt rushed in and did their best which is honestly a waste of talent in the end. Certainly no way to form that team identity. All it did was help keep the Pens on life support.
That’s the theme of Rutherford losing this season: what good are solid players in isolation? Do they make a defense? Do they create goals? Do they give his superstars space to work while leaving the speed up to the younger and lighter, or even just faster…. oh yeah those are all gone. So, no. No they don’t. They add up to a first round sweep and have done ever since the late fall.
It might seem like strange comfort to know that the season was ultimately jeapordized by a man who we can only see the back of if pressure mounts outside and in, but ironically when you look at all of the good that he has wasted in either neglect or over-work, it is reassurance.
Because it’s very good to know that the Pens have a core on the other side of thirty who are hitting and breaking franchise and league records and are still able to overcome major mid-season injury and reignite the team’s playoffs hopes. They’re not the Hawks or the Kings. Their core leave ample cap space in their salaries and more importantly, the problems aren’t scattered all over the locker room and the coaching and the management. It’s down to one man getting into a job using more talented colleagues and then reverting to type once left to his own devices. Hell, even Sully being out-coached wouldn’t have led to a first round exit if the team had formed the kind of identity and drive that it should have. 87/71 can lead a motley crew of a roster to the second round just fine, so long as they can get to know them before March.
And 87/71 being what they are - an isolated and rare organism - and having veteran status, none of the past two seasons will be allowed to remain when they return to Pittsburgh in the fall. They’ve proven how fearless they are in doing what is right for their team and that they’ll run up against any level of front office to fight for glory again. Hell, just look at Geno’s post-games after tonight! He is already planning on the upturn of all they’ve settled into that doesn’t work. I truly do not think Rutherford has the clout, especially after these past two years on his own, to stand up to what those two want. They’ve got the ear of the owners far more than he has. I doubt he’ll be gotten rid of, but his workload could easily become much ‘lighter’ and the purse strings taken out of his hands.
From my hockey perspective, this exit honestly feels like a logical turn in direction for a team who have needed to be wrestled out of the jaws of victory rather than the other way round for most of one dynasty. The years between 2009 and 2016 were such twists and turns, and they’ve all faded into normal and natural lows and suffering that happen to absolutely every club - especially to ones who have had success so frequently. The past two seasons aren’t at all unusual for a much older club whose legs have largely never bounced back from a gruelling back-to-back and an unbroken succession of playoff appearances.
All of Rutherford’s botched work needs to be either undone or removed. I’m sorry folks, I know it’s extremely unlikely and most don’t agree with me but getting Hags back would restore heart and identity to a team that couldn’t bear to have lost it in the first place. But even if not him, then a team assembled and left to actually find itself next season. I’m also not convinced that dropping Horny makes sense, it feels way too much like the overly-reactionary trades of the entire season and yet more loss of identity. Bringing in youth and speed is doable without disintegrating the core even more. We all love Olli but he’s sadly become disposable (I don’t really know why) and I say it’s far wiser to shift a younger player who is already showing signs of slowing than a teammate who brings much needed heart to the locker room.
Anyway, all of this can be done. There is now time, room and with intelligence there can be money. Geno will rest and clear his head and be Russian and Miamian for a while, Sid will go off with trainers like last summer, and they’ll both return of one mind: to never, ever allow their ship to be steered so wildly off course ever again.
So when it comes to the pain, the bitterness, the feeling of desolation and confusion of tonight I really can promise you this will be a kinder loss in the long run. It didn’t drag on, it was against a team who had the jump and the desperation on the Pens, and there were no cruel twists of the knife to age-old wounds. The Isles were better and wanted the win more and they won. It’s clean, if still gutting.
I can say all of this because I was baptised by fire and blood into hockey. I saw Bloody Wednesday and I had seen the previous season’s lead-up to it, all of which is told best by Kris Draper himself. I saw hatred and cold-bloodedness and rage that transcended ‘just hockey’ between the Avs and Wings of those days. I can safely say that no one will ever experience transcendent agony and ecstasy of the like ever again because the sport is now more about... well, the sport, rather than the spectacle.
And as I soon realised, all that gnashing of teeth from the players represented the most pathetic side of a game that was already on it’s way to losing it’s audience precisely for a lack of substance. It all stopped being satisfying when the enforcers were no longer made invisible in their traumatized retirement and the gladiatorial was proven to be ultimately almost as fatal and cruel as the old coliseums. We all got sick of games halting for the latest wild man to do his bit and to have teams hoarding up talent in ways that even refs could tilt the balance in their favor so well. The rivalries are boring younger fans now that testosterone flare-ups no longer run the show, and instead look like weak distractions - or downright dangerous in ways that are no longer considered acceptable - from letting your hockey speak for itself.
And well, as Draper and Nick Lidstrom proved to me many years later when they both went belly-aching that a 21 year-old Sidney Crosby wasn’t prompt enough to shake Lidstrom’s hand after the 2009 final. I will always respect those guys as players, but hoo boy the irony of their childish sore loser attitude in calling Sid immature and unprofessional still looks terrible for two men who won four Cups in their time. Same with the fans and journalists who saw fit to bemoan this perceived slight from Sid due to nothing but sour grapes over the fair loss of yet another trophy to add to their groaning coffers. Especially targeting a kid charged with rescuing his sport and his franchise, who had returned to the Joe after a bitter disappointment the previous season, and at last gained the achievement that had been expected of him since he was between fourteen and sixteen.
For shame on two men I had witness do battle and perform so valiantly, even after some of the glory of their days had begun to tarnish, to gang up on a boy because their days of domination were fading. I still love those first seasons I watched, but I am glad the days are gone of two men knocking forty launching a PR campaign to damage the image of a kid only just realising the dream they had many times repeated themselves before he was even in the draft combine.
Why did I take that trip down memory lane, you could well ask if you’re still even reading this, anon???
Because while players like the 90s Red Wings represent the last of the old dynasties, the post-2004/5 lockout effects on hockey haven’t been felt in full effect really until the Penguins back-to-backs. You know, the team who won using speed and cohesion? The team who set the standard which all other teams were not-so-secretly rushing to copy? That was a core of existing champs who dictated their own identity and who had two leaders with their eyes wisely on the future-present style of hockey.
The Kings and Hawks days of glory had one foot very much in the past. They are both in different stages of trying to work out the puzzle of a league whose playing style has been flipped even more on it’s head in just the past three drafts. Forget McDavid: how does Mitch Marner weigh what he weighs and do what he does and bounce back up every time old-style defense tries to knock him down? How do you get more of those little nuggets of your own to find gaps and evade muscle and create chances? That’s the question the Pens already know they have to get back to answering as they had before.
But Jim Rutherford has fumbled his two years unsupervised, this is resoundingly true, and his old ‘grit and size’ tendencies are coming up against a Pens core who have far more knowledge of what it takes to return their team to being champions because they have seen the sea changes taking place in their franchise from day one.
Ol’ Jim’s can come and go. But Crosby and Malkin are neither petulant veterans who would moon about over their losses and angrily deflect onto the youngsters who beat them, nor are they superstars existing in a bubble and bemoaning the slow decline of their team after each short or non-existent post-season. Neither of them will mind handing over some depth work to speedier youngsters. Neither of them will mind adjusting their roles to accommodate the next generation of Pens, because it’s what they’ve been doing for a good few years now. No clashing of egos or sense of grudge over age and perceived superiority to stop these two from doing whatever it takes to keep the club on the right path.
The Pens will always have a shot at being champions so long as Sid and Geno are on the thrones in Pittsburgh. And the more they come into their age and embrace their sway over a franchise that knows it owes it’s existence to them both (even if fucking nobody else seems to remember that Geno’s throne sits in every way equal to Sid’s) the more chance there is for more Cups.
At the very least, and it’s still a wonderful least, seasons like this one will stand as nothing but a stark but isolated reminder of how close to disaster their ship has ever sailed.
I have absolutely no doubt that they know what to do in the wake of it, and I have no doubt that they would gladly fly in the face of front office if it meant a more harmonious locker room.
They’re two heroes who won’t complain about the young bucks coming in and the league changing around them, and trust me when I say Pens fans should take endless comfort in that, even in the toughest years. And the natural order of things in hockey absolutely dictates that you’ve gotta at least have some of those.
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lilacmoon83 · 6 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03: 
Chapter 145: Ill-boding Patterns
Emma sighed, as she used the lull to catch up on paperwork. She was anxious though and wasn't getting anything done. Not knowing what was happening with her parents was the worst, but all they could do right now was wait. Add to that, they still had the problem that was the Black Fairy, but so far, no one had seen her at all since her altercation with Blue. That was just fine with Emma, but she knew that meant the Black Fairy was plotting for the next battle...the final battle that had always been alluded to. But she would deal with it all when the time came. She just hoped her parents made it back soon and Jekyll was dealt with.
With Jekyll gone, she had sent Leo out to Zelena's farmhouse with Wilby and Graham to survey if his shield was gone, but she had yet to hear back from him yet and it was making her even more anxious. She pushed away from her desk and saw Killian coming into the station.
"Hey...what are you doing here?" she asked, though it was in a pleasant tone. He smirked.
"I am rescuing you," he gestured grandly and she raised an eyebrow, as he produced a bag with the Granny's Diner logo on it.
"From hunger," he added and she snorted in amusement.
"Grilled cheese?" she questioned.
"What else?" he countered, as he set the bag down on her desk and then leaned down to kiss her.
"Fries?" she questioned, as their lips parted.
"Onion rings," he corrected and she smiled.
"Good...that was a test and you passed," she teased, as he sat down with her.
"I figured you could use the distraction and the paperwork you were trying to do wouldn't quite suffice," he said, as she ate an onion ring.
"You were right," she agreed, as they polished off lunch together.
"You know they're going to be okay, right?" he asked and she sighed.
"I know...they always are and I know Dad always finds her. I just...I hate that they keep going through stuff like this," she said. He squeezed her hand.
"I know, Swan," he said, as Emma's phone rang and she answered.
"Hey Leo…" she answered.
"You were right about the shield. Now that Dr. Creepyl is gone, the shield is down too. Want me to go in?" he asked.
"No...wait for us, just in case," she replied, as she hung up.
"The shield is down around Zelena's farmhouse," she said, as they got up.
"Then perhaps we should rescue those wayward detectives. Seeing that they make their way out of town is probably in the best interest of everyone," he replied. She nodded in agreement, as they joined hands and hurried out to the bug.
Angela looked up at the building and then down at the piece of parchment she had been given by the Black Fairy.
"Well...this is it," she said, as Nick closed his car door.
"This doesn't look like any office," he replied.
"Well, it's been like twenty-years since Emma Swan was a child. Unlike that crazy town, people out here age. Maybe she's retired," Angela surmised. He nodded his head, agreeing with her assessment, as they climbed the steps to the porch of the brownstone and knocked on the door. They waited, as they heard someone shuffling around inside and soon the door opened.
"Whoa…" Nick said, startled by the appearance of this woman. She had a head of gray permed hair that looked well maintained, like she made a weekly trip to the salon. But her face was heavily wrinkled to almost a gross level and her makeup was rather overdone, actually making her wrinkles look worse.
"Who the hell are you?" she asked and then coughed almost violently. Nick and Angela wrinkled their noses, as she coughed something up into a tissue.
"Ugh...I think I'm going to lose my lunch," Angela muttered.
"Definitely evidence that dinosaurs once roamed the earth," Nick agreed, as they snickered.
"Are you Imogen Rocha?" Angela questioned.
"Yeah...what's it to you?" she wheezed.
"We've been sent to find you by a woman named Fiona. Ring any bells?" Angela questioned. The woman coughed and Nick made a disgusted face again.
"Can't say that it does," she rasped.
"She also goes by another moniker. Maybe you know her by that," Nick said, as he looked around.
"She's also called the Black Fairy," he revealed. Recognition flashed on her old, wrinkled face. Her beady eyes wrinkled, as she narrowed them into slits.
"What do you two know about the Black Fairy?" she asked.
"Get in the car if you want to find out," Angela replied. The old hag thought about it for a moment and then nodded.
"Give me a minute to pack," she rasped, as she coughed again.
"We have to spend another four hours in the car with that?" Nick questioned.
"It's either that or these little poison bracelets give us a fatal cocktail," Angela replied gravely. She hated not having any control or choice in all of this either.
"All right...let's get this show on the road," the old woman said, as she returned.
"Okay, the car is this way, Ms. Rocha," Nick said. She coughed again.
"Do me a favor, sonny, and call me by my real name," she replied.
"So, it's not Imogen Rocha...because that is a ridiculous name," Angela commented.
"Shut it girly...it was the best I could do on a whim!" she rasped.
"Okay...so what is your name?" Nick questioned. She smirked.
"Yzma," she answered in a reverent tone, like she was expecting worship. Angela just raised an eyebrow.
"Any last name?" she asked.
"Stupid girl...I am the great Yzma! I am practically a Goddess!" she shouted, as she started coughing again. Nick made a disgusted face.
"No, we met a Goddess and she looked nothing like you," he quipped.
"Just take me to Fiona! It's time to finish what we started!" she hissed, as they got into the car and began the journey back to Maine.
Snow stirred sleepily, as she turned from where she was spooned against her husband and away from the sunlight peeking through their tent flap. She turned in his arms and buried her face against his neck, breathing in his scent as she did.
"You're awake…" he muttered, as he dropped a kiss to her hair.
"Mmm...I'd rather not be. That means we have to get up and all I want to do is lay here in your arms," she purred. He sought her lips and kissed her passionately. As their lips parted, he noticed a playful gleam in her eyes and he watched her sit up. She wrapped a blanket around her unclothed body and peered out. It was early and it seemed that no one else was up yet. She bit her bottom lip and found herself reminiscing about a time much like this. It had been during their time taking back the Kingdom and they had found themselves near the same lake where he proposed, which was incidentally very close now also. It had been twilight then when they had sneaked to that very special beach for a moonlight dip, sans any clothes of course and made love in the lake.
Now, here they were again, thirty years, five children, and another sleeping curse later and it was too tempting an opportunity to pass up. It was still just before dawn. They could disappear for an hour without anyone really noticing.
"Let's sneak out to the lake," she said, her face lit up with excitement. He chuckled and kissed her tenderly, before gathering his blanket around his waist. He peaked out with her, finding that no one was up and they gathered their clothes in their arms.
"Morning sex with you in the lake? You bet I'm in," he said. She giggled, as he pulled her along, as they disappeared into the forest.
Thirty three years ago
Blue stared at the tiny sapling that had taken root and felt the darkness stirring. A spark of true love had been ignited once again and she knew that blonde idiot on Mount Olympus would have sensed it immediately too. This spark was unprecedented though. The two that had sparked this time didn't even know each other yet. The previous pairs had not had their spark until well after they had been involved. It was making the darkness very restless and uneasy.
What was worse was Snow White had changed her mind about leaving the Kingdom, much to Blue's chagrin. Had she left that day, she would never come in contact with her true love again. Then this darkness would remain dormant. But the wayward Princess had decided to stay, seemingly for the reason that she didn't want to run anymore. But Blue knew better. It was this sapling and the strings of destiny that were pulling her toward the handsome shepherd that had been her rescuer.
"Is that it?" a voice asked, startling Blue. She looked up and glared at her latest protege. This fairy, dressed in yellow, was more infuriating than Nova and at times, more unruly than even Tinkerbell. But she showed a lot of potential and reminded Blue of herself.
"Yzma...I forbade you to come here this time," Blue scolded.
"You forbid me to do a lot of things that I do anyway. Besides, how can I become a proper Sorceress if you won't teach me anything," the young fairy pouted. Blue sighed.
"For the hundredth time, you are not a Sorceress, Yzma. You are a fairy," she corrected. Yzma rolled her eyes and produced a fireball, feeling brazen since her abilities were so beyond that of other fairies.
"Except the other fairies can't do what I can and are a waste of good air," she said deviously.
"Yzma…" Blue scolded.
"Come on Blue, I know that the last thing you want is that blonde bimbo nurturing another pair of lovers to be her champions. I could easily capture that Princess and turn her over to the Queen. Or maybe I can follow the shepherd back and destroy him and his little farm," she said deviously.
"Committing such atrocities will get your wings clipped!" Blue snapped. Yzma shrugged and rolled her eyes.
"Fine...but what do we do about this twig?" she asked.
"Snow White has not met her true love yet, which means there is still hope to stop the darkness from rising," Blue replied.
"You mean keep your own darkness from taking over," another voice snapped, as they turned and found a fairy in red there.
"Tigerlily...what are you doing in this realm? I sentyou back to Neverland," Blue growled. The Princess of the Immortal Tribe smirked.
"I'm the product of the last pair of truest loves and another spark has nullified the magical seal you cast when you sent me back to my Tribe," Tigerlily countered.
"So this is the infamous Tigerlily?" Yzma asked.
"She's very dangerous...a product of true love only makes the darkness restless! Such light brings an equal amount of darkness!" Blue remarked. Tigerlily shook her head.
"You still are so afraid of your own darkness that you don't realize that it has already consumed you. Casting it out centuries ago didn't rid you of the darkness inside you; it only made you worse.The atrocities you have committed in the name of keeping this supposed darkness at bay tells the real story. You are the real threat," Tigerlily remarked. Blue glared at her.
"There will not be another pair of truest loves...or another product…" Blue hissed, as she looked at her current protege. Yzma let one of her fireballs engulf the sapling and Tigerlily cried out, as it was turned to ash.
"Oops...guess Snow White will never meet her Prince Charming and another product of true love will never thwart my conquests...again," Yzma hissed, as she glared at Tigerlily.
"What are you talking about?" she questioned.
"I mean on the night your parents were murdered, it was me whispering in the Dragon's ear," she revealed. Tigerlily's face went ashen.
"No...it was the Dark One. He was responsible for corrupting the Dragon," she refuted.
"And that Dark One was me," Yzma revealed.
"That's not possible! That Dark One was killed when another assumed the mantle. That's how it works!" Tigerlily refuted.
"Unless you were already immortal when you became the Dark One. I used the fancy moniker of Xanetakos to conceal my true identity. But I've been immortal since I used a dark spell or rather...my counterpart did," Yzma explained.
"You see, in my native land, which is nestled in the Andes Mountains, I was once the darker half of the Inca God, Viracocha. But much like our friend, Blue, here, Viracocha feared his darker side and used a dark spell to separate us," Yzma hissed bitterly.
"And while my better half was still revered by the people, I was quickly labeled as an evil demon that should be shunned," she growled.
"After an unsuccessful attempt to dethrone the Emperor, I was banished from my homeland for all time and sent through a portal created by my other half," she continued.
"That's where I found myself in this land...where I found my true potential as a Sorceress," she finished.
"Why would you take such an evil creature as your protege?" Tigerlily questioned the head fairy.
"Obviously she wasn't truthful about her origins," Blue hissed. Yzma smirked and cackled evilly.
"Why embed yourself with the fairies?" Tigerlily questioned.
"Because I made a mistake the day your parents were murdered and that was letting the product escape and come into her magic," Yzma growled.
"Why? What do I have to do with any of this?" Tigerlily asked.
"Because, my dear sweet girl, the magic from a product of truest love like you can destroy the dark half without destroying the light half. You see, if my counterpart were to die, then I would die. If I am killed while my counterpart lives, then I shall return alive and well...unless I am killed by true love's magic. Only it can destroy the personified darkness, which is what I am," Yzma explained, as she deviously formed a fireball in her palm and tossed it at Tigerlily. The red fairy gasped and used her wand to deflect the attack.
"Stop...you will not harm her!" Blue called, intervening.
"I will destroy her, just like I destroyed that sapling!" Yzma called back.
"Except that you didnt'...look!" Tigerlily cried, drawing their attention the sapling and they watched it re-emerge, unharmed.
"That's impossible!" Yzma cried. Tigerlily smirked.
"No...that's true love and it's the most powerful magic. Not even the darkest sorcery can destroy it," she boasted.
"Then I guess I'll have to settle for just destroying you," Yzma hissed.
"No...as dangerous as her powers are, we will not harm her," Blue argued.
"She's a threat to you too, Blue. She has endless potential, because she was created from truest love. She will be far more powerful than you if you let her live...but perhaps you are right. Perhaps letting her live with the knowledge that her parent's entire legacy is a complete failure is exactly what she deserves," Yzma said, as a swirling vortex opened up behind the red fairy.
"What are you doing?" she cried, as she felt the portal sucking her in.
"I am banishing you, like I was banished. I banish thee, Tigerlily, back to Neverland where you cannot interfere in this realm any longer," Yzma cackled, as Tigerlily screamed and was sucked back to her home world.
Blue looked at Yzma in astonishment. Her apprentice had not only lied to her about everything, but she was far more powerful than any fairy, wielding the darkest magic Blue had ever felt. A part of her, that part she tried to push down, thrilled at black-heartedness of the other woman. But that was supposed to be impossible. She had used a similar spell given to her by the Zeus over two thousand years ago. Still, fear, hatred, and darkness swirled in her and always led to her suffering. Yzma smirked.
"Your darkness calls to you, Blue...join me," the Sorceress tempted.
"No...I won't give into your evil ways," she growled, as she clenched her teeth.
"She's too weak. She is just too tainted to truly ever be good," a new voice said. Blue looked up and found her dark half had appeared.
"Ah...you must be the Black Fairy. A true pleasure," Yzma complimented. Fiona smirked.
"Likewise...I am a fan of your work, especially the part where you deceived this pathetic blue flea so thoroughly," Fiona returned.
"It's what I do...but we do have a problem. That sapling...or what it could bring, could ruin everything," Yzma warned.
"Yes...the Princess Snow White and her soon to be shepherd. They will meet again...not even we can stop that now, thanks to that foolish Tigerlily," Fiona snarked.
"Then you know that there will be a product...eventually," Yzma warned.
"Yes...that is why we must all work together to undermine the truest loves again. They and any spawn they have must be destroyed," Fiona agreed.
"What about her?" Yzma asked.
"Don't worry about her...she'll continue her deeds all in the name of good and justice. She'll do anything to bury this secret and remain being seen as a pillar of good," Fiona said, as they glared at Blue.
"And that includes undermining Snow White and the shepherd David, for she will do anything to keep them from knowing the truth and destroying her, just as we will," Fiona added.
"Come Yzma...I think you shall benefit more as my apprentice than hers. Together, we can make sure the light does not squash the darkness," Fiona said. Yzma smirked.
"Sounds fun...I was tired of pretending to do light magic anyway. You have no idea how sickening it is being around all this love and goodness," she said distastefully.
"Don't worry Yzma, you'll fit in nicely with me. Wherever I go...chaos follows," Fiona promised, as they disappeared, leaving a lost and angry Blue behind.
Snow moaned sensually, as he kissed her lazily and they waded idly in the water. Her legs were still hooked around him and he was still inside her, as they slowly came down from another powerful bout of lovemaking, this time in the lake. As always, it was amazing and reminded her of a few times earlier in their, at the time secret marriage, that they had sneaked off to this very lake to be alone.
"I love you so much...I swear to you, Snow...this was it. We are not going to be separated again," he whispered breathlessly to her. She pressed her forehead to his, relishing his lips on hers again. She could only hope this was the last time they would face being separated. If any two people deserved to finally find peace to go along with their love, it was them. But she also knew there was no one like them and while she took pride in that, she also knew it meant that they were charged with standing on the front lines in every crisis. It felt daunting at times, but she knew she'd never change anything. She'd never trade the life they had together for anything, even when it came with all the strife and fighting that it often did. She'd fight a million more battles if it meant spending eternity with him and relishing the deeply passionate love they shared.
"We should probably get back," he mentioned reluctantly. She hummed in agreement, as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Mmm...I suppose, but when we get back, I swear that I'm going to find a way to make sure we somehow get some time alone. I think we're due for our share of lazy Sundays, so to speak," she purred. He grinned and kissed her tenderly.
"I agree…" he said, as they managed to get out of the water. They used their blankets to dry off and then got dressed.
"This dress is not going to do for riding," she mentioned.
"Maybe Aladdin can give us both a quick change into proper riding clothes," he said, as his red coat was meant more for formal occasions as well. They trekked back together and found that the others were awake. Aladdin did indeed conjure them proper riding attire, as well as breakfast and soon they were discussing their next step.
"And when you got back to the place Agrabah was supposed to be, it was just bare?" David asked. Aladdin nodded.
"Nothing but dessert," Cassim replied.
"Well, I still think we should start there though," David added.
"I agree...maybe fresh eyes can yield some clues," Snow said. They nodded.
"I'll use my final wish to get us there and then hand the lamp over to Jasmine," David said. They agreed and all stood with Aladdin.
"Genie...I wish that all present here be transported to the place where the Kingdom of Agrabah should be," David wished. With a poof of genie magic, the five of them disappeared.
Emma, Leo, and Hook peered into Zelena's deserted farmhouse and looked around.
"Hello?" she called a couple times, until they heard someone.
"Down here!" a voice called that was unmistakably Hyde. Emma followed her brother down the stairs and they frowned.
"So...you're still alive," Leo said unhappily.
"Sorry to disappoint you," Hyde drawled.
"Sorry, it's nothing against you. It just means that your wack job counterpart is still probably alive too," Emma commented, as she released him.
"I thought those two detectives were here too?" she asked, spying the empty cage next to him.
"They were...but they were freed," Hyde revealed.
"By who?" Leo asked.
"The Black Fairy," he replied.
"Why would the Black Fairy release those two detectives?" Killian asked.
"It seems that she has tasked them, in exchange for their eventual freedom, with the job of bringing someone from your past back here to Storybrooke," Hyde explained. Emma's brow furrowed.
"My past?" she asked.
"A social worker...that's all I know, I'm afraid," he replied.
"A social worker?" Leo asked in confusion, as Emma had gone silent and instantly recalled some very disturbing memories.
Twenty-one years ago
Ten year old Emma Swan sat in her social worker's office, with big tears rolling down her cheeks. Another family had sent her back. This time, they said she was just too much work and they couldn't keep up with her therapy appointments that her social worker insisted on. They had decided to get a child that was normal and not one with so many "issues" as they had put it. Emma's issues stemmed to her fairytale book and her steadfast belief that her parents were Snow White and Prince Charming. And that her biological father, who was still in a coma, would wake up if they would just let her see him.
She heard the door open and Ms. Rocha's screechy fake voice bid her former foster parents farewell with a sickly sweet tone. Then the door slammed and the woman stormed into the office, before sitting down in her chair.
"You're like a damn yo-yo, you little miscreant!" Imogen hissed, as she lit a cigarette and took a long drag on it. Emma coughed, as the smoke was blown in her face.
"I place you with nice families and all you can do is spout your nonsense about fairytales and your real parents!" Imogen snapped. Emma glared at her.
"It's not nonsense! I could prove it if you'd just take me to see my Daddy!" Emma screamed.
"You're not going anywhere, except back to that crappy group home and you're going without this!" Imogen screamed back, as she grabbed the book.
"No...my book! Give me back my book!" Emma cried. But Imogen only laughed and tossed it into the trash, before summoning her assistant.
"Make sure this filth is taken out to the dumpster," she said, as she handed the canister to the other woman. Emma sobbed almost uncontrollably and it didn't stop, even as she arrived at the group home. That night, she cried herself to sleep and began to question if everyone was right. Maybe she was delusional and her parents really tossed her away like they said. She began to lose hope and belief, until she woke up to find the book back under her pillow the next morning. Like magic it had come back to her and her belief was restored, more than ever. It was only a few weeks later that she had managed to find the address of the hospital where her father was and ran away to find him…
"Swan?" Killian asked, as she looked up at them.
"There...there was a woman, my social worker. She was a nightmare...I haven't thought about her in a such a long time," she admitted.
"I've never heard about this social worker," Leo said.
"Because I never told Mom and Dad about her. It was just too painful and I think part of me wanted to protect them from what I went through," she admitted.
"Em…" Leo started to chide.
"I know...I know they want to know everything. But honestly, I really thought she was part of my past and once I came here, I'd never see her again," Emma replied.
"What did she do?" Killian asked, with a protective edge in his voice.
"She...she almost destroyed my belief. She took the book and threw it away. I started to question everything and might have never gone to find Dad if I didn't wake up the next morning to find the book back under my pillow," she confessed. Leo smiled slightly.
"Like magic," he said. She nodded.
"Well...it stands to reason, since we know Merlin took measures to nurture your belief," Killian replied.
"Yeah...except that if she's coming here, she's going to see magic and what could Fiona want with her?" Emma wondered.
"Well, perhaps this woman already knows about magic," Killian suggested. She looked at him.
"You think she might be from there?" she asked. He shrugged.
"I'm not sure, but it might stand to reason. We know Merlin nurtured your belief. What if Fiona sent someone to destroy it?" he countered. Realization dawned in her eyes.
"So I'd never find my parents," she realized.
"And never come into the magic that can destroy her," Leo added, as they all exchanged looks.
"It would seem the Black Fairy seeks to destroy your belief again," Hyde chimed in. She shook her head.
"But that's not possible now. I mean, how could she? I found my parents...my home. I have two brothers and two sisters and a life here," Emma refuted. Leo's eyes widened.
"But you might forget all that if the Black Fairy succeeds in casting the curse again!" Leo realized.
"That's what she's doing," Killian said.
"We need to speak to Aphrodite and tell her what's going on," Emma said urgently, before turning to Hyde.
"I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, because it's what my parents would do and not lock you up. Don't make me regret it," Emma told him, as they hurried out.
Nick and Angela rounded the bend and the "Entering Storybrooke" sign came into view.
"Storybrooke...you weren't kidding about the name," Yzma wheezed.
"Yeah, it should be named crazy town," Angela quipped, as they pulled off to the side of the road and the Black Fairy appeared just behind the town line. The dwarf detail on the town line had already been effectively knocked out by her. Honestly, Nick wasn't sure why they bothered with dwarf patrol at all. Yzma got out and approached her old friend.
"Well...you haven't aged a day," Yzma commented.
"Oh dear...yes and you certainly have seen better days," Fiona replied.
"There's a barrier, I assume?" Yzma asked, examining the town line.
"Yes, but not for long," Fiona said, as she produced a piece of silver crystal.
"Is...that what I think it is?" she asked with intrigue. Fiona smirked.
"It is, though I've only found three now and I need your help to find the rest," she replied, as the silver shard glowed and nullified the shield around town, allowing Yzma to cross the town line.
"Ah...how invigorating!" she exclaimed, as she felt the magic around her.
"I haven't felt this good in a very long time," she added, as she used magic to take a few years away. But it didn't help much though and only softened her wrinkles, making her slightly more bearable to look at. But Yzma, even when she looked young, had never been attractive. She had always been skeleton thin, with sunken eyes and cheeks, with overdone makeup. Her stringy once black hair was still gray and Fiona knew there was some things that not even magic could fix. And one of them was Yzma's unattractiveness.
"Still reminds me of a dinosaur," Nick muttered and Angela snorted in amusement.
"We held up our end of the bargain. Now you hold up yours. Let us go," Angela demanded.
"Oh right…" Fiona said, as the threatening bands on their wrists disappeared.
"What about our hearts?" Nick asked.
"What about them?" Fiona countered.
"We need our hearts!" Angela cried.
"Oh yes...well, I don't have them. The Queen had them and she's been turned into a snake. I guess you'll have to ask the heroes, though I would do so soon, because I doubt any of them are going to exist much longer," Fiona hissed, as she and Yzma disappeared in twin puffs of smoke. Nick threw up his arms.
"Great...just great!" he growled.
"Easy...we'll just go find Snow White and her family. They'll help us," she reasoned.
"Maybe they won't when they find out we worked against them!" Nick shouted.
"Relax! They're the good guys. That means they have to help us," she said, trying to convince herself just as much as she was trying to convince him. With that, they trekked over the town line and headed for town.
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tetsookie · 6 years
Merry Christmas @cawnvictofmurder​!! I’m your secret santa for the @haikyuuwriters​ exchange! >u</
Title: Try your Luck Rating: Teen and Up (just for mild swearing) Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji Chapter: 1/3 Summary: Kuroo didn't think of himself as an unlucky person, but the universe had to prove him wrong. Thankfully, a little bird came to tell him that was all about to change. (Also on Ao3!)
Kuroo was screwed.
The man sighed, letting the book’s thick binding flutter shut as he lay his head on the desk in defeat. This was it. His entire academic career was in shambles.
Kuroo figured he really should’ve studied harder. Maybe, done a bit more work or met with the teacher a smidgen more than a grand total of two times. He felt confident that his charm could’ve won that old hag over even if everything else had failed. Not that it mattered now that all his classes were over, and yet, he couldn’t help worrying anyways.
Because he honestly never would have imagined—heck, nobody could have imagined that Kuroo Tetsurou, valedictorian, ladies’ man, university spokesperson, and all around accomplished third year student would be failing a class.
Given, he really should not have taken a class outside of his chemistry major, but he honestly believed he could handle whatever ‘Advanced Theoretical Physics’ had to dish out. It seemed easy enough—just a tad more difficult math than he was used to, and the professor was a little wonky, but he had confidence he would be able to pass with flying colors.
Obviously, he was wrong.
Kuroo traced a line with his finger under the book’s title, “Common Unlucky Symbols” that was etched across the cover. He had studied all he could and crammed the rest, and now that all hope was lost and he didn’t have anyone to blame but himself, he felt desperate enough to search for other godforsaken reasons the universe hated him. No matter the excuse, he was going to have a big fat ‘FAIL’ on his transcript and he would have to deal with the consequences of explaining the whole ordeal to his parents, and worse yet—risk losing his scholarship.
He groaned again as his head connected with the desk and the man with poorly bleached hair behind him gave him a glance.
“Is that really the best way to feel better?”
Kuroo grumbled in response, refusing to lift his head from the desk, but clutching the book in front of him with clenched fists. “No, but I’ve reached a new low asking for academic advice from Bokuto of all people. He told me that maybe I was cursed or ran into more black cats than I was supposed to or broke a mirror in a past life and it’s led me to—” he gestured wildly in the directions of the book’s contents. “This.”
“Hm,” the man turned his attention to the shelves, resuming his task. “Maybe you should’ve asked Akaashi to help instead.”
“He’d never let me live it down, you know that, Kenma,” Kuroo moaned.
“And, you don’t think Bokuto won’t tell Akaashi anyways?”
Kuroo paused, bolting upright, his hair even more of a mess than usual. “Fuck.”
“You really didn’t think this through, did you, Kuroo?”
“Cut me some slack, I’m trying here!”
“Then can you try to help me with these books? If you didn’t know, we’re supposed to be working, not researching wild superstitions.”
Kuroo sighed, running a hand through his hair once before getting up to organize books with his co-worker. He had only started volunteering at the public library since last semester and although the work was tedious at times, Kuroo tended to enjoy the labor more than he abhorred it. He had honestly applied for the position to fill up his resume at first, but overall, it wasn’t too bad. It gave him some down time between classes and he got to talk to all types of people whenever he manned the reference desk. It beat his last job as a waiter by a landslide, and he was paid for that job.
Still… it didn’t stop him from feeling antsy about ending his shift as soon as he could so he could tackle the twisting in his gut. Kuroo’s eyes seemed locked on the clock on the wall, ticking away ten minutes from 4pm. Sensing his unease, Kenma sighed next to him.
“I know, sorry, sorry,” Kuroo stammered, fumbling with some magazines. “I just feel like I’m wasting time here when I could be doing something.”
“It’s the last day of the semester, there isn’t anything else to do.”
Kuroo knew it, but it didn’t stop the sting. He sighed, trying to keep his nerves at bay as he arranged the last of the issues in his hands onto the displays.
“We’ll have a few days off work too, so you can relax.”
“Right…” he murmured, slipping the last magazine in its place.
Kuroo turned to see a familiar redheaded boy leap through the entrance and head towards his co-worker, a smile like sunshine on his face. Kenma smiled softly.
Kuroo watched as the two friends greeted each other and discussed plans about playing video games now that they had more free time. Kenma quickly gathered his things and the two of them made for the door together.
Kuroo sent Kenma off, giving a final comment about ‘kids having fun’ which earned him an eye roll from Kenma. After their footsteps receded, Kuroo felt his shoulders slump, and he retreated into the backroom to stack some of the remaining books onto the rolling carts.
Damn. It was summer break now, he should be out having fun like Kenma and his friend. It wasn’t as if the two were too far apart in age and yet, Kuroo himself felt a bit worse for wear. How far was retirement again? Even though he applied to continue volunteering over the summer as well, he wondered if that was the wisest choice given his current academic circumstances.
Kuroo suppressed another sigh as he took off his employee tag and dropped it into the cup at the front desk. The receptionist at the computer gave him a look, and without saying anything, pushed a book across the table towards Kuroo.
“Yaku, what’s—”
“Take it,” Yaku said, fingers already typing away at the keyboard in front of him. “For the summer. You were looking at it before.”
Kuroo looked more closely at the book to verify and sure enough, the words “Common Unlucky Symbols” stared back at him. He nearly erupted in laughter, but the surprise kept his thoughts steeled.
“No, I really don’t nee—”
Yaku waved him away with a free hand. “Already checked out under your name.”
Kuroo stopped, as if to argue the point, but didn’t seem to find the strength in him to do so. He sighed, tucking the book under his arm. “Thanks. I’ll see you. Let me know if the new intern gives you trouble.”
Yaku made a face, pausing his work momentarily. “If Lev hasn’t alphabetized those folders by the time I finish up here…”
Kuroo chuckled, heading towards the automatic doors at the entrance. “Good luck.”
Stepping outside, Kuroo started walking back to his apartment complex, flipping open the book to pass the time. He skimmed through several pages he had seen before: number 1, black cats, number 7, broken mirrors, number 11, salt spilling, and ironically numbered 14, the number 13. The list went on and on, reaching all the way to one hundred. Despite the ridiculous attributions to bad luck these symbols seemed to point to, and the complete lack of scientific basis most of these superstitions had, it was no doubt somewhat entertaining to see the many things people blamed for their misfortunes. Kuroo had to admit, some of these unlucky symbols he had never even thought of before like number 26: passing a cemetery. Bad luck could be avoided if you hold your breath while passing the cemetery. However, you could avoid the unlucky consequences if you run into a black or brown dog.
Kuroo couldn’t help feeling the entire ordeal was ridiculous. What if that unlucky person never encountered another black or brown dog? Would he need to hold his breath until he himself ended up in the cemetery?
As if to stop that thought process, the book flew out of his hands as Kuroo walked right into a collection of trash cans and onto the floor. “Common Unlucky Symbols” skid across the concrete a few feet in front of him, pages splaying out on the ground.
“Sh—” Kuroo swore, awkwardly adjusting himself on one of the trash cans while watching the rest of them clang across the neighborhood, the contents of some emptying all over the place.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair and reaching for the book when something caught his eye. At first sight, it looked to be a black garbage bag, but upon closer inspection, it was some kind of… cat? Kuroo rushed forward to see the animal that had popped out of the trash can and turned it over to reveal a fairly large crow.
Kuroo nearly doubled back in shock. It wasn’t uncommon to see crows around the city from time to time, but one this big and close to him was definitely something he wasn’t used to. Kuroo figured it had probably hopped into the trash can to search for food when he had coincidentally disrupted its dinner.
Kuroo straightened up and was about to fix the mess he had made when he realized the crow wasn’t exactly moving. He paused, wondering if the bird was even alive.
Curiosity got the better of him and he found himself stooping in front of the animal once more. With unsure fingers, he reached forward to brush the feathers back. The black wings were softer than he expected, and he found himself drawn closer and closer to the bird.
Suddenly, the crow twitched, as if awakened from a deep slumber. It shook its wings deftly, and Kuroo’s hands yanked back, anticipating the bird’s flight.
The bird stood up on its two feet, gave Kuroo a good look once over and then hobbled away before falling over once more.
Kuroo felt his heart twinge. Its leg.
Don’t do it, a voice in the back of his head reminded. You’ve more than likely lost your scholarship, you can’t afford to take care of it.
It’s just a measly little bird.
Kuroo watched the crow seem to angrily look down at its bad leg before getting up again and tripping over its own beak. It made several more attempts before resting on the ground for a bit, giving Kuroo a look as if asking the human to leave.
As if he could.
Kuroo clenched his fists, cursed his own good nature and walked the few steps over to pick up the bird with both his hands. The crow seemed to protest this, fidgeting and squawking, seemingly sending glares the college boy’s way. Yet, after a moment of fighting, the crow seemed to give up the physical struggle, opting to shoot Kuroo daggers instead.
Hastily, Kuroo stood the rest of the trash cans upright before hurrying back home, the crow cradled into the crooks of his arms. He must be crazy, bringing a wild animal into his apartment. Not to mention a crow of all things.
The crow watched as he fumbled with his keys, jamming them into the keyhole with more force than was probably necessary. Kuroo probably didn’t need to rush—after all, the crow had shown quite a bit of attitude. It was with no doubt doing fine, minus its slight physical defect. Yet, Kuroo couldn’t stop himself from caring. That had always been his strength, but probably his greatest weakness as well.
After all, there were a number of things he really should’ve considered. What if the crow had rabies? What if it was sick to the point beyond recovery? What if taking the time to save it was foolish on his part?
Moments before he stumbled through the entrance to his apartment complex, one final thought flashed a warning through his mind.
“Common Unlucky Symbols”: Number 13, Crows.
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Additions 27 May 2017 – Excessive Drarry Edition
full fic rec site: http://turbulenthandholding.weebly.com/
Is there something you think I should be reading?  Rec it to me here: http://turbulenthandholding.weebly.com/rec-something.html
Don’t forget to review what you read and spread the love!  <3 <3 <3
(You can totally tell I read drarry before I fall asleep most nights, huh.)
After the Battle by birdsofshore Drarry / Rating: Explicit Written for the prompt: Draco offers a “thanks for saving the world” blowjob to Harry soon after the Battle of Hogwarts.
As Magic As It Gets by @femmequixotic Drarry / Rating: Teen and Up The last person Draco expects to see in the office of his relocation charity is Harry bloody Potter.​
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by @femmequixotic Drarry / Rating: Mature Draco owns a café in the city. Harry’s a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato.
Black Holes and Revelations by @femmequixotic Drarry / Rating: Explicit What was meant to be an unexpected one-off in the loo of a Camden bar turns into something rather different, much to Harry and Draco’s surprise.
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by Femme, noeon Drarry / Rating: Explicit Post-war Hogwarts has been energized by its new teaching fellows program. Where once bitter enmity divided the wizarding community, Malfoy and Potter chummily patrol hallways together whilst Granger and Zabini seek lost parts of the castle at McGonagall’s behest and Chang supervises Quidditch when not lecturing in Charms. It’s a veritable wizarding utopia and life is predictable for the first time in years. Which is, of course, when everything blows apart as the result of a drunken dare and Malfoy’s life is ruined beyond his capacity to repair it. Ever. In a million years.​
Bound to You by agentmoppet Drarry / Rating: Explicit Hag magic is capricious and unruly, and Harry and Draco are bound to stay by each other’s side until they can solve the riddle. In between long car trips, misty rain, and midnight star charts, they begin to understand each other.
Breaking the Line by @kedavranox​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit Draco was a Dom for hire. Harry was his best client. But Harry disappeared and now Draco’s retired. Draco’s doing fine (he’s even attending parties!) but who should show up to the latest BDSM shindig, but Harry Potter himself? Can Draco play with his ex-client without breaking the line?​
But, In Dreams by @kedavranox​ Drarry / Rating: Mature Harry is a Seer, with a particular affinity for speaking to the dead, but this comes at a price he’s slowly killing himself to pay.
Can’t Get You Out of My Head by @femmequixotic​ [Prequel to Lost in Your Arms] Drarry / Rating: Explicit After he sees Harry Potter naked in the Auror showers once, Draco can’t stop thinking about him.
Conquering the Dark by noeon Drarry / Rating: Explicit Harry’s a Healer specialising in the care of children, Draco Malfoy’s an expert in neuromagic at St Mungo’s. A difficult case forces them to work together and, in the process, unearths some of the trauma of the past, as well as the chance for healing in the present.
Draco/Rest by @lol-zeitgeistic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit ​Harry’s estranged husband has never really been estranged to him.
Find the Balance by lauren3210, Obliviate_Amores Drarry / Rating: Mature After Harry gives Draco his wand and goes back to using his own, they both start having trouble making them work. Finding out why is a lot simpler than fixing the problem.
Gone Down the Angel on a Lonely Night by  @femmequixotic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit Eight years after the end of the war, Harry stumbles upon Draco in an unexpected place: Islington.​
Haute Allure by @lol-zeitgeistic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit Harry is famous for his menswear now. Malfoy is the inside leg that he loves running his tape measure up.​
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore Drarry / Rating: Explicit Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?
I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore Drarry / Rating: Explicit Harry felt lit up from inside as soon as he entered the bar. There were blokes dancing together, their bodies close to one another, not keeping a wary distance as Harry was always careful to do when he was near another man. God, he wanted this – wanted it so much he could taste it, a metallic tang of heat and desire. He suspected nothing would ever be the same again – especially when he saw who else was in the room.
The Incredible Race by @dysonrules​ Drarry / Rating: Mature Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, Aurors, are forced to join a televised global race in order to provide some free positive publicity for the Ministry, despite the fact that Aurors Potter and Malfoy don’t exactly get along.​
In the Interest of Interhouse Cooperation by firethesound Drarry / Rating: Explicit ​Organizing a Duelling Club was supposed to be a fun extracurricular activity for Harry’s 8th year. But add in Draco Malfoy and a malfunctioning Room of Requirement, and things can’t help but get complicated.
Kiss a Boy in London Town (And Other Intimate Misadventures of a Society Whore) by @femmequixotic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit There’s only one cardinal sin for a whore.
Kissed by pie Drarry / Rating: Mature On the night of his Azkaban release, Draco Malfoy was attacked by a rogue Dementor. He survived but self-exiled to Muggle London, where he opened a late-night chocolate shop called Kissed. His only remaining link to the magical world is Harry Potter, who refuses to leave him alone for more reasons than Draco knows…and a Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Bean will help him uncover the truth.
Like a Real Family by Queenie_Mab Drarry / Rating: Explicit ​Harry thought he had all he wanted in life, raising Teddy and being the parent he’s always wanted to be, until he experiences what life with a partner could be like. Now if only Draco wasn’t straight.
Little Talks by @femmequixotic​, noeon Drarry / Rating: Explicit Draco’s been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he’s sure it’s just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.​
 Lost In Your Arms by @femmequixotic​ [Sequel to Can’t Get You Out of My Head]
Drarry / Rating: Explicit Three months after their brief encounter, Draco has almost forgotten about Potter–or so he tells himself. Then a Dark wizard shows up on the Auror radar and all hell breaks loose. Draco will have to choose between everything he holds dear–everything he’s worked so hard for–and a few stolen moments of passion with a certain green-eyed Inspector, once his sworn enemy and now something rather different entirely. He’ll make the right choice, won’t he?  Who is he kidding? He’ll ruin everything, as per usual. Bad choices and the name Malfoy go hand in hand. ��This fic starts after Can’t Get You Out of My Head. While it’s not crucial for you to have read that one first, it’ll probably make a bit more sense if you have. :)
 Lumos by birdsofshore
Drarry / Rating: Explicit Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.​
Manticoria by @lol-zeitgeistic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit ​In the dangerous days after Voldemort’s fall, Harry struggles to find a way to be with Draco—again. But as the magical world threatens to die all around them, it might be more difficult than he thought. Includes dying wards, dying beasts, and love struggling to live; sentient magic, wandlore, Founder lore, potion lore, and ward lore; and of course there is Zacharias Smith to ruin everything, as usual.
Men Who Had Mothers by @lol-zeitgeistic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit This is what happens when you spend all of your time trying to save the world and never bother to see what you’re saving. Inspired by vegans, philosophy, mothers, docks, and hopes and dreams.
Offer up the Night by _Melodic_ Drarry / Rating: Explicit In the Summer of 2000, Harry Potter leaves England and travels to New York City, desirous to get away from the shadows of the past and the expectations of his role as a war hero. Upon arrival, he discovers Draco Malfoy, punk music, and the beauty to be found in chaos.​
Once Upon A Time, Yesterday by @femmequixotic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit “You’ve always been obsessed with Malfoy, Harry. That should probably tell you something.”
 REVOLVEVLOVER by firethesound, @lol-zeitgeistic​
Drarry / Rating: Explicit The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for.  It’s just that he’s never deciphered a kill sheet and seen Draco Malfoy’s name on it.
 Says the Magpie to the Morning (Sorrow, Take Your Own Advice) by @femmequixotic​
Drarry / Rating: Explicit It’s terribly bad form, sleeping with your ex when you’re still half in love with the bastard.
Something Always Brings Me Back to You by @kedavranox​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit The Centre for Magical Theory and Complex Spell Classifications keeps fucking with Harry’s dig sites, and he’s pretty sure Malfoy has ulterior motives.
Something I Don’t Want to Stop by traintracks Drarry / Rating: Explicit It’s Harry and Draco’s eighth year, the Houses have been all but demolished in favor of unity, and they’re being forced to room together. How ever will they cope?
Symptoms of Family by @lol-zeitgeistic​ Percy/Remus / Rating: Explicit ​Percy hates Tuesdays; he just doesn’t realise it. Inspired by apples, breathing, curry and bookshops.
Twice as Much as an Earthquake by @firethesound​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit Accidental bonding. Breaking and entering. Conspiring, however unwillingly, in the strange one-man war Malfoy’s waging against detention. This isn’t the normal school year Harry anticipated having, but at least it’s not boring.​
Unknown Pleasures by birdsofshore Drarry / Rating: Explicit The Room of Requirement was definitely broken. Why else would it be presenting Harry with a whip, some handcuffs, a blindfold, and a… what exactly was that thing, anyway?
The Voldemort Manor by @kedavranox​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit The Malfoy Manor is a state run museum, renamed The Voldemort Manor by the Ministry for Magic. As part of his probation, Draco is assigned as sole caretaker. When the Manor hosts a series of high class events celebrating the Wizarding World’s fourth Yuletide season Post War, it brings with it a swathe of people Draco hasn’t seen in years; including one, Harry Potter.
We Are Young (I’ll Carry You Home Tonight) by @femmequixotic​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement–and financial gain–of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister’s office, they can’t work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn’t it?
Weeds or Wildflowers by lq_traintracks Drarry / Rating: Explicit A perfect match, a romance for the ages, with a one hundred percent success rate! Magic Match claims they can give Draco all of this. So why do they keep sending him on dates with Harry Potter?
What Real Thing? by loveglowsinthedark Drarry / Rating: Explicit They don’t cuddle, they don’t talk about their relationship (or lack thereof) and they certainly never fall asleep in each other’s arms.​
What’s New, Buenos Aires? by @kedavranox​ Drarry / Rating: Explicit Draco and Harry are in the Portkey business! Hijinks ensue, Draco has a few panic attacks, Harry is seriously fit, and somehow they’re stranded in Argentina.​
When Dudley Met Millicent by noeon Dudley/Millicent / Rated: Teen and Up Dudley didn’t know what to expect as a visitor in his cousin’s world. He certainly wasn’t expecting her.
White Sheets in the Morning Sun by agentmoppet Drarry / Rating: Explicit ​Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years when he suddenly appears on stage in Hogsmeade’s newest cafe. Harry is mesmerised, wanting to know where and how the boy who made all the wrong choices learned to sing like that, and for the first time, he feels something more than the vague fog of nothingness.
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moomingitz · 7 years
Old ass Banjo-Kazooie fan fiction: "Goodbye, Jolly Roger"
So I dug up one of my old ass Banjo-Kazooie fan fics from like 7 years ago, and I thought I would post it up on here. As you can see from this thing, my writing was(and is still) as subtle as an airhorn to the ear.
Title: "Goodbye, Jolly Roger" Rating: G Type: One shot Summary: Jolly Roger always cherished his old pub and running the little town he resides in. But what's the use of continuing to remain on a sinking ship? Extra notes: This takes place between Banjo-Tooie and Nuts & Bolts.
Jolly grabbed his mug and took another sip of the ginger beer in it. Chances are he wouldn't be having this stuff again for a very long time. So, he decided to drink as much as his body could allow him without intoxication. He didn't want to be walking around the, Isle O' Hags, with impairment of any physical or mental functions. "Everything should be about ready," Jolly sighed and finished his ginger beer, "I tried my best to keep this place open." The frog was dressed differently from the usual sailor attire that people in, Jolly Roger's Lagoon, have came to recognize him by. He now dawned a purple robe, pink pants, a pink and white striped belly shirt, a gold chain around his neck, and a top hat. How convenient it was for Jolly to find stuff he's forgotten about in the back of his closet. He was going to need it for making such a major change in his life smoother. The only thing that was physically still the same about the frog was his skin still being a dull olive green hue. After a year of almost non-existent customers, his business partner Merry Maggie Malpass leaving, and a seemingly great previous night that led to a disappointment in the morning, the amphibian made the decision to call it quits earlier that same day. He was closing down the pub he ran, retiring as mayor, and leaving the very town he was in charge of to start a new lifestyle and job in the black market business under a new alias. It was something he always secretly dreamed of doing, anyway. Not like abandoning the town would make much of an impact. At this point, Jolly Roger's Lagoon, was near abandoned itself! "I really did try my best," Jolly Roger said in a somber tone. The tall amphibian got up without even touching his mug. He walked behind the bar and searched for the biggest bottle he could find. Jolly smiled once he found such a bottle and proceeded to fill the bottle to the top with the beverage and sealed it. "This should last for a while." Jolly walk out from behind the bar, and went to one of the tables were his scuffed suit case laid on it, open with things inside of it that he was to going bring. "Let's see if I got everything I need." Jolly smiled a little and started checking inside his briefcase, "Food. Water. Ginger beer. Money. Weapons to protect myself with. Extra clothes. Patches, a needle, and thread. Soap. First Aid kit. A small cup and bowl. My useless shopping channel palm tree sunglasses. Yeah, I think I got everything I need." Jolly put the bottle of ginger beer in the briefcase and checked over everything one last time before closing it. "Oh! I almost forgot," Jolly quickly ran into the next room and came back out with his sailor hat. He wanted to at least keep that old thing for memories. "Looks like this is it." He took his time to take a last glance around the pub. Jolly was never going to see the place again. The old building contained such great memories, so he couldn't just straight out leave like it was nothing. Once he was finished, Jolly grabbed his briefcase and the keys to the pub and walked back over to the bar, where what laid a sign that read, “CLOSED", in bold letters. Jolly grabbed the sign and looked back at the bar and lounge one final time before walking out. "Goodbye!" Jolly whispered and frowned. Jolly didn't hesitate to lock up the door to the pub and hang the sign up. After that was taken care of, the frog than looked over at the body of water the small town was next to and threw the keys into it with a long throw. "I'm going to miss this place," Jolly sighed, looking around the practically empty town. He looked over at the water with the sunlight glistening against it. How much fun he and Merry Maggie had swimming and riding wave racers at the beach. It was disheartening to believe that those days were over, but Jolly was trying his best to not dwell on it. "I should get out of memory lane before I change my mind," Jolly shook his head. "There's no turning back now." Jolly made his way toward the town's exit and took a final glance before leaving.
It didn't take long at all for Jolly to find a train stop. There just happened to be one near the town's entrance and there was, luckily, a train already there titled, Chuffy. "Looks like I didn't have to wait for a train to show up after all." Jolly smiled. After waiting minutes for any signs of the train working, Jolly climbed up into the cab only to find no one in it. "Nobody? How am I going to know where I'm going on this thing? How will this even go without a conductor!?" "What are you doing on my train?" A raspy spoke up out of nowhere. "Who was that?" Jolly looked around and saw nobody. "I'm in the boiler of this machine!" The voice replied. "The... boiler?" "Yes! But you can't come in here unless you want to fry. I'm, Old King Coal, and I drive this train!" Jolly giggled at the name, "But you're supposed to be a-" "A Merry Old Soul. Haha!" King Coal interjected with sarcasm and annoyance, "You didn't answer my question. Why are you on my train?" "I need to use it." Jolly answered. "Do you, hah? Do you even know where you want to go?" King Coal huffed. "Not really," Jolly scratched the back of his head, "Preferably a big town or city." "Too bad! I had to, reluctantly, fight and let some bear in yellow shorts, and a loud mouthed bird, use this train before. I'm not going to do that again and let somebody that sounds like a fruitcake use it!" King Coal spat. "You jerk!" Jolly glared, "Well I'm not going to fight you if that's what you want!" "Then got off my train, fruity!" Jolly frowned. He couldn't believe that even using a train had to be complicated. But, an idea soon formed in amphibian's head and his frown slowly contorted into a smug grin. "Alright then," Jolly took a deep sigh, "But I doubt that sweet teddy bear and the buzzard won't be happy once I tell them about it." "What are you saying?" King Coal asked, nervous. "Oh, I'll just say that I happen to know the bear and bird that you fought. I could always go and have them come back and kick your butt, again, as long as a reward is involved." "You're bluffing!" “Yes I would! Ah heck, I'm sure offering an incentive won't even be necessary for them to come over here. It's been a while since those two have seen any action. I'm sure they're itching right now to find any excuse just get off their butts and have even the most minor of adventures.” “Y...You wouldn't!” "I am not going to wonder around the, Isle O' Hags, at night! So either you cooperate or have your butt kicked again! Your choice!" "Fine! I'll let you use, Chuffy. But only this time!" Jolly smiled and jumped with joy. "So. You said you were interested in going to a big town or city, huh?" King Coal spoke back up. "Yes," Jolly answered and nodded. "Well, there is this place called, Showdown Town. There's a train station very close by and I've heard it's pretty nice. But it's very far away from here." King Coal explained to the frog. "Sounds perfect!" Jolly liked at the sound of it, "Take me there, please!" "Alright then," King Coal sighed, "I suggest you get some sleep on the way there. It'll take awhile to get there. I'll have, Chuffy, wake you up with it's whistle, if you're still asleep when we arrive." "Fine by me!" Jolly grinned, "Mind if I ride in the back? I always like to look at the passing by scenery on trips." "Don't see why not," King Coal shrugged, "Are you ready to go?" "I've been ready!" Jolly answered with glee. "Alright then. I'll give you three minutes to get in the back wagon until I start up, Chuffy." King Coal grunted. "Thank you so much, Coaly!" Jolly's gave his gratitude and he oddly kissed the outside of the train's furnace. King Coal huffed. “Anytime.” Jolly jumped out of the cab with his briefcase, and sailor hat, and quickly climbed into the wagon. Three minutes passed and, just like King Coal said, Chuffy began to move. The frog's vision went pitch black once, Chuffy, entered the tunnel ahead of them. But it didn't take long until, Chuffy, exited the dark tunnel and was on the side of the island facing the ocean. Jolly stood up with his old sailor's hat and walked over to the opened door of the wagon, wanting a better view of the ocean. He mainly looked directly at the sunset, and how the sun was disappearing behind the body of water. "No turning back." Jolly took a deep breath. Just like the sky, his skin started to change color. Slowly, the dull olive green skin began changing into a bright, pale hue. “Heh. Never thought I would have to use my natural camouflaging ability like this.” "No turning back," Jolly repeated to himself, to reassure it. The wind blew against Jolly, his his body sort of leaning out of the wagon's entrance... It might not have been the best idea. Just as half of Jolly's body and face was almost done with the skin color transition, his grip on his sailor's hat loosened. He didn't expect it, and before he could react in time, his hat was forced out of his hand by the force of air. Jolly whipped his head towards the direction of his hat and his heart just sunk. "Maybe... It's for the best that I don't keep it." Jolly frowned, "It probably would have made me change my mind, anyhow." Jolly Roger forcefully shook his frown off and looked away from the direction of his hat getting smaller, as distance between them grew. He only wanted to look forward at this point.
"Thanks again, Coaly!" Jolly smiled. "No problem," King Coal replied, "Me and Chuffy didn't really had anyone to transport for a long time, anyway. "I'm glad to have given you two some business then!" "Showdown Town, shouldn't be hard to find from here. I've heard my previous passengers say to just head north, and over this big hill, and before you know it you're there." "Got it!" Jolly smiled and waved goodbye to the conductor that he couldn't even see, before jumping out of the cab. Chuffy's whistle blew as if the train was thanking Jolly and left. Jolly smiled and waved back as his response to the train and it's conductor. Jolly looked ahead and saw a big hill in front of him, "I hope that's the hill King Coal mentioned." Briefcase in hand, he shrugged and made his way towards it. It took some time for Jolly to get over the lush, green land form, but it was worth it. The second he saw Showdown Town, Jolly's brown eyes went wide. This place was perfect for him to build his new life in. It appeared to have everything he needed, including an ocean shore with places he could hide from the local law enforcement and do business with others. 'Maybe this isn't going to be so bad after all!' He thought. Jolly Roger- No! Jolly Dodger, felt the weight come off his shoulders about the previous life and identity he left behind. Gradual, but still something, he begin to think more positive about the choice he made. "Goodbye, Jolly Roger!" Feeling more confident than he did earlier, Jolly Dodger started down the hill towards, Showdown Town, ready to start anew.
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dungeonsandberries · 4 years
Session 18: Confrontation
I didn’t waste a moment. I drew the Tome of Burning, the valuable book of fire magic which had been such a boon to us thus far. I treasured it, but I would sooner trade it than watch a single of my companions die at the hands of these monsters. I used what magic was left in it to launch a fireball at the hags, followed by chucking the book itself at them, enveloping them in a pair of explosions which could have easily incinerated a small army. But when the flames cleared, the hags remained standing, burned but quite alive.
Still, the tome’s sacrifice was not in vain. The hags clearly felt that, softening them up for us to handle. My companions clearly took this encounter just as serious as I did, as Felfedau sampled some of the powerful strain of Laborer’s Respite that Marv found in the swamp. This sent her into a hyperactive frenzy, possibly beyond what I had seen from Marv’s own drug trips or Maevia’s battle lust. I was worried for her, but I also couldn’t wait to see her unleashed upon the hags.
Veilour chose to approach safely, taking shots at the hags from his crossbow, and his eye for vital areas carried even from that distance, as I could see them recoil in pain as each bolt that landed found a tender spot.
The hags had clearly been watching us up until now, and knew how dangerous Maevia was, and tried to use their magic to incapacitate her and fling her at us. But Maevia’s will was stronger, and she resisted their effects. I countered by using my own magic to ensorcell Auntie Huggles, making her turn her bear hugs upon her coven sisters instead of us.
Felfedau ran into their midst, despite the danger. She brought forth her strange powers again, striking fear into the hags while assailing them with a flurry of punches and kicks. I feel less ashamed of the fear that I was stricken with when I saw her use those powers, considering even these hags were not immune.
At this point, our foes clearly knew that the fight had turned in our favor, and their ringleader tried to shield herself in ice and mist that chilled to the bone. Marv warned us not to approach, but we managed to make an opening, which Felfedau ran into despite the danger. I couldn’t make out what happened from there, due to the obscuring ice and mist, but moments later the icy shield erupted into fragments and the mist dissipated, and Felfedau was left jittering over the pummeled corpse of their leader.
This left only Huggles, who we quickly overwhelmed with numbers. All three of them then laid dead at our feet, and I felt an immense wave of relief wash over me. I had thought we were going to die, but we all came out of it alive, even if Felfedau had to be soothed with my magic due to the effects of the drug in her system.
I pulled each of my friends into a hug. It was perhaps a bit awkward on my point, but it really struck me in that moment how much each of them meant to me. Even Marv, who was busy off to the side declaring the swamps as his own sovereign land, dubbing them Swamplandia. In my emotional moment, I even agreed to write the anthem for him… I suspect I will regret that decision soon.
We were all exhausted beyond words, and desired only rest. Rest we had earned. We retired to the cave, where we erected another magical dome to shelter us from danger and prying eyes. Arjun announced his decision to leave us, due to his vendetta with the hags being settled, and entrusted us with his sister’s necklace as thanks for our help. He was a man of few words, but he was a valuable companion, even if I never got as close to him as the others, and I’m glad to have been able to help him.
Marv declared to us his full intention to make Swamplandia a reality. We assured him that we would assist him, but I made it very clear that I was not going to live in this swamp.
Somehow I suspect that I will get roped into it anyway.
Either way, Veilour seemingly trusted us now enough to reveal more of his history. According to his tale, the von Freitz family, the ladies to which he was an unwilling servant, had once managed to secure the service of a powerful devil. The devil was slain, but may have found a way to escape death, by implanting itself into the unborn child of a serving girl.
As horrifyingly wicked as that act was, the implication was possibly even more dire. Veilour may in fact be that devil, at least to some extent. But what was more important to me is that he did not wish to revert to his prior nature, if that was indeed the case. I would ensure that he wouldn’t, as would the rest of us. It did nothing to shake our confidence in him.
Still, it is something to keep in mind should we have to confront his mistresses. They may have some means of commanding him, similar to the power my master had over me with my collar.
The next morning, we finally left the horrible swamp behind us… for now, godsdamnit, Marv… and chose to travel to the Hunt Lord’s Court. It was quite a detour, a full three weeks of traveling, which were mostly peaceful and relaxing. Exactly what I needed after that swamp experience. We even found some clean water I could use to bathe myself.
I was so inspired by my allies choosing to make such a detour for my sake that I made what was likely the best performances of my life to entertain them along the journey. I was likely inspired by getting to see more of my father’s homeland with my own eyes, and I admit I have begun to enjoy the rustic life. I’ve even stopped using prestidigitation on Maevia’s cooking. I hope she never finds I out I used to do that.
We found the Hunt Lord’s Court at last, a simple lodge in the woods, guarded by what I presume to be elite warriors. I stepped forward to extend a cordial greeting, informing them of the spy we had rescued from the swamp, in hopes that he had made it here before us and told them of us. And thankfully, he had, as the guards were eager to welcome us inside to meet their leaders.
Then Marv approached, and began to speak about Swamplandia. The guards simply urged him inside, much to my relief, and I hoped he wouldn’t do that again until I had my collar removed.
Inside we met the Hunt Lord himself, an elf named Valoneiros, who gestured to a nearby pyre expectantly. I got his meaning, and lit it as part of a diplomatic greeting, which seemed to be exactly what he wanted from me. He then introduced us to his companions, a lizardfolk named Hahilie, and the gnome mage, Ayre.
I was excited to see him, but I kept my composure as best I could, as I told him of our success in killing the hags. I was just about to present my collar to Ayre, when Marv began talking about Swamplandia again.
If I could sweat, I suspect I would have begun to do so, profusely. It took all of my willpower not to drop a Silence spell on him. I didn’t know how Valoneiros would take someone coming in and laying claim to land so close to his own. Thankfully, they took him seriously, and seemed willing to acknowledge Swamplandia’s sovereignty.
Ayre then worked his magic on my collar, and it simply… snapped off. It was all so unceremonious that I didn’t even realize that it happened until Ayre assured me that I was free. It still took me several moments to fully process it, and as it began to sink in, I became overwhelmed with emotion. Joy, relief, exhilaration… and strangely a bit of sadness and regret, that part of me that enjoyed the simplicity of the life I used to have. Felfedau’s hand on my shoulder quickly reminded me that as hard as this new life was, I preferred it significantly more.
We then turned to Veilour’s troubles, and the invisible prying eyes which had been following us. Ayre couldn’t sense it with us at this moment, meaning that either they simply weren’t watching, or had chosen to stop when we found out they were doing it. Or perhaps they merely stopped when they realized we were in the presence of someone who could trace the magic back to them, if that’s even possible.
I suggested that it might be the cult, and took that opportunity to inform them of our journeys thus far. They swore to prevent them from taking root in their lands, but seemed unwilling to lend aid anywhere else, and even seemed to find Tidesoria’s troubles amusing. I understand they’d been victimized, but I hope I expressed the real danger they presented if allowed to accomplish their goals, and that they would be washed away with the guilty if not stopped.
Our meeting was cut short by a messenger seeking Veilour. I think all of our blood ran cold at that moment, most of all Veilour’s. The note the messenger delivered outwardly seemed a pleasant well wishing from Veilour’s mistresses, but I could sense the threat behind those words. Veilour saw even deeper, to a coded message saying that they had his mother, and would kill her if he didn’t return with the Phantom’s Teardrop.
Marv sent the messenger back with a message saying that we’d break the Teardrop if any harm befell Veilour’s mother. Some of us had reservations about this plan, and I hope it doesn’t backfire on us. Either way, our next destination is clear. The cult would have to wait. Justice comes for the von Freitz family.
 At least, I hope…
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Ancient Magus’ Bride 24 (FINAL) | ReLIFE OVAs 2 - 4 (FINAL) | Mahou Shoujo Ore 1 | Gakuen Babysitters 12 (FINAL) | Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 12 (FINAL) | Dances with the Dragons 1
The spring season came early on Crunchyroll, but HiDive is locking me out in exchange.
Ancient Magus’ Bride 24 (FINAL)
Aw, c’mon Chise. Beating people up is not how you do things, that’s a shonen protag’s role!
Noticeably, Elias seems to be “the child”.
Who’s the “weirdo”??? Chise? Elias?
The confetti kind of looks like flowers…
Alrightttttttttttttttt…this show just went into lecherous and out of the comfort zone territory when I remembered Chise is 15. Wearing a bridal outfit and exchanging rings. Yipe.
Wait, so what happened to Joseph’s eye? The dragon arm I get, but…
I was wondering what was under those gloves of Elias’s, so now you know. *The More You Know star shoots past*
I’m kinda confused. That ending was sweet but it was abrupt and didn’t solve much. Actually, I think it bred quite a few questions I won’t get answered anywhere but the manga…ergh. Dangit, manga!
Didn’t think I’d see Sumire (the volleyball teacher) again.
Interestingly the kanji combo for human and fish (in that order) is “mermaid” but the other way around is “fishman”…hmm…
I had some yakisoba recently. It has a distinctive flavour to it…dang, now I’m hungry.
It’s the brother again. He’ll be important, alright.
For reference, the ED is CHE.R.RY buy YUI.
Mahou Shoujo Ore 1
Yay! This show is my first debut for the spring season so I couldn’t be happier – I’m actually getting my magical boys (unlike my magical girls, which are likely to be locked away behind HiDive’s paywall)! It’s not about rocks (LOL) but ore in this case refers to the Japanese male pronoun.
Ah, this is so PreCure. It’s like I’ve come home. Welcome home, Saki!
Nice boat!
That “It was all a dream” definitely isn’t in the original, but it does set people’s expectations up, eh? The ol’ bait-and-switch.
Henshin = Transformation. It’s not “Transform” unless it has suru on the end.
The face in the song subs is a good touch.
Honeyed Flash, eh? (LOL)
Glass Galaxy is the ED if you’re not in the know.
Those stretched faces, kinda like Saitama’s…are from the original manga…(I feel sorry for admitting that now.)
Some animation of Saki is definitely 2010s, but it keeps feeling like this show was from 10 years ago from the stripped-back style. It’s quite the whiplash, but it’s not something I was ever bothered over (if you remember Saiyuki Reload Blast, that was a similar dilemma).
“…you’re an old hag once you’re over 15…” – Aside from vaguely calling back YOI’s young ages for retiring (which makes me kind of sad), there are PreCure girls who are over 15 (Cure Moonlight was 17) and the Outer Senshi were all older than 15 with the exception of Sailor Saturn, IIRC.
I think the OKAN on Sayori’s apron is meant to be short for okaasan, although I might be wrong there. (*still imagining what a wonderful world we live in, to be blessed with an adaption of this manga…even with two anime-original characters…*)
Okay…there was one shot there that reiterated why I don’t watch anime in public.
Monokubo, eh? (LOL)
Gakuen Babysitters 12 (FINAL)
Did Kotaro always call Saikawa Sai-chan???
Yikes, Kamitani isn’t that discerning about the age of who he hits after all. I thought it was just Taka-related abuse for most of the episodes…or maybe I’m generalising too much.
Eh, insensitive mu-oh, never mind.
Is the present for Ryuichi a smartphone? It is, isn’t it?
So that’s the end of another series. See you next time!
Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 12 (FINAL)
According to the rules of the game, you can only have one party in one time period at a time. Therefore, by bending the rules, you make for a more compelling anime…huh. They did it in Katsugeki too, although it was in a slightly different way.
Oh boy, I looked into this and this white-looking outfit is Yasusada’s Kiwame! Ooh, I was looking forward to this in Katsugeki and I finally get it! (I left before Kiwame was a thing, so I finally get to vicariously live out my Kiwame fantasies, LOL.)
If you’ve made it this far in TR, you obviously know how much Yasusada values Okita-kun…I’m so proud of my boy, even if he wasn’t a particularly special sword to me…
It’s wonderful to know that feeling – that I’ve supported TR from before the animes happened because of one measly sword known as Kashuu Kiyomitsu. That I now have friends all over the world with their own favourite swords who I can chat to anytime I want, because Toshiki Masuda got involved with a small franchise that got really big (in Japan). I think that’s a power of Boueibu’s “rookie system”, if I were to give it a name.
…With that, I say “farewell” to 2 seasons of Hanamaru! See you again someday!
Aw, Kariu and Ohga out on a lovers’ holiday…these guys are too adorable.
Arata says “You were made for each other” with such a straight face I can’t even…LOL.
Is it just me, or did they get more inventive with the backgrounds because the OVAs were straight to disc content?
My eyes have gotten so attuned to CGI I can tell the basket is CGI…I think that’s what made me toss (Space Battleship) Tiramisu off my list temporarily, come to think of it.
Arata still smokes? Oh dear…
Ferret Town, LOL.
Give Arata some eye contact, Hishiro! C’mon!
I think it’s kind of obvious, but they picked blue for the boys and pink for the girls in the background.
These picture slideshows are pretty cool (kinda like YoI…?). Less animation to do, as well.
The shop Hishiro looks at provides ramen and tsukemen.
Huh? For some reason, when I look at this “Genus Port” place, I’m reminded of a place which I think is in Los Angeles (or it could be in Las Vegas or Hong Kong, I don’t remember). There’s a bunch of shops around there, a fountain and a painted sky on the roof, plus a fancy yellow brick “building” in the middle somewhere. I think it was vaguely Italian or other European-looking in shop aesthetic, but that’s all I can get from the depths of my brain…
The words “grow up” have a very special meaning here in two different ways.
I’m still wondering, why does the guy always have to fall in love first? If the guy isn’t in love first, the girl sometimes gets laughed at or people just call it a transient crush. It’s quite saddening, to get your feelings crushed like that.
Score one! The song is La La La Love Song by Toshinobu Kubota with Naomi Campbell.
The final episode is called “Life”, which doesn’t match “Seed” or “Need” at all. Nor does it match “Date”. Fair weather charms would be teru teru bouzu.
Did I see the map of Japan on the wall in the original series??? Or is that a new addition?
Aw, this scene where they just cry for a minute really got to me. Not that I cried, but it really hit me in the feels.
I’ve never heard this phrase before…”pat answer”? Okay…?
I think Onoya just wanted senpai to notice her, LOL.
The revelation that Arata wanted to work for the ReLIFE lab startled even me, and I tackled the series long before a lot of people got in on it!
Yoake-san’s got a moon on his icon. Considering his surname means “daybreak” and one kanji means “night”, it makes complete sense.
I couldn’t read the nameplate, but you can tell from the clothing colours that’s Ohga’s house.
I found this article on hikikomori one time and thought it would be relevant to share here, actually. It’s talking about a company that gets hikikomori to be social again through repeated correspondence…kind of like ReLIFE itself.
As soon as I saw the line “Fate may tear us far apart”, I knew the ED for this episode was “Button”.
Why do I get the feeling there’s still something left for me to see…?
I was so dang close to crying when they remembered each other! Gah! I need to recover, but I have some new episodes on tap as well. So, with that, it’s the end of our time with each other, ReLIFE. Farewell, and until next time.
Dances with the Dragons 1
I think, out of simplicity, I’ll call this show “Saredo” (“Even Still”) instead. As to how I was attracted to this show, it was because not only are there some great voices at the helm, but I think “physics x magic” could really go places as a concept.
Guy with big sword. It reminds me of a lot of shonen anime, like D Gray Man…or even Deltora Quest…
“SareRyuu”? That seems like a strange name, I think “Saredo” suits it better.
The only thing I fixated on in Gigina’s full name was the weird mention of “Ashley” somewhere in it. If anyone were to tease him, that would be a wide opening for them to attack him with.
This is looking like a Grancrest all over again, which spells bad things (LOL) about this show. Despite that, an Aini seems to be the spell Gayus (learnt his name from promo material) was using.
Gayus and Gigina have a great rapport. If they decide to go comedy with this show, it seems that would be very welcome here.
My mind is blown…it’s a sword, but it also provides armour and kind of acts like a gun in how it does that…amazing…
I feel like I’m really back in the driver’s seat, now that I’m getting my first new action anime in 2 seasons! Winter wasn’t bad but it can’t keep an action anime fan down!
Gigina’s a competent dragon slayer, eh? Slay me instead *wink wink, nudge nudge*! (LOL)
So an Altar is a special type of dragon, one that’s so special it has to be in a league of its own. Duly noted.
This show is screaming for a dub, for some reason…that’s my thoughts on it, anyway.
Notably, Kenryu in Japanese could translate to “sword dragon” with the right kanji combo.
Wow, this show is really political. I’ve getting Grancrest vibes all over again…
Uh…I guess I was wrong on the overall quality of humour in this show. The Horton joke was so black, I couldn’t see through it!
Is it possible in this world to arrest a dragon for murder? Or do you just slay it?
“They must be pretty good.”
Gayus is such a Kunikida, LOL. Except he drinks…uh…coffee? Tea? Not sure what his beverage of choice is, actually.
Juku and jushiki…are you trying to make my head spin with all the tongue twisters???
Wow, those green gems even have names like guns!
Well…Gigina isn’t quite Dazai, but I guess every straight man needs someone more frivolous to play off of…
“Falusi” appears to be a Hungarian word for villager (at least, Wiktionary said that when I checked it)…which obviously doesn’t work here. Stupid fantasy words…
The cut between the screaming man and Gayus wasn’t the best…
“Science-oriented”? Y’mean there are ones that are magic-oriented as well? Ooh.
*squints at this dude with black hair* He kinda looks like Ibusuki Ata (Boueibu Happy Kiss).
Someone went all out on the aesthetic for the ED! Wowee…
Even though these fantasy words and names are going to make my head spin and I’m sure this show isn’t for everyone, I’ll be keeping it on for now. You can tell it’s more competent than Mahou Shoujo Ore from the air it holds, but Mahou Shoujo Ore is a lot more fun…so this’ll be a tough decision if I have to cut either of them…
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bienstockonnativ · 7 years
Week 3
A little delayed, I know. The rest of the weeks are coming in the following days.
Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat, picking courses for regular semester, planning sukkot- there is so much to talk about!
Wednesday, Sept 20
On Wednesday it was the erev rosh hashanah! In the morning, the staff ran sessions to prepare for the holiday.
I went to a session that Yossi was running, the director of Nativ, where we learned how to go through a machzor in preparation for shul the next two days. It was definitely boring but a really great way to spend my time concidering I was going to a full service for the first time in my life.
I never realized what Rosh Hashanah meant to me until I came here…. more on that later.
I skipped out on the other two sessions because I was preparing for my tidbit at the seder later. I’ll explain that as well.
Anyways, after all that meshugas, I went out with Aliza and Emily to Pasta Basta. And thank god I did. I miss pasta and home cooked food so much, and pasta basta is the closest you get. After we were finished eating we went around the shuk getting food for the holiday- I also got a rugalach cake to bring to the home that would be hosting us on Friday.
Once we got back I ran over to supersol for a few more things and called/ texted all my friends and family (as I wouldn’t be talking to them until after shabbat 3 days later). I spoke to a few counterparts as well before chag as that’s when they could, and then got ready.
After getting dressed we took some pictures and then went down to services. We had it just Nativ in the basement, Yossi and others led it, and it really did feel like the beginning of a whole new year; everyone was nicely dressed and bright eyed in preparation for the event.
Then we had a festive dinner just with the group which started with the Rosh Hashanah seder! Now, full disclosure, I don’t actually know how to do a Rosh Hashanah seder but we somehow managed.
I was assigned Apples, so I did some research and learned that in the bible the apple is known as the unique fruit and compares that idea to people themselves. I realized a meaningful point to be brought up: Apples represent the uniqueness of every person in the world. Each of us is an apple in our own right, and going into the new world we need to be thinking about that uniqueness so that we are the best versions of ourselves.
Dinner was pretty good, relative to most Agron foods #agroneats. Afterwards a bunch of people went out to the amphitheatre to jump up and down and sing ruach/sloach songs. I was super tired so I just chilled with friends and eventually got to bed.. though it did piss me off since I wanted to walk around and people left without me (rude).
Thursday, Sept 21: 1st Day Rosh Hashanah
So I don’t have an alarm on hag but I somehow magically woke up 20 minutes before I had to leave and because I went to bed relatively early I was able to get up and ready for shul. On thursday they let us go wherever we wanted to shul where as the other two tracks were told where to go: the opposite would happen on Friday (more on that later of course).
I chose to go to a minyan called Sol Siah which is a cute young minyan in a gym about 20 or so minutes away from nativ (it took us double that time). Julia, the madriacha who was taking us got us lost but eventually we found our way.
We walked into an old people shul and realized it definitely wasn’t sol siah but we found it upstairs. It was pretty light during shacharit but as each person came in, the nature of the group began to become apparent. The group was nice and loud and full of meaning. I’ve never been in a full service before so I can’t exactly compare but it definitely felt different then at home- if anything it was more of a collective effort to connect to the divine rather then one person doing it and the rest of us following. I even got to do gelilah.
During Kiddish we talked with som other gap year kids, one of which was a President with me last year in USY who is amazing.
Then it was time for musaf which was pretty cool because the lady leading was so into it. She had a beautiful voice but also such a connection to the prayer. She was feeling it, bouncing up and down and holding her hands out to god. I just thought to myself- almost all the synagogues in Jerusalem are missing out on experiences like this by not allowing Women to lead or do anything that men do. Just a thought.
When walking back we almost got lost again and then realized how stupid we were for not making the right turn in the first place. Once we got back we had food and then singing and then I slept for 4 hours.
No joke, I literally slept all that time and it felt magical.
That night we had second night seder, which is basically a repeat of first night but without all the pomp around the different species. Odayah told me to run it all of the sudden so there I was at the front of the room, trying to get everyone quiet- like we were in USY again.
I made it go fast so that everyone could eat and then we had a nice dinner.
I decided to massage people after we ate so I walked around doing that- for no reason, I just felt like it.
After dinner it was nice and relaxing and we went to sleep.
Friday, Sept 22: 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah
For services today, my track- Yemin Orde, was assigned to go to different synagogues and be hosted at different families for lunch. I was assigned to go to a shul called Yedidiya- located between Ba’ka and Emek Refaim.
It was a 30-40 minute walk to get there, early in the morning. Julia was once again leading us so of course we got lost, but only a little bit. Once we got there, Yossi our director was also there since it is shul when he comes into Jerusalem.
There was an upstairs and a downstairs minyan, both with machitzot, but we were told to go to the upstairs one, so I took a seat with Zach and a few others and tried my best not to fall asleep. (That didn’t go so well)
The service was pretty boring and did not have much significance for me so I ended up just getting up and roaming around in the park next door for a lot of it. Zach came with me too near the end of the service so when we got back everything was basically done.
Once people cleared out of the sanctuary, we met the people we were going to go to lunch with.
Myself, Miriam, and Ilana were assgned to this soft spoken man named Dennis, who was with this lady Ruth. I had assumed that Ruth was his wife but apparently she was just a friend, visiting from downtown where she lives the rest of the time. Ruth, we found out, is actually a nearly retired associate professor of painting and print making at Hebrew University- GIvat Ram campus.
We met Dennis’ wife soon after, once we got to the house. She was also named Ruth, ironically, and is actually from France. She spoke fairly good English and Hebrew as well as fluent french of course. And the final person having lunch with us was Ruth’s (the wife’s) friend who was visiting from France. She couldn’t speak any english but with some broken french and hebrew we got by.
It was neat that all 3 languages I’ve ever leaned were represented at this table- It was definitely a test for me to try and understand things when we weren’t speaking french.
Ruth (the wife) and a bunch of the other are vegetarian so they only made food without meat! Good news for me! And since she has a french background, she made 2 kinds of creamy quiche as well as salads and lots of nice deserts.
It was definitely a nice break from Agron food.
But the conversation was definitely the best part. Right off the bat I could see that Ruth Cohn, the professor one, was quite initiative and learned. She wanted to know more about me, Miriam, and Ilana and every time she got some new information she would latch on it and look into our eyes for more.
She reminds me a lot of my mother in 30 years or so.
We talked about how we were finding being away from our parents, being in Israel, what we’ve learned in our lives so far and what we have yet to learn, what experiences shaped our personal philosophy etc…
We heard about Ruth’s travels around the world, including to Japan and other parts of Asia. And then, other Ruth pulled out a book of Leonard Cohen poetry and we read some of that- commenting on his ability to pair images of God with the beolved.
It was just such a beautiful and fulfilling discussion that I really enjoyed.
After 4 hours of lunch and talking we started on our way home. I kissed goodbye to Ruth and got her card, to other Ruth, and to the other lady who I still forget the name of. Dennis showed us how to get home, we said goodbye and we were off.
I didn’t know where we were so luckily Miriam did. That was when she and I began to get closer. We talked about what we were good at in school, what we think about the future etc… As we were talking I realized I knew where I was which was a really cool feeling especially because I don’t yet know how to navigate Jerusalem.
It took us nearly an hour to walk back as the lunch house was farther away then the shul. But it was a good walk and just an hour after we were home it was time for Shabbat.
I was very prayed out so Emily and I found a minyan and more and we went over to the grassy Yemin Moshe overlook of the old city. Although it was a festival and therefore required a shortened Kabbalat Shabbat, we did a full service for the ruach and specialness of it and then made our way home.
Although we just finished Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat always makes me happy- especially Kab Shab and dinner. After dinner we had a tisch- which was pretty full as it was a closed shabbat.
Shabbat, Sept 23
So I was chosen to go to Paul and Nina freedman’s house for dinner this shabbat. Who are Paul and Nina you ask?
Rabbi Paul Freedman was the very first and also the 2nd international president of USY as well as the first Connecticut regional president and USY’s senior director for somewhere between 20 and 30 years. Nina was the force that was constantly by his side, through his entire directorship.
The two brought a magic to USY that has never been replicated and is always revered by any current USYer who knows them.
Every year, they invite the pilgrimage groups to their house for Kiddush so I briefly met them once before but since there was only 12 of us going this time I was very excited.
Because I was supposed to go for lunch at their house, the staff made me wake up for services to meet them at Shul so they could walk us up. So I get up, after deliberately telling myself I wasn’t going to go to shul, and walk to Hovevi Tzion- the shul that they were supposed to be at.
But of course they weren’t- so I found it kind of pointless.
Everything happens for a reason though- and this time the reason was so that we could meet the president of Israel- Reuven RIvlin. I wondered why there were bodyguards outside.
So apparently, he frequents the shul quite often and today his grandson was receiving an honour with him. He even red haftorah!!!
After he was done of course he had to leave before all of us did, so I made my way to the other side of the room so I could say SHABBAT SHALOM.
He turned back to me, shook my hand, I said thank you very much, and he said “you’re quite welcome”.
So that definitely made my day.
We ended shul at like 10:30 so we had to wait for a while before we could get to Paul and Nina’s.
After some meshugas trying to find who could take us to the right apartment we arrived and Nina was at the door to give all of us a kiss.
At lunch we talked about the good old days of USY with Paul and Nina, which made me realize that although they were amazing- it was the past and now is the present.
It was neat however that Nina wanted to know what was so special about Israel for us- what connected us to it and what experiences have we had so far that have made it special. We even talked about how USY affected our lives which made me very happy :).
Even at her age, Nina still beams with joy and wonder. She takes nothing for granted and still learns so much. Its quite inspiring, I have to say.
After lunch I chilled in the park with Zach, Simone, and Sofia before we had to go to Mincha and Seudah.
The night was just beginning though.
Once shabbat ended I of course called my parents, 3 days is a long time to be away from that. And then I started on the essay that was due the next day! Yay essays!
I’ll spare you the details but the point is I got it done in 4 hours and finally got to bed at like 4 AM….
Sunday, Sept 24
…And then had to wake up at 7:15- ugh.
You guessed it! I fell asleep in services again!
Today was uneventful except for Jerusalem course. Modern Jews I was asleep again and in historical texts It was just more of the crazy mind-blowing shit.
In Jerusalem course we learned about the British mandate and thd different neighbourhoods that started to pop up around the old city during the late ottoman period. We even got to go into the King David hotel!
There are signature on the floor in there from people like Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Elie Wiesel, Shimon Peres.. etc.. So that was cool.
Once I got home I settled in for a slew of IGB and counterpart calls and got to have a long conversation with Jenna which was much needed.
Monday, Sept 25
Today I got my essay from historical texts back with an 100% mark!! Yay for my first college paper!
I also got to watch Star Trek Discovery! I was really concerned that it wouldn’t be good but after watching the 1st two episodes I was really happy with it. The show is really bringing star trek into our times.
I did a lot of resting today as I was still recuperating from that late 4 AM night yesterday. Its these times that make you realize how lonely living independently can be- despite being freeing the rest of the time.
I did get to have long conversations with Josh and Libby though which was really really nice as I miss both of them dearly.
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