#had stuff from months ago đŸ˜©
gaybuckybarnesss · 4 months
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gatitties · 1 year
NO BECAUSE !!!!!!!! i think we need more interactions of Assassin!Reader x Bonten đŸ˜©đŸ˜© (thank u for da reader who requested it bcs my đŸ«€ is beating happiness) or maybe you could make this a series??? 👀👀 bUT ANYWAYS can I request a Assassin!Reader x Bonten where Bonten was trying to find some info abt Reader but ofc Reader knows abt it so when there's a general meeting for the Bonten Executives, she appeared into the meeting like she was just watching them the whole time đŸ€Ł and Reader is mad mad abt it. she doesn't want them to snoop around her life
(if u dont want to do this, its ok!!! no pressure. lovelots đŸ«°đŸ»)
─Yandere!Bonten x assassin!reader
─Summary: tired of so much persecution you decide to set the record straight, but you are only making a mistake
─Warnings: mención of blood, unwarranted obsession, toxic behaviors, yandere stuff
first of all, I still don't know how to write action or fight scenes, I'm sorry, second, many people will be grateful to you for the request, and third, how so many people liked it?! đŸ˜­đŸ€šanyway, here you go (about making a miniseries Idk, but if I have any idea for this I will definitely write it 😌) @ajmiila02, @kenmasbimbo, @uniqueeggtoast, @belle643, @simpingfor-wakasa, @ihavestrawberryjam, @binibining-mariaclara, @sereinitysmind (hope that I didn't left anyone untagged)
Part one / Part Three
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"You should stop turning down those job offers, they offer you a good amount and your other clients seem not to ask for your help much lately."
You sighed looking at the request manager, he took your silence to mean that you didn't really care, you never have anything stable in this world, there were always better and worse times so it wouldn't really worry you.
"Just take care to let me know if there are other people than 'Mr. B', their requests are ridiculous."
The man raised both hands, nodding to your petition, after that you left the alley where you met the manager, returning to the busy streets of Tokyo in the middle of rush hour, where everyone was walking down the street without worries, you mixed among those people until you reached a suburb of small houses. You opened the rickety door with a nasty creak, looking at the garbage that flooded the floor, you couldn't ask for more for the minimum amount of this place and location, anyway it was time to move to another apartment.
Not only because you needed to change 'home' from time to time, but because lately you had felt less safe with your environment, it all started when you accepted the first request from 'Mr. B', they only asked you to kill a man, you did your job but also you discovered the identity of that 'B' who turned out to be not just one person but rather several.
You don't usually remember faces or names that aren't necessary for your missions, so you had to rack your brains to remember those two faces you saw, then you linked them to that group you saved in that brothel a month ago. Luckily only you could see how the guy with the pink mullet and the guy with the scar who tried to stop you that time were there, they seemed to be watching your movements with a satisfied smile when they saw little drops of blood fall from your face.
You interpreted that 'Mr. B' was all that group that you barely remembered the appearance of, you thought that on that occasion they were only there to check that you did your job well, but you noticed how they started to track you after that assignment, although of course, they could not find you and their only way to see you would be for those orders, which you did not accept.
The next two months your usual customers disappeared without a trace, it's not like you received daily orders but it was strange that all your requests were now only from 'B', it irritated you because it meant a heavy blow to your name in the underground, by refusing to take orders to Bonten, no one else did it as if they felt threatened.
But the worst of all was that every step you took you felt their eyes on you, every corner you turned you saw their shadow on you, it bothered you enough to think about killing them but you seriously thought about it and it would get you nowhere, you didn't used to kill to reputable or well-known people because that would cause a more intensive search for you and those guys seemed to be at least successful because they were handling a ridiculous amount of money.
You didn't even know their names and they always seemed to be on your trail, you never let them get too close to you, but lately they seemed closer and closer to finding you directly, you got fed up, you weren't leading a quiet and peaceful life, but inside from the garbage of your work you could always have a rest from all those deaths, you could always have a little space to pretend that your life was not rubble and everything was normal.
"Looks like I'm going to have to do some special work or I'll go completely hysterical."
As you were getting ready to leave that same night, all of the Bonten executives gathered at their meeting point earlier today, all sitting at a round table waiting for Mikey to start the meeting, though he waved for Takeomi to start since he was already busy eating his taiyaki.
"As you know we have been looking for that assassin from that day, we have always followed clues but we never managed to find the person, but today, we will complete the capture plan."
They all nodded in sync, some more eager than others, after all the stupid game of cat and mouse made them feel more irrationally attracted to you, Mochizuki always enjoyed watching you mix so well with people but quickly lost sight of you that he needed more from you, Sanzu and Rin enjoy seeing you staining you with the blood of your targets, Kakucho seems to appreciate your fighting style, Takeomi sees you as a difficult puzzle to solve and Ran and Kokonoi were perhaps the least attached to that exalted image of you, but they were curious about you.
"Is everyone clear about their part of the plan? We can't let anything go wrong, she never leaves a trace and knows how to erase her tracks, so we'll have to resort to more violent methods than just watching how she goes on our faces."
The meeting continued for a few minutes, explaining each phase and step while unknown to them you were in the room ventilation listening to everything, your blood boiled listening to how they talked about how they would make you bow down to them, it was your breaking point.
"Once we capture her, we can do what we want with her?"
"Only what I allow."
Mikey got up answering Sanzu who rolled his eyes for the answer, the leader patted his shirt to remove all the rest of the crumbs, with that everyone knew that the meeting had ended although to their surprise three bullets hit the table right in front of the site from Mikey, immediately after you kicked the grate and jumped on top of the table pointing your two pistols at everyone.
"I am going to make one thing clear, do not interfere in my life, I don't know what you want from me, but I'm not looking for anything from you."
You kicked Rin's arm as he tried to grab your leg, immediately firing Sanzu's pistol to disarm him, then ducking to avoid Ran's staff.
"What about the expenses for destroying that brothel?"
"You speak as if-" you jumped from the table hitting Kakucho's hands with the butt of your pistol, moving as far away from them "as if you lacked money, I know you are 'Mr. B', there is no point in charging me for that."
"We don't need reasons to want you as our slave! If we want something we have it and you would be a great possession to us."
"Oh just go to hell, Chunzu, I don't care about you or your supposed leader Mokey, I'm asking for peace of mind! and I want you to take this as a warning."
You took a little momentum, doing a slight somersault on the table, you shot at the large window breaking the glass into small pieces, you ran towards the broken window to jump through it, the arms of Mochizuki and Rin trying to reach your body unsuccessfully, you spun in the air and fired one last time before your body was thrown from the top floor of the building, disappearing into the darkness of the night and the buildings.
The bullet made Mikey's dyed hair move slightly, a couple of cut strands slowly descending to the ground, everyone fell silent watching their leader look at the window you had thrown out of, Kokonoi snapping everyone out of their daze.
"If she want to play that game we'll play, before it was a whim, but now it's a necessity, I want her here."
He turned now looking at the wall where the lead bullet had been nailed, brushing the hole and scratching slightly to remove the small object, he smiled observing the shape and caliber.
"Let's start
 analyzing this."
He took one last look at his most trusted executives before walking off fiddling with the 10mm bullet, they all looked at each other with a new flame burning in their eyes, you're only making things worse, you should have run but it was too late to get rid of them.
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continuumitgirl · 1 year
so i’ve known ab subliminals, manifesting, shifting for a while, but always had minimal success. i was never able to get the ‘big’ things i wanted.
but since being on tumblr, i learnt about STATES. which i had previously known about when i had read the power of awareness by neville goddard. unfortunately, that didn’t last long as i started watching manifesting gurus on youtube and got clouded with information again. (no hate to sammy ingram) But i watched her a lot. and i never got that much movement even tho i was consistent, it would make me feel guilty if i was t affirming enough. and i would beat myself up, saying to myself “if u really want this, u need to affirm more”. i would do the 10k challenge, 10 min stuff, but it was soooo overwhelming. so much stress because i wanted so many things, and i felt like i didn’t have enough time, i had other stuff to do, so even tho i was consistent, i would stress myself out, wondering if i was doing enough, doing it right, etc.
this mindset was toxic, although i didn’t realise it then. i just would get so upset because i trying to hard. which is why it also took me a min to realise.. that i shouldn’t be trying that hard to get something 
 u either have it or u don’t! so anyways, one or two weeks ago, i came on here because i was done. i wanted my desires. enough. At first i got swayed by the void stuff, which made me put it on a pedestal . which made me angry, i was like bro not this shit again. i don’t wanna waste another months or years. and somehow i stumbled across states. i’ll admit it took me a second to grasp. i re read the power of awareness. and realised it is simple, once i understood it, i deleted tumblr and focused on my life, while occupying my ideal state.
One thing that i’ve been wanting a lot is to travel this year. I travelled last year a bit with my friend and spent 3 months in another country during the summer and it was phenomenal: i wanted this again for 2023. I want to live my life yk.
Well this morning my mum woke me up to tell me we are going on 2 holidays. one next month and one in easter. Athens, Greece and Verona and Venice, Italy.
i was like omg this is amazing ?? we had talked a bit about it and every time we did i was like “yes. we’re going” in my head. and today we booked those holidays.
Now what’s so special about this? Well i made a pinterest board end of 2022 with places i wanna go def this year!! every time i looked at this board i was like “it’s done” [just the way i think ab every desire, because it is done, it’s mine, it literally comes from my consciousness so it’s inseparable to me]
and yeah!! i have 2 other places on this pinterest board but it’s literally the 31st of January 2023 rn and we’ve already booked for 2 of them so that’s a fucking success. i’m so confident more than ever about my power and how the 3D truly is just a reflection of my consciousness/ state i dwell on often!!!!!
yeah as u can see i literally have athens, venice, paris and amsterdam pics on here as a vision board :))))
i want to thank @0t0mie @lotusmi and @angelsinluv (also to twitter users that explanation states v well and posted motivating content . i don’t rlly use twitter for loa stuff cus my irl friends follow me there but there’s a community over there i would lurk on that encouraged states and helped me understand that the mindless affirming in aim to TRY and get ur manifestation was pointless)
anyways i cannot wait to post more loa success stories. this way of manifesting not only makes so much sense once u grasp it. it literally is so fucking easy and effortless đŸ˜© cannot believe it took me this look to figure it out but honestly its fine. my desires are already mine now. that’s all that matters 😎đŸ’Ș
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
heyy could i maybe request a oneshot where sub five gets marked up by the reader like hickeys and bite marks all over his throught and collarbone as well as his lower torsođŸ˜» and as the reader progresses he whimpers and is whiny the whole time and at the end he looks himself in the mirror and hes just so inlove with it? đŸ˜©
sorry if its a bit messy😭 have a great night/day :))
Great prompt. Hope you enjoy :). I promise the next ask prompt I answer will be non smut.
Your Desperate Man | Five Hargreeves/ GN Reader 2.8k words, Rated E
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There were no two ways about it: Five was hot. 
If you were to set him beside Diego, you definitely wouldn’t notice Five first, but he would be the one you'd leave the conversation thinking about. All Diego’s leather-bound muscles may as well not exist beside Five’s acerbic tongue, quiet good looks and the firm self-assurance in his intelligent green eyes. 
So you could hardly resent it when others noticed. Why would you hate someone for sharing your good taste? Whenever you noticed him turning heads, your first instinct was one of fellow-feeling. You almost wanted to say, ‘I know, right?!’ and share a high-five. 
So, no, you didn’t get jealous easily.

But that bitch was getting on your last nerve.
It started a few months ago. She was a friend of Sloane’s who hung around the Academy like a bad smell. Ever since she met him, she latched onto him like a tick and, as soon as she could feasibly describe him as her friend, she came to spend time with him as much as possible, looking for his insight on some problem or another. 
She was a mathematician, meaning that she could follow most of his logic when he talked about his latest projects. She could flatter him by learning from him and coming back a few days later with an improvement to her own work. 
If you were jealous of anything, you were jealous of that. 
Despite how he might look, Five was not perfect: he had an ego, and Alex knew exactly how to stroke it. And that was fine, in your opinion- so long as his ego was the only thing he let her stroke. 
She nodded along and acted impressed and asked all the right questions and subtly flattered him and laughed at his jokes and made absolutely any excuse she could to touch his arm or his knee; to hug him hello and goodbye and she did it ALL while you were right there.
Fuck her!
But you trusted Five. He could see right through her, of course, but that didn’t stop him enjoying the attention. He rebuffed her with a perfect mix of politeness and friendliness, but he’d still leave most of his conversations with her with a swagger in his walk and an ironic smile directed at you. 
‘Old dog’s still got it,’ that smile said.
You trusted that he had it under control, and he did actually like her as a person for some unknown reason, so you contented yourself with telling him your concerns. He agreed that they weren’t unfounded and reassured you that her feelings were definitely not reciprocated. 
So, when you walked past the door of his father’s study one afternoon when she was over, you weren’t intending to listen outside the door, but the snatch of conversation you heard as you passed made you stop dead.
“I had a dream about you last night.”
“Something about invariant theory, I bet.”
“No,” she said, coyly.
There was a moment of silence in which she was clearly trying to get him to enquire what it was about, but he didn’t give her the satisfaction.
“Right. So this stuff is child’s play,” he said, returning to the math as if she hadn’t spoken, “it’s pretty much Hilbert’s thirteenth, which I’m sure you’re familiar with. We’ve got to think about whether these functions can be written as a composite-”
“Don’t you want to know what happened in my dream?” she interrupted him. 
There was a moment or two of silence before he replied.
“Not particularly. Now, would you like me to go on with the math or do you have somewhere to be?”
Satisfied, you continued on your path elsewhere. 
Apparently, she did have somewhere to be, because she passed you on her way to the front door only a few minutes later. Five did not follow her to say goodbye.
Smut below cut
That evening, you entered the bedroom to find him preparing for sleep. Unusually for Five, he was clad in a t-shirt and sweats rather than pajamas. His towel-dried hair hung messily in his eyes. He smiled when he saw you, wrinkling his face momentarily into the lines he should by all rights have except for a certain time-travel accident. 
“Hi,” you said.
You closed the door and crossed to the comfortable reading chair, raising your legs onto the arm. Five, trying to neaten his hair in the mirror, spoke casually.
“I don’t think Alex will be coming over again.”
“How come?” you asked, wanting to hear the rest of what happened.
“Hmph,” he said, disinterestedly, “she came onto me and I told her to fuck off.”
“What happened,” you said, interested.
“She came on flirty, like she does, but this time she tried to kiss me.”
He inspected a patch of dry skin on his neck.
“What?” you ask, enraged.
“Don’t worry,” he said, placatingly, “she was told precisely where to go. It was pretty pathetic, actually,” he remarked.
“I think I heard some of it,” you admit, “she was talking about having a dream about you and you made it clear you weren’t interested.”
“Yup, that was right before,” he said, darkly. 
“Bitch.” you grumbled, “I knew she’d try something.”
“Well, you were right,” Five continued, applying a layer of moisturizer to his face, “but she won’t be trying anything again.”
You watched his face in the mirror, absorbed in his pre-bedtime routine. He was a creature of habit, you discovered: a man of little quirks and rituals, particularly when it came to personal grooming. As it had been so long denied him, he reveled in the luxury of even the tiniest routines: trimming his nails weekly, shaving his face daily and looking after his hair and skin.
The more intimately you got to know him, the less cool and caustic he seemed. Underneath it all, there was just a sweet old-young man crying out to be loved and needed.

And occasionally fucked. 
“Don’t tell me you weren’t just a little bit tempted,” you smiled, standing up and approaching him from behind.
“Of course I wasn’t,” he said, mildly offended, “I’m yours.”
He said it casually, as if he hadn’t quite thought through what he was saying. He caught your eye in the mirror as you appeared over his shoulder. He smiled slightly sheepishly at the familiar gleam in your eye.
Your arms slithered around his waist. Beneath his shirt your hands traveled over the warm muscle and flat stomach. His skin felt like silk. As the very tips of your fingers breached the elastic of his waistband, your chin came to rest on his shoulder, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered.
“What was that?”
A fine blush appeared in his cheek, like a delicate drop of watercolor. 
“I said, I’m yours.” 
Your lips played about his neck, your eyes holding his captive through the medium of the mirror. 
He looked at you, expression open and anticipatory. He swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing attractively. You ghosted your lips further down, towards the hollow between his neck and his shoulder. Mouth poised there, you spoke again, voice husky.
“Say it again.”
He shuddered with the knowledge of what was coming, and breathed:
“I’m yours.”
And you sucked a bruise onto his skin. Long, lingering and sudden. He let out a shaky breath as you did so, eyes drifting into a haze of pleasure. You pulled away and admired the mark, a port-wine stain spread on that delicate silk. His eyes were similarly engaged, looking at the new hickey in the mirror as if he’d never seen one before.
Taking the opportunity of his preoccupation, you looked at his face: the sweet, parted lips, the heavy brow and the jaw that could have been sculpted by Michelangelo. By the time his eyes returned to yours, the look within them made the slow, crawling sensation below his waistband redouble. 
“Do you want more?”
He nodded slowly, but as you moved to mark him again, he abruptly turned his head towards you so that your lips met his instead. It was as if he couldn’t resist anymore, like a man dying of thirst finding a clear mountain stream. Leaning backwards into you, he sighed into your mouth and let your tongue roam. 
He was so sweet in this mood; uncharacteristically compliant. Every time it came upon him, you never failed to be enchanted by him. Everyone always looked to him for direction and authority and this was one way he could take a break from all the responsibility. You were more than happy to give him that, especially when it left him looking all undone and pretty like this.
When you broke away from him, your hands were playing beneath his shirt, fingers stroking up and down the soft line of hair disappearing into his sweats. He closed his eyes as you again pinged the elastic on his pants, but they shot open again as your teeth nipped at the flesh of his neck.
He whined as you bit and sucked, the mild pain only adding spice to the pleasure: the prickle of fired up nerve-endings and needful ache in the lowest part of his stomach. As you dug your teeth in fraction more, you compensated by cupping his crotch through his sweatpants and holding him where he was hard.
When you let the skin go and turned back to the mirror, his eyes didn’t even meet yours: he only had eyes for the deep red mark you’d made and the white, crescent-shaped teeth marks disappearing before his eyes. 
“You like that, baby,” you murmured, comforting his aching package with firm, circular rubbing motions. 
“Yes,” he said, voice slightly higher than usual.
“Do you want more? Wanna be covered in them?”
He nodded enthusiastically, like a shy child offered his favorite candy.
“Arms over your head then.”
He complied, letting you peel off his t-shirt and discard it over your shoulder. You hummed appreciatively at the range of flesh now on display: at the pale, unspoiled skin you were about to pepper with burst capillaries. You weren’t a violent person, but you couldn’t deny the little squirm of sadistic glee at the idea of him covered with your marks.
The hand not engaged with his groin flitted up his stomach to stimulate the close bud of one nipple, making him buck automatically into your hand. The small noise he made went straight to the center of your own arousal; he was just so fucking aborable like this, all needy and pathetic. 
So you sucked at him again, hungrily, leaning over to mark his collarbone. This time, you couldn’t resist giving him more than a nip with your teeth, biting him enough to abruptly stop his little whimpers and cause him to suck in air over his teeth. Despite this, he still watched, transfixed, as you worked at him with his arousal aching in your hand.
You eased up, letting his skin go and kissing the deeper teeth marks, as if you might undo the pain with each kiss.
“Too much?” you asked.
“A little,” he whispered, eyes nevertheless devouring the sight of his third mark. 
You gave a little pout in sympathy with his plight and kissed his cheek.
“Shall I go easy on you?”
“For a little while.” he replied, that sheepish, coy smile on his lips. You knew what it meant: wind me up tighter first.
You were more than happy to oblige. 
He moved as if towards the bed as you stepped back from him, but your hands on his shoulders kept him in place.
“You stay there.” you said, “I want you to be able to see yourself.”
“Okay,” he whispered, facing the mirror again as you came to stand in front of him. 
His whines were music to your ears as you attacked your next target, sucking complementary bruises onto each pectoral. Then, bending to allow him to admire the new hickies, you moved further south. You grazed and suckled again and again at his subtly toned abdominals, his flank, and at the softer flesh of his stomach. As you did so, your hands explored the body they had explored so well, yet could never tire of exploring. You rubbed at his chest, hips, ass and thighs.
Each time you withdrew, he surveyed himself hazily, reveling with slavish pleasure in the cumulative effect of your claim on him: your flags planted on his body. The thought ratcheted his arousal to a higher pitch, and he felt his knees tremble as his heartbeat became evident in his groin. 
When you sucked at the v-shaped furrow running invitingly towards his pubis, his whimpers redoubled. One of his hands came to your hair, fingers massaging your scalp. His hips pulled forward, as if your face attracted them like a magnet. Wordlessly, he begged with more pathetic little sounds.
You ignored his little ‘suggestion’ and rose to your feet from the spot you’d been kneeling. 
Thwarted, Five let out a frustrated, high moan. His left hand immediately disappeared beneath his waistband, attending to his own need in a move of desperation. It made you smirk to see it, so you allowed him a few moments to pleasure himself while you admired his face:
His hair, starting to dry, was beginning to stick up at odd angles while the rest clung to his brow. His forehead was held a tight pinch with the intensity of his arousal and his lips were curled around gritted teeth, bringing the slight hook in his nose into greater prominence. Still in front of the mirror, his eyes were closed, his head tilted back. Muscles jumped in the neck beneath his thrust-forward chin.
As gladly as you could have watched him beating himself off beneath those sweatpants, it would have to be something to file away for another day. Today was about reminding him (as if he needed reminding), who he belonged to.
So, with this in mind, you licked one of his nipples with a deliberate, preparatory tongue.
“Oh,” he said, speaking half in exhale, “f-feels good.”
You sucked the nipple hard into your mouth, continuing to swipe your tongue over the hard bead between your lips. He panted, and then jerked as you closed your teeth around him.
“Oh shit!”
Experimentally, you tightened your bite around him and the speed of his strokes increased. Clearly, this was doing something quite profound to him. He let out a squeak that made your own nipples harden.
All of time could be at the mercy of Five Hargreeves, if he so chose, yet you could make him mewl like a newborn kitten.
“Yeah,” he breathed, “bite me. Fucking bite me.”
He whined again as your tongue continued to stimulate him, as you sucked his areola into your mouth and clamped your teeth down, marking him again. 
“Ah shit! Harder!”
But you didn’t want to hurt him, so you released his swollen nipple and took his wrist, stopping him touching himself. He huffed needily, but didn’t resist.
You came to stand behind him again, pulling his wrists gently behind his back and tugging on them so that his body was completely on display in the mirror. You kissed from his shoulder to his cheek, trying not to smile at his obvious discomfort; at the stretched fabric of the sweatpants around his perfectly-imprinted cock, sticking firmly out from his body.
“What do you see, Five?” you whispered, once more into his ear.
“Please,” he whimpered, shifting slightly. 
“What do you see in the mirror?” you repeated, more firmly.
He considered in a feverish sort of way.
“A desperate man,” he said, trying to nuzzle beseechingly into you, but unable to turn his head with his arms held that way.
“Whose desperate man?”
“Yours,” he said tripping over himself to satisfy you, “I’m yours, okay?”
“Look at yourself,” you pushed.
He did, lust-clouded eyes eating up the sight.
Marks. All over him. Fuck. 
Seeing himself this way made him shiver. He reveled in the feeling of safe powerlessness, here at your mercy. He was definitely yours. Yours to do with as you pleased: your bruises and bite marks all over him were proof. He knew at least one that would be visible above his shirt collar tomorrow, and the idea filled him with a whorish sense of satisfaction. His cock ached harder at the idea that everyone would know he was yours. Your man.
Your devotee.
Your toy. 
And he would submit willingly to whatever you chose to do next.
Request masterlist >> HERE
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed): @thebearmage
NOTE: Dom!Five was my first love but Sub!Five is growing on me. Maybe I just like Switch!Five.
I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Anything for his mission
Camboy!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
warnings: consensually filming sex, handjob, mentions of pregnancy/breeding
A/N: Feel free to send camboy!Kurapika requests! Also, I posted this in my discord months ago. If you want to see more stuff like this, you should join! Here’s the link
taglist: @desiray562
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❀!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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Kurapika discovers that side of the internet one night when he’s researching a paper trail of some person different social media accounts.
He’s absolutely mortified at first. Immediately he’s shutting his laptop and glancing at a picture of you he keeps on his nightstand.
Kurapika hesitantly opens the laptop back up, sighing to himself. ‘I’ll just check out the information on that account then delete my search history.’
He doesn’t even know why he’s embarrassed and ashamed, it’s not like you and him are together. Why would you care if he’s visiting some adult website? He’s nearly 20 for gods sake!
He searches through the account, not finding anything to interesting
 except that the person has a type.
Skinny blonde boys.
Kurapika blinks. The person he’d been researching had multiple pairs of the scarlet eyes, and so far he hadn’t been able to find any weaknesses in the persons defenses.
Maybe Kurapika would have to get creative

You blink when Kurapika comes home with a box, not letting you look inside of. You become curious when he locks his door, leaving a “do not disturb” sign on the handle.
This curiosity peaks when you’re searching up some porn to get off to tonight. Despite your embarrassment, you look up people that look similar to your long term crush, Kurapika. He was just so pretty to you, after all, and you couldn’t get off if the person didn’t look like him :((
As you search one night, you come across an account with an awfully familiar username.
You stare at the name for a second, nearly laughing at yourself. “There’s no way, Kurapika would never-“
You click on the profile, and sure enough, from the lips down is YOUR Pika, sat shyly on his bed, jerking off.
He looked stiff, robotic almost. He couldn’t be enjoying himself, and you could see it in the uncomfortable grimace he was making.
The comments were telling him pretty much the same thing.
“Aww, come on pretty boy, give us a smile.”
“You look uncomfortable af”
You sigh, pulling your hands from your panties. Your poor, poor Pika. He had to be doing this for a reason, and it obviously wasn’t for his own pleasure.
You tiptoe to his room, thanking god that he had left his door unlocked. His back was turned from the door, and using In you were able to sneak up behind him.
“Pika, baby, let me help.”
He gasped when he felt your lips on his neck, the blondes face turning a dark shade of red. “(N-Name)!”
“I saw you were live. You know, if you asked I would have helped you out.”
He gasped when your hand wrapped around his length, thumb brushing against his tip. “Poor, poor Pika. Not used to jerking off, huh? Lemme help you feel good.”
The comments come pouring in, but neither of you cared. “Shh, just focus on how my hand feels, okay?”
He whimpered, and you kissed him, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth.
It didn’t take long for him to cum, painting his chest. You kissed his cheek, giggling at his spent expression.
You glanced at the comments, giggling.
“Oh god that was hot!”
“I love blonde twinks”
“pretty cumshot đŸ˜©â€
Kurapika cleared his throat, catching his breath. “Th-thank you all for coming.”
He ended the live stream, glancing back at you shyly. “I can explain.”
“You don’t have to, Pika. It’s none of my business what you do with your body.”
You kiss him again, this time the blonde realizes that you’re only wearing a pair on panties and a tanktop. His hands dip down to your waist. “I know, but I want to tell you.”
You sigh. “Sure, go ahead.”
As he shyly pulls down your panties, he continues. “Someone I’m trailing has
 an interest in people that look like me.”
“Skinny, pale, blonde boys?”
Kurapika sighed at your words, pulling you into his lap. “Yes. And
 I thought perhaps I could get closer to them through this
You hum, glancing back at his computer as you hover over his cock. “Why not livestream us having sex? That would get us a lot of views, possibly draw in the persons attention.”
He frowns. “I would prefer to keep love making with you intimate and in the bedroom
You cooed, kissing all over his face. “Aww, you’re such a cutie Pika. It’s just a suggestion, if you really don’t want to I understand.”
He held onto your hips, his cock twitching below you. “
 if you think it’s a good idea, I won’t deny you.”
You laugh. “Alright. I’ll start the stream, okay?”
He nodded, barely holding himself back from pulling you onto his cock. The two of you had some sort of friends with benefits relationship that he wanted to take a step further, but was much too scared that you didn’t feel the same way he did.
“Hi everyone! As you can see, I’m about to get pounded by the lovely Pika!”
Kurapika turned red at your words, pulling you closer. “(Name)
He blinks, seeing the viewer count steadily rise. Kurapika does get a little pissed off at the comments, most of them talking about how much they wanted to fuck YOU.
“Ready, Pika?”
He growled, not giving you a second to think as he pushed your hips down. “Eep!”
Kurapika moved your hips up and down, moaning into your mouth. The chat was going WILD.
“YO don’t break her pussy bro 😭”
“twinks gone wild”
You gasp when you feel him pin you down onto the bed, glancing to the monitor to make sure you were still in view. Thankfully, Kurapika made sure neither of your faces would be visible, only your bodies.
“Love you
 love you so so much
” he said as he pounded into your, occasionally dipping down to lock his lips with yours. You look up at him, face heating up.
“I-I love you too, Pika!”
Your words seem to affect him, making him go at an animalistic pace. Before long you can feel his cum filling you up, something he’d never done before. Kurapika had always pulled out, it was almost like he was telling you just how much he loved you by claiming your womb as his.
This continues for a while, Kurapika moving you into different positions, cooing soft praises into your ear and whispering ‘I love yous’.
Eventually the two of you collapse on the bed Kurapika reaching over to end the stream.
 did you mean what you said earlier?”
He nods, pulling you into his chest. “Yes, every word.”
“Including the part where you were going to fuck me until I was pregnant?”
He stayed quiet, staring down at you with those pretty red eyes.
 the thought of your stomach swelling with my seed, of you having my child
He kissed the top of your head. “It’s all I can think about.”
The two of you cuddle and fall asleep, forgetting about the whole reason you even started the stream earlier. Now, you were both ready to start a relationship, maybe even a family.
The next day, Kurapika is elated to see the person he’s tracking has followed his account.
“that livestream with the girl last night was hot! keep it up!”
‘It seems I’ll have to keep this up for a little while longer
If he kept streaming, maybe he could get closer to this person and get some valuable information

He looks over to you, smiling as you make breakfast while he scrolls on his laptop.
“Angel, would you like to do another stream with me tonight?”
You turn, giving him a smile. “If it means I get to spend time with you, then yes!”
And he blushes, standing up to hug you from behind. “I love you
“I love you too!”
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danikamariewrites · 1 month
sooo for that feyfey request.
everyone is living back in that cottage. fey is fucking that guy. but theres this woman, who is like a neighbour. she always sees fey and has a crush on her, but isaac (i think thats what his name is?) is keeping fey busy
one day, reader gathers the courage to flirt with fey
then slowly, the become friends and some time later, when fey is eating dinner with reader, reader crawls up onto the desk sensually and is being all hot and sexy
fey realises for the first time she likes this woman. its soo taboo but fey wants this
so she lets reader show her all the good stuff 😏
and then in the end its a lil fluff but they both know this wont progress further most probably 😔
(absolute filth plis im so thirsty for mommy feyre đŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ˜©(i also dont mind if its porn without plot i just need som filth đŸ„Č))
When She Loved Me
Feyre x reader
A/n: This was the best Feyre ask I think I’ve ever received and I had to write it. I also added an epilogue-esqu ending and it’s kinda sad so I’m sorry for that but I couldn’t resist.
Warnings: oral, fingering, tribbing, angst at the end (also not fully proof read)
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You rushed around the house making sure everything was perfect for when Feyre arrives. Dinner was in the oven, the living room was fully of cozy blankets, and you had turned the lights down to achieve the perfect ambiance.
The two of you met in town months ago. At first you had just waved and passed each other while you were running errands and she was trading pelts from animals she hunted. One wintery afternoon you got up the courage to finally introduce yourself.
The blue of her eyes had taken your breath away. When her rough exterior melted away and she gave you a genuine smile you couldn’t help but get lost in dreams of a future with her. Where that smile was never dulled by her hunting or family.
Tonight was the first time Feyre was coming over to hang out. You had only ever hung around in town together but you wanted one on one time away from prying, judgmental eyes. The nature of your relationship had been a little more than friendly. Sure you flirted, not thinking anything of it. Feyre had told you about her and Isaac. How he was just someone to relieve stress and blow off steam with.
The relief you felt when Feyre had said that was like a weight lifting off your chest. Since she had said that you had turned your flirtatious advances up hoping she would reciprocate. When Feyre did you were rendered speechless. The giggle that sounded from her was angelic.
A light knock on the front door had you squealing with excitement. Rushing through the house you skid to a stop, careful not to fling yourself into the door. Opening the door you’ve never seen Feyre look so happy. “Hi,” you breathed. “Hi.” Her voice light and happy. Stepping to the side you wave her in.
She looks around curiously. Her eyes wide as she shrugged her jacket off. “Your home is lovely.” You take her jacket to hang up. Gosh, how did this thing keep her warm out in the woods? The fabric was barely held together by the leather straps Elain had sewed in for her.
“Thank you. My mother has quite the eye for interior design. You should see her and my father’s room.” You joke. Feyre gives you a sad smile. As if she was remembering her old house. Guilt had your face heating. Feyre grabbed your hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Dinner smells wonderful.” She says, that happiness back in her voice.
You perked up at the mention of the meal in the oven. “You’re going to love it. Come,” you pull her along to the kitchen. As you ate the conversation went to weird childhood stories and Feyre’s hunting adventures. After dinner you switched to the living room, curling up in the blankets on the couch and enjoying the brownies you baked.
As the night went on your stares lingered on each other. Eyes wandering what could be seen of the others form. With each tick of the clock the two of you inched closer and closer until your thighs were touching. At the first touch you jumped a little. Only relaxing when Feyre holds your hand again.
When the clock struck midnight Feyre was lying on your chest. You absentmindedly twirled her sandy locks between your fingers. You fall into a comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s comfort. Not thinking before moving, you lean forward pressing a kiss to the top of Feyre’s head.
Shock took over as she popped her head up, eyes wide. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know-’’ Feyre surged forward, connecting her lips to yours, effectively stopping your rambling. Your fingers go back to those sandy locks, keeping Feyre’s lips attached to yours.
The kiss was all want, need and a fight for dominance that you were determined to win. You wrap an arm around her waist, pulling Feyre up, flipping her to lay on the couch. Feyre’s breath hitches, her fingers digging into your scalp. You detach your lips from her, nudging your nose against her perfect button one.
Holding yourself back was becoming impossible. You need Feyre like you need to breathe. Every part of her is perfect and you were desperate to explore her.
You were both breathing heavily. Feyre lifts her head to peck your lips before dropping back against the couch cushion. “Do you want to keep going?” You asked, hopeful her answer would be a resounding fuck yes.
Feyre nodded vigorously. Her blue eyes glazing over with lust, “I want you, y/n.” Your lips break out into a wide smile. Climbing off of the couch you grab her delicate hand, pulling her to follow you to your bedroom. Slamming your door you turn to find Feyre laid out on your bed, only in her underthings, smirking at you seductively. In a swift motion you slip your dress off, leaving it in a puddle on the floor as you bound toward Feyre.
She lets out a giggle, the sound so sweet it almost stops you completely. It has your cheeks flushing as you straddle her hips. Feyre rests her hands on your hips, gently running them up and down your sides, reveling in the smoothness of your skin. Something flashed in her eyes, making her look anywhere but you.
“Hey,” you say softly, bringing your hand to rest on her cheek. “What’s wrong, Fey?” She squeezes your hips gently before looking into your eyes. “I just
I’ve never been with a girl before and I like you, I just don’t want to, ya know,” she rambles. You tilt your head in curiosity. “Fey it’s ok. We’ll take it slow, you just relax. I got you.” You smirk at her, leaning down to place soft, open mouthed kisses down her neck.
Moving down her body you undo the band around her breasts, stopping at the top of her underwear. You look at her through your lashes, finding her face flush, eyes half closed and lips parted. You rub her clothed cunt, making her wet spot grow with each circular motion. Feyre lets out a soft moan as you kiss up her thighs. “Please y/n, I need more, need your mouth.” She begs, throwing her head back against the pillows.
Sitting up on your knees you remove the band from your own breasts, reaching to pull Feyre’s panties agonizingly slow down her legs. Wasting no time you dive into Feyre’s dripping core, lapping at her arousal. Feyre moans out your name, gripping the sheets, her hips squirming against your face.
Capturing her clit in your mouth you let out a hum. Your eyes roll back at the taste of her plus those sweet, sweet sounds falling from her lips. “More,” she begs, “please more. Your fingers p-please.” Feyre struggles to get out. Bringing your finger to her hole you slowly work her open. “Tell me, was Issac this good with his mouth?” You ask with a teasing smirk against her pussy. She shakes her head, “N-no. Fuck no, you’re so much better y/n.”
You go back to sucking her clit, slipping another finger into her pussy. You know you hit that sweet spot (one that Issac clearly never hit) by the way she clenched around your fingers as you curled them. Feyre’s screams became louder and louder with each motion. “Come on Fey, let go.” You urge her. Arching her back Feyre falls apart on your fingers, one of her thighs trembling. Removing your fingers you lap up her release, the sweet taste of her intoxicating.
Sitting up on your knees you run your hands in a soothing motion up and down her thighs. Feyre went limp against the sheets, her chest heaving as she collected herself. Spreading her legs Feyre lets out a small laugh, “Good. I wasn’t done yet.” You laugh at her breathlessness. Throwing one leg over her hips you rest your pussy against hers, lightly rocking back and forth.
Feyre throws her head back again, leaving her neck exposed to you. You picked up the pace of your hips, leaning down to suck and nip at her the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Feyre brings her hands up to your breasts. Running her thumbs over your peaked nipples you moan against her skin at the contact.
Neither of you lasted long. Feyre’s hands felt too good, too skilled. Sharing a pillow she played with your hair as your eyes fluttered at the feeling and softness. You could get used to this. The softness of Feyre, taking care of her, having her in your arms every night. But that was a dangerous way of thinking. Maybe if everything worked out with her sisters marrying, then maybe she could be yours.
After that night with Feyre there were only a few more until you stopped seeing her. You had been holding back your feelings, hoping to bring it up while holding her to your chest. It had been a while since you’d been past her family’s cottage, or into town for that matter. Feyre would usually knock on your door asking you to accompany her but hadn’t in weeks.
Donning your cloak and winter boots you head out. Passing through town you heard whispers of the Archeron family name. “His boats were found.” “No, I think a beast did that. No winter winds have ever been that strong,” “I wonder when the middle one will throw a party.” “The aunt is sick I believe.”
All of these pieces yet nothing whole. The gossip made your heart pound. Picking up the pace you start running to the Archeron cottage.
Finally stopping in front of it you feel your heart stop. Your eyes wide taking in the darkness inside and the broken front door. Stepping closer you saw claw marks in the rotting wood. You stopped breathing. What the hell happened here?
“Are you looking for the Archeron’s?” You jump at the voice behind you. You turn to face the stranger, hand over your now rapidly beating heart. Clearing your throat you answer, “Yes, do you know where they are?” “Yeah, new fancy manor-lookin’ place on the other side of town.” You nod in thanks rushing off, knowing exactly where to go.
Politely knocking on the massive front door you step back and wait, twisting your gloved fingers nervously. Elain answered with a bright smile. Her eyes lit up with recognition at seeing your face. “Y/n! What a lovely surprise.” She said cheerily. “Hi, Elain. Is Feyre around?” You ask peeking over her shoulder. Elain’s face fell a little. “Oh, no, I’m so sorry. She’s visiting our aunt. She’s very ill right now so Feyre is helping around her house for a bit. I can’t believe she didn’t tell you.” She says with an air of curiosity, tilting her head a little to the left much like Feyre did when you rambled.
Tears stung your eyes at the familiar movement. You quickly blink them away, not wanting Elain to feel pity for you. “Oh, well I’m sorry about your aunt, I hope she gets better soon. Would you mind umm
when Feyre gets back will you tell her I want to see her?” “Of course!” You nod in thanks and turn to leave. Left with an empty feeling in your heart you let your tears flow freely once you’re back on the street. Why wouldn’t she tell you?
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damiansgoodgirll · 10 months
Coming out from an abusive relationship and Jey uso finding out that yr boyfriend was violent please â€ïžđŸ˜©
jey uso x reader
tw : abusive relationship, mention of violence and angst
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no one can hurt you
your best friend jey was helping you moving out from your old apartment into your new one.
it was hard leaving everything behind but after years of struggling with your psychotic boyfriend you knew you had to do something.
so you did all by yourself. you looked for a new place to stay and without even saying it to your boyfriend you applied and got the apartment.
you knew your boyfriend would never let you go that’s why you needed someone to help you packing and moving stuff out before he would come home. jey said yes without even questioning you. he believed you had your reasons and didn’t want to overstep your boundaries.
he knew your boyfriend was the jealous type. he knew he was very possessive towards you and he also knew he would scream at you sometimes but he he definitely didn’t know about him laying his hands on you. that man would be dead if jey knew.
but jey’s eyes caught a purple spot behind your neck while you were moving boxes around.
what is that?” he asked without thinking twice. he really hoped you fell, he really hoped it wasn’t what he was thinking but it definitely didn’t look like a bruise you could get from falling.
“what is what?” you asked.
” he pointed out your neck and you quickly went to cover it with your hair.
i just fell” you said trying to drop the topic.
“no you didn’t” he said coming towards you but he stopped the moment he saw you flinching.
“we should hurry, he’s gonna be home in a few hours” you said.
“did you just flinch?” he asked completely shocked. you didn’t answer but your look told him enough “y/n please
tell me what’s going on” he begged you.
he cared to much about you to see you suffer like this.
“nothing’s going on
now can we continue please?” you asked, not wanting to talk about it. but jey wasn’t having it.
“did he do that?” he asked and your look was enough to give him the answer he was looking for “fuck
did he lay his hands on you?” he asked, clearly mad. still you didn’t answer “fuck
you turned around not even being able to look at him in the eyes but he gently moved you to face him.
“y/n please
he did this” you whispered.
jey’s hand gently lifted your chin up and made you look at him in the eyes.
“tell me it was an accident
tell me he didn’t purposely do it, tell me
shit please tell me it was an accident and that he didn’t mean to hurt you” he hoped with every cell in his body that it was like this but he already knew the answer. why you were moving out without your boyfriend to know it.
i’m sure he didn’t want to hit me” you said “it just happened”
“we both know that’s not what happened
” he gently said “how long has this been going on?”
you knew you couldn’t keep any secret to jey so you started telling him all the truth “he
he started being violent four months ago” you saw jey getting mad “it started as an accident but then i felt like he had fun doing it
i just i couldn’t stop it, i was terrified and i had no idea of what to do
” you cried and his arms engulfed you in a big hug.
“it’s okay y/n, he can’t hurt you now, no one can hurt you
i promise you i’ll keep you safe” he said gently stroking your hair.
“i’m not your problem jey, you have a lot going on and i don’t want to be a burden
were you crazy? he wanted to shout and scream how much he loved you but he knew he couldn’t, not when you were in this state, so delicate and fragile.
“no y/n, don’t ever think you’re a burden to me, shit no
you’re my best friend” he wanted to tell you, he really wanted to “
you’re my best friend and i want to keep you safe, i want you to feel safe and happy again”
you couldn’t believe it. for the first time ever you felt like someone really appreciate you and you couldn’t be more grateful.
” you whispered.
he gently wiped your tears away and helped you packing. you knew you had to be careful and move quickly because your boyfriend was coming home from work and you didn’t want to see him ever again.
he helped you pack everything in his big truck and together drove towards your new place. you liked it there, it was quiet and peaceful and closer to jey’s home.
he stayed with you that night, offering you to help emptying all your boxes away so with two large coffees you stayed up all night. your boyfriend saw you went missing and called you so many times you thought your phone was going to explode but jey handled the situation by blocking him and deleting his number.
you were really grateful to have someone like jey in your life.
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kodaiki · 2 years
a/n: ty for this thirst anon it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while but I finally wrote it !!! if y’all wanna give me more vague prompts like this IM SO DOWN <3333 this is unedited oops. minors and ageless blogs do not interact !!
wc: 4.4k
cw: car sex, riding, creampie, protected sex (reader is on birth control, slight mention of alcohol, afab!reader
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“you go out first- wait, fix your tie,” you stammer, reaching for the taller man’s collared shirt, adjusting it in addition to fixing the dark tie hung around it, pulled lose from your doing probably.
fwb!aomine only stares down at you with an easy expression, eyes glinting in satisfaction by the deep flush of your cheeks and slight disheveled appearance. he didn’t even go far, only making out with you and some light grinding in the back corner of the bar where no one could see. yet still, you’re flustered expression makes it look like you went far beyond that.
“thank you,” he murmurs hoarsely, tipping his head downward to send a chill down your back. “you know it’s coming off later anyway right?” he says coolly, bringing a hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. you squeak at the insinuation of his words, quickly glaring at him afterward.
“daiki,” he corrects lowly, retracting his hand.
“-don’t just say stuff like that!”
the dark haired man only laughs at you, not in the condescending way like he usually did, but more lighthearted, more amused if anything.
“sorry, sorry,” he apologizes but the grin on his face contradicts his message entirely. “i’ll be going then.” he pats your cheek gently, leaning down once more to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
aomine leaves you alone in the corner to collect yourself, both physically and mentally. the burn in your stomach makes you frown, both in frustration and discomfort, just by the doing of the raven haired man alone. 
you spend the next few minutes tugging at your dress, a pretty floral dress, as to how it was earlier in the evening during dinner, and patting down your hair, in hopes it wasn’t too much of a mess. the flush of your cheeks still burns at the entire recent event making you wonder how aomine could always appear so calm and casual.
you and daiki aomine are not a couple. definitely not.
but you sure as hell ain’t just friends either.
from what you recall, your... relationship began around six months prior at a reunion with your friends from college; it'd been only a year since you all graduated.
you'd all gone separate ways through your respective careers and though you did manage to see your friends on different occasions or when you were free, it was never the whole lot of you as it is right now.
so, those six months ago, the reunion, having taken place at a bar, set the perfect stage for the two off you. you and aomine had been the last ones of the friend group to leave the bar, having settled on two bar stools, updating the other about what had gone on in your lives. one thing led to another, alcohol and the bar's romantic aura playing a significant role, and you ended up going home with him. from that moment forward, it became an unspoken thing, a physical relationship for either of your needs.
once you’re seated, you send a pressed grin to the rest of the table, hopeful that no one saw through your lie about using the restroom.
briefly, you glance over at aomine who’s already immersed in a conversation with kagami, hand wrapped around the beer he most likely ordered as a ploy for why he was gone for so long. he's pulled up his sleeves, cuffing them, showing off a peek of the tattood sleeve he has on his left arm. as if feeling your stare, he averts his gaze for a split second, looking at you, offering you a raised brow.
you scrunch your nose at the way you can read his mind.
already wanting more, the mischievous glint in his eye says all. he eyes the front door of the restaurant, as if saying let's get out of here, followed by a cheeky smile behind the beer bottle he's about to take a swig of.
you scoff quietly at that, shaking your head at his brazenness.
"what about you, y/n?"
"hm, what?" you're brought out of your staring contest with aomine by the light chime beside you. you turn to face kise who's smiling rather mischievously at you. "sorry what was the question?"
"have you been out on dates throughout the year? midorimacchi says he's too busy and kurokocchi is gatekeeping his relationship with momoi," he says with a pout, tilting his head down at you.
"oh! uh, nope, no dates," you reveal with a nervous laugh. it isn't exactly a lie. all those times aomine's come over your place and you to his, you don't really consider dates and you're sure he doesn't either. confirming your thoughts, when you glance over at the man, he simply twitches an eyebrow upward in a playful manner.
"wha- really?" kise comments incredulously. "i sincerely doubt that."
"why?" you can't help but ask with a confused expression, furrowing your brows at him. it seems the rest of the table has settled into teir own conversation with the person or persons beside him, leaving you and kise to chat.
"well, i mean, you're pretty! i'd think people would've asked you out during the year," he admits a bit bashfully, rubbing a hand behind his neck. you think nothing of it, simply waving him off as being nice.
"you're too sweet," you sighing, flicking your hand downward. "besides, i've been too busy with work anyway so dates aren't really on my priority list."
"awh, c'mon really?" kise croons out, jutting out his lower lips. "what if i asked you out?"
"hm?" your brows furrow, full attention straying from the near empty plat of food in front of you to the blonde sitting beside you.
"would you go if i asked you out?" his tone is cheeky, warm, something you understand as a joke or a bit for you to play along with.
"very cheeky," you scoff out with an amused eye roll.
you don't catch the minuscule falter in kise's expression at your lack of awareness, but he quickly recovers when akashi across the table bids his attention, brining him into another conversation.
it isn't until the mini conversation is over that you feel burning into your temple, causing you to look up, only to meet the hard stare aomine's sending your way. your brows knit together in slight confusion, wondering how his expression could change so quickly from calm and lighthearted to seemingly pissed off.
you mouth out a 'you okay?' as to not draw attention to the whole table. you stomach only sinks when he's responds with nothing but a scoff into the bottle, turning his attention away from you and back to kagami in front of him.
the rest of dinner goes rather smoothly, minus aomine's deep frown, with only chatter about the nostalgia of your memories from college, high school and beyond.
"is he alright?" kagami murmurs to you as he helps you with your coat as you all gather to leave. "he seemed a little off toward the end of the night."
you give the taller man a pressed, yet clueless, smile. "no idea. i'll try to ask him about it." you glance over at him whose chin is dropped close to his chest as he stares rather pointedly at you, awaiting you near the front door. "and now he's getting impatient. i'll see you soon!"
you quickly bid your friends goodbye, hastily following aomine back to his car, since he'd dropped you off to the dinner in the first place.
the car ride home is excruciatingly quiet, only the radio and rumble of the car's gas filling your ears as aomine stares straight ahead at the road, tightly gripping the steering wheel.
"daiki-" you attempt to break the silence, but your voice falls in your throat. you shiver in your seat, bringing your thin jacket closer to you in hopes for more warmth. you can't tell if it's the car's cool temperature or aomine's cold aura that's freezing you.
at your movement, aomine slightly relaxes, nonchalantly bringing a hand to his car's controls and turning down the air condition.
"i'm sure kise was only being friendly," you quickly blurt, seizing the opportunity to speak when this is the first time he's so much as twitched since the two of you entered the car. that must be what it's about, right? "you know he's naturally like that."
like that, you say since you're too worried at striking a nerve for even so much as calling him flirty.
you can't tell if the man beside you likes or dislikes your answer anyway but his clenched jaw makes you think it's the latter.
you don't even know why he's so agitated by it; an old friend casually flirted with you, so what? it was in kise's character to be the friendly type and aomine's known him longer than you have; wouldn't he be more accustomed to that?
the man beside you only hums out in response, no acknowledgment in the form of a turn of his head or mere eye contact through side-eyes.
sure, you were close to aomine in more ways than one, but never did you think something as minor as a slight flirt from kise could get on his nerves. he's always been at least a little protective of you since you'd first met in college, steering you away from sleazes and guys he knew were no good. but as far as your concerned, kise's not one of those guys so why on earth is he so upset?
was it something you said?
maybe it had nothing to do with the fact that it was kise flirting with you but the fact that you accepted it? brushing and laughing it off giving him a hunch you liked the guy? that was far from the case but you could see the misunderstanding.
you grasp at another opportunity to speak to him when he parks in front of your apartment building, putting the car in park with the adjustment of his gearshift. quickly covering his hand with yours before he could pull away, you try again. "daiki," you start seriously, worry lacing your tone. "what is it?"
for the first time since you've left the restaurant, he turns to face you and looks at you. his stern expression, knitted brows and deep glare softens when he sees your wide, curious eyes and small frown.
god, he hates the way he's feeling. aomine never feels like this. never angry about some guy, much less some guy interacting with you.
"kise has a crush on you."
aomine's words come out stern and matter-of-fact, throwing you off guard. it's the first thing he's said for a while so that? that wasn't what you were expecting.
"he ... huh?" you attempt to blink away your confusion, batting your lashes at the man beside you quizzically.
it didn't help every face you made made you so damn cute either, aomine thinks as he pushes his tongue into the side of his cheek to keep from so much as smiling at your expression.
"kise," he tries again, raising a brow, "got the hots for you. 'heard him talking about it with tetsu."
your nose scrunches at his choice of words, internally scoffing at hots for you, but you choose to verbally disregard it.
"oh," you murmur, averting your eyes from his. "that's ... funny." you can't help but chuckle awkwardly, detesting the awkwardness settled in the air of aomine's car. the car's been in park for a while now, lights overhead since dimmed and the only light providing you a decent look at the man's facial expressions are from the ones lined up on the streets outside.
"funny?" aomine repeats, turning to you. "how so?"
swallowing the lump in your throat, you mumble out, "i just, don't like him like that. 'can't really."
"you can't..." aomine drawls off with a deadpanned tone, eyes squinting slightly as he tries to analyze your words.
"i can't when there's someone else..." you trail off, hiding the deep flush of your face by turning your whole body toward the passenger's side door, in hopes of escaping the car and bidding aomine a good night.
"hey." he gently grabs your forearm before you could push open the door. "look at me." you glance at yourself in the reflection of his tinted window, lips twisting into an embarrassed pout.
you crane your neck around to face him once more, only to raise a brow, feigning nonchalance. "thanks for the ride dai-"
"y/n." his tone makes you shut up immediately and your throat runs dry. "wanna elaborate on that?" he asks knowingly. it's a request you know, but his intonation clearly says that he'll receive your answer regardless.
"not really," you whisper out a little breathlessly. shit, is the car getting warmer or is it truly just the flush of your cheeks?
he simply raises a brow at you as you slouch in his leathered seats, somewhat defeated by his gaze on you.
"i think you should," he chuckles out dryly, bringing his other hand up to brush a strand of hair that fell in front of your face and tucks it behind your ear. instinctively, your head moves forward, further into the palm of his hand to which he gently rubs a thumb along the pad of your cheek.
"i think i shouldn't," you murmur out. your eyes don't stray from his while you lightly nibble at your lower lip. the air suddenly feels thick and you nearly shift in your shift to pull away from aomine's deep stare. for whatever reason, the hazy air has you drawing forward where you both meet just above the gearshift, making his hand slip up your jaw to the side of your neck.
"why not?" he murmurs out, his face so close to yours, his breath fans over your lips.
how do you not sound like a total dork in this intimate, smooth context saying, i think it's funny because it's not kise i like, it's you, my strictly platonic friends with benefits?
well, if you can't say it, might as well show it, right?
so, you inhale deeply before seizing your lips with his. you bring your hands around the dark necktie he's wearing, crinkling it between your fist and tugging him closer to you, deepening the kiss.
aomine immediately reciprocates, bringing your face between both of his large hands, tilting your head slightly. you can't tell if he's reciprocating because he understands your message or he's just so accustomed to kissing you like this; either way, you're not complaining.
it seems to get sloppier as more time passes, evident by your restlessness. you hum into his mouth, hands going up to grip at the short hands behind his ears, tugging slightly.
in one swift movement, he jerks his seat back, as far back as possible to allow more room, and greedily guides you over the console to plop you on his lap. your lips never separate, only to release a breathy chuckle at the squeak you make when your knee clumsily hits the top of the gearshift on your way over.
you settle your lower back against the bottom of the steering wheel, careful not to trigger the car horn, separating your face from his in order to reach for the buttons along the front of his shirt, having pulled off his tie already. aomine chases your lips anyway, leaning forward to press open-mouthed kisses along the side of your mouth, trailing down your jaw and neck.
"y'so pretty," he says, though it's muffled from his contact on your skin. "my pretty."
his hands grasp at your waist, pulling you flush against him now that you're finished unbuttoning his shirt, pressing you down firmer against his dress pants, unmistakably on the bulge that's his boner.
"shouldn't we go inside?" you mumble, quickly looking side to side, out the windows of his car in case of any onlookers.
"need you now." is all he answers, no inclination to let go of you anytime soon. "besides, tinted windows." he says, lightly knocking against the glass, easing your concerns. it's also rather late, so the chances of someone catching you - however that could happen - are relatively low.
he peels the flimsy lace straps straps of your dress, a short floral one aomine decides he likes, down your arms, no bother letting you pull out your arms. he pulls down the front of your dress, eliciting a gasp from you at his eagerness, freeing your breasts. whatever warm air you were mentally complaining about earlier must've been in your head because your nipples pebble nearly immediately.
he returns to your lips, hands drifting upward to cup and grab at your breasts, smiling against the kiss when you croon and sigh into his mouth.
your fingers tangle through his dark locks as he begins dipping his head lower and lower down your chest before reaching the valley between your breasts. he's particularly gentle with this area, placing chaste kisses along the domes, but he's merciless with your nipples. his fingers roll around one while his mouth latches the other, tongue swirling around the bud and teeth pulling at it, making you throw your neck back as breathy moans escape you.
you press down firmer against him as he gives the other nipple the same love, rolling your hips against his front, begging for any sort of friction between your clothed core and his.
receiving your message loud and clear, he detaches himself, forming a line of spit connecting your bud and his lips.
"daiki," you breathe out desperately. "i want you."
"yeah?" he asks, shuffling out of his dress shirt, now slightly sheer with sweat, allowing you a full view of his torso and upper body. your eyes ogle his arms, tan and toned, muscles of his biceps bulging as he holds you. your eyes drift to the tatted sleeve across his entire left arm, memories of all the times you've grasped and scratched ta it while he was under and over you in similar situations – well, maybe not so similar since this was the first time you've fucked in his car.
normally aomine would tease you, continuing to ask how bad you want him, but seeing you like this: glassy-eyed look, splayed out just for him in the dim lights of the streetlights outside his car; only he gets to see you like this.
and fuck, he loves that.
"'want you, too," he settles on, pressing his lips to yours once more, lifting you by the ass to hike up your dress up your hips where is bunches at your waist, meeting with the top of your dress. meanwhile, you busy yourself, blindly feeling around his crotch area for the button and zipper of his dress pants until finding them.
no wonder car sex is usually done in the back seat, you can't help but think as you watch aomine shove down his pants enough to allow enough room for his cock to spring free. there's hardly any room up here.
"y/n, you can't-"
"s'okay," you slur, leveling yourself over his standing cock, only pushing your panties, a pretty pink lacy pair you'd much rather save than risk getting ripped off, to the side, readying to lower yourself. "'need your dick."
"you're not prepped." aomine grunts when his head brushes over your entrance. "it'll hurt." he can't help but let worry seep into his tone, another indication that what he feels for you is beyond more than a fuck buddy relationship.
"it's okay," you repeat anyway, mind too foggy to back down. "just go slow."
aomine can't argue with that, not when you sound so firm and stubborn while literally hovering just over him. grasping at your hips, he aids you in sinking down on his dick, making him seethe at the tight fit.
your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, tucking your head into his neck, damp with sweat but your don't mind.
"i got you," aomine coos, rubbing your back soothingly. "just let me know when to move."
it's when he's caring like this, a stark contrast than how he shows off to other people, that gets your stomach doing somersaults and heart rate going erratic.
you don't know how long you're sat like that, eyes shut as you grow accustomed to the stretch of his dick, it could be seconds, minutes. after a small while, you lift your head from his shoulder. "okay, i'm good, you can start moving."
he simply nods down at you, eyes darkened, yet still showing that same fondness he usually has when you're this close and intimate, gently wiping some sweat on your forehead with the side of his hand before bringing it back to your hips. slowly, while gripping at your hips firmly, he lifts you up before dropping you back down, in addition to thrusting himself up into you.
soon enough, the only sounds heard in the car are the slapping of wet skin and the moans and guttural groans coming from the two of you. fog sticks to the glass of the car windows, darkening the lighting inside the car even further.
you use his shoulders as leverage while you bounce above him, meanwhile his teeth clash and glade along your throat, most likely littering love marks. his hands have slid down to your ass, squeezing and kneading at the fat of it as he guides you up and down his shaft.
"so good," you chant out, so often, it may be the only words you can say.
"made f'me," aomine grunts, speeding up his pace when he feels the knot in his stomach begin to tighten. "all for me."
"for... you," you affirm, mind foggier with lust than before. "only for you. all for you." you're babbling at this point, words you can't filter but not necessarily untrue.
"i'm close," he warns, making you nod profusely as if iterating you are, too. "you gonna cum? want you to cum 'round my cock."
"mhm, mhm!" you hum, losing yourself in his relentless pace.
it's a prior conversation that made aomine known to the fact that your on the pill, something you'd drilled into him the first night you slept together when he'd asked where he should release.
"you're so pretty like this, f'me. mine," he blurts, watching the area where your pussy meets his dick, disappearing and reappearing with every thrust.
"love this pussy." after some sloppy thrusts upwards, no doubt from him chasing his high, he lets out a deep groan, cock twitching inside you as warm ropes of cum paint your walls. "i love you."
aomine doesn't stop, however, with a new mission to let you finish. he continues to thrust into you, riding through his orgasm as he aids you in chasing yours. he bounces you up and down more firmly than before, focusing on pressure instead of speed. tears stream down your cheeks, mascara probably running under your eyes.
"c'mon baby, cum for me," he urges.
that seems to do the job because with one final jerk of his hips upward, you freeze above him, shaking as your orgasm takes over. your limp on his lip, muscles aching as a clearish-white ring of cum settles around the base of aomine's dick.
he carefully lifts you off his softened dick, plopping you on his thighs and continues to hold you close in his arms, warm hands gently rubbing at the flesh of your ass and hips where his probably brutal grip was. "you okay?"
you nod against him, bringing a hand up to trace absentmindedly along his chest. it isn't until you're clearer in the head that you've registered his words, shyly averting your gaze from his.
did he mean that? or was it an in the moment thing?
"dai," you murmur quietly.
"yeah?" he asks hoarsely, tilting his head down in attempt to meet your gaze.
"you um, said something before," you trail off, hoping you wouldn't have to outright repeat it in case it causes awkwardness within the small space of his car.
aomine knows exactly what you're talking about. although what he said was amidst being balls deep in you with nothing but you and his high on his mind, he was completely honest in saying them.
he could either run away from it, claiming it as a slip of the tongue accident that he didn't really mean in hopes of preserving your strict fuck buddy relationship, or he could risk it all; risk that you don't feel the same yet still come clean about his own feelings.
when it came to you, aomine has the urge to be nothing but truthful.
"i meant it," he answers seriously. "i know what we have is strictly physical but if i'm being honest i think i've loved you since college but i was too dumb or stubborn to admit it to myself."
you release a breath you don't realize you've been holding, finally gaining the courage to look up and face him.
he looks away from you this time, choosing to glance at the fogged up windows. "it's alright if you don't feel the same, just thought i'd-"
you don't let him continue beyond that, quickly pecking his lips to cut him off. when he averts his gaze back to you, your lips curl up into a small smile. "i love you, too."
he smiles at that, a genuine, happy one albeit tired from the prior engagement, and leans his forehead against yours. it's a moment before he mutters, "it's getting pretty sticky, right? we should head inside."
"yeah," you quickly agree, hastily fixing your dress to look the least bit presentable for anyone who may be in your apartment's lobby.
the two of you step out of the car, sighing in the much cooler night air contrasting aomine's car's warm, sex-ridden air. "and dai?" you ask as he shuts his car door.
"if you were just jealous of kise, y'coulda just said so." a knowing grin curls up your lips as you face aomine. he only deadpans at you for a mere moment before pressing a kiss to your temple with a low chuckle, hinting that whatever happened at dinner no longer concerns him.
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ʚĭɞ reblogs and interaction always appreciated! ʚĭɞ
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure if requests are open (if they aren’t, so sorry to bother you!) I just wanted to know if you could maybe write another part for the Baby Mommy au? Maybe Sarah’s first word? Or her first time calling Joel grandpa and his reaction to it? Maybe both?? Idk, I just love this fic too much atm and I need more đŸ˜­đŸ˜©
Have a great day!!
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ à­š ♡ à­§ ꒱───────
Baby Momma AU
Summary: Sarah calls Joel ‘Papa’. Ellie and Joel have a short, heartfelt, conversation.
Pairings: Ellie Williams X Reader
Pronouns Used: She/Her
Word Count: 669
Warnings: All my baby knowledge is secondhand/from babysitting my little cousins so if something is incorrect please let me know!
A/N: As always, thank you @stqrfishluvr for proofreading, I love you!
Also! Join my discord server if you are 13-25 yrs old!! I have something for literally everyone because this server is more for fun then looks. It’s very very lacking in looks. Like, really lacking in looks.
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After Sarah turned two, you and Ellie made the decision to move back to Jackson. It was easier that way, you guys could get some more help, and when she was school age, she could attend the makeshift school.
Sarah began talking months ago at this point, but she was just starting to learn more words than ‘Momma’, ‘Mommy’, ‘Hi’, ‘No’, ‘Yes’, and ‘Where’. Neither you nor Ellie were worried about her progress, she was right on track. However, as Joel’s birthday got closer, Ellie was desperately trying to get Sarah to call Joel “Papa”. She already taught her how to say Happy Birthday— well, “Happy biday” anyways. Sarah had the hardest time with T’s and Th’s.
“Come on baby, you can do it, say Papa!” Ellie begged your daughter, pointing at a picture of Joel. Sarah just squealed and reached for the picture. “Come on! Pa-pa!” She over enunciates her p’s.
“Pa!” Sarah exclaims back. Your girlfriend glances at you with a smile.
“Yeah! Papa!”
“Pa!” Sarah reaches for the picture again. “Papa!”
“Yes! Yes! It’s Papa!” Ellie plants a kiss on her cheek making her giggle and grab onto her hair. “Oh— ow, okay, let go of my hair.” Ellie scoops Sarah up and grins at you. “We have to go give Joel his gift!” You laugh and stand up. “You wanna go see Papa, Sar?” The two year old nods.
“Hold your horses, my love, let’s get her a jacket first, hm?” You walk to the kitchen—Ellie in tow— and grab Sarah’s jacket, you then put it on her. “Okay, come on.” Ellie practically ran to Joel’s house.
“Okay, remember what to say? Happy birthday Papa!” Sarah giggles. “Yeah you remember what to say, my smart girl.” Ellie knocks on the door and after a few moments, Joel walks out with a smile.
“Hey!” You wave. Sarah immediately reaches for him, he takes her happily.
“Come on, say it Sarah!” Ellie encourages softly.
“Happy biday, Papa!” Joel’s face melts into a soft smile.
“Oh, thank you sweet girl!” He kisses her cheek and Sarah squeals, wrapping her arms around his neck and hiding her face in the crook of it. “Come in you guys.” He moves out of the way and you guys all walk in. “You stayin’ for dinner?”
“If we can.” You intertwine your hand with Ellie’s.
“Of course you can!”
“Okay, well let me go change Sarah’s diaper, and then we’ll eat?” You ask, reaching for your daughter.
“That sounds good.” You grab onto Sarah but she resists.
“No, Mommy! Papa!” She cries out. You gape at your daughter.
“Baby, I just have to change you, then you can stay with Papa.” You try to grab her again, but to no avail.
“No. Papa.” You scoff in mock offense.
“I can change her if you would set the table?” Joel offers. You nod.
“That works for me.” He nods and then walks into the bathroom where he kept extra baby stuff for her.
“I think Joel just has some kind of effect on kids. They all love him.” Ellie says, shaking her head with a smile. You nudge her arm.
“Yeah, I know, you used to be one of those kids.”
“Yeah yeah, let’s set the table now.”
After dinner, you all sat on the couch and watched a movie. Sarah was fast asleep in your lap, and you were getting tired yourself.
“Thank you guys for coming by.” Joel whispers to Ellie.
“Of course, we wouldn’t miss your birthday.” She pats his shoulder with a smile.
“How’d you get Sarah to call me Papa? Why’d you get Sarah to call me Papa?” He asks. His eyes were tearing up.
“‘Cause you’re her grandpa and she can’t make the ‘R’ sound yet so Papa was the next best thing.” A tear falls down Joel’s face.
“I’m her grandpa?” Ellie gives Joel a crazy look.
“Of course you are. Quit talking nonsense.” She waves her hand. Joel smiles at her and then returns to the movie.
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
I’m listening to Ultraviolence by Lana Del Ray and I can’t shake the feeling of a fic with Arthur based off this song. I feel like it fits him so well! I can just imagine a toxic relationship between him and the reader where he hits her or harms her in some way (intentional or not) but she keeps going back to him
“He hit me and it felt like a kiss..”
Plssss lmao the way this works so well
No need to do anything with it, just wanted to share because I know you’re a slut for Arthur like I am
“Because I know you’re a slut for Arthur” SIS YOU’RE SO RIIIIIGHT. HE’S MY SOFT KITTEN. đŸ˜©
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Ultraviolence || Dark!Arthur Shelby x Reader
TW: angst ++, abusive husband, toxic relationship, depiction of domestic violence, alcoholism, if you think this trope have a good ending you should not read it, no proof reading: this is raw, unedited and prolly super badly written??
Words: 1k
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Each inch gained by the clock’s needle, your heart raced more as if it feared to be pierced by its the sharp steel. Nibbling on your fingers’ skin compulsively, you sat on the large luggage you prepared one hour ago because you knew that when Arthur came home after midnight, he was not the man you fell in love with anymore. His gruff voice, usually lavishing you with the sweetest pet names he could find, would call you deadly nightshade — because when you looked at him with fear and fury in your oh-so- beautiful but teary eyes, it felt like a caustic poison was running through his veins, burning him from within and dissolving his sanity.
The door opened, your soul wept.
“Oi Y/N, where the fook are ye?” The gravel in his tone, who used to make you shiver with desire, sent shivers of fright down your spine. You took a deep breath, struggling to keep composure: this night would be the last you suffered from his violent love. After months of hesitating, coming back to him almost crawling, you decided that this nightmare had to stop. Somehow, you knew you had to flee from his claws before you ended up dead and cold — either by suicide or by his hands.
He stumbled in the living room, an empty bottom of whisky hanging from his hand. His steel blue eyes, half closed due to the amount of alcool he drank and cocaine he snorted, were looking for you, “Bloody hell Y/N, a good wife always welcome her husband when he comes back home. So be a good fookin’ woman and come greet your ol’ Arthur with the warmth he fucking deserve.” He grunted, before his frightening gaze fell on you.
He looked at you, and you could hear the sirens howling in the back of your head.
“What the hell?” He whispered at the sight of your packed stuff, slowly understanding your intentions, “Are you fucking serious?”
“I can’t do this anymore Arthur,” words left your mouth, falling from your quivering lips, “This is going to kill me
 I’m sorry.”
“You wanna leave me?” He asked, bewildered. The sound of the bottle shattering on the wooden floor echoed in the living room, answering to the screams of his own heart breaking. You hated yourself at the idea of hurting him but you could not do it anymore, loving him was really hard. At first your thought it would be enough to save him, to heal his soul and mind, but love was not enough— your love was never enough.
“I’m sorry.” You got up and grabbed your luggage, before making your way to the door. Yet, Arthur firmly grabbed your wrist as you passed by, his grip so sharp it bruised your skin almost instantly.
“You’re not going anywhere, love.”
“Let me go. Please Arthur, if you love me you have to let me go.”
“I said you’re not. Going. Any-fookin-where.” He retorted, his hoarse voice growling with more hatred as anger boiled within him.
“Let me go you fucking bastard!” You bursted out, panic overwhelming your aching soul as you felt his nails digging into your skin.
The horrific sound of the blow that followed made the skies shook with sorrow. Pain stung your cheek, its burning sensation spreading on all the left side of your face. You let out a woeful whimper, tears flowing from your eyes almost instantly. He hit you, and it felt like a kiss, because it was his way of loving you when he was drunk.
His hand grabbed you a second time — but it was not to make you dance anymore, like he used to do when you were kids.
Pain rain down on you,
With his ultraviolence
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 Im so sorry
” Arthur kept saying over and over again, his hands on both side of his head as he pulled his own hair, devastated with the view of crimson stains on your face.
Panicking, he then grabbed your chin and almost suffocated you with his lips, assaulting your bleeding mouth with desperate kisses, “I’m so sorry Y/N, it won’t happen again. I just don’t know what crossed my mind, it wasn’t me
 it was the fucking whisky! The bloody snow! I won’t do it again, I swear doll I will never hurt you anymore
 I— I love you
 God I love you so much I’ll die without you.”
His blue eyes overflowed with tears of gold, like lemonade.
 I —“ Words choked in your throat as you saw him cry. The monster had left, leaving him sobbing like a beaten child. He raised your gaze toward yours when you called him, and you knew he was your gentle Arthur again.
But you could not forgive him again and again.
Could you?
He would be the death of you.
“Please, I’ll do anything for you. Please, Y/N.”
The cacophony of your mind almost made you wince, for your thoughts crashed against your skull in a messy bacchanalia. Run away, you had to run away
 so why did your body remained petrified? Why did you gently stroke his hair, looking at him, desperately in love?
It was stronger than you, stronger than reason, you hated to see him cry. You despised the way he was hating himself, genuinely guilty.
But you had to go.
To go.
But you stayed.
Don’t beg, stop telling me you love me. Please.
Please I can’t. It’s never enough.
Give me all of that ultraviolence.
“I love you too, Arthur. I love you forever.” Your voice was merely a whisper as warm blood ran from your nostrils, tainting your lips and dying on your chin. Your fingers gently grazed his neck as you knew he loved — all you wanted was to stop his pain. To see him smile with that stupid, irresistible grin that made you fall for him.
“I can’t lose you, Y/N.” His lips laid a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth, the tip of his tongue tasting the blood. His voice was filled with sincere love, “I’ll change. I swear to God I’ll change for you,” Somehow he really believed in what he said, but the truth was he would never change
 And you knew it.
“You won’t lose me — maybe you could — help me putting my stuff back where they belong?” You stuttered, your whole body about to collapse in his arms for it just wanted to feel his touch.
“Of course I’ll do.”
Arthur smiled.
You did too.
But Angels cried,
for they knew that he hurt you and it felt like true love.
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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me honey, know that you can make yourself at home in my ask box, especially when it’s about babyboy Arthur.
I love this Lana’s song so much, and I completely understand the vibes you felt. It would suit so well in a Dark!Arthur fic — in fact I loved it so much I could not help but write a little something for ya! Even though I do feel in-character Arthur would be far too terrified to hurt Reader and would not physically harm . Maybe being rougher, bruising her with his grip without doing it on purpose. But he would not hit her (cf: office scene with Linda in S5). Yet — I decided to go dark with this one because, as you said, “he hit me and it felt like a kiss” is just perfect for this sad trope.
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lnfours · 10 months
From your Prompt 47 , 52 and 67 !!!!!
just some pure fluff with roommate, kinda friends to lovers!tom đŸ˜© also bc i’m on my period rn for the first time in months and it sucks i hate birth control.
#47: “you’re cute when you’re angry”
#52: “can we cuddle?”
#67: “stop being so cute”
inbox 💌 | prompt list
you had moved in with the boys about a year or so ago. they were looking for another housemate, and your pre-existing friendship with them just made everything fall into place.
however, you didn’t really know what you were signing up for. of course, there was the usual occasion of stealing someone else’s food or using someone else’s mug when they made tea, but this was a whole new level.
they had raided your side of the pantry and stole your secret stash of chocolate. the one you kept on hand for
and right now, you really were craving a snickers bar. but alas, they were all gone.
you stormed into the living room with the empty container in hand. the boys turned white at your angry expression.
“what the hell?!”
everyone pointed at one another, trying to pin the blame on someone else. your gaze shifted to tom.
“you were the only one i told about the secret stash,” you said, “you’re such a blabbermouth!”
everyone else stifled laughs as tom softly chuckled, “i’m sorry. did you want me to run to the store and get some more?”
you huffed, dropping your arms in defeat, “no. just.. don’t touch my stuff!”
everyone nodded, mentally taking note not to mess with your chocolate stash ever again. you made your way up to your room, crawling back into bed with your heating pad. after a good 20 minutes or so, there was a soft knock on your door.
“come in,” you mumbled, pausing the tv. you sat up when tom opened the door, a small plastic bag in one hand and in the other was one of his mugs, steam pouring from the top.
“i come bearing gifts,” he said, setting the bag on the bed and placing the mug on the coaster that sat on top of the nightstand, “as an apology.”
you looked over at the mug, picking it up and giving it a whiff. you looked up at him, “peppermint tea?”
he shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed, “i read that peppermint helps with cramps, and i saw you chase some midol down with your coffee this morning so
you nodded, taking a small sip, “thanks.”
he nodded back at you, dumping the plastic bag onto the bed, “i also, uhm, got you a bunch of chocolate. i know you had snickers and kit kats in there, but i couldn’t remember what else so i just got a little bit of everything.”
you smiled, “thank you, tom. you really didn’t have to, i could’ve grabbed some more tomorrow when i go out.”
“i know i’ve always said that you’re cute when you’re angry,” he smiled, “but you also get a little bit scary.”
you laughed, “sorry.”
“don’t apologize, i shouldn’t have told the others where your stuff was,” he smiled, looking over at the tv, “halloweentown? you know it’s almost the beginning of august, right?”
you nodded, “just getting in the spirit.”
he nodded towards the pillows, “scoot,”
you made room for him on the bed, him joining you under the covers.
“can we cuddle?” you asked softly, grabbing the remote to unpause the movie. he smiled brightly back at you, lifting his arm up as you nuzzled into his side. he grabbed the heating pad, wrapping it around your waist as you laid your head on his chest.
you nodded, “much. thank you.”
he played with your hair gently as you watched the movie. it wasn’t an unusual thing for the two of you to do. over the last couple months you found yourselves staying in each others rooms, cuddling more, and just overall not wanting to be without the other.
he was falling for you. and you were falling for him, too.
your eyelids were getting heavy as he drew circles softly onto your arm with his thumb. he pressed a soft kiss to your temple, your eyes opening as you turned to look over at him.
“hmm?” you hummed in question.
“go to sleep, love. it’s okay.”
you sighed contently, “stay with me?”
his heart burst at your question, “if you stop being so cute.”
“but that’s why you like me,” you mumbled against the material of his shirt. he chuckled softly, “because i’m cute.”
he nodded, his lips pressing against the top of your head, “you’re right, love. you’re exactly right.”
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blossomwritesthings · 1 year
đ„đšđ­đž 𝐧𝐱𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐱𝐞𝐬
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pairing: jisung x fem!reader (afab)
genre: idol!jisung. estranged!jisung. softdom!jisung. needy!jisung. nearing breakup. hurt/comfort. angst. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. established relationship.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. lots of angst. mentions of estrangement/breakup. slight possessive behavior from jisung. pet names (princess, babygirl/babydoll, etc.). smut warnings below cut!! 
word count: 9.4k
summary: things between you and jisung have slowly fizzled out within the past few months. the tension only gets worse after a heated argument that almost ends with your breakup, which ultimately forces him to prove to you how much he still truly loves you.
18+ warnings: dirty talk. oral (f. receiving). fingering. breast/nipple play. slight dom/sub undertones. strength kink. dirty thoughts. hair pulling. praise kink. slight dumbification kink if you squint. unprotected sex (keep it safe, my friends). slight perv behavior from jisung. mentions of masterbation. sweet lovemaking.
a/n: i randomly decided to write this this week after the idea popped into my head, and i was like... hmm, i wonder what would happen if ji's s/o was contemplating a breakup. and then one thing led to another and i found myself fangirling over the idea of jisung being an oral sex god lmao, so here we are!! 😂 also, YES, i'm FULLY on board with the idea of him loving the pet name 'princess.' đŸ˜© lmk what ya'll think of this one... feedback and reblogs are much-appreciated! đŸ„°
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ᮅᮏ ɮᮏᮛ ʀᎇ᎘ᎏsᮛ ᮛᮏ ᎏ᎛ʜᎇʀ sÉȘᮛᮇs (᎛ʜÉȘs ÉȘɎᎄʟ᎜ᎅᎇs ᎛ʀᎀɎsʟᎀ᎛ÉȘᎏɎs). © ʙʟᎏssáŽáŽáŽĄÊ€ÉȘᮛᮇs᎛ʜÉȘÉŽÉąs ‐ ᎀʟʟ ʀÉȘÉąÊœáŽ›s ʀᎇsᎇʀᎠᎇᎅ
Truly, your boyfriend was being very fucking unreasonable. Jisung had been working so hard, for so long, it was almost a miracle that he was still standing upright from all of the shit that he put his body through. 
Produce music, work out, practice, perform, film, repeat. 
Every. Single. Day. 
 Even you got sick of your job once in a while - so you couldn’t imagine what it was like for him, to wake up every single day and do the same grind over and over again. 
But to your utter surprise, he seemed to love it. Sure, it was stressful as hell and toxic at times, but that just made it all the more precious to him, it would seem. Plus, it was a bonus that he got to experience such ups and downs of being an idol with his seven closest friends in the entire world. 
 However, there were many drawbacks to his busy lifestyle. 
 And one of them was the fact that he never seemed to catch a break - never seemed to be home long enough for you.
 Even when he had a ‘day off’ on a rare occasion, he always filled his time producing new music, practicing a new choreo, or hanging out at the studio with Chan and Changbin. 
 And doing all of this didn’t help to make your relationship any stronger. 
 If anything, it left little time for the two of you to truly connect. Especially within the past few months or so. Mainly, you’d just see each other in passing throughout the workdays, as you came to and fro from your shared apartment. And when you guys weren’t rushing off to your separate schedules, you were fucking quick and effortless around the apartment. 
 At the beginning of the relationship, the sex had been amazing. Mind-blowing, even. Jisung knew his way around a woman’s body, and he wasn’t afraid to use his skills. His tongue was especially powerful - which you gave credit to his fast rapping skills for - and he liked using it on you to tease and tease until you were a sopping wet, begging mess underneath him. The flirt.
 But that was a long time ago. 
 And now? 
 Well, let’s just say that the sex wasn’t that
 mind-blowing anymore. 
 You couldn’t remember when it had started to feel different. But then one day, it just lost its unique touch. And then, the sessions changed from long nights of lovemaking in the bedroom to quickies up against the shower wall or on the kitchen counter. 
 There was this odd kind of
 distance that was floating between the two of you. You didn’t know if Jisung felt it, since his mind was always so occupied with thoughts of his work and Stray Kids. 
 You, on the other hand? It was all you could think about. And every time he walked through the doorway of the apartment after a long, arduous day at work, your heartstrings pulled just a little tighter at the sight of his slumped form. Droopy shoulders, mussed hair, skin sticky with sweat from a workout or practice. 
 It just didn’t feel the same anymore. 
 It didn’t
 Didn’t even feel like your boyfriend cared about you. 
 The passion that had been there between you two at the beginning was erased, and in its stead was an odd, shallow kind of companionship. 
 Yeah, companionship. That’s what it was. 
 But definitely not romance. 
 So when you awoke from the long nap that you had been taking one Saturday night, your first thought was to peer over at the other end of the bed. 
 Void of any life- 
 Of Jisung. 
 You let out a dry, humorless scoff. Typical 
 Your week had been jam-packed with work and it was so exhausting, so the nap had been much needed. Sitting up from your pillow, you ran a few fingers through your hair. In silence, you shuffled out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. 
 But you completely froze up at the sight of your boyfriend sitting at his desk that was placed in the corner of the small living room. You hadn’t expected to see him. It was only nine at night, and he was never home this early on a weekend night. He was hunched over his keyboard, nimble fingers flying across the keys as he typed, head bopping to a tune that was running through the large headphones he had on. 
 Just then your stomach rumbled, and you decided to pull your attention away from him. He was busy anyway, it’s not like he was going to talk to you. You made quick work in the kitchen and were soon sitting at the small, two-chaired dining room table with a plate of scrambled eggs and browned, pre-cooked sausages on a plate laid in front of you. You sipped on a tall glass of orange juice as you absently scrolled through your Instagram feed on your phone. Trying to pass the time away mindlessly.
 You distinctly felt your boyfriend’s presence in the corner of the adjoining living room, but he was apparently oblivious to you sitting there, eating dinner. Alone. Just like you had done for the last- God knows how long. 
 You honestly couldn’t even remember the last time you two had shared a meal. And all at once, the eggs turned sour in your mouth. You swallowed around the painful lump in your throat, the tears starting to prick at the corners of your eyes. 
 “Oh- Y/N, I didn’t see you there.” Jisung’s voice rang out across the small apartment, and the sound of it momentarily forced your spine to go rigid, making you sit up a little taller in your chair. He didn’t even use any pet name when acknowledging you then - like he hadn’t done for a long time now. 
 “What are you still doing up?” He asked. Like he expected you to already be in bed. To be sleeping and dead to the world. 
 Like he didn’t even fucking want you around. 
 “Was having dinner,” you started, voice a little scratchy from the unshed tears. You pushed away from the table, standing from your chair. “But I’m not hungry anymore.” 
 As you made your way back over to the bedroom, Jisung’s voice stopped you in your tracks. “Wait- you’re just
 leaving the food there?” Not, where are you going? I’ve missed you. Come here, let’s talk. He only cared about the damn food.
 You waved a nonchalant hand in the air back his way, “You can finish it, I don’t care.” And with that, you closed the bedroom door shut behind you with a quiet click. 
 Immediately, you sank to the floor. Face buried in your hands, violent sobs wracking through your body quietly. 
 Because where - and when - had it all gone so wrong? 
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A week passed after that, blurring and bleeding together into so many other similar ones of the past. Wake up, watch Jisung leave the apartment at six in the morning for work, then get ready for work yourself, spend most of the day at your job before coming home at seven, then make dinner, eat it by yourself, get ready for bed, fall asleep at nine. 
 These days, it was rare for you to even see Jisung enter the apartment at night. Sometimes, you wondered if he even came home anymore. Because truly, what was here for him anyway? He had no regard for you. He didn’t care at all, it would seem. 
 You were bustling about the bathroom, finishing up applying your moisturizer just before you slipped into bed for the night. Then all of a sudden, the door opened, and in filed Jisung. 
 He was already clad in his pajamas - baggy cream-colored sweatpants and a thin white cotton t-shirt. You were dressed in a matching set close to his, but your pants were shorts and your white cotton shirt was a crop top. You two had gotten the set the year before, as a cute second-anniversary gift. Like it really mattered now...
 Jisung moved in silence, and then he was upon you, pressing your back into his muscular chest. He wrapped a loose arm around your waist and burrowed his face into the crook of your shoulder. “Need you,” he muttered against your bare skin. 
 For one indecisive moment, his words made you freeze up like a statue of stone in your place. Because frankly, it took you back so far in the past, you were suddenly blindsided by nostalgia. Of stolen kisses taken in corners, and heated whispers said in the dark of night, of hands exploring warm skin, and quiet pants falling from parted mouths. Of how he used to say such things to you when he was so desperate - so needy - for your taste. 
 But then you were brought back to the present. And you were reminded of the fact that he hadn’t said such words in so long, they now felt foreign on his tongue. And you two hadn’t been intimate with each other - quickie or not - in over two weeks. That’s the longest you had gone in
 what felt like forever. 
 “Jisung- get off me,” you said in an annoyed tone, replacing your bottle of moisturizer on the bathroom counter. 
 He was still clutching onto you, pressing a few delicate kisses onto the skin of your shoulder. And against your better judgment, a quick shiver ran down the length of your spine. “Don’t play hard to get with me, now
” he said, his tone light a humorous. 
 Like nothing was wrong and everything was fine. As if he had been acting like the picture-perfect boyfriend for the past few months. 
 When in reality, all of those things were just downright lies. 
 “I said- get off of me!” The yell tumbled from your lips before you even realized what you were saying. And as you shoved away from his grasp, stepping back from the counter and out of the bathroom, the air around you instantly changed. From one of playfulness and slight desire on his part, to what you had been feeling at that moment. Bitterness, and
 “Y/N- what-” Jisung followed you out of the bathroom. His voice had an incredulous tone to it, as he was no doubt completely thrown for one from your sudden shift in mood. 
 “I’m just tired, alright? I want to go to bed.” You said curtly. You climbed into bed, resting your head on your cushy pillow, breathing in a sigh of relief at the comforting feeling of the thick downy comforter covering your bare legs. At least something in this hellhole of an apartment still gave you comfort. 
 And when you heard the bathroom door shutting quietly behind you, signaling that Jisung was finishing up getting ready for bed himself, the tension eased immensely from your shoulders. 
 Still, it showed that he had given up. 
 Like an absolute fucking coward. 
 And quite possibly, that hurt the most. 
 You fell asleep to the feeling of a single tear escaping out of one of your eyes, rolling down the side of your nose and across your cheek. Staining your pillow with wetness, just like every other night before, too.  
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“Can we talk?” Jisung said the next day. He shuffled out of the bedroom, the large backpack that he always used to carry his extra pair of clothes for practice and other gear of the like in hand.
 It was early in the morning on a Wednesday, and you were busy in the kitchen preparing your breakfast to go. You didn’t have much of an appetite - for obvious reasons Jisung had no idea about - so you just decided to make some oatmeal and throw it in a thermos for you to eat when you got to work. The night before had left you in an odd sort of emotional limbo as soon as you woke up that morning, and your stomach churned painfully inside of you. With anxiety, and heartache. 
 Peering up from the strawberries that you were cutting to add to your breakfast, you shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, what’s up?” 
 He took careful steps toward you, stopping when he reached a corner of the kitchen counter where he leaned one of his hips against it. “Did I
 do something wrong last night?” 
 His question took you off guard so much that your head shot up from the cutting board. Because had he done something wrong? He hadn’t forced anything, but just the entire act of him expecting something from you after his poor treatment of you for so long
 that’s what had upset you. Well, that and a whole host of other things. “No, Jisung, I already told you. I was just tired.” You lied to him with a straight face, as you turned back to your work, slicing through the red flesh of a strawberry with your sharp knife. 
 “You just acted like
 I don’t know, you were mad or something,” he started, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see that he swept a hand through his midnight-black hair in a frenzied kind of way. Surely, his next words weren’t going to be ones you liked. “Are we
 Your boyfriend had said a lot of stupid things in the past, namely when it came to telling absurd jokes. But this? Asking if you guys were on good terms when he had been sabotaging the whole relationship for the past few months with his shitty behavior? Now that was just downright ludicrous. “I don’t know Jisung, you tell me.” You decided to say, as you fit your cut-up strawberries in a clean glass container before placing it into your lunchbox. 
 “What does that mean?” 
 Your gaze shot up at his snippy tone, and immediately, it was like a switch was turned on inside of you. And then the words started flowing. “Well damn, Ji- I don’t know! How can we be ‘good’ when apparently, you despise me?!” You threw your hands up into the air exasperatingly, your voice rising and echoing across the kitchen. When you noticed him beginning to open his mouth to shoot back a retort, you rolled your eyes. “And don’t give me the bullshit of ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ because you and I both know that you haven’t done shit for this relationship for the past
 I don’t know how fucking long!” 
 “Well every time I try to get close to you, you push me away!” Jisung shouted back, folding his arms across his chest. Almost like he was trying to protect himself from your words. Your blows. “Like last night- you just
 shut down!” 
 “Did you ever think that I don’t want to have sex with a man who doesn’t even fucking care about me anymore?” You're clutching your fists together so hard that you feel your nails digging into the tender skin of your palms. But, you keep squeezing anyway. It helps ground you at the moment. Helps to keep the tears at bay that threaten to spill over with every word spoken. 
 “What the hell, Y/N-”
 “And don’t fucking call me that!” You screamed, your voice finally giving out and cracking desperately. The tears were freely flowing now, racing down your heated cheeks that were blooming with a furious blush. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N! It’s all you ever call me anymore! Well, I’m sick of it, okay?! Where’s the old Han Jisung? The one that actually loved me and showed interest in me and made love to me sweetly and called me pretty names?!” 
 Your gazes were painfully locked, and on his face, at that moment, you saw realization dawn upon him. It was so evident in the way that his dark brows creased slightly, the way his bottom lip quivered a little bit, and the way his eyes shone with so many emotions, but mainly- sadness, and... vulnerability?
 Too embarrassed to stand there any longer and bare your whole, raw self to him for another second, you quickly grabbed up your lunchbox and made for the living room, where your purse was sitting on the edge of the couch. Then you were turning around and nearing the entryway, slipping on your shoes and coat - after all, it was the beginning of February and it was still cold as fuck out. 
 Funny, how Valentine’s Day was quickly approaching, and yet your long-time relationship with your boyfriend Jisung was falling apart right before your eyes. Just your luck, it would seem. 
 “Y/N, where are you going?” Jisung’s voice cracked with unbidden pain as you slipped your thick winter coat on. 
 And when your hand reached for the doorknob to leave, you felt fingers clutch desperately at your elbow. 
 “Please- let’s just-”
 “Just fucking leave me alone.” You said in a quiet, quivering tone. Your shoulders were still shaking, the tears leaving trails down either of your cheeks. 
 A tender part of your heart squeezed achingly when you yanked your arm out of Jisung’s grasp. And a tiny, hopeless, strangled sound fell from his lips from behind you, just as you crossed the door’s threshold and barreled out into the cold morning air beyond. 
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 All day, you couldn’t focus at work. You trudged through your routine wordlessly, filling out documents and signing off on things. But inside, your mind was drifting from one thing to another. Would Jisung be there when you returned home to the apartment that night? Or would you come home to a barren place, with him having taken out all of his things? 
 Did your fight mean that you guys had broken up? 
 Where did you two stand with one another? 
 Everything was so murky and fucked up, that by the time you finished work, you were glad that you would be home two hours later than usual. Maybe that’d give your boyfriend enough time to hi-tail it out of there before you met him once more. Before you had to relive all of the trauma and hurt all over again from that morning - from the last few months. 
 You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself and steel your rising nerves, as you stood outside of your apartment’s front door that night. It was just past nine, and surely he’d still be at work. Surely, he’d be busy with the boys, practicing the night away, while you drowned in a pint of freezer-burned chocolate ice cream and tears on your bed. 
 When you opened the door, you immediately noticed how the apartment was quite dark. A tiny sigh of relief left your lips at the sight of shadows filling in the corners of the living room. 
  He wasn’t home, then. 
  And you couldn't remember the last time you had ever thought such a thing- 
 That your once-loving boyfriend wasn't home, and that that was a good thing. 
  The feeling quickly became sickening, and you swallowed around a thick lump in your throat. 
 After peeling your winter coat away from your sweater-clad arms and fitting your shoes back onto the small shelf that you kept near the door, you made your way out of the small entryway and into the kitchen. 
 But you stopped in your tracks upon the sight that you found there. 
 Your entire body seized up in surprise, 
 Spine going rigid, 
 Hands clenching and then unclenching at your sides. 
 For there, at the small dining room table, sat your boyfriend, Jisung. 
 A satiny, maroon-coloured cloth lined the wooden table, and you noticed the fine china that was placed on either side of the thing. The white proclaim plates were filled with what looked like Italian food - loaded with saucy pasta, roasted vegetables, and thick breadsticks. There were two crystal wine glasses too, filled to the brim with velvety red wine. 
 And at the centre of the table was a vase of flowers - it was bursting with a bouquet of crimson-red and baby-pink roses, sunset-orange daises, and pure-white baby's breath. Around the vase of flowers, laid a handful of candles, their bright wicks flickering in and out with the heat that quietly blasted throughout the apartment. No wonder why all of the lights had been turned off- to give way to the romantic ambiance of such a spread. 
 In an instant, your heavy purse slipped from your hands. You felt your heart leaping wildly inside of you, thumping against your ribcage in an almost painful kind of way. And only then, did your eyes find your boyfriend’s form in the dim lighting. He was dressed in a simple black long-sleeved t-shirt, the fabric tight around his toned chest. You noticed the black, tight-fitting jeans that wrapped around his legs, hugging every corded muscle flawlessly. His midnight-dark hair was styled messy, hanging low in front of his eyes, and your gaze caught on a thin silver chain that hung around his neck, showcasing his milky-smooth skin. 
 “Welcome home, baby girl.” Jisung’s voice came out soft and silky. Your eyes locked on his lips, as they moved to form the words. Then, he was standing up from his seat, nearing you ever so slowly. Like you were an animal he was hunting, and he was afraid he’d scare you off with the slightest of movements. 
 Your eyes found his in the darkness, and there, you saw an abundance of emotions- fondness, love, and
 hesitance. “W-What is going on?” You managed to get out, limbs a little shaky as he came so close to you, you caught his scent. He always smelled of a mix of maraschino cherries and sweet lollipops. The smell was so lovely, yet it always did wonders to calm you down. 
 “Sit, baby.” He whispered. Reaching out, he took ahold of one of your hands and slowly pulled you towards the dining table. He pulled out your seat for you and helped you ease into the plush chair. Then, he was rounding the table once more and taking up his previous position across from you. 
 “What is all of this, Jisung?” You asked, brows raising in question as your eyes perused the spread in front of you. You hadn’t noticed the small tiered cake before, but the dark pink buttercream frosting seemed to glimmer against the candlelight, and instinctually, your stomach rumbled with hunger. 
 “An apology,” he began quietly. His stare was locked with yours across the table, and when he leaned over and grasped one of your hands, fingers sliding between fingers, your heart leaped in the pit of your chest. He squeezed your palm gently. “After
 after you left this morning, I was a total fucking mess. Came into work practically bawling my eyes out like a stupid baby. The boys were so worried, and after they managed to get everything out of me, they helped me plan all of this.” 
 You squeeze his hand back, offering a tiny smile. A little kindness wouldn’t hurt, right? At least you could give him what he hadn’t given you in so long. “The setup is lovely. I
 I honestly don’t know what to say
” Your voice trailed off, cracking at the end of your words. When you felt the tears welling up in the corner of your eyes, you bit down hard on your bottom lip to quell them from spilling down your cheeks. 
 Jisung cursed under his breath, shaking his head once, before speaking lowly, “You don’t have to say anything, darling. I’m the one who messed up, who fucked up colossally,” he said, shoulders quaking just a little bit from the sentiment of it all. His eyes were dancing with so much hurt and heartbreak, and at that moment, you wanted nothing more but to get up from the table and envelop him in a long hug. But no- for once, you weren’t going to give anything
 for once, you were going to take. “I had no idea what you’ve been going through these past few months. I’ve just been so
 caught up - obsessed - with my work that I failed to acknowledge the one thing tethering me to it all. And I’m so sorry. I realize my mistakes now, I understand what I’ve done. 
 I know that you have no obligation to accept my apology. You’ve been putting up with my bullshit for so long, I wouldn’t blame you if you called it quits right now. And if you do decide to do that, you must know how I feel. I have enjoyed every moment that I've spent with you, while we were friends and lovers. And I’d never give it up for anything else in the world. I love you so, so much. And I never want to hurt you again, not like this.” 
 You were squeezing onto his hand so tight, you were sure your nails would leave imprints into his palm long after you pulled away. The tears were racing down either of your warm cheeks, your heart cracked open and bleeding with pain. Because the apology was truly genuine. You knew Han Jisung - had known him for so many years now - and you could automatically pick up on when he was telling a lie. But this? This was pure, unadulterated sorrow. He was so remorseful for what he had done, and the distressed look on his face clearly showed how he truly felt. The furrowed brows, the firm press of his lips, the sallow-colored cheeks, the misty eyes. 
 And suddenly, everything was made so very clear to you. 
 You knew exactly what you had to do. 
 “I forgive you.” The words left you quietly, but Jisung heard them nonetheless. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the confession. Because you loved him too. And all at once, you understood that leaving him, ending the relationship, would just create even more pain for the both of you. And you weren’t a mean person. You cared for your boyfriend deeply and wanted to make things work out. “You really hurt me, you know? All of the late nights away from home, and then the heartless quickies. It became so
 tiring, to not have a connection with you anymore. But, I want to try again. I want to make things right, and try and revive the relationship.” 
 You offered him and minuscule smile, and he mimicked your expression tenfold, the happiness blossoming across his face like an infectious disease. “Yes, yes, I’ll do anything, baby. Anything to save us.” He exclaimed faintly, bringing your hand up to his mouth and pressing a gentle kiss against your skin. A ripple of fire cast through your body at the contact of his lips. “But first, before we work out the details, can we please eat? I’m so hungry, I think I could eat an entire cow right now!” 
 A hearty laugh escaped past your lips at his absurdity. And almost instantly, it was like you were back to how things used to be - how the old Jisung used to be, the one that would crack jokes all the time around you, the one that would flash you a cheeky grin every other sentence, the one that always made your heart race wildly. 
 “Yeah, sure,” you looked down at your plate, trying to hide the smile that was practically lighting up your entire face, “the food looks great, the boys did a great job in helping you.” 
 “Mhm, I did most of it though,” he said in between a huge bite of pasta. “But you know how they get
 especially Seungmin, always needing the credit.” He rolled his eyes at you, and you both burst out into a fit of laughter. 
 It felt good to let loose in front of him. To laugh your head off, without feeling like you were a burden. And in no time at all, you were digging into your serving of pasta, savoring the salty sauce as it coated your tongue in a mouth-watering kind of way. 
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 “Can you hand me that knife over there?” Jisung asked an hour later, as he slotted a bowl into the dishwasher. You two were currently cleaning up the kitchen from the bomb that had been left off in the wake of him and the boys trying to make a romantic dinner for the two of you. 
 You leaned across the granite countertop and passed him the knife, before going back to wiping down the stove with a damp towel. You guys had passed the dinner with a mix of serious conversation and silly jokes. Over the meal, you guys had decided on what the future looked like. Jisung promised that he’d talk to Chan and his managers about it, but he was positive that he’d be able to leave work at least an hour earlier than he usually did every day. And you promised that you’d keep in touch with him if you were ever running late because of work. You guys planned to set every Friday night aside for the two of you to have a date, even if it was just staying at home and lazying around together, it was a time you'd get to spend together, just the two of you.
 Neither of you had brought up the sex during dinner, and to be candid, you were a little too embarrassed to talk about it with him. You had no idea why, when you had been dating for so long. But, the idea of explaining your true, most-inner feelings about it all was quite
 daunting, to say the least. 
 “Well, the cleanup is done, at least. I’ll have to clear the table tomorrow,” he said a few minutes later, just as he closed the dishwasher and started up a new cycle. You were leaning against the counter on the opposite side of him, your focus on your hands, as they wound and unwound the damp cloth between your fingers. “Thanks for all of the help, baby girl.”
 At that, your head shot up, eyes wide as your focus locked with Jisung’s. “W-Why do you keep calling me that?” You stuttered out, mouth parted just slightly in surprise. 
 “Why?” He raised a dark, quizzical eyebrow your way, “you don’t like it?” 
 You felt a deep blush wash across your cheeks at his question, and your eyes flicked away from his that were slowly darkening. “N-No, it’s just
 I’m not used to it, I guess.”
 “Oh, so then you do like it
” His serious voice resonated out across the kitchen. And then he was moving closer to you until he was standing just a hairsbreadth away from your form. Slender fingers reached out, fitting underneath your chin and turning your head so that your eyes locked for what felt like the millionth time that night. “What else do you like, baby girl?” His pupils were dim and blown wide, the shadows in the room seemed to cast across his shoulders, cloaking him in unbidden desire. 
 “J-Just you, Ji.” You breathed out, as his fingers traveled away from your chin, before cupping your cheek. 
 “You’ll have to be more specific than that, darling.” Your boyfriend mused. His nails grazed across your feverish skin, sending a shudder to course down the length of your spine. “We never talked about the sex
 but I assume there will be no more quickies?” 
 You swallowed, once. “No, I don’t like them. They’re- they’re not you, babe.” 
 “Really?” He asked, the heady scent of him filling your nostrils as he stepped closer to you. His hand left your face, as he clutched at either of your hips and helped ease you onto the kitchen countertop that was just at your back. Slotting himself between your parted legs, his fingers dug into the fabric of the tight jeans at your waist. “Then, what is me, baby?” He leaned into you, pressing a tentative kiss against your lips. 
  And holy fuck, did it feel good. 
 To have him so close to you, 
 So intimate. 
 Holding you so tightly to him. 
 The safety you felt in his embrace seemed to overwhelm you, and your shoulders shook a little bit with the love that radiated from his face just then. “Y-You love me, wholly and completely,” you began, as he pressed another kiss to your mouth. This one was a lot more passionate than the last and swirled the pool of fervency that was slowly building deep inside of you. “You m-make love to me sweetly.” 
 You leaned into him then, as his teeth ran along your bottom lip. Your mouth opened, and his tongue swiped at yours. A strangled moan flew from you, and he swallowed it whole with a groan of his own. 
 “Do you want me to make love to you sweetly now, baby girl?” He grunted in between your kisses. His voice was silky smooth, like the darkest of chocolates. And when your mouths unlaced from one another, a hot string of saliva trailed after his pretty, swollen lips. 
 Nodding your head desperately, you almost surprised yourself with the sudden earnestness that flooded through your entire system. Because truly, you had been waiting - wishing - for such a thing for months. And finally, your boyfriend was giving it to you. Not out of spite or hatred, but because he loved you. “Y-Yes, I want that so much
” You breathed, the blush erupting into a furious heat across your cheeks. 
 When Jisung’s lips spread into a knowing smirk, eyes alighting with a certain kind of fire, you had to forcefully press your legs together to quell the rising arousal that had been building in your core. In all honesty, it had been building since the moment had said he loved you, back at the dining table over dinner. 
 “Well, because I love you so much, and you've been so good for me tonight, I'll give in to you, darling.” Your boyfriend’s hands gripped your waist, hoisting you up from the counter and into the air. You wrapped your legs around his torso, as he led the two of you out of the kitchen and into your shared bedroom. The whole way, you clutched onto his shoulders tightly, heart racing with anticipation. 
 He laid you down atop the bed, and the silence took over. He said nothing, as he reached forward, taking ahold of your jeans zipper and single button and pulling them free. Then, all at once, he was shucking your pants off in one fluid movement, his eyes never leaving yours as he cast them aside on the ground. Jisung reached behind him, clutching at his shirt before hoisting it over his head and discarding it somewhere next to you. 
 You swallowed audibly at the sight of his bare chest. The only light shining in the bedroom was a dim nightlight plugged into the far wall near the bathroom, and its amiable hue cast an ethereal kind of glow across his tanned skin. The well-toned muscles on his arms seemed to shimmer in the light, the definition of his abs rippling with every breath he took. For the most part, during your quickies within the past few months, he hadn’t undressed that much. It mainly just consisted of him tearing his pants down, pushing your panties aside, and finishing within ten minutes. There was nothing romantic about it, which is why you absolutely hated it. 
 Biting your lip at it all, you squirmed underneath him. He liked your reaction to him, liked the way you ogled his chest. It was evident by the way a lazy grin broke across his face. “Your turn,” is all he said, before diving into you and pressing a fervent kiss against your mouth.
 Within a few breaths, he had your shirt off and was working at unclasping your bra. At the thought of him seeing you naked save for your panties, panic suddenly started to rise into your throat. You hadn’t fully laid out in front of him in a very long time. What if he didn’t like what he saw? What if you were ugly to him after such a prolonged period of not seeing you? 
 “W-Wait,” you managed to get out, swallowing thickly. Jisung’s fingers instantly stopped at your bra clasp. 
 Worry started to fill his eyes as he said, “Do you not want to-” 
 “No!” You blurted out, a little too quickly for your good. Your hastiness was made clear then, and a tiny, pleased smile spread across Jisung’s mouth at the sight of it. “It’s just
 what if you don’t like what you see?” 
 His eyes narrowed as he stared down at you, a frown darkening his face. “Why in the world would you ever even think that?” 
 Your breath turned shallow, limbs shaky at the swarthy look he was leveling your way. He had always hated when you doubted yourself- when you questioned his attraction to you and your body. “I-I don’t know
 it’s just been, a long time since you’ve seen me like this, that’s all.” Your eyes pulled away from his defined chest, locking with his once more. “I’m worried you won’t
 like what you see.” 
 Jisung didn’t allow you to say anything else then, as he tipped down into you and pressed a feverish kiss against your mouth. “Baby girl, don’t ever say such things like that again, I love you so much. You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” He rumbled against your lips before his kisses began to travel around your face. He pecked the tip of your nose, both of your cheeks, and your forehead, before coming back to your lips. “Now, may I see you? Will you allow me to show you how much I care about you - how much I love you?” 
 You found yourself nodding your head in a frenzy, sucking in your bottom lip in anticipation. Your boyfriend flashed you a pleased smile before his fingers made quick work of your bra. Not five beats later, he had it off of you and laying on the floor near the bed. At the feel of being completely naked underneath him save for your soaked panties, you fought the urge to squirm and cover yourself up. 
 “Fuck,” he practically growled out the words at the sight of your bare form. “You’re so pretty, sweetheart,” his eyes trailed away from your exposed chest, locking with your eyes once more. “Love you- shit, love your body so fucking much.” He murmured against your skin, as he pressed a few kisses against your jaw.
 “J-Ji-” you mewled at the feeling of his mouth traveling down the column of your neck. His teeth bit into the warm flesh, leaving love marks for the next day. His lips sucked down on your clavicle, fingers digging into your bare hips. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling at the black locks hard as his mouth moved down the centre of your sternum. 
 “Always thinking about you- you know that, princess?” He mused against your skin, mouth circling one of your breasts with a smattering of kisses. “My mind always comes back to you in the dead of night, when I’m alone in the studio. I daydream about this very sight- having you under me, quaking from my touch alone.” Then his lips were hovering over one of your pebbled nipples, hot breath fanning against gooseflesh. “Because only I get to do this, right? Only I get to see you utterly bare like this
 Your focus was completely on your boyfriend, as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss against your breast. “Y-Yes, only you get to have me.” You mewled out, clutching at his roots a little harder when his hot tongue darted out and drew a long stripe across your raised nipple. A hiss left your lips at the action. 
 “Shit, baby- love your tits so much,” he muttered in a quiet voice. His tongue swirled around your sensitive bud, then he was fitting his entire mouth over your mound, taking in as much of you as he could. He lapped and licked at your breast, teeth coming down to graze against your puckered nipple. You felt one of his hands leave your hips, and travel up your side until just stopping at your other breast. There, he filled his palm with your enflamed flesh, rolling your throbbing bud between his fingers. You were a groaning mess under his tongue, writhing with pleasure. 
 “F-Feel so good, babe,” you whispered, yanking on his hair and pressing his face closer to your chest as he continued to pay ardent attention to your breast. 
 After a few beats, he pulled away, mouth red and puffy, leaving a trail of hot saliva around your breast. “I fantasize about these all the time- imagining what it’d feel like at that moment to take your gorgeous nipples into my mouth.” His eyes flitted up to yours, which were still locked on where he was pleasuring your chest. “Fuck- almost every day, I pump myself dry to the thought of your beautiful tits bouncing up and down as you ride my cock so perfectly- as I spread your legs and take you fully, as I pound into your flawless little cunt from behind.”
 “Y-You thought about me like that, even after all this time?” The surprise drips into your tone, cheeks heating up with rosiness as his head moves over to your other breast that his hand had been playing with. Your heart leaped wildly in your chest at his movements, and you felt the juices practically dripping out of your core, skating down the inside of your thighs. Because truly, you had never known. You had just assumed that, for the past few months, you’d never crossed his mind
 after such a long period of the intimacy waning between the two of you... 
 He smiled against your skin, pressing a fiery kiss against your nipple that had yet to be lapped at by his tongue. “Of course I did, babydoll. You’re always on my mind- you never left it, not even for a single moment.” 
 You squeezed your eyes shut, savouring the way that he fit his mouth around you in a perfect kind of way. Your fingers shook slightly as you carded them through his silky locks, trying to get as close to him as possible. The moans fled from your lips freely, and the breath caught in your throat at the feel of his clothed bulge pressing against one of your thighs, close to where you needed him most. He was still clad in his tight skinny jeans. 
 “Baby- n-need you,” you whined after he had pulled away from your breast a few beats later, his face flushed with so much lust. His gaze locked with yours, pupils like twin pools of fire that were so fucking scorching, as he stared down at you, studying your kiss-swollen lips and fluttering eyelids. 
 “You need me, hmm?” He traced a single index finger down the middle of your chest, nearing your waist. “Where do you need me, princess? Tell me
” His finger trekked down one of your legs, starting to draw tiny shapes in the skin of your inner thigh. “You need me right here, on your thighs?” 
 “N-No-” you managed to say in a quiet voice. A velvety hush came over the entire bedroom, as you watched his finger slowly trace up your skin until the slim digit was just outside the line of your panties. 
 “You need me here, baby girl? Between your legs, touching your warmth?” He pushed the nude-colored panties aside a bit, and immediately, his finger was slicked with your arousal. “Damn it- you’ve soaked through this shit.” Jisung grabbed ahold of your panties and dragged them down your shivering legs before discarding them somewhere behind him. 
 “Wanted this for so long, Ji,” you started, a low buzz humming in your ears at the way his pupils darkened at the sight of your completely bare form. Finally. 
 He tipped down towards you, beginning to pepper light kisses against either of your thighs, nearing your throbbing core ever so slowly. “Oh, yeah? What did you want for so long, darling?” His voice was hushed against your skin, and you felt the desire churn in your core at the way he said the words in such a low register. The tone he only used on you - for you - late at night, when it was just the two of you, and he was filled with so much passion. 
 “Wanted you- face nestled into me, kissing my worries away, licking me clean.” A surprised squeak fled from your lips as soon as his mouth landed on top of your cunt. 
 “You’ve always had a thing for my tongue, haven’t you, princess?” Jisung said, his voice rumbling against your sensitive flesh and shooting a zap of energy to course throughout your veins. You felt him smirk against your lips, just as he delved into your heat. 
 And all at once, you were reminded of what you had been missing for so very long

 Slender fingers prying you open slowly, 
 Practiced thumb pressing against your puffy clit, 
 Kisses peppered up the length of your warmth, 
 Tongue drawing a stripe down your lips, 
 Before thrusting into you, tasting your very essence. 
 You bucked your hips against your boyfriend’s face, loving the way he twisted his tongue inside of you, the way he used his fingers to pry you open for better access, the way he traced circles around your clit. Every nerve ending in your body felt like it had been set on fire, and loud pants fell from your mouth every time he kissed you, every time he tasted you, every time he hummed against your exposed core in approval. 
 “Taste so fucking good, babydoll
 like the sweetest candy on earth,” he growled after he had pulled away from you to catch his breath. This face was messy with you, lips glossy with your slick. The sight of his flushed cheeks and blown pupils alone was so fucking hot, a choked moan escaped from deep inside of you, and your hands frantically traveled down to the waistline of his jeans. 
 “N-Need you right now, baby,” you said, voice hitching slightly. It felt like your heart was beating a mile a minute against your ribcage, thoughts moving slowly inside your head like they were trapped in a thick vat of molasses. Your fingers flew at his zipper and Jisung was silent, as you worked his jeans and boxers off completely.
 His cock sprung free instantly, the head red and swollen, precum dripping out of the slit and splattering onto the bed haphazardly. You swallowed audibly at the sight of his girth. It had been a while since you had gotten a clear view of
 him. And, it was mouthwatering, to say the least. You reached out, palm open and supple, as you took hold of him. 
 “Damn it- baby
 you intimidated by me?” He chuckled dryly, noticing how your mouth was slightly hung open in amazement. You pumped your hands up and down his length a few times, earning a string of curses from Jisung. “Fuck- any more of that and I’ll be a goner, princess.” He ripped your hands away from him and moved so that your fingers were positioned above your head. 
 Without any guidance, you opened your legs wider, as he slotted himself between you. He clasped down hard on your hands with one palm, while the other found its way back to your core, fingers caressing your inflamed clit. You held your breath in bated silence, waiting, and watching, as Jisung’s tip neared your entrance. 
 Then, he was sliding in with one fluid, effortless movement. Your mouth fell open, breath falling in short increments, at the fullness you felt slowly taking over your entire body. It was like absolute heaven, with him slowly bottoming out, the tip of his cock hitting that fiery, gooey spot deep inside of you.
 “Alright?” Jisung’s deep voice broke you from your daze of lust. You hadn’t realized you had closed your eyes, and when they met your boyfriend’s face, there was a single crease in his brow. Like he was worried that he’d hurt you somehow. 
 “Feels so good- please, just, fuck me, Ji-” you whined, throwing your head back onto one of your pillows, a loud cry falling from your mouth as you felt him begin to move inside of you. 
 As he thrust in and out, in and out, the lewd sounds of your lovemaking overtook all of your senses - filling the room with skin slapping against skin, the smell of sex heavy in the air. Jisung set a fervent pace, reaching so far into you that every time he pulled back, and then shoved himself between your lips again, literal stars danced against the blackness of your vision. 
 “You like this, baby girl?” Jisung rasped out, as he pushed into you vigorously. You were a sopping wet mess, which made for slippery work between your legs. Still, Jisung didn’t mind, and it only seemed to edge him on even further. “Like when I fuck you nice and sweet? Is this what you’ve wanted all along, hmm?”
 Nodding your head frantically, a scream tore from deep inside of you at the feel of his fingers pressing down hard on your inflamed clit. You were practically writhing from head to toe underneath him, your arms shaking as he held them up above your head. “Y-Yes, please
 don’t stop
” Your voice came out breathless and airy, as he hit a particularly fiery spot inside of you. 
 “Oh trust me, babydoll, I won’t.” His hand continued to play with your reddened bud, as he rutted into you like a man who had been starved of sex for a fucking millennium. 
 Then, you felt him move on top of you, face nearing yours and lips kissing their way up the expanse of your neck, nearing your chin, before stopping at your mouth. He stopped just then, seductive breath fanning across your face. 
 “Kiss me?” You asked, voice high and squeaky in your throat. Because at that moment, with him so close to you, his cock buried so deep, his fingers abusing you so well, you suddenly felt so fucking vulnerable.
 At the way you peered up at him with big, innocent eyes, your boyfriend immediately let go of your hands that he had been holding above your head. “Ah- baby, how can I ever say no to such a beautiful face- such a sweet voice?” He cooed down at you. Your fingers found their way into his onyx-colored hair again, slightly pulling at the roots. 
 Jisung’s scent - of maraschino cherries and sweet lollipops - overtook you, as he bent down, invading your space. The way his mouth captured your lips, tongue lapping at your own, did wonders for your throbbing heart. And all at once, you felt your high quickly approaching. 
 “Love how supple you get when I fuck you like this
” He whispered against your lips when you had both pulled away to catch your breaths. The charming, gentleness of his voice was a stark contrast to what the rest of his body was doing - how his hands now dug into either side of your hips, how he pounded into you so perfectly with a relentless pace. “So pliant and adorable- princess lets me take care of her well, yeah?” 
 He pressed another few kisses against your lips, smiling in between them at the nods that you gave him. “L-Love when you call me that
” you confessed, a furious blush creeping over your cheeks at admitting such a thing. You had missed all of the pet names over the past few names. But that one? Princess? You didn’t exactly know why, but it just did something ethereal and magickal to your soul every time he called you by the endearing name. 
 “You are a princess, baby
 my princess.” Jisung gripped onto your hips harder just then, slamming his cock into you so fiercely that a tiny, pathetic whimper left your mouth. “Now
 can you be a good girl and cum for me, sweetheart?” He kissed you again and again, and you felt your heart swell up inside your chest from the gesture. 
 So charming. 
 So loving. 
 So soft. 
 And all at once, you were letting go. Squeezing your eyes shut desperately, galaxies exploding across the inside of your mind. Skin heating up so well, so quickly, that it felt like you had been doused in a pit of flames. Limbs shaking irrevocably, your core clenching around Jisung’s cock, as he chased his own high. You pulled at his silky waves, a string of moans rising from deep within you as you reached the peak of your arousal. 
 “F-Fuck, you take me so well- so perfect,” Jisung grunted somewhere close to your ear. In your daze of orgasmic bliss, you faintly heard him mumble praises. Praises about you, about your exquisite body, and your enchanting personality. But it was all lost on your ears amidst the dizziness of your fall. 
 Then you felt your boyfriend stiffen up inside of you, and his entire body shuttered from above as he finally found his release. You felt his seed coat your still-clenching walls, and a content sigh left you at the familiar feeling of it all. Jisung was a moaning mess on top of you, his voice growing so loud with his release, you were sure the neighbors could hear him. He hadn’t cum inside of you, without a condom on, in what felt like ages. And it felt like pure, utter euphoria. 
 Jisung continued to say soft praises into your ear as he rode out both of your highs, his thrusts turning shallow and sloppy. You moved your head, eyes opening, so that you could see the expression on his face- the tips of his ears were bright red, dark pupils were blown wide, a thin sheen of sweat coated his forehead, and his lips were pink and kiss-swollen. 
 “You’re so pretty, babe
” You surprised yourself by actually voicing your innermost thoughts. You had told him such a thing in the past, and almost always, he always batted it away. You reached up to tuck a stray piece of his messy hair behind one of his ears. 
 “You’re even prettier,” his tone was raspy from all of the groans that had fallen from his lips. He pulled out slowly then, and a small cry left you at the sudden absence of him. If you could, you’d love to live the rest of your days out with his cock buried inside of you. But alas, your dreams never seemed to come true. “Always look so celestial- like a little pixie faerie, whenever I fuck you
” Jisung flashed you an effortless grin, pecking one of your reddened cheeks, before stepping off of the bed and flitting over to the nearby bathroom to grab a towel for cleanup. 
 When he came back, the fuzziness around the corners of your mind was finally gone, and you were able to get somewhat of a grasp on your surroundings. On the way that he leaned down into you, so very close, to wipe a damp cloth against your sticky thighs. 
 “Love you.” You said at that moment. Silence had enveloped the room, as he made quick work of cleaning the two of you up. But your words seemed to crack open a little warmth into the sex-filled air. 
 Jisung’s head turned up and his gaze found yours, his sparkly, doe-like eyes widened slightly in surprise. A smile that mirrored yours just then cracked on his lips, and he was soon trekking over to you, where you were still sprawled out atop the bed's rumpled sheets. 
 “And I love you, too.” The last thing you saw before he took your face into either of his hands was his grin, and how it looked maniac-like. The last thing you saw was the look of pure adoration and love shining across his face, as he pulled you close to him and kissed you sweetly. 
 Because even though things hadn’t been that great between you for the past few months, 
 And even though he had been absent for a long time, 
 And even though your guys’ sex life had gone down the proverbial drain, 
 Things had somehow turned around. 
 He had turned things around. 
 With the beautifully-planned dinner, the delicious food, the tender words, the sweet kisses, and the much-needed lovemaking. 
 So things could only go up from here
 As long as you two guys had each other, 
 And as long as you kept fighting for what mattered- 
 For the relationship- 
 For each other- 
 Things would somehow work themselves out, eventually. 
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© ʙʟᎏssáŽáŽáŽĄÊ€ÉȘᮛᮇs᎛ʜÉȘÉŽÉąs ‐ ᎀʟʟ ʀÉȘÉąÊœáŽ›s ʀᎇsᎇʀᎠᎇ
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 11 months
Okay, hear me out
 Tangerine is the type of bf/husband who puts on the tough guy act, BUT is bbg and WHIPPED beyond belief, but again, hides behind the tough bf act
 Like his gf/wife and him are on a walk and they walk by a pet shop and she’s oooing and awwwwing about the cutest kitten? Tangerine comes home hours later with said kitten. Him shrugging as Y/n pretty much jumps on him in thanks, like “Oh you know, I was just in the area and thought, ‘why not get the cat?’”
Y/n is eyeing a pretty dress through the shops window? Tangerine buys one of each color and it just “shows up” in her closet the next morning.
Y/n is feeling super cuddly and pouts at him? Tangerine is just like, “Yeah yeah, c’mere” but on the inside he’s literally squealing in joy
Y/n likes to read? Tangerine immediately builds a library that rivals the library in the Beauty and the Beast.
Y/n says I love you for the first time? Tangerine nonchalantly says I love you back but on the inside feels like he’s going to explode in love and fights the urge to giggle
Someone makes Y/n cry? They get a
. From Tangerine not even minutes after

Y/n is interested in literally anything? Tangerine, with the money burning a hole in his pocket, buys anything and everything
Honestly I could go on but YESS TANGERINE IS BABYGIRL
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AAAAAAAAHHHH omg!! I had not single calm or sane reaction while reading that !?!? the frickin CUTEST ideas ever!!
and you’re so right, he pretends he doesn’t care, or isn’t effected but it literally will repeat on him every second of the day, maybe even the week, WEEKS, MONTH!?? like whatever was said or done will play over in his brain forever đŸ˜© and he’d remember it and smile- like at a shop picking up items and he’d just grin to himself, hiding it in his hand so he didn’t look crazy
so let’s say you were texting him throughout the day (he’s at work) and you mention as a throwaway comment how you really want something specific to eat, on his way back home he’d get it (it could be MILES away from his route home) but he’d pick up said item, and be like “saw this on my way home, thought you might want it” and casually shrugs it off and stuff AAAAAAAA omg
he’d definitely go out of his way for his girl, FOR SURE
he definitely lies but they’re cute sweet white lies to pretend he didn’t do something that he definitely did
and I feel like he listens, like REALLY listens, like picks up on things, and reads between the lines. like you could mention something weeks ago, but he’d remember and keep it locked away, and then give a gift based around that comment, if that makes sense
I think he’d be really thoughtful and just UGHHH got me swooning OMGEE🙃
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yamahex · 2 years
Can we get a Nerf Gun war with Jack and reader đŸ˜©đŸ˜©
“Babe can you come here?” Jack yelled from the couch.
“Yeah one sec.” You smiled to yourself as you loaded the small nerf gun and hid the extra ammo in your pocket.
You walked out into the living room with it in your back pocket and leaned down next to him on the couch.
“What’s up?”
“What do you wanna do for dinner?” Your lips puckered while thinking.
“Maybe Chinese? I’m craving some fried rice.”
“Eh we just had Chinese.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah like a month ago.”
“Pick something else.”
Your lips smacked as your pulled out the small gun and pointed it to the back of his head. Your finger squeezed the trigger causing Jack’s head to swivel around.
“I know your ass didn’t just shoot me with a nerf gun.”
“Yes I did. Being annoying gets you shot.” You smiled and walked away as Jack watched, dumbfounded.
“Babe how about this dress for tonight?” Jack’s eyes studied the dress.
“Maybe something longer.” You rolled your eyes and reached for the gun.
He sighed deeply with his eyes closed as you walked out of the closet with a smile on your face.
“Ma can you cook some stuff up? The guys are coming over.”
“I thought we were gonna chill tonight.”
“I know but the games on-“
“Jack where’s my charger?” Jack looked up from his place on the bed.
“I’m using it for my other phone right now.” You sighed.
“Why aren’t you using your charger??”
“Didn’t feel like getting up.” You scoffed.
As your hand reached behind you for the fake pistol Jack reached under the bed and pulled out a giant nerf mini gun. Your eyes widened.
“Not so tough now are you?”
You quickly pointed it at him and pressed the trigger. A smirk appeared on his face as he let the barrage of bullets unload into you. You blocked the your face and tried to dodge.
“Okay okay! I’m probably gonna have bruises you know!” The clip ran out and you stared at Jack. He walked up to you and kissed your forehead.
“Remember this when you try to shoot me again with that little shit.”
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jadedrrose · 2 years
Hello Heather, could I request a Law fic with prompt Domestic Life? Thank you so much for writing!
IM FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO THIS ONE!!! GOD!!! Anyway, I think I went overboard on fluffiness, lol. I just want to be married to this man so bad, ugh đŸ˜©
Warnings: No real ones. One very slight suggestive comment, but it’s up to you to interpret what it means. Also, mentions of having a baby toward the end.
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Nobody’s life was ever quiet, or peaceful all the time. Especially when being a pirate.
But, as of right now, you were quite content with things. The war was over, firstly. Nearly two years had passed, and finally you began to feel a lot more safe, especially with your husband becoming a Warlord.
Oh yeah, husband. Despite it being months ago now, you still would get butterflies every time you remembered that you were married to Law. You’d always thought he wouldn’t want to do it, but he surprised you greatly on that day he’d asked you to marry him.
And today was another simple day with your husband.
As always, he’d woken up much earlier than you had. Before the entire crew, actually. He would always kiss your cheek when getting out of bed, whether his movements awoke you or not. He’d then shower and get ready for the day, and head off to his office until breakfast.
Before, breakfast was served with and for the whole crew. But you’d found that ever since getting married, the crew had moved their own breakfast time so that you and Law could have your own time, much like normal non-pirate couples would have.
Breakfast happened when you woke up. You’d rise from bed and depending on the day, either keep your pajamas on or put on your usual outfit. But never the boiler suit you hadn’t worn in years now. Law claimed it was unfair to make the most important person in his life, and also basically his second-in-command, to dress like everyone else. He wanted you to express yourself.
So you’d do your usual morning routine and then head out of the bedroom that you and your husband shared, heading straight to the kitchen to prepare food.
You’d make Law’s favorite, then yours, and bring it down to his office. In there, you’d sit on the extra chair specifically meant for you and only you, and eat breakfast with him. Everyday, Law would repeat the words “thank you, dear” when you’d set the plate down in front of him. And everyday, you would smile and giggle at his words.
After breakfast, you’d let Law continue working while you did some typical household chores. Make the bed, clean up any messes within your bedroom or personal bathroom, clear the kitchen so everybody else could make their breakfast. Do your’s and Law’s laundry if needed, stuff like that. When you were finished, you’d either hang out with the crew or do some of your hobbies.
For lunch, you’d meet Law in the library. Neither of you really ate big lunches, and due to this, you knew Law would just keep working if he ate in his office. So the library it was.
If he wasn’t too busy, the two of you would hang out. Train together, cuddle with Bepo up on the deck in the warm sun, etc. But if Law really had time to spare, you would find yourself back in the bedroom (or really, anywhere “private” on the submarine) for some alone time.
Around dinner time, Law would leave his work behind for the day and join you in the kitchen to help make the food. Again, the crew let you have the kitchen to yourselves, insisting that all couples had their own kitchens so you should too. Except that it was only your own for about an hour and a half. Then it was everybody’s.
Tonight, everything was mostly the same. Law usually had some sort of onigiri or fish, and you’d make whatever it was that you liked. The both of you swiftly worked around each other, an unspoken sort of coordination between the two of you.
Once finished, you’d both sit down at the end of the large table within the kitchen. Tonight was no different. The two of you began eating, making some conversation here and there.
But there was something on your mind this particular evening. You’d been wanting to bring it up with your husband for a while, but you didn’t really know how he’d react. Today, Law seemed like he was in a better mood than usual. Maybe it was due to his Warlord title finally becoming official. But nonetheless, it was a good time to bring it up. Hopefully.
“Something on your mind, y/n-ya?” Law inquired, noticing the odd look on your face, the way you were much quieter than usual, sentences very short. It was unlike you.
“Uh, yeah
 but, we don’t have to talk about it-“
“No, let’s talk about it. Tell me what it is.”
Law’s voice was calm, relaxing you. He always made sure to speak to you like an equal (but honestly, he viewed you as higher than himself), and never make you feel like a simple crew member.
“Well, I just don’t know how you’ll feel about it
” you stammered, unsure of how to word this. Gosh, you were nervous.
“I promise I won’t be angry or upset. Never.” Law spoke, looking directly into your eyes now. He wasn’t even eating anymore.
“Um, I just
 I didn’t want to bring it up too early, but now that we’ve been married for eight months,” you started, nearly shaking from nervousness. “I
 was wondering how you felt about
 starting a family?”
Law simply stared at you. You cringed, thinking, yep! You’d fucked up. Of course he wouldn’t want to, you were pirates. It was too dangerous, and you were selfish for wanting it.
 I’m not opposed to that,” Law said, calculating his thoughts. “We’re protected now, so maybe it is a good time to
Your eyes widened, and you blinked at him. “Really? You’d want to?”
He nodded. “Before I’d met you I had thought it would be something I’d never do. But you, y/n-ya
 you’ve changed my outlook on, well, everything.”
You smiled, reaching your hands across the table to cover his lovingly. “Oh Law
 you never fail to make me feel like I’m falling in love all over again. How can that even happen? Every time I think I’ve loved you more than ever, I fall deeper.”
You giggled as his cheeks reddened, a blush forming on his face. “S-stop. You’re being so
“Cheesy?” You finished for him, giggling some more. “But it’s true. I love you, Law. More than anything.”
A small smile formed on his lips, and he nodded. “I love you too, y/n-ya.”
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pinkyjulien · 4 months
Yesterday's modding session got me pretty frustrated, I wasted so much time and was feeling overall pretty shit. Woke up feeling a bit violent, so to calm my nerves and get some serotonin I decided to check some old posts of mine over my old blog @pinkydude
This blog got flagged last year, I was always upset about this, especially cause I always suspected the fandom to be the cause by mass-reporting it
Well, today I got confirmation that this was indeed the case, so from the bottom of my heart
Fuck you
And especially Fuck You to all the passive homophobic pieces of SHIT that couldn't handle a fictional character's queerness, y'all are fucking pathetic HGFHH
NOW For more context; one thing I loved to do back in the day was to share some of Pawel's streams, pics and videos in majority.
A lot of people didn't liked his streams mainly because of "the favoritism"; the Sasko Sunday streams became an habit for a lot of us, watching him for literal years, he recognized our names and we had "inside jokes" in streams with the community there. You can see why some people felt jealous and became nasty about it.
There's a lot to be said about people feeling "left out" of something they don't even willingly participate in, the streams were always public and anyone could join at anytime they'd want to, but I disgress.
His streams were always really interactive; we would ask questions about the story, the characters, and Pawel would reply and give us insight, BTS infos, hints and other cool crumbs!
Pawel eventualy had to stop most of his interaction with the community because he was being HARASSED by SOME PEOPLE on Twitter openly tagging him about his "favoritism" and even sending letters to HQ complaining about it.
Back to my old flagged blog; We can't search up tags on flagged blogs, it becomes really hard to look up for anything there, we can't access the archives either Friendo gave me this tip months ago; if you have a pinned post, simply add tags to it and you'll be able to click them, like a lite "search box"
So that's what I did this morning, in bed, on my lil phone, adding "pawel sasko" to my pinned to go through my old stream posts!
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And imagine my surprise while scrolling down past the majority of my posts being flagged for...... sexual content??
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Now I recognized these posts simply by the comments and reblog on them, they are nothing sexual. Y'know what they are?
Posts about Mitch! Of course, who else, it always goes back to him doesn't it? All the drama, all the bullshit this fandom ever gave me alwaaays goes back to him.
So anyway, I couldn't see these posts on Mobile, but I can actually see them on desktop, so let's see what The Fandom TM wanted to take down sooo bad
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My post about Mitch's database being fixed Nothing surprising here, I'm the reason Mitch's database got fixed and people didn't NOT like that at all!
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Of course this one would get reported too We're starting to get a better picture of who went on a reporting rampage.
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Pawel comfirming that they left hints of Mitch being gay on purpose in game? Of course it'd get flagged too
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Pawel reacting to my stuff in general? Boom
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They even went as far as to report my FIRST ever post about Pawel, when I talked on his streams for the first time back in 2021.
We all know who could've been so butthurt about all this that they went on a flagging spree ghfhg fucking PATHETHIC oh my god
Anyway, y'all have a nice day âœŒđŸ˜©
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