#gotta proofread one more time and ask my sister if she can proofread too
I have a meeting with my internship supervisor tomorrow and I just realized there’s a chance I’ll run into my thesis supervisor and now I wanna scream
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emmaiooo · 2 years
ayato ignored you after you got married to him out of love. so when he comes up to you with a package, things get out of hand.
(Not proofread 😭😭)
Part 2 !!
Ayato never paid attention to you. He wouldn't look you in the eye, he wouldn't even try to spark a conversation when you sat together for dinner. Dinner with ayato is very rare, he is so busy that he can't even stop and chat with anyone. Working himself until he fainted on that desk. so, you, his wife he used to cherish so dearly, got ignored. But that doesn't bother you right? You got Ayaka and thoma to spend time with you so you shouldn't feel lonely at all! But you can't help but feel a little bit lonely whenever you spend time with Ayaka and thoma.
For the first time in forever, he came up to you. “dear, can you please deliver something for me?” he said. oh so it’s just some delivery. “Sure ayato.” you took the package and looked at the tag. It was for lumine. The word lumine wrote on the tag made your stomach turn upside down. Was he seeing someone else behind your back? Is that why he had no time for you?
But you still went to deliver the package when you would have thrown it in the lake and confronted ayato.
“Hm there seems to be no address on this tag.” you looked bringing it up. “Hey, pretty lady.” you heard someone behind you. You turn around quickly alarmed. The fatui agent chuckled, “why don't you show me what's in the package?” he said, bringing his hands toward you. “Stay away,” you said, bringing your package close to your chest. Why are you refusing? This is a good chance to throw away the package once and for all! Why are you still protecting it? “Give it to me, woman. I don't have all day,” he said, taking out his weapon. “No! Leave me alone!” you tried to run away, but the agent was much faster. “Give it to me!” he said, pushing you down. “Ah!” you fell to the ground, “i will never give you this package!” Why are you protecting this package? Why? “Don’t make me force you!” he yelled.
It has been an hour, and you never let go of the package. You got beaten up badly, and the agent is still going. “Why aren’t you giving up?” he said, in frustration. “HEY. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER.” a familiar woman yelled. It was lumine. “Crap.” the fatui agent gave you one last beating and you accidentally let go of the package for lumine. “h-HEY!” you tried to yell out but a sharp pain hit you. “Hey are you ok?” lumine asked, looking concerned. “T-that package was for you-he got away-” you started to lose your conscience, blacking out before you got back up. “H-hey!” lumine said, trying to shake you. “Paimon thinks you should take y/n back to the kamisato estate!” paimon said as lumine hunched you over behind her back. “Yea we gotta get her treated immediately, look at her! She's full of wounds.” Paimon nodded in agreement.
You woke up to see Ayato's face, clearly angry. “A-ayato?” you looked at him, wondering why he looks so mad. “ugh, what the hell y/n! I trusted you with one package. ONE. and you still managed to lose it to some low fatui agent! And look at you, all beaten up. This could've been avoided if you paid attention to your surroundings!” he said, looking more angry. Why is he so angry? It's just a package..right? “Brother-you shouldn’t be too harsh with y/n, she just recovered. “But that package had our plans to invade the fatui site! She completely threw it into jeopardy! She messed up all our plans and revealed it to the fatui!” he argued back to his sister. So that's what it was about. The reason why he was so mad. “I-i'm sorry- '' you said struggling to find your words. “You’re not. Stop acting pitiful when it is all your fault. You caused this.” he spit out. He exited out the door.
you started sobbing and letting everything out. You just couldn’t stop. He put all the blame on you. He knew you were visionless and powerless but still gave you this extremely important package. “Hey y/n, are you ok?” Ayaka rubbed your back as you let it all out. “The lord didn't mean it, please don't take it too seriously.” thoma tried to comfort you. “I'm so done with this, i'm so sick of all of this. It's so pressuring and upsetting. I just want to spend time with my husband. I don't even know why I married him!” you said crying. “y/n..don’t say that.” Ayaka said, shocked by your words. “No ayaka, I need to say this. I’m going to file for divorce. I’m done with this life, I won't cause any misfortune anymore to the kamisato clan.” you sobbed, trying to control your tears only to be met with more.
Little do you know, ayato was right out of the door, shocked by what you said. He was silent. He didn't know what to say. He just left you and ignored you when you needed him the most. He walked back to his room in silence.
The next day, he sees the maids cleaning up and packing up your room. He regularly sees lawyers coming into your half empty room and talking to you about the divorce. “Are you sure my lady? After this divorce you will be nothing but a commoner!” the lawyer said. “It's ok...I would rather be nothing than live this life.” you said sadly. You planned to live in Mondstadt, the city of freedom. You’ve got beidou already preparing the ship for your departure.
Day by day, he sees your room become more empty. Ayato was later presented with the divorce papers. He reluctantly signed, seeing your pained expression, looking at him, begging to be set free from his grip. When he signed, he saw your face in relief. But he could never tell you how much pain this divorce will bring him.
When you walked out of the kamisato estate, he realized everything he’d done wrong. He neglected you, said hurtful words to you, and put the blame on you. He realized it was his fault for the package, knowing that you were visionless and couldn’t defend yourself, he still gave you this important package. Putting you in danger and the whole plan too. He felt regret, he could’ve treated you so much better. At least giving some presents to remind you that he still cares. He even forgot about your birthday and missed it. Everything came to him in a flash. He tried to run after you, trying to find you everywhere. He came to his last realization. He was too late to save the relationship between you and him. You were already on your way to Mondstadt, talking with your new found friend, kazuha.
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atlabeth · 3 years
neighborly things - sokka x fem!reader
summary: reader can’t make things for shit. thankfully, she has a cute and crafty neighbor willing to help her. 
a/n: im so sorry lmao. i have requests and i have 2 series that havent been updated in like a month but sometimes i just need to write a stupid little oneshot to get back in the writing mood. i did this in an hour 
im not a screwdriver expert so dont come at me if some of this info is wrong lmao 
wc: 1.6k 
warning(s): some cursing but otherwise pure fluff. also i didnt proofread im SORRY im pretty sure they laugh grin and smile like 200 times 
 Anyone unfortunate enough to have a place near you during this time would have heard the phrase on more than twenty occasions, and it wasn’t even noon yet. You had gotten the parts in the mail to put together a new dresser a couple days ago, and had finally decided to take on the task. You didn’t know if it was because you were inexperienced with furniture or just lacked basic comprehension skills, but it was proving to be no less than Herculean. 
 You threw the screwdriver at the wall and fell back to the floor as you let your arms sprawl out above you. You had been trying to screw in a part for no less than thirty minutes, and if a miracle didn’t happen right about now, you were going to lose your mind. 
Your head snapped towards the door when she heard a knock, and your brows creased. “God?” You muttered as you got up, wondering if you had actually thought a miracle into existence. 
 You weren’t greeted by a deity when you opened the door, but the man standing in front of you was pretty damn close. With ocean blue eyes, hair pulled back in a ponytail with shaved sides, and toned arms, he was a sight to behold. But you had no idea why he was in front of your door. 
 “Hey, are you okay?” He questioned, genuine concern in his tone. 
 “Um, yeah, why?” You were trying to rack your brain for any memory of this guy — because you knew you would remember him if you had seen him before — but to no avail. “Also, who are you and why are you here?”
 “Right,” he chuckled. “My name’s Sokka. I’m your neighbor; I live—” he gestured at the door just next to your place, “—over there. Moved in a couple weeks ago, so that’s probably why you don’t know me. I’ve just been hearing a lot of cursing and loud noises coming from your place, so I figured I would stop in and see what was going on.” 
 “Oh. That’s.. very considerate of you, Sokka. I’m just…” you sighed and chuckled at the ridiculousness of it all. “I’m just trying to put together a dresser, and it’s not going well at all. That latest sound you heard was the culmination of my rage. I threw a screwdriver at the wall.” 
 “Yeah, that’ll do it,” he laughed. “Listen. I don’t wanna intrude on you or anything, but I happen to be pretty good at putting things together. I had to do a lot of furniture construction when I first moved in, plus I’m the one all my friends call when they need help with putting anything together. I could probably help you with whatever’s troubling you.”  
 “Are you serious?” 
 “Oh, no. I just go door to door joking around with people, asking if they need help with their furniture, sometimes I ask if their refrigerator is running? It really gets a kick out of them.” 
 You rolled your eyes goodnaturedly and stepped aside so he could enter your apartment. “Thank you so much, Sokka. I’ve read the instructions a million times, I seriously don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” 
 He crouched down and picked up the manual, turning to a dog-eared page and skimming over the instructions. He pointed at the screwdriver you had thrown against the wall and glanced back at you. “Is that the one you’ve been using?” 
 You closed and locked the door behind him then walked over to the wall, picking up the unfortunate victim of your anger and spinning it in your hands. “Yeah, why?” 
 “Do you know what kind it is?” 
 “Um.. maybe? God, I don’t know. I think it’s a Phillip’s head?” 
 Sokka laughed and shook his head, holding up the manual so you could see it. “That’s where you’re going wrong. You need a Pozidriv for these screws — they’re similar enough that anyone can make a mistake.”
 You stared at Sokka in complete amazement — apparently, your savior lived next door, and he came in the form of a handsome guy with basic knowledge on putting furniture together. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you said as you walked over and took the booklet from himl. You flipped through it a couple times and read over the part, shaking your head in disbelief. 
 “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” you repeated, louder this time. “Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get that thing to- to work, to screw, to— whatever you call it?” 
 “It’s actually to—”
 “Thirty minutes!” You interrupted, earning a small chuckle from Sokka. “Thirty damn minutes that I have been trying to get that screw in, and it’s all because I was using the wrong screwdriver. Why would they make screwdrivers that are so similar but aren’t interchangeable?!” 
 He shrugged and held up his hands. “Don’t ask me — I don’t make the rules, I just follow them. But like I said; this dresser might fall apart if you keep using this thing. I actually have a Pozidriv back at my place, I can go get it and we can finish this up together.” 
 “God, that would be the biggest help,” you admitted. “But I don’t wanna take up your time — I don’t know how I would even repay you.” 
 “I’m doing this because I want to help you,” he said. “You don’t have to repay me. Think of it as… as a neighborly thing.” 
 “A neighborly thing?” you repeated with a laugh. “Well, if you’re offering, I’m definitely not going to refuse.” 
 “I am offering,” Sokka winked. “And unless you want to be at this for another three days, I think you should take that offer.” 
 You pretended to deliberate over it before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “I guess I’ll let you help me. I mean, really you should be thanking me for this brilliant opportunity to, um.. hone your skills.” 
 He laughed, a brilliant sound that made your heart sing, and nodded as he went back to the door. “Thank you so much for letting me put together this dresser. Truly, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
 “Then I’m happy to be of assistance.” 
 Sokka grinned then unlocked and opened the door. “I’ll be right back, then we can get started.”
 Once he got back, the two of you got to work. The next three hours passed so quickly as you and Sokka talked about everything from the work you did to people in your lives (no girlfriend, thankfully), to exchanging stories — even the silence, though rare, was comfortable. 
 Sokka pushed the last drawer into its place then clapped his hands as he stood up, admiring the fruits of your labor. “And that’s it! We’re done.”
 “Wait, we’re done? Already?” You set down the instruction manual and stood up as well, backing up to Sokka’s position to see what he saw. “Wow, that looks.. that looks just like the picture. We are good at this! Well, you’re really good at this, I’m good at keeping you entertained. But still!” 
 You held your hand up for a high five and he laughed, but not without meeting it with a satisfying clap. 
 “It does look pretty good,” he admitted. “And not only do you have a brand new, fully functioning dresser, you also had the priceless experience of spending three hours with the neighbor you know nothing about.” 
 “That’s not true,” you countered. “I know that you’re really good at putting things together, you’re a genius when it comes to anything math or science, and you hate blueberries.” 
 Sokka snickered and brushed his hands off on his jeans. “That’s everything there is to know.” 
 “I dunno, Sokka. You seem like a pretty interesting guy.”
 “Yeah. It’s not every day that someone offers to put together a whole dresser just because they feel bad.”
 “Well—” he tore off a blank part of the instruction manual and picked up a spare pen from the counter, then put it up against the wall as he scribbled something on it. Sokka put the pen down and handed the slip of paper to you with a smile. “If you ever need any more help with furniture, then call me.” 
 You could feel your cheeks heat up as you took the paper. Your fingers brushed ever so slightly as you took the slip of paper, and you decided to just go for it. You bit back a grin and tried to sound as innocuous as possible. “And if I want to get to know you beyond the blueberries?” 
 Sokka laughed and leaned against the doorframe. “Definitely call me.”  
 The two of you smiled at each other like idiots for way too long before a notification from his phone broke the silence. He jumped from the sudden noise and dug his phone out of his pocket, giving you an apologetic look. “Sorry, my sister just texted me and I gotta get over to her place.” Sokka started towards the door then paused and turned around. “I actually had a lot of fun doing this, though. I’ll see you around, yeah?” 
 “Yeah.” You knew you had that same smile on your face, but it just wouldn’t go away. His energy was contagious. “Definitely.” 
 “Great.” He winked at you one last time then left, closing the door behind him, and finally snapping you out of your spell. 
 You leaned against the dresser and stared at the slip of paper in your hands, committing the number to memory. 
 You were definitely going to take him up on that offer. 
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin​
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dadsbongos · 3 years
good heart
Movie/Game/Show: The Devil All the Time Dynamic: Arvin Russell/Reader Warnings: use of the daddy word but it’s purely platonic, sacrilege, post-canon, proofread but i am illiterate, fem pronouns Summary: Arvin knows he wants more, but he won’t let himself run for it. ~~~
Arvin slides onto the nearest stool he can find at the counter without looking around too much, peeling off his hat and holding it tight to the shiny surface with both fists. He keeps his head low and waits for a waitress to approach him.
“You want anything or you just getting out of the sun?” a voice teases from behind the counter.
His head lifts and he offers a fracture of a polite smile and nod, “Just a black coffee, ma’am. Please.”
“‘Ma’am’” you repeat as you write down the order, “You’re awful formal, don’t you think?”
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“Oh, no, you don’t gotta apologize for anything,” you awkwardly offer a smile, “I just tease sometimes, sorry ‘bout that.”
“Now, how many times have I told you to stop that,” an older man chides from the kitchen, “Bring that poor boy’s order over and stop messin’ with people.”
“Sorry, daddy,” you mutter, turning to hand over the ticket with Arvin’s measly order.
The man takes the paper and squints to read it, shaking his head before turning to the brunette boy at the counter, “Sorry ‘bout her. Gets bored around here.”
Arvin finally glances around the whole room and sees that the diner is empty of customers except for him.
He shakes his head and gives a slight grin, “Don’t worry none, sir. Just a rough few days, is all - nothin’ wrong with your daughter havin’ fun.”
He’s waved off by the older man and you soon return to Arvin’s front with a bounce in your step at his words, “Thanks for backin’ me up, stranger.”
“Just the truth,” Arvin murmurs, looking around the barren diner once again, “Slow day, huh?”
He internally cringes at the awkward starter but resolves to let it slide when you light up at the branch.
“Yeah, it’s Sunday service hours, ya know. Don’t get too many people willing to skip a meetin’ with the Lord for scrambled eggs and coffee.”
Lenora and Emma would be at service by now. Lenora would be praying with her neighbors and family by now. She loved services.
A bell dings before Arvin can claw out a subpar response and you’re making a trip to the little window between the kitchen and sitting area before carrying back a breakfast of toast, eggs, and coffee.
“Oh, I can’t- “
“On the house,” you wink, pushing the plate towards Arvin, “Don’t gotta eat it if you don’t want, but Daddy likes makin’ the effort to feed people,” leaning over and whispering so your father can’t hear, you let him in on a secret, “He looks mean but he’s got a real soft spot for people like you.”
He quirks a brow, picking up a fork to poke at his eggs, “Strays?”
You roll your eyes at the suggestion, “People who look like they need a good meal. He’s old but he reads people real well. I can take it back, if you don’t want it.”
“No!” he recoils and his face sours at the volume of his own voice, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you shrug, “Gotten a lot worse from customers for a lot less.”
Arvin finishes off a bite of toast before asking, “People yell at you often?”
Again, you merely shrug, “Polite young men like you ain’t exactly common around here.”
“Who could do that? You seem mighty fine,” Arvin shakes his head, “I don’t know you real well, ma’am, but somethin’ ‘bout that don’t rub me the right way.”
“Not much I can do ‘bout it. Daddy kicks ‘em out fast as he can but it ain’t like he’s always listenin’ out for people who don’t like his daughter.”
“What if I could get ‘em out?”
“What? You plan on sittin’ in a slow diner just waitin’ for people to get rough with little ol’ me?”
“Sad as it may sound, ma’am, I don’t got a lot goin’ on. ‘Sides,” Arvin shovels up more eggs on his fork, “your daddy ain’t a bad cook.”
You weren’t actually expecting Arvin to come back the next day. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. Or even the week later. But he did, just like he said he would - he came back and made sure nobody gave you a hard time. He wasn’t the tallest or the most muscular, but nobody could deny the intimidation Arvin could give out. He seemed like he’d seen more than most men his age. Seemed like he’d done a lot more than a lot of men his age. After a day you asked his name, he panicked and said Eugene just in case either of you knew of the sins living in Arvin Russell.
After a mere week of him coming around, your father offered him a job at the diner. He’d take the floor while you had the counter, and if the floor wasn’t busy he’d be on call for anything else needed. After a month, you asked where he was staying and found out he had nowhere to really go and he felt guilt claw at his chest that night when he wound up sleeping in your father’s bed with your father on the couch.
But he seemed sweet on you, calling you darlin’ in that backwoods drawl of his - offering to carry dishes when he saw you struggling. Offering to take over your position if you seemed overwhelmed. Helped your father around the diner and in the house, kept you company, kept out people who threw fits in the diner. Never made a fuss, never made himself difficult.
He didn’t give out his real name until a few months into his staying. His legs bouncing under the counter with nerves and hands gripping the surface for any sort of purchase. By now he figured you and your father would have some sort of attachment to him, maybe he wouldn’t have to explain his past - maybe both of you already knew. Maybe you’d turn him in. Maybe you’d understand. Maybe he could stay.
Please, Lord, let him stay.
It was after closing hours, leaving just the three of you as he spilled all the weight looming over his guilt-wracked mind. Telling you both - he wasn’t born as Eugene. He was born as Arvin.
“Russell, ain’t that right?”
He wants to dig himself a hole and die in it with how your father looks at him. Judging and waiting. Spying and predatory. It reminds him of those woods. It reminds him of the sheriff.
“How many people have you told?” he’s surprised by how you reach across the table so quickly to grab his hands and hold them in your own.
“Just you two…”
“You shot that reverend. Suspected on a sheriff. We heard about you,” your father’s voice is cold and he wishes he could go back by mere seconds and never tell either of you who he was.
He didn’t want to go to prison. He wasn’t a bad person, he had good reason. He knows he had good reason but the bodies piled up and he felt his chances at getting out of this diner in anything but handcuffs slip away. He knows any chance he had at companionship with anyone other than his own head were burnt to ash.
“Why’d you do it?”
His attention is brought back to you at your shockingly soft tone when asking the question, he purses his lips, “It’s gonna sound like a lie, but I swear that none of those people were any good.”
“Arvin,” you lean towards him slightly to make eye contact, “I wanna believe that, I do. But you’ve gotta explain yourself more than that.”
He lets himself find comfort in your sincere expression for a few seconds longer before looking to your father and then back to you, “That preacher - he, he - he hurt my sister. Real bad. She… she killed herself cuz a’ him. And the sheriff chased me ‘round after I…” he shook his head, clenching his eyes shut at how ridiculous he sounded, “They weren’t no good, I promise you. I swear it.”
“Arvin, why’d you kill the sheriff?” you pat his cheek gently, “Why was he chasin’ you? Was it over the preacher?”
“No, I- I shot his sister. And her husband,” he opens his eyes in time to see that your father has come closer and he wishes he never opened his mouth, “They were tryin’ to kill me. I swear it. They took me into their car, said they’d give me a ride but they- they stopped and I saw him pull out a gun and I knew they were up to no good and I had to protect myself. I didn’t wanna do it, I didn’t want- I didn’t want any a’ this,” he looks away from your father and back to you, tears now springing in his eyes, “I didn’t wanna hurt anybody… I didn’t wanna kill them… I’m not a bad person, I swear.”
You wipe away his tears, “Arvin, I wanna believe you, I do. But I also know you know this is a lot to take in, right?” you look back at your father as if silently asking where to go next.
He pulls you away from Arvin and stares down at the young man as if he could physically read whether he was lying or not. Arvin wishes he was looking at you again, he felt more comfortable when he was looking at you. He felt more comfortable with his hands in yours. He wants his hands in yours.
“If I was you,” he begins, “If my sister was hurt however bad yours was, I know that I’d kill that man. If anyone did what that man did to make your sister take her own life to my sister or, God forbid, my daughter, I know that I’d kill that man. I know that if someone tried taking me outta this world, I’d kill them too,” he nodded to himself, weathered and wrinkled hands splaying out on the table, “I’ve never killed anybody with these hands, Arvin. But if I think you’re lying for a second, they just might have to.”
“Daddy,” you pitch in over your father’s shoulder nervously, “what’re you sayin’?”
“I believe you, Arvin. I believe you’re a good kid, I believe you wouldn’t hurt someone without a damn good reason. You’re good to us and you do good work here. I believe you’re tellin’ the truth,” he looks into the young man’s eyes, “If you ain’t, and you’re lying to me, then I hope the Lord makes you see our faces every time you close those eyes.”
“I ain’t lyin’, sir, I promise,” Arvin shakes his head, growing desperate as tears pool at his waterline, he just wants one of you to say it - just say he’s okay. Say he can stay. He can stay here with you. Say he’s okay.
He just wants to be okay.
Your father leaves wordlessly, retreating to the kitchen, lights flickering as he began the routine clean-up for the night and preparation for an early tomorrow. Arvin turns to you in the growing silence, you’re a blotchy outline with the tears gathering in his eyes.
“D’you believe me?”
You come around the counter and reach out, taking Arvin’s head and pressing it to your chest, just over your heart. Gently removing his hat and placing it on the counter, your fingers begin carding through Arvin’s messy hair, “I believe you, Arvin. The man you’ve been to me is not somebody who’d go around hurtin’ people, I believe you.”
He swallows at the lump in his throat, eyes falling closed and hands grounding themselves in your work uniform, “Thank you, darlin’. Thank you, thank you, thank you...”
“You’re safe here, Arvin. We won’t tell nobody, I promise.”
Your voice is more comforting to him than the thought of any eternal bliss waiting outside this life. He wants to protect it - protect you. He wants to stay.
“Can I stay…” he turns his head to press his face into the cloth of your uniform as if that’d prevent any upcoming rejection, “Can I stay, darlin’?”
“You can stay, Arvin,” you murmur, continuing to run your fingers through his hair, “I want you to stay.”
Arvin kept himself wound around you for as long as you’d let him hold on, and you were content enough to keep him in your arms until your father was finished with his routine in the kitchen.
“Ready to head home now?”
“I’m goin’ too?” Arvin pulled away from you just enough to not muffle his reply, eyebrows furrowed, “I’m still stayin’ with you both?”
“Arvin,” you cupped his cheeks to direct his eyes with yours, a small smile just peeking at your lips, “We believe you’re good. Of course, you’re comin’ home with us. We love you, Arvin.”
Your father nodded quietly, patting the boy’s shoulder before walking past you both, “I’ll start up the car, so hurry up. We got an early mornin’ tomorrow.”
It was in the dead of night later on that Arvin found himself still unable to relax. His eyes wide open and fingers nervously tapping at his stomach through the comforter on what used to be your father’s bed. What if you both were tricking him at the diner and there’ll be a police officer out in the front lawn by morning? What if you were at the station turning him in right now and he’s actually all alone in this house?
That thought has him springing up from the bed and down the small hall to where your bedroom door is shut. He feels guilty doubting the sincerity you’d shown but his brain won’t rest and his heart refuses to calm down. He knows he could never blame you for giving him up but he needs you in his life now that he has you.
He curls around the doorknob and pushes open until he’s fully inside. He can just make out your figure in bed within the darkness, his eyes hurrying to adjust to the night.
Creeping to the side of your bed, Arvin hesitates but ultimately shakes you awake anyway, “Darlin’?”
You hum and groan and rub your eyes until you’re fully awake with Arvin at your side, “What’re you doin’ up? Didn’t you hear daddy? We gotta be up early tomorrow.”
“I can’t sleep, I- I keep worryin’.”
At the admission, you’re sitting up and bringing a hand over Arvin’s, “‘Bout what?”
“D’you really trust me, or was that just an act back at the diner?”
“I believe you,” you make room on the bed and drag Arvin into it, coddling him to your body, “I know you’re good. I’ve known you for a long while now. It’ll take a bit to get used to, but I know you’re a good man. I love that you’re a good man.”
You’ve gotten so close to saying what he wants to hear, he could almost pretend it’s what you’d said. He could almost pretend he heard you say you love him - he likes to pretend that’s what he heard. But he knows he doesn’t deserve that love - he just needs to protect what he has now rather than strive for more.
“Thank you for believin’ me, darlin’.”
“I’ll believe you ‘til the end, Arvin. I know you’re good.”
He feels comforted, once again, by those words - by your words. He feels comforted by your hold and he hopes that this is a safe place to lie until his bones give out - if you’ll let him. He knows what he wants is to have and hold and cherish this home you’ve given him both in the form of a roof over his head and the spot between your arms but he has to remind himself that what he needs is to just protect you. At least until you decide his sinful heart is worthy of loving with yours.
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Secret Service: GLOBALISM - 3
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Kohaku, Niki
Proofreading: bakemonoremy (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: haranami
Kohaku: SOS, SOS… Now that I’ve deciphered the distress signals you were sendin’ out, I can’t turn a blind eye.
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Location: Osaka
Kohaku: (I bet that dumbass is the same. Even though he’s been sayin’ that he’s not gonna participate in SS, an’ he doesn’t give a hoot about it...)
(He’s clearly tryin’ t’get involved with all his might.)
(Last night, when I was chattin’ with him and Jun-han, Hiyori-han told me that Madara-han used a secret code durin’ one of his guerilla lives.)
(They couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but I asked my older sister who’s good at that sorta thing fer help, an’ she was able t’decipher it.)
(The results were worse than I could’ve imagined. Madara-han wove two different kinds of ciphers into his song, an’ it looks like Vice Prez-han was only able t’understand what it was sayin’ on the surface.)
(Madara-han made it so that I’d be the only one who could crack the message that was hidden underneath, though maybe even he wasn’t sure if I’d succeed or not.)
(It was pure luck that I was able t’decipher it, after all. I was so ticked off by his selfishness, I couldn’t even think straight.)
(But he snuck that code in hopin’ that I’d be able to notice it.)
(I dunno what you were thinkin’ in that moment, or what your aims are...)
(But I heard your message loud an’ clear, Madara-han.)
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Madara: “♪~♪~♪”
Kohaku: (Hmph. Look at you, merrymakin’ an’ livenin’ up the festival. It looks like you’re havin’ the time of your life.)
(This is probably what ya wanna do more than anythin’ else…)
(But you’ve gotta sell off even these precious, happy moments like a commodity.)
(You’ve got it rough, Madara-han.)
(That’s exactly why I can’t leave ya alone.)
(You’re my partner in Double Face. Even though you’re a real bastard — arrogant, stubborn, distant, an’ too goddamn noisy…)
(Once I rip off all those masks you’re wearin’, I know I’ll be able t’see the real you.)
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(SOS, SOS… Now that I’ve deciphered the distress signals you were sendin’ out, I can’t turn a blind eye.)
(Double Face is a unit of villains that kills other villains, a tool that others can use t’crush whatever evil they want.)
(But we, Crazy:B, sing fer people like you, who can’t do anythin’ but tremble an’ cry — fer the lonely people that no one else cares about.)
(That’s why I—)
Niki: Kohaku-chan.
If you don’t hurry up and eat, your takoyaki’s gonna get cold, and that’d be such a waste!
Kohaku: Oh, you’re right. People who waste food are itchin’ for divine punishment.
Niki: I think it’s fine, as long as you don’t throw the food away without even eating a bite of it~ But, as a chef, I want people to enjoy food when it's at its yummiest.
I always do my best to calculate how I can get my customers to savor it the most.
Kohaku: Ya don’t really inspire much faith as an idol, Niki-han, but the things ya say as a chef hit real hard...
It’s a bit too late for this, but are ya sure ya didn’t choose the wrong profession?
Niki: I’ve been telling you guys that this whooole time!
That being said, though… I only noticed this recently, but I can be both an idol and a chef. Juggling two careers makes me hungrier, and it takes up more time and effort.
But the more I work, the more money I get. And that means more yummy food!
Taking up something new doesn’t mean that you have to throw away everything else you’ve been holding onto.
Kohaku: That’s obvious, ain’t it? What’re you actin’ all high and mighty for?
Niki: Yup, it’s totally obvious! Which is why I can understand that, even though I’m a big dummy.
Kohaku-chan. You’ve been staring at that video of your partner in, uh, Double Face for a while now. What’s he doing? Is he at the Awa Odori Festival?
Kohaku: Beats me. I heard that Madara-han’s been doin’ a buncha different stuff in Shikoku, though.
Niki: Hm… I dunno the specifics, but he’s your friend now, isn’t he? So you just can’t help but worry about him, huh?
Kohaku: ...Well, I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t care.
Niki: Yup. You always treasure your bonds with people, Kohaku-chan.
Even though the creation of our unit was a total coincidence, you really do love us like we’re your family. That makes me pretty happy.
Until Rinne-kun came barging into my life, I was on my own most of the time. So I really longed to experience that kinda love that I was starved of.
But now, my life’s so rowdy I’m almost sick of it! Every day is such a blast, and I think I’ve been feeling fuller lately. Nahaha ♪
Kohaku: What’re ya tryin’ t’say?
Niki: If you’re hungry, you should just say so. And you should eat the things you want to. There’s nothing to be ashamed of at all.
Kohaku: ……
Niki: So if you’re worried about your partner, you should go and check on him. If you wanna ask something, just ask. If you wanna say something, just say it.
I’ll figure out a way to cover up for you. So don’t worry; go ahead and do whatever you’d like. It isn’t like us at all to hold ourselves back.
Would we really be Crazy:B if we followed the rules and obediently stayed put in our region?
It’s not like we’re salarymen who have to put on suits that don’t even look good on us, chipping away at work day after day.
There are people who can’t and don’t wanna live that way…
Which is why we, as Crazy:B, are gonna reassure ‘em that that’s totally okay!
Let’s stay true to ourselves and enjoy life — there’s no need to deny ourselves of anything. C’mon, you need to have fun and be happy!
Kohaku: ……
Niki: That’s exactly what I’m gonna do.
They can’t hold me back with these stupid rules! I’m gonna eat takoyaki…!
Kohaku: I was startin’ t’feel a lil’ moved, but it turns out you were talkin’ bout food the whole time!
Niki: Well, yeah! I can’t take it anymore! I can smell yummy things in every single corner of this cityyy!
They’re just gonna fine us a little if we go against our orders! So, basically, it’s like I’m paying a little extra for my food! That’s all! There’s no way that’d be enough to stop me from eating the things I want to~!
Kohaku: No, hold it right there! The management gets t’decide how much we get fined, and they aren’t exactly fond of us. So we might be forced t’retire straight away—
(But still… Even though it turns out he was jus’ waxin’ poetic about food, Niki-han’s right.)
(It ain’t like me t’hold myself back from doin’ the things I wanna. I’m not gonna live my life with dull, dead-lookin’ eyes.)
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
I'll Be There (part 4)
Evan "Buck" Buckley x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs do not belong to me.
Warnings: Some swearing.
9-1-1 Masterlist
I'll Be There Masterlist
Evan "Buck" Buckley Masterlist
Summary: f/Reader is Christopher's teacher & is the one who saved Christopher during that day. Buck slowly starts to fall for her.
Our date lasted well into the night. We talked about anything and everything. I truly feel like I have known Y/N my whole life.
She never once asked me about birth mark. Literally everyone who I have ever met has asked me about it, but not her.
When we got to the part about asking each other about our families, she didn't try to pry when I didn't mention my parents and only mentioned my sister.
The date ended with me driving her home. I didn't want to leave but I know she has to work tomorrow and be prepared to deal with children all day.
I walked her to her front door. I really wanted to go inside her place, but want to get to know her more. I know something had to have happened to her to make Eddie warn me.
"I had a really good time tonight Buck."
"I also had a good time tonight. Would I be to forward in asking you out again?" I watched as she bit her lip in thought.
"I would love to go out again. Just call or text me with when you are available. I know how busy your schedule is Buck."
"I will most definitely do that Y/N. Good night."
"Good night Buck." Then she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I could feel my face turning red as I watched her walk into her place.
I touched my right cheek, the one she kissed and all I could feel was heat. I never reacted like this to any woman. What is wrong with me?
I looked at my phone and noticed the time. I knew Eddie would be home by now so I figured I would head to his place.
I probably could wait until work tomorrow but I truly could not wait to talk to him.
I got to his place and before I could even knock on the door, he opened it with a huge smile on his face.
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"Were you waiting there all night?" I asked him as I walked past him.
"You wish. No, I saw your car lights. Either way, how was the date? You think there will be another one?" He asked me as he handed me a drink.
The two of us sat on his couch as I answered him. "The date went amazing. We talked for hours and there was no awkward pauses. She answered every question I had and I answered hers. And the best part, she didn't ask me about my birth mark."
I took a swing of my drink and continued.
"Do you understand how wonderful it is to not explain what it is. She truly did not care about it."
Eddie kept asking me about the date and then I thought about the kiss she gave me at the end of our date.
"Shit! Your face has gone all red. What happened?" Eddie asked.
"I don't even know why I am blushing. All she did was kiss my cheek goodnight."
"Buck, you have it bad. I have never seen you fall this hard before."
I just shrugged my shoulders at that. I can't deny it. Eddie knows me all too well.
We sat and talked for a bit but I noticed the time.
"I gotta get home and sleep before work. I will see you tomorrow. Night Eddie." I said as I got up and walked to the door.
"See yeah tomorrow Buck. Be prepared to answer all the questions from the team. They are dying to know how the date turned out." Eddie said to me. I just nodded my head at him and walked to my car.
I was home before I knew it, and I was out cold before my head even hit the pillow it felt like.
I woke up to the shrill sound of my phone alarm going off. I wanted to hit the snooze button but I knew I couldn't.
I noticed that a had a few texts from my sister and one from Y/N. I ignored the ones from Maddie for now and opened Y/N's text up.
'Good morning Buck. Even though I said for you to message me back when you can make time for a date, I was wondering if I could come by the Station around 5 tonight? I have to ask your Captain something. I can bring pizza.'
I wondered what she had to ask Bobby, but I figured I would find out later today.
'Sure you come by. I am sure Bobby won't mind. I will let him know you are stopping by to talk. You do need to bring any food. Your company will be enough for not only me but the rest of the crew.'
I couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing her again so soon. I was afraid I would have to wait a week to see her.
I saw what time it was and I had to rush to get ready. I grabbed all my stuff and headed out the front door.
Once I got to the Station, I said hello to everyone. I knew they all wanted to stop and ask me questions but my mind was focused on talking to Bobby.
I saw him sitting in his office and so I knocked on the open door.
He looked up from what ever had his previous attention and motioned for me to come in.
I closed the door behind me and sat in front of his desk.
"Morning Buck. What's up? How was your date last night?"
"Good morning Bobby. My date was good..Great actually. Y/N text me this morning asking if she could come around 5 today to talk to you about something. She didn't tell me."
"Glad to hear the date went that good. Sure, just give me her number and I will give her a quick call. 5 might not be the best time today but I will discuss it more with her."
I gave Bobby her number. I sent her a text saying Bobby will be calling in the next couple of minutes to work out a time.
Now it is time to face everyone else and get bombarded with questions.
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I felt my phone vibrate and saw that it was another text from Y/N.
'Thank you so much Buck. I will be there around 4:30ish. I hope I get to see you again, and I am bringing pizza for everyone. I told Bobby I would and after he said no, I insisted. I can't wait to see you again."
I was going to answer but Hen called me over and patted the seat next to her. I took a deep breath and figured I may as well get the integration done and over with.
"Buck, Buck, how was your date? We tried to get Eddie to talk but he wouldn't say a word, which is rude." Hen said as she glared at Eddie.
Eddie just shrugged his shoulders with a small smirk on his face.
"Not my date to tell Hen." Was all Eddie said.
"My date with Y/N was fantastic. She is smart, kind, very sweet. We talked for hours and got to know each other. We have already discussed having another date, but I am working on the day when I am available."
"When do we get to meet her and also your sister will want to be here for that as well." Chim said with a look at me.
Before I could even open my mouth to answer him, Bobby beat me to it.
"Y/N is coming here around 4:30 today to discuss having a few of you guys go to the school she works at to talk to the children about fire safety. She is also bringing us all pizza as a thank you. If Maddie is available, she can come too."
Oh for fucks sake. This is going to be a long day because Chim and Hen are already smiling at me like idiots and started to tease me.
But all I can see is Y/N's face, smiling at me and that makes it all worth it.
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Part 5
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know: @wanniiieeee @notanordinaryprincess95 @canadailluminate
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {1}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Cursing, 
Words: 6.1k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 Also, what do you guys think of the title? What does it make you think of?
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Very Interactive**
***French Language Incorporated w/translations according to Google***
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“Yes, mom, I packed my charger and my vitamins. Oh my god, of course, I have my scarf. Mom!”
 Your mother continued to press you about things any woman would never forget packing. This was how she was normally. Almost morning, she would make her routine calls. First to your sister Atali, then to you. When she made it to you, she’d ask if you ate, and of course, by the time she called you, you were usually at work or on your way to it, and you wouldn’t have eaten. Then she’d ask you why you hadn’t eaten, to which she’d go back and forth with you about the importance of eating a well-balanced meal. Somehow that would lead to her asking how you expected to find the one when you didn’t eat enough. It was a never-ending thing with her. She was obsessed with you and your sister finding the one.
You understood. Your parents had been married for well over two decades, and they were still disgustingly in love. There was also no one like your dad, so you understood. They both saw what a catch they both were. After she told you the story of how she finessed your dad and got married in record time, it always turned into focus on you finding someone to marry. No matter how many times you told her that even though marriage was great and all, you weren’t in any hurry, it never registered.
 “Mom, I have everything I need. It is just supposed to be a two-week cruise.”
 “You’d be surprised the things you realize you left once you’re at sea. Then it will be too late,” Cynthia, your mother warned.
 “Then I’ll just buy it. Mom, I’m not going to the middle of nowhere. I am going on a huge ship from one of the world’s most reputable companies. I am positive they have every possible thing I could want to buy onboard. Plus, when we dock at ports, I’ll be able to buy much more.”
 “You’re always buying. Gah, I blame your father. He spoiled you and your sister rotten.”
 “I am not spoiled. It’s not like I haven’t worked for my money. Yes, daddy helped me set up my company, but I got where I am today because of me,” you professed.
 “I know, sweetheart, you don’t have to preach to the choir. All I’m saying is your daddy’s wealth only helped spoil you and Lali more. I saw it in you at the playground the most. You always wanted what the other kids were playing with. If it was a ball, you tried to take it. If it were the swings, you’d overtake it, toys in the sandbox my goodness those kids would end up with sand in their eyes and you alone with the toys.”
 “Some would call that persistence, hardworking, and assertive.”
 Your mother laughed then tsked.
 “I’m surprised that when you were in high school, I never got a call about you getting into a fight because you stole some girl’s boyfriend.”
 You pursed your lips, but as you were going to open your mouth to respond, your phone vibrated, signaling a notification.
 “Hang on, mom.”
 You thanked the Lyft driver for helping with your bags then checked your phone.
 MSG Javii: I’ve been calling you all night. Come on, Chaton (kitten). You have to talk to me at some point. Tu me manques (I miss you).
 You sighed and rolled your eyes. He had some nerve, you thought.
 “Ajali, hello!”
 “Yes, mom, I’m here. Sorry. I was getting my bags together.”
 “So, you’re really doing this?”
 “Yes, mom. Why wouldn’t I?”
 “Who goes on a cruise alone? What about the man I heard in the background of our call a few weeks ago? Why not go with him?”
 You rolled your eyes again, thinking about that man in the background a few weeks ago who was on your shit list.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was the tv,” you lied.
 “Ajali--,” your mother began before you cut her off.
 “—Plus, mom, it’s a Disney cruise,” you stressed.
 “Exactly. The people who go on Disney cruises are families, wives, husbands, kids. You are neither of them and have nether of them.”
 You balanced your phone on your shoulder and rolled your luggage toward the designated pier.
 “I just need some time to myself to clear my head and destress. Two weeks.”
 “Ignore your mother, my petal. You take the time you need. I’ve told you, and your sister working is important, but living is just as important. You don’t live to work; you work to live,” your father said.
 “Thank you, daddy.”
 “Plus, maybe you will find a worthy man on this cruise while you’re living,” your father slid in.
 “Oh god, not you too, daddy.”
 “We are unified in this, Lulu. He may wear the pants, but I control the buttons and the zipper if you know what I mean.”
 You tasted vomit in your mouth.
 “Eck! That is disgusting, mother. On that note, I gotta go.”
 “Wait, wait, enjoy yourself, my petal. We love you.”
 “Love you too, daddy, love you, mom.”
 With that, you ended the call and continued to walk toward Pier eighty-one. You passed families with rowdy children who looked like they couldn’t wait to get ice cream wasted, couples who looked as if they couldn’t wait to get to their suites and even elderly couples who were dressed to the nines for vacation, including already applied sunscreen and sunhats. Despite what your mother thought, Disney cruises were for everyone.
 You’d purposely chosen Disney because you didn’t want to be around other couples who were loved up and nauseatingly adorable, spewing love in the air. You wanted to be as far from that as possible. Love was the last thing on your mind. You were going on this cruise to get away from it. Your phone vibrated and went off twice.
 MSG Atali: Have you made your getaway yet?
 You stopped rolling and went to reply.
 MSG: Almost. I’m walking to the boarding line now.
MSG Atali: I think you’re doing the right thing. Space and time. In two weeks you’ll know what you want to do. I hope it’s what we talked about.
MSG: I know, Lali, I know.
MSG Atali: Have some fun too. It’s Disney.
 You could picture her face as you read it. She was probably cheesing at this very minute.
 MSG: Thank you for looking after the company while I’m gone.
MSG Atali: Boo, you know it’s my company too, right. Don’t worry; our clients will be taken care of. I’ve got it covered.
 You knew she did. Atali was the older one and had always acted like it, even though she was only nine months older. You knew she could take care of things on her own while you were away.
 MSG: I know, still. Thank you.
MSG Atali: You’re welcome, Lulu. Call me later. Margaret Bailey’s appointment is next. Apparently, she’s throwing some party, and she wants to be the envy of everyone.
MSG: Eck, you have your work cut out for you. Bye.
 As you were putting your phone away, another message came in.
 MSG Javii: Chaton (kitten), call me, please. Don’t you think you’re dragging this out a little?
 You almost said, “are you stupid” out loud. The man had some nerve. Dragging it out? You rolled your eyes as another message came in.
 MSG Javii: Je t’aime (I love you).
 Just like that, you melted. He was playing on the fact that your father was French, and the language itself was a favorite of yours. He was not a stupid man; he was a smart businessman.
 MSG Javii: I’m sorry. I know we’ve talked about it, but you have to give me more time. Please.
Unbelievable, you thought as you exited your messages and stuck your phone into your back pocket. You turned and ran smack dab into someone’s hard body.
 “Shit. I’m so sorry,” you rushed out even as you were falling back.
 A pair of strong arms grabbed you and firmly held you, preventing your fall.
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“It’s okay, you’re lucky I don’t mind beautiful women bumping into me,” a deep masculine voice said. You knew it was a man, but you couldn’t see his face even though he looked to be well over six feet. His head was dipped low, and the hat he wore over hair that fell to his neck was so low you couldn’t see anything but the full beard that showed off a chiseled jawline.
 He set you right side up and slowly brought his hands from your arms back to his side. “Stay safe out there,” he said before he walked off.
 You stood there for a few moments, then looked back to where he’d walked and watched him saunter away. He had a slight dip to the way he walked that could either be seen as a happy go lucky type of thing or something that said he had some sort of swagger. Before you stared any longer, you sprang into motion with wheeling your luggage to the growing line to board the ship. Thankfully the line went quickly thanks to the ten different lanes that had ship staffers ready and eager to help guests.
 When it was your turn, a friendly-looking woman with a trendy bob cut explained what to do. While she talked, her smile never fell, but you didn’t really pay attention because her uniform was so distracting. She had on a purple and green hat that had mermaid scales and Ariel printed all over it. This hat matched the shirt and skirt combo she wore. Her shirt was two-toned, on one side was Ariel’s face, and on the other was mermaid scales while her skirt was plain white. It looked like The Little Mermaid threw up all over her. You didn’t expect anything else; it was a Disney cruise after all.
 After doing all the check-in steps, such as handing off your rolling luggage to the ship porters and taking a photo for your provided identification wrist band that the crew will use to identify you and your indicated needs, you boarded the ship. All the friendly faces you passed all looked happy to welcome you to Disney Cruises and to direct you to where you wanted to go. The noise inside was much louder inside than it was out. The kids that looked excited outside looked downright jubilant inside as they posed for pictures with life-sized Disney characters and got welcome ice cream treats.
 You were even tempted to take a picture or two, but you decided against it. What you did not decide against was ice cream. You took an offered vanilla cone and kept on your way, looking around the ship as the other guests did. From your research, this was the best-rated cruise this year. It was a newer Disney ship and one that cost over ten million dollars to design and build. Everyone said it was the Rolls Royce of Disney cruises.
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From what you saw with the décor looked to have cost a fortune. There was glass, fancy lights, and marble everywhere. It was clear they didn’t skimp on funding and clear that they had the comfort and luxury in mind. There were plants around the central atrium that gave off that tropical vacation vibe and even paintings and pictures hanging on the walls that further pushed the agenda that this was supposed to be a fun time for all.
 The more you walked around looking at different areas, the more you were impressed. If the gathering areas looked this upscale, you were even more excited to see your suite.
 “Can I help you with anything, ma’am?”
 You shook your head and smiled at the man wearing Hans all over him. “I’m all right, thank you.”
 The next thirty minutes or so were spent walking around while following the map in your hand. You found and noted where the spa, library, on-ship garden, movie theater, bowling alley, tropical setting wave pool, and best restaurants and bars were. You had every intention of soaking up all the luxury that you’d paid top dollar for. When you saw a few amenities that you hadn’t expected, your jaw dropped. You had no idea why there was an ice skating rink or an indoor sky flying dome that had the tallest clear tube you’d ever seen. You didn’t know who’d designed this cruise, but you knew it must have cost millions. You were sure you wouldn’t be getting in that sky flying dome.
 When you finally got the alert that your suite was ready, it was well after one in the afternoon. The walk among the crowds was noisy. Everyone was either talking about what they wanted to do first, how enormous and beautiful the ship was, or making a plan for the cruise duration. In between all the chatter, there of course, were the screams and cries of babies and toddlers who were already losing their shit.
 This is what you’d expected when you decided on this Disney cruise over another like Carnival or Norwegian. You knew that the other passengers would be of a specific age range leaning on the younger and family-oriented side, which meant you wouldn’t have to fight off unwanted suitors who tried to shoot their shot. It also meant that you wouldn’t have to deal with any sort of drama that usually happened on a cruise with young adults all looking to hook up. That was not what you needed right now. You wanted to stay as far away from hooking up or eligible men that had blue eyes or a perfect head of hair, or abs that were chiseled by Michelangelo himself, or an ass that would make a mannequin jealous.
 On the elevator ride to your floor, you caught the eye of an adorable little boy with a complete head of luscious dark locks and doe eyes with an unmeasurable depth. His smile was innocent. Every time your eyes met his, he hid behind his mother. When you looked away, he looked back at you. After two or three playful back and forth glances, which had him becoming more adorable, you surprised him by not looking away. When he realized it, his squeal was so childlike and filled with so much glee that everyone on the elevator had to giggle. Over the next several minutes, the passengers on the elevator got off group by group until it was just a few people remaining.
 “Sixth floor,” the elevator attendant announced.
 You made your way through the door but gave the adorable boy a look. “Have a fun cruise, cutie,” you said with a wink before the doors closed with the sound of his giggles. You looked at your phone to remind yourself which room was yours, then glanced at the numbers on the wall that directed you where to go. The dinging sound of an elevator brought your attention down the hall to your right to see one man walk off. His hat was dipped down low, but you noticed his face was buried in his phone before he turned and walked in the opposite direction of you.
 Focusing on the signs on the door, you walked down the left side of the aisle. It didn’t take you long to realize your room was at the end of the hall. Once you reached it, you glanced back to see the same man with his tipped low hat. It looked like the same man from before outside the ship. It couldn’t be, you thought. The odds were not that small. As you opened your door, you saw him disappear into the room at the opposite end of the hall.
 Once you walked inside, you immediately thought that this was what you got when you had Atali handle the arrangements. The theme of the room was clearly sky blue. The couch in the living area was a satin, silky sky blue that looked as if it was plush and comfortable. It matched the blue and grain colored carpet before it perfectly, and the abstract blown glass art on the wall. The colors all worked together to give you a sense of peace. It wouldn't have been something you’d chosen because, unlike Atali, you liked to keep things as low maintenance as possible. Just because your family had money doesn’t mean you had to look or behave as if you did.
 When you walked into the bedroom portion of the stateroom, you saw your suitcases waiting for you in the far left corner of the room. The sunlight pouring in from the screened balcony bathed the room in a beautiful, cheerful yellow that was so inviting that once you kicked off your shoes, you had to step out into it. The temperature was not blazing hot because it was just the middle of April in New York, and that meant a mix of chilly and warm days with the occasional possible snow shower. The salty air of the sea was one of your favorite smells. You remembered when your father took your family to France on your yearly family vacation. As a child, you loved the beach and the salt of the sea. When you became an adult, nothing had changed.
 Not realizing how long you remained on the balcony, an intercom announcement came on.
 “Attention passengers, this is Lucas Albright, one of your captains. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you aboard this Disney Enchantment Cruise.”
 He paused, and you could hear the uproar of cheers and claps from over the intercom as well as in the halls and neighboring staterooms.
 “We are all excited to host you on this two and a half week christening journey from New York. I say christening because you lot are the first to travel on this brand new ship. This is her maiden voyage.”
 More cheers and applause came for what felt like forever.
 “We will be on this beautiful vessel for two days, at which time we dock in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic at approximately eleven o’clock in the morning, where you can enjoy plenty of the excursions and activities for the day.”
 Again applause followed. Everyone was undoubtedly excited about this cruise. You tried to get out of your funk and onboard the excitement train.
 “We will then set sail again, leaving port at ten o’clock that evening and moving on to two days at sea until we reach our second destination of Port of Grand Turk in beautiful Turks & Caicos. At that time, we dock at eleven 0’clock and lift anchors at ten o’clock. From the beautiful Turks & Caicos, we will be at sea for two days until we reach the tropical breezes of the British Virgin Islands!”
 You were already making some mental plans for everything you wanted to do at each port.
 “After spending out eleven o’clock to ten o’clock time there. We set sail to the glorious white sandy beaches of—Arrrruuuba!”
 At that time, the classic Beach Boys song Kokomo came on at the Aruba part. It was so corny, but everyone seemed to love it. You shook your head as the short clip of the song played loudly until it was lowered to play in the background.
 “Again, we’re docking at eleven o’clock to set sail again at ten o’clock. We are then at sea for three more days until we get to Ocho Rios, Jamaaaaica!”
 As he spoke, you went around the room, placing things you’d need and freshening yourself up. When he finally finished giving the itinerary, you were situated and checking the schedule of events for the day. All in all, it was set to be an action packed seventeen days at sea. Atali must have chosen this length because she knew seven or ten days would not be enough time.
 “All right, ladies, gentlemen, kids, and big kids, I hope to see you all at the welcome mingle we’ve scheduled to begin within the next twenty minutes or so, at which time we will lift anchors and say sayonara to New York and aloha to the seven seas.”
 He had a voice for radio or a game show. It was velvety deep, just what many women seemed to like these days. You grabbed your phone and crossbody bag and walked out of your room. You had a mission before you lifted anchor. Everyone was still abuzz with talk of the itinerary as more of the beach boys played over the ship speaker system. Vacation vibes were in full effect. Once you got to the media area, you promptly purchased your airtime so your cell would be able to work while at sea. You knew your mother would have a heart attack if you went two days without checking in with her. You didn’t think it was because she was that attached to her children though, you knew it was her motherly duty to remain up in the tea, so she felt continuously connected. As she got older and older, you realized it more and more.
 As soon as that mission was completed, you made your way to the top deck where the mingle was being held. As you stepped out into the sun, you marveled at just how extravagant Disney had chosen to go with this ship. Several feet before you stretching obscenely high into the air, you saw something that looked like a rollercoaster. There were plenty of other passengers pointing to it and excitedly chattering about it. You made a mental note to stay as far away from it as possible. Who would think to ride an insanely high rollercoaster on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean?
 Slowly you walked around the deck, cordially smiling at those you passed. You passed a bar area and took one of the prepared cocktails, and proceeded to find a good spot at the side of the ship to watch them lift anchor. After several minutes of searching and bumping into all the excited kids and passengers who were posing for pictures with friends, family, and Disney staff, you found an excellent spot to press your back against.
 Across the way, a familiar hat caught your eye. It was him, you thought. He always kept his head low and tried to steer away from big crowds. It was strange to you considering he’d chosen to get on a cruise ship filled with hundreds of people. He wouldn’t be able to escape the crowds. Your eyes followed him as he walked to another bar to grab one of the drinks there. As he did, he joked with the bartender, and it was then you saw a flash of his pearly smile. You couldn’t tell if he was attractive or not, mostly since all you’d gotten were glimpses of pieces of his face. Part of you wanted him to take off the stupid hat so you could be sure, but the other part—the sensible part that remembered why you’d chosen a Disney cruise slapped your ass back into focus.
 “Welcome, Disney guests!”
 In response, everyone around you screamed, clapped, cheered, and stomped so loudly the sound could have rivaled that of a rave.
 “We are pleased to welcome you once again!”
 As one of the staff members continued to speak about the ship procedures, expectations, highlights, amenities, and more, you continued to look around the deck, taking in all the grandeur before you. It didn’t take long to get lost in the directory you held. Again you took note of where everything was that you wanted to experience and even went as far as to make a plan of what you wanted to eat each night. Between you and Atali, you were the planner. You liked things to make sense and liked them to be stable and constantly reliable. You hated the erraticness of people and impulsivity. You always tried to steer as far from it as possible.
 By the time the speeches were finished, you’d had three drinks and were working on your fourth. The vibration of your phone brought your attention to it.
 MSG Javii: Chaton?
 You rolled your eyes and sighed out a little louder than you intended. What attracted you to him in the first place was what was annoying you right now. His persistence. You sat in a nearby seat and stared at the text exchange and thought of what you wanted to reply. Five minutes passed with you not typing one word. The truth was you didn’t know what to say. You were that jumbled up. The stress of it all was making your head hurt. You rubbed your brow and began your message.
 MSG: I need some time away.
 Instantly a message came back.
 MSG Javii: From me?
 Bobbing your head from side to side, you tried to make a quick decision.
 MSG: From this—us.
 MSG Javii: Chaton, say what you mean. You know I prefer directness. Do you mean from me?
 MSG: Yes.
 A few minutes passed before he sent another message. You wondered if you’d hurt him. Part of you didn’t want to hurt him, but the other part wanted him to suffer and see what it was like to be without you. Maybe then he’d start appreciating what he had.
 MSG: I just need to figure some things out.
MSG Javii: Are you breaking up with me, Chaton?
 The name was killing you, and you were sure he knew it. Every time he called you “chaton,” it made your belly flutter.
 MSG: I just need time and space, Javii.
MSG Javii: I love you. You know that, right? I love you more than anything.
MSG: If that were true, I’d be there right now instead of where I am. I have to go.
 You closed your messages and sighed out again.
 “Mm, I can easily read that expression, and if any man causes brow or forehead wrinkles, he isn’t the one.”
 Your head snapped to your right to see an older woman sitting there. She wore a straw hat atop her long red hair that looked close to that of Lucille Ball’s. The hue of her hair complimented her bronze and gold complexion. Her makeup was expertly done, as was her purple painted nails that pinched the straw that was at the corner of her mouth, a mouth that was painted perfectly accentuating her cupid’s bow lips. She was gorgeous.
 “Uh--,” you began as she continued.
 “The only one who is worth it is the one who gives you cheek wrinkles and smile creases.”
You grinned to yourself and took a sip from your glass that was resting on the table between you.
 “Trust me. I’ve dated plenty of men, ones who cause both, ones who cause one more than the other and ones who only cause one—the bad ones.” She motioned to the space between her eyebrows, symbolizing stress wrinkles from furrowing your brows.
 “I have yet to meet one who only causes smile creases,” she finished.
 You shrugged and looked glanced back to your phone before you put it on the table face down.
 “Maybe that one doesn’t exist on this Earth,” you countered.
 “A skeptic, I see. You’re one of those women who don’t believe in the one, right?”
 After scoffing, you looked at her. “I don’t know what I believe. Once upon a time, I did then---things got complicated.”
 The woman placed her drink down and nudged her fist underneath her chin, giving you her complete attention.
 “Oh, complications are the joys of life, darling. Nothing is ever cut and dry or so simple and steady. I say go for the ride but make sure you hand on for the bumps.”
 You contemplated her words. There was some logic there, but once she said nothing was simple or steady, you had to admit your heart skipped a beat. You hated when things weren’t simple. You took your glass again and finished its contents. At the same time, your eye found the man who’d caught you maybe an hour ago. You watched as he walked closer to where you were seated and caught another glimpse of his face before he passed you.
 From beside you, you heard the woman whistle.
 “I wouldn’t mind going for a ride with that one.”
 Your laugh was loud and couldn’t be stopped. You shook your head at her, but she didn’t look one bit embarrassed or remorseful.
 “It’s a cruse darling, a vacation. Now’s the time to live a little—or a lot,” she said, finishing with an exaggerated wink.
 This woman was inadvertently suggesting you let your hoe flag fly for the duration of the cruise. She reminded you of your aunt Josephine from your father’s side. As a French woman, she definitely embodied the French lifestyle of only living once and to live life right the first time. You’d spent countless hours with her listening to her stories of her travels, boyfriends, escapades. You and Atali always loved to live vicariously through her. That was until Atali came of age and decided to live just like her.
 You sat with this woman who introduced herself as Genevieve and listened to her stories of life and love. Usually, you hated speaking to strangers, but she didn’t feel like one. She felt like a kindred spirit, a much more carefree spirit but still kindred the same. You didn’t realize that two hours had almost passed with the two of you sipping cocktails and giggling. When you said your goodbyes, you wandered around the ship, taking in all it had to offer. You peeked in on activities that were already underway and scoped out other places you could disappear in.
 You made it back to your room in time to shower, change, and put on a lite layer of makeup before you made it to dinner at one of the forty restaurants. Once you walked into the restaurant, the atmosphere screamed luxury though it was not opulently done. It still looked family-friendly, but it was done in a way that let you know that you were meant to feel important by the décor alone.
 At the bottom of the long stairs, you quickly looked around, trying to find an empty table. When you’d zeroed in on one, you saw a hand waving you down—the hand of the same woman from before, Genevieve. Why not, you thought to yourself before you began to cross the dining area toward her. Within a few steps, you ran right into a body that felt like a brick wall. You could feel your body falling backward, but in the nick of time, a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around your back, holding you in place.
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If his face had been eluding you all day, it was not anymore. The eyes you stared into were blue enough that the sea you sailed would be envious. His lips were so red that an apple would want a rematch for bragging rights and his face so symmetrical that even the perfect line of symmetry didn’t seem perfect enough when next to him. The man was gorgeous. You watched his eyes roam your face as if he was in no rush, wanting to take in every detail. What felt like minutes was probably only seconds before he set you upright. As you were prepared to speak, he smiled, and the action had you feeling like you’d been hit in the head at the same time as your gut.
 “Twice in one day. What’re the odds? Are you okay?”
 Rather than speaking, you nodded.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Yes, thank you. I’m—I’m sorry,” you stuttered.
 “Nah, forget about it. No harm, no foul.”
 From behind him, you could see Genevie giving you a look that said she wanted to know what was being said and who he was.
 “I uh—I was going that way,” you said, nodding your head to behind him.
 “And me that way.” He nodded behind you. “Stay safe out there,” he uttered before he walked off in the direction you’d just come from, giving you the opportunity to walk to Genevieve.
 The look on her face needed no words to along with it, but she still spoke.
 “Is that the same snack from before?”
 You nodded and nearly snorted out, hearing her use the word.
 “What’s his name?”
 “No idea, but I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before. I just—can’t place it.”
 “I don’t know how. I’d never forget a face like that.”
 She had a point; he had an unforgettable face, one that stayed with you and possibly could haunt your nights. You bet he got whatever he wanted and whoever he wanted. As dinner progressed, you had your choice of different appetizers, entrees, drinks, and desserts. If one wanted Scandinavian food, they could get it, or southern food it was within reach. As you ate, you listened to more of Genevieve’s stories. She told you about the men she’d dated, the things she’d seen in her years, and lessons she’d learned from those men. The moral you learned from her stories was love often, love hard, and love entirely because while you’d remember the pain, you’d remember the love more.
 As you ate and listened to her, you couldn’t help but think of the reason you were on this cruise in the first place. You were not running to love but from it. If you were to listen to Genevieve, you should have stayed your ass in New York and gone to Javii. If you listened to her, you’d probably spend another year living in sin. By the end of dinner, you’d met three other women all within the same age range as you, but they all were in different times of their lives. One was newlywed, and on her honeymoon, the second married a year and expecting her first child and the third long married with three children.
 It was an interesting look at alternate timelines for you. Any of them could have ended up being you if you’d only made different choices. Part of you wondered which one you wanted to be more, your natural self, or one of the three possibilities.
 After dinner, you made your way to one of the theaters to watch the planned show for the night. It was a re-enactment of The Little Mermaid, and the audience was filled with little ones who clapped and cheered throughout. You were surprised at how well the staff performed. They could have easily been true broadway stars. A little more than halfway through the show, you found the stranger with the deep eyes across the room. He was sitting alone, just watching the show with a relaxed look on his face. He looked as if he were genuinely enjoying it. Your curiosity was piqued as to why he was sitting alone watching The Little Mermaid on a ship full of people and why he didn’t seem to be bothered to make acquaintances. Who came on a cruise alone? Once you thought it, you wanted to laugh at yourself. You were the one to come on a cruise alone.
 As you were about to look away, his eyes found yours. At first, they looked empty as if he were looking right through you. Then after a few moments, there was a spark in them. You watched him raise his glass to you with a soft smile teasing his lips. Realizing you’d been caught looking, you curtly nodded back then looked to the stage to focus on the show.
 Two in the morning. That was the time when you finally made it back to your room. Festivities were going on all around the ship. No one seemed as if they wanted to go back to their rooms. There was something for everyone. The little ones had endless activities, including a sleepover with their favorite Disney characters, where they were set to have plenty of fun for the night. There was a mixer set up like a rave on the opposite side of the ship for the adults. From the things you saw when you scoped it out, you were sure a few siblings were going to be conceived tonight.
 As you scanned your bracelet and opened your door, you looked back to see the stranger again. He was looking directly down at you. You gave him a head salute and disappeared inside your room. After a quick shower, you found your way to your balcony to watch the waves roll by with a glass of wine. It was the perfect end to the night.
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Proofread by aji10647731 (Twitter)/ @janiappend
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Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
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Measuring the degree of love they have for their partner in quiz format. 2 questions that test their relationship and 1 original question for each pair, can they match their answers with each other!? (Interview was done around the 1st 10 days of April)
Yabana: The interview this time is for us pair to match our answers. There are 3 questions in total.
Nakamura: Let us answer after "go". The first question is, "What is the best memory of us two?" Ready, set, go..."my sister..."
Yabana: "Going to an instrument store..." It is clear that we are completely talking about different things (LOL).
Nakamura: Mine is about my sister giving Yabana a jersey. My sister likes Yabana and she gives him advice through me. She gives advice like, "His hair is long, it is better for him to cut it. His hairstyle in summer 2 years ago is good." (LOL).
Yabana: Also, she said, "He always wears shabby sweatshirt," so I received a brand new jersey from her through Reia (LOL).  What I was trying to say earlier is the time where the 2 of us went to instrument store to see some bass.
Nakamura: We also did that! After buying the bass, I got it painted by Yabana's father. But, since we both talked about family members, I wonder if this is partially correct (LOL).
Yabana: Let's perfectly match in the 2nd question. "Describe your relationship in one word." Ready, set, go..."a bad companion!"
Nakamura: "Boyfriend-girlfriend!" We didn't match again (LOL).
Yabana: We often talk but we usually endlessly talk about things that won't do any good, right? That is like being bad friends having fun.
Nakamura: We talk about things like our fave musics or fave manga. Our hobbies match.
Yabana: It's just that there is no substance (LOL).
Nakamura: No matter how late at night it is already, Yabana plays with me when I invite him in a game, so I think our relationship is like a boyfriend who cannot refuse to his girlfriend's invites (LOL).
Yabana: I see. Well, playing a game late at night is also a bad thing so this means that this is also partially correct...(LOL).
Nakamura: Right? (LOL). We are at the last question now. "If you are called for another street interview for a television show, are you going to do it?" Ready, set, go..."I won't do it!"
Yabana: "I will do it!"...we didn't match (LOL).
Nakamura: Well, when Yabana appeared in the street interview for 「Getsuyou Kara Yofukashi」, I asked the manager, "Can I also do an interview like that?" And then, I was told, "No, you can't," by the manager.
Yabana: Really? (LOL)  I also contacted the manager before the filming just in case, I asked if it's okay to take an interview. And then, since the manager said it's okay, it was a chance to advertise 7 MEN 侍 in a television!
Nakamura: It seems like it is okay for Yabana to do it, but not for me (LOL). But I have a feeling that I want to be on an interview too. Oh, well, next time when the 2 of us got interviewed, I think let's do the interview where I am the only one being pixelated.
Yabana: That's probably suspicious in the contrary! (LOL)
Motodaka: Our best memory, huh.
Sugeta: Rinne thought of something!
Motodaka: Well, let's say our answers. Ready, set, go!
Sugeta: "When we welcomed Reiwa!"
Motodaka: "Sexy Zone's..." Ah!! Wait, that's my answer too! (LOL)
Sugeta: You're  trying to talk about Sexy Zone, right? (LOL) Is it about a concert tour?
Motodaka: Yup. During Sexy Zone's concert tour, only our hotel room was the Cinderella-like (LOL). We were ojousama-like.
Sugeta: That also crossed my mind!
Motodaka: But if we talk about something special, it is definitely the moment where we welcomed Reiwa.
Sugeta: We went to watch a late-night movie, and since it will be Reiwa very soon, we spent time together. When it became 12 midnight, we went," Ye~y, It's Reiwa now~!"
Motodaka: That was special.
Sugeta: I took a screenshot of the time "0:00" that was displayed in my phone.
Motodaka: For me, I recorded the memory of us when it turned 12 midnight that day.
Sugeta: That was nostalgic~!
Motodaka: The next one is to describe in one word our relationship. Shall we it say at once!? Ready, set, go!
Sugeta: "Consultation partner!"
Motodaka: "Comrade!"...Aah (LOL).
Sugeta: When Rinne is not interactive, right? You always try to symphatize with me.
Motodaka: It is a situation where I'll be made to ask, "Did something happen?" You are little bit annoying type of person (LOL).
Sugeta: Fairly, I am easy to understand.
Motodaka: That makes me slightly sullen (LOL).
Sugeta: What do you mean by comrade?
Motodaka: After we each did different projects, we end up in the same unit.
Sugeta: I see. The 3rd question is about how much we watch each other's tv appearances. Let's answer in percentage. Is that good? Let's answer it?
Motodaka: Ready, set, go..."80%"!
Sugeta: "90%"! That was close ~! Rinne records the quiz shows every week. Since I also want to try appearing in tv shows, so I watch shows that I have the possibility to appear in. I almost watch all of the shows where Katsuki appear too.
Motodaka: Me too, more than the shows where I appear, I overwhelmingly watch more shows where Rinne appear than mine. But I can't watch it in real time so I answered "80%".
Sugeta: Rinne watch the shows multiple times because Rinne loves appearing in shows.
Motodaka: I watch shows where I think I did good in recording.
Sugeta: Certainly! I think if I'm not in good shape during the recording, I will not watch it that much. By the way, I still watch my appearance in 「SASUKE」until now (LOL). Everyone watched it during the rehearsal for ARASHI-san's concert, right?
Motodaka: That was exciting~!
Sugeta: I watch with my family Katsuki's appearance in quiz shows. When Rinne got the right answer even though Katsuki didn't, I noisily go, "Why didn't Katsuki got it right?" (LOL).
Motodaka: That's natural for a quiz show. It's tough but that's my fate...
Konno: Our best memory, let's say our answers after the go signal! "Fireworks in Odaiba."
Sasaki: "Amusement park!" Ah~that one~ (LOL). The one where we watched fireworks!!
Konno: That was around 4-5 years ago already, right?
Sasaki: That was close to the end of summer.
Konno: Yabana, me, Sakuchan (Sakuma Ryuto) and you (Taiko) were there.
Sasaki: The fireworks were really beautiful. We could see it from the restaurant. Although it is a beautiful memory, it didn't come to my mind~!
Konno: Well, the amusement park is also a good memory. (Takahashi) Yuto and (Iwasaki) Taisho were there too. Everyone went to places like haunted house, it was really fun~(LOL).
Sasaki: There was a collaboration with 「Kurosaki-kun no Iinari ni Nante Naranai」right at that time. I wanted to ride Kurosaki-kun's gondola no matter what so I rode the ferris wheel around 3 times. That was fun~.
Konno: Next, "Describe in one word your relationship." Ready, set, go..."close friends!"
Sasaki: "Consulatation partner!" Well, we said 2 different things but they mean the same thing.
Konno: Yeah. Since we are always together, our trust with each other is not just on the shallow level.
Sasaki:  Even the things that I can't tell to other people, I talk about those with Konpi (Konno). I generally give positive advices to Konpi. When he consults to me saying, "I want to try this but...," I reply, "I think that's great." I think that we won't know the result until we try it so it is better to freely do it.
Konno: For the last question, with the theme that's only for us 2, "What is the best Taiko Challenge episode?" Let's match our answers time.
Sasaki: Okay. Ready, set, go!
Konno and Sasaki: "Shampoo!" Ye~y! (High five)
Konno: That is a masterpiece.
Sasaki: It has the most number of likes and plays.
Konno: The one with cola is also good but if it's the best, then it's gotta be the content with shampoo.
Sasaki: The content with cola became known but even I myself think that the content with shampoo is a masterpeiece. I planned that 2 weeks before the filming. I thought that I'll do that on my birthday. And then, Akarui Tonikaku-san did that in the variety show.
Konno: What a timing (LOL).
Sasaki: I was troubled, "Uwa, seriously! It overlaps with my plan!", but since I wanted to do it so I took the risk and did it.
Konno: Well, that is the best. I like the part where you poured the water to yourself, but what happened to your room?
Sasaki: It got wet. In Johnny's stages, when we use water, the water flows into the orchestra pit (a space that is lower than the main stage), but in my house there's no such system like that!
Sasaki: That's why with a drainer similar to the one used in cleaning the windows, I cleaned the room by making the water flow into the veranda. Cleaning the mess afterwards was miserable (LOL).
Sugeta Rinne: I can now do 70kg of bench press! I thought of doing a bench press that is about my weight, but I am happy that I was able to do 10 more kilos from my weight. Since I still do 3 reps x 3 sets, so I want to increase the number.
Motodaka Katsuki: There are also 4th year undergraduates in the graduate school seminar. It was my first time meeting them recently, and I feel excited that they're my juniors. Until now, there are seniors that I am close with, but I don't have a junior who is close with me. I wonder if they'll be close with me!?
Nakamura Reia: My dad gave me the latest game console for my birthday. The controller is amazing that the vibration changes when the character is walking in grassy place and when the character is walking in soil. I don't have that much games for it yet but I want to play with it a lot.
Yabana Rei: A little while ago, I went to watch Rinne's 「Hidamari no Ki」(the show ended) in Osaka. I wasn't able to go in Tokyo shows but it was really popular so I really had to see it. I also watched Sexy Zone's concert the next day, it was a fulfilling trip.
Konno Taiki: When I'm at home or when I'm on the move, I only listen to western music. In someway or another, it looks like I have a phase for Japanese music and western music, and now I am into western music. I keep repeating the songs that I like more than broadening the songs that I know. There are a lot of songs by male artists [that I listen to].
Sasaki Taiko: I have fully mastered the stores in the suburbs of Tokyo that sell in large quantities!  Depending on the store, the proportion varies and that excites me~. For example, 800 yen for 24 bottles 500 mL of water, there are great deals and it is super fun. I also bought toilet paper that I split with my friend.
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Twenty
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, and smut
Words: 11K
a/n: THE LAST PART OMFG CAN Y’ALL BELIEVE IT?! I’M SO EMOTIONAL!! Take it Slow/My Everything has been my baby for so long now, it’s wild that it’s over. An end of an era for sure. I just want to thank everyone that’s been along for this ride. Whether you’ve been with me since February when I started Take it Slow, or if you just binged read everything - THANK YOU!! This is my favorite Harry of all my Harry’s, this was the first multi-fic I had written in a long time, and it feels good to truly complete it. This fic series got me back into writing in general. I’m sure at some point I’ll go back and write some blurbs about my favorite family, but for now this is truly it. I hope I put in everything you all were hoping for! FEEDBACK WILL BE MUCH APPRECIATED! (not proofread I’m sorry!)
When you got home in the middle of January, you saw Dr. Johnson right away. Your mother agreed to babysit Jack and Jessica so you and Harry could go together. She confirmed that you were pregnant, and at this moment you were roughly seven weeks along. You were riddled with excitement as you got into the car with Harry, you couldn’t stop looking at the sonogram.
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl. I don’t care either way, but it’s still fun to think about.” You say to him.
“I know, I can’t really decide either.”
“Maybe a boy would be better. I know what it’s like to have sisters, and that it just no fun when you’re going through puberty. Plus, with Jessica so close in age they would fight all the time about sharing.”
“Jack may feel outnumbered with another girl, too.” He side eyes you. “The kids are at your mum’s, right?”
“Yeah, she picked them up. She said she’d bring them home after dinner, she wanted to spend the whole day with them since we were gone for so long, why?”
“Nothing, just…so we have the house to ourselves?”
“Besides Buster, yeah.” You shrug.
“Excellent.” He grins.
“What do you have up your sleeve, Styles?”
“Oh, honey, I’m gonna take you home and fuck your shit up.”
“Jesus, Harry.” You say, flustered. “You can’t say stuff like that.”
“Why not? I’m just being honest. I’m gonna get my head between your legs and just go to town, you’ll be begging me stop.”
You pinch your legs together and shake your head at him. You look out the car window. Even after all this time he still knew exactly how to rile you up. You look at him again, almost in disbelief that he’s going to be thirty-four in just a few weeks.
“What do you say, does that sound good?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smile and take his hand in yours.
No matter how many times it happened, having Harry’s head between your legs was still one of the most thrilling experiences you’ve ever had. He knew exactly what you liked, he knew how to make it last a really long time, and he knew how to make you come within seconds. You felt so lucky that you weren’t one of those married couples who didn’t have sex anymore, or that didn’t make time for these types of things. Plus, he just thoroughly enjoyed it himself. It gave him pleasure. Hearing him moan and groan against you as he lapped you up made you feel incredibly confident. After your third orgasm, you pull his head up. He catches his breath as he looks at you.
“Want me to fuck you, or are you tired?”
“I…I was actually hoping to suck you off…sort of have a craving for your stuff.”
“My stuff?” He laughs. “The kids aren’t around, honey, just call it what it is.” He lays back next to you and shimmies his boxers down his legs. “Are you sure you’re not too nauseous or anything?”
“No, I’m really craving salt…and…well…what’s saltier than jizz?” You say shyly as he you get between his legs.
“Well, in that case, by all means, get your fill.” He smirks.
You plant a hand on one of his thighs while the other hand grips him. You lick up and down his shaft, ghosting your lips over his tip, really teasing him.
“Y/N.” He grunts.
You smirk up at him before wrapping your lips around his tip. He sighs with relief when he feels your warm mouth and tongue. You pump what you can’t fit. You didn’t want to push your gag reflex because you easily could throw up from doing this. You tongue at his slit and just take in the taste of his precome.
“Feels so good.” He says, almost breathless.
You swallow around him and his head rolls back. He’s trying not to buck his hips up, but it’s very difficult. You pump on him faster and he starts panting. Your mouth stays around his tip as his come shoots into your mouth. Your eyes roll into the back of your head at the taste and you swallow all of it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you enjoy that quite so much.” He chuckles and pulls you down to lay on his chest.
“It just really hit the spot for whatever reason.”
“What a nice craving to have, I hope it lasts.” He kisses your temple and you both just lay there, relaxing.
It didn’t last. This was the worst pregnancy out of the three. You were nauseous all the time, and when your spring semester started back up, it was even worse. You were running in and out of the classroom. Your students knew something was up, but you hadn’t formally announced anything because it was still early. Not to mention Jack would ask you a million questions on your drive home with him. Which normally you liked, but not when you didn’t feel well.
“Where’s new baby gonna sleep?”
“In Jessica’s room.”
“In same crib?”
“No, she’s gonna get a bigger crib, and the baby will use her old one. It’s in the basement, we used it with you.”
“Is it a boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet.”
“Jack!” You take a deep breath. “Mumma needs you to play the quiet game, please.”
“Because I have a headache, please, baby.”
You hear him grumble something, but at least he listens. You get him and Jessica inside, and of course she crapped up her back because it was just one of those days. You sigh heavily, and have Jack come up with you to color on the bathroom floor while you give her a bath. It was a wonder you didn’t throw up from the shit that was all over her.
“How come she pooped like that?” Jack giggles.
“Must have ate something that her tummy didn’t like.” You can’t help but giggle too. It was sort of funny now that she was cleaned up. “All clean, little girl.” You wrap her up in a soft towel and cuddle her to your chest.
“Mumma, can we have pizza for dinner?”
“You read my mind, think that’ll be good tonight.”
You get Jessica dressed, and set up in her pack and play, while Jack gets his hour of TV time. You started doing this so you could get some grading done, and an hour wasn’t that bad. Harry would take over once he was home anyways.
“Babe?” You hear him say it jolts you awake, you hadn’t even realized you fell asleep. “Take a little nap?”
“I didn’t mean too.” You groan. “I have so much to do.”
“The semester just started…”
“I have quizzes and knowledge tests to look over. I told Jack we could have pizza tonight.”
“Alright, I’ll pull one out of the freezer. What do you want to give Jessica?”
“Um, she can have a bubby, and, like, some mashed squash. It’s in the jar in the fridge.”
“Okay.” He steps further into your office and gives you a kiss on the top of your head. “You look beat.”
“I just mean…why don’t you go lie down for a bit?”
You sigh, but agree with him, and go to lay on the couch while Harry brings the other two into the kitchen with him. You rub your lower stomach to soothe yourself, and you actually feel a bit relaxed until the smell of pizza hits you and you run to the bathroom.
“Mumma’s sick?” Jack asks.
“She’s a special kind of sick.” Harry says as he feeds Jessica. “The baby she’s growing makes her not feel good sometimes.”
“I don’t know exactly how it all works, Jack.”
“I…I need to go to bed.” You say. You looked paler than a ghost.
“Are you coming down with something?” Harry asks, concerned.
“Yeah, it’s called being pregnant with your kid.”
“Sorry.” You nearly burst into tears. “I just, I’m a little frustrated, and I’m tired, and-“
“Go upstairs, love, okay? I’ve got it from here.”
You give everyone a kiss goodnight, and get ready for bed. That was basically how your first trimester went. You and Harry barely spending any alone time together other than when you’re asleep. You parented in shifts, and that was just how it needed to be until you gained some strength back.
You were hoping to know the sex of the baby in time for Harry’s birthday, but you weren’t far enough along yet. Thirty-four. Your handsome, loving husband was thirty-four, you couldn’t believe it. You stroke his cheek as he starts to wake up and he smiles at you.
“Happy birthday, baby.” You coo and kiss his forehead. “I’d give you a little something something, but I feeler dryer than a desert still.”
“It’s okay.” He chuckles and sits up. “And thank you. Just going out tonight with friends will be good. Thanks for putting all of it together.”
“It’s the least I could do with how amazing you’ve been. I know I haven’t been super pleasant.”
“Comes with the territory.” He pats at your lower stomach. “Couple more weeks and we’ll know if it’s a Joshua or Jane.” He beams.
“I know, I’m really excited.”
“Kinda like that we have a J theme, it’s cute.”
“You’re cute.” You smile at him and pucker your lips. He leans in and kisses you, but not for too long.
“Daddy!” Jack bursts into the room. “Happy birthday!” He and Buster hop into the bed, and he nearly tackles Harry down.
“Thank you.” Harry laughs and hugs Jack right.
“Oh, let me go get Jessica, we can all stay in bed and snuggle together for a bit.”
“Gotta love Saturdays.”
You smile and nod before going to get Jessica. You change her quickly, and grab her a bottle, and then bring her into the bed with everyone.
“This is what we should do your next maternity shoot, just a group shot of all of us in bed.” Harry says.
“That would actually be kind of cute. We could all wear matching pj’s.”
“That’s brilliant.”
Mornings like these you were grateful for. Just being cozy with your favorite people.
“How old are you, Daddy?” Jack asks.
“Thirty-four, I’m really old.”
“No you’re not.” You scoff.
“I am! Got grey hair and everything.”
“You have one! One little silver hair. You’re not like me who has to have their entire head dyed, you know.”
“You could grow it out, I wouldn’t care.”
“Mm, but I would. I don’t wanna have long silver hair, but on you…” You run a hand through his hair. “It would look good.” You lean in to kiss him quickly.
You had a babysitter come watch Jack and Jessica, so you, Harry, Niall, Sarah, Seth, Isaac, Mariah, and Rachel could all go out for dinner. It was a lot of fun. You ended up at a karaoke bar, and Harry and Niall sang a duet together. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much fun with everyone. Your friends asked you how your pregnancy was going, and told you how good you looked, which was very kind because you didn’t think you looked at that great.
Harry was having a good birthday, and that’s all you really cared about. He got his annual piece of cake shoved in his face, and many pictures were taken before you headed home. You were in the back of an uber, and he had his arm around you, and was kissing on your neck. Sarah and Niall were in the row of seats in front behind you.
“Some things never change.” Sarah laughs and shakes her head. Harry turns around and glares at her.
“It’s my birthday, so if I wanna love on my wife, I’m gonna.”
“Was just commenting on how sweet it is.” She says facetiously.
“Here, I’ll shied her eyes.” Niall says tugging her into his chest.
“We can wait until we get home, it’s fine.” You say and Harry raises an eyebrow at you.
He hadn’t really asked for sex recently because he just knew you weren’t in the mood, and even this morning you said it wasn’t going to happen, so he was a little surprised at your statement. When you get into the house, he pays the sitter, and then looks at you after she leaves.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t feel like it.”
“I feel like it.”
“You do?”
“But this morning…”
“That was this morning.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “The kids are fast asleep, let’s go bone on the couch in my office so we don’t wake them.”
“Are you serious?!”
“Yes.” You giggle. “Come on.”
You take his hand and lead him down the hall to your office. He watches as you take your clothes off, and he takes his own off. He cups your cheeks and kisses you. You could taste the vodka that was lingering on his tongue from earlier. One of his hands slides down your body, and between your legs, and you gasp.
“Sit down, baby.” He says and has you sit on the couch. He get son his knees in front of you and opens your legs.
“Not a very attractive angle.”
“Why, because of this?” He runs his fingers over your stomach. “Or because of these?” He kneads both of your breasts. “I quite like what I’m looking up at.”
You chuckle and let him do what he wants with you. You run your hands through his hair as he licks over your folds.
“I should be doing this for you, it’s your birthday.” You grunt as he sucks on your clit.
“Are you kidding? What’s a better gift for me than this? Don’t be silly, angel.”
You smile down at him as he continues to make you feel amazing. It doesn’t take long for you to come undone for him since it had been a while.
“Alright.” He breathes and sits down on the couch. He helps you move so you can straddle him. You weren’t that big yet, but this was still ultimately the most comfortable position. “Ready for me?” He asks as he lines himself up with you.
“Yeah.” You slowly sink down on him and groan into his shoulder.
“Doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“No, feels good.” You kiss on his neck as he grips your ass to help move you up and down. Your nails dig into his shoulders and he grunts into your ear. “I’m sorry, Harry.”
“For what?”
“For all the times I haven’t felt like doing this. It’s like I’m not in the mood, and then when we finally get like this I can’t imagine ever not wanting to be this close to you.” You nearly tear up.
“It’s your hormones, Y/N, it’s okay.” He keeps an arm wrapped around your lower half to keep moving you, and then keeps his other arm wrapped around your upper back to keep you close to him.
“But I love you so much, and I feel bad.”
“Don’t cry, sweetheart, it’s okay. We’re close now, isn’t this nice?”
“So nice.” You bite down on the crook of his neck and suck on his skin, causing a moan to come from him. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
You move yourself on your knees to give him a break, and he uses the opportunity to snake a hand between the two of you to rub your clit. Your nails rake down his stomach and he moans again.
“I’m not gonna last, babe.” He was start to breathe heavier. It had been a while for him too, obviously, you couldn’t blame him.
“Let’s come together then.” You nearly whine.
He rubs you faster as you bounce up and down on him. You slot your mouth over his so you aren’t too loud when you both cry out. You feel your release just as his shoots up inside you. You rest your forehead against his as you both catch your breaths.
“So fucking good, I love you so much.” He says and looks at you.
“I love you too.” You peck his lips and then he helps you off him. You wrap your arms around your stomach to hide the small bump.
“Oh, don’t even start.” He chuckles as he gathers up all the clothes on the floor.
“I’m self-conscious, I can’t help it.”
“This is your third time, and you still don’t see how sexy you are. God, and you just get sexier as your tummy grows, Y/N.”
“Good thing I have you around to remind me, huh?” You smirk.
“Exactly.” He pinches your bottom before you both head upstairs to bed.
You poke your head into both of the kids’ rooms, just to make sure they’re sleeping soundly, and then you get cleaned up in the bathroom.
“So, it was a good birthday?” You ask as you get into bed with Harry.
“Let’s see, cuddles with the family this morning, you made butternut squash soup for lunch, and then a night out with friends. Yeah, I’d say it was really good, honey.” He kisses your forehead as he settles in with you.
“Good, I’m glad.” You smile and smooth some hair away from his forehead. Harry reaches over and rubs at your lower belly.
“I’m really happy you wanted to do this again, Y/N. I know I was hesitant at first, but I can’t wait to have another little baby around.”
“Me too, and I’ll be on maternity for the fall semester, which will lead into winter break so I’ll have an extra month off before I have to go back.”
“That’s great! I started talking to Mariah and Isaac, I was thinking I could take the first month off the baby’s born, and then maybe do half days? I could get up and bring Jack and Jessica to daycare still. I think that’ll make things easier, rather than have everyone home at the same time.”
“I would go bananas will all three of them, I think that’s a great idea. Besides, Jack’ll be in preschool, anyways.”
“Yeah, I was looking into it, and his preschool also has a daycare, so I think we should switch Jessica and have her go there. They don’t take infants, so the new baby could go to work with you once you’re back. I think that could make things easier.” He yawns.
“You’re brilliant, babe.” You yawn too.
Soon, you’re both fast asleep in each other’s arms, happy and peaceful.
At the end of February, you have the appointment with Dr. Johnson you and Harry were most excited for: finding out the sex of the baby.
“Y/N…you’ve lost weight.” She says to you as you step off the scale.
“I’ve literally been able to go three days without puking. This baby doesn’t like me very much.” You pout as you get up on the table.
“Are you taking all the vitamins I’ve given you?”
“Yes, every day.” Harry stands next to you and holds your hand as Dr. Johnson gets the ultrasound ready.
“Okay, well, hopefully it will subside for the rest. I’m sorry it’s been trickier for you this time around.”
“It’s okay.” You sigh.
She moves the ultrasound around and you both smile when you hear the heartbeat.
“Are curious about the sex?” She asks.
“Very.” Harry says.
“Okay…” She squints at the monitor, and then smiles. “Seems like you’re having another boy, congratulations.”
You both tear up and kiss and giggle.
“Do you have a name in mind already?” She asks as she cleans your belly up.
“Joshua.” You say. “Joshua Edward.”
“That’s beautiful, I love that he and Jack will have the same middle name.”
“We thought it would be cute.” You nod.
You and Harry were absolutely giddy when you got into the car, giggling a ton on the drive to the university to pick the kids up.
“Okay, so, he can share with Jessica for a bit, and then-“
“Let’s just turn the guest room into the nursery.” He cuts you off.
“Harry, what about when your family comes to visit?”
“That room is big enough to stick a pullout in, we can sleep on that and guests can have our room. When they get older they can share, but you know he’ll be on a different sleep schedule than Jessica, she wouldn’t get any sleep with a newborn.”
“That’s true, I didn’t really think of that. Where are we going to put the extra bed?”
“We could stick it in the basement…I was actually sort of thinking we could get the basement partially finished, we could turn that into another guest room, or game room, or something.”
“Okay, money bags.” You laugh.
“I’m serious! I could do a lot of the work myself, and your dad could help with the electrical part. It’s already got all the dry wall up, just need to plaster, paint, and then put some carpet down.”
“If you would like to take that project on, then be my guest. Just promise me you’ll leave my little gym area alone.”
“Can do.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “I bet Jack’s gonna be so excited that he’s gonna have a little brother.”
“It’ll probably be more fun once they’re older, he’s gonna have four years on him, don’t forget. Joshua will be closer with Jessica.”
“Are we always gonna be so formal? I might call him Josh or Joshy.”
“Aw, Joshy is so cute! No, we don’t have to be formal.” You shrug. “I just don’t want anyone calling Jessica Jessy, I’d prefer Jess if anything.”
You both go into the daycare to pick up Jack and Jessica. You couldn’t believe she’d be a year old soon, just a month or so away. And Jack was going to be four in just two months. Time was flying way too fast.
Florida in March was literally perfect, even while pregnant. You were over being nauseous now which was good. Nannie was so happy you and the family were coming for a visit. There was plenty there for Jack and Jessica to do. Harry took them both in the pool that her retirement community had. Of course, all of the old ladies in the pool flocked to him, and you had to go in and help a few times.
“I can’t believe she’s almost a year old, I can barely pick her up!” Nannie chuckles as she snuggles with Jessica one evening.
“I know! She’s even started saying a few words. She can sort of say Mumma, Jack says it all the time so I think she’s being picking it up from him.” You say.
“And she says ‘ack’ when she wants Jack, it’s really cute.” Harry says. Jack was in his lap trying to keep his eyes open. “I think it’s time you went to bed, buddy.”
“Her too.” You get up and take Jessica from Nannie. Once they’re both down and tucked in you join her in the living room.
“So, there’s something I’d like to talk with you both about. Last time we spoke on the phone, Y/N mentioned that you were looking into getting a larger car, and I’d like to pay for it.”
“No, no way, Nannie, that’s way too-“ You start, but she cuts you off.
“It’s something I can give you that I know will last. You already have cribs and baby clothes and all that. You’ll need a larger car, and I wanna pay for it, so you’ll let me write you a check, and that’ll be that.”
“You can’t seriously expect us to let you just buy us a new car…” Harry says.
“Oh, but I do. You could take whatever one you’re not using off the road and save it for when one of them gets older, or you could trade it in, or whatever you feel like doing with it.” She shrugs. “I have more money than I know what do with.”
“Just because you write us a check doesn’t mean we have to cash it. We’re perfectly capable of buying our own car, Nannie.” You say.
“You’ll take it, you’ll cash it, and you’ll get whatever car you want. Save that money and put it towards their college funds, or for their bar and bat mitzvahs, you know as well I do those are just as expensive as purchasing a car.”
“That’s true.” You nod.
“Wait, what?”
“The parties can really wrack up, Har, we’ll talk about it later.” You sigh. “You really wanna buy us a car?”
“I do.” She nods. “You need something with three rows of seats, or at least an SUV instead of that little thing you drive. You’ll have three cars seats to worry about before you know it.” She smiles. “So, just say thank you and deal with it.”
“Thank you.” You both say and get up to hug her.
“You’re more than welcome, kids, I’m happy to do it.”
To say you were emotional on Jessica’s first birthday was an understatement. Your hormones were causing you to cry every two seconds. You were hosting a small party at your house, and it was great to have family over, but you were a blubbering mess.
“Babe, it’s okay.” Harry chuckles.
“I know, I just can’t believe our little girl is a year old already. And Jack’s gonna be four before we know it and starting preschool. It’s all too much.”
“Try not to think too far ahead, yeah?” He puts an arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheek. He gives your lower belly a little rub. “Don’t wanna stress this one out.”
“We should do the maternity shoot next month. I’m still feeling good about how I look, it would be nice to feel good in pictures.”
“Whatever you wanna do, honey.”
It was time for cake, so you hold Jessica on your hip while Harry holds Jack up. The three of you blow out the candles while Jessica giggles and claps. She got cake all over her face, which was her right as a one-year-old. It was a bittersweet day to say the least.
On the day of your five year wedding anniversary, you woke up to feeling lots of kisses on your cheek. Your eyes flutter open, and a smile grows on your face.
“Good morning.” You say as you look at Harry, who was already climbing on top of you.
“Morning, love.”
“You wanna have sex now? Don’t wanna wait until later?”
“You’ll be too tired later.” He mumbles as he sucks on your neck. “I’ve got a lot planned today.”
“Oh, honey, I’m just happy to be spending the day with you, we don’t need to go crazy.”
“I don’t think getting pedicures together is going crazy, exactly.��
“God, I can’t wait. I’m so grateful Niall and Sarah said they could babysit.”
He hums his response as he kisses on your chest, lifting your shirt all the way off. His hand slips between your legs, and you let out a small gasp. You raise your hips to grind against his hand. This was the part of the pregnancy Harry loved the most. You had leveled out a bit, and now you wanted him every second you could have him.
Once you’re wet enough from him just rubbing around your folds, he slides two of his fingers inside you. Your head rolls back into the pillows and you groan. His thumb rubs your clit in pressured circles. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you cling to him. He sponges his mouth over your next and over your chest.
“Harry.” You moan.
“Feels good?”
“Yes.” You start panting his fingers rub against your g-spot. “Fuck, yes, Harry, don’t stop.” You bite your bottom lip as you squeeze around his fingers.
“You’re so wet, baby.” He groans. “Come for me, come on.”
“Shit!” You cry out and clap a hand over your mouth as you ride it out.
He sucks his fingers into his mouth once he takes them away from you. He moves to up against the headboard, and helps you get on top of him. You slowly sink down on his hard dick after giving it a few pumps. His hands grip your ass to help you move up and down. You press your face into his neck to stay quiet.
“You feel so fucking good.” He moans and holds you closer to him as he thrusts up inside you. “Y/N.” He moans again. God, he wasn’t making staying quiet easy. You loved hearing Harry moan, but you wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to wake your kids up.
“H-Harry.” You can barely speak at this point. Your clit was rubbing against him, so you weren’t going to last much longer. You grip his chin, and hook your fingers onto his bottom lip to get him to open up for you. “You’re being too loud.” You groan.
He sucks on your fingers to try to keep it down, but he was really struggling this morning, for whatever reason. He was always into it, but today he was especially lost in the euphoria of your sex. You use your other hand to tug at his hair, and you look up to see his eyes roll into the back of his head.
“Oh fuck!” You moan into his neck as you come undone. Watching him lose himself never failed to get you there.
He moans around your fingers as he releases up inside you. You retract your hand from his mouth so he can properly catch his breath. You look up at him and he slots his mouth over yours. He licks into you, which normally you didn’t love first thing in the morning, but you were so far gone you didn’t care right now.
“Fuck.” He breathes and presses his forehead to yours. “You’re so fucking sexy like this, Y/N.”
“Harry, please.” You giggle.
“I mean it.” He cups your jaw with one of his hands. “Not only is it our anniversary, but you’re carrying another one of my kids. It’s all I could want.”
“Me too, babe.” You peck his lips. “Could you, uh, help me off?”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry.”
He grips your hips to gently lift you off of him. He helps you into the bathroom, and you both take a nice shower together. You kiss and pet on each other, but it doesn’t go much farther than that since you need to get the day started for Jack and Jessica.
“I was thinking we could have dinner, like, in Boston tonight, what do you say?” Harry asks as he gets Jessica’s diaper bag packed.
“That sounds nice, babe.”
You drop the kids off at Niall and Sarah’s, who were more than happy to watch them for the day. It had been ages since you and Harry had a spa day together. You loved it when you could get away to have one since it always reminded you of the earlier days of your relationship.
You both enjoy how soothing the pedicure is, falling asleep leaning on each other. With your feet getting more swollen by the day, this was exactly what you needed. Once it’s all done, and you make your way further into the city, Harry keeps his hand in yours.
“Feel free to snooze, honey, we may hit traffic.”
“You know how bad I feel when I sleep when you’re driving…”
“It’s really okay, I’d rather you be fully awake during dinner.” He smiles. “Go on, I know you’re tired.”
“That pedicure was just so relaxing.”
“We really got the works done today.”
“Mm, I’m glad we did. I love getting to do that with you.”
“Me too, babe.”
You end up dozing off, and you’re startles awake from Harry’s hand nudging your shoulder. You blink a few times and squint to see where you are.
“Are we at Castle Island?” You ask him.
“What better place to celebrate our five year anniversary than the very place I asked you to marry me?”
“Oh, Harry…” Your bottom lip starts to quiver.
“Don’t cry.” He chuckles.
“I can’t help it, this is so sweet.”
“Well, nothing’s even happened yet, we sort of need to get out of the car.”
“Right.” You laugh and wipe under your eyes.
Harry jogs around the other side of the car to help you out, and you both walk down to the park. Your smile grows when you see your friends and your kids. Sully’s had catered, of course, and there were twinkling lights strung up around the playground.
“Mumma!” Jack exclaims and runs over to you.
“Hi, baby.”
“Are you surprised?”
“Very.” You giggle and hoist him up onto your hip. Harry goes over to Jessica, who was in a stroller, and picks her up.
“Alright, family photo time.” Niall says. “Go on, Buster.”
The dog barks and plops in front of you, and Niall takes a few pictures. You all sit down at the various picnic tables provided, and reminisce about the day Harry proposed, and your wedding.
“I can’t believe how fast five years can fly by, and that’s just our marriage, we’ve been together, what? Almost eight years?” You look at Harry.
“Yeah, this September will be eight years.” He smiles at you and kisses your temple.
“Daddy, how did you ask Mumma to marry you?” Jack asks.
“Well, I could tell you or I could show you.” Harry fishes his phone out of his pocket and pulls up the video to show Jack.
“Mumma, look at you!”
“I know! I was cute young thing, huh?”
“Still plenty young and plenty cute.” Harry side eyes you.
“Mhm, keep watching the video.” You nudge him. It does bring a few tears to your eyes. “That was one of the greatest days of my life.”
“Mine too.”
“Harry, show him some pictures from our wedding.”
“Alright.” He chuckles and pulls a few up.
“Pretty suit, Daddy.”
“Thank you.” Harry kisses the top of Jack’s head.
“Your Uncle Niall officiated the whole thing, it was incredible. When you’re a little older we’ll show you more.” You say.
It was the perfect evening with friends. Harry still found little ways to surprise you, and you loved it. He could be so sentimental and made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
It felt like you had a party every month, but that was how things went when Jessica’s birthday and your anniversary were in April, and when Jack’s birthday was in May. His party was a little less family oriented, although plenty of family still came. You and Harry thought it would be fun to rent out a gymnastics studio for an afternoon for Jack and all his friends from daycare.
The other parents were eternally grateful because they knew all of their kids would sleep well after running and jumping around. Jack was overjoyed. He liked being able to do tricks on the trampoline. You couldn’t believe your baby boy was four, but here you were. He’d be starting preschool in fall, another thing you just couldn’t believe.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Harry sat on the floor with Jessica and helped her do little flips and jumps. Her laugh was hysterical. You rub your lower stomach.
“You’re gonna have the best Daddy in the world, Joshua.” You say to your stomach quietly.
The other good thing about having the party somewhere other than your house was that you barely had to host. You got to sit back with the other parents and just hang out for a bit until it was time for cake and gifts.
Needless to say, Jack zonked right out when you put him to bed, as did Jessica. Not that they needed to have a party every year for every birthday, but you could definitely see yourself doing more parties at other places. It was such a breeze today.
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” You giggle as Harry rubs your feet once you’re in bed.
“But you were on your feet all day, you must be so sore.”
“A little, but it’s not too bad.”
“It was a good day, huh?”
“Very good. I feel like he’ll really remember this one, you know?” Harry hums his response. “I’m really glad we’re having this baby, helps fill the void of the other two growing up.”
“I wish I had that on camera because I don’t think you’ll be saying that once Jessica’s going through her terrible two’s. You’ll have her in one arm and an infant in the other.” He smirks.
“Mm, pretty sure I have a husband to help me with all that.”
“I’m afraid I’ll be busy helping our son with school work.”
“He’ll be in kindergarten by the time Jess is two, what school work could he possibly need help with?” You laugh.
“The alphabet, counting to one-hundred, coloring inside the lines.”
“If anyone’s going to be the homework parent, it’s going to be me. I am a teacher after all.”  
“I dare you to sit down and do some basic math.”
“God, okay, you can be the homework parent.” You bite your bottom lip when his thumb digs into a certain spot in your foot. “Thank you for this by the way, I admit I need it.”
“Anytime, my love.”
Once Harry’s done with your feet, he helps rub some lotion on your swollen tummy. Then he rests his head on one of your thighs while he talks to the baby. He tells him all about Jack’s birthday party. You cards your fingers through his hair while he does so. These were the sweet and tender moments that you’d treasure forever.
Later that week you had your maternity shoot. This time around you did things in the backyard on an overcast day, so the lighting was perfect. You all had summery clothes on, and you did something similar with the hand prints on your stomach with the paint like you had done last time. Jack showed Jessica what to do, and they both had fun pressing their hands onto your stomach. They did the same to Harry’s, which made you laugh because it looked silly with his tattoos. The pictures were gorgeous.
“Now I can get all three sets framed together, it’ll look so nice in my office.” Harry tells you as you both clean up the paint.
“I want one for mine too.” You pout.
“Of course! And one for our room.” He looks you up and down. “Last time, right?”
“I promised only three, didn’t I?” You put your hands on your hips.
“Just making sure.” He replaces your hands with his own. “You look so fucking good, have I told you that enough?”
“Harry.” You chuckle and swat at his chest.
“They’re napping, maybe we should go have a little nap of our own.”
“Hmm…would you go down on me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “It’s just something I’d like right now.”
He grins and yanks you towards the stairs to go up to your room. He yanks your shorts and underwear down your legs before sitting you on the bed. He kisses your lips for a bit, and then gets his head right between your legs. You both knew you needed to be quick, but that was no problem. Harry only needed a couple of minutes down there to get you moaning.
His warm tongue works wonders on your clit, and listening to him moan about how good you tasted was definitely helping you get to where you wanted to be.
“H-Harry.” You groan as your eyes roll into the back of your head. You feel him lap you up before he pops his head up. His lips were glistening.
“Do you think I could fuck you from behind?”
“Sure, I think that could work.”
He waits for you to carefully shift before grabbing your hips, and sliding in. He moans out as he thrusts in and out of you. You hook an arm around his head, and he wraps an arm around you to keep you flush with his chest. His other hand rubs your clit and your head rolls back. He licks into your mouth as you moan, and your tongue meets his.
“You’re so fucking sexy like this, Y/N, fuck.” Harry sponges kisses along your neck as you start panting.
“M’gonna come again.” You whine.
“Yeah? Thanks to who?” He says into your ear.
“You, Harry.” You look up at him and smirk. His eyes widen he starts to shake his head. “You, Daddy.”
“Christ!” He cries out as he comes inside you, you come to your release as well, but you can’t help but giggle. “That’s too powerful.”
“It’s why I only use it for special occasions.” You look back at him and he gives you bum a harsh smack. “Hey!”
“You wanted Daddy, right?” He smirks and gets off the bed to get a rag for you.
“Not that kind.” You rub the sore spot before laying on your back.
“I’ll try to remember that.” He says as he cleans you up, and kisses your forehead. “Sweet girl.” He coos.
It was late August, you were thirty-three, and ready to get his baby out of you. Everything made you uncomfortable, even putting clothes on. You mostly just wore an oversized tee shirt around the house. You were thankful to have the fall semester off for maternity. You couldn’t imagine teaching right now.
Harry had been working from home as much as he could. He still needed to go to the studio to take pictures, but he could edit from home. Jack hadn’t quite started preschool yet, so the kids were home with you for another couple of weeks.
As much as you liked the daycare at work, you were thankful you found a preschool that also had a daycare right next door so Jack and Jessica could still be dropped off to the same place. Harry made sure to ask you a minimal amount of questions every day, full well knowing anything could set you off in some capacity.
You were up walking around, pacing in the kitchen, trying to do anything you could to kick start things. Harry was in the living room with Jack and Jessica. It was too hot to be outside, even with the pool.
“Oh, fuck, Harry!” You call for him and he shoots over to you.
“What, what happened?!”
“My, my water just broke.” You point to the puddle on the floor. “I was just walking around and I felt this sharp pain and it fell out!”
“Okay, oh my god, okay, uh, the bags are in the car already, so we just need to get to the hospital, yeah?”
“Yeah! Oh my god!”
“Oh my god!”
“We’re having another baby!”
He kisses you and then goes to round up the kids before helping you into the car. You breathe as much as you can, hoping Joshua wasn’t going to just slide right out of you. Harry signs you in once you’re at the hospital, and you get wheeled into a room. Your mother shows up to take Jack and Jessica.
“Thank you so much.” You tell her.
“Of course, baby.” She strokes your cheek.
“Be good for Mimi.” Harry tells them. “You’ll have a new baby brother next time we see you.”
Jack beams at you and Harry, and gives you hugs before going off with your mother. Buster was off with Niall and Sarah. Everyone was being taken care of.
“How are you feeling?” Harry asks as he gives your hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, I want this one outta me, now.”
“Soon, baby.” He chuckles and kisses your forehead.
Joshua came much fast than Jessica did, thank god, and you were able to safely push him out instead of having to go under the knife. Harry sobbed, and so did you, with joy once you were able to hold little Joshua skin to skin.
“He’s so precious.” You whisper as Harry sits next to you with him. “We really are good at making cute babies, huh?”
“Mhm.” Harry says. “Three of a kind.”
Your mom comes in with Jack and Jessica, who were very excited, well, Jack was because he knew was going on.
“Come on in.” You say. “I missed you both. Come meet Joshua.”
Your mom sets them both on the bed so they can say hello. Harry reminds them to be gentle with the baby, well, more so to Jack as Jessica snuggled right up to you.
“Let me take a picture.” You mom says.
After a few photos, and a few snuggles with your mom and Joshua, she leaves you all be. As you look around the room at your now four favorite people, you couldn’t feel more blessed.
“I love you so much, thank you.”
“I love you too.” He pecks your lips. “Thank you.”
A few years later…
Jessica was just finishing up her last soccer tryout and technically her first practice. She was one of two freshmen to make the varsity team, and she was sort of nervous the older girls wouldn’t like her. She sees Jack’s car, previously her father’s, pulls up to the field to pick her up. He gets out and pops the trunk for her gym bag, and leans against the car.
“Holy shit…why is Jack fucking Styles here?” Andrea, a senior on the soccer team, says to a couple of the other senior girls.
“Um…he’s my older brother…did the last name not give it away before?” Jessica jokes.
“Guess I didn’t put two and two together…is he going to pick you up every day?”
“If he wants to keep driving my dad’s old car then yeah.” She shrugs and grabs her things. “See you all later.” Jessica waves goodbye and walks quickly over to Jack who helps her put her things into the trunk. “Thanks.”
“How was it? Which team did you make it on?” He asks as they both get into the car.
“Varsity…” She mumbles.
“Are you kidding?! That’s amazing, Jess!” He nudges her shoulder. “Guess soccer camp really did help.”
“And, you know, years of being drilled by Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis.” She chuckles.
“I’m really glad they gave up on me so they could focus on you.”
“You’re a good soccer player, Jack, you just don’t like it.”
“Did you finally find out what production the school’s doing?”
“Yeah, and I need a permission slip signed by Mum and Dad…I hate not being eighteen. Your practices will most likely finish before my rehearsals so you can either wait at the field or come to the auditorium.”
“Sounds good. Something tells me the girls will want me to wait at the field for you.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because the second Andrea McPhee saw you her jaw dropped to the ground. She’s probably still trying to reattach it.”
“Andrea, huh?” He mulls it over. “She is pretty cute, but I’m not really looking to start something up before I go to college.”
“I bet I’ll be first one the list for the past fest since they know we’re related. I’ll miss you when you go, but I can’t wait not to be known as Jack Styles’ little sister.” She rolls her eyes.
“What can I say? You got an absolute fucking stud for a brother, can only blame God and biology for that.”
“You’re annoying.” She nudges him.
He pulls the car into the driveway and they both head into the house. You were just getting dinner into the over. Joshua was playing around with his guitar up in his room.
“Hi, kids.” You smile at them. “Jessica, please make sure you throw all those sweaty clothes in the wash.”
“I will! Can you give me two seconds?”
“Oi, you just got home, chill out.” Harry says as he comes inside. He was just cleaning out the pool, which was Jack’s job. “By the way, no pool for three this weekend.”
“What?!” They both say.
“Jack didn’t clean out the filter, and I can’t have that.” He goes over to the sink to wash his hands. “So, Mum and I will be enjoying it, but you three won’t.”
“If it’s Jack’s job, then why are Josh and I being punished?”
“Wait, I’m being punished?” Josh comes down the stairs.
“Because you two should be learning how to do it too.”
“Harry…” You say and shake your head. “Why didn’t you clean out the filter like your father asked?” You ask Jack.
“I forgot…”
“Oh, well, how about I forget to give you the keys to the car this week?” Harry says, crossing his arms.
“Dad.” Jack sighs. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll be better about it…”
“We’re gonna be closing it soon anyways.” Jessica rolls her eyes.
“Okay, changing the subject, did you find out what team you made?” You say to her.
“Yeah, I made varsity.”
“Varsity!” You squeal and go around the island to hug her, giving her a big squeeze. “That’s my girl!”
“Congratulations, honey, that’s amazing!” Harry says.
“Thanks.” She blushes. Jessica was very shy, other than when she was playing soccer.
“Jack, what did they say about the show you’re doing?” Harry asks, biting into an apple.
“Um…we’re doing Chicago, so I need you both to sign this.” He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. “My director thinks I’d make a good Billy Flynn, so I’d really like to do it.”
“Oh! That’ll be fun. I’m okay with it.” You grab a pen and look at Harry.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “It’ll be a high school version anyways.” You both sign it and hand the paper back to him.
“Thanks, I’ll need to practice my tap in the basement a bit, but none of the other boys ever took tap, so I think I’m still ahead of the game.”
“Just make sure it doesn’t interfere with my band practice.” Josh pipes up.
“It won’t.” Jack rolls his eyes. “Dad, are we still shooting that family’s thing this weekend?”
“A family reunion is not a thing…and yes, we are.”
“Cool, my lens just came in the mail and I’m dying to use it.”
“It did?! Let’s go look at it.”
They both go up to Jack’s room and you smile while Jessica and Josh sit down at the island.
“I’m really very proud of you, honey. Wait until we tell Uncle Niall.”
“Thanks, I’m really excited. There’s one other freshman, so I won’t be totally alone. The rest of the team are seniors and a few juniors. Everyone else is on the J.V. team.” She looks at Josh. “These girls are already swooning over Jack.”
“You’re kidding…” He says to her.
“Nope, and I was a little offended. This one girl was like, iS ThAT jAcK stYLes, and I was like…yeah that’s my brother.”
“Did they not realize you have the same last name? It’s not exactly common.”
“Maybe one too many concussions.”
They both giggle together. You were trying not to listen in too much as you were cleaning up the counter. It was no secret that Jack was popular at school. He was talented and handsome, not to mention he just had a swagger about him. There were people who thought it was girly for him to do theater, of course, but he just didn’t care, which made other people like him more. He had such a chill attitude, and he wasn’t full of himself, even if joked about it. Essentially, he was Harry’s clone. It worried you at times, though, because he often got asked to parties and hang outs. He didn’t date much, not that he filled you and Harry in on all that. You knew who his best friends were, and that was all the information you were privy to. He was close enough with Jessica, but she and Joshua were the really close ones. Guess that happens when you’re a year apart in age. It wasn’t always this way, but as they grew up a little, they got closer. Jack and Josh had their bonding moments too. They liked playing video games together, but with an almost five year age difference, Jack really didn’t have much in common with a kid going into eighth grade. You knew when they got older they’d have much more in common.
“I can’t believe the first day of school is just in a few days. You must be happy not taking the bus this year.” You say to Jessica.
“Yeah, I’m really glad you and Dad gave Jack the car. I’m gonna look so cool driving into the senior lot.”
“That’s if I don’t make you tuck and roll first.” Jack says, coming around to give her a half-Nelson.
“Let her go.” Harry says. “You’ll let us know when the open house is and all that?”
They both look at each other and grimace.
“Can’t Mum just come to that?” Jessica asks.
“I like to meet your teachers too.”
“Yeah, and they love to meet you.” Jack smirks. “It’s embarrassing.”
Harry had grown into quite the distinguished man. He had the perfect amount of grey in his hair, he had managed to stay pretty fit, that was mostly for you. Not that you really cared how he looked because you loved him, but he liked staying in shape to keep his stamina up. You had stayed in pretty good shape yourself, not to toot your own horn, but no matter what people flirted with Harry. It was the Brit in him.
“Dad and I will go together, then the teachers will know he’s very much not single.” You hook your arm around Harry’s waist and he kiss your cheek, getting a collective groan from your three kids. “You know, you three should be grateful you’re growing up in a happy, loving home.”
“Yeah, how many of your friends actually have parents that are still together?” Harry asks.
“I mean…it’s great, but…keep it to yourself.” Jessica says, sticking her tongue to pretend to gag. “I’m gonna go throw my laundry in.”
“Could wash my bandanas?” Jack asks.
“Yeah, go get them.” She shrugs.
“Wait I have some stuff too-“
“I’m not the laundry bitch, Jesus.”
“Jessica.” You sigh. “Help your brothers.”
“Just because I’m the girl doesn’t mean I have to do their laundry.”
“They’re just asking you to throw some things in with yours, can you just do it please? Or I could do all the laundry, would you three like that? For me to see all of your clothes?”
“No!” The three of them say and race upstairs.
“You’ve really learned how to clear the room, excellent.” Harry says, putting his hands on your hips and leaning in to kiss you.
“What can I say? I have a gift.” You giggle into the kiss.
The school year was going well. Jessica was a starting center-forward on the soccer team, and she played her heart out. Jack and his friends would often go to her games when they could, and the older girls on the team noticed. Jessica’s turn for a pasta fest was coming up soon, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but it was happening nonetheless.
You and Harry worked to get all of the pasta and meatballs made. Seth had given you his recipe long ago, he knew how to make a really fucking good meatball. Jessica and Jack get home, and Jessica rushes around to get things tidy before all the girls come over.
“Please, I’m begging you all, don’t embarrass me in front of these girls.”
“Oh, so you don’t want me to mention the time you shit your pants in the pool when you were five?” Jack smirks.
“Jack, you’ve shit in that pool more times than anyone in this house, so unless you’d like me to bring that up, I suggest you play nice with your sister.” You grin at him.
“I was just teasing! Be cool, Mum.”
All of the girls come over, and luckily it was still nice out, so they’re all able to go outside. A few of them kick a soccer ball around. Jack and Josh were up in their rooms.
“This is such a nice house, Mrs. Styles.” Andrea says to you when she comes inside for more soda.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smile. Your last name still legally wasn’t Styles, but you got over correcting people a long time ago.
“Okay, garlic bread is officially done. We can feed ‘em now.” Harry says and Andrea’s eyes widen. “Hello.”
“Hi.” She squeaks and goes back outside. “Christ, Jess, your dad is a fucking DILF.” She laughs.
“Gee, thanks.”
You and Harry bring all of the food for the girls outside, and Jack and Josh come down to take some too. Things get quiet when Jack approaches.
“Hey, Jack.” Andrea says.
“Hey.” He smiles at her.
“I heard you got, like, the lead guy in the school play, congrats.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty excited.” He makes himself a heaping plate, and then goes inside to eat, as does Josh.
“You know…” You say to Jack as you and Harry sit with them inside. “I think that girl has a crush on you.”
“A lot of girls do.” Jack says nonchalantly, and Harry smacks his harm. “What?”
“You could be nicer about it.” Harry says.
“I was! I smiled at her, even had a little conversation. I was very polite. They all giggle every time I pick Jess up, it’s annoying.”
“They just think you’re cute, honey, there’s nothing wrong with that.” You say. “How are things with the girls in the show?”
“Oh, it’s good. Kat got Roxie, and Gina got Velma. We started blocking the court room scene where I get to use Kat as a puppet, it’s a lot of fun.”
“And she’s comfortable with sitting on you?” You ask, recalling how the stage production goes.
“Uh, yeah, she’s very comfortable.” Jack smirks. “Ben got Amos, and I’ve been helping him get off book. Like, all my friends got the best parts, which is great. We’re all gonna hang out Friday after school if that’s alright.”
“Does Jess need a ride home?” Harry asks.
“Nah, she has an away game. It’s home tomorrow, then she has practice, then away Friday. I’ve got the whole schedule memorized.”
“We’ll all be able to go to her game tomorrow, I’m excited.” Josh says.
“It’ll be a lot of fun, I think Niall and Sarah are gonna come too.” You say.
“Oh good, I’ll pack a cooler.” Harry winks at you and you shake your head.
“Jack, when’s Homecoming?” You ask. “I’d like to take you two shopping ahead of time.”
“Uhh, it’s in, like, three weeks I think? I should probably know since I’m nominated for Homecoming King.” He mutters.
“You are?!” You squeal.
“Mum, please, settle down. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Sure it is, do you know how thrilled I would have been to even be on Homecoming court when I was in high school? How did I raise the popular kid?” You look at Harry.
“Suppose I’ll have to take credit for that.” Harry says and you roll your eyes at him.
“Ha! That’s a quarter, Mum.” Josh says.
“You know, this was a stupid thing we started.” You huff and get up to put a quarter in the ‘eye-roll’ jar.
“You just say that because you’re the one that fills it the most.” Harry laughs.
“Maybe if you didn’t give me a reason to roll my eyes we wouldn’t need the jar. Ever think of that?”
Jessica’s game was very exciting. You set up chairs with Harry, Niall, and Sarah. Josh met up with his friends, and so did Jack, god forbid they sit with you. Sometimes you couldn’t believe how fast Jessica could run, she was like a bullet.
“She looks so cute in her uniform.” Sarah says to you.
“Doesn’t she?!” You giggle. “Cutest one out there if you ask me.”
“Let’s go, Jess!” Niall shouts. “She’s quite talented, my best work yet. I miss being her coach.”
“Cut the cord, mate.” Harry chuckles.
Jessica had some very fancy footwork, and she scored two goals that night. The team won, and it was very exciting. A ton of people ran onto the field, including Jack who scooped her, and got her on top of his shoulders so they could cheer. Harry was able to sneak a couple of pictures of the whole thing. It was really sweet to see.
“Okay! Put me down!” She laughs as Jack squats to get her down.
“That was a great game.” He says brightly. “I thought Uncle Niall was gonna pop a blood-vessel when I looked over at them.”
“Well, at least since we won he’ll be in a good mood, and that means we’re totally going out for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, fuck yeah.” They start walking off the field to find everyone.
“Jack?!” He turns around to see Andrea.
“Go find them, I’ll be there in a minute.” He says to Jessica and she nods. “Yeah?”
“Hi.” She tucks some hair behind her hair.
“Hi.” He smiles. “Great game, you’re an incredible goalie.”
“Oh, thanks.” She blushes. “Um, so…we both made it onto Homecoming court…”
“Yeah, we did.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“Are you going to the dance?”
“Mhm, I’m going with my friends…not really doing the date thing.”
“Oh.” She blushes harder. “Um, well…”
“But, I could sit with you at the Football game if you want since we all sort of need to sit near the field.”
“Um, yeah that would be great.” She smiles.
“Want me to just pick you up for it?”
“Cool.” He smiles. “I gotta going, but I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay.” She smiles. “Bye.”
Yes, you were the obnoxious parents that went to the homecoming football game, but you had an excuse this year. Jack was on homecoming court, and tonight they were announcing who the king and queen would be. His competition were a few jocks and one other preppy kid. Josh chose to sit with you, Sarah, and Niall, while Jessica was off with her friends in the stands. They were all wearing their soccer jerseys in support of the football team.
Jack was sitting with Andrea, like he said he would. He even went to concessions and got them both a hot a chocolate. She was a lot cooler than he was expecting. They had started texting here and there, and he found out that Andrea actually really liked musicals, and was still playing soccer so she could hopefully get a scholarship from a good school.
You got especially excited once it was halftime. The dance team went out and did their thing, they were pretty good.
“You’re a better dancer.” Harry whispers in your ear.
“Shh.” You giggle as he kisses your cheek.
“Please, I’ll go sit somewhere else.” Josh groans.
“Sorry, we’ll behave.” Harry says to him with a smirk.
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” The announcer starts. “It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, please welcome your homecoming court!”
Everyone cheers as all the kids on the court step onto the field. Jack looked cute as ever in his beanie that had just enough of his curls peeking out. The announcer says who the third runner ups are, the second runner ups, and then it comes down to two more pairs. When he says who the first runner ups are, you squeal because that left Jack and Andrea together.
“…which means, Andre Nelson and Jack Styles are this years homecoming queen and king!”
The crowd goes nuts as the crowns come out, and Harry was already videoing the whole thing before you had a chance to tell him to.
“He won! Oh my god!” You squeal again.
Some pictures are taken down on the field before they’re all told they can go sit back down. The dance team comes back out to do another dance before the second half starts back up.
“So, uh…congratulations.” Andrea says to Jack.
“You too. Listen, I was gonna go stag to the dance, but…I mean, if you don’t already have a date, would you wanna go together?”
“Really?” She smiles.
“Sure, can’t have my queen walking in unescorted.” He smirks.
“Jack, I’d love to go with you.”
“Cool.” He throws his arm around her shoulders as they sit there.
“Mum, please!” Jessica whines. “My date is gonna be here any second.” You were just finishing make her hair look wavy.
“And I’m sure he’ll love the way you look.”
“No, I’m worried about Dad grilling him.”
“Your father will not-“ You hear the door ring.
“Okay, okay, you’re all set.”
Jessica sprints down the stairs, but cools it when she sees it’s just Andrea.
“Hey, Jess.” She smiles.
“Hey! You look so pretty.”
“Thanks, so do you.”
“Very pretty.” Harry say to Jessica.
“Dad.” She says with red cheeks.
“Right, well, I think Jack’s upstairs, getting that hair under control is a two man job, so I think Josh is helping him.” Harry says to Andrea and she nods. “I’ll go get the camera.”
The doorbell rings again, and you go to answer it.
“Hi, you must be Eric.” You smile.
“Yeah, hi, Mrs. Styles.”
“Come on in.”
Eric was a sophomore who Jessica had gotten to know during one of her study periods. He was extremely polite, and he had started coming to her soccer games.
“Okay, let’s see, I-“ Harry fiddles with his camera and then looks up at Eric. “Hello.”
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” Eric shakes Harry’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Same to you. My daughter needs to be home by eleven.”
“Dad…Jack’s driving us.”
“Great, then make sure he brings you back by eleven.”
Josh comes down the stairs to join in on the fun, and Jack makes his way down too.
“Hey.” He grins at Andrea. “You look great.”
“So do you.” She blushes.
Harry takes a ton of pictures, making sure to get plenty of family shots with your three kids. You tear up a bit as you watch the four of them leave, and Josh goes back upstairs.
“What is it?” Harry asks as he flips through this photos.
He sets the camera down and comes over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrap yours around his neck.
“Our…first date was around this time of year.”
“That it was. Been together a while now, huh?”
“Mhm, and sometimes when I see what we have…well, I still can’t believe it was all thanks to Niall.” You burst out laughing.
“Oi, I would like to remind you that I’m the one who pressed him for the date with you after he showed me your picture.”
“Okay, you can take some of the credit.”
“M’just grateful you agreed to the date in the first place.”
“I’m grateful you were patient enough to stick around.” You peck his lips and smile. “Was taking it slow all that time ago as worth it for you as it was for me?”
“More worth it than you’ll ever know, my love.” He squishes his nose to yours. “My everything.”
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ravenbloodau · 4 years
The Voyages of Ker'Tak and Skye Episode 4: Peace Gone Wrong
"Ker'Tak, can you pass me the that injector?" Skye asked as she worked to treat the Captain.
"Here," Ker'Tak was quickly handing her things as they tried to treat another crewmate of theirs.
The Kirins didn't see the couple sent to their planets as a sign of peace. Unfortunately, Mekt'Ta didn't take Ker'Tak's advice to send Sek'Fa.
"Ker'Tak, your normal resting pulse is 230 beats per minute?" Skye sounded worried now.
"Yes, why? What's going on? James is stable," Ker'Tak had James all taken care of for the time being.
"Heart rate's below average, trouble breathing, there's a large area of irritation, like they shot them with a phaser," Skye started hooking Mekt'Ta up to a breathing mask and worked to scan the irritated site.
Ker'Tak couldn't move past Skye, but they could look over her, and they saw the charred bruising of a phaser.
The ship shook for a moment and the alarm started blaring. The comm buzzed in a panic.
"Skye, go, take care of those injuried on the bridge," Ker'Tak took over, "I'll take care of the Captain."
"Alright, gotta hurry," Skye ran out carrying her bag of supplies. Mekt'Ta's breathing stabilized as the ship shook a second time.
"Godspeed," Ker'Tak muttered as they worked to lift some of the char off the Captain's chest.
The Captain's heartrate stabilized around 203 bpm. Not ideal, but better than under 150.
The alarms ceased and it got eerily quiet upon the ship. Mekt'Ta was stable for the time being, so Ker'Tak stepped back and waiting close to the door.
Skye opened the door, carrying Fekt'Ma around her shoulders. That, and a human child laid in her arms. Bloodied.
"Help," Ker'Tak didn't need to hear more, moving to get both the child and Fekt'Ma onto bed and begin treatment. They had to call in a couple other medics for the time being, so that they could work to stabilize the two.
"Bullet in their lung, they need immediate surgery," Hiashi started, prepping Fekt'Ma for said surgery.
Skye watched over Human James and Captain Mekt'Ta for the time being as Ker'Tak handled the child's injuries. They were crying a lot, so Ker'Tak also worked to distract them with their horns. The crying was a bit more controlled, but still consistent. The child would be ok, a couple of stitches along their forearm, and some tylenol later and they'd sleep for the day.
"Mekt'Ta isn't looking too hot, Ker'Tak. Has Viya been informed of her role?" Skye inquired not half an hour later.
Fekt'Ma had come out of surgery and was recovering well..Surprisingly well.
"I don't know," Ker'Tak admitted, "With all that has occured over today, I've been swept up in the work."
Skye nodded, "That's alright, I'll head to the bridge to see if she knows. Do you want me to grab anything while I'm out and about?"
Ker'Tak paused for a moment, staring at Skye. Their mind went blank for a moment. If they needed to, they could grab what they needed and be back in a few minutes, why would she offer to go? It would be awhile before she'd be back anyway.
"N-No, thank you Skye," Ker'Tak mumbled halfheartedly turning away.
"Alrighty, well, yell if you need anything," Skye seemed worried about Ker'Tak. In all honesty, they seemed exhausted, overrun already, even after their extended break the day before.
It would be hours before they had anything interesting happen.
Skye left, and her voice rang in Ker'Tak's ears. They were bothered by this whole thing. Mekt'Ta was pulling through, and the other three injured patients were going to be fine.
Human Skye, as a representative of her species, was much more surprising than anyone had predicted. The level of individuality between humans, given their limited genetic pool, was an unsettling precedent for other similar species.
Kirin were no exception to this unsettling development. Both species were *predatory* in nature, while most other species within the High Council of Planets were originally prey species.
Mekt'Ta stirred as Human Gia, Skye's twin sister, entered the Medbay. Ker'Tak looked over as Gia slowed down suspiciously.
"Is the Captain alright?" Gia asked, shakily rooting around in Skye's station.
"Mekt'Ta will recover, yes, what are you looking for?" Ker'Tak was on edge, the soft red glow from their growing horns ebbing into sight.
"She was asking for her notepad, no one else has been hurt that she can find, but something's eating at her," Gia mumbled half-heartedly, "Said something about Kirin physiology being off-put by Si'Nian nodes."
Ker'Tak looked over as Gia found the notepad.
"Kirin physiology, being off-put by-???" It clicked. It was possible that the nodes that made it possible for Si'Nians to telepathically communicate agitated the Kirin, generating hostility that allowed the attack.
"Ker'Tak?" Skye walked back into the Medbay as Gia turned to leave. Both were surprised to see her all bogged down already.
"Human Skye? Your theory, how do you plan to test how Si'Nian nodes affect Kirin physiology?" Ker'Tak took interest in their co-worker's theory.
"Oh! Gia told you, did she? Well, the plan is instead of sending the Captain back, I'll send *you* down. Your nodes are still growing in, *however* they may be in too early a stage to agitate the Kirin's sensitivity to those electric frequencies," Skye explained as she stole away her notepad from Gia.
"How do you feel about heading down there?"
"Why bother asking sis?" Gia cut in, half annoyed, "They attacked-"
"They were in *pain* Gia, it's a natural response to being overstimulated to be agitated, hostile, even, to anything and everything around," Skye cut her off, "Ker'tak, would you be ok with heading down? If you're still shaken by yesterday, I completely understand and I can find someone else."
Ker'Tak blinked. They had forgotten about yesterday for the most part, more focused on the here and now of it all.
"I'm..I'm willing to do anything it takes to ensure this treaty is signed and agreed upon," Ker'Tak affirmed his promise, recalling his *oath* to the High Council of Planets.
"But are you prepared for the ramifications if something goes wrong?" Skye shot back. Ker'Tak blinked, the red glow faded away.
"Only if you or Gia accompany me down, *yes.*"
Skye nodded as her sister quickly made her way out.
"Well, lucky us, you're one of the youngest here on ship and I've just applied to head down and it's been approved," Skye smiled as Ketti walked in and took over the monitoring of Mekt'Ta and the other patients.
Ker'Tak started on their way out, walking beside Skye toward the transporter, quietly. Quickly.
"No breifing? Sir nothing?" Warren asked as Ker'Tak stood on the transporter, "Are you sure?"
"Time is of the essence, is it not?" Skye countered rapidly, "We were briefed on our way down, Warren."
"Skye, you needn't be harsh," Ker'Tak chided the human, now reminded of her brash nature, "But we were briefed on this issue. Now, beam us down, Warren."
"Sure thing sir," Warren beamed Ker'Tak and Skye down.
Immediately they were met with weapons pointed at them. The Kirin hadn't calmed down yet.
"Whoa! Whoa! Hold up! We're not here to cause harm!" Skye immediately began trying to talk them down.
They lowered their weapons, unsure if they could trust this obviously predatory female and this docile nonbinary entity.
A Si'Nain that wasn't agitating them was a nice treat however..It certainly dropped their guard.
"You want to hash out the treaty? Get it signed and official don't you?" The president of the Kirin people, Wysteria S. Illiad, stepped forward.
"Yes, we would like to do just that, may we proceed?" Skye asked calmly, confidently and collected.
"Of course, ma'am, is your assistant here simply to provide information? Or are they meant to pry?" Wysteria inquired as Skye was offered a seat at the long table, with half a dozen Kirin settling down.
"He is here to provide myself with necessary information and to help us make the best informed decisions. No one means to pry or to cause harm," Skye explained as she sat down. Ker'Tak sat beside her, quietly taking up a notepad and reading through the files.
"So they are an assistant?" Wysteria asked to clarify.
"They're my coworker, we are of equal rank and we're both qualified to take over for the other should we need to leave the room," Skye clarified and Wysteria nodded.
"Alright, ma'am, sir, we had gotten as far as just needing the treaty to be proofread and signed," Wysteria explained, "Just before your Captain started to actively pry to read the situation."
"I understand that the prying must have been very painful for you," Skye sympathized, "Reading over this treaty, it seems to be fair enough and well-written."
"Thank you, ma'am. Is there a name we can call you by?" Wysteria asked and Skye nodded.
"My name is Skye, and this is Ker'Tak," Skye introduced herself without incident.
"Hello," Ker'Tak greeted the group. They were all wary of them, watching his horn like nodes for color, for activity, "I have to agree with Skye, this treaty appears to be fair and well-written, I'd see no issue with signing it now."
"Thank you, Ker'Tak, but there is one alteration we would like to add. That no Si'Nian would forcibly probe a Kirin without consent, as it causes a considerable amount of pain and discomfort to our species," Wysertia wrote it into the treaty, and the group all nodded.
"That is fair, it is invasive to do that to someone without their knowing," Skye agreed, "Ker'Tak?"
"Agreed, if I may invite you, Madam President Wysteria, to sign the treaty, I will sign after you," Ker'Tak and Wysteria were given the official copies of the treaty. One for each side.
It was signed.
The Kirin planet of GaxTal 3 was now apart of the Council of High Planets. The Treaty was put through to the Council, and there were cheers when Skye and Ker'Tak returned to the ship with Wysteria.
She was shown around, and the tension melted between her and Ker'Tak as Skye mediated the conversation.
"Ah, so you two are doctors?" Wysteria chuckled, "For people who work with the dying, you make excellent ambassadors. Especially you Human Skye."
"Thank you Madam President," Skye beamed, "I hope your people and ours will grow in tandum, and be able to learn from one another."
"The sentiment is shared, from one species of warriors to another, now, I must return to my people and you must return to your patients," Wysteria beamed as she stepped onto the transporter.
"Yes ma'am!" Skye sent her off with a cheerful farewell. Ker'Tak was already back in the Medbay, as Skye walked in.
"That was impressive work today," Ker'Tak cheered her on, "The Treaty's gone through to the Council, and they're pleased that Humankind was able to assist in such a difficult situation, lessening the stress and distress of it all."
"Thanks Ker'Tak!" Skye smiled as she got back to work, checking Mekt'Ta's pulse and other vitals.
Mekt'Ta was pulling through, and the ship had already been repaired by those in Engineering. Everything was coming back together well.
Gia entered the Medbay again, worriedly walking up to Skye, and the two started to conversate quietly with one another.
Ker'Tak busied themself with other work, ensuring the child and James were alright to go as long as they returned the next day as a check up.
"You what?" Skye's voice spiked in tone and her alertness spiked through the roof.
"SHHHHH!" Gia hushed her sister, "But yes, I think I am, and so is he. Please don't tell anyone."
"Alright Gia, only because you asked and because he's my patient. You can see him," Skye gave the all-clear for Gia to see Mekt'Ta.
The next evening, Ker'Tak and Skye ate together in the dining hall.
"Ker'Tak, I've been reading up on interspecies relationships. Are they fully forbidden?" Skye asked midway through the strangely quiet meal.
"Yes, they are, for sake of everyone, to protect from any problematic pregnancies and prevent interspecies children from being discriminated against. Bi-racial children have always had issues, despite attempts to educate and eradicate the hatred towards them," Ker'Tak explained plainly, "Why? You know this already, do you not?"
"I do, but I wanted to be sure," Skye mumbled as Ker'Tak took a drink.
"Is there someone you were seeing Human Skye, or planning on seeing?" Ker'Tak inquired, now curious and worried.
"Me? No, no of course not. I'm.. Ah, well, I'm not looking for anybody, just, wondering out loud, I guess," Skye covered her tracks well.
Ker'Tak placed his cup down. Carefully they considered telling Skye. She took a drink as it crossed their mind that the truth best be spoken now.
"Human Skye, I understand humans can get easily attached to those they work with for prolonged periods, and over time their friendships can evolve into lifetime bonds as mates. I must inform you that I have no interest in any relationship with anyone as a mate. I am, as you humans put it, asexual," Ker'Tak told her.
Skye went red in the face as she sat down her cup and immediately began telling Ker'Tak quickly that that wasn't the case.
"Ker'Tak no! That's- no! I'm not! You're a good friend sure, but that's! Aaah, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with that question! It's- aaah...Shit... It's Gia. I'm her sister and she tells me everything. She's..Got someone in mind," Skye admitted and Ker'Tak sighed in relief as the tension between the two of them.
"Ah, thank the stars," Ker'Tak laughed it off, a golden glow coming from their horns, "It's alright. Your familial bond to her is understandable, you want to protect her, naturally."
"Yea," Skye laughed it off, "Ugh, you're a great friend, honestly, thank you Ker'Tak. I needed to admit to that."
"No problem Skye," Ker'Tak lifted their glass to hers, "To success!"
"To success!" Skye's laughter filled Star-Forward.
The bond between the two could only grow stronger from here.
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Lie About Us
Daniel Garcia x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Just really wanted to write for Daniel Garcia.
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Lie About Us Masterlist ♡ Daniel Garcia Masterlist ♡ Jon Moxley Masterlist
Summary: F/Reader is the daughter of Jon Moxley & starts to date Daniel Garcia. The only problem is, she hasn't told her father.
Y/N's POV:
My father and step-mother were waiting for me at our favourite lunch spot, and because of traffic, I am late.
You may be wondering who my father is, well it is the one and only Jonathan Good, also known as Dean Ambrose, who goes by Jon Moxley as well.
I was born when he was 14 years old, yes I know very young. My mother is two years older than him and she didn't want anything to do with him until she saw him on TV one night.
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That is when she asked for child support from him. The kicker of it all? He had no idea about me until she tried to take him to court for back support.
Like any smart man would do in this case, he asked for a DNA test to be done, which the courts agreed too.
When the results came back and proved I was his, he paid the child support. He also asked for visitation rights and was granted.
When I was 16 I moved in with him and Renee. I found out my mother was spending all the money he was giving her on her boyfriends and gambling.
He took her to court for that and he didn't have to pay her anymore as he got full custody of me once they found out she was hitting me.
It has almost been 7 years since I last saw my mother, and I have no idea where she is now.
And here I am now, running to meet them and baby Nora for lunch.
Just as my luck would have it, the moment I was looking at my watch to look at the time, I ran right into someone.
The person who I ran into fell backwards and grabbed me as they went down.
I started to apologise but the words seemed to come out as a squeak as I looked at the man who I ran into.
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I was laying on top of him as the two of us stared at one another. "Excuse miss, but the floor is hurting my back."
I quickly got to my feet as did the man. I once again tried to apologise. "Don't worry about it. In a rush to be somewhere?"
"Lunch with the folks."
"I won't keep you any longer. The name is Daniel though." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.
I grasped his hand in mine. "Y/N." As I shook his hand I felt my phone vibrate and saw the message from Renee.
"Shit, I gotta go. Sorry once again." And I was gone. Running once again to the restaurant.
The hostess showed me to the table and there they were sitting. Only a few people on this planet can make my stubborn father smile but she always has.
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"Sorry for being late. Traffic and then as I running here, I ran into someone and had to make sure they were okay." I said as I sat in the only seat available.
"Well you're here now." My father said as he smiled at me.
We talked about many things over lunch and I couldn't help but gush over my baby sister. Once Renee fed her, I insisted on holding Nora so the two of them could eat in peace.
"I have tickets set aside for you for tonight. You're still coming right?"
"Like I would miss you wrestling Dad. I will be there." I have always enjoyed watching his matches and with him working with Eddie, you know it will be a good match. I also know he will be working with Darby Allin and Sting tonight as well.
They are up against this tag team called 2.0 and some guy named Daniel Garcia.
We finished our meal and Dad had to leave, so Renee and I went shopping. I missed spending time with her as I am always working.
I don't really consider her a Mom figure but more like my best friend. When I moved in with them, she was the one who took me shopping and helped me re-decorate my room.
We spent a few hours at the mall until she had to get Nora home. We parted ways and I went to the arena.
I got my ticket and backstage pass. I text my Dad to let him know I was there already. I got the typical 'okay' from him. He was never one for texting.
I said hello to people who I knew and saw Britt go around the corner. I was just about to call her name when I heard my name being called.
I turned around quickly and was shocked to see Daniel standing there. "Daniel, hi!"
"What brings you by Y/N?"
"Just seeing my Dad. He is a wrestler so I try to see his matches as much as possible, yourself? You are a wrestler?"
"Yes I am. Got a match tonight." It finally clicked.
"You're Daniel Garcia."
"The one and only Y/N."
"You have a match against my Dad tonight. Good luck." Speaking of my Dad, he was wondering where I was.
"Got to go Daniel. Good luck. You'll need it." And I went off to meet up with my Dad.
"Hey Dad, hey Eddie."
"Hey kid." I will always be that teen in Eddie's eyes, which is fine.
We talked for a bit, but I got a call from my work and they needed me to come in. They must of been desperate for someone. I work as a Emergency Dispatcher. I usually work days, so for them to call for me to come in now at almost 9:00 PM, someone must of called in sick.
"Gotta go Dad. Got called into work. Good luck you two." I said as I kissed their cheeks goodbye.
I could see in my father's eyes he was upset, but he knows I am on call as well, and that my job is important.
"Love you Dad."
"Love ya Pumpkin."
I was now rushing to leave when I saw Daniel again.
"Where you off too Y/N?"
"Got called into work. Have a good match, even though you won't win."
"Hurtful, but you can make up for it by giving me your number."
I stopped walking, gave him a once over. I mean he is cute, what could go wrong?
So I gave him my number. He text me right away, probably to see if I gave him the right number.
Part 2
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Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @kawaiikels
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soundwavereporting · 4 years
last bit of writing for the night...more humankaiju for @fauveshumankaiju, starring gojirin, battra, and megalon. entirely un-proofread, save for spellcheck.
“So…” Gojirin said. “Are you going to tell me about it?”
She swiveled in her chair and gestured to Battra’s far-blacker-than-normal black eye.
“I told you,” Battra said. “You’d know if you were old enough to go into the bar.”
“I turn 21 next month,” Gojirin muttered, then prodded at Megalon’s chair with her foot. “Megalon’ll tell me.”
Megalon looked at Battra helplessly. Battra sighed and shrugged.
“He and Rodan tried to have a sword fight with the pool sticks.”
“Pool cues,” Megalon corrected. “They tried to have a sword fight with the pool cues to commemorate Rodan’s birthday.”
“And then?”
When Battra shrugged again, Gojirin huffed, spinning Megalon’s chair with her foot. Agreeably, Megalon lifted his legs, sticking out his arm to push against the counter to spin faster.
“I saw my sister this morning. You don’t get a split lip and bloody knuckles from a pretend sword fight.”
“Oh!” Megalon stretched out his foot to bring his chair to an abrupt halt. “Battra’s boyfriend started that.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Battra snapped, though privately, Gojirin thought he would look far more intimidating were bits of his hair not wrapped in foil.
“I don’t even know his name,” Battra mumbled, and Megalon gawked.
Gojirin waited. Battra fiddled with his foil-wrapped hair and glowered. Megalon looked like he wished he was anywhere but here.
“Fine.” Battra peeled back a bit of foil, then crinkled it back into place. “Rodan and I were ‘fighting’, he got me in the eye, and then the guy lunged. Not for me, or even Rodan. For Goji—like he was just waiting for the chance to go after her.”
“Ah.” Gojirin smiled weakly, trying to push back the instinctive worry. As much as she loved her half-remembered father, he had certainly made multiple questionable decisions during his time in Monsuta, resulting in an unknown number of half siblings and step siblings for herself and Goji to find. Learning Biollante was their half-sister had been a shock, but in hindsight, Gojirin supposed she shouldn’t have been so surprised.
But Battra’s story felt a little too much like the ways Gojirin imagined meeting her other half siblings would go. She hoped that wasn’t the case—maybe the guy wasn’t related to them at all. Maybe Battra and Megalon had just missed something, some nonverbal cue, a perceived slight spoken when neither of them had been listening.
“The good news,” Megalon said, “Is Gigan didn’t get arrested! He helped Jet separate them, even when the new guy took a swing at him!”
This time, Gojirin’s smile felt genuine. “That’s great! How’s he liking the new arrangement?”
“Yeah.” Battra swiveled his chair to face Megalon. “Enough about me. How’s the new arrangement?”
Megalon smiled, and Gojirin was suddenly reminded of the kids she student-taught, the ones with half-realized crushes. The real, genuine happiness made Gojirin feel a little more at ease. If Gigan, of all people, could fall for Megalon and Jet Jaguar, surely there was a good chance the new possibly-sibling would turn out okay.
“It’s nice,” Megalon was saying. “We haven’t stayed at his place yet, but this Sunday he’s gonna come over to meet Antonio.”
Abruptly, Megalon snapped to attention, waving at the window. Gojirin and Battra turned to look.
Speak of the devil. Jet Jaguar was crossing the street, carrying two coffees.
They watched as Jet sauntered over to the hair salon. His smile, Gojirin thought, was nearly as wide as Megalon’s.
“Morning.” Megalon jumped up and pecked Jet on the cheek. “Brought you coffee—sorry, ‘rin, Battra. I didn’t know Megalon was having company at his appointment.”
From anyone else, it would have sounded wholly insincere, but Jet Jaguar, with his easy, kind smile managed to make it sound utterly genuine.
Battra waved his hand dismissively, and Gojirin shook her head. “I saw these two and thought I’d drop in,” She said. “Goji made Mothra and I breakfast.”
“She okay?” Jet asked, and Gojirin’s worry returned in full. “She took a couple hits last night, and so did you—”
Jet reached over to examine Battra, who scowled and pulled away.
“Your eye looks pretty bad.”
“’s fine.” Jet Jaguar pursed his lips, then turned to Gojirin. “I’m sure Goji told you this morning, but I’ve got a guy in lockup claiming to be your folks’ brother.”
Gojirin’s heart sank.
“I guessed as much,” she admitted. “I guess it was too much to hope that Dagon stopped with me and Goji and Bio.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Jet said. “Megalon and I will be there for you.”
Megalon nodded eagerly. “And Gigan, too,” Megalon added. “Maybe.”
“I’ve gotta get going,” Jet said. “The guy’s lawyer is scheduled to arrive in a few minutes.”
“Good luck.” Megalon pulled Jet down for another kiss. “See you tonight?”
“Of course.” Jet Jaguar’s eyes were soft. “Giovanni’s? Beef lasagna with a side of garlic bread.”
Megalon grinned. “And an order of ribollita for Gigan?”
Jet held up his notepad. “He told me this morning.”
Jet Jaguar’s phone vibrated insistently.
“Gotta go.” He hesitated, then leaned down to kiss Megalon’s forehead. “Later, Battra, Gojirin.”
Gojirin waved as Jet Jaguar raced out the door.
“Bye!” Megalon said. “Love you!”
Megalon froze, and his face turned bright red.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“Yep.” Battra’s voice was dry.
“I mean I do,” Megalon said. “But I thought I’d say it at a better time. During a candlelight dinner, or a sunset cruise, or…”
Megalon slumped in his seat. “Yeah. I wasted it.”
“Does Gigan know?” Gojirin asked.
“That I love him? I don’t know. I think so. I hope so.” Megalon ruffled the barber’s cloth and watched the stray strands of hair fall to the floor. “I haven’t told him, because I don’t want him to…I don’t know. Freak out or something.”
“Seems fair,” Battra said. “I’d probably leave if someone said they loved me.”
“Even if you loved them back?”
Gojirin wondered if Megalon’s frown matched her own.
Battra shrugged and reached for his bag. He rifled through it, pulling out a palette of eyeshadow and tossed it to Gojirin. “Here. For your channel.”
Gojirin turned the palette over in her hands, squinting suspiciously both at the package and at Battra’s blatant attempt to change the subject.
She decided to take the bait. For now.
“Have you thought about cutting down on the makeup?” She asked.
“As a makeup YouTuber, isn’t that contrary to your brand, or whatever?”
Gojirin tossed the eye shadow back to Battra. “It’s expired. That thing’ll give you an eye infection.”
Battra mumbled something inappropriate under his breath. “Hedorah gave that to me for Christmas.”
“Welp.” Gojirin leaned back in her chair. “Getting back to the topic at hand—”
“Should I tell him?” Megalon asked. “I want to—I really want to. But I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
“What you need to do,” Gojirin said, drawing on all her previous experience from watching a multitude of rom-coms. “You gotta tell him. Maaaaybe not when Jet’s around, but you just need to sit down and let him know how you feel.”
“You think it’d be okay if I did that?”
“Well, he loves you, doesn’t he?”
Megalon hesitated. “I think so,” he said, finally. “Even if he doesn’t, I still do. Is that okay?”
Gojirin shrugged helplessly. Megalon had quickly reached the upper limit of advice she felt qualified to give. “You know him better than I do. Probably better than anyone does.”
“I wish more people could get to know him,” Megalon said. “When he smiles—when he really smiles—it lights up the room.”
“My hair’s done,” Battra said, peeling off the bits of foil to reveal obnoxiously yellow locks of hair. He splashed water from the faucet into his hair, only succeeding in getting it all over his face. “Gotta run.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Battra had stood and moved to leave, but paused, looking at Megalon, then Gojirin.
“I don’t want to be my sister,” Battra said. “That explanation enough?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Fine. I don’t want…” Battra gestured at the salon window. “I don’t want to be the crappy carbon copy of my sister. She’s the responsible one, the caring one, the one who knows who she loves and they love her back. The one that’ll take care of kids because their dad can’t be bothered half the time because he’s busy trying to win a game of pool and pick up guys whose names he doesn’t even know. I don’t want to be her,” Battra said. “Because then I’d hate me.”
Megalon wiped his eyes.
Gojirin swallowed.
“She doesn’t hate you.”
“I know.” Battra sighed. “I’ll figure it out. Besides, at least I know I’ve only got one sister, huh?”
“Heh.” Gojirin’s final, best attempt to distract herself faded away. “You’ve got that, I guess.”
“Hey.” Megalon reached over to squeeze Gojirin’s hand. “I’ll be okay. I think. Goji’s tough.”
“She is,” Gojirin admitted. “But I don’t know if I am.”
“Out of the three of us, you’re the only one who can handle a pack of 30-plus kids,” Battra said. “I can barely handle two.”
Gojirin managed a weak smile. “Thanks. I’ve gotta go too, actually. Bio asked me to meet her for lunch and I don’t want to be late.”
“I’ll walk you there,” Battra said. “If you want.”
“I’ll come too.” Megalon had removed his own foil and peeled off the barber’s cloth. His “Let me just pay and I’ll catch up.”
“‘kay.” Gojirin wiped her eyes and watched as Megalon practically skipped to the counter. He was happy, Gojirin knew, and Battra was…happy enough, or would be, she supposed.
Which just left her, and everyone else in Monsuta.
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Deacon St. John || The Sarkoski Siblings [2/2]
A/n: I just wanted to swing by and give hugs and kisses to all the people who've been liking my crappy stories.
Let's get this story rollin'! Love you all!!! •••••••••••••••••••••
***** Prompt: A couple of days have passed since your departure with Carlos. Deacon and Skizzo have been complete messes during your absence. Deacon finally snaps, unable to withstand the thoughts of what the Rippers could possibly be doing to you. He heads to Iron Butte on a rescue mission and doesn't plan on coming back until you're safe and by his side. *****
~3rd Person POV~
"Fuck it. I can't stand this anymore," Deacon growled under his breath as he stormed over to his bike.
Before he could ride off, Rikki rushed over and placed her hands on the handlebars of the motorcycle. "Whoa there, Deek. You can't just ride into Iron Butte guns ablazing and search for (Y/n). You'll be risking your life and possibly hers."
"She's been with those unhinged assholes long enough. If I wait any longer, she'll be dead by the time I find her." Deacon scowled at the mechanical engineer as he spoke. "And I'll make sure to take care of Carlos, too, while I'm gone. Kill the leader, kill the rebellion."
"(Y/n)'s a tough girl. She can withstand whatever those bastards throw her way. As for the "killing the leader" part, you might end up enraging the rebellion instead of stopping it."
Deacon leaned against his bike, eyes boring into Rikki's. "I don't give a damn as long as (Y/n)'s safe. I'll kill all the Rippers if I have to in order for that to happen."
The woman exhaled, running a gloved hand across her forehead. "You're really protective of her. Gotta admit, I'm... a little surprised. Guess love does that to some people."
Deacon went to retort, but Skizzo interrupted their conversation. "If you're goin' after my sis, I'm coming, too."
"Hell no," the drifter snappily responds. "You'd only get in the way."
"(Y/n)'s my fuckin' sister and it's my fault Carlos targeted her!" He seethed. "I also know Iron Butte like the back of my hand and where Carlos might be keeping her."
"Neither one of you is going anywhere!" Rikki shouted, catching both men off guard. "I care just as much as you both do for (Y/n), but this is a suicide mission! She went of her own accord and I don't think she'd appreciate the two of you riskin' your lives for hers."
"You're not gonna stop us, Rikki," Deacon proclaimed.
"For once, I agree with him," Skizzo reluctantly confesses. "My sister—the only family I have left in this fucked up world—is possibly being tortured to death by those freaks."
Rikki hung her head and released the handlebars of Deacon's bike. "Fine. You both are stubborn assholes and I know when I've been defeated."
Deacon glanced at Skizzo as he clutched the handlebars tightly. "Get your bike. We're leaving right now."
"I'll meet you at the gate." Skizzo left to grab his bike while Deacon waited patiently. He was well-equipped and had plenty of ammo in the saddlebag attached to his motorcycle. He also had spare crafting ingredients in case he needed more explosives or traps during the mission.
A minute passed and Skizzo returned on his bike. He stopped beside Deacon, exchanging glances with the drifter. "You ready to do this?"
"You've no idea how ready I am," Deacon scoffed, revving the engine of his bike.
Skizzo followed Deacon's lead and revved up his own ride. "Let's get my sister back."
After riding for five minutes in silence, Skizzo contacts the drifter following close behind and asks the one question that's buzzing inside his head. "So... you like (Y/n)?"
"Jesus," Deacon grumbled. "We are not discussing this right now, Skizzo."
"It's a simple "yes" or "no," bro! Just answer the damn question!"
"What—so you can play the overprotective big brother? I don't fucking think so," the drifter chortled.
Skizzo fell silent before confessing his true feelings if (Y/n) chose Deacon. "Y'know, she could do worse. In all honesty, I rather it be you than any other damn drifter."
"Jeez, thanks," Deacon sarcastically replies.
"I just want what's best for her, y'know? I fucked up her life before the world went to shit and even after. Guess I kinda want to make amends now for all that."
Deacon couldn't bring himself to make a snarky remark since he knew Skizzo's heart was finally in the right place. "Yeah, well, it ain't gonna be easy."
"I still gotta try, right?"
The drifter nodded even though he knew his companion couldn't see his gesture. "Right."
They arrived at the tunnel connecting Lost Lake to Iron Butte. The second the Rippers guarding the tunnel spotted them, they open fired and chanted at the top of their lungs. "Get low!"
Deacon and Skizzo dismounted their bikes and took out the adversaries on foot before continuing through the funeral cautiously. Now in the Iron Butte region, the drifter called out to his partner for this mission. "Hey, uh, where the hell are you taking us?"
"Carlos has a lodge he stays in. It's located in the valley," Skizzo answers.
"And you think that's where he's keeping (Y/n)?"
"That's where I know he's keepin' her."
The drive to the lodge was dangerous with the constant threat of Rippers and Freaks. Fortunately for the duo, they were able to ignore or take out the enemies from their motorcycles. Some of the Freaks has even helped them take out the Rippers shooting at them.
Looming in the distance, there was a large structure with the normal decorations of blood and wooden spikes. From the second floor windows, they could see the faint glow from a fire.
"Looks like they're home," Deacon said. "Good, 'cause I'm gonna kill every single one of those bastards."
"Hey," Skizzo retaliates. "My sister is our main goal. Don't forget that."
"I know," the drifter hurls back. "I'm still gonna make them pay for what they've done, especially Carlos."
"Don't do anything stupid until we find her, alright?"
"You're the one who runs off and does something stupid. We wouldn't be in this situation if you would've just left the damn supplies alone. And guess who's paying for your fuckup—(Y/n), your own damn sister."
"I know I fucked up, 'kay?! Stop reminding me," Skizzo snarled.
"I'm sure (Y/n)'ll tear you a new one once we get back to Lost Lake."
They arrived at their destination, dismounting their bikes in the shadows and sneaking in on foot. Deacon peered our from behind the school bus they were hiding behind and surveyed the area. "Place is crawling with Rippers..."
"What'd you expect? A few here and there?" Skizzo scoffs with an eye roll.
Deacon grimaced at the man but quickly focused his gaze back onto the Rippers. "You've been inside, right?"
"Uh, yeah. Just once, though."
"Good enough. Where do you think they'd be keeping (Y/n)?" Deacon questioned in a hushed voice as one of the Rippers wasn't far from where they hid.
"Maybe in one of the rooms upstairs. I'll check the first floor, you'll handle the second. Sound like a plan?"
Deacon sighed through his nose. "It's all we got. Let's go."
The two separated and snuck around the enemies. Skizzo managed to get inside without being seen while Deacon meandered around to the back of the lodge and find a stairwell to a balcony on the second floor. He peered through one of the shattered windows, spotting several Rippers—including Carlos—dancing around flames while carving into their skin with machetes, knives, and shards of glass.
Lowering his body, Deacon vaulted through the window. His boots crunched the shards of glass under his feet as he made his way across the room without disturbing the Rippers. He opened the first door he came across, but he regretted it as a putrid odor assaulted his nostrils. His face scrunched up as he stared at the corpses strewn about with blood caking the walls and floor. "Jesus... What the hell have they been doin'?"
Deacon closed the door and moved on to the next room. He opened the door and peeked inside to see if (Y/n) was there. When all he found was a stash of weapons, he shook his head in disbelief and moved on.
In the last room, Deacon cautiously opened the door. Unlike the other rooms he checked, this one was neat and void of blood, corpses, and weapons. The window were boarded up and the only furniture in the room was a bed. When the drifter saw who was laying on the mattress, he rushed over and placed a hand on their shoulder. "(Y/n)," he whispered as he flipped her body over so she was now facing him.
The moment Deacon saw the state she was in, his eyes widened in horror. Her (h/c) hair was tainted with blood and there were deep gashes along her arms, legs, and face. She was unconscious and a large splotch of blood down her side caught his attention. He apologized under his breath as he lifted her shirt and saw a cut reaching from her armpit to her waist. "Shit..."
Deacon kneeled beside the bed, placing his hand against her cheek gently. "(Y/n)?" He softly called out, hoping she would wake up if she heard his voice. He didn't even receive a finger twitch in response, which frightened him. His heart raced inside his chest, threatening to burst through his rib cage and out of his chest. "C'mon, sweetheart. Give me some kind of sign."
Finally, his voice elicited a painful whimper from (Y/n). Deacon watched as her eyes opened but remained half-lidded. "Deacon...?" Her voice was weak and raspy from screaming.
"Hey, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? Just hold on for a little while longer," he reassured her as he went to pick her up.
(Y/n) grasped his hand to stop him. "I-I'm chained to the bed frame. You... need a key..."
The drifter glanced down at her ankle and saw the shackle locked around it. He gritted his teeth before stepping away from the bed to see if he could lift the bed, but it was nailed to the floor. "Goddammit. Do you know who has the key?" When Deacon didn't receive an immediate response, his eyes darted back to (Y/n). Seeing she was falling back into an unconscious state, he shook his head frantically and patted his hand against her cheek. "Hey, hey, hey. Stay with me, (Y/n). Who has the key?"
Before her eyes shut, she murmured one name. "Carlos..."
Anger boiled inside Deacon as he went to retrieve the key. Before he could open the door, someone walked into the room. Luckily, it was only Skizzo. "Did you—?" He glanced past the drifter and saw his sister curled up on the bed, blood covering her body. "Oh, fuck." He ran to her side and placed a hand on her head. "Is she—?"
"She's alive. Stay here while I get that key." Deacon stories out of the room, throwing his stealth approach out the window. Without a care in the world, he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Carlos!" His loud cry was heard by every Ripper within the lodge.
They rushed towards him with their weapons drawn, but Carlos stopped them. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Deacon St. John. What brings you here?"
"You know exactly why I'm here, Jessie," the drifter snarled.
Carlos smirked in amusement at hearing his old name. "So, you do remember me."
"Yeah, well, that was one hell of a night to forget so easily."
"You, Boozer, Jack... And how could I forget the blowtorch?" The leader of the Rippers scoffed as he paced a circle around the drifter.
Deacon raised his pistol, alerting the other Rippers. He aimed it at Carlos' head, eyes sharp and brimming with hatred. "You the one responsible for hurting (Y/n)?"
"Why, we all are! We are setting her on the path to freedom!" Jessie wailed with a sinister chuckle.
"This isn't freedom, this is a fuckin' cult!" Deacon shouted. "Now, hand over the key or I'll pry it off your corpse. Your choice, Jessie."
"How about—?" He started, but Deacon didn't let him finish his question as he pulled the trigger. A single bullet pierced the man's skull, killing him instantly. The other Rippers became enraged, unleashing their fury onto the drifter.
Deacon quickly took cover as gunfire rained down upon him. When he saw an opening, he didn't hold back. He whipped out his assault rifle and unloaded an entire clip, killing more than half of the Rippers in the process. Reloading, he waited for another window to take down the remaining assailants.
A handful of Rippers were brave and tried to attack head-on, but it only resulted in a swift death for every single one of them. With only three enemies left, Deacon switched out his assault rifle for his handgun. The remaining Rippers were killed, a slew of corpses filling up the room.
Stepping over their bodies, Deacon reaches Jessie's corpse and searched for the key. He found it in one of the dead man's pockets and headed back to the Sarkoski siblings.
"Got it," Deacon announces as he made his way into the room and over to Skizzo and (Y/n). He unlocks the shackle and takes it off her ankle before scooping her up into his arms. The jostling woke her up and an immense wave of pain washed over her. She cried out, alerting the drifter. "I know it hurts, but just bear with it for a little bit."
"How the hell are we supposed to get her back if she's barely conscious?" Skizzo inquired as they left the room.
"Just focus on covering us," Deacon responded. Skizzo nodded and took the lead, killing any Rippers in their way. 
Back at the bikes, Deacon gingerly placed (Y/n) on the back of his. She was having difficultly staying awake and keeping her balance.
"What now?!" Skizzo bellowed. "She can't ride in her condition. She'll fall off the second we take off!"
Deacon yanked out the red handkerchief from his back pocket and mounted his bike. The second he sat in the seat, (Y/n)'s body slumped against his back. "Wrap your arms around me," he said. She did as she was told and wrapped her arms around his waist. Using the red piece of fabric, he tied her wrists together.
Skizzo wasn't afraid to discuss his doubt about Deacon's plan. "You really think that's gonna keep her from falling off?"
"It's all we got, Skizzo," Deacon fired back. "Get on your damn bike."
"Fine, but if she falls off—"
"She won't."
Skizzo didn't agree with the idea, but he decided to not argue any further with the drifter. He also knew it was the only safety precaution they could take to prevent (Y/n) from falling off in her weak state. The men started their bikes and took off. The Rippers tried to stop them with their weapons, but they were too slow.
After what felt like an eternity, they arrived back in Lost Lake. "Open the damn gate!" Deacon shouted as they pulled up at the front gate of the encampment.
The woman behind the gate hurriedly opened the gate to allow Deacon and Skizzo inside. They pulled into the camp and the drifter untied (Y/n)'s hands from around his waist. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the infirmary with Skizzo close behind. "Addy!"
The doctor ran over, eyes wide at (Y/n)'s battered body. "Put her on a bed."
Deacon followed Addy's orders and placed (Y/n) on the bed by the front doors while she fetched a bin of supplies. When she returned, the drifter lifted up the woman's search to reveal the deep, bleeding gash down the side of her body. The doctor grabbed what she needed in order to clean the wound.
Before applying the antiseptic, Addy glanced at Deacon. "You're gonna have to hold her down."
"Just do what you need to do." Deacon pinned down (Y/n)'s arms down while Skizzo restrained her legs.
The second the antiseptic made contact with the wound, (Y/n)'s eyes flew open and she screamed at the top of her lungs. She tried to break out of Deacon's and Skizzo's grasps, but both men were holding her down with all their strength.
Suddenly, her screaming and struggling ceased. Deacon's eyes darted to the woman's facing, seeing her eyes were shut. "Addy," he called out with a worried tone.
"She's passed out from the pain. That's good because it'll make stitching her up easier," the doctor responded as she threaded a needle through (Y/n)'s skin to suture the wound to prevent an infection. "Could you both clean the other wounds and make they aren't deep?"
"Yeah," Deacon responded as Skizzo silently picked up the material he needed to help his sister. The drifter handled her arms and face while the older Sarkoski tended to (Y/n)'s legs.
As Deacon was cleaning the cuts on her cheeks and forehead, he couldn't help but stare with a small frown. The beads of sweat trickling down her face and the hasten rise and fall of her chest caused him to become more worried.
Once the drifter was done cleaning the cuts on (Y/n)'s face, he placed his hand against her cheek and stroked his thumb across a section void of lacerations. Skizzo watched in silence as he saw the loving, caring, and worried gaze Deacon sent his sister. "You better tell her when she wakes up," was all he said before leaving the infirmary once he was done cleaning the wounds on her legs.
Deacon stared at the door Skizzo had exited for a few seconds before eyeing Addy. "How's she doing, Doc?"
"She's lost a decent amount of blood, but it isn't enough to be a concern. I've stitched up the wound on her side, but she needs to refrain from tearing them. Since her job is to help me with the injured, it won't be difficult for her to avoid reopening them." When Addy saw Deacon staring at (Y/n), she placed a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be fine, Deacon. Give her time to heal and she'll be back on her feet in no time."
"Can I..." The drifter's voice trailed off, but the doctor knew what he was going to ask.
"You can stay with her for a little while."
Deacon grabbed a chair and placed it beside the bed. He sat down and leaned forward, myriads of thoughts racing through his mind and none of them were reassuring. By the time he leaned back in the chair and cleared his thoughts, he fell asleep.
When Deacon woke up, he saw the bed in front of him was empty. Flying to his feet, he searched the infirmary for (Y/n). It took him a few minutes to find her, but when he did, she was standing in front of a mirror with her shirt lifted up. With her eyes glued to her injury, she trailed a finger up the stitching. She winced slightly due to her skin still tender from the neat sewing.
Deacon leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms as he watched her. "You shouldn't be walking around."
(Y/n) locked gazes with Deacon as she met his eyes in the reflection of the mirror. "Sorry," she whispers. "I was curious, that's all."
"How're you feeling?" He asked.
"Besides the cuts and stitches, I feel much better." She saunters over to the drifter and smiled up at him. "Thank you for saving me, Deacon. Even though it would've been easier to have left me behind, you didn't and I'm grateful for that."
"You're the last person who deserves to pay for someone else's mistake even if it was your brother's fault."
"Skizzo's the only family I've got in this fucked up world. I would do anything to keep him safe and I know he would've done the same for me."
"You sure 'bout that?" Deacon raised a brow as he questioned her.
(Y/n) smacked him on the arm. "A hundred percent. Skizzo may come across as an asshole, douchbag... you name it, but he always has the best in mind when it comes to others. Even when he was dealing drugs and firearms in California, he made sure I wasn't dragged along for the ride." Deacon pushes his body off the doorframe and follows (Y/n) as she makes her way back to the bed. She sat down and winced when she felt her skin tug at the stitches. "Fucking stitches..."
"I can get Addy if you need—"
"No, I'm fine," (Y/n) quickly interrupts him. "I've had stitches before and they're not fun."
Deacon sat down in the chair he had been sitting in when he fell asleep. He scooted closer to the bed with a sigh. "You should get some rest."
"Really, Deek, I'm fine. I've been trapped inside a room chained to a bed for the past two days. What I need is a refreshing walk." (Y/n) stood upend headed to the doors. Before she was out of his reach, Deacon grabbed ahold of her wrist. The woman peered down in bewilderment as to why he was stopping her. "Don't tell me I can't go for a walk."
"You've had a shitty past couple of days. The walk can wait," he responded. "And we can't risk you reopening your wound."
(Y/n) saw and heard the genuine concern from Deacon. She decided to not fight him and allow him to pull her back to the bed. She sat down across from the drifter, staring into his eyes with a smirk. ""We," huh? Who's this "we" you speak of?"
Deacon didn't hesitate as he already knew how strong his feelings for her have become since her absence. "Mostly me. I'm pretty sure Skizzo also doesn't want to see his own sister kick the bucket because she was being a moron."
"M-Moron?!" She shrieked as she leaned closer to him. "Going on a walk is not moronic! I should—!"
Deacon saw an opportunity and took it. He silenced her with a light, meaningful kiss. (Y/n) reciprocated the moment she realized their lips were connected. It was a short and brief kiss, but it was enough to display their love for one another. "You yell too much," Deacon retorts when he pulls away.
(Y/n) crossed her arms with a grimace. "I'll try to remember that..."
The door to the infirmary swung open and Skizzo stepped inside. When he saw the scowl on his sister face, he was utterly confused. "What the hell did I miss?"
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trade-baby-blues · 6 years
Pairing: Bones x Reader
Word Count: 2210
Warnings: Some swearing, so much fluff 
A/N: Prompt 14 ( Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B) requested by @cuddlememerrick​! I had a good time writing this so hopefully you like it!! I sure didn’t proofread it so sorry if there are mistakes lmao. 
“All flights cancelled.” Your heart leapt to your throat while you refreshed the page, as if in the second it took to reload the blizzard outside would have dissipated and the skies would be clear enough to fly. “All flights cancelled.”
You threw your phone onto the bed before flopping face-first down next to it and letting out a muffled scream. You could practically hear your mother’s voice in your head telling you not to book a last minute flight. The phone buzzed beside you and you groaned, rolling over to look at the caller ID. The Mothership. Even when she was a thousand miles away she could read your mind.
Deciding it was in your best interest, you ignored the call, grabbing your packed back and car keys instead. If you couldn't fly to see your parents, you’d just have to drive, weather be damned. You pulled a beanie down over your ears with grim determination, ready to face your fate.
No sooner had you turned the door handle than the door swung open. Cold air rushed in and it seemed like the more you squinted the more snow appeared outside. “Yeah fuck this,” you muttered to yourself, forcing the door closed. You slid down it in defeat, still covered head-to-toe in winter gear as you rummaged through your pockets for your phone. The screen lit up with another call from your mother. This time you answered.
“Hey Ma.” You could hardly hear her over the roar of your nieces and nephews in the background. “Yeah, about that. There's a blizzard here and-. No, no a BLIZZARD not a lizard. Yes, yeah all the flights are cancelled. I’m not gonna make-” A loud crash on the background cut you off. The phone was dead silent for all of one second before your mother started screaming about her heirloom plates. You figured this would be a good time to hang up and count your blessings. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad spending Christmas alone.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind, the power in your house went out, plunging you into darkness. You let your head fall back against the door with a groan. The cold set in almost immediately, and soon, even your layers of winter coats weren't enough to keep you warm.
You stood up carefully, feeling your way around the kitchen, almost tripping over your own suitcases. You barely managed to catch yourself on the kitchen table before muttering a string of curses. “Phone. Flashlight.” You pulled the phone out of your pocket, but the slick screen slipped through your gloved fingers and the phone went skidding across the floor. You took a moment to compose yourself, staring blankly into the distance.
That's when you noticed your neighbor’s light on. You could barely make out his silhouette pacing back and forth in his kitchen. His well-lit, well heated kitchen.
You decided finding your phone could wait and made your way back to the door, careful to avoid your stack of luggage. Adjusting your coat and pulling your scarf tight, you braced yourself against the cold as you raced to lock your door and bolt to your neighbor’s stoop. You knocked frantically, unsure if he could actually hear you over the howling wind. Thankfully, your luck seemed to be changing as he pulled his front door open.
He stared at you with an open mouth, one hand cradling his phone to his ear, the other on the door handle. Several seconds passed before his brain kicked in again and he motioned for you to come inside. You stood awkwardly in his foyer, the snow on your clothes already beginning to melt.
“I know, baby. I know. Daddy’s so sorry he can't be there for Christmas, but I promise it’ll be an extra special New Year’s. I love you, too. Sweet dreams, pumpkin.” Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose after hanging up the phone. You thought for a second you saw tears in his eyes, but maybe it was just some stray snow.
“So…” you began, realizing crashing your neighbor's house might not have been the best idea. Especially when you've had all of two conversations.
“You just ran through a blizzard.” Leonard said with the dead-pan of a man who’d seen more than his share of stupid things.
“Yeah, I mean it was like ten feet.”
“In a damn blizzard. What could be so important?”
You dropped your gaze. Definitely not a great idea. “My heat’s out,” you muttered. “And I saw you still have power so I thought I’d ask if I could hang out here until my power comes back on. If that’s...you know. If that's cool with you.” You bit your bottom lip and begged yourself to calm down, hoping Leonard didn't think you were too much of a spaz.
He sighed, infamous scowl still set on his face. “Probably won't be back on until morning.” Leonard walked towards the kitchen, setting his phone on the table.
“Oh, well...I can just go back then.”
Leonard scoffed. “Don't be an idiot. And take off that damn jacket before you burn up.”
You shifted the jacket off awkwardly, looking around for a hook to put it. Finding none, you added it to what seemed to be a pile of jackets by the front door, stacking what felt like ten full pounds of winter gear on top.
“Do you like hot cocoa,” Leonard called from the kitchen.
“Tch, is my heart beating,” you asked sarcastically, leaning in the doorway.
Leonard set two mugs on the counter as he walked over to you. “Let me check,” he said, taking your hand and pressing two fingers to your wrist. His brow furrowed in faux concern. “Nope. Dead as a doornail. Sorry, sugar.” He let your wrist go with a wink. “So, you want some cocoa?”
You rolled your eyes, wrist still tingling where Leonard touched you. “Yes, please, sir.” Your focus shifted to the kitchen decor, causing you to miss the way Leonard’s hands tightened around the mugs.
He handed you one along with a dazzling smile. “If the cocoa doesn't warm you up, the Irish Cream should.”
You took one sip and moaned, making Leonard damn near choke on his own cocoa. “Ugh, a man after my heart. I didn't know hot chocolate could taste this good.”
“McCoy family recipe.”
“Then I think it's time for me to become a McCoy,” you said before your brain caught up to you. When it finally did, the tips of your ears flushed bright pink.
“Mm,” Leonard started, taking another sip of cocoa. “I think it's normally drinks, dinner, then marriage, right? So how about we get dinner first?”
At that moment, you really must have been a sight: hair ruffled and unkempt from the beanie, cheeks getting redder by the second, jaw hanging open, eyes wide and clearly panicking as you begged your brain to come up with a coherent thought while it banged pots and pans together instead.
Luckily, you didn't have to make a comeback because Leonard’s phone rang again. He looked at it then up to you apologetically. “Gotta take this, sweetheart. Make yourself at home.”
He stepped out of the room, and you took a moment to gather yourself. You’d hardly spoken to the guy and here he was joking about dinner and drinks? It's not like he wasn't attractive. His jawline had definitely haunted more than one of your dreams, and those delicious arms made summer yard work seem less like a chore. That didn't change the fact that you'd been neighbors for two years and you knew jack shit about him.
Maybe now’s the time to find out, you thought, making your way into the living room. It was sparsely decorated. A few throw pillows on the couch and a blanket that looked homemade. The bookshelf, however, was packed full with books that were cluttered together in a way that made you think there must be some order to it, even if you didn’t know what it was.
On the mantle stood several plain black picture frames, each with a picture of Leonard and a young girl. You could remember him mentioning a daughter once, but you’d never seen her. She looked almost nothing like him, save for a mop of brown hair and a similar look of determination in her eyes. You wondered if she looked like her mother, but there weren’t any pictures to compare.
“Sorry about that,” Leonard said, walking back into the living room. You spun around too quickly, trying to act like you weren’t snooping. “Mom was worried about the storm.” He dropped himself onto the couch. “So. You want to watch a movie or are you gonna stand there staring all night?”
“I’m not...I’m not staring,” you laughed. “I’m...contemplating.”
“And what are you contemplating?” Leonard kept his voice level, but he had to fight back a smile.
“Whether or not freezing to death might actually be better than spending the night with you.” You crossed your arms, pretending to be upset as you sat down on the couch next to Leonard.
“I’m sure I can make it worth your while.” Leonard slipped an arm around your shoulder. If you had looked at him, you probably would’ve swooned at the look he was giving you. Sadly, you were staring at a particularly interesting spot on the carpet while you tried to keep your breathing even. “Now, what’s your favorite Christmas movie?”
“Jurassic Park,” you said without hesitation. Leonard barked a laugh before he could catch himself. “What? Got a problem with dinosaurs?”
“No, I’ve just never thought of Jurassic Park as a Christmas movie.”
“It is if you imagine all the dinosaurs are wearing little Christmas hats.” You didn’t miss the side eye Leonard sent you and rolled your eyes. “Okay, so I was really into dinosaurs as a kid and my sister and I would always watch the Jurassic Park series when we staying up on Christmas Eve. It’s sort of a tradition now.”
Leonard chuckled to himself, shaking his head slightly while he browsed through Netflix. He pressed play and put his arm around your shoulders again. This time, you took the invitation to curl up closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder. Between the movie in the background and the warmth from Leonard’s body, you didn’t even make it through the title sequence before you were fast asleep.
The first thing you noticed was this was definitely not your bed. You opened one eye, trying to get a grip on your surroundings, but nothing looked familiar. It smelled familiar. It smelled like
“Leonard,” you said, shooting up. You couldn’t remember how you’d gotten into his bedroom yet here you were. By the looks of it, the other side of the bed hadn’t been slept in, and you felt a pang of guilt. Then, the smell of pancakes drifted through the open door and the guilt was replaced with hunger.
You followed the smell into the kitchen to find Leonard hard at work over the stove, churning out  Christmas-tree shaped pancakes. Despite your hunger, you hardly noticed the food, focused instead on something even more delicious: Leonard stood dressed in a pair of plaid lounge pants slung sinfully low, hair ruffled from from sleep. His thermal shirt clung tightly to his arms and, suddenly, you missed the feel of those arms around you.
“Hey,” Leonard said, finally noticing you in the doorway. “Don’t think I have to ask how you slept.” He flashed you a brilliant smile. “Hope you like pancakes.”
“I do, but I should probably get going before the next blizzard strikes.”
“Flights are still cancelled,” Leonard said. “I checked first thing this morning.” You swore under your breath, but Leonard only smiled harder. “That eager to be rid of me?”
“Oh, no. Definitely not. This,” you said, gesturing towards Leonard and the pancakes, “is is something I could get used to.”
“Do you want to?” Leonard dropped his gaze, unsure if he was more scared of rejection or the possibility that you might actually say yes.
“Do I want to what,” you asked.
Leonard put his spatula down, taking a step closer to you. “Get used to this,” he said. “With me.”
You fumbled for words before deciding that maybe they weren’t best right now. Instead, you took two steps forward, closing the distance between the two of you. One of Leonard’s arms snaked around your waist while the other went up your back, hand tangling in your hair. Everything about him felt perfect, and you couldn’t help the goofy grin that spread across your face as you pulled away.
“You taste like vanilla.”
“It’s the pancakes,” Leonard said, pressing his lips to yours again.
“God I’ve wanted to do that since I walked in last night.”
“Really,” Leonard laughed sheepishly. “I’ve wanted to do that for five months.” You were about to respond, when you smelled something burning. Leonard must have smelled it too, because he wheeled around towards the stove. He scrambled to salvage what he could, muttering under his breath, and you felt your heart swell. Yeah, you could definitely get used to this.
@outside-the-government @martinawalker@thevalesofanduin@goingknowherewastaken @thefanficfaerie@brooke-taylor0323 @slither-in-a-half @cuddlememerrick@reading-in-moonlight @8bit-arc-reactor @jimtkirkisabitch@sjlovestory @kristaparadowski @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
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horansqueen · 5 years
BabyGirl 2.0
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♥ this is based on a concept i received a few weeks ago and ppl asked that i made a story with it. ♥ i planned 3-4 long parts but i think it’ll be 8-10 short parts ♥ 4k. fluff. ♥ there may be smut but i doubt it and IF it happens it wont be as explicit as my other smut works. ♥ i didn’t proofread and if you read my stuff you know i never do because im a lazy ass. ♥ thank you so so much for all the notes and feedback for chapter 1! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! i hope you enjoy this chapter! ♥ if you have any questions please dont hesitate. ♥ read part 1 HERE
                                    2.0  ♥ DEALS & FEELS ♥
(almost 5 years later)
I've dated girls, i've had sex with girls, too, but in the end, I never really fell in love. Love is a weird concept I have a hard time to grasp. Wanting to spend the rest of your life with the same person, living with them, always having them in your personal space... It didn't seem to be for me. I never had to share a house with anyone, and if I spent too long with people it actually bothered me. I needed my alone time, I needed space and time to relax and think, and there was no reason for me to give this up. At least, not now, and not soon. In fact, maybe I never would.
Did I still think about her? Yea, from time to time, but it seemed to have happened in an other life, and the only feeling inhabiting me was one of regret. I regretted the way I treated her, and the way we broke up. After all these years, I had to admit that my outburst was ridiculous. I was younger, stupid, and slightly more selfish. There was no excuse for the way our story ended and even if some people told me the blame was shared, I was ready to take all of it.
It was over and there was clearly not much else to add to this sad love story. I didn't know where she was, or how she was doing, but I like to believe if she needed me, Louis would tell me, since we were still extremely close. But we never talked about her. I knew he was still seeing her from time to time, even more often now that the band went on hiatus, but i never asked anything and he never shared anything either. We seemed to have this unspoken agreement to never discuss her and Iit was definitely better this way.
My solo career was going well, and on the rare occasion I could see my old bandmates, it was just like it used to be between us, especially when it came to Louis.
"Neil! Where the fuck did you put that damn watch!"
I chuckled, shaking my head as I opened the fridge to grab a beer. I threw the cap in the bin and leaned against the counter just as Louis rushed in the room, making me smirk more. His hair was a mess and watching him running everywhere to be ready on time was entertaining.
"Seriously, I can't believe I'm spending Christmas Eve without my girlfriend!" he mumbled under his breath, making me roll my eyes.
"Oh please, you two can spend ONE night apart, can't you?" I argued with a shrug. "Or is it some superhero thing where you both will start getting weaker and eventually die?"
Louis stopped dead in his track and turned to show me an annoyed face that made me laugh again.  His eyes became smaller and he pinched his lips. I knew he was half-joking and I played along.
"Some of us actually care about love, you know?" he expressed, turning around again to open my pantry. "And when I say 'some of us' I mean like, 90% of the world population."
I grimaced and took an other sip of my beer, putting it back on the counter.
"I'm fine being a part of the smart 10%." I admitted. "And I'm pretty sure you're not gonna find my watch there. Why don't you try the fridge instead?"
He closed the pantry a bit too roughly for me and turned to face me again. I loved Louis, I knew he was not holding back, not with me not with anyone.
"Yea I know, you're an eternal bachelor. When I first met El-"
I pushed myself from the counter to get back on my feet and cut him before he could add anything.
"When you met El you fell completely in love with her. You loved her through thick and thin, whether you two were together or separated. She's the love of your life, and you don't see yourself with anyone else but her. I know."
He stared at me and blinked a few times before nodding.
"Yes, and one day, you'll find yours, too." he said, making me scoff, as he walked past me.
"I've never loved anyone, and i'm not gonna start any time soon." I replied, turning to him.
He stopped walking completely, making me frown, and finally turned on his heels. His eyes stuck into mine, he waited a few seconds and finally shook his head.
"You never loved anyone?"
I frowned and shrugged, glancing away and putting my hands in my pockets.
"Nop, never."
I was lying through my teeth and just repeating it made my heart jump in my chest. I knew it and Louis knew it too. His gaze was burning me and I finally closed my eyes with a sigh. I didn't want to talk about it and I hoped he would let it go. He normally does, we don't discuss about that time of my life. Louis was my best mate, he could sense it, I knew it. He finally turned around and walked back to my room, yelling as he reached the hall.
"That's a lie, Neil! And we both know it!"
I was happy he was not in the same room anymore. I breathed in deeply, my eyes still closed, and tried to get all these thoughts out of my head. The first time I saw her, the first time I kissed her, the first time I touched her... and then, all these last times too. Falling in love was like trying to swim in quicksand: totally useless and scary. There was no way to get out of it, no way it would end well, no way not to hurt. Love was complicated and hard.  I didn't want a complicated life. I wanted things to be easy, and fun. I wanted to lay down on my couch at the end of the day and be content. I didn't want to owe anything to anyone and the obligations I already had were enough. To be responsible for someone's happiness was something I didn't want to take or risk. There was too much at stake, too many mistakes to make, too many hearts to break.
The more I thought about it, the more I tried to convince that I did the right thing, and that this relationship was inevitably going to end anyway, no matter how hard we would have worked on it.
I was completely stuck in my thoughts when Louis reappeared. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times before noticing he was putting my watch on. In his other hand, though, something was hanging on what appeared to be a necklace. A heart. I recognized it immediately and suddenly felt extremely nauseous. Why didn't I get rid of this again?
"Mate, I found this." he chuckled, moving his arm up and making the silver of the heart shine with the artificial light of the kitchen. "That's not your type of jewels, where is this from?"
I stared at it a few seconds and walked the few steps separating us very quickly, snatching it from his hands. The metal felt cold in my hand but at the same time, it was burning my skin in a way I couldn't explain.
"It's nothing, just something a girl I brought here forgot." I walked to the counter and opened one of the doors to throw it in the bin. "I'll never see her again anyway."
"You never bring girls here..." he started, realizing what I was doing. "Hey wait, it seemed quite expensive."
Of course it was expensive, I would never buy something cheap for her. I turned around and shrugged, reaching for my beer and trying to act like it didn't matter.
"What do you want me to do? Sell it?" I let out with sarcasm, chugging half of what was left in the bottle.
"Give it back, maybe?"
He rolled his eyes and walked up to me, opening the door to search the bin. I stopped him, closing the door again without saying a word. He looked up at me, clearly getting pissed at my behavior, but i didn't flinch. I didn't have to talk, the expression plastered on my face said it all. Louis sighed and backed away.
"Whatever, we need to go or we'll be late."
I followed him to the door and grabbed my coat, quickly putting it on before searching for a beanie that would fit.
"Is your son with your sister?" I asked casually, putting the beanie on and making sure it hid my ears. "I haven't seen him in so long."
"Yea, we'll just pick him up on our way."
As soon as we walked out, Louis rubbed his hands together and blew on them to get them warm and I closed the door behind us, locking it quickly. I followed him to his car and sat on the passenger's side, glancing back to see the cute baby car seat. It made me smile and I turned my attention back on the road. I was not a fan of Louis' driving, I thought he drove way too slow, but since it was his car, I tried not to comment on it.
"Thanks so much for coming with me Niall." he let out after a few minutes of silence. "I know it's mostly a christmas party for kids, and that it's not really your cup of tea, but I appreciate it."
I patted his thigh gently and shook my head, glancing by the window.
"Don't thank me, you're very welcome. I'm sure it's gonna be fun with a couple drinks."
"It won't last too long too, ya know we can go back to my place after and drink a few beers." he proposed with a shrug. "I know you're going home only tomorrow."
"Alright, deal, but not too late, I gotta fly early tomorrow."
Whenever I looked at my daughter, she reminded me of Niall. At first, it was almost torture but now, after over 4 years, I was used to it. She caught some of my facial expressions, and she talked a bit like me, too, but when she smiled, I saw Niall, when she laughed, I heard Niall, and when she looked at me with her tired eyes late at night, I could see Niall. Every single time, my heart would jump in my chest before melting immediately. I loved my daughter more than anything in the world and the truth was, I had never really been over Niall.
There are people you know you'll feel connected to all your life. Those two, Niall and my daughter, were on the top of my list. I felt something for them I knew i'd probably never feel for anyone else, and even if I knew it would be better for my sanity to forget about Niall, I couldn't. I had tried, I had made huge effort, I even saw a therapist, but deep down, I knew he was the love of my life, even if I'd never be the love of his.
I sat on my daughter's bed and pulled her closer, sending her a small smile.
"Come on, arms up!"
She stared at me and did as I asked, raising her chin up at the same time. It made me smile and I put her dress on, pulling on it at the bottom gently.
"Alright, turn around."
She moved quickly and gracefully enough for a child, her hair flying around her head, along with the skirt of her dress, making me chuckle.
"I love that dress!"
I tied it on her back and licked my lips as she turned around again to face me.
"I knew you would, that's why I bought it."
Her eyes softened and she let herself fall in my arms. I brought her closer to me, holding her against me and hugging her tight. It was always so surprising to me that she'd be so grateful for things like that. Kids tend not to be that happy about little attentions and it's totally normal, but my daughter was different.
I smiled and raised my eyebrows, knowing she had clearly something to ask me. It was in the tone of her voice, and the way she glanced down quickly before looking back deeply in my eyes. Every single time, it made my heart jump. It was definitely just a coincidence, but Niall did the exact same time and somehow, I think both of them were aware I couldn't refuse them anything, or almost.
"It's Christmas and you always let me unwrap a gift every year."
I laughed again and shook my head, twisting her gently and grabbing a brush, bringing it to her hair. She didn't complain, but I knew her eyes were shut tight, as if it would stop the painful feeling of the knots in her hair.
"First off, it's Christmas' Eve, sweetheart." I pointed out, trying to be as gentle as I can. "And second off, you're gonna get a bunch of gifts tonight, which makes me believe you can wait tomorrow to open your gifts."
She didn't wait until I was done and made a volte-face, surprising me slightly but mostly amusing me. She tilted her head and sent me puppy eyes but I shook my head again with a chuckle.
"How about daddy's gift?"
That word always made my heart jump in chest and I swallowed the pain it brought me to send her an other fond smile. It was true. Every year, I tried to give her a gift from Niall. He didn't know of her existence, and she didn't know who he was, but I had a bunch of stuff that belonged to him or reminded me of him, and I thought it was more important for my daughter than it was for me.
Last year, it was an old t-shirt he left at my place and the year before, it was a guitar pic I pierced to put on a bracelet. I knew she desperately wanted to know her dad if only for the fact that her dad's gifts were always her favorites, no matter what i'd buy her. She was wearing the shirt every night to sleep and I had to literally wash it during the day because she wouldn't fall asleep without wearing it. As for the bracelet, she wouldn't even take it off to take a bath.
I looked at her and saw how bad she wanted it. I would even say she needed it.
"Alright, wait for me here."
Her expression turned into an excited one and I quickly walked to my room, grabbing a small box and getting back to her. This time, I sat on the floor and she got on her knees, sitting on her legs. Her dress was spread around her and all I could think about is that she seriously looked like a princess. Or at least, she would when I'd do something with her messy hair.
She stared at the little box in my hand, her eyes so large that her impatience was almost palpable. She didn't say anything though, she waited and waited until I handed her the box. It's not that it bothered me to give it to her, but this jewel meant more to me than I wanted to admit, and although I knew it was just an object, letting it go, even to my own daughter, felt like a sacrifice.
She didn't even take time to try to guess, she simply opened the box and her lips curled into a large smile. She stared at the silver key with a very small purple gem and my heart twisted in my chest again. This brought back so many memories I felt myself tear up but swallowed my pain and sent her a smile.
"You like it?"
She didn't look at me at all, she kept staring at the necklace, fascinated but after a while, I cleared my throat and licked my lips.
"Okay my love, it's time to go or we're gonna be late."
"Can I wear it tonight?"
I held my breath, knowing very well that she expected a positive answer, but if I wanted to be honest with myself, I was so scared she was going to lose it that it made me want to throw up. Perhaps she was still too young for that necklace, but now it was too late.
"Mm, alright, but you need to keep it under your dress at all times, deal?"
I raised my eyebrows, looking at her and raised my hand up in a fist, sticking only my little finger up. A large smile appeared on her lips, showing her cute slightly crooked teeth, and she finally did the same, intertwining her pinky with mine.
I grabbed the necklace and put it around her neck, sighing as I watched it hang loosely on her chest. She grabbed it with her tiny fingers and put it under her dress quickly before shaking her head, making an even bigger mess of her hair.
"Hey! Come here you little minx!"
She started laughing and my heart melted as I grabbed her and threw her softly on the bed to tickle her. She laughed harder, her legs moving and kicking me, making me laugh too. It lasted a few minutes before we stopped and I tilted my head as she sighed exaggeratedly.
"Okay, your hair now."
I started brushing it and we kept silent, probably both lost in our thoughts, but when she started talking, I knew we hadn't been thinking about the same thing.
"Is uncle Louis gonna be there?"
"Mmhm, yes, he said he would. He's bringing Freddie." I added, trying her hair unto a braid.
I turned her around again and grimaced when i noticed a lock of her hair was falling. It was too short to stick in the braid and even if I was sort of used to it, it annoyed me and I quickly pushed it behind her ear.
"You are the prettiest little girl in the world, you know that, right?"
She sent me a smile and nodded. "Yes, I know!"
I walked to my room and she followed me, as usual. We always got her ready first, and then it was my turn.
"Will aunt Eleanor be there too?"
I looked through my closet found a pair of pants that were not jeans, throwing them on the bed.
"No, she already had plans tonight." I replied, trying to find a shirt that would fit and getting slightly annoyed.
"I wanted to show her my dress! I wanted her to see it! She said I could model you know!"
I laughed and glanced at her, noticing her disappointed face.
"You know what? Maybe we can take a picture and send it to her, how's that?"
I watched her quickly nod and did the same, walking back to my bed with a shirt of the same color shade as the pants. I hated getting dressed and I had no idea what was the point. If I could go in sweatpants, I definitely would.
"Noooo no no!"
Without giving me time to react, my daughter walked up to my bed, grabbed the outfit I had picked and tried as best as she could to put it back in my closet, without much success. It ended up in a pool on the floor but I decided to ignore it.
"It's Christmas!" she pointed out, her eyebrows raised as high as possible. "You're putting on a dress."
Her words were firm and her statement final, so I decided not to argue even if being uncomfortable in a dress for the whole evening seemed to be the worst idea I had heard today. We spent too long finding a dress in my closet since I was not even sure I actually owned one but when we were both ready, I got down on my knees to put her some baby pink lipstick with glitters.
"You look perfect." I pointed out.
"You too mommy, your make up in on point."
Her comment made me laugh and I bopped her nose gently.
"Yours too."
The ride was quick enough and we blasted our favorite spotify list on the way, singing loud together as I glanced at her a few times in the rear view mirror. We had out habits and I knew how close we were. We had people we loved and that loved us, but at the end of the day, it was just me and her, and I liked it that way. I wish someone would have told me five years ago how happy i would be with a daughter, but when I thought of the time I was pregnant, all I could really remember was crying myself to sleep every night and feeling extremely lonely. When I gave birth, however, it was a new beginning, and that new life was everything I wanted, everything I could have wished for.
I parked where I could and we walked inside together. I didn't even try to find Louis. knowing he would send me a text when he'd be there and I made my way to get myself a glass of wine, holding my daughter's hand firmly.
"There's chocolate milk, you want one?" I asked over the Christmas music playing.
She nodded quickly and I opened one for her, slipping a straw in it and handing it to her. I poured myself a glass of red wine and suddenly felt something pulling on my dress.
"Mom! The tree! The tree and the gifts!" she yelled looking up, showing me her perfect chocolate mustache. "Can I go!"
I sent her a smile and nodded.
"But stay where I can see you!"
She ran away and I walked closer to the tree to check on her, staying up but leaning against a wall. A voice made me smile and when I looked up, I noticed Louis walking in, his son in his arms. I waved and he saw me, sending me a big smile and pointing me to Freddie before grabbing his small arm and shaking it to make him wave at me too. I laughed and they walked in my direction, my smile growing with every step they took.
"It's so nice to see you, Lou." I let out, kissing his cheeks.
"You too, where's the little princess?"
I pointed out next to the tree and Louis smiled again as we both stared at my daughter. She had already made friends and it made me chuckle.
"Look, I don't have time to explain, but please, love, forgive me."
I frowned and turned to look into his eyes, noticing guilt written all over his face.
"What for?"
He sighed and glanced back. When his face turned back in my direction, he closed his eyes and sighed.
"Just, I hope you forgive me one day."
I opened my lips to ask for more details but I didn't have to. I saw him, and my lips remained parted. He looked good and my heart jumped in my chest. It's been five years, five long years without him, and I thought I was almost healed. But here he was, his charming smile and his light and powerful eyes, and I was in it again. Totally ill. I held my breath as he turned around and when he noticed me, we stared at each other, both speechless and surprised by something we would never have expected : each other.
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