#good thing is that my thesis is as good as finished
orshii · 3 days
Will I Ever See You Again? Chapter 5: The Love You Want
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Author: orshii
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x reader
Warning: cursing, violence, blood
Word count: 5,8 k
Summary: You were left alone with your brother, Yunho, and his best friend Hongjoong, after your parents' death. Yunho had someone to grieve with, but you? You had no one as your brother and his best friend pushed you away, singing becoming your only savior. There was one rule that Yunho made inside his friend group: “Don’t touch my sister”. And for this reason, Hongjoong had always kept his distance. But one night, you find yourself in danger. And from then on, Hongjoong does not leave your side. He is suddenly overprotective of you, and your relationship shifts and becomes fraught with tension and unspoken feelings, with secrets lurking beneath the surface and a painful past haunting you. Will you find out the secrets your brother and best friend have been keeping away from you? Will you be able to finally free yourself from your cruel past?
Will you fall in love amidst the chaos around you?
A/N: Omg finally I could upload the next chapter. Sorry for not updating for so long I just had to finish my thesis, which I managed to do...finally. About the story, we are slowly reaching the end. *sobbing*. I really love this chapter, because we finally understand a lot of things here as the truth unfolds. And their connection is going to be stronger, both with Hongjoong and Yunho finally. I think there's going to be one or two more chapters left. Have fun reading it, let me know your opinion if somebody is still here! :'( (sorry if there are mistakes!)
(Series Masterlist)
Taglist: @bvidzsoo @vixensss @deltamoon666 @scarfac3 @chatsgotmytongue
@xiang-zalea @cookiesandcreammy (taglist is open <3)
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I wanted to throw up, to let all of these feelings out, I felt disgusted, sick of myself. I have never been hating myself this much.
I drove to the place that always calmed me down, it gave me peace. It was a parking lot up in the mountains, and when you walked to the edge of the parking lot, you saw the ocean and the town, where most of the people were already in dreamland.
I needed to stop while driving because I felt so overwhelmed, I was afraid I might kill someone on the road.
I stepped out of my car, the air was cold, but I felt hot, my skin was burning from all the blood that was continuously pumping into my body. I wanted to rip my heart out in that moment, to throw it into the ocean next to me, because I couldn't handle this pain.
I was breathing heavily as I leaned my back against my car, slowly sliding down on the dirty ground, I lifted my knees to my chest, burying my hand into my hair, trying to rip it out, as I wasn't completely myself, I wanted to hurt myself, for all the shit I said and for the things that happened.
I couldn't cry, I felt empty, I wanted to cry, just so my tears could comfort me, but they never came, just as I was alone all my life, no one was there to comfort me. No one was there because I pushed everyone away when they tried to comfort me. I needed to laugh, at myself, at life, for tricking me my whole existence, promising me good things, whispering sweet nothingness into my ear, so I believed, good was coming my way. But those were only lies. Lies, that promised me so much, lies that made me keep going, lies that kept me alive.
But as the truth came out, what was the point anymore? What was the point of living anymore? What was the purpose of my living? Was there any purpose?
These questions rounded my head all the time. It felt like I was in the middle of a desert, feeling thirsty, I saw water in the distance, but as I tried to reach it, it felt farther and farther away. That's called a mirage, a mirage is a thing you crave, but as you try to reach it, it suddenly disappears, it tricks you, making your eyes believe what you see. This is how life feels right now, and I couldn't escape the warm desert. And I wasn't sure if I even wanted to anymore.
I looked up to the sky, as my eyes fell on the beautiful moon above me, shining at me with its full power. Can't I just be the moon right now and disappear? Can I just shine in the dark, giving some hope to the people, whom can't find their way in the dark night? Would I be able to show the way towards people's desires? Would I be able to love myself, so I could give all my love to those who deserve it? Would I be able to…love someone? Do I even deserve to be loved?
The questions never stopped, but the answers were nowhere to be seen, as one particular face popped up in my mind. A smiling face, that comforted me every time I saw it, a face that gave me nothing but safeness. His beautiful sharp brown eyes reminded me of the depth of a forest in autumn. His thin lips reminded me of how gently he kissed me like he was a pirate and I was his long-searched treasure. His voice sounded like a melody, I never wanted to forget. His black and blonde hair, highlighted his eyes, his nose, and his lips. His hair reminded me all the time of how two-sided he was. He was possessive and overprotective but at the same time, he did all of this, because he was soft and caring.
I loved both sides of him…I think…I- I love him. I don't know when and how it happened, but I think I fell for Kim Hongjoong so badly, I couldn't stand up anymore. Not without him. I needed him in my life because I am not worthy enough at all without him.
That very familiar melody started to play in my head, as it always reminded me of Hongjoong, the lyrics that my brain created randomly, were always when I was with him. The realization hit me, as my brain knew what would happen from the beginning. I would have never thought that I'm going to fall for Hongjoong, who closed me out from their life, alongside Yunho, and I hated them for it. They had their reasons, but still, it was unfair.
Just as much as the things I said to Hongjoong, I can't even imagine what he went through. His parents died almost a decade ago, and since then we have had his family, at least it was Yunho and my father, and he had to watch as my father died, in front of his eyes, how unfair was this? My heart ached, at the thought of it, and the things I said to him, made me feel like I was the most unworthy human being on earth.
Hours went by as I sat on the ground, my car being the only support in my life. I was freezing on the chilly night, that slowly passed by with the hours, the sun slowly coming up, to switch places with the moon, so it can rest a bit.
I didn't feel anything at all, those hours passed by like minutes, minutes like seconds, seconds like milliseconds. I didn't think of anything, my mind was empty, I just stared in front of me, physically being there on the dirty ground, but mentally I was in a place where I felt at peace, I felt calm, I felt like I had no feelings and with that no problems.
The sudden noise of the early morning traffic brought me back to real life, realizing what was I doing, I stood up, blinking a few times, to get back my visibility. I walked towards the edge and looked down at the ocean.
It was so beautiful, the sun was coming up, luring me to melt into it. The sun shone through the calm waves, the ocean mirroring the sight above it, copying the colors the sun's rims let out, bright orange and red colors melting into each other like lovers.
 Seeing this mesmerizing landscape, made me realize how beautiful life was, it was worth living only as just for these. To see these miracles, makes your heart feel at ease. That made you forget all your problems, to make you feel like you are worth living. My common sense crawled back to my mind when I realized I needed to apologize to Hongjoong, I said some things to him, that made no sense and I'm sure he believed them, thinking it was really his fault. I decided I needed to tell him how I felt, how he made me feel, how grateful I was, how I…loved him. Even though he may think of me as Yunho's little sister that he needs to save no matter what, I wanted him to know that I would protect him at all costs.
I quickly sat in my car, as its engine slowly lighted up. My only destination being the boxer's club, as I knew Hongjoong always started his days there, practicing to be better day by day. My eyes were wide open, my heart thumping like crazy, I wasn't sleepy at all as sudden adrenaline kept me going, even though, I hadn't been sleeping nearly twenty-four hours. But I was very prejudiced to talk to Hongjoong, and after that, I think it was time to talk properly with Yunho as well.
After an hour passed and I was determined to get there until Hongjoong was still there, I finally arrived at the boxing club. Getting some flashbacks about the day he taught me boxing all of a sudden as if he knew I would make good use of those tactics. I did, for sure. It kind of saved my life as those bastards tried to attack me.
I parked my car and turned the engine off, luckily, I had to change clothes in my car, as I always kept there some just in case. It was just black sweatpants and a black oversized hoodie, it was actually Hongjoong's, I stole it when he left it in the living room, he didn't even notice it, so I kept it to myself, it gave me comfort, that I needed on my lonely nights.
 As I stepped out from my car, closing its door, a sudden gut, a bad feeling caught me. It was strange I never felt like this, and it was probably because I had to face Hongjoong and tell him everything.
I walked towards the entrance and went in. Suddenly I froze in my steps when I heard yelling from the main room, where the box matches were held, and probably Hongjoong was practicing, right now. But it was weird, these sounds weren't the signs of practicing men. It was yelling and laughing, and sudden hitting. I clearly heard Hongjoong's voice.
"Fuck off." His voice was determined and low.
I went to the door, so I could see what was happening, but I wasn't expecting what I saw.
My heart started to race, I pressed my hands to my mouth in shock, trying to not let any sound out, so they couldn't see me. I saw four men, their backs facing me, as they were standing in front of, Hongjoong, who was facing with me, looking up at them with killing eyes, being tied to a chair, his lips and nose bleeding. He was wearing his usual practicing clothes, a black short, ending at his knees and a black tank top.
You, being tied down,
Me, wanting to burn alive who caused it
"Tell us, where the fuck he is, or I'll use other hurtful methods, so you will speak, fucker." The one with the bleeding knuckles told Hongjoong, as probably he was the one hitting him.
"Well, I assume, he is not here," Hongjoong said with a devilish smile, blood rolling down his jaw. The men, who hit him beforehand, punched him in the face again, as Hongjoong just spit blood into the floor, waiting for the next punch.
Sudden anger started to boil within me. I clenched my fists together until it left deep red crescents on my palms. They couldn't see me, I needed to think about how I could help to Hongjoong. They were probably looking for Yunho, so I couldn't just call him here, he needed to stay hidden. But whom I could call then? My phone was dead, but I knew they had a telephone hanging on the office wall. I just needed to get there, somehow. But to get to the office, I needed to get through the room they were in.
Fuck, it was the most unfortunate situation. But they weren't facing me, I only saw their backs, and that was enough, to sneak into the office. Very quietly I stepped into the room, trying to breathe slowly, not making a sound. If I get caught now, it'll be the end of us. I had to do this, for Hongjoong. When I did a few more steps, Hongjoong's eyes caught me immediately, he was the only one seeing me. I froze in my steps, and slowly reached my index finger to my mouth, signaling him to be quiet. He slowly shook his head, his eyes telling me, to stop and run as far as possible. But I did not want to. I moved again, to the door being on my right, being closer and closer. I eyed the door, for a second, averting my eyes off of them.
"What the hell?" A sudden voice made me freeze again. My heart was in my throat. I slowly turned towards them, ready to face the cruel men, but when I turned around I still saw their backs facing me, I let the air escape from the relief. Hongjoong was laughing viciously, his laugh sending chills down my spine. He did this, I guess so he could keep them busy, so they won't notice me. I stepped a few more and finally, I arrived at the office, closing it very slowly.
Okay, think, Y/N, please, think… Who I should call? Who could help us out?
I couldn't call the police, there was no point, they would arrest us as well. I started to panic when a sudden image hit my brain. It popped up like it was in front of me.
When I was at searching for some evidence in Yunho's room, I saw a note on his desk, saying: "In case of emergency" and a phone number was added next to it. Fuck, but I don't remember the numbers, fuck. We were running out of time. I needed to think quickly, as my fingers were already pushing the numbers of the telephone.
"C'mon, pick it up, pick it, please…" I bit my nails in stress.
"Hello?" A familiar voice came from the phone, giving me relief.
"Yeosang, oh my, thank God, you picked it up. Please, listen to me very carefully it's an emergency and I need your help. And please don’t ask anything, I'll tell you everything okay?" I said quickly, trying to not raise my voice.
"Fuck, Y/N, okay, how can I help you?" His voice sounded concerned.
"You need to get to my house, very quickly, please. When I tell you quickly, I say, you can't drive like a snail, you have to break the speeding limits, because it's important." I got nervous as the voices got louder. I was scared they might kill Hongjoong.
Please, keep it up Hongjoong…
"Hey, I'm not driving like a snail, I just keep the rules, bro, as you should too," Yeosang told me offended.
"Fuck, Yeosang, there's no time for this, it's fucking serious, just leave the house already. When you get into our house, you need to go to Yunho's room, hopefully, there's a phone number on his desk on a paper. You have to call it and tell that person, it's an emergency and they got Hongjoong, Yunho is nowhere to be found. And we need help in the boxing club. Please, Yeosang, I know it sounds shit, but I really need your help and to be quick." I explained this shit situation to him, hoping he won't ask questions and just do what I asked.
"Shit, Y/N, okay, I'm already on my way, I got you, please be careful!" I heard Yeosang's voice full of worry.
I heard some noise from the room, becoming closer to me. "Thank you, Yeo, I need to go, I love you." I hung it up immediately, as the door opened, revealing the man from outside, who hit Hongjoong.
"Oh, well, well, what do we get here." He looked at me like I was a snack he wanted to eat right away.
Shit, I'm doomed.
He grabbed my arm and started to pull me out of the office and into the main room. I felt a lot of predator's eyes on me, but one was full of, concern and fear that seemed like he would kill this man right there if he could, just so he could keep me safe. I never took my eyes off Hongjoong's, as the man was grabbing me harder, leaving bruises on my arms, as I tried to wiggle out from his hands.
"Look, what I found— that fucking chick, who escaped from us." His voice was full of anger, as it was hard to admit, how stupid they seemed because I'd got to escape from them.
"Let, her fucking go as long as I say it nicely." Hongjoong's voice seemed demanding, as he grinned with a death glare, his words coming out like venom.
The guy, pushed me down to the floor, smirking.
My hair fell onto my face, from the impact, I kept my arms out to keep myself up. I started to breathe quickly.
Yeosang, please, hurry.
"What? Is she your secretly kept little princess?" The man, who brought me out said, pointing at me with lifted eyebrows.
"Just keep your fucking dirty hands away from her you fucker. She has nothing to do with this." Hongjoong said, looking at the man, now in front of him, that man would be already dead if Hongjoong could murder with only his eyes.
The man leaned down to Hongjoong, being at eye-level with him. "But she has to do something with you. You care for her." He smiled confidently, and Hongjoong suddenly spat on the man's face. It was red, making the man's face bloody. I never saw Hongjoong, this mad. He was shaking in the chair, his muscles were tense, almost breaking apart the rope that tied him to the chair, the veins on his neck thick and tense from the anger.
The man closed his eyes straightened up and turned towards the rest of the guys, his face still full of spit, as he slowly wiped it into his shirt. "Gentlemen, this angel, is our gift from above." He spread his arms, imagining as if he was in a fucking show. 
I needed to keep them busy, so they won't hurt Hongjoong and give enough time for Yeosang, so they can come here, in time.
"One, against four and I still won, fuckers." I suddenly said as I felt all eyes on me.
The guy who talked all the way turned towards me. And looked at me like he was surprised that I had the guts to even say something.
"Fuck, Y/N, shut the fuck up!" Hongjoong looked at me furiously.
I didn't look towards him, I was eyeing the man who walked towards me, grabbing me by the collar and pulling me up.
"Can't you just keep your mouth shut, just as your boyfriend told you?" His face was so close to me, I felt his stinky breathing, against my face. It was disgusting. He seemed like he was in his forties. I guess he was the leader of this fucked up gang.
I guess…he was the one, who killed my father.
Anger and adrenaline went through my veins. I couldn't control myself, as I suddenly headbutted him, forcing all my power into the strike. It hurt as fuck, as I felt a bit dizzy from the big impact, everything was blurry for a moment, but it was worth it as he stumbled backward from the impact, pressing his hands to his nose, which I guess broke because I heard a cracking noise. Did I just do that? Wow.
Hongjoong looked at me surprised. "You keep surprising me, sugar." He said, looking at me with a proud smile. There was no time to smile back, as I ran next to him, trying to untie the robe, that tied him to the chair. But the men were quick and one of them immediately caught me, pushing me far away from Hongjoong, letting me go as I couldn't keep my balance and I fell into the ground, my temple hitting the corner of the ring, making it bleed and losing my visibility for a few seconds.
I was just laying on the floor, only hearing Hongjoong's voice as he shouted my name. A few blind minutes passed, and not knowing what was happening, I slowly opened my eyes, I heard movements from where Hongjoong was tied. Dim light hit my eyes, and my head was aching like hell, as I tried to sit up. I saw black figures, but they were more, they were fighting with each other. I suddenly saw a black figure running towards me.
"Hey, sugar, look at me!" I heard Hongjoong's voice wanting to obey to him, but I couldn't. He cupped my face, as I sat up.
"Look at me beautiful, please." I tried to focus on him, he was a blur for a moment, but as I watched him more, blinking a few times, my view started to get clearer, his face being so close to mine, I saw the bruises and little cuts on his face, that made me scream at the world, his eyes were full with concern, as he couldn't lose his long-searched treasure, ever.
"I'm here." I reached my hand to his hands that were on my face. I closed my eyes, as I was leaning into his touch more and more, never wanting to get away from him.
"Thank God." He slowly leaned to my temple and pecked the, now dried, bloody wound.
"Fuck, Y/N, are you okay?" I heard Yeosang's voice.
I looked up at him, and he was leaning on his knees trying to catch his breath.
I started to get emotional, I wanted to cry, as to how grateful I was to him. My eyes started to fill with tears, as I tried to stand up. Hongjoong helped me up, his hands never leaving my waist.
"Yeah, I'm okay, Yeo. Thank you so much for helping us." Tears escaped my eyes, as I hugged him.
"It's nothing, Y/N, I'm glad you are okay." I heard as his voice got weaker too.
I separated from him, looking at Hongjoong, who stepped next to me with his hands immediately on my waist.
"What happened with them?" They weren't here so I thought they were able to catch them.
"We caught one guy, but the rest escaped." Hongjoong ran his fingers through his hair, stressed.
"Fuck, where's Yunho?" I asked when I heard a familiar voice from the exit.
"What the fuck happened?" Yunho ran to us, as the room was now empty, the strange people, who helped us disappeared. Yunho saw my face and grabbed my jaw. "Fuck, why are you here? Did they hurt you?" He looked concerned, his eyes tired, seeming he hadn't been sleeping well recently.
"They attacked me, while I was practicing. Y/N got here later and called help." Hongjoong, reached his hands towards Yunho's, taking off Yunho’s hands of me.
Yunho grabbed his hair. "Fucking shit, who did you call?" He looked at me.
"The number that was on your desk. Actually, Yeosang called it, as I wasn't home. He helped us." I looked at Yeosang gratefully. He came closer to me, reaching his hand on my shoulder and squeezing it, signaling he was by my side. "Who they were?" I turned towards Yunho again.
"Good, they are some friends of Dad, they told me to call them if I get into trouble," Yunho said, sounding a bit more relieved.
"Will you tell me, what is this shit finally, Yunho?" I looked at him, feeling sick of the continuous lying.
He brushed his palms to his face. "I guess it's time. We'll come back in a few, wait for us, please." Yunho said to Hongjoong and Yeosang.
Yunho walked towards the backroom, and I followed him, looking at Hongjoong before I turned away, he nodded encouraging me that everything was going to be alright.
Yunho closed the door, behind me. His face was a little strange, as he looked around. I sat on a little bench pushed to the wall.
"Don't— Don't sit there." He said with a sudden voice. I looked at him with questioning eyes. "What the fuck?" I raised my brows at him.
"Exactly that, just sit somewhere else." He said, trying to avoid my gaze.
"Holy shit." I stood up immediately as my brain was catching on, with the little information I was given. "Oh my God, disgusting, Yunho." I looked at him gasping.
"Shut up!" He still couldn't look into my eyes; his cheeks were blushing.
"Okay, I want to know who is it." I looked at him curiously, folding my arms.
"It's uh—" He scratched his head, being nervous. "It's Mingi." He said looking at me finally.
I gasped. "Oh. My. God." I pressed my hands to my mouth, hiding my smile.
"What?" Yunho looked at me, trying to figure out what was my opinion on that.
"Finally, bro, I always saw the connection between you two, are you kidding, it was a matter of time before you two got married." I smiled at him, feeling relieved that it was Mingi, who had been his best friend for eternity, they were always inseparable and they supported each other all the time. I wasn't blind, it was obvious they were destined to each other, so I was very happy, that they could finally step that little best friend boundary over.
"Really? Was it that obvious?" He asked a smile appearing on his face, as he felt relieved.
"Kind of." I smiled at him, stepping closer to him. "I'm happy for you, Yu."
"Thank you, means a lot." He spread his arms, inviting me to a hug. I stepped closer to him, burying my head into his warm chest. It felt so good to finally hug him after a while. Recently he was so distant with me, that our connection got weaker since our father died. I felt whole again, as a puzzle got into its place again. One still missing.
"So, are you going to tell me, what's this?" I stepped out from his warm hands. 
He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing. "Yes, sit down, please. Here." He pointed at a chair. As I chuckled.
He sat in the chair opposite me. "Am, where should I start?" He started to think.
"So, you know, Dad got into a gang, not much after Mom died. He was overwhelmed, he couldn’t handle the grief, he lost his job, so he needed money. The solution was stepping into this gang, that did some illegal shit, but they made a lot of money, so I guess it was worth it. Just until Dad, got some common sense, and tried to prevent them from doing whatever they did. He stepped up against them and gathered some of his friends so they can stop those fuckers. At first, it seemed like they stopped; they were quiet for a while. And that was when they took Hongjoong and him. And you know the rest, Hongjoong told me, he already told you what happened.” He looked at me a little disappointed like he knew how much I hurt Hongjoong. “After Dad died…I was restless, I needed to find them, Hongjoong was full of rage too, so we stepped into that gang. We tried to blend in so we could bomb them from the inside, playing with their minds. But somehow, they found out who I was, maybe they overheard us, or they started to become suspicious, I don't know, but that's when they started to attack, you, Hongjoong, and…they even followed Mingi, Y/N." His voice cracked. "I was so scared, they might hurt him, still am, I don't know what would I do without him, I— I think I'd die, it hurts to think of that, I might lose him because I'm dumb and I can't fucking fight off a shit gang." He was mad at himself, for not being able to protect his loved ones.
I looked at him concerned, tears appearing in my eyes, I had never seen Yunho this vulnerable ever, it hurt, it hurt because he was like my other half, I didn't want to see him like this, ever. I stood up stepping closer to him, reaching my hands to cup his face, wiping down his tears. I would burn the whole world for him, I didn’t want to see him like this. Suddenly I understood why was he protecting me like this, like I was a bird in a cage— because…I would've done the same thing, I would've protected him at all costs.
"It's okay, he is fine, we are fine, and everything is going to be okay Yu." I tried to comfort him.
He held my hands, that cupped his face. "We need to, catch them, we need to end this once and for all." He said as he got his strength back, fire lighting up in his eyes.
"We will, those bastards need to get what they deserve," I said revenge starting to boil my blood.  
"They will, I'll make sure of that. But you need to stay here." Yunho said, ready to fight with me again.
I looked at him furiously. "You can't do this, Yunho."
"Look." He grabbed my hands and stood up. "Someone needs to be home, if they are coming again, Yeosang will be here, and Mingi as well, for a while. We don't know where they are, their base could be anywhere, we will get it out from the guy we caught. We won't let them run anymore." He explained the plan, he looked so determined, as he wouldn't rest until those bastards were out of the way.
I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling stressed. "I have a bad feeling about this, Yunho. Let's find another solution, there has to be." I looked at him concerned.
"There is no other solution, Y/N, we have to do this." He was restless. So, I had no other choice than to agree.
"Shit, okay. But please, please be careful." My voice came out weak.
"We will, I promise." He embraced me again, in his warm hands.
"Hongjoong has to go too?" I suddenly asked, my heart beating fast, suddenly on the thought.
"If he wants, I won't force him to." He looked at me, curious.
"What's between you two?" He asked frowning.
"Nothing- at least— I don't know, I haven't been able to talk to him," I said honestly, looking down at the floor, now I was the one avoiding Yunho's gaze.
"You should talk to him," Yunho said, as I quickly lifted my head. I thought he was going to be mad, hearing there's something between us.
"What? Aren't you mad?" I asked as my voice sounded surprised.
"No, of course, I am not. I'm actually glad, you got someone like Hongjoong. I saw how he looked at you like you were his everything, he was just scared to step over the boundaries because of me. I know he can be there for you and he can protect you when I'm not there. I'm sorry, that you felt you had no one in the past, I was blinded by revenge I didn't see that you were struggling as well." He admitted, his voice getting sadder.
I didn't say anything, as I was just looking down on my hands, playing with my ring.
"Go rest a bit, because I know you haven't slept in a while, then talk to him. You deserve to clear things out between the two of you." He hugged me again, strongly nearly breaking my bones.
"Okay, okay now let me go," I mumbled into his chest.
We laughed together, and finally, I felt at ease, I felt like a big rock fell off of my chest, and as we finally put the pieces together, everything was in its place, and our relationship with Yunho finally started to heal again.
We were on our way out of the club, and Hongjoong was walking next to me, as he looked at me with a thinking face.
"What?" I looked at him frowning.
"Is that my hoodie?" He asked with the sweetest smile.
"Ahm— no?" I scratched my neck, I felt nervous, little red started to appear on my cheeks.
"It is mine, I know it, I was searching for it for ages. I gave up on finding it, and you had it the whole time?" He was laughing now, he looked sincerely happy.
"Okay, okay, I stole it, but you left it on the couch and it was there for weeks. I thought you don't need it anymore." I smiled at him, I was blushing so hard, that I couldn't look into his eyes.
“You can keep it, looks good on you.” He leaned close to my ear and pecked the skin under my ear.
I chuckled as we reached my car and I turned towards him. "Meet you at home."
He looked at me so adoringly that I felt like I needed to hug him so bad. He nodded, as I opened the door to sit in. On my way home, I smiled the whole time. I couldn't wait until we could finally talk. But first I needed to sleep because I felt like I am going to collapse at any moment.
Hongjoong and Yunho were already home when I arrived there. I stepped inside and they were sitting at the kitchen counter. Yunho saw me and stood up.
"Okay, I think I'm going to check on Mingi, see you later guys." He winked at me and went upstairs.
Hongjoong looked at me, checking me out with warm eyes.
"Go sleep, sugar, it was a tough day." He said while he sipped from his coffee, not taking his eyes off of me.
"Okay." I went to the stairs but suddenly froze. I looked back at him, as he looked at me with questioning eyes. "Do you want to— sleep with me?" I asked feeling a little shy. Where was the confident me, who literally got him to kiss me?! It was just sleeping, c'mon.
He smiled at me with his teeth showing. "Do you want me to sleep with you?" He stood up and came towards me.
I nodded. He held my hand and leaned close to my face. "Okay, sugar." He gave me a warm peck on my left cheek. I felt weak in his presence, it was intimidating.
We went up to my room, still holding hands, and I finally collapsed to my bad, releasing his hands. He went to the other side of the bed, as I slipped under the warm blanket. I was laying on my left side and he was facing me on his right side as he slipped under the blanket too. I moved closer to him; he held my waist caringly pulling me closer to him. I looked at him, but my eyes couldn't focus anymore as my eyelids slowly closed.
"I'm sorry, Joong." I mumbled while I was already half asleep.
"It's okay, sugar, I’m so proud of you, you did so well today." He whispered; his voice sweet like honey. I felt his face closer to me, as he pecked my nose, then my temple, my cheek, and lastly my lips as it lured me to dreamland, I felt safe in his arms, and I never wanted to depart from him. He became my comfort zone all of a sudden.
≫Your arms hugging me around like a chain
A chain that melts into warm honey≪
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A/N: (also you can find out more about Yungi in my bestie's, @bvidzsoo, background story on AO3. I recommend it!!)
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dvoryanka · 15 hours
I manifested getting the highest grade at my bachelor's exam!!!
I feel so excited, I want to repeat it once more: I manifested getting the highest grade at my bachelor's exam!!!
I first found out about loa about a year ago, read all the blogs, went crazy affirming for better appearance, didn't get results and forgot all about it. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, so I came back to it about a couple of weeks ago, except this time I didn't scroll through various blogs for hours or sleep to subliminals.
My situation was this: my graduation exam was coming up, and my speciality means that there's a lot of material that's barely connected to learn. And... I didn't really study. I mean, I read some books here and there (I read them like I'd read any nonfiction, I didn't take notes, or memorise or anything), but it wasn't enough to put 4 years worth of information into my brain.
So what did I do?
I got into the mindset of a person who's gotten the highest grade. I have had this experience before, so it wasn't hard to imagine. I thought to myself that I'll pass everything, and felt instant calm. And whenever I felt any "has successfully passed" emotions or experiences (like being happy to sit under warm sun, or going for a walk at the beach, or wearing my favourite sundress - these are the things that remind me instantly of the feeling of lazy and content summer holidays - the feelings someone who's passed all their exams has) I anchored them to the state of having gotten the desired grade by affirming "I am an A student. I have passed my exam. I have defended my thesis. Everything's good". That's all I did - I didn't affirm robotically or saturate my mind or anything. I just connected this affirmation to my emotions and my emotions to this affirmation. And while everyone spent their days studying I lazed around, went for walks, played games and so on.
Today is the day of my exam. During my commute I had an intuitive feeling to read up on a certain topic. You guessed it - that's what was in the question I got on the exam.
I was super anxious while answering, my hands shook, I was stammering. Looking back at my answer, I forgot to mention so many things, the structure of my answer wasn't good enough, I didn't really explain the topic in full...
I wasn't asked any additional questions (something that I was scared of).
I didn't even get to finish my answer because the professors stopped me and told me they understood everything already.
And I've gotten "excellent"!!! Without giving a good answer and without studying hard and without being confident and eloquent!
States really do manifest xoxo
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I have a meeting with my internship supervisor tomorrow and I just realized there’s a chance I’ll run into my thesis supervisor and now I wanna scream
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wuntrum · 8 months
visceral horror book leaves thousands mouths agape in equal amounts of disgust and awe
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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langa special
#sk8 the infinity#hasegawa langa#kyan reki#renga#sure. every shrimp is a prawn etc#man. listen. langa is my core ''freaks make the world go round'' baby rn#I have like. a Thesis in my brain abt skateboarding and how its viewed in sk8 and like. deviancy and social norms and#the intrinsic relation between being cool and being a weirdo. gods I did Not shut up at mim abt it last night#or two nights ago. time is fake#fuckign brought up adam in relation to warfred bartosz too that was embarrassing#(for the record my opinion on adam is ''he is too rich and being less rich would literally cure him'')#but yeah I'm laying a bit of ''purposefully thick'' on langa here. its not that the boy doesnt know its that he doesnt care#guy who deals with anxiety by simply not thinking#every day in langas brain he walks into a room full of smashed cups and vases and he like. picks up a few pieces at a time#and puts em on the counter. hes been doing this for months#bet kid has set fire to something in a steel barrel at least once. langa youre a real one to me#anyways! the ''tastes like ant'' thing is real I just experienced it. idk why but I think? oolong caramel?#can smell Really close to the ant smell. it is Very weird#(I did finish that piece of cake anyway. paid for that shit)#last night has been full of events! that I am still digesting. theater very good. hangin out with friends very good too#heres to freaks. makin the world go round. gotta be weird to be cool!#have a good night! I pass the fuck out now. goobaba. tilt ur stage a little bit it makes a world of difference
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my pretties :3
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6ebe · 1 month
Feeling so bored rn I may actually watch the f1 🫨🫨
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pochapal · 6 months
they should invent a phd that doesn't have numerous pressing deadlines. just for me. <3
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crplpunkklavier · 3 months
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spent the past like 3 weeks writing the first 60% of a chapter, and then a few hours today writing the last 40%. somehow.
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thelaststarfalling · 4 months
just once i'd like to complete one (1) bigger project that i can actually be proud of
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do you really believe in him? is he a good kid? no problems? you're gonna love him. you're gonna love him.
#i miss tyler bertuzzi#i made this a year ago because it came to me out of nowhere & when i finished it tyler scored four goals & the red wings still lost & i jus#i remade parts of it & fixed things because this was one of the first ones i ever made but i think about this poem all the time with him.#this is one of my favorite & most-fitting edits & honestly. i could make so many for tyler. this could be edited down a lot tbh#do you really believe in him? ​is he a good kid? no problems? you’re gonna love him. you’re gonna love him.#in the original athanasiou is faith (love before he was gone) sheer for moe (overwhelming joy) & dyl was tireless (the two of them always)#oh also the original restless splendor is the griffins winning the cup :)#you all have seen/read parts of this poem in my tyler bertuzzi tags like That is how much this (abridged)poem is him to me it is no one els#there are. so many alt versions to so many different parts of this so like i started writing these (see that i said i like hit first) & now#i have to admit that it really was just the beginning we don't have a future we have a dog i love & is right completely#tyler bertuzzi#detroit ride or die#liv in the replies#softly: the bertuzzi thesis#this is excerpts from atlantic by mark doty & the dogs at live oak beach remixed and abridged sorry#HAHAHAHAHA ok when i said i was thinking about tyler & dogs i meant the four tyler borzoituzzi posts sitting in my drafts but like. here#this is possibly one of the most self-indulgent things i’ve created & it is straight up just for me 🫡#& i have looked at it for so long that i’ve started to hate it is 1AM i am simply full sending & we’ll see how i feel in the morning
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slowly summer is creeping in (spot the woodpecker)
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running-in-the-dark · 7 months
I'm officially writing my thesis! starting today! (except I'm not actually writing today because I still feel quite bad but it still counts 🤷)
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linguenuvolose · 1 year
Within me lives a tiny toxic demon who thinks this is kinda funny
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me, approx. a year ago: im going to do everything in advance so i do not have to stress about things, i have enough time to do everything correctly
me, today: ..............so here is the thing 🙏
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ranvwoop · 2 years
I love overthinkin g the logistics of tales........ 
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