#golden wind band au
xxbattiepupxx · 1 month
if i wasn't so sleepy I'd keep talking about band au...
okay here's a lil more anyways:
narancia really likes hanging out with trish and mista. again, not biased, but i genuinely do mean it. They have the closest bond to each other. narancia loves to distract trish when she's practicing her keyboard, and honestly I don't think she entirely minds it <3
mista is not a good cook, but he is good at remembering and getting everyone's snacks. and also has the weirdest ability to make beautiful charcuterie boards??? anyways, weird dumb fun fact ig
sorry bruabba fans, but they're both simply pining for each other rather than actually being hooked up </3 rumor spreads around the fans quickly
giorno has the voice of an angel. for a rock band. :> he definitely puts a gentle spin on it though
trish is not committed to the band, having dreams to go in a slightly different artistic career, but is having a good time nonetheless. she'll leave whenever she's ready
I've mentioned this before, but Fugo does have pre stage anxiety,, definitely the worst out of everyone
anyways i forgor to post this LMAO
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nyan-ran-ciao · 1 month
I mostly am just microwaving them. nothing particularly specific. they are spinning around in their cute lil outfits
it'd be cool to bounce ideas off w someone tbh
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alexotls · 2 months
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regular no-stands no-mafia college au that sort of also turned into band au...? for legal purposes i do not endorse diavolo's incorrect guitar opinions
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milkyway-gaily · 8 months
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College AU Risotto x Melone🍚🍈(yes I always use the rice emoji lol) I have such a soft spot for this ship..
Illustration to accompany Beka's(@/Beka-kei) RisMel fic. College students, band musicians, hurt&comfort. I love that story soooo much! If they ever post the fic I'll make sure I share💜
JJBA Pride Zine(2022) @jjbapridezine
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mars-tothestars · 7 months
Golden Wind Band AU 🎶
Just a little thing I put together in boredom 👍
🎻 Giorno - Violin
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It's elegant, but how is it playable? No one will ever know. Most often accompanies Bucciarati, to Abbacchio's dismay.
🎹 Bucciarati - Piano
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A fancy instrument for a fancy dude. Often plays duets alongside Fugo - it's a peaceful time (when the rest of the gang isn't practicing next door.)
🎹 Fugo - Piano
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A childhood prodigy and perfectionist - spends lots of time practicing. Prefers playing alone but enjoys duets with Bucciarati, who can luckily keep up with him quite well.
🎸 Abbacchio - Bass
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Doubles as a backup vocalist. Sometimes plays on his own or accompanies Bucciarati for more mellow songs. Don't be fooled though, this guy can and will SHRED.
🎸 Mista - Guitar
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Always banging up his instruments but at least they get the job done. Doubles as a vocalist and you bet he sings his HEART out.
🥁 Narancia - Drums
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The energy of the band, constantly jamming with Mista. VERY LOUDLY. AND SEEMINGLY ALWAYS WHEN FUGO IS PRACTICING PIANO. Def the type to fling a drumstick mid-song.
🎤 Trish - Vocals
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Lead vocalist. Hypes up Mista and loves duets. Brings the pop and performance to the show, and GREAT with high notes. Slay ✨
🎸 Diavolo - Double Guitar
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Get it? Doubles as a vocalist. Constantly feuding with Trish's band.
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habits-white-rabbit · 9 months
BruAbba playlist because I love my gay mafia dads
Salvatore // Lana Del Rey
Cirice // Ghost
Flood // Jars of Clay
Just the Two of Us // Grover Washington Jr
My Heart is Buried in Venice // Ricky Montgomery
Arms Tonite // Mother Mother
Angeleyes // ABBA
Black Hole Sun // Soundgarden
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Steddie Upside-down AU Part 5
Part 1 Part 4
Eddie’s filled a shitty back-to-school backpack with anything useful he can find. There’s more wet wipes, and gauze, antiseptic, and a hammer. He’s got a lighter, a few newspapers, and a few shitty plastic cups. In a fit of whimsy, he stuffs a pack of playing cards in there as well. 
They go.
Hawkins is bigger than he remembers. Eddie’s not sure if it’s just the fatigue, the general atmosphere of this place, or it’s just another fucked-up thing that’s just a little off about this place. Hawkins, but not.
And god, he didn’t ever think he’d be homesick for Hawkins. His trailer, sure. Wayne, of course. But Hawkins? No way.
But he’s pretty sure he’d give his left kidney to be walking down 2nd street with all its residences clutching their pearls and crossing the street to avoid him. 
The street stretches out before him unnaturally. It’s quiet. There’s ash in Harrington’s hair where he walks by his side. Eddie’s never felt more out of place in his life.
“Do you think we’ll make it back?” he whispers. It’s so quiet, it feels like his words bounce across the town, anyway.
Harrington’s gait stutters. It could be from his fucked up feet. Eddie doesn’t think so. His brows pinched, lips pursed, skin golden under its ashen sheen.
“Someone will have noticed us missing by now, right?” He doesn’t sound sure. Eddie can’t fathom why.
“It’s…Sunday, Right?” Eddie asks, not waiting for an answer before continuing, “I’m supposed to be at band practice. The guys will notice.”
Harrington nods, starts walking again. 
“What about you?” Eddie asks.
Harrington’s eyes are shifting back and forth like he’s watching the ghosts of the real world in this fucked up mirror dimension. Hell, maybe he can. 
“Nancy noticed,” he says, quiet enough that Eddie barely picks up on it. He’s looking down at his feet and he looks small. Unsure. Before he looks up at Eddie from the corner of his eye. “Right?”
Eddie looks at this guy he’s hated for years, this guys who Eddie’s sure didn’t even notice him enough to hate him back, and says the only thing he can, “Right.”
“She’s smart.”
“Wheeler seems like a baddess,” Eddie says, even though she doesn’t. It makes Harrington smile down at his borrowed shoes. 
Eddie reaches out, squeezing lightly at Harrington’s elbow in comfort before skipping a few steps ahead, feeling his ears burn red. Harrington jogs to catch back up. They walk in silence after that.
The walk down the winding path surrounding the quarry is harrowing. It’s long, sure, but the way the red sky is reflecting back off the water’s surface has his gut sinking into his boots and weighing his feet down. It doesn’t look promising.
It looks even less promising up close. But beggars can’t be choosers, and Eddie feels one second away from falling to his knees and begging to a deity he doesn’t believe in.
He pulls out one of the stupid plastic cups, toes of his boots dipping into the red water as he bends over the reservoir and fills the cup, handing it to Harrington. Might as well take advantage of his tagalong jock test dummy,, and all that. 
Harrington grabs it from him, staring down at it dubiously. He tips it sideways, eyeing the liquid speculatively as it pours out of the cup and onto the concrete at his feet. 
It’s hard to tell if it’s actually red, even watching it drip onto the ground. The light’s too fucked, but it’s at least transulscent. It’s not blood, or at least not only blood. Eddie’s more concerned about the ash mixed in, to be honest.
Harrington’s still staring down at the remains of his cup like he’s not sure what to do with it. 
“Don’t drink that,” Eddie says.
Harrington doesn’t reply, but he can feel him watching as Eddie digs through his bag, pulling out a drugstore T-shirt and the second cup. He snatches Harringtons cup from his fingers, puts the T-shirt overtop, and then puts the other cup on top of that, before flipping the cups quickly.
Some of the liquid splashes out as it pours into the second cup, but most of it makes it to its rightful destination. Eddie pulls the T-shirt away and eyes the cup. He pours it out again, humming in pleasure and there’s no ash floating in the puddle at his feet.
A glance in the original cup makes him gag. Harrington siddles up to peer over his shoulder at the congealed black sludge left at the bottom, smeared with ash and dirt.
“I’m glad I didn’t drink that,” Harrington says.
Eddie laughs, handing the remnants of the second cup back over to Harrington. The look in the other boy’s eyes tells Eddie he knows he’s the guinea pig in this arrangement, but he gamely takes a sip. Eddie holds his breath when Harrington makes a disgusted face, but when he doesn’t keel over and die, he takes another sip. 
“Tastes like shit,” Harrington says, downing the rest. 
When Eddie filters the next cup, he can’t help but agree. It tastes like too-strong coffee mixed with blood, and Eddie’s never liked coffee. 
“How’d you learn to do this?” Harrington asks as the squat next to each other, Eddie filtering water, and Harrington filling the water bottles they’d collected from Melvald’s.
“I didn’t,” Eddie says, wringing the T-shirt out. When Harrington scoffs, he continues. “I just read about it in a book one time, and thought maybe it’d work.”
Harrington snorts. It sounds like a pig. Eddie hates himself for finding it endearing.
“You’re such a nerd,” he says, nudging his shoulder into Eddie’s. From his crouched position, Eddie almost goes tumbling into the water, but Harrington snags his shoulder and yanks him abc, laughing all the while.
“Fuck off, man,” he says, but it lacks its usual heat. 
It’s hard to completely hate a guy who dragged you bodily out of a window and away from your untimely demise. It’s hard, but damn if Eddie’s not going to try.
They fill the water bottles. It takes longer than it should, as Eddie tries to find clean enough spot on the T-shirt to make filtering the water any more even possible, but they manage.
Eddie doesn’t put the soiled garment in his backpack before slinging it onto his shoulders. It’s heavier now, but something in him eases with the time they’ve gained with the water. Days of survival has now stretched out to weeks.
He thinks of that Thing again and wonders if that’s a good thing at all. With the way Harrington is grimacing as he slings his own pack onto his shoulders, he’s having similarly grim thoughts.
They both stare up at the steep path they’d come down, hours before.
“What now?” Eddie asks.
Steve sighs, and starts trekking back up the hill. Without any better ideas, Eddie follows.
Part 6
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ggjunkie · 3 days
A look on different anecdotes involving your developing relationship with Adam.
(College AU)
Everyone on campus knew Adam, and everyone knew about his necklace. It was a constant presence around his neck, an accessory as essential to him as the air he breathed. Legends whispered that he once ended a relationship because his girlfriend dared suggest he remove it. Some said it was a matter of principle for him, a line he wouldn't let anyone cross.
Personally, you believed he broke up with her because of the fact that he caught her cheating on him with some blond twink… but to each their own. Gossip was a staple of campus life, and stories had a way of morphing over time.
The necklace itself was a curious thing. One of his guitar picks, golden and shimmering like a tiny beacon of light. The chain, sleek and black, provided a stark contrast against the metallic glow. You, being Adam's science lab partner, had spent enough time around him to notice its significance. Yet, despite your proximity, you couldn't understand why it held such importance for him. But then again, you weren't exactly eager to strike up a conversation with him to find out.
Adam was, for lack of a better word, a dick. He had a way of rubbing people the wrong way, and you had little interest in getting on his bad side. But despite his less-than-endearing personality traits, you prided yourself on being a decent person. So, when you noticed his necklace lying abandoned on his desk with Adam nowhere to be seen, a sense of obligation stirred within you.
As you carefully lift the necklace, the broken chain confirms your suspicions. Adam's infamous temper must have flared, leading to an outburst that resulted in the necklace being flung aside in frustration. It's a familiar scenario, one that you've witnessed in passing before.
Yet, despite your less-than-favorable opinion of Adam, or at least the opinion you try to convince yourself of, the image of his meltdown tugs at your heartstrings. Beneath his prickly exterior lies a person with vulnerabilities and struggles, just like anyone else. And in this moment, imagining him upset over this piece of jewelry stirs a surprising wave of empathy within you. Your thumb glides over the smooth surface of the guitar pick, the golden hue catching the light in a mesmerizing display.
But now comes the dilemma: do you intervene, stepping beyond the boundaries of your relationship with Adam, or do you respect his privacy and simply return the necklace back to the desk without delving deeper into the situation like a normal person would?
You winded up going through with it.
And what is “it”, you may ask?
Well, repairing Adam’s necklace, of course. It might not have been the most conventional move, but you've never been one to follow the crowd. Some might call it foolish, but you prefer to think of it as being true to yourself, even if that means taking idiotic risks.
Sure, you and Adam have your differences. Okay, maybe more than just differences. You practically exist on opposite ends of the spectrum. He likes to piss you off by making crude comments catered towards your body, and you like to piss him off by threatening to spill chemicals down his shitty band t-shirts. Your dynamic is more like oil and water than anything resembling friendship.
But beneath the surface, there's a tension—a spark of something that neither of you quite understands. Maybe it's the adrenaline of sparring with someone who matches your wit, or maybe it's something deeper, something you're not quite ready to acknowledge.
And maybe, just maybe, you've entertained the thought that fixing his necklace could be your way of extending an olive branch. A peace offering in the form of a repaired chain, a silent plea for a truce between two sworn enemies. Or maybe, if you dare to entertain the idea, it could be your ticket to something more—a chance to explore the uncharted territory of a potential romance.
Of course, you're not naive. You're well aware that your fantasies might be nothing more than wishful thinking. Adam might not even appreciate the gesture, let alone reciprocate your feelings. But hey, a little delusion never hurt anyone, right? And who knows, maybe—just maybe—there's a glimmer of hope buried beneath all the snark and sarcasm.
Relief washed over you when your crafty friend finally returned with the fixed necklace. It had taken a few days, but their skillful hands had worked wonders, restoring Adam's prized possession to its former glory.
As your friend handed over the repaired necklace, you couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude mixed with embarrassment. Their knowing look spoke volumes, and you quickly averted your eyes, feeling your cheeks flush with heat. It was as if they could see right through you, understanding the significance of this seemingly simple gesture.
"Thanks," you muttered, trying to keep your voice steady despite the rush of emotions. "I owe you one. Seriously."
Your friend just smiled, a knowing glint in their eyes, before waving off your gratitude. "No need to thank me. Just make sure you-know-who appreciates the effort, okay?"
You nodded, swallowing hard as you pocketed the repaired necklace. With a silent promise to repay your friend's kindness, you made your way out of their workshop, the repaired necklace burning a hole in your pocket. Now all that was left was to track down Adam and deliver it to him, a task that suddenly felt much more daunting than you had anticipated. But you were determined to see it through, come hell or high water. After all, you had come this far. There was no turning back now.
As you approached the Music Hall, you couldn't shake off the sense of anticipation that tingles through your veins. Each step brought you closer to Adam, to the moment when you would finally hand over his repaired necklace and, perhaps, put an end to the tension that had simmered between you for far too long.
The familiar sight of the Music Hall greeted you as you pushed open the door, the air thick with the scent of wood polish and old instruments. You nodded in greeting to a passing friend, their smile barely registering as you focused on the task at hand.
With determined steps, you made your way down the narrow hallway towards the practice rooms, your ears straining for any sign of Adam's presence. But to your surprise, the practice rooms appeared deserted, the usually bustling space eerily quiet.
Frowning in confusion, you peered into each room as you passed, your heart sinking with each empty space you encountered. Where could Adam be? Had you missed him somehow, or had he found some secluded spot to escape the chaos of campus life?
Just as you were about to give up hope, a faint sound caught your attention—a soft melody drifting from one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. With renewed determination, you quickened your pace, following the sound until you reached the door of the practice room.
Peeking in, you were greeted by the sight of Adam, alone in the dimly lit space, his guitar cradled in his arms as he strummed gently. The absence of an amp gave his music an intimate quality, as if you were witnessing a private moment meant for his ears alone.
For a moment, you hesitated, struck by the vulnerability in Adam's posture, the way his eyes were closed in concentration and his lips moved silently with the lyrics. It was a rare glimpse into a side of him you had never seen before, a reminder that beneath the tough exterior lay a regular person.
Adam's eyes snapped open at the sound of your knock, the irritation evident in his furrowed brow. With a few muttered curses, he carefully leaned his guitar against the wall before wrenching the door open.
The moment the door swung open, you were met with a wave of his frustration, the tension in the air almost palpable. His scowl deepened as he glared at you, clearly not in the mood for any interruptions.
“No I’m not doing that stupid fucking evaluation. Mrs. Farring can suck it if she thinks I will. Fuck off—“
“That’s not why I’m here.” Your hands raised in a placating manner, a silent plea for him to lower his guard.Your voice was steady despite the rising tension. Adam's temper was like a simmering pot threatening to boil over, and you desperately hoped to prevent it from spilling into a full-blown confrontation.
At your words, he doesn’t seem to calm down though. “Then again, fuck off. Get the fuck out. Adios, sayonara, goodbye. Now leave!”
“Adam, chill out—“
“Chill out??” Adam bristled at your words. “I’m gonna bite off your fucking nipple if you think I’m gonna just roll over for you, you fucking bitch. I am not some kind of fucking dog or pug or fucking whatever else.”
Despite Adam's continued hostility, you refused to let his insults affect you. With a roll of your eyes, you brushed off his aggression, determined to stay focused on the task at hand.
You reached into your pocket and retrieved the repaired necklace, holding it out to him with a flourished gesture. His eyebrow raised in skepticism, but he extended his hand nonetheless, allowing you to drop the jewelry into his waiting palm.
The necklace landed with a soft clatter, the sound echoing in the tense silence that hung between you. Adam hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between you and the necklace in his hand. It was clear that he was surprised by your gesture, his guard momentarily lowered by the unexpected act of kindness.
“What the fuck is this?”
You blinked at Adam's sudden change in demeanor, his aggression giving way to bewilderment. His reaction caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but furrow your brows in response.
"Wait, what do you mean?" you asked, your confusion evident in your voice. You really hope you didn’t fuck upl. "Isn't this your necklace?"
Adam's lip curled in a snarl as he scrutinized the jewelry in his hand, his intense gaze never leaving the gleaming surface of the necklace. "No, no it is," he admitted, his tone begrudgingly acknowledging the truth. "It's just... not broken."
“Yeah, there’s a thing called ‘fixing it’”
He stares at you, his expression suddenly unreadable. This was unusual, as Adam was an open book. That, and he had two default emotions: angry, and horny. There’s this weird vulnerability in his eyes and it’s freaking you out.
“You fixed my necklace.” It’s not a question, but you nod anyway. “Why?”
“It was broken.”
His expression flattens out, and that familiar temper starts making itself known. “Yeah no fucking shit, dipshit. Why did you fix it.”
“Because…” you rack your brain for an answer, but come up empty handed. “I don’t know. I just know it meant a lot to you.”
“So you paid to get it repaired?”
“My friend did it actually, free of charge. I didn’t trust anyone else to touch it.”
You shifted on your feet, the sensation of nervousness coursing through your veins like a jolt of electricity. There was something in the air, something intangible yet undeniable, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you were standing on the edge of a precipice, teetering on the brink of something unknown.
As Adam's gaze remained fixed on the necklace in his hand, his thumb tracing over the golden guitar pick with a touch of reverence, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. The image of his fingers caressing the smooth surface of the pendant sent a shiver down your spine, igniting a desire that you quickly pushed away.
You berated yourself for the dirty thought, for the forbidden longing that stirred within you.
“Can you…” he continued looking at his necklace. “Can you help me put it on?”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise, but you refuse to let the opportunity pass. “Of course.”
With a hesitance you haven’t seen from him, he hands the necklace to you and turns around. Without a word, you took the necklace from his outstretched hand, the metal cool against your skin as you held it delicately in your palm. With a gentle touch, you reached up and brushed the short ends of hair out of the way, your fingers lingering against his skin for a moment longer than necessary. The sensation of your touch sent a shiver down his spine, a reaction that mirrored the fluttering in your own chest.
Ah. So he feels this…thing… in the air, too.
As you placed the necklace around Adam's neck and clasped it together, a sense of relief washed over you. The tension that had lingered between you seemed to dissipate with the final click of the clasp, replaced by a fleeting moment of connection that left you both feeling strangely vulnerable.
But as grateful as you were that the necklace didn't somehow break on you, creating an awkward situation, you knew that it was time to create some distance again. With a reluctant heart, you took a few steps back, putting space between you and Adam once more.
He waits a second before turning back around, his hands coming up to fiddle with the necklace. It looks like he’s about to say something, but you beat him to the punch. “I think I should get going.”
He thins his mouth into a line before nodding. “Yeah. Yeah of course. I should… probably get back to my guitar.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you later.”
“Yep. See you.”
“Okay. Bye.”
With a final glance back into the practice room, you watched as Adam remained fixated on his necklace, his expression a mixture of contemplation and fascination. Despite his earlier insistence on getting back to his instrument, he seemed unable to tear his gaze away from the gleaming pendant hanging around his neck.
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you observed him from afar, a strange sense of fondness settling over you.
What a weirdo.
As Adam slid into the seat next to you in science class, you couldn't help but notice the absence of his usual crude remarks or inappropriate comments. Instead, he greeted you with a simple head nod before turning his attention to Mrs. Farring, the science professor.
It was a stark departure from his usual behavior, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about him today. His focused demeanor, rare for someone who typically paid little attention to the lecture, raised a red flag in your mind.
Despite the nagging curiosity gnawing at you, you decided to follow Adam's lead and redirect your attention to Mrs. Farring, determined not to look a gift horse in the mouth. It was a small victory, perhaps, but a significant one nonetheless, and you were grateful for the respite from his usual antics.
The sight of Adam's subtle glances in your direction during class had left you feeling uneasy, a knot of worry forming in the pit of your stomach. You couldn't shake the feeling that maybe you had overstepped your boundaries by fixing his necklace, fearing that he might see your actions as intrusive or unwelcome.
Lost in your own thoughts, you were jolted back to reality when a torn piece of paper suddenly slid your way. Startled, you looked down at the note, your heart racing as you unfolded it to reveal a single word written in Adam's handwriting:
With a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you glanced up at Adam, who was pointedly avoiding your gaze, his attention focused elsewhere in the classroom. Despite his attempts to appear indifferent, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth at the sight, knowing that your gesture had not gone unnoticed.
Determined to ease any lingering tension between you, you reached for your own pen and quickly scribbled a response on the torn piece of paper before sliding it back across the table to Adam.
"What kind of lab partner would I be if I didn't help?"
He quickly writes back.
“A normal one. But I’m glad you’re not.”
The unexpected response from Adam caught you off guard, and a warmth spread through your chest at his words, even if they were somewhat cryptic. His acknowledgment, though brief, felt like a small victory.
Before you could formulate a response, Adam swiftly took the paper, crumpled it, and tossed it into his bag with a nonchalant gesture.
"So, what's the deal with the necklace?"
Adam glares at you, his eyes narrowing with a mix of irritation and something else you can't quite place. For a moment, you think he might actually respond, but instead, he diverts his attention back to the paper packet in front of him. He brushes off your question with a dismissive wave of his hand, the same hand that now holds a pencil, poised above the page.
The room is silent except for the faint scratch of pencil on paper as Adam writes down an answer. You watch him closely, noticing the slight furrow in his brow, the way his jaw clenches in concentration. He pauses, eyes scanning what he's written, then sighs and erases it. The tapping of the pencil against the desk becomes a rhythmic punctuation to his thoughts.
You inch closer to Adam, closing the gap between your desks with a mischievous glint in your eye. With calculated precision, you deliver a well-aimed elbow jab to his ribs, a playful gesture that's become something of a tradition between the two of you.
"Ow!" Adam hisses through clenched teeth, his hand instinctively moving to the spot where you struck him. He shoots you a reproachful glare, but there's a flicker of amusement in his eyes despite the pain. "Bro. For once, I’m actually trying to do the work. Be grateful, you dickhole.”
You elbow him again.
“What?” Adam hisses through clenched teeth, shooting you a warning glance to keep your antics in check. The library is hushed around you, filled with the soft rustle of pages turning and the occasional whisper of students studying in pairs. You can tell he's trying to maintain a semblance of composure, not wanting to draw the attention of the librarian who patrols the aisles like a hawk.
You were honestly surprised when Adam had suggested meeting at the library. It wasn't his usual haunt for studying, and his sudden change in venue piqued your curiosity. But what surprised you even more was his demeanor lately. He seemed... different.
Adam had been nicer, more accommodating, and surprisingly patient, especially when it came to working together on the science project. He'd even offered to help you with some of the more challenging aspects, something you never would've expected from him before.
It wasn't just his actions that had changed; his words had softened too. He was being friendlier, more open in his conversations, and there was a noticeable lack of his usual snark and sarcasm. It was as if a switch had been flipped, transforming him from the brash, abrasive guy you'd come to expect into someone... well, someone you could actually tolerate spending time wit
“Answer my question.” you whisper back, raising your arm in threat to elbow him once more. His eye twitches, yet he makes no move to brush you off. Instead, he deeply sighs.
“It was a gift from my dad. Happy?” He mutters, rounding his attention back to the paper packet.
“Aw, that’s cute.”
He writes something down, applying more pressure than necessary. “Shut the fuck up.”
you notice a subtle twitch in Adam's lip, almost a smile yet not quite, a tiny crack in his carefully composed facade. It's a small victory, but it fills you with a sense of satisfaction to know that you've managed to elicit a reaction from him. Grinning mischievously, you lean in closer, your fingers gently curling around the piece of jewelry that hangs from his neck. “Is this your dad’s pick?”
He takes a moment to reply. That makes you tilt your head to see his face– and woah. You’re a whole lot closer than you realized. For a second, you’re breathing in the same air. Adam's eyes dip down for a moment, his gaze lingering on your lips before darting back up to meet your gaze. It's a subtle movement, almost imperceptible, but it sends a shiver down your spine nonetheless.
Adam nervously clears his throat, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he also realizes your proximity. You take the hint and slowly retract your hand, letting it fall back to your side as you give him some space.
"Uh, yeah," he begins, his voice barely above a whisper, "He actually introduced me to guitar." His admission catches you off guard, and you can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. There's a vulnerability in his voice that you've rarely heard before, a rawness that tugs at your heartstrings.
As he continues, his words come out in a rush, as if he's been holding them back for far too long. "He knew he was getting sick. And this was the last gift before he passed."
The small bit of guilt settles in your chest, weighing heavy with the realization that your earlier teasing might have crossed a line. "I'm sorry," you murmur softly, the words tinged with sincerity as you meet Adam's gaze.
"Why?" He tilts his head, genuinely bewildered by your apology. "You helped me fix it," he adds, his tone laced with a hint of gratitude. For a moment, you see a flicker of something in his eyes—perhaps surprise, or maybe even warmth. He starts to reach for your hands before seeming to think better of it, opting instead to cough into his fist, a subtle yet telling gesture of restraint.
Adam's voice is soft, almost hesitant, as if the words he's about to speak are unfamiliar territory for him. "I know I don’t say it much– or at all, really. But uh." He pauses, his gaze fixed on some point in the distance, avoiding direct eye contact. "Thank you. For uh, bringing my dad back to me."
His vulnerability catches you off guard, and for a moment, you're rendered speechless. It's a rare glimpse into the deeper layers of Adam's character, a side he rarely reveals to others. Despite the gruff exterior he often presents to the world, here he is, opening up in a way that feels almost fragile.
Without a word, you reach out and place your hand on top of his, offering a silent reassurance.
As you made your way through the chaotic college party, dodging drunken revelers and avoiding the various unsavory activities unfolding around you, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of discomfort. College parties had never been your scene, and tonight was proving to be no exception.
After witnessing one too many couples engaging in …public displays of affection… on the poor owner's couch, you decided that you'd had enough. Chugging down the rest of your water, you made a beeline for the stairs, desperate for some peace and quiet away from the chaos below.
Your search for solace led you to try several doors along the upstairs hallway, hoping to find an unoccupied room where you could take a much-needed break. It took three tries before you finally stumbled upon the master bedroom, and as you hesitantly cracked the door open, you were surprised to find only one person inside.
He had brought his guitar with him— which of course he had. At the sound of the door opening, he swung his head up and furrowed his brows.
“Get the fuck out.”
Ignoring his command, you pushed the door open further, revealing yourself to him. His furrowed brows relaxed slightly as he strained his neck to look past you, checking to see if anyone else was behind you. When he realized you were alone, a visible tension seemed to melt away from his shoulders.
“Sup, bitch. Trynna get some?”
As Adam reverted to his crude demeanor, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. His sudden shift in behavior left you feeling taken aback, wondering why he had returned to his usual abrasive attitude after showing a glimpse of something different.
However, upon closer inspection, you noticed the insincerity in his smile, the falseness that lurked behind his facade of bravado. It was clear that his crude remarks were merely a defense mechanism, a way to mask his vulnerability and keep others at arm's length.
Deciding to trust your instincts, you chose to ignore Adam's crude remarks and instead focus on the bigger picture.
“What’re you playing?”
“What?” He asks, genuinely confused.
You gesture to his guitar. “What’re you playing?”
“Oh. Uh. Not really anything. Got any requests?”
You pretend to think. “Hot cross buns?”
He levels his expression, unimpressed. “Seriously?”
“No, I’m just fucking with you.” You smile. Somehow, that gets him to smile back. “You know ‘Mean To You’?”
He scrunches his nose, which is honestly a cute look. Mentally, you take a picture and save it for later to swoon over. “By that Brightman bitch?” He asks.
As Adam adjusted his finger placement on the frets and began to strum the song on his guitar, you found yourself instinctively humming along to the familiar melody as it flowed from the strings. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment as Adam abruptly stopped playing, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that made you squirm slightly under his scrutiny. Had you been off-pitch? Were you intruding on his moment of solitude with your humming?
“What?” you asked, your voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
Adam hesitated for a moment, one hand instinctively moving to fiddle with his necklace as he averted his eyes, pretending to busy himself with tuning his guitar. "You can sing along, you know," he said finally, his tone softer than before. "Hearing words makes it easier to keep my place."
As Adam restarted the song and you joined in, your cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. You hadn't expected him to actually want to hear you sing, especially given his usual sensitivity when it came to music. But despite your initial reservations, you couldn't deny the thrill of the moment as your voice mingled with his guitar in a harmonious duet.
Your voice may have been a bit breathy and unsupported, lacking the polish of a trained singer, but Adam didn't seem to mind. In fact, as you sang, he closed his eyes and seemed to lose himself in the music, his fingers deftly moving across the frets of his guitar with practiced ease.
If you looked closely, you could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
As the final chord of the song reverberated through the room, Adam slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at you, his gaze locking with yours in a moment of shared understanding. And then, to your surprise, he smiled—a genuine, heartfelt smile that seemed to light up his face and soften the hard edges of his demeanor.
Caught off guard by the unexpected warmth in his expression, you couldn't help but return the smile, feeling a rush of butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the sight of the softness in his eyes.
As Adam's eyes flickered down to your mouth, a sudden heat ignited between you, his gaze turning intense and smoldering. You felt a shiver run down your spine as his eyelids drooped slightly, his desire unmistakable in the way he looked at you.
When his gaze returned to meet yours, you found yourself unable to tear your eyes away from him, the intensity of the moment leaving you breathless and wanting more. And then, in a rush of heat and anticipation, you felt yourselves leaning in towards each other, drawn together by an irresistible magnetic force.
The first touch of his lips against yours sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins, a surge of desire that threatened to consume you both. And as your lips moved together in a heated embrace, you couldn't help but lose yourself in the intoxicating sensation of his mouth against yours.
Adam was a damn good kisser, his lips moving with a practiced ease that left you gasping for air. It lasted only a few seconds before he pulled back, his teeth grazing your bottom lip before his tongue slipped into your mouth, igniting a firestorm of passion between you.
As your hands slid up Adam's biceps, tracing the contours of his strong muscles, you couldn't help but admire the power and strength that lay beneath his rough exterior. And when you felt him flex in response to your touch, a small laugh escaped your lips, the sound muffled by the heat of the kiss.
But any amusement you felt was quickly replaced by a surge of desire as Adam playfully sucked on your tongue, sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through you. His lips were hot against yours, his tongue teasing and tantalizing in a way that left you breathless and wanting more.
Your hands continued their exploration, moving up his arms and over his shoulders, applying gentle pressure before wrapping around his neck. One hand toyed with the short ends of his hair, eliciting a low groan from him as he pressed you back into the mattress with a hungry urgency.
As Adam peeled himself off of you, his arms still supporting his weight as he hovered over you, you couldn't help but notice the way his necklace caught the light, shimmering and reflecting the soft glow of the bedroom.
Wrapping your hand around his necklace, you gently tugged on it, using the delicate chain to pull him back down towards you.
One second, you were immersed in the quiet ambiance of the library, the scent of old books and faint whispers surrounding you as you poured over your final exam notes. The next, darkness enveloped your vision, a warm, steady pressure pressing against your eyes. Instinctively, your hand shot up to remove whatever it was that had obscured your sight, only to encounter something oddly clammy.
"Guess who?"
“Adam,” you frown, bringing your hands to cup over his own. “You know it’s cringe when you do that.”
You feel, rather than hear, him snicker in delight at your disgusted reaction. Ever since that memorable night at the college party, the two of you had found yourselves in an unexpectedly steady rhythm. Adam, it turned out, was a surprisingly good boyfriend—caring, attentive, and, well, a little bit of a shit. But you wouldn’t have him any other way.
“Can you stop blinding me so I can get back to work?” you ask, a twinge of annoyance at his interruption.
“Yeah, just one second. Keep your eyes closed.”
You do as he asks, keeping your eyes obediently closed, though curiosity gnaws at you. The shuffling of fabric and the soft clinking of metal fill the air, accompanied by the faint scent of his cologne. You resist the urge to peek, letting the anticipation build as seconds tick by.
Finally, his hands retreat, and you feel a slight shift in the air as something is placed before you. The anticipation is palpable, like the charged atmosphere before a thunderstorm. Your heart pounds with excitement and a hint of nervousness, wondering what Adam could possibly be up to.
“Okay, baby,” he sounds nervous. “You can open them.”
Slowly, you crack open your eyes, expecting to see some prank or jest. But what you find leaves you speechless. There, nestled atop your meticulously arranged notes, lies a necklace, its golden chain catching the soft glow of the library lights. It matches Adam's. The guitar pick is the same shade as Adam's eyes, and for a moment, you're struck by the thoughtfulness of the gesture.
“You like it, baby?”
You look at him, feeling happy-tears prick the corner of your eyes. “I adore it.”
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universal-imagines · 1 year
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✎  ﹝ genshin boys in a college au ﹞
i. zhongli
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what better role than that of the young new professor everyone is fussing over?
he carries himself like someone well beyond his years and speaks as if he’s walked the earth for a millennia. his knowledge is extensive and doesn’t just revolve around the subject he teaches, history. he is well-versed in ancient literature, poetry, and is fluent in several languages. it’s no wonder everyone is dying to meet him and have a profound conversation with him.
even you find him intriguing and can’t help but gravitate towards him when you’re both in the breakroom, but you’re determined to find the one thing you know better than him. so far you’ve failed in brewing a better cup of tea than him, knowing how to bind a book (even making the pages from scratch), knowing calligraphy, and picking a lock faster (why does he even need that skill? you’re sure anyone would let him into their home even on a first meeting, probably even give him the codes to all their safes)
tags + notes: professor!zhongli x professor!reader, rivals (one-sided) to lovers, lots of long-winded explanations and awkward encounters in the breakroom
ii. childe
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surprisingly he’s the insufferable TA that zhongli handpicked himself. how he thought that guy was the best option when there’s obviously thoma that everyone loves is beyond you. but you have to admit he has a way with words, which is probably why the professor picked him. he could get anyone interested in just about any subject, even a “boring” one like history. and that’s not just a personal opinion either, many students have admitted that the only reason they decided to take the class was because he convinced them.
however, there’s also this weird aura about him. it feels intimidating for some reason, but you can’t quite put your finger on why... and some of your classmates have mentioned being afraid of missing an assignment cause of him. but he seems like a cool guy from your experience, just a little annoying if anything
tags + notes: ta!childe x student!reader, popular x reserved, golden retriever energy x cat energy, endless amount of bickering, childe is always messing with the reader and trying to distract them (all in hopes of getting them to ask him for help after class)
iii. diluc
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the first time you saw the redhead wasn’t in class, even though a couple of days later you realized he sat right behind you. in your defense, it’s not like you’re looking behind you during class, but you figure you would have seen him walk into class at least once before. but no, you first saw him at the local bar, he was standing behind the counter with his hair up in a high ponytail. if you were being completely honest, that’s probably why you noticed him there and not in class. in class he wears it in a low and lose ponytail. it doesn’t compliment him at all, but who were you to judge his morning routine.
he’s also a completely different person when he’s not at the bar. in class he’s so serious and keeps to himself, another reason why you probably never noticed him. even at the bar he’s somewhat serious, but at least he offers more than a dry “good morning” there. you’ve even gotten a smile
tags + notes: grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity (they have to work on project together which means meeting up a lot and possibly going to each other’s places), slow burn
iv. kazuha
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you’d heard word of that cute boy that performed with his band at the local bar and had caught a glimpse of him once or twice there when visiting your friend diluc. but you never imagined he was the boy you stared at in class, and not cause you thought he was cute or anything you did, it’s just that you always saw him staring out the window, like he longed to be a bird so he could ride the wind and travel to some far off land. other times you’d catch him flipping through a notebook quickly jotting something down, probably lyrics now that you thought about it, and you found it intriguing.
now that you knew he was in a band maybe you could approach him and ask him about it, he seemed friendly enough
tags + notes: band member!kazuha x admirer!reader, reader falls first but kazuha falls harder, he doesn’t realize that all this time he’s been slowly falling for the reader until it hits him like a train and he can’t hide it any longer
v. thoma
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thoma is the perfect student. every professor is always speaking highly of him and using him as an example for those that comes after. and yet it’s hard to hate or envy, someone who is willing to let you borrow his notes. in fact, he offers them to you when he notices you’re struggling with a topic. they’re so neat too, color coded and everything. never in your life had notes made more sense to you than the actual professor.
if you weren’t aware of his culinary arts major, you’d have assumed he was studying to be a professor of some kind. helping others came so naturally to him, but so did cooking. there had been plenty of time when he’d brought snacks for the class just cause he felt like it and they were delicious. no wonder the professors loved him, he motivated the class for them
tags + notes: friends to lovers, cuteness overload that’s pretty much it, just lots and lots of fluff
vi. xiao
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if it wasn’t because he is literally the quietest person you’ve ever met, you probably would have never noticed xiao in his corner. at first you thought it was because he hated being around people, one of those extremely anti-social people, but you’ve come to realize he is just shy. not the type to fumble over his words, just not the type to initiate a conversation. once you get him talking he’s alright though. still a little awkward with his one word replies, but he’s not a bad guy.
it took you a while to get him to warm up to you, but now it’s like you took in an injured puppy. he even stopped sitting at the very back corner and now comes to sit next to you. the others took it as a free invitation to start talking to him, but he just gives them polite nods and glances their way occasionally. you wonder if it’s because it takes him a while to trust other people
tags + notes: mututal pining, special treatment (you’re the only one that gets to see the talkative side of him and vulnerable), angst (because he’d still have a sad backstory in this au), but it would eventually have lots of fluff
vii. itto
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he’s the completely opposite of xiao. while xiao stand outs because he’s so quiet and mysterious, itto stands out cause it’s impossible for him not to. no ones needs to ask him what he’s doing for the day cause everyone can hear him talking about it in the halls. it’s actually surprising just how loud he can be, but that’s the best part of him. he isn’t afraid of putting himself out there. he’s also an overall great guy, whenever he spots someone being left out he’ll include them in the conversation. he does the same for his football games too, invites everyone and gets them cheering even if they don’t care for the sport and makes friends with the opposing team. there have been plenty of time when both teams go out to eat together after the game because of him, regardless of who won or lost.
but his one fault is that he’s not exactly the brightest. everyone loves him, but the professors can only let him off the hook so many times before his grades start suffering...
tags + notes: jock!itto x nerd!reader/tutor!reader, cute moments where the reader patches itto up after a game, that “oh” moment from the reader as they watch itto running on the field, and the “oh” moment from itto as he watches the reader cheer from the stands feeling like he can run on forever
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kirimoochi · 23 days
00 - i found you.
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₊˚ ᗢ synopsis; your childhood friend and bandmate moved away from your hometown to pursue music, leaving you behind. you break away from the punk rock scene, slowly building up your idol persona until you eventually move to tokyo, not to find love, but to find yourself.
⤷ genres/warnings; smau, band/idol au, slow burn, pining, fluff, angst, implied sexual intercourse, social media drama, scandals, toxic relationships, fem!reader.
⤷masterlist; here.
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(name) stares down at her phone with a pensive expression, a thick frown resting on her lips as she continues her walk down the empty street. it was dark with some fog lingering in the air. the leather jacket she bundled up in kept her warm as she inhaled a deep breath, a cigarette hanging from her mouth. 
earlier today, lumine had requested she meet with her immediately after work, talking about how she wanted to introduce her long-time boyfriend, childe, to her. the sour expression wasn’t because of her boyfriend per se. she told herself she stopped caring about love. not after what happened that cold, winter night. to her, love was the one thing that kept her from being her true self. she didn’t want to be tied down by any man or woman. she was a free bird. the only thing she claims to love is music because it's the one thing in life that won’t leave. 
it was just a simple request from lumine, just a few minutes of your day. it wasn’t anything to be worried about. yet something felt off. she should have known by the groans of an old crow that tonight wasn’t just any night. and the vague sight of lumine’s golden hair, now tangled and messy, confirmed nothing but the worst in her stomach. 
(name) is surprised to see lumine sobbing in her hands. she curls herself beside the only working light pole in the street. she was well-dressed today with a light pink scarf and white sweater. if it wasn’t for her crocodile tears, it might have been the perfect outfit for a date. lumine wipes at her face. her shoulders shaking with every second. (name) quickly makes it over to her side, crouching down to hold her. 
“lumine, what happened? is everything alright?” she asked, her heart beating in her ears as lumine looked up at her. her cheeks were flushed and the bottom lids of her eyes were puffy, as if she was crying for a long time. (name) drops her cigarette to the ground, the flicker of ember being snuffed by the wind. lumine lunges forward, squeezing her in a tight hug as she buries her face in the crook of her neck. “what happened to your boyfriend? shouldn’t he be here with you?” 
“he isn’t here,” she whispers, holding onto (name)’s leather jacket with an iron grip as she tries her hardest not to tremble any more than she is now. pressing her lips together, she tries to piece together the night, but every memory she stumbles upon leads her to the unfortunate truth. 
childe had run off with another woman. her name was katherine, she says. she and childe worked at the same restaurant together. she was the same server who cut her finger after dropping a glass of water. lumine wants to understand his intentions. why was he more concerned about this other woman, more than his girlfriend? they’ve been together the longest. lumine moved from her hometown to be with childe. he promised her that he would never fall for another woman, especially not one named katherine. and yet lumine couldn’t believe it. he was clearly in love with someone that isn’t her. and she couldn’t stand it. she doesn’t want to look at him any longer than did had to.
(name) decides to hold back her sigh as she lifts lumine up, squeezing the side of her waist as she gestures her home. the walk was a lot longer than she remembered. it might have been the extra weight she had to carry but she doesn’t let this thought distract her from lumine’s sniffles. because regardless of how long they’ve walked, and how heavy lumine weighed on her shoulders, they had more than enough time. tonight, everything was quiet and slow.
the two of them laid in (name)’s bed, lumine’s wraps wrapped tightly around her as she cries herself to sleep. the (h/c) woman doesn’t say anything. she only closes her eyes, rubbing lumine’s back every once in a while to show that she was here. and that the gentle pumps of her heartbeat were enough to say that she would stay.
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⤷ taglist open (22/50)
@june-again @starlitglitter @yourfavoritefreakyhan @eutopiastar @fa1rychain5
@rains-mae @kyon-cherri @lacrimae-lotos @04-02 @kana-de
@gyuriac @kaitfae @sukisukiii @astolary @whipped-for-fictionals
@chemiru @kazuhasmaid @hotpancakesworld @danhenglovebot
@c4ttheart @dopi1i1 @sentifua
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xxbattiepupxx · 1 month
I don't normally post art here but idrc rn I'm still insane but here's my WIP of Fugo for the band au
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 11 months
That handsome boy from the sky pt 3 (caugth with Neteyam AU)
Part three of the series in which Spider and and Teyam escape RDA, only to come to Awa’atlu and find out that, surprisingly, Spider is considered uniquely attractive by reef Na’vi standards. (Part two and three in the pinned post)
Neteyam stared in horror at the sleeping form in front of him, hair all around him and two broken brushes lying next to the pallet. He gulped.
Spider combed out his dreads, and there were dark circles around his eyes which suggested that he’d been at it all night instead of asking for help.
Yawning, he slowly rose. “Oh…hey bro. ‘Sup…”
“Dude, have you been combing out your nest til’ sunrise??”
“Yeah…figured I’d re-twist the locs. Haven’t done that in a while.” He yawned again, stretching.
“Okay, I’ll help you—”
“Not now!” The boy stopped him, standing. “I can’t handle sitting still for another 12 hours, we can do it tomorrow. Can you pass me your hairband? The big one?
Neteyam stared at him, and then at the village through the exit of their marui. If Spider was about to go and work all day with that hairstyle…
“No way. We have to re-twist now.” The Na’vi repeated urgently, but sadly, Spider caught onto the reason, rolling his eyes.
“ ‘Tey, everyone in this village have curly hair, I’m not special.” He smirked, opting to find Teyam’s band himself.
“Yeah but it’s you we’re talking about big bro. You really gonna beat the kids off with a stick all day?”
Socorro tied the band around his hair, forcing the curls out of his face and checking his exo-pack battery. He’s been in Awa’atlu for almost a month, and was confident he could handle the attention. “You’re exaggerating.”
Fwasim loved going on crystal hunts at sunrise. The pink lighting of the sky reflected so beautifully off of them when she dug them out of the sand, but this faithful morning she had found a different kind of gem.
There was Spider Socorro, or Sully, as his family called him, a cute new boy in her village, following some young adults into the fishing grounds with a net…
A gorgeous mane swaying in the wind behind him. Deep golden at the roots, and pale blonde at the ends.
He looked more alien than ever, but not negatively. She had never witnessed anything like it before and gawked at him in pure aw, dropping her basket.
The teen noticed her and waved, smiling and brushing a spiralling strand behind his ear, and Fwasim was sure her heart had just exploded. She barely mustered enough strength to wave back, before leaping back to the village as soon as he was out of earshot, squealing and giggling.
She had to tell EVERYONE.
“Why did I let him go why did I let him go..” Jake heard, already returning from his morning hunt with the other adults of the clan. “Hey there, what’s going on?”
Nrteyam stopped pacing, but bounced his foot against the floor, and pointed at the clumps of hair lying near Spider’s pallet. Jake’s eyes widened.
“…Damnit I told him to wait!”
Teyam scoffed, crossing his arms. “We might as well move out at this point. I can hear Fwasim talking about this all the way from here, she’s the biggest gossiper on the block and is friends with like, everyone!”
Toruk Makto felt helpless, as he often did these days and slumped against the wall, his catch dropping to the floor. The suitor situation was about to get so much worse and he was not prepared for it.
The long hair was all over the place, reminding Spider once more why he wore dreads. This hairdo was way too high maintenance for a guy who was all about exploring, swinging through the forest and squatting in the mud while looking for cool plants. He wasn’t the proper big brother like Neteyam, more so like the lazy one that lived in a shack outside their parent’s tent and smoked mushrooms, except he couldn’t do the latter two because of the air problems and more recently, Jake’s paranoid suspicion that one of the kids just might grab him and run while he sleeps. The blonde couldn’t help but wheeze at the ridiculousness of that statement, as if he was somehow that insanely irresistible.
But he wasn’t. He was Spider Socorro the outcast, and as much as he liked the attention, he was sure that it would soon disappear. He was just a novelty after all, wasn’t he? Surely the Metkayina teens were not even interested anymore. Surely today would be normal.
And yet, for whatever Eywa damned reason, when he rose out of the water, pulling his curls back, he was met with gasps and awes from the kids who were chilling at the beach or preparing to go into the sea themselves.
They wasted no time circling him with wagging tails. “Spider! You’re so beautiful!” One girl fawned, helping the boy untangle a lock from his arm.
“Like a sun lily in the twilight~”
“Why’d you even have dreads? This is so much cooler!“ A young man complemented. “You’re a spitting image of a Metkayina!”
“Bet even Aonung doesn’t have hair as shiny as his!”
Spider blushed deep red. “Guys stop. I look basically the same as you, I’m not like, special” he smiled awkwardly, backing away.
“Do you want to braid them? We could help!” Two girls smiled, batting their eyelashes at him.
“Aw that’d be awesome! You’ll look great with a bun! And we could add some jewellery too! Like fangs or something! ” Some guys perked up, their ears slightly pinned in abashment.
“We could braid you a kuru too…” Another boy proposed, shyly averting his eyes. Spider recognised him as the same kid who gifted him a new bow a couple weeks back.
Socorro was close to short-circuiting, trying to keep a grin off his face. The Metkayina teens had never been this forward before, but maybe he should have expected that. Hair is crucial in all Na’vi cultures, but he never had anyone braid them for him. The closest he ever got to it was the Sullys siblings helping him re-twist his dreads, but maybe keeping his hair free wasn’t that bad of an idea—
In the corner of his vision, the blonde noticed Aonung. He was standing with his crew of suck-ups and stared at him in I’ll-concealed surprise. His tail then began wagging in the same playful-curious manner as the other Na’vi.
Suddenly, the kid felt vomit crawl up his throat. “Sorry guys! This was just for one day, I’ll go re-twist them now!” He said as cheerfully as he could, going away to the disappointed awes of the teens, shuddering. He was more than okay with the other kids finding him cute, but AONUNG? The asshole son of the chief?? Spider would rather throw his mask into the deep blue ocean, or Aonung himself for that matter, than find him at his home’s doorstep.
He marched into the marui, facing a confused Neytiri and Kiri. “Um…are you guys busy right now…?..”
Yes, I did it, I wrote the prompt 😭 just to be clear tho, this is NOT a ship-series. I don’t really ship anyone in the movie so there won’t be an Aonung x Spider story-line.
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zarvasace · 11 months
Tattoo headcanons, just things that would be fun to give the boys—
Wind: Tetra once convinced him to let her practice her tattoo technique on his right foot, so he got a really janky little sword there. She went in later to cover up her mistakes once she'd gotten better. He definitely wants more, eventually.
Warriors: he has his military designation tattooed on his forearm. He got a couple tiny badges added for distinguished service and promotions. He doesn't mind it and doesn't really want anything decorative.
Time: he and Malon got a little tipsy on their honeymoon and got matching horse tattoos on their shoulders. They're pretty small, but not bad in terms of art. He's a little embarrassed by it, but he definitely insinuates that that tattoo is as mysterious as his facial markings.
Wild: he got a symbol of each of the Champions done in their native styles down his right arm, their weapons. After his adventure, he also got a stylized Silent Princess for Zelda. He's considering expanding all of them into a fancier design.
Four: two half-kinstones, one on the inside of each wrist. The golden one matches the half that Zelda has, and changes color when he splits. The black one doesn't have another half. (...yet, perhaps?)
Sky: stylized red-and-white Loftwing feathers under his ear. Groose also somehow convinced him to get a Kikwi on his shoulder. Sun thinks it's cute.
Twilight: he always wanted that goat head design that's on the Ordon shield, but after getting permanent marks on his face due to his adventure, he's a bit wary of that now. He still thinks he might get it someday, but it'll take a minute.
Legend: he doesn't want any tattoos. He's close to breaking down at Fable's pestering, though, and might get a golden band around his wrist. He knows that if he does, though, he might go a little crazy with them—he'll also want a pink band, maybe a single hibiscus flower, a purple band, red and blue ones... He has too many people and places he wants to remember, and an artist's eye.
Hyrule: he has one on his hand in my one fic (Loftwings Stand for Freedom) but that's really specific to my AU. Nah, usually this boy doesn't even know what a tattoo is. He has a birthmark on his thigh and the Triforce on his hand, and legitimately thinks that some of those marks are just fancy birthmarks.
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moonlightazriel · 17 days
Day 7: Fall From Grace...
For: @ruhnweek
Main Masterlist
Ruhn week masterlist
Corpse Bride!AU
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Ruhn fixed the collar of his jacket, anxiety cursed through his veins as he got the speech wrong for the tenth time in the past hour. Nothing seemed to work to keep him focused on the moment, and on the female in front of him. His mother and father were clearly disappointed in him and Lidia, his future wife that he barely knew anything about, was displeased with the whole ordeal. 
He never intended to marry, especially at such a young age, barely 24 years old, but his parents decided he should marry a respectable rich lady, in order to impulsionate their social status as the new rich family of the region. Ruhn wasn’t ready but the Danaan name needed him. 
Lidia was a sweet young lady, 20 years old and from the noble Cervos family, he wondered if she wanted to marry him or was doing it out of duty just like he did. She was a beautiful sight to see, her blonde hair was tied in a bun, a delicate corset wrapped around her frame. Her anxious golden eyes roamed around, landing on the angered figures of her parents. 
The guests at the rehearsal ceremony groaned for the millionth time as Ruhn let the wedding band slip from his fingers, rolling around on the ground, spinning three times in its own axis to land in front of her mother’s feet, just underneath her skirts. 
“I’m so sorry, just let me..” He said, lowering his body until he snatched the little thing, Lidia’s mother gasped in outrage, swatting him away from her. His mother fanned herself quicker, almost passing out with the behaviour of her son she swore she had educated well. 
“What is wrong with you boy? Do you even want to get married?” The priest asked and Ruhn was quick to deny, perhaps too quick, as his bride lowered her eyes in shame. “We are done for the day, you should rest and as be good as new tomorrow.” The Priest emphasised the word tomorrow and Ruhn felt his skin tighten in embarrassment. This was going to be disastrous. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
As expected, his parents had scolded him until they reached their house, the ride home being excruciating under his father’s harsh gaze and the high pitched tone of his mother’s voice. He needed to be alone, so he left, his mind wandered far as he walked around town, ending up in the middle of the woods. 
Owls howled in the distance, and the winds carried snowflakes around. His voice echoed through the empty space, as he practised his vows, even alone, away from everyone’s expectations he managed to get every single one of the words wrong. He groaned in frustration, walking further inside the woods. 
He sat on a wood log, rubbing his face in a foolish attempt to calm himself down, reaching for the wedding band on his pocket. He saw the golden reflected by the moonlight, accompanied by the flower branch he was supposed to use on the ceremony too. Lidia deserved better than this. 
Holding the branch in between his thumb and index finger, he took a deep breath, letting the flowery smell fill his mind and give the boost of confidence he needed, his family needed him and he was going to make them proud. Looking at the wedding ring, Ruhn got up, encouraged by the sudden breeze, he recited his vows. 
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine.” The words flowed out of his mouth and a grin overtook his features. “With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.” He said, breaking a piece of wood and pretending it was a candle. “ With this ring, I ask you to be mine.” He said, placing the ring on a branch that looked exactly like a hand. 
He had finally managed to get everything right, when he married Lidia tomorrow, everyone would be proud of him for doing his part well. Ruhn smiled, feeling the courage building up in his chest. 
The winds around him started to howl, ravens flew above his head, making noises as their wings carried them in circles. A creaking noise sounded just above him, and he felt a shiver creeping up on his spine. Something grabbed his arm, pulling him down, his face touching the cold snow. 
Ruhn felt fingers wrapped around his wrist, and he pushed himself away from the ground in despair, the branch that once was just a branch, wrapped itself around his skin in an iron grip, instead of wood, the awfully human looking hand was made of yellowish bones. Forcing him against the floor again, he fought with all his strength to get it to let go of him but to no avail, he was stuck. 
Ruhn finally managed to free himself, in what felt like an eternity, and as he fell to his ass, panting with the effort, he saw that the hand was still glued to his wrist, he tried shaking it away in fear but it still didn’t let go. 
The snow started to collapse, like someone was trying to get from underneath, his heart beated rapidly against his rib cage making it hard to breath, and he gasped in a mix of horror and surprise as a female emerged from the snow, dressed in a wedding gown.
Ruhn took in her appearance, the hollow cheeks, the blueish aspect of the corner of her lips and her eyes, a part of her cheek was missing and looking down, one of his arms didn’t have flesh anymore, just the bones, he could see a lot of bones and at the same time he was terrified of the sight in front of him, he was mesmerised, despite being clearly dead, the female was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. She was breathtaking. 
Her voice was a sweet whisper, sending shivers down his body, like a phantom breeze when she looked at him and replied the question he didn’t even have an idea he had asked with an “I do!”
His lungs burned, and his legs were almost giving in as he ran away from her, but she kept going after him, no matter how fast he walked. He got lost in between the cemetery, tombstones scattered around him. Panting, he kept running, his knees failing him and he collapsed on the bridge that led him home. He turned around in a swift motion, looking for her but she was gone. Ruhn took a stabilising breath, feeling his heart wanting to jump out of his chest. His eyes widened when she appeared again, slowly approaching him.
“You may now kiss the bride.” She said, leaning against him, her boney hand cupped his cheek and the feeling was weird against his skin, but he didn’t flinch when her cold lips wrapped around his own in a searing kiss, prompting him to lean on her and close his eyes as he let her guide the kiss. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Are you okay?” Her sweet voice sounded as he blinked awake, her curious eyes scanned his frame, around her, dozens of different people stood, all of them in various stages of death. Ruhn had no idea of what was happening, he tried to run away but he was surrounded by skeletons.
“What is happening?” She smiled at him. 
“Our wedding, you made the perfect vows in the woods.” She lifted her hand where the golden wedding band rested and Ruhn felt his blood run even colder in his veins.
“I don’t even know who you are, how can we be married?” One of the skeletons turned to him with what he could only describe as being a smirk, his hand cupping her chin, she closed her eyes with affection, blinking sweetly towards Ruhn.
“That's a very long story.” The skeleton spoke, his bones creaking as he did so. “Our beautiful girl over here met a very handsome man once, but he had no money! Despite her parents' objections, she fell in love with him.” Ruhn could see the sadness and hurt clouding her gaze. “He convinced her to gather some jewellery so they could sell and run away. When she arrived at the agreed location in the dead of the night, she saw a silhouette. When she opened her eyes again, she was dead, waiting for a love that would free her from this torment, our lovely corpse bride.” 
Ruhn watched her, really seeing her for the first time, she was so young, and he wondered what type of monster would take a life that precious away from someone like her, he felt his heart squeezing in  his chest, pity for what was taken away from her filled him, suddenly becoming too much, so Ruhn ran away. 
The underworld was nicer than he expected, if he didn’t give a deeper thought about the fact that he was walking among the dead, he could hear her calling his name in the distance, but he kept going, not wanting to see that hurt and longing in her eyes. But his efforts were in vain when he collided against someone, his hands flying to her waist to prevent her from falling. 
“There you are, I've been looking for you.” She smiled at him, pulling him by the hand and making him sit with her. “Isn’t it a lovely view? It always makes me breathless, or would, if I could breathe.” She giggled and Ruhn turned towards her, facing the side of her face.
“I’m so sorry about what happened to you…” Ruhn started and those big eyes turned to him. “I wish I could help but I really need to go home.” Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. 
“This is your home now.” She pointed out and Ruhn took a deep breath. 
“But I don't even know your name.” She blinked like she had suddenly remembered this fact as well.
“Well, my name is Y/N.” She then smiled at him, reaching for something under the bench. “I almost forgot..” She handed him an old dusty box. “Your wedding gift.”
Ruhn held the box, shaking it to try and see what was inside, the content of the box shook with it, and when Ruhn opened it, bones greeted him, he confusedly thanked her before the box fell to the floor, the bones moving until they assumed the form of a dog. 
He knew  the collar the dog held in between his teeth, his childhood fog that his mother always hated and never allowed inside, Ruhn missed it dearly, and his heart almost burst with happiness when the dog jumped in his lap and he started to pet its head. 
“Oh boy, I missed you.” He smiled at her.
“Oh you’re so pretty.” She scratched the dog’s chin. 
“You should’ve seen it when it had fur.” Ruhn laughed and she followed him. “My mother didn’t like it when he jumped on my lap. But she never liked anything anyway.”
“Do you think she would’ve liked me?” She inquired and the engines in his head started to work. 
“You’re lucky you don’t have to meet her.” Then an idea crossed his mind. “You know what? We should meet them, as we are married, it’s the right thing to do.”
“Let’s go then.” She said, jumping from her seat. “Where are they buried?” 
“They’re not here.” Ruhn pointed to the sky. 
“Oh, they’re still alive.” She sounded almost disappointed. “But there’s something we can do.” She grabbed his hand and started to lead him somewhere. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Ruhn found himself in the same woods everything happened in the first place, she had taken him to an old looking skeleton, if you could really put an age to an amount of bones. She spun around, delighted to be outside once more. 
“I’ve been in the darkness for so long that I almost forgot how beautiful the moonlight is.” She said, her face towards the moon as she basked in its light. 
“You should wait here, while I prepare my parents for the unexpected news.” She looked at him confused but he almost sighed with relief as he saw her nodding her head in agreement. 
He ran to his house, that wasn’t far from the Cervos residence, just to find it empty, with the news of his disappearance, he knew his parents we’re trying their best to ease the situation, but when he found himself at the front doors of the Cervos’s estate, hearing Lidia’s father angrily demanding his head, he had to improvise, climbing the vines that gave him access to the young lady’s room.
“Ruhn?” She asked curiously, opening the window he slowly banged on. 
“Lidia, it's so good to see you.” He said, and she pulled him near the fire. 
“What happened to you, you are as cold as the dead.” She held his hands, trying to get them warm. 
“Lidia, I must confess that this morning I wasn't ready to get married, but I'm willing to try and be a good husband for you, as you deserve to have.” Lidia blushed and Ruhn watched as she closed her eyes, leaning in to kiss him.
He gasped in surprise as he saw Y/N climbing over the fence of her balcony, he saw how her eyes darkened when she spotted Lidia in front of him.
“Darling who is this?” She asked, and Ruhn ran to her side, poor Lidia looked at them with confusion, so lost. 
“Who is she, Ruhn?” Lidia Cervos inquired back and he couldn’t even muster a response before Y/N leaned towards the smaller girl, her boney hand displaying the wedding band. 
“I’m his wife.” The young lady gasped in surprise and Ruhn cleared his throat.
“Lidia, you don’t understand..” He lifted his wife’s arm. “She’s dead.” This time Y/N was the one to gasp and as Ruhn turned to look at her, sadness clouded her eyes, tears lining in her orbs as she pulled him by the arm, saying the words that would take them back to the underworld. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“You lied to me.” She said, tears falling from her big eyes. “Just so you could get back to that other woman.” 
“You don’t understand.” The hurt in her eyes made something stir in his guts. “You are the other woman.”
“NO!” She protested, the crying getting more hysterical. “You married me, she’s the other woman.” 
“I’m so sorry..” He started walking towards her, she now had her back turned to him. “This can’t work.” 
“Why not? You don’t think I'm pretty enough?” Ruhn almost scoffed at that, on the contrary. 
“What? No. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, we’re just too different. Well, you’re dead.” He stated.
“You should've seen it before asking me to marry you.” Ruhn ran a hand through his dark locks. 
“Why can’t you understand? It was a mistake, I would never marry you.” She went completely still, her eyes wandering around his face. Y/N opened her mouth a couple of times, like she was going to say something, but decided against it, her tear welled eyes was the last thing Ruhn saw before she walked away from him. It was in that moment he knew he had fucked up. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
He had to apologise to her, he knew that, the thought of being the one causing her pain was a weight he didn’t want to carry, so he went looking for her, finding her discarded bouquet of flowers near the entry of the bar he had been when he first arrived. 
She sat by a piano, sadly stroking the tiles in a slow melody, he approached her with care, standing behind her with the flowers hanging from his hands. 
“I think you dropped this.” He started but she didn't even turn around or acknowledged him. “I’m sorry if I lied to you about my parents, the day hasn’t been easy.” Nothing, not a single word left her lips and he sighed, sitting by her side at the piano. “I understand.” 
He started to play a melody too, trying to get a reaction out of her but she still refused to give in, despite looking tempted to do so, so he kept going, until she was playing with him, smiling towards him with a tenderness that warmed his heart. He admired that smile, feeling that warmth spread through his whole body.
“I’m sorry for my enthusiasm.” She shied under his attentive gaze.
“Don’t apologise, I love your enthusiasm.” He grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. They stayed like that for a while, looking at each other's eyes, she could see all the apologies and the regret for the words that he had said back there, and that was enough for her.  
Their trance was broken as bells started to ring and the skeletons filled the bar, screaming around about a newcomer, Ruhn wondered if that was the same commotion when he arrived. Skeletons and corpses ran around excitedly, trying to make a nice welcoming for the newcomer. 
Ruhn watched curiously the male that stepped inside the bar, he knew him somewhere, and when he looked closer, was the driver that worked for his family. 
“Chester, it's so good to see you.” He greeted only to gasp in surprise as the male turned to him, of course he was dead. “Oh, my condolences.” What else could he say?
“Don’t worry, I never felt better.” Chester replied with a smile and Ruhn couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh Chester,I have to go back.” Ruhn pleaded. “They must be so worried about me, how are they?” 
“Well, they're wondering where’d you go.” Chester sipped on a cup of beer. “And Miss Lidia is going to get married tonight.”
“With who?” Ruhn asked more out of curiosity than anything, he hoped that it was someone that treated her nicely. 
“Some lord, since you were gone, I guess they accepted anyone to not waste the cake.” Ruhn nodded, needing some time to think. Leaving his bride behind as she pleaded for him to stay. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“He left without saying a word.” He heard her voice, and following the sound he found her in the kitchen talking to a trio of corpses. 
“Males are complicated.” The chef of the trio patted her shoulder and she nodded her head in agreement. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have a problem with your marriage.” He watched the old skeleton appear and she turned to him with a concerned expression. 
“What is wrong?” Her voice sounded worried.
“Your vows are only valid till death do you part, and it already did.” She gasped and more tears filled her gaze. 
“If he finds out, he will leave.” Despite not wanting to get married to Lidia, he still wanted to go back, didn’t he? “What can we do?” She inquired and something inside him twisted nervously as he waited for the answer, why did he care? 
“There’s a way, but it demands a great sacrifice.” Her nose scrunched. “We would have to kill him.” Ruhn gasped, feeling dread setting in his gut, but relief was quick to sooth over him as she turned around in disbelief. “He would have to give his life up, repeat his vows on the world of the living, drinking for the wine of the times.” 
“Poison.” She shook her head in denial.
“This would stop his heart and only then he would be free to give it to you.” The skeleton finished and Ruhn watched as she turned around with a determined expression. 
“I would never ask this of him.” She sat with her head low, as heartbreak once again filled her, when would she find her happiness? 
Ruhn watched the sad female, his heart contorting in his chest as he saw her, what did he have for him up there? A life following his father’s orders, having everything picked out for him, never having a choice or never truly loving anything. He had surprised even himself when he opened the door, making his presence known as he spoke.
“You don’t have to ask.” He crouched in front of her. “I’ll do it.” She looked him in the eyes. 
“Son, if you do this you will never be able to go back, do you understand?” The skeleton asked and as love filled his heart, he replied. 
“I understand.” 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Ruhn smiled at her as he announced that they would get married again and they all should get ready to take their party to the living world. Skeletons helped him get in a better form, escorting him to where they waited for her. 
The candlelights illuminated her figure as she walked downstairs, and Ruhn couldn’t contain his expression as he watched the beautiful female he was getting married to. He grabbed her by the waist. 
“You are so beautiful.” She batted her lashes at him. “Let’s get married.” 
Their hoard followed to the portal that separated the living being from the dead ones, crossing that veil and finding themselves back at the town Ruhn lived in. He could hear the people screaming and running around in horror as they watched what should be dead among them. 
Ruhn escorted his beautiful bride towards the church, where the priest tried to keep them away, just to be shushed by someone telling him to be silent in the house of God. Ruhn laughed a little at that, and rolled his eyes at the expression on the priest’s face. 
The Elder Gutknecht, as Ruhn finally learned his name, prepared everything for them. He felt excited to complete and finally be bound to someone by love, not for power or status, but just because he wanted to be. Y/N started to walk down the aisle, and Ruhn couldn’t contain his grin as he watched her getting closer, the beautiful of them all, and his soon to be wife. 
“To all those present and those who are gone, we’re here today to unite this man and this corpse.” The Elder started. “Now the vows. First the living.”
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine.” He grabbed the golden goblet.
“Now you.” The skeleton pointed to her and she turned fully towards Ruhn. 
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty for I will be..” She grabbed the bottle with the poison, the sizzling liquid falling to the goblet. Her eyes drifted to someone behind him, the lady Ruhn had visited watched them closely with a hurt expression covering her face. Y/N felt her heart shattering at the scene. She tried to focus, but all she could do was mumble the words over and over again until Ruhn interrupted her.
“I will be your wine.” He lifted the goblet to his lips but she stopped him. 
“I can’t, this isn’t right.” Ruhn tried to look to where her eyes drifted but she cupped his cheek. “I was a bride and my dreams were stolen away from me, now I'm stealing someone else’s dream away from them.” She blinked the tears away. “I love you Ruhn, but you’re not mine.” 
She reached her hand behind him, bringing Lidia Cervos forward, the female looking at them and slowly allowing Y/N to put intertwine their hands together, and as much as Ruhn tried to convince himself, Lidia’s hand felt wrong against his, she wasn’t who his heart beated for, the one he would die for. Ruhn was going to say something, tell Lidia the truth when someone spoke from behind him. 
The male was blonde and beautiful, a cruel smirk adorning his face as he watched the scene, he had never seen him before, but by the looks of him, he knew this male was up to  no good. He crossed the church hallway swiping invisible tears away, as he walked towards the aisle, snatching Lidia away. 
“I always cry at weddings.” His voice was laced with sarcasm. “You’re just forgetting that SHE’S MINE.” He kept pulling Lidia away. “And I won't go away without the money I'm owed.” Y/N watched that male closely, memories flooded her mind as she gasped. 
“You!” She pointed her finger to an older version of Pollux. The male took a deep breath. 
“Y/N?” He asked incredulously and Ruhn watched the exchange with worry, did they know each other? 
“You!” She repeated angrily. 
“But I left you…’ He couldn’t bring himself to finish but she was quick to do it for him. 
“Dead!” Ruhn felt anger rising in his chest, he was the monster that took that beautiful life away, who took her happiness and her money. He wasn’t going to let him get away with it again. 
“She’s having hallucinations.” Pollux accused and started to drag Lidia away from the church, pulling a sword from the wall to prevent her from running away. “I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to go.” 
“Let her go.” Ruhn demanded and started to walk towards them. 
One of the skeletons threw him a knife instead, and as Pollux shoved Lidia away, the two started to fight, with a smaller blade, Ruhn was completely disadvantaged and there was also the fact that Pollux was really skilled with the sword. Ruhn kept trying to defend himself, none of the dead could interfere as much as they wanted to, so it was him and him alone responsible for stopping the vile male. 
Ruhn ended up falling on the stairs, his knife away from his reach and Pollux ready to make the final blow to him, except that it never came, his sword piercing the exposed ribcage of Y/N. Her angry expression as she pulled the sword out and pointed at him demanding he to be gone did nothing to scare the male, he just laughed, circling her and leaning against the table. 
“Tell me, does the heart still  break after it stops beating?” He grabbed the goblet, lifting it in the air. “Let’s make a toast to Y/N, always the bridesmaid,  never the bride.” He emptied the cup and the skeletons watched him attentively, wanting to protect their beautiful bride. Pollux felt his heart twisting as the poison worked as fast as it should, allowing the dead to drag him back to the underworld. 
Y/N watched as Lidia clung to Ruhn, feeling her heart break just one more time before she went back to where she belonged. Ruhn watched her, this wasn’t over yet. 
“Wait.” He asked and she turned to him. “Lidia, you are a great woman and I’m sure any man would be lucky to have you as their wife, but my heart belongs to her.” His eyes searched for hers, and he could see her loved filled gaze focused on him. “You were wrong, I’m yours and you’re mine.” He pulled her by the waist, closing the distance between them and capturing her in a searing kiss. 
Ruhn turned towards the table, emptying the rest of the bottle and both Y/N and Lidia watched as he died and came back to life, to be with the love of his life. 
“I hope you find happiness, Lidia. And if you ever need it, I’m sure my parents would love to help you.” The female hugged him. 
“Be happy, Ruhn.” With a hand extended for his wife, he pulled her to his side by the waist.
“I will be.” 
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finding out his soulmate is depressed hcs ; loki
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requested by ; anonymous (19/05/22)
fandom(s) ; marvel cinematic universe / mcu
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; loki laufeyson
outline ; “request: i'm desperate for a soulmate au. it doesn't make if it's between loki or wanda because i love them both but i'd love your take on the soulmate au. it'd be cool if the reader had depression, cause same. thank you!”
note ; this is going off of the au where there is a ‘red string’ connecting people and is based on the avenger!loki concept
additional note ; the references to the reader’s depression are extremely brief but present
warning(s) ; canon typical references to violence and angst
loki spent the vast majority of his life thinking that he was damned — the only person in asgard to be without a soulmate
wishing, praying, reading up on anything and everything he could just to scrape together some tiny crumb of hope that one day his string would manifest
that he wasn’t truly alone
a thousand years passed him by
then two
then three
by his fourth he’d started to lose hope and as he started to fast approach his fifth he’d given up all together
the black sheep of his family; unworthy even in the eyes of the universe
it was like some sort of sick joke
but he never told a soul, lying through his teeth as naturally as he breathed and telling tall tales of his golden string and how he was waiting for the right moment to pursue his soulmate
but they didn’t exist
and it hurt more than he’d ever let show
until one day, a quarter century shy of his five thousandth year, he awoke to find a golden string wound tightly around his ring finger — precisely where one might put a wedding band
he shook of the drowsiness and bleariness of sleep in seconds, inspecting the deceptively fragile twine with rapt interest
flicking, tugging, strumming and winding it tighter and tighter — spooling it between his fingers curiously as it continued onwards into the distance without effort or strain
always having the same amount of tautness to it no matter how hard or how far he pulled
gold spun as thin as spider silk yet, as present to the world as a light breeze yet as heavy and palpable as traditional battle regalia as he brushed his fingertip along its surface
tangibly intangible, paradoxically present and yet not so, visible and invisible
exactly as the old stories had told — and there, in the distance somewhere, was his fated other half on the unseeable other end of the string
loki wanted nothing more than to meet you, but he knew well enough that the string’s late appearance meant that he still had a long while to wait — so, instead, he busied himself with his usual routine
messing with his brother, studying with his mother and proving his worth as an heir to asgard to his father
… and i’m sure that we don’t need to explain what happened in the interim so let’s skip forwards until after the 2012 incident…
the last thing he wanted was to spend his sentence waiting on a bunch of mortals — confined to a small space filled with creatures that despised him and that were far below him in every way
and he did very little to hide his disdain for the situation — which was mirrored by his ‘landlord’, stark, who also made it very well known that he didn’t want ‘reindeer games’ living in his tower
loki, in return, went to let out another sarcastic remark about the man’s ignorance before he caught sight of the very thing he’d been ignoring for the better part of a year and the words died on his throat
leaving him completely speechless for the first time since anyone had seen him after his attempt to take his own life back in asgard
after millennia of feeling so terribly alone he could see the other end of his string and it was attached to… well… you
a mortal who looked terribly detached from their surroundings, just carrying out some standard busywork in the background of his custody announcement like it was nothing at all
if he hadn’t have been forced to wear those damned cuffs he’d have peered into your mind by now — but it didn’t take a psychic to see something in you that he had been trying to conceal in himself for a while
loki didn’t speak to you that day, nor did he get the chance for a good few months as your responsibilities kept you separated to different areas of the tower
he, as a (very unwilling) member of the avengers initiative, was forced to keep to the top few floors for training, briefing and other such things
and you, who he found to be a standard member of stark industries, tended to stay on the lower floors of the tower unless you were called upon by your boss
it was frustrating, to say the very least, but the separation gave loki the time to consider his next steps — and his situation as a whole
consider the fact that he’s destined to be with a mortal of all beings — consider the differences in experience, strength and life span
consider the fact that you likely fear or potentially even hate him for his actions against your home world — that you’d probably scorn or mock him because of his actions (and he’d deserve it, he lamented)
consider the fact that he saw part of himself in your eyes and that a mortal of all things might just be the one to understand him
consider how to approach you in the first place
in the end he just about manages to catch you as you’re walking out of a meeting with stark and some higher level agents of s.h.i.e.l.d — coughing and gesturing to the string between the two of you
for a moment you just stare at him, blinking and looking between his neutral expression and the golden string — before cracking something of an awkward smile and introducing yourself (which he returns with a kiss on the back of your hand)
and you’re too busy to stay for long, and he knows this, so he sends you on your way with the promise to meet again soon
but he also says something that sticks with you as you hurry off to your next meeting — for the rest of the day, in fact
‘i understand,’
a simple, unassuming phrase spoken so quietly and genuinely that you might have thought you’d dreamt it had it not been for the earnest look on his face when he spoke
(though even that disappeared a fraction of a second later)
the end of your brief exchange that left you questioning everything you were told about him
his tendency to isolate himself according to thor (and, later, observations from the other avengers)
his habit of lashing out when pressed on certain topics
his lack of appetite for the entirety of the time you (and most other humans) had known him
his apathy towards his own well-being and, well, what he’d done before ending up on earth which had been mentioned in whispers around the office
maybe you had more in common with your soulmate than you realised — but that could be discussed at your next meeting
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mojo-is-rising · 26 days
 I Hate Him (conditionally)
Day 4 - AU (hosted by @minthe-drawings )
Baxter and Akio - What if Akio lived in Golden Groove? Baxter POV (yes, i'm doing a AU for both of my Baxter MCs, that way they get an equal amount of content C: )
Warning: Angst, Underage Smoking
Words spread fast in small towns, the autumn wind helping the whispers fly far and fast, reaching even into the depths of the forest where the solemn mansion Baxter has the privilege of calling home is. 
A boy his age has recently occupied a house long left behind in the suburbs, right next where his best friend lives.
And Baxter absolutely despises him.
He stands taller than him, taller even than Ren and his voice is already deep, drowned out by his pride and snotiness, even if he has no reason to be like that. He doesn’t go to Baxter’s private school, he's never seen prowling on the dance studio nor the band nor any extracurricular worthy of pride, his house is nothing to cry for either. Yet, his predatory eyes of overwhelming darkness always seem to find their way into the Boy’s Club usual hangout places.
He hangs out in the park with a crowd half from his own school half from Baxter’s private one. Then he invades the private bridge tucked away in the forest’s core, smoking hidden from his family and spewing teasing words towards Baxter, even going as far as desmissing Qiu’s authority because he’s just “some kid”. Not to mention the diner or the convenience store or the bicycle paths and everywhere else! Baxter just can’t catch a break.
Even late at night, when Baxter’s legs ache from the continuous lessons and he just can’t seem capable of snoozing, that incredulous person seems to find his way into Baxter’s most private, inner thoughts. Thoughts about how he so effortlessly breaks rules, right behind his parents back, while still presenting politeness in the face of the adults - something Baxter can only fantasize of doing. The way he dresses rebellious, with chains, funky patterns, earrings and black. In fact, a lot of things in him are black and white, Baxter’s most adored contrast of colors, from his raven hair to those haunting eyes all the way to his fair skin and the silver of his jewelry. Baxter hates it, hates it all, hates spending so much resting time agonizing about how his canines fang out of his plush lips when he smugly smiles - re-playing every interaction they’ve shared on that day, no matter how minuscule it may have seemed.
Baxter loudly sighs as the night goes on.
He truly hates Akio Takahara. How dare he be everything Baxter wants to be while having nothing at all.
Minutes couldn’t go slower, seconds couldn’t take more decades as Baxter waits to be dismissed from that stuffy class. He has to force himself to chant in his head over and over again how it is a privilege to afford a level of education not even half of the population can just to power through the unbearable speech of his senile professor. Trying his best to focus on the words instead of what's awaiting him after the class.
Finally, after a few more agonizing moments, he is met with such paradise. Akio Takahara - sworn enemy and rival - hangs out behind his posh school, leaning against the wall aloof while puffing his cigarette and scrolling on his phone. He’s visibly disheveled and clothed comfortably in gym clothes, he must have just left his judo lesson, Baxter concludes. 
They briefly greet each other with teasing words. “Loser”, “idiot”, “bastard”, “weirdo” and many other pejorative terms are common in their lexical of endearments, even if to the eye of an innocent onlooker it may seem like the very opposite. Baxter smushes Aki’s cheeks together, remarking how ‘cute’ he is, and Aki grazes his hand a little too close to Baxter's waist. And then they leave that place behind walking side by side.
It’s a funny sight, Baxter in his carefully-picked dress coded clothes with Akio, now much shorter than the former, dressed relaxed yet walking with pride and conviction.
They finally arrive at the diner, grab a quick lunch, and find themselves tucked away from society in that little abandoned bridge. There they can almost forget who they are, where they came from, what awaits them outside the forest and just focus on the boy before them. Both seventeen and incredibly stupid. 
Sure they kiss a few times, go even further than that. Risk their reputation much more than they should. And sure, Baxter may enamour the people from his dance hall and Akio enjoys toying with the handsome boys from school. But at the end of the day, they always find themselves together, having conversations they don’t have with anyone else, including Baxter’s childhood club who is now long gone. Hidden from all prying eyes and expectations. 
Their relationship doesn't have a label, ‘enemies’ are not exactly known for making out under bridges in the middle of nowhere. But they won’t allow themselves to address whatever they have as more of a ‘rivalry’. 
After all that, when Baxter is once again lost in his thoughts in his bed, enveloped by the night, he can’t help but wonder if he has the option to ask more from Akio. What exactly, he’s not sure. Is it commitment he wants? More attention and time? Security in their relationship? (Can he call it a relationship?) No matter how far his thoughts go, they always end up with the same answer.
No. He doesn't deserve whatever he’s dreaming about, it is not achievable or possible. A great life awaits for Akio, a life of fame and beauty. And a different life is reserved for Baxter.
He hates how Akio makes him dare to wish for more.
The last autumn leaves fall, the trees are now barren and the wind is getting chillier. Baxter looks back on his mansion as his chauffeur stuffs the last of his baggage into the car’s trunk. He finds himself leaving the comfort of his lavish conditions to venture into college life, a new beginning in his independence, a goodbye to the small mountain town he has lived in for his entire existence - he doesn't plan on rotting there after he gets his degree. 
“Mr. Ward, I must inform you that we have to stop for gas before leaving Golden Groove.” His pessimistic thoughts are interrupted by the chauffeur, Baxter weakly nods and does little to complain. A trip down memory lane couldn’t hurt, right? 
Baxter stays inside the car while his employee worries about mundane tasks, he bores his sight into the line of trees barely seen behind the gas station. He supposes that view won’t be reachable for a long stretch of time as he tries to glue the memory onto his shambled mind. But then, a certain someone is seen leaving said gas station.
Clad in black and red, holding onto two small bags of cheap snacks, drinks and, of course, a cigarette ready to be lighted. His nemesis.
Baxter forgets about the stupid forest and glues his eyes to Akio’s figure, he looks divine and Baxter wishes to remember his image for the rest of his life.  
And then Akio recognizes the chauffeur, looks into the car and freezes at Baxter like a deer in headlights. Many would call it true destiny but Baxter sees it more as miserable unluckness, to lock gazes with him just moments before they separate for…forever.
Akio understands the meaning of it all. His eyes lack their usual brightness, portraying a deep, unsettling helplessness. Silently says goodbye with a shy nod and walks away. Baxter thinks he saw tears but it must have been his hazy mind playing tricks.
As the drive towards the airport continues, Baxter finally comes to the conclusion that he won - he no longer has a rival. Akio can't get to him anymore, he has no conditions to hate anymore.
He doesn't have to worry about stumbling upon a rude, self-assured bully. Nor hide away from everyone in secluded places. No pesky feelings about wanting more. He’s at peace, at least.
Baxter is finally able to close his eyes for good, falling into a slumber while the image of Golden Groove disappears from the car windows.
He sleeps, even if his throat dries, his limbs go limp and his heart clenches with pain.
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