#god the yard is so cool man
cyberspacebear · 2 months
they're also one of my favorite duos LOL (naiden on top) but i meant in terms of like actually being kind of shitty people. get slime and nick on the mic and you will come up with one of the most morally deplorable and probably sexist bits possible but goddamn will it be gas
oh wait you are so right on that, they're way too comfortable. it's like everyone is laughing but sometimes you have to remember that being friends with a couple women and gays does not = infinite passes to cross the line
i do love nick and aiden as a duo though too. (i'm going to ignore the ship name and give you the benefit of the doubt that you mean it respectfully) honestly, aiden ends up enabling nick as much as slime does because he just crumples when nick starts saying shit. e.g. episode 141 and the milkshake premium, where nick is just going nuts and aiden is powerless to hold him back
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juneberrie · 1 year
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summary miles' childhood crush comes back to new york.
word count 0.6k
warnings fem!reader, vaguely implied hispanic!reader but not really, sunshine!reader
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miles groaned when his mother told him to clean his room.
"we have guests coming over, mijo," rio said. "what will they think if your room is messy?"
"i didn't know that we were eating dinner in my room," he muttered.
"i heard that," rio called. miles shuffled around his room, mostly kicking his (probably dirty) clothes under his bed and closing the closet door as the smell of his mom's cooking wafted around the house. "they're family friends, mijito. remember the l/ns? they moved away a few years ago but they're back! i think their daughter goes to your school," she added, bustling about the tiny kitchen.
miles' brain immediately started going through every girl he had ever interacted with at school, but he came up short. "que es su nombre?" he asked (what's her name?).
"oh, y/n. you two used to be so close before they left," rio answered. miles tried to remember a y/n, and he managed to drag up a memory of the two of them watching movies as their parents laughed and drank and ate at barbecues. the doorbell rang and she jumped.
"mijo, get the doo—" she started, but miles interrupted her.
"already on it, ma," he said. she smiled gratefully and disappeared into the kitchen again. he opened the door, and his brain short circuited. there, outside his apartment, stood a very, very, pretty girl. she was flanked by a man and a woman who miles assumed were her parents, but his eyes were locked on hers.
"hi!" she smiled. he prayed to literally any god that would listen that she couldn't hear his heart beating a mile a minute. "i'm y/n!"
her mother interrupted her. "oh, miles! it's been so long!" she walked in, her daughter and husband following behind her. "you're so big now!"
"yeah," miles chuckled awkwardly. he watched as y/n looked around their small apartment. "nice to, uh. see you again?" he tried. why was he suddenly being awkward? he was never awkward with girls.
she turned, a smile on her face. "yeah!! i mean, since we moved its been like," she paused and glanced at the ceiling, her fingers twitching as she mentally counted. "seven years? i think?"
"damn," miles said. "it's been forever." y/n nodded with a laugh. rio called them to the dinner table, which miles noted was set with their fancier plates. as the two families ate and reconciled, memories rushed at miles.
he remembered chasing her around her family's yard, dunking her into the community pool during the summers, grudgingly playing mermaids with her, graduating kindergarten with her, and so much more. but the memory that he remembered most vividly was the big fat crush he'd had on her.
"so," he asked, pushing his food around his plate as casually as he could. "are you guys here to stay?"
y/n's dad nodded and replied, "we're staying for good."
y/n cut in, "or at least 'till i finish high school." she had a twinkle in her eye as she said the words, and miles noticed her glance flicking down to his lips.
"cool," he said. "cool."
she smiled and it felt like they were the only two people in the world. "yeah. cool."
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
What if darling orders from a different restaurant and brie coincidentally arrives right when the actual delivery person does? I feel like he'd be jealous af
Yan "Pizza Boy" + Reader
Who is that-
Arriving at your street, tires screech to a hault as your home rolls into view. The driver takes a second look. Then a third - knuckles white as fingers clench around the steering wheel.
A car he's never seen before sits in the little parking spot outside your house. His parking spot. Some old, beat up hatchback painted the ugliest shade of blue he'd ever seen - tape covering its left tail light and bumper held on by zip ties. By now, the delivery boy has made enough visits to your home to recognize cars of your friends and loved ones. Who is this? The flickering sign atop the rusting hunk of metal lifted some of the weight from his shoulders - only to crush him with a new fear as the other driver casual steps out of his vehicle, carrying bag strapped to his shoulder.
"Oh, hell no-"
Brie curses under his breath - pulling into your neighbor's driveway with one hand on the wheel as he reaches into the passenger seat with the other. He quickly gathers his things, kicking the driver's side door open as he goes to exit - hissing in frustration as his seat belt digs into the flesh of his neck. He unbuckles himself, shutting the door behind him with the heel of his sneaker as he races across your neighbor's yard. He slows down to carefully step over their hedges right as the other delivery person reaches your porch. Brie curses again-
"Oh my God! There's someone hiding in the back of that blue car with the dirty windows!"
The delivery person runs off back to their car. With little time to celebrate his victory, Brie marches up to your front door and rings the doorbell. You looked surprised - yet oddly happy to see him. His heart flutters.
Brie beans from ear to ear "Yup! It's me! Got another pizza for you here. Same as the last."
"Thank you, but I already ordered from someplace else. Couldn't find anywhere nearby with alfredo sauce pizza so I had to settle for the usual."
You were looking for him?.... The place he works for that is. Brie shoves the box against your chest, biting down the scream ready to escape. "Don't worry, this one's on the house too. We're still experimenting with the recipe so it isn't available on our menu yet. I'm sure my boss will be happy to hear you enjoyed it."
"Well... Since it's free I guess it wouldn't hurt to take it off your hands. Won't have to order out for a week at this rate. Do you have a number I can reach you at?"
Multiple issues could arise from giving you his personal number - Brie was too excited to dwell on future problems when he had your attention now.
"Sure! Do you have a pen and paper?"
In the time it takes you to retrieve said items the other delivery person returns. He looks at Brie, a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he inspects his face.
"Hey... Aren't you-"
"Their boyfriend attacked a guy once."
The delivery driver looks taken aback. "What did you say?"
"I had a friend who worked at this one other pizza place. He had a black eye the last time we met. Said the person with the exact address had a scary looking boyfriend who thought he was flirting with them. He moved last we and I think I know why."
Brie's smile widen as the wobble in the other man's voice. "Hey, man... It's not cool to joke like that. If you're trying to scare me off you'll have to try harder than that."
"If that's what you want-"
Brie drops the conversation there. No point in wasting any more of his precious time - not with you standing there, pen and a small notepad in hand.
"Thank you~" Brie scribbles down his number, tearing off a page of paper beneath the one he wrote on as he hands the notepad back to you - pen still in his possession. With other matters to attend to, asking for it back was the last thing on your mind as you then turn to properly greet the other driver. Brie turns on his heels and makes his way down your driveway, checking over his shoulder as he drops the pen off the sidewalk - watching it roll by the rear bumper of the car.
"Whoops- Looks l dropped my pen."
Brie crotches down to grab the pen, eyes scanning the dented license plate as his fingers graze the pen. He picks it up, jotting down the license plate on the scrap of paper as he stands and walks off in the direction of his car.
One light broken is bad enough. He wonders how that other driver's boss would feel with all four smashed.
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khalixvitae · 9 months
I think that everyone should take a moment to think about just how fucking weird Malleus is. Like, he rlly isn’t the super OP, suave, mysterious bad boy trope that he frequently gets boxed into. That is literally in universe propaganda- that’s what his classmates (who are too afraid to talk to him) have like. Made up abt him. He’s actually rlly fucking odd (seemingly even by fae standards) and that is so cool of him. Like. He has a fixation on one particular architectural feature and shows up in your back yard on a weekly basis to infodump at you. His handwriting is basically calligraphy. He does not know how to work a cell phone. He has the most offputting sense of humor known to man and god, yet somehow does not always understand sarcasm when it’s directed at him. The only person who understands him is his equally weird yet socially adjusted 600+ year old adopted father, and even he was so concerned for Malleus’ social development he tagged along with him to school with the goal of making some sort of social connection happen. He’s so odd and I think we should all take a moment to think abt him as a weird little freak
Edit: I wasn’t gonna say the autism word bc sometimes people don’t know how to act when you say their fav emo boy has autism. Side eye. But since y’all have said it yourselves may I reiterate: malleus draconia is dripping w autism and that makes him so cool and relatable imo thank u
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inf3ct3dd · 4 months
loser!ellie headcanons pt.6
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summary: ellieeee my chiquitita my baby my love
warnings: none :3
authors note: ik yall missed herrrr
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masterlist. help palestine.🇵🇸
- ellie tries to be soooo cool and wear her cool people jackets (leather jackets, canvas, those carhartt hoodie jackets etc) but they’re very not helpful against the cold and you’ll be out with her and shes just SHIVERING the whole time…
- she’s obsessed w those “general knowledge quizzes” on tiktok. that girl is a hoe for trivia she’s sitting on her bed at three in the morning saying her answers OUT LOUD while she watches them. she gets so upset when she gets literally any wrong… “man…im not a quiz master 🙁”
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- ik in the games she walks around with her little journal and shit but i feel like shes definitely jus constantly typing shit in her notes app… random thoughts and jokes and shit that she most definitely shows you at the end of the day
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- she barely ever baby talks to babies… she’ll go up to a baby and just be like “wassup dude” and have a full blown conversation with him while the babies just sitting there babbling and giggling at her
- thinks those “im nothing like yall” slideshows r so hilarious…. like you’ll be on the couch and she’s just giggling at her phone at paracetamol 😞
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- references the most niche memes ever constantly and literally googles them to explain herself. you guys went camping and she said “boy you want hot dog” and you were like ????
- so strangely particular about how her stuff is arranged 😭 her desk looks like an absolute hot mess 90% of the time but SHE UNDERSTANDS IT and if u try and organize it for her she just puts it back how it was
- always says “guys” and “yall” when she’s talking to literally one person. and CHAT. she just constantly adds it into conversation like “chat how are you today”
- loves asking if things are “fire.” she’ll cook you something and you take a bite and shes like “is that shit fire???” she has to know
- obsessed with “i barely know her” jokes. the second someone says something ending in er shes like “rider??? i barely know her!!” and she’s laughing her ass off
- that girl will go HAM on some mac and cheese. but it can only be really good baked mac or the shitty kraft mac and cheese. she puts like- hella pepper and red chili flakes in it and eats it straight out of the pot 🔥 its always at like three in the morning and you just walk in the kitchen to her with a pot in her lap watching glee or some shit
- SPEAKING. OF. glee is most definitely one of her guilty pleasure shows…like shes rewatched it a million times and glee cast was one of her top artists on apple music wrapped
- shes an apple music user. send tweet.
- got yelled at by an old lady once cuz she picked her flowers out of her front yard and gave them to you
- when i tell you that girl goes ham on those tiny clementines… she’ll eat like 10 in one day and theres just PEELS. EVERYWHERE.
- also she fw grapes heavy. especially green grapes (shes a weird little freak red grapes are so much better)
- OBSESSED WITH THOSE BLIND BAG SHITS. especially mini brands oh my god she definitely has the whole lil grocery store set and she’s so obsessed with it.
- her house slippers are definitely just a pair of crocs with the fur inside and a bunch of stupid ass jibbits. she buys the mega packs off amazon and changes them whenever shes bored
- has SO MANY drafts on tiktok and they’re all her trying filters staring at the screen like 😯
- most annoying person to sleep next to ever . snoring, sleep talking, moving around CONSTANTLY and hitting you accidentally, the only way she sleeps peacefully is if you’re holding her or she’s holding you, otherwise shes insane
- weirdly into linguistics…that girl is using humongous words for no good reason just for fun and half the time she has no idea what they mean and when she googles them and shes right about the definition she does that little fist pump and “fuck yes”
- speaking of. that girl is SPEEDRUNNING DUOLINGO . she’s fluent in (bad spaniard) spanish from it, and just learns random languages for fun. you speak a different language? she’s learning it immediately. definitely leaves notes for you in random languages she learned and you have to pull out a translator to understand wtf shes talking about… she also sleep talks in spanish sometimes and its so funny
- loves trying out different recipes…like i said my girl is a CHEF she will be at home fucking up a salmon bake she made and making you homemade pho for dinner
- had a phase when she was younger when she was really into the la bamba movie and dressed like richie valens for two years
- also cried so hard when she watched selena with you…that girl was devastated 💔 every time she hears “dreaming of you” she almost sheds a tear
“when that yolanda bitch gets out of prison….im shooting someone . its obvious who its gonna be.”
- she definitely begged joel to buy her a gun for christmas and he would take her to the range all the time so she can SHOOT. that girl is goated at lazer tag she gets down…does not play
- thought that candy cigarettes were the coolest thing ever when she was little… everywhere she went she had one hanging out of the side of her mouth and shed hold them between her fingers like they do in movies. if you two go to a candy shop shes for sure buying a pack
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earth2rin · 5 months
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bakugo x fem!reader college au
2.1k words
warnings: mild cursing, slightly suggestive, alcohol use
friends not answering your calls? ubers not available? guess it’s time for your last resort.
“fuck” you slur as your screen reads that iida had not answered your phone. you called jirou, then momo, then izuku, todoroki, sero and kiri, but no answer.
you were drunk. absolutely hammered and the clock on your phone currently reads 2:37 in the morning. there were no ubers available and you were in desperate need of a ride home back to your apartment from the college frat party you and your friends decided to go to.
you originally had a DD, but ochako ended up leaving early, something about deku getting home earlier than expected from his trip in the states. you told her to go and see her man, and how she better fill you in on all the deets or else you were never going to cover for her whenever she and deku “mysteriously” disappear from functions.
so here you sat on the couch in some random fraternity house, pouting about how you had no idea of how you were gonna get home. the music was loud and your body was buzzing, all the loud conversations going on around you didn’t help brighten your mood. you were tired, and your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. you wanted to go home. you contemplated just crashing on the couch and waking up super early to leave, but the skirt you were wearing would ride up every 5 minutes and you were sure if you slept on the couch someone would get a show when they would wake up in the morning. you also thought about walking home but for obvious reasons you decided against it, walking 7 miles in the middle of the night in a miniskirt was an absolute no!
then an idea popped into your head. you had absolutely no faith, but it was your last chance to get home before you started walking. you chewed on your lip, anxiety making you ponder if you really should go through with it, it wasn’t like you had any other choice!
biting the inside of your cheek, you wait as you hear the familiar sound of your phone ringing, hoping the call will go through. your nerves grew as the ringing had continued in your ears.
“hello?” a gruff voice answers on the other end of the line.
“bakugo! oh my god i’m surprised you answered!” you say excitedly, smile extending from ear to ear.
“the fuck are you calling me for? it’s 3 in the god damn morning” he mumbles, you bite on your lip from being chewed out at.
“listen, i’m reeeeally sorry, but i’m really drunk and i need a ride home.” you whine and the desperation in your voice makes you cringe but you really meant it.
“so fucking call some one else, don’t bother me!” he sounds angry and your eyes begin to well with tears.
“i did! but no one wants to answer me and i’m really tired and want to go home, but my feet hurt and i can’t walk home and i’m hungry and there’s no food here, and i really want to go home.” you babble as the tears start pouring and the people around you give you stares but you’re too drunk to care right now.
“alright alright i’ll come get you! jus’ quit your crying already” you manage to get out a broken and whiny ‘okay’ before he asks you to send your location hangs up
even though you know you’ll regret it in the morning, you take 3 more shots and wander out into the front yard. the grass is cool, dewy from the 3am air and the leaves in the trees sway from the light breeze. the moon is out, and you can’t help but stare, mesmerized by its beauty. you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, hoping the nauseous feeling and pounding headache would go away soon.
your eyes begin to flutter shut, but soon you hear a voice speak up.
“what are you doing on the ground?” you flutter your eyes open and there standing at your feet was bakugo katsuki.
“oh heyyy. ‘m jus a little tired” you smile.
he stares at you and sighs
“well c’mon, get your ass up and let’s get you home.” you shake your head and pout.
“don’t wanna. ‘m so comfy. i think i'll throw up if i stand.” your brows furrow as you adjust your head, turning it to your side.
he groans, dragging and his hand down his face.
“alright, c’mon, up and attem” he lifts you up, throwing you over his shoulder (making sure to cover your ass from anyone seeing your baby pink underwear) and you groan.
“oh god, you’re making me nauseous!” your cheeks bubble up, trying to hold back your barf as you see the ground move from underneath you.
rolling his eyes, he replies “oh buck up, we’re almost at my car.”
you stare for a little, speaking up to drunkenly say, “you have a nice ass” and he pinches your arm, making you squeal and giggle.
you feel him stop, and hear the sound of a car door opening. he gently puts you in the seat and squats down.
“what are you doin?” you hum, eyes closed.
“give me your foot” he mumbles.
you make a confused face to which he replies, “just give me your damn foot!” you comply, sticking out your foot and frowning for being scolded.
he gently unclasps your heels and sets them underneath your seat, repeating the motions for your other foot. he then sets your feet in the car and leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you.
you catch a whiff of his cologne and you internally sigh, he smelt absolutely heavenly. it didn’t help that he was wearing a wifebeater and his biceps were bulging right in front of your eyes. you wanted to bite him. he was ethereal, a sight to behold, an angel in front of you. why couldn’t he like you?
closing the door, he makes his way to the driver seat and hops in, tying himself in.
“ ‘m cold” you whine, and he turns around to his backseat and grabs a blanket, placing it in your lap.
you unfold it and wrap yourself in it, secretly taking a whiff and hiding your smile in the blanket.
“thanks” you quietly say, he nods in acknowledgment.
the ride to your apartment is comfortable. the radio playing music quietly, leaving you both to your thoughts. you had known bakugo since high school. you had been close friends with deku, and you knew his infamous bully. you tried to help deku and even defended him, but all izuku would say was that it was okay and that you didn’t need to fight for him. so you let izuku handle it, next thing you know you’re all at the same college. your class had all been relatively close, almost everyone was friends. but for some reason bakugo could just not stand you. you tried to figure out why, but you never really had interactions with him so there was nothing that tipped the scale.
you decided to not let it bother you, which was hard because you unfortunately found him ridiculously attractive. you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be friends, but you never acted upon your thoughts, settling in the belief that ignorance is bliss.
“you hungry?” you turn your head and blink.
“no ‘m okay, thanks.” you turn your head back to the window and he chuckles.
“alright but you’ll regret it in the morning.”
your eyes widen and you snap your head back to him.
“wait! i am hungry!” he rolls his eyes and says ‘okay’, pulling into a taco bell.
you feel giddy as he hands you your burrito, immediately unwrapping and chowing down on the warm heaven sent food.
“thanks!” you say with a smile and a full mouth, to which he slightly grimaces and says that you owe him one, which you decide to ignore.
shortly after, you arrive at your apartment and he parks, getting out to open your door.
“i don’t wanna go im barefoot! that means i’ll have to walk across the dirty concrete!” you whine and he tries his best not to show his frustration, but the vein popping out on his forehead says otherwise.
“c’mon, i came all this way AND bought you taco bell and you can’t even walk to the door?” you pout and he groans, tossing you over his shoulder again.
he grabs your heels and your purse, beginning his tread up the stairs.
“wait a minute, how do ya know where i live, hmm?”
he rolls his eyes, which he knows you can’t see and responds, “you had a party for ochako remember?”
you gasp and giggle, “oh yeah! and then they left early so they could fu-“
“and we’re here!” he cuts you off, digging through your purse for your keys.
once in your apartment, he asks where your bedroom is, finding the room he sets you down on your bed and puts your heels by your closet. he leaves the room, heading to your kitchen. you frown due to the lack of his company, but he returns with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.
“here, take this for your feet and headache.” you grab the two pills he’d taken out the bottle and swallow them, chugging the water shortly after. the tension is thick as you both stare at each other.
you get up, walk to your dresser and look through your drawers, he stands awkwardly behind you trying hard not to stare at your ass as you bend over to look for pajamas. you began stripping and before you can get your tube top over your head he blurts out.
“where’s your bathroom?” you turn your head and blink at him.
“i have an en suite, it’s the door to your left,” he nods and quickly rushes inside the room.
after changing into your pajamas you make yourself comfortable in your sheets, waiting for bakugo to exit your bathroom. your eyes begin to shut until you hear the click of the door opening.
he had assumed you’d fallen asleep and began to exit your room.
“why don’t you like me?” you mutter. he freezes, he feels like a deer caught in headlights.
“what are you talking about?” he plays dumb but you don’t falter.
“why don’t you like me?” you repeat, this time more confidently.
he swallows thickly and turns to look at you, you sit up and look at him.
“i never said i didn’t like you.” he says as if it’s a matter of fact.
“well you sure as hell make it seem like i’m the last person on earth you’d rather be with.” you chuckle bitterly, the alcohol coursing through your veins giving you the courage to say what you’ve always wondered.
“it’s a shame really, i thought we could be good friends, i find you quite charming, dashing even. i wouldn’t have minded if things went further then just being friends as well.” you sigh falling back into your sheets, snuggling into your comforter.
“that makes two of us.” he mumbles and he thinks you didn’t hear it, but you remove your blankets and make your way towards him.
“well maybe when you give up the act of thinking i’m insufferable you could give me a call, yeah?”
he’s at a loss for words, you’re standing awfully too close to him, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body and it sends shivers down his spine. he swallows, examining your face and he licks his lips.
“you're drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying” he tries to rationalize, more to himself than you.
“oh i’m perfectly aware of what i’m saying” you send him a small coy smile and he feels butterflies as you stare into his eyes.
“if i call you sometime will you go to bed already?” he takes a small step closer and you smile at him.
“anything you’d like.”
“i’ll call you then.”
you nod like a school girl, and head back to your bed.
“night.” you say as he slips through your door.
the next morning you woke up with a horrendous headache, making your way to the kitchen for some water. a bottle of vitamin c gummies, a free pizza coupon and the blanket you had last night folded up were sitting on your counter top. on the bottle of vitamin c there was a sticky note attached.
for the hangover. call you tonight?
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vecnuthy · 11 months
Steddie first kiss scenario
Accident: mistaken identity due to Steve being absolutely hammered | wc 893 |
Two hours into a Harrington house party, Eddie was getting near the end of his inventory and his social battery. The cup of punch-colored alcohol he'd been nursing had kept him nice and fuzzy for a while, but with the end in sight, he dumped the rest down the kitchen sink, tossed the cup in the trash, then turned, opting to walk out the back yard rather than navigate through the packed house.
But his progress was stopped in an empty hall by the man of the house himself, Steve Harrington.
A very drunk Steve Harrington, at that, considering the extra droop of his pretty eyes, lazy smile, overly loose movements, and the way he crashed into Eddie, pinning him against a small table, slurring loudly, "Nance! There'y'are."
He looked and smelled absolutely sloshed as he swayed further into Eddie's space.
"Steve, wha-"
"Been loogin for y' everywhere."
Before Eddie could even do anything, Steve's hands were buried in his curls and pulling him in until their lips met and - wow, that was definitely Steve Harrington's rum-soaked tongue in his mouth, making his stomach swoop, the heat from Steve's flushed face igniting a fire that tore across Eddie's skin, burning faster with every movement of Steve's lips. Lips that were soft, unlike the fingers curling, pulling Eddie's roots enough to make Eddie's hips press into Steve's, make him want to moa-
"You taste different. Like smoke and.....and peaches, hv'you been smoking?!" He frowned and shook his head. "S'not good for you."
He paused in thought as Eddie's heart hammered in his chest, mouth and scalp tingling from Steve's onslaught. His brain refused to make sense of anything happening. Were he not half propped up by the table against the wall and Steve's hold, Eddie would probably be on the floor.
"Wanna smoke now, achlly," Steve said as he put enough space between them to pat at his pockets before realizing with a laugh, "Oh wai', you've got 'em!"
He started patting at the pockets of a very shell-shocked Eddie as he continued to ramble, "And peashes. Where'd you ge' peashes? Y'llergic to the fuzz. You 'idn't eat that, d'you?"
Steve patted a little too far over the front of his jeans, making Eddie, honestly on the verge of blacking out, yelp. Steve giggled out, "Ticklish," then added, "You're taller," before pouting, "Ugh, your pockets 'r so full. When d'you put jeans on?" Steve let out a frustrated whine before huffing, "God, I can't find'em, just - "
Steve paused then smiled like he remembered the secret of life, and muttered, "You've got the smoke."
And just like that, Eddie's face was smooshed between Steve's hands, breath barely ghosting over Eddie's lips before he breathed Eddie in, eyes closed, probably imagining nicotine flooding his system.
Eddie would make a run for it if he were able to move, but he couldn't will his body to do anything but buzz from shock yet sing for Steve's touch.
Steve opened his eyes, and he took a long, glazed-over look at Eddie's face, settling on his lips.
"You kind of look different. Your lips....they're bigger." His eyes closed slowly then grew comically large. "D'you eat the fuzz, Nance?!" Steve panicked, then looked Eddie in the eyes again, and took a shuddering breath. "Your eyes, though, they....th' look, look kinda brown like -" Steve's face softened "- like his."
To Eddie's immense horror, a very confused Barbara Holland had appeared behind Steve.
"Barrrb! Hey, guess what? Nance's been smoking!" he giggled.
"What?" Barb's eyes flicked back and forth between a very panicked, frozen Eddie.
"She tastes like smoke! Nancy Wheeler, smoking!" He cackled gleefully, but made it known that he was proud of her by turning back to Eddie and slurring, "You're so cool, 's like it's Halloween. Dressed up like Munson? Y' look so cool, baby." And he swooped in and kissed Eddie one more time.
"Okay, Steve!" Barb shrieked and pulled him away. "Let's get you some water!" She shot Eddie a wide-eyed questioning look and steered a stumbling Steve toward the kitchen.
"He's so wasted, he thought I was Nancy!" Eddie rushed out quietly, which made Barb snort.
Eddie's face burned, numb to everything except where Steve had touched him. Which was kind of everywhere, actually, so he felt on fire. "And it happened before I could even- I didn't know what to d-"
"Eddie!" She cut off his rambling, then sighed. "Don't worry, you're fine. You're fine. Understand?" She was waiting for a response.
Eddie, head still swimming, nodded cautiously.
"Good," she said, letting some of her tension melt away, which Eddie tried to copy. "Doubt he'll remember any of it, anyway. I know I don't want to."
Eddie winced at that.
"No, it's not you, it's just-" she huffed then shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Drive safe, Eddie."
And just like that, she was gone.
Eddie followed suit with Steve's voice echoing in his head, an overlapping manic cacophony of
"Your lips....they're bigger."
"Your eyes, though, they....th' look, look kinda brown like...like his."
"Dressed up like Munson? Y' look so cool, baby."
Two kisses because Steve thought Eddie was his girl.
And her best friend had seen the second.
Actual fucking kisses because Steve thought he was his.
Thought Eddie was his.
Said he tasted like smoke and peaches.
Eddie drove home in a daze.
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r0-boat · 8 days
Whb Kings as Monsters
Thank you @aet-tsu and @da-shrimping-station for the inspiration from your cute art and you're writing.
(I wanted to do them as pets but you two already got that covered so now they're monster hybrids just pretend they are your 'pets')
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He looked pleased, His smile wide as he drank the water and ate the chicken. Poor thing must have been hungry! Well, you are so glad to feed a hungry mouth. That night, You heard scratching at your window; it was the hybrid from before! How the hell did he get here?! Did he follow you back????
tiger hybrid/Weretiger! You saw this hybrid in the daytime while you were shopping, sitting at side, and the heat. His tail swishing, his shirt was off, trying to keep himself cool. His ears folded back. You walked inside the store, coming out with a bottle of water and some food, bringing it out to What you thought was the cat hybrid. He seemed to worry of you at first, but when he noticed you had food, His eyes widened, looking at the cooked chicken and back at you.
It is now been one month, and the cat still will not leave. He plays idly on your bed, sleeping. You thought he was just a normal hybrid. However, you were greeted by something horrifying the next full moon. This hybrid was not a cat!!! You see that now. You now stare at the giant wear tiger now curled up on the floor of your living room. You thought this thing would kill you, but it has taken quite a liking to you. However, you are still getting used to the random temper tantrums, and your house getting destroyed because of it...
Despite being a tiger hybrid. He still acts like a cat. Laying in sunspots, making biscuits with your pillows(destroying them). He even brings you dead things mostly; it's a wild game. You hope to God he doesn't bring in a human corpse one day; your weretiger is just an oversized cat. Well, you don't know why you're surprised.
Satan is practically attached to your hip He goes wherever you go even to the bathroom. And you can't help but smile when your big cat starts to rubbing himself against you purring. When you stop petting him he demands you to keep petting him.
A dragon, an ancient dragon waking from its slumber, its den filled to the brim with riches of the old world. Now here, as he walks among the humans using magic to make him appear human, He sees that this new world's wealth has changed drastically. He hungers for that wealth. However, he must lie low. With that, he comes to you bearing golden gifts, of course.
You are thinking that you haven't woken up yet. It's handsome man a suitcase full of solid gold bars coins and pearls asks to live with you and be yours. This man with a big grin swears that he can protect you. Dream or not, You are very much considering taking the money replacing all that furniture from Satan's rampaging is tiring.
The dragon's eyes widen when he spot it a familiar figure. Your cat boy (tiger) hisses immediately pouncing on the man. Even with the tiger's sharp terrifying clause It did nothing against the dragons almost indestructible golden scales. "I swear my friend you get shorter every time I see you!"the dragon laughs.
With his endless amount of wealth all of you move to a bigger house with a bigger yard. Mammon studies human money and how to acquire it. Mamon bellows in pride when he talks about his riches, and goes on and on about tell excited he is to add more wealth to his collection. And how he could take good care of you, His chosen master.
Since this time living with you, he has been liking you every day more and more, especially how tiny you are. He likes to pick you up and haul you around. Maybe he could even convince you to go flying with him.
Over time, he slowly warms up to you. You notice how he gets possessive over You don't know much about monsters well except for dragons and were tigers. However, you did hear about Naga's being possessive over mates. But that shouldn't be right... How could this monster see you as his mate? He looks like he wants to kill you half the time.
A Naga, You're not sure why or how he's here. He just showed up in your garden. Underneath your wooden deck, He looks hurt. You finally have to lure him out with food.
He glares at you, and when you get close, he snarls, telling you to back away and don't touch him. But at the same time, he's the one who comes to you; he gets close, watching you intently. Even as he kisses and threatens to kill you, You try your hardest to tend to his wounds. Finally convincing him to let you touch and take care of him.
Sometimes he has his whole body wrapped around you, trapping you in this coils, making sure no one else sees you but him. Keeping you like this calms him. Having you so close to him, like this, he feels like you were all his. Your warm human body is addicting to him.
Your other monsters hate him because he's practically claimed your room. Satan and him have brawls for your bed. And, of course, Mammon loves to provoke the Naga.
Mothman/moth hybrid (hear me out): You heard a knock at your window. You see a handsome man with moth wings and antennae waving to you, giving you a wink, and gesturing at you to open the window. At this point, you are not surprised. Immediately opening the window. The first thing this winged man did was kiss you on the forehead and hug you. Next thing you know, your Levi tackles him to the ground, squeezing the lights out of him. He only stops when you tell him to.
Apparently, they know each other. As your are pissed off, Naga hides in your closet. You asked him how he found this place, And he said confidently, "I smelled you!" Moths find their mates by senses of smell. And he thought you smelled good, so obviously, you are his mate. You are not deterred by the fact that you already have three other monsters lined up for that title.
Beel Only shows up at night, leaving during the day sometimes; he's gone for days at a time. Only to just show up randomly, sometimes with random souvenirs as gifts. He is really good at blending into human society. They're already hybrids walking among the streets, and he does not need to do much.
He will always find you because no matter how bad his memory is he will always remember your scent.
Beel and Mammon, who are eager to learn about humans, Go out together. Beel teaches him all he remembers about humans. Sure, Beel and Mammon are no different parts of human societies, but they get along pretty nicely compared to the other two.
Vampire. He has already lived among the humans for quite some time. How you met him? Well, You haven't been out with people for a while now because of you certain somebody's usually chase them away, whether it be a friend or a date.
This person has already been your friend online and the two of you set up for a little date night. You thought it odd that he didn't order anything else but wine and drinks; however, He was paying for the meal, so you did not think anything of it.
Lucifer had no intentions with you in fact, he found you quite charming. He was not one of those vampires that lure people into their home as their prey; no, He is a doctor. If he needs blood bags, he will get blood bags without harming humans.
You got a little tipsy and he invites you to take you home. Forgetting about your four other things you agree... You're greeted at the door with a dragon with his arms crossed puffing out his chest a snarling yelling cat a hissing snake ready to pounce. And Beelzebub laying on your couch waving at you. Apparently, they know this vampire. Why does this keep happening?
Since you're already friends with his 'acquaintances' He drops the bombshell, which is honestly the most normal thing you've heard all week, that he is a vampire. Well, he is not ready to drink from you just yet (since he sees that as an intimate thing). He does drop by in his back form, which you had fun squealing over, and picking him up and petting him, which he reluctantly allows you to do.
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iskandersmuts · 9 months
Diplomat's Party
Male Reader x Yuna
Tags: Smut, Yuna Smut, Sex, Blowjob, Creampie
My first attempt. I will be thankful with some feedback with anything.
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Breathe in. Breathe out.
You see the man on the mirror. That’s you inside the bathroom talking to yourself for gaining courage. “You can do it.” You say. “You did this for the last year.” Finally, you hide again in one of the bathroom’s cabinets. One more time breathe in and breathe out. Is just matter of endure this feeling three more hours.
You leave the bathroom and start counting the hours. Right now is nine o’clock. You can leave freely this party at midnight. As your boss always says “Your job at parties is like being a Cinderella. You arrive show the best you have and before the worst parts of you appear you leave. Nobody wants to know how cool or shitty you are when you are bored or even worse drunk. So no one of you, the diplomats, can show that side. Remember we are representing a country.” He is right we can’t show some parts of ourselves.
But these parties are actually a pain in the ass. The most of the people are here for work. They are not resting. They are not having fun. They are trying to get some confidential information that will help their own interest or the interest of their countries. Is like an international convention of ass lickers, brownosers or whatever you call it. They gather together and start talking about nonsense: “Did you hear about that African president lecturing Macron about colonialism?” or “Did you see what this Bukele did with the cryptocurrency?” You just can’t say. “Of course, dumbass you know that every ass licker here read the same Foreign Affairs subscription that you read.” You just say whatever thing they also know “Yeah and it seems that IOSCO now has a project bill for cryptocurrency.” And then the questions start. “Do you have any notices on the votes of the draft resolution of the injunction… and blah blah” Just things that nobody cares about. Two years ago, you pleaded your boss to let you assist to this kind of events. And now is your third time a week in these events. You would prefer getting a massage with hot stones in your balls right now. But not everything is bad. In this field: the diplomacy. You must be really lucky to find a friend. And you were really lucky, your honest friend is Diego an Argentinian diplomat.
In this party at Lotte Hotel Diego does a sign asking you to leave the building and go to the yard. Both of you get outside and start talking.
“Dude, did you hear the big news?” Says Diego.
“Diego if is a diplomat thing I really don’t want to talk about that right now.” You say with your voice showing boredom.
“No is not that kind of thing. You know me. I don’t like to talk about that stuff too. Is about the party of tonight.”
“What? Someone find out about those two gay diplomats that are in a relationship?” You ask.
Diego laughs. “No not that. Something interesting. Korea has changed the main event of tonight!”
“That means that I’m not going to hear the fat lady singing AGAIN the fucking Madame Butterfly.” You say.
“Yes. And also, as they were looking for something new. Moon Jae In used his trick up his sleeve and contracted a kpop group.”
“WAIT WHAT? WHO? TELL ME!” You say almost shouting.
“Is a girl group. JYP…”
“Fucking Twice is coming? Oh my god! Really?”
“No not Twice a bit younger.”
“NMIXX? But they have few songs!” You say complaining.
“Not that younger.”
“No. No. It’s for real. They are coming.”
You guessed correctly.
And now you are thinking: Finally, something good happened on these useless parties. And you are smiling in a weird way. You know is weird because Diego told you. And then you use your experience of these years to act the best you can. As a diplomat you can’t be a crazy fan even more as you are here actually “working”.  
The girls finally arrive. All guests are invited to gather and enjoy the show. Itzy is on the scene they greet everybody. You notice that they are not cheerful as they are in concerts of world tours. They are trying to be mature. They start with “Dalla Dalla”. You resist the urge of fanchant with the song. When they end nobody claps. For the awkward situation they start immediately another song. It happens the same nobody claps or even cheers.
This situation reminds you the footage of Red Velvet presenting at North Korea. The public were all quiet. This was the same. These boring diplomats don’t celebrate anything. Yeji as the leader announces that they are going to perform the last song. “Cheshire”. You want to fanchant so bad. But you can’t. They nailed the last song; the others were good too. But in this song, you see that they are trying their best as is their last song and till now they didn’t get any response from the public. When the song ends you don’t resist the urge and you start clapping. The people around you look at you as a weirdo. But then Diego joins you and other Koreans too. Then everybody is forced to do it. You look at them. All the girls are smiling. You keep clapping and you stand up.
“That was nice, girls” you shout.
This time just some of the other guests joins. And the rest of them just look at you and the others as weirdos.
This moment was definitively the most memorable. Because you see the girls looking at the few ones clapping while smiling. They finally thank everybody and leave the scenario.
You start walking around the party just remembering the faces of the girls when they saw you clapping. Their expressions. They are shocked at first. They look at you and then start smiling. It was a rough night for them. But you did the night a little bit easier for them.
Now just some minutes till midnight. You made your job and you saw Itzy you deserve a fucking drink. So, you start walking towards the bar.
“Look that old geezer is trying to dance” Says someone.
You notice that this is the voice of a woman.
You laugh.
Someone appears in front of you looks you directly inside the eyes and says. “Are you laughing at us?”
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You are caught off of guard. “No sorry I didn’t mean that. Is just that no one here uses that kind of word ‘old geezer’” You look at her face trying to know his name. “Omo. Sorry Chaeryeong-shi. I really didn’t mean to make fun of you.”
Chaeryeong looks at you. “Do you know my name? Finally, I thought nobody here knew who we are.” She pauses and continues. “And don’t worry I’m pretty sure that Ryujin-unnie doesn’t care if you laugh or not, right, unnie?”
“You are pretty damm right, Chae.” Says Ryujin. “Is just that the old geezer…” You start to laugh again while she continues. “looked really hilarious when he started dancing.”
You see that behind both, Ryujin and Chaeryeong, are the other members of the group. You are internally jumping so hard that maybe your head will hit the roof. But you try to keep your composure. “Nice to meet you all of you.” You look at your watch is just past midnight. Fuck it you are not “working” anymore. “I’m really a big fan of yours.”
The other girls gather around you when they see that you are talking with Ryujin. They stand up beside you. There it is Yuna with her scenary outfit.
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While you are looking at her you try to avoid looking at her chest. Or at least pretend that you are not doing it. She is using baggy pants. You wanted to look her legs too. That’s too bad. But you are lucky enough to look her perfect flat belly. When she sees you, she just smiles at you. The other girls as Yuna are wearing also an scenary outfit all of them have a blue or sky blue piece. But Yuna is the one that caught your eye.  
“You are not from here, right?” Asks Ryujin. Yeji gives a little slap on Ryujin’s arm. She is the leader indeed.
You are thinking. Thanks Ryujin. You saved me. I owe you one. It was getting weird because I was looking Yuna for too long.
“Yes yes. I’m not from here. I’m a diplomat assigned here at Korea, Ryujin-shi.”
“You are a diplomat?” Asks Lia. “I always thought that diplomats were old men.”
You answer. “Well the ones that appear on television they are. And maybe as they are the most known for the public you think that. But actually in my country if you do the right things. You can start as a diplomat at 23 years old.”
“Yeah you look kind of young. But here the most of them are old geezers.” Says Ryujin. You laugh. “I thought that the reason why nobody clapped was that they are old geezers. But maybe is because they do what you do.”
“Well. Yeah the most of the times the show is a snob thing. Like opera or traditional theather.”
Ryujin interrupts you. “What thing? What did you say?”
Yuna starts laughing. You answer Ryujin. “See your maknae here knows what I said. Yuna-shi would you mind explaining her?”
Yuna looks at you. Doubtful starts speaking. “Snob is like people that likes fancy things just because they want to be different. Right?” She looks at you.
You are melting. The eyes of your Itzy’s bias are looking right at you.
“Yeah… Is just like that, Yuna-shi.” You answer. “The people here like that kind of things. Kind of unique or least popular. The people around here think that the things that they are discussing are the most important things ever. They are so full of themselves.”
“And… You are here... So, you too?” Asks Yuna looking you again.
You smile. “I hope I don’t. Maybe I would be just like them if I answer that. How about you discover if I’m like them.” You look at Yuna.
In your head you ran the entire place 10 times. You are flirting with Itzy’s Yuna. You are nervous as fuck.
“We’ll see. Then.” Answers Yuna and grins.
Yeji looked what happened. Actually, the whole girl group watched you flirting with their maknae. Yeji stands between you and Yuna and starts shaking your hand. “You are the one that clapped for us, right? Let me thank you for that. We’d like to stay around but we actually just came here for a personal matter. We are going to the bar. It looks like you are about to leave this party, right?”
Her words weren’t even smooth. You were clearly kicked out. “Is that true? I see. Well, thank you for greeting me.” You say trying to sound as polite as you can. “Well maybe I should go…”
What you were saying is interrupted by Yuna holding Yeji’s arms with her hands. She starts pouting. “Unnie, please.”
Yeji’s answer is silence pretending Yuna said nothing. Yuna starts pouting again. “Yeji unnie, please. Besides he is a Midzy, right?” Yuna looks at you.
“Yeah. As I said I’m a big fan.” You add.
When Yeji says nothing again. And you think this is lost. Yuna uses his final technique her little kitten face. He is pleading looking directly at Yeji. Just as Pussy in boots in Shrek. You don’t receive fully the little kitten face but you see it by the side.
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Fuck. You are willing to give your house if she asks you doing that face. And you start wondering why the governments and international organizations spent so much money training people like you to end wars. When probably all they need is the Yuna’s little kitten face. Dam even if she asks Putin to end the war. Will he say no?
Yeji tries to avoid her face or maybe just look at the others trying to find an answer. Ryujin just shrugs like saying I don’t care. Lia and Chaeryeong that were looking Yuna’s little kitten face just nod. Yeji sighs and says. “Fine. He can come.”
“Yaaaaaay” says Yuna. She takes your arm and pulls you to start moving. Then she releases so you can follow them.
That expression that she just used was the bubbliest yet the most attractive you’ve ever seen. And she touched you. You can die right now. You start walking behind them. You just can’t help and you take a peek at their asses. Ryujin has a really bubbly ass. Chaeryeong has the largest one and seems like is not that soft because has muscles around. Lia has the softest one like you can sleep there. Yeji has a cute butt. And finally, Yuna has a bubbly cute ass. She is using baggy pants but her butt can be noticed trough them.
While walking Yuna turns lightly her head to you to ask you. “Hey Mr. Diplomat how old… are you?” She paused because she noticed you looking her ass. You were caught in fraganti so you just looked at her and smile. “Well mmmmm… I’m actually 25 years old. International age I mean.”
After you answer Yuna says something to Yeji. Yeji also turns her head to you. Look at you and nods to Yuna.
All of you finally arrive at the bar. Ryujin asks for champagne for everybody including you. She didn’t ask any of you. She just ordered. Yeji slaps her arm. “Ryujin yaaa. Why do you always do that?”
Ryujin answers. “It doesn’t matter. All of us were going to drink that anyway. Right?”
You see around and everybody is nodding. It seems that the dominant Ryujin you see trough tv screen is actually a dominant Ryujin in real life.
“Let’s make a toast. Raise your glasses” Says Yeji. And by looking at the girls and you she is ordering you to do it. Everybody raises their glasses. “Our schedule didn’t let us to celebrate properly the birthday of our beloved maknae. Yuna we all love you.” At the end of this sentence. You start nodding hard. Yeji got quiet and looks at you. All the girls look at you too and then laugh. You blush. “Anyway…” Yeji continues. “Apparently everyone gathered here LOVES you Yuna. Happy Birthday.”
The girls take turns to hug Yuna. First Yeji, then Ryujin. You notice that everyone gets closer and say a few words in Yuna’s ear. When is your turn you gather all the courage in your body and swallow the nervousness and try to look cool.  You hug her and whisper in her ear. “Is true indeed that everybody here loves you. Happy birthday. I wish you have a good time tonight.” She grins and whispers in your ear. “Well, you can help me to have a good time tonight.”
Shit. You think. I felt her chest during that hug. And now she says this I really can’t control my excitement.
And actually, you got hard down there. While you were hoping she didn’t notice it the hug ends and she looks down like looking for something.
It seems like she felt it.
Then the girls sited around the bar and ordered drinks. You took place beneath Yuna. She leaned on you.
“Oppa…” She says and you got surprised.
“Oppa?” You ask inmediately interrupting her.
“Yes you are older than me you are my oppa, right?” She questioned.
“Well yeah I can be your oppa if you want.”
“Nice. I want to ask you something. Can i?”
“Okay. But if is something that I can’t say because of my work please don’t use your little kitten face against me. I will give in and next thing will be that I’m fired.”
She laughs. “My what?”
“Ah I named your pleading face to Yeji-shi before as ‘little kitten face’”
“Because of Shrek?” She asks.
She gets me.
“Yeah. I just love that movie. But continue. Go ahead”
She continues “Anyway I’m not going to ask you something difficult, oppa. I just want to know what should I drink? I don’t have too much experience with that.”
“You are 19 now, right? What have you drinked before? and what did you like or not?”
“Well obviously soju. At first, I didn’t like it. But then I was into that. But tonight, I want something fancier.”
“You are lucky. As this is diplomat’s party. I think this bar has international beverage too. Have you heard about pisco?”
“What?! What is that?”
“Is alcohol is made from grapes: the green ones. And well is nice when you drink it with lemon and other stuff. The beverage is called pisco sour.”
“Well why not. Today I’m celebrating my birthday. If I pretend today is my birthday. This is my first time having 20 years. So today is the day of first times!”
“That’s the attitude!”
“Two pisco sours, please.” You ask to the bartender.
The bartender hands you two glasses. And you hand one to Yuna.  
She sips. “This is like lemonade, right? Just at the end I can taste some alcohol. Is not that strong.”
You nod. “So did you like it?”
“Yeah, kind of.” Answers, Yuna.
A couple of glasses later you and Yuna are talking.
“You know what?” You start “I think diplomat’s life and idol’s life have something in common.”
“Why do you think that?” Asks Yuna.
“Well, your life is kind of controlled by someone: your company. In my case the embassy. I’m living here in this country just to work. And also, our opinions can’t be radical. Do you remember that time where Tzuyu waved her flag? The… Taiwanese flag?” Yuna nods. You continue “She apologized then. That means that no idol can give political opinions, right? Well, I can’t neither. I can’t say Taiwan is a country or say what I think about any president or government out loud.”
“Well… Yeah, It makes sense. So, you can’t hang out at parties too?”
You are so into this subject. “Well, if something happens like a drunk fight or something like that. I’m fucked up. Because in the headline will appear ‘The diplomat of this country got drunk and…’”
Suddenly Ryujin hugs you from behind and asks you. “Hey, since when Yuna is your bias? Have you fapped to her photos?”
You blush and start stuttering. “I-I-I D-d-d-didn’t do that!”
Ryujin laughs. “Mr. diplomat knows how to be cute!” She pinches your cheek. Then she says looking at Yuna. “Hey if you don’t achieve nothing with him. I’ll ask his number.”
Yuna hit Ryujin’s arms. “Ryujin-yaaaaa.”
You look at Yuna. “Achieve something?” You ask.
Yuna blushes a little bit. “Well did you remember before when we were walking to the bar? When you were… mmmm… looking my ass?”
You almost spit the pisco sour. Ryujin laughs. “It seems like Mr. Diplomat likes to stare asses. Did you peak mine too?”
Fuck Ryujin is so straight when she talks. This can’t be a mess. You must apologize. You think.
“Ammm… I do. Sorry.” You apologize.
“So who has the best one?” Ryujin asks you.
This brat knows how to make you nervous.
“Y-y-y-yuna” You answer stuttering.
“Well, I give up, Yuna. Mr. Diplomat is in love with you. I don’t get him. Everybody’s favorite is my ass or Chae. I’m leaving it to you.” Ryujin says while walks out to join the other members.
“Really?” Asks Yuna looking at you.
“Yeah. You are my favorite in everything! My ultimate bias.” You shout.
Fuck. It seems I’m really drunk.
Yuna stares at you and doesn’t say anything.
You blew up. She probably isn’t looking for a fanboy. You shouldn’t have drunk too much.
But she caught your arm and walks with you. You just follow her. “What happened, Yuna?” You ask.
She looks at you and keeps walking. “Today is the day of first times.”
She is leading you to the bathroom. She enters and locks the door.
You are in disguise. What to do now is pretty obvious but is Yuna so you are doubtful.
Before you decide anything Yuna kisses you.
Fuck. Is the best kiss you ever had. So this is how it feels when you kiss someone you really really like. Is like an explosion. Like there was nothing and then a big bang.
The kiss breaks. “Did you like it?” Asks Yuna.
You don’t answer just kiss her again. The sensation is something different. Like you can be here forever. But the night was just starting.
Yuna starts touching your back while kissing you. Then your chest. Your neck. She stops. “You don’t want to touch me?” She looks directly in your eyes.
“No, no. Is not that. Is just I didn’t want to ruin the kiss.” You say.
“Oppa. You know what are we doing next, right? I know you are not so innocent!” She says. And starts kissing you again.
Now you touch her. Her neck, her back you go down. Her delicious ass is being groped by your hands. You lean her closer to you by pressing her butt.  
You start kissing her neck. “Yuna. You are so beautiful and cute. Your mouth, your face, your ass.” You press your hands in her butt harder. She just moans “Mmmmmm….” But then she speaks. “I can feel your dick poking my abs. Just like before when you hugged me.”
You press her butt stronger. So, she can feel it more. Then you lift her up by grabbing her legs and kiss her neck again. “Mmm… I want to see your tits, Yuna.” While being in the air she manages to take off her blouse. You see her lingerie and anxiously you start kissing around her tits. While she is trying to untie her bra. Finally, you receive in your view her heavenly boobs. Her nipples are totally pink and are like inviting you to suck them.
This is the best feast I’ve ever had.
You kiss and lick her tits while the only response from Yuna is “Mmmm.” When you left her legs touch the ground, she kisses you again and she kisses your neck this time. Now she is trying to get your formal shirt off. You start undressing yourself. She kisses your neck and starts going down till she is in front of your crotch. She is in her knees.
“Mmmm… I want to know if you are a big fan as you said.” She touches your crotch. And starts undressing your pants. Then she just puts down your boxers.
Your dick is hard as never was. When she puts down your boxers your cock jump off and slaps Yuna’s face. She looks at you and then stares your cock.
“It looks that you were right. You are the biggest”
Then she starts stroking. You just moan.
“I thought you said it was first times’ day.”
“Yes oppa. This is my first time with a foreign guy and my first time sucking cock big like yours”
She starts licking the tip of your cock.
“Oppa I’m starting to doubt if this can fit in my mouth.”
“Let’s find out.” You say. She nods and starts putting it in her mouth.
First the tip and then she tries to push deeper. Her mouth is full but there is plenty of dick left. She starts moving. You can’t deny that you had better heads before. But… She looks at you while sucking you. Then you are aware again that the one sucking you off is Itzy’s Yuna. So, you start to feel better. Fuck you could say that you are even about to cum. You caught her head with your hands and start pushing.
“Fuck Yuna. I can feel your throat!”
She just says “Mmmm mmmm” as she can’t talk.
“I’m going to cum. Fuck. Fuck.”
You start cumming and you relax the grip on her head. And she frees. Some of the cum goes in her face.
“Mmmm… You are rough, oppa. I like that.” She picks some toilet paper of the bathroom to clean her face. “But you know what this is only starting. I want that big thing inside me now.”
She starts unbuckling her pants and puts it down and also her underwear at the same time. She has a shaved cute pussy and is already wet.
“Oppa, fuck me.” She says and then she bends and you have a total view of her ass. That beloved ass.
“You want me to fuck you?” You spank her.
“Aah. Yes, oppa. Fuck me with your cock!”
You grin and start to play with your dick around her pussy. “Oppa, just fuck me already!” She says.
You put your cock inside her. And you feel tightness. You haven’t feel something like this before. “Yuna you are so tight!” You say. And try to go deeper. “Fuck Yuna really I’m not lying you are too tight!”
“Mmmm… No oppa is just that you are too big. Just keep going. Mmmm…”
You start going deeper in a slow pace. Finally, you get to get your full dick inside. Yuna is moaning already. “Yuna, prepare yourself”
“Whaaaaaaa… aaah… mmm… mmm” She starts moaning. You are slamming her in a rapid pace. And then she says “Cumming aaaah” You don’t slow down. And then she shouts again moaning again but this time her legs start to shake. But you don’t slow down.
Fuck you’ d love to see Yuna’s cumming face. But right now in exchange you have a full view of her cute butt and her pussy while your cock enters and disappears. She is moaning so hard.
“Aaaaah… Oppa. I love how you fuck me. You are really deep into me.” She says.
And is true is almost like your tip is kissing her womb. This tightness is almost like her walls are never letting you go. Like their insides are sucking you up. Is this heaven? The pleasure right now is out of this world.
While dreaming off, it happens you cum inside her. Fuck you really fast up the pace because now you are out of breath. Yuna stands up looks at you smiles and kisses you. “That was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had. And really orgasms because it happened multiple times” Yuna says. “You are special and fuck you cummed so much”. At the moment white liquid starts to drip from her crotch.
Suddenly the door sounds. There are lots of knock knock and then a voice: “Yuna we need to leave now. They found out about the manager bribed. We will be waiting for you on the car outside.”
You look to Yuna. And she starts explaining. “Have you heard anytime about Itzy joining a party where they were having a show. Or have happened ever that the last entertainment show joins the party in your diplomat events?”
“Well… Being honest I never heard of that. And that never happened. I don’t remember that the fat lady singer ever joined the party after her show.”
“Yeah. That’s what’s normal. But we bribed our manager to tell JYP we were already at the dorm and we sneaked into the party.”
“So you weren’t invited to the party? And wait did you lie to Jyp?” You ask.
While this conversation was made Yuna started dressing up. As you see it you start looking for your clothes too.
Yuna answers “Yeah, that’s why we were just in the bar. I mean we didn’t want to catch too much attention. And also, we were with our stage clothes if we were invited, we probably were wearing some fancy dresses or something like that. And yeah, we lied to Jyp. He is nice but sometimes he is just a pain in the ass. You know if it was for him, I’ll be virgin even now.”
“Well yeah if you had gone to the main saloon, you probably had caught more attention. Then I must be really thankful for that bribe because if that wasn’t happened, this wasn’t happened.”
“Yes, oppa. And also, is thanks to Yeji. When you looked my ass, I was asking Yeji if I can be with you and she nodded. But sadly, I must say bye now. I really want to have another meeting with you and that big thing of yours.” She kisses you and continues. “and maybe we can try other things. You know Ryujin says that anal sex is way better than normal sex. But I don’t know maybe I need to experience it by first hand.” She hands you a piece of paper.
“Is your number?” You ask like pleading.
“Aww you can be a cutie pie too. Yes, it is. I must be going. Is better if I leave alone. Wait inside here and after a couple minutes leave. Ok?” She says.
“Yes. I’ll be expecting our next meeting.”
“Me too.” She kisses you and then leaves the bathroom.
That actually happened. You think. I had sex with my ultimate bias.
And now you remember all the things the view of her precious ass. Her eyes while she was sucking you off. The taste of her lips. Her essence. Her ass in your palms. Her surprised eyes when she saw your cock. The sensation of his tongue in your cock and her throat.
The sound of your phone wakes you up. Some text messages.
“Hey Oppa is Yuna. It seems like you weren’t the only diplomat getting fun. Ryujin also had fun with an argentinian diplomat. And he knows you, so the girls and I got his number and yours. Let’s have another meeting soon”
You smile. What is even better that you fucking your bias from Itzy is that your friend could do it too and maybe he even had anal sex with Ryujin. It seems that this kind of parties are not so bad.
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ooffmlsorry · 7 months
Bringing Law Home for a Family Holiday
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Readers' Note: Reader has a large and generally good but overbearing family. Only happy things in this, little to no angst!
A/N: Every holiday I get struck with the desire to write my latest blorbo coming home with their s/o for the holidays. I don't have time to crack out 10-15k words so this is probs gonna be more stream of consciousness but it'll get the point across.
I've been imagining how tense the travel to Law's s/o's house is because God forbid y'all be late because Law wants to make a good impression no matter how many times you explain it's a very loose 4 p.m. arrival time.
You've been dating for long enough that you think it's reasonable for him to meet your family (that was enough to make Law's heart flutter and then start hammering...could it be you're just as serious about him as he is about you?)
"My aunt showed up at noon and my cousin's probably not going to be here until after dark, really it's fine!" You'd insist. "Besides, the people that show up on time are the ones that end up having to go back out because someone forgot something!"
And of course Law would say "that's fine." With a such a stubborn and determined tone. Being on time or a few minutes early is better than being late! Suddenly your man is a rule follower! 🤭Suddenly you can picture Law as he was a kid studious and button-ed up in his little doctor's uniform. It's almost kind of cute if he wasn't so nervous.
The closest thing to family Law has is Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. Not since the Donquixote family has Law had anything to do with that word and he's so nervous he feels sick. For Law this translate to acting like he has the world's biggest cactus shoved up his ass, and you know that so you try not to take his coolness personally.
Holding his hand helps a little though. You ignore how shaky and sweaty it is.
He's feeling a lot of big feelings right now, poor guy.
He insisted on you giving him a "family tree" when he realized how big your family is and a list of things not to accidentally mention or do. He's been studying it for days, re-reading it over and over obsessively.
The fact that he's a pirate is fine, which takes a lot of pressure off. You come from a family full of pirates, so you swear Law will fit right in. Although you warn him your grandfather's probably going to start reminiscing about how he knew Gol D. Roger as a kid (which no one knows if that's actually true) and ranting about the young pirates these days.
You'd walk up to your family home high on a hill over looking the sea. From several yards away you can already hear music. You realize as you get closer it's more like you're dragging Law more than he's walking with you.
It's subconscious lol. I promise you he's not doing it on purpose. As soon as you notice it he speaks, "I'm fine."
Poor Traffy is so pale!
His tone dares you to question him, almost as if to actually say "I'm fine, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here Y/N. Please trust me to be honest with you about how I'm feeling." But that's a lot of words for someone who's mouth is cotton dry. He's trying his best, so you give him a quick kiss on the cheek for courage and walk up to the house together.
The first thing your family comments on when you open the door is how early you are despite the fact that it's three minutes to 4:00.
"We weren't expecting Y/N for another hour!" Your aunt winks at Law and nudges him, no introduction, no nothing, and says "you must really be something special if you can get them here to early!"
Despite Law's best efforts, having one of your family members immediately point out his supposed specialness to you makes blush and stutter.
It doesn't matter how awkward his no response of blinking at your aunt was because she's already gone flitting around with an arm full of what your family calls "the good plates."
You pull Law down to whisper in his ear, "told you we'd be early," you giggle.
It's not the nicest house, but it is big, and warm, and festive. Just standing in the doorway taking it in Law's struck with the remembrance of home. He tries to only focus on the present, not Swallow Island, Spider Miles, or even Flevance, your home is good..for today. But tomorrow he'll back at his home: the Polar Tang.
You introduce him to what little family is already there. Your heart squeezes at the way Law awkwardly waves at the baby your cousin's bouncing on his lap and the surprise that quickly turns into a soft smile that spreads across his lips when the baby coos back.
He meets your grandpa, who appraises him very officially. You swear to God Law's holding his breath as the stout man with a peg leg circles him with his arms behind his back. "Trafalgar Law, hmm..." he says very seriously. "You know back in my day pirates didn't all these tattoos to prove they were tough."
"I heard your day was quite a long time ago," Law says almost automatically. In for a penny, in for a pound, he doubles down, adding "sir" at the end.
That would be your boyfriend hehe. Too sharp for his own good.
Of course that's what your grandfather likes. He shakes Law's hand and pulls him into a crushing hug. Your grandpa promises later he's got words for him (ie. the shovel talk). It's a little disturbing how comfortable Law feels knowing he'll be threatened with an unspeakably awful death later. That's the most familiar thing that has happened all day. lol
But he knows the person he needs to impart the best impression on is your grandmother. You don't think you've ever seen Law so perfectly polite in your life....which makes your grandmother howl with laughter! "My ass whooping days are over, boy! Relax!" Her frail hands clutch her stomach as she laughs. She wipes a tear from her eyes, "I thought you said he was a pirate?!" She pats Law on the cheek like he's a sweet little boy (because at her old age 26 is a little boy) and gives it a squeeze. And because it's your grandma, he lets her.
You have to hide your laughter behind your hand.
"He's a sweet boy, Y/N," she says to you. "And so handsome! Where were all the good-looking men like him when I was at sea?"
"I killed 'em all!" Your grandpa yells across the house.
And just like that, Law's in your grandmother's good graces. Of course you knew he would be.
True to your word earlier, you get sent in to town to pick up a short list of last minute things. It's a nice moment to breathe. As soon as you're far enough from the house you wrap your arms around him and kiss him deeply.
"I'm so happy they like you," you say quietly once you come up for air. You don't tease him about how strange it is to see him hoping for someone's approval like you would in most circumstances. Instead you feel yourself melt, "I knew they would, but now you believe me?"
"They like me for now," he says because god forbid he go easy on himself.
"You're not as hard to love as you think you are, Law." You press another kiss to his lips.
(A/N: ooh chile lemme tell you, for saying that right there that man is going to romantically rail you within an inch of your life when y'all get back to the ship. That is the only way I can convey to you how much you saying that means to him. He's speechless.)
By time y'all get back there are a lot more people here and it's a lot louder. Your brother asks Law about a rash on elbow (at the dinner table no less, but hey these are pirates!) and he actually gives him advice.
Law meets your little cousins, who ask him a million questions including but not limited to:
"Why do you wears that funny looking hat?"
"Are you actually a surgeon?"
"Does getting a tattoo hurt?"
"Can you give me a tattoo?"
"How many Marines have you killed?"
"Are the Straw Hat Pirates really that strong?"
"Do you really have a polar bear on your ship?"
"Are you and Y/N ever gonna have a baby?"
To which Law responds:
"Who said it was funny looking?"
"I don't know. I don't feel pain." you thought this man would take their questions seriously?
"Surgeons aren't allowed to do that. My hands will fall off if I do."
"Definitely more than you."
"As strong as they are stupid."
"Yeah, he's our navigator."
".........I think I heard someone calling you from the kitchen."
Your little cousins think "he's weird funny." He does "surgery" on the dolls your cousins offer up to him and thoroughly enjoy the weird monstrosities he creates. And Your moody teenage nephew deems Law "cool."
Your mom insists Law's too skinny for his own good and piles more food on his plate. "If you're going to survive out there you need some meat on your bones! I wanna see you here next year, Trafalgar."
Law almost chokes. Your mom already wants him back next year. He was expecting to have to get her approval somehow too, but she's accepted him immediately. "All I needed to know is if you make my little Y/N happy!" Your mom explains while hugging you, "And look how happy they are!"
And your old man, a pirate captain in his own right, several beers deep, slings his arm over Law's shoulder. "You're the one that's got that big ol' bounty, huh?" Before Law can fully answer, he continues on drunkenly, "that means you probably looted enough to cover your own wedding, right? Cause I'm sure's shit not." God bless Law for taking it with a grain of salt and taking him over to a couch. "That means you can marry 'em if ya want, as'long as I don' havta pay none. But if you break their heart I'll turn ya in myself...goddamn Marines...making me a traitor..." he says until his words turn into drunk muttering.
"That's your blessing in case you were wondering," your mom sighs. "I know you didn't ask but that was it. That man is fine with anything as long as he doesn't have to pay for it."
"You get my blessing because you helped clean up!" Your grandma pipes in. "Nothing more valuable than a man that knows how clean up after himself!"
I don't know how many times Law is rendered speechless for a moment. Was it that easy or was your family truly that accepting? In a handful of hours he's been completely welcomed and they want him to come back next year, to marry you? It's dizzying, but in a...hopeful way? Because...he wants it to happen too...if he's lucky enough to come back next year as your husband.
At the end of the night, you and Law are sent on your way with tons of food to bring back to Heart Pirates, and whether he likes it or not your mom and your grandma each press a kiss to Law's cheek.
You walk back down the hill together.
"It was good to see them again," you say. "Was that too much?"
"No," Law says. "I'm happy."
A/N: so yeah, I just had that bumbling around in my head today. I hope it was fluffy enough for ya! 😘
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
Eddie finds King fucking Steve Harrington crying in a bathroom. It's the last fucking thing he ever expects to see and he really, really wants to laugh about it. Really, he does.
But Steve's a perfect Omega in his perfect cheer leader get up and even with his face blotchy and red he looks fucking beautiful. And Eddie might think King Steve is a bitchy piece of work, and he might think that Steve almost definitely deserves whatever is happening to him...but Eddie's just a weak ass Alpha, and the whole bathroom reeks of distraught Omega, and Eddie finds himself saying, 'hey, man, are you like, okay-'
'Just fuck off!' Steve snarls back at him.
And, yeah.
Eddie gets it.
Just as the door is swinging shut on him he hears Harrington shouting suddenly, 'wait! Munson! Hold on-'
So Eddie goes back in, 'yeah?'
And Steve has his wallet in his hand and is pulling out a wad of cash and is fixing to buy every pill Eddie has. Which, wierd enough to maybe clang a tiny alarm bell in Eddie's head but also, like, fuck it. This isn't his problem and Harrington's cash is as good as anyone's, 'you planning a party?'
'Sure,' Steve replies, pocketing the baggies somewhere in his cute as fuck cheer skirt, 'it'll be a rager.'
'Whatever man,' Eddie says as he leaves.
'Oh yeah,' Tommy fucking Hagan. Eddie hates him, but it's hard not to overhear, 'he cried he was so fucking desperate for it.' And all the jocks laugh.
Turns out there is a party tonight; Steves not here yet though, not as far as Eddie can see, at least. Not that he'd thought about it. Not that he was worried about the Omega, or anything. Just stupid instinct.
'It'll be the end of the cheerleading, that's for god damn sure, no Omega of mine will be walking around dressed like a slut.' And Eddie paused, deliberately stops to listen.
'Where is Harrington then, since he's so yours then?'. Some stupid moron pipes up.
'Piss off,' Hagan snaps back, 'doesn't matter where he is; that's my pup in him. He's not gonna have a choice, I'll have him bit by this time next week.'
It takes about four seconds for Eddie to put it together, and then he's running, pushing and shoving people out of the way to get out. He knows Exactly where Steve lives. He's been there to sell at a couple of parties and he probably breaks fifty speeding laws on the way over. The house is dark and no one answers and panic is truly clawing up Eddie's throat now.
He's imagining Steve dead on the floor somewhere, mouth frothing from the overdose.
He doesn't think twice about throwing himself over the back fence, Harrington had big fancy sliding doors out onto the back yard and if those are locked Eddie will just smash them-
Steve's sitting there. Just sitting there. He's got a beer and his feet are in the pool and Eddie can hear gentle splashing where he moves his feet around.
As Eddie gets closer he sees a little pile of baggies and...they all still have pills in them. Eddie's never been more relieved in his entire life.
Steve startles when he realises Eddie's there, must have been so in his own head he didn't even notice Eddie scramble over the fence.
'Hey, Steve, sorry, I just- I was- I got worried.'
Eddie crouches next to Steve, sweet Omega who smells so desolate; he hasn't even opened the beer.
'I, ah, heard Hagan, you know, he, uhm, anyway, got a little- thought I'd check on you, you know.'
Steve's voice is cool and emotionless when he answers, 'he telling everyone about my heat?'
Eddie nods, Steve snorts derisively, 'didn't even want him, just got caught out and he swore he'd use a rubber, lying fucking prick.'
'You don't have to do this, though -' Eddie starts to slide the little stack of pills away, but Steve gets him by the wrist.
'No take backs no refunds, right? That's what you tell people?'
'Well, yeah, but, I mean, I'll make an...an exception.'
'No thanks. Not like I got a lot of choices right now.'
'Steve...there...there's got to be something-'
Steve kicks a little, splashing the water. It's dark now, the stars are out, and he cranes his head back to look at them. 'I'm pupped. Without an Alpha I'll get separation sickness and all that shit. He's going to want to bite me, so my choice is let him, die to the sickness, or just do it now. And like fuck am I letting Hagan bite me, that's a fate worse than death.'
Eddie privately agrees, 'but what about, like, a different Alpha?'
Steve snorts a laugh, 'someone I know? Going against Hagan?'
And Steve is right, there's no one around who would do that; pretty much the whole school would turn on them at Tommy's whim. They'd be a social pariah; Tommy would do his best to make their life not worth living.
Fortunately Eddie knows an Alpha who is already in that position. 'What about me?'
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paradiseismine · 3 months
Twice as wet - Mike Wheeler x reader
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Part 1/2.
Pairing: Mike Wheeler x f!reader
Warnings: slight NSFW, but tasteful I swear ok bye
It was a hot summer’s day, but not as hot as you. Your hair was shinier than ever and your smile was to die for, after all. Your confidence in your body had increased in the last year or so, and ever since you moved to Hawkins a month ago, it had sky rocketed, for some reason. You had just turned 18 and were ready to meet some cute guys.
Just not today.
Your mom had hired some neighbourhood kid to mow the lawn, and told you to stay home all afternoon to pay him afterwards, since she would be out to run some errands. So you sat on your couch, bored in a bikini and a pair of your shortest shorts, unable to jump in the backyard pool until that damn boy’s arrival.
At 1 p.m. sharp, your doorbell rang. You walked to the door and opened it gently.
- Uh, hello, are-are you y/n? - The boy asked, his head slightly tilted down so he would look you in the eyes. Man, was he TALL.
- Hi, that’s me - you smiled sweetly, trying to remember his name - and you’re… Michael, right? My mom told me to wait for you.
- Yes, that’s right… You can call me Mike, though - he scratched the back of his neck with his left hand, licking his lips.
That really got your attention. You examined his face for a second. His perfect jet black hair, his fair skin, plump red lips, delicate little freckles… Ugh. He’s so beautiful. Your lips cracked open as you wanted to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. It was nearly a trance.
- So uh, should I get started on the lawn? - he grinned, shyly.
- Oh, yes - you said, as your eyes shot wide open, breaking that trance. - Sure. Come, I’ll show you where everything is.
You showed him around the garden and the garage: where the lawn mower was, how it worked and the area he needed to mow: your front yard first, and then the backyard, just around the pool. You tried to keep your cool and be normal about it, hoping he hadn’t noticed your staring when he arrived.
But he did. Mike Wheeler had been 18 for a few months right now, and he couldn’t believe such a pretty girl would check him out like that. He also tried to keep his cool, of course. He needed those summer jobs to afford a new guitar, and wouldn’t risk doing anything to displease you.
After the front yard was done, Mike circled around the house and got to the backyard - just to see you sunbathing near the pool.
Fuck, she’s perfect, he thought, as you got up and turned around, giving him a good look of your figure. What he wasn’t expecting, though, is that you jumped in the water a few seconds later.
As you emerged from the water, your hair darker and your eyes slightly squinted because of the sun, he couldn’t help but also notice all the little water droplets that were dripping from your face to your chest.
He was definitely checking you out. Ugh, thank God, you thought. Finally a cute boy I can obsess over. Because of course, you wouldn’t obsess over anyone who wasn’t obsessed with you too. As the work was all done, he put the lawn mower back on its place and walked over to you.
- Thank you so much, darling - you said, batting your eyelashes at him, your legs dangling from the edge of the pool. - There’s a red envelope on the fridge with your payment. I guess you could grab it later…
- Later? - he said, confused.
- Yes, after a little swim with me… in here - you said, smiling as if you had just offered him a drink of water.
Mike chuckled. He was definitely taking a sip.
- I mean… c-can I? - he asked, just in case.
- Of course, i got plenty of towels you could dry off with later… my mom won’t mind, she’s not coming back home until, at least, 7 p.m… What do you say?
Mike smiled at you as he yanked his shirt from the back of his neck. Just that single movement already made your insides twitch. Oh, that boy was in for a treat.
As he took off his pants and sneakers, you simply watched, no longer worrying about getting caught staring at him. He sat down next to you on the edge of the pool, his cheeks a bit red. Maybe from the sun, maybe from shyness.
You leaned in to kiss him, there was no point in waiting. He kissed you back softly, his hands grabbing your waist gently, as if he was afraid to scare you off. You were so pretty, he couldn’t believe it. Your right hand reached for his face, caressing it lightly, as you held his arm with your left hand and slowly guided him to actually enter the pool, so you would both stand up in it. Now your bodies were touching, and you hoped he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as you grabbed a fistful of his perfect hair and scratched his back with your nails, now fully making out with him.
He reached for your thighs and brought you up to his waist, intensifying your lust. You wrapped your legs around him, holding yourself in place, as his hands slowly left your butt after a few good grips. You had never been so grateful for that pool.
Mike Wheeler had the biggest boner of his life. His underwear was white and now completely wet, plus he had a hard-on - great. What if you were offended by it? Was that uncalled for? Those questions left his brain the second your soft hand reached down under the water.
Damn, that boy was packing some heat down there. He jumped out of his skin with your touch, at first, but melted into it a second later.
- I know you’re kissing me in the pool just to get me twice as wet - you said, chuckling, as your foreheads were touching. - But maybe we should continue this on dry land.
- Sure, whatever you want, princess - he said, enchanted by you.
- Whatever I want, huh? - you put your arms around his neck, tilting your head to the side. - That’s good to hear. I might take advantage of this later, though.
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stop-talking · 2 months
Wait imagine listening to music with clapton while in detention.. like sharing earbuds with him while yall sit in silence🫢 and then a cringe song comes on at the wrong time LMAO
BLESS YOU anon this is so cute
Saturday School
Clapton Davis x gender-neutral reader
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Word count: 2k
Tags: fluff, a little cringe, romantic tension, older Clapton & younger reader
You'd managed to get through nearly 12 years of schooling without getting sentenced to detention.
Unfortunately, today resets your streak. Only a measly two weeks at this shitty school and you've already gotten yourself into trouble. Just your luck, huh?
God damnit. Surely, this is going to be absolute hell. I mean, it isn't even a regular after-school detention, but Saturday school.
As you take a seat in the meticulously-arranged circle of desks in the library, you spare a glance at the other students. You vaguely recognize some of them... the goth chick looks familiar, at least.
They all seem disinterested, so you copy their aloof attitudes and lean back in your chair. Yeah... that seems right. Just do what everyone else does, and maybe you'll survive this.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and slams against the wall. You turn to look, and see the principal himself storm through, dragging a boy in by the ear.
Oh great. Finally, someone you recognize, and it's motherfucking Clapton Davis.
"It's not fair! I don't even HAVE Saturday school!" He whines, wincing as he's roughly shoved towards an empty desk. The desk right next to you. Wonderful.
"Should have thought about that before coming to school on a Saturday." The older man growls, giving him what he probably thinks is an intimidating look. Honestly, he just looks silly.
Clapton groans, slinking back in the desk and letting out an exaggerated huff that blows his bangs around.
God, can't that guy just be normal? You only just transferred here and already you know almost everything about him. Not by choice... obviously. He's just somehow the center of attention wherever he goes. Even in goddamn Saturday school.
"And as for the rest of you..." The principal continues his rant, glaring at the small circle of students. No, prisoners.
"Just remember. I have eyes and ears everywhere. EVERYWHERE."
With one final less-than-intimidating-glare, the man stomps out, closing the door behind him. Is that it? He's just going to leave you here in a roomful of delinquents with nothing but a vague threat to keep you all in check?
You glance around at the other students, but no one says anything. Hm. Maybe that's normal. You have no idea, so you just lay your head down on your desk, determined to get through this mess as simply as possible.
Turns out, that sentiment might prove to be more challenging than you thought. You hear a quiet "thud", and shift slightly, peeking an eye to your left to see what the noise was. Are you crazy, or does Clapton look... closer?
Nope. Not crazy. With another soft thud, he scoots his desk over again, inching it closer to yours.
"Pssst." He whispers, extending a leg out to nudge your foot. He's less than a yard from you at this point. Though you can't see the other students with your head buried in your arms, you're sure they've noticed. Damnit. Why did this jackass have to draw attention to you?
"What do you want?" You grumble, shifting on the desk so he can see your face, but still trying to stay hidden from the other students.
"I haven't seen you around before. You new?" He gives you a sheepish grin, eyes flickering with mischief as he takes you in.
"Yeah." You respond dismissively, giving him a flat stare. Please just pick on someone else, Clapton Davis.
"Cool, cool..." He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling.
You watch as he restlessly taps his feet and tries to balance on two legs of his chair. He's so high-strung. Like a chihuahua. Small like one too. Hah. The thought makes you smile, which he unfortunately notices and takes as a sign of interest. Damnit.
"So... what are you in for?" He asks, treating the exchange like you're two inmates. Honestly, it's a fair comparison.
"I, uh... Accidentally lit my teacher on fire."
With a crash, Clapton tips back in his chair completely, hitting the floor. Hard.
"You WHAT?"
The sudden noise makes you jolt upright, and you can feel a blush creeping up your neck as the other students turn to stare.
"Accidentally!" You protest weakly, hanging your head in shame as Clapton scrambles to his feet.
"How the fuck do you 'accidentally' set someone on fire?" A dark-haired boy across from you scoffs, and a few other people voice similar questions.
"Okay so... Mr Jones's sleeve caught fire while giving me a demonstration with the bunsen burner..." You start, taking a deep breath and staring down at your desk to calm your nerves.
"I panicked and doused it with a vial of the closest liquid... apparently an extremely flammable liquid..."
"Is THAT why he went home early Friday?" A blonde girl asks, letting out a shrill laugh, like that of a hyena.
"Woah. Sick." The goth-looking girl just nods in approval before lying her head back down on the desk.
Before you can give any kind of response, you feel your desk jostle as Clapton's slams into it. Apparently he'd taken the initiative to get a little closer while everyone was distracted by your story.
"So, Grizzly Lake High has a new pyromaniac, huh?" He teases, propping his elbow up on the desk and resting his chin on his fist as he grins stupidly at you.
"New?" You scoff. "You mean you had an old one?"
"Hey, there's a lot of weirdoes here." He shrugs.
"Yeah... I can tell."
He pouts and tries to feign offence as you pointedly look him up and down. God, what a stupid fucking face.
"You're not in any of my classes, are you, newbie?"
"No. I'm a Junior."
"Ah. Well, maybe we'll have some together next year."
"Next year? Aren't you a Senior?"
"Yeah, but with the way my grades are looking..." He grimaces, shaking his head sadly.
"...you might be a Senior again next year?" You finish for him.
An awkward silence settles between the two of you, and Clapton starts to squirm, looking as if he wants to say something else.
"How'd you end up here? In Saturday school, I mean." You ask, if only to cut the tension. Not because you actually care.
"Oh." His face falls, clearly annoyed just thinking about it.
"Principal Verge confiscated my skateboard Friday... I was supposed to get it back at the end of the day, but I ended up getting detention... By the time I was done, he'd already left and locked It up in his office."
"Sooo... you came to steal it back?"
"Not steal! There's sometimes a few teachers here on weekends... I was just gonna ask one of them..." He mumbles, hanging his head.
"But stupid Verge caught me 'sneaking around' and threw me in Saturday school."
"Oh, so he just has it out for you, huh?" You tease.
"Exactly!" He hisses back, eyes wide with excitement.
"People just don't understand. I'm not a troublemaker... just unlucky."
Unlucky? He seems pretty damn lucky to you. Everyone likes Clapton Davis. Everyone but you, it seems.
"Pfft. Maybe you could try being quiet and sitting still for once." You muse, trying to hold back a smirk. He might be onto something though, honestly. He's a total trouble magnet... which is why you should probably just put your head back down and ignore him.
"Hey!" He pouts, feigning hurt as he reaches into his pocket.
"And to think, I was gonna offer to share..."
This piques your interest, and you lean closer to him, trying to get a glimpse of the object he's fiddling with under his desk. An iPhone. Great.
"Won't that just get you in more trouble?"
He rolls his eyes in return. "Look around. I'm not the only one."
Sure enough, when you look more closely at some of the other students... yep, at least half of them are on their phones. The way they slump over the desks sort-of hides it, but once you knew what to look for... damn. He's right.
"Why? What's even the point of Saturday school, then?" You're completely baffled by this revelation, shaking your head.
"What's the point of school at all?" He counters, shrugging and popping an earbud into his ear. His wired headphones are extremely tangled, but he offers you the other earbud anyways.
"So, wanna share?"
Damnit. You really shouldn't. But you hadn't brought your own phone, and fuck, that grin of his...
"Fine. What do you have on there?" You sigh and accept the earbud, scooting closer to him so it'll actually reach your ear. There's not much slack with how tangled they are, so the two of you are nearly cheek to cheek as you hunch in your seats and peer down at his phone.
"Here, I'll turn on my playlist."
He fiddles with the little phone, and you can feel his breath mixing with yours as he speaks. Eventually he gets some music playing, but you can hardly hear it over the beating of your own heart.
"What do you think? You like 90s stuff?" Clapton smiles warmly, turning to face you.
His smile is contagious, and you can't help but let your gaze flicker down to his lips... just for a moment. He's so close, his mouth just inches from your own.
"Uh, yeah. I-I mean, who doesn't?" You mumble lamely, feeling a familiar heat creep up your neck and tinge your cheeks. Fuck. He's not that cute, get yourself together!!
"I know, right?" Apparently that's the right answer, because he turns his attention back to the phone, scrolling through his playlist and pointing out his favorite songs.
His music taste isn't bad, actually. You find yourself nodding at his choices, and soon you begin to forget where you are. The other students fade into the background, and Saturday school starts to feel a little less grim.
That is, until the song changes and the vibe is completely thrown off. What the hell is this? Your brow furrows and you try to make out the nonsense lyrics.
Cat? I'm a kitty cat. And I dance dance dance And I dance dance dance Cat? I'm a kitty cat. And I dance dance dance And I dance dance dance
The lyrics repeat over and over, and Clapton nearly drops his phone in his scramble to change the song. In his rush, he gets his password wrong over and over, making it impossible to fix.
"Clapton, why the hell is this on your playlist?" You ask, putting a hand to your mouth in a failing attempt to stifle a giggle.
"I-it's catchy, alright??" He mumbles, still trying to change the song. He gets his password wrong for, like, the tenth time, and it locks him out of his phone for thirty seconds, leaving you both stuck with the nonsensical cat lyrics ringing in your ears.
You try to keep your composure, but when the man singing the song starts meowing, you completely lose it and throw yourself onto your desk in a fit of laughter.
Unfortunately for Clapton, you accidentally tug the headphone cord with you, unplugging it from his phone. As you bury your head in your arms and laugh uncontrollably, the silly cat song starts blasting out loud for the whole room to hear.
And he can't even do anything about it, because he's still locked out of his phone for the next 20 seconds.
"S-sorry!" He shouts, trying to cram his phone into his backpack to shut it up.
You can feel all eyes on the two of you, but this whole situation is so utterly ridiculous, you don't even mind the attention. A few other kids snicker, and you can't help but feel a little bad for him.
Your remorse fades as soon as the principal throws the door open, immediately turning his attention to you and Clapton.
"Both of you!" He roars, pointing an accusing finger. "Detention on Monday! And Tuesday!"
Damnit. You knew this boy was trouble, and yet...? As the cat song finally stops, you meet Clapton's gaze, a sheepish smile plastered across his face.
Maybe spending a little more time with him wouldn't be so bad.
Author's Note: Sorry if it wasn't fluffy enough...? I mean, the reader kind of hates him at first, and they don't even kiss... But the request was really funny, and I love putting Jhutch characters in awkward situations <3
Maybe I'll write a sequel? Probably not, though. Sorry it took so long to write, also. I wrote half of it and then let it sit in my drafts for weeks before writing the other half.
Hope y'all enjoyed, feel free to send in more requests!! I'll get to them eventually, even if it takes weeks. <3
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italiansteebie · 1 year
something you'd never expect about steve harrington is that he loves halloween.
i mean, he really gets into it.
he dresses up, decorates the house, hands out candy and even goes trick or treating with the kids as an excuse. "i'm keeping an eye on you guys!"
"you didn't have to dress up though,"
"yes i did, dustin. you don't know everything."
even after the upside down bullshit, he still loves it, and maybe he kept his scoops uniform with blood and barf stains so he could use it as a costume. and maybe that was kind of fucked, but he's coping with it.
now, steve's love for halloween is one of robins favorite things about him. especially since his house is equipped for an exceptional party, what with the size and the decorations steve is going to put up anyways? it's perfect.
so the halloween after scoops, they throw a masquerade of sorts. it's quite a rager, despite steve's expectations.
he decided to go as a masked cowboy.
he got the boots, the hat, and he wore a leather vest that ended up giving him a chill for the night since other than some chaps, it was all he was wearing on his body. he did the whole nine yards with a red bandana and some sunglasses.
"hey cowboy."
steve turned, taking in the sight in-front of him.
a guy, with long curly hair, somehow making a jason voorhees costume work.
he tipped his hat, always committed to the bit, "jason." he said simply, thanking the bandana gods for hiding his blush.
"never woulda thought king steve would throw a party like this."
"why not?"
"i dunno. it's cool though, guy seems to have changed."
"for the better?"
jason tilted his head, "yeah man. for the better." he said it as though the decision had been made, and locked in place.
so they sat.
and talked.
all night.
and the rest of the party seemed to fade away. that is until a drunk robin, dressed as micheal myers laid across his lap, "kick everyone out, im tired."
he checked his watch, it was 4 am, probably about time for them to go home. so he stood, gearing up to say his farewell to jason, maybe ask him for his number, but when he turned again, he was gone. only the smell of weed and cheap cologne remained. (and later, he'd find, a lone 36 sided die, that he'd end up asking dustin about).
it's silly to think that steve was falling in love with this guy after only just meeting him, but he'd grappled with his sexuality on a bathroom floor, appropriately, and was ready to dive back into the dating pool. or maybe the puddle, because halloween jason, seemed to be the one.
the only thing is, steve has no idea who the guy is.
that is at least until, none other than eddie munson had a broke bottle pressed against his neck. now he didn't figure it out in that moment, but when they were fleeing for their lives, eddie's hand found a way into steve's, and back at eddie's trailer, steve caught a glimpse of none other than the jason voorhees mask he'd been searching for ever since that party.
and maybe it was a sappy declaration of love, but steve was nothing if not a hopeless romantic.
"don't be heroes."
it was pleading.
steve tossed the dice eddie's way, watching fondly as he struggled to catch it.
"steve- wh?" he could see the moment it clicked in eddie's eyes. steve turned, ready to finish this mess, so he could talk to eddie, to jason, and figure out some shit.
"hey, steve?"
he turned, meeting eddie's eyes.
"make him pay, cowboy."
it was done.
they did it.
a few were in the hospital but, hey. they did it. eddie had been in a rough way for a little while, eventually pulling through but not before some physical therapy.
steve was there when he woke up.
had been ever since he'd explained to eddie's uncle wayne how they knew each other and what eddie meant to steve.
eddie cracked open his eyes.
"howdy, cowboy." it came out scratched, and rough.
"eddie," steve breathed, grasping his hand.
"i knew i liked those chaps."
steve rolled his eyes, smiling while tears rolled down his cheeks. "you saved my life." eddie said, reaching a hand to steve's cheek. steve shook his head, "how can i ever repay you?" eddie said, a glint in his eye.
steve laughed, "no thanks necessary," he said, tipping his imaginary hat, leaning into eddie's touch. "there must be someway," he said, southern drawl creeping into his voice. "how about a kiss?" steve asked, eyes flickering down to the metal heads lips.
wayne shook his head at the boys' antics. "will y'all just kiss already? im getting old waitin' for ya!"
eddie laughed at his uncle's testimony, before nodding, "c'mere, cowboy," he said, before closing the gap between him and steve.
"was it rootin' n tootin'?" eddie asked, a cheesy grin on his face as he pulled away. "sure was, partner."
"oh my god."
"hey robs,"
"steve, shut up. eddie's jason! jason from-" robin stumbled into the room. "from the party!" she all but squealed. steve laughed, nodding, "yeah, babe. we figured that one out ourselves."
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e-dubbc11 · 5 months
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you said you could be persuaded to write about dean sooooooooo what about retired dilf dean? 🤔
My dear sweet Selene, it’s very hard for me to say no to you. 🤣 I came up with a little something for DILF Dean Winchester. I hope you like it, thank you for challenging me, my lovely friend ♥️♥️♥️
Carrying On
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Dad Dean Winchester x F! Reader
Warnings: Couple of swear words, fluff, mentions of readers father’s death, smooches, a little hunter violence
Word Count: 1.7K-ish
Summary: You just bought a house in a new state, trying to see if you can move on after your father’s untimely death. Your neighbor introduces himself and already you’re feeling more at home
A/N: So this is my first time writing for Dean, dear god I hope it doesn’t suck. I wanted to write more for this but I still have asks in my inbox for my sleepover I need to get to(I’m trying my hardest to answer them all, I thank you all for your patience.) I’d even be willing to do another part for this because I had fun writing this one! I hope you like it! ♥️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The house was at the end of a nice quiet street. Your suitcases were piled high in the back seat, almost too high to see out the rear window but it wouldn’t be for much longer. It will be nice to finally stretch your legs after being in the car for such a long drive.
When you pulled into the driveway, you noticed that the “For Sale” sign had been removed from the front lawn. This was your home now and you were determined to live your life as normal as possible from now on.
After your father passed away, you left the flat lands of Oklahoma for the mountains of Colorado. There was just something about that cool mountain air. But you didn’t want to live IN the mountains, you didn’t want to be alone so moving into a neighborhood NEAR the mountains was a good compromise.
A man and, what you assumed to be, his young son were playing catch in the front yard. The boy tossed the baseball to his father but the man wasn’t paying attention. He was too busy looking at your car which happened everywhere you went.
You and your father had rebuilt that car and restored it to its former glory. It was your dream car…a 1967 Pontiac GTO in midnight blue. The way the paint reflected the light, the car almost looked purple. It was a gorgeous car.
The car in your neighbor’s driveway was impressive also. It was a 1967 Chevy Impala, black.
“DAD!! You missed!” The boy shouted.
“Hold on, son. You see that car? She must be our new neighbor. Let’s go say hello.” The man said.
Reaching for the sky, you stretched until some of the tightness in your shoulders went away. You then saw your new neighbor.
“Fuck me.” You whispered under your breath.
He was very handsome with medium brown hair, a well-groomed beard, and green eyes. As he came closer, you saw a splash of freckles across his nose and his young son was a carbon copy of his father.
You smiled warmly as they came closer.
“Hi there! I’m your new neighbor. I’m y/f/n y/l/n.”You extended your hand to shake his.
After you introduced yourself, the man had a slightly confused look on his face that quickly disappeared.
He extended his hand for you to shake. “I’m Dean and this is my son Charlie.”
“It’s really nice to meet you.” You said.
Charlie interjected himself. “Dad missed the ball because he was staring at your car.”
“Charlie…” Said Dean through clenched teeth.
“Ah, well I do get that a lot. You wanna sit in it?” You asked.
Charlie’s eyes went wide. “Sure!”
You opened the car door so Charlie could sit on the driver’s side.
Dean pointed at the car. “That is a nice car. ’69?” He asked.
You bit down on your lower lip to keep from smiling. “It’s a ’67 actually, like your Impala.”
“Impressive…I don’t know a lot of women that would know that to look at it.” He said.
“Well, we do exist.” You said, a little sarcastically.
Dean smiled at you and said softly. “Yes, I guess you do.”
When he realized he was staring, he quickly snapped out of the trance he was in.
“Um, yeah so um, do you have furniture coming or anything? I’m happy to help.” He said.
“Oh the moving truck is coming tomorrow so I just have the bare essentials for tonight. Thank you for the offer, I may take you up on that.” You said.
“Well, we’ll let you get settled. Just knock when the truck comes…Charlie!! Come on, let’s let y/n settle in to her new house.” Said Dean.
As they walked away, you heard Charlie tell his dad, “Dad, you were staring at her.”
Dean narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow. “No I wasn’t…get the ball.”
“Yes you were, Dad. I saw you.” Said Charlie.
You shook your head back and forth then smiled. They both seemed really sweet.
Three Months Later
You had settled nicely into your new home. The final box had been unpacked and you were adjusting to your new surroundings and your new neighbors. Although there was something that bothered you about Dean’s house.
Every so often, not a lot but every now and again, you noticed that the basement light would flicker. It wasn’t all the time but when it did, it was always at the same time, which you thought was strange.
Everything else seemed to be fine so you didn’t look too closely at it.
You really did like Dean and you adored Charlie. They were your friends, so you contemplated, at least telling Dean about your past, how your father really died, and why you left your home state.
One Saturday morning, all of the windows were open and you could hear music coming from their house. It sounded like…Asia – Heat of the Moment.
You giggled a little bit and thought to yourself, “Really Dean, Asia?”
Dean had a deep booming voice.
“Rise and shine, Charlie!!” He said, loudly but playfully.
After doing some housework, you heard a knock on your door. Walking down the hall from the bedroom into the kitchen, you saw Dean standing at the side door through the screen. He was leaning against the door frame.
“Hey there. What can I do for ya?” You asked, opening the screen door.
“Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight? I thought maybe we could tell Charlie, um…well, about us.” He said, shyly.
Charlie didn’t know that about a month after you moved in, you and Dean started to hang out with each other after he went to sleep.
He’d come over for a drink, sometimes a movie, or a lot of the time, the two of you would just talk, and the relationship just sort of happened.
Charlie’s mom had passed away three years ago and it had just been the two of them since then. Obviously you weren’t trying to get in the way of their relationship and you DEFINITELY weren’t trying to replace his mom but you really did like the both of them and Charlie deserved to know the truth…they both did.
You snaked your arms around Dean’s neck, let your fingers run through his soft brown hair, and leaned in to kiss him. The bristles of his beard tickled your chin and you smiled in between his kisses. You really were smitten with him.
“I’d love to…I’ll bring you guys a special dessert.” You said.
A shy smile extended across Dean’s face. “Awesome…oh and I’m not much of a cook so I hope you’re ok with burgers. Alright? Ok, good talk.” He said, as he smacked you on the ass and turned around to walk back home.
You were going to come clean tonight.
Walking over to Dean’s, you remembered the first time you saw the last name on the mailbox…Winchester. Dean Winchester. All hunters knew that name, that family, his brother Sam, their father John, and their mother Mary.
They were famous in the world of hunting. Your family name stayed under the radar. Sure, you and your dad had some pretty big hunts and cases but nothing compared to the Winchesters.
Charlie answered when you knocked.
“Y/n!!!” He said, excitedly.
“Hey buddy!” You replied.
Charlie saw you holding the pie in your hands.
“Oh you brought Dad’s favorite.” He said.
“I did? Well I hope you guys like it, I made it from scratch.” You said.
“Dad’s always eating pie…he’s out back, come on!” He said, tugging on your t-shirt.
The three of you had a nice dinner together filled with a lot of laughs and you breathed a sigh of relief when Charlie said he was ok that you were his dad’s girlfriend.
The child like smile Dean had on his face as he was about to taste the pie made you smile. Before he could take his first bite, the lights flickered.
He looked up at the kitchen light as it continued to flicker. “Son of a bitch.” He boomed.
“Dad, language!” Shouted Charlie.
“Not now, Charlie.” He growled.
You stood up and backed away from the kitchen table. “Where’s the salt, Dean?” You asked.
“What? How do you--?” He started to say.
“The salt, Dean…NOW!!!” You shouted.
Dean got the bag of salt from underneath the kitchen sink and you had Charlie stand in an open area in the dining room, while his dad drew a salt circle around him. Then he pulled out two shotguns from underneath the couch in the living room filled with rock salt.
“Charlie…buddy, don’t move from this spot, do you understand?” You asked him, looking into his scared eyes.
He nodded.
Standing back to back, holding the shotguns, Dean asked, “Is there something you wanna tell me?”
As fast as you could, you explained yourself. “Ok, so I come from a family of hunters too, nothing like yours of course but I left Oklahoma after my father died saving me from a nest of vampires. It was just me and him, my whole life and when he died, I felt like I couldn’t hunt without him.” You said.
Low moans and hisses were emanating through the walls as the lights continued to turn on and off.
“I can’t believe you’re a hunter. That’s why when you introduced yourself, your name sounded familiar to me!” Shouted Dean.
Charlie stood petrified inside the salt circle. “Dad, what’s going on?”
“It’s alright, buddy. We’re gonna be alright.” Said Dean.
Two apparitions came through the wall and headed straight for you when you blasted them with rock salt.
“Are y-you m-mad?” You asked, while trying to catch your breath.
“Mad? I’m only mad that I didn’t get to eat my pie! As far as you being a hunter, well…I gotta say I’m a little turned on.” He said.
In the middle of a life or death situation, Dean managed to make you blush.
“What does that mean, Dad?” Asked Charlie.
In unison, you and Dean yelled, “Not now, Charlie!”
“When we’re done with this, we’re gonna have a talk.” Dean pointed his finger at you.
“But you’re not mad?” You asked with a slight smile.
Dean smiled at you, his bright green eyes looked like fresh blades of grass as he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
“Nah, I’m not mad sweetheart. Now let’s kill these things so I can eat my pie.”
Tagging: @munsonownsmyass @gijos
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driftingvoid-155 · 10 months
Okay on the other side of the coin of Mike ‘hiding in the shadows’ and struggling to come to terms with what happened to him after sister location, Mike who’s fuckin over the moon excited to be a zombie. He loves Halloween and horror and he thinks he looks absolutely awesome (even if it does suck sometimes that he has to stitch himself back up but still, the stitching is cool). He came home that night after picking himself up off the sidewalk, looked in the mirror and just went ‘FUCK YEAH!’ with a big grin on his face bc to him, he had just won the lottery.
Jeremy, upon seeing Mike, in horror, “oh my god”
Mike, looking in the mirror, excited, “OH MY GOD!!”
/j they’re both excited. Mike loves zombies and so does Jeremy lol
Mike who specifically gets a job at the Freddy’s horror location bc ‘Jeremy. I fit right in. See? Isn’t that great?!’ And then his dad just so happens to be there and Mike’s kinda disappointed bc he was actually excited for this job but now he has to commit arson.
Like sure people who see him walking around town completely purple question it but he’s also the man who has the 12 foot Home Depot skeleton in his yard year round so they actually don’t look too closely into it. They figure he’s just Like That.
He gets jobs as a scare actor and just has the time of his life. His coworkers always ask how he gets his costume to look so realistic and he just throws out a thin lie that he dresses up like this everyday so he’s a pro at it by now.
His hand just falls off one day from the decomposition. Him and Jeremy are just staring at it on the ground and,
“Think it’ll go back on?”
It does not so Mike ends up getting a prosthetic hook in place of his hand like Foxy’s and now he’s even more excited bc he’s a pirate zombie.
Man has zero fucks left to give. If someone calls the ghostbusters or an exorcist he’ll deal with it then. Until then, he’s going to have the time of his life running around like something right out of a horror movie bc honestly, it’s what he’s always wanted to do. There was a reason him and his friends always wore those masks - he loved dressing up and scaring people and still does! Sure he still feels crushing guilt over what happened to Evan but he knows now how not to take it too far. And hey, places are paying him to do this now so he might as well make the most of it.
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