#gay caregiver
bunnelbaby · 11 months
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✨💌 Gay Caregiver Eddie Dear icons (please reblog if you save)! 💌✨
(Art credit: x)
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yardsards · 2 months
you may say that i am "suffering from severe clinical depression" but i prefer to call it "being in my mithrun era"
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Agere Pride Boards (Day 3: Gay)
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Day 3!!! Shout out to all my mlm, nblm, etc regressors! Love you all!
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kurtismcilroy · 7 months
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Lil Ghost!
Thought I'd try a oneshot style for once on Tumblr (and hopefully do these more often ^^), I hope you all enjoy!!
Caregiver: Mobius, he/him
Little: Loki, he/they (3 years)
Loki LOVED October, it was a time to cause as much mischief as they wanted and get away with it! Well, Mobius would allow it anyway since his excuse always was: "Halloween's just around the corner, the kid's just excited!" Which didn't really go down well with Steve after Loki poured all of his cake mixture on top of his head. In truth, Loki just liked to cause a bit of disruption but still be perceived as an angel by Mobius. It gave them comfort, but today they were feeling extra mischievous!
After a rather poor attempt to pull a fluffy blanket over his head, Loki was now a ghost and ready to haunt! Holding the blanket over his eyes so they could see where they were going, they made his way downstairs to find his papa making breakfast. However, that made his mind race with thoughts. What if they spooked papa at the wrong time and made him mad? What if he didn't get any breakfast because of this? And what if-
Loki's brain worked like this a lot from his childhood experiences. Deep in their fears, they knew they'd be okay. It was just Loki having a hard time trying to figure that out for themselves, especially when so young. Thankfully, Mobius was quick to notice Loki standing with glazed over eyes. "Hey sweetheart, are you alright?" He said as he walked over to them, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Their head whipped to look at him, eyes now wide and blown. They couldn't respond - it felt as if his jaw was locked. "It's okay. How about we sit and cuddle for a bit?" Loki could only nod, his fingers making their way up to their lips.
Mobius carried his baby up to the sofa, swaddling them in the blanket and cuddling them on his lap. He had about five minutes until Loki's pancakes needed to be tended to, so he used that time to calm him. "Some yucky thoughts again?" Mobius asked gently, not wanting them to dwell on it. They nodded, keeping close to his warmth. "Nothin' to be worried about, kiddo. They can't hurt you." They shared a quiet moment, just basking in each others company, until a timer sounded. "Oh! There's your pancakes, bubs!" Loki, seemingly forgetting about his worries for a moment, shot his head up. "pwancak??" They asked, intrigued. "Yeah that's right, baby!"
Pancakes were one of little Loki's favourite foods. While food wasn't so much a comfort when big, little Loki was enamoured by it, especially as an Asgardian. Mobius knew this well, always wanting his sweetheart to be happy. In this moment, he was carrying Loki in one arm as he tended to the pancake in another, plating it and sitting Loki in a high chair.
"Alright buddy! Are we ready?" Loki nodded enthusiastically, waiting as Mobius cut off pieces of pancake and fed it to them. It was a little unusual to Mobius that pancakes could make Loki this happy, but he wasn't going to question it. They were happy, and that was all that mattered to him.
Loki couldn't have finished the pancake quicker, both joyful to have his scary thoughts gone and to be eating chocolate first thing in the morning. Mobius had to chuckle a little, little remants of chocolate still present on his chin until he cleaned it up. All dishes aside, he carried Loki back to the sofa and turned on the tv to a kids channel. "Hey darling," Mobius began, "what did you have your blanket around your head for? Are you cold?" Loki giggled behind their paci. "nwoho! m ghos'!" They put the blanket back over their head. "boo!" Mobius feigned being scared, even giving out a little scream. They couldn't stop laughing. "Awh man! You got me really good! Now, I'll have to get you back!" He leaned forward and gently grabbed Loki before tickling his tummy.
Loki squealed, but he also laughed. He was happy, and so was Mobius. He'd much rather spend forever caring for his little than having them suffer through night terrors and such alone.
A/N: I am so sorry about this being late, I started it in early October, however I have a bad habit of just putting things off -_- I am happy that it is done though and I hope you all liked it! ^^
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nightmareishomophobic · 3 months
Question, can my Nightmare (Caregiver NM) fight your Nightmare? (Homophobic NM)
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Bedwkhgbglxeaglhevghkgkuyewvkuygxe lmao
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pupzzz · 1 year
Happy pride month to all dog boys 🐾🌈
(And everybody else (: )
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sphynxratedr · 11 months
Hi I luv little!Steve and will prob post so much ab it sooo this is a COMPLETLY SFW regression!
Kink regressors dni
Little Steve 🧸
How about little Steve who gets really clingy to Eddie when he regresses
Normally Steve is a little clingy when he’s big, the usual boyfriend stuff nothing too crazy. But when he’s little he has to be near Eddie all the time, has to hold his hand, hold onto his shirt, lean onto him
And Eddie pegs it as when little kids imitate right?
Steve is still coping with the fact that Eddie almost didn’t make it
His little brain just wants to be near him to make sure he’s still there
So when Eddie has to rush to answer the phone to make sure it doesn’t wake Steve, he comes back to a little Steve
Near tears on his bed, holding his teddy close
“Baby?” He whispers
“What’s wrong, Stevie?” He gets closer
Steve let’s out a little whimper and and stretches a hand out
Eddie quickly makes his way over and pulls Steve into his chest
“teds” Steve breathes in deep
“I’m here baby, I’m here” he rubs a hand down Steve’s back
“Don’ leave” steve says tearfully
“I just went to get the phone Stevie” Eddie let’s out a little laugh
Steve whines at that
“But don- don leave. You” ,Steve huffs, “Almost left and then came and and I don’t want you to leave” Steve tugs at Eddie’s shirt
“Almost left? Baby I’ve been here” Eddie frowns
“No” Steve shakes his head “before..when. when” Steve shudders
And it dawns on Eddie then.
What his baby means.
“Oh sugar” he hugs Steve tighter
“I’m sorry baby” he sighs
“Jus don’t leave kay?” Steve nods into his neck
And Eddie knows they’ll talk about it, when Steve’s out of his headspace
They’ll talk about it and Steve will say how scared he is that it’ll happen again, or that somehow Eddie will have a late reaction
And Eddie will reassure him that he’s never been healthier, that he’ll let him know what he’s up to when he has time and
slowly, little Steve won’t be as attached to him.
He’ll stay in the living room, cuddling with his teddy while Eddie’s off cooking food or tidying up
And they’ll be okay with it
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anewgayeveryday · 14 days
It's My Birthday!
Happy Birthday to me :3 It's been pretty much just a normal day other than a surprise gift of Ghost Merch, which is cool.
I'd love some birthday wishes here, if you want to. And, no pressure, but if you feel so inclined I do have a ko-fi (link) if you'd like to drop a couple of pennies my way
Love you all, stay gay 💖
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nblw-puppydog · 2 years
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rottweiler x meadowcore moodboard
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For the gay littles
All images from Pinterest
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jynxthelynx135 · 3 months
Yall, I just realized I'm a genderfluid, pansexual, bi-racial (black and white mixed), Trans, age regressor, and a witch.....IM A FACIST'S WORST NIGHTMARE-
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bunnelbaby · 11 months
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✨🧸 Gay Caregiver flags (please reblog if you save)! 🧸✨
If these flags don’t accurately represent your experience with being a gay caregiver, please feel free to design your own!
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zack-agere · 10 months
Gay and Lesbian agere flags! ✦
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Gay caregiver (left) and gay age regressor (right) ↝
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Lesbian age regressor (left) and lesbian caregiver (right) ↝
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Lesbian babysitter (left) and gay babysitter (right) ↝
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Agere Moodboards for Pride Month
Hi, everyone! Just wanted to let you guys know that for June/Pride Month, I’m going to be doing a bunch of agere moodboards (one daily) themed after various flags (eg, lesbian, bi, trans, etc) Below is the ones I plan on doing already; I think these are probably the most common identities? But there’s still room for more, so if you have a specific Pride flag you want me to do, then feel free to comment or message me and I’ll add them to the roster! I still need 11 more to fill the full month, and I want to make sure the ones I do are inclusive.
Rainbow/progress Pride
Non binary
Asexual/ace spec
Aromantic/aro spec
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Happy regressing and happy early Pride month!
-Marty 🌈
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kurtismcilroy · 7 months
Imagine being really tired, but you just can't put your phone down as you're too scared to sleep. Loki notices this, and gently coerces you into letting her read you one of your favourite books when regressed. You didn't feel little, nor did you want to what with your downbeat mood. However, he insists that it would be better than keeping such a bright light on your eyes. You eventually give in and get cosy to be read to.
During the first few lines, you grow tired and more relaxed, glad that you didn't put up much of a fight.
At the halfway point, you're slipping fast, your hand clutching Loki's shirt just gently and the other close to your mouth. They have an arm around you, occasionally patting your side.
By the end, you're all the way in dreamland. Loki has tucked you in with a paci in your mouth. She's laid beside you, gently running her fingers through your hair. She admires your peaceful look with a smile on her face. "I love you, Y/N."
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gothknots · 7 months
Feeling more soft today just wanna fulfil all your attentive needs & make sure my pups are well looked after
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