#mutt talks
gothknots · 7 months
My head tilts to the side like a dog when I’m confused. Do u still want me?
Yes or yes
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maiuowrites · 7 months
i r'memba her...
thares times tha' i r'memba her...
in yer smile.
in yer laughta.
in yer eyes.
in yer thoughtfulness...
she was m' light back then, y'know? she was all i cared 'bout, th'only one who kept m'goin' on a right track back when i lived in hell.
through m' drunkness; she was there. much like ya are now.
through m' highs; she kept me anchored. jus' like ya do now.
my memory still stings, m'Soul still cries somedays r'callin' her...
bu' in those times, i hear th' differences b'tween ya both now.
how yer smile tilts jus' enough ta th'side, it smirks... somethin' hers neva did.
how yer giggle turns inta squeaks... somethin' hers neva did.
how yer eyes flash a hint of playfulness when yer thinkin' misjift... somethin' she neva pulled.
how ya hide in th'shadows, thinkin' no one can see ya...
ya don't think ya have a light, do ya?
ya don't believe ya bring in warmth ta othas, do ya?
well, Baby...
...ya do.
...ya've brought me in a sense o'warmth, where i no longer fear th'unknown.
.... I Love You. ♥
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silliestbun · 4 months
I’m hiding in the same room as my department chair right now and she’s in a meeting with another teacher >.< I don’t think she’s noticed me so far luckily, I was avoiding a big school thing and she walked into this room which is usually empty :(
I’m behind some tables and switching between editing this writing piece for her class and reading the filthiest posts on this site <3
My pussy is so needy Nghhhh it’s pulsing whenever I think about one of them noticing me
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Ok so I’ve been putting off this decision but this post has done it
I’m just not about to pay for a site that’s only getting worse regardless of what I personally do. I’m tired of the bots and the gimmicks
I originally joined tumblr to follow fandom events and be more connected with the community in my fandoms. Now most of the events are hosted elsewhere. That used to be twitter, but now I’m not even sure where.
I don’t feel as much of the community aspect of fandom anymore—the part of all this that really gave me joy
I’m not sure where the best place to go is. I feel like there’s a lot of people on discord but I also feel like I’ve been shut out of many communities there because I don’t really know anyone to get invites
So I’ve decided for now to mainly use Ao3 for my fics—which yes will update once I’m able to not have a mental crisis every other month in case you were wondering (I’m finally in a more stable situation but I need to calm down and get used to it)
I’ll use neocities for updates and communication with a guestbook. It will be a gradual process bc it takes me a while to code sites.
I plan to have a fashion site, bookbinding site, and fandom site. I also hope to start streaming some more of the games I play.
I’ll post my sites here when they’re ready. I’ll keep my blogs here as an archive after that, but I’ll be here much less once everything is moved over.
I think overall the direction that general fandom organization and sms sites are moving is just not for me anymore, which makes me really sad. But at a certain point I can’t keep fighting it and have to use my free time for things that actually make me happy
I hope you all understand and I hope we meet again in another place
Thanks for being my mutuals and followers here! It means a lot to me that anyone followed me here at all ❤️
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cutemutt · 10 months
Hi Mutt,
I'd love to hear a public sex fantasy of yours. Couls be with me, or anyone else really.
- e
hiiiii um I love the idea of you in public with a plug/myself in public with a vibrator (I would probably be too nervous to actually do this but UGH the IDEA of it!!!!) and obviously I think about fucking in bathrooms all the time <33 a bit on the sweeter side, I love the idea of being groped under tables at dinners or in movie theatres, just a hand on my thigh or a hand on yours. I’m a slut for anything physical really
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lamby-intestines · 2 years
Thinking about how daddy threatened to hurt me if I didn’t do what I was supposed to. He’s been my cuddly bestie for years so this is a different side of him. I like it. He’s so hot.
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nothankyoudear · 10 months
I think it genuinely cannot be overstated how important that kiss in season 2 of Good Omens was.
From a plot standpoint, that kiss showed Crowley's desperate attempts to keep Aziraphale, to reel him in and back to the Us that they had built upon.
But from just a show standpoint, they. fucking. kissed.
Obviously their love transcends physicality, and Neil has said that Good Omens is a love story even before season 2, but the outright confirmation of a widely popular queer ship ON SCREEN is just so... Unheard of.
Every fandom or show has their trademark gay couple that aren't-really-gay-but-also-kind-of-are-gay: Merlin and Arthur, Sherlock and John (very heavy offender), Dean and Castiel (okay this one was canon, but we all know what happened IMMEDIATELY afterwards), and I suppose at some point Ineffable Husbands had just been included in the same category as the rest of them.
And to have it be moved from mostly fandom and fan work fuelled to outright canon - like 'they fucking kissed on screen' canon - is just so fucking fantastic.
It's not vague, it's not lines that are blurred for the sake of being on the fence of appealing to two audiences at once, and it's not only canon because the creator just said it's canon without rhyme or reason purely for the sake of appealing to a queer audience (looking at you, Ms J. K. Rowling) - it's undeniable, blatant evidence that Crowley and Aziraphale are in love.
And yes, at the moment it's devastating, but it's also devastatingly real. And that's so important.
Especially with the release of Our Flag Means Death, I really do hope we are entering a new era in mainstream media where queer ships finally aren't treated as some sort of mysterious prize that the writers dangle in front of you like a carrot on a stick, and are just simply treated like any other ship out there.
Because if so, then queer kids will be growing up to these shows, see this new era of unabashedly queer media, and won't have to hide away their ships like some dirty little secret. They won't have to wonder if their representation is even representation. They won't have to get excited over being able to see the small chance of themselves represented in a character only to be let down so incredibly badly, because queerness is good only when it's marketable.
So sure, ending season 2 like that is fucking crazy, but you know what's crazier? Whatever the fuck Neil just did with that kiss.
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mueritos · 8 months
happy indigenous peoples day ^-^ a year ago i found out my family is half indigenous, so ive made it a personal duty to try and reconnect in order to honor those ancestors and histories. it's not my fault that I may never know my tribal affiliation (we know they lived around Popocatépetl), but it is my responsibility to do my best to honor them. since starting grad school, i've made an effort to talk about my indigenous roots more often, and to be honest about the fact that i do consider myself mixed indigenous. I also talk about this taking into account that I have white privilege, and how this has complicated my relationship to indiginiety.
anyway, i went to an ipd event outside of boston today and was so happy!! i had to leave early for a health emergency (thank u random uti) but it was so fun and i experienced and learned a lot. loved the mexica dance group who danced for Huitzilopochtli (i love you Huitzilopochtli he was pulled for me during a tarot reading and he told me to be fucking strong!!!!), and i especially loved experiencing the seven sacred directions where the entire crowd moved as one. i talked to some lovely indigenous people and they gave me so much guidance and love! it made me feel so happy...I wish I was able to stay longer, but I enjoyed being in a space where I was so welcomed.
if you're detribalized like me or trying your best to reconnect, never be ashamed of the fact that you were forcibly removed from your tribal affiliation. never be ashamed of how you look like either! there were so many "white passing" indigenous folks there embracing and celebrating with those in full regalia, and so many people of many appearances joined in for ceremonial dance. even if you're 10% or 3% indigenous, I still think you deserve to know your ancestor's culture and history! i still think you deserve to honor those parts of you! they wanted us to forget about our indigenous roots for a reason, and i refuse to colonize my mind any longer. opening yourself up to indigineity, even if you don't know your affiliation or "how much" is in you, is far better than never learning a damn thing about indigenous folks.
i hope everyone had a lovely indigenous peoples day ^-^
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thinking about having to cold camp with simon. Having no choice but to wait out a snowstorm until its clear enough you both can make the trek to the rendezvous point safely. You're both adults, soldiers at that, and feel no shame in curling up together to stay warm. But that doesn’t mean its odd. the simple act of spooning with a 6′2 man that wears a skull mask day and night is enough for an awkward tension to settle in the air and clog your lungs. youre still cold, even with the blankets and his bulk by your side, but you wouldn’t complain because there’s nothing else to be done. But he notices that youre beginning to curl into yourself, the bite of the cold winds turning you raw and frigid so your lieutenant takes your hands and slides them under his shirt without saying a word. Cold fingertips splaying out over disciplined muscle and coarse hair that fills you with a fire to the point where you forget about the threat of frostbite. Neither of you say anything but settle into one another, feeling the rise and fall of his breath until you drift to sleep. 
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gothknots · 6 months
Recently come to realise how much I love older/bigger men submitting to me, letting me turn their brains off, moulding him into the perfect pet for me to play with, There’s just something about him giving up all his power to someone younger, even though he could most definitely manhandle me if he wanted too. I’m going so feral just thinking about it !!!
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golden-girl-daisy · 7 months
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Happy Halloween from Darth Honey and Princess Leia!
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lover-of-skellies · 8 months
Underrated friendship: Mutt and Axe
Mutt is the secretly smart dude who chooses to act dumb most of the time, he has one brain cell, and he spouts off some of the most outlandish things anyone's ever heard sometimes
Then there's Axe; another secretly smart guy who only uses his brain for shenanigans. He listens to Mutt talk about whatever and either goes along with it, or asks what the hell is wrong with him when Mutt gets too invested in things. Something he just looks at Mutt while he's talking with a very obvious "I dunno what you're even saying, but I'm gonna pretend I understand anyway" sort of expression
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I'm in the process of making my own neocities website for my fashion posts!!
I do have a question - I've really only ever had one personal tumblr (ie something that's not a fic rec blog). Would y'all appreciate it if I split it up? I think I would keep this one focused on fandom stuff? And then have others for fashion and bookbinding separately?
No promises bc it'd take me a while to set up and time to keep them separate and well kept but just thought i would see
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kylarsmutt · 8 months
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dropthecop · 3 months
I haven't listened to taz in YEARSSSS at this point, like SO MANY YEARS, but I saw one too many people saying that the new campaign was super reminiscent of all the stuff that made balance so great, and I was already thinking about dnd a lot for unrelated reasons, so I decided to give it a listen and YOU WERE ALL RIGHT. WHY IS IT SO GOOD.
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nyoxt · 13 days
Saw a post on bsky prompting to talk about OCs voices and that reminded me that I never talked about that before!
So, Ram in my head sounds a lot like Caleb Hyles , and he's got a very good control over his voice and speech. Also got almost no audible rumble-ness in his voice, unless you make him reeeeeeally angry. He's got a very obvious accent in Cantonese, and is way more crass in English and Slovak than in Cantonese. And Mutt sounds like Zira from Lion King 2, but way more.....flat, I guess. Like more heavy and serious rather than cunning and cartoonishly evil.
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