#fun fact: if you leave a slice under your pillow you will wake up to find it has been taken in the night
it's missing gavin hours so naturally the only solution was to make the infamous marble chiffon cake - final verdict is very delicious, if time consuming, and i can see exactly why gavin likes it 🥳🥳
link to the recipe, plus the conversions i made from cups to grams/ml, and photographic evidence under the cut!
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preheat to 160°C
for the cake:
7 eggs, separated
60g chocolate
350g sugar (split into 300g and 50g)
60ml hot water
250g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda/bicarbonate of soda
180ml water
120ml vegetable oil (i only had 50ml, so i substituted the remaining 70ml with olive oil and it turned out fine)
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
for the icing:
110g plain chocolate (i used about half dark and half milk instead, and it still tasted good)
15g butter
105ml double cream
1 tsp vanilla
130g icing sugar (it says 125-180g, but i think any more and the icing would have been too thick)
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tabasco sauce | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x baker!reader word count: 1.8k request: yes/no, by a nonnie. "prompt list!: general #7 and mick! love your fics btw!!!" prompt: “Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.” from this prompt list. thank you so much for sending this! i didn't want to go the usual route with this so i really hope you like this! warnings: language, a lot of baking. a/n: i've been lacking motivation and inspiration to do so many things. i think i jinxed it the other day when i said i'd been feeling really good. shit happens. anyway, here's a new fic that came to my mind when i was baking a cake yesterday. fun fact! hot sauce actually works really well with some baked goods.
my masterlist
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the taste had been plaguing your every waking thought.
you had been trying to identify the missing ingredient for a new recipe you were working on. you knew what it was, you could taste it in your mouth every time you thought about it, but you didn't know what it was.
it had been weeks, ever since that night you had dinner with mick before he left for three weeks. you went to an italian restaurant, ate your weight in carbs, and you shared a slice of cheesecake, which you gladly ate most of when mick said he was too full.
it was at that moment, the very last bite, that the glorious sensation filled your mouth. you couldn't really identify what it was, didn't know if it was in the crust, the filling or the cheesecake itself. you just knew this was it, the missing ingredient you'd been looking for this whole time.
you slapped mick on his arm, you didn't mean to hit him so hard. you apologized when he started rubbing his arm, kissing his cheek quickly.
you explained your situation, he knew that you'd been working on a new recipe for your bakery, and as the waiter came to collect the plates and gave you the check, you'd asked for the ingredients on the slice of heaven that now lived inside your stomach. he started listing them, and you nodded, already knowing most of them, you felt happy this was confirmation.
"and finally, out secret ingredient."
you'd tried to coax him out of it, but he shook his head and gave you a tight-lipped smiled. well, fuck him and his stupid secret ingredient.
mick felt bad for leaving you like this, but you assured him you'd be alright, that you'd try your best to get that off your mind and focus on something else, something new.
you didn't.
two and a half weeks had passed and you'd been a cranky mess since then, and so was your bakery. the kitchen and displays were full of muffins, all pretty much the same except for one or two different spices, fruits or nuts. the clients and your workers praised you for all your baked goods, you took the compliment with a smile, but you knew you'd feel even better if you found that damn ingredient.
you were preparing your luggage to join mick in italy when your phone rang. you accepted the videocall and set your phone on your nightstand so you could keep packing.
"hi, my love," you said, smiling brightly at him.
"hi, liebling," mick replied. "are you nearly done?" he asked.
"yeah, almost. i'll meet you at the hotel?" you asked for the details after your train arrived at the station.
"i was thinking i could come and pick you up," it was more of a question than a statement. you stopped what you were doing to look at him, and even after months of dating he still managed to make your heart skip a beat and caused flutters in your stomach.
"i would love that," you chirped as you bit your lip, grabbing your phone and throwing yourself on the bed. you gazed into his eyes, he was leaning on his side, a pillow under his head, he looked cozy.
"great, so, tell me. have you had any luck with your missing ingredient? did you make a new muffin?" he asked, and you huffed in annoyance.
"no. and i've tried everything. paprika, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, nuts, nutmeg, everything. you should see the shop, it's a mess of muffins and spices." you played with the ends of your hair.
"schatz, i promise you when we get back we'll go to that place every day until you know what it is." he smiled and you giggled.
"thanks, baby. but i don't think i want to go back there ever, i'll probably just feel dumb for not figuring it out." you shrugged your shoulders.
"you're not dumb, lovey. you know what it is, you just need a little bit of time and some more experimenting to figure it out."
you continued to talk as you packed your bag, he promised to be there to pick you up. the train ride from your shared home in switzerland to italy was a bit long, and you took that time to inspect your recipes notebook, scanning through all the possible combinations you'd tried. and once you arrived your eyes traveled all around the station until you saw the pair of clearest blue eyes you'd ever seen. your favorite blue in the entire world.
you hugged mick, having missed his presence, smell, warmth and contagious smile. he held you close, pressing his cheek to your head as your arms wrapped around his middle, and his around your shoulders. you would've thought that after being together for so long you'd gotten used to being apart, that it would get easier in time, but it wasn't. every time you felt him take your heart with him when he walked out the door, you only felt complete when he was next to you. and you felt intact at that moment.
he drove you to the hotel, and once you showered and change your clothes, you left to have an early dinner at a place he discovered just yesterday. you ate the most magnificent pasta and pizza ever. the time spent there was split between gushing over the food, or silence as you ate as much as you could. eventually, you felt too full and left, taking your leftovers with you.
as mick worked out to burn the calories he'd just earned, you were in the kitchen of the hotel suite, preparing a batch of oatmeal cookies for you two. he knew that when you were feeling stressed, bored, or couldn't sleep your only salvation was baking, and every time you joined him, he always requested baking supplies in your room. you didn't know what you did to deserve him.
a sweaty mick walked in, closing the sliding door to the balcony, where he had been exercising, behind him.
"oooh, can you add tabasco sauce?" he asked, walking behind you and snaking his arms around your waist as you stirred the mix. a few months ago you'd added the hot sauce to a batch, just to see what would happen. and it turned into mick's go-to cheat-day food.
"sure, do you have any?" you asked, and he slipped away from you to look in the cupboards.
"here," he said after a few seconds of searching for it. "i'll go shower," he stated and kissed you quickly.
"okay, i'll call you when they're ready," with that he left you alone to keep working. he knew you worked best alone, and whilst you adored when he offered to help you, you felt quite tired from the train ride and wanted to get done quickly.
you heard the water running in the bathroom as you opened the sauce and poured some drops in the mix, over time you'd come to learn that the more sauce you put in, the better. you took out the mixer and plugged it in, but you put it at a speed too high and everything went flying everywhere. especially the sauce.
you found yourself covered in tabasco sauce all over your face. you grabbed paper towels to clean your mess and poured more sauce. pouring a tiny drop on your finger just to taste it.
it felt like taking a deep breath after being underwater for too long.
like jumping in the pool on the hottest summer day.
like sitting in front of a fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate during winter.
your eyes widened and you looked at the hot sauce like it was your first-born child.
you'd found it.
the missing ingredient. tabasco sauce.
you ran to the bathroom, leaving the sauce on your face. you could wash later, this was too important.
"mick! mickmickmickmickmick!" you yelled as you ran to him, opening the door wide.
"holy shit, (y/n)! is that blood?" he asked, eyes opened wide in horror.
"that doesn't matter right now! what does matter is-"
"you are literally bleeding, love. what-"
"it's not blood! it's tabasco." you said, and his expression shifted from fright to utter confusion.
"why do you have tabasco on your face?" he asked, grabbing a towel and soaking it with water, you walked over to him as he turned off the shower and cleaned your face.
"i found it. it's tabasco sauce." you whispered as the soft fabric met your skin.
"what is?" he asked, handing you the towel so he could grab another one and dry himself.
"the missing ingredient," you said with your eyes wide, a huge grin on your face.
"it's tabasco?" he asked as you left the bathroom, the towel hanging low on his hips, you grabbed his arm and ran back to the kitchen.
"can you help me finish this? i have to make the muffins!" you said, and he grabbed your face to kiss you.
"i told you you'd find it," he said and you grinned, so hard your cheeks hurt.
he kissed you once more before he left to put on some shorts and help you finish the cookies. he knew how to, he could basically run your entire shop if you ever got sick. you worked in silence, too focused on preparing the recipe you'd learned by heart after making it so many times.
your leg shook as you waited for the muffins to bake, your eyes never left the glass door, you would've pressed your face against it if it weren't too hot. mick had a hand on your shoulder, munching on a cookie as you waited. he felt almost as nervous as you did.
he stood next to you as you waited for the muffins to cool down a bit, the expectation too much you felt you were going to explode.
you asked him to take the first bite, watched as he pulled down the baking cup and bit into it. he moaned in delight, something he hadn't done for any of the other experiments. he nodded, encouraging you to take a bite yourself.
you jumped up and down, rushed to him and hugged him as you kissed him.
"how are you gonna name it?" he asked. every single item in your menu had a name, you'd already named several after him, after memories you shared and inspired you to bake.
"i don't know yet..." you said, leaning your head on his shoulder, he kissed the top of your head.
"how about raffinato?" he suggested, it was the name of the restaurant where you'd had the cheesecake. you scoffed and he laughed, he was aware of how annoyed you were at that place.
"fuck them and their secret ingredient," you said, leaning your head back to look at his eyes.
"monza?" he suggested, and you took a second, contemplating it.
"i like it. welcome to the world, monza." you spoke to your batch of freshly baked muffins.
you two laughed, heading to your bedroom with the plate of muffins and cookies.
there was nothing better than some baked goods, your favorite person in the entire world, and an italian sunset to end a good day.
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comradekatara · 3 years
atla is perfect as is and doesnt need another season. HOWEVER if you could write a "tales of ba sing se" type episode set in republic city, following adult gaang, what would it look like?
okay first of all, i just wanna say that i fully agree with your prefacing statement. we’ve all seen people claim there should’ve been a fourth season, and this betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how narrative structure works. atla is a show with a clearly defined telos, and it has a perfectly-plotted three season arc. part of what makes it so great is how tightly-plotted and cohesive the narrative is, and any sort of fourth season would have been unnecessary pandering that dragged down the show. do I want to see the gaang fixing the world together? of course! does that mean we should have? no! the fact that the show leaves something to be desired is a good thing, because it means we are attached to the characters and the world. but every story needs an ending. and atla’s ending was plotted from the very beginning. HOWEVER, your question is very fun and i am excited to answer it!!!! (sorry it took like a year and a half…… haha yeesh)
so “the tales of ba sing se” is structured with character-driven vignettes wherein the character development is largely minimal, yet still serves to inform the audience about these characters in a way we might never have otherwise realized. since the original episode requires the environment of ba sing se, I’m going to use ba sing se again to ground it, since if the adult gaang were to return to that city, it would serve a character-driven function. if you’ve read my post-show azula arc outline (which still slaps btw), then you know I enjoy displacing time for the purpose of prioritizing theme, which in this case, is character-driven vignettes set in the city. this means that unlike the original episode, these vignettes don’t take place all in the span of one day, but could even take place over the span of years (and will not be presented in a linear fashion), all grounded in the fact that it involves the gaang going back to ba sing se.
without further ado, five non-linear vignettes of the gaang as adults in ba sing se:
the tale of katara & zuko (aka, katara takes her other grumpy gay friend out for a spa day): we open on katara waking up in a fancy hotel room in the middle ring. she does the whole cliche thing of getting ready, brushing her hair exactly 100 times (she’s counting under her breath), braiding it, stretching, looking out the window with a contented smile on her face. and then she barges into the adjacent room and yells “ZUKO WAKE UP!” and throws a pillow at his face even though by this point he’s already awake and has just been staring blankly at the wall for hours. katara informs zuko (and the audience) that this is the one day a year that they both get the day off to hang out. zuko points out that they’re not here on vacation, they’re here for the annual global summit, and as world leaders, they are obligated to attend. katara points out that that starts tomorrow which means they have all of today to do nothing together. zuko’s like “yeah that’s why i was planning on sleeping the whole day???” but katara insists that they can’t just sleep during their one day to themselves in ba sing se. zuko relents because he knows better than to say no to katara ever. “woo!! girls day out!!!” “i’m literally not a– okay whatever.” so she takes zuko to the same spa she took toph all those years ago (“toph came here with you?” “yeah it was great she loved it”) and they get mani-pedis and facials and zuko is like “wait you’re supposed to slice the cucumber before putting it over your eyes??? no wonder i didn’t think your advice was helping!” (“wait you were just…. putting a whole cucumber on your head and hoping that something would happen…????” “well you never specified–”) and katara spends like half an hour deliberating over whether she should paint her nails ocean blue with eggshell water tribe decals or sky blue with ivory water tribe decals, and you can tell that they’re both having a great time as they walk back together once the day’s ended. they’re headed to the jasmine dragon to see iroh. only, “that’s weird. it’s closed. there’s no one here.” suddenly, zuko remembers. “oh. I know where my uncle is.” “do you want me to come with you, or…?” “no, that’s okay, thanks.” “okay. i’ll see you back at the hotel.” “see you back at the hotel.” they hug. “thanks katara. I had fun today.” they smile at each other. as katara walks away, she waves, showing off her newly painted nails.
the tale of sokka (aka, sokka joins the white lotus): different time, same “sorry, we’re closed” sign in front of the jasmine dragon. sokka looks confused, and reads over the letter he got from piandao for the fiftieth time that week. sokka, meet me at the jasmine dragon this friday at noon. bring the pai sho tile i once gave you. sincerely, piandao. it’s exactly twelve o’clock, and it’s definitely friday. he has the tile in his other hand. confused, he walks into the teashop, knowing that iroh won’t mind that he’s entered. the room is completely dark, save for a crack of light under a floorboard in the kitchen. sokka crouches down, realizing that he can faintly hear the sound of voices from beneath the floor. and he can swear he just heard his name. something fishy is going on here, and he doesn’t like it. sokka reaches for his boomerang, and uses it to pry open the floorboards, which are suspiciously already loose. he finds a very conveniently located secret passage underneath the kitchen floor, and with his hand on his sword, he descends the steps into a secret room being guarded by a vaguely familiar looking man. “password?” he says gruffly. sokka rummages around for his pai sho tile, which he had pocketed during the confusion. “uh…. I have this?” a sigh. “good enough,” and he opens the door. as sokka enters, pakku says, “you’re late.” “it’s like two minutes after twelve!” sokka protests. “exactly,” responds pakku. piandao, who is sitting as far away from pakku as possible, beams at him. sokka is less enthused. “master piandao, what’s going on?” he asks. “what do you think is going on?” iroh responds. “well obviously you guys are having one of your little pai sho tournaments, but what’s with the... vibe?” in fairness, it is a distinctly weird vibe. “do you think all our ancient organization does is play pai sho?” pakku asks. sokka gestures to the pai sho board in the middle of the table, and the white lotus tile in his hand, and the paintings on the walls of various old men playing pai sho; “i mean, it does seem like a pretty big part of it.” iroh laughs. “so i don’t suppose you’d want to join our secret society?” he asks. sokka cringes as he says, “look, i don’t want to seem ungrateful. this is a great honor and all, but i have a lot on my plate right now, and i don’t really have time to sit around playing pai sho with you guys.” “we’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule,” piandao promises, at the same time that pakku yells, “this is not some trivial pai sho club! we are members of an ancient society dedicated to helping the avatar achieve his vision of balance & harmony from behind the scenes!” and sokka’s like “okay, well, i’ve literally been doing that, for like, forever….” (piandao mutters “that’s literally what i said” under his breath with a pointed glare at pakku) “...but if that’s all you need me to do, and the hours are flexible, then yeah, i guess i can join.” iroh smiles knowingly, a twinkle in his eye. “then welcome, sokka,” he says, “to the order of the white lotus.”
the tale of appa (and aang is there too): to put it plainly, aang is a not a fan of ba sing se. sure, he likes the bustle of big city, and the sheer number of people (every stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet!), but their lifestyle bothers him. there are literally walls dividing people. no community, no conversation. still, he’s here on official avatar duties, and it at least helps him feel better knowing that appa and momo are by his side. he’s flying around with them over the lower ring, waving to kids who gasp and point at the avatar. even if hardly his favorite place in the world, he is fond of parts of the lower ring, where families live and work, where kids go to school and play together. aang lands in an open spot of street and greets all the kids too impolite not to crowd him. one kid asks aang if, now that he’s here, he can bring his family enough supplies to care for their new baby, since he heard that the avatar helps people, and they definitely need help. and aang’s like “i mean… i’m not really sure what i can do, but you’re right, i am the avatar, so i will help you.” and he goes with the kid back to his house and meets his mother, who can still barely walk due to just having given birth less than a week ago, and three other kids running around the house like maniacs as a newborn infant wails in the background. so aang asks the mother what she needs, and makes a list of supplies to collect and bring back to her. he flies on appa into the middle ring, and asks any kind faces he sees for donations. because he’s the avatar, and he is also just so earnest and charming, they all comply and give him everything on his list and then some. he brings it back to the woman and her family, and by the time she’s thanked him for all of his help, her kids have told their friends that the avatar can give you whatever you want! and soon enough all the kids in the lower ring are making lists for aang of requests that they have, mostly basic supplies for their families or books for school (and one or two requests for a pet flying lemur). aang spends the entire day flying around on appa trying to fulfill all the requests on the lists. he knows it won’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things, won’t fix the systemic class inequality of this city, or the structures in place that enable such wealth divides, but seeing the joy on each of those kids’ faces every time he comes back having brought them what they needed (minus the flying lemurs, unfortunately) makes his day that much brighter, and that’s worth something too.
the tale of mai (aka, open mic night at the jasmine dragon): inspired by his nephew’s initiative to promote the arts in the fire nation, iroh decides to host an open mic night of his own at the jasmine dragon. he really wants his tea shop to be a safe space where people can share their poetry, their music, and their stories together. plus, he misses those days on the boat where he and the crew would dance around deck and play music and sing. toph wants to support her uncle (“he’s not your uncle, toph” “he’s basically my uncle”) and she makes sokka, mai, suki, and ty lee come with her, which they all immediately agree to because they love watching people embarrass themselves reading their terrible poetry. it is indeed every bit as awful as they hoped it would be, and they’re having a blast. until iroh comes up to their table, that is, and asks why aren’t any of them performing? after all, it would be a shame to waste this immense pool of talent. they all give bullshit excuses (“i would, but i have the flu.” “i… also have the flu. suki gave it to me, actually. thanks a lot, suki.” “i… have… stagefright….” “weren’t you in the cirus?” “and?”) but mai just flat out says, “yeah, no, i’m not doing that. because i don’t want to.” and iroh’s like “oh mai hahahaha you are so funny you simply MUST go up there and perform” and toph and suki are both like “yeah you simply MUST” and all but push her onto the stage. and mai, who isn’t used to actually having a platform, or being listened to, is just like “hi….? I guess? this is so stupid.” and her awkwardness is charming, so everyone laughs. and then mai…. keeps talking. just says whatever is on her mind. a conversation with herself, completely stream of consciousness, about whatever has been percolating in her brain that she never would’ve thought was worth saying out loud. and she’s so deadpan and witty and clever that the fact that she’s completely unprepared isn’t even a detriment, but a benefit. the audience is loving it. they’re all completely charmed by her. eventually she’s just like “okay… this is boring to me now. I’m gonna stop.” and just walks off the stage and goes to sit down next to her friends. and thus a star is born.
the tale of iroh (aka, iroh reconnects with his son): continuation of where we left zuko in the first vignette. caught up in katara’s successful mission to distract him from his depressed state that morning, zuko had actually almost forgotten what day it was. he walks up to the hill where lu ten was buried, and finds iroh sitting at the base of that tree, staring out at the cityscape before him. “hi, uncle,” zuko says softly, sitting beside him. iroh takes his hands and inspects them. “i like your nails,” iroh says in way of greeting. instead of getting defensive as he once would have, zuko just chuckles slightly as he looks down at his rainbow-colored nails and says, “yeah, they were katara’s idea. you know, like dragon fire.” iroh smiles a bit sadly. “oh, that’s nice, prince zuko.” zuko frowns. “I’m the firelord. I haven’t been a prince in years.” “oh, yes, that’s right.” iroh pats his cheek, which zuko slightly flinches at, but only because it’s something his mother used to do when he was little. “do you think lu ten would’ve been firelord now?” zuko asks in a small voice. as much as he’s grown into the role, he can’t help but feel that his cousin would have been better suited to it. “i don’t know,” says iroh, which is a lie, but it’s true. “i’m proud of both my sons equally.” (another lie – he’s prouder of zuko. but it’s lu ten’s birthday, so iroh feels like he ought to say it anyway.) zuko smiles at iroh, and the episode fades out as they sit together by the tree in still, solemn silence.
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twittytelly · 3 years
My Girl
Jake Jensen x Female Reader
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Inspired by
Summary: Jensen returns home from a night out on the town with The Losers, and makes an interesting choice...
Warnings: One swear word, drunken idiocy, fluff.
Word Count: 967
You jolted awake, almost certain that someone had kicked the door down. Sitting up, you looked at your phone. 3 AM. You listened for the source of the noise as you recounted what your boyfriend had told you to do if someone broke in when he wasn't around, muttering the steps beneath your breath.
“Ssh!” You heard a familiar voice say, not realising how loud he was being. “You'll wake everyone up and they'll be grumpy!”
Sighing with relief, you relaxed. Of course it was your boyfriend Jensen. He always ended up pretty sloshed after a night out with his teammates, and when he was drunk he was more of a liability than a herd of cattle in a china shop. Turning on your bedside lamp, you listened out as Jensen stumbled through the house, making his way to your shared bedroom. The door creaked as Jenson opened it slowly, poking his head thorough the doorway. As he made eye contact with you, he looked at you sheepishly as if he was a toddler that had done something wrong.
“Did I make you grumpy?” Jensen quietly asked, doing his best not to slur his words.
“No, I'm not grumpy at all,” you said, in fact you couldn't hide your amusement. Drunk Jake was always a hilarious occurrence.
“Good,” Jake said as he plodded into the room, taking his glasses off and throwing them onto the floor.
You couldn't help but stare at Jensen as he tore his clothes from his body. After all this time, he still took your breath away. Even in the low light he looked glorious, and you took in his lean muscular body that looked as if it had been carved from marble as he clumsily chucked his clothes every which way. Soon he was stood before you stark bollock naked with a perplexed look on his face, as if he was trying to hack into a government mainframe.
“So, are you getting into bed or what?” You asked, patting Jensen's side of the bed.
“Erm…” Jensen started. “I'm sorry Miss... I mean, you're really pretty and all. But, my girl is the most beautiful, most wonderful woman in the whole world and I would never do anything that would hurt her.”
You couldn't figure out if you were meant to be flattered or insulted by Jensen's statement. But before you had chance to say anything back, Jensen had laid down on the floor and fallen asleep. You jumped out of bed and prodded his shoulder with your foot, but his only response was a loud snore. Kneeling down, you tried to shake him awake, but it was no use, Jake Jensen was dead to the world. There was no way you would be able to carry that hunk of muscle into the bed without injuring at least one of you; and even if one of his fellow Losers was awake and sober enough to come and help you, you knew that Jensen would never live it down.
Pushing yourself back onto your feet, you retreated from the bedroom to grab what you needed. Upon your return, you covered Jensen with a blanket and you did your best to squeeze a pillow beneath his head. Finally, you put his glasses, phone as well as a glass of water and painkillers somewhere where he could see them, but also where they couldn't be knocked over. Climbing back into bed, you had to suppress the giggles that had formed as you thought about what fun you were going to have with Jensen in the morning.
Jensen was woken up by a beam of sunlight shining into his eyes. As he slowly sat up, he tried to figure out where on Earth he could be. It didn't help that the room was spinning. Spying the round frames of his spectacles, he reached out and put them on while he tried to get his bearings. He quickly realised that he had been sleeping on the floor of his own bedroom. Before he could think too hard about why he had slept on the floor, he was hit with a wave of nausea and his head began pounding. He reached  for the glass of water and painkillers and figured that you must have left them there.
Jensen slowly stood up on his feet and made his way to the kitchen, grabbing some PJ bottoms from the chest of drawers. As he got closer to the kitchen he was met with the aroma of bacon and fresh bread and Jensen thanked his lucky stars. How did he get so lucky as to have someone as caring and considerate as his girl? As he entered, you had your back to him, placing rashers of bacon between thick buttered slices of crusty bread. You must've sensed him as you quickly turned to him and offered a small, sweet, sympathetic smile.
“How's your head?” you asked.
“It feels like The Petunias have been using it for soccer practice,” said Jake as he sat down at the breakfast bar with a groan. “Thanks for leaving out the water.”
“No problem,” You said as you put the plate as well as a large mug full to the brim with tea in front of him, a smirk forming on your face. “Now eat your bacon and then you're gonna tell me about this beautiful, wonderful girl of yours.”
Jensen gave you a confused look as you watched the gears in his head turn behind his glasses. Sitting on the stool beside him, you couldn't contain your laughter when Jensen gasped as the memories of the night before came flooding back. His face was soon crimson and he buried his face in his hands, cursing under his breath, swearing that he would never drink again.
Taglist: @whiskey-cokenfanfic @mrs-captain-evans @katiew1973 @supersoldiersruined-me @kelbabyblue @amiquette @feelmyroarrrr​ @patzammit @daydreamerinadazedworld @denisemarieangelina @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @bellaireland1981 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @georgeweasleydumbhoe @ladydmalfoy
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Sleepless (LoV x Reader)
Pairing: League of Villains x Reader, platonic relationship
Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Kurogiri, Dabi x reader
@riarora messaged me with the request: "So I was thinking platonic LOV x child reader (You can make them 18 if you're more comfortable, but I was thinking more like 14-15)The reader (I'll refer to them as she/her, but you can make it gender neutral) has really bad insomnia so every night, she would be pacing around, doing anything and everything to make sure no dark thoughts take over. Usually, none of the LOV would bat an eye, but considering the fact that she's a child, they feel sympathy, so they indirectly try to get her to fall asleep. Like, sending her on extra missions (always with protection of course) or changing her normal tea with sleeping tea, or maybe just straight up telling her to sleep."
Genre: Comfort
Word Count: 2,291
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog
a/n: Thanks for the request sweetie!  I hope you like it~
Wrote this while listening to a Shinsou playlist on Spotify and it was pretty chill to listen to, if y’all want the link you can comment or dm me and I’ll send it.  Something different, but I like how it turned out. It's twice as long as I thought it would end up being, but I think it fits.  It's a comfort story that I hope you guys will read even if you don't normally read stuff for the villains.  I really like it, I hope you guys read it if you need some comforting.  Enjoy~
Like a lot of people, I don't have the nicest thoughts.  Most nights, I'm trying everything to block them out and find the sweet release of sleep, whether it's trying to consciously think of other things to block them out, escaping out of my sheets to pace or run in place inside this small room I was given, or getting up to get a snack.  Unsurprisingly, none of it works.  The rest of the League constantly tease me about my dark circles making me look more villainous all I do is smile, because at least it means I'm part of something now.  I would ask them to get me something to busy myself, like a sketch book or a notebook to keep me busy at night, but they aren't my parents; they have no obligation to take care of me and they've already give me a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.
Little by little, the perceived barrier between us broke down before I realized it.
It started when I took one of my late night trips to the kitchen only to see the light on already.  Toga's crooked but innocent smile beams up at me as she twirls a knife in her hand, leaning against the counter.  "You're up too, hmm~?  Wanna take a trip with me?"
We ended up shrugging on our jackets and masks, walking into the dark, brisk night to the nearest grocery store.  "You waited until 2 AM to get pomegranates?" I raised an eyebrow at her zipping straight to the produce section of the market.
"I didn't wanna go alone~" Toga casually responded in her singsongy voice.  "A little girl like me shouldn't be out alone at night.  Besides, late night shopping in a practically empty supermarket is the best time to go.  It's super creepy!"  She giggles, filling a plastic bag with three large fruits.
We returned to our hideout and she asked me to help her de-seed them.  I slide in next to her, taking the knife out of her hand.  Not like I had anything better to do.  What was I gonna do, sleep?  Sure, okay.
She sliced the fruits in half and held her hands over a large, empty container, using just her hands to push the seeds off the bitter white core, humming to herself.  "Are you sure there isn't a more...strategic way to do this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the mess she was making of her hands.
Toga just giggled and held my stare with her cat-like yellow eyes.  "When it gets all over your fingers, it kind of looks like blood doesn't it?" She shivered in ecstasy as she licked the scarlet juice running down her hands and the knife she cut them with.  "Mmm, so sweet."
While I continued, trying to avail to be as clean as possible, taking sips of the tea she made for us while we work.  I chanced a few tastes myself, chuckling at my own hands.  "You're right, it looks like we've commit murder."
"Right?" she chirped with the widest grin, "Isn't it fun?"
I made a better point to get more juice on my fingers before curling my fingers grossly towards her.  "I want your heart, Toga.  Give it to me!" I growled.
She giggled and held one of my wrists so she can lick some of the juice off.  "Too bad you can't have it."
After we finished gathering the seeds into the bowl, we sat on the couch, munching on them by the handful and finishing our drinks.  My eyelids kept drooping as I drank my tea.
"We should go on adventures more often," Toga purred as I near the end, taking my cup, laying me down, and covering my body with a blanket before petting my head.  Her voice singing, "Sleep well, (Y/n)" was the last thing I heard before drifting off.  It was the best night's sleep I'd gotten in a long while.
A few days later, Kurogiri stopped me from heading to bed while the rest went off.  "I heard you and Toga up late a few nights ago.  Why don't you help me clean up before going up?"
I agreed, mostly because I would be awake with my thoughts anyway.  He had me shining his glasses, climbing up a ladder to dust the top shelves of his bar, wiping down the counters, and organizing his liquor.
"Have some of this, child."  He set down a cup of tea and saucer on the counter while I was organizing his top shelf liquor, the clock flashing 1:57 AM.  "You've been a big help."
I climbed down carefully and stare down at the translucent, peach colored liquid carefully.
He noticed my cautiousness.  "How are you adjusting?"
I tilted the cup around, swishing the liquid around before holding it up to my lips.  "It's better than where I was before, thank you."
"I'm glad you're settling in and getting along with the rest."
"It's just Toga so far."  I sipped a good portion of the hot liquid, easing down my through smooth as the honey I can taste that he added.
"It'll take time for the others to warm up to you.  Shigaraki and Dabi especially don't take to strangers that easily, but they'll come around."  His cold, portal enclosed hand rested on my head.  "We're happy to take you in as our family, (Y/n)."
I smiled at his assurance of me, nodding in gratitude, but still hesitant about feeling that I fit in here.
We talked for a while more until I finished his tea and he sent me off to bed.  Though reluctant - I even offered to do more cleaning up to keep myself there - he insisted I leave.  I trudge to my room, the exhaustion in my bones and muscles more apparent than usual.  I know this old trick; even when I'm fatigued, my thoughts still keep me up.  But as I ease under the blanket and close my eyes, I feel myself pulled down into sleep without interference.  I started thinking there was something in the tea.
It took a while for Shigaraki to come around, as Kurogiri said.  He heard the rustling of me rolling around in bed on his way back from getting a glass of water from the kitchen.  "Hey, you still awake?"
I turned over and sat up.  "Am I bothering you?  I'm sorry-"
"You wanna come play games with me?"  It was an unexpected question.  He never talked much to me so I figured he wanted to keep his distance.
But I still agreed, ending up in his dark room where only the TV cast its artificial light over us.  He pulled up another pillow for me to sit with him, leaning back against the mattress and box-spring stack.  He resumed his game, some kind of RPG with amazing art and storytelling.  The main character had jet black hair and traveled with three other guys of varying talents and personalities.  They seemed to have a great relationship together as they trekked across their virtual world in a fancy car. (1000 brownie points if you know which game i'm referencing)
There was a hilarious part in the game where the crew rode on the backs of these fluffy, yellow birds that were the size of ostriches.  "What's the point of this part?" I asked curiously.
Shigaraki beamed at the screen, his chapped lips spreading in joy.  "It's just something you always have to do in these games."
My eyes remained glued to the screen.  Shigaraki wouldn't ask me if I wanted to play after one time, which I appreciated.  I'm not too good at playing games, I prefer watching other people play them from the sidelines.  I followed the complicated story line, impressed with how fleshed out the world is, the detail in the art, and the power system interface.  If I were better at gaming, I'd understand how amazing it would feel playing it; I was immersed in it even as a spectator.
The game got to a cave-crawling segment.  The eased up voice acting, ambient noise, and dimmed lighting made my eyes heavy.  I didn't want to fall asleep in Shigaraki's room, but I also knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep if I went back to mine.
"You can sleep if you want.  Get comfortable."
Though he didn't particularly use a motherly voice like Kurogiri, I understood he was trying to come off the same way.  I ended up laying on my head on my pillow, sprawling onto the floor on my stomach, the noise of the game slowly lulling me off to sleep.  In the morning, I would wake to a blanket pulled over my body.  It somehow became a weekly occurrence; we wouldn't talk to each other, but the silence was comfortable.  It was reassuring that I didn't always need that strange tea to put me to sleep.
Late nights with Twice are probably my favorite.  He's like a huge dad, or much older big brother.  I connected with him on a more emotional level than the rest.  If I found myself in the kitchen rummaging for snacks, he'd come up and pick out a bunch and sit us at the table with some tea.
"I have trouble sleeping too sometimes," he admitted, popping some chips in his mouth.  "I was lonely before I found these guys.  I had no one but myself, and the many versions of myself weren't the most forgiving on me either."
I stared down at my glass of warmed milk.  "So your thoughts were actually told out loud to you all the time?" I whispered softly.
"Yup."  He blinked before waving his hands in front of his face wildly.  "But that doesn't mean I had it worse than you, that's not what I'm saying at all!  Your problems are just as valid and important and-!"
"It's okay, I understand."
He offered a sympathetic lopsided smile.  "I know you've been through a lot, kid, and it probably feels like a lot and nothing at the same time.  The times when it feels like a lot will hurt, and that's okay.  You'll get through it and grow up to deal with it in your own way.  And there is a light at the end of the tunnel, believe me.  You can't see it now, but it's there.  Keep fighting through it."  He touched my hand over the glass.  "I'm here for you, we're here for you."
I felt like crying, suddenly choked up by the bitter nostalgia of missing my parents.  "You'd be a great Dad, Twice."  I tried to cover for my tears and unsteady voice by clearing my throat and rubbing my eyes.
He hummed in response.  "I've always wanted a kid.  Things never ended up that way though."
I found myself finally sobbing at his misfortune piling on top of mine.  "That's really shitty actually," I choked out.
He handed me a tissue to wipe my face with.  "Let it out, kid.  Sometimes it's good to just cry it out."
And I did, until I finally sobbed myself to sleep at the table, and Twice picked up and returned me to my bed, tucking me in like the soft dad he should've been.
Dabi remained the hard nose one, keeping his distance and looking down on me.  Like Shigaraki, walked by my room while I was tossing around, but he stood over my bed.  "Hey.  If you don't go to sleep, I'm putting you to work."
Put me to work he did, sending me out to fetch him snacks, cards, or cigarettes.  Once, he decided to join me and we ended up on the roof of our abandoned building after coming back from the convenience store.  The stars already dusted the sky as Dabi lit the cigarettes with his blue flames just for fun, watching them disintegrate into ash in front of his eyes.  I never knew how to get him to open up, he's too gruff for me to start a conversation with him, so I stuck to being mesmerized by his flames.
"What's on your mind that you can't sleep, kid?" he finally asked, breaking the awkward silence and cutting off his quirk to stare me hard in the eyes.
"N-Nothing."  I hated to admit it, but I'm scared of Dabi the most.  Both him and Shigaraki can end my life in a fraction of a second, but Dabi overall has the scarier aura.  "Just...thinking."
After a few more moments of braving his stare, he looked up.  "Yeah, we all do that a lot, don't we?  Us damn human can't help but think.  It'd be nice if we can pull the cord sometimes, yeah?"
"I guess," I answered carefully.
He studied me again out of the corner of his eye before flickering back up.  "Do you ever think that's why none of us survive well alone?  We need other people to distract us all the time because then we'd get stuck in our heads, and we all know how dangerous that can be if we're stuck there for too long.  It never ends well."  He adjusts himself, placing his hands behind his head to rest his neck.  "We all got demons, kid.  It's what makes us stronger, but you gotta grow from them first.  And I guess that's what the rest of us are for, so if you need us, you know what to do."
It was with Dabi that I realized he had a point.  I'm not alone anymore and none of the others seem to think of me as a stranger or a stupid little kid they have to be responsible for.  I'm a member of this group now, I should rely on them as support, just not in the traditional way.
How I ultimately ended up here doesn't help any of the awful things I tell myself or what happened to me, but being here definitely helps, especially when I'm surrounded by people who subtly share solidarity with for now.
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Obispo “Bishop” Losa x reader
Anon asked: hey darling i would like to request an imagine with bishop about something like this: you work on the scrapyard helping chucky (or in the bar at mayans parties) and he has a soft spot on you, but you think he is just nice but in fact it’s because he is in love with you but he is scared that you don’t reciprocate the feeling and because you are much younger than him
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💖
Word count: 3.6k
Author Comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @arveeee @witchy-wish ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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After sneezing for sixth time, your nose starts to bleed, covering it with both hands and a “shit” drowned in your throat. Tranq and Bishop look at you with raised eyebrows, seen you using a cloth when the drops stain your shirt. 
“You ok, kid?” The president asks visibly worried. You nod throwing your head forward and breathing by your mouth.
“I'll find you a shirt, wait”. The other mexican says, disappearing through the hallway to the dorms.
“Com'ere, sit down”. Bishop offers you a hand, guiding your steps to the closer sofa.
Nailing your elbows on your nap, you continue with your head down as your mother taught you when you were a child. 
“Are you cold, or sick, or something like, ah?”
“I think so... Yesterday… the heating in my house just… broke. And when I sneeze too much, this happens”. You sigh pulling away the cloth to see how it's going. Still bleeding.
“Did you call a tec'?” Then, you shake your head because you actually forgot it. “What if I take you home, uh? You should rest”.
The man places his right palm on your forehead, noticing that it's warm than normal. The gesture gives you some chills, coughing because of the blood stuck in your throat. Tranq offers you the the shirt, he was looking for, as the president helps you to getting up.
“Change it, okay? I'll ride you home”.
“I'm ok, prez”. You shake your head taking it. “I just… gonna change it and go back to work. I have to… I have to get everything ready fo' tonight”.
“Querida, you're not gonna work having fever”.
“Yea', nor bleeding like that. Stockton is like an excited bull when they see something red”. Tranq makes you chuckle, nodding just one time before walking towards the bathroom.
“Find Coco, tell him I need his car for a couple hours”. 
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Your house feels like the North Pole, bearing in mind that the sun only gives you a couple of hours a day and that you forgot to close the large window of the living room. At least, you left it after clean the mess in it. Sideways, you find Bishop trying not to look around, so you would not think that he's ‘too curious’. Continuing your steps to the window, you close it and you also run the curtains. Sneezing again covering your nose with both hands, and turning to your boss, you sigh heavily.
“Have a cold shower and get some rest. I'll get you some pills to help you, and find a tec' who fix the heating, ok?”
“Sounds like ain't another option”. You joke a little, trying to breathe by your nose.
Bishop smirks at you, putting his gaze away before leaving your house. He's always attentive, kindly and gentle with you, helping with whatever he can help without even asking him to do it. And it feels nice having someone who takes care of you so disinterestedly, and wanting nothing back. Just doing it because it's what he desiderate. And because of that, you obey every indication the man gives you without complain about it.
After having a shower and putting on some comfy sport clothes, you lie down on the sofa hugging a cushion. You don't feel better, with the stuffy nose and the dry throat. Have fever and a cold on a day like this it's a big shit, because Mayans pays pretty good jack for some hours serving beers and shots. And even if you don't need it, not at all, it's always okay to save some more money. Turning on the tv and looking for whatever to watch, you wait for your boss to come back, falling asleep in the process.
You can't know how much time has passed, when you feel a hand narrowing your shoulder gently with a sweet voice calling you. Opening your eyes so slowly, you find Bishop there. Getting up to sit, you cough covering your mouth with a fist.
“How you feel, ah?”
“I'm okay”. You lie, making him chuckle for a second.
“The sales' told me you should take one of this, every six hours”. He says then, giving you a small box of analgesics by taking it off from a cardboard box. “And I also bought you an orange juice”.
Putting it on the table, he walks to the kitchen, coming back towards you in just a few seconds. 
“Didn' know if you have a thermometer, so…” Having a sit by your side, he grabs it from inside the bag to take off the plastic that wraps it. “Okay, open your mouth”.
You can't help but laughing with some difficulties, taking it under your tongue and pressing your lips while he serves you the drink in the crystal glass. After exactly one minute, the thermometer beeps six times. Bishop removes it from your mouth, looking at the number that it's marking. The man clicks his tongue, somewhat disappointed.
“You will not work tonight”.
“But I'm okay!” You complain about his decision, whilst he's raising both eyebrows.
Ignoring you, the man takes one of the pills giving it to you and offering the juice with the other hand. Sighing heavy you obey again, pulling back your hair before it.
“You don' have to do'et”. You exhale resting the back against the sofa and turning your head to him.
“Do what?”
“Stay here. Take care of me like that”.
“Are you gonna do it?”
No. Not at all. If it were up to you, you would continue working on the scrapyard. But you have to recognize that you feel a little bit ashamed of Bishop seeing you looking like shit, and putting all your efforts so that he doesn't notice it.
“You can go, if you need it. I do—”.
“I'm staying till after lunch, you need to eat. So, go to bed and rest”. Palming one of your thighs, kicking off his boots and leaving the kutte on the armrest, he raises both eyebrows with no more gesture on his face.
You do it, again without any compliment knowing that you already lost the battle of working tonight at the Mayan party. Falling down on your bed and hugging your pillow with both arms, after lower the blind, you try to have some rest but because of your stuffy nose you know it's not a possibility. So you just lie there, with the door almost open but seeing Bishop focused in his phone through the opening. 
Sometimes you ask yourself why he is so gentle with you, since the first moment you met. With the time, you thought that maybe he had a kid and he was just being protective, or something like. But then you knew that he hadn't more family than Marcus Alvarez, el Padrino. You feel like a stalker watching him enraptured, trying to pretend you're not looking at him when the man gets up after some hours there. Maybe it's time to eat, but you have your phone in the living room. So you just wait again for Bishop.
And when a delicious smell slices into your room, calling you as the sweetest and charming melody, flooding it completely; you hear two knocks on your door, finding his shadow on the floor.
“Lunch is ready, c'mon, kid”.
“I'm not a kid”. You snort getting out from your door, as he laughs softly.
“You are, compared with me”.
“Yea', I'm sorry, Mr. Mummy”. You joke on him, coughing again as soon as you try to laugh walking towards the table. “Boiled veggies… Seriously, Obispo? 'Amma joke to you?”
“See? You're a kid”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
After being sure that you can take care of yourself for the moment, the president left your house to attend the party. Highlighting thousands times to call him in case you continue worse. You're not going to do it, because he has the right to have some fun and don't wasting his time being a nurse, but you nod the thousand times back. Even if you enjoyed his company, it's not fair.
Desperate and rough knocks hits your door, waking you up violently and jumping off from the sofa very dizzy. Your heart is about to stop because of the hits, walking sleepy towards the main door. 
“Why haven't you answered your phone, ah?! You scared the shit outta' me!”
“Shit, lower your voice, prez. My head is gonna explode”. You sob between growls.
Without expecting, he places a hand on your forehead and another on your nape. Clicking his tongue, he walks inside your house right to your room. With the door still open, he comes back holding a hoodie and a pair of sneakers.
“Put them on, we're going to the hospital”.
“Bishop, I'm fi—”.
“No, you're not”. He snorts somewhat upset, stretching both arms.
You know you can't fight against him, being more headstrong than you. So sitting on the closest chair, you put on the shoes before wearing the sweater. Walking by his side to the Coco's car, you have a seat on the copilot one, adjusting the seat belt around your body. You have never seen Bishop driving more than his bike, till today. And you have to recognize he does it pretty well too, thinking about something he's bad into. Nothing, apparently. Sometimes he's a little annoying, like now, knowing that you don't need to visit the urgencies.
In the road, you look for your insurance number in your phone, keeping it opened to fill the former as long as you're there. But he decided to do it for you, forcing you to wait for him at the waiting room. It's cold, at least, it's what you feel trembling slightly and curling your legs against your chest above the chair. Bishop doesn't look happy when he sits next to you, probably because the doctors are going to take a while to see you, with all the people there sitting behind your back. The man looks at you, with your eyes closed and breathing by your mouth, hearing somewhat like a zip being opened. You raise your gaze to him when he helps you to get up a little, so he can wraps you with his jacket.
“I got you, have some rest”. He speaks with a low tone, don't wanting to bother you, nor your headache, placing an arm on your shoulders pushing your body close to him.
Getting a little more comfy over his chest with your cheek resting there, you sigh closing your eyes feeling too tired. For you, it's just another cold. But for him, seems like you're dying. It's funny finding out how careful he can be. And you're starting to be okay with that when he ends up sitting you on his lap, thinking you could be better, curling your legs above the next chair whilst he's holding you tightly. Yes, it's feels so much better. Maybe it's not that bad being sick, even when you look like a helpless child sheathed by a jacket bigger than you and his arms surrounding your body.
Some long minutes after, when you're almost falling asleep and you're feeling warm, your name resonates through the megaphone. Bishops helps you to get up, still holding you and following the hallways to the doctor's office. 
“(Y/N)?” The man asks seeing you both come in after calling to the door.
“Yea'”. You mutter going straight to the stretcher and sitting there.
“How you feel, miss?”
“Pretty good, doc—”. You cough again, putting a hand on your chest when it rips you internally.
“She has almost one hundred and four”. Bishop talks then. “I gave her some analgesic, but ain't no working”.
“Okay, let's see”. The doctor nods taking the stethoscope. “Are you her partn—?”
“Her boss”.
“Lucky girl, then. My boss would kick my ass if I felt like you, miss”.
“Yea', I like to… take care of my mechanic. That little trouble knows who to fuck up my bike”. He chuckles, leaving an unexpected kiss on your left temple.
“A wise man. But I need you to leave the consult, so she can take off her shirt”.
“Ye—Yes. Sure”. Bishop agrees clearing his throat. “I'll be right there, okay?”
The study begins once you're alone, hearing your lungs and your heart beat, looking inside your throat and taking your temperature. It doesn't take much longer than three or four minutes, when the doctor asks you to get dressed again, but pull down a little your sweatpants so he can puncture some medicine on your lower back. It hurts like hell, feeling how the cold liquid running under your skin, making you press a little cotton against it after it's done.
“I'll recipe you some analgesic. And water. Drink a lot of water. Sometimes looks like foolishness, but it actually helps”. The man says, sitting at his deck and writing something you can't understand. 
Giving you the paper, he lets you go.
“And?” Bishop asks getting up from the wall, as long as he sees you.
“Medicine and water. And a gift prick”. You reply, putting his arm again on your shoulder and taking the recipe with his free hand. “My ass hurts”.
He laughs shaking his head, as you smirk softly surrounding his waist and resting your cheek against his cheek. You feel protected, even if you hate to feel defenseless. But with him, you accept it.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
It's been two days and life has come back to you, under Bishop's care and paranoia of taking your meds at a exactly time of the day. And you need to reward him. Of course, Marcus is who knows him better and you know how much his cousin could appreciate a homemade lunch. Tacos al pastor. A small cliche, but easy to prepare. So you actually surprise him when he comes to your house, with a random text saying him you're feeling worse. Five minutes it's the time it takes him to get there, hitting your door bell insistently.
“Hey! What's up? You okay?” He's about to have a heart attack, with shaky breathe and a worried look on his face.
“Food is gonna get cold”.
“What food? Are you okay or not?” Bishop asks coming in, following the delicious smell of meat mixed with pineapple.
“I'm okay, relax. It was just a joke”. You chuckle closing the door and pushing him by your hands on his back, guiding him to the table already served.
“Amma' fuckin' kill you…” He growls turning to you, visibly upset and somewhat angry.
“Sit, grumpy mummy”. Rolling your eyes, you point a sit.
“What is that for?”
“I'm thankful 'you have been so annoying, taking care of me”.
“You did— Is tha— Who told you?”
“I have my own contacts, presidente”. You almost sing raising your chin proud.
And you don't know at what time you find yourself lying on the sofa under his weight. His waist between your legs, whilst his tongue is fighting yours and your lips biting his whenever they can. You have no air in your lungs, but seems like you don't care pushing him closer with both hands on his nape and head. His are running through your body with needy caresses that he was containing for so long. And he's hard, pretty hard, rubbing the lump under his jeans against your wetted crotch. You want more, moaning because of the friction among your thighs, when he wraps your throat with a hand, raising a little your neck so he can kiss and suck the exposed skin.
But something bad seems like clicks his neurons, when he snorts heavily against your skin.
“I'm sorry, I can't”. He just says getting up from the sofa. “I can't do it. I gotta go, sorry”.
You are confused, raising your back by your forearms, with your eyes on him seeing how he takes his jacket thrown above the floor. Bishop leaves your house in silence. Also leaving you there trying to find the point where you have fuck him up. But there's no point. You were good, having a great moment, taking a first step. You really wanted it, even if it wasn't the way you liked to start a relationship with him, so Bishop might think it's the only thing you want from him. Taking care of you those days it just made you fall in love a little bit more, and maybe he's not. And he only wants to protect you of making yourself illusion about something smoky.
You only can wait till night, hoping that maybe he could come back or text you at least. But nothing happened, and you're not going to give up. 
It's the first time you reach the clubhouse in less than ten minutes, surprising yourself even, while you park the car next to the motorcycles. Seems like Mayans are having a party inside and, by that, you don't surprise. Coming in without calling, nor asking, being greeted by Gilly and Creeper with shouts and laughs. But you're not in the mood to joying them, finding Bishop dancing with one of Vicki's girl. Obviously. Sometimes it's too foreseeable. Without words, you walk towards him with a serious gesture on your face. He turns at you, as the blonde does.
“Isn't too soon to open the scrapyard?” The president is somewhat drunk, provoking some laughs around your.
It wasn't what you wanted, but plan b.
“I'm coming back to Guadalajara tomorrow, just came to return my uniform”. You reply, shaking your head a little, taking off the green shirt from your bag to leave it above the pool table.
The silence has been installed all around the clubhouse and even if he wants to hide his rage, he can't. Grabbing you by your left wrist, the president drags you inside the Templo letting you there with a soft push, at the same time he closes the glass door.
“The fuck is wrong with you?”
“With me? You're the one who is playing”.
“I'm not playing anything”.
“Oh, really? Then, you don't give a fuck if I go, or if I stay”.
He snort rubbing his face with both hands, supporting one on the column and other on his waist. He looks ratty, chuckling for no reason as he shakes his head.
“What the hell you want”.
“That's not going to happen”.
Bishop clicks his tongue, about to leave you there alone. Supporting the door almost opened, he finally closes it again. Walking next to you cross-armed, looking at you from top to bottom.
“Lemme' tell yo—”.
“No. Now you're gonna hear me, Obispo. What the fuck is wrong with you? A fuckin' boss doesn't take care of a fuckin' mechanic just because ‘that little trouble knows who to fuck up my bike’”. Highlighting those last words he said some nights before, you're pointing his chest with your forefinger. “I don' know what the hell you thought this morning, but I wasn' trying to give you a ride to thank you what you did for me… I called Marcus, 'cause two or three or… I don't give a fuck. Some months ago I heard you telling the guys that… there was nothing better, after a long week, that come back home and have some good food on the table. And Padrino told me how much you like those tacos”.
The president is staring at you apparently impassive and unflappable. 
“I like you, Obispo. I actually… love you”.
“Fuck is wrong with you?”
“Nothing is fuckin' wrong with me! Stop fuckin' asking that, Jesus Christ”.
“I could be your damn father”.
“But he's dead, and you're not. You don' even know my mother”.
“I'm not gonna ruin your life”.
“It was ruined before I met you, don't be so egocentric”. Rolling your eyes, you try to uncross his arms while he's pressing them tightly to his chest. “Fuck! Stop behaving like a child!”
“I'm not”.
“Yes, you are! Be a fuckin' man and recognize what you feel!” Reaching that point of the night, you're furious and mad as never, pushing his chest with both hands.
“I'm older than you and my hands aren't clean”. He insists walking back some steps.
“Good, congratulations. Do you want a medal, bad boy?”
“No, I want you to stay safe”.
“I am when we're together. I don' care about your age or mine, those are just numbers. And I don' care about your ‘job’, 'cause I know how to shoot a gun too”.
“It's n—”.
“You know what? You're a fuckin' coward”.
“Am I?” A bittersweet laughs escapes from his lips, putting away his eyes for a while.
“Yea'. You're letting me go 'cause you think you can ruin my life, actually ruining both whilst you're covering it with alcohol and putas, 'cause it's easier. That's not fair, Bishop. I can decided too”.
“You're coming back to Guadalajara”.
“'Course not! I just… Por el amor de Dios... I just wanted to talk with you. Alone”.
Bishop is about to reply with somebullshit. He sneezes. One time. Two times. Three times. You can't help but breaking in loud laughs, as he frowns his eyebrows cleaning his nose with the back of his hand.
“Fuckin' hate you”. He growls, with your hands surrounding his forearms to push him closer.
“Let's go home, prez…” The man wraps your waist, resting his forehead on your chest for a second.
“I'm fuckin' annoyen' when I'm sick”.
“Good that I don' care”.
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sunkissedpages · 4 years
breaking curfew || th x reader [part six]
A/N: what it do babey ahaha
Summary: When you got the job to be a counselor at the summer camp you’d grown up attending all your life, you expected to see some familiar faces. But you certainly hadn’t counted on having to work alongside the boy who had made it his life’s mission to make your life a living hell every summer. In fact, you thought you’d never have to see Tom Holland again. But he’s is in the cabin right across from yours with campers of his own- smirk, jawline, and all. If you didn’t know any better you might’ve thought that he applied for the position just to spite you, but who were you kidding? What kind of asshole would do something like that?
Warnings: swearing, fear of heights
What I listened to while writing: the breaking curfew playlist by @cinnamon-roll-peter!!
Word Count: 2.5k (updated)
Series Masterlist
Tom gulped nervously like he was suddenly reconsidering having to spend an undisclosed amount of time stuck in a small space with you. 
“Tom,” you growled and he took a step back. “What did you say?”
“I was just kidding,” he tried, but you didn’t buy it.
“No you weren’t, asshole. Who told you that?”
“I- um I just overheard your campers talking at dinner the other night?”
“Bullshit, what does ‘overheard’ really mean?”
“I may or may not have talked to them in passing...”
“What? When?”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You were preoccupied.” You still didn’t know what the fuck he meant. “With Ying,” he said like it should’ve been obvious. 
“So you think it’s okay to just take that opportunity to talk to my campers?” 
“They called me over!” 
You went on the offense. “What?! What did they want? What else did they say?”
“I don’t think I should-“
“They were just asking about why you didn’t like me...”
Thunder crackled in the distance and you narrowed your eyes at him, wondering if the flush on his face was from sunburn or nerves. “And? What did you say?”
“I just said I didn’t know! That you just haven’t liked me since we were kids.”
“Of course you made me look like the bad guy, Tom. Typical.”
Tom scowled, licking his lips. “What did you want me to say? That you’re still pissed about breaking curfew one time eleven years ago?”
“Fuck you, is that really all you remember from that night? From all those years?”
“Do you always live in the past?” He asked, seeming bored.
“Do you always use humor to compensate for your tiny dick?”
“You know what, y/n, maybe if you weren’t such a bitch all the time, your campers might actually like you and wouldn’t be asking why you can’t be more like me!”
You watched his eyes grow wide with shock as yours did in turn. Your jaw went slack and your mouth fell into an o-shape. Whatever insult you had been about to hurl next dissolved on your tongue and turned bitter. It didn’t matter now. 
Tom was quiet, standing with his arms crossed in front of you, offering no apology. Your eyes burned and you didn’t even try to blink the tears away. It was your fault for pressing him into telling you what your kids really thought of you, it was your fault that they felt that way about you in the first place. But to compare you to Tom of all people, that cut deep. What had you done in a past life to deserve that blow?
“I’m requesting a transfer,” you decided simply and turned on your heel to leave.
“Wait-” Tom stuttered. You were surprised he was saying anything at all. “What do you mean transfer?”
“I mean I’m transferring to another daytime activity, if they’ll let me. I’m done with Arts and Crafts.”
“You mean you’re done with me.”
Your hand on the doorknob was the only answer you gave, but Tom reached out to stop you again, placing his hand over yours. 
“It’s still storming,” he said in a tone of annoyance tinged with concern. “The campus is locked down.”
“Are you going to stop me?” you challenged, sniffling.
He looked back down at your hands still touching and considered it, but ultimately let go, choosing to watch you run off into the rain instead. 
You tossed and turned in your bunk that night, unable to fall asleep. The camp beds were uncomfortable already, the added stress of the day was only making it more difficult to drift off. Tom’s words played on repeat in your head as you laid there in the dark. 
Your girls lay sleeping silently in their bunks around you, unaware of what you’d learned. In all honesty, you had thought about quitting. Packing your bags and driving home and spending the summer working retail in the city. As miserable as that sounded, you felt like you had let your campers down, and that they deserved better. Zendaya had quickly talked you out of that and insisted that even if the things Tom had said were true that there was still time to turn things around.
The summer wasn’t even close to being over, and it wasn’t that the girls didn’t like you, they just... “had a few critiques about your counseling style” as Z had put it gently.
“No first-time counselor’s perfect,” she had assured you. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten my campers names already.”
“Yeah, but have they said they wished you were more like Tom?!” you had groaned back, flopping back onto her twin-sized bed.
“Um, no. But they’re young, y/n. They probably just think he’s cute and meant it as a compliment- not an insult to you.”
“But what about when they said I’m no fun?”
Zendaya took a deep breath. “You have been a little distracted lately,” she admitted. You made a face. “Tom threw you off, I know. You weren’t expecting him to be here and he’s a dick, trust me, I get it. But at the end of the day you have to put that aside so you can do your job and be the best you can for these kids, you know? I think they probably just want you to be more engaged. Less focused on some boy, and more focused on them.”
You knew she was right, but it was still hard to hear. Zendaya wasn’t the kind of person to be brutally honest for no reason. No, she was kind and compassionate. But sometimes she would tell you what you needed to hear- always with your best interest in mind.
When your alarm went off from under your pillow the next morning you had barely slept three hours altogether. You considered snoozing it and getting up when your campers did, but you knew that the only time you had to get ready was right then so you pushed yourself up and out of bed like you were being played back in slow motion. 
You went through your routine on autopilot. Brush teeth, shower, awkward half-naked conversation with Fy, get dressed, wake kids up, help them get ready for the day. It was honestly a blur up until breakfast when you were standing in line with your cabin for pancakes. 
“Are you guys excited for the competition today?” you asked them. “It’s a lake day.”
“Yes!” Amalia exclaimed immediately. “I hope it’s a swimming race because I’ve been practicing at free time!”
From the corner of your eye you saw Grace shrink a little bit into herself and tried to smile reassuringly at her. 
“There will be some swimming,” you admitted, just so that they could all be prepared, “but not everyone will have to swim.”
You were ambushed with rapidfire questions next, but you stubbornly refused to tell them anything about the competition. Everyone else had to wait until the afternoon to learn what it was going to be, you weren’t going to give your campers an advantage by telling them what the activity was. Plus, it would ruin the fun. 
You smiled when the nagging subsided and they knew they weren’t going to get anything else out of you, but teased them with your superior knowledge about the activity all morning. 
By the time the actual event rolled around you were a little worried the hype wouldn’t live up to the actual activity. But as soon as your campers saw the pool inflatables they took off at a sprint down the hill towards the lake without warning, leaving you chasing after them with all of their backpacks and water bottles. 
For once you were early and had to wait for the rest of the camp to arrive before the competition could start, but your girls were already ready to go. It hadn’t even been explained yet, but there was a collection of fun pool floats down at the shore of the lake including, but not limited to: a flamingo, a popsicle, a watermelon slice, a shark, a pizza, a swan, a turtle, a unicorn, an iphone, a car, a rainbow, and a cat. 
They were scattered along the shore and were to be used in a partner race. Each camper would partner up with another and choose a float. One camper would get on the float and the other would be in charge of navigating it. The camper in the water was supposed to do all of the pushing and kicking while the one on top of the float could help with paddling. 
Since your cabin had five campers you teamed up with Grace. It was perfect because you knew how nervous she got around water events and could let her be the one on the float no problem. 
When Lorraine blew the whistle for the event to start chaos broke loose. You were going to let Grace pick your team’s float, but she was too slow so you grabbed the first one you could find- which just so happened to be an orange creamsicle with a bite taken out of it. 
Grace hopped onto the float and you pushed it out into the water, kicking as hard as you could. Three minutes in your stupid, ill-fitting swimsuit was riding down and your lungs were burning, but you still went as hard as you could until you reached the finish line. 
When you finally came up for air and rubbed the water from your eyes you saw Grace laughing along with the other campers who had finished around the same time. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked, putting your hands on your hips even though they couldn’t seem them under water. 
“You ran right into Theo and Amalia!” Grace snorted.
“I did?” You had absolutely no recollection of doing that, you must’ve truly been going buckwild if you didn’t even notice you had run into your own campers. You felt terrible until you saw them all giggling about it and decided to play along. “Well maybe you two shouldn’t have been in my way!”
“You’re the one who can’t swim straight!” Theo argued defensively. 
You shook your head. “I don’t know about that, I think we’re going to need to watch the replay to see who’s right.”
It wasn’t much, but they were laughing. You knew you wouldn’t be able to turn things around between you and your campers completely right away, but it was a start in the right direction. 
After everyone finished racing the winners were announced and then there was a little extra free time to spend at the lake before dinner. Cabin 11 ended up coming in third place which the girls were completely over the moon about, mostly because they beat a lot of high schoolers- which you thought was completely valid.
When event cleanup was finished and everyone was chilling by or in the water, a handful of counselors suggested cliff jumping from a wide ledge that overlooked the lake. You were going to decline the invitation when Harrison asked, but Tom said “nah, y/l/n won’t come she’s not a fun counselor”. The way he said it in front of your campers with his stupid smirk and stupid friends all watching made your blood boil.
Obviously that was a dare and obviously you had to take it, because you weren’t going to look like a pussy in front of all of your peers. And you weren’t about to let your campers down either. What’s the worst that could happen?
The cliff was a good bit higher than you were expecting, but you still told yourself you could do it. Everyone else up here was going to jump and they’d all be fine so you could too, right?
The ledge was probably only forty or fifty feet from the water’s surface, but once you were actually up there looking down it seemed miles away. Your campers looked like tiny dots bobbing in the water below, and you couldn’t even make out who was who. You gulped, and took a step back, pressing yourself up against the sturdy wall of the mountain for balance. 
You could hear Zendaya’s voice in the back of your mind, scolding you for giving in to peer pressure- from Tom of all people. You knew she was down there too, probably biting her nails ragged like she did when she was nervous. 
A cool breeze was making your wet swimsuit cling to your skin even more than it already was and you wrapped your arms around your shoulders in an unsuccessful attempt to fend off the chill. 
Unaware of you cowering in the corner, Harrison volunteered himself to go first. Taking a leap of faith off of the cliff, he spread his arms out like a bird and flipped into the water, shouting and screaming the whole time. 
The rest of the counselors took turns jumping, running, and pushing each other off the edge before plunging into the murky lake while you hung back. There were only a handful of jumpers left when Tom finally noticed you hiding behind everyone else. 
“You look like you’re about to puke.”
“I might,” you admitted, but shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.
Unexpectedly, his face softened and his eyes crinkled with worry. “You know you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, y/n.”
“Why, so you can make fun of me for chickening out later and hold it over my head for the rest of the summer?”
“I mean that would be a bonus, but-”
You took a shaky step forward towards the jumping point. “You’re the one who said I’m boring, okay? I know you wanted me up here just so you could get back at me for transferring and prove to yourself I’m a quitter or whatever you need to tell yourself. Don’t try and backpedal now.”
You were the only two up there now, and you could hear confused shouting from 
“So what if I didn’t think you would do it?” Tom argued. “It’s just not like you!”
“You don’t know anything about me, Tom!” you shouted back. “And you don’t even like me so why do you care?”
He scoffed and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t.” 
You pushed past him to the rocky drop-off of the cliff, pausing to take a deep breath when your toes were dangling over edge. You heard Tom shout something as you fell, but it was lost in the wind whistling past your ears. 
The impact on the water knocked the air out of your lungs and made your vision go cloudy fast. You were still falling, deeper and deeper into the water, the glassy surface disappearing out of reach above you as you sunk. 
When you finally had the sense to try and swim towards the sunlight, pain tore its way up through your right arm and you tried to scream out in agony, but were suffocated by the water around you, pulling you deeper still. 
You were forced to use your left arm to try and claw your way to the surface, ignoring the way the pain from your other arm was making you feel lightheaded. Black spots danced in your vision and you were so far gone that you didn’t even notice someone swim up behind you and grab you by the waist to pull you to safety.
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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Breaking Curfew Tags: @lafemmefatal​ @sebastianstansbae @t0mh0llandimagines​ @draqcnheartstrinq​ @ragnarqks​ @di3connected​ @its-the-unknownspidey​ @fandomhoe​ @fallingspidey @obsequentdiapason @goldenpeaxh @timelock97​ @theefactorygirl​ @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @rhapsodyparker​ @sunshiney-souls​ @bluevelvetcosmos​ @sebxstianbarnes​ @peterbrokenparker​ @emilymarie0422​ @fangirlingisajob​ @tomzfrog​ @castieltheredfox​ @still-awake-daydreaming​ @morbiddanvers​ @jurassicparker​ @originalpinkpowerranger​ @curlyshawnie​ @myfinalwords​ @ilytomholland @tomhollandseverything​ @imfreefallinall​ @maddub23​ @eastofeeden​ @hollandary​ @spideyyeet​ @seaveyheartful​ @jackandsally9605 @itsthwippingtime​ @occhiolism-sonder​ @sunshine96love​ @maybemona​ @tomhollandsbitch​ @thedaydreamingwriter @wannabewolf​ @jessasarah​ @maryjane-michelle​ @spidxrparkxr​ @alinakaisato​ @iriaaarb​ @natasha-black-widow-romanoff @dobriksbitch​ @caretheunicorn​ @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​ @mukesnugget​ @xmade-of-memoriesx​ @superhappyholland​ @quackson-love​ @bitchwhytho​ @notevenlxvely​ @dancingunicorn113 @spiderbibby​@crookedlyshamelessnacho @shezzalocked​ @honeybittersweet​ @head-auror-potter​ @itsalwaysthequietone4​ @staringmoony​ @valdanvers​
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I saw that you included the belly kink in that fic you wrote, loved it by the way. Can we get some more of that? Including stuffed kohga if you're into that?? The man loves eating, after all
You're asking for Sooga's fantasy, is what you're saying. You're asking for EVERY yiga's fantasy, essentially. Let's go
"Is everything ready?"
"Just about! Keep stalling!"
Mipha motioned for Sooga to get back into the dining hall. It was THE Master’s birthday today, and Sooga was running around this way and that to make sure it was perfect. The champions were here, the princess, and of course, every member of the clan. Mipha and Link were currently cooking in the kitchen, working on his cake, all while Kohga was being entertained in the dining hall. One of the blade master’s, conveniently enough, was a former performer, and was doing a rather good job at entertaining his master. It WAS rather impressive, though Sooga wished he didn't have to doge during the fire swallowing trick. Nearly singed his hair. Kohga clapped as the blade master bowed, totally entertained.
"Did you SEE that?! He just swallowed a fucking FLAMEBLADE!"
"Swallowing IS my forté, Master Kohga."
Sooga shot him a warning glance at that flirt, and it took so much of him NOT to beat his ass. He cleared his throat as he knelt down to the birthday boy.
"Are you having fun so far, Master Kohga?"
"Loads. But it'd be better if you stopped running around and started celebrating WITH me.”
Kohga grabbed at his chin, pulling him closer, and for a moment, Sooga contemplated just cancelling everything, and kicking everyone out of the room. But Kohga was worth far more than that. He chuckled, lightly bonking his mask with his.
“I will, I swear. But you’d be disappointing everyone who worked so hard to celebrate your greatness. Plus scheduling this took almost a whole week.”
“Fuss fuss fuss, that’s all you do.”
Kohga scoffed, finally letting him go. He could tell that despite his disappointment, he found Sooga’s affections sweet. So much work has gone to make HIS day even more special. Kohga looked like he was going to complain some more, when suddenly, from out of the kitchen, came not only a few blade masters, but the champions, helping carry the BIGGEST cake you’ve ever seen. That caught Kohga’s attention, and he sat up in his seat, clapping wildly. It wasn’t JUST this beautiful cake being brought forth (heavy on the caramel icing), but all types of food that he LOVED, all in one table. Fried bananas, meat stews, tabantha bakes, all types of creamy, thick soups, bowls of tender, delicious meat, and all types of various rice dishes. Best part? Not a SINGLE fish dish in sight. Kohga looked nearly excited enough to jump out of his special birthday chair.
“Is THIS what you spent so long doing? Is this why you ‘forgot’ my breakfast this morning?”
“Perhaps. Please, eat as much as you please. I take it you’re ready for presents?”
“Yes! Gimme ALL of them!”
Little did Kohga know, he’d be getting a VERY special gift tonight, thanks to Sooga.
“Today was the best day EVER!”
“I couldn’t tell, given how much you were laughing and hugging everyone. Even Revali.”
“Hey he’s not bad when he’s sloshed.”
Kohga chuckled once Sooga set him down, bringing in his new presents right after. Hair clips from Revali, a friendship bracelet from Mipha, a birthday crown from Zelda, monster rice balls from Link (he didn’t question it), hard liquor from Urbosa, and LOTS of goron spice from Daruk. It was sweet, all of it was. Sooga chuckled as he finished bringing everything in, watching as Kohga sat there comfortably, rubbing at his VERY full tummy. Sooga sat down next to him, kissing the top of his head.
“Perfect birthday?”
“Almost. I ate so much other food, I didn’t get to try the cake.”
“Oh! I saved you a slice, just in case. It’s over...here!”
Sooga dug into the pile of stuff, and pulled out a plate. It held the neatest, biggest piece of cake he could get. Kohga chuckled, leaning over to lightly shove his shoulder.
“You saved me a piece? Why did I expect anything else from someone like you?”
“I’ll take that as a complement. Here, I have a fork.”
Sooga sat back down, cake in his hand, when something in him..clicked. Maybe it was his Master being happy. Maybe it was the fact that he ate SO much food, so full of gluttony and greed. He was surprised anyone got any food to eat in his wake. And he saw it, in that big, full tummy of his. It looked even bigger, even grander than ever.
“Could I feed this to you?”
Why would he ask that? Why would ANYONE ask that? He was about to apologize, when Kohga chuckled, slightly shaking his head.
“I mean, sure. Less effort for me, why not? Long as I get my cake.”
Kohga lifted his mask up a bit, just for his mouth. Sooga froze for a moment as Kohga sat there, mouth open and expecting. He..shouldn’t keep him waiting, right? He nodded, grabbed a piece, and put it right in his Master’s soft, plush mouth. He licked the frosting off of his lips, nodding in approval.
“That is a VERY good cake right there. Nice and moist.”
“I..take all the food was to your liking?”
“Oh definitely. The chicken curry, salted greens, oh and the tabantha bakes! I LOVED the tabantha bakes!”
He kept feeding Kohga piece by piece, watching as his lips enjoyed bite after bite. Kohga...did eat a LOT tonight. So many plates of warm, hearty food.
“I could tell. You kept dunking them in the poultry pilaf.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I have no idea how many plates of those that I ate.”
“I’d be more concerned over how many bowls of rice and meat you ate.”
Kohga groaned, giving his stomach a nice, satisfied rub.
“Ugh that meat was SO good. The rice was nice and sticky, the meat was juicy, you could wring that shit out. Thank god you got that cake, I’m starting to get hungry again.”
Sooga nodded as he kept sitting there, putting more and more cake into his mouth. Kohga was ever so hungry. Big, beautiful body DID need so many calories to keep it running. Sooga eventually ran out of cake, and he found himself still glancing at his big, heavy tummy. Kohga saw there was no more cake, and pouted.
“Ugh. I kinda want more cake. You think I should fast after this?”
“No! Absolutely not. You eat until you feel satisfied, Kohga. If you want to eat, you want to eat. I can go into the kitchen, have them make you another cake. Maybe something else to eat?”
“I’d KILL for a mushroom omelette right now. But I don’t want you to leave.”
Sooga thought about getting Kohga’s food anyway, but he just. Kept looking at how Kohga kept massaging at his tummy. Clearly he needed his help.
“Then I shall stay. We can give you a nice, big breakfast in the morning instead.”
“Whatever keeps us both here.”
Kohga burped into his hand, and Sooga immediately felt awful. His poor master’s stomach was clearly in need of his comforting hand. He crawled up to him, suddenly finding both hands on his belly, rubbing it in small, slow circles.
“I’ll stay here as long as you need. You just relax, my Master.”
Kohga chuckled, looking as if he’d stop Sooga’s fussing, only to put his hands behind his head, and continue to let him. Kohga didn’t speak as Sooga tenderly massaged his belly, staring at it longingly. It was so big, so beautiful, so full of everything that was good in this world. Sooga was attracted to him for his hands, his voice, his confidence, but honestly? His belly was his favorite part of him. He could feel the softness under the yiga uniform, feel the warmth under his fingertips. It was so lovely, so precious, just the weight of it all.
“Jesus Sooga, you’re easy.”
Kohga used his head to motion downward. Sooga looked down, and found himself aroused. VERY aroused. He pulled his hands away, grabbing a pillow to cover himself.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“I didn’t say you had to stop, you know. Go on, do your thing. Don’t forget, you haven’t given me my birthday present yet~”
Sooga thought about refusing, but...well, he hadn’t gotten him a gift just yet. And he really, REALLY wanted this. He put the pillow back, and buried his face into Kohga’s stomach. One hand was used to grab and grope at his belly, the other was used to free his cock from his cloth confines. Kohga had such a big, wonderful tummy, he hated how absolutely hard it made him.
“I...really like your stomach, Master Kohga.”
“Ah ah ah. YOU’RE jerking off because of my stomach, on MY birthday. You call it ‘poochy tummy’ like a good boy.”
“Must I?”
“You wanna cum, then yes.”
Sooga groaned. He hated that everyone called it that, it was stupid, But, if that’s what it took, so be it.
“I...really like your poochy tummy. A lot. Especially after you eat. You look so full and content after you stuff yourself.”
Sooga was already panting, grip tight and slow on his cock, just how preferred it. It didn’t help that Kohga put his hand on his head, affectionately petting him like he was such a good boy.
“That why you offered to feed me cake?”
“Pfft. Pervert. But I like it, it’s cute, knowing your cock gets so hard for my full belly. You could totally feed me again, would you like that?”
Sooga’s whine was stifled by Kohga’s big tummy, but Kohga was taking that as a yes. Sooga was sitting here, pumping his cock because he wanted to make his big belly even fuller. Such a cute bottom. Sooga liked this so much, he was already feeling himself at the edge.
“Master Kohga, I don’t think I’m going to l-last much-”
“You gonna stay there, or you gonna get up here and cum on my poochy tummy?”
The idea excited Sooga so much, he practically leapt up to sit right on him. With a slow, tender hand, Sooga sat there, pumping his cock (and even rubbing his cock RIGHT on him, like a dream). Then he came. Ribbons of cum came from him, littering his big, soft tummy, it reminded him of a nice, fresh cinnamon roll. Sooga sat there for a moment, trying to take in the fact that his cock was sitting there, amongst his own cum, right on Kohga’s tummy. Kohga chuckled, giving a light shake of his head.
“You JUMPED for that, didn’t you big boy? Not that I mind, I wanted some more dessert.”
Kohga swiped his finger across Sooga’s head, and licked that bit of cum off his finger.
Kohga may be the gluttonous one, but Sooga was truly the one who was hungry.
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littlespoonevan · 4 years
Ik you’re probably a busy person but if you ever wrote a fic about gallavich being soft, domestic husbands I think I’d combust
anon said:Can we pretend i didn’t just said that? Gallavich
anon said: "Can we pretend I didn’t just say that?“ for Gallavich please!
asjksdh okay i have been thinking abt this for weeks. this is disgustingly domestic and i’m so sorry but i legit Could Not help myself lol enjoy
Ian bats aimlessly at his alarm clock when it startsringing, curling his arms back around Mickey as soon as he gets it to stop.“S’your turn to make breakfast,” he mutters, words half muffled by Mickey’sshoulder.
Mickey makes a sound somewhere between a groan and agrunt, dragging the covers up tighter around them. “’m supposed to get Frannyup.”
“You did that yesterday,” Ian mumbles, half-heartedlypushing at Mickey’s side only to reel him back in close against him when hemoves an inch.
Mickey grumbles something unintelligible, pullingIan’s arm tight around him like it’s a blanket. “Can’t Carl do it? Earn hisfuckin’ keep here?”
“Carl’s got the early shift this morning,” Ianreplies with a great amount of effort. Fuck he wants to go back to sleep. “He’salready gone.”
Mickey huffs but neither of them make an attempt tomove, the cold January morning seeming far too unappealing when they’re wrappedup so comfortably in each other’s arms. Ian is just on the brink of fallingback to sleep when the tell-tale patter of footsteps make their way into theirroom. Holding back a whimper, Ian lifts his head, squinting over Mickey’sshoulder to where Franny’s standing patiently in front of their bed.
“Franny, who helped you get ready yesterday morning?”he asks.
“Uncle Ian!” she announces proudly, pointing straightat him, and Ian doesn’t need to look down to know Mickey’s grinning smugly evenwith his eyes still closed.
“Have fun making breakfast,” Mickey tells him,finally deigning to get up properly as he sits up and holds his arms out toFranny. “Come on, kid, let’s play naptime before you get dressed.”
Ian lets out a long-suffering sigh, climbing overMickey as he picks Franny up and plonks her on the spot Ian just vacated.“Remember, count to one hundred and then you wake Uncle Mickey up from hisnap,” Mickey tells her, waiting for Franny’s serious nod before he lies backdown, throws Ian one last satisfied smirk and closes his eyes.
Ian flips him off when Franny’s not looking and dragshimself into the bathroom.
Mickey makes his way down the stairs with Frannyfifteen minutes later, both of them fully dressed and presentable, and fightsback a grin at the sight of Ian at the stove. As soon as they enter kitchen hedeposits Franny in her chair at the table next to Liam and ambles over to Ian,hugging him from behind and burying his face between Ian’s shoulder blades.
“You already got like ten extra minutes in bed,” Iancomplains, smacking his hand lightly with the spatula. When Mickey doesn’tdignify that with a response he continues with a soft, “You want eggs?”
“Yes please,” Mickey mumbles, taking a second tomarvel at the fact that this is somehow what counts for normality in his lifenow.
“Liam,” Ian calls. “You want toast with your eggs?”
“Yeah,” Liam says as Mickey hears the scraping of thechair on the linoleum floor. “I’ll get the toaster, your husband seemsincapacitated.”
“Hey, I’m doin’ just fine right here,” Mickey retorts,mouth lifting up in satisfaction at the way Ian leans into him a little more.“But throw on a slice for me too, would ya?”
He doesn’t miss the very deliberate eyeroll Liamthrows him as he passes them but Mickey sees him put an extra slice of bread inthe toaster for him so he decides not to bitch about it.
Ian touches his hand then, looking over his shoulderto get Mickey’s attention. “You able to pick up Franny from Kev and V’s later?”he asks. “I’m not gonna be home ‘til after 6.”
“I got it,” Mickey says, leaning up on his toes to presstheir lips together before Ian can go back to focusing on the eggs.
“Thank you,” Ian murmurs, covering Mickey’s hand withhis own for a minute before he shakes him off to start divvying up the eggsonto plates. “Liam, make sure you got everything for school alright? We’releaving straight after breakfast.”
“Got it,” Liam says, sliding past them with aplateful of toast. And it’s weird, Mickey thinks, how much of a routine they’veestablished in such a short time. Hell, Debbie’s only been for a week or two.But this feels so settled, so comfortable, Mickey can’t really remember whatthey used to do in the mornings before this.
As soon as Ian steps through the door that evening hedrops his gear bag heavily on the floor, just about managing to hang his coaton the hook and toe off his shoes before he’s diving headfirst onto the couchand into Mickey’s lap. He spends approximately ten seconds rearranging himselfuntil he’s curled on his side with his head on Mickey’s lap before he’s contentthat this is how he’s gonna stay for the rest of the night. “Mm, hey.”
Mickey huffs out a laugh, hand travelling to Ian’shead as his fingers run through Ian’s hair. “Hey. Long day?”
“There was a car accident downtown,” Ian sighs,closing his eyes as Mickey’s ministrations ease the tension in his temples.“Three cars and a van. It was messy.”
Mickey hums in sympathy and Ian is so fucking gladhe’s home with him again. “You eat anything?”
“Not since lunch,” Ian yawns.
“Wanna order a pizza for dinner then?”
Ian feels his mouth lift in a smile, blindly reachingup to pat whatever part of Mickey he can reach. “This is why I married you.”
“Just this, huh?” Mickey asks sceptically. “Nothin’to do with you bein’ obsessed with me since you were fifteen?”
Ian rolls onto his back to stare up at Mickey withshrewd eyes. “Pretty sure it was a mutual obsession.”
“In your dreams, firecrotch,” Mickey scoffs but thesoftness in his eyes betrays him. It always does.
Ian loves it.
“Everything go okay with Liam and Franny?”
“Last I checked Liam was doin’ homework and Frannywas colouring,” Mickey says. “They’re in the kitchen.”
Ian nods, finds Mickey’s hand and gives it gratefulsqueeze. With Lip moved out and renovating the new house and Debbie potentiallygetting locked up, Ian honestly doesn’t know what he would’ve done if Mickeyhadn’t been here to help him deal with all of this.
As if knowing he’s being discussed, Liam comes intothe living room, announcing his presence with a snort – no doubt at theirposition on the couch.
“Hey, little man,” Ian greets, holding an arm out togesture Liam over.
He comes, albeit reluctantly since he’s currently atthat age where he’s pretending he’s too old for affection. It just makes Ianwant to hug him harder, make up for all the ways Liam got left to the waysidethe past few months.
He pulls Liam onto the edge of the couch, holding himin place with an arm around his middle. “You have a good day at school?”
“It was fine,” he says, ever an open book.
“How’d the book report go?”
“Crushed it, obviously.”
Ian grins, reaching up with his free hand to ruffleLiam’s hair. “Hell yeah you did. You want pizza for dinner?”
Liam turns to look between him and Mickey, eyebrowsraised suspiciously like they’re bullshitting him. “Always.”
“Get the takeout menu off the fridge and call it in,”Ian tells him. “Pick whatever you want.”
“No fucking anchovies though,” Mickey warns.
Liam waves him off, standing up when Ian releases himand scuttling back into the kitchen.
Ian relaxes back into the couch then, head stillpillowed on Mickey’s thigh as he closes his eyes once again.
“You plannin’ on staying like this all night?” Mickeyasks bemusedly, even as he reaches his hand up to run over Ian’s arm.
“Nah, I’ll sit up to eat my pizza.”
Mickey lets out a laugh, touch making Ian tingle ashe scratches at the base of Ian’s skull. “Whatever. Don’t come cryin’ to mewhen you get a crick in your neck.”
Later on, when they’ve gorged on too much pizza andMickey is slipping pleasantly into a food coma Ian begrudgingly drags himselfaway from Mickey’s side to put Franny to bed. “Come on, munchkin,” he says,swinging her up into his arms and stepping over the toys on the floor to getaround the couch. “Time to brush your teeth.”
Mickey watches him go and feels a fierce kind offondness burn in his stomach. He always thought he was immune to that girlybullshit of finding guys who are good with kids attractive but evidently not.Or maybe he just finds Ian attractive – in every context.
He doesn’t realise he’s being watched until Liamspeaks, making him snap his gaze guiltily away from Ian’s retreating figure upthe stairs.
“Are you and Ian gonna move out?” Liam asks andMickey screws his face up in confusion.
“Why the fu- why would we do that?” he says, clearinghis throat. He’s been trying to swear less in front of the kids. Fat fuckinglot of good it does when Carl curses like a champ. “We got a perfectly goodhouse here.”
Liam shrugs. “Fiona did and now Lip has too. It kindof makes the most sense for you two to move out next since you’re married andall.”
Mickey eyes him for a minute, catches sight of theway Liam’s shoulders hunch slightly under his scrutiny and feels his own oldabandonment issues come to the surface. He’s pretty sure he knows why the kid’sasking. “Nah, man,” he says casually. “Me and Ian are on probation and have nomoney after the wedding. We’re only both just getting back to work – we’re notgoing anywhere for a while.”
Liam nods and he looks way too fucking pensive for aten year old.
“Besides,” Mickey finds himself continuing, feelingawkward and entirely unsure of how to navigate this conversation. He’s stillgetting used to being sincere with people who aren’t Ian. “Even if we did moveout you know your brother’d kill me if we didn’t take you with us.”
And it’s worth it to see the way Liam immediatelyperks up. “Seriously?”
“Hell yeah. Ian’s not gonna leave you alone untilyou’re eighteen. Prepare yourself; you’re gonna be sick of him by then.”
Liam pauses for a moment before saying a quiet, “Thanks,Mickey,” and wearing a genuine smile on his face for once as he pushes himselfout of his chair.
Ian comes back down the stairs as he starts to leavethe room, stalling him with a hand on his shoulder. “You okay, buddy?”
“Yeah,” Liam nods. “Just gonna read for a while beforebed.”
“Nerd,” Ian teases gently, an affectionate smile onhis face that does things to Mickey’s heart. “See you in the morning.”
Ian locks eyes with him as soon as Liam’s gone andMickey really thought he’d be used to the way his insides go all warm when Ianlooks at him like that but apparently not. Ian takes a seat next to him againand Mickey somehow ends up with his legs half draped over Ian’s as he turns toface him. He’d say it’s part of the honeymoon phase but truth is, as soon as hefinally felt comfortable enough to touch Ian however and whenever he wanted hecouldn’t stop. He can’t now either.
“Thank you,” Ian says when they’re settled, one ofhis arms around Mickey’s shoulders while his fingers dance over the exposedskin there. “For helping out, I mean. I know this isn’t exactly how you plannedfor our first few weeks of married life to go.”
Mickey offers him a self-deprecating shrug. “You knowI don’t mind,” he says softly. “Besides, it’s good practice, right?”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth he wants totake them back. Not least of all because Ian is suddenly staring at him withwide eyes, mouth dropped open in shock.
“Okay can we pretend I didn’t just say that?” hestarts but Ian cuts him off with a frantic shake of his head.
“Nope!” he declares, looking way too fuckingdelighted as he grabs hold of Mickey’s wrist. “Did you just say you’re enjoyingdomestic life? With kids?”
Mickey rolls his eyes so hard they almost roll rightout of his head, shoving Ian’s chest. “No, I did not say that. Fuck you.”
“Little bit you did though,” Ian grins, wrestling himuntil he’s pulled Mickey beneath him and is leaning up over him on his elbows.“Mickey Milkovich: house husband. Who would’ve thought?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Mickey grouses but there’s noheat behind the words.
Ian’s expression softens and he leans down untilthere’s hardly an inch of space between them. “For the record,” he murmurs. “Ididn’t think it was possible to be more attracted to you until I saw youcooking dinner with a toddler on your hip.”
Mickey groans, covering his face with his hands tohide the fact he’s about to start blushing hard. “Jesus christ, Ian.”
Ian attempts to pull his hands away and after a smallsigh of defeat, Mickey lets him. “You need to go steal a car or something? Makeyourself feel like a bad boy again?”
Mickey glares at him and tries desperately hard notto smile. It’s not his fault Ian’s goofy-lookin’ grin is so fucking infectious.“I fucking hate you.”
“Hate you too,” Ian beams, closing the distance betweenthem and drawing Mickey into a languid kiss.
And Mickey’s helpless not to kiss back, helplessagainst the way his toes curl when Ian flicks his tongue against his. Twistinghis hands in Ian’s hair, he pulls him down further and holds him place.
Okay, so maybe he doesn’t hate Ian all that much.
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only-lonely-stars · 3 years
The Future is Bright, Chapter 4
[Chapter 1 (Beginning)] // [Chapter 3] // [Chapter 4 - you are here!] // [Chapter 5] // [Chapter 10 (End)] (FFN)
Cole and Jay have a bro talk in this installment... maybe a refresher would be nice. After all, it’s been years since they saw their futures.
Summary: What would happen if Cole had indeed had a reflection in the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master? How would that have changed his life later? What would it have been? This story follows what might have happened if he had seen something, and what it was; who he would have become. What if his future was already decided?... (Rated T for safety. Alternate title: the Cosmic Spoilers AU.)
Chapter 4: Late Night, Early Morning
When the Ninja at last returned home from Shintaro, it was very late in the evening.
That night, everyone went to bed quickly, content with sleeping off their accumulated exhaustion. Their time under the mountain had worn them down, breaking their defenses and walls of fortitude with a quick strength that was rarely found elsewhere. Now they were tired beyond belief– most of them were too tired to think.
When they arrived at the Monastery, Cole tried to rest as well. He went to bed and readied himself for it... but quickly found he couldn't sleep. He was tired, but his mind wouldn't rest.
In his defense, Cole had a lot to think about. His mother, the temple of the Masters of Earth, the Geckles and Munce, the Sorcerer… Vania… his future. There was so much to wonder about, so much to ponder and process. It was certainly too much for a sleeping Cole to process, clearly... so he didn't manage to rest at all.
Some time around two in the morning, Cole eventually roused himself from bed. It was defeatist to try to sleep now, so why try any more? He wandered around the Monastery, looking for rest, but found none. Even a glass of water and a slice of ice cream cake from the freezer didn't help, although it did wake him up, so he went back to wandering.
As he wandered, Cole eventually spotted a dim light in the living room. He headed to the doorway to see who it was.
When he poked his head in, Cole spotted Jay, lying on the couch with a comic book and a reading light that was entirely too big for what he was reading. Jay's face was the picture of focus, and he read with intense ferocity, completely engrossed. Cole stifled a snicker. That was his brother, all right, completely stuck in his own world. This was the perfect chance to get his revenge for that night in the palace!
Silently, with all the stealth a master ninja should muster, Cole snuck up behind Jay. He was thankful for the low amount of light, because he didn't cast a shadow that night. Jay didn't notice his presence at all, only turning another page in blissful ignorance... he was the perfect prey.
For a moment, Cole primed himself. After he was sure in his footing, he grinned and took a breath. Then he tackled Jay.
"EEK!" Jay screeched, landing on the floor with a hard thump as Cole landed on top of him, the comic book and light falling face-down on the floor. Jay immediately started to struggle against Cole's grip. "WHAT IN THE FSM!"
Cole burst into laughter and grabbed a pillow, whisper-shouting in Jay's face. "For Shintaro!" After saying so, he immediately whapped Jay in the face with it.
"Oh my word– COLE!" Jay grabbed the pillow, using it as a shield. "Let me up!"
Cole only laughed more, having pinned him. He would've kept laughing if Jay hadn't smacked him in the face with the pillow, knocking him to the side enough that he could get up. "Cole! How dare you!"
"Easily!" he retorted, still laughing a little.
"Okay, for one, that was completely unfair," Jay pouted, throwing the pillow back on the couch and grabbing his book to point the light at Cole. "For two, I'm gonna get you back for that. Way to scare a guy!"
"Yeah, I know." Cole grinned shamelessly, adrenaline settling already. "That's why I did it."
"Seriously! Thanks a lot," Jay pouted.
"Sorry." He got to his feet, not feeling that sorry. "I just saw the opportunity and took it."
"It's fine," Jay drawled, ruffling his already-messy hair. "I should've been paying more attention. Then I could have gotten you into a grip hold and made you yield!"
Cole snickered more. "Like you could've heard me! I'm the quietest of all of us."
"I don't agree, but whatev's." He rolled his eyes. "Is there any reason for you being up this early besides to scare me?"
Cole sighed, his thoughts coming back around to the forefront of his mind. His coherency dried up as he struggled to put them to words. "I, uh… I never went to bed, actually."
Jay's jaw dropped. "Seriously? Why not? You're exhausted!"
Cole nodded dumbly, feeling dumb. "Yeah, uh…" He gesticulated wildly. "You know. Future stuff. Shintaro. The thing with the tomb. Couldn't sleep."
Shock gone immediately, Jay instead raised an eyebrow, gleeful. "Oh, I see. Do you mean your crush on Vania, or hers on you?"
"Jay!" Cole groaned. "I do not have a crush on Vania, okay? Stop saying it!"
"Sure, sure you don't. I believe you."
"It's true!"
Jay nodded, clearly disbelieving. "Mhm. It's totally true. One hundred percent."
"Come on!" Cole felt like he was pleading with him. "I'm telling the truth."
"What, do you expect me to actually believe you? It's obvious!"
"Wh– yes, I expect you to actually believe me! Why would I lie?!"
"Oh, I dunno. Maybe because you don't want it to be true!" Jay laughed. "You're the one literally losing sleep over it."
Cole hesitated. "...You got me there."
"I got you with all of it. Don't lie to me."
"You're the one accusing me of lying about how I feel? That's rich."
"Not the point!" Jay crossed his arms. "Just out with it. What's really wrong here? Otherwise, I'm going to assume it's because you didn't get Vania's phone number before we left."
Cole glared at the floor, silently retorting that yes, he actually did get her number. It wouldn't help his case to say so, though...
"Fine." He looked up at Jay, feeling exposed. "I just– you know I don't want this, Jay. I just want to know what it meant and to get past it so I don't have to deal with the future hanging over me. I can't stop thinking about what will happen."
Jay sighed and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Cole, just because you don't want it, doesn't mean you can avoid it. The future comes no matter what we think, after all..."
"I barely even remember it, though."
"The vision?"
"Yeah. It's been years, after all."
"Hm… well, that could be a problem," Jay mused.
"You're telling me."
The two lapsed into comfortable silence, but Jay broke it a minute later by clapping, startling Cole. "I know! Let's just go back to the tomb and get a second look!"
Cole looked at him, wide-eyed. "What? Can we do that?"
"Sure, why not? We just have to borrow R.E.X. again. It could be fun!"
"Well… it could," he conceded, starting to plan. "Helpful, too. Would we bring the others? Nya and Lloyd never got to see it."
"We could ask." Jay shrugged. "Lloyd probably won't want to– he's seen the future enough, why would he want more prophecy?– but I'm sure Nya would. She always wants to be involved with that kind of stuff."
"I guess it couldn't hurt..." Cole sighed heavily. "Anything to figure out what the heck I actually saw is good."
Jay nodded, but as always, had to say more. "What'll you do if it's what you think it is?"
"I guess I'll go back. Maybe Vania can help me figure it out from there." He shrugged. "I can draw it so she can see, actually."
Jay shrugged. "Either that or show her yourself. Maybe she'd want to see her future?"
Cole shook his head immediately, the idea completely unwelcome. "No way. I don't want to make her have to see that. She already knows what she's stuck doing, being the queen and all that. She doesn't need one more thing telling her what to do."
"I doubt she sees herself as being stuck doing it, but okay." Jay fell back onto the couch. "Suit yourself, don't show her."
Cole shrugged, sitting next to Jay a lot more gently while wrestling with his thoughts. How could he convince Jay? "I mean… Well, y'know. It's not exactly fun wondering about the future, much less not knowing if you even want the future you'll have. It doesn't leave you a choice."
Jay scoffed. "Well, here's the thing." He turned and gave Cole an uncharacteristically serious look. "Think about this, Cole. If your future is to live in Shintaro– which is really awesome, honestly– with someone you love enough to spend your life with, would you accept it? It's practically a dream come true."
Cole paused, thinking about it, and hating how his thoughts always seemed to settle on one person. Internally, he blamed the fact that Vania was the only girl in Shintaro he really knew, but he still didn't like the fact that his mind always went back to her... It was always her, with her intelligent eyes and cheerful smile. What was it that had made her stick in his head so much since they'd left?
Eventually, he sighed. "I guess. It couldn't be that bad."
"You… guess?" Jay stared. "Wow, you really are against this."
Cole threw his hands up in exasperation. "Is it so bad that I don't want to leave Ninjago? We've protected this place for years. It's my home– pretty much everyone I know and love is here."
"I guess not, but…" Jay trailed off. "If there's a girl you'd die for, just to keep her safe, wouldn't you want to be there with her? Wouldn't you want to keep her safe?"
More silence fell between them, still enough to hear a pin drop. Cole struggled to sort through his emotions, and for once, Jay was quiet.
"Yeah. I guess I would."
"Then there you go." Jay leaned back against the arm of the couch. "Most of the time you can't control who you love, Cole. If there's a girl who makes you feel everything at once when you're with her, you'd want to stay. I know you'd choose her over Ninjago, and that's okay."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. It's better than just thinking."
Cole snickered. "Yeah, okay. I'll take it from you." He elbowed Jay good-naturedly. "Seeing as you know all about that."
Jay elbowed him back, grinning. "Oh yeah. I've had tons of experience with this."
"Lots of it with that one girl. So much."
"Oh, shut up! I think I can count my almost-messed-it-up-so-many-times romance as 'lots of experience.'"
"Yeah, okay," Cole laughed. "You and your fairytale romance."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jay rolled his eyes. "We're talking about your love life, not mine. Don't change the subject."
"I'm not changing the subject!"
"You just did, like, two minutes ago." Jay grinned. "Anyway. I'll ask Lloyd and Nya in the morning, you talk to Ronin about R.E.X, and we'll all get going as soon as we can before you chicken out."
Cole rolled his eyes and stood up. "Okay. Sounds good to me. For now I'm going to go to bed."
"Yes you should. Go to bed, child; it's good for you."
"I'm older than you, Jay."
"Shush! Bedtime." Jay shooed him out the door. "Go!"
"Ha! Go back to your comics, child."
"I will, thank you."
Cole rolled his eyes. "I'll see you in the morning, Jay. Thanks for the pep talk."
"No problem." Jay pointed at him meaningfully. "Oh, and Cole? FYI, I'm going to get you back for tackling me. Not tonight, but I will."
"Sure you will. Tomorrow." Cole snickered. "See you in the morning."
"Yes, see you in the morning!"
Cole chuckled as he left, not looking back as he went back to bed. He wondered... was Jay right? Maybe seeing the ice caves really was how he'd get closure.
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Breakfast in bed
Pairing : Kim Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Marriage au, Established relationships, Slice of life, Fluff, Smut
Word count: 4k
Rating: M
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex {female receiving}, face riding, love making, I swear this is some vanilla shit.
Summary: It's your husband birthday and you plan to suprise him with breakfast served in bed but the real suprise is the gift wrapped box waiting to be opened.
This is my piece for @bangtansmutcentral Inthemoodproject this is my first solo Seokjin work so thank you for choosing the Seokjin moodboard for me and pushing me to write this.
Moodboard credit goes to the talented @meispace​
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How did you get so lucky you wondered as you gaze at the sleeping man laid on the bed next to you. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips your heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird, as you drink in every perfect detail of his body. His head was turned towards you,midnight black hair that adorn his head a disheveled mess as it falls on his forehead a little into his eyes. His eyes were closed thick eyelash kissing his cheek, his lips plump and full slightly parted as he took even breathe as he sleep. The blanket was pulled up covering his lower half leaving his broad shoulders and toned torso exposed to your hungry gaze.
He looks so peaceful you mused, that you couldn't help bend over and place a soft kiss on his lips as not to wake afterall you didn't want to ruin his surprise.
He mumbled something when you pulled away from him but made no stir to open his eyes. You take that as your cue to leave him at least for a little while.
You got off the bed excitement bubbling for a number of reasons as you shove your feet in your comfy bedroom slippers then head down the stairs towards your kitchen.
You turned the coffee maker on letting the rich smell of coffee filled the air, as you set about your business off making him breakfast.
Today was a special day afterall, it was your husband thirty third birthday and you planned to surprise him with breakfast in bed.
You pulled open some cupboards gathering the ingredients needed for the task at hand.
You turned the dial on your radio to your favorite radio station and was delighted to find the sweet sounds of rhythm and blues already playing through the speakers, nothing better than a little mood music to get you going.
Half an hour later you were almost ready with your surprise as you topped the main dish of blueberry pancakes covered his favorite maple syrup,with whipped cream then placed the last of the blueberry to top it all off.
"Perfect" you smiled as you admire your work, you were practically bouncing with excitement as you danced your way around your island kitchen over to the fridge the melodic songs of music filling the otherwise silent kitchen.
You stopped short of opening your refrigerator when your eyes land on various photos of you and your husband through the years. Some were recent activities some were from before you were married. You smile as you abandon the fridge in favour of taking a picture of the door and bringing it up to your face to stare at it fondly. It was you and him on a skiing trip over three years ago before you were married. Seokjin friend Yoongi had invited him on the trip to Alaska and he decided to bring you along with him. You had been dating for eight months things were getting serious but you had your reservations about opening up to someone again after having your heart broken so many times before.
It was Seokjin idea to use this trip as an opportunity to get to know his friends better and for you to open up to him about the past.
Seokjin friends were kind, a mirror to who he was as a person two of them were your best friends to this day. Seokjin would always tease them how they had come into your life and snatch his wife affection away from him whenever he was working and they would pull you out your job to go have drinks with them citing you worked too hard.
But what started as a fun trip soon ended up in heartbreak. It was on that trip you realized how much you had fallen in love with Seokjin. The way he cared for his friends, the way he was patient with you and your hesitancy to commit, the way the conversation always start and ended with him. He never once pressured you into anything you wasn't willing to give.
He told you he loved you that day,you remembered more than you could ever imagine. It scared you how self assured he was how confident and calm he was when he delivered those three words, that your only instinct was to run from him too afraid of the feelings he invoked in you.
Three days later he showed up at your apartment before you could say anything he had his arms around you whispering the words that you didn't know you needed to hear.
"Let me love you until you learn how to love again"
True to his words he did love you selflessly for the next couple of months until you admit your true feelings for him that you'd love him long before he admit his feelings for him. It was well into winter next year snow already sticking to the ground when Seokjin asked you to spend the rest of your life loving him. Like he had to ask you'd travel to the ends of the earth for him.
You rang in the New Year with a bang getting married under the fireworks signaling the start of something new.
Here you were two years later the snow sticking to the ground once again the New years almost upon you signaling the start of something new and exciting once more. A smile tug on your lips as you place the picture back your other hand going to the soft swell of your stomach caressing the skin there with barely contain excitement and nerve, what will Seokjin think when you give him this birthday gift.
"Someone's up early"
You scream your hand clutching your stomach instinctively as you spun around to see your husband propped against the entrance to the kitchen his bare broad chest on display a grey sweatpants hanging low on hips.  
He was of the wall face laced with concern when he saw your reaction pulling you into his arms his hand cupping your chin to look at you.
"Jesus baby I didn't mean to startle you" his tone apologetic as he gazed down at you.
You finally manage to get over the shock letting go of your stomach  wrapping your arms around your husband waist instead.
"It's ok i just didn't hear you enter is all" you lay your head on his shoulders inhaling that familiar scent of him letting it calm your nerves as he kissed your forehead lovingly.
"Happy birthday baby" you whispered wrapping your hands around his waist tighter.
He chuckled" is that why you were up so early? " he turned to the side looking around the kitchen.
"Not yet!" You exclaimed as you flee his arms to use your body as a shield to hide the breakfast you prepared for him eyes pleading with him to go away.
A fond smile catches on his lips the fullness of it enticing as he gazes at you. Just then a streak of light shine through the window illuminating his bronze skin and eye making it a lighter shade of brown than it was that you were momentarily blindsided by his beauty.
"You will ruin the surprise" you pouted when he was yet to move.
"What? I'm already here babe show me now and I can act surprised later."
You huffed and Seokjin only cooed at your cuteness.
"I missed you last night when I got home you were already asleep and I wake up to you not in my arms." He said with a sigh.
He sounded regretfully and it tugged at your heart, Seokjin had been working some late night at office being the CEO of a Company that owned a chain of supermarket had it downsides and now as he prepared to close a multi-million dollar investment deal you saw less of him, so you spend some of your nights alone. You waited up for him most nights too restless to fall asleep without his warm embrace but lately you've become increasingly tired as soon as you hit the pillow sleep would claim you in an instant. You knew why, your body was undergoing some changes to accommodate the life growing inside you but Seokjin didn't know that as yet, you hope he wasn't too disappointed in the fact that you'd gone to bed without him.
" I missed you too babe more than anything" there was a hint of sadness in your voice which you couldn't help because you did miss him more than anything. Those late night at his office made you see less and less of him, also making your sex life practically non existent it's been a week since he made love to you. You liked nothing more than for him to take you right on the kitchen floor and the way he was looking at you right now with desire blazing in his eyes he too shared the sentiment but you waited for a week surely a few more minutes won't end the world.
"But I made you a surprise and you weren't supposed to get up as yet so can you please go back to bed and pretend to be surprised when I bring this. I promise that ain't even the best part".
Seokjin sighed defeated he knew there was no arguing with you when your mind was set to something you would follow through no matter what.
He turned on his heel and exit the kitchen mumbling that it was his birthday and you were still bossing him around.
You snickered at his departing back before turning around to the food laid out. You stick the birthday candle on the pancake sprinkling the final touches on the entree' satisfied with the outcome you lit the candle then gathered it in your hands and make towards your bedroom.
Thankfully Seokjin had left the door open for you enter as you did you burst into the birthday song.
To say you love your husband was an understatement you adored him beyond words and him pretending to be asleep then jump right up a surprised expression on his face when you started singing was the cherry on top of this perfect life.
"Babe is that for me?" He asked eyes going wide as he got into a sitting position so you could place the tray on his lap.
You grinned like an idiot feeling ridiculously happy "blow out the candles and make a wish." You said as you joined him on the bed.
Seokjin closed his eyes took a deep then blow out the flame on the candle as you clapped on in excitement.
Seokjin smiled at your enthusiasm his gaze lingering on your face."I haven't seen you this excited since you opened your art gallery."
You remember the time he spoke when after years of trying you finally acquired the perfect building to display the paintings you've created over the years. It was an emotional time in your life one you were very proud of because you did it on your own, but Seokjin was right by your side when you cut the ribbon to your life work. But now this was another emotional and exciting time in your life, Seokjin was so happy for you when you finally opened the place he was your first customer after all, would he be just as pleased.
You couldn't help but be nervous as too how he would react to this news.
"This is way more exciting"
Seokjin cocked an eyebrow at you " My birthday? I don't see anything exciting about me getting older."
You laughed because he genuinely looked offended "Older but still as handsome" you said as you picked up the fork and dabbed at the pancakes with it slicing off a chunk and offering it to him which he took graciously.You didn't miss the blush that adorned his cheek at your praise. It was common knowledge that Seokjin was the stunner in your relationship honestly you didn't know what he saw in you. Sure you were good-looking some might say pretty but compared to Seokjin Greek like features you were average at best.
"Hmmmm baby this good?" Seokjin eyes widen as the flavour tickled his taste bud as he chewed.
He took the fork from your hands apparently you were serving him too slow as he took another chunk and popped it into his mouth.
"You think so it's this recipe I saw online" you gushed as he continued to devour the food.
"Seriously you're getting good at this" he mumbled face stuffed with food.
"I learned from the best" you winked his way.
Silence fell between you two as Seokjin continued to eat and you watched him with adoring eyes. When he was half way through his meal you asked him about his day, since you fell asleep before he got home last night you used this opportunity to catch up.
Seokjin was more than eager to share the stress off the job with you as he went into a long explanation about how the seller of the last building in the chain was having second thoughts about selling. You listened attentively as he explains the building had been in theIR family for generations that the owners didn't want to part with for good reasons. But the offer Seokjin proposed to them was more than generous because the building was falling apart and required more work than it's worth. But you knew your husband's intentions were good and pure that he would provide the family enough money to start a better life while opening job opportunities for those in need. You placed a comforting hand on his leg telling him it will all work out in the end.
He heaved a frustrated sigh, you could tell this deal was taking a toll on him late night the early mornings,you barely saw him these days you could remember the last time you had a proper meal together or even went out on a date for that matter. Marriages wasn't without it's trials and this seemed to be yours but you did make a vow for better or worse until death do you part.
" Wow babe this was amazing truly the best birthday ever" Seokjin exclaimed as he placed the fork back on the empty plate.
"That isn't even the best part" your eyes twinkled with mischief as you got off the bed and ran to your closet throwing open the door and pulling out a box from behind a pile of clothes. You stared at the little gift wrapped box already knowing what's inside your heart took to beating erratically from the nerves and second thoughts about whether this is a good time to tell him this with everything that was going on.
"Babe don't tell me you got Santa Claus back there" Seokjin playful voice called to you snapping you out of whatever doubts you may be feeling. You took a deep breath then turn on your heels and entered the room again to find Seokjin eagerly waiting for you.
"What's that you got there?" He asked neck stretching to see behind your back where you held the box.
You smiled passed the lump in your throat and held out the green and gold gift wrapped box towards him.
"Happy birthday Jinnie"
"A present for me?" His face lit up as he looked down at it.
"Go ahead open it."
You watched with held breath and racing heart as Seokjin pulled the ribbon of the box then remove the top and pulled the white baby booties out the box and held it in his hand for inspection.
He frowned looking between you and the present deep in thought, his eyes searched yours for an answer and you nodded confirming what he might be thinking.
"You're pregnant?" His eyes widened in disbelief.
You grinned like an idiot nodding again words seemed to be failing you right now.
"Baby that's amazing!" His hand wrapped around your waist pulling you on top of him as he lay back on the bed to make room for you.
"Jin-" you giggled as you half protest was silenced by his lips on yours. He kissed you softly his lips brushing over yours his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you tighter to him.
"You're happy right?" You asked breathlessly when he finally pulled away from you.
Seokjin looked appalled that you'd ask such a thing"I'm more than happy y/n" he said as his hands caressed your cheeks"I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise"
He frowned deeply his brown eyes gazing back at you.
"It's not that you've been working a lot lately so the timing is kinda off and I know we have talked about having kids but we never decided on when is the right time" you bit your lips holding back the tears forming in your eyes.
Seokjin swore as he gently helped you into a sitting position so he too could so the same,his hand found yours to entwined as he look in the eye.
" I'm not winning any points for husband of the year am I?"
You smile despite the way your heart was pounding in your chest, this is one of the reasons you loved him his ability to make light of any given situation.
"I'm sorry I haven't been the husband I vowed to be no excuse can make up for that but you have given me the best birthday present" his hand moved to caress your stomach through your shirt his palm hot against your skin you placed your free hands on top of his as you gazed down at where your hands were joined together protecting the little life growing inside you.
"I love you so much and our baby I promise tomorrow I'm going to close this deal so we can focus on our family"
You believed him every word he said if he told you the moon was square you'd believe him. Seokjin has never broken a promise to you when he told you all those years ago that he'd love you without expecting nothing in return he had done all that and more. He was a man of his word and curse you for being nervous to tell him he was going to be a father when he wanted nothing more than to see you swelling with his child.
You heart felt full to burst as Seokjin currently had his lips pressed against you stomach offering you tender kisses as he whispered sweet words to your unborn baby.
Your hands found their way to his dark hair tugging on the roots so he can be eye level with you so he can offer your lips kisses instead.
There was nothing gentle about this kiss it was rough and needy a clash of tongue and teeth desperate to fill the void caused by the weeks of separation . Seokjin had your clothes off in a heartbeat not that you were wearing much to begin with.
"You're so beautiful" he whispered as he gazed down at your naked chest eyes dark with desire.
You blushed it was amazing how he can make you skin burned and your heart flutter like a nervous school girl with just a simple look after so many years of togetherness.
He arms wrapped around your waist pulling you down on top of him once more, you spread your legs so they can be on either side of his thigh his growing arousal pressed right against your heated center.
He kissed you again long and hard as his hand travelled the length of your body, from your shoulders to your waist to the curve of your ass settling there ass he grab a handful of your flesh.
You moaned into the kiss desire pooling in your stomach as you grind your hips against his for more friction his covered dick sliding against your dripping center.
"Jinnie" you whined when he pulled away again only to offer kisses to the curve of your jaw then down the length of your neck, his teeth grazing against the sweet spot between your neck and shoulders blade
"I'm here baby"he said voice husky against your  neck causing goosebumps to break out along your skin and wetness to pool between your leg.
God you love his bedroom voice you swear you could cum just listening to his honey voice.
"I missed you so much" you whispered as you as you arch your back to better allow him access to you your nipple which he had between his lips tugged and licking across the sensitive bud.
You moaned loud hand fisting in his hair as tugged your nipple between his teeth, your eyes falling close from the sensation pulsing through your body you fear you might go insane if he don't stop teasing you like this You  swear every fibre of your being was on fire from his touch, was your breast always this sensitive.
He release your nipple with a lewd pop and your eyes fluttered open to see him staring up at you.
He was a picture a sin and perfection eyes hooded with desire skin glowing with sweat,lips swollen from your kisses and all yours for the taking.
"Come sit on my face baby"
You choke dirty talk was dirty talk but something so filthy coming from Seokjin mouth heavens help you it was down right sinful.
"It's your birthday I'm the one who should be giving"you said after the shock wore off Seokjin already lifting you off him to position himself in the middle of the bed.
"You've already given me so much I would have to spend the rest of my life repaying you" he tone was mellow alittle serious his hand finding your naked tummy where you were kneeled beside him caressing the soft swell he found there.
"Now come let me have a taste of you"
He didn't have to tell you twice you remove your underwear in a flash Seokjin eyes never leaving you as you crawl towards him and straddled his broad shoulders your knees buried in the sheet beside his head.
His hands circled your thigh finally resting on the curve of your ass before you could ready yourself for his onslaught he was pulling you forward unto his waiting tongue.
He licked a long stripe from your hole to your clit before pulling the sensitive bud sucking into his mouth.
You mewled in pleasure grabbing onto the headboard to steady yourself. If you were worried about him being smothered beneath you Seokjin seemed to harbour no limitations when it comes to eating you out with the way he was pulling you down on his tongue to bury his face deeper in your honeypot.
"Fuck Jinnie that feels so good" you cried head falling back in pleasure as he thrust his tongue into your hole licking up your arousal.
He moaned against your center the vibrations shooting right through you triggering the most mind blowing orgasm you've ever experienced.
It was a good two minutes before you regain your composure Seokjin head still buried between your leg his hands now caressing you hips gently. You climbed off him against his protest rolling beside him and pulling him down to fit between your spread legs.
"Careful babe I don't wanna squish the baby" he protested as he propped his weight up on his elbows to avoid crushing you, his other hand protectively on your stomach.
You smile your heart doing ridiculous things as you gazed up at his arousal covered face and disheveled hair.
"He is very much safe in there"
He gazed snapped towards you" He?".
You shrugged "it's too early to tell but I'm hoping for a boy"
" I just know it's a girl growing in there"
"Oh really".
Seokjin eyes darken his face turning serious a smirk playing on his lips making you swallow, he position himself firmly over you his dick lined with your entrance.
"In that case, let's make it twins".
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edourado · 4 years
Together, ch iv
Here’s chapter four, because I need something light and fluffy, to help me stomach the world. I’m sad, I’m angry, sick to my stomach, I am legit losing faith in humanity, I burst out in tears at any given moment. And I don’t want to lose my mind, so here’s me coping. 
This is nothing, its a silly piece of fluffy fanfiction, but it’s for George Floyd, for Ahmaud Arbery, for João Pedro, a 14 year old black boy from Rio who was shot by police while playing inside his home, for every black individual who died because they were black, for their families, for the protesters. This is nothing, nothing, nothing, but it has a little of my heart in it, so it’s for them. 
I hope it makes you smile.
It wasn’t long until Frank got cabin fever. 
Staying inside all day was not at all like him. How long had he been spending most of his days outside, moving, doing something, or just looking at the people walking around the street?
To Karen’s amusement - and delight - he cleaned the entire apartment, top to bottom, and was even able to remove the touch stains on the light switches. He did something to the fridge, and by the time he was done, the shelves and the door were gleaming as if had just arrived from the store, brand new. 
But the apartment was not big enough to keep him entertained for long, so he started ordering things online to improve on little stuff, like the shelves she needed for her shoes, since she had needed to make room for his, or these fancy magnets to install on bottom of  the doors, so they would stop banging shut whenever it was a little windy. He spent a whole afternoon on the phone with David Lieberman, deciding on the best cameras to install around the place.
Reading only took him so far. He went through four books before he found it hard to keep still, and it was even worse with Netflix. 
Then, one day, the masks they bought from the neighbor from two floors down were ready, and she texted to let them know she had left them at their door. 
“I thought they’d be much worse”, Karen said, after they wired the neighbor the money and collected the neatly packed masks. “These are good, look!”
She put one on and they were, indeed, much better than they both had expected. Not fancy or in any way tech advanced, but a simple cloth mask that covered mouth and nose without leaving gaps. All of them black. 
“I think I’ll order more”, Karen mused, while Frank put one on. As far as masks go, this was not the worst he had ever worn, not by a long shot. 
That night, Frank lied awake in bed, his finger twitching, unable to sleep. They had cooked a big dinner together, looking for something to do to spend the time and use the things they had on the pantry, trying to avoid spoiling food. 
Karen had also stayed awake for longer than usual, but now she breathed slowly, sleeping by his side, and Frank had given up keeping his eyes closed, and now stared at the ceiling. 
After what seemed like forever, he looked at the window and noticed that the sky was starting to become a tad lighter. When he checked his phone, it told him it was 4:34 in the morning. With a glance at Karen, he got up, careful not to wake her. 
After silently dressing, Frank picked up his phone from the bedside table and carried his shoes to the living room, stopping to pick up one of the masks they had washed before starting on dinner. The radiator had dried them all completely, leaving them warm and crisp feeling. 
Closing the apartment door silently behind him, he locked it and then moved quickly down the stairs. 
He couldn’t take a proper breath in, with the mask covering his mouth and nose, but the fresh air that made it through his lungs when he inhaled deeply were enough to make him feel better already. Looking at the empty street before him, Frank set off for the first jog he had in years. 
Ever since he came back from his last tour, he favored other ways of exercising. Jogging was neither possible nor efficient after the whole mess, but it felt good, it felt natural, to run without hurry and from nobody, not chasing anybody. Run for the sake of running. 
He was on a break by the river, almost an hour later, when his phone pinged. 
“Ok”, said Karen’s text, in reply to the one he had sent her before he left the apartment, letting her know he was off for a run. “Have fun”, and then, almost as an afterthought, “Be careful. Don’t touch anything and don’t take off your mask.”
“Yes, ma’am”, he replied. 
Frank ran for a good while. Not counting the time, or the miles, or his heartbeat, he just ran, took breaks, walked and then ran some more, looking as the morning made the city brighter, noticing how strange it the streets looked, so empty, even this early. He ran and he wished he could take off his mask, but he didn’t, happy that at least he was able to breathe some fresh air and not see any walls around him, for a change. 
The sun was up when he turned to make his way back, at 7:15.
There was a bakery one corner away from home, and the smell of fresh bread lured him in. A man in uniform, a mask and gloves told him they just took a fresh batch out of the oven, and Frank bought a few, along with cheese and two cups of coffee (which they had at the apartment, but he figured these people were risking themselves to provide food for the neighborhood and try and keep their business alive, so what’s two cups of extra coffee?)
“Thank you so much for your support” said the guy, handing him the bag and the cup holder through a window. 
“Thank you”, Frank replied, happy for this little slice of normal. “You guys open tomorrow?” 
“From seven to seven.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, then. Name’s Frank.”
“I’m Ray. See you, Frank. Have a good day.”
He walked the rest of the way, and had to balance his purchases in one hand while taking the key from his shoe, towing said shoes off and unlocking the door, walking in in his socks.”
“Frank?” Karen called from the bedroom.   
“I’m here” he called back, starting the new strange process of cleaning the things he brought home with him. 
After putting the warm bread on the designated bread basket and disposing of the paper bag, he transferred the cheese to a clean container and the coffee to the coffee pot, where Karen had not yet pushed the button to brew. 
After his shower, he walked to the bedroom, feeling much, much better than he felt before getting up this morning. 
Karen was still in bed, phone in hand, and smiled at him when he walked in. 
“Hi”, she greeted, and he walked to her. “Enjoy your run?”
“Hmm”, was his answer, lying down half on top of her, kissing her gently, closing his eyes when her hands caressed his hair. “I brought breakfast.”
“I can smell it”, she said, softly. “That show we wanted to watch is available on Netflix. Wanna eat on the couch and watch it with me?”
He made them egg sandwiches and brought it to the couch while she cued the new show on TV, and when he settled down to watch it, he didn’t feel restless or that itch that made him want to get up every five seconds. 
What a difference, a run made. 
He came back to the apartment on the fourth day with croissants and the usual coffee, sweating profusely, since he had not made any stops this time, nor did he walk, and the jog was just straight up sprinting.
“Kare?” he called from the kitchen.
“I’m here!” she called back, and he saw her hand waving at him through the window. She was in the fire escape. 
He had to deal with the sanitizing of the shopping and then a shower, so it was a few minutes before he walked to the living room window. 
Before he got to the ledge, she popped her head inside and smiled at him. 
“I got you something.”
When Frank ducked to climb out to the narrow fire escape, he saw what she had gotten: a hammock. 
Cream colored, she had tied it on the iron bars above head, it hung a good few inches above the floor. She had placed two throw pillows in it, plus a heavy blanket. 
“You’ve been feeling so cooped up, I thought this would maybe help a little.
Turning to her, Frank smiled and moved to kiss her. 
“You didn’t have to do that”, he said, a hand caressing her hair. 
“I wanted to. I’m only sorry it took so long to arrive, I ordered it almost a month ago.”
Frank looked at the hammock, swaying lightly in the wind, and thought that this small act, this simple purchase for his benefit made him a little more sure that she meant it, when she said she loved him. 
It was silly, he knew that, but there still was a little part of him that expected her to wake up one day and realize that all she thought she felt for him was nothing but the thrill of the danger, the forbidden, the very ill advised act of rebellion, or even misinterpreted feelings of concern and worry and gratitude.
The fact that she didn’t run away from him after they slept together for the first time, or asked him to stay after the second third fourth and so on, asked him to move in, gave him a key, made room for his things, made room for him, bought him a hammock. It all told him that yeah, she was serious about that love. 
“Maybe we can have breakfast here?” he suggested, and she beamed, nodding. 
“So you like it?”
“I do”, he said against her mouth. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Settle in, I’ll get the food.”
 They ate the croissants and drank the coffee while sharing the hammock, after adjusting the height a little bit. 
“This is so good”, she said around a mouthful of warm croissant, taking a sip of coffee, looking out at the street below them. 
Frank watched as the morning light caught in her hair, how it made her eyes shine just a tad bluer, accentuated the few freckles she had on her nose.
“Yeah, it is”, he agreed, squeezing her foot under the blanket, thankful that, if he had to be stuck inside, at least it was with her.  
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ericsonclan · 3 years
My Maiden Rose
Summary: Minnie and Renata enjoy some time together when something happens that leads them to take the next step forward in their relationship.
Word Count: 1000+
Read on AO3:
The sun was slowly crawling up from its hiding spot behind the hills. The birds were happily chirping in their nests while the living dead groaned and roamed around the lands outside the kingdom. But none of that seemed to matter at this moment. All that mattered to Minnie was the warmth of her bed and the serene bliss of having Renata in her arms.
Her arms wrapped further around her love, slowly pulling her in closer to her. Renata’s gentle teapot-like snores continued on as her hand remained intertwined with Minnie’s. The redhead looked at her love safely sleeping in her arms. The sight made her heart flutter. To think that she’d find someone like this after the world had fallen to the living dead. Someone who cared for and deeply loved her.
Minnie rested her head on the pillow once more, letting herself enjoy the joys of cuddling with Renata when suddenly her love shifted around in her arms. Soon Renata’s face was mere inches from Minnie’s. That fact made the red-headed knight blush lightly as her heart skipped a beat. Every so gently Minnie lifted her hand and tucked back a stray strand of Renata’s hair, careful not to wake her while doing so.
But it seemed she had failed when Renata hummed happily before her eyes fluttered open. She gave a sleepy yawn then smiled lovingly at Minnie. “Morning, Min,” Renata leaned forward and softly kissed the tip on Minnie’s nose.
“Morning, Ren,” Minnie returned the smile and the romantic gesture. The two laughed together for a few seconds before Renata wrapped her arms around Minnie and snuggled in closer, her legs slowly intertwining with the redhead’s.
“Mmmmm, I declare today a cuddle day,” Renata’s breath tickled Minnie’s ear, causing her to shiver slightly.
“As much as I’d love to, I have training soon,” Minnie pulled back and could see the sad pout on her love’s face. “But afterwards we could go horseback riding together.” The knight’s suggestion made an excited, joyful smile appear on Renata’s lips. She nodded then proceeded to plant kiss after kiss on Minnie’s face.
Minnie giggled at all the small, romantic gestures before she wrapped Renata tighter in her arms and captured her lips in a loving tender kiss. Renata’s hand traveled up and wrapped around the back on Minnie’s head, deepening the kiss. It wasn’t until they needed to pull away for air that the kiss ended. Minnie gave a smile then shuffled further under the covers with Renata still in her arms. “We can cuddle for a little longer though,”
“I’d like that,” Renata gave a happy, content sigh as she nuzzled closer to her love, hoping that the minutes would last longer than they could.
Minnie gave her all in the sparring match against Sophie. Their wooden swords clashed loudly against each other as both tried to get the upper hand in the match. With Minnie’s overwhelming offense and Sophie’s fairly balanced style of fighting it made all their matches close. Sophie sidestepped and lunged forward with an attack that she figured Minnie couldn’t defend against. She was soon proven wrong though and had set herself up for a potentially fatal mistake. Minnie’s training sword knocked Sophie’s out of her hand, sending it flying through the air and landing on the grass behind them.
“Well, my dear twin, it seems that we are all tied up again.” Sophie smiled and collapsed onto the grass. Minnie soon joined her, taking in a deep breath before responding.
“Seems so,” Minnie’s eyes turned skyward for a moment and looked up at the lazy clouds in the sky. She wished she could spend the rest of the day relaxing and watching clouds. Even if she only had a few hours of free time now before her evening chores. That’s when the knight remembered her plans with Renata. “Shit!” Minnie jumped up onto her feet.
“What? What’s wrong?” Sophie looked up with concern.
“I forgot I had plans with Ren. Was distracted by training and other stuff and-” Minnie stopped her sentence when she heard Sophie’s laughter.
“What's so funny?” Minnie frowned over at her twin.
“Nothing, nothing. It's just funny to see you this frantic about being maybe a few minutes late to plans with Renata.” Sophie had a teasing smile on her face.
“Oh, like you aren’t the same way with Marlon,” Minnie’s smile grew when she saw she was right on the money.
“Hey, this isn’t about me,” Sophie  hopped up to her feet. “Are you two just going around the kingdom or outside the walls?”
“Inside the kingdom. Can’t risk getting into a fight with some of the living dead or deal with any other bullshit that happens outside this place.” Minnie shook her head. Over the years there had been far too many close calls as is.
“Sounds like a good plan to me!” Sophie smiled and patted her sister’s back before walking away. After a few paces, however, she stopped and glanced back at Minnie. “Probably should change out of those clothes though. You sorta smell.”
Minnie frowned at her twin’s words before lifting up her shirt to see if Sophie’s words were true. After a few sniffs her frown deepened. “Damn it.” The redheaded knight turned to leave and prepare for her plans with her love.
It took a few minutes to get changed and dressed in her armor and find Renata who had been sent all around the castle to deliver different messages and such. The knight had run around nearly half of the castle before she spotted Renata. Her love smiled brightly at her when she spotted Minnie and ran over. Minnie, getting caught up in her emotions as well, wrapped her arms around Renata and spun her around. After putting Renata down, Minnie shared a kiss with her love that turned into many before they pulled away.
“Ready for a romantic horse ride through the streets of the kingdom?” Minnie asked as she walked hand in hand with Renata.
“Yep, I can’t wait!” The jester rested her head on the knight’s shoulder for a minute as they walked along before reaching the stables. Minnie prepared Nightshade while Renata prepared one of the kingdom’s appaloosa horses. Soon they were set, both of them riding side by side as they journeyed the kingdom’s streets.
Every now and then they’d reach out and hold each other’s hands before a citizen or obstacle got in the way and their hands separated. They talked happily about this and that, how their days were going and what chores and other tasks were still left to do. Renata motioned for her horse to trot close beside Minnie’s and with a bit of maneuvering she stole a kiss from the knight, making her blush lightly. Renata laughed and smiled playfully. She always loved how easily she could fluster her knight.
“So I was thinking that a trip to the royal gardens would be nice,” Minnie began to speak of the plan just as they were passing the southwest section of the walls.
“That sounds fun, sitting by the roses making flower crowns. Let’s do it tomorrow!” Renata smiled excitedly at her love who gave a soft chuckle.
“I’ll see if I can trade some chores with Marlon and Brody, but I’m sure I can make it happen.” Minnie had a soft expression on her face that soon faltered when she noticed that a section of the wall was crumbling. Why had this not been reported and taken care of? Had any of the living dead gotten in? Just as those thoughts entered her mind she spotted two walkers lazily stumbling forward and trying to grasp at Renata.
“Ren, watch out!” The knight moved to unsheathe her blade while Renata guided her steed away. With a heavy slash Minnie sliced the living dead’s skull diagonally in half, its brain matter and lifeblood slipping down its face and dripping onto the ground. Redirecting Nightshade she harshly cut off the other walker’s hands before embedding her sword through its mouth. With a grunt Minnie sliced upwards, decimating the member of the living dead’s brain and life.
“Min, to your left!” Renata warned. The knight tried to move in time but knew she couldn’t. The living dead’s withered, decaying arms reached out for the redheaded knight’s armor but soon stopped when a knife impaled its shallow skull. The creature crumbled to the ground and revealed that the court jester had been the one to end its miserable existence. Renata had a relieved expression on her face when she saw her love was unharmed but she soon turned her attention and knives to the three other members of the living dead that were struggling to get through the small opening in the wall.
With a flick of her wrist Renata ended another life, her knife finding the soft retina and exploding it before reaching the creature’s brain. Another toss proved fatal as the weapon cracked open the walker’s skull making the faint light in its milky white eyes fizzle out. Renata guided her horse back and sent the next blade flying through the air and landing right in between the eyes. The living dead’s groans hitched in its throat and it flopped lifeless to the ground.
One final decaying corpse hid behind it and roamed forward giving unearthly groans until Minnie dashed forward and pierced the thick skull, hitting its one weakness and cutting its shallow life short. The knight flicked the blood and brain matter off her blade then sheathed it once more. Guiding her horse over, she went to check on Renata. “Renata, are you okay? None of the living dead reached you, did they?” Minnie reached out her hand and gently cupped her love’s face before examining her for any bites.
Renata shook her head then rested her hand on top of Minnie’s and leaned into the touch. “I’m okay, Min. You didn’t get bit either, right?” Renata’s eyes wandered around Minnie’s armor, looking for any potential signs of injury.
“No, I’m alright, but we should inform the guards of this breach in the wall,”
Renata nodded in agreement to Minnie’s suggestion and so Minnie stayed to guard the wall while Renata went to inform the guards. During those few minutes the knight’s mind wandered. She had chosen a ride inside the kingdom to keep Renata safe and yet the living dead still threatened to take her love away. Nowhere was ever truly safe in this world now that the living dead had risen. Minnie knew this and learned it time and time again. After all this wasn’t the first time walkers had gotten into the kingdom.
The knight’s hands began to slightly tremble. She didn’t want to lose Renata. The love she felt for her was so deep, so grounding that she feared what would happen if she lost her. Minnie quickly shook those thoughts away. No, she would protect Renata and they would have a future together. The thought shifted her train of thought, a sort of realization washing over her in that very moment.
She wanted to marry Renata. Start the journey into spending the rest of their lives together. The thought quickly consumed her mind and quickly turned into a future plan that she would eventually act on. She wished to propose to her love as soon as possible. A few moments later some guards came to take post at the broken section of the wall until builders showed up. As Minnie rode away, her mind continued to form a plan. First thing was first - she needed a ring.
Minnie strode forward down the corridor of the castle. Her heart pounded with nervousness and excitement for the plan as her hands grew sweaty. She would go to the royal blacksmith to ask them to craft a ring. Minnie knew that she wanted to ask Mitch for his help, especially since he had crafted that beautiful ring for Brody. She knew he wouldn’t let the secret slip for the proposal nor did Minnie believe Brody would let the others know if Mitch happened to tell her.
Sophie, however, was a different story. She loved her twin sister dearly but she also knew that Sophie couldn’t keep that sort of secret especially when it involved her best friend. So Minnie would simply avoid her sister for the next few days while the ring was forged and then after the proposal she would let her know. With the plan set, Minnie entered the blacksmith shop and was immediately greeted by Willy.
“Hey, Minnie!” The aspiring knight smiled warmly. “Did you come here because you broke a sword or shield?”
“No, I’m actually here to see Mitch,” Minnie replied simply as she began to fidget with her fingers.
“That's new. “Mitch’s voice appeared further into the smithy. “Why would you need to talk to me?”
“Well…. It's something serious and private, so,” Minnie glanced over at Willy. Mitch seemed to pick up on the signal well enough.
“Hey, Willy, Dad wanted to see if there were any good deals on iron recently. Run down to the eastern district and check.”
“Aww, but I wanna hear what Minnie was going to say,” Willy frowned and scraped his foot against the floor.
“Just fucking do it! I’ll help you work on that new sword if you go now,”
Willy didn’t have to hear that offer twice and quickly scampered off. After he was well out of earshot Mitch looked over at the knight.
“So, what the hell is so important?” The blacksmith leaned against the edge of the table.
“I’m going to propose to Ren,”
Minnie’s declaration made Mitch nearly lose his balance. “Holy shit, popping the question! Good for you. So, what does that have to do-” Mitch stopped his own question, his mind finally catching up. “Alright, I can make the ring, but you owe me.” Mitch tried to hide it but his eyes shone with excitement that he was finally making another ring. He really enjoyed the process and what the rings symbolized.
After a few minutes of discussing the design, Minnie left to go to the training yard. The redheaded knight couldn’t stop smiling once she left the smithy. Her heart practically felt like it was soaring in anticipation for the finished product. Perhaps it was a good thing she had training in a few minutes; she could use it as a way to burn off this excited energy.
Renata hummed a happy tune as she strolled down the castle corridor. She was going to do it. She was going to propose to Minnie. That small breach by the southwestern wall yesterday had opened her eyes and made her realize that she didn’t want to wait any longer. She wanted a forever future with Minnie.
Renata had a determined glint in her eyes, prepared to go all out to show Minnie just how deep and never ending her love was. But first things first: she needed to get a ring and what better place to go than the royal smithy. She knew she couldn’t ask Mitch since he was married to Brody. He was bound to slip up and spill the beans about Renata’s plans and since Brody and Minnie were best friends, word would get to Minnie quickly and the surprise of the proposal would disappear.
Nor could she tell Sophie. She loved her best friend with her whole heart but she knew that Sophie couldn’t keep a secret like that from her sister. So she would just have to dodge Sophie for the next few days before the proposal. Once the ring was set then she could bring Sophie and the others into her master proposal plan.
Renata had decided to go to the master blacksmith and ask him for assistance. Luckily for the court jester she spotted Tripp almost immediately as he was walking forward from the forge with a brand new sword. The friendly giant of a man smiled warmly at the unexpected company. “Renata, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hiya, Tripp! I came here today on a top secret mission,” Renata leaned forward and motioned for Tripp to crouch down so she could whisper the secret. Tripp played along with a smile and leaned over so that the jester could fill him in on the top secret information.
“I’m planning on proposing to Minnie,”
Renata’s whispered words made Tripp’s eyes grow large as the sword slipped from his hand and clattered onto the ground. “Oh, shit my nuts!” Tripp exclaimed rather loudly then grew quiet for a moment before remembering that his two sons were out of the smithy. “Renata, that’s amazing! I’m super happy! You two kids seem great for each other.”
“Aww thanks,” Renata rubbed a finger under her nose and gave a happy grin.
“So I’m guessing my part in this top secret love mission is to make the ring?” Tripp picked up the sword and placed it on the table.
“Yep! I’d pay for the ring of course!” Renata reassured the master blacksmith but he causally waved his hand dismissively.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m making an exception for this one. Now what kind of design were you thinking?”
Tripp’s question made Renata’s smile grow and soon the pair were brainstorming design ideas. Renata could feel her excitement practically radiating off her body. She couldn’t wait for the next few days to pass so she could have the ring and finally propose to her love.
Sophie tapped her finger against her chin while her head rested in her hands. Her blue eyes stared blankly at the wall of the knight’s equipment room. Renata and Minnie had both been acting weird these last couple days. Minnie had been avoiding interactions like the plague with everyone at the castle but especially with Sophie. She always seemed to be on edge and would often frantically write this or that on a slip of paper before tucking it away. Meanwhile Renata had called for a raincheck on their friendship picnic the other day, promising to do two more in a week’s time. None of it made any sense. No one’s birthdays were any time soon so she wouldn’t be busy with that.
Sophie shook her head. It had all started when they came back from that small breach at the wall when they had gone horseback riding together. Both of them seemed a bit shaken by it but considering the hell that they’d had to endure over the years this seemed like an event that would trigger them sure, but not to this level. Sophie leaned back in her chair; she was starting to get really worried. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed when her love entered the room with some beverages and bread.
“Soph, I brought you a snack,” Marlon sat down beside her and saw that her mind was too caught up in her thoughts. Slowly he took her hands in his and placed a soft kiss on them. “Everything okay?’ he asked while rubbing soft circles on the top of her hands.
“Minnie and Ren have been acting odd lately. Like really odd,” Sophie looked over and saw that Marlon had picked on this as well.
“Yeah, they have been acting strange. Maybe that breach reminded them too much of the day that we lost Pete and Omid.”
“Maybe, I wish they’d just tell us if that's the case,” Sophie looked down at her feet and kicked them anxiously. Marlon was about to speak up once more when suddenly the door opened and in strolled Renata with a scroll.
“Hello, my good friends! I-” The jester paused when she saw their expressions. “What's wrong?”
“Why don’t you tell us? You’ve been acting weird.” Sophie crossed her arms.
“Oh, that.” Renata placed down the scroll and rummaged around in her pocket.
“Yes, that! Renata, if you're struggling you should tell us.” Sophie looked at her best friend with worried eyes.
“Don’t worry, Soph. It’s not what you think. In fact, I think you’ll be shocked when you see this!” Renata pulled out a beautiful wedding ring with a simple, elegant stone in the middle. The intricate details complimented the stone on the ring. Marlon and Sophie stared at the ring in disbelief.
“Holy shit!” Marlon stood up so abruptly that he knocked over his chair.
“Renata! Holy fuck, are you proposing to Minnie?!?! I’m so happy! We’re going to be sister-in-laws and-”
Renata put her hand over Sophie’s mouth. “I know, I’m super excited too but we gotta keep it down so Minnie doesn’t find out!”
Sophie’s eyes grew large and she started saying a bunch of stuff that sounded like a garbled mess due to Renata covering her mouth.
After a minute Renata removed her hand. “So, anyway I have the ring and the perfect plan,” Renata held up the scroll and displayed it proudly before opening it up. There on the scroll was a detailed plan marked with where each knight would be and what flowers to get as well as a song for some reason.“So, here’s the plan. I’m going to ask Minnie if I can walk her to the training courtyard where all the knights will be waiting on their steeds. When we arrive you’ll all ride forward in formation before zigzagging across from each other then trotting around me and Minnie. That's where the flower baskets come in,” Renata pointed at the scroll. “Brody, Sophie and Marlon will toss the flowers while I propose then if-” Renata took a deep breath, “When Minnie says yes then you’ll sing this song. So, pretty romantic huh?”
“Yeah,” Marlon’s voice was rough from the emotions of all this.
Sophie wasn’t doing much better beside him, using her shirt to wipe her eyes of happy tears. “We’ll get the other knights on board.”
“I can get Lou and some others too.” Marlon added with a smile.
Renata was practically beaming. This would work. She was going to propose to the love of her life. The woman that she had been blessed to find even though the world had fallen to the living dead.
The next day soon arrived and Renata could feel all her anxiety bubbling to the surface. She felt super antsy but in a good way. In just a little while she would be engaged to her love. That thought propelled her forward as she gave a few quick knocks on Minnie’s bedroom door. She heard something fall over and Minnie frantically swearing.
“Fuck...shit… ummm… who is it?”
“It’s me, Renata.” Renata swayed back and forth on her feet. There was some scurrying in the room followed by more crashing sounds before Minnie threw open the door.
“Hi,” The knight’s voice cracked. She frowned and cleared her throat. “Hi,” She leaned forward and stole a kiss from Renata. The jester smiled and pulled Minnie in for a kiss then another, then another. She was panicking slightly and for some reason her mind had thought kissing would calm her down. It didn’t really but it made her heart flutter happily.
“So,” Minnie had a happy smile on her face, “What are you doing here?”
“I thought it would be nice if I walked you to the training yard today,” Renata tucked her hands behind her back and gave a loving smile.
“Shit, well, I don’t have training today,” Minnie awkwardly scratched the back of her head. “But we could go to the royal gardens. Sit there for a bit, talk, maybe kiss some more,” Minnie gave a smile over to Renata. Surprise flickered in Renata’s eyes for a moment. That was odd. Minnie should have training today. She had it every day. Renata thought for a moment; her whole plan hinged on the fact that they would walk to the training yard together. She would have to make some excuse to get them there.
“Okay, sure. We can go to the royal gardens, but I need to deliver a message to someone at the training yard first.”
“Oh, okay,” Minnie looked upset by that for some reason but her expression soon changed to a loving one. Her hand intertwined with Renata’s. “Real quick though and then to the flower gardens.”
Renata nodded and happily began to walk with her love.
Minnie looked over towards Renata. She felt sick, like at any moment her heart would explode. In her right pocket was the ring Mitch had helped make for Renata. As she walked down the halls with Renata she kept going over the speech in her mind again and again. Every single thing and moment had to be perfect. Every. Single. Moment.
She would take Renata to the royal gardens and there she would play a song on her lute. Tell Renata how deeply she loved her and how she wanted to spend forever with her and... Minnie could feel her head spinning and she knew she couldn’t wait any longer. This message that Renata had to deliver could wait, right?
“Renata, could we actually stop by the royal gardens first?” Minnie stopped walking and her grip on her love’s hand tightened slightly.
Renata glanced over then looked towards the training yard. “It will be really quick,” She kissed Minnie’s cheek then pulled her forward. Minnie continued to try and come up with some valid excuse to go to the royal gardens first but nothing was working. When Renata was set on something she never let it go.
After a few minutes they arrived at the training yard where, to Minnie’s surprise, the knights were all standing in formation. Beside them stood Louis along with Prisha, Aasim and Ruby. Tripp and his family were here as well. Just what the hell was going on? Why were Louis and Sophie crying so much?
“Okay, so the message I have to deliver needs to take place riiiiiiiight here,” Renata stopped in the center of the yard. Her hands began to shake a little bit which made Minnie look over in concern but her love had the same cheerful smile she always had on her face.
Marlon gave the signal and slowly the knights trotted forward, beginning to try and cross in front of one another one at a time. It wasn’t going so smoothly. Brody ran into Sophie which slowed down Violet and it was momentary chaos but soon the knights were guiding their horses to trot around Minnie and Renata in a circle.
“Minnie,” Renata took both of her love’s hands in her own. “The message that I have to deliver today is for you. From the moment I met you in the throne room during that feast the late king-” Renata paused. Some of the flowers that the knights were throwing were getting caught in her mouth. The court jester coughed and spat out the flower petals. “From the moment I met you, I knew you were truly unforgettable. The way your eyes shone, how beautiful your hair looked, how chivalrous you were. I knew I needed to get to know you.
As I did my heart immediately fell for you: the gentle warmth you have, the kindness and bravery. Everything I learned about you just made me fall deeper and deeper and then I got up the nerve to ask you out and that… didn’t go great at first but soon after you said yes. I felt so much happiness from the news that I was sure I couldn’t possibly be any happier. But I was proven wrong because each day with you filled me with so much joy.” Renata smiled at Minnie with such deep love that it made the redheaded knight’s heart pound wildly and tears well up in her eyes.
“Minnie, I adore you and I want to be with you, today, tomorrow and forever.” Renata got down on one knee and held out the ring. “I promise to always love you and stay by your side. To give you the same care and happiness you give me. So, will you marry me?”
Minnie’s breath hitched and tears were slowly slipping down her face. She couldn’t believe it. Renata had just proposed to her. Her love had proposed to her on the same day she was planning to propose. That thought snapped Minnie back into reality.
“Renata, I can’t believe this. I was planning to propose to you today too.” The knight’s word made her love’s eyes widen in surprise. “That's why I wanted to go to the royal garden to propose and play a song for you, but I’ll just do it here.” Minnie took a deep breath, her mind trying to recall her speech.
“Renata, when you entered my life and showed interest in me, I wasn’t sure whether you were serious or not. Because I just couldn’t comprehend someone like you, so warm and caring, loving and forgiving, would fall for someone like me. But soon I realized you were serious and once I let myself be optimistic about us and gave it a chance I knew it was the best decision I ever made.
Every day with you makes me feel beyond lucky, makes me want to strive to be better and to show you the love and warmth that you give me each day. So I promise to always support you and protect you, to be there every day and cherish each moment with you.” Minnie got on her knee and held out a ring with an intricate design that showcased the bright and stunning stone in the middle. “Renata, my sun and joy, my beautiful maiden rose. Will you marry me?”
“Are you kidding? Yes! Yes! Yes!” Renata had tears in her eyes as she tackled Minnie in a hug then pulled back so they could each place the ring on the other’s finger. Renata looked at her love then cupped her face, kissing her passionately.
Minnie deepened the kiss before pulling back and laughing at the overwhelming amount of flowers that were surrounding them and had fallen on top of them. But they didn’t seem to mind at all as they kissed and kissed again. Their hearts filled with pure bliss at the fact that the other wanted to spend the rest of their life with them. In that moment everything was perfect. Come what may, they would have each other. There to love and support one another and to walk side by side together through whatever life brought their way.
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notsoteenagegirl · 4 years
Pizzas, friends and questions
Note: This self isolation thing really gets me in the mood for writing. Sorry I only write Chris pieces, but I guess this works for me the best, at least for now lol. Here’s another one for you to enjoy, and for me to practice a little 😊
You were done with life today. Your classes took way too long, so not only you were tired at this very moment, but also pissed at the coffee machine that decided to break just when you needed it. The minute you stepped home all you were dreaming about was to just hop in the shower, make yourself a cup of coffee and plop on the couch, trying to forget about all the stuff that was bothering you this day.
Your friends had different plans though, and they really wanted you to be a part of it. Just as you were about to put your favourite show on and relax a bit, you heard your phone ringing. Glancing at the screen, you noticed your best friend's name. Chris. You picked up, wondering why he decided to bother you just now.
"Hey mami, ready for some partying this evening?" You heard his chirpy voice. 
You just frowned, not being in the mood for anything right now.
"I had a really shitty day Chris, I'd rather just stay home." You answered him. Now this could go two ways - either he's going to try to convince you to get out with him and have fun, which sometimes was necessary, or respect your decision and leave you to yourself. You really hoped he's going to pick the second option.
"C'mon, you know we're always having so much fun." Shit. He did have a point there, you were never able to be bored around him, but this time you were just not having it.
"I don't wanna go out." You mumbled into the phone.
"So you're just gonna sit there all alone?" Chris asked, maybe a bit surprised you didn't wanna hang out with him and the boys. Sitting there on your own was exactly what you needed right now. Or more specifically, disappearing under your covers, binge watching Netflix and eating your mood away.
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm planning to do."
"Ah, okay then." You heard him giving up. It worked. "If you'll change your mind, you know where to find us."
"Yeah, thanks for that. I gotta go now." You hung up, pleased about the fact he let go that easily.
After you finished third episode of the show, along with second bowl of popcorn, you moved to the bathroom. You ran yourself a nice, warm bath, where you were just able to relax and take your mind off of the stressing events. Right before you turned into a prune, you got out of the bathtub, finishing your pampering session with moisturising your body and snuggling into the fluffiest robe you owned.
You were just about to start figuring out what you want for dinner, when once again your phone started ringing. Looking at it, you noticed Chris' name. What did he want this time?
"Yeah?" You picked up, hoping you won't have to deal with his drunk ass.
"We're on our way home, do you want some food?" You weren't expecting this; usually at this time the boys were partying at their hardest, not coming back home.
Well, if he already called you and offered you some food, you couldn't really pass on it.
"Can you get me a pizza?"
"Sure, the one you always get?" He knew exactly what kind of pizza you liked, and that there was not supposed to be any onions on it. You couldn't really ask for a better friend, could you?
"Yes, thank you Chris." You said back, grateful that he was being so thoughtful and decided to call you.
"No problem mami, we'll be back in a couple minutes." You heard him disconnect.
Waiting for the food, you prepared glasses and something to drink for the boys. Little did you know there was only one of them coming up to your apartment.
Not long after ending your phone call you heard someone knocking softly on your door. You got up off the couch, opening and seeing your best friend's smiley face. He let himself in, moving closer to the dining table.
"Here's your food mami." You saw him still holding the box, so you reached for it, ready to demolish whatever was inside of it. He brought it closer to himself though, not letting you grab it.
"But I want a hug for it." Chris grinned slightly.
You sighed, not really being in the mood for some games. But since he was nice enough to bring you your favourite pizza, you didn't have no choice but to give in. Seeing you moving closer he put the box of pizza on the table, engulfing you in a warm hug.
You wanted it to be a quick one and move on to stuffing your mouth with the food, you didn't expect your hug to feel so good though. Not only he was warm and smelled really nice, but the way his arms were gently wrapped around you made your heart melt. You let yourself stay in longer, feeling one of his hand moving to your head and stroking it softly.
You pulled away after a little while, taking a seat at the table and finally opening the good stuff that just got brought in. Chris sat next to you, filling both of your glasses, while you already started munching on the pizza. Smiling softly, he took a slice as well.
You two were just eating in silence, watching whatever was on tv. Your friend got particularly interested into something at the screen, and your eyes just absentmindedly went to his face. His soft features were changing as he got focused on the tv; his hair was looking extra soft today, and the pizza made his lips a bit more shiny and luscious looking than usual. Was it possible you were falling for your best friend? You can't lie, you were always finding him attractive, but it seemed like he was always a bit distant if it comes to something more than being just friends. Plus you really did enjoy the relationship you two had, and in no way you wanted to destroy it.
You felt him moving around and stopped staring almost immediately, not really wanting to get caught. The two of you already finished the pizza he brought in, and with full stomachs you moved onto the couch. Chris got in charge of the tv and picked something for you to watch, making himself more comfortable. At first you were try to pay attention to an actual movie, but with your stomach full of delicious food and the heat your friend created while sitting next to you, your eyelids started to get heavy. Eventually your head ended up on his shoulder, your body enjoying the presence of a warm and snuggly company. Chris moved his head gently, trying not to wake you up. It was his time to watch your face closely, and even if it felt maybe a little creepy staring at you like that while you were asleep, he couldn't help it. Seeing you being so vulnerable, yet comfortable and relaxed next to him made his stomach all bubbly, and he tried really hard not to give in and kiss you. You didn't know that, but your best friend shared the same feelings towards you. He adored you, and he wanted to ask you out so many times, but he didn't want to ruin your friendship. He loved seeing you all giggly and happy everytime your group was out, and he thought that maybe it's a little selfish, but he wanted to be the one who makes you feel that way.
Sighing softly he turned his head back, and very gently, trying not to wake you, he got off the couch. He quickly grabbed a pillow and put it under your head. Looking around he noticed a blanket laying next to the coffee table. He covered your body with it and softly tucked you in. Turning the tv off he turned around one last time, leaving a soft kiss on the side of your head and moved to the door, closing it quietly after getting out of your apartment.
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meat-husband · 5 years
what about an s/o and slasher when they are first together, like dating together and how they start
*holds up 5000 words of nonsense on a silver platter*
Wow this thing is long lmao I’m sorry, I just kept going and it was a lot of fun to do, so I didn’t stop :p
Also, nothing is edited very thoroughly and my writing program likes to change the words I actually mean to type, so there may be some small mistakes.
I might go back and put this under a cut if it’s like obnoxiously long, lemme know lol.
If he’s allowing you into the house at all, it’s because he’s already picked you out. You might not know it yet, but that doesn’t matter - it still counts as dating if you’re not aware of it, right? He would be hesitant to actually show himself, since that hasn’t gone very well historically, but he’s staking his claim anyways.
Okay, maybe locking you up in a mansion where he is literally your only option is a bit extreme, but it’s really just making sure you make the best choice, you know. You can’t go wrong if the right one is the only one.
He isn’t going to put up with competition. If you’re not following the rules, things will get a bit dangerous for whoever is hanging around. He’ll try scaring them off at first, but if they don’t take the hint it will get messy quick.
He likes to mess with your things, get you looking all over the house for something, just to find it right where it’s supposed to be a few hours later. You think you’re going crazy for a while, and he finds it amusing that you’re not connecting the dots at all. It’s more of a ‘bully pulling on your pigtails cause he likes you’ sort of thing.
Once he is out of those walls, it’s 0 - 100 real quick. You’ve hardly stopped screaming before he’s all over you, so you’ve got to adapt pretty quickly. He’s clingy right from the start, not out right feeling you up, but definitely more touchy than a murderous stranger spying on you from the walls should be.
The bedtime kiss is obviously non-negotiable, but it’s not just going to be a kiss for long. First it’s just multiple kisses, then a quick hug, then a cuddle, until you might as well be sharing the bed anyways, because he’s wrapped around you and not letting you up. This is where he’ll start to get handsy, playing dumb every time you slap away a straying hand.
You’re his nanny, you guess, but apparently that comes with the part time position of boy/girlfriend as well. It’s a bit confusing sometimes, so it’s best to just go along with it and not question anything.
You narrow your eyes at the request, looking over the edge of the book you’re holding with a stern face. You can’t let this start again, you think, knowing that if you give him what he wants he’ll just keep asking for more.
“You’ve already had your goodnight kiss, Brahms,” you say, looking back to the story book. “In fact, you’ve had two already.”
He shifts a little under the covers, sitting up against the pillow.
“Again?” He asks. “Please.”
Well, at least he’s using his manners now, which is a big step above the tantrum you had endured last night when the same request had been denied. You purse your lips, thinking it over, and decide that one more won’t hurt. It will reinforce being polite, hopefully, and you want to get this story finished quickly and go to bed yourself.
“Alright,” you relent, shifting forward. “Only one more, though, you’re going to get spoiled otherwise.”
He sits up further in anticipation, watching you lean forward and press a quick, chaste kiss to the cheek of his mask. You gather up the book again when it’s done, ready to continue, but a little voice stops you before you can begin to read.
“Oh,” he says, sounding as though there is a pout hiding behind the mask. “That wasn’t the right kiss. I want the right kiss.”
You let out a sigh. You should have known this was coming, he didn’t stay well behaved for long.
“What is the ‘right kiss’, Brahms? You wanted a goodnight kiss, and I gave you three.”
You’re a little frustrated now, knowing that he’s probably just trying to get a rise out of you. You watch as Brahms raises a hand, tapping the painted lips of the mask with one long finger.
“Here,” he insists, tapping his nail against the porcelain. “I want my kiss.”
He’s going to watch you for a while beforehand, getting to know your schedule, your family, your house. Definitely going to break in and have a look around, either while you’re out or sleeping. May take a thing or two, or even leave something behind for you to find, just to let you know someone’s watching.
It’s going to be a very sudden introduction. One day he’s just there, sitting on your couch, standing behind you on the stairs, or waiting behind a door for you to enter. He’s going to expect you to run, and would honestly be disappointed if you didn’t, but he’ll still give you a few slices even if he doesn’t want to kill you, just to keep the chase interesting.
Oh, you called the police? That’s not going to stop him from showing up, probably in the corner of a dark room while you sleep. If anything it’s just going to motivate him even more. They probably won’t take you too seriously anyways, because since when does Michael Myers chase someone down and not brutally murder them?
He just ?? keeps getting into your damn house??? Like how? You’re starting to realize it’s a lost cause keeping him out, since he will straight up kick down a locked door if he has to. And he hasn’t murdered you so far, although you’ve not caught on yet that this is his way of flirting, seeing as most people don’t murder anyone.
Eventually you treat him like a stray cat that just shows up sometimes, which isn’t far off. You’re still expecting to get the shit murdered out of you one day, but you can’t keep him out so why not try and get along while you can. He’s in your house most days anyways, you should find a way to charge him rent at this point.
Once you’ve accepted that he’s not going anywhere, he’s going to feel free to come and go as he pleases, not that he wasn’t doing that anyway. This is where you cross into ‘exclusive dating’ territory for him, because once he’s in your house without the police being called, that’s the extent of his ability to romance you. This is not at all how a normal person works and you have no idea you’ve just committed yourself to a relationship by not locking your door, but that’s not his problem.
One night you wake up and he’s just in your bed, not even sleeping, just laying right next to you, staring. In his mind, you’re already totally dating at this point, and that’s where boyfriends sleep so ??? What are you gonna do, kick him out? Good luck. This is your life now.
You’re exhausted, piling into your bed as quickly as you can the moment you get home, not bothering to do more than take off your work clothes before crawling under the covers. You lay down with a happy groan, stretching out your arms and legs, ready to pass out and not wake up for the next few days.
You can’t have been asleep for very long when you start to wake again, slowly drifting back into consciousness. The room is still dark but you squint your half open eyes anyway, rolling around until you’re comfortable again, ready to get back to your interrupted slumber. Trying to bring the covers up over your shoulders, you find that they don’t budge when you pull, so you dig your fingers in and pull harder. A grunt has your eyes snapping wide open, heart suddenly racing, struggling to focus your vision in the dark.
Beside you is an unfortunately familiar white face, dark eyes staring at you from the pillow next to yours. You flounder for a moment, clutching the blankets to your chest in alarm as you realize that your usual unwelcome guest has gotten into your bed and you have no clothes on.
“Um, what, uh…” You scramble for anything to say but this situation doesn’t really have a quick fix. “Hi? You’re, uh, in my bed, you know.”
A blank look is all you get, but you should have expected as much. Your eyes dart around, looking for some clue as to what the hell is going on. You notice that he’s still fully dressed, mask and boots included, laying stiffly like he wasn’t used to being comfortable.
“Okay, I guess the couch isn’t good enough anymore, but, uh, this…” There isn’t a nice way to say ‘I’m half naked, please leave’, and since you’ve avoided being murdered so far you’d like it to stay that way.
Before you can start another rambling sentence, a large hand pushes your head down, roughly landing back on your own pillow. Your hands are still clinging to the sheets for dear life, face red with embarrassment, but you can’t help but feel like you’re being ignored.
The hand stays against the side of your head for a moment longer, reaching up to awkwardly pat the top of your head once before returning to the other side of the bed. You stare in disbelief, his eyes looking right back at you, and decide that you don’t feel like dying tonight.
You roll over, putting your back to him, encasing yourself in the blankets and determined to get back to sleep, despite the eyes you can feel on your back.
It doesn’t take much to catch his eye, really the first time you smile or give him a tiny compliment he’s going to be hooked. He’ll be a flustered, nervous wreck when you’re around and it will be very obvious that he’s got a crush.
He’s going to want to find a way to win you over, so prepare to receive some weird gifts. Wild flowers and pretty rocks will be presented to you with a red face, but you’ll also get little trinkets made of questionable materials or things with suspicious red stains.
Nubbins (who, btw, follows the daily romance drama like a bored housewife) will be on his brother’s side, but he’s also going to blurt out awkward things around you both. There’s nothing quite like a nice family dinner where the question “H-hey, you and Bubba fuckin’ yet?” has just been asked, loudly.
Drayton, of course, doesn’t approve at all, but after a while he will grudgingly admit that it might be easier having someone else helping around the house, as long as you earn your keep. He’ll try to discourage Bubba, but Nubbins will just go behind his back and tell him to go for it.
You’re going to know right away what Bubba’s up to, so just getting it over with and letting him know you like him back will save you a lot of awkwardness, at least when it comes to the other two brothers butting in. It will take Bubba a while to get used to the concept of you returning his feelings, so he’ll still be nervous at first.
He falls pretty quick though, so by the time you’ve graduated to hand holding you might as well just get married, cause he’s ready to tie the knot. He goes from flirting to lifetime commitment in about two days.
The smell of food wakes you up, drawing you out of bed much earlier than you want to be. You dress in a hurry, still tired but wanting to make it to the table before everything was gone.
You curse as you step out into the hall, leaning on the doorframe as you lift your foot away from whatever you had stepped on. The first thing you had done this morning was hurt yourself, that didn’t bode well for your mood once you got downstairs to breakfast.
Looking down you see the offending item and carefully pick it up. A little collection of worn down teeth, a mix of human and bovine, strung together with little pieces of brightly colored plastic on a bit of wire dangling from your hand. The thing is a little gruesome, but the rest of the house is no less morbid, and you know how the family puts food on the table.
It’s another of Bubba’s gifts, usually given in person, but perhaps he had been too shy this time. You shift in place, a little smile on your face as you turn the charm over in your hand. The wire holding it together looks like clipped pieces of chicken wire, bent and uneven, but you twist the ends together carefully and hook it around your wrist. It’s clunky and bulky, a little too big on your wrist to stay put unless you keep an eye on it, but you will probably have another one offered up soon, so you don’t expect to wear this one for very long.
A voice from the kitchen catches your attention, calling you down for breakfast. It’s quickly followed by another, higher pitched voice, and from the sound of it an argument is starting up. You put the thing in your pocket, deciding to go downstairs and hope for the best, turning at the bottom of the steps into the dining room.
You find it empty, a few plates sat out with silverware piled to the side, and get to work setting the rest of the table. The argument is in full swing now, Drayton and Nubbins apparently having a dispute about something you’re sure is ridiculous anyways, so you stay out of the kitchen despite the alluring smell of food. You’ve only just finished setting the table when Bubba stumbles out of the kitchen, hurrying away from the fighting with a tray of warm biscuits in hand. The gray bun of his mask is messy this morning, apron half tied and on crooked.
“Mornin’,” you say with a smile, reaching out to take the tray from him.
He squeals in surprise at your greeting, fumbling the plate in his hands, two or three biscuits rolling away. The noise attracts unwanted attention, a harsh voice calling out, “You’d better not be causin’ a mess in there!”
“Nothin’ wrong!” You call back, hastily scooping up the fallen biscuits before Bubba can try, knowing it would only end with the rest of them on the floor as well. You take the tray on your way back up, placing it gently in the middle of the table, with the escaped rolls on top.
“We’ll give those to Drayton,” you whisper to him, smiling at the nervous laugh you get in return. “Go on and sit, I got the table put together already.”
He’s quick to follow your request, landing in his chair with a thud. You hide your hands behind your back, teeth and plastic clinking together dully.
“Bubba, did you leave somethin’ for me by my door this mornin’?”
He looks bashful, but nods eagerly, looking you over as if wanting to see if you have the gift on you. You stick your newly adorned hand out, holding it out for him to see and shaking your wrist to rattle the little teeth. He lets out delighted snort, reaching out to get a closer look at the little clasp you had made with the wire. He had made jewelry before, but they were usually done with bits of string that broke much more easily than the wire would. You let him inspect the changes you had made, grinning at how excited he seemed to be to try adding it to his next one.
“Thank you, Bubba,” you laugh, taking your hand back. “I need to give you something now, huh?”
He looks confused at this, glancing up and down as if looking for something hidden. He says something and even though you have no idea what the words were, you know he’s asking what gift you have for him. You watch his face, seeing his eyes go big and the skin under the mask flush as you lean in to press a little peck against his cheek.
“A-aw, they’re k-kissin’!”
You pull back, turning on the spot to glare at the intruder, hissing under your breath, “Don’t you have any manners at all?!”
He has no idea what he’s doing and all the advice he gets from his uncles is horrible. He’s awkward and shy and has never had a nice encounter with someone who wasn’t a family member, so he’s also scoring a zero for social skills. He will just avoid you to get around all this, so you’re going to think he’s got something against you at first.
Everyone knows what’s going on, even before you do, and there’s going to be quite the gossip happening between Mama and the other ladies, reporting your every move into the phone. The men are a lot more blunt about it, so you’ll probably catch on because of their teasing or rude comments.  
Charlie will take it upon himself to get involved, being the source of most of the absolutely awful advice Thomas gets. He’ll scheme to get you two in a room together, then just loudly comment how he’s just going to the other room real quick, wink wink, he’ll be back in a moment, wink wink, don’t get up to anything while he’s gone. He’s honestly not sure how this doesn’t work.
Thomas is going to be painfully aware that you know after that. He’s never been brave enough to act on what his uncles have told him to do, thank god, and now that decision has just been cemented. You’re going to have to be the one to speak up, otherwise he’s just going to hide from you out of embarrassment for the rest of his life.
You’re going to be the one doing all the flirting and courting now, and he’s going to have even less of an idea on how to return affections than he did on how to show them in the first place. Being straightforward is your best bet, because he has no ability to tell when you’re flirting with him or not. Anything that’s not “I like you romantically, let us engage in romantic dating customs, romantically, together” isn’t going to get the message across.
After Charlie’s disastrous attempts at getting you two together, he will take full credit once it’s official. Clearly he masterminded this whole thing, and you should all listen to his advice more often because look how well it worked out for Tommy.
Thomas freezes when he realizes you’re there, hands pausing in their work. You see him tense, not turning to look at you, and sigh.
“Tommy,” you call, stepping into the barn with hands on your hips and a stern look. “I’ve been lookin’ for you all afternoon. Mama said you were supposed to be down at the trailer, helping Henrietta with that old generator.”
He grunts in response, still hunched over the worktable, head down. You can see the items on the table in front of him, old bits and pieces of an antique sewing machine, the bulk of the machine taken apart and sitting to the side. His hands fidget with the little parts nervously, but he doesn’t return to his work.
You don’t expect much of a response from him anyways, but you know his hiding away in the old barn was on purpose. You came up from the trailer on the other side of the pasture every day after breakfast, helping to take care of the old house and keep Mama company while the men were away at work. Today is Tommy’s day off from the slaughterhouse and Charlie doesn’t do much for work in the first place, but you had come up to the house anyways, hoping to find him.
“You can’t keep hidin’ from me, how am I supposed to date someone I never see?”
His hands stop fiddling with the machine pieces, head tilting towards you as though listening, but he doesn’t move otherwise. You step closer, an amused grin on your face, coming up to the side of the table.
“Well?” You ask, tapping one hand next to his against the wood. He looks at you, or at least up from the table and in your general direction, with an expression of panic. What little you can see of his face through the leather muzzle is flushed red, eyes darting back and forth.
“Tommy,” you say slowly. “You were takin’ too long, we could’ve been done and married by now for how much time you were wastin’.”
You grab his hand in yours and he finally looks at you, watching as you press a kiss to the back of his hand. This is the kind of stuff you had been waiting for him to do to win you over, but you suppose you’re the one courting him now.
“We’re datin’ now, I said so. So stop runnin’ off when I come around.”
He lets out a strained noise of agreement, eyes wide, and your grin is so big now that it hurts.
Jason is a good boy, so he’s going to do his best to be polite and respectful. His mama raised him right and he’s going to strive to be a perfect gentleman. The various limbs left on your front porch are, of course, a gift, like any gentleman would give to the person he’s courting.
Okay, so he’s bad at gifts and you’re probably terrified now. He’s trying. The whole romance thing doesn’t come naturally to him, you know.
It doesn’t take too long to figure out who exactly is leaving mutilated bodies on your doorstep, considering the area you’re in, but you’re not going to see ‘romance’ as the intent behind them. You spend lots of time staying over with friends, only to come home to more signs that someone has been lurking around your cabin, muddy footprints trailing your property.
Luckily, he tries new things once he notices that you aren’t too fond of the previous gifts. Bloody human limbs aren’t your thing, what about animals? That didn’t go over well. Okay, he’ll try something useful, knives are useful, you’ll like those. No? At this point you’re sure he’s threatening you and are scared out of your mind.
Poor Jason is just at the end of his rope trying to find something you’ll like, but there aren’t a lot of options he hasn’t tried. He’s a little shy, preferring to offer gifts and watch from a distance, but if you want to put an end to it, you’re going to have to confront him. Of course, you think you’re about to face down someone trying to kill you, waiting out on your porch overnight with a weapon in hand, only to meet a giant man with a fistful of weeds held out to you.
You have never been so confused in your life, but it’s a better turn out than being violently murdered, so you can’t complain. It will only take a second before you see that he’s timidly offering you the scraggly plant and slowly you’ll realize that you have been the recipient of the worlds most awkward attempts at flirting rather than death threats. It’s sort of endearing to see how nervous he is standing in front of you, so you can’t say it isn’t working once you know what’s going on.
“Alright, I can do this.”
You’re pretty sure you’re going to die tonight, but it’s good to put out positive energy, or at least that’s what your rather ditzy friend had told you.
You were parked out on your front porch, sitting on the steps and waiting. You had started the night with an old, battered rifle sitting across your knees, eyes alert and feeling prepared. But it was nearing fall and you got cold quickly and you had been out here for a long time. If you were going to die you wanted to be as comfortable as possible, so you went back in for a blanket to wrap yourself in and a big thermos of coffee. The rifle was currently propped against the steps while you nestled in your cocoon of blankets. This would admittedly make it more difficult to reach in a hurry, but if you were being honest with yourself, you’re only half sure it was loaded properly in the first place and you had never fired a gun outside of a video game, so you figured your chances weren’t too great regardless. The only reason you owned it was because it had been in the attic when you bought the place.
You stilled at the snap of something in the distance, hand struggling to untangle itself from the blankets as you fumbled for your weapon, suddenly not as concerned with how comfortable you were. You manage to grab the thing just as the dark outline of a figure comes into view, stepping out of the woods.
You weren’t wrong when you had assumed the identity of your stalker, apparently, seeing the old, scuffed mask peeking out from behind the trees. He lurked at the edge of the woods for a moment, and although you doubted you knew how to use it, you wondered if the sight of the gun had made him pause.
Standing up, you held the rifle up, pointing it towards him with trembling hands. You tried to think of something to say, but couldn’t bring anything to mind. You already knew who was approaching you, and presumably the ‘why’ as well. That was about all your frazzled brain could think up on such short notice.
He waited at the tree line for long enough that your arms began to shake, finally stepping forward through the brush and getting close enough that you could see the little red marks on the cheeks and middle of the mask, before you pulled the trigger. The noise was louder than you had anticipated from the old thing, recoil rocking back into your shoulder painfully, but you knew at once that you had hit your target.
Both of you looked down, watching the sluggish spread of a dark stain on the already dirty shirt covering his chest. You waited for a reaction, maybe for him to fall to the ground, but he did nothing but slowly lower his arm -
Wait, was he holding something? Was that a handful of grass? Looking closer you see a big fist wrapped around a strangled looking clump of grass and weeds, two wilted dandelions sticking out in the middle.
Oh, shit, you think in a panic. Was he bringing you those? Bringing you flowers? Had you just shot someone who was trying to bring you flowers?
“Oh my god,” you half shout, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry!”
Hand now at his side, you see that his whole posture has changed, shoulders drooping down like the wilted weeds in his hand, head pointed towards the ground. You weren’t sure if they’d still put you in jail for shooting Jason Voorhees, of all people, but damn if you weren’t going to feel like an asshole about it for the rest of your life.
You take a few quick steps forward, stop, and then take a few more, unsure about exactly how close you should get to him. One little gunshot wasn’t going to inconvenience him much, if any of the stories were true, but you couldn’t just shoot him and let him go off into the woods looking like a kicked puppy.
“Um, I’m sorry, really,” you repeat, holding up your hands in surrender. “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t- I mean, I thought you were going to kill me, so, you know.”
He looks up at you, away from the new hole in his ratty shirt, but his eyes are hidden behind the mask so you can’t judge if he’s angry at you or not. You shift nervously in front of him, hoping this isn’t some elaborate plan to get you close enough to murder. Slowly he brings his hand back up, offering the half dead weeds to you in a shaky grip, and you realize with a pang of guilt that he’s nervous.
He was nervous about bringing you flowers and you shot him!
“Oh, please come inside, I’ll fix your shirt,” you babble, having no experience with sewing or even any idea where a needle is in your house. “I’m sorry, I really wouldn’t have shot you normally, I promise!”
He lets out a quiet huff of breath as you grab at his hand to finally take the offered gift, seeming to relax a little as he allows you to pull him inside, letting out a stream of I’m sorry’s as you go.
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mymoodwriting · 4 years
Perfect Love
Bang Chan/Jisung, Bang Chan/Felix, Felix/Jisung
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Drugs, Needles, Chocking, Nightmares
Words: 3.1K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Epilogue
Prompt: When Jisung started dating Chan it was a lot of fun, but that’s all it was and he wanted more. It was a mutual break up, or at least he thought it was. He had no idea what Chan was capable of, that is until he finally went to his house, carried into it actually. A second chance at love is entirely out of his control, and he might not have been the first of Chan’s lovers to be in this position.
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       The boy felt a hand shaking him. He rolled over, eyes opening, adjusting to the light. He soon focused on Chan, kneeling next to his bed. When his eyes landed on the oxygen mask at his side he scrambled back, smashing his head against the wall. He yelled, grabbing his head, the other merely chuckled.
 “I brought that to prevent you from hurting yourself, it’s working wonderfully isn’t it.”
       Chan reached over and gently rubbed Jisung’s head, softly shushing him. He lifted up his head to meet his eyes, reaching over to touch the side of his temple, the boy flinched.
 “Yeah, too soon for electroshock again. Don’t wanna burn that pretty skin of yours right.”
       Jisung didn’t comment on how creepy that sounded. In all honesty, if not for the mask and the fact that he was cornered, he would have been attacking Chan with no mercy, even if he wasn’t at full strength. Actually, if he could just get his hands on the mask he could turn things around, use it as a weapon. His thoughts were quickly interrupted when his head was grabbed and a needle dug into his neck.
       Out of fear and panic he grabbed Chan’s arm but that wouldn’t stop anything. His grip faltered after a moment. He felt warm, a slight fog in his mind, his head thrown back against the wall. Chan pinched his cheek, getting a smile and giggle out of him.
 “What’s… what was… that for?”
 “Changbin ordered some pizza and I don’t want you to miss out, but I don’t want you to cause another scene and possibly hurt yourself.”
 “Yup, you should be good now, right? Will you be a good boy?”
 “The best boy.”
       They both laughed and Chan helped him up, telling him to wait by the stairs for him as he put things away. Jisung twirled around for a bit before he stumbled against the wall. He happily took Chan’s arm when he returned, the two going upstairs. They joined the others at the diner table, the smell of fresh pizza in the air.
     Chan pretty much held up a slice for Jisung to eat, he enjoyed it, things seeming normal, feeling normal, despite everything. Apart of him knew it wasn’t right, but for the time being that part was silenced. Since his focus wasn’t really there he ate without paying much attention to the conversation the other boys were having.
 “So, business must be good since you came early.” Chan said, giving Jisung another bite of pizza.
 “Yeah, just the usual. Some of your regulars need refills.”
 “Right, right, do you have a list for me?”
 “Emailed it to you.”
 “I’ll get to it as soon as I can.”
 “I can do it if you want, just need the ingredients, I know you got your hands full with Jisung right now.” Changbin ruffled the new boy’s hair. “He’s cute you know.”
 “Ay, hands off, he’s taken.”
 “How’s he doing?”
 “You know how it is, the mind is a delicate thing. It takes time to fix.” Chan gently pet Felix’s head. “You gotta dull out the edges, fill in the cracks, strengthen emotions. It’s a process.”
 “They do well under your care.”
 “They’re happy and that’s all I care for.” He fed Jisung another bite of pizza. “And they make me happy.”
 “Well, getting back to business. Jeongin tells me your working on some new things?”
 “He can never keep his mouth shut can he?”
 “No, so why did I hear it from him and not you.”
 “See, I never told him, he was creeping in my lab the other day, found some prototypes.”
 “And tried them?”
 “I stopped him before he could, but I had to explain. I was gonna tell you guys when I had something better.”
 “Well, that’s on hold now, isn’t it?”
 “I need to focus on Jisung for a while, yes.”
       Jisung leaned against Chan, whining happily as he was snuggling up to the older boy. Changbin chuckled, getting another slice. Chan pet Jisung, feeding him again.
 “Felix, why don’t you and Jisung go to the living room, pick a game to play, Changbin and I will join you later.”
 “Something we can all play.”
 “Got it, come on Jisung.”
       Felix got up and took the other boys hand, the two laughing as they went off. Chan put the pizza box leftovers in the oven and then went to the basement with Changbin. They had other things to discuss. While they worked the two other boys were looking through the games.
 “You wanna play Smash?” Felix asked.
 “I’ve never played it before.”
 “Really? I’ll teach you, before the others come.”
       The two were getting along well, Jisung getting the hang of the game and having fun. That is until things started to clear up. He hated the scene he was waking up to, video games and pizza, it wasn’t wrong in anyway. Felix hadn’t noticed, just had a huge smile plastered on his face, enjoying the game.
 “Hey, come on, you’re not just gonna let me win are you?”
       Jisung was suddenly grabbed, before he could complain another needle was in his neck. Felix paid him no mind, just looked over at Chan and smiled when he noticed him. Jisung was quick to relax again, receiving a sweet kiss on his head.
 “I figured the other would be wearing off by now, didn’t wanna spoil the fun. You two being good?”
 “Promise.” Felix smiled.
 “Good, knew you two were good boys.”
       He caressed Jisung’s face for a moment, letting the little one lean into his embrace with a soft smile on his face. Chan watched him, pleased by his actions
 “Are you gonna play with us?” Felix asked. “Jisung’s getting good.”
 “Is he now? Changbin and I will be up in a bit okay.”
 “You should get back to the game.” Chan handed Jisung his controller. “Have fun.”
 “I will.”
       Chan stuck around for a moment to make sure Jisung was okay before heading back down. A while later they joined in the game, a few hours going by as all four of them played, yelling and shoving. Changbin didn’t leave until night time, Jisung sneaking off to the kitchen for another bite of pizza when he had the chance.
 “And what might you be doing?”
       Jisung jumped, turning around with a slice of pizza in his mouth. He seemed embarrassed, but ate shamelessly.
 “If you were still hungry you should have told me.”
       Chan laughed and picked up the other, sitting him up on the counter top. Jisung continued eating, definitely feeling shy now. When he finished Chan took the chance to kiss him, Jisung eager to kiss back. The older ones lips then trailed down his neck, starting to suck on the tender flesh to leave markings.
 “Just like old times, right? Was I not showing you enough love before?”
 “You were good…”
 “And I’m going to be better, perfect for you okay.”
 “Chan…” Felix came into the kitchen, yawning. “Chan…”
 “I see it’s bedtime for someone.”
 “Hmm… will… will Jisung… come with?”
 “I don’t know, would you like that Jisung?” Chan playfully rocked the other. “Wanna sleep with us tonight?”
 “Yes please.” Jisung shyly answered.
 “Oh, aren’t you cute, isn’t he cute Felix?”
 “Very cute.”
 “Alright, go up to bed Felix, me and Sungie will join you in a bit.”
       Felix gave Chan a kiss and didn’t hesitate to give Jisung one on the cheek before heading up. Chan got Jisung down and took his hand, taking him down to the basement, having him sit on the table.
 “Today was a good day, wasn’t it. You were happy, right?”
 “Good boy.” Chan pet him again. “You’re so beautiful when you smile, I want to keep you like that.”
       Jisung’s eyes wandered around the room, legs swinging, as Chan looked for something. The white wasn’t so scary at the moment, although for some reason he started tensing up. He only came back to attention when his arm was grabbed and another needle poked his skin. Soon enough he probably wouldn’t even feel a sting.
 “This should help you sleep, nothing but sweet dreams. Let’s go to bed now.”
       The two headed up, hand in hand, Felix already curled up in bed. Jisung ended up bundled up in the middle of the bed. When his head hit the pillow he immediately felt sleepy, Chan giving them both a good night kiss and wishing them sweet dreams. Despite everything swimming in his head, and Chan’s whispers in his ear, Jisung felt genuinely happy as he fell asleep.
       As Jisung slowly woke up he grabbed the body closes to him, snuggling up to it. He was warm and comfy, not wanting to get out of bed and go back to sleep. He was still waking up though, and slowly came back to his senses. He opened his eyes, seeing he was hugging Felix who was still fast asleep. He didn’t want to wake him, and carefully got out of bed.
       He went over to the bathroom, splashing water in his face. His eyes lingered on his own reflection. Yesterday felt like a dream, he wasn’t all there, well, not the rational side of him. It was like all the bad things, all the bad thoughts were gone, and he could only enjoy the things around him. It was even worse considering that it all felt natural and not completely out of place.
       When he stepped out of the bathroom he realized how quiet the house was. He slowly peeked out of the bedroom, listening for any sounds. If Chan had been cooking there would have been noise from the kitchen, but the house was quiet. Maybe he was in the basement, or gone from the house for some reason, Felix said he had a tendency to leave him alone in the house.
       His mind was clear, he wasn’t inhibited in anyway, this wasn’t just his chance, but Felix’s too. There was a chance Chan was in the basement, so they’d have to move quietly just in case. He went over to the bed, Felix looked so peaceful sleeping, but there was no time to waste. He shook the other boy, urging him to get up.
 “Felix, Felix come on get up we have to go.”
 “Um… what?”
 “We have to go, get up.”
 “Go… where?”
 “Just get up.”
       Felix was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, holding Jisung’s hand, as they went downstairs. The house was still quiet, which was a good thing. Jisung stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking around to make sure no one else was around. He made his way over to the door.
 “What are you doing?” Felix asked. “Where’s Chan?”
 “Felix, we’re getting out of here.”
 “Out of…”
       Jisung opened the door, the morning air hitting his face. He usually didn’t get the chance to enjoy it, having to get to work and all that. When the door opened Felix pulled his hand away and stepped back.
 “No… no it’s dangerous out there.”
 “Felix, this is our chance, come on.”
 “I’m not leaving, I can’t.”
       Felix was hugging himself, stepping back, he looked terrified of the outside. He kept shaking his head.
 “Felix, we have to go!”
       Jisung took his hand and tried to bring him along but the other held his ground, refusing to move. That clearly wasn’t normal behavior, especially when tears starting pricking his eyes, meaning Jisung would have to force him out. By now he could have been long gone but he didn’t want to leave Felix behind.
 “No! Let go!” Felix started screaming. “I’m not leaving! Let go, Jisung!”
 “Sh! Felix this is our chance, please, it’s not safe here!”
 “We can’t go! I don’t want to go!”
 “What is going on here?”
       When Jisung saw Chan, apparently he had been out in the garden, he let Felix go. The other boy fell to the ground before scrambling to his feet and running over to hug Chan, hiding his face. He was comforted by the older boy rubbing his back.
 “Jisung, be a good boy now, and close the door.”
       He didn’t have to listen to that, the door was open, and Felix was keeping Chan busy, he could run, he could get away, but he didn’t. A part of him didn’t want to leave Felix, but instead of fighting, like he should have, he closed the door. Something about Chan’s words had relaxed him and he felt somewhat compelled to do what he said.
 “Alright, be a good boy, lock the door and come here.”
       He did as he was told, locking his way out and going over to Chan. As expected the other wasn’t upset, just ran a hand through his hair, tilting his head up so their eyes could meet. The usual look of disappointment on his face.
 “Oh Sungie, I think I’m gonna have to revoke your upstairs privileges for now.”
       Felix shyly glanced at Jisung, still holding on tightly to the older boy. He had been crying a bit, his eyes a little red and puffy. Most of all he looked tired, half asleep, the recent activities not really waking him up.
 “Felix, why don’t you go back to bed okay? I know you’re still sleeping.”
       Felix gently nodded, but didn’t let go. Chan chuckled, kissing his head, he told Jisung to stay put and took the other upstairs to tuck him in. Jisung’s gaze fell on the door again but he stayed where he was, not really feeling like he could move. He watched Chan come back downstairs, grabbing his hand and following him down to the basement.
       This time he was told to stay in his room. A part of him was screaming to move, to get out, to fight, he had all the advantages but something happened upstairs and his own will to fight, his own will in general, had been pushed back. Chan came back with a small pouch, not at all surprising to see little bottles of something and empty needles inside. Jisung just had the terrifying luxury of watching a needle be filled with some drug he was about to be given.
 “I really didn’t want to get here so soon, but you’re rather stubborn aren’t you, Sungie?”
       His head was tilted to the side, no reaction this time from the needle. He gently shivered when it was removed though. Chan grabbed his face, smiling, kissing his forehead before grabbing his things.
 “I’ll be back later when I finish up with breakfast okay.”
       When he left the sound of the door shutting startled him. It was very loud, it almost seemed like it echoed in the room or in his mind. He hugged his knees to his chest, feeling helpless again, every chance he had he messed it up. Maybe he should have just left Felix, he could always come back with help, but then again he’d only worry if Chan would do something to the other boy in his absence.
       The lights started flickering, causing concern. There was no window or any other source of light in the room, so for seconds at a time he was in absolute darkness. He figured it would stop eventually, that it was just a glitch. He tried to pay it no attention, but then he started to hear something, low whispers.
       He got up, walking over to the door. He called out for the older boy again, banging on the door. He screamed when he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he turned around, there was no one, lights still flickering. He grabbed his shoulder, it really felt like someone grabbed him. Another pain made him jump, he felt like something had dug into his back. He bit his lip, the pain slowly growing.
       He whined, taking off his shirt, seeing blood and claw marks on it. His eyes went wide and he dropped it, running to the bathroom to check. There were no marks on his back, he was fine, the pain suddenly gone. He took a breath, splashing water in his face. When he looked back up he saw a black figure behind him.
       When he turned around there was no one. He was panting, hand on his chest, his heart racing, the dark was probably just playing tricks on him. He stepped back into the room, grabbing his shirt, which was completely fine now. He slipped it back on, then the bathroom door slammed shut. He jumped again, when he went over to it, he tried to open it but it was somehow locked. Nothing was making sense.
       He suddenly felt hands wrapped around his neck, starting to choke him. He tried to grab his attacker but there was no one, and yet he felt like someone was squeezing the life out of him. He stumbled back, crashing against the wall. He clawed at his neck, but there was nothing there, nothing to grab. Maybe it was all in his head, but then the dark figure was before him, choking him.
       The lights suddenly went out completely, the only thing in his vision was pure darkness. Now the only sound that filled his ears were the whispering voices. He couldn’t make anything out, starting to use what bit of breath he had to sob. He wanted to scream, but there was nothing he could do as he felt himself going limp, closing his eyes was pointless, but he did it anyway.
       His eyes snapped open, he was sitting in the corner of the room, hugging his knees. Chan was at his side, hand on his shoulder, looking at him with concern. Jisung slowly lifted his head, looking around the room. The light was fine, no more voices, and he felt fine.
 “Sungie, hey, what’s wrong?”
       Chan grabbed his face, trying to get the other to look at him but Jisung’s mind was still racing over everything that had just happened. He grabbed his throat, his hand then trailing to grab Chan’s. He looked at the other boy, he hadn’t noticed tears were building up.
 “Are you okay? I can go if-”
 “No!” Jisung hugged Chan tight. “Don’t… don’t go…”
 “Okay, it’s okay, I’m right here.”
       He didn’t know when he started crying into the other boy’s shirt. Chan gently shushed him, rocking him to the side in his arms, rubbing his back. He gave his cheek a soft kiss, cradling his head.
 “It’s alright, I’m here, I got you.”
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