masterjedilenawrites · 10 months
About the anon poll: girl, I just don't want to be perceived lmao
Fair enough ✌🏻
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There’s a Discord? I’d love to participate again
There is! Come join the Friendly Neighborhood Discord!
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hoshifighting · 8 days
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New in the Suburbs – New Neighboor! Joshua
Warnings: Smut, fingering, pussy eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, lots of flirting and dirty talk, hair pulling, clit stimulation, g'spot stimulation, overstimulation, oversensitivity, good first impression (both).
Word Count: 4.5k
On a bright and sunny day, you found yourself outside your house, taking advantage of the weather to give your car a well-deserved wash. The gentle breeze carried the scent of soap and water as you stood there, hose in hand, working diligently to make your car shine. The vehicle was parked just outside the garage, basking in the warmth of the sun.
The water gushed from the hose, soaking both you and the car. You leaned casually on the hood, propping your feet up on the tall tire to ensure you reached every nook and cranny with the rinse. Your skin glistened under the sun, creating a glow that seemed to catch the attention of anyone passing by. 
As you immerse yourself in the task, a voice interrupted your thoughts. Glancing over your shoulder, you spotted Dokyeom, Jihoon, and a new face you had never seen before. The unfamiliar guy wore khaki shorts and a crisp white buttoned shirt, adorned with the subtle elegance of the ARMANI logo. He radiated a captivating charm that caught you off guard.
To his eyes, you likely appeared enchanting—looking like the movie cover of a hot summer full of tanned, toned people. Your white tank top clung to your form, its transparency accentuated by the water, and your shorts molded against your body, creating a silhouette that seemed straight out of a summer fantasy. With your wet hair tousled from the refreshing shower you gave yourself, the trio approached, curious and captivated.
Dokyeom, noticing the enchantment in Joshua's gaze, decided to take the initiative and introduce his friend to you. With a playful smile, he nudged Joshua and gestured towards you.
"Y/N, meet Joshua," Dokyeom announced, his tone carrying a hint of mischief. "He just moved into the neighborhood."
You turned your attention to Joshua, and your eyes met his. There was a warmth in his gaze, and you couldn't help but return his friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Joshua," 
He extended his hand, shaking yours with a firm grip that lingered longer than the usual greeting. A subtle connection sparked in that moment as you exchanged smiles.
 "The pleasure is all mine, Y/N. I must say, Dokyeom has been singing the praises of this neighborhood, but meeting you adds a whole new level of charm."
Dokyeom chuckled, nudging Joshua playfully. "Told you it's a great place. And Y/N here is one of the reasons why."
Feeling a playful embarrassment, you couldn't help but blush as you lightly hit Dokyeom's chest in response to his teasing. He laughed, clearly enjoying the lighthearted moment.
"Alright, alright, I see what's going on here," Dokyeom teased, exchanging knowing glances with Joshua. "We'll leave you to do your car wash duties. But Joshua, make sure you get settled in properly, alright?"
Joshua nodded with a smile, still holding a lingering gaze that didn't go unnoticed. "Absolutely. Thanks for the warm welcome, Y/N. I'll catch you around."
As they turned to leave, you bid them farewell with a wave. "Sure thing! Nice meeting you, Joshua. And Dokyeom, don't you dare make this a neighborhood gossip!"
Dokyeom laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I won't say a word! Have fun, Y/N."
As you resumed attending to the car, thoughts swirled in your mind. You wondered what it was about Joshua that made him so captivating. While you couldn't quite put a finger on it, there was a magnetic draw to his presence.
As the day went by, you continued your routine, occasionally stealing glances toward the house where Joshua had moved in. The encounter replayed in your memory, leaving you curious to see him again.
The next day, as you lounged in your backyard, basking in the sunshine while you wore your bikinis, a familiar figure caught your eye. Joshua, his athletic frame glistening with a touch of sweat, ran past your house.
Just as he passed by, he suddenly stopped and turned towards you, leaning against the fence that separated your yards. His eyes widened slightly, as if he hadn't expected to find you there in such a relaxed state. A warm smile spread across his face as he gave you a friendly wave.
Joshua leaned against the fence, his breath slightly labored from the run. He looked at you and grinned. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise. You look absolutely glowing in the sun."
You chuckled softly, a slight blush creeping up your cheeks. "Thanks, I suppose the sun has a way of bringing out the best in everyone, including you. Running, I see. You always this energetic in the mornings?"
Joshua shrugged playfully, raking a hand through his sweat-soaked hair.
 "Ah, you know it's part of my morning routine. Gotta get the blood pumping before the day begins. But I must say, the sight of you basking in the sun has added a few extra beats to my heart."
You grinned, a mix of surprise and amusement dancing in your eyes. "Is this your way of flirting with me, Mr. Energetic? Or are those "extra beats" just from your run?"
Joshua chuckled, a playful glint in his gaze. "Ah, you caught me. It's a bit of both, I suppose. Can you blame me for being flirty when faced with such a captivating view?"
As you walked toward him swaying your hips, Joshua's eyes tracked you as you approached, his smile widening in response. Once you reached the fence and leaned against it, Joshua's eyes flicked up to meet yours.
"You know, it's the second day and you're already flirting with me? My friends will surely enjoy hearing about this!" you taunted, your voice laced with a hint of teasing challenge.
Joshua's eyes tracked you as you approached, his smile widening in response. Once you reached the fence and leaned against it, he responded with a teasing tone.
"Oh, am I making such a strong impression already?" He teased, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "If my flirting is that obvious, I guess I can't keep it a secret from your friends for long. They'll find out real quick that I can't help but flirt with the beautiful girl next door."
A soft laugh escaped your lips, enjoying the light-hearted banter between you. You leaned in a little closer, keeping your gaze locked with his. "Well, I'll make sure to let them know. But don't worry, I won't tell them how eagerly you've been eyeing me in my bikinis."
Joshua's cheeks flushed slightly, a hint of embarrassment creeping onto his face. He quickly regained his composure and grinned. "Fair enough. I'll keep it subtle, or at least I'll try to. No promises, though."
You couldn't help but smile at his response. The chemistry between you was palpable, leaving a flutter in your chest. Leaning back a bit, you teased, "Well, if you can't resist your eyes wandering, I might have to start wearing something more... revealing. I'm sure you wouldn't mind that, right?"
Joshua's eyes widened, a blush deepening on his cheeks. He stuttered slightly before mustering a playful reply. "Ah, now you're just doing it to torment me, aren't you? But you won't hear any complaints from me."
Your smirk widened, enjoying his flustered reaction. "Oh, not tormenting, just giving you a little taste."
Joshua's eyes glimmered with anticipation as he played along. "Just a taste? I'm starting to think you're a master of teasing." He paused for a moment, his gaze shifting to your lips before meeting your eyes again. "But I can play that game too."
Joshua took a step closer, his body nearly against yours. His eyes held a mixture of playfulness and desire. You looked back at him, a hint of a smile on your face. "Can you?"
He nods, his voice low and husky. "Oh, I definitely can."
You stepped back, creating a small gap between you, and glanced back at him with a sultry gaze. You turned back around and laid back on the lounger, giving him a teasing look over your shoulder.
Joshua paused for a moment, his gaze roving over you before leaving a casual comment. "You know, I might have to run near your house more often if this is the view I get." He chuckled softly, his eyes meeting yours one more time before he started to walk back towards his house.
You watched him leave, the events of the conversation replaying in your mind. The chemistry between you was undeniable, leaving you curious about what the future might hold.
As the week progressed, you observed the hustle and bustle next door, catching glimpses of Joshua moving into his new home. From time to time, you would spot him jogging past your house during his morning runs. The sight of him sent a flutter in your chest, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was intentionally passing by your place on his runs.
Today was Friday, and after a long day at work, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel. As you padded into the kitchen, there was a sudden knock on the door. Surprised, you hesitated for a moment, wondering who could be visiting at this hour.
You approached the door and peered through the peephole, curiosity piqued. To your surprise, you saw Joshua standing there, wearing a casual outfit and a friendly smile.
You widened your eyes slightly, a mix of surprise and excitement flooding your senses. Quickly, you adjusted your towel and took a breath to compose yourself. Opening the door, you greeted Joshua with a warm smile, quickly running a hand through your damp hair
"Hey there, Joshua. What brings you there?" You asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Joshua's smile widened as he saw you, taking in the sight of you in your towel. his eyes momentarily flickering down before returning to meet yours. He ran a hand through his hair in a casual gesture.
"Ah, I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time," he stuttered slightly, clearly trying to keep his mind from wandering to the sight of you in a towel.
You chuckled softly, not missing the momentary distraction in his eyes.
"Not at all. You just caught me right after a shower."
"I noticed you just got home a while ago, so I thought I'd drop by to see how your day was and maybe..." he hesitated for a moment, a playful glint in his gaze. "Maybe invite you to hang out tonight. If you're not too tired, that is."
"I just wanted to invite you to my housewarming party tonight. It's nothing grand, just some friends chilling and having a good time."
You nodded with a small smile, appreciative of the invite, but feeling slightly embarrassed in your impromptu outfit.
"Sure, that sounds great! Let me just change real quick and I’ll be right over."
Joshua’s expression turned playfully sulky as he responded with a touch of disappointment. “Ah, do you really have to change? I quite liked the sight of you in that towel.”
As his sulky expression intensified, you couldn't help but tease him a bit. You laughed playfully, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Ah, now you really want me to wear just a towel?” You teased, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. “Well, I suppose I could give everyone a treat, but then again, where's the fun in having me all to yourself if there's a crowd?"
Joshua's disappointment melted away, replaced by a sly smile that matched your own. He took a step closer, the distance between you growing increasingly intimate.
"You're right," he mused, his voice low and suggestive. "Crowds are overrated, especially when there's a chance to have you all to myself." His gaze fixated on your lips, a hint of desire in his eyes.
As he stepped inside, the air thick with tension and desire, you found yourself leaning against the wall for support. His closeness sent a shiver down your spine, and as he closed the door, the moment grew even more intimate.
Your breath hitched slightly, and your eyes widened, meeting his intense gaze. You could feel the wetness between your legs growing, and the desire within you intensifying, despite your best attempts to hide it.
"You sure' you want to change?" 
Your breath hitched as his mouth hovered near your lips, anticipating a kiss. But instead, Joshua planted a kiss on your neck, gently nibbling and sending a bolt of electricity through you. A moan escaped your lips, the sensation causing your chest to heave.
His body pressed against yours, and he pressed his lips into your skin, trailing a path of kisses down your neck and collarbone.
"You've been on my mind all week, you know that? Every time I ran past your house, it took every ounce of restraint not to come knock on your door and finish what I started that first day." His mouth then traveled up to your earlobe, nibbling it gently.
As his hands gripped your waist, you were flush against the wall and his body, the towel doing little to shield you from the heat of his touch. His breath mingled with yours, warm and tantalizing. You parted your lips just as his caressed yours in a soft tease.
Joshua took advantage of your parted lips, gently coaxing his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. His other hand found its way under the towel, tracing the curve of your ass possessively. You gasped softly, the pleasure intensifying.
His hand caressing your breast was both gentle and masterful, with a slight shift in movement, the knot of the towel gave way, and you gasped against his mouth. He took the opportunity to pull you closer and explore further.
With you even more exposed, the feel of your bodies pressed together without barriers intensified the sensations. Joshua kissed his way down your jaw and neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses in their wake. You could feel his arousal pressing into you, a delicious friction that made you ache for more. The sound of your moans and heavy breathing filled the air, adding to the wanton atmosphere.
He guided you to the dining table, the surface cool against your heated skin. You sat on its edge, the cool sensation only adding to the contrast of sensations. As he pushed your legs apart, exposing your wet dripping pussy to him.
His attention and touch on your thighs were both possessive and admiring, leaving behind a trail of shivers with every caress. He whispered words of praise, telling you how much enjoyed the sight of you like this, vulnerable and naked before him.
His thumb brushed against your sensitive bundle of nerves, and your back arched in response. You gasped as jolts of pleasure shot through you, leaving you breathless. 
''Joshua! Hmm…"
"Oh, that's right. Say my name, sweetheart. Let me hear how much you want me," he whispered against your skin, his voice low and seductive. You gasped, arching further under the ministrations of his touch.
"Joshua..." You moaned softly, your body shivering with pleasure. "Yes..." he murmured, his thumb circling your sensitive clit.
Joshua continued with his thumb moving in slow circles, driving you closer to the edge. "You sound so lovely when you’re all needy." 
You let him do with you what he pleased, lying back on the table, with chest rising and falling fast, you arch your back as he continued to tease you. His touch grew more insistent, determined to bring you to the brink. 
Joshua penetrates two of his fingers inside your pussy, your cunt swallowing his fingers eagerly continued their work, stroking and gently rubbing, while his other hand moved up to caress your belly and chest.
You moaned softly, a desperate edge to your voice. "I’m close," you murmur, every syllable quivering with pleasure. He picked up on your need, his breath warm against your ear. "I know," he whispered, a teasing lilt in his tone. "I can feel how close you are." His touch against you intensified, determined to take you over the edge.
He worked you to the brink of ecstasy, his touch and whispers driving you wild. Your body arched and trembled under his ministrations. "Let go," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "Cum for me."
You grabbed onto his forearm, holding on tight as you came undone. Your body tensed and arched, a strangled scream escaping your lips as waves of pleasure washed over you. His hand continued to move gently as you rode it out, coaxing every last spasm from your trembling body.
Even as you began to come down from the high, Joshua continued his ministrations, not giving you a moment reprieve. You writhed and squirmed on the table, oversensitive and breathless. "Wait," you stuttered, your voice strained. "I can't take it anymore."
"Shh," he whispered, his hand cupping your cheek. "Just let me take care of you." His touch gently persisted, pushing you to another edge.
Your gasp was followed by a plea, his name falling from your lips like a desperate refrain. The pleasure was overwhelming, verging on the edge of pain, and the knot tightened in your belly, the sensations building again. "Joshua," you gasped again, tears welling in your eyes as he continued to coax you towards your second climax.
Joshua kneeled down between your thighs, his gaze darkened with desire. The proximity of his mouth to your sensitive clit was enough to drive you wild, even before he touched you. And when he did, you let out a sharp cry, the heat of his tongue adding to the intense sensations.
You grasped onto his hair, needing something to anchor you, as the pleasure built with each movement of his tongue. Your vision blurred at the edges, the world starting to lose focus as the climax approached again. Joshua's groaned against you, the sound reverberating through your body and sending more waves of pleasure through you.
In the aftermath of your climax, you lay on the table, your body boneless and breathless. Joshua ran his hands gently over your trembling form, coaxing you back from the heights of pleasure.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He murmured, his voice soft and tender.
You nodded, your gaze hazy and satisfied. Joshua continued to caress your skin, his touch light and soothing.
As he tended to you, Joshua's kisses and caresses became increasingly needy. His mouth on your neck, biting and nibbling, while his hands roamed your body possessively. 
You could feel the hardness of his cock pressing against you, the contact sending a wave of heat through you. Despite your recent climax, his touch reignited your desire and set your nerves aflame.
His mouth moved lower, trailing down your chest to reach your sensitive nipples. He teased, his tongue swirling around each hard bud. You gasped at the sensitivity of it, your hand grasping at his hair.
His tongue flicking against them teasingly, as he looks at you.
As Joshua's lips continued to explore your body and his actions grew more intense, you couldn't help but notice the evident bulge in his pants. His control, usually so steadfast, seemed to falter slightly, the desire between you overwhelming his restraint.
"J-Joshua," you managed to gasp out, your voice thick with desire. "You're... so hard." 
He lifted his head, meeting your gaze, his eyes darkened with need.
Joshua's gaze darkened further as you mentioned his arousal, the words only serving to heighten his desire. "Can you feel what you did to me?" he managed to say, his voice strained with restraint. 
He shifted slightly, his body pressing more firmly against yours, letting you feel the full extent of his need. Heat pulsed between you, leaving no room for doubt about how much he wanted you.
You responded to his words with an ardent sigh, the sound dripping with need. "I want– " you gasped as his mouth found your neck again, planting a hot kiss. "I want to feel you. All of you." Your words were barely above a whisper, but their meaning, clear.
His control slipped further, the hunger in his gaze deepening as he looked up at you. "You'll have me," he promised, his voice filled with desire. "Every inch."
As your hand strayed down your belly, your fingers teasing your throbbing clit, Joshua watched in awe and desire. The sight was almost too much, his breath catching in his throat as he tried to resist the urge to take control.
He tried to focus on breathing as he watched your actions, his own desire straining against the confines of his pants. Your eyes met his, and he could do nothing to resist his lust. He quickly unstrapped his belt, tossing it on the ground.
As you caressed yourself, Joshua's control shattered. His pants hit the floor moments before he closed the distance between you, his hands finding your wrists, gently drawing them away from your body.
"No," he said breathlessly. "Let me."
In that moment, all rational thought faded away, replaced only by sensation and heat. The feeling of him pressing his cock against your slit, sent shivers through your body, your breath catching in your throat as you waited for him to fully enter you.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart." Joshua commands.
You tried to focus on his gaze as he entered you, but the sensation of his size stretching you was overwhelming. Your eyes rolled back slightly, the pleasure and slight twinge of pain sending your mind to another multiverse.
With every slow and sharp rock of his hips, your whole body trembled, the sensations overwhelming. Joshua's moans echoed through the room as he held your gaze, the heat between you intensifying with each moment. Feeling him fight to hold back, to prolong the moment, ignited a fire within you.
As you clenched and unclenched around him, his expression grew more and more strained, the struggle to hold back evident in his gritted teeth and sweaty face.
"Is it good Joshua?" You ask between gasps and thrusts.
You watched as his eyes closed, his expression contorting with the effort to hold on for you, a tortured groan escaping his throat.
"Yes–," he managed to gasp out, the word leaving his lips in a rush of breath. "It's so good, so good. I can't–"
You knew the pleasure he was experiencing was immense, his body trembling as he fought to maintain control for your sake.
Each time you clenched around him, his body tensed in response, the feeling of him inside you driving him closer and closer to the edge.
Joshua's eyes met yours as you felt a sudden surge of moisture between your folds, his expression shifting from a mixture of ecstasy to amazement. "You're so wet," he gasped, his voice dripping with desire. 
He increased his pace, his gaze never leaving yours, his hands finding purchase on your hips. His grip was firm, as if pulling you closer only deepened the pleasure. 
The sounds of flesh against flesh echoing in the room, as your hands roamed over his chest, needing something to anchor you in the waves of sensation. 
His thumb finds your sensitive bud again, a wave of pleasure washes over you, making your entire body convulse beneath him. You curse, writhing helplessly as he continues to tease and caress you, pushing you closer to the edge. Your voice is a breathy mix of pleasure and desire, the only words leaving your lips a pleading, "Don't stop."
With a swift move, he turns you, your body now braced against the table, and then, he thrust into you again, the table scraping against the floor as he pulls your hair roughly. 
Joshua's grip on your hair tightened as he pulled your head back, exposing your neck to his kisses. 
A strangled moan escaped your lips as your breath came in pants, the intensity building with each passing moment, as if you could feel him deeper from this angle.
His cock finds the spot, and you sobbed, the sensation almost overwhelming, and he chuckled softly against your skin, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Is this it?" he whispered, his words husky and seductive. "I think I found it." 
Each time he repeated the motion, you could only gasp out a choked, "Yes!"
You felt him hit against that sensitive spot again and again, each time eliciting a sharp gasp or moan from your parted lips. He knew exactly where to touch you, his touch teasing and expert.
With each hit of that spot, your legs trembled, threatening to give out completely and your body went limp. A mixture of pleasure and pain surged through you, your tears mixing with the sensations as he roughly grasped your hair. "Don't hold back," he muttered, his voice low and full of need. "Let me hear you."
"Joshua," you gasped between sobs and moans, his name a broken plea on your lips. your body had lost all control, helpless against the torrent of sensations and his masterful touch. "J-Joshua," you gasped, your voice breaking. "Please... I can't... I'm going to..."
Your words ended in a strangled groan, the intensity of the pleasure too much. You felt yourself clench around him, your body beginning to unravel, pushed over the edge by his relentless pace. "Oh god–" you managed to gasp out, your nails digging into the table.
And then it hits you, waves of ecstasy crashing over you like a tidal wave, drowning out all coherent thought. You arched your back, head thrown back as you cried out, the intensity overwhelming. 
Your pussy tightened around him, drawing him closer to cum as well.
Through it all, Joshua held you, one hand steadying your hips while the other still gripped your hair, grounding you through the storm of pleasure. He rode out the waves with you, his own breath growing ragged as he fought to hold back his own release.
The tears fell faster now, blurring your vision as you lost yourself to the raw lust and desire. Your body convulsed and trembled as you whispered, "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."
He loosened his grip on your hair as you sagged against the table, and you nearly fell forward onto the table face-first. Joshua steadied you quickly, supporting you with one strong arm while he turned you to sit on the table. He gathered you, holding you close in a soothing embrace, allowing you to catch your breath.
''Take your time. I've got you." he murmured softly as he caressed your scalp.
You finally managed to find your voice, albeit somewhat raspy and breathless. "Joshua," you whispered, lifting your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze. "You know your friends will be wondering what's taking so long."
"Let them wonder," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of humor. He brushed a stray lock of hair from your forehead, his touch gentle. "I'm in no rush to leave. Besides, I'm far more interested in tending to your needs than worrying about them."
You chuckle.
Joshua chuckled softly, still holding you close. "They'll be fine," he said, "What's a few more minutes?" 
As if on cue, a sudden knock sounded on your door, followed by the sound of a familiar voice. "Joshua? You in there, man?"
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emma-elsa-0000 · 1 year
Finally finished and submitted my fic for the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange 😮‍💨 it barely reaches the minimum word count 😅
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zhongrin · 6 months
𒆙 deus auri
part 4/8 of ⎡∞ / 𝟔 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 ⁺⎦, a zhongli 2023 birthday event
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© zhongrin | 2023  ✼  no repost・translations・plagiarism of any kind・ai data mining. rebloggers get a free cup of tea ♡
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𖧷 tags ┈ gn!reader, teeth-rotting fluff
𖧷 a/n ┈ merry christmas yall! i hope you're being surrounded by your loved ones today (be it physically or online). consider this a christmas gift from me to you <3
𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓊 ❬ masterlist ❭ 𐫱 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 ❬ taglist ❭
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𝓃early everyone in your neighborhood knew of your secret admirer, yet no one knew of their actual identity.
they had their speculations, of course. the elders just love to tell you all about their theories whenever they spot you with yet another fresh yellow hibiscus on your person. perhaps it was the young man three houses away, since mrs. feng saw him stealing glances at you? oh, or maybe it was the lady who moved into the neighborhood a few months ago, since the timing matched with when you started receiving the flowers? no, no, it must have been the blacksmith’s child who was just the perfect age for marriage, or the widowed greengrocer who kept giving you discounts, or—
entertaining the musings of the older folks who had nothing better to do than gossip was not your specialty, so a forced laugh and an excuse later, you continued on your merry way, shaking your head with a breath escaping your lips as your fingers brushed the soft petal.
you used to keep the flowers in a vase or press them between book pages to dry them out, hoping to prolong their life, but these days you prefer to have it on you as you go about your day. sometimes you’d wear it on your hair, tucked behind your ear, or weaved around your wrist, and other times you’d slip it on your clothes, going as far as planning your attire around the bright yellow petals. and when the day ended, the bloom would have wilted, but you already knew that the next day, another fresh flower would appear right in front of your doorstep.
truly, a mystery.
as many moons passed, you became curiouser and curiouser. such dedication, such resourcefulness. just who was this silhouette in the dark you could not seem to shine a light upon? as silly as it sounded, you were slowly toeing the lines of curiosity and perhaps even affection, as stupid as that sounded.
there was a florist you would always pass by whenever you returned home from a day of toiling at work. a selection of flowers, though none matched the flower you tucked onto your belt loop for the day, lined the forefront of the little stall, its owner giving you a friendly smile as you approached.
you started placing marigolds on your doorstep before going to bed.
what made you choose the specific flower? you weren’t too sure yourself. perhaps the colors and rounded shape of its floral head that day reminded you of mora, and it was an attempt at darkly humoring the stranger who had been spending their mora to buy all those hibiscus blooms. perhaps you just found them pretty and silently hoped your secret admirer would, too.
the marigold always disappeared the next morning, replaced with your faithful, bright yellow-petaled friend.
the ritual continued on, and just as tireless as your admirer was, you made sure to be just as persevering. not a day passed without the exchange of blossoms - not when it rained, nor when the holidays rolled by.
“mama, look! it’s the adepti!!” a little girl raced past you, dragging her laughing mother by the hand, jumping and trying to seek past the crowd of people flooding the main street at the end of your little neighborhood. the ginkgo leaves were falling, maidenhair petals matching the bright color of the hibiscus pinned onto your hair billowing past as you too, stepped towards the crowd.
they did this parade every single year, both to celebrate the end of a prosperous twelve-month period and to honor the very birthday of the geo archon, and every single time you thought you would ever get bored of it. a magnificent procession along the main streets, a week-long festival before and after, the various stalls opening along the streets, the hustle and bustle of the harbor amplified, joyfulness and the trees seemingly painting the air gold.
“ah, the demon conqueror isn’t joining us this year?”
“he’s the elusive sort, after all.”
”but the great illuminated beasts are almost all here!”
it was hard to make out the words of the people around you as the crowd bustled in excitement and the processional march reverberated so loudly in your ears, so you decided to step and slip around the gaps of enamored people when you spotted your chance.
eventually, your eyes finally fell upon the group as they made their way through the stone paved path. the proud magnificent beasts were always a sight to behold; otherworldly and also imposing. golden and red, intricately sewn flags bearing the symbol of geo along with the harbor itself waved in the air as the sounds of the drums seemed to make the ground shake. the smell of incense filled your lungs, your eyes squinting as the sunlight caught the cor lapis ornaments affixed onto nearly every object and clothing of the congregation. and yet it was said that the celebration march used to be much grander, with dancers and flower petals and scriptures detailing the founding of liyue and the tales of the archon war being read out loud - but your lord himself insisted for it to be downplayed after several hundred years.
and speaking of the devil…
“may rex lapis live and reign for ten thousand years!”
“ten thousand years, ten thousand of ten thousand years!”
this year too, the deity sat upon the resplendent sedan chair carried by four mortals. this year too, he looked as regal in his dark garment patterned with glowing golden threads and - in your opinion - as bored out of his mind. this year too, a stem of-
he didn’t have those last year.
marigold eyes glanced toward your direction, and you thought you had induced yourself into having a fever dream when your gazes met. but no, the way his amber eyes slightly widened and the way he suddenly shifted, back straightening from its former slouch and the colors dusting his cheek were very much real. while your lips parted as you tried to process the information, his own lips stretched into a gentle smile; gloved fingers plucking the flower from its pinned place on his outer robe, before placing a fleeting kiss on the one-stemmed tagetes’ amber corolla.
and as the crowds moved, eager to follow your lord, you let yourself be carried away by the sea of eager citizens, your heart doing double flips inside your chest as you tried to fit the puzzle pieces together.
…….. you think your ‘secret admirer’ might be the very god of your nation.
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urfavoritewriter · 6 months
More Than Neighbors
A commission for an anonymous user here on Tumblr, thank you for commissioning me!
Content: M/M Vore, Oral Vore, Endo, Digestion, Melting Digestion, Multiple Instances of Vore, burping
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The sun cast a warm glow over the new neighborhood as Jake and Andrew arrived at their freshly leased apartment. The building, a quaint three-story structure, stood proudly with a coat of welcoming beige paint. As they stepped inside, the scent of fresh paint tickled their noses—a sign that this place was truly their canvas to fill.
The apartment had a cozy charm, with sunlight streaming through the large windows that adorned the living room. The kitchen, though compact, exuded a functional elegance, complete with gleaming appliances and granite countertops. A promising beginning to their life together.
With an exchange of glances and a shared smile, Jake and Andrew embarked on a rhythm of unpacking. The air was charged with the excitement of new beginnings. The sound of cardboard boxes being shuffled and furniture being arranged reverberated through the apartment.
Jake's lively voice, filled with enthusiasm, echoed, "Babe, I'm thinking the couch should go right here, what do you say?"
Andrew, a bit more measured in his responses, replied, "Yeah, that works. Gives a nice view of the TV and opens up the space."
Their shared brainstorming intertwined with the mundane yet significant task of setting up their home. Little did they know that this cozy abode would soon become the stage for a more unconventional kind of interaction with their neighbor. Or, at the very least, one that Jake attempted to hide really well.
"I'd love to stay and help, but I've got to go to work. Maybe wait on the heavier tasks till I'm back home, and set up what you can until then," Andrew suggested, a hint of regret in his voice as duty called him away.
Jake nodded, a teasing grin playing on his lips. "Sure thing, babe. I'll leave the heavy lifting for when my strong man is back in action." He winked playfully, earning a chuckle from Andrew.
As Andrew prepared to head out the door, Jake couldn't resist a mischievous comment, "Thinking of greeting our neighbors later. You know, being the friendly new guy in the building."
Andrew shot him a sidelong glance, his lips curling into a smirk. "Just don't get into any trouble. And no overly friendly offers, alright?" he quipped.
Jake feigned innocence, a twinkle in his eye. "Who, me? Never!" he teased, giving Andrew a quick peck on the cheek before sending him off to work with a playful swat on the butt. "Hey, I just want to make sure we're on good terms with everyone around here. Plus, who knows, maybe they're super cool."
With a peck on Jake's cheek, Andrew replied, "Alright, social butterfly. Do us proud. See you later, okay?"
"Sure thing. Have a good day at work!" Jake replied, continuing the mundane task of unboxing their many sentimental objects for the next hour.
Jake took a moment in the shiny new bathroom, adjusting his hair and shirt. He wanted to make a good first impression, not just for himself but also for Andrew. With a deep breath, he looked at himself in the mirror, nodding as if giving himself a mental pep talk.
Feeling ready, Jake strolled out of the apartment, locking the door behind him, and headed for the next door. It felt a bit odd, making the rounds so soon, but he figured it was better to know his neighbors sooner rather than later.
Arriving at the door, he took another moment, clearing his throat and then knocked twice. The anticipation was a mix of nerves and excitement, not knowing who would answer the door.
The door creaked open, revealing a man with a dad bod, dressed in a blue gym shirt that depicted a muscular guy lifting, paired with black shorts. The shirt hugged his form in a way that accentuated his physique rather than hiding it, and the casual attire only added to the relaxed charm he exuded. This was Thomas, the neighbor Jake was about to get to know.
"Hey there!" Thomas greeted, a friendly smile on his face. "You must be the new neighbor. I'm Thomas." He extended a hand, a firm handshake revealing the calluses of someone who might hit the gym often.
"Jake," he replied, returning the handshake. "Nice to meet you, Thomas."
Thomas chuckled a bit, the friendly tone still lingering. "Likewise, Jake. So, what brings you to this side of the building?"
Jake shifted slightly, feeling a bit shy under Thomas's friendly gaze. "Just moved in with my boyfriend, Andrew, next door. Thought I'd say hi to the neighbors."
"Ah, the happy couple! Welcome to the neighborhood," Thomas said, rubbing his chin playfully. "You know, you're lucky to have me as a neighbor. I'm like the unofficial welcoming committee around here."
Jake grinned, finding Thomas's confidence oddly endearing. "Well, lucky us then. Thanks for the warm welcome."
Thomas leaned against the door frame, his demeanor casual but with a hint of self-assuredness. "No problem at all. Say, why don't you come in? I was just about to make some tea. A little neighborly chat won't hurt."
Jake hesitated for a moment but couldn't resist the friendly offer. "Sure, why not? Tea sounds good."
The apartment had a pleasant aroma of warmth and familiarity as Thomas led Jake in. It was a cozy space with an inviting feel, making Jake feel a bit more at ease. Thomas moved effortlessly to the small kitchenette, pulling out two cups and preparing tea.
"Here you go, Jake," Thomas said, handing over one of the steaming cups. "I've got a knack for tea, so enjoy."
"Thanks," Jake replied, taking a sip, the warmth of the tea comforting in his hands. "You've got a nice place here."
Thomas grinned, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Yeah, it's my little bachelor pad. Not as neat as it could be, but it's home."
They exchanged pleasantries, Jake finding himself drawn to Thomas's charismatic demeanor. The conversation flowed easily, with Thomas expressing genuine interest in getting to know his new neighbor. At one point, Jake couldn't help but voice a thought that had been lingering in his mind.
"You know, Thomas, you're a pretty interesting guy," Jake said, a playful glint in his eyes. "And, well, quite attractive."
Thomas's response was a cocky smirk, as if he'd expected the compliment. "I get that a lot, and for good reason."
Jake blushed slightly, his admission out in the open. "I hope I'm not being too forward or anything. It's just, you seem like a cool guy."
Thomas chuckled, the cocky edge still present. "No worries, Jake. I can handle a compliment. And cool? I'll take it. We'll have to hang out more, get to know each other better. Maybe introduce me to that boyfriend of yours."
Jake nodded, feeling a warmth spreading through him. "Yeah, that sounds great. Andrew would love to meet you, I'm sure."
With that, the conversation continued, the two sharing stories and laughter, the bond between neighbors growing stronger. Little did Jake know that the more time he spent with Thomas, the deeper his fascination would become. Jake couldn't stop eye-ing his neighbor's dad bod, and especially his slightly protruding belly, which was cozy and inviting.
"What's up?" Thomas said, noticing Jake's attraction to his body and his extended silence.
"Say, Thomas," Jake spoke, his voice a little shaken and apprehensive. "I was wondering if you could… You know," He said, avoiding his neighbor's direct gaze. "Swallow me up?"
The revelation hung in the air, creating a moment of awkward tension between Jake and Thomas. Jake's request was so unexpected that even Thomas, with his confident demeanor, was momentarily taken aback.
"Swallow you up?" Thomas repeated, a bemused expression crossing his face.
Jake, realizing how unusual his request sounded, quickly began to backtrack. "Oh, uh, sorry. That was a weird thing to say. I just thought, you know, it's been a long day with all the moving, and I thought it might be a way to relax. Forget I said anything."
Thomas, recovering from his initial surprise, chuckled. "Hey, no need to apologize. That's definitely one way to unwind. But, you know, what about your boyfriend? Shouldn't he be the one you'd want to spend your evening with?"
Jake hesitated for a moment, glancing around the room as if searching for an excuse. "Andrew's at work. He won't be back for hours. I figured it might be a good time, you know?"
Thomas raised an eyebrow, the cocky smirk returning. "Well, well, looks like I've got some competition with your boyfriend's schedule. Alright, Jake, let's give it a try. Why not?"
Jake's eyes widened in surprise, the realization sinking in that Thomas was actually considering his bizarre request. He stammered, "Wait, really?"
Thomas chuckled again, approaching Jake with a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, really. I was beginning to think the tea in me could use some company." He teased.
As Thomas moved closer, Jake felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Little did he know that this seemingly casual decision would set the stage for a series of events that would reshape the dynamics of their relationships in ways he couldn't have imagined.
Thomas's demeanor shifted, and a dominant aura enveloped him as he towered over Jake. With a wicked grin, he leaned in, his tongue emerging to sensually trace patterns across Jake's face, leaving a glossy trail of saliva in its wake.
Jake, caught in a mix of surprise and arousal, felt a shiver run down his spine. The dominant display was more than he had bargained for, but there was a certain allure to Thomas's confident and commanding presence.
As Thomas continued to lick, his teasing commentary echoed through the room. "You wanted to relax, right? Well, I'm here to make sure it's a memorable experience for you."
Jake, unable to resist the heat building within him, nodded in agreement. "Yes, I… I wanted something different."
Thomas, seemingly pleased with Jake's response, opened his mouth wide. The sight of those teeth, the expanse of his tongue, and the moist interior of his mouth created a mesmerizing spectacle. Jake, transfixed, felt a combination of excitement and anticipation.
With deliberate slowness, Thomas brought his open mouth closer to Jake's head, giving him a teasing pause. "Ready for the next part?" he asked, a wicked glint in his eyes.
Jake, feeling the heat of the moment, nodded again. "Yeah, go for it."
Thomas didn't waste any time. He extended his tongue and, with a deliberate and sensual motion, began swallowing Jake's head. The sensation was unlike anything Jake had experienced before—being enveloped by warmth, the pressure increasing gradually as he slid further into Thomas's mouth.
As Jake descended into the darkness, he couldn't help but marvel at the intimacy of the act. The feeling of Thomas's teeth grazing against his skin, the wetness of his tongue, and the gentle pressure surrounding him created a heady mix of pleasure and surrender, and he couldn't be more grateful that he had been forward with his request.
Thomas relished the sensation of Jake's head nestled within the confines of his mouth. The warm, tight space engulfed Jake, and Thomas couldn't resist savoring the unique flavors that each part of his captive offered.
With a deliberate and practiced motion, Thomas began the process of swallowing Jake further. His hands, which had initially rested casually on Jake's torso, now came into play. Fingers pressed gently into Jake's sides, aiding the swallowing process and ensuring a smooth descent.
The fabric of Thomas's shirt stretched as Jake's form traveled lower, gradually disappearing into the voracious depths of Thomas's mouth. The sensation of Jake's descent was hot, tight, and surprisingly intimate. Thomas's throat worked rhythmically, each gulp accompanied by a low, satisfied hum.
As Jake's upper body passed the point of no return, Thomas reveled in the feel of his buttocks. The firm, plump curves were a tantalizing delight, and Thomas couldn't resist using his hands to savor the moment. Fingers kneaded into the soft flesh, ensuring every inch of Jake was embraced by the consuming journey.
Thomas's thick hands squeezed Jake's buttocks inside his mouth, relishing the feeling of the soft flesh yielding to his grasp. The act was both sensual and commanding, a testament to the control Thomas exerted over the devouring process.
As Thomas continued the deliberate swallowing, the bulge in his throat expanded, signaling Jake's gradual descent into the depths of his belly. The once-taut fabric of Thomas's shirt now strained and stretched, barely containing the increasing mass within. The sight was both enticing and provocative, the visible contours of Jake's form pressing against the fabric.
With each successive gulp, Jake's head popped beneath the surface of Thomas's belly, causing a noticeable bulge from the outside. The fabric of Thomas's shirt clung desperately to the expanding mass within, the tight material pulled upward by the gravitational pull of Jake's journey into the man's digestive abyss.
The struggle of the fabric against the growing bulge was accentuated by the relentless swallowing. Thomas's throat worked with practiced precision, each gulp drawing Jake further into the churning depths of his belly. The once-cocky bachelor now seemed entirely consumed by the act, his concentration evident in the rhythmic motions of his throat.
The tight shirt, now strained beyond its limits, surrendered to the pressure. With a final, audible rip, the fabric gave way, exposing Thomas's expanding midsection. The bulge, no longer restrained by clothing, continued its ascent, offering a visual spectacle of Jake's gradual submersion into Thomas's digestive embrace.
Thomas's belly was much more pronounced with Jake entirely swallowed up, showcasing his curled up form beneath the bachelor's muscles. He rubbed his belly, moaning, as he let out a huge burp.
Thomas grinned, running a hand over his now exposed belly, the remnants of his torn shirt hanging from his waistband. "Well, shit, there goes my favorite gym shirt. And I thought it was tear-resistant. You owe me a new one."
He looked down at Jake's bulge inside him, the corners of his mouth curling up mischievously. "But, you know, it's worth it, just to have you all cozy in there, buddy."
Thomas reclined on his couch, feeling the subtle weight of Jake nestled within him. The torn shirt hung around his waist as a makeshift reminder of their unusual encounter. He ran a hand over his rounded belly, savoring the comforting fullness.
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As hours passed, Jake found a peculiar coziness within Thomas's belly. His words, though muffled by the fleshy confines, conveyed a sense of contentment. "So damn cozy in here," Jake's voice reverberated, the sounds dulled by the warm expanse of Thomas's belly.
The bachelor lounged, occasionally shifting in a way that cradled Jake further within him. Thomas chuckled, responding to the muffled remarks. "Yeah? Glad you're enjoying it, buddy. Just chill. We got time, and let me know when that boyfriend of yours is about to come."
Hours drifted lazily by as Thomas continued to chill on his couch, occasionally rubbing his belly as if patting a pet that lay within. Jake, within the comfortable confines of Thomas's belly, began to squirm subtly. His muffled sounds conveyed a sense of restlessness.
Jake's voice was muffled, the words barely decipherable but hinting at the desire to be released. Thomas, catching on, sat up with a casual grin. "Alright, time to set you free, little guy."
Thomas leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees, as the process of regurgitating Jake commenced. A low, guttural sound accompanied the motion, reminiscent of someone trying to force out an unexpected cough. As the first signs of Jake's reappearance became evident, a mixture of saliva and stomach acids accompanied him.
With a final, controlled heave, Jake emerged from Thomas's mouth. The dampened form of the once-swallowed man glistened, adorned with a sheen of Thomas's digestive fluids. Jake coughed and sputtered, the residue of the endosomatic adventure clinging to his form.
Thomas chuckled, leaning back as he wiped a stray droplet from the corner of his mouth. "There you go, Jake. Back to the land of the living, or at least out of my stomach."
Jake fumbled for a nearby napkin, wiping off the remnants of Thomas's digestive embrace from his face. He hesitated, glancing at Thomas with a mix of uncertainty and arousal.
"Fuck, that was hot as fuck," Jake admitted, his cheeks flushed. "Do you think, um… That maybe we could do this regularly?"
Thomas reclined on the couch, a cocky grin forming on his lips. "Regularly, huh? Well, who am I to say no? My gut's taken a liking to your round shape, and I figure I'd want to make use of this torn shirt again."
Jake, still catching his breath, grinned at Thomas. "Thanks, man. That was something else." With a casual wave, he headed back to his apartment, the door closing behind him.
In the privacy of his own place, Jake couldn't help but marvel at the wild experience. "Damn," he muttered, glancing at himself in the mirror. "Shower time before Andrew gets back."
Over the next few weeks, Jake found himself drawn to Thomas's door almost as if by an irresistible force. The frequency of his visits increased, and a peculiar routine developed—almost every time Andrew was out for work, Jake would find himself knocking on Thomas's door, eager for the sensation of being swallowed once more.
It became a clandestine affair, a secret passion that Jake couldn't resist indulging. The cozy afternoons spent nestled in Thomas's belly provided a unique escape, a refuge from the outside world. Thomas, despite his initial cockiness, seemed to enjoy the arrangement just as much.
Their encounters varied. Sometimes it was a quick, spontaneous venture, while on other occasions, Jake lingered longer, savoring the warmth and tightness of his endosoma retreat. As Thomas rubbed his belly in contentment, Jake relished the intimacy of the experience. The thrill of being swallowed, the muffled sounds of Thomas's surroundings, and the cozy darkness of his gut.
Each gulp, each audible swallow, became a part of their unspoken agreement. The torn gym shirt, now a remnant of many sessions, hung as a testament to their peculiar encounters. Thomas, ever the cocky host, reveled in the power dynamics of their arrangement. He would tease Jake with casual remarks, mocking him for how much he craved being inside him, how his gut's taking him from his boyfriend, and relishing the satisfaction of being the one in control. The muffled sounds of casual chatter, the gentle burps that followed, became routine.
One day, after weeks of their clandestine routine, Jake found himself stewing away in Thomas's gut. The familiar sensation of being enveloped in warmth and darkness was his routine escape from reality.
"Almost time for you to be out, bro," Thomas said, getting on his knees, preparing to regurgitate Jake, as they had done several times before. But, before the expected release, Jake squirmed in protest.
"Fuck, just take me," Jake said, his words muffled by the tight confinement of Thomas's gut, fully taken over by a surge of lust.
Thomas, taken aback, paused, looking at Jake with a mix of surprise and confusion. "You mean… like, for real? You want me to…?" he hesitated, gesturing toward his own belly.
Jake, caught in the moment of passion, nodded, confirming the unexpected twist in their usual routine. "Yeah, man. Digest me. Take me in. I want it," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of desire and abandon.
The unexpected turn left Thomas momentarily stunned, but the allure of Jake's plea proved to be too intoxicating to resist. With a smirk and a shake of his head, Thomas took a deep breath and said, "Glad you said that, a few more weeks and I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from ending you whether you asked for it or not."
Thomas sat back, a casual air about him as he reclined, teasing Jake about the gravity of his words. "You know, bro, you just signed up for the no do-overs, no take-backs deal. You're in my gut now, and you're gonna stay there."
Jake, a mix of excitement and realization playing on his features, squirmed a bit, confirming his acceptance of the unspoken agreement. "Yeah, man, no turning back. I'm all in."
Thomas, with a mischievous grin, decided to take Jake's commitment to a new level. "Alright, bro, you signed up for the 'no more talking' package too." taking Jake's acceptance as a cue, tightened his gut, muffling Jake's words almost to the point of illegibility. With a smug smirk, Thomas leaned back, basking in the moment as he let out a colossal burp that reverberated through the air.
The sound echoed around the room, a declaration of the new reality they had both willingly entered. Thomas, still chuckling casually, patted his slightly bulging belly, sealing the unspoken contract between them. The muffled, indistinct sounds from within only served to emphasize the intimate connection they now shared.
Thomas glanced at the buzzing phone, a smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like someone's missing their boy, huh?" he teased, waving Jake's phone in the air. "Got a bunch of missed calls and texts. Your boyfriend's probably worried sick about where you are."
He chuckled, placing the phone on a nearby table. "Man, I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out where you really are. In this big, bulging gut of mine." Thomas patted his belly with a satisfied grin. "But we'll let him stew in curiosity a bit longer. Gotta savor the anticipation, you know?" Thomas said, as he headed to his bedroom.
He sprawled across his bed, one arm behind his head, the other idly rubbing his rounded belly. The bulge from Jake's presence was noticeable, a testament to the intimate arrangement inside. He chuckled, a low, satisfied sound, as he felt Jake squirming within him.
"First night you're staying this long, bro," Thomas remarked, speaking into the empty room. "Better get used to it because, after tonight, you're not coming out. You're gonna be part of me for the last few nights of your life." He shifted slightly, getting comfortable, and let out a contented sigh. "Sweet dreams, man."
The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on Thomas as he woke up, his gut still pronounced from the previous night's indulgence. Stretching languidly, he sat up, feeling the weight of Jake nestled within him.
Yawning, Thomas got out of bed and ambled towards the bathroom. The tiled floor felt cool beneath his feet. Leaning over the sink, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. With a toothbrush in hand, he began scrubbing his teeth clean.
As he brushed his teeth, his gaze shifted to the protruding belly that pressed against the edge of the sink. Thomas grinned cockily, aware that Jake was experiencing his morning routine for the first time.
"Morning, Jake, you good in there?" Thomas teased, speaking as if Jake could hear him. "Can't quite make out what you'd be saying, but I thought the gesture was nice." He chuckled, imagining Jake's muffled protests from within the confines of his gut.
Finishing up in the bathroom, Thomas got ready for the day ahead, a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
As Thomas went about his day, the vibrations of Jake's phone periodically echoed in the room, a persistent reminder of the outside world that seemed increasingly distant. Each buzz was a testament to Andrew's growing worry and curiosity.
Teasingly, Thomas leaned back and patted his belly, as if saying to Jake that he's here to stay. "You know, bro, I think your body's getting a little softer in there. I'm known to have a rough digestion."
From Jake's perspective, the world inside Thomas's gut was undergoing a slow transformation. His clothes, once distinguishable, were becoming indistinct as they melded with the acids. The sensation was peculiar and, at times, disorienting, as his skin slowly melted; It was pleasant, it felt cozier than any of the previous time he's been in here, but it was still disorienting.
The muffled sound of Andrew's persistent calls and messages on Jake's phone served as a distant background noise, a stark contrast to the cocoon of warmth and semi-darkness that enveloped Jake within Thomas's belly.
On the second day, Jake's form inside Thomas's gut underwent a notable transformation. The once distinct features of his body were now indiscernible, a result of the ongoing process of digestion. The clothes that clung to him had long since lost their original form, merging with the liquefying remnants of Jake's physique.
Thomas, perhaps subconsciously or out of growing curiosity, patted his belly, noting a subtle change. The solid tautness that characterized Jake's initial presence was giving way to a softer, more pliable feel. The acids worked persistently, melting away the boundaries of Jake's form. It wasn't an ethereal or surreal process; it was the gritty reality of digestion, the breaking down of flesh and bone into a churning mixture, but despite that it still felt good to Jake.
The sudden, impatient knocking on the door jolted Thomas from his casual reverie. He swung the door open, and there stood Andrew, a mix of worry and irritation etched across his face.
"Hey, sorry to bother you this early, but have you seen Jake?" Andrew asked, his concern evident in his tone. "He's been missing for two days, and I'm getting really worried."
Thomas, wearing a hoodie that conveniently hid the changes in his midsection, shook his head. "Nah, man, haven't seen him. Sorry." There was an apologetic note in his voice as he subtly adjusted the hoodie.
"Fuck," Andrew said, seeming distressed and unaware of Thomas's gut. "Sorry. Just… Let me know if you ever do, okay?" He said, as he continued to the other apartments to ask his other neighbors.
Thomas closed the door and laid back against it, he couldn't resist a teasing smirk. He lifted the hoodie, revealing the slightly softer, bulging gut beneath. "All it took is a lift of my hoodie to show him where ya went. Too bad he'll never figure it out." he remarked, the cocky edge still present in his voice, as Jake squirmed inside his acid-filled gut.
On the third day, Thomas decided to hit the gym, his usual routine slightly altered by the recent addition of Jake to his physique. The once-toned bachelor now sported more of a dad bod, and a slight beer belly had developed, a testament to Jake's presence in his gut.
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As he prepared for the workout, Thomas couldn't resist teasing Jake. "Well, bro, today's gonna be a tough one on you. Might speed up your digestion a bit," he quipped with a chuckle. "But hey, I figure I'll make the most of the gains from eating you. Gotta look more attractive when you're gone, right?" The casual banter flowed easily, as he got to exercise his muscles.
Thomas began his gym session with some heavy deadlifts, the weight clanging against the floor with each controlled drop. The impact reverberated through his core, the vibrations felt by Jake nestled within the confines of his bulging belly. With each lift, Thomas's abdominal muscles flexed and tightened, pressing against Jake in rhythmic pulses.
Moving on to bench presses, Thomas lay back on the bench, the pressure of the weights causing his gut to push outward. Jake, caught in the middle of this bodily symphony, experienced the compression and release as Thomas completed each repetition. Sweat glistened on Thomas's forehead, a testament to the exertion he was putting into the workout.
Transitioning to squats, Thomas's movements became more dynamic. As he descended into the squat position, Jake was subjected to the pressure between Thomas's thighs, a sensation that intensified with each rise. The fabric of Thomas's shorts stretched tightly over his expanding waistline, a visible reminder of Jake's presence within.
The stair climber machine was next on Thomas's agenda. With each step, the rhythmic impact resonated through his body, creating a gentle rocking motion for Jake. The pressure on Thomas's midsection increased, and Jake felt the subtle shifts as his surroundings changed with each step.
Finally, Thomas engaged in some core exercises, targeting his abs directly. Crunches and leg raises emphasized the region where Jake was nestled. The compression intensified with each repetition, the steady burn of the workout echoed within Thomas's bulging gut.
Throughout the entire routine, Thomas's banter continued. "You feeling the burn, bro?" he teased, fully aware of the unique experience Jake was undergoing within the confines of his ever-changing gut.
As the days progressed, Jake's once-solid form continued its relentless transformation within the acidic confines of Thomas's stomach. The digestive juices worked with ruthless efficiency, breaking down Jake's flesh and bones into a formless mass. The initial resistance of his physical structure gave way to the corrosive power of the stomach acids, reducing him to a mixture of liquid and dissolved remnants.
The process was slow and methodical. Jake's consciousness began to wane, his awareness slipping away in sync with the dissolution of his physical being. He became entangled in the chemical dance of digestion, losing touch with the boundaries of his form as the acids invaded every nook and cranny of his thick form.
The sensation was a paradoxical blend of pleasure and obliteration. Jake, in his reduced state, was suspended in a state of half-consciousness, afloat in the warm, corrosive embrace of Thomas's stomach. The once-distinct features of his body blurred into a formless, melted amalgamation, his essence merging with the strong digestive acids of Thomas.
As the dissolution progressed, Jake's thoughts became fragmented, his sense of self dissolving along with his body. The blissful haze of digestion enveloped him, a surreal journey into the abyss of being broken down and absorbed.
Thomas reclined on his couch, a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips. His fingers drummed lazily on his bloated midsection, now transformed into a softer, beer-belly dad bod. The once-defined muscles were replaced by a plump layer, evidence of Jake's gradual assimilation into Thomas's physique.
"Look at this," Thomas mused, patting his slightly flattened stomach. "You're almost all mine, bro. I've been digesting you real good. Your essence is now part of what makes me, well, me. Bet you can't even comprehend that with how melted you are."
He let out a hearty belch, the sound reverberating through his sloshy midsection. Thomas's arrogance echoed in his words, a mix of crass amusement and self-satisfaction.
"You thought you could handle being in my gut regularly, but look at you now. Just a sloshy mess, melting away into nothingness. And here I am, getting beefier, looking better than ever," he continued, chuckling at the thought. "You're practically my personal enhancement, bro. A little seasoning to make me even more irresistible."
Thomas shifted, adjusting his posture to emphasize the changes in his physique. The casual arrogance in his voice painted a vivid picture of a man reveling in the results of his unconventional dietary choices.
"In a few more days, you'll be nothing but a memory, a part of my gains. Can't say it wasn't a good run for you, though. The best thing you did was willingly dive into my gut."
Thomas stepped out of his apartment and immediately encountered Andrew in the hallway, looking disheveled and anxious. Andrew's eyes widened at the noticeable change in Thomas's physique.
"Dude, have you seen Jake? I've been going out of my mind looking for him," Andrew pleaded, concern etched on his face. "You know what, don't fucking answer. I know you would've told me if you had already."
Thomas feigned innocence, scratching his head. "It's good, dude. Jake? Uhh, not sure, man. I mean, I've seen a lot of people around, you know? Can't keep track of everyone." He said, "Maybe he ghosted you or something. It happens. But hey," He gave Andrew a pat on the shoulder, "I'm here for ya if you need me, dude."
"Thanks, man." Andrew said insincerely, wanting nothing more than to know where his boyfriend went, but still appreciating the offer.
As they moved further away from each other, Thomas couldn't resist a sly grin, his hand casually rubbing his now beefier belly. "Damn, Jake. Not a word to your worried boyfriend? Never took you for the silent type." He teased as his stomach growled, knowing that Jake wasn't in a state to respond let alone comprehend, only existing for a few more days before he's fully digested down by the bigger man.
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prodbymaui · 1 year
These Secrets That I Have.
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what if I told you that I've fallen?
PAIRING: mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE: our friendly neighborhood spiderman ; the best friends
WORD COUNT: 4.3k+ words
WARNINGS: eventual smut, choking kink, arson
SYNOPSIS: Joking that your best friend is the infamous superhero bitten by a spider has been a habit for the group. It was all a joke, until it wasn't.
A/N: THE UPSIDE DOWN KISS!! spidermark agenda, I wouldn't let you die. and forgive for the poor attempts of comedy lmao. anyways, happy reading and don't forget to share your thoughts about this fic! <3
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''With great power comes..''
''Great responsibilities--''
Gasping dramatically, Johnny stands up as his finger points accusingly to the male who's unknowingly straining his vocal chords due to laughing so much.
Mark shakes his head, clapping his hands in amusement. ''Dude, everybody knows that.''
''Nobody gets it right.''
Jaehyun joins the tallest among all of you. ''Except spiderman.''
Cackles once again blooms, the way these two delivers their impromptu exposing session is so comical that you are all gasping for air.
If you didn't know better, those faces full of shock mixed with betrayal would fool you into thinking your best friend is actually the one behind the infamous red and dark blue suit with webs and spider symbols decorating it. No ones knows when it actually began, the spiderman jokes. Johnny and Jaehyun are certainly the ones to start the teasing on Mark, doting on him and urging him to 'admit it' in every chance they get. Oftentimes, the jokes are fueled by Mark's fast reflexes. Someone can react fast, alright, but something about Mark's tells that there's a deeper root or cause, Johnny's words.
Personally, you don't really think Mark would be the 'friendly neighborhood' superhero neither do you consider even the smallest chance because-- one, the male is literally with you almost 24/7 and spiderman saves people 25/8. And two, you've stayed at Mark's apartment more than you've done to your dorm, you know the in and outs, every nook and cranny of the space-- not once did you found even a mere clue that suggests what Johnny and Jaehyun had in their mind.
''You really gotta back us up here, dude. You know what you've seen.'' Once again, the faux seriousness shows in his words and his eyes widening to convince, you decides to ride his flow this time.
''Actions speaks louder than voice, Mark. If you're not spiderman, then explain the spidey senses!'' Johnny throws a cap towards Mark's direction, effectively making the man catch it within seconds, eventually proving your 'theory'.
'I told you so' looks are exchanged between the three of you. Haechan barks a laugh at that.
''This is fucking crazy.'' Clearly, he's enjoying the show judging by the tears escaping the sockets of his eyes.
The series of persistence is left to deaf ears. Mark prefers downing as much pizza as he can right now rather than dealing with endless accusations that, to say the least, is absolutely nonsensical. ''Y'all would cut this shit out or you'll have webs shoved down deep in your throat in a minute?''
By now, Mark should've known making empty threats that has connections with spiderman's universe or spiderman himself will just worsen the situation he already finds hard to be in. Albeit his ears ringing, Mark didn't make any effort to stop the banters of his friends regarding if he's the superhero bitten by a spider or he's just a natural. Concluding that the discussion is harmless, he doesn't find the need to.
Ha! It's not like he's actually the 'Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman', right?
Another groan escapes past your lips, fingers drumming the white table. 15 minutes upon arriving at 7/11, your instant ramen slash source of distraction from boredom sadly disappears in thin air. What the fuck is taking Mark Lee so long?
''--so you mean, 10 muscled people holding rifles each was nothing against 1 spider descendant or some shit?'' Your ears perks up.
''Yup, flicked those robbers away to the police like it was nothing.''
''Damn crazy, and fucking awesome.''
''That's spiderman for you,'' The boy browses through the ice cream freezer near you. ''Still can't believe he's in this area just minutes ago.''
Eh? The superhero was here? Then that would mean the said robbery took place somewhere not far from where you were eating your ramen peacefully. How come you didn't hear the sirens? You sigh, mind wondering the possible outcomes if the robbers decides to raid the stores nearby and eventually reach yours. It fuels your urge to go home even more.
Supposedly, this trip shouldn't last no more than 10 minutes considering the fact that the store is not even 3 minutes away from your dorm and choosing chips to your liking only takes less than 5 minutes of your time-- depending on how indecisive you are and how crazy your cravings are. It'll all bring you back to the comfort of your bedroom in no time, nonetheless.
But a certain someone thought it's a good idea to leave you at the store and tells you that he'll be back in a bit, making you wait like some child for their parent. Heck, no parent would even leave their child alone at a convenience store, opting to take the kid with them. He insisted on meeting here again in spite of your whines to go separate ways so you can enjoy the warmth of your bed all the while he fulfills the errand that he so eagerly wants to finish.
''This motherfucker, I swear to God.'' Informing Mark that you'll go back via message, the chair lets out a faint screech as your body heat lingers a little longer after standing up to leave. Just as you turn around, your shoulders meets a chest, sending you both to a halt as the collision sinks in. You look up to see your most awaited best friend with his unstyled chest nut hair serving as a curtain for his same shade orbs. He breathes heavily, as if catching some air to fend his lungs.
Eyes raking down his body, you drink in his appearance. He looks like he just came from.. a fight. ''The hell happened to you, dude?'' Your figure heads towards the store's exit.
''Police thought I was one of those that belonged to the robbery, took me a while to convince them I'm not, sorry.''
You snort. ''Well, I would mistake you as a robber too with this beanie and all black outfit you have.''
Mark scowls. ''They thought I'm a victim, just for your information.''
''Really? That's surprising.'' Laughing softly under your breath, you tosses a bag of chips to Mark as compensation for your teasing.
The gust of cold breeze remains disregarded, warmth coming from the other's body heat is enough to ease the coldness. Passing by where the crime occurred, your feet unknowingly fasten their pace, shuddering at the thought of danger albeit the police cars and armed officers surrounds the area in protection stance.
Overhearing a reporter going on about something along the lines of 'the cops thanking Spiderman as it weren't for him, they wouldn't be able to catch the criminals' makes you sigh.
They should really stop depending on the superhero. You thought.
''Isn't it scary?''
Mark turns to you. ''What is?''
''The way greed can drive humans to intense, irrevocable madness.  It pushes them to do these things that'll not only put their lives in danger but will also fail to satisfy their desires. Sure, they can have money in the palms of their hands with just a snap, stealing from people-- but will those bills last for a long time? Will that be enough for them? Certainly not.''
A brief glance from Mark is what you received, the bop of his head caught by your peripheral vision assures you to keep going. ''The more they steal, the more they crave. If the officials thinks that every on-going and unsolved crimes plastered on the news by the media will scare the criminals away because they are apparently doing their best to find the suspects and pull them out of wherever hole they are hiding, they're wrong. The cops wouldn't be forced to  use their best assets and experience sleepless nights if the criminals are not doing well at their job, right? Those announcements of endless searchings and calls for the people's help only pats the wanted people on their back, telling them they've done an excellent mayhem job.
Sometimes, I don't even know who to blame when crimes, like this kind, happens. Is it the criminals themselves because they lost their morals over materialistic things? Because they gave in to the urge of possessing those that goes beyond what they can comprehend? Is it the police for not hearing the reason why these criminals have done it? Is it the society who embodies judgemental and discriminating in all sorts of way that probably pushed them to do such things? Or is it the government who failed to make education and employment accessible to everyone no matter what their status in life is?''
Kicking a pebble out of your way, it creates a dull thudding sounds. ''Proper education and enabling people to have a grasp of legal source of income would probably prevent crimes from happening. I'd like to think that most are just desperate measures.''
Mark hums. ''What you said are somewhat right. They makes sense.''
''But.. ?'' You know there's more that he itches to say.
''But, as much as everyone deserves to be heard and understood, some are just born evil. Born without remorse for others. It'll surprise you how we encounter many people such them in our daily lives. So avoid thinking that criminals did what they've done because they had a traumatic and devastating life. You're unknowingly justifying the ends by their means, something you cannot do especially if the lives of innocents are on the line.''
It's unclear why Mark sounds firm and sure regarding of meeting the people he just talked about but since their existence is not exactly a secret from the whole world, you suppose he's correct.
Too caught up in your conversation, your feet reached the entrance of your dorm's building in no time. Turning around, you offer a cheeky smile at him. ''Thank heavens then that I don't need to worry about my safety.''
Mark returns your smile with a hearty scoff. He knows where this is going. ''Uh-huh, and why is that?''
''Because I have Spiderman as my best friend! You'll protect me, won't you spidey?'' Giggling, Mark nudges your arm as you walk side by side, resorting to shaking his head instead of joining your spiderman agenda.
Spiderman or not, Mark vows to himself to keep you away from the darkness of this world with all his might. He already lost his uncle, he couldn't afford to lose someone so dear to his heart once again.
The alarm blares loudly and pierces your ear drums, almost busting them yet you didn't make any effort of getting up. The ringing sounds extra loud today, though. Ah.. you don't really want to wake up. Your body shifts to a new position, hands searching where your phone lays.
Definitely, no one wants to wake up before the roosters crows in a weekend where you should be using all your time to rest in preparation of yet another tiring week.
Skin making a contact with the source of the sound, you didn't feel any vibration with it. Just as when you decided to go back to sleep and withstand the annoying ringing of the alarm, rapid knocks on your door overpowered the previous sound, effectively pulling you out of the borderline between dreamland and reality.
You sit up. ''Fuck--'' It is only then that you realized, the alarm isn't coming from your usual alarm clock. Instead, it is the fire alarm ringing and announcing the state of your building.
With panic taking over your emotions, your body moves fast. Getting all the things that you know is important before soaking a blanket in water, covering yourself with it, and finally running out to leaving your room. Tears pricks your eyes as you meet the fiery blaze engulfing the whole building, enclosing in with every blink and every breath you take. You step a few backwards, lips quivering as you try to ignore the scorching heat seeping through the wet blanket, threatening to burn your skin any minute. Your eyes wavers.
There's so many ways you could die but dying helplessly amidst of an arson is not what you fancy. A scream of horror couldn't even be used to express your fear, you remain quiet and whimpering despite the shivering of your body, arms hugging yourself.
Your doors shut close once again, your back leaning against it as you falls to the ground, drops of tears continuously running down your cheeks. The fire started from a floor below yours, or at least that's what it seemed like. Meaning you absolutely have no chance of escaping the flames unless you jump out of your window. Surely, you're somehow survive a fall from the 5th floor, right?
A rattle created somewhere in your house snaps you out of your nonlogical thoughts. Looking up, you don't know whether to believe your eyes or rub the surface of your orbs, taking a second look in case what you're seeing is just a figment of your imagination. Maybe you're slowly losing some screws in the head.
But the movement of the figure, jogging towards you, tells you otherwise. ''What the fuck.. ?''
It's real.
It's him.
It's Spiderman in the fucking flesh.
Once again, you are stolen from your trance by his arms gently pulling you up, steadying you. Without much of a warning, the superhero scoops you in his arms and flies out of the window. And holy fuck, does it scared the shit out of you that the fibers of your body started to scream nothing but hold on tight to the man who's swinging down the building with you.
The uncalled adventure ended before you could even processed that your building is currently burning down, you got stucked between the fire and now Spiderman just saved you. No one should be able to blame you if you take days to properly digest what just happened.
He stands before you for a few more seconds, as if raking down his eyes. You tilt your head when he nods and runs to save the others. ''The fuck.. ?'' For the nth of the day, you let out a curse.
Your brain is totally playing with you. There's no fucking way Spiderman helped you, made sure that you got no wounds slash you're safe and sound before nodding as if to assure himself. Johnny is gonna combust if he's to hear your story.
The comfort of the thick blanket engulfs your figure as you hold your cellphone and wallet in your hand. Sighing, you turn to Jaehyun who came to your aid at this goddamn hour. ''You don't really have to stay with me, Jay. Pretty sure this'll end in an hour or so, you can go back now.''
Stubbornly, the male shakes his head. ''Did you know how worried we are when we heard from Mark that your dorm was on fire? Johnny and Haechan almost even flew out of Busan just to make sure you're alright.''
''Dude, I'm really fine, I promise. I can manage this, just rest.''
His hand pushes your head lightly to lay on his shoulder. ''No, you rest.''
Giving up, you let yourself relax, leaning your weigh towards Jaehyun as you pull the blanket tighter around you. The dreamland train is ready to send you to your slumber when your eyes opens abruptly, realizing what Jaehyun just said.
He hums.
''From whom did you heard about the fire again?''
''Uh.. Mark?''
''And where is he right now?''
''... Dunno, maybe he's somewhere that's why he couldn't come.''
Your silence tells Jaehyun you're not convinced by his reason.
He silently prays Mark doesn't kick his ass.
2 hours passed and you decided to make Jaehyun drop you off on Mark's place, opting to stay there until everything's alright back at your apartment. It is proven that the male's walls have nothing against your persistent whines as you now lay on Mark's bed, scrolling through your phone.
Ever since stepping a foot here few minutes ago, you didn't catch nor sense Mark's presence. In usual days, it's Mark who zooms from wherever he is to your place once the news of something happening to you reaches him. But today, it was Jaehyun instead.
Your thoughts ponders to where it has been circling earlier. A voice inside you says something you surprisingly don't find hard to believe. Maybe it was your best friend who found you first after all, just not in his signature beanie and all black outfit.
''That's dumb. I should stop joining Johnny and Jaehyun with their shenanigans.''
You must've gone crazy now that you're talking to yourself.
''What's so crazy about that? Doesn't everyone talks to themselves at least once? It's not like it's so bad. According to scientists, taking to yourself brings you comfort and such.''
Of course, that's bullshit. You hate reading anything that involves science.
''Mark is not the superhero who got bitten by a magical spider that turned him into a man who saves the people from fire and crimes. Mark is just your stupid of a best friend that thinks putting strawberries in a microwave is a good idea because he likes his fruits warm. Mark is your best friend who's scared of cockroaches so how come he's a hero whose powers came from a spider? Mark is not Spiderman--''
Wrong. Absolutely Wrong.
Your claims got debunked right after you lay them down. You're absolutely fucking wrong.
The superhero whom you got to meet earlier, now stands in front of you once again. Hissing at what seemed to be a burn, unaware of the other presence inside the room, the mask comes off of his head, revealing the face the media and government would pay billions of money to see.
All this time, the jokes that Johnny and Jaehyun threw weren't all bullshit. Because the moment Spiderman turns out, the familiar chestnut shade eyes meets yours, effectively stilling both of your figures.
Holy motherfucking shit.
Spiderman IS Mark Lee.
''... let's treat your burn first.''
The hero nods like a puppy.
''Ouch! At least dab it gently. I may have powers but immunity to stings isn't one of them, you know?'' That only pushes you to dab the cotton pad harder on his burnt skin, earning a yelp.
''You deserve that after hiding this secret from us for how many years.''
''Who said I hid it from all of you? Johnny and Jaehyun have known about this months ago.'' Your glare scares the superhero embarrassingly. To be fair, it's not like Mark intended to let the duo know. It was accidental.
''And you didn't even dare to tell me, your literal best friend?'' You know exactly why he didn't want to risk revealing his secret even with those he trusts the most, you just don't know how to properly mask the worry inside you.
Mark, instead, smirks. ''Just say you're worried, it's not that bad to admit it, you know?'' He's right.
Your finger fumbles the cotton, eyes staring deeply to Mark's as you weigh the outcomes if you say the very sentence that lays at the tip of your tongue. The hem of your shirt moves, courtesy of Mark of playing with them.
Fuck it.
No one knows who leans in to who, all you know is that you desire to take more than the heat coming from Mark's tongue on yours. His arm wraps around your waist, flipping your position so you would be the one to lay on the bed, hovering your figure as his kisses travels down to your neck. Whimpers escapes your lips, hand threading the brown strands while the other feels the firm chest through his suit.
Your clothes soon flies to god knows where, the chilly wind bites through your bare skin but the flames of Mark's tongue licking every surface he can eases it. The lips comes back to meet yours one more time, devouring every area that he can reach. It's nothing like you expected to experience from Mark.
It's fierce, hot, and needy.
Wet sounds of kissing echoes through the silence of the room, rustling clothes accompanying it as Mark takes off his suit.
Fingers ghosting over the line that serves as an entrance to your core, your breath hitches. They entered Mark's mouth first, sucking and licking before pulling them out full of saliva just for the show. Finally dipping inside you, a sigh couldn't help but to be let out. It's deep, something you're unable to do whenever you're left to fend for yourself.
Mark gets on it, inserting one after another with little rest in between until he feels you're stretched enough for him. You pant, the angry red tip touching and tracing the line of your pussy, enough to send you desperate. So desperate that you whine and grinds your hips upwards to meet his length.
Caging you in his embrace, Mark's lips stays on yours as his cock slowly but smoothly slides past your opening, the veins rubbing along your walls enough to receive a quiet moan from you. There's a slight sting caused by the stretched of Mark's girthy dick but that's what you wanted, for it to hurt even a bit. In order for you could feel Mark fully.
''So good.''
Mark chuckles, observing your facial expression as he makes circles with his hips, hand caressing your sides in a comforting way. When he senses that you've gotten used to his cock sliding in and out of your entrance, he with no doubts quickens his pace. He starts fucking.
Screams of his name along with vulgar profanity fills the apartment, loud skin slapping fuelling the hunger for release. ''More, more, more-- fuck, Mark, please.''
The male grunts. God, just your calls of his name is enough to make him come. It takes him a lot of self-control to prevent his climax from raining on him quickly. With the determination of bringing you over the edge, his hips snaps harder, harsher and faster.
The way his tip gets caught on your walls before fully pulling out is hypnotizing. Hands gripping the pillow beside your head, Mark changes his angle a bit and that's when you scream his name loud enough for the neighbors to complain tomorrow. Mercilessly, Mark's bulbous tip jabs on your spot dead on continuously, giving you no time to catch some air.
His mouth attaches to your skin as he paints it with love bruises, a remembrance of your activity. ''Aah, shit-- are you close, baby? Are you gonna come around my cock? Tighten your-- fuck-- walls around me until I can't fucking-- aah-- breathe?''
You nod, chanting his name like a mantra as you plead him to bring you the mind numbing pleasure. Scratching his back, nails digging and creating crescent moon shapes on his skin-- Mark finds himself only getting closer to coming. His fingers wraps themselves around your wrist, placing your palm on the expanse of his neck. Mark groans when he feels the pleasuring grip on the sides of his throat, eyes rolling to the back as the perfect press sends him to his peak.
With your walls pulsating around him, white cream creating a customized ring for his cock, Mark thrusts once, twice, trice and a few more before he pulls out. Ribbons of white makes itself known on your stomach through the warmth it radiates. His head is thrown to the back as his mouth falls apart, moaning your name.
Minutes passes by and it was only then that Mark came to his senses, laying carefully beside you. Despite just having his cock inside you not long ago, Mark visibly stills when you wrap your arms around his waist. You chuckle.
''Any secrets you have that you want to tell me?'' Whispering against his shoulder, Mark gains the courage of placing his arm to hug you side ways. He smiles, staring at the ceiling.
''If I didn't know any better, I'd say that smiles means you like me.''
''Well, do you?''
''Do I what?''
''Know better.''
Giggles of happiness echoes the bedroom.
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It is night and your heels clicking the floor is heard along the quiet alley. You purses your lips, hands buried in the pockets of your jacket to hide from the freezing cold of the night. Eyes remaining to the ground, you steps comes to a halt when you sense another presence just behind you.
The shadow shows an upside down figure of someone, a strange yet familiar way. You turn around with no fear, smile of adore dawning your face as the sight of your boyfriend waiting greets you.
''Hi,'' Softly, you caress his upside down face. ''The people are waiting for you to save them, spidey.''
''Can I get my good luck? So I'd know someone is waiting for me to get back home?'' Chuckle rumbles on your chest as you pinch his cheek.
Your fingers tugs the hem of his mask, enough to reveal the naturally red yet slightly chapped lips that you love. Pressing a loving kiss, you hoped that Mark was able to decipher all the feelings you've put.
''Can I tell you a secret?''
You didn't wait a respond from him.
''I love you.''
You peck his lips.
''So damn much.''
You fix his mask and ensure that it wouldn't slip off of him.
''Be careful while saving the world, will you? I wouldn't know what to do if I lose mine.''
With one last kiss through the fabric of his mask, Mark vows that after helping the people, he will come back safely-- to his very own home, his own world.
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hyperactively-me · 7 months
halloween with husband!ghost 🍁🎃🍭
The chilly Halloween air nips at your skin as you sit on your front porch, surrounded by the faint glow of jack o' lanterns you and your husband had carved. The night is alive with the laughter of children, their costumes ranging from little monsters to miniature superheroes.
The sound of the front door swinging open and shutting pricks your ears, and you turn back to see your husband holding a large bowl of candy. You pull your sweater tighter around your frame, smiling to yourself as you watch him approach you.
"You're gonna catch a cold. Maybe we should go inside—"
"Simon! You promised," you scold gently, pouting your lips.
With a sigh, he begrudgingly sits down on the porch chair next to you, settling the bowl of candy in his lap.
Simon shifts uncomfortably in his chair, his hands clutching onto the sides of the bowl. He didn't really want to be out here in the first place, but you insisted on handing out candy to the kids this year. You wanted to be a friendly presence in the neighborhood, maybe get to know some new people. His reluctance was evident, yet you managed to coerce him into joining you. Besides, it could be fun! You're spending the evening just hangin' out with lil' ol' me! you had teased earlier that day. Of course, he had given in.
You catch a glimpse of his stern profile, the faint glow from the streetlight casting shadows on the edges of his face. He mutters something under his breath, likely a comment about the absurdity of Halloween, but you just chuckle in response, determined to make the most of the evening.
"Y'know, you can munch on those while we wait," you say, tapping his wrist lightly, motioning towards the candy in his hands.
Simon glances at the bowl of candy in his lap and then at you. With a dramatic sigh, he relents.
"S'pose a few wouldn't hurt."
He selects a piece of candy and unwraps it with deliberate nonchalance. As he munches, you can't help but notice a subtle softening in his demeanor. You hum, knowing that that man had an insatiable sweet tooth. His kryptonite.
A group of children dressed as witches and wizards approach your porch, their eyes widening at the sight of the mysterious man sitting there. You nudge Simon, urging him to play along. With a begrudging sigh, he reaches into the candy bowl, hand emerging with a handful of sweets.
"Happy Halloween," he grumbles in a barely audible voice. The kids exchange glances, half-terrified and half-amazed, before timidly taking the candy and scurrying away.
"See, Si, that wasn't too bad, was it?" you tease, elbowing him gently.
He settles back into his chair, trying to hide his smirk. "Don't get used to it, it's a once-a-year thing."
You laugh, appreciating his playfulness.
As the night progresses, more children in various costumes parade by, their eyes wide with excitement as they approach the enigmatic figure on the porch. Simon, despite his initial grumbling, starts to interact with the kids in his own unique way. Some ask about him, while others timidly compliment the carved pumpkins. The occasional chuckle escapes from the man next to you, and you can tell that, deep down, he's enjoying himself.
"Are you having fun?" you smile gently.
He raises an eyebrow at you. "Eh, it could be better."
But you know him well. Despite the tough exterior, you can sense the smallest grin creeping up on his face. You reach over, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're doing great. Besides, it's fun to see the kids' reactions. You're good with them."
Simon offers a subtle nod of acknowledgment, his gaze softening as he watches the neighborhood kids pass down the street. As the night unfolds, he becomes more animated, engaging with the children in playful banter and even managing a few lighthearted scares.
You can't help but smile proudly, reaching your hand to find his. You entwine your fingers in his, giving him a small squeeze. Simon glances at you, the faint glow from the jack o' lanterns highlighting the corner of his mouth as it quirks into a genuine smile. The warmth of your hand in his seems to be melting away any lingering reluctance, and he returns the squeeze, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected enjoyment he's finding in the evening.
As a group of children dressed as superheroes approaches, Simon beckons them over. With a flourish, he hands out candy, mimicking powerful stances. The kids respond with laughter, their amusement evident. You watch, heart warmed, as your usually stoic husband embraces the occasion of the evening.
"You're a sweetie," you remark, laughter bubbling in your voice.
He grins back, his eyes crinkling at the edges.
As a group of little monsters approaches, he pretends to be frightened, eliciting giggles from the kids. You can't help but marvel at the sight—Simon, the serious and stern Ghost, has become the kid’s one stop spot for entertainment. Who’d have thought?
As the final trick-or-treaters make their way down the street, Simon looks at you, satisfaction in his eyes. Simon starts to rise from his chair, a smile still lingering. "Well, that's enough Halloween for one year."
You tease him, "Maybe we can make it twice next year?"
He chuckles, flashing you a sidelong glance, "Let's not get carried away."
You stand from your own chair, stretching a little. "You should give yourself more credit, y'know, Mr. 'I don't wanna hand out candy.'"
Simon shakes his head, leaning down to grab the empty bowl and some stray candy wrappers. "I dunno what you're talkin' about, love."
You giggle at his response as you go to hold the front door open for him. He walks through the threshold, the warm air inside your shared home warming you both up. Your cheeks felt a little numb from the nippy air.
Once inside, you both shed your jackets, feeling the warmth of your cozy home enveloping you. Simon heads towards the living room, and you follow suit. The soft glow of the fireplace casts a warm glow across the dark living room.
Simon drops onto the couch with a sigh, looking content yet still retaining a hint of his usual stoicism. You join him, settling beside him, and he instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders. The flickering flames dance in the fireplace, casting a gentle glow over the room. Simon reaches to the side to drape a blanket over the both of you.
"That wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be," Simon admits, a glint in his eyes.
You giggle, leaning into him. "Told you."
He smirks, "Well, I might consider making it a twice-a-year thing, but only because you seem to enjoy it so much."
You nuzzle against him, savoring the warmth of his embrace. "I knew you secretly loved it."
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a moment, the crackling of the fireplace soothing you.
Simon leans down, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Thanks for makin' me do this."
"I loved spending tonight with you, Si," you whisper.
Simon's gaze softens, and he tightens his embrace. "Me too," he murmurs, his voice a gentle rumble.
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plutogist · 8 months
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i. part two: hang out with these characters (part one)
ii. gender neutral. reader | unedited version (lmk if I used any gendered terms!)
iii. cw: spoilers in manga (chrollo's part), mentions of death, massacre/slaughter, torture, trauma, and violence. stealing, fluff & semi-angst (?)
iv. characters: gon freecs, killua zoldyck, kurapika kurta, chrollo lucilfer, feitan portor.
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You hang out with the boy a lot as the two of you develop a rapport with one another and grow closer. The two of you would often be perched on top of a tree branch as he casts his fishing line into the middle of a swamp. He would ask you questions about your past, how you lived in YorkNew City, and even about yourself constantly while he was fishing.
Talking to Gon is comforting, although he is extremely enthusiastic. You might find yourself baffled as to how he appears to be fulfilled while not harboring any unwelcome feelings or thoughts. But naturally, that wasn't the only thing. He would take you around the town's outskirts. And to pass the time if you were in his place, you two would play a variety of board games.
When Gon wasn't allowed to practice Nen for two months because of his injudicious decision of fighting Gido, you and Killua trained together without Nen because Killua don't want Gon to be left behind. Since neither of you was particularly talkative throughout your training session-unlike Gon, who frequently emits a lot of commotion when the three of you are together-it was really awkward and silent.
You're just reluctant to approach him because you two weren't really close. But even so, he would give you advice on how to grow more powerful and tell you about what you should concentrate on. As an outcome, the more you two trained together over the course of the two months, the closer you two grew.
The two of you are hardly alone together unless it involves training, combat, etc. The three of you traveled to Whale Island after leaving Heaven's Arena to meet Mito Freecs, Gon's aunt, and Abe, his great-grandmother. They were quite friendly to you, and his great-grandmother told you and Killua plenty of stories about Gon. Gon once left the two of you because his aunt asked him to go get some supplies she needed to prepare later.
You offered your assistance to Aunt Mito with the laundry. Killua was watching you as you washed the clothes since he isn't really sure how he can help you or do things like that. He would speak about his experiences and escapades as an experienced assassin, a member of the notorious Zoldyck family, and the future heir to the family to keep you entertained. However, it wasn't all that entertaining to hear about how he was actually tortured as a baby.
You also shared your stories with him when you were younger. Being from your typical family, you didn't find it particularly interesting. To your surprise, Killua laughed and thought you were humorous when you were younger because of both your foolishness and your intrepid nature. You attempted tossing him your left slippers, but he deftly sidestepped it. Indeed, the day was enjoyable.
(Prior to the massacre of the Kurta Clan)
He would come and see you in your leisure time and encourage you to read in the neighborhood library with him. You would undoubtedly concur that it is Kurapika after all. You two would sit side by side on the couch in the serene library, and before starting a new book, he would offer that you execute an exchange. For instance, he may recommend a book to you and vice versa.
The majority of the novels he read are far more serious than you may think. He always recommends history or biographies of philosophers who lived a century ago, as well as crime, mystery, and science fiction, works. Despite how much you like it, you feel a little ashamed about the works you're recommending to him since they seem so plain to him. [Unless you have the same taste w/ him]
Most of your hangouts are just solitude and calm, but you like that tranquility. Along with Pairo, the three of you are going to stay in the forest as you three would for an adventurous hangout. You would capture fish or other creatures that are suitable for human consumption.
(After the massacre of the Kurta Clan)
You feel much closer to your childhood friend now that you've seen him again. He lost his positive outlook since, as you are aware, criminals killed the members of his clan. If you were in his position, you wouldn't have any optimism at all. Therefore, you are always at his side to lessen his sense of isolation and provide him with emotional support. A conversation with him may be quite intense and passionate. He would often speak to you late at night about his unsaid emotions, his grief, his trauma, his enmity, and the survivor's guilt.
He's still a huge book nerd, so you two would borrow books from the local library and read them together while relaxing in the calm setting. You are just brought back to the past by it.
(When you were still living in Meteor City)
Chrollo introduced you to Father Lisores, the owner of the church that you saw. (First chapter) And now, you're affiliated with him because you look like you're on the verge of death and he pities you. In exchange for your assistance with his charitable endeavors and your assistance each time there is a mass for children and other Meteor City residents, he provides you with a place to live, food, and other requirements.
Furthermore, you got to know some of Chrollo's friends. They all treated you well, but Chrollo is the one you get along with the best. Despite the difficulties of his life, he is bursting with positive energy. He frequently stops by the church and enjoys bringing you unusual items.
Most of your time together would be spent in the church's rear chamber, where he would show you other items and instruct you in speaking Gelman. (In the universe of Hunter x Hunter, probably English). His discoveries and his astute thinking never fail to captivate you. He frequently blushes when you praise him, but in all honesty, he kind of craves it since he wants to impress you.
Chrollo requested you, Sarasa, and Pakunoda to voice dub a Mighty Sweepin' Power Cleaners VHS tape into your mother tongue so that the kids in Meteor City could watch and understand the episode. It gave you an immense thrill to voice-dub the role that was given to you, and it warmed your heart to see the children moved and enthralled.
(Phantom Troupe / After the slaughter of Kurta Clan)
After Sarasa's death, Phantom Troupe was established with the intention of exacting retribution. You presently hold the fourth rank and are a member of the Phantom Troupe, a group of malevolent thieves. You two don't spend much time together since Chrollo is so busy keeping up his leadership role, looking for items that can be of great use to the group, or if he wants to steal a particular item. In fact, it only happens once in a blue moon.
But you can't blame him after all. Though when all of you are gathered up for a meeting, he would give you pieces of jewelry, books, and others that you love, which you presumably think that he stole, it feels nice that he's thinking about you.
While waiting for the remainder of the members to arrive, you would speak with them about significant topics and share what you had learned from your mission. His responses to you are brief since he is still engaged with the book he is reading. You feel sort of sad about it but chose to not complain.
While the troupe was in York New, he would pay you many visits at the gaming shop where you work, and would practically gaze at you as if you were a ghost or something - well, he's waiting for you to end your shift. You can't concentrate on your work due to his scary glances, and he physically stares at everyone that walks into the shop.
You would advise him to cease doing that after your shift, but he would act unaware even though he understood what you meant. You two would saunter through the Saloma Mall, only glancing at the merchandise in the storefront windows, not bothering to go inside because you're saving up your money.
But there was a time when you spotted a bracelet that piqued your curiosity, but it was so pricey that your wage wasn't sufficient to pay for it. Feitan was aware of this but remained silent. After dropping you off at your flat, he goes to the shop where you spotted the bracelet you like and snatches it violently.
He handed you the bracelet the next day. Unaware that he had stolen it, you were perplexed by how he was able to purchase it. When you questioned about how he was able to afford it, he just said that they were confidential.
Feitan isn't a particularly chatty person, and neither are you, but whenever he comes to see you while you're at work, you strike up a conversation with him, and honestly, talking to him is much more comfortable than talking to other people because he's direct and doesn't sugarcoat his words, which is what you like best.
He just listens to your rambling while paying attention to what you're saying, but he obviously won't be overt about it. The two of you would play video games in your flat after your shift. Because he has a strong sense of competition, he usually defeats you. He constantly invited Phinks and Shalnark as well.
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gi4hao · 2 months
a story of garden parties
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neighbor!seungcheol x gn!reader
warnings: a vaguely implied mention of alcohol, lots of mentions of food, cheol taking his shirt off *bites lip*
your neighbor’s friends warned you: they’re often around. but that only means seungcheol always has room for one more person, especially if that person happens to be you.
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march 24th, 11:41am
it’s the very last thing on your to-do list. something you only allowed yourself to do after cleaning your entire house and unpacking exactly thirteen full cardboard boxes: changing the nameplate on your mailbox. proudly admiring the way your family name states that this is, indeed, a house that now belongs to you, you feel a great sense of accomplishment rushing through your veins. of course you’re far from being done with moving in, but you have a feeling everything will go easy now that the hardships of paperwork are behind you.
on your right, the sound of footsteps and friendly chatters make you look away from your brand new mailbox. you count not one, not two, not even three people walking towards you, but seven. for a moment you wonder whether your neighborhood is something worthy of touristic visits… but watching these guys closely, you realize they’re all carrying food and drinks of various kinds, therefore eliminating the tourist theory.
you greet the group with a polite smile, and the seven of them utter scattered heys and hellos. only one of them actually speaks up:
“hi! are you the new tenant?”
“i am, yeah! i just moved in today. are you guys… neighbors of mine?”
they’re quick to inform you that none of them is actually living in this neighborhood, but that they’re all headed to your actual neighbor’s house, making the most of the sun to have a little get-together. a barbecue, specifically.
you’ve met your neighbor already, although only through hurried exchanges during your two visits of the place. he seemed like a nice guy, although you couldn’t quite remember right now.
“well, don’t hesitate to come and say hi! my name’s seungkwan, you might see us a lot around here if i’m being honest”, the same guy tells you, and you think they all must be pretty close to invite other people to each other’s houses.
may 20th, 1:30pm
“thanks!” you tell seungcheol as he hands you the drink you’ve been advised to try for months now, a creation straight out of joshua’s mind.
and indeed, you understand what the hype is about from the very first sip. you face translates your satisfaction, and causes seungcheol to crack you a smile.
“i needed that”, you admit, putting the glass down on the kitchen table. through the patio door, you get a perfect view of jeonghan trying his hardest to push mingyu in the pool. “thank you for inviting me by the way, it’s always nice to hang out with you guys.”
this is probably a more acceptable thing to say than the actual truth: that the main reason why you accepted the invitation was seungcheol himself.
“no worries, we like having you around”, he replies, getting started on his own drink. “is everything okay though? you seem a bit tensed.”
well, so much for trying your best not to look like you haven’t spent your entire morning having a breakdown over a multitude of sudden bad news.
you’ve gotten closer to seungcheol lately. the sunny weather brought many occasions for spontaneous conversations in your driveway, a few drinks at each other’s houses when the timing seemed right, and even a couple of parties. in other terms, you’re close enough to tell him when you’re feeling down, but maybe not close enough to always tell him why.
still, he’s always listened to you with a patient and reliable ear, making sure your interactions always felt comfortable for the both of you. but this sense of comfort is precisely the reason why neither of you seem willing to make a move.
you take another sip of your drink before answering: “i’m okay, nothing my beautiful new kitchen lights can’t fix.”
he chuckles, knowing you’re referring to the latest thing he’s done for you around your house. and his cheeks feel unusually hot. “well, feel free to ask if you ever need anything else. i don’t mind at all”, he smiles before walking around the kitchen table, motioning you to follow him outside.
your drink in hand as you step onto his wooden patio, you have to make a conscious effort to look away when he lifts his t-shirt over his head. lying on their deckchairs, minghao and jihoon are sharing knowing looks behind your back.
august 6th, 11:56pm
“am i even doing this right?” you ask, not really knowing whether you’re talking to yourself or not.
two hands come to rest on your shoulders, and you feel cheol leaving a kiss on the back of your head, making you instantly melt. “looks perfect to me”, he answers, looking at the chicken and vegetables sizzling on the grill.
you would take that as a compliment if it had come from anyone else, but since cheol has a tendency to believe that everything you do is perfection, you’re not really sure how much truth is behind those words.
so you pick up a slice of bell pepper with your fork, blow on it and turn around to feed it to him.
“perfect”, he confirms with a content smile, before leaning in to leave a kiss on your cheek.
behind him, you catch sight of seungkwan frowning in disgust: “don’t spread your cheesiness all over our food please. what if it’s contagious?”
reacting much quicker than you, cheol throws a towel that hits him right in the chest, all while simultaneously telling him to start handing around the plates.
“wow, someone doesn’t like to be called cheesy…”, you remark in an amused tone as you bring the first batch of food on the table.
“is it cheesy to say you’re the only one who’s allowed to say it?” he questions and pulls you closer for a kiss, fully knowing the answer to his own question.
sure, you guys might be a bit cheesy, but if you were to come up with an explanation, you’d say it’s just the natural release of months of pent-up affection. but everything feels so right now, and you can’t even remember the last time you felt alone, cheol’s presence and sturdiness being your safety net at every inconvenience in your life.
and as much as seungkwan and the others love to tease you for it, they’ll always cherish your fondness for each other, as long as it keeps on making their best friend the happiest man ever.
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beskarandblasters · 1 year
Hello, gorgeous human 😍✨
I wanna jump on your thirst request train and ask you to dabble in a smutty drabble featuring possessive Joel.
Maybe something like him being your neighbor and he’s friends with your mom and feels protective over you at first like an only older man in your life and then as you become more mature he notices changes in his feelings?
So, whatever, u can change the preamble however u want, the only thing I ask is age gap 20-25 years, possessive and jealous Joel (seeing you saying goodnight to a frat boy who slaps your ass as you walk off) and umm unprotected pinv with creampie and cumplay? 🥵
sorry, hope it doesn’t make u uncomfortable, but if it’s not your cup of tea I totally get it !
Love ya ❤️
A Taste For Men Who Are Older
No Outbreak!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Summary: You’re a college student home for spring break. You live in the suburbs of Austin, Texas, with your mom. After you moved into the neighborhood, Joel Miller became a close family friend. He was always protective of you but now that you’re older and mature, he wants to be more than just protective. 
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, possessive!Joel, no outbreak, takes place in 2008, age gap relationship (Joel is 41 and reader is 21), drinking, jealousy, fingering, oral sex (female & male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie
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You were home on spring break from college. You had hoped to spend some time with your mom and friends from high school but their colleges had spring break a different week than you did and your mom decided to go to the Bahamas with her new boyfriend. So you were stuck home by yourself. Having the house to yourself wasn’t too bad, though. You were used to being alone. And you had your neighbor, Mr. Miller, who would check in on you once in a while. You were also friendly with his daughter, Sarah, who was a few years younger than you but she was also away at school. When you first moved into the neighborhood, he took you and your mom under his wing, with her being a single mother and all. You always had a silly, childlike crush on him growing up. And now that you were older the crush definitely grew deeper. But you always assumed that he would only look at you like some kid so you never tried anything. 
With your week off you decided to invite over a guy from school you’ve been kind of into. You’ve seen each other at different frat house parties on campus, only ever exchanging drunken kisses. But now that you were somewhere private, you wanted to invite him over. His name was Derek and he was also 21. And that was pretty much all you knew about him. Before you left school you gave him your phone number, address and a time to come. And tonight was the night. 
You did your hair and makeup and put on a sundress. You also decided to put on a cardigan sweater since the plan was to drink in the backyard near the fire pit. March nights in Texas were usually a little chilly. 
At eight p.m. you met Derek in your driveway.
“Hey, glad you could come,” you said, smiling at him.
“Of course,” he replied, already grabbing at your waist.
You led him to the backyard to the fire pit where you had set down two lawn chairs and some beers. He lit the fire and you opened the beers, handing him one. You two sat and drank in silence at first, not really knowing what to say. You normally saw Derek when you were both plastered at parties with loud music playing. So, you stood up and went to turn on the radio. As you were walking back, Derek wasted no time, standing from his chair and greeting you with sloppy kisses. He was really handsy and it was a lot.
Maybe, I’m not drunk enough for this yet, you thought to yourself. 
As you made out with him, you vaguely heard your name being called over the loud music. You pulled away to see Mr. Miller, looking at you from his side of the fence. You went over to turn off the radio, feeling a little embarrassed that he had seen that. Before you could open your mouth to talk, he spoke first, “Hey sugar. Sorry to bother you but I’m havin’ an issue with my computer. Think you could help me real quick?”
“Uh, s-sure, Mr. Miller” you stammered. You looked at Derek and said, “Be right back,” before grabbing your blackberry and slipping it into the pocket of your sweater. 
“Thanks,” he smiled. You walked out of your backyard and into his. He led you inside through the back door. “It’s upstairs,” he said as you followed him up the stairs into his bedroom.
“So, what’s the problem?” you asked.
He took a step forward, not saying anything, eyes trailing up and down your form. Before you could ask again, his lips collided with yours, hot and full of passion. You couldn't believe this was happening. You wanted him for a long time and never in a million years did you think you would be in his bedroom, making out with him. One of his hands held your waist and the other caressed your face as he kissed you deeper, sliding his tongue against your lips. You opened your mouth a little, gaining him access for his tongue to explore your mouth. You moaned against him and he pulled away and said, “That’s right, sugar. I bet you were thinkin’ about me the whole time you were kissin’ that loser.”
You nodded, feeling just a tad tipsy and still complete disbelief. He pushed you down on the bed with a hungry expression in his eyes and pulled his shirt over his head. 
“I’m going to show you who you belong to, baby,” he growled against your ear, nipping it slightly. You whined in response as his hand slipped under your dress, grazing up your thigh. You noticed just how large his hands were, aching for his fingers inside you already.  
“Open those legs, sweetheart. Let me feel how wet you are.”
You nodded and spread open your legs. His fingers explored the lips of your cunt, feeling how wet already you were. 
“Oh, you’re soaked. I bet you wanted this for a long time, baby”
“Y-yes, Mr. Miller.”
“Dirty, dirty girl,” he said as he plunged a finger inside you. 
You moaned in response. He already had you writhing just with just one finger. 
“I’ve barely done anything to you and you’re already a fuckin’ mess,” he sighed, teasing you. 
Without warning he slipped another finger in and watched as your eyes widened. He got off at the sight of you squirming underneath him, pure lust in his eyes. 
“Just wait until I’m done with you,” he said, lowering himself to your pussy, sucking on your clit as fingers pumped in and out of you. You grinded against his mouth and nose, absolutely soaking his face in your juices. And he was loving every fucking second of it. Your orgasm washed over you as you came against his tongue, face and hand. He moaned against your clit, intensifying the euphoric feeling even more. As the movement of your hips slowed and eventually shopped, he slid his fingers out of you and went to lap up every last drop of your release before saying, “You taste so fuckin’ good, sweetheart.”
He pulled away from your pussy and hovered over your face. 
“Open,” he said, holding his fingers in front of your mouth. You sucked his fingers clean of your cum as he said, “That’s right, dirty girl. Suck my fuckin’ fingers.”
He pulled away from you and laid down on the bed next to you, sliding off his belt and pants. He didn’t even have to say it, you just went straight for his cock, taking as much as you could fit in your mouth. 
“Yeah, suck my fuckin’ cock, baby,” he moaned as his hand found your hair. You bobbed your head up and down, your hand taking the part of his cock you couldn't fit in your mouth. You felt him twitch and get even harder as you licked and sucked his large member. Your other hand cupped his balls driving him crazy as he grinded against your mouth, trying to bury his cock deeper in your throat. Just as you thought he was about to come he stopped you and said “Not yet, sweetheart. I want to cum in that tight pussy of yours.” 
You nod and take off your sweater and dress, tossing them next to you on the bed. He switched spots with you and spread your legs open. He took some of your wetness from your dripping pussy and spread it on his cock. He grabbed your legs and put them over his shoulders, squeezing the soft skin as he aligned himself with your entrance. Before he entered you he said “Call me Joel, sugar.” And with that he slid his cock into you. Before you could even adjust to his massive size, he leaned down so you were face to face, sending him deeper inside you. 
“Joel!” you cry out. 
“You can take it, sweetheart,” he said as he started pounding into you with no reservations about your tiny little pussy taking his large cock. He squeezed your legs and plowed into you, his hips slamming against yours with more and more force. You gripped the sheets around you, desperate to hold on to anything as he fucked you into the mattress unforgivingly. 
But as he was fucking you, you heard your phone ring beside you. He slowed his pace for a moment as you reached for your phone. Shit. It was Derek. You showed Joel your phone and to your surprise he said, “Answer it, sugar.” You accepted the call and brought the phone to your ear. 
“Hey, you’ve been gone for a while now… Everything okay?” Derek asked. 
Joel slammed his hips into you again, taking you by surprise. Your breath hitched and before you could answer him Derek asked again, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yep. Yep, I’m fine,” you practically whimpered, as Joel fucked you harder. “Okay, I’ll be out soon. Bye!” you said, hanging up on him.
“Good girl,” Joel said, kissing your neck, before returning to rail you. 
“Joel. Joel, please. I’m gonna cum,” you cried out, his cock practically hitting your cervix at this point. 
“Cum on my cock, baby. Let me feel it,” he said, grabbing a fistful of your hair. 
Your orgasm ripped through your body, sending electricity all throughout your back and legs. Your toes curled in pleasure as he fucked you through your release, making it even more intense. Your vision went hazy for a moment as you rode out your orgasm, moaning his name over and over again like some stupid prayer.
“I’m gonna cum in that tight little pussy of yours, sugar.” 
You nodded and felt his warm release paint your insides. He fucked you through his own release as he moaned your name against your ear. You both stayed there for a moment with his cock inside you until it went soft. He slid out of you and laid down next to you. The two of you stared at each other, faces flushed and in shock that that just happened. After a while you stood up to put on your dress, feeling his cum leak out of you and trail down your thigh. 
Before you could leave, Joel stood up and kissed you, his hands finding your waist again. You pulled away and started to leave, trying to think of an excuse to tell Derek. But before you left Joel said, “Now go get that loser out of here and come back for round two.”
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End note: I had so much fun with this!!! I hope you all enjoyed it :)
Tag list and some other folks I thought might be interested:
@wannab-urs @atinylittlepain @mydailyhyperfixations @serenaxpedro @iamasaddie @funnygirlthatgab @dreamsofmandalore @dreamingofdaddydin @pr0ximamidnight @bearsbeetsbeskar @swiftispunk @harriedandharassed @jksprincess10 @str84pedro @dindjarinslegs @stvrgxsm @tinygarbage @leeeesahhh @readingfan @leithatnight @pedropascll @cutesyscreenname @joelsversion @pedgeitopascal @shatteredbaby @toxicanonymity @pedrostories
844 notes · View notes
gubsbuubs · 4 months
Pacify Her
Pairing: Chip Taylor x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~ 3.5K
Warnings: Drinking, kissing, mention of Chips toxic relationship with Liza, just pure fluff.
Summary: Based on the song Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez. Y/n can’t shake the feeling that she should save her neighbor from his unhappy relationship.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy it, and any and all comments are appreciated - request are open 🍒
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With dinner plans bubbling in my mind, I sauntered into my garden, hopping down the porch steps. The herbs at the front were calling my name, so I leaned in close, running my fingers over their leaves.
The earthy aroma of soil and blooms enveloped me in a familiar embrace. The setting sun cast long shadows across the street, illuminating the scene with a golden hue.
From the corner of my eye, I glanced between the boards of the fence that separated my house from the neighboring one.
A flicker of movement caught my attention, and I observed as a figure emerged from the house, shoulders slumped and hands shoved deep into the pockets of his worn-out denim jeans.
It's Chip Taylor, a familiar face, a man worn down by a relationship that seems to drain him of life.
Chip and his girlfriend Liza had moved in a couple of months ago, but it didn't take long for me to realize that she was not the right fit for him. From the start, their relationship seemed marred by toxic behaviors. Most often, it was Liza's voice that echoed through the thin walls of our homes, sharp and cutting as she berated Chip with insults and name-calling. He remained mostly silent, his voice a rare presence in their heated arguments, as he seemed to absorb her words with a quiet resignation. It was clear that she had a mean streak, and it pained me to see Chip subjected to such mistreatment.
Chip was a great guy in every sense of the word. Despite the storm brewing within his relationship, his true nature shone through like a beacon of warmth in our otherwise quiet neighborhood. He had a heart of gold, always going out of his way to make others feel comfortable and valued. His caring nature was evident in the small gestures he made, whether it was offering a friendly smile or lending a helping hand to a neighbor in need.
Beyond his kindness, Chip possessed a sweetness that was infectious. His laughter was like music, filling the air with joy whenever he allowed himself a moment of genuine mirth.
When Liza's sharp tongue is nowhere to be heard, Chip and I relish in each other's company, sharing stories that bring smiles to our faces. It all began with casual chats over the fence, and then, when my faucet started leaking, he offered his handiwork skills without hesitation.
But it didn't stop there. When my washer broke down or when my garage gate refused to close, Chip was there once again, ready to lend a helping hand.
His willingness to assist never failed to impress me. With each random problem that cropped up around my house, Chip was there, offering his support without expecting anything in return.
Now, I could proudly call Chip my friend.
We often share stories over a cup of coffee on my porch swing. Chip appreciated having someone who listened to him, and there I was, gladly fulfilling that role. It was clear that he valued our time together, and I was more than happy to provide a listening ear.
There's a sense of ease and comfort in our conversations, as if we've known each other for years. Chip's laughter fills the air as we exchange stories and bond over special occasions. He seems to be genuinely happy to be around me.
However, there's a noticeable shift in his demeanor when Liza is around.
As soon as he senses her impending arrival, he quickly makes his way back to his own house, eager to avoid any potential confrontation. It's as if he's a different person when he crosses the fence, leaving behind the warmth and openness.
Having shared my opinions on Liza's actions several times before, Chip knew where I stood—that she was often unkind to him and didn't deserve his unwavering loyalty. Despite my concerns, he seemed trapped in a cycle of toxic behavior, unable to break free from the grip of their troubled relationship.
It was hard to understand why he stayed with Liza despite her hurtful behavior. Perhaps he saw something in her that others couldn't, or maybe he held onto the hope that she would change. Regardless, it was evident to those around them that Chip deserved better.
As I observed Chip's weary demeanor, Liza appeared, her sharp features etched in a perpetual scowl.
I observed her as she made her way towards the street where her parked car stood, with Chip trailing closely behind her. "No! You stay here!" she yelled at him, and he obediently remained, abiding by her command, like a dog.
Liza's departure from the house is met with a palpable sense of relief from Chip, evident in the way his shoulders sag and his expression filled with exhaustion. Oblivious to his mood, Liza prattles on about her plans for the evening as she climbs into her car, blasting music as she drives away with an air of self-importance.
Chip walked toward his house with a heavy heart and a heavy sigh, his steps slow and deliberate. Leaning against the column of his porch, he stared off into the distance, admiring the sunset as it painted the sky with hues of orange and pink. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't even notice me standing just on the other side of the fence, silently watching over him with a mixture of sympathy and concern.
"Hi, stranger," I said softly as I rose from the ground, a handful of fresh herbs cradled in my palm. Peering over the fence, I met Chip's gaze, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Y/N! I didn't see you there," he replied warmly, his eyes meeting mine with a glimmer of appreciation.
I leaned casually against the fence, the scent of basil and rosemary lingering in the air between us. "How's your day been?" I asked, genuinely curious about his well-being.
Chip sighed, his smile fading slightly. "It's been... rough," he admitted, his gaze dropping to the ground briefly before returning to meet mine. "Liza and I had another argument. She stormed. Said she'd be back by Sunday. Doesn't want to deal with me today." His face scrunched up, as if the discomfort from the situation effected his body too.
I nodded sympathetically, understanding the strain in Chip's voice. "I'm sorry to hear that," I said softly, reaching out to gently touch his arm. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Chip looked up at me, "Thanks," he said, his voice filled with hesitation. "But I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it just yet, but it means a lot that you're here for me." I nodded understandingly, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Hey, how about joining me for dinner tonight? I was just about to cook up a batch of spaghetti and meatballs. It's nothing fancy, but I'd love the company."
Chip's face brightened up at the invitation, a small smile forming on his lips. "That sounds really nice," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "I could use some distraction and good food right now." He admitted.
"It smells amazing in here, Y/N" Chip remarked with genuine appreciation as we stepped into my kitchen.
I chuckled and gestured towards the pot on the stove. "Well, I can't take all the credit. My secret ingredient is my grandma's homemade marinara sauce. It's always been a hit" Chip's eyes lit up with curiosity as he leaned in to take a whiff of the delicious aroma.
"I can't wait to try it," he said eagerly, his stomach growling in anticipation. I handed Chip a spoon and watched as he took a small taste of the sauce. His face instantly lit up with delight, confirming that my grandma's recipe was as good as ever.
"This is incredible," he exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he took a bite of a meatball. "Oh I love homemade meals; this is not something I usually get to eat."
His words struck a chord within me, a reminder of the neglect that Chip seemed to endure with Liza. I could only imagine the lack of care he received when it came to something as basic as food.
"I'm glad you like it, Chip," I replied softly, a pang of sadness tugging at my heart. "It's unfortunate that you don't get to enjoy homemade meals more often."
Chip's expression softened, his gaze meeting mine with a hint of vulnerability. "Yeah, well, Liza and I usually just eat junk or order takeout. It's... not exactly the healthiest or most satisfying option."
"Everyone deserves to enjoy good food, especially when it's made with care and love," I said softly.
It pained me to know that someone so deserving was out there being treated so badly, especially when I knew I could treat him so well.
We decided to eat on the sofa, Chip offered to set the coffee table with plates and cups as I finished preparing the food in the kitchen.
"Wine?" I inquired without glancing away from the stove.
"Most definitely, please," came Chip's prompt reply from the living room.
I smiled to myself, pleased by his enthusiasm. "It's in the fridge, your pick!" I called back, knowing he appreciated the gesture of choice.
With the tray of food in hand, I made my way to the living room and set it down on the table. Chip was there, seated, carefully unscrewing the bottle of wine and pouring each of us a glass.
"Nice pick, Taylor," I remarked, nodding appreciatively at the bottle he had selected.
As the dinner progressed and we chatted and laughed, I couldn't help but notice how Chip really changed when he was around me.
His eyes lit up with each mouthful, and it warmed my heart to see him enjoying it so much.
At one point, he even got a bit messy with the sauce, and I had to gently wipe it off his chin with a napkin. It was a small, intimate moment that made me feel closer to him. As I leaned in, our eyes briefly locked, and there was a fleeting sense of connection that sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him savor every last bite, knowing that I had succeeded in bringing him joy.
His demeanor was totally different from earlier, the tension seemed to melt away from his shoulders, as he leaned back into the sofa, a look of satisfaction gracing his features. With a contented sigh, he raised his glass to his lips, savoring the remaining traces of wine.
When Chip's gaze met mine, I felt a rush of anticipation. His eyes traced the curves of my face with a tenderness that spoke volumes, and then they drifted down to my lips, lingering there for a heartbeat longer than necessary.
I couldn't shake the feeling that Chip deserved so much more than what he had been getting from Liza. It tugged at my heartstrings—this overwhelming urge to show him that he deserved to be loved and cherished.
"Stay away from things that aren't yours." Liza's voice echoed in my head, a haunting reminder of a previous argument we had. Chip had helped me with something around the house, so I offered him some cookies to take home.
Later that night, I was disturbed by banging on my door and screaming. It was Liza, yelling and screaming uncontrollably. The reason behind her fury? The innocent act of offering cookies earlier in the day.
But in right now I couldn't help but wonder if breaking those rules was worth it, if it meant bringing joy to someone who had been overlooked for far too long.
She had accused me of trying to steal her man, but was he really hers if he wanted me so bad?
After dinner, Chip and I tackled the dishes together, falling into an effortless rhythm. He washed while I dried and stored, our movements synchronized. It felt as if he belonged here, by my side in my house, his presence seamlessly blending with the familiar surroundings.
As we worked, stealing glances and chuckling together, there were these little touches, accidental but electrifying. Each brush of our hands or shared smile sent a jolt of excitement through me, leaving me yearning for more.
As I finished putting away the last dish, a sense of awareness tingled at the back of my mind, prompting me to turn around. There he stood, leaning casually against my sink, his arms crossed and his gaze fixed on me with unwavering attention.
"What's on your mind, mister?" I teased, a smile playing on my lips as I faced him.
He chuckled lightly, tilting his head to the side with a soft smile. I could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes, as if he was debating whether or not to share his thoughts.
"I just don't know how to thank you," he admitted, his voice coated with sincerity.
I replied, my smile widening. "It was my pleasure. Just seeing you happy is enough.
“You're always so good to me. You listen to me... You've fed me... You're a good person in my life, and I don't know what I would do without you." Chip's voice cracked, wavering as tears welled up in his eyes “You've shown me kindness when no one else would, and I am forever grateful for that." My heart swelled with warmth as I reached out to him, pulling him into a warm embrace before his emotions could overwhelm him.
"Hey, hey, none of that, no crying" I murmured softly into his chest, my arms wrapped securely around him. "You don't need to thank me for being there for you."
As Chip relaxed into my embrace, his chin nestled against the top of my head, I felt a sense of tranquility wash over us. His warmth enveloped me, comforting and reassuring, as he let out a deep sigh of relief.
With my cheek pressed against his chest, I could feel the racing rhythm of his heartbeat, a frantic drumming that gradually began to steady.
"You know, Y/N" Chip began softly, his voice breaking the silence that had settled between us. "I don't think I've ever felt as happy and appreciated as I do when I'm with you."
His words took me by surprise, and I lifted my head from his chest to meet his gaze.
"You just... you have this way of making me feel seen and heard, you know? Like, I matter." I felt a swell of emotion in my chest at his words, and I reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead.
"You do matter, Chip," I said softly, my voice tinged with sincerity. "Even if she doesn't show you the appreciation you deserve,"
Chip's expression softened at my words, "I know," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "But sometimes it's hard to see things clearly when you're in the thick of it."
I reached out to gently squeeze his cheek, offering him a reassuring smile. "I understand," I said, my tone gentle yet firm. "But you don't have to keep lying to yourself, Chip. You deserve to be with someone who truly loves and appreciates you, someone who sees you for who you are."
Chip's eyes flickered slowly acknowledging the truth in my words.
Chip's reluctance was palpable, his gaze dropping to the floor as he struggled to come to terms with the truth. A shadow of doubt lingered in his eyes. "I... I do love her," he said quietly, his voice hesitant as if trying to convince himself of the truth of his words. "At least, I think I do. I mean, we've been together for so long... It's what's expected, isn't it? But lately, I've been questioning everything."
"Stop lying with those words," I urged, my voice soft but firm. "You know you don't love her."
I sighed, frustration bubbling up within me as I watched him wrestle with his feelings. "She's not good for you, Chip," I confessed, my voice tinged with exasperation. "I can't stand her whining. She's always putting you down, calling you names, and ordering you around. She doesn't deserve you." My voice trailed off into a whisper as I admitted, "Loving her seems tiring."
Chip's hands reached out to cup my face, as my eyes started to water, his touch gentle as he wiped a tear off of my cheek. I felt a sense of comfort wash over me in his embrace. The idea of him being stuck with someone so vile made me sad, and I couldn't help but yearn for him to break free from the toxic cycle he was trapped in.
"I... I don't know what to do," Chip murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes searching mine for guidance.
"You don't have to figure it out right now, Chip," I reassured him, gently cupping his cheek. "But you know deep down that she's not good for you. You deserve to be with someone who truly sees you and appreciates you for who you are."
" I think I've known that for a while now. Y/N when I'm with you, everything just feels different. It's like I can finally breathe, like I'm truly myself. I've been trying to persuade myself that I love Liza because that's what I'm supposed to do," he paused before continuing, "but deep inside, I've always known that it's you who makes me feel alive."
As Chip's confession lingered in the air, a mix of emotions swirled between us. With a gentle lowering of his head, our noses brushed against each other, and he reached out, pulling me closer to him. One hand found its place on my waist, drawing me in as our lips met in a soft, gentle kiss. The kiss was slow and tender, as if time had momentarily stood still.
But just as quickly as it had begun, it ended. Chip pulled away, his eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty, as if he had been taken aback by his own actions.
With a shaky exhale, Chip spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I'm sorry," he murmured, his words filled with regret. "I shouldn't have done that. You're being a good friend, and I took advantage."
"No, Chip," I pleaded softly. "Don't apologize. I wanted that kiss. I've wanted it for so long." And with that, I leaned in once more, closing the distance between us.
Our lips collided in a fierce, urgent kiss, fueled by pent-up desire. It was a messy tangle of tongues and lips, each movement desperate and hungry. His hands found their way to my waist, pulling me closer, while mine grasped at his hair, fingers threading through the soft strands as if trying to anchor myself to him.
With each passing second, the intensity of our kiss grew, and the heat between us rose to a fever pitch.
As we pulled away, Chip's eyes searched mine, "I... I don't want to go back to my place," he admitted, as he pressed his forehead on mine.
His words sent a surge of warmth through me, and I swallowed hard, trying to steady my racing heart. "You don't have to," I replied softly, reaching out to take his hand. "You can stay here if you want."
A faint smile played at the corners of Chip's lips, his gaze softening as he squeezed my hand. "I'd like that," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"What about Liza?" I asked softly, unable to shake off the lingering worry about potential complications.
Chip met my gaze, his eyes steady and determined. "She won't be back until Sunday," he replied, his voice carrying a note of finality. "But even if she was, it wouldn't matter. I don't care. You're the one I want to be with."
As our lips met once again, our passion intensified, and we found ourselves slowly making our way to my bedroom.
Chip gently lowered me down onto the bed, his touch firm yet tender. I could feel the heat of his body pressing against mine as he settled on top of me, our bodies fitting together perfectly as if they were made for each other.
Chip's tender caresses traced delicate paths across my skin, igniting a trail of sensation that sent shivers down my spine. His hands moved with purpose, exploring every inch of my body with a skillful touch that left me breathless. In that moment, worries and inhibitions melted away, replaced by an overwhelming desire. Our bodies moved in harmony, fueled by the raw passion that consumed us.
As clothing fell away, discarded slowly and tenderly, we clung to each other with an unyielding grip. There was no room for hesitation or doubt. Each whispered word and soft sigh added to the symphony of our passion, echoing through the room.
In the embrace of our love, we surrendered to sleep. Bodies entwined, hearts beating as one, we found solace in each other's arms. In that moment, the past and future faded, leaving only the tranquility of the present as we drifted into slumber.
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lesbojournals · 2 months
Who Are You? (Mafia!Stucky x Spiderman!Reader)
a/n: had to repost because it uploaded weird the first time (sigh)
based off of this prompt
"Who did this to you." Steve's voice was cold as ice as he held your shoulders tightly.
You shook your head negatively. You knew who did it. You couldn't bring yourself to say it. Bucky had already broken a glass in his fist upon your arrival, bruised and bloody and frankly a mess.
You couldn't say it. You wouldn't say it.
Earlier That Day
It was a typical mission for you. Maybe, you pondered, maybe even a little more relaxed than the typical mission.
The goal?
Stop illegal weapon trading-specifically a trade happening between famous mob bosses Captain America, Winter Soldier and ex-workers of Tony Stark.
Typically a mission like this would have you in a frenzy, because fighting famous mob bosses? You might have unnatural superpowers on your side but they had much more hand to hand combat on their side. Stark had informed you, however, that the infamous bosses wouldn't be present, and it was only someone of much lower status on the mob chain that would be completing the task for them.
Easy enough. You had thought.
But as it turns out, Stark's sources were wrong, and it was the very well known and famously wanted assassin Black Widow that had stood in your way.
You thought your spidey powers would come in handy, after all, you couldn't back out now. You thought wrong.
They helped to a certain degree, after all you scared off the ex-workers and were able to ensure that the mob wouldn't get a hold of dangerous super weapons. What you didn't do was watch your back as the Black Widow hit you upside the head with the bottom of her gun.
This lead you to where you are now. Tied up, in the middle of a dimly lit room with no windows, with no way of communication with the outside world.
"Shit, shit, shit." You whispered, at least thankful your mask was still on.
You tugged at the restraints holding you. You could get out of them, you were sure, but what were you supposed to do once you got out of them? You had no idea what was behind the door in front of you.
You couldn't ponder the decision further, as the door opened.
Your hands shook at the sight of the two men in front of you.
It was your boyfriends, your boyfriends. Your boyfriends who didn't know you were Spiderman, your boyfriends that you thought owned and worked at a boxing club.
You were fucked.
That was when you snapped out of your bondages and went to run.
Steve caught you before you could make it, immediately throwing you to the ground.
Bucky laughed, and Steve had a small smile as he looked at him. "You thought you could get away that easy, huh?"
You didn't respond, crawling back to get back up on your feet.
Both men advanced on you, and you scrambled on what to do.
"Feeling quiet?" Steve questioned, and you couldn't believe your boyfriends were threatening you so harshly.
Bucky smirked. "That'll change."
And he swung for your face, knocking a punch right at your upper cheek bone. He swung again with his metal hand, and you were sure that he had broken your nose.
You tried to stifle the tears, not wanting to injure them.
"Come on, little spider, tell us how you knew about our exchange." Steve threatened, and knocked you down to the ground with one swift kick.
You shook your head negatively, attempting to get up again before Bucky delivered a hard kick to your ribs.
"Should we see, who's the friendly neighborhood spiderman?" Steve taunted, and Bucky nodded with a hum, reaching for your mask.
Alarms went off in your head, and you could feel hot tears running down your face. You immediately sprung up, deciding to whack both of your boyfriends in the face with your webbing with a quick thwip.
This caused both of them to stumble back, cursing loudly as they scratched at their faces.
You took the opportunity to sprint out of the room, following only your intuition to get out of the building. You could hear loud footsteps approaching and decided to slam your body through the nearest window and jump out, shooting your web to swing off of whatever building was in front of you.
You heard gunshots and through the sheer luck of your aim in your swing you avoided them. You continued to swing down the block, crying hysterically as you approached a roof you could calm down on.
When you steadied yourself on the roof you checked your surroundings and immediately ripped off your mask, throwing up as you continued your hysterics.
Everything hurt, including your heart. You felt claustrophobic and couldn't stop the tears running down your face. You pulled your mask back on and kept moving, deciding to head to the top of your favorite spot to retrieve your things.
You changed out of your suit as fast as you could, pulling your hood up to help conceal your bruised face from strangers.
You decided against taking the subway to your shared apartment with the boys, opting instead to walk the long way home. You ignored the multiple calls coming from your cellphone, undoubtedly from Steve or Bucky. You sniffled as you walked, trying your best not to cry uncontrollably again.
When you got to your apartment building, you could see the shadows of Steve and Bucky, moving around frantically. You guessed they were arguing, probably about you not answering your phone.
You let yourself in the building, begrudgingly taking the elevator up to your floor. When you got to the floor, you sighed shakily. You walked up to your door, hearing the boys yelling at each other. As you unlocked it the yelling came to a complete halt, and you slowly opened the door.
"Where have you-baby?!" Steve interrupted himself, immediately taking on your figure.
You inched out of the doorframe. Steve rushed to be in front of you, but you refused to make eye contact.
"Who did this to you." Steve's voice was cold as ice as he held your shoulders tightly.
You shook your head negatively. You knew who did it. You couldn't bring yourself to say it. Bucky had already broken a glass in his fist upon your arrival, bruised and bloody and frankly a mess.
You couldn't say it. You wouldn't say it.
How could you tell them it was them that did it?
You did nothing but break down into tears, falling into Steve's arms as you crumbled on the floor.
"Sweetheart..." he shushed. "What happened?"
You shook your head negatively. Bucky came over to you as well, rubbing your back.
"Who did this to you honey?" Bucky tried to be gentle, but he had the slightest tinge of threat in his voice, one you were now all too familiar with.
"I, I, I..." You couldn't catch your breath, Steve soon taking the chance to demonstrate with Bucky deep breathing to help you ground yourself.
"Can we...can we just go to bed?" You insisted, watery eyes staring up at both of your boyfriends.
They had a silent conversation with facial expressions, and you could tell Bucky wanted to figure out what happened now, while Steve was more lenient on letting you get rest.
Steve helped you up, guiding you to the bedroom. Bucky followed, and you let them change you into pajamas as tears continued to stream down your face. They gently pushed you towards the bed and you got in, sniffling as they coddled you. Bucky gave you a concerned look as he laid in front of you.
"We'll talk about this in the morning, yea? For now just get some rest." Steve spoke, and he wrapped his arms around you from behind.
You felt hot tears trickle down your face.
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batsvnte · 1 year
𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 • 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Pairing(s): Wally Darling
Sypnosis: Wally experiences a strange emotion as someone talks to his dear (Name)
Warning(s): possessive behavior (?), scopophobia, (slight) cursing, ooc maybe
Word Count: ???
Notes: gender neutral black human!reader (they/them pronouns) with human Wally Darling hHhhH- based on an audio I heard of Wally being jealous so I wanted to write something similar to that. Characters belong to @/partycoffin
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It was a warm sunny day in the neighborhood just as how it is every other day. It was perfect weather to be outside to spend the day away doing fun activities. Or to be staying inside for practicing hobbies, relaxing or doing whatever comes to mind. To a certain blue haired individual, he wanted to take the chance to take his dear (Name) out for a picnic.
(Name) and Wally decided to go out into the open field near their house. They found a perfect spot underneath shade of one of the trees to set up everything. (Name) goes over their mental checklist to make sure they brought all the things for the both of them. Satisfied with themselves as they continue their path to the picnic spot.
Both of them had separated some tasks with themselves so they can have everything checked off. (Name) made themselves in charge with bringing the food for them while Wally made sure to bring supplies such as plates, cups, etc.
Soon (Name) reaches the spot where Wally was standing underneath the shade. He was setting everything up for the both of them, his back turned as he stands up in thought. (Name) jogs up to him whilst carefully holding the basket of food in their hands.
“Heya, Darlin’.” (Name) greets, which gained his attention almost instantly.
Wally turns to (Name) with a friendly smile on his face. He had quickly grown use to them using his last name whenever they greet him. “Hello, (Name). My, you look lovely today.”
(Name) smiles bashfully at the compliment. “Thanks, you look amazing Wally.”
Wally’s smile seem to grow bigger at their words. He’s always enjoyed exchanging compliments with (Name). Wally found ways to compliment his friends whenever he gets the chance, though the ones from (Name) were ones he looked the most forward to. No matter how simple or extravagant they were.
They kneel down to set up the food since Wally had already set out the plates for the both of them. While (Name) was preparing the food, Wally stays standing from a short distance. His eyebrows furrowed in a focus state while he looks down at the picnic setup he had done himself. Something was missing.
“Hm.. I must’ve forgotten something.” Wally muses to himself, unaware that this grabs (Name)’s attention. He stays silent for a couple of seconds before speaking again. “Silly me. I think I know what’s missing.”
(Name) turns over to look at him with curiosity in their eyes. From what they’re seeing, he’s gotten everything that’s needed for the picnic. Perhaps he’s forgotten something personal of his that he wanted to bring to the picnic.
Wally takes a few steps away from the spot, looking back to (Name). “I’ll be right back, (Name). I just need to go back to grab something.”
“Ok. Don’t take to long.” (Name) watches as Wally departs from their spot, seeing his figure on the path to what could be assumed to his house.
(Name) turns their attention back to the food. Everything was all set up for the two of them. They smile proudly to themselves as they adjusted the small makeshift table that was brought, having only two plates of food on it. Now all they had to do was wait for Wally to get back.
“Excuse me? Are you Mx. (L/N)?”
(Name) jolts out of their thoughts as they look to an unfamiliar person. The person wasn’t someone from the neighborhood at all. Though it was a uncommon occurrence that there would be an visitor from another place. This was the first of the visitors that (Name) had encountered.
They nod slightly few seconds afterwards. “That’s me, is there something you need?”
“Ah, no not really,” The visitor play with their fingers as they attempted to make some sort of eye contact with (Name). “I wanted to come over to say that I really like your outfit! The design for the shirt is really cool.”
They could only smile at the compliment. “Thank you!”
They wore a short sleeve shirt that consists of their favorite color in different shades that meshed well together along with some regular bell bottoms. (Name) wouldn’t be considered underdressed for the picnic, but at the same time not exactly overdressed for the weather. They were in the middle point.
“Anytime!” The person’s gaze goes over to the blanket covered with goods for a few seconds. “I love how this is set up. Are you here with someone else?”
“I’m here with a friend. He just went to get something.” (Name) responds to the question while having a little boost of confidence at the first few words.
Whilst they were busy with their conversation, one had failed to notice Wally’s arrival. He was holding one of his many sketchbooks in hand as he saw the perfect opportunity to draw during their picnic. The moment he was about to call out to (Name), he pauses in his tracks as he sees someone unfamiliar talking to (Name). Strangely the smile that was always on his face was nowhere to be found. He was always welcoming to new people visiting or staying in the neighborhood no matter who they could be. Seeing someone talk to (Name) wasn’t something that he likes to witness. Especially if he wasn’t there with them.
The person however took notice of Wally as he silently approached them. They pause whatever they were saying as their eyes were kept on him. The person wanted to say something to acknowledge Wally but their voice was caught up in their throat as they made direct eye contact with him. His eyes had no light; solely just pitch black darkness in them. There wasn’t any emotion present in his eyes. Not that they couldn’t tell in anyway possible. They slowly started to feel uncomfortable the longer he stared at them.
“Oh (Name). I’m back.” His voice broke through their thoughts, seeing how (Name) finally acknowledged Wally’s presence.
(Name) turns their head to look to Wally, feeling a bit more content now that someone else familiar to them is here. Not that they minded the unknown visitors presence. It was just nice to have someone else around. Wouldn’t really say the same on Wally’s case.
“Welcome back to the picnic, Wally.” (Name) muses quietly as Wally turns his gaze back over to the visitor who stood incredibly silent for the past few seconds.
The look in his eyes never changes which slightly freaks the unknown visitor out. “Welcome to the neighborhood. Who might you be?”
It took a few seconds for the unknown visitor to really process that Wally was talking to them. “Oh.. Oh me? I’m just someone wh-who’s visiting a friend from round here.” They quickly sputter out and trying not to trip over their own words.
“That’s amazing. Who are you coming to see?”
Wally’s voice was kept at a soft tone that can be added into his charm. But (Name) couldn’t help but pick at the hint of anger that was faintly there behind his words. They look between the person and Wally questioningly whilst wondering what’s going on with their dear ol’ friend.
“Sally Starlet.. Speaking of her I should go see how she’s doing. It was nice meeting you two!” Before either of them gotten another word out, the unknown visitor had walked off. Without any final glances to Wally or (Name).
‘What the hell was that?’
They let out a soft sigh before seeing Wally take the open spot reserved for him beside them. (Name) readjusted themselves to facing more towards Wally. As expected he was looking at them with a calm look on his face.
Their observation from the conversation that took place moments before clouded their mind entirely. (Name) maintains eye contact with Wally once again, finding no other emotion other than his usual calm expression with that charming smile he had on his face.
“Is something on your mind, (Name)?” Wally’s gaze never moved or shifted even the slightest bit away from (Name).
Deciding against their own conscious they asked, “What was that just a while ago?”
“What do you mean?”
“You sounded a bit mad when you were talking to that newcomer,” (Name) states as they shifted around slightly to become more comfortable, but never broke eye contact with Wally. “You don’t show much emotion Darlin’ but I can tell that you were.. jealous.”
Wally stays silent. His face didn’t change even the slightest bit. It almost made (Name) second guess their answer to his question. It felt like an entirety before Wally’s monotonous laugh rang through their ears.
“I wouldn’t want to admit it myself, my dear. You see, the picnic was suppose to be the two of us. Alone.” Wally’s laughter faded by the time he finished talking. “It would’ve taken so long for us to enjoy this special day if I hadn’t dealt with them.”
(Name) looks to him with a conflicted look. This was something new even for them to see. Though they were quick to notice how the mood had darken slightly.
“They seem nice though,” there goes their first attempt. “Maybe if you weren’t jealous as fuck then—“
Wally feeds them one of the slices of apples that they made. (Name) looks to him with confusion as he smiles at them. “It’s rude to talk with your mouth full, darling.”
(Name) glares towards Wally playfully as they finish eating the apple slice. The irony of him using his last name as an nickname for them made them smile just a tiny bit. At least with that it lightened up the mood for the both of them. (Name) continues on with the conversation while switching the topic to something else to get their mind off of the visitor situation.
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Sharing is caring Wallace “Wallander” Darling.
I don’t like this one it took me a while to keep up with consecutive writing since I’m not use to writing prompts that has to deal with characters being jealous n whatnot. Hoped you enjoy tho–
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mookymilksims · 19 days
ULTIMATE Realistic Money overhaul | Roleplay Guide | The sims 3
TYSM for 600+ subscribers on Youtube!
Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! In today's video I'm going to show you how to overhaul the sims 3 economy, how to have complete control over your billing system, and how to have a more realistic money exchange mechanic! We will also be exploring how to go about a much more realistic renting/mortgage system. This guide has been a long time coming, it's very simple and beginner friendly, but to find all the mods it would take to set this up would be a pain for anyone trying to revamp their sims economy. I've playtested this mod setup for a couple of years, and I can never go back to the original EA economy and billing system. All of these mods work with each other in a synergy circle, they compliment, play off of, and enhance one another. All links will be included in my tumblr guide, and the comment leading to my tumblr guide will be pinned in the comments below. I recommend following alongside the guide and the video, especially if you do not speak english, so you can translate the guide to your native language, while still being able to follow along the video! If I am talking too slowly for you I highly recommend everyone to increase the video speed to x2, and slow it down at certain parts you need extra focus on. Don't worry, I won't be offended at all by this, I do it myself for tutorial videos.
First - Overhaul the sims economy.
No bills
First we need to get rid of the EA billing system. This is because we are going to add new mods that introduce much more realistic billing and rental mechanics. This also eliminates some core issues with the EA billing system. Such as having a large piece of land, but a tiny house, and your bills being upwards of 40k every couple of days. Utilities not being calculated properly. And being billed more because of your more expensive items on your lot. Since we are also overhauling the sims economy, the original EA calculations wouldn't make any sense anymore.
EVM Career Wages
This mod adds a much more realistic financial wage system. Since we have now removed EA bills, our sims wages need to be able to reflect the more realistic economy we are going for. Gone are the days of every Sim earning a fortune with a mere $45 per hour entry-level job. This mod adjusts the wages across all career levels to align with real-world standards, creating a more immersive gameplay experience.
With EVM Career Wages, climbing the career ladder feels genuinely rewarding as higher pay accompanies each promotion. This encourages players to strive for advancement and invest in their Sims' professional growth. Additionally, when paired with the UC mod, promotions become more challenging to attain, placing greater emphasis on the player's decisions and strategic gameplay.
Camo fairer priced groceries and books
Camo tweaked goods
Revamped Economy Essentials:
With Camo's Fairer Priced Groceries and Books alongside Camo's Tweaked Goods, the Sims 3 economy undergoes a significant transformation. These combined mods slash the prices of commonly purchased items, bringing a newfound sense of realism to the game. No longer will a single egg set you back $11; now, it's a mere $2, making grocery shopping a more authentic experience. The same principle applies to book prices, ensuring that essential items are now more affordable for Sims across the board.
This overhaul becomes even more impactful when paired with the Savvier Seller mod, which ensures that prices are not only reasonable for your household but also for the entire neighborhood. This adds a more balanced and lifelike economy, where every Sim can afford the necessities without breaking the bank.
taxi charge
simsmathew subway charger
Realistic Transportation Fees:
Combining the Taxi Charge and Simsmathew Subway Charger mods introduces a new level of realism to transportation in The Sims 3. Each time your Sims opt for a taxi ride or subway journey, they'll incur a small fee. This adds a layer of financial consideration, prompting players to rethink their Sims' commuting habits.
Immersive roleplaying opportunities emerge as players strategize the best way to navigate their Sims from point A to point B. Whether it's opting for eco-friendly methods like walking or biking, or planning a journey that involves a mix of walking and subway rides, every choice impacts your Sims' budget and experience.
This deeper level of engagement allows players to connect with their Sims on a more personal level, experiencing the journey alongside them and enjoying the rich scenery and interactions along the way. Now you'll be pushed to experience y
Ani tax collector
New Billing System:
The tax collector mod essentially allows you to create your own billing and taxing system. This mod introduces a scripted computer interface with customizable settings, allowing players to seamlessly implement various taxes and fees. From water and electricity bills to health insurance premiums and car payments, Sims will autonomously be directed to settle these financial obligations once the tax settings are activated.
For an added layer of realism and roleplay, consider situating these computers at opened rabbithole like the city hall. This not only streamlines your Sim's outing tasks but also enriches the gameplay experience, allowing players to engage in more dynamic and immersive storytelling.
I'm going to go in game and show you how I achieve this effect for a very quick and easy tutorial.
So because we turned off the EA billing system, we need to create our own bills, to still simulate having to lose money through our gameplay. You can place these new tax computers on an opened city hall rh lot (if you don't care for aesthetic then I recommend placing these in the basement), or another community lot altogether. Please note that if you place these computers on a cityhall RH lot, and you enable UC mod on that lot, you should lock the doors leading to the tax computers. This is because with SonyaJu's UC version, the sims working on the lot will be pushed to use the computers which will result in all of your sims being sent to pay their taxes throughout the day. You can lock community doors using Nraas Go Here, or nona lock community doors mod as an alternative.
Now that we have set up our computers, you click the settings and rename the computer. Rename this to any bill you want to pay. Here I am setting up a, Water, Electric, Phone bill, Car note, and Car insurance computer. Now I can click on tax collector > settings > edit multiplier.
Water = 0.8
Electric = 0.4
Phone - 0.2
Car note = 0.5
Car insurance = 0.6
these multipliers automatically calculate what you currently have available in your sims household funds, and deducts the "tax" based off of the multiplier. This adds a more logical calculations to what each individual household could actually afford, without being too overbearing on your funds loss. This make a much more realistic and immersive billing system actually possible in the game, that fixes a lot of the issues with EA billing system, and matches the new sims economy we have created with this combination of mods.
Which leads me to my next part. I pay all of these bills monthly in my game. This adds a much more immersive and realistic experience, and I even have to keep an eye on my sims budget throughout the month, like in real life. Sometimes, I may have to sell things or find any way to make extra money to pay my new bills, or pick which bill I have to pay if I can't afford them all. I give myself consequences if I can't afford certain things. When I show you how to use the new renting system, I'll even roleplay getting evicted as a consequence if I can't afford my rent.
Enhancement Miscellaneous Mods:
The collection of these next mods serve to either rectify the Sims economy hiccups or introduce a fresh layer of roleplay, prompting players to reassess their spending habits and EP career choices.
Some of these mods make purchasing certain items actually reusable like bubble bath products and painting supplies. While others make certain careers have higher payouts which makes the wages for that career make more sense and become more satisfying so you'd actually want to work at it. This also enhances rags-to-riches playthroughs, rendering them more intricate and gratifying.
For instance, with these mods combined, the necessity for pets to rely on manually refilled food bowls instead of random props elevates pet care to a level akin to caring for a toddler. This makes having a pet a lot more impactful in your household, as well as financially.
In general, all of these mods balance back out certain EA default settings, which slowly begins to push together a more and more realistic economy.
I will place the mods you want to add on the screen, and all the links will be provided in the tumblr guide.
speedo higher concert payouts
bubble bath runs out
pet bowl needs food
Nona always more gigs 3 times money
wildflowernerf per value
Double money highchancs faster mooch skill
painting needs supplies
painting costs money
government benefits and service
This mod is tailored to amplify the immersive experience of playing as lower-income households in The Sims 3. This mod introduces a plethora of meticulously scripted game mechanics designed to add depth and realism to the struggles and triumphs of impoverished Sims.
One standout feature is the ability to establish child support payments, calculated with precision based on the target parent's income. This introduces a compelling dynamic for players who wish to roleplay scenarios involving relationships with wealthier partners, where child support checks become a lifeline for sustaining the family's livelihood, as an example.
Furthermore, Sims can now apply for various forms of assistance such as health insurance and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), opening up new avenues for navigating the challenges of financial hardship within the game. These additions inject a newfound sense of complexity and realism into rags-to-riches playthroughs, providing players with additional gameplay mechanics to consider and explore. You'll find yourself embarking on a journey of resilience and resourcefulness as you guide your Sims through the highs and lows of economic adversity in the game.
If you are following my guide step by step consider applying these tweaks to the xml's.
As an added note, I no longer add a health insurance tax collector computer, as with MonocoDoll's new GA mod poorer sims can get affordable health care, and sims who do not qualify for this have a good job where I imagine the job offers it's own health insurance instead. So because of this new mod addition, this eliminates the need to set up health insurance payments for my households.
Second - Career's addon's
Gamefreak's check for work
job overhaul
lemonaise 50 jobs offer
These mods revolutionizes the Sims' job acquisition process, enhancing realism and depth. This also enhances the effectiveness of attending university. Without a degree, Sims may struggle to secure certain jobs and will always start at entry level.
The mod introduces a comprehensive interview and application process, typically lasting about an hour in-game, during which Sims disappear into the rabbit hole. Sims can attend resume building and interview classes to improve their chances of employment, mimicking real-life strategies. Uploading a resume, particularly a University Life degree, significantly boosts job prospects.
Maintaining cleanliness, hunger, and a positive mood is crucial as neglecting these factors decreases the likelihood of job offers. The "check for work" option allows Sims to scout for job openings beyond the replaced job hunting UI.
Lemonaise's 50 Jobs Offer expands job opportunities, reflecting the realistic scenario where obtaining desired employment may require starting elsewhere. Just as in real life, a degree does not guarantee the desired job immediately, necessitating patience and flexibility in career pursuits.
This mod combination adds layers of realism and challenges, making Sims' lives more expansive and rewarding. Achieving dream jobs becomes a testament to perseverance and hard work, enhancing the sense of accomplishment for players.
Ani's job board
Ani's Job Board introduces a WA-inspired board object that fills the gap left by missing opportunities in UC mod. With UC's scripted behaviors for work, some autonomous opportunities were removed. However, this mod remedies the situation by providing Sims with a platform to browse and undertake additional work and school opportunities. Now, players have the autonomy to choose whether to pursue these extra projects, adding depth and flexibility to their Sims' lives.
Nraas Careers
Nraas Careers is a mod that expands the possibilities for Sims by enabling custom careers and establishing a homeworld university. While the details of setting up a homeworld university can be explored in another video, this guide focuses on how this mod integrates custom career opportunities with UC. With Nraas Careers, players can seamlessly bind custom careers to EA careers, unlocking a wealth of new professional paths for their Sims within the game. What this means in basic terms, is that UC works by adding a number of objects sims use on a lot, to increase their work/school performance. If you are playing as a custom career, UC won't know which objects can increase that careers performance if the career hasn't been bonded to an EA career.
Sonja's UC
Sonja's UC is an enhanced iteration of Zerbu's UC mod, designed to optimize the original mod's scripting for improved performance and stability. While still a work in progress and subject to occasional issues, this update enhances the main features of the mod, resulting in faster and smoother gameplay. Sims now spend less time deliberating their actions, experience reduced lag before heading to work, and are not as rigidly constrained to complete tasks. Instead, they are encouraged to take breaks and socialize, mirroring real workplace dynamics.
Although ongoing testing is underway, I recommend trying out this version as it also introduces additional modded script objects to careers. Setting up the mod in-game is straightforward and can be easily demonstrated.
zoeoe flower arranging
pheobejaysims take sims to court
pheobejaysims betting
On the Screen, will be a selection of miscellaneous mods that enrich your gameplay experience by introducing custom playable careers and intricately scripted mechanics.
With these mods, you can immerse yourself in diverse professions such as modeling, flower arranging, or managing a home-based Etsy-style knitting business. Additionally, you have the opportunity to delve into the legal world as an attorney or explore the unique avenue of earning money through litigation against other Sims and establishments.
For those inclined towards risk and excitement, Phoebejaysims' Betting mod allows for a full-time gambling lifestyle, leveraging specific store objects to enhance the thrill of the game.
These mods significantly expand the scope of gameplay possibilities, offering players a plethora of new career paths and immersive money mechanics to explore and enjoy.
Third - Biggest gameplay changes and fixes
Bank mod
Otherwise known as the non-core global banking mod, this mod is a game-changer in how you manage money in The Sims. This mod allows you to establish a bank account for your Sims, complete with essential banking functionalities like deposits, withdrawals, and money transfers.
I'll guide you through setting up a new renting and mortgage system in-game, offering alternative perspectives on cash handling, including household funds versus bank account funds. Additionally, I'll show you how to separate all Sims' incomes and present an edited version where the bank account resembles a debit card in your Sims' inventory.
Let's dive into these transformative features that will revolutionize your Sims' financial management experience.
How to make a bank account.
Simply click on a computer, whether on your home lot or community lot. Navigate to online banking interaction > Open Account. $25 will be deducated automatically, and you will have a new bank account in your sims inventory.
How to create a landlord.
Simply select any sim you would like to be your new landlord. Using Nraas MC > Make Active, you can then open a bank account for the selected sim you've chosen to be your landlord.
How to pay rent.
Once the bank account has been sucessfully opened you can go back to your original active household. Then select the bank account in your sims inventory > Transfers, if you are friends with the landlord then select "Sims you know", if you are not friends with them then select "in your neighborhood". Navigate the list to find your new landlord, then send them your rent or mortgage for the month.
How to separate income.
Using this banking system I separate my sims money by having their bank account as their debit card and their household funds as their cash on hand. I typically, split up the funds reasonably between everyone's bank account in the household. This leaves $0 in the household funds. Once a sim is done with their work day, the exact amount of money they made for the day will go straight into your household funds. From there, I deposit that money into their bank account. It only takes a couple of seconds and is very simple.
As an added note, when sending the sims out and about in the world, I'll need the money from their account in the household funds so that they are able to spend money. So I quickly withdraw a random amount of money I think they will need for the outing, allowing them to actually buy what they want from the community lots. For extra immersion, consider adding a deco ATM machine, to simulate where your sims would be withdrawing their money from.
Just as promised, I told you how I would roleplay an eviction process, using this new renting system. If my sims cannot pay the rent, and they ask their landlord to an outing, if the landlord does not have a good time then I only get 1 sim month to leave the home or pay rent for both months. If the landlord does have a good time, then I imagine they allowed me to skip my rent payment for that month. If I still don't have rent money by the end of the month, I move my sim to a 10x10 empty lot somewhere in the world, and have my sim live out of a tent, or shady motel (set as a base camp), until I can afford to move into another home. If I choose to live in a motel, while the base camps are free to stay in, I create a custom role titled "Motel front desk", open that sim a bank account, and then pay them $100 weekly, while this is still a payment it is much cheaper than my sims rent that we couldn't afford, and still allows me to roleplay money being lost. If I don't have to be completely homeless then I won't, if I have $0, then I will.
nraas consigner
nraas register
Nraas Consigner and Nraas Register are essential mods that address the shortcomings of the register systems in the base game. Consigner enhances gameplay by introducing the option to make all items consignable, simulating a realistic thrift store or pawn shop experience. Meanwhile, Register adds extra checks to ensure Sims are correctly assigned, along with providing additional population controls beyond the capabilities of Story Progression. Whether or not you utilize other mods, these fixes are indispensable for enhancing your gameplay experience.
Exciting Update Alert!
@olomaya on Tumblr is currently developing an innovative new renting system for the game, which promises to offer Simmers a wide array of options for money roleplaying. This upcoming system represents a significant evolution in gameplay mechanics, potentially replacing older systems and providing fresh opportunities for immersive financial management.
Stay tuned for a comprehensive guide on this mod, which will delve into its functionalities, compatibility considerations, and potential replacements for older mechanics. Until this mod is developed, playtested, and released, I'll be using this system that I have set up and just showed you guys in this video!
So this concludes everything that I wanted to show you guys! You now know how to set up a more realistic billing system. Renting/mortgage system. You've learned how to add and roleplay more complex money gaming mechanics. You've overhauled your wage system, as well as your cost of living economy in the world. And none of these are too overbearing, with just a little bit of set up, you'll have an ultimate realistic economy and money system in your sims 3 from now on! Thank you all for joining me, thank you for 600 subscribers, and thank you for your love and support! I'll see you all in the next video!
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : miles morales x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : a complicated crush
↳ authors note : theres someone named 'milestokilometers' (?) thats always in my notifs whenever i post miles and i find it really funny HAHAHA an old draft (like, i wrote this the day i watched atsv), wanted to get it out of the way
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The first time you encounter the spider-boy was on a particularly stressful day. You just finished texting Miles that you needed a breather and wanted to hang ontop of your apartment rooftop for a few hours, just to clear your mind.
To your surprise, it seemed like the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman coincidentally swung by your rooftop and needed a break too.
That sparked a rather.. interesting dynamic between the both of you. You were sort of taken aback on how fond Spiderman seemed of you, since he'd visit almost every other day.
For starters, hugs seemed to last far longer than they needed to when it came to you. You've seen his public appearances, how the exchange seemed to last a mere second with his fans. However with you, it lingers. It stays for almost two seconds longer and almost as if he's starved of such affection.
Secondly was the way he'd swing by at the most random and ungodly hours of the night to knock at your window and go; "I made you a playlist :)" while you just have to let him in and listen to the whole thing with him. You have no idea how he knows that you barely sleep either.
Thirdly is the way he'll always try to put a smile on your face. It'll always be your favorite thing whenever there's a silly thing going on and he looks at you to see if you saw it too, just so he'll see you laugh and laugh along with you.
And one of the more embarassing things to mention were the public appearances. You and Spiderman often went on hangouts, (he called them dates and you unintentionally friendzoned him) and even if you do your absolute best to avoid it, you'll always find paparazzi spotting the both of you. But even amidst the crowd, you can see how his attention is fixed on you. As if nothing could break his gaze if attempted.
You won't ever forget the time that Miles, your best friend and long term crush asked where you got the keychain on your bag from (which was a gift from Spiderman after he pointed at matching keychains and practically declared to everyone in the store he was buying it for you) and you answered: "Someone special to me." You noticed a bit of a glint or glow in his eyes, almost as if he was happy for you.. for some reason.
Though you did admit you found it a little strange.. your best friends sudden Q&A sessions about Spiderman, you mean.
"What do you think about Spiderman?"
"Pretty cool superhero, amiright?"
"His costume does NOT look like hes bleeding from his armpits, surely you'll agree?"
You find it odd but brush it off, at least you're done with class for the day and get to meet with the center topic of every question Miles has asked you today.
"Spiderman." Smiling as he swung onto your rooftop, he arrives on time with the same flashy landing. "(name)!" There he goes to practically tackle you into a hug, squeezing you tightly as you can see the joy in his eyes. "I know that it's only been a few minu- ahem. hours.. since we last saw each other, it's been so lonely!"
You raise a brow in amusement, chuckling a little at his antics. "Aren't you the Spiderman? I'm sure you have a lot of friends or fans who'd love to see you." You inquired but he shakes his head a little and sighs.
"Well yeah.. of course I do, but you're the one I wanna spend time with."
"..That's so unbelievably cheesy-"
"Shut up!" He demands, causing you to laugh at his almost instant embarassment. "You know, my best friend was asking so much about you.. I think he's your biggest fan." You add to the conversation, leaning against a safety fence as he chuckled. "Really? What gives you that idea?"
You huff and cross your arms. "Just.. weird questions. What I think of you, if you're cool and if your costume looked like you were bleeding out if your armpits."
"What did you answer?"
"I didn't answer any of them," You say with a huff, already feeling a headache coming in right after recalling that memory. "But I do think you're bleeding out of your armpits."
It doesn't take a genius to tell he's unamused even under the mask, how his eyes looked spoke enough volumes. The iconic 'are you serious.' look was evident enough and it makes you giggle, giving him a light nudge. "I'm kiddinggg... kind of."
Spiderman chuckles and crosses his arms, looking at your fit of giggles and smiling softly under his mask. "Cute."
"I'm curious.. you talk about this friend of yours alot.. Miles, isn't it? What's he like?" He asks curiously, knowing damn well he just wants to hear what you say about him to other people. Was this the best way to do it? Not exactly, but curiosity kills the cat.. or whatever the saying is.
"Did I not tell you about him? Well.. he's a bit of a clutz.. rather clumsy at times, usually bumping into me or something.."
Miles was going to pretend he doesn't know the reason he does that is to just be able to be super close to you.
"Sometimes he's a little bit reckless, usually a very messy guy and leaves a mess whenever he goes over to my house.. However, despite all of that.. I really really like him."
"You like m- Miles ???"
He watches you smile fondly at the sky. "Yeah. A lot."
If only you could see the face he's making under that mask, a mix of fluster and absolute joy at those words. You actually liked him. "Well.. what stops you from telling him?" Miles inquired, watching you sigh and bury your head into your hands. "And what? Get badly rejected and lose my best friend? Nah man.. I can't lose him, not like that."
"Hey, look at me."
He places his hands on your shoulders, making you look right at him as he gives you a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to be so afraid, I don't think there's much to lose.. who knows? Maybe he feels the same."
You chuckle a little at the idea, completely clueless to how excited Miles was gonna be once he gets that text from you. "Thanks, Spiderman."
"You're welcome."
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