#free fire free diamond generator
newsraag · 5 months
Free Fire Diamond Generator Tool क्या हैं?
Free Fire Diamond Generator
यह दावा करने वाले टूल का एक उदाहरण “Free Fire Diamond Generator” है, जो आपको मुफ्त हीरे देने का वादा करता है। आप बिना दोबारा सोचे इसके लिए त्यार हो जाते है। लेकिन क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि इस टूल में कितनी सच्चाई है। दरअसल, ये सभी उपकरण फर्जी हैं। इसका एकमात्र काम आपकी जानकारी और ऐप को डाउनलोड करना और आपके डेटा को हाईजैक करना है। ऐसे उपकरणों से धोखा खाने से बचें। अगर आप ऐसा करेंगे तो आप बड़ी मुसीबत में पड़ सकते हैं। ऐसा कोई उपकरण नहीं है जो आपको मुफ्त हीरे प्रदान कर सके।
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भले ये कहते हो की हम आपको टूल के माध्यम से निःशुल्क हीरे प्रदान करेंगे। हालाँकि, आपको उनकी चाल में नहीं फँसना चाहिए। यह दृष्टिकोण पूरी तरह से असुरक्षित है। पैसे चुकाने के बाद ही आप गेम में डायमंड खरीद पाएंगे। हीरे पाने के लिए आपको पैसे देने की ज़रूरत नहीं है; आप कुछ युक्तियाँ लागू कर सकते हैं जो वास्तव में आपको ऐसा करने में सक्षम बनाएंगी। आपको किसी भी सुलभ उपकरण का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए और उस पर विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए।
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
Die Happy - Sanji x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sanji is disillusioned about your lack of interest in him. Someone like you could pick and choose among princes, kings and emperors. What's a measly cook to you? Nevertheless, his lovesick heart continuously rejoices when you choose him to waste time with.
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Part 2 -> "Maelstrom"
Sanji has never believed in ghouls, witches, faeries and the like. However, when he met you his belief began to shatter:
Like a dark sorceress covering the whole world with a curse, you lured all the influential, important men like fire does moths. At first, Sanji fooled himself that all those generals, merchants and noblemen only wanted something pretty to hang onto their shoulders but reality destroyed his comforting illusion when the said men offered riches most people couldn’t even fathom. If you asked them for an armada to sail to the Grand Line, they’d only ask what type of wood you’d prefer. Despite something akin to world domination lying at your fingertips, you always laughed those offers off, telling your powerful suitors that you would think about their words and get back to them.
Sanji once asked whether you’re truly considering marrying one of the generals or kings. Some more naive part of him hoped you’d say no. Alas, the truth, once again, was his adversary:
“Obviously!” you giggled at his silly question. “But I won’t marry the first one that offers me wealth and whatnot. First, I’d like to see all of my options and the world…” your voice trailed away as you vaguely pointed around the two of you. “Well, it’s a big place. Many more kingdoms to visit.”
But to his own demise, the cook was a fool unlike any other. He had no chance at winning your heart, no matter how much he’d try. Still, his untamable desire egged him on, whispering sweet songs of your grace. Even if he could taste your lips only in his imagination, he could do his best for you to have a reason to keep him around like a dog that begs for scraps at his master’s table.
Sanji knows he’s only hurting himself, only furthering his desperation when he makes you smile or earns a speck of your affection. Every dawn, he promises to free himself from your sorcery but when dusk comes and his left with the Moon, his only confidant, he realizes that he could never possess enough power to cut himself free from you. You’ve pierced his heart right through and if he pulls your knife out of his chest, he’s bound to bleed out and die. It’s better if he lets you have complete control over his mind and soul - it’s the only way he will make it out alive.
He’s left cold and lonely on that night. Soft, silver moonlight washes over him through the small porthole in the wall of his room. The sea is almost black at this hour of the night but it becomes a mystical sapphire when the Moon’s glow washes over the lazy waves making them glisten like pure diamonds.
Diamonds… maybe if he had diamonds, you’d see him as a man and not just a shipmate.
Quiet knocking on his door wakes Sanji up from his thoughts. Before he has a chance to get up and open the door or tell the guest to come in, the mysterious visitor enters out of their own volition.
Your tired face makes Sanji think about painting in museums - the ones all connoisseurs consider “classics” and “timeless”. The silk shirt you’re wearing looks not only awfully expensive but, which is much worse, to be a men’s size. Its hem ends right underneath your buttcheeks, threatening to expose your body should you lift your hands. In the darkness of his cabin, you appear as nothing beyond a phantom, a hallucination born out of desperation. And just like a ghost, you’ve come to haunt and torment him in the sweetest of ways; in a way only you can.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asks in a raspy voice. Sanji is doing a great job at appearing unaffected by your rather scantily clad form.
Carefully, you close the door behind you and walk towards him. Your skin glows when you step into the rays of soft moonlight pouring in through the porthole. Dishevelled hair, half-closed eyes and a slightly puffy face - Sanji has imagined you this way countless times but never actually seen. He can feel his body burning up, telling him to seize the opportunity, to wash you in the most charming and suave words he can think of.
“Nami kicks while sleeping,” you say quietly. “I swear to god my whole side is bruised at this point. Can I sleep with you?”
Sanji has to remind himself to breathe and to do so calmly. He’s cool, completely in control of himself. His mouth feels unbearably dry.
“‘Course you can,” he answers casually. With a swift move of his arm, he lifts the duvet. “Come on in.”
The pure bliss that suddenly appears on your face forces Sanji to take in a sharp, ragged breath. It’s an expression he also imagined one too many times when his desperation poisons his mind - not that he’s willing to admit it even to himself. He knows it’s wrong to even entertain a scenario in which you would grace him with such an enraptured face. Still, his will is not as strong as he often makes it out to be.
“Sanji, you are my salvation,” you tell him while getting under the covers with him.
“I know, love.”
It’s both strange and natural, the way your body fits his. As though the two of you have done it so much the memory of your muscles twists and turns your limbs to rest in the most comfortable and intimate way. The odd familiarity makes Sanji think that maybe in another lifetime this is how he always sleeps. He wishes he could find himself in that reality even for a second. Alas, it’s too far out of his reach.
“Damn, you’re really comfortable,” you mumble against his chest. Your hot breath makes him shiver. “And warm. I don’t think I’ll be going back to my bed.” A small grin of cosiness appears on your face - one that Sanji will never forget.
His broad chest and strong arm normally go unnoticed by you but now they’re like a fortress. And just like high stone walls are an unspoken promise of security and happiness, his firm hold on your body is a silent oath of a good night's sleep.
“Stay as long as you want,” he whispers back to you. 
Maybe if you weren’t so exhausted, you’d notice that his words aren’t a statement but a plea. They’re the last thing you remember before drifting off to a restful slumber.
Your breathing slows down and gains a steady, shallow rhythm. Keeping you close to his chest, Sanji allows his hands to gently brush against your arm and back. His movements are feathery, almost fearful. He wouldn’t want you to wake up and change your mind about spending the night beside him - he can indulge in his heart’s desire but he must do so carefully.
“If you only gave me a chance,” he whispers into the night.
Knowing you’re asleep and bound to remain ignorant of his affections, Sanji kisses the top of your head. His lips linger against your hair while he takes in the scent that haunts him day and night. Unknowingly, his grip around your body tightens at that moment as though he has suddenly grown most terrified of having you disappear. Too many nights he’s dreamed of this exact scenario only to wake up to a cold, empty bed.
When the dawn arrives and you leave his arms, this little moment of affection won't mean anything to you. It means nothing now. Sanji knows this very well. He doesn't try to lie to himself that maybe you'll wake up a changed person and finally see him as more than a friendly comrade. Although tonight means nothing to you, it holds an unspeakable weight to Sanji, who will forever gloat about the fact that when you needed help, it was him you turned to. It was his arms that guarded your sleep for a few hours.
Fighting off sleep until he collapses, Sanji revels in the feeling of you against his body and pretends, even if for one night, that you’re his the same way he will always be yours. Watching you sleep cuddled into him, he swears he could die happy now.
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rulecrackerblog · 2 years
Free Fire diamond generator
we are excited to share a free fire diamond generator, if you want to play free fire like a pro you need a diamond to increase your lobby design and costume. click on https://generator.sabhihindime.com/ link and get free diamond by generate this tool.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
nba player! connie and model! reader eye fucking each other on the court, then really fucking each other after the game 🤭
omg new hyperfixation just dropped!! 🥴🥴 I got you!
cw: black fem reader (thick descriptors)hotel/balcony sex, implied oral, backshots, squirting, cumshot
Connie Springer: it was a name that was practically inescapable nowadays. Whether it was for his impeccable skills and stats on the court or his devilishly handsome looks off of it. The NBA’s hottest new rising star; a generational talent that had captured the attention of many, including (y/n) (l/n), who had become somewhat of a prominent figure in the fashion and modeling world over the past few years.
A woman who was as bodacious as you were beautiful, turned heads with every room you walked in. Like a goddess traipsing amongst men..you were an absolute vision of perfection. The same sentiment was mirrored when you stepped foot into the arena for the playoffs game tonight. Telfar in hand, Giuseppe heels on your feet and a Marine Serre bodysuit that practically clung to your curvaceous figure. Sitting court side as many other infamous celebs had done before, (y/n) observed the activities up and down the court, watching the players run drills and get prepared before the game began..even occasionally stealing glances at the camera. It was while you were doing so that you’d catch the attention of number 21, the fine ass point guard with the butter pecan complexion, two sleeves of tattoos trailing down his arms and diamond earrings reminiscent of early Iverson’s. What you wouldn’t give to have something like that on your own roster..but you weren’t alone in your dirty little train of thought. The way that ass was moving when you walked by? He damn near lost all focus and control. Admittedly, he had seen you on Instagram and Twitter a couple times, wanting to hop in your DM’s but figured they’d probably go unanswered as you probably had a laundry list of men chomping at the bit to get with you..still, it wouldn’t stop him from shooting his shot in person!..no pun intended. So the game would kickoff as any other had in the past. Connie is to no one’s surprise, stealing the spotlight like he owns it. Playing his ass off, doing all of his award winning antics and scoring mad points for his team. Everyone was so impressed and (y/n) was no exception..the entire time though? His attention was on you…stealing glances at one another through sultry glares. You couldn’t help but ogle that sweat sheened body and he couldn’t help but do the same. When it came time for intermission, you tried your hardest to look inconspicuous but when he sat down, towel draped around his neck as he squeezed that water bottle and let the fluid squirt into his open mouth..you had to clutch your thighs together immediately! You had never felt something like this…it didn’t help when his gaze shot towards you seconds after. It was getting more than obvious that the two of you had your own side game going on outside of the one taking place. Fluttering those big fluffy lashes..(y/n) kept a keen eye on him for the second half, even tossing him a wink or two when he made a basket. Just for that, he had to flex a little bit! Springer was playing like someone had lit a fire underneath him, pulling out every stop he thought would impress the one he had his sights set on. Up and down the court, tossing free throws as if it were child’s play..shooting you a very confident smirk each time he did so. Tucking your lip between your teeth, your deep set eyes fixated on him until the end of the game. If he didn’t come over and say something, you’d surely be making your way in his direction to break the ice. Little did you know a simple hello and some constant eye contact would be the start of a very interesting night.
it would only take a few hours and five shots of Hennessy at an after party for you to find the courage you needed to turn that subtle silent flirting into a fury of passion. “I’m Connie. I seen you out there…thought I’d come see what was up wit’ you.” And the second he did so, it was lust at first sight. So it came as no surprise when he invited you up to his room, sat you on his bed and started spitting game, that your clothes would wind up twisted in a pile on the ground, shoes discarded at the door and you two fucking like animals on the fourth floor balcony of the DoubleTree hotel. It wasn’t something you’d normally done. An esteemed model hooking up with a star baller in some illustrious one might stand? Oh, the tabloids would be going crazy off of this. But for now, he’d just keep you bent over; leg hoisted over that railing as his balls slapped vehemently against your clit. His tattooed hand cradling your throat with a vice grip as your tongue dangled from your mouth. “Ooh fuck!…this dick feels so good..” crying out into the night air as this man…this complete and total stranger outside of his namesake brought you to yet another climax. “Ah…damn baby, I ain’t never had a squirter before..this pussy some pressure..shit.” Having started this steamy little affair in between the sheets where he looked you dead in your eyes, chain dangling above your forehead as he fucked you slowly. A hand on the headboard and your thick, trembling legs laid across his shoulders. Creaming and making an absolute mess of his cock…shortly after finding yourself riding him atop the suede carpet so that you could keep your balance and bounce on his dick the way you really wanted to. In a way that would have him flying you out to every city he played in. To now being hit from the back atop a balcony for potential passerby’s to see. However, his only focus was you and vice versa. Turning to look back at him, you’d flick your tongue and grin. “That’s because you’ve never fucked somebody like me…” and after this? he didn’t think he could ever mess with anyone else the same.
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thesistersarcheron · 2 months
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Pairing: Elriel Rating: E Words: ~2.4k Tags: A/B/O Dynamics, Omegaverse, Dubious Consent, Knotting, In Heat/Mating Cycles, Modern AU, Sister’s Boyfriend’s Best Friend Azriel, Omega Elain, Alpha Azriel Summary: When Elain goes into a breakthrough heat in the wake of a messy breakup from Graysen Nolan and calls her big sister for help, there’s only one alpha for the job: Nesta’s friend Azriel.
Read the first chapter on AO3 now! Snippet below the cut.
When the knock finally comes, Elain Archeron is a mess.
A whining, trembling mess.
She’s clinging to her sanity by a thread, and she’s close. 
So damn close. 
The hand buried between her slick-drenched thighs doesn’t so much as pause. She ignores the knock and circles her clit again, arching her hips up off the bed as she chases her pleasure recklessly. Her body is on fire, from the scorching heat in her cheeks to the aching tips of her breasts, and she needs more. 
With her free hand, she digs blindly through in her nightstand, searching for the only sex toy she owns.
She could kill herself for tucking it away in the back. For hiding it in a box with her stretched out hair elastics and twisted bobby pins and a mostly-empty tube of lotion.
A voice in the back of her mind that sounds like Nesta’s spits, Fucking Graysen. 
That’s what Elain got for dating a knothead like Graysen Nolan—an alpha who proposed with a hideous pearl-and-diamond ring when he knew Elain hated pearls, who made concerned noises about the damage heat suppressants would do to her body until she tossed that little packet of pills in the trash, who encouraged her to do the same to the small stash of knotted omega toys she bought in college because the only knot Elain needed was her Alpha’s…
Who lasted just one miserable, unsatisfying heat before he found an omega with a more enticing scent.
He even had the nerve to ask her to give the ring back.
Fucking Graysen. 
The knock sounds again, three firm raps on the front door of her small apartment. The knife’s-edge of her orgasm is gone, ruined by the mere thought of her ex, and Elain lets her frustration guide her as she shouts in the general direction of the front of her tiny studio apartment.
It’s something along the lines of Go away! or I’m not home! or Alpha, please, need a knot, Alpha, Alpha, Alpha— 
She can’t exactly remember, because her aching cunt clenches around nothing and her hand slaps down on the silicone knot at the back of her drawer in the same moment.
“Oh, thank the gods,” she gasps.
——— Keep reading on AO3.
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Can you please tell me what abilities sun wukong have because am always confused about it i even hear some people says that sun wukong is omniscient and omnipresent and can control time or that he is is a boundless character
At no point in JTTW is Monkey ever depicted as a boundless character with omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time. Anyone claiming that has never read the novel. Never ever trust any online claims about Sun Wukong unless a cited quote is provided.
Having said that, I am slowly compiling a comprehensive list of all of Monkey's magical abilities and skills, complete with corresponding Chinese terms and citations. However, I am nowhere close to being done (and won't be for years), so I can only give you a general list at this time. But I will link to my past articles where applicable.
The following is based on a list I wrote a few months ago for someone looking to make their D&D campaign more authentic.
Immortality - He has six layers of immortality. But these are more like layers of invulnerability. As a "bogus immortal" (yaoxian, 妖仙) he is still susceptible to injury and death because he hasn’t yet achieved Buddha-nature and broken free of the wheel of rebirth (see note #1 here for an explanation).
Invulnerability - He has an adamantine hide that can't be pierced or hurt by earthly or heavenly weapons and elements (this doesn't count the times that he allows himself to be cut). This is thanks to all of the immortal foodstuff he had eaten in heaven being refined within his body by his samadhi fire, giving him a "diamond body" (jingang zhi qu, 金鋼之軀). Sometimes he uses this invulnerability to freak out demons by blocking a sword strike with his bald head. However, he can still be hurt. For example, he is twice wounded by special elements born from spiritual cultivation, samadhi fire and wind (the book treats cultivated and heavenly elements as two different things). Also, one villain, a scorpion demoness energized with Buddhist dharma power, is able to successfully penetrate his skin by stinging him in the face with her tail.
72 changes - He can transform into anything. The only flaw is his tail, which doesn't always change the way he wants it to. Or, a character recognizes him because of his red butt.
Cloud somersault - This allows him to fly 108,000 li (33,554 mi / 54,000 km) in a single leap. The skill is actually a metaphor for instantaneous enlightenment, for those who achieve it will immediately arrive in the Buddha's paradise.
Magic hairs - He can change any one of his 84,000 hairs into anything he wants (tools, random objects, living creatures, etc.) These include hair clones, which are autonomous copies of himself that can range into the tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions. However, he only deploys these on a small scale in the novel. He never uses the power to its full stated extent.
Super strength - His greatest feat is carrying two mountains while running "with the speed of a meteor." But there are characters physically stronger than him. For instance, Monkey cannot escape the grip of the Great Peng bird once he is caught in his powerful talons.
Martial arts - He is proficient in armed and unarmed combat, being able to go toe-to-toe with deities with centuries more combat experience than him. "Short Fist," a historical style, is listed as his preferred boxing method. But he mainly relies on his magic iron staff for fighting.
General magic - Monkey is shown capable of calling forth gods and spirits, growing or shrinking to any size, parting fire and water, creating impassable barriers, conjuring wind storms, casting illusions, freezing people in place, putting anyone to sleep, unlocking any lock, bestowing superhuman strength, bringing the dead back to life, turning invisible, changing someone's appearance, traveling to and from heaven and hell, etc.
Magic Eyes - He can see through illusions. But this isn't always portrayed consistently, for I know of several times where Guanyin fools him, and even a god of the soil, a lesser deity, is once able to do the same thing.
Medicine - He can diagnose maladies and concoct medicines to solve the issue.
You can see that omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time are not listed. I think the problem is that people are confusing Sun Wukong at two different points in his character arc. The powers listed above come from the journey itself (ch. 13 to 100). The omni-level powers would come after he achieves Buddhahood at the end of the novel (ch. 100). However, it's very, very important to know that the story ends before Sun Wukong, now the "Victorious Fighting Buddha," performs any feats (i.e. he has no feats as a Buddha). I'm sure people could assign him powers ascribed to other Buddhas in religious literature, but what happens after the story ends is beyond canon.
I hope this helps.
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writerlyhabits · 2 months
Aliit ori’shya tal'din
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Your second day in the covert reveals both new and familiar faces; hospitality and hostility.
Chapter 3 of the Shereshoy series | Masterlist | Ch. 2 | Ch. 4
Warnings: lots of Mando’a, mild language, soft Din, awkward Din, protective Din [he’s got a wide range, okay?], original Mandalorian characters… maybe a little bit of angst? It’s mostly worldbuilding, so I think that’s about it. 
AN: A word from the author – “I’m in grad school, I take forever to write things.Soon I will start grad school again, which means I’ll write this instead of my dissertation. I’m quite fond of the Mando Legends Lore, if you haven’t noticed. I literally got Kad Ha’rangir & Arasuum tattooed on me.”
This is the third part of a sister fic for my one-shot (Courting) a friend of mine wrote based on this request, and I’m so happy she’s letting me share it with you guys! She is also sharing it on AO3, so be sure to send her your love and kudos there as well! We hope you enjoy 💛
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Translations, in order of appearance:
Aliit ori’shya tal'din: Family is more than blood
Rejorhaa'i kaysh murcyur gar shupur’ika?:  Are you gonna tell her to kiss your ouchies?
Cuyi ulyc, vod.: Be careful, sister.
Aliit: family
Ad(e): child/children
Kar’ta beskar: the central "diamond" of Mandalorian armor; lit. heart armor
Mirjahaal: peace of mind, "healing", general term for emotional well-being especially after a trauma or bereavement
Beroya: bounty hunter
Kurshi: tree
Sen’tra: jackpack
Buir(e): Parent/Parents
Akaanati'kar'oya: The War of Life and Death (Mandalorian myth), creation story
Verd'goten: a special trial for one to become warrior; lit. birth of warrior
So'haale: births
Urman'gedete: prayers
Eparave: feasts
Cyarir evaar'la: Courting
Alii'aliit: meeting of the clans, the closest thing mandalorians have to government or parliament; lit. "clan of clans"
Tsad: group (of people), alliance
Bes'ede: Mythosaur
Kandush : inevitable doom
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Time moves differently underground.
With Odona, the hours passed quickly. As a team, you could disassemble and reconstruct nearly any ship in their small fleet, save for a few parts— which no one had yet found and delivered. The days were faster when the guardsman opted to join you in his free time, his first visit and subsequent dialogue with Odona still memorable.
To what do I owe the displeasure; Oh Mighty Protector of the Covert and Savior of Foundlings?
The pleasure of my company is for your friend, ‘Dona.
Why? Going to terrorize her again, Ik’? Ven’rejorhaa'i kaysh murcyur gar shupur’ika?
Cuyi ulyc, vod.
You had sensed there was a joke hidden within their jibes, one you were unable to decipher in their foreign tongue, but neither took the time to explain. Whilst Ikarus lacked use for the labor that required fine motor control, his presence disrupted the monotony of the many tedious and repetitive tasks you and Odona spent much of your time doing— their frequent banter kept you entertained throughout the day. 
The time you had spent in the medbay was shorter— the most common injuries coming from the older adolescents early on in their training, whose resilience and constitution had yet to strengthen— as well as wrist and ankle sprains from poor fighting forms, the occasional laceration from knife safety training; and at worst, injuries from the teens and young adults earned from a vigorous sparring session.
But with Din, the mornings and evenings together never felt long enough. The hours were reminiscent of your time with him and the Child in the Crest, the warmth of your aliit protected by familiar cold walls; the stone of the cavern both analogous yet antithetic to the durasteel of your former home. 
One forged of hands, and the other of time— one of the fires of a furnace, the other the fires of a planet’s mantle. Your time together before was that of contrivance, engineered— with agendas to follow and assignments to complete— your interactions affable yet somewhat artificial, a present barrier precluding your companionship from evolving into something more… More natural, more innate, more intimate. Here, your time together had been more candid, endearing— Din no longer shied away from any probing questions or physical closeness, which allowed that previous barrier to melt and slowly flow away like that of bedrock to magma, reshaping and remolding your times of leisure together to hours of unified repose.
The hours turned to days, the days turned to weeks, and the weeks turn to this moment, where seemingly no time passes at all— blanketed in the familiar darkness of your room. The unlit and chilled space, at first an unacquainted oddity, now a comfortable companion to spend the sleeping and waking hours in. The ritual remains the same— awaken with the Child, have the morning trade-off with Din, make the caf, and begin the tasks for the day— like clock work, a well-oiled droid.
This morning is almost no different, and yet, you hesitate to leave your bed, your conversation with Din the previous morning still fresh in your mind— 
Din had sat aside the table, his body resting against the wall— unarmored, arms crossed, head tilted to the side, the same position as every morning. Once you handed him the Child and sat, caf in hand, he finally spoke.
“I’d like you to join me tomorrow,” he stated. 
The lack of pleasantries from him was unsurprising, though a teasing ‘Good morning to you, Din’ was a tempting response. Instead, you greeted him with a grin and an unobjectionable reply— 
“Alright, what are we doing?” 
He hummed, pleased with your immediate acceptance.
“The adults alternate supervising the ade. Tomorrow, it’ll be our turn.”
You gestured toward the Child in his arms, in a playful retort. “Don’t we supervise this ad every day?”
The Child cooed in his arms, his ears perked tentatively at his mention. Din sighed, with a smile in voice.
“We do. It’s tradition for all of the adults to care for the ade… All have wisdom to share.”
Skeptical, you thought: ‘What would I possibly teach them?’
You observed the Child resting so comfortably on Din’s chest— his tiny hand gripped tightly into Din’s clothes, right where his armor’s kar’ta beskar normally sat. It was a stark contrast compared to the Child’s behavior upon your first meeting. With any loud noises and sudden movements, he would shrink inwards in his cradle— as if he could make himself any smaller. Medical scanners made him grimace, unfamiliar places and people made his ears droop— seeing others upset made him wary. And yet, he was endlessly curious. Despite his initial unease with the two new adults in his life, the Child was quick to trust you both— and with his trust, his personality came through… his affection, his laughter, his love. 
From there, Din learned how to tend to someone outside of himself— what it meant to have someone that relied on him, and more colossally, someone that wanted Din, as he was. The Armorer branded him as the Child’s father, and the delighted squeal from the little one sealed the bond that Din had been trying to hide for so long. Just as the Child learned to trust Din with his welfare, so too did Din learn to trust the Child with his own mirjahaal.  
Perhaps it wasn’t the lessons they taught, but rather the connection they made, and the wisdom they sought.
With this, the true question then inverted from the skeptic ‘what would I teach them’, to the sanguine ‘what will I learn?’...
“...When do we meet them?”
To the ade, the former beroya is nothing more than a tall kurshi fit to climb. 
Somehow, Din appears endlessly patient and playful with all six of the young children. They utilize their limitless spurts of energy to continuously attack Din as a squad, bringing him to the ground— he’ll exclaim a faux wail, and collapse to his knees— and the collective giggles of the ade begin the cycle again. 
Whenever a child grows tired of their battle, they come to you— wanting to be tossed into the air, or onto the nearest surface. Supposedly being gently thrown around aids in their brain development, and ‘it’s good practice for their first sen’tra flight’, Din tells you. The logic is questionable at best, but hearing their joyous squeals makes the ever-growing muscle fatigue worthwhile. Even the child of the Djarin clan is as equally amused, his own little spirit mightily lifted by the experience of being with other kids again. 
During your time on Sorgan, the Child was happy to interact with the other children— but mostly, he watched them, rather than play. Perhaps he was still too shy or too wary to fully engage with so many people, but surrounded by these Foundlings now, he looks at home; like he belongs. Amidst this cohort, he’s made a new friend, Mara, the youngest of the lot. Her long and dark hair reminds you— and perhaps the Child— of Winta, Omera’s daughter. The two spent the most time together on Sorgan, and despite the little one’s inability to say, he misses her. 
Mara and the Child sit away from the squad play-fighting Din, in front of the single wall of volcanic tuff— embellished with crimps and pockets, graven by many hands. You watch them, as they examine the wall, looking up and down, side to side. Your eyes travel upward to the small cavate, almost eight feet from the floor. You watch as Mara looks to the Child and nods, and begins her ascent up— using her fingers and toes to grip tightly onto the various crevices in the wall— and the Child begins to follow.
You step forward, almost instinctively, wanting to call out to them to stop, wanting to reach out to the children to prevent a fall—
Then, from nowhere, Din appears at your side, extending his hand to stop you. “Don’t,” he says softly, “Let them try.”
You look at him puzzled, and he continues. “If you distract them now, they might fall…” he pauses, and turns his head to watch them, “...but if you allow them to focus, they can succeed. Watch…” 
The pair silently step closer, closing the distance between themselves and the wall, watching the two ade slowly make their way up to the cavate. Mara climbs inside first, and lays on her belly, reaching out to the Child to help him trek the final span of the wall. Once inside, the Child turns around, to face the entire room below him. He squeals a little clamor of excitement, proud of his triumph, before looking down to his buire.
“Good job, kid,” Din says. “Come on down, it’s time to go.”
The Child looks at you both doe-eyed, his ears drooping, as he peers over the ledge. He looks back to Mara, and back down over the ledge, contemplating his next move. 
You lean slightly towards Din, speaking in a hushed tone. “I don’t think he knows how to get back down.”
“He can do it,” Din says confidently. 
You challenge him, “He looks scared.” 
Din insists, “Then he’ll do it scared.” 
He steps forward once more, his body almost pressed against the wall, reaching one hand up. “Come on kid, climb down.”
The child’s ears droop even lower, letting out a quiet whimper, a little anxious look on his face. He looks back up to Mara, who gives him an encouraging “You can do it,” before he finally begins his descent towards you and Din. 
Carefully, his little clawed feet grip into the same pockets he used to climb up, and his hands hold onto the ledge. He looks down at his buire with a slightly quivering lip, then back up to his hands. Slowly, he presses on, his movements deliberate and cautious, gravity tugging at his little limbs with relentless persuasion, clammy clawed-hands threatening to slip free from the cold stone. His disgruntled babbling fading with each tentative step, footfalls growing more steady with every downward stride. 
His little foot finally reached something soft— the hand of his buir, waiting for his arrival. With an excited squeal, he looks to Din, holding out his clawed fingers for Din to grasp. Din takes the Child into his arms.
“Good job… I knew you could do it.” Din whispers to him.
With his ad in hand, Din looks back to the cavate, where Mara sits silently. “You too, Mara, come down,” he says. 
Mara, unlike the little one, is less graceful, only climbing down two feet of wall before leaping off. You instinctively reach your arms out to catch her, but are a few seconds too late, as she lands confidently on her feet, smiling up at you. She giggles, asking the Child “Wasn’t that fun!” and the little one cooing affectionately with a bright smile.
“They need to rest.” Din says, before leading Mara and the Child back with the other ade. You follow him in toe, and aid him while he attempts to settle the children in preparation for them to sleep. 
The chamber is bathed in the soft, warm light of the cressets along the walls. The ade sit and lay in a circle on the floor, looking up at the two adults expectedly, waiting for you both to join them. Din gently places the Child in Mara’s lap, seating himself amongst them. 
The ade demanded a story before they would agree to their midday nap, and with only one long sigh, Din relented. As you sit beside him, the tale of Akaanati'kar'oya begins.
In ages past, when cosmic realms were naught,
Two gods emerged, each with a purpose sought.
Kad Ha'rangir, embodiment of change,
A dance of growth, His essence did arrange.
Arasuum, the god of slow decay,
In stillness thrived, where life would fade away.
Eternal foes, in battle they engaged,
Ideals clashed, the cosmic script was paged.
Kad Ha'rangir, with eyes of vibrant light,
Envisioned galaxies in endless flight.
His very step, a ripple through the void,
Transforming all, where life and change enjoyed.
Arasuum, with eyes as deep as night,
Desired a realm where stasis held its might.
Decay His touch, a silent, withering breath,
A universe in stillness, touched by death.
In ceaseless clash, their cosmic struggle roared,
A dance of gods, where destinies were stored.
Stoic truths emerged from this grand design,
A tale of action, life's breath so divine.
"For action is the breath that life bestows,
A vital force, as mighty river flows.
Inaction, slow demise, a creeping shade,
A silent death in stillness' dark cascade."
Through galaxies and time, the story spread,
Of Kad Ha'rangir, where change was bred.
Arasuum's touch, a cautionary tale,
A realm in stillness, where all things frail.
So heed the moral, in verses spun,
That action is life, beneath the sun.
For inaction's grasp, a silent breath,
A slow demise, an encroaching death.
The ade rest together in a haphazard heap of limbs on various bedcovers and furs draped across the floor. Exhausted from their Beroya Battles and abseil adventures, they finally sleep, leaving the two adults to quietly watch over them together. In the chamber’s silent embrace, the air hangs heavy and chilled— a symphony of stillness envelops the room, broken by the muted shuffle of shifting bodies, and the hushed breaths of the ade. The only audible rhythm is that of the pulsating cadence of your own heartbeat and the rush of blood moving inside your head. 
Your eyes scan over the ade, finding a sense of calmness watching their steady breaths, in… out. 
In… out.
In… out.
Your gaze once again falls onto the Child, cuddled against Mara, also breathing steadily. In the gentle cradle of his friend’s arms, he looks peaceful. Had he ever slept this soundly on the Crest?... Who held him every night before us? Who will take care of him after us?
In the softest whisper, to not disturb the ade, you lean closer to Din, telling him the obvious— “He’s happy here.”
“...Yes,” Din replies, just as quietly. 
“Was this your experience, too? After the Mandalorians saved you?”
His visor is trained on the little one’s sleeping face—the same face of a child who was once trapped in the suffocating darkness of a sealed cradle—a cage, a cage whose opening only revealed another prison, in the form of two bounty hunters hovering over him like… a B2 Battle Droid, with a blaster pointed in a child’s face. A child rescued from death at the last possible moment by a shiny warden, offering an adiaphorous detainment. 
“It was… a time of war. I was trained to fight in it. I hope… that they never have to.” Din says, his gaze scanning over the ade once more. 
“I thought all Mandalorians were warriors.”
He, too, believed the same notion for many years. Training from the day he was rescued to the day he became an adult, after his verd'goten, life became a perpetual streak of jobs. Commission, retrieval, payment. Commission, retrieval, payment… Until a strange, golden, aureate armorsmith joined his tribe, bringing tales of the “Great Forge of Mandalore,” and the songs of the artificers that echoed through the speos as they worked. He remembers the first time he kneeled in front of her small, austere forge, in a dark room beneath a busy market above, listening as she spoke of the ethos, the rites, the latria, the true way of the Mandalore. 
“No. Everyone is trained to survive. But… we used to live, too.” 
“...Until Mandalore was taken.”
So'haale, urman'gedete, eparave, cyarir evaar'la, alii'aliit… A cultus he could only dream of, but never truly have. Spoken knowledge fades into whispers, slipping through his fingers like sand as the voices of the ancestors grow ever fainter. Each decampment a dissolution of tsad res publica, each step forward a battle against oblivion. 
“I’m sorry.” You lean over, resting your head on his pauldron. “...Maybe there’ll come a time when we’ll live in the light, on a planet that welcomes us.” 
Din knows that within every Mandalorian is a patchwork of unfamiliar faces and ever-changing landscapes, their solace and safety as elusive as a bes'ede itself—and yet they endlessly repugn the kandush they have faced time and time again, guided by the conviction that within the uncertainty of the cosmos lay the promise of a sanctuary forged from the resilience of their spirit. 
He tilts his head, resting it atop yours. “There will.”
Ali'nare vencuyanir yaim. This is the Way.   
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hexbimbo · 18 days
DBD Random Hc #3
Survivors that are killed in trial are briefly reincarnated into Crows should they choose to spectate. When the last person has escaped (or killed) they will return to their human forms.
When a Killer “Dc’s”, it’s actually the Entity taking the killer for a much needed “lesson”. Survivors assume it occurs with continuous lack-luster performance.
Survivors are big on naps. They enjoy curling up by the fire or snuggling up in communal cabins on chilly nights.
Trails aren’t continuous. Typically, a survivor participates 2-3 times a week. Killers participate 3-5, depending if they are particularly blood thirsty. This is done so the Entity can savor in the breaking of the spirit.
A trial can last between an 1-4 hours. The quickest recorded trial was 34 minutes, Killer won.
A generator takes an average of 5-10 minutes to complete. Survivors and Killers both sneak out generators to power their living spaces.
The Entity has a sense of humor (BBQ events, My Little Oni.) Does this to lift spirits and stagger the process of “feeding.”
The Entity is very weak outside its relm. Hence, why it only takes people every few months. Continued exposure to out worlds sun greatly damages it.
Blighted Killers and “Archivist” Survivors are future versions of the Entity’s downfall era. Blighted killers need the extra strength to beat down the survivors. Survivors begin to use the Observers notes, tools, and research to fight back.
Voided survivors or killers probably lost hope or began to lose themselves as trials went on.
Jonah is obsessed with patterns. They don’t have to be about math either. “Felix takes a sip of water everytime Élodie sits and we have one mega cabin for two tents on the east-“
Jeff learned how to tattoo! The most popular ones he’s given are Survivors perk emblems with the forth empty diamond being “Hope.”
That guitar strumming survivors hear while in the lobby? That’s Kate! No noise makes her go nuts.
Nobody liked Dwight at first but for some odd reason, was looked to as a leader (albeit a very “mid” leader.) Most of the time, he has no idea what he’s doing. Even stranger, his cheesy advice is USED and WORKS.
“What’s the move Dwight?”
“We gotta do gens and live 🧍🏻‍♂️.”
*escapes with zero hooks and deaths.*
Yun-Jin followed the tenants of the 4B movement. ( “4 No’s.” Essentially excluding sex/romance (with men in particular) and children in favor of a more independent lifestyle.)
Everyone forgets Yoichi exists. Everyone. Kinda like a Hetalia Canada situation.
Vittario frequently experiences culture shock. Due to no one knowing 1300’s Italian, he just points at something, acquires the word, then uses word as needed.
“Vito! Did ya’ see Jane?”
“…She’s at the bus?”
“Bus 🗿.”
Alan was genuinely shocked (if not a little saddened) that no one knew who he was. Writes little books, essays, or theories based on his life in the fog.
Yui will always put her girlies first. Not that she doesn’t like the male survivors but rather believes that women should always have each others backs.
Gabriel is a closeted Agere though he doesn’t quite understand/realize. Enjoys childish knick-knacks, rough play, and has a very active imagination. However, he feels deep shame with the interests and typically regresses in private.
Unknown, Demo, and Dredge are all best buds. No explanation required.
Tarvös and the company spend their down time with drinking games and hunts. Best catch has the honor of roasting it up for a feats. (Literally a medical BBQ)
Evan experiments with art mediums in his free time. Nothing major. Mostly scrap sculptures that he tinkers with. Oddly nice to look at. His most popular one is a crow made from old tin, copper wire, and nuts. Spins in large wind gusts.
Blighted Legion is very protective of their body. Similar to Charlotte and Victor, holds each others hands. Also self hugs, caressing, and soothing murmurs. Despite it mainly being Franks body, personas frequently switch in and out. Uses “We” in place of “I”.
Wesker has acquired a small fan club of people in the fog who think he’s oh-so handsome or cool (read legion). He’s in on the joke and approves it for the ego boost.
Adrianna is a Karen. No one likes her. Not even the other killers. Was the person who made a scene when a minimum wage employee forget her extra sauce.
Nemesis lies dormant when not in a trial. Almost statue like. This goes for the zombies too. Only animates in the queue zone and in a trial.
Same for Sadako. Resides in the well until called upon.
Herman actually had a normal childhood. Loving mom, hard working dad, maybe a little sister. I just think his “appreciation” for the sciences was not well monitored.
Jefferey is an open mouth breather. Yea, it smells exactly like you’re thinking.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔!
So, I’ve decided to create indepth posts about astrology; the signs/placements, planets, and houses. I have a short overview here. Everyone has a whole birth chart, here's a free site that I use and trust (don't go on co-astrology it's full of stereotypes and misinformation.) 
First lesson: 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒 🌞
The sun sign is what the media and the general population know as your ‘star’ and/or zodiac sign. But it doesn’t represent you as a whole. In fact, your Sun sign is your ego, how you see yourself, self-expression, what motivates you etc. Yes, it’s your personality, but it’s your basic personality. There’s a lot more to a person, especially according to astrology.
Sun in Fire signs: bold, upfront, outgoing, loyal
Sun in Earth signs: reliable, responsible, down-to-earth, dependable
Sun in Air signs: friendly, desire to learn, witty, intellectual
Sun in Water signs: intuitive, nurturing, introverted, understanding
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑚
March 21 - April 19
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
Colours: Red
Planet: Mars (Motivation & Action)
Ruling House: 1st (self, beginnings, first impressions, attitude, identity) “All Your Firsts”
Traits: ambitious, independent, impatient, assertive, impulsive. Natural confidence and an energetic pull. However, they can be quick to anger. Natural leaders.  ▪️  Always fight for their goals  ▪️  Rules the head & leads with the head ▪️  One of the most active zodiac signs; not just physically but can be mentally as well
Day: Tuesday
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Gemstone: Diamond
Flower: Thistle & Honeysuckle 
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑙
April 20 - May 20
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡
Colours: Green & Pink
Planet: Venus (Desire & Relationships)
Ruling House: 2nd (money, work, income, values, routines) 
Traits: practical, grounded, dependable, devoted, uncompromising. Those with a Taurus Sun means you have a love for luxury but are also heartfelt and soothing to be around.  ▪️  Have a need to always be surrounded by love and beauty  ▪️  One of the most reliable signs of the zodiac  ▪️  Their committment is often misinterpreted as stubbornness 
Day: Friday, Monday
Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Gemstone: Emerald 
Flower: Rose, Poppy & Foxglove
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑠
May 21 - June 20
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Colours: Light Green & Yellow
Planet: Mercury (Intellect & Communication)
Ruling House: 3rd (the mind, communication, social activity)
Traits: Characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, who the constellation is based on, Gemini’s are stereotyped as having two different sides to themselves; twofaced. This isn’t true, anyone can be two faced. What has been misconstrued is that Gemini’s have the ability to see the multifaceted aspect of all things. They’re an air sign, meaning they’re highly intellectual, witty and forward thinking. They’re one of the most social signs.  ▪️  Have a constant feeling that there isn’t enough time to experience everything ▪️  Open-mind makes them great writers, journalists and artists ▪️  Find romantic love through banter/communication rather than looks
Day: Wednesday
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye
Flower: Lavender, Lily of the Valley
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑏
June 21 - July 22
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Colours: Violet & White
Planet: Moon (Emotion & Security)
Ruling House: 4th (home, self-care, family, emotions, nurturing, women, mother) “The Foundation”
Traits: incredibly nurturing, caring, reliable, alluring to others - draw them in, intuitive, loving and deeply emotional. Have a lot of sympathy for others and very family orientated.  ▪️  Always the glue of a group ▪️  Have an intate need to be needed ▪️  Most likely have an odd sense of humour 
Day: Monday, Thursday
Tarot Card: The Chariot
Gemstone: Ruby & Pearl
Flower: Orchid & White Rose
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐿𝑖𝑜𝑛
July 23 - August 22
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
Colours: Gold, Orange
Planet: Sun (Life & Identity)
Ruling House: 5th (romance, play, creativity, fertility, self-expression, drama)
Traits: As Leo is ruled by the Sun, those with a Leo Sun are quite stable, regal and lucky. Incredibly joyful, lively and outgoing. Main character energy.  ▪️  Want to make the world a better place ▪️  Confident, or are at least amazing at pretending to be confident  ▪️  Love the spotlight
Day: Sunday
Tarot Card: Strength
Gemstone: Carnelian 
Flower: Sunflower 
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛
August 23 - September 22
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡
Colours: Silver & Pale Yellow
Planet: Mercury (Intellect & Communication)
Ruling House: 6th (health, habits, pets, sense of usefulness, analytical nature)
Traits: One of the most hardest working signs of the zodiac, have an observant and meticulous nature. Adaptable, analytical, pragmatic.  ▪️  Strong sense of duty toward others ▪️  Natural inclination to improve the world around them; people, places, things etc.  ▪️  Typically show their love through Acts of Service
Day: Wednesday
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Gemstone: Peridot
Flower: Marigold 
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
September 23 - October 22
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Colours: Blue, Green, Pink
Planet: Venus (Desire & Relationships)
Ruling House: 7th (relationships, marriage, contracts, equality, sharing, business deals)
Traits: known for their elegance, good-taste and charm. Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded. The most aesthetic of the zodiacs. Natural peacemakers amd great secret-keepers.  ▪️  Value harmony in all forms  ▪️  Love people and social interactions. They’re fiercely attracted to intelligence.  ▪️  Intolerance for chaos and mess
Day: Friday
Tarot Card: Justice
Gemstone: Sapphire
Flower: Rose
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛
October 23 - November 21
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Colours: Red, Black
Planet: Pluto (Power & Transformation), Mars (Motivation & Action)  
Ruling House: 8th (birth, death, intimacy, transformation, property & loans of other people than yourself) “The Mysteries”
Traits: passionate and assertive, they have an air of mystery about them. Resourceful, powerful, brave, and independent. Perceptive, psychological, love seeing the dark side of humans.  ▪️  Can be very secretive and keep their emotions to themselves ▪️  Known for being intense ▪️  Immense willpower
Day: Tuesday
Tarot Card: Death
Gemstone: Topaz, Opal
Flower: Hibiscus, Geraniums
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑟
November 22 - December 21
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
Colours: Light Blue & Navy Blue
Planet: Jupiter (Luck & Abundance)
Ruling House: 9th (religion, philosophy, expansion, higher mind, international and long-distance travel, publishing, broadcasting) 
Traits: restless, friendly, adventurous and curious. They’re the natural travellers of the zodiac. Mainly outgoing, they are always ready for change. Clear about their intentions and have a strong moral compass.  ▪️  Generally on the go and have an innate need to be doing something ▪️  Curious with a love to learn ▪️  Strong sense for escape
Day: Thursday
Tarot Card: Temperance
Gemstone: Topaz
Flower: Carnation
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑡 
December 22 - January 19
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡
Colours: Brown, Black, Dark Blue
Planet: Saturn (Lessons & Limitations)
Ruling House: 10th (tradition, structures, public image, fame, goals, men, fathers, masculinity)
Traits: The responsible & upstanding citizens of the zodiac. Deal with problems through action. Disciplined, a lot of self-control, make great managers. Traditional, independent, self-motivators.  ▪️  Big ambitions but have a lot of integrity ▪️  Hard-working and patient  ▪️  Enjoy doing things the ‘old-fashioned way’
Day: Saturday
Tarot Card: The Devil
Gemstone: Garnet
Flower: Pansy
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟-𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑟
January 20 - Febuary 18
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Colours: Light Blue, Silver
Planet: Uranus (Change & Rebellion), Saturn (Lessons & Limitations)
Ruling House: 11th (humanitarianism, society, social justice, harmony, rebellion, originality, eccentricity, invention)
Traits: desire for equality, socially aware, unconventional, rather dislike tradition and the old way of thinking. Imaginative, idealistic and haters of limitations. Mature, eccentric and unique.  ▪️  Don’t like labels  ▪️  Believe in change and the progression of the world ▪️  The wise, old grandparent of the zodiac
Day: Saturday
Tarot Card: The Star
Gemstone: Amethyst
Flower: Orchid
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑠𝘩
Febuary 19 - March 20
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Colours: Sea Green & Violet
Planet: Neptune (Hope & Fantasy)
Ruling House: 12th (spirituality, the ending of things, hidden agendas, imagination, poetry, the subconscious mind) 
Traits: one of the most psychic and intune to the spiritual of the zodiac. Pisces are sensitive, creative and artistic. Great with advice, and have a “live and let live” approach to others.  ▪️  Strong gut reactions ▪️  Get along well in small groups rather than large ones ▪️  May seem quiet (and meek) but actually have a huge sense of right and wrong
Day: Thursday
Tarot Card: The Moon
Gemstone: Aquamarine / Moonstone
Flower: Water Lily
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
At this point I think as a fandom, we've lost some of the crackship charm we once had. I can look up Ashara Dayne and Ser Davos and find results, But Nettles and Helaena have nothing. It's time to rectify that for my favourite girl and try to inspire some fanfics. Feel free to add more.
1. Daeron and Nettles
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Think Enemies to Lovers, Captive of War drama like Jaime and Brienne or just some good old Gwen and Arthur-inspired love. Ivy by Taylor Swift coded, a She's all that inspired affair. I genuinely think that he's just trying to be there for her with this one. It happens and neither of them realise until You're in Love starts playing.
2. Baela and Nettles.
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They would give the pot calling the kettle black in every argument. The Princess Bride-esque dynamic between them. Very Graham and Megan from but I'm a Cheerleader. Sapphic Pinning and Resentment should be its own genre. Sir Chloe's Michelle is my vision. We can even make a throuple with them and Jace or Alyn. Truly, I think they but heads until they kiss, building on resentment. I also think they would be the coolest couple.
3. Addam and Nettles
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Kaz and Inej core.
But in all seriousness, I think Addam being loyal and Duty bound and Nettles challenging that idea is delicious. Solider of Duty x Solider for the People. A modern-day Persuasion story but gender-flipped if we put our minds to it. See you Again Kali Uchis and Tyler the Creator, that's all.
4. Nettles and Helaena
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They just deserve better. That's all. Give me cottagecore sapphic romance with my best girls involves. Like the young lesbians from Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Lesbians raising kids together. Sheepstealer and Dreamfyre hatching eggs for the nieces and nephews. I just-
It would be so cool, I will by Mitski sentiment is already attached.
5. Alyn and Nettles
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Now that we are here obviously she apologized for Sheepstealer, she doesn't need to but she did, He tries not to like her but can't help it. She wins him over and they hatch him an egg or something idk. Think The Princess Diaries: Royal Engagement, Mia and Nicholas, Flipped the movie if you will. Jealously plots would slay. For the song choice think Shameless Camila Cabello. Please remember that Alyn is younger than Netty by 3/4 years though.
6. Rhaena and Nettles
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See now this is classic Friends to Lovers, Emma and Harriet if gay, perhaps, Bend it Like Beckham core definitely. Sofia by Clario inspired. Nettles doesn't leave Rhaena out because she's without a dragon and the same happens inverse. Sapphic confusion however, like Rhaena doesn't understand at first why she feels that way.
7. Nettles and Jace.
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Now for the Mr Knightley and Emma Woodhouse of our time, the Kate and Anthony of Westeros. The potential for her just not listening to him when he tries to tell her how to ride a dragon. Or when she talks to him about the people he'll rule over eventually, Ygritte and Jon style. She's also the only bastard who doesn't look Targaryen, he can relate to that a bit. I think she's Fierce and he's Stubborn. Ungodly Hour by Chloe x Halle for them.
8. Nettles and Alys.
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The Fire Witches of Westeros. I think they will be perfect as a ship. American Horror Story-esque characters. The two Witches in the story are obviously my favourites. It would be Jennifer's Body meets, the craft meets, and Suspiria. Willow by Taylor Swift becomes them.
This one was also a bonus more or less.
Anyways I just need to start to get a baseline story for my girl by the time the show gives her to us. So we have a general sense of direction, I'm tired of the mischaracterization of my baby. She's smart, resourceful, Cunning, Fearless, and not entirely loyal. She also curses, enough for it to be a character trait. Please remember this for her, I'm tired. I also know that Daemon loved her but she's too much fun as a character to limit her to him romantically in all her fanfictions, it is an interesting narrative to explore while we don't have exact answers but he gets romantic ships with anyone. She deserves more.
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hymemena · 6 months
My Spotify Wrapped 2023 Top Ten Lyric Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: General ns.fw, blood, rough sex, toxicity, daddy kink, manipulation, drug use, electrostim, alcohol use
"Riots on the TV."
"They wanna keep it PG."
"All their daughters wanna be me."
"Believe me."
"I'm not nice, I'm a meanie."
"I did something bad."
"Please don't get attached."
"There's no coming back."
"Break a heart like an eggshell."
"Throw a tantrum, baby."
"Baby, doll me up 'cause I'm a brat."
"I'm a brat."
"I'm a handful."
"Bitch, I am one."
"Make it tragic."
"Spoil me, buy me things!"
"Golden watches, diamond rings."
"Take me out and pamper me."
"Show me I'm your everything."
"Bend me over, make me scream."
"Choke me, hold me, breed me, stroke me."
"Make me say those dirty things."
"Bring me joy!"
"I'm your girl/boy and you're my toy!"
"Buy me gifts. Give me more!"
"Make me feel like I'm adored."
"Put me in my place."
"Slap my face."
"Treat me like your little whore."
"Use me 'til you make me come."
"You've got some nerve to throw it in my face."
"They want your money, honey."
"Don't they seem so loving?"
"Trick or treat and we fade away."
"Kicked to the curb on judgement day."
"A pinch of salt in your Hater-ade?"
"Just a little bit of torture."
"Move a little closer."
"Listen to the clock tick."
"Tell me if you want it."
"I can make you toxic."
"Come fake the fire."
"Get you higher than high, suck you dryer than dry."
"Race you to the steeple."
"On the bright side, we should bang one last time."
"So, I'm the boss man."
"I've got anything you'll ever want."
"Call me sir, call me Daddy, call me CEO."
"But for you, Baby Doll, just call me -name-."
"'Cause I run this empire."
"I flaunt this."
"Every day I'm gon' be cashin' the checks."
"Eyes up, show the man respect."
"Come on, Baby."
"You'll feel pleasures that you never knew were real before."
"With my hands on your hips and my taste on your lips?"
"Take you to your limit 'til you give in."
"Got you feeling like I'm all that you need."
"All in the service of insatiable greed."
"Don't want no backtalk, just follow my word."
"Am I extreme?"
"Strictly business."
"Take a picture, hope it lasts long."
"Yeah, I live for the attention."
"I got a problem and it's not my fault."
"Why would I pay it any mind?"
"But yeah, I guess I must have pissed you off."
"Thinking about a little something something in my septum and a couple tattoos."
"Gossip 'bout a little something something even though nobody ever asked you."
"Shut your mouth, listen up when I talk!"
"I'm a spoiled little brat and I get what I want!"
"Stick around and I'ma do my worst."
"What the Hell did you expect?"
"Criticize a little something something that I did because somebody had to."
"If I did a little something something in the bathroom could I get it past you?"
"Come on, feel my affection."
"Feel my affection for machine love."
"Just plug in, then fade out."
"It's the real deal."
"It's the real deal, electric feel."
"Trip your pulse, your heart beats faster."
"Ask yourself how long you can last."
"Come on, feel my danger."
"I'll be your cheap slut savior."
"I am the one who makes you want it."
"Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex!"
"Does your libido feel my sex?"
"Come tonight."
"Be with me all of the time."
"I am the one who makes you come."
"Never had her dad there."
"Kissed a lot of boys but never seems to have care."
"She just wants vodka and cigarettes."
"Has the dealer on speed dial when she gets stressed."
"She knows, she knows, she knows, she knows that I can't resist her ways."
"I'm so exposed to all the tricks she plays."
"I think I fell in love with an art hoe."
"I think I love getting my heart broke."
"Wakes up at noon, gets up when she has to."
"Cocaine in her bathroom."
"She just wants love that she never gets."
"Has my number on speed dial when she needs sex."
"Caught up and never talked to her."
"She ripped my heart in half, took me for all I have."
"Got nothing left but it's cool."
"There's something about you I cannot explain."
"I just want to know you."
"It's not what you said, not the way you said it."
"I'm under your spell and I don't regret it."
"Take my breath."
"Baby, reach inside my chest."
"You can have whatever's left."
"Baby, I'm possessed."
"Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes?"
"If you let me inside, I won't hold back this time."
"More than paralyzed."
"Oh, it's the chase you like?"
"I should get away, I want you way too much."
"I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you."
"This is a force that not even God can stop."
"Make that ass shake like that ass is scared of me."
"All these other spooky dudes can't compare to me."
"October 31st, bitch, you know what I'ma be."
"I'ma be a ho for Halloween."
"Yo, happy Halloweeny!"
"My shorts looking teeny?"
"My big fat pumpkin pie going trampoliney."
"Her man wanna be me."
"She bad like a meanie."
"I knew we'd get along 'cause she loves Frankenweenie."
"Pull up to the party on a broomstick."
"I'm too thick."
"Crush a bunch of Smarties up, take two hits."
"Costume shopping, I'ma pop a tag."
"Bitch, I'm sexy Freddy Krueger, I'm about to pop off!"
"I want your body."
"I want your mind."
"You know you like the way it feels."
"You cannot hide."
"Keep on thrillin' me."
"You're drillin' me hard."
"Keep me up all night."
"This conversation gets me high."
"Let's go."
"Turn me on."
"Can't stop feelin' me up all night, yeah?"
"Are you feelin' me?"
"I'm on a mission."
"Wanna keep you high."
"Too many kisses for alibi."
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candyredmusings · 1 year
Pathologic Sentence Starters.
Taken from both Pathologic Classic HD and Pathologic 2. Feel free to edit as you see fit.
So, it's all about trickery to you?
No, no... I detest trickery. But if we ourselves are to suffer deception, our hands are no longer tied.
What a silly place...
Those who favor hard logic and direct action are bound to be misguided
Only a miracle can set us free without us having to destroy something. And I can DO miracles. Just let me.
Will you please be quiet?
You're a liar and a thief.
Who is going to believe you when you keep lying to yourself?
Whatever happens, I WILL find answers, and justice will be restored.
Don't you go all bossy on me clever clogs.
This calls for the gentle hand of a surgeon.
Your gentle hands are used to killing, not giving life. You will inevitably do harm.
As for brainy, he has no regard for casualties at all.
Neither of you knows compassion.
Yes, it seems unlikely that we'll get along well.
Any choice is right as long as it's willed.
It's not even a trap... it's a grave.
I can see that. You're full of hate.
You mean you won't become a killer? But you will! Mark my word, that's exactly what will happen.
We fear everything, old boy, as mortals do, and desire everything as if we were immortal.
There is an eternal order that Fate itself has predetermined. It is due to this order that things happen the way they should, following a preordained path.
We promise according to our hopes. We perform according to our fears.
You are broken [NAME], I on the other hand am used to winning!
Sorry, I thought you brought in a baby.
You think I brought a baby? // You think I brought in a baby? // You think I brought in a baby?
Guess I'll go have a talk with [NAME]...about the Hippocratic Oath, if nothing else.
No, you can't. You were rude to me.
Give me your herbs, worm.
The real game is happening between you and me.
No, the little girl is not so simple.
You are a slave of the inevitable, while I am its mistress.
Just tell me. Could you have saved my brother?
Pain is our great ally. It reminds us we’re still alive. It drives us to action.
You may mean well, but you bring evil and destruction all the same.
Wow... that's startling! What's wrong with you?
Why do you hate me so much?
You smell of blood.
Well, I think you aren’t doomed.
Dreams are fine, but we need bread.
However, when I look at you, I get the feeling that nature is playing jokes on us.
Don't teach me to dance, pal. Been a clown all my life.
Perhaps this is my way of saving you, giving you diamonds for the price of sugar. Or I'm trying to swindle you. Or it's just a prank. Who knows? Not you.
Where shall you go now, [NAME]? Who will you look in the face?
There are fine things, old boy, that are more brilliant when unfinished, than finished too much.
She despises you, and hates everyone else.
I've loved from the moment I laid eyes on you.
All the world's a stage... sometimes a gallows stage.
People fear bloodshed only when it's their blood... and their shed.
That scum had neither heart or brains, so he has no need for his guts, either.
Cut it with the strong language immediately! 
You little prick!
What a contradictory character you are.
I wouldn't have waited for a trial and a verdict to fire a bullet at your tender heart.
I believe we're surrounded by amazing creatures -- some of them are of such magnifience that we aren't even fully aware of their presence.
True... I'm deeply miserable in general - if you're at all interested to know.
Life is a night at the bar. All the wisdom you gain, you pay for in pain.
But could I please offer you a piece of advice?
I fear you've fallen under the [NAME]’s influence—the prickly prick that'll bury us all!
There's no way in hell I'm going to help him…or his minions.
Are my ears playing tricks on me? [NAME] is stuck?
Are my ears playing tricks on me?
This smartass won't bother with the losses at all
You both lack mercy.
For the first time, I'll have to think for myself.
I don't know if I'm good or evil. Stupid words, anyway...
I don't know if I'm good or evil. Stupid words, anyway... But I'm trying to be gentle to others and hard on myself. I know how to sympathize and not judge. I try to love whoever I touch. That's the only answer I have.
Yes, my love, you are the bravest. Now go and play. I have a lot on my plate right now.
I'm very scared of this [NAME]… I feel that they’re  a demon, a spirit of destruction and downfall!
I don't kill people. I save their lives.
I'm way more dangerous than the murderer.
People are foolish and weak. One day you're beaten to a pulp and laughed at, the next you're worshipped.
Sorry, I can't help feasting my eyes on your outfit… who was the mad tailor?
No lover's as sweet as the silence of sleep.
It's me, the player.
Tell me what your intentions are, and I'll help you.
Are you trying to borrow money from me or something?
I just wanted to make it so that people would live longer, really. And, preferably, on their own accord.
Stay where you are, demon! I don't know if I'll be able to kill you today—but you will lose a lot of blood. You are mortal too, I know it… however hard to kill you may prove!
Do you realize now that you have lost? And there's nothing to be done. It's too late.
You need more sleep, friend.
What's there about you to like? Nothing.
Do not despair, [NAME]. Do not regret a thing.
…I can't believe my ears. Someone has admitted that I am right.
I do my best to avoid morons.
You're looking for salvation in the wrong place.
God… what an idiot I was!
Let justice prevail. Mercy to the innocent; a reckoning to the guilty.
Did you kill someone with a pencil?
She speaks to the dead.
Sometimes you can find her sitting by a grave and humming a lullaby.
Sometimes girls are capable of the things that even someone as bloodthirsty as me couldn't have invented.
Will I have time to curse you before I die?
Are you trying to bewitch me?
Would you like to see me try that too—the way I do it with creatures like your little self?
He who trusts everybody asks to be deceived.
Ever considered having your tongue removed?
I don’t believe you.
I don’t like you. Actually, that’s too mild a statement. I feel an innate resentment toward you.
Your lips crack. Come, take my kiss.
God loves me.
I am the way to Heaven.
 It aches to be born.
 I am not your foe. love you. Do not push me away.
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
Murder by Death (1976)
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A weird little guy invites five world-famous detectives to his spooky mansion for the weekend, to see if he can outwit them once and for all. Silliness and charmingly lame jokes ensue. And if you're at least a casual fan of 20th century English-language detective fiction / movies up to 1976, you'll appreciate the characters and genre tropes being parodied / taken down here.
While not as raucously funny as other comedy movies from this era (like Airplane! and Blazing Saddles, assuming that era's comedy works for you at all), the Neil Simon script is consistently chuckle-worthy, with some genuine lol moments. There is one joke involving Peter Falk firing a gun and having to go to the bathroom that is one of the stupidest, funniest things I have ever seen, almost entirely because of how he delivers it. Seriously, the whole movie is worth watching just for that.
Speaking of Peter Falk, the cast is Hollywood royalty, many of them reprising crime-solving characters in parody that they were at this point famous for. Special note to James Coco as the Hercule Peroit parody Milo Perrier, one of the few actors who seems to get the tone the screenplay is trying for, so he is perpetually funny. And of course Peter Falk as Sam Diamond, being absolutely perfect as Columbo doing Humphrey Bogart doing Sam Spade. Falk was never not 110%, and that's also true here. Truman Capote, playing the principal antagonist, is...well. He was never a great actor. But he's certainly being Truman Capote and that kind of makes up for it.
Also special shout-out to Estelle Winwood, who at 93 is bright-eyed and sharp enough to make an extended fart joke funny.
(That woman died eight years after this, two years after I was born. She was born in 1883 and debuted on Broadway in 1916. Amazing.)
The big black mark on this is Peter Sellers as Sidney Wang, doing his awful stupid Charlie Chan Tojo "me so solly" yellowface garbage. Obviously his history of doing this character like this, to pop culture acclaim, was enough to get him into this movie doing it, WELL PAST the point where it was in any way acceptable. The movie knows that, sort of, and tries to Tropic Thunder it by making his behavior an object of (too) light scorn, while also pairing him with an "adopted Japanese son," played by Japanese-American actor Richard Narita. It is still utterly awkward and gross, redeemed only slightly by the fact that Sellers is a good actor so he gives Wang genuine depth of character, despite the rest of this. That is in no way a defense, and it is still terrible. Just slightly less terrible, maybe? Relatively?
With all of the magical realism and trope tear-downs in this plot, I kept expecting by the end that someone would reveal Sellers as a character perpetuating a racist fraud. But they aren't brave enough to do that. Real shame.
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Also there are no Holmes and Watson parodies here, which seems like a glaring omission. Wikipedia says they cut scenes from the original screenplay which would have had them either show up right at the end, after the crime has already been solved, or near the end, and then solve it. These were apparently cut because it was decided they would distract from and overshadow the plot at that point.
Fair enough. But as the plot by the end is purposeful convoluted goofiness mixed with a meta-commentary on the whodunnit genre in general...would it have made THAT much of a difference? I don't think so.
It is a breezy 90 minutes. And while the first half drags purposefully bad jokes out a little too long and has trouble settling on a consistent comedic tone, it ramps up and is really solid by the end.
There are also some surprising jokes about sexuality and gender identity here. I don't want to oversell that, because it is all played as just more wackiness. But I didn't expect anything quite like this in a Hollywood movie from 1976. A welcome surprise.
Oh and the paper caricatures of the cast at the beginning and end were drawn by Charles Addams. Yes, THAT Charles Addams.
Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 67%. I'd go higher than that, at least the high seventies. That Peter Falk bathroom joke at like an hour and seventeen minutes is really goddamn funny.
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esther-dot · 1 year
"The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom."- Sansa(AGOT IV).
"Joff wore plush black velvets slashed with crimson, a shimmering cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar, and on his head a golden crown crusted with rubies and black diamonds."- Sansa(AGOT V).
"He(Joffery) was in crimson samite, his black mantle studded with rubies, on his head his heavy golden crown."- Sansa(ACOK VIII).
"Tyrion wore a doublet of black velvet covered with golden scrollwork, thigh-high boots that added three inches to his height, a chain of rubies and lions' heads."- Sansa(ASOS III).
Lannisters are wearing Targ colors in Sansa chapters. Could it mean something other than Lannisters are standin for Targs?
And I'll paste in an anon, too:
I found something interesting in Sansa chapters. When Sansa was called to write letters to Robb, Cersei was wearing black gown with rubies. When Sansa goes to court to plead mercy for Ned, Joffery was wearing black and gold with rubies in his crown. During her marriage with Tyrion, he was wearing black and red dress with rubies chain. All are invoking Targ image and trying to exploit Sansa. Cersei pretending to be a just queen, Joffery a just king and Tyrion being a good husband.
(related to this convo)
I agree with both of you that the Targ colors have an interesting habit of creeping up in pivotal moments for Sansa. I could describe the Joffrey and Tyrion instances as examples of a Stark maiden being taken advantage of by a prince who charms her with a song, and a suitor/husband who has ulterior motives. So, yes, it is more than just a general connection to Targs, I think Lyanna is woven into this.
I can’t remember lines to indicate that Sansa knows the extent of Tyrion’s ambition, that if she were to give him a son, her life would be endangered, but we know her life would be, so it kinda reads as another connection to Lyanna who died as a result of Rhaegar's desire for a third head of the dragon.
Before we have joked about Cersei's dress referencing Rhaegar, and I actually do think it's intentional:
They had come together at the ford of the Trident while the battle crashed around them, Robert with his warhammer and his great antlered helm, the Targaryen prince armored all in black. On his breastplate was the three-headed dragon of his House, wrought all in rubies that flashed like fire in the sunlight. The waters of the Trident ran red around the hooves of their destriers as they circled and clashed, again and again, until at last a crushing blow from Robert's hammer stove in the dragon and the chest beneath it. When Ned had finally come on the scene, Rhaegar lay dead in the stream, while men of both armies scrabbled in the swirling waters for rubies knocked free of his armor. (AGOT, Eddard I)
The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood. (AGOT, Sansa VI)
We could say that’s far fetched, except, in Sansa's first chapter Rhaegar and his rubies are quite pivotal, and the Trident incident leads to her losing Lady. What's important about that is that Sansa's pleas for Lady's life remind Ned of Lyanna:
He could still hear Sansa pleading, as Lyanna had pleaded once. (AGOT, Eddard IV)
One might say the two Stark girls are deliberately associated by the author. 😊
So we get Rhaegar and his Rubies when Sansa suffers a great loss, Rhaegar and his rubies when she realizes her prince doesn't care about her, Rhaegar and his rubies when she is forced to "betray" her family, Rhaegar and his rubies when she is forced into an unwanted marriage….I mean, I'm not saying reading this as Lyanna’s story is the only way to read those descriptions, but it's a very interesting way to see them!
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leonaluv · 2 years
Fame & Fortune 1-5
choose between 1-5 or images 
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Pile one -  Beyond 
You'll gain fame as a parent. Your parenting approach may make you famous, and when you have children, they may become more well-known than you. A father figure or mother figure, like Mother Teresa, may be what some people are searching for. Some may be recognized for establishing boundaries, perhaps by writing books like "How to Deal with a Narcissist" or other self-help books about helping others to realize their power. You might simply find yourself in a circumstance involving law enforcement that goes viral or join the career of law enforcement might just make you famous. It seems to involve other children joining you and taking part in a nice activity or working with young people in law enforcement. This is about getting justice and showing people how to break free of society.
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(Alternatively, videos of you conversing with a hot cop might go viral.) For others, being a rebel and standing up for the rights of others may more body care pertains to massage therapy, waxing, and shaving in the beauty industry. grooming, the production of skincare goods, candles, soap, and perfume, as well as the instruction of good manners. classes on emotional intelligence or creative activities sake you popular. voicing opposition to corporations and other constituents)
tarot cards 
 The world reverse, 4 of pentacles reverse, the sun, the phoenix, blunders, middle path, planner fire disaster, 9 of diamonds and mag
Pile 2 - The lights 
Learning the lesson to not see everything in a black and white perspective. Having a more open-minded perspective and combing both the left/right hand paths. Reaching that state of mind of balance between the feminine/ masculine (yin/yang) and tapping into your own source of power. Some can be known as witch, magic or alchemist basically being known to make an opportunity out of anything. Always having a plan and working on creating new projects and developing new things for your own community this can be like online community or related toward hometown. famous for coming up with new ideas to help out your country or city.
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Being open to new experiences and sharing more with others at this time are two ways to get money. You could believe that the world isn't offering you enough opportunities right now and that it's difficult for you to hold on to your own riches, but your financial condition will soon get better. It may be time for you to take on greater leadership responsibilities right now.
Love advice
If someone new enters the picture, they will assist you with your financial condition, but if you start dating, you might run into some relationship-related problems. (Although every relationship has its challenges, you must keep yours private because others may be envious of your brand-new romantic relationship.)
Present moment
The phoenix oracle appears in this reading, indicating that a rebirth will occur because the phoenix is symbolic of death, burning at the stake, and being able to rise from the ashes and start over. A time of transition from feeling out of this world, being generally detached, and just surviving by to now, when the sun ( tarot) is shining so brightly and there is abundance in addition to happiness.
Pile 3 - Camera & actions
Gain attention by working with individuals in high positions of authority or, alternatively, by having a close family connection to someone in a prominent position. You might gain official recognition and have the authority to speak up on matters involving people who need justice. Some people are well-known because they are renowned judges, lawyers, or court-related professionals.
Visiting new places and traveling are ways to earn money. You could need a change of scenery right now, or you might just like to talk about your experiences in various countries. You might even consider teaching your native language to foreigners online.
Making money in the legal, business, or educational fields. assisting others with their dreams, sleep therapy, and dream-related music.
Travel vloggers or live streamers who visit new locations in exchange for donations. You can make money while socializing with new people and playing video games with pals. Simply being playful and carefree overall.
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Pile 4 - Everlasting Fame
Being well-known for your romantic connection could result in a viral moment between you and your partner. Being well-known for one's career or just for overall success varies; for some, it may be related to partying. A younger man films you are dancing at a party or engaging in an amusing activity. Because of the younger energy there, you might assume that person to be a youngster when that moment goes viral.
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Money Working with children can earn you money and help you teach them to be more responsible. helping businesses by working as a manager or agent over someone there. (Why they had to endure that trying period in life)
tarot cards 
(8 of cups reverse, king of swords, 9 of swords, royal, secret society, government, slander and 6 of hearts.)
Pile 5-  Icon in the making 
( sorry forgot to add photo :/ to the main photo )
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Become famous for coming from a small city or town working up to being you own boss. Others it can be being a musician and taking a risk to start this career.
Traveling, dealing with animals, being in a position of influence, and engaging in creative labor are all ways to make money.
tarot cards 
(Page of pentacles,4 of wands, and 8 of pentacles reverse, child identity, Industry, Victim, bigger picture)
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sims4t2bb · 2 months
weekly update - part 2
Hello, happy Sunday, and welcome back for part two of this weekly update (find part one here)! For all who celebrate, we wish you a very happy Easter! 🐰🐣🥚
The second part of the updates can be found underneath the cut. From us, as always, happy Simming — onwards and upwards! ✨
— Database
You may have noticed a lot of the page icons were broken around the database. This was due to server issues with our previous image host. We've taken the opportunity to replace all of the broken page icons with high-quality versions in the same style, so all icons match across the database. It's all in the details 💅🏻
— Base Game
Buy Mode
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Princess Cordelia's Galleon Bed, Princess Cordelia's Single Bed, Soothing Sleeper Double Bed, and Soothing Sleeper Single Bed conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
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Monster Potty Partner, Practice Potty, and Refined Potty Chair conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
Build Mode
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Spanish Inquisition recolors by @kayleigh-83 have been added.
Debug Mode
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Alabaster, Amethyst, "Consummate Gem Connoisseur", Citrine, Crystal Palace, Diamond, Emerald, Fire Opal, Hematite, Jet, and more conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
— Expansion Packs
Get To Work
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Crandestine, Crandestine Deposit, and Nitelite conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
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Corporate Fridge Raider Revenue Generating Cooler, Cautionary Tale Door, and Door de la Sass conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
City Living
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Space Blanket Bed conversion by ePSYlord has been added.
Cats & Dogs
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Modern Colonial Bed conversion by ePSYlord has been added.
Get Famous
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Royal Valance and Drapery (Wide), Boots and Cats Sound Mixer, Cart of Video Equipment, and Medieval Castle Chandelier conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
Discover University
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Dorm Room Door, Librarian's Door, Waggledorf Window, and Summerschool Window conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
Snowy Escape
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Monster Free Bed and Beakers and Baubles Science Set conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
High School Years
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Drawers for my Drawers conversion by @platinumaspiration has been added.
Growing Together
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If it Ain't Broke... Potty and Potty-Time Buddy conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
— Game Packs
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Debug Garlic Braid, Garlic Wreath, and Gourmet Garlic Garland conversions by @tony-veis have been added.
Jungle Adventure
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Cama de Ensueno and Camita de Ensueno conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
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Alexandrite conversion by @tvickiesims has been addedd.
Realm of Magic
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Mystical Crystal Cluster, Mystical Crystal Cluster (Horizontal), Mystical Crystal Cluster (Slightly Leaning), and Mystical Crystal Cluster (Tall) conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
Journey to Batuu
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Kyber Crystal conversion by @tvickiesims has been added.
— Stuff Packs
Vintage Glamour
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Maleficent Bedstead, Tufted & Tucked, and Art Doorco Double Door conversions by ePSYlord have been added.
Crystal Creations
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A Gemifiend's Dream Bureau, All Star Tool Rack, Astral Attunement Rug, Athenaeum Bookcase, Athenaeum Ladder Bookcase, Burning the Midnight Oil Lamp, Classically Cool Sales Table, Classic Compact Console Table, Cordelia's Bust, Crystal Chronical Poster and more conversions by @tvickiesims have been added.
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Jade and Crystal Tree conversions by @tvickiesims has been added.
Every item in this stuff pack (excluding the debug items) has been converted, marking it as complete! ✔️
— Kits
Little Campers
Conversions of all kit items by @lordcrumps have been added.
This kit is now fully converted! ✔️
Pastel Pop
Conversions of all kit items by @lordcrumps have been added. ✔️
14 notes · View notes