#first request on the blog lets gooooo
danet-express · 10 months
Since requests are open can I request a Kif?
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I haven't drawn him before but he's actually pretty fun to draw ^^
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Hi, there! Nice to see a new SV blog! 😊 If your requests are still open, could I get a little something with the singles realising they’re attracted to the farmer after having a ✨spicy✨ dream about them? If that’s too many characters, then just Emily, Elliott and Penny is fine. Please and thank you! 🖤
Shout out to you for being the first request on this blog!
I didn't get to all the singles but I got those three and a few others. I might come back to this later, it was fun to write. Hope you enjoy!!
MINORS DNI, CW: sexual activity
total word count: 1,705
The room was a haze of sweet smoke and candlelight. The farmer was waiting, draped in nothing but a silky robe Emily recognized as her own design. They reclined carelessly on one of the many cushions that made up the center of the room, crystals lining the edge to make a circle. She didn’t know if this was some sort of spell–ritual–whatever, but she knew the hunger wouldn’t be satisfied until she crossed the threshold. 
“Em,” the farmer grinned and her feet moved unbidden. It felt more than natural to sit, straddling their lap, hands dipping under the smooth fabric to run across broad, toned shoulders. The farmer’s hands were heavy on her hips, dipping to grip her ass and pull her closer. They kissed her exposed neck, nipping, sucking—she gasped, a moan escaping her as the farmer found the sensitive spot where her neck met her collar. 
“Do you want me?” the farmer asked, half lidded eyes meeting hers.
“Yes!” Her reply was breathless. 
Emily jumped awake, nearly falling off the sofa she had been napping on. Haley was home, talking a mile a minute, likely not even noticing her sister had been asleep. Not that she required any input from Emily as she went on about how her pictures were going to turn out and the new lighting technique she had used. 
Her own thoughts were a mess–did she really want the farmer like that? The answer came too quick to the front of her mind, nearly as fast as she had answered in her dream. Yes.
—> Emily was never one to beat around the bush. After confiding in her crush to Haley the two quickly came up with a plan to get Emily and the farmer closer
She shuddered as the farmer nipped her inner thigh, kissing higher and higher. The calloused hands on her hips were firm, holding her in place as their warm breath tumbled over her cunt.
“You’re so pretty like this,” the farmer murmured, eyes flicking up to meet Penny’s. She tried to respond, but as soon as she opened her mouth the farmer pressed their tongue inside her, dragging it to flick over her clit. The only noise she could make was a breathy gasp that stuck in her throat, curling out her lips in a moan.
“Please,” Penny murmured, trying to grind her hips down—to do anything to increase the friction.
“What my Penny wants, my Penny gets,” they chuckled, voice husky with lust. They pressed themselves back between her thighs and she nearly screamed, pleasure coiling through every nerve, hardly aware of her hands tangling in the farmer’s hair, urging them on—
Her eyes snapped open as the trailer door was slammed shut. Her mother was back from her nightly pilgrimage. She feigned sleep, her heart pounding so hard she was worried her mother would hear it and somehow know…but the bathroom door shut next and she exhaled, pressing her palms over her eyes.
She was dreaming about the farmer—about them doing— She shoved the thoughts down as if that would be enough to curb the itch in her bones. She has been thinking about them so often, she wasn’t totally surprised to see them in her dreams but to have imagined that…
She’d decided it was just a friend-crush. The farmer was cool and smart and funny and sure, definitely not unattractive but Penny just wanted another friend, right?
She always told the children honesty was the best policy and here she was lying to herself even in the privacy of her own mind. She wanted to be much more than a friend. 
—> Penny can’t look the farmer in the eyes for days after, Maru notices it and does a little pushing before realizing Penny has a crush. Penny never says a word about the dream to anyone unless she is actually sleeping with the farmer. Then she might say something like “this is better than that dream I had” which inevitably leads to a round two
Elliot closed his eyes as the farmer brought the brush through his hair once more. Their hands were gentle, carefully untangling his locks until they were satisfied. The brush was set aside, their fingers now rubbing into his scalp. 
“You spoil me,” he murmured, tilting his head back into their knees so he could see their glittering eyes. 
“And? Try and stop me.” Their smile was soft. Elliot took their hand in his own, pressing his lips upon their knuckles. 
“Never,” he swore, turning to kneel in front of them. His hands rested on their thick thighs, gripping bare, muscled flesh as he half rose to kiss them. He felt their smile against his lips and their hands once again found his hair, tangling through the strands and pulling just hard enough–he caught their lower lip between his teeth and the noise they made was better than any song. 
At once he was moving, climbing on top of them as they scrambled to make room–he needed them–needed to be inside of them, to be one with them–the locked their legs around his hips, hands already unbuttoning his shirt to stroke the lean muscle beneath. 
“Elliot,” they whined, hips jerking as they pressed against his hard cock, “Please…”
Thunder shook his little shack, and he woke with a start. He lay there for a moment, stunned and breathing hard, trying to organize his thoughts around what his imagination had conjured. 
Elliot scrambled in the top drawer of his nightstand, grabbing the notebook and flashlight he kept there for any midnight bursts of inspiration. He had a new muse—a new star in the sky, a constellation of beauty. It was only natural for a poet to be attracted to them.
→ despite his initial bravado about it, he can’t help but be nervous around the farmer from this point on. He mentions he’s been writing more poetry lately and when they ask to read it he scrambles to find an excuse as to why no, they absolutely cannot. Leah gives him shit for it. (Think Pride and Prejudice and the comment to Darcy about “fine, dark eyes”)
Sebastian arched against the restraints that held his arms above his head, trying to crane his neck off the mattress enough to see what the farmer was doing. 
“Seb,” they tsked, appearing into his field of vision, “I told you to hold still.” 
“Sorry-” his words turned to a gasp as they ran their nails from his collar bone to his ankle as they walked around the bed. 
“I brought some new toys.” They continued as if he hadn’t spoken, “I think this one will be useful now.” They revealed a length of silk, letting it dangle over him just barely brushing the skin sending shivers across his body. 
“I don’t think you need to see. I want you to focus on what you’re feeling, okay, darling?” He nodded, not trusting his voice to be steady. They pulled themselves onto the bed, coming to straddle his hips, pressing his cock down flat against their lingerie. He whimpered, cheeks heating at the sound. They smirked, placing the cool blindfold over his face. 
Their kisses on his neck were lightning strikes, hot and almost painful. He was panting, squirming under their touch—
The clap of thunder woke him with a start. His heart raced as the dream came flooding back to him. 
Sure, the farmer was cute but—well shit. He thought the farmer was more than just cute. He couldn’t shake the image of them standing over him…he bit back a moan as his hand closed on his cock. That was a later problem. He had more pressing matters at hand. 
Shane hadn’t felt like this in years–the farmer had eyed him across the saloon and with a single look they had him following them out the door. And now here he was, his back pressed against their wall, feeling them smile into his neck as they peppered kisses down his throat. The farmer dropped to their knees, fumbling for a moment with the button of his shorts. 
“Fuck,” Shane hissed as they succeeded, his cock now exposed to the night air. They smirked up at him for the briefest moment before–
“Fuck–fuck that’s so good,” he whimpered, pressing a hand to his mouth as they swallowed him, bobbing down his full length–
The scream of a rooster had his eyes snapped open. Awake, sweaty, and beyond horny. This wasn’t good–he was the town drunk, the loser, the peaked-in-highschool gridball drop out…but he couldn’t shake the image of them looking up at him, mouth full…getting off to the thought of them was enough of an indulgence. 
→ Shane proceeds like normal, fully confident nothing will ever come from his desires
Together they ran through the mines, swords in hand, working as a single well oiled machine slicing through slime after slime. The farmer’s arms were bare as they swung the pick ax once again, splitting a boulder in a single stroke. 
“Watch out!” Abigail yelled, lunging forward to destroy the mummy the farmer hadn’t noticed. 
“What would I ever do without you?” the farmer’s words were lilting, not teasing, but there was something in their eyes that set her face aflame. 
“I don’t know,” Abigail replied cooly, sheathing her weapon and closing the space between them. She grabbed them by the hips, pulling them tight against her body and into a passionate kiss. The farmer’s back hit the wall and they moaned as Abigail palmed their chest, able to feel their hard nipples through the thin shirt they’d worn. She hooked them by the knee, pulling their leg over her hip and pressing closer–
A sped up remix of some old pop song blasted through the house, making her jump as she woke. Aerobics. Fucking aerobics. She groaned, flopping back down in bed trying to hold the image of the farmer beneath her as long as she could. This was going to make for a very awkward Flower Festival tomorrow…but maybe the farmer would ask her to dance?
→ Abigail ends up lowkey stalking the farmer trying to learn more about them and get their attention
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@lupina36-blog of ao3 and Tumblr!
I've loved Trigun for years! Vash is such a wonderful man!!! I would therefore like to make a request for an OS in which the Reader comes from another planet and is on a research mission on Gunsmoke and meets Vash who is unabashedly flirting with her and is keen to get to know her better, which the Readers do thrown into quite a dilema. Because on the one hand she likes the blonde very much and she thinks that he has beautiful eyes, on the other hand she is of course not allowed to tell him that she comes from another planet or that she is an alien. Would it be possible?
A/N: Anything is possible! I'll make it possible!!! Such a wonderful concept deserves to come to life! I'll be placing this during Episode 14 in Trigun 98. During the episode he has like, no screen time. I love hearing about Lihio, and your otp makes me so happy! Let's fuckin gooooo
This will be 2 parts, minimum. This first one is kinda short, because I have better ideas for part 2!
Adventures of Lihio-Minaa: Episode 1
The Mission is Compromised
Landing in the sand just outside of a small town of Gunsmoke, her skin color changing from her beautiful green to a modest tan.
Lihio-Minaa brought her goggles over her eyes to check over her most recent mission checkpoints. She had been sent to Gunsmoke to check on the humans quality of life, their cohabitation ratio with Plants, and progress of life since crashing on this planet 130 years ago. The Federation found it odd that life as fragile as a humans had managed to survive on a planet like this for this long. 
She trekked into town, nearly regretting wearing her sneakers as she felt the sand sinking into them. She lifted her goggles as the wind died down around her, the buildings of the little town of Promotory. She had noticed the small few acres of geoplants on the land of one resident. Everyone else seemed pretty miserable.
They went about their day to day, sure, but their dopamine levels and serotonin levels were so low, Lihio could barely tell they were alive. She couldn't believe they were even functioning.
Making her way to a local saloon, the levels seemed to be higher there, as patrons drank and smoked to their heart's content. Not wishing to deal with the rowdy crowd, she turned to leave, bumping into someone.
She looked up to see a man in a long red duster coat. His luscious blond hair defied gravity as it stuck upwards like fields of wheat. His eyes, surprised but quickly melting at the sight of her, reminded her of the waterfalls of Virmire. A beautiful blue when shining in the sun, yet his eyes retained that color in the shade of the bar. 
"Oh Sorry, Miss, I didn't mean to run into ya!" He was surprised, "Why don't I buy you a drink as an apology?" He offered. There were no underlying motives in his voice. 
"Um, sure." Lihio nodded. He guided her to the bar, ordering a bottle for the two of them to share. The stuff was cheap, but tasty. 
"I haven't seen you around, before, are you new in town?" He asked after taking a drink, allowing the alcohol to seep into his system. A quiet beep from her goggles that could only be heard by Lihio, meant she should check her Glass Ware. This was the computer she kept in the safety of her goggles. She couldn't do that with this man here.
"Yeah, I just stumbled in today. Got tired of being cooped up at home, and decided to go on an adventure." She shrugged, taking a drink of the whiskey, not feeling much. With the alcohol loosening his mind, she did a gentle search into his mind to see what this planet was like.
She blinked, flabbergasted. She'd seen too much. Too much for any more human to have in his head. Life on the Seed ships, a mother figure, the Fall, his hardships. The trials he faced… a brother… a wanted poster with his face… a door of locked memories he didn't have access to. This man… he was a plant. An independent plant.
Lihio hadn't met many independent plants in her time, but she knew they were a species that lived for a long time, as long as nothing happened to them. They didn't seem to die from aging. He isn't that much older than she is. 
"W-what's wrong?" He said, noticing Lihio's surprised face.
"O-Oh, I just realized I don't even know your name, stranger!" She said, recovering. The man gave a light chuckle.
"My name is Vash the Stampede." He held his hand out to shake.
"Lihio-Minaa. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Stampede." Lihio shook his hand and nodded.
"Lihio, what a beautiful name!" He smiled, "It sounds like… standing in a tall field of flowers…" he closed his eyes, as he imagined standing in a field of sunflowers. A memory from the seed ship, no doubt.
"Thank you. And Vash is quite a beautiful name as well." She complimented.
"I think you would look lovely with a crown made of little flowers, or a beautiful bouquet in your hands." He continued, a gentle smile on his face that sent a shiver up Lihio's spine. 
 'This man is a problem' Lihio nearly frowned at the thought. She liked him a lot. He'd been through so many hardships. He had a wealth of information about this planet, its people, and its tragedies. She had seen a memory of his scars. So many scars that covered him from head to toe.
This long life had not been kind to him. She saw friends, people he called family, only to betray him. Humans who lived such short lives, yet he loved them unconditionally, no matter what sin they created. 
"You okay? You seem lost in thought." He asked gently. His eyes looked worried.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just admiring your coat. It's a lovely color." Lihio recovered.
"Ah, Thanks. It was a gift from my family." The thought of the ship that still floated above Gunsmoke drifted through his mind at the memory, "I need to go home and visit them sometime." He nodded. 
"I know the feeling. It's… been quite a while since I left my home." She nodded. This was a fib, honestly. She'd been home maybe a few years ago. Work had kept her busy.
The two of them talked about anything and everything, allowing Lihio to get her information about this planet and its inhabitants. This planet desperately needed help, and she would bring it to them. 
While Vash was partying it up with the locals, she snuck out of the bar. She was a few buildings down when she heard Vash's voice.
"Hey! Aren't you gonna stick around?" He jogged up to her, and an orange and green necktie swayed, smacking him in the face as he drunkenly tottered.
"I have to go, Vash. I had an amazing time."
"Whaaaat? C'mon, stay a little longer!" He whined, gently patting her head, "it'll be fun!" 
"I'm sorry. I would love to stay, but I can't." She frowned up at him. He looked drunk enough that he might not remember anything in the morning. 
"Goodbye, Vash. I'll miss you." She stepped back from him, and clicked her watch, her skin returning to a pale green and she was beamed back up to her ship. 
Lihio walked to her bosses office, practically breaking down the door in her excitement. 
"Sir, I have a request!"
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adamgant · 5 months
Faves from the week and around the web
Faves from the week and around the web https://ift.tt/5wK6TlD Sharing this week’s faves from the week and around the web.  Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having an amazing start to 2024. This was *supposed* to be Friday Faves, and I kept thinking I would finish the post, but we were at Disneyland. Zero work happened while we were there, and it was an absolute blast. Liv requested a Disney trip instead of a birthday party, and I was pumped to oblige. I love throwing parties for the kids, but Disney is a bit easier and more fun 😉 Some pics from the adventures: We did the Genie+ pass – I have mixed feelings about it and wrote about it here – and have been able to ride a ton of rides in between dining at some of our favorite spots. Goofy’s Kitchen was amazing as usual. I’m definitely not looking forward to the return of school and chores, but am super excited to get going on 21 Day of Healthy Habits and start the party with our group! Today is also Liv’s 12th birthday! I can’t even believe it. They say time flies, and they don’t lie. This was yesterday, I swear. It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. As always, I love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below. Friday Faves 1.5 Read, watch, listen: 20 inspiring messages to take into the new year. Two of my favorite recent Instagram pages are this one and this one. Both so relatable and hilarious in very different ways. How to put more gentle in your January. Check out this week’s podcast episode here. Fitness + good eats: If you’ve been wanting to join us for 21 days of Healthy Habits, the fun starts TODAY. The full plan, workouts and meal guides, plus bonuses and recipes, are all waiting in the platform. Join here!! It’s not too late to join, but I’ll be closing enrollment later today. If you want some support and new health ideas, let’s gooooo! Let’s finally get you some wins and momentum. Fashion + beauty: Got this hoodie from lululemon and the fabric is a dream. I want the matching pants now, too. Top products from the year! It’s always fun to go through analytics and see what products you enjoyed the most that I shared here on the blog. Here are the winners from 2023: My favorite bra in all the land. Bras are the worst (and have been trying to go without as much as possible), but these have no underwire and give a nice shape under a t-shirt. This gorgeous one-shoulder dress. Our favorite hoodies! The fabric is super soft and the girls love them, too. (We’re all wearing these in the first pic above!) The BEST self-tan mist for face.  These super cute and comfy joggers. By far, my favorite dress of 2023. I added quite a few of these to the collection; they’re flattering on everyone and they have so many different gorgeous colors and prints. These jean shorts. Not too short, they fit well, and match pretty much everything. This amazing serum. Love this one-piece with jean shorts. This silk pillowcase.  My latest obsession. I want all of them lol. This classic bandeau suit. (love it with a wrap skirt and hat) This half zip with the matching pants is one of my weekly staples. Still my top leggings. The Hatch light! This has been a game changer in my morning routine. Happy Monday, friends! I hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see ya soon. xo Gina The post Faves from the week and around the web appeared first on The Fitnessista. via The Fitnessista https://ift.tt/sC2Q5lE January 08, 2024 at 06:56AM
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Not the same anon, but for Seerhound, do you think Obi would get a kick out of teasing and toying with them in the ring (dirty or otherwise)? And if so what do you think his favorite methods are?
I've been saving this in excitement because I wanted the answer to be Perfect. Let's go Seerhound gang lets gooooo!!!!
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked as this contains ADULT CONTENT!!!
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit like, and please check out my rules HERE if you wanna request :D
Warnings: R18+/NSFT under the cut, Bloodhound has a vulva and my normal headcanons of their appearance, mentions of asphyxiation, exhibitionism, they're in LOVE and in an established relationship.
Obi is just as patient as Bloodhound is. And both, equally, get a kick out of trying to make the other's resolve drop. Obi is much kinder, patient, taking into account Hound's aversion to PDA- but of course, that doesn't mean he doesn't do it. He's just mindful of their moods. Knowing when to strike, what cords to strike, and how to play them right into his games.
Hound, on the other hand, is much more subtle of their teasing. Obi will admit, they always know how to stoke the flame within him. Especially if on opposite squads, with the knowledge they're looking for him. That they probably had their sights set long ago on him before he would even take note of them. A predator in the fog.
But when it's Obi's turn? At first, he plays subtle. Their sponsors put them in a duo together for a portion of the season, and it's his time to strike. Storm Point is such a beautiful place, it reminded Hound of home, and at some points they let their guard down. In those moments, Obi can't help but want to see them that gentle.
Sometimes Obi is playful. Holding their gloved hand as they muse, kissing the backs of their knuckles and murmuring that perhaps this place could be their new home. And when he says 'their', he knows he puts emphasis as he peers into their goggles. In his heart, he knows their flushed. His heartbeat sensor picking up their quickening pulse.
It's not enough for him. He needs to hear them. He needs to see them visibly blush. He needs them to scoff at his attempts at flirting.
But most times? Most times Obi likes to play dirty for a better reaction.
~NSFT under the cut here~
"Beautiful form, my beloved. Your fingers are as talented as ever." Obi's voice is smooth as Hound lowers their Triple Take from decimating a duo. Their helm tilts towards him in a glance through their goggles, and he can practically feel their narrowed gaze as they await for him to finish. Obi can't help but smirk.
"Mind your tongue." Hound chides, searching the boxes for any good loot. Obi is a simple man, one who cannot help but to stare at their ass in their tactical pants. His smirk growing to a grin.
"It is not my tongue that needs minding. In fact, I think I would surely like to mind yours." His tease is low, sliding up behind them to look in the other box. He hears the rustle of their clothes, knowing they're looking right at him. But he hears his heartbeat sensor, picking up that higher 'thump thump thump' of their heart.
"Obi Edolasim." Obi could moan anytime they said his name, their voice low and warning. But he knows that tone. They're embarrassed. Possibly because the communications are still on. People would hear them.
Good. Let them hear. Let people know that the Apex Predator that was Bloodhound was brought to their boiling point from a bit of teasing.
The next time they meet, it is on opposite squads. Hound normally got the upper-hand on him. And not that Obi minded, but sometimes his beloved pup needed a lesson in manners and being humbled.
It's how they end up where they're at now. Hound had struck him in close combat, their hatchet narrowly missing him if it wasn't for Obi's heartbeat sensor picking them up. Obi had been chased into the upper levels of the Command Center on Storm Point, Hound hot on his tail. But Obi managed to dodge, sending them both into close combat.
With Obi's flexibility and clever positioning, he manages to throw them off their rhythm. It sends Hound to the floor, but Obi knows them too well. Quick to fit between their legs and snatch their wrists to force them onto the ground, leaning his weight forward to bend them in half so they couldn't twist their legs up and kick him.
"Hello, beloved." He breathes, smiling down at the panting he hears behind their helm. Hound snarls, their hips bucking to try and throw his weight off, but only results in grinding their body up against his. Something he doesn't hide with a low groan and shuffling his hips closer. "Be careful, pup. I am merely a man, and I am not immune to a beautiful creature. Especially one below me."
Hound is still winding down from the chase. Another buck, another snarl, and this time following a low, needy sound from Obi. What? He, again, was a simple man. A simple man looking at the love of his life underneath him.
Eventually, Hound does wind up settling. Their body going lax and their head thumping back with a huff. "You do not intend to eliminate me, do you?"
"Not if you play my games right." Obi grins, gently releasing their wrists and going for their helm. There's a click of the comms going off as he reaches the mic, doing the same to his own and double checking for any cameras before he releases their helm.
Their face is flushed, their crimson curls having been tied up into a bun to fit in their helm with curls now framing their face. Their golden gaze looks up towards him, their singular slit pupil razor thin and looking just as hungry as Obi is.
"And if I do not wish to play nice?" Hound breathes. Yet their hands stay by their head where they were put. Watching as Obi smirks down at them, as if having expected that answer. Pulling his hand back to wave their own hatchet in their face and nestling it under their chin, tipping it up so their gaze falls on his face.
"I take no issue in putting down a rabid dog." Obi replies coolly, enjoying Hound's quickened heartbeat despite their teeth clicking together. They're just as into it as he is.
Hound winds up with their arm over their face and their tactical pants shucked off. They're in a beautiful arch as Obi lies between their legs, hugging their thighs as they squirm and snarl as his tongue works them over. Suckling their clit, licking up the mess that their slick makes and moaning into them. Obi's hat has been knocked off long ago, making room for Hound to clutch his locs to keep him in place.
When they cum, it's with a loud thunderous snarl and their eyes flashing, glowing red. Obi greedily licks up the mess that squirts from them, obscenely moaning into them and letting his sharp nails slide over their thighs.
Of course, eventually does finally sit up. Finding his own belt as he shuffles on his knees between their legs, hurriedly trying to work his pants off. Only to get shoved onto his back by Hound, who is panting as they hurriedly do it for him and quickly straddle his hips to ride him at a bruising pace. Their hands finding purchase around his neck and squeezing his breath from him.
No, Obi never got his way for long.
But he spares thanks to Hound's gods that they were so easily riled up after a good fight.
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shozaii · 4 years
Hey babe! Just found your blog and love your writing especially your neito monoma ones!! May I request an imagine where the reader is in class 1a and really admires monoma and always cheers him on and bakes him goodies all the time even though he insults their class constantly, hope your having a great day!💗💕💓💝
(a/n): hello! argh thank you so much this means so much to me msnjskdj🥺💕this is such a wholesome request and i hope you are having a great day too! hugs! <3
adore you.
a monoma neito x reader imagine
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“well, it’s not like he’s obnoxious all the time, guys. maybe... maybe we can see some good in him too!” you said, twiddling your thumbs.
“y/n, you’re too sweet sometimes it makes my heart melt. but let me tell you one thing -,” kaminari paused for dramatic effect. “i can never get along with him.”
yeah, you don’t see why not. he has been a little too... straightforward with how the entirety of class 1-A can’t seem to ‘get up to class 1-B’s level.’ but that does not stop any of you from giving up.
that does not stop you from admiring monoma neito. it was nice seeing him in his normal, non-bossy state. how his eyes sparkled with determination, how he walks on this Earth like the fine man he is. so sensational, so cool!
and as the heated discussion of this boy continued, you noticed; at the corner of your eyes; he was catching a glimpse of you. it wasn’t a brief one - he was really looking at you. well, you weren’t sure if he was trying to find a way to start up an interesting conversation with your class. then again, he was a few feet away.
so you turned to look at him. your suspicions were correct. yes, he was looking at you. and no, he didn’t say a word.
instead, he gave you his genuine smile.....and walked away after sticking his tongue out to both kaminari and kirishima. 
“y/n! did you see that?!!” kirishima asked, eye twitching. “though he was so kind to you. i guess he does have some qualities of being a man in him.”
“hm? w-what do you mean?” you asked.
“oh my god. what if he has, like, legit feelings for you? that would make a whole lot of sense,” kaminari pitched in to your confusion from the red-haired boy.
“aw, come on guys. trust me. does or does not. you have to trust me. this boy is a whole different person,” you slapped both their shoulders, walking away with them. but they didn’t know how wide you smiled when you saw him earlier.
back in the dorms, the bakusquad were trying to calm down bakugou once again. when you did ask midoriya about it, you laughed. it was as expected - monoma neito called him a furry pomeranian.
once again, he had his ways. so this time, you wanted to do something. to prove to him that not everyone thinks of him the same way as what he expects it to be. you were getting straight out of the box.
by using your talent in baking. your friends knew about it really well. so why not show your gratitude and admiration to him? maybe with that, it would make him happy, too.
you needed to express those hidden feelings somehow. there you were, baking your first batch of cookies for him. the whole dorm was filled with the sweetest smells. your friends wanted some, too.
packing the last few ones into the little tupperware you found cute, you set off to school. noticing the familiar figure of his, you didn’t hesitate to catch up with him.
“ah, if it isn’t the timid one. you don’t have to apologize on behalf of the pomeranian. in fact, i’ve kept track of them all.”
“w-well! that.. and also this,” you held out the baked goods in front of him, making him retreat.
“an apology gift?” he smirked.
“no, i thought i might give you something to...um...to let you know that i really admire you!” you gasped. “damn, that shouldn’t have come out that way,” your voice turned into a whisper.
he looked at you momentarily, genuinely warmed by your truthfulness. then, he laughed, “oh, look at you! a blushing mess. but i must say. i, monoma neito, find you adorable.”
“what? huh?”
“you heard that right.i adore you. now, a little heads up. i am not sharing this with anyone. think about what i just said.”
you didn’t really have to. looking back into how easily you got along with him, and how much he eases himself with you... it was mutual.
(a/n): here you gooooo! yes i was gone for so long ahhh i’m sorry! but i hope you do like it! :’))
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
Hellou, congratulationssss, i love ur blog💖 can i please request a HC 💛 of how Fred is with his partner during pregnancy and just him as a father in general🥺 (also, if you have any ideas of how his kids would be)
from the very moment you tell fred you’re pregnant, he is all over everything
will not let you stand by yourself if he can help it
walks you to the couch
makes all of your meals
will help you get dressed and take showers
even before your baby bump starts showing, he will not let you do anything alone
not that he doesn’t think you can do everything yourself, of course
but he just wants to be a part of every moment
he doesn’t want to miss the baby’s first kick, or the first time you get a cramp
he wants to be there for everything
gets you all the weird ass food cravings
you want ice cream and pickles at 3am? he’ll get it for you
talks to your baby bump all the time
“don’t give mama a hard time, yeah? she’s taking very good care of you.”
some nights when you have trouble sleeping due to discomfort, he’ll give you all the massages you want
when you go into labour, this man freaks out
“merlin, are we ready for this?!”
“should have thought about that nine months ago, fred!”
brings you to the hospital and sits by your side, squeezing your hand as you give birth
when he first hears you baby’s cry, he starts tearing up himself
“oh, she’s so beautiful. your eyes, love. she’s got your eyes.”
fred was happy to have a daughter, he had grown up with so many boys and was so happy he’d finally get to spoil your little princess
starts practicing on you how to tie ponytails and braids so when she gets older, he can help her
will always do whatever she wants
she wants to play? she wants to eat? she wants to watch the same episode or whatever cartoon over and over for days in a row?
he will do anything to make her happy
when she starts growing up, you notice a strong resemblance to her father
her curly ginger hair and her freckled cheeks
though, you’re rather lucky she takes after your personality — two troublemakers in the house would drive you bonkers
that doesn’t mean she’s not a daddy’s girl
because she is
and fred is just as enamoured by her
she’s his princess and he feels like the luckiest man alive to be surrounded by the two ladies he loves most in the world
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perksofbeingaharrie · 4 years
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Hello everyone!
Heeeere is the new fic as requested by:
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So this was requested really really long back and I had promised @wonderland-ish that I would start writing it as soon as I was ready. So here we are, I hope you stuck around love!
Enjoy my first ever fic. It’ll be a 5 part one - fluff and angst (ig you can now tell its my favourite genre) and a little seeexx bc we love mmhmm.
Keep safe my dear people and enjoy the fics at home, in your safe haven with some tea and biscuits. Keep warm too!
Like/rebolg and write to me as to how you liked my work! I’ll be posting part 2 tomorrow so look out for it! Lesss gooooo
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Life has been surreal since what she can remember. It began with how her father agreed to send to study photography which for years he had thrashed her about as being just a mere hobby. 3 years in college and now here at the O2 and shooting for the worldwide sensation – Harry Styles. Was she even allowed to feel this content with life ever? What was to go wrong?
She often hitched her breath thinking of such questions. But here she was, previewing her pictures on slide show mode to Helene, who sat beside her on the couch at the corner of the backstage room.
She blinks twice, thrice looking at Helene going through her pictures so concentratedly. It was all here before her in the present, truly.
“I think we can select a few from here.” Helene pops her bubble of thought that very instance. “I like this one a lot. Harry could use this for his Instagram.”
“His Instagram?” She gulps, pulling her laptop to her lap.
Helene looks up at her and smiles, matching eyes who know the feeling. “Yes. You are very good, darling. I am glad to have you on the team.”
Shuffling to pack her stuff and head home, she gets up from the couch and pulls her bag to her.
“You should come to this party Harry’s having for us.” Helene says as she gets up to her feet.
Still trying to put away her things quickly and leaving to be in the warmth of her home, Y/N looks up absolutely unprepared for such a proposal.
“Yeah, you should.” Helene insists.
“Uh, but, I don’t have an invite or anything-“
“Oh, no. Harry’s actually been wanting to meet the new photographer anyway. And it’s a small gathering, you’ll get to network well.”
Her chest swells up on hearing Helene’s words. She thinks she has some time to contemplate and then answer but Helene’s already putting away her stuff in haste and has grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of the room.
And it was indeed a small gathering. In fact, it was something more better termed as an ‘intimate gathering’.  The terrace top of the most expensive hotels spanning the skyline of the city hosted tonight just for the 10-15 people of the close-knit Harry Styles’s team. She definitely felt out of place a little.
Conversations died down a few drinks later and presently everybody had found each other hip to hip, swaying to the light music in the background. There were laughs and giggle around, but none of them were sincere and all in lieu of the alcohol coursing through the air.
She smiled about a little here and there, and finally with a little resolute, found her place by the bar on one of the stools, watching everyone from a distance. The one drink in her hand stayed whirling in the glass itself only. At one point she felt that the alcohol in it must have evaporated into air because she just could not feel its effect. She just could not feel its effect enough to want to let loose and join them.
She is happy anyway, watching and indulging for a while tonight amongst people she doesn’t think she’ll meet any before a year from now. She is content with the fact that after tonight she’ll be back to her daily routine, from going back and forth to her daily tid bit photography to editing and blogging and everything that she has been doing for what seems like forever.
Her mind is distant in thoughts of her home and known and she never notices when he – he, Harry Styles – comes up to stand beside her at the bar.
His deep voice drops the loudest rung in her ear as he orders his drink, and she looks up, flushed, half from the alcohol and half from an unknown embarrassment.
“You are the new photographer, aren’t you?” He says, at the same time accepting his drink from the bartender with his signature smile.
She nods, unsure of what else she could reply with so somehow they get to conversing more.
“Well, you’ve done a really good work. I liked the pictures from your camera.”
She gives a genuine smile for his genuine compliment. “Thank you. These two days have been really really wonderful for me too. I am glad I could do my work nicely.”
They silently enjoy their drinks for a while, looking across them at the night and nobody intends to break the silence. It’s awkward, but somehow, nobody says a word. She gulps the last sip of her drink not a moment later and feels the need to break away from the proximity they both stand at.
As she slides out of her seat and stands to her feet, he turns to her abruptly and gulps away the reminder of his own drink harshly.
“Do you feel like getting away from here?” He says, looking at her. “Because I really need to.”
She parts her mouth, breathing out in astonishment. “Uhm, but, this is your party? How can you leave like that?”
He points his finger towards his group at a distance. “It clearly is not the party for me. I just needed something to fill up the loneliness I feel after every concert.”
She dares to make an eye contact with him; and his green eyes look the prettiest when honest.
He leans in closer and completes his line against her ear. “And honestly, this scene just does not do.”
He begins walking backward towards the exit, his eyebrows shooting up at her as if challenging her to give in. She feels this exhilarating rush at his nab. Looking around, she does not have time to think twice or thrice and she eventually does give in.
She jogs down the stairs in a child-like haste, a sudden fear erupting in her heart that she has missed him. But as she reaches the end of the staircase, she finds him putting on a grey beanie over his lousy hair and a coat that almost covers up his chin.
“Can’t let nobody know I’m wilding out tonight.” He chuckles at his own words. She smiles, pleased, grabbing her coat from the hanger as well.
He is trudging away even before she has tied the coat around her waist and she is on the run after him.
“What are we even doing by the way?” She asks over his shoulder.
“I was thinking of some ice-cream? Let’s start from there.”
She nods earnestly, following his lead. Her clock tells her that it is almost 12 and so she doubts if there would be any ice-cream outlets open nearby. But the way his broad shoulders and long legs take on the road so knowingly, she cannot think about hesitating now.
They arrive at a cross section and wait for the signals to turn red so they can walk over to the other side. In a blink, the lights do change and she jumps forward to cross the road. A hand comes clasping around her wrist and pulls her back.
“Careful.” He says, entwining their fingers together. “Just so we are safer.”
The giddy smiles they share lightens up the night like no other.
They are walking for a long time, careful of the crowd, traffic and recognizable faces. Harry walks majority of the while with his head ducked low. He keeps a tight grip around her fingers nevertheless, tugging at places where he wants her to walk fast and constantly squeezing it too to remind her of their interlocked hands. It’s good it has happened to be winter in London or she would have sweaty palms by now and that would have been embarrassing.
They finally stop by a little tucked in shop by the roadside, and they have walked quite some distance now. She hardly looks around to be able to recognize the place before he pulls her into the shop. The little wooden doors are shut and they enter a warm, little cafeteria scarcely littered with tables and small chairs.
“I’ll take my usual, please.” His voice comes distinct in the peaceful room that she is still scanning around. “And, she would like to select.”
She looks up at him and then at the man behind the ice-cream counter. “And what is the usual?”
“Mint and chocolate.” Harry tells her, leaning his body against the cold screen.
“I think I’d like that too.”
“Right away.” The ice-cream man smiles. “Waffle cone or a cup?”
“Cone.” They say in unison.
“So, why photography?”
They are sitting on cold railings by a quiet parking lot, hardly any cars seen nearby. She feels like the reckless teenager again with him, running about in the city at midnight, eating ice cream when it is about to snow and hanging out in parking lots. She feels younger and much calmer than she ever would have.
She chuckles lowly, looking at her feet. “I think my answer would be the same to yours if I asked you – ‘why music?’”
He looks at her longingly for a moment, then nods and chuckles like her before. “Right.” He finishes the last of his cone and brushes his hands against his pants. “You do not enjoy talking as much, I see.”
She shakes her head, finishing her bite as well. “Not really. I just do not like making small talk. That’s the lousiest concept ever. It even more awkward than just staying quiet.”
He nods again, agreeing. “Right. I feel the same way too.”
They breathe deeply the cold air in through their nostrils.
“It kind of gets too loud sometimes where I am, you know? Even I like some silence sometimes.”
She nods, smiling. “You mean, your friends?”
He makes a face as if taking some time to think before answer. Only at the end, he chuckles and shakes his head. “Everything actually. Even the music I make.”
“I understand. Even my eyes hurt sometimes from looking at the same thing, trying to find inspiration.  I think it’s common for the creative brains.”
“True.” He nods. “But I don’t think you’ll disagree with me when I say that my friends and team are pretty loud. I mean, you didn’t look pretty interested in knowing them either. I needed a little break from that too.”
She hides her mouth as she gives a suppressed chuckle. “I am sure your friends aren’t that bad. In fact, they are really nice – they let me into the group even for a while. I just thought it might be useless to try to fit in if I am only going to be seeing them the last time tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He sighs. “But what if you were to see them more often?”
“Then, I might take some time but I’ll blend in too I guess.”
They look at one another and smile with their eyes.
“And what about the loneliness you talked about earlier? Why is that?”
He bites his lower lip, looking away in a distance. “I feel the fullest and at my best on stage. I am so energetic, so careless, so carefree performing. There’s people just loving how I am, accepting me as I am and just letting me be. When it’s all over, I am back with people who will tell me what I did, how I performed; they’ll tell me if I was good, if I was bad. I just miss being that free in real life too, y’know. I miss that feeling with all the people around. I feel-“
“-lonely in a room full of people.” She completes for him.
They share knowing smiles. His heart feels full looking over at her lips curve up. She feels the familiar warmth spread inside her.
“How about some nice hot-pot dinner to end the night?” He gets up to his full height.
She nods.
“And I think we can talk some more too.”
She is called in for work early the next morning. Still gorgy with sleeping only after 3 last night, she could not bother to go through the trouble to making breakfast and only grabs a bagel from the cafeteria downstairs.
She walks into the studio she was called in for, and is greeted with Helene standing at one corner setting up her camera on the pod.
“Oh, hey. Come on in.” She smiles, pulling out a folder from the corner desk and walks over to her.
“Hi, yeah, you called in so suddenly?”
“So, uhm,” She opens the folder and flips through a few pages. “We were hoping if you would like to join us for the tour?”
“Wha-“ She feels the folder on her palms. It is a contract that would sign in her in as Harry’s team for the entirety of the year round tour. She looks up from the contract at Helene and then back at the contract.
The door behind her chimes again and enters Harry, rubbing his palms together for warmth.
“So,” he says. “Is she joining us for the tour or not?”
Her eyes widen. He grins at her reaction, raising his eyebrows at her in the challenging stance he would do. She bites her lower lip and suppresses a grin but it is hard when she feels her heart could burst at the very moment.
PART 2   o    MASTERLIST   o  PART 3  o  PART 4
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sadwentz · 4 years
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hello there my dudes, im here making this bc somehow i need it? i get it, i prefer doing this than ignoring requests i dont want to do >:-)
you can read my masterlist here
— nsfw asks rules
if you’re going to send me an ask about anything nsfw related, read this first.
this blog is 18+, my content it’s mostly nsfw so, please, if you’re a minor, don’t interact with my nsfw posts! i can’t stop you, so please send asks on anon! because if i read your about me page after you sent an ask, and i know for a fact that you’re a minor, instant block for you.
i accept thirst asks 24/7, i really don’t care if you’re horny at 5am, just send it and i will answer it if i’m feeling it.
i tag nsfw asks (not fic related) with #wentz.nsfw so if you’re uncomfortable, please block the tag.
— basic requesting rules
please take my rules into consideration :-)
be nice! english its NOT my first language so i try my best everytime i write something.
i have all the rights to reject your request if i feel uncomfortable or i don’t want to do it, so please respect that.
don’t go wild with the characters when you’re asking for headcanons, i don’t want to write like 7 characters, try with max 3 characters.
if i do your request, the only thing i ask is that please, give me feedback!
i only write nsfw for aged-up characters.
when requesting, please don’t send physical related information, like tall!reader, chubby!reader, etc. i try my best to make a reader that anyone can relate.
please read my trigger warning page first !!!
— for who i write?
boku no hero
naruto (including shippūden)
— for what pairings i write for?
character x character
poly relationships
reader x character
note: i usually write fem!reader, you ask and i can make it gn!reader :)
— what i don’t write?
eating disorders
any severe health related issues
major death character (sometimes)
kinks/fetishes: scat/vomit, master/slave, age play.
note: i’m usually pretty open, so please ask me first!
— what i write?
multi-chaptered fics (not by request)
— match-up’s rules
specify (bnha, naruto or haikyuu!!)
send me all the details you want about you; personality, height, astrology sign, hobbies, dislikes, likes, kinks (if you wANT), etc
also pls tell me if you want some nsfw headcanons on your matchup so i can get KINKY LETS GOOOOO
be nice, i try my best :(
that’s it, thank you for reading and requesting!
my askbox: here
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pesky-birds · 4 years
Aight so anyway I have NO self control whatsoever so I made another blog for exclusively mcyt stuff. This blog is for mineblr and hermitblr, the other one is for the rest because this blog was becoming a mess.
First one to find my mcyt blog wins uhh a drawing by yours trully of your request. let's gooooo
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hakuoki-dreams · 5 years
Hello, how are you? I think your blog is amazing and the dedication you put in each ask is lovely. Could I ask baka trio headcanons when their crush flirt with them in joke? I hope you've a nice day!
Oh wow thank you!! I’m great, how are you anon? This prompt is so adorable omg 😭 I’m getting back into writing fics after a long hiatus and honestly having requests to answer is very helpful because I need a lot of practice writing the Hakuouki crew. So thank you for sending this!
With these I’m assuming it’s a reciprocated crush, or that there’s at least some level of interest on both sides. (These also turned into another set of f/m headcanons–I’ll try to keep things more inclusive in the future!) Get ready for a text wall let’s gooooo
You would totally knock him off his game!
Shin is definitely no stranger to women thanks to the red-light district. In front of you he always insists that he just goes to have a few drinks and let off some steam after a long day, but he’s also spent a good amount of time flirting with and being flirted at by geisha and oiran. It’s the sort of female attention he’s comfortable with, because there’s this mutual understanding on both sides that it’s all a pleasant business interaction.
But you’re a different story. Flirting coming from you just feels…weird. You’re his friend.
If he’s honest with himself, he’s started having some feelings for you that go deeper than friendship. But that’s not a reality he’s not remotely ready to confront, because he’s not sure you feel the same way about him.
Because shit, what if you’re not even trying to flirt with him at all? As far as he knows you haven’t had a really serious relationship before. Maybe you don’t realize what you’re doing. Maybe you don’t know how a guy takes it when a girl teases him for showing off his (albeit very nice) muscles, or accidentally brushes arms with him too often, or laughs at even his dumbest jokes. Maybe it’s all just your way of kidding around with a guy you only see as a friend. It sends his mind traveling around in circles. Shin has trouble thinking straight with you.
In the beginning it all started as good fun between two friends. From day one Shinpachi was someone you just felt comfortable around. He was honest, he spoke his mind, and he didn’t really have a filter with you. It was refreshing; the other men seemed to watch what they said around you a bit because you were a girl. Not Shin.
This did cause some awkward moments at first. You’d notice him double-taking at a pretty face walking past, then he’d realize you caught him and feel compelled to apologize to you for some reason, and you couldn’t help laughing at the sheepish way he scrubbed at his hair when he got embarrassed.
After a couple repetitions of this he finally started loosening up–it even became a type of I-Spy game you’d play together during walks through the city.
‘Ooh…cute maiko coming up on the right…’ You tip him off. Watching the sly way he glanced the girl over was like witnessing a master practice his finest craft. He shrugged a shoulder. ‘Eh, bit thin.’
The first time you responded in kind about a handsome young samurai, you’d think you shattered his entire world to pieces. ‘What? What’s with the face? Girls notice too, you know.’
He’s still staring at the man warily, as if he was a sudden threat. ‘I guess.’
‘Though he is a bit thin…’ You repeat his words without thinking. For a second you both catch each other’s eye, then break away in awkward laughter, the mood between you suddenly shy.
Day by day something shifts in the way he acts around you. Where at first he had no qualms giving back a brash retort when you teased him about his taste in women, now he seems especially chagrined by it. There’s something so gratifying about seeing him ruffle at your playful prodding, this big lug of a guy who used to share all kinds of details about his preferences for everything from women’s hair color to their shoe size.
It’s a little bit…no, it’s very adorable. You find yourself drawn to him more and more because of those moments, and for some unknown reason it makes you want to find small excuses to touch him. You prod him with an elbow, or give him little knocks with your shoulder, trying to let him know that it’s all in good fun.
Eventually Shinpachi will reach a breaking point with you. He’ll realize his fear of misunderstanding your relationship has been eclipsed by the need to know just what the hell is going on between you two, and why you keep picking on him in a way he doesn’t feel equipped to deal with anymore.
‘Come on, Shin…you can tell me! Who’s your type, anyway? I know you how much you love Kyoto women, but there’s so many kinds to choose from. Is it short girls? Tall girls? Blonde girls? What type do you really–’
He wheels around on you. ‘You, okay?!’
You blink up at him, suddenly feeling very small faced with his broad frame. ‘…Me what?’
‘My type is someone like you, all right? It’s you. You’re my type.’
There’s a tinge of pink across his cheeks, but he’s looking down at you with a pure and serious determination that makes your insides feel very warm.
To be honest Sano never thought he could have a thing for such a spirited woman. He tends to go for the sweet type, so realizing he has feelings for a woman who acts so playful around him would be kind of a new experience.
The truth is he’s very direct and open about his emotions. If he’s crushing on you, you’re going to know, and he’s not going to feel an ounce of embarrassment about something so natural as caring for someone. The fact that you’re actually flirting back without hesitation will be unexpected, even if for you it’s a bit of a smokescreen. It flips the script on him.
Inside? He makes you very nervous. Maybe even terrified. He’s just so full of confidence all the time, about everything. He says and does things that knock the wind straight out of you–like telling you that you look pretty when you laugh, or reaching over to calmly brush a stray leaf out of your hair with that warm smile. You realize you can either melt into an incoherent puddle every time he’s around, or you can find a defense mechanism, fast.
So you start evading the intensity of his attention with humor. It’s supposed to lighten things up between you, maybe keep him at a bit of a distance, but it soon becomes clear your plan is rapidly backfiring on both of you.
When you deflect his serious attempts to get to know you better with a coy joke, instead of putting distance between you, it only seems to draw him closer. His tawny eyes linger on your face, seeking to read your true feelings there.
‘You sure you’re okay?’ He’s looking down at you with that expression of kind concern, you can hear it in his voice, but you know better than to meet his eye.
‘Oh of course, Captain Harada! You know me–’ You make a big production of shifting the stacks of papers in your arms, trying to distract from the loud thump of your heartbeat. What if he’s close enough to hear it too… ‘The chief’s busy applying for new headquarters, and I’m his right-hand girl, so I can’t take it easy can I? But how sweet of you to worry.’ You cast him your brightest, most impish smile, still not quite looking him in the eye.
‘Hmm.’ His response is thoroughly unconvinced. ‘I do worry. You can’t keep working so hard all the time, you know? You’re going to get sick if you overwork yourself.’ And before you can do anything to stop it, he’s placed his cool palm against the skin of your forehead.
‘Ah, thought so. You’re warm. Probably got a fever…your face is all pink.’
‘N-no!’ It comes out more of a yelp than you intended. ‘No, I’m sure it’s just the weather–Kyoto summers are much hotter than I’m used to–’ You manage to twist away from his contact. ‘Besides, you shouldn’t go around putting your hands all over a girl’s face. You’ll give her the wrong idea.’
He’s thoroughly amused by you. ‘Oh? Like what?’
‘Come on, you know what I mean…’ Somehow you manage a breezy laugh. And then you high-tail it away from him with a string of excuses about your work, feeling his gaze on your back all the way, clinging to your crumbling facade until you’re at least out of his sight.
His persistence only makes it harder to keep putting him off. You can’t help being attracted by everything you learn about him; from his kindness toward women and children, to his bravery as a captain, to the look on his face when he’s listening to you talk about your day. It makes a sharp ache rise in your chest. You’re starting to panic.
Because you’re not supposed to fall for this guy–he’s a soldier, a man who stakes his life every day on his honor and his duty to his chief and the shogunate. Falling for someone like him could be disastrous. You have to stay aloof. And whatever you do, he cannot know that you’re starting to fall for him in spite of yourself.
But Sano is Sano, and he’s rapidly figuring out what’s going on here. It’s a strange kind of summer weather indeed that only seems to affect your face when you’re near him…
Very gently at first, he starts to test the waters. In a way he can’t help being impressed with your dedication. Even in moments when he turns up the charm in an attempt to catch you off-guard, to levels that have won over many women in his past, you somehow manage to respond with your own slew of defenses. It becomes a kind of sparring match between you two; each one equally determined to emerge from the fray on top. He’s only more attracted to you because of it.
And you–you start to realize that you never stood a chance against him in the first place, not under the full weight of the Harada charisma. He’s rapidly disarming you.
‘Hey, did you hear what I said?’ His voice calls you out of your daze. With a jolt, you realize you’d been staring at his mouth as his words went in one ear and out the other.
‘Oh! I’m sorry, Harada. I think I must be…tired or something.’ Had he been standing this close to you the whole time? He’s so tall that you have to angle your head back to meet his eyes. Something in his face is very serious tonight; it makes you feel like you’re rooted to the floor in front of him.
He feels it, too. His body bends slightly in your direction. ‘Listen. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while…but I’d like to know it’s something you want, too.’
Oh? Oh. Oh no. A string of disconnected retorts pass through your brain, none of them gaining traction. You can feel the warmth from his body as he leans dangerously closer.
There’s a pause, like a question hanging between you both. His eyes are soft as they read your expression. Unbidden, you feel your chin tip upward toward him. He meets you in the middle…and then his lips are on yours and his arms draw you in to press against his chest and you find your hands seeking his shoulders.
It all only lasts for a moment. He’s first to break away, and you could swear now that his eyes are laughing at you. ‘No comeback?’
‘Give me a minute.’ You’re already rising on tip-toe, ready to wipe away that smile. ‘I’ll think of something…’
You are laughing at him and honestly he is offended!
Not really, truly offended. You two have been friends since day one, because after all, this is Heisuke we’re talking about. The guy could make friends with a houseplant.
He’s offended in the way he gets pissed at Nagakura and Harada for their good-natured teasing–lots of ‘hey, quit!’s and rambunctious play-fighting–only now it’s with you, this young woman his age who still teases and openly pokes fun at him. He’s never met a girl like you before. He doesn’t know how he’s allowed to respond. It’s alarming, quite frankly.
For a long time he’s torn back and forth between annoyance and attraction toward you. You do little things that get under his skin, especially ragging on him about his size. Heisuke’s taller than you, but not by much; a fact that you’ve innocently brought to his attention more than once. He reminds you at one point that he could still beat you up with both hands behind his back, a remark that’s unfortunately overheard by Nagakura and earns him a slap to the back of the head for being such a ‘fucking idiot talking that way to a lady.’ You only laugh a little bit.
But it’s not always a catfight between you two. He almost wishes it was; that would make this all much easier to figure out. It only makes him more confused when your mood suddenly turns softer or sweeter toward him. There are moments when he catches you watching him at dinner, though you quickly look down when he catches your eye, your expression almost shy. You can be surprisingly easy to talk to, on the nights when it’s just the two of you sitting out on the porch in the breeze.
Heisuke finds himself looking forward to those moments with you, particularly after the memorable night when you dozed off against his shoulder. You’d grown very quiet beside him, when out of nowhere he felt a light pressure and looked down to find your head pressed on his arm, your lashes two dark crescents across your cheeks, breathing through slightly parted lips. He sat frozen still until long after the feeling left his legs.
Pretty soon Heisuke’s frustration about it all will boil over and he’ll need to pay a visit to Harada-Sensei for lady advice. Harada will listen in bemused silence as Heisuke rambles out his thoughts, pacing circles around the floor.
‘…and sometimes she’s just…she’s so cute, it’s stupid! How do I tell her that when she treats me like her brother? Maybe I should just give up, I don’t think she even sees me as a man sometimes. And she always knows just what to say to make me embarrassed! Damn it–’
‘Sit down,’ Harada will sigh, ‘You’ve got this all wrong…’
Dejected, Heisuke will slump down in a sad pile of boy and wait for Harada’s words of wisdom.
‘Didn’t you ever throw rocks at a girl when you were little, because you thought she was pretty and you didn’t know how to tell her? She’s doing the same thing to you, kid.’
‘What are you saying? You mean she…likes me? But you guys see how she always makes fun of me–plus she calls me short all the time and you said–!”
‘So what? She’s short too, dummy! How about that! Why don’t you stop whining and grow a pair and go get her if you like her so much?’
Heisuke will leave thoroughly chastised, but full of new energy at this startling idea that maybe…maybe he’s been a gigantic blind idiot this whole time…maybe all those moments he thought you were making fun of him, you were just as stiff and clueless as he felt inside. He finds you out in the courtyard, thankfully alone. Best if no one else is here to see this.
His expression catches you by surprise. ‘Heisuke, what’s wro–’ Two hands come down on both your shoulders, gripping you firmly in place. He’s stronger than he looks!
‘Look.’ His eyes are clear and determined. ‘I like you, okay? And I think you like me too, because you keep throwing rocks at me and stuff–’
‘Rocks? What are you–’ So much is happening at once; your chest is pounding.
‘Forget it, doesn’t matter now, just listen. I think I figured out why you give me so much crap and tease me all the time. You don’t have to say it out loud if you’re not ready, but I still want to tell you all the same. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met, and I think you’re cute even when you’re being annoying and trying to pick fights with me, and I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time actually. Oh!’ he remembers something. ‘And you’re really short.’
‘You–!’ Your protest is cut short by his lips on yours, an awkward and sudden kiss that somehow leaves you short of breath all the same. When he pulls away, he’s glowing with a pure happiness that you just don’t have the heart to resist. You melt closer into him. ‘I think…I think you’re cute too, Heisuke.’
His beaming face falls a bit. ‘You shouldn’t really call a guy cu–’
‘Oh shut up, I like you back, just kiss me again–’
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markwrecksmysoul · 6 years
Snowstorm disaster- jungkook imagine
Warning: It’s a little graphic just a warning there are minor curse words and minor details of birth (ps excuse the title I wasn’t sure what to title this).
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@nothing-but-kpop-dreams this idea was gotten from a request they were stumped on they so kindly let me take it on and this is the result! They have a great blog y’all should check it out if you aren’t already following them (but even if you are still just read all their stuff over again cause they’re awesome) that being said to the anon that requested this here you gooooo.
Y/n pov
You sat on the bench scrolling through your phone while bts practiced their choreography to fake love. The boys were working hard to get this right for their next performance it was one am and everyone had gone home but here was bts working hard. You smiled sneaking a glance at your boyfriend jungkook while he danced. He had an adorable focused determined look on his face.
You wished he wouldn’t push himself so hard so he could be there for you during the pregnancy. You were huge now, due to deliver in two weeks. so jungkook insisted you stay by his side 24/7 even at practice. You went back to scrolling through YouTube. Your streaming was interrupted by a loud repetitive beeping, an alert popped up on your phone.
The alarm blasted through all the devices filling your heart with dread. “Snowstorm? But I don’t hear any-! Look out!” A brick shot through the window, shattered glass pieces flew outward into the room. You covered your face heart pounding, you held your stomach pushing yourself to your feet covering your face from the glass shards. Roaring wind howled throughout the room, heavy snowfall leaking into the room.
You all ran out running into a more secure part of the building. Yoongi checked the light switches in the room. “Powers out”. You heaved a sigh setting yourself on a chair your heart racing. “Y/n! Baby are you alright you aren’t in pain are you? Is the baby okay”. You nodded placing a hand on your stomach. “Yes jungkook we’re completely fine i was just scared is all.”
Taehyung stepped up. “Uh guys? You saw what flew in the window right?” Jimin shrugged. “Yeah that huge brick what about it?” Taehyung shot jimin a look. “The wind was definitely not strong enough to blow that through the second story window”. Namjoon raised his brow. “So you’re suggesting someone threw it in on purpose? But who’d do that except for-shit saseng”.
You frowned. “Sas -what now? What’s wrong?” Namjoon sighed sitting down. “Saseng fans crazy fans the types of insane fans that follow our limos and send us disturbing pictures, steal our underwear, attack us in airports type fans. they aren’t to be taken lightly they can be unpredictable”.
You frowned “but who’d be crazy enough to go out in this snowstorm it’s piling inches of hail and snow by the hour.” Namjoon shrugged. “ I don’t know but there’s obviously someone here and we don’t even know if it’s just one, or, ten hell there could be 20..”.
“Uh joon.... try 100!” . Hoseok pointed out the window with a shocked look plastered on his face.
“What are you talking about?
Everyone glanced out the window only to be met by a hug mob of fans chanting holding signs dedicated to bts. “What the hell! How’d they even know we we were still at the company!”
Jin looked down. “My bad I must’ve turned on my location when I marked us all safe”. You let out a shaky breath holding jungkooks hand for support. You had a fear of large crowds it was only doubled by this terrifying snowstorm. You suddenly felt a cramp so bad you nearly doubled over in pain. “Ah ow!”
“Jagi? What’s wrong?” Oh not now not now please not now.
Something wet trickled down your thigh wetting your yoga pants. “My water broke!” Jungkook went pale white. “Y/n we’re surrounded by insane fans and in the middle of a snowstorm!” You heaved out a breath feeling a contraction coming on. “I KNOW THAT!”
“Call a doctor! Get someone on the phone!”Jimin had his phone on him he tried dialing but there was no connection. “The phone lines are down I can’t get a signal.” You groaned out in pain leaning on jungkooks shoulder for support as another contraction passed.
“Shiiiit there is a pregnant lady about to give birth and we’re STUCK IN A BUILDING!” Taehyung paced around the room hands in his hair.
“THATS NOT HELPING TAEHYUNG”. Jungkook was freaking out in his mind this was definitely not how he wanted his baby to be born. “first things first do any of you know how to deliver a baby!”
“Don’t look at me!”
“Not a clue”.
“Not happening!”
“Hey! Didn’t Taehyung take an early childhood course in high school!”
You glared at the shaking Taehyung . “If you know how to get this baby out of me you better man up and help!” You limped yourself over to the corner grabbing some blankets from the couch shoving them in Taehyungs face.
Another contraction passed and you muffled a scream at the sharp pain. The contractions were getting closer together and much longer. “Turn around all of you! Jungkook come help me take these pants off.” They were off and you were on the table your lower half covered in a sheet. Taehyung rolled up in the chair between your legs holding the sheet hesitating looking at the guys watching. “A-are you sure this is fine!”
You fumed as another contraction hit you lasting longer than the last. “I COULDNT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHOS LOOKING ANYMORE GET THIS BABY OUT!” Taehyung nodded checking you. “Okay it looks like you’re dialating right now in about 20 minutes you should be wide enough to start pushing.” you nodded groaning out in pain as another contraction passed.
The 20 minutes passed quickly and your whole body was just in pain. Jungkook knelt by your side. “Okay Jagi you need to push.” You shook your head your body was throbbing. “I-i can’t!” Jungkook grabbed your hand. “Yes you can y/n come on take a deep breath and push”. You took a deep breath and started pushing.
4 hours later. Taehyung looked the baby’s head was crowning. “Okay you’re almost there y/n one more push you got this one more!” You pushed your hardest. Squeezing jungkooks hand as you did and finally a loud cry was heard. “You did it y/n!” Moments later a fussy tiny Babygirl wrapped in blankets was placed in your arms you gave a weak smile. Jungkook looked in awe of his new daughter. “You wanna hold her baby?” Jungkook nodded taking the baby holding her awkwardly. But smiling at her all the same. The guys watched congratulating you.
Suddenly the power cut back on and jin got signal back on his phone he called the hospital you were rushed there. your daughter was given the proper care needed while you rested. Hours later you and jungkook sat in the hospital bedroom with the guys jungkook holding a sleeping his sleeping baby. “This was an insane night I-I delivered a baby that baby!”. Taehyung said shocked. “Uncle taehyung to the rescue!” Jimin chuckled. “I’m suprised you didn’t faint. “I was gonna!”
“Yeah So was I! You’re scary y/n!”
“I was in birth mode! You try being a peppy cheerleader with a baby coming out of your body!”
“Yeah I’ll pass no thank you I’ll live without that experience.”
“Mmhm that’s what I thought.”
Aaaand they lived happily ever after in kpop land
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kkaebsongtypo · 7 years
Human Canvas // Lee Donghyuck
A/N: this is the first request ive ever gotten and may i just say,,,,, HOLY SHIT I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I GOT THIS. So thank you for requesting♥♥♥♥ Same thing,,, i will have a story version up soon on the other blog!! Also. I am so fucking dead, school has been HOOOOOOOKAY. I've be getting so much homework and it's really stressing me out,,,, and i have like no time to write :((( but anyways I hope you like this cute little haechen au ;33
pairing: haechan x artist!reader
genre: fluffy fluffy fluff fluff
warnings/notes: some language??? that's a constant i guess
word count: 1223
side note: i really want to write gender nerutral scenarios, i tried in this one but i ended up scrapping it beacuse it turned out really stupid, i'm going to practice for sure though! the paintings at the top are mine, the picture of donghyuck isn't though so cred to where i came from
OH and Y/I means your initials :))
(i didn't proof read bc im busy so im sorry for spelling errors and such)
high school!au
every brush stoke you made would show up on his skin
this is like a one sided soulmate thing
because you don't get any soulmate mark things
it'll make more sense once we're in and shit
so let's gooooo
backstory timeee
when you were growing up,,, you went through a lot of 'favourite hobbies'
you'd be singing one year,,,,, dancing the next
finally,,,, you got into watercolour painting and it stuck with you
four years later,, you're still going strong
everyone around you had these drawings showing up on their skin
you found out that they were drawings from their soulmates
the more it came up,,, the more you began to wonder why you didn't have any
alright!! it's story timeee
go go go!!!
one nice autumn day
you were at home at your desk
paintbrush in hand
you were feeling inspired by the beauty outside
you mixed a puddle of this burgundy colour
and started painting this like autumn themed flower
this was like your style;
flowers, leaves, and that thing at the beginning LMAO
it was usually this behind some writing
like cute little quotes or some lyrics
you continued adding other colours
reds, dark greens, oranges, golden yellows, y'know
every stroke you made with that your brush would show up on his skin
they have ever since you pick up the brush for the first time
(unbeknownst to you, of course)
fufufufufuf*flash back warp noises*
one day, four years ago
four days before his first day of highschool
he was out with his friendos
just casually walking around a record store
finding old vintage vinyls and shit
but as he reached for one he noticed this small bouquet of dark flowers go down from his hand to his forearm
so he was like what????
so he rolled up his sleeve to see the rest and he noticed a signature
'Y/N 2014'
days, weeks, months, passed and the paintings continued appearing and disappearing regularly
he started taking pictures of the artwork on his skin bc hey that shit was beautiful
after some research,,, he found ou that it was this 'one way soulmate' thing
as much as he wanted to, he couldn't contact his soulmate
that's not how this works
May of senior year
he was in the change room with Jeno after phys.ed
so he's like facing the wall and taking off his shirt
but he turns around because Jeno is like
so hyuck was like
'you good bro?'
and jeno was just staring and then he's like
'yea.. yeah im good,,, it's just,, your back'
he took this breath and smiled
'you got a new painting'
so donghyuck just like raises his brows and walks over to the mirror
when he saw it for himself he was like 'woahhh' too y'know
this one was different than any others he's recived
wayyy bigger
and it's on his back like what????
it was the outline of the Seoul skyline over blotches of colour
pale blues, pinks, taupes, greens, yellows, purples....
just there on his back
he was in awe for a good 15 seconds
he asked Jeno to take a picture bc like
there's no way he's forgetting this one
he's gotta save it because it'll disapear in a few days!1!!!1
but to his suprise, it didn't disapear
it's been 3 weeks and it's only now starting to fade
where as the smaller ones would be gone with in a few days
after getting that painting on his back,,,, he had a feeling you probably lived in Seoul
so when there were papers posted about there being an art show nearby
he jumped at the chance,,,,, in hopes of finding his soulmate
that friday after school,,,,,,,
he changed he made his way to the nearby art gallery
at the door he was given a pamphlet that had the names and shit on it
one name caught his eye
'Y/F/N Y/L/N
he recognized that name from school
you two had math together,,,, he didn't know you very well,,,, you sat alone at the back by the window
it seemed as though everyone knew you but him
he assumed you were an art student because people would always associate your name with an art piece
today he finally got to see some of your art
he was genuinely curious about you and your art so he made his way over to your exhibit
when he spotted you,,,, his eyes lit up
oml what a cute
you were wearing an oversized knit sweater with the front tucked into your shorts
you had low cut, small heel boots,,,,, and some black, thin round framed glasses
your hair was pulled out of your face while you spoke about your art
he was so focused on you,,,, he didn't even bother looking at your art smh
3 words that came out of your mouth SMACKED HIM
Skyline of Seoul
he was like
so he slowly pulled up the picture of his back and looked back and forth between the paiting and the picture
taking in every detail
until he came to the conclusion
'oh shittttt we're soulmates......'
so he waited quietly until you finished and people went onto a new exhibit before approaching you
you got picked up your waterbottle as he came up
you set it back down,,,,, smiling and turning to him
'hey, donghyuck right?
he smiled back at you
'yeah, Y/N, i like your paintings'
no one was really coming around so y'all started convorsation
'thank you, i've been working up to this point for years'
you smiled,,, he nodded andn took a deep breath
'i know we just started talking and this might scare you but,,,, uh,,,, i think we're soulmates,,'
your eyes widen when he looks up at you
ummm okay,,,, well,,, uh,, why do you think this?? i was sure i didn't have one,,,,'
he was like OHP and figured you didn't know how the thing works
'oh well,, basically,, it's kind of like this one way soulmate thing. You don't get any drawings from me but i've been getting things from you. Ever since you started painting, everything you painted would show up on me'
you were beyond shook at this point,,,,, you had always thought you were soulmate-less
'but,,,, i never paint on myself''
he decided to show you a few pictures of the art he's gotten over the years
'did you paint that?'
you nodded and he continued
'one came up a few weeks ago,,,, it was on my back,, it's still kind of there,,,,, but it's how i know we're soulmates'
you looked at him and then nodded hesitantly
and there it was,,,,, there was your Seoul skyline painting,,,, down to every detail
even your signature
you were so overjoyed and overwhelmed with all of this new information
until you felt Donghyuck wipe a tear off your cheek
you've been living life thinking you just didn't have a soulmate
you'd pretend that it didn't matter to you
but like,,,, you knew you didn't want to be alone for the rest of your life
you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder
he quietly shushed you and hugged you back
you sniffled and whispered
'Donghyuck, i'm so glad you found me'
he pulled back to wipe your tears once more
'i am too'
finally finished
the end was slightly similar to Swing Set but whatever
i hope you enjoyed :))
Jeno soulamte au is next in the soulmate series
but i have a Mark secario planned ;33
look forward to it :DDD
~ Jae☾
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imagine-mr-markus · 4 years
.......ok I cave. I was gonna save both of these until it was all done bc one artwork specifically goes with the Nines fic I'm s t i l l editing bc it's painful and hard to concentrate on, and the other bc I still have to draw all of the flowers. And both of them bc I can't actually scan them into anything it's just me fucking around with photos to clean em up. But you know what? This blog is all about a hyperfixation so let's GOOOOO lmao!
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This is obviously the Nines piece meant to go with the fic im working on titles The Dead Walk Behind, and as such the flowers represent that.
Not in any particular order there are:
Chrysanthemums (white): truth
Black Eyed Susans: Justice
Forget-me-knots: p obvious but Remembrance
Aloe (both plant and flowers): grief, affection, healing.
Willow (weeping): sadness
Monkshood: warning, danger
Oleander: caution, watchfulness
Bittersweet: truth
Columbine (red and purple): Anxiousness, trembling, resolution
Gladiolus (flower and budding stem): remembrance, strength
Marigold: despair, grief, jealousy
I think that's all of them for poor Nines. Flowers are harder to draw than I thought they would be 😔, and Monsieur Dechart's face is real hard to put on paper I'll tell you that. All told I spent 9.5 hours nearly consecutively on RK900 there, and he was supposed to be up here with that fic for 9/9, but we saw how that went but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Tbh I might go back and darken the backdrop square bc it did help with the shading a lot on the second venture to the artistic realms. I also wanted to do more of them just bc I like to draw and flowers are a fun challenge and I'm apparently a fuckin masochist so next up was my precious babe Mr Markus the Robot Jesus himself. Like I said, I haven't put the flowers in his yet, but I might as well list em while I've got the list up, no?
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This is him all hopefully alright looking. I'm not 100% happy with him, and I'll probs tweak him a bit before I set this later with fixative and start the flowers, but considering all of you on this blog saw my first ever attempt at painting, which was also my first foray into trying to set Mr. Williams there onto the page, I'm happier than I was. I did go for a more growing out sort of look on his hair bc idk I like the Fluff and it's actually easier for me to logistically wrap my head around than fucking stubble, but I digress. So yes we have a fluffy man's but no flowers, but these are the flowers I'll hopefully be able to cram into the page. If not.......the cluster flowers go first 😒.
Acanthus: fine art, artifice
Angelica: Inspiration
Bay Tree: Glory
Begonia: beware, dark thoughts
Black Eyed Susan: Justice
Butterfly Weed: Let me Go
Calla Lily: beauty
Chamomile: patience in adversity
Columbine: Resolution
Dill: Powerful against evil
Edelweiss: Courage
Holly: Foresight
Hyssop: Sacrifice
Iris: a message
Yellow Jasmine: grace, elegance
Oak: Strength
Savoury: spice, interest
Tansy: Declaring War
Valerian: Readiness
Zinnia: remembrance of absent friends
And yeah, that's about it for my check in, sorry 😅. This was mainly meant to be a requests blog to help keep me motivated to write but I'm still flying solo so I got distracted by Pencils lmao. Anyways, I'll be back with either more art or some writing reasonably soon. Peace outski, guys, gals, and fellow non binary pals ✌🏼
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Good luck on the blog! What would Narancia be like with an s/o that's sort of shy with pda but is really cuddly and clingy in private?
:0 the first part 5 request here we gooooo-
- Narancia is already a cuddly guy, but he’ll try his hardest to not get over-affectionate with s/o in public, he’ll still be determined to hold their hand or try and put his arm around their shoulder unless they really didn’t want him too. He knows he’ll get affection once they get home, but he’s impatient. If they go on a lunch date he’s going to try and give them his food don’t test the boy. He’s very protective of his food and this must prove that he does care about them a lot.
- Even though his s/o is shy with pda, he loves how their face flushes when he kisses their cheek with people around. He’s cautious though, he doesn’t want to embarrass them too much!! Then he might not get cuddles later and that would really suck! He doesn’t want to make them angry.
- When they get home from a date or other Passione related business they’re inseparable. Don’t expect to see one without the other for a good couple of hours. Their favorite activity is to chill out and watch movies on the couch. Naracia’s favorites are simple Disney movies with a happy ending, he doesn’t have to think much about them. Narancia ends up falling asleep in s/o’s arms 90% of the time though, he wants to spend time with them but movies really lull him to sleep.
- He’s totally fine with the fact that s/o is cuddly and clingy with him in private. Being a part of Passione can be really stressful, he’s used to being back stabbed and not being able to trust anyone, especially because of his past. It’s nice to come back to someone that he knows is never going to leave him, and would be there for him. It’s the best feeling in the world when he comes back and sees them after being separated.
-S/o is his best friend, first and foremost. He’s going to ask them how their day was, and chit chat with them while spooning. He prefers to be the big spoon, but won’t object to being the little spoon if he had a particularly rough mission. They’re never too silent either, there’s always some small form of talk going on. It ranges from what they ate for lunch to mushy I love yous.
- Expect a lot of little kisses on the forehead and neck. Narancia puts little kisses on s/o’s hair and on their cheek, not to mention he’s usually clinging onto them as much as they are to him. He’s still pretty immature, and often suggests silly things for them to do, like build big blanket forts and make up some hot cocoa. His favorite things to sleep on are soft pillows and blankets, they’re comfortable as heck!!
-When they’re together they also constantly lose track of time.
“It’s been 2 hours already?? Really?? Come on, s/o!! Let’s go hang out some more!! What’s another two hours, anyway??” 
Then it’s suddenly 4 hours later and they’re both snuggled up together and holding hands.
-Mod Fish
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jyotikathapa · 7 years
After an Anonymous plan to travel together with my girlfriends we chose Bali. It wasn’t my first choice but the flights are cheap from Aus and food and hotels too; for sure then why not!!! And literally, it was ok! didn’t cost me much. So we planning started 3 months before. Just a plan! PLAN!!! (which doesn’t work really work out most of the time)
Anyways in April, we should have been three of us in the tour but one of my girlfriends couldn’t make it due to passport delay in the embassy. However, two of us were on a gooooo….
Well, I booked my ticket with the transit in Singapore for 12hrs which let me go in free Singapore tour by the Chiang Mai airport (This is another story will share it soon)
Arrival in the Ngurah Rai International Airport, Denpasar, aka BALI! Reached there around 8 pm and lucky Nepalese travellers!!! you don’t need a visa. YeaH!!! (Nepalese don’t need visa if u stay less than 30days ). Fuzz start when u are a tourist and need a ride to Hotel after touchdown to the island. So, people you better take a blue taxi if u want to save your budget and run taxi in meters :D. Reached hotel meet my friend after a year. Had local dinner nearby the restaurant and off to bed.
Day 1 Haha! Woke up late. Then we hired a scooter from the hotel then off to ride (renting a bike is quite cheap there IDR 50000- 70000 per 24 hrs/day). Then we got ourselves sim cards and off to the road… Thank God there is GPS. We passed through Kuta street and man! It was vibrant in all possible terms. Uluwatu Temple was the first destination cause it was on the edge of the map lol! Well, its looked far away in a drive and city is crowded as every other city. We came to see a beautiful couple taking their photo nearby the cliff and it was spectacular.
lady by the cliff
Uluwatu Temple
couple tring to capture panoramic view of uluwatu temple
relax, see, enjoy, rest
Couples near the cliff for wedding photo
lovely couples, capturing their wedding
Tip: Beware of the monkeys they will snatch everything possible. Carry a candy bar in your pockets to batter your belongings. Well, there are locals who will save you for sure.
Next destination after there was the Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), a cultural park. Have you experienced a disastrous moment well it was the first one when we were there? Scooter stopped and didn’t start at all. NOT my Fault (fault in our star damn!) but the generous staff in the GWK helped us start the bike. And we were there first thing first we enjoyed the ice cream mad on the cold slab.
It was great then the view of GWK well it was architectural delineation for sure. The Indra log was amazing well it was a place for famous events in Bali for music concerts and parties.
dancing away
artist from the theater dacing
Wishnu God
garauda story
forever young heart
Well, you can spend whole day over there watching various theatre shows done for the visitors and we were able to witness few of them as the Vishnu (wishanu dance/ art); taaktaktaktak dance and the beautiful music until the end.
On our way back to the hotel we went to the beach nearby called double six beaches no wonder why! Grab the beer and enjoy the view! Not really it was dark ! man! Lol though the music was good and the atmosphere was chilled. Bintang the Indonesian beer…
Day 2 So no hangover, but still not an early bird, so on the second day we changed the scooter and we head to Ubud the monkey forest. This day was amazing first we encounter the notorious and mischievous monkeys. Rule 1 do not try to be friendly with them. Rule 2 don’t look in the eye or you will fall in love not but trouble (guides said it meant war if you stare at them lol).
After all that we escape the monkeys and headed to the famous tergalalang rice field. The view was great as it is seen in Instagram and Bali lookout but a bit crowded. Lots of people and lots of ways to be there. However, we were there and no need for tickets but there were kids that were trying to sell souvenir and stuff and local who maintained the field were collecting generosity ($) for themselves. Recommended to visit this area. Enjoy the view with coconut water for sure and that the exact place where we planned our next stop..
Tegallalang Rice Terraces in Bali
On the way to tegenungan waterfall sukawati we stopped by the Luwak coffee farm to taste the local famous coffee which is literally a shit of an animal named PLAM Civet (Luwak). The coffee was great and as a bonus we were given around 12 kinds of tea for testing which were amazing. About tea testing, you will be seeing a video soon.
Coffee testing
Luwak with its kids
Luwak poop ! the coffee beans
Special Luwak coffee
Must say it was a lovely day, now that we were close to the waterfall, we didn’t have spare clothes to change but then you only get one chance in a lifetime, therefore, take a dip and live. So I bought lungi like pyjama there for IDR 100,000 which is a nice gift too for later. Well, you need to buy a ticket for the entry though. So we were there and lots of other people too.
the red flag in left bottom side. do not go i repeat do not go
Tegenungan Waterfall
I would say this is the part where I came back from death, thanks to lifeguards there. There are unusual timing in life when you wanna be a rebel but there is devil waiting for you to end. So, what happened was I went to the water to take a photo but somehow I wanted to feel that one of life time moment and swim in the waterfall. So, as you can guess the whirlpool pulled me and my friend was taking a video thinking I was swimming like a pro but not. However, those lifeguards on standby saved me with the rubber tube well I lost my words and sense for some time but must say was one of the LIFETIME MOMENT!!!! Hence, guess be safe. Under the waterfall, there is sign which is marked with a flag for danger so avoid those areas. Sad thing photo didn’t come out well…
Well that was the day end of story for so far for which I get teased by my friends DIVE = DIE Day 3 This day weather was gloomy when we started to head out. So this day we went to Tanah Lot temple, the temple on the sea; next to the sea! Well, that place was amazing but I wonder what it would look like during sunset cause it popular for that.
vendor with paper bird
flying paper ship
Well, there were parts of temple one being across the sea or shall say it was 100meter away from the mainland! You need to cross the gap between the lands via walk. And holy God, there were water snakes! Or some kind of snakes which is suppose to be gods relative or god themselves. One thing I am most afraid of is a snake and holy cra* Lord there they were but no harm. So I took blessing form the priest there and rushed back.
oh weather!!! It started to rain a lot but still then we ended up going out and soaking in the rain. As per my friend’s request, we went to blue lagoon which is supposed to be the best beach in Bali for snorkelling and beach time. Damn! It was beach day for us like b*tc$ day. It never stopped. We stopped by several stops to escape the rain but rain was all over us (rain on me!!!!! ) Somehow we reached there at the end. While we were there it stopped for a while and when we went to hotel it was raining again.
blue lagoon was really blue
Weather forecast for the next day seemed tragic so we rented the van and driver for next day.
while we wait for the rain to stop
Day 4 So on this day, we were supposed to go to 3 places as per our booking cause they were long distanced and off hills. First of all, we went to view Mt. Kintamani Volcano which took us more than 2 hours reach that viewpoint next we went to Pura Besakih temple which is known to be the biggest Hindu temple in Bali. It was a festival season so it was crowded by the devotees and tourist. We had an epic story here with the guide in the temple too. Bust the place was mesmerising.
Day 5 Coming to end of our tour, last day for us in Bali(supposed to be) hence I want to go all around Bali before I go back to place where I come from. cause we had been too limited areas only. There for DAY 5 was 270+ km tour for us in the bike.
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First Stop: Pura Ulun Danu Bratan
Second stop: famous pancasari door  (Got to get one  of those shot)
                  Third stop: Gitgit waterfall
  kid trying to sell her hand made craft
Fourth stop: Kubu beach for lunch and relax in the swimming pool which also is a great place for diving for starters
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this place is famous for snorkelling and underwater diving
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relax by the sea and pool with few cocktails always relaxing
Fifth stop: Tirta Ganga
lets take selfie for one and then there they are
family picture with their character
After that as for the finishing touch, we went to Candi Dasa beach where the sunset was beautiful.
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  Sunset in the Candidasa beach or horizon…..
  more stories to share… it will continue to another blog… (solo travel; beach relax day, food, turtles, food, rest…)
any enquiries email in [email protected] ready to help
you get more than you know in Bali. Nature is amazing, when you add luxury its heaven After an Anonymous plan to travel together with my girlfriends we chose Bali. It wasn’t my first choice but the flights are cheap from Aus and food and hotels too; for sure then why not!!!
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