#first ones a repost from like. over a year ago now.
welcometomyoasis · 11 hours
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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mphoenix-7 · 3 days
Bitter Allies [Soap x Reader]
Chapter 1: The Mission
Summary: John "Soap" MacTavish has hated you since the very first day you arrived on base and joined their Task Force. You argue all the time, and one day, it pushes Captain Price to his absolute limit. He sends you both away to an isolated cabin in the woods for a week in hopes you can put aside your differences and bond. Will it work? Or will you two just end up hating each other even more?
This is a slow burn enemies to lovers fan fiction featuring Soap and you, the reader.
Word Count: 5,585
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Soap is mean, like really mean, smut later to come, lots of swearing, violence, descriptive, blood
A/N: Just a reposting of my story on Wattpad to help generate attention for it! Please go give it some love if you’re liking it so far. My user name is Emily7love or just look up the title.
Master List | Next ->
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Bitter Allies • Part 1
"Bravo 7-1, this is Bravo 0-7, give me a sit rep on your position, over."
Soap is currently kneeling in some brush, staring at the small military camp in front of him when the radio call comes through. Despite the fact that he'd most likely need to be adjusting the volume up soon on his ear piece, he still turns it down a little for now.
"This is Bravo 7-1, I've been in position. Waiting on 7-4 to move her ass." He all but growls back to Ghost. His hand tenses on his rifle at even saying those numbers. Bravo 7-4.
You were Bravo 7-4. Also known as (y/n) "States" (l/n). The all too grumpy Sergeant by the callsign Bravo 7-1 was John "Soap" MacTavish. Also known as the biggest pain in your ass since you joined up with Captain Price's Task Force about six months ago.
Now anyone who knew Soap would be shocked to hear you say that you thought he was literally the worst and most insufferable human being to ever stain the Earth. To everyone else, Soap was a funny, charismatic, rather easy-going, and quite friendly guy. Everyone loved Soap. He was the golden boy of the Task Force, of the entire base. People were just naturally drawn to him, and his warm personality.
You can't say you blame people for being shocked when they learn just how much you can't stand him. Cause all those things about Soap were true. He was funny, and friendly, and relaxed, and just a great guy to be around. He was all those things when he wasn't around you. The second you stepped into the picture, his amused grin turned into a stiff scowl. His sparkling eyes turned hard. His relaxed posture turned rigid.
Yeah, John "Soap" MacTavish hated you. And you hated him.
Why did he hate you? You weren't entirely sure. It just seemed like it has always been that way since day one.
You transferred into the Task Force at the request of Captain Price himself. Originally, you had been stationed at a military base in the United States, where you were from. Then one day your commanding officer called you into his office and told you that you'd been given a new assignment. You would be working with a British Task Force across the pond for the next year. A group of four SAS men. If things worked out, then you'd be staying there indefinitely.
You'd been thrilled at the news. You didn't join the military only for the benefits and the opportunity to serve, but for the opportunity to travel and to potentially live somewhere else in the world. Getting to be that while also being SAS was the dream. You worked so hard to get to where you were today. Sleepless nights of studying, hard days of working out and trying to improve and hone your skills, and now it was finally happening. You were being sent off to a new base and a new team. And not just any team, an elite task force. You'd finally been selected.
You met the whole team day one of your arrival. The first person you met was Captain John Price. He was a friendly but very stern man. The no nonsense type of guy. He gave you a tour of the base, and showed you to the female barracks. Once you were semi-settled in (all your belongings piled into your room) you went to meet the other members of your new Task Force.
Price introduced you to each teammate. They'd all been in his office by the time you and Price showed up. Two had been seated, and one was standing despite there being enough chairs. That had been Soap.
"Alright you lot, here she is. This is (y/n) (l/n). Straight from across the pond." Price introduced you. "(Y/n), these are boys of the 141. This is Sergeant Kyle Garrick."
"You can also call me Gaz." Kyle fills in, giving you a nod and a handshake. "It's nice to have someone from the States joining us." He was the one responsible for your callsign being States.
"This is your Lieutenant. Simon Riley. He goes strictly by Ghost." Price continues. Ghost doesn't make a move to shake your hand. He just stayed quiet. Didn't even give you a nod of any kind. Quite intimidating coming from a guy wearing a skull over his face. "And lastly, this is-"
"Soap." The man barks out before Price can say anything. You remember hearing Price sigh before finishing his sentence. "Sergeant John MacTavish."
"You can call me Soap though. Nothing else." His voice was harsh, and carried a tone of warning. If you to call him by anything else other than his callsign, there were going to be harsh consequences.
His arms were folded across his chest, and he'd glared at you during the whole introduction. It made you so nervous, the reactions you got from both Soap and Ghost. Price assured you later though that they would come around. They just needed to warm up to you. He'd been 50% correct.
At the time, Ghost had been the most terrifying of three, and the one you worried you wouldn't be able to connect with (boy had you been foolish). At the time though, Soap had at least said something to you. Ghost never said a word or even acknowledged you. And when Ghost did talk to you, it was always in a gruff voice like you were annoying him. But over time, you came to realize that was just who Ghost was. It wasn't anything personal. He was like that with literally everyone. It was rare to catch him laughing or to hear his gruff voice become lighter.
Soap, on the other hand, also spoke to you the way Ghost did, but he only used that tone with you. He was so cheery and light when speaking with the guys. Even with strangers, his voice may have been slightly more gruff, but never as harsh as when he spoke to you.
His personality was vastly different around the others as well. Whereas he could joke, laugh, and relax around them, he was the opposite around you. You thought for a moment that maybe he was sexiest and just didn't like women, though every woman he spoke to around base, he was the kindest and most respectful guy.
Now six months later, not much had changed. Soap still spoke to you in a gruff voice. He still scowled when you entered a room. He still glared at you any time he needed to look at you. He had gotten more "comfortable" around you. But really that just meat he was far more comfortable with insulting you directly. From the way you shoot to the way you eat, he could find anything to gripe about. And eventually, you decided that if he was going to be difficult, then you'd return the favor.
The first time you insulted him back, he looked shocked, then just flat out angry. Your encounters went from quiet insults being thrown back and forth and dirty looks to all out yelling at each other. Never physical fights, but Soap had punched a hole in the wall during one particularly bad argument.
The others couldn't stand you fighting. Gaz would do everything in his power to keep you separated and distracted from each other so you wouldn't start. Ghost tried to never be involved, but he would sometimes break up the fights by using his scary lieutenant voice and sending you both to different parts of the base to cool off. Price... he got the most upset. He was normally so calm under pressure but hearing you and Soap bicker pushed him to the limit. He'd yell at you both until he turned red and then normally punish you by making you do extra cleaning, harder workouts, or something else just as labor intensive.
You lost count of how many times you'd been in his office with Soap, getting reprimanded on your behavior. One of the worst had been when Soap actively tried to get you kicked off the team while you were sitting right there.
"She is a right pain in the arse, Price! I didn't even start it this time!" He claims, doing everything he could not to look at you.
"Oh blow it out your ass, Soap. You were giving me a look."
"Then don't fucking look at me." Soap growls through his teeth.
Price slams his fist onto the table, making you both jump a little and halt your bickering for a moment. "Can you two shut the hell up? It's just constant with you. I have had a headache for five fucking days cause of you idiots. What is it going to take for you two to get along?"
Soap is quick with his answer. "All this could be solved if you just deported her little ass back to the US. Seriously Price, she's caused nothing but trouble since she got here."
"I am right here, Soap." You huff out a laugh, not too shocked he'd say something like that though.
"I wish you weren't." He throws back, making Price intervene again.
"Enough! She's not going anywhere, Soap. Whether you like it or not, she brings in a skill set we are missing in this team."
"Like hell she doesn't! We can find someone else." He argues, earning a glare from Price.
"She is staying. I signed a contract that she stays for a year. If we break that, we lose our funding, our reputation, and a whole lot more." Price says, making Soap cross his arms and sit back in his chair.
"So after however many months she has left, we can get rid of her?"
"You'll be lucky if I keep you once your contract expires!" He shouts at Soap, which shuts the Scot up. Sighing, Price continues. "I will reassess at the end of year once States' contract has expired." He says more calmly, which makes your heart sink and Soap smirk.
You were dismissed then, but Price had you stay back. Probably to keep you and Soap from walking with each other, but he also has a few words for you. He reassured you that you were doing great. That you truly did bring a lot to their team and that he was happy to have you there.
"Are you going to send me back at the end of the year?" You'd asked him before you left, looking over your shoulder by the door while he stayed seated at his desk.
"Don't worry about that now, States. But know, I like having you here, and remember, it takes both of to sign the renewal contract."
That gave you hope. Price most likely would want to keep you, but he was also going to leave it up to you to decide whether or not you wanted to stay. At the same time, if things continued the way they were, it wasn't going to be good for team morale. If Price had to pick between you and Soap, you were sure he'd pick Soap. He'd been with the team longer and knew them far better than you did. This was your dream though. Being SAS. It could take years before you got another team. You liked Price, Ghost and Gaz. Could you live with Soap?
That meeting was only three weeks ago. You'd been with the Task Force for almost six months. Halfway through.
Your current mission landed you in Naryn, Kyrgyzsta. You were hunting down a military leader, General Azamat, who was accused of doing an illegal arms deal with Russia. Photos and weeks of gathering intel suggested he was guilty and currently at this military base in Naryn.
This was purely a stealth mission first. You and Soap were tasked with infiltrating the small military base while Ghost provided overwatch. There were three security stations. One on the East, what Soap was in position for, the South, the one you were headed towards now, and the West, where you and Soap would meet to take out the last one.
The East and South stations were backup generators and needed to be taken out first before the main one to the South was. That way you kept the element of surprise and didn't need to worry about the backups going online. After that, your troops would push in and secure the base, capture the military leader, and you could all go home.
Soap had given the update on his position, saying he was where he needed to be, about two minutes ago. Two fucking minutes ago. And he was already griping that you weren't to your position yet. His words rang in your ear through your comm earpiece.
"This is Bravo 7-1, I've been in position. Waiting on 7-4 to move her ass."
"Calm down, I'm almost fucking there. Don't be so impatient." You growl back. "Seriously Ghost, how do you even deal with him?"
"Haad yer wheesht." Soap growls at you, some Scottish slang you don't understand. No doubt he was telling you to shut the fuck up or something along those lines.
"Either speaking fucking English or don't speak, MacTavish." You bark, voice getting a little too loud for a stealth mission. Even if you weren't too close to the camp yet, there could be patrols you needed to be mindful of.
"How about you fucking learn about other's cultures and then we wouldn't have this problem. And don't call me MacTavish."
"I do know about other's cultures! I just don't care to know about the one that you came from." You throw back before Ghost gets involved.
"Shut it. Now. Not another word. Fuck's sake." You could practically see Ghost shaking his head. "States, how long till you're in position?" Ghost asks, directing attention back to the mission.
"Give me two minutes."
"Bloody fucking Jesus." You hear Soap mummer through the comms.
You take a deep breath to try and focus your energy back on your current tasks. Soap was not going to get in your head and mess this up for you. For anyone else, he would have stayed quiet. In fact, it probably wouldn't have even bothered him.
"Hold up, 7-4." You hear Ghost say to you after about 30 seconds of creeping your way to your position. "You've got a small patrol further up from your position. Just over the hill. Two men, I don't see anyone else. When you're in range, get a good shot of one, and I'll dump the other for you."
"On it. Thanks Ghost." You whisper back, readying your rifle and trying to be as silent as you can while you approach the men.
"You telling me it's gonna be even longer now." Soap complains, making you roll your eyes.
"I'm sorry your side didn't have rough terrain or anyone to fight off, Soap." You tell him sarcastically. "Some of us didn't get the easy baby route to take."
"I'll have you know I took down two fucking patrols all by myself while I made my way over here. And I didn't have Ghost's help to do it either."
"Fuck you." You growl at him.
"What did I bloody fucking say?" Ghost growls, his lieutenant voice coming out. You curse yourself as you let it happen again. Just ignore the Scot and focus on what's ahead.
"In position, Ghost. I see them. Clear sight on both, your call."
Ghost does the quick calculations in his head as he prepares his shot, trying to determine which of the two men he had a better chance of taking out. "The one with the flashlight is mine. Dump is mate. In three, two..."
You both took the shot, Ghost pulling his trigger just a millisecond before you to account for the distance. He landed a clean headshot while your first bullet landed more in the shoulder of your guy. You took a quick second shot, which finished the job with another headshot.
"He's down. Clean shots. Though try for the head first next time." Ghost quips. There was no malice in his words. Just Ghost joking around to ease tension. Soap clearly needed to take lessons from Ghost on how to tell a joke without being a total ass about it.
"Noted. Thanks for the advice, 0-7." You banter back, earning a scowl and an eye roll from Soap.
"Less talking, more getting to where you're supposed to be." Soap cuts in, ending the fun you'd been having with Ghost.
"Don't get your skirt in a knot. I'm in position." You huff, pulling out your binoculars and scouting the area. Despite this base housing a military leader, and having two back up generators, they really didn't have much security. No walls, no floodlights. Just a few patrols outside. They weren't expecting trouble.
"It's a bloody kilt. Not a skirt." Soap seethes, his jaw clenched. At this rate, he wasn't going to be able to finish this mission. Everything about you was just pure annoyance to him.
"Yeah whatever you want to tell yourse-"
"Are you two going to be able to finish this mission or am I going to have to pull you both from it?" Ghost barks over the comms, clearly fed up now.
You feel your face flush hot in embarrassment. Ghost has never threatened to remove you from a mission before. You've always been good and reliable. You can't fail and have it on your record that you were pulled from a mission due to not being able to get along with others. That was a death sentence for your career with the SAS.
"No, sir. Sorry, 0-7." You apologize, not hearing anything from Soap's end. He was probably pouting and internally cursing you for getting him in trouble, even though this was all his fault. "Going to head out for the South station. Bravo 7-4 going dark." You turn your radio from the public channel between you three to a private one used only for emergencies. At least now you wouldn't be able to hear Soap for a little bit.
Soap hears your radio beep once, signaling to him you'd disconnected for a moment while you advance towards your target goal. Once you had, he huffs and takes a moment to squeeze his eyes shut and collect himself.
"I can't fucking stand her, Ghost." He complains to his friend. "Why the hell did Price ever think it was a good idea to put us together on a mission?" He looked out into the field, making out the little shadow of you making your way slowly to the base.
"She's part of the team, Soap. Price has his reasons. Just focus on the mission and make it work." Ghost replies, not offering too much help aside from stating the obvious and putting Soap's mind back in the field. "Better get going. Your path is clear right now."
Soap sighs heavily and stretches out his neck a bit by tilting his ears toward each shoulder. One side pops a little, only relieving a little tension. "Alright. Bravo 7-1 going dark." He clicks his radio to the private channel and begins to make his way to the East backup generator's building.
By the time Soap reaches his building, you are already working your way inside the South building thanks to the small head start you got. You stick to the shadows as much as you can, thoughts wandering to Soap from time to time. Wondering if he's cleared his building already or if he ran into trouble. Then again, if it was really bad, he could have contacted you or Ghost and there would have been alarms going off. And as much as you hated him, you had to admit he was really good at this kind of stuff. Sweeping through a place and clearing it out. Quick and clean. Of course he'd never ever hear you utter any praises directed at him.
Your building wasn't too heavily guarded. You assumed most of their men were either asleep in the barracks, standing guard of where the military leader was staying, or off patrolling areas they deemed more important than the backup generators. The main building to the West would have most of their patrols since it was the more important building. That was the reason you and Soap needed to work on clearing it together.
You managed to clear your building fairly quickly with only one close call. One guard had seen you shoot someone else, but you managed to take them out before they could radio for backup, and no one seemed to have heard him yell. Once cleared, you plugged in the flash drive and uploaded the virus it contained to make the generator go offline.
You bring a hand to your radio and speak into it. "This is Bravo 7-4, generator down, South building secure. I repeat, generator down. Heading to the West building to the rendezvous now." You begin to head out the way you came in as Ghost speaks to you over the comms.
"This is Bravo 0-7. Confirm. You're all clear." Ghost responds.
"You got a sit rep on our precious Bravo 7-1?" You ask, forgetting to switch over from the private channel. You duck behind some ammo boxes and sneak along them, not expecting to get an answer from Soap. You expected him to be busy still and not on the public channel that you thought you were on. Before Ghost can answer, 7-1 graces you with a response.
"States, shut your fucking mouth and switch your radio over to public. How the hell did you get selected when you can't even use a damn radio." He snarls, making you pause. Soap's words always kinda stung a bit, but some more than others.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I not allowed to have a sit rep on you?" You ask, ignoring your slip up of being in the wrong channel.
"No." He answers flatly, making you sigh and roll your eyes. So much for working as a team. "And switch-"
You switched over while he was mid sentence, not wanting to hear his grating voice anymore. You were getting a little worn down at this point. It wasn't like you enjoyed arguing with Soap as much as you did. It was exhausting. Being out in the field where you were already stressed was making it a lot worse.
"He's almost done." Ghost answers you, keeping you updated since Soap clearly wasn't going to. "Just head to the rendezvous, States."
You grumble softly but do as you are told. You mutter a "copy" into your radio before slowly and carefully making your way to the rendezvous. You hear a soft beep shortly after, signaling Soap had reconnected to the public channel. You try to avoid using your radio after that, even skipping check-ins since it seemed that Soap was going to make any use of your radio an unpleasant experience. Though eventually you do need to give an update that you were at the rendezvous, that way Soap wouldn't shoot you.
You move to the side of a building and crouch down. "Bravo 7-4 approaching rendezvous." You sigh to yourself before adding, "Bravo 7-1, please let me know when you are on your way."
"I'm already here. Look to your bloody right 7-4." You look almost directly to your right, which is met with an annoyed sigh. "Not that far. Back to your.. straight.. just- Fucks sake, by the crates!"
"You're not giving me good directions!" You silently yell back, still looking for him.
"By the crates! The only crates in the area! I'm practically in the open."
You see him then. His stupidly handsome face turned into a scowl and his piercing blue eyes glaring at you. He was not in the open, only his head poking up from the crates. You sent the same look right back to him and make your way over, looking around and making sure the way was clear so you wouldn't compromise your position. He was kind enough to at least raise his gun and cover you as you made your way over. Once behind the crates, back pressed to them, he relaxes his position and ducks behind them with you.
"States, look at me," Soap says, his voice deep and gravely. The only tone he ever seemed to use with you. "I want this done clean and easy. No fuck ups. You're going to follow my lead and stay out of my way. And I don't want to hear a single word from you unless it's mission related. You got that?" He lectures you.
You are so, so tempted to roll your eyes at him. He was talking to you like you were a marine fresh off selection. Not a five year veteran who was selected for an elite special forces team. He didn't even outrank you by that much. Not enough to make a real difference. The only thing he had up on you was experience and maybe two years in age.
You're silent for a long moment, glaring at him until he repeats himself a little.
"Do you understand?" He annunciates each word, and you swallow down the choice of words you had for him. This wasn't the time or place for that. You were in the middle of a mission that could go belly up and turn dangerous. You didn't need to be fighting the sergeant on this.
"You got it." You say tightly, mustering up all the strength you possessed not to say more than that to him.
Soap seemed surprised you agreed so easily, but he eyes you suspiciously for a moment before nodding. "Good." He nods before reaching for his radio. "Bravo 0-7, this is 7-1. Going in. Rest of the troops be ready in five minutes and wait for the signal."
"Copy, 7-1." Ghost confirms. "Be warned, I see multiple troops in the vicinity of the West security building. Some men have different uniforms. They look to be General Azamat's men. He could be in there."
You furrow your brows at that. You were expecting a lot of troops in that area, but the military leader you were after wasn't supposed to be in there. There was a bunker in the middle of the camp that he was supposed to be in. It wasn't going to be a significant change the mission though. It just meant your job had become a lot harder. More men to clear out without raising alarm.
"This is Bravo 7-4, 0-7 what's the best way in?" You ask, refusing to look at Soap. You saw his head turn to look at you from the corner of your eye.
"If you wanna come home looking like Swiss cheese I'd go with the front door. Around the back might be your best shot, but I can't get a clear view from my area." Ghost informs you.
"Can you reposition and-"
"No." Soap immediately cuts you off, making you glance to him. "We don't have time for a reposition. We need to move before they realize their backup generators have been breached."
"You just don't like it cause it was my idea." You accuse, watching as Soap visibly becomes agitated.
"I don't like it cause it's a bloody stupid idea!" Soap says through clenched teeth. He was getting right in your face. You were about to tell him off until Ghost's voice filled your left ear.
"Soap's right. There's no time. Head to the back and make due with that entry point. We'll go loud if we need to."
Soap wore a smug look as Ghost sided with him. You despised it. "See? Told you it was a stupid idea." He reiterates, still way too close for comfort.
Your anger flared, and you shoved him back with a forearm to his chest. He reacted instantly, grabbing your arm and flinging it away as if it had burned him. The movement was so quick, it surprised you a bit, and all you can do is stare at him with wide eyes.
"Touch me again, and you're going to regret ever signing up for the military," he growled, his finger jabbing the air between you before standing up and storming off without attracting too much attention.
You're left stunned for a moment, though you're not sure how you thought he was going to react to you pushing him. Within a matter of seconds, you gather yourself, reminding yourself that you were still in enemy territory and needed to focus. With a reluctant sigh, you followed after him.
You managed to make your way to the back of the West Building with Soap without too many complications. The most you needed to really do was duck behind some parked trucks as a military jeep rolled by. It exited the compound, likely heading out to meet a patrol for a shift change.
You and Soap didn't say a single word to each other the whole way. For a stealth mission, that was preferable. However, you could feel the tension between you and Soap. Disdain was radiating off him, and you didn't want to get too close to him in fear he was going to blow up at any second.
There's a line up of vehicles that serve as your cover for the time being as you sneak along one side of them. Suddenly, you nearly collide with Soap when he abruptly raises his hand, signaling you to stop. There's a group of four men all standing in a small circle, talking and smoking together. They're isolated from other groups but taking out a group of four could be very difficult to do.
Soap takes a few steps back, waving for you to back up as well. "We can't take that group out by ourselves, we're going to have to go around." He tells you in a hushed voice as you attempt to peak around him to get a good view of the targets blocking your path.
"It's only four. We can both take out two." You suggest, but, just like all your other ideas, Soap is fast to shut that one down too.
"Not a chance. You suck at hitting multiple headshots." He accuses.
That makes your blood begin to boil. You were not the God awful shot he made you out to be. In fact, back on your base in the US, you were considered to be one of the better shooters.
"I don't suck at making headshots." You glare, making him huff at you.
"Oh really? You missed the one earlier. Ghost managed to hit it from hundreds of meters away, and you bloody miss from a few feet. Your aim is absolute dog shite, States. I'm not going to have you mess up this entire mission cause you think you're better than you are."
His voice was harsh, as always, and his glare was biting. You felt your eyes burn as tears formed, but you refused to let Soap see you cry. He'd only roll his eyes and call you a baby. Crying would only give him more reasons to think you didn't belong here, that you weren't as good as the rest of them.
There were so many things you wanted to say to him in that moment, but you couldn't. The words got caught in your throat, and you feared that if you opened your mouth, a sob would escape. All you could do was look away and clench your jaw, masking your hurt feelings as anger instead.
Soap seems to take your silence as you submitting. "Come on. We'll go around that way."
He was motioning to a camp-like area that seemed mostly deserted, though there were probably men sleeping in the multiple tents that were set up. Along with the tents, there was some campfires and some small boxes of what looked to be filled with MREs.
As Soap quickly moved to the new area to bypass the group of men, you glanced back at them. You knew you could land those headshots. If Ghost had been with you, you would have taken them down already. You were tired of Soap thinking you were inferior and wanted to prove him wrong so badly. You knew you could land those headshots...
Raising your rifle slowly, you lined up the shot for the first target and mentally mapped out the sequence. One on the right, then left, then back right, and then back left. A simple zig-zag pattern. Easy enough.
Right as you're about to pull the trigger, you hear Soap's voice crackle through the comms. His voice was deep and full of warning and venom. 
"Don't you fucking dare, States."
But you dared. You wanted more than anything to prove him wrong. You slowly exhaled and pulled the trigger.
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084392 · 2 years
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what if florges actually looked different depending on their flowers🤔
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arieslost · 3 months
home to you | op81
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oscar piastri x fem!reader
summary: oscar does what he should’ve done a long time ago.
word count: 2,978
warnings: healing sunburn right at the beginning, a touch of angst
masterlist — join my tag list here!
this is a PART TWO! read part one here :)
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Your sunburn is peeling.
Oscar’s been watching you absentmindedly pick at it for the last ten minutes as you recount your day to him. He’s paying attention to what you’re saying, of course, but now he’s worried that you might accidentally hurt yourself.
“Stop doing that,” he says when you pause to catch your breath, reaching for his phone as if he could put his hand through and stop you himself.
“What?” You frown, and then look at your shoulder. “Oh, right. It’s weirdly satisfying though.”
“This is why you can’t go to the beach by yourself.” Oscar sighs. “You never put on enough sunscreen.”
“I know,” you reply quietly.
As much as both of you have tried, neither of you can help the awkward undertones that seep into every silence you share now. Oscar knows you love him, and you know that he doesn’t feel the same way.
You think he doesn’t feel the same way.
When he saw that look on your face that morning in the kitchen, it reminded him of the way he stared at you on prom night. Oscar didn’t get asked to the senior prom, but you did, and you had turned the offer down. Oscar asked you why, and you told him that you only wanted to go with him, otherwise you weren’t going. You’d dragged him back and forth from your table to the dance floor all night long, and it all would’ve faded into the mush of fleeting high school memories if your favorite song hadn’t come on. Oscar remembers every detail of how your eyes lit up, how you cried, “I love this song!” even though he knew you did, and how you’d grabbed his hands and started dancing with a refreshed energy. He felt like time had stopped and his world revolved around you, and it felt right.
So yeah, he knew the moment you gave him that look that not only did he still love you, but you finally, finally felt the same way. And, for the second time, he’d epically fucked it up.
He often wishes that he could go back and confess to you like he wanted to that night. You’d stayed over because you were too tired to drive home. You were both single. It was the perfect time. But now it’s four years later and he’s sitting in the hotel bathroom on the other side of the world, his girlfriend asleep in the hotel bed, and you on the other end of his phone screen picking at your sunburn that he could’ve prevented had he spent more time with you on vacation.
“You doing okay, Osc?” You ask, pulling on a hoodie of his that you stole from him before he left for his very first F1 race. “Aside from the races, I mean. I know you’re doing great with those.”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” The words come out with practiced ease. “I’d rather hear about how you’re doing though.” I miss you like you wouldn’t believe.
“I think I’ve told you everything like five times now,” you giggle. “I could tell you about the guy that came up to me in the grocery store this afternoon and took a painstakingly long time to ask for my number, but that’s not a long story.”
Oscar’s heart stops. “What?” He replies, teeth gritted, before he clears his throat and lightens his tone. “I mean, what?”
“Yeah, it was kind of strange. He started the conversation by asking me how you were doing, obviously, because you’re so cool and famous-” Oscar flips you off when you roll your eyes, and you laugh. “Anyway, I guess that was his icebreaker, because then he just abruptly segued into grilling me right there in the cereal aisle about my life and how he ‘couldn’t believe he’d never seen me before.’” You recount dramatically. “I’m telling you, Osc, it was nonstop cheesy line after cheesy line. I felt so bad for him I let him have my number.”
“So, he used me as an in and then harassed you until you gave him your number?”
You nod slowly. “Pretty much.”
“You better not actually be considering going out with this guy.” Oscar scoffs.
“Oh, no, I’m not!” You rush to clarify, and he can see a faint blush rising on your cheeks. “I mean, it’s not like I’m waiting for anyone-anything. He was just weird. I only gave him my number so he’d leave me alone… I blocked him when he texted me.”
“You’re horrible,” he starts laughing now, relieved that this guy never even stood a chance. “I love it.”
“You’re supposed to be encouraging me to get out there and find a boyfriend, loser. Brush up on the best friend manual.” You complain, pulling the hood over your head and hiding your face from him so he can’t see how much it hurts to think about finding someone that isn’t him.
He doesn’t notice anyway; he’s distracted by the sound of the covers moving and his girlfriend yawning.
You hear it too, and glance up at the camera. “You have to go?”
His heart breaks at how sad you look. “Yeah, sounds like she’s actually waking up this time. Sorry, honey.”
You shrug, and he knows you’re trying to appear unbothered. “It’s okay. We got, what, an hour and a half? That’s a whole extra 45 minutes or so.”
“You’re allowed to tell me how you really feel, y’know.”
“Damn it, Oscar. You just see right through me. I don’t know why I even bother.” You sigh, covering your face with your hands.
“I don’t know why, either,” he attempts to joke. “Look, I-”
“Oscar? Where are you?” His girlfriend calls, and you stiffen up at the sound of her voice.
“Be there in a minute!” He responds, turning his attention back to you. “I’ll call you again as soon as possible, okay?”
“Bye, honey.”
“Bye, Osc.”
You hang up first.
“I love you,” he whispers to his blank phone screen, and gets up to start his day.
You say it back to your own blank screen and go to sleep.
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Oscar comes to the steadfast conclusion that he wants you and only you at his side at his home race, and not as a friend.
Breaking up with his girlfriend still looms over him. He lies awake for way too long at night trying to figure out the nicest way to do it, but his thoughts always end up taking a detour to you and how he wishes it was you sleeping next to him instead.
Despite the struggle going on in his mind, he goes through the motions of PDA with her for all the cameras and other drivers in the paddock to see. Lando is the only one who realizes what his issue is.
“Mate, you have to figure this out.” The older driver said out of the blue as they were lounging in McLaren hospitality after qualifying.
“Huh?” Oscar frowned at him, tearing his eyes away from his texts with you. “I know I fucked up that quali, but it’s not like I can’t improve.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about, you muppet.” Lando rolled his eyes, and said your name like it’s obvious. “You just have to break up with the girl you’re with now so you can have the girl you really want.”
“You say that like it’s so simple.” Oscar mumbled, looking at the text from you that had just come in.
Just focus on the race, Osc. Quali’s behind you, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll be cheering you on, what could possibly go wrong??
“It is, if you think about it. Besides, you’ve been acting so weird lately she might already think something’s up.”
“Gee, thanks. That makes me feel a lot better.” Oscar groaned, sinking lower into his chair.
“Always here for you, mate.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“I don’t care.”
That enlightening conversation gets Oscar to finally work up the courage to tell his girlfriend those dreaded words following the race– “We need to talk.”
He waits until they’re in the hotel room after dinner to say it so there’s no audience, primarily because he knows that she’s prone to throwing fits when things don’t go her way. The memory of her losing her mind when he took you to breakfast during vacation comes screaming back to him at the speed of light.
She doesn’t say anything at first; instead, she takes her time removing her shoes and taking the pins out of her hair. Oscar can’t stand the silence, so he starts speaking again.
“It’s about-”
“I think I know what this is about.” She interrupts him.
“You do?”
“I’d have to be stupid not to know, Oscar. You’ve been off for the past few days, it’s only with me, and every time I wake up you’re hiding in the bathroom on the phone.” She holds up a hand when he opens his mouth. “I know it’s her, and I’ve known since that vacation. You don’t have to tell me.”
“You’re… you’re not gonna yell?” He can’t hide the surprise in his voice.
“It won’t get me anywhere, will it?”
“It never did.”
She smiles matter-of-factly. “I guess I have to work on that.”
She packs her things without argument. Oscar offers to buy her a plane ticket somewhere, but she waves him off and thanks him anyway before walking out the door.
The Australian Grand Prix is in two weeks. Oscar doesn’t think before he calls you.
“I’m coming home. I need to see you.”
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Your heart has been in your throat ever since Oscar called you this morning. He was so hasty that he didn’t even tell you when he was coming, so every little movement you see outside your window has you running to see if it’s him or not.
He doesn’t show up until almost 9:30 at night. You can hear the engine of his car as he flies through your neighborhood with practiced ease and nearly drifts into your driveway. Your stomach is jumping with nerves and excitement; you didn’t think you’d see him for another two weeks, and despite the awkwardness that your feelings have brought to your friendship, you want nothing more than to hug your best friend.
He starts impatiently knocking on the door as you nearly trip down the stairwell in your rush to let him in.
“Hold on!” You shout, fingers shaking as you unlock the door and wrench it open. “Are you trying to break my door?”
“Jokes later, let me hold you,” he says, reaching for you and meeting you in the middle of the doorway as he pulls you into his chest for a tight embrace.
You melt into him immediately, your arms wrapped around his neck and your nose pressed to the warm skin that peeks out of his hoodie. “I can’t believe you’re here,” you mumble, squeezing him.
He shivers, kissing the top of your head. “I’m here, baby.”
I’m sorry, baby. You think about that so much that it shouldn’t hurt anymore. It sobers your mood a little.
“Why, though?” You ask, pulling away a little to look at him. “Don’t you have things to be doing?”
“I may have forced them to clear my schedule by coming home without telling anyone.”
“Oscar!” You exclaim. “Why? You could get in trouble!”
“Can we talk inside?”
“Yeah, of course. C’mon.” You take his hand and lead him into your house.
He takes off his shoes, leaves his suitcase in the hall, and goes to your living room on autopilot, where he flops down on the couch and lets out a long breath. You sit next to him, knees bumping together as you look at him with a reasonable amount of concern. “You’re acting weird. What’s wrong with you?”
“I broke up with her.” He says, rolling his head to the side so he’s looking at you. “So, nothing’s wrong with me.”
“Bullshit, Osc, it seemed to me like you really liked her.”
“You didn’t, though.”
“Who cares what I think?” Your brain fully computes his words. “Wait- actually, no. I’m not even going to act surprised by the fact that you knew that.” You sigh.
“I care what you think. I care about you. A lot.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“I don’t think you do.” He sits up straighter now, turning his whole body to face you. “Like, in a romantic way.”
You blink at him a couple times. “No you don’t.”
“I don’t?” He repeats incredulously.
“You can’t. You don’t.” You say. “You’re lying.”
“I’m lying?” He says through a laugh. “You’ve known me your whole life. When have I ever lied to you?”
You press your lips together. The only time he’s ever lied to you is when he planned your surprise parties. “I’m gonna need you to do a really good job explaining yourself, otherwise I’m kicking you out. You can’t do this to me, Oscar, you know how I feel-”
“Yes, I do, and I’d love to explain if you’d stop spiraling for a second.” He interrupts, taking your hands to ground you.
You’re once again having the dilemma of wanting to push him away and pull him closer simultaneously. The pressure of his hands holding yours succeeds in calming you, so you allow it.
“The whole reason I knew how you felt in the first place is because of the way you looked at me in the kitchen. You didn’t notice, but I looked at you the exact same way at the prom.” He says, gauging your reaction by how your face contorts slightly as you try to remember the prom at all, aside from the fleeting memory of forcing him to slow dance with you. “That feeling like time stops? Like-”
“Like I got hit by a truck,” you recall, looking down as he runs his thumbs over your knuckles.
“Right.” He nods. “Look, the bottom line here is that I screwed up by not telling you then, and if I had, we would’ve been dating for years at this point and this conversation wouldn’t even be happening.”
You feel like you look like a fish out of water with how your jaw is opening and closing, searching for something to say in response. “Osc-”
“If this makes you change your mind, I get it.” He continues. “But the whole reason I came here is to tell you that I love you. I’m in love with you and I have been since we were 18.”
You go to muster up something to say in response when he says one more thing. “Oh, and I’m tired of only being able to see you through the phone. That’s the other reason.”
You can’t help it– that, paired with his polite cat smile, his flushed cheeks, and his confession has you dissolving into giggles. That quickly morphs into laughter that sends you leaning so far forward your head is practically in Oscar’s lap, but he doesn’t seem to mind because he’s laughing too.
“I hate you so much,” you gasp out, pushing yourself back up so you can look at him when you tell him the complete and total truth. “I’ve been in love with you since we were 14.”
“Shit, that means I have eight years to make up for, not four.”
“Sucks to suck.” You say, easily falling back into your age-old banter.
“You sound like Lando,” he says, wrinkling his nose. “And I was gonna ask if I could kiss you.”
“Ah, shoot. I ruined it.”
“Hmm, no. I’m gonna ask you anyway.” He shifts closer to you, brushing your hair out of your face with both hands. “Can I kiss you? Please?”
You start nodding before he even finishes asking, maybe too enthusiastically, but it’s Oscar. He knows you. He wants you. You don’t need to be embarrassed.
The press of his lips against yours is soft, gentle. You always thought that if you ever kissed Oscar it might be too weird, but the only thing you feel now is right.
It feels right to thread your fingers into his hair. It feels right to let him tug you closer, closer, closer, until you have no choice but to straddle him so you can be as close as he wants you. It feels right when his hands slip under your shirt and lightly run over the skin of your back, when his tongue meets yours, when you give his hair an experimental tug and he moans into your mouth.
The only thing wrong about it is that you have no choice but to break the kiss in order to breathe, but even then you don’t move far from each other, breaths mixing in the minimal space between you both.
“We could have been doing that for a long time,” Oscar sighs, throwing his head back against the couch.
“We have all the time in the world now that we stopped being idiots and confessed.” You point out.
“D’you think you can come to the race in a couple weeks? We can take it slow with this, no one needs to know… I just want you to be there.” He asks.
“Of course, Osc, are you kidding?” You run your hands over his shoulders and down to where his hands rest on your hips. “Though, if you win, I can’t promise no PDA or anything.”
“I’d expect nothing less from my girlfriend.” You can feel him tense up a little, like he’s expecting you to react negatively, but he relaxes immediately when your smile lights up your whole face and you kiss him again.
“I love you,” he whispers against your lips.
“I love you,” you whisper back.
No one else needs to hear it just yet. You only need to tell each other.
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note: i sincerely hope this made up for any tears i may have caused with the angst in the first part. this is the first time i’ve ever been inspired to write a part 2, and i think it’s because i desperately needed it to end happily. thank you so much for all the love on falling for you; i never expected it to get as much attention as it did!
requests are OPEN, and my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika !
tags (i’m sorry if i couldn’t tag you!): @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @niallerswolf @fangirl-dot-com @hood-jabi @vellicora @k-pevensie28 @cami26cami @arian-directioner @vildetry06 @hauntedphotographybookstaco @bigheartsthings @northpizzasposts @notturlover @riv3rbank @gesfjjsl @oliveisunstable @lily1sposts @sadbut-true0 @lilcowboy0 @alltoowelltaylor @kimis-gloves @superheroreader @alexmarie29 @anedpev @lalalaphie @waitingforsmartpeople @arrowenchantress @zillygoose @its-cat-eyes @gxllumsriddles @fionaschicken @mrsgeorgerussell63 @bre013 @lizzypiastri @blldsnjs @samantha-chicago @homosexualjohnwayne @opheliabluewolff @catbat011 @drivelikeiido @what-is-happening-helpp @decafmickey @tania2748 @steviesscoops @annahowardsworld
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vagabond-umlaut · 10 months
tryst, too tempest
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Icarus fell for loving the Sun.
You will, for loving your lover.
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▸ trueform!sukuna x wife!reader; 1.1k wc; comprises of elements inspired by the tale of 'hades and persephone' & 'fall of icarus'; warning: sukuna is sukuna, so expect the expected [mentions of violence, murder, cannibalism]; warning 2.0: the reader is not very keen to leave or not love her husband; uraume is the BEST WINGPERSON none of you two ever deserved but still got; FLUFF & ANGST & A MADLY DEVOTED LOVE YOU AND SUKUNA FEEL FOR EACH OTHER
▸ belongs to the series 'mine? yes, mine.' – same universe as the work 'six seeds, like rubies...' — but you can treat this as a stand-alone fic if you wanna!
▸ i don't own the characters, the image or the divider used. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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Foul winds howl through the land, the first year of your life as one Ryomen Sukuna's wife.
Servants cower before you the moment your shadow falls within their field of vision, yet their gaze stays steeped in pity and envy the entire time it remains trained on your feet. Grocers mumble to one another, eyes looking away when you move to look at the things in their shops. Even the very flora and fauna, you loved so much growing up, writing poems on them from the day you knew how to pen a poem– even the same flora and fauna feels so foreign to you—
"You do realize your importance to Master, don't you?"
Uraume's quiet question floats in through your thoughts, much akin a gentle breeze creating small ripples over the water surface. You smile. "Given how I haven't been eaten by him or sent to be murdered by his subordinate curses, I think I do."
Emotion, too similar to humor, flits across the mien of your husband's loyal follower — you decide not to think much of it. Too many days of having only them as someone to speak to, outside of requesting for a second serving of the soup or asking for the cost of yukata, has led to you imagining a smile on a person who is famous for their poker face. Shaking your head, you return to your poems, the quill fluttering over the roll of parchment you found lying at the breakfast today morning, and let out a content sigh — only for your peace of mind to be broken by the bursting of a guard into the garden, appearing too terrorstruck to utter a single coherent word.
It takes you nothing save one glance, moving from him to Uraume to your ink-stained fingers, before you find yourself keeping the papers on the ground beside and rising, feet breaking into a hasty giddy run down the corridors of the palace to the throne room where, certainly enough–
"I was under the impression you've run away in the extra while I spent sleeping, wife."
The world around you comes to a dead stop as the visage of Sukuna comes into your line of sight; you feel your heart skip two beats then begin a thundering rhythm against your ribcage.
Four years ago, if someone were to tell you there is someone who is going to free you from the gilded cage you were forced to call 'home', is going to share with you his name and is going to be the reason you will ponder the meaning of love, you would have given them a second of your time before walking away with a polite excuse.
One year before, if someone were to tell you there is someone who is going to free you from the gilded cage you were forced to call 'home', is going to share with you his name and is going to be the reason you will ponder the meaning of love, you would have huffed a quiet laugh. The first two have already come to pass (with too many lives lost and too many lives threatened) — yet the very last prediction? You would have considered it to be highly improbable, if not outright impossible.
Yet, now, if someone were to tell you the same three things, you think you wouldn't have shown much of a reaction. You would have simply turned to that 'someone' mentioned in the prediction, and gazed and gazed and gazed–
"I left the roll of parchment you bought for Mistress at the breakfast table, just as you asked, Master," Uraume's voice cuts your thoughts into half and you twist to catch them offer you both a very deep bow before hurrying out, to the left towards the kitchen, four baskets full of radishes in their arms.
You look back at your husband, only to find him seated stiffly on his throne, eyes landing anywhere but you. Stifling a giggle, you tilt your head to the side.
"Why do you act so embarrassed, my king?" you ask, stepping a timid step towards him, then another. Gleaming ruby eyes dart to your face then to your approaching feet. Something tingles through your veins. Climbing the stairs leading to him, you hum, smiling, "I don't think it's embarrassing – quite the opposite, in fact. To me, giving one's wife a thoughtful gift as that... it seems quite adorable to me."
"Be careful of your words, woman," the King of Curses growls, rising and taking a large menacing step in your direction; your smile grows intentionally too innocent, which does apparently nothing to quell his increasing fury: the precise outcome you've been wishing so fervently for.
He pulls you by the waist, flush to himself and lowers his lips close to yours, tantalizingly so. He smells very strongly of those bath salts you bought from a travelling merchant three moons back; faintly of blood and death, of the priest he diced last night after dinner — you wonder if you're worthy to be called a human, after finding the curse you have sworn yourself to forever, so terribly dear despite these.
Certainly not — but you reckon you're too far gone to care anyways, so you stop wondering such things – and lift yourself on your tiptoes to brush your lips with your husband's, then pull away a touch, words leaving your lips in a breathy whisper.
"What if I'm not careful with my words? What will you do then, hm? Will you devour me like the monster everyone says you are? Or, will you throw me away like everyone warns me you will one day– when you find someone prettier, smarter, better than me, huh?"
Two moments pass in pin-drop silence between the two of you.
Barking a noisy guffaw, Sukuna weaves his fingers through your hair, still damp from the bath you took a short time ago, and plants a deep kiss to your lips. Then parts his lips from yours, although a mere hair's breadth away, and grins, features teeming with that exotic species of malevolence you never saw yourself regarding to be charming.
Until your gaze met with his, one fated evening, that is.
Your nails dig crescents into the broad muscles of his shoulders.
Your lover's grin sharpens. "Let time tell the tale— yes, my queen?"
The next morning, you find a dozen or so heads waiting for you at the breakfast table, severed by a neat slice at the root of their neck– eyes and mouths which once looked down on your wedding with the King, frozen forever now in a scream of terror.
Forsaking the wonted theme of nature, you decide to pen a poem on scathing, soothing love, instead.
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or... everyone: your husband is a despicable monster!!! you: uh-huh everyone: he might leave you for someone better!!! you: uh-huh everyone: you better not stay in this union anymore. you: nuh-nuh. i'm so gonna stay and love and fuck my hubby <3
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riiwrites · 5 months
boyfriend!dazai who…
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a/n : for my love @perfectlyjollyland who requested this ages ago but i didn’t see until recently because i only pay attention to my inbox! im so sorry ill be checking comments too next time, hope you’re well! <3
a/n : also i hope you’re okay with the pre-boyfriend/before boyfriend part, i just thought that’d be cute i love lovesick!dazai sooo much.. more boyfriend dazai under the cut!!
chuuyas version | atsushis version
dividers used belong to @/benkeibear
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pre-boyfriend!dazai who at the start asks you for a double suicide (as per usual), but when you give him the cutest smile and giggle and say no, he knows he’s too deep in now.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who becomes head over heels when he first meets you and now has a new mission, making you reciprocate those feelings.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who loves the cliches, the random ‘anonymous’ love notes on your desk when you’re at work or the random flowers delivered to your workplace/home - he loves it all.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who respects your boundaries if you were to tell him to lay off or if he was making you uncomfortable.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who finally gives up..gives up throwing hints and just decides to take his shot.
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“So..say, if a handsome stranger who’s kind of not a stranger since you know him as an acquaintance asks you out because he’s given up with all of the deadpanned hints he’s been giving you for the past few months but he’s kind of scared of being rejected..what would you say?”
You stare him with a few blinks as he looks at you with a great smile on his face, although you can see subtle drops of sweat dripping down the side of his temple.
"..Is this said handsome stranger you, perchance?”
Dazai let’s out a single laugh, placing his hands on his hips.
“Ha! How bold of you, though..I am charmed your first thought of this handsome stranger would be me, bella~” He coyly smirks, closing his eyes in what you can’t tell is either pride or suspense.
You furrow your eyebrows with a little smile, fixing up your paperwork as you place them on the desk. “No, I just figured since it was you who’s been leaving such persistent and eager notes on my desk as of late.”
You watch his expression slightly change as he lets out a cough of embarrassment, locking eyes with you now.
“Well..” He starts, then gives up halfway through.
“..Is it a yes?”
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pre-boyfriend!dazai who not only is taken by surprise by your response, but his heart does a few jumps in joy as his efforts became a success, making him now your boyfriend.
boyfriend!dazai who has his hand down your back pocket whenever you two are walking together.
boyfriend!dazai who’s love language is both physical touch and acts of service, always having his hands on you in the littlest way and also providing the most he can to his s/o.
boyfriend!dazai who has the reputation of being quite the flirtatious one, gives it up to his precious s/o.
boyfriend!dazai who googles cheesy and dirty pickup lines to try and rizz you with, always ending them in a winky face.
boyfriend!dazai who sends you little messages every day now that he has your number, little words of affirmations and talks to get you ready for your days.
boyfriend!dazai who if he had a tiktok account he’d make slideshows of you two and repost videos of couples relating to you two.
boyfriend!dazai who you spend all of your holidays with, especially christmas and new years.
boyfriend!dazai who practically lives at your house now, but nobody’s complaining.
boyfriend!dazai who has a box of every little thing you’ve given him, so when he’s feeling down he can look at it and smile.
boyfriend!dazai who tries to keep you away from his past, to protect you from the ugly truth.
boyfriend!dazai who opens up about oda, not all of it but most of it since he believes oda would’ve liked you.
boyfriend!dazai who takes you to the places he has the fondest memories in. the lupin bar, the art gallery, the agency.
boyfriend!dazai who appreciates the little things, as he’s not someone who can afford much he tries to give you the best he can.
boyfriend!dazai who always argues that he loves you more trying to get the last word and when you think you have it, you hear a little mumble of “I love you more” as you walk away.
boyfriend!dazai who loves your hands, tracing the lines of your palm and fingers and creating little shapes on them makes him feel at peace.
boyfriend!dazai who can be possessive but in a good way, he has good reasons to be possessive.
boyfriend!dazai who when he sees someone give you a half lidded smirk or bedroom eyes, he gives them a deadly stare that could imprint on their skull as he wraps an arm around your waist.
boyfriend!dazai who constantly babbles on about you at work with the agency, always telling Atsushi about the cutest things that you did the night before or what you did the day before that.
“Ahh..and the way they just clench their fists at their sides when they are angry with me! Ah~ I could melt..”
“That’s..really nice, Dazai-san..”
“Oh! And the way they grab my hand so tightly when we’re in public ahhh~ I could melt!”
“Ahhh, and the way the-“
boyfriend!dazai who ends up with about 14 wounds all over his body because of kunikidas beatings..kunikida says he’s lucky it wasn’t 15.
boyfriend!dazai who you take care of at his lowest.
boyfriend!dazai who sometimes can’t understand why you put up with him, but you reassure him with words and kisses all over his face.
boyfriend!dazai who peppers your face with kisses back and gives you a small smile despite how sad he can feel.
boyfriend!dazai who watches the fireworks with you and doesn’t think of going out just as beautifully because why would he let such a precious thing slip out of his hands like that?
boyfriend!dazai who doesn’t care about himself or his mental health, but cares the most about yours.
boyfriend!dazai who once felt like he was drowning, but then found his light to the surface who has a smile of diamonds and a heart of gold.
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TAGLIST : @hauntedsol @hopefulpain @forgotten-blues @ruru-kiss @texas-bitch-yee @lvstyangel @thetizzler @is-therelife-onmars @atlasnessie @101strawberries101 @reesesnieces @suzurans-world @mackereland-slug @heartsfourdazai @iratherowan @onlinewhisper14 @nomnomventi
white = unable to be tagged :(
@/riiwrites - reblogs are highly appreciated ❤︎︎
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lalal-99 · 2 months
Kitty’s New Best Friend {l.f.}
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113 "Either I'm insane or you were just masturbating in our living room." 133 "You're being shy now? Really?" 141 "How many times have you jerked off to me?"
Felix x afab!reader | trope: friends to lovers, roommates | wordcount: 2.4k
Synopsis: When your roommate comes home unexpectedly, he finds you in a compromising position on the living room couch, moaning his name. Fortunetly, he's had a hunch about your feelings for a while, and he's willing to help you out.
Warnings: explicit content | dni if your under 18
Smut Tags: Smut | Explicit Sexual Content | Porn with some Plot | Fluff and Smut | Mutual Pining | Semi-Public Masturbation | Oral Sex (reader rec.) | Teasing
Note: I wrote three different version of this over the past two years. This one was the best one, by a mile. Hope you enjoy. Please leave comments, if you want to encourage more content.
Again, thanks @jl-micasea-fics for letting me use your prompts. I know it's been two years, but still, credit where its due :)
Taglist: @skzho @bubblelixie @flakywig @itsallaboutkey @avyskai @mekuiikore @changbiddies0325 @knowleeknow @sensitiveandhungry @svintsandghosts @poutypoutybin @hyunjinswifeee @sunlitwilderness
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He didn’t use to appear in your dirty dreams.
Only months ago, you didn’t need to put a face on the main character of your fantasies—the imagination itself enough to get you going.
That had certainly changed.
It could have been Felix sauntering your shared apartment without a shirt one too many times. It could have been the shoulder to cry on he had lent you after your ex. Hell, it could have even been as trivial as a kind smile for no apparent reason.
Your brain simply shut off and your kitty assumed control. Universally deciding that your roommate was a fitting image to get turned on to.
Now, his face made an appearance in every single one of your daydreams.
When Felix emerged from his room in nothing but a pair of loose hanging sweatpants, your mind went right back to it. It was ridiculous. You didn’t even listen to where he went off to, your fingers already running over his creamy skin in your mind. You felt like a teenager, arousal taking over you the second Felix left the apartment.
None of your other roommates were home which was fortunate. Sure, you could have gone to your bedroom to be safe. But how could you, when the heat reached you right there in the living room. Like it had happened in the shower a few days ago after Felix had sneaked in to get his lotion. You had told him you didn’t mind when in reality, you did. Just not in the way he might have thought.
That day and in your following fantasy, he hadn’t left, but instead joined you under the hot water.
Humming Felix’s name at the sound of your fingers running through your folds, you internally scolded yourself for thinking this way about him. A boy who was so innocently oblivious, he probably had no idea you even jerked off in the first place. Someone so sweet, he brought you candy when you were on your period, brewed you tea after a long day, or gave you massages when... Well, whenever you wanted one.
You were completely immersed in the scenario you had set up in your head, knot in your stomach tightening. So much so your brain took a second too long to recognise the familiar sound of his keys.
Things went very fast from there.
The door opened and Felix walked in to the sight of you. Rushing your hand out of your shorts, your neckline was red from the heat, your hair messier than when he had left. Mere minutes earlier.
“Felix? What the hell are you doing here?” you questioned, shock written on your features. “I thought you went out.”
“I—“ He scanned the situation and before you could stop him, he figured it out. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I went to get some snacks for the movie.”
Oh yes! The memory of your short conversation suddenly came back to you.
Felix had come out of his room, shirtless, recognising the movie playing on the TV in front of you. He had asked you to pause it, so you could watch it together once he came back from the store. Getting you snacks and a bottle of your favourite white, like the perfect roomie he was.
“Were you…” A smirk appeared on Felix’s face as his view wandered down your body to your pants. “Either I’m insane, or you were just masturbating in our living room.” Noticing your eyes shifting and your cheeks reddening in the light of the TV, he yelped. “Oh my God, you were masturbating, weren’t you?”
You struggled finding another excuse that could explain your hands down your pants. Not that it mattered, anyway. Nothing you said, no explanation you could have given, would get your roommate to believe he hadn’t just walked in on you.
Felix placed the grocery bag on the kitchen counter and strode over to the couch, sliding on next to you. The shit-eating grin on his face only heightened your embarrassment. Not so innocent after all, now that he held something over your head.
“Stop being so smug. It’s not like you don’t do it.” You scratched an invisible itch on your neck.
“But I don’t do it out here where everyone can walk in. Do you have no shame?” Felix was teasing you now, the previously cutesy behaviour shifting. You couldn’t quite pinpoint his demeanour, but it almost seemed seductive. Like, he was definitely flirting, and not in his usual, sweet way. If his next words were anything to go by, it felt even more so. “Or did you want me to walk in on you?”
You almost choked on your saliva. “What? No! Of course not.”
The redness on your face darkened further.
Why would he ever suggest that you had masturbated out in the living room on purpose? Unless… Maybe, subconsciously, you had done just that. Perhaps you wanted to make use of the possibility, him walking in on you. So he could finally help you scratch the itch himself. Not his imaginary self, but the real one, in all his glory. Could your brain have betrayed you like that, without you noticing?
You didn’t quite know what to think.
“It’s fine. I won’t tell anyone about this.” Somehow, that relieved you. Not like you had expected Felix to go around, gloating about it. It still relaxed you to hear it from the man himself. “I only have one question, then we can stop talking about it. Forever.”
Your jaw dropped at his words. So he was blackmailing you now, too? Felix, out of all people. Nice Felix, who never hurt a fly. Cute Felix, whose love language were hugs and cuddles. Smug Felix, who somehow had the upper hand right now.
Your kitty purred at his intrigue, surprising even yourself.
“How many times have you jerked off to me?”
You must have had a mini heart attack at that very second. Unfortunately, you didn’t land in heaven. If anything, this was hell.
“You heard me,” Felix replied, bottom lip wandering between his teeth. “And I heard you, moaning my name before. So, how often do you think about me?”
“I don’t— I didn’t— I mean— What?” You were sweating now, unable to form simple sentences. And that was before his hand landed on your naked thigh, squeezing. That’s when you lost the ability to breathe, stomach tensing.
“You’re being shy now? Really?” As his fingers drew figure eights onto your skin, they wandered further up your leg until he reached the hem of your shorts. He played with the band, keeping his irises on you, and your kitty hissed. His proximity was a dangerous game. “What if I told you, I’ve been thinking about it, too?”
What. The. Fuck?
He leaned in, lips close enough to feel his breath on you, and you got dizzy. You didn’t remember drinking any alcohol, but you damn well felt like it. As though you had gotten intoxicated, high, and now you were left to deal with the aftermath.
“Been thinking about you so much. Taking you in your room. In the shower. On this very couch. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” His fingers entered your pants, playing with the hem of your underwear. Your breath hitched when his hand cupped you, smirk so close to your face you could hear it. Felix clicked his tongue when he felt your wetness. “I knew it. Not so shy now, are we?”
And you weren’t. Shy, that was. Overwhelmed, sure. Embarrassed, yes. But not shy. Not when you detected the tent in his own sweatpants. Felix wanted this, just like you. Felix was your roommate, best friend and now, potential lover. If anything, you felt most comfortable around him.
The feeling heightened when he gave you a gentle push, urging you to lay back. Felix’s face remained so close to yours, eyes glued to each other as he situated himself above you. His fingers started teasing as he leaned down, faintly pressing his lips to your pulse point. Your eyes stood wide open, searching the ceiling for possible answers to the one question you had.
How the fuck had this happened?
Felix kissed down your body, through the valley of your chest and over your tank top. Right down to your shorts. He must have been able to smell you, but you didn’t care. It was Felix, after all, the boy straight out of your dreams.
“Y/N,” his soft voice called you to catch your attention. When you met his gaze, the world stopped for a moment. The lust had momentarily vanished from his irises and what overtook was care and love. “Tell me to stop, and I will.”
“Don’t.” Your answer couldn’t have come faster, and you meant it. Under no circumstances did you want him to stop. Ever.
With that, the primate inside him gained back control, ridding you of your pants and underwear. All the while, Felix’s stare remained on your face, smiling between kisses he planted on your naked stomach. As though he wanted to capture all your focus and wouldn’t let you divert your eyes for anything.
A last smile sent your way and he dove in.
Your mouth stood agape as you watched him, connect his mouth to your clit, lightly sucking. You spread your legs so he could slot between them, and slot, he did. Key fitting in a lock, he kept your knees apart with his body, the whole couch becoming your playground.
Felix nibbled on your clit like it was sweet candy, gazes locked as his tongue came into play. Prodding, exploring. He looked sinful, like a devilish angle as his blonde locks tickled your bare thighs. A fucking dream-come-true, in the most literal sense.
Licking down your folds, he tasted you, humming in delight. His own personal five course meal.
Early on, you had been taught to never eat with your hands. That it was rude and crude, and ill-mannered. When Felix did it, it was nothing if not delicious. To watch, to hear, his fingers spreading you and entering in soft, gentle strokes.
Soon enough, he was three fingers in, knuckles-deep, petting the sensitive spot so deep you never reached it yourself. And there he was, doing it with so much ease, over and over. Kitty’s new best friend.
For a moment, you lost control, throwing your head back with a loud moan. When Felix squeezed your thigh, gently but determined, you brought your head back.
“Eyes on me, Kitten.”
A whimper at the nickname made him smirk as he scissored you open. His tongue prodded against your opening in sync, delightful as your stomach tensed.
“Oh, fuck—” You brought your hand to his head, tangling your fingers in his hair. Guiding him, at least as much as he let you. “Please.”
Cocking his head, Felix teased you, playfully confused by your words.
“Please, I need you. Inside. Please.”
With one last calm suck on your nub, he snaked his way up your body. Fingers remained inside you for now, distracting you.
“But I already am. You have to be more specific, Kitten.”
You clenched at the words, and he visibly noticed.
“Your cock. I need you inside me. Please, Felix.” If those words hadn’t driven him crazy already, persuading him, your next ones sure did. “Kitten needs your cock.”
He groaned, fingers coming up to touch your lips. You opened them, licking over his moist rings and he lost himself in the sight. “Such crude words for such a cute Kitten.”
Smearing the last of your essence over your mouth, he began licking it off, taking his sweet time. And then finally, after he had already done much more intimate, he kissed you. Careful and collected turned to desperate and chaotic as tongues melted into one.
Kissing Felix was natural, like you had done it so many times before. And you would have continued doing it, if it hadn’t been for the more pressing issues.
When you bucked up into him, rubbing your naked crotch against his clothed one, he smirked into the kiss. “Eager Kitten.”
“Desperate,” you corrected, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him into you.
Felix drew away to rid himself of his shirt, kneeling on top of you. It must have been the hottest thing you had ever been lucky enough to witness. As he untied the knot in his sweats, your sight remained on his toned torso. Sculptured abs followed a set of muscular pecs and his prominent collar bones. You wanted to kiss every inch of his body, wanted to lick it and bite it, too. That was if he let you.
But not right now. Not when all you wanted was for him to devour you like his favourite desert.
Like the absolute menace he was, Felix tugged the hem of his sweats down, revealing the absence of underwear. And to think he walked around the apartment like that, unsucked. It was a real shame.
He stroked himself a couple of times, the other hand running through his messy locks. An undeniable God in human form.
You might have even been drooling, but before you could check, he hovered over you again. “Like what you see?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, curling upwards to connect your lips again.
With your legs still around his hips, it was easy for Felix to position himself. Your walls were clenching already, craving penetration. Some relief. Anything. It didn’t actually matter, as long as it was Felix doing it.
“You know,” he mumbled between kisses, tugging at your lip. It was in that moment, as he was so close, that you noticed the desire in his eyes. But it wasn’t just desire, but so much more. Adoration. Longing. Attraction. Love. “If you had told me about your secret from the start, we could have done this months ago.”
How he had come to know about your infatuation? You had no head to figure it out right that moment.
“However, we do have a lot to make up for. Better get to it, right?”
When Felix slid into you, your eyes rolled back into your head as your breath got caught in your lungs. Finally, after months of distanced yearning, he scratched the same itch that had plagued you for so long.
And your kitty was satisfied at last.
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Masterlist Leave your thought
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onlyswan · 7 months
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summary: in which jungkook loves to see you smile and you are the god of mischief.
idol!jungkook x reader, est. relationship / fluff / word count: 2.6k
content/warnings: mention of childhood insecurity, mention of biting during s*x, jk is very touchy, they watch a movie and the guard thinks they’re doing sumn nasty bc they’re both a menace honestly 😭, jk accidentally bites his lower lip and bleeds
> in which masterlist!
note: hi !! this is a repost of a drabble i wrote two (?) years ago but accidentally deleted lololol so if you’ve read it before that’s why! but this is now an edited version with a new title <3
jungkook calls your attention out of nowhere, pausing the movie playing on the tablet you’re holding. the frown painted on his face is difficult to miss.
“i have a question.”
“so randomly?” you raise an eyebrow. “ask me then.”
“why do you cover your face when you’re happy?”
the wide-eyed look of genuine curiosity on his face is identical to yesterday’s, when he asked you what the word ineffable meant after hearing it in a song.
the question prompts you to take a glance at the screen, where a sophisticated woman has a hand over her mouth as she giggles with her elite acquaintances about an old but classic rich husband joke.
“it’s not that it bothers me, i just- i’ve noticed it lately and i-i wish to see you smiling and laughing more freely, you know?” he tries his best to choose his words carefully, offering you a kind smile as he lovingly caresses your head. “it makes me happy when i see you happy.”
“oh,” you blink at him, mind going blank as you attempt to form an answer in your head. his touch isn’t exactly helping you either— you just want to melt into him and not think of anything at all, float on cloud-nine and stay there forever.
however, seeing as he asked you the question out of the blue, he must’ve been thinking about it a lot. you’ve only been dating for a few months, so it’s understandable for him to eagerly seek the answers to his curiosities and observations. if anything, it feels nice to learn he gives this much attention to you— possibly notices things you don’t even know about yourself. for a split second the thought crosses your mind, that beyond a consciousness, you are tangible and real.
“it’s a habit i guess? when my teeth were falling out for the first time as a kid, i became insecure, so i decided that i’d just smile without showing my teeth from then on. like this.”
you demonstrate by lifting up the corners of your lips.
“and yeah-”
as if he’s helplessly pulled by the magnet of attraction, he leans down to kiss you and interrupt your sentence.
“i’d cover my face when i couldn’t contain my smile or laugh. and even when they grew back, it felt weird. like my smile didn’t belong to my face? if that even makes sense.”
“yah, that’s not true! you’re very pretty whether you’re smiling, or crying and-” his warm hand cups your cheek, and he stupidly grins as he’s about to say something cheesy. “even when you’re just breathing.”
the corners of your lips rise again. this time, it’s genuine.
“oh? how romantic.” you scrunch your nose cutely, and his heart flutters.
you hold onto his wrist, revelling in the way his thumb softly traces shapes on your skin.
“i’m over that, though. it was so long ago. i don’t think about it obsessively anymore at least. it’s really just a habit i haven’t gotten rid of.” you reassure him, meaning every word that you say.
we all have our secrets and fears that we keep only to ourselves, that much is understood between the two of you. there are circumstances in which withholding information is necessary. however, the one big promise you made to each other is to never lie. honesty and trust. ease and consolation. every word, every syllable hanging from your lips an addition to the naked history of your love. passed down stories. confessions. blurry memories. shutter sounds. curses. laughter. song dedications. that much is true.
“why are you looking at me like that?” you bite the inside of your cheek to conceal a smile, beguiled by his love drunk eyes seemingly stunned by your mere presence beside him.
“like what, baby?”
you shy away from his gaze. “like you’re either thinking that i hang the stars on the sky every night… or that you want to eat me alive.”
to confirm your words true, he takes your hand and sinks his teeth on the flesh of your palm where your thumb is connected. his wide doe eyes peer at you innocently, sparkling like of a little kid eating the fluffy pancakes he’s been craving since last night.
the latter might sound like a joke to others, but jungkook does eat you alive. almost. basically. you’re not even shocked at the act anymore. soon enough, you’ll memorize the mark of his teeth carving their mark on your skin, both in sexual and non-sexual setting.
“babe,” you send him a bewildered stare. “i really don’t think i taste as good as you make me out to be.”
he parts away with his eyebrows knitted in disagreement. “not true. you’re yummy.”
“oh, shut up!” you burst into a fit of giggles. your hands automatically attempts to fly to your face, but he has your wrists bound with his secure grip. you don’t resist. you only laugh harder when your sight lands on your hands tangled together.
“there’s ____’s beautiful smile.” he coos, proceeding to pepper your face with appreciative kisses.
and you fold. your back lands on the soft mattress, and your belly starts aching from laughter when he purposely blows on the spot on your neck where you’re most ticklish. hot tears gather at the corner of your eyes, and jungkook watches them fall down your temples as his lips graze your skin and your body shakes underneath him.
tears of joy and pleasure are the only tears you’re going to shed, he promises himself. you’re going to smile and make flowers bloom everyday, he promises you and the earth.
your teeth chattering from the cold is a shy away from your awkward smile, he notices the endearing resemblance as you shiver beside him.
“hmm, what did i tell you about cinema one?” he teasingly asks as he draws back the armrest that serves as a divider between the two of you.
“that it’s fucking cold in there-” you surrender, tone sounding annoyed. “here. whatever!”
“and who still decided to wear their smallest pieces of clothing?” he continues to taunt you while he pulls you into his body’s natural warmth.
you sigh, whether it’s in relief or annoyance, you’re not quite sure.
“i just wanted to wear my new cute clothes.” you whisper-shout.
the giant screen is still playing trailers of the upcoming movies this year, and you’re already mentally updating your calendar to accommodate them despite your hectic schedule. a two-hour vacation, you would always describe films.
he chuckles, and more shivers run down your spine at the deep and raspy sound being so close to your ear. “you do look cute today, baby.”
he catches the cloth of your skirt between his fingers, and somehow, he ends up squeezing the soft flesh of your thigh. you swallow thickly, unconsciously closing your thighs together and trapping his hand in between them.
“thank you, handsome.” you grip his wrist to move it away. you tut. “no silly business, though. i really want to watch this movie.”
his shoulders drop dramatically in disappointment. “okay… want to sit on my lap so i can keep you warm then?”
you look behind you to see that there’s no people sitting on your side, so no one’s view would get blocked if you were to agree to his proposition. the room is practically empty, with a few scattered people sitting on the sides.
you spend the first fifteen minutes of the movie in comfort and bliss, with your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you. he took off his jacket earlier, and he splayed it over your lap as to not neglect the goosebumps rising all over your freezing legs.
“so stubborn,” jungkook muttered under his breath while he was taking off the jacket, an amused smile etched on his lips. you would’ve felt bad, but you knew he likes doing these things for you, so you only playfully stuck your tongue out at him.
look, to be fair, it is your first time in this cinema. you’ve been on many dates at this theater with jungkook, but for some reason, you’ve never watched a movie in cinema one until tonight. it’s cold in the other three cinemas as well, the kind of cold you’ve gotten comfortable with, so when jungkook booked the tickets last night and told you ‘it’s really cold in there, wear something warmer,’ you thought he was just being ridiculous.
hah, how cold could it possibly be? right?
fine, jungkook is right. you are stubborn.
and you prove it once more when a flashlight shines over your face. the security guard holding it approaches your seat- wait, no, jungkook’s seat. jungkook is your seat. what?!
“i’m sorry, but only one person can sit on the chair. please comply.”
you trace the direction of her eyes to find jungkook’s hands tucked underneath the jacket on your lap, resting on your inner thighs to steal their warmth. you send him a sharp glare, but it doesn’t affect him one bit. he only shrugs, obviously hiding a smirk as he pretends to be the most innocent person in the room.
you pull up the armrest next to you with a pout, slipping back into your original seat against your wishes.
“he was just warming up his hands. i promise!” you whisper not so subtly to the guard.
she only clears her throat and awkwardly nods in response, walking up the stairs to observe the rest of the movie watchers.
you bury your face in your hands as your body vibrates with mirth mixed with humiliation, and jungkook’s jaw nearly falls on the floor.
“sometimes i can’t believe you’re real. how do you never get shy?”
“i was just clearing things up!” you whine, hitting his arm using the side of a closed fist, which he massages with a squeaked ‘ouch.’ “you’re the one who put me in a compromising situation!”
“well, nobody told me taking care of my girlfriend was a crime!”
you carry on with watching the movie after that embarrassing scene, and you’ve forgotten that you’re cold until you’re uncontrollably shivering again. you begin rubbing your arms in a pathetic attempt to get rid of the goosebumps, but you eventually abandon all hope.
you sadly look over at your boyfriend to plead for help once more, but he has gotten too engrossed with the film to feel a pair of shaking pupils beseech him intensely. he finally opened the box of popcorn he’s been saving for the climax.
and he was the one who wanted to do something other than watch the movie.
you grimace.
you are no stranger to his confusing attention span.
after carefully studying the room to ensure the guard is no longer in sight, you unceremoniously climb on jungkook’s lap again. your actions cause some pieces of popcorn to fall from the box, and he scrambles to stuff them all in his mouth before the powder stains any of your clothes. yours are new, after all.
his face displays a puzzled expression, screaming i thought this was supposed to be a compromising situation?! and his soft rosy cheeks on the other hand-
“you look like a chipmunk who got caught in the headlights stealing food with its mouth full.”
the screen flashes a frame of the clear, blue sky in the aftermath of a ferocious storm. it sends the fleeting sunlight to shine on your face— just long enough for him to capture the image of how pretty you are when you giggle, and most of all, how your hand moves to cover your face, but drops on his arm before it could reach its intended destination.
he recognizes it as a conscious effort, and he feels a tug in his heart. his sweet, precious lover. you will never do anything wrong in his eyes, he thinks to himself as he hugs you closer for a kiss. the feeling of your smile against his lips might just be one of his most favorite things in the world.
he pulls away with a toothy grin to match yours, offering you the box of popcorn. the beautiful smile you claimed to not belong on your face lingers as you turn it down and sip on the lemonade instead. and then it simmers down to your usual mellow smile, to a deep frown, until your lips quiver as the resolution of the film reduces you into a puddle of tears.
jungkook likes to keep mental notes about you.
an excerpt from today:
1. how to make ____ smile? act cute.!! :)
2. how to make ____ cry? watch a son and mother reunite after eighteen long years.
p.s. i think i cried harder, but quieter ????
3. how to make ____ angry mad furious? kill off the said mother unnecessarily at the end of the movie for the sake of shu shock value.
the lights turn on all at the same time as the credits start rolling down on the plain black screen. your body slumps back on your boyfriend, drained by the series of overwhelming events that transpired in the past two hours. he waves his hand infront of your face, but your eyes remain unfocused and unblinking.
“this is the worst movie i have ever seen in my life. four out of five stars.”
he snorts at your unseriousness. “that is the most stars you’ve given this month. and it’s the 29th.”
“see? it’s the worst! i’m going to have nightmares!” you cry out with an exaggerated shudder, grabbing his forearms to envelope yourself in his embrace.
“honestly, pushing her off the cliff was a bit too mu-” his sentence gets rudely cut off when your shoulder accidentally hits his chin. you scrambled to go back to your seat, and this escalated to him accidentally biting the inside of his lower lip. the unusual mix of the bitter and salty taste of metal permeates his tongue as an unexplainable expression spreads across his face.
on the other hand, you’re too preoccupied with mischievously smiling at the guard standing down on the floor. she measures you up with a displeased look worse than earlier’s, but much to your relief, she proceeds to walk out after scanning the room one last time.
“baby!” jungkook yells in pain to grab your attention, jutting out his bottom lip to show you the wound that you inflicted.
“oh my god- shit, shit, shit-” you curse, digging your hand in your bag in search of your handkerchief. “i’m so sorry!”
you press the cloth on the bleeding, profusely apologizing to him with a wince. “i panicked! i’m sorry, i’m sorry!”
he pushes your wrist away for a moment, doe eyes squinting at you accusingly. “you just wanted to play around with her, didn’t you?”
you chew on your bottom lip, the sight of blood that has stained the handkerchief sends a pang of guilt across your chest. “sorry… her face- she was just so funny.”
“fuck, why are you like this?!” he throws his head back with a bright laugher that echoes throughout the theater. “ah, you’re so adorable!”
“come back here!” you scold him, holding his face in your hands to crane it back down.
he juts out his bottom lip again, but his body continues to vibrate with lighthearted chortles.
“does it hurt?”
“it hurts…! i think i might seriously cry!” he answers despite his high tolerance for pain, distorting the truth so that he could drown himself in the gratifying feeling of being doted on by you.
he writes another mental note as you inspect his wound, repetitive bloopers playing in the background of the love bubble the two of you share.
4. ____ likes playing games with strangers. must protect with my life.
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask/dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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hee0soo · 29 days
Bumps and Paws
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Pairing — ChoiSanxafab!Reader
Summary — A pregnancy brings many unknown things with itself but what you didn't expect was Byeol becoming this attached...
Genre — fluff, established Realationship, Idol!Au
Warnings — pregnancy, mentions of nausea
Wordcount — 1.2k
Rating — pg-13
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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When you had first met San all those years ago, you hadn't thought much about the future. Still in university and working 2 jobs on the side were enough to keep your mind from wandering that far and going on dates was certainly nothing you wanted to think about while exam season was right around the corner!
You weren't prepared for the bright smiles and cheeky winks the small boy getting coffee for what seemed like an army threw at you and you certainly weren't prepared for being asked out on a hectic day during rush hour that had you stammering a shocked, "Yes?" and the little skip in the boys step as he left the café you worked at only to realize that he didn't have a way to contact you and run back in in panic.
If you were to be honest with yourself, the awkward and still somehow charming boy had managed to break through the chains you had locked your heart with in the span of mere seconds that day. You weren't one to  believe in love at the first sight but something that day made you think that maybe it wasn't entirely impossible...
It wasn't always easy. Between his admitting to being a trainee at a small label, long nights of studying, working and barely being able to see each other with his hectic schedule once his group made it's debut and keeping everything a secret, there had been times where you thought letting him go would be for the best. Times where you had told him to move on even if it broke your heart and times where he had looked at you, eyes swimming with tears, telling you that he didn't want to move on without you.
But now, years later, you were settled down. A apartment you shared with the man who had almost grown twice in size compared to back then, a cuddly cat that seemed to love you more then it's original owner, and a baby on the way!
Not what you had dared to think about all those years ago.
While you were ecstatic upon finding out about the little peanut growing inside of you, now, almost 6 months in you were ready to smack your boyfriend for doing this to you! Swollen feet, nausea and cravings that sometimes scared you were only some of the struggles you faced as of now. And that at a state where you still were able to move without do many difficulties.
However the thing that caused you the most stress was the amount of times you had to pee!
Finding a position on your couch that was 100% comfortable proved to be nearly impossible with the little bean seemingly tap dancing on your bladder and sending you on your way to the bathroom only to repeat the process not to long after again.
San found the whole thing incredibly amusing. The pout he received at the hushed giggles causing a flood of kisses to be peppered over your face as you sat there in the living room, dressed in his shirt that seemed much to big even with the bump and a pair of sweatpants that was also his. The TV being completely forgotten as you pretend glared at your bare belly and the cat that had it's nose resting on it. Shirt tucked up and secured under your boobs do make sure it didn't drop while the feline purred against your skin.
"You know, I can already tell that the two of you will be a menace to society if you keep making me pee!" you huffed, hand stroking over Byeols head gently.
San snorted to himself. He had watched and listened for a while from his place next to you while your body melted against his.
Byeol let out a meow as if she disagreed with the statement wholeheartedly. She closed her eyes, purrs vibrating against your belly and enjoying the pets you gave her.
The cat had become somewhat of a shadow ever since you got pregnant I following you around wherever you went. Beit the kitchen where she always managed to convince you do give her a treat, the bed where she usually prefered the presence of your boyfriend or the bathroom where she meowed so loud in front of the door until you caved and let her inside.
You swore that you could see a proud gleam in the animals eyes and that it wasn't just something you imagined!
No matter where you went, Byeol was there too.
Sanfound the new behavior more then hilarious, cooing over his girl guarding his girl. At least until the feline had chosen to turn on him, hissing and batting the offending hand of his away from your / her/ bump. It wasn't serious. Byeol never actively using her claws or teeth to nibble on his hand, but the shock on San's face was more then enough to produce an evil cackle from you.
Her newest antic however you didn't know what do think of. On one side it was cute to see the cat drying to communicate with the peanut growing inside you, on the other hand you really didn't appreciate having your bladder kicked and be played with!
And that's what was happening daily ever since Byeol had understood that whatever had changed in you could kick. It was almost like a game of tag, only that neither the baby nor the cat had any intentions of moving away. Starting with the babys food kicking outwards to be seen from the outside. The poor cat had been so startled that she had fallen of the couch in shock. However once Byeol had gotten used to the movement of your belly, it a nickly developed into said game.
And so you found yourself in your current predicament. Byeol tapping against your stomach with her paw, ce moment of silence, and then a kick from the baby. The two could play like this forever it felt like. At least until a particular hard kickor punch send you running to the bathroom!
"Come on, it's cute! Byeol-ah is just being a good big sister to the little bean. Wantingtoget to know her and play," San chuckled against the side of your head, his hand playing with the strap of your top. "And you can't tell me that you don't think the same."
You hummed quietly. "But do they have to do it on my bladder? I'm way to comfy to get up now..." Scratching Byeols ear you scrunched your nose.
San ever the loving boyfriend kissed your temple. "But where would be the fun in that?"
He leaned over to get closer to your growing belly, his finger tapping against where he had just seen a movement of the skin only to receive an enthusiastic punch as an answer.
You smiled softly.
"Are you being mean to your mommy? Not letting her restin peace, but playing with your sister?" He mumbled against the bump.
A kick from the baby.
A kiss from the proud baby daddy.
And a tap against San's head from Byeol.
"Yah! Byeol-ah! That's my bump! Let me talk to my baby!" San complained,  faking insult.
Byeol looked unimpressed and hit him again on the head before purring loudly to rub her head against your stomach.
"I don't think she agrees on that, Sannie."
Sulking he came back up. His mouth suddenly being against yours in a loving kiss.
"I don't care, you and the bean are mine!"
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bluenotes75 · 1 year
Trust (repost)
Repost because the original got labeled even though there's no adult content :(
Miles Morales ! 42 x Fem ! Reader Synopsis : ''I fucked up princesa, I fucked up bad.'' wc : 1,6k Warnings : spoilder for atsv, angst, THEY ARE AROUND 19 YEARS OLD, possessiveness, this is angst but like good one, cheating, no proofread, what I could remember from my spanish class 3 years ago. pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.3
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You glanced at your phone for the hundredth time this minute.
Still no sign of life from Miles.
You were worried, more than you should as you had seen him for the last time the previous day. Yet, you were used to texting your boyfriend every day. It was now nighttime and he had not answered any of your messages. You scrutinized with a frown the last texts you had sent him. He had left you on read.
Miles never left you on read.
Well, he did but only for two reasons. First, when he was mad at you. Thus the first contradiction because the boy was rarely mad at you. Even if he was, he would always confront you directly and talk things out. He hated being on bad terms with you. Life was already rough without you by his side and he wouldn't let anything strip him of any quality time with his girl.
The other situation was is… street activities with his uncle. He used to disappear for days without telling you why, convincing you to not get concerned about him. However, after that one night when you yelled at him, crying, for worrying to death after he ghosted you for two days straight, he promise to always send a quick message to tell you when he would get really busy.hhunyn
So as you sat on your bed, plunged in the darkness of your room, you knew that none of these cases applied to the current situation. You two hadn't fought and he hadn't told you anything about his prowler activities. Well, nothing that you knew of, which left you insanely troubled.
Your last words together were when he left for a party the previous night. You were supposed to go with him but dropped at the last minute because your mother felt sick. You preferred staying by her side, making sure she get better. At first, Morales wanted to stay with you and spend the night at yours, but you refused. You couldn't remember the last time he got to catch a breath and just enjoyed life like the young man he was. He was always either hanging out with you - making sure you were safe by the same occasion- or working with his uncle. So like the good girlfriend you were, you convinced him to go to the party without you. You just wanted him to have fun and even though he was reluctant, he couldn't say no to you.
Since then you had heard nothing from his side. It was already far in the night and you should be sleeping, but you couldn't close an eye.
At this point, you were contemplating directly calling his mother or even his friends. But you knew Miles despised you talking to other guys. Even if they were his own friends.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a bang on your window. You jumped at the sound and gawked when you catch sight of the boy tormenting your thoughts out of the corner of your eyes.
You hurried up and opened the window for him and he stumbled inside your room looking…awful. You could see the dark circles painted under his eyes and the frown settled on his forehead. Before you could say anything, he clenched his jaw and wrapped his arms around your waist, dragging your body to his. He pressed your bodies tightly against each other, leaving no room for anything else and the heat of your skin warmed the iciness of his.
You were left speechless as he leaned down and nestled his face on your chest, right over your breast. This sudden display of physical affection was unusual from your Miles. You were the one initiating the cuddles, the kisses, the hand-holding. So you couldn't help your heart from fluttering at this new attention. However, the feeling quickly vanished as you remembered the context. Your worry came back like a slap on your cheek.
“My love, what's going on ?” you broke the silence and wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him back, sensing that he needed it.
You received the silence treatment.
“Miles,” you frowned and leaned back to look at his face, only for him to stop you by tightening his arms around the low of your back.
“You haven't answered any of my texts since yesterday, what happened? Is it your uncle? You can talk to me. ”
He took a deep breath against your skin but still left you with no explanation, which made you upset.
“Miles, you can't just disappear for a whole day and come back as if it was nothing !”
“Lo siento Mami, I messed up,” his pained voice came out muffled by your shirt. You scowled at his words. ‘uh ?’
“What do you mean ?”
''m' so sorry. I fucked up Princesa. I fucked up bad.''
You moved your hand to his hair to caress it and comfort him.
''What did you do ?''
''I-fuck, don't make me say it.''
Whatever he has done had to be really bad for him to be that panicked. You could definitely tell that it had been eating him all day.
''Tell me,''
''….I messed up last night. I touched another girl.''
As soon as the words escaped his mouth, your hand froze in his hair. All the worries slipped out of your body as your blood ran cold. This couldn't be what you thought right?
''W-what ?''
''I spent the night with another girl.''
There it was.
Your hands fell to your side as your heart dropped. This was the last thing you could have ever imagined. You took a shaky breath trying to process the wave of emotions that invaded you, but your stare was already lost in the wall facing you.
Sensing your lack of reaction, Miles leaned back to look at you.
''You don't know how much I regret it-''
''Let go of me.''
The boy tensed in your arm at the unusual coldness of your voice.
“No mami, let me explain-”
“Let me go !” This time you yelled.
You thought back to all his possessiveness. Him not letting you talk to your guy friends. You thought back to these sleepless nights you spend worrying about this safety, just like tonight. To all these efforts you pulled to break the wall he build around him after the loss of his father.
All that for him to fumble and cheat on you in the end.
You felt your eyes water but you refused to cry in front of him. He couldn't see you weak. He couldn't see how much he had wounded you.
“Get out,”
“I won't, you can't end us.”
“What?'' You scoffed at his nerve. ''You ended us the moment you prioritized your pleasure over our relationship. Get out !”
Yet, he stayed still.
And that's all it took for you to lose it. He didn't have enough of betraying you, now he had to stay and insensitively watch you break down. Before you could control yourself, you landed a punch on his chest. Then another, and another one. Soon they rained. They didn't do anything to him. Miles was barely affected by it, and you weren't surprised. He was the prowler, after all, he was not weak.
While he was not affected physically, he was a mess on the inside. He had never seen you this upset, and he loathed himself for being the cause of it.
“How could you do this to me !” Tears rolled down your cheeks.
There, you had failed to maintain your facade and Miles watched in horror as you fell apart in front of him. Through your blurry sight, you didn't notice that he was also crying. He stood there, towering over you, eaten up by remorse. He was supposed to protect you. He had accepted the prowler job to protect both you and his mother, but he had done the total opposite.
But he couldn't bear to lose you.
He let go of your waist and wrapped his fingers around your wrists to stop your punches. You tried to escape his hold but he was too strong.
“Querida, mirame por favor. I will make it up to you. I'll buy you everything you want. Tu eres mi mundo and you know-” he tried but you wouldn't hear anything.
“Who do you think I am? You can't buy me with money! Stop being selfish and leave !”
The boy tried to make eye contact with you but you looked sideways, taking deep breaths to calm down. You were overwhelmed with so many emotions that you didn't know what to feel anymore. However, you knew you couldn't bear to see him anymore.
For some reason, Miles seemed to catch the message as he finally let go of your hands and stepped back.
''I hope you can forgive me, mami.''
''Don't. I hate you. I wish I never met you.''
You spat those words purposely to hurt him. You didn't mean them at all. If anything, you still loved him as hard as before. Yet, when you noticed his hurt expression, it brought you a bit of consolation. It was tiny and it only lasted a second, but it was something.
You turned your back to him and eventually, you heard the window open and close behind you. Only then, you tumbled to your knees and let all of your tears fall, becoming a sobering mess in the silence of the room.
You had heard a lot about heartbreak. From your friends to your mother and even your aunt. What you didn't know was how aching it would be. Because even after he betrayed you, even after he made you feel like you weren't enough, you couldn't stop your heart from beating faster for Miles.
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asonofpeter · 9 months
Night Shift
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Pairing: Jaime Reyes x F!Reader
Summary: Jaime doesn't like that you work a night shift at a bar, so setting out to get a job at Kord Industries, you're shocked when he comes home with something else....
Warnings: mentions of men being pervs, lots of screaming and a little bit of violence, SPOILERS FOR BLUE BEETLE!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: My first full fic in a while? Yes, it is indeed and with my new love, Jaime Reyes. If you haven't seen Blue Beetle, pause and go buy a ticket cause this movie is good! So proud of mi Xolito! Anyway, I'm proud of this, so enjoy! 💕💕💕
I don't consent to my work being copied, reposted, or translated.
“You don’t have to do this, y’know? I’ll get the job tomorrow and work hard to support the family and us,” Jaime stood up from your bed, grabbing hold of your hands to stop you from getting ready for work. 
“Jaime, I know you want to do everything you can to stop us from losing the house, but we need the money, wherever we can get it from,” you inhaled. 
You moved in with the Reyes three years ago after your parents kicked you out. The details are unimportant and messy but you were happy you ended up in a loving household after all. The only problem now, you’re on the brink of becoming homeless.
“But a job where drunk assholes violate you?” he scoffed and you rolled your eyes, knowing most customers haven’t gotten handsy since you started. “It’s not right,” he shook his head, squeezing your hands. “I don’t want you to have to go through that,” he rested his forehead against yours. 
You knew he meant well. It sucked having to work at a bar where wearing low-cut tops and push-up bras made for extra tips. Especially when you worked during the night. But then again, even when businesses are going bankrupt, bars are seemingly filling in at an all-time high. You had to take advantage of the dire situation even if Jaime didn’t like it.
“I can handle my own,” you smirked. “Nana taught me a thing or two,” you winked. 
“I bet she did,” he chuckled. 
“And besides,” you removed your hands from his grip, smoothing them up his arms until they rested on his biceps. “I have my big strong boyfriend to protect me,” you looked at him finding the blush forming on his face adorable.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in as he leaned forward to kiss you. His lips moved against yours slowly, one of your hands moving up to tug on the hair of the nape of his neck. 
Living in a small house with five other people gave you no privacy whatsoever, so moments like these were cherished. All those stolen glances, hidden kisses, late-night talks—it all meant something. 
“I gotta go, okay? I’ll see you in the morning,” you pulled away. 
“You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you walk to work alone at eleven at night,” he grabbed your arm lightly, pulling you back into his embrace. “I’ll be there to pick you up at seven too,” he said and you sighed out contently.
“It means a lot, but don’t you have your job interview tomorrow?” you rested your head against his chest as you both walked out of your and Milagro’s room.
“I’ll sleep, wake up, pick you up, then come back and get ready,” he shrugged and you agreed with his well-thought-out plan. 
“Ya te vas, mija?” Rocio asked once you both entered the kitchen and you nodded. “Cuidate, y come tu comida, no quiero que te desmayes,” she handed you a paper sack and you smiled, thanking her. 
It was things like that which made you grateful for Jaime’s family—your family. The constant protection and worry they hold over you like one would for a daughter or sister. Making sure you had a lunch packed so you can eat and not faint during your shift. It warmed your heart and made you grateful every day. 
“Make sure she gets there safe, okay, Jaime?” Alberto pointed to his son and your boyfriend nodded, reassuring the two. 
Walking out of the house, you found your hands intertwined as you made your way down the block. You glanced at Jaime to find him smiling at you before he looked ahead. You grinned at the fact you caught him before you too continued your focus forward.
Palerma City was alive at night, even in the small barrio you lived in. The streets were dark, flickering lamp posts illuminating the people who were still up trying to make a living by whatever means. You looked far past, the bright neon skyline of the city, all the rows of high rises where all the rich white folk were fast asleep tucked away in silk sheets. 
You would get there one day. 
“What did my mom pack for your lunch?” he asked, pulling you out of your thought.
“A torta de jamon, an apple and orange, some Fritos, and oh, a gansito,” you gasped in excitement before you stuffed the bag in your backpack. “I know exactly what I’m eating first,” you giggled. 
“My mom literally said we ran out of gansitos,” he said in shock. “She loves you more than me,” he feigned hurt and you wrapped your arm around him, cooing as you kissed his cheek.
“What can I say? I’m lovable,” you hummed.
The two of you turned the corner and you found yourself at “Margaritaville”, the newest establishment where you got paid minimum wage and received great tips from businessmen who got off on a pretty bartender flirting with them before they made their way home to their wives. Or from people who recently got laid off from their jobs and needed someone to talk to.
Either way, you’d put on your best smile, bat your lashes and make sure your top was low enough if that meant being able to pay part of the rent.
“Be safe, okay?” Jaime pulled you in for a hug. “I’ll be awake at 6:30,” he promised. 
“I will,” you mumbled into his neck before pulling away. “See you soon,” you smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 
He cupped your cheek before you pulled away, your fingers pulling along his, straining to stay in touch as you kept moving toward the door until they unlinked, his arm stayed hovered in the air for a split moment while yours dropped to the side. He watched as you turned back and waved until you entered through the back door, making sure to stay for a minute before he turned back around. 
The lingering touch of you remained on his fingers until he arrived home and made his way to bed. It wasn’t fair you had to become a main stream of income for the house. It shouldn’t be you pulling in the long hours, it should be him.
He needed to get that interview at Kord Industries tomorrow.
You undid your apron, shoving it back into your backpack. You let out a sigh as you did a once over to the barely empty bar. The next shift already arrived and was taking care of the customers. Letting out a yawn, you placed your tips in your pocket, opening the back door only to be greeted by Jaime who was waiting at the curb.
“Buenos dias, mi amor,” he smiled and you felt your cheeks blush at the pet name he liked to change out every once in a while. “Made you breakfast,” he handed you something rolled in some paper towels before you unveiled two bean burritos. “How was work?” he kissed your cheek while he took your bag from you.
“Made $150 in tips,” you stated, biting into your food. “Getting paid tomorrow, so it went well,” you nodded. “Customers were more to themselves tonight, except for this one guy who was crying about his wife leaving him. I think he left looking for a prostitute to be honest,” you chuckled. 
“Poor dude,” he hummed. “But the money is good,” he said, wrapping his arm around you. 
The rest of the short walk was made in silence and it was calming to just have Jaime by your side. The eight-hour shift takes it out on you and you couldn’t wait to go to sleep. 
“Hola,” you greeted as you walked through the door. 
“Como te fue?” Nana asked and you responded to her before a yawn came out.
“Disculpe,” you pressed a hand to your chest. “I’m gonna go shower,” you said, the family understanding as you made your way to your room. 
After a quick shower and changing into casual wear, you felt refreshed as you walked back into the family room. The whole family was gathered as Jaime stood in the middle, hair geled back and his fancy clothes put on.
“Wow, que chulo,” you complimented with a bright smile plastered on your face as you stood behind the couch. 
“You see, cabezon? You look fine,” Uncle Rudy told his nephew and Jaime nodded in defeat, clearly flustered. “Y/N wouldn’t lie, she loves you too much for that!” he cackled and you joined in, making Jaime blush even more.
“Let’s go and get this over with, I still don’t trust that Jenny girl,” Milagro muttered under her breath and you sent a glance at Jaime. 
You were aware of what happened when Milagro and Jaime lost their job with Victoria Kord. Millie was correct to have a distaste for the older lady, but after her niece offered an olive branch, giving Jaime an opportunity–you weren’t sure if she was in the right to have that distrust. But then again, you weren’t there.
“Descansas, okay?” Nana kissed you on the cheek and gave you the blessing before she walked out and you nodded. 
The rest of the family walked out, leaving you and Jaime left. 
“Good luck, okay?” you grabbed his face and gave him a chaste good luck kiss. “I know you’re gonna woo them over,” you sent him a sure smile. 
“How are you so sure about that?” he held your wrists, running his thumbs over your delicate skin. 
“Cause, you’re Jaime Reyes”.
“You don’t know what’s inside?” you heard Millie ask. 
You were awakened by muffled conversations, your brows furrowing as you checked the time. They couldn’t have come back that soon and if something serious happened, they would’ve woken you up. 
About to drift back to sleep, you eyes shot open by shouting. The voices of Jaime, Millie, and Rudy combine together. Bolting out of bed fast, you opened the door and ran into the dining room, finding Millie and Rudy to be playing hot potato with a blue bug, Jaime trying to get them to stop.
“Mira, look what you did! You woke her up,” Rocio gestured to you and the room suddenly got quiet. 
“Ay, Y/N, I’m sorry,” Jaime winced, trying to grab the thing from Millie but she held it out of his reach. 
“Look what Jaime brought back. That Jenny girl is a total floozy, like what is this that she gave him?” she cocked a brow, holding it clearly so you could see.
“A bug?” you rubbed your eyes. “Why would she give you a bug?” you asked, walking closer. 
“She told me to guard it with my life, I wasn’t even supposed to open it,” your boyfriend explained and his words made you uneasy. 
“I think you should put it back, you don’t know what it can be,” you turned to Millie. 
“She’s right,” Jaime held out his hand and Milagro reluctantly agreed, placing it in his palm.
You watched as he was about to place it back in the box until it lit up, his face inching closer to inspect it. You stared back in amazement, the bug coming to life.
“I think it likes me,” he grinned, glancing up at you with a twinkle in your eyes that made your heart skip a beat. But that smile was instantly wiped away the moment the bug launched itself onto his face.
“JAIME!” you screeched, the family shooting up from their seats as they tried to aid him.
“It’s on your face!” Uncle Rudy screamed before he grabbed onto the bug, attempting to rip it off but it shot out a bolt of electricity, sending him across the room and Jaime against the wall. 
Your body began to shake and you wanted to run over to help Jaime but he got up, the bug detaching from his face until it crawled over his shoulder and under his shirt like a spider you wanted off immediately. 
“Jaime!” you shouted, his body thrashing around the room like he was fighting with the bug. “Baby, please,” you cried, hands over your mouth as you tried to begin to process what was going on but you couldn’t.
“Oh god,” Jaime stilled, hunched over as he looked at you. “I think it’s inside of me,” his gaze filled with panic and you felt your skin crawl. “It’s inside of me!” he screamed, hand reaching out for yours before he doubled over in pain, the bug poking out underneath his clothes before arms pierced through, sending him up against the ceiling.
Another wave of screams sounded, the love of your life’s agony cries being the worst thing you ever heard. The tears were falling down your cheeks. You wanted to help him but couldn’t. You wanted to know what was going on but didn’t. You were completely helpless in this situation.
Black goo grew over his body, his clothes burning to crisps and you were afraid of what it was going to do once it got all of him. Were you about to lose your Jaime? How did you get to this point when it was just a job interview? 
“Y/N!” his call for you made your heart stop and you tried telling him you were here but his cries drowned it out. 
Suddenly, he was completely transformed, a suit of armor in black and blue engulfed him. The cries and the screams quieted down as you all stared at him. A split second ago, you thought he was going to die, but now he was fine? It didn’t make sense. 
“Mijo?” Rocio called out as Jaime walked over to the photo of La Virgen, his illuminating yellow eyes staring back into the reflection.
“What was that?” he looked back in shock, hands over his mouth. “Did you hear that?” his voice was panicked, his expression hidden with the eyes providing just the tiniest amount of concern. 
“Jaime, what’s going on?” you took a step forward. 
“That voice, you don’t hear a voice?” he walked forward, standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by all of you. The suit seemed to have turned on, blue light glowing between grooves and you all watched in awe. “Systems check?” he mumbled, looking around the room. 
“Jaime?” you asked, noticing the arms powering up.
“It’s okay, everything is going to be okay!” he shouted just as he was flown through the ceiling before he became a dot in the sky. 
Nothing was okay.
Reblogs are the best!
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bloatedandalone04 · 4 months
Something Borrowed
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➪the one where you and jake run into his ex at a friends wedding.
Warnings: angst, smut, fluff, oral (f receiving), fingering, public smut, swearing, dirty talk, insecurities, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, car sex, a real bitchy ex
Word Count: 6k - last post got deleted or something :( idk where it went
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | THANK YOU FOR 4.3K FOLLOWERS MWAH
When Jake asked you to be his plus one to his old college friends wedding, you were ecstatic 
Not only was it an excuse to show off how ridiculously hot your boyfriend of three years is, it was also the opportunity to see him in a suit all night. While he looked Godly in his flight suit and uniforms, seeing him in something different but equally as formal was always a treat. 
You had bought - actually Jake insisted he buy you - a new dress that went well with his tux. While it was all black with a white button up, your dress was a champagne color that was just the right amount of contrast and went well with the ‘fine wining’ theme. 
Yeah, you two were that couple.
You didn’t get the opportunity to dress up very often with how hectic both yours and Jake’s schedules are, with date nights being something simple like takeout and a movie or a stroll around the beach that often ended up with you and him jumping each other in the shower when you were supposed to be ridding yourselves of the sand. 
So when he asked you to tag along, you agreed right away. 
But he failed to inform you that his ex-girlfriend would also be there. 
To be fair, he had no idea that she was going to be there, but he probably could’ve guessed since she was also a friend of Trent, the Groom himself, and his wife-to-be, Gemma. 
You were sitting at the table assigned to you, Jake and a few others during the reception part of the wedding when Trent came up to you. He looked a bit tipsy, but that was to be expected. “Hey, man! Thanks for coming,”
Jake’s arms were secured around your middle, your back pressed right up against his front since he couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself after watching you walk out of your shared room a few hours ago in the same dress you’re wearing now. “Hey, Trent,” he greets, taking his eyes off you for the first time since you sat down at the table. “Congrats, buddy.”
“Thanks,” Trent grins, holding up his left hand and showing off the silver wedding band. “This is gonna take some getting used to.”
Jake shakes his head and teases the skin of your thigh with the tips of his fingers. This dress was probably your favorite thing you own, and the long slit on the left leg area was definitely Jake’s favorite part of it. “I’m sure you’ll manage,” 
Trent grinned down at the two of you before leaning in and muttering, “Hey, have you seen Mara yet?”
Your ears perked up at that, the name being somewhat familiar to you and definitely to Jake. “Mara?” He questioned, quirking a brow and glancing at you. “Why would I have seen her?” 
“‘Cause she’s here, man,” Trent answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. 
Jake’s smile faded a bit and he tightened his arm around you. “She’s…here?” He wasn’t looking at you anymore, even though you tried meeting his eyes. “As in…here, here?”
“Uh, yeah,” Trent laughed as he reached over and tugged Gemma away from a conversation with a few other guests. “We kept in contact with her after the two of you broke up.”
Gemma lifted a brow in confusion before she nodded, “Mara? Oh, yeah, she’s around here somewhere,” then she looked at you with barely-hidden concern. “I hope this won’t be awkward for you.”
You wave her off with a small smile as you drape your arm around Jake’s shoulders. “It shouldn’t be,” you assure both the newly-weds as well as Jake, who gave you a cautious look. “I’ll be civil if we see her, I promise.”
Jake nodded then leaned in to press a kiss to your neck. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t know she’d be here.”
Jake had been yours for the last three years, Mara was a long way back in his past. Really, you had nothing to be concerned or worried about at all. “It’s okay, baby, really,” you say and kiss his cheek. “Totally fine.”
He nods, his fingers going back to tracing random shapes onto your thigh as Trent and Gemma walk away. “There’s a lot of people here, anyway,” he said. “We might not even see her at all.” 
One could only hope you wanted to say but didn’t. Instead you just smile at him and run your fingers through the hair on the back of his neck. “Maybe,”
Jake finished off his drink and set it down before gently gripping the back of your neck and bringing your mouth down to meet his. Your lips connected in a searing yet chaste kiss before he pulled away and smirked at the smudge of lipstick on your chin. He wipes it away with his thumb and leans in to ask, “Dance with me?”
You grin, “As long as I can lead,”
He scoffed as you stood up. “Please,” he murmured as he took your hand in his after standing up as well. “I always lead.”
You hold back a smirk as he guides you towards the middle of the room. “I know,” you whine, resting your other hand on his shoulder when he stops and pulls your body close to his. “It’s not fair.”
“Oh, it’s fair,” he replied as his free arm reached down to wrap around your waist. “You’re a terrible dancer, baby.”
You gasp, “Hey! I thought my dance moves were what made you ask me out,”
“They were,” he confirmed, pulling your body up against his. “I remember the first time I ever saw you dancing. It was at that awful excuse of a dive bar downtown, and some dumb remix was playing. Then there you were. You didn’t care that you couldn’t keep up with the beat, and definitely didn’t care about all the people staring at you because of it. I knew then that I wanted you and that I had to have you.”
You blush at the memory. “And look at us now,”
“Look at us now,” he repeated, glancing around the room discreetly before leaning in to whisper in your ear, “I get to go home with the prettiest and most perfect girl here.”
Your blush deepens as you lean up to brush your lips against his. “You’ve always been such a flirt, Seresin,” you tell him, pressing a proper kiss to his mouth afterwards. “But it’s the reason why I said yes when you asked me out that night at that terrible dive bar.”
“You sent a lot of sad guys away that night,” he reminisced. “Almost made me too nervous to try out my own luck with you.”
“I’m glad you did,” you mumble before kissing him again, this time more deeply. It was a pretty intense kiss to be shared in public, but Jake was all about PDA with you, and he couldn’t care less about being told to ‘get a room’ when those fuckers had no idea what it was like to be with you. 
“Me too, sweetheart,” he murmured and kissed you again.
Your heart always skipped a beat when he called you sweetheart, and he knew it, too. You were convinced your reaction to it is the main reason he called you it, the cheeky fucker. 
Jake’s hands slid further down your body, but before they could get past your lower back, a voice said, “Jake? Is that really you?” 
It had you pulling away from him and looking to your left, where you see a tall brunette standing there with a wide grin on her face, her white teeth on full display. 
Jake, too, looked over at her, and when they met eyes, she beamed, “Oh, my God, it really is you!” A laugh escaped her lips as she leaned in and pulled him in for a hug. “It’s been so long.”
“Mara,” Jake greeted as he wrapped one arm around her, his other keeping you close to him. “Yeah, I guess it’s been a while, huh?” 
“Too long, in my opinion, we used to be friends,” she teased and pulled away before looking over at you. “Hi! I’m Mara.”
“Y/n,” you say as Jake wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. 
“God, you’re pretty,” Mara compliments as she looks between you and Jake. “Are you two...”
“Together,” he finished her sentence, making you smile up at him as her own faded just a bit. “Yeah.”
Mara nodded and sipped on her wine glass. “I can see why,” she observed, looking you up and down. “You two make a great pairing. So unlike him and I. We were so bad for each other.”
She ended it with a laugh, making your brows furrow as you tried to hold back a scoff. “We don’t need to get into that,” Jake tried to change the subject, his hand running up and down your back in a comforting manner. “It’s Trent’s wedding, after all.”
“Oh, of course,” Mara waved him off then looked over at you. “I love weddings. They’re so romantic.”
“I have to agree with you there,” you reply and look around at the pretty flowers and decorations. “It’s a beautiful venue.”
“You should’ve seen the one Jake and I were looking at when we were together,” she said nonchalantly and sipped more of the wine. 
“Oh? Um,” you trail off and look up at your boyfriend who had his brows drawn together in confusion and irritation. 
“Oh, don’t worry, we weren’t engaged or anything like that,” Mara added. “Just wanted to see what the options were if the time came, you know?”
You hesitantly nod, growing more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. “Right,”
Mara smiled then quickly said, “Oh! He’s like my ‘something borrowed’!”
Jake stuttered out a laugh of disbelief. “Your what?”
“I had him first, and now you do, so it’s like you’re borrowing him from me,” she answered, and you weren’t sure if she was joking or being completely serious. 
Jake’s eyes widened as he moved you away from her. “I don’t think that’s true,” he said. “I’m very happy with Y/n here, and she’s not borrowing me from anyone. We’re each others.”
Mara nodded with wide eyes as she raised her hands in defense. “Right, of course,” 
Your smile was gone now and Jake must’ve sensed that you were growing more annoyed by the minute as he moved to rest his hand on the small of your back. “Well, we better go finish off dessert,” he tried to end the conversation. “Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
“Have at it,” she responded and you felt her eyes on you as Jake guided you back towards the table.
“She just totally interrupted our moment,” you pouted and Jake pouted back at you as he raised his free hand and tugged at your bottom lip with his thumb. 
“How will we ever survive?” He teased as he pulled out your chair for you. 
You sit down and glance back at the brown haired girl who was still looking in your direction. “Your ex is kind of fucking weird,” you say and he laughs as he sits next to you and drapes his arm across the back of your chair. 
“It’s easy for my girlfriend to say that about my ex,” he pointed out and glanced back at her. “She wasn’t that weird when we were together, which was a long time ago.” 
He was clearly trying to reassure you, and you could appreciate it to an extent. “She’s pretty,” but still, you were quite stubborn. 
Jake leaned in and kissed your cheek, making you look back over at his forest green eyes. “Is she? I wasn’t paying attention as I was far too busy looking at my sexy and drop dead gorgeous date,”
You blush and feel your insecurities disappear at his words. “That’s a good response,” you mumble and the two of you share a knowing look before he grabs the fork from off the table and begins feeding you pieces of the lemon flavored cake.
An hour or so later, you were pressed against the wall of the hallway that was next to the room the wedding was being held in with Jake standing in front of you. His lips were on yours as he pressed his front against your chest and softly ground his hips against your own. 
Your moans were lost to his mouth as he pressed you harder against the wall, his tongue poking out to run along your lips. “You taste so good,” he rasped, the faint remnants of lemon cake coating his taste buds. “Sweetest fucking thing, aren’t you?”
His words go right through you and you grip his biceps tightly as he begins placing kisses to your neck and shoulders. “Jake,” you moan and tilt your head back. “I want you so bad, fuck.”
“Yeah?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice and the image of it that flashed through your mind had you whining quietly. “You want me right here? Want me to take you right here in this hallway?”
You nod frantically as you grip his hair. “I want it,”
Jake reached down and ran his hand up your exposed thigh through the slit in your dress. “Look at what you’re wearing,” he teased, pushing the fabric further up your body. “It’d be so easy for me to fuck you in this dress. No one would even know.”
You moan loudly and watch as he sinks to his knees and pulls down your white lace panties with him. “Jake,” you gasp as he places a kiss on your inner thigh. You look around the empty hallway with excitement evident in your eyes, and Jake caught onto it almost instantly. 
“You’d love to get caught, huh?” He mocked as he ran the tip of his index finger along your slit before sinking it into your wet core. “Love to have someone see how fucking needy we are for each other.”
“Baby,” you whimper as he leans in and circles your clit with the tip of his tongue. “Oh, God. Jake.”
Just as you reached down to grab hold of his hair, the sound of someone calling for Jake had him pulling away from you. “Jake?” The person called again as he stood up and helped you fix your dress. “Jake..oh, there you are.”
You wanted to roll your eyes as Mara left the room and stepped into the hallway with you and Jake. “Here I am,” he said and moved to stand halfway behind you in an attempt to hide his obvious erection. “Did you need something?”
“Oh, Trent asked me if I knew where you were since he hadn’t seen you for a while now,” she explained and you crossed your arms as you stared at her. “I offered to go look for you since he’s had a few drinks now and is well past the point of being able to see clearly.”
Jake nodded and adjusted himself in his dress pants before stepping around you. “Do you know what he wants?” He asked as he took your hand in his. 
“No idea,” Mara answered as she avoided looking at you and instead kept her eyes on Jake. “Better go find out.”
It sounded like she was trying to get him to leave you and go with her, but she was out of her fucking mind if she thought he was going to leave you out in the hall while he went off with his ex. “Oh, okay,” he trailed off. “Thanks.”
Then he was pulling you with him as he entered the room again, missing the brief look of annoyance that flashed across her face, but you definitely didn’t. 
After a quick conversation with Trent that ended with the two men saying goodbye and setting up a date to grab a beer together, Jake pulled you with him towards the exit of the building. 
Your body was on fire and was aching for him in every way, and the moment you had with him in the hall felt like a massive tease. You wanted him so badly, you were practically drooling as Jake hauled you to his truck and pulled you onto his lap in the driver’s seat. 
The dark parking lot of the venue was pretty much empty by now, with the exception of a few cars here and there. You and Jake could fuck right in the abandoned lot without anyone seeing you, and you were so desperate that you were sure you couldn’t wait until you got home.
“I swear,” you mutter as you loosened his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. “If we get interrupted again, I’ll scream, and I only want you to make me do that.”
Jake huffed out a laugh and pulled your dress up and bunched it around your waist. “Fuck, baby,” he mumbled as he gripped your hips and rocked your core against his thigh. “You’re all worked up too, huh?”
You moan and nod quickly, forgetting about your task of ridding him of his shirt and instead gripping his shoulders as you ground yourself against him. “Oh, fuck, Jake,” you whine as he helped guide your frantic movements. “I need you so bad, please. Please.”
Jake leaned in and pressed a deep kiss to your mouth that you quickly reciprocated. “You need me to make you come, baby? You want to come right on my thigh?” 
You nod again and tilt your head back as he kisses along your neck, his finger pulling at the thin straps of your dress and pulling them down your shoulders. “I want it so bad, Jake,” you whimper as you drag your core against his thigh. “I want you so bad, it’s driving me crazy.”
Jake groaned when your hand reached between your bodies and brushed against his groin. “You drive me crazy, too, sweetheart,” he confessed, bucking his hips against you and making you let out a surprised moan. “Had me so fucking hard for hours.”
Your dress slipped past your shoulders and exposed your chest to him, and when he leaned down to wrap his mouth around your nipple, you whined, “I want you inside me,” you begged as you felt your high approaching with just a few grounds of your hips. You were that worked up. “I’m gonna come, Jake, fuck.”
Jake tugged on your hardened peak with his teeth before pulling away. “Come, baby,” he requested and you were more than happy to oblige, except just as you were about to, the sound of someone knocking on the driver’s side window had you squealing in surprise as you pressed your body against Jake’s. He wrapped his arms around you and shielded your body away from the eyes of whoever knocked, and when he looked over to see who it was, he met Mara’s gaze. 
“Hey,” she greeted in a drunken tone. It was so dark out, he was sure she wasn’t able to see much of you in the truck, only that you were situated on top of him. “I’m sorry, my ride ditched me. Can you drive me home? Please?”
You keep your body pressed to his as you pull your dress back up and lift your head with a pissed off expression on your face. Jake met your angry gaze with guilty eyes as he looked around the dark surroundings, and you knew he wouldn’t leave her here alone. 
Sometimes you really hated how much of a good guy he is.
Huffing, you push your dress back down and crawl over the center console and slump against the passenger seat. “Sure, hop in the back,” he answered and reached over to brush his knuckles against your cheek as you crossed your arms. “I’m sorry, baby, I promise, I’m all yours as soon as we get home.”
“I thought you were already all mine,” you grunted as you gently pushed his hand away and put on your seatbelt. 
“You know what I mean,” he sighed just as Mara opened the backseat door and hopped up into the truck. “Where do you live?” He asked as he pulled out of the parking space and left the lot of the venue.
You look back at her as she smirks. “You know where I live,”
With an eye roll, you turn back around with another huff and turn away from both of them, facing the window and watching the dark scenery. 
“You’re in the same house as before?” He asked for clarification as he looked over at you and tried to get you to meet his eyes, but he knew you were pissed off by this point. 
“Yep,” she replied and you hold back a scoff at the flirty edge to her voice. “I’m sure you remember how to get there.”
You had to grip onto the seat to physically stop yourself from opening the door and jumping out of the moving truck. She was fucking with you for fun now as if she had a chance with him again now that he was with you. 
The ache in your core wasn’t helping your bad mood, either, and every time Jake tried to help you relieve, she showed up. She seemed convinced that her and Jake were still close, or maybe she thought they were friends, but you knew better. Jake wasn’t one to keep a friendship with an ex-fling, yes - he considered her a fling and has told you on multiple occasions that you were pretty much his first real girlfriend. 
He slept around a lot and never settled down until he met you, and then he cleaned his act up and became a better man for you. He stopped his ‘fuckboy ways’ and actually put in an effort, and now three years later he was like a completely different person. A way different person to the one Mara knew. That version of Jake was long gone, but she couldn’t seem to comprehend that. 
How could she ever think he was her ‘something borrowed’? The nerve of her had your blood boiling a bit. 
The fifteen minute car ride was silent, though Jake did try to make small talk with you, but you weren’t having it. You knew it wasn’t really fair to be mad at him, but he really was the only person that could tell Mara to take the hint and fuck off, and he wasn’t doing that. 
Jake parked on the street beside her driveway and reached for your hand as he turned to face Mara. “There you go,” he said without emotion and when you, too, looked back at her, she was smirking as she opened the door. 
“I knew you’d remember where I lived,” she purred as she got out. “Thanks, Jake, I owe you one.”
“That won’t be necessary,” he brushed her off. “It’s no problem.”
She waved at him, and Jake being the decent guy he is, waited until she was inside her house before he turned to you.
You were tense as he gently rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand, and he was almost afraid to break the silence, but he couldn’t sit in it any longer. “Baby,” he called softly, trying to get you to meet his eyes. “Can you look at me, please?” 
With a huff, you glance over at him. He looked good in the dim lighting of the truck and you still felt that ache in your body for him, but you were also so upset about how things turned out. “What?”
Jake sighed and laced his fingers with yours, bringing your joined hands up to his mouth and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m sorry about Mara,” he started and you soften your gaze just the smallest bit. “I didn’t think she would be there, honestly, and the first time she came up to us, I should’ve shut her down. I’m sorry I didn’t.”
You lean back against the seat as you play with his long fingers. “She wants you,” you stated. “She acted as if I wasn’t even there the whole night.”
“But you were,” he said, turning to face you fully. “You were there with me, Mara wasn’t. And I don’t care if she wants me, because I don’t want her. I mean, you know the kind of guy I was when I was with her, and I’m not going back to that. I want you, always, all the time.”
You stubbornly mumble, “She wants to fuck you,” 
Jake lifted a brow as he leaned in, “But I want you,” he rasped, tightening his hold on your hand. “You’ve had me hard from the second I saw you in this fucking dress.”
You playfully roll your eyes as you smooth out the champagne colored fabric. “Right,”
“It’s true,” he insisted, reaching over with his free hand and firmly gripping your chin. He turned your head so you were looking at him again, and you felt your anger begin to fade away and the lust return. “But I don’t just want to fuck you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, baby. Mara can look all she wants, but I’m yours and that isn’t changing.”
You bite down harshly on your lip as you hold back a whine. “Jake,” 
He smirks a bit at your reaction, but then his phone went off and he recognized the number as Mara’s. You assumed it was hers, as well, and let out a sound of frustration as you turned to open the door and practically ripped off your seatbelt. 
Before you could go into her house and have your way with her, Jake reaches over and pulls you back and onto his lap. His lips connect with yours as he tightly grips either side of your face and keeps you close to him. “Forget about her,” he muttered against your mouth and tossed his phone aside. 
“She can go fuck herself, because she’s sure as hell not fucking me,” he continued and you whimper against his mouth. “The only person who gets to have me like this is you.”
You moan as you take off his seatbelt. “Jake,” 
“This,” he murmured, grinding upwards and making you whine loudly. “Is all yours, baby. It’s only yours, for as long as you want me, though I’m hoping it’s forever because you’re it for me, sweetheart. There’s no one after you.”
You gasp before pressing a deep his to his mouth, and he returns it immediately as your tongue pokes out and brushes against his. “God, Jake, I need you so bad,” you say as you reach down and palm him through his dress pants. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait, I need you inside me.”
Jake grunted as he pushed your dress up around your hips and the scene mirrored the one in the parking lot. “I can’t wait, either, baby,” he admitted and you unzipped his pants and reached into his boxer briefs. “I want to fuck you so badly.” 
“Please,” you begged, grabbing the back of his neck and bringing his mouth to yours. “Please, fuck me. No one can see us, it’s almost one AM, Jake. Please, I need it.”
Jake had never seen you this needy and desperate before, and the sight had him refraining from coming right then and there. “Oh, sweetheart,” he mumbled, pushing down the straps of your dress and pinching your hardened nipples between his thumb and index fingers. “I know no one can see us, but I wouldn’t give a fuck even if they could. I need you, too, baby. Right fucking here.” 
“Please,” you whimper again and Jake reaches down to push your soaked panties to the side, guiding you to run your folds up and down the length of his hard dick. “Fuck me, Jake. I want it.”
“Yeah?” He breathlessly asked as his tip poked at your entrance. “You need me to fuck you, pretty girl?”
“Yes,” you answer instantly as you arch your back. He drops his hands and grips his base as he guides himself slowly into you. “Yes, fuck yes, Jake.” 
He bottoms out and you both moan in relief. You were so turned on and wet, it was easy for him to slip inside of you and fill up every inch you had to give. “Fuck yeah, baby,” he groaned as you gripped his shoulders tightly and lifted yourself up. “Show me how much you need me, sweetheart. Fuck me.”
How could you possibly say no to that? 
You drop yourself back down and moan loudly as he reaches even deeper than before, and you tilt your head back to allow his mouth to connect with your neck. “God, you’re big,” you slur as your chest runs up and down his with every lift of your hips. “I needed you so badly, Jake, I was going insane.”
Jake groaned and kissed his way up your neck to your lips. He kissed you deeply, still able to taste that lemon cake from dessert. “I know, baby, I’m sorry we had to wait so long,” he apologized and you clenched tightly around him. “Fuck, I wanted to make you come so badly in that damn hallway.”
You moan and grind down onto him harder. “Me too,” 
Jake grabbed hold of your hips as he fucked up into you roughly. “I’m gonna make up for it now,” he muttered as he took control of your body and helped guide you up and down on him. “I’m gonna make you come.”
“Please,” you cry out as you go limp on top of him and give him full control to do whatever he wants with you. You were so worked up, you were close to coming already, and he knew this as he reached down to rub slow circles onto your throbbing clit. “Oh, my God, fuck.”
You clenched helplessly around him as your whole body tensed up. “Come for me, baby,” he demanded in a soft tone. “All over me.”
A loud cry left your lips as you come hard and fuck yourself onto him when he stills and lets you ride out your high. Uneven breaths escape you as you writhe on top of him, already feeling so overly-sensitive but still needing more.
“Slow down, baby,” he said gently and grabbed your hips to help you slowly roll your body against his. “You’re so sensitive when you come, don’t wear yourself out.”
“Then fuck me, Jake,” you request and he stops you completely. He kissed you multiple times before lifting your body up and letting you rest against his thigh. Reaching down, he runs the tips of his fingers along your slit before sinking them into you, making you moan softly as he slowly works you back up again. 
“Get in the back, sweetheart,” he said and you reach down to pull your dress off your body, leaving you almost entirely bare in front of him. His dark eyes trail all over your body as you crawl into the back and lay down on the seat, kicking off your heels and panties as you do so. Jake cursed under his breath as he cleaned you from his fingers before shrugging off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. 
He crawls back there with you and licks a stripe up your sopping core, making you shudder a bit, before he hovers over you and slides back into you. “Fuck,” you whimper as you wrap your arms around him and press your lips to his chest. 
“I know it’s not very romantic,” he started as he slowly fucked into you. “But hopefully I’ll be able to make up for it when we get back home.”
You shake your head as you wrap your legs around his waist. “You’re perfect, Jake,” you tell him and bury your face against the side of his neck. “So perfect for me, I love you so fucking much. I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you-”
“Hey,” he cut you off and gave one sharp thrust, effectively shutting you up. “Don’t ever apologize to me when you’ve done nothing wrong. There’s nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart, you hear me?”
You nodded and closed your eyes as he quickened his pace a bit. 
“I love you, baby, so damn much,” he said and kissed the base of your throat before sucking a mark there. “I’m sorry I was such a dick earlier by not sending her away the second I saw her.”
“It’s okay,” you replied breathlessly. “We’re okay, Jake.”
“Yeah,” he agreed as he began fucking you roughly. “We’re okay, baby, we’re us. Just us.”
You whimper and wrap your arms tightly around his body. “Just us,” 
Jake braced one hand on the doorframe and held you close to him with the other as his hips hit yours at a brutal pace. “Fuck yeah, sweet girl, you’re taking me so well,” 
You nod and bite down gently on the skin of his shoulder. “You’re so deep,”
“Yeah?” He asked as he pulled nearly all the way out before burying himself deep within your wet walls. “You feel so good, baby, so fucking tight.”
His filthy words had you seeing stars for a few seconds and you couldn’t stop yourself from clenching around him. “I can’t,” you gasp. “I’m gonna come again, Jake, it’s too much.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he cooed, kissing your jaw and chin as his hips rutted into yours. “I want you to come for me again. You deserve it.”
“I want you to come, too, Jake,” you mumble, reaching up and tugging on his hair. “Please, come with me. I want it so bad.”
Jake grunted as you pressed your heel against his lower back and drove him deeper into you. “You want it?” He asked, already knowing your answer as he held back his own release in order to get you there first. 
“I want it,” you reply immediately and pull him impossibly closer to you. 
“Come for me first, baby,” he rasped. “Then I’ll come for you.”
You moan and lift your back off the seat as you clamp down around him and come for the second time. 
“There you go, sweet girl,” he praised kissing you through your high as he felt his own take over his body. “Fuck, I’m coming.”
You keep your heel pressed against him and hold him close as he paints your hidden walls white and thrusts his release deeper into you. You moan with each uneven jerk of his hips and when he falls against your chest, you run your hands through his sweaty hair and make it messy. “I love you,”
“I love you more,” he murmured and pressed a few kisses to your damp shoulder. “And I’m sorry again.” He pulls out of you and gently fucks his fingers into you to keep his seed deep within your core before he tugs your panties up your legs and wraps his button up around your body. 
“It’s alright, baby,” you kiss him one last time before crawling onto the passenger seat. “Just know that I probably won’t be able to resist punching Mara square in the face if I ever see her again.”
Jake laughed as he picked up his phone and got back into the driver’s seat. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” he said and you gave him a confused look as he showed you his phone screen. Somehow, when he threw his phone aside, he accidentally accepted her call and she had listened to around three minutes of the thirty minute fucking session you and Jake just got finished doing. 
“Oh, my God,” you laugh and cover your face as he smirks and calls her back. 
“She blocked me,” he informed you after a few seconds and dropped his phone into the cup holder before running his hand through his messy hair and starting the truck. 
You laugh again. “Yeah, well,” you shrugged and wrapped his shirt tighter around your body as you leaned back. “At least she got the message now and took the hint.”
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shidouryusm · 6 months
✿༝༚༝༚ Wrapped in red ✿༝༚༝༚
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・❥・Kuroo x reader
・❥・synopsis-> hey siri, what are the consequences of surprising your fiancé with a lingerie under a coat for his birthday?
・❥・ word count-> 5.6k words (nobody look at me)
・❥・content warning-> mdni, explicit smut, fem!reader, cun!lli!ngu$
・❥・a.n -> this is the last time I'll be reposting this if tumblr still doesn't like me I got nothing to do. Tagging a bunch of my mutuals so that atleast they can enjoy. may your cheese rot tumblr. Also happy kuroo day ignore I'm this late everyday is kuroo day stfu. dividers by @cafekitsune , @benkeibear and @quirrrky
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Kuroo can feel the chills of the winter already settling in mid-November. The expanse of his living room is veiled with a thin layer of frigidness. The tiles were cold and a siren of silence rings through till the ends, until the little clock resting on the small table breaks through the curse with the beginning of a new day. 17th November. He stares at the clock. The slick hands points to 12, busy announcing his 29th birthday. It is a small, black, cat shaped clock that you found from god knows where and gifted him out of blue. Your justification being “it looks like you”. Kuroo snickers at the sudden wave of memory.
A whole lot of other things around his house are also extensions of you – the little section of potted plants on the shelves, the matching coffee cups, the red mittens hanging over the oven handle, kitchen magnets comprising pictures from both of your trip to Paris. They all are like pockets of your shadow scattered around, giving little hints of the day when you’ll ultimately mark your reign as the Mrs. of this house.
But as of tonight, each of them wildly indicates your lack of presence. Kuroo discerns that the silence was not any call of winter, rather it’s the sheer absence of your chortles and excited squeals around the house, especially tonight.
Kuroo was never that big on celebrating his birthdays, being on a competitive position in corporate asked for lot of compromises and Kuroo had wired himself to do that in his early years on job, not caring about forgetting his birthdays and stuff. Still, he manages to dig up time when it comes to yours or others. The man that he always is - relentless in his acts of services. 
However, you being around never quite made it possible for Kuroo to actually forget about his day. Always the more excited one, the best planner and as always, a little better than the previous years. Whether it be by throwing a grand party in a club for him or just by yourselves, with home cooked mackerel and rice, catching the golden sunset above and just savouring the day with a casket of good memories to look back on. Or it may be simply you by his side that makes each of his birthdays something to look forward to, even while being clutched by stress and non-stop work.  
He was indeed getting spoiled by such pampering because, as of this moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to be around you. To bask in the incessant warmth of your hugs and engulf himself in the pool of your kisses. Fuck. he really wishes you weren’t drowned in your work right now just so your singsong voice of Happy Birthday could reach his ears the first. He peers at his phone, several texts from his co-workers and friends wishing him were flooded in his notification bar, along with your last text, sent over an hour ago. 
Love♡♡ : work is so crazy right now, they should pay me for even gracing them my time this late >:(( anyways, good night. love you tets &lt;;33
Nothing after that. He stares at the text. You weren’t online which meant you are either too busy in work or have already fallen asleep…without wishing him? 
A small twinge of hurt pinched his heart at the thought of it. Although he tries to reason it with your pressure at work. But it’s been like this for a few days, you completely submerged in work, barely getting the chance to even facetime, not being overly zealous atleast 3 business days before his birthday.
The little red demon above his head tries to play tricks yet his heart works with rationale – leading two projects at the same time meant things will slip up. Distance may be bound to form. Who knows? even paths of life may deviate from one another and eventually-
His train of thought cuts short by the sharp ring of the doorbell. It’s 12:30 already. Kuroo internally pleads that it’s not some surprise by his former teammates because without you, he doesn’t think he will indulge even a slightest bit. 
The door swings open and so does kuroo’s jaw. You, in your full glory, a ginormous beige jacket wrapped all over you, hair dishevelled from the wind, yet framing the most beautiful face in the world, stand at the threshold, panting and holding a large box of what seems like a cake. 
“Oh my gosh tetsu, I was almost about to punch the baker. Dumbass messed up my whole timing”
Kuroo was still busy steadying himself but he shifts from his place, allowing you to scoot past him and settle yourself in the dining seat, placing the cake there. 
Weren’t you asleep? Weren’t you way too busy to come? What is going on? 
He looks at you, making yourself comfortable at his space, like you are just meant to fit inside these 4 walls. The frosty silence suddenly vanishing by the cauldron of warmth you bring with you everywhere. He can’t wait for the day when it will be regular sight. 
“Baby, are you gonna stand there the whole night?” you giggle, striding towards his still figure beside the doorway. You hook your arms around his waist, your head tipping back as you stand on your toes, planting a soft kiss over his lips.
Kuroo’s eyes flutters shut as he draws himself into every fleeting moment of this kiss. His hands find your cheeks and large palms cradles them as gently as a rose petal, head dipping down to take in more of the feeling of your lips against him. The taste of your cherry balm engulfing him. 
You part from him, merely inches away as your lower lips bruses against each other. You whisper into the small gap, “Happy Birthday, my love. I’m not too late, am I?” 
“Doesn’t matter when your wish is what makes it worth. I almost thought you forgot” he hums, hands curling up against your neck, urging you to look at him. You crane your head up, meeting those honeyed eyes pooling with a multitude of emotions. 
“Awe you miss me that much? I have been real quiet this year on purpose. Trying something a little different”, you cheekily say, poking your tongue out. Kuroo quirks an eyebrow, “always a step ahead, aren’t you?”  he pecks your forehead while a small whisper of “I love you. Thank you for making this day something to look forward to” grazes over your skin. Your feel the kaleidoscope of butterflies zooming inside your ribcage, for the way his words echoed through the drums of your heart. As if the resonance between his and your heart just created more love to harbour.
"Tetsu", you grab his face, dipping his tall frame downwards to place another kiss. This time between his eyes. Hoping this kiss was equivalent to the million words he said with those gaze a few seconds ago. 
You take his hand, pulling him towards the cake, “now now,  it’s not the time to be all mopey. I fought for this cake and now you get to commemorate this day of high significance”. Kuroo chuckles, you were full of beans indeed. 
To think just a few moments back his thoughts were spiralling, he registers that that how much you being by his side grounds his inner monologue of hidden insecurity. Kuroo is always the epitome of  confident man but the inner cloud of anxiety yet rumbles time to time. Until, your presence acts like the yellowy sunshine after rain, banishing any grey thoughts that dare to delude him. 
“Why such high significance, may I ask?” you roll your eyes, amusement twinkling in your eyes and you answer like this is the most simple question ever, “Because you got to be born and be my boyfriend and then my groom-to-be, duh”, wiggling the left ring finger, you laugh. Shaking his head, he tunes into the peals of laughter with you. He cuts the cake, feeding you a piece before noticing you were still in your coat. 
“Baby, are you that cold? You know you could wait a bit more for your winter cloth haul” he gestures at the neck high coat. You squirm a little. He finally noticed.
“y-yeah, I know. there’s a…reason”, you send a sheepish smile on his way, effectively avoiding his gaze. 
Kuroo reaches towards you, curious at your shift in demeanor. He leans down, meeting your gaze with his ever sharp ones and you found yourself faltering a bit, heartbeat pacing higher than normal. 
“Princess, are you okay? you got a fever?” he runs his hand over your forehead to which you shake your head. Taking his fingers in yours, your fingertips glides over his knuckles. Unable to stall in any longer, you slung your arms around his neck. 
“Actually, I have your gift”, bringing your mouth closer to his ear as you whisper, “right under”, you murmur. His hand is now brought on your lower back, the feel of your skin right underneath the coat, clearly evident. 
Kuroo sucks in a breath, catching on to your innuendo immediately. Palms migrates towards your shoulder blades where he can feel the thin strap and bare skin over the coat. Curiosity killed the cat and now he just got fucking murdered.
“Hmmm? Should’ve said it earlier, princess.” kuroo hums, a mellowy timbre coating his voice. You gulp audibly, anticipating his moves. 
His hands trail over your shoulders, reaching up and stop around the collar of your coat, playing with the top button as he flashes his Cheshire like smile. Demeanor changing from concerned to smug in a flash of light. You keep your eyes on him, heavy breaths escapes your nose and mouth. Kuroo leans forward, his voice now merely a whisper tickling your ears.
“Should I guess what my present is?” he asks coyly. You can feel the teasing glint the words carry.  
“You can open it already, y’know?” your voice had an air of neediness, wanting nothing more than to indulge in his touches and losing yourself in him for the night. 
Kuroo tuts, shaking his head in faux disappointment, “tsk tsk tsk. it’s my present, princess. Let me enjoy it. in my way”. With that, he flicks the button open, his eyes catching a hint of red around your neck. A dark chuckle escapes his throat.
“Red, huh? You surely did some homework before”, another button pops open, this time, the base of your throat open up and a little red ribbon wrapped around the middle like a bow greets him. 
Kuroo felt his heart thrumming loudly, imagining what he could find after fully unbuttoning your coat. The suspense of the act spiking his blood and rushing downwards towards his crotch, he can already feel himself getting hard. God, you really knew how to outdo yourself every single year. 
Kuroo presses a kiss right beside that bow, feeling your erratic pulse against his lips. It curls into a smirk, right against your skin. You tip your head back, eyes closing and hands finding their way to the hem of his shirt. 
“Uh-uh, princess. Not so early.” Kuroo envelopes his hands over yours, before bringing them together behind your back, caging you between his hold. His right hand, once again,  flits back in its previous mission while his left hooks both of yours ; effectively locking them behind your back. “Not until I’m done unwrapping my present”. A kiss plants underneath your ear; the skin tingling with its effect. 
“You sure are taking a hell lot of time” you scorn. Kuroo chortles, popping another button open. This time a part of your sternum peeps out, he can make out the hint of cleavage from the skin exposed. More blood runs downwards and kuroo fights the urge to tear the coat off and bend you against the table to ravage you then and there. 
“Good things take time, princess. Moreover, you seem to enjoy it.” Kuroo muses, his hips roll against yours and you could feel the hardness of his crotch brushing up against your lower belly. “Take this as a punishment for being late to my birthday” he opens another button and the lace cupped cleavage makes their way.
“But it wasn’t my fault.” you pout. You’re so adorable, kuroo thinks. He laughs under his breath before pressing a soft kiss against your cheek. His hands trail over your sternum, dipping down towards the fat of tits spilling out before he ghosts over them ever so slightly, drawing a whine out of you from the untouched touch. 
“Oh but you were…” he drawls, “to think you went outside like this. Being a naughty little girl, are we now, princess?”. You open your mouth to say something  but his lips silences yours. His tongue almost immediately finding its way in your mouth and playing with yours. 
The kiss was sloppy with the way kuroo laps at your top lip, engulfing it in his mouth, saliva smears over your upperlips and drips down your lowers. The steamy makeout session in addition to the his hips grinding against your coat covered crotch leaves you staggering. 
One by one, he unbuttons the whole coat till the end, each time kissing a part of you he passes in the process, to all the way down, where he is kneeling. He looks above to see your figure hugged by this beautiful dark red fabric, only covering the bare necessities. 
He is eye level with your bare thigh, the plush skin adorned by a thin lacy garter, linked to the equally thin panties with a small band of cloth. You feel his hand runs across the back of your thigh, the cool band of your engagement ring gliding smoothly over your skin. The pads of his fingers dip down a little deep when he reaches your almost bare ass. 
“Fuck. what I’d do to you” you hear him murmur against your lace clad thigh. He scrapes his teeth against the fabric, peeling it off and exposing the beautiful skin out. The sharpness of his teeth mingles with the softness of his lips as he sucks and nips at the skin, leaving a purple well of mark around that area. Your breath hitches as you feel the dull throb of the hickey while he continues his ministration all over your inner thighs. 
“We better take this to the room before I end up taking you right here” his teeth still ghosts over your skin, now attaching around the band of your garter, tugging it gently before releasing it back, the elastic smacking your skin, causing a whine to tumble out your throat. His actions causing your pussy clench around the fabric.
He continues his journey up with his mouth before reaching your pussy. The material doing nothing to hide the outline of your cunt and looking closely enough he sees the dampness that is caused by your arousal. His fingers join in, smoothing upwards over the fabric gently. A moan leaves your lips, with the way he is being tantalisingly slow. If you could, you would have shoved his fingers inside. 
“Already wet and I barely did anything, baby. Wait for the real action atleast” his voice sardonic and praising simultaneously. He plants a kiss right over your crotch before trailing upwards. 
“Tetsu, you little-” you whine to which kuroo snickers. He loves you to death but he loves it more than anything when he is edging you and you are writhing and pleading.This is when he gets the chance fill you to brim with pleasure. The power surge he gets from this is immeasurable, when nothing leaves your mouth except his name. 
“What, my darling?” kuroo kisses below your navel, his lips smoothing over the surface with no friction. He peppers your stomach with nips and kisses before reaching under your breasts. A small kiss between the valley of your tits and then he finally rises up. He caresses the sides of your breats before holding you by your waist, squeezing you gently,pulling your figure flush against him. His hardened member now rocking against you with less obstruction. 
Kuroo tugs the coat off of your shoulder and it pools around your ankle, revealing your whole set to your fiance. Kuroo gawks at your figure, as if time stopped its track for him to drink your body with his eyes. 
“God you’re fucking beautiful” his voice low and husk filled. Kuroo peppers kisses on the curve of your shoulders, hiking his lips up into the crevice of your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses trailing towards your jaw.
You have always been the prettiest for him but this colour on you has popped out every feature of yours in the most alluring, elegant way. Kuroo huffs out short breaths as his eyes find it difficult to tear away from you, he eyes you from down to up before his eyes land on that ribbon. 
Oh fuck that ribbon. The way you made yourself like a present, kuroo is positive there isn’t any better gift in the whole planet than the one before his eyes. His lips find you again, passion and lust permeating through the kiss. His hands reach up to your breasts and he gives them a good squeeze. The nipples pert and poking through the cloth against his palm.
He guides your body along with his towards the bedroom without breaking the kiss, stumbling along the way but nonetheless reaching towards the edge of the bed. He pushes you, still connected with your lips, cradling your head before you fall into the heap of soft mattress. His body hovers over yours and one of his knees positions dangerously close to your cunt. 
“We gotta take this off before I tear it and that is the last thing I wanna do” kuroo husks, his hand deftly working their way to take off the top. 
Not that it did anything to cover what’s underneath, yet as he removes the bra and sees your tits spill out, he couldn’t help but take one in his mouth. Fondling the other one with his hand.
The feel of his mouth finally somewhere on you has you teetering on the edge, you let out out a moan. Your hands rake through his ink black locks while he tugs you nipple with his teeth. His knee presses against your almost bare pussy the sensation spikes your insides. 
Your hands reach for his shirt once again, urging him to take it off , to which he obliges but not before remarking something about it. 
“Can’t wait to see me naked, guess I can indulge in your desire a little bit”, you roll your eyes. Smug bastard. You feel him shift downwards, his knees touching the floor while leaving you sprawling on the bed, he adjusts your legs around his shoulders before scooting downwards.
His hands plays around your nipples, twisting and turning while his mouth travels south. He lets his teeth do the work, pulling at the underwear and tugging it off of you, finally letting the sight of your clenched cunt soothe his eyes. The way he keeps a unbreaking eye contact while doing the dirtiest of act makes your arousal seep down your cunt even more. He tugs the panties halfway through before teething at the garter again, slowly dragging it across you skin and pulling it off. 
“Practising for the big day, princess” he grunts, taking them off of you fully. You let out a light croon, even amidst the unholy acts of provocation, the gentle reminder of your promised near future sends you into a blissful train of thought. 
Kuroo’s sharp nip at your inner thigh brings you back. He stares at you with drooping eyes, silently challenging you to not break the contact as he lowers himself over your slit. He licks a stripe of your pussy, the feel of his tongue like millions of fireworks inside your nerves. You silently breath out a gasp while kuroo begins his onslaught of kitten licks over your cunt. Gradually reaching to your clit. He presses a kiss over the nub before capturing it with his mouth, gently sucking on it.
His tongue flicks your now swollen clit as you rock your body, bringing him closer, as if it’s anyways possible. Your mingled sounds of squeals and moans and whines mixes with the soft squelch of his fingers entering you. He prods them gently over your walls, knowing where to stretch and poke to evoke the most raw reaction from you.
“Tetsu…fuck...aah..” your voice are nothing more than little tufts of breaths as he shifts his pace every so often, while never leaving your puffed clit unattended. The alternate of his tongue and fingers works wonders to roll you over the edge. 
“Cum for me, baby” you hear his raspy voice vibrating across your skin, he sloppily makes out with your slit before driving his tongue inside, his face tilts as he tries to reach as deep inside you as he can. The grip of his hands on your thighs tightening. His cock feels heavy and the burning desire to replace it with his tongue flames his inside – but not before he makes you cum like this atleast twice. 
Two of his fingers drum over your clit while his tongue prods inside you. His jaw hurts but nothing matters when he gets to see the expression he draws out of you. Mouth falls open, while your head tips back. Not giving a damn about keeping eye contact because fuck if you could have exploded out of your body, you would. 
Kuroo groans at the irresistible feel of your essence around his tongue, “tastes so good for me”, he hums around your pussy. You could feel the wave of arousal waiting to burst and as you hear the words escape his mouth, your body reacts on accord. Back arches beautifully as you release yourself against kuroo’s lips.
Your mind levitates in the cloud of bliss while you feel Kuroo laps at your essence, the drag of his lips against you too euphoric. to joyful to get down from. But even while being on the daze, you feel Kuroo going at your pussy once again. 
“T-Tetsu…hnnggh”, you can feel the added force that his tongue applies as it drives inside you once again. 
“You thought I’d leave you to come around my tongue only once.” he rasps, his nose brushes against the overstimulated clit. He nuzzled himself against your cunt, his hands reaching over your ass and kneading the soft flesh. You let a wanton moan, too loud for the neighbours to not hear. Kuroo smiles, tongue thrusting inside your cushiony walls even more. 
You could feel your body quivering, preparing itself for another wave of orgasm not long after the previous one. You tug at his hair, your nails scraping against his scalp. Your other hand grabs at your breast to hold onto something. A sight Kuroo savours from behind his bangs that cover his face.
“I’m gonna…” you whine, thighs jolting around his arms while he keeps them locked. “Make a mess around my face, darling. Let go.” Kuroo was getting delirious at your taste. His cock nearly bursting his load in his pants. He rubs against the board of the bed, releasing some friction. He can sense your orgasm looming and naturally, he increases the pace, tumbling you over the edge for the second time. His teeth grazes the clit, giving it some attention before a harsh suckle has you going for the 2nd time that night. 
Your back arches, juices spraying out of your pussy. Kuroo is enthralled seeing you this dirty, this sexy, this sinful. You didn’t hold back  your sounds either, sweet melodies of his name with pleasured moans ringing throughout the room and satisfying Kuroo’s ears as he succeeds in making you spent. 
Not that he intends to stop yet.
Your body is still quivering, the afterwave of the pleasure still gushing inside your body. Kuroo caresses your thighs and hips, coaxing your body to relax. 
“You did so well, my sweet baby. looking gorgeous cumming around my face like that”, kuroo engulfs your mouth, his tongue shoves yours around and you decide to suck the tip of his tongue, relishing in the tangy essence of yours. A moan erupts from the man above as your wrap your hands around his sculpted back, losing yourself in the kiss. 
Kuroo helps you get down from the high before flipping you over. You notice the way he positioned you both, you are right in front of the dressing mirror. 
When did he even do that? 
Kuroo kneads your ass from behind, while another hand grabs your chin to make you look at the mirror. 
“Eyes up there, baby. Watch how I fuck this little pussy into oblivion”, you can feel his clothed cock grinding against your ass. Whimpering, you wiggle back, feeling more of him, causing Kuroo to suck in a breath.
“Behave, darling.” Kuroo lightly smacks your ass, watching the flesh ripple and groaning at the sight. 
You look over your shoulders at him. He looks so broad, the toned sculpture of his long hours at gym and sports really gifted you with a goldy sight. His face flushed with crimson and copper eyes blown out with lust. The contour of his abs to sexy to not gawk 24/7. His sweatpants are already hung low, cock whipped out, hard and swollen. The tip angry with precum dripping down the globes of your ass. You try to shift back, intending to return the favour he generously gave you a while back. 
But Kuroo , not-so-gently puts you back on your position, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you against the sheets. Your ass hiked up more to flash the clenching pussy in the air. The cold draft blowing around your sticky folds making you shiver. 
“Tetsu!” you exclaim, as he starts dragging his length over your folds, adding more of his arousal with yours, the spot lubed and moist for Kuroo to slide right in. 
“What did I say about behaving, princess? Are you looking for to get punished?” his voice dark and menacing, only reserved for you, in the bed. You shake your head, eyes locked with his through the mirror. Your nipples brush against your sheets with the way you are bent, adding more to the sensation.
You try to tug off the red ribbon, not wanting any ounce of fabric on your skin when kuroo grabs your hand, harshly. Hooking it over your back, he hikes your body up a little higher, his cock straight against your fold, the tip hitting snug the clit. His eyes are narrowed, eyes a little menacing, 
“Don’t you dare take that off. This stays on.” his voice low. You mewled an okay, too entranced with the way he looks behind your back to notice his manhandling. 
“That’s my girl”, kuroo hums before sliding inside you with ease. The remnants of previous shenanigans making it easy. Your mouth falls in a O as you feel the ridge of his cock gliding past your walls. With each of his inch bottoming inside you, you let out a moan, voice deliriously filthy. The sounds like a dulcet for him. 
He rams the last of his inch at once, making your body lurch forward. Your face scrunched in a beautiful frown, teeth digging at your lips. Hair falls over your face as you dip your head down to adjust to his size.  Kuroo becomes too busy admiring your features through the mirror. You look like a goddess, a goddess he brought down on her knees before him. 
He was probably too enticed because it wasn’t until the roll of your hips around his pelvis that dragged him down to where he was. “T-tetsu. movee” , he hears your plead. 
“As you say, baby girl.” kuroo starts drilling his cockinside, sliding in and out of you, the head colliding with the gummy walls near your cervix. You were pushed forward with the intensity of his thrust yet the feeling of his prominent vein grinding inside your wall was too heavenly to complain.
It was him and you, intertwined with each other, knocking the door of lust but beneath it was promises of love.  
The grip of his fingers around your hip was deathly. It sure is gonna leave a dent. Kuroo grunts and groans as he watches the base of cock froth with both of your juices. The squelching sound everytime he enters you fills the room along with the slaps of the skin. 
You could feel his balls hitting you right above the clit, light strokes against them making you dizzy . His hands snakes around your stomach, reaching your clit. He takes the nub between his two fingers, rolling them around and pinches it. You squeal at his actions, back bending away from him, but the grip of his arm around keeps you flush. 
“Your pussy is made right for me. Almost made me bust a nut the moment I slid my cock inside, sh-shit. so fucking tight and clenching” , his words are so vile, yet so sweet to hear. He bends down, back flush with his chest as he presses a hoard of kisses around your nape and shoulders. Suckling the skin and leaving out purple marks in its wake. 
“Tetsu..more…you feel so good against me” you cry, eyes rolling with the way he is snapping his hips against yours. The constant assault over your g-spot inside and the clit outside once again announces the impending avalanche. 
“More you say? Greedy girl.” he rasps before hoisting you up, one hand still playing with your clit while the other finding your left breast. 
Cupping the whole fat of it, he squeezes the mound hard. His hips unrelenting with their strokes. The bed creaks from the sudden movement. The headboard banged against the wall once. Now the neighbours are definitely gonna know.
“So fucking beautiful. Truly the best gift ever, princess. I love you so much”,  you turn sideways to face him, his molten amber eyes mirroring the heart eyes you are sending him across. 
You capture his lips in a soft kiss, your hands reaching his face to cradle the sides and pulling the front tufts a little. Vibrations of hums and moans share between you two in the kiss, while both your bodies work on their own accord. The golden light of the  lamp falls over your skin, the golden iridescence  reflecting of your skin makes you nothing less than a fallen angel. The halo like glow of your body makes Kuroo's heart gallop loudly. Makes him wonder how he managed to find someone as perfect as you are.
“Look at the mirror. See how ethereal you look while taking me like that. God really took time while making you” , you chuckle at his cheesy words. No matter how dominant he acts in bed, at the end it was still your dorky, corny Tetsu. 
You zero in the way he fucks you, the outline of his cock visible as he drills into you. A dragged moan fills the air. kuroo kisses around your temple, his thrusts erratically hits you, losing rhythm. You realise he’s close, so you arch your back, feeling more of him inside. Fucking himself inside you. 
Kuroo hisses at the act, his fingers pinching your clit in return. Your walls clamp around his shaft, making him lose all the threads he had been holding onto ever since he buried his face in your cunt.  
“Shit, baby...take me…take all of it. Let's cum together”, his babbles choking in his throat as he thrusts in you one last time before warm ropes of his cum fills your pussy. You came around the same time, pooling his thighs with hot, sticky mess. 
He kisses you throughout the high, a level of euphoria never felt before. He realises he didn’t use any condom today neither did you retorted against it. Kuroo slides out of you, your cunt clenches from the lack of his heavy cock. He gently lays you down, bringing a wet towel and cleaning off the spilled cum from your thighs and his. Your face beams with the post-coital bliss as you spread your arms over your head, breathing heavily. 
“You good?”, kuroo asks, his voice regaining the gentle hold back. You nod, closing your eyes and relaxing yourself. 
“If I knew you’d go this crazy over a lingerie set, I’d have thought it through before buying.” you breathily say, seeing Kuroo’s face turn a little red. The debauchery dawning on him a little.
“You could wear an overalls over a trash bag and I’d still fuck you the same. It’s you who’s this hot”, Kuroo plants a sloppy kiss on your cheek, his hands smoothing your hair. He scoots you over, finding himself a space beside, pulling you against his side. His fingers work through your scalp while you find warmth in his body.
The comfortable setting almost lulling you to sleep before you lurch up, face palming yourself. Kuroo sits back, concerned at your sudden leap, while you look at him with guilty eyes.
“I forgot your actual gift at home, while being too excited for this one.”, you hide your face between your palm, whining and falling back on his chest. A hearty laughter rolls out of Kuroo at your state while he rubs your shoulders. His mind already bent on to tease you.  
“Wanna suck me off to balance that out?” kuroo sends a sly grin your way, his voice holding a glint of tease but really not expecting you to wallow in.
To his surprise, you part away from his chest, face filled with a challenging gleam. Without any words, you straddle him, holding his cock by the base. A dopey smile spreading all over your face. 
“Say less. I’ve been meaning to do that since forever.”
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a.n-> aint nobody leaving the house without giving him a sloppy. if tags dont work and it flops then im giving him an even intense sloppy
comments, likes, reblogs are appreciated
tagging : @stsgluver , @kuroosexuall @shotorus + @satoruhour @hannzai @tetzoro @mrs-kurooo @quirrrky @pastelle-rabbit @planetnini @selarina @sookisaurus @itadorey @utahimeow @this-is-still-mia @kamorikiri @shoyostar @screampied-main
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toji-girl · 3 months
in front | s. gojo
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synopsis: What was supposed to be a relaxing night out by yourself ended completely differently than you ever thought would happen.
wc: 1.6k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + repost from my old blog + modern au + public sex + teasing + fingering + exhibitionism + slight male masturbation + cunnilingus + porn with no plot + creampie + mentions of alcohol but no one is under the influence + pet names + any missing tag please lmk
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“Did you know that three out of four people fantasize about having sex in public?” Satoru asked suddenly dipping his pinkie in the liquid amber before pulling it out slowly and rubbing it against the rim of his glass, crystal blue eyes focused on you with a smirk on his lips.
You locked eyes with him and glanced around the busy bar holding your own glass as he scooted to the seat next to you and after a long shift, you wanted nothing more than to relax for the night until Satoru Gojo showed up, an old friend and co-worker.
You raised an eyebrow and leaned in fanning your breath over his face, “Is that so? Let me guess, me and you make up the two of the three but who’s the third person?” You asked pulling away taking a swig of your drink that spread warmth through you as Satoru grinned draping a long arm around your shoulder as he glanced at Kento who sat across the bar too engrossed in something with the bartender.
A laugh interrupted what Satoru thought was a smooth move. “Nanami and public sex don’t mix, he’s the type to keep it to the bedroom.” You said matter-of-factly almost daring your friend to stand up wearing the same stupid grin as he leaned back brushing his lips against your ear.
“I think you’d be surprised.” He whispered standing up with a smirk.
You watched with wide eyes as Saturo sauntered over to Kento who turned away from the conversation with furrowed eyebrows already tired of the white-haired man who sat next to him, blue eyes landed on you as he whispered something in his ear trying to fluster Nanami.
It was a thought that crossed your mind once or twice, having the both of them since you met both of them in college what felt like years ago and worked with them shortly after graduating for a while.
Satoru stood and clapped Kento’s shoulder before walking back over to you taking a drink sitting down again laying his head on your shoulder with a big sigh.
“Seems that you’re right, I thought since it involved you he would be more interested. Are you still into public sex?” He asked teasingly.
“I hope you aren’t trying to seduce me enough to go in the bathroom with you? When was the last time they cleaned it?” You asked smoothing down his hair that was tickling your neck, it was comfortable between you two, while sometimes he was an ass you still appreciated the humor and the way he has no filter.
It’s been a running joke between everyone that you and Satoru would end up together, it was only a matter of time but you weren’t entirely sure if he wanted that but here he was bringing up having public sex with you.
At first, you thought he was joking just to get a reaction out of you but when his hand dropped to your knee and he sat up his lips now against your pulse you knew he wasn’t joking.
“Who said anything about the bathroom?” He whispered against the frantic beat of your heart, sweat broke out over your forehead as you whipped your head to look at him blinking a few times.
“Then where?” You asked curiously feeling your pussy gush, Satoru smiled lazily as he leaned back rimming his glass again as he looked you up and down eyeing your bare legs from the dress you wore, his eyes sparkled as he leaned back in leaving a trail of light kisses up your neck using his free hand to cup the other side of your neck.
“You are wearing a dress and I can only imagine something like lace panties underneath?” He teased dropping his hand to the front of your neck dragging the tips of his fingers down between your breasts and stomach until he reached the hem of your dress slowly sliding his hand between your legs stopping when he felt the fabric, he smirked knowing he was right.
You swallowed around the lump in your throat holding his gaze while he finally caressed your cunt over your panties, “Oh, I was right.” He said lowly moving the fabric to the side rubbing slow circles on your clit and hearing you gasp and bite your lip.
He moved in closer hovering his lips against yours, “Just don’t scream and we’ll be ok, no one is paying attention to us, baby, just take it, yeah?” He whispered.
It was hard not to make a noise even with the volume in the bar like Satoru said they won’t hear you nor was anyone looking at you both but it didn’t matter, it felt like you were having a hot flash as you grabbed his elbow and looked around looking for a quiet place somewhere more quiet and private,
“Let’s go.” He said standing up and extending a hand out to you, the hand that was just under your dress.
You were quick to stand holding his hand following him to a dark corner of the bar with a small couch, Satoru sat down and pulled you down on his lap facing everyone, the lights were focused on the dance floor so it was nearly impossible now for anyone to see as he bunched up your dress to your hips before spreading your legs reaching between your legs grabbing your panties pulling them between your lips as he hummed softly.
“You can see everyone but they can’t see you, does it make you just so wet knowing that?” He teased letting go to slide his fingers in stroking you lazily at first before slowly thrusting two slender digits in you hearing you gasp and slap a hand over your mouth.
Satoru took his sweet time pumping in and out while his other hand made quick work of sliding your straps down your shoulders leaning in kissing the exposed flesh.
People could glance over but they wouldn’t see anything really just shadows thanks to the dim lights on either side of the couch, you ground against his hand gripping his pants as you tried to move to the beat of the music, “You’re dripping all over my hand sweetheart,” Satoru teased grazing your sensitive spot hearing you whine and lean back against his chest.
You were pretty much immune to Saturo and his teasing, he was like a teenager most times but now he was pure liquid sex driving you closer to your orgasm brushing his thumb against your clit as his teeth sunk in the tender flesh of your shoulder, “Tell me how it feels.” He demanded.
“It feels-” You lost the word for a moment as your hips danced to the heavy beat succumbing to your climax, your pussy fluttered and clenched around Satoru’s fingers which stilled rubbing and curling softly as he pulled out ever so slowly you could feel your slick dribble out making a mess on your thighs and his pants.
You whimpered as he helped you up spreading his long legs wider to push his pants down freeing his aching cock that he took in his hand that was covered in your cum using it as lube while he jerked himself off quickly looking up at your cunt that glistened with white pearls, he groaned at the sight wanting a taste and pushed you forward as you held the edge of the table in front feeling his tongue lap between your folds up and down before drawing your clit in his mouth while working his fist up and down his dick.
It was the most erotic and dangerous game you ever played, dancing on the thin line of being caught and staying completely hidden letting Satoru Gojo eat you out from behind, he pulled away watching his spit bridge from his mouth to your puffy pussy that quivered while he blew his breath over your cunt before pulling you back down rubbing his swollen pre-cum smeared head against your clit, he kept one arm wrapped around your waist while reaching between your legs spreading you open.
Satoru teased your fluttering hole slowly thrusting the head in and out until he bottomed out pulling you closer to him, you hissed from the stinging sensation that fizzled out into pleasure letting him slowly rock his hips against you, he grabbed your jaw forcing you to look out at the crowd, “I’ve thought about the many ways I could fuck you but nothing compares to this,” He grunted feeling you pulse tight around him.
Your slick covered his cock dribbling down to his balls making more of a mess as he matched the tempo with his hips to the music that kept playing, you hung on to the table for dear life trying to keep your whimpers down as you arched your spine and threw your head back.
“Gojo!” Hearing his name set a fire deep in the pit of his stomach, the way it flowed from you made him falter for a second then continue going faster and harder hearing the couch rock and creak under him.
His orgasm was near and it only grew closer the way you clawed trying to find something to sink your nails in finding purchase in the side of his thighs when he thrusted harder going deeper than he’s ever been, your toes curled and your eyes went cross feeling him throb then cum inside your spasming cunt with thick hot ropes, both of you sat panting and staying still while Satoru rubbed small circles in your back.
“You know I never asked Nanami the question, I just told him to make sure no one came to this corner.” He whispered in your ear letting you melt against him with a huff and a light slap on his thigh.
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unequivocallyreid · 5 months
Disguise It
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repost! i was accidentally on priv when i posted this so… doing it again! this is crazy nsfw so be warned 🤗
pairing: spencer x fem!reader
You couldn’t tell you who moves in first, but suddenly his lips are on yours and your hands are tugging in his hair while his hold you to him. You can feel all of him and it doesn’t seem like it is possibly enough. All you know, is that he breaks away first.
“I don’t know how to handle myself around you. I shouldn’t be here. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
Now it’s your turn to grab the man in front of you.
“Spencer, shut up.”
warnings: criminal minds typical violence, case descriptions, smut, light angst, enemies to lovers, unprotected sex w/ talk of contraceptives
please let me know if i missed anything!
Georgia is sweltering in the summer. The silk, sleeveless shirt you wore was starting to cling to the sweat on your back, and your body only heated further upon the prodding you were receiving from your fellow team member. It felt like everything you said was met with a rebuttal from Dr. Reid.
At this point, you’d been a part of the BAU for two years. While you were the youngest of the team, you felt the dozens of cases you helped to successfully close should have garnered you some respect in Spencer’s eyes, but, for whatever reason, he still saw you as an expendable part.
At first, his hostility seemed excusable. You had joined the team, and were struck upon meeting him. He was beautiful and incredibly smart and even more incredibly cold. Shortly after, Penelope explained you had replaced one of Reid’s closest friends, Alex. After some, admittedly nosy, probing, you found out just how integral Alex had been in helping him to grieve the loss of his girlfriend at the hands of an unsub. You were understanding and recognized that you shouldn’t expect the warmest greeting from the man. But over time, it seemed all of the vitriol he had for the undesirable aspects of the job was taken out on you. Every time someone was lost, or a suspect got away, you were there for him to blame. You got it, sure it was hurtful, but you got it.
However, two years later, you decidedly did not get it. Around everyone else, he glowed, and yet when it came to you he was all snide remarks. Still, you couldn’t help but be enamored by him. You saw how he cared so deeply for everyone on the team. How any time he could, he put others well being above his. Hell, he didn’t even like you, but somehow, anytime there was a dangerous situation he found a way to put himself between you and it. You hated how attracted to him you were and you hated that he made you the object of his anger.
This case was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Four women had been murdered in the span of four weeks in a small town in Georgia. All of them with their hair cut and dyed post-mortem. The team was called out three days ago, and aside from a profile that fit nearly half the men in town, you had nothing. With a day left before another victim was expected, Hotch called you all into a small office within the sheriffs department.
“All we have to go on currently is that our unsub is targeting young women he perceives as easy targets. All four victims visited bars the night they were abducted, and they were all found the next morning. We know he is going to strike again tonight. Right now, our only option is to station an officer in one of the bars that he is likely to hit.”
Hotch sighed before continuing, “Y/N, you fit his preferred age and build. We need it to be you.”
Before you could say anything, an all too familiar voice spoke from behind you.
“Hotch, all due respect, but she doesn’t have nearly enough experience undercover. It’s more likely she screw up this whole case than find our guy.”
“Reid, I don’t know-“
You cut Derek off before he could finish his sentence, “Are fucking serious?”
“It’s nothing personal, Y/N. You just don’t have the tactical and logistical skills something like this requires,” Reid says with the corner of his mouth turned up and you see red.
“What is your problem?”
“Y/N,” Derek says trying to settle you with a hand on your shoulder but you shrug him off.
“No. No, I’m so tired of this. Look Reid, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you don’t like me. I’m sorry that I took Alex’s place. I’m sorry I’m good at my job. I know it, everyone here knows it but for you.”
You could’ve stopped there, in fact you should’ve stopped there, but obviously you didn’t.
“You know what, most of all I’m sorry I wasn’t on the team sooner, because if I was someone would have had the sense to not let you work on Maeve’s case. Maybe then, she’d be here and you wouldn’t be so fucking bitter at the world.”
As soon as you said it you wished you could take it back, but you were already half way out the door with tears pooling in your eyes.
Morgan followed closely behind you, catching up and pulling you aside before you reached the front door of the department.
“Pretty girl,”
You cut him off again, “Look I know. I’ll apologize to everyone, but I can’t do this right now.”
“Kid, let me finish.”
You look at him and wipe your eyes, a signal to go on.
“You don’t owe anyone anything. Do I think you made the best choice back there? No. But, you have a right to be angry, just don’t let it blow your chance to prove him wrong.”
“Derek, I know he’s your best friend. You don’t have to comfort me, I’m a big girl.”
Derek pulled you into his chest, “He’s my friend but he’s also an idiot. You said what you needed to and he needed to get his ass whopped. Look, go get ready for tonight. Despite what Reid said the team needs you and those girls need you, do it for them.”
“I don’t really have a choice do I,” you say through a sniffle.
“Nope. So, get moving, sweetness.”
The embarrassment of breaking down in front of your team continued to rock you on your way to the motel down the street. Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t stop replaying Spencer’s face over and over in your head. Regardless of his feelings toward you, you cared about him and you didn’t want to hurt him. It was just too much pressure built up over your time with the BAU and you snapped. If you could have helped it you would have.
You didn’t really have any bar attire in your go bag, and you knew that your unsub liked a certain look, so you took it upon yourself to stop by a shop. As quickly as possible, time was literally running out, you found a black mini-dress. The fabric was thick enough to cover the wire you were sure you’d be wearing, and it wasn’t expensive enough for you to feel guilty about purchasing it.
Throughout your time at the BAU, you had never worn anything like this. Lack of social life aside, anytime you went out with the team to celebrate a case or birthday, you wore business casual. Knowing they would all, namely Spencer, see you in something so small made you anxious. If you had chosen a different life, this would have been normal night-out attire for you, but you don’t even think you own a skirt that’s shorter than your knee.
The makeup you put on did nothing to ease your discomfort. It was messy and dark, just like the women he killed were wearing. You looked just like them.
On the drive back to the station, the knot in your stomach felt like it nearly tripled in size. You were scared you’d be reprimanded upon entering, while wearing club attire, like a 17 year old who broke her curfew. As you opened your car door you felt your hands shake. You put on you FBI jacket for modestly and walked in. A quick scan of the room showed no sign of Spencer, which took a bit of weight off of your shoulders. You didn’t think you could handle seeing the broken look in his eyes for a second time that day.
Once JJ saw you she walked over and said gently, “Y/N, are you alright? Are you sure you’re okay to do this?”
Admittedly, you had to force a smile as you replied, “Don’t worry about me.”
Too much was weighing on you. If you weren’t successful, you’d have another body on your conscience, coupled with using the most devastating event in Reid’s life against him. You felt like shit. Part of you knew he deserved it and the other wanted to make everything better for him. It was selfish and made you feel gross, but you had always secretly hoped that you could be the one to bring out the light in him if he ever let you in, but you threw away the slim chance of that when Maeve’s name left your lips.
After attempting to further assure JJ that you were okay, you walked back to the office you knew that you’d find Hotch in. You opened the door and found Spencer and him going over the geographical profile. When Spencer looked up and saw you, he excused himself quietly and fled the room. Hotch said nothing but waved you in.
He ignored the elephant in the room, choosing instead to explain the details of your assignment.
“Morgan, JJ, and Reid will all be stationed around the bar,” he said plainly, but you did not miss his scan of your face, searching for a reaction.
“If things escalate, if you are threatened at any point, they will be there. We’ll hear everything through the wire, and you’ll hear us.”
Still lacking the confidence you held earlier in the day, you reply with a meek “Yes sir,” and move to leave the office.
“Y/n,” he calls out to you before you reach the door. “Don’t let it get to you”
The bar feels hotter than it did outside, and the dress you’re wearing feels even smaller. As you wait to be approached, you fail to catch Reid’s eye. He’s been avoiding your gaze for the last hour you’d been there.
Right when you think it’s time to drawback and admit you weren’t the type he was looking for, you feel a rough hand run across your back.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing at a place like this all alone?”
You can smell his cigarette breath before you can see him, and you have to school your face before you reply.
“I’d say I was waiting for you, but I don’t know your name.” You say, forcing a giggle and slurring your words, and you swear you hear Reid scoffing in your ear.
“It’s Michael, and I think you know just what to say.”
You hear Penelope confirm the name in your ear. The man before you is stocky and looks close to 30. He moves the hand that was on your back to rest high on your thigh.
“Let me buy you a drink, doll.”
You know you have to test him. You have to do something to prove he’s your guy, so you move to stand with faux shaking legs.
“I really shouldn’t, I uh, have to get home.”
A sick smile ghosts over his face and he forces you to sit back down, his grip tightening even more on your leg.
“Fun is just startin’, don’t get cold feet on me now.”
You reach to pull his hand off you, “No, I really need to be home. I, My roommate will worry.”
One hand grabs the back of your neck as the other lifts higher on you leg.
“Darlin, don’t you know your manners?
Hotch tells you to hold off, asking you to push him a little farther before they step in, and as much as your shaking with this man’s hands on you and stale breath in your face, you follow orders.
“You’re hurting me,” you tell him through clenched teeth as his nails sink into your skin.
“I promise you I have a lot more planned, doll. Now be good girl and sit down, or you’re going to have a knife deep in that pretty little waist of yours.”
Before you can follow his directions, you hear a familiar voice say, “Not likely.”
While you were distracted by the man in front of you, Spencer had made his way to you from across the room, and was now pushing down the man onto the bar in front of you. His eyes were dark and he was rougher than you had ever seen him. Maybe unfortunately, JJ came up behind you and pulled you away from Spencer and your staring was cut short.
The man in the bar turned out to be Michael Edwin. He had a history of petty theft and assault charges from bar fights, but Penelope recovered sealed records from his adolescence, which showed two counts of aggravated sexual assault. His fiancé had recently left him, which served as a trigger for the recent murders.
Despite protests, you were checked out by EMS before you could go back to the motel. They wanted to ensure you weren’t drugged and that you didn’t have any puncture wounds from the nails on you neck or thigh. Hotch spoke to you, told you that you did a good job, but in all honesty you just wanted to go lay down in the shitty bed that was waiting for you, and sleep away the events of the night. Fate clearly had other plans.
You were stepping out of the shower when you heard a knock at the front door. You called out to whoever it was, you assumed JJ or Morgan, that you be there in a minute. Quickly, you threw on a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, and let your hair down from the towel that had been holding it.
Opening the door to your room did not yield the results you expected. Standing in front of you, in the same clothes he’d been wearing at the bar, was Spencer. He looked tired and his hair was sticking up like he’d spent the last two hours running his hands through it. He asked to come in. You stepped aside but did not welcome him.
“What do you need Reid? I’m really not looking to fight, I just want to sleep.”
He looked over your frame once, and then shut the door behind him.
“You drive me crazy.”
You cut him off, with a quick “Get out.”
“No, look just please let me talk to you.” You wish the desperation in his voice didn’t draw you back in immediately.
He inches closer to you as you moved away from him and says softly, “You’re stubborn and you drive me crazy. But, you were right today-“
“Please stop,” you bite back, again cutting him off.
“Christ Y/n, just let me get through this.”
He almost waits for you to stop him again before continuing. “You make me feel fucking crazy, and I can’t think and I hate it. I hate what you do to me. I hate the way I feel around you.”
“Spencer, please just go. I don’t need you to tell me that I’m terrible at my job for a second time today. Try it again tomorrow.”
You move to open the door but he grabs you before you can reach it.
“Stop talking, Y/N.”
His hands are on your waist and you heartbeat is in your throat and you know you should push him off of you but you can’t make yourself do it. He’s closer to you than he’s ever been and you can smell his sweat. As much as you want to scream at him, and force him out of your room, you can’t help but feel a warmth pooling in between your thighs.
He is impossibly closer when he says, “Y/n, please.”
You couldn’t tell you who moves in first, but suddenly his lips are on yours and your hands are tugging in his hair while his hold you to him. You can feel all of him and it doesn’t seem like it is possibly enough. All you know, is that he breaks away first.
“I don’t know how to handle myself around you. I shouldn’t be here. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
Now it’s your turn to grab the man in front of you.
“Spencer, shut up.”
You pull him back to your lips, and you can feel the moment his resolve breaks. He is everywhere. His hands run up your waist and dip below you shirt, and at first it’s hesitant, but then he’s pushing you toward the mattress and pressing himself onto you.
“You think I don’t see the way you look at me every day?”
You try to reply, “You’re full of shit,” but your sentence dies off as his fingers brush over your nipple. You’re panting into his mouth and you feel him hard against you hip. Without thought, your hips roll into his, desperate for pleasure.
His hands are everywhere, and his mouth follows suit, trailing down your neck and biting hard into your shoulder. His hands become more confident but still shockingly gentle. You imagined he’d be rough and angry, almost punishing, but this is so much worse. He is caring and his lips pause over your heart beat, allowing you to feel the warmth they carry. Tears are forming in your eyes and you do your best to blink them back as his hand grip the edge of your shirt and pull it over your head.
He curses to himself when he sees you, and you feel goosebumps rise on your skin. His fingers roll over the buds on your chest and you cry out, “Spencer, please.”
You don’t even know what you’re asking him for, but he seems to understand. His fingers slip beneath the waist band of your shorts, finding your centre and rubbing gently over your clit.
“God you’re so fucking wet and I’ve barely even touched you.”
You’re lost in his touch, and the way his hands are relentless in their pursuit tells you that he is too. You never expected him to talk like this. Fantasized, sure, but actually having him right above you is almost too much to bear. It is too much, and you don’t understand it, and the tears that were forming earlier become to heavy to hold back. The gentle moans you had been letting pass through your lips turn into sobs and his fingers still as soon as he hears you.
His voice is shaken and small when he asks, “Y/n? What’s wrong, what did I do?”
His question rocks through you and makes the tears well up so much faster than they were before.
“I’m so sorry,” you choke out. “I’m so sorry. I was cruel to you and you’re being so gentle with me and I don’t understand. You, you don’t have to do this for me just because you feel bad.”
He pulls you into him in a way that is different than before, and tries to wipe away the tears you let spill.
“Y/n, that isn’t what this is. I- I should be apologizing to you. I’ve been so terrible to you and you’ve been nothing but kind.”
You scoff, thinking back to earlier in the day, and try to push him away but he holds you closer and forces you to look at him.
“You were right, Y/n. I’ve been so scared of losing more people since Maeve, and when you joined the team it was clear how wonderful you were from the second you walked in. You’re so good and so intelligent, Y/n. I was fucking terrified of how drawn to you I was, so I pushed you away and I was too dumb to realize it was hurting you until today.”
His lips find your forehead, ghosting a kiss over it before continuing, “I’ve spent the last two years failing miserably at not forming an attachment to you, and I hurt you. Please, let me show you that I care.”
You know that you should be mad at him, but you’ve never been able to stay angry at the man in front of you. So, instead of trying to fight the feelings you both had been trying to for years, you let him in.
Your lips find his for the second time that night, and this time you each won’t let the other run off. His hands travel down your body again as he whispers sweet nothings in you ear and pulls your shorts off of you. When he reconnects with your heat, the sensation feels so much greater than before. You push yourself into his hand, and gasp when his fingers find their way inside you. Their pace is languid and exploratory as he curls himself inside of you, finding a spot that makes you feel like you’re on fire.
His lips that were exploring the expanse of your chest find their way back up to yours, and it gives you the courage to press your hand to the tent of his pants. Your action makes him still momentarily but then he presses more firmly into you.
He breaks away from you and says “You feel so good,” but isn’t enough. You whine into his mouth and push your hands to try and undo the buttons of his shirt. He breathes out a laugh and helps you guide it off of him. Still, you’re nothing if not greedy and you want more, so your hands move from his chest to his belt, and suddenly he is bare to you.
As you take him in, you feel your mouth fall open, and you can’t help but reach out to touch him and whisper, “You’re so big.”
This action decidedly pushes him over the edge as a groan falls from his lips and his hands resume their previous mission at a much faster pace. You can feel the pit forming in your stomach as he reduces you to incomprehensible babble and you both know you’re close. His thumb finds your clit and you feel yourself diving over the edge as your orgasm finds you. He nurses you through it, drawing the feeling out, before removing his fingers.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/n.”
You’re overcome with affection for the man above you, and you feel an incredible need to express it, but you can’t find the words. Instead, you do your best to flip him and lower yourself down his body. He watches you in awe, which almost surprises you because how could he think you wouldn’t want him in every possible way.
Once you’ve kissed your way down his chest and over his stomach, you move to put him in your mouth.
He stops you before you can, and your heart drops, scared that the illusion has shattered and he has decided he no longer wants you.
He remedies your fears quickly though when he says, “Y/n, you don’t have to.”
“I want to. I really want to, Spence. I- I want you.”
You swear you see love in his eyes, but push the thought aside and take him in your mouth.
You savor the feeling of taking him in, the way he fills your mouth and touches the back of your throat. You can’t fit him in his entirety and your hand has to pick up the slack, which seems to drive him crazy. Still, something in you wants to give him full control over you. So, when you come up for air, you take his hand and guide it to the back of your head, and genius that he is, he takes the hint. He pushes himself deeper down your throat as his hands tangle in your hair. The rhythm he build is perfect.
“You’re so fucking good, baby.”
The pet name makes your thighs press together, desperate for another release. His mouth is growing filthier by the minute.
“Fuck, Y/n. You like having my cock down you throat don’t you? Just so desperate to please, aren’t you?”
You moan around him before pulling off, feeling needier than you think you ever have before. As much as you want to make him come with your mouth, you need him inside you.
“Spencer, I need more.”
He laughs a little and says, “You’ve got to use your words, Y/n. Tell me what you want.”
The thought of saying it feels more embarrassing than anything you’ve done so far, but your desire outweighs it and you tell him, “I want you inside.”
“There you go, baby. Want me to fuck you, huh?”
You know he isn’t really asking, but you can’t stop yourself from nodding regardless.
Before going any further he asks, “Do you have a condom?”
“I don’t think so. I have an IUD and I’m clean. I trust you, but if you want to stop I get it.”
Without responding, he’s flipped you over and is now holding himself over you once again. For a second, he just looks down at you, but a small ‘please’ falling from your lips is enough to break his daze. He runs his hands down your stomach, grazing over your centre, before grabbing himself and lining up with you. The moment he starts to push himself in, you feel so full you might cry.
Your body is white hot, a feeling you haven’t experienced in any of your other sexual encounters. Hell, most of them haven’t made you come once, but with Reid you’re already bordering on a second orgasm just from him pushing into you. His pace is perfectly slow, and you can see his jaw clenched as he tries to restrain himself.
“I’m okay. You can go harder, I want you harder.”
Your words have the desired effect and you watch as he lets go. He’s everywhere and each stroke hits places that send you into a tailspin. When he rocks into you, his pelvis bushes over your clit perfectly.
“I’m gonna come, Spence. Fuck, fuck I’m coming.”
“God, I can fucking feel it, Y/n. You’re so fucking tight for me.”
If you had any shame left in you, you might be embarrassed at how quickly you came a second time, but all you can focus on is the rhythm of Spencer above you. You can feel his movements growing sloppier and you know that he’s close too.
“I’m gonna come, baby Where do you want it?”
You all but cry out, “Inside, Spencer. Please I want you inside.”
This pushes him over the edge and you can feel him pulse inside you. The sensation is almost enough to make you come again.
“Fuck, Y/n, where did that come from.”
You don’t respond and he seems to notice the dazed look in your eyes as he pulls out of you. Before you can get used to the emptiness, you feel his fingers trace your entrance.
“You want me to fuck my come back into you, huh? Make sure you’re really full?”
You nod, almost subconsciously, and he begins pushing his fingers into you at a relentless pace. You reach and heap his arm to center yourself, but it’s no use.
“Just one more, love. Let me show you how sorry I am.”
Your body is shaking and tears, different than before, well in your eyes and begin to break free.
“Such a pretty, filthy girl. Let go for me, baby. Can you do that? Can you come for me?”
You’ve always been one to please, and you feel the ball of tension in your stomach break free. Everything is white and the only thing you can do is call out Spencer’s name.
“So fucking pretty, Y/n. Come back, baby. I want to see your eyes.”
You didn’t even realize they were closed, but when they open you’re greeted with Spencer’s face above you. He smiles down at you and moves to get off the bed, which causes a jolt of panic to course through you.
“Don’t leave,” you all but yell. “Please, just stay with me tonight.”
He quells all your worries with a sentence, “Just getting a towel to clean you up. I’m not going to leave you anytime soon.”
done! let me know what you think!
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wafflefries13 · 9 days
The Consequence of Late Night Calls
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Summary: You've been friends with Katsuki for years, and you've always thought it's been just that - friends. But when you get a late-night call, it might just change things.
AN: Last repost! The original post got eaten by Tumblr. I'm still really proud of this one. I wrote it back when I was first starting to publish fanfic and I like how it turned out.
Warnings: College au, drinking, language
The call shocked you out of a deep but impromptu sleep. You jerked up from the noise, a page of lecture notes sticking to your check. It fluttered back to the desk covered in its own mess of loose leaf documents, used textbooks that cost more than a weekend trip to Disney World, and a laptop missing three of its letter keys. 
You dragged your tongue against your teeth, trying to get rid of the cotton feel coating the inside of your mouth. Rubbing stars into your tired eyes, you wondered when exactly you had fallen asleep. Was it somewhere near memorizing the latin terminology for court rhetoric or around reading the case file and trial records you were going to be tested over on Monday? Deciding wondering was basically pointless, considering you had pretty  much forgotten all of it anyway, you pawed blindly around for your phone. 
“Hello?” You answered, eyes still closed, although it probably came out and more of a mumbled groan than anything else.  
You pulled the phone away from your ear, wincing at the sudden loud noise. Blinking bleerally, you looked down at your phone. You had taken the caller ID picture a year ago, at a sorority Halloween party you barely remembered aside from the copious amounts of alcohol consumed followed by an ill-advised scavenger hunt that ended with a call to the police and the dean’s car somehow ending up in the agriculture department’s greenhouse crowded with Jack-O-lanterns. It was a profile shot of Bakugou Katsuki, his mouth opened in a mid-yell scowl, as was his standard expression, and eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. One hand extended to try and block the camera, the other clutching a brown bottle. He was wearing a fantasy barbarian king costume, chest bare to show off the taut muscles he worked so hard for all of high school to get. When he’d shown up in it, or, rather, when Kirishima had dragged him along in his own dragonborn costume, you couldn’t believe he still had it. You remembered sitting in your basement in 9th grade, pricking your fingers with a sewing needle as you and the rest of your newly formed D&D group, Bakugou and Kirishima included, spent way too much time and effort into creating your costumes. 
Rubbing at the bridge of your nose in a vain attempt to chase away the headache you could already feel forming, you brought the phone back to your ear. You could hear the low thump of bass heavy music in the background. 
“Hi, Suki,” You said, trying not to sound condescending, but it came out like that anyway. 
“Hey!” He said sharply. The rest of his reply was slurred smooth. “I told you not to call me that.” 
You smirked. “It’s cute.” 
“It’s embarrassing! ‘M not cute.” 
“No, you’re calling me at-” You pulled the phone away again to check the time. “Katsuki, it’s like two in the morning, what the hell?” 
You heard someone shout something on the other side of the line that Katsuki mumbled a reply to. To you he said, “Was thinking about you.” 
You felt yourself blush despite yourself. “You were thinking about me?” 
There was a clunk and a bump. You could imagine him falling against a wall and sliding down to sit until the room stopped spinning. “Yeah. I don’t like it.” 
You ignored the jab in your heart. “Well, thanks.” 
“It keeps happening. I’ll just be, like, doing stuff, and then I just think, ‘What would (Y/N) think of that?’ ‘I wonder what (Y/N)’s doing right now.’ ‘(Y/N) would know what to do now. She’s so smart. And her hands look so soft. And her eyes are so pretty.’” He was quiet for a second. “It’s annoying. I can’t stop thinking about you. And it’s worse when you’re here.” There was a shuffling as you heard him try to stand up then give up again. “Why aren’t you here? I want you here.” 
You were wide awake now. You clenched and unclenched your hand, trying to process the information your obviously drunk friend had just confessed. Your stomach churned in a mix of anticipation, anxiety, and straight up butterflies. 
What the hell did all of that mean? Well, of course you knew what it meant, or you knew what it meant when spoken by a sober person of sound mind and body. But there was no way, you tried to rationalize, that The Bakugou Katsuki, the guy you’d known since freshman year of high school when he’d punched a guy who had flipped up your uniform skirt on the first day, the guy who had surprised just about everyone in home economics when he busted out a three tiered cake like it was no one’s business, the guy whos ego was big enough to have its own gravitational pull, was confessing his feelings to you in a drunk rant at two in the morning. 
“Katsuki,” You said in a soft voice. “I-” 
There was a retching sound from the other end of the line. Katsuki coughed, tried to say something, then threw up again. “Aw, fuck.” 
That headache was back with avengence now. You sighed, looking for your keys. “Katsuki, where are you?” 
“Uhh, on campus? At the Kappa Alpha Betta Whatever house. There’s a party. Why aren’t you here?” 
“You know I hate all the Greek life bs. Stay where you are, okay? I’m coming to get you. You’re completely wasted.” 
“‘M not. I can handle what I drink.” There was another pause before he wretched again. 
“Did you just throw up again?” 
“Cool. I’ll be there in ten.” 
You didn’t wait for him to respond before hanging it. You didn’t think your heart could take it if he kept going on like he had been. Grabbing your keys and heading out of your crowded studio apartment, you hopped in your car to go save your drunk friend from making any other ill advised decisions that night. 
You realized that you were probably over thinking the whole phone call as you drove through deserted streets. You couldn’t help it, it was a bad habit you had formed as a kid that now  made you obsess over court documents and testimonies in class. But now, instead of helping, it was picking you apart. What did Katsuki’s tone imply when he was talking to you just now? Could you trust the tone of an inebriated person? What did he mean when he said he thought about you a lot? You’d known each other for years now, being involved in almost all the same activities. Wouldn’t it be natural to think about someone you spent so much time with? But you’d known Kirishima for just as long, not to mention the rest of the self-named “Baku-Squad.” You’d never gotten a late night drunk call from any of them. Heck, Katsuki had known Izuku way longer than he had known you, and you were pretty dang sure Katsuki had never called him going on and on about how he always thought about him. 
Stopping at a red light, you pressed your forehead into the soft faux-leather of your steering wheel, willing your thoughts to calm down and just come to a rational conclusion already. Expect, you know, a rational conclusion that wasn’t that the guy you had carried a torch for for almost as long as you had known him might actually have feelings for you back. 
You turned on to the street lined with sororities and fraternities across from the main campus. You had to slam on your breaks almost immediately to avoid running over a tipsy, giggling co-ed who was stumbling out into the road. She didn’t even look up at you. 
You didn’t know exactly which house Katsuki was stranded at, considering you could see at least three different parties all going on at first glance. His “Kappa Alpha Betta Whatever” wasn’t very helpful, either, considering all the Greek letters adorning the houses blended together in your mind at some point. And you really didn’t want to tramp through a bunch of different houses tonight. 
Thankfully, you were saved the trouble when you saw Kirishima’s 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle park half off the curb in front of one of the houses. You’d know that car anywhere. Kirishima had dragged your group to various scrap yards and auto-repair stores all summer after he got his license, the first of you all to do so, in an effort to fix up the worn down Chevelle that he’d bought for a hundred bucks and a turkey sandwich. 
You parked on the other side of the street then jogged across to the house that was practically vibrating with heavy music and Greek life energy. Stepping over a semi-conscious frat boy laying in the doorway, you scanned around the house for any sign of Katsuki’s pomeranian-puff-ball hair. 
You spotted Denki lounging on a couch, a lampshade on his head and a tangle of phone chargers clutched in his fist. His hand sparked every now and then as he used his quirk to recharge the collection of phones. 
You lifted up the edge of the lampshade. “Hey there, Pikachu.” 
“Heeeeeey~” He said, giving you a thumbs up. You could already tell he was too far gone, although you didn’t know if it was from drinking or the over use of his quirk. 
“(Y/N)!” You heard a voice call behind you. A body fell heavily against your back. Sero wrapped his arms around you in a backwards hug. “Where you been? We missed you!” 
“Studying. I’m boring, remember? I’m looking for Katsuki, you seen him around?” 
Sero snickered. “Bakugou, huh? He’s been looking for you for a long time, right, Denki?” 
You swallowed hard. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” 
Sero snickered again, flopping on the couch next to Denki. “Can’t tell. Part of the bro code. And he said he’d kill me.” 
“That does sound like Katsuki.” 
Sero covered his eyes with his arm, head leaning back. With a wide smile, he waved his hand in the vague direction to the back door. “I think he’s out by the pool or something.” 
You waved bye. “Thanks, I’ll go check it out. You guys take care of yourselves, okay?” 
“Look at ‘em go,” Sero said to Denki as you left. “You think they’ll have a spring wedding?” 
You managed to weave your way through the crowd of bodies clogging the house to finally spill out into the back yard. You had no idea how people were able to stay this energized this late into the night with this many other people around. You remembered once being stuck at another party, early on in your college days. When it became super clear you didn’t want to be there, overwhelmed by the noise, the crush of bodies, and the suffocation of social enterprise, Katsuki had dragged Kirishima over to you, planting him in front of you as your ‘extrovert shield.’  He’d stayed with you behind the boisterous redhead for the rest of the night. 
You wondered if Katsuki remembered doing that, if he remembered any of the small nice gestures he did for you over the years. And now, with his call, with what Sero said, with your over analyzing brain, you were dissecting every interaction you could remember. Was the time he opened a door for you a signal? Was the reason he would ask to study with you for chemistry, when he was way better in practically every subject than you, just so he could be close to you? Were the times he had given you his jacket when you were cold meant to be a more intimate moment? 
God, you were going to go crazy. 
Walking around the pool, you finally spotted the hot-headed blond. He was sitting slouched over on the end of one of the reclining pool chairs, forearms braced on his knees.  You almost called out to him, stopping cold when you saw the girl behind him. She had draped herself over his back, chin rested in the crook of his neck, one had massaging his shoulder, the other conspicuously sneaking under the hem of his shirt to rub circles on his abs. 
You clenched and unclenched your hands, worry gnawing at you as a headache at the back of your skull. Had something changed between the time he had called you and now? Had there been nothing there to change at all? Had you been misreading this situation the whole time? 
Katsuki looked up, his permanently affixed scowl even deeper. The second his jewel-red eyes met yours, you felt your heart skip a beat. He jumped to his feet so fast the girl behind him fell back against the chair. He tried marching over to you, which was made only slightly less intimidating by the drunk sway to his step. 
You didn’t remember him being so tall. You’d just seen him this afternoon. There was a flushed blush across his face, adding a surprising softness. Were his arms always that strong looking? Were his eyes that piercing? Was his jaw that strong? 
“You came,” He said, voice rough as whiskey soaking into gravel. 
You spread your hands. “Well, you said my name three times, so, here I am!” You laughed nervously, trying to ignore how his gaze pinned you down. 
He took another step towards you, hand reading up. “(Y/N), I-” 
His cheeks turned from pink to green. Lurching to the side, he vomited into the pool. You tried to help him back up, hunched over and trying to catch his breath. The crowd of people around you groaned in disgust before rolling in to sarcastic applause. Katsuki flipped them off. 
“Alright, Suki,” You said, rubbing his back. “Let’s get you back home.” 
He grumbled, leaning his full weight against you. You almost stumbled and fell with the sudden shift of balance. Katsuki slid his arm around your waist, hand firmly grasping your hip, as if he was the one trying to prevent you from a drunken stumble. His fingers felt like fire through your clothes. 
You decided to go around the house instead of trying to push your way through it. Soon you were making your way across the street. It took some maneuvering to unlock and open the passenger door. You practically dropped Katsuki in where his head fell back with a groan. You grabbed his seat belt and stretched across him to fasten it. It wasn’t until he started petting your hair that your realized your position of half-way laying across his lap. You jerked back, some of your hair getting caught in his fingers. He made a disappointed sound at the loss of it. 
You slid back into the driver's seat, trembling hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. You had to take a few steadying breaths before you were ready to start the car. Pulling out of the neighborhood, you glanced over at Katsuki. His eye brows were furrowed, eyes closed, mouth pulled in a small frown. 
God, he looked adorable. 
You hit the break harder than you meant to at the light. Adorable? Where the hell did that thought come from? He’d probably be furious if he knew you ever thought that. 
You risked another look at him. When he let his face relax like this, you could see the slight chub that still clung to his cheeks. Another thing he would hate to know that you thought was how much you loved the softness that it leant him. It was cute. 
Almost without your realizing it, you lifted your hand. You were overcome with the sudden urge to poke his cheek. A car horn blared behind you when your finger was less than an inch from his face. You let out an undignified squeak, hands slamming back to the wheel. Katsuki grumbled and turned in the seat, head resting against the window. You could feel the blush burning up your face. 
A few minutes later, you pulled back to the apartment complex. You both lived in the same building, Katsuki directly below your own unit. And now you were overthinking his reason for not living on campus. 
When you opened the passenger door, Katsuki almost fell out. You jerked forward to catch him then dragged him out. He half woke up, as feeble on his legs as a newborn horse. 
You lugged him through the lobby. He was muttering under his breath, but most of the words you could make out were curses. Not unusual for him. You pressed the button for the elevator repeatedly. It just blinked back at you. You sighed in frustration. They had been doing maintenance on your building all week, but now might have been the absolute worst time to do the elevator. 
You shook Katsuki’s shoulder a little bit. His head jostled like a bobble-head. “Suki, I’m gonna need your help here for a minute.” 
His head lolled forward, forehead coming down to press to yours. In a quiet voice, he whispered, “I’d do anything for you.” 
You shoved him upright, face burning. “Then walk up the damn stairs yourself!” 
Despite that, you still ended up half-carrying him up four flights of stairs. You were uncomfortably sweaty when you reached the door to Katsuki’s apartment. The two of you had traded copies of your apartment keys when you had moved in. “In case something happens to your dumb ass and I need to come save you,” He had said. He would frequently stop by, usually when you were hours deep into an all-nighter. He’d bring his laptop and work on whatever 12 page essay way due on your bed while you poured over case reports. You’d sit in silence, just together, sharing the same space, content with nothing more than knowing the other was nearby. Or he’d bring you real food to make sure you weren’t just eating ramen all the time. In turn, you’d pull him out for game night with the squad, make sure he’d actually call his mother once in a while, and lend an ear to his semi-nightly rants on whoever he decided to hate that night. 
You fumbled with the keys, jamming the key in the lock then pushing it open with your shoulder that wasn’t currently occupied by a half-asleep, full-drunk boy who had at least 50 pounds and ten inches on you. 
There was always an expectation with the rooms of single college boys. Greasy pizza boxes, empty bottles of booze displayed like expensive decor, at least one poster of a half-naked girl somewhere, probably a basket of clothes that should have been washed weeks ago. And while you knew plenty of guys who fit that description, Katsuki defied expectation. His apartment was always immaculate. His shoes were lined neatly by the door, a calendar above his desk  color-coded with assignment due dates, bed made. Katsuki may give off the persona of a punk, but you knew he was a straight-laced nerd through and through.  
With the last of your strength, you lugged him across the room, dropping him on his bed. With a groan, you stretched your arms up until you heard a satisfying pop in your back. Hands on your hips, you watched as Katsuki moaned, burying his face in his pillow and pulling his feet up from the floor. You sat on the end of the bed, tugging his feet to you to unlace his shoes. You let them fall haphazardly to the floor, too tired to care about his level of neatness.  
You grabbed a bucket from his hall closet, putting it next to the head of his bed for when he inevitably woke up vomiting in the morning. Checking his bathroom, you put a couple of painkillers and a glass of water on the nightstand with a post-it note saying “Drink Me.” 
Brushing your hands off, you looked around and checked your work. Satisfied that he wouldn’t kill himself between now and when you would inevitably check on him in the morning, you decided it was finally time to head back upstairs and get some well deserved sleep. 
You turned back at the door. Katsuki was splayed like a starfish, gently snoring with his mouth wide open. You also noticed his blushing red fluffy cheeks. 
You tapped the door knob a few times before sighing in surrender to temptation and turnin back. You knelt down next to the bed. For a moment, you just watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful now. You reached out. Your index finger sunk into his cheek like it was a marshmallow. You couldn’t believe you had never done this before. God, he really was adorable. 
Your thoughts were abruptly cut off as Katsuki’s hand shot up and grabbed your wrist with an iron grip. With a shriek, you tried to scramble backwards. Katsuki lazily opened his eyes, not at all bothered by your struggles. With seemingly no effort on his part, he tugged you forward. Off balance, you fell into his chest. Katsuki wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug, slinging a leg over yours, trapping you on the bed. 
“Katsuki!” You hissed. You squirmed in his hold, not getting any extra room. He just hummed, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You were pretty sure your face was hot enough to start a fire. “Katsuki, let me go!” 
“No,” He mumbled. His voice rumbled against your skin sending shivers through your whole body. 
“You can’t leave. If you leave, you won’t come back.” 
You stopped struggling. “What are you talking about?” 
He squeezed you tighter. “I’m loud. I get angry real easy. I fight a lot. And you…” He trailed off, his breath catching and rattling in his chest. “You’re so much better than me. You’re nice and smart and talented and pretty and caring and… and…” You could feel the hot tears landing on your skin. He was starting to shake. His grip had loosened enough for you to get out, but instead you brought your arms up and pulled him in closer. “If I let you go, you’ll see how much better you are than me. And you’ll leave. You’ll leave me because you’re better and you deserve so much better. But I’m a selfish bastard and I just want you for myself because I love you so damn much.” 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. You wiggled your hand up, threading your hand into his hair and tilting his head to look up at you. 
“I love you too,” You said softly. “And I’m not going anywhere.” 
Katsuki crushed you to his chest, letting out another loud sob. You could feel hot tears pressing against your eyes. You had no idea Katsuki felt this way about anything; about you, about himself, about your relationship. 
But one thing you knew for sure: You loved Bakugou Katsuki. 
The first thing Katsuki noticed when he woke up was the head ache. His head felt like he had a railroad spike jammed through his temples. God, what did he do last night? There was the party at Kappa Alpha Betta Whatever house. It’d been fine for a while, hanging out with the guys, playing beer pong, winning some extra cash from freshman in poker (where did he put that money anyway?). And then…
And then someone had said your name. He’d heard it across the room, an amazing feat in and of itself, but his ears were trained for any news of you. He’d jerked up right when he heard it, missing his shot at the beer pong table. He gladly took his drink and went prowling through the house. Who had said your name? Were you here? Were you coming?  
It might have been selfish, he knew how much you hated loud crowds, but damn it, he wanted you here. He remembered the last Greek life party you had been at. He’d lost you at some point between getting into an argument with that damn Deku and pulling Denki down from a keg stand. He’d finally found you huddled into some back corner, looking like a rabbit about to dart from a hungry fox (he wouldn’t mind being that fox, honestly, he could eat you right up.) You’d lost the color in your face, hands shaking as you clutched your red Solo cup almost hard enough for your nails to pierce the plastic. 
He snatched Kirishima by his collar as he carved a path through the room. He planted the extroverted red-head in front of you, creating an extrovert shield between himself and the love of his life you. He’d spent the rest of the night talking to you. Nothing special, he couldn’t even really remember what about. But he did remember the relaxed slope of your shoulders, the spark in your eyes, the smile that played on your lips at whatever lame joke he had just made. 
Back in the present (or last night, whatever), he was still stalking through the halls looking for whoever had mentioned you. He heard it again, the tail end of your name, coming from the living room. 
“-(/N) never had it so good.” There he was, lounging along the bottom stairs with a smug look on his face as he regaled the small crowd he had attracted. Katsuki recognized him as one of those legacy kids, the one who showed up to the first day of orientation in a sleek black Bugatti and took up three parking spaces, talked in almost every one of his classes when he even bothered to show up, and was, without a doubt at every party on or off campus. 
And now he was telling a story about you. What were you ever doing with an asshole like him? 
“You would never guess it from how she dresses, you know,” The guy continued, lazily waving his half-empty beer bottle. “But she is stacked.” 
Katsuki tensed up, his heart jumping into his throat. He pushed aside the crowd until he stood right in front of the bragger on the stairs. “What did you just say?” He asked through clenched teeth. “You're talking about (Y/N) (L/N), right?” 
He lazily swept his gaze up, grinning wide when he saw Katsuki. “Yeah, (Y/N)? You know, she comes across as a frigid bitch, but let me tell you, she’s an incredible lay.” Katsuki’s vision went red. The crowd started to subtly shuffle away, feeling the cold change in atmosphere. “Not much besides that, honestly. Thank god her tits and ass are amazing, cause her face sure wasn’t doing it for me. Super boring, too, heard she’s failing her classes. Oh, well. Hey, I could use a side-piece when I’m running my own firm, you know?” 
The asshole never saw it coming. In the span of a heart beat, Katsuki had grabbed his designer jacket and hoisted him off the stairs, pinning him to the wall so his feet kicked to try and reach the ground. 
“You listen to me, asshole,” Katsuki hissed. “You never talk about (Y/N) again. You never look at her, you never talk to your shit-stain friends about her, you sure as fuck never tell another lie about her, or so help me, you’ll get to find out what color your liver is.” 
Katsuki was half-way sure the jerk had pissed his pants. He dropped him in a heap, landing in the puddle of spilled beer on the floor. He brushed his hand off on his jeans, eager to get whatever germs the gossip had off him.  
He was almost out of ear shot when he heard the rich kid spit and say, “Fine. She’s probably crawling with it if you’re dicking her down.” 
The kid’s head made a dent in the wall as he richoched back from the impact of Katsuki’s punch. He would easily have a black eye and a broken nose, the chipped tooth would just be a  bonus. 
Katsuki’s head was fuzzy with rage, stalked through the house, bee-lining it to the nearest source of inebriation. How dare he? How fucking dare that absolute ass-wipe ever even think of saying such horrible things about you? He wasn’t even worth knowing your name, much less saying it. Not to mention the fact he must be blind to think you were anything less than stunning. Ever since he had known you, you had been nothing but kind and smart and caring and funny and…
“Baku-bro, you doing okay?” 
Katsuki didn’t realize how tight he was holding his fists until he relaxed. His nails had made half-moon indents in his palms, his knuckles brushed red from the punch. 
Kirishima had his mouth pulled down in that stupid puppy dog pout. “I’m fine,” Katsuki brushed him off. He grabbed a beer out of an iced cooler, twisting off the cap in a single motion and chugging half the bottle. 
“Well, that’s good, cause I don’t think Tim Flood is making it out of here without a few stitches.” 
“Good.” Katsuki finished the beer and chucked it into a recycle bin. He grabbed another and stalked out of the room. Everything felt too hot, too tight. His head was pounding. If you were here, you’d get a bag of ice and press it against his forehead. You’d probably call him an idiot for getting into another fight, that he needed to learn how to manage his temper better. He’d call you a dumbass but let you lead him away somewhere dark and quiet, away from all the other more insufferable dumbasses. You’d find some pain killers, get him some water, because that’s just the kind of caring person you were. Maybe you’d bring him upstairs, lead him to an unoccupied bedroom. The two of you would sit together on the bed, maybe just a little too close. You’d hand him the water, his hand would brush against yours. You’d look down, shy, blushing cutely. He’d lean forward, thread his hand through your incredibly soft hair, angle your face up to him. Your plush lips would part slightly and he’d lean forward and - 
“Are you sure you’re good?” Kirishima asked, abruptly cutting off Katsuki’s impromptu fantasy. “Cause you don’t look so good.” Katsuki bit his tongue. “Is it because of what that guy said about (Y/N)?” Katsuki whipped around, glaring daggers. Kirishima smiled and put his hands up in mock surrender. “Hey, bro, it’s okay! No one believed him, anyway.” 
Katsuki scoffed, taking a swig of the beer. “(Y/N)’s too good for him anyway.” 
“I bet you think (Y/N)’s too good for everyone here, right?” 
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” 
“It means you need to hurry up and tell (Y/N) you like her!” Sero shouted, jumping in out of nowhere. 
Katsuki dropped his bottle, Kirishima catching it just in time, and grabbed Sero by the front of his shirt and lifted him up. Sero just grinned his stupid, wide grin. 
“Come on, Katsuki,” Denki said, slinging an arm around Katsuki’s shoulders. “We all know you’ve had a thing for (Y/N) since high school. Why don’t you just put us all out of our misery and tell her already?!” 
Katsuki felt his face heat up. “I don’t- I haven’t - Fuck you!”  Katsuki couldn’t remember why he was friends with these three idiots as they all burst out into laughter.
��He snatched his bottle back and pushed through the crowd. He needed some air. He heard Sero yell after him, “You have to tell her eventually!” 
And… That was mostly it. Katsuki’s memories of last night sort of started to trail off after that. He knew that he drank, he drank a lot. At some point he ended up by the pool. And maybe he’d called someone? Oh, hell, he hoped he hadn’t called someone. 
His eyes snapped open at the soft groan. There you were, just inches away from his face, fast asleep and tucked in his arms. You were pressed close, breasts pushing against his chest, legs tangled with his, one hand clutching his shirt. Your lips were parted ever so slightly, breathing heavy and even. 
And you were so fucking close. 
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. His arms tightened around you and he tensed. How the hell did this happen? Did you actually come to the party last night? When, and why? What had called you down there-? 
Oh. Oh, the call! He had called you last night? Some time in his drunken haze he must have figured out to bypass the timed lock he had put on it specifically to avoid calling people with a too-honest tongue. But had you…?  Nervously, he looked down. He sighed in relief. You were both still dressed. At least that was one mistake he knew he hadn’t made. 
Alright, that was one problem. Now, on to the next one: How was he going to get out of here without waking you up? Craning his head around, he checked out the room. Wait, this was his room. He was in his apartment! A picture of last night started to form in his mind. He’d called you, blabbering God knows what, and then you’d been a good person (why were you such a good person?) and had come to get him, to make sure he was okay. And then what? He’d somehow seduced you into his bed? No, it was more likely you had stayed to make sure he didn’t choke on his own vomit, maybe sat on the bed because it was the middle of the night and you were exhausted, and then… This. 
Okay, okay, no, this was fine, he could fix this. He could slip out, let you keep sleeping. He’d make some breakfast in the kitchen and then you’d wake up, wander in rubbing the sleep from your eyes in that cute way you did when you pulled an all-nighter studying. He’d chastise you for lugging his drunk ass up here, for being out so late at night. You’d wave him off, compliment his cooking, tell him to take better care of himself, and then smile up at him with that blindingly beautiful smile and sparkling eyes. 
“Morning.” Katsuki yelped at your greeting. He stared, wide-eyed, down at you, as you look back up at him lazily with those sparkling eyes. “It’s kinda hard to breathe here.” He realized then just how tight he was holding you. He jerked backward, his shout of surprise cut off as he fell off the bed. He rubbed his sore hip, looking up when he heard your giggle. You were leaning over the bed, smiling shyly when he caught you staring. 
He gulped hard, feeling his face burning up. “Hi.” 
You tucked a loose threat of hair behind your ear. “Hi.” 
He should say something. He needed to say something. God, why wasn’t he saying something? 
“I-“ Katsuki stopped with an incomplete thought in his mouth. He suddenly felt uncomfortably hot, his stomach clenching and throat going dry. Your face dropped as you lunged forward, dragging a bucket in front of him (where did that even come from?). He surged forward, clenching the sides of the bucket in a white knuckled grip, and threw up. 
You slid off the bed and knelt next to him. You rubbed small circles in his back, whispering small comforts as he coughed up bile and alcohol and who knows what else. You reached over behind him and grabbed a glass of water from his nightstand. 
“Here,” You said. “Rinse and spit. Don’t swallow or gargle, it’ll just mess with your gag reflex.” Rubbing the spike of pain growing in his forehead, he did what you said. When he caught his breath, he accepted the pain killers you had and dry swallowed them. You really had prepared for everything, huh? 
Katsuki shoved the bucket away with his foot, leaning back against the bed. “Fuck…” 
You hummed in response and scooted to sit next to him. “So,” You said. 
“So,” He said back. 
“I don’t suppose you remember much from last night?” 
He clenched his jaw, mouth going dryer than it already was, if that was possible. He tried to laugh, but it sounded forced and strained, even to him. “Hey, we’re both still wearing pants, right?” You didn’t laugh back. 
“So that’s a no then?” The seriousness with which you said that made him pause. 
“I, uh, think I called you?” 
“MmHmm. You didn’t sound too great, so I came to pull you out.” 
“Huh. Thanks for that.” 
“Yup.” You paused for a second. “Do you remember… anything else you said?” 
“Uhh, I owe you breakfast?” 
You looked away. “Is there anything you maybe told Sero that you wouldn’t want him to tell me?” 
Double fuck. 
“If this is about Halloween last year, Mina was the one who brought the Ouija board.” He smirked at you, waiting for you to laugh with him. Instead you didn’t even look up, staring a hole in the carpet with the intensity of your gaze. 
You let out a sigh through your nose, pushing off your knees to stand. “I’m gonna head out,” You said, rubbing the back of your head and still not looking at him. 
Katsuki jumped up, immediately regretting as his head began swimming. “(Y/N), wait-“ He cut himself off with another surge of nausea and lurched towards the bucket. 
“Katsuki,” You said, sounding frustrated. “Look, I…” You sighed, running a hand through your hair and turning back to him. “We’ve known each other for a long time now, right? And for all the time I’ve known you, you’ve been stubborn and pig-headed and aggressive and just, you know, you. But still, in all that time, despite everything, I still…” You pressed your lips, looking for the right words. “I’m happy when I’m around you, Katsuki. I feel at ease, I feel protected, I feel like I can be better at anything. And I’ve thought about this a lot, so much that it makes my head spin and my heart hurt, but through all the trouble I still think it’s worth it. Because at the end of the day it means I still get to be with you and sometimes I just feel like that’s enough, but now I…” Your lip was trembling, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. Katsuki wanted nothing more than to take a big step forward and wrap you in the biggest, tightest hug of your life. Finally, you sighed in defeat. “But if you can’t say it, if the One and Only Katsuki Bakugou can’t say it, then how the hell can I?” 
Your voice broke on the last word. Katsuki was so stunned and suddenly pinned with guilt that he couldn’t move when you spun on your heels and rushed out of his apartment. 
Oh, fuck. 
“Idiot,” You murmured to yourself as you fled up the apartment stairs, furiously wiping at your eyes to get rid of the oncoming tears. “Idiot, idiot, idiot.” By the time you reached your apartment and slammed the door behind you, you weren’t sure if you were talking about Katsuki or yourself. 
You felt sick. Anxiety gnawed at your mind like a starving coyote. Had you really just confessed your feelings to Katsuki? Had you really just confessed your feelings to Katsuki like that? Would he ever speak to you again? Would things just become too awkward that you’d be edged out of your friend group? They had known Katsuki much longer than they had known you, after all. God, what if he was calling Kirishima right now and telling him about the disaster of a morning, after you had taken advantage of his blitz out state and slept in the same bed with him? 
Well, no. Kirishima was probably still knocked  out from his own night of heavy imbibing. Not to mention that even he, the most kind-hearted and patient person you knew, would have to draw a line at listening to Katsuki rant while dealing with a massive hangover. 
And no, Katsuki wouldn’t do that to you. Despite his rough deminor, his abrasive personality, and his profane tongue, Katsuki was actually a sweetheart deep down. Maybe really deep down, but still. He wouldn’t be so intentionally cruel, even if you told him that you shared all of his baby pictures of him playing in his All Might onesie online. 
So then why were you still huddled on a heap on the floor, back pressed against the front door, crying? Why was this pit of loneliness blooming in your chest?  
You yelped at the sudden banging on the door. Who could be here so early in the morning? You had paid rent this month, right? You sniffed, rubbing your eyes and smoothing out your clothes. You hoped your cheeks weren’t the blotchy red they got whenever you were upset. You took a deep breath to steady your voice for whoever was outside. 
Opening the door, you looked up at a wide-eyed Katsuki, panting hard with determination set on his face. You groaned internally. 
“Katsuki,” You began,” About what I said, I’m sorr-” 
Without waiting for you to finish, Katsuki surged forward. You tried to take a step backward, almost falling, but he caught you, a strong grip on your shoulders. Without waiting for you to get your bearings, Katsuki leaned in, smashing his lips against yours. 
It wasn’t a graceful kiss, all clashing teeth and urgency rather than romance. His eyes were screwed closed. He stayed pressed against you, not moving, grip so tight on your upper arms you thought there might be a mark later. 
Just as suddenly as he had come forward, he jerked back, but kept his hold on you. You both breathed heavily, eyes locked. Your mind whirled, a hundred voices shouting at the same time. For once, you decided to ignore them and let your body do what it wanted. 
You reached up, wrapping your arms around Katsuki’s neck and pulled him back in. This kiss was controlled, soft and sweet. His hands dropped from your shoulders to wrap around your waist. He pressed in harder, adding desperation in the kiss, as if he thought you would vanish any second. When you both pulled away this time, he leaned his forehead against yours, noses bumping into each other, sharing the same breath. 
His voice was rough. “Sorry,” He said. “I had to brush my teeth first.” 
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