#fight homophobia
iamnotshazam · 10 months
Linked Universe fandom: here are some age old internet truths we may need to go over collectively.
It is okay to be LGBTQIA+. This is a very queer fandom, and I feel safe saying that even as an on-again-off-again fan.
Maybe you are a young person who feels unconnected to anything remotely queer or queer-adjacent. It is okay to not be LGBTIA+. If you are unfamiliar with how dangerous it is in many, many countries to be queer, including risking life and freedom, then it may seem unnecessary, or an issue of the past. People from homophobic cultures are on Tumblr. It is not an issue of the past. If you accept that queer people have a right to exist, then be aware that their needs as subjugated people are sometimes express-able only through online channels.
1. Accusations of grooming based on inappropriate actions, messages and invitations between an adult and a minor are serious and should be treated as such.
Even a minor having a weird "feeling," that the conversation is "off," should be addressed. No, it is not fair that evidence is required for the situation that a real victim does not have the evidence. It is up to everyone, working together, to have communities that are safe and not exclusionary. It is the responsibility of everyone to communicate how uncool taking advantage of anyone, anywhere is! No bueno! If someone thinks it's not necessary, even after being reminded, think twice before interacting with them!
2. Accusations of grooming based on being queer without also evidence of inappropriate actions, messages and invitations is HOMOPHOBIC.
Crucially, it may not be worth your time or energy arguing with people online, unless they have specific and actionable evidence that inappropriate grooming has occurred (or God forbid, is occurring). Self-admitted homophobes can be victims of a groomer that also happens to be queer, unfortunately. It is not your responsibility to "fix" anybody's homophobia.
I have no better advice than state these two facts and wait for evidence.
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trevorme · 1 year
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Drag Is Not A Crime
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personal-blog243 · 6 months
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blutraene · 9 months
Hallo ihr lieben Menschen. Ich sammle seit ein paar Monaten immer wieder Bands und Solokünstler:innen, die man meiner Meinung nach boykottieren sollte in dieser Liste. Vorwiegend sind es klare Nazi-Bands, einfach weil ich zu denen sehr viel finde, aber eben auch andere Bands, die ich teilweise auch früher gehört habe, deren Mitglieder unverzeiliche Dinge getan haben oder die politische Ansichten vertreten, welche mit meinen Wertvorstellungen unvereinbar sind.
Ich versuche immer den Grund kurz dsrzustellen und Quellen zu verlinken. Anschließend werden die Bands noch in Kategorien eingeteilt.
Nutzt diese Liste gerne, wenn ihr bspw. bei Black Metal Bands unsicher seid, ob sie vielleicht rechts sein könnten. Die Liste deckt nicht alles ab, aber sie kann helfen einiges rauszufiltern. Ich musste im Zuge meiner Recherchen auch schon ein paar Playlists aussortieren.
Meine Bitte an euch: bitte weist mich darauf hin, welche Bands und Künstler:innen auf dieser Liste fehlen (gerne auch mit Quelle). Auch strukturelle Verbesserungsvorschläge für die Liste nehme ich gerne an.
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pettylgbt · 7 months
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basilepesso · 11 months
"Les quatre collégiens de Golbey (Vosges), poursuivis pour le suicide de Lucas en janvier, ont été reconnus coupables de harcèlement, mais le tribunal pour enfants d’Épinal n’a pas retenu de lien de causalité entre ces faits et le suicide de l’adolescent de 13 ans. Des mesures éducatives provisoires ont été prononcées à l’encontre des quatre collégiens en attendant la prochaine audience qui décidera de leurs sanctions, fixée au 22 janvier 2024. Ils encourent jusqu’à 18 mois de prison, une peine maximale qui aurait été beaucoup plus sévère si le tribunal les avait reconnus coupables de harcèlement scolaire ayant entraîné le suicide : la peine encourue aurait alors été de cinq ans de prison. (...) "Les proches de l’adolescent avaient dénoncé des faits de harcèlement, révélant les moqueries et insultes à caractère homophobe dont il s’était dit victime de la part d’autres élèves de son collège." (Aussi sur Fb, 5 juin 2 023) Article d’Actu.fr : “Suicide de Lucas dans les Vosges : quatre collégiens reconnus coupables de harcèlement“
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stephanieviolet · 11 months
Today I had a great day, with a terrible experience from another parent at my kids' school.
I wore my favourite new t-shirt:
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And as I was walking to the school picnic, another parent was walking toward me, with her two young kids (preschool aged) and commented:
"I should have worn my straight shirt."
I laughed until I realised what she said (my brain takes a minute to process) and as I walked away I managed to say (hopefully loud enough)
"At least we'd know you're a bigot."
Overall, I wish I had said it louder and faster, on the other hand, everyone I told this story to was offended on my behalf on how hateful this parent was.
I live in BC, Canada. Hate is real. Canadians have a duty to be loud and proud, to drown out the hate. We are not immune to the influence of narrow minded people. And we owe it to our kids to help make the world a safer place.
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apollos-olives · 4 months
"go to palestine and see how they treat you" okay. i did. they treated me like normal. i'm palestinian and queer and they treated me just fine. but you know where i was treated like shit for being queer??? the u.s. of fucking a.
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vapidsoup · 2 months
yosuke p4 exists in this really interesting limbo where his entire character is amazing and nuanced if you see him as queer, and complete and utter ass if you see him as straight
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mxrmaid-poet · 26 days
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bylertruther · 9 months
if st were set in modern times and mike and el were fighting over text i really truly and genuinely feel in my heart that mike would be the kind of boy texter to receive an entire paragraph and pick out ONE thing a Single Sentence from the entire essay el sends him and reply to that and that alone. and it isn't even the most important sentence or tht relevant to the argument at all. like that one "i don't even drink ciroc" meme
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
steve being overly tactile with billy when they become friends. slinging an arm around billy’s shoulder’s while they’re watching a movie. putting his hands on billy’s waist to move past him. tucking billy’s hair behind his ear to look at his earring. slipping a finger through the loop of billy’s jeans to tug him closer. grabbing billy’s chin to tilt his head because oh, you have freckles..
steve telling himself that sure he touches billy a lot but. he’s always been a touchy guy. it doesn’t mean anything.
steve not accepting that he has a crush on billy and that’s the reason he can’t keep his hands to himself.
because obviously steve isn’t a queer.
as if.
billy being simultaneously overwhelmed with and loving all the attention. because it’s steve. steve pressing his face into billy’s neck when they’re high. pulling billy’s hand close to play with his ring. running his hand over billy’s stomach when they pass out in the same bed and he thinks billy’s still asleep. tracing circles around billy’s ankle as he listens to billy read.
because it’s steve. steve who billy’s had a thing for since he arrived in hawkins. steve who can’t like billy like that. steve who isn’t like billy. steve who likes girls.
steve who called byers a queer.
billy wondering if this is just what it’s like to have a friend. a best friend. if this is just what you do. because billy doesn’t know. wouldn’t know. no one’s ever gotten close enough. billy thinking it’s all in his head. that he’s twisting his and steve’s relationship. making it into something it’s not.
steve staring at billy’s lips and wondering what it’d be like to touch them. billy wondering if steve’s gonna break his heart without even trying.
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basilepesso · 11 months
"Quant au président américain Joe Biden, dénonçant une « atteinte tragique » aux droits humains, il étudie les conséquences de cette loi sur « tous les aspects de la coopération entre les États-Unis et l’Ouganda », notamment l’aide et les investissements, selon un communiqué de la Maison-Blanche".
(Aussi sur Fb, 30 mai 2 023) Article du Parisien : “« Déplorable » : en Ouganda, une loi homophobe suscite l’indignation de la communauté internationale“
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everything-is-crab · 7 months
My favorite thing (/s) about Pro Israel folks and the people focusing so much on the recent Hamas attack is how great they're at spreading blatant lies.
You see them post something about what Hamas or Palestinians did to Israelis and through fact checking it's revealed it's the other way round 😂
People linking wikipedia, bbc....and other Western media links.....as their "sources"
Like wow, I didn't know you guys were this dense. Even some of the people I respected on here seem to be affected immensely by propaganda. US and other Western countries have not only supported but also funded Israel's apartheid regime and even now it's doing the same.
I was brainwashed by radfems too with their "rape is never okay". Many radfems sure do know how to manipulate you using your class consciousness as women to be blind to other oppressive systems or distort facts.
There's no proof any of the kidnapped women being raped. And yet most radfems are speaking about nothing but that. They aren't even speaking about the constant suffering and rape of Palestinian women by IDF (including many Israeli women as perpetrators).
I remember that I started reading more about this issue in 2021 when some IDF attack killed many Palestinians in a mosque. Don't remember the details well. It's been a while. And I wasn't on Tumblr then but I do remember that mainstream media did not give a shit about it. And now suddenly the anti terrorism sentiment of Pro Israel countries and even people who supposedly support Palestinians has chosen to rise again.
Very convenient timing for you.
One thing I will tell you is to remember that the conditions colonizers force on the colonized make it hard for the colonized to rely on any ideal form of resistance. Hamas is not the only group for Palestinian resistance. There are others but this is the large one today. Before there used to be better secular ones but they were all squashed cause Israel created Hamas. And there have been peaceful protests and everything. Israel killed the people who protested and the soldiers laughed when they were done. Where was this global outrage then?
Sm of relying for information on media leaning towards Israel and yet so many of you are missing this fact out. This is what colonizers always do. Read history of as many colonized countries you can. And you will find out that colonizers, while they were generally against opposition of the colonized's liberation, funded the anti-leftist, anti-communist/nationalist or religious extremists or/and the ruling class of the colonized society in their national liberation movement.
They help in squashing other more dangerous (from a colonizer's pov) national liberation movements. Nothing better than reducing your enemies to extremists. The British did that in my country too. Talked a lot about how horrible our society is but politically and economically supported the ruling class that created and perpetrated those issues. And some European women and children died in some isolated protests or riots as well during colonial era. But obviously it was nothing compared to the number of people that died on my side than the colonizers'.
So don't be surprised when people see Hamas as a necessary means or don't entirely oppose as part of Palestinian liberation. No sane person actually "supports" Hamas. But it is what is. It's Israel's own creation. Palestinians are left with no options. You're linking ngos supported or created by Israelis and other dumb shit as "an alternative". But colonization can't be won over through ngos lmao. Heck, ngos can't even actually make a lot of changes in human rights in areas that aren't war torn cause of corruption. You expect it to work for Gaza? Please
If Israel or anyone wants Hamas to stop then they should simply give up their brutal settler colonialism and not oppose any leftist org or movement formed by the Palestinians even after ending apartheid and everything. There's no other alternative except this. And if you haven't learnt your lesson yet, then don't support any "intervention" by USA or some other genocidal country.
Ik for a fact you people wouldn't support my country's decolonization if you lived back then. Cause the national liberation movement in my country was dominated by religious, anti communist and ruling class as well. And I, as a female bisexual from an oppressed caste will never ideologically support the people who led national liberation in my country. And yet ik they were necessary in the path to independence cause the British let only them have any power in the country. The two opinions can co exist.
You guys are so focused on opposing the ideology of Hamas and how they're bad for Palestinians themselves, you are forgetting Hamas is legally recognized as terrorists by many powerful Western/west-allied countries around the world and are actively funding and supporting Israel's genocide against Palestinians.
It's funny how the same people unconditionally support Ukraine in the war, including Ukraine itself. Even though US, UK, France and other countries are supporting Nazis in the Ukrainian military to fight against Russia.....
And I am not "supporting" Hamas or killing of cilivians....but I am just analyzing the history and politics behind this issue that is hugely ignored.
Radfems are reblogging that dumb addition by female-malice about an unbacked conspiracy theory about Iran,completely removing any accountability or responsibility of the states of "Israel". There's a conspiracy theory that Israel planned this attack as well. And yet I haven't see any pro Palestine leftist spread that theory presenting it as a fact rather than a speculation. Genuinely you guys are just racist and don't want to hold Israel actually accountable apart from a little side remark.
Everytime I see such false claims, misinformation, unproven conspiracy theories I check what sources the person has to provide or which sources are reporting that. And it's some damn Western news outlet every time. Every fricking time.
Ignoring what Israel PM is doing to the civilians in Gaza right now.....in favor of getting into online discourse about "so it's okay to kill/rape innocent people?" Plain evil
You do realize most of the world is revolting against that now? That powerful international forces are incentivizing this attack to commit further atrocities against civilians in Gaza? It's not a time to debate whether the attack was okay or not, it's time to speak about how the Israeli PM and rest of the world is choosing to respond to it.
I was going to write a respectfully worded post about this. But I won't. Cause I am not some extraordinary independent journalist or anything. I am not even in majoring in any social science or history subject. But it wasn't that hard for me to get around the misinformation from msm. And I am from a country that is and has been pro Israel and very great at spreading propaganda through msm.
I saw one radfem say in response to question of Palestinian women's suffering that "how are we supposed to know what's happening to them? I am not seeing any posts on my dash about it". Good to know your dumbass relies on Tumblr posts for misinformation.
I have been incredibly busy so not made any posts about this issue. But I think that's what I am going to keep reblogging and posting about for a while now. So don't hesitate to filter tags or click the unfollow button if this irritated you. Cause there's more to come.
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mexreny · 4 months
fit cubito has the BEST character progression in the entire qsmp if not one of the most COMPLEX personalities. argue with me.
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