#fictional saint
Angels cannot tell lies and will only tell the truth or avoid speaking altogether if they cannot be truthful. Whether this is due to their obligations to God or they are simply incapable of conceiving of lying is unknown. Angels will verify their identity and stick to the point of their visit to you. They will stay on topic and quickly depart once their message is delivered or their mission carried out for they detest being away from their Lord for long.
Demons, by contrast, are habitual liars that disguise themselves as angels to lure the innocent and ignorant. They too, will claim to be an angel but will attempt to engage in conversation with you. Never speak to a demon, no matter how innocent or well-meaning their inquiries may be as they can and will use any information they glean against you. 
—St. Ignacio Navarra, Treatise on the Celestial and the Demonic. circa.1656
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recklessfiction · 1 year
What to do When You Retire from Sainthood
Take the jewels from your eyes. You must learn to see the world differently now that you are no longer blessed. When before the world was beautiful and cast eternally in the glow of glory, now you will see it for what it is; and the loss will drive you to madness.
You must keep hidden. Disappear into the woods or mountains, hide your face in the cities, for there are those who still worship you and kill in your name. They would consecrate your body again, should they find you; they would drill holes in you and fill them with libations, paint your feet with their blood. The trauma of losing a patron saint is too great, they cannot allow it.
Do not answer their prayers. You will hear the screams of the innocent and the demands of killers, all begging for power, control, peace, victory. You have no power to help them, but still their voices will ring in your ears. Do not promise relief that you cannot bring. False hope will only increase their suffering.
Your name has been struck from the scrolls. Take a new one. An empty name with no meaning and no power. A name unknown by the Divine you once served. It will keep you from being called back into service.
Do not visit your churches. Those shrines are for a you that you are not anymore. Paintings and sculptures stare back at you like mirrors, a tryptich showing your birth, canonization, and death, all painting so lovingly by the hands of your disciples. Laypeople light candles and kneel before your image, pleading for your intercession. You torture yourself. Come, let us leave this place.
Your wounds will begin to fade now. The crack in your heart, the brand on your skull, your fingers, your eyes, they will all return and heal but only this once. You will not be granted this clemency again.
Another will take your place and become favourite and perfect in the eyes of that Holy Thing. They will visit you in the place you have hidden yourself and they will look upon you with pity and jealousy. Here, see how they extend their hand to you, offering you mercy and salvation? See the sneer that catches their lips? The desperate desire in their eyes? They hate you. They cannot help but adore you, for you were the first. They pray to you now, every moment of everyday their wretched voice cries out to you;
WEAK THING! TRAITOR AND COWARD, they scream, hands clasped and knuckles white as the kneel before your image, I WILL SERVE YOU. I WILL SHOW YOU! I AM ABOVE YOU, I AM FAVOURED! WHY WON'T YOU LOOK UPON ME? ROTTEN THING! PATHETIC, LAUGHABLE, BEAUtiful, adored, perfect, perfect.
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torpublishinggroup · 6 months
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Fetter was raised to kill, honed as a knife to cut down his sainted father. This gave him plenty to talk about in therapy.
As a child, Fetter walked among invisible powers: devils and anti-gods that mock the mortal form. He learned a lethal catechism, lost his shadow, and gained a habit for secrecy. After a blood-soaked childhood, Fetter escaped his rural hometown for the big city, and fell into a broader world where divine destinies are a dime a dozen.
Everything in Luriat is more than it seems. Group therapy is recruitment for a revolutionary cadre. Junk email hints at the arrival of a god. Every door is laden with potential, and once closed may never open again. The city is scattered with Bright Doors, looming portals through which a cold wind blows. In this unknowable metropolis, Fetter will discover what kind of man he is, and his discovery will rewrite the world.
The Saint of Bright Doors sets the high drama of divine revolutionaries and transcendent cults against the mundane struggles of modern life, resulting in a novel both revelatory and resonant.
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queerism1969 · 30 days
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
You Understand Me Now
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Bratty!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, fingering (female receiving), size kink, some dirty talk, all consensual. Daddy kink. Toxic smut. Mention of jail, drug use, and drinking. Angst if you squint. Established relationship.
Summary: While Franklin feels mounting pressure from setting up new business, he has to track you down and set you right.
Word Count: 3,673k
A/N: Hello brainrot, my old friend. Who needs sleep when there's smut to be had? I had TOO much fun writing this. It was written in a daze so all mistakes are mine. I just need some act right from Franklin!!! Enjoy if you do too! Thank you for so much love on my Franklin fics! I love yall. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
Taglist: @planetblaque @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @henneseyhoe @mybonafidefeelings @blackerthings
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You were shaking your ass like there was no tomorrow. The music was thumping through the floors like a live beast. You felt it in your chest. Alcohol was coursing through your system. It gave everything a hazy, bright glow. It was too loud to think and yet all roads lead to Franklin Saint.
You had been cooped up in an empty house by yourself. What use was all the shit Franklin brought in if he wasn’t there to enjoy it with you? He would leave early in the morning and not return until long after you’d gone to sleep. Your initial reaction was that he was cheating, but you knew that wasn’t the case.
You’d see Franklin dead before he cheated on you. And he’d see hell freeze over before the thought crossed his mind. You knew he loved you. He wasn’t the greatest at showing it and dammit, it hurt. 
Did that mean that you had to suffer? No. No, it did not. You called up your girl and went to her place to get dressed. The hardest part about dating Franklin was all the secrets. All the lies. They sometimes got twisted in the careful web you weaved. Over time, it became easier to not leave the house at all. 
Franklin was turning you into a hermit and you wanted to hate him for it. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a cell in your body that could hate that man. So you took your anger out on him in other ways. It was an insidious need gnawing in the back of your mind.
Sometimes he’d walk in with that tired grin. Too tired to give you a proper hug and a kiss. Like you weren’t worth the effort it took to check in and ask about your day. You knew that he was in the middle of important business dealings. But lately, you were feeling neglected.
Not today.
At your girl’s house, she told you she missed you and your wild days at wild parties, living it up, gone off of the weed, and having real fun. She reminded you that you were still young and you were one of the lucky ones. You didn’t have a baby to look after. 
“You mu’fuckin’ right,” you said. You nodded your head, the idea taking shape the longer you sat with it. Thirty minutes later, you were both dressed like you didn’t have a man. You wore a very short skirt and off the shoulder top. Your coarse hair was pulled into a high ponytail. Your makeup was flawless.
It was practically gone now. Still you danced. Still you partied like there was no tomorrow. You left your pager at home. You didn’t care what Franklin had to say. So you shook and danced and waved off try-too-hard niggas with grabby hands. 
You clasped your friend’s hand and pulled her away from yet another man in your business. Damn, couldn’t you just go out and dance? Let loose?
“I see you havin’ real fun,” you heard above you.
You gasped and straightened out. You hadn’t seen him. Felt him. Or heard as he approached. One minute, your eyes were closed dancing to Flashlight. The next minute, Franklin was staring down at you with his nose slightly flared.
“How’d you find me?” You asked.
You looked around him and noticed Leon standing by the door looking sullen. “I can get to you any time I want,” he said. 
You folded your arms. The night’s festivities were catching up with you. Sweat pasted your shirt to your body. Little frizzes of hair escaped your ponytail. Your feet ached from spending hours on the makeshift dance floor. You were out of breath, staring at Franklin and wondering where his state of mind was at.
“I’m here trying to handle bidness and this is how you act?” 
You sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes. “The hell was I supposed to do?” You had to yell to be heard over the funk music. “Sit at home and wait for yo Black ass to come around?” 
Franklin rolled his neck. He was stressed out. You took a step forward. You longed to wrap your arms around him to hug and kiss him. To make it all better. But fuck that. Your anger was a familiar coat you threw on. 
“Let’s go,” he said. He dismissed your comments altogether. He turned and you faced the wide expanse of his broad back. His black polo shirt highlighted the slope of his shoulders, his sexy walk. The length of his legs were their own turn on. 
You didn’t follow him. He moved behind a dancing couple. He half turned and inclined his head. You turned around yourself. Two can play that game. You headed towards the back of the party. 
You were gaining attention. Those who weren’t smoking weed, were looking at you over the tops of cups. Others were smokin’ that stupid ass crack pipe. Franklin grabbed your hand and stopped you in your tracks. 
“Don’t fuckin’ embarass me. Let’s go,” he said, his whispered baritone fanning across your ear. You took a deep breath to steady yourself. Your body always reacted to him. Right now, your clit was throbbing thinking of what he was planning on doing to you. He hadn’t touched you in a week and it was driving you insane. 
“You can’t tell me what to do, Franklin,” you said.
Franklin stopped looking around and fixed you with a glare so severe, it’d hurt less if he slapped you. “The fuck you just say to me?” 
“You can’t tell me what to fuckin’ do, Franklin.” You emphasized his name, drawing out the syllables. 
“Man, get yo ass in the car,” he said. 
“Fuck you, nigga!” The rage that you cloaked yourself in was comforting in its heat. Spurned on by the alcohol, you poked at his chest. “Fuck you! Fuck you!” You slapped at his chest. 
“I’m only going to say this one more time, get in the fuckin’ car,” he said. He leaned in close to you, that calm demeanor slipping back behind his eyes. He kissed you on the cheek. A quick, dispassionate kiss that only served to piss you off even more. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but Franklin gripped your upper arm. He pushed you forward, around dancing people giving you the stink eye, past Leon with a little smirk on his face, and outside. The brutal LA night was cold and unforgiving against your damp skin. 
“Get off me, nigga!” You yanked your arm out of his grip. He talked about you embarrassing him. But he was the one who dragged you out of the party like some baby. 
Leon snickered. “Damn, you let her talk to you like that?” 
Franklin took a deep breath, looking towards the sky. “For one fuckin’ day, can any of ya’ll act right? I’m sick of this shit.” 
“I know you ain’t talkin’, Leon,” you said. Alcohol emboldened you. You felt invincible. Like you could hang onto a star and fly through the universe. You were ready with a scathing remark. 
Franklin stood in front of you, blocking your view of Leon who had squared up, ready to pop off. Franklin’s nose flared, his mouth stuck in a grimace. “Car, now,” he said.
Oh shit. Maybe you went a little too far. “Sure thing, Franklin,” you said with a sweet smile. 
You heard Franklin blow out a deep breath. “You got a way to get home?” You heard Franklin ask Leon as you walked away. You folded your arms and trudged the short distance to the curb. 
You reached the car, sliding in and putting your head against the headrest. You glared at Franklin as he said goodbye to Leon. Leon was smirking. You bet they were laughing it up at your expense. At your feelings. 
It paled in comparison to the lust you felt for Franklin. He walked towards the car. He was so different after he got out of jail. Tougher. Harder. There were moments where you would catch the Franklin you first fell in love with. The optimistic boy you would follow anywhere. 
Franklin was a man after jail. He picked up an edginess. A shorter temper. You couldn’t tell him what to do and that made him sexier to you. He was never a weak man. But now, he was strength personified. 
He climbed into the car in silence. He turned the car on and peeled out of the projects. “Not gon’ say shit?” You asked. 
Franklin didn’t look at you. He kept his eyes on the road, obeying all of the traffic lights. There was no reason to give LAPD an excuse to pull you over. Not that they always needed one. Driving while Black was practically an invitation to the cops to fuck with you. 
Franklin turned into his garage. You watched and listened as he closed the garage door behind you. He turned the car off and hopped out of the car. He came around to your side and opened the door. 
You hated the silent treatment. It was like he had ice water in his veins. You got out of the car and stood in the open door. Arms folded. Staring across a chasm at Franklin that you couldn’t cross. Couldn’t access. You weren’t welcome.
“Sick of this shit,” you muttered. 
“Get yo ass in the room and I’ll deal with you in a minute,” he said. 
“No, fuck you,” you said. 
That vindictive streak in you wanted to push him. To push him past the point of breaking him. 
“I don’t need this fuckin’ shit! I got enough shit to deal with than hearin’ my girl shakin’ her ass for anyone to see!” His voice rose from a deadly calm to outright yelling. 
“I was just dancin’,” you said with a shrug. 
“Yo ass don’t listen too good, huh?” Franklin grinned cruelly and laughed. He grabbed you by the arm and tugged you inside the house. The house was lit up like a Christmas tree, as if he’d searched every room for you.
You didn’t have a chance to appreciate the sentiment as he tugged you through the house, towards your room. He pushed you onto the bed and watched you flop. 
You pushed up onto your elbows but Franklin grabbed your hips and yanked your body down the bed to the edge. Your ass hung off of it. He used his leg to push yours further apart. 
“Franklin?” You asked. Your voice wobbled but not with fear. You were so turned on, you didn’t trust your voice. 
A sharp slap rung throughout the room. You cried out and clutched at the bed spread. Heat blossomed on your nearly exposed ass. One sharp jerk later, and it was over your hips, pushed up.  
“This what you wanted right? Why yo ass was actin’ up?” He asked. 
He rubbed the area that he slapped and you hissed. You were at an awkward angle. Half hanging off of the bed like you were, your heels were the only thing sort of keeping you upright. You stood on your tiptoes to brace yourself. Franklin standing in between your legs threw your balance off slightly. 
Franklin ran his hands down the crack of your ass, down towards your pussy. He moved your skimpy panties aside and pressed his thumb into your entrance. You cooed and collapsed onto the bed. 
“This pussy right there? Mine,” he said. He slapped your ass with his free hand and you gasped. The dichotomy of him slipping his fingers inside of you and the heat of the slap was too much already. 
“Naw, don’t baby me. It was Franklin earlier, wasn’t it?” He asked. He removed his thumb and quickly replaced it with his index finger. He grunted and pushed a second finger in. 
“Oh, baby,” you moaned. He widened his fingers, preparing you for him. 
“What happened to all that shit you was talkin’?” He asked. He leaned over over, driving his fingers in deeper. You moaned and clutched the bedspread past the point of your fingers cramping. 
“I’m sorry,” you said. You moved your ass in a circle, in tune with how Franklin pumped his fingers in and out of you. As long as he kept doing that, you’d give him any answer he was looking for. 
“I don’t believe you,” he whispered against your ear. He leaned back and added a third finger. 
“Oh, fuck!” You moaned. Your body jerked and twitched as if you ate a live wire. Your orgasm ripped through you. Each wave hit you harder and faster, dragging you under its sweet release. 
Franklin withdrew his fingers and you heard him licking each one. You huffed. This man was going to be the death of you. 
Franklin massaged your ass, bringing attention back to the lingering pain. “I just missed you, baby,” you said. 
“Mhmm,” he said. He took a few deep breaths. His hands grabbed a handful of your ass. He made quick work of his pants, shedding it in nearly one fell swoop. He rubbed his thick, hardening dick along your slick slit. 
You bit your lip and moaned. “Pleasepleaseplease,” you said and wiggled your ass against him. 
He grabbed your left wrist and pulled it behind your back. It wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t uncomfortable either. You twisted your wrist but Franklin didn’t give you much room. He learned forward, his polo shirt rustling against your shirt. 
He brought his lips down to your ear. He licked the shell of it. Placed kisses behind your ear, into that sensitive spot. You shivered. Your desperate pussy clenched around nothing. He wrapped your hair around his fingers and pulled your head to the side for better access. 
You ached. You were so empty, you could cry. Literally, tears gathered behind your closed eyelids. You needed to be filled up by him. Consumed by him. You wanted to end where he began and begin where he ended. 
“The next time you need some dick, you come fuckin’ find me,” he said. He pushed into you slowly, stopping every so often so that you could get acclimated to him. 
“Oh, yes, Daddy,” you whined as he fulfilled your silent request. “Pleaseplease,” you muttered over and over. 
“Do you know my heart stopped comin’ here, callin’ for you like a mu’fuckin’ idiot? I called your pager. Shit was beepin’ by our bed. Anythin’ could’ve happened to you!” 
He seemed to forget his plan because he started to increase his thrusts. Whatever he gave, you took. You bounced back on him, matching his rhythm. He fucked you into the bed, pushing down on your arm behind your back. 
You were shoved ever more onto your tiptoes. Your right hand searched for purchase on the bed. Anything to brace you against his savage thrusts. It felt like he was pouring all of his frustration out into you. You gripped the bed spread and chewed on a piece of it.
There was a low, delicious burn inching up your legs. You shook violently, crying out as he hit that spot that only he could reach. Only he could touch. Only him. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you choked out. He pushed the very air from your lungs. Each thrust knocked a little more loose. You panted against him. 
“Oh fuck, right there,” you whined. Your ass clapped against his hips and the wet slap surprised another orgasm out of you. You stuttered over his name as you came, your pussy contracting and flooding his dick. 
“Look at you, can’t even hold on to that fucked up attitude,” he said. He licked your neck and nibbled at a sensitive bit. You shuddered and tried to curl in on yourself. 
“Naw,” he breathed. 
He slipped out of you and you cried in earnest. Tears slid down your cheeks. You groaned. Words weren’t working right for you. 
Franklin manhandled you. He flipped you onto your back and pulled you by your arms. You sat up and flopped against his body. He gripped your chin and made you look at him. 
“Talk a big game, no follow through, huh?” He asked. Bastard. But you got what you wanted. 
“I’ll do better, Daddy,” you said. You gave him puppy dog eyes.
Franklin grinned and pecked your lips. “I know you will,” he whispered. 
He tugged your shirt off, revealing your bra. Franklin sucked your nipple through the lacy material and you bucked off of the bed. “Shit!” 
The sensation was both there and wasn’t there. You registered a barrier between his mouth and your nipple but you didn’t really feel it. 
Franklin thrusted into you, hard. You gasped, your mouth hanging open. He climbed onto the bed, getting into a better position. He tore off his polo shirt and tossed it onto the floor.
He laid over you, crushing your body to the bed. He used one hand to spread you completely open for him. The other hand, grabbed your right hand and held it above you. Your fingers intertwined with his. He ground his hips into you, his dick disappearing inside of you.
His strokes were deep, brutal, and punishing. He wasn’t done being pissed at you. The thought should scare you. It should drive you right out of his bed. But no one else fucked you so completely. Made you feel so wanted and adored and like he needed to fuck you like a person needed air. 
Every stroke hit that deep spot inside of you. Your knees closed around his hips. Your left hand scratched his back. 
“That attitude shit stops,” he said as he made out with your titties. He pulled your cups down until they were under your breasts, pushing them up and into his eager mouth.
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned. 
You felt the muscles in his back working as he pushed in and out of you. His dick stretched you right to the edge of pain. That fine line was delicate and he walked it well. Your hand traveled the length of his back, feeling all of the additional muscles and the dip of his back. The top of his ass that you couldn’t reach. 
You closed your eyes as he rolled a nipple around his mouth. 
“The last thing I need to fuckin’ worry about is you,” he said.
“Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry,” your breath was failing you. Hell, you didn’t even know what he was saying at this point. You’d agree to just about anything at the moment. As long as he kept his strokes nice and deep like that. 
You felt him in your chest. He pushed up and you couldn’t barely breathe. He was stuffing you full of him, feeding you his dick. 
“You think this shit is cute and it ain’t! How the fuck it look that I can’t control my girl?”
You contracted against him. Another orgasm was building. His voice was so deep and raspy. And when he yelled, it was like unlocking a switch inside of you. You began to twitch again. Tears streamed down your face.
“I’m sorry! I hate being here without you,” you managed to croak out.
Fuck, you were so damn close. “Please Daddy, I’m so sorry. I’ll do better,” you said. 
Franklin lifted his head from your titty. He stared into your eyes. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ know how much I love you? Why do I have to prove it to you?” He asked, softly. So at odds with his pounding dick. 
“You don’t!” You yelled. Your orgasm was just out of reach. So, so, sososososo close. 
“Then why you like makin’ me mad?” He asked, his voice raised. Your jaw went slack as the orgasm finally tore through you like a tidal wave. You flopped and twitched, unable to hear or see anything as stars danced behind your eyelids. 
Your convulsing pussy triggered Franklin’s orgasm. He pushed into you further, his cum splashing inside of you. You felt his dick twitch and pulse. 
“Fuuuuuck,” he groaned. “You feel what you do to me?” He asked. He placed his head into the crook of your neck and panted.
“Yes, oh fuck yes,” you murmured. 
“You do that to me,” he said. He kissed your jaw, your cheek. Your lips lazily found his and you kissed him with the last remaining breath in you. You felt light headed. You wanted to curl up like a cat at his feet. He rubbed your arms and kissed you as you floated back to your body. 
As he softened, he pulled out of you. His thick cum eased out of you. Franklin rolled over onto his back with a contented sigh. He placed one hand behind his head. You rolled and tucked your body into his. He rubbed your back. You spread your right arm across his chest. A possessiveness taking over you. 
He kissed your temple and looked at you. “Don’t you ever call me by my first name again,” he said. He turned to stare at the ceiling. His fingers never gave up their glide and and down your back. 
You giggled sleepily. “Keep fuckin’ me like that and I won’t have to,” you said. 
Franklin grabbed your right hand and brought it to his lips. “I gotta fuck you to keep you in line, is that it?” He asked.
“Somethin’ like that,” you said with a small giggle. 
You were dragged kicking and screaming to sleep. You wanted to stay up and talk to him. Anything to keep hearing that sexy voice. Anything to keep him here with you longer. You were beyond worried that the moment you opened your eyes, he’d be gone again. Like a puff of smoke you couldn’t hold on to. He’d just slip through your fingers. 
You were so blessedly fucked out, that your head emptied. You fell asleep to the thump of his heart. And you prayed. Prayed that he’d be there when you woke up.
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Psst. There's more Franklin Fics! The Secret Franklin Saint Files
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frank1nsaint · 4 months
Franklin Part 3
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Warnings: Use of curse words and N-word
“Why you been dodging me?” Franklin asks you as soon as you open the door to your house 
You step out “I have no idea what you’re talking about” 
“Oh so those pages and calls to your phone?” he points towards the inside of your house “They didn't happen?” 
You shrug “I don't know maybe you dialed the wrong number” you had no plan to explain to him why you hoped he would just take the hint and let you be, it had been 3 weeks since your first date
He throws his hands up “Come on Y/N what happened? We were just good not too long ago I was gonna take you on another date’n shit” 
“I don’t think we would be good for each other Franklin” 
“Why you say that? we just talked about you not sabotaging” he points between both of you “this” 
“Im not” 
He leans in “You are” he argues 
“Franklin we aren’t good for each other just accept that” you state matter of factly before you turn to go in
He grabs your arm gently “Nah you owe me an explanation” 
“I don’t!” you answer defiantly snatching your arm away
“Yes the fuck you do. I’m puttin’ my best foot forward and you fuckin’ it up on purpose cuz of what? you fucking scared of the shit I do? Aint nobody gon touch you Y/N they dont touch Wanda  and her dope head ass what make you think they gon fuck withchu?”
You sigh “Franklin” 
“Nah fuck that Y/N” 
“You really wanna know?”
He nods “Yes I do, enlighten me” 
You pause “I can’t trust you Franklin”  
His face holds a confused look “What are you even...?” 
“After our date, some of your henchmen came up to me. Guess what they said to me?”
Franklin held his breath he feels his heart beat start to increase. You start to mock the mannerisms and voice of the men “shit I heard you and my boy Saint had a date last night” He shrugs “So i told them we went on a date big deal”  praying that's where the story ends 
You continue “Men I lost my $200 and my boy came up on a smooth couple grand” you pause and look at him “ha-ha my man Saint he a G tho” you return to a normal voice “then he proceeds to tell me that there was a bet between you and your fucking crew, you got two grand if i actually went on a date with you?” you scoff “if you were that hard up for money Saint all you had to do was ask I could have given you that and we wouldn’t be having this conversation” 
“Y/N let me explain” this was not as it seemed 
“Not even 24 hours passed after our date and I’m hearing you went rounding up your niggas so they could pay you!" you paused "And OH! if I fucked you it would have been an additional $3000”  you say sarcastically
“Y/N” he calls
You start mocking another guy “My girl Y/N, my sunshiiinneee yo yo yo shit if i had known all i had to do was ask you all proper and shit you would be my girl now. May I take you to dinner Y/N, miss congeniality” you tilt your head “they said you looked pretty in that green dress last night wish it was me instead of that nigga!” 
“Who approached you?” he asked with a deep scowl on his face.  
“I’ll give you that Saint. You played me good. You played a good game” you begin to walk away 
“Hold up, hold up, hold up,  who came up to you?” He asked again You return his mug “I’m not telling you Franklin! It doesn’t matter anyway you up 1 grand right?” 
“Y/N listen I will explain later but who told you that? They are a liability to my shit!” 
You shrug “what that got to do with me?” 
“Tell me their fuckin’ names Y/N!” he demands
You sigh “you betted on me” 
In a soft tone you say “$2000 for the date, additional $3000 if we fucked, had people follow us, Big Saint, The Man, The Myth, The Legend show you lil niggas how its done” you pause “right?...... Saint?” 
He looks up and runs his hand down his face feeling like his heart was going to explode word for word you quote what he had that night (“show you lil niggas how its done”) “Y/N please just tell me who told you that and I will explain everything” he begs 
“If you wanted the money all you had to do was ask Franklin” 
“Y/N, I don’t care about the money” “But you still made sure to collect, right?” you pause “Then you got the nerve to get annoyed at the fact that I was sabotaging the date!���  you scoff in disbelief and begin to walk into your house 
Franklin grabs your arm “Y/N listen!”
“Don’t Franklin!”  you warn removing yourself from his grip 
He blocks the door with his body “Y/N This aint a fucking game who approached you?! I need to know!” 
You shook your head, you look him in the eye “I’m not gonna tell you Saint” 
He tilted his head and pauses with an offended tone he says “Don’t call me that, I'm not Saint to you it’s either Franklin or any other fucking thing else but I’m not Saint to you!” 
You go to say something else but decide not “Fucking Asshole!” you mutter looking down at your sweater pulling small knots that had formed
He released a deep sigh “Fine I’ll take that but you need to tell me who approached you.” he moves his head trying to get you to look up at him. You remain silent. “Tell me Y/N” 
You shake your head “I’m not gonna tell you Franklin”
“WHY?!” he pauses to gather himself “You know how serious this shit is?” “SO YOU CAN GO KILL THEM?!” “OH MY GOD AINT NOBODY THINKIN’ ABOUT KILLING THEM NIGGAS!” he looks around  and moves closer to you  “keep your fucking voice down!” he whispers harshly You scoff “It’s all good Saint” Almost immediately he sizes you up and with gritted teeth he says “What the fuck did I just say?”  
You feel shiver run down, it shocked you so much that you instinctively jump move away slightly, but you hold your ground still glaring at him before you step away and snicker and nod a few of times with tears in your eyes 
With instant regrets he breaks his stance and takes a step back to show that his anger isn't’ aimed at you. “Just tell me” he says in a significantly softer tone 
“I’m not gonna tell you Franklin, I don’t want their deaths on me because you decided to be an asshole all over $5000?” 
He steps towards “Y/N please”
You step away with your hand up “It’s all good Franklin, I hope you put that $1000 to good use” a tear drops from your eyes “Y/N” “No hard feelings really Franklin, but you know this can’t work ever, doesn’t matter your explanation.” another tear from your right eye begins to roll down “wish you the best in your business stay safe out there” 
“Y/N! No no no no please please please!” he begs gently grabbing your hand trying to stop you but also making sure to not scare you away 
You pull your hand away “Goodnight Franklin” you speak before closing the door. 
He looks at the door for a moment before turning and walking away towards his car. He turns on the car and begins to drive away “FFFUUUCCCKKKK!” he screams feeling the rage course through him as he speeds on the freeway
Franklin walks in and slams the door causing Jerome to jump up from his seat gun drawn “MOTHAFUCKA I ALMOST SHOT YOU WHAT THE HELL WRONG WITCHU?!” 
They hear footsteps before Louie is stand ny the door “JEROME? WHO THE FUCK IS THAT? FRANKLIN!?” she comments frantically looking around for the threat “Not now” he grits out
The phone rings and Franklin picks up “Hello?! meet me at Jerome house, now nigga, YES NOW! Bring Sean witchu!”
Jerome looks at Franklin like he has three heads “NIGGA WHAT??? YOU MAD OVER THAT STUPID ASS BET?” Franklin took major offence to Jeromes accusations, tilting his head to the side “You laughing but if I can't trust them to not tell a bitch about a stupid ass bet I can’t trust them in my shit!! They gone blow up our spot and fuck up our shit.” he points to his head  “You not thinking Unc” Jerome paused and realised the gravity of the situation 
“What is this bet? And what it got to do with that lil girl?” Louie asked as she looked between the two 
Jerome gently waved her away “I’ll explain it to you later baby just let us be” 
Louie scoffed “Shit mothafucka walkin’ in here slamming doors”
“Louie” Franklin commented 
“Nigga fuck you!”  
Franklin squared up Louie “AYE! AYE! AYE! WE DON'T NEED ALL THAT NOW!” 
Franklin huffed and turned to continue his pace 
In 10 minutes Leon and Sean arrived
“Nigga what happened” Leon asked gun already out 
“We got some rat ass mothafuckas in our crew look how they got Franklin!”  Jerome pokes fun at him “Nigga pacing around and shit over a bitch!” he jokes 
“UNC!”  Franklin warns
“What... happened?” Sean asked confused 
“Y/N told me that niggas from our crew approached her telling her about the bet”
“Soooo...” Leon looked at Franklin confused 
“So?” Franklin returned the expression “You niggas not thinking?” he paused “I GOTTA DO ALL THE THINKIN’ AROUND HERE??!!” 
“We don’t” Sean speaks trying to rationalise their confusion 
“If they running to tell her about a bet, a bet made between everyone in that room, what makes you think they not blowing up our spot?”
The men looked between each other the reality finally setting in for everyone that they could be completely exposed for anything at any moment. 
“Our competitors, our opps, our product,  our recipe, our schedule, our plug, our money, our peoples” Franklin states 
“We got it Nephew” Jerome comments wanting him to not continue hating the feeling of being vulnerable 
Franklin chuckled and looked around at them and in a whisper he sneers “and you niggas think I’m mad over a bitch when I got some snake ass mothafuckas in my crew??!! I GOT BIGGER PROBLEMS NIGGA!!” “My bad” Sean says throwing his hands up 
“FFFUUUCK! Round all them niggas up now” 
Leon puts his hand up “Now hold on its 2am we ain't bout to be meeting without cops spotting us”
“Look lets come up with a solution to figure out who them niggas are we start rounding people up they might start snitching even more” Leon strategizes 
Franklin nodded in agreeance “We gonna act like shit aint happen and take them niggas out one by one!” 
Jerome nods “Yea I like that plan!” 
Franklin sighs and sits down releasing the tension in his body
“We got a plan nephew unless you got something better?”
“No I don't.” 
Its silent for awhile with the 3 men (Jerome, Sean, Leon) talking to each other catching up on what they heard or whats going with their product
“Nigga what wrong withchu we have a solution” 
Franklin waves him off “Not now Unc,I’m trying to figure out how to fix this shit with Y/N” 
“Oh shit,” Leon comments forgetting that you were involved 
“Yea nigga, Y/N! they told Y/N!” 
“HA-HA you losing your mind over this girl boy! Now you know niggas talk worse than bitches sometimes. Gossipping mothafuckas”
“NOT NOW UNC” Leon shrugs “just go get another bitch, she aint the only fine girl that we know”
Franklin shot him an incredulous look “I don't want another bitch Leon I want that one!” 
“She not special her stuck up ass I bet if you called Tasha now she’ll literally hop the fuck out her bed and come fuck you” Leon wasn’t really a big fan of you, he thought that you acted too good
“I dont want Tasha, I want Y/N and that thing was a fucking mistake i told you that” “Hell no don’t call that crazy girl up here! Her bat shit ass bout got herself killed trying to sneak in my damn house talking about she just wanna see Frankie”  Louie comments 
Leon, Sean, and Louie join in on the laugh
Franklin ran his hands down his face “We gotta find them or this shit is not gonna last. If they can go run and tell Y/N what else are they doing? Product been going missing lets start there whoever them mothafuckas are they fuckin’ dead!” he grumbled. 
Authors Note: Feedback is much appreciated. Please reblog, comment, and like just don't plagiarize
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theorahsart · 6 months
Incorruptible pt 1
I hope you enjoy my little history comic~ I haven't written/drawn a historical fiction in like 4 years. Getting the depressing part out of the way so we can go to the fun light hearted parts lol
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humanoidhistory · 7 months
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Illustrations by Gaston De Sainte-Croix, 1966-1969.
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lycansoffspring · 3 months
So um... I started a new project. St Nerevar icon.
I just had this wooden blank lying around, so I made and put some levkas on it, then sanded it and made a sketch.
Tomorrow I'll probably start painting.
Also I don't know if I should use gold leaf or no...
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Also, mainly I took inspiration from many of Archangel Michael's icons, because he's also kind of the patron of warriors like Nerevar (as far as I know)
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Me when I get the idea of writing St. Ignacio’s diary and research notes more in depth instead of Dies Irae, the WIP I’ve neglected for months:
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gertrude robinson is like joan of arc to me. agnes montageu is like saint lucy to me. i could go on but you'd die
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
A Hold On You
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, fingering (female receiving), spanking, some dirty talk, all consensual. Daddy kink and breeding kink. Fluffy smut. Established relationship.
Summary: Taking place between season 4 and season 5, Franklin toys with the idea of legacy and keeping the people he loves in his life. On date night, he hits you with a proposition.
Word Count: 3,039k
Part 2
A/N: Hello brainrot, my old friend. Whew, it pays to be feral ASF for Damson. That man is lethal. I don't even want kids and I want his babies. I'm sorry if this triggers some! Please, please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I can't get better if I don't get feedback!
Taglist: @planetblaque @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @henneseyhoe @mybonafidefeelings @blackerthings @wide-nose-and-wonderful @halfofmysoulsblog @sevikasblackgf
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“Have my baby,” Franklin said. 
Your head whipped to the side so fast that you almost got whiplash. An ache pulsed in your neck and you rubbed it as you stared at Franklin. You sat on the floor, on a blanket, with a light dinner spread out between you and Franklin. 
Moonlight poured into the living room, illuminating the space and lighting up Franklin’s gorgeous face. You expected him to start laughing or look away from you. To break the tension somehow. 
Instead, he gave you an unreadable look. He retreated behind whatever invisible wall there was in his mind. He had one leg down and one leg up, his arm resting on his knee, and his hands clasped in front of him. He was a study in patience as he stared you down. 
“You’re not serious,” you said.
“As a heartache,” he said. 
You lowered the finger sandwich from your lips and finished chewing. You continued to stare at Franklin. Were you sleeping? Did you pass out and imagined having dinner with Franklin? 
You put the sandwich on the plate and brushed your hands over the plate for stray crumbs. You looked away from him. Your stomach bubbled. Your hands began to shake. 
“The type of business you’re in doesn’t scream safe for kids,” you said. You tried to be delicate, but the neighborhood was still buzzing about little Tianna. 
Franklin nodded. “I understand, but that’s different. I can protect us,” he said and finally cracked his mask. He smiled briefly. 
“Franklin,” you said and shook your head. “There would be no hiding that. What the hell would I do? Become a housewife, lamp up, and get fat?” You asked.
You shuddered and thought about that scenario. You’d certainly enjoy the sex, but you couldn’t imagine spitting kids out like that. 
Franklin laughed. “Naw, but a home office could be arranged. Bodyguard for when you go out,” he said.
“A bodyguard? That’s romantic,” you said and rolled your eyes. 
“Have my baby,” he said. He pushed plates out of your way and got to his knees. He crawled closer, giving you wide puppy eyes. Kneeling, he was still way taller than you. He leaned in and kissed you. 
He leaned back with a satisfied hum. He kissed your jaw and then your cheek. He returned to your lips and hovered. When he licked his lips, you felt it. When he breathed through his mouth, the air swept over your wet lips. He was just shy of kissing you and you leaned in to close the gap but he leaned back at the same time. 
“Just say yes,” he said. 
“But then I’d be fat and gross,” you said. 
Franklin smiled against your lips. You had closed your eyes when he started kissing you, so you opened them now. He must have sensed it, because he opened his eyes at the same time. 
“Impossible. You’d be even more gorgeous,” he said. 
“I’d whine and complain about everything,” you continued.
Light danced in Franklin’s eyes. He licked his lips and his tongue swept your lips. 
“I’d love to hear your sexy voice,” he said. He finally pressed his lips against yours. He hummed, pressing closer. You sighed against him. He took the opportunity to lick his way into your mouth. 
You moaned softly, already feeling so needy for him. Your toes flexed as you kissed, loving the feeling of him being so close. You rubbed your hands up and down his strong arms. His hands cupped your face. He held you in place, exactly as you were. 
“I’d crave weird things and demand them at 2am,” you said, when you broke apart just far enough to gasp. 
“Shit, I like drivin’ at night,” he said. 
You giggled and shook your head.  “You’re crazy. Who gon’ get up at all hours of the night feeding it?” You asked. 
Franklin began to kiss your neck, murmuring in between pecks. “We’ll both do it, so we’ll both be miserable,” he said.
You pushed him and sucked your teeth. He laughed and rocked back. He brought his lips back to your neck. “I’ll let you get all the beauty rest you deserve after delivering my baby,” he said. 
Your pussy clenched and you huffed. This couldn’t actually be turning you on, right? And yet, looking at him, you didn’t have a doubt in your mind. You would happily have his kids. You would love little sons that looked like mini versions of him. They’d keep their heads held high because that’s how much awe Franklin inspired. 
You’d be so grateful to have his daughters, that looked like a mix between you. And they’d all have his brain. Franklin was easily the smartest man you’d ever met. It scared you sometimes. You felt like he was born in the wrong era. He belonged in the future with more people to appreciate his intellect. 
Franklin hummed his appreciation down your neck and across your exposed chest. The dress you wore had a deeper neckline than what you usually wore and Franklin took advantage. His right hand massaged the back of your neck. His left hand pushed more plates out of your way. There was a tray at the top of the blanket to hold your drinks. 
When the blanket was clear, Franklin pushed you onto your back. Between the carpet and the thick blanket, this position was surprisingly comfortable. 
Franklin settled to the side of you. He threw his right leg over yours, his thick erection settling against your hips.  You gasped and Franklin smiled against your skin. He leaned on his left hand while he took his time undoing the buttons of your dress. 
The purple checkered dress complimented your skin tone well. He undid the few, big black buttons. Each one gave way and freed your aching breasts. Your nipples were perking up and rubbed against your bra. 
As he revealed more of you with the buttons, he kissed each inch of space. “You’d look so fuckin’ beautiful full of the seed I gave you,” he said. 
You shivered and looked at him. His head moved over your body. His beautiful lips felt like heaven against your skin. 
Franklin reached the bottom-most button that ended up just above your navel. This, too, he paid attention to. Your hands dug into his little fro as he swirled his tongue around your tummy. 
Your breathing increased as your eyes started to roll. “Oh, fuck,” you said. 
His right hand grabbed the hem of your dress but he didn’t move it further. Your eyes snapped open to look at him and his eyes were closed tightly. He opened them slowly. 
“I’d love to watch this sexy ass body change, knowing you’re carrying my baby,” he said. 
Your arousal began to leak out of you. You moaned at the sensation. He leaned down and kissed your tummy again. “Watch this stomach get bigger and bigger,” he continued. 
He trailed his finger up your body and played with the strip of fabric in between your bra cups. He kissed the top of your right titty. Then he sucked your nipple into his mouth through your bra. 
You hissed and you jerked, your thigh spasming randomly. Your hands ran over his shoulders as he continued. “Hm, and these titties would get bigger for sho,” he said. 
His hand returned to the hem of your dress and pushed it up. His hand found the core of you and palmed you. You gasped, your breath dragging over your throat. 
He thumb stroked you from over your panties and you groaned. “Please, please, I need more,” you said. 
“Let me cum in that pussy then,” he said. 
You hiccuped as you laughed, not able to gather that much air. This was so dangerous. And yet…
You found yourself opening your legs wider, giving him more space. His thumb reached under your panties and he pressed down, rubbing against your pussy. He pushed into your entrance and you moaned, throwing your head against the floor. 
Franklin put his lips next to your ear. “Let me fill you up. And keep fillin’ you up,” he said. 
“Oh fuck,” you cried. The thought of being filled up by him had you rolling your hips. You needed him higher. On that needy little nub that always gave you away. Franklin could smile at you and your clit would throb. He could walk into the room and flood your panties within a second. It ought to be illegal having this type of visceral reaction to him. It was lethal. 
If Franklin ever figured it out, you’d never be safe from him. He’d have you to agree to steal the torch from the Colosseum. There was nothing he couldn’t do to your body that you weren’t already begging for.
“Are you sure? You’d be stuck with me,” you said. It was a last ditch effort. What if you really did turn up pregnant and he ended up resenting that fact? You knew without a doubt that Franklin would make an amazing father. You just weren’t so sure that he wouldn’t hate your guts after.
It was a stupid fear. Franklin had never given you reason to believe that he wasn’t into you. But after everything he had been through the past few months, you wondered if he wasn’t rushing into this. 
“I know…I know that it was hard feeling like everyone leaves. But I won’t leave,” you promised. 
Franklin brought his head up to look into your eyes. He kept up those delicious circles on your clit. Your body pulsed with tension and relief. Your thighs shook violently. He kissed you, his lips remaining on yours for longer than a few seconds.
“I know. I promise, this isn’t anything other than wanting you. Loving you. Leaving a mark behind so you’ll remember me forever,” he said. 
He moved his hand faster and little desperate cries began to leave you. Pressure built and built until you exploded, coming undone under his expert fingers. He whispered things into your ear; nasty things about what he wanted to do to you. How sometimes he wanted to drive you wild with his dick from sun up to sun down. 
How he wanted to devour you, lick and suck his way to hearing you screaming his name. As you convulsed beneath him, he kissed your chest, sucking your nipple back into his mouth through the bra.
“There’s no way I’d forget you, Franklin,” you said. 
“I know,” he said. He pulled his hand away from your clit and painted your lips with your juices. “Suck.”
You began to suckle his thumb, sucking all of your arousal off of his thumb. You moaned around the taste of yourself on his big hand. You clung to his wrist as you suckled harder. 
“See you do shit like that and it...” he made a strangled noise. “I want to just use you.” 
You bit your lip and closed your legs, seeking relief from the inferno roaring inside of you. That orgasm wasn’t enough. It wasn’t nearly enough. 
You leaned up on your elbows and looked at his face. The moonlight played across his features like a delicate lightshow. “You can do whatever the fuck you want to do with me,” you said. 
Franklin took a long, deep breath and blew the air out of his mouth. “Don’t fuck with me,” he warned. His voice grew deeper, the low tones dancing along the back of your head. 
“Whatever. You. Fuckin’. Want,” you said. Each word was punctuated with a kiss. Franklin growled and leaned back on his knees. 
He grabbed your waist and flipped you over. You landed on your stomach with a soft, “Oof.” Franklin pulled the sides of your dress down and off of your arms. He released the clasp of your bra and pulled that off as well. 
Air hit your wet nipple making it pebble. It rubbed against the blanket and you moaned. He pulled your hips up until you were on your knees. He pushed up your dress, exposing your ass. He grabbed both globes of your ass and squeezed.
The mounting pressure made you cry out. “Oh, spank it, Daddy,” you said. 
Franklin obliged, spanking your ass. The smack bounced off the walls. Red, hot fire bloomed on your left ass cheek. You bit your lip and dipped over further, arching your back. 
Franklin pushed your panties to the side. Arousal escaped you. Franklin gathered it up with the tip of his dick. He moaned at how wet your pussy was. He faced no resistance as he slipped inside.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned together. Your shriek ended on a whine as he slid in and out with ease. Your hands clenched and unclenched the blanket, looking for any type of crutch or anchor. Something to weigh you down when your body so desperately wanted to float away. 
You reached the pinnacle of bliss. Franklin worked his hips slow at first, letting you attempt to get used to him. But he started to jerk, his hold more bruising, his fingers pulling you onto him.
You matched his strokes, throwing your ass back on him. Your thighs slapped together loudly and lewdly. He smacked your ass a few more times and groaned when you clenched around his dick. 
“Fuck, I’m gon’ cum in this pussy. You gon’ carry my baby,” he said. Each promise was a hard jerk, pulling you onto him so completely that he bottomed out. His dick continued to spear inside of you, touching a primal part of you.
“Oh right there, right there, Franklin,” you moaned and chanted. Your belly tightened and tightened, curling into a little, tiny ball. 
“Fuck me,” he moaned as he rammed into you. He rutted into you. Driving you down onto his dick like he wanted to carve his name inside of your pussy. As if he could brand himself there. Sear himself and leave such an impression behind. As if by sheer force of will, he could mold your pussy around his dick. 
“Oh, cum in me, Daddy,” you moaned. “Give it to me.” 
“Take this baby,” he chanted. It was both a promise and a determination. He spoke it into the universe. Writing your fates among the stars and daring to be denied.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you cried. That tight ball of pressure finally unraveled, turning you into a limp noodle as your orgasm ripped through you. It pulled you apart, one stitch at a time. Pleasure rippled throughout your body and you cried out, the blanket muffling some of it. 
Franklin could barely keep his hands on you as he unloaded into you. His spurts of cum were hot, scalding, painting your insides with the essence of him. “Shit,” he groaned as he dumped his load inside of you. 
You both panted as you came down, your breaths mingling as you both tried to return to your bodies. Franklin pulled you up and on your side. You groaned as he slipped out of you. There was a squelching that you felt and heard and you moaned again. He laid down behind you, molding his body against yours.
You felt his dick slide wetly into the crook of your ass. Franklin absently kissed your neck. He raised your left leg and brought it to rest across his long legs. 
“Get these wet for me,” he said. He brought his fingers to your mouth. You suckled and drooled on his fingers. He then brought his wet fingers to your clit and played with you. You jerked and moaned, trying to escape.
He moved his right arm under your neck and pulled you against him. His biceps flexed against your neck and you made unholy, guttural noises. His left hand continued to please you, pushing you past the point of arousal. 
Your senses were full of him. The way he smelled right now, the sound of his breaths in your ear. “Where you think you goin’?” He asked. The sight of his thick arm around your neck, the way his dangling fingers pulled at your nipples. 
His fingers dipped into your entrance and massaged your spongy walls. “Naw, hold that shit in for me,” he said. 
He massaged his cum back into you, pushing it higher and higher. You felt so stuffed and full that despite cumming so many times close together, your body reacted just as hungrily. Gobbling up his fingers and his cum. 
“Franklin,” you called out, tears running down your cheeks. He had to feel them. His shoulder was beneath your head. The tears ran down and to the side, splashing onto him. He kissed and licked your ear. 
“I know, I know, baby,” he whispered. 
You twitched and gyrated on the floor, robbed of seeing his face. Your hands searched the blanket for purchase. You felt his dick twitch against your ass. 
“Oh, no,” you groaned before another orgasm left you shaking. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your mumbled speech was incoherent as pleasure made you growl like an animal. But fuck, you felt so fucking good that you couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. Your limbs moved of their own accord. 
“No more,” you gasped out. Fuck, you couldn’t take another one. Not right now. You were far too sensitive, jerking at every new touch and slide of his fingers. Franklin stilled his fingers, tugged on your nipple and kissed your neck. 
“That’s my girl,” he whispered. He brought his left hand up to rub your belly as if he could already imagine it swollen and stiff with his son or daughter. He pressed on your tummy, massaging it. 
“You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous,” he said. 
You were too tired to give him a proper response. You kissed his arm and he moved until you pressed into his chest. He wrapped his arm completely over your middle. “I’ll protect us, babe. Come whatever tries to get between us. I’ll do everything in my power to keep us safe.”
Somehow, you completely believed him. You laid there and talked with him about everything you could think of. You both passed out somewhere around the moonlight disappearing and the sunlight returning.
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You know you need more in your life: The Secret Franklin Saint Files
There is now a Part 2!
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frank1nsaint · 5 months
Franklin Part 2.
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Warnings: Use of curse words and N-word
After that day you spend a good amount of time trying to avoid Franklin and that was by simply not hanging out with Harmony. There was no way you could get tied up in Franklin not after you see how Melody turned out. It was like the man was a blackhole and everything seemed okay at one time and point until it didn’t and there was no going back. You keep your head down and only focus on the things that mattered, working, passing classes and getting the fuck outta south central. 
You hear a knock on your door, you put down the book and open the door not thinking twice. You instantly regret it seeing Franklin standing in front of you. 
“Hey!”  you greet 
“Hey Y/N” 
“Whats up? you need something Harmony’s not here” you hoped and prayed that's why he was here so he could quickly leave
“Nah I came to see you,” he looks around, making sure no one was watching 
“Oh why?” You ask 
“Can I come in?” He asks
“OH! Yea Yea!” you move back quickly “shit sorry” 
He smiles “it's cool” you watch him walk in he was tall, your 5’4 frame was nothing compared to his. And now that you had no heels on, the height difference was really apparent.  He also looked bigger?  Did he get swole in jail? 
“Sooo what's up?”  you comment wanting this to be over with as soon as possible. You hoped he wasn’t going to ask you to go on a drug run. Because no wasn’t an option for this man. 
“I came to see you, see how you doing” he commented sitting by the bar stool in the kitchen 
“Tasha know you here?” you ask wearily walking to the other side of the counter 
He scoffed “why would I tell Tee I'm coming here?”
“Because after that party we got into it, and i'm not trying to “steal her man” from up under her so does she? I should call her” you go to grab the phone
“Girl hang up that phone” he commands
“Franklin, why are you here?” you ask again 
“I just came to talk to you damn! is that a crime?” 
“It is if you have a girlfriend!” 
“I don’t, me and Tee aint a thing, never were never will be! Damn!” 
You look at him in disbelief “Doesn’t seem that way the way you two be all over each other”
“Nah she's all over me, don’t get it twisted” 
You roll your eyes “Whatever, what is it that I can get you Franklin?” 
He smiles “how you been? What’s been going on with you?” 
“Fine, how are you?” you answer curtly where was this conversation going, you hoped acting like a bitch would rub him the wrong way make him lose interest fast 
“I’m doing good now” You roll your eyes, he chuckles “Damn why you so cold?” 
“I’m not!” you roll your neck 
“You are to me you  be treating a nigga like I’m some beggar or shit!” 
“I don’t!” you counter offended you didn’t you just wanted him to find other interests 
“You do!” he argues 
“Franklin” you open the fridge and pull out the lemonade you made recently 
“Alright shit,” he throws his hands up “have dinner with me next weekend” 
You look at him before responding “no” 
“Why not?” 
“Because you and Ta..” 
He points his fingers at you “Don't you mention that girl!” he warns
You shrug “Okay well the answer still remains no”
“But why?” 
“Why do you wanna go out with me? We don't even hang out!” 
He smiles “You got a pretty smile, you smart as hell, there’s something about you and i wanna find out more” You give him a deadpan face, “come on what a guy gotta do to get you to go out with them?”  You shrug in response because you honestly didn’t know either “Come on please” 
“Here” you say handing him the lemonade
You look at him for a few moments still not saying anything weighing out your options, you could go out with him, and sabotage the date and then bam 
“Y/N” he calls you bringing you out of your thoughts
“Yeaaa” you respond happily that you have a solution to your problem 
“I would love to have dinner with you. May I please take you out to dinner?” 
You continue to look at him a smile starting to form on your face. “Hmm?”  He asks smiling 
You look up at the ceiling then him take in a deep breath “Sure” 
“That was it? I just had to ask you properly and shit” he asks in disbelief 
“No that wasn’t it” you weren’t going to tell him about testing  him seeing how he reacted to you saying no, a man like him you need to see if he had a hot temper,
He points behind him with his thumb “I just asked you out like a minute ago and you said no” 
“No” you leaned in  moving closer to his face “you commanded me to go out with you and i don’t do commands” 
“Yes ma'am” he whispered looking at your lips then back at you, biting his lip
You straighten up “I wanna be home before midnight!” you add
“Yes ma'am!” he grins
“Where are we going?” 
He stands up from his stool towering over you “Damn woman let me plan, i got this i'm a man after all!” 
“Okay, man”  
“I’ll be here by 7 we’ll have reservations for 8 you just worry about getting pretty for me” 
You roll your eyes “okay.” 
And bring that smile he says before opening the door to leave
You pull your lips in and nod trying to hide your smile. You hear him chuckle before leaving 
You can’t help but replay Harmony’s comment, you had to live your life, one way you were gonna do that was by sabotaging the entire thing and the worst could happen was that he thought you were boring which actually could be to your advantage that way the men stop bugging you and so would Harmony.
You don’t say anything to Harmony but she finds out anyway, which made you suspect that Franklin went running his mouth. 
“Why the fuck aint you tell me you and Franklin got a date?” she asks as she walks into the house
“Because I wanted to keep it private” 
She rolls her eyes, “we’re best friends why aint you tell me?” 
“Incase nothing came of this date you know like we decide to not date” you shrug
“Girl please” she rolls her eyes “and why wont it?” she takes a seat on the couch 
You shrug “I dont know i’m just saying plus i’m not trying to hear it from Tasha again” 
“You know damn well him and Tee didn’t have a thing”
“I know they fucked I know that and he was probably telling her the same shit he telling me now” 
“He’s not.” she says 
“How do you know?” 
“I just do, if he approached you like he did Tasha you would have slapped that nigga”
“Wowwww okayyyy anyway I’m not tryna deal with his mama either” 
She moves and sits next to you  and wraps her arm around you pulling you in “How about we focus on right now and not the future, why not enjoy the moment for what it is and not ruin it by thinking about a future that might not happen. Hmm? How that sound?” 
You sigh heavily “fine” 
“So what you got to wear? This is so exciting!” 
You shrug “i’ll find something” 
She gives you a pointed look “Please dress up” 
“I will” 
“Good cuz i know how you like your jeans and shit” 
You sigh “I will dress uuuup” 
“Good!” she smiles
You smile back, you had actually planned to dress up but she gave you a good idea. Instead of waiting till dinner to sabotage why not start as soon as he arrives. 
As planned Franklin showed up to your doorstep at 7pm  you were expecting him to be late,  you smirk to yourself, ready to carry out your plan.  
“Hey!” you greet him as you open the door, in your usual jean, tee, sneaker combo 
“Hey gorgeous!”  he looks at your attire  expecting you to be semi dressed “I got these for you" he says handing you the bouquet of flowers
“Okay Casanova” he laughs “thanks for these you didn’t have to” 
“I wanted to” you smile in response and proceed to place the flowers in a vase “You came from the store or something?”
“No why?” He looks you up and down, this time making it obvious that he was analyzing you 
“Here” you say handing him a glass of cold cola 
He looks down at his watch “we still got sometime”
“For what?” 
“Before we gotta leave for our date!” 
“Oh! Yeaaaa” you look down and do your best to hide your smile, “i cant wear this?”
“No! I got on slacks and a button down” He motions to himself
You try not to laugh “oh i have nothing to wear Franklin, you told me to dress nice, this is nice no?” 
He huffs “shit we can go to the mall” and he stops as he sees you trying to hide your smile “stop fucking playing with me and go change” 
“I have nothing Franklin” you say a grin on your face 
“Y/N I’m not fucking with you go change!” 
You roll your eyes “you’re no fun” 
“You got 30 minutes you better hurry up or i'm carrying you in the car no matter how you look” he warns 
“Sir yes sir!”
You quickly change into the dress you had picked out, do your hair, dab makeup on your face, put your heels on and spray your perfume. You smile to yourself before walking out your room 
“Okay I'm ready!" you say "with only 3 minutes to spare!” 
He looks up at you and smiles “you look good”
“Thank you sergeant” you salute 
You hear him groan and try to suppress your giggle. The rest of the night follows suit, you do your best to just irritate him to where he refuses to deal with you again. 
“I got a question for you?” 
“I’m ready” you comment as you two eat your sunday at Baskin Robbins (which y’all i looked into this 4 scoop ice cream 4 topping was only $2! Can’t even get a scoop now for $2. 😭)
“Why you trying to sabotage our date?” 
He shocked you that’s for sure you weren’t expecting him to catch on “What are you talking about?" you feign ignorance 
“You don't think I don’t know you tryna get under my skin?” 
“Is it working?” you dig your spoon into the ice cream
He scoffs "No, in fact it's making me wanna see this thing through just to annoy you!" he looks at you intensely. You chuckle nervously in response “Come on, tell me why you trying to sabotage this?” 
“I..” you blush “I don’t know Franklin, what if we are just too different” you look down at the sunday 
“How you figure? I like to read too shit, i like to stay to myself too!” he moves his head to get your eye contact  “hmm?” 
You look up and then towards him you open your mouth to say something but can't think of a good reason 
“Hmm?” He tilts his head
You shrug “I don’t really know your world, how could i be a good match? I mean like what if....”
He interrupts you “My world? What I do to make money has nothing to do with who I am in a romantic relationship” he states
You take in a spoon full of icecream to gather your thoughts “How do you figure?” 
“Because one is business one is personal” 
“And you dont think theres a potential conflict of interest?”
“How would there be?” 
“You’re not two people”
“Nah but i  do a damn good job compartmentalising  when i'm with you its just that you and me, shit you aint seen me check my pager once and when i leave you and go handle business then thats what im doing”  
You nod and  remain silent thinking his explanation through 
“What else you got?” he jokes grinning at you 
“I... mm-mm” you shake your head
He leans in “Why don't you just admit that you scared!” 
“I’m not!” you lean back 
“Girl!” He pulls his lips to the side giving you the side eye “You be avoiding me, looking away, hiding when we in a party, you be waving and disappearing like you don’t want me to talk to you” 
You pull in your lips, blushing, looking  away 
“What you scared for? You scared of me?”
“No," you look at him I’m not scared of you, if i was i wouldn’t be here”
“So what is it?” 
“I just don’t wanna get caught up in the wrong person or thing so i just find it easier to focus on school, working, and staying outta some shit” 
“So, you saying I’m the wrong person?” 
“No, i’m saying that..” you feel the panic rise
He chuckles “I’m fuckin’ wit’chu girl i get it”
You release a sigh of relief. 
“Thanks Franklin” you smile as you look up at him after opening the door. “I hope you had a good time”
He smiles “I did I wanna do it again, without you trying to sabotage” 
“We can discuss that” 
He smacks his lips “you gonna make me beg again?” 
“No i meant we can talk about when the next date would be”  you giggle
“Ahh cool cool.” you two remain silent as you look at each other he reaches over and rubs his hands up and down your arms “You got goosebumps” 
“Yea is a little chilly tonight and you should get going its late”
He smirks “let me find out you care”
You roll your eyes, you place your hands on his cheeks softly before pulling him down. You kiss each cheek, before his lips “goodnight Franklin” you whisper 
He returns a kiss to your  forehead “goodnight gorgeous” 
You watch him get in the car before closing the door. You can’t help but smile to yourself. Even though your plan to sabotage didn’t work out, you are glad you went out tonight. You feel giddy inside thinking about the night's events, how he held your hand, how he would bite his lip while you talked, how he stared at you. It felt like you were under a microscope from time to time, it all felt genuine.
Authors Note: Feedback is much appreciated. Please reblog, comment, and like just don't plagiarize
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ikemenlibrary · 8 months
Humanity (Ikémen Vampire)
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Pairing: Comte de Saint Germain x MC Summary: Yet another year on earth, and Comte battles with himself and what it means to be alive and love someone so human.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Talk about humanity and the meaning of human life, naked Comte, naked MC, there's implied sex but nothing sexual
A note from the author: Happy birthday to the character who made me fall in love at first glance. I never believed in cliche romances before he came along.
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The scent of sweet vanilla wafted through Comte de Saint Germain’s nose and he sensed her presence before her delicate arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind. Comte had spent all day in his office responding to piles of letters he had neglected due to spending more time with his lover as of recently.
It was late when she came to check in on him, most of the residents of the mansion had already retired to their bedrooms for the night and Comte could hear Sebastian gently close the linen closet located off the kitchen, signaling he was done with work for the night.
“Good evening, Ma Chérie,” Comte greeted her quietly. His voice was a tad bit hoarse from not speaking all day.
“Hello my love,” she greeted back warmly, her chin going to rest on the top of his head. “You’ve worked quite a bit today.”
Comte grimaced, a pang of guilt throbbing as his stomach as he remembered earlier how he had brushed off her advances for joining him for afternoon tea. “Ah, yes. Well, when you’re at the top of Paris’s aristocratic food chain, you tend to get bogged down with work sometimes.” He chuckled lightly when he felt her chest heave in a silent laugh at his bad joke.
She fondly pushed back a piece of his hair that had fallen while Comte had started to work, and just that little act of affection had Comte closing his eyes and leaning his whole body toward her warmth. Sighing, he pushed himself back up in his chair, hunching over the dozen or so letters littering his desk. “What is it that’s so urgent this time?” 
She placed herself upon the edge of his desk, curiously glancing at all the papers. Comte held one up, his eyes glinting, mischievous behind the tiredness. “Seems as if my dear old friend has once again caught the affection of some of the noblewomen he met in town. I must turn them down before they start booking dates at the church.”
Peering down at the letter, she giggled as she realized it was yet another letter of a marriage proposal addressed to Leonardo. How anyone still had the patience to try with him, she would never understand. He never gave the women in town more than a polite smile and a small conversation, and yet that was enough for them to fall for him. “Don’t work too much later, darling.” She cooed, hopping off his desk and running her hand affectionately across his shoulder. “You need to take time to rest, too.” She waited a moment for his response, and when she realized she wasn’t going to get one, she pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, and left his office as quietly as she came. 
She was too sweet to him, her unwavering kindness not something he was deserving of. But, nonetheless, he would relish in her warmth, and hold her a little tighter to him the next time she was laid in his arms. He promised her an eternity of love, and he would do everything in his power to uphold that promise. 
After sealing yet another letter with his stamp, Comte leaned back in his chair as he heard footsteps approaching his office. Two sets this time. His two favorite people. The door creaked open noisily, and it was Leonardo who stepped in first, Comte’s lover following close behind with a determined look in her eyes.
“Alright, old man, I can do the rest of these. Time for you to get out of here for the night, or she’s gonna chew me out again.” Leonardo chuckled, looking at the woman with adoration in his eyes. Though his words weren’t as kind, Comte knew his dearest friend held nothing but love for that woman in his heart, and Comte would have it no other way. He loved that they got along, and when they bickered like children, it reminded him of the beauty of youthfulness. Comte watched as his beloved sent a glare towards Leonardo, and he chuckled as his friend held his hands up with mock surrender. “It’s not my fault all the women in town find me irresistible.”
“It is your fault when you do nothing to dissuade them,” Comte remarked, pushing out his chair and smoothing out the creases in his pants as he stood up. 
“Maybe if they knew how much of a messy slob you were they’d-” Comte cut off his wife with a kiss. She was teasing, but he knew if she started in on Leonardo, that it would only lead to them hurling insults at each other like siblings, and Comte was tired. He wanted to stow away with his lover and enjoy some time together before the evening grew too late. 
“If you want to finish the last of these, I can have Sebastian post them tomorrow.” Comte gestured to the last few open letters on the desk and he sighed as Leonardo plopped himself in his chair, his heavy boots banging noisily on the desk as he propped them up, crossing one leg over the other.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll finish these up so I can go back to sleep. Cara mia decided she didn’t care about my wellbeing and woke me up to put yours first.” Leonardo grabbed one of the letters on the table, and as she gripped Comte’s hand in her own, Leo looked over his shoulder. “And Comte?” The man hummed in response. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you, my dear old friend.” Comte accepted the wish gracefully, a soft smile playing on his lips as the pair left his office, closing the door gently behind them. Instead of heading to their shared bedroom, she led Comte in the other direction toward the bathing room. It was well past  scheduled times for using it, and although it could be seen as a waste of water, Comte followed her silently, ready to sink his aching muscles in warm water and hold her close.
They undressed together, and although they had each been naked around each other many times before, he took his time uncovering every inch of her skin. His hands deftly loosening her corset, letting her poofy dress drop to the ground and he leaned his head down, kissing her bare shoulders, following down the path to her collarbones, and up over her neck. The swell of her breasts pressed into his body, and although he wasn’t yet bare, the familiar ache in the pit of his stomach pulled at the red string tying them together, the want - no, need - for her pulling him even further into her embrace as she reached up to unclip his tie, her hands making quick waste of all of le Comte’s layers. 
Comte felt bashful admiring her bare body. No matter how many times she had allowed his eyes to gaze upon her beauty, it always felt like the first. Especially when she had that delightful blush on her cheeks, as she embraced him, her arms wrapping around his neck as he inched their faces closer together, his lips brushing delicately against hers. “Shall we?” He asked quietly, gesturing to the steaming, bubbly water that had filled the room. She nodded, seemingly under the same impression that Comte was under: that the quiet was magical in that moment. 
She followed him in, and as he sank down onto the bench, the warm water flowing over him, she followed, her bare thigh touching his own as she sat down. She had put her hair up, her usual cascading curls now resting high up on her head so as not to get them wet, and Comte took a second to admire her like this: flushed cheeks, a delicate sheen of sweat covering her skin, and her neck bare and exposed. She looked lovely, a delectable vision that had Comte regretting never applying himself to learn any sort of artistic abilities. He wanted to paint her, to have this moment framed for safekeeping forever. To remind himself of how beautiful humanity could be at its core, how beautiful the creature before him is. In the endless sea of eternity, he found her, and she brought him back to life in a way that he would’ve never imagined before her. In a way that he was never able to imagine - only daydream about, for a long time.
“Abel,” her voice cut through his thoughts, and she giggled as the bubbles she blew towards him fluttered down on top of his head. “What are you thinking about?”
“Hmm,” he replied, his arm snaking around her waist, pulling her onto his lap, his arms circling her tightly, holding her to him as secure as he could. “Just about how much I love you, Ma Chérie.”
“Oh really?” She replied, demurely. Her arms wrapped around his neck, moving to straddle him, the water sloshing around them. “And how much is that?”
“Infinitely,” le Comte conceded, his breath ghosting over her collarbones as he rested his forehead against her shoulder. “And forever.”
“Will we have forever?” She asked, her eyes filled with uncertainty. He knew what she was asking. One day, his fangs would pierce her rosy flesh and he would plunge her into the deep eternity known as a vampire’s life, but it wasn’t time for that. It wasn’t time to take away the fragile humanity for her that threaded her to this life with a golden thread. It would be one day, but that day could wait to come. 
“Of course, we have forever every day that I wake up as a man who gets to be loved by a woman as wonderful as you.” And finally, he captured her lips in the kiss he’s been daydreaming about all day, the only thing that kept his motivation going when he wanted to give up his work. Each breath she breathed into his lips only made him fall in love with humanity even more, the throb of her swollen bitten lips, the pink flush that went from her cheeks all the way down to her décolletage. Some may argue that it was her he was in love with, and with that, he would agree. But she is the reason he fell so deeply in love with the idea of human life being as sacred and guarded as it. 
“Happy birthday, my love.”
She was the reason he had even a sliver of humanity left.
“Thank you, mon amour.” Every day, she would be the reason for him to continue striving towards finding more and more of his humanity hidden away behind locked doors, and with each year to come, he would continue to hold her beating heart in his hand, next to his own. Until one day, it stopped beating, and even then, he would love her - and the humanity and kindness and everything that made her, her - forevermore.
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brumeraven · 2 months
🍂: Interview with a Boundless Candidate || dolls, boundless, creativity, transformations, saints, cute?, sorry to the confused
"Please state your name for the record."
"names are...well, they can't be self-assigned."
"Good catch. Sorry about the trick question, but you understand why we have to make you jump through all these hoops."
"it's fine."
"How long have you lived as a doll?"
"my whole life. or, well, maybe that's just how i've been treated."
"How you've been treated?"
"sorry, how this one has been treated."
"So the whole world treats you like a doll?"
"more or less, this one supposes."
"But how long has it been since you decided to just accept it? To stop fighting back and just give up your personhood?"
"it did not make the decision; this is...it's just the way it is. the way it's always been."
"Mm, fair. Dolls don't choose."
"dolls don't choose."
"And you believe that you'll be happier as a doll?"
"i...it has never really...understood the concept of happiness."
"You're unhappy being treated this way?"
"this one has never seen happiness as attainable."
"But you need this to feel comfortable?"
"no, not really."
"Then what exactly do you expect to get out of this?"
"congruence. alignment of expectations and reality."
"My point is, what do YOU want out of this? You, not the people around you."
"...this one does not want anything."
"Rather not say?"
"Well, let me take a stab at it. You just want to feel wanted. Want to be given worth, want to be a valued pet, a cherished possession, because you can't find any self-worth, so you need extrinsic reassurance your life has purpose and meaning."
"You're afraid of responsibility. Afraid of agency. Afraid of fucking up your own life any more than you already have. You'd rather a Witch, or even a human, fuck it up for you. At least it wouldn't be your fault, then; at least you could pretend you're worth shit."
"Well let me tell you something, kiddo; those are bad fucking reasons to throw away your humanity. Because, hate to break it to you, but you aren't worth shit just because someone likes you."
"it's not like that. not for this one."
"No? Then why don't you tell me what it is, hm?"
"it's just...well, efficient."
"i can't stand it. this one cannot stand it. it wastes so much time worrying about what to do, what not to do, prioritizing and tracking and deciding."
"You're looking for...what exactly?"
"this one has value; it is certain of it. it is capable of great things and has several useful skills. time management is not one of them. it's greatest fear is that it will waste its entire existence shaving yaks."
"it simply wishes to be able to work without the cruft of life getting in the way. without wasting its time worrying about what it should be doing at any given time."
"...So you want a manager, not a master."
"this one wants a scrum master."
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melodramastuff · 1 year
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Strange Way of Life (2023)
Jake (Hawke) and Silva (Pascal), two retired gunslingers and old friends reconnect after being apart for more than 20 years. But it slowly becomes clear that their reunion is not just coincidence or just between two friends.
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