#quotes from ignacio
"All subjects alike are forbidden from ‘channeling’ unless under strict supervision and guidance and for the purposes of contacting and communicating with their guardian. Under no circumstances, is contacting the lost souls of Purgatory or demons appropriate. The former poses little threat to the ‘sensitive’ or ‘clairvoyant’ in question, but intentionally seeking out lost souls increases the risk of drawing a demon’s attention."
-From St. Ignacio’s research notes, circa. 1658
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littlewomenpodcast · 6 days
Henry David Thoreau = Friedrich Bhaer
I have been doing the Little Women/ Louisa May Alcott research about 7 years now. There were many models for Friedrich Bhaer's character...Goethe, Schiller, Emerson, John Suhre, Charles Follen....men who we discuss in the Little Women Podcast.
What makes Henry David Thoreau different from these men, is that he is not only Friedrich, he is literally a love interest in pretty much every Louisa May Alcott novel.
He is David in Work, Augustus in the Queen Of Hearts, Mac in Rose in Bloom and Eight Cousins, Ignacio in Long Fatal Love Chase, Adam in Moods and many more.
I mean... no one writes their friend to be their love interest in every single book that they wrote, if they truly were not their love interest.
I have shameless love for Friedrich's character and here are some of my favorite things in Friedrich that we can clearly see that came from Henry David Thoreau.
Henry David Thoreau used to carry an umbrella everwhere he went.
Henry David Thoreau, was American, but spoke many languages. In Little Women, Friedrich is German, but also speaks fluent French, Latin etc.
Later in life (around in his forties) Henry grew a brown bushy beard and he was a plus size man. Very much like a certain professor.
In her diary from the time when Louisa was a young woman, she wrote about her desire to start a school for boys and have ..you know who as a teacher there.
Henry David Thoreau was a transcendtalist philosopher. Friedrich Bhaer is a trandcendentalist philosopher.
Henry David Thoreu, worked as a teacher and what I have read about him, he would have liked to have a family of his own. Fritz Bhaer is a teacher and a family man.
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The Alcotts and Thoreau's were literal neighbor's.
In the novel when Friedrich comes to court Jo, there are mentions how Jo started to comb her hair and paid more attention to her looks. In her diaries, Louisa writes that when she was a young woman, her "love" came to visit and she would try make herself to look good in their eyes.
During these meetings Louisa and Henry would often perform songs together. In Little Women, Jo and Fritz sing together often.
Sometimes when Henry was feeling particularly romantic, he would speak Shakespearean English and use "thou" instead of "you. (I've read this from couple different Thoreau biography so it must be true!)
In LIttle Women Friedrich prefers to use "Thou", because he is fond of the romantic tone it has. It also has to do with the German language, for there are two words for you. "Sie" and "Du" and "Du" is what you use with a loved one.
In Little Women it is mentioned that Jo's father loved chatting with Friedrich and they became immediate friends. In reality Henry was very good friends with Bronson Alcott. Quote that I read was something like this "Old philosopher took the young man under his wing and they could talk about anything between the heaven and earth".
Henry was a pacifist, protector of nature, abolitionist and dedicated to human rights. In Little Women Jo and Friedrich have discussion about child labor and how they are both against it.
People often made mockery of Henry's last name calling him "thorough" and "through". In Little Women, Jo defends Friedrich and says, that people make fun of the last name Bhaer, and only Germans can pronounced it the right way.
In her diairies Louisa refers Henry as "the perfect man" and her "special friend".
Then of course there is the age gap. Louisa and Henry had about a 16 year gap, which is the same age gap as between Jo and Fritz.
Henry loved animals, cats and dogs especially. When Jo is in New York, she observes how Friedrich is petting a cat. In Little Men it is mentioned how Friedrich saves puppies from being drowned (c'mon how you can not but love this man).
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Louisa writes in her diaries, how she and Henry made long nature walks together and talked about everything. In Little Women, when Friedrich comes to court Jo, they make long nature walks together, and they continue this habit once they are married.
Henry passed away at the age of 44 (tuberculosis). There are diary markings where LMA writes about "reuniting with her "love" in the next life. In this next life, she gets to have a husband and children of her own, and more love than before. Little Women is a wish-fulfillment.
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eternally-smitten · 6 months
Drabblecember - Sharing Stories
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pairing: Natalie x Ignacio Varga
summary: after one drink too many, the pair get a bit talkative and romantic about their first meeting
word count: 771
content warnings: drinking alcohol
author's note: I'm not as proud of this one but it's still cute I think!!!
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Natalie took a long sip from her wine glass, “I’m shocked you haven’t gotten any tattoos yet! You just…seem like the type to!”
Ignacio gave her a suspicious look, “What do you mean I’m ‘the type to’?”
“You know!” She set her glass down to talk with her hands as if they would fill in the words for her, “You’re all tough and stuff! Like…I dunno you’re just all strong!”
“I fail to see how that makes me ‘the tattoo type’.” He himself took a swig of his drink and rolled his eyes at her.
“I dunno! It makes sense to me!”
After a long day of working, Natalie and Ignacio decided to indulge and share a glass of wine. Or two. Or three. Then, almost half the bottle was gone between the two of them.
They soon got a little tipsy and when that happens to Natalie, she gets talkative. She decided to start telling stories about anything she could think of. She told him all about how she and her family celebrated Christmas, her first ever cat, weird fights her family had over big dinners, and now she moved on to stories about her tattoos and how bad they hurt.
“I don’t know, the way you said your tattoos ‘hurt like a bitch’ makes me skeptical about getting any.” Ignacio teased, pouring a little more wine in her glass, “You make it sound so tortuous.”
She tapped the one on her calf proudly, “Oh, come on! I’m just being dramatic! It hurt more like…a swarm of angry bees?”
He laughed, “Now you’ve convinced me. ‘Angry bees’ is a much better pain level than ‘a bitch’. When do we want to make an appointment for matching tattoos?”
“Get one and you’ll see that I’m right!” She giggled a little, feeling a bit silly, “Say, I gotta ask, what made you fall for me?”
His eyes went wide but relaxed quickly after, “This is sudden. What do you mean specifically? Like, when did I fall or why?”
Natalie shrugged and put her hand on his thigh, “Either. Both. I dunno, I just wanna hear it. Maybe I want you to stroke my ego a little and confess your undying love to me, declaring that you’ve never seen someone so gorgeous?”
He quietly chuckled at her sarcasm, “Hmm, this is cliché, but meeting you was special to me.”
“It was?” She asked, shocked, “Some dumb girl that’s running late for a job she despises more than anything rushing into a car shop in a last ditch effort to save her junk car was special?”
“No, no, no,” Ignacio whispered, grabbing her hand, “You made it all special. I didn’t see some dumb girl. I saw a…I’m not sure how to explain it. You just stood out to me.”
Natalie didn’t believe him, “You know I was joking when I told you to inflate my ego, right?”
“Okay, well then why are you talking like I was like the lead woman in a romantic comedy?” She peered at him through hooded eyes.
“Because that’s what you were to me.” He replied honestly, “That’s what you still are to me.”
She drummed her fingernails against the armrest of the couch, “Funny, that first meeting of ours really made an impression, too. I remember going home that day and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
Ignacio smiled at that, “You warm my heart, mi amor.”
“No, I’m serious! I mean, even before I went home, I just knew I had to get in contact with you. I pulled that stunt asking for a business card hoping your number would be on it so we could call and talk about ‘car related things’.” She used air quotes for those last words and laughed.
“It turned out alright, didn’t it? I think I just gave you my number because I felt like it.”
“You said that I could only really trust you to save my piece of shit car so you told me to call you again when it eventually gave up on me.”
“Well, did it?” He asked with a smirk.
She returned his flirtatious gaze, “I called you, didn’t I?”
“You did. And now we’re here.”
Natalie raised her glass to him, “And now we’re here. Thank God that my stupid car shit the bed.”
Ignacio clinked his glass against hers and took a drink. The rest of their evening was filled with drunken ramblings, silly jokes, and lots of loving stares between the two. As they continued to swap stories, Ignacio really did see a movie starlet before him. Even if Natalie couldn’t.
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psssst the gregor and ignacio quote is from amazing world of gumball
wait is it?? I thought that quote went differently
Oh whatever ty!
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lunamadrigal · 2 years
I haven’t written anything in ages and I fear if I don’t start again the well will completely dry up so I’m going to ramble off a drabble that has literally no tie to anything and is just for giggles. Based on some summer au banter between three weirdos /pos 💕
🌊 🌴 🥥 ⛱️
Road Trip (part one?)
“Phone? Charger?? Oh! Did you pack sunscreen?!” 
The insides of my hand-me-down faded, what was once mint green, duffle bag jingled about as a pair of frantic hands dug through the contents. It took me a solid hour to arrange everything neatly inside, rolling clothes carefully and tucking everything in its rightful place which was now a complete minefield.
“Má please. Are you serious right now?!” I clenched my teeth in an attempt to reign in the attitude that I felt bubbling up.
She knows how I feel about this. Everything in its place. Order. Perfect order.
“Do you really think Diego didn’t double and then triple check his list before packing?” Auri’s tone sassed out from behind his smirk where he watched in complete amusement as my má tested the level of my patience.
Just breathe. It’s cool. You can fix it later.
“Very funny, hothead.” I tossed my last buñuelo in Auri’s direction and watched as the sugary ball kissed his cheek at full force and bounced to the floor.
“Jerkface.” His smirk grew two inches as he wiped at the grainy bits covering the side of his face.
“SUNSCREEN!?” A high pitched motherly call broke us out of our teasing.
“Luna, will I actually need sunscreen?? Come on. I don’t think so. And besides –” Auri pushed himself off the kitchen counter he was leaning against, pointing one defiant finger at the side pouch of my duffle bag. The bright yellow bottle stuck out like a sore thumb, silencing my má immediately.
Before she had a chance to find another thing to worry over, two loud honks echoed from outside. Followed by one more generously long honk. Three. Three is lucky. I breathed a sigh of relief at the thought.
My má’s lips pursed together tightly, with her eyes scanning around for something else to say, likely already holding back some tears. “We’ll be fine mami. I’ll text you when we get there. Promise.” I held my pinky out to her, wiggling it in the air.
“And you’ll send me photos.” She interlocked her pinky with mine, giving it a squeeze. “And — and —”
A gust of wind interrupted her, blowing a lock of her wavy hair into her face as Auri opened the front door, bags in hand, giving me a fierce eyeroll from the door. He had repeatedly said last night that ‘Luna will be a hot mess when we leave’ and he bet she wouldn’t hold off on the waterworks before we made it out the house. He wasn’t wrong but I was never going to admit that to him.
“GET IN LOSERS!” Ignacio’s famous baritone voice boomed from the cherry red VW bus. Its recent fresh coat of paint reflected the bright summer rays brilliantly back at us, matching the fiery grin he wore as he hung out the open passenger window.
“WE RIDE AT DAWN BOYS!” He added with both fists raised in the air, rocking the bus like a gentle ocean wave.
“It’s NOON! FOOL!” I chuckled watching Javier slink down into his seat in the back of the bus as he was correcting him, regardless of the obvious quote Nacio had been making. 
“Oh whatever bro, chill. You gonna be like this the whole ride to the resort?” It wasn’t much of a question the way Ignacio snapped back at Javi.
Sliding the side door open and tossing our bags into the very end of the bus I crawled in, giving Auri a tug before falling the rest of the way inside. The bus was crammed full of every item imaginable, giving The Little Mermaid and her whosits and whatsits a run for her money.
“Are those flippers?” Auri whispered into my ear, pressed up against my arm tightly. Our two bodies packed like sardines. “And a uh—-”
“Metal detector?” I finished, staring at the odd long object poking through the pile of bags. Undoubtedly one of Javi’s necessities. 
“See…”, nudging his side gently, “... you can never be too prepared.”
Auri’s eyelashes grazed his lids, rolling his eyes so far back I’m sure he saw the inside of his head as he did it. “Course you would say that.” He leaned in and brushed his nose over mine ever so faintly but sending his cheeks a shade usually reserved for his firefly amber flames.
“None of that cute crap on summer vacation my dudes! This ain’t your honeymoon.”
Both of our faces burned ten times brighter hearing Ignacio’s tease. He was musing over his own joke, arms crossed over the passengerside’s headrest as he ducked to fit between the small space.
Two hotheads in one pintsized bus for five hours… What could go wrong? I smiled to myself looking back from Nacio to Auri. Their eyes narrowed on each other in what would surely turn into a heated battle of snarky remarks if someone doesn’t intervene.
“Tunes?” The voice of an angel perked up from the driver’s seat, long dark hair cascading over her shoulder, sporting the most retro pink pair of sunglasses I’d ever seen.
Praise the sweet angelic God’s for Angelina. Her soft kind eyes met mine, thanking her silently.
“Tunes.” I repeated cheerfully, happy for the distraction.
“TUNESSSSSSSS!” Four ecstatic voices harmonized together inside our red shoebox of a bus.
Only one person’s voice was missing among our crews and all eye’s fell on the sour face, poking his golden glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“God. I don’t know these people.” Javi huffed at us with a tiny smile creeping at the corners of his lips.
My smile felt unstoppable as the thought sparked in my mind.
‘Journal, Day 1 Summer Vaca
This is gonna be epic.’
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Art found here
Angelina, Javier & Ignacio belong to @cheesy-cryptid & @artsynellyyy
Aureliano belongs to @daliceus
Diego is my oc bebé
Angelina's summer mixtape
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gilligays · 2 years
the writers are just torturing me with interviews past two days, and one of the most insane making is saying Jimmy was trying to not just die to save Kim, but die to atone for Howard. how am I supposed to deal in these conditions (second place goes to Saul finishing his "it wasn't me" as soon as the hood comes off cos he's right back to this memory, and third is that Mike liked *Jimmy*, not Saul, and he's disappointed in him for devolving into a persona)
all of this! regarding your first point, i admittedly had not considered jimmy might be taking the fall as a roundabout way of atoning for the fact that he put howard in the line of fire. it’s the single bravest, most selfless, romantic thing he’s ever done, regardless of motivation. just this morning, i read a quote from one of the writers about this being almost an extension of their wedding vows; i’d die for you. would you kill for me? and that’s what got me, almost more than anything.
the reoccurrence of the “it was ignacio!” line is utterly amazing, and i’d wager a guess that most fans would agree with me. the fact that these writers were able to retroactively imbue what began as a throwaway line of dialogue with such meaning is just astounding. nacho was at the very heart of the cartel subplot to the end, we’d come to see many members of the underworld through his eyes. and lalo, i mean, jesus. i’m a gus fring stan through and through, but i cannot help but think of him as the best villain either show has ever had. cunning and charming and wildly intelligent and delightfully sociopathic. can’t imagine how different this series would be had the writers not committed to giving life to these characters.
and finally, mike and jimmy. i drafted something on this last night, but my ramblings ultimately ended up in the tags of a reblog, so i’ll share them again here: i often think about brba-era mike threatening to break jimmy’s legs and leave him in a hole in the desert, etc. i can only imagine how his opinion of jimmy will be forever altered now that he and kim’s actions have resulted in the death of an innocent. howard wasn’t in the game. and maybe there was a time when mike thought jimmy was sympathetic to his sense of morality. i can recall one conversation during 5.09 about fred from travelwire. now, however, i imagine mike sees jimmy (and kim) as someone who is willfully ignorant to the harm his selfishness can cause others. and serious harm. he could have assumed that jimmy had learned his lesson, that he’d think twice before sticking his nose where it didn’t belong after what they went through in the desert, after his first confrontation with lalo. and yet, lessons remain unlearned and they are forced once more to face the consequences.
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nyantria · 2 years
Dr. Henry Kissinger, who wrote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World."
Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry.
Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas.
Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce.
Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter's administration by the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy.
National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says:
"Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.
Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation.In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation "GLOBAL 2000" document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared.
It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski - all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation:
"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" (Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995).
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S.
For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons (see Smart Dust, Roboflies &).
Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor.
She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project (see Smart Dust, Roboflies&).
Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations.
The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary.
Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War. The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK.
Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation
By Leuren Moret
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echodancer · 1 month
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our burnt bedrooms still pillow our heads, and the gardens still grow our favorite flowers.
yes that's a loz quote but you'll understand very quickly that my biggest wip is heavily inspired by twilight princess and majora's mask, and that this quote is relevant to a majority of characters
> i follow from xiaofiaan
> these characters are my own, and they are very dear to me. if you have questions about them or my wips, please send me an ask :) i love to talk about them !
> most of my characters are trans ! cry about it
> header credit goes to @/st-hedge, and my icon is a commission of kiraan from @/catnippackets !
kiraan cherukuri (he/him): a brother hellbent on trying to rescue his sister in the feywild. he gets tossed into politics and a found family in the meantime
anjali cherukuri (she/her): a sister trying her hardest to distance herself from her brother through lying and manipulation. it bites her in the ass
meng xiaohe (猛晓何) (he/they): a secretive traveler driven by revenge and a heavy past. he eventually finds comfort, but not before getting his hands dirty
zofia briarwood (she/her): an infamous pirate that's too kind for her own good and searching for her eldest sister. kindness, however, doesn't equate to "niceness"
rakshasi (any pronouns, defaults to they/them): a púca bound by a weapon of champions. considered a "demon" & unfortunate older brother/mentor figure to kiraan and is one of the biggest reasons as to why he's Like That
shiban shah (he/him): the undying prince of frost who wants nothing more than to die. he's tired. he's guilty. he is no longer anything but a brother and weapon
quincy ashthorn (she/her): a cult leader of "the rot" who views her friends as artwork (/neg) her and anjali are vying for the throne of best manipulator
nicólo medaren ortega (she/her): a mechanic and robotic scientist working on tearing a city of riches from the inside out. hallucinates her not-dead best friend
viktoria hemlock nova (she/her): a biochemist working on a cure and deadly plague to ruin the city of riches as it has ruined her and her forgotten city. the not-dead best friend
valerie siget (she/her): an avid speaker and protestor of the treatment of the forgotten city—uplifts voices and learns to use her own against her parents
sarrah ali (any pronouns): a deaf disability worker for the forgotten city to help young disabled children when the city of riches refuses to. knows too much
ivy phels (they/them): an underground ring and club manager and makes a living off it, but it's also a place for street kids to stay. is viktoria's right hand woman.
ignacio (he/him): captain of the icarus, and wants to become the king of the pirates and will do anything for his dream. his dream extends to his crew and family as well
caspian (he/him → he/she): eventual first mate of the icarus and unwanted siren prince to his family. he does not need to speak to get you to listen — would lay down his life for ignacio
atlas (xe/xem): navigator of the icarus and xe can see anything and everything xe would like to (even if virtually impossible). is very skittish but won't hesitate for xer family/crew
mai (she/her): sniper of the icarus and nothing gets by her ever. she holds her cards close to her chest and knows everyone else's, and she relearns the meaning of family
kasumi (she/he): swordswoman of the icarus and though she wouldn't say it directly, she loves her crew fiercely and would do Anything for them. even die (not that ignacio would let her)
jesse (they/them): mechanic and shipwright of the icarus and constantly gets their crew into trouble with the things they build (lovingly). would rest for their crew
will (it/he): musician of the icarus and at night will give the ship this eerie tune as it sails. at dawn it'll liven up a little. it owes ignacio its, well. new life and finds comfort in its new crew
harrow (he/him): cook of the icarus and unofficial caretaker of the crew. everyone has their secrets, but harrow's is cold enough to burn. sacrificial tendencies for crew
theodora (she/her): young doctor of the icarus — child prodigy that was treated poorly and snuck on, only to discover the most ragtag group of pirates ever. loves them tho
> if this wip seems similar to a certain piece of media, congratulations, it is inherently based off of it. i am not profiting off of this nor am i trying to—these ocs and this story is simply a fun retelling bc i do not like the og creator of said media 💖
i won't be talking a lot about each wip in particular, but i might make text posts or post art that deal with some central themes that i listed above. obviously there's more than just the warnings, but i added them just in case :)
these are very important and personal projects of mine !! if you have questions, ask: I'm always happy to answer
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La venganza de las Juanas
It was such a good tv-show. The story was entertaining and good as the characters.
I didn't know there was a Colombian telenovela based on a book.
I really hope there will be a season 2!
Each couples were so different and unique.
I especially liked Valentina and Federico (they are cousins now right?), and Manny and Camilo.
I didn't understand what happened to Bautista's boyfriend, Tomas. Why she switched from him to Manuel, out of the blue? Some quotes:
"- Tu pourrais organiser mon enterrement. (Rogelio) - On le ferait avec tous les honneurs que tu mérites, grand-père." (Federico - Episode 2)
"- Je suis indépendante. Et toi ? (Valentina) - Au choix : je suis un esprit libre ou je ne sais pas quoi faire de ma vie ? (Federico) - Dans les deux cas, un gosse de riche entretenu par ses parents." (Valentina - Episode 3)
"- Pour assembler un puzzle, il faut une stratégie, une méthode et il faut dominer les pièces, les vaincre comme un ennemi. Certaines sont difficiles, mais on adore le défi qu'elles présentent. Certaines pièces t'obsèdent, car on ne peut les voir que de loin. D'autres sont difficiles lorsqu'on manque d'expérience. D'autres ont une apparence trompeuse, ce qui joue en ta faveur ou en ta défaveur. Et enfin, il y a les pièces qui gardent tous leurs secrets. Pour moi, la véritable satisfaction... vient du processus. Savoir que chaque pièce que tu places te rapproche du but. Compléter l'image. Puis tout détruire. Comme je détruirai ces filles. Avant de les laisser dans une vieille boîte qui n'intéresse personne. Mais pour commencer, il faut les rassembler." (Rogelio - Episode 11)
"- Je n'arrive pas à t'oublier, Valentina. Je te veux. Val, pour que nos fantômes cessent de nous accabler, il faut les affronter." (Federico - Episode 12)
"- Ils sont beau être frère et soeur, les amours impossibles sont têtues et Federico ne l'a pas oubliée." (Manny) - Je ne sais même pas si je peux être jalouse." (Isabel) - Le problème, c'est la monogamie. Moi je préfère être libre, sans jugements ni attaches. (Manny) - Tu as de la chance. Ou tu n'es jamais tombée amoureuse." (Isabel - Episode 13)
"- Vous avez bien fait de venir me voir moi et pas mon fils. Il faut toujours parler au propriétaire, pas au portier." (Rogelio - Episode 14)
"- Une autre de tes visions ?" (Ana) - Non. Du bon sens." (Bautista - Episode 14)
"- Tu ne crois pas qu'on idéalise la chose ? Peut-être qu'on est nuls au lit. (Valentina) - Il n'y a qu'un moyen de le savoir. (Federico) - Évite-moi. Ne viens pas ici. Ne va pas au bar de Matilde. Je ne retournerai jamais à la brasserie. Tu joues avec le feu. (Valentina) - On n'a pas grandi ensemble. Je t'ai rencontrée sur une plage. Je t'aime et je te désire. Je t'en supplie, dis-moi que c'est réciproque." (Federico - Episode 14)
"- Ou celui qui a les preuves a préféré le meurtre au scandale. (Susana) - Mais je suis veuve depuis peu et les gens vont parler, Susi. (Catalina) - Cata, si je n'ai appris qu'une chose, c'est qu'il faut vivre suivant ses envies et laisser parler les autres." (Susana - Episode 14)
"Je me souviens juste m'être réveillé à l'hôtel. Je ne suis pas responsable de ce que j'ai oublié." (Episode 15)
"- Pour le tuer plus facilement. (Ignacio) - Tu aurais dû être écrivain, Ignacio. Tu as une imagination débordante. (Rogelio) - Oui, c'est quelque chose qui te manque. (Ignacio - Episode 16)
"- Tu as réfléchi ? (Federico) - Je dois y aller. (Valentina) - Attends. Je veux te faire l'amour. Ne serait-ce qu'une fois." (Federico - Episode 16)
"- J'avais besoin de comprendre que l'amour, ce n'était pas de se contenter des restes. Ni être le second choix. Je ne mérite pas ça. (Isabel ?) - Je n'ai rien dit. Tu ne mérites pas ça non plus". (Camilo - Episode 16).
"- Je veux te faire l'amour, ne serait-ce qu'une fois. (Federico) - Je te verrai jeudi, 21h, à l'hôtel Urbano, Federico." (Valentina - Episode 16)
"- Pour vous, c'est une obsession ou une revanche ? Les faire disparaître aurait été plus facile. (Victor) - Bien sûr. Tout comme c'est plus facile de faire un puzzle de 500 pièces... qu'un de 3'000. Mais ce qui est facile... n'est pas amusant." (Rogelio - Episode 16)
"- C'est sûrement la dernière fois qu'on se voit. (Valentina) - Laissons le destin décider." (Federico - Episode 16)
"- Te voir hier a été la seule chose bien depuis des jours. Tu m'as manqué. Je t'imagine parfois près de moi pour pouvoir m'endormir. Si un truc bien m'arrive j'ai envie de te le raconter. Ma mère dit que c'est parce que je t'aime. Que je suis dégueulasse parce que... aimer, c'est perdre le contrôle... et ça, ça m'effraie. Et je serais conne de te perdre. Je t'ai déjà perdu ? (Manny) - Me perdre ? Le seul qui soit perdu, c'est moi." (Camilo)
0 notes
Angels cannot tell lies and will only tell the truth or avoid speaking altogether if they cannot be truthful. Whether this is due to their obligations to God or they are simply incapable of conceiving of lying is unknown. Angels will verify their identity and stick to the point of their visit to you. They will stay on topic and quickly depart once their message is delivered or their mission carried out for they detest being away from their Lord for long.
Demons, by contrast, are habitual liars that disguise themselves as angels to lure the innocent and ignorant. They too, will claim to be an angel but will attempt to engage in conversation with you. Never speak to a demon, no matter how innocent or well-meaning their inquiries may be as they can and will use any information they glean against you. 
—St. Ignacio Navarra, Treatise on the Celestial and the Demonic. circa.1656
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alevelrs · 9 months
Assess the view that Christianity should focus on offering spiritual salvation, and not attempt to get involved in solving economic problems.
37/40 A*
The view that Christianity should focus solely on offering spiritual salvation and not address economic problems is a perspective held by some Christians, particularly the Roman Catholic Church. However, this view is often criticized by others, particularly those within the liberation theology movement, who believe that looking at the economic conditions of society and working towards a solution is a necessary step towards salvation.
Liberation theology, as advocated by theologians such as Gustavo Gutierrez and Juan Segundo, argues that Christianity should actively work to alleviate poverty and address social and economic injustices. They* argue that orthopraxy (right practice) should come before orthodoxy (right belief), and so Christians must place an emphasis on actively working towards overcoming poverty, rather than just their own spiritual journey. For Gutierrez, liberation happens in two distinct ways: social and economic liberation, and liberation from sin. Both are essential for salvation. There a several Bible quotes which liberation theologians draw from, for example, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”, which implies that Christians have a duty to help all those in need as if they were God.
*Separate and explain differences
Marx’s central idea of historical materialism establishes liberation theology as a contextual theology by reversing traditional ‘top-down’ with a ‘bottom-up’ theology. Once we understand the social structures in which we live, we are in a position to reform them from the bottom up. This idea of reversal can be seen in the argument that theology should begin with the condition of the poor as the underside of history rather than ‘top-down’ abstract doctrines such as the nature of God. A bottom-up theology begins with actual human experience of suffering, alienation and hope. Thought about in this way Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of God take on new meaning: “The Kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.”
Liberation theologians share Marx’s notion that it is we who can change society. Theology cannot be a purely personal and theoretical subject because the Gospel and the example of Jesus indicate that the Christian life must involve action to tackle injustice and deal with those who live on the ‘underside of history’, rather than assuming that it is God’s will that things are the way they are. Liberation theologians quote with approval Marx’s maxim that the purpose of philosophy (or theology in their case) is not merely to interpret the world but to change it. However for this praxis to be effective analysis is needed of the social, economic, and political conditions that have caused injustice. Christian theology doesn’t have the tools to do this analysis and that is why many liberation theologians turn to Marxism which provides a useful way of re-thinking traditional Christian notions of sin in material terms. Whereas sin, in traditional terms, refers to personal disobedience of God’s will, liberation theologians consider sin in the social and economic structures of society.
Liberation theologians refer to the is kind of social sin (collective sin) as structural sin; it is one of the great contributions of liberation theology to contemporary theology. Structural sin is dialectical: “When humans sin, they create structures of sin, which in their turn, make human beings sin.” - Jose Ignacio Gonzalez Faus, 1996. It means that humans are alienated from each other because, at a deep level, there is no recognition of each other as humans. Structural sin is therefore a deeply ingrained form of social alienation in which every member of society is dehumanised. Therefore, liberation theologians maintain that it is essential to solve economic conditions, because only then will we be able to work towards spiritual salvation.
This is why the Catholic Church is critical of liberation theology: they argue that it is too heavily influenced by Marxism which strays from traditional Christian teachings. Marxism is heavily critical of religion, with Karl Marx saying, “religion is the opium of the masses” and so it is not compatible with Christianity. Pope John Paul II, for example, criticized the movement for promoting a "class struggle" rather than emphasizing the spiritual salvation of individuals. He argued that the Church should focus on the spiritual salvation of individuals rather than getting involved in political and economic issues.
However, Gustavo Gutierrez, one of the founders of liberation theology, argues that poverty and oppression are not just social or economic issues, but also spiritual ones. He contends that Christianity should work to alleviate poverty and oppression as a means of fulfilling its mission to bring salvation to all people. Juan Segundo, another prominent liberation theologian, emphasizes the importance of the "preferential option for the poor" which refers to a trend in the Bible that shows a preference for individuals who are on the margins of society and who are powerless, and also refers to the way in which Jesus associated himself more closely with the poor and dispossessed. For example, in the Bible it says, “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” According to Segundo, the preferential option for the poor is not just a social or political program, but a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. He argues that there is an authentic Christian response in the preferential option for the poor for criticisms against liberation theology for its use of Marxist theories.
The Gospel advocates living a peaceful and just life, which is incompatible with the inequalities and effects of poverty in this world. God is the defender and liberator of the poor and oppressed, and so we must also defend and liberate them in the form of liberation theology. Gutierrez held that social and economic liberation must precede liberation from sin (structural sin before personal sin), because only when society is changed to get rid of poverty will liberation from sin be possible. However, Segundo believed that liberation from sin must come first because it might not be possible to change the world’s social structures (St. Paul’s letter to Philemon acknowledges the possibility that unjust social structures will continue).
Pope John Paul II claimed that the preferential option for the poor was “A special form of primacy in the exercise of Christian charity”. However, he argued there must also be a concern for spiritual poverty: “This option is not limited to material poverty […] not only economic but cultural and spiritual poverty as well.” Therefore, he maintains that whilst looking at economic conditions Is important, there should be more of an emphasis on spiritual salvation. This links to when Jesus said “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”, which implies that gaining riches (or escaping poverty) is useless if you do not gain salvation.
The Boff brothers outline 5 theological motivations that justify the preferential option for the poor. Theological motivation focuses on the God of the Bible who is immanent in the world and involved in human history. God hears ‘the cry’ of his people (Exodus 3:7) and seeks justice. When the Church imitates God it must hear the cry of the poor and seek justice. Christological motivation maintains that Jesus sided with the poor and acted in solidarity with those who were marginalised by society. Eschatological motivation says that moment when God judges the world will be based on whether a person has sided with the poor according to Jesus’ parable of the Sheep and the Goats. Apostolic motivation takes from the first apostles organised a general levy on all Christian groups to raise money for the poor after Jesus’s death. They did not distinguish between Christian and non-Christian poor. Finally, ecclesiological motivation maintains that all Christian members of the Church should, as a matter of faith and commitment, seek the transformation of society. These are all key examples that emphasise that Christians must focus on economic problems in their journey towards salvation, because it has a key basis in Christianity.
Despite all of this evidence from the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church is still critical of Christians focusing on economic conditions. They claim that liberation theology emphasises practical opposition above the message of the Gospel, which diverts from the spiritual messages of Christianity. Liberation theologists often ignore the ‘purpose’ of a Christian, to be ‘with and like God’. They tend to neglect the thought of the afterlife by focusing on the here and now. However, liberation theologians argue that it is impossible to be ‘with and like God’ if we are not helping to overcome the economic conditions of society, for Jesus himself was an advocate for the poor.
They also say that liberation theology has placed too much emphasis on temporal or political liberation – it fails to look sufficiently at human sin. It emphasises structural sin over personal sin, despite the fact that Jesus reached into people’s personal lives and spoke of the individual coming back to God through forgiveness and reconciliation. Some may argue that because structural sin seems so difficult to overcome, it is important to first focus on personal sin, as everyone’s journey to salvation is individual.
However, again, Jesus was concerned with political and economic conditions. There are examples in the Bible where he was violent towards Roman authority, such as the Incident in the Temple where he was critical of them for exploiting citizens through taxing, and he also said 'I did not come to bring peace but a sword', an example of revolutionary behaviour.
In conclusion, I believe that attempting to get involved in economic conditions is essential for Christians, because it goes hand in hand with spiritual salvation.
Teacher comments: 15 + 22 = 37/40. A little more depth needed for full marks, e.g. Marxism - what is it and how is it used by Lib. Theologians?
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notneonz · 1 year
Moldy Whopper by Burger King (2020)
The rotting advertisement released by Burger King in early 2020 tried to prove that their products are made with actual ingredients. Burger King, as any other global fast food chains such as McDonald's, and Wendy's, has been a target of the public for using processed ingredients filled with preservatives. Thus, the company tried to display a timelapse of a burger rotting from its fresh state into a moldy one. The quote “THE BEAUTY OF NO ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVES” served as its ending message.
The general public, consumers and most especially their critics are the intended audience of the commercial. For the public and its customers, it is to make them feel safe in consuming their products. On the other hand, the intention of the company to the critics is to disprove these negative claims about their burgers.
Fast food products are usually not healthy for everyone. In order for their food to be quickly served, some come with preservatives, and comes in frozen to different fast food branches. Most of the time, they also contain unhealthy amounts of salts, sugar and fats. One must also take note that any consumption of their products does not mean that it is already bad for you. Moderate consumption of fast food must be observed by everyone (Bahadoran et al., 2015).
The advertisement did not use any media manipulation at all and utilized the time lapse of the rotting burger itself as its main message. Even though the intention of the company was positive, its expected result did not make sense for everyone. It caught everyone's attention as promoting your product rotting in an advertisement is not the usual way for companies. For people who focuses on marketing, the intention and result of the campaign left everyone confused and divided.
References used:
Bahadoran, Z., Mirmiran, P., & Azizi, F. (2015). Fast Food Pattern and Cardiometabolic Disorders: A Review of Current Studies. Health Promotion Perspectives, 5(4), 231–240. https://doi.org/10.15171/hpp.2015.028
Submitted by:
Juan Carlos Miguel B. Ignacio | IS201 - Curie
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books-entre-letras · 7 years
“La envidia es proteiforme. Sus manifestaciones más comunes son la crítica amarga, la sátira, la diatriba, la injuria, la calumnia, la insinuación pérfida, la compasión fingida, pero su forma más peligrosa es la adulación servil.”
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano
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roadmotel · 3 years
This is a super long ask and I hope it's interesting instead of annoying.
I have just finished reading the book "The Carnivorous Lamb" by Augustin Gomez-Arcos, and one of the main plot points is the love between the protagonist and his brother. Needless to say, many passages reminded me of the brothers. And then I thought I'd send them; even if they're not material for your blog, I thought you might enjoy taking a look, since the book has a very beautiful and evocative style... If it's not your thing, I apologize in advance! All in all, I love your blog and I hope you're having a nice week <3
Here it goes:
Father coming in at neutral moments to plant a kiss on my forehead, then hurrying out (did he love me, I wonder?), my brother, rooted to the spot, devouring me with his eyes. The house gone mad, blind anarchy stealthily taking it over,
Page 28
This ritual of waiting, which I have lived minute by minute since five o’clock in the afternoon last Friday, strikes me as completely useless. It brings me nothing new. Written in my cells when I was a child, it has ruled my behavior ever since. And my behavior has never been more than an appendage of yours, somewhat like a dog’s tail in relation to the dog. What can I do, though? When someone else’s life is the only space you have to live in, you can’t choose but to wait. Whether you come as a lover or an executioner, I am ready to receive you. More ready than ever. With all the obligations that waiting for you imposes on me. But don’t come as a brother, to profane me in the family blasphemy; if you do, my waiting for you will assert its rights. So open the door. Come in.
Page 55
I no longer had any trouble understanding the softness of my brother’s look, and the ever stronger, fiercer desire I felt to melt into him. With me, he acted like a creator. He sensed—no, he was sure—that he was shaping me day by day into the image of something special that he loved unconsciously. And passionately.
Page 70
I felt I should minimize the whole thing, but was petrified by a hardness on his face I had never seen before. A dangerous light glinted in his eyes, and an animal’s clenched teeth showed between his tight lips. The black-and-blue mark someone else’s hand had put on my behind had enraged him—even though I didn’t always emerge unscathed from our own wrestling matches. A savage heat started burning in my flesh, and I suddenly felt proud of having caused the bruise, which had the magnificent power of showing me the strength of my brother’s passion. My skin became translucent, the better to show Antonio my pre-adolescent frailty. He couldn’t take his eyes off my bruised flesh. “The bastard! The bastard!”
Page 90
“I won’t even let my parents raise a hand to him. Do you think I’m going to let you?” “I am his teacher, not his.…” “…brother,” finished Antonio, in a voice as sharp as a whip-crack. “I’m his brother. Me.” They watched each other in silence. No need to explain further.
Page 92
Within me, my brother’s presence stirred a craving for apocalypse. The Latin words falling softly from his lips tickled the most secret parts of my body, as if he were speaking directly to me and not to God.
Page 167
I could detail the disturbing contents of your dreams, the things you yourself don’t know, one anxiety after another. I could tell you if I knew the right words … but who could prompt me, who could give me those mysterious words? I know you so well, I can’t describe you. There is a you of you I can certainly describe. But I can’t tell you a thing about the other you of you, my you.
Page 235
You cross the hallway. You try to open my bedroom door, but it is closed. And locked. You order me to open it, as if I still belonged to you. You beg me to open it, as if you still belonged to me. But I don’t open it, and I don’t stop shouting.
Page 255
You lick our tears from my eyes before they stain my face, like someone trying to get drunk. You feed on us. And you say: “Easy, easy. I’m here.” But I know you don’t want me to stop, because you really do need to feed on me.
Page 256
And this is a classic passage, you might have seen it around before:
“I love you because you’re mine. I love you because I possess you. I love you because you need love. I love you because you’re disorder, and I don’t like order. I love you because when you look at me I feel like a hero, and always have. I especially love you because I’ve finally understood that I can’t talk about my love to anyone else but you, and that’s what real love is. Two beings who make up one solitude, one silence. And I love you because touching you makes me feel I’m more of a man than anyone.” You look at me as if you were in me. And you are in me. And outside me. Everywhere.
Page 262
oh please don't apologize! i’ve actually read this book, i think i’ve even posted a few quotes from it on here. it's incredibly well-written, unsettling, and confronting. funnily enough, i actually found out about this book because years ago i watched the film from beginning to end (also about an intense sexual relationship between two brothers) and there was a quote from it that i really liked:
“i love you because you’re mine. i love you because you need love. i love you because when you look at me i feel like a hero. it was always like that. i love you because when i touch you i feel more a man than any other man.”
so i googled it and the carnivorous lamb popped up and i read the premise and was like wait was the movie based on this book? but there was no acknowledgment of the book in the movie’s credits and i couldn’t find anything about it being an inspiration for the movie on wikipedia so i was like holy shit. then i read the carnivorous lamb (and loved it like it’s really incredible) and realized that from beginning to end completely ripped off the book. even the opening lines in from beginning to end are super reminiscent of a specific passage from the carnivorous lamb. 
the movie opens with:
“i was born with my eyes wide shut. sure, everybody is born with their eyes closed. but mine were closed so tight, they formed wrinkles. i remained with my eyes closed for more than two weeks. my mother, contrary to expectations, didn’t worry [...] while he [brother] stared at me through the thick, soundproof nursery glass window, i without any reason opened my eyes, and looked straight into his.”
and in the book, ignacio says:
“from the moment i opened my eyes, an incredible sixteen days after i was born, you [brother] were always sure of everything where i was concerned. it was all laid out in advance for you, even the unexpected. do you remember? mother used to say i was born with the will to stay blind forever.”
god, apologies for my rant but that literally always comes to mind whenever i think about the carnivorous lamb like how did they get away with just straight up plagiarizing agustín gómez-arcos in that movie lmao? anyway! thanks for sharing your favorite quotes i actually have a couple of these highlighted in my book!
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rudysspanishlitblog · 2 years
Week 16 Blog
The Time In Between
María Dueñas 
Pages Read: 431-480
Word Count: 706
Sira has felt as though someone is watching her for a long time now but with Beigbeder’s unexpected visit and work she put that thought in the back of her priorities. To clear her mind she wanted to walk around Madrid for a bit. She confirmed her suspicion when she saw the men wearing the same black coat on the other side of the street. Out of panic, Sira decides to walk around to see if she can lose him but it doesn’t work. Then she enters the cinema to watch a movie and the mysterious man followed her. When the movie was over she wanted to leave as soon as possible but the weather presented itself as an obstacle because it started to rain badly. She hesitated but at last, she left and in a hurry got to her apartment in hopes that the mysterious man had stopped following her. To her horror, Sira found her door opened, and inside was the man who had been following her all this time, Ignacio Montes. Sira didn’t know what to think or what to do…She demanded Ignacio to leave her apartment but Ignacio refused. Ignacio is working for the opposing organization she is working for and he is in charge of looking after any foreigner entering Madrid. He was surprised to find out that it was her under a different name. Sira did her best to lie to him and went to change into some dry clothes. While doing so she hid the letters from Beigbeder. Things escalated and the conversion got very heated. Ignacio let Sira know how he felt after she left him for another man and what happened during the first war. Sira found out that Ignacio has a wife and two sons. Ignacio told her what happened to the people she once cared for when she didn’t have the luxury has one. Sira was felt sobbing after their conversation. The day after she went to inform the people from the organ she is working with. They told her to be more cautious and to go back to her regular schedule. 
Critical Analysis 
The most interesting quote from week 16 is, ‘I may be just a conformist, nothing special, a puppy-dog servant of a revanchist state,' he went on, looking me straight in the eye, 'but you're no one to tell me whether or not you like the man I've become. You can't give me moral lectures, Sira, because if I'm bad, you're even worse. At least I still have a dropped of compassion left in my soul; I don't think you have even that. You're nothing but an egotist who lives in a massive house where all you can see is loneliness wherever you look; a woman without any roots, who denies her origins and is incapable of thinking of anyone but yourself. The emotions were very high in this chapter. Dueñas executed the interaction perfectly she was able to create a masterpiece. In my opinion, this chapter(43) is the selling point for this book. Bringing back a character from the beginning of the book to have clouser. 
Personal Response 
I was predicting/wishing Ignacio to come back into Sira’s life or just be part of the story again because I didn’t like how things ended for him and I felt that he needed closure to what happened to him…It was very unfortunate and I felt for him. However, at what cost…at what cost! This was brutal…BRUTAL! The way Ignacio ended Sira’s career…I was at the edge of my seat. It was blow after blow…I was not prepared for their conversation. I don’t really what I was expecting if I’m being honest because I should have known it wouldn’t end well she literary left him a few days before they were going to get married. I also would have felt remorse towards Sira. I just didn’t want it to end like this because this felt like the end of Ignacio for the rest of the book and I wanted more. I’m super glad I was able to get that moment because it was a big chapter length-wise and I feel much better to get something than nothing. I was not ready for all that was said. 
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alistonjdrake · 3 years
Part One: The Smiling Prince
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Prince Cidro an’Frederick Harver Born: Year 1748 after the fall of the Saints Mother: Queen Isolde ana’Juliano Rios Wife: Lady Liliana ana’Ignacio Verona of Veron, Princess Consort of the Escana Empire
As first in line for the throne and Crown Prince of Escan, Prince Cidro was born in the months after King Frederick’s coronation and wedding and as the smoke cleared on the repairs to Graza city after the siege.
And he was born, as noted by contemporaries, scandalously early. 
Much of what is known about the trial of Queen Isolde’s birth comes from Lady Helena, King Frederick’s mother, as she was strictly attentive of her daughter-in-law in the early days of the Harver reign. 
The Queen Mother wrote in her diary that, “The midwife took Her Majesty the Queen to the birthing chamber in the early evening after a complaint of stomach problems and I followed soon after. I found the woman on her hands and knees and fretting over a little blood. The midwife assured her it was not enough to cause worry over the babe. I had not the mind to hear her complaints and, eager for her to get to the business, called for the physician to prepare a draft to ease the going. Our prince was born in the morning. A small and wrinkled thing but he had the same dip in his forehead that I recalled seeing on both of my own boys in their first days. The midwife seemed worried about his fragility but he screamed for life with powerful lungs and I made sure one of the servants went to alert Frederick, for now his claim was secure.” 
At the time, the court had been whispering about the timeline and the very evident animosity between the royal couple. Queen Isolde had had attentions to marry another before the treaty with King Frederick and the man had been in Graza during the duration of the pregnancy. There was also some speculation that Lady Helena threatened Queen Isolde, going so far as to hold a knife to her throat while the midwife cleaned and prepared the baby for viewing in case it was revealed that the child was not King Frederick’s. This event, true or not, later inspired a song and a rhyme often giving in warning from parents to their child’s spouse on the eve of weddings. 
Whatever the rumors were and if they were founded in truths, King Frederick and Lady Helena both accepted Prince Cidro as a member of the Harver family. And his birth came with great fanfare as it was likely used as an excuse to wipe the slate clean. In the months after his arrival, there were festivals throughout the streets of Graza, King Frederick minted a new coin and named it after him and had it given it out generously to the people, there were several ceremonies in which King Frederick simply displayed his son to the court.
However, as he got older few would say Prince Cidro was particularly spoiled. After the death of his mother, he was raised under the attentive care and strict scheduling of Lady Helena. She hired an array of tutors for the first born as she wanted him to be excessively well-read. It should be noted, King Frederick was the first worldly king of Escan, the first one that the rest of the continent paid any true attention to, and so they likely felt they had a lot riding on the reputation of the first son. 
However, Prince Cidro did not excel in much. He was not talented in arts, did not take to military stratagem or showed any signs of being a tactician, was not incredibly wise about politics, and never really took to learning languages outside of Escan, basic Oskyi, and passable Ceoye. And yet, the one thing all his tutors would agree on was that Cidro was marvelously charming. 
By the age of nine, people would say he could light up a room. He was very personable and people felt draw to the small prince. It was said King Frederick would sometimes have him tag along as a good luck charm. If the young boy had any talents, it was in diplomacy and carrying conversation. Those in his inner circle said he was never jealous, never bitter, always supportive, always kind. He did not shy away from his own ignorance on subjects and would make a point as he got older to invite experts to court to explain something when he did not understand. 
Prince Cidro was very fond of all his siblings and would often describe himself as a family man, but he was undoubtedly closest to Prince Leonides and they worked together on most things. While Cidro was the charming and personable one, Prince Leonides was the elusive and stern one, and one often complimented for his brain. Dissenters in Graza’s court would say that Prince Cidro was empty-headed who let his younger brother do all the thinking for him. 
Cidro was not unaware of these statements and he did establish himself in other areas. While he did not have the cunning and talent to earn himself the title as the youngest appointed councilman like Prince Leonides (in fact he would not join until he was twenty in contrast to Prince Leonides’ appointment at fourteen). Cidro placed most of his focus in foreign affairs and into their relationship with the nations underneath Escan’s banner. Most notably, and controversial, it was found in letters with the vicereine of Karri that Cidro was incredibly critical of Escan’s actions in the Rhine nations and wanted some sort of reform. This is often credited as one of the reasons he traveled to frequently during his twenties.
Speaking of, Cidro was famously romantic in his youth. He was a very obvious eligible bachelor by the time he was an adult as the heir to a rich nation. He was offered the hand of foreign princesses, influential aristocrats, and there was no shortage of suitable options at Graza Palace. Most of Cidro’s attempts at courtship were short-lived and there doesn’t seem to be any reason why. There was some talk of similarities between him and his father, but as far as anyone knows Prince Cidro did not have any lovers or hidden children. In fact, plenty of his romantic attempts would be later called quite juvenile. 
Although not often talked about, Prince Cidro did partake in Graza’s tradition of excessive drinking and partying but somehow avoided causing any long-lasting scandals from this period of his life. Prince Cidro was also at times a bit of a gambler and lost money easily to courtiers at card tables before needing to be dragged away. He was, at the very least, a courteous loser much to the point it was reported people would give him his money back because they felt bad. 
Before leaving court, Cidro always took time to spend with his siblings. He was famously the one who had to report the assassination of Queen Luca to Prince Argus. He was very fond of all of them, supporting their hobbies and at times funding some of their projects if their father could not fit it into the budget. He preached the importance of family time and occasional dinners. He gave them many gifts (both while he was in Graza and later he would shower them in souvenirs from his travels) and was always more than happy to offer brotherly advice. He has always tried to be respectful and accommodating to the many queens and stepmothers he’s had throughout his father’s reign and often quoted that he was not close to his own, and as many of his siblings did not have the benefit of knowing their grandmother like he did, took it upon himself to fill that space. 
He would eventually meet and marry Lady Liliana ana’Ignacio Verona in 1770 when the couple were twenty-two and would begin the aforementioned decade of traveling throughout Escan’s territories. 
Cidro would become a big supporter of Lady Liliana’s charitable endeavors and the couple would open schools and religious institutions together, although Prince Cidro’s dedication to Santivism was never strictly stated and at times he often treated convents more as convenient sanctuaries for Escan’s orphans than a place for the Saints. 
In 1782, at the age of thirty-four, Prince Cidro returns to Graza with the news that his wife is pregnant and eager to reunite with his beloved family. 
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