#quotes daily
poetrybyonur · 8 months
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We had soulgasms before we even got our clothes off.
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typelikeagirl · 1 year
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captainxcarter · 1 year
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Jarvis: 👀😐
» Agent Carter ⭒02x01 - 《 Bridge and Tunnel 》
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ltphoenixpoetry · 5 months
“I’ve carried others my whole life. I think I’ll carry me this time.”
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telltalesonline · 4 days
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It's time we took some advice from Johnny Depp!
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j4ckme · 2 months
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Studmuffin 😆🤘🏼
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quotescanvas04 · 5 months
"The hardest part about walking away from someone is when you realize that no matter how slow you go, that someone will never run after you."– Anonymous
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Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.
Alan Watts
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barely-feeling · 8 months
You say you care about me, but it’s all talk - no actions at all.
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therandomvibez · 1 year
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Hello May!
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theaddictspoetry · 1 year
I feel so deeply,
It's like words are shards of glass
Against my skin,
Ripping me apart within.
I feel so empty,
As if I'm just a shell
Of a girl I used to know.
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poetrybyonur · 1 month
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We all have it. That one moment, that one exchange, that one message or email, that one moment in time, that changed everything.
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enchantingepics · 1 month
Note #13
Reasons to Stay Alive
Dear Person,
I want you to know that you are valued, cherished, and loved. Life may seem overwhelming at times, but there are countless reasons to keep going, to keep fighting, and to keep living. I've compiled a list of reasons, big and small, to remind you of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us each day.
We Would Miss You: Your presence in this world matters. Your absence would leave a void in the lives of those who care about you.
Regret is Not Worth It: No matter how difficult life may seem, the regret of giving up is far greater than the challenges you face. Your resilience will inspire others.
It Gets Better: Even in the darkest of moments, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. Storms eventually pass, and rainbows appear.
Don't Miss Out: Life is full of experiences waiting to be had. From small joys to monumental milestones, there's so much you would miss out on.
There's Always a Reason: Even when it's hard to see, there is always a reason to keep going. Your journey is unique, and your purpose is waiting to be discovered.
You Are Cared For: You are not alone. People care about you deeply, and your well-being matters to them.
You Are Worth It: You are inherently valuable and deserving of love and happiness. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise.
You Are Amazing: Embrace your strengths, your quirks, and your uniqueness. You are capable of achieving incredible things.
Emerging Stronger: Tough times may test your resilience, but they also provide opportunities for growth. You will emerge from challenges stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Unfulfilled Dreams: Think of all the dreams and goals you've yet to accomplish. Your potential is limitless, and your future holds endless possibilities.
Love: Even if it's from just one person, love is a powerful reason to stay. You are worthy of love and capable of giving and receiving it.
Music: Imagine a world without the melodies that move your soul. Your presence adds harmony to the symphony of life.
Impact on Others: Your actions have a ripple effect on those around you. Ending your life would cause immeasurable pain to those who care about you.
Missed Opportunities: You'll miss out on future experiences, from the mundane to the extraordinary.
Future Generations: Your existence shapes the future, including the possibility of having a family of your own.
Family's Feelings: Consider the impact your absence would have on your family. Your life is intertwined with theirs in profound ways.
You Are Perfect: To someone out there, you are perfect just as you are. Your imperfections make you uniquely beautiful.
Favorite Things: Think of all the little pleasures in life, from favorite foods to cherished activities. These simple joys are worth living for.
Unique Experiences: Life is full of unique experiences waiting to be had, from traveling the world to meeting new people.
Laughter and Joy: The world is full of laughter, joy, and moments of pure happiness. These moments are worth living for.
Hope for the Future: Your survival holds the potential to make the world a better place, even in small ways.
Inspiration for Others: Your journey can inspire others to persevere through their own struggles.
Soulmates and Connections: You have yet to meet the people who will profoundly impact your life and bring you joy.
Purpose: Your life has purpose, and it's up to you to discover it. Each day is an opportunity to uncover your passions and fulfill your potential.
Changed Lives: You've already made a difference in someone's life. Your presence has touched others in meaningful ways.
Potential to Change the World: Your actions have the power to change the world for the better.
Every Day is a Gift: No matter how challenging life may be, each day is a precious gift to be treasured.
Talent and Potential: You possess unique talents and abilities that have yet to be fully realized.
Embracing Imperfection: Happiness comes from embracing life's imperfections and finding beauty in the journey.
Be Your Own Hero: You have the power to overcome obstacles and become the hero of your own story.
Remember, dear person, you are not alone in this journey. There is hope, there is love, and there is a future waiting to be discovered. Keep fighting, keep believing, and keep living. You are worthy of every happiness this life has to offer.
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captainxcarter · 1 year
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Peggy meeting new things is usually very sweet.
What If...? • Ep. 09x01 《 What If... the Watcher Broke His Oath? 》
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ltphoenixpoetry · 5 months
“I build things from feelings, memories, & dreams.
I build myself from what people think they broke in me.”
- nope, not shattered.
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telltalesonline · 13 days
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One way to look at life by Margot Robbie🤩
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