#felt like a good stopping place for now though
fum1ku · 1 day
ft. osamu miya, daichi sawamura, kei tsukishima, keishin ukai, atsumu miya
should i be working on the highly requested pt. 2 to my recent works that’s currently sitting in my drafts? yes. should i also probably be working on the few requests i’ve got in my inbox? also yes. am i still over here writing whatever this is instead of doing those things? absolutely. at least i’m writing something!
OSAMU: friends to lovers.
you had been friends with the miya twins since high school. you had always butt heads with atsumu; bickering back and forth about anything and everything. but it was different with osamu. it felt like you both understood each other, in a way. plus the mutual dislike you both had for atsumu definitely helped. and now, nearly 8 years later, your friendship was still going strong.
well past 8pm, you stood over the front counter at onigiri miya with samu cleaning behind the counter for closing, and atsumu sitting at a stool next to you.
“i don’t know what his problem is! we go out for drinks one night, wind up at his place, and then the next day he can’t even be bothered to send me a single fucking text. seriously. i’m done!” you were going on about your.. most recent boyfriend.
“why don’tcha just dump him then?” atsumu offered, his mouth full of the onigiri osamu had made for him.
“atsumu, you’re disgusting! and i can’t because we aren’t even a thing! which is good—i don’t want us to be.”
osamu laughed at you two from behind the counter.
“okay well then what’s the problem! i don’t understand you women,” atsumu exclaimed, licking off the last bits of onigiri form his fingertips and shoving his plate behind the counter. “i’ve got practice tomorrow. so i’m gone. some of us actually have real problems that aren’t centered around one night stands with guys!”
“oh right, atsumu, like your sex life is any better,” you muttered. the door slammed shut behind him as the bell above the door exhibierst through the building.
you sighed, sinking further into your chair.
“here,” osamu slid a plate towards you. “might make ‘ya feel better. plus i need feedback to see if it’s worth addin’ to the menu.”
you smiled. “thanks, osamu. and yeah, i’ll give good feedback, promise!”
osamu smiled to himself as he wiped down the back counter. yeah, sure, after 8 years of pining he was no closer to asking you out. but, no matter what, he’d always be here to make you food whenever another boy made you cry.
DAICHI: love at first sight.
it had been a long practice and daichi had decided to treat everyone to a snack down at sakanoshita. daichi stood with suga and asahi waiting for the 1st and 2nd years to finish grabbing their fill. tanaka and noya had seen daichi paying as an opportunity to grab whatever they wanted.
“c’mon you guys!” suga yelled from across the store. “we don’t have all day!”
it has been a long day of classes for you, so it wasn’t even an option in your mind whether you should stop at the convenience store or not. only now you had found yourself in your own little debate.
“milk tea.. or coffee?” you mumbled to yourself. you were bent down over the drinks section taking your sweet time.
daichi turned around to see you and knew he was gone right then and there.
suga scoffed at the two 2nd years taking their time, only to turn back and find daichi’s gaze focused on you.
“hey, daichi, maybe we should—” he started, but stopped as soon as he noticed daichi staring. he whispered to asahi and they both began berating their poor captain.
“c’mon, dude! why don’t you just go talk to them? we obviously have the time!” suga nudged at his arm.
daichi denied anything. “hey, i don’t even now what you’re talking about, suga! we’re here for snack for the team, just go focus on that.”
“hey, don’t we go to school with them? y/n l/n. class 2, i think,” asahi piped up. he couldn’t remember where exactly he knew you from, though.
daichi was sure if he had gone to school with you, he’d remember.
“they’re in photography club! that’s how i know them! they asked me to join after i dropped out of volleyball,” asahi recalled, loud enough to grab your attention.
you looked up to find the set of 3rd years staring in your direction. your drink in hand, you made your way up to them.
“azumane, right? nice to see you again!” you beamed.
“y-yeah, right! good to see you too, l/n,” he smiled, nervously.
“are you guys in line?” you questioned.
“no—no we’re not! sorry about that!” daichi apologized, moving to the side to allow you to get to the register.
you placed your drink on the counter, making small talk with the guy at the front register.
“c’mon, daichi! if you don’t ask them before they leave you might not get to again!” suga whispered.
“suga, let it go. it’s too strange—they don’t even know me.”
suga shoved daichi forward just as you turned around to make your way towards the door.
“oh! hi!” you mused.
“s-sorry. hi.. again.”
“sawamura, right? you’re the captains of the volleyball team!” you smiled.
“yeah, i am. and you’re l/n, right? asahi was telling me about you. you’re in photography.
“i am, actually! and please, just call me y/n!”
“then just call me daichi!”
first name basis after 10 minutes? way to go daichi!
“actually..” you started. “i was wondering if it’d be possible for me to take some action shots of the volleyball team? i was going to use them for an upcoming project of mine. of course if not, that’s okay too! you probably need to talk it over with the team.”
“yeah—absolutely! i’ll have to talk it over with everyone, but i don’t see it being a problem at all,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “what class are you in? i can talk to you some time next week to figure out what day would work best.”
“here,” you said, turning around to the man behind the counter. “excuse me, do you have a pen i could borrow?”
the man tossed you a pen, not giving a second look to you from behind his magazine. you pulled out daichi’s arm and started scribbling down numbers.
your.. phone number?
“now you can call me, that’ll be easier!” you smiled. “anyways, i gotta run. see you later, daichi. tell azumane i said bye too!”
he was speechless. did he really manage to get your number without even trying?
suga ran up behind him. “dude! how? you hardly said anything to them!”
“wow, daichi’s got skills with the ladies!” tanaka mused, noya trailing behind them. their arms were stacked full with all kinds of snacks.
he was definitely not paying for all of those.
KEI: academic rivals to lovers.
you worked at the library at the university you attended. tsukishima had seen you around campus a few times. yamaguchi would go as far as to describe you as tsukishima’s “campus crush”—which tsukki of course denied. he hardly even knew you.
but, this semester is when things finally got interesting. you had wound up taking the course tsukishima was the TA for.
you were currently bent down behind a bookshelf in the campus library, organizing the books that needed to be put away. you noticed a hand grab a book off your cart.
you stood up. “anything you need help finding?”
“no,” the man stated, blankly.
you examined the book in his hand. “wait. are you in psych 301? haven’t seen you in there before.”
“kei tsukishima. i’m the assistant in that class this semester.”
“oh! i’m y/n l/n. are you reading that book for fun then, or?”
“i know. i graded your last essay. something about the human consciousness or whatever,” he stated, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.
your face went hot. “oh? so you were the one that gave me a B- on that. that was the best paper i’ve written all semester!”
“yeah, only because you can’t write any better ones. and maybe actually read the syllabus before you join the class,” he deadpanned.
“okay, mr. know-it-all. and for what it’s worth, i did in fact read the syllabus.”
“well if you actually paid attention, then you’d know this book was meant to be read alongside the other materials.”
wait. what?
before you could say another word, he placed the book back down in the cart. “my email is on the syllabus if you’d actually care to read it. good luck actually passing the class.”
you were so going to find that syllabus. and you were definitely doing to pass that class.
KEISHIN: second chance.
stepping foot into sakanoshita after years felt like a dream. but seeing keishin, your high school boyfriend, sitting there behind the counter, was what really sent you back.
ukai actually took the time to look up form his magazine, and he was glad he did. “y/n?”
“keishin!” you smiled. “i didn’t realize you family still owned the place!”
he stood up form his seat behind the counter. “yeah! work here part-time, coach volleyball the other half.
“you coach volleyball? does the old ukai not coach anyone then?”
“nah, old man retired last year. still coaches a few younger kids on the side. but, hey, how have you been? it’s been years since i last saw you in miyagi. 4? 5, maybe?”
“yeah,” you sighed. “it’s definitely been awhile. but life has been great in tokyo. my internship finally ended and so i’m back here for the next month or two!”
“really? you got to let me take you out sometime—drinks, to celebrate.”
you felt the slight rush of heat to your cheeks. “r-right! of course!”
“hey, if you wanted, we close in less than an hour. you could wait here till then, catch up, then let me take you out for drinks.”
“alright,” you smiled, taking a seat behind the counter next to ukai. “tell me about your team then. where do you coach? karasuno?”
you felt like you were 16 all over again. just him and you.
ATSUMU: opposites attract.
you were the promotional manager for the msby black jackals. everyone on the team loved you—yes, even sakusa. though he wouldn’t admit it. but, atsumu being the sly guy he is, took every opportunity to flirt with you. of course, keeping things professional, you shut him down every chance you got. plus, it would never work. ever. you knew that.
he was childish, you were mature—top of your office only a few months in. he was selfish half the time, and he’d always describe you as one of the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. he was confident and bold. you were quiet and reserved, at least time him. so when you find yourself alone with him at the gym one night late after practice, going through your binder of advertising ideas, you didn’t know what to make of it. the way you could feel he eyes focused on you and only you drove you insane.
you finally took a break form your rant about new promotional ideas for the team, leaving a heavy silence between the two of you.
“y/n?” he finally said, breaking for silence.
“yeah, atsumu?” you respond, not looking up form your binder.
“you should let me take ‘ya out. i mean it.”
you quietly gasped to yourself.
sure, atsumu had made pass after pass at you every day for the last few months since you started working with the team. but, this time, he sounded so.. genuine.
what’s even worse is you couldn’t help yourself from the words the escape your lips in the last moment.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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sapphiressmoke · 2 days
Outlander II
Summary: She’s doesn’t know how it happened but they were calling to her to come closer. Touching it was never suppose to uproot her life and transport her somewhere she never thought she could see and witness. She has to try her best to survive if she wants to get back, right?
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen X Modern!Reader
Characters mentioned: Criston Cole
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Nothing as of now but angst, romance, smut.
A/N: So they just met! Giggling and kicking my feet. There is some symbolism in this chapter if you are able to spot it and some other things. I’m excited to see where this goes.
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He found himself wandering the forest, heading in no particular direction in his mind but it seemed as if his feet were guiding him… No his heart was guiding him somewhere. Kingswood was known for being mystical, all knowing and mysterious. People entered and never came back. Is that what will happen to him? Will he disappear? His feet continued to guide him through the tall grass. The world was silent around him, peaceful for once. Was he dead? He would’ve been okay with that thought. Truly… He would no longer be in pain, he would no longer feel the need to be in competition and he wouldn’t feel the need to fight for his fathers attention.
Though it felt like he was walking for hours, it was only mere minutes. ‘Aemond, stop and look up.’ A voice spoke to him. It was… his voice? Something within him seemed to be guiding him towards a space. His heart felt like it was guiding him. He took a glance up and discovered a stone wall that sat on the top of the hill. Aemond has heard of these stones before but he knew there wasn’t much written about them despite their long history in the forest. It was The Stone of Many a Moon. The reason why there wasn’t much written on them was because well… they would disappear. It seemed as if something didn’t want them to be discovered more than they were known. ‘Go up. She’s scared.’
Scared? Who was scared and why would she be scared. He walked up the small hill, up towards the wall. He heard whimpers and sensed movement coming from along the stones, curled up in the tall, green grass. He went to place a hand on the hilt of his sword but all he was met was open space. Why would he go in the forest without protection? “Hello? I know you’re there.”
At the sound of his voice, a head perched up and he was met with wide, scared eyes. Your wide eyes stared into him and softened for a slight second. He watched at you scrambled up to your feet. You were wearing a black slip dress with a black shall. He thought that your clothing was quite weird, the way you looked was weird. When you finally stood up, you practically stumbled towards him, as if you were a baby deer learning to walk. He quickly grabbed you by your arms as you fell into him. “H-Help me! I… I don’t know where I am or how I got here.” You had tears falling down your cheek.
He had this urge to protect you, shield you from the world. He brought you into his arms and stroked your hair. Why was he doing this. “I got you, don’t worry.”
Aemond woke up in a start, a thin layer of sweat covered his skin despite the crisp morning air from outside his tent. He brought his hands up towards his face and tried rubbing the sleep away before sighing. Who was this woman? Was he suppose to know her? His heart called out for her and broke when he saw her terrified. She was beautiful. No… She was ethereal. His thoughts were cut short with the voice of his mothers sworn protector calling to him. “Good morrow, My Prince. I have been sent to come get you as the hunt will begin soon.”
“Thank you, Ser Criston. I will get ready shortly and meet everyone at the forest line.” He advised the knight. “Please get my horse ready.”
The words ‘Go up, she’s scared’ replayed in his mind. What if she was actually in the forest, surrounded by The Stone of Many a Moon, scared and alone? Just having that thought caused his chest to tighten in sorrow. He shook his head away the thoughts as he decided to get out of his bed and finally get dressed. He made his way to his clothing trunk and took out his gear. He shrugged on his black linen tunic with a matching pair of black linen pants. He grabbed his forest green cotton jacket made with padding to protect him. He grabbed his sword, belt and placed his eyepatch over his scarred eye before he exited his tent.
Upon exiting, he was met with the lady in waiting of his mother bowing to him. “Hello, My Prince. I hope you slept well. I am aware that you are on your way to the hunt but The Queen has requested me to serve you a bowl of fruits and oatmeal before you go. She does not want you to faint.” Her arms stretched out towards Aemond to hand him the bowl.
He stared at it for a quick moment before grabbing it. “Thank you. Please advise my mother that I will visit her once the hunt is over.” He heard the lady in waiting softly speak ‘Yes, My Prince.’ before he made his to the forest like whilst eating the bowl that was provided to him. He felt this pull towards the forest, a yearning to go find her. Perhaps that is why he had agreed to join the hunt. Upon arriving with the other men, he threw the empty bowl onto the floor and made his way towards the Knight. Upon taking the reign from him, he pondered. “Criston, what do you know of The Stones of Many a Moon?”
He gave the prince a look, wondering why he was being asked this question. “Not much, My Prince. In Dorne, it is said to be protected by magic, a gate to something that people are not quite sure. It is known to be on a hill in this forest but it is not quite sure where.” Ser Criston watched as Aemond climbed his horse. “Why are you asking?”
A smirk played on the one eyed princes lips. “We shall leave the hunt for the brutes, Ser Criston, we are on a journey to find this monument.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Mount your damn horse and follow me. If you must need a reason, I shall give you one… away from these damn men.” Aemond clicked, allowing his Black Mare to start the journey towards his dream.
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The white cloaked knight followed swiftly behind the silver haired prince. With the prying ears away from their conversations, all formalities were dropped. “Now Aemond, please tell me why we are on this wild search.” An hour into the ride, Criston had finally broken the silence.
Still keeping this eyes forward, he explained what he had dreamed and what it has caused him to feel. “Well Criston, the past two nights I have had this dream which was surrounded by these stones. There is this woman… Her beauty is beyond this world. There is someone who urges me to go to her and save her. That someone may be myself. She is scared and alone.” He paused for a moment, waiting to see if Criston would say something. “Upon meeting each other, she falls into my arms. She is lost. All I want to do, my heart wants to do is hold her and protect her.”
“So you dragging me into a wild goose chase over a dream?” Criston scoffed. “Are you even sure she is real?”
A laugh danced on Aemonds lips. “I am as sure as my dear brother is a drunk.”
As soon as the conversation started, it quickly ended.
He couldn’t get your face out of his mind. He wanted to cradle your face in the palm of his hand and wipe your tears away. He wanted to take your fear away and tuck them away, out of sight.
‘Aemond, continue forward. You are near.’ The voice made him stop his horse and look at his surroundings. It was the first time he has heard the voice outside of his dreams. ‘Help me.’ It was your voice. “Criston, we must make haste. We are near.”
“And did the voices tell you that?”
“My Gods… Will you shut up.” Aemond laughed.
Criston pointed straight ahead. “The voices in my head say that there is a hill up there. Oh wait! They also say that you are slightly crazy!”
Before Aemond could respond with something witty, he felt a shift in the air. His eyes grazed over the land before he spotted it. He spotted the White Hart. The King of the Forest bowed towards the prince before turning around and walking back from where he came from. ‘Time travels back and is protected by the White King.’ A deep voice whispered. It was not his voice or anyone he would know. This was his chance. Before even warning his companion, Aemond sprung out of the saddle and pushed his weight down on the stirrup, applying pressure to get his horse into a full gallop. He heard his name being yelled in the background but he did not care, all he wanted to do was find you. He couldn’t help but feel free for the first time. He was doing something he wanted to do, not something of duty or how it would make his family look.
The Black Mare suddenly slowed down upon nearing a small hill, Aemond tapped his foot on the side of the horse but it refused to move, as if something was not allowing it to continue. He raised his head to look up the hill and his eyes later upon the White King once again. It was beckoning him to follow. The Stones were up there, he knew it. He dismounted his horse and ran up the hill. His heart was pounding in his chest, knocking on his rib cage, feeling like it would rip out at any moment.
Just like in his dream, he felt her presence from behind the stones, he saw the tall grass dance in the wind and he spotted her. She was curled in a ball, the grass covering her from any harm as if it were her safety blanket. He took a moment to take a deep breath before speaking, his voice shaking from anticipation. “Hello? I know you’re there. Please come out.”
At the sound of his voice, he saw a head perch up, eyes wide with fear and confusion. It truly was you. His dream could not depict your true beauty but his eyes could truly see it. You were other worldly. He watch you stumble onto your feet and run towards him, practically falling into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you, one around you waist and the other holding your head. “It’s you.” You whispered, soft as air.
“It’s me.”
Aemond looked over your shoulder to see the White Hart bow down, make a whining noise before running back into the woods.
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Kingswood Night Prior
You stumbled back, hands shaking from the shift of energy that exited you “Oh Gods, what did I do?” You couldn’t help the shake in your voice. The world around you was darker, the stars brighter than before.
You backed away from the stones, wondering what your next move would be. You weren’t far from the Hotel, right? Maybe if you screamed loud enough, someone will you hear you and find you. That was the plan… Scream. “Someone! Please! I’m lost a-and I don’t know where I am!” You pulled your shall over you to protect you from the cold wind of the night, reminding you just how lonely you were. “Please! Help!” You had realized you brought your bag with you since you packed the flashlight. You begun to scramble for the bag, having no luck finding it. “Please don’t say I dropped it… Please oh Gods.”
Tears of frustration began to fall down your cheeks, you were scared and alone and you weren’t sure what your next game plan was. Talia would tell the teacher you were missing right? That’s what you told her to do. Were you stupid and decided to find your way out? Of course you were. The only way you could decide on which way to go was by doing a stupid game; you were going was you closed your eyes, pointed an arm out and spin until you got dizzy and stopped. Once you finished spinning and looked at where your arm was, that was where you were heading. “Stupid Y/N. You just had to go into the stupid forest and get lost. Now you have decided to get more lost in the forest. Fuck me.” You wiped your tears away and started carefully walking. “What if I get mulled by a bear or attacked by a boar… Gods, I’m going to die here.”
‘Y/N, go back.’
You whipped your head back, looking for the voice. “No! You are the reason I’m in this mess.” You seethed. “Maybe Talia was right. Maybe I am crazy. I’m losing it.” You tried ignoring the voice telling you to go back and continued on your route. Every couple of seconds, you would spot the silver haired man, the voices were getting all muddled together. You clutched your ears, crying “Stop!” You tried to running until you collided with a hard being. It was soft to the touch and you could just barely see that it was white under the moonlight. You took a step back and looked up and saw that before you was a beautiful White Hart. His fur was a beautiful silvery white and his eyes were two different colours, the right was a beautiful violet and the left was a deep blue, like a sapphire. It huffed a deep breath and bent down slightly to bump its snout against your shoulder, as if it was trying to push you back. You took a couple of more steps back and tried to walk around the beautiful beast but with each step you took, it blocked you. “Come on! What do you want.”
The Stag did a deep roar before pushing you back with his snout in the direction you came from. You spoke to him, as if he could understand you. “Do you want me to go back? I’m trying to find my way out of this damn forest.” It took a few seconds before the Stag did a movement that could only be described as a nod. Okay so he could understand you. “Okay! Fine I guess.” You turned around and started walking back in the direction of the stones, and you kept looking over your shoulder to see if the Stag was following you and it was. ‘Right choice, go back and wait.’ You groaned. “Oh shut up!”
On the walk back, you felt as if there was this film covering your eyes and a heavy blanket was laid over you. You felt as if you were sleep walking. The only thing allowing you to know that you weren’t yet asleep was the warmth radiating from the Hart standing behind you. The last thing you can remember was laying down in the tall grass and feeling the soft fur envelope you like a hug.
The wind blew was blowing through your hair and a laugh bubbled from between your lips. There was a tight hold around your waist to keep you from falling from the great height you were flying. “I wish I could have experienced this feeling sooner, Aemond!”
Was that the man’s name?
You felt his chin rest on your shoulder and whispered sweetly in your ear. “You can experience this feeling for the rest of your life… As long as I am alive, you shall experience this feeling, ñuha jorrāelagon.” He placed a sweet kiss just below your ear.
All you felt was freedom, peace and love.
The warmth was cradled you all night was gone and you were left feeling the cool morning wind hugging you uncomfortably. Was the whole night just a dream? You tried curling up into a tight ball to try and perverse heat. You were alone… Again? You felt the fear creep back up through your throat and all you wanted to do was cry in the ball you held yourself in. The only thing going through your mind was that you were going to die here but that solemn thoughtwas cut short when you heard the voice you had been hearing since coming to Kings Landing. “Hello? I know you’re there. Please come out.” That voice. It didn’t even take you a split second before you swung your head up from the tall grass. You felt a wave of relief wash over you as your wide eyes met with his beautiful violet eye. He was truly beautiful, as if hand crafted from the Gods above. You stumbled onto your feet, practically tripping over them, before falling into his arms. You’ve only seen this man following you like a ghost but it felt right to hold him. He felt like home. You let out a shaky breath that you didn’t know you were holding. “It’s you.”
You felt him hold onto you for dear life, as if he had the same feeling as you. “It’s me.”
@dahlias-and-marigolds @starsdotalk @itsabby15 @red-124 @ponyosmom35 @herpersonhoagiefarm @namelesslosers @bee-unknown @dixie-elocin @heavenly1927 @stcrrjoon @noirrose21-blog @smrthxx @thenightmistress @tesha-i-guess
tag list is opened xx
I tried tagging everyone but some people could not be tagged
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h34rtbeat · 18 hours
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pairings: suguru geto x afab!reader
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warnings: cult leader geto, reader is very innocent, virgin reader, dub-con, corruption kink, cursed!reader
a/n: hi guys i am so unmotivated but geto is sexybutt 👅👅 and when it goes into desc of readers curse, its hinted that reader is very used to misogyny. please keep that in mind while reading!!
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SUGURU GETO was no stranger to sexual advances.
but you were. his doting housewife, one he didn’t pick nor did you pick for him to be yours, but it worked.. well enough. you were somewhat of a sorcerer, your cursed energy was strong, but not utilized.
something about your parents not letting you go and learn. of course it irritated him to no end. nonetheless, he liked it.
that was fine though, right? your mother wasn’t the same as you— for she was just an ordinary woman married to a sorcerer. but you were different.
and that’s why your father proposed the idea to suguru in the first place.
he couldn’t figure out how to take your cursed energy. your mother couldn’t even see the curses. oh, geto would find a way.
most of all, he would enjoy finding the way.
a sweet pliant thing, obedient and comfortable with serving a man the rest of her life. that’s what he thought of you. your voice so sweet and small, just like your position.
underneath that sweet soft exterior of yours, there was that damn curse of yours. something your father muttered, geto didn’t care.
your father was stupid, to put it bluntly. he didn’t understand. that curse that nestled within you was the mere product of the people around you.
the desire, the need to please a man. he noticed it.
the way your eyes would look away. your lips would tremble. your hands, don’t forget the soft pastel nails, always folded politely into your lap.
even when you sat next to geto, his arm draped on your shoulder, you kept that similar poise.
your eyes again, facing everywhere but where he wanted. it was because you felt the need to please him. what if you didn’t? did men even enjoy that? you felt lucky to be in the presence of such a strong man. such a handsome one, too.
geto had a plan. he would help that curse nestle in you, to grow it, to make it stronger.
how? well, he knew.
your gratitude, love, devotion, or whatever one may want to call it- geto knew it would prove to his advantage. a sweet thing like you, would be so easy to use.
you grew fondly in getos eyes. he liked you, a lot.
now that the time between you two being married marked 5 months, and you slowly adjusted to his needs, he decided, he needed to consummate the marriage now.
he didn’t do it on the night of, you were too shy and unaware.
lingering kisses, and small grabs of your hips or waist, it helped loosened you up for what geto was hiding. you were his favorite thing, ever.
that curse of yours too, fueling you. he would make you realize it, especially now.
he had your back flat against his chest. your legs spread dumbly. your eyes watery, he was nearly knuckle deep inside your puffy cunt, your sweet moans and pleas.
“p-please stop! i never said to go this fast..!” you whined, as your slick coated his fingers. he leaned down, nibbling on your earlobe.
“be quiet. you can feel that feeling in your stomach, right?” his left hand wandered to your tummy, gently rubbing it. his right fingers still stretching you.
“that means you like this. hm?” he chuckled, licking your neck as you squeeed his fingers with your pussy. he knew you hadn’t ever had a man touch you.
“hn.. mhm..! p-please, go slower, i’ve never done this!” you cried, hot tears down your soft face as your nails dug into the sheets under you.
“im going slow.” he responded, speeding up the pace of his fingers. “shh, don’t cry. let it happen, it’ll feel good.”
you sniffled, muscles contracting around his fingers as your back arched, your mind going blank.
“ah..! hah.. mhmngh-!” you moaned, your hand finally grabbing his wrist for support.
“see, wasn’t so bad.” he chimed, leaning his head down to kiss you. you responded to the kiss, as he expected.
geto always enjoyed this, breaking a cute thing like you. he was going to break you, and mold that damn curse of yours into something he liked.
because, geto liked you. and he wanted to make sure you knew it.
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mydearestdaryl · 1 day
𝑠𝜏𝑢𝜌𝜄𝜕 (18+) ᯓ★
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summary: after you didn't listen to daryl during a run, causing you to almost die, daryl's concern turned into anger, which led to a high-tension argument with a happy ending. content: twd blood and gore, walkers, implications of suicide, smut (oral m receiving, fingering, unprotected p in v, breeding :)), i don't know how to do warnings. pairing: daryl dixon x fem! reader. setting: prison era. ─ i actually don't hc daryl as rough or very dominant in bed but it's fun to write different things every once in a while. enjoy!
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maggie and glenn had spotted an abandoned apartment complex some miles from the prison that you hadn't searched yet on the last run they made two weeks ago, so the couple, plus daryl and you went to scavenge the place this time.
maggie and glenn were on the first floor, and you were on the second with daryl.
“i'm gonna check the next one!” you announced to daryl, who was taking his sweet time searching again the places you had already searched, claiming you were not careful enough.
daryl was not lying, but the place was kind of big, and your patience was officially gone now as the second-hour mark of you all being in the location was coming close.
“wait for me, place's too big,” his gruff voice responded from the other room.
“aye, captain,” you yelled back, sending a mock salute in daryl's direction, even though he was out of sight.
“i mean it!” he added, as if sensing your intention to not listen.
you rolled your eyes and walked down the hall toward the—finally—last apartment, twisting the door open slowly. “hello?” you called softly in case there was a walker waiting on the other side. silence greeted you, but your machete remained raised defensively.
already familiar with the layout, you went ahead to check the kitchen cabinets, whispering to yourself “nice,” when you found an unopened bottle of vitamins that were still good and a pack of seeds of different herbs.
you put the stuff in your backpack and headed to the bathroom, stopping a couple of steps away from the ajar door when you caught a glimpse of some movement from the inside.
drawing your machete out again, raising on defense, you pushed the door open, ready to stab the dead geek straight in the head when a walker shorter than you expected lunged toward you, making you gasp. three others behind it followed with their jaws already hungrily biting on air.
everything happened really fast.
you tried to stab the first one with panicked fingers, instead somehow stabbing its shirt into the wall with enough force to keep it pinned there. bye-bye machete, though.
your eyes shot back to the rest, and that's when you noticed all of them had a slit throat. they looked young and skinny, only two of them taller than you. probably teens who were surviving together and gave up. it made your stomach turn.
they were also pretty fast and strong, probably recently turned.
walking away without taking your eyes off them, you reached for your knife and stabbed the blade hard into the second walker's brain with a spray of blood onto your shirt. it fell limp next to you as one of the other three walkers, eager and hungry, tackled you to the ground, the fourth one clumsily falling on top and leaving you caged beneath snapping jaws.
“DARYL,” you yelled, terrified. it felt like a big effort and not loud enough from the weight of the two living corpses pressing onto your chest, which felt like they were directly constricting your lungs and arms.
with your left hand, you pushed away the walker that was right on top of you by the forehead, while you stabbed it with your right hand from from below the jaw, failing to reach the brain, but distracting it enough to stop it from trying to bite you.
that distraction and a sudden rush of adrenaline gave you enough strength to push them both off your body, rushing away from them and snatching the machete off the one pinned to the wall as you quickly shut the door on their faces, locking yourself in the bathroom.
your hands shook as you walked backward, your knuckles white from how hard you griped your weapon's handle. you stared at the door with wide eyes, your heart thumping so loud you could barely hear as they growled, moaned, and knocked and scratched on the door.
the cold tiled wall touched your back, making you jump, and then you heard the unmistakable twang of daryl's crossbow. thump. the wet shlick of a knife twice and the sounds of more bodies hitting the ground.
you released your breath as you watched the doorknob being turned, restricted by the lock. you ran to open the door, eyebrows coming together and upwards, scared and apologetic eyes meeting his angry blue ones.
“yea hurt?”
“no.” your voice was so small.
silence lingered for a minute. you were just about to speak again but he beat you to it. loud and angered. “YER SO STUPID,” daryl barked, chest heaving. “TOLD YA TO WAIT, WHY CAN'T YEA LISTEN?”
the floor was suddenly more than interesting, tears welling in your eyes as you chewed on your bottom lip.
you heard him huff in annoyance before pacing left to right while glaring daggers at you. you knew perfectly well that this was him being concerned and scared of almost losing you, but it still made your chest feel tight and your lips pout.
daryl approached you, cupping your chin to make you look at him. his eyes were dark, the anger masking concern. “yea enjoy makin' me worry, peach?” his voice was husky and low, as his eyes scanned your face and neck slowly, scanning for bites or scratches, “not listening ta me, ya like tha'? bein' a fuckin' brat, yea 'njoy it, dontcha?”
you shook your head quickly, gulping with nerves.
“nah?” he asked, eyes squinting and head tilting as if saying he wasn't buying it. “hmm?” he asked demandingly, shaking your chin gently but firmly.
a tear rolled down your cheek, and his gaze was fixed on it soon. he dried it with his thumb, caressing the skin while he observed the wet trail it left. now that he knew for sure you weren't hurt, he couldn't help but relax, maybe enjoy the privacy you got in this big ass apartment.
“no, no. i'm sorry, i'm really sorry,” you cried.
“sorry? yeah? yer real sorry fer scaring the shit outta me?”
“yes, i'm sorry! i'm really sorry, dar.”
daryl's hand dropped from your chin, eyeing you carefully, head going back slightly with a predatory-like grace.
“dun' think yer sorry. think yer gon' do it again, yea never listen,” he said in a low voice, turning his back to you and walking away into the living room. your legs started following him before you even realized it.
“i'm sorry, i swear!”
daryl ignored you, taking a seat on the green sofa in the living room, manspreading so very obviously intentionally, and your eyes couldn't help but stare as his hips went slightly up as he adjusted himself, letting his hand linger on his crotch. “how sorry?”
one look at his narrowed, stormy eyes and you were on your knees, hands sliding up from his knees to his thighs.
“very sorry.”
his gaze dropped for a moment to the growing bulge in his pants and the back to your eyes. a silent invitation; more like a command, and you'd gladly indulge.
eager hands went to undo his belt and pants, pulling them down, along with his boxers in one swift motion, freeing his almost fully-hard cock. you licked your lips at the sight, leaning forward to kiss his angry red tip. you peppered soft kisses on his tip and down the base of his length, looking up at him with the sweetest doe eyes you could muster.
he breathed heavily, his nostrils flaring. slowly, those pecks turned into open-mouthed kisses and soon you were making out with his tip, “mhm,” you heard him hum, closing his eyes and throwing his head back with a smirk on his face.
you savored the pre-cum daryl was already leaking with a patience that was starting to irritate him. this wasn't a reward for your bratty behavior.
daryl took a handful of your hair and put it up, using it as leverage to thrust his hips upward without warning, making your eyes go wide as they made contact with his. he grunted as he pushed in and out of your pretty mouth, finding a rhythm soon.
one of your hands left his thigh to take hold of his balls, gently massaging them and playing with them in your hands. you watched how it made him bite on his bottom lip, bringing his free hand to your head to push you further, fucking your throat deeper, using it, and making you gag.
“yeah,” he breathed with hazy eyes, “lookin' real pretty like tha', ya fuckin' brat.”
daryl grunted, his cock twitching in your mouth. he was already on the edge, so when you looked up at him with teary eyes and scratched the exposed skin of his thigh with your nails, a pretty moan escaped his lips, making him yank, still as gently as he could, your hair back, pulling your mouth away from his cock.
you gasped for air, but still, like a hungry little thing, tried to take him back in your mouth, which made him chuckle.
“gonna make me cum fast with those pretty—” he leaned down, tilting your head up with a finger under your chin to press a couple of kisses on each one of your eyes, licking away a tear that escaped one of them, “—fuckin' eyes.”
his hand lowered to grab you by the neck, not actually using any force.
he pulled you for a passionate kiss, his tongue immediately seeking yours to lick and suck as he guided you onto the couch, making you sit next to him, one of your legs thrown over his knee.
his left hand grabbed the back of your head to deepen the kiss, while his other hand reached down to undo the button and zipper of your shorts, pulling away from the kiss just to yank them down, discarding them on the floor and wasting no time to return his mouth to yours, making your back arch slightly.
after what felt like such a blissful eternity, his lips latched onto the skin of your neck, sucking with the intent to create bruises, licking and kissing the skin when he accomplished his goal. at the same time, his hands slid under your blood-stained top, which despite its navy blue color, the crimson was still visible.
daryl caressed the skin of your tummy before traveling to your back, quickly unclasping your bra to cup your breasts under all those layers. he kneaded your tits, flicking your perky nipples with his thumbs, pinching them between the index and middle finger, and massaging the skin. fuck, it felt good. for both of you.
he growled as he pulled away from your neck to start ripping your shirt in half, chuckling lightly at your confused face, “found plenty'a clothes, sunshine,” he kissed your frown away, “dis one's ruined anyway.”
you removed the split shirt off your body and he quickly slipped your bra off your shoulders, throwing it a little too eagerly onto the floor. “ain't this a sight,” he whispered to himself, staring at you all naked and exposed for him. “beautiful little thing.”
daryl popped one tit into his mouth as he slowly spread your folds with his index and middle finger, humming against your nipped while he sucked when he felt how wet you were for him.
you gasped, arching your back more, offering your chest for him as he introduced his middle and ring fingers inside your needy cunt, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. his other hand went to your waist, gripping the skin like a vice, growing hard again as he scissored his fingers inside of you, feeling your silky walls hug them hungrily.
he lightly bit your nipple, his speed getting impatient soon, quickly making you squirm underneath him and get louder, but he shut you with a sloppy, hungry kiss while pinning your hips down with the hand that was priorly on your waist.
you weren't going to last long.
“dar—” you whined against his mouth.
“i know, doll, i know,” he mumbled, still kissing you as though your mouth was addictive, his fingers resolute on making you explode. “i gotcha, let go, baby.”
and like the good, obedient girl you always were under his touch, you did just that.
pulling away from his mouth with your eyes thrown back, your face contorted in pleasure, and the sweetest cry falling off your lips, you came. his relentless fingers never stopping their movements, fucking you through your orgasm.
he grunted in satisfaction, watching you in such awe before leaning down to lick a strip from your sternum to your jaw as his fingers came to a slow, eventual stop.
you opened your eyes as your breathing returned to normal, pulling him in for a slow, passionate kiss while your hand raised to grip his deliciously strong bicep. you moaned as the muscle flexed under your fingertips.
pulling away, you moved hastily to straddle him. leaning down you bit onto the skin, while he gripped the base of his cock to brush it against your entrance, making both of you moan.
“need you,” you whined, so pathetic but he liked it. fuck, he loved it.
“my needy girl. my needy little thing,” he growled, kissing your cheeks and jaw—anywhere his mouth reached while you sank onto his cock. “yeah,” he moaned, hands going to your his automatically.
you bit your bottom lip, rolling and bouncing your hips atop his, your hands on his chest that now was bare. the stretch made little cries of pleasure escape your lips, that only got whinier when his fingertips dipped into the skin, surely to leave bruises.
“fuckin' love this,” he breathed, reaching down to rub on your clit with his thumb as you lay on his chest, your hard nipples rubbing against his warm skin.
you bounced on his dick impaled in you, him meeting you halfway with thrusts of his own, finding the right angle that had his tip kissing your cervix, making you sigh and moan, “yeah, yeah, daryl, right there,” over and over, mind going blank already.
his calloused hands moved from your hips to your ass, squeezing and slapping the soft skin hungrily, traveling up to your back and to your tits, sliding back down to your hips. he couldn't stop touching you, pressing you impossibly closer to him.
his mouth found yours again, as sloppy and messy as this his thrusts were becoming from how close you were taking him to the edge. “dar,” you cried, your thighs burning, giving up, but he gripped your hips and started pounding into you faster.
the sound of skin slapping and your shameless moans mixed in the most sinful of symphonies.
your mouth found the skin of his neck and you sucked and bit, trying to muffle your sounds, but he didn't agree. “nah, let me hear ya, baby. gonna make you scream real loud, peach, c'mere,” with his hand behind your neck he pulled you up and pressed his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes as he picked up the pace.
his eyes, the way you breathed each other in, his dick sliding in and out of you in the loveliest way. you couldn't hold it anymore.
your walls clenched around him as you screamed his name, curses, and senseless praises to him, absolutely sucking him in as you climaxed around him, drunk off pleasure which seemed so contagious as his movements and sounds became more desperate.
with a primal urge, he thrusted deep inside, pretty much humping your walls while he shoved your face further into his neck. he was close and would've come already if it wasn't because he wanted this to last.
a husky voice reached your ears, deeper and so sexy.
“gon' breed this pussy,” he breathed, “gonna come so deep inside and put a baby in you,” it made you whimper, your arousal waking again like a flash, feeling just as close as he was. “i'm gonna put a baby in yea, make yea a mama, and ya won't,” thrust, “have a choice,” thrust, “but to stay home.”
he grunted loudly in your ear as he shattered, shooting rope after rope of hot, white come into your womb, making you reach the sweetest, most intense climax of the day with him.
you both were a panting, sweaty, content mess by the time you came down from your highs. there was a bright smile on your face that mirrored daryl's, though his face turned serious as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, gaze locking with yours, worry and concern clear in his icy irises.
“don't do tha' again, please,” he said. “i can't lose ya, sunshine.”
“you won't,” you reassured him. “i'm really, really, sorry,” taking his hand in yours, you pressed a kiss on his palm. “i was stupid, and it won't happen again.”
“you weren't stupid. i was mad, shouldn't 'a said that.”
you nodded, leaning down to kiss him, which he gladly reciprocated, though you broke the kiss a little too soon for his liking with a giggle. “so you wanna make me a mama, huh?” you teased.
“prolly should talk 'bout it first, but yeah.”
you smiled brightly again, caressing his cheek. “i'd like that too,” you said, “but yes, we should talk about it,” you giggled again as he pulled out of you with a wince from both of you.
you were about to get up to get your clothes but he stopped you, shooting up from the couch to collect all your clothes, pulling a new shirt from his backpack, and helping you put it on, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead when you were both fully dressed again.
after drying your sweat with his rag, and while fixing your hair as much as you could, you headed downstairs, meeting maggie and glenn who were exiting one of the apartments downstairs.
you noticed glenn's shirt was inside out, unlike when you all arrived at the place, and maggie similarly fixed her hair as you.
“found anything good?” glenn asked your man.
“yeah, bunch'a clothes, some medicine,” daryl nodded, fixing the backpacks around his shoulders. you shared a look with maggie, and you both giggled silently, cheeks blushing.
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tagging @ledgeria16 @poisonmedixon @dixons-sunshine comment to join the main taglist!
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cinnabunwanda · 1 day
Eating out ✰ Natasha Ramnoff ⌇DRABBLES
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content warning — smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, clit play (sort of?), dirty talk
pairing — fem reader x natasha romanoff
summary — Nat, captivated by your soft lips, manipulates her, causing her to moan your name. You feel guilty for Steve and Bucky, causing her to swell and twitch.
word count — 712
authors note — hey guys! so sorry that I haven't been posting i've been away with my husband. its also hard to post and get out of bed when you have depression lmao. so I will try and be regular when posting ty all!!
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The softness of your lips always surprised Nat, even though she had been in this position countless times before. Each time, the teasing touch of your tongue against her sensitive folds sent shivers down her spine and left her moaning your name.
"Mmm, you're so good at that, baby," she moaned breathlessly, loving how effortlessly you could bring her to bliss. It was a high that she knew she could never achieve without you.
"You like that, don't you?" You smirked confidently as you continued to pleasure her with your skilled tongue.
"Yes!" Nat's cry only motivated you further as you worked your magic on her. You didn't feel the need to hold down her hips or ask her to be quiet; the feeling of her grinding against your face only added to the intensity. And as for any noise...well, let's just say the Avengers were used to your "private activities."
Your hair was tugged gently by Nat's hand as she reached new levels of pleasure, sending a deliciously painful sensation through your scalp and adding to the excitement coursing through your body. This was what you loved most - being on your knees on the plush carpet (installed by Tony at Nat's request) and worshiping every inch of her pale skin. Your plump lips danced along her spread thighs, leaving teasing kisses and playful nips on her hips.
But finally, they would find their way to her most sensitive spot - her swollen clit. With a soothing rhythm of sucking and flicking with your tongue, you could feel yourself grinning as Nat whined and squirmed beneath you. The little bud between your teeth would send shocks of pleasure through both of you as it was pulled out in a slow motion before being released back into place.
"Please." That one word was music to your ears and fueled your own desire for her. It was a sound that you craved - the way Nat's lips formed and shaped around the word, begging for more.
"Please what, princess? Do you want me to stop?" For added emphasis, you pulled away completely, leaving her body cold and craving your touch.
"No!" Nat's whispered plea was met with her hands reaching for you, her hips wriggling on the bed as she tried to get closer to you. The covers twisted and bunched around her hips as she squirmed in pleasure under your skillful touch.
"Oh? So my little baby wants me to make her cum?" Your voice was teasing, but also a bit cruel as you pushed your lips into a pout and ran your hands over her quivering thighs.
"Please, please make me cum." It wasn't often that Nat begged; she enjoyed being in control. But today, just like every now and then, you convinced her to give up that control and let you take care of her.
"Say my name. Moan it, scream it, and I'll make you cum." You demanded this promise from her, a devious smirk playing on your lips when she whispered your name. "Does it feel good to say my name, baby? Do you like having it on your tongue?"
She screamed your name this time, so loud that you almost felt guilty for Steve and Bucky - their enhanced hearing would definitely pick up on what was happening between the two of you. But you couldn't bring yourself to care as you leaned in again, ready to pleasure your girl.
When she came, it was loud and beautiful. Nat's mouth was open in a silent scream - the telltale sign that she was seeing stars - while her legs shook and hips thrust, chasing your mouth as you leaned back to watch.
Your fingers glided over her thighs, eventually reaching her clit in small circles to help prolong her orgasm. You watched hungrily as Nat's plump lips were pulled between her teeth, biting and manipulating them until they were raw and swollen.
"That's it, just like that." Nat was coming back down to earth, your soothing voice bringing her back as her chest heaved and thighs twitched under your touch.
But your fingers still remained on her clit, slow yet persistent as you hummed thoughtfully.
"I think I want you to do that again; maybe I can make you squirt this time."
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©Elena do not copy, edit, or translate my works.
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pinkyqil · 3 days
Irene has that van so maybe she and Ileana go on an adventure in the van?
Adventure time funsies // Irene paredes kid fic
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Summary : Irene takes you on a mother daughter date with the van.
Autor's notes : here's some more of Irene and her daughter lleana/r feel free to send some hcs about Irene crazy lil pepe i do have more chapter's coming soon for butterfly and as always feedbacks and request are appreciated hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing.
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Today was another special day for you after last week events. your mami had planned a mother's daughter day for both of you. but not only that you guys where taking the special van for the whole day which got you really excited.
Irene had just finished getting everything ready at the back of the van.
She had planned the whole thing wanting make up for lost time. as she didn't like making empty promises to you and not being able to fulfill them.
And this week happened to be the best one too plan everything out no games and practice everything was going to be prefect for you her little princess.
"llena let's get going princess". Irene called out.
"Coming mami just want to get my ball". you said before running out thinking she wouldn't know
"No running what did i tell you about it". She said yelled out.
"Fine". You yelled back trying to figure out how she knew when she was outside.
"Come on let's get you in there". Your mami told you as she picked you up and placing you in your big girl car seat before going to lock the houes doors.
"No touching anything I'll be right back be my good girl alright". She told you
"Sí mami".
"That's my girl". She said proceeding to give you a peck and locking the door.
You did as your mami said even though you wanted to try getting off your car seat. and push all the buttons but no you sat there quietly like the good girl you are.
Your mami didn't take her time and hurried back quickly.
"Mami where we going". you asked her
"That I can't tell you mi bebé". She said ruffling your hair before starting the van.
"Umph me wanna know mami". You tried convincing her to tell you.
"Well if you wanna know you just have to wait". she said.
"Me no wanna wait". You whined getting annoyed at that she wouldn't tell you where.
"How about we play I spy". She suggested
"Fine". You said even though you knew it was too distracte you.
"I go first mami".
"That's okay by me".
"I spy with my big big eye something blue and red". You told her after spotting the object
"Princess it my little eye". She told you
"No big big eye". You told her
"No it little eye". She said
"Big". you yelled really loud
"Okay okay peque no more yelling".
"Ummm the van". She asked
"Silly mami the van not red and blue". You said this time around but laughing at your Silly mom's mistake.
"How about your sippy cup it-"
"Wrong again mami you have last try". You told her giggling with your hands in your face couldn't believe how funny your mami is.
"You think your so smart why don't you tell ke what it's huh".
"My barca ball it's blue and red you got it wrong I win". You said now making silly faces at her.
Irene couldn't scold especially after seeing your adorable smile even though you are being naughty to her.
"mami I tired". You said letting her know before sleep was taking over your small body.
"But we just started playing". she said. by time she looked over at you, your eyes already gone shut.
For the next few hours of Irene driving you had already woken up from your small nap. She gave your homemade peanut butter sandwich in butterfly shaped.
if any of your stuff wasn't butterfly themed you refuse to use it. an habit she was trying to get rid of.
"Are we there yet mami". You asked her as you were coloring in your butterfly coloring book when she let you get off your car seat.
"Almost bebé". She told you
"Okay". you said getting back to coloring.
You guys had finally arrived when you felt the van stopped. and your mami coming to get you out of the van.
"Here we are princess".
"Wow so many pretty butterflies". Was the only thing you said.
Irene had brought you both to a beach side that was known for it magnificent butterflies and hiking spot. figuring out the best place for you guys to bound would be here. especially with your love for nature more like what it has to offer.
"Come on princess let's go unpack the van cause that where we're spending the nights in". she said putting you down so that you could walk.
"Okay". You said finally being able to stretch and run.
"No running princess".
"That's not fun". You told her
"You'll thank me when you don't get any scratches". She said.
Half the day was spent with you guys taking a walk on the beach,taking pictures and having a picnic with the lovely butterflies. that surrounded you and your mami. eventually you feel asleep as the sun was setting.
which Irene carried you back to the van laying right next to you as you clearly enjoyed your time.
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un momento perfecto con mi princesa liked by alexiaputellas and 7,089 others
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missmatchablossom · 2 days
Gojo x Reader Royalty AU | Part VI.
summary: you are a princess in an arranged marriage with the crown prince of the country, satoru gojo. after you two finally confess your feelings to one another, you get to experience a new side to your prince
a.n.: y'all I was giggling so hard writing this part! I know the soccer part is random but I had to! enjoy the fluff of part 6 <3
tags: @lysaray @nourhanfarid13 @geniejunn @weirdoaroundtheblock @calypsothegoddess @wakawaka22pp
Suddenly, being around your prince made you extremely nervous. It was a good nervous, though. Butterflies in your stomach and high-pitched laugher type nervous.
After all, you both just admitted you loved each other. And everytime you thought back on the memory - which was all the time - you turned into a smiling and giggling mess.
You had to stop yourself from skipping like a school girl as you made your way towards one of the balconies overlooking the gardens, where you had started meeting Gojo for the afternoon tea time he added to your schedule for every other day. It was a short hour you got to see him during the day, and it quickly became your favorite part of your week.
You peeked your head into the open door of the balcony, enjoying the sweet breeze passing over you. Gojo was there already, the picture of ease with a cup of tea to his lips and an ankle crossed over his knee.
“Are you just going to stand there looking beautiful or are you joining me?” he teased, beckoning you towards him with two fingers.
This man will be the death of me, you thought.
You smile shyly as you made you way to your prince, who stood up as you neared. He kept his warm, indulgent gaze on you as you closed the distance between you - stopping close enough where you had to tilt your head up to see his smile, and he had to tip his head down to see yours.
“Hi,” you said, feeling the stress of the week melting away as your prince gazed at you, his eyes alight with happiness and humor as he chuckled.
“Hey,” he answered back softly, gently pulling you into his arms. You sighed as you pressed your cheek against his chest, his head resting above yours as your arms met across his back. The smooth silk of his shirt felt cool against your skin, the scent of sandalwood kissing your nose.
“How are you today, my love?” he asked, rubbing his hand soothingly up and down your back, sending delightful chills down your spine.
“Much better now,” you said, squeezing yourself even tighter against him. The rich sound of his laughter brushed against your ear before he stepped away, pulling your chair out for you.
You slipped into the seat across from him, smiling as your prince placed a variety of sweets on your plate and poured you a cup of tea before you got the chance to ask.
“What are you up to this week?” you asked, reaching for the macaron he added to your plate.
“We’re hosting a charity soccer game in a few days. A couple other princes and nobility are going to form teams and play each other,” he said, a playful grin on his face.
“You can play soccer?” you asked incredulously.
“Baby, I can do anything,” he replied, winking at you as you laughed and rolled your eyes. His smile softened, as if making you laugh made him happy.
“Alright hotshot, I’m looking forward to seeing you play,” you said, nudging your foot against his under the table.
“You mean you look forward to seeing me win,” he corrected, a playful, determined glint in those eyes of his.
“I’ll have to see it to believe it. By the way, what number will be on your jersey?”
It felt slightly embarrassing walking onto the field with the number “10” painted on your cheeks and navy ribbons tied to your pigtails - a match to Gojo’s jersey number and team colors, of course. But felt relieved spotting similarly dressed friends and fiances of the other players as you settled among them. When you gazed out towards the field, you froze.
You’d seen Gojo in a lot of outfits. A button up and black slacks for his go-to outfit. A navy suit for official business. Plaid pajama bottoms with a grey crewneck for pajamas. But you’d never seen him sporting a soccer jersey and athletic shorts before. 
You vaguely recalled recognizing other players on the field - Megumi and Yuji passed the ball to each other, Nanami completed stretches nearby them. But you couldn’t bring your focus away from your prince, especially not when the game began.
A whistle rang in your ear before men started dashing across the field, but Gojo was easy to spot. He had the ball immediately, his long legs eating up the distance between the middle of the field and his team’s goal. He was at least a head taller than everyone else there, but he moved with the ease and speed of a seasoned player, easily evading the advances of Megumi and Yuji.
Gojo made it in front of his opponent’s goal, kicking out one long leg as he launched the ball into the goal. He pumped his fist and jumped up in celebration, laughing and smiling as his teammates clapped him on the back. He squinted as he looked up towards the stands, scanning the cheering crowd until his eyes landed on you.
His smile dropped into a gape as he looked at you, eyes widening as his eyes perused up and down your body. 
Oh no, did I overdo it? you thought to yourself. Your friend Nobara had reassured you your outfit was cute and spirited - one of Gojo’s extra jerseys you stole from his closet and an athletic skirt. But now you second guessed if you looked silly with the wide-eyed way Gojo was looking at you.
His lips began moving, but you couldn’t hear him with the distance and the roar of the crowd. You frowned and tilted your head, cupping your ear to signal to him that you couldn’t hear him. He shook his head, mouthing three words ever so slowly.
“You…are…adorable?” you repeated to yourself, immediately blushing and laughing as his words registered. He sent you a devastating smile and wink before he returned to his position on the field.
“Ahem, I saw that,” Nobara said, elbowing you as you both laughed. 
The game went on, but you truly could not describe a single thing that happened. You were too absorbed with your prince - the way his silver hair grew windswept, the way his cheeks grew pink with the sun, the way he smiled and jumped everytime he scored a goal, the way he would lift his shirt up to wipe the sweat beading at his forehead, revealing smooth, marble-like skin that ran over defined muscles. You were focused, alright. Just not on the game.
By the time the game finished, Gojo strode over to you with boyish smile on his face. He looked so different from the cool and collected prince you knew him to be - sweat beading down his face, flushed cheeks, dirt and grass sprinkled across his skin. But his eyes were bright, his face practically glowing as he caught his breath. And you thought he couldn’t get any more handsome.
“So, do I get a reward for winning?” he asked, raising his brows expectantly at you. You smiled coyly at him, handing him a water bottle and a towel.
“That depends. What would you like?” you asked, taking a step in his space and fluttering your lashes at him. He took a deep pull from the water bottle, then raked his eyes up and down you appreciatively.
“Nevermind. Seeing you dressed like this was reward enough,” he said, staring at you so shamelessly and appreciatively that you had half a mind to tell him to put his stare away in public.
But hey, you knew what you were wearing to the next soccer game.
By the time you returned to your bedroom, ready to retire for the night, your prince was already sprawled on your bed. It was one of those rare days where he was there first, and you loved the sight of him waiting for you.
Gojo has his back propped up against a few pillows, his long legs stretched out above the comforter and crossed at the ankle. He had his head propped up by one arm, the other holding a book up to his face. There was something adorable about the focus he held as his eyes scanned the lines, his pearly lashes fanning down his cheeks as he read. He was wearing his golden glasses, his silver locks down over his eyes from his shower.
“How are you liking it so far?” you asked, a smile tugging on your lips as you shed your coat.
“This Feyre girl is kinda annoying. I ship Tamlin and Lucien,” he said, peeking up at you from your copy of A Court of Thorns and Roses he asked to borrow. You’d gotten into the series recently, telling him so much about it that he started getting curious.
“When is the faerie porn gonna start?” he asked, causing you to laugh and shake your head as you headed inside your bathroom.
“Soon. Keep reading!” you yelled over your shoulder, pausing to stare at your bathroom counter. Your skincare products had been neatly laid out in the perfect order of your routine, a pair of your sleepshorts and one of Gojo’s shirts neatly folded on the side. Your eyes grew glassy as you walked back into the room, gaping at your fiance.
“Did you lay all of that out for me?” you asked, seeing a warm smile settle across your fiance’s face.
“Yup. Anything to get you into bed with me faster,” he teased. It was like a switch flipped in him since you confessed to each other, his teasing was relentless. 
You puffed your cheeks out, turning back to the bathroom in a huff. 
The way he laid out your products and pajamas made your shower a much more pleasant experience - he even set aside one of the lavender shower steamers you loved so much. It was impossible to keep your mind off him throughout your entire shower, your mind wandering as you scrubbed your body wash over your skin, wondering what his bare touch would feel like.
By the time you were done, you were desperately trying to erase the sinful images you kept playing in your mind. You walked towards your bed without looking at Gojo, sitting on your side of the bed with your back facing him. 
“Are you mad at me for teasing you so much?” he said softly, sliding two warm hands on your sides.
No, I just can’t look at you because I kept picturing you shirtless-
“No,” you said truthfully. His teases made you incredibly flustered and embarrassed, but never mad.
“You have been relentless lately though,” you said, throwing a small smile at him over your shoulder to show him you weren’t upset. He grinned back at you, easily lifting you into his lap so you laid sideways across him.
“I can’t help it. I love watching your different reactions too much,” he said, lightly tapping his finger against your nose. You sighed dramatically, sliding off his lap and settling beside him, stretching out your body as you laid down facing him.
Your prince wrapped an arm around you as you pressed yourself into him, and you happily closed your eyes as he dropped a kiss to your forehead.
“Have I told you how beautiful I think you are?” he asked easily, innocently, as if he was asking you about the weather.
You buried your face into his chest to hide your blush, your shy giggle muffled against his shirt.
“I don’t know how you can say that stuff with a straight face,” you said, his laugh puffing against your cheek.
“I must not be saying it enough if you still can’t look me in the eye when I compliment you. I’ll have to fix that immediately,” he said, gently lifting your face from his chest and leaning down to press a slow, sweet kiss to your lips. 
You sighed blissfully, feeling a rich happiness washing over you. Gojo made you feel invincible, beautiful, powerful - but you wondered if you had done the same to him. It was about time to return the favor.
You rolled onto his chest, propping your head up with your palms as Gojo beamed down at you indulgently, his arms crossed behind his head.
“Have I told you that I think you are the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on?” you asked. And for once, your prince who was so quick with his words, was speechless.
His eyes widened as he processed what you said, his gaze averting as a beautiful blush dusted across his skin. He was adorable.
You held back a laugh as you tilted your head to the side to catch his gaze, leaning up to press a quick peck to his lips.
“I could seriously stare at you all day. I think you have the prettiest eyes ever, I love your long lashes, I love your nose, I love the way you smell, I love the way you style your hai-”
Gojo leaned forward, burying his face into your shoulder and flipping so you were underneath him.
“Mercy, please. I’ll have a heart attack,” he said woefully, the skin at his ears and neck now flushed like you’d never seen before.
You laughed as you rubbed his back, the weight of him on top of you making it impossible for you to move. But you wouldn’t trade your spot for the world.
“I thought you would be used to compliments by now. Weren’t you voted hottest prince in the world for the past 6 years?” you teased, referencing a popular magazine brand that loved showcasing Gojo. You totally weren’t collecting them.
“From strangers yes. Not from the girl I’m in love with,” he mumbled, uncharacteristically shy.
You smiled so much your cheeks started to hurt. 
“Ah, I’ll have to say them more often then,” you said, stroking your hand over his head, the silver strands tickling your hand. He let out a sigh, leaning into your touch.
The two of you lapsed into a comfortable silence, until you released a yawn so big it made your eyes water.
“Want me to turn off the lights?” he asked, chuckling as he lifted his head from your chest. You nodded, sending him a sleepy smile as he got up, shutting off all the lights - save for a tiny night light you insisted on. He made sure the door was closed before he joined you under your duvet. 
He immediately opened up his arms, making space for you to settle your back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“Goodnight, Toru,” you said, using a nickname you rarely felt brave enough to try. You giggled as you heard him let out a small groan.
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romana-after-dark · 2 days
Imagine Raider!Cult!Joel...
Dub con, public sex, ritualistic sex, bukake, Tommy watches <3 gay shit ahead if you want more
We love raider Joel don't we??
So many wonderful version of him!!!
I've written a few, playing with different dynamics and I've seen sooooo many cool ideas. Such a creative and fun fandom
but imagine Joel as a raider doing pretty well for himself. He finds people respect him. He's capable, smart, calm... and handsome.
Maybe Tommy is his right hand man. Definetly the most personalable while Joel remains mysterious. He gathers a small following, mostly of men but some families. Maybe they settle somewhere, but they never stop raiding.
Thing is theres just sooooooooo many helpless people out there!!! Orphans he finds families to take care of them, and they contribute to the group in their own ways. Young men he trains so they can be raiders. Most are able to learn, to push aside that guilt in exchange for a warm bed... some simply aren't cut out for the job, and Joel tell the others they descided to leave. No goodbyes and all that.
Women depend. Many have special skills, especially older women. Medical is important, farming, clothes making etc. Hell, a handful became raiders too. Some who are younger and seem useful, Joel will play a little matchmaker. Keeping the world alive and repopulating... well he didn't exactly need a love match.
Sometimes, though, Joel would come across a young lady who was just... useless. Little to no skills, nothing of use...
That was you. He was certain he'd kill you or leave you for dead after taking everything you had... but he was merciful
Joel offered you a choice. You coul come with him, join the small group of women in his home. You would be used as stress relief for him and sometimes the other men if he felt they deserved it or needed a moral boost. He assured you they wouln't partake in violence, you wouldn't end up like so many others with raiders... just be good, and you'll remain fed and warm
First he's gotta make sure you're up to standard.
But Joel doesn't just take you to the house, he had Tommy gather up the men
Joel makes sure to make it slow. Piece of clothing by piece, inspecting your body. He treats you like a lamb, deciding to buy you or not. Makes sure you're tender and clean and sensative. Makes sure the meat is right where it needs to be. He must've liked what he saw.
You're naked and bare to all the men with hungry eyes, but Joel keeps your focus and he manipulates your body to where he wants it to be.
Joel doesn't shy away from keeping his cock in full view. He doesn't care that the men see it. He wants them to see. The physical manifestation of his power.
He fucks you there, while everyone watches, stroking their cocks. Porn videos had been gone nearly 20 years, this is what they had.
Joel fucked you with no shame, chosing positions that put both you and him on full display. When he put you on your back, Joel made no attempt to cove you up. Instead, he let the men see as every thrust of of his hips made your breasts bounce.
He took your legs, grabbing you by the ankles and spreading your feet wide in the air. He wanted to make sure everyone could see how he stretched you open.
Joel invites them closer. Tommy, the boldest, reaches out to wipe a tear from your eyes. But you aren't sad, you're intoxicated, overwhelmed with thankfullness to be chosen as you cum on his cock
Joel makes sure to let everyone know you came.
After he comes inside you little hole with a growl, Joel disengages from you, stepping off the twin bed
the men swarm in around you
They all cum on your body (but not your face), when one man finishes another takes his place, coating your skin in the cream
You must've taken 30 loads when it was all done
Joel pinches your cheeks. "You belong to me now"
You couldn't be happier
This got much longer than I anitipated so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh more to come lol. I was initially thinking Joel with a harem but then things went cray
Reblog, comment, send asks if you wanna hear about the actual harem part
if you like culty joel please check out Devotion by @noxturnalpascal !!!!
And of course, shout out to @toxicanonymity for raider Joel, which is what got me into writing dark in the first place
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rahuratna · 2 days
Nanami Kento: Relationship Headcanons (now a fic), Part 4
Contents: pre-relationship headcanons, slow burn, pining, humour
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The day after receiving the honey cakes, you felt slightly nervous at the prospect of meeting Nanami in the break room. You knew, however, that you could easily avoid the encounter.
Except, you didn't want to. There was a delicate balance to be maintained here, a dance of two birds hovering around the same flower and never alighting. If you didn't meet him as usual, you knew that a silent message would be sent, and received accordingly on his part. At the same time, your presence in the break room was a message on its own.
Shaking your head to clear it of these thoughts, you wondered for a minute if infatuation (you didn't want to use other terms for this feeling that you might regret later) really had to be this complicated. You didn't have time to think on it further, because the door to the room opened and the subject of your fixation stood right in front of you.
You couldn't be entirely certain, but Nanami seemed relieved to see you there. He took off his glasses and approached your table with his usual quiet greeting, which you returned. You decided to throw caution to the wind and take the initiative.
"Thank you for the cakes."
"No need. They were meant as a thanks to you for helping Yuuji," he countered smoothly, opening up his bought lunch and preparing his chopsticks.
You paused, wondering how to query after what you'd been wondering, but Nanami was back to his tricks of reading your mind. Just as you opened your mouth, he placed his folded napkin neatly to one side and said, "I've noticed you going to that bakery often. I also appreciate good quality food and have purchased their savoury range before."
You brightened immediately upon hearing that.
"Oh! Then did you try their focaccia? And the cheese and garlic bread?"
"Naturally. I'm particularly fond of the focaccia. The herb blend they use is quite splendid."
You clapped your hands together and leaned forward, all nervousness about this encounter now forgotten.
"But then, you must have tried the brie and bacon ciabatta at the place down the road, right?"
"Yes. The rocket leaves are a nice touch. They give a certain freshness and bite to what could be a heavy sandwich."
"Exactly! And the tomato tart is to die for!"
"Oh? I confess, I haven't tried that yet. Perhaps next time."
"And pair it with their French coffee. Great combination."
He took a bite of his lunch and chewed, carefully and contemplatively, as he did all things. He placed his chopsticks across the top of the container, then turned his entire body to face you, those earnest hazel eyes unflinching in their regard.
"I'm not very familiar with the menu of that place, though. Perhaps you could accompany me, to provide a few recommendations?"
You didn't have enough time to process the query. For once, your mind would not allow you to hesitate as you beamed at him and nodded.
"I'd be happy to! Let me know when you'd like to go."
"Of course."
It was only when your lunch break was over, when he'd bowed his head in a respectful greeting and left, that you realised just how rapidly your heart was beating and how your hands were experiencing small tremors, as if some mischievous sprite of the air had taken up residence there.
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It felt a little like diving into the ocean, from the top of a cliff. The water may receive you, hard and turbulent at first, and then cradle you, allowing you to open your eyes and see the wonders that lay beneath. Or a treacherous rock could break your fall. Permanently.
It wasn't as if you didn't see the direction this was heading. It was the nature of the world you inhabited that made this so potentially damaging. He must know it too, so why ... But something was stopping you from going beyond that point in your thoughts. Was it intuition? Was it some innate instinct for doing what you should? Or was it plain illusion, a blindfold of obtuseness and stupidity that had somehow descended over the both of you?
Nanami sends you a message two days later, informing you that he had some time off after his morning mission and that he would like to visit the bakery, if that was fine.
Before you are able to stop yourself, to hesitate, to really think about what you are doing, you type 'Yes, perfect' and forward it to him.
You are beginning to realise that however you spin it, your answer will always be yes. Yes, yes, yes, a hundred times over. Consequences be damned.
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When you finish your shift, you receive a message, punctual to the minute.
"I am waiting in the garden."
You glance into the small hand mirror you carry in your bag, brush fingers through your hair and pause before touching up your lipstick. As observant as he is, Nanami wouldn't miss something like that. A treacherous little part of your mind whispers to you, "Good. Let him."
Slamming the mirror shut, you head out, past the fairly empty rooms, through the corridors and out into the afternoon sunshine. Nanami is waiting exactly where he said he would be. His hair gleams like the glaze on those honey cakes in the buttery light of your office lamp. As you approach him, you're struck by how tall he seems, now that you're not seated at a table together.
He turns to you and offers a soft greeting. You both pause, and it seems that even Nanami is sometimes at a loss as to what course of action to take. You assert a winning smile and adjust your bag on your shoulder.
"Let's go and pick up some tarts, then."
Nanami's mouth twitches slightly.
"Oh ... I mean the tomato tarts, of course."
You can feel that tell-tale heat rising in your neck again. God, what a sentence to utter.
"I'm not sure what other tart you could mean. Let's go."
Your embarrassment turns to good humour as he turns and leads the way, his pace unhurried. He starts to point out changes on the campus that have been made since he returned to work here, some of which even you hadn't noticed, what with the blinker-vision that your job induced.
"Hmm. Those statues. They came up just last year."
"I remember. Had to call a whole crew in to install them correctly."
"What do you think about them?"
"Well, to be honest, I thought they were a little pretentious."
Nanami is silent for a minute and you glance at him curiously.
"Why? Do you like them?"
He can barely conceal the smugness in his tone when he says, "No. They were Gojo's idea."
You laugh and whatever tension or uneasiness there had been between the two of you evaporates. As you head slowly for the main entrance, Nanami types something on his phone and soon after, a black sedan, one you recognize as a Jujutsu Tech vehicle, draws up beside the two of you. Nanami instructs the driver to take you both into the nearby town where the bakery you frequent is located.
When you have been dropped off at a street corner some distance from the cafe, Nanami glances at you with a trace of uncertainty.
"I thought it would be nice weather to walk for a while. If you don't want to, then we can call for the car again."
"Of course I want to. You're right. It's a beautiful day."
You continue your stroll with him, suddenly hyper aware of his arm brushing against yours gently, the way he was deliberately keeping pace with your stride, the distinct masculine scent of him that was always evident when you were close together. You look down at his hands, the broad, elegant fingers calloused slightly at the inner curve, where they would drag against the hilt of his weapon. You wondered how they would feel under your own exploring digits.
"What are you thinking about?" he asks, softly.
You. Always.
"When did you decide that your weapon was the most suitable one?"
His gaze is on you now, intent. You meet it, them allow your eyes to travel down to his hands. You've broken many vows already, but this new one, to be more open about what you think and feel, seems to be one you can adhere to.
Nanami follows your gaze and then lifts one hand, palm up, so that you can see more clearly.
"I assume you're wondering how it feels to wield a blade?"
"A little, yes."
"When we trained as sorcerers, they asked us to try out different weapons, become proficient at a few and then narrow it down to those we felt most comfortable with. I tried polearms, axes, swords, bludgeons. I found that I liked the weight of the heavy weapons, but also the precision of the blade. I told this to... a friend of mine. He went digging through the whole shed looking for something that suited me. I told him to drop it, that what I was looking for was unlikely to exist among cursed tools."
"But he kept looking, I assume?"
"He did, indeed. Day after day. He'd go looking after every training session, until even I became sick of asking him to stop. He was ... persistent like that. Haibara."
He says the name as if exhaling a weighted breath. You decide that the heaviness it bears must be pain. You think you can guess what had happened to Haibara.
"So he found your current weapon?"
"Not quite. He found an old knife, the type used to cut through dense bushes and branches. He said it felt right. I took it from him and ... he was right. It felt good in my hand. Balanced. I showed it to our teacher at the time and they had one designed for me, to the specifications I described."
He turns to you, and although the lines at the corners of his mouth seem a little deeper, his expression is more open.
"Does that answer your question?"
"It does. And I have another."
"Well, it's going to have to wait until you answer mine."
"Are you in the habit of picking up tarts?"
"Pardon me. Then I'll ask something a little less personal. What is it about crosswords that you like so much?"
"Hmm. I suppose ... because I never used to be good at them."
"You weren't?"
"I was hopeless, actually," you laugh, "But I did love the challenge. I've always been good with languages. Eventually they became second nature to me."
"I see. It has to do with your stubborn streak, then?"
You splutter a little.
"What do you mean stubborn streak, as if it's a habit?"
"So you admit it, then."
"I - all right. Yes. But you're not telling me much about - "
"I overhead you talking to someone in the supply department once. You asked for a type of cubicle for the students' classrooms and they didn't make those. You drew something that looked like a beehive and sent it to him by email."
"Is there something wrong with shelving that looks like a beehive?"
"The craftsman certainly thought so, until you wore him down through sheer persistence."
"At least I'm consistently annoying."
"I don't find you annoying at all."
Your smile belies the pleasant frisson those words send through you. Honestly, your standards shouldn't be so embarrassingly low.
"Oh really? Maybe that's a character flaw, then."
He glances over and another small smile toys at the corner of his mouth.
"Possibly. I am known to possess a very high tolerance for certain persons."
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By the time you reach the bakery, Nanami's speech is already less formal than you're accustomed to. He has loosened his tie slightly and his arms swing with greater freedom as he walks. He looks like he's actually having a good time and you know that you probably look much the same. It's almost too easy, this quiet camaraderie, the flow from one topic to another, the humour that bites and leaves such a teasing, pleasant sting in its wake.
You never thought it would be like this, but now you're perusing the menu, and you push that thought aside. Nanami has found you the perfect seats in a small private corner of the cafe, where you can see the street clearly, but are shielded from the view of those coming in through the main entrance. Nanami had pulled out your chair for you before seating himself and the sun's warmth is comforting against your back.
"Have you decided?" he asks, after a short while. 
"I think I'm going to try the camembert toast with fig preserve and honey."
"Feeling for something sweet, then?"
"Today, yes. What about you?"
"I'll try that tart."
You struggle to keep a straight face and Nanami eyes you slyly over the top of his menu. Clearing your throat, you continue.
"I'm glad you're taking my recommendation."
"I see it has goat's cheese. Quite the complement. I do trust you in matters of food."
"Are there matters with which you don't trust me?"
He folds the menu away and regards you seriously.
"I wouldn't trust you in matters of dancing."
You stare at him. For someone so unassuming, this man really had a penchant for stating the unexpected.
"I've noticed you trip on the corner of your desk more than a few times."
"Oh God." You cover your face, mortified. "Really? Is there anything you don't notice?"
"Little escapes me."
The waitress arrives and saves you from his merciless analysis of your clumsy nature. She takes your orders and there is a small lull in the conversation as you wait for your drinks. You take the time to examine him, and he you. There is something intimate, but relaxing about this, the way your eyes can openly take each other in now. He seems to hesitate before asking you his next question.
"Do you like this kind of thing?"
"Eating at cafes?"
"Exploring new places to eat in general."
"Oh, yes. I do it quite often by myself."
The unspoken question was answered and Nanami's expression was suddenly closed and vulnerable. He looked away from you, out into the street. His next words were considered and quiet.
"I eat out with my colleagues sometimes. After a job."
Your hands clutch the menu a little too tightly, crinkling the corners.
"You mean, like this?"
He looks you in the eye, and what you see there both exhilarates and terrifies you. There is a softly burning fire there, a quiet longing, a wound that has been picked open many times by uncontrolled fingers. His answer sounds clear, even amongst the noises of chatter, dishes clanking and the hiss of the coffee machines.
"No. Not like this."
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@tsukimefuku @g-kleran @actuallysaiyan @kentocalls
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queenshelby · 1 day
Our Little Secret (Part 55)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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Later that week, when Mara was staying with your mother, you finally had some time with Sean again, and he took you out for a nice dinner, really making an effort to win you over.
He was staying over that night as well, but somehow, you couldn't stop thinking about that email, about Cillian and how he had made you feel for all those nights you had spent together in the past. He consumed your thoughts, making you feel suffocated and uncertain about your current, albeit casual, relationship with Sean.
As you were sleeping with Sean that night, you realised again how empty and meaningless the sex was. His every touch and kiss felt forced, almost robotic, and this was in stark contrast to how Cillian had always made you feel during your intimate moments.
You knew you shouldn't be comparing the two of them, but you couldn't help it. The way Cillian had always looked at you during those stolen moments, the hunger and the tenderness that was evident in his gaze, made you feel like you were the only woman in the world who mattered to him.
Sean's gaze never had that intensity, never quite reached that depth.
With Sean, everything was rushed, everything was a little too eager, like he was just going through the motions to get to the end result. With Cillian, everything was taken slow, every kiss and touch savored and appreciated. He made you feel cherished and desired, and in that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of you.
Once, during your encounter that night with Sean and right after you took control, riding yourself to yet another forced orgasm, you even said Cillian's name, instead of Sean's, and Sean had immediately pulled away from you, eyes widened with shock.
You had apologized instantly and tried to explain it away as a slip of the tongue, but your discomfort lingered between you, creating an awkward silence that was hard to fill.
Afterward, when the two of you lay there in the dark, Sean's arm reluctantly draped around your bare waist, you both pretended to sleep. You couldn't bring yourself to touch him, to make another attempt at intimacy, and you didn't know if he was willing to try again, either.
He stayed though nonetheless and pretended that you never said your ex's name instead. He was still hopeful  that he could win you over and you were not sure how to feel about it at this point. You felt guilty for being unfaithful to him in your thoughts and actions but, at the same time, your heart felt heavy knowing that you still loved someone else.
Sean was a good guy, but he simply didn't make you feel the way Cillian did. Yes, Sean was more compatible with you when it came to age, and the sex was better now than it had been in the beginning, but emotionally, there was no comparison. You felt things with Cillian that you never felt with Sean or any other man.
When morning  came, you both woke up early. Sean got up first and started to make coffee. You laid there, thinking about what had happened the previous night.
You knew you needed to talk to Sean, but you weren't sure what to say. You felt guilty for using him like that, but you also knew that you were not in love with him.
Sean came back to the bedroom with two cups of coffee. He handed you one and sat down on the bed next to you.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.
"I'm fine," you murmured, still lost in thought. He knew there was more to your silence than meet the eye, but he didn't press you for answers. Instead, he took a seat next to you on the bed, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
"You don't have to tell me whatever's bothering you if you don't want to," he said, his voice soft. You looked at him, studying his features.
"But you know, on a different topic. I was thinking about Siobhan's wedding," he hesitantly offered before taking a sip of his coffee. "And I was wondering whether you would take me as your plus one," he asked, his voice wavering slightly.
Your heart skipped a beat and you gazed into his eyes, trying to read the sincerity that lay within them. 
"I...I don't know," you faltered, glancing away from his searching gaze. "I don't think it would go down well with Cillian and his familu..." you pointed out, knowing the reality of the situation. "Plus, we are not exclusive and I don't think it would be appropriate to bring you along. I am sorry Sean ."
Sean's face dropped and for a moment, you saw the hurt pale green eyes staring back at you.
"It is just a wedding, Y/N," he protested. "And to tell you the truth, I don't like your ex being there while I am not," Sean  said firmly, his eyebrows furrowed in determination.
You sighed deeply, feeling a twinge of guilt towards him. "I know, but it's his sister's wedding and she happens to be a good friend of mine," you explained. " So, I  don't want to cause any drama for her on her big day," you added, trying to soften the blow.
Sean seemed to understand, but the disappointment in his eyes was clear. "I get it. I just thought it might help us develop our relationship a bit more," he told you, knowing very well that this was not what you had in mind. 
"Sean, please, we have been through this before and you know that I don't want anything serious right now," you reminded him, feeling a twinge of frustration which is when Sean finally gave up.  "Alright, fine," he said with a sigh, his anger placated temporarily before he decided that it was time for him to get ready for work. 
After work, Sean caught up with his friend Mark again to tell him what happened the night before and it was obvious to Mark that this was going to be a lost cause now. Not that he hadn't known already, but this new revelation confirmed it beyond any shadow of a doubt.
"Man, she didn't even respond to my email. His publicist did. So, I am not sure what to tell you. Maybe she is a lost cause," Mark told his friend honestly after hearing what he had to say, but Sean wouldn't let go of you just yet.
"I don't get it Mark. I know he is famous and all, but she doesn't seem to care about that and, yet she is still hung up on him. He isn't even that attractive," Sean grumbled, scrolling through news articles about Cillian on his phone. "And he is almost fifty for crying out loud. I have no idea what she sees in that guy," Sean continued venting to Mark, honestly confused about how, as a woman in your early twenties, you even got involved with a man Cillian's age.  "He might not even be able to satisfy her in bed seeing how she is so much fucking younger," he chuckled cynically, almost feeling embarrassed to admit that he himself couldn't fully satisfy you.
But then again, it wasn't just their strange age difference or even the rumors of Cillian's infidelity that bothered Sean about you and your ex's relationship. There was something about Cillian that he just found distasteful. Perhaps it was his celebrity status or maybe it was his arrogant demeanor when he was around Sean. Whatever it was, Sean didn't like him
"Man, I don't know, but you might actually need to let her go because that woman is fucking destroying you , and she doesn't even know it," Mark advised. "I mean, how long have you two been chasing her around now? Two or three fucking months or more? And you still haven't made any real progress."
Mark was right. Sean had been trying to win you over for months and while he had managed to sleep with you regularly, it was quite clear that you were not interested in anything serious. But he didn't want to give up just yet and, instead, he was ready to up his game  even further.
"I know, but I can't help it," Sean said, glancing back at your profile picture on his phone. "She is just so fucking beautiful and smart, I can't get her out of my head. I need her in my life, Mark."
Mark sighed deeply and shook his head. He had known this would happen from the start and he had warned Sean multiple times that chasing after a woman who was clearly uninterested in anything serious would only lead to heartbreak, but Sean wouldn't listen.
"Let's get that article published then without her statement. It might ruffle some feathers and Y/N might even come around after that, seeing how her ex is not so perfect after all," Mark suggested to Sean although he knew it was a long shot.
Sean nodded in agreement, as he scrolled through his phone, looking for any recent articles about Cillian, but none of them were as significant as what Mark was about to release in the Irish Times. 
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 23
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
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Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 5K
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
Wandering through the forest in the Night Court in the middle of winter was most certainly not the best idea. As the two of you continued deeper into the woods, you felt the chill of the winter air sinking into your wet clothes, making it feel as though the fabric was melding with your skin. Your teeth clacked together wildly as you trudged up the hill, your toes frozen in your boots, and your hair essentially freezing into place as you sniffled.
With your limbs stiff from the cold, every step felt like you were tripping over yourself. Branches snagged at your feet, you misstepped into holes, and your knees buckled beneath you. Though you caught yourself each time, the knees of your pants were now thoroughly muddy.
Caelum pushed forward ahead, only a few paces in front of you, occasionally looking back to ensure you hadn’t run off or tried to hide. He didn't say anything, and for that, you were grateful. He must have been cold too, and his footing was less sure, but he kept silent about it.
Before either of you spoke, the sun began to set, and Caelum started scrutinizing the surrounding areas more intently. The temperature continued to drop, and soon, even taking steps hurt more than you could bear. "Caelum," you called up to your mate, who was still trampling through the undergrowth. He didn’t turn back. "Caelum!" you shouted more firmly. He finally stopped and glanced over his shoulder at you. "We need to stop and get warm." Your voice was hoarse, as though the chill had permeated your vocal cords.
“I know,” he shot back and continued forward. You didn’t follow, standing there shivering. When he didn’t hear your footsteps, he turned and looked back at you. “Come on,” he ordered.
“No,” you said back.
Caelum growled, “You going to stand out here and freeze?”
You stared back at him, “I want to stop now.”
Caelum brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “We can’t stop out in the open. If we make a fire, anyone can see the smoke from the city.”
“I don’t care,” you shot back.
Caelum glared at you. “You want me to go to prison?”
“I don’t care what happens to you.”
You could see Caelum’s jaw locking and his blood beginning to boil as his stare hardened. Then he released it with a sigh. “There’s a cave somewhere near here. We can stop there. Make a fire.” He turned around and began walking again. You didn’t move. He turned back, staring down the hill at you, “So you’re just going to freeze to death down there?”
You weighed your options. Freezing to death didn’t sound that bad, given whom you would be spending the evening with, but Titania would have alerted someone by now, or at least you hoped. And Kai would be at a healer. If you had any chance of seeing him again, you would have to make concessions. 
With a deep breath, you began trudging up the hill, following Caelum into the growing darkness of the forest. The thought of warmth, however fleeting, propelled you forward, step by agonizing step.
Caelum continued silently in front of you, the only sounds besides your footsteps were the occasional sniffling and the crunch of ice beneath your boots. The winter sky faded from pinks to purples as the shadows elongated into the coming night. Finally, after what felt like hours, you arrived at the mouth of a cave. Caelum picked up a large stone and hurled it into the darkness, listening intently as the sound echoed off the stone walls and floor. When no additional noises followed, Caelum turned to you. “Grab some firewood.” 
The two of you turned back to the forest and began collecting dry branches and brush, carrying them back to the cave. Caelum picked up one of the longer branches and used his hunting knife to peel back some bark, pressing it into the sap leaking from a nearby pine. He wrapped torn cloth around the end and set it alight using two rocks. When he stood, the torch blazed, and he took a few steps into the cave.
The cave sloped downwards, with loose stones lining the floor, descending for what seemed like forever. Caelum looked back at you, motioning with his head and a grunt for you to carry the collected wood behind him. Scowling at him, you picked up the wood anyway. Caelum stepped further in, the torch illuminating only a bit of the wall and ceiling. Once you were a yard into the cave, Caelum ordered you to drop the wood. It fell with a loud clatter, and you stared at him, crossing your arms.
“Charming,” he said.
You planted yourself on the rocks, still shivering, as Caelum moved some stones to create a small pit and set to work lighting the fire. You curled your knees to your chest, trying to retain body heat, but your whole body shook with chills. Once the fire started, you felt the tantalizing licks of warmth. Caelum warmed his hands by the fire, then stood and began removing his wet clothing. He placed a large branch between two stones, hanging his shirt and pants to dry, then turned to you. You tried not to look at him, at his nakedness, as he stood with so much confidence.
“Well?” he asked. You didn’t respond. “You going to get dry?” He continued. You flicked your eyes up to his face, which had a sneer plastered on it. “You know if you keep those wet clothes on, you’re going to freeze.”
You looked to the fire, its warmth barely touching the parts of you still clothed. As much as you hated his existence, he knew how to survive in the wild and had taught you as much. “Turn around,” you instructed.
Caelum scoffed and rolled his eyes, still facing you. “Turn. Around,” you repeated.
“You really expect me to turn around? We’ve spent the last century together, at least a year of it naked around each other.”
“Turn. Around.”
“Oh, what? Suddenly you’re shy? Seems like you’re more than happy to open your legs for anyone these days. I don’t see why they get to have all the fun.” You swallowed down the angry remark boiling beneath you, staring back at him. “If you won’t take off your clothes yourself, I’ll come over and do it for you,” he threatened.
Knowing he would have no issue ripping your clothes off, you hesitated. He took a step forward, and you immediately reached for the hem of your shirt, pulling it off. “Good,” he said, turning back to the fire.
You felt disgusting. Every inch of exposed skin felt dirty as you pulled off the damp cloth from your body. You stripped down to nothing, standing with aching joints from the cold. As you moved closer to the fire to hang your clothes, warmth radiated up your legs and back, and you hungered for more. You sat next to the fire, drawing your legs to your chest, covering yourself from Caelum’s inspecting gaze.
“You have some new scars,” he noted. You didn’t respond. “Pretty nasty one on your side there. Was that from the fall?”
The fire crackled in front of you as you stared into it, the smoke leisurely floating out of the cave, hopefully signaling your presence.
“Look, I’m sorry,” he said. You still didn’t turn to him. “I’m sorry it all had to happen like this.” A crack of wood snapping in the fire. “If it had been up to me, we would have walked out of that front gate with my pack.” He paused, waiting for your response, then continued, “I even packed you some extra clothes and that blanket you love.”
The red and black quilt you had made during your first winter together, lined with the expensive fleece Caelum had given you as a solstice gift. Knowing it was left behind meant one less piece of comfort for you to return to.
“I had it all planned out,” Caelum continued, his voice smooth and calculated. “I was going to find you in the city, bring you flowers, or something.” The fire crackled, sending sparks into the air. “Then I’d ask you to take a walk with me, spend the day in the city, have a good time. And then you’d come home with me, and we’d travel back. Maybe even stop and see my family.”
You laughed lightly without realizing it.
“What?” Caelum asked, his eyes narrowing.
You raised your brows, still staring into the fire, shaking your head. “Nothing.”
“No, you laughed. Why did you laugh?” he demanded.
You rolled your eyes, pressing your chin into your knees.
“If you think this is so funny, care to enlighten me?” His voice turned stern.
You turned your gaze to him, bile rising in your throat at the sight of his face. “You’re a clueless bastard,” you spat.
He seemed taken aback, not used to your insults. His face hardened, then he took a breath. “Why is that?”
“You thought you could just show up, use that fake charm, and I’d come crawling back with you?” You shook your head. “Is that really what you thought would happen? Do you think I’m that easy?”
“Seems like it isn’t too hard to convince you of things these days,” he finally replied.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Raising his voice, Caelum spat back, “Do you know how hard it is to feel your mate lust after someone else? To smell another male on you and not want to rip them to shreds? Do you know how much self-control it took to not completely slaughter that kid?”
“You stabbed him! You would have killed him if you hadn’t gotten caught!” you screamed.
“Oh no, he’s definitely dead.” Caelum’s smile was sinister. “I stabbed him right in the heart, felt it pop when I crushed the artery.” He laughed. “I just wish I’d had the chance to rip his beating heart out.”
Your lip quivered, hot tears welling in your eyes as you pictured Kai bleeding out in the street, his eyes wide with fear.
“Oh,” Caelum said, tilting his head, “did that strike a chord?”
You gulped, your breath ragged.
“He deserved it. Fucking someone else’s mate,” Caelum said, nudging the fire with a stick, sending embers into the air.
“You are a cruel and foul male. I hope someday you choke on your own blood so you can taste the poison that runs in your veins,” you hissed. “I hope you feel every bit of pain you inflict on others. You’re a predator. You’re vile, evil, and incapable of love.”
Caelum looked at you. “You used to love looking at me,” he whispered. “I used to catch you staring when we were out in the field. You’d smile and look away when I looked back.”
“I was a child,” you shot back.
“No, you knew what you wanted. You’d follow me around all day in those woods. Watching me, hiding from me.” Caelum paused. “Do you remember when I taught you to swim?” Your jaw tightened. “When you found me by the lake, after I’d been out, and asked me to teach you?” Your jaw hardened. “You took off that dress my mother gave you and asked me to turn around, but when you caught me looking, you didn’t tell me to close my eyes. No, you put on a show. Then you got in the lake, walked over to me, and climbed onto my back while I took you out deeper. Do you remember that?”
You tried to push the memory from your mind—the feeling of Caelum’s warm skin, the smell of his hair as you pressed into his shoulder.
“I remember how you wouldn’t let go until I let you rest in front of me, with your arms around my neck while I taught you to float.” He continued, “And you just kept holding on, begging me to keep holding you.”
“Stop it,” you said.
But he didn’t. “You remember how we’d meet every day, even when we stopped swimming? And you still insisted we undress.”
“Stop,” you hissed again.
“See, you can pretend I trapped you or that you don’t love me. But I know deep inside, you’re still the Y/N who would’ve done anything to get me out of my clothes.”
“That isn’t love.”
Caelum's head tilted quizzically sideways. “And you would know what love is?” he asked, his voice laced with mockery. “Because it seems to me like you’ve never really known love before me. I mean, come on, your mother?”
“Don’t talk about her,” you threatened.
“She didn’t love you,” he continued, ignoring your warning. “She raised you in a whorehouse.”
You growled at him, but he pressed on. “You were conceived because someone paid her to fuck her and then she couldn’t even remember who it was because she fucked all the way up and down Velaris.”
“Shut up,” you hissed.
“And then she had you, and instead of raising you, she pawned you off on others while she fucked, and fucked, and fucked, and snorted shit off the street.”
“Stop!” you screamed over and over, but he wouldn’t stop. 
“Even still, she didn’t give two shits about you. She left you in the fucking woods to die so she could go back to her old life.”
“Shut up!” you screamed, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“She didn’t fucking want you!” he screamed back, his chest heaving. You rocked back and forth, your ears covered under your palms as you cried. “She left you to die because she didn’t love you!” Caelum stared at you, his gaze intense. “You didn’t know love until you met me.”
You tried to block out his voice, but it seeped through. “You used to cry yourself to sleep every night, and I would come in and let you sleep on my chest until you fell asleep. Hours. I would spend hours doing that. Running my fingers over your back, holding you. And even after you fell asleep, I would stay until I knew you wouldn’t have nightmares.”
Caelum’s gaze was locked on you, unwavering. “Every time we’d go out hunting, I’d bring a bag to pick blackberries for you to bring back, even though every other male would give me shit for it. Because when I’d bring them home, you’d smile. I would do anything for that smile.” He ran his hand through his hair. “And when you wanted to live in a bigger cabin, a place for us, I didn’t ask any questions. I just started building. You know why?” He looked at you, though you didn’t respond. “Because I love you. I do all that shit because I love you so fucking much.” He shook his head, tears welling in his eyes as he pushed them away. “And the day that mating bond snapped, I just—I felt so lucky that someone as wonderful as you was made for me.”
You coughed back a sob, tears streaming down your cheeks and snot dripping over your lips.
“We were made for each other,” he said, scooting closer, the rocks under him tumbling deeper into the cave. “You make me better. Even now, this is all just a challenge to make me better.” As he moved closer, you thought about moving away, but every part of you felt trapped, encased in a war of emotions. He had taken you in with no questions. He had loved you, in however way he could. He tried to make your life better. And yet, you were disgusted by the way he touched you; your skin remembered the bruises he had caused, and the vile poison he spat at you.
But as he closed in on you, wrapping his arm around your shaking body, you felt defeated and did not push back. Caelum pulled you into him, your limbs heavy as he did. He grasped you under your bent legs and pulled you into his lap. The muscled strength of his legs and arms curled around you until he cradled you with his body, his chin resting on the crown of your head as he rocked back and forth with you. “We can make this better,” he whispered. “We’ll have a better life. And we’ll love one another the way we deserve.”
Had you any strength to push back, you would have, but your forehead ached, your shoulders felt as though you had been slammed into concrete, and your whole head swam with uncertainty, grief, anger, regret, yearning, fear, and denial. Nothing in you felt a glimmer of happiness or hope. Part of you wished that the cold would blow out that fire and kill you.
Caelum continued to hold you long into the night, staring into the fire while you, facing the mouth of the cave, silently prayed for rescue. But no one came. Neither of you slept. Caelum kept you pulled to him, your combined body heat maintaining a rather comfortable temperature. When the sky began to lighten with the early morning sun, Caelum finally placed you back onto the rocky ground and stood, stretching his muscular arms high above his head. You glanced up at him as he yawned, the sight of his unguarded moment almost surreal.
He checked the clothes nearby, seemingly satisfied with their level of dryness, and tossed yours to you across the fire. The clothes were less wet, but the slight damp made you shiver as you pulled them on. Caelum snuffed out the fire, covering the ashes with rocks to hide any trace you had been there. “Ready to go home?” he asked as you stood near the cave mouth, looking into the forest. You didn’t respond.
Caelum stepped out of the cave, looked up towards the sun to get his bearings, and then turned to walk through the woods. He had an innate sense of direction and, having been raised in a hunting group, he lacked no skills in wayfaring. The air was slightly warmer today, which would be helpful given the climb into the mountains. The morning passed with no conversation, not even Caelum filling the silence with his idle thoughts. You kept your gaze pointed to the ground, trying to get your bearings. As you hiked higher, the temperature began to drop steadily, and your legs ached more with each step up the mountainside.
Caelum didn’t falter in his pace, though you found yourself panting, cold biting wind slicing into your lungs. Finally, after hours of silence, Caelum called back, “There’s a village ahead a mile or so. We’ll stop there. Get some supplies.”
You knew that village; you had passed it on the way into Velaris with Kai and his father. You were only a half a day from your cottage in the woods and a full day from Caelum’s cabin. Knowing where you were, and how to get back to your own home, you felt a rising sense of bravery, quickly followed by dread. If you could get back to your own cabin, you would have the upper hand in knowing the lay of the land. If you could reach Kai’s village, you could find protection. But you would have to act quickly and in secret, and you would have to do it before you reached the next village.
Caelum hadn’t eaten in two days and hadn’t slept. He was bound to be slower, weaker. If he managed to refuel and get supplies, there would be no way you could escape with any chance of making it.
You continued trudging up the path, your mind racing with plans and contingencies. The forest around you was eerily quiet, the only sound the crunch of snow underfoot and the occasional snap of a twig. The cold air bit at your face, your breath visible in the crisp air. You glanced at Caelum, his back turned to you, his posture tense but determined. He was always so sure of himself, so confident in his abilities. But even he couldn’t ignore the exhaustion creeping into his bones. You had to use that to your advantage.
You stumbled slightly, your foot caught under a root, and you fell to the ground, landing heavily on your arms as you cried out in pain. Caelum whipped around. “Get up,” he ordered.
You pulled your foot up, wincing as you did so and pulled your pant leg up around your right ankle. “Something’s wrong,” you said, your voice laced with pain.
“We don’t have time for this, get up,” he insisted.
You tried to stand, shaking slightly, and yelping a bit as you put weight down on your leg, quickly faltering and landing back in the snow with a hiss. Caelum groaned and approached you as you slid onto your rear. He kneeled down in front of you, pulling the leg of your pant up slightly to investigate. You groaned, pushing him back slightly.
“I have to look at it,” he instructed. You looked at his face, tinged with concern, before you pushed your leg out to him. He pulled up your pant leg slightly. You harnessed any sense of strength you had left and pulled your knee up, slamming into his nose with a resounding crunch before kicking him back. He let out a yelp of pain before falling back.
You scrambled to your feet, kicking snow out behind you as you turned and took off into the woods. You could hear him groaning as he called out, “You bitch!” But the pounding in your ears almost drowned it out. You leapt through the woods, jumping over downed trees and skidding across frozen sections of leaves. Caelum wouldn’t be far behind, and the minutes you had to start ahead were invaluable. You hauled yourself over a series of boulders, your muscles straining as the rocks cut into your palms, scuttling your feet up as you crested them, and then jumped down the other side. You did your best to avoid snow patches—tracks were deadly.
You slid between a downed log, too tall to jump over, and pulled up on the other side, your entire left side caked in mud and refuse. You could hear Caelum calling out for you, trampling through the woods behind. He would follow your scent, and he had speed and footing you didn’t, but if he caught you, you didn’t want to consider what would happen next. The bare branches of the trees clawed at your face and clothes, leaving thin, stinging scratches on your exposed skin. Caelum moved with a terrifying combination of speed and power. Each of his strides covered twice the distance of yours, closing the gap with alarming swiftness.
Your mind raced as fast as your feet. You had to find a way to lose him, to outsmart him in these woods, which slowly grew more familiar. You veered sharply to the left, darting down a narrow path between heavily packed underbrush. The forest thickened, the trees growing closer together, their branches intertwining like skeletal fingers. You could hear Caelum’s breathing now, deep and steady, a stark contrast to your own ragged gasps.
You spotted a fallen log up ahead, half-buried in the snow. Desperation fueling you, you dove down behind it, pressing yourself parallel to it and flat against the icy ground. The cold seeped into your clothes, but you barely noticed, only focused on being silent and invisible.
The footsteps slowed, then stopped. You held your breath, every muscle tensed. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional creak of the trees in the wind. You could feel your mate’s presence, a looming shadow just beyond your sight.
Minutes passed like hours. Slowly, you dared to lift your head, peering over the edge of the log. The shadows, that seemed to move on their own, danced along the trees, but revealed nothing but the stark, empty forest. Had he gone? You stayed still a moment longer, straining your ears for any sign of movement.
Then, a whisper of a sound—a crunch of snow underfoot, far too close. Your heart seized in your chest. You bolted upright, abandoning any pretense of stealth. You ran, your legs pumping with a newfound energy born of sheer survival instinct.
You heard the crashing behind you, more frantic than before. Caelum was on your heels, his pace relentless. You could feel his presence like a weight bearing down on you and the trees became a blur as you tore through the forest, every ounce of your will focused solely on your escape.
In the distance, you saw the faint glimmer of a frozen stream. Hope flared within you. If you could reach it, follow it across, you’d be close to the cabin. You were unsure how you had made such good time, but perhaps by sheer will of survival you had crossed miles without realizing. You pushed harder, ignoring the raging burn in your muscles, the freezing air scraping your lungs.
When you reached the creek, your feet slid on the ice as you turned, sharply following its winding path. The cabin was just a few more bends, and you could see through the trees the rickety structure that seemed like a lifeline in the darkness. You sprinted towards it, though the footfalls behind you remained heavy.
As you rounded the bend, a large hand reached out and gripped you by the collar, slamming you into the ground, your head impacting with the ice as you screamed out. Caelum straddled you, as you struggled against him, the blood from his nose pouring down his face in a red stream. “You fucking bitch!” he screamed as he shook your shirt, your head slamming into the ice over and over again. You screamed out in pain, your hands beating against his chest as you tried to grip his face, but no matter how you tried, you couldn’t get a good grip. Caelum continued to bash you into the ice, and you were unable to tell if the cracking beneath was your skull or the ice. Your arm fell to one side as you inched your fingers towards a rock on the bank of the creek, digging your fingers under it and ripping it from its icy confines before bringing it up and smashing it against Caelum’s temple. He dropped your shirt as you slammed it into him again, pushing yourself from beneath him and sliding across the creek. But before you were out of arm's reach, he gripped your ankle and pulled you back. Your fingers tried to grip anything but the ice made it impossible to stop while he hauled you back, gripping you by the base of your hair at the root and hauling you up to face him. “You’re a fucking bitch!” he screamed in your face as he reared his hand up in a fist.
Suddenly, a shadow swooped down from the treetops, and before Caelum could react, a powerful force yanked him off of you, sending him sprawling onto the ice. Your mate scrambled to his feet, his eyes widening as he took in the sight before him.
Standing there was Azriel. Tall, muscular, in his full armor, with his broad bat-like wings stretching out behind him, shielding you. The wings almost seemed to shimmer as the light ran through them.
“That’s enough,” Azriel said, his voice calm but filled with undeniable authority.
Caelum sneered, wiping blood from his lip. “Who the hell are you?”
Azriel stepped forward slightly, his wings folding. “I’m the one who’s going to beat the shit out of you.”
With a roar, Caelum lunged at him, his fists swinging wildly. Azriel sidestepped him easily, his movements fluid and graceful. He countered with a swift punch to Caelum’s ribs, the impact sending a shockwave through your mate's body, and subsequently, a sharp pain down the bond.
Caelum staggered back, clutching his side. He was strong and brutal, but Azriel was faster, more precise—a warrior's calculation. Desperation fueled your mate's next attack. He charged again, throwing a punch aimed at Azriel’s head. This time, the warrior caught Caelum’s fist mid-swing, twisting his arm and forcing him to his knees.
Caelum growled in pain, and you winced as you felt your own arm light up in anguish. But before he could react further, Azriel lifted Caelum by his collar and threw him across the ice. Your mate slid, his back slamming into a tree at the edge of the creek. He lay there for a moment, stunned, the cold seeping into his clothes.
Azriel advanced, his eyes burning with fury. “Stay down,” he commanded.
Caelum, however, was not one to give up easily. He reached for a broken branch, his fingers closing around it. With a snarl, he swung it again at Azriel. The warrior blocked the attack with his forearm, the branch snapping in two, and retaliated with a powerful kick to Caelum’s chest, knocking the wind from him, and it seemed also from you.
Gasping for breath, Caelum’s eyes darted to the dense forest beyond the creek. In a last-ditch effort, he scrambled to his feet and bolted, slipping across the ice. He plunged into the forest, branches whipping against him as he fled.
Azriel watched Caelum flee, his wings unfurling slightly as if preparing to give chase. “Stop!” you wheezed out. Azriel turned to you, his concern immediately shifting. He quickly moved to you, falling to his armored knees as he knelt beside you, gently lifting your head.
“Are you alright?” he asked, his voice soft and filled with worry.
You winced and nodded slightly.
Azriel moved to put one arm under your shoulders. As you leaned forward, your midsection screamed in protest, and you yelped in pain. Azriel paused, examining you more closely. The back of your head was matted with blood, and your arms were covered in cuts from the trees. “I know it’s going to hurt,” Azriel said gently, “but I need you to hold onto me.”
You nodded, bracing yourself. Between a cry of pain and a scream, you pulled your arms around his neck, breathing in his scent—a mix of leather, metal, mist and cedar. Azriel held you securely, his grip strong yet careful. 
In a moment, the world blurred and twisted around you, and Azriel winnowed you away.
To my readers, deep breaths, the mans has returned: @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardustt @romantacyreader28 @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @405rry @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006 @rhysandorian
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sleater-cunty · 19 hours
death row meal | carmy berzatto x reader
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summary: its like that one scene in ratatouille where remy eats the cheese and strawberries and fireworks go off but instead of a rat, its Carmy eating pussy
warnings: oral, fingerfucking, finger sucking, kitchen sex, drunken kissing, workplace relationship
word count: 1,055
Sweat. Lavender. Butter. Salt. Strawberries. Citrus. Booze.
This dizzying aroma of tastes plagued him. She smelt like everything good in this world but dipped in distress.
He could taste the cheap liquor on her lips, acidic, bitter. It didn’t stop him from kissing her though. His tongued reached for every single note it could find, as if she was his last meal on death row. Carmy wasn’t used to this feeling, probably explains how desperate he left.
His dying wish was to taste every part of her, he wanted write down the recipe in his mind and savour it forever.
His hands clumsily felt up the tight fabric on her chest and grasped at whatever he could find. He cupped her tits against his calloused hand, sliding them underneath her cushiony bra. His cold fingers met with her nipples, perky and sensitive from the cold and the arousal. She let out a sharp exhale as his cold hands met her warm body. He let himself melt into her.
His other hand was gripping her thigh, thumb against the waistband of her pants, eager to dip underneath. Her worn apron and work shirt were already thrown somewhere on the floor. They were the first to go in this lustful disorder.
It started first with staying back late to clean up the mess left in the kitchen after the dinner shift. Carmy always stayed the latest, pedantic with his methods in keeping everything in order. He didn’t expect Y/N to stay behind with him. The others left early, surely having better things to do on a Friday night.
The cleared up the chaos in silence at first but slowly started talking when Y/N suggested chugging the vodka Carmy intended for some flambé dish. He always advised against being drunk in the kitchen but he couldn’t find himself denying her.
The two pulled away to breath, faces red and hair matted from sweat. She looked at him carefully, wordlessly moving his hand down to her waist and letting him undo her slacks. Y/N kicked them off as Carmy wrapped his strong arms around her, placing her agains the cold metal counter. In sync, their lips met again and Carmy gracelessly shoved her panties aside and pushed his fingers into her.
She winced at the sudden sensation but this was quickly replaced with a cry of pleasure as his fingers toyed with her insides.
“So fucking wet …” he let out, between breaths.
“For you”, Y/N added, her eyes lidded and her words barely coherent between her whimpers. Carmy felt an aching in his stomach at hearing that. A sense of pride mixed with intense lust, a straight shot to his dick.
“Don’t s-stop Carm..” she cried out and groaned when he did just that. She stared at him intensely, biting down on her lip. Carmy brought his fingers, which were now coated in her, up to his lips. She moved her hand to hold his and led his fingers into his mouth. He closed his eyes and relished in the taste.
A flavour he could not decide on, something entirely unique. He had no basis on what to think of it as. All he knew what that he could taste her endlessly.
He opened his eyes slowly and met hers. She raised her hands, placed them on his head and pushed it downwards. He followed her every move, wanting to fulfil her every desire. He met face to face with her pussy, dripping from the stimulation. The counter underneath her was drenched in sticky pools of sweat and such.
Carmy looked up at her with his eye wides, practically begging for guidance. As if she had heard his thoughts, she said, “say it, tell me what you want.”
He hesitated for a moment, trying his hardest not to sound incredibly pathetic but nothing could really stop that from happening. After all, he was already on his knees for her, worshipping her like a goddess.
“I .. I want to taste you”
She gave him a stern look, clearly wanting more.
“Please, I need it .. please”.
“Good boy,” she replied, a smile crossing her face. She ran her fingers through his long hair, gripping it. Carmy whined desperately and pushed his face against her. His face now cushioned between her thighs, he let his mouth explore her in depth, basking in her taste. His ardour was only fuelled by her sonorous moans and the tight grip on his hair.
Carmy’s eyes moved upwards and just gazed idly into her, baby blues piercing into her soul. She looked back, eyes glazed over and breathing heavily. Sweat rolled down her body, bouncing against her tits; it glistened angelically in the bright kitchen light. An unspoken moment passed and she pressed his face deeper into him, throwing her head back as the tip of the nose pressed against her clit. He used this opportunity to devour her.
“Fuck.. Carmy.. I’m gonna…” her voice trailed off as Carmy slipped his fingers inside her, fucking and sucking simultaneously. The soft breathy moans turned into almost-screams by this point and Carmy felt her grip on him tighten.
He sped up, enjoying the noises which sounded like better than music ever conceived. “Cum for me baby,” Carmy mumbled against her pussy, still working his fingers inside her.
“Yea… right there… Carm.. Carm— Car— fuck—” her thighs shook as she came, legs crossing around his neck.
Carmy let himself bask in the sweet taste of her, tongue dipping into every crevice and licking away at the saccharine nectar. He might’ve just found his new favourite food. If he could taste her endlessly, he would. His fingers slowed down as she came to her release and finally he pulled out.
Face drenched in sweat and sweetness, Carmy stood up slowly. Y/N panted deeply sat up, closing her legs and pulled Carmy towards her. Their lips met and Carmy’s insides melted as the delicious taste of pussy lingered. His arms wrapped around her soft body, the toned muscles holding her for dear life it seemed.
He was sure the whole kitchen was imbued with the scent of her sex, thankfully they were still in the process of building. Carmy wasn’t ready for a health hazard.
“Carm,” Y/N spoke in a soft voice.
“Fuck me”
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 days
Sweet As Sweets
Fred Weasley x Chubby! Reader x George Weasley
(Can be read as platonic, because we all wish we had someone to comfort us on a sensitive topic like this)
Summary: You were being bullied by a gaggle of students for your weight. You were just enjoying a trip to Honeydukes with your friends. Made you self conscious, and that didn’t fly over the twins heads. They are going to fix your problems. Every last one of em
Warnings: Eating disorders, topics of weight, bullying, lots of weight talk, insecurity’s, the twins getting violent because no one hurts their loved ones
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“Well if it isn’t my favorite trio-“ Mrs. Flume would beam, as she saw you three. You and the Weasley twins. All smiles. Every time it was time for Hogsmeade, you three had to come to the candy shop. Who can resist Honeydukes? Certainly not you three. Not to mention she adored the twins. They were always happy to help her, and gave her such wonderful ideas for new treats. She knew that the day they made their shop a reality that she would be more than happy to offer to stock their shelves with sweets. Honeydukes in Diagon alley. A perfect business prosper!
“Hey Mrs. Flume!” You waved, as the twins were already quick to help her with the bag in her hands. Fred with holding it, while George with putting what was needed on the shelves. Some things just needed a human touch, after all. Had you giggle. They were tricksters, sure, but no one can argue that they were business savvy. It’s what made you respect them so much. Jokes, but knowing there was a time and place.
“I was hoping to see you lot again soon. Oh there is this new candy my husband and I created. You three always have such wonderful opinions. Who better to know what kids like than kids themselves?” She would beam to you, and you had to smile. Such a sweet woman. Suppose you three really rubbed off on her.
“I’ll be right back. Boys, can you help me a moment?” She would ask, as the twins gave mock salutes to her. Had her chuckle at their Go Gettem attitude. Had her ruffle their beanies, that kept that vivid orange hair safe and warm. Off to work they went, as you stayed behind. Just admiring the beautiful shop.
“No surprise you are in here again.” Someone would call out to you. Your heart dropped, as you knew that voice. Was one of those prefects. Not the ones like Percy. Those who drank on power, and liked to abuse it. You couldn’t argue with them, or they would take house points from you. Even if you were in the same house. Made it sting more that your own house could wish such pain.
“Leave me alone.” You grumbled, as you tried not to face the gang. You didn’t want to. That gang of prefects was always bullying people like you. People who didn’t starve themselves to the point those high cheek bones were a product of starvation. They felt better than you because they were on the opposite end of the spectrum of hunger. They had their own battles, but they were taking it out on people. Spreading the toxic disease.
“What? Mouth already stuffed full?” Another one of prefects mocked, as they made a pig snout pull at their nose. Followed by oinking, as the gang echoed it. Had your eyes water, as you tried to cover your ears with your hat. Anything to make them shut up.
“Stop hogging all the sweets. We know you are one, but move-!” And a sharp push was given to your side. Had you squeak, as you plopped on your butt. The chain reaction causes you to hit the side of a counter, and pumpkin fizz soak your clothes.
“Now you STINK like one to-!” They continued to mock, as your eyes water. You just couldn’t take it. They were always following you into whatever shop you went. If it had food in it, even though you didn’t go to eat, they haunted you. They were probably jealous you were such good friends with the twins. More like had friends in general, that weren’t surface level. Regardless you would stumble upwards. Slipping on the soda, as you ran out into the snow. Sobbing, as the twins returned.
“Hey, where did-?” Fred puzzled, before the gaggles of prefects quickly hushed. Playing dumb, as they all looked around. Pretending to be curious of what the shop had to offer, while George noticed the fizzy footprints. That made him nudge Fred, and he took the hint. The duo soon outside, to see you sniffling in a frosty bench.
“What happened?!” The twins asked, as they hurried over. George was quick with a hot air charm, just like Molly taught him, as Fred looked over the scene. The orange soda unable to hide your tear stained cheeks.
“I eat alot, that’s what happened!” You hiccuped, as you rubbed your eyes. That had the twins sigh. Not in annoyance, or bother. But in empathy. Not the first time those prefects bullied someone your shape.
“And? We eat alot to!” George tried to defend, but you just sniffled more. “But you two don’t get fat-!” You hiccuped again, as Fred was sitting next to you.
“Oh come off it. Mum’s fat!” And that had George smack his shoulder. “SHE IS-! But that doesn’t mean she isn’t our mum. She’s big, and big ain’t bad. She and we don’t get along that well, but she’s still a wonderful mum.” Fred tried to clarify.
“Yeah. Also the best hugs. Our hugs suck because we’re sticks and bones.” George tried to tease. It was nice, though. They said Fat but not with that negative energy. Was just another word. Wasn’t sugar coating things at all. They were being honest, and not trying to make you feel better to stop your crying. Their words were real. Had you calm down, a little.
“Also, like look-“ George added, as he finished the charm. “You know how us Weasley’s are. Food is like a language. We like food. Food brings people together. And when we become business men, it’s gonna be the best way to say we care.”
You were understanding what he was trying to say. The Weasleys were a poor family, but they tried to feed. Hence why the older siblings were thinner than the younger. To try and make sure the younger ate. But with siblings moving out, getting jobs, food is able to not be so sparse. Food was now a enjoyment, compared to survival.
"When we make it big, I hope we can get fat id anythkng-!" That had you roll your eyes, but you were grasping what they meant. Still, you couldn’t help but pinch at a roll on your stomach.
“Oh stop that.” Fred would soon trap you in a hug. Made you unable to move your arms, as George joined in. Trapped between them too. Forced to listen, and unable to degrade yourself more.
“Charlie is also fat. Like he can’t keep flexing twenty four seven.” George added, as you recalled meeting him before. He was an extremely well built man. Excess mass is still excess mass. He’s right. You can’t just flex all the time. Even muscular guys are squishy.
“But-“ You couldn’t finish your thought, as Fred poked your nose. “Don’t say ‘but he actually has muscles’ you baby. We would love you if you were built like a train, or as skinny as a wooden one. So shut up about that.” Fred would lecture you.
“Not to mention you aren’t even that big. Like come on. Like COME ONNNNN-“ George would whine, as he plopped his head on your shoulder. “Like come on. So what if you eat a little more. You actually ENJOY food. Like come on.” He grumbled on.
“We rather be friends with someone who enjoys our cooking, and experiments to eat, than a skinny asshole who thinks just eating a slice of bread is going to murder you. Like this whole thing is dumb. Skinny this, fat that. Lame.” Fred would huff, as their own bodies were suffering issues.
The twins were very skinny, and that was a fact. They had developed muscle, from quidditch, sure. But they also were still underweight. It was so hard to keep on weight, given how much work they did. Suppose it can be exhausting being told you had a body to die for, when you hated it to begin with. Helped you see that maybe there were just as much perks to being plus size, as there were to being skinny. It’s your body. What’s with everyone wanting to be in your business?
“Come on. You deserve to edulge a little. Come on.” The twins would flutter their eye lashes, in that Halo Wearing way, and you snorted. They would call that a victory, as they smooshed their cheeks with yours. Warmth, love, and affection. What you needed.
“We will be right back. Trust us. Just enjoy the snow-“ They winked, before running back inside. You were a bit confused, but figured better not to question it. They were the twins after all. You made a guess someone’s going to be set on fire.
Seems you were right. It was a little while, but you soon saw the gaggle of school yard bully’s run outside. Their hair indeed on fire, and faces flushed heavily. As if they ate some kind of spicy candy.
They were all so desperate to stop the heat, and were soon all jumping into snow banks. Desperate to stop the burning. Just rolling around, and making a scene. Was such a sight, as they melted the snow. Reached the earth under it, and they were soon covered in mud. Cooled off, but a mess.
“Oink oink, wankers-!” The twins shouted, and laughed. Many of the fellow students pointed as well. Those prefects were in their own little mud baths. All to be pointed at, with laughter and mockery.
“Hey, we got some cool candy that Mrs. Flume wants us to test out. Let’s hit up The Three Broomsticks to try it out-!” George would cheer, as he held up the large bag of sweets. A mixture of bought, gifted, and experimental.
With Fred helping you stand up, to give you some pride and dignity, you would look through the open doorway. There was Mrs. Flume. She seemed to be closing the lid to a candy jar full of red little balls of sweets. When you two met eyes, she gave a hush. With a wink. You would nod your head to her, with a smile, before the twins yanked you off to your next adventure.
“I see someone took up your advice on prank candy.” You giggled, as those twins gave gasps. Making ‘who, us?!’ And fake looks of disbelief. That just had you all laughing even more, as they kept up the dramatic little scene of pretend innocents.
The day could have gone better, but then again the twins found a way to indeed make it better anyway. Such as snuggling with you in a booth. No shame between you three, as you enjoyed a nice hot meal. With butterbeer, and your favorite sweets. A day to just enjoy yourself. Cheat days were needed in life anyway.
You still were a little self conscious, but the twins were happy to help you in whatever direction you went. To be your biggest cheerleader for if you wanted to lose weight, or be your knights in shining armor for if you were contented with just the way you are.
Either way, you’ll never say no to the pure comfort of sharing sweets with the people you found sweet.
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hanniebaeee · 5 hours
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Husband Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warning: Smut MDNI
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Summary: Hyunjin doesn't understand what it's like for you - being a stay at home mum for your twin daughters. Until he does.
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You get your babies ready as Hyunjin silently takes some bags to the car. You help your husband buckle them up in their car seats and he turns to you, looking miserable.
'Baby, all this over a silly argument?' He asked, making a sad face. 'Can't we just go together? It'll be a good chance for us to all spend time together.'
'Hyunjin.' You say, and he stops at the warning flashing in your tone. 'You know why we're doing this. You said I'm having such an easy time. So yeah, I just want you to have an easy time with your 2-year-old daughters. What's wrong with that?'
He sighed.
'I'm so sorry, jagiya.' He pleads. 'I was an idiot. I was stressed and angry. I just took it all out on you. It's not an excuse, I know. Please, how can I fix this?'
'By taking Mia and Ara on this trip. Spend time with them.' You said, voice stern.
'Promise me, if I do this we'll be ok. Promise me that.' He said, taking your hand and placing it against his chest.
His heart was racing. He was anxious.
'I need you to understand, Hyunjin.' You say. 'This is not a punishment, ok?'
He nods, kissing you hand and then pulling you closer to kiss your lips.
'I love you.' He said, his hold on you is tight.
You nod and feel your heart sink as you look at your girls.
'Say it. Say it back.' He said and you could hear how desperate he sounded. He was afraid that you'd be gone when he got back. He was afraid to lose you.
'I love you, Hyunjinnie.' You whisper and he stays still for a minute before removing himself from you forcefully and walking to the driver's seat. You take this time to kiss your babies and tell them to be nice to daddy.
Tears sting your eyes as you watch your husband drive away. Going back to the house, you sit and cry. You couldn't help but think that you were being a bit unreasonable with him. This was all over a stupid fight that happened when his parents were over.
It was understandable that he was exhausted after a day full of practice and things, but it gave him no right to call you lazy and 'lucky to be at home all day'. You had never seen his mum so mad before. She snapped and scolded him in Korean - you were still at the basics, so you didn't really understand what she was saying. But her tone suggested the content quite well.
Hyunjin was in tears and he walked away, skipping dinner and you felt terrible for the entire thing.
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His mum called you a while after he left to see if everything was ok.
'I still feel like this was a mistake.' You say sadly. 'I mean, I know that he didn't mean what he said.'
'He needs to understand what you do for him and babies, Y/N. Sweetheart, you spend the entire day home with your kids. You don't get a break at all. You don't complain so he doesn't know how you feel. I know this will be a good opportunity for him to learn what it's like to take care of two little children all on his own. You'll thank me for this. Ok? Now, stop brooding and go spend time with your friends. You deserve this break.' His mum said.
You speak for some more time before you hang up and decide to call your best friend, Jisoo. You plan things for the weekend and though you miss Hyunjin and the girls, you have a good time with Jisoo. You realize how much you have missed this.
Hyunjin sent you pictures of them playing and having a good time at the cute Airbnb they had rented next to a woodland. He seemed to be doing ok, and you were glad. What you didn't know was that Hyunjin was a tearful mess - he had no idea what he was doing even though you had given him instructions for literally everything. The babies were a handful and he felt so ashamed of himself for the way he spoke to you.
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It was around 10:45 pm when you decided to go to bed. You had showered and done your bedtime routines before finally settling down under the duvet. It was raining heavily and you were a bit worried about Hyunjin's long drive back home the next morning. He was planning to start early in the morning, but if it continued to rain, he would have to wait it out before driving.
You tried to push these thoughts out of your mind and concentrate on your book when you heard your doorbell. You wondered who it could be this late and in this weather. Just then, your phone rang. You saw Hyunjin's name on the screen and quickly pick up.
'Hey, baby, open the door.' He said and you could hear his fast breaths.
'You're here? In this weather?!' You ask, running to get the door.
You yank the door open only to see him, drenched and shivering.
'Oh my God! What happened?! Where are the girls?!' You ask, looking behind him and then back at him, worried.
He stepped in quickly and closed the door behind you.
'Hyunjin! What's going on?' You ask, way too afraid now.
'Y/N, I dropped them off with my mum.' He said, taking off his wet jacket and dropping it on the floor. Water dripped from this long hair, and some drops slid down is face and neck. He takes his shoes off next and then his socks and leaves them on the side as well.
'Oh?' You said, and nod. 'Ok... but why?'
'I... I just wanted to be with you.' He said softly. 'Alone.'
You nod again, cheeks warming up and heartbeat picking up the pace. It's been a while since you felt this way. He kept looking at you, now running a hand over his face to wipe away some of the moisture.
'You should change. You'll catch a cold or some-' Hyunjin just stepped forward and pressed his lips to yours. Arms around you, he kissed you nice and deep. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and he moaned softly, tilting his head for a better angle.
You pulled back to breathe and he just looked at you with so much love, you felt really - nice.
'Is everything ok?' You ask and he nods. Then he scoops you up in arms, one hand around your waist and the other under your knees. You arms go around his neck and you squeal in surprise.
'Hyunjin!' You say, giving him a wide eyed look. He just smiles and starts climbing the stairs, up to your bedroom. Once there, he places you slowly to the edge of the bed and kneels down in front of you.
'I'm so sorry, jagiya.' He says, sadly. 'I'm so sorry for being an asshole and saying all those things to you.'
'It's alright Jinnie.' You say, cupping his face with your hands. 'I'm not mad.'
'You should be, though. I'm so ashamed of myself. I mean, I can't believe it didn't occur to me the kind of effort you put into our family every single day. Mia and Ara, they're amazing and it's because of you.'
'Baby, we're both good parents.' You try to reason with him.
But he shakes his head and says, 'I didn't teach them to brush their teeth or put on their shoes or eat on their own. You did. All alone. Damn, they can identify all the dinosaurs. I don't think I can pronounce one name right. How did you do all that? These two days - all I could think of was how proud I am of you. I'm so damn proud to say you're mine and of everything you've done for the babies.'
'I also realized how hard it is to look after two toddlers. They drove me up the wall in less than two hours since we reached the cottage. I mean, I don't even know how you do it. I don't know how.' He continued with a smile.
You realize you were crying only when Hyunjin reaches out and wipes the tears off your cheeks. 'I love you so much and I promise I'll never disrespect you ever again. If I do, I want you to divorce me. 'Coz seriously-'
'I'm not going to divorce you, Hyunjin.' You said with a laugh. 'I love you way too much for that.'
'I love you way too much too.' Hyunjin said, and ran his fingers through his damp hair.
You get up from the bed to get a towel and dry his hair. He sat with his head on your lap as you did so. Once done, he stood up and started stripping. You sat still, blushing and unable to look at him as discarded his clothes and stepped closer to you.
'You know what else I realized?' He asked, moving you to the middle of the bed.
'What?' You ask.
He hovers over you, and says, 'That you're so fucking hot. You carried my babies inside you. You brought them into this world. And you're doing such a good job being their mum and being my... everything. I don't think I would still be doing what I love if it weren't for you, taking a step back for us all.'
And you realize how much you've been craving his appreciation. You sob as he says sweet things to you and then he's on top of you, kissing you like he's never had a chance to do so before. His hands brush along your thighs and he lifts your night dress up and over your head, tossing it aside. He kisses your neck and collarbone, while he discards all of your clothes.
He takes his time with you, worshiping your body and pleasuring you with his mouth and fingers before finally you've had enough and told him that you wanted him.
He didn't need to be told more than once and he was in you, in the blink of an eye. Soft words of love and sounds of passion filled the room. You whined as he picked up pace, going a bit faster, his own body nearing it's high. He kissed you over and over again, and finally you came - shaking and gripping on to him tightly. You were clearly overstimulated and you shiver as he goes faster, chasing his own orgasm.
He pressed his face to your neck as he came, his soft groan giving you goosebumps.
'Oh my god, I missed you so much. I missed us.' He mumbled, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
'I missed you too Jinnie' you whisper, turning your face to kiss him again.
You both stay tangled in each other and the sheets for a while before showering together and going to sleep.
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Your side of the bed was empty when Hyunjin opened his eyes. With a whine, he got up and pulled on a pair of sweatpants before walking downstairs to the kitchen. He could hear your voice and you were laughing at something. His eyes are barely open as he steps into the kitchen and sees you standing by the hob, cooking. There is a glow on your face and he smiles seeing it.
He comes behind you and gives you a back hug, kissing you neck lovingly.
'Hyunjin!' You hiss, trying to step away and that's when he heard a little voice saying, 'Dada!'
He jumps back and turns around to see his mum looking at him with the most bored expression on her face.
'Oh my God! What are you doing here?!' He asked, trying to cover his bare chest.
'I brought the kids home.' She said pointing at the said kids.
'I thought I said we'll let you know the time?' He said, blushing.
'Hyunjin, don't be rude!' You say, slapping his hand.
'Their mum called and wanted them back. What am I to say?' His mum said with a shrug. 'So I brought them in, even though she said she'd come and get them. Now, please go wear a shirt.'
Hyunjin just huffs in annoyance before walking out of the room.
'I'm so sorry for that.' You say, hoping you weren't blushing too much.
The older woman just smiled at you.
'I just want to see you both happy.' She said. 'I told you it'll work.'
And she looked so smug, you had to laugh. Hyunjin came back with a shirt on and saw you both laughing.
'What's so funny?' He asked and his mum said, 'Mind your own business, boy.'
'That's not very nice.' Hyunjin said, going and picking up his daughters - one in each hand. But he was genuinely so happy to see all his girls happy and smiling.
Especially, you.
a/n: Hyunjin's mum is the star of the show. Ok bye.
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bite me(part 4)- matt sturniolo
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
summary: matt hates your guts but all of that changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains: vampire!matt x reader, highschool au! (18 years old), dark themes, death, smut (not in this part)
“well its three am. i thought your lazy ass would be asleep” matt sighs “but if you want to go now we can, shes definitely up. let me call her and let her know. be ready in ten minutes.” he emphasizes the ten like a father talking to a child that can’t manage time.
i didn’t even get bitter about it though, instead, my heart pangs at the thought of matt being on good enough terms with a girl to be calling at 3 am. “just the mating bond” i mutter to myself as i peel my clothes from the day before off in exchange for new ones. as soon as i walk out the room, matt is right there.
“awww, is someone jealous? don’t lie, i felt it sweetheart. i wanna hear you say it. say you want matt alll to yourself. go on” he teases me relentlessly causing my cheeks to heat up. “shut up” i groan but then decide to tease him back. lets play on this mating bond thing while i still can
i smirk and walk up to matt and place my hands on his chest. his eyes darken and his hands are clamped to his sides, probably to stop himself from touching me too. i sigh at the fact and then make my move.
“im all yours, matt.” i say seductively. “aren’t you mine?” you question looking up at him with doe eyes. matts gaze darkens even further and he can’t stop himself from grabbing my waist and bringing me closer. he dips his head down and i think he’s going to kiss me. instead he brushes his lips against my ear, “what are you doing to me?” he whispers more to himself then to me. i smirk before pulling away “nothing.” i shrug, “didn’t know the mating bond could take away your ability to answer simple questions”, i add nonchalantly. matt rolls his eyes at this. “you are sooo annoying, i can’t wait till im rid of you” he says turning his back on me and walking, a silent way to tell me to follow. i do, laughing at the effect i have on him.
we walk outside to matts van and are met by chris. “your sitting in the back” matt snips, looking in chris’ direction. “y/n your up front with me” he says choosing to not look at me.
“come on man, your still mad about that?? i was just trying to help!” chris practically whines. matt just huffs and grabs me, practically throwing me in the frontseat. chris climbs into the back dejectedly and i ask whats on my mind.
“chris, not that i mind you here, because i don’t, but why ARE you here?” i question. this was a problem strictly between me and matt. my mind reels at the thought that i actually would have preferred it to just be me and matt. a day ago i literally didn’t want to sit next to him in class….
he sighs and i look back and am suprised by the pain on his face. “my mate was already dead when she was given to me.” he whispers. just by being around matt, i can tell how big of an effect the bond can have, and i can’t imagine how sad he must be at the loss. “i’m so sorry, chris” i say softly. even matt looks sorry for him. he looks at his face through the review mirror while starting to reverse out of the driveway. chris just shakes his head, trying to shake the feelings away.
“its okay, i’m sure madi will be able to make everything go away.” chris offers me a half smile. “i hope so” i say giving him a reassuring smile in return before turning to matt. i roll my eyes at his sour face, he’s clearly jealous but he refrained from saying anything because of the nature of the conversation. “are you going to get jealous every time i talk to ANYONE but you?? he’s your brother! and who the fuck is madi?” i say, cringing at the jealous tone in my voice. matt side eyes me before answering my questions. “can’t exactly help the way i feel, i told you that, so stop punishing me for it. i don’t see chris complaining!” he adds looking for support. “yeah no not at all” chris chirps awkardly at being included in the argument. i’m about to say that chris is just trying to get back in his good graces but matt continues. “and madi’s practically our sister, right chris?” chris nodds in agreement and i sigh. “how exactly is she going to help us?” chris eyes matt suspiciously after i asked.
“what? you didn’t tell her?”he questions and i look to matt, whose eyes are set on the road ahead of us. tell me what??
“shes a witch.” matt says matter of factly.
we pull into the driveway and a pretty girl with long black hair is standing outside waiting. sister my ass.
chris runs out of the car to greet her. “MADI!!!” he runs and jumps into her arms sending her into a fit of giggles. i couldn’t help but smile at the sight. maybe shes not so bad after all…
“are you going to get out of the car, or are you gonna stare at my brother some more??” matt snips. “oh my god can you stop with that” i say while climbing out the car. in an instant, madi is by my side.
“Hey, y/n, its nice to meet you. you’re super pretty by the way.” she smiles warmly at me and all my weariness about her fades away. “thank you, so are you” i smile back at her. she turns to matt, who is looking off into the distance pretending to not hear about anything we’re saying. “what brings you here, tough guy?” she knew my name but she didn’t know why i was here?
“i’m looking to get rid of the mating bond between us” he gestures to me and him. madi’s eyes widen slightly. “you know that if you get rid of the bond both of you die, right?” she says questioning why he’s even trying. i spin around to matt, hurt coursing through me. “you’d rather die than be with me?”, my voice wavers with hurt and i hate it. quite frankly, i didn’t want to die either, so he didn’t just put me at risk but both of us. matt grabs my shoulders and shakes them. “relax, i’m not dying for your sorry ass.” he scoffs before turning both me and him back towards madi, “i’m just looking for a cheat code, if there is one.” he says. “i think i know what you mean” she replies and turns beckoning us to follow her into her home. we walk in and i can’t help but oggle at how nice it is. she looks back and sees my face. “you like it?” she laughs. i smile and nod, continuing to look around the house. matt places his hand on my back gently to help guide me. his touch grounds me and i suddenly feel apprehensive about losing this feeling. not him, just the feeling, you think to yourself, trying to justify your emotions
“what are you thinking about?” matts eyebrows are furrowed clearly confused on the sudden onslaught of emotions. “the telepathy shit is a real pain in my ass.” you sigh completely avoiding his question. matt chuckles, “you’re telling me.”
me, matt, and madi end up in a office type space. there’s a desk in the middle of the room and it has a large book in the middle of it. madi puts some glasses on and flicks her wrist. the book goes flying open and lands on a certain page. wow, that was so cool, you gush over her abilities. for a while, the room is completely silent as madi reads. matt grabs my hand and i feel his nervousness surge through me. i don’t know why but something in me wants to comfort him and tell him everythings going to be alright. i don’t though, because lets be honest, i have no idea.
“ahhh, okay” madi starts taking the glasses off her face. “i can take away the symptoms of the bond, like the telepathy and the-“ she clears her throat, “sexual urges” she raises her eyebrows. “andd the death by distance” my own eyebrows raise and she sighs.
“he really didn’t tell you anything did he? if you had spent even a week apart both of your bodies would secumb to the bond. without the other, the bond won’t let either exist” she says matter of factly and i note that she is really well versed in the subject. chris comes in to the office and sits awkwardly in one of the chairs, waiting for me and matt to be done so he could talk to madi.
madi isn’t quite finished telling us about her solution though. “but i can’t take away the other thing” matts grip on my hand tightens and i look up at him. “what’s she talking about??” i say softly seeing his nervous face. “if you die, i die. and your human, so your chances of dying are wayy higher.” he breathes out and an uncontrollable shiver goes through me.
“but its okay, matt, i can do a protection spell on her. nothing will harm her after that, trust me.” she says trying to ease him and i feel his nervousness let up a little. she continues, “its an incantation and i can’t do it until sunrise. its not easy but i can manage” she says confidently. “do you want me too?” she ask softly while looking at our conjoined hands. much to my disliking, matt lets go of me.
“do it.”
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reorientation · 3 days
zyn anon. sorry again for the long ass updates I shall stop unless I get pregnant lmao.
speaking of, have more faith in me 😭 Ive been playing it mostly safe. kinda. I don't have to stop smoking and i dont want to 😒 and all this is mostly reversible unless he gets me pregnant, so I'm a lil more cautious. and im not pregnant i checked a few days ago, not because of a pregnancy scare but just paranoia lol im definitely a dumb whore tho. we've discovered he has a breeding kink. LMAO. lol. im so fucked
anyway so, as it turns out I was right about lacking self control.
he went on a camping trip for a few days, and i was really pent uppp and so was he lol. and when i came over to his place, almost immediately horny brain took over. we just started kissing on the couch, and took it to his room. thankfully his roommates still on holiday. i got so desperate and pathetic, i begged him to fuck me even though no iud yet. he was definitely enthusiastic lol. he only took his pants off enough to take his cock out. he also ripped my panties 😒 he went to grab a condom from the night stand,
he was like "gotta play it safe now aha" and i was like
"no. go bare. 🗿"
he didn't even question it, i was so wet and i felt how easily his cock slid on me before entering.
he only ever went raw a handful of times even before my failed vow of celibacy. since he thought it was dumb for me to get plan B even if he swore he didn't cum at all in me. other than that one time. he'd tell me when he's close, and immediately pull out to finish on me.
but this time it was so primal, being skin to skin and that bare and close was insane. he had a hand on my hip, and he'd basically pull me back down on his cock but fuck lol it just felt so strong. we stopped at one point, i was still all the way on his cock and on top of his lap but no riding. is that cockwarming?
idk but I want to do it again. i felt his dick like. move inside of me during that. all we did was make out but it was way too hot.
anyway, he pushed me on my back and told me he was close, as predicted, I told him to cum in me. he asked if I was sure and not only did i beg him to cum in me.
i told him to get me pregnant 😭
i wasn't thinking properly and I got scared immediately after saying it. i was worried it was gonna put him out of the mood but it did the opposite 😭😭 he asked smth like "oh, you wanna have my kids?" and omfg he kept mumbling about it. telling me to take it all deep, telling me hes gonna get me pregnant.
i came so hard, and only with penetration. it was such a weird feeling, and before i could become rational and tell him its just a prank. pull out. it was over, he came in me while mumbling about knocking me up 😭😭 i was short circuiting lol. and it was different than last time. it felt more shakey, and he kept doing these small thrusts after I think most of his cum was already pressed deep, and then he just settled all in me. he was soft by the time he pulled out, i was way too hazed out ngl
he came a lot. some started to drip down when he pulled out, and i felt him finger it back in me.
he said he didnt nut the whole trip, and was saving his cum for me. he knew id be too horny and impulsive to make good decisions. 😒.
as it turns out, he has a big thing for breeding, but was scared to tell me incase i took it a bad way.
im terrified of having a partner who gets off on the idea of getting me pregnant but I can't stay away.
i complained that id have to wake up so early to run out and get plan B, and buying it will be expensive.
so he told me to just not get it then. and I'm like .. well .. I'm not on any birth control and im full of cum .. like maybe risking it be a bad idea. ironically, like you had once suggested, he suggested I leave it up to chance.
I did take plan B after. twice lol. im still really anxious, but incredibly horny and I didn't know both could exist at once
he's arrogant now too. ill go over after work and when we're about to fuck, ill ask him to wrap it. and he's like "nah, don't feel like it tonight". he also threw out his condoms. but even if i bring my own he doesn't use them 😒
my birthcontrol method was to start riding him when he's about to get close, and pull off before he's about to cum. but he caught on and now just grinds me down on him as he's cumming
i told him about my detrans kink and he leans heavyy in it. or he probably is just an actual straight man. he reminds me daily that he can't believe i ever thought i was a boy. he doesnt even say it in a kinky way like he just means it. lol :/
im pretty much always thinking about it. everytime he finishes in me, im stuck dripping his cum for two days, and im still paranoid that ill be carrying more than just his cum from this blip up lol. and also, you taught me more about post nut clarity right. he told me to risk it maybe half an hour after he came. surely hed have post nut clarity and not actually want a baby, right?its weird to feel fear and horny at the same time.
have more faith in me 😭
I told him to cum in me. he asked if I was sure and not only did i beg him to cum in me. i told him to get me pregnant 😭
Oh, I certainly have faith in you, Anon. I know you're going to do just what you're supposed to. 🖤
Come on, sweetheart. Do you really expect to make it out of this without him putting a baby in you? You begged for him to knock you up, took a week's worth of his cum in your unprotected pussy, and then just lay there blissed out and hazy while he made sure every drop ended up inside you.
Sure, you took Plan B afterwards. But now he knows what kind of girl you are, and that you won't stop him from keeping you full of his cum. Sooner or later, you'll be ovulating, and you'll conceive for him.
And that makes you dripping wet, doesn't it? Knowing that your straight boyfriend, who never thought of you as anything except a girl, is doing his damnedest to give you a baby bump. That you already came off T for him, and now you're taking his load in your fertile pussy whenever he tells you to.
When the day of your IUD appointment comes, I hope he just holds you down and fucks his cum into you, instead of letting you go. Clearly, he'd be justified: you can't possibly claim to be a reliable source on what you really want.
You thought you wanted to be a boy, but you eagerly turned back into a girl the minute a straight man got his cock into you. You thought you wanted to be safe, and then you begged for him to knock you up. Hell, you thought Zyns were worth whoring yourself out for, and you don't even like them. Why should he think that not wanting to have his babies is the one way you really know your mind?
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