#everytime he opens his eyes in the morning i will smooch him with kisses
whitelittlebunny · 1 year
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madxyy · 2 months
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| pairing : peter x reader
| summary: your boyfriend comes home injured--as usual--late at night and you can't help but want him safe from his life as spider-man
| warnings: fluff, touching wrists (sigh, again), y/n used once, baby used, peter being cute and angsty as usual, reader also being cute, light angst
author's note: i am trying to write angst so bare with me lol
2 am. 
It’s always when you hear that faint knock on your window that makes all your worries wash away in a split second. But not today, no, today was different. You were waiting all night to hear that thud on the firescape or the cries of the window seal being opened. All night you were absorbed in your own anxieties and worries. Your hopes were dreading as time went by. You were getting scared for the local crime fighting hero and you did everything in your power to take your mind off it.
You really did. 
Drawing, watching tv, listening to music, cleaning the room—which was a bad idea as it just bought you a reminder of the boy who has your heart. You would stumble upon Peter's belongings that were scattered around your shared apartment like confetti: his engineering notes, his sweaters, his latest sketch of a brilliant idea he had to improve his spider-man suit. It only made your heart ache even more, longing for his presence and increasing your worries for your vigilante boyfriend. So you would take another route and try binge-watching a new season of a recent tv show you are watching, which would likely just be collecting dust in the column of ‘continue watching.’
Your mind keeps on going back to him. ‘He’s okay. He’s okay.’ You thought to yourself. ‘He’s coming back to me. He’ll be alright. He’s probably on his way right now. It’s just going to be a scratch, hopefully. He's going to be okay, right? Oh god. Oh god.’ 
As much as you love and adore that your boyfriend is helping the city and its people by saving anyone from another lab experiment gone wrong or from a dangling car that’s about to fall off a bridge, you can't help but wonder if he would ever take care of himself. It’s hard seeing him everytime he comes through your window with a new bruise on his keen jawline, a wound on his ribs, a scar on his hip. You couldn’t deal with it anymore. You wish he stopped just for his own safety. You know it’s selfish but is it so wrong to want him safe? Just the thought of turning on the news and seeing J. Jameson reporting: “Breaking News: Our local friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man reported dead by …” 
You want him back with you already, his arms wrapped around you, drowning you into his warm embrace, so distinctly Peter, while he whispers soft and reassuring words that always mend your heart. You long to hear his random facts about science, see his lopsided smile that always welcomes you back into reality whenever you wake up next to him each morning. You yearn for his contagious laugh that makes your heart throb in delight over the euphonious sound. You want to smile at the tics he does when he gets nervous or the way he avoids eye contact and scratches the back of his neck when he is stuck in an awkward situation. You want him to be back so you can smooch the newly embedded scars that are planted all over his body which you love kissing away everyday when he wakes up. You want to see his dimples that adorn his face when he smiles wide enough because he finally got his web shooters to work, followed by a triumph fist bump to the air. You want to see his eyes, oh his eyes: brown, soft, autumnal, brimming with love and warmth, despite the grief and cruelty he has been absorbed in. His scent, a mix of cedarwood and asphalt (due to his high-flying urban adventures). You want to see the way his hair sticks up in the morning whilst the sun gives it a mixture of honey and bronze aura, running your hands through the mused up tufts of hair, which always leads to the corners of his eyes crinkling up as a sleepy, boyish smile tugs up on his rosy lips. 
Selfish. You can’t help it. 
You waited as long as you could; staring at your window for who knows how long. Your eyes were trained on the window for a good while, but you couldn't help it, all this anxiety finally got to you and you were feeling drained and your posture slumps with exhaustion. Your eyes burn from keeping them open, and soon those same eyes start to slowly droop. Blinking back sleepiness proved futile; your head eventually settled onto the cool silk of your pillow. The material greets your cheek, making it easier for you to be welcomed into slumber. 
It was 4 am, yet your worries haven’t gone down at all. Your eyelids started to grow heavier, and darkness gradually enveloped your senses, until you heard a faint knock on your window, piercing the silence. 
Your heart leapt, and you twisted towards the sound. In an instant, sleep was gone.
Not even a second later you heard your window opening—mm the sound of the cries. Your tired, red eyes snapped open. You were met with a disheveled and drained Peter Parker. His hair sticking to the nape of his neck and forehead, sweat giving him a post-shower appearance. A large laceration marred his chest. Oh. Your stomach dropped, eyes widened with horror at the sight of the injury. It looked like he was scratched -- no, clawed by someone or something. With quick motion, you quickly peel away the sheets, disentangling yourself from its soft embrace, and quickly hurrying to his side.
“Peter” you gasped softly. A hand settles onto his latex-clad one, the other arm wrapping around his waist to support him as you guide both him towards your bed, placing him where you had lain just seconds before. “It’s not that bad, don’t worry about it, seriously, I mean you should see the o-” Peter quickly swallows his words upon seeing your stern glare. He slumps his head downwards as he sighs in defeat. 
You sigh, telling him quietly that you'll be back soon. You left him for a few moments before coming back with a wet rag. Gently, you tug at the suit, trying to cautiously take it off him without aggravating his wounds. Soon, you were met with his bare torso, which is marked with a huge claw mark. You mentally steel yourself before starting to lightly clean around the injury, dabbing the wet rag gently onto his toned chest as you avoid his eyes. It’s not like you were trying to make him feel bad, but you were also trying to cope with the situation. You don’t know if you were mad, relieved, sad, maybe all of the above? Uncertain emotions swirl within you, but one fact anchors your turbulent thoughts: he is here, safe, and alive. That's what truly matters.
Peter seems to catch your avoided gaze, he studies you for a few minutes. Biting the inside of his cheek as he purses his lips to the side, trying to figure out how to approach this situation. He takes in your furrowed eyebrows, the way you’re also biting the inside of your cheek as you put all your strength into avoiding his worried amber eyes. He knew the consequences of inviting someone into his dangerous life, it wasn’t exactly a warm and inviting embrace, nor was it appealing, but what he didn’t fully grasp is how it truly hurts you, in more ways than one.  “Y/N…” he whispered, rough hands that have been through so much and experienced so much, reaching for the comfort of your skin but you gently dodge his touch, leading to a sudden twinge of anguish in his heart. You give him a slight smile to distinguish any suspicion – I mean, you weren’t doing a good job at it – before you continued cleaning the dirt away from his injury. Peter’s eyebrows furrow while his lips start to droop downwards, a frown laid upon his lips at the rejection. 
Biting the inside of your cheek harder to stop the tears from flowing down the curve of your cheekbones. You keep on wiping his cuts clean, overs and overs again, getting flashbacks of his visits from the last time you had to patch him up. Blurred vision starts taking over your eyesight and all you can think about is his pain, what he goes through, his blood, the thought of losing him, life without him, the many ‘what ifs.’ The many times he almost visited death's door. You couldn’t keep it in anymore, it was like a burning sensation bubbling in the back of your throat, the sadness was too hard to keep buried down now. You started shaking and before you knew it your sobs filled the walls and all your fears were coming out of you in the form of a liquid pea that contained so much. As soon as the warm liquid left a path down the curve of your cheeks, peter panicked and rose to action just like the hero he is—your hero. 
Quickly sitting up and fixing his posture, which made him wince slightly from the injuries but he pushed through, his mind set on you and only you. He wipes the tear away with the pad of his thumb and takes the wet rag away from your slightly shaky grip; gently putting it on your nightstand before he lightly reaches both of his hands out and holds onto your wrists.
“I can't” You choke out a sob. 
“Hey shh it’s okay baby, what’s wrong? You can’t, what? Tell me,” He coos. 
He hunches down, trying to find those eyes of yours that he swears are otherworldly, but you just can’t. You can’t see him like this. Hurt. In pain. Suffering. It pains you that he is in this much pain -- you can’t. “Peter I just… ” he gently takes your face in his hand, caressing your cheekbones with his thumbs that are growing wet from your moist cheeks. His heart hurts from the sight of you crying, it conjures a deep-seated throb of pain in his eyes. “Look at me,” he whispers softly, gently nudging your head up with his right hand that is slowly descending down to grasp your chin as if you were a treasure, in a way you are, to peter you are his treasure, the main reason he even gets up or even tries, you are his rock, the only thing that makes sense in his life, and god does he love you, he loves you so much that his heart hurts. A quiet sigh escapes you, it sounds defeated. “Please,” He pleaded oh-so-gently, his gaze unwavering but patient. You sniffle before swallowing down a ball of saliva forming in your throat. As soon as you look up you are met with a pair of almond-shaped umber eyes that are filled with the utmost care, worry, and a hint of guilt. 
“Talk to me..” he whispers desperately, his heart crushing at the pain you are experiencing, he just wants to take it all away with his soft whispers but he knows they will be in vain. Shakingly exhaling “I can’t,” you frantically shake your head. “Please baby…” A few silent beats pass before you finally look back up to find those amber eyes looking back at you with nothing but worry and sincerity. 
You take a deep breath before swallowing deeply ”Peter...I just…” another beat passes. You take a sharp deep breath. “I just really wish you would take more care of yourself, I...I know you love saving people and fighting crime and trust me I love you deeply for that but you come home everyday with a new wound that’s even deadlier than the last one,” You pause, licking your salty lips. “aren’t you worried that maybe those people that you save won’t have anyone to save them if they’re local neighborhood spider-man won’t be there to save them anymore..?” You ask him, almost in a plea. Peter bites the inside of his cheek, thinking over your words with a solemn expression forming on his face that are littered in small cuts from his last escapades. He diverts his gaze to the floor and the room is quickly overcome with silence as he takes in your words, letting the heaviness of your words sink in.
The silence fills the room, it lets you both engulf into your own thoughts. Peter knew what it meant when he finally told you he was the unmasked superhero. He remembers spilling his deadly secret on a rooftop late at night, where you both were admiring the stars, laying on a blanket and talking about anything and everything. He remembers looking over at you and admiring the way the moon was cascading down on you, making you look even more angelic and completely ethereal. 
Peter looks at you hurt and guilty and god do you hate that. Both of you guys shared a gaze that held so much that it made the room feel denser as the distant sounds of ambulances filtered through the slightly open window. A breeze wafts in, brushes against you both, causing small goosebumps to prick up on your skin. Peter grew to learn from his past relationships and the impact it had on his partner knowing he was Spider-Man, which is why it hurts him to know he is the one making you feel like this. A calloused hand slowly creeps up, gently grasping your cheek with the utmost care, as if you were made of glass and he was scared of causing further harm. “I know, I know,” He murmurs, his voice breaking while his toughened fingers absentmindedly traces the curve of your cheek. “It’s just so hard to stop when I know I can make a difference.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat as his words sink in. Your heart breaks knowing how much his words are true and the scary reality that he won’t stop until crime is put to bed and everyone can roam around the streets freely. You shook your head, one hand gently grasping his wrist. “But at what price, Pete?” you ask ever-so-softly like the question itself was forbidden territory. Those eyes that he loves so deeply, look up into his eyes and it causes a gnawing feeling in his chest, almost making him wince from how hurt you look, how scared you look. Peter bites the inside of his cheek a bit harder while furrowing his brows, trying to think of what to tell you because he himself doesn’t know.
He takes a shaky breath, adjusting the grip on your face and slowly pulling your head a bit closer until both of your foreheads are resting against one another, a silent plea for understanding in his eyes. The brush of skin itself was tender-filled, telling a millions of words with just one movement. “I am just sick of all the crimes happening here and the cops not even doing anything about it.” Peter whispered, his voice a low blend of anger and helplessness. You could feel the raggedness of his breath, each exhale a testament to the battles he fought alone in the shadows of the city. The close proximity allowed you to see the subtle tension in his jaw, the way his eyes shuttered as if bracing against a storm of inner conflict. “Peter, I know you care – it’s one of the things I love about you,” you respond gently, reaching up to smooth a stray lock of hair from his clammy forehead. “But you can’t carry this burden alone. It’s too much for one person, even for Spider-Man.” Your voice was a soothing whisper, trying to pierce the armor of duty he wore so steadfastly.  
Peter simply nodded, the weight of the world momentarily lightened by your understanding. You saw the fortress around his heart crumbling, if only just a bit. His eyes, usually so vibrant and full of life, now shimmered with unshed tears, reflecting the constant battle between his duty and his love for you.
“I’m sorry…” Peter’s voice broke through the silence, each word heavy with remorse. He leans forwards, delicately kissing your forehead which grounds you and makes you close your eyes momentarily as you cherish the soft kiss that eases your heart just a bit. “I am sorry for not fully understanding what you are going through. I am so, so sorry,” He whispers into the dark night, the words flowing into the air as gently as ever. A few beats of silence pass while you take in his words. It gave your weary heart time to mend. Peter leaned back slightly so he could get a better look at you, his gaze locked with yours, conveying a depth of sincerity and vulnerability. “I’m truly, deeply, sorry” He whispers once more before he starts to softly press kisses underneath where your ear and jaw meet, your cheeks, forehead, nose, the wrinkles in the middle of your eyebrows, smoothing them out with the pad of his thumb, and finally kissing your lips, so delicately, it makes you want to cry even more. 
The kiss was so deliberate, it was a bundle of promises that his lips sealed to keep, an abundance of love, tenderness, deep affection and care that runs so deeply into his veins that it affects his touches and kisses, he can’t help but pour it all into the kiss, he just wanted you to know how sorry he is. He wanted you to know that he never meant to hurt you, whether it was indirect or direct. It makes your heart flutter and reassures your timid heart. Slowly one hand moves to cup the left side of your face as his other hand descends down towards the side of your neck as peter tastes the saline on your moist-tear lips, but even that doesn’t stop him from pressing gentle kisses against your lips, it only fuels his love, turning the kisses even more tender. Each kiss conveys a message of “I’m sorry, I love you, please know I love you.” You can taste the metallic on his lips as your lips were caressing his back as equally gently and lovingly, your kisses filled with a message of “It’s okay, I love you.” 
Peter slowly pulls back from the kiss, his mouth hovers over yours, his breath fanning over your lips, noses rubbing against each other in the tenderest manner ever. Both of your eyes were still closed, taking in everything, cherishing one another. His right hand moving back up to cradle your face, both hands cradling your cheeks and caressing them with the pad of his thumbs in a feather-like caress. You nuzzle your cheek against his right hand, feeling the rough and calloused palm that you grew to admire and adore. It always provided you with such care and comfort, always caressing or reaching out to gently touch you. Both of your hands now encircled around his wrist, caressing the inside of it so softly that it makes Peter almost melt.
Slowly, Peter opens his eyes. His amber gaze held nothing but love and the utmost care. Shortly after he opened his eyes, your eyes opened as well. Both of you search each other’s eyes as a white noise of admiration passes you both. After a moment of silent communion, the air between you both thickens with unspoken words and shared feelings, Peter finally speaks, his voice a soft murmur against the quiet room. “I can’t promise there won’t be more nights like this,” he says, his honesty laying bare the truth of both of your lives entwined with danger and uncertainty. “But I promise you, no matter how many crazy guys in suits I have to fight, I’ll always do my best to come back… to this, to us.”
This promise, simple yet profound, strikes a chord within you. It’s not a heroic declaration from Spider-Man, but a heartfelt vow from Peter Parker, the boy behind the mask, the one you fell in love with. His words acknowledge the reality of his life—danger is part of the package, yet he’s equally committed to your shared life, to you, and he isn’t going anywhere.
You feel a surge of mixed emotions: fear for the dangers he faces, gratitude for his honesty, and love for the person he is. “And I’ll be here,” you say, matching his tone with a blend of seriousness and affection, “not just to patch you up and be your personal nurse, but to love you.” The corners of his lips quirk up, his eyes twinkling with love as he takes in your words. He leans in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead, a silent vow of his commitment. “Thank you,” he whispers, gratitude resonating in his voice, “for everything.”
“Of course,” You whispered. 
The two of you stay like that, embraced in the warmth of your love for one another, finding comfort in the silence that now speaks volumes. The world outside, with its chaos and challenges, seems momentarily distant as you both cherish this safe haven of understanding and love you’ve created together.
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kyojurouwu · 3 years
lee suho boyfriend headcanons.
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listen to love so fine by cha eunwoo.
˗ˋˏ author’s note ˎˊ˗
i shall ignore kdrama suho and it’s all about webtoon suho. it’s finally time for me to (hopefully) do him some justice when tb writers decided to make him...like that. i tried to focus on different things from seojun. hope you will enjoy it. feel free to talk to me about any headcanons! 
suho is all about nagging you about your health and studying, making it seem like he is harsh and blunt, but his eyes always soften after. sometimes he pushes too hard and it can hurt, but he realizes his mistakes early on and learns from them. he doesn’t make them twice, ever. 
since he is used to being alone, he still gets little spooked by incoming messages and calls. it always makes his heart melt when you call him just to tell him you wanted to hear his voice and that you are bringing some snacks while he studies. 
at first, he is little unsure about texting, is he bothering you? does this sound too bland? should he add some emojis? but he never uses them, so will you be creeped out? he is the king of overthinking for no reason. 
looks up so many date ideas and creates folders on his pc for them. and he learned the hard way about asking people on the internet for advice. 
suho does the whole gentleman shebang - opening doors, pulling out chairs, walking on the side closer to cars,... people look at him with heart eyes wherever you two are because he is so prince-like, but he is focused on you and ignores it. 
but suho is not all prim and proper, he knows how to tease once he is comfortable (and to ever date someone he has to be). 
since webtoon suho is taking cooking classes, imagine this. suho teaching you how to cook, him being all focused and explaining in simple terms and looking out for you so you don’t cut yourself, while you get dazed by the visuals and his calming voice. before you know he is looking at you and asking if you are listening (even though he already knows the real answer). “once more than, but i won’t repeat it again.” he says and steps behind you showing you how to safely cut the onion. (he knows it’s sort of a low blow, but he can’t help himself)
asking suho for pads or tampons is such a funny thing. he has a poker face throughout but inside his mind, there are sirens and alarms blaring. he agrees right away and listens tentatively for what to buy and comes back with the crazy amount and pink cheeks because the ladies in the there cooed at him and gave him tips (more than he bargained for). he has a hard time meeting your eyes for a few minutes. 
suho does a lot of things with a poker face but internally screaming. he had a whole plan for meeting your parents, but then your parents just decided to show up without calling you and he was severely underprepared with your pink frilly apron on and his bangs up because they’ve gotten too long. you had to jump in and save him, but he still has nightmares about it. 
suho enjoys all domestic vibes he can. since he didn’t get to enjoy them while he was young, he wants to have a fill of it now. if you sleep over he likes to braid your hair and play with it while you are watching movies together, bonus points if it puts you to sleep he melts inside and just carries you to bed and looks at you for a while, pushing the little hairs out of your face. (definitely teases you for drooling on his pillow in the morning, because he can be cute AND savage, it’s a package deal.)
your favorite thing is when suho gets so serious talking about ghosts or aliens and horoscopes. he throws scientific studies and numbers like it’s nothing and moves so animatedly. you zone out halfway through but keep on smiling at him like an idiot because he is just such a dorky nerd. (just for the fun of it sometimes you send him his daily horoscope and when it comes true suho gets huffy lol.)
he is big on forehead kisses and hair kisses. arm over your shoulder and soft smooch into your hair. doesn’t get embarrassed by pda (but he has limits - holding hands, pecks, hugs,... but no make-out sessions outside.) he is a private kinda guy. 
somehow he always knows what you need and has it prepared. be it notebooks, pens, sweets. he definitely stocks up on sweets for you but he doesn’t let you overeat ever. his main priority is your health. 
even though i say he is a softie for his lover, he doesn’t bend rules for his lover often. the sweets things is one of them. but he still changes throughout the relationship, before he was a lot harder on himself, but thanks to his significant other he learns to stop being his own worst enemy, he starts enjoying being more spontaneous and let loose.  
suho doesn’t date without thinking about the future. he wouldn’t waste time with someone he couldn’t see having a future. not that i’m saying he is thinking about marriage but … yes i am. this ties to the domesticity, when he feels like these everyday things feel so good and fun he can’t help it but feel fuzzy inside. he wants to be the best for you, he would never let himself become like his father. 
also imagine reading sessions. sitting on a couch, your legs over his lap and his hand resting on your knee, while you sneak peeks over your own book. this often leads to cuddle sessions where you talk about the books you read and fall asleep in each other’s arms. being lazy and letting time fly. 
living with him would be a dream because he never skips on doing chores but also always makes sure you don’t forget them either. (sometimes you wish he won’t remember to tell you, but he does EVERYTIME without fail. but there are times where you just don’t have the time and he does your half of chores as well without telling you, after you come back and panic about chores, he just pats your head and tells you not to worry about it.) 
i feel like since he has quite a bit of time, he would maybe consider having a pet (if you ask he can’t say no honestly). i think he would start off tame, with maybe a hamster and he would read up all about taking care of it. and seeing him playing with the hamster is truly a highlight, he even lectures it if it bites him or you (when he thinks you can’t hear him that’s it.)
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wonlouvre · 3 years
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pairing: doctor!wonwoo x lawyer!female oc genre: modern royalty, arranged marriage, fluff and angst word count: 3.7k WARNINGS: hospital setting, mentions of surgery/operation, blood, violence
a/n: so, this is it guys. the final part of ifliys :( i would like to extend my sincere thank yous to each and everyone who have read, liked, commented and shared this series. this is the very first fanfic i was able to finish/complete because of the support, love and motivation you all gave as i wrote this. don’t worry! there is an epilogue and i will announce what i have in store for them in the near future. in the meantime, this is part ten. thank you very much!
ten: moonlight | masterlist
The Queen is talkative. That’s one of the many quirks she has that you noticed when you were growing up. It’s not the uncomfortable or annoying kind of talkative. You really don’t know how to exactly put it, but she’s talkative in an elegant and easy-going way. One time, she decided to take a walk on a particularly busy street with only one member of the security detail assigned to tail her a few meters behind. She told you the whole story, excitedly. She was casually strolling and asking typical questions like what time is it to some vendors, passersby and the like. She even held a conversation about olive oil that lasted a good twenty minutes until the stranger she was talking to recognized who she was. You can tell that she had a blast as she laughed all through the evening. 
Spending time with her gradually dwindled because of your job paired with your official duties as the Crowned Princess. But when opportunity arises, you make sure to make it worth the wait. Conversations are easy with her because she’s trustworthy and most importantly, she’s your mother. She usually asks you random, yet unexpectedly relevant questions whenever the two of you share a cup of coffee or tea or when you go shopping and even now is no different, as you’re about to choose the right fabric for your wedding dress. 
“Describe the person that brings the best out of you.”
Ah, here we go. Your mother is surely not distracting you but her intent stares as she props her arm against the armrest of the white couch she’s sitting on is definitely pulling you away from the matter at hand. The look on your eyes is telling her really? and she fires back with an expecting one telling you a silent, “well? Come on. Tell me.”
You snort and shake your head, bringing your attention back to the table. You’re not denying your mother an answer because you know who to describe. It’s not that hard to figure out and you know she’s smart enough to know.
Jeon Wonwoo.
“How do you want me to describe? Personality or physical features?” You ask back and humor her as you fiddle with one lace material. 
“Both,” she challenges with a mischievous grin and you’re not one to back down. 
“Well, the person is quite tall and sharp in terms of physical features,” you start, doing your best to describe him implicitly. “Has a way with words, but they are all genuine and honest.”
Unbeknownst to you, your mother’s fond smile confirms your assumption that she is smart and that she knows who you’re talking about. But she presses on, loving how you describe this mysterious person. 
“What about those features then? How do they help you?”
You thought for a moment and when the right words came to mind, you didn’t hesitate to say, “They inspire me to do and be better not only for myself but for everyone else. Mostly it’s their genuineness and honesty that inspires me.”
You and your mother laugh together at your last sentence. 
It’s true though. After witnessing Wonwoo in the light of his Kingdom, something tugged at your heartstrings. You don’t exactly remember when, maybe it was around high school, but you remember adamantly telling your friends that you would want to be with someone that will bring the best out in you. Someone that can fuel your desire to be of service for the greater good. It sounds awfully used too often and you’re sure you’re not the only one who thinks this way, but as you have already said, it’s the truth.
Despite the circumstances, you found that someone. You found Wonwoo.
A few seconds later, Jeongyeon comes in with a knock and announces, “Your Majesty, Prince Wonwoo has arrived.”
Your eyes spring up at the name, distracted once again. And when you see the “tall” and “sharp” Prince, you’re quick to your feet and run towards him. He stumbles a little when you jump at him in a tight hug, arms clinging around his neck. Nonetheless, he smiles and welcomes your enthusiastic embrace with a soft smooch on the side of your head. 
“Wait,” you abruptly pull away. “You’re not supposed to be here, though.”
Wonwoo acts dumb, tilting his head to the side. “What do you mean? Her Majesty invited me to be here.”
“Calm down, Y/N,” you hear the culprit say behind your back as she stands up to greet her future son-in-law. “There’s no dress yet. It’s okay for him to be here.”
You subtly roll your eyes. You’re not one to be superficial but if there were a dress already, she’d take her words back. You return your arms back to Wonwoo’s waist and lean your chin against his chest, your lips pulling into a pout. He leans down to meet your lips with a quick peck but your mother was quicker to push you aside and to take her turn in giving him a hug. 
Your jaw drops and your pout is exchanged with a scowl. 
Wonwoo tries his best to hold his laughter but to no avail, fails as he formally greets the Queen. “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.” 
“Always good to see you, my Prince,” the Queen replies and gently pats his cheek. “And now that you’re here, I can finally take my leave.”
“Leave? We haven’t even picked a fabric yet,” you remind her and stand in between them. 
“Honey, you have been going back and forth since nine in the morning,” she retaliates and walks back to the couch to pick her bag up. “Let’s schedule for another day. Unless you want Wonwoo to leave and we continue.”
Your stance immediately takes a hundred eighty degree turn. “You know what, you’re right. Let’s clear Saturday next week and we’ll take it from there.”
“I thought so.”
With a knowing wink, the Queen takes off.
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That memory was from about three weeks ago after your visit and vacation at Wonwoo’s Kingdom. Wedding planning was back and the two of you went your separate ways for the time being to prepare your respective attire and accessories. Wonwoo didn’t know you had that conversation with the Queen not until she told him here at the hospital where you lie unconscious and fighting for your life.
The Royal Hospital was once again swarmed with a plethora of men in black suits because the Crowned Princess of the Kingdom has been shot twice, one on her shoulder and another on her left leg. It was a failed attempt in assassinating the King but Kim Mingyu took the opportunity to target your vulnerability and let his men shoot you instead as if it was his plan b. Kim Mingyu, whom he never desires to meet, is finally in police custody. He didn’t try to elude his impending arrest. In fact, he knew he would get arrested. He just wanted to toy with people until he couldn’t anymore. 
Wonwoo has no words to spare to describe him and seeing his face and hearing his name everywhere and everytime is just making his blood boil. 
The Queen has never left the hospital from the moment she arrived while you were undergoing operation up to being placed in a private room. She was calm when Wonwoo stood up from the bench to respectfully address her. She just nodded her head when he couldn’t say a word without his lips trembling and enveloped him in a warm hug as he cried on her shoulder. 
She told him that the two of you haven’t spoken since your father’s arrest and it has been unbearably painful and challenging. She acknowledges how terrible and neglecting she has been as a mother when she knows how absolutely difficult this is for you. It’s even more heartbreaking because you never once complained. Instead you respected her silence and distance. She regrets her absence and seeing you lying on a bed, looking so cold and fragile is making her world completely fall apart.
“Wonwoo, I’m so sorry that this happened,” the Queen solemnly says and holds his hand tightly. “The Kingdom promises that everyone involved will be held accountable.”
Wonwoo nods. “I understand, Your Majesty. Our Kingdom will do so as well.”
“I also want you to know that Y/N never wanted to end the engagement,” she adds. “She was just afraid that someone like her doesn’t deserve to receive your love.”
Wonwoo didn’t know that you looked up to him. If anyone should be admired, it should be you because you were ready to drop everything just to uphold justice. It’s been three days after the operation and you still haven’t opened your eyes. The operation was successful. No artery nor major organs were damaged, but you did lose a lot of blood. Just like the Queen, Wonwoo has been by your side, patiently waiting. Right now despite your stable condition, he still feels like dying. 
The love of his life almost died before his eyes. 
Wonwoo rests his head on the small space beside your arm, similar to the first time he took care of you a few months back. He gazes at your peaceful face, silently begging for you to wake up. He wants to kiss, hear and hug you again. He wants to be with you again. 
He sits up straight at the sound of his name and finds the Queen sadly smiling at him.
“How about you go back to your apartment for today?” She suggests, taking the seat on your other side. “Take a long shower and have some shut eye? Hmmm?”
Wonwoo bites his bottom lip, hesitant to leave and not have his eyes on you. He badly wants to stay and be here when you finally wake up. But the Queen is right. You’re safe now so he has nothing to worry about anymore. 
Slowly, he stands up from the chair he’s been sitting on for who knows how long. He clasps his one hand around yours while the other sweeps the hair that’s covering your forehead and lands a gentle kiss there. You’re starting to warm up and that’s a relief. 
He talks to you every single day, hoping you’d hear his voice. For now, he’ll keep it to himself.
I love you.
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Later in the evening, you find your mother quietly dozing off, her head swaying from left to right and vice versa as she remains upright on the couch placed near the wall. You blink your eyes and adapt to the sudden brightness greeting your senses. You try to move your head and take in your surroundings and after a few minutes of contemplating, you recognize where you’re at and remember everything. 
Your violent gasp immediately roused your mother from her sleep and seeing you struggling to sit made her jolt up and hurry beside you. 
“Darling,” she calls and holds your thrashing arms down, worried that you’d worsen your wounds. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“Dad,” you voice out against the dryness of your throat. “Mom, where’s dad?”
“He’s okay too.” You can see the tears welling up on her eyes as she caresses your hair and gently pulls you in a hug. “He’s safe.”
Together, you shed the tears of anguish that you have been holding back for so long.
The King couldn’t be here because the court didn’t allow his appeal to accompany nor visit you even just for a day. He couldn’t even carry his daughter’s body to the ambulance because he was handcuffed and heavily guarded. He couldn’t even protect his daughter from the harmful consequences of his mistakes. Your mother told you that he desperately wants to be by your side and you do know that. You’re way past his inability to be here and that’s none of your concern anymore. As long as he is safe, you’re more than content. 
The trial has been rescheduled for next week and your father has to be detained until then. You’ll try to visit him again once you’re discharged and together with that, you’d also find the strength to accompany him at his trial. 
Your mother was firm on staying and insisting that she’s fine when you tried to urge her to go home, but you can clearly tell how tired she is from the lack of sleep so you didn’t let her win. It’s already late in the night when she finally gave in. Your mother kisses your cheek one last time after the doctor assessed your condition. Jeongyeon would stick around for the evening in her stead. Poor girl cried so much the moment she saw you widely awake.
Once it’s only the two of you left, Jeongyeon helped you sit on a wheelchair and wheeled you next to the window before she left to grab some extra bottled water. You can’t stand properly yet because of the wound on your leg so a wheelchair is necessary if you want to be mobile. You’re starting to feel the back pain after lying down for so long, you need to move. The doctor was a bit apprehensive about allowing you to leave your bed, but gave in when you promised to stay inside the room. 
The moon, shining in all its glory, up in the dark sky looked so enticing, you had to take a closer look. The three days went by so fast and running through all that ensued leaves a sickening sensation down to your stomach. You shake your head, not wanting to relive the frightening memories.
Your attention goes back to the moon and one person comes to mind. 
It makes you selfishly wonder if he ever visited once or asked and worried about you as you bring your hand up to your neck. When you don’t feel the lifebuoy pendant, your heart skips a beat. You then looked down to your hand, your engagement ring is also not on your finger. You frown, growing upset. They could have removed it, but it should be back to you by now. You looked around the room, hoping to find your precious gems within reach. Just in time before you could wheel yourself around to search for them, you hear the door open.
“Hey Jeongyeon, have you seen my necklace and ring?” You ask to the void as you tilt your head back to the moon.
When you don’t hear any answer other than the sound of heavy breathing, you remove your gaze from the window to see who came in if it’s not your assistant. To your surprise it’s no other than,
Wonwoo didn’t keep count of the exact times, but he knows how long and how much he begged just to hear your voice call his name once again. He didn’t even have the chance to change from his sweatpants and sleeveless shirt when he received the call from Soonyoung (whom Jeongyeon told to). Honestly? He didn’t bother at all because he just wanted to be right here at this moment. 
To be with you. 
He takes slow steps as he calms his breathing. Meanwhile, you remained seated and let him come to you. You’d run to him just like you did back then, but your leg wouldn’t appreciate that. 
It felt like forever for Wonwoo to get to you. But when he finally drops on the floor and lightly rests his head on your lap, there’s no reason for him to complain anymore. 
Your tears fall again for the nth time tonight. You caress his wet locks, probably from the mixture of his shower and sweat. He cries too because you can feel it seeping against the pants you’re wearing. He wraps his arms around your lap, careful from crashing his weight. You, on the other hand, bend your head down to kiss the crown of his head.
Both of your hearts are shouting, finally. 
The beautiful moonlight shines on the two of you as you both silently settle down there for a moment, not giving a care in the world because this is just what you’ve been yearning for and you’re not allowing anyone nor anything to steal this away ever again.
Your long face doesn’t go unnoticed by Wonwoo and he knows why you’re pulling it against him. But no, he is not falling for it. Instead he ignores your silent plea and continues tucking you back on the bed. You glance up at him and try to win him again with your attempt at puppy dog eyes and when he doesn’t, you give up.
“You know that this bed is too small to fit two bodies, Y/N,” he states the obvious and drags a chair to sit on. “I know you’re smart enough to see that.”
You huff and pull the covers closer to your chin. If it wasn’t for the wound on your shoulder, you’d turn your back against him. 
Wonwoo just rolls his eyes at your antics and holds your hand under the warm blanket. 
After your short reunion, Wonwoo decided to get you back to your bed because it was nearing one o’clock in the morning. You haven’t brought up what happened and it’s alright because you still have another chance to do so. Hopefully.
“I’m sorry, Wonwoo,” you whisper under your breath but his ears can hear your words. 
He nods and kisses the back of your hand. “I know, baby. It’s not your fault.”
You never use pet names or terms of endearment and hearing him say it for the first time almost made you faint. It’s an exaggeration but you’re weak at the moment and anything that flusters your heart can potentially weaken your whole body. 
Wonwoo then brings something out from his pockets and your eyes brighten at the sight of the necklace he gave you. He chuckles when he sees your excited expression and stands up. His fingers tenderly graze the skin of your neck when he puts it back to where it rightfully belongs. 
“I thought I lost it,” you say, holding the pendant between your fingers.
He sits back down and what he mutters next makes you feel a twinge of guilt. 
“I thought I lost you.”
You sigh and coax him to you, grasping the hand enclosed to yours. “Come here.” 
This time you let him take the small space on your bed. You sit up as well so that you can reach his height. He helps you and once you’re comfortably situated, you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head on his chest. 
Wonwoo smiles at your affection and lets his hand smooth against your hair. You have always been brave when it comes to touching him and he’ll never forget how you kissed him on the lips first. He’s so glad and relieved you’re finally awake. He doesn’t think he can go on for another day without you. And now that you’re holding each other like this, he wishes for this night to never end. 
“I’ll probably not inherit the throne,” you say against his shirt. “I don’t think your family would want you to marry an abolished monarch.”
Wonwoo’s hand drops and he breathes out a disappointed sigh. He is not having this conversation with you right now. Why must you ruin the moment? 
When you don’t feel his hand against you anymore, you look up and steal a kiss under his chin. However, that doesn’t suffice because he’s still upset and it’s evident on the frown adorning his handsome face.
“But I realized I love you, so if it means I have to beg all the way to their Majesties for your hand then—”
Wonwoo doesn’t let you continue and shuts you up with a searing kiss. He softly squeezes your cheeks with one of his hands, almost as if commanding you to pucker your lips. Your eyes widened in surprise but when he put his other hand at the side of your neck, you surrendered. 
It’s no secret that you and Wonwoo kiss. Oftentimes they’re just quick brushes, but sometimes they get a little bit more intense, deeper. You won’t get into detail though, because that’s a story to tell for some other time. 
For now, you eagerly meet Wonwoo’s passion as he lays you back down on the bed, of course with caution. He doesn’t fully drop his weight on top of you, one arm carrying his upper body while the other gingerly cupping one side of your face. 
His chest is firm and his shoulder broad as you grip your hands on them and continue kissing him. You should be asleep by now because you are still recovering. But Wonwoo is a doctor himself, right? So if he took the initiative to kiss you until sunrise, then it must be alright. 
Okay, maybe it’s wrong to mock his profession like that. But, you’re just grateful to kiss him like this again. Because the last time you shared one, tears were streaming down your face and you two were on the verge of breaking up. 
“I should really put you to sleep now,” Wonwoo whispers against your lips, breathless. 
You hold your laughter, still basking in his taste. When you open your eyes, Wonwoo is already hoisting himself back up. Your lips draw into a pout again and the cause of it just rolls his eyes.
“I promise there will be more, but for now rest, okay?” He pinches your cheek lightly and sits back on the chair. 
“You can take the couch,” you tell him.
“Sleep, Y/N.”
You no longer defy and close your eyes. 
You remember the first time he commanded you those words and looking back, they are all fond memories of your then developing relationship. There were many questions when you and Wonwoo got along so well and so fast. There were many doubts and insecurities. The two of you shared those in silence, which could have endangered your hearts. However, even though your relationship was shaken and tested, the two of you persevered. 
For you, Wonwoo persevered and words and actions are not enough to thank him. You couldn’t have overcome this without his support and patience. So from now on, against all odds, you’ll do exactly the same.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
More of desi y/n imagines?? I really like all of yours imagines desi and other
It was the best, delightful time in Harry’s life. During quarantine when they found out they were two months pregnant and to say the least Harry wouldn’t stop crying into Y/N's chest because he may not thought of becoming a dad so soon but it still cocooned him with such a sanguine feeling – he became a puddle of sweetness at Y/N's toes.
After telling their families. It was bunch of well wishes and advises from them well more of Y/N's mum teaching her a list of their old traditional tricks and eating habits to stay healthy.
Y/N didn’t need a pregnancy pillow at all. Harry fulfilled that role with such dignity and proud, happy to have her bump over his tummy and her thighs slinked around his own while she snored with little wheezy drooly breaths against his cheek wiggling everytime he traces his fingertips under the crescents of her plum tits.
They had all the time to themselves doing face masks made out of turmeric, yogurt and chickpea flour and he is never able to resist but to sneak his palm under bum and nudge her up into his lap to suckle soft kisses at her lips because she looked heart-achingly adorable in shalwar kameez Anne had tailored for her from one of her closest Indian friend for Y/N to wear in her pregnancy (because Y/N’s wardrobe’s already filled with many of them and she finds herself most comfy wearing them).
Her womb starting to get beautiful and big with passing months heralded Harry about her jesting cravings and her tremendous hormones.
He'd drive an hour to get to Waseem's grandma to get some desi makhan (organic butter) for Y/N since she’s Punjabi and it just rotted her mood when her favourite South Asian store down the block was shut most of the time, having dry parathas in brekkie used to be no fun.
“Hmm. Smells so nice.” Harry hums tipping his nose, nostrils expanding greedily to soak into it as Y/N made them passing him a cheeky smile, “It was worth tha’ boring drive,” The corner of his lips denting into a looping smile as he flutters his eyelashes up at her with his chin buried in his palm and elbow bent upon the counter.
“She even taught me how make desi makhan at home!” His chest boasted out proudly and Y/N’s head lulled at her shoulder with giggles slipping past her rosy mouth, she rounded over the counter to reach him and he had his hands already splayed forward to hold her and bring her into him.
“You’re g'na make makhan for me?” Pure love if you ask me so. When Harry rattled his head happily her lips wobbled terribly eyes glossing from feeling lightheaded with his affection and caring assiduousness for such intricate wishes for her spreading in to her bones.
“I love you, so, so, much.” She squished his cheeks between her spread palms and mantled his simpering lips, bushy cheeks and eyes with wet gaspy kisses -- sweeping his tufts of curls away to press her lips against his forehead while he kept on hugging her from belly swaying them ever so lightly.
They'd be binge watching Sharukh Khan's rom-coms on Netflix when she’d whine into his throat about how she’s craving jalebis so bad, she’s ready to walk bare foot to get a takeaway if that’s possible and Harry would just chuckle at her dramatic antics kissing her temple feeling the healthy pulse there and would take her along into the kitchen.
“No need fo’ tha’ baby. We could make them at home.” Harry learned to make jalebis for Y/N when they first started dating -- they had this huge fight and Y/N refused to let him be anywhere near her. Harry knew it shouldn’t have hurt him this much since he considered it just a fling, but when in a lonely bed all he missed was her warmth and her fragrance looming around him as some sort of comforting blanket he realized he wouldn’t be able to spend another night without her.
At, three in the morning he learned how to make jalebis and they might were topsy-turvy leaving stains on his clothes, sticky gooey fingers the sentiment behind it was just so pure and loving.
Y/N still remembers him popping up at her doorstep barely recognisable drenched in rain while he tried to keep the container safe under his hoodie all she was able to do was smash her lips against his wet slippery ones not caring if they tumbled into mud from her literal passionate attack.
“How ‘bout we open a sweets shop instead?” He grinned taking perfectly orange sorbet jalebis out from oil, bunny teeth fully displaying now when she giggled softly wiggling her brows at him, “Touring the world's no more fun ey?” Her heart thumps sadly when a pregnant pause lingered in air and she cooed when his shoulders slumped, fingers fumbling with the tissue paper.
“No more without ye'.” Her arms wrapping around his torso, cheek smushed under his shoulder blade as they let themselves divulge into tranquil calmness.
“Good thing's now you’ll come back to the two of us.” She tried to cheer him up and he just rubbed his stinging eyes with the heels of his palm, sighing then turning towards her to cradle her face to make her look up at him.
“You make me s'happy, y'know that?” His thumb swooning over her bottom lip tenderly and she gave him a playful nip with mischievous eyes, “Defo knows that –- gloats me ego.” She smiles into the their messy kiss tugging onto his flimsy shirt to keep her upright and snacking the plate of delights from behind him.
“Oi! Come back here y'greedy goat!” He'd complain practically stomping behind her to their bedroom.
The mornings are quite an experience for both of them. She’d wake up to the elated sight of him snuggled into her side, suffocating him with his rings of curls all over her face and his swelled up bulge resting heavy against her thighs.
To ease it for him she slithers her hand into his sweats brushing her fingertips along his stiffy length and giggles hoarsely when he stirs and squeezes her tighter whining aimlessly in her neck.
“Harry ...” She whispers knuckling a hand up his soft cheek and he quips lightly with a snore, “Mhmm. He’s asleep.” So, Y/N shrugs and retrieves her hand away from around his throbbing cock that supports a semi after her attention.
“No baby!” He pants out sleepily catching her wrist and guiding her touch under his heavy balls.
“Shh. Shh. Gimme a kiss.” She prods his chin with her nose to petal a warm smooch against his mouth and he pities a mewl panting ‘yeah —- yeah faster’ and ‘mhmm rub my balls uhmm j‐- just like that’ as he rocked his hips against her hand nibbling onto the sheeny skin of her exposed collarbone.
“Stop ..” He growls out pressing his bicep into mattress to lift himself up and skims tiny kisses all over her face when she whines a complain raking her palms from underneath his shirt, “But whyyyyy ....”
“Wanna cum inside you, love. Fill y’up nice and warm.” With a gentle push he presses her into pillows, hauling her leg around him —-- finger pads digging pudgy into her flesh as he lubes her to give her one of the best morning fuck.
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paellaplease · 3 years
HAII!! if it hasnt been done yet, could you do revali x reader with basorexia? maybe reader really wants to give him a kiss but she really cant since,, yknow she has lips and he has a fuckin beak so she just decides to give him a lil smooch on the cheek? idk that was just an idea i had in mind, u dont have to write it!
22. basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss.
pairing: revali x reader summary:  revali spirits you away to enjoy the new years eve festivities.
   In the darkness of your room, you awoke to the sound of a soft tapping on your window. Twisting in the mess of blankets and pillows, you pushed aside the papers and textbooks that had accumulated at the foot of the bed, noticing only then that the candle at your desk had long since extinguished. 
Head pounding, you rubbed at your tired eyes, feeling heavy. How long had you been asleep?
The tapping grew more insistent, forcing you to get up. Grumbling, you allowed yourself a second to stretch, ignoring how your room felt like water sloshing in a glass. 
"Yeah, yeah. Hold on!" You said, hobbling to the window. Brushing the mess of hair from your eyes, you pulled the curtains away and roughly pushed it open. 
The culprit hovered outside, eyes bright and smug. Revali looked very much at home though he was floating at a dizzying distance away from the ground. In the sleepy haze, he looked like a painting of some myth you had read before, with the late night sky as his backdrop and the outline of your window as his frame. 
"Took you long enough."
"Apologies. I thought some tree branches were hitting the glass." 
The Rito made a show of turning in the air. "Funny, I don't see any nearby trees."
"I know," you sighed, disappointed. 
Revali rolled his eyes and poked his head through the window, feathers brushing past your cheek as he ignored your personal space in favour of scoping out your room. The stiff turn of his neck as he looked around reminded you of the curious and confused little birds that landed on the sill from time to time. 
"Quite a dreary home you have here." Gesturing to the overall darkness, he pointed to your stack of scattered papers. "You shouldn't study without proper lighting, it's bad for your eyes." 
"I was asleep."
"Why, I'm surprised. And here I thought you were one of the festive many who choose to stay awake at an ungodly hour in order to count down the remaining seconds of the year."
"Well," you shrugged, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Not like it's anything special. New year, same shit. What difference would a countdown do?" 
Biting down on your tongue, you stopped yourself from saying anymore. The cold breeze sifted past the light shirt you were wearing, making you shiver. 
He was right, normally you were one of those people who stayed up, excitedly watching the hands of the clocktower tick til they reached midnight. You enjoyed the energy of being in a collective crowd, waiting with bated breath for the first inhale and exhale you would take into the brand new year.
The final month on the Hylian calendar brought a sense of relief and a hope for new beginnings. Usually today of all days  you were at your happiest, jumping at the prospect of celebrating along with the rest of the kingdom and yet…
That sinking weight clawed at your chest again, forcing you to clamp down on it once more.
You grimaced. There it was; that bitter feeling. Hylia. How annoying. It twisted in your brain like an angry snake, pulling down your mood and enthusiasm along with it. 
Last year you wanted to cheer and dance until the morning light. Now all you felt like was staring at the wall. Or falling asleep. 
You blinked, turning back to the window to see Revali patiently waiting for you to continue. Feeling your face warm, you hustled your brain to get a move on. A coherent thought would be great right about…now!
"Hey have you ever wondered why they don't grow trees on this side of the castle? It's not fair the more expensive quarters get all the pretty greenery. I mean, non-noble guests still need that sweet oxygen everyone keeps raving about, you get me?" Shut up brain, that's enough. I said a coherent thought. C o h e r e n t. 
Stars in his wings, Revali shook his head but answered anyway. "I agree, it's hardly fair. Also go change into something warm, we need to get you outside."
"What? Why?"
Something in the Rito's expression clued you in to the fact that he wasn't in the mood to play stupid. You've been sitting in the dark for the past few days and it didn't take a private investigator to know it was playing tricks with your head. "Fine, but when I say we go back--we go back, got it?"
He huffed, turning around to give you some privacy. "I promise on my honour."
The brightly lit lanterns of the town square made you squint as you shuffled closer to your guide, the sound of the city loud in your ears.
Though less prominent, the twisting feeling in your gut continued, making you more hyper-alert than usual to the world around you. Adjusting the sleeves of your coat, you followed Revali past the streets, the Rito expertly navigating through the sea of people. 
Somewhere along the way he had taken your hand, and you told yourself it was a good way for you both to stick together. Wouldn't want you getting lost and spending the final minutes of the year playing an elaborate game of hide and seek after all. He was a great friend like that. Nevermind that everytime you would hold his wing a little tighter to remind yourself that he was there, he would always squeeze back. 
You needed a distraction. 
Just focus on everything that's not him.
The night was alive with the sound of music. It didn't matter if you partied with an alcoholic drink in hand, or a glass of milk, everyone in Hyrule was filled with an addictive buzz that came with an event that only happened once a year. Vendors with bright smiles called out from their stalls, the smell of freshly baked sweets or the sizzle of a barbecue beckoning you to take a closer look. To your left, a group of friends raised their hands in the air, loudly welcoming a Goron that had turned up late but regardless had finally arrived. 
The archer followed your line of sight, guessing the question bouncing in your head. "Daruk is in Eldin, probably rattling Death Mountain with that story again about the Moblin camp and the barrel of explosives."
"I love that story."
"Of course you would."
"Sorry about your feathers though."
"Whatever, they grew back."
"How about the one's on your--"
"Anyway," he interjected quickly, playfully nudging you to the side and glowering at your laughter. "We've been told to 'take a break'. The other Champions have chosen to spend this day with their families and loved ones. We are planning to regroup and continue preparations in the days following."
"How about you?"
"I already said it."
Your cheeks coloured at the implications of his words, mind replaying the previous sentence. Families and loved ones. Families and loved ones. He didn't even hesitate. You both were not related. So that left you with...
"Woah!" Digging your heels into the dirt, you abruptly paused your brisk walk and saved yourself from colliding with the archer's back. 
Stopping at one of the stalls, Revali held two fingers up. You glanced up at him questioningly but he refused to give anything away, expression relaxed. The vendor returned quickly, the Rito thanking them quietly and placing the payment on the bright yellow table cloth along with a large tip in their jar. 
He turned around, dropping a square shaped pastry into your hands. It was some kind of rice cake, with a fluffy exterior and a golden baked surface that smelled of butter and felt warm like the sun. 
Taking a bite, you smiled at the hints of coconut that were hidden in its sweet flavour. The sticky treat was familiar somehow. "Is this so luck sticks to you in the new year?"
Revali scoffed, though failed to hide his own smile behind the cake held in his wing. "You said the same thing when we first met. You need new material."
"Says the baron of bird puns."
"I am the king." He punctuated the statement by biting into his own rice cake. Offering his wing, he gently took your hand once more, turning back to step again into the busy promenade. 
Following him, you noticed that the crowds ever so slowly began to thin. A lantern lit hill was coming up. The grassy expanse was dotted with a few people, though it was blessingly not as populous as the town square. "I should be the one that's surprised. Thought you hated crowds unless their attentions were all on you."
"It's tolerable so long as I am with good company." 
The both of you walked up the hill with an unspoken agreement to make it to the top. Taking a seat on the grass, you allowed yourself to breathe, chest heaving from the small burst of exercise after days of being sedentary. 
The twinkling lights of Castle Town stretched out before you. Gazing at it, you could imagine all the untold stories hidden in the glowing little pockets of the alleys and in the hushed whispers behind closed doors. Funny how in a city so full of people, one can feel so alone. 
Revali was the first to speak, breaking you from your thoughts. "I think I can understand now. Looking at it from this distance, it really can feel like nothing much has changed."
You continued to stare at the lights, trying to focus on a certain string in an attempt to ground yourself. "Yeah. Sometimes it feels like though the world continues to spin, I'm remaining completely still. Just stagnant."
Frowning, you ran your hands through the grass, feeling the dirt shift under your fingers. You could feel your frustrations building, bubbling up to the surface with no way of dragging them back down. 
"And the challenges just get worse every year. How am I going to face those old problems and these new ones if I'm still the same lost person I was back then?"
Your voice echoed at the last sentence, making you hide your head in embarrassment. That was loud. 
Some strangers relaxing on the hill turned around to flash you an annoyed glare, before quickly returning to their picnics after spotting the Great Eagle Bow on your friend's back. 
 "I'm so sorry." You wanted more than anything then to dig a hole and hibernate preferrably for the next hundred years or so. "I'm yelling, that isn't like me. I'm so so--"
"There's nothing to be sorry about. You needed to say it." He glanced at you from the corner of his eye. There was a serious element to it that made it a little hard to breathe. "There is one part of that I don't agree with, however."
"What is it?"
"That entire section about you, how did you put it, stagnanting." He twisted a wing in the air, thinking on his words before pointing a feather directly at your face. "You're fully capable of enacting the change you want to see in yourself."
You felt a little dizzy now. But another kind of dizzy, one very different from the vertigo you felt waking up in the darkness of your room. 
"And who said you were exactly the same as you were back then? You've changed. In a good way. You're stronger and more capable of things I'm sure the person you were two years ago or even less couldn't even fathom doing." 
Turning to face you, Revali gave you his full attention, compelling you to do the same as the cadence of his speech joined the steady rhythm of your own beating heart. From the back of your mind, you could barely register the sound of people gathering together, their voices floating into the cold night air. 
"It's difficult to see your own progress from a distance."
"So take my advice and start looking at yourself up close for once."
He had that expression on his face, one that said he was thinking too hard about something. It was like watching him try to pull the planets together with just a piece of string. His brows were furrowed so deep that your fingers wished to run over his feathers and smoothe the worried creases. 
You slowly reached out to him, giving him enough time to back away. Revali stilled as your hands traced up the nape of his neck, leaning in as his pulse thrummed underneath the soft pads of your fingertips. 
He opened his beak the moment you reached his face. You paused, half expecting him to tell you to let go and pretend like it never happened. 
Instead, he called out your name. 
He said your name again, though quieter now. It was enough to tug at the invisible force drawing you two together. Enough so that the polite distance nervously enforced by the both of you gradually began to dissipate, trailing away like a ribbon of smoke as you both leaned in closer.
"May I--," He cleared his throat, eyes darting away for a second before they were back on you again. Bright green in the lantern light. Emeralds in the desert sand. 
"May I kiss you?"
"Your way or mine?" You couldn't help but joke. Revali smiled, exhaling a soft joyful laugh before pressing his forehead to yours. 
'Happy New Year!'
An earth-shaking boom rattled your ears, but all you could think of in that moment was Revali and the feel of his feathers against your skin; the utter elation of being so close to someone you deeply cared for and that cared just as deeply for you. 
In the dazzling light you lifted your head from his, both your eyes meeting for a brief moment. Hands moving, you gently angled his face with a steady hand, feeling then the soft, butterfly light brush of his wings on your waist.
Closing your eyes again, you leaned in to press your lips against his beak, the blush on your face warmer than any fever or furnace. The Rito's soft sigh was barely audible as you trailed your kisses upwards, stopping at the red circle on his cheek. 
Revali laughed again as you turned his face to press a kiss to the identical red mark on the other side. "You're very thorough."
"You deserve it." You beamed. "And this is just the beginning, just you wait at the end of the countdown I'll--"
"Actually my dear," he grinned, pointing to the sky. 
Above you were the vibrant colours of the firework display. It was beautiful and awe-inspiring, but a confirmation that you were definitely minutes in to the new year.
"Oh," you said, before shaking your head with a smile. "It's fine, we got 12 more months to prepare ourselves for the next one."
Revali nodded, pulling you closer so he could press your foreheads together again.
"Indeed," he grinned. "Now will you finish your sentence? What exactly were you going to do at the end of the countdown?"
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bluesey-182 · 4 years
We Have To Stop Meeting Like This - Chapter 12 
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / ao3
so this is super fluffy and maybe a little cringey but it’s what i wanted to write lol. hopefully you enjoy! 
Cardan’s bedroom door opened with a flourish and spit out the Ghost looking like he hadn’t changed his clothes in days despite his wet hair suggesting a recent shower. Without pause, Ghost flopped down onto the bed between Jude and Cardan and let out a great huff into the pillows.
“What the fuck are you doing in my room?” Cardan asked sleepily as the disturbance woke him from his late afternoon nap. Jude set her phone down on the nightstand beside her and poked Ghost like he was a dead body.
Dramatically, he flipped himself onto his back and smacked Cardan in the face in the process. “The two of you have been wallowing for two weeks, and I respect that you’re in mourning, but it’s time you got out of this damn apartment and coped like any self-disrespecting person in their twenties would do.”
“What are you talking about?” Cardan asked as he attempted to pry Ghost off of where he was now cuddling Cardan.
“You’re going to drive sweet Jude here back to her apartment where she can change out of your god awful workout clothes and then the three of us,” Ghost paused to throw his other arm around Jude, “are going to a fucking bar.”
“I don’t know if I really--,” Cardan began.
“I don’t care.” With this, Ghost gave Cardan a smooch on the cheek, threw a wink in Jude’s direction, and then left with as much drama as he had entered with.
“I really hate him sometimes,” Cardan grumbled as he wiped away Ghost’s kiss with a grimace. “But honestly it would be nice to get out.”
“Okay,” Jude said simply.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” Cardan’s expression suggested he was hoping she’d want to come.
She gave him a real smile and answered honestly, “Yeah, it’d be nice to get out. And to put on some real clothes.”
Cardan laughed and leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Then let’s go to a fucking bar, as Ghost so astutely put it.”
Taryn was in the apartment--without her annoying ass boyfriend, thank god--when Jude came home to change her clothes. The twins exchanged a glare but otherwise ignored each other as Jude made her way to her bedroom. She had already showered that morning at Cardan’s so now only needed to throw on some clothes and do something with her mass of curly hair. Digging through her closet, she came out with a pair of black skinny jeans, knee high boots, and a yellow crop top Taryn had given her that was decorated with various fruits. After dressing she ran a comb through her hair and decided to just leave it down for the night. As a last thought, she threw on a bit of mascara before leaving the apartment and running down the outdoor stairs to climb back into Cardan’s BMW. Surprisingly the Ghost had stayed in the backseat this time.
"Whoa," Cardan whispered as he took in Jude's outfit. He didn't seem to notice he had spoken but his eyes scanned her reverently from head to toe before meeting her own gaze. His eyes were alight as she gave him a slow grin.
"I think this is the first time I've seen you at a loss for words," she teased.
"I think you're shorting out my brain," he finally said. "Fucking hell you look beautiful." 
Jude felt herself blushing all the way to her collar bone. The longer Cardan looked at her like that, the hotter she felt.
"So, ummm," Ghost interjected, making Jude and Cardan jump at the sudden reminder that they weren't alone. "Can we go now or do you two need to go upstairs and like… take care of this?" 
Now Jude was blushing for a different reason and she couldn't explain why she was filled with the urge to smack Ghost, but she was also beginning to suspect this was a normal symptom of being around him. With a final grin in Jude's direction--a grin that somehow felt like a promise--Cardan started the car.
They ended up at the same bar as before and had to do a few laps around the parking lot to find a parking space. Finally, Cardan squeezed his shitty car between two trucks that were clearly compensation for some rednecks and piled out of the car as best they could in the narrow space. It was Friday night in a college town so, of course, the place was packed.
Inside they were greeted with someone’s squeaking rendition of an Abba song. Ghost let out a loud groan at the same time Cardan laughed uproariously.
“Fuck, it’s karaoke night!” Ghost shouted over the noise.
“Then I guess we better get very drunk,” Cardan responded through his laughter.
They were indeed very drunk. They had turned karaoke into a drinking game. Every time one of them wanted to stick an ice pick into their ears because of the horrible singing, they took a shot. Everytime someone in the crowd shouted “Yes bitch!” to a friend on stage, they took a shot. With every sip towards being wasted, Jude became more and more transfixed with Cardan’s increasingly disheveled hair. It was like the hair itself was drunk, tumbling all over the place and hanging in his face. They’d take a shot, he’d rake his hands through his hair, and Jude’s heart would do traitorous things in her chest. Who the fuck let this boy be this hot?
He was saying something to her. Shit, Jude was drunk.
“What?” She asked.
“I said,” he purred, leaning into her personal space so that his lips were so, so close. “That you should get up there.” He indicated the stage and Jude’s stomach dropped.
“Why the hell would I do that?”
“I’ll do it after you,” he promised with a smile.
“Doesn’t mean I’m gonna do it,” she returned with a smile of her own. 
Cardan leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her mouth. Jude felt like she could drown in his kiss and happily do so. She thought she could happily drown in him. 
“Okay fine,” she relented.
Cardan laughed, “I wasn’t even trying to convince you, I just wanted to kiss my beautiful girlfriend.”
Girlfriend girlfriend girlfriend 
“Let’s make a deal, Greenbriar,” she said, rising from her seat to settle sideways in his lap. “We’ll both sing a stupid karoake song and Ghost here,” at the mention of his name Ghost looked drunkenly over at them and smiled like an idiot, “will decide who sang better and the loser has to pay for all of the winners drinks for the rest of the night.”
Cardan threw his head back and laughed, exposing his throat to her. She couldn’t explain why that action made something come alive inside her. “Oh darling, you couldn’t afford all of my drinks. But alright, you’re on.”
As the current song came to an end, Jude stepped up to the stage to choose a song. A lot of them were old 80’s rock music but there were some more recent releases as well, though most she didn’t recognize. Eventually she came across a song she knew. Her heart was racing. Why was she doing this? Her singing was mediocre at best. She was about to make a fool of herself. And for what? To prove something to Cardan? Her competitive side was going to kill her someday. She looked back at their table and was about to go back and tell Cardan she was kidding when he smiled at her. It wasn’t a mocking smile but a supportive one, one that glowed with curiosity and wonder at her. She felt the energy of it surge through her body and stepped up to the microphone. 
She sang her way through The Love Club as Cardan cheered her on and not-so-subtly checked her out with a smile on his full lips. Jude wanted to kiss him. The microphone easily detached from its stand and Jude carefully stepped off stage to their table nearby it. She continued to sing, but with more laughter in her voice now, as she went to Cardan and sat in his lap again. Some people hooted and hollered but the noise was lost on Jude as she stared into Cardan’s glowing eyes. His smile was soft, meant only for her. His hands were on her side, holding her to him, and he gently placed a kiss to her cheek. He was looking at her, holding her, smiling at her like she was the only one in the world for him. She felt quiet inside as she finished the song to some scattered cheers around the room. 
Jude found she was at a loss for words. A loss for thoughts, more like, and so she wordlessly passed the microphone to Cardan. He smirked, shifted her off his lap, and bounded towards the stage.
"Have you ever heard Cardan sing?" Ghosts asked her over the rumble of the bar crowd. "Like, actually sing? Not that stupid shit he does in the car."
"No," Jude answered truthfully. "Why?"
"You might be in for a surprise." 
Cardan picked his song out far faster than Jude had and already the music was starting. Cardan flashed her his signature smirk before he started singing.
"The simulation just went bad, but you're the best I've ever had."
If Jude's singing was mediocre, Cardan's was anything but. Despite his screaming and dying noises in the car when he sang along with the radio, his voice was actually… good.
Which meant Jude was screwed. She must have made a face at the realization because just then Ghost started cackling.
"Like hand prints in wet cement, she touched me, it's permanent."
There was a group of girls by the stage checking out Cardan and whispering to each other but he kept his eyes and his irritating smile on Jude.
"In my head, in my head…"
"I hate him," she said to no one in particular.
"No you don't," Ghost said, "you're just mad you lost."
"You're a dickbag."
Ghost cackled again, "Damn, Cardan was right, you have an arsenal of names to call someone. I like it." He reached his fist across the table and, despite herself, Jude bumped her knuckles against his. 
Suddenly a hand was grabbing the free hand in her lap and she looked up to see Cardan's face just before he tugged her off her chair and onto the stage with him. The girls standing by the stage gave her some nasty looks, but Cardan just kept singing to her. She tried to pull away to get off the stage but Cardan spun her around and tucked her against him and all her thoughts left her. There was only the feeling of his stomach pressed against her back, his arm looped loosely around her waist, and his voice filling her ear. She found herself smiling. 
And then Cardan pulled away and started dancing like an idiot and Jude laughed so hard she snorted. God, she was drunk. But when Cardan offered his hand again for her to join him, she took it. He looked happier in that moment than he had in weeks and Jude had the sensation of falling. 
"I can't hide," Cardan sang, pulling her in close again so their noses were pressed together, "how I feel about you, inside. I'd give everything up tonight, if I could just have you be mine. Be mine, baby."
Her body stopped moving, her attention completely transfixed with Cardan standing in front of her. Cardan's mouth, Cardan's eyes, Cardan's hands. She wanted to snatch him away and run off somewhere to be alone. She just wanted him. And as he gave her one of his real, goofy smiles, her legs gave out beneath her and Cardan was there pulling her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he finished his song before pressing a hot kiss against her lips. The applause for Cardan's performance was louder than it had been after hers and she knew without a doubt that she had lost their bet. But she couldn't bring herself to care when Cardan was still kissing her like that.
Cardan didn't let go of her until they were back at their table, and even then he settled down into his chair with her still in his lap. Her legs were still around him and she buried her face into the crook of his neck to breathe in the scent of him. His various earrings tickled her skin but she only buried herself deeper. His arms were a solid wall around her. She was safe here with him. She always would be.
"So do I have to tell you who won or is it obvious?" Ghost teased. 
Finally, Jude pulled away from Cardan enough to look at their friend. "It's obvious, jackass, but you don't have to rub it in."
As Ghost laughed, Cardan gently tipped Jude's head back towards his. "You were really good though."
"Oh, please, no I wasn't," she said with a blush.
"All I could think about while you were up there was how badly I wanted to kiss you," Cardan whispered, so close she could feel his breath against her lips. 
"Just kiss?" She breathed. 
Cardan smiled a wicked smile and looked at her lips. "Why, Jude? Having dirty thoughts?" 
"Maybe." The word came out in a whisper as Cardan leaned in to kiss her again. The kiss was desperate, one after another after another, and then his tongue slipped into her mouth and his hands slid up her back and--
"You guys are the fucking worst," Ghost said behind them.
Cardan pulled away but immediately buried his head against Jude's chest. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm actually going to kill him."
With a smile, Jude pressed a soft kiss to the top of Cardan's head and rose. She laughed as he shifted in his seat and arranged his legs in a manner that hid what was going on in his lap after that kiss. He stuck his tongue out at her like a little kid as she continued to laugh. 
They took an Uber home. Despite Ghost’s best efforts, he went home without a man or woman for company. They walked into the apartment, arms slung about each other's shoulders, like a three headed monster--still singing a song that had been playing on the Ubers radio. Jude was full of bubbling laughter, Cardan looking at her like she was made of starlight, and Ghost was so drunk that he immediately collapsed facedown on the couch and started to snore. Once in Cardan's bedroom, Jude began trying to take off her boots but her hands didn't seem to know how to be hands anymore. With a soft laugh, Cardan gently sat her on the edge of the bed and pulled her shoes off for her.
"Can I borrow something to sleep in?" She slurred, gripping onto Cardan's shoulder for balance as the world started spinning. 
"Of course, my darling god."
He gave her one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts. She ignored the latter but pulled the shirt over her head after Cardan helped her undress. With a contented sigh, she laid back in his bed.
Cardan used the restroom and changed before climbing in beside her, the motion waking her from her almost sleep. Cardan was humming as he pulled her into him.
"What are you singing?" She asked as she threw her arm over his hip to hold onto him.
"Darling can't you see," he sang softly. It took Jude just a moment to recognize the song as the same one he sang to her in the park. "I'm a broken man with addictive tendencies and I think… I love you."
in case you’re interested, the song cardan sings at the bar is “bloody valentine” by mgk bc im trash. the next chapter is gonna be steamy and nsfw so prepare yourself for that lmao. hope you enjoyed!
@goblinwhoships @hizqueen4life @courtofjurdan @pilesofriles @velarian-trash @standbislytherin @heyheyheylemonade @ireallyshouldsleeprn
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gainerstories · 5 years
Muffin Tops: Epilogue (Community Story)
Written by: Gainer Stories
Hayden unlocked the front door of Muffin Tops and waddled inside, followed by his husband. They walked to the back of the bakery and up a spiral staircase to their office. The duo had been proud business owners for a mere six months, and proud husbands for nearly a year. Out of breath from the stairs, they each plopped down in their reinforced office chairs. Every morning they arrived one hour before opening to discuss cash flow, changes to that day’s menu, and issues concerning staff. Business was booming since they had opened, with both men astonished at their income. They chose a location far from the beach and innovated a regularly updated gourmet menu to differentiate themselves from Thick Treats Bakery, and it was definitely paying off.
“Here’s today’s menu,” Hayden said passing Diego an iPad for review.
“Sounds delicious, save me some of the cherry devil cupcakes will you? And perhaps we should up the price point on those-- they went fast last time,” Diego replied while absentmindedly rubbing his protruding beach ball of a gut.
“Perfect, and let’s discuss Adrian,” Hayden said. “He’s such a sweet kid, but he’s horribly awkward with the customers. I gotta say that I haven’t minded watching him put on that little paunch since he started, but…” Hayden shrugged.
“But we should consider letting him go. It’s a shame because he’s really thickened out. That ass is seriously juicy now! I was watching him bend over to take trays out of the oven and his pants can’t even contain that furry ass crack from showing.”
“He does love sampling my concoctions, I can’t complain there. I bet he’s put on a solid twenty pounds of chub in two months…”
The couple decided to keep a closer eye on Adrian, his work performance and his gains, before pulling the plug. After finishing up their meeting, Hayden rolled his chair over to his husband to plant a smooch on his chubby cheek, their bellies grazing each other. They were nervous to go into business together, but it had only made their relationship stronger. Besides, Diego didn’t spend every day at the bakery, leaving day-to-day operations up to Hayden. Now that he had a bank account to match his waistline, he was going to the gym again and sprucing up an old Jaguar in his free time.
“I’m gonna get in my baking gear and head down to the kitchen,” Hayden said.
The baker hoisted himself from his chair causing his pale belly to swing out of his too-tight T-shirt. Hayden hadn’t put on too much weight since their wedding, maintaining the fleshy form of a baker that knew his craft. Small moobs rested atop his swollen, hanging, midsection that barely fit in any clothes. He’d taken to wearing obscenely small shirts under his baker’s jacket because Diego liked the surprise when he ripped it off. On workdays Hayden exclusively wore sweatpants, and the rest of the time he usually had to wear suspenders with his jeans. A jolly double chin spilled out around the collar of his baker’s jacket, occasionally causing a slight rash on particularly sweaty days. The last ten or so pounds seemed to collect mostly on his thighs, which were chafing like crazy. He was definitely feeling the discomfort of being obese, but ameliorated the pains by training his employees to take over his most labor-intensive duties.
Diego remained in the office for a couple hours doing paperwork. Muffin Tops was a-flurry with customers as usual. Feeling accomplished for the day, Diego grabbed his gym bag and locked the bathroom door to change. He stripped off his skin tight jeans and slid booty shorts over his bulbous butt. He was happy that his ass grew just as fast, if not faster, than the rest of him. It had developed an overhang of its own and required special tailoring for all his jeans. The only downside was that it was constantly sweating. All that meat packed into the seat of some tight denim caused a serious case of swamp ass. He didn’t mind, however, and relished the way it bounced in tandem with his belly when he walked.
Next, he pulled on his muscle tee. This was his sluttiest and favorite type of clothing. About thirty pounds ago he had cut the sleeves off a bunch of black tees. Since then they became faded and tattered from overuse and as of late a sliver of belly peaked out everytime he lifted his arms during a workout. His perfectly rounded and wobbling belly, crisscrossed with bright red stretch marks, garnered lots of stares at the gym. His pecs also were somewhat exposed in his shirt. The muscle undergirding his chest and arms was coated in a layer of pudge that connected both parts of his body with more stretch marks. When Diego was swole, it looked like he was about to burst.
Dressed in his skimpy ensemble, he lumbered down the stairs and towards the front of the store. As he approached the front counter a familiar, yet hard to place voice uttered his name.
Confused, Diego stared at a large man in front of him, trying to place where he’d seen his face before.
“Diego, it’s me… Bradley. Your former boss.”
“Oh my god, Bradley. You…” How the tables had turned. It seemed like just yesterday that Bradley didn’t recognize Diego’s fattened physique. Now Bradley was giving him a run for his money.
“Yeah, you’re not the only one who got thick,” Bradley, beat red, awkwardly muttered and shrugged.  
“I… well, I mean, yeah married life and running a bakery has done a number on my waistline,” Diego proudly gripped his gut with both hands and gave it a firm jiggle. He no longer had qualms about showing off, even to someone like Bradley. He was proud of his body.
“No shit, you run this place? That’s amazing dude, I live for your coffee cake. Come here a few times a week before work. I uh, got promoted to an office position at city hall... Hence this gut hangin’ off of me.”
Diego looked down at the former lifeguard’s torso. Bradley’s beach body had completely gone to pot in a little over two years. Diego couldn’t believe his eyes. Bradley still retained some muscle, but for the most part his chiseled physique and sunkissed skin had become swollen, fleshy, and pale. He also wasn’t used to seeing Bradley in a button-up, especially one so snug. His love handles warped the the geometry of the plaid print, accentuating the distendedness of his belly. Diego also noted how his chest had begun to sag and even his cheeks were puffier. For a few seconds they were both just staring at each other, taking in their swollen fatty forms bursting at the seams of skimpy clothing.
“Hey Adrian, give my friend here the employee discount from now on,” Diego shouted and turned to face Bradley. “From one former lifeguard to another: you look better with some chunk, Bradley,” he said and patted the man’s gut. “I gotta head out but I’ll see you around. Enjoy yourself,” he said with a wink.
As Diego strutted out the door he could feel Bradley’s eyes on his bouncing behind. The encounter was extremely gratifying to Diego who worked out even harder at the gym because of it. By the end of his workout his limbs felt like jello and he knew he was gonna be sore the next day. Even still, he was electrified with verve. He felt ecstatic, hungry, and horny.
Diego spent the rest of the afternoon at his favorite burger joint and then the beach. He scarfed down a double cheeseburger, fries, and a slice of pepperoni pizza. Before leaving he filled up his large cup of coke one more time and waddled out to his car. On his way to the beach, he stopped at a corner store for a bag of pork rinds. The next two hours he spent shirtless in the sand, like an Adonis grown fat with wealth. Lathered in sunscreen, his naked torso glistened and gurgled in the sun. He had learned to be careful of getting an uneven tan with his new belly. Too often, only the top would tan leaving a pale crescent of underbelly. This meant fully reclining on his back to ensure the pillow of fat on his abdomen got full exposure. As he lay reclined, fantasies of the newly fattened Bradley drifted through his mind.  
Following his beach romp, Diego was even hornier than before and headed straight to Muffin Tops where Hayden was closing up. His dick nearly hard before he even got there, Diego swung open the doors and confidently marched over to his husband. His whole body jiggled and swayed and Hayden was in awe.
“Wow, who is this tanned hunk of meat approaching me?” Hayden said starry eyed.
Diego pushed the baker onto the counter, ripping off his baker’s coat, and kissed his mouth like it was the most delicious pastry on earth.
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parkeraul · 5 years
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pull me in  — 2 
a/n: this series is my new baby, pls don’t get mad at me. heads up: emotions ahead.  warnings: cursing, fluff, smut & use of other languages.  words: 5,258k.
pull me in — 1 | masterlist
The Sunday morning had never felt this warm before — which was weird, since the rain washed Pickering all over during the night and turned the waterdrops into snowflakes, colouring the glass of her still opened window in a vivid white — and home had never felt so cozy. She’s thankful he’s asleep in front of her instead of giving that typical stare that insists on discovering every single thought passing through her mind, because he would definitely make fun of her poker face and tickle her body until she says those three words she never says. And it’s so hard to resist when Shawn is finally quiet and peacefully asleep on her bed. Not the she doesn’t enjoy his voice or those weird whimpers of his that he always lets out when he’s falling asleep more deeply, but she never thought that words were necessary as long as you’re showing your love with attitudes. Shawn, on the other hand, is the complete opposite — his notebook pages are never blank because the papers are filled with loving words for Alyssa. There are songs he plays for her until nowadays and there are songs he’ll probably never let her know about, fearing rejection or the possibility that they’re not in the same place. It’s been tricky since the beginning, and Shawn’s the only one being patient and polite, he thinks. 
“May I call you just Lyssa?” He asks with pity eyes, feeling his frame softening to the sight of Alyssa blushing while she curls a strand of her hair with her forefinger. Her smile is timid, but he doesn’t stick to this impression. Ever since Alyssa and Daniel stepped into that school, the rumours were all around for everyone to hear. ‘Oh, he’s got a car!’ ‘Oh, she knows five languages!’ ‘Oh, their mom is Spanish!’ ‘Oh, their grandfather fought in the World War II!’ ‘Oh, they’ve just arrived from France!’ So he knew she wasn’t just another one. No. Being the helpless passionate guy that he is, he puts himself into an internal bet between him & himself — impressing her in all possible ways, more than he regularly does with the other girls. “Lyssa?” She looks him in the eyes, pursing her pink lips into an intimidating grin. “Is it that hard to pronounce the letter A?” The time seems to stop for Shawn. People from school are filling up the diner, some looking at them inquiringly as he places his hand under his chin, analyzing her features and feeling his mouth water everytime her lips touch to speak her words, wishing he could fit his lower lip in between her parted mouth and taste the chapstick glossing the plump flesh. Alyssa knows he’s having problems resisting her, and she’s obviously going to take advantage on this. She just needs to wait for the perfect opportunity. “What, babygirl?” He tries to recover his confidence, more than observant to see if he can break her self-assurance somehow by being the typical Shawn Mendes: seductive in the cockiest way possible. “Not a fan of nicknames?” Alyssa analyses Shawn as he spreads his arm on top of the headrest of the diner sofa, chewing his gum and exhaling big rebel—boy energy in a very overbearing mode. She finds it fun how hard he’s trying to get her weakening when it’s going to be the other way around. She can count on her fingers how many boys with this same attitude she humiliated all around the globe and there would never be enough hands to fit the amount onto. “Listen…” Squinting her eyes, she plays a thoughtful face as she gets closer, inching her middle towards the table. “Shawn.” He says, swallowing harshly and clearing his throat. How can someone let Shawn Mendes pass just like this? Impossible. “Shawn,” Alyssa confirms, snapping two of her digits in the air like she’s just remembered of something practically unmanageable to get inside her mind. “I don’t know what type of girls you’ve been fooling around with, but I guarantee you that you’ll need to come off stronger than ‘babygirl’ and ‘Lyssa’ if you’re planning to get under my skirt,” She maintains eye contact with his hazel irises, oftentimes dropping her glance to his lips parting in surprise. Yes, she wouldn’t be easy but no one has ever seen Shawn denying a good challenge. That’s what keeps him eager and starving for those pretty lips and incomparable personality. If it’s a game, then game on. “I—“ “Mongola!” A tall guy approaches their table, making the two of them take distance from each other again. He’s got his hair pushed back with gel and his features are different from what Shawn is used to see. Other than that, he’s also got his gang behind him and keys spinning around his forefinger repeatedly, still speaking a language he’s never seen before. “¿Terminaste con tu estúpida charla?” Alyssa rolls her eyes, taking some dollars out of her pocket to place right beside the milkshake she ended ages ago before the flirting started. At this point, the other guy was impatiently waiting for her to finally get her jacket and backpack to slide towards the end of the red long chair, staring at her with a devilish smile while the people from school decide to pay more attention to what’s going on. “Yes, I’m done with my conversation,” She gets up, tossing the jacket on top of her elbows and shifting her bag into the guy’s chest. “And you? Done with your show? Or do you really wanna try to stand out from the others by being a dork?” The boy closes his eyes and squeezes the fabric of her nearly empty bag with his strong hand, exhaling strongly and shooting an intimidating look at Shawn after prompting his eyelids open, the curly haired boy glancing at Alyssa and the man he still doesn’t know totally confused. “What now, Dani? Cat got your tongue?” His friends were at the merge of wetting themselves with silent laughs as she wore a winning smile, shaking her head slightly to move her bangs away from her eyes. They’d never get enough of her sassy attitude, putting her own brother down like he’s nothing. “Better be outside in 2 if you want a proper ride home.” The guy hisses and turns on his heels to get outside, never forgetting to give Shawn a last look and drop her bag on the floor before walking to the parking lot, obviously winking at some pretty girls on his way like he hadn’t put out a whole scene seconds ago. Shawn gets up and grabs her backpack, jaw clenched and mind still lost. What the fuck just happened? When he turns to face Alyssa, her eyes are threatening to water but they don’t. They’ll never. Not because of her brother, not because of the people staring at her — the past 9 years were the worst and they’d always come back to haunt her regardless of the day, regardless of the moment. They made her learn on how to act tough and fierce even though the truth was the complete opposite, so these people would need to come off a lot stronger than this to break the wall she’s been building ever since 1949. “Your bag, Alyssa,” He says while straightening his spine up again, offering her the object with his eyes glued on the door. “Who was-“ “My brother. Nothing you should worry about.” “Are you gonna be okay?” His eyes moves slowly to glance at her. Alyssa’s expression tells him nothing and everything at the same time. He can sense she’s kinda in pain, kinda embarrassed but his mind repeats unstoppably that she can’t fear a thing. Although it’s not the moment, this quick second of weakness gets him more than curious to unravel all the mystery that’s Alyssa. “I am okay.” “Want me to-“ “Thank you,” She cuts him off, giving him a forced smile but sincere look of gratefulness. The wind breaking into the diner by the semi-opened windows blows her hair softly and he can’t understand how can a girl look like both the angel and the devil at the same time. “Mm…?” “Shawn—Peter—Raul—Mendes.” Shawn repeats again, his ego begging to be caressed instead of hurt. He wants to be done by now, hates the heavy magnetism that brings him closer and closer to her frame. She’s hugged gracefully by a white shirt tucked into a light-pink skirt that defines her waist and cascades at her thighs, covering all the way almost to the end of them and it’s probably the first time he sees a girl showing her knees and a little bit more in public. How can teeny-tiny pieces of skin can drive his mind to somewhere else? He’ll never comprehend. “Peter Raul,” Smiling — sincerely, this time — she winks at him and it looks like she haven’t even been through a moment of stress minutes ago. He widens his eyebrows in surprise and her smile widens as well, welcoming a laugh that shoots a wave of dopamine right down his senses. It’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard and sure he’s exaggerating, but he doesn’t give a fuck at this point. He could watch her laughing the whole day, just like he can watch the way her necklace moves along with her chest when she catches her breath again. “Creo que tendremos que terminar esta conversación en otro momento,” And the time stops. Again. Her tone lowering a little bit while her words come out to poke his heart and make it miss the beats. Shawn can’t figure out a single word but, if her accent keeps on being this sexy while her tongue touches the back of her front teeth so beautifully, he’ll start paying attention to Spanish classes just to talk to her like this everyday. “Hasta luego, guapo.” She dares to inch closer give him a kiss right on the corner of his lips, but before her mouth can press a warm smooch, she hears the motor of the car getting started outside and she can’t help but leave him with the softest graze of her wet lips that could never fulfill the desire consuming his entire being right now. “What the hell did she say?” Shawn asks to himself while she walks away, her scent stuck on the spot she just left. “It’s latin for ‘you’re totally fucked for the hispanic’.” Brian joked between laughs, elbowing Matt beside him as the guys had the most fun with his face screaming ‘Sucker for Alyssa’ in their imagination. Although Brian couldn’t have been quite correct with the ‘latin’ and ‘hispanic’, he wasn’t totally wrong. 
━ ━ ━
His broad frame is taking most of the space on her bed when she’s back from the bathroom. She’s sure he might have had his limbs all stretched to get spread on her mattress while she was gone to brush her teeth and hair. It’s the only downside of sleeping with Shawn, Alyssa thinks. He’ll either curl and cuddle her body to keep her warm or throw his leg or arm on top of her frame in the middle of the night, looking for the space that her bed doesn’t have to fit his big body. It’s cutely annoying. Just like him. She gets rid of her slippers after closing the door carefully, slipping back under the covers now with Shawn’s serene expression right in front of her. He’s slowly waking up with eyes still closed, but he starts to take deep breaths and grab her waist lazily, pulling her even closer and hiding his face on the crook of her neck. He takes a moment to smell the moisturizer she uses, enjoying that unmistakable scent of what he thinks it might be a mix of roses and vanilla. He could stay like this for the rest of his days, immersed on the craziest ride of his life that’s Alyssa. He’s in love with the mess, the danger, the uncertainty and the undefined thing that’s their relationship. What they have is somewhere lost between very-frequent hook ups and a proper relationship that includes some I-love-you’s and jealousy. Shawn would define as a couple walking with baby-steps, taking their time while Alyssa would say it’s complicated. Period. And it’s hard for her to care when he’s tilting his head back up and opening his eyes, giving her a lovely look with those tired chocolate eyes and a weak smile. His curls are messy and fluffy, making him look angelic and innocent. As if. “Morning Lyssa,” He greets with that raspy tone that always gets her thighs clenching. She smiles in response, kissing the tip of his nose delicately. “Gonna have to brush my teeth to get a decent kiss?” “Rhetorical question, I hope.” “Still have my toothbrush?” Shawn asks yawning, sniffing and rubbing his eyes. He’s got soft dark circles that draws their ways to the apple of his cheeks, face all marked from sleeping heavily. It’s such a sight that she wishes she could take photos and put them all in frames to embellish her bedroom. “First drawer, it’s the transparent one,” She warns and he blinks deliberately. ‘You think I’ve forgotten?’ He ruminates in silence as he prompts his body up to sit and crawl his way to the end of the bed. “Just in case…” Alyssa defends herself, lifting both hands to the sides of her head. “Be silent, asshole. My dad has a light sleep.” Shawn smirks in response, drinking her in by the way her body’s splayed shyly on her bed with the untidy blankets covering her legs partly — her thighs are bare, capturing his attention as he notices that her nightdress is messy, exposing the swell of her round ass. No one would look at this so accurately — at least he hopes no one would — but the way her tanned skin begs for his lips drives him insane little by little. “You pervert!” She realizes what he’s doing and pushes the fabric back to where it should be, her cheeks burning and turning pink. “Go before someone wakes up. I need to kick you out sometime soon.” When Shawn looks down, it’s just what he was expecting. His hardened member started to nudge the fabric of his underwear still timidly, but nothing that would escape from Alyssa’s attention. It’s been almost ten minutes since he left to freshen up and Alyssa can’t think about something else. That vision got her mouth watering and her brain working twice as faster. But she couldn’t. Could she? She’s toying with the silver foil, looking at it as she twirls the object unstoppably. Her throat goes dry and she feels the urge to gulp, her lungs searching for more air when she thinks about how painful it might be. But oh, it might be so wonderful as well… When she hears footsteps coming closer, she tucks the condom under her back rapidly and covers her body with the blanket just to make sure it’s all well hidden. “Looks like you just saw a ghost,” Shawn teases her, closing the door and copying her intentions on doing it as quiet as possible. “Qué happened?” “¿Qué pasa?” She corrects his terrible Spanish and thinks to herself. She had never felt brave enough to ask Shawn to be her first time, fearing he would say no because of her brother. And father. And their overprotective personalities. And what if she gets pregnant at 16? What if she’s not hot enough or pretty enough? “No pasa nada.” “What?” “Nothing’s going on.” Alyssa lies, her tone flat and unhappy. He gets closer and sits beside her, choosing a strand of her hair to caress and brush it off her face so he can graze her cheek. “Tell me, Lyssa,” Immediately, she shakes her head in denial and stares at the wall. His eyes would get her failing. “If you don’t want to then I’ll go say good morning to Mr. Stempford. He sure would like to know me better—“ “Sit your ass down, Peter Raul,” She hisses, tossing the blanket away and grabbing his arm instantly when he threatens to get up. He ends up falling on top of her upper half, noses touching and she closes her eyes, breathing deeply. It shouldn’t be this hard. “I want you to promise me you’ll be nice.” “May I know when I’m not nice with you?” “Promise me, asshole.” She pinches his arm. Nothing hard already that Shawn can’t make it harder. “I promise, asshole.” “Great!” She starts, opening her eyes but not looking directly at him. Playing with her fingers, she chooses to stare at them like they’re doing the most interesting thing in the world. “See, I was thinking to myself…” “Mm…” “We’ve never… Well…” Clearing her throat, she shakes her head slightly to move her bangs away from her eyes. “Fucked.” “What?” “Fucked,” He repeats. “That’s one thing we’ve never done.” Her heart races. “Fucked… Right…” The stress begins to show up as Shawn fixes his body on top of hers, laying down gently. “We made out lots of times, of course, and they were—“ “Incredible.” “Incredible,” She smiles, finally looking at his face. He’s so close she can hear his heartbeat and smell the minty scent of toothpaste coming out of his parted lips. “Breathtaking…” Whispering, she swallows harshly before being interrupted by him again. “Hun, what’s going on?” It takes all of her not to freak out. It’s simple, Alyssa. Spit. It. Out. Now. “I…” “You?” She covers her eyes with both hands and enjoys the lack of shyness that takes over her. “Iwantustofuck.” “What?” Shawn squeaks, getting shushed by Alyssa at the same instant. His chest prompts up a little and he’s frowning. It’s all very confusing because Alyssa never asks, she practically demands. And she always stops right when they’re about to unbutton their clothes properly. “I’m tired of the ‘what’ question,” She rolls her eyes, masking her apprehension and hoping he wasn’t able to understand a single word of what she just said. “We should come up with another word like… Pardon? Or… Or maybe ne razumijem! Možete li molim vas govoriti malo sporije?” “You want me—“ He’s now sitting on top of her, running his hand through his wild curls and staring at her totally in shock. “You want us to—“ He clutches his own chest while she covers her entire face with her hands, both their chests heaving and screaming for oxygen. “Shut up! No one’s up yet!” “You…” Shawn sobs a little, blinking rapidly as he tries to process the information. “You want me to make love to you, Lys?” He mumbles. “Vielleicht—“ Her voice is muffled by her palms, shoulders shrugging bashfully. “English, Alyssa.” He grabs her wrists carefully, holding them up away from her worried face and entwining their fingers softly. For the first time in years, she feels that knot on her throat begging to be loosened through a cry. “Maybe, Shawn,” She admits, so nervous that her hands aren’t shaking because his giant ones are keeping them stable. “Maybe I do wanna feel you… Inside… Of me?!” “God!” He breathes out, putting her hands on the curve of his shoulders so he can lean down and pin his forehead on hers. “What are you doing to me, Alyssa Stempford?” “You know I love it when you say my whole name?” “Oh yeah?” He smiles against her smile, licking his lips and placing a kiss on the corner of her lips — the way she does when she wants to tease him. “What else?” “W-What else?” Alyssa stutters, feeling her breath now unpatterning as he lets go of her hands to support his body with one arm, traveling his free palm along her side and peppering kisses from down her face to her jawline. She’s turning cold due to the nervousness but he makes sure to cling to her frame so the hotness spreading through his flesh can comfort her somehow. “I…” He kisses the sensitive spot a little down below her ear precisely, making her get chills and he sees those goosebumps coming to the surface, announcing that he’s starting to get the best of her. “I love it when you drag your lips down my throat and…” She has to stop and focus, because he does exactly as she says and ends with a light suction at the base of her neck. Fanning his breath on the wet region he just sucked, Shawn kisses the other side of her neck intensely, unhurriedly. “Fuck, like this…” “Like this, eh?” He mouths against her, lowly and raspy while his teeth scratch her skin tenderly. She’s quiet, eyes squinting close as she thinks about how the hell is she going to ease that aching sensation that’s making her heat pulsate in anticipation. Shawn’s lips goes to her collarbones, loving every single piece of skin and feeling the expansion of her bone being touched by him, being appreciated so devotedly just like his girl deserves. He moves his hand up from her waist to trace her arm and reach the strap of her nightdress. “Are you sure, Lyssa?” He twirls the fabric, face tilted down as he closes his eyes and waits for a yes. “I am,” Alyssa responds, tugging his thick locks and bringing his face to hers. “Will you be gentle?” If heaven has a specific appearance, it sure is Alyssa’s face softening up as she asks sweetly for his kindness. She looks blissful with her bright brown eyes connected with his, honey hair adorning the pillow and her features. Shawn had never felt the need to be nice and gentle to anyone like he does right now. His chest tempers and hurts at the same time with love. Nothing could mess up with him like this; nobody can fuck Shawn up like Alyssa does. “I will, babe,” He pecks her lips. “I always will.” She cups his face with both hands and kisses him deeply. Their lips pressing together is enough to drive them all the way to the edge, her bottom lip in between his mouth as his tongue pokes out to touch hers. The tenderness of their affection is enough to ease her nerves and encourage her to pass her hands through his curls, going further to the back of his head and scrape the nape of his neck lovingly. She pulls him in, impossibly closer to taste all of him as her hands wanders to his back, feeling the muscles moving under her palm due to the way he’s shifting to keep his frame established not to crush her. Shawn finally drags the strap down her arm, slow and as polite as possible, caressing all the spots of her arm where the fabric passed by with his skilled hand. When Alyssa releases her arm from the cloth, she instantly squeezes her breast — now uncovered — with the inner part of her elbow, pressing down on the flesh to hide her nipple from his sight. He breaks the kiss with a smack sound, bringing his tattooed hand back to hers. “Want me to dress you back, baby?” Shawn asks concernedly, his thumb grazing the back of her palm. “I don’t, actually,” She knows she doesn’t want to, but she fears the shame will become too much. “I don’t know.” “Lys, look at me.” “Yes?!” “What makes you think I wouldn’t love you in every single way?” He holds her hand more forcefully, as if he could assure her even physically that he doesn’t give a damn if she’s dressed in her most expensive clothes or naked under the plain white sheets. He wants her no matter what, no matter how, no matter when. Her smile shows some pain, but somehow he knows it has a pinch of happiness behind it. “I know you’re afraid and needs more time to figure out what you feel, but I want you to know that I’m already there,” Shawn catches himself confessing his emotions to her again. He did it before a thousand times and there’s no turning back. His feelings seem to be fresh new even though they showed up a long time ago and everyday feels like it’s the first day he saw her standing there, being her charming self with a sassy attitude. Nobody compares to her. “I see, it’s awkward for you, but I am in love with you. I love you, Alyssa.” And then Shawn gives her no time to feel joy or guilt for not being entirely there, because his lips are on hers again and his touch is firm on her hand, setting it once more on his own body. Alyssa now palms his bare chest as his member presses against her core and lower stomach, spurring her to move her fingers down —still reservedly — and he decides to help her through. With his hand on top of hers, he guides it down his toned abdomen and intensifies the kiss at the same time, taking her breath away. She’s grateful his soaked clothes from last night were long gone under her bed so she wouldn’t need to go through the ceremony of undressing him. Her hesitant hand reaches the waistband of his briefs, making the both of them hitch their respirations suddenly, his mouth leaving hers slowly. “Can I… touch you?” Alyssa asks, eyeing his white underwear between their bodies as her forefinger toys with the elastic band. “Sure you want to? You don’t have to. This is about you, not me.” Shawn’s eyes are darkening, analyzing her expression and he prepares himself to stop at anytime if she asks him to. His hand stays still above hers. “Please?” It’s innocent but it makes him twitch inside the material of his underwear. Fuck, Alyssa. Fuck. Obviously she can. She can do whatever she wants to do. Shawn’s answer will always be yes. He looks down at her small hand threatening to slip inside and he can’t help but contort his face in pleasure even though he hasn’t been touched yet. “Shit,” He hisses out. “’Course.” “But I need you to teach me how—“ “Babe, I know,” Her desperation is clear so he wants to give her the freedom and confidence to move on, because he’s here for her. “Tell me if you want to stop, ‘kay?” Alyssa only nods in agreement, feeling his hand guiding hers inside the fabric leisurely and Shawn watches her breast being released from the harsh touch of her arm. When she touches the head of his cock, touching the tip lightly, her nipple hardens and Shawn gulps to the sight of her. Alyssa is all flushed, from face to chest, and she starts to take a handful of his length. It feels warm against her icy hand and oh so smooth, totally different from what she had previously imagined. He impulsively thrusts into her fist, kissing her chest not to moan in relief while her other hand pulls the underwear past his crotch and it rests on his muscular thighs. She’s still unsure of what to do, so her touch is fragile and insecure. His hand goes back to hers and he embraces her fingers with a gentle strength, squeezing his own cock. Alyssa finds it so hot that the wetness down on her slit and panties is becoming irritating; she can’t quite understand how her hesitation turns into a fiery desire so fast. “You can hold it like this,” Shawn tells her in a whisper as his palm guides hers up and down gradually. “And pump it like this, eh?” She’s too weak to do anything else rather than murmur in confirmation and, to add more to this weakness of hers, he circles her nipple with the tip of his tongue to capture it in between his lips. It makes Alyssa hold him tighter, pumping all the way down to the base and back up to the leaking rosy tip. A sweet whine flies past her lips when he sucks at her bud, tender plump lips enveloping her in the most delicious way as his throbbing cock is massaged by her careful hand. “Gotta keep quiet, hun,” He manages to say between suctions on her wet skin. “Be good for me, hm?” She huffs and Shawn’s hand leaves hers to travel along the inner part of her thigh, grabbing the delicious soft skin with a force that’s definitely not very gentle. At this point, he’s starving and insatiable. His middle finger accidentally touches her clothed entrance and she whines once more, bucking her hips towards his touch. “Holy fuckin’ shit,” He mutters against her chest, squeezing her leg intensely. “Babe I can’t take this for too long.” Shawn confesses, feeling the vein on the underside of his aching length pounding painfully. There’s pre-cum leaking and her hand picks up the pace just a little, testing to see if this is what he needs. Alyssa takes the condom from under her back, managing to pump him meanwhile, and hands him the foil. “Lucky you I was prepared.” “Where the hell did you get this?” He takes the condom from her hand and sits up, her hand never releasing him. The view is far too pornographic: his defined abs clenching as his thick cock gets pumped by her with some inability, but sure leading him somewhere. He runs a hand through his chocolate hair and waits for her to stop looking at his member and face him. “My eyes are up here, Lys.” “Stole from Dani’s wallet while you were in the bathroom.” She says simply, daring to twist her wrist as she edges him and the unexpected sensation makes Shawn growl. Going back to her, he inches down and steals a kiss. “You’re fuckin’ awesome, you know that?” Shawn pecks her lips repeatedly until he cups her face with one hand to lick inside her mouth and make the most of this abrupt kiss. The atmosphere is too pleasant to let them be aware of anything else. Maybe that’s pretty much the reason why she haven’t heard steps coming to her bedroom door before a loud knock brought them back to reality. “Alyssa?” A strong voice calls out and Shawn opens his eyes, utterly scared. “Alyssa, who’s inside there with you?” She pushes him away, the both of them immediately getting up — Shawn searches for the keys to his motorcycle and pulls his underwear back up while Alyssa is bent down on the floor, arm stretched under her bed to get his clothes. “Alyssa if you don’t open this door right now…” “Hold on, dada!” She promptly warns, throwing Shawn’s jeans at his face and tossing the shirt up on her bed with the leather jacket. “Go, go, go!” “If you haven’t noticed yet, my dick’s still—“ The door slams open no longer after, making Alyssa get up on her heels and Shawn cover his hard cock with both hands. The jeans are covering nothing but his shins and knees, the fabric too tough to fit his legs because of the rain that soaked them last night. She crosses her arms in front of her chest to hide her bare chest and they force a smile towards Alyssa’s father, dripping tenseness and fear. “Gareth—“ Shawn greets with an odd smile but stops at the moment Alyssa elbows him mightly. Fuckin’ dumbass. “Mr. Stempford. Good morning!”
140 notes · View notes
artkaninchenbau · 4 years
My cat of little over 13 years will be put down tomorrow. A vet and a nurse will come to our home to put him to sleep peacefully, as we didn’t want to stress him out any more by taking him to the nearest clinic.
I just want to talk about my sweet little sunshine, so that’s what I’ll do. That’s all this post will be.
This whole shitshot began almost immiditiately in January. My cat (who I’m not going to name because he has a very generic cat name that easily reveals where I live, so I’ll just call him Sunshine here) started limping for what felt like no reason. I wanted to take him to a vet right away but my mother didn’t want to, first because she thought there’s nothing a vet could do to help aside from putting him down, then later because she thought Sunshine’s limp was getting better (honestly I couldn’t see it). 7 days after he began limping my mom was finally convinced he needed to see a vet and we booked an appointment to the nearest clinic (just 10 minutes away) where we went to have him checked on the next Monday
Somehow our indoors-only cat had broken a bone on his middle toe on his front left paw, the toe was swollen (we hadn’t noticed) and possibly infected. We started giving him some antibiotics (had a terrible time when I learned in the worst possible way that cats sometimes start foaming and drooling excessively when given liquid antibiotics, so that was changed to a pill) and painkillers while our vet had some samples taken from my cat’s toe to be analyzed
She was worried he might have feline lung-digit syndrome (where lung cancer starts metasizing in toes) so she wanted to see if they could find any cancerous cells in his toe. After a little over a week or so the results were back and they couldn’t find anything like that, but the antibiotics didn’t seem to be helping either, so our vet believed the toe would have to be amputated. That said she was still worried about that syndrome and wanted to have his lungs x-rayed just in case, so soon we took him to the clinic to get those x-rays. Two vets looked at the images and they couldn’t find anything, so we booked the amputation for a week later
Our vet was still worried though, so she sent the x-ray images to be analyzed by a third party over seas. We were all worried sick for four or so days until on Monday the 27th, just before the clinic would close around 8 pm, the vet called us to tell us the results.
There was a soft mass in one of my Sunshine’s lungs. A few centimeters wide. The vet said he’d have anywhere from a few weeks to a few months left. The amputation was canceled as she thought my baby wouldn’t survive it due to the tumor.
We continued giving him his antibiotics until we ran out, and he seemed to get better. He hardly limped anymore, a scab that had formed around the nail of his broken toe was getting smaller, he seemed to be okay.
But a little bit over a week after the antibiotics ran out he started getting worse again. Eating worse and worse, limping again, moving around so very little. So in mid-late February we took him to the clinic again to see if there was anything left we could do. The vet gave us some gabapentin for him, a painkiller that affects the nervous system (sometimes used to treat epilepsy/seizures).
The side-effects of that painkiller is ataxia (like, a loss of control when moving limbs) and sleepyness. For the first week it seemed like the painkiller was kind of helping, my cat was sleeping a lot but he also ate a little better. But then he didn’t eat as much anymore, and the ataxia started getting worse and worse. The worst part was that it was so hard to tell how much of it was caused by the painkiller and how much of it was just his condition getting worse and worse.
It’s so hard for him to move now that he doesn’t get up on his own to go poop or pee, for the past 5-6 days we’ve had to carry him to his litter box. He went from being a lil glutton, to picky eater, to only eating food straight from my hand, to only eating one cream-like cat treat. For the past week or two I’ve been feeding him liquids (water, cat milk, but mainly cat soup) with a tiny syringe (one we gave him his liquid antibiotic with) because I was worried he wasn’t eating enough and it was the only way I could pretty much force him to eat, but even then I can only feed him so much
His paw has swollen up so badly, it’s almost twice the size it should be. The infected toe had been bleeding out pus, the scab around the nail having grown massive, and now another toe on that paw has started bleeding a little too. And a toe on his left hindleg seems swollen as well
I hate myself for letting him get to a state this bad. There’s 16 and a half hours left before the vet comes to put him out of his misery- although the painkiller is pretty damn strong, he shouldn’t be in pain... But still
    I always wanted a cat when I was little, I was always asking for one but my parents always said no, until December 2006, when they finally caved in. A little bit after Christmas my mom found a kitten, mere weeks old, somewhat abandoned by its mother, looking for a home. When we went to check out the kitten at a farm nearby, we weren’t sure yet if we’d actually take the little thing with us. But seeing how the farmer didn’t really want it, how its mother seemed uninterested in it and how the farm with the many cows wasn’t a safe place for a helpless kitten... Well, we fell in love with him, at first sight. And we brought him home that same day.
We weren’t prepared at all, so my parents just dropped me and my brother off at home with the baby while they rushed into the city to buy supplies. We don’t know how old he was exactly when we got him, less than a month old for sure, but more than a few weeks. Small enough we had to bottle feed him, but eyes very much open and walking. He was our little baby. And he still is
He’s the most beautiful and soft cat in the whole world, and he means everything to me
When he was still a baby he pooped and/or peed under the Christmas tree. My dad had originally been against letting the little Sunshine sleep in their bed, but he warmed up immidiately and the cat has slept almost every single night in their bed ever since, the first time he specifically brought him to their bed and scared my mom who thought the kitten had escaped from the secluded area we were keeping him at the time. We thought him to raise his paw for treats
He rushed in and jumped straight into the toilet bowl once after I left the toilet (I had to chase him around desperately, trying to dry him- it had scared the shit out of me but my mom always loved telling this stoy about how one day when she came back from work she found me crying, trying to chase the cat around with a towl in hand because the cat had jumped into the toilet)
He loved, absolutely adored going outside in the summers, even when taking him out on a leash was a pain in the ass. He was so happy running around our yard, rolling in the grass. As he got older we stopped taking him outside (partially because it was my job but he’d always get really angry at me while we were outside, mainly because my dad was afraid he’d bring in ticks), but some 2-3 years ago we rebuilt our patio and turned it into a catio. He loved being there, he even learned the word “terrace”, so that everytime someone would say that word he would rush downstairs to the door, waiting to be let outside
His favorite toys were always hairties, a stick with a furry noodle thing sticking out at the other end, and a very long, very thick and slightly stretchy pink string
I was awful to him as an idiot kid, so he learned to hate me and distrust me, and I deserved that. And despite all that, he was the most patient cat in the world, letting me pet him as much as I liked while he was napping, letting me kiss his tiny forehead and rest my entire face against him. He wouldn’t purr to me, but he tolerated me so much, and I’m so grateful for that
After years of being given smooches, my cat started doing this thing were if someone gave him two kisses on the forehead/neck, he’d smack his lips twice in return. I think that was him trying to emulate the smooch sound, and it was so cute
I’ve heard people say that cats that’re separated from their mothers too early become weirdly like, licky? Like they’ll lick people’s hands etc a lot, and this was so true for him too. If you offered your hand to my Sunshine he’d give it a good ol’ bath, and it was the sweetest thing
I like keeping the doors to my room closed, so if my cat wanted to come in (which he didn’t want often), he’d either scratch at my door until I’d come open it, or like last summer, scratch at the door right behind me, and stare at me through the semi-jammed but slightly open door, until I’d open the other door for him. He’d often try to come to my room around 3-4 am, and he’d come almost daily to my room in the winter because I would open the window for him so he could get some fresh air even in a -25 C weather
My Sunshine didn’t like sleeping in my bed with me, he did it a few times when he was just a few years old until he stopped. Usually if he’d settle in my bed while I was still doing other things, he’d straight flee my room when I’d climb into my bed myself. In this January he started sleeping in my bed, sometimes climbing in while I was still there, or just not feeling when I’d come to bed myself. He didn’t do that every night, but he slept with me in that month more than he did in the past few years combined.
One “morning” (after his lung cancer diagnosis I think) he came into my room to sleep a little bit before noon, trying to escape the sounds of my dad vaccuuming downstairs. I had been struggling to fall asleep, but I managed after he settled in. I proceeded to see a few weird dreams, but the last one of them stood out;
In the last dream my cat had escaped outside, so me and my parents all rushed in to capture him and bring him back inside. It was summer, the weather was wonderful. We were running around in the yard, franticly searching for him, until I spotted him hiding amongst some wheat in the field next to us. He immidiately bolted out, running from that side of the yard to the other, towards the road, until he laid down under the birch trees next to the road. We were so worried he’d get run over by a car. We managed to get to him and grab him (not that he was fighting us), and we immidiately turned around to go back inside. I could hear a car approach us as I watched my mom hand my cat to me. He was so young and skinny, but looked somewhat upset as we were carrying him back inside.
And then I woke up, my cat sleeping quietly at the foot of my bed, against my legs. Call me nuts, but it felt like it was a message from my cat. How he had wanted to go already but we didn’t let him, and while he’s going to spend a little more time with us, sooner or later he will go, and we’ll never see him again.
Late last year my dad had appearently seen a dream where he was forced to eat cat paws. He feels like it may have been a prophetic dream.
A little over a month ago, I was so worried one night about my cat not eating properly I kind of started crying in my room while with my cat, asking him why he wasn’t eating. He came to inspect me almost immidiately, before leaving my room. I go check where he went and he was sitting at the stairs, staring at me. I went to dry my tears real quick and when I returned, he had gone downstairs. I found him waiting in front of his bowl, and when I gave him new wet food, he ate it. At that point, usually he wouldn’t eat anything if I didn’t offer it from my hand specifically.
I’m so grateful to my cat. For being such a sweetheart, for being so patient and kind and making us all so happy. I love him so much. And I’m so sorry I can’t do anything for him anymore except have him be put out of his misery
And while I know most indoors cats live to around 13-15 years old, meaning my 13 year old baby has reached the average age, I still feel like he’s too young to go and that its not fair. I’m going to miss him so much
Please don’t take my sunshine away
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cybrfang · 5 years
Lost Boys (1987) Imagine 'Trust Me'
"Imagine it's New Years Eve and the clock is counting down. You don't have anyone to kiss and the Lost Boys take it upon themselves to fix that. Also could Michael, Star, and Laddie be apart of the group? Like they've fed? Also Michael and Star are together in this???"
How can I say no to you?
For New Years 💜💚
@thelostgirl-crylittlesister @rem-rod-thepsychgod. @poedamnsexy
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You walked around the boardwalk, pulling your jacket tighter around yourself. Your friend and his boyfriend following you, laughing along to whatever joke they were sharing between themselves. It was loud. There was no other way to describe it.
New Years Eve in Santa Carla.
Drunk surf-Nazis, stoned teens, and the couples. Familes everywhere, struggiling to keep their kids with them. It was like this every year you showed up. You couldn't help but wish to be apart of all the fun like any other time you were visiting. But this time it just felt like a drag without your boyfriend. Well... Ex boyfriend. It wasn't that you missed him, you didn't honestly. You felt better without him. But it seems like every time you sort of forget about him, someone has to bring him up and ask how you're doing.
Grammy: "You and Tom were so perfect for one another. This is just a bit of a break right?"
Grampa: "Why'd you break up with him? I liked him. Had a good job that one."
Sam: "Are you alright? I know how much you liked him..."
Hell the only two people that seemed really okay with what you did were the Frog brothers. They haven't even brought it up with you, and always shut down Sam or others when they brought him up. But they couldn't be around to stop everyone all the time. It seemed your friends wanted to constantly make you miserable.
"Hey (Y/N) you're not still thinking of Thomas are you?" Eddy asked, leaning into his boyfriend, Devin. You sighed, rubbing your temple, trying not to sound too annoyed. "No... I really wasn't. Ya know... Until ya brought him up. Again." You could practically here the apologetic smile in his voice. "Sorry kid... I was thinking about later tonight." This caused you to stop, turning to look at him.
"What do you mean later tonight?" This caused Devin to laugh a bit, astonishment in his voice. "(Y/N)... It's New Years eve. You and Tommy always got a front row to the ball dropping from the coaster and made a huge deal about slobbering all over one another." You scoffed, "We did not slobber." You continued walking along, pushing people out of your way as nicely as you could. Devin ran up to your right side as Eddy caught up to your left. Both boys linked arms with you. Eddy raised a brow, "You never answered kid." You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway.
You jumped a bit, startling both of them, "I'm actually planning to meet someone, we've been talking since yesterday morning. I don't know who they are-" you narrowed your eyes and tried your best at a sultry voice "-but that's part of the attraction." You laughed and tried something else at the horrified looks on the boys faces. "I plan to find the most handsome or gorgeous person on this boardwalk and kiss the life out of them." You laughed a bit, loving the warmth the boys provided. Devin leaned closer to you, side-eyeing Eddy. "I don't think Eddy would want you smooching the gorgeous out of me. But, if you insist." He leaned in, making his lips look like a fishes mouth.
"Ugh, as if!" You joked, doging his face, letting Eddy take the blow to his cheek. You laughed, ducking away from the boys, letting them engulf one another. "You two do what you gotta, I'm gonna see if I can find my people." Eddy groaned pulling away from Devin's onslaught of kisses. "Why do you always hang with them, they make me uncomfortable." You scrunched your face in displeasure, "I never said you were invited. Besides you can chill out on the beach and get sand in your ass." You knew Eddy was going to bitch, but knowing that in advance doesn't lessen the annoyance. "They don't like you either ya know." You bolted away before Devin could respond, looking for your family away from home.
It took a bit of time but you finally spotted a head of blonde hair. "Laddie!" The boy whipped around, a bright smile on his face at hearing your voice. "(Y/N)! You're back!" You ran up to him, bending down to pick him up. You didn't need to put much work in it, seeing as a gust of wind seemed to push him up in the air. You rolled your eyes, hoping no one saw that. "How's my main man!" You heard his childish laughter behind your head. "I thought Tom was your main man." You groaned putting him down. "Not anymore Laddie. Not anymore." You grabbed his hand, watching his face process what you just said. "But...-" he started out,"-but who'll you kiss tonight?"
Ugh! Not him too. Why can't everyone just let you leave Tom in the past. You opened your mouth, ready to explain to Laddie that you don't need to kiss anyone when a pair of arms wrapped around your stomach. "You need someone to kiss tonight?" You blushed at the voice, but frowned shaking your head. "I don't need to kiss anyone David." You looked back at the platinum blonde behind you, a lazy shit eating grin on his face. The rest of the boys behind you as well, including Star.
You let go of Laddie's hand as he ran over to where Michael and Star were standing. You pried David's arms off of you, placing your hand on his cheek. "Any other time I might be excited to see you David, but ya killed the feeling." The smell of a copper penny stagnant in the air, made you gag while you let go of David's face. "Apparently the feeling isn't the only thing you've killed tonight." A sharp laugh broke you out of your dramatic reaction. "Oh shut up Paul." You spared a glance toward David, giving him an apologetic smile at his raised eyebrow. You walked away towards Paul, giving him a tight hug, his laughter stopping. "Aw I missed you too babe, look at you all single and cute." You pushed him off rolling your eyes, saying hi to the others.
You figured you might as well tell them now before they tick you off. "Okay here's the thing-" you grabbed Michael's leather jacket, (he was already handing it to you anyway) putting it on. It made you look like a dwarf in size but it made you feel suddenly safe in public, with the contact "-Yes I broke up with Tom. Yes I'm fine. I'm hella chill about it." You smiled at the groans coming from everyone but Star and Laddie. "No, I'm sadly not kissing anyone tonight, but again I'm fine with it. Can I just have fun with you guys?" You looked around, a pleading look on your face.
A puff of smoke blew into your face from David, his head tilted to the side with his eyes narrowed. "What?" You asked, anxious laughter in your voice. He always had a way of making your stomach do flip-flops. It was the way he would stare at you, like he could read everything about you and know you more than you did. Before you could say anything he chuckled and turned around, walking away.
You sighed and followed along, feeling a hand wrap around your wrist. Looking up seeing Dwayne avoid your gaze. "Dwayne bud if you wanted to hold my hand you should've just said so." You joked, prying your wrist away from him but grabbing his hand instead. He sighed looking down at you. "Wanna go get something to eat?" You laughed and clutched your throat, giving him wide eyes. "Dwayne I thought you liked me being around?" This got a chuckle from him, making you smile as he pulled you away from everyone, heading towards a small little boardwalk restaurant called Hunan Delight. You looked at the menu, trying to find anything that the two of you would like. That wasn't that hard seeing that he always ate what you ate, giving you the rest of what he had.
You decided on General Tso's chicken and sat down. After 5 minutes of silence you sighed, tossing some rice at the man across from you. "Okay what's the deal? You and I are normaly talking at this point." This earned a small smiled from Dwayne as he continued to chew, choosing to ignore your inquiry. You scrunched your face and kept at it. Every minute or so you would ask a question and get either ignored or he would spout some random bullshit. Finally you gave up and just continued eating, letting your mind wonder while you stared at the man in front of you. He got your attention with a cough and a serious face. "Hey (Y/N)... you gonna stay the night tonight?" You gave him a soft smile at the question, knowing the deeper meaning. "I don't know yet... I'm still thinking. But it won't be long from now." He leaned forward placing a hand on your cheek, allowing you to lean into it. "Don't think too long. You and I both know how David gets while waiting. Plus we already care about you a surprisingly huge ass amount to let you go." He leaned back, taking his hand with him. You laughed, "Plus I know too much."
He joined your laughter, putting the rest of his food on your tray. As soon as you finished he grabbed your hand, pulling you to the carousel. You sighed, pulling him to a stop when you saw it. "Come on, everytime we go on there someone gets in trouble." This earned another smile, "We're not going on there, I'm just switching you over." This left you confused, but before you could do anything, he grabbed your face and you instinctively closed your eyes. The next thing you knew, Dwayne's lips were pressed against yours, moving slowly. Almost as if he was giving you an out if you wanted it. His lips were soft, and warm. Lucky the smell of blood wasn't too strong. You thought it was a bit weird that you didn't want to stop him anytime soon. It's not like you were in love with him, but you would be lying if you never thought about this before. Almost as soon as it started, it ended. You couldn't even say anything to him, because he was already walking away from you.
"What the fuck..." Before you could process any of what just happened, you felt fingers tugging at your hair. "So you ready?" You turned to look at Paul, an eyebrow raised in confusion. You wanted to ask him if he saw what happened with you and Dwayne, but you didn't know how to go about it. "Ready for what?" You asked, inwardly groaning as he pulled you to the rides. "I wanna take you on the twister!" This caused you to actually let out a groan, making Paul laugh. "Are you kidding me? I don't want to go on that thing!" Your protests were ignored as he pushed his way through the line, pulling you behind him. You turned to look at everyone and apoligize to them, but it seemed like mostly locals. You cringed at the fact that whenever you turn, they'll be afraid to speak up to you too.
You stopped at the front of the line with Paul, watching the Twister go. It was already making you feel sick to your stomach. It went like this: Two people get into one compartment and continuing standing as a saftey-bar is placed at their waists and the door is shut on them. The little compartment gets raised into the air and after what seems like forever starts spinning. It'll start slow and then just start ripping it. You always managed to avoid going on it, but after befriending the boys (and Star) they found out that you were afraid of heights.
-"Hey it's not just heights! You can see out of that little death room they put you in and you're not fully secure. THEN you start moving like fuckin helicopter blades!"-
After hearing that, they've done everything they can to get you on it. After countless attempts, you finally told them you would get on it on the last day of the year. You were hoping they would forget. But, looking at a bouncing Paul, you should've realized that he never would. He was always about pushing you out of your comfort zone and trying to get you to have fun. You didn't notice the ride had ended until you saw dizzy people walking out of the exit.
"You ready scaredy cat?" Paul asked, not waiting long for your answer or giving the ticket boy a ticket. You sighed when the boy didn't refuse the two of you from walking in. 'Of fucking course.' You thought to yourself. "Hold up you freakin maniac." You laughed a bit as he walked around, finding the best compartment. When he found it, you had already had your hair in a ponytail -no matter who hard it was, you almost broke the scrunchy...again- and your heart in your throat. Paul opened the door like he would for a date, smiling triumphantly as you slowly stepped in.
You both stood there and watched as a boy in a shirt with ripped off sleeves pushed the saftey-bar to your waists, waiting to hear the lock click and closed the door, sealing your fate in this death-trap. "Paul if I die, I hope David and Star beat your ass to a pulp." You said as the compartment you were in rose into the air. You felt hands on your shoulders, rubbing up and down in a dull attempt to calm you. You seemed to tune out everything, making a weird buzzing noise in your head as you stood there, waiting for the ride to move. It already seemed like 2 minutes and you knew the ride was about to start. You watched the boy who closed your door walk towards the panel. "Hey... (Y/N)?" Paul started, "Just remember that I love you okay?" You heard a loud click come from your saftey bar as Paul pushed it off the two of you. "Paul what the fuck are y-"
You were cut off with a grunt as the ride started spinning slowly. "Fix it now!" You demanded, looking at the energetic man in turn. He just gave you a care free smile and tried to grab your hand. You pushed it away in anger, even though you figured it could be safer holding his hand. But you weren't going to give him the satisfaction. He sighed in annoyance, but his eyes were still smiling. "Look, I'm just getting you ready for when you become one of us!" He jump a bit to empathize his point. You pushed your back against the little wall behind you as the ride bounced and started gaining speed. "Yeah I'll probably be fine with it then but I'm sure as hell not fucking fine with it now!" You felt a bit dizzy as the ride got faster, and you could hear screams around you from other people. You were about to scream when you felt Paul's hand in your's. You looked at him, about to yank away when you saw his eyes. "Chill, I got you. I'm not going to let anything hurt you. Okay?" The ride started bouncing a bit, pushing you towards Paul's side. "Sure sure! Just don't let me go okay!?" You squealed into his shoulder. You heard him let out a happy laugh as he nuzzled his face on the top of your head. "I promise!"
You let out a few screams during the ride in the start, but after a few humiliating minutes you started to have a bit of fun. Anytime the ride bounced, you let at a crazy laugh. Laughing was your way of handling shock, and it was one of Paul and Marko's favorite things about you. You let out a few screams as you flew towards the door, but it never popped open. You were having the time of your life and felt slightly dejected when the ride started to slow down. "One more time! One more time!" You and Paul started chanting, making others around you laugh. You looked down at the bar that Paul unlocked, watching as he pulled it back causing another click.
The two of you bounced away from the ride, Paul praising you. You looked at him to say thank you, but he grabbed you by the hand again, pulling you towards him. "Paul what are y-" Paul pulled your body flush against his, his mouth curving into a smile as you let out another squeak. He waited for a bit, looking at your lips. You didn't protest, letting him close the gap. Part of you knew this was going to happen. His lips moved against yours in an excited manner. Your lips moved back against his, but you were confused at what you were feeling. Just like Dwayne, you didn't mind but you still didn't get it. He squeezed your hip while his hand grabbed your ponytail. He pulled it a bit, causing you to let out a yelp. He laughed while pulling away, giving you a wink. "Paul?" You questioned as he pushed you into the crowd, dissapearing while you called his name.
After apologizing to the people you bumped into you heard a laugh. "Did you get ditched?" You spun around to face Marko bitting his gloved hand, staring at you with a playful look in his eyes. You gave a huff in response and walked to a small henna tattoo stand with him following behind you. You looked at the person getting a tattoo and started to speak to Marko. "Look I'm having a weird ass night, and it would be great if you just kind of got my mind off of it all." He let out a shitty little giggle, causing you look at him with hope. "You already have a plan don't you?" You let out an excited laugh as he pulled you away from the booth and to the bench across from the comic book shop run by the Frog Brothers and their parents with Sam as a new employee. "We need to wait for people to leave." You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway. One of the best things to do with Marko was to prank Edgar, Alan, and Sam. He's never told you why he does it. Everytime you asked he would mumble something about paying them back without actually hurting them and rub a scar across his heart. You assumed it was something in the past. Star had always told you it was a bit before they got rid of their old sire and way before Michael, Laddie, and her went back to the boys.
"So why tonight?" You watched Marko stare at the store messing with something in his pocket. He looked over at you and gave you a cheeky smile. "So Edgar and Alan beefed with David about him giving you the decision for whenever you change. So I've taken it upon myself to scare the shit out of them. With your help of course." He gestured to you with his free hand at the last words. You felt a strong surge of annoyance at his words, but definitely not at Marko. You have always been headstrong and you've always trusted your gut. When you met the boys, your gut had jumped at the sight of them. But it wasn't a bad feeling to you. It was a dangerous thrill. You loved the Frog Brothers, but they never seemed to grasp that your life was just that. Yours. "That's definitely the right choice." The last costumers walked out of the shop, making Marko wiggle a bit. You watched him as he bit his bottom lip, looking back at you. "How do you feel about blood?"
-A few moments later-
You ran into the comic book store with Marko hot on your heels, careful not to let anyone see what you looked like. You heard the metal door slam on the ground as Marko closed it. "What the hell! It's not even closi-" Edgar rounded the corner to look at whoever was fucking with the store this time, but he was cut off when you looked at him. "(Y/N)... What the fuck did you do?" He asked in a quiet voice. You viciously wiped at your arms, in a brushing off motion. You caught the attention of Sam and Alan, making them gasp. Marko spoke up, a wobble in his voice. "Okay... we fucked up big time. You guys need to help her." This statement seemed to cause Edgar to burst. "FUCKED UP?! WHAT DID WE TELL YOU!? OF COURSE YOU FUCKED UP!" Alan pulled Edgar away from the two of you when Marko let out a growl.
You spoke before he could say anything. "No... It was my fault." You heard your own voice crack, a tear fell down your cheek. You brushed it away, smearing the blood even more. You were covered in it. Blood ran down your arms, it was in your hair, and caked into your nails almost as if you had been digging into human flesh. "How... How is your fault (Y/N)?" Sam asked inching forward to you. You gave a quiet sob and looked at Marko. "I was thirsty and I just wasn't thinking. Marko was holding David's new flask for him and I t-thought that if it was new it wouldn't have blood in it." You shook your head, slumping down a bit. Alan walked up to Marko, his face normally passive but this time it was filled with a touch of anger. "You knew didn't you? You let this happen?!" His voiced raised in pitch. Marko flashed his eyes and gave Alan a small smile, but none of his regular joy showed.
Before he could say anything, Sam pulled Alan away. Both Frog brothers looked at Sam while a loud bang filled the room. Everyone looked back to where Marko once stood. "Where the hell did he go?" Edgar asked. You shrugged your shoulders, covering your mouth. "I don't know, and I don't care. Fix this!" You yelled pointing at your bloodied body. Alan shook his head, stepping back at bit. "The only way we can fix that... Would be to stake you." Edgar nodded with what his brother suggested. "No offense or anything, but you're a bloodsucker now. We'll have to stake you and the rest of them." He turned around, pulling Alan with him as they headed toward the back room. Sam let out a noise of disgust, "No! (Y/N)'s our friend, and Michael's my brother!" He paused for a moment, "Jesus christ Star might become my undead sister in-law!" Both brothers kept walking seeming to ignore Sam. "Hey! Listen to me for ch-" A terrified gurgle escaped Sam's mouth as he was slammed to the ground, a bunch of comic books scattering around him. Pictures of Superman and lesser know comics covered parts of his body when Edgar and Alan looked over. They saw half of your body hunched over Sam's twitching one, moving in a way to sugget that you were eating something. Edgar was the first to react, yelling out and rushing towards you. Before he and Alan could get to you, Marko jumped out in front of them from behind the counter. You could tell he was changed due to his long finger nails.
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Marko yelled, startling the boys. At the same time he also made the shop shake a bit. Edgar and Alan launched backwards away from the vampire in front of them. It took them a full minute to almost charge when they heard Sam blow on a noise maker. "W-what... What the hell is going on?" Edgar demanded. You gave an ugly laugh in return clutching your stomach. Sam and Marko followed suit. After about 5 minutes of laughing both boys were red in the face. Alan looked at Sam. "You were in on it? Why?" It took a moment for Sam to catch his breath. When he did he pouted at Alan, "You told everyone we weren't dating anymore. Besides you should've called their bluff from the start." Edgar rolled his eyes but walked forward and helped the two of you up. You heard him mumbling about staking both of you and dunking Marko in holy water and see if that makes it permanent. Alan frowned, "What do you mean?" He looked over at Marko who began walking towards you. "After someone drinks vampire blood, it takes about an entire day for the craving of blood to kick in." You laughed looking at them as Marko wrapped his arms around your middle. "I thought you were professonals." Sam muttered, causing an out cry of protests.
You laughed leaning back in Marko, feeling his hands roaming your waist. Breathing in the scent of him left you light-headed. It was a smokey smell, probably from the bonfires. You felt one of Marko's hand reach up to your neck, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. "Tell me if it's okay..." You heard him mutter. You had a weird deja vu moment. You looked back at him, nodding with wide eyes. The boys were still arguing behind you when Marko placed his lips on yours. The sound around you dissipated as you focused on him moving against you. His lips were chaped from the constant biting, but it was what you figured. It didn't take away from the moment. In fact... It made you feel just as excited as he was. His hands were roaming around your front, careful not to touch your chest. His hands seemed to match his enthusiasm. They followed the speed on his lips. You both pulled away at the silence around you. The Sam shyly smiled, grabbing both boys hands. "Well I see that you're all busy. I guess we'll just leave you to it then." You scrunched up your face as you heard a quiet happy remark about Frogs. When you turned around, Marko had left.
This was just great. You walked out of the comic shop, not bothering to hide your apperance. You weren't really thinking about it as you walked towards the arcade. If you bet your life on any thing, it would be that Michael, Star, and Laddie would be there. When you pushed through the crowd -not hard since you were covered in fake blood- you gave a sigh of relief. You marched up to Michael and poled him on the shoulder. When he and Star turned around you held oit your arms. "So are you two going to kiss me too when I'm unaware and trying to be innocent?" Star's eyes widened at the sight of your body, and raised an eyebrow when you told her it was just fake. "Did you and Marko finish pranking Sam and his tadpools?" Michael said softly, a small smile on his lips. You nodded, pursing your lips. He laughed, fiddling with his earring. He leaned forward trying not to get blood on himself and gave your forehead a kiss. He moved back, leaning back down to your lips. He planted a small kiss there, smiling."Oh thank god..." You mumbled. The first time you met Michael, you had a bit of a crush on him. Then you saw Star and... Well. Michael became a bodyguard to you, always keeping you safe from the others if they got too rowdy. Seeing Star laugh made you feel weak as she would hold your hand, and whisper in your ear.
You looked over at the girl on the top of your brain as Michael walked back to help Laddie on Burger Time. Star walked up to you, giving you a sly smile. "So you just want to get this over with huh?" You inhaled sharply at the twinkle in her eye. "Well... I don't think I would mind a bit more than a kiss on the forehead." Star twirled a bit of her hair for a moment and then launched herself at you. You were about to protest, seeing as your entire body was sticky, red, and wet. But the thought flew from your mind when you felt her soft lips on yours, biting your bottom lip. This had been something you fantasized about for a long time. But in those wwt dreams, you both were Vampires and you went alot harder than a simple kiss.
You shoved your hands into her hair, pulling it as Paul did to your ponytail. Just like you, Star let out a soft gasp. You took the opportunity and let your tounge enter her mouth, poking at hers. Your tounges fighting for dominance, yours coming out on top. You felt your stomach flip when she let out a low moan, running her hands down your back to your ass. You pushed your body up against hers when she gripped you tight. Her breasts pressed against yours. Your mind was racing with thoughts. Some perverted, but most were sweet. You thought about kissing her neck, hoping to find what would drive her crazy. Or kissing her eyelids, telling her how amazing she truly is.
You felt her move away -too soon in your taste- when she heard a cough behind her. She looked back at Michael, who was standing behind Laddie. You gave him an apologetic smile, but he wasn't angry from what you saw. Star looked back at you, a smile on her lips, "Better than a kiss on the forehead?" You felt a bit smug as you winked at her, turning away before Laddie could lose his last life in the game.
Even with the last kiss, you were so confused. You looked around at everyone around you. It was the same as before, but even more drunk people. You knew what was going on at this point. It was New Years eve. They were giving you the kiss you weren't going to have tonight. But all of them? You let out a strangled noise, pulling the end of your ponytail. "Why is this so fuckin aggravating?" You muttered to yourself, getting the attention of a few people around you. They stared at your front with confusion, and then fear when their eyes traveled to your face. You forgot about all the blood around your mouth, making it look like you fed on someone. "Sorry sorry!!" You mumbled, rushing onto the beach away from the lights and people.
You let out a ton of loud whale noises that Marko himself would be proud of. You didn't need to kiss anyone tonight, that's what you told them and it just seemed like they haven't listened to you. You kicked the sand, but stilled at the sight of smoke wafting in your face. You looked over to the right where it was coming from, a lazy content smile replacing the scowl on your face. You walked up to the man laying on the sand, his left leg raised in the air with his foot flat on the ground, and his right leg crossed over. Before you could even say hello he shot up and patted the spot on his left for you to join him. "Hello David..." He hummed a response looking out at the sea. From the spot you shared with him, the noise on the boardwalk was muted.
Sitting in silence with him always made you drowsy. Something about him made you feel comfortable, no matter how many times he called you dumb as hell for it. He broke the silence with a deep intake of breath through his nose. "Why do you have human blood all over you?" You gave a small chuckle, "We pranked Sam and the Frog brothers...and it's fake blood." He looked down at you, an eyebrow raised. "Did he tell you it was fake?" You searched your mind, looking for your confirmation you needed. You came up blank, screwing your face up. "Oh jesus fucking christ! I'm soaking in it. Who the hell is this?!" You looked down at your chest, the blood drying on you. You felt your breathing speed up, all the thoughts running through your mind. It all came up short when you felt David's arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him. He leaned down to your ear, a condescending smile on his lips. "Calm down (Y/N)... Trust me." You gave a shakey sigh, still eyeing the blood. "So many people have said that to me tonight. It's getting a bit annoying." He let out a bark for a laugh leaning back, but his hand tightened on your waist.
"Speaking of blood." You looked up at him, ready to cut him off but he raised his gloved hand. "Yeah yeah, you get to pick when. I know that. But I've waited (Y/N). I've been a good boy. Just tell me that it's soon." You raised a hand to the back of your neck, looking at the sea. "Yeah... It'll be real soon. I figured you would put two and two together." You looked back at him, your eyebrow raised. He nodded, his hair waving a bit around. "So you did break up with Tommy Boy for me. I feel loved." He winked at you, causing your breath to hitch for a second. You leaned over and grabbed his right hand, pulling his glove off. You wrapped your pinky around his, looking him dead in the eye. "I'll become a vampire next year." He groaned at your lame joke but gave you a bright smile anyway. You looked down at his mouth and faltered a bit. You were too close to him to think. You knew he wouldn't jump out to kiss you like everyone else. You had to take action here. This eill be the first kiss you've started tonight. "David can I..." You paused thinking for the right words. He seemed to know what you wanted to say as he moved closer to you, waiting for you to go the rest of the way.
"How far are you willing to go (Y/N)?" He whispered, his breath ghosting over your lips. You pushed forward setting yourself on his lap, pushed your lips onto his. He pushed back though, not rolling over so easily. He gripped your hips, tearing the skin from his nails. In the background you could hear the crowd on the boardwalk cheer, noise makers going off as well. It was midnight and you were grinding the leader of The Lost Boys while he bit your bottom lip. He shoved his tounge into your mouth, but unlike with Star, you didn't fight for dominance. You gave it all to him. You heard him moan in the back of his throat, making heat build in your body. You gripped his hair and tried to pull it, but you yanked back when you heard a familiar yell of joy from Paul.
"Oh come on guys, work on your timing." You muttered as David moved from under you, causing you to fall on your back. "Ugh!" You groaned as Laddie slammed into you. "(Y/N) I WANTED TO BE YOUR NEW KISS FOR THE YEAR!" You made a playful noise as you kissed his cheeks, laughing harder while he made sounds of disgust. The rest of the group sat around you, making you and Laddie the exact center. You looked at everyone around, and in the distance you saw Sam, Edgar and Alan walking towards you all. You finally decided. It was going to be a good year.
Laddie leaned forward, smelling your chest. "(Y/N) why are you wearing human blood?" You sat up, causing Laddie to roll off you. Marko gave you an apologetic smile while you searched for the right words. "You... I'm... I'm going to stake you." He thought for a moment and laughed, looking over to Edgar and Alan. "It's not the first time and it definitely won't be the last time someone has tried that."
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Morning!Reddie headcanons
—Winter is absolutely the best thing ever because they always wake up spooning.
—Richie will hug Eddie from behind and they’ll just lay there in their cozy cove made of sheets and pillows, warm and pure and in love.
—Richie likes to think he always wakes up first, but, actually, Eddie just likes to pretend he’s asleep so Richie will snuggle him for a little more.
—Of course, since it’s Richie, he will usually grab Eddie’s butt and stuff. And Eddie will just take it and cuddle because he lowkey loves it? And early in the morning is the only time of the day he doesn’t have to pretend he hates it? Yeah.
—Richie, obviously, notices how much he likes it. So he just leaves his hand there and everything is perfect and domestic and dreams do come true, until he, also pretending to be asleep and with the clear intention of waking Eddie up, whispers “Eds would kill me if he found out about us, hm, Mrs. K?”
—And Eddie just… do you remember that Spongebob episode when Spongebob would get into Squidward’s bed and Squidward was so sleepy that he just allowed it? And when he notices what’s going on his eyes suddenly open wide in such a memeish way? That’s Eddie’s reaction everytime Richie murmurs something like “gotta love that ass of yours, Mrs. K”.
—"DUDE, WHAT THE HELL". Sitting up and ruining all the magic bc seriously wth.
—"Oh, there you are, Eds. Sorry, same old dream I’ve been having everynight since we hit puberty".
—Eddie barely represses a psychotic tic of his right eye as Richie explodes in a uncontrollable laugh and puts his arms around him and pulls him to his chest (Eddie lowkey can’t breath and will beat the shit out of him with his clueless, bare hands if he doesn’t let go of him).
—But he doesn’t let go, he just lets him raise his head a bit so he won’t die suffocated. He’s still on top of Richie with him holding him down. And they stare into each other eyes and it’s so perfect.
—Obviously, Richie can’t see, so Eddie, trying to avoid every chance of a sappy, awkward moment happening, takes the glasses from the nightstand and roughly puts them on his face, saying something like “you look stupid trying to see without them”.
—But he’s clearly lying bc Richie looks so cute in the mornings when he makes an effort to see bc he’s to lazy to stretch out an arm to get his glasses and aAaAaAaAAAAA why is he like this Eddie is internally screaming.
—"You like me stupid", Richie smirks and Eddie just… melts. But of course he can’t admit it, so he rolls his eyes and let himself be flipped and pushed down to the bed by Richie’s weight.
—More cuddles!
—Eddie yawns and Richie just… melts. Like, so cute! And he holds him there and starts saying fluffy stuff and kissing all over his face.
—"Such a… *peck on the forehead* cute… *nuzzle on the neck* little thing… *peck on the cheek* aren’t you? *kiss on the temple* Soft… *peck on the other cheek* sleepy… *peck on the nose* boy… *peck on the lips* cute… *kiss* cute… *kiss* cute! *super hardcore and sweet smooch*
—Eddie feels in heaven. But he can’t let this damage his reputation of chaotic evil, so he puts his hand on Richie’s face, pushes him back so he can get out from under him and says “morning breath”, getting out of bed.
—He starts looking into the closet for his clothes and Richie lies down on his stomatch and whines into the pillow like a dying whale.
—"Edssss, why do you have to leave meeee"
—"I’m not leaving you, we always leave together. But it’s late and you know it. So get up".
—"But I don’t wanna go to work. It’s booooriiiing".
—"You work at the radio station because you chose it".
—"But, baby, it’s cold outside".
—"You’re a fucking child".
—"You work at a children hospital. I just prepare you for that".
—"I work at a children hospital but I’m not your babysitter".
—"That’s what you think".
—They argue until Eddie is ready and Richie finally agrees he’s getting out of bed (they have this rule that says they only cancel plans before one of them is fully dressed, so he can’t do nothing about it and he just accepts his fate as an adult).
—As Richie gets ready in front of their mirror, he usually pulls Eddie with him and wraps his arms around his waist and rests his chin on his shoulder, making him look at himself in the mirror and telling him “look at how cute that guy is! Oh, and is that devilish handsome man behind him his husband? It looks like he is!”
—Eddie just laughs and rolls his eyes. And then Richie says “just brushed my teeth. No morning breath anymore” like he won some strategy game and Eddie says “ok” and gives him a quick kiss over his shoulder before leaving the room.
—Richie always makes breakfast bc the only thing he can cook is hotcakes. Still, he’s so careless and messy that Eddie would rather do it himself.
—The thing is… they don’t have that much time. So Eddie’s boss (who is a cool guy, but he likes things being well done) calls him and Eddie lies saying he’s stuck in the traffic.
—Richie will catch up the conversation and start making street noises and scream things like “LEARN HOW TO DRIVE, ASSHOLE! OH, YEAH? YOU WANNA FIGHT? GET OFF OF THAT CAR AND FACE ME”. And Eddie tries so hard not to laugh.
—It’s all okay until Richie’s lack of attention while cooking backfires and he accidentally lands his hand on the stove and ScReAmS.
—Eddie worries about it, but, most important, he almost drops his phone and when he handles it back his boss asks for an explanation. Then diva!Richie takes the stage.
—Eddie looks ready to kill him but his poor baby burned his hand and he needs help so fanny pack powers activated you’re so in trouble Richard we’ll talk about it where does it hurts honey.
—When they take care of his hand, they sit to have breakfast. And, even when all the domestic magic is back, they’re in a bit of a hurry. So Eddie makes the mistake of telling him to eat fast and Richie fucking ROLLS UP his hotcake and starts eating it like it’s a burrito.
—"Oh, sorry *still chewing*, forgot the syrup *grabs the syrup bottle and directly puts half of its content into his mouth*“.
—”…“ *dies*
—"Want some, Eds?”
—"…“ *dies again*
—”…“ *smile full of food and syrup*
—"Beep beep, Richie”.
—Since the hospital where Eddie works is on the way to the radio station, Richie always gives him a ride.
—They cruise the town in his shining classic car with 80s music blasting on the stereo or Richie’s voice changing the lyrics of famous TV shows themes.
—Tozbraks, meet the Tozbraks, they’re the modern gay age family. From the town of Derry, Maine, they’re a page right out of gaystory🎶
—"You can’t put the word ‘gay’ in every song and pretend it fits us, Rich".
—"Oh, I can’t, Eds? I can’t? Are you sure? I can’t?“
—"Uh huh”.
—"You’re right. I should put the word 'cute’ if I want it to fit you".
—"Fuck you" *blushes while internally screams*
—When they arrive to the hospital, it’s time to say goodbye. Of course Richie doesn’t need to get out of the car for that, but he does it anyway. And they just hug and kiss at the hospital’s sidewalk, and they don’t care about what anyone could think.
—"See you at dinner, Eds", Richie says as he gets back to the car. “Love ya”.
—"Love you, too, Rich" *InTeRnAlLy ScReAmInG*
—He loves this man so much.
—And he has so many explanations to give to his boss.
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scenevixx · 7 years
Vixx As Boyfriends!!!
[HAKYEON] - romantic pickup lines that makes you melt - teasing you 24/7 - even if you’re in a crowd with many people, he only sees you, and only you - overprotective, he makes sure that you eat well, don’t diet in a wrong way, and sleep well - and if you can’t sleep he will come to your room and whisper some sweet and romantic things to you saying I love you so much what did I do to deserve you// sleep well sleep tight dream of me you cute little one till you fall asleep - also would protect you from builes but using words instead of actions - surprise kisses, mostly on the forehead and lips - if hakyeon catches you talking to any boys even if there’s no intention of cheating on him tHAT BOY IS SO GOING TO GET IT - ^makes sure that he’s around if u’re surrounded by guys - when u’re cold, he will give you a warm embrace and kisses your cheek and say “you silly girl, bring more clothes to a cold country like this! Look, your cheeks are all red because of the cold!!” And what he did makes you so warm - he will bring you to school everyday, and when the girls asked you who’s that hot guy that fetches you to school and before you can talk he kisses your cheek and told them ure his girlfriend making the girls go cRAZY - he makes breakfast for you almost every morning, no matter how nasty it tasted sometimes, you will say it’s nice -you came back home after a few days (camp maybe?) and you went to his room and saw him murmuring some words as he sleeps - as you went closer and he was saying “ahh..I miss y/n so much..y/n when are you coming back? Is she hanging out with other guys?? Is she..” - and he started snoring, you stroked his soft hair as you whispered “I’m here..I’m back…sleep well hak, don’t worry about me” As you kissed his forehead a.k.a the place he loves to kiss you at - he woke up @ the sense of your touch and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was you, his beloved girlfriend -he carassed your cheeks and planted kisses all over it, and then hugging you and telling how much he loves you and how much he misses you when u’re not with him and that he has so much thoughts on his head thinking if u’re going to hang out with other guys that’s not him. - and you told him you miss him so much too, and both of you proceeded with a kiss with both of his hands cupping your face and your hands wrapped around his neck
[Taekwoon] - a very, very quiet boyfriend - mostly shows his affection through actions - rarely talks, but cuddles with you under a soft blanket as your face buries into his warm chest and sings for you in his husky voice till you fall asleep - he will usually tell you his problems comfortably, without worrying you will spread it because he trusts you the most - when he comes back with ridiculously high grades, you will praise him so much till he covers his face and start hiding in the corner because he got shy - before dating you, he writes sad songs about heartbreak and unsuccessful relationships, but after he dated you, he wrote so many happy songs dedicated to you about how love makes him happy - once you can’t find him anywhere and you thought he ran, you thought he left you and you got so scared, you walked to your cupboard containing your clothes(to change and find him) and when you opened it you see Taekwoon munching the snacks you brought in a corner and you were like “JUNG TAEKWOON!! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP STEALING MY SNACKS TT.TT” but you saw him eating your snacks in such a cute way, ressembling a hungry baby hamster you just…let him be - when you reached college, you have to stay in the dorm in school for awhile. During that time, he sent you alot of letters and you decided to read them when everybody was sleeping.
“ dear y/n, You may find other guys that is better than me in there,you may find a guy that talks more than me and that you probably prefer that kind of affection than expressing love through actions,you may find a guy that stops stealing your snacks 24/7 and hiding in a corner of your room to eat,but I just wanna say I will always love you even if you find another guy.. because nobody can ever replace my heart other than you” Tears started rolling down your cheeks the moment you reached the end of the letter
“ silly boy, why would I leave you? Emotional boy… He must have written too many sad songs when I’m not around with him”
[jaehwan] • had asked you out through singing a song • pet names • a lot of pet names • “baby” “honey” “babe” • he initiates all the pda • he always lends you his clothes especially his hoodie • because he thinks you look really cute in oversized sweaters • personal serenades • every night when you cant sleep he sings for you • every time you feel down he sings for you • basically he sings very very very often to you • not that you mind, aft all it sounds like an angel calling you • dates with him would be so intimate • he’d make something simple like preparing breakfast into a game or something • making pancakes??? lmfao no more like FLOUR FIGHT • oh look now you both look like ghosts cause of all that flour • and then he makes you clean up the mess • but hes a softie so in the end he still cleans it up with you • will bug you to get a pet to keep together itll probably be a fluffy animal like a dog or a rabbit • but he’ll insist on naming it peter or something • xbox at midnight together with a bowl of popcorn • that he might have acidentally tipped over cause he was so agitated playing some racing game • also will not stop playing until he beats you • you eventually let him win because you were tired and he wasnt gonna let you stop until you did so • a m e s s • unless youre physically together, you’ll never not get a text from him in 24 hours • long messages with cute typos, a lot of emoticons and A LOT of ♡s • can literally SENSE when youre having a bad day and goes out of his way to cheer you up • animal impression contests between the two of you!!! • and you also always have high note battles with him even when you know youre gonna lose • your dates are never too extravagant and over the top • he focuses more on making you feel comfortable around him than bringing you to expensive places • lots of selcas • lots of aegyo • overall really sweet and youll never have a dull moment with him
[Ravi] • ngl sometimes you’d feel neglected because hes so focussed on his work • but he senses that and immediately makes it up • by immediately i mean after he finishes this song he just started working on • and by makes it up i mean smooches a lot of smooches physical contact • he’ll never pay you lip service, just lips • no one is allowed in his workplace unless its you so i guess thats kind of fair • altho you do choose not to disturb him since you know how hed rather be alone when working • but on the few instances you do you get spoilers for any upcoming tracks he was working on • and youd chuckle a bit everytime he plays you a guide version of his song that he recorded • because his husky voice singing the guide for girl group song cant not be funny • oh and the dog • butt • you two treat it like your child • he finds it hard to express “i love you” in words to you • and for some reason can only do that through songs • yes he composes songs with you as his muse • prob gets jaehwan to sing the guide instead so you wont laugh • he learnt that the hard way because,,it was supposed to be a serious song when he played a song to you but you ended up laughing when he couldnt reach a higher note • you werent mocking him you just found it really cute • really cute that he tries so hard to make up for all the lack of attention he gave you when he worked • there were days youd enter his workplace and see him just kinda passed out on his desk • no he didnt faint he fell asleep • oh the poor thing working so hard • and so you just kinda look at him and smile • he looked so vulnerable and innocent you couldnt believe it was the same guy in the day • but all dem royalties he earns tho • he easily splurges all those extra cash on you • fancy dinners and buying you stunning gifts • he never really had to say it but you could feel his sincerity in his love • not the most romantic guy but hey hes trying and you appreciate that
[hongbin] - handsome flower boy, all the girls were so envious of you dating such a boy like him - very awkward, he took a long time to tell you he likes you because he’s shy to express his feelings for you - whenever u’re sad, he will always be there telling his dark pasts and doing sets of cringey aegyos to make you laugh - constant teasing that made you so annoyed at the same time entertained - when fruits are served he will be so happy and that when you tried to take one fruit from his plate he will be like “NO THEY ARE MINE!!!” In such a childish manner - but after that he will feed you with those fruits because he loves you so much - he will bring a actual camera when he’s going out with you. He will usually take photos of you without you knowing and you ask him “why are you taking unglam photos of me? I surely look ugly in these photos..” And he kissed your forehead and then telling you that don’t have to worry at the fact you look ugly in these photos because you’re always beautiful - he always wants you to challenge him in overwatch, and that when you say that you will definitely win him, he said “babe, u’re talking to a person that is ranked 7th in the whole world for the character Hanzo” And that when u’re almost gonna win him, he will take away your control and youre like “HEY!! THIS IS CALLED CHEATING!!” and you tried taking the control back from him - but he accidentally fell on you and he was like on top on you and u’re at the bottom(let’s say you both played the game in the living room hence y'all sat on the sofa and played the game). Your heart was beating so fast and you closed your eyes tightly think that he will do something to you. he went closer to you, and he will push your hair behind your ears with his delicate fingers as he whispered
“I love you”
[Hyuk] • omf how does he just turn from that manliness to a baby in like 0.7262 seconds • literally one second he has his hair up and gelled and hes being a gentleman and all • and the next moment his smile just appears and melts all of that manliness away and you just want to protect him??? • but you know in reality hes the one whod protect you because LOOK AT THOSE ARMS • childish fights over the tv remote • and he’d make that high pitch scream when you try to snatch it away and things dont go his way • and the scream scared you so youd let go of the remote • and thus you admit defeat and be forced to watch naruto • it kinda gets rubbed onto you and before you know it youve become an avid viewer of naruto too • hes proud that he influenced you • and on your dates oh my god the forehead • he styles his hair up and reveals the glorious forehead • and he pulls out the chair for you • or at least you _thought_ he was gonna pull it out for you hahah jk nop he sits on the chair • and you look at him like,,, wthyuk man • then he just stares at you like,,,,, what are you waiting for go sit down • have i mentioned that you now like justin bieber too because he blasts his songs everywhere • also ocassionally hits ravi up on helping to compose a song for you • and he wont play the track for you • he’ll sing it live in front of you with the piano and all • aw what a sweetheart • teaches you how to play overwatch • will use the chance to wrap his arms around you to guide you on using the mouse • but i mean he only taught you how to play it so that he can trash you at it and feel good about it • ice cream dates!! • literally you two could be walking down the street and he’d disappear for 0.01727 seconds and return with two ice cream cones • and like in all those romantic shows - you’d have a bit of ice cream at the corner of your mouth • but instead of using his finger to wipe it off he uses it as an excuse to kiss you but he licks the ice cream as well • and afterward he flushes really red and that just makes him cuter • because hes so tall he’d purposely tip toe to tease you so you cant kiss him • but also bends down loads for that lip kiss • and his chest has got to be the absolute best place to ever bury your face in • its so warm and when he embraces you like that you feel so protected and safe • would be the type to splurge on you unnecessarily because he feels like he doesnt do enough for you • when in reality he does • definition of protective boyfriend • like what,,,, do you think those arms are for display only • the other members treat you like a god • because they know if they dont hahah theyll end up like leo in that vixxtv episode (ep 72??)
(Side note: hi!!! This is our first post and we didn’t really have a legit intro but I’m chrissia and the other child in here is Janelle! I did Hakyeon, Taekwoon and hongbin and Janelle did Jaehwan Ravi and Hyuk!!) (yes hi im janelle HAHAH you can tell the difc i guess i use •s and chrissia uses -s so yeah thats cool)
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cupcakegnome · 7 years
Found from the old hard drive, so enjoy. This was the start of Flutterfangs.
@pixeldemographics ( tagging you because of finnian)
Richard leaned his head on his hands, let out a long sigh and just sat there being silent.His thought were running circles in his head and this matter the one he had been thinking about the most. What was between him and Finnian, they weren’t lovers, not even boyfriends, they just shared the same bed and had sex everytime he drank from Finnian. Richard didn’t like this situation, sure he liked the drinking after party but was it right?
Finnian, who had been lying on the bed, in the afterglow, rose up to his elbows looking at Richard. “Is everything OK? What is the matter?” Finnian asked concerned. Richard sighed again, feeling Finnian’s eyes on his back, watching him through the mirror. “This is happening every time, Finnian.” He mumbled looking at his toes. “Every time I drink of you, we end up having sex “He continued. Finnian crawled to Richard wrapping his hands around him. Richard felt his body warmth and heard the little tingles he always made when he moved. Flutterwings.  
“Why are you so concerned about it?” Finnian whispered to his neck. Richard leaned his cheek on his hand, sighing. “Don’t you think I’m taking advantage of you? “ Richard asked.” That I am just a beast, who after feeding himself gets what he wants, using the weak you to satisfy the rest of his needs?” he asked voice almost silent in the end.
Finnian shook his head, tightened his arms around Richard and laughed softly. Richard heard the tingles again and Finnian’s body felt suddenly more warm than before. “No,no, you got it all wrong. I like it too; I wouldn’t let it happen otherwise.” Finnian smiled and kissed Richard’s neck, continuing his way to his earlobe. Richard shivered and relaxed a bit, leaned more onto fairy behind him. Finnian grinned and laughed softly, his breaths tickling Richard’s skin.
“Let me show you something. “Finnian whispered to his ear and slides his hands down on Richard’s waist, dropping himself to the floor at the same time. “What are you doing?” Richard asked confused. Finnian looked at him smiling. “You aren’t hungry are you?” he asked. Richard shook his head. “So you’re taking no advantage of me now and I’m already recovered of the recent events.” Finnian grinned, sliding his hands way down to Richard’s hips, placing his lips to kiss his belly bottom. Richard slides his hands to Finnian’s blond hair guiding Finnian lower.
The same dizzying feeling, the butterflies, the tingling feeling all over his body, they were there again as Finnian continued his demonstration. Richard let out a quiet moan. ”Finnian.” He gasped, stopping him. “I know” Finnian smiled.” I feel it too and it isn’t because I’m weak or something.” He said looking at Richard.
“It is because I want you, I need you.” he continued, moving himself to Richard’s lap, looking at him.Finnian seemed to meant every word, Richard thought and looked at Finnian, unknowingly touching his lips with the tip of his tongue. Little move, so little yet it affected him like a lightning. Sexy Flutterwings. Richard smiled  , leaned on his back, taking Finnians’ hand in his, placing it to his neck. Finnian moved his , explored gently his neckline, chest and collarbones, every touch made him shiver and the tingling feelin got stronger. Richard moved his hand to Finnians’ neck pulling his head down, eyes locked on his.  “Then let me fulfill your needs, Flutterwings.” Richard whispered lips almost touching Finnians’. Finnian smiled back, huffing lightly. Richard felt him smiling under the kiss and he couldn’t help it and laughed out of pure happiness. Flutterwings and him,it was right and it was meant to be.
I'll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I'll hold you tight
Baby all through the night
I'll make love to you
When you want me to
And I will not let go
'Till you tell me to
Finnian lets his hands wonder around as they want when he moves himself to Richard’s lap, after taking the condoms and lube from the side table and slipping one to Richard. Richard smiles to him, hands burning on his waist, sending pleasurable shivers all over his body. Finnian starts to move and Richard tightens his grip, slowly first, enjoying every thrust , every movement, they make love.
“Look at me.” Richard says in a husky voice, that sends blood rushing on Finnians’ cheeks and hips and stops for a moment, just to gaze in his eyes. Finnian looks at him, eyes almost black from desire and he smiles little dizzily. Finnian leans down to kiss him, their tongues meet and lips melt together. Still moving his hips to meet Richard’s, thrusts are getting faster and faster.
Their eyes locked on each other’s, bodies moving together like a pieces of puzzle, seamless, backs arching just a moment before moans are let out and they collapse to each other, still gasping but sated and happy.
“I liked that.” Finnian smiles his eyes closed, wings slightly fluttering. He looks so cute Richard smiles, tightens arms around him, kisses his hair and suddenly warm, fluffy feeling filled his heart. “I liked that too.” Richard sighs. And I think I love you, he added in his mind, thinking it would be too soon to confess such things to Finnian. Finnian nuzzled his cheek at his shoulder making mumbling sounds, wrinkling his nose. ”This is too comfy, I don’t want to get up at all.” He yawned eyes still closed. Richard sighed, huggles him closer and closes his eyes too. “Let’s just stay here, like this.”  
Later on they were getting up , Finnian walked to Richard, cupping his face between his hands, smiling. “Want to come to and take a long bubbling bath with me? he asked and before Richard answered Finnian kissed him, taking few step backward at the same time, leading Richard to bathroom.
Bubbles were floating, sparkiling in colors,filling the whole bathroom. “You are sneaky, Flutterwings.” Richard said to Finnian, who was in his lap, just about to kiss him again. “We haven’t really even washed, I think you just wanted to cuddle and smooch with me at the bathtub, you sneaky fairy.” Richard laughed. Finnians’ wings fluttered and made a tingling sound as he laughed with Richard. “That might be true, Fangs.” he smiled and kissed Richard, distracting his thoughts and speech. Richard pulled Finnian closer, answering the kiss, forgetting everything else.
Much later they had washed , with some minor distractions to kiss each other at every other minute, and were still lying on the warm water, Finnian almost sleeping in his arms. Richard felt happy, content, this was how it all was meant to be. Everything, everything was perfect at the moment.
(time skip)
Richard woke up to the mild scent of coffee, he heard Finnian moving in the kitchen and opened his eyes. He thought for a moment these past weeks, how after that one time, they made love without bloodsucking and after that it was, well a pretty constant thing to happen in their house. Richard smiled and more he thought about , the bigger his smile was. There was just something about Flutterwings that made him smile quite goofily, also Flutterwings had the skill to turn him on just by kissing him and he knew it.
Richard got up , he walked to the window and stared outside for a moment. He hadn’t still confessed that he loved Flutterwings, although it was pretty obvious that he did. He was quite certain Finnian felt the same, but maybe it wouldn’t be bad to let him know anyway?
He walked to the kitchen, Finnian was looking something from the computer. Richard sat on the chair and grabbed the plasma juice Finnian had put there. Orange flavor, his favorite. “Morning. Saw any good dreams?” Finnian asked from the computer “I guess I did.” Richard said, playing with the plasma juice straw. “Finnian, I want …” he started but Finnian interrupted him.
“Just look at this, they are renting one bedroom apartment and the rent is skyhigh, unbelievable,.” Finnain grunted. Richard got scared, Why in the name of plasmajuice , Finnian was looking at apartments?
“Uh..it’s outrageous..” Richard answered mildly sighing. “Why are you looking rentals, anyway?” he asked and tried to make it sound natural, careless even if he voice was a bit shaky. Finnian looked at his toes being silent. “Just interested.” ha said shortly. Then one sudden move he pushed the chair away and walked to very worried looking Richard.
“I’m not going to move away from here.” He then laughed. “You aren’t? “ Richard stuttered back. Finnian laughed again pulling Richard closer, sliding fingers to his beltloops, Richard wrapped his arm around his waist.
“No.” He smiled. “The benefits are great here and the company too, I wouldn’t dream on moving.” he continued and touched lightly Richard’s cheek, turning his head a little. “Besides” he whispered, bringing his face close to Richard’s. “I love you.” he smiled and kissed Richard on the cheek then moved on his lips.
Finnian kissed him forever, at least it felt like it, when finally they broke the kiss to get some ear, Richard opened his mouth. ”I…” he gasped” I love you too, Flutterwings” he got out and raised his hand to touch Finnian’s cheek very gently. “You are the most amazing thing that has happened to me in a long time.” He continued smiling.
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bbbarneswrites · 7 years
Tastes Like Love
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Three different sweet treats for a very sweet day. Genre: Romance/fluff Rating: T Warnings: Swearings 1,925 words
Notes: So...it’s been too long...LMAO. I haven’t been happy with my writing lately and I can’t seem to put any ideas into words but last night I got this little idea and ran to write something before it escaped! It’s not much but at least it’s an update. Here’s the visual of the cookie I mentioned down there, if you want. Happy (belated) Valentine’s day y’all! <3 Enjoy!
It's around 9 in the morning when the team finally lands at the Avengers facility, having flown an all night flight after a mission in a remote place in the globe. Everyone is just so tired and so damn sleepy that the usual formalities are forgotten and Steve settles for a late debrief, after they're all rested and fed, at least. All Bucky can think about is taking a shower and hitting the sheets. He knows it's Valentine's Day and he knows that it's likely that his doll would be anxiously waiting for him to come home, but the idea of a shower and a nap is just too appealing for him to pass away. That is, until he finally arrives home.
Their apartment is feeling warm and cozy when he steps in, maybe more than he's ever noticed before hence his current tiredness but the even better than that, is coming home to her lovely voice singing in the kitchen while she appears to be making pancakes for breakfast.
It's a sight to behold really – his girl looking completely and utterly cute in one of his shirts, sock clad feet parading around the kitchen's floor while she sings to one of her indie tunes and makes him a welcome breakfast. She isn't one to cook often but he appreciates everytime she does and right now isn't going to be any different. Bucky thanks the Gods that he's still able to be as silent as mouse even tired and in less than three steps he's standing just behind her, arms wrapping up her waist from behind as she lets out a startled shriek with the sudden presence. It takes only a flip of his arm until she's facing him, her lips parted in surprise until he's covering them with his own. She tastes like whipped cream and strawberries and more importantly than that, she tastes like home. "Oh my God– oh my God, you're home!" She beams up confusedly once they part the kiss, her arms immediately wrapping up his neck as she squeezes him for her dear life. "I missed you so much!" Bucky chuckles quietly against her neck and presses a little kiss to the curve of her shoulder, arms tightening just as much around her waist until her feet is nearly off the ground. "I missed you too, baby girl." Bucky grins, his teeth grazing against her skin until she's laughing quietly and pulling his head away from the spot. "What you've been up to, huh?" She does her best to look guilty under his eyes and Bucky can only think it's the cutest fucking thing he's ever seen in his life. With a quick look around, he notices she's really making pancakes but one of a very special kind that is. He can't help but smile dumbly as he notices it, the plate of nearly ready pancakes resting on the counter beside one bowl filled with whipped cream and another one filled with chopped strawberries. "I've been moping around and babysitting the neighbor's dog all this time." She replies dramatically, starting to take slow steps behind until she's got him sitting by the table. "Bentley makes so much better company than you, though. You need to step up your game." "Or we could just get a dog ourselves." Bucky offers as nonchalantly as he can, knowing that his words immediately peaked her interest by the way she quickly turned around to him, wide eyes and whatnot. "Well, it's true. You always keep complaining how lonely it can get sometimes, I just thought we could get some you your own company." With a bowl of whipped cream in one hand and a bowl of strawberries in the other, she just suspiciously narrows his eyes at him before placing the dishes on the table, almost failing to keep her facade as he throws a flirty wink to her direction that nearly makes her smile. "This is serious business, Mr. Barnes. We'll need to discuss this further." She says in a serious tone that instantly melts once she grabs the full plate of pancakes, placing the last goodie on the table before winking back at him. "But you'll need to eat my Valentine's Day pancakes first." He swears he tries to but it's almost impossible to hold a smile after her speech. "Valentine's Day pancakes." "Yes." "You made them." "Of course." "Heart-shaped pancakes." "What?" She pouts through a cute frown, crossing her arms around her chest and doing her best to look as sad as he can while Bucky just tries to hold back a grin, raised eyebrows as he slumps back against the wooden chair. "You don't like them? They're cute!" Her insistent remark is enough to make him chuckle and reach out his vibranium arm around her waist, wrapping her body in a gentle hold until he's pulling her to straddle his lap and she's loosely throwing one of her arms over his shoulders. He can only guess he looks just as tired as he feels but once he's got her just like this with him, gentle hand brushing over his stubbled cheek, Bucky decides he can forget about his tiredness and shower an nap for some time more. "I love them." Bucky mutters with a lazy but tired smile, making her smile just in the same way when he leans forward and presses a lingering kiss to her lips, the taste of whipped cream from his mouth filling her own. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for Valentine's. I should've picked up something before coming home." "I've got my very own present right here." She smiles brightly and runs a hand through his hair, making him dip his head back and expose the column of his throat as she starts to press small little kisses all over his skin before mumbling again. "I'm glad you're home." Heart-shaped pancakes. All Bucky can seem to do in that moment is smile. "I'm glad to be home."
It's around 4 in the afternoon when Bucky wakes up from his well deserved nap, trying to catch up with all his lost sleep while his girl went out to her own doings. He's supposed to be back at the facility for the debriefing by now, but he's feeling way too meh to go all the way back now.
Plus, the fact that she seems to be getting just home again just adds him one more argument to skip the duty. Bucky gets up from the bed in still silent but lazy steps, dragging himself all the way from the bedroom to the kitchen, where she's placing various bags on the counter with a rather teasing and way too suspicious smile. It's a good thing he can figure out one of the bags being from their favorite little bakery back in Brooklyn. Not even minding his own state – shirtless with messy hair and sleepy eyes, Bucky doesn't even think twice before digging into the contents of the cute pale pink bag, not even regretting the choice of ripping the pretty thing apart despite her complaints. He's familiar enough with her and the bakery to know that it's several boxes of cookies that are filling the bag. First because she isn't very fond of cooking or baking anything for that matter and second because they're already acquainted with the place's everything to know exactly what it is. But just as in the morning, Bucky isn't expecting to find those kind of cookies. His expression must have shown his surprise because as soon as his eyes land on the treats, she instantly starts to laugh and walks around the kitchen to stand beside him by the counter. "What the hell?" Bucky mutters under his breath, only making her laugh harder as he picks one of the cookies to take a closer look at the drawings, beautifully made but still making him confused. "Did they actually sell those? Or did you order them?" "They sell it but you can ask for a customized one if you want to." She smirks knowingly and reaches out for a chocolate one, glancing at it with a content sigh before taking a bite of it. "As I'm the greatest girlfriend in the entire world, I obviously asked for customized ones." He truly looks torn between surprise and adoration and confusion, so much that she can't help but press a quick smooch to his lips before feeding him with the rest of the cookie she's got in hands. The cookies are neatly placed on the box and though their style is a bit funny, Bucky can't deny they look beautifully made and just ready to be eaten, even more after a long and relaxing nap in the afternoon. As he finishes eating the one she gave and picks another one, she takes a moment to glance at him with pure delight. "You like them?" She asks rather anxiously, munching a cookie of her own until he opens his mouth to reply and she's covering it up to speak again. "Don't lie to me on Valentine's Day, bitch." Bucky immediately lets out a laugh, throwing his arm around her shoulder and pulling her chest flush against his before picking up another cookie. With gentle nibbles being given to his jaw and hands sliding all over his back, he takes a look at the writings and shrug dismissively with a teasing smile, just to repeat the words that decorate the cookie. "Meh...they're ok."
It's around 10 in the evening when Bucky lies her down on the bed, his hands roaming through every little piece of her skin as she just keeps giving these little content sighs that kills him every single time. He ends up not going to the facility at all, and the main excuse ends to be 'it's fucking Valentine's Day, Steve' to which his friend is surprised to be remembered of.
Whatever plan Bucky had for that night  is long forgotten over his girl now. Though she isn't wearing anything fancy, just one of her usual pairs of panties and a Stark Industries shirt, she's easily the most beautiful woman he's seen in his entire life. Nobody can hold a candle to the skin he knows like the palm of his hand, the smell that seems to linger on his clothes whenever he's away, the smile that is nearly impossible to forget by now. This isn't a traditional Valentine's Day and he's well aware of that fact but he loves it all the same because it's theirs and special in its own way despite his hectic work or her witty sense of humor. The pancakes were funnily heart-shaped, the cookies had sassy sayings and the box of chocolates he's bought her when they went out...ended up in the microwave, melted to attend much improved activities. It's not surprising that they're nearly done with it by the time they finally make it to the bedroom. He can still see the faint trail of chocolate lingering on her neck and collarbones, a few smudges around her breasts and stomach here and there, a spot he didn't notice over her thighs. Sweet as all the treats they've been eating through the day but not as sweet as the words that she softly whispers to him in the dead of the night, hours after the Valentine's Day is done. "Hey, Bucky?" She whispers softly, cheek pressed against his chest as a shy smile curves up her lips and his heart nearly skips a beat. "I love you."
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pwettypwita · 7 years
Move Together - Karamel-One Shots #2
Thousands Words : Karamel One Shot # 2 - “Move Together”
Base story : Mon-El and Kara have been dating for two years. They always had each other’s back while working as National City’s Superhero, they’ve been through all the ups and downs and any obstacles in their relationship together, and Mon-El thinks that they’re ready for another step, that is move in together.
Notes : This is for you Karamel shippers and all my Karamel family who needs a little rainbow after the heavy 2 minutes 51 seconds (Gosh it felt a lot longer) Karamel scene from last night episode. Geez I was so emotional! hahahhaa I hope you like it!
• • ■ • •
“Good morning, Princess.. Wakey wakey..”
It’s almost eight in the morning, yet Kara’s still sleeping on the bed. Only white sheets covered her naked body. After their five rounds “around the universe” last night, the energy drained from their activities might longer her sleep. Good thing today is Sunday and it’s a day off for the both of them, aside from being a dedicated Superhero.
The sun was seeping through the windows of Mon El’s apartment. Kara helped him find the apartment months ago. And with his paycheck at The DEO - not only as a Superhero, but also as a gainfully hired staff, he could rent an apartment now.
The blindfolds in his room were half way open. The sun light that seeped through lightened up Kara, added some glow to her smooth soft skin. Mon El never and will never ever get bored to have this view of his beautiful girlfriend laying on the bed every morning like this. She looked so stunning, mesmerizing. He couldn’t help but staring at her for a moment, before he come to the bed, laying on her side, and hugged his Kara from the side. He spooned her and peppering her with his soft kisses trying to wake her up.
“Come on.. Wake up, Princess…”
“Hmm…”, she hummed when Mon El kiss her sweet spot right under the ear.
“Umhh… Just a chaste? Is that how the prince greeted his princess in the morning?”
“Ugh. Okay.. One kiss”, he smiled at her pout.
He took her lips, claiming it’s his. She responded with deepened the kiss and grasping his hair to its scalp pulling him closer. Before Kara turned the kiss to a more heated one, he slowly pulled away. Not that Mon El objected, but he got something he needed to talk. And if they didn’t stop now, they will never.
“How’s your sleep?”, he asked sweetly. Holding her close to him.
“It was… good”
“Yeah just good. Nothing could atop last night”, she smiled sheepishly refering to their making love activities. Mon El couldn’t help but blushed. As his mind trailed to the memories of last night, he felt himself begin to stir.
“It was one of the best. Come on, wake up”, he kissed her nose. “I made you breakfast”
With her bare skin covered only with white sheet, Mon El couldn’t help but kissed her shoulder.
“Hmm.. You did? You cooked? For me?”
“Yes!”, he smiled proudly.
“Can’t we just have a breakfast in bed?”
“You know we won’t have any breakfast if we’re in bed”, he winked. Kara’s cheek flushed. Even after two years together, it’s flattering that he still has this power over her.
“Come on, you’ll like this one”, he got up and extended his hand. Inviting her girlfriend to get up from his bed. But before she took his hand, Kara reached for a white tshirt near the bed side table. It was Mon El’s. She put it on, grabbed his hand, and followed him to the kitchen. Smell of fresh homemade pancakes filled the room.
Mon El and Kara were enjoying their breakfast. They were having delicious soft pancakes Mon El finally mastered. A red apron with House of El glyph printed on the chest still hanging on his neck. Ever since they work together and people know them as a Superhero, the glyph made a somewhat commodity. People are making tshirt, hat, bags, literally everything with House of El prints on it. Honoring the Supergirl as the new role model, not only to him obviously, but also to the people of National City.
Laughter in their apartment never ceased. Every morning, everytime Mon-El had a “sleepover” at Kara’s apartment or the other way around, their apartment always filled with laughter. Well sometimes it’s either their laugh or the voice coming from their sexy morning activites like “hmm” “ohh” and “ahh” echoing all over the room. They were like rabbits mating in a rabbit hole. But that’s for another story.
Today however, it’s a different story. Kara with a bun up hair on her head, wearing nothing but Mon El’s tshirt from the night before. Half way the breakfast, he pulled her closer so she was sitting on his lap. She place her hand on Mon El’s back while her other took the last bite of her pancake.
“This is so gooodd..”, she said with a mouthful.
“Thank you. But you make it better”
“With the syrup huh?”
“Yes, haha.. I used to eat this right away”, he said as he wiped the syrup left on the corner of her mouth with his thumb, and taste the sweetness.
“Yes you did. Seven stacks of pancakes, you’re a monster” Kara still munching.
“I am. Yet you still fall for me”, he teased as he gave her a kiss on her cheek.
“I am now. But, ha, definitely not then”
“Try to said it without crinkling. You’re really bad at lying”, he said playfully.
“Darn, crinkles”
“But it’s cute. And it’s adorable, and I love you” He said it with a kiss on each line. She couldn’t help but giggling.
“I love our morning routine. I can’t get enough of it”
“Well I’m glad to hear it..” He grabbed his glass, drinking his milk and place it right back. “And as you mentioned it..” He pulled his girlfriend closer to him, both hands on her waist. He was kind of nervous to say the next words.
“Why don’t we spend more?”
“What are you saying?”
“I mean, what I’m saying, is, why don’t we move in? Together?”
“Say what?”
He knew Kara would respond to his request with something like that. Such a relieved that it wasn’t a “no”.
He just loves spending the morning with his girlfriend, Kara. Just as much as he loves spending most of his time with her, on and off the field. He finally got used to his life on earth. Waking up in the morning, working at The DEO, paying the bills, being responsible and taking responsibilities with his life, and now being a Superhero as Kara’s ally.
He got used to all of this. He got used to have Kara around. He got used to have his girlfriend around and he wanted her to be around and close to him more. And that’s why, after thinking about it and asking Alex’s permission, he finally had the guts to ask Kara about it. Yeah, and speak about Alex, she was all supporting Kara and Mon-El together.
“Yeah, like, we’re living together. Moving in together.. Together together”
“Are you serious?”
“A hundred percent!”, he tighten his grasp on her waist.
“Mon El…”
“What? Why? It’s a good idea. Actually, I think it’s the best idea. I mean, we’ve been a couple for two years.. In Daxam by then we should get latched, um, married”
“You’re not proposing me right now right?”
“Haha as much as I’d love to, but no, not yet” Well, he’s been thinking about that too. But the ring is not ready yet. “You said you want an easy step, baby step, slowly but sure, a slow burn.. and we’ve been doing this easy baby step for two years. I want something more serious, more of a.. commitment”
“You’re a gallant” She smiled.
“Just say yes”, he demanded.
“Well I want to.. But you just rented this apartment”
“Yeah.. I’m starting to like it. But I like yours better”, he said reassuring.
“And I love my apartment”
“That’s it! So I’m, we’re, moving into your apartment”, he said excitedly.
“Really? Are you sure?”, she confirmed his boyfriend excitement.
“Why not?” He pulled her even closer so she can’t go anywhere. He really needed her to say yes. “So what do you say?”
“Hmm…”, she pursed her lips. Thinking about the decision.
“Come on.. Just say yes.. Just say yes.. Yeesss”, he pleaded as he came closer to her face. He teased her with his cute pouting. She couldn’t help but gave her boyfriend a smooch on his cute pout, it’s irresistable.
“Fine. Yes”, she finally answered.
“YES!!”, he threw a fist to the air. “I love you” He gave his girl a smooch in return. Then he peppered her with his kisses until she giggles.
What started as sweet kisses, quickly turned to a heated one.
“I can’t get enough of you”, Mon El said.
“Me too”, she whispered. Her soft sexy voice gave him a hard on.
“You look sexy in my tshirt” He played with the hem. His hand traveled to her stomach.
“Not as sexy as you’re looking right now”, she whispered on his ear while her fingers brushing his hair by the scalp. Her breath arose goosebumps on his neck. She could feel his hard on member stirring.
“You know what, I need my other breakfast in bed”, he said teasing her.
“Well then, what are you waiting for? Take me” She ordered. Her boyfriend was grinning from ear to ear with such excitement.
And without hesitation, he slid his hand under her knees, he pulled her up, and carried her to his bed room. He couldn’t hide his excitement. He knew, whether they’re move in together or not, Kara is the best decision he’s ever made.
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