#even though it’s generally not in the traditional sense. whatever.
orowyrm · 2 months
i feel bad about something -> i pick at my skin to relieve stress -> i get upset about the damage i just did to myself -> i keep picking because i don’t know how else to ‘fix’ the problem i just made -> i realize how much time ive wasted doing all of this -> i continue picking even after it becomes actually painful as ‘punishment’ -> i finally get tired and/or something else calls my attention and i stop, clean up, and attempt to move on with my day -> i feel bad about everything that just happened -> i continue to feel bad about this and everything that happens afterwards until i can’t take it anymore and need a release so i don’t implode -> rinse and repeat
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icyowl · 3 months
Bluelock Cuddling headcanons
ft. Isagi, Chigiri, and Kunigami
Request: none
A/N: one of my racehorses won a race today so here’s a little gift to celebrate my good mood!
Yoichi Isagi
the respectful kind
his favorite is half-cuddle — him on his back, you curled up into his side, head on his chest. Does his arm fall asleep? Absolutely. Will he stop? Never.
make his heart wobble any time you look up and about how much you like this — spending time with him, being close like this, knowing he cares about your opinion enough to ask so frequently for it.
Isagi is the kind that likes to cuddle the nights before a stressful thing. He gets to talk out his troubles and generally feel better about whatever anxieties he's got. Also, he genuinely seeks your life advice. He talks through his problems, that's who he is, and with you like this it feels like such a private time of vulnerability.
You habitually play with one another's fingers and hands. Usually it's sweet, but sometimes it devolves into thumb wars, arm wrestling, and even all out tickle battles. Sometimes he even lets you win
If he's lucky he can get you to fall asleep before he does. Reason? He likes watching you doze on him. Something about you falling asleep to the dip and rise of his chest makes him all giddy and humble at the same time.
Inevitably someone walks in on you two only to be greeted with the terror-inducing glare he pins them down with. Wake you up and they are not long for this world.
Hyoma Chigiri
the timid kind
go-to is the traditional spoon. It means you don't have to look at him and whatever embarrassment he's gotta be showing while being this close to you.
As time goes on, he starts to get almost too comfortable with it. On the phone? Playing a game? Fuckin' doing laundry? Doesn't matter. When he's lying on any bed or couch, there is a distinct bubble of space, and if you invade the bubble, you're within striking distance. His arms are nearly as fast as his legs. Chigiri will latch onto you, will pull you in, and will interrupt whatever it is you wanted to do so he can spoon you.
Rub his hand or intertwine fingers while he's got an arm draped over you and he is GONE
There have been times when he's pushed you away, and though it makes sense — he's always been the kind to close himself off, turn vile and harsh when he's hurting — it breaks you. When you're both ready to reconcile, somehow it ends with your back to his chest, his legs mixed with yours, and his warm hand holding you snug to his body.
Also likes this position because it lets him nuzzle in right on the wispy hairs at the bottom of your neck or the big vein on the side.
Turn the tables on him by flipping over in his grip and facing him head-on. It's also a nice way to get even closer to him when you've had a bad day. A kind of haven can be found in nestling under his chin. He's alright with this — it means you can't see his face and the obvious love-sick tint to his eyes.
Rensuke Kunigami
the kind that doesn't know his own strength
best likes the space-saver, aka, one person laying on top of the other. Boy doesn't care which of you is on top. He likes supporting your body or you supporting his — something about being the other person's strength makes the back of his head tingle.
first time he lays on you, he doesn't check his weight at all, just flops down. Immediately thinks he's broken you when you squeak. After that he's almost too wary about hurting you. Am I too heavy? Can you breathe okay? Do I need to get up? You can get on top if you want. Relax Kunigami, just don't fall from orbit and you'll be fine.
Icing on the cake is when you play with his hair. Dude could be angry as an ox, ready to rip someone in half, and two minutes of your fingers in his hair has him fighting to stay awake and spend time with you. What was he angry about again?
One time you fell asleep on his chest, all blissed out and comfy, only to wake up in a shiny puddle of your own drool. You were, understandably, mortified, but the embarrassment turns to affection when he casually disregards the whole thing: it's just a shirt, it'll dry.
You figured you repaid the favor when several weeks later he was one on top of you, head burrowed unceremoniously into your stomach, arms underneath your back, refusing to look up or speak. The reason revealed itself when he finally met your eyes.
Tears. Tiny sniffs too. Four words: I failed my team. That was all he said before digging his face back into your skin. It took time, and a lot of encouragement, but he did eventually snap out of the funk and even apologized for messing up your clothes. It'll dry, you said, and you shared a little snicker.
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cuffmeinblack · 11 months
From the prompt list
13,18 with Ominis?
A certain necklace of a certain aunt Noctua being gifted to a certain someone as a token of love and to remind others to back off?
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Parting gift
Ominis Gaunt x gn!reader
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Tags: fluff
850 words
"oh, shit. I'm in love with you??" prompt: 18. having them give something of importance to them for you, as a gift
A/n: Thank you for the prompt (and the gif)! I chose 18 for this one. He's a bloody romantic and you can't stop meeeeeeeeeeee.
Ominis had been acting strangely as you approached the end of your time at Hogwarts. The way he'd fiddle with his wand and become lost in thought couldn't be attributed to your examinations now that they were over. He'd secured a job, all was well, so why was he so distracted?
The nervous energy that radiated off of him was catching and set you on edge when you were alone with him. More often than not, you'd end up watching his movements, occasionally losing yourself in his turbulent eyes, wondering just what was bothering him.
You'd tried to ask him, of course, but he'd so far managed to brush off your enquiries. Even Sebastian had thus far been unable to draw an answer out of him. Perhaps a drop of veritaserum in his morning tea would loosen his tongue, you thought idly.
When finally he admitted what he'd been ruminating, it was the last day of term. Celebrations were being had all about the castle and tearful goodbyes exchanged. You had promised to write to Sebastian, as often as you could whilst you were travelling, earning you a heartfelt embrace, but the words didn't seem to elicit the same response from Ominis.
"I'm...not thrilled at the prospect of you being alone on your travels," he admitted.
"Are you worried? I'm more than capable of facing whatever is out there."
Ominis shook his head, whether in disbelief or to convey a misunderstanding, you weren't sure. His hand delved into the coat of his blazer, pulling out a familiar silver chain, draped over his delicate fingers. After a second of contemplation as he brushed the locket with his thumb, he held it out in the palm of his hand.
"Take this with you. For me?"
Reaching forward, you picked up the delicate chain, ignoring the flutter in your chest as you brushed his warm skin. It was beautiful, understated and too precious for you to keep.
"This was your aunt's? I can't take this, Ominis."
"Why ever not? Please, I wish you to have it."
The large opal in the centre of the locket glittered in the waning light, and you turned it over to run your fingers over the Gaunt family crest with a sigh. Returning your gaze to your dear friend, you noticed he finally seemed at peace; his hands clasped in front of him and face relaxed with no hint of a frown.
He been so eager to gift this to you, for reasons you couldn't fathom. His cloudy blue eyes held no answers, but you searched them anyway as your heart raced and a blush crept onto your cheeks. Ominis had always been generous in how he bestowed thoughtful gestures, though you now realised that you'd been their only recipient.
"This is...this is a family heirloom, Ominis. I know you don't care much for your family traditions but..."
"That is exactly the point, you see. I had hoped that one day you...," he trailed off, seemingly unable to finish his train of thought. "Take it with you, so that perhaps you might think of me. When you return I'll be waiting. You may return it then, unless of course you'd prefer not to."
You almost laughed at the thought of needing a trinket to think of him. You'd be thinking of him regardless, though you were no longer sure exactly how. Was he just a friend if the thought of being apart from him illicited such a deep sense of dread? That the jewellery now clasped tightly in your palm radiated comfort and quelled the longing which you already anticipated?
He cared enough to give you something so precious, which spoke volumes of his character and how he really felt for you. You'd been blind to his affections until this moment, and the sharp inhale of breath you took as the realisation hit you sent a ripple through the air between you.
"Do you understand?" Ominis asked quietly.
"Yes, I do."
You stepped towards him, gently brushing the back of his hand as he tilted his head towards the sound of your heavy breathing. Picking up his his hand, you turned it over and placed the locket in his palm, a pained expression crossing his face until you spoke.
"Could you help me put it on?"
Ominis smiled in relief, feeling the chain to find the delicate clasp as you turned to face away from him, exposing your neck. His featherlight touch glided over your exposed skin, tracing your spine before circling around to the side as he brought the necklace in front of you. Your fingertips glided over the opal as it lay perfectly just below your collarbone, turning back towards Ominis and gasping at how close he'd become.
"Ominis, I don't need this to think of you, but I'll take it with me," you whispered.
"Thank you. It's comforting to know you'll have something of me."
"May I ask for something else to take with me?" you asked, a sudden boldness overcoming you.
"Of course, what is it?" Ominis replied, tilting his head in question.
"A kiss."
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She was not included because as a woman they didn't care about her. Even in the book where she is an active member of the council when it's men make a oath of brotherhood she was not inclused because she was a woman. That's how the patriarchy works, and she actively choose to affirm it day by day. She has no right to be upset about this, what she though? that this system go only against Rhaenyra?
Hi anon, 💚
thanks for the ask and yes, she was sidelined and as far as spoilers and speculations go, she is still going to be sidelined and maybe even more so in season 2. And your comment actually makes sense, she affirmed the patriarchy, however that wasn’t something she chose. She was conditioned to think a certain way since childhood and whatever she went through didn’t exactly empower her to think beyond the standards of a patriarchal society. Unlike Rhae, Alicent for example didn’t have a supporting father that allowed her to just be herself or had a place to belong. “I was just a pawn you moved about the board… I wanted what you impressed upon me to want” Remember? So yes, she does affirm the patriarchy, even Rhaenys tells her that: “Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?” because she can’t even bring herself to think under terms that could conflict with generations of traditions. She is thinking of only honor, duty, sacrifice, “forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law.” Alicent is not a feminist girlie with the modern sense of the term because of her era, conditioning, upbringing, and the load of unhealed generational trauma that she bears. And that’s fine by me, because that makes her a complex character and gives her relationship with Rhaenyra even deeper context and meaning.
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crystalelemental · 9 months
Character Analysis - Carmine and Kieran
I have been trying to write something on this for the majority of the week and haven't been able to organize it in a way I like. So this will not be coherent, but since I've had my second go through the DLC story, I have...a lot more to say on Carmine and Kieran.
Seeking Strength Kieran's big focus by the end is on not being strong enough, and needing to become stronger than you. I think it's largely accepted that this is to defeat you, that he has it out for the protagonist. I disagree.
Consider why strength is important, and when it became clear. The first time Kieran mentions strength, it's in front of the ogre's cave. He talks about wanting to battle, thinking maybe that could impress the ogre. And he loses. Which is whatever, the ogre didn't show. But then it does. To you, and to his sister, but not to him. Internally, the connection is clear: the ogre doesn't trust me, because it sees me as weak.
This goes back even further, though. Think about your introduction to him. Carmine battles you to kick you out, and you win. Carmine's response here is interesting. She comments on everything, and actively makes fun of you if you use a not very effective attack, snarking that you must not know your type matchups after all. She oozes confidence and control, to excess. But when she loses, there's a bit of a fist shake, but rather than anger, she turns away and looks...sad. Losing upsets her, and while she bounces back, that moment suggests a deeper vulnerability and need to seem strong.
And to Kieran, she does. She's constantly in control, and by and large, he seems to follow her pace. If she asks him to do something, and by asks I mean tells, he generally follows through. And he saw someone beat her. There's someone stronger than his sister now. And that's interesting. I think there's a lot more to it, but I'll save that for a later section. For now, the point is, Kieran's always been focused on strength, because he admires Carmine's strength, and wants to be more like that.
I think this recontextualizes your final fight a bit, too. Carmine tells Kieran that he can't make Ogerpon go with him, she has her own will to choose. Kieran still insists he needs this battle, and it seems like the perception of this is "he's ignoring it." But I don't think he is. At this point, he's lost multiple times, each time thinking it's his lack of strength that resulted in him not getting what he wanted. It was, at first, to meet and befriend the ogre. And yeah, he'd still like to. He's still trying, given the stipulations of the fight. But he's also fighting for his sense of self-worth. He feels he's not strong enough, and that lack of strength is holding him back. He's seen his sister lose twice now, yet she's still confident. But he lost, and feels like he's losing more of what little he had to start with.
Belonging and Isolation Carmine's hostility toward outsiders is, as expressed, a matter of feeling like her hometown is becoming a tourist trap. I think what often gets missed in this is that Carmine herself is...fairly traditional. She cares about the customs of the village, the sanctity of the crystal pool, and the prominence of the Loyal Three. She even remarks that obviously she likes the three better, Kieran just likes the ogre because he's a ten year old boy and they're always into weird monster things. She considers integration with the village something important, and deep down, cares about it as a whole.
That's not to say she gets along with everyone. The Caretaker seems more than happy to make the conversion if it helps the town thrive, and Carmine actively disagrees with that. Her hostility is clear to us, and she makes her reason known, but it's not clear how much the villagers seem to understand this. They tend to treat Carmine's responses as part of an attitude problem, more than anything. The Caretaker is pre-emptive in calling out Carmine to get along with everyone. They know she's not happy about it, but expect her to just deal with it, and kinda treat her like they expect problems. Calling them the "Lousy Three" gets an almost exasperated comment about her attitude and a correction, like they fully expect her to be this way, and don't consider the why behind it.
By contrast, Kieran...successfully talks them into abandoning their ancient beliefs and understanding of the past in the course of a single afternoon.
For all the emphasis on Kieran seeming lonely, and I do believe he himself feels that way, Kieran...seems pretty well accepted by people. Think about how significant it is that they're willing to listen to him, with such seriousness, that they'll believe him when he says their understanding of history is wrong.
I think this plays into an interesting dichotomy with the siblings. On the one hand, Kieran is pretty well accepted, but genuinely lonely. On the other, Carmine seems perfectly fine being by herself, and doesn't seem to interface well with the others. But when you look at what they want? Kieran doesn't seem to care that he runs contrary to everything the village stands for. The ogre is cool, he likes that best, and sees little of interest or value in the three. He doesn't really care to integrate with the village. But Carmine does care, and isn't successful at it. By all accounts, she doesn't seem to have friends either. But when a new kid rolls in, and her brother takes an interest in them, she still focuses on him first.
Justice and Fairness Carmine is, at her core, pretty focused on what's right. Despite being more aligned with tradition in her village, when her grandfather reveals the truth, she's immediately furious on Ogerpon's behalf. She has no reservations about telling the rest of the village, until he appeals to her sense of reason, and she understands where the concern might be.
Carmine's reactive, but she's not a fool. She's pretty grounded, but in that way where I think it causes her to miss some things and seem unconcerned with feelings. But she does care about how people feel; quite a bit, really. When Kieran tries to give his ogre mask to you, Carmine intervenes and tells him not to. That's his favorite mask, and he shouldn't have to go without. Besides, practically speaking, we just buy the new kid a mask they like at the festival. It's pragmatic. But it also misses that Kieran was okay with sharing his mask for his friend. She cares about his feelings, enough to worry about him giving up something he cares about. But it's in a more...avoidant sense. More on that later.
By contrast, Kieran seems focused more on fairness. It doesn't matter the reason or intent, you left him out of what you knew. You didn't tell him about the ogre. You ran off with Carmine and pushed him aside, and that's not fair. He was your friend first, and he cared about the ogre first, and it isn't fair that suddenly that all doesn't matter. In that sense, he's very emotional, but doesn't really consider the rational cause of things. It's all about how he feels. This runs very counter to how Carmine is, being very emotional, but focusing more on the practical reason than how she's feeling.
I think you can also see this in how they express themselves. Kieran has no trouble opening up the instant you're on your own with him. He'll tell you all about how he thinks the ogre is cool, and that he was only scared of getting yelled at for going to the mountain. But Carmine legitimately struggles with it. She has a tough time being honest with people, and her sense of what being mean to someone is, boils down to "I didn't hit him." It's as if she doesn't really understand that her words can hurt people, or perhaps why someone would be hurt by them. The idea of "What you're saying was rude" is secondary to the practical outcome. If it's true, it doesn't matter how I say it. If it's what has to happen, it doesn't matter that it comes out as "Kiki, get out of here." Her mentality seems to be that she knows best, and is going to act on that, and there's no reason for people to be upset with her if she's right.
Sibling's Bond In one of the earliest scenes, we get a very good sense for the dynamic the siblings have. Kieran has taken an interest in the player, but barely speaks to them, turning his face away and not even listening to them. Carmine intervenes by explaining what he's thinking and asking for you to battle on his behalf. Kieran shies away, Carmine takes control, and Kieran is more than willing to cede that control to her. In this situation, it works out, as he gets to spend time with a new friend. It is the first, and only, time this dynamic works in their favor.
Every other instance of this particular dynamic coming into play hurts more than helps. When Carmine interrupts you talking about the ogre, and insists Kieran not find out, that's her assuming control like usual. Same with telling him to just leave the next morning. Kieran shies away from staying to help with the mask quest, rather than confront that someone else gets along better with Ogerpon. This is a dynamic they've had for a long while, and there is evidence to prove it.
"I hate when he gets like this." Carmine's clearly annoyed, but the phrasing evokes the sense that this isn't just something that happened before, it's happened often. And she's not happy about it. Kieran running off crying is the only time she really expresses anything truly negative about her brother, and it's telling of what she herself can't handle.
If Kieran's crying, it's because something's bothered him, and as the one who takes care of him, that feels like it's her fault. I talked about how Carmine is integrated with the beliefs of the village, if not its people, but there's a bit more to it. Carmine's generally apathetic about whether people like her, she's more concerned with being right, and doing right. Carmine cares about being a good person. And if her brother's throwing a fit, it's putting her in the position of the bad guy, and criticisms about being nice to him evoke an outrage. "It's not like I hit him" isn't just telling of her lack of awareness for how her words come across, it's indignation that her grandfather is implying she's at fault. Kieran crying is the one thing that she cannot tolerate.
And for Kieran, that makes it a very effective play. Because I keep going, I need to be clear: I am not saying Kieran is being manipulative. He's like ten, and highly emotional. He's not sitting around thinking that if he just cries, Carmine will do whatever he wants. He's just having an emotion, and Carmine has a reaction. It's the dynamic that turns this into a recurring feature of their relationship.
The behavioral term is Negative Reinforcement: an outcome that increases the chance of the behavior occurring in the future, by removing an aversive stimulus. When Kieran wants something, and it doesn't happen, he'll get emotional and cry. Carmine, feeling guilty or responsible, folds to make him stop. The initial aversive - not getting what he wants - is removed as a consequence of his crying, making it more likely to occur again. But the same is true for Carmine. She cannot stand that crying, so when she gives in, the crying stops, reinforcing capitulation.
It's a situation where neither is really at fault. They're both kids, and have that sibling dynamic. Older siblings take care of the younger ones. When you have an older sibling who feels responsible for the wellbeing of the younger, and cares deeply about taking care of them without knowing the difference between "helping them do it" and "doing it for them," you get Carmine. When you have a younger sibling who is particularly emotional and withdrawn alongside them, you get Kieran.
And the DLC is the breakdown of this dynamic.
Another really fun behavioral term: Extinction Burst. Extinction refers to when reinforcement is removed as a consequence of a behavior. Effectively, you decouple the behavior and what typically happens. An extinction burst is the oft emotional blowup that comes as a result of a behavior no longer meeting its typical, expected reinforcer. Think about when your computer won't turn on. How many times mashing the button does it take before you check the power cord? Do you stay calm during that or start cursing it out, maybe worrying that something's broken and desperately hoping it turns on if you just hit it right, or hold it long enough? That's the extinction burst in play.
That's what's going on with Kieran. He's finding his independence, but as part of that, he's learning what it means to have it. Sometimes things don't go your way, and you have to live with that. Even crying won't get the situation to change now, and he...hasn't figured out what else to do. Unintentionally, by handling things for him, Carmine's left him in a situation where he's unequipped to manage circumstance. All he can think is pushing for strength, and battling you over and over and over in hopes that this time, he'll win.
By contrast, Carmine's doing...really well. She adapts well, makes quick friends with the player as well, assumes a sort of leadership role in the quest, and demonstrates the reality that for all her bluster, she does care and is fairly well adjusted. She's had the experience to manage frustrations and setbacks, even if they're difficult, to the point that by the end of your last battle, she can earnestly smile and congratulate you. Her dynamic with you is thriving. And, for a while, your dynamic with Kieran was too, before his perception of inadequacy interferes. It's sad but worth noting: the happiest we see either of them is when they're away from each other.
I don't have any profound thoughts beyond this, nor guesses to how Indigo Disk might play out. But I think it's interesting how they managed to create a story with a compelling conflict, where these is no true "bad guy." I was initially kinda down on the DLC, I felt like the legendary stuff was kinda bland. But I've really come around on these two, and look forward to the next part.
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felinefractious · 27 days
Hi! I was wondering if you have any thoughts or resources on the Highlander/Highland Lynx breed? Or what, if any, is the difference between the two?
I've read that they're two different breeds, but that that may only be the case because of different registry requirements..??
Also, are they really truly domestic? Every where I've read has said that they most certainly are, but that they're also crossed with Jungle Curls? That bit has left me a bit confused...
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This pretty little guy is up for adoption at a shelter near me, and I'm contemplating going to see him (if he isn't snapped up in the next week lol), but I'd like to cover all my bases for breed research first!
He apparently came in fully intact and was recently neutered which seems.... Strange to me. The people who surrendered him supposedly bought him from a breeder out of state?
I'm not by any means 100% certain, but i did look at a few Highlander catteries and I THINK I may have found his breeder? At the very least they have a king that very well looks like he could be this guy's sire
https://www. highlanderswildnwonderful.com/ Kings.html
I do still wonder why he would be sent out as a companion fully intact though... Or why he wound up in a shelter and not returned to the breeder...
Anyway! I'd love to hear thoughts/opinions resources for potential health issues
So far I've only read that they require frequent ear cleanings and have some UTI issues, but the stumpy tail does make me a little nervous... It doesn't seem to be the same thing as manx, buuuuuut......
Woah, amazing find!
From what I understand - and if this isn’t correct someone more familiar with the breed is welcome to correct me - but the Highland Lynx is essentially the outdated name for the breed more widely known as the Highlander.
The exception largely being the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry which has decided the Highland Lynx is still the Highland Lynx and the Highlander is the same thing but backcrossed to the Desert Lynx use in the breeds foundation.
Which doesn’t make sense to me, it should just be considered an allowable outcross…? But whatever. I don’t respect that registry anyways.
As for their domestic vs hybrid status it’s true that the Jungle Curl is a Jungle Cat and American Curl but it seems like the Highlander falls more into the Toyger realm… there are technically wild caat hybrids in the ancestry but they’re far enough removed that it isn’t super relevant.
Even after 4 generations a cat is largely considered domestic or “SBT” (Stud Book Traditional) and these guys are generally even further out than that.
Before I get into the health of the breed I just need to make a small correction to their description… this handsome fella is not chocolate, he’s black sepia - often called brown or sable, sometimes called natural.
The toe beans tell, and he has many beans to reveal his secrets.
Currently we are not aware of any issues related to curled ears the way there are with folded ears but anecdotal evidence suggests that they’re more fragile and.. yes, require more frequent cleaning. Dirty ears and ear infections are definitely something to be mindful of.
As much as I enjoy polydactyl cats I’m not a fan of deliberately breeding for the trait, the nails on these extra digits can be difficult for the cat to maintain and are more prone to becoming ingrown. Some cats even require an onychectomy (declaw) of the excess digits due to reoccuring problems.
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[Image Source]
So acclimating to having their paws handled and tolerating routine nail clips is an absolute must.
And finally… the tail.
Your concern about the relation to the problematic manx gene is warranted.
There are presently two types of tail mutations documented in domestic cats: the “natural bobtail” manx gene due to T-box mutations and the “asian bobtail” due to an HES7 mutation. The latter is not presently associated with the same issues as the manx gene.
HES7 mutations are not present in the Highlander.
Two T-box variants have been identified in the Highlander breed, meaning the mutation for their bobtail is the same as those responsible for the manx. Standard Highlander’s can have no tail to a short tail, those with a long tail are considered non-standarf and are largely used only for breeding purposes due to the lethal nature of T-box mutations when homozygous.
Some Highlander lines owe their bobtail appearance to a “novel variant,” meaning no known mutation has been identified. As this variant or variants are currently unidentified we can’t confidently say which gene (if either of them) it’s most closely related to or if there are similar issues associated.
All that being said not all manx gene cats will present with related problems and for those who do the severity is variable, some may have minor issues that can be managed with diet or medication while others may be… pretty severely effected.
I imagine at this age they would have a good idea of if Sampson has any issues and to what degree they’re present if he does.
If you’re prepared to deal with potential health issues should they arise I think it would be lovely to adopt him, you’re not contributing to the breeding of more if you go through a rescue and are equipped to educate others on why “Yes, mine is awesome but no you don’t actually want one.”
Like Dr. Frank Bozelka and his rescue Scottish Fold. His videos are hilarious and informative, by the way, I definitely recommend giving him a follow.
It would also be good for him to be placed with someone aware of and prepared to accomodate possible breed-related issues instead of someone who just wants a fancy cat… but I understand this can also be overwhelming, so absolutely no judgement if you decide to pass.
But if you do adopt him I’d love to see more pictures! I want to squish his cheeks.
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spocks-kaathyra · 11 months
Cardassian egg painting
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I know it doesn't make a lot of sense for Cardassians to lay eggs but humor me for a second here because imagine the culture that could evolve around it.
You know how reptile eggs shouldn't be rotated during incubation otherwise the baby will die, so breeders will often mark the top of an egg so they know the proper orientation? What if Cardassians do this too. And what if it's evolved from simple markings to, like, auspicious sigils. Like, you can wish your baby health/prosperity/filial piety/etc. by painting or stamping the corresponding symbol on top of their egg. Of course it's superstition that this actually affects the baby's fate, but even non-superstitious people do it anyway, just because it's tradition.
The substance that the symbol is painted with also supposedly affects the baby. This is a bit more scientifically sound, since chemicals can penetrate the shell and influence the fetus's development. Traditionally you'd use different kinds of herbal dye, but in modern times people are getting more scientific about it and using dyes imbued with chemicals that are proven to be beneficial to fetal development.
There are established symbols that signify different well-wishes, but of course people get creative with it. You can incorporate multiple symbols in your design, or hire a fortune teller to come up with a personalized design for your baby, or just add your own little flourishes. The designs can get quite elaborate. In modern times, parents who don't believe in the superstition of it have started painting other things on their eggs. A pretty design incorporating the baby's name, writing a letter to their baby, drawings with sentimental but not spiritual importance.
If the baby hatches in a way that doesn't damage the design, parents will often preserve the portion of the shell that has the design on it as a keepsake. If the baby does damage the design when they hatch, it's considered a bad omen, and a sign that the baby's fate will be the opposite of whatever the design symbolized.
When you walk into a Cardassian hospital's incubator room, you'll see eggs with all sorts of different designs—and some unmarked eggs, too. Those are probably orphans or bastards, babies without parents who care enough to wish them well. Sometimes hospitals will stamp those eggs with a generic, simple design wishing health. Usually not, though.
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leggerefiore · 3 months
whenever you find yourself with some time would you be willing to do nsfw cyrus hcs? and/or steven stone? i have it bad for twenty-something men with blue-gray hair and you write cyrus so well <3
cw: 18+ content, AFAB reader, gen sexual hcs,
characters: Cyrus, Steven Stone
Minors DNI
☄️ The Galactic Boss struggles to comprehend sex for the most part. Does he feel arousal? Yes, naturally. Does the urge strike him to go find his partner and have a round occur to him? He would prefer to just have a quick jerk off session and get back to whatever he had been doing before the need had arisen. Yet, it was not easy when you were around. Suddenly, your own needs came into the fray. Cyrus truly struggles to overcome this at times, afraid that he will underperform for you or simply worries too much in general. Being naked is such a vulnerable state, he truly prefers not to be, but you clearly enjoy his body.
☄️ Cyrus admittedly hesitates to initiate or reciprocate due to the feelings of it all. Sex can be purely physical, but not with someone he cares about. Your arms and legs can wrap around him when he is on top, or your hands press against his chest when you ride him. The touch… it all feels too intimate for him. He truly feels like he does not deserve it, but dares not say a word when your pleasured sounds echo around the room. Eventually, he loses himself in the throes of passion and lets the physicality take over his worries for feelings.
☄️ His usual locations for sex are almost entirely at home, but he does have moments where you end up pinned against his desk being rutted in by a frustrated Galactic Boss. There are few places he really feels comfortable having sex. The idea of anyone seeing him, and you for that matter, in such a vulnerable and compromising position truly distresses him. Though, at home, he does not do it anywhere too odd. Never in the kitchen, too worried about germs. The couch and bed are his favourite spots. You popped on some lingerie to tease him while visiting him at his office, you may find yourself pressed against the starry skies of his office wall depending on how wound up he is.
☄️ Cyrus has no idea what he is doing when it comes to giving head. Honestly, he is horrible and will not do it. He also struggles to receive it, as he completely has his mind go to the fact you have been eating things. You will have to brush your teeth for him to even begin to agree. Though, he might agree depending on his mood. Usually, it will be a no. Basically, no head for and from Cyrus.
☄️ Cyrus is a switch, but not in the traditional sense. He vehemently refuses anything related to anal (his paranoia about germs rising up again), so no pegging him. He also is not exactly a sub while being ridden. There is always some distant sort of control understood by you both. His hands will hold your hips as you bounce up and down on his cock. Your moans sting his ears while he lightly bites at your collarbone. Nails digging into his back barely register with the sheer amount of pleasure. Though, he also certainly tops. The feeling of his desk pressed into your stomach as he ruts into you from behind is not uncommon at all. Any knocks on his door go ignored as the roughness of his thrusts grow, and he hits deep inside you.
☄️ The blue-haired man does not really have any specific kinks. Well, not any that he would care to name and acknowledge. Certainly, he shows a certain leaning towards being praised by you, however. It is very subtly and something that can be overly exploited. But, your words about how good he is making you feel or how wonderful he is make him suddenly need to work harder to please you – to meet your standards. He definitely leads to being dominant as well, but not anything domineering. Cyrus just prefers to have more of a sense of control.
☄️ The Galactic Boss honestly has low libido. He never thought much about it until it came to meeting his partner in the middle with the sex. If you have more than him, you likely will end up having to do much of the work since he just struggles to catch up to your needs. He does want to fulfil them usually, but he has moments where he offers a vibrating dildo he made for you and dips. Cyrus is difficult to arouse, too. The best way might be to use a few praises smartly on him and some well-timed affection. Suddenly, he is more agreeable and interested. A hand comes to rest on the inside of your thigh when he finally surrenders himself.
☄️ Dirty talk from his is honestly rare. He does not like to talk much during sex, since he tries not to force himself to think too much about everything that he wants to fret over. Sporadically, though, he does. His arms locked around you while you ride him in his lap, he pleads barely above a whisper, “Beloved… More.” You are much too eager to meet his simple quest. Or better, when he has you under him pressed against something and completely bottomed out inside you, he suddenly mumbles out, “Your body is so close to my idea of perfection… No other being could ever make me feel as you do.” He then picks up his pace, desperate to hear more of your lovely sounds.
☄️ His sexual “no 's” are pretty simple. He hates the idea of public sex, and he is not into any kind of impact play or choking. He just… cannot. That is not an appropriate way to treat a loved one, even if they consented. As stated, he does not feel comfortable with anal. Asking that of him will result in a firm no and plain refusal. Daddy kinks are also out. Does he look like your father – actually, don't answer that. He is only twenty-seven and calling him that is honestly repulsive to him. Not opposed to being called master, though. It might make him think of his subordinates, though. Otherwise, he is pretty good with most things.
☄️ His aftercare sucks. He lays there dead to the world, post nut and then gets up to take a long shower. You may join him, but it will absolutely not be anything sexual and be entirely focused on just washing off all the fluids from sex. Cuddling does not really usually happen, but there are a few times he makes an exception. There are few words spoken, too. Give him time to recover, he struggles with strong emotional states. He does care; he is just overwhelmed.
💍Steven Stone💎
🪨 He is pretty casual when it comes to sex, actually. Is he super experienced? Well, not overly so, but he is also not a virgin. As a champion and an heir to a company, Steven was not above having one-night stands and flings. He definitely had stopped after getting with you, though. He does feel a bit embarrassed to tell you about some of his past experiences.
🪨 Steven enjoys numerous things about sex. Being close to his lover, the overwhelming nature of it, how it acts as a bonding activity. He could go on and on about it. His positions are almost certainly quite plain. The chair position, cowgirl, missionary – He prefers facing each other. Watching how you react to him thrusting into you is part of the fun, and his expressions when you grind down on him certainly are absolutely worth seeing, too. His hands do always seem to be on you as well.
🪨 His locations for sex are pretty normal for the most part. When he is home, it is nice to have intimacy with you. The sounds of the waves lapping on the shoes of Mossdeep certainly add a lovely ambience. Hotel rooms are also quite common due to his frequent travelling. There is something thrilling about getting together in some of the more luxury places that he stays. When he was Champion, he also was not above having you visit him in his chambers for a round when it was horribly slow or in his office. Of course, the most debatable places are in caves. A few times of him fucking you above some stones and gems that he found absolutely beautiful were definitely not the best choice, but he was strangely infatuated with the idea.
🪨 Steven is pretty good at head and loves to do it. There is no sight more enchanting than Hoenn's pretty boy champion between your thighs. His light hair is surprisingly soft as it tickles your skin. The flat of his tongue presses right up against your clit just right to make your toes curl. His steely eyes stare up at you as he enjoys your reactions. The steel-type trainer does enjoy receiving, but not as much as giving. His hand rests on your head as your tongue swirls around his cock head Then, a lovely groan leaves him when you bring your lips to take his dick into your mouth. He is pretty easy to please, honestly.
🪨 Steven is also a switch, but he does not really skew any which way in dominating or being submissive. He likes to work with his lover on whatever they want for that particular session. The blue-haired man has been laid out on the floor of the champion's room while you rode him. You bouncing up and down on his dick left him completely wordless. His groans echoed off the wall to a point that he was worried Drake might pop in to check on him. Then, there are times he has had you pressed against the wall of a cave. Steven rutted into you as your walls tightened around him. His rings dug into your hips when he held on to you tighter. So, the trainer definitely works with whatever his partner wants.
🪨 Kink wise, Steven is also pretty vanilla. He certainly is willing to try a thing to please his partner, but he himself barely has any requests. The few he does have are weird. He loves to gift you jewellery with stones that he adores even more. Wearing them during sex triggers some odd ferocity in them as he watches them dance on your body. It probably is a unusual marking kink, but it seems to be more focused on the stones more than anything.
🪨 Steven's libido is pretty average. Not too high, not too low. He can easily meet whatever his lover's level is, whether they need more or less than him. After all, he does enjoy sex in general. Though, an issue might arise with how busy his schedule gets occasionally. He would try to make up for it whenever he could, though. It is really easy to get him going. You could boldly walk in front of him nude but with a few of those aforementioned accessories on, or you could just run a hand down his arm and mess with his rings with a few choice words. As long as he is not busy, he is down for a quickie.
🪨 Steven does not do the best dirty talk, but he may very well try. Nothing degrading, that is not something he likes, but he tries to focus on praise and compliments. “Mmm – yes, please more, it's so good,” he babbled out while your hand gripped his cock just perfectly. His eyes rolled back as he gripped his hand tightly. Or when you had him pressed against those fancy hotel sheets and his hands desperately held your hips, “My gem – you feel so good! You're more wonderful than the strength of a Carbink...” He always somehow manages in a random rock comparison, too.
🪨 His sexual “no 's” are pretty simple. He does not really like any kind of impact play or choking, so that is out, nor does he like a daddy kink or really any authority kink for him. Might be into playing along with his partner a bit, but not letting it completely overtake things. He does not truly want public sex (excluding caves). Degradation is out. He is pretty simple.
🪨 For aftercare, Steven does quite well. After you both come back down, he offers a bath to you and likely will join you to help scrub up together. He also loves a nice cuddle session afterwards and may even order take out if it worked up an appetite. He literally will probably do whatever you want to do to unwind. So, just ask away.
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captainmera · 5 months
Hellu!! In the latest chapter of tgb you spoke about hunters political power as the golden guard, and I would love to hear more about that if you would like to share !!
Sure! :)
This is super long, though. Because context of why I conclude these things are important to know!
This is just me being a history buff, though. And if you've read my webcomic In Blood we Rise, you know I like playing with the social-culture of a society.
So from the bits and pieces I've picked up from the show, either via how characters treat one another (Ex. Boscha, Amity, Willow, Gus) and the use of titles (coven heads, Emperor, "prince" - aka Golden Guard) I expand upon those clues and apply what I know of those titles, or the human equivalents of them.
The Golden Guard is, although mockingly, referred as similar to a prince title. Whatever it actually is or not is up to anyone's guess. But given that the GG is the Emperor's right-hand man, and the Emperor is a sort of religious leader/dictator.. I concluded that the GG is somewhat similar in nature.
If "Emperor" is a leader, with religious implication (as Hunter himself used the words such as "sacrilege" when invading Belos' mind) and is commonly known to know the will of the Titan (their god and nature).
Then, I think it is fair to say, that the GG most likely has similar roles but on a smaller scale.
Hunter was raised into this role, not unlike how a prince is raised to become king one day.
- If Emperor = Pope. - Then GG is = King, a military general, priesthood. - The Coven heads = Gentry (Earls, Barons, Marquesses, etc) - People like the Blights are = Gentry (Lords, Ladies, etc) - Maybe people like the Clawthornes are = Middle class? (Merchants?) - And people like the Parks or Porters are = Peasants (lower classes up to lower middle class). - And people like... *shrug* ..? ... Steve? = Peasants (Lower working class to upper working class)
This hierarchy is similar to the English one, Philip Wittebane was English. I am going on a limb here that Philip conjuncted his own application of the hierarchy he knew of onto an already existing system.
So we got the previous hierarchy system (shown and told by Boscha, mostly, and Amity in season 1). With whatever Philip could layer ontop. So it's not accurate-accurate, but a bit to the left.
We know power is important. And we know they talk about important FAMILIES. The Blight's "Dont associate" with weaker witches. Implying that some families with better magic and power have a higher status, and it is even encouraged to impose your status on those beneath you.
The teachers don't intervene when Boscha bullies Willow, they even celebrate her for her superiority. However, they do allow Willow to show her worth through POWER too.
So you can raise in social ranks by being better than others. Hence why other witches were so eager to take advantage of Gus, too. Gus is from a lower or middle class, but his illusionist powers are superior. He could easily rise to become a coven head one day. If recognised for this, others might want to hitch a ride for as long as he can carry them.
We know nothing of the Boiling Isles culture before Belos took over.
We do know a bit of traditional cultural things; like Palismen and the bed-nests. You could even say that Eda is a traditionalist in that sense, as she wants to use Wild Magic like they used to do on the isles.
We also know that The Titan's children used to be running around plentiful, that there was a subgroup of Witches that were Hunters too! (Hunter's name being Hunter has so many layers, man.. Not just Witch-Hunter-General but, like, hunters hunting Titans - the literal, kind of, devil imagery of this realm. Maybe Belos knew? Maybe he met the titan hunters? Maybe that's how he knew how to find the not-broken-mirror of the collector? What else did he know? WHO KNOWS.)
But the Titans has been dead for a very long time. But in that time in-between, we know people did exist. And where there is people, there is structure and culture. And back then, in the Deadwardian times, we know they knew they lived upon the Titan. It would not be so farfetched if they had some sort of priesthood similar to.... The greek temples?
The illusionist graveyard statues are... Coming to mind. I struggle to believe that illusionists were supposedly always considered the lowest and most useless group of magic users. It is heavely implied that Gus talents were meant for greatness. Especially in regards to the human realm.
I think, with the stone portal being as Hellenistic and temple-looking, that there might've been once-upon-a-time where witches frequented into the human realm more often. Perhaps with the use of illusion magic. Perhaps, back then, being an illusionist was a great thing to be.
But time changes things. What used to be a useful skill falls out of style. And whatever else (like Abomination slime) becomes more useful to the contemporary culture, that's what will be on the rise.
Speaking of abomination, I think it's meant to represent a sort-of industrial revolution ordeal. And that's where the Blights took a big shine in power.
You had to read my thoughtprocess on that before I can go into your actual question.
SO..! The Golden Guard!
First, let's figure out what the heck a prince does and typical life could look like. Let's look at the real life prince of England at the time! Charles the first.
Charles was born on 29 May 1630. In August 1642 (twelve years old), the long-running dispute between Charles I and Parliament culminated in the outbreak of the First English Civil War. In October the same year (still twelve years old), Prince Charles and his younger brother James were present at the Battle of Edgehill. And spent the next two years (so fourteen years old at the end of that) based in the Royalist capital of Oxford. In January 1645 (so now fifteen), Charles was given his own Council and was made titular head of Royalist forces in the West Country. By spring 1646 (so now ca sixteen years old, like Hunter), most of the region had been occupied by Parliamentarian forces and Charles went into exile to avoid capture. Charles I surrendered into captivity in May 1646. (sixteen)
Right! So uhh... Surprisingly similar to Hunter's current situation with Wild Witches and rebellion brewing.
The thing about royals, yeah, is that they are given this birthright to lead the people "by god". Being king, queen, whatever, is a deeply Christian religious occupation.
We are talking about a time when people who were rich were just inherently deemed more morally superior. Because god let them be born into privilege. Of course, humans are humans and we are critical beings. There's a reason why the French chopped the head off their royals: People don't always agree to the status quo, no matter how religiously influential it is.
Philip Wittebane would have this bias too, though. At least somewhere in his consciousness.
Back in the days, being a "Gentleman" actually meant something. It was not just a title given by birth, it was something you had to live up to. That is why it was such a dramatic offence if a gentleman did not behave like one. When you are born into a leading position, you are expected to lead with the people in mind. Corruption, of course, happens anyway and people don't do what they're supposed to. Either because they don't want to, never asked for it, or simply take advantage of it.
Either case, a title had purpose. Just like a prince. It doesn't matter if you're twelve years old. If you're a prince you are taught, raised and told to behave a certain way to impose both courage and confidence in the people.
If you say shit like "I THINK I know what to do" nobody will trust you. You're twelve, but you're supposed to be a better breed than everyone else, after all, God appointed you into being a royal. You must be special. If you're not, then God made a mistake. If God makes mistakes.. Well, then God is flawed.
God cannot be flawed. Everything rides on the belief that God knows all, is all mighty, etc. God is absolute. You were supposed to trust God. So a twelve-year-old prince is expected to just... Pretty much be the same as a 30-year-old man, intellectually. They could speak four languages, they were already reading military tragedies, and so on.
But they're just twelve and, will, in secrecy (as we know) enjoy things that twelve year-olds enjoy. Like fairytales.
Back to the Golden Guard.
We know that Hunter has no respect from the Coven heads (parliament of sort), lol. They don't think he has the knowledge 'nor wisdom to lead. He haven't even raised the ranks in such a visible way, presumably the way they have.
Darius, whom we know nothing of, could either be like Gus and be an extremely talented abominationist regardless of his class. Or he's like the Blights; from a rich background and worked hard with the good cards life handed to him, and was expected to rise high (like Amity) and did so.
Meaning, the coven heads are peers out of respect. They aren't competition to one another, they are experts in their fields of magic. It is people trying to rise to their position that they need to put a foot onto to keep them beneath their own rank.
Supposedly, Raine outshone the previous Bard Coven head. Either the old one died, or Raine was just better.
All of this, though, means that the Coven heads resent Hunter. He's above them, but haven't "fought" through the classes like the others. He was born above them, and now rose above them. There's no reason to believe he is better. Especially without having any magic.
Hunter has a lot to prove as the Golden Guard.
The way Darius speaks of his mentor, the previous GG, we can assume that that GG had proven himself even without magic. He had respect. Darius is comparing them both.
Hunter might've been raised sheltered because the previous one might've NOT been raised sheltered and that went horribly wrong.
Priesthood slash general, in a royal sense!
So basically he's a pirate captain, yar harr. Or at least in the fictional sense, Captains weren't actually capable of wedding or divorcing people.
because Belos is implying he's got a religious connection with the Titan. So pressumably, Hunter can do cermonious things like.. Weddings and divorce, knighting someone into Covens with a glove or in other means, spiritual guidence like taking confessions/forgiving-or-offering consolance on the behalf of the Titan.
We don't really know much about the B.I. culture before Belos, other than wild magic and the previlent use of Palismen and Titan Blood.
We also know portals were a thing, and supposedly that there are forgotten portals where Human Garbage slips in now and then.
Presumably, on my part anyhow, I think there were priests not too unsimilar to the Coven heads, but rather so they were experts in their fields (like Illusionists) but weren't hindered from using other magic too.
Perhaps the highest priest(ess), were someone who was fluent in all magics (like eda). True wild magic. The Golden Guard, being at the top of the ladder, most likely is supposedly an equevalence of this.
So, the ironic symbolism here then; is that Hunter has no magic. It is a false system.
because the Golden Guard went through scout training and is the highest rank. He would be expected to know battle stragedy, history, how to fight and be leading in battle. As well as take the risk of losing his head if captured.
He would speak to others like his words are definite and absolute. Like he is above others, whatever he believes himself to be so or not.
He can't say shit like "I think we should do this" it doesn't make an army trust him with their lives. He has to be more confident than them, that he is willing to die with this move, too, with them. "This is how we win." <- no matter how insane the plan is, if he sounds confident they trust him. The same way I would trust my teacher during a fire alarm. I know where the fire exit is! I still turn to my teacher, incase they know something I dont and want me to take the window instead.
You trust authority who has gained your trust in their ability to lead you in a crisis. The Golden Guard, supposedly being the title that describes THE BEST OF THE BEST witch on the isle... You may not know how they got there, but you know they did. You may trust it, you may not. But the average citizen might.
Hunter can't show that he doesnt know what to do. He cannot surrender. Because if HE don't know what to do, they're all fucked.
He has to make decissions based on logic and stragedy alone. And sound confident about his decissions, regardless of his true feelings. He can be terrified, and stand with his head high and order the palismen around to ensure the house is secure.
His fear comes out as a general taking charge. Because that's hat he knows. The same way a K-Pop dancer 's muscle memory kicks in on certain songs, Hunter's muscle memory is to step into his GG mask and hand out orders.
Until his friends call him out and he drops the "mask" and reveals that he's just a teen like any of them, wanting to roll under a bed and hide.
he is Belos' nephew and Belos has the title Emperor, not pope. Although the GG is a title you can rise to, Hunter's specific situation of having been born and raised in the castle gives him a bit of a royal edge.
This means, most likely, that most if not all of the citizen would assume that.. Once Belos dies of old age, the one to take "temporary" seat as emperor is the right-hand man. And, possibly, just take the seat all together as a succession.
No wonder Belos made his nephew the GG, it secured his only remaining family a good position after his soon-passing and.. Politically, it would assure that the power of the throne remains within the family. Furthering the suspicion that Hunter hasn't earned his role. it is all a game of political chess.
He's the highest rank after all, why not just take the seat and be in charge once Belos passes away from age or illness? (I believe this is why Kikimora wants to be the GG and sucks up to him even if she knows he's cruel, by the way. Belos is old, it's just a waiting game.)
He could also make supreme court decissions. Forgive a crime, decide something is a crime when presented a case, and sentence people.
We see him threathen Luz with this when he steals palismen.
He is quite entitled, and I don't really blame him for it. He's been isolated and brought up to believe it is his right to be entitled. He has also proven it to himself, through hard work, that he has earned the right to be absolute and the final word.
It also makes him a political target.
Kikimora wants him dead, to take his place. Perhaps so she could become empress once Belos dies off.
Had the show been allowed several more seasons, I'm confident we might've had a longer arc for Hunter to change sides. Maybe even be kidnapped by Darius-or-Raine before or after Hollow Mind happens.
Raine might know Belos wants him back, Darius might want to keep Hunter hidden and away. Both cases makes Hunter a chess piece. He still represents things for the people of the B.I. for better or worse.
For Darius - People who believe in the GG might, after Belos being overthrown, want Hunter to take his place as a "kind prince". With Darius as right-hand and mentor. As, perhaps, Darius would consider that a suden change in culture and power might be too shocking and difficult to adjust for the people. Something similar, like a pinnce, might be easier than a sudden NO MORE ANYTHING AT ALL. That would lead to civil divide and maybe even war.
For Raine - Hunter could be used to exchange a prisoner (maybe Eda?) and, or, be kept until after the rebellion to serve for his own crimes. (of course, this is only before they would discover Hunter's just as much a victim as everyone else, if not more). They could also consider that Hunter knows A LOT about Belos and secrets he might've kept. Perhaps even discovering that Hunter is a grimwalker and things develop from there.
The people - Hate him or love him. No plan is really a good one of what to do with him post-war. All ideas have conflict of interest or consequences. Honestly, putting Hunter in any position post-war might just stirr up unnecesary opinions. But leaving him totally be might make people upset and discontent as well.
There is also the question of HIS CRIMES. Because yes, he did "just do his job", and that might bode less on other coven heads, but Hunter? Hunter wasn't doing just his job, it was his life. The context of him being a grimwalker and manipulated, abuse and brought up with a sole purpose.... Does put some different lights on his after-thought crimes in Belos' name.
Because AT THE TIME, they were not crimes. Harvesting the palistrom forest, imprisoning wild witches, forcing conversion into covens, sentencing people to prison or petrification is... You know. Things he was supposed to do as the GG. He also had no choice but to become the GG. He didn't chose it. Belos did.
So debate would undoubtfully come up on whatever he deserves punishment or not.
I think, to satisfy everyone. He might get a very low sentence, slap on the wrist. Forbidden to participate in politics, perhaps? Who knows.
I'M JUST PUTTING FROSTING ON THE CAKE HERE, I DON'T KNOW. I'm just a storyteller with an oh-la-la~ for drama and the clashes of people of different backgrounds and lives. I personally enjoy bringing people together in crisis from all spectrums of a society, and boil them down to what makes them human and connect with one another.
So... Take all of this with a grain of salt from someone just... Enjoys convoluted mayhem like this. Where a straight-forward answer is never quite that simple.
But there is always a way. :)
Just gotta turn on the light, and finding one another wont be as difficult as running in the dark fighting demons.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
do you have any hunters of artemis headcanons? like what do you think a day in the life is like for them? any customs or traditions? or any interesting ocs?
My primary headcanons for the Hunters are a.) Artemis' retinue in mythology has bird nymphs so. bird nymphs. bird nymphs are in there somewhere. and b.) I completely revamp the oath stuff and their dynamic in general because canon handles it extremely poorly, retcons it poorly, and I don't like the vibe.
The version I go with is that Hunters can be any age, species, gender identity, whatever, just as long as they're okay and comfortable that they will probably be referred to femininely a lot of the time. The Hunt is not just young women, and not even predominantly young women, it's a very diverse mix. And that the Hunt does not explicitly forbid relationships, it only forbids relationships if they are distracting and pose a danger to any hunters (i.e. don't be kissing in the line of fire of the arrows), and explicitly forbids having children while under the oath.
The reason for this being that Artemis is protector of youth, women, and a goddess of childbirth, and in her mythology usually the thing she gets pissed about is her Hunters hiding a baby from her - which makes sense! That's one of her aspects! It's kind of dangerous for a pregnant person to be running around in the woods with a bunch of hunting equipment, or to have an infant in that environment. So my interpretation is the specific thing she is getting upset about is her Hunters endangering themselves and/or a youth, cause that essentially spits in the face of what Artemis represents. If they wanna have a kid they're welcome to leave and come back once the kid is old enough (which is what I interpret Jo & Emmie's leaving the Hunt to be - they just wanted to raise a kid). Also there's myths that imply the Hunters may have relationships between themselves so I like to give room for that. And there's a good couple of myths about male Hunters of Artemis so I hate that canon just gives a blanket statement "no" on that one and is so weird about it.
I don't have many interesting ocs for them yet (I'm working on that - I have like fffffour? Hunter ocs right now I think? My goal is to make at least 10) besides thinking about bird nymph huntresses. And as for customs/daily routine, I haven't thought about it much. I mostly just presume training, hiking, camping stuff, following trails and etc, taking care of the wolves/dogs and hunting birds, all that jazz. I do think a lot about how they have hunting birds though and want the fandom to do more with that. Where's Thalia with a pet falconry eagle.
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meanbossart · 4 months
Some art-advice asks I've been meaning to reply to!
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I use Clip Studio Paint Pro, though I'm not sure what tips I could give just in general. Just experiment with new things often, draw as much as your lifestyle allows, watch how other people do their work but try to avoid "Dont do THIS thing ever" type lessons and tutorials. Use as much reference as you'd like and take your time! To this day a simple sketch can still take me several hours to do depending on what it is.
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Thank you so much!!! I didn't do any kind of formal art schooling but I've always been inclined towards arts and crafts, and started taking drawing semi seriously when I was about 17 (I'm 27 now). I draw a lot of inspiration from western comics and my favorite artists are jason shawn alexander and sean murphy.
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Oh I'm so flattered to hear my stuff's inspired you to take up drawing again, I have a bunch of little crafty hobbies but art is by far the most fulfilling one to me - largely because you're constantly learning and improving.
You're definitely onto something already, I am constantly looking at other people's art (even If it isn't a style I would want to emulate) and analyzing how the pieces come together to create the final product. In my opinion this is pretty much the best way you can go about learning besides real-life reference drawing. You can even take something into your software of choice/print it out and trace it (just to yourself, of course) to get a sense of hand-motion and line use.
As a beginner I think there's no shame at all in taking heavy inspiration from your favorite artists, as long as you aren't straight up copying things and calling them your own. Your personal style Is likely to come out naturally, with time. That's very much how I started myself!
Also, just be patient with yourself, try to have realistic goals for your skill level while simultaneously being proud of everything you do. Even if you absolutely despise a drawing, you still drew something! And even if it doesn't feel that way you most definitely learned from it. Use learning tools and tutorials to whatever point you feel comfortable with but don't get stuck on people's arbitrary rules - unless we're talking about something tangible like real-life application of traditional art tools, things like anatomy, perspective and light are to be referenced from - but It's not the goal to emulate them 100% unless you ARE going for hyperrealism. As someone who uses a ton of reference these days, I can tell you first-hand that I often find myself straying from it on purpose to make a piece look more interesting.
Lastly, draw things you enjoy! Don't let anyone else dictate what you SHOULD be doing and don't fall into the trappings of wanting to stick to one specific style, process, or subject matter.
Good luck!!!
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LOL thank you so much for your very evocative compliments! I haven't ever done a timelapse, not that I remember at least. I'm not sure how they work but I do so much of "I'm gonna try this thing 5 different ways and then decide what I like" that I'm not sure how comprehensive that would be LOL
I could put together a process showcase or something though, I feel like that might be better even, since I get to explain a little of what I'm doing through text and display how I use reference. Something to consider!
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imustbenuts · 1 month
im free from yakuza kiwami 2. fuck the writing in this one. this was a complete mess of pulling from the most popular generic east asian drama tropes at the time of 2006 and having it be handled by a super inexperienced writer at the helm.
i went from having no expectations, got somewhat surprised, only to end up downing alcohol and laughing hysterically before the credits rolled. so that should set the mood for how i feel about this one. thought vomit under the cut, a lot of info dump about culture incoming
yakuza kiwami 2 is pure heterosexual east asian romance bullshit.
im gonna just. describe as best as i can what i know and remember from the general media coming out from the 90s to the 2010s in around this part of the world before i just start explaining why i think this story is a mess.
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so. 2 parts i swear is responsible for this rubbish.
1) East Asian Beauty Standard
the general consensus for a beautiful feminine woman AT THE TIME in this sphere is the following
be willowy thin (fat = lazy and ugly)
have black hair that ISNT short (dyed = too much individuality, too much WESTERN INDIVIDUALISM, gasp how dare!)
fair skinned (bc dark = she works in the fields and is from a lower class)
young. if you heard of the term "Christmas Cake" in japan context, yeah. (ie women over age of 25 are undesirable)
be educated and refined, bc that indicates class and femininity (failing this means shes vulgar and gasp like a barbarian)
be submissive to her male peers in the sense that her authority cannot override his at least in public (for the sake of his face)
dresses feminine and not like a man (trousers and jeans are man-ish. traditional clothing, skirts and dresses are preferred. the further back the stronger this sentiment is.)
incidentally, theres a lot of classism tied to this EABS due to sinocentric culture influences. it has to do with the chinese court system and how korea and japan copied it and a lot of the culture wholesale but. anyway. thats like over 1000 years of history in there thats not really worth detouring to rn.
and also, the worth of a man is sometimes (not always) upheld by how classy and feminine this wife of his is. as of 2024 though, this line of thought is still around in the more conservative pockets. also, the education might not matter as much these days as how deep her and her parents' pockets and wealth are.
moving on.
2) media tropes
so. off the top of my head.
if you wanted a popular romance drama in this time period, the popular offerings no matter where you looked tended to offer the same flavors of tropes.
the woman always has dark hair, is fair skinned, thin and younger than her male love interest. ive never seen this broken or subverted in my time absorbing via osmosis the dramas playing on local tv growing up in the early 2000s.
everything else about her can be subverted though. sometimes she can wear fancy pants or have short hair to indicate her strong individualism. BUT, her personality no matter how strong it begins, no matter how her intro begins will 99% of the time encounter an effect where catching feelings turns her into a meek loyal woman to her love interest.
bc she cant override his authority in this culture context.
at worst, she becomes highly irrational and even hysterical in the dramas when bad things happen. this includes things like love triangle, or a fallout of family business, drama, plot or whatever. she would cry and sometimes even die.
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see: sawamura yumi. sayama kaoru.
meanwhile, the male love interest can be anything. ive seen middle aged guys to young good looking upcoming actors playing the lead, with looks varying from haggardly okay to young and handsome. it. really depends on the genre.
depending on what specific country it came from, the drama would have the male either grow, become manlier (by learning honor ig), become stupid in the name of love, but he rarely if ever actually dies. the woman effectively becomes yoshi for mario to lauch off on when they're crossing a chasm
the romance is forced. a lot of the BIG LOVE SPARK ie kissing happens in tense moments bc it builds drama, but in reality comes too fucking close to sexual assault (some of the old jackie chan movies does this iirc for slapstick even)
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see: sayama getting kissed right after handling her biological father's ashes less than 24 hours ago and admitting to kiryu that shes scared. this scene right fucking here.
bc in general, the scriptwriters for popular dramas tended to be guys themselves and tended to write more human dudes. and the women in the stories are reflective of the ideal societal expectation at the time: being a Refined Housewife.
so her character development is often headed in the direction of marriage and being a stay at home mom.
if it sounds a little like tradwife bullshit, it is.
Refined Housewife
(i have massive negative thoughts about this which i KNOW for a fact is a thing bc a lot of these societal culture femininity was impressed on me as a kid in a world where it was already getting increasingly impossible to have 1 spouse be a SAHP. and also i hated the whole thing about giving face to the patriarch of the house when i personally saw so much ego dick measuring from my uncles. anyway understand that this is both a bias an a lived experience, so proceed with that in mind)
there is a problem with the Refined Housewife expectation: education.
in general, education has been a good metric to judge how classy or smart one is in asia's largely on-the-surface meritocracy based culture. people will look at each other's school first and then judge them from there, and pretty hard too.
so everyone regardless of gender will be expected to study super hard. and bc having good test scores and going to good schools looks good for the family's face, parents will often pile on tuition to the child to get them a leg up in life.
bc also no good degree from good school means no future.
but then... the woman is expected to be a housewife. 🙃 meaning... the education, her accomplishments, are kinda... tossed away in this context. put a pin in this.
it wont matter how much she studied or accomplished, bc the expectation is that the woman would marry and obey her husband, and give him face/honor that way. the kids will come eventually bc having kids = being filial to ones parents in this context.
also uh. no, having adopted kids is not thought of as being filial. continuing the bloodline is.
and if you've been paying attention, then yes, ive been skirting around the backbone of sayama kaoru's writing foundations this entire time.
Her story has been butchered so clumsily i cant even...
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lets just. ugh.
she fits the EABS standard, her tropes are trying to subvert the expectations of a womanly woman in this context, she has IMPRESSIVE education and career achievements. she works in a male dominated field, and is keenly aware of sexism. she is strong, stronger than her male peers, at least we are told.
by 2006s standards, its still considered a fresh take with those alone in japan. sexism there is its own flavor of crap. (if you noticed ive not spoken about LGBTQ+ stuff at all, its bc how ridiculously BINARY the expectation is at that point in time. it still is today but less so)
however, the writing has this sense of trying to copy the popular tropes at the time while not fully understanding and dissecting them, and ends up butchering sayama's character before the romance even properly began.
i mean, for fucks sake even, sayama and kiryu has a whopping 14 year age gap. when im told these are supposed to be believable people living in japan, this is too big for me to just go 'oh ok!'. and remember the Christmas Cake thing? shes 25. (FUCKING--!!!! !!)
the problem here that i see is the writer trying to apply all of those while trying to play the tropes straight. trying to imitate. trying to make a statement but then finding out theres nothing within yourself to stand by what you want to say and backtracking.
we are told:
sayama is strong yet she goes down with 1 slap by random thugs and needing kiryu to come in and body them. because romance ig.
we are told shes a yakuza hunter but she doesnt scare a single one beyond her introductory scene.
she goes from defiant and bossing kiryu around to getting her actions overridden by kiryu and ryuji, both men, towards the end
her subtext is that shes not feminine and therefore conventionally undesirable, but then kiryu tells her shes actually feminine and therefore desired, as if its all that matters.
she becomes so stricken by grief and freaked out that she runs off solo to deal with ryuji in the most out of left pocket planning ive ever fucking seen.
and then yells as she takes out her police baton to take down the big yakuza dude, drawing attention and turning herself into a hostage.
i know the writing will fumble but i didnt expect it to fumble this bad.
for all the good the surface chemistry kiryu and sayama has, its being undermined by a fundamental failure to understand tropes and then using said tropes as a crutch so much that everything here has become a bloody mess.
this failure of over-relying on tropes without understanding them extends to yumi too. sawamura yumi was young and beautiful, and became the Refined Housewife to the Not-Male-MC and ends up regretting it, and gets killed for it.
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her defining trait is that she is beautiful in subtext. thats. thats what the tattoo is. in a world where the tattoo makeths the person, thats what she is and all that she is.
dear lord.
ive read up a bit more on sayama and you know what. good that she chooses her career over kiryu. the romance would have caused both of their characters to explode with the trajectory this was heading in. ffs sayama could have had her own game. she has so MUCH potential.
and also GOOD that the writer is forced to think of kiryu in the position of the Stay At Home Parent for haruka and the orphanage down the line!!! subverting the fucking traditional BS expectation! yes!!!!!
all i got was sayama and kiryu making out before the bomb went off in front of my alcohol and salad while they're like 'eh, haruka will forgive us for dying :')'
and i ran out of alcohol.
sexism? maybe. incompetence? definitely.
hhgrhgrhrghrghrgrhgr wow this got long. ugh. guhhhhhh.
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the-saltiest-saltine · 11 months
How often does the bastard(chrollo; lovingly ofc) takes you on dates?💕🌹
I mean, in his head, the very fact that you’re with him whenever he’s not doing troupe business makes him consider your whole (begrudging) relationship a date <3333 how romantic!!!!
I wouldn’t say there’s a schedule for dates considering the hectic situation you’re dragged into - generally it’s behaviour based.
I wouldn’t even say it’s necessarily “being good” in the traditional sense (i.e. total submission). Even if you aren’t actively fighting back against him, he doesn’t want you to be totally silent, and especially not a lifeless doll that tells him whatever you think will make him happy. He’s willing to let you leave your prison if you’re entertaining enough.
If you’re playing into the banter, if you’re giving him responses - regardless of whether they’re what he’s looking for or not - then he’s more likely to take you out.
You’ll realise that soon enough, but at first, when he’s asking to take you out to dinner, he’ll absolutely eat up the expression on your face. Oh, how cute your confusion is - so you do know you’re being bad! He’s so generous, isn’t he, letting you out of your cage even though you’ve been misbehaving.
I think at the start of the “relationship” it’d be once every 2-3 weeks or so. In order to teach you the value of this quality time, he has to deprive you of it as well. It’d take several months, maybe even years, for it to progress to more than that.
Once the acceptance of your situation has made itself clear, it might become a weekly thing - he’s heard the term date night, and you’re a normal couple, right? It’d probably become more domestic as time goes on, as your social skills dwindle down and the slightest exposure to the open air becomes overwhelming. Why bother showing you - something that’s solely for him - off to the big, wide world when he can treasure you with a home-cooked meal and cosy night in?
Internally, he sees the dates as an obligation in his mind, rather than a genuine act of service or companionship. If they didn’t serve a purpose (forcing you to spend time with him and talk to him, manipulating you further) then I don’t think he’d bother.
As with everything, it’s all self-serving in the end. If he had it this way, he would only have stay-in dates. But, knowing what a regular person like you needs, he’s willing to stretch himself a little and allow you to step outside. Don’t forget to thank him!
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trolagygirl2022 · 7 months
would you ever think about making a reading on the riize member about if they are good personal in general or they are all a mess like seunghan
cause I have trust issues but now it’s even worse
A reading on the RIIZE members
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(remember that tarot shouldn't be taken literally)
Sohee: The Hierophant rev, 6 of Pentacles rev, Judgement, The Star rev, King of Pentacles rev 10 of Pentacles rev, King of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, The High Priestess.
I wonder if he has any aquarius placements this guy gives off "chosen one" type of vibes. Again he's meant to break this line of poverty in his family. He's focused on getting money but he can also be quite unstable. Idk if he's a messy person or. He's stubborn attimes and really likes his stability (Taurus placements??). He has been unlucky in the past and he's really focused on building a name for himself. Seems he owes a lot of debts or something. He's more guarded and maybe could be into spirituality?
Eunseok: Page of Swords, Knight of Swords, 2 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles rev, 2 of Wands rev, 7 of Swords, 10 of Cups, 4 of Cups, 3 of Wands rev, The Empress.
Does this guy have a lot of air in his chart? He's rlly chronically online is what I'm getting 💀. This one is pretty fake and a liar. Does he speak multiple languages? I'm picking up that this guy doesn't like change. He's pretty stubborn and likes things going "like they used to". He has problems balancing himself, he overthinks alot. He is quite traditional and places a lot of importance on "honor". He is though, quite creative.
Wonbin: The Sun, 8 of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, 7 of Wands, 3 of Cups, The Tower rev, 10 of Swords rev, Hermit rev, Justice, 2 of Cups rev, Knight of Pentacles rev, 10 of Wands.
This guy really drained my energy. He will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get to the top. He's the type of person to forge connections and he has the skills and looks to get what he wants. Whatever he puts his mind to do he can get it. He has some childish energy and is very stubborn/ He hates when things don't go his way. He is quite social/can get out of his comfort zone easily and he cares for his job.
Anton: 10 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, The fool, King of Wands, King of Cups, The Star, Ace of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, The Magician.
Is this the nepo baby? Anyways his energy is actually quite peaceful. He is really passionate about music. Being a celebrity is something he really wanted and he is very creative. He has a lot of ideas and genuinely loves music. He's grounded and cares a lot about his financial stability and I'm sensing parental figures around him with money.
Shotaro: The Lovers, 8 of Wands, The Hermit, 8 of Pentacles, The Tower, 10 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, 2 of Cups.
This one I'm getting is a great dancer and he is always seeking to improve. He's more reserved and he seems like quite a romantic. He has either been in a lot of relationships or seeks to be in one. He likes when things are balanced. He also cares about money. This one seems a bit unpredictable and can change people for the better or the worst. If he has been in a relationship he's coming as rlly toxic sorry but the cards have spoken...
Sungchan: 5 of Pentacles rev, 6 of Pentacles rev, The devil, 4 of pentacles, The Chariot, The Moon, Hermit, 8 of Wands, Page of Cups rev, 4 of Swords rev.
I don't like this one. He's very secretive and hidden and honestly should stay that way. He's quite a toxic one! He seems kinda anti-social and awkward. He may be passionate about dancing. He is someone that is ambitious and has drive yes but he's quite anxious. He hides his emotions and kinda seems like a player ngl.
Seunghan: 2 of Wands, Page of Swords, 4 of Wands, The Sun rev, Knight of Pentacles, Tower rev, 8 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups 10 of Swords.
This guy has a lot of fiery energy in him. He's quite arrogant and childish. He has an ego and damn who hurt this guy?? Or he has been hurt. Idk how he does it but he has a lot of luck with the ladies. He is quite ambitious and will work hard. It's just that he's very impulsive ngl.
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ay-chuu · 1 year
Random Malleus personal + boyfriend headcanons
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He's super good at tutoring you. Thanks to his knowledge about general culture and interest in lessons, he is very knowledgeable and can give you results in a single sentence whenever you need help.
I don't know why, but I think that if you believe in any religion, Malleus will be very interested in your religion and even start to believe in that religion while reading information about it. Because he wants to know your limits, but his main thought is that there is no way that humble person like you believes in bad things, so he finds himself drawn to that religion.
He loves knitted things. Although he is not very good at it, he believes that knitted things are made with sincerity, and he feels very safe when he wears it.
He researches your ethnic origins and traditions. Since he accepts you as you are, he learns your culture very well and makes you feel both at home and with your lovely boyfriend when you are with him. Even if you're mixed, it doesn't matter to him.
He loves to learn, he adds what he has learned while interpreting everything he cannot make sense of.
I think he has a special interest in sea creatures. Because most sea creatures, like him, can always feel love, even though they live around certain restrictions. He would love to play with Belugas.
If you have any vitamin deficiency, diabetes, insulin resistance, etc. that you have a problem. He wouldn't remind you to drink your pill/ medicine. Because he would be right in front of you with your pills or your vitamin, just in time.
If you have psychological diseases such as ADHD, he would definitely read the ancient books of experts and help you with or without pills according to your choice. Your mental, his mental. If you are sad he is sad, if you are happy he is happy.
So jealous. Sometimes he can become jealous for a baby if it involves you.
He knows the birthdays of your friends and family and sends each of them a special gift because he wants to be accepted and respected by his loved ones. Your BFF might be the most crack person in the world and he'll treat them like their butler T^T
He loves traveling your world with you. He feels like an anonymous person and your history is very interesting. Sculptures in museums, butterfly gardens, books… It's very interesting in your world, just like you.
Even if your birthday is a special day of the most ridiculous thing in the world (For example, my friend's birthday is world lemon day… interesting) it creates a theme about that day. Like if it is lemon day, he will add lemon to the decorations KSDFJKHLSDFHKH.
He's a deep thinker. He can think of every move he makes, but cannot control his reactions to sudden feelings.
He likes to make and eat cookies with you.
Some of his favorite books are The Sorrows of Young Werther, Coraline and Notes from Underworld.
He may be a very traditional man but he will try to learn whatever modern things you are interested in. I will repeat though, try to.
Generally, Malleus… is the lover in the role of a mystical man who came into your world from the book. But he does his best to prove his love for you, make it feel and live it.
He loves you for who you are. He does not search for any features. All he wants is for the voices in your hearts to match.
I would like to end with a quote of an author from my country. Because I think Malleus would definitely write poems for you and one of the lines would be like this.
"Maybe one day we'll get married, we'll have children; The one who looks like me becomes a poet (like me) The one who looks like you becomes a poem… (like you)" -Cemal Süreya
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
I remember scrolling MK reddit and a post basically asked why Bi-Han let Sareeena live and consensus was basically Bi-Han thinking with his lower head and feeling bad for her, though a lot of people leaned towards Bi-Han being horny unironically and sparing her because he thought she was pretty and because he didn't seem her a threat.
Like lmao, I get Bi-Han is not socialized that great and I can see where people are coming from but I'm hoping he's not that shallow lol.
Nah, Bi-Han is not that shallow. The man does not comment on women's beauty - or anyone’s for that matter, the way the clearly horny characters do, like Johnny, Erron or Kano. His intro dialogues also has no sexually creepy undertones, the way Kano and Mileena sometimes imply things. So I think it is safe to assume that Bi-Han in general is not a sexually driven type of person. 
It would help a lot if the game or tie-in material gives us more direct reasoning for his action, however even the provided basic knowledge allow us to see the main difference between Scorpion and Sareena and it’s not about gender (though that may play some secondary role), but the fact that Hanzo, presumably, wanted to kill Sub-Zero, not for rivalry over the Map but because he was a Lin Kuei, an sworn enemy of Shirai Ryu clan, while Sareena was doing just her duty - following Quan Chi’s orders and there was nothing personal about their fight. So in a sense, Bi-Han could feel some kinship with the woman even despite her attempt at stopping his effort to save Earthrealm and trying to kill him, because he understood well what it means to serve merciless masters, as he himself, no matter how praised, was ultimately just a tool in Grandmaster’s schemes. Sareena has never been anything other than another obstacle in his path to beat down Quan Chi and steal the amulet back, so I can see why murdering her could feel pointless as it didn't serve any real goal of his.
Hanzo on other hand was tipped by Quan Chi about Sub-Zero’s mission - something the sorcerer did not deny at all 
Quan Chi: Greetings, I see the ninja has been successful in retrieving my map... as I have forseen.  Sub-Zero: Let's get something straight... I am not a ninja. I am Lin Kuei. Scorpion was a ninja!  Quan Chi: Ah yes, your Japanese counterpart. It's unfortunate that you happened upon him in your battle with the pesky Shaolin monks.  Sub-Zero: Scorpion was tipped off... he knew I was breaking into that temple, and if he weren't there - there wouldn't have been a battle! You are responsible for this sorcerer!
and as the game shows, Scorpion managed to get inside the Shaolin Monks Temple before Lin Kuei. But instead of quietly stealing the man and getting the hell out of the place while his rival was busy fighting Shaolin Monks, Scorpion literally was introduced as a man who mocked and provoked Sub-Zero  (“You will fail. Hahahaha”) and challenged him to fight over the Map ("The map is mine Sub-Zero. Fight!").
When the both men met again in Netherrealm, Hanzo accused Bi-Han for killing him in cold blood to which Bi-Han responded he had no choice. 
Warrior: I am a dead man. But somehow you have retained your mortality, which would mean you are vulnerable to death.  Sub-Zero: Wait... I know your voice.  Scorpion: Yessss... I am Scorpion. You killed me in cold blood.  Sub-Zero: I had no choice. If I had not stolen that map I would be the dead one.
Maybe Sub-Zero did not trust Scorpion to not attack him again as he did not believe Shirai Ryu would respect the act of mercy. Maybe he figured out he must kill his sworn-enemy, because Lin Kuei tradition demanded that and if Grandmaster learned about Sub-Zero sparing Scorpion’s life, he would be severely punished. Whatever was the reason, Bi-Han took no pride in killing Shirai Ryu, as he did not boast about that. When returning to Lin Kuei Temple, Bi-Han greeted the leader with “Grandmaster, in honor of the Lin Kuei, I bring you this sacred Map of Elements.” but there was no as a bonus, I also killed the filthy Shirai Ryu dog. Instead, he was clearly angry at Quan Chi for creating the whole situation in the first place by hiring the second assassin of the enemy clan (“[Scorpion] knew I was breaking into that temple, and if he weren't there - there wouldn't have been a battle! You are responsible for this sorcerer!).
So to my understanding, killing Hanzo was dictated by unfavorable circumstances and long-termed enmity between Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei clans that forced Bi-Han’s hand while Sareena was just a demoness doing her job the same way as he was doing his. Frankly, Fujin too was not killed by Bi-Han, nor I don’t think sources implied he attempted to murder any Gods of Elements or Shaolin Monks on purpose - otherwise I think Raiden would be much more angry at the Lin Kuei assassin. Or at least mentioned that, in similar fashion to intro dialogue in which Liu Kang said "The Shaolin's losses have left many angry" to past!Scorpion, who took part in murdering Shaolin Monks in MK11.
Also, when Sareena came to aid Bi-Han in his fight against Quan Chi, Sub-Zero was understandably surprised by demoness’ action:
Sub-Zero: Why did you help me?  Sareena: You are still mortal... that means you can escape the Netherealm.  Sub-Zero: There won't be anywhere to go if I don't get the amulet back.  Sareena: Take me with you... I've waited an eternity to escape.  Sub-Zero: You don't understand. I can't leave without the...
but there is literally zero implication he finds Sareena sexy or hot or trying to pull the card “I spared your life so you own me” to get a “reward” from her. I repeat, a relatively sexy/beautiful lady just asked Sub-Zero to take her with him and Bi-Han’s mind was solely on the mission - getting back the amulet before Shinnok destroys his realm. 
Dunno about you all, but that interaction for me doesn’t sound like Bi-Han was thinking with his dick or in any way ever was smitten by Sareena’s beauty; he was a man on a mission and there is a chance he may be just more merciful than people want to give him a credit for. 
The last one brings me back to MK9, in which I still think Bi-Han's head gesture was a voiceless support for Johnny to not kill Baraka, the same way Raiden did for Cyrax. He may not have any love for strangers, he may mock Hanzo, but I don't think he is the cold killer that takes pleasure in killing like some characters do.
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