#especially re: Super Freak
frick6101719 · 2 years
The Crows and songs they deny are high on their Most Played playlists (but which definitely are)
I accept no criticism
I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner
Fall To Pieces - Avril Lavigne
That's My Bitch - Kanye West and Jay Z
Super Freak - Rick James
Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake ft Jay Z
Waterloo- ABBA
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
Down With The Sickness - Disturbed
Love In An Elevator - Aerosmith
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day
The Scientist - Coldplay
You Know I'm No Good - Amy Winehouse
Love The Way You Lie - Eminem ft Rihanna
Fuck You - Lily Allen
I'll Be Home For Christmas - Michael Bublé
Jesper does not have a list because not only is he is the Crow with the best taste in music he is also the only one with actually zero shame about loving songs which are angsty/cringey/off-brand/too-revealing
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blueteller · 5 months
Cale's Super Rock Villa Has a Deeper Meaning
So, I was re-reading the Caro Kingdom fight against the White Star recently (around chapter 450) since it's a super underrated fight… so much stuff I forgot from that part. Like, Mary actually using a dead mana sword?? That's so freaking cool!!
Anyway, the reason I bring it up is because there's an important detail about KRS's past there, which I totally missed before!
As Choi Han attacks the White Star in TCF Chapter 453, he recalls a flashback from CJS's life:
After struggling at work with Kim Rok Soo when he first entered the company, he headed home right away after finishing work for a while after he got used to the work. There were colleagues who wanted him to join them after work because he was a friendly guy, but he always declined and headed to his own place. Only Kim Rok Soo and the team leader knew the reason he had to go straight home. Honestly speaking, his home wasn't much. The company that was located in Seoul was located around the central border of the destroyed area and the still somewhat intact area and Choi Jung Soo's house was around there as well. His house was a small one bedroom in a building that was barely maintaining its shape as a villa. The building looked old like the buildings in a movie about the apocalypse he wanted before the world changed, but the people living inside were happy.
And old, crumbling villa where he owned only one bedroom – but that's not the freaking point!!
First of all – KRS liked Super Rock Villa so much because it reminded him of his old home! That's just so sweet. He's such a sentimental guy...! 😭
But that's not what I want to focus on. Yes, there were the Henituse villa and the Harris Village as well, but... Super Rock Villa is different. As something that Cale inherited, by himself, it represents something more than merely a house to live in.
Think about it: the state of the two villas Cale lived in... it's like an allegory to his previous life VS his new life!
In his old life, he lived among the very people he protected, but he kept distance from them. It wasn't a physical distance – since he was living in the same building as them – but he didn't make any friends with his neighbors. Just like with his co-workers, KRS enjoyed their happiness from the sidelines... because KRS was cursed and doing his best to stay away in order to protect them 💔
But! BUT! In his new life, when he got Super Rock villa, not only was it in pristine condition – in contract to the old one which was falling apart – but the first thing he did, was fill it with living beings!!
...Sure, he also did that stupid in-denial internal monologue how he's doing it because he wants them to protect him. But we all know Cale is a shameless liar by this point; even to himself. ...Especially to himself.
So basically: Cale did that because he WANTED TO LIVE AMONG HAPPY PEOPLE AGAIN
Except this time – he was a part of that family!!
The whole Wind Island's test of fear later re-affirms the idea completely. Cale's biggest fear is the Super Rock villa being empty. The happy home meant for friends and family becoming their grave.
The Super Rock Villa is so much MORE to Cale than merely a cool rich house to live in. It directly represents the state of his life and family 😭
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dilucsfav · 11 months
Saw that you were writing for re!! Can i request re4 leon with shy reader? Reader usually gets flustered over little things like remembering what they like and small compliments! Reader also likes to cling onto his arm even while cuddling!! (yk how buffed his arm is who wouldnt want to)
YES YES YES. oh my god ive never written for leon before but how about start with my good old fashioned favorite (and hopefully you guys like it too) random hcs & scenarios :)
yes, i know how buffed his arm is. i would gladly hold it, too.
please dont hate on me if hes not very canon LMFAOOO, like i said ive never written for him before so hopefully these are alright ahh!
once again, another request i could not WAIT to write😭
enjoy!! :))) make sure to take time for yourself today, you deserve it!
Leon Kennedy RE4 hcs & scenarios with a shy!reader!
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warning(s): the usual nsfw that i put in these, yall know the drill
before you two even got together it took a LONG time for him to confess (lord almighty knows the reader wouldnt do it for this hot fucking man with the absolute godly DUMPTRUCK he was blessed with)
^^ because leon may be tough & a fighter, hes also cheesey as fucking hell. making the worst jokes, a tease, etc.
your shy reactions from his jokes made him think you didnt appreciate them, even though you just didnt know how to respond😭, that meant it took a while before he was actually like-
"... Uhm, we should go... get a steak together, yeah? Just you and me?"
^^while nervously sweating n shit cuz hes scared he'll freak you out because of how shy you are
surprisingly to him, though, of course you said yes! just... maybe not as smoothly as he hoped. his awkward ass just kinda saying "cool," while youre twiddling with your fingers and its just a little awkward silence that he tries to relieve with a little chuckle 😭😭😭
honestly, though, you two hit it off just fine when you finally got together!
Leon is a very busy man, though, so being with you 24/7 was out of the question- it was simply impossible :(
Especially if you two were living together, and he had to go on missions, you often felt very alone & sad. Days (most of the time, weeks) of distress, worry, & crying, wondering if Leon was okay and assuming the worst happened to him.
By the time he returns, though, you are wrapped around him like a magnet. You would give him such gentle care, often wrapping your arms around his arm, your fingers clinging onto his upper arm just like glue
^^especiallyyy when you two are in public. when you meet some of leon's friends, you often cowered shyly just behind him with your hands on his arm. He wasnt bothered by it, in fact, he LOVES it because it shows your trust & how comfortable you are around him, which took a very long time for him to gain :)
leon often compliments your eyes. omg.
^^ he would hold you cheek & tilt your face, examining your eyes with a gentle smile.
^^ "Pretty thing, you are. But you already know that, now, don't you, (Y/N)?"
guys guys i personally hc this but when you guys are in public and its super crowded areas he would lead and put his hand behind him, moving his fingers to catch your attention so you can hold his hand & he can lead you through the crowd sjhdjasdjk
^^I personally hate how overwhelming crowds can be, & Leon knows how shy and timid you can be. We love our sweet boy🫶
his favorite place to hold you while you two are kissing is the side of you neck baebhjafsbjsbjkj OR LIKE JUST UNDER YOUR JAWLINE YESSS YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!
also, when leon returns home after an incredibly exhausting mission, you are the first person he wants to see, no question about it. despite all the dangers and traumatic things he's seen on his missions, he trusts & loves you enough to feel safe in your arms.
he is a fucking DORK, makes the shittiest jokes and youve just learned to love them <3
his favorite cereal strikes me as either being frosted mini wheats or rice krispies? i could be wrong though tbh
speaking of food, he would spoil you ROTTEN with your favorites snacks, meals, drinks, anything you desire. and he'd remember every little detail about your favorite foods, least favorites, etc.
^^ OMG FLOWERS TO! he’s definitely a gift giver no doubt
i think he'd like your arms & tummy a lot though :) i can see him give so so so many little tummy kisses and shoulder kisses and wrist kisses and ahhHAHDHAH
you still get a little shy around him from his compliments & how much physical attention you get & he finds it adorable🥲
speaking of physical attention🌝
favorite sex position? fucking missionary. one hundred fucking percent.
god damn.
especially with you two, its such a loving & trusting & pure relationship, it would be so intimate and ahahdjksahj
kissing through the. whole. thing.
also he'd be so sore & tired all the time from missions, he would get so flushed & feel so loved because you'd kiss the parts that hurt him & his scars & you would rub his muscles and djkasjbdasjdnkj
^^ as would he kiss your scars & any place you are insecure about <3
nah yall.... sex with him for the first time- HELP ME HE WOULD;
"Can I--, put... here... inside you, (Y/N), can I..."
^^ in all seriousness though, it did take a few times for you two to be truly comfortable. At first it was very shy, but shit as time moved on? it was still intimate but FUCKING DAMN IT GOT HOTTER
when he has news he has to leave for a mission? he'd fuck you into oblivion until youre just sick & tired of sex (should i write a fanfic of that, somebody pls request it if so-)
hes such a dork, sometimes he makes sex so funny that it wouldnt even be uncomfortable or awkward, just straight up funny
sex would be pretty vanilla unless you asked otherwise. i think he'd take both of your hands and hold them above your head tho🌝🌝
^^you would get super nervous & embarrassed and your hands would try to cover yourself up, or cover your mouth or face from how hot you felt-- he fixed that RIGHT away and from then on he made sure he could hear all your pretty sounds
"Babe, you feel so, so fucking good... you keep your hands right up there, you hear me?"
yes, i did say it would be intimate. but did i ever say it wouldnt be rough? absolutely not.
^^bed shaking, the LOUDEST fucking noises coming from both of you guys because i just KNOW this man hits all the good fucking spots.
i say fuck a lot but thats just cuz i want leon to fu-
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
FnF Characters in an Acting AU + Shipping AMV Reactions
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For you @frostybearpaws
Mel: Former model. Not just any model, mind you. We're talking Iman or Naomi Campbell levels of powerhouse. She is the muse for a dozen fashion brands, from Versace to St. Laurent. Fluent in a half-dozen languages. Has an MA in art history. A prodigy at piano and harpsichord. Her social media is sublime eye candy; she is lauded as a style icon, and highly sought after by Vanity Fair and Vogue for covers.
Champions tirelessly for better roles for black women in TV and film. Outspoken advocate of the #MeToo movement. Passionately antiwar, and works with a number of educational advocacy groups. Has even made a formal speech before Congress.
re: the AMVs - "Oh this is delightfully done." Flattered by the passionate responses of fans, and amused by the spirited fanbase split between Meljay and Melco. When asked who she ships: "Meljay, I'm afraid. Silco has his charming qualities. But Mel needs someone who will prioritize her, and only her."
Violet: Relative newcomer. Mostly typecast in sporty 'tough chick' roles. Had a big breakout role in a "Bend it Like Beckham" type early 2000s film. The scriptwriters chickened out with a heteronormative ending, but fans latched on to all the queer subtext in film. She's got a huge Insta following, due to her popularity in the fandom, her status as an LGBTQ+ icon, or her being an ex-pro athlete.
She's a big proponent for more diverse representation in pop culture. She also has a degree in gender studies, and is an avid fanfiction reader. She's even written some smutty one-shots of her own <3
re: the AMVs: "Wow. Just... wow." Speechless at how horny y'all are.  Like, off the chains horny. And she's totally not judging. At all. But... "Damn. Take a cold shower, guys."
Sssh. She ships CaitVi too.  And she agrees the Nao arc was uncalled for. "Idk what the writers were thinking. Vi would never cheat on Cait. Even if they did break up." </3
Jayce: Child actor who was thrust into the limelight after starring in a 1990s sitcom. It was cancelled, but ended up having a massive cult following. His last big project was the 2000s comedy flick, "Freaks of Zaun," which, despite a critical drubbing, remains a favorite of the genre. He's kind of a douche irl, but fans are still super into him. He's also an influencer, and runs a successful YouTube channel where he posts workout routines, travel vids, and other lifestyle-adjacent stuff.
Huge fanboy of his own character, and never shuts up about him.
re: the AMVs: "You know what? I kinda get it. These are pretty good." Is a little miffed at the whole "Jayce is an idiot" meme.  “Look, he's a fucking scientist. I don't think a stupid guy could pull off the invention of Hextech." He also doesn't appreciate the ship wars, especially when it gets into toxic territory. "C'mon, guys. It's acting. There are no actual relationships. Don't turn this into a hatefest."
Has gotten cancelled once already. He's since learned not to touch that particular can of worms.
Ships MelJay and tolerates JayVik. Blanches at the mention of JayCo.
Jinx: Total newbie to the industry. Was a former gymnast, and an Olympian in the making. A torn meniscus put her out of the competition. Her agent, who'd been trying to convince her to switch to acting, seized the opportunity to get her in front of the camera. She's never had a day's training. But she's a natural. Her energy is infectious, and her charm is unmatched. A real sweetheart, too. Loves dogs and is a vegan. Advocates tirelessly for animal rights.
re: the AMVs: Shrieking at the first video like a kid in a candy shop. "Is this real? How do I join?" The first to suggest livestreaming the cast's reactions. She's not a fan of shipping wars, but has a live-and-let live attitude. Will scroll through instagram liking any video or post that has #Timebomb in the tag - her favorite ship, btw. She also likes Melco, Sevilco and JayVik.
But not Cait/Vi. Or Jinx/Silco.
"Just... yuck."
(CaitVi shippers accuse her routinely of homophobia. She's not homophobic. She's ace-aro. She's just finds the CaitVi pairing boring.)
Sevika: A rising star, and a fan favorite. She was a former MMA fighter before an accident left her with a paralyzed left arm. She'd been content to go the rest of her life as a trainer, until a talent scout noticed her. She was cast as a supporting character in a cop procedural. It ran three seasons, but her charisma made her a longstanding fandom icon. Audiences in FnF have been clamoring for more screen time, and the writers have been accommodating. Rumor has it that they're working on an origin story arc, where she'll be the main character.
re: the AMVs: "How'd this become a thing? You're all fucking weird." Has an opinion on every video. Doesn't hold back. Her reviews are highly anticipated, and fans love her blunt commentary. She doesn’t ship anyone. But she will like any MelCo tags that cross her Twitter feed.
Not because she thinks they're hot, but because she hates Jayce, and thinks it'd be fun to watch him suffer.
Married IRL to Mel, whom she met on set<3
Caitlyn: Nepo baby. Her parents were both Academy Award-nominated actors, who met while filming a romcom. They've had an on-again, off-again relationship for the last thirty years. Cait has been in the industry her whole life, and acting professionally since she was five. Her resume is filled with romantic comedies and period pieces. She's been compared to Audrey Hepburn, and is considered a classic Hollywood beauty. Originally, she was cast in the role of Nandi, opposite "young" Silco. But the Vekauran community derided the casting as whitewashing, and her chemistry with young Silco was totally lacking. She was recast as Vi's romantic interest, and the rest is history.
She's a huge fan of CaitVi, and is known for her frequent appearances at Comic Con. Always happy to pose with cosplayers of her character. She also has a penchant for weird memes.
re: the AMVs: Has a very strict rule about never Googling her name. Opts out of the shipping wars, too. "If it makes people happy, who am I to judge?"
Vander: Former action star, and a fan favorite. Played a superhero vigilante in the late 80s. Known for his iconic lines: "We can do this the easy way. Or the hard way." He had a string of hit films before the industry shifted away from the genre. His career suffered, and he found himself typecast in a string of poorly-received knock-offs of his old films. His final movie tanked at the box office, and he nearly threw in the towel. But his manager convinced him to audition for the show.
He and Silco are known for their on-screen chemistry, and were the subject of a lot of "Are they?" questions. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Vander even stated, "Look, I'd do Silco. It's no secret." Which caused quite the stir on the internet. Sources still aren’t sure if he meant the actor or the character.
He's a huge fan of the show, and a proud member of the fandom. He ships Jinx & Silco, but as platonic soul-family. He's also a CaitVi and Timebomb fan.
re: the AMVs: "Aww, this is cute." He's the most positive out of the bunch.  Is a bit weirded out by the fan obsession with his love life. "I mean, I'm flattered, really. But c'mon, guys. I have a husband." Is super active on Twitter, and frequently replies to fans.
Viktor: Little-known actor from a small country in Eastern Europe. He'd been an up-and-coming romantic hero, guest-starring in a popular soap opera. When a visa snafu kept him from appearing on the show, he was replaced. But the fans revolted. They loved the character, and didn't want to see him gone. The studio listened, and after he found good legal representation, he was able to secure a permanent work visa and keep the role.
Very sweet and reserved; he's not really into social media, or even the internet.
re: the AMVs: Totally geeking out over them. Has a huge crush on Jinxtor, but doesn't realize it's a no-no in the USA as Jinx is 18, and Viktor is 34. He enjoys JayVik as both a scienbros dynamic and as a romantic couple.
Favorite ship is SkyVik. He's even collaborated with a few AMV creators on Youtube on a whole collection of SkyVik videos.
"It's a tragic love story, no?"
Silco: Indie darling. He was a teen star in the early 80s, and garnered a small but loyal fanbase. His first film was a horror flick, where he played a troubled runaway who'd been possessed by a demon. The raw animalism of the performance garnered him a Golden Globe nomination, and his subsequent projects had a similar gothic flair. He's also starred in a number of subversive art house films. His breakout role was the dissolute vampire king in the cult classic, "Blood for Blood" - for which he snagged an Oscar nod.
IRL he's a vocal advocate for unionization, and regularly attends protests in support of worker's rights. Conversely, he's also a vocal proponent of capital punishment.
re: the AMVs: Is mystified at first. Then intrigued. Then appreciative. "This is quite good. The editing. The cinematography. The music. It's not all amateurish, as one might expect." Mostly, he's a silent observer. Always watching, and seldom commenting. A veritable mystery.
He ships CaitVi, but only for the aesthetic. Jilco gets a raised eyebrow and a headshake. Vanco gets a crooked smile. Sevilco, and he'll actually chuckle.
"You are a strange, strange people."
His favorite ship is Melco. Largely because he and Mel had a fling irl during his tenure on the show.
Ekko: Hearthrob of the fanbase. He's an influencer, and runs a YouTube channel where he reviews tech toys and gadgets. His fans are mostly teens, and he has an adorable 'too cool for school' schtick. He's a huge nerd, though, and is actually a prodigy when it comes to mechanical engineering. His parents were scientists, and he was homeschooled his whole life. He got his first TV role by winning a game show, where he had to create a prototype toy that would be marketed and sold to kids.
He's also the funniest out of the cast. And he knows it. Always quick with a zinger, and can turn even the most awkward situation into a comedy routine.
re: the AMVs: Cracks up over the first few videos. Then becomes an avid fan of the whole genre. Has a soft spot for Timebomb, but he and Jinx are friends irl, so he doesn't want to make things weird. Comes up with his own random ships to troll the fanbase.
Ekko/Vi - "A disaster. Imagine how awkward that would be."
Ekko/Mel - "She's totally out of his league. But I'm down to see how it would go."
Ekko/Sevika - "Now, that would be something. She is one hot mama."
Ekko/Jayce - "I'd top him. There, I said it."
Ekko/Cait - "She's totally a virgin. She'd die."
Ekko/Silco - "Fuck this guy, amirite? Literally."
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Do you think petunia dursley deserve redemption?
Now a days many people say she was manipulated by Vernon or James insulted her( she saw james in harry) and they try to excuse her actions because she was woman.
After the war Petunia will divorce Vernon and harry will forgive her. They even say Petunia secretly always cared about Harry.
Please share your thoughts(only if you have time/want to ofcourse)
Thank you
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I think young Petunia is a character it's easy to feel compassion for.
I can't really blame her for not wanting Lily around or not wanting anything to do with magic.
As a child, she is quite close to her younger sister and she has to witness that younger sister all of a sudden going on an adventure without her because her sister has magic and Petunia doesn't.
I dare anyone to not feel resentful and envious in that situation.
And the fact that she is the older sister makes it worse because when Lily goes to Hogwarts they are still in that age where the younger sibling tends to admire and still wants to follow the older and out of the blue that dynamic radically changes.
When in DH we find out that Petunia sent a letter to Dumbledore asking to go to Hogwarts, my heart absolutely breaks for her every single time I re-read it.
And then when Lily enters the wizarding world, Petunia is left to her normal life, which is probably not that great. The Evanses aren't poor but they are definitely not rich. And she is still very much a girl in the 70s, not as bad as the 30s but not as good as today. All of this is to say that she is not left in a situation of privilege and luxury and therefore has nothing to complain about.
Petunia is also left to deal with lying to protect Lily's secret, probably having to say something about how she was sent to some special school for very talented kids, therefore having to make herself appear as the stupid sister. And so everyone would be super curious about this brilliant sister of Petunia, forcing her to live in Lily's shadow even outside of the house and with Lily in Scotland. It's also implied that Lily is the beautiful sister, which I'm sure doesn't help Petunia's resentment. It writes itself a scene from a summer in 1976, where Petunia's friends are eager to meet/see again her beautiful brilliant sister, and Petunia dies of envy.
It's true that Lily enters a world in which as a muggle-born she is subjected to discrimination but I doubt Petunia knew much about it:
Even though Petunia was raised alongside a witch, she is remarkably ignorant about magic. - from Vernon and Petunia Dursley by JK Rowling
Then Lily ends up marrying James Potter, rich, athletic, and good-looking. While Petunia marries Vernon. Tell me you wouldn't hate Lily even more. Lily marrying a wizard so soon after Hogwarts also adds to the separation of the two sisters into two different worlds. Other factors are the war in the wizarding world and the death of their parents.
And speaking of the devil, Petunia seems also resentful towards her parents for showing, according to her, a preference for Lily:
I was the only one who saw her for what she was -- a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!" She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years. -Chapter 4, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, JK Rowing
If you notice, Harry doesn't know anything about Mr and Mrs Evans, one thing is him not knowing about the Potters but if Harry doesn't know anything about the Evans grandparents, it means Dudley doesn't either, it means Petunia doesn't talk about them, doesn't have photos of them. Frankly, seeing the relationship between the two sisters, the Envases mustn't have been geniuses at the whole parenting thing.
And for all of this, again, I can't blame her for hating magic, especially when you consider that the first and one of the only experiences with wizards she has is Snape [how hilarious it is that those two know each other?], someone that hates muggles and literally made a tree branch fall on her. Then there's the sister that seems to live to outshine her and Dumbledore who tells her she is not special (not in those terms obviously, he is quite kind actually, but how is a young girl going to perceive that letter if not like that?). By the time she meets James, she already hates magic too deeply.
This Petunia is someone that makes you wish life had been a little kinder to her, and maybe then she could have been better.
But the Petunia since she takes Harry in? She is a monster. What she does to Harry should have put her in jail, and there's no indication that it's Vernon who forces her to behave like that. Like there's no indication that Vernon and Petunia don't love each other. If anything, the fact that Vernon agrees to have Harry in the house despite hating him seems a testament to how much he loves Petunia.
Harry does seem to hate Vernon in particular but the more fitting explanation seems to be that Vernon is a man and therefore more intimidating.
As wrong as it would have been, I could have even forgiven Petunia if she had just been a little colder towards Harry and shown a preference for Dudley. She is substantially forced to take this boy into her house, a boy who has a genocidal maniac after him and therefore potentially puts in danger her, her husband and her son, and she is also forced to see the dynamic that brought so much pain to her repeat again. Dudley is Petunia, and Harry is Lily. Dudley is a muggle, and Harry is a wizard. It's pretty reasonable for her to hate the idea that one day her son will feel like she did. Maybe she was even planning to not have more than one child just to avoid that. Petunia hates Harry because she sees Lily in him, not James. James canonically never insulted Petunia, the only reasons Petunia has for hating him are that he is a wizard and Lily's husband. At best she may have reason to not find him particularly likeable:
The first meeting between Lily, her boyfriend James Potter, and the engaged couple, went badly, and the relationship nose-dived from there. James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove. James described his racing broom. Vernon supposed out loud that wizards had to live on unemployment benefit. James explained about Gringotts, and the fortune his parents had saved there, in solid gold. Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant, while Lily burst into tears and James (a little ashamed of himself) promised to make things up with Vernon at the earliest opportunity. This never happened. Petunia did not want Lily as a bridesmaid, because she was tired of being overshadowed; Lily was hurt. Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’. -from Vernon and Petunia Dursley by JK Rowling 
But what Petunia does to Harry goes way beyond anything that could have been excused. And of course, we are also forced to re-read a younger Petunia through that lens, you don't become someone that could do that to a child out of the blue. Was there really ever a time in which she could have been saved?
As for redemption, the personality that is presented to us is not remotely complex enough to consider a redemption arc. Nothing that could be considered in-character. Among the established core traits of her character, there are being envious, and full of hatred.
But even if Petunia decided to become a better person for who knows what spiritual awakening, I don't see why that should become Harry's problem. Each person may have a right to become a better one but that doesn't mean they stop being the person who did the bad things. Even if Petunia became a saint who volunteers in children's hospitals, she would still be the woman who abused Harry, mentally and physically, throughout the first two decades of his life.
I do think that Harry would probably make some sort of attempt to hear her out if that were the case (as much as I also think Ginny would absolutely hate the idea and refuse to let him go alone) because Harry is too compassionate for his own good, and shows more than once to have a problem when it comes to setting boundaries in favour of his own emotional comfort. But I also think it would cause him a great deal of pain and distress and they would never be able to be more than just civil to each other.
In light of that, but also as a general statement in regards to this morbid obsession a lot of people seem to have for redemption arcs, I'd like to say that there's no acceptable reason for the redemption of the abuser to become the punishment of the abused.
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[I would advise reading the piece written by Rowling on Vernon and Petunia, there it's made very clear that they love each other]
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maybeophe · 8 months
AU where, after the all-stars season flops, the Total Drama network decides to turn its' attention elsewhere for some quick money; gaming. They release a videogame where the player competes in a fictional season of Total Drama with the OG cast, essentially a y/n self-insert fanfiction in videogame form.
To avoid having to pay royalties to the contestants they use fake names and alter the designs of the 'campers' (I'm thinking something like the TRD names i.e. Heather=Heavely, Courtney=Courtlyn ect.) but since Chris is part of the network he remains himself in the game and voices his own lines.
It plays like a dating sim for the most part, with minigames for the 'challenges', and different character events based on who the player interacts with the most. Plus random and scripted plot events. Essentially a choose-your-own-adventure with some key plot points.
The game turns out to be a huge success, especially with superfans like Sierra who love the idea of competing in a season, but since it's made by Total Drama (in universe, I imagine TD is an up-and-coming top brand akin to Disney) it's super buggy/shoddy/unoptimized as they cut production costs to save money.
Since it's so popular, a lot of the actual OG case know about it.
As a canonical gamer, Noah is one of the first to hear about it and despises it on principle. He decides to make a hate-mod for the game out of spite. It makes Chris bald.
He enlists Gwen to help with the visual changes since she's a bit of an artist and more than happy to draw bald Chris. Noah uses his coding abilities to essentially overhaul the games code. Maybe they even ask some of their friends to re-voice some of their counterparts lines.
It becomes the most popular mod in the community, the fans are freaking out because the new voices sound so accurate to the show and the game runs so much better now. But no one knows who made the mod outside of their username, so the creator(s) are anonymous.
At some point someone in the community asks the mod creator why they went through all the effort of reoptimizing the game just to make Chris bald, and Noah replies with a selfie of himself and Gwen flipping the bird to the camera with the caption "Fuck Chris McLean" (or something along those lines with whatever characters you want to imagine involved) and the community goes wild.
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mitskijamie · 5 months
re: age gap
my thoughts are that roy would be more weirded out by it since he already has his own like issues about his age and seeing himself as someone who infects people with his negative qualities PLUS pushes people away cause he thinks he’s bad for them
i think jamie LOVES the age gap and thinks it’s super hot but doesn’t think it’s weird or anything because they are both adults and were teammates (on a more even power dynamic) however i also think he likes that roy is older and the boss of him as his manager cause he is a freak like that
i personally think the age gap is fun and hot though usually i wouldn’t even be as cognizant of an age gap like that between two adults, but i think the show (especially jamie) highlights it a lot (“grandad” “elderly people are skittish from the war” “older men in my life”) so it seems more significant than it might in other media with characters of the same age/ with an age difference that doesn’t mention it as much
I basically agree with all of this except that I think Roy is also a little freak who thinks it's hot that Jamie is younger + his subordinate, but feeling that way makes him feel even more guilty/ashamed than he already is over their whole situation. So he definitely needs reassurance that Jamie also likes it and doesn't feel taken advantage of or anything
I personally also think the age gap is fun and hot (especially because it's fictional lol) but to be honest I do feel like the difference between 25 & 40 is pretty significant, possibly just because I'm 22 and 40 feels a ways away, so I feel like I do notice age gaps similar to theirs even when media doesn't accentuate it haha
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nordidia · 9 months
I see that you're really freaking good at drawing emotions and a wide range of them.
That's super cool!! Wish I could. I probably just need to practice more-
Anyways, do you think Donnie would have anxiety attacks sometimes? Just thinking about everything he has to do around the Lair?
ppl often ask me how i get emotions good like that and the only answer i can give is i just re-do em until theyre perfect. i always start wtih the face to set the scene, and sometimes the last thing thats worked on before finishing is redrawing the face for the 18th time
i used to study my face in the mirror as a kid to recognise how my face looked and felt so i had control over my emotions and used them appropriately (autism moment) and ive always been drawn to negative emotions shown in people's faces, especially sadness. i'd pause alot watching sad scenes to watch the actors act out their emotions in their faces, and to study them random ass fact: my current favorite emotional scene to study faces in is hotch from criminal minds in s5 episode 9 (iykyk)
i'm an extremely expressive person, a very open book. i'll sometimes look myself in the mirror on bad days and immediately get art inspiration for an emotional piece, simply for how im staring back at myself in the mirror. it actually helps alot drawing when im like that
other than that its alot of fully understanding where the feelings come from, how the character would process it and handle it, and if they'd be aware about concealing how they feel or not in that second
and i dont know a single autistic person who doesnt have anxiety attacks so probably aeAUGYUEh
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monkee-mobile · 5 months
Re: that last ask well now I wanna hear about Peter!! (Please 🥺)
Ah yes, peter, sweet sweet boy.
peter is so special and sweet and I do have many thoughts about him.
peter loves cuddles. this is probably not surprising, but he indeed loves to snuggle up and nuzzle into someone’s neck and hold their hands. lucky for him he has this group of super touchy-feely guys to give him all the snuggles he wants. He just loves his friends so much.
Peter and mike end up getting really close. I think that after The Devil and Peter Tork, pete starts getting some really bad nightmares, about hell, but also ones that feature things like the other monkees forgetting about him or not knowing he’s there or even ones where they’re not real and this gets him real deep (poor thing). I feel like as a kid he had a hard time holding onto friends (this is a little bit personal, apologies), and was picked on a lot for being “different” and “soft” and it gets to him (like in the wild monkees when the girl calls him a sissy and he gets particularly upset) and the idea that this group of people who love him and care for him aren’t really real can be a lot.
He often starts screaming or crying in his sleep and Mike starts to wake up and go over to his bed to stay with him and calm him down. Davy also sometimes wakes up (micky is a VERY deep sleeper, but he has woken up before and come over to help but he konked out pretty quickly) Usually it’s just peter and Mike and Mike trying to calm peter down, just holding him close and rubbing his back and hair and letting peter know he’s there and that he’s real. Mike doesn’t feel really good at talking, especially not at two in the morning, so that is usually the most he can do, and it does help peter, who loves pressure and soft snuggles. Mike also sometimes sings to him, quietly as to not wake up the others, and they do talk a bit, mike trying to get peter to tell him what the dreams were about but they’re sometimes too confusing or too much for peter, and peter can’t always talk at all afterwards, so if mike talks to him it tends to be soothing things in a soft voice or asking peter if he wants to be sung to.
despite mike’s help, pete has a very hard time getting enough sleep and sleeping through the night so sometimes mike has him take a lot of shorter naps during the day (usually downstairs with the rest of the group) but peter has a hard time going to bed at night, afraid of what nightmares he’s going to have, so he starts having some terrible panic attacks about going to bed. Mike starts just sleeping in peter’s bed every night (eventually they all just sleep in the same bed because what the hell, they’re snuggly, but not at first). But peter has a lot of trouble with bedtime for a while, and micky one night comes up with an idea that this is NOT ‘bedtime’! No no no! this is PILLOW time, and pillow time is special and different! and tells him all these stories about it and it makes peter laugh and gets him to be able to go to sleep for a while, safe with Mike, though he still tends to wake up from nightmares.
this is another self-projection thing, but during this time when peter is having terrible nightmares he starts having problems with bedwetting. He can’t help it, but it freaks him out even more. It starts almost right away and Mike also starts helping him through it, late at night getting poor, crying peter into the bathroom and putting on a shower for him. Mike brings his guitar in and plays some things sitting against the bathroom door so that peter knows he’s there. then i guess they fall asleep in mike’s bed and mike deals with the sheets in the morning and they just don’t tell the other guys because peter’s embarrassed about it. peter does NOT get scolded about it at all, that’s a must for me, just because i’ve had problems with that due to nightmares and waking up to someone yelling at you for being disgusting is not a helpful thing. So peter is definitely assured he’s not disgusting and it’s not his fault and he is treated like a person about it. I also think mike knows how to deal with it, assumedly having taken care of younger siblings (see when he talks about his family in Monkee Mother) so he is prepared to help peter out and doesn’t really sweat it. Yeah, that’s just a personal segment of this all.
okay so to me tv show-peter is autistic. real life peter tork was diagnosed with autism later in his life, but peter the character shows a lot of autistic traits in my opinion so that’s gonna factor into a lot of these next ideas.
he probably needs help with a lot of things, stuff like cutting his nails or remembering to brush his teeth (micky also has trouble with both of those and mike has a system now where they all brush their teeth at the same time and is usually good at figuring out when he needs to throw a nail clipper at micky as he’s been scratched multiple times during werewolf impressions and similar) but peter gets the help he needs because the boys all help him out!
(another little self-projecting thing) peter has trouble not spilling glasses of water so he has to be reminded a lot to use two hands when holding a glass. (this will forever be my struggle lol)
he’s also prone to meltdowns if he gets overstimulated. (it’s the sixties so autism is not really understood so i think peter is definitely not diagnosed and he doesn’t really know what these meltdowns are) Sometimes grocery stores are a lot for him and the other boys have to frantically figure out how to calm him down. if it happens at the grocery store usually one of them will go with peter to go sit in the car (a lot of times it’s mike, because grocery stores are also very overstimulating for him. dont tell mike, but he’s also autistic haha. but sometimes it’s not mike because putting davy and micky alone to do the shopping together is not always the best idea). Micky is not always the best at calming peter down because he sometimes can make it more overstimulating, but he figured out a good way to calm peter and get his brain thinking about other things by pointing to something and saying “peter what color is that car/sign/whatever” or, if there’s nothing all that interesting around asking peter what different animals say.
peter also gets bedtime stories read to him a lot. either that or they sing to him. sometimes mike will have peter and davy snuggled up on either side of him while micky sits and the end of the bed and sings and they often all do harmonies together. sometimes mike’ll figure out a new song right before bed and they all work it out together, running to get a guitar while micky drums out a beat on the bedframe saying “we’re really gonna make it big with this one guys!” and it’s so exciting. wholesome little rock band activities.
(this is not a headcanon and this post is already so long so i’m leaving random stuff out for maybe another time but i just have to put it into the world because when the monkees are little little cuties i go absolutely insane. you know in monkee mother when micky starts spoonfeeding pudding or something to peter, is that not the cutest fucking thing in the world?!???! micky is so older brother) okay, now back to our regularly scheduled programming of *shuffles cards* the rest of the random peter headcanons!
peter’s nickname is ‘peterbabe’ (said as all one word) sometimes elongated to ‘peterbaby’ and micky jokes that they should change his full name to ‘peterbabe tork’ because they just say it so darn often.
this is pretty obvious but peter loves flowers! hes a flower boy! he even grows daffodils! :) He brings flowers into the pad (micky is allergic to a lot of them unfortunately so he’s prone to sneezing fits) and he likes putting flowers in everyone’s hair (micky’s hair is particularly fun to put flowers in so peter tries extra hard to find ones he won’t sneeze over) as well as his own hair and he puts them along the windowsills too, which has made for some good photography.
I guess since this is so long i’ll finish it off with a little thought since it’s indeed christmas: in the christmas episode they all rag on peter about getting “bad” gifts and to me the only gift that’s not really working is the coat for davy cause it’s just too big. It was mikes fault for opening snow skis in july, and the chemistry set is actually a very thoughtful gift for science-loving micky, micky just had to go and DRINK whatever concoction he had made which is basically lab safety no no #1 and that is not peter’s fault. the writers pulled those “bad” gifts out of their asses. anyway.
AH! and a bonus because i forgot to include it in the davy post here’s a davy headcanon I hold dear that was from the monkees headcanon instagram account but is so wholesome that i need to bring it to everyone’s attention: davy falls asleep on the couch and often needs to be carried to bed. thank you.
And yes, davy’s “diagnosis” in 33 1/3 being “regression” on top of him literally dancing around dressed as a toddler in a baby’s bedroom can 100% support my idea that davy is baby real.
AND WITH THAT, thank you so much for the ask! these asks give me an excuse to just dump out my thoughts and I hope other people enjoy them despite how long and disorganized they are. sorry about that lol.
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boxingcleverrr · 10 months
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So with the mind-boggling hilarity of people feeling the need to defend taking care of their skin, I wanted to do an update of my original skincare post. That I of course can't find, presently, as the search function on this site is still useless!
First of all, come to terms with the fact that you are walking around with a giant organ on the outside of your body (ahurhurhur).
Yes, preventing skin cancer is priority one when it comes to your dermis. Sunscreen isn't the only defense, having skin with a healthy moisture barrier is part of that prevention as well. ALSO, one thing a lot of those posts desperately yelping "It'S nOt BeAuTy StAnDaRdS!" leave out is, uh, the scary shit that can happen to your skin when you're elderly. Your skin WILL get thinner, that's just aging. Taking care of it now (keeping it stretchy and moisturized) gives it a better chance of not being paper-thin, to the point that the person taking care of you has to be mindful not to freaking tear it off of you just helping you get dressed.
If you have a strong stomach, go ahead and read some stories from hospice and other types of elder care workers. There's a whole contraption for lowering people down slowly if they're about to fall, all to prevent skin splitting or sloughing off.
Age spots are beautiful. Care-worn wrinkles and laugh lines are beautiful. Your arm skin sloughing off like a glove is not.
Fucking moisturize.
Is a side effect of that care often fewer of those lines? Sure, MAYBE, sometimes. It also doesn't at ALL require 18 expensive steps. Even before I left my job I was mainly using the best I could find for the least amount of money. Almost everything listed I've been using for over a year at least! Aldi-brand skincare is amazingly quality, as you'll see.
Lacura Foaming Gel Cleanser: Super gentle and nice for a daily face wash. When I want to use it as a makeup-remover, I'll pump it into a super-soft sea sponge so I can scrub a bit more, albeit gently.
I don't get big breakouts much at this point (regular cleansing and moisturizing will usually chill your skin out eventually re: feeling the need to over-produce oil). But I do keep some Neutrogena Face Wash around for when I get breakouts anywhere, maybe a handful of times a month.
I don't know how much benefit I REALLY see from toner, as far as my pores. They seem fine! Mostly I just loooove the feeling of swiping it on fresh from the fridge, and the coolness does calm down the skin and sooth any puffiness. I still make my own Rosewater Toner with wilting discount grocery store roses and a few drops of lavender oil.
Lacura Day And/Or Night Creams: These are SO AFFORDABLE (I'm using Amazon links for ease of reference, they are WAY cheaper directly from Aldi) and make your skin feel like butter. After washing and toning one or the other is what I glop on next, and a little goes a long way. Night cream is important because the skin under your eyes especially is so super thin, it needs that protection as we get older. But eye creams tend to be STUPID EXPENSIVE. Lacura is around $4 at Aldi and I legit see very little difference between it and the unsustainably expensive ones I've tried in the past.
Ponds Dry Skin Cream: The old reliable. I have used it since I was 19 and Oprah said it was good, lol. If you use nothing else on your face, use this (but also sunscreeen, dear gods). After Day or Night cream, this comes next.
A good rule of thumb for all moisturizers is that you don't want it to disappear into your skin immediately OR stay too greasy. As I've gotten older, this one sits on my skin longer, so I tend to only use it at night in the summer. Once it gets cold and dry out, though, morning and night baby.
Vaseline Cocoa Radiant: For the all-over-rest-of-me, you really can't beat it. After every shower or bath, all over everything, damnit. LUBE YOUR DERM.
Olive Oil Squalane: My last step of the night is topping my face with a good Squalane before bed. My old job discontinued the one I swear by, pictured above, which, I have no idea why? It feels soooo nice and I saw such good results in the winter especially. I bought up a bunch of bottles from work before it disappeared, haha but there are soooo many options out there for a lot of different prices. Basically you want the main ingredients to be Olive Oil & Herbs, usually Rosemary.
Treat Yourself Tier:
Innersense Harmonic Treatment Oil: I was given a gift card to them for my birthday last year, and yeah they're reeeeeally wom-wom and a little insufferable in their marketing, and they're expensive. HOWEVER, this stuff is infuriatingly great? Nothing was helping my dry scalp until this. I use it instead of the Squalane maybe once a week on my face as well, and it definitely clears up any redness or irritation right away. How dare it be good and also $25 an ounce. But if you can treat yourself, why not!
Dead Sea Mud Masks: Masks are FUN, damnit. If you can ignore all the annoying "detoxing" claims and blah blah, it is a fact that mud masks can really flush out those pores. And they feel nice!
General Habits:
Wash Your Pillowcases: They're full of your face goo, skin cells, and slobber. Not only good for your skin, but just nice. Wash your sheets/bedding more regularly in general, if you're like me then I know you're not doing it enough. Make the change to fragrance-free detergent now if you haven't already, that shit could start bothering your skin at ANY time. My mother never had a problem with good ol' Tide, until she turned 60 and suddenly ANY fragranced soaps made her skin explode.
Wash Your Makeup Tools: Same as above, I regularly gross myself out watching all the GUNK that's stored in the pretty pink makeup brushes.
Wash Hats, Headbands, Etc: Hopefully the pattern is sinking in. If it touches your skin regularly? It should be washed regularly. It's easy to remember that your clothes do, of course, but there's so many other things as well that are fulla your skin cells, various products, pollution, and sebum. Scientists could probably clone you with access to the inner band of your favorite hat alone.
SUN SCREEN: EVERY TIME YOU GO OUT IN VIEW OF THE FIRE ORB. Sensitive face/skin? Baby sunscreen. I know texture is a big thing for people, but there are lots of different brands out there that have lots of different textures, ingredients, scents, etc. Don't give up on it just because Coppertone makes you break out, you owe it to yourself to find the thing that works for you. Skin cancer is a bitch that spares no one, not even Hugh Nicest Man Ever Jackman.
Drink Water: You know it, I know it, same as above, find the way to get regular hydration in that works for you. I personally like making my own fruity flavored syrups to dash in things. Hydrated skin begins from within, blah blah blah.
Vitamins: Take a multi-vitamin, get your vitamin D. The sun is not BEAMING VITAMINS INTO YOUR PORES, it synthesis it. A quick google will tell you that 8-10 minutes in the sun A DAY is all you need. So don't let anyone tell you BUT YOUR VITAMIN D!!!!!!! when you're layering on your sun screen. Take your vitamins, get a teaspoon of sun regularly, and then GOOP UP.
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I'm no expert, just someone with a mother & grandmother who greatly regret/regretted their lack of skin care as younger women. My mom is 75 and she has lines and spots, and she's beautiful! But her skin can tear after a clumsy trip into a door frame. She's listening to her dermatologist now to the letter, and I too would like to avoid that as much as possible! We all deserve to like how our spongy flesh prisons feel.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Oya oya, it's me again! (At this point, I can be labeled as the oya oya anon)
I wrote this after reading the ask where the player breaks down because of all the affection the idols have for them.
Living in the world of Enstars where 40+ idols are obsessed with you is very exhausting, especially when you are aware of their yandere behavior.
Feeling like you're not alone or being followed (Mayoi, Izumi, Mika), not being able to have a single moment of rest because there's always someone who wants to get your attention by being clingy (Ritsu, Rinne), asking you for a date (Kaoru, Natsume) or just wanting to talk with you (Leo, Wataru)
My introvert battery will die because of them
Home is supposed to be a comfortable and safe place, but when you are aware of everything that is going on around you, being alone is even scarier. You're focused on something (or you have your headphones in your ears) and you hear a sudden noise (hope it's your roommate or your cat/dog if you have one and you don't live in the ES dorms but somewhere else) and start to get scared.
Trying to fall asleep is hard too. What if someone has broken into your house and is watching you? Open your eyes to see if someone is really there or stay in bed under the best armor in the world (your blanket) until morning? (Both choices scare me honestly)
Also pray that you don't get isekaied on your birthday or Valentine's Day....
If it's your birthday, they will all want you to spend it with them. After all, it's a special day, you deserve the best, which also means the best person to spend this wonderful day with, right?
In the case of Valentine's Day, it will be hell. More love and affection than usual. After all, that's what Valentine's Day is all about, and maybe by doing this you'll return the feelings of one of them.
And I feel sorry for the people who work at ES or the other students who have to see this almost every day. Why are all these idols obsessed with the same person who seems to be quite ordinary ?
And sorry if I wrote more than I should have.
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Ah I´m so late to answering this, I´m so sorry! But I really really enjoyed reading this, even when I first saw it!🥺
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, jealousy
But yes, I agree so much with all of this! My social batteries are also pretty low so I would feel overwhelmed really quickly even in a perfectly normal and sane social setting but then adding on the fact that everyone is strangely fixated on you and honestly speaking quite creepy? That´s just too much, I think I would be fed up after a day or two djnfdlknf
But you also raise another very good point! You certainly wouldn´t feel very safe, even in your own room, simply because you´re aware of the lengths some of these people would go to just to get "close to you" or whatever else stuff they say. You always have to fear that there might be someone secretly watching you ( you´ve stumbled upon Mika when rounding a corner one too many times) and it´s most definitely freaking you out!
Man just thinking about someone potentially standing in my room and watching me sleep is super creepy! I don´t think I could bear to look either
But oh no, birthdays or Valentine´s day would be really scary, now that you mention it!
You probably wouldn´t be safe on any day where one of the idols celebrates their birthday either. I mean it´s their special day and they want to spend it with the person they love the most! Surely you can´t be so cruel as to reject them on their birthday, right? Just for this one day, they won´t let anyone else interrupt their time with you
On your own birthday the power balance might tip a bit more in your favor because it´s *your* day and so you get to order them around as much as you like ( not that they wouldn´t let you on any other day) but they still all secretly ( or not so secretly) hope that you will spend the day with them and no one else. Also if you thought the grand gestures and gifts you got were too much before then you haven´t seen anything yet. On your birthday everyone is going all out to both celebrate the day you were born and to show you just how much they love you!
Also speaking of love: Oh boy, Valentine´s day. Rip
You´ll be showered with gifts and their yandere behaviours will be worse than on any other day. It´s the day of love so now is the time to hopefully win over your heart! They´ll be so charming and attentive and trying to seek you out every single second of the day. You literally won´t be left alone at all, there´s always someone clinging to you or asking you to be their valentine. The rivalry and jealousy is also especially bad on that day because everyone of course wants you to “choose” them. They´re all hoping for a love confession from you but if you´re feeling to shy then they can take the first step and nudge you in the right direction!
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chardonnavs · 2 months
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( nathalie kelley, forty, cis woman, she/her ) ☼ i know it’s a small town, but i run into DANICA MARQUEZ every time i go to THE TRAIN TRACKS. it’s like they practically live there and not PELICAN TOWN for TWO WEEKS. it must be because they’re ELEGANT and CONCEITED. come to think of it, that’s probably why they’re a VIOLINIST too. but i did hear they want to RE-ESTABLISH HER SPONSORSHIPS SO SHE CAN GET THE HECK OUTTA THIS PLACE, and sometimes they like to PAINT BIZARRE MUGS. rumor has it they also like EMERALDS, but dislike EGGS. what do you think?
what is up, dewers!!!! i'm anne and i'm soooooo excited to play the sdv update while we rp here <33333 i'm gonna summarize some bits about danica here and we can def plot! she is like super new, so i would understand if there isn't a lot of meat to dig into there, so i'm totally down for chemistry and seeing where things go lol
she's from zuzu city, she's a city gworl!
she grew up with 4 other siblings who all went into incredibly stereotypical overachiever fields (doctor, lawyer, engineer, wall street freak)l, so she's lived with the burden of being an overachiever in the arts.
she used to play for the zuzu city philharmonic as associate concertmaster. she was going to try to get a step up, and boy was she on track for all that. but one day, she kinda cracked under the pressure and when a rehearsal went wrong, she lost it. she threw a tantrum and in this day and age, that was posted all over the place. she got dumped from her sponsorships for her bad behavior, and the philharmonic asked her to take a leave. indefinitely.
so that's what she's here in pelican town, living with her aunt to recuperate from the hell that she made of her own life.
she's a snooty booty, and she has a tendency to look down on things that don't reach her standard in her mind.
danica's willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, and it doesn't matter who she steps on to get that.
she can be charming if she wants, but she's really cranky right now.
she goes to sit by the train tracks a lot to dream about escaping the valley, and hell, escaping zuzu city at some point. she craves more for herself.
she has a weird taste in art. she loves wacky mugs and other oddly shaped dishware.
she only likes the outdoors when you can't smell the outdoors. huge fan of glamping.
danica used to go to a lot of restaurants and reviewed their food for her own personal excel sheet. she's majorly sad that there aren't that many options here in the valley. ugh!
sorry to say, she's a capitalist shill, she will shop at joja mart if it's easier!!! if she can get a sponsorship from them, then she can take a step in the right direction for the resurrection of her career!
idk if you give her an emerald she might do you a favor or maybe be just a tad nicer to you, she's a huge fan of sparkly expensive things but especially emeralds.
feel free to message me here or on discord (zukospcnytail) to plot or even say hi!!!!!
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triplexdoublex · 6 months
I don’t mean this in a mean way I’m a fan either way but does anyone else find him super innocent now obviously he’s calmed down and stuff but hearing soprano and pressure and him speaking about sex it shocks me I’m like “omg did he just say that” and when I re watch some of his old interviews it’s like watching a completely different person especially the more wilder ones
No hate to him I think he’s amazing either way it was just an observation and was wondering if others were the same
I think a lot of it it just him maturing and growing up , and also the fact that times have changed due to more prevalence of social media and you can’t be all “sex, drugs and rock n’ roll” anymore with out getting cancelled or there being a permanent record of it somewhere . I’m sure if he could take back even half the shit he said in those old interviews he would. Notice how back then he was very open about his foot fetish and talk about getting foot jobs and stuff but now if you bring up feet he blushes and is like “everyone knows I think feet are beautiful” like it’s just a more classy and matured way of putting it with out being raunchy. But when he raps anything goes he gets to let his freak flag fly cuz most rappers rap about sex anyways. Nowadays he’s able to separate MGK from Colson Baker and he realizes there’s a time and place for eveything (sex talk when he’s making music and is MGK , acceptable, sex talk when he’s colson baker in interviews, less acceptable. Because he knows the medias gonnna run with it, he’s been under the microscope and picked apart since the Em beef ( and the Megan BS isn’t helping now) I think he’s just trying to conduct himself in a way that doesn’t fuel the media . That’s my take
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oliveroctavius · 10 months
been itching to get back into the 1610 comics, of all things. but first a rundown of what I remember my feelings on them being (having read only up to Peter's first death)
didn't enjoy:
extreme sliding timescale pacing. those first 133 issues of USM don't portray time moving whatsoever. like it's still the same school year and the seasons haven't even changed. in ASM that number of issues spanned at least 4 in-universe years!
pacing again: it's like they're racing to get every notable thing that ever happened to ASM Peter in under the wire.
great job on writing authentic 00s teenagers but boy can they be annoying especially when they aren't aging out of it
SHIELD swooping in at the end of every other arc to send Peter home and clean things up (and/or make things worse). More interesting to me when a Spider-Man has to deal with the consequences of their own actions completely unobserved
Why switch so many plot beats/traits between Gwen and MJ? I don't get it. At some points it feels like they switched names and it doesn't make either character that much more compelling
These Goblin designs are so generic-monster I'd concluded I didn't like a transforming goblin until I saw the Spiderverse re-tool
Venom is much less interesting as a nonsentient synthetic Parker invention instead of a freaky drift compatible alien beast
in general, the efforts to weave the story together more tightly by making everything interrelated is maybe well done, but to me feels artificial and world-shrinking.
gut eyeroll at 2000s edgelord bullshit
why is doc ock magneto powers and also the jackal
really enjoyed:
by the 90s/00s, mainline marvel was also full of edgelord bullshit; things are handled in an intense but usually super interesting because-of-the-intensity way here.
Aunt May characterization. letting her be the POV character in some situations and express complex feelings on raising this crazy kid was just great. Uncle Ben being a fully realized guy was great too. In general the adults are well-realized from the start
the teenagers were written pretty authentically (see above). They hate each other except when they don't and it's great.
I like Kenny Kong! he's an interesting new player
Once they ran out of things to copy from ASM I started liking the original developments more in general
Nonpassage of time aside, events have consequences. Sticking with the same writer + couple of artists for an extended period of time solves like 80% of my modern mainline marvel quibbles. Subtext doesn't get obliterated by writers without the time or will to actually think about past comics!
I know this is a stupid sucker thing to like but the Raimi movies being a thing within USM and Peter hating them is great.
Despite my earlier SHIELD complaint, I think resonates strongly for a modern high school age Peter to feel surveilled and railroaded. He's out of his depth all the time and blisteringly angry about it. Even if I prefer an adult Spidey that IS the teenage experience.
I grew to enjoy SHIELD when it was actively imploding. The shadow government cleaning up after our hero and sending him to bed is boring. A badly managed government agency stooping to ask a 15 year old to help them chase a flaming naked goblin man through Trump tower with full understanding of how stupid and irresponsible that is? Now we're talking.
I LOVED the Norman Osborn characterization in his first "death" arc. perhaps my favorite Norman of all time. just ideal combo of steely control freak and off-the-wall deluded guy
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dirtyoldmanhole · 8 months
@/damoselcastel was kind enough to show me a bunch of the FE:Fates visual works artbook pages the other day!
and because i am continuing to be .... brain rotted (lol) ... grabbed a copy since there was more than a few relevant pages/official artworks, and wanted to have a high res/color corrected version of these pages for art refs to slap on my reference boards! if i'm looking at them every day now for the past three months they better be accurate!!!
anyway! it came TODAY!!! :D :D pakidge
god dang this thing is THICK, now this is what i call a proper artbook! a little hard to see here but you can see by both the front and the spine that it's a chonker -- the two tellius artbooks combined are thicker but they're also a bit smaller elsewhere.
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rest is under the cut b/c it's me promptly going feral :P
(and seeing who's on the spine ahhh!!! honestly that's really cool and super appropriate given his subtle plot/character relevance?! super fucking cool to keep seeing nintendo nod at him in symbolically relevant places, but not too overtly )
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stone cold, swear to you, straight up didn't intend that but this was literally me irl then:
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(also HE GETS A WHOLE SPREAD???? and a turnaround?!!!!!! even freaking corrin's nohr noble design gets like an EIGHTH of the page
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gunter gets treated SO WELL in this artbook i'm on the floor trying not to sob like i'm sixteen again and begging for any zihark scraps
also this is so much more high res than what's on my reference board the nitpicky artist in me is literally crying for joy about FINALLY HAVING A HIGH RES REFERENCEEEEEEEEEEE
also what the fuck the architecture is so cool???????????
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for real tho i remember my first conquest playthrough my jaw was on the FLOOR being genuinely amazed at how cool the worldbuilding was especially on the nohrian side with the gothic vibe and y'all don't know how useful this is going to be to replicate nohrian motifs in all of my drawings/probable comics/doujinshi/etc.
[foams at mouth]
this artbook also covers EVERYTHING
like there's a healthy amount of character work , but there's also enemy designs (always thought fate's enemy designs were unusually kickass, like some of these folks could be outright characters themselves), the architecture stuff above....
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my room lines....
sorry for shitty blurriness it's just me vibrating in excitement lmao i'll upload it in the high res chunk
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hellooooo sir~~~~
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(you knew i was going to be posting that shot >:D )
his possession CGI gets a full fucking page too ajlsjsjkskjhhjshjg
HE GETS TREATED SO GOOD HERE Y'ALL, SO MANY FULL PAGES???????????? is this what it's like to be brain rotted over a major character i will never know the feeling lul
(there's actually at least two other gunter fullbody artworks in here, those have already been scanned/uploaded properly by others so i won't post 'em here unless y'all want em!
and then lastly!
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to finish it off, god this cover progress is so cool, kozaki knows what he's doing.
and i'm pretty sure gunter's linework gets changed halfway through, his expression's somewhat different than on the final! and i'll be posting that along with the other high res/cleaned up scans! just need to figure out if my scanner's gonna do a better job than my phone or vice versa.
[tries to stay composed] [fails]
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Happy Sundaaaaaaay
Anonymous asked:
i just re-entered my danganronpa phase with some friends, like, last week. And I hop on tumblr AND YOU DREW KOMAHINA?? Scary coincidence but amazing art as always 😭
SURPRISE, I’m watching you! Wink.
Jokes aside, Danganronpa is great, and it’s one of those titles that we randomly remember sometimes and instantly want to revisit (or at least to sketch something, if we’re not ready for the deep dive…). Especially KomaHina, thinking about these two always makes us smile…
So I get it! And I hope you and your friends enjoy your danganronpa phase.
Also, thank you so much!<3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Since you know of the school arc of Black Butler, what's your take of the Circus arc? Like what do you think of the boys?
Book of Circus is good, I really like how it shows how unapologetically dark Kuroshitsuji can get. I feel like it sets the standard for how the rest of the manga will go (even though it gradually becomes darker overtime…). It also has a lot of our favourite moments: the whole Sebastian/William thing, Sebastian being an absolute idiot and enjoying the circus life like the clown that he is, Ciel being forced to smile, Ciel having an asthma attack, Ciel freaking out and ordering Sebastian to kill everyone—
But you asked about the boys, and to be honest, while we generally liked the circus troupe and their story, there isn’t anyone we’re like super into and think about a lot, other than Snake of course. Doll is also great! Out of the rest of the crew, Dagger was probably my most favourite one.
But my favourite character from this book is the mob-looking old man who had a crush on Ciel and his dad and got a little bit too into them and spiraled out of control. Completely devastated and ruined by pretty faces of pretty boys…… Sorry, this whole story was so messed up and hilarious at the same time, I yell every time we rewatch/reread it and get to this flashback.
Fun fact: I really hated this season when we first watched it like 10 years ago. But I hated a lot of things about Kuroshitsuji back then, and a lot of it was that I just really wanted to hate it because I was annoyed by Sebastian lol
Anonymous asked:
You might enjoy this Trey mouth fetish fic… I can’t add the link but it’s called “ Open your Mouth” by pissboyciel
Thank you for the recommendation, Anon! I don’t really read fanfics, but I appreciate it nonetheless, maybe I’ll check it out… the author’s username is piece of art…
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